""" TODO: + [x] Load Configuration + [ ] Checking + [ ] Better saving directory """ import numpy as np from pathlib import Path import jiwer import pdb import torch.nn as nn import torch import torchaudio import gradio as gr from logging import PlaceHolder from transformers import Wav2Vec2Processor, Wav2Vec2ForCTC import yaml from transformers import pipeline import librosa import librosa.display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # local import import sys sys.path.append("src") import lightning_module # Load automos # config_yaml = sys.argv[1] config_yaml = "Arthur.yaml" with open(config_yaml, "r") as f: # pdb.set_trace() try: config = yaml.safe_load(f) except FileExistsError: print("Config file Loading Error") exit() # Auto load examples with open(config["ref_txt"], "r") as f: refs = f.readlines() refs_ids = [x.split()[0] for x in refs] refs_txt = [" ".join(x.split()[1:]) for x in refs] ref_feature = np.loadtxt(config["ref_feature"], delimiter=",", dtype="str") ref_wavs = [str(x) for x in sorted(Path(config["ref_wavs"]).glob("**/*.wav"))] dummy_wavs = [None for x in np.arange(len(ref_wavs))] refs_ppm = np.array(ref_feature[:, -1][1:], dtype="str") reference_id = gr.Textbox(value="ID", placeholder="Utter ID", label="Reference_ID") reference_textbox = gr.Textbox( value="Input reference here", placeholder="Input reference here", label="Reference", ) reference_PPM = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Pneumatic Voice's PPM", label="Ref PPM") # Set up interface # remove dummpy wavs, ue the same ref_wavs for eval wavs print("Preparing Examples") examples = [ [w, w_, i, x, y] for w, w_, i, x, y in zip(ref_wavs, ref_wavs, refs_ids, refs_txt, refs_ppm) ] p = pipeline( "automatic-speech-recognition", model="KevinGeng/whipser_medium_en_PAL300_step25", device=0, ) # WER part transformation = jiwer.Compose( [ jiwer.RemovePunctuation(), jiwer.ToLowerCase(), jiwer.RemoveWhiteSpace(replace_by_space=True), jiwer.RemoveMultipleSpaces(), jiwer.ReduceToListOfListOfWords(word_delimiter=" "), ] ) # WPM part processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-xlsr-53-espeak-cv-ft") phoneme_model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-xlsr-53-espeak-cv-ft") class ChangeSampleRate(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_rate: int, output_rate: int): super().__init__() self.output_rate = output_rate self.input_rate = input_rate def forward(self, wav: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor: # Only accepts 1-channel waveform input wav = wav.view(wav.size(0), -1) new_length = wav.size(-1) * self.output_rate // self.input_rate indices = torch.arange(new_length) * (self.input_rate / self.output_rate) round_down = wav[:, indices.long()] round_up = wav[:, (indices.long() + 1).clamp(max=wav.size(-1) - 1)] output = round_down * (1.0 - indices.fmod(1.0)).unsqueeze(0) + ( round_up * indices.fmod(1.0).unsqueeze(0) ) return output # MOS model model = lightning_module.BaselineLightningModule.load_from_checkpoint( "src/epoch=3-step=7459.ckpt" ).eval() # Get Speech Interval def get_speech_interval(signal, db): audio_interv = librosa.effects.split(signal, top_db=db) pause_end = [x[0] for x in audio_interv[1:]] pause_start = [x[1] for x in audio_interv[0:-1]] pause_interv = [[x, y] for x, y in zip(pause_start, pause_end)] return audio_interv, pause_interv # plot UV def plot_UV(signal, audio_interv, sr): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) librosa.display.waveshow(signal, sr=sr, ax=ax[0]) uv_flag = np.zeros(len(signal)) for i in audio_interv: uv_flag[i[0] : i[1]] = 1 ax[1].plot(np.arange(len(signal)) / sr, uv_flag, "r") ax[1].set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) return fig def calc_mos(_, audio_path, id, ref, pre_ppm, fig=None): if audio_path == None: audio_path = _ print("using ref audio as eval audio since it's empty") wav, sr = torchaudio.load(audio_path) if wav.shape[0] != 1: wav = wav[0, :] print(wav.shape) osr = 16000 batch = wav.unsqueeze(0).repeat(10, 1, 1) csr = ChangeSampleRate(sr, osr) out_wavs = csr(wav) # ASR trans = jiwer.ToLowerCase()(p(audio_path)["text"]) # WER wer = jiwer.wer( ref, trans, truth_transform=transformation, hypothesis_transform=transformation, ) # MOS batch = { "wav": out_wavs, "domains": torch.tensor([0]), "judge_id": torch.tensor([288]), } with torch.no_grad(): output = model(batch) predic_mos = output.mean(dim=1).squeeze().detach().numpy() * 2 + 3 # Phonemes per minute (PPM) with torch.no_grad(): logits = phoneme_model(out_wavs).logits phone_predicted_ids = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1) phone_transcription = processor.batch_decode(phone_predicted_ids) lst_phonemes = phone_transcription[0].split(" ") # VAD for pause detection wav_vad = torchaudio.functional.vad(wav, sample_rate=sr) # pdb.set_trace() a_h, p_h = get_speech_interval(wav_vad.numpy(), db=40) # print(a_h) # print(len(a_h)) fig_h = plot_UV(wav_vad.numpy().squeeze(), a_h, sr=sr) ppm = len(lst_phonemes) / (wav_vad.shape[-1] / sr) * 60 error_msg = "!!! ERROR MESSAGE !!!\n" if audio_path == _ or audio_path == None: error_msg += "ERROR: Fail recording, Please start from the beginning again." return ( fig_h, predic_mos, trans, wer, phone_transcription, ppm, error_msg, ) if ppm >= float(pre_ppm) + float(config["thre"]["maxppm"]): error_msg += "ERROR: Please speak slower.\n" elif ppm <= float(pre_ppm) - float(config["thre"]["minppm"]): error_msg += "ERROR: Please speak faster.\n" elif predic_mos <= float(config["thre"]["AUTOMOS"]): error_msg += "ERROR: Naturalness is too low, Please try again.\n" elif wer >= float(config["thre"]["WER"]): error_msg += "ERROR: Intelligibility is too low, Please try again\n" else: error_msg = ( "GOOD JOB! Please 【Save the Recording】.\nYou can start recording the next sample." ) return ( fig_h, predic_mos, trans, wer, phone_transcription, ppm, error_msg, ) with open("src/description.html", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: description = f.read() # description refs_ppm = np.array(ref_feature[:, -1][1:], dtype="str") reference_id = gr.Textbox(value="ID", placeholder="Utter ID", label="Reference_ID", visible=False) reference_textbox = gr.Textbox( value="Input reference here", placeholder="Input reference here", label="Reference", ) reference_PPM = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Pneumatic Voice's PPM", label="Ref PPM", visible=False) # Flagging setup # Interface # Participant Information def record_part_info(name, gender, first_lng): message = "Participant information is successfully collected." id_str = "%s_%s_%s" % (name, gender[0], first_lng[0]) if name == None: message = "ERROR: Name Information incomplete!" id_str = "ERROR" if gender == None: message = "ERROR: Please select gender" id_str = "ERROR" if len(gender) > 1: message = "ERROR: Please select one gender only" id_str = "ERROR" if first_lng == None: message = "ERROR: Please select your english proficiency" id_str = "ERROR" if len(first_lng) > 1: message = "ERROR: Please select one english proficiency only" id_str = "ERROR" return message, id_str # information page not using now name = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Name", label="Name") gender = gr.CheckboxGroup(["Male", "Female"], label="gender") first_lng = gr.CheckboxGroup( [ "B1 Intermediate", "B2: Upper Intermediate", "C1: Advanced", "C2: Proficient", ], label="English Proficiency (CEFR)", ) msg = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Evaluation for valid participant", label="message") id_str = gr.Textbox(placeholder="participant id", label="participant_id") info = gr.Interface( fn=record_part_info, inputs=[name, gender, first_lng], outputs=[msg, id_str], title="Participant Information Page", allow_flagging="never", css="body {background-color: blue}", ) # Experiment if config["exp_id"] == None: config["exp_id"] = Path(config_yaml).stem ## This is the theme for the interface css = """ .ref_text textarea {font-size: 40px !important} .message textarea {font-size: 40px !important} """ my_theme = gr.themes.Default().set( button_primary_background_fill="#75DA99", button_primary_background_fill_dark="#DEF2D7", button_primary_text_color="black", button_secondary_text_color="black", ) # Callback for saving the recording callback = gr.CSVLogger() with gr.Blocks(css=css, theme=my_theme) as demo: with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): ref_audio = gr.Audio( source="microphone", type="filepath", label="Reference_Audio", container=True, interactive=False, visible=False, ) with gr.Row(): eval_audio = gr.Audio( source="microphone", type="filepath", container=True, label="Audio_to_Evaluate", ) b_redo = gr.ClearButton( value="Redo", variant="stop", components=[eval_audio], size="sm" ) reference_textbox = gr.Textbox( value="Input reference here", placeholder="Input reference here", label="Reference", interactive=True, elem_classes="ref_text", ) with gr.Accordion("Input for Development", open=False): reference_id = gr.Textbox( value="ID", placeholder="Utter ID", label="Reference_ID", visible=True, ) reference_PPM = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Pneumatic Voice's PPM", label="Ref PPM", visible=True, ) with gr.Row(): b = gr.Button(value="1.Submit", variant="primary", elem_classes="submit") # TODO # b_more = gr.Button(value="Show More", elem_classes="verbose") with gr.Row(): inputs = [ ref_audio, eval_audio, reference_id, reference_textbox, reference_PPM, ] e = gr.Examples(examples, inputs, examples_per_page=5) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): ## output block msg = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Recording Feedback", label="Message", interactive=False, elem_classes="message", ) with gr.Accordion("Output for Development", open=False): wav_plot = gr.Plot(PlaceHolder="Wav/Pause Plot", label="wav_pause_plot", visible=True) predict_mos = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Predicted MOS", label="Predicted MOS", visible=True, ) hyp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Hypothesis", label="Hypothesis", visible=True) wer = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Word Error Rate", label="WER", visible=True) predict_pho = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Predicted Phonemes", label="Predicted Phonemes", visible=True, ) ppm = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Phonemes per minutes", label="PPM", visible=True, ) outputs = [ wav_plot, predict_mos, hyp, wer, predict_pho, ppm, msg, ] # b = gr.Button("Submit") b.click(fn=calc_mos, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, api_name="Submit") # Logger callback.setup( components=[ eval_audio, reference_id, reference_textbox, reference_PPM, predict_mos, hyp, wer, ppm, msg], flagging_dir="./exp/%s" % config["exp_id"], ) with gr.Row(): b2 = gr.Button("2. Save the Recording", variant="primary", elem_id="save") js_confirmed_saving = "(x) => confirm('Recording Saved!')" # eval_audio, b2.click( lambda *args: callback.flag(args), inputs=[ eval_audio, reference_id, reference_textbox, reference_PPM, predict_mos, hyp, wer, ppm, msg, ], outputs=None, preprocess=False, api_name="flagging", ) with gr.Row(): b3 = gr.ClearButton( [ ref_audio, eval_audio, reference_id, reference_textbox, reference_PPM, predict_mos, hyp, wer, ppm, msg, ], value="3.Clear All", elem_id="clear", ) demo.launch(share=True)