import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components # from PIL import Image import requests import pickle as pkl import re import pandas as pd import json import PyPDF2 import os from examples import EXAMPLES from ner_examples import NER_EXAMPLES from annotated_text import annotated_text from PIL import Image from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np try: import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO def get_topics(url, data): r =, json = data) print(r.status_code) if r.status_code != 200: return None else: return r.json() def get_ner(url, data): r_ner =, json = data) print(r_ner.status_code) if r_ner.status_code != 200: return None else: return r_ner.json() # def download_link( # content, label="Download", filename="file.txt", mimetype="text/plain" # a fuction used for word cloud def plot_wordcloud(list_topic:list) -> None: ''' Plot a wordcloud of top 20 words from the input text masked by world logo ''' text = " ".join(word for word in list_topic) # Create stopword stopwords = set(STOPWORDS) # mask = np.array('/home/ked/client/img/worldmap1.png')) wordcloud = WordCloud( background_color='white', stopwords=stopwords, random_state=42, max_words=20, max_font_size=80).generate(text) # plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") # plt.axis("off") # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 10)) ax.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation = "bilinear") plt.axis("off") st.pyplot(fig) url = 'http://backendtopic:8000/topic/predict' url_ner = 'http://backendner:9000/ner/predict' st.set_page_config(page_title="GlgCapstone-Demo", page_icon=":star:", layout="wide") st.subheader("GLG Topic Modeling and Named Entity Recognation") tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Topic Analysis", "Named Entity Recognition"]) with tab1: with st.expander("ℹ️ About Topic Model", expanded=True): st.write( """ - Topic model is a type of statistical model for discovering the abstract "topics" that occur in a collection of documents. - Topic models can help to organize and offer insights for us to understand large collections of unstructured text bodies. """ ) st.markdown("") # st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # st.markdown(""" # # """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.markdown('

Hello World !!

', unsafe_allow_html=True) # with st.form(key="my_form"): col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3,1,3]) with col1: prompts = list(EXAMPLES.keys()) + ["Select a document"] prompt = st.selectbox( 'Example Inputs', prompts, index=2 ) if prompt == "Select a document": prompt_box = "" else: prompt_box = EXAMPLES[prompt] with col3: uploaded_file = col3.file_uploader("Upload pdf document", type=".pdf") if uploaded_file: # creating a pdf file object # pdfFileObj = StringIO(uploaded_file.getvalue().decode("utf-8")) # creating a pdf reader object pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(uploaded_file) # printing number of pages in pdf file print(pdfReader.numPages) # creating a page object pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0) prompt_box = pageObj.extractText() # closing the pdf file object # pdfFileObj.close() doc_txt = st.text_area( "Document:", prompt_box, height=200 ) submit_button = st.button(label="Generate topics") # if not doc_txt: # st.stop() # pop up message if submit_button: if doc_txt != "" and len(doc_txt.split(" ")) > 12: with st.spinner("Generating topics..."): data = {"document": {"0": doc_txt}} topics = get_topics(url, data) st.markdown("Model Output") tab1_result, tab2_result = st.tabs(["Result Tables", "Result Wordcloud" ]) st.header("") df_global = pd.DataFrame(topics['topics']['0']['global'].items()) df_global['label'], df_global['topics'] = df_global[1].apply(lambda x: x['labels']), df_global[1].apply(lambda x: x['topics']) df_global = df_global.set_index(df_global[0]) df_global.drop(1, axis=1, inplace=True) df_local = pd.DataFrame(topics['topics']['0']['local'].items()) df_local['label'], df_local['topics'] = df_local[1].apply(lambda x: x['labels']), df_local[1].apply(lambda x: x['topics']) df_local = df_local.set_index(df_local[0]) df_local.drop(1, axis=1, inplace=True) with tab1_result: st.header("Global Topics") st.table(df_global) st.header("Local Topics") st.table(df_local) with tab2_result: global_topics = df_global['topics'].tolist() global_labels = df_global['label'].tolist() local_topics = df_local['topics'].tolist() local_labels = df_local['label'].tolist() global_topic_label = global_topics + global_labels local_topic_label = local_topics + local_labels col4, col_, col5 = st.columns([2,1,2]) with col4: st.header("Global Topics as a wordcloud") plot_wordcloud(global_topic_label) with col5: st.header("Local Topics as a wordcloud") plot_wordcloud(local_topic_label) else: st.warning('Please insert a document', icon="⚠️") with tab2: with st.expander("ℹ️ Named Entity Recognition", expanded=True): st.write( """ Named Entity Recognition is the task of identifying named entities (people, locations, organizations, etc.) in the input text. """ ) tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["Demo", "Model Info"]) with tab3: prompts_ner = list(NER_EXAMPLES.keys()) + ["Select a Sentence"] prompt_ner = st.selectbox( 'Example Document', prompts_ner, index=3 ) if prompt_ner == "Select a Sentence": prompt_box = "" else: prompt_box = NER_EXAMPLES[prompt_ner] sent_txt = st.text_area( "Sentence:", prompt_box, height=100) submit_button_ner = st.button(label="Run Model") if submit_button_ner: if sent_txt != "": with st.spinner("Generating entities..."): sent_data = {"sentence": sent_txt} ner_output = get_ner(url_ner, sent_data) st.markdown("Model Output") st.markdown("Entities") tokens_ner = ner_output['ner_tags']['tokens'][1:-1] labels_ner = ner_output['ner_tags']['labels'][1:-1] print(zip(tokens_ner, labels_ner)) annotated_list = [] ner_entities = ['per','gpe','geo','art','eve','org','tim','nat'] for i,token_label in enumerate(zip(tokens_ner, labels_ner)): token, label = token_label[0], token_label[1] if label.lower() not in ['o', 'pad']: tag = label.split("-") if tag[0] == "B": collector = token flag = True j = i+1 while flag: if labels_ner[j].lower() not in ['o', 'pad']: if labels_ner[j].split("-")[1] != tag[1]: flag = False else: collector = collector + " " +tokens_ner[j] j += 1 else: flag = False annotated_list.append((collector, tag[1])) else: annotated_list.append(token+" ") print(annotated_list) # st.write(annotated_list) annotated_text(*annotated_list) with tab4: data_path = os.getcwd() os.path.join(data_path,"data/modelcard.csv") df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_path,"data/modelcard.csv"), sep=',') # df = df.rename(columns={'0':'','1':''}) st.table(df)