import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; |
import * as zlib from "zlib"; |
import readline from 'node:readline'; |
let currentTime = 1593561599000; |
await fs.appendFile("test.csv", "timestamp,bid\n"); |
for await (const dayFile of fs.glob("./binance-btcusdt-futures-2020-2021/*.csv.gz")) { |
console.log("Reading", dayFile, "..."); |
let outputRows = []; |
const fd = await fs.open(dayFile); |
let lineReader = readline.createInterface({ |
input: fd.createReadStream().pipe(zlib.createGunzip()) |
}); |
let n = 0; |
for await (const line of lineReader) { |
if (n > 0) { |
let lineParts = line.split(','); |
let timestamp = parseInt(lineParts[1]); |
if (timestamp >= currentTime + 1000) { |
currentTime = Math.floor(timestamp / 1000) * 1000; |
outputRows.push([unixTime(currentTime), lineParts[3]]); |
} |
} |
n++; |
} |
console.log("Done"); |
let output = ""; |
outputRows.forEach((row) => { |
output += row.join(",") + "\n"; |
}); |
await fs.appendFile("test.csv", output); |
lineReader.close(); |
} |
function unixTime(unixtime) { |
var u = new Date(unixtime); |
return u.getUTCFullYear() + |
'-' + ('0' + (u.getUTCMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + |
'-' + ('0' + u.getUTCDate()).slice(-2) + |
' ' + ('0' + u.getUTCHours()).slice(-2) + |
':' + ('0' + u.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2) + |
':' + ('0' + u.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2); |
} |