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@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ ['Virginia Braces for Wintry Mix and Heavy Rain This Weekend – Travel Disruptions Likely on I-495 - Country Herald'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwwFBVV95cUxORDgtVnE4cEFodjk4eXNxbV9PQUExaEZURDdhakxVX08zalJNR2d1TnV3bE9MNF9pYlJxNlFmRGdYVllvUURzZnJYaUhfYW5hTWtkWHp4aFltbVdxbzZtYVo4VUVsLVh6cGdVZ0dSUC1GU1d6LW8wdWx4SWVkUUI1NHJLeTI0d21uYXJta3lfamY4MVRmTnNVcGZ4bmVoZDFxOS1hdThOX3JzVU1renFoa3hMYUZ6cVZ0UU9ENks4ZDVDMUk?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article discusses an upcoming weather event in Virginia, specifically a wintry mix and heavy rain expected over the weekend. It highlights the potential for travel disruptions on I-495, which could impact traffic conditions and flow. The focus on weather-related disruptions suggests possible congestion and delays for travelers using this route. Index: 1 (Negative)'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article discusses potential travel disruptions on I-495 in the Greater Washington area due to an upcoming wintry mix and heavy rain forecast for the weekend. Motorists should prepare for possible delays and hazardous driving conditions. Travelers are advised to stay updated on weather conditions and plan accordingly.'
+ 'The article highlights a wintry mix and heavy rain expected over the weekend in Virginia, which may cause travel disruptions on I-495. Travelers using this route should anticipate possible congestion and delays due to the weather-related conditions.'
+ 2.0 0.5654030442237854
+ 'Tractor-trailer crash causes ramp closures on I-95 South - FOX 5 DC'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiwFBVV95cUxOeVJtVDQydzRCekFtOFVnbGV2YVo3UWFkLTU3bmgtazBpMFRDZjBtUXhSeFp1NHJlbzZuQlA1czlGY3NLVHlWWWxuRzFGaHY3cnMwZ2treE9oQlItT0ZqbU1yVTcyWW4zZWtWcjBOUkZjb3Qwbm52WXVDak52d3RoYVI4akFkMFcwNFdv0gGQAUFVX3lxTFBiSEpKZ3BOQ04tcDRpQUZnRHVCY0o3ODBWSmI5Ym1KSHU3MEp5X19oV19JVHZoVHlsMS1VZmo0OVpLXzNpZUFwZFVLeVBVTDRIazdNaHJRYmtNWmh4eUtURXdiQ3o3WmYwdElkOWJoblNQRGJoMU5WQ1R4SXlxbXBaS2lnQ0ZxaGs1Sl9iQTNlaQ?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports on a tractor-trailer crash that has led to the closure of ramps on I-95 South. This incident is directly related to traffic conditions on I-95, affecting traffic flow and potentially causing congestion. The closures are likely to disrupt normal traffic patterns and may require detours, impacting overall traffic efficiency. Index: 1'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article discusses a tractor-trailer crash on I-95 South that has led to ramp closures. This incident is affecting traffic flow on I-95 south of D.C. before Fredericksburg. Emergency crews are on site, and drivers are advised to seek alternate routes.'
+ "1. The article discusses the reopening of the Springfield 'Mixing Bowl' ramp, which was closed due to a crash during a snowstorm. This area, where I-95 and I-495 meet in the D.C. metro area, likely experienced significant traffic disruptions, but the reopening may alleviate congestion and restore normal traffic flow.\n\n2. The article reports on a tractor-trailer crash leading to the closure of ramps on I-95 South, directly affecting traffic flow and potentially causing congestion. The closures are likely to disrupt normal traffic patterns and may require detours, impacting overall traffic efficiency."
+ 2.0 0.3797036409378052
+ "Springfield 'Mixing Bowl' ramp reopens after crash closes roadway during snowstorm - WJLA"
+ "Relevant. The article discusses the reopening of the Springfield 'Mixing Bowl' ramp after it was closed due to a crash during a snowstorm. This area is part of the interchange where I-95 and I-495 meet in the D.C. metro area. The closure likely caused significant traffic disruptions, but the reopening may help alleviate congestion and restore normal traffic flow. Index: 1 (Negative)"
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article discusses the reopening of a ramp at the Springfield "Mixing Bowl" after it was closed due to a crash during a snowstorm. This area is part of the I-95/I-495 interchange in the Greater Washington area. Traffic was affected while the ramp was closed, but has since resumed normal flow.'
+ "1. The article discusses the reopening of the Springfield 'Mixing Bowl' ramp, which was closed due to a crash during a snowstorm. This area, where I-95 and I-495 meet in the D.C. metro area, likely experienced significant traffic disruptions, but the reopening may alleviate congestion and restore normal traffic flow.\n\n2. The article reports on a tractor-trailer crash leading to the closure of ramps on I-95 South, directly affecting traffic flow and potentially causing congestion. The closures are likely to disrupt normal traffic patterns and may require detours, impacting overall traffic efficiency."
+ 2.0 0.6328657269477844 'Garbage truck catches fire on I-495 - Yahoo'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifEFVX3lxTFBzSVZYZWQwQlJ4QjdDQjM0YUJCVlFjSHh0c1lzRU5sXzJkVW84cGlGUzBCMWJoZVNHVnNJOW9XT2pNcVRfODNxWkw2dmwzQVkzVUUycjRMbDlDWF9sdC1kblRxSmd5QjAxSm9qM0hFeVg0X3I3bzBKc3liWU4?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports that a garbage truck caught fire on I-495, causing disruptions in traffic flow. The incident likely led to temporary road closures or lane restrictions, impacting the movement of vehicles and potentially causing delays in the area. Emergency services were presumably involved in managing the situation and restoring normal traffic conditions. Index: 1'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article is relevant as it pertains to traffic on I-495 in D.C. A garbage truck caught fire on I-495, causing significant traffic delays as emergency services responded to the incident. Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes to avoid congestion in the affected area.'
+ 'The article is relevant because it discusses a traffic incident on I-495, which is within the specified area of interest in the Greater Washington area. A garbage truck caught fire on I-495, leading to significant traffic disruptions, including road closures and delays, as emergency services responded to manage the situation. This incident has resulted in congestion and affected traffic flow on the highway.'
+ 2.0 0.3583623766899109
+ 'Garbage truck fire causes traffic on I-495 - FOX 5 DC'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiTEFVX3lxTE13V25jRkx5TTgxXzBIak50TnBmN0VHbE9KblBkRUNSOUxNMnNqb2swMXRLRE9XUFl2b3FORWRKVHU4Z251M21mazlKbUXSAVJBVV95cUxNMUxZY09nR0o5MzQ5VEdELTYwbFJDLXVjb2FMcU5SdkZsV0loVzRqbDNVWHlpQ09XUzJULU96bGFnS09hZ0NneGVFSmVpZ2xLTE9R?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. A garbage truck caught fire on I-495, causing significant traffic disruptions. Emergency services responded to the scene to extinguish the fire, resulting in lane closures and delays. The incident has contributed to congestion on the highway, affecting the flow of traffic in the area. Index: 0'
+ 'google_news' 0
+ 'The article is relevant as it discusses traffic on I-495 in D.C. A garbage truck fire on I-495 has led to significant traffic delays, affecting the flow of vehicles in the area. Emergency crews are on the scene working to clear the incident and restore normal traffic conditions.'
+ 'The article is relevant because it discusses a traffic incident on I-495, which is within the specified area of interest in the Greater Washington area. A garbage truck caught fire on I-495, leading to significant traffic disruptions, including road closures and delays, as emergency services responded to manage the situation. This incident has resulted in congestion and affected traffic flow on the highway.'
+ 0.0 0.4395800530910492
+ 'Garbage truck catches fire on I-495 - DC News Now | Washington, DC'
+ 'https://news.google.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?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports on a garbage truck catching fire on I-495, which is likely to cause significant traffic disruptions due to road closures, emergency response activities, and potential debris on the highway. Such incidents typically lead to congestion and delays for commuters and could impact traffic flow on surrounding routes as well. Index: 0'
+ 'google_news' 0
+ 'A garbage truck caught fire on I-495, causing significant traffic delays in the area. Emergency services responded promptly to extinguish the fire and clear the road. Drivers were advised to seek alternate routes to avoid congestion.'
+ 'The article is relevant because it discusses a traffic incident on I-495, which is within the specified area of interest in the Greater Washington area. A garbage truck caught fire on I-495, leading to significant traffic disruptions, including road closures and delays, as emergency services responded to manage the situation. This incident has resulted in congestion and affected traffic flow on the highway.'
+ 1.0 0.3972529470920563
+ 'Updated road closures for bridge work over northbound I - 495 near Tysons'
+ 'https://wtop.com/local/2025/02/updated-road-closures-for-bridge-work-over-northbound-i-495-at-dulles-corridor-interchange/'
+ 'Relevant. The article discusses updated road closures related to bridge work over northbound I-495 near Tysons, which is within the specified area of interest. This update is likely to affect traffic flow and congestion patterns for drivers in the area, potentially causing delays or rerouting. Index: 1'
+ 'wtop.com' 1
+ 'The article is relevant. It discusses updated road closures due to bridge work on northbound I-495 near Tysons. This may lead to traffic delays and rerouting in the area.'
+ 'The article reports a fatal crash on southbound I-95 in Northern Virginia, causing significant traffic delays. This incident highlights the impact of accidents on traffic flow, particularly on I-95 south of D.C. toward Fredericksburg. Emergency services and potential road closures are contributing to congestion and disruptions in the area.'
+ 2.0 0.7605835795402527
+ 'Fredericksburg District Weekly Traffic Alert, Feb. 2 - 8, 2025 - Virginia.gov'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiywFBVV95cUxQaXRaMTF2ZmJvRFc2N0ZhS0lyUkk1dGNvZHJXeHBid2Y4VVpqM1NjbHFsNkhNdEtiTWtrUUNVbTFROXhXVGwySVhRcTVHdG1WakRrbU8yS1JSNFA1WEUtX0M3a3RMdlA2RG1xXzg0cVR5bE9CTFBxdHdZYTh4VUVnQVFzTGdXaUlXcUszbHBHZnNnU3psX2xxM3lpNThoYnpTbjZxS3E5MG83NTV3VmZHSlBFbEJSOTRWNGwtdHFvS0dqQ1IzeXFhVm50OA?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article is a weekly traffic alert from the Fredericksburg District, covering the period from February 2 to February 8, 2025. It provides detailed information on scheduled roadwork, construction updates, and potential detours affecting major highways, including I-495 and I-95. The alert aims to inform drivers of possible delays and changes in traffic patterns due to infrastructure improvements and maintenance activities. These updates are crucial for understanding and predicting traffic conditions and congestion on these highways. Index: 1 (Negative). The construction updates and potential detours are likely to cause delays, negatively impacting traffic flow, although they are not extreme disruptions.'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article provides a weekly traffic alert for the Fredericksburg District, specifically addressing expected traffic patterns and potential disruptions on I-95 south of D.C. The alert includes information on construction activities and their impact on travel times within this area. Commuters are advised to plan for delays and consider alternate routes during this period.'
+ 'The article is relevant as it addresses traffic on I-95 and I-495 south of D.C. near Fredericksburg. It provides a weekly traffic alert detailing scheduled roadwork and potential detours that could cause delays and changes in traffic patterns due to infrastructure improvements. Drivers should anticipate disruptions and plan accordingly to mitigate these impacts on their travel.'
+ 2.0 0.8177499175071716
+ '‘Big Beam Weekend’ construction prompts closures on northbound I-495 in Tysons - WTOP'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiugFBVV95cUxOejFQY2xWQ0NEQmVIeTkxMVFJdFJBWWxZemdETG5TdzhrUVhMMWIzXy02UDU4X2s3TlMzVUh0QVk2bXMzbzRQeWx1X2lDb0dwaXpYcWljTUlpaWtxSVBvbllqaHplN1lGSGNCTHRnYVhTU2w2QUV3aC1Bd1FrVGNvbTdoZFhuWUN2Q3dfeG55WXFjX3FFeGxwODdoTGRjRjNrLXJLWkdIR3BHTkc0eDhtNHgzQjhLVklHSEE?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ "Relevant. The article discusses the 'Big Beam Weekend' construction event, which involves closures on the northbound lanes of I-495 in Tysons. This construction is expected to impact traffic conditions significantly due to lane closures, potentially leading to congestion and delays. Such infrastructure changes are crucial for understanding current and future traffic patterns on I-495. Index: 1"
+ 'google_news' 1
+ "The article discusses construction activities dubbed 'Big Beam Weekend' that are causing closures on northbound I-495 in Tysons. These closures are part of an effort to improve infrastructure, leading to potential traffic delays and detours in the area. Motorists are advised to plan accordingly and expect changes in traffic patterns during the construction period."
+ 'Relevant. The article provides an update on scheduled construction activities on northbound I-495 near Tysons, which will result in lane closures from 9 p.m. tonight until 5 a.m. on Monday, January 27. This is likely to cause significant traffic disruptions, and drivers should plan alternate routes to avoid congestion.'
+ 2.0 0.6538861989974976
+ 'Drivers reminded to STAY AWAY from northbound I-495 near Tysons beginning tonight at 9 p.m. through 5 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27 - Virginia.gov'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimwJBVV95cUxPRE82bUZWUzFzb01KOHNYTWlRZWN5MmJVUDkzQmJuQzdoU194Vm5wQmxQdzY0YWhJU3pmQzlZM092cmt6SUVOM2x3MXk3cG1uc2lkVUlfMExBOVV2YkV4QVJrLUFEcVd0SjQ1QkFhN3hhOF90b282V1p3d3U4WUJVVEVJTEQweTdYaTl1d1g2aTBwMV9ueHQzcUtZa01peE1SWFRfbldGRmZ1dTZNV2dqeTE2bjZxWnNwZmZjbEhNXzlqX2haZDU5VDFVZGUxeVJwWXBQN1FWQUJibDJyd0VpRHAtOS1PNW55bkluNXEzMWlGSlFkSjBTYlcteFd4eTc3Q0cwTlcwWHRZcTE3NG1mT0txTS12eXdFV29R?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article provides an important update regarding a scheduled closure on northbound I-495 near Tysons. Drivers are reminded to avoid this area starting tonight at 9 p.m. through 5 a.m. on Monday, January 27, due to construction activities. This information is crucial for understanding potential traffic disruptions and planning alternate routes during the closure period. Index: 1'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article is relevant. It advises drivers to avoid northbound I-495 near Tysons starting at 9 p.m. tonight until 5 a.m. Monday, January 27, due to road work. This suggests potential delays and detours during this period.'
+ 'Relevant. The article provides an update on scheduled construction activities on northbound I-495 near Tysons, which will result in lane closures from 9 p.m. tonight until 5 a.m. on Monday, January 27. This is likely to cause significant traffic disruptions, and drivers should plan alternate routes to avoid congestion.'
+ 2.0 0.6924856305122375
+ 'TRAFFIC ALERT : Major lane reductions on I-495 - WUSA9.com'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi3wFBVV95cUxQOHZrSUFUUzI2N3AwQ2N2MFhHQlhqVWpFaF9zMmNESTA0TXhjR2pGRGdRRjBNcTFxVEZfNldwUkNpLWpoa0hSTHpzaGNLN3dTR21HYnYyenZUNFJTb1RMR0RqQ2JkMUZHOHRqdWFWcUNGUFNzSjlfQWZFeUYtRXhPSkRVYWtzdTlreG5rNmlxeG0wMjZTN0lpVnV6SmhZUlZHc0F2WjZJc1IwQ3VmSFA0NmdpODlPYjRRd1V0ZEx5NERWclVsVFlHbkpNOGhfdmlRVWoyTk40bkZBaHBOQTNJ?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article discusses a major traffic alert regarding lane reductions on I-495. This alert is crucial for understanding current and future traffic conditions as it highlights potential congestion and delays due to reduced lanes. Such lane reductions are often related to construction or maintenance activities, which can significantly impact traffic flow and efficiency on this busy interstate.\n\nIndex: 1 (Negative)'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article discusses major lane reductions on I-495, which is causing significant traffic congestion in the D.C. area. Drivers are advised to plan for delays and consider alternate routes to avoid the impacted sections. Maintenance work is expected to continue for several days, further affecting traffic flow.'
+ 'The article is relevant as it addresses a major traffic alert concerning lane reductions on I-495. These reductions are likely to cause congestion and delays, affecting traffic flow and efficiency on this critical interstate. The lane reductions are typically due to construction or maintenance activities.'
+ 2.0 0.5769182443618774
+ 'Bridge construction will close I-495 North lanes near Tysons this weekend - FFXnow'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirAFBVV95cUxPMUpPekJ5aGw5QUM3dkhzcVFXcFBVVzFEYVRPUGZwYmtmS3RLeTlfeDNXX3NHWDk1T0Nvc0ZwQVdyQ2VrY0ZZYUlSZ2R4SEgtLUlucDR5ZktUeG16RmZiZ2UzT1FXUlBZRXdjMUJ4OVdSbWI4b2xiSFEza09aUm9QYVBhWWRFbkpOMVd4LVFwUzgxd21od1ozQW9WLU5Wa2dEdloyYmd1YVdqMi1h?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports on a bridge construction project that will result in the closure of I-495 North lanes near Tysons over the weekend. This closure is likely to affect traffic flow by causing delays and congestion in the area as drivers seek alternative routes. The construction work is part of ongoing infrastructure improvements.\n\nIndex: 1 (Negative)'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article is about traffic on I-495 near Tysons, which is relevant as it pertains to I-495 in the D.C. area. The main message is that bridge construction will result in the closure of the northbound lanes on I-495 near Tysons this weekend, potentially causing significant traffic delays. Travelers are advised to seek alternative routes or expect extended travel times.'
+ 'The article discusses the closure of I-495 North lanes near Tysons due to a bridge construction project over the weekend. This closure is expected to cause traffic delays and congestion as drivers look for alternate routes. The construction is part of ongoing infrastructure improvements.'
+ 1.0 0.3621627390384674
+ 'Fairfax County, VA – Crash with Injuries on I-495 SB Near VA-267 - Local Accident Reports'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimwFBVV95cUxPRnZaNlBqT0tZOVUtRUo2TkxVRmRUWU5jOXlpLUlyVWVocGpLY3VRemVDSFRfSmFJQ1RyX0dIZ3ktN1R1Ull2Y1FsbVpJMDVhcF9pYkNBa1lfekNWeTQ3TVAzLVFRTEtxZkdraVVCSllnZUdKQ2V0Tkc0ZHlhUW5iOWRzdk9ueDluajV0WjBVNEVZRGxxQTI2WjJFbw?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports on a crash with injuries on I-495 Southbound near VA-267 in Fairfax County, Virginia. This incident is likely to cause significant traffic delays and congestion in the area, impacting the flow of traffic on the interstate. The report provides information on the location of the accident and advises drivers to exercise caution and expect delays. Index: 0'
+ 'google_news' 0
+ 'The article is relevant as it pertains to traffic on I-495 in the Greater Washington area. A crash with injuries occurred on the southbound lanes of I-495 near VA-267 in Fairfax County, leading to traffic congestion and delays. Emergency responders are on the scene, and drivers are advised to seek alternate routes.'
+ 'A crash with injuries on I-495 Southbound near VA-267 in Fairfax County, Virginia, is causing significant traffic delays and congestion. Drivers are advised to exercise caution and expect delays in the area. The incident is impacting the flow of traffic on the interstate.'
+ 2.0 0.6189717054367065
+ "'Reckless' Teen Leaves Truck Driver Fighting For His Life In I-95 Crash: State Police - MSN"
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgJBVV95cUxObGRZR2xpaTgtUm5NOFJfb1Z2Nno3UUpoLV9jelBMdTNLOEFvYU0tMnlmVzMtaUFpQWJNNHROY1IwaWFaeWNZLVZxOFViQ0l0X0xRMVlnY1M3YndVNUVMZ0hLenRJZWh1OS1FWlVETHhiMU9HN19MY0c3T2RUU0hjZElCcnc1LWZzQ21BU2FBa2VFdTlRWkxHaHBCWmFaTXlGa05NTFVoMG9jUWJCMXNLaXVaZFhfbm5KMWpkRXRnZGZJYkpsMDJVZUNENTZhTk5KejNBd0tNajd0NUlYTTJKUnhJT2h0dDJiak8xQXluWm9nQ2g5XzdLUkVQTDliSThWVmpBaHFaTEN2TVhIT3RfMWI4aVU0UjV2UExiVFpLeFY1QzgxQ2F2dGdSYWVRQQ?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article describes a serious accident on I-95 involving a reckless teen driver, which left a truck driver critically injured. Such incidents can lead to significant traffic delays and disruptions on the highway, affecting traffic flow and safety. Index: 0'
+ 'google_news' 0
+ 'The article describes a serious crash on I-95 involving a reckless teen driver and a truck, leaving the truck driver critically injured. The incident highlights the dangerous driving behavior on this stretch of the highway. State police are investigating the crash, which caused significant traffic disruptions.'
+ 'Not relevant. The articles, based on their descriptions, focus on traffic incidents and conditions on I-95, which aligns with the criteria for relevance. However, there is no mention of any specific incidents or conditions on I-495 in D.C., which is also part of the criteria for relevance. As a result, only articles about both I-95 and I-495 should be considered, and since the descriptions provided focus solely on I-95, they do not fully meet the criteria for relevance regarding both highways.'
+ 0.0 0.5438100099563599
+ 'Virginia Commuters Face Snow Showers and Freezing Temps Today Along I-95 - Country Herald'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxQZ3h1eGlDOXl2bmFWNGpYWWhnOS1FT3dtZVprUjFfQ1hiQzN3dUhhSzlxVGY5Z3haazJBZ0Y0al9MTlZKaWtzSjBGd0wxNGU4bUhNa1VWWW95ZlJOS1BQREZ6OXRjMG83MDRpWldkT2xRSkpLd2VlbE9HTDE2eTJNVC05dW80YUpZa0xZXzNqRXlkY0Z1dlhZeVFOUE80RUozeDE5N2JVSQ?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article discusses the impact of snow showers and freezing temperatures on commuters traveling along I-95 in Virginia. This weather condition is likely to affect traffic flow, leading to potential delays and hazardous driving conditions. The article highlights the need for drivers to exercise caution and possibly anticipate slower travel times due to the adverse weather.\n\nIndex: 1 (Negative)'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article discusses the impact of snow showers and freezing temperatures on Virginia commuters traveling along I-95. Adverse weather conditions are expected to cause delays and hazardous driving conditions on the road. Travelers are advised to exercise caution and be prepared for potential disruptions in their commute.'
+ 'Not relevant. The articles, based on their descriptions, focus on traffic incidents and conditions on I-95, which aligns with the criteria for relevance. However, there is no mention of any specific incidents or conditions on I-495 in D.C., which is also part of the criteria for relevance. As a result, only articles about both I-95 and I-495 should be considered, and since the descriptions provided focus solely on I-95, they do not fully meet the criteria for relevance regarding both highways.'
+ 1.0 0.3507461547851562
+ 'I-95 northbound and southbound reopens after 18-wheeler brought down power lines - Live 5 News WCSC'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxNQThsMDJ5Ykc2bXFhMmRLeTBYR0dfVE4wYkpLVG8yemxrN3NrOEtQb21zbVZIT19ZQm94UkpkaU9xemViTjJkUnY2Rm9ZQlAxVGFENUl3Mi1oUGZubGJTUUhIOEg2OFVZZGxBZTZMM05INHF3MXFGUEd6M1BIS0ViTE12VzV3cUZQN3Q0ZkJ5TWo4U1dvUVBfMG5CaUk1cXJMYmpncHF6ZlNteVYtTUFweXhPV2g?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports on the reopening of both northbound and southbound lanes on I-95 after an incident involving an 18-wheeler that brought down power lines. This event likely caused significant traffic disruptions while the lanes were closed. Now that the roadway is reopened, normal traffic flow can resume. Index: 1 (Negative)'
+ 'google_news' 1
+ 'The article is about traffic on I-95 as it discusses the reopening of both northbound and southbound lanes after an 18-wheeler brought down power lines. I-95 traffic was disrupted due to this incident, causing temporary closures. The lanes have now reopened, alleviating the traffic congestion in the affected area.'
+ 'Not relevant. The articles, based on their descriptions, focus on traffic incidents and conditions on I-95, which aligns with the criteria for relevance. However, there is no mention of any specific incidents or conditions on I-495 in D.C., which is also part of the criteria for relevance. As a result, only articles about both I-95 and I-495 should be considered, and since the descriptions provided focus solely on I-95, they do not fully meet the criteria for relevance regarding both highways.'
+ 2.0 0.5258932113647461
+ 'Virginia State Police investigate serious crash involving tractor-trailer on I-95 - MSN'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi4gFBVV95cUxPSmxBaExySTJXU29XUDJFTXBDUldQM0c0VXdkVC1vSDlhRWR3OUx6Q0dYUGY2WU4xRjdvc0xiRFotaXdsVlI5T0tGc0JXRFlpeTZ5V0hBYmF6MkNmMjVETk10cmJmaVpCaWdtZ05sdUc3YVBXR25UNU5uaS1oblNhcmNURzZXTkhpRkdzNXJHY3pfYWNtRU1ULTU3UkotR0hZS3psOU1VV01RMlh6MTU5V1BzRmg5LVZUNjcwY3pwcm5OdEtCOG5NMFpLTVV4ekxIYzloVGl5SGl1WkxQX1RpSlhB?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article discusses a serious crash involving a tractor-trailer on I-95, which is directly relevant to traffic conditions and congestion patterns on the interstate. Such incidents can lead to significant traffic delays, road closures, and detours, affecting traffic flow and efficiency on I-95. Index: 0'
+ 'google_news' 0
+ 'The article discusses a serious crash involving a tractor-trailer on I-95, which is being investigated by the Virginia State Police. The incident has led to significant traffic disruptions on I-95 south of D.C. before Fredericksburg. Motorists are advised to expect delays and seek alternative routes.'
+ 'Not relevant. The articles, based on their descriptions, focus on traffic incidents and conditions on I-95, which aligns with the criteria for relevance. However, there is no mention of any specific incidents or conditions on I-495 in D.C., which is also part of the criteria for relevance. As a result, only articles about both I-95 and I-495 should be considered, and since the descriptions provided focus solely on I-95, they do not fully meet the criteria for relevance regarding both highways.'
+ 0.0 0.3271882832050323
+ 'Traffic Delayed For Miles On I-495 Following Tractor-Trailer Crash In Fairfax (DEVELOPING) - Daily Voice'
+ 'https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwAFBVV95cUxNMUU0MzltbzlfV2dzT19NdG5NNHM0Z2NkaUF6QU0tVjdNNlVELVQxaEo4cnVKREpyZnhDLWpkS1d0T1k1VV9XVkdEN3R5NXFGN0dqcC01WFVpX3lYcEs5aHBRQnF6cmdSVlVieVFUMXQwNTZSdlV1a2Z1c25zeEdFTmxZOWFJOVNKLTJockU3d0JJNjI0M1VXM2hIbU5NU29MTEQ4OHRBQ2VVUkt1RkR5MHFXTmo1NjZ1Y1doSnNPNHk?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
+ 'Relevant. The article reports on a developing situation involving a tractor-trailer crash on I-495 in Fairfax, which has caused significant traffic delays extending for miles. The implications of such an accident include severe congestion and disruptions in traffic flow on this major highway. This type of incident is critical for understanding current traffic conditions and its potential impact on the efficiency of travel along I-495. Index: 0'
+ 'google_news' 0
+ 'The article is relevant as it concerns traffic on I-495 in the Greater Washington area. A tractor-trailer crash on I-495 in Fairfax has caused significant traffic delays, with backups stretching for miles. Motorists are advised to seek alternative routes while the incident is being cleared.'
+ 'A tractor-trailer crash on I-495 in Fairfax has led to significant traffic delays, with congestion extending for miles. The accident has severely disrupted traffic flow on this major highway. Understanding such incidents is crucial for assessing current traffic conditions and their impact on travel efficiency along I-495.'
+ 2.0 0.4645685255527496]