diff --git "a/threads_reviews.csv" "b/threads_reviews.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/threads_reviews.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,34099 @@ +source,review_description,rating,review_date +Google Play,"Meh. Not the greatest experience on a Chromebook. Seems to be customized for phones only. Opens in a little screen that you can't expand or resize - for reasons that are a complete mystery to me. Judging from the fact that every other app I know of is resizeable, this seems like it was a conscious choice by the developers . Why you'd do something like this is beyond understanding and suggests a control freak approach. Not a great way to make a first impression.",2,2023-07-08 14:18:24 +Google Play,Pretty good for a first launch!! Its easy to use and self-explanatory and I'd say the algorithm is good as well. It has great *potential* but a few things need improvement: -the ability to use hashtags would make it easier to find topics and people you'd be interested in -an option for a following-only feed would be a major improvement (especially chronological order) -the ability to choose images from albums rather than recent photos -the ability to save photos to phone,3,2023-07-19 20:52:48 +Google Play,"For a brand new app, it's very well optimized. However it's just missing quite a few features that apps like Twitter have. There is no way to have your timeline show threads from who you're following. It would also be nice to be able to switch accounts quickly like on Insta. I've also noticed that videos have a hard time playing audio sometimes. Overall, it's a decent first version that I hope will get more features as time goes on. I'll up my rating once the things I mentioned are addressed.",3,2023-07-06 23:03:11 +Google Play,"Great app with a lot of potential! However, there is a lot that needs to be fixed. For example, the option to mute accounts is lagging/delayed. This feature is definitely needed at this stage, which is part of the next problem. Another issue I've noticed is the home page shows a lot of accounts I don't follow and have never heard of, and a lot of blue check accounts that I don't want to see. There is no way to filter them out to see the content I actually want, from people I follow.",3,2023-07-10 00:53:25 +Google Play,"The app is good, but it needs a lot of functionality. For example, when searching a topic, you don't find anything related to that topic, meaning anything that comes to you is via your main page, which incase lowers a lot of outreach and possibility of finding content that relates to you. Hashtags could called Threads and make it easier to find topics and such. Needs lots of work. It can be a good app, but it feels rushed.",3,2023-07-06 16:57:43 +Google Play,"Currently, it's very challenging to use. It's in dark mode and I want to change it to brighten it up. But apparently I can only change it through Instagram? Why? Dark mode needs to be improved. It's tough on the eyes and the UI is visually unbearable. Twitter nearly perfected the UI. I think it's a decent start but I can't use it for more than a couple of seconds even if I wanted to.",2,2023-07-18 22:30:10 +Google Play,"I still don’t want to see content from people that I don’t specifically follow unless I explicitly search for it. And when I do search, I want to see an option for complete searches and not just user searches. This is a bare-bones poor clone of Twitter that seemingly is just getting some initial traction due to political bias. No thanks - fix it. Also, if you don’t provide a web desktop option to use the service, it’s a double whammy.",1,2023-07-19 19:35:31 +Google Play,"Could be great if all pages loaded when you clicked on them. Sometimes they just don't. Posts usually don't load at all. And my biggest thing: if you follow someone on Threads, you automatically follow them on Instagram as well. Either they're two separate apps or they're not. I would really like to be able to have a different list of people I follow on each app.",2,2023-07-06 14:35:15 +Google Play,"I'm liking the concept! There is room for improvement though. Everytime I try to attach a photo to a thread, the app crashes. I haven't been able to add a photo at all. I also can't seem to find a way to view a list of only the people I follow. There's always other folks mixed in the list. Finally, I can't seem to edit my posts. I make a lot of typos! I can edit my posts on Facebook and Insta but not here? Weird.",3,2023-07-09 03:27:39 +Google Play,"Not bad! This is its first launch. There is still room for improvements... I would like to see a trending page, longer videos, and an edit button for any threads(posts) uploaded by the user. Improve the loading time. Add a pause button(and slow motion controls for videos). A quality selection on videos(1080p, 720p, 480p, etc).",5,2023-07-06 23:41:13 +Google Play,"Over all, the UI of this app is good. Using it is easy and visually it is very clean. Unfortunately, it fails in the functionality department. My home feed is 99% random people and not the accounts I actually follow which defeats the purpose of following someone in the first place. I recommend having the home feed be just the posts from people I follow and a separate discover/search page that will show new accounts who post similar content to those I follow.",2,2023-07-09 01:06:39 +Google Play,"Nice but crashed & can't access photo folders. It crashed twice today so far in the middle of browsing. Also, for some reason, when I click the file button to attach a photo, it doesn't let me browse individual folders in my gallery...it shows my whole gallery which is inconvenient. Everything else is pretty okay and I expect it to get even better. Although another issue Meta should fix is that it shouldn't delete your Instagram if you decide to delete Threads lol please undo that.",3,2023-07-07 12:55:32 +Google Play,"Pointless in following anyone. The feed algo won't show you the content you actually follow and want to see. I find myself opening this app wanting to like it but quickly get annoyed by seeing randomness. It's like you're invited to a party all your friends are at. Then you get there and it's nothing but strangers all trying to have incoherent, disjointed conversations with you at the same time. It's more stressful and annoying than engaging.",1,2023-07-14 16:15:10 +Google Play,"Not quite ready for prime time. Needs a feed specifically for accounts you follow. If you have more than one Instagram account, Threads doesn't allow easy switching between accounts without involving logging out/logging in/security confirmation. This shouldn't need to be repeated over and over. Also, it is concerning that the app is blocked in the EU due to privacy violations. Use at your own risk.",2,2023-07-06 11:53:02 +Google Play,"Very frustrating experience. Feed it's full of users I don't follow and don't care for their content. Switching between my company and private accounts forces you to complete sign out and reverify. Picture upload quality is compressed, Twitter images are much sharper. I am hopeful for this app, but it should have never been released as a finished product in it's current state.",2,2023-07-08 01:23:40 +Google Play,"I like the simplicity of this app but there's definitely some bugs that need to get worked out. After choosing to sync with IG accounts I follow I weeded through them but about 1/3 that I unfollowed reappeared. I've done this 3x, closing out app to refresh, it keeps happening. Also, home page is super slow to refresh and posting a thread or reply is very slow to publish & sometimes freezes. Also wish that when trying to post a pic/video that one's device folders would appear & not just Gallery.",3,2023-07-06 15:35:46 +Google Play,"It needs a lot of work. It constantly crashes, to the point where I can barely use it. It isn't auto-following everyone I follow on insta. I can't search for terms, which lead me to a topic I'm interested in and the layout feels quite lacking. It needs some sort of visual flare: animations, pops of colour, page transitions, etc... just something to make it all feel pleasing and tie it into a great package.",2,2023-07-14 00:12:32 +Google Play,"My first thoughts: Since there is no web version yet, it is very difficult when using it upright on a tablet. But I'm going to try it on a few phones today and I'm sure it will work fine. If the web version comes, it will really be more useful than I expected. The leaks of this app first appeared in April, which means it could only release stable later this year, but when they wanted to turn the troubles on Twitter into an opportunity, they released the app with many missing features.",3,2023-07-06 08:09:04 +Google Play,"It's cool, but there's a lot of QoL that can be done. Like putting the ""Post"" button at the top of the posting menu. Also, there's a bug where when you mention someone, if you type two letters of their name before the suggestions appear, the app crashes. I think the app has potential, but needs some polish. Also, kinda wish there was an option to make an account from scratch rather than import an Instagram account.",3,2023-07-06 08:54:41 +Google Play,"It's great, but there's a lot of QoL that can be done. Like putting the ""Publish"" button at the top of the post menu. Also, there is a bug where when you mention someone, if you type two letters of their name before the suggestions appear, the app crashes. I think the app has potential, but it needs some polishing. Also, I wish there was an option to create an account from scratch instead of importing an Instagram account.",3,2023-07-14 12:46:21 +Google Play,"I find the UI does not clearly separate the messages and particularly which messages are part of a conversation. I have also found the app gets stuck updating and randomly crashes. It would also be useful if when I block someone, they are also muted rather then having to select both. I have had to remove a lot of people and companies I don't want in my timeline.",2,2023-07-07 20:27:41 +Google Play,"Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the overall concept of Threads. It provides a convenient and private platform for sharing updates, photos, and videos with close friends. However, the integration of the Reels feature within the app has caused some inconvenience and cluttered the user experience.Separating the Reels section within the app would greatly enhance the user experience. It would allow for improved focus, easier navigation, enhanced privacy, and a streamlined interface.",5,2023-07-06 18:39:12 +Google Play,"It's not bad so far. A handful of unsolicited requests, but they're easy to despatch of. Clean feel and just seems nice and neat around the edges. It's like a flowing conversation. As a moderate social media user, it does everything I need it to for the type of app it is. Some sound and freezing issues with some videos I have viewed, though I am sure they'll iron these things out over the next couple of months",4,2023-07-07 20:00:49 +Google Play,It's a good start but they have to add some thing before it can be great: 1. They need to add an option to see only people you follow instead of an annoying algorithm. 2. They need to let you mute all posts from languages you don't want or not know. 3. They also need to add option to change the name without changing the Instagram name. 4. Another useful think would be the ability to zoom on an image and staying zoomed without it snapping back to normal size. 5. They need a website.,3,2023-07-07 17:25:47 +Google Play,"Constant crashing when trying to upload most photos, although there doesn't seem to be a pattern of image size or resolution, which causes it to crash or simply fail to upload. I have, however, been able to upload images up to 44MP, 33MB successfully uploaded. Would like the option to clear the random rubbish from my feed without having to keep muting them!",1,2023-07-09 19:04:24 +Google Play,"The app's concept is great, but it's full of glitches! Whenever the content in the display changes, the full app becomes glitchy. Even on a small scroll, the problem appears. Let alone some button clicking! Maybe the issue is only applicable for a few type of users. But, please fix the bug. In spite of this app's being great, I have to stay neutral by giving 3 stars is just because of these bugs.",3,2023-07-06 13:34:56 +Google Play,"I'm still wary of this app. But it's very promising. I love the interface design though there's still room for improvement. I personally experience lags while scrolling and I find that hard to navigate when the app keeps doing that. I also think it's better to implement the new emojis on the app but as well for instagram, too. Creating an account is a hassle if you just want to make a fandom one. And I find it a hassle to go to another app just to change my display name. I hope that'll change.",3,2023-07-06 05:59:52 +Google Play,"Very easy to use because it's just like Twitter. But I'm starting to hate it because Instagram's best traits are being removed. Reactions for chats, and music for stories? Might as well just remove this app threads. Instagram is being loved through posting pictures but it is very convenient for having conversations with reactions if you don't know what to say. Music for stories is also important to express oneself. I just hope the effect on the Instagram app is just temporary.",2,2023-07-07 12:52:07 +Google Play,"As soon as I opened the app, it went good, the login and all, but as soon as it loaded, I could not even use this app because it started acting so weird, like a bug or smth. All pages are overlapping on each other, I can't even interact with anything because as soon I do, the page starts to behave like a bug. Even reinstalling didn't help fix this issue",1,2023-07-06 16:13:41 +Google Play,"Great App! Loved it from the very first day although I have the following challenges; 1. My keyboard does not stack with the UI page, it covers it and so I can't see what I'm typing. 2. Can't save images like every other user. 3. From 100+, Can't see the latest follower as an individual to see their profile; have to search. 4. UI gets a little confusing sometimes as there's no proper demarcation between one thread on my timeline and another. 5. Opening some threads crashes the app occasionally.",4,2023-07-11 12:50:24 +Google Play,"It suddenly closes. I thought I just accidentally hit my home button but no. I was typing but overtime, it suddenly closes. There was even no draft of the text I was composing. Happened multiple times. I just updated this app and thought that it would fix the issue, but no. This is also the reason why I stopped using this the last time, I got frustrated because it kept refreshing(?) or closing and the thread I was composing is not even saved.",2,2023-07-15 18:37:18 +Google Play,"This is clearly a very early and poorly tested version of the app that was pushed out to cash in at the right time. First, the app crashes a LOT. Simply opening certain people's threads closes the app every time, but works perfectly on other threads. This is pretty much a deal breaker. Second, I think it's fair to say a web version or desktop app should have been available from the beginning. The fact that it's missing just means it's all a side effect of rushing out this new platform.",2,2023-07-07 12:56:59 +Google Play,"It's addicting but feels cramped and messy because there are unnecessary elements like showing the profiles in replies, but it depicts friendliness, so it's good. And I feel like the elements are too close to each other. The app is great because there is no ads, spam, and free from toxic, yet. I hope they can keep the environment safe and toxic free.",4,2023-07-07 07:16:59 +Google Play,"I don't normally write reviews but I'm so annoyed with this app! I've tried to share a picture about 10 times, both by sharing from my gallery and directly uploading to the app and it's not working. I've tried updating the app and when that didn't work, uninstalling and reinstalling. I'm at a loss. Very frustrating.",1,2023-07-11 21:58:36 +Google Play,"I think it is great but some features needs to be advanced. First the photo loading time is still slow, secondly I suggest that all Meta Apps could be synced inform of tab/browser where you can switch platforms easly. For example if you are in threads you can have switcheable icons or tabs to navigate to Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and vice versa. Fourthly, there should be filters through which people could determine thematic areas of interest including themes, topics, personalities, etc",3,2023-07-09 22:38:05 +Google Play,"There's an annoying glitch that makes this app almost useless, whenever I change tab, such as from activity to feed or profile, their UI overlays on top of each other which makes reading anything is Impossible. I had to minimize and reopen the app in order to make the glitch gone, but only temporarily because the same issue will reappear if I try to change tab again. Please fix this!",1,2023-07-09 04:02:23 +Google Play,"The application doesn't work and constantly says 'Sorry, something went wrong. Try Again'. This is frustrating. I tried to clean cache and data, reinstall, different internet and wifi connections, with and without vpn, but nothing works. I truly want to use it, but I can't. :( Fix it, please.",1,2023-07-20 20:22:06 +Google Play,"Interesting App, but somehow the user experience is kinda less user-friendly when already has a lot of users. The threads are mixed up, and it would be great if there is a setting option for an account owner only who can see the ""Replies"" tab instead of showing it publicly (without changing it into a private account). And somehow when I try to modify the settings and navigate back, it always redirects to Instagram App instead, not navigating back to the Threads app.",3,2023-07-06 05:17:10 +Google Play,The lack of options when it come to seeing unwanted content you are not following is annoying. If I like certain things the app will bombard me with a bunch of similar content that I'm really not interested in. I try with this app but it got more and more frustrated as I keep on using it. I really wish there was an option to block certain things in my timeline not just in replies.,2,2023-07-22 20:20:32 +Google Play,"Missing most basic yet most-desired features like saving media! It's intended to replace Twitter but lacks a simple save function for images and videos. People like to SHARE and people like to SAVE media. Every single person on the planet knows and understands this. It cannot and will NEVER replace Twitter as long as it is missing a feature everyone wants, period.",2,2023-07-09 00:24:16 +Google Play,"So at the moment I have two issues with the app: the first is the feed - there needs to be an option for follow-only feed on something like that, something closer to the Instagram experience. The second issue is the crashes - I know this app is literally two days old but it crashed on me a few times already and it sucks. Other than that, works fine, nice app.",3,2023-07-07 14:01:17 +Google Play,"Yes, the app is excellent. My experience with this app has been fantastic. I know it's a new challenge for Twitter. Here are my suggestions for the next update: 1. I highly recommend adding a scheduling feature. This would be incredibly useful for creators like me to plan and schedule their Threads in advance. 2. Another suggestion is to incorporate a direct messaging (DM) feature. This would enable users to have private conversations within the app.",4,2023-07-06 10:38:10 +Google Play,Great start for a positive space. Like many reviews so far there are things to add to the app to make it better. The search page is a bit bland maybe more like insta? A visual thing. Trending would be good on there too. And instead of the usual drab news stories why not the best most positive news stories circulating. The no ads is a winner for me though that will probably change. I have to say it is a breath of fresh air so far. But it needs to stay a positive place.,3,2023-07-13 16:23:06 +Google Play,"1-we need a trending list for every region, just like Twitter. So that people can know what's going around the world. 2-when posting pics or videos, it doesn't give us the option to choose from different folders like Twitter does. 3-when typing a long reply, the view doesn't automatically adjust to show what we're typing. Instead, we have to scroll up to see the rest of what we're typing.",3,2023-07-06 10:59:49 +Google Play,Really needs a lot of improvement. It's a promising app. Hope you can fix the bugs. Add options to filter what we want to see in our home page. Add DM. Option to add more than one account just like in IG. It's frustrating to go back and forth. Oh well... Hope this app will improve.,2,2023-07-08 15:00:36 +Google Play,"Very messy to use, filled with threads from irrelevant people, despite the data collection that meta has on all their apps which include health and fitness for some reason. This makes it extremely boring to use, as the algorithm doesn't appear to be able to show any of my interests that it has collected from instagram - seeing as the two apps share the same account. It would be better as part of the instagram app, such as reels, as a section inside there.",1,2023-07-07 00:20:59 +Google Play,"Update: Threads cannot handle dark mode, and it is automatic. so after 9 p.m. it is impossible to use, at least on Android 9 ------- more than half the time, threads shows a garbled mess of letters on an Android phone. also, threads has no means to report this it sure would be nice if they had some sort of feature to send a picture and show them what it looks like, or simply have a way to message or report an app issue",1,2023-07-09 01:18:45 +Google Play,"off to a great start. Obviously it's never gonna be a 5* app upon release, but so far my only gripe is that features which are planned for inclusion aren't there yet. Look forward to when this becomes a more rounded, 'complete' software product. Also, ability to save images would be nice.",3,2023-07-07 16:10:35 +Google Play,"There's a glitch in the app. Pages are overlapping. Tries every possible aspect to resolve the issue by re-installing, clearing cache & data but still unable to use the application properly. Very disappointing. Finally, uninstalled the application as for now. Whenever the app will improve, will download it again. Till then using that old Twitter.",1,2023-07-11 14:12:19 +Google Play,"It's a good app and has more restrictions than what Twitter has to offer, but after I transferred my Instagram data, I hadn't been able to open up my Instagram. When I do open, I can only stay on chats that I have been notified in, and if I navigated away from the chat, it crashes on me. I've uninstalled it for a little while, but it still doesn't work. I don't know if it's a thread thing, an Instagram thing, or both, but it started when I downloaded Thread.",3,2023-07-07 20:01:51 +Google Play,"as of now, i've experienced a few bugs depending on which device i use threads on. on my tablet, everytime i try to post my art the entire app crashes. on my phone, everytime i try to post more than one photo the post reads something along the lines of ""post couldnt be uploaded"". although i do have hope for threads, its very simplistic and easy to use.",3,2023-07-08 18:41:10 +Google Play,"The data collection on this app is SINISTER. The user agreement has the same function as Facebook where they literally own your images and content, and can use it commercially. Now I can't delete it without deleting my instagram! If you are an artist, avoid this app at all costs. Everyone else, go into your phone data alloance settings and turn off all data allowances for the app. It won't stop the data mining but it might help. Very dangerous for user security.",1,2023-07-08 11:30:31 +Google Play,"The first day on the app has been really good- I haven't noticed any bad bugs or experienced any crashes. Please add a following-only feed and an option to view in chronological order. That would make the app so much better. Pretty please 🙏 Since this is competing with a certain bird app, a trending page with current events/etc would be really nice and appreciated!",5,2023-07-06 13:13:54 +Google Play,"I was excited for the app but once it is loaded, I could not even use this app because it started acting weird. All pages are overlapping each other. I can't even interact with anything because as soon as I do, the page starts to behave like a bug. I tried to reinstall but it didn't fix the issue.",1,2023-07-12 14:54:07 +Google Play,"This version would be decent if we were talking about a beta, but it is the final version and it lacks many QoL improvements. There is no option to see only the threads of people you follow in chronological order, can't use hashtags, the algorithm doesn't take into account the profiles you follow or interact with and recommends anything, cannot perform keyword searches, some videos don't play audio, and many more bugs and non-existing options that should have been there in the first place.",2,2023-07-12 16:53:45 +Google Play,"Slow, glitchy, and constant crashes! Whenever we try to post something it always ends up in the limbo, garbage experience! Update: no basic features even after month of launching, and glitches and slowness is still same, can't upload anything because it ends up in the limbo, no wonder why this app is losing the game against twitter.",1,2023-07-21 11:09:12 +Google Play,"Very buggy, initially after getting it, it took over 60 hours before any content showed whatsoever on my feed, despite me following many people and my partner having loads on her feed. Recently, it took me about 48 hours to upload something on it while Instagram and other apps worked perfectly fine. Multiple attempts occurred both on wifi and on mobile data with no results. It'd be really cool if the bugs could get sprayed down some more, maybe get Daxter on it.",2,2023-07-13 06:14:43 +Google Play,"Such a frustrating buggy experience. Looks promising for us photographers. No apparent restrictions on image size, crop or quality. But I cannot get it to load from within the app or share from my Pixel 7 folders. Weirdly it has just allowed me to post one image from my White border app. 🤷 Of the thousands of images I have to share it literally will only let me share this one image. Plus I experimented with sharing it again but the app refused and just closes. 🤦",1,2023-07-08 06:42:47 +Google Play,"Well I installed the app out of curiosity and it seems interesting but whenever I open the app, it's all glitch. I'm unable to see a single word perfectly and everything is just messed up on screen. Hope you resolve such bugs and issues soon and be able to provide a great user experience.",1,2023-07-10 18:02:26 +Google Play,"Its just not working. It was fine for a while but something happened and now whenever I try to check my notifications or write something, it says ""sorry something went wrong"". Tried reinstalling, didn't help, it's simply just broken. I was already disappointed in this half-baked trash that lacks even the most basic functions like hashtags, but at my current state, I'm unable to do anything but refresh the timeline which is filled with unfunny meme accounts and verified scum. Unusable. Zuck lost.",1,2023-07-15 01:53:50 +Google Play,"For now, only 3 stars! Can see potential in this app, but agree with some about a few improvements. I'd like to see 2 FEEDS! One the current random FEED... to view everything that's happening and connect with new people. And a 2nd FEED (maybe a TAB), that shows the people you already FOLLOW, showing their POSTs... making it quick'n simple at a glance to see what friends are doing. We don't all have time to browse content of a random FEED for POSTs made by those we choose to FOLLOW.",3,2023-07-07 07:29:08 +Google Play,"Just got the app, tried three times to make a post, and it failed each time. Tried different formats, low character counts, etc. and all in perfect service. It just failed to post. Maybe I'll come back when the app is actually usable.",1,2023-07-08 22:24:39 +Google Play,Starting was good like login and editing the bio. But after that when I opened the app to see what type of features and contents it contain. It started glitching and always it acts weird. Didn't expected this type of bad work from Meta. The application needs a lot of development. Looks like it's a launch without trial. Very disappoint. Want to delete my Threads a/c but for that Instagram a/c also will be deleted because thats the algo. Dissatisfied and Disappointed.,1,2023-07-10 04:11:59 +Google Play,"As a starter this is okay but there are two deal breakers. One is the feed. You get stuff from accounts you don't follow and have no interest in and it cannot be changed. Second, if you log in with instagram, you can't change anything or deactivate profile on threads as it's synced. You have to change or just delete your entire instagram profile.",2,2023-07-07 01:53:24 +Google Play,"- The UI is a bit clunky. Icons have really thick outlines that heavily compete with text visually. Lines between threads are too thin. - Video players are quite horrible. Sometimes audio never works, sometimes the video perpetually pauses on fullscreen / when tapping the thread. - Most threads I see are from accounts I don't follow. While I think that's good for discovering new accounts upon first launch, I don't see many threads from followed accounts.",3,2023-07-09 13:07:44 +Google Play,"Continually running into a message, ""Sorry, something went wrong. Try Again,"" on every page. It happened last night and I tried clearing cache, forcing stop, logging in and out. Only thing that fixed it was uninstall/reinstall. And now the same error is happening again. I don't want to have to reinstall this app every few hours.",3,2023-07-06 15:53:51 +Google Play,"I think it's a decent start. Some features I think would be important going forward, though; the ability to search topics and tags rather than just people. To go along with this, the ability to follow specific topics would do much for the ability to curate a homepage. Also, having an in-app direct messaging system would do much to improve the experience. Other than that, and the fact that this app is still in its infancy, I can see a good potential for Threads as a platform.",4,2023-07-09 18:26:14 +Google Play,"The app is going well and nice, easy to use, and friendly. But I recommend a delete, edit,and save option. A Delete option to be able to clean the activity or notification. To be able to edit a message or picture to add a caption when it's already posted, and a save and bookmark option. I personally need the delete option, I can't help but get anxiety when my activity is messy. I tried checking a post notification of an activist, but it swarmed up my activity history. Please add options.",4,2023-07-16 13:38:55 +Google Play,"It's a good app. You can share anything, especially your current thoughts and whatnots. However, I suggest that there should be a choice of interests too so that the contents on home will be filtered with that interest. It will be much more fun to use it if people see what they actually like to see. Hoping for the improvement of algorithms.",4,2023-07-06 13:23:41 +Google Play,Not a bad app (it runs smoothly and interfaces well with Instagram) but definitely could be improved. The home page is flooded with completely untailored posts that have nothing to do with any of the accounts I follow. Without tags it is hard to find new accounts to follow based on what I am interest unless the keyword is in their username.,2,2023-07-12 15:00:49 +Google Play,"Right now, it's a void. Very little of what you actually want to see shows up, and the rest is noise from bigger accounts (verified army) and ads. We'll see what it becomes eventually (your following does creep through every now and then, but not nearly enough). I do think the UI is clean though.",2,2023-07-06 15:59:35 +Google Play,"App crashes constantly when uploading photos. And the image picker is so basic - can't even pick photos by choosing different folders. Sigh! I hope this gets improved. Other than that, this app has been great so far to browse. I really want to like this app, just fix the posting experience please.",2,2023-07-06 05:21:24 +Google Play,"I liked the app a lot, but since a week ago it doesn't work properly on my device, and I get a message ""something went wrong"" whenever I try to view a profile, comments or activities. I tried reinstalling the app, deleting cache, restarting my phone, and resetting network settings but I still have this issue.",3,2023-07-21 16:00:51 +Google Play,"(Notably I am the 1st person to REVIEW this app in English). Apperantly it's USELESS APP... it has Good dark interface, but there are numerous issues 👉 it crashes often without error message, too slow to even update profile section, Can't even upload single image (despite there is with high speed broadband connection), copy paste doesn't work .. ""@"" function (in bio) doesn't work .. not sure if all these issues will get resolved. Otherwise I am going to uninstall it and stop using for forever.",1,2023-07-06 06:29:52 +Google Play,"While I do think the app has some potential, there are several problems. Some of them include the lack of photo filters when you upload photos, the inability to delete your Threads account without your Instagram account, the inability to use more than one account, and the app crashing several times when I log out, leading myself to delete data and cache rather frequently. I wish this app wasn't released prematurely and that Instagram gives more time to develop Threads as a more stable app.",2,2023-07-06 09:19:02 +Google Play,"Signed up for my other account via Instagram. Spent time setting up. Tried to post 3 times but every time I pressed the 'post' button after writing the post & adding images - it closed! Not impressed. Only using as I need to be across all social media but really not happy with my user experience on the first day of it going live, & don't like you have to tie it to the Instagram. I'd prefer it to be a standalone platform, it feels like you're being forced to put all your eggs in the Meta basket!",1,2023-07-06 10:08:49 +Google Play,"The idea behind this app is great! It's quite convenient that it's connected to Insta account. However, experience with it can be improved. Majorly, by changing algorithms of feed to only view Threads of accounts you follow, or by adding a feature to filter your feed manually, to choose whose threads to see. Hope this feedback will be taken into account 🙏🙏🙏",3,2023-07-08 08:54:58 +Google Play,"10/10 for the UI, it looks cool and clean. But the feed is just infested with suggested content. At least on twitter you can separate the suggested content from the content of entities that you actually choose to follow. Might have some interest in Threads if they implement this feature, but for now... Bai",3,2023-07-18 22:18:18 +Google Play,"It's pretty much Facebook's version of Twitter. Unfortunately the app is unstable and lacks basic features find in its parents app, like switching accounts. Whenever I open ""threads"" (replies to a post within the app) the app will crash every other time. It's quite embarrassing to have the main feature bugged. The app is an unoriginal idea and it needs significant improvements. If it worked, could sort feed, switch accounts, and post audio, I'd give 4⭐ I'm using Oxygen OS 13.1 (OnePlus 10 Pro)",2,2023-07-07 11:41:35 +Google Play,"This app's fatal flaw is it's feed. Almost everytime I go on Threads, my feed is entirely made up of random people I do not follow and do not care about meaning I'll turn off the app almost immediately. This entire app would be saved by splitting the tabs into a following and a discovery one. Right now, it's not worth it.",2,2023-07-23 10:46:03 +Google Play,"Good for early days, a bit glitchy and lots to build on still. In the middle of writing a post, the app closes down entirely and looses the content so I'm having to write it in my phone notes. If you write a long post, your phone keyboard is in the way as the Threads text box doesn't shift up the more you write, so you can't amend mistakes or text. I'm seeing a heck of a lot of posts from people I don't follow at all and have no interest in. A familiar, simple app though so I like it so far.",3,2023-07-09 09:58:25 +Google Play,"Terrible in terms of privacy and lacking many essential features, such as a timeline for just those you follow. By using this (and other Meta apps too) you are giving away basically almost everything about you to a company with a horrible track record when it comes to properly handling user data. Try Mastodon instead, it's onboarding process has really improved recently and it has far more features.",1,2023-07-07 00:59:21 +Google Play,"there's some flaws I've noticed . 1. Reply in thread goes far way bottom, not the below of the thread that meant to be replied 2. Text cursor doesn't follow my typing, need to scroll by myself if it's a long thread 3. I can't save images 4. can't 2x tap to zoom image, I must pinch it to zoom and it's doesn't stay still zooming the image, it always goes back to original size. 5. Video UI/UX is not very interactive and intuitive, can't tell the duration 6. No media bar in profile 7. No hastags",3,2023-07-06 10:10:18 +Google Play,"So, immediate problems: The way to choose files is unsortable and awful. Writing replies to ANY post is frustrating because the keyboard will cover it. Curating your feed is difficult at best and impossible at worst, since at first it only shows verified account's posts— except you literally can't search for topics you enjoy to interact with those and curate your algorithm. I really hope it gets better.",2,2023-07-07 03:17:50 +Google Play,"Going on two weeks since public launch now and this app is starting to suffer from lack of very common features (which honestly should have been standard at launch). No ability to filter your feed or search posts/tags. Account follower import seems to be messy for those with a larger following. It has some good things like in line thread adding good media display. But, these are not enough to keep the app afloat on their own.",3,2023-07-17 12:39:16 +Google Play,"I wrote down words and tried to correct for wrong spelling or error in words. After I pressed delete or backwards button, I could no longer write any more words. I had to discard the current thread and tried to write a new thread. In the new one, the error was gone until I pressed delete text button. FYI, It happened in Andriod mobile app when I first wanted to post a new thread. I want you to fix this bug very soon.",2,2023-07-13 13:53:48 +Google Play,"Worthless so far. I have no idea what the feed is doing. It's not showing me any of the accounts that I follow, and the rare one I do see the post is 20 hours old. There's no way to sort by suggested, followed, most recent, personal lists, anything. There's no hashtags, no way to really search for the content I want to follow. Hurry up and get on adding more features to make this thing functional.",1,2023-07-23 18:28:10 +Google Play,"A great start, but it needs lots of improvements. Only being able to see posts by followers on your feed for one, an option to edit pictures and videos before you post them, it's also common for the app to crash while trying to upload pictures and videos.",3,2023-07-12 20:36:46 +Google Play,"With a multitude of auto-playing videos right off the fly of the homepage, it's really difficult to focus on the ""Threads"" that're meant to be the defining feature of this platform. This is basically just Instagram, but with a higher character limit. The unnecessarily large size followed by the lack of data saving features makes this app pretty redundant considering the existence of Twitter.",2,2023-07-07 01:27:23 +Google Play,"Impossible to use. It gets loaded with pics and text layered on each other infinite number of times and my whole screen turns into a mess. Guess it is not optimized or something. This is the only app that gives me such an issue, and Instagram itself works fine.",1,2023-07-11 07:51:24 +Google Play,"The app looks promising and at its initial stage that's why there are some complicated parts of it but I do suggest some features such as, messaging feature just like in Instagram; photo cropping and editing feature when posting a picture; circles would also be good; and lastly, ability to look at someone's profile picture. Overall, the app was nice and already makes some people an online friends within just few days of launch",4,2023-07-08 06:41:34 +Google Play,"So far I like it! It's very basic and I'm kinda disappointed at the lack of accessibility options such as being able to add alt text but... Overall it has a nostalgic vibe like when social media used to be fun, at least it is for me. Interested to see how it progresses.",4,2023-07-08 19:14:58 +Google Play,I've seen a lot of people had the same experience as me. But I'm gonna repeat it so someday it can be fixed. I CAN'T USE IT. Anytime i decide to simply scroll the screen the app explodes into clones of all the things on screen and nothing is visible anymore. PLEASE. LISTEN TO US.,1,2023-07-07 19:37:23 +Google Play,Should've launched a stable version. Full of bugs and glitches. Characters overlapping each other while scrolling through making it impossible to figure out. Thorough inspection required. Issues to be fixed at the earliest. Re-installation was futile.,1,2023-07-08 22:34:05 +Google Play,"Off to a great start! This is a great alternative to other text-based social media! After installing I could import my Instagram profile pic, bio and followed accounts (some of whom are already on the new app). Timeline updates are fast and videos appear to be better quality than similar platforms. My only suggestion is I would like to see a more compact timeline UI or the ability to customize the size of posts so I can read more Threads per screen 😀",5,2023-07-06 17:11:26 +Google Play,"Surprisingly really nice. Not going to lie. But the image and video quality is so bad. Like the compression is so so so terrible. If that was changed and we could have better video and image quality it would be so much better <33 please add that lol otherwise its actually really nice. Also having a ""following only"" browse feature would be so cool too 👍👍 new feature req. Being able to switch between mult accs!!",4,2023-07-12 22:45:22 +Google Play,"REALLY impressed!! WHAT I LIKED: so far i haven't experienced any bugs and the app feels very sorted, refined, thoroughly planned and well put together, i might increase my rating when they add some new interesting features, which im sure they will WHAT I DIDNT LIKE: The algorithm, its very random, i actually just want information from people i follow, or maybe a seperate for you page like on Instagram could work too, lacks some features but given the release time, I'll wait gor some.",4,2023-07-07 01:34:56 +Google Play,"1)When I like something, nothing happens, tye command isn't taken (2)Not smooth at all (3)The colours are dead, make it more interesting and wholesome (4)When I try to Reload a page by swiping down, the symbol keeps on doing the reloading animations over and over again, but the page doesn't change (5) Having trouble using more than one account, like insta. If the option is not there to use multiple accounts, this app is dead",1,2023-07-11 19:41:51 +Google Play,"App is clearly not ready for release. Integration with Instagram is great, however the biggest letdown is having the home feed being filled with randos, with no way to make it *only people I follow*. I'm patiently waiting for this issue to improve. Otherwise good concept, UI is great, user experience is okay",3,2023-07-09 19:02:27 +Google Play,"For a new app it's great. But, it lacks dark mode which I and several people want/need. I know that they will be adding it, but the home page doesn't show who I'm following half the time and instead is showing other people I have little to no interest in. As well as this, the lack of tags seems to be a problem if it's not added soon. Other then that, a very good start and already better then Twitter.",3,2023-07-12 00:49:01 +Google Play,"It's decent, but it definitely needs a few interface improvements. Hasn't crashed or anything, which is nice. However, a huge problem is that my entire feed is taken up by people I don't follow or have any interest in despite being logged in. Makes it completely useless",3,2023-07-08 05:47:06 +Google Play,"Can't get through the setup process. I want to manually select who of my Insta followers to follow in Threads, and twice now I've spent a fair while going through the list only to have it shut down when I get to the end before I can continue to the next stage. It reverts back to the start, and I have to redo my profile and select everyone again only for the same thing to happen. I don't have time for this.",1,2023-07-10 23:54:48 +Google Play,"Won't like me sign up. Can't create an account, get stuck after inserting the code that's sent, just won't go forward. Utterly pointless. Update: After hours of trying I've given up. Constantly getting error messages & the runaround. Clearly still work to be done on this platform. So l'm going back to Twitter. Threads is useless. #twitter",1,2023-07-09 03:12:06 +Google Play,"Bugs still not fixed and it has been a while now since launch. Pasting attempt, it highlights the first section when attempting to paste at end of message. New line half way through message creates a new thread in a thread. Large images still probably crash the phone. Cannot have feed for just followers. Hashtags don't do anything e.g. don't change colour, not searchable. Etc etc. Happy to update rating once fixed. S23Ultra 1Tb.",1,2023-07-24 09:31:18 +Google Play,"I give 3 star because sometimes I can't upload a video, I have to try it next day, the service is not strong not constant, I like the interface but I suggest a private message, it would be very cool instead of switching to Instagram for private message. It really mess me up. I can't have a private with my friends. More mess😫",3,2023-07-08 20:18:21 +Google Play,"It's a great start! I do feel like when adding photos we should have the ability to choose what album we pick from bc I have a ton of images on my phone and scrolling to hunt for them in 10k images isn't fun. Also I feel like there should be in app DMs as that's part of what makes things like Twitter so usable the ability to talk to our friends about threads or post. To what I DO love is the ability to add more than four photos at a time, the ability to write long multi post threads.",3,2023-07-06 00:19:09 +Google Play,"There's a bug when using this app on Galaxy S23 Ultra. When i open the app, on home screen it's showing blank and only displays bottom icons . When i click on other icons they are responsive. I thought it was a slow network issue, tried to rest the phone but nothing. I hope this will be addressed via an update.",3,2023-07-15 08:42:27 +Google Play,"has lots of potential! people are complaining that its missing aome basic features, which it is. but they were mostly focusing on making sure the app runs smoothly, which it does. has almost completely replaced taitter for me already and with some good quality of life upgrades it can be much better than twitter",4,2023-07-12 20:54:28 +Google Play,"So far, so good. I like the layout and ease of use. And that any follower from IG that uses it automatically follows you. Choosing which image I want to post could be better. Instead of showing me ALL my photos, let me pick the folder to look it up. That's really my only complaint",4,2023-07-07 01:56:03 +Google Play,"Worse than twitter in nearly every respect. When the hype dies down, everyone will be back on twitter in a week. Also keeps crashing every time when I click replies now. You have to create an Instagram account to sign up as well. Edit: also keeps crashing when I try and make a thread. At least it has quite a smooth interface (carbon copy of twitter though).",2,2023-07-07 11:35:27 +Google Play,"Not a bad app, could use a couple extra features. The ability to not see re-threads (turn off retweets), ability to download photos, and If you really want to pass up Twitter, Let us edit our posts after they've been posted... Maybe add a ""Close friends"" sorting option as well like with Instagram.",4,2023-07-08 07:40:07 +Google Play,"A good first step but many bugs still needing to be fixed. The most egregious is that the on screen keyboard overlays the input area so you can't see what you're typing. Since this is what I would consider a major bug, I'm rating this app accordingly.",2,2023-07-08 13:56:44 +Google Play,"There's a lot to be desired for on this app I would like to see a ""This person follows you"" badge on someone's profile who follows me. A feed option of only accounts that I do follow. And most of all, being about to choose specific folders from my gallery to post pictures and videos from. The app is smooth, but uploading photos sometimes crashes it. Otherwise I can see this being a potential killer for Twitter.",3,2023-07-10 09:42:37 +Google Play,"I recently tried out this app and it's not bad but requires some improvements. One major issue is the lack of a clear indication for new posts, making it difficult to stay updated. The app also needs a better layout with clear indications of posts to enhance user experience. Additionally, the mixing of posts and replies without clear separation adds confusion. Despite these drawbacks, the app has potential.",3,2023-07-07 03:56:22 +Google Play,"Hello, I'm facing some problems with the theme of Threads. I was hoping to use a dark mode, but unfortunately, my phone's system lacks that option. Therefore, I kindly request if it would be possible for you to enhance the theme, considering that many others might also be experiencing similar difficulties, especially those who prefer a dark mode. I hope this feedback reaches you and serves as inspiration to address this matter. Thank you.",2,2023-07-07 15:17:19 +Google Play,"Has potential but also has some issues. So I can see this platform becoming very fun to use in the future but it has some glaring issues. One of which being that anytime I try to upload multiple images, the app crashes almost instantly. There's also no Media tab and no way to trace what you've liked or commented on.",3,2023-07-07 03:54:04 +Google Play,"So far it's pretty peaceful. I appreciate that there's a pop up telling me that I might be posting something that could be deemed a problem(even if they're wrong), instead of the way FB will just arbitrarily ban me. I am getting a ""Threads failed to upload error."" This is annoying since other apps are uploading just fine.",3,2023-07-19 17:33:00 +Google Play,Migration was supposed to be the great thing. I had to go find most of the people I follow. Notifications don't work even though they are turned on to the people I want to hear from. This is a rushed app. Not original. Feels like a partially completed term paper. Not impressed,2,2023-07-08 11:01:08 +Google Play,"I can't post anything. It always just says ""failed to upload"". I've tried everything, updating everything, posting short things, restarting my phone, different networks and mobile, uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times and reporting the issues and no success or response. So it's basically unusabyfor me.",1,2023-07-16 14:25:17 +Google Play,"Great app!!! However, I am experiencing bugs from time to time that limits my usage of the app. 😔 Sometimes my timeline won't refresh, sometimes it displays that I haven't posted threads yet even though I have, and I can't browse my notification bar because they cannot be clicked and are grouped together. I'll try to uninstall and install again, maybe that way I'll have a better experience when using the app. It has a big potential!!",4,2023-07-07 09:47:03 +Google Play,"The app interface is bugged. I can't even read anything because when I scroll it, the interface becomes a mess. It's like the frames of the scrolling animation are getting stacked on top of each other making it impossible to distinguish anything.",1,2023-07-06 15:31:47 +Google Play,"Good start, needs some key features. It auto populates your feed based on what it thinks you'd like, as opposed to who you follow. There also needs to be more filters, so you can really tailor your experience. But so far, it's clean, fun, and like early social media. Please don't let it be spoiled by ads, businesses, etc.",4,2023-07-06 02:05:46 +Google Play,"Pointless. It's a Twitter lite without any of the fun. Heavy handed moderation and no searches or hashtags. It lacks any useful features and the content will be gone soon if they don't quickly release features and lighten up on their policies. I'll probably uninstall it in a week, not worth the extra battery drain and Facebook tracking in its current state.",2,2023-07-07 04:46:35 +Google Play,"The idea of the app is fun. It feels like a safe space where people are sharing thoughts and ideas. There are a few bugs, sit crashes often and it has slowed down IG as well. But it's a new app. I'm not expecting perfection yet since it was only launched a week ago.",4,2023-07-14 20:14:02 +Google Play,The app is still new and I have installed the app for the first time. The setup was easy to do. One thing that I would love to see on the app is that you can upload videos on Threads and the other thing is that you can delete your profile and data because I have read that the only way to delete the data is to delete your Instagram account which I don't like because it's going to upset people when they want to delete their threads data.,4,2023-07-09 23:08:21 +Google Play,"Excellent. The UI was clean and the navigations were easy. There was few minor bugs encountered. The app was stable and the experience was seamless. Very easy to reach out to connections and people. Very similar its competitor, twitter.",4,2023-07-19 21:31:37 +Google Play,"Won't like me sign up. Can't create an account, get stuck after inserting the code that's sent, just won't go forward. Utterly pointless. Update: After hours of trying I've given up. Constantly getting error messages & the runaround. Clearly still work to be done on this platform. So I'm going back to Twitter. Threads is useless.",1,2023-07-06 10:55:23 +Google Play,"edit after a few days: Ok the randomness was fun for a bit, but its continued usability for me hinges completely on search. Search is still the biggest advantage of Twitter and the reason many are still unwilling to move. If they screw up search I am dropping this app like a hot potato. + +I'm loving Threads so far! 🌈🌟 but it can't replace Twitter for me until it has >>> FULL-TEXT SEARCH WITH FILTERS <<< We need a way to find stuff without waiting for the algorithm to drip-feed us.",3,2023-07-10 14:24:59 +Google Play,"It's refreshing to be somewhere not [insert rival app here], but the app needs work: 1) Chrono order timeline (seeing the same non-followed accounts is boring). 2) In addition, if you want to stick w/ the current timeline (For You), fine, but give us a Following timeline as well. 3) For brands/social media managers that work on multiple accounts, please implement an easier way to switch accounts than having to log out then log in (it gets annoying). 4) Please add a way to schedule posts. Thanks!",3,2023-07-12 02:05:09 +Google Play,A Twitter clone that is in internal closed alpha stage. The app sucks big time. Lacks on features and polish. Recommender algorithm straight up sucks. It almost feels like non existent. I guess it wasnt something meta invested in wholeheartedly. Also the biggest bummer is the Instagram mindset of the users. People can't be forced to morph into the forum like UX it provides. Absolutely no reason to switch from Twitter or Mastodon. Also no data transparency.,1,2023-07-23 13:30:01 +Google Play,"Its cool but here are some issues i see. First off you have no hashtags, you cant search topics, no dm feature, you cant add a backdrop picture. First week you could share a link and the thumbnail would show. Today it only show the link in preview and then minimizes to just the link when posted....something people are less likely to click on. Some people are not dealing with that issue. Cant claim you have an app that will allow more EXSPOSURE and things like that are missing or glitching out.",2,2023-07-21 00:17:19 +Google Play,Very clean app with user-friendly interface. But there are things that still needs to be fixed. There should be a place to turn off automatic video playing. And there should be a place to add multiple accounts using Facebook format.,3,2023-07-08 09:15:15 +Google Play,"The fact that you can't make your dash chronological is bad enough, but the fact that there's absolutely no way to only see content from people you've chosen to follow? Ew. I don't want to see boring celebrity thoughts that are boosted just cuz they're ~verified~, I want to see my friends' art. Hoping you make some updates so I can give this one a better review later, but for how it is now I most likely won't end up using it.",2,2023-07-06 05:00:00 +Google Play,"I just wish this app had translation capabilities. 😪 I follow some very successful and super nice people from Japan and South Korea. I'm trying to learn how to read both languages, but translation capabilities would make it a little easier.",1,2023-07-10 02:03:31 +Google Play,"While it is similar to Twitter, it is not exactly the same. Threads has a lot to offer and at the same time a little too much. I don't require the threads of people I don't follow and also has some security issues like it is possible to upload explicit images publicly and offensively criticising the threads but at the same time it diversified our opinions. It can be added as an extension to insta, which can make it more user friendly and if used appropriately it is a great app opportunity",2,2023-07-07 22:12:13 +Google Play,"Using Threads is a wonderful experience! Though with the flood of company/official accounts randomly on my timeline, it's too similar to other related app competitors. Accesibility with linked photos (ALT Text) is not there like how Instagram does, and there's no PC version to make it easier to bring in those who are used to the feel of making threads similar to, again, other competetor sites.",3,2023-07-06 00:03:20 +Google Play,Update fixes this issue🖤 - Good. Not Great I really can't believe in order to change my profile picture as a verified user I have to do it via Instagram and even when I do it from there it does not change. It is said that I need to subscribe and give ID in order for me to have a display picture. Kind dumb and unfair,4,2023-07-13 10:12:00 +Google Play,"Absolutely great. For a first version this has been good so far. Keep it up, having just abandoned Twitter,this is a solid 'alternative'. The first version is stable,reliable and I've not run into any sort of questionable buggy issues. Keep it up! I love it,and I explored most situations relating to UI etc within the app. Truly ,keep it up META & IG",5,2023-07-06 23:15:47 +Google Play,"I like the app, although the UI isn't super intuitive. I'm sure improvements will be made there. My main issue is that the app is constantly crashing when I open a thread to view replies. This makes the app essentially unusable. My rating will go up or down depending on how long it takes them to fix this...",3,2023-07-07 12:12:17 +Google Play,"It has potential. First of all the scrolling feels really sticky. Second, the search function doesn't let you search for threads only usernames. Lastly, similar to Instagram, there is no way to change the main feed's settings to only show posts from people you follow.",2,2023-07-08 12:09:50 +Google Play,"The application is really good but it still needs some amendments like; 1) Smoothness: the app is somewhat slow when scrolling to the top feeds. 2) Ability to save: as usual, not everyone would like to screenshot something that he/she is supposed to save. 3) Ability to change name and tag. Way to go Meta. 4) Ability to translate from one language to another. 5) Videos don't have sounds in the owner's profile. 6) When commenting on a picture, you can't see what you are trying.",4,2023-07-08 12:11:47 +Google Play,"I was really enjoying Threads until today, yes it definitely needs work with the feed and following but over time that will improve I'm sure. However, as of an hour ago, everytime I try to reply to a thread, it crashes as soon as I type the first letter? Hope you fix this ASAP! I really don't want to go back to Twitter! 😭 Update! Started working again after I posted this review! 🤣 Fingers crossed it keeps that way ☺ Further update! Same stupid crashing issue when trying to reply, grrr 😡",2,2023-07-12 00:11:16 +Google Play,"I believe that this app has potential, but there are a few features missing that would make the experience better. One feature that should be implemented is an explore tab, where you can find threads from people you do not follow. There could also be a tab that shows you popular threads at the time.",3,2023-07-20 16:33:48 +Google Play,"I have major issues logging in, whenever I switch it Instagram I instantly get logged out saying that the user might have changed the password when the password remains the same. The same thing happens when I open the threads app. Has a lot of potential otherwise. The app continuously keeps crashing as well as Instagram",2,2023-07-07 12:08:36 +Google Play,"It's look like duplicate of Twitter application, but I believe you have to work on image click bug. Whenever we are clicking on any image then instead of zooming like in Twitter image is getting little bit up and down (like vibration). So just amend some parameters in image click it will improve your application.",2,2023-07-24 12:55:56 +Google Play,"This is a pretty easy to use platform with a well made app. I dislike having to make an Instagram account to join Threads, but I did it anyways. Also, there seems to be a bug with the search function because it sometimes shows no results.",4,2023-07-06 19:30:13 +Google Play,"I enjoy this app. The UI is clean, easy to navigate, and smooth, although it definitely needs a few more features for it to really compete. It would be nice to show only accounts you follow or create a ""For You"" page that shows you posts that relate to your interests.",4,2023-07-07 04:08:52 +Google Play,"""Sorry, something went wrong."" I've deleted the cache, reinstalled the app, reset my connection; nothing's worked. Shame. I like the app, unfortunately I have not been able to use it for over a week. Cannot do anything besides scroll the timeline because I keep getting the error.",2,2023-07-21 02:56:17 +Google Play,It probably would be a good app if it actually works. When I open it it glitches as soon as I scroll leaving all the posts I've scrolled past in the background. Even when I change tabs to look at my profile it remains. Uninstalling and reinstalling does nothing to solve the issue. Unusable app.,1,2023-07-08 12:38:24 +Google Play,"Generally like it but there are almost constant issue with it loading & refreshing. Would like some additional features added as well. It's new, so I expect there to be bugs, but it's getting incredibly frustrating.",3,2023-07-23 16:53:07 +Google Play,"Well, lemme admit that it has such a good ui, & ux as well... although the real challenge for now is the algorithm, its random rn, obviously its new... but i hope it'll be improved in next versions. The design team did such a great work. We would love to have a quick demo of design system published on Figma, or Instagram design. Best of luck.",5,2023-07-06 00:26:05 +Google Play,"for an app that feels like it's in beta, it's decent enough. should be way more polished. I have found bugs in media uploading, already widely reported, but also in the titulary threads feature. sometimes duplicate posts show up if u delete something and repost it. other than that, it's a bit empty, needs voice clips, and a button to DM ppl",3,2023-07-07 12:42:02 +Google Play,"So far so good. I know a new app will take multiple updated to implement all the changes needed, so I will give it time to let us choose folders and albums we want to post media from. Otherwise, it's a really easy to use app.",5,2023-07-08 15:05:22 +Google Play,"It's alright for now,but let's see how it goes after the perfect algorithm kicks in and some features added. Would love it if u can seperate each tweet/ thread more clearly cuz it feels a bit""compact"" and not ""comfy"" and better search too. Looking forward to how it goes.",4,2023-07-06 14:43:44 +Google Play,"There are no reviews yet? Anyways, it's down on my end right now. Few suggestions: explore and trending (or ""threadsetters"") tab, edit button, likes and media tab, ability to save photos and videos, user generated alt text on photos, tagging users on photos/videos, cover photo, location tagging, and zooming/viewing of profile photos",4,2023-07-06 14:57:44 +Google Play,"Cannot save pictures & crashes posting pics! Twitter allows you to save any picture; Threads blocks downloads. On Twitter, I can easily post a picture; Threads crashes if I try to post a picture. Ridiculous! So far, this has been a pretty miserable app! I hope they fix it soon.",2,2023-07-10 02:00:46 +Google Play,It's good but has a few kinks. It needs settings like an in-app dark mode instead of it being tied to my phones settings. Along with features like direct messaging. Ads don't seem too intrusive but I'd like to see more in my feed from people I follow,4,2023-07-11 02:15:18 +Google Play,"No Dark mode, by far the biggest crime No way to create an account inside the app, you have to have an already existing account No desktop version, for an app like this to thrive it gotta have that Upon logging in you are stuck in an infinite loading loop on the main page, only once you close and open the app again does it properly load The attach icon could be moved to the side instead of under the reply so I don't need to scroll each time I wanna attach a photo Fix this ASAP, till then have 1",1,2023-07-06 09:54:04 +Google Play,"Threads has definitely grown on me, the algorithm has also gotten drastically better for me which helps a lot. It's only little problems I have with the app now. Wish there was an option to hide reposts from people I follow. Really wish we could pinch and zoom on images; and wish videos would unmute when opened. Otherwise, this is a tremendous first release. It seems to accomplish the goal of Twitter's For You page well and in a way that is enjoyable to use.",4,2023-07-08 10:51:28 +Google Play,"The Thread app is a fantastic tool for staying organized and connected with your friends, family, and colleagues. With its sleek and intuitive interface, it provides a seamless messaging experience that keeps conversations focused and clutter-free. One of the standout features of the Thread app is its unique threading system. It allows you to create separate threads within a conversation, making it easy",4,2023-07-07 01:28:56 +Google Play,"The app as a platform is great, besides the interface and stuff... but one only issue is that scrolling is low smooth plus I would like to suggest some ways to make Threads go incredibly stylish, such as the like button animation and the app's icon color matching for android 13+ However it's an excellent app that's looking to be perfect, thank you Marks crew 👌",4,2023-07-06 19:22:19 +Google Play,"-Need quick account switch function, I have to log out an log in each time for my multiple accounts. -Feed algorithm is way too random, close friends threads should be prioritized over everything else -Obvious features missing such as text character limit counter, media tab in profile -Hope the app will be more flexible like Twitter, like be able to see people's profile pictures full, etc -At the moment, the app is giving me kind of claustrophobic feeling due to missing features and UI, boring.",3,2023-07-07 02:27:47 +Google Play,"I dont know what happened but as soon as I log in into threads, its kind of a bug or something, my screen suddenly starts acting weird and the title and post begins to flicker. I reinstalled it many times but didn't worked. I can't even read a thing.",1,2023-07-09 05:44:31 +Google Play,"This feels like a beta version of an app. Was rolled out way too soon with the hopes of cashing in on the temporary Twitter rate limit issue. The app is a mess right now - no following tab, no way to turn off reposts from followers, no search button for topics, TL not in chronological order, no way to save pictures, no GIFs, no DMs, no Trending topics. Will never replace Twitter if these issues aren't fixed.",1,2023-07-09 14:12:14 +Google Play,"I understand it just released, but there's a lot to improve. Some things I think should be fixed/added: the option to search for tags or words; too many accounts I don't follow on my tl; chat system; stories; show the quotes for threads; allow us to select from gallery folders when selecting pics to post Edit: new issue, the app keeps closing whenever I try to post something",2,2023-07-07 12:32:31 +Google Play,Can't post 50mp photos in the app. The app crashes upon upload to a thread. But the standard sized photos seem to work fine. Would love to see more discovery options like using hashtags etc. I'm sure more things are in the works. The app works pretty fluid on my S23U. Nice!,4,2023-07-06 18:40:58 +Google Play,"Great app, but I think 2 issues have to be fixed,, First, it's gonna be better if the pictures/photos are downloadable, Second, when writing using 2 languages like Arabic & English in one thread, the order of the text gets messed up, so for a socialmedia where writing threads is the thing, I believe fixing this issue is necessary. Overall, creating this platform and this app is a great idea.",4,2023-07-06 20:06:16 +Google Play,I've only been using it for a day but so far so good. Feedback: the ability to save photos and post/reply with gifs. There's also no option to go through my folders in my gallery so when I pull up my gallery it's just all my photos and no way to access the different folders. The ability to sort the feed from either top or latest,4,2023-07-06 18:59:46 +Google Play,"Has a display picture uploading bug. I've tried to change my profile pic on 3 different devices but its still stuck as the plain white default one. Aside form this bug, the app is great, nice and simple. I enjoyed Twitter a lot before. I'm curious to see how the Threads vs Twitter fight goes.",3,2023-07-08 12:08:21 +Google Play,"The application works fine without problems, but there is a very noticeable minus there is no transfer in Threads, and you need to make two buttons, the first recommendation, the second on which you are subscribed, this is my personal opinion, otherwise 4 stars, I hope the developers will notice this, and by the way, me too programmer",4,2023-07-08 13:38:57 +Google Play,"Where to start! As highly anticipated app and I'm glad this feature were to exist as part of Instagram but as soon I'm finished with getting started I'm met with all screen bug (flashing, misplaced repeated jittered clones of everything everywhere) I'd wish I could send an internal feedback on it with attachments but can't due to bugs. // device info: Android version: Android 9 (FuntouchOS_9.1) Software version: PD1930CF_EX_A_1.18.0",1,2023-07-06 08:19:18 +Google Play,"Pretty good app apparently it's like classic Twitter. It could use a few tweaks and adjustments especially the ability to edit your thread and better audio support for videos as well as gif insertion, also a timeline just for the people you follow would be great too, but otherwise it's solid.",3,2023-07-06 22:01:19 +Google Play,"I like the concept, and it's good to start. However, it needs to be easier to follow people in your feed without opening the post and harder to highlight text. I kept accidentally highlighting while scrolling and clicking on posts when trying to follow someone.",3,2023-07-10 23:24:39 +Google Play,Overall I love the app. However.... I have not been able to follow new people or follow back any of my new followers for over 3 days now and I can not get anyone to help with this issue. Ive even tried to become verified but guess what can't do that either. This is very very frustrating!!!!! 3 stars because of this issue could be 5 if someone from support could help me out.** 5 days now so I'm going to start dropping the stars.,2,2023-07-15 12:45:20 +Google Play,"It's a good app ...but then things need to be corrected ... Work on typing, You need to see what you are typing ... Not just typing blindly.. ,,,while using the app replying a post with a photo media the media blocks your view and you can't see what you are typing ... Plus the post button should be easily accessible.. Work on interacting with your users that's why your notification is there. Send a notification to notify a user if the user have been limited to carryout some certain activities",3,2023-07-08 15:22:52 +Google Play,"No interaction with people you follow. Period. You'll be lucky to see a post that isn't a business or verified account. No rhyme or reason to posts that the feed shows you. This is the same as the ad riddle Instagram platform but worse at this point in time. If you could filter by only people you follow, MAYBE this would salvageable. But as it is now this isn't worth using over Instagram or any other service. There's little to no functionality and it's not even close to chronological.",1,2023-07-06 14:07:07 +Google Play,"App with Limited Login Options I recently tried out an app that caught my interest due to its promising features and positive reviews. However, my experience quickly turned sour when I realized that the app did not allow login with a Google ID. This limitation significantly hindered my ability to conveniently access the app and affected my overall user experience. One of the main advantages of using Google login is the convenience it offers. With just a few taps, I can seamlessly access.",1,2023-07-07 13:33:12 +Google Play,"Overall, the app is good. Its performance is great for it being initial release. A few suggestions: -Ability to only see followed accounts on timeline -Trending page -Cover photo -Dark mode Pros: -My system font works on this app, while it doesn't work on other similar apps.",4,2023-07-10 13:14:50 +Google Play,"Seemed like a great new alternative at first, but it still has Instagram's garbage moderation and is constantly crashing on me. You open it up and see nudity, slurs, and threats immediately and the moderation team just goes ""nah its staying lol"" and that's it. Still better than the alternative, but not by much",3,2023-07-07 09:47:58 +Google Play,"App keeps crashing and is effecting my Instagram (it keeps crashing) when I delete Thread my Instagram works fine. But when I download Thread again both my apps glitches. Thread prevents me from mentioning anyone, the app closes and if I'm typing a long Thread the app will close. There is a bug in the system. Need an update ASAP.",1,2023-07-09 12:08:32 +Google Play,"Missing features: - Selecting text while typing, we can't select to delete, cut, or copy ! - Right-text alignment for Arabic .. - The search bar is only for searching threaders not threads‘ content about a specific topic .. I faced an error: I turned on notifications for an account, then later turned them off, still sending notifications. Unfollowed then re-followed the account, notifications persist. I restricted the account yet receiving them !!",3,2023-07-08 12:24:25 +Google Play,"This thing is joyless. It has the basic functions of insta but with words. No way to control what you see on you dashboard, or even order things chronologically. I will see one or two posts from people I follow before there's an endless stream of influencer and celebrity thoughts that I don't follow or care about. I tried it for a day and will not be using it again unless there are major changes and way more memes.",1,2023-07-08 13:06:53 +Google Play,"it's on a good start to be a good socmed app, i just have some problems with it: 1. there is only a for you page, you have to see what the algorithm wants you to see and there's no way to only see posts from accounts you follow. 2. it could he more clear with the data it's taking. simply saying ""other data"" when explaining what data meta takes from us is not transparent. 3. the search section sucks, there is no trending page, no hashtags, and you can only search for accounts",2,2023-07-08 06:25:59 +Google Play,"It functions almost exactly like Instagram except worse in the way that your feed is literally no one you follow, just a bunch of suggested people. There seems to be little to no option to toggle that, which at *least* IG does. Also come up with a more fun and silly name for resharing posts the way ""retweet"" exists? ""Reposting"" is a completely different concept. Like the right-click save + reupload kind. That would add like a modicum of personality, at least :/",1,2023-07-07 12:25:38 +Google Play,"UPDATE: App works perfectly fine since the update. ORIGINAL REVIEW: The app runs fine, but I can't check out my account's Following list, as well as other accounts Following lists either to follow accounts I recognize from other platforms (the same Following list error/glitch has been happening on Instagram, too). Hopefully this error/glitch will be addressed soon in a future app update.",5,2023-07-13 05:26:16 +Google Play,"Doesn't work at all. I'm unable to check notifications nor my profile (""Sorry, something went wrong."" error). I also can't post anything (""Your thread failed to upload."" error). Additionally threads in feed are displayed randomly, threads from people i follow are almost impossible to spot in between so spammy, unrelated content.",1,2023-07-15 18:07:33 +Google Play,"It's a good start at competition for Twitter but more work is needed. I cannot search for specific posts, suggestions for who to follow is not something I have seen, and finally there should be a web version sooner than later. For most of us looking for a Twitter replacement, it's much faster to replicate a followers list on a full keyboard tha it is on mobile.",3,2023-07-06 17:38:49 +Google Play,I am facing an issue with this application. Whenever I am trying to reply or quote a video the application shuts off by itself and that video disappears. It's happening from the day one that I had downloaded threads. Please fix that problem. Thank you.,1,2023-07-19 13:02:24 +Google Play,"Media consumption is mediocre, the default audio setting for videos are muted. You have to click the tiny mute icon to unmute it instead of just pressing your volume up button. Could you please fix that and make it like Instagram's controls? Every video I tap on, I end up skipping to the end because the hit box on the mute/unmute button is so tiny.",3,2023-07-07 09:03:43 +Google Play,"there's no point in following user profiles because their content can't be seen on my homepage. instead my homepage is drowning in an ocean of junk content that the app has decided i should want to view, but that i don't care for at ALL. i can't even find threads using the search bar, only profiles. and following a profile is nearly useless anyway because their content is NOWHERE to be seen on my homescreen",1,2023-07-09 17:29:36 +Google Play,"This app definitely has potential but I have one giant problem. It glitches insanely where if I scroll, the text and photos get dragged along with it. I dunno how to explain it, but I posted a screenshot of my experience with it on dammit.bekah though I think it's just a me problem.",2,2023-07-07 23:11:48 +Google Play,"The app is very messy, there's a strange effect where I see every post as an afterimage, smeared across the screen. I look forward to seeing what the app is like, after the issue is resolved",1,2023-07-09 13:07:38 +Google Play,"This app surprisingly is a lot like Twitter minus a lot of the negative stuff. But it's clean sleek you. I really shows you how little there is to do on either platform. You can't direct message anybody, it's even hard to see what my friends are actually saying. My whole feed is a bunch of people I've never met, I don't follow, and no one's reposting it that I follow. Overall a solid experience compared to Twitter but somehow this app makes you realize how boring it is.",2,2023-07-08 22:24:02 +Google Play,"The app, I think, is cool. It still needs work. I wish when you're about to post a picture there was a way to choose what gallery album to go into. It gets annoying having to scroll through all my pictures to find what I need.",3,2023-07-11 23:22:20 +Google Play,"Pretty good so far. I just have some minor problems. First: Push notifications for individual profiles don't seem to be working at the moment. I've turned push notifs on for multiple accounts, I've seen that they've posted multiple times now, and I never got a notification for any of those posts. Second: I don't like that the feed shows so many people that I don't follow",3,2023-07-07 01:53:37 +Google Play,"It's pretty glitchy, not going to lie. I'm going to uninstall it for now because it keeps saying ""Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later"" no matter what i did, it just would not work, so I can't even use it anyways, what the point of using up storage space. I like the idea though, it's just too early. Maybe I'll reinstall it in a couple weeks? A month? 2 months? How long do you think it takes to get all the glitches out?",3,2023-07-15 03:07:45 +Google Play,"I really love this app, but dear Devs, please help: I was in the zone with the bad internet, where I got an error saying that the feed cannot be loaded. But when I came home, the problem didn't disappear. And unfortunately, I still cannot post for some reason, see my threads and likes. I cleaned cache, reinstalled the app, checked the network access. How can I solve this?",1,2023-07-21 22:13:52 +Google Play,"Bakwas app! I felt hopeless, after close the app! Too much negative news poling! App is crashing while something write here, Just like, If I add paragraph, losing the words, why? Fix this. And that's not finish. We can't save photos from posts that like most! More over, Videos are voiceless! Very bad experience!!",1,2023-07-06 16:01:57 +Google Play,Not perfect but could be great if they begin minor improvements like hashtags and more comprehensive search. Runs really smooth and UI is clean and simple. Hopefully it doesn't get too bloated and busy like Instagram. A lot better than the cess pool that is Twitter.,5,2023-07-22 08:30:25 +Google Play,"Personally, I think the way u arranged the username and userID/accountID is very confusing: -In the Search page, the hierarchy of a profile goes from userID to username; but after u go into their profile page, the hierarchy is the complete opposite -Makes me wondering again which one is ID which one is name -It feels like u combine the interface of twitter and IG, but it turned out confusing instead -I suggest maybe try to arrange the consistency of the hierarchy next time u update the app? Tq",3,2023-07-07 13:23:49 +Google Play,"The app is good, but the app is unnecessary. With a/an Facebook/Instagram/Twitter previously in use, I find minimal usage for a [new] version of the same apps. Also... you will delete your personal IG account when you delete Threads, which is not only redundant, but a directly violation of my intellectual rights, and there is no NDA, MOU/MOA, or any other contractual agreements within the terms and agreements, prior to you logging in, and/or your account being pre-setup by the [app], itself.",4,2023-07-11 18:43:10 +Google Play,"I realize the app is in its infancy, but this thing is really inconvenient. I can only use the app from my phone to post. I can't use it on my laptop at all, not even taking something from my Instagram page and crossposting. Please fix this. Allow us to post from devices other than just phones. I have failing eyesight and this becomes a real problem for me because my phone screen (and anything I write using it) is so small.",1,2023-07-14 16:47:49 +Google Play,"Meh, I'm on the fence about it. I know it's new but it has a bunch of things that needs fixing. The timeline, if that's what it's called, needs to show stuff from who I follow, not everyone. I'll check the replies for those comments. Need a dark mode option and ability to make fonts BIGGER and maybe a bold option as well. Also a definite need is when you open the app or refresh the thread, don't go all the way to the top. Keep the thread where I left off, thanks.",2,2023-07-09 20:26:30 +Google Play,"Glad to be on board and excited to use the app, but on Android, we can only access our ""gallery"" and not photos from individual folders, which means I can't find any of the photos I want to share. Attempting to share multiple photos from the ""photos"" app results in the app crashing.",2,2023-07-06 10:07:28 +Google Play,"The concept of the app is good. But the app needs some optimization. There are some glitches in the app And it's draining my device's battery. So after some times, I need to fixed my battery issues. Make threads more compatible. Please fixed this problems as soon as possible.",3,2023-07-11 04:04:30 +Google Play,"Missing a bunch of things I would like (some of which they eventually plan to add). Since it is still in its infant phase there are some bugs and hiccups that need to be fixed such as the homepage glitching out while reloading, lack of order in which posts will arrive on the feed etc.",4,2023-07-12 07:52:47 +Google Play,"The timeline is chaotic. There should be a way for individuals to control/choose what they wanna see and who they wanna read. Also, there should be a way to turn off automatic media (video) play. Other than these, the app is going to be an amazing one.",3,2023-07-06 20:05:43 +Google Play,This is likely the most overhyped program in the history of forever. The news feed desperately needs filters and there's just not a lot of organization or structure to it. It's basically just a reformatted version of Facebook.,2,2023-07-12 04:29:26 +Google Play,"So far, so good. I would like there to be a viral feature or something that allows me to actually see the posts of the people who I'm following. All I've been seeing are random blue check marks all morning. Another problem is that the app keeps crashing when I try to see the replies to other people's posts. Every time. It's annoying. I know it's a new app, and I'm just saying that there needs to be a few fixes. Thank you for the new opportunity to grow.",3,2023-07-07 12:14:09 +Google Play,"An excellent start to a new social network! The app runs smoothly on my Pixel, it hasn't crashed once for me. Yes, this Meta app collects data, but if you already have Facebook and Instagram installed on your phone, adding Threads doesn't make a difference. Love the interface, it's clean and easy on the eyes.",5,2023-07-12 16:00:37 +Google Play,"A great first experience considering that it's a v1 app. thing to improve, app crashes are frequent, looks a little weird on large screens (tablets), and a lot of missing features. what makes it special tho is that it kinda reminded me of the first few years of Twitter.",3,2023-07-07 13:09:43 +Google Play,It's ok but it's missing a lot of features and some of the things it has already is pretty buggy. I can't get videos to play with sound on. Either you watch with no sound or it freezes immediately.,2,2023-07-12 19:06:10 +Google Play,There are way too many random people on my timeline. The algorithm is terrible because they don't even appear on my Instagram. They are not related to anything I interact with. I'd prefer it if the default tab were to be for mutuals only.,2,2023-07-07 13:13:11 +Google Play,"I like how the app loads much faster and lighter than others, the ui is appealing But some things are much needed to be added to the app: 1.Trending 2.Search by post text 3.Saving images to gallery 4.Saving/Bookmarking threads 5.Dark mode for OLED screens (completly black), this may be optional ""Two types of dark mode and one light mode or more to choose from"" 6.When typing english words between arabic words text flips (I think this is a bug)",3,2023-07-08 10:55:16 +Google Play,This is a quick suggestion! While uploading files their is no option to navigate to sub directories... You only have an option to upload via gallery as a whole... I mean only all the media from the phone is visible.. No navigation option for subdirectory is available... Please incorporate the change.,3,2023-07-08 13:28:50 +Google Play,"So far the hype is promising. However if you can adjust your ""post"" button after typing a message i have to click the ""back"" button to access the ""post"" button which will be hidden behind the keyboard. Kinda inconvenient - but of course it's not the finished product yet....",3,2023-07-06 15:34:49 +Google Play,"Good app for early days but would like to see quick adoption of more standard features like a sort button on the home page, better search features, a dedicated friends list and better integration with the other meta apps. Great for a launch product though.",3,2023-07-07 08:48:17 +Google Play,"So far a smooth interface, but these are to be worked on; a) App has no dark theme, it bugs when you try linking with Instagram settings. b) To be more interactive, users should read quotes. c) You can't save/download media. d) Having a trend table would widen the public discourse. e) The profile page looks bland, a header should be added, then a face lift. f) When typing, my keboard covers my text. I can't see what I type. g) a DM feature should be added. h) App settings made independent.",2,2023-07-08 13:17:27 +Google Play,"Not bad as a new app.. however, it does need a few improvement of features as well as some new features... I hope also that it will be allowed to navigate through different accounts just like Instagram. I have multiple accounts for multiple purposes and I would like to have separate threads accounts that are easily navigated through.",3,2023-07-09 14:51:07 +Google Play,"Overall a good experience so far, however could be improved. I have only used it for a day but inability to properly search by topics makes me feel like I see posts which are irrelevant to me than the posts which I can relate to. It would be helpful to have hashtags available but I understand that at the moment, the app is a new launch and still has a lot of development to go through. Hopefully will be able to give five stars in the future.",3,2023-07-10 18:50:24 +Google Play,"Super buggy, attachments crash the app any time I try one as a reply, or if it was a screenshot in my gallery, or if it's a large image. Also my keyboard pops up and covers what I'm typing so I can't see typos. Super unpolished app.",1,2023-07-07 20:49:54 +Google Play,"Pros -Friendly UI design -Easy account transfer -Complimentary addition to Instagram Cons -Default For You/Following Page mashed together -Search function searches users and not keywords, mentions, or tags -No messaging funtion through Threads -No ""exploring"" page (similar to that of Instagram's ""Search"" Page I'm sure the cons I listed are slated to be updated/changed/implemented; However cons such as these should have been considered before launch. Considering compeition.",3,2023-07-07 01:36:17 +Google Play,"The user experience so far so good, clean and neat, and easy to navigate through, my biggest problem with it, that there's no Dark Mode so far, and the people following you can easily find and follow you back, which is a thing that I should choose instead of the system choosing it for me, I acknowledge it's an Instagram App, but when it to comes to the user choice, it's better to let the following stuff up the users themselves, not automatically you find the same list migrating to threads..",3,2023-07-08 06:20:35 +Google Play,"It is a great app. but still need an improvement. it would be great if you message feature to share a thread to your friend because right now share through other app is the only way. maybe a feature to know people who follow you back and to view liked thread. last, add the ability to add gif to your thread.",3,2023-07-07 01:02:22 +Google Play,There's some features missing at the moment which is understandable and I look forward to future updates but there's a huge issue for me on this app. I try upload more than one photo it crashes and refuses to open for a few minutes hopefu this can be fixed,4,2023-07-08 13:19:17 +Google Play,"I haven't run into many issues, mostly because I'm not much of a poster so I'm not adding photos and everything else, BUT the past couple of days my feed is full of accounts I don't follow. Sometimes it's because someone I follow commented or rethreaded it, but that's not usually the case anymore. I use the app to keep up with and engage with the people I actually follow, not everyone else",2,2023-07-15 04:18:22 +Google Play,"It is good. It feels fun and addictive in some way. However, I feel that Twitter was better because it had tags and we could browse current events and news. These features unfortunately don't exist in Threads. I hope that tags and searching for news or specific topics would be added to the app.",2,2023-07-07 16:45:54 +Google Play,"I am giving it a two star because I appreciate what you'll are trying to give us,but I wished that there could be more functions available in it. Like a translation option it will help us because some of the thing in it are from a different language so to understand that we need a translation option. I look forward for more development in this application and wish that you won't ignore this review and look into the matter deeply.",2,2023-07-19 01:06:40 +Google Play,"Update: i tried to reinstall the app to find that they changed the system and prevent us from sign up with email and that we have to use the Instagram account !!! If i want to make account aside from insta why forceing me to not to do it ? I tried to sign up but in the last step when you have to agree to the policy i tap agree but my process end their, everything was good till this step , agree just start reload than nothing happened and than tap again and the same",1,2023-07-06 13:09:21 +Google Play,"I absolutely loving my time in here. However, there needs to be a dedicated feed for people you follow and not just random people mixed in with followed. And for the mixed feed, it needs to be based on your interests. Right now the posts mixed in your feed are from completely random people with no rhyme or reason. Even people speaking different languages. A huge flaw in this app. It also needs a proper, fully functioning website.",3,2023-07-13 20:13:43 +Google Play,"There is no need to build and launch this app. However, if zuke wasted a lot of money in copy paste work. The app is useless. It crashes, features doesn't work, @ is not working, design is not very user-friendly, and why it is connected to Instagram?",1,2023-07-08 05:43:15 +Google Play,"User experience is very good compared to Twitter, but some features are missing, for example I can't on my profile people I m following, and I also can't see others following list, hope this feature will arrive soon, and the logo of the app is not looking professional. Hope they don't add promoted content too much, like Twitter.",2,2023-07-06 14:43:57 +Google Play,It was working fine then all of a sudden logged out and logged me out of Instagram. I was able to log back in to Instagram but not Threads. Trying to reinstall but now it's not installing. (?) Update: Was able to reinstall. I don't know what happened. Maybe a possible hack? Good thing I have some safety precautions in place.,3,2023-07-08 02:12:09 +Google Play,Love it so far but it needs improvement. It really needs hashtags. And I hate that celebs and business' are what you mainly see. I wanna see the smaller people. I want to be able to find artist. And I want a way to share my post to people who would be interested in it rather than hopeing a stranger likes it. The algorithm is working but it could use improvement.,3,2023-07-12 14:42:19 +Google Play,"So far, so good. It's still in the early stages, and more features are being created as it's used, but so far, the experience has been great, and the community is supportive, positive, and helpful. There seems to be a concerted effort on the new users to block disinformation, hate speech, racism, and focus on sharing facts and real news.",5,2023-07-24 11:14:06 +Google Play,"Needs filters for the newsfeed. I don't care about ""things that might interest you""! I just want to see the posts of the people that I follow, that's IT! Overall, a nice app, but too much spam from the suggested content. Needs filters. Badly.",3,2023-07-07 16:13:01 +Google Play,"Needs a TON of work, but I will hold out hope. There is no real search. No GIF keyboard. Some glaring bugs. Definitely released early, but with that in mind, it is quite smooth for what it does.",2,2023-07-14 00:18:08 +Google Play,"Simplified is one of the many AI tools I have tried and is my favorite so far. I appreciate the rewrite tool (it is the one I use the most). Sometimes I can't get my thoughts together, but this tool perfectly organizes and cleans up those thoughts for me. I can rely on it to provide me with a professional and clean rewrite copy which I have used to update my resume. This is just one of the few things it does other than being able to continue your writing or (pun intended) simplify it.",5,2023-07-07 11:33:46 +Google Play,"Good start. Missing some very useful features that are on the... bird app (and other social media platforms) like a followers/following only feed, and the UI could use some touching up, but otherwise, this is a good start for a new social media platform.",4,2023-07-07 12:09:38 +Google Play,"I am happy with the app so far. I wish that there were a few other features, like a favorites list or following tab so that I could switch back and forth. It is nice to be able to see people with similar interests and not be buried under bots and other hateful content. I am looking forward to future updates.",4,2023-07-23 23:36:09 +Google Play,"There is no option to edit typo mistakes. I can't see where to add a video. In fact, I can't see where to add or post anything! Managed it once but don't know how? My icons seem to be missing! Using tablet and tried phone! Doesn't flow for me! I'll wait until it works properly before I invest too much time with it!",1,2023-07-10 20:28:25 +Google Play,"The app is mostly fine (just Instagram's version of Twitter basically), but my main issue is how there's no way to turn off suggested posts so all the people I follow just get drowned in a bunch of threads from people I don't care about. The only way I've figured out how to get rid of them is by muting individual accounts, but that's way too much effort.",3,2023-07-07 14:56:33 +Google Play,"pretty good idea as an extension of instagram, though lately theres this bug happening where nothings loading, i cant check my notifications, threads, or refresh my feed because 'an error occurred.' i'm not sure if im the only one experiencing this, but i hope it gets fixed quickly.",3,2023-07-06 18:23:13 +Google Play,"I can't even use it properly. When I started to scroll or at least go to the other tabs it started to glitch and overlaps everything. Please fix this bug in the next update, I can't have the same experience like what my other friends does.",1,2023-07-10 03:10:05 +Google Play,"It would be great if I were able to follow back people. Their ""spam trap"" has me as a false positive. I have submitted a support ticket 3 times & replied to their Thread about the problem several times, but no response. It's beyond frustrating and I'm almost ready to delete my account. If the problem gets fixed, I'll add more stars to my rating and change my review.",1,2023-07-22 01:51:33 +Google Play,"what is wrong with having to press the speaker button if u want to upload a video huh?? the button is so tiny and most of the times users forgot to press that button... it's so stupid. Also, what is the purpose of following someone if we're gonna see random people's postings in our tl anyway?? Do not see where you are going with this honestly. Except for the smoothness of the UI, the UX is noticably worse than its' competitors.",3,2023-07-10 11:48:36 +Google Play,"It is difficult to claim this is a ""stand alone"" application, as you need an Instagram account to access it. I do not use Instagram, and will probably not make any further attempt to use Threads either. First impression is... no impression at all.",1,2023-07-07 08:30:15 +Google Play,"So far, so good! We need to be able to select what album we want to post a picture from. Right now, it doesn't give us that option. Also, when we reply to someone, it looks like it's all part of a thread instead of showing who we're replying to. Good start, little fixes here and there to make it work.",4,2023-07-07 01:59:01 +Google Play,First installed on my iPhone. Worked OK for a few days but then stopped showing notifications (just keeps saying try again). Refreshing doesn't help. Reinstalling doesn't help. Can't see comments on other posts. Tried the Android version and got exactly the same experience. Needs fixing,3,2023-07-15 11:20:00 +Google Play,I wish the photos/videos/reals not take up most of the page and makes it feels like another insta app ! Likes to be as close as Twitter copycat and let the priority rest on the text and people's posts mostly ! Wish there is an easier option to weed ourselves out of all those insta followers to follow us back here,3,2023-07-07 19:58:23 +Google Play,Glitches out at random moments and you have to reload the app. Maybe once it progresses it'll stabilise. Urgent need of a translate option. Also the option of saving a thread would be nice. Also pining threads would be a step in the right direction.,3,2023-07-07 07:42:14 +Google Play,"A terrible app that nobody needed. Nothing works here as it should. The UI is cluttered, with ads all over the pages and the reels integration is a nightmare. Talking about Privacy in context to Meta is a lost cause so I won't dwell much on that.",1,2023-07-23 08:02:30 +Google Play,"I hope that it will have a dark mode feature, and also to have messages, so atleast we can send photo, video or vm there. I also hope that there could be a feature where you can also put video and photo stories. Lastly, it is too hard to switch account, so I hope you can do something with it. Thank you.",3,2023-07-06 20:38:46 +Google Play,"App feels really great community has taken it very well. But I will have to give 2 starts cus this app don't like my best photograph I took I can't upload it every single time I try to upload that particular photo and upload fails i don't know why but please fix this. And if you devs want to checkout the file that's causing problem fell free to reach out, I would love to help and have a better Twitter alternative. Anyways good work on UI and stuff👍",2,2023-07-07 15:19:26 +Google Play,Still very buggy and not usable. Threads disapear. Bio gets synced with IG even after correcting this a couple times. Also not happy with all the permanence of it. Want more control over the data and privacy and data ownership.,2,2023-07-07 21:56:33 +Google Play,"It was great at the beginning. Now, text threads are failing to post. I reinstalled the app, cleared the cache, changed the internet connection, and still have the same problem. Very disappointing",1,2023-07-23 21:19:54 +Google Play,"It was working perfectly until a few days ago and now I can't see anything in my activity tab, I can't post any new threads, I can't reply to any threads, I can only see the first post in a thread but none of the replies. I can still like threads and follow people and that's it. It's pretty much useless to have a social media app if I can't interact with any of my friends and followers. So disappointed. I really thought I had found a viable replacement for that trainwreck of a blue bird app.",1,2023-07-16 20:30:24 +Google Play,"Problem1 : WHERE IS THE FOLLOWING TAB?? Problem2 : when I type in a text, and it lengthens , the text doesn't scroll up. Instead it gets covered underneath the on screen keyboard I'm typing on making it impossible for me to view the text while I'm typing it. Desired features : those 5 reaction from Facebook next to the standard Heart Like. And the no. Of views on a threads like Twitter has.",3,2023-07-10 03:00:08 +Google Play,"It's just a Twitterised version of Instagram. Nothing more nothing else. And after a few weeks on its full of unwanted, unsavoury, bogus, fake-ish accounts that no one wanted and no one asked for. Since signing on all I've been doing is blocking and muting accounts. And the fact that it lacks so many features up until this day. Say what you will but I would rather stay in Twitter and Instagram.",1,2023-07-19 15:52:26 +Google Play,"As soon as I got logged in on the app the entire thing is an unusable glitchy mess. I can't even see my screen, it's just pixels tearing in every direction. I'm guessing it hasn't even come close to being optimized for every device yet.",1,2023-07-06 02:29:08 +Google Play,"Not only are serious security shortcomings prevalent, but placing ""Post"" & other interactive buttons at the bottom of the page means they are obscured by QWERTY & Google keypads on most smartphones. By comparison Twitter has all functions top of page.",2,2023-07-10 08:54:59 +Google Play,It's a new trending app ..it's good but I think that there is something you should fix it... like there is no conversation feature... sometimes it's lack when you scrolling ...in settings there should be set dark theme...if you have android version 10 or you have iOS 14 latest version then you can enable dark theme if you don't have you can't....but it is not so bad not so good...😃,3,2023-07-12 16:01:48 +Google Play,"Threads, an Instagram app is a big no-no for me. The app is glitchy, slow, and boring. It's like a bad version of Twitter that nobody asked for. Why would I want to use another app to share text updates and join public conversations when I can already do that on Instagram or Twitter? The app also makes me nervous about my privacy and security, as it may share my data with third parties without telling me. Threads, an Instagram app is not worth my time or my phone's memory.",1,2023-07-16 13:55:03 +Google Play,"Totally blank feed after following several top accounts. App just seems broken and doesn't do anything. No messages appear, no content. Searching for users works and following them works. But there are no feeds whatsoever after adding them.",1,2023-07-06 14:58:44 +Google Play,"I just downloaded this tonight, but I already have a bunch of feelings. First, PLEASE give us a Following tab where all posts from people I follow show up in chronological order. If I want to find new people I'll use this crazy looking algorithm you have going, but in the meantime, I'm just hiding and blocking and not really engaging with the accounts I truly want to see. But so far, the app seems pretty user-friendly. When I actually see a post from someone I follow, of course.",3,2023-07-07 06:41:59 +Google Play,Not working! I uninstalled and installed it twice already but yet I can't upload photos. I mean I was able to the moment i installed it the first day but now just today it keeps saying failed to upload it's not a problem in my end i already do the basic troubleshooting on my phone too I restarted my phone restarted the network check other social apps aswell as yt and netflix everything is fine. Uploaded on ig & fb it's already uploaded but the one on thread it's still not since 4am,1,2023-07-07 16:46:14 +Google Play,"Basic features work as expected. But it's about time we get a big update with more complex features like Edit Thread, Translate Thread, Ability to pin Threads, better Feed page, video player optimization and working hastagd. A trending page would be nice too. But current app is very good. 4/5.",4,2023-07-21 02:45:42 +Google Play,"Why you guys don't fix it's bugs when I first time downloaded it,it's login went good and then when I scroll it things are getting overlaped, I was not able to see a word , I deleted it and downloaded it again but the same problem occurs all the time , fix it as soon as possible",1,2023-07-11 06:27:28 +Google Play,"I don't like that I can't edit an image before I post it. Also, when I want to post a picture, all of my gallery just spills out, no folders. It's stressful. Asides these, it's a great app Ps. Can we get dark mood🙂",1,2023-07-08 20:19:20 +Google Play,"The app works fine, but you can't search topics by key phrases or hashtags which means the experience feels extremely curtated and walled off. The good parts about Twitter is that it made easy to discover new people to follow based on what they said as well as find authors and artists you wouldn't have found otherwise. Threads makes so you can't really do that. You can only follow people you already know exist and can't see art by people you don't follow or such.",2,2023-07-07 15:38:02 +Google Play,"My review can improve over time, but it needs alot of improvement... It crashes alot and shows some annoying things on my screen. Alot of un delivered post keep appearing on my screen and it's annoying.. I wish I could share my screen so you can see it",1,2023-07-19 08:23:15 +Google Play,"Great version of a certain social media app. Please add the ability to switch accounts though! I have multiple Instagram accounts which I can easily switch between, therefore I have multiple Threads accounts which I would like to be able to switch between.",4,2023-07-07 02:15:39 +Google Play,I get severe ghosting issues from the app. It goes away when I open the task switcher then return to the app but happens again when I do anything as simple as scroll. I'm sure it's the app cause all other apps aside from this are fine. My phone is a Sony Experia XZ Premium G8141 running Android 9 Build 47.2.A.10.107,1,2023-07-06 16:03:41 +Google Play,"This is very alternative for the blue bird app. It's actually fun and less toxic but there's some features that are still missing 1. Following Tab, as much as I like seeing people's threads, I wanna see the one I followed. 2. Hashtags, I mean if you wanna trend something you gotta use that. 3. Trending, I'm sorry I'm so used to looking at what's the trends ATM 4. Functional Search button. Not only the person you can search but pretty much everything",5,2023-07-21 17:24:12 +Google Play,"I really really liked this app . I downloaded it today and at evening it's starting to get glitching like whenever I'm scrolling the texts and pics are showing multiple times . I even uninstalled it and reinstalled it but the problem is still same , please fix it I hope to get a reply 😟",4,2023-07-07 15:50:26 +Google Play,"Okay, I'll let you know the reason for my 3 stars. This app is okay, I just have a little problem with it. It has the same issue Instagram has. Its difficult to know those who are following you. On the followers list, they should be something like an icon that tells you someone is following back so one can easily unfollow those that aren't following back. Please make this update, it's really useful.",3,2023-07-09 17:02:18 +Google Play,After a few days of using the app here are the things I hope to be updated. 1. For you feed. I see random people more than people I actually follow. 2. Hashtags. I think this will help with reach and engage with people of your niche. 3. Dark Mode option. 4. Gallery tab. It's frustrating having to scroll down just to find an image I wanted to post. 5. Writing a reply. I cannot see anything I write because the keyboard blocks it while typing. 6. Algorithm. Everything is so random at the moment.,3,2023-07-08 09:00:59 +Google Play,"It's good but not that good. Need more optimization and UI feels boring. What I want to see doesn't come in this app. What I want to see must come, like Instagram. Otherwise the app will become unusable for everyone and this app has mute, block, hide options not has ""Not interested in this video"" or threads"" hope you understand what I'm trying to say here.",3,2023-07-07 18:54:11 +Google Play,"so far, so good. there are still missing features in the app like DMs, camera, etc. (also the algo seems way off) but one thing i find disappointing is the dark mode feature. i've navigated the app to find the button to turn it on or off and sadly there isn't one. my phone (samsung android 9) has a theme on so it cannot turn to dark mode and it doesn't make apps turn to dark mode. please, please, please add a dark mode feature as it may help other users like me browse more comfortably!",3,2023-07-09 09:34:09 +Google Play,"The graphics are phenomenal. Please add trends based on location and a follow/unfollow button on each thread ellipse button options, and also add DMs. Otherwise, a game changer this one. Kudos to the team! PS don't sell the blue check!",4,2023-07-09 01:10:31 +Google Play,App is overall good but you have to click everytime on 🔇 to get the video sound. This is too much irritating. I want sound version like insta. There we didn't need everytime click on sound to play sound. Everything is good 👍 Solve my problem & I'll change my review to 5⭐. Thank You!,3,2023-07-22 15:31:54 +Google Play,"its okay, hard to explore new content, there is no explore page yet. hard to find trending content/current content. the app is very bare bones at the moment but it does what it needs to. i would like to see trending content/ news content, and a way to explore new content without scrolling past new posts from accounts i currently follow on the home page",4,2023-07-13 19:54:58 +Google Play,I guess it's too early for this app to be released cuz it has a lot of issues and missing important features like: - the design is so random literally copy of Instagram with some Twitter things - profile page is so boring it doesn't even have header - how the heck there is no dark theme?? - ain't no way this app doesn't have direct messages - not even hashtags - the setting option are so little - too slow to share post or delete it - no gifs - recommending random people post not interested to,1,2023-07-06 03:03:50 +Google Play,"Publicity highly misleading. Should be a stand-alone app but instead it's only available tied to your Instagram account. If it WERE stand-alone, I would most probably use it - the world needs an alternative to Twitter... AND to Instagram (even though they're both Meta). Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-15 02:19:39 +Google Play,"The app so far looks good, but the one issue I have is that when I try to upload a photo, the app crashes. There are a lot features that the app needs at the moment that people mentioned (also a web version would good since I'm at my computer a lot), but it feels rushed.",4,2023-07-07 20:43:02 +Google Play,"Good Start, but intermittent bugs. Today, as I was following people back, it would periodically start flashing this box that said, ""Something went wrong, try again,"" that box would vanish & then reappear like a strobe with no way to exit, other than force stopping the app. Then, once restarted, all the people I'd just followed would just show as new requests, even though I'd just followed them? Frustrating! These glitches all started since the update yesterday",3,2023-07-13 02:22:51 +Google Play,"Decent app with the most basic of microblogging functionality. Only big due to the brand name - had this been any startup, this would have been dead in the water. Lacks basic functionality such as a web interface and user sign-ups without having to tie an Instagram account. Block feature is also not working as you can still see the posts of a blocker user.",3,2023-07-13 00:16:17 +Google Play,"Like most people are saying, the app is decent. It does need more features. You can't save photos or videos from your feed. It also needs a view media only mode. I believe that eventually everybody will migrate from Twitter over to this app, once the updates & new features come in.",3,2023-07-11 06:47:46 +Google Play,"It's pretty bare as an app, but that also means you can only add-on features at this point, which is exciting. There's needs to be an easier way to go from Instagram to Threads. Having two apps is a bit much. It would be cool if they could both live in the same space",3,2023-07-18 03:12:44 +Google Play,"A welcome option to get away from Twitter, but migration, though painless, comes without a few much needed aspects. Searching by keywords for posts about a subject can't be done. No option to see trending subjects either. And the app does not always keep its last position, resulting sometimes in restarting from the very beginning of your feed. The recent update fixed the jerky scrolling; everything else is pending more updates!",3,2023-07-13 21:28:55 +Google Play,"I don't really see the appeal of this. Yeah it's a rival to twitter and whatnot but for now, it doesn't look too promising. Boring interface, no option for what's shown in our feed, no explore or trending page, even no hashtags. The moderation system works though, and the filters are good unlike twitter where it's way less moderated there. But overall twitter is still a better app in my opinion.",3,2023-07-07 11:58:51 +Google Play,"I have been experiencing frequent crashes when trying to load replies and sometimes I don't see response from the like button. This app has great potential, right now what I'm looking for in the next update is a translate button.",3,2023-07-07 12:08:35 +Google Play,The app is glitching very much due to heavy amount of traffic. The written articles and captions are penetrating all over the tabs and screen. Couldn't perform specific tasks so please fix these issues as soon as possible.,1,2023-07-06 22:20:23 +Google Play,"First Impression of the app is good, but it would been better if there was a multi account login feature like in Insta and if it was connected with Insta with a user name instead of showing a number in the profile. And it will be better there will be option to like in Insta, by double taping.",4,2023-07-06 17:10:34 +Google Play,"There are many issues, first I can't edit my profile, it gives me error when pressing done button, second link to insta is not that great as pressing cancel on following on threads unfollowed people on insta, third I selected only few acc to follow from insta instead of every one on insta, but it's showing everyone following on insta as following on threads!",2,2023-07-07 08:34:59 +Google Play,"The posts in here are the most mundane, vapid junk I've ever seen. It seriously feels as if AI is making all the posts. On top of that there's no way to refresh the main (and only!!) Feed with new content. You are stuck with the same feed throughout the day, which only incrementally gets new content added to it as the day goes on.",1,2023-07-13 14:28:46 +Google Play,"Worst experience. Trying to upload the post since yesterday, 'Thread failed to upload' message pops up every time. Really frustrating. Did all the thing like , cleared cache, OS update n all. Still pathetic experience. These kind of things wasn't expected from a Meta product.",1,2023-07-10 14:21:18 +Google Play,Wish I'd done more research before downloading this app. Feed is filled with posts from people I don't follow and it's impossible to find posts from people I do. Now I can't delete it or Meta will also delete my Instagram account so that's how they trap you into keeping it. Turning off all notifications on this app and just won't use it since it's junk. Wish there was an option for zero stars!,1,2023-07-07 20:48:16 +Google Play,Want to like it so bad but it's not good. You can't search for anything but other accounts. You can't type in any words in the search bar and find other people talking about the same thing. Not trending topics. It's only a one timeline of people that threads suggests to you and its usually a celebrity or an influencer. The app isn't good.,1,2023-07-12 19:21:02 +Google Play,"I got regretted when I created an account at this trash app. Also it stopped working just because I'm in the country that the app is not available. I used VPN to access and after 2-3 days, the posts stopped showing and says ""something went wrong, try again"" and I can't post as well, and even If I want to deactivate my account it says ""failed to deactivate"". What's wrong with this trashy app. There is Twitter and is enough, there is no need for creating a clone trash with same idea as Twitter.",1,2023-07-16 13:50:47 +Google Play,App crashes when attaching an image. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S9 and I've seen others even on iPhone report this issue but no official acknowledgement of it seems to have released. I hope they fix this pretty quickly because it's a bit annoying.,3,2023-07-06 14:39:05 +Google Play,For now I give it 2 stars since the app interface just acting weirdly. Looks like the screen is gllitching all the time whenever I tried to scroll. Maybe because it's quite new app. Hopefully it got fixed soon. It's annoying to not be able to do anything.,2,2023-07-07 00:32:08 +Google Play,"Currently there is not any web interface option for computers, which is a HUGE issue for me (as well as for many others in my industry). I only access the competition (Twitter) via web browsers on my computer. I follow businesses and services in my industry during work (multi monitors in common place in my industry). No interest in following from my phone's little 6.8"" screen. Thanks for reading",3,2023-07-12 13:01:03 +Google Play,Such a waste! I don't think we need Threads. It has absolutely nothing to offer. Instagram is more than enough. It's just a weaker version of an ordinary social media app. Want to delete my account but that will instantly delete my Instagram account too. That's very bad and cheap tactics. I'm very disappointed. Shall delete my Instagram too.,1,2023-07-12 10:13:12 +Google Play,"It's interesting so far, but a lot of us use desktop way more than mobile apps. It took a long time for Instagram to figure that out, but they finally gave a half-assed desktop version. Threads ought to do the same. Maybe even full-assed. And FB should break the moratorium on parsing Threads links when sharing our profiles. Can't we all get along??",3,2023-07-06 00:52:32 +Google Play,"Threads is a fantastic blend of Twitter's essence and Instagram's seamless connectivity. With an emphasis on clean interface, it's a convenient way to stay connected with Instagram followers. If you're an Instagram enthusiast, Threads is definitely worth exploring.",4,2023-07-06 17:17:01 +Google Play,"Can't post photos, app crashes every time. Tried all the workarounds found on line, no joy! It is a cluster mess to read, just random posts from random people with few of the people I am following. This needs a lot work.",1,2023-07-08 18:50:53 +Google Play,"It kept crashing, especially when writing a new thread. I was repeatedly put off because of this and closed the app entirely. Hopefully it's fixed in a future update, I'll update my review once this app stops crashing.",3,2023-07-20 09:34:44 +Google Play,"I found some issues while scrolling the screen. I am using Android 9 , but when I scroll the screen it flickers or freezes on the same screen. I kindly request the Threads Team to solve this issue... Otherwise I like the app so much✔️...",2,2023-07-09 16:22:39 +Google Play,I cannot get this app to send notifications and I cannot get rid of Twitter until it does. Uninstalled/reinstalled. Logged out/logged in. Played with notification settings in app and in phone settings. Turned off battery optimization for app. No notifications.,1,2023-07-19 10:39:01 +Google Play,Features requests & bugs (so far) : - notification scrolling is very limited - only full gallery is available when looking for a file to attach - no ability to just switch accounts (you have to log out every time) - no dark mode (please for the love of my retinas!),4,2023-07-10 16:36:21 +Google Play,"It's decent thus far, it definitely needs a translate thread feature, you can't search keywords and there's no tags to find specific things, so there's no real way to 'grow' except for finding your friends on the app. You can post pictures and videos, quote threads and repost threads. There's no DM system, which is fair enough. I do expect the app to get better in coming updates, but for now it's kind of lacking.",3,2023-07-06 22:45:23 +Google Play,"When I set my phone to dark mode the app starts glitching as I scroll, all the content keeps collapsing on top each other and it's unreadable but it works smoothly on light mode. Apparently I'm not the only one who has this issue.",1,2023-07-07 06:36:30 +Google Play,"While uploading photos, it keeps getting kicked out of the app, while uploading photos, it shows that the photos are not coming in the form of files or positions, all of them come together, so many problems are faced.",1,2023-07-10 16:10:41 +Google Play,"Not bad app, it does have less features than twitter (like polls and desktop site), but more stuff is probably going to be added one day. I'm just happy that people can (kinda) see my threads without having to pay a subscription. Though, I have a few annoyances. Like paid verification. That's Twitter's thing. I get that it has the ID stuff but still, can you at least make it where if you have alot of followers you can get verified without the fee??",4,2023-07-08 21:52:45 +Google Play,It's a good app for spending some of your time without losing the track of time and waste more time like in Instagram and YouTube. It is starting so it is not perfect I think it should have reel s and all plus it should have personalized content because a lot of content I see on thread I don't even care about so they could improve this with updates. It is smooth and not laggy like Twitter with which it is competing. But privacy is a problem because meta is not good privacy,4,2023-07-09 03:57:06 +Google Play,"Only one account? So much for businesses being able to use it. It's 2023, you would think that this feature would be one of the first things added. Frustrating to say the least and am really not interested in trying this app anymore now that I realized that I can't have my business/fan pages on here and easily switch between them like Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/Twitter all have.",1,2023-07-07 03:37:45 +Google Play,"It was good at first but when I came on the app today it kept on crashing even when I cleared its cache. Please fix it. Edit: It seems like my problem has been fixed for now. As I said, the app is great, missing some features like search but other than that it's pretty good.",4,2023-07-08 01:40:01 +Google Play,"Looks very clumsy. Material design sucks. While trying to upload the media, unable to go to a specific folder in gallery app in Android. But works well in iOS. And no option to save images like Twitter. Why that specific option is not copied from Twitter?",1,2023-07-08 19:44:20 +Google Play,"I think the Threads app is not bad for a starting point, although it does tend to crash frequently in the background, but that could be attributed to its early development stage. I believe it will have impressive progress in the future.",4,2023-07-10 14:13:54 +Google Play,"It's a good start, but it could be better. Please fix how the bell notifications work. They don't really notify me when a person uploads. And please add hastags and a better way to see posts from people I follow. I barely see anything from people I follow. Also add a way to see reposts and a person's posts separately on their account. It looks kinda cluttered",2,2023-07-07 23:26:57 +Google Play,"-More than half the images make the app crash. -Some of the images that don't make the app crash seem to upload initially but then fails to upload -Only some images can be uploaded others (both jpeg and similar size) make the app crash. -Being able to choose folders in the device to share media files would be good instead of the most recent pictures. -Switch the account function would be useful, currently",3,2023-07-07 05:53:31 +Google Play,It's only just launched so I think we should give it a chance to grow but there's virtually no customization. You can't limit your feed to only accounts you follow and you can't create or filter your own feed via hashtags or keywords. This makes for a very bland and homogenized platform. The feed feels disorganized and strewn together with things I don't care about and don't find interesting. I would much prefer something that could be configured and adjusted to my own tastes.,3,2023-07-06 04:37:56 +Google Play,"Worst experience 😭😔, i have installed threads just now and its being really like threads 😞, the app has some bugs to be fixed. As i opened the app i the posts weren't clear and were over lapping each other, creating a mess on my screen. It needs to be fixed as early as possible.",1,2023-07-11 10:59:11 +Google Play,"The thread app is good app as I heard from my friends.but when I installed and opened the app,it's is something coming like it's having a bug on that.i think meta can rectify that types of errors and not only for me,i saw many of the review that they are also having some bug while opening it, hence meta want to rectify as soon as possible.",1,2023-07-11 18:54:20 +Google Play,"Quick, yes. I will need to be able to curate my feed at some point, but this initial flood of content is a goldmine for businesses! Threads Links from other apps (WhatsApp) don't open to the app. Rather, they open in Chrome! Loss of traffic.",4,2023-07-07 17:19:27 +Google Play,"The app is very interesting and I personally really like it. I hope that more new features will be added in the future. Similarly, it would be better if there was a facility to save posts and apply hashtags.I also really like the colors used for the app. Already this application has exceeded a large number of users. So, I believe that in the future this will be a very secure, reliable, indispensable application for people.",4,2023-07-07 03:21:06 +Google Play,"It's Good but I feel like it's going to need a little more to compete with Twitter. For example This app also needs a trending page similar to Twitter. You could also include something else that is original. I feel like it could have a little bit more to it. I know it just came out a couple days ago, but there needs to be something added if this is going to keep the hype up around the app.",4,2023-07-08 05:55:35 +Google Play,"It's clearly rolled out in a haste, but I appreciate the people who worked on this app. There is no method to add more than one profiles which we can toggle between on Instagram. So if we have 2 profiles on Instagram u can only use one. Hope this will be resolved soon.",3,2023-07-10 16:18:47 +Google Play,"So far so good. Seems to be working out some bugs, I keep getting kick out the app whenever I try to respond to comments. My phone also provided a pop-up stating that it has bugs. So I'm hoping that works itself out bc I really do enjoy it.",3,2023-07-07 12:35:44 +Google Play,"Best and worst Twitter replacement. Interface is very fluid, intuitive and esthetically pleasing, but it keeps crashing frequently. Also, this is an extention of Meta's attempt at monopoly.",3,2023-07-07 12:12:32 +Google Play,"Clean and Nice UI . I like it so far , but there are some points need to be fixed . 1- i follow Arabic and English content in my account, but the alignment is bad , if put the app language is English, the Arabic content will be a chaos and vice versa . 2- waiting for the follow and hashtags features, I'm ready to give it 5 stars after these points fixed .",3,2023-07-07 10:14:35 +Google Play,i think the app is a great start! one of the things that will be required in order to give space to fan accounts though is to have us be able to easily switch accounts in Threads. You can only sign in/sign out every time - we can't do it smoothly.,3,2023-07-06 07:00:09 +Google Play,"3 stars for now. It may go up or down depending on future updates. I love that it's, so far, ad free, that it's easy to use and not as toxic as twitter(although I fully expect that to change). As simple as twitter. Imo, it needs an option to only see posts from those you follow, also a topic or group section where we can join current trending topics or interests we have, which is also a great way to follow others and pick up followers who are like-minded.",3,2023-07-08 09:47:32 +Google Play,I like it so far. The only feature I need is the ability to select photos from different albums in my phone instead of showing all photos in reverse chronological order.,4,2023-07-08 12:10:20 +Google Play,"My honest review, is that how it is and the idea they have of the app is perfect, following threads and about conversation. I don't think it needs DMs, and Livestream. ITS FOR CONVERSATION AND SHARING IDEAS ONLY. EASY PEACY. Cause what's the point of adding more things, it's gonna get like twitter in the future or later on instagram. I mean, there are already apps for that, let's separate things. I do agree that it could have an option of seeing feed from everyone and another of followers.",4,2023-07-07 05:54:39 +Google Play,"Love the app ... One thing I would like is the volume on the videos being easier to select as on .. and once it's on for one, stays on for all until I turn it off. Also, I know they have more to come like better search features. Oh, and if I could see more of who I follow on my feed, rather than your 'suggestions' ... That would be nice 👍 If you are Threads development reading this, I'm using Android,... Oh and GIFs. I have to use an app, save them and post them rather th. The keyboard on my 📱",5,2023-07-20 21:14:05 +Google Play,"I'm grateful that someone has created an alternative to the mess that Twitter has become, and Threads is looking promising. It's early days yet, so I expect changes, but the App desperately needs the ability to show Threads from people I subscribe to, and in chronological order of their posts. The interface is clear-ish but definitely needs work. No ads yet! Unfortunately, I've been followed by 'Sexy Susan' who has zero followers and a risque profile pic so I think the bots are active already.",4,2023-07-11 10:16:02 +Google Play,"Any time I scroll it blasts me with visual bugs out the walls to the point where it is blatantly unusable. The entire screen flashes, text leaves constant flashing after images when I scroll, changing tabs leaves a massive collage of broken symbols and images.",1,2023-07-07 23:52:48 +Google Play,"Needs a lot of work. Most of the time I can't see threads nor notifications, I always get a something went wrong message. The scroll is too slow. No indication if someone is following you or not.",1,2023-07-17 07:16:43 +Google Play,"Another phenomenal socmed platform by Meta! I just downloaded this yesterday and I am already comfortable with using it. The user interface is super easy to learn and get used to. Plus, the features are superb. You can literally upload Threads in one click. Furthermore, you can also reply to other people's post with text, image, and other interactions. They're all visible in one place, unlike to the other confusing and dizzying platform called Twitter. <3 LOL",5,2023-07-13 13:53:00 +Google Play,"It's a great app and it's really easy to navigate but there's still a lot to be done.. Add a Message Button, Add Tags in Search, Add in settings where one can disable or enable Public Replies, that should be private. Thanks",4,2023-07-10 05:18:27 +Google Play,"As soon as got logged in on the app the entire thing is an unusable glitchy mess. I can't even see my screen, it's just pixels tearing in every direction. I'm guessing it hasn't even come close to being optimized for every device yet.",1,2023-07-07 03:45:08 +Google Play,"I would really like it more if I could curate my feed. Facebook, insta, tumblr, reddit, are all positive experiences because I am able to customize my feed experience to my interests. I don't necessarily mind seeing things I didn't intentionally follow, but it should allow me to choose. I'm also really not interested in the inanity of those with massive followings. I much prefer actual conversations with people who aren't here To Produce Content.",2,2023-07-09 02:49:43 +Google Play,"It's a new app, and I believe it still needs improvement. While typing, the keyboard covers the text, which makes it hard to see what someone is typing. Also, I think it make a lot of sense of I can see people that follows me on their profile.",3,2023-07-10 08:19:06 +Google Play,"Honestly, it really does feel like Twitter, but less cursed. I've seen no real problems with it so far. One thing I think would be cool is instead of showing the little character at the bottom right of the screen to view our profile, it should be our profile picture. Not nitpicking, I just think that'd be a cool idea. Also being able to edit our comments and stuff would be cool as well. Still an amazing app, five stars well earned thus far.",5,2023-07-09 15:07:26 +Google Play,"There is no editing tools. It is not possible to select some other folders while posting images, it is fixed to Gallery. Not clear view of threads. Maybe all later will come with some price on them :)))",2,2023-07-09 14:37:45 +Google Play,"I genuinely like the Threads app. The only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is because of some features i feel the app needs. Trending topics should have been there from the premiere. Also DMs, even if it's a button that links us to Instagram DM to complete the conversation. The app could also use the Spaces function. Overall, Threads is amazing.",4,2023-07-11 22:42:31 +Google Play,"Here's my honest review: It's not a bad app, but there could be more features alike that could make the whole app more fun to use. Much like how Instagram allows you to switch accounts, maybe Threads could use the same feature. The only method to switching is by logging out currently. What I liked the most was the dark theme that it came with upon opening the app. Easy to get used to.",4,2023-07-09 18:57:40 +Google Play,"Not a very stable application as of me typing, for example when I tag someone or type too much on my device, it crashes. A recommendation for the application is to have an option to pin our threads and the option to edit our threads. It will increase user experience.",3,2023-07-06 05:57:02 +Google Play,"Evidently a rushed app to fill the gap left by twitter but it honestly does provide a better experience, if somewhat barenones. All it needs is a few feed options and that's kinda it. It shouldn't strive to do everything but instead focus in on text based content",5,2023-07-17 09:33:04 +Google Play,Greetings and blessings to the developer team the app is really good and the ideology is great some people might not love it but it's good. But ... I'm repeatedly facing an issue of not being able to login on insta and threads at the same time so i cannot repost my threads post on insta. This may be a bug but it's a big one and pretty much capable of irritating the user. I'd love if you fixed it.,2,2023-07-07 04:04:15 +Google Play,"This app is excellent... But dear Meta, I'm having problem in app whenever I just open the app it opens but when is scroll down then it's start shaking and fluctuating.. I just uninstalled and restarted my phone but this problem is still same... So Dear Meta Cooperation.. Please give some solution for this problem 🙂 and if you want proof then give me your number, email or something to send you the actual problem's screen shot",4,2023-07-06 14:22:03 +Google Play,The interface looks simple and easy to use. But what I really hate is all the posts from whom-I-dont-even-know show up on my home page and I don't seem to find the way to get rid of them all. This is so annoying and the home page is literally useless for me. Please fix that.,2,2023-07-07 03:48:14 +Google Play,"All you 1stars, give it time. It's a fresh app that isn't trying to do it all. Lead devs interact with users and have explained what's to come. It's fine if you want the X Corp app where every feature breaks on launch but much of what you want is coming - personalized TL, search, etc. Don't get me wrong Meta is sinister but they know how to build an app.",4,2023-07-12 08:34:49 +Google Play,"I am enjoying using threads. I only wish I could tailor the post that appear on my homescreen to be more about what I like. Also, wish I could schedule or save posts I'm making for later. Also, I think it would be cool if you could try to make some widgets to be used on the homescreen of phones. Currently not having any luck of being noticed at all on the platform. Please make it easier somehow for smaller threads users to get noticed.",4,2023-07-23 23:54:14 +Google Play,"App seems cool. But I would like to search topics and see more of the people I'm following. Also sometimes when I click on my following list, I get a "" Sorry Couldn't complete request, try again later"" Can you fix that.",4,2023-07-07 21:20:22 +Google Play,"It works fine as a twitter substitute so far, but every time I try to upload images in my replies, I keep getting error messages saying that my post failed to upload. Yes, I cleared my cache and tried again. The problem still persists.",2,2023-07-08 08:54:24 +Google Play,"Im here to giving feedback 1. Cant scroll down if trying to write too much, the writing even being unseen with keyboard mode on. 2. Cant double tap on words to make block on words. 3. The photo cant cropped after you insert on thread. 4. Why limitation still counting words even after threads. Thats all, fix that, ill back to twitter",2,2023-07-08 02:09:31 +Google Play,"I see the HUGE potential in this App. Possible areas of improvement: 1. Hashtags? Easier to follow stuff. 2. Sync to Insta account. What I mean is that if I want to post something on Insta, it can automatically post the same thing on Threads (like the insta/Facebook sync) 3. Desktop version. I post some of my insta things from my laptop. PLEASE do the same for Threads. ""Moving to Threads cause Twitter is dead.""",4,2023-07-06 22:36:33 +Google Play,Add a better search engine. Add hashtags. Add a better way to share from the gallery albums..instead of one picture at a time. Add ability to customize profile pages with different colors and fonts. Just a few suggestions that would really help.,1,2023-07-08 22:59:00 +Google Play,"Good interface but function not as good as twitter. I have a few suggestions: 1. Dark mode option. 2. Can change username even if linked to Instagram. 3. ""Back"" button should close the app directly. Why scroll back all the way to the top before closing? I wouldn't be able to continue where I left off, it's inconvenient. 4. What's the point of ""following"" if my timeline is full of people I don't follow? A few suggestions here and there is cool, but it's too much now it isn't fun anymore.",3,2023-07-06 12:54:38 +Google Play,"it's a great start but still there's a bug, once you delete your post, the ""reply"" notification still there like living a mark and this app makes me feel touch move you are not allowed to make mistake. hope this can be help and make it more clean/smooth.",3,2023-07-07 06:46:24 +Google Play,"Makes me sign up for an Instagram account, but doesn't give the option within the app. Then it tells me my IP address is an open proxy, tells me check their help, which has nothing about it. Like I'm jumping through hoops so they can steal all my data.",1,2023-07-07 21:47:15 +Google Play,"Too much bugs. Please fix some bugs first. For example, when I click the delete button for fixing the word/line, all the other words will mix/collide and create some never ever known word.",2,2023-07-13 18:08:46 +Google Play,"For some reason, a day after I used this app, a pop-up message says, 'You've been logged out of %1$s. The account owner may have changed the password.' It keeps popping up, and the app keeps closing. Please fix this issue.",1,2023-07-07 13:33:44 +Google Play,"Threads features a clean and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. The app's design is minimalistic, placing the focus on conversations and ensuring a distraction-free experience. From the moment I started using Threads, I found it effortless to locate and engage in conversations.",5,2023-07-06 16:24:13 +Google Play,"A great app given the fact it's only been a few days since it launched but there are obviously some flaws into it. For example, when I want to post a picture, it often kicks me out of the app and takes hours for it to allow me to post that picture. I also usually can't see who just started following me, shows me my followers fine at first but once I surpass 50-ish followers, I stop receiving notifications and I can no longer see the usernames of those who follow me.",3,2023-07-09 19:41:17 +Google Play,"Loads of improvements can happen. Picture attachments have only ""Gallery"" and do not support folders. I have a load of trash on my Home feed from random users I don't follow. Needs a followers/for you separation in that case. Also, dark mode.",3,2023-07-07 12:49:01 +Google Play,"I had to delete my account and delete the app and start over. After ONE DAY, 2 posts and 7 likes, IT IS FAILING TO POST AGAIN!!! No warning. Please fix this!!! I am on a Samsung tablet and for the past few days my posts and quoted posts fail to upload. I need help and sending a message to @zuck and @meta does not go through, because all my posts are failing. I deleted and reinstalled this app, to no avail. It seems I can repost only.",1,2023-07-23 20:31:41 +Google Play,"I wish there was an option to only see threads from people you follow (Right now it's like the ""For You"" page on Twitter when it needs the ""Following"" option), and the ability to sort chronologically! If those two things changed, this would absolutely be a 5* app&beat Twitter by a mile. Right now, it's pretty ""meh"". Lots of room for improvement though!",2,2023-07-06 01:00:42 +Google Play,"The app would have been cool if it was working properly and doesn't look like it glicthes. Like I can't read threads and look at photos, whenever I scroll the previous thread will be on the one I'm reading. So please fix it...",1,2023-07-08 07:50:12 +Google Play,"Solid day 1 experience. Only a few bugs in that the search feature stopped working once or twice and there are some features that would be nice that are coming out soon (no release date, they do have it confirmed on the list of stuff coming though).",5,2023-07-07 04:48:54 +Google Play,"For an app that just launched a few days ago, it's honestly pretty good!! However, there are a few things I'd like to see improved & made: hashtags, folder to save threads, draft notes.",4,2023-07-09 20:48:59 +Google Play,"Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the overall concept of Threads. It provides a convenient and private platform for sharing updates, photos, and videos with close friends. However, the integration of the Reels feature within the app has caused some inconvenience and cluttered the user experience.Separating the Reels section within the app would greatly enhance the user experience. It would allow for improved focus, easier navigation, enhanced privacy, and a streamlined interface",5,2023-07-11 20:09:12 +Google Play,"1. Although no ads in threads, but too much algorithmic content on feed which I don't really like. 2. You have to login with your Instagram account. You cannot create new account by email or phone number. 3. Once you created threads account you cannot delete it. If you want to delete, then you have to delete your Instagram account as well because threads account is interlinked with Instagram. 4. There is nothing new UI & UX. Looks like Twitter. Almost same UI. 5. No Chat option. No Hashtag",1,2023-07-07 06:28:33 +Google Play,"The home page needs a huge adjustment. There's no logic to the content I'm seeing. There needs to be a way to cater what you're seeing. I only want to see the people I follow, that's why I follow them. It's a mess. Additionally, there's essentially no data privacy, so be weary. Also....you can't delete your account? What a misstep.",1,2023-07-07 19:30:44 +Google Play,"Yes, it's a new app. But Meta is not exactly an indie developer! There is literally no reason to be flooding us with Rando Accounts. That should have been basic functionality from Day 1. But like Instagram, seems Threads just wants to push random posts on us whether we like it or not. Until basic functions are in, I'll be sticking with Twitter.",2,2023-07-09 07:33:06 +Google Play,"""Something went wrong please try again"". Get this message all the time. Can't see replies, my profile and many other features. This message just pops up all the time. Also people I follow don't show up at the top of my feed. I get random recommendations at top. Back to Twitter until sorted.",1,2023-07-17 08:44:38 +Google Play,You cannot delete it unless you delete your instagram account too. The deep integration with instagram is perverse. It could have been a standalone app that does not require you to plug in into the metaverse by force but I guess that was asking too much.,3,2023-07-06 09:07:02 +Google Play,"If there was less random stuff on feed, it would be a lot better, or if there was some way to organize it where you have a following feed and a for you feed. There's just too much random stuff.",2,2023-07-06 19:25:05 +Google Play,"Its wonderful it's just needs a little bit more improvement, like multiple pictures the second time you post because I posted multiple pictures the first time and now I'm unable to post more pictures including just one but I am able to upload videos which I think is weird I am also able to make regular posts with words only",4,2023-07-11 02:03:36 +Google Play,"Threads is a fantastic new app that enhances the Instagram experience and revolutionizes private messaging. It seamlessly integrates with Instagram, allowing users to stay connected with their closest friends and share moments in a more intimate and personalized way. The app's interface is sleek, intuitive, and easy to navigate User Shree_Morbekar",5,2023-07-06 20:50:42 +Google Play,"PLEASE make it so you can separate your followers from the suggested algorithm stuff, it's so hard to find the content i ACTUALLY want to to see. this would be the first thing that should be updated/added. I don't like using it that much because of that",2,2023-07-07 06:15:58 +Google Play,"First and foremost, the user interface of Threads is beautifully designed and user-friendly. Navigating through the app is a breeze, with intuitive controls and a clean layout that makes it easy to find what you're looking for. The app's attention to detail in terms of aesthetics is commendable, and it truly enhances the overall user experience",5,2023-07-09 18:35:21 +Google Play,"I am experiencing a problem with video sounds. If the audio is muted video plays fine. When I turn the audio on, video stops playing. Both in feed and when I click on video and open it, it happens.",3,2023-07-13 08:17:02 +Google Play,"All the things are quite well but where the edit button i the app? On starting the the app, it's previous refreshes remains on display. But after shaking for report, it becomes normal, no lag, no glitch.! What's the matter?",4,2023-07-07 04:22:08 +Google Play,"Right now. This app sucks. No hashtags, no way of searching keywords. The only thing you can search is usernames. Your feed is loaded with a bunch of stuff you don't want to see. The app has potential but they rushed the launch. I'll give them a couple weeks to add some more features but right now there is no benefit for general users.",1,2023-07-18 14:23:16 +Google Play,"App keeps crashing. If i scroll for a while or while writing a thread, it crashes. If i am responding to a thread which has a vertical photo/video, i cannot see what i am typing. It seems as if interns have made this app.",2,2023-07-08 07:17:23 +Google Play,"Search function only searches accounts, not posts or keywords. Useless. The timeline is all influencers, sports, and celebrity accounts w/ high traffic. I barely see the posts from accounts I'm following! After muting unwanted accounts my timeline has not changed in the last 12 hours and I can only continuously scroll thru the same handful of posts from yesterday. No option to view posts I've liked or bookmark things to revisit later. I know it's early days but these are critical features.",2,2023-07-10 14:25:47 +Google Play,Why can't my name be name (not app nickname or whatever) be different than the one on my Instagram account. I use these apps for different reasons. What's even the point of this if it's just the same stuff as Instagram? Also I want to be able to view threads in chronological order and have the app save my spot when I leave it and come back. I don't want to be a slave to your mediocre algorithm.,1,2023-07-08 04:50:18 +Google Play,"The potential for a good app is there, but it's not good yet. Most notably, the front page is filled almost exclusively with people you don't follow. App is literally unusable until a following-only feed is implemented.",1,2023-07-10 14:36:42 +Google Play,"Not bad works great on my fold 4, but when switching between the displays, it asks to restart the app. It should handel multiple screens better than this. Still, it's better than Elon's crapwitter!",4,2023-07-07 19:30:51 +Google Play,Very weird and bad. My feed is full of randoms who confuse me and I don't care about anything they ever want to post. Lack most basic features like DMs and requires insane amount of private data. Also needs Instagram account and can't be removed without removing both accounts.,1,2023-07-08 19:35:38 +Google Play,It is a wonderful app. But I think tbey can still do better concerning picture uploading. Like I have to scroll through thousands of pictures to find the one I want to upload. It can be very frustrating.,3,2023-07-07 02:27:49 +Google Play,"It has a constant visual bug on my device where the app's background gets smeared with whatever content is being displayed on the foreground, and it doesn't refresh back to black. ROG 2, Android 9",1,2023-07-09 00:16:03 +Google Play,"Ik this is just the first day of its launch but I don't really like the formate here. I feel like I'm stuck in the same place that feels sofficating on the main page, and I can't see much of the content that I've followed and had to refollow the creators again. Congrats on the launched of the app, but hopefully this will change soon so the app will be much better than how it is now.",3,2023-07-06 06:55:00 +Google Play,A very lonely app if you don't already have several instagram followers. I would also appreciate a photo album option as I have 8000 photos on my phone and can't scroll through them all. I get that it's brand new but it seems very unfinished.,2,2023-07-07 21:06:20 +Google Play,"I wish there is a chat option in threads too, so that we are able to share threads with one another on the same platform instead of copying the link and sharing it on instagram. Also, it would be better if we are able to download the video or the picture directly. I personally feel that maybe threads should be a part of instagram instead of being a complete seperate app.. Just like how reels are a part, threads should also be a part of instagram. That would be nice and easier.",3,2023-07-09 20:19:12 +Google Play,"It has minimal UI and a typical user flow. There is a bug, though. When I try to upload images in the following thread, it shuts. I tried removing from recents, reinstalled, but stayed the same.",3,2023-07-11 07:55:21 +Google Play,"Not bad for an initial launch. Looking forward to future versions, and hopefully a web interface that allows posting. Needs a lot of work, but will probably exceed Twitter's features and eventually popularity.",4,2023-07-12 04:13:53 +Google Play,This Applications interface is shuttering when I use to refresh the page and also it don't responded as I can expect. I thing it needs to improve their interfacen !! Yes I was very excited to use this app but it didn't work in my phone. Is it running fine with your device ?,1,2023-07-06 10:56:02 +Google Play,"Lot of space to improve. Would love to have a much more advanced options to post a thread (text styling etc.), and a view that seperate people you follow and fyp. Need the save image and video button. Need the time mark in video player. Just experienced crashing when I go beyond a reply to a reply in a thread, hope yall will fix that ASAP. Need save button, hashtags and embed. For messages just link insta... Please don't seperate it. Need the option to choose what we see from a person we follow.",3,2023-07-07 10:17:46 +Google Play,"Writing after day 1, it's about as smooth a launch as it could've hoped for. I am however having a problem where if I search for users too much (as one looking for accounts to follow will do), the search breaks and doesn't fix itself. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or a rate limit. It fixed after reinstallation but only once. I hope and expect more features will be added to the app in short order, too. E.g. DMs, customized account lists, Web version. Default home feed should be different.",5,2023-07-07 07:49:55 +Google Play,I feel like there's room for more features. Like the dark and light mode. One should be able to save pictures and also choose whether to auto play videos or not,3,2023-07-07 09:43:49 +Google Play,"Threads needs a search feature for content. The search bar only searches for accounts. People should be able to use the search bar to find thread topics. If you want to see what's being said about a show or person, you should be able to search keywords to pull content related to your search. The app feels unusable without that simple feature.",2,2023-07-06 21:16:58 +Google Play,"There's no option to disable Reels or videos autoplay on the app. This is the major reason why I don't use Instagram, its parent app. Too many unnecessary Reels or videos will consume a lot of data. I thought this would be different from Instagram, but it's all the same. I hate the autoplay.",1,2023-07-06 17:58:59 +Google Play,"It's more like Facebook, in my opinion, but it doesn't allow for hashtags or topic searches. I prefer Twitter, most def. I want to delete it, but the app does not allow account deletion without also deleting my Instagram. Not happy with the app at all, really.",2,2023-07-11 16:12:41 +Google Play,"Cool interface. Nice idea. However, I'm unable to browse different locations in my phone to add a photo or video to my post. This is significant issue and a turn off",3,2023-07-07 15:45:47 +Google Play,"Sorry only two stars however gotta admit the app has huge potential but you need to do two things, first get rid of the annoying celebrities and influencers and brands that i don't follow nor any of the people on my following list interacted with from my timeline, second you need to disconnect the app from instagram or at least make the link between the two optional.",2,2023-07-07 15:48:03 +Google Play,"The size of the application is huge. There is also no data saving mode with it, We can't stop autoplay videos. Get the lite version of this application as soon as possible.",1,2023-07-13 02:01:24 +Google Play,"I like it, but the content us not sorted chronologically, so I keep seeing posts from two days ago mixed with more recent posts. Also, lots of post from corporations, celebrities and influencers keep being shown in the timeline (if we can call it like that), so I spend all my time muting and blocking, because those marketing agency contents are annoying to see.",4,2023-07-08 01:48:05 +Google Play,"I am a big fan of this application. I've been getting tired of all the changes Elon has done to twitter. There is still a very steep growth curve, but im very excited. There are two features that I feel like would be really helpful to improve user experience. 1) as im writing my threads, if I exceed the number of threads my screen allows, I am unable to scroll down to see what im writing as my keyboard is blocking the view, and threads doesn't allow to scroll down. 2) threads scheduler!",4,2023-07-08 12:55:15 +Google Play,"Good start, needs a lot of work. It is a good start but is missing basic features like; DMs, following feed, dark mode. It is also a bit slow to load.",3,2023-07-06 06:58:54 +Google Play,"When I log into Threads, I automatically log out from Instagram and vice versa. There is no option to see posts only from accounts I follow. There is no option for posts that I am NOT INTERESTED in. It is new, and people like new things, but let me just say it, there is a huge need for improvement.",2,2023-07-08 05:51:08 +Google Play,"Keeps closing when typing. I'm using a Huawei P30 and it just closes when typing, more often when typing @ then a name but it's mega frustrating. I'm giving it a 3 because of this. Otherwise it's a fantastic new app and the absence of DMs is an absolute winner and game changer.",3,2023-07-10 05:57:31 +Google Play,"The amount of data this app requires from users is absurd. And the fact that you can't delete your threads account without deleting your instagram is horrible! The app itself is mainly text. If you're joining as a Twitter alternative, don't bother. You can't even search posts. There are no hashtags. I already want to delete threads just because of the extreme data mining. Europe has blocked it for those exact reasons.",1,2023-07-06 12:29:54 +Google Play,"Lacks a lot of features so here's some feedback: Add a trending page in there. Make it so that the followers and following can be accessed separately, like on IG. Allow people to have different usernames from their IG handles. When there's a bunch of images, show them in a collage instead of showing one big image and then scrolling to the others like in IG. Also, let people zoom into pics without the images resizing themselves automatically. Don't compress images. Make it different from IG.",2,2023-07-14 16:30:46 +Google Play,Draining the battery and the app is missing a lot of features. They force you to use Instagram account for using the app. If I want to delete the account for Threads then I have to delete my Instagram account too. Please read details of the app it may collect before U download because they collect too much sensitive informations like financial and health also others details. The app working poorly because it keeps crashing when trying to post or comment and login push notification keep lagging.,1,2023-07-18 17:55:36 +Google Play,"This app would've been a better version of Twitter but if one wants to delete the account, they need to delete their Instagram too. This is the worst implemention a company could have brought. Deactivating does not include your Instagram but still, you should be able to delete your account without deleting Instagram! At least this information needs to be in the registiration page OR the description of the app.",1,2023-07-06 15:58:18 +Google Play,"Great app with lots of potential. The app's social features are also fantastic. I can connect with friends who are also using Thread's, create groups, and even send direct invites to plan lunch dates. It's a great way to stay connected and coordinate lunch outings with ease.",5,2023-07-12 12:25:26 +Google Play,One thing this app is good and it's on time where we'll get to see latest things more than Twitter. But one thing keeps me annoyed is that whenever I'm scrolling and a video pops out I always have to unmute and next video comes I still have to unmute like I just can't stop doing that. So that's the only problem I'm facing with this app so if that's fixed by next update I'm sure I'm gonna put 5 stars on that,4,2023-07-10 06:31:32 +Google Play,"Everything else is OK , but When you go to gallery you have no option for going to your photo albums. If I have 500 photos in my gallery I have to scroll through every photo in my gallery to get the particular one. I think there should be an option for getting access to your photo albums in attachment.",4,2023-07-09 04:33:26 +Google Play,"I'm still learning why I need the app & how I can make it work for me... Haven't found my identity yet... However... Sometimes while leaving a thread of my own or commenting on someone else', I'll be randomly kicked out, as if I touched my minimize button, (which I haven't) & it's gone out of the post I was in & cleared what I typed. Most times I would loose the post completely... You can imagine how frustrating this is! 10 July, I had to re-type my own thread 4 times, as I kept being kicked out",2,2023-07-11 05:18:29 +Google Play,"I want my video muted for private reasons and i hope insta/meta devs can make it slightly bigger so that i avoid pressing the video when pressing the unmute button, i hate it when it happens becoz the video gets enlarge, i like the auto play feature while scrolling, the mute/unmute button is just my problem. So i rate it 4/5, so far so good it feels like a new home, a new space to breath, new people to meet, internet feels new again. Thank you Instagram! Thank you Meta!",4,2023-07-06 16:22:29 +Google Play,"I am not impressed. The app should have been separated from IG. Any restriction on one should never have to affect the other. Again, the whole idea of not having access to one's followers list at some point is annoying. Can we have a tab to mass-unfollow everyone who isn't following back. I need my time line to be filled with contents I choose to see from followers. It crashes a lot too.",2,2023-07-18 06:32:06 +Google Play,"Definitely still enjoying this low stress and low drama experience on day 2. It has room to grow and improve, and a rollout of new features will help to retain users, but for something in its infancy, it's pretty great.",5,2023-07-06 17:21:39 +Google Play,"It's okay. But I hope it has an option to simply switch account. Just like in IG where I can just double tap the profile icon then it switches. In threads, I need to logout first then switch account which is quite frustrating.",3,2023-07-07 14:57:45 +Google Play,"I like the app, however there are some glitches and recommendations I have. For one, the reply function seems to be finicky, it on occasion force shuts down the app when I am trying to reply to a post (a thread?). Another recommendation is discoverability, I would love a tab where you can discover new people and what they're saying. Like a community or discover page, also a trending tab with news and the sorts would boost engagement.",4,2023-07-07 12:04:30 +Google Play,"hope we can change the name/username without syncing on Instagram. unless there are reasons behind it, then it's fine. also, my profile picture doesn't show up for some reason.",3,2023-07-07 16:05:11 +Google Play,"Great app... but some things need fixing. The app crashes anytime I try to upload a photo, probably 10mb or higher. Plus, the quite disorganised feed. Asides that great app and competition for Twitter",2,2023-07-11 15:57:39 +Google Play,"I like the simplicity and the focus on conversation. Plus, no ads yet, which is why I gets 5 stars. There's no clear organization of threads. I like the panorama photo presentation, too, it's slick. Threads can't take credit for the quality of users, but I'm rather enjoying the pleasant and kind people I see on there.",5,2023-07-14 21:52:02 +Google Play,"Nice app. But when I try to load a picture on my Threads draft, the app shuts down. I mean, it just closes 🤷‍♀️ Tried like another 20 times, but once I select a picture and click done, app closes. That's scary because I've lost hardwritten drafts because of that.",3,2023-07-07 06:13:09 +Google Play,"I used to be a user few months ago and this was just like messenger. When I downloaded this again today, I hoped they would've saved the messaging option. It's a good app for the rivalry but I didn't expect them to completely remove the originality of the app. I hope the future updates of this app will consist a mixture of the old threads and the new one so we can DM the people along w this new sick update. Until then, I'll be using old version of this app just for my DMs lol.",3,2023-07-07 13:07:27 +Google Play,While typing out a post or reply the app force closes with no error message. And when it does this it has no temporary memory to start where you left off. Rather frusting if you plan on posting rather than scrolling,2,2023-07-07 08:38:57 +Google Play,Not too bad so far it feels a little barren in comparison to some other websites and apps but it has potential The quality control and filtering need some work And i'd like more control over the timeline of stuff I see but it's a start,2,2023-07-24 02:55:02 +Google Play,"Threads is an amazing app for staying connected with your close friends on Instagram. You can share photos, videos, messages, and stories with your chosen group of people in a fast and fun way. You can also customize your camera with shortcuts and create your own status to let your friends know what you’re up to. Threads is the best app for keeping in touch with your besties.",5,2023-07-07 06:49:47 +Google Play,"Threads is a useless trash app. They could have made the app completely separate from instagram, but nope. That's not complicated enough for them. I can't log into my account right now on either app.",1,2023-07-07 08:47:25 +Google Play,"I don't know if this is a common issue, but I can't even scroll the app. It acts like there is a crash in the app. Suddenly the screen get black and words mixed together",1,2023-07-07 21:22:22 +Google Play,The only thing that's keeping me from giving this app Five stars is the fact that I can't post uncompressed photos that are larger than 10mbs at a rough guess. If I try to the app crashes or fails to post the image which is really disappointing,4,2023-07-08 08:10:52 +Google Play,"Wow, I am absolutely blown away by the Instagram Thread app! It has revolutionized the way I communicate and share content with my friends and followers on Instagram. The app's interface is sleek, intuitive, and user-friendly, making it incredibly easy to create and manage threaded conversations. One of my favorite features of the app is the ability to organize my comments and replies into threads.",5,2023-07-06 18:36:15 +Google Play,"I find it quite annoying that you cant log in with your Google ID and have to instead log in/create an account with Instagram! Also changing your username or name in general... you have to do it via Instagram. I would love to try the App out, but considering that I always have separate accounts accross different Social Medias, I have to wait, until Meta decides to review this issue, in which Im apparently not the only one.",1,2023-07-13 09:41:49 +Google Play,"Pretty Solid App. Wish it didn't show me threads from people I don't follow, and an easier way to find people and subjects through searching. Very fun and simple to use. Surprisingly well managed and appropriate.",5,2023-07-14 01:25:26 +Google Play,There are many problems which I want to address. 1) No themed icon support on Android 2) you can't insert from clipboard if its an image. 3) you can't add gifs and only thing you can add is attachments and that opens gallery. 4) username can't be distinct from Instagram. I use Instagram and Twitter for different audiences so it doesn't help. 5)App doesn't support 60 fps video upload. 6) No button to jump to DM with any one.,1,2023-07-06 04:58:23 +Google Play,"The developers have already said that this app is a work in progress. Let's hope it gets better than Twitter and simplifies text based posts. At the current stage, the user interface is easy and beautiful. A lot of famous Twitter profiles have already moved to Threads, so it's not lonely here. The biggest issue is that you see posts from accounts that you never followed! It's very very annoying.",5,2023-07-10 21:40:14 +Google Play,"The app is kinda horrible when I used. When I tried to use this for an hour, it keeps crashing and stop working without any reason. It makes me feel frustrating, I hope meta can fix this problem.",1,2023-07-08 04:10:53 +Google Play,"This app doesn't even have good features! It just got fame due to Twitter's outage. App UI is horrible! Doesn't even have stuff to do in here. Only good thing is that it uses your Instagram ID as login and you have the option to follow all the people you followed in Instagram, that's a neat feature! APP WILL DIE WITHIN 6 MONTHS!",2,2023-07-22 01:36:53 +Google Play,"No windows options. Bizarre, for a text based app... typing on a keyboard is still the fastest no matter the speed of your thumbs! Also the searching... trending... aspects as documented eleswhere.",1,2023-07-17 10:28:38 +Google Play,The rest of the age will come to know experiment when it is necessary to be more and different even if all looked same yes (feature) could have been introduced in some new form. But he was not kept equal to his rival. It is expected that more good things will be seen in the future.,3,2023-07-11 19:04:57 +Google Play,I love the interface but my issue with this app is that almost all of the content I see in my timeline are from accounts I don't follow. I would really love it if the next update would give you an option to have your followings as the only posts you see in your timeline.,3,2023-07-08 05:02:48 +Google Play,"Good app, still needs more features. For a base app that only released 1-2 days ago, it is pretty good. But there is a lack of features, such as polls. Although I'm sure they'll be adding that stuff later. Overall high quality and engaging app!",4,2023-07-06 12:31:48 +Google Play,"Objectively better than the alternatives. It's really that simple. Mastodon was ok but everyone left. Twitter was great before it turned into a barely functional sewer fire. Can't tell you about Bluesky because it's been in closed beta since the beginning of time itself. By default, Threads is pretty good. I'd give it 5 stars if it had trending topics/tags and a desktop web app.",4,2023-07-07 11:42:26 +Google Play,"ive tried mutliple times where i try to reply or start a new thread with a picture, but the picture does not load and instead crashes my app and kicks me out. i can only reply/post with words. no pictures at all.. please im just trying to post art wips on threads i dont want this to mess up on me any longer😭",1,2023-07-09 02:04:49 +Google Play,"it's getting me frustrated. there are glitches everywhere. i have been restarting the app for several times and the glitches were still everywhere, can't even read a word because of those. kindly fix it, it's irritating.",1,2023-07-07 13:04:42 +Google Play,"Super, very excellent app. The only bug I noticed is when typing comments, the UI doesn't adjust for the keyboard so that you may see what you're typing.",4,2023-07-07 09:56:16 +Google Play,"I had high hopes for the app but unfortunately anytime I try to add a photo to my posts the whole thing just crashes. Although still very early, at launch this is a pretty discouraging bug to deal with.",2,2023-07-06 19:07:58 +Google Play,"I like it. But it needs improvements: 1. Please add the Options to choose pics from another folder. Its so hard to find it just to scroll down all the way. 2. Add the login option for IG lite user like me. This app is good right now especially I can post longer messages, (of course it's name is thread hehe). Good job Meta 👍🏻",4,2023-07-09 23:44:02 +Google Play,"Using Google Keyboard, the app does not scroll to let me see where I'm typing. The typing area overlaps underneath the keyboard, and I can't scroll to see it. The same happens on Instagram, actually. Please help me fix this. // The app keeps crashing",3,2023-07-06 17:57:30 +Google Play,"Installed it thinking this time it would be different but it's way more unorganised than any other app. It's like everyone coming up, dumping on thread, need an update where we can see what we want, I don't know where our preference went, like they asked initially but it doesn't seem like they are even using it.",1,2023-07-07 17:29:55 +Google Play,It seems as audio doesn't work on vids uploaded by the android version.. me n other musicians that use androids our audio is muted and the button you click to get sound isn't there.. Audio only works for those that uploaded w ios devices!! This isn't fair to android users!!,3,2023-07-06 04:34:52 +Google Play,It's good but it have four problems 1) like instagram it doesn't have the feature to login many accounts at same time. 2) it doesn't have dark mode. 3) it doesn't have the feature to translate bio. 4) There is no edit thread option.,3,2023-07-09 13:06:55 +Google Play,"It's a good app with a lot of potential, but for some reason I haven't been able to see my notifications or people's profiles (mine included!) since yesterday as it says ""something went wrong"".",3,2023-07-14 13:35:04 +Google Play,"Nice ui, nice experience. But only problem is we can login to one account at a time. I mean there is not even account switch option. To login other account, we first have to logout from our current login and then go to Instagram switch account and then come to threads to login again. Not on the homepage or in the front but there should be account switch option in the settings.",3,2023-07-06 20:40:39 +Google Play,"It's great so far! Just wish there was a few things added to it for a better experience: 1) make it easier to switch accounts without logging out first, 2) have a save / bookmark feature, 3) fine tune the feed because I'm seeing way more posts from random people I don't follow, compared with the people I do follow and want to interact with",4,2023-07-06 12:45:49 +Google Play,The app and all is cool interface is also aesthetic the things is everything is connected to instagram which doesn't gives the app its own personality like for example i can't select another username on the app so please kindly change this thing atleast make the app independent plus also introduce the messaging feature,4,2023-07-08 05:45:43 +Google Play,"It's just too random with no control over who's post pops up on feed, kills the purpose of following/unfollowing folks. In a way, it's worse than seeing ads. It'd be usable if we could limit main feed posts to only the ones who we follow and then a separate explore/Activity section.",1,2023-07-15 14:46:57 +Google Play,I Want To Like it! I just find it really annoying that I keep seeing posts from people I don't follow or things I'm not interested in on my feed MORE than posts from the people I do follow and actually want to see and I have no way of stopping it from showing up. It has potential to be such a good app.,3,2023-07-21 03:06:22 +Google Play,"Really pathetic app, can't even share my YouTube video link properly only link showsup and the thumbnail doesn't. I was showing up a couple days ago but now it's just the link. They should sync the facebook link debugger for threads as well.",1,2023-07-22 13:59:18 +Google Play,"For some reason, this app needs access to the following information from your phone: Personal info (even though you'd be providing that yourself) Financial info (excuse me, what?) Health and fitness info (Why?) Messages (Emails, sms, etc) Photos and videos (I suppose it needs access when you want to upload) Files and docs (can you upload files and documents?) Calendar events (is there a built in calendar?) App interactions, installed apps etc Web browser history (What?) Gross",1,2023-07-08 11:55:17 +Google Play,"I got bugs and can't use the app properly, the texts and the images starts to flow and my entire screen gets filled with the floating texts as I scroll through it. Please look into it",1,2023-07-10 13:28:16 +Google Play,"twitter? don't know her. charice. okay but so far, i wish there would also be a media tab and that you can glide across these tabs instead of tapping. there's also no ""pin to profile"" feature yet. and as of now, i still can't post lyrics coming from spotify (both of them should work on that). i'll give it a 4.5 out of 5 (rounded up) as i know that this will still have a room for improvements. keep it up.",5,2023-07-06 04:00:23 +Google Play,"So far my time on threads have been satisfactory. But this bad boy needs more features. Editing posts, saving photos posts, use of hashtags, direct messages, monetization, third party app linkage, logging without Instagram, and that's all I can say for now.",4,2023-07-06 16:22:49 +Google Play,So I tried getting onto the app today and it wouldn't let me and instead made me have to do an appeal with verification to prove its me. I submitted it and they just put a message saying thanks and to wait until the appeal is finished being reviewed to see whether or not I can regain access to my account. Says if they find its not me that it will be permanently disabled which is bs! Hope they fix this and let me back on my account!,1,2023-07-23 02:29:49 +Google Play,"After 7-8 hours, I gave up. It's a lonely place if you're arriving blind without existing Instagram followers. A default feed full of influencers I can't relate to and if it's possible to search for posted content that interests me, I can't figure it out. I'll check back in a few months when it's more mature. Uninstalling for now.",2,2023-07-06 07:49:21 +Google Play,Very annoying that the first time you try to confirm your mobile number you are issued with an alpha numeric code and yet can only enter numeric on your phone!!!!!!! Made me want to uninstall right away. Issue codes that actually work. Plus bcos im on hols issuing the text to my UK number in another language. Very irritating.,1,2023-07-07 14:02:02 +Google Play,"App keeps crashing whenever I try to upload a pic. Also, had a lot of notifications for follow requests. However, after individually accepting a couple, the rest of them disappear. :/",1,2023-07-07 15:16:36 +Google Play,"I love the potential of this app and can see myself use it more, but the only way that's happening is if my feed only shows me accounts I follow rather than having somewhat of an explore page on my feed. It's really content and information overload and we already have that with Instagram unfortunately - I don't think I can handle more without deleting one or the other. Please no ads or random algorithms, just a chronological feed of accounts I follow. Also surprised how hashtags don't work here?",2,2023-07-07 13:00:46 +Google Play,I had high hopes for this app. Unfortunately there is way too many bugs that makes the user experience poor. Threads is also lacking on lots of features that Twitter currently has. The censorship and invasive data collection is also a big downside. The marketing made me believe threads would rival Twitter but I just don't see that happening. Threads needs a big revamping in order to actually compete with Twitter.,1,2023-07-24 00:52:03 +Google Play,Has great potential. Just needs an option to only display feeds you follow and an option for chronological order. Those would definitely make it an amazing app.,4,2023-07-08 14:21:17 +Google Play,"at first I like it but I started having a problem. It keeps closing. I'm not even done composing my caption. I couldn't upload the photos that I wanted to post because it keeps on stopping. I refresh it, I log out and went online, I redownload the app but still I couldn't post what I wanted to post :<",2,2023-07-19 13:17:25 +Google Play,"For the devs, here are pointers on how you can improve the app: 1. Allow users to save pictures. 2. Only censor porn on profiles below 18. 3. Have a translation feature. 4. Do not repeat the same mistake as Twitter where accounts that the users aren't following are appearing on their feed. If y'all just wanna make a Twitter ripoff, at least make it a better version from the very start.",3,2023-07-14 02:46:55 +Google Play,"This is very similar to the bird app, but without the rampant toxicity. It works well enough, but it does feel a bit light on features. Hopefully it will become better with time. Overall, I am really enjoying Threads.",5,2023-07-19 15:39:57 +Google Play,I really like it!! Though I have a suggestion that could really help a lot of us users. Please add another option for following where we could only see the threads of the person we follow. I really don't like my feed as it's really messy and too much people I don't follow. I wasn't really interested at all. Plus it's also hard to see my peeps threads because of those unnecessary threads at all.,5,2023-07-08 15:46:28 +Google Play,"A subpar Twitter with less features, inability to save/share photos, and already being overrun by spam bots. Like it's been up for so little time, one would think they would have pulled all the kinks for fighting spam from their instagram, but no.",1,2023-07-11 09:18:31 +Google Play,"Doesn't work! It says ""something went wrong"" in the app and I have tried absolutely everything to fix it but nothing seems to help. Very frustrating as i have already spent good 2 hours, uninstaling and clearing cache etc...nothing fixed it.",1,2023-07-14 15:02:51 +Google Play,"It's amazing that there is a new app for safe spaces and I hope this app won't be a tool for bullying and such things, cause last time that's what they did to twitter. Now I have a problem with the search bar, and I hope in the future there will be an option in which you can search for topics you like or a certain topic you wanna engaged with!! Over all it's good!",4,2023-07-06 15:18:36 +Google Play,"It's great, just wished it had dark mode and the ability to switch accounts without the app glitching out. I don't want to keep uninstalling to fix it.",4,2023-07-10 12:45:38 +Google Play,"The user interface is really amazing, smooth and lag free unlike the twitter user interface. This is really a good thing as laggy, smoothless experience can really be so annoying",5,2023-07-08 15:58:35 +Google Play,I like the app very much but if you think it is going to replace Twitter keep dreaming it may be in a mess right now but it is not as tuff as Facebook if you like to add certain content that is for adults that is why Twitter is not going anywhere soon plus you need to fix it so does not use a lot of battery power in the background when it is not being used,4,2023-07-09 08:44:38 +Google Play,"It's pretty ok so far. If it gets better in later updates I MIGHT move from Twitter. Off the top of my head a few improvements you can make is adding a timeline for accounts you follow & let us make other customizable timelines, adding post search would be amazing. Normally I don't like Meta/Facebook products but honestly? As an artist I just want to get out of Twitter and still have a chance getting seen.",4,2023-07-19 14:51:28 +Google Play,"Pretty good for first attempt. Needs some fixing and features. How about ""lists"" so I can sort who or what I'm following by genre or topic? I would like to be able to read sports info separately from entertainment info. Easier to follow people that way.",3,2023-07-08 14:55:31 +Google Play,"Past few days, if I try to share a link to an article, instead of it looking like it should, with a preview image & headline, all that shows up is a truncated URL.",2,2023-07-22 02:44:48 +Google Play,"I really like the UI. I have never used Twitter(i do have a ac) coz most people I know don't use it. But since this is a part of Instagram most would start one. It would be really helpful if I could switch between different accounts just like in Instagram. It's a hassle to everytime log out, confirm the login and use the other account.",3,2023-07-06 08:50:16 +Google Play,"To best honest Threads is fat better than other social media . I didn't notice anything wrong there but one thing I've noticed that there is a same problem like Elon's Twitter , after posting anything we can't edit that & it was so much disappointing for me . When i was opening the account i thought there should be available that feature bt Alas! So you should add that feature.",4,2023-07-07 08:54:26 +Google Play,"Meh. With nothing explicit really allowed, it's just Instagram with a more text-based UI. What's the point if it's just Instagram with a different look? Also, a translate feature would be nice.",2,2023-07-09 11:00:55 +Google Play,"It has a lot of potential, I feel that its missing a few features such as a following/suggestions option on the FYP. an easier setup for being able to see and read replys, I find it difficult to see the replys for a specific post. Another feature I would recommend is a like count on the account page.",4,2023-07-12 23:31:43 +Google Play,"No dark mode toggle. No alt text. No DMs. One main feed with public mixed in. No pinned posts. App feels very simple and basic with bare bones, which is less than most startups have had. This app is unusable.",2,2023-07-06 02:37:44 +Google Play,"The app seems ok, but I don't intend to use it until I can limit my feed to people I follow. I don't want to see all that random content, it's mind numbing. Apparently this feature is ""on the list"". I'll take another look when it's done.",3,2023-07-06 20:46:33 +Google Play,This app is not user friendly and it's tough to understand the app structure and home page options but and also there are a lot of bugs. I hope you'll fix all the problems in next apdate.,1,2023-07-08 08:05:32 +Google Play,"This is an Amazing app! I like how it performs, it's buttery-smooth and so fast, I wish they add couple of features to the future updates such as a following page, being able to edit Threads and DMs would be great. But overall it's a great social media app and I'm enjoying it right now.",5,2023-07-07 01:40:07 +Google Play,"Login was so smooth. No bugs, no lag. Just love the UI. Ofcourse it's not the finished product. Hope it will come up with more features. Cheers ✨",5,2023-07-07 20:35:37 +Google Play,"Well maintained. Loving it! But I don't know what's happening like when I try to post something with image, the app suddenly closed while selecting anything from gallery. Just check it out",5,2023-07-06 12:19:52 +Google Play,"Definitely an improvement over Twitter. Unfortunately there's no way to filter the ""threads"" by time. One post from 12 hours ago was right next to a post from 3 minutes ago right next to a post from 7 hours ago. A little too annoying to be useful at this present time.",3,2023-07-07 12:14:23 +Google Play,Just being in the anticipation zone for now. It's a new app. Can't say much but hope for a great service. I would love it to not be a copycat to Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg should think out of the box and bring in more features to make it number 1 go to app. Hello Thereaders. Let's have fun.,3,2023-07-07 10:51:57 +Google Play,"So far so good! But I see that it should separate from Instagram and become a separate application. Also, a place should be added to the application conversations without the need for Instagram..",5,2023-07-06 05:34:50 +Google Play,"Threads has plenty of room for improvement. Top of my list is that links should open directly in my browser, not in an embedded browser inside Threads. It'd be nice to be able to edit a newly posted thread, say within a minute. I want to be able to search threads by any word or by whatever Threads is going to call a hashtag. It's better than the bird app and will hopefully continue to improve.",3,2023-07-10 17:07:16 +Google Play,"My thoughts First off, to log in you need an instagram account, in turn forcing you to get instagram. Second, twitter is just better as everyone is already posting there, making this app redundant. Positives are the name and the layout is kinda nice i guess but twitter is just better in every way. Its the first real twitter competitor in a while, yet it stands no chance.",2,2023-07-09 00:14:10 +Google Play,"I will give it a 4 but I hope soon I will give it a 5, the app is good by giving a head start by letting you link with your Instagram people fast. But can we please can you link it with IG messages or creating a messaging space also add story options if possible, but otherwise I love the app so much, I recommend it to everyone thanks for the app",4,2023-07-06 17:17:54 +Google Play,"It actually deserves all appreciation and respect, Although it's in need for some improvement but it works far so good.. The issue I'm facing now is that I can't publish or write any post, as whenever I try to post something, the app constantly stops working... So plz fix these issues to make ur social platform more convenient and reliable💙 Thxxxxxx",3,2023-07-11 19:32:27 +Google Play,"Please fix the smoothness of the scroll, it is sometimes sticky and hard to scroll, and when i scroll fast it was like reversed and not going down, I don't if this issue is occured in other android version. So far this app is good even though it is new",5,2023-07-08 04:51:01 +Google Play,"Day 1: App crashing when I try to post pictures. Tried 7 mixed photos & vids, All photos, 2 photos -- all crashed even after rebooting my phone. Threads (whats the counter part of tweets?) also lagging. Need to refresh 2-3 times to show up.",3,2023-07-06 04:26:08 +Google Play,"The potential is there. However, I'd only want to see people who I follow in my feed and it needs to be on chronological order. Furthermore, it would be nice if, when you open the app, it started where it left off rather than jumping to the top.",3,2023-07-06 04:58:57 +Google Play,"This app is really a nice fresh start! I just want it to have some better function and ofc I know that it has just started so it is still in initial phase. FIRST, I want the post button on top not down since we have to close the keyboard to post. Scrolling also lags a little. Moreover hashtags??? We need hashtags to reach some kind of audience and I want to have a feature to search for threads.",2,2023-07-07 09:59:57 +Google Play,"It's really nice and comfortable. The simplicity hits (well) and it still is solid. Still waiting for dark mode, hastags, chat, a little etc though and probably more stuff.",5,2023-07-06 03:49:38 +Google Play,"Works fine. Everything's so smooth, please don't ruin the experience by adding unnecessary features, only implement the important ones. Don't make it laggy amd choppy like Instagram.",4,2023-07-07 12:41:07 +Google Play,"I know development is still in works but i'm confident that i wouls not like to see suggestions in my feed/ Timeline. If the app must do this, i suggest there be a toggle button that actuall works to turn off suggestions. Other concerns arent as annoying.",3,2023-07-11 09:46:47 +Google Play,"First of all I like this app. But this app is not working properly on my device maybe it's because of my old device. It's glitching, overlapping subrato pages in one page, etc. Other than that it's an amazing app.",3,2023-07-09 21:33:47 +Google Play,"I like it right now, it's fun and I love seeing the reactions. I also like how they're numbers on your Instagram account telling you what number you are when you joined the account. Overall a 10/10 thought obviously as time passes my opinion will change. EDIT: i still like this and people need to give it a chance, as it has been only 2 days since the app came out.",5,2023-07-07 00:18:35 +Google Play,Very beautiful UI. But please make Likes & Quotes of a thread more prominent under it. & Yes we absolutely need a thread DM. Plus it crashes sometimes while posting threads. I hope it will be better soon. An amazing Application tho. Love it. 🫶🏻,4,2023-07-08 14:03:44 +Google Play,"Hello Threads team, I'm experiencing overlapping pages on the app, which makes it difficult to use. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but the problem persists. Can you please help me resolve this issue? Thank you, [Rajat]",1,2023-07-07 02:42:42 +Google Play,Worst experience on this social platform. The app crashes and the content inside the app Ovelaps each other can't even use it for a single time and can't even delete it. Just a waste of time very disappointed with @meta,1,2023-07-09 04:11:55 +Google Play,"A bit buggy, i can't post images and some videos sometimes are just either black or No sound at all, but i hope they will fix it, the app overall is so nice and relaxing, very simple and cool",3,2023-07-06 15:50:17 +Google Play,"Very basic. Doesn't always auto follow who in your instagram list, as stated. Needs things like save, edit and a discover page, like Instagram, if it is to move forward.",3,2023-07-18 19:37:08 +Google Play,"The deal breaker for this app is the lack of ability to sort all the junk on the home screen to just what we want to see like people we follow. Without that feature, its juat random junk no one wants to read.",2,2023-07-08 22:54:48 +Google Play,"So far, this is an instant upgrade over Twitter. There are still some things I think could improve it (like the ability to edit posts), but overall, I dig it. Honestly, just go ahead and integrate all of IG's features into Threads, and you have an instant Twitter killer.",4,2023-07-06 21:51:54 +Google Play,"For an app that was rushed out, I must say that it works flawlessly for the limited features provided, but there's still a very long way to go. Hope Zuck doesn't give up. So much potential, even more so than Facebook I guess. Also, I hope it'll eventually be just called ""Threads"", and not ""Threads, an Instagram app""; Hinting at a dedicated login with its own sign up and login credentials. Good luck.",5,2023-07-09 01:24:05 +Google Play,"Oh dear, the app for android is still not stable yet, lots to fix, icons all over the place. I can't even view anything or is it my device. I shall try to install on another device. -Blackberry KeyOne, Android 8.1.0",1,2023-07-06 13:28:36 +Google Play,"Not even able to login !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I use FB login to sign in Instagram, Now in this app shows only login using instagram and no option to login using fb. when click login it ask username and password of instagram, as I dont have one ! what do you think of fb logged in users then ! then WTH added login via fb in insta.. not not allowing in this thread.... WORST !!!!",1,2023-07-12 14:13:48 +Google Play,"App is interesting! I found one thing that enabled me to write this review. It doesn't show View translation feature for the foreign languages thread. I would be big plus for the users. Anyways, At the first impression it is booming!",4,2023-07-08 06:56:27 +Google Play,I barely opened the account and I already started receiving spam messages. It is so plain. You can't customize it. It doesn't even show much besides the things that you are not interested in. This app sucks.,1,2023-07-13 14:33:53 +Google Play,Ever since I installed it Instagram won't open or crashes. Heading to the bin unless this sorted asap. Android issue looking at multiple reports of same on Twitter. Also need a way to search posts by keywords to see feed of subjects I'm interested in.,1,2023-07-08 18:00:14 +Google Play,"Trash, if you are looking to see a Twitter killer, Sorry to disappoint you. It's been 3hours, trying to post a Thread but it's been crashing, and it ignores the threads of those you are following and shows you the posts of people it wants to. Lacks most of the features that makes Twitter lovely e g Hashtags, Threads is simply a crashing, bug filled Instagram. I didn't mention that it is data consuming and would advice you only use it on a Wifi that is not yours. In general it's a rubbish app.",1,2023-07-07 21:25:56 +Google Play,"The app is nice. However, the developer should include changing the username without syncing to an Instagram account and creating an account without using Instagram. I also find the news feed not organized, unlike Twitter. I hope this app will last and improve more.",4,2023-07-07 05:53:36 +Google Play,"I don't see a single thread or whatever it's called from the people I follow instead it's just random people indirectly begging for followers, and it isn't changing doesn't matter how many times I report/mute or block them. I can't use this app in it's current state neither I would recommend anyone else to.",1,2023-07-08 07:26:14 +Google Play,"Great v1 app and platform. Has helped hundreds of my friends and acquaintances migrate off of the bird app. Unlike a lot of other apps that have come and gone in the past couple years, this one feels like it's going to stick. 🤞",5,2023-07-09 13:27:59 +Google Play,"There's no way to see only posts from people you follow in chronological order, so you're never ""caught up."" Happy to try it again if they change that, but until then it's trying to be an infinite timesink and I'm not into that.",1,2023-07-16 20:55:43 +Google Play,"The app is easy to use and has a clean interface. It has all the features I need to stay connected with friends and family. I particularly like the community notes feature, which helps create a better opponent for Twitter. Overall, I would highly recommend this app to everyone.",5,2023-07-06 20:20:08 +Google Play,"There's a lot of glitches every time I just touch the screen, once I entered the app, it just started to glitch. I know this is a new app I'll change my opinion about it later if they'll fix it. Will try to restart my device I guess.",2,2023-07-06 17:52:36 +Google Play,"Refuse to use this until they enable a dark mode setting. I know it goes off of phone settings, but my phone's theme requires default settings and I like my theme more than I like this app. This should be a simple fix, as every other app this company owns has a toggle for dark mode. Get it done and I'll be a regular user.",1,2023-07-08 09:42:50 +Google Play,"Poor experience. Slow timeline, unwanted content on main screen, linked with Instagram so when you block someone there it will replicate to the other app. I would be good if we were in 10's",1,2023-07-06 03:38:42 +Google Play,"The app is great but needs improvement. Need DM integrated with the app, trending topics and also adjust the app design to be more identical to instagram, like the bottom bar of actions that has very different icons.",4,2023-07-06 17:52:19 +Google Play,"So far I absolutely love this app. It's so peaceful and upbeat letting me express my thoughts while following interesting other accts. I would just let ke three things so fingers crossed. DMS, bookmarks, and if at all possible an edit button for us misspelling writers. Beautiful work.",5,2023-07-07 18:42:49 +Google Play,At least one thing is true! We need a platform that is only text based social space! Threads and Twitter both are evolving into a multimedia platform - which is not really unique! Y'all still can be unique and don't mix it up!,1,2023-07-06 03:25:53 +Google Play,"There is a problem occuring in threads by scrolling or clicking anywhere, every post gets mixed with each other and if I click on requests replies, they also get mixed. I downloaded it twice but the problem is same.",1,2023-07-07 06:35:18 +Google Play,"Promising so far. Please make an easy way to switch profiles like we have on Instagram. Also, I shouldn't have to approve access every single time I re-log in to an account, only when creating Threads and importing from instagram. For users with a personal and business profile, this is an annoying hassle.",4,2023-07-07 14:30:28 +Google Play,"As I said earlier, it's the perfect Twitter competitor that'll ultimately tone down Elon's arrogance, but it could get better! Zuck and team oughta listen to what the users DEMAND. No video autoplay; one should choose what they wanna watch, make the follow/followers section easily accessible, the search functionality should more or less be like Twitter's, heck, we should be able to read quote reposts etc. The long and short of everything is we need Twitter-like experience.",3,2023-07-12 11:38:25 +Google Play,Worst app I have ever seen in my life. It's so damn glitchy and buggy. As soon as I opened the app it started acting in a weird way. All the pages were overlapping and it was looks terrible.,1,2023-07-09 11:10:45 +Google Play,"so far, the app is great. It needs some improvements like adding hashtags and separating the following threads from those accounts you don't follow, you know, just like in Twitter. and it's hard to make an account. You need to create an insta first before you make thread accounts. I know that's actually connected with that app, but that can be a disadvantage of it.",4,2023-07-06 03:15:01 +Google Play,"The app is super buggy. Changed my insta password and I haven't been able to sign in. The loading takes ages and at times, images or videos just refuse to load. Work needs to be done.",1,2023-07-08 07:49:47 +Google Play,"It's OK, bur needs #1 bigimprovement needing to only show what I follow First over ""pushed content"" like I understand needing ads to gain money but I don't want a bunch of other content I don't follow blue check flood in the home menu. If I can expand on it's biggest issue twitter has ""following feed"" and ""for you"" while you only have ""for you"" (ads & recommended).",1,2023-07-07 04:30:57 +Google Play,"So far so good. Name is a bit confusing with a few other apps but liking the animated logo and familiar feel. It's new so needs some.time to bring features and functionality in (text search for threads a top one for me), but the core product is good.",5,2023-07-08 08:13:25 +Google Play,"very nice app but the user experience is so bad.... my account was restricted and it requires me to confirm that I'm a human by completing the reCaptcha, yes I have been confirming that since yesterday but the ""next"" button returns ""sorry, there was a problem. please try again later"". imagine since yesterday trying again trying again 😠😠",1,2023-07-07 09:09:23 +Google Play,"I'm looking forward to Fediverse integration, and the app already seems more polished in many ways than current Twitter, I just wish it collected less data than them too. Downloadable pictures, searchable posts, and followers-only timeline are missed too.",4,2023-07-06 01:51:16 +Google Play,"It's good but it's like Facebook & Instragram & what'app, twitter competition means that the thread needs to be changed a little more, pay is not working properly, the sound needs to be pressed on each reel, the keyboard is more important than the thread.",2,2023-07-08 11:48:42 +Google Play,Any potential thia app once had may have been wasted. Meta clearly rushed this app out the door without giving time to plan out and release updates at a good rate. It is ridiculously hard to grow on the app or see posts your actually intrested in. They don't even have an actual discovery tab or following tab. The apps been out for weeks now and has had virtually no changes. The lack of updates has killed any fun this app once had.,1,2023-07-22 17:37:01 +Google Play,"It's good that there's no ""Following Tab,"" please don't add Following Tab or if there's any plan to do it, just put the option to make it private. People don't need to keep overthinking about how many followers/following they have. And with no data about it, no one will feel superior to others just because of their follower/following numbers. Let everyone be real and be themselves. Oh, the most important thing, please let our home be clean from the celebrity accounts we don't follow. 😳",4,2023-07-09 00:39:45 +Google Play,"Nice great conversation & chat app 👍😍. Perfect great solution for asking open conversations (all comments, all replies, and all chats), sharing recent photos & videos, adding like to the recent photos & videos, adding stickers & GIFs, and of course being close friend with all Instagram followers no matter what situations & events it is 😍😍. Great better, easier, faster, and securable app 👍😍.",5,2023-07-06 04:03:24 +Google Play,"the size of the app is big, bigger than its competitor, that blue bird logo app, with lesser features. 🤷🏻‍♀️ home/feeds?/timeline is quiet messy, would be nice if it can be separated between following only and trending? maybe.",3,2023-07-06 11:52:06 +Google Play,"I have Android 9, and the app goes crazy once I open it. It is rendering all the screens at once, so whenever I scroll, all of it renders at once instead of rendering just one screen. Disappointed",2,2023-07-06 07:40:42 +Google Play,"This app has transformed my smartphone experience with its intuitive interface, customizable options, and smooth performance. It offers a diverse selection of content and exceptional customer support from the developers. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to enhance their smartphone experience.",5,2023-07-08 19:08:40 +Google Play,We need an organized feed that doesn't lose position everytime we move from it. Have it at least load a certain number of threads that will be shown next when we drag down to refresh the feed and so on. Such a basic feature,4,2023-07-09 19:58:14 +Google Play,"Kinda boring.. missing a lot of features or is hidden in the UI, can't find the trending topics for the life of me. The UI looks simple, too simple",2,2023-07-10 04:21:09 +Google Play,"It's good app but it should be more better if you add hashtags, Trending section. some time it automatically throw you out from the while scrolling. People who are available on thread who are also in our istagram account should be shown for suggestions because there is only one option in start follow all, what if we don't want to follow some of them.",4,2023-07-07 12:32:41 +Google Play,The app has a ways to go and got flooded the first day. As a result my page keeps crashing out. Hope it's running smoother soon. Really enjoying the layout.,3,2023-07-07 12:09:31 +Google Play,Threads is the best new social media app I've used since 2012. It definitely is not finished features are bare bones however it is a soild platform. I would recommend it. However it does not have messages or friends list or even a dark mode. Other than Facebook or Twitter it stands out!,4,2023-07-06 02:36:18 +Google Play,"As enticing as the concept is, for some reason, the application runs *terribly* on my device. Crashing when attempting to enter a thread and being unable to scroll through the notifications.",2,2023-07-07 12:00:30 +Google Play,"Great potential but some fixes needed. I don't get notifications from some of the people I want to know when they have posted, I can't attach GIFS, I see a lot of accounts I don't follow and don't want to follow and have to spend so much time blocking and muting.",3,2023-07-23 22:39:56 +Google Play,"App crashes on Android, while trying to upload photo. Have already uninstalled and re-installed and logged out of account and changed all permissions. Was able to submit my first thread but any photo upload after that crashes the app...",1,2023-07-06 18:17:39 +Google Play,"This is clearly a very early and poorly tested version of the app that was pushed out to cash in at the right time. First, the app crashes a LOT. Simply opening certain people's threads closes the app every time, but works perfectly on other threads. This is pretty much a deal breaker. Second, I think it's fair to say a web version or desktop app should have been available from the beginning. The fact that it's missing just means it's all a side effect of rushing out this new platform. AJ 505",5,2023-07-16 07:07:50 +Google Play,"Looks great. Just a bit complex, for now. Different threads look all packed up together. I think it should have the clarity of Twitter if it's going to be a major competitor. Great initiative though.",4,2023-07-06 11:51:56 +Google Play,"One of the smoothest app I have used, the reach is good and the UI is good as well, it helps to me change a window in no time and reach out to the new people faster than any other app, loved it. Precisely it has beautiful layout which could trend easily and as I have used it for longer I faced no issues. :)",5,2023-07-07 04:52:57 +Google Play,"I like it but more control is needed. Unlike twitter you can't turn off random people's feeds that you don't follow, I'm not interested in Arnold swartznegger or a bunch of randos. I'm interested in the people I follow and that's it. I also don't like that I had to go make a burner Instagram account I'll never use. I'll keep it because twitter is burning to the ground but for me personally I'd like more control over my content.",4,2023-07-08 18:59:52 +Google Play,"It's ok. Interaction bar needs to follow the comment, repost, like, share order like twitter though (it's more ergonomic to have the like button on the right side), and having the interaction numbers clearly visible instead of a dark grey which is hard to read. Still needs hashtags, a proper search feature, and trending topics. Need a home feed with only people I follow. Good for release, missing key features.",3,2023-07-06 23:32:57 +Google Play,"It a good apps for rivals Twitter but i hope this apps can have a dark mode option so sone people will not suffer for the light mode brightness. Plus please have an option like this from camera, this from Pinterest, this from Twitter and etc when we pick a photo from our gallery so the user don't have to search for the photo one by one. Hope you will improve it💜",5,2023-07-06 01:00:10 +Google Play,"There's a bug in the app, that whenever I switch between functions of app the texts just overlaps and nothing can be seen, it just becomes a display of overlapping UIs, please fix it",3,2023-07-07 13:46:06 +Google Play,"It's actually really good and better than twitter, obviously I kinda expect y'all to keep adding to the app overtime, but my posts get no engagement at 0 followers. So that sucks. Also it is missing some things that I really wish it had, but when they add them I'll change my rating. Overall solid app and better than twitter 🤘🏼",3,2023-07-07 19:34:18 +Google Play,"Everything is smooth, but is there an update happening? Couldn't seem to open the ""following"" nor ""pending"" tab. I hope it'll be fixed! And also, add ""my liked posts"" tab, and a feature for hiding some posts/threads from specific followers only to be viewed, if that's okay. Overall, I love the new social media!",4,2023-07-10 06:09:07 +Google Play,Constantly crashing. Doesnt have any sort of friend/following tab or view. I don't see myself waiting around for the bugs to be worked out..,1,2023-07-08 15:33:14 +Google Play,"I admire what this app is intended for. Fixes I would like to see would include direct messaging, trending topics, keyword searches, pinned threads, profile banners, chronological timeline.",5,2023-07-08 00:50:30 +Google Play,Need to improve media support. You cannot copy paste images/gif via clipboard. Every time need to import it from attachments icon. Voice for videos is not working as well.,2,2023-07-09 19:06:08 +Google Play,"Not able to open the app. I just installed the application and when I click on open its automatically closed. Please fix it, it's giving a very bad experience to the users.",1,2023-07-23 04:34:01 +Google Play,"This app is very great since you can share your thoughts or whatever you want to share with it however, I'm experiencing some kind of error while using the apps like "" haven't posted any threads "" even tho I have already. But anyways, I hope it won't happen again because I need to uninstall the app and install it again to use it.",4,2023-07-09 09:37:11 +Google Play,Twitter but with more censorship and worse interface. It is altogether a very bad app and I would not recommend downloading it. You have to have instagram to even get into the app which is a pain. They will also deboost your posts and censor you from seeing others. Slow to load too. Stick with twitter as it is a much better app. Very bad do not recommend.,1,2023-07-07 16:22:57 +Google Play,Threads is a great app. But it still has to improve a lot. The first problem I had to face is that the profile photo doesn't open by clicking on it. The second problem is that the sound of the video is muted and the volume button does not produce sound.,4,2023-07-06 09:28:36 +Google Play,Unfortunately It's first time that a well known app is functioning so weirdly. All things were overlapping each other and I was not able to use a single function and infact it was so malfunctioning that I am not able to read a single line.,1,2023-07-09 03:19:57 +Google Play,"I really like threads it's like Twitter but doesn't have the subscription to it or the limit to view tweets. You also can follow to your favorite content creators, etc. If you can't find your favorite creator they will be in a pending box and once they downloaded it, it will automatically make you followed. And for the few days it's passed I've been really hooked to it, also for it's few days of the app being released I've seen many nice comments and posts. It's a really nice app I recommend.",5,2023-07-06 15:18:26 +Google Play,Seems to have a lot of similarities to Twitter which is great and integrated with Instagram also great. However the main issue I'm having is that I have multiple Instagram and Twitter accounts for different companies and personal accounts and there doesn't seem.yo be a simple straightforward way to switch accounts on threads without it setting off all of Metas security alerts and stopping me from switching accounts from within Threads itself.,4,2023-07-06 15:57:09 +Google Play,"Well, I'd love to use it but it won't let me post, I keep getting the 'Your thread failed to upload' message for days now. I tried clearing cache, force stopping, uninstall/reinstall...doesn't work. I'm giving it 2 stars because Instagram import seems to work and I could see other people's threads.",2,2023-07-18 05:26:54 +Google Play,It's good to have such a space to share your thoughts and create your content with words instead of media .. But I think that the home screen is too messy .. you gotta lower the count of non followed accounts threads in the home screen.,4,2023-07-07 21:21:49 +Google Play,"I love this app!!! Extremely addicting 🤣 but anyways I wanted to recommend something slight, I would love an option for a post to be ""close friends"" like on Instagram stories I would be elated! Because I am shy writing silly things infront of my extended family. (It would be 5 stars if the app had this option)",4,2023-07-07 13:09:35 +Google Play,"The app is too good as Twitter, and especially the app is connected directly to other Social Media apps but one thing to come in view is that the app contains many and confusing steps to SWITCH ACCOUNT. Look to Instagram and other Meta apps that contains easy and normal way to switch account quickly. Otherwise the app is amazing. My regards to Mark Zuckerberg 🙏",5,2023-07-07 14:29:46 +Google Play,"Liking the concept so far, could be fun. Only thing I wish for is being able to scroll through just the people I'm following, separate thread. Also, when clicking on ""follow all on Instagram"", needs to be an acknowledgement that it works. Seems like my pending list should be a lot larger.",4,2023-07-06 04:38:28 +Google Play,"Good first draft. It runs smooth and I am sure they will be adding functionality. I don't think they expected so many downloads right away but yet it doesn't crash. They seem to have only rolled out what has been well tested. Also, it's not filled with weird vaguely eugenicist posts by the billionaire owner, so that is cool.",5,2023-07-10 04:31:16 +Google Play,You have to log in with Instagram. Which in turn shares tons of information. So I looked at all the pictures of the app in use and realize that it is appears to be just be a copy of Twitter. Instagram and Facebook have been instrumental in censorship and data gathering and selling. I will delete it immediately.,1,2023-07-07 18:18:39 +Google Play,"This app is kinda cool but it also has some bugs. My account is limited and i can't follow people, it shows a continuous error. This has to be fixed. Overall, this is a good app",3,2023-07-08 11:40:26 +Google Play,"Threads is an exceptional application that has greatly enhanced my social media experience. It offers a unique and efficient way to connect and communicate with close friends, making it easier to stay connected on a more personal level.😊😊",5,2023-07-06 16:31:19 +Google Play,"It's a great step, but I wish it was more convenient. Placing the comment and like button in accordance to your hand as I am a right handed I would like them on the right side. Double tap on like also needed.",5,2023-07-15 17:17:23 +Google Play,This app was unusable because of serious glitches. I couldn't see or scroll anything. To make things worse when I redownload the app I can't even login and app is keep crashing. Meta team should fire the testing team or they will lose billions in upcoming months . So far terribly frustrated with this product,1,2023-07-07 18:13:28 +Google Play,"great app, best to compete with twitter, but glitches out on my phone when started and its not being fixed... please release an update and fix the bug! Also, not allowing to delete threads account without deleting Instagram account is really the worst idea you can come up for. Fix the mistake as soon as you can!!",3,2023-07-07 16:36:00 +Google Play,While writing we cannot select words on double click. Its good if You can fix it in next release. Else everything looks pretty fun. Great to see competition for tweeter. Keep rocking meta,3,2023-07-06 10:34:48 +Google Play,"Still kinda barebones for now, but it's not bad for a new social media app. It def needs some improvement on algorithm and such. Since it's a new app tho, I'll let it slide for now and hope they add more in the future.",4,2023-07-08 05:03:37 +Google Play,"I know it's because it's new .....but there is a lot of glitch ....when swiping down it's not refreshing, automatically showing posting something new , closing the app randomly, and p.s also add a new feature where you can only see stuff from people who you follows",3,2023-07-08 10:01:06 +Google Play,"Annoying - 2 stars coz well done for copying Twitter but it's not allowing me to post a thread. It keeps kicking me out when I try to type. Un-installed and reinstalled ☕ and now it just keeps saying ""posting.... view "" can see everyone else's threads, just not my own feed. I find all of this monotonous. How do i fix this problem?",2,2023-07-11 05:35:21 +Google Play,Very good app. I surprised to see a nice app to ditch Twitter. I hope Threads have feature to save picture like Twitter. Since personally i using save picture many times in Twitter. Hopefully dev will add that feature. And if can it will better if we can change region (not language) so i can get better recommended in for another country. Plus we need history to look what post we like before.,5,2023-07-06 23:11:25 +Google Play,"I'm partly a big fan of Threads. Very smooth interface, quick loading, and instantly compatible with my Instagram profile. However, there's a few issues. Firstly, not many celebs that I admire are on Threads yet - hopefully they will be soon! Secondly, I like downloading memes that people post on Twitter... But on Threads, there's no option to Save Image apart from to screenshot. Apart from that, Threads is a great app. I think I'll be moving from Twitter to here!",4,2023-07-06 06:44:36 +Google Play,"An amazing start, I wish this app be totally open, but I can sense that there will be a tone regulations comings which is why Twitter is so far ahead, you can literally find anything there, I hope they turn this app into a place for cute msgs and etc. Zuck should definitely make this into the real town square that Elon failed to accomplish.",5,2023-07-14 08:00:21 +Google Play,"When clicking to post/reply with an image, it opens ""gallery"" by default, not allowing to navigate on the albums. Please use native way on Android so we can find pictures faster instead of a giant scrolling",3,2023-07-06 01:46:35 +Google Play,"I think Threads could be improved by adding more features, such as the ability to edit posts and the ability to switch between multiple accounts. Overall, I think Threads is a promising social media platform. It's not perfect, but it has a lot of potential. I'm excited to see how it develops in the future.",4,2023-07-07 00:00:01 +Google Play,Not a bad app it needs an update becoz whenever I upload video there is audio problem...automatically becomes muted ...u can also can't see live videos on threads ..only notification of live video is coming... Most important is there is login glitch... whenever I switched my accounts on instagram app ..the threads app also log out my account on threads app.. Every time I have to login my accounts on both apps..plz fix these glitches ..thanku,2,2023-07-11 09:49:39 +Google Play,Good app so far. A few requests: 1: Themed icon support for Android 13. 2: double tapping the search icon should go to the search page and show the keyboard (like other apps do) as this speeds up searching. 3: customisation like colours and things. Hopefully this will replace that other app..!,5,2023-07-06 08:19:55 +Google Play,The app is great but it's also fun*king annoying one minute I can follow someone the other minute I can't Sometime I can't even post really had a rough time with it but I love the app that's why I'm giving it 5 star please fix the issues And another thing it keeps blocking me out of the app some times saying we restrict so so nd so something like that pls fix the app,5,2023-07-14 19:16:19 +Google Play,"Haven't really explored the app yet, but a slight annoyance that I hope gets fixed soon. It'll be nice if we can switch between accounts like you can on Instagram. Signing out and back in all the time is a pain",2,2023-07-07 04:57:09 +Google Play,"Good experience. I am still learning new things about this app. I am taking more time to learn the total apps features. I didn't take this much time to learn features of an app. The overall user experience, animations, smoothness, are really good. Especially since it linked with insta account, I can directly use my insta bio in this app. It is totally connected to Instagram such made me easirler to find my friends.",5,2023-07-08 11:19:18 +Google Play,"The app is glitching. I just installed the app and when it opened, it wont show the posts properly. When I clicked the other icons, it justs mixed whats on the screen.",1,2023-07-07 03:16:10 +Google Play,"Instagram's Threads is a brilliant addition. As a photographer, the selective sharing with a close-knit circle is a boon. It's personal, smoothly integrated with the main app, and respects my aesthetic sensibilities. Overall, Threads gets my full endorsement - it's a game-changer in enhancing my audience connectivity.",5,2023-07-06 10:25:42 +Google Play,"So far, I like this application. It could use some features like gifs, maybe live stream etc. The tweets aren't repetitive as you scroll your feed, unlike Twitter, and it seems as though you can see everyone thread who posts on the platform, which is cool. Makes following new people easier. So far so good. I'm a meta Share holder too so with this new app I'll be buying more stock options. Lol 😆",5,2023-07-06 01:59:23 +Google Play,Just like Twitter! What was needed to make it like Twitter? & it has the biggest problem that is if we wanna delete threads also we have to delete our Instagram account. What is it?Whenever I want to click on it & start to scroll it starts to show me its glitching.I don't know why it's going on my app. I think some users are facing this same problem. Please fix it urgently. Also after hiding badge we need a option to reset it again on our profile. Please create this feature,1,2023-07-09 19:18:57 +Google Play,"It's an alright app, simplistic. But it crashes and close it self when I try and write something to post. I have to write the message in my phones notes app and copy and paste it over and post it before it crashes",3,2023-07-08 12:48:00 +Google Play,"I don't know whats happening on my app, at first it was working very well then when I try to scroll it's creating a feed page that I cannot read .... Things are moving up down.... Can you please fix t....but it's a good app definitely.",5,2023-07-06 18:06:19 +Google Play,"Love the Minimal but delightful UI. Please don't clutter it! The integration of haptics are awesome. The Scrolling smoothness can be improved though, it feels choppy.",4,2023-07-06 15:37:33 +Google Play,The fact that I can't delete my thread account without it also deleting my entire instagram is awful. I feel trapped. Separate them! Wish I had known this before I downloaded it. There's already bots and ads... I don't love it. It's also crashing every time I try to view replies to my threads...,2,2023-07-07 14:56:08 +Google Play,"Would be better if I could switch between profiles like on Instagram (without having to completely log out as it locks me out of the app). *also if you log out, it won't let you log back in unless you Uninstall and then Reinstall the app.",4,2023-07-06 04:08:17 +Google Play,There's a glich in the app.. Whenever I try to open it everything seems to be dragging and it's really annoying.. I tried after installing it again.. But it's still the same... I'm disappointed,1,2023-07-09 11:19:11 +Google Play,"I installed this app. First day was fun. Today I went to my profile and accidentally refreshed it, it brings my insta profile bio and followers with msg no threads found. And also I am not able to see other people threads, getting message something went wrong. I re installed app and now it's working.",3,2023-07-07 14:49:31 +Google Play,After 1 week use of threads app I found its not good because as per meta description there is no option for personal chat through inbox direct message. I still waiting for DM direct message features. I am getting regular many followers but I didn't talk anyone's person. So I would like to request you meta team please find the problem of direct message features and try to solve as soon as possible. 🙏🙏🙏,2,2023-07-12 06:10:40 +Google Play,"Experienced a bug that made the app unusable, while scrolling the previous content continues to stay on the screen, not allowing me to see anything. Hopefully this bug gets fixed soon",3,2023-07-12 22:38:15 +Google Play,"Could be better. I recommend not displaying suggested posts and accounts (that I do not follow) on the Home feed. I'm planning to use Threads for staying updated with the news but when random nonsensical posts and memes pop-up, it ruins the experience.",3,2023-07-11 18:11:50 +Google Play,"Great little side ""app"" to extend the features of Instagram, it incorporates similar page styles to Reddit although not all that comprehensive it gives a streamlined approach to the usual ""doom scrolling"" I've seen on other social media platforms.",5,2023-07-09 04:59:16 +Google Play,"Needs a lot of work in my opinion. Not getting notifications when those I follow post, all notifications are on, still nothing. Would love it if those I do follow are 1st on my feed. Also, a translate option would be great as I follow non English speaking celebs and have to screenshot posts for translation.",1,2023-07-09 21:42:00 +Google Play,"So far it's nothing new nor innovative, nor is it anything near Twitter - which is more smooth and users have more control over what is actually on their feed. That sluggish scroll this App has is very annoying and honestly quite irritating.",2,2023-07-15 19:17:32 +Google Play,"Title: Inadequate Formality: App Needs Its Own User ID, Separate from Instagram The decision to link it with Instagram is quite bad. If the app aims to establish itself as a formal platform, it must break free from this association and create its own user identification system. By relying on Instagram for user authentication, the app loses its independence and fails to establish a unique identity.",1,2023-07-07 01:52:11 +Google Play,I am not able to use the app properly because when I'm scrolling the screen the threads are overlapping and everything is very blurry on the screen. Please look into this.,3,2023-07-06 09:47:13 +Google Play,"Sure, I'd be happy to review Instagram Threads for you. Threads is a standalone app from Instagram that was designed to be a more personal and private way to connect with your close friends. It's a great way to share your day-to-day moments with the people who matter most to you, without having to worry about your posts being seen by a wider audience. Some of the things I like about Threads include: It's a more personal and private way to connect. Threads is only visible to your close friend",5,2023-07-15 02:24:47 +Google Play,"I like the concept of the app, but I'm having issues with my timeline, it's not showing me the accounts I follow, no matter how many times I refresh the timeline, it shows me random accounts that I don't follow, and it's not because the users I do follow are reposting their threads, it's just giving me random accounts. I want to see the accountsI follow, I specifically didn't tap the ""follow all"" button when setting up my account because I wanted to follow specific people. Please fix this issue",2,2023-07-07 02:45:39 +Google Play,Pretty well to navigate. A little hard to branch off to find similar users. But my biggest hate and the reason why I give 3 stars is the constant spam of verified users that I don't care about. Their brands do not suit my taste and it's always a large scrolling process to skip past them.,3,2023-07-06 14:44:25 +Google Play,"So far I hate it, there is no way to turn off threads from accounts you don't follow. Im seeing threads from every account that has joined the platform so far. I've followed every guide to turning this off. I've changed every notification to "" only account you follow"" and I've turned off every category! I'm still seeing threads from everyone. It honestly makes the app unusable for me.",1,2023-07-06 19:05:37 +Google Play,"its okay! i wish we could look up what we wanted to see, like hashtags and a trending page. I dont really like the UI and it feels like an expanded notes extension that doesnt serve much purpose. But i like it overall !!",4,2023-07-06 08:55:00 +Google Play,Pretty mid - concept is cool for those who basically want a PG/clean version of Twitter. Doesn't have direct messaging so no chance of strangers trying to scam you or sending you porn. But it links to your Instagram account so you can't delete your threads profile without deleting your Instagram profile too. Hopefully this mechanism will be scrapped and soon else I can see the app crashing and burning. But you can however deactivate the threads account without it impacting your Instagram.,3,2023-07-07 15:47:37 +Google Play,"The app keeps crashing when I want to comment on a thread... I use Huawei P30 Pro. I have tried clearing cache, closing all apps, restarting the device, updating the app and nothing seems to work.",2,2023-07-09 11:04:50 +Google Play,"It started on a good foot and it can be better if it includes the following: -Save post and categorize/sort them in a folder -Close Friends, just like in instagram stories -trending topics under search tab -list, just like in twitter",4,2023-07-06 01:19:43 +Google Play,"This Instagram threads app doesn't seem to work properly on my phone and all the writing seems to overlap each other, plus it looks like it's either crashed or frozen.",1,2023-07-06 14:59:11 +Google Play,"I like the app, but please let us select album from the gallery for the attachment option. Will edit this after I explore the app. Everything seems to be at basic right now, let's see what will be added at first update.",5,2023-07-07 01:41:14 +Google Play,Home screen is full of people I don't follow and I have to search for people I follow individually. Just make the home screen like insta. Then when you search you can get the other suggested people. I'll give it a week then delete it if it's not useful,1,2023-07-06 23:50:07 +Google Play,"It's smooth & i love the fact that Threads have no theme colour, it's just white or Pitch Black. And, well for now it's in need for major upgrades. The settings ui, thread pinning, over-all experience. The point is, how different it is from Twitter & Instagram.",5,2023-07-06 15:20:06 +Google Play,"Much slow and bugs... Felt like a Juice product of instagram+twitter. It doesn't seems attractive or something new or interesting, maybe it will become best later with owners (@mark) interest - if he makes it compulsory to go beyond instagram. We're committed to use all the things as you deliver to us... Hope for the best. tnQ.",2,2023-07-06 19:49:38 +Google Play,"Best social media App so far,..to make make it all in one...can you modify the app to be able to have the LIVE option like facebook and also to be able to contact the owner of a certain account either through video ,audio calls or be able to text and send images or video to the owner of the account ( end to end encripted ) and i if one could create a group or community ( just like messanger or whatsaap ) for sure this app will be 👌.",4,2023-07-09 04:24:14 +Google Play,"This app does not support keyword search. As an active Twitter user, this is a showstopper, and the app is next to useless for me. Having that feature currently in the pipeline is understandable, but the fact that Meta decided to hype a beta version just to gain momentum over Twitter is embarrassing and disappointing.",1,2023-07-21 14:10:35 +Google Play,"It works. Easy to sign up (linking to existing IG), intuitive even for an elder millenial like me. I'm not a Twitter user and am just there for info, not to engage. Cleaner than Twitter's interface. Also, dark mode worked great.",5,2023-07-06 06:09:46 +Google Play,"My biggest problem with Twitter is that it has no “edit” button and I am an impulsive commenter. This appears to be the case with Threads. For me, Facebook will always stand out for having this great feature. Sometimes, I deliberately post shabbily on the App just to capture the musings. Knowing that I can always come back to flesh out what’s been wrongly done kind of endears the App to me. Mark Zuckerberg must quickly afford us this feasibility on the Threads.",2,2023-07-06 18:36:27 +Google Play,"I love how simplistic it is. I also really like that you can't DM, so I feel like I won't get harassed by bots. It's way more simplistic compared to Twitter, but I prefer it this way. - Update 7/15/2023 I lower my review to 3 starts because the app stopped working properly. It won't load posts on anyone's profile including mine anymore. My activity feed will not load. And I can't load replies on posts. It's really disappointing.",3,2023-07-15 05:20:59 +Google Play,"Keeps saying it sent me a code to my cell to verify, however never got one. Then said I tried to many times. Then would not let me inform 24 hours only to have same to happen again. I got in initially on Threads and Instagram. Liked, followed then the above kept happening. Still can't use either.",1,2023-07-07 14:42:53 +Google Play,"It's a good start, nice interface. Let there be free speeches man, Direct messages is important. Saving videos and pictures. I believe it can be a good competition to Twitter",3,2023-07-08 15:32:25 +Google Play,Amazing app to be honest but I've been having problems with my media playback. Like videos do not make a sound at all so please fix it but other than that it's been good,3,2023-07-07 23:07:22 +Google Play,Definitely has the potential to work well. Needs to iron out some bugs with refreshing and more features. I expect the next update will be much smoother.,5,2023-07-06 21:32:32 +Google Play,"Just a small issue with dark/light mode. Can't switch between dark and light mode, even if you switch to light mode on Instagram, it stays in dark mode. Think you missed that. Everything else, dope 😎",5,2023-07-06 20:04:12 +Google Play,"The application is really great!The Ui and scroll is soo smooth.The animations are really good. I really hope this application stays this way, never add any other dumb features that you did to Instagram. For now Threads is a great place to be.",5,2023-07-07 04:36:46 +Google Play,"It's a Twitter like experience withour many of the issues Twitter currently has. HOWEVER my biggest gripes are how the algorithm suggests accounts to follow and places posts in my feed. For now, I find myself scrolling past lots of posts and accounts that mean nothing to me but Threads keeps putting them in my way. Once this is addressed, I think I'd be inclined to spend more time using this app but for now it's kind of tedious and boring",2,2023-07-15 21:35:48 +Google Play,The app is really better in comparison to Twitter. It's a good start. Just need some improvement... Mark Zuckerberg saved us from Twitter. 🤍 One more request There should be a Translate option beside every thread in the (...). Telegram is a good example. If any thread is not no English it'll show an option to translate in English.,5,2023-07-08 21:58:34 +Google Play,"It's pretty solid. The one issue I have is when I try to post photos, it keeps crashing and it stops working. I just want that issue to be fixed, everything else is ok.",4,2023-07-07 21:55:48 +Google Play,"Was rushed out the door, lack of features, and lack of pages/people to follow. Also the app uses a lot of personal data, so be wary of that.",2,2023-07-16 18:51:51 +Google Play,"I have to give it the lowest possible rating due to how awful the main feed algorithm is. I'm following tons of people, but constantly get screenfuls of posts from accounts I don't follow, and see many of the same ones repeated over and over. JUST SHOW ME WHO I FOLLOW!",1,2023-07-07 15:08:18 +Google Play,"Something went wrong. Everything is not working. Please fix it and add some features like downloading button of pictures, editing captions in a post.",3,2023-07-06 12:04:32 +Google Play,"Day 1 and I like it... so far smooth ui, potential for greatness... but some minor glitches and issues loading replies sometimes... would be nice to see number of reposts and quotes soon... room for improvements of course, but strong start.",4,2023-07-06 11:33:05 +Google Play,"Teething problems as expected, on android need option to be able save photos. And be able to zoom in pictures and stayed zoomed in rather than keeping hold of pic. Also be able to search threads, when you currently search just the profiles come up and not the threads",3,2023-07-09 17:18:09 +Google Play,Need a draft for threads and sometimes it doesn't allow me to upload higher quality or size images and videos and even when that is the case it should mention the reason why the post was not uploaded rather than 'Unable to post' . Otherwise all good.,4,2023-07-08 09:09:34 +Google Play,"This app is great and so much better than Twitter, but my second day of using the app it start to crash or tine out once you open it. I had to uninstall to stop the crashing in order to see the house feed. Please fix problems",2,2023-07-07 13:00:24 +Google Play,Very annoying with that very Instagram feature where it thinks it knows better than I do and shows me posts from people I don't follow. Stop it! And if you want to ve a twitter alternative give us a chronological timeline and stop showing me people I don't follow. Up to the minute info is what newshead use twitter for,1,2023-07-20 18:29:10 +Google Play,Just show me who I follow. The timeline is too cluttered with random strangers unrelated to who I follow... Makes it very hard to use the app for more than 2 minutes at a time.,1,2023-07-09 03:52:39 +Google Play,"The app's got a lot of potential, but right now it's quite hard to find posts you actually are interested in. The fyp seems to be random and has little to do with the posts you like or the accounts you follow, and you can't search for posts. It would also be good to to have a seperate tab for posts from only people you follow",3,2023-07-06 10:08:44 +Google Play,"If you are to copy, you should be good at it. There is a lot is missing to make more Twitter. At the moment, it's labeled as a ghost town... we need to know the trending stuff and real-time news... add a search for content... not just followers.. if am to stay.",1,2023-07-08 22:10:27 +Google Play,"Being a first-week user, I've experienced improvement and better stability in just 10 days. Features are hearty at launch, learning curve is very low. Not pornified, no crypto bro or tabloid ad bombs (yet). Very stoked for Threads.",5,2023-07-13 20:20:58 +Google Play,Absolutely fabulous first day. I did notice Elon's buddies coming over and complaining a lot when they went back on Twitter. But they get mad because they do s***** things and then get caught. Other than that it worked really good. Cons are it needs an edit button and it needs a way to select the type of things that you want to follow for example politics animals etc. Have a great day I was really happy to see everyone show up.,5,2023-07-08 00:31:19 +Google Play,I see the appeal to leave the bird app but that's no excuse to roll out a half baked app. Search is not functional at all. No hashtags to find related or trending content. Videos with audio should unmute when I tap on them to play. No GIF support in posts. There's so much that needs fixing.,1,2023-07-07 05:33:28 +Google Play,"""Your thread failed to upload."" Useless app, nothing works except the feed which can't be sorted and search is only for names but no matter, clearing cache, uninstalling etc. it is still impossible to post or see notifications.",1,2023-07-15 08:15:35 +Google Play,"Intuitive app design, however, the inability to choose which Gallery app you want to use to select media and not being able to edit the media you've chosen are joykillers. Bookmarks missing is also something of note. Hope that changes soon.",4,2023-07-06 11:11:42 +Google Play,"Has a few glitches that need to be sorted out, but otherwise a solid improvement over Twitter. Looking forward to the updates when they start fixing bugs.",4,2023-07-06 21:08:03 +Google Play,"The app crashes when I try to post a photo. Sometimes, it allows one or two photos, but sometimes crashes when only trying to post one photo.",2,2023-07-08 11:46:02 +Google Play,"It's pretty good but it is a lot for the first couple of days. Baby steps, but I prefer wasteof.money because it's smaller. Edit: this is pretty good +1 star. The problem is the community is really abnormally almost annoyingly large.",4,2023-07-15 03:20:19 +Google Play,"A lot of potential, but it's still way too buggy. It's also way too sensitive on its auto-ban system. I'll follow 10 people, and then can't follow anyone else for at least 24 hours. Hoping Meta fixes all the issues soon so that I don't have to leave and come back later. Updating to say that they never respond in any way when you report an issue. 0 actual support.",1,2023-07-25 06:09:20 +Google Play,"Like it, a little feature-plain, but overall an okay experience. Strangely though, it keeps crashing & I have no idea why, but it's probably a my-phone thing since I haven't heard anyone else talk about it.",3,2023-07-07 11:02:59 +Google Play,it looks really good but the biggest negative for this app is the linking to Instagram. a lot of times on twitter like apps I do not want people knowing my real name because people are crazy and having a shown username and hidden real name can protect people who don't want to use their real name out of fear of harassment or stalking,3,2023-07-06 13:05:05 +Google Play,The feed is a real mess (like Instagram). I can't select to see just who I follow and can't be adjusted chronologically. Very frustrating.,1,2023-07-12 10:50:28 +Google Play,"Some sort of static content retention mechanism to show the last seen Thread before closing the app after a re-open would be perfect. New threads should show thumbnail of their publisher's pfp at the top, giving the user the control to go up or go down the feed.",3,2023-07-06 03:04:45 +Google Play,"pretty good so far but some flaws - I think the feed needs to be improved, refreshing kinda does nothing and i almost NEVER see any posts from people ive actually followed, even though when i check their accounts individually they have posted new stuff. the large majority of posts is from influencers, brands, celebrities/micro celebrities etc. basically anyone with a verified account and large following, which is annoying as i'd rather see the accounts ive ACTUALLY followed. otherwise its okay",3,2023-07-07 15:09:28 +Google Play,Excellent application! Such a great place for a conversation. But I've seen some glitches while opening the app. However the application running very smooth on iOS. Thanks to Meta 😄,5,2023-07-07 18:26:46 +Google Play,"Since you want to copy Twitter, copy it good, I can't pin posts, it's not colorful, I can't chat like on Twitter and Whatsapp, the logo makes me sick literally, why can't I bring back my barge on Instagram when I accidentally remove it and why can't our birthdays be announced, but I'm sure glad I have a second Twitter, all my suggestions should be sent to threaders and you should hear from them but please consider my suggestions, thanks.",1,2023-07-08 08:36:37 +Google Play,Created account. Account instantly suspended for no reason. Tried to appeal suspension and it needed to verify my phone number. Put in phone number to receive verification code. Code never comes. Try again. Code never comes. Try again. Too many codes requested. Try again later. What did I do wrong?,1,2023-07-06 04:54:01 +Google Play,"What's the point of following people if their posts never actually show up on your home tab? Instead all I see is random people posting about how much they like Threads, so it really just looks like the app is trying to make itself look good without actually doing anything useful.",1,2023-07-10 09:37:20 +Google Play,"so far, it's good. but can you include private message and having a shortcut to switch accounts? it's good and it will even be better if many social media influencers and celebrity get to know about the app so, i hope you can advertise it more because it's boring if they don't join in",3,2023-07-06 10:48:29 +Google Play,"It's a far worse version of Twitter. Only one feed filled with random accounts I have 0 interest in following. There's no hashtags, no related accounts pop up when you follow someone. Account is attached to Instagram, so you'd have to delete your insta account to delete your threads one and there's trending tab of course. It's not horrible but feels very rushed, random and insular.",2,2023-07-16 06:51:34 +Google Play,@globalrealtor _ An App that is very functional catches my fancy. I love the fact that it's seamless and I can easily network and run my Real Estate Business and other businesses I manage effectively. The beauty of this is meta has seen continuous improvement and innovation in this sector. I believe to see more of this soon.,4,2023-07-06 20:16:24 +Google Play,"This second I enter the app and touch the screen one time , it's over ! It's starts gliching like crazy comments get on top of each other and all you'll see is white . I deleted and redownload it 5 times and still them same problem.",1,2023-07-07 17:45:24 +Google Play,"It's really nice and comfortable. The simplicity hits (well) and it still is solid. Still waiting for dark mode, hastags, chat, a little etc though and probably more stuff........",5,2023-07-08 00:16:30 +Google Play,Phenomenal app. Account and profile and followers sync seamlessly with Instagram so I was able to jump right in with all my followers and followed people. The app is well-designed and fast. Far better than Twitter. I hope it keeps up.,5,2023-07-06 19:24:39 +Google Play,"A very good start as a basic social media app, the design is awesome and I love its details but of course there's a long way to go with the other features that need to be added for a better experience.",4,2023-07-07 12:29:08 +Google Play,"There are limited features as compared to Twitter, which is what it's trying to be, but overall, it isn't poorly designed frankly wish there was more of a ""recommended"" feed or other features akin to twitter that goes beyond who you follow on instagram. I'll probably write another review as the app develops",3,2023-07-12 15:01:41 +Google Play,"Good start, but would be nice to add a few new features. Hashtags, whats trending, and an option to switch between multiple accounts instead of logging out.",4,2023-07-07 15:03:01 +Google Play,"So far, nah. I'm not saying Twitter is good - because it's not - but even the app store I downloaded this app from has a dark mode. A lot of people have light eyes and can't handle bright things. White on white is actually painful to me. I'll update rating, if they add a dark mode.",2,2023-07-06 23:52:17 +Google Play,Great app twitter rival and a good one I used it on the first day of its release liked it. Mr musk is making twitter limited and pay for blue tick is very bad. Money can't buy everything. Hope this app will stay and more and more people come on this and this app should not follow the steps of musk and FB ads factory and keep our data save. Good luck treads.,4,2023-07-09 22:48:37 +Google Play,It's working fine but there are a lot of features that needs to be improved. One most important I would like to mention is that deleting Threads account should not affect Instagram account at all. This is a very big disadvantage that needs to be improved ASAP.I mean DELETING & not deactivating.,3,2023-07-08 06:37:21 +Google Play,"So far so good, app is easy to use, tho it would be nice to be able to choose the photos from their folder instead of scrolling all the way down just to post it in the app",4,2023-07-10 16:09:20 +Google Play,"So far its great.needs some improvements here and there,like the algorithm for example.i really like the user interface,its very clean and its just a chill time in threads.hope it doesn't turn out to be like twitter",4,2023-07-07 04:14:15 +Google Play,"I downloaded it and didn't like it because of it is a replica of Twitter and offers nothing different and innovative. It is heavily biased too and you can get censored for sharing funny Zuck memes. Anyways, I then deleted the account and lost my Instagram of 7 years in the process because I didn't read the fine print. I don't recommend this. Stick to IG or Twitter.",1,2023-07-07 14:36:36 +Google Play,"I haven't had it long but so far it's pretty neat! The app functions well without lag/bugs, it's easy to navigate overall a pretty nice addition and a good alternative to twitter",5,2023-07-06 18:55:25 +Google Play,"Why can Meta not figure out how to make a gallery selection tool? Why do I have to scroll through all 12000 pictures on my phone instead of being able to select the folders or albums that I have made? Same garbage as Facebook. The only option when making a post is ""gallery"", about as useful as a poopie flavored lollipop (Patches O'houlihan, 2004)",1,2023-07-07 01:51:51 +Google Play,"I really love the THREADS, the design, the interface, the fonts, ans everything. I hope they will improve it more like the edit button, emoji design and add some trendings to know what's happening in our world. Such a great app! 🩷",5,2023-07-07 00:53:34 +Google Play,I don't see a point in this app. 1) I can't search for a specific post based on keywords. Or related topics 2) cannot know what is happening locally because there is no location based trends. 3) I don't understand the feed. It has nothing that I'm interested. I don't know why I'm asked to view those posts. 4) I cannot use the app to DM anybody.,2,2023-07-11 04:27:41 +Google Play,Threader is great but not perfect yet. Here's what @zuck needs to fix ASAP. → DM: allow us send direct messages on Threads. → Insight: we need to see analytics to measure growth → Cover: we need cover photos in our bios for proper branding → Quote Threads reader: we need to be able to see the quotes on each post → Media: Allow us check out only media on profiles (e get y). What else have you noticed that's missing that needs to be fixed ASAP?,3,2023-07-08 18:39:49 +Google Play,"The concept is great, but it constantly crashes and the more posts you mute concerning certain topics, the more you see if that topic. What's the point of the mute function if it does the opposite?",2,2023-07-09 11:41:18 +Google Play,"There's no filtering on the feed. It's just an endless stream of inane/pointless comments from people desperate for attention, begging people to follow them etc. This isn't a social media platform, it's a self promotion one. It wouldn't be so bad if I could filter to see content that I'm interested in but threads like ""I'm addicted to yakult"" are so utterly pointless. Like, good for you, super interesting, can't wait to hear about your favourite brand of toilet paper. Urgh.",1,2023-07-07 09:06:12 +Google Play,The app is having a big problem. I have logged in with my Instagram account. But when I scroll down to view people's post it turns white and also glitching. I have uninstalled it and installed yet the problem still remain the same. Although the app is nice but it having problem. Please fix it.,2,2023-07-07 05:01:15 +Google Play,"I'll start by saying I've enjoyed being on threads, when I can get on it that is, as it just crashes constantly, always when I'm trying to reply to people. And the problem is it crashes, I then have to remember who I was talking to or the thread I was on and find it again. Only for it to crash again and again and again. I'm at the point where its unusable in its current state. Needs a lot of work.",2,2023-07-20 09:36:23 +Google Play,"Search feature won't work. Yesterday morning it worked, in the evening and today simply doesn't work at all. Very frustrating when trying to find specific accounts which I know already are active on the platform.",1,2023-07-08 08:29:29 +Google Play,"Great App, very easy to navigate and understand, just some few suggestions please; 1. One should be able to view profile pictures 2. New followers should be placed the way they follow so one can easily identify who is following or not.",4,2023-07-09 05:58:44 +Google Play,"Terrible functionality with photos, images. Yup, it's Instagram, you can't zoom without autoreset, size and quality are bad, and yeah... you can't download it.",2,2023-07-06 18:24:28 +Google Play,"I was expecting a good app but it's totally second Instagram app. I was expecting app like Twitter because nowadays it's dead, people would come to this app if it's more advanced than Twitter... What i was expecting? It give bluecheck to those who has real names having nic id. It should be separate from Instagram It should not collect people's data It should have unique timeline (like Twitter). It should be more secure + very strict about people's self respect, filter bad words auto.",1,2023-07-06 09:16:57 +Google Play,"I am facing some problems like, when I am trying to post something the app crashes 😐and it's happening again and again. Everything is fine as long as my network connection and mobile phone.. I don't get it what's the problem is..",3,2023-07-11 07:07:10 +Google Play,"What is the point of creating an app that is litteraly facebook but as an instagram surfer. Moreover, you are copying twitter with all its specs and you got a new way not only to know every single detail about our lives but to actually know every single word we want to say. Try hard app!",1,2023-07-09 05:57:37 +Google Play,Just after I logged in all the pages started to overlap and I couldn't even use it. I even reinstalled the app 2-3 times but it didn't work. Please fix this bug because I wanna use this app.,1,2023-07-09 13:17:39 +Google Play,"Well, it's seems good start, but I have suggestions for the developer, the firsthing is a separated timeline, because it's so chaotic, timeline don't follow our interest, it's a random very-very random. Please make a better timeline, with all data you have I think this not to hard to implemented.",5,2023-07-06 11:09:34 +Google Play,"Stop forcing cross-platform user profile sync. I get your business model is to build data models of each of your users, but stop trying to farm me at every single faucet of online activity. Just allow a simple username/password to create an account instead of forcing users to sync from Instagram. I shouldn't have to create a new Instagram account just so my legal name is tied to an account for a new social media app that who knows what kind of secops are in place for.",1,2023-07-06 15:02:49 +Google Play,Privacy nightmare it is when you become a marketing object in meta ecosystem. There's no option to sign-in using using an email or any other ID. Ultimately by using your Instagram login you're exposing yourself too much for a company's business over the Internet showing your activities and views. That's even if you don't post anything because app tracks you 24/7.,1,2023-07-06 11:11:36 +Google Play,"Audio get mute when video uploaded, so many features have to improve, so any features not working properly. Need much improvement. I must say that it's unsuccessful imitation of Twitter. Finally I say it's totally BAKWAS App.",1,2023-07-11 11:23:04 +Google Play,I am using a device on Android 9 and the app is not functioning properly it glitches and the surfaces overlaps with eachother like its hacked or smn. Please look into it (update : it only happens in dark mode),1,2023-07-07 02:51:14 +Google Play,"New app new experience looking forward for more features, it's just launched recently and I downloaded it immediately and actually its easy to navigate.... But I suggest to add translation for the foreign languages that's all I find issues and I'll wait for new updates for new features 😍",5,2023-07-06 13:22:35 +Google Play,"Okay, it's impressive. I use Tw because it's more comfortable than Instagram because it much give us a text than a picture. Where picture is the reason why Instagram is more being used by children which it makes me uncomfortable with them. But now, there is Threads for Ig user, so I would like to choose it.",5,2023-07-08 01:29:19 +Google Play,"Really loving the app so far, but there is a serious issue with watching video clips where when I click the unmute audio button the video will just stop playing and freeze frame.",3,2023-07-11 13:34:29 +Google Play,"Not to shabby for a start, but it lacks features. I also don't like how it collects data and the fact you can't delete your threads account without deleting your Instagram account. I'm sticking with Twitter until they can figure it out.",2,2023-07-13 20:59:14 +Google Play,Nice app Feels like Twitter and Instagram just had a baby....... twinstagram..... lol But it's a new app and with all new apps there are things to fix... example....we need to be able download pictures and videos to our phone library without having to screen shot or screen record......thank you,4,2023-07-06 11:01:22 +Google Play,Very glitchy first experience. While scrolling all the text leaves a trail of itsself and doesnt get refreshed. So it's hard to scroll and read.,1,2023-07-06 01:53:52 +Google Play,I will give 3 stars for now since it was just released recently. But one problem I have is the amount of random posts from the followed accounts from the people that I follow is annoying for me. I hope there will be an update soon for controlling your newsfeed and improve users' interface.,3,2023-07-06 04:30:59 +Google Play,This is honestly one of the best apps ever. I am glad this doesnt have adds. One suggestion i would like is that when a person you follow repots something- there should be an icon that will notify you instead of having to go to their profile. This is truly a nice app,5,2023-07-07 19:07:32 +Google Play,"Slim downed Twitter, but better! The community has embraced positivity over negativity for the most part and the overall app experience has been great. As a new app, very feature light but easily usable for text-centric conversation and news",5,2023-07-07 11:27:35 +Google Play,"This app is amazingly good and pleasingly perfect for me, although there is some features and interactive thing that need to be added and fix but I would definitely recommend you to download this new app because it's so professional,ethical and great.🥰🙈",4,2023-07-06 05:43:58 +Google Play,"This has potential. Still needs some updates to make it usable fulltime. Needs: -Following only feed in chronological order -Start feed where you last read, current feed jumps to top -Allow third party apps access Do that and I'm done with Twitter forever",2,2023-07-11 23:30:38 +Google Play,"Twitter clone that shows you a bunch of stuff you from accounts you didn't follow, and doesn't let you turn that off. It has potential but in it's current state it's just a feed of spam from ""verified"" accounts with the occasional post from your friends.",2,2023-07-08 15:51:02 +Google Play,"I was able to post thread, but now all I get is ""Your thread failed to upload"" whenever I try. I can post replies, but no new threads. I have cleared cache, reinstalled the app, and I am on a good network. Yet, I still can't post. Help me fix this issue and I will change my rating.",1,2023-07-16 15:19:10 +Google Play,The app is full of glitch. Can't even scroll the feed section as it shows only some glitchy mess. I think the app does not support in every phones. The app is a complete glitch in my phone (Redmi Note 8).,1,2023-07-07 05:34:37 +Google Play,"Your notification system really needs to be improved. I clicked the bell for some account but it doesn't change anything, I always miss their updates.",2,2023-07-08 04:28:23 +Google Play,"Lacking a lot of features and functionality, so the user experience is currently far inferior to Twitter. Really only useful to people who have a large following on Instagram, the growth potential for smaller accounts is virtually non existent. Nice clean UI tho",2,2023-07-12 20:28:11 +Google Play,"So easy to sign up if you are already on Insta. Like the interface, but they need to make some changes so that people can differentiate the posts easily. Rn It takes some effort to be able to tell apart which post belongs to whom",4,2023-07-06 14:04:07 +Google Play,"Good start. Hot for a minute but hype has died. Please modernize app for foldables (Twitter is). I'd like to keep it open while doing other tasks. Also please add features to differentiate app from Twitter. Right now it's a lesser clone. Once the new app hype dies out, people will see it's not better than what already exists.",2,2023-07-23 16:45:39 +Google Play,This app doesn't work in my Android phone like seriously 🙄 whan i start this app and touch the screen all words starting glinching like a bugs or something all texts starting brurr and fly..... Very bad bcoz everyone using this app peacefully and i can't even open it without getting glitch.,1,2023-07-07 11:13:37 +Google Play,"It's a good apps, but there is much things that needs to improve. We can't edit the photo, we cannot choos the photo from the album.",2,2023-07-13 04:48:43 +Google Play,"This app is amazing! It could use features like GIFs and live streaming. Unlike Twitter, the tweets aren't repetitive and you can easily see everyone's threads. It's making it so much easier to connect with new people.",5,2023-07-07 06:26:55 +Google Play,"A very good application. I am happy to be one of the first to register in this new application. I hope to become one of the content creators and among the most influential people on the Threads platform. It also seems that Mark is very ready for me to compete with Elon Musk hahaha, good luck for the best of course 👋🏻 I wish a lot, Mark, if you put it, especially watching videos of Reals such as Facebook and Instagram, as it will have a great impact in attracting a large number of users. 🇩🇿📍",4,2023-07-08 01:45:57 +Google Play,"Good experience, smooth till now (till the meadia, reel nd filmy people joins for promotion) , needed some tweaks - feature to make it most interesting. Pls keep this text oriented as much as possible.",4,2023-07-07 16:36:08 +Google Play,"Buttons are very unresponsive, theres no feed with people that i follow, and no text search (only account). Needs a lot of work. Also you can only log in via instagram.",1,2023-07-07 23:58:05 +Google Play,"Unbelievable this app, even after 2 years of development, decided to launch w/o hashtags, a following-only feed, translation for posts and other basic features that are standard with social apps. If you want a Twitter alternative that serves you better, Mastodon is by far the only one.",2,2023-07-17 01:28:42 +Google Play,I like the app since you can share it to Instagram and also it is so high quality but one thing is that i want to see on my feeds like the accounts i followed seperate to those people who's using the app because for me only it's kinda messy. Or maybe im stupid to didn't know the meaning of the app well myself didn't like other people. I love yll,5,2023-07-08 14:26:59 +Google Play,This app definitely has potential. Clean UI but it still has a lot of bugs. Can't post photos or videos right now. Interesting to see where this will go.,3,2023-07-06 14:05:22 +Google Play,"Nice 👍 , But need but some features are missing... like DM, place to find liked posts... can't add hashtags as well. Hopefully in the coming days, we will see the features added and some more added features.",4,2023-07-06 06:37:57 +Google Play,"Installed the app. Its not working right. The screen if tapped into anything aftrer opening the app, shows a buggy window just like in the past with slow internet connection! Redmi note 5 pro!",2,2023-07-06 16:29:28 +Google Play,"This is what Twitter wanted to be until they changed their management and ruined it by letting rampant hate. Longer posts, simple engagement, just better Twitter. It just needs to continue to add things like video, gifs and such. Happy with it. Happy to have SWITCHED to it.",5,2023-07-13 13:18:52 +Google Play,Needs work. The algorithm curated timeline only shows me two or three things from people I follow before switching to random things from strangers I'm not interested in. This app desperately needs a chronological timeline of just people I follow. Still gets 3 stars just for making Elon Musk cry and pee his pants.,3,2023-07-07 23:20:22 +Google Play,"The app seems pretty slick. It's missing some basic things like icon theming, being able to insert gifs / images from the keyboard, etc. Also people you don't follow show up on your feed.",4,2023-07-06 05:31:55 +Google Play,"Just an FYI, a lot of these bad rating are from Twitter, and they don't like how it's not up to their expectations cause they are used to how Twitter is. Definitely not the app for them. Threads is new and more for the audience that is on tiktok kind of way. So, of course, they are gonna say the people posting on there sound stupid we are young and posting for our audience that find things funny and entertaining in our interest.",5,2023-07-10 02:33:38 +Google Play,"Good. But, needs improvement. App keeps crashing when I try to post a photo. I am inundated with threads from people I am not even following. Meanwhile, I am not able to see threads from people that I am following. The app should have an option, like Twitter, where you can hide any attached media in threads from people that you are not following. Another option that I would like to see that Twitter had, is the ability to turn off rethreads from people I am following. I like to see direct posts.",3,2023-07-09 07:26:41 +Google Play,"Literally just Instagram and twitter merged Nothing extra In fact would even say its worse than twitter, twitter shows likes replies etc. With an icon and a number in a much cleaner way Also once you sync your Instagram and threads u MUST have the same handle on both? Also there are still bots....",1,2023-07-14 12:29:26 +Google Play,This app is clearly very poor tested and improved. All the texts overlap and smudge on scrolling. All the defects start just after logging in and is endless...,1,2023-07-09 05:46:37 +Google Play,"as a new app it's good for the time being, but I highly recommend to add a dark theme setting and post translation cuz I don't understand all languages . but all in all , my experience is good 💯",4,2023-07-06 19:21:16 +Google Play,Dear Instagram Please work on the existing bugs & issues before launching any new features. I have been repeatedly reported an issue regarding Instagram reels from past 4 months. Kindly give a response at sort it at the earliest.,1,2023-07-06 10:25:21 +Google Play,Recently joined this app. App is still in the development stages and many things are missing. However. I absolutely loved the competing app before new owner tore it apart. I think Meta owner and his Executive have potential to tear ceiling off that and may have learned something from competing owner's recent failed experiences. I have much hope for Threads!,5,2023-07-17 17:28:51 +Google Play,"I like the simplicity of this app , it is new but it's so easy to understand about the features. the edit profile view card feature impressed me most.",5,2023-07-07 04:05:11 +Google Play,"A fair warning: using this app gives facebook the right to all your data, and you can't delete the account without deleting your instagram account. Aside from that issue, there is so much basic functionality missing. How did Facebook (Meta) ever greenlight this app?",1,2023-07-09 23:47:16 +Google Play,"Decent. Lots of issues in reloading, Mark Zuckerberg page is not even loading. Search bar sucks. Apparently searches only people and not keywords. Should come up with an alternative like #hashtags. No geo location which was basically made famous by Instagram. No DM feature.",4,2023-07-06 08:23:12 +Google Play,I personally actually really like it. No random crashes. The transition between Threads and Instagram is also very seamless. Can't wait to see if they add new features (Voice notes/Spaces) lol,5,2023-07-06 07:35:44 +Google Play,"Showing much glitches ..and letters, sentences, words are collapsing with each other.. tried to reinstall it several times ...but still the same result... Fix it soon..",1,2023-07-11 17:41:40 +Google Play,"Well this sucks... This is not like Twitter, nor a Twitter replacement, because it seems that the only way to use/sign-up to use this app is by already having an Instagram account, and/or creating an Instagram account.. So if there's a way to independently sign up on unable to find it.",1,2023-07-06 21:36:53 +Google Play,When I first download it worked perfectly fine but now all the articles are merging on top of each other every time I open the app. This glitch is so bad that I can't use it at all.,2,2023-07-07 02:25:28 +Google Play,Amazing app. Just needs more optimization. Like you have to add accounts in the starting if you have more than one accounts. You can not have more than one if don't add them in starting ❤,4,2023-07-06 10:18:32 +Google Play,"Such a bad app, doesn't even work on my phone. Everything starts getting cluttered as soon as i scroll or go to any other page. Really bad experience. Could've at least tested and published a beta release 🤦‍♂️",1,2023-07-06 09:29:04 +Google Play,"I think audio should be automatically enabled while posting but right now it's disabled until you enable it. Hence, lots of videos posted without audio.",4,2023-07-08 15:37:11 +Google Play,"I like the app though the DM feature is very welcome. Additionally, additionally, a home feed just for people you follow would be good ADD HASHTAGS! I'd recommend that you also find a way of showing us what's trending. With proper implementation of user feedback, twitter won't be the primary go to app. One more thing, avoid censorship!",5,2023-07-07 15:25:38 +Google Play,"I'm not able to deactivate my account. When I click on deactivate, I'm immediately logged out of my account. But the case is it's still visible to my friends and to check I tried to log in back immediately and my account was logged in which means that my account is not deactivated, if it was then I would not be able to log in back immediately. I request you kindly look into this matter and do something about this immediately. Also I faced the same issue with Instagram sadly.",2,2023-07-11 07:13:23 +Google Play,I cannot even use the app. It just breaks down into a mess of text and repeated images. It's so bad it would get top page of r/softwaregore,1,2023-07-08 02:26:44 +Google Play,Definitely needs some work to be done on it (lacking a messaging feature and switching accounts takes longer than it should) but a really solid social media platform.,4,2023-07-06 18:49:35 +Google Play,"I like the idea of this app, but there's an issue because mine is not working properly because it's bugging, like the text is and some of the pictures are not moving and not syncing, and I wish this would be fixed immediately so we could use it.",5,2023-07-07 00:09:29 +Google Play,"Very confusing timelines. please add features to view by following only or add custom list view. i dont need to see random artists threads, because it's annoying. also please add theme background to dim / black, because it's too bright.",2,2023-07-06 23:55:12 +Google Play,"its good , with nice ui , but i wish there was an option where you could get rid of the timeline full of influencers and celebs when you refresh. its so annoying seeing posts from people i dont know and dont follow, probably the only thing stopping me from moving over to threads entirely , i hate it",3,2023-07-06 13:05:22 +Google Play,The app is unusable for me. The screen gets overloaded with text. I can't see anything properly. It's almost like if it's glitching. Please help,1,2023-07-08 04:44:31 +Google Play,"The app itself is a decent setup. It's slow right now but I'm sure that'll be fixed later. The main issue for me is the link between IG and threads. The appeal of Twitter is that it's a different vibe. I don't want the same name on threads as I want on my IG. This is supposed to be the least formal site. I don't keep up appearances on Twitter, but I do on IG.",3,2023-07-06 10:43:49 +Google Play,In it's current state this app is awful! I can't even find any threads that the people I follow might have posted. They are lost in seemingly hundreds of random posts from random people all around the world. I have deactivated my account until Meta gets round to producing an option for you to just see posts from the people you follow!,1,2023-07-11 09:22:31 +Google Play,I'd like it more if it would stop booting me out every time I try to reply to anyone. What makes it worse is when I open it up again I can't find the thread I was replying to. It would also be good if it was easier to use gifs and search for topics you're interested in.,2,2023-07-07 15:12:53 +Google Play,"I believe I may be the first person to write a review about this app, and I already love it. However, Threads takes the crown as the best. I think it would be beneficial if they added a message button, allowing users like me who don't have large accounts to reach a wider audience as well, because I noticed people that is enjoying it the most are people that have large audiences on Instagram, my account joshdehustler, still never breathe sha",5,2023-07-06 15:29:26 +Google Play,"I like the app though the DM feature is very welcome. Additionally, additionally, a home feed just for people you follow would be good 🤌🏾. ADD HASHTAGS! I'd recommend that you also find a way of showing us what's trending. With proper implementation of user feedback, twitter won't be the primary go to app. One more thing, avoid censorship!",4,2023-07-06 10:18:29 +Google Play,"The app keeps glitching, I've deleted it and installed it multiple times but it's still bugging, I can't rate it right now because it's not working, can you please fix it 🙏",2,2023-07-08 15:46:06 +Google Play,"I'm cool with this. But seriously, need a timeline of just the people I follow, yeah? Keep a discover tab or something for this, but I wanna know what the people I'm following are saying. Otherwise, what's the point? Also, an easy way to group people I follow, so that all my cat pictures are in one group, all my charity updates are in another, etc.",3,2023-07-09 15:00:52 +Google Play,"Cannot even scroll my newsfeed. It is so glitchy and when I scroll something, it looks like trailing. If I can attach pictures, I would've attached the screenshot. Please help me rectify it.",1,2023-07-06 04:46:22 +Google Play,"Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't appear that you can sign up for an account directly in the app. You must create an Instagram account first, then use those credentials to sign into Threads.",1,2023-07-08 22:38:39 +Google Play,"please add favourites as an option just like what u have on ig just so I could choose whom accounts I want to see and interact on my feed. also, please put some features where we could see whom on my followers and following I haven't followed and whom doesn't, it gives us confusion once u hit a hundred followers. thank you! I enjoyed the app so much",4,2023-07-07 03:27:05 +Google Play,"Interface is good but add more features like twitter polls, spaces, dm, bookmarking, send to dm. Also on Twitter when you open it you are exactly where you left while on here the for you page is really messed up.",2,2023-07-07 16:16:38 +Google Play,Not even close to compare to Twitter. It's an Instagram with a different layout. Same strict rules and awkward format. Impossible to search for posts rather than people. It may be a good alternative to Instagram but not to Twitter.,2,2023-07-06 17:31:11 +Google Play,"The whole app crashes each and every time I attempt to post my first thread. I've cleared cache and reinstalled it, yet the problem still persists. Very bad.",1,2023-07-07 01:43:58 +Google Play,"It's great if you're comfortable giving Zuckerberg and therefore the Feds via backdoor, access to every activity, keystroke, every last bit of data (meta or otherwise ) and every piece of personally identifying information in real time . For the purposes if selling information about you to advertisers so they can better persuade and predict your next purchase and squeeze every last bit of value from that data by auctioning it off to the next data broker.",2,2023-07-22 17:04:29 +Google Play,"Pretty descent so far, definetly has potential as i see it. One big thing is a bug where i try to add a photo to a thread and it just closes the app wiping the thread and any text",4,2023-07-07 11:31:16 +Google Play,"Thanks to threads app my Instagram has a bug now.. Every setting is altered.. Most of app features that i used regularly, are unfunctional now Can't even restore them with my updated app.. Tried every kind of thing,even reported it to tha meta center,and it is still unresolved..",1,2023-07-09 13:50:07 +Google Play,Love love the app already. But could you please put an option where we can choose a picture or videos according to their folders. it so hard when I scroll through the gallery from the app looking for a photo I want to post. Thankyou,3,2023-07-07 02:11:27 +Google Play,you people really need to add a permanently deleting option which doesn’t concern the Instagram account. ik It's a great marketing strategy and all but it’s getting annoying. when I thread stuff I don’t want people to know my actual Instagram account. that was literally the whole point of anitwt. ughhh It's getting annoying.,1,2023-07-10 19:23:54 +Google Play,Just doesn't work.. I see posts but no replies instead it only says something went wrong.. And can't post anything only said post failed to upload. As it is now it's useless and I would hate going back to twitter.. I tried every suggested fix that can be found on the Web.. Nothing works..,2,2023-07-18 07:29:57 +Google Play,Trash. This is a waste of time yall. They keep distracting us with bs instead of dealing with real life. Why do i need to see how everbody feels especially when u wont allow me to see content from people i follow unless i tap on each of their page. Why would i be interested in peoples content that i do not follow. Its like there forcing you to engage virtually and not go outside stay woke,1,2023-07-07 18:43:58 +Google Play,"""Threads is a fantastic app developed by Instagram that lets me share photos and videos with my close friends and family just like on Twitter. The app's design is exceptional and it's the perfect platform for staying connected. Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐""",5,2023-07-06 03:13:40 +Google Play,This new app is very amazing! It's just that once you've reach a hundred followers you can no longer track the accounts that you need to followback. I think it would be better if we can easily track or check it. But over all everything is so great. Congrats! ❤️,4,2023-07-06 12:42:07 +Google Play,Why does the cursor change automatically to random places when threading? I bring back the cursor but it keeps going back to mid sentences as if INSERT button is turned on that eats up the rest of the sentence as I keep typing.,1,2023-07-08 03:52:21 +Google Play,"Needs more functionality to compete with other social platforms like direct messaging and searching for anything other than accounts. Currently, the app is down for many people and there is no logic to why it went down. That is surprising and disappointing for such a big corporation already rooted in social media like Meta.",3,2023-07-10 00:07:28 +Google Play,"The app keeps crashing whenever I'm trying to reply. Additionally, Idk if it's because of the phone or what but I cannot see what I'm typing, I need to close the keyboard to see what I wrote and continue.",1,2023-07-06 04:35:22 +Google Play,"Just change the logo. Pls. I don't know why but it's freaking me out. Everything is OK about the app except the logo. I don't like it at all. Giving 3 rating just because of the logo. If you don't change the logo, I've to uninstall the app at some point.",3,2023-07-07 18:42:45 +Google Play,"Overall, it looks clean. Though it would be nice to have a collaborative feature where users can do a space to talk and share ideas in the future. Also, maybe we can have an option to create a separate account for Threads and not require an instagram account.",5,2023-07-06 02:48:06 +Google Play,It is new and good but one thing is why doesn't it have our same following and followers number as Instagram also about translations we can't translate the foreign languages like Instagram and also switching accounts like in Instagram I have about 5 accounts I can't use all of them in this app still discovering ot well 😊 I appreciate if there is any solution for this please,3,2023-07-09 17:49:32 +Google Play,"It won't even let me in when I go into the app, it wants me to enter an 8 digit number backup code, and it sends a text with a 6 digit code, so I can't even get past that screen.",1,2023-07-07 21:06:50 +Google Play,It is a good app and overall good concept but I guess it is better if u add chat option and stories with the new updates. This is just the beginning. I hope we will see good later,4,2023-07-10 15:45:10 +Google Play,"I can't even use it. as soon as I open it, it starts to bug or something, all the pages and post are overlapping. I can't even reed or interact with anything.",1,2023-07-09 03:12:23 +Google Play,"Very certain in it if they provide and maintain what Twitter has achieved through these years, perfect timing for it. Able to use Insta ID's is such master move. Loved it. Congrats and hoping it to be bigger than any other platform. 🤍",5,2023-07-06 07:32:48 +Google Play,Not so great an app. Basically same with twitter and you can't download videos or DM. That's why tiktok stand apart the flexibility and interaction is unmatched.,3,2023-07-23 09:43:46 +Google Play,It has nice interface. Simple and elegant.minimul look with some refreshing features. Quite impressed with thread. Keep improving guys. And well done.,5,2023-07-08 14:39:12 +Google Play,Great app But hey i am having some problems hope you improve them 1. Please block all Policy breaking tread Writers . 2. If it is possible that we also can see what Posts Others are liking then it would be great like We can see in twitter. 3. A seperate counter for what is going treading now ...on threads app Like trending hashtags ... trending post ... trending Video etc . 4. App is crashing .....after a little using this app is crashing.i am using xiomi redmi note 8 mobile.,5,2023-07-07 10:20:03 +Google Play,"It doesn show the replies in posts. It shows something went wrong. The only screen that works is the wall, for all the others it shows something went wrong. How possible a giant company makes such a trash application",1,2023-07-15 01:01:53 +Google Play,It's just like twitter I guess but the glitchiness is making it almost completely unusable. If I could upload a photo of what it looks like I would. It's headache inducing.,1,2023-07-10 17:42:17 +Google Play,"Damn ! It's so simple to use , i feel this is a game changer ! Twitter is not bad but a little complex ! But here on threads it's supper simple ! Attractive look , beautiful experience out there ! Highly recommend it be used by all ! Setting up profile was super simple ! Loved it ! .....sorry to say RIP TWITTER......🥲, You will be remembered!",5,2023-07-07 05:41:46 +Google Play,"We cannot crop the photo, could not upload then high resolution pictures. It suddenly not working. Overall the concept is interesting.",3,2023-07-06 12:34:18 +Google Play,"Okay so far needs to fix some issues. I'm sure they are already hearing about all of the features that are missing but I'm actually having issues with gif uploads. When I upload a gif it glitches bad, turns it green and purple with 4 overlays of the same gif",3,2023-07-11 23:07:25 +Google Play,"i'll only rate 3 stars because we can't save photos here. i wish you can add the saving photos feature here and it'd be very nice, until then i'll have to rate you guys 3 stars. that's all. overall great.",3,2023-07-06 07:33:52 +Google Play,"Almost two hours of background usage on a day I used this app at most 5 minutes, same happens frequently with Facebook and Instagram so I end up switching the to Restricted Background Usage... Meta data collection is really intensive apparently.",1,2023-07-12 01:41:48 +Google Play,"There is no search function, so it's impossible to find info by topic. There is no chronological feed, so it's impossible to find very recent news. For example, Trump's valet was just arraigned, but searches for ""valet"", ""Nauta"", ""Waltine Nauta"", etc, produced no info, so I had to go back to Twitter to get the current info.",1,2023-07-07 13:20:43 +Google Play,"it's cool and new but I couldn't change my profile when I try to, it won't change to dark colors profile pics and I even tried to import my profile from Instagram to there but it won't let me change, it doesn't say anything but when I refreshed it it doesn't upload, I tried to change the profile to some brighty purple and it worked but I want my original photo that I like to be there not the bright purple one, please fix it. thank you!",3,2023-07-07 11:26:35 +Google Play,"I downloaded this for the first time which is today, the problem is it keeps glitching... I already reinstalled this app 3 times and whenever I open it, it still glitch like the whole screen of threads is glitch that I can't use it at all. Please fix this asap.",1,2023-07-06 13:51:21 +Google Play,"Very nice app, but its missing a few things such as switching accounts, hashtags, taking pictures, etc Its very smooth and well optimized, unlike instagram for Android which is ironic",4,2023-07-09 19:54:00 +Google Play,"This is the beginning of something big. But I think there's somethings missing on the platform that will make it more user friendly. such as; 1. ""Trending news"" lemme name it as ""Trend Threads"" 2. For android users too we can't go through the albums of your gallery, you just have to scroll till u get to the media you would love to ""Thread"" 3. There is no ""hashtags"" Please fix them for us e trust you 👍💯🙌",4,2023-07-07 12:27:25 +Google Play,"Installed the app. Then, I couldn't even create an account. You can only log in with your Instagram account. I neither have nor want an Instagram account. I was hoping this would be a viable alternative to Twitter, but I guess not. Great job Zuckerberg, you really missed an opportunity here.",1,2023-07-06 18:28:04 +Google Play,"Terrible. Because of Instagram's overly cautious account policy, I think Instagram itself treats Threads as a 3rd party app and because of it I've been getting constantly logged out of Threads as well as Instagram despite they are designed as intertwined apps. This is such a huge failure on Meta's part yet again. Please fire the development team of Instagram and stop with overly cautious log in policies.",1,2023-07-07 07:33:51 +Google Play,"So far I am loving this app, but it really needs an EDIT option so we can go back and fix typos. We all make them sometimes and it sucks having to delete and rewrite a post. Please, please, please add an edit option 🙏",4,2023-07-08 17:43:03 +Google Play,"This app is awesome already, but I do have a few suggestions. First, you should be able to like a thread when it's shared to an Instagram story, either by having it redirect to the threads app or straight from the Instagram app. Second, you gotta make it to where you can search for threads using keywords. Instagram has hashtags, so you could even let me search using those. Dodge and weave those lawsuits ! 😛🤔🧨😈",4,2023-07-06 22:54:46 +Google Play,"Not working, as soon i touch ut to scroll it a little, it washes the screen with words like when you scroll very fast and never stops just have to close the app then.",1,2023-07-11 08:20:38 +Google Play,Wow! I can't believe. This is really a fantastic and user-friendly application from Meta. Perfect application for Instagram users. Meta really satisfied us with this gorgeous application. Just gorgeous! Highly recommend it.,5,2023-07-08 05:11:28 +Google Play,"Pleasantly surprised, I actually am enjoying it. Gave up on Twitter a while back and seems like this is an easy to use alternative. Not perfect, but it's brand new so I expect that. Give it a try (and delete twitter!)",5,2023-07-08 04:26:40 +Google Play,"Not the Twitter replacement I hoped for. Feed is full of algorithm-chosen randos, can't limit it just to the people you follow, it's a privacy nightmare (read what it ties to your account), you can't delete your account without also deleting your Instagram account, and no sign of the Mastodon integration.",1,2023-07-06 13:33:49 +Google Play,"It's full of spam of accounts I don't follow and are not even related to the ones I do, is extremely annoying to a post of one of my friends and another 20 of strangers, blocking and reporting should be easier and once done should automatically mute that person's threads, and above all is no dark theme, so far not liking it at all",1,2023-07-08 14:48:01 +Google Play,"It's awesome , a minimalistic twitter , no bugs , smooth app . It's just that the like , share , comment buttons not on the right side since I'm right handed . But overall I love it",5,2023-07-07 07:20:16 +Google Play,"As soon as I login it started acting weird and every pages loaded on each other,what a bug or its a crash ? Even reinstalling can't fixed that , please solve this issue",1,2023-07-09 14:47:37 +Google Play,"Smooth very nice. I have suggestion, please add hashtag search, so we can find others thread whos using those hashtags. And maybe link? With the device browser popup, dont use threads browser popup itself, So we can easily login or approving login api's when connecting on something. Because the caches or data history is only on our device browser (chrome or firefox etc)",5,2023-07-06 02:27:53 +Google Play,"For a version #1 , this is a fantastic app. Needs some more features to make it a daily app for me, such as chronological view of posts from only my followers vs an algorithm that is now feeding me NFL and MLB and other posts that I have no interest in.",5,2023-07-06 23:27:03 +Google Play,I have never liked Twitter UI and it's interfacing and now after using threads it's really app that can replace Twitter because in Twitter the pages load times are too slow and it's unreliable too. Thread is great 👍.,4,2023-07-06 10:34:39 +Google Play,"Pretty decent UI so far, but checking other people's profiles take a bit before they load. But overall, it's a pretty decent experience. It's not as filled as Twitter content-wise, but it will get there soon enough.",5,2023-07-06 10:46:00 +Google Play,Having rendering issue.. the app opens well but the moment I tried to scroll everything collapses ... It like every text overlap with each other.. How to fix it ??,1,2023-07-07 05:02:50 +Google Play,"Without a proper search function I don't see why this would even claim to contend with Twitter. It took me 10 minutes to lose interest. Might be useful for following friends and idols, but then why another app. Meta has a bunch of them.",2,2023-07-08 19:15:44 +Google Play,"While the app is a good one,I can't post media on it,anytime I try to post pictures and videos,the app just closes... It's frustrating!!",2,2023-07-10 10:48:18 +Google Play,Bad experience I think. It's been 5 days of use of thread 🧵. I have got alot of problems using thread because we can't save photos here we cant enter and give a long space here that makes a problem. Along with that there are alot of problem this app can probably replace twitter in future 😔 yea I am also sad a out that but watching it's exponential growth over days I can easily predict it's potential in market. I hope thread can solve challenge user facing and makes a good user experience ✨,2,2023-07-10 11:32:56 +Google Play,Looks clean for now but it has lots of bugs like when to try to increase or decrease the volume of a video it's doesn't work if you refresh sometimes app creashes feed refresh is very slow.. but hope it improves,2,2023-07-06 11:35:27 +Google Play,"Great app, Inside a thread need to minimise padding between 2 threads, overall the whole theme seems to be too much dark, can add other tones as well like Green, red, blue to create some dynamic feels. Overall Great app",4,2023-07-06 14:11:31 +Google Play,App is very unstable. The words in an entire screen mesh in the worse way possible once I scroll down through the threads. Can't even read anything,2,2023-07-07 02:39:09 +Google Play,Works well and is good looking but as a competitor of Twitter lacks functionalities. The search function is useless except for finding people. And I am not getting suggested threads based on my interests. The app is too basic atm.,3,2023-07-09 06:30:05 +Google Play,fold 4 english review: works ok on fold but locks into only 1 oriantion when on the inner screen. when using it in dex complains that some dex features will not work. general thoughts: instagram with option of only text posts? there is no # hashtag searching. no searching for topics. as a social app its kind of hard to be... social.,4,2023-07-06 04:10:55 +Google Play,"Honestly, I haven't had many issues. I do want to see more functionality on this app. When I hit play on videos the sound doesn't play.",4,2023-07-09 21:50:00 +Google Play,This app is a great throw back to old school Twitter. Highly recommend this over Twitter now. The algorithm shows you things you want to see versus Twitter which shows you paid users first. Over all and exciting challenge to Twitter that I'm all too happy because part of. You also cannot pay your way to being seen over others making it more fair than twitters current system.,4,2023-07-08 17:41:54 +Google Play,Well Great Execution may be a copy 2 Twitter but looks quite intresting... Of course some developments yet 2 b done like - 1) Increase d word limit in bio coloumn 2) It takes lot of time 2 post any thread 3) Multiple options in COLOUR & FONT makes more attractive,5,2023-07-08 03:09:12 +Google Play,"I think when we get better functionality like the ability to only see posts from who we follow, and maybe edit abilities, it will be great. The potential is there.",4,2023-07-09 11:31:08 +Google Play,"Idk if the app has an issue or if it's something else but I know people I have been following have been making posts and I do not get any mobile notifications about anything related to this app at all, other than that first impressions of this app is it's pretty decent for using it for only an hour plus no rate limit is nice 😂. Fix the mobile notifications or help with making them pop up and we're good to go here!",4,2023-07-06 01:23:43 +Google Play,"Meh, there is a lot of other threads that i have scroll past to find people I follow. Adding those accounts to the block list doesn't diminish the amount of unwanted theads. The plus side is that if you have a pretty extensive sponsored ads block list in IG, that was carried over.",1,2023-07-10 22:06:01 +Google Play,so far so good. the app has been running very smooth since day one for me. there's still more features that should be implemented but overall pretty solid.,5,2023-07-08 01:48:05 +Google Play,"Not somethings I would expect from a giant like Meta. I'm aware that the app has been out for literally 2 days but all the contents of the screen started glitching as soon as I got to the ""home feed"". I can provide more information if the dev team is interested.",1,2023-07-06 15:59:57 +Google Play,Overall a good experience and I think it has the most potential for getting Twitter's place. A quick feature request: - Please add RTL languages support.,5,2023-07-06 08:50:37 +Google Play,"The app sucks. The navigation is terrible, as if you were on a poorly-designed web site. It also sucks that threads dot net cannot be browsed like Twitter or Mastodon or Reddit or etc. Please stop pretending that Threads is not a web site and that your app is not just a half-a§§ed web browser.",2,2023-07-08 22:38:57 +Google Play,I like it a lot. Especially in terms of a clean UI. But maybe if you can make multiple account choices and also the Pin feature,3,2023-07-06 12:22:24 +Google Play,Add auto translate since an app like this is more likely to letting people from different countries socialize with each other. Just keep improving! I'm boutta leave the other app cuz they ask for money to get extra features. 🥲,5,2023-07-07 16:04:02 +Google Play,"This app has filled up my timeline with profiles I don't even follow! It defeats the whole purpose of ""following""🗑️ I'm going back to twitter. If this is not changed, I'm deleting the app altogether. Nonsense!",1,2023-07-19 17:01:18 +Google Play,Hope there's more option to access my media like using my phone's integrated albums app. It's kinda hard to add older media since I have to scroll down my whole gallery.,4,2023-07-06 05:41:25 +Google Play,"Just new face behind other! 1 . Its just a new look behind insta . 2. All apps r attached to each other, fb and insta . 3. Probaby security and reporting system would be same and i am already blocked on fb and getting threats to lose my insta . So it will also be more like threats than threads. 4 . U cannot log in through google. And it cause u to make a new profile, after making it, it says passwore incorrect or user not found. 5. Alot more needs to develop. I cannot restore my fb accoun.",2,2023-07-18 09:50:48 +Google Play,"Trash. Your feed is randomized, so good luck reading the messages of the people you follow or vise versa. It's an algorithm based monstrosity to further put obscure creators in the dirt. Everyone influencer is racing to get followers via the randomized tweet (or whatever) display. I want to support fellow artists, not be subjected to more hivemind monotony",1,2023-07-08 05:17:24 +Google Play,"I'm not sure why I'm seeing posts from accounts that I don't even follow on the app or Instagram. Is it a function of the app? Frankly, I don't like it. I'll give it 3-star for now because I love the UI design — it's simple and easy to navigate.",3,2023-07-08 19:04:20 +Google Play,The interface has miniclones of itself all over the place and they are overlapping each other. Can't see anything clearly.,2,2023-07-07 03:00:24 +Google Play,"The second I tried using this app, it started glitching so bad. I tried restarting my phone and even the app itself but it still happens, can you guys fix this ? I would really like to try this aoo without all the glitches.",1,2023-07-07 08:58:03 +Google Play,"Ok, descent , page design is not that good, yeah can do better, include double tap like, and it seems so many threads at one place, improve,... Btw app motive is good",3,2023-07-07 10:27:52 +Google Play,"Simplicity at its best! I love how simple the UI is whilst providing a peak User Experience! I'm not even going to lie, this is easily the best social media product that has come out in years.",5,2023-07-06 10:45:27 +Google Play,Overall better than Twitter It's missing a couple of minor features that make Twitter a little bit better like your header but past that it's basically the same but better because elon's ruined the Twitter platform. Apparently there's some bugs that you should be aware of if you go installing this. I haven't experienced one.,5,2023-07-13 01:42:55 +Google Play,App is Amazing and I'm happy to use this.As Qa engineer I say that user experience is good.. But There are some bugs in App please fix it soon as possible Ex:- While writting ur bio clear and rewrite then it effects to previous sentence.. I have recorded a video..,4,2023-07-07 11:24:33 +Google Play,"I hate that we need to login with an Instagram account. I don't want an Instagram account, poorly developed!!! The proper way to develop this is by creating a main Meta account, and using SSO to login each app. In your Meta User settings, the user should be able to choose which apps their Meta account can access, so they should be able to activate or disable FB, IG, Horizon, and Threads.",1,2023-07-20 22:05:08 +Google Play,This is a really great app! No wonder new users are growing exponentially. Word of mouth advertising is the most trustworthy. Thanks for the tip! Threads is a God send after the train wreck that is now Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 01:11:21 +Google Play,"Doesn't even work anymore, it was fine for about a week but at some point I could no longer see my own profile or activity, it just says ""something went wrong"" I reported it but that black box of a user support system doesn't even inform me if the report went through and no reinstalling the app didn't work",1,2023-07-19 23:57:16 +Google Play,It's quiet pleasant. I really hope you are open for more improvements such as a button for media so we can see our photos/videos related posts. Or likes button so we can see our liked posts. Also I hope you add hashtag feature for the future improvements.,5,2023-07-06 08:30:16 +Google Play,"I was really enjoying this app but now my home page is continually loading. It hasn't updated for about a day and a half. Hopefully this will be ironed out within time but for now, I'll stick to other (working) social apps.",3,2023-07-08 10:36:54 +Google Play,"Firstly this is not an standalone app [that's not a problem for me] Second one is about hashtags. This app is not like twitter. Twitter is a world of hashtags. But in Threads ,there is no way to create or use tags. Also need translation button🙂.App's interface is great and there is no lag to use.",3,2023-07-07 16:48:49 +Google Play,"It's super buggy, i can't see anything much because the graphics/lines/texts, smears on my screen...the only redeeming feature i like was syncing contacts with my instagram account",2,2023-07-06 08:56:42 +Google Play,"A good start for Threads. However, I would like an option in Threads where my feed displays content exclusively from the accounts I follow and not to be overwhelmed with posts from celebrities whom I don't follow. And probably see what's trending at the moment. 🩷",4,2023-07-07 06:33:08 +Google Play,"This app run poorly or is it only applicable to certain android models? There are many glitches, bugs, and incorrect bahasa spellings in several places (fine when i used english) i hope it gets fixed soon because this platform seems enjoyable",2,2023-07-06 06:10:33 +Google Play,"so far so good. a few days ago the app would keep shutting down, but uninstalled and reinstalled and that fixed it. Gotta add a way to go back and edit threads for spelling and revisions. Once its posted no way to change/modify what u posted...😕",5,2023-07-21 08:56:31 +Google Play,I am using on Redmi 6A. It's compatible with my device according to description but when I installed and opened it after creating the account when I tried to use it whole the screen gets blurry with text as I swipe up.,1,2023-07-08 06:00:17 +Google Play,1. App is awesome 2. The only reason of mine for giving 3 stars is that it's not showing the posts of accounts that I follow on Instagram.Some random posts are coming even though I uninstalled and reinstalled it several times.Please fix this!!,3,2023-07-07 03:52:20 +Google Play,"My just created account got suspended right off the bet before I even saw a single thread. Sending a confirmation SMS does not work. You cannot delete your Thread account without deleting Instagram. Then I saw they want access to pretty much ALL your data including financial, health, shopping, etc Don't expect this app to be in the EU anytime soon for a good reason.",1,2023-07-09 01:28:54 +Google Play,"This app doesn't have a lot of basic features. Plus a huge flow in UI. See when typing a reply to a thread, the text box goes behind the keyboard. Just add hashtags.",3,2023-07-08 16:44:28 +Google Play,"Somehow, my threads app works now. Wow. Check my edit history to see screenshot of how it was. Now, using the app, it seems to be solid. Feels like instagram with a different skin on it. I dont dislike so far. Will continue to use and will update my review in a bit.",3,2023-07-13 12:07:32 +Google Play,"So far it's been pretty OK. My feed is nothing but celebrities I do not care about at all and none of the people I follow. Seems to be no way to toggle that yet. Once that becomes a thing, I might raise my score. Having no ads (yet) has been lovely but that'll last *maybe* two days.",2,2023-07-07 04:41:54 +Google Play,Great application. Please do not run ads. We also hope that the messages and updates feature will work in a distinctive way. Thank you,4,2023-07-06 12:50:04 +Google Play,The app is lagging a lot. The screen freezes at first then all the texts gets overlapped. Images are displaying fine.,1,2023-07-07 06:43:19 +Google Play,"It would be nice if we had a ""For You"" and ""Following"" tab on the homepage. We could also make the scrolling animation smoother, like on Instagram, and add a trending page.",5,2023-07-06 00:56:03 +Google Play,It's pretty simple and user friendly but it takes back to insta for some settings. I think that's a bit annoying.,3,2023-07-07 01:46:06 +Google Play,After the initial installing phase i had the option to add my Official Instagram followers by confirming thier requests ... but after restarting the app that whole thing got disappeared i am not able to add to see the comfirm requests button in the notification centre of this app....either fix this bug or else clarify this that was this a unwanted error,3,2023-07-06 18:31:05 +Google Play,"It's showing some weird glitch effect, tried installing multiple times, after opening the app n scrolling the text is glitch n it just looks like a very low fps video, waste of data",1,2023-07-07 07:00:40 +Google Play,"Theads ! A unique name with a new experience by Instagram,it's crazy and easy to use because of attachment of Instagram account,which access people easily. And it's amazing.",4,2023-07-06 10:21:51 +Google Play,"Like most social media apps, it constructs your feed of ~30% your followed accounts (the content YOU chose to see) and ~70% suggested nonsense. If you give me the option to turn suggested content off, I will use this app constantly.",3,2023-07-07 11:51:35 +Google Play,I like it so far. It would be nice to have drafts and the ability to deactivate our accounts without deleting our Instagram profile. Edit: Also please separate the people we are following and posts from suggested people because it is quite annoying.,4,2023-07-07 11:48:53 +Google Play,"Never seen such a glitchy app before! It's lagging continuously, cannot do a single scroll or even see my own profile page. If this doesn't work in next few hrs, I'm certainly deleting it 🤬🤬",1,2023-07-07 07:45:37 +Google Play,"Can't create an account with the username I want - users are obligated to have an Instagram account and log in with it (I don't use Instagram). Whenever it updates to allow for new account creations, I'll change the rating because I'll actually be able to use it then.",1,2023-07-06 01:48:32 +Google Play,"Extremely unresponsive. As soon as I open the application, the screen scrolling gets crazy and absolutely unreadable.",1,2023-07-06 16:45:59 +Google Play,"As soon as I open the app, my screen starts to flicker and freeze and the words just get overlaped of all the options I click into. It's wierd",1,2023-07-06 09:23:55 +Google Play,"First of all, great app. But when I try to upload gifs, it gives a weird colouring for it. Its not that clear and that is kind of annoying. Please fix it.",4,2023-07-07 07:03:46 +Google Play,Finally a good alternative to twitter. Looking forward to feature upgrades and tweaks to the apps but it is a great start. Can we please have a dark mode!!,4,2023-07-06 10:38:05 +Google Play,"I got all that glitchy screen. Duplicated text all over my screen when i scroll down or up. I really want to try this app, but i can't. Unless, it will be fixed.",2,2023-07-06 18:22:13 +Google Play,"absolutely love using threads. It has made connecting with friends and family so much easier and more convenient. The user interface is intuitive,I highly recommend it!",5,2023-07-06 06:41:51 +Google Play,Lacks:Editing features for images and videos before posting. No option to turn off video autoplay. Needs a data saver features.,4,2023-07-07 07:14:49 +Google Play,"Good app. What i dont like : 1. The send button when comment is in the bottom, it'll be better if its in upper right corner. 2. No dark mode 3. Hard to see if someone already follow back or not 4. Cant translate 5. Cant save photo",4,2023-07-06 08:18:04 +Google Play,Unable to curate your feed. Just a lot of random posts from people I don't know. Basically Instagram but with the caption above the photo instead of below.,2,2023-07-07 13:57:18 +Google Play,"Threads, an Instagram app is made good by Meta Social Platform. But, it doesn't needed the same copy like Twitter. You could better try a rare home page looks on the app. It's just my suggestion. Anyway, Good for posting tweets and much thanks that we could login by Instagram account.",4,2023-07-06 09:24:25 +Google Play,"I really didn't like the app, first of all it's not working. Lots of glitches are there..not be able to post or see any post.....and i really want to delete it without deleting my Instagram account 😭...both accounts are linked",1,2023-07-07 13:25:11 +Google Play,"I logged out to create a second profile, but now I cannot login or create a profile. Keep getting an error message, and then the app crashes. Please help!",4,2023-07-07 17:42:47 +Google Play,Can it be more user friendly for someone who wants to thread photos/ videos without scrolling all the way down? It accessed the photos/videos but can it detect the folder/album system of the phone. I hope the new update have this.,3,2023-07-06 19:15:57 +Google Play,"Something went wrong. Please try again."" It keeps showing up after signing in with Instagram. After six hours still nothing to see what kind of app it is and what is going on there. Need your help.",4,2023-07-07 01:16:17 +Google Play,The application is already good but to see photos or videos that are posted/liked is still difficult. Hopefully later it can be given the feature...,2,2023-07-06 03:54:39 +Google Play,It's new but it needs you tell. The ability to save pictures and gifs. And separate from Instagram some not everyone wants all their apps connected,3,2023-07-07 13:17:30 +Google Play,"Not ready for primetime yet. Can't browse media folders from within the app. Only your main camera app folder is available. For me at least, I am unable to post videos",2,2023-07-07 15:57:40 +Google Play,"This is a very good substitute of twitter, but there are some features if you you add them it became complete, like switch account without logout, and puse auto play video.",3,2023-07-06 09:19:19 +Google Play,"its a new app need improvement like instagram double tap to like and all that things, option to upload or see ultra hd content, data usage controller and all other things.",4,2023-07-06 11:05:01 +Google Play,"love it, just want a dim mode and more privacy options (such as being visible to both your followers and people you follow or being able to mark specific posts/replies and public) so engagement is easier and safer, rather than just being cut off if you're on private.",4,2023-07-07 14:31:03 +Google Play,So far so good. Fast and simple UI. I hope this app can last long. Please don't end up like Twitter and Facebook. To many ads and complicated features.,5,2023-07-06 04:54:56 +Google Play,"The debut revealed an easy-to-use, intuitive user experience that easily integrates with Instagram. I started by searching “Threads” in the app store, scrolled through some small apps unfortunately also named Threads (RIP to those, inevitably), and clicked on Threads by Meta. The app asked me to connect my Instagram account to sign up, and I switched over from my personal to my professional page – sorry, readers, I will not be revealing my finsta here. Et voilà, I became a Threads",5,2023-07-07 16:28:03 +Google Play,"Really wanted to like this app, but you cannot post GIFs, yes I know about installing a GIF keyboard I've done that, and one tells me Thread cannot support an image here and a other the GIF isn't animated and a other the color is all distorted, so 1 star, won't be hanging out here much",1,2023-07-06 12:54:01 +Google Play,"I'm really enjoying the app but I have a problem, my action is always blocked and anytime I try to add a photo before I post the app closes by itself. I don't know why it's happening but I wish you solve it, thank you.",3,2023-07-10 08:41:20 +Google Play,"Waiting for connection, Download will start once connection is restored- It says. Connection is fine, apart this app getting downloading rest all things which requires internet works fine. 😊. Will update the ratings, once am able to download. Done.. ok. Updated review.",4,2023-07-06 07:02:23 +Google Play,Pretty underwhelming experience and with quite a few bugs. Seems like a rushed release to me. FB need to be more responsible to its user base.,1,2023-07-07 09:31:07 +Google Play,"Overall good experience, simple. Hope they add more features soon, specially the global search, trends and ""just following"" timeline",4,2023-07-07 02:34:20 +Google Play,"we can't search for words bc only accs show up. the timeline is full of people i DON'T follow. no trending list. no bookmarks. please add following page where i can only see my followings' posts. OH and please make this app separate from instagram. we need to delete our ig to delete our thread acc? RIDICULOUS. if u really want to beat twitter, do all the things we say. i also tried posting a gif, but the app ruins it.pls add edit button 4 pics. we also can't save pics...? oh u'r done DONE 3/10",2,2023-07-06 14:22:00 +Google Play,"DO NOT SIGN UP! If you for whatever reason do not like this app, you cannot delete it without deleting your entire Instagram account. They become permanently linked. It is a total trap!",1,2023-07-06 18:56:57 +Google Play,"Although the app definitely has potential, the privacy policy is insane and Threads takes WAYY too much personal data. Update the privacy policy and stop monitoring browsing history, finances, and health and the app will become much more user friendly.",1,2023-07-07 10:32:14 +Google Play,"The app is crashing sometimes when checking replies, blocking following and following back ( it keeps getting automatically canceled then a message pops up ststing that this is some sort of a limitation)",3,2023-07-07 12:32:53 +Google Play,"Great App! Reminds me of the early days of another app. ;) If you're looking for something new, it's the place to go. Love the Clean/Minimal UI. Looking forward to the future of the App.",5,2023-07-07 00:54:41 +Google Play,"The app is amazing, I really loved it but I am having issues change the mode of the app. It is only on dark mode on my device and I don't know how to change it back",4,2023-07-06 15:41:26 +Google Play,"Facing some issues such as the app eventually getting closed. Issues while writing captions, app getting closed on its own because videos are posted and so on.",4,2023-07-07 13:42:45 +Google Play,"Glitching, I did not set it to upload my Instagram information when it asked yet it did it on its own. All the threads I posted through the day are all gone. And I got a notification that the one thread goes against their rules, how? It's the same stuff I would post on Instagram.",1,2023-07-07 16:27:56 +Google Play,"Not able to share post in it using the attachment..... After the file is attached foelr the post the app get's shut down immediately...... Tried reinstalling, cleared the cache and data too but not working 🙁",2,2023-07-07 01:33:44 +Google Play,"THIS APP IS SMOOTH. but for now, i’ll give you 4 out of 5 stars, because we need update with the timeline. please create two timeline, first is like for you page (include all of account) timeline, and second is following (mutual only) timeline! also maybe you can add the features DM in this app! 🥺 anw i’ll give it 5 stars if we get that kind of update 🥰",4,2023-07-06 04:37:47 +Google Play,"Very smooth app, loving it. I keep seeing accounts I don't follow, even on Instagram on the ""Home"" page. This needs to be fixed.",4,2023-07-06 00:53:18 +Google Play,"3 stars FOR NOW. its very obvious you guys rushed the release of this. Im gonna change this to 4 after you released: Media section in profile, Direct Messages, Following feed, Hashtags and the option to zoom in on images using two fingers.",3,2023-07-07 00:59:41 +Google Play,"An Instagram account is needed for use. What a waste of time. 🙄 I would have signed, but I don't need or want an Instagram account again. Why make it mandatory? Why not just redesign Instagram if that's the case?",1,2023-07-06 15:03:09 +Google Play,"This app is awesome! At one point, society had an app that had a picture of a bird, a lot of angry people, and a lot of bots. Can't remember what it was called, cause on 7/5/23 everyone uninstalled it. This app is essential for any business owner, independent contractor or influencer. The new gold standard for thread based social media!",5,2023-07-06 01:53:38 +Google Play,I've not created an account I just wanted to get attention with the 1 star. I was wondering if its possible to create an account without linking Instagram acc? I don't wish to share information across platform and also would like to remain anonymous on this app. Also there isn't an option to create account without agreeing to Theads terms and conditions about tailoring/sharing information. Will these be available in the future?,1,2023-07-07 15:32:49 +Google Play,"This app would be good if it actually let me attach media to my threads, but the paperclip icon is missing, so as an artist this app has been rendered completely useless.",1,2023-07-06 12:41:01 +Google Play,This was definitely needed as Instagram had become boring. Only request would be to make this app available in parallel apps so that people with more than one account have easy access and won't have to login and logout everytime,5,2023-07-06 21:29:29 +Google Play,Very good but there are so many bugs like when you delete a written word the whole sentence is deleted and it is a new app so it is normal that there will be bugs I hope that all the bugs are solved.,5,2023-07-06 09:56:09 +Google Play,"Quite nice so far, definitely a more nicer place than twitter, could perhaps add stuff like DM'S, Seeing threads that are relevant to you (like a for you page) and maybe allow the search bar to be used to search for certain threads instead of just users? Ik the app just came out but those are things I definitely would look forward to see, I've had only great experiences so far, lots of potential to be amazing. I Do think it sucks that u have to delete your insta to delete your thread account",4,2023-07-06 22:47:03 +Google Play,Threads is a very user-friendly app. All that I don't like is that the app doesn't manually allow you to change it to dark mode.,4,2023-07-07 03:42:27 +Google Play,"So far so good, but I wish I had more control over who/what topics are showing on my feeds. Also the scrolling on my phone feels slow. Let's see if it is really the ""sanely-run Twitter alternative"" as Mark said it would be.",4,2023-07-06 07:10:39 +Google Play,"Things that you guys should add in future update. • Theme change/Apperance • Option to edit threads • More organised notifications • Name should display in feed not username • Date and time of threads • Draft • Direct Message (DM) • GIF • Double to on image to zoom in or out • Hastag • Option to save images • Count of threads, replies and likes • Taping profile picture to expand",4,2023-07-06 06:45:34 +Google Play,"Not working properly, as you scroll it's UI looks scattered, it's not possible to use it for even a second.",1,2023-07-06 14:50:49 +Google Play,"""Login with Facebook"" is not an option? Can you imagine if Google launched a new app, allowed you to login with a YouTube account but not a Google account? No? Well, now you understand how dumb this app is. Also, not every user is going to want to be on their phone, forcing people to use an app, so you can collect more data, is shady.",1,2023-07-06 23:10:15 +Google Play,"It's a nice app, but is there seriously no way to see trending content? I prefer to use Twitter by going through my for you and the trending tab, as just looking through all the tweets of those im following gets boring and repetitive.",4,2023-07-06 05:14:32 +Google Play,"Abruptly crashes during use. Also, this is like an incredibly toned down bare bones Twitter. Should've waited a few more weeks before rolling it out. People will leave at the same rate that they joined if critical features like hashtags, DMs, trending, platform search are not added immediately.",3,2023-07-07 13:05:27 +Google Play,"Loving the new Threads app by Instagram! I have to say, Instagram has really outdone themselves with this one. Threads is a fantastic addition to the Instagram family, and it's quickly becoming my go-to app for connecting with friends.",4,2023-07-06 11:19:35 +Google Play,"The feed was slick and easy to read, though for now it was populated largely with accounts I did not yet follow or care about – perhaps an issue that will resolve itself as more people sign up. ....",5,2023-07-07 04:59:09 +Google Play,"It's a good start, but the notifications don't work very well. I don't get new post notifications, only replies, which is less than helpful",3,2023-07-07 17:14:04 +Google Play,Terrible collapses everytime I try and post a picture tried several times throughout yesterday and this morning. Reinstalled app and still doing it. Not much use to me.,1,2023-07-07 10:33:06 +Google Play,"The whole app becomes distorted as soon as i touch the screen after opening it. can not scroll, click anything let alone use the app.",1,2023-07-06 11:57:55 +Google Play,I try to install and syncronize with my ig but the launch is not smooth.. I cant refresh or change fiture in ease bcs it will sharing and the screen got shadowed.. I was like seeing a messing screen..,1,2023-07-06 12:37:03 +Google Play,"For first experience, the app is good. Maybe later could you please add inbox/DM feature, and section for media (pics n vids) in profile section together with thread and reply. Please add section for media so we wont need to scroll so much for pics we upload. Thanks",4,2023-07-06 10:31:31 +Google Play,"i know the app just got released but it would be better to have save image option, seeing qrts, bookmarks, and timeline for following since the timeline is very messy right now",3,2023-07-06 07:31:45 +Google Play,I'm getting too much bugs in this app I'm unable to view anything on the app its too disgusting that the app is having a bug which is multipliying of the texts its like dragging the entire text multiple times,1,2023-07-06 15:58:12 +Google Play,I know it's a new app and updates will be made. But the app keeps closing anytime I try to comment and sometimes when I'm starting a thread. Aside that nagging issue it's a pretty great app.,4,2023-07-07 09:09:35 +Google Play,"Needs to sort out: saving media , seeing the people who reposted, the amount of reposts, bookmarks, autoplayimg media, etc. But it's still a great start.",3,2023-07-06 00:06:29 +Google Play,"This app does not render properly in dark mode/night mode. Every time i scroll the previous content is still there, and it keeps on doing that.",1,2023-07-06 08:58:26 +Google Play,"It's like Instagram except it's text instead of pictures, except the times you use pictures with text. Either way, it looks like Twitter. Instead of cloning somebody else's app, you should have just made your own. Social media is stagnant and Twitter sucks. Why would you think we would want another Twitter? Give us sync for Reddit comments and features mixed with Youtube, mixed with Instagram, and leave us alone. It also collects your data more than usual. Mark should pay us to use it instead",1,2023-07-06 05:56:50 +Google Play,So far things are normal. simple ui and faster loading. Nothing boring. Request to implement a light mode apart from Dark Mode. Loved at first sight 🤩,5,2023-07-06 09:42:50 +Google Play,"Better than twitter. Free from the absolute mess that it's become. Do you remember having issues with Facebook or Instagram? Me neither. I expect none to arrive with Threads either. Twitter however is currently unusable. Full of bots, spam and right wing conspiracy nutjobs.",5,2023-07-06 18:00:01 +Google Play,First of all I don't understand why we need another social media app. It is mixture of instgram and twitter so I don't like this app . We already have separate apps too . please stop making these kinds of apps and make better knowledgeable apps for students.,1,2023-07-07 16:11:11 +Google Play,I don't know how this is a possible but I'm the only review on this I feel like this app is flawed I don't really get what is going for it's supposed to be a Twitter alternative but the UI is weird you don't see who you're following on your main timeline or whatever they want to call it It only shows you followers not who you're following I can say a lot more but I'm only one person in my personal opinion I think this app is very flawed for now,1,2023-07-06 09:28:00 +Google Play,"the app crashes a lot and it says it has bugs , there is an issue when you try to write in arabic it is not aligned well it show many people that I don't follow them rather than i follow, please remove that , cause it's the main reason why i left twitter",2,2023-07-07 08:57:14 +Google Play,Great app... But I don't really see the point of including media attachments when you already have Instagram. Keep this text-based only.,3,2023-07-06 19:34:44 +Google Play,i think you should add features such as for you page (fyp) and following. it's a little boring scrolling and seeing random people's posts. i just hope you'll add those features because it'd be a nice experience especially for me.,2,2023-07-06 05:35:58 +Google Play,"Refreshing space that does not feels like is trying to force you unnecessary stuff. The way META is tackling monetization and the overall improvement over Twitter latest decisions, makes Thread a worthy replacement for the rest infamous Twitter and the trash show that has become after the new management.",5,2023-07-06 18:20:22 +Google Play,"Love the interface🙂, looking to explore more features. The remaining star is for the features I'm yet to explore and enjoy. How do I add other threads accounts to my main threads account, like we do on Instagram with our other Instagram accounts? And can we post from Instagram to threads at the same time like we post from Instagram to Facebook on sync at the same time? Thank you in advance for your response .",4,2023-07-07 16:50:44 +Google Play,"I rate this Application with only one ⭐. Because, I have no account with Instagram, so, If there is no way to Create own account with threads except with Instagram app. Many people can't use this app. Consist of me. Because, I haven't an account with Instagram app, please, brought a unique Idea.",1,2023-07-07 05:29:41 +Google Play,"I try to upload a picture or video, then the app crashes... Hopefully it gets fixed. Good app anyways, great alternative to Twitter for real.",3,2023-07-06 20:55:55 +Google Play,"Everything is good in this app, but when I'm trying to upload pic, it crashes. I don't why it's happening I uninstall it and install it many times but the problem remain same",3,2023-07-07 05:59:50 +Google Play,"Easy to use your instagram profile and transfer your contacts over with one click. I love the interface, it's clean clear and easy to use",5,2023-07-07 12:52:56 +Google Play,"Terrible experience, the whole algorithm time line is the absolute worse, i am inundated with thousands of UTTERLY MALIGNANT USELESS ASININE content from""creators"" that i could not careless if they imploded, i spend more time muting accounts than i do posting anything, i don't care about this new feed I'm being fed, i can't search for content i actually care about, this app as it is, is absolutely irrelevant, that being said the interface is straightforward and posting is easygoing. D-",1,2023-07-10 14:52:19 +Google Play,This application is Better than Twitter according to me😍 congratulations Mark Zuckerberg. Best wishes from my side to achieve your goals. I would like to say in this world no one can match your ideas and identity. I am very proud of you. If I will feel after using this app good really I will appreciate you. I think this app will help to some social activities and works. My knowledge is not good about this app but after using this app I am feeling a happy and positive feeling. Thanks &god bless.,5,2023-07-07 14:33:58 +Google Play,so far I like it. friendly user interface. similar to twitter with an instagram feel. the search page needs to be upgraded with trends tab or maybe other tabs that can make you engage more 🤷🏻‍♂️,5,2023-07-06 11:56:19 +Google Play,Worst experience on threads app. When I open it. It directly crashed. Fix the bugs specially for Android phones. I am using redmi note 8A. App directly crash when I just open it. Fix the bugs.,1,2023-07-07 17:20:43 +Google Play,"Features forthcoming. This is bare bones moreso than minimalistic, I imagine that there is more to come in terms of options and features.",5,2023-07-06 07:25:37 +Google Play,"Like it but, I can't post GIFs smh. I hate that new products seen to only allow certain users full access to all of the features. GIFs are almost mandatory on here to make it more entertaining lol. Why not just launch it ALL and see what happens?",2,2023-07-06 16:43:45 +Google Play,"I am check this application throughout and found below issue 👇👇👇 ISSUE FOUND IN THREADS APPLICATION ISSUE DESCRIPTION:- Threads bio information not updated while user update Instagram account bio and come back to the thread application and click on ""reimport"" button. Expected Result:- thread information should be updating while user click ""reimport"" button from Thread application, Integrated functionality should be working properly.",2,2023-07-06 15:54:35 +Google Play,"""Threads"" is a service for friends, family, and coworkers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People post can be photos, videos, links, and text. These messages are posted to your profile, sent to your followers. In one word it's ""Twitter"".",4,2023-07-06 10:48:18 +Google Play,"It's fast and smooth, video quality is also nice. Looking forward to the new features they ship out.",5,2023-07-06 02:03:28 +Google Play,"Can't use the app at all, super annoyed. The pages of the app are completely distorted I can't see a single thing!",2,2023-07-06 21:13:13 +Google Play,Threads provides users with a familiar interface that is easy to use. It's basically text-focused Instagram.,5,2023-07-06 08:27:05 +Google Play,So far so good. But still a lot of changes is needed to make it better starting from having a home feed that only shows threads from followers and not random accounts.,4,2023-07-07 03:30:52 +Google Play,"Becoming the first one to review this App on Playstore. The luckiest one. It is the best App ever i have used so far. How lucky I would be, if the compnay announce a reward of 10,000 USD. For me to make me the luckiest one. As a first reviewer of this App. Lets see 😘😜",5,2023-07-06 08:28:03 +Google Play,"Overall experience good! I got one issue - when i shared the post on ""Instagram story"" by Threads and try to click and move to Threads it's not working, it's not moving on threads page. Kindly please check that! Thanks!",4,2023-07-06 11:14:05 +Google Play,"It's a good app. It has all The Simpsons future predictions that are yet to happen, terrorist detector, ex stalking feature, completely submersible, and more. I gave it 3 stars because its time traveling feature got me stuck in my previous relationship where I was too complacent and now I can't help it but watch her loving me for my material wishes and even cheating with Thabo, John, and Steve. What a torment 😔. Hope he'll update it so I can go back to the present.",3,2023-07-06 01:51:05 +Google Play,"Too much noise to signal. What's the point of following people if you never see their posts and only see algorithm suggested posts? Needs to be a follower based chronological feed, not a suggested non-chronological feed.",2,2023-07-07 01:10:23 +Google Play,"I'm gonna keep it short here. Love it!! I hope there's translation and album selection features like instagram , also a feature to hide certain threads/posts from public? 😅 Thank you. 👀🐒✨💖",5,2023-07-07 13:22:50 +Google Play,"Threads seems to be the reason why my Instagram has stopped working. As for threads itself, I can't see the replies I'm getting. As soon as I have IG back I'm uninstall the whole lot. The functionality is just terrible.",2,2023-07-09 23:29:36 +Google Play,"Just made an account and the screen glitches out immediately. Texts overlapping each other, it's a mess. Will get fixed though i believe, but will uninstall it. Wanna send a screenshot, but here is no option. F.",1,2023-07-10 10:16:41 +Google Play,"So far, so good, but I have a personal account and a public account, everyone I want to change between accounts takes so long and is tedious, it'll be great to add a switch account button like Instagram",4,2023-07-08 22:54:17 +Google Play,"Still buggy and needs more features, but it's a good start! I like that it doesn't show how many accounts you follow, so it's not about a ratio. Just follow whomever you feel like.",4,2023-07-08 20:56:15 +Google Play,It's been buggy and I wish I could select which album I want to upload from instead of ALL of my gallery. I'd love to upload my art but it's tedious to look for my old things because they're so far down my gallery.,3,2023-07-07 12:43:31 +Google Play,"This app is absolute trash! Zuckerberg can go kick rocks. 🤣 This app is just another way for these elite drones to gather all your info and then control what you say and what you think. Anyone who uses this app doesn't have the mental capacity to think for themselves. It's a joke! Oh, and once you sign up, you can't delete your account unless you delete your entire Instagram account. If I could, I would rate this dumpster 🔥 0 ⭐️. 👎👎👎",1,2023-07-07 16:24:34 +Google Play,"The best, wow! I mean I don't write reviews but this one one is about making the first or one of the first moves to make a memory relating this app. I predict the app will outshine both insta and twitter",4,2023-07-07 14:59:03 +Google Play,Useless unless you have an Instagram account. Cannot see the point of this app. The fact that I cannot use the app unless I log in with an Instragram account which I don't have is just stupid.,1,2023-07-06 07:54:48 +Google Play,So far it's more like Twitter than Instagram. It seems like a cut down version of Instagram. With a bit of Twitter. Or the other way round. So far I have enjoyed the experience,5,2023-07-06 11:43:00 +Google Play,I downloaded the app it was all fine... I connected it to my insta account but as soon as I started scrolling it got hanged and smt weird was happening like the app was having some bug... Plzz fix it..,1,2023-07-09 19:44:25 +Google Play,"Crashes very frequently. On day 1 this wasn't a problem, but on day 2 there's a lot of crashes. Motorola G82",2,2023-07-07 13:59:23 +Google Play,"This app is stupid, made to rival Twitter but doesn't even stand a chance to Twitter, very buggy, a lot of glitches, and no free speech, yeah, this app has potential but not for now. Just don't waste your time downloading thread. Just use Twitter 🐦",1,2023-07-06 02:46:44 +Google Play,"Brings your friends on Instagram in Twitter-like format , a dedicated messenger for your Instagram. Simple and familiar interface , still needs some more features to be added.",4,2023-07-06 11:11:11 +Google Play,been good experience so far. room for improvement as far some features that may roll out in future. but it is not buggy or slow.,5,2023-07-06 15:20:35 +Google Play,I dont want the HOME page to be a cluttered mess of random people I DONT follow having conversations about things i dont care about 🤷 I only want posts from friends and people I actually follow. and I need an easy access to the list of those people. in the mean time... 1⭐️,1,2023-07-07 20:45:42 +Google Play,Intially it is good in threads they showing our insta followers threads also it's nice but in tweeter we have to manually follow whoever we want. But initially use it copy text always when we hold for very few seconds and it continues when we scroll down its damn irritating .. please rectify this issue team meta,4,2023-07-06 16:56:40 +Google Play,has potential. would love to see chronological order and the option to see posts from those you follow. atm it doesn't really matter who you follow since it's really a small chance you will even see their posts.,4,2023-07-08 07:51:49 +Google Play,First time use: crashed while creating a long thread with subthreads with multiple galleries and a storyline. Will revisit once they have ironed out the bugs.,1,2023-07-08 04:20:46 +Google Play,"This only changes the settings for…. Ready for it, Notifications. Has nothing to do with what is displayed on your wall.",2,2023-07-07 02:35:24 +Google Play,Extremely buggy. I can't even scroll without every screen overlapping on top of each other and creating a mess.,1,2023-07-10 21:19:01 +Google Play,"""🚀📲 Introducing [The Thread App]! 🌟✨ I'm thrilled to share this innovative app that I've poured my heart and soul into. It's designed to revolutionize [specific purpose or industry], offering seamless functionality, sleek design, and a user-friendly experience like never before. 💡💪 No more negativity or judgment. [Thread App] is all about empowering you to share your passions, stories, and ideas in a supportive and respectful environment. 🌻🙌.",5,2023-07-08 15:46:59 +Google Play,"Overall app Layout is fire, but app refreshes feed when I'm going through and also i find it hard to turn on sound for videos, please work on it",3,2023-07-06 20:44:37 +Google Play,Very bad experience as soon as I open the app it's interface starts overlapping one another and it becomes too difficult to read even a single word .. thumbs down 👎,1,2023-07-07 07:20:46 +Google Play,"""Your name and username are synced with Instagram and can only be changed there."" 🚮💀 So much for trying to get a name that was initially taken on Instagram at the time I signed up then.",1,2023-07-07 00:42:02 +Google Play,"great app, but please add albums when choosing or uploading photos, i don't want to scroll so far to search for it. Though I won't use this until that was implemented.",3,2023-07-07 09:26:52 +Google Play,"I'm loving the app, the only fix i want apart from bug fixes is some control/filter over what we see on our feed. I don't even see the threads by people i follow, and don't wanna see random lame meme pages.",4,2023-07-10 15:31:45 +Google Play,I don't why I have a problem after make an account everything but when i scroll everything will be mixed and it's seems like my phone is gonna mad and i reopen the app also refresh but after some trys it still same i take a screenshot if here is an option to add i can show,2,2023-07-07 07:53:43 +Google Play,Does not put info from the people you follow in your feed. You get what the app wants to show you and it doesnt do a good job at picking what you would like to see EDIT: Getting better,3,2023-07-20 09:33:52 +Google Play,"Cool idea in theory, but uninstalling until I can have a home page of only accounts I follow and view posts in chronological order. That's all I want from an app like this.",2,2023-07-06 02:23:41 +Google Play,"I like the threads app, it's just that please improve it again with a feature to be able to find out who people don't follow us back and, as well as have a dm feature, trending stories and using hashtags. thank you, I hope you read this.",5,2023-07-11 04:53:21 +Google Play,I can't attach a photo. Once I selected from Galary then press ok. The app keep on crashing and just went down. Again and Again same situation. Please fix this frustrating issues.,1,2023-07-10 18:06:28 +Google Play,The user interface looks neat! But I don't if it's because of the phone's display or swiping is just sensitive on the app that I often select on the text?,3,2023-07-06 04:17:54 +Google Play,App need more time to run and not working ki various mobiles. Various glitch occurred while starting. While refreshing the app it mostly lag the application.,1,2023-07-06 20:13:50 +Google Play,My problem with this application is that I can only login through my Instagram account but I wanted a separate account for promoting my YT channel and I thought this would be a great opportunity. Apparently not.,2,2023-07-07 03:23:24 +Google Play,"I accidentally logged out of my threads account, and now I can't log back in. It keeps saying error, that the password may have been changed (I only switched accounts, but ll password change had happened).",3,2023-07-07 14:26:54 +Google Play,"Really good experience, such a calm atmosphere , slightly boring - need a feature like reels - and a DM feature - and all the people we follow on Instagram to join!",4,2023-07-11 12:44:35 +Google Play,"So far it has a solid start but once those features and updates start to roll in soon, hopefully it takes off and I'll fully migrate to the app.",3,2023-07-08 00:47:36 +Google Play,So far so good. No bugs and feels better than Twitter and only time will tell how good the recommendations are as it learns. Maybe integrate the dm feature from Instagram. Also can we have a single integrated meta login?,5,2023-07-07 17:08:39 +Google Play,"Some problem are there the moment I log in there I thought it normal when I scroll down for the first time it was lagging like anything letters were floating , I think right now we can't use it properly but i think you guys will fix it nicely.... Thank you",4,2023-07-06 07:46:12 +Google Play,"I prefer this to Twitter. It works well and follows a similar structure to Instagram. I'd recommend using it, especially if you already use Instagram. This makes it really easy to make an account as you can use the same one.",4,2023-07-06 13:31:38 +Google Play,Well at first for me truthfully I don't like it one bit I downloaded it coz everyone around me downloaded it and I fell out of place so o dowoaded it and at first my expirence were horrible I thought we had another app like twitter and blue bird became trash so here is another but when I start using thread I am addicted coz no ads and extra money verification easy to use and your making a account is like cuttuing butter so I definitely like it and we need it,4,2023-07-07 16:49:20 +Google Play,"Crashes on photo upload every single time. If I attempt to upload a photo from my Fuji X-T5, the app crashes. Phone photos work fine.",4,2023-07-22 05:04:49 +Google Play,Very very buggy! If I try to scroll all the info on screen drags and overlays on top of each other. It's unusable,1,2023-07-06 17:26:06 +Google Play,"It's the same mentality !!! In face book & Instagram they just give priority in searching and suggestions to sexual profiles which attract teenagers. I think the same mentality is control Threads also. Mark Zuckerberg found his way by using the nudity to increase his Apps users. Recently, I considered Facebook and Instagram as a Sexual sotes and I thought that they may do something deferent in this new app, but it seems no deference. Twitter is my best App 👌",1,2023-07-07 06:23:46 +Google Play,Do liked the idea but I'm having some glitch. I can't use the app. The bug need to be fixed soon because I've seen many other have the bug too.,2,2023-07-06 19:09:25 +Google Play,"I've liked it so far, but if you really want this app to be like the other app, it would be nice if they gave the freedoms that the other gives to certain content or to what used to be face at the beginning XD",4,2023-07-06 19:07:37 +Google Play,"Pretty good launch so far, there aren't any hashtags or an explore/trends tab and you can't bookmark things or pin a post to your profile, but this is a launch of a new app so I wasn't expecting it to be perfect",4,2023-07-06 01:33:18 +Google Play,Good start !! When I to scroll down then the pages are clumpsy. I am not able to interact with the feeds if I try to scroll down.,3,2023-07-06 02:29:16 +Google Play,"I like this app very much...but last night it kicked me out. Everything I try to get back in, it does it again...its frustrating and I don't know if its ever going to let me in.",3,2023-07-11 15:47:46 +Google Play,"My thread doesn't upload, it's showing, ""failed to upload"", and if i edit my profile, it's showing that something went wrong and not changing, fix the bugs guyss",1,2023-07-09 14:00:48 +Google Play,fix the two step verification code generated! while doing two step authentication from my Instagram profile it requires two step verification to which we have to provide thread the 8 digit code but when we recieve code to our phone while doing authentication its only 6 digits thats the major error thread has right now fix this illogical login code generation,3,2023-07-07 13:13:23 +Google Play,"They more features a lot more, search like in twitter, not only people, puth a banner in profiles, and separate the Instagram login, so I could make independent profiles also. And much more, but I like this design at least for now, btw too many permission ENOUGH.",2,2023-07-06 03:04:32 +Google Play,"Very underdeveloped, too experimental, my friends from insta just spams their already existing followers from insta in threads with pointless rambling nonsense, it's like 2008 Twitter but worse. Search function is only applicable for accounts, no real way to search public posts. No dark mode theme.",1,2023-07-07 04:35:33 +Google Play,love it and hate it so much at the same time coz we can't just go into gallery from threads suppose i wnat to pin a pic in someones thread i select pin and it just shows all pics from recent we have no option to select from gallery like in other apps we just have to keep scrolling 10000 of pics till we find the pic to pin in....plz let us open gallery our gallery from threads....its really annoying....,1,2023-07-11 07:53:12 +Google Play,"I think it broke my insta when I installed it, my backgrounds on insta aren't working anymore, also my friend the app just crashes when they try to post anything, it's also kinda just boring",1,2023-07-06 14:16:29 +Google Play,"The app works great. I love this experience, but I just updated my password on Instagram and now I can't get back into Threads. Please fix. Thank you.",4,2023-07-08 15:15:00 +Google Play,"This aps is handy and pretty friendly. If you allowed users to edit and add specific songs to their threads , it would be perfect.",4,2023-07-07 06:27:16 +Google Play,A bunch of people I don't follow show in my feed for no reason. So far it's useless spam app with no real purpose. Cannot easily switch between multiple accounts. Nice dark mode though.,1,2023-07-06 05:34:50 +Google Play,Showstopper that you can not limit your feed to only those you follow forcing you to wade through all sorts of garbage. Back to the Tw original for now . Can't believe they launched without this,1,2023-07-10 20:58:29 +Google Play,"You need to delete your Instagram account and now, it's getting glitchy and starting to slow down cause of the app, instead of doing it sperately so everyone can enjoy. This is another failure by Mark Zuckerberg. Elon Musk won the cage match. Twitter can't be replaced.",1,2023-07-09 05:58:01 +Google Play,"Would like to see the repost changed to rethread, then would like to see more content of the people I follow rather than more suggestions, the app is huge and very easy to use, big ups Zuckerberg and the team.",4,2023-07-08 05:28:05 +Google Play,Trying to create an account but when I get to the date of birth page I have to step through every month back to the month I was born in. That would be 800+ taps. Not going to happen!!,1,2023-07-06 07:42:59 +Google Play,"1. When you click to make a comment, the input stays low and covered by keyboard, no way to see what you're typing. 2. Please make users to open and view profile pictures just like Instagram.",3,2023-07-07 17:34:55 +Google Play,"The plateform looks nice. But as a Threads newbie, I don't expect to see posts from those whom I don't choose to follow. There're too much feeds. Strongly suggest @Meta to limit this unwanted data overload.",4,2023-07-08 02:41:17 +Google Play,"It's glitching a lot. Resolve this issue. There's some problem with the background, and else everything is good.",1,2023-07-07 03:49:37 +Google Play,"So far i haven't found anything special in this application, besides it usually shows content from people i don't even follow and that has nothing to do with the topics i've searched for before.",3,2023-07-09 00:22:57 +Google Play,"Things that should be implemented: - Trending topics - Profiles background image - A ""seek"" button that allows you to see reposts that were made of profiles you blocked. When someone resposts now, it only appears ""this content is not available"" - Search for content, so you can find other people posts - Also a Tab to see the posts you liked",5,2023-07-06 07:04:51 +Google Play,"It's like best part of Twitter and Instagram and has , remarkably, a lot of amazing features (considering it's a newly launched app ) . I would like a way to bookmark threads though",5,2023-07-06 11:57:47 +Google Play,"This app is good but i hope in the next update they add something that we can put back the ""thread badge"" on our Instagram profile, i removed the badge and realized its much easier for my friends to track my thread. Plsss add it so ppl can also decide to remove or put it back huhu",4,2023-07-08 01:06:02 +Google Play,Was beginning to enjoy it until I started constantly seeing post by someone I'm not even friends with. Literally every four posts there they are. It's not my page it's their page now I'll check back in on it sometime in the future when more friends are on,3,2023-07-10 15:10:10 +Google Play,"It's crashing pretty hard, can't scroll at all and can't make a thread or anything, it just crashes and has a ton of visual bugs",2,2023-07-08 19:45:16 +Google Play,"Too common app name, lack of uniqueness. There is no option to turn of auto play video. No translate option for other language threads. Lack of creativity, same old app",2,2023-07-07 00:24:34 +Google Play,"It has a bug where pages overlap, which renders it unusable. Not everyone is experiencing the bug tho.",1,2023-07-09 15:01:47 +Google Play,Crashes when I try to upload photos. Haven't been able to share a single image yet. Will change rating if fixed.,1,2023-07-07 04:38:22 +Google Play,"I could love this app, if it would stop showing my an bunch of people I don't follow more than the people I do. I DO NOT want suggested post in my main feed. Make it so I can filter them out or completely remove it.",3,2023-07-06 04:57:33 +Google Play,"Well this was my first day & I'm enjoying this app but still I think there must be some interesting features need to be added like messages, following list at the top, comments rather than replies etc . . . Good effort ✔️",4,2023-07-07 17:21:46 +Google Play,"It's a ""friendly"" place. Meaning there will be certain censorships. Not only that, but the app keeps personal information. This is just a rebranded Instagram.",3,2023-07-08 05:27:53 +Google Play,"add a separate feed just for subscriptions and let us choose a general feed by interests or hashtags. i mean, the adds are fine, but not the whole messy feed.",3,2023-07-09 21:33:00 +Google Play,very slow and hanging always. could have been better. but having intial launch app it should be better launch with mote adoption and smooth. and not hanging. already disappointed .,1,2023-07-12 05:42:47 +Google Play,The app keeps on glitching every time I open it. Even after uninstalling the app and installing it again. Honestly I don't know what to do... Any advice....,1,2023-07-08 15:30:38 +Google Play,"So far so good, there are certain things I think would be a great help for the users like translations, archive etc. I hope for the app's growth with the growing community.",4,2023-07-09 14:54:20 +Google Play,Crashes every time I try posting a simple photo. Happens with both Samsung Galaxy S21 and S23. Would love to see a way to toggle between random posts and those from only people I follow.,3,2023-07-10 04:10:26 +Google Play,"I just got the app, and it's already crashing every time I'm in it for 20 seconds. I cleared the cache, but I got a message that there's a bug. Please fix it, thank you.",2,2023-07-07 12:13:50 +Google Play,"Unfortunately my experience is pretty bad. App lags and is unusable. I would post screenshots here to make it clear what's wrong,but there's no such option:(",1,2023-07-07 15:52:05 +Google Play,Worked fine for the first two days and then suddenly I can't seem to make any kind of post on the evening of the third day. It keeps posting (uploading) foever.,2,2023-07-08 17:30:24 +Google Play,"Definitely needs work, lacks some basic features like dms, being able to sort the timeline between for you and following. Right now the timeline is full of checkmarks nobody gives a damn about so scrolling the news feed is like sandpaper to my brain.",2,2023-07-06 22:19:09 +Google Play,"Instagram Threads is a solid new app that offers a unique way to connect with your followers. It's easy to use and integrates seamlessly with Instagram, making it a great option for people who want to share more text-based content with their audience.",5,2023-07-06 03:29:08 +Google Play,"Great UI, nice feel. One thing tho is I think we should be able to zoom in on pics and it stays still when we release it.",4,2023-07-06 17:28:46 +Google Play,App is crashing a lot and refresh is also taking a lot of time. There is no options to insert gif in the replies.,2,2023-07-07 10:22:11 +Google Play,"very clean and simple UI, the timeline is not attractive for long time use: i'd like to have a timeline where i can just see the threads of those i follow. maybe have two timelines?",5,2023-07-06 01:45:35 +Google Play,"Hi, This app is amazing but some feature are not available Missing. I am not download videos and pics & I am not pin my post. please 🙏 add this features in your app. Thank you.",3,2023-07-06 11:10:17 +Google Play,"I think you guys should add a feature that allow one to know who is following someone and who doesn't please , lastly i tried to comment on a post and it failed to upload which pops on my screen each time i open the app and its so annoying...Thank you..",3,2023-07-08 18:30:35 +Google Play,"Since I'm not on Instagram, does it mean I can't have a Thread account??Would have been better had it not been a prerequisite....I'm not intending to join Instagram. Make registration through FB accounts an option.",2,2023-07-06 09:37:45 +Google Play,everything is perfect. i cannot complain at all but the app keeps crashing after a while it becomes annoying and agitating,4,2023-07-07 17:59:05 +Google Play,Complete disaster. On top of that it doesn't let you take it off of your phone because IG might go too. Doesn't let me upload some pictures and I sent notification 2 times and nothing.,1,2023-07-10 04:40:14 +Google Play,"full of fake scam profiles, can't select who or what you see on feed. Spend most of the time scrolling and blocking irrelevant profiles/content. Algorithms and ML needed.",1,2023-07-10 14:53:02 +Google Play,"Too much of the posts that you don't need to see appearing, no way to control it. Too much unecessary and sus data collection as per Data Safety section.",2,2023-07-07 23:10:55 +Google Play,"Horribly this app requires you to also have an Instagram account. Years ago, I made a wonderful decision to deactivate Instagram and while I was initially keen to try Threads, this is a instant stop sign for me.",1,2023-07-07 11:38:39 +Google Play,"Very2 simple, and i love the clean look!!! I know this app need to add more features but pls pls pls pls make it simple and not messy like Facebook & Instagram? Pls hear what users want.. Instagram algorithms sucks, so far i love this one.",5,2023-07-07 13:17:38 +Google Play,"Overall features and UI is good but what I noticed in the app is after Posting thread, the no. Of threads we post is not there so I think it should be there. And no of followers and following tab should be there. And again the app is overall good.",3,2023-07-06 10:31:08 +Google Play,So far it's been messy. No option to set the feed to only accounts you follow is a massive turn off. If that isn't updated soon you can expect this to flop like the rest of the twitter replacements,2,2023-07-06 00:12:53 +Google Play,"After logged into this app , thread ID shown in insta , by mistake I hide that ID but now I'm not able to unhide that , not able to find an option to revert that changes. If possible please enable that otpion OR provide the path for the same !",4,2023-07-06 14:07:13 +Google Play,Utter garbage! It doesn't have sign up feature. It lacks 99% of the feature twitter has. It is a bad Instagram alternative.,1,2023-07-06 17:16:33 +Google Play,Works on algorithms. It is showing me threads from non follwed accounts as well on my feeds and making it really mess. That I'm seeing randomly from anyone and not specifically followed users.,1,2023-07-09 07:41:18 +Google Play,Please remove the option of posting videos. I highly recommend! Then there will be no difference in threads and Instagram. We don't want to see reels flooded. I highly request.,1,2023-07-06 11:41:03 +Google Play,When I open this app in my mobile after filling the specified details .the total frame and letters are in jumping from up to down.so by this glitch I can't able to use this app.plzz resolve this problem as soon as possible.,1,2023-07-07 10:38:05 +Google Play,"Excellent App. I was since long looking for Text based social networking by instagram 😇😘😍 For the sake of Feedback, I miss the hashtag option of Instagram. And the app size needs to be smaller. But still I love Facebook, I love Instagram, I love Mark Zuckerberg... nobody knows the art of Social Networking like Mark Zuckerberg knows...!!!",5,2023-07-07 12:39:15 +Google Play,Best app to share thoughts and feelings when uhh are bored while watching reels n all. It's like Twitter but on the same time it's different from Twitter. Over-all Nice experience and must try once.,5,2023-07-06 15:22:05 +Google Play,The app is too buggy.. maybe because millions of people are using it right now and it crashed. Now I keep deleting and installing again. Anyone experiencing the same?,1,2023-07-07 01:31:31 +Google Play,"Very impersonal feeling UI, in it's current state this app feels more like a barebones Instagram copy rather than an extension of it.",2,2023-07-10 22:15:26 +Google Play,It merges the aesthetics of Instagram and the functionalities essential and more than enough for microblogging. It's a match made in heaven.,5,2023-07-07 19:38:08 +Google Play,Sometimes I can post pictures and sometimes it crashes the app. It'll be better when the bugs get worked out for a new app.,3,2023-07-10 18:17:33 +Google Play,Can't post photos or videos as the app will stop working. Can't see any posts from accounts I follow even though I adjusted my notifications. Can only see accounts I don't follow on home page.,1,2023-07-07 20:32:10 +Google Play,"The app is good enough, but I'm facing some challenges whenever I want to post a picture, the app keeps on closing itself.",4,2023-07-07 04:22:55 +Google Play,"I hope there will be an update and improvement, such as creating a dark theme. I really hoping for this dark theme, even it's not important lol. However, so far I really love this app compared to Twitter. Thanks Meta.",4,2023-07-08 03:41:16 +Google Play,"This is an amazing app, I just hope you can Add EDIT OPTION so we would still have the chance to edit some parts if there is any grammatical errors or typos.",5,2023-07-09 10:07:13 +Google Play,Disappointing. I dumped Twitter when Musk took over. Wanted to join Threads but because I don't have an Instagram account I can't sign into the app. Deleting it shortly. Sigh! Truly disappointing. 😔,1,2023-07-08 21:04:01 +Google Play,"This app still needs a lot of development I understand cause it's new, but the android version is quite poor It doesn't have dark theme mode and posting pictures on it does not work.",3,2023-07-07 19:39:48 +Google Play,"I'm very dissapointed, but I hope this is because this app is very new. I'd like to not see posts of people I do not follow at all, and only in English, it's annoying to come across my native language when I don't want to.",2,2023-07-07 14:38:11 +Google Play,Keeps crashing when trying to do a post with photos. As soon as I add one it just crashes out!,3,2023-07-07 18:04:51 +Google Play,This app is good but there is no option of google translate. I followed so many people of other countries but due to this issue I can't able to understand the meaning of their threads.,3,2023-07-08 08:56:43 +Google Play,"Honestly, one of the smoothest launches of a new social media ever? Really impressed so far. The brilliance is in the simplicity and easy community building.",4,2023-07-07 00:22:26 +Google Play,"Following features is useless! I still saw something that I dont wanna see. Should I block every random post? Feels like spam to me. Your algoritm sucks kinda IG and FB. Adopt by twitter, add features between following and recomendation! So You can add ADS on recomendation features!",3,2023-07-10 22:29:45 +Google Play,UI looks clean but Please provide save picture or video option. Also Home feed looks odd. It should show the posts from who we follow or show related to who we follow or based on our location,3,2023-07-07 11:07:28 +Google Play,"It works much better, than other sites, such as twitter, facebook.... It is really interesting websites, what I ever seen, because there you can make your ,,foryou,, what you like and what you are interested in.",5,2023-07-07 17:03:53 +Google Play,Very buggy. Crashes regularly. Had an apparent server problem last night that completely disabled it for several hours.,3,2023-07-07 11:22:50 +Google Play,"Not even 5 minutes in, it crashed. I put in my Instagram account information and everything was fine until I tried to scroll it glitched. Please fix this problem, Thank you",1,2023-07-06 21:27:30 +Google Play,There is millions of bugs and glitches 😑 I've installed and uninstalled. i can't verify my Instagram account they sent verification code over phone call that was 6 digits number but Threads ask 8 digits to verify my account. Where is my another 2 digits of verification codes?? 😅,1,2023-07-09 04:58:57 +Google Play,"I know it's a new app but it's missing many features, e.g when you're selecting images it doesn't give you an option to select by folder or group name If the pic you want to post is an old pic, you'll have to scroll till infinity to find it😒💔",3,2023-07-09 10:55:40 +Google Play,Ok to start. now it's constantly crashing whenever I am trying to write a post. Fix! Still crashing every time I try to write a post. WTH!!,2,2023-07-08 09:42:53 +Google Play,"It's not working at all it's completely broken, when I scroll the text lines up like a windows error bar in a PC. The app is completely broken dude",1,2023-07-07 15:58:50 +Google Play,"Hello, I love Threads so far, though I have encountered a bug, I tried to reply with a comment on @Raspberry_Pi thread post, then upload a photo attachment, then threads crashes everytime. So I can't upload an image on a thread without my Thread app crashing on my Galaxy, help :)",3,2023-07-08 20:34:36 +Google Play,Only one suggestion is that it would be much better if you add option to save photos to gallery from random post.,5,2023-07-07 15:59:24 +Google Play,"The application needs a lot of updates. Also, it is bad. When deleting the account, it deletes the Instagram account with it. I hope to amend and thank you",3,2023-07-11 14:15:58 +Google Play,"Please I need my Instagram back, I just unstalled thread app due to insufficient space in my phone and automatically my Instagram is not longer opening. I have to delete another app in my phone just to install thread again for my Instagram to be restore. Please mark work on this issue.",1,2023-07-07 21:08:40 +Google Play,One of the best design social platform. Make it more easy and useful don't added too much stuff to make it boring. It's just awesome the way it is right now.,5,2023-07-06 21:50:45 +Google Play,Really bad experience. It is full of bugs and the screen freezes everytime I open the app.,1,2023-07-06 06:38:51 +Google Play,"The app works well and I like it so far, but it's missing a few things, like a section for my liked post or bookmarks so I can revisit them. Don't know why they were left out since IG already has them.",3,2023-07-12 00:35:24 +Google Play,I love the idea but recently I've been unable to access my followers list. Keep saying I should try again. Its really hindering the smooth flow I was enjoying for the first few days.,3,2023-07-10 19:39:04 +Google Play,"A lot to fix, the feed is like Instagram which only shows algorithm instead of the last post, it shows more influencer people I don't care than the actually accounts I followed, the dark theme by default is cool.",2,2023-07-06 18:02:48 +Google Play,"Awsome, a total rip off of Twitter, but cool, but the keyboard seems to do crazy stuff when typing on the posts. Typing special characters and changing the start of it. Seems like you are tracking the thread before it even posted?",5,2023-07-07 05:32:31 +Google Play,I am encountering a significant issue when I launch the application. The scrolling animations in the app are not working properly.,1,2023-07-06 18:55:54 +Google Play,"There is nothing new in this application. If you want it to continue, make new updates to the application, because the first day of using sentences with two dimensions is very normal and boring.",1,2023-07-08 21:23:18 +Google Play,Kindly make a mature UI. UX is not good. I think you should think of it again. This doesn't seem mature. Its like new coder have put all the components at one place.,2,2023-07-08 08:50:34 +Google Play,"Great UI/UX design and simple interface, please add hashtag and trending feature and also try to add something from which user can gain more followers.",4,2023-07-06 08:04:04 +Google Play,"Improvements I wish they will do, - Don't show posts from people I don't know - Better the search box option. It's not showing results many times.",3,2023-07-09 17:26:31 +Google Play,"I don't have a problem with it so far except for not being able to translate yet, to me it's a Twitter but without the random nudes😁 I recommend, Twitter is getting old anyways, this is the Gen Z version maybe? 🤷‍♀️",5,2023-07-06 19:55:10 +Google Play,Everytime I download it glitches happen and everything overlaps. I've deleted and downloaded it several times hoping it would work but it didn't....,1,2023-07-11 10:50:59 +Google Play,"Just another app that Meta uses to shove ads, influencers, and top brands down the throats of everyone. I go on the app to see what the accounts I follow have posted, only to get swamped with posts from the likes of the idiot Kardashians, and other brands that I do not follow nor like. It's excruciatingly annoying.",1,2023-07-07 12:43:55 +Google Play,I really like this app! It's wonderful! I'm just kind of sad ever sense I downloaded threads I got a bug on the instagram app and now it crashes everytime I try to pull up the app🥲,4,2023-07-08 05:00:03 +Google Play,"With the death of twitter wanted to try an alternative, however.. There is no way to create an acount in the app. Exclusively for existing Instagram users. There isn't even a mechanism to create a new instagram account.",1,2023-07-06 07:13:29 +Google Play,"Nice one a formidable rival to twitter. But i think more should be done to sarnitize the app, contents are just allover the place. Getting contents from people i dont follow kinda makes me feel weary. But overall i love the app",5,2023-07-08 05:17:42 +Google Play,"Has the potential to knock Twitter out of the water, but until I can just see the content of who I follow, it's not usable. That time line is so chaotic it's not fun to read. Why have a follow function if you still see people you do not follow?",2,2023-07-07 12:22:38 +Google Play,"I dont know if its just my phone of your app, whenever i try to scroll down it will break like all the threads are mixed up going up and down, only the images are visible, so sad.",1,2023-07-08 09:32:01 +Google Play,"Very annoying that it's pushing a bunch of other accounts. If wanted to see what certain influencers, celebrities or brands were saying I would follow them. Maybe have a trending tab or something else but for general scrolling I'd rather seen only who I follow!",2,2023-07-07 22:00:18 +Google Play,Really good app.. Hopefully it doesn't die out soon.. The upload resolution quality for pics and videos are top tier.. Better than any of the other apps that would kill the quality.. Good job Zuck 👍🏽..,5,2023-07-06 23:58:38 +Google Play,App Is Crash Now And First Position is static then scroll down screen about all fiction are not working and is confusing. Please Check Out Now This Bug or Error. How To Send Screen Shot ?,1,2023-07-07 03:35:33 +Google Play,Far from perfect. Still seeing a few bugs and many features missing such as hashtags and account switching. Main feed is full of garbage from people I don't follow. Still better than Twitter though.,3,2023-07-06 17:34:20 +Google Play,"Hey! I got a bug. After installing Threads whenever I open Threads, my Instagram DM theme sets back to Default even if I change the theme and open Thread again, it changes my Instagram DM theme back to Default again. Please kindly resolve this bug on priority.",1,2023-07-06 08:15:20 +Google Play,"The worst of Twitter. It's turned into just the awful For You thread with random shite from random times copy of Twitter with no option just to get stuff from people you actually follow. Gets worse every day as more randoms join, and after 3 days already just annoying.",1,2023-07-07 19:42:37 +Google Play,"Hi, this apps not running smoothly in android 9. When i open it, the screen like glitch, cant read threads. i will give 5 stars if the problem have fixed.",3,2023-07-06 11:54:07 +Google Play,"Just downloaded it, have an Instagram that I barely ever use....opened up threads and it's just randoml blue check marks of people who don't interest me at all. It's pure chaos, fix it or just delete it",2,2023-07-07 00:51:30 +Google Play,"Bug on Redmi 6. Screen glitching when doing something on the app (scrolling timeline, switch tab, and other activites that makes move on the screen)",2,2023-07-06 10:54:21 +Google Play,It's a good app but ever since I downloaded it my Instagram has never been the same I've been restricted and can't use my Instagram I don't remember going against the guidelines can you please make threads less connected to Instagram it really sucks,3,2023-07-10 09:57:10 +Google Play,"It's literally completely broken. You synced my Instagram bio when I said not to. App doesn't load anything. You changed my profile, and now I can't change it back. Fix your app",1,2023-07-06 18:39:28 +Google Play,"The app is glitchy. The interface is shaking. Can't read what's on the screen. It's a bug, needs to fix it.",1,2023-07-07 05:12:48 +Google Play,"I'd suggest making atleast our name changable (idk why, just a random suggestion) and also add a show/hide option for showing/hiding Instagram and Thread accounts, but either way, this is a good app which is way better than Twitter.",5,2023-07-07 09:44:04 +Google Play,These are many times better Twitter apps than yours. I will try my best to use Twitter every day. Don't use this and this is a nonsense feature that if we delete this account it will delete our Instagram account as well. I want to tell everyone one thing that this is very nonsense but please don't use it. 💯🙏🏻,1,2023-07-09 12:20:42 +Google Play,When i scroll the screen the app will blur and something like glitch effect the font and the image not showing.. I have screenshot but there is not any option to upload please give ur email id there i will send screenshot of error in threads app,1,2023-07-06 04:30:09 +Google Play,"The app is very good but it have a glitch in dark mode, whenever I scroll the words get over written, this is the only problem for me, otherwise it's fine.",3,2023-07-10 12:03:58 +Google Play,"I installed this thread app 2 or 3 times but still it is getting fully glitched if it was pbm of my phone thn whatsApp, insta all shld have got glitched. Didn't like this app . Sorry.. But i appreciate the hard work u ppl have put to make this application.",2,2023-07-07 01:47:32 +Google Play,"Its a good app though i wish it was just an added feature on Instagram app so i dont have to install another app. Also, I hope you give us an option to delete our threads profile without affecting our instagram main profile 🫶",4,2023-07-08 17:15:56 +Google Play,"I have high hopes and a very low bar set by... you know. Thus far, impressed by ease of installation and clean interface. Chose to set up clean slate account which I'd recommend until you're sure this is a good add for your ""main"" IG footprint",5,2023-07-06 02:18:10 +Google Play,"Dear founder of Thread Apps. So far I like the look of this app because it's a bit like a *blue bird one.* But, I'm not really satisfied by this apps because there's no pinned thread, i wanna pin something on my profile, so people who's want to follow me know about my account. My advice, please add the pinned thread feature, so it will make it easier for people to find out about my account or my personal backstory. Thank you so much for reading my review, i hope it reaches you.",5,2023-07-06 16:17:25 +Google Play,"The best social media app! It feels so smooth! This is a combination of facebook and instagram, a lighter, smoother and no limitations!",5,2023-07-06 05:34:26 +Google Play,"Fluidity of the App is best. It is really stable as if it can easily sync with other META apps like Instagram, Facebook. Just love the new atmosphere of this new social media app. Welcome to the competition! 😜",5,2023-07-06 00:27:18 +Google Play,"There's still some eror at the apps. Some message can't be see, once I open the message (comment) it crash.",3,2023-07-07 14:07:31 +Google Play,Just alright...needs much improvement...I'm seeing alotta thread accts showing up on my feed that I don't follow...seems like the random accts show up when an acct I am following responds to their post or vice versa...would like that to change...might delete since this is a nuisance..,2,2023-07-09 05:07:45 +Google Play,"It's really good. Can you fix the problem where I want to change the bio or profile? It keeps saying something went wrong. Also, can you add a switch account or create a new profile?",5,2023-07-07 15:17:37 +Google Play,The app is awesome. Please design the app logo and photo dark theme is not looking good. Add in-app messages feature different from fb and Instagram Give it different look.,3,2023-07-08 13:28:51 +Google Play,What a mess. I only want to see people I follow. I don't care what the other nuffies are up to. You hide the feature in Instagram and on Threads it isn't even an option. Another garbage app from out of touch devs.,1,2023-07-07 09:15:33 +Google Play,Is it just me or when i use this app and move the screen the frames multiply and the whole screen gets covered with the frames? I cant even read anything. If this is a bug pleas fix it or is it my phone?,1,2023-07-08 15:45:49 +Google Play,"Until it becomes a dumpster fire like other platforms it's not bad. Bots are making their way into the platform, and I care not to see posts from accounts that I do not follow in my feed. Would like to see migrated over the translation feature at least",3,2023-07-09 18:26:11 +Google Play,"Not measuring up to twitter. The search function doesn't shop threads content, only people . My main way of using twitter was to find out what was going on or what people were talking about in real time and join the conversation... but app does not allow this.",2,2023-07-06 21:06:01 +Google Play,It was a lovely experience of using this app. I really like the user interface and features of it.This is a great platform of sharing your conversation.,4,2023-07-07 19:17:30 +Google Play,Good app . However on thing we request is to have the translation there. Not all of us read a particular language . If have I will change mine to at least a four star for now,2,2023-07-12 01:30:26 +Google Play,"You must allow the feature of ""following lists"" hear and in Instagram because we can't find them!!. Then, arrange the threads in squares such as instagram posts to find them quickly!",3,2023-07-06 19:12:58 +Google Play,my experience Yay I really liked the tutor and I am getting a lot of help here to cheat and very good this platform and I am sure it will be better than a best perform tutor. Would like to,4,2023-07-07 07:30:52 +Google Play,This app is amazing and I've been addicted to it from the start but some changes I would like to see are a following page (I'll update if there's anything else) but I would 100% recommend this app,4,2023-07-09 09:25:57 +Google Play,Really good alternative to similar apps. Very clean and nice UI. Really responsive and well connected to Instagram.,5,2023-07-06 05:51:05 +Google Play,"I gave it a 3 cus it's kind of celebrety application. I wish the Facebook feature ""Suggested friend"" should work on this app in a different way so that people can follow their friends and not only celebreties.",3,2023-07-06 09:02:06 +Google Play,"Nice app but unlike Twitter, we can't download the pictures and videos. Thats a deal breaker for me. Hopefully this option changes, because this app could definitely beat Twitter.",3,2023-07-10 14:03:32 +Google Play,"Useless. Basically, it's just Instagram. It's makes no sense. Since it's by Instagram, why can't followers carry on to this? Why do I have to start getting followers from scratch when the app is connected to Instagram? Like I said, it's useless. I deactivated and uninstalled the app.",1,2023-07-06 12:57:38 +Google Play,"Worst glitch is happening here, can't even explain the type of glitch, but the contents of the screen get cloned everytime I scroll through the app, at first I thought it was my phone but it's glitch in the app itself...",2,2023-07-06 05:58:05 +Google Play,"I can't open profile picture of others, so i think Twitter is still better, and the UI not perfect, Twitter still better, fix the profile picture and the user interface, and unblock Andrew tate from Instagram so i can use threads",1,2023-07-07 21:11:57 +Google Play,My experience with thread app is so bad the app is constantly crashing you can't even get a hold of your own feed ... I didn't even got the chance to discover the app,1,2023-07-07 09:35:24 +Google Play,"i havent had any probs except when im using the delete keys to delete my typos, but the other words gets rejoined together and its really annoying.. hope yall could fix that..and for sure i would live to give yall a 5* !!",2,2023-07-07 18:44:59 +Google Play,"Good overall experience so far, though it would be nice if there a save button for images so we can save them directly",4,2023-07-16 14:41:02 +Google Play,"Well there are several features that I hope available in this app such as data saving (autoplay disabling), media downloading, and trending.",3,2023-07-06 11:43:29 +Google Play,Im using android 9 on color os and its overlaying everything. If i scroll it turns into a mushy text biriyani. Currently it is absolutely unusable. PLEASE FIX IT OR LET US HAVE A SITE FOR PC Edit: they fixed the issue,3,2023-07-11 18:32:44 +Google Play,"Super great, able to speak the way I wanted, interface is simple and great, hopefully ads will not ruin the experience",5,2023-07-08 13:54:53 +Google Play,"Amazing Ads free experience and pure content at full scale. This is what we need. There should be different types of tick for verification of users. Private user, Normal user, content creator and Pro User.",5,2023-07-13 04:09:45 +Google Play,Cool so far..2 features I think might separate it from others 1. Like and Dislike button 2. Either a DM for privacy or a locked view message to be seen by only the person you are replying to and yourself...,4,2023-07-06 13:21:35 +Google Play,ehhh I would prefer if Threads was a bit separate from IG. keep it separate ie. ig private & threads public and to have the ability to change user name in Threads if possible. I prefer not to be connected-linked to IG all of it.,2,2023-07-07 06:51:55 +Google Play,"This is not a high quality app. In this, the post of useless people comes to your home without calling you, picture editing facility is also not available in this.",1,2023-07-10 16:26:03 +Google Play,"If a ""For You"" feature is added, I'd be much happier with this app. Right now, I'm seeing a lot of garbage of which I have zero interest. Trending topics would also be nice in the future.",3,2023-07-07 02:12:19 +Google Play,"Minor bug in the activity menu where you can't scroll down ""all section""everything else is. It's a very demanding app. However, its still needs some improvement",5,2023-07-07 10:06:45 +Google Play,It's familiar to Twitter where the difference! But it made an ecosystem with Instagram and that's pretty good 👍 I'm searching for a differentiation to use thread.,4,2023-07-06 19:02:30 +Google Play,"👉Bio for Threads/Threads Bio ideas: Hey there, fam! Have you heard about the Threads app? It’s Instagram’s super cool text-based conversation app that’s all the rage right now! Get ready to take your chatting game to the next level with this application. Instagram, is the greatest platform where billions of individuals from all corners of the globe come together to connect, share, and inspire through attracting photos and videos. Threads! is like Instagram but for text! Can you believe it?🥰",5,2023-07-12 02:25:12 +Google Play,"Downloaded this app but I guess you can't open this app unless you have an Instagram account, which I don't & don't want. The app will not go past that page, so there is no way to open an account!??",1,2023-07-06 01:20:56 +Google Play,"I love threads, but I'd love more navigation (I'm sure it's being developed). Also, today it crashes when I open comments on any post, just a heads up to developers :)",4,2023-07-07 11:25:12 +Google Play,"UI is really slow and is unappealing. Has a lot of potential, but a rough start",3,2023-07-05 23:34:53 +Google Play,"The app is great. However, after a successful installation and it logging in, Instagram app crashes frequently.",2,2023-07-09 17:06:07 +Google Play,Great app. Would have given a 5 star but my post keeps failing to upload for 2 days now. Pls fix or drop the android upgrade cos I see ios users talking about the new upgrade that comes with translation and other cool stuff,4,2023-07-19 09:07:48 +Google Play,"It's really a good app, but we need button for translation and pause menu on videos, or videos shouldn't be played automatically",5,2023-07-06 20:43:32 +Google Play,"So, I'm wondering ... Is Mark willing to upgrade the trending algorithms? Because this is really a concerning issue. This app is supposed to get data directly from Instagram, and yet a lot of posts in my feed are BS and random! Another thing, since he wants to challenge Twitter, where the heck are the hashtags?",3,2023-07-07 19:36:14 +Google Play,"The screen is unreadable. Seriously disappointed. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, still won't work.",1,2023-07-08 03:42:43 +Google Play,ANOTHER GARBAGE FROM META - A copycat app which is launched to compete with Tweeter but it pales in comparison to this app & moreover it is confusing wether it is a stand-alone app or part of Instagram because while logging you have to go through the hassle of logging through this app,1,2023-07-08 13:57:17 +Google Play,App still need work. The screen freezes when I scroll through the app and it looks like a million popup is on my screen,1,2023-07-07 08:47:51 +Google Play,"First two days it was Ok, the third day,Screen acted wierdly as I opened the app. I thought its my Phone's display fault at first. And Another problem is that I am unable to switch accounts instantly just like we do in Instagram.",1,2023-07-15 15:53:39 +Google Play,Nice app with features you would expect for a first release. However it does crash to the homescreen after doing actions in the app sometimes,3,2023-07-07 11:43:16 +Google Play,"You guys still impose the annoying auto play video on this app just like Instagram, the reason I don't use Instagram, how can you not give us option to turn off the feature? So annoying.",2,2023-07-07 08:35:00 +Google Play,"Very good app, this app is integrated directly with Instagram so it makes it very easy for me. The UI is also very simple and easy to use. I haven't found any bugs so far, so I give 5 out 5 👍",5,2023-07-06 00:55:01 +Google Play,"Very poor. My feed is full of rubbish, not from the people I follow. I can't even turn the dross off in the settings. No chance of replacing Twitter in this state 🥱",1,2023-07-09 18:28:04 +Google Play,Not a serious Twitter competitor. Feed is littered with content that I don't follow and is not in chronological order. It's the worst of Facebook trying to imitate Twitter without actually incorporating the best part about Twitter,1,2023-07-06 16:32:08 +Google Play,"Twitter is WAY better! If you don't want to be told what to think and you value your right to have an open, free and civilized dialog, then use the app that supports and encourages it!",1,2023-07-10 20:23:42 +Google Play,"As a developer and a normal user, the app is really easy to navigate through and also has a simple ui.",5,2023-07-09 21:26:36 +Google Play,"Amazing app. Still need more features to take people off Twitter. Need to stand alone from Instagram, shouldn't be limited to users of Instagram. I don't like Instagram so much but I love the thread.",5,2023-07-10 06:56:04 +Google Play,It's not working in my phone. When I open this app login page appears when in put my email and password for logging in the screen goes blurry.,1,2023-07-08 08:12:02 +Google Play,Would've been fine except the forced algorithmic timeline (which basically shows the follows of your follows and none of your own follows) basically ruins the entire app,2,2023-07-06 03:19:25 +Google Play,"Threads by Instagram is the ultimate mashup of Twitter and Instagram, delivering a captivating microblogging experience with an Insta-worthy twist. It's like having the best of both worlds in one slick app. Prepare for your social life to take off!",5,2023-07-06 06:17:30 +Google Play,I found a major bug where it shows white screen 1. Installed the application 2. Switch to different instagram account and click back button without filling any details then it shows white screen Please let me know where to file this?,1,2023-07-07 13:35:01 +Google Play,"Good clean ui, keeps crashing when attaching pictures or videos. Missing function to privately message someone can be added later",4,2023-07-06 05:27:49 +Google Play,The app is great amazing well optimitized and very well running but I would like to see other features added such as dms and views on your threads if they do that it would overtake twitter in a matter of days otherwise great app,5,2023-07-10 11:37:58 +Google Play,"I love it. But it needs more work, more features, and adjustments to show current threads and not stuff from the previous day.",4,2023-07-08 10:19:21 +Google Play,Really enjoying this app so far. I do hope there are plans to make it so we can log in to multiple accounts and also a web app as well but apart from that so far so good for me.,4,2023-07-10 17:50:40 +Google Play,"Reposted a post and when they deleted it, the post went to “Content not available”. The post should've disappeared and not left a mark! It's making my profile look ugly. It's irritating.",2,2023-07-10 05:15:07 +Google Play,"You should make this app available for Iphones worldwide as well, and make sure you add the switch account option just like in instagram to make it easier to manage two accounts at the same time.",2,2023-07-06 16:05:06 +Google Play,"i think its a good app, does need work like any other app obviously but we should be able to delete our accounts without having to delete our instagrams if we have it linked it, especially to those who didnt know that rule or didnt read about it (like me)",3,2023-07-13 17:51:17 +Google Play,This app is cool but one quick bug on android is the attachment. It quits everytime I try to attach an image/images to a thread.,1,2023-07-06 11:47:49 +Google Play,Pretty much excellent start but I wish there was a minor option to just view the threads from users I'm following instead of everybody. Also there is no current way to search for a particular threads.,4,2023-07-10 01:52:48 +Google Play,It's all in a language I cannot understand and changing it has not been easy. Just seems like a copy of twitter just not as good. Why would anyone need this when we already have twitter? Why do we need so many social media apps???,1,2023-07-10 23:54:06 +Google Play,Please separate timeline by two categories which are FYP and following only (with some filters like show latest thread or show trending). Add a Direct Messages too so people can feel more connected each other. The last thing is create a mark on people who following each other so we can track someone who doesn't follow back or someone who just unfollowed us. Thanks.,5,2023-07-06 20:39:52 +Google Play,Absolutely pathetic experience. It keeps crashing. Im using Android phone and it seems that the app is not programmed for it,2,2023-07-08 06:27:15 +Google Play,"No longer working. Can't post or read replies on other threads. I've reinstalled, updated, logged in and out, reported it. Still not working.",1,2023-07-24 07:30:52 +Google Play,App crashes whenever I try to upload a picture. Tried reinstalling and it did not work. App is installed on Samsung S23 Ultra.,2,2023-07-06 14:05:41 +Google Play,"Useless app. Once signed in, you can't delete your account without deleting your Instagram too! I believe we should have been informed about it in advance",1,2023-07-19 18:28:26 +Google Play,"Unusable. The app full of glitches, it's impossible to read even one post. Only posted photos are visible.",1,2023-07-10 10:28:33 +Google Play,"lots of potential, needs work. crashes every time i try to attach a picture to a post.",2,2023-07-07 05:17:24 +Google Play,"I can not see the replies to any Thread, it keeps showing an error. It could be a good app, but is not finished and it shows.",3,2023-07-18 15:23:23 +Google Play,"Needs a lot of work. Why must I view rando's threads? What is the point of following people if I can't view their threads FIRST? Right now, it is WORSE than Twitter! Why is it so hard to switch accounts? IG and FB make it easy to switch, without having to approve a new login request!",2,2023-07-06 00:38:41 +Google Play,"No hashtags or ability to search for a particular discussion. Can only see content from people you follow or that gets ""randomly"" recommended. Does not compete as a Twitter replacement, yet.",2,2023-07-09 16:41:50 +Google Play,"Definitely has potential, but there's a lot showing up on my thread that is not interesting to me at all. Need to work on the algorithm a bit or allow me only to view my followed accounts",3,2023-07-09 14:58:51 +Google Play,"There's something wrong w the app, there's a bug, every time u try to post a picture, the app closes itself.",3,2023-07-08 08:13:46 +Google Play,Works as you'd expect. Haven't experienced any glitches or outages. Easy to use and navigate the app. Enjoy seeing content.,4,2023-07-07 00:04:37 +Google Play,"I do hope they could add translator to fans that are international, hard to read some threads that aren't the same language that I use :')) But overall, the app is good :))",3,2023-07-12 02:03:09 +Google Play,"Can't delete threads account without deleting Instagram! Why does it need so many permissions that don't seem at all necessary? It's literally a copy of Twitter but with more censorship, tracking, and creepy personalized ads.",1,2023-07-10 03:46:31 +Google Play,"Won't let me follow anyone, 8 days now and the response from Threadsapp team non-existent. Other than that, i like the communuty and the app is getting better, but has a long way to go.",2,2023-07-21 04:42:02 +Google Play,"Be Advised!! I looked into deleting my Threads account and found this in the Help Section: ""Since Threads is powered by Instagram, in order to delete your Threads profile and data, you will have to delete your Instagram account. Note that we're looking into a way to delete your Threads profile separately. This app is incredibly boring. No way comparable to Twitter.",1,2023-07-14 00:54:51 +Google Play,"Force closes when I try and post photos. Whether it's a photo I'm posting, or if I'm replying with photos... I'm sure it's just opening day glitches, but booooooo.",2,2023-07-07 08:41:37 +Google Play,"not a single person I follow shows up on my timeline, just 3rd rate influencers. no option to see only those I follow? also when replying, I can't see my own prompt, the keyboard covers it...",1,2023-07-10 12:36:07 +Google Play,"It has been synchronized with the Instagram ID, which is very struggling process. I don't know those who don't have insta id, how they sign in to the app...?",1,2023-07-10 10:24:45 +Google Play,Amazing App... It's a best competitor for Twitter... But needs some improvements and I think you can add some earning methods also in this app for making it unique and different from Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 03:50:33 +Google Play,The only problem I have with this app is you can't choose your username it automatically takes it from your Instagram. I feel like I was early enough to this app where I could finally get the username that I have on YouTube. Or even a username for my band. But I can't because Instagram....,4,2023-07-10 23:58:22 +Google Play,App keeps crashing.. won't let me upload photo's also it would be cool if this app allowed private direct messages just like Instagram... hopefully that comes soon too.,2,2023-07-09 05:46:15 +Google Play,"Just as the rumors said, it's a blatant Twitter ripoff. Absolutely nothing compelling to the interface or the platform. Everything feels very plain and like a stripped dumbed-down version of Twitter, making me feel like I'd rather just use it instead. If they wanted to make a splash and compete with Daddy Musk, they're failing quite miserably right now. Should've fully polished things up before releasing this half-baked uninspired mess.",1,2023-07-08 21:34:27 +Google Play,"Twitstagram! The Twitter UI is a bit nicer to use, but Threads is very active and there are no limits! Looking forward to the next few months of development",5,2023-07-06 18:46:02 +Google Play,"This app is not enough. I didn't like it. Because if we log in this app we will be stuck. If you log out from this, you will be logged out from Instagram. You should find a solution for this as soon as possible.",1,2023-07-10 01:51:14 +Google Play,"It's okeh but bruv, if u wanna compleat add story & ig music with reels too, Incld adding hash tags & music to photos, it would work so much better like fr, don't have any other problems tho, also messaging people too yk, Cos it's kinda hard to use ngl.",4,2023-07-14 23:43:39 +Google Play,"Obnoxious home page/feed. It's basically irrelevant to follow people on this app as the feed shows you content based on ""the algorithm"" not people you choose to follow.",2,2023-07-07 19:47:10 +Google Play,I wanted to check it out but nevermind. The only login option is with an instagram account. I don't want Instagram and will not create an account just for that.,1,2023-07-07 05:36:01 +Google Play,"Nice app ,but less than Twitter 🙄, let's more improve the app ,team Instagram, only add photo not musics, songs.please improve the bug yaar ... Great app for text but add music .....team @meta,@instagram 😕 thanks..... 👍",5,2023-07-07 02:36:33 +Google Play,"This app is perfect as it is now please don't add ads or allow bots on this platform, and a final suggestion would be to not add dms in this app since Instagram already has that feature so just keep this app focused more on the threading!",5,2023-07-06 22:55:19 +Google Play,When I logged in to the app it showed me a huge bug . The company of the app is need to be solve the problem neither it will be going a huge trouble for the users. Really very disappointing.,1,2023-07-09 17:19:49 +Google Play,Great app and I know Mosseri admits that some functionality is missing but I'd really like to bookmark or save threads that are really interesting just like you can on Twitter.,4,2023-07-16 22:56:01 +Google Play,"I would really like to be able to use more than one account. I have 2 IG accounts, 1 business and 1 personal, but can only use one on the app on my phone by just switching like on the IG app.",4,2023-07-11 01:07:22 +Google Play,It is really nice that we have got a media platform of our own expectations 📌 it is a nice app where u express your self and have fun at the same time. All I can say is that it is the best platform I have ever seen. Everyone should join,5,2023-07-08 21:02:21 +Google Play,I am experiencing a blurry display of this App and i cant read the writings and cant see the images. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app thrice but still its not working,1,2023-07-06 18:20:27 +Google Play,Very cool and easy to use. Also love that they don't allow lies and hate with a strong fact checking and moderation system in place.,5,2023-07-09 14:17:24 +Google Play,"Unable to login because i login every time on Instagram with my Facebook account, i didnt made any id seperately, however i am unable to login through insta when i try to login it is asking about the password of Instagram, now the thing is my password is the same as my Facebook id, when i enter it it is showing as incorrect.",1,2023-07-08 12:01:18 +Google Play,Amazing app...and I like it more than twitter...and I hope it can easily defeat twitter...if meaningless policies will no t be made... And the feature...that we can type/write more context in 1 thread as compared to twitter ...which are less... @zuck 👌🏼,5,2023-07-06 03:13:53 +Google Play,"Very vest of time application, worst experience, copy of Twitter, threads is a Twitter little brother, I deleted threads and all so Instagram, and Instagram like a tik tok 2.0 version, and really rate of both app 100/-1 they are deserving this rate.",1,2023-07-18 07:29:25 +Google Play,"Twitter was going to the dogs, so I left, this came along, I liked it's ease of use, it isn't a slanging match, I had no high expectations and it's exceeded them easily.",5,2023-07-23 08:55:53 +Google Play,😡😡😡😡😡It's been 10 days and i can not post my 64 mega pixels photo's in any way possible it's just soooo disappointing to say that i might regret my choice over Twitter 😡😡😡😡😡 02/10 . It's my 2 dayI hope I can save the picture too just like in Twitter which will make me delete the Twitter app for sure meta please give some thought to my review I hope you guys will understand 🤍 over all i love to use this threads app ☺️ 9.8/10,2,2023-07-10 21:42:04 +Google Play,I give this app 3 stars and I gave Twitter 3 stars. The remaining 2 stars will be awarded to the victor of the cage fight and awarded the best text based social media platform. May the odds be ever in their favor.,3,2023-07-06 23:59:46 +Google Play,"Better than Twitter. Good interface but dark mode, data saver etc features should be added in it. 👍👍👍",5,2023-07-06 13:33:46 +Google Play,"Need some more features like DM's and a NSFW system so people can enjoy it most. Also, a way to seperate reccomend threads and threads from following. Other than that it's good.",4,2023-07-06 08:08:17 +Google Play,"Once I open the app, it starts glitching. I have installed and unistalled 3 times now. I can't even scroll the TimeLine or go to profile.",1,2023-07-10 20:22:07 +Google Play,Interface was not that good. Slow and many features are needed. I'll give it some time considering this is new,3,2023-07-06 12:26:00 +Google Play,My experience was worst I didn't even wanna give 1 star because whenever I open it there are so many glitchs and we click one thing but we see it's multiple selfs and it's running automatically,1,2023-07-11 06:59:37 +Google Play,"Occasional a particular picture won't load or the sound won't play in a certain video, but for the most part... All good",4,2023-07-07 15:42:30 +Google Play,"Why am I facing glitching issues every time I open the app, i tried uninstalling the app and then reinstalling,then also it didn't work, all i could see was an entire screen full of glitches",1,2023-07-07 07:23:23 +Google Play,"Even if it looks the same as Twitter, it's really fun and enjoyable and i'm glad there are no bugs, glitches, lags and other problems on this app. Good Job!",5,2023-07-06 12:15:27 +Google Play,Hope there's an easier option to switch account like in Instagram. Crashes every time I do it.,2,2023-07-07 12:21:06 +Google Play,The feed algorithm is hell on earth. No features. Pointless and will die in a few months. Was really hoping it would be good and save us from Elon,1,2023-07-13 23:08:03 +Google Play,Still learning and navigating but seriously I don't care nor want to discover random people's posts that I am not following on my page. If I wanted to I would search them up to get their posts specifically. Also can't find the posts from accounts that I do follow. Please fix this as this is one of Twitters only redeeming qualities that they have over you.,3,2023-07-07 09:59:44 +Google Play,Too good liked the AI and UI of the app 💯 Instagram connection is a great way to enhance the use of both apps. Great reach with least marketing. Happy threading.,5,2023-07-09 19:46:18 +Google Play,6Jul23-The only way to get in is to log-in with instagram and I DON'T HAVE instagram. I haven't had it in well over a year and don't want it again. I'll just classify this as another useless app...,1,2023-07-07 03:14:55 +Google Play,It's a great app. But i hope it can have a smooth interface when login into multiple accounts like Instagram.,3,2023-07-06 08:32:27 +Google Play,I wanted to love it. I was hoping it would be a twitter killer. But it's just Facebook 2.0. My entire feed are people I don't follow. I actually struggle to find the posts from those who I do follow. It's about 1 in 20 threads that are people I want to hear from. It's just a mess.,1,2023-07-22 10:22:41 +Google Play,"it's good, but, no setting to turn off video autoplay(I really hate this), no option to save a photo, I really hope that threads will just like a twitter, but with no elon on it...",1,2023-07-07 10:34:07 +Google Play,"Nice social app by Instagram ❤️ , I really liked the simplicity of the app UI and the basic features . Hoping for the new features to drop by soon 🤞.",4,2023-07-08 05:49:05 +Google Play,"Need to improve algorithm. What makes twitter interesting is their homepage can show the most random yet funny tweets from ANYONE. In threads I only saw influencer or celebrity who ""trying"" to be funny but ending up cringe.",4,2023-07-19 06:51:59 +Google Play,"This is frustrating, threads? Why can't upload or find explicit contents here. Hopefully you'll consider openning for explicit contents, otherwise this app is lame. Make this app where users can upload any contents they like. ;will go back to twitter.",1,2023-07-07 03:43:38 +Google Play,"Its fantastic platform for shearing your ideas, thoughts & opinion socially ! In their all functionalities & performance is also best & also it's very easy and userfriendly for use....!!",5,2023-07-07 08:08:24 +Google Play,"Giving it 4 stars cuz of few reasons. 1 we can't do hashtags. 2 We can't stitch accounts, only we can use one account, and for switching we have to logout and then login another account. 3 it can't show insights of the threads/posts.",4,2023-07-09 13:39:09 +Google Play,"Videos autoplay should be stopped. One of the reasons we like twitter. If videos play in auto, then this app is a direct replica of Instagram.",3,2023-07-06 11:10:11 +Google Play,"Cool concept, but not nearly complete enough to even compete with Twitter. It needs some time before it can truly compete with Twitter.",2,2023-07-12 08:09:25 +Google Play,"The app is acting weird when I scroll, I tried to reinstall, but didn't make any difference. Also, when will threads be available for desktop?",3,2023-07-06 16:05:12 +Google Play,"Lacks plenty of features, you can follow acclunts in discovery only and your feed has only 1 option which is all random, no other features",1,2023-07-06 07:16:10 +Google Play,"honestly this app ui is very phenomenal, but the algorithm is not right... nothing but verified people in the feed, no good opportunities for smaller people to actually grow on to a platform its just awful i might actually deal with Twitter.",1,2023-07-08 14:55:09 +Google Play,Basically just shows a bunch of brands social media managers trying to be quirky. Too much time spent using the mute button to not even curate a desired feed.,1,2023-07-11 15:01:58 +Google Play,"It's great app ,but alot need to be done in terms of futures of saving pictures ,and alot more .,thanks to meta family ,Am apart you since 2014 on Facebook .",1,2023-07-06 05:58:48 +Google Play,I would like to love this app but it doesn't seem to let me add pictures to my quotes. It stops the app and takes me out all together. Am I the only one? I hope they can fix this problem soon 🥺,2,2023-07-08 22:43:47 +Google Play,"When i upload the attached media (picture) with the selection from gallery use the share button, when the threads's page appear, the picture i selected doing image rotation by itself. What happens?",1,2023-07-10 11:31:50 +Google Play,"Good potential and nice to not have to constantly be reminded of elons existence, albeit the app is still pretty new so there's still some features in the works but overall I see the potential",4,2023-07-11 14:50:41 +Google Play,Not worth switching from other social media. File upload is a fail and the setup is a disaster. I will change my review if you make this app usable.,1,2023-07-16 22:21:44 +Google Play,"A stupid copy of Twitter.. Like the rest of the meta thefts in the testicle of Rails that failed in Instagram, think of something other than imitation. This is the reason for Twitter's success. It is distinguished from the rest, and it is better than Insta and Facebook.",1,2023-07-06 19:19:56 +Google Play,"It's a great experience but the app keep crashing, more that 10times today. Not sure if am the only one experiencing this.. fix it",3,2023-07-17 16:41:12 +Google Play,"the immediate update should definitely be about adding hashtag function. also search option should be expanded so we can see not only other people's profiles, but also the content itself and hashtags",3,2023-07-22 09:57:33 +Google Play,"The app is not too stable,please fix META. Its Scattering text and pictures on my Andriod Device. Updated today 17th July 23. The problem is fixed. Thanks META. Please spice the app up lets beat twit.",3,2023-07-17 16:59:55 +Google Play,"Since I downloaded threads, my instagram app has been crashing. I had to finally uninstall both. Tried installing Instagram again and it has been crashing. Support please help.",2,2023-07-07 11:54:15 +Google Play,Threads app keep crashing all the time . I reinstalled the app but didn't work out . Pls remove this crashing or buzzing whatever it is.,1,2023-07-07 06:21:50 +Google Play,"I want to know one thing that Instagram still underdevelopment, cannot serve ads and start payment for users alike YouTube, and developing new app... First develope Insta fully, so users can earn on insta and value of insta should go up ... People making reels to earn as they are earning from youtube.",3,2023-07-06 09:54:30 +Google Play,"Hey ,please don't make same color and options like Instagram make it different and use some color with the opening logo. I like the sign up option with Instagram but again I tell you please don't mix insta and thread together",3,2023-07-08 03:34:24 +Google Play,I've been trying to open this app since last 30 minutes but it's still showing me errors and not letting me login my account and it's telling me to wait for a moment. Idk what to do.,1,2023-07-06 11:47:25 +Google Play,This app is mass or nothing whenever I open this app is acting like weird first time I think it's just my phone problem but not my brother has iphone and in his is also this app acting weird when I scroll any thing this seem load anything on screen could you plz fix this type bugs I really need to explore this app do some thing,1,2023-07-08 23:29:00 +Google Play,"Very poor, working for 24 hrs then everything was ""something went wrong"" can see nothing but the main feed. You can only see what Threads wants you to see. Potential but right now bit of a train crash.",1,2023-07-23 08:47:10 +Google Play,"Poor, buggy twitter copy but worse than twitter, linked to Instagram account and can't use without one, so will be removed after 10 mins, I'm guessing it's just another way for big tech to steal, sell our data bye bye",1,2023-07-06 06:21:25 +Google Play,Quite new app. Have some issues but overall amazing. I'm giving 3 for now. But I'm sure in future they will improve the features so we will give 5 stars.,3,2023-07-22 11:01:28 +Google Play,The experience is awesome but it would be great to be able to translate certain posts to our respective languages to understand just like on Instagram,5,2023-07-07 09:45:23 +Google Play,DONT INSTALL! ACCOUNT CANT BE DELETED ONCE ITS CREATED!! The account gets permanently linked to your Instagram account and you can't delete one without having to delete the other.,1,2023-07-10 21:15:36 +Google Play,"I believe after giving permission to mobile gallery, your gallery folders should be grouped as it is in your gallery. It's extremely hard to select contents.",3,2023-07-07 02:43:02 +Google Play,"I know y'all can fix this, but it's not letting me upload right now. Whenever I tap the attach button, my app crashes. Please fix to update my score.",2,2023-07-06 14:57:40 +Google Play,"App is preety cool but without including direct massage option i dont thing this app is usefull for anyone, please add direct massage option for making app more effective. Thank you🙏",3,2023-07-07 14:52:48 +Google Play,Their is an only one option for login that is Instagram but their is many Facebook user can also try this app and i think that most of facebook user are older there is and some probability they don't have an insta ac if we provide the login with Facebook then uts help.. (We can not avoid some minorities may be this can help us in future),5,2023-07-13 22:16:12 +Google Play,"Good interface Nice design Looks like twitter. Cross of insta and twitter But lacks some features of twitter like Translations under threads, don't have trending page like twitter, Don't have short videos like in twitter, Don't have view button like on twitter which shows how many saw your tweets. Don't show features like retweets, quotes tweets, have in twitter.",4,2023-07-06 17:32:29 +Google Play,"In desperate need of gifs, hashtags, and trending tabs. Already better content than Twitter, and without the racism too. I just wish it would show me more of the content from accounts I follow than random accounts I don't. Solid start though, will only improve from here as new features are added. 👌",4,2023-07-07 02:09:41 +Google Play,"App is generic, took a long time to install. Requires Instagram, nothing but Instagram without pictures. Don't waste your time, just another app.",1,2023-07-08 18:15:32 +Google Play,Display rendering issue where text overlays on top of everything when scrolling or opening menu makes app completely unsustainable.,1,2023-07-06 09:59:38 +Google Play,My threads app working but when i scroll the first screen stays and the scrolled pard overlapping the pervious content its looks like a mess even i switch home to my profile its still overlapping.,1,2023-07-08 05:20:28 +Google Play,"Actually, it's nothing to compare with twitter i don't have to go in details but they are definitely two different platforms. I prefer twitter though.",3,2023-07-07 07:27:30 +Google Play,"Its an awesome app, simple and minimalistic (maybe too much) instagram needs to add some features like saving photos and translate language",4,2023-07-07 11:07:45 +Google Play,I was very excited about the threads app but it is not starting It was showing glitche screen fro very first time I have downloaded it I am not able to use the app even for a single second Please fix this issue Instagram,1,2023-07-07 05:47:36 +Google Play,"It is a great site for keeping up with the latest news from top journalists. Also, it is not a cesspool of white supremacy and hate as opposed to the dying bird site.",5,2023-07-12 00:41:57 +Google Play,"Once you get over the fact that your timeline is literally every brand in the universe and you have to mute all of them to see suggested posts that are closer to who you follow, it's... A Twitter app alright.",4,2023-07-06 04:05:53 +Google Play,First day: Enjoyed seeing things from people I follow and know. Second day: My feed was full of corporate garbage and posts from randoms. Inmediately uninstalled it. And no way to change it back.,2,2023-07-09 00:55:46 +Google Play,It scrolls so slowly. I think the developers probably forgot that not everyone uses a phone with high refresh rate. It doesn't scroll smoothly like Twitter.,1,2023-07-11 00:30:03 +Google Play,Honestly! It's a good app but it can't be compete with Twitter because it's has very limited and so much boring features and Twitter has much Fun but hopefully it will improve in future! But now time I gave it 1 star ⭐,1,2023-07-08 19:40:23 +Google Play,"It's a good app but you need to make it independent not to link it up with instagram when signing in, and we need a lite version this is too heavy to some android phones",3,2023-07-06 14:55:30 +Google Play,Threads has bug in it when I use every words and letter are reflected multiple times and crashes the app. I request @instagram to fix it . Note: My mobile is 4 GB Ram Redmi note 6 pro,2,2023-07-07 12:51:18 +Google Play,"I love the app, the experience is awesome. But there is no direct message yet, no way to save media or delete unwanted post",3,2023-07-07 08:39:57 +Google Play,"Smooth, clean, just a little buggy at the moment re: posting pics. Keeps crashing.",4,2023-07-06 22:07:05 +Google Play,UI is great I wish you have this kind of UI on WhatsApp and fb too but excuse me can you please rather then making a different app put all threads features on Instagram somewhere. 2 different features in one app will be better.,2,2023-07-09 19:04:01 +Google Play,"Can't seem to like posts when it reach certain amounts of cache, red color won't show up. Needs to ""clear cache"" to solve the problem.",3,2023-07-07 16:41:25 +Google Play,There's nothing of substance at all. My feed is not personalized. I followed all the people I follow on Instagram but instead of seeing their posts I just was forced to look at a ton of celebrities whose posts I do not care about and do not want. I am going to uninstall now because this was not an enjoyable experience.,1,2023-07-06 00:46:51 +Google Play,"Could be promising, but it's already randomly closing out entirely. I feel like instead of developing a new app, Meta should just focus on making its current apps work like they should.",3,2023-07-07 14:27:32 +Google Play,"Downloaded on day one and have througoly enjoyed this app since. People actually interact with each other and far right trolls don't even last a day. Oh, and I haven't seen a single ad!",5,2023-07-14 22:29:43 +Google Play,It has good design and all but the app itself has bug it always glitches so you can't even use it. But i hope they'll fix it.,2,2023-07-16 16:55:33 +Google Play,"Looks stable on Android so far. Please add an option to disable ""Autoplay"" function for videos.",4,2023-07-10 01:37:26 +Google Play,"Recently using it and there's an error in this app. I am reloading the screen for the nth times and the only thing it says is ""something went wrong""",3,2023-07-07 12:18:58 +Google Play,Nice UI. But we can't save pics and I wish there is an option to only see the threads from the people we follow. Also no dark mode.,4,2023-07-06 05:54:33 +Google Play,"There is unnecessary things on your feed and there is no option to view only following ones, everything becames about photos and photos, of this is another Instagram then why the f i use this over twitter, Twitter is still the best..",1,2023-07-15 04:40:34 +Google Play,Bugs.... Everytime I open the home page... It keeps blurry and showing some duplicating effect of texts.... Still needs more improvements,2,2023-07-10 05:17:59 +Google Play,"No problem with the app so far, but my timeline looks awful. It's full of cringeworthy posts from blue checkmark accounts that no one asked for. Algorithm cringe level is 999",1,2023-07-07 05:07:54 +Google Play,"Discovery is difficult, any post of advertising creator merch on there will be hidden from discovery instantly without notice, so smaller creators who use this platform will end up having issues, i did it as a one time experiment using my creator account @pandaherocommunity and it was hidden publicly on the threads browser, currently only my public personal account is getting discovery benefits, but post engagement is close to zero.",1,2023-07-07 12:23:14 +Google Play,Works well enough. It would benefit by creating a separate feed for the people I follow and another for the trending topics. Just my 2 cents.,4,2023-07-06 08:37:41 +Google Play,It's a great app but It would be better if I could switch accounts like Instagram. And I can't see how many people I follow. I would be grateful if these two things could be updated.,4,2023-07-12 12:50:19 +Google Play,Second day with app and there's a bug. The app won't open and says I've changed the password. I have not. Disappointed.,1,2023-07-08 15:14:55 +Google Play,"An edit function would be nice. Also, there is a bug wherein you cannot preview if a post is liked on the main news feed",4,2023-07-08 04:10:24 +Google Play,"The videos stop playing once I unmute the sound. I'm not sure why but other than that, it's a cool app I guess.",3,2023-07-12 03:55:30 +Google Play,"The layout is so bad. It looks awful and feels too minimalistic, like there was no care put into how it looks",1,2023-07-08 14:15:03 +Google Play,A buggy mess right now. Photos fail to upload without any rhyme or reason. App's got potential but shouldn't just be another Twitter ripoff.,2,2023-07-06 00:45:11 +Google Play,"Crashes alot and as a Twitter dupe!/alternative so many features are missing like lista, seeing your followers and following quickly, crashes, just a lot to be asked of",1,2023-07-13 19:34:04 +Google Play,Runs well and is easier to use than twitter while not as much content as older social media (this is to be expected for a young app) it is easy to use and set up shows great promise,5,2023-07-24 11:01:52 +Google Play,"Why when I use it , it's glitching . I did screenshot it. Does my device not compatible. It can't be, cause I'm able too download & play games like genshin impact, etc .",2,2023-07-10 06:03:38 +Google Play,"My dear @threadsapp, A complaint: We can save any image from Twitter to our gallery, but I don't get that feature here on this platform. Hope you solve this problem soon.",3,2023-07-08 18:47:20 +Google Play,"UI/UX of this application sucks, like there is no option to create a new account from threads app, imagine if someone had to create an instagram account in order to create threads app. Chat function must be added if you guys want active users, cuz if user can chat here the might spend more time than just scrolling the feed so i threads will only attract the users which they already have so threads might not be long lasting....",3,2023-07-22 16:22:14 +Google Play,"Totally in love with the app. It's been only few hours using it. I'll let you guys know if there are any drawbacks as well. This is similar to Twitter app, but in more fun way 😄",5,2023-07-07 04:06:10 +Google Play,This is the best app I had ever used. Its logo is very attractive. Its has autocorrect feature also that is very helpful. So guy's What's the delay Download threads now and follow my threads account : parkour_community_1,5,2023-07-06 12:54:13 +Google Play,"It was great until for some reason I get ""something went wrong"" message. I CAN'T post, comment, or even look at my own profile. Reached out and no help.",1,2023-07-18 12:15:09 +Google Play,A good app. I like that you can actually view threads from different people without a chronological order. The randomness of this app is awesome,4,2023-07-07 06:33:05 +Google Play,A very powerful platform already... But every time I try to upload an image the app closes. This bug is irritating.,3,2023-07-06 13:16:51 +Google Play,It ain't working for me. It's glitching. Bro fix it. I want to use the app. I have installed and uninstalled it like 2 times.,1,2023-07-08 05:27:10 +Google Play,"It is a very good app but there is a small problem, if we delete it when we don't need it, our Instagram account will also be deleted. Other than that, it's a better app than Twitter",4,2023-07-10 02:55:54 +Google Play,"You should give a chat section as well so if someone wants to talk then he can. And if you say that we can chat on Instagram, that is a different thing but I strongly advise to add a chat section.",4,2023-07-11 18:34:18 +Google Play,The app is not working properly There's a glitch in it Whenever I open the app everything on the interface just starts to vibrate..... Can't even read it properly Help it out,1,2023-07-07 02:01:36 +Google Play,"It's buggy, full of bugs and posting failed continuously, also app crashes on my high end processor phone.",2,2023-07-06 19:37:47 +Google Play,"Exactly what I was looking for when I left Twitter! Comments and replies should display your own at the top though, so you know your post went thru or if you want to fix an autocorrect error",5,2023-07-16 00:44:39 +Google Play,"Add a dislike button to the all and it's 5 stars, it's more interactive that way, and some hilarious moments will come from it, the app will blow up with this simple change",4,2023-07-06 17:01:44 +Google Play,"What is this app, it does not working at all....the app is too laggy sorry I don't know what it is I should called but the worst app ever....please fixed the bug...... I wish I could saw you some photo or some thing...but that not possible.... THANK YOU",1,2023-07-07 22:37:59 +Google Play,"Not visible, when opens app after the first screen there are blurry vision. And no support from them.",1,2023-07-08 12:29:40 +Google Play,"Needs a couple more features, such as bookmarks, being able to see quotes, etc. But overall a good substitute for twitter",4,2023-07-06 19:04:21 +Google Play,The feed is completely useless. As for content the non humourous meme pages are all over. If they are not then some random person posting her pic making it Instagram 2.0.,2,2023-07-16 19:29:19 +Google Play,"Works alright, has some flaws. Similar to the bird app run by the insane guy. Really needs a dark mode, the white screen is giving me a headache.",3,2023-07-07 13:30:25 +Google Play,"Would love it if I can see the posts I've liked. Also a download option, as well as visible buttons for videos (play, mute, etc.).",4,2023-07-17 16:16:25 +Google Play,I'm the first review! This seems phenomenal! Look i only have one problem. I'm an influencer and when I logged in with insta I had 0 followers on threads while all of them on Instagram. You should have an option to keep the following same as it takes months to build it again and is very frustrating. EDIT : Get hashtags back!!,4,2023-07-06 10:17:16 +Google Play,"Recently began crashing when I'd select a re-thread(?) post to check that person. And then when I'd relaunch the app, it began showing me accounts I don't even follow",3,2023-07-07 14:06:47 +Google Play,"Great so far, but its missing the option to be able to search for tags & keywords, and also a following page. Id like to be able to see posts for those who im following in one place, please add this",4,2023-07-06 08:42:36 +Google Play,"Alright, 83rd review for the Threads on Google play. The app is alright, first flight is nice and shine. Everything is smooth. Hashtags don't seem to serve it's purpose though.",5,2023-07-06 08:25:50 +Google Play,"I liked the app but still need traslation ,story,and messaging maybe would make it more enjoyable....but most importantly the privacy matters and changing name and username should be different in both insta and threads please🥹",3,2023-07-08 19:04:49 +Google Play,This is great app where everyone can explore more and more information and their thoughts 😀 😊. I just want to give thanks to Mark Zuckerberg and his tech team who make this fantastic app for all of us. I'm happy with this thread app. Thank you,5,2023-07-11 04:53:52 +Google Play,"...I just downloaded because im usually the last one to the party! Not sure I see the benefit of Threads, so im giving it a 3/5 so far as was able to import my Insta profile with no faults...",3,2023-07-06 17:12:51 +Google Play,"Your policy meant nothing. I cant uninstall this app as my account is interlinked and ""will delete my account if uninstalled"". Dear Meta, please change your policy. If not, its your loss that this app has 3.0 ratings...",2,2023-07-20 16:00:59 +Google Play,"Nothing new: tweeter of Meta But it doesn't work well with Gboard and you have to write blindly, without know what exactly you are writing. Nada nuevo, un Twitter de Meta. Pero no funciona bien con Gboard y el teclado cubre que estás escribiendo, así escribes a la ciega",2,2023-07-07 18:27:35 +Google Play,"Viable Twitter alternative. However, continually shows threads of people I don't follow. There are no settings to change this. This makes it essentially unusable 🤷‍♂️",2,2023-07-20 16:55:39 +Google Play,"The app is new and exciting. I have few suggestions though. First, it would be ideal for users to be able to join without having an IG account, not all of us have or prefer using IG. Good start Meta.",4,2023-07-07 12:36:28 +Google Play,"This has lot of potential ,in 6 months to one year time this could be a Twitter 🐦 killer !? This app is very easy to use n set up when you have an Instagram account ! 5 🌟 for now 👀",5,2023-07-07 14:43:49 +Google Play,Great app. Scrolling needs to be fine tuned. It seems to scroll slower than other apps relative to how fast I'm swiping.,4,2023-07-07 17:25:15 +Google Play,Good work by insta team . But problem is that I can't be able to retrieve/add my threads ID after I remove it from instagram profile. Please work on it . Thank you 😊,4,2023-07-09 13:06:06 +Google Play,"The app has really well UI consistently fluent with Instagram, but it can't ever develop into microblogging site like Twitter.",3,2023-07-06 08:25:10 +Google Play,Instagram info migration is good. However only follower feed option on home is a MUST feature. Wont use the app if that isn't implemented.,2,2023-07-07 06:35:43 +Google Play,I love the clean interface and the lack of pointless config however why is my feed filled with people I don't follow??? I've tried the suggested work arounds and they don't work,2,2023-07-10 19:37:58 +Google Play,"Good features, but downloading pictures and videos is not allowed there. No option of share link of post.",4,2023-07-07 12:17:55 +Google Play,"The app is Horrible, each time I wanted to post or even text something, that app keeps closed. I am very disappointed of Meta for copying Twitter. Twitter is better.",1,2023-07-08 00:44:28 +Google Play,"Platform is good but confused, is there was a need of it? It is a combination of Insta and Twitter we can say like it. Let see further Threads will be a game changer or not. My personal opinion is there was not need of it.",4,2023-07-06 19:42:20 +Google Play,"It would be better if I could only see threads from people I follow, instead of the whole world. How is this any different from twitter? And would also be better if it was just within the Instagram app itself.",1,2023-07-07 04:26:15 +Google Play,"Just used one day of it and the next day always prompt I've been logged out and the owner might change password. Well, it's connected with my IG and never changed password though.",1,2023-07-13 15:43:42 +Google Play,"Needs more development, but most definitely a good alternative for Twitter and great for anyone who likes keeping up with real verified people, not bots. Anyone giving lower than a 4 star it just butt hurt Elon fangirl.",5,2023-07-13 07:01:57 +Google Play,"Theres still more that needs to be done, I love the idea of a meta intagrated social spsce but the UI still lacks that flare and i need to be able to control my feed in the near future",3,2023-07-22 20:29:14 +Google Play,User friendly and great experience... It'll do well in the long run. More features needs to be added thou.,5,2023-07-13 10:54:24 +Google Play,"Why must I sign up first for instagram before being able to use this app? I never liked or used instagram and so cannot be forced to, which is why I am uninstalling until the developer/s can think right and make it independent.",1,2023-07-06 01:26:11 +Google Play,"Don't know how to say about this application. Similar to ""The Blue Bird""🤣🤣🤣🤣 but the difference that I found is No direct message and No Hashtag. No direct message is more new approach like whatever you do you says, goes public (but for private accounts goes to your friends and followers) BUT no Hashtag to search the topic we need. That's make me don't know of how to use this application anymore. (Keep it don't delete it people say it could affect Instagram's account. 🤣🤣🤣",3,2023-07-11 03:10:00 +Google Play,"It was working perfectly but all of a sudden it's like glitching I don't know what is the matter, anyone who has an idea on how to fix it just assist me coz this app is supper great I have expirienced it",2,2023-07-07 17:23:15 +Google Play,"The app doesn't work for me, the screen flashes and has errors, my phone is the Redmi Note 6 Pro, it's an old phone but it should be compatible :c",2,2023-07-06 02:21:24 +Google Play,"3 stars because it needs work. After joining and following all my friends on Facebook, when I open the app, I am getting only threads by strangers! Is there a setting to only see threads from people I follow?",3,2023-07-08 11:06:26 +Google Play,"Well it's great BUT I don't like the way that I can't change the name in my thread like it should be connected with my ig, beacuse i don't want to have the same username in ig and in thread so i might uninstall this app later",3,2023-07-07 04:59:53 +Google Play,Fix your bug. While scrolling down the post overlap each other and all words jumbled at the same time and collapsed post visible on screen.,1,2023-07-07 06:41:46 +Google Play,The threads app in my phone is very glitchy the letters and posts gets overlap on one another and when I switch windows in between it's also gets overlaped on each other.,1,2023-07-06 15:01:54 +Google Play,So many crashes! On xiaomi ! From this morning! I can't even use the app! And beside all that! If it's trying to take Twitter's place ! Where the heck is explore?? Seriously?,3,2023-07-07 12:32:12 +Google Play,"At this point in time, unless there is a Tweetdeck like option to filter content, it is a colossal waste of time to cull through the unwanted nonsense.",1,2023-07-08 10:37:01 +Google Play,"Despite the fact that the app is still developing, I don't see the reason why it keeps scrambling up when I try scrolling through the threads. This needs attention pls.",3,2023-07-10 06:04:49 +Google Play,Its got a lot of potential. Creating a post is still a bit basic cuz i can only attach from my gallery. I cant use my camera for impromtu things.,3,2023-07-13 16:05:19 +Google Play,"Why when you comment more than 2 lines, you can't see the second line and now you're typing blind? My keypad blocks the text box. This is annoying.",2,2023-07-08 22:20:49 +Google Play,The feed is nothing but suggested people and threads with maybe 1% of who you actually follow (much like Facebook but without an option for following only). Take a note from Twitter and make a Timeline where you get what you want or this app will fail,1,2023-07-07 23:20:42 +Google Play,The app overall is pretty good! Though it crashes when I try to post a thread with a picture.,4,2023-07-06 09:15:31 +Google Play,"App looks good but it's unfinished.I can't download pics no # . Like button should be on right or at least can change left or right . Meta just rush it out cuz they wanna be the first to rival with Twitter.Still need a lot to do and I don't think this will beat Twitter cuz main reason people use Twitter is because nsfw content.Thread should at least allow nsfw content and give user whether they wanna hide it or not.Its not that difficult,other social media app have it.",2,2023-07-12 04:39:07 +Google Play,After removing or hiding the Threads badge from Instagram profile it can't be replace or unhide. It's a bad issue in this application. So update features to replace or unhide the Threads badge to instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 18:35:34 +Google Play,Having a lot of problems when I move the feed up or down it freezes straight away and doesn't seem to move. Please solve this problem.,1,2023-07-08 16:07:47 +Google Play,"My app has been hanging, the text and images aren't clear, please do something about it. I really need to start accessing the app",1,2023-07-07 10:26:19 +Google Play,"Complicated interface, not interested in this app, very booring, there should be improvement in user interface, it's far worse than Twitter or Instagram",1,2023-07-11 18:05:13 +Google Play,"The app is overall good. But we can't make two accounts. Means on insta we can login two accounts. But on threads, I can't login another account.",2,2023-07-14 14:24:13 +Google Play,"It's glitchy on my phone. Like everytime I scroll, the text or pic become shadowy or shaded. Please, optimize it. My device: Mi Mix 2",1,2023-07-06 06:55:26 +Google Play,The cool thing about @threadsapp for me is the ability to have actual conversations and build communities and friendships through sharing thoughts instead of sharing content. I like talking. I like listening. I like threads.,5,2023-07-06 09:27:14 +Google Play,Its a good up funny to be honest and generally social but kindly it has a small problem.... Has a glitch as you scroll down.... With that fixed all will be good........... I can't use it because of the glitch,2,2023-07-06 19:51:03 +Google Play,"So far so good buuut I keep getting kicked out, and I use a Chromebook, not a phone so how do I make screen bigger? I know its a work in progress, so I'll be patient.",4,2023-07-06 18:12:53 +Google Play,Look very similar to Twitter... But quite interesting one of the best feature is it is connected to Instagram.. so we cane follow the same people's..... Definitely it can beat the Twitter,4,2023-07-06 06:42:25 +Google Play,Super but... I like it as social network but to move from Twitter needs some tweeks. 1- should have option to see whom I follow only. 2- l wish to have option to see Instagram followers and out side Instagram community. I'm looking forward to reach stage get rid of Twitter under Musk. I hope this will be soon.,5,2023-07-07 08:57:20 +Google Play,This may become my go-to social media app. They just need to add an edit feature. But it's definitely a kindler and gentler world than Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 01:45:09 +Google Play,Needed to move away from Twitter so bad. Threads is great and is scaling really well so far. Clean interface and fun to use! Bye bye Elon' dumpster fire called Twitter!,5,2023-07-06 13:21:50 +Google Play,Has potential but pretty bare bones atm. The lack of hashtags and the inability to search Threads makes discoverablity nonexistent. Bookmarks and media tab would also be good.,3,2023-07-06 15:25:52 +Google Play,"I'm really loving threads so far. My only suggestions would be to provide having multiple accounts logged in like Instagram does, and some UI customization like themes and colors, maybe headers for our accounts.",5,2023-07-17 08:31:02 +Google Play,Recently I installed the spp on my phone but it keeps on flickering and unable to read anything...please help me to fix it....I don't feel giving one star but my situation nakes me to do it..Definitely I'll give 5star if you guys help me to fix my issue.my android version us lollipop.,1,2023-07-07 20:07:49 +Google Play,Great app. Downside : I want curate my home be to be able to only see the content of the people follow my friends. As opposed to what's trending from a bunch of people I don't know.,4,2023-07-14 03:19:20 +Google Play,"This app is fantastic! The user interface is sleek and intuitive, making it a breeze to navigate. The features are well-designed and incredibly useful. Thank you for creating such a great app!""",5,2023-07-06 02:50:52 +Google Play,There's still a lot to fix in this app. The unnecessary restrictions are just too much and it's making the app look a lot like a child's play...,3,2023-07-22 18:13:42 +Google Play,"Sure, there will be some issues with a new app. Including features that others are demanding. Give the team some time please! Threads is already superior than other similar platforms.",4,2023-07-20 23:08:32 +Google Play,"This app is not working well on my phone. It's repeating the writing on the screen, the app look exactly like twitter though.",1,2023-07-20 17:13:35 +Google Play,"Wait... There is only one way in... No sign up, no signin with phone number or... Just login with Instagram😞. Now you've to create Instagram account that is data consuming.. I'm sure this app will consume data as well",3,2023-07-07 08:20:21 +Google Play,The app is crashing as soon as I get to the main feed. Going directly to posts etc via notifications doesn't do that.,2,2023-07-06 04:57:39 +Google Play,"I very like it, more ez to use than twitter, ui simple and enjoyable. But of course things can be improve. I hope you can add hashtag,gif, and i hope also yall can seperated of our friend thread and global. Overall goodjob ✨💪",5,2023-07-06 18:08:55 +Google Play,"OMG, User interface is mind blowing and user experience is lagging, like its little bit confusing. #threads will roar the market. As a UI Ux Designer the first impression was 💜💥.",5,2023-07-06 04:39:48 +Google Play,Everything is fair but we even can't change our threads username. It's same as the instagram. It uses all the instagram information that i don't like so. But 2 star for this app will be fine. I think so...,2,2023-07-11 05:43:58 +Google Play,The feed is littered with people I don't know or care about. If my feed consisted of people I follow it would be pretty good. Spend most of my time on there muting/blocking people,2,2023-07-08 22:32:52 +Google Play,I'm rating 4 stars. The app itself is not so good for use but it has built a large community. May be in future they introduce all the other features. Right now there are so few things to do here. But I hope it will become better than other platforms.,4,2023-07-07 16:18:34 +Google Play,Comparing this app with other apps developed by meta this app needs more time to reload the page which makes me feel uncomfortable I checked my internet and phone but still sometimes it take time to reload The main page.,3,2023-07-08 14:52:10 +Google Play,People don't understand that this app is just launched recently so it will take some time to get more features. It'll become very popular medium of expressing own thoughts in the future,5,2023-07-07 02:37:25 +Google Play,"My problem with this app is that it doesn't translate what others are saying. I stan GOT7 💚 but 4 of the members are Koreans, I don't understand korean, I need this app to translate.",2,2023-07-07 19:54:39 +Google Play,"Can only log in via Instagram and then when trying to create Instagram account no verification emails or SMSs are sent. Keep it, I'll stick to Twitter, Elon and all.",1,2023-07-16 08:16:59 +Google Play,"The app is very big crash, full of bugs, but it's good to see Instagram is trying something new fantastic keep it up",4,2023-07-10 15:12:30 +Google Play,Ok in its beginning stages but - FYI crashes everytime I switch accounts. Have to uninstall then reinstall like 20 times already in order to check on both accounts.,4,2023-07-06 16:38:20 +Google Play,"Hmmm, my device got a bug. So apparently my screen only stack each activity so it will be unuseable even for scrolling. My device is Sony Xperia XZ1 SOV36. If your team can fix it I will be gladly rate it 5 stars",4,2023-07-06 12:59:32 +Google Play,"I get that you want to promote or show messages from other users, but please, for the love of all that is good, give me the option to turn that off. I only want to see messages from the people I follow, not everyone else on the platform",2,2023-07-06 12:30:21 +Google Play,The app needs some updates such as languages alignment. When I write a sentence in Arabic and then I want to write something in English it doesn't fit and everything stars to be messy,3,2023-07-07 17:29:20 +Google Play,"Pretty cool app. It's quite seems like Twitter, but it's still quite interesting to use and explore. Hopefully, this application will be famous as same as Facebook with over 5B downloaders.",5,2023-07-07 11:13:09 +Google Play,"Threads app needs a lot of work, but as a basic experience it actually functions well, much more than can be said of Twotter nowadays.",4,2023-07-24 12:02:59 +Google Play,"For a while I give one star, because this application does not have a system to restore hidden thread badges on the Instagram profile. If there was, I would give 5 stars.",1,2023-07-10 13:03:13 +Google Play,"Overall a nice application, feels like something fresh in the market but this definitely needs some brand new things that would make it unique compared to other platforms 🐒",5,2023-07-07 08:24:39 +Google Play,"It's cool so far, just lacking some basic functions like trending topics and bookmarking posts. I hope some of these will be added in the future.",4,2023-07-07 02:03:48 +Google Play,Just another Twitter but getting unnecessary contents from pages I don't follow. It's really annoying to scroll through and find the threads from the people that I follow.,3,2023-07-06 05:33:40 +Google Play,Loving it. Feed seems so out if place though. There are so many random posts. Would love to get an option for choosing global and followers tweets.,5,2023-07-06 05:12:04 +Google Play,This app is really amazing. A very good alternative for Twitter. Please add a translate option. It'd be really helpful...,5,2023-07-07 04:53:05 +Google Play,Waste of time if you don't have Instagram. Again if you don't have one you can't get other. This app removes my freedom of choice. Super unhappy.,1,2023-07-08 03:50:37 +Google Play,I'm sad abt this... Coz... I installed three times but when I open it I'm not getting app properly... Some tym of glitch is occured. I need it to be work good.. Hope u will take action on it,1,2023-07-07 06:42:40 +Google Play,"Honestly, this app is so far a solidly good app, but I wish you guys could let me and the rest of us on here to change our profile without importing Instagram profile pictures.",3,2023-07-24 02:17:46 +Google Play,"No DM, No search function, No hashtag support, No ability to only see people I follow in my feed and it's just an endless torrent of random verified accounts you've never heard of. This is the brain dead cousin of Twitter; not its replacement. Even with the 600 tweet cap, Twitter has significantly more functionality and purpose.",1,2023-07-09 04:18:32 +Google Play,Downloaded the app but there was no place to sign up or seeing where to login through Instagram but still that doesn't even work. Meta is way bigger than something as poor as this.,1,2023-07-06 10:56:59 +Google Play,"Okay Markus and the Threads crew, listen up. I NEVER write reviews, so you know I liked this app. I don't wanna have to come back and lower it, so hear me out: KEEP IT SIMPLE. From what I can tell, the main draw for a lot of people is the simplistic interface, and how clean and refreshing it feels to not be bogged down by engagement. PLEASE KEEP THAT. Obviously Threads isn't in its final form, but something about it is special 😭 Please be careful. Thassit, be easy, y'all ✌🏽",5,2023-07-08 13:05:07 +Google Play,"The new app is totally different and so awesome! But something is going on with the app now, I can't refresh my account or comment nor post why ? Hope my account isn't having any issues yet ? Or is it from threads app ?",4,2023-07-07 01:05:12 +Google Play,"As I tap on speaker option to enable audio, video just gets paused automatically and then I'm unable to unpause it until I turn off the audio :/",2,2023-07-06 02:45:45 +Google Play,"First version is still basic, less functionality, I like the design, and I hope the app followed changing to be better.",4,2023-07-07 02:26:28 +Google Play,The worst app by meta. It behaves like a bug and the pages are overlapping each other. No matter what I try it's the same... Hate it,1,2023-07-09 05:23:05 +Google Play,"This is Twitter's competition app and it is also good, simplification is also there, but there is still a lot of shortage in it; Like trends, @, # and no option to save photo",3,2023-07-07 04:19:54 +Google Play,"A good app so far. The people are nice and caring unlike that bird app. It needs some things yet, but I'm sure they will get there. I'm happy with it so far. ☮️🖖",4,2023-07-18 00:54:26 +Google Play,I like the app. It has beautiful UI/UX designs. It's smooth and most importantly it's simple.,5,2023-07-06 12:06:29 +Google Play,"This app is cool but there is something missing in my opinion. 1 post pin, 2 photo editing, 3 post editing and the last one hashtags.. What you guys thinking",3,2023-07-07 09:04:09 +Google Play,"Please the app so far is Good. I'm having a challenge since yesterday whenever I try to upload a photo as a thread,the app shuts down. Please try and fix it.",4,2023-07-08 08:05:03 +Google Play,It's been very smooth. I really love this app..... We need the tending topics and Spaces functionality added to it. Thank you.,4,2023-07-06 12:07:32 +Google Play,It should be our choice that if we want to show our replies to friends or keep them fully private to ourself. Or if there will be an option on every reply that some of them we want to show our friends and some fully private to us... In our profile section.,3,2023-07-09 06:15:15 +Google Play,"There needs to be a way to turn off auto playing video, and there needs to be a chronological feed with only posts and shares from people I follow.",2,2023-07-21 16:49:09 +Google Play,"Not sure why this is but I'm having issues opening the app now, getting an error ""invalid parameters"" and I have no idea why, can someone help?",3,2023-07-14 12:58:55 +Google Play,"Do NOT install! The app is following accounts automatically on behalf of my account or sending follow request without me knowing. I don't even open the up, just receiving the notifications. Isn't that illegal Zuck??",1,2023-07-19 02:12:35 +Google Play,This is basically Twitter with Instagram theme. The set up was too smooth. Edit: I will suggest that trending topics should be visible when users click on the search section,5,2023-07-06 13:29:24 +Google Play,"Not sure how i feel. It's a great concept, but it's also made by the same corporation that doesn't seem to be able to give basic customer support to users of facebook and instagram.",2,2023-07-07 00:42:37 +Google Play,"The UI is very broken, I can't even scroll without stuff completely breaking. Can't even describe.",1,2023-07-07 15:25:32 +Google Play,"Meh. I never wanted my ""twitter"" life and Instagram to be the same place. Plus I can't delete my account without deleting my Instagram so that's pretty manipulative. Twitter is still somehow better, which is saying a lot.",1,2023-07-08 20:09:31 +Google Play,"Actually this app doesn't work properly. As soon as I opened this app, there will be overlapping of everything I see la. I don't think it will work la 🥴",1,2023-07-13 12:31:57 +Google Play,its good but like missing important features please for the love of god add the ability to sort my feed by following and let me get 2 accounts at once wth this is like basic this should've been there from the start,3,2023-07-06 08:35:33 +Google Play,"I can't see the settings icon on the profile , page top right corner, somehow it works when i click the empty space besides the Instagram icon😅, fix that and bring Deep dark mode theme ASAP",2,2023-07-06 04:06:39 +Google Play,"App is good all perfect but i really appreciate if you guys.. threads team add a group chat,private message,profile banner,content selection and voice",5,2023-07-06 16:47:27 +Google Play,"I feel really old, but I remember this app from back in the day called Twitter—it feels incredible, how far we have come as a species.",5,2023-07-10 02:57:40 +Google Play,Amazing app. Thanks to Zuck and his company. It's a wonderful app with a wonderful beginning. But there's a lot to integrate and configure in the app.,4,2023-07-14 07:35:18 +Google Play,"Has stopped working for the last hour but, phenomenal work. This will bring life to the Instagram society with variety of attachments included in a single thread. Please keep it away from bots.",4,2023-07-06 12:10:21 +Google Play,"Can't get logged in. I use Instagram, but don't have a log in option for it. I log in using my Facebook account. No option for that in this app.",3,2023-07-08 03:21:30 +Google Play,"More than any other app it has the potential to topple Twitter, but it needs features! We need a way to organize our follows.",3,2023-07-23 20:40:17 +Google Play,"I love the app but there are two major problems, it glitches and the writing overlaps itself, you also can not see the comment you're making, if these are fixed it'll be 10x better then Twitter",4,2023-07-07 08:30:57 +Google Play,Terrible. No engagement. Not even worth signing up. Make sure to uninstall it and don't leave their spyware hanging around on your phone.,1,2023-07-19 22:12:12 +Google Play,i give 1 star. this app is good but dont give the option to just see the Threads only from the people we follow ! why must i read from strangers ?? enough with the random strangers rant in our feed ! and there's no translation service. good thing is it filters out p0rn unlike shwitter.,1,2023-07-12 06:02:41 +Google Play,The app is pretty simple and easy to interact with. I observe there is no way to save a thread or at least bookmark it for future reference.,3,2023-07-06 07:41:15 +Google Play,Its good and wasy to use. The design is simple and understandable unlike other apps that just have all the things jumbled up. I like it.,4,2023-07-20 14:02:01 +Google Play,"Pls consider to separate it from insta honestly. Like it's quite unsafe to be logged with only one acc and one password, if one go down, another will too.",1,2023-07-13 11:53:01 +Google Play,"There is no option to join without using instagram. I'm trying to limit my exposure to social media and not spend my days browsing social internet like these vultures would like you to. This was only an expression of interest, I will move on.",1,2023-07-19 06:01:23 +Google Play,"For giving support to someone I know I installed this app ""Threads "" but when I come to know that If we delet this account same way my Instagram account which i have will also get deleted it's just against our freedom to use the app and the control was commanded by META.. not just me but many like me was wishing to delet this app without loosing data form Instagram...",1,2023-07-17 17:10:36 +Google Play,"Good job, really an alternative to twitter . Now there's a need to provide option so text can be increased for people like me who found the text to be tiny Thumps up",4,2023-07-07 13:57:19 +Google Play,3 stars for now. It's a good app and I see plenty of potential but I wish there was a tab or page where I can see the posts of people I only follow and not random people that I don't follow,3,2023-07-09 01:09:39 +Google Play,Forced close on launch. Had been great.. added 200 of the 300 twitter people I follow (mostly just EU accounts missing now). But desperately needs a keyword search to find anything other than what the people I follow said.,4,2023-07-18 06:31:22 +Google Play,"Its pretty decent, however I'm having problems with my notifications. I get the notifications VERY late, sometimes DAYS later.",4,2023-07-10 01:13:22 +Google Play,"The feed is full by posts of complete strangers and ads. I came there to see what my friends are up to, not random people.",3,2023-07-06 10:41:57 +Google Play,"At first I had a waiting list for confirmation of follow requests.. I started to confirm one by one, but when I refreshed that list is hide. Where I can return back or found it again?",2,2023-07-08 13:13:22 +Google Play,"so far so good here, very minimalist and not to overwhelming app with bunch of numbers at the bottom of a post.",5,2023-07-06 23:13:12 +Google Play,"The app is mad glitchy, like I just logged in first time and everything is glitching worst than the matrix, I don't what happened or is the app incomplete or what but I cannot even scroll!",1,2023-07-08 04:40:04 +Google Play,"Good app,,, though some things must be fixed to have the best One. Pic must be easy to download as in Twitter, chat features and remove auto videos play its killing our bills",4,2023-07-10 19:24:20 +Google Play,"Loving the app There's still some stuff needed like pinning posts. I keep getting shut out of the app, I don't know if this could be looked into",4,2023-07-07 12:28:27 +Google Play,"Can't search anything that i want to see just getting random posts of random blue tick people on my home page, give me what i want to see not what you want to show me. And every next post is about twitter vs threads looks like this app was not made for entertainment it was made to war with twitter",1,2023-07-08 07:54:43 +Google Play,"Just updated the app , it keep saying i've been logged out of %1$s account owner may have changed the password , an account i just created days ago , you need to fix this!!",1,2023-07-14 07:48:58 +Google Play,"Needs improvement, but I'm on board... Improvements in: pinning, hashtags, searching for threads, threads of followers vs. for-you, and the UI speed for some reason.",4,2023-07-06 10:26:16 +Google Play,"A decent enough Twitter clone but cycling through irrelevant content just makes it feels exhausting. App needs a Followers tab or a better algorithm soon, or we're going to bail.",2,2023-07-17 10:41:47 +Google Play,More annoying to use then Twitter. Its just needlessly complicated and basic at the same time. Just stick to standard instergram.,2,2023-07-07 19:25:12 +Google Play,Really a great app. A great platform to engage with everyone. Also the reach and impression are adequate.,4,2023-07-07 17:19:44 +Google Play,"Seriously, there's no way to limit my feed to only the accounts that I follow? Without that functionality, this app is nothing but a torrent of useless noise from celebrities and influencers, and I'm not interested.",1,2023-07-06 20:28:12 +Google Play,"Not bad, but the switch between accounts not possible !!!!! And the videos somtimes with no audio. Using galaxy S21 Ultra",1,2023-07-06 20:40:22 +Google Play,The app's been working smoothly to me but I do hope more features will be added soon tho. Like you can also search for keywords or hashtags and read the requotes of a tweet.,4,2023-07-06 12:30:23 +Google Play,"It's so buggy. All of my threads for the past 48 hours got deleted for I don't know why. When you try to post a photo, it goes to your IG feed - meanwhile they said that the app is for conversation.",1,2023-07-09 08:00:38 +Google Play,This app has been frustrating me since. I can't post or make a comment and my app keep logging out on its own. I just updated it and yet still same problem. Please you guys should do something about it,2,2023-07-12 17:39:19 +Google Play,"Threads app offers a seamless and engaging social media experience, with it's user-friendly interface, real time updates and vibrant community, making it a must-have for connecting and sharing with others.",5,2023-07-06 00:40:26 +Google Play,"Post notifications are delayed af, some posts get visualised as repries in the feed with that donut string, the ig symbol vanishes from all profiles, the sound symbol on videos just vanished! Why even release such an incomplete product?",2,2023-07-17 03:36:57 +Google Play,It is a very great app like it so smooth but one thing I don't like they asking for a lot of you data like your health and fitness ..... this one other then that great app room for improvement,4,2023-07-07 21:17:45 +Google Play,Logged out to log into a different account and now I can't get in at all and the app crashes every time I open it to attempt to login.,1,2023-07-06 22:45:56 +Google Play,"Amazing conversations, amazing people and amazing Experiences... This is what we build at Meta Threads The conversation Opener... Probably the perfect ad copywriting( lol) Best app.",5,2023-07-08 06:32:03 +Google Play,I don't know about bugs but app sucks a lot keep stopping while writing something and getting back with a message not responding! Oh problem start,1,2023-07-07 19:42:41 +Google Play,"Oh boy, let me tell you about Threads app - it's like Twitter and Instagram had a baby, but with a hilarious sense of humor! I've never laughed so much while scrolling through a social media app before.",5,2023-07-06 06:57:29 +Google Play,Horrendous. Crashes. Can't choose albums when uploading. An app about threads but can only post 4 images per thread .,1,2023-07-11 16:47:10 +Google Play,4 stars for the whole application but can you put a button for save pictures it's hard to save a picture from the app. Thank you.,4,2023-07-14 12:12:00 +Google Play,"When I installed this app it doesn't work properly and work like it's hanged my screen doesn't work properly in this app, and I was trying to work properly automatically from 2 days but it doesn't .",1,2023-07-10 06:13:53 +Google Play,"the app was good and kinda quiet interesting than fb, but there's no edit option if you want to change something on your captions",3,2023-07-08 11:38:33 +Google Play,"I was sent a ""Your account has been suspended."" message from instagram a day after using this app (without any posts to Threads *or* Instragram, note.) The ""appeal suspension"" process requires a few obnoxious recaptchas, then writing your real name and taking a selfie, so this may just be more datamining from Meta, but it's insanely obnoxious either way.",1,2023-07-08 19:40:07 +Google Play,"I like the basic fitur such add much image and the slide layout really versatile, love it this far. Looking forward for updates features",5,2023-07-06 01:55:40 +Google Play,So far so good. But I think it'll be best if followers and followings on instagram are automatically sent to threads since they're both found in one space.,5,2023-07-07 19:06:38 +Google Play,"A complete mess on screen as it's not refreshing correctly on my Android phone (v9), so until that's fixed, it's unusable",1,2023-07-07 10:46:59 +Google Play,Oh I am the first one to review on this...so I would like to thanks everyone including thread and Instagram team and my friends and well-wishers and also those who are not well wisher..without your support or guidance ..my first review would have not been possible..thanks a lot . :),4,2023-07-06 09:29:02 +Google Play,Nice app but need to include features like :- 1. Poll option 2. Image cropping before posting 3. Data saver mode like Video Autoplay off 4. Media section seperately on Profile page.,3,2023-07-06 05:17:11 +Google Play,Threads seems good so far. Please consider adding separate a tab in user profiles to view their media content only. Also add a way for us to view posts that we've liked.,3,2023-07-06 08:14:12 +Google Play,"First and foremost, the fact that I cannot delete my account is completely unacceptable. As a user, I should have the right to control my online presence and decide whether I want to continue using the app or not. However, this app has taken away that freedom, leaving me feeling trapped and powerless.",1,2023-07-08 04:18:17 +Google Play,"The app Glitches. Texts Images everything, overlaps on itself, gets on top of each other. And I can't see anything, nor usethe app",1,2023-07-07 02:53:07 +Google Play,"at first it's okay to make friends or to follow individuals in this platform but you'll get restricted if you interact more, like please let us interact more to each other without getting restricted or blocked",3,2023-07-07 22:38:03 +Google Play,"Missing features like trending topics, search by keyword, filtering results by location, etc.",2,2023-07-17 04:58:12 +Google Play,"I think there is something wrong with the app because when I try to enter my password in the account sense I forget it automatically it stopped, why is that and even in Instagram when I tried to change it it stopped too 🤷🤷🤷 what's wrong ⁉️",2,2023-07-06 13:43:11 +Google Play,"Great start, i think thread will overtake twitter very quickly, of course since elon musk bought twitter, most of all it has come with a lot of restrictions which the user base doesn't like anymore but There are still some trust issues in the thread because this application also asks to access your complete data. And major part ~ YOU CAN'T DELETE YOUR THREADS ACCOUNT WITHOUT DELETING YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT",4,2023-07-07 05:33:04 +Google Play,"I dislike that sharing a post is called ""repost"". As an artist, reposting a post usually consists of someone saving art and posting it to their own account. Sharing or ""retweeting"" is welcome, but reposting is a no-no. Why would this app call sharing ""reposting""?? It's unclear who gets the ""like"" when a post is shared. It should be the op. That is one thing IG does not get right (and Twitter does). I hope Meta gets it right. Option to delete threads account without deleting IG.",3,2023-07-06 23:15:12 +Google Play,More like Instagram than Twitter. Too much media. You can't even disable videos being played automatically! That's a big issue for me!,2,2023-07-15 08:09:52 +Google Play,Seems pretty decent. UI Translations need bit polish. The Top action bar looks empty. Dark mode is great.,5,2023-07-06 14:22:14 +Google Play,"Open app, mute 3 to 4 profiles I don't follow that are showing up in my timeline, close app. Not great so far.",1,2023-07-08 11:54:50 +Google Play,For god's sake fix the app. I literally can't read anything and the app is getting hang up and the screen is not visible. Please,3,2023-07-06 07:35:27 +Google Play,Why is the treads account linked to your Instagram account? It's so annoying. This should be the user's choice if they want an account on threads or not. Meta really needs to change this.,1,2023-07-07 10:37:26 +Google Play,But please add on translation features so the conversation throughout the diversity of language can be transparent with each other in this community. Hope you take this as consideration.,5,2023-07-09 11:05:24 +Google Play,"It's ok but cannot download videos or images like I can on Instagram or twitter and Facebook, maybe some one will get around to writing on or just use the Instagram's downloader.",1,2023-07-11 18:07:34 +Google Play,"Guys, honestly I'm saying don't install this app, read all his data collection detail.. your data will be collected including your voice recording or even your payment info.. 🙏 uninstall this..",1,2023-07-09 15:10:01 +Google Play,Almost identical to but even worse than Instagram if that's possible. Still can't comment pics. Who developes a social media app without pictures? A fkn lizard! That's who!,1,2023-07-19 01:10:55 +Google Play,Their no problem in use but need one and important thing...thatz automatic translations....where is it??????????As a k pop lover...I need to connect with my idols post which is in Korean language...I don't know Korean....what to do?????? If I have to abandon this app I also forced to uninstall Instagram toooo....why Mr mark Zuckerberg ???? I need custom made items in this app... messenger???,3,2023-07-07 06:23:53 +Google Play,Once I open the app shows overlapped content consistently Giving us a dizziness and irritation. 2. Unable to download the media like photos making it very difficult to use this if we want the media.,2,2023-07-13 02:21:54 +Google Play,"Trust me when I say this app is crazily amazing, I like the fact that it is connected to your Instagram account, and it is quite easy to navigate",5,2023-07-07 09:07:59 +Google Play,Would be a lot better if there was a chronological order and a what's trending in the world so if an event happens users will be able to see it in real time.,3,2023-07-20 18:52:31 +Google Play,At first it is okay . But now I can't seem to post anything on threads also I cant see any of my previous post on threads it keeps saying try again later. I tried to uninstall the app and re installed again but it is still the same. Please do fix this bug issue. I already report on threads.,2,2023-07-17 02:08:00 +Google Play,"Cannot use Hastag on Post. Video post Automatically play,No pause Button. Data Saver Option Not Available in this app. Please keep update and fix it",3,2023-07-06 10:52:16 +Google Play,Great app. Great potential. Great additions would be a following only feed & a DM system that's integrated with messenger & instagram DMs. A better followers & following system is also needed.,5,2023-07-11 07:59:36 +Google Play,"it literally does not work, every time I try to do anything, even just scroll down, all the text and buttons overlap on each other",1,2023-07-06 23:29:55 +Google Play,"I really hope Threads make a traslate button bottom of the each thread text like twitter, if like that many non english user like me will use this app 100 times more, I hope read english thread more without copy and paste the text to translate app",5,2023-07-12 06:23:51 +Google Play,It's a really great application. I totally enjoyed using it. Please release a Thread Lite version so people with less storage can also use it... Good luck Team,5,2023-07-07 09:47:38 +Google Play,few features we'd love to have: - ability to save media - translation - ability to bookmark / save threads & compartmentalise them - ability to manage following - repost numbers - thread views,3,2023-07-06 13:46:19 +Google Play,It's a good start. But it needs a lot of new features. Especially a timeline for posts only from accounts you follow.,3,2023-07-17 07:59:20 +Google Play,I mean it a good platform but it's has some loops holes like you can't delete the app and once you unhide badge from profile it's never gonna come back jerks!!!!🏇 I other words it's just Elonmusk vs markzukerberg ..... So yeah enough the triffle but keep its little safe and private to perform these activites on such platform,3,2023-07-12 11:18:00 +Google Play,"Still has a long ways to go. Please don't show me suggested Influencers or Pages I don't follow. I don't want to see half my feed of posts I have no desire or care for just to help increase their platform. Show me only what I specifically follow. Also, you should consider adding a Trending page and not JUST a search function page.",2,2023-07-06 16:23:10 +Google Play,Greate app with good features and also fast but want I don't like about the app is that when you want to comment on a post the comment box will be under the keyboard and will will restrict you from seeing what you are typing. Hope it will be resolved,4,2023-07-08 18:39:53 +Google Play,I am disappointed for your threads app your app is after the download then I enter your app the app flickering and a page is like disconnected cable connection problem🤣🥴. So to solve the problem,1,2023-07-07 03:32:40 +Google Play,"Home page is some nightmare algorithm, like Twitter's ""For you"". I simply want to only see posts from people I follow. A ""lists"" feature would be nice too.",2,2023-07-06 02:22:54 +Google Play,"Smooth and easy. Everything is clear for to understand, and the upgrades are lit. 👍",5,2023-07-06 08:28:56 +Google Play,"So far it's what it should be. A new ""Twitter"" like app by Meta for meta users. It's a little rough around the edges obviously, it hasn't even been 24 hours. It's fun and easy to use, no rate limits!",4,2023-07-06 08:50:51 +Google Play,"This is a nice start but there's some basics that need to be added. I can't see a list of who I'm following, and I want the option to see posts from people I follow and posts I'll be interested in. Not posts I don't care to see.",3,2023-07-24 02:33:09 +Google Play,App is facing some issues. It's not working properly and glitches are showing in the feed.,1,2023-07-06 15:55:07 +Google Play,"Not what I expected.. with that being said I was informed if I delete the app my Instagram gets deleted as well. Why would you do that.. not a fan of it, it's complicated if you ask me. Disappointing",1,2023-07-11 23:13:42 +Google Play,"App is good when it works. Recently, all my posts have been getting an error message saying ""failed to upload""",3,2023-07-14 18:28:52 +Google Play,Very simple easy to use and amazing applicationI'm looking forward to the live streaming and audio chat functionality between friends,5,2023-07-10 09:56:05 +Google Play,"Great so far, needs a following feed and also fix video playback and having no sound on Android.",4,2023-07-06 03:52:21 +Google Play,"I think i Love this apps its amazing. I believed and got confidence that threads app have now kicked off Twitter, i was frustrated by Twitter millions times. Keep it up, Threads to the World",4,2023-07-06 15:02:26 +Google Play,"The app is good because I can share what's on my mind, but the problem is there's no followback button. You need to visit the profile first so you can follow it back",4,2023-07-08 07:16:35 +Google Play,"Excited for this one. Ofc being 1st day means some glitches here and there, like the like animation isn't all that intuitive.",5,2023-07-06 08:19:01 +Google Play,"Sometimes I think to myself, what does this world really need? Like, REALLY need? And the only answer I could think of was a website where you can write short pieces of text and have people from all around the world like and comment on said text. Then BOOM, zucker creates this. Mind blown.",5,2023-07-05 23:12:23 +Google Play,Havent even used it yet as it's unusable. My app is glitiching too much that I am not able to see it's features. please fix this problem,1,2023-07-07 20:21:56 +Google Play,"Good social network. App is OK, but needs features like displaying latest threads chronologically and only from accounts you follow.",4,2023-07-19 09:10:01 +Google Play,It was very good!!!! You should add the feature by which we can download post and videos from someone's thread.,3,2023-07-21 10:40:11 +Google Play,"No chronological timeline, no way to show posts from only people you follow, no way to organize lists of topics. A heavily watered down and censored version of Twitter",1,2023-07-08 01:32:29 +Google Play,"It's a really nice one, at least for a start. I just wish there's a better way to search for photos to post, not me going through everything in my gallery",4,2023-07-07 04:54:51 +Google Play,"Chaotic timeline, no chronological order and mostly posts from ppl u dont follow. No options to save data or stop videos auto play. Back to twitter hopefully till ur app updates satisfy twitter users' taste",2,2023-07-06 23:08:08 +Google Play,"Overall it looks good, It would be even better if it could show the trending topics like it shows on Twitter, it makes it more interesting",4,2023-07-06 07:47:01 +Google Play,Need fix for my phone. When i scroll the entire screen just look shredded and unreadable so it's unusable for me atm. I'm waiting for this issue to be fixed. Ty... .,2,2023-07-06 17:40:08 +Google Play,A copied version of Twitter. It's glitching so much and boring. Just it's new & by Instagram that's why people came to see. Otherwise nothing new and good. Boring App.,1,2023-07-06 19:10:46 +Google Play,It'll be very great thing to make that app different from other apps by deleting every stupid thing and closing toxic people accounts you found in other apps . MAKE IT DIFFERENT BY MAKING IT SAFE PLACE FOR EVERYONE.,5,2023-07-07 07:24:21 +Google Play,"Will only show me posts from brand accounts and celebrities, with no way to either tailor the stream, or see a 'following only' style stream. Totally useless for staying up to date with the accounts you care about. Disappointing.",2,2023-07-06 06:50:10 +Google Play,It keeps on flickering. Images and text are garbled. Unusable at the moment.,1,2023-07-06 03:43:58 +Google Play,Love at first sight! Just have a small suggestion: Can you add a feature to save Threads just like saving posts on IG. I think like I'm missing a lot while scrolling.,5,2023-07-20 14:17:19 +Google Play,"1. can't see my following list right now, keeps on glitching 2. add a feature indicates whether a user follows me in my following list 3. able to edit posts 4. able to archive a post 5. able to change name and username without instagram",3,2023-07-07 05:17:22 +Google Play,"It's just a clone app of Twitter. But i like it more than twitter.. please don't allow users to upload adult contents as like twitter do. Lovely app, thanks to team meta for giving us a good platform to express our feelings through words. 😊",5,2023-07-06 21:15:31 +Google Play,"I'm getting notifications from 2 days ago, not most recent. I would like to be able to sort my feed to only people I follow.",3,2023-07-10 00:54:43 +Google Play,"It can be better. Need gifs so bad, wanna see reposts/quotes of someone's post by other people I don't follow. A few glitches here and there, but cool so far.",3,2023-07-06 01:55:47 +Google Play,The icing on the cake is how seamlessly Threads integrates with other Meta-owned platforms like Facebook and Instagram. I can easily share content across these platforms without any hassle.,5,2023-07-06 09:10:04 +Google Play,"The app screen glitches every time I scroll, like it glitches so hard that the text becomes unreadable. Does anyone else experience this too? Or is it just me?",1,2023-07-06 13:14:58 +Google Play,"It's not owned by a wannabe politician, but it's embarrassingly basic for a Facebook product. Needs hashtags or just a search feature, and a Trending list.",2,2023-07-18 12:42:50 +Google Play,"This app seems smooth. It is, clearly, supposed to be like twitter, but i count it as a positive that now I can have twitter and instagram together in the same place. First.",5,2023-07-06 02:19:42 +Google Play,"it's a really good app,i sometimes don't receive any notifications on it unless i open it then notifications come in but it's good nothing to complain about so far.",5,2023-07-13 04:21:37 +Google Play,"Not terrible so far, I wish that I could filter content to only see the people I follow though. But for day one not a terrible app, just needs some time to improve",2,2023-07-06 03:28:54 +Google Play,"The app was good at first and I really love but the only problem I have is I cannot post picture anymore, when I truly to post it automatically closes, but if you fix that I will give it a 5star",3,2023-07-12 14:39:36 +Google Play,"Good start! For this app to be truly 5 star we need: hashtags, following feed, chronological feed, GIF support, desktop client, multiple account support/Meta business Suite, ability to show your set name AND username... And for fun: custom app icon and material you icon/app support.",3,2023-07-07 02:40:33 +Google Play,I logged out to try and make an alt account but now it won't let me back in at all and it's keeps crashing. Also I'd liked my following feed to take priority over randos please and thanks,3,2023-07-08 13:34:44 +Google Play,"Can't even use this app, everything is shaking and copies of same text, icons on each other. Please optimise this app for Android.",1,2023-07-08 07:54:05 +Google Play,"So far, it's a positive experience and no opening day glitches. Feels like a slumber party with all the fun and Intentional kindness.",5,2023-07-06 05:55:19 +Google Play,"No lists - the key Twitter feature. Also: you can't choose a username, it is the same as in Instagram.",1,2023-07-06 00:04:52 +Google Play,"useless app no hashtags feature,no freedom of speech because you can also block any account, no direct message, big pictures like it is Instagram not microblogging app.",2,2023-07-21 19:48:47 +Google Play,I'll give it a 4 rating Good features Unique interms of censorship.. Suggestions 1. Let people that Follow you be visible Alone. 2. Need to also give opportunity to edit name without changing it from instagram.,4,2023-07-07 12:23:15 +Google Play,"It's new, give it a chance! This is everything Twitter isn't and I'm so good with that! They are still making tweeks to the system but the best part is, there are no fascists!!",5,2023-07-11 13:11:52 +Google Play,"This app seems pretty good so far, but I have noticed that any post notifications have been a day late in being delivered!",4,2023-07-10 01:08:57 +Google Play,"Nothing new for obviously reasons. It's missed a big feature from the other: anonymity. People liked the other cause they could be someone else, a fun username and share random thoughts, far from real life people, so... Some people said that if your ig is on dark mode, than threads will also be. My ig is on dark mode and yet threads is on light. Would be better if this setting was a part, just add dark mode button on threads.Also you can't delete the account unless you delete your ig account.",1,2023-07-12 00:32:40 +Google Play,I'd really love to be able to save posts. It's a great feature from Twitter and I think Threads should have it.,3,2023-07-12 22:32:29 +Google Play,"Tangles would be similar to hashtags on Instagram, but they would be specific to Thread. Tangles would allow users to easily find and follow conversations on topics that interest them.",4,2023-07-08 15:52:06 +Google Play,"New app, hope to be a good app with no privacy issue and i request instagram to not add reel feature here please 🙏🏻🙏🏻, we are tired of reels , i request developers to make it geneune and no ui or icon changes everymonth , im giving 5 star to be a good app for all our gen and also request to add things in policy with those who put semi nude graphy should be banned ,we want a app who give our mind relax not stress.",5,2023-07-06 05:18:12 +Google Play,Sometimes i cannot post media and app crashes for some reason. But content and people are so wholesome.,5,2023-07-06 14:31:01 +Google Play,Great as far as texting but the app crashes or closes whenever I try to post photos or videos. What gives??,3,2023-07-09 05:48:17 +Google Play,"So far, it's kind of a mess because you can't view only those you follow. Twitter still has that, so far ... I may not stick with this app if they don't let me curate my own feed.",3,2023-07-08 13:12:12 +Google Play,Will be a great addition with the associated linking to Instagram and Facebook. Great job Mark! Keep the business decisions based on business and needs. Not political like some other misguided guy!,5,2023-07-06 12:29:39 +Google Play,"Its a good app. I have accidentally unhided the ""thread badge"" from Instagram bio. Please bring an option to add it back. :(",1,2023-07-24 11:16:27 +Google Play,Application is crashing while uploading picture. Can't upload even a single picture of small size. What the hell????,1,2023-07-10 12:07:04 +Google Play,My experience is that I am the 1st user to rate this app . Another experience is that the app is a rivalry motivated product with a expectation to beat Twitter... Let's ride...,5,2023-07-06 08:28:14 +Google Play,I love the app so much .. my pictures no longer auto crop. Hopefully in the next update there will be an album .,5,2023-07-13 06:01:48 +Google Play,"Very promising so far, interested to see where it goes. Will adjust my review later when I've really gotten some good use out of it.",5,2023-07-08 05:07:05 +Google Play,Basically an Instagram remake with Metas same lame rules that until they disappear will not be able to take on Twitter which is a much better app. Lol this app is lame posts the exact same content as on Instagram what is the point,1,2023-07-17 00:58:39 +Google Play,Still no improvements. Can't check following list. Can't check accounts to see their posts always says something went wrong. If that's the answer to twitter then it's laughable...,3,2023-07-17 18:29:39 +Google Play,"Ever since I started using this app, I can no longer access the instagram page connected to it. It keeps stopping and It's so annoying",2,2023-07-09 11:09:11 +Google Play,Intuitive and easy to use. Easy sign in and seamless incorporation with Instagram.,5,2023-07-06 06:59:26 +Google Play,"the application looks nice from the outside and from the inside, but there are some hiccups you have in it, such as it doesn't have personal conversations, Twitter and Instagram And I searched for a theme in black when I find until now that it has another theme other than the white color and this does not suit people's thinking most of the time Dear Mark, Verify my personal account on Threads for free and you will be very grateful because I do not have the Enough money verify it by myself Thanks",5,2023-07-11 11:44:01 +Google Play,Id like to suggest to stick associating instagram in this app as much as possible for its uniqueness frome the bird app. I am looking forward for your new ways.,5,2023-07-06 21:24:51 +Google Play,it seems fine really! but it keeps on lagging and the posts are overlapping whenever i start to scroll yeah it's fine. -fix it please,2,2023-07-11 09:32:38 +Google Play,"It's alright but the scroll behaviour pisses me off. Stop restricting the scroll speed, it makes the app so annoying to scroll down and makes me leave faster.",3,2023-07-13 16:56:32 +Google Play,Great design and awesome features but sometimes app isn't working prorperly and showing insta followers on threads and somehow disappearing threads posts. Need little bit fixing.,3,2023-07-13 05:40:38 +Google Play,"Smooth user interface so far, looking forward to some improvements and new features",4,2023-07-06 08:42:51 +Google Play,Showing a lot of promise. Just needs some added functions like the ability to search for topics you are interested in.,4,2023-07-19 15:56:14 +Google Play,"I just downloaded the app and connected my Instagram account but the app is lagging a lot , it's not working properly at all , not even able to use a single feature",2,2023-07-06 10:18:17 +Google Play,I'm happy with this app. I want to unhide badge of threads on instagram also there is not other option for bring it back so i request you work for it asap. I appreciate your work. Please understand my concern.,4,2023-07-21 08:52:04 +Google Play,"To much data collection, sensorship, and ownership of images. Zuckerberg don't need anymore apps. His companies phony fact checks to control the narrative is unreal and the extreme censorship of speech. I'll stick with twitter thanks.",1,2023-07-09 23:19:53 +Google Play,Nice interface. Easy to use as of now. Waiting to see more improvements for app stability.,5,2023-07-06 11:36:12 +Google Play,Where are the notifications? The app doesn't have ability to notify you when an account publishes a new thread. Pretty good and fun app otherwise,4,2023-07-18 22:47:53 +Google Play,Just downloaded this and whenever I try to scroll or click on any buttons app started to shutter and when I close the window it is fixed idk why it happens but its annoying and I can't use the app.,2,2023-07-06 12:59:21 +Google Play,This app is under development and this version is quit lite missing some important features but i hope they will bring it in upcoming updates. App is pretty clean,4,2023-07-06 07:28:57 +Google Play,"Only log in thru Insta. Should have been other options too. Downloaded and then deleted as no other log in options available. What if people not having Insta, wanna onboard threads for a different experience",1,2023-07-15 01:17:28 +Google Play,"Yo !! This is it But here's an issue : there's no ""following"" option like it has on Instagram which lets you see posts from the accounts you follow. In threads once you scroll and exit, you'll never find the same post from those accounts ever again until you visit their profile. Please make it like it is on Instagram",3,2023-07-07 12:46:56 +Google Play,Its not working properly some kind of glitch i suppose but the texts are overlapping i downloaded it multiple times still not working properly same problem plz tell me how to fix this if there is way,1,2023-07-08 07:37:05 +Google Play,It's A Cool Apps. But When Writing A Text In Reply Box. Can't See The Reply Box Space Of Typing. Only Can Type The Words. Please Check This Problem.,1,2023-07-12 14:49:34 +Google Play,"A very good, simple and easy to use app. The only thing that I need ASAP is translation option. Please include it 🥺",5,2023-07-06 12:46:08 +Google Play,"I like it, so far I haven't got any issues and is a user-friendly app. I didn't have to create a new account. Everything was ported from Instagram. Im happy with it 😊",5,2023-07-07 08:21:27 +Google Play,It's smooth and It's twitter and Instagram together I love it can't wait for It's future but I found the wrong one but then I went to the site to find the real app it needs to be #1 that pops up so people can find it,4,2023-07-06 04:02:16 +Google Play,"And how exactly do I read all the content from ppl I follow when the app decides to refresh itself and only show ""discover"" content that I could not possibly care any less about",2,2023-07-07 05:39:50 +Google Play,Am the first to write a review on Mark Zuckerberg new app..wowee I had early access to it in the last few day and I think its great. When u open it u prompt to login with Instagram You keep ur same user name and you can follow the people you are already following on Instagram if u wish...r u can recreat if u wish. U can add a bio automatically import from ig... At a very first glance it feels familiar They not inventing the wheel here. The design is minimum it clean and attractive,4,2023-07-07 09:43:55 +Google Play,"It's moderated Twitter as opposed to 4chan esque current Twitter that is nearly impossible to check in public because it's become overrun by hate and bots for a particular blue and white website. DMs coming soon. Users concerned about privacy; if the app is free, you are the product. There isn't anything on this app that is going to know any more about you than the little tracking/gps/algorithm driven device you carry in your pocket everyday already knows.",5,2023-07-10 02:55:55 +Google Play,It was fine up until a few minutes ago now it's not opening at all my internet is fine but it won't load anything and shows all the people of my insta followed but i didn't,2,2023-07-07 11:23:18 +Google Play,"It's a waste of time. Firstly, it is a copy of Twitter and secondly, this app is being downloaded only because of Instagram's popularity in everyone's mobile and there is nothing different in it.",1,2023-07-06 13:00:03 +Google Play,"I see the possibilties here. 1. I would like the block feature to, you know, actually work. 2. Id really like to mostly just the people I follow. Yes, i know, this is software in development, changes will come.",4,2023-07-07 21:21:55 +Google Play,"This app has massive potential, and even in its current version it's a Twitter heavy hitter. Hashtags and a message link to Instagram would be nice, and word is they are in the works 👍🏽",4,2023-07-07 13:06:22 +Google Play,"App crash whenever I try to post or reply. I can scroll, read, like, and repost as per normal. Edit: Status quo. Drop to 1 star.",1,2023-07-19 23:04:04 +Google Play,The fact that it forces me to see content I don't want gives it a one-star review immediately. I don't want to see any content from anyone other than the followers I have selected.,1,2023-07-10 16:32:03 +Google Play,Smooth onboarding and sync with Instagram. But please allow us to pick media from folder other than root gallery,4,2023-07-06 08:16:48 +Google Play,As an early user I'm facing some problem. This app stopped working several times. Not related but the website also haven’t enough info for it’s users.,3,2023-07-06 21:16:56 +Google Play,"Unable to open the app on my phone, the phone get stuck, and now unable to uninstall it also as the phone hangs and restarts on its own ...",1,2023-07-09 06:17:02 +Google Play,"Really a great initiative by meta, All about this app - i like the interface, very user Friendly and also i can log in with my insta id , that's gonna be make a huge difference i hope >3",5,2023-07-06 19:21:39 +Google Play,I've installed this app for 3 times and still get screen bugs. My phone is using android 9. Please fix it up. Thanks,1,2023-07-08 10:09:57 +Google Play,"Please DON'T DOWNLOAD this app DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME This app has same algorithm like Instagram and Facebook it's track location and put all the celebrity on the timeline I needed the people I follow, but this app is BS I recommend do not download this app all the young man out there, don't waste your time on it go and do some push ups instead of wasting time on it specifically young man work on yourself And I'm now sure Mark Zuckerberg matrix agent",1,2023-07-07 11:00:00 +Google Play,"It doesn't even work for me well, I always get ""Sorry something went wrong, Please try again!"" like I keep getting this error, please fix it! 😡",1,2023-07-16 17:10:11 +Google Play,"When I open the app, it got a stroke. I cant use the app because once I scroll it got glitched. Also can't see anything in app. Fix this",1,2023-07-07 08:11:04 +Google Play,I think it should automatically recognize your Instagram password and username. Most of us can't remember that. Have been trying to login for more than two days now,1,2023-07-08 06:00:04 +Google Play,"Totally insane this instagram/threads. NEVER had instagram acct. Downloaded threads app, need instagram acct to log in. Set up new acct w instagram Says I have an acct. Reset pwd Now cant log in bcuz of suspicious activity AND all of Instagram emails are in GERMAN ???",1,2023-07-16 18:50:59 +Google Play,"features that would be great: -translation -private messaging -hiding/ unhiding our IG acc -bookmark/ saves with categories -see the history of our likes -obv, working hashtags -hope it also has nice algorithms based from what we like obv -being able to save images",4,2023-07-06 13:24:42 +Google Play,"Lacks privacy options. There is just a private-public account switch, it doesn't even let me choose the display name.",1,2023-07-08 02:20:57 +Google Play,"A more than wonderful application, easy to use and uncomplicated, unlike many applications, it is wonderful and deserves more than five stars, thanks Mark",5,2023-07-10 21:49:17 +Google Play,The restriction messages are annoying and once they start you won't follow people successfully even when you are logged in. You follow on your endand the person is not followed on the other end,1,2023-07-15 12:07:32 +Google Play,Great onboarding experience! I already like it way better than Twitter. The app works smoothly and is well-designed.,5,2023-07-10 21:03:42 +Google Play,"For some reason, I cannot use this app properly. It's having a glitch throughout and it's annoying. The whole page is filled with glitches. Please do something about it.",2,2023-07-06 19:06:04 +Google Play,This app is awesome but I want one extra feature to chat personal with any person . If the meta team are add this feature. I will greatly thankful for all team of meta.,5,2023-07-09 15:49:17 +Google Play,overall good but crashes on honor phones if you try to @ someone directly.. edit: app keeps crashing seemingly randomly not just when you try @ing someone,3,2023-07-07 02:15:38 +Google Play,"Stripped down, zero ads, focused, clean, and overall very positive. Having a lovely time.",5,2023-07-21 22:24:49 +Google Play,"Congrats meta👏👏 this is an nice app and it has an aesthetic look compared to Twitter , well done !! But the logo is little annoying and any way your app is great",5,2023-07-06 13:34:37 +Google Play,What about privacy? The app is collecting all the private datas such as photos videos location phone numbers email msgs every thing this app has serious privacy issues i would never recommend anyone to use this app,1,2023-07-13 07:23:17 +Google Play,"I enjoy the app and viewing what is on it, but I can't even post on it. Every time I even attempt to post something it glitches out. So I'm just bummed about that :/",3,2023-07-10 04:09:30 +Google Play,"I installed this only bc I hate the new Elon Musk contolled Twitter SO much. I'm quite confident that many others feel the same way. I hope it's good, but at least it can't be any worse than the new Twitter. It must be hard to be both a genius and a dope at the same time!",5,2023-07-18 14:23:38 +Google Play,"nice. but i have a suggestion for you to fix the damn thing where when we delete our reply but under the post it still counted the reply (even when u tryna see it there's none) yes, that. pls remove it, thanks. for a better experience",4,2023-07-10 18:43:01 +Google Play,"I posted a thread with attached video file, but after uploading, the sound of video is escap. Hope this problem will solve by thread.. Very disappointed Naitik",1,2023-07-09 13:55:43 +Google Play,"I just change password from my ig account, and I can't re-login on threads. Even if I tried to logged out and re-login ig 2 times still can't access threads.",2,2023-07-22 04:39:21 +Google Play,"so far, so good. would be better if we could switch accounts like we do on instagram, with only two clicks.",4,2023-07-06 08:22:26 +Google Play,My Threads are crashing. I tried to download it again and again and try to restart my phone. But nothing changed....,1,2023-07-06 13:56:23 +Google Play,"this app is glitching, i don't know what happened but this app is not working. im trying to use it but it is always glitched. kindly please fix this.",1,2023-07-06 13:41:09 +Google Play,"Growing pains, but to be expected. Give us a tab or option on the homescreen which shows ONLY the activity from people we're following and I think you'll have a winner. As it stands, my feed is clogged with stuff from people I, frankly, don't care about.",4,2023-07-07 14:41:26 +Google Play,A great app as it gives great content like Twitter and a problem i would report is the app doesn't responded when I had to upload a post on it like photos or videos.,3,2023-07-06 08:20:32 +Google Play,"Where is the edit button? And each time i open an app it says ""posting"" not sure what it is posting each time i open it lol. Fix it up ya'll.",1,2023-07-09 15:23:17 +Google Play,Please give option to save images in thread's contents. Also sometimes it's crashing when I open an image in homepage.,3,2023-07-06 13:19:28 +Google Play,I guess there's room for improvement... My keyboard is covering what I'm typing... Is that from the app? It's definitely from the app because I experience it only on this app. Kindly look into it. Thank you,4,2023-07-06 16:51:16 +Google Play,"Nice app. Still much to be done. Surely need ""for you"" and ""following"" feature for feed. Smooth refreshing etc",3,2023-07-06 08:12:29 +Google Play,It's tied to Instagram... Uninstalled. I was hesitant anyway because of meta. Is finally woke me up Can't believe all the false positive AI generated reviews. Note: Im not a fan of Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 23:54:40 +Google Play,"Thread: The future of social networking is here! With its sleek design, seamless navigation, and innovative features, Thread has set a new standard. Connect, share, and engage like never before. Get ready to be hooked! #ThreadApp #GameChanger",5,2023-07-06 06:56:15 +Google Play,"This is a really good app, though when I want to upload a photo, it would be really good if I can access albums individually",4,2023-07-07 14:54:48 +Google Play,Very easy to use and people friendly. I'd like to see the upcoming updates the app would make.,5,2023-07-06 22:21:56 +Google Play,It is Absolutly true that instagram always do best for their user but after giving this app they do much better Before I use different different app for shorts and for pictures but now I use single instagram for all and i hope threads is also benificial for myself and now I use threads at the position of twi***,5,2023-07-08 13:37:39 +Google Play,"The home feed is just a tidal wave of unrelated posts by people I don't follow talking about things I have no interest in. There's no real search, or hashtags or topics. So it's a very unfun experience right now.",3,2023-07-08 22:30:43 +Google Play,Threads is such a fun app but yes it can do with a few improvement but for myself it's perfect the way it is. It's definitely a goodbye to Twitter from me 😁,5,2023-07-09 21:34:43 +Google Play,Awesome. It's is a nice alternative to the bird app. I think it is safe for teenagers and and very nice and warm user base.,5,2023-07-17 02:40:37 +Google Play,"Need to add gif replies major thing, perhaps some banner for profiles would be another one, live photos and videos, and DMS. Also major one trending topics, and being able to search for topics not just people",4,2023-07-06 07:27:38 +Google Play,"Love the simplicity of the interface. Video quality is dope too. Kindly work on DMs, Trends and Edit features.",5,2023-07-06 21:37:27 +Google Play,"So many bugs, the feed will reload under you, you open it and you're back viewing an old thread like it just won't let go.",1,2023-07-15 16:04:51 +Google Play,"It been barely 5 hours on the app and I can say that it feels like sugar! It's been a thrilling experience. Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg!",5,2023-07-06 16:43:41 +Google Play,"I can't upload photos or videos. Every time I write a caption, the application immediately exits suddenly, why?",3,2023-07-10 02:20:37 +Google Play,Whenever i open Threads app it is showing gliches like one post is scratching whole screen if i try to touch search or account it continues same glich please correct it quickly.,1,2023-07-07 16:40:28 +Google Play,"Do not download Threads. You will never ever be able to delete it, unless you delete your Instagram. That is 1000% messed up. Now I'm locked in a 360 deal with an app smh. I didn't want to sign-up, I was just checking it out. Now in stuck with it. So sad smh. The things they do. You can only deactivate. But what if I just don't want it. Why y'all do society like that? Have a heart, let us go if we feel like it.",1,2023-07-09 15:21:05 +Google Play,My only disappointment so far is not being able to use gifs when leaving a comment on a post. Awkward introverts need a way to communicate without words when brain stops working,3,2023-07-06 19:14:44 +Google Play,"its kinda wierd and connecting to instagram with no deletion option independly for it makes it look like a desperate attempt to stay relevant, even though its just been made",2,2023-07-07 19:30:42 +Google Play,Please introduce polls and also allow us DM facilities which can integrate insta and messenger so that we have one unique messenger also include high quality feeds now that we have more stable internet connections. Make sure to create a lite version in the future for 3G gen amd below. More feedback in coming days.. but polls and dm very necessary.,3,2023-07-06 12:39:10 +Google Play,"I'm unable to login in this app Below message occurred in popup with dismiss option after click dismiss app is crashed This problem is occurred in pixel 7 android version- 13 Error,Please wait a few minutes before you try again",1,2023-07-06 14:35:27 +Google Play,Add true black out black theme. Not this wash out gray stuff. Saw that iphone users have different black. Why didn't you implemented the same true black out black for android as well?,1,2023-07-12 14:36:38 +Google Play,When I make a thread with multiple reply inside it (I reply myself to make some kind of narrative). The thread isn't sorted by oldest reply. Sometimes it's just jumping around.,3,2023-07-16 16:50:01 +Google Play,"Amazing, I love it. Stop using the reviews to request features literally every other app already has and go use those instead. Let us enjoy this! One million stars.",5,2023-07-07 11:26:41 +Google Play,"Since day one I am using this app ... I don't know what is the use of this app ...whatever I post no one even see my post..no like no comments .. and now there is bug in this app , a am not able to see anything which i uploaded . Its showing me error. . Something went wrong Try again.. what is this now????",1,2023-07-15 12:46:16 +Google Play,"The apps has alot of upgrades to do, we need to know if a person is following us or not, we can't even see peoples quotes either. Fix up",3,2023-07-06 17:46:03 +Google Play,It was cleand and easy app. But i am experiencing a little bit of diffculty about different nation language. Can you add translation ?,4,2023-07-07 04:53:03 +Google Play,"Threads be like the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. A new application. We want a new opportunity. Why linked our past on Instagram to this , I was optimistic about the application at first, but now, unfortunately 👎🏻 0",1,2023-07-08 00:50:42 +Google Play,"It's very good and I love the simplicity of it, I can't wait to see what they add and the changes they make which will improve the overall usability of the app.",4,2023-07-07 16:04:06 +Google Play,"Works ok, but I'm quite disappointed. I cannot use gifs from my phone keyboard, nor can I post pictures, but I see others doing so.",2,2023-07-06 22:06:13 +Google Play,"There's no direct message, can't see profile photos, can't search by keywords or hashtags, full of limit.. I hope you can improve base on what i wrote above.",2,2023-07-11 12:39:27 +Google Play,"While it's still adding features, sure, it's not MuskTwitter and it's pretty close to the old twitter, so enjoy!",5,2023-07-09 21:04:39 +Google Play,So much glitch and lag... Automatically turns off and stops responding. Please fix this bug ASAP!,1,2023-07-06 17:52:15 +Google Play,Could you please seperate the recommended posts and the ones we follow because if you accidentally refresh and there's no new post it's hard to find the ones you were looking at as it gets filled with recommended ones,3,2023-07-08 12:24:58 +Google Play,"Getting x-rated posts immediately is not a good sign. Having to delete IG to remove this won't bother me, but might be a big problem for others. Privacy not good either",1,2023-07-07 07:13:25 +Google Play,"Always show ""Sorry, something went wrong, Try again"" when I click posts. Something always went wrong when I open someone's main.",1,2023-07-18 06:55:22 +Google Play,Breath of fresh Air! I never knew just HOW toxic the other app had gotten until I switched to Threads. It's only been a week and everyday it gets better and better.,5,2023-07-12 02:54:06 +Google Play,It has still a lot to improve as compared to Twitter... Many features are missing which have to be incorporated.... Hopefully waiting for updates,4,2023-07-07 03:12:42 +Google Play,"Super unstable always keeps crashing while trying to post or repost, I tried posting a photo thrice and it always says post failed to upload and crashes",2,2023-07-08 05:55:13 +Google Play,"Bad interfere, pls fix this for Android 9 version. I connot able to see display is very glitchy.",1,2023-07-07 17:43:28 +Google Play,I am the very 1st person using this app at Vivo phone and leaving a review. So exciting and hope that something interesting will be found from this app. Able to post photo using app in iOS but not android.,5,2023-07-06 11:21:11 +Google Play,Repeatedly screen blinks whenever I try to open threads. I don't know this happening due to my old phone or anything else.,1,2023-07-14 14:20:09 +Google Play,"I am facing a Glitch Error in this App since I have downloaded it and it happens when I swipe up, all the text scattered throughout.",2,2023-07-09 06:26:32 +Google Play,"Slow (4G and 4 GB RAM, Android 10) to load, can't save pictures or videos. Massive potential",2,2023-07-07 11:26:47 +Google Play,"New user of Threads. Pretty nice app. Much better than Twitter. With more updates & features, this app will be about as good as they come. Keep the features & updates rolling...",3,2023-07-12 15:25:32 +Google Play,"Love the potential, but for now it's a 3 star because the app keeps crashing when I'm trying to comment or mention anyone in my post.",3,2023-07-06 11:28:05 +Google Play,"Off to a good start. Instagram integration is excellent. Desperately needs a ""only people I follow"" feed though.",4,2023-07-06 06:09:16 +Google Play,"user friendly, i just hope it also display in the profile the number of followings, and the message button to start the conversation with others. nice app!",5,2023-07-06 01:38:29 +Google Play,"Missing a lot of features at the moment DMs, Gifs, following feed, save images and videos, bookmarks, a desktop site but that probably won't be for a while",3,2023-07-18 00:34:30 +Google Play,This app has a lot of potential and there's definitely some room for improvement. I just wish on the next update they would add the dark mode thingie,4,2023-07-11 18:40:05 +Google Play,The feed is full of glitch. Whenever I enter I only see glitches. But I'm sure it will fixed and we'll get a stable app.And then I ll rate it five stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,2,2023-07-09 16:31:26 +Google Play,the videos in my home page sometimes cannot be heard or they dont work correctly. im currently using s22. please fix it asap.,3,2023-07-11 09:49:41 +Google Play,"Need dislike and I don't like it functionality, to improve recommendations for my comfort. I don't like to see and block all the stupid celebrities ind influencers",3,2023-07-06 21:55:42 +Google Play,It's nice. The idea is good but why can't we delete our accounts without deleting our Instagram accounts? Why is there no DM yet? No trend table? Voice threads? A lot has to be done but let's give you guys time,4,2023-07-06 11:59:49 +Google Play,I never liked Twitter and Instagram for too much clutter so I just downloaded the Threads but it has strings attached to login using Instagram actt.. ooops. I have uninstalled the Threads and be happy without any app still giving 4**** be happy,4,2023-07-07 02:21:21 +Google Play,"Lol, tried to login with Instagram. They sent a 6 digit OTP and are requesting 8 digit code in app. Didn't expect meta to submit app with such issues.",1,2023-07-06 17:56:38 +Google Play,"I can't post pics. It always say ""failed to upload"". All my other friends didn't experience this problem.",1,2023-07-06 20:30:10 +Google Play,"Hi the app is very good ,but pleas update dark mode and bright mode options, if there is bright mode it's good to use on day time , Thanks and it's very usefull app",5,2023-07-06 19:05:10 +Google Play,I would give 5 star to this app but i am not giving because when I scroll the home feed all the text start shivering it is not working properly in my phone please do something meta thanks.,1,2023-07-07 03:31:26 +Google Play,"Sorry, something went wrong. This is what I get for a week, tried reinstall and clear cache. This app was promising at the beginning",2,2023-07-18 11:11:55 +Google Play,"A refreshing social network that I truly need! Hopefully, the positivity and good vibes from this app will continue throughout the journey.. Better than than Twitter toxic community app! Definitely must try.",5,2023-07-10 03:41:38 +Google Play,"A very great alternative to twitter we've all been waiting for, and it's really great that it's linked with instagram. I'm really happy with this and I can't wait to see where this goes.",5,2023-07-06 17:45:04 +Google Play,My experience with the app has been okay...... But everytime I Try to post recently it just keep shutting down..... Especially when I try to post an image or a Video,4,2023-07-07 07:42:27 +Google Play,"So far good in its launch but whenever I select a photo the app crashes, hopefully you fix this issue soon.",3,2023-07-06 07:11:03 +Google Play,This app bugs!! I reinstalled it like 3 times but still I'm unable to add pictures in the thread.,2,2023-07-07 05:45:57 +Google Play,"It's full of people I don't care about, I don't follow them yet still appear in my feed. Very few options in the so-called fediverse app.",1,2023-07-07 00:15:08 +Google Play,This app has a Chinese tracker built in. It says it's safe but it isn't!! I was being tracked secretly. My phone says this app has been using my location 24/7. DELETE THIS APP IMMEDIATELY!!!,1,2023-07-06 07:38:14 +Google Play,"App keeps closing when I try to comment on a post, I've read on fb that others are experiencing the same issue. Is there a fix coming?",3,2023-07-07 12:07:10 +Google Play,"This is so much user friendly than alternative apps. I generally don't like Facebook, but this is solid so far. Elon Musk sucks.",5,2023-07-06 23:03:38 +Google Play,"I like this app so much because it is well organised but you add some feature translation for comments,post, collection post and download for pictures so that it will be more easy to use this app",5,2023-07-06 09:46:48 +Google Play,"Its fine and acts as a really basic form of social media but good god is it missing some core creature comforts, like at minimum just being able to curate your feed to ignore anyone you dont follow or aren't in your relevant interests is a must for any platform..",3,2023-07-06 21:27:43 +Google Play,"Useless app. What purpose does it serve?The same dumb instagram audiences on this app, same type of content, nothing special. Doesn't even come close to twitter in terms of the content and the intellectual type of audience. Another thing to waste time on.",1,2023-07-06 11:50:49 +Google Play,"Im unable to use this app ,Im installing and deleting it for so many times but still whenever i open it there some glitche happening its have been more than 4/5 days i think still the glitch is happening",1,2023-07-11 07:37:32 +Google Play,"So far so good! Apart from a few changes that they've said are in the pipeline this app is very promising, plus it's not twitter which is a bonus",4,2023-07-06 23:51:08 +Google Play,"It's quite easy to use without any complications. I would say this app is the best as a replacement of Twitter, that's for sure.",4,2023-07-07 09:41:08 +Google Play,"It's a great start, however, needs some tweaking. We are all used to Twitter and what it does, so I understand this app can't do EXACTLY what it does, because it will simply be Twitter again 🤷🏽‍♀️. So hopefully this app will come with BETTER ideas for people to continue using.",3,2023-07-08 14:48:09 +Google Play,"great app, need tab about to see the following thread only, and explore of course, and need TREND tab so we can know what the trend or viral right time.",5,2023-07-06 05:41:59 +Google Play,"You have 0 control over what shows on your feed, and the algorithm seems to be very centerlized. It's just another Facebook feed basically",1,2023-07-08 20:20:51 +Google Play,Could you please make the switch account like instagram? It's really bothersome to log out each account because we always get notification for login attempt via email.,4,2023-07-06 02:42:26 +Google Play,"Has the potential to replace Twitter but so far it's missing a lot of crucial features such as translation, top comments shown on top, trending page etc. I'd give it a 5/10",3,2023-07-06 15:14:50 +Google Play,I literally can't look at my account and the stuff I've posted or the notifications. Keeps saying 'something went wrong',2,2023-07-18 14:22:07 +Google Play,"It's nice to have an alternative to Twitter, but I feel a lot needs to happen to make it a viable competitor. Great starting point though!",5,2023-07-06 13:59:40 +Google Play,"Like the purpose but unable to see any replies, likes, notifications etc. Just get a message saying 'something went wrong. Please try again'.",2,2023-07-23 11:01:53 +Google Play,Very bad experience withth the app it's shaking and getting blur over all display experience was very bad... !!,1,2023-07-10 08:38:17 +Google Play,I like the idea. But the app keeps crashing and it's incredibly buggy. Please fix it,1,2023-07-07 14:09:02 +Google Play,This is simply a thread. This app is immersive. This app makes you feel like a thread. A solid 9/10. Need to add different varieties of threads and different colours of threads.,4,2023-07-06 21:51:56 +Google Play,Good app and id be happy to move over from Twitter but i get *A TON* of absolute random posts from pages i dont follow and have no interest in. Just show me the pages i follow and we'll have a deal,3,2023-07-06 18:06:55 +Google Play,It should be having a personal messaging feature also.. I totally loved this app and it's just fab 😍 Just the above mentioned update can make it perfect 😃,4,2023-07-06 09:20:14 +Google Play,"It's filled with glitches, my whole screen glitches everything I open the app. And when I tried deleteing the threads account, it says my Instagram account will be deleted with it. Please fix it and I might change my review.",1,2023-07-06 04:37:35 +Google Play,When I try to write a post the app shuts down. It's done it 3 times in a row now. It's the latest version and fully updated.,1,2023-07-09 18:31:09 +Google Play,User Interface in Dark mode needs to be improved... It's not as easy as Instagram for human eyes....,3,2023-07-06 05:30:10 +Google Play,The app was good but still needs a lots of facility and feature update!!! And pls enable Multiple ACCOUNTS sinking options that you've made bw FB and insta!!!,3,2023-07-14 14:05:25 +Google Play,ITS GOOOOOOOD and there's still a lot more room for improvement. I really wish they'd add a pin feature! :'>,4,2023-07-08 14:58:06 +Google Play,"Excited and confused, it is almost similar to Twitter, not sure what difference it is going to offer compared to Twitter. For now one thing I am badly missing is an option to book marking a thread",3,2023-07-06 09:03:24 +Google Play,"I would like to see more features: option to have poll , add #hashtag , whom I can see Thier threads, option to edit a thread , option for reaction more than like , option to have more than one thread account if I have more than one Instagram account. All these are currently missing",3,2023-07-07 15:30:03 +Google Play,Annoying like Instagram. Spending all day muting people I don't wanna see. Can't change color theme. Like Twitter but with more noise and less control.,2,2023-07-07 16:18:57 +Google Play,"1) The app should have DM's (Direct Messages). 2) The app should be COMPLETELY End-to-End Encrypted by default!! 3) The app should have ""Following"" also, not only ""Followers"". 4) The app should have a dark theme like on WhatsApp.",3,2023-07-07 16:52:01 +Google Play,"It's still buggy on my end. Cant even view my feeds cause I might be using old smartphone, Redmi Note 5, android 9. Will change if its working properly.",1,2023-07-06 10:49:51 +Google Play,"Promising, just needs Instagrams dms and gif comments built in(also bookmarks). One thing they have fixed though is no auto refresh the moment you get to the top",4,2023-07-06 20:16:48 +Google Play,"Just a boring app, there's no discovery through topics, you just get posts from influencers meta wants you to follow, and not based on your interests.",1,2023-07-14 20:53:51 +Google Play,"I couldnt post or see other stuffs. The same ""failed to upload "" thing . I did reinstall the app again but it didn't work. This is not how you win over twitter",1,2023-07-19 11:30:47 +Google Play,Have notifications TURNED ON and ALLOWED in the settings yet not getting any notifications. Escalating this issue up higher.,1,2023-07-09 17:50:23 +Google Play,"I enjoyed this app so much. Its has a number of positive outcomes. Obviously I recommended this app. But Threads need to more improvement, like privacy, following system, hashtag and so...on. I hope you will fix it.",5,2023-07-10 19:49:36 +Google Play,Your application don't work properly. It's home screen will speedly shaking. Please fix this issue.,1,2023-07-07 02:10:47 +Google Play,"easy to use better than twitter. no bots or scam people on it 。when the gonna add some features like hashtag , trending more... it's gonna be perfect .",4,2023-07-09 05:23:41 +Google Play,What should I say enjoying using threads or enjoying sewing (🧵🪡) Threads 😆?. Jokes a part Really trying something new and clean . Hope the traffic and the system properties work okh in all conditions also don't want any kind of disturbing ads.overall Enjoying 🧵🪡.(Threads),5,2023-07-06 20:10:28 +Google Play,It's a nonsense app. It's true that anyone who doesn't have an Instagram account can't localize it. It's completely useless,1,2023-07-06 11:39:14 +Google Play,"Great fresh start . UI is Fine and app performance is ok. overall a good app to spend time on , really love new algorithm of reach. i hope this app get updated and not be an twitter",5,2023-07-06 14:55:09 +Google Play,GUI of app is very neat and attractive in the term of simplicity. Loved it... Suggestions: 1. There should be unread thread badge... 2. Unread Threads should be viewed by scrolling down... 3. Translation for all languages should be made available... 4. Top trending threads in the term of hashtags should displayed...,4,2023-07-08 03:30:42 +Google Play,Buggy mess. There are graphical bugs whenever the screen is basically updated.,1,2023-07-06 14:50:27 +Google Play,It's a simple wow experience. No chit chat only post and value and experience sharing..love it..hope to see new features in upcoming update.,5,2023-07-12 18:48:51 +Google Play,"Very good for a first release, and bugs are being fixed noticeably quickly.",5,2023-07-12 21:31:56 +Google Play,"Good app so far I have used it for 10 hours it's amazing a few things to be included in future update like messaging, tagging in photos.",3,2023-07-13 13:46:08 +Google Play,"This app is not supported in my mobile (redmi y2). It's like fully messed. If image option is there in this review means, I'll share a screenshot.",1,2023-07-06 08:32:48 +Google Play,Its okay but it wont let me post old and new photos without kicking me out the app. I also hate how we can only serch through gallary instead of searching through other files for inages.,3,2023-07-06 22:19:22 +Google Play,I'm getting serious glitches on this app. Texts and images overlapping each other. I can't see anything.,3,2023-07-06 08:54:20 +Google Play,"Appalling app. Impossible to post - ""something went wrong"" - and impossible to see reactions - ""something went wrong"". Back to Mastodon.",1,2023-07-20 09:30:14 +Google Play,Please move the post button to the top. My keyboard covers the button up on screen and maybe make the icons bigger or darker so we can see the functions better.,5,2023-07-14 09:52:39 +Google Play,Almost perff Pls add the option to edit the text and this app is golden! Love that it doesnt have DMs too. Reduces the oversaturated and unnecessary convos,4,2023-07-06 05:23:00 +Google Play,It's decent. No iPad app is kind of lame. I wish my 'home' feed had an option to view posts from people I follow and not random accounts.,2,2023-07-07 00:38:30 +Google Play,So far it's good but I think it needs to personalize your feeds and also had a Direct Message option kos I can't be going to Instagram anytime time I want to a have a private conversation with my threads followers,2,2023-07-15 07:54:52 +Google Play,"One of my main reasons for liking Twitter was to follow great journalists and hear and share breaking news, but since Threads has banned Canadian news I don't see a reason to bother trying it out.",1,2023-07-13 02:49:12 +Google Play,Can you please do something about options for Gifs also notification does nothing.. fix that. An edit option would be helpful as well.,3,2023-07-07 21:40:07 +Google Play,Apparently this app doesn't refresh by itself and keeps showing old posts. Even if I refresh it's incredibly slow to do so.,1,2023-07-08 12:07:40 +Google Play,"We need the translation feature that exists on ig. Also, it'd be cool to get the trending now feature or something similar",5,2023-07-18 00:44:27 +Google Play,"plz add a change between accounts feature because when i try to log in and out of accounts, the app crashes and has to be uninstalled and reinstalled",4,2023-07-07 07:52:35 +Google Play,"It's addicting. Great app for socializing. I hope you will add a #hashtag feature, where text with # is highlighted or can be clicked.",5,2023-07-06 08:11:03 +Google Play,"Can't see comments, profile sections. Constantly seeing something went wrong try again later. This is happening for the last 3-4 days.",2,2023-07-14 12:53:31 +Google Play,Need multi account same as Instagram ! I am having one personal and one business accounts in Instagram where i can switch between but in Threads there is no switch option !,3,2023-07-08 06:01:45 +Google Play,Great app. I love the change of social media space... I just hope the install and update options are improving.,4,2023-07-11 18:31:22 +Google Play,"Needs a trending/what's hot page, needs tags or a good search topic function, needs chronological feed and a following tab. Way better than bird app from muskrat",4,2023-07-07 10:45:44 +Google Play,People saying this is a twitter killer I think it will be both Instagram and twitter killer this app is fantastic but needs more features but I know head of Instagram said theres a lot of ideas on the table can't wait to see them ideas,5,2023-07-08 16:12:19 +Google Play,"When I log in to instagram, the threads log out. Vice versa. Because of this, my instagram was violated and I couldn't interact with my friends.I can't even comment, like or follow. Fix this issue because I can't open my threads, because I might log out of my instagram again and increase my violation.",1,2023-07-22 05:41:15 +Google Play,"Version 1 is ok Bug I've noticed is when I click notifications where multiple people liked one of my posts, the app crashes (Android)",3,2023-07-07 11:12:56 +Google Play,"This app is a great alternative to Twitter. You're not bombarded with ads in Threads. With Twitter, ads are unbearable even as a Twitter Blue subscriber. I'll be spending more of my time on Threads as time goes by because Elon has truly made Twitter even more of a cesspool.",5,2023-07-11 02:23:57 +Google Play,"My profile and activity pages don't work even after reinstalling the app again, not sure what's wrong. Is it possible to fix it?",2,2023-07-24 06:57:30 +Google Play,"Not a very well thought out app, looks like a cheap twitter knock off, plus like all other Marks app it will be full of child pr0n within a month or two.",1,2023-07-07 10:50:33 +Google Play,I just installed it and it just overlaps evrything I wish I could add a image here. Every option I open is getting overlapped and looks weird,3,2023-07-06 14:18:23 +Google Play,"I love the app but all of a sudden I can't see or make posts and even my profile is blank, I can't see my followers or following nor all the posts I have made. It's annoying",3,2023-07-08 07:49:44 +Google Play,"This poses no threat to Twitter nor will it be a replacement. No direct messaging, no chrono feed, no way to filter to who I'm following so for every thread by someone I do follow, I have to scroll past 1000x more of celebrity boasting & flexing & harbl-measuring.",2,2023-07-08 08:38:04 +Google Play,"I'm on Android phone. Why can't I upload a pic to threads? I could yesterday. Now when I try to add a pic, the app just closes.",2,2023-07-11 04:23:08 +Google Play,"There are lot of glitches happening in my phone, promninent one is layers of interface going over one another. Please fix this.",1,2023-07-06 06:03:26 +Google Play,"It would have been much more better,but it doesn't have a personal message option for users except posting. I hope they bring that soon.",4,2023-07-06 09:20:38 +Google Play,It's great but it could really use a trending tab in the search tab to search keywords. That would be awesome,5,2023-07-05 23:49:58 +Google Play,"Lacks features such as bookmarks, see thread likes, translation threads, and many more, please release these features soon so that this app can replace that blue bird app",2,2023-07-15 07:56:44 +Google Play,"So far, it's a really good alternative to Twitter. I despise Elon and very hopeful for this app. You need to change the policy of having to delete IG if you delete Threads though.",4,2023-07-06 15:29:27 +Google Play,I am really enjoying the new app. The interface is good and user friendly. The feel is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:59:18 +Google Play,Great app o also waiting to fix the hashtag option and trend page also will be nice if we can join same all our Facebook friends or follower as instegram and option to share any video to another app or downloa I have great suggestions to give the first all first 50 millions the Install it and use it the blue confirm they deserve it because they trust and make other trust,5,2023-07-07 21:16:56 +Google Play,The app is good but i think there should be an option for pinning threads on a person's profile and also the time that feed takes to load is slow,3,2023-07-11 23:12:09 +Google Play,Continue crashing when I upload 5 or more photos or videos. Update take time. Please fix this issue and add edit button.,4,2023-07-06 08:18:56 +Google Play,Pretty barebone right now although it got potential. I wish they'd let us change our handles separately from Instagram. Will be interesting how it'll fare against Twitter however.,5,2023-07-05 23:59:48 +Google Play,Not bad but still needs a ton of improvement. For example fixing the timeline.,3,2023-07-13 23:06:43 +Google Play,"The app is very good and lovely but it need some modification such as dark mode, DM, etc.",4,2023-07-19 09:45:53 +Google Play,"Need to improve a lot , unable to post a picture its always failing to upload , tried almost 10-15 times yet not being able to upload a picture",1,2023-07-06 19:08:44 +Google Play,Amazing app. It needs more clutter and improved UI. And don't forget to add Dark Mode.,4,2023-07-06 05:30:23 +Google Play,App not working all content messing up clustering into each other and text is overlaying multiple time I tried several time same happened please fix it,1,2023-07-06 06:14:38 +Google Play,Why u need to attached this with Instagram. U can make it an individual app. With the feature of reddit and Twitter. Also include the trending option from Twitter. That will be more accurate for threads.,1,2023-07-06 15:30:51 +Google Play,"Cool rollout with lots of room for improvement. Does give me Twitter c2008 vibes, and I'm here for it. Pack in more features, and that score will increase for sure.",3,2023-07-12 18:23:51 +Google Play,"Sounds simple, clear, and innovative. It would have been better if there hadn't been a footprint of photos and videos.",5,2023-07-06 17:46:15 +Google Play,"The app is simple, but why can't you save pictures. That's what was annoying about Instagram.",4,2023-07-08 09:29:38 +Google Play,"I like the concept, it reminds me of Twitter. but the feed won't work properly it keeps glitching whenever I try to scroll 😔",4,2023-07-06 10:06:43 +Google Play,Constantly crashing on my device. Need to split between followed feed and suggested feed.,1,2023-07-07 11:30:18 +Google Play,Very bugged. Unable to switch accounts without logging out. Also always crashing,1,2023-07-07 16:53:59 +Google Play,"The App crashes again and again, think the developer for to give it the testing team, and push it to live. I'll download the next public release.",2,2023-07-09 20:06:52 +Google Play,Doesn't have dark mode on android...the basic feature nowadays. Cannot open Help Centre. Terrible. Plz bring dark mode then i might start using it.,1,2023-07-14 18:07:57 +Google Play,"App constantly crashing when trying to comment on threads, also whenever tagging an account it's just crashes straight away. Huawei P20 Pro.",1,2023-07-10 17:40:21 +Google Play,"It's not even working just flashes texts and images evertime I scroll making it pathetically tough to use. For me, solve this glitch and take 5 stars that's all 🙌🏼",1,2023-07-08 05:48:17 +Google Play,"They need to add a DM button, saving a picture button, also people should be able to change their Threads username withiut changing that of Instagram and the profile picture too.",3,2023-07-07 10:35:56 +Google Play,"First make this app to adapt themed icons for Android 13 (Google Pixel) and INSTAGRAM TOO.... Please sort out the Home Page. I want similar home feed like twitter (Following and For You). Dont make this home feed like Instagram Home Feed, full cluter. Threads need what is trending right now, '#' has no value right now",4,2023-07-06 19:44:34 +Google Play,"If you don't have an Instagram account already, you cannot even login to this app! There is no option to create an account here. Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-09 23:03:15 +Google Play,very poor app and can't access it. They asked to access via Instagram and can't work. Not convenient app and wasted of time to deal with.,1,2023-07-16 17:33:25 +Google Play,It's good bt it's not better it needs more 1)twitter has editing bt u can't edit here 2)app crashing 3)where is the dm? 4) reloading the page...... I'll keep updating more bt till now I'll give it an 8/10 pls fix it mr Zuckerberg,4,2023-07-07 10:29:59 +Google Play,"Vidéos on my Threads app has not been talking, just watching movements but couldn't hear anything even after trying out different buttons that could help.",3,2023-07-07 09:23:13 +Google Play,"I think it's need more things like add music, filters. Btw it's a good social media platform . 🥰",4,2023-07-06 17:28:12 +Google Play,"Great app, awesome UI and UX, slight improvements needed, but it's the first day of Threads and I'm already loving it! :)",5,2023-07-06 07:07:09 +Google Play,No more constant twitter promotions. Wish it was chronological time line so I could receive breaking news and from only those I follow.,4,2023-07-07 08:51:47 +Google Play,Whenever I'm going to open the app.. It's not opening properly... I don't know what happening... Plz fix the bug!!,1,2023-07-07 08:09:52 +Google Play,Crashes like no other!! I could hardly. Post any thing without crashing every single time!!,1,2023-07-10 06:19:55 +Google Play,Worst app tbh as soon as I opened the app all the content was overlapping each other I couldn't even use it.. I installed it again but still the same,1,2023-07-10 12:01:42 +Google Play,"Not bad, just please make it easier to switch accounts. Hate logging in and out to switch accounts.",4,2023-07-08 22:26:17 +Google Play,"It is better to swipe left or right to hide or mute options, and please add a dark theme. Thank you.",4,2023-07-10 20:47:11 +Google Play,Buggy app. Image quality is degrading too much. Uploading video and audio is missing.,1,2023-07-08 05:41:12 +Google Play,I feel that the app coukd be better like having a way to show me threads by the people I follow not just one chaotic mess of tweets and replies but I have hope this will evolve into something brilliant its definitely been a long time coming thank you,4,2023-07-06 05:25:53 +Google Play,haven’t seen any bug untill now but the scrolling animation is too much laggy and it feels too much annoying. this should be 120fps like meta's other app.,2,2023-07-10 04:37:02 +Google Play,The potential is there but it's really bland and buggy. Feels like a early Twitter and is definitely the lesser.,1,2023-07-09 02:54:58 +Google Play,"Smooth, 1st gen, lots of features on the way, but very smooth.",5,2023-07-07 01:22:39 +Google Play,This app shows a glitch on my device whenever I scroll down to read more it just get hang and the entire text become unreadable,1,2023-07-07 06:25:49 +Google Play,Needs translate integration ASAP. No reason in 2023 for it not to be there. Update: Keeps crashing. Bugs galore.,1,2023-07-09 11:52:37 +Google Play,Can't differentiate this app with Instagram app coz they are all the same. I think I gonna uninstall it and go back to my usual Instagram app they binded together.,1,2023-07-08 06:53:55 +Google Play,"This app really needs improvement. Because after opening threads, my instagram account cannot be opened. It always sunddenly closes.",2,2023-07-09 10:58:32 +Google Play,This app is bound to fail. Most of the features are Instagram-centric. This app does not have any unique features.,1,2023-07-07 17:17:24 +Google Play,It's buggy. I opened the app and it immediately lagged and started bugging. I can't do anything.,1,2023-07-06 16:36:13 +Google Play,"i love it so far, although my only problem is that i can't see who i already followed back and who i haven't. but so far so good, feels like a safe space for everyone that needs a social media to be free from toxic people",4,2023-07-06 10:00:23 +Google Play,Love the clean app. Dislike the non-chronological timeline and the feed full of people that I don't know.,3,2023-07-06 00:42:35 +Google Play,"DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THREADS!!! Once you create an account with threads you are not able to delete just threads but you will be prompted to delete your Instagram account. Additionally, hashtagging topics or items does not work. Wait to sign up until it is a viable platform as of right now it's not worth it.",2,2023-07-06 20:29:13 +Google Play,It's a wonderful social media platform. I can link my Instagram profile and that's amazing. Well move Mark!!,5,2023-07-07 04:47:48 +Google Play,Provide edit function. I just committed a type. I want to get it rectified. Please provide edit functionality for a min or two so that I can do it.,3,2023-07-14 12:18:33 +Google Play,"The app works well, but I don't see myself using this at all until there is a way to see only what I want to see, in a chronological order. Or at least limit it somehow.",3,2023-07-07 19:13:51 +Google Play,Why is it showing you've been logged out of %1$s.the account owner may have changed the password man I haven't done it I tryed everything uninstalling & clearing cache what more am I supposed to do man just fed up,1,2023-07-22 05:47:34 +Google Play,"Really feels clean and smooth to use, unlike Twitter, but im waiting for the features. If they do, i think this will beat Twitter for sure.",4,2023-07-07 13:38:05 +Google Play,"Pretty good, but need to be able to see like numbers and a greyer theme would be better, current one is jarringly black",4,2023-07-08 03:55:55 +Google Play,A missed opportunity to give more control back to users and empower them to connect; zero options to customize my feed to avoid random content.,2,2023-07-06 15:30:49 +Google Play,I Def think it needs a translation button incase your following someone that doesn't type English and u would have to copy the sentence then search it up but all in all I love it,3,2023-07-08 10:52:38 +Google Play,App looks and runs great. Only problem I have is that I'm not getting post notifications for profiles I have them enabled for,5,2023-07-06 17:20:58 +Google Play,"So much better than the bird app. They are adding new functionality every week, just give it time.",5,2023-07-15 14:06:35 +Google Play,"I downloaded the application and logged in, but it does not work when using it, strange things occur on the screen",1,2023-07-07 13:59:50 +Google Play,"Just downloaded the app, I just hope we will get the translation option as I follow people who post in languages that I don't read or speak. Thank you",4,2023-07-06 11:44:38 +Google Play,"UI is not coming properly. It's blurry can't read anything. So, please help me to fix it asap",1,2023-07-10 01:46:51 +Google Play,"Better than twitter, i guess. This app will give you intagram-like interface with improved overall appearance than twitter does. Wonderful! Thank u Zuck!",5,2023-07-06 12:00:12 +Google Play,"Can't upload photos, don't know about anything else but whenever I try to upload a photo it crashes without having a chance to post",1,2023-07-08 20:38:53 +Google Play,Fantastic. Love it so far but it needs built in translation please. Thank you so much for a great app.,4,2023-07-09 02:15:18 +Google Play,I have a issue with this app please its verry annoying I use my same account for this app that I use for Instagram however after changing my profile picture on IG and my user name why doesnt it change on Threads also?Please fix the error.,1,2023-07-16 12:52:22 +Google Play,"Timeline needs to be with only people we follow. Also, every time I log in to the app, I get logged out from the Instagram app!",3,2023-07-07 00:03:53 +Google Play,The app is awesom.. but the srolling sucks.. in my device.. sometime before insta had same problem but after an update.. its smooth.. please resolve this..,2,2023-07-06 16:24:56 +Google Play,"Nice user experience, but should be improved. Add the following; 1. Edit button 2. DM button 3. Migrate Instagram followers seemlessly 4. Allow post pinning.",4,2023-07-07 09:31:57 +Google Play,i don't know why is it getting glitch!!! the page does not get loaded and so many pages at a time get opened!!!,2,2023-07-10 10:26:22 +Google Play,"This is way better than Twitter. But, I have an issue, it's not ""smooth"" enough, idk what it is. Also needs dark mode",5,2023-07-22 06:07:38 +Google Play,"Pin posts, chronological timeline of people you follow (very important), activitypub when, unthreading from Instagram in future. Please make this feature full app",1,2023-07-07 04:54:26 +Google Play,This app keeps crashing and states the password may have changed. I cleared my cache on my Samsung Android phone.,1,2023-07-06 23:12:09 +Google Play,"""something went wrong"" flashes followed by a black screen. Happens on 2 Android devices and 1 iOS.",1,2023-07-06 22:48:45 +Google Play,It's ok though but still there is no option to disable the auto-play the videos. Please provide an option for this.,2,2023-07-07 11:54:20 +Google Play,"It has a lot of potential but please let me upload videos every time i try it says ""failed to load try again"" on and on and on",3,2023-07-12 08:56:56 +Google Play,I experience random crashes sometimes when I click on the view replies button on a thread. Everything else is perfect,4,2023-07-07 11:45:59 +Google Play,"Good start. But the algorithm pushes a bit too many ru$$ians, and the app crashes a bit",4,2023-07-07 11:31:55 +Google Play,"A good start but but desperately needs a ""following"" tab. The way the feed works right now is not niche friendly.",3,2023-07-06 18:33:01 +Google Play,Not to bad. So much unwanted content in the feed. But very few scam/phishing attempts so far.,4,2023-07-08 18:30:19 +Google Play,It's missing some core features. But it's not full of fascists. Looks better than Twitter too,4,2023-07-09 03:56:07 +Google Play,"I hate Twitter with passion, but this one is so good and very interactive, my first few hours on the app I was surrounded with comedy and every content I needed, welldone Mark Zuckerberg",5,2023-07-07 08:33:49 +Google Play,Can you give a like button !! More accessible or by a gesture like Instagram. By double tapping the post...,4,2023-07-06 15:19:42 +Google Play,It's fine besides not having a chronological timeline. If there's big breaking news you'll miss it.,3,2023-07-23 20:11:30 +Google Play,"Need the option for switching into other accounts like Instagram, it's quite a hassle, after being addicted to easy switch method in Instagram",3,2023-07-09 18:40:43 +Google Play,The algorithm is not that great yet. Why am I seeing threads from celebs that I don't necessarily follow? It was nice for a while then poof random celeb threads appeared and I simply hated it. I wish there was a way to only see threads from people you follow.,3,2023-07-06 22:14:59 +Google Play,"This has been a fantastic v1.0 experience. App is stable, easy to understand, and has been fun to use.",5,2023-07-07 16:57:04 +Google Play,Wooooooow I love the original Instagram but this is a miss. Twitter has state of the art specs that threads has a long way to achieve,1,2023-07-09 10:32:37 +Google Play,"Was a great app for the first year, seems to have a lot of bugs but I believe it has potential. and am the first to review it🤞🏼",4,2023-07-06 21:27:18 +Google Play,"Don't get me wrong, it's a good app, but it's next to impossible to use on my phone, it keeps glitching like crazy, and I've tried as many things as I can.",3,2023-07-06 15:07:29 +Google Play,"Not good, it requires an Instagram account, totally unsafe, your public opinion linked to you cellphone number, your personal information made public.",1,2023-07-09 22:37:53 +Google Play,It's need improvement as It is very slow to check followers and it takes very much time to upload image or video and don't show percentage of upload in notication in ui,4,2023-07-13 14:37:16 +Google Play,Not even used a single second properly after installing. Too much glitch. Nothing is visible clearly. Please do something,1,2023-07-08 08:03:00 +Google Play,"Stability is terrible, app seems fun though. Lots of activity and getting plenty of support by users.",3,2023-07-07 12:34:58 +Google Play,i have an issue while seeing the data. contacted for support through given mail address but no response...... still waiting to see hiw was the application,1,2023-07-13 03:59:07 +Google Play,Excellent app. But try to make media autoplay optional. It consume lots of data.,5,2023-07-06 03:14:55 +Google Play,It's good. You should have a way to stop videos auto playing especially when using mobile phone data.,4,2023-07-07 09:59:19 +Google Play,Doesn't support all kinds of phones/versions on Android platform. The UI is unstable...,1,2023-07-07 12:52:51 +Google Play,Very good and addictive interface but sometimes it doesn't load any threads .... Which makes it frustrating one 😩,3,2023-07-06 09:08:26 +Google Play,"FIRST REVIEW ON THREADS ever. Interface wise it looks similar to Instagram, yet to understand the purpose, will update you soon one I use it, FIRST Rew",4,2023-07-06 15:50:43 +Google Play,Very great up! Theres a little bugs but it runs smoothly! Very very smooth. More updates please!,5,2023-07-07 02:27:51 +Google Play,Can't open a new account. You can only use an instagram account which I don't want. This is not an independent app.,1,2023-07-06 08:44:33 +Google Play,Can't sign up without an Instagram account. Not signing up to that rubbish app again. Will stay with the real Twitter quite happily.,1,2023-07-07 03:44:08 +Google Play,"Edited version: 3 star lang. There's no translation 😢 Aside from that, cannot edit once you click the ""post."" 😢😢",3,2023-07-07 15:39:55 +Google Play,"Hi dev team I downloaded this app, and I have been trying to login with ig as requested but it always fails saying there's a problem trying to be fixed. What's the problem?",1,2023-07-09 20:54:02 +Google Play,"It great Meta taking next stages about social media but there's minus that annyoing, yesterday when I upload a video it doesn't sound,I can't reply with media in comment.",3,2023-07-07 00:33:20 +Google Play,If you launch this app to compete the twitter then need to work hard ... After spending 30 minutes I found this app boring from logo to interface ... Near to me this app is only for gathering info nothing else ... This is a new way to find People's at one forum ... Twitter is far away from Threads ... Threads logo has threatening feels ... Scary 😳,1,2023-07-07 15:17:14 +Google Play,"I think it's very good for us bts army because we can share or know about bts information,chats, voting's notice etc.... And it's very good for knowing every small details about bts or any other k-pop group... 🙂",5,2023-07-06 11:49:57 +Google Play,"i think its an great app but lot of room for improvement. I hope you guys will add amazing futures in it like dm, hastags more and more feep up the good work.",5,2023-07-06 18:14:27 +Google Play,Glitch is one word for this. Couldn't use and explore the app due to shaking screen that pops up while scrolling.,1,2023-07-06 09:53:13 +Google Play,Works seamlessly for me with no errors. Quick easy access to the functions I use most often.,5,2023-07-06 06:55:27 +Google Play,"Uploads are failing, automatic 1:1 cropping of photos, cannot choose other folders than the camera's default folder",1,2023-07-17 21:02:24 +Google Play,"It was released 14 hours ago and I haven't noticed any major bugs, it has a very good Ui and very simple to use. Glad to be in the first 100k users",5,2023-07-06 13:33:05 +Google Play,i don't like home page. i just want to see my following content and theirs related. and more things please update privacy setting and translate setting.,2,2023-07-06 17:42:43 +Google Play,"Finally, a worthy competitor for Threads. Not that Meta is that much better either, but real competition is good competition. Hope this app succeeds to put Twitter back on their feet.",5,2023-07-09 03:29:04 +Google Play,"When i upload a video, i dont see a sound button for some android user, please fixed it. Overall its great app",4,2023-07-06 21:17:47 +Google Play,"Needs improvement while scrolling for older Android devices (Android 7) , Need a Seperate dark mode toggle.",2,2023-07-06 17:28:06 +Google Play,What a drama Because one app not start without another app. Mean that we cannot login without instgram. If instragram not open with out wattsap and .......... how long chain if this way.....,1,2023-07-07 06:52:53 +Google Play,Twitter copy but with few updates and different name that's all not good app crashes alot and nothing new or exciting just an app to cover your phone memory better to stick with old apps and play games,1,2023-07-09 14:48:29 +Google Play,"umm, am i the only one who's experiencing a force close bug when trying to click on repost notifications? it's happened all the time smh.",3,2023-07-07 14:09:50 +Google Play,"Super cool so far. Looking forward to them adding search, hashtags, and better feeds. So far so good!",5,2023-07-06 17:15:05 +Google Play,It's a total copy of Twitter. Infact Twitter has more features than threads like you can save photos in Twitter but this feature is not available in threads.,1,2023-07-08 01:18:30 +Google Play,"same algorithms, same content so nothing new. when all meta use same algorithms across their social media what's the point of adding another.",1,2023-07-12 20:23:50 +Google Play,"Excellent app, user-friendly, good user interface, easy access 👌 👍 😀. This new space is the less anticipated but best platform ever. The engineers ♥️ 😳 😍 ❤️ are wow 👌 👏 😍 👍",5,2023-07-07 07:55:26 +Google Play,It's very glitchy that I can't see things properly. It's all repeated and stacked on eachother whenever I scroll.,1,2023-07-06 23:18:29 +Google Play,"I would give it a 4 star bcz it's overall a good experience, but I hope it doesn't allow trash like they did with FB and Instagram 🙏 please maintain it standard",4,2023-07-07 03:39:56 +Google Play,I literally just installed this app and it won't even let me open it. It says the app is updating right now to try again later. How is the app updating if I literally just downloaded it?,1,2023-07-09 21:56:04 +Google Play,The thing is i was really excited to try threads but when I downloaded it on my Samsung tablet it had grafical error it was just broken I am redownloading it to see if the issue is still there if is I will edit this,3,2023-07-08 04:42:30 +Google Play,"Good, but I just wish there was an easier way to access specific folders in your gallery, or post GIFs.",4,2023-07-06 19:50:18 +Google Play,First of all it's great tbh of course it needs some work to be done but it's very new and u can report anything and they fix it fast how far it goes for me as a new app it's amazing,5,2023-07-08 11:06:15 +Google Play,Has potential to dethrone a big rival. I hope it does. But please introduce a translation function.,4,2023-07-07 16:46:12 +Google Play,Nothing special just copied some features from Twitter. It would be better If Zuck also copy hashtag and trending feature from Twitter. I am disappointed because of this🤬,1,2023-07-07 10:39:42 +Google Play,"We need a translate button just like the instagram did. I got a trouble to know the meaning of somebody's threads. He speaks japanese any way, i speak javanese, completely incomprehensible. So please add those button.",4,2023-07-06 09:12:43 +Google Play,"Why does this even exist? It's literally the same as my instagram feed; same people, same accounts, same posts... for what? I already have instagram. Also the terms are extremely invasive of personal info. No thanks! Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-13 11:56:29 +Google Play,This app is impressive. But if you put the setting like ig following and favourites. It would be amazing.,4,2023-07-06 16:26:40 +Google Play,"It's decent but why use data form Instagram Even if you have more followers from Instagram but moving to threads mean you probably have to start at square one, no limits here.",4,2023-07-10 09:58:51 +Google Play,"Nice but still has a bit of a long way to go,needs to have a separate followings timeline, and to stop importing people from Instagram",3,2023-07-08 09:16:58 +Google Play,"Not bad. It's a hybrid of Instagram and Twitter. So far so good, interested to see the reputation this app builds.",5,2023-07-11 23:17:19 +Google Play,"It's okay ,But not good as Twitter, i definitely know that only the "" Instagram"" users will use this app , The twitter user were not interested to use this app , this app only get the numbers of members but not the regular users, This app didn't gives us an interest to use the features, It doesn't have ""DM's , Hashtags and it doesn't differ the media and threads like Twitter does . It's a major issues to use this app. By the way , many people are using this app but it doesn't keep like this",3,2023-07-07 09:21:19 +Google Play,"This app need an immediate update for mid range phone, the app is so laggy right now, i know this app at it's very early face but fix this asap.",3,2023-07-06 10:01:38 +Google Play,good app but please fix bugs. theres a bug where it syncs your actuals instagram account it crashes a lot,3,2023-07-07 10:21:31 +Google Play,Kinda Clean UI Better Than Twitter but needs a bit more updates too make it Twitter level....maybe add chats and input stories and maybe a space update which was in Twitter. And for love of god pls do NOT ADD ADS IN THIS LET IT BE THIS CLEAN UI,5,2023-07-12 17:29:32 +Google Play,This is really good just not like Twitter! I really loved the animation while opening the specific image on Threads!,5,2023-07-06 06:12:34 +Google Play,"It's taking 24-48 hours to get notification for posts from people I follow. Also it needs a following feed, without it the app is useless.",1,2023-07-09 14:04:19 +Google Play,All the pages are overlapping for me and too many bugs..please look into this matter and fix it.Thankyou.,1,2023-07-09 04:45:32 +Google Play,Literal rip off of something that's better already. This is a clandestine safe space akin to qanon tards. A liberal blue hair safe space. No thanks. I'll stick to twitter which finally had balance.,1,2023-07-07 21:37:18 +Google Play,"Threads is like a child of Twitter and Instagram. It has similar features like Twitter. But there are no concept of hastag,users can't see trending topics. News feed isn't so customizable,user has to see some random post even if they don't follow that influencers.",3,2023-07-07 16:26:21 +Google Play,"The app keeps stopping, the replies on a post are repeated while scrolling then the app closes and it is not easy to find friend's posts and profiles",3,2023-07-06 19:12:05 +Google Play,"Still trying to hanging with #strings, it will be too early to sail with #threads #java By the way #fb is also started with poor features where orkut used to rock - where is the future now? Didn't like this version of T",1,2023-07-18 16:15:26 +Google Play,"I've been using from couple days... it's found good...Sometimes little lagging is there while loading/opening threads apart from that, all feels okay....cheers to the team :)",4,2023-07-12 18:00:13 +Google Play,"It gives you the option to follow people, but your feed will continue to display any post from any user on the platform making following people completely pointless",1,2023-07-08 19:43:01 +Google Play,"Can't search specific topic here. No trending topic, means hard to follow the life-trend with this platform. I only able to see random posts from people.",1,2023-07-18 11:50:23 +Google Play,"I don't want to see posts from random accounts that I don't follow, it's frustrating. Please fix that, and then I might consider going back to the app",3,2023-07-06 12:07:50 +Google Play,"It's nice so far. I would like to suggest you to add the ""download button"" on pictures and videos.",3,2023-07-08 08:25:00 +Google Play,I absolutely love it so far. I'm still gonna experiment with uploading pictures but so far it's so much better than Twitter.,4,2023-07-07 06:51:07 +Google Play,"Copycat of Twitter, lacks innovation, redundant n huge privacy issues. App crashes. Going back to Twitter. Support innovation NOT theft!",1,2023-07-07 16:32:28 +Google Play,Excellent so far! Really enjoying it. Looking forward to upcoming updates and meaningful conversations!,5,2023-07-14 03:13:21 +Google Play,It's app little bit good but they many bug's like ishu and also .. big link with Instagram. we don't want to link thread on Instagram.,2,2023-07-08 12:59:22 +Google Play,"Tamil language option is not available in the app. India is not only about Hindi, we have 22 recognised languages.",3,2023-07-06 09:47:11 +Google Play,"First of all, i don't want to see other people idiot horrendous thread post, second...don't make the timeline randomize the ordering everytime i open the app like twt :/",3,2023-07-06 03:12:43 +Google Play,Amazing experience so far but it really needs some basic stuff like gifs etc. I really hope we see more updates soon.,4,2023-07-19 17:29:26 +Google Play,Loving the app so far alot better than twitter even though their are less features the community is alot better and growing is easier and it is refreshing to have a twitter competitor definitely recommend,5,2023-07-09 11:52:38 +Google Play,"It just launched today, I would say it's not better than Twitter but i see it easily becoming a great rival to it probably in the next few months, until now i would say it's pretty good :)",5,2023-07-06 17:16:35 +Google Play,"If you're looking for a private, personal social media app for your closest friends, then Threads is the app for you. Download it today!",5,2023-07-09 04:11:45 +Google Play,Good app. The reason for the missing star is searching function only works about half the time.,4,2023-07-08 16:35:25 +Google Play,"The feed is essentially ""For You"" from Twitter. I only want to see posts from people I follow. Also, customization options would be nice.",2,2023-07-06 03:40:27 +Google Play,"It doesn't supports multiple accounts,I can't switch to a different accounts like I can on Instagram by double tapping on my profile.",2,2023-07-07 01:23:40 +Google Play,"I think I like this app it's very informal, the best thing is that there is no private message section, the most important thing is that I enjoy my time spent in this app",3,2023-07-08 04:01:05 +Google Play,"Full of recommendations and not the people I'm following, no chronological timeline. Is this a joke? Make a real app. Deleting until fixed.",1,2023-07-12 03:30:57 +Google Play,Unstable. Not able to even read anything. Screen gets blurr and cannot get stable.,1,2023-07-06 09:28:53 +Google Play,I love this app already. I don't need to create another account all I so is use my insta account and I can still follow the same people and it's straight forward easy to use,5,2023-07-05 23:12:17 +Google Play,"Fun, but lots of room for improvement, since its only a few days old will probbaly be much better over the next few months",3,2023-07-10 09:49:24 +Google Play,The application was not working well.when I was it's showing nothing just scraching.not proper working.very bad experience.better to use Instagram...,1,2023-07-09 19:36:35 +Google Play,"APP has glitched my insta, Cant even log on my account anymore on the mobile app. it keeps crashing Where the hell is the fix for this?",1,2023-07-08 19:35:41 +Google Play,"This app feels like I am using Diet or sugar free version of twitter, it feels so bland. The app is so desperate that it keeps recommending me out of touch content. I really gave this an honest try, but it just feels so disgusting. The majority of the posts that I saw were people bashing the thread app and its logo. Now I will delete this app in peace, and so I won't have any FOMO.",1,2023-07-07 16:04:05 +Google Play,Love the concept of the app but I can't post anything without the app closing down! Very frustrating!,3,2023-07-11 13:15:58 +Google Play,I rubbish this application. Zuckerberg comes up with applications which are not secure. Thread is just as good as thrush. Very useless app. Anyway I'm a First Kenyan to write this fact,1,2023-07-07 14:03:27 +Google Play,Love how there's no ads ... yet. Reminds me of old chat rooms in the 90s. It'll get better!,5,2023-07-21 21:11:59 +Google Play,"Not working smoothly, no option to login with email, it should be separately signup option without Instagram. Feed not working fine..",1,2023-07-10 07:25:48 +Google Play,"A new application, a new means of communication. I hope it will be a useful application for knowledge and not for wasting time",3,2023-07-06 13:32:12 +Google Play,"The app is continously crashing, I can only like or reblog, not write or post on my own, everyone is bringing drama from Twitter or posting about it and I see Threads is trying to be a mix of Tumblr and Twitter 😒🙄 Those of us who've been on Tumblr since '09. can't care much for it.",2,2023-07-07 08:11:33 +Google Play,Just getting the initial experience. everything is going well at the moment. There will be more changes and hopefully good changes,4,2023-07-06 06:47:01 +Google Play,"It's all good , but there is one problem . It is not updating Bio . Whenever I am trying to update my bio , it always says do it after sometime . I was happily using the app , but this made me very upset with the app . Do something or I will not use it .",3,2023-07-08 12:08:57 +Google Play,"I really like this feature! Of course, coming from Twitter, I'd like to see an explore page or a hastag page!",4,2023-07-07 04:04:39 +Google Play,"almost good, just need more features like gif supported, gallery pick, and smoother experience in android based phone",5,2023-07-06 14:09:41 +Google Play,I mean it's alright. It does crash wherever I try to post a photo and there's also no options for gifs :(,3,2023-07-06 13:33:17 +Google Play,"I dont know why, but i could imagine your logo to be rainbow line (matching instagram) on black instead of white line on black background.. but white on black is pretty too☺️",4,2023-07-12 02:51:35 +Google Play,Need multi-account switching ASAP. Something similar to the native Instagram build is ideal. 👌🏾,4,2023-07-06 01:08:28 +Google Play,"Smooth and easy to interact with. Every one is friendly lol, I hope it stays that way!!!",5,2023-07-06 19:40:37 +Google Play,Enthusiastic beginning but somehow it feels like Instagram revamped. If only it is possible to reshape it...,4,2023-07-07 15:11:06 +Google Play,Seems great. Still a long process to greatness. Please fix the notifications. I want my Woj and Shams alerts.,5,2023-07-12 18:50:10 +Google Play,"Twitter Wannabe. Please, at least provide something different. This is just a cheap copy of Twitter. Elon does it better. It's too funny that Meta is actually just copy pasting Twitter. Cheap copy. Weak. Useless. Nothing new. Where are the new innovative ideas. Boring and childish behaviour from a huge company just copy pasting another companies ideas. Laughable 3 thumbs down 👎",1,2023-07-14 01:48:45 +Google Play,Nice experience on this app. But it keeps crashing when i am posting a photo. Pls fix this.,3,2023-07-08 00:48:03 +Google Play,"It's still new and fun. Expecting more features. It's a knockout on Twitter. I guess, so",5,2023-07-06 10:29:00 +Google Play,"Good app, a challenge for twitter. Only 1 thing to improve in this app is to find nearby or same city and state people for suggestion list",4,2023-07-08 10:34:55 +Google Play,Very poor nothing new on it still Twiter much better and far away from this app.. I think there must be a new and smart concept to attract users.,1,2023-07-11 20:03:22 +Google Play,At this current form I am liking it. The interface is nice. Looks fantastic. Hopefully it will be better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 13:02:55 +Google Play,Major features are missing - 1. No hashtags 2. Search only brings back accounts to follow...it should show relevant posts. 3. No trending,2,2023-07-14 15:37:20 +Google Play,"Its really good alternative for Twitter. Would love to have features like pinning the thread , continue the thread after posting . This would be a real help if they could bring features like this",4,2023-07-06 02:35:29 +Google Play,The app is very buggy and the UI elements overlap on one another when scrolled.,1,2023-07-06 06:17:53 +Google Play,Buggy. Crashes when trying to read big conversation threads. Oh the irony. Said cache was full. Emptied it. Still reset,3,2023-07-07 13:55:51 +Google Play,"Already better than the blue one, It is a great app nice to use doesn't consumes data, Download, Join and Thank me later. A Thread🤌🏼🥹",5,2023-07-07 14:27:15 +Google Play,It closes when I'm writing a post. My feed is too random. The post button should be top right. Please upgrade it better :) it's fun tho.,3,2023-07-08 08:44:21 +Google Play,Bring in switch accounts like Instagram. Remove numbering in Instagram even though it can be hidden. Do something creative!,1,2023-07-07 12:29:43 +Google Play,"I deleted my instagram account years ago when facebook acquired it. I don't want to create one to use this app. Not to mention, my preferred handle is currently squatted. Anyways. Good luck.",1,2023-07-05 23:58:10 +Google Play,"Not Like Twitter, not even closer to it. You should bring something different from Twitter. It feels like we are using a copy.",1,2023-07-14 10:39:15 +Google Play,App crashes everytime I attempt to create a thread with 2 or more images. Otherwise very fun app,3,2023-07-10 20:39:03 +Google Play,Nice app. I didn't see many features yet and didn't see an option to add few accounts. It didn't get all my accounts from IG,4,2023-07-06 15:46:49 +Google Play,Some technical error unable to edit the dp or any new update in bio. Whatever is been imported from insta is non editable.,3,2023-07-06 13:46:09 +Google Play,The home screen just loads a blank black screen not matter how many people I follow. I thought it would at least load news threads day one.,1,2023-07-06 15:11:10 +Google Play,"Love the app, but it crashes randomly when I try to post comments. Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?",2,2023-07-13 12:50:08 +Google Play,No Translation Feature. I understand it was being rushed out but thus needed to be available immediately.,2,2023-07-09 16:20:40 +Google Play,"the apps not support on old device, have so many glitch on screen while ""scroll up and down"" and change to other panel button.",2,2023-07-06 06:08:08 +Google Play,Very bad experience 😕 all texts are shaking. At first fixed the problem and then realise again 😤,2,2023-07-06 09:00:32 +Google Play,"The app is nice and simple. I just have a concern, I hope the Threads that will appear in my feed is from the people that I followed so that it'll make sense. Bcs what's that point in following someone if I can see Threads in my feed from people that I don't follow. I hope you'll have an update for this. Thank you.",4,2023-07-06 11:21:11 +Google Play,App is lagging in my device(redmi y2)! Home screen content shattering so badly on display! Please fix this bug!,4,2023-07-06 19:50:08 +Google Play,"In light of the recent restrictions and policies implemented on Twitter, the emergence of Threads appears to be a strategically advantageous move. The timing of its arrival aligns well with the current landscape, leading me to strongly believe that Threads has the potential to surpass Twitter within a few months.",5,2023-07-06 14:05:34 +Google Play,"Everything on the internet is being connected to each other whether it's an app or a person, just waiting for the end of all these scenarios! Fri, 7Jul,2023.",5,2023-07-07 08:23:59 +Google Play,"So far, a solid alternative to Twitter, can't wait for new features and fixes that'll truly take Threads to the next level in social media",4,2023-07-06 08:32:10 +Google Play,"Meh, same forced showing of celebs, sports, and people you don't follow that Instagram does. If you could remove suggested content it would be four stars.",2,2023-07-06 03:07:32 +Google Play,It would be great if there are: 1) enable searching for keywords 2) has 'media' column on profile feed 3) show the number of people repost on a post,2,2023-07-06 15:07:47 +Google Play,"It's kinda laggy in my Android 9. Sometimes, reply box is covered by the keyboard layout & can't be scrolled down either.",3,2023-07-08 05:01:57 +Google Play,The app is fun to use but it keeps crashing. I have the same problem with Instagram too.,2,2023-07-07 11:54:18 +Google Play,Great app but no themes Only dark them and there is no data save like autoplay you can't control it to never or something I hope next update trying to fix it,3,2023-07-08 01:18:42 +Google Play,"I'm interested but keeps showing the same stuff, which makes me leave the app after about a minute and it's very annoying 🤷🏻",3,2023-07-17 15:58:40 +Google Play,You could have added an option on Instagram to post a thread instead of copying an entire app to introduce one small option.,1,2023-07-07 18:54:19 +Google Play,"There was no need of a new Twitter like app, instead Meta could've integrated the features of Twitter in Instagram itself just like they did for features copied from Snapchat, Pinterest, Discord, Tiktok etc 🙂",2,2023-07-06 06:01:44 +Google Play,There's an error when searching and in the following tab. The threads also cannot be translated.,1,2023-07-07 02:40:07 +Google Play,"The text is not large when viewing a single thread. Also, when I want to exit Threads, I wish to keep my Instagram account.",2,2023-07-07 07:50:00 +Google Play,Meta team you just provide one platform to login just Instagram what can i do if i didn't want to sign up through Instagram there will be other options like sign in through Google account Facebook etc.,1,2023-07-08 05:10:49 +Google Play,"Not bad so far, the only thing I had an issue with is you can't have more than one account right now. But I do love it so far not terrible. Credits go to meta for this one.",4,2023-07-05 23:25:55 +Google Play,Some of us do not want to use Instagram. Why is it necessary to access Threads via Instagram? Why there is no alternative registration/login without Instagram?,1,2023-07-12 21:28:59 +Google Play,"Can I send messages to people? I don't want the Instagram app, I want THREADS and it seems to be missing that option.",3,2023-07-06 02:20:32 +Google Play,It's just fun and easy to use compared . personally it helps have some feed for my Instagram so yay threads I would encourage anyone to download this,5,2023-07-19 18:43:00 +Google Play,no translation option and no chats. Please add these features .a lot of blue check accs in the home that are not in my interests .,2,2023-07-12 13:45:06 +Google Play,"amazing!! twitter would be cry. btw pls make a new feature.. like download media, dark mode, views count, tab following and explore, trendings/topics and hastags.",5,2023-07-06 10:15:21 +Google Play,"Give me translator man! Our community in Instagram is beyond borders.... Now we are having trouble to understand what our followers say! This is an emergency need 🦺 Overall, an amazing app 👍",4,2023-07-07 17:15:08 +Google Play,Unable to receive notifications of followed people's posts as I do with Twitter! Even with turning all app notifications on and pressing the BELL botton of each profile I follow!,2,2023-07-06 10:02:16 +Google Play,The app is soo bad don't install it because if u install it and then u wanna to remove ur account or the app you will remove the instagram too automatically so if you install it you can't remove it and twitter>>>>>,1,2023-07-06 16:54:24 +Google Play,Have some issues when searching people... Need more accessibility and as a start it's ok but need more user friendly option welcome u 1st கு app,3,2023-07-06 09:08:43 +Google Play,"I'm unable to upload any photos, app keeps on crashing, I'm using z fold 4 latest OS available.. 😞",1,2023-07-08 00:37:33 +Google Play,"crashed at least 30 times, every time I try to upload a picture it stops.",3,2023-07-10 15:16:12 +Google Play,App has been crashing everytime I scrolled past a certain thread. It's weird.,3,2023-07-07 14:15:01 +Google Play,I absolutely love the Threads app It’s a great way to stay connected with my close friends and share ideas and trends through text,5,2023-07-06 15:21:41 +Google Play,Fails to upload so often. Can't easily search topics. Hopefully thus is due to the crazy uptake and it improves soon,1,2023-07-12 18:58:36 +Google Play,What's the point of launching it as a mobile-only app? Stealing data? Lack of a proper web app is a major turn off for me.,1,2023-07-07 04:48:19 +Google Play,The app worked well when I installed it. Now it's closing itself everytime I try to view replies to a thread.,3,2023-07-07 13:26:11 +Google Play,"The app is good and all but I can't seem to post a new thread, anytime I try I get this notification ""your thread failed to upload "" please fix it for me",3,2023-07-10 11:39:45 +Google Play,"I'm giving 3 stars for now, it will go up if features like DM's, a better search feature, filters for what i want to see on my feed etc get added",3,2023-07-07 14:16:21 +Google Play,"Amazing app overall, but still is missing some important additons, for example, a feed for only followers/topics/better search...",4,2023-07-07 11:02:29 +Google Play,Please introduce data saving. This app uses way too much data just for tweets. I don't need videos to load or high quality images,4,2023-07-21 07:12:49 +Google Play,"Definitely new. Fairly limited, but similar to Twitter and I'm sure more features will come over time.",4,2023-07-06 04:35:33 +Google Play,This Initial Version Is full Of Bugs .Please Fix as Soon As possible. Thanks For This App My Dear Instagram Team... Thank you Instagram Team,3,2023-07-06 03:48:03 +Google Play,"I started by searching “Threads” in the app store, scrolled through some small apps unfortunately also named Threads (RIP to those, inevitably), and clicked on Threads by Meta. The app asked me to connect my Instagram account to sign up, and I switched over from my personal to my professional page – sorry, readers, I will not be revealing my finsta here. Et voilà, I became a Threads user.",5,2023-07-06 16:23:07 +Google Play,The images and clips are not working to save on gallery So that would be great to download it to the device,2,2023-07-08 10:35:04 +Google Play,"Love the interface, but can't get audio to work on videos using Android.",5,2023-07-06 00:59:41 +Google Play,Worst app I have ever seen..when i open this application it shows the multiple errors..many glitches in this application.. don't download it,1,2023-07-07 09:23:09 +Google Play,"The app is gorgeous, but I cannot have dual accounts like instagram that I can transfer between them easily.",4,2023-07-06 15:25:07 +Google Play,Needs a following-only home page or a better home suggestion algorithm. Maybe it just hasn't learned what content I like.,4,2023-07-06 10:16:22 +Google Play,"So far so good. Seems like Twitter but, i think it's better, especially when Twitter forced its users to pay for twitter blue.",5,2023-07-06 07:13:43 +Google Play,"5 star +😩, this app is so damn good, just some few touches like editing pictures before posting need to be added.",5,2023-07-06 22:30:02 +Google Play,The first few days it worked well until today. The app keeps shutting down & fails to open. Disappointed,1,2023-07-11 05:59:40 +Google Play,"This app has been amazing so far, Amazing UI, Good User Experience and absolutely seamless to use! Hoping that this will be a boon for upcoming creators!",5,2023-07-06 17:33:13 +Google Play,"Getting ""Sorry something went wrong. Try again."" error on all tabs except the post tab(works fine).",1,2023-07-20 13:25:11 +Google Play,App has huge bugs.. whom i don't even know or don't follow they post is coming to my feed and its irritating. Kindly fix this.,4,2023-07-08 05:46:24 +Google Play,Doesn't load photos. Closes abruptly. App. needs to be addressed asap as an update.,3,2023-07-06 09:48:08 +Google Play,"Well, it's one of the new best apps that you can share your expression on, but still needs so many features.",5,2023-07-09 07:49:29 +Google Play,Disappointing. People flood it with photos and videos anyway. I wish it was just text based. This isn't a text based social network. It's just another social network.,1,2023-07-06 11:55:56 +Google Play,I am giving it 3 star because there is no hashtag trend. Neither live streaming option. And comparing to Twitter it's need more features to go ahead.,3,2023-07-07 05:06:08 +Google Play,"The truth is that it is very good and has a very good design, but when I try to publish a thread with a photo, it takes me out and tells me that the app is not working",4,2023-07-06 08:39:52 +Google Play,"I can't see replays on any posts and activity tab is also unavailable. I just see the message ""Sorry, something went wrong. Try Again""",1,2023-07-15 13:33:58 +Google Play,Something is very wrong. I get just screens of tiny symbols and the occasional video post? So bizarre.,1,2023-07-06 08:35:11 +Google Play,"I'd be happy to help you with feedback on captions! Please provide me with the captions you'd like me to review, and I'll do my best to assist you.",5,2023-07-07 19:29:30 +Google Play,Great kick off expect experience and features will continue to improve best part no ads (yet) and highly engaged community.,5,2023-07-09 02:32:14 +Google Play,"Way to go! But can you include a feature where you can create Groups for things that interests you so that interested people can join and be a member. Also, can you give us dark mode?",3,2023-07-06 13:10:14 +Google Play,"App doesn't work. Enter username and password and get ""something went wrong, please try again"". Can't do anything or see anything other than this message.",1,2023-07-12 21:03:17 +Google Play,"Because Threads is part of Instagram, it shares the same TOS. This means that nudity is banned, which makes me happy. I had enough of all of the porn bots on Twitter, so Threads was the smartest option. I love just how much better this app is over Twitter.",5,2023-07-07 08:32:41 +Google Play,I don't see any feature that will attract me to stay. Clearly they are trying to copy twitter but without success.,1,2023-07-06 13:52:38 +Google Play,"The app is not fully optimised, if you go to upload a photo or video then it will crashed.",1,2023-07-11 16:56:49 +Google Play,Can not use the app. All texts overlap each other; can't read anything. Please fix it.,2,2023-07-06 05:26:01 +Google Play,Nice app like Twitter but with better ui and ux and the reason for 4 stars was please add switch account option I can't log out log in every time I want to switch.,4,2023-07-07 08:45:44 +Google Play,"Only algorithmic feed, no chronological. Feed shows accounts that are not followed. Garbage app. Dead on arrival.",1,2023-07-06 04:11:51 +Google Play,Can't create the account. Instagram account setup doesn't work from Android phone. Bad initial experience.,1,2023-07-07 02:57:41 +Google Play,I am not getting any new posts while on home icon. My feed has the same posts that he had about a week ago with nothing new added.,1,2023-07-21 05:14:08 +Google Play,"I wasnt getting notifications for my messages, I turned off this app and I started to get audio notifications...",1,2023-07-20 23:06:46 +Google Play,Apps not 100% works...sometimes apps crashed and ao many bugs...but i dont mind actually...hope mods can fix this asap,3,2023-07-07 10:07:10 +Google Play,"So far the app is good. I'm loving it. So addictig. But I request, put some ""see translation"" like what you did on Instagram. :))",5,2023-07-14 08:54:35 +Google Play,"i honestly think this can beat twitter, that app have become the worst. i fully understand the concept of this one. keep it up!",4,2023-07-06 10:43:28 +Google Play,No translate function just like in ig or twitter that is very inconvenient. Hope can add this function very soon.,3,2023-07-06 13:51:57 +Google Play,"Good app but few features lack like automated bot, ai bots and also hastags there should be an extra tab for discover. Thanks btw.",4,2023-07-07 04:25:03 +Google Play,I wish there was an easier way to switch between accounts (like we do in instagram) vs having to log in and out.,3,2023-07-08 14:40:05 +Google Play,"Threads desperately in need of updates. Meta constantly updating FB while, at the same time, telling Threads users to be patient.",3,2023-07-18 13:58:52 +Google Play,"Def needs more color. Plain white reminds me of isolation room. 😐And can you allow editing of posts, please. 😔",1,2023-07-06 09:10:01 +Google Play,Got app but it kept closing and refused me to set up an account no mater what I tried the app flagged me and that made no sense! I found another way and off I was made one post will wait and see if it gets noticed. As far as Facebook I don't use it much but probably more than I with threads will wait and see if they actually flag me for my one post ? Surprise surprise I finally decided to do a thread post and bam it never posted I didn't like Facebook much hate Twitter being run by Elon Musk.,1,2023-07-11 13:26:22 +Google Play,"Where is the dark mode? How could you miss something like this while making the app? OMG, I can't. My eyes are hurting from the light mode.",3,2023-07-06 04:57:07 +Google Play,"Best of Meta's app! Amazing experience so far with it. And better, than Twitter in UI/UX consistency!",5,2023-07-06 09:52:48 +Google Play,I like it but i think it needs a little more to it. Im not going to uninstall it i believe this app like instagram and facebook could do really good,5,2023-07-06 07:54:10 +Google Play,"its a good app so far, but i've some serious issue, is it my phone or the app idk, the app keep closing when i want to post more than one photo in one thread",3,2023-07-08 02:17:04 +Google Play,"When this app is launched Within the 2 hours I have downloaded it, It's amazing and one of most beautiful thing which I likes more is that it can link with Instagram both are good aaps Thanks Mark Zuckerberg 😊",4,2023-07-08 00:29:52 +Google Play,"Hi Meta Team, Threads app is very good. Its very easy to use and understand. But here i'm not able to use # tags. Could you pls add this features?? So we will be use #Tags in the our post.",5,2023-07-06 18:55:24 +Google Play,I'm not a fan of Instagram. I have to sign in with Instagram? Maybe their should be a Facebook option.,1,2023-07-07 20:08:09 +Google Play,"Worst app, I can't delete my account, the only way is deleting my Instagram account. Please take a step and solve this kind of ugly problem!!! WORST APPLICATION!",1,2023-07-08 09:52:45 +Google Play,"I'm very disappointed about this app. It's not working good, Everything seems ghosting. Contents are overlapping",1,2023-07-06 13:32:13 +Google Play,"was enjoying, thought great an app that will replace my large Twitter one that I stopped going on because of the bs. then 1 week into it, I get suspended with no explanation other than I have violated content rules( I had not yet posted anything, only reposted) and to appeal or even open app I must enter a code sent to my phone # only it never comes. So I guess I won't be on threads",3,2023-07-20 02:19:58 +Google Play,This is so friendly interface and easy to post our opinions.But we need extra features for example pinning...,5,2023-07-06 17:14:28 +Google Play,"It's very nice love the interface I just have one complaint and it's for the home feed To be more of people we're following, seeing a lot of random threads other than this it's Amazing",5,2023-07-06 06:19:50 +Google Play,Won't let me create an account. I don't want to be on Instagram. If this is a Twitter replacement just let me sign up to it!,1,2023-07-07 20:23:43 +Google Play,its pretty creative but it's crashing!! ill still give it a five stars and ill update my review along the way if necessary,5,2023-07-07 12:51:11 +Google Play,"The app GUI is crashing, cant use it. Needs improvement, device specific updates n bugfixes.",1,2023-07-06 22:43:14 +Google Play,Terrible doesn't even work properly and I don't like the regional segregation. Just bad copy of another bad social media app.,1,2023-07-08 18:18:19 +Google Play,Am the first to write a review on Mark Zuckerberg new app...wow😂😂 I had early access to it in the last few day and I think its great. When u open it u prompt to login with Instagram You keep ur same user name and you can follow the people you are already following on Instagram if u wish....or u can recreat if u wish. U can add a bio automatically import from ig... At a very first glance it feels familiar They not inventing the wheel here. The design is minimum it clean and attractive,5,2023-07-06 07:01:05 +Google Play,𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘀 doesn't work on my phone. It's shaky and unstable. Hardly can I see anything without blurring.,1,2023-07-07 20:45:51 +Google Play,"Simple ui and great in-app experience.. Loved it❤️.. It would be nice if next update includes: Data saving Mode, DM, trending, Hashtags...",5,2023-07-07 09:07:21 +Google Play,"Good, but it would be nice if there was a save feature so I can save a post if I want and I don't want to see posts in my feed of people or organizations I don't follow",3,2023-07-11 03:37:31 +Google Play,"I understand it's connected to Instagram, but being a text based app, shouldn't it have messaging features as well?",3,2023-07-07 11:31:39 +Google Play,"I like the community this app has and it's really fun to use. Just find a way to get rid of all the bots and scammers, it's a real problem",3,2023-07-14 04:59:26 +Google Play,"No option to see only the people you are following in your threads, lots of random people and groups showing instead.",4,2023-07-06 14:02:39 +Google Play,"The app screen doesn't update and gets all clogged up, completely unusable.",1,2023-07-08 00:36:25 +Google Play,Terrible! I scroll and all text and images leave trails and it just stuck there!,1,2023-07-07 11:40:14 +Google Play,"Seems very smooth, so far I don't see any bugs! Already working better than Twitter.",5,2023-07-06 01:54:54 +Google Play,This app will never take over Twitter until you're allowed to view posts in chronological order. Twitter is a news hub for most based off of what they're into. Who wants to hear about a player getting traded 3 days later when it instantly shows on Twitter?,3,2023-07-06 19:36:09 +Google Play,"please add polls/edit text, also improve the algorithm, i followed many people but i still get so many random threads that don't match my interest or anything from random people",4,2023-07-10 06:11:14 +Google Play,It's crashing every 5 mins i use it. Quite annoying. Edit-- now it's not even starting I am using nothing phone1,1,2023-07-08 07:33:43 +Google Play,"It's worse than Facebook. Only random posts in the feed, nothing relevant. Plus I don't see posts of the accounts I follow. Waste of time",1,2023-07-07 00:07:44 +Google Play,Not straight forward. Not clear where one post or thread starts and whee it ends. Very simple background. Needs work,2,2023-07-08 07:53:50 +Google Play,The seamless integrations between Threads and Instagram was such a smart move. Creators would be WAY less motivated to.,4,2023-07-06 19:08:24 +Google Play,A) we need a character count B) we need hashtags to actually work C) we need to be able to pin a post to the top of our profile. D) we need to be able to save media. Everyone shares and saves media. Wtheck. E) also we can't mute accounts? Sorry but I don't wanna block every single person out there. I use this for one thing and one thing only. And because it's new there are THOUSANDS of ppl idk showing up on my feed. Sorry but this won't ever replace twitter. 🤣🤣,2,2023-07-12 00:13:13 +Google Play,Login / registration fails. 2FA Codes are never sent via email or sms. I tried for 40 minutes. Dreadful first run experience.,1,2023-07-07 01:06:05 +Google Play,"Urgently needs a button to switch between accounts, it's a real pain to log in/out every time !",2,2023-07-06 18:45:26 +Google Play,"Required to have Instagram account as well? BS.... regardless if from I-Gram, should'nt be required to have an additional bloatware app.",1,2023-07-11 01:17:58 +Google Play,Yeah this app is kinda of wonky on my device... Theres an issue with the graphics when i scroll or change tabs kinda like runny ink or smudging of the pen,1,2023-07-07 20:11:06 +Google Play,It's a copy. Should have its own interface and features . Something new should have been introduced!,1,2023-07-08 02:37:00 +Google Play,The aap is although very good.... But the refreshment takes a long time... And overall experience is good enough.,5,2023-07-10 04:01:02 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😀. It took me a while to find the app because there is a different app called Threads. I suggest you add a link on Instagram for downloading this app...,4,2023-07-06 10:33:28 +Google Play,The UI is nice and smooth. Like the integration with Instagram,5,2023-07-06 07:01:50 +Google Play,I only want to see the threads from people I follow and not people I don't know. Videos automatically playing and I can't turn them off.,1,2023-07-14 14:30:45 +Google Play,This isn't working properply... The screen is dragging all way down and content is overlapping tooo... Someone needs to fix this,1,2023-07-07 21:08:44 +Google Play,I think it's a great app. I think the best thing about it is that there's no direct messaging and at least right now no ads. Right now give it a try. I think you will be happy with it.,5,2023-07-08 22:22:41 +Google Play,Love it! It's like old school Twitter which I love. Everyone is happy and having fun. And where I know that won't last forever ...it's just so nice. We needed this!,5,2023-07-06 02:40:03 +Google Play,After installing this app my Instagram and thread both have stopped and not working. Not even showing log in page.,1,2023-07-08 14:45:26 +Google Play,I liked this app. This app interface is relexable. Like trending option comes on twitter same trending option should also come in this,4,2023-07-06 13:57:55 +Google Play,"Shortly:Twitter better, more specific:small user base, app crashes quiet frequently, interface is too simple",1,2023-07-07 10:57:29 +Google Play,Seamless. But it's having an error right now. Maybe the birds are flocking over here.,4,2023-07-06 02:48:08 +Google Play,"GREAT APP!!! DEFINITELY AN UPGRADE FROM DYING TWITTER. NEGATIVE COMMENTS WILL COME BASED ON ZUCK AND ELON DIFFERENCES, ATTACK CAMPAIGNS, BUT NOT THE APP PROBLEM.",5,2023-07-07 15:41:25 +Google Play,Bad functionality and lacking features. Can't choose who I want to see. Poor knockoff of twitter.,1,2023-07-18 20:21:36 +Google Play,"Meh, it's just a bootleg twitter. There is nothing special and too many brands showing up on my feed. I'm going to stick with Twitter for now.",1,2023-07-08 17:14:51 +Google Play,"I can Easily share posts , videos, and Ideas, Outstanding app. But Minor Changement UI . And People Accounts. Add more Functional Things",5,2023-07-11 15:36:27 +Google Play,Application is not working on Redmi Note 5 pro . When we open likes page it occurs that home page is glitched to like page .Need to fix it.,2,2023-07-07 06:14:58 +Google Play,I want to like it. But it only let me posts pics for one day before going back to crashing every time I try....,1,2023-07-10 15:29:21 +Google Play,Stop showing me pages I don't follow. I don't follow them because I don't want to see them. Also.... Chronological order please. We all HATE your trash algorithm. 0/5 so far. Fix it.,1,2023-07-08 14:26:26 +Google Play,Most disgusting app. Twitter is far far better than this app. Wasted my time! It's just a text version of Instagram.,1,2023-07-06 19:48:49 +Google Play,The app is lagging each time I scroll it's blurs I can barely see.... Different post on each other. Pls this has to be changed,1,2023-07-09 12:39:13 +Google Play,"threads is horrible 😭 I can't see anything, all the letters r mixing up I can't see a single world. Whenever I open this app it acts weirdly, like so crazyyy!! So messy",1,2023-07-09 06:02:03 +Google Play,"Need more feature such as search by words, hashtags, an actual working top/latest search, etc then this app will be even more perfect",4,2023-07-06 10:26:26 +Google Play,I make a better app name of this : E passport Online. This app w Help you to make or create passport. Also you wll get passport so fast. Thank you.,1,2023-07-17 08:59:21 +Google Play,"it would be better if only the people you follow appear in your feed, and a translation option wouldn't hurt",3,2023-07-07 02:23:18 +Google Play,After 1 day use the app seems to be perfect and smooth like insta and watsapp. I think it will be a better version of Twitter 😜.,5,2023-07-07 07:16:16 +Google Play,"It's a great up,but I would recommend to add the dark theme as it makes a beautiful view when using the app as it's in Instagram",3,2023-07-07 07:19:05 +Google Play,"Give some editing options. Like crop image, filters etc... And option to edit Threads. Otherwise its FUn.",4,2023-07-08 14:54:33 +Google Play,"Really nice apps, it's free service will skyrocket in popularity, I urge you to update the system constantly to make it better, and best of luck..!🙂❤️",5,2023-07-06 11:36:47 +Google Play,"Unlike Twitter , UI is very good and no clutter. Basic and easy functionalities",5,2023-07-06 23:47:52 +Google Play,"It's cool, i mean, it just started so it could improve a little more like adding DMs, hashtags and the follow request for public accounts💥",3,2023-07-07 00:43:27 +Google Play,"Exceptional, this app would be far better than Twitter in coming years and for the fact that it's synced to Instagram is awesome",5,2023-07-07 10:51:24 +Google Play,So.. it looks good for now.. I do have one suggestion.. we need a translation button for us fans who are following international idols and actors.. so just 4 stars for now,4,2023-07-07 07:07:00 +Google Play,Don't like the scrolling. It still lacks features. User can't explore communities easily yet.,3,2023-07-13 02:43:38 +Google Play,Just wonderful. Except the suggestions. They should tailor feeds to language preferences.,5,2023-07-06 15:27:59 +Google Play,The app is nice but please we need a poll feature.a pin to profile feature and a direct message feature that's all.,3,2023-07-09 23:26:25 +Google Play,I am try login to this app but all time error show . I am unable to login in any way for these three days. Please solve this issue.,1,2023-07-10 13:10:17 +Google Play,"Needs quick switch between accounts, feed from people you actually follow and of course the ability to delete the account.",3,2023-07-08 07:22:06 +Google Play,"Nice interface and user experience Perfect substitute for twitter, Kindly work on thread translation.",4,2023-07-06 05:32:45 +Google Play,"I love this app, way fewer spam bots than most, great community. Needs a few more features and that's it.",5,2023-07-22 17:02:45 +Google Play,"Everytime I try to make a post with a picture the app crashes, sorry but I can't rate it any higher",1,2023-07-06 19:49:44 +Google Play,The app has been amazing since the first day. 😍 and the people who said it crashes 0r overlaps threads and stuff are the hater's,5,2023-07-21 05:10:37 +Google Play,"This Social Media, is photograpy friendly... I really recommend it, the algorithm is unique and friendly..",5,2023-07-06 08:17:42 +Google Play,I miss twitter. I don't like the data sharing and all that zukeeberg does. I wish my Instagram account was not linked to threads. I'm disgusted! How can people be so horrible 🤮,1,2023-07-07 18:20:02 +Google Play,Good We would like to add clips of the reals and more features and means of trend such as Twitter It is rather excellent,4,2023-07-07 16:14:32 +Google Play,"like the design, maybe give us some recommendation of account in our interest, somekind like explore in instagram so the feeds can be a bit more interesting to scroll 🤔",4,2023-07-21 11:58:38 +Google Play,My threads app is glitched. It is not working at all. I hope Instagram team will fix this problem soon.,1,2023-07-10 03:42:38 +Google Play,Hashtags aren't working and there's a limit to the people you can follow and like. It also needs some sort of explore or trending tab,3,2023-07-06 13:41:06 +Google Play,I just downloaded the app and I want to upload pictures it's showing error that I need to download the newest version 😕 so annoying,2,2023-07-07 12:05:40 +Google Play,"Its a perfect glitch app, i tried to reinstall but same problem. Just when i scroll down it starts glitching!",1,2023-07-06 16:32:54 +Google Play,I can't get rid of posts from people I Do Not Follow hoarding my page and I cannot put things in chronological order. Also this app just kindof sucks. I'm not using this,1,2023-07-06 12:12:18 +Google Play,Astounding app! Everything is so easy to use and is in one place. Keep the great work going!,5,2023-07-07 14:08:01 +Google Play,"so there is a bug in my device idk what happened like multiply the text and the other all off my phone ( Sony Xperia Xz1 Compact ), where i can contact the admin so i can send a screenshot or record what happened here...",3,2023-07-07 04:57:45 +Google Play,It's just ok. It definitely isn't Twitter. No hashtags and bio character length isn't as long as Twitter. Feels like a beta version.,2,2023-07-08 12:22:12 +Google Play,It may change the ecosystem of Twitter but will take some time.It's fun and enjoyable again we will waste some time.,4,2023-07-06 14:50:57 +Google Play,"No organization. I cant find the accounts i follow. You know what this app reminds me of.....oh yea, TWITTER!! You are not ready. Pull the plug and go back to the drawing board.",1,2023-07-08 14:42:55 +Google Play,The UI completely glitches out moments after the app is opened. Unusable.,1,2023-07-06 13:45:15 +Google Play,I cant see what I'm typing. The keyboard comes up and the text bar thing is under the keyboard. So annoying.,1,2023-07-06 13:36:18 +Google Play,It still lacks lots of features but there's hope for the future. I appreciate the competition it brings to the table.,3,2023-07-19 14:52:14 +Google Play,Been great so far! However I can't seem to reinstate hidden badges on Instagram...is there a way to toggle this function?,5,2023-07-06 11:30:40 +Google Play,Everything on the app gets hazy after i enter into it. I cant even see anything. It perfectly installed bt doesnt work,1,2023-07-12 08:11:55 +Google Play,The email account I used for my threads account can't open the app again and also since I opened the threads account my Instagram has not been responding like how it used to be,1,2023-07-08 09:51:00 +Google Play,"Won't let me log in, error sending video identification (I have fiber) despite inputting my 2pa. Day 2: no email reset for access to my account",1,2023-07-08 10:41:10 +Google Play,It's really very amazing... It's a new app so yaa it does require some improvements but it's good overall... Keep improving.,4,2023-07-06 10:49:00 +Google Play,"Love the experience so far, add dark mode and a way to save posts to view later.",4,2023-07-07 18:36:13 +Google Play,UI breaking all times and leads to infinite UI changes like old windows dragging functionality,1,2023-07-07 05:31:25 +Google Play,"Not perfect, but a lot of promise for the future especially compared with the brain dead bird app",5,2023-07-06 22:26:16 +Google Play,For me the app is buggy and the attach button where I want to post an image or a video is invisible (although still there),3,2023-07-07 04:04:10 +Google Play,Just added one feature of tweet on Instagram app and made a new app Why should I use another app when I can get all the features on Instagram I think this should have been the feature upgrade on Instagram rather than new app,1,2023-07-06 18:23:32 +Google Play,"Urdu is a very widespread language which is written, read and spoken all over the world. 1. You should add Urdu language support for South Asia region. 2. Kindly add increase font size option in threads's settings. I hope my point will be considered.",2,2023-07-08 20:09:13 +Google Play,"My first day on this app but its already entertaining,but it needs more features like darkmode,polls,inbox and something similar to spaces ,thanks for this app",3,2023-07-06 11:24:23 +Google Play,"my app is crashing, always shaging when i try to scroll the app, i think it is a bug. will change my rating when already fixed",5,2023-07-12 00:58:35 +Google Play,Do not download this app. If you delete this app after creating an account then your Instagram account will also be permanently deleted..,1,2023-07-10 13:44:50 +Google Play,"I've given 5 🌟 for a 30 minutes, find out the app keeps on stopping when png images uploaded. But now 4 🌟 until it's resolved.",4,2023-07-06 00:22:24 +Google Play,"Your app is good, almost perfect. We aldo need a place to chat with our followers like Instagram. Please we need it. Thanks Zukky",4,2023-07-11 07:10:33 +Google Play,So far so good... I just hope that the save photo feature will be included soon and also hope that it won't get toxic lol,5,2023-07-06 17:10:43 +Google Play,"Amazingly beautifu and user friendly app, just jumpt in hope there are no bumps ahead and it's gonna be a smooth ride.",5,2023-07-09 08:43:08 +Google Play,"Would give a 5 just cus its a good alternative to Twitter but waiting for them to add a trending tab, DMs, bookmarks and to be able to view my likes!",4,2023-07-06 19:55:31 +Google Play,"Why Meta why? We already had Twitter. This is another redundant app. Facebook trynna literally copy each & everything from its competitors. Needless to say, the absurd logo looks like some kind of pubic hairs seen in WCs",4,2023-07-24 06:49:47 +Google Play,All the texts get mixed up and I can't read. I can't use the app at all. It needs more development.,1,2023-07-07 05:39:06 +Google Play,"Being a Software Engineer, I felt this is very interesting but it still need more improvements and also need to make better from user side.",5,2023-07-06 10:56:27 +Google Play,"Needs a following tab, the feed algorithm is hot garbage. Every time I open the app I'm assaulted by 20-30 posts of pure cringe before I see a single thread from someone I actually follow.",2,2023-07-17 05:35:04 +Google Play,"Perfect 👍 Only one thing that is left is Just add the trending feature and that’s it ,it would be the end of Twitter 🙌",5,2023-07-07 12:39:37 +Google Play,"Booted it up twice, both times it asked me to turn notifications on. Yeah, nah.",1,2023-07-07 21:38:19 +Google Play,Very bad app i just download it and login on it but after that it start laging at massive level there is nothing to see properly on screen worst app i see in my life🤬,1,2023-07-08 02:32:35 +Google Play,Great start to a social platform. Only issue is the home feed is clogged with celebs and brands trying to gain traction by spamming posts. Hopefully this gets resolved soon,4,2023-07-08 17:18:52 +Google Play,"Why anyone would give this more than one star given how bad it is? And I don't care if it's just ""starting out."" They had a chance to make this good at launch, KNOWING their competition at twitter, take the good parts from twitter and IMPROVE on it. But they didn't. Also considering this is owned by FB/Instagram, I'm not expecting this to get any better. Already bad enough I see posts from people THAT I DON'T FOLLOW, instead of the people I DO follow. So much for a ""twitter killer.""",1,2023-07-23 04:16:42 +Google Play,"The compulsory link to Instagram, which is linked to Facebook. Well makes unusable to those who don't want to be part of every part of metas empire",1,2023-07-06 18:37:37 +Google Play,"My account gets automatically logged out of Instagram when I sign in for threads nd vice versa, it gets logged out of threads when I use Instagram. How to fix?",1,2023-07-07 14:28:24 +Google Play,"The app is cool But I couldn't access my photo folders It's a newly launched app, so there's still room for improvement",5,2023-07-10 18:46:28 +Google Play,"Too much, noise still primitive, can't filter my front page, .....for a multi billion dollar company, u can do better.",1,2023-07-07 11:26:42 +Google Play,"Great app, but I had issue posting on my wall. The app closes as soon as I picked a file to upload. Any suggestions?",3,2023-07-10 11:56:40 +Google Play,Can't upload any photos. It says failed to upload. I thought this was an Instagram app? Can't upload photos?,1,2023-07-07 18:26:47 +Google Play,Full of bugss as soon i open the app the screen starts to stutter how can u release a app that is not even in proper state of working,1,2023-07-06 09:36:59 +Google Play,Seems like it is blend of several social media platforms but there are many things missing but aap is doing good.,3,2023-07-07 11:51:58 +Google Play,"This app is terrible. Nothing works correctly, even on a S23 Ultra. Very useless. Not enjoyable whatsoever.",1,2023-07-10 20:01:09 +Google Play,The app has a cool UI 💯..I would suggest you add a feature that enables users to crop photos before posting,4,2023-07-06 08:07:38 +Google Play,"the app is good but there are many options and updates we needed like chat option , trending threads , report account , there should be no vulgar videos etc",5,2023-07-07 04:41:51 +Google Play,It's not working properly. When I try to scroll it starts glitching and I can't see anything.,1,2023-07-11 09:16:36 +Google Play,I loved this app so much but iam having one problem and this problem is that the app doesn't have dark mode in the settings like instgram,5,2023-07-07 09:56:27 +Google Play,It is working well as expected. I hope features that are missing will be added like DMs.,5,2023-07-07 00:35:45 +Google Play,Its exceptional though it lacks a DM section. And it could really use a for you and following selector to differentiate threads,5,2023-07-06 12:43:13 +Google Play,"I wish the ""followers"" were sorted according to the Time they were followed. It's just sorted randomly, making it crazy scattered",2,2023-07-08 06:52:00 +Google Play,"Please I can't go dark mode in the app even though I use dark mode on Instagram, hope you fix this.(android user) Also put pinned post and photo section to desiminate things",2,2023-07-07 14:58:30 +Google Play,"It just looks like Twitter but not as expensive provided there but it's a beginning, I hope for better.",2,2023-07-06 10:30:31 +Google Play,Accidentally deleted my thread batch from Instagram and there's no way to get it back pls update and add a feature to add back.,3,2023-07-08 13:54:05 +Google Play,I now installed and logged in but there is a bug inside the app looks the screen not stable and the writing shakes. So can't control it.,1,2023-07-06 10:59:39 +Google Play,App is very good.It is blasting the bug and not even allowing me to open my lover page and what not.I cant see the excellent app like this till now.Itbuas everything.I am uninstalling everything now for this app.😁,1,2023-07-11 04:59:52 +Google Play,"I am enjoying the app so far, but I would like an option to share Instagram posts and start a thread with them.",5,2023-07-06 18:41:54 +Google Play,Clean and sleek user interface. Easy to read and fast.,5,2023-07-06 23:14:22 +Google Play,The screen look shaky once you start scrolling can't even see anything properly. The worst,1,2023-07-07 15:31:46 +Google Play,I love that the team is working hard to keep propaganda and other nonsense off of the platform!,5,2023-07-07 20:52:03 +Google Play,"just installed it, it glitches really bad for some reason when i barely do anything. i can't access anything. please fix.",1,2023-07-06 05:03:32 +Google Play,The experience is good so far ...!!! Hope we get editing option on the post .,5,2023-07-06 15:13:42 +Google Play,"threads in my phone not works, if i scroll or move to the menu on the bottom the pictures and inscription are roll up, please help ?",2,2023-07-06 16:53:07 +Google Play,My connected Instagram account is crashing every minute. Absolutely frustrating.,2,2023-07-08 02:36:05 +Google Play,Great so far but video volume is not working...its silent. And please add an edit button! ♡,4,2023-07-06 03:07:23 +Google Play,"I can't see the POST button when I type past my keyboard, even though I haven't exceeded the word or character limit.",2,2023-07-06 22:15:18 +Google Play,The Scrolling is not smooth like other Meta Apps. I have to push the content up hard. Please fix this.,1,2023-07-15 06:39:15 +Google Play,"Enjoyed it the first day, but now I can't even open the app. It keeps crashing whenever I open it.",2,2023-07-07 12:57:09 +Google Play,Content on home is garbage. I need somewhere to see trending topics and things like that for this to be useful.,2,2023-07-09 11:35:40 +Google Play,Please try to upgrade this app I can see that you can't send private message to someone which very wrong how can a social media platforms especially like this no place of private message check even Twitter has place of private message,1,2023-07-06 13:22:17 +Google Play,The app itself it's awesome..but need improvement a little bit.. more features must be included also!,5,2023-07-07 07:45:52 +Google Play,"It's buggy rn. Please update. I can't scroll, the screens are laid on top of one another",3,2023-07-06 01:29:02 +Google Play,"There's still a lot of potential left unexplored. So much! First, fix the bugs!",3,2023-07-18 15:46:49 +Google Play,"Okay so the first few hours were fine and I was posting my threads non stop and having fun and gained a follower. But then a after that when I opened the app again it deleted all my THREADS and said "" Sorry, something went wrong. Try again"" and I had no followers , couldn't see my threads because they got deleted and I couldn't see posts on my feed. Very disappointed 😞",2,2023-07-07 19:11:04 +Google Play,"Full of bugs, followers count stuck, can't see others followers, can't see who's not following you, can't complete delete others mention on your thread, Instagram quick access disappeared...",1,2023-07-08 22:57:06 +Google Play,There is no translation option in thread for that reason most of the user can't translate foreign language into english. Mark Zuckerberg please set language translation program in your new threads app.,1,2023-07-08 21:48:01 +Google Play,"1 - we can't delete our account in this without deleting out insta account 2 - Even after removing the number badge on my insta profile several times, it keeps coming back.",1,2023-07-08 07:17:22 +Google Play,"Everything is fine but sometime may raise the issues. Glitch happened in my device, i should to upload the photos of glitch",3,2023-07-06 14:28:32 +Google Play,I love it already. Simple to use. I think you guys should work on the display names and usernames so we can be able to change the display name anytime we want. Thank you.,4,2023-07-06 01:59:53 +Google Play,"The worst thing about this application is that it is connected to the Instagram account, and this is not a good thing, because you will not be able to delete the account until you delete the Instagram account, and this is bad, but very bad, even worse.",1,2023-07-09 15:29:25 +Google Play,Edit : Thanks for fixing the bug. But pls make a website or a desktop app.,4,2023-07-12 13:22:05 +Google Play,I think it'll be better if another update for threadsapp would enable you share a video posted on threads to Instagram story while it's playing and not a static pic of the video as it is now,3,2023-07-17 21:10:47 +Google Play,Best app like Twitter but when need update about scroll button when you write long paragraphs yuo cant scroll up and down & you can't Edit pictures please fix it 🖐️,3,2023-07-06 07:53:49 +Google Play,As soon as I opened the app It got registered to my insta account is all good then once opened its having a blurry page wana change that issue please,1,2023-07-08 02:33:51 +Google Play,"Add some tabs like trending page , like and thread count, topics,lists like other things of tweeter and it will overtake tweeter easily.",3,2023-07-07 12:30:38 +Google Play,"I don't use Instagram, and this app only allows Instagram users to sign in. But I just don't want to create an Instagram account to use threads. 😕",3,2023-07-13 18:57:24 +Google Play,"Don't Download. After installing Threads and sync with Instagram, Instagram keep crashing and not opening.",1,2023-07-07 08:20:12 +Google Play,Intial release is fine. It's has to improve in editing option to everyone like an insta post.,4,2023-07-10 19:53:12 +Google Play,"the design is absolutely class, it looks really clean, smooth, keep up the good work Meta",5,2023-07-06 06:50:43 +Google Play,This is a good app and it can be able to replace twitter in future 💥. But is has few bugs on it also but regarding this this is a amazing aap,4,2023-07-07 14:22:31 +Google Play,"app is not working properly on my phone, it glitches extremely madly and it doesnʼt let me swipe down without glitching.",1,2023-07-06 09:12:52 +Google Play,"I'm facing glitch in this app. The screen feels jittery and unable to scroll. Giving this 1 🌟 , might change this in the future",1,2023-07-06 07:35:49 +Google Play,"After 6 days use, it's not good so far. After all that noise, Twitter still better.",2,2023-07-11 18:44:30 +Google Play,Something wrong with this app....kindly fix it. I can't use it nicely. Seems have a virus inside on this app....,1,2023-07-09 17:19:07 +Google Play,The app is behaving wierd. It looks like there is a glitch. The scree is shaking and nothing is working.,1,2023-07-06 17:11:14 +Google Play,"Old phone not compatible even if play store said it was compatible on my device, when i scroll it looks like counter strike sky box when you fly out of bound",2,2023-07-06 13:32:52 +Google Play,Feels like an older version of Twitter. Threads on the public feed are somewhat facile. Waiting for more integrations before updating this review.,2,2023-07-07 20:00:44 +Google Play,I'm not satisfy this app because this app blur on my phone screen can you solve this problem because I see this problem in every time in phone I can't understand what can I do on this situation,1,2023-07-08 04:00:24 +Google Play,I like the app. But there is something wrong when I am uploading a pictures. It keeps crashing 🥲🥲,4,2023-07-08 06:18:37 +Google Play,So many lacking features that need to be integrated. Even I updated the app already it's still lagging.,3,2023-07-22 21:03:07 +Google Play,"Frustrating! I don't have, and don't want, an Instagram account, so I can't use the App...",1,2023-07-07 08:26:21 +Google Play,"If I don't have / want an Instagram account so I can't login, that's not acceptable. I am uninstalling the app.",1,2023-07-09 19:57:41 +Google Play,I think it's a great idea that thread has no DM. If it could be kept that way! Besides thie app is cool like that.,4,2023-07-07 08:38:08 +Google Play,"I cannot post photos with videos and cannot post single video or reply with videos. Always failed, please fix ASAP",1,2023-07-11 09:23:32 +Google Play,"Fair- Everytime trying to start a ""thread"" and when I try post or add a photo it kicks me out completely.",2,2023-07-12 18:08:27 +Google Play,"Seems like a good start. Hoping to see more improvements. Overall, solid experience",4,2023-07-07 13:33:29 +Google Play,"I really don't see the point in this app. Also, I really don't like how you can't delete your Threads account without deleting your Instagram..",2,2023-07-13 15:41:40 +Google Play,"Unable to use without Instagram. I don't like Instagram, so I guess I have to go away, and install Twitter instead.",1,2023-07-16 01:18:53 +Google Play,"Although everything is fine but please add the feature of switching accounts in @Threads, an Instagram app, too like that in Instagram",4,2023-07-06 14:34:06 +Google Play,"Guys, this app keeps glitching, META fix this ASAP, cuz the app has great potential and an amazing UI, so please work on it.",1,2023-07-07 00:12:55 +Google Play,HORRIBLE buggy bad wannabe twitter. Drains battery bug. Heats up all devices. Interferes with wifi and mobile network settings. Ignores permission denials. Breaks privacy apps settings. This should be banned and illegal. Horrible. Google play should be ashamed.,1,2023-07-13 05:37:41 +Google Play,"So far I love it..clean interface, 5 minute videos, 500 character limit, import your Instagram details with a few clicks, follow your Instagram followers with one click, the ability to post to mastadom coming..I think Twitter is dead and zuckerberg and Meta have a winner 🏆",5,2023-07-06 07:56:13 +Google Play,So far this app is amazing as a new bie sweet and smooth.. hashtags only seems not to be functioning yet.,5,2023-07-06 17:52:24 +Google Play,"Don't know what's up with the app, when I try replying to someone's thread with a pic. The app just automatically closes.??",2,2023-07-09 11:10:05 +Google Play,It does not work in dark mode of android.screen overlapping each other .fix this glitch ASAP.,1,2023-07-09 05:01:39 +Google Play,I can't upload photos I have no idea why. Please do fix this bug for me so I have more reasons to stay in this app,1,2023-07-06 06:46:03 +Google Play,Main problem with threads is its feeds... It doesn't show from people u follow...kindly allow to show feeds only from people we follow..no translation for different languages,1,2023-07-06 16:58:55 +Google Play,A lot better than Twitter. Runs a lot more smoothly and you don't get the random nudity which is A LOT better.,5,2023-07-09 05:55:40 +Google Play,It should be linked together with IG so we can jump from Thread to Instagram without closing any app to log on another app.,5,2023-07-07 12:13:25 +Google Play,Slow and stopped responding. But moreover just boring. And I don't need Facebook tracking yet another thing about me.,1,2023-07-08 07:35:12 +Google Play,Shows posts from random popular pages I'm not interested in instead of posts for the pages I follow!! Please fix this asap!!,1,2023-07-13 01:05:49 +Google Play,Useless app can't even see single word on screen due to glitch.everything is overlap on each other.,1,2023-07-19 13:11:07 +Google Play,It has glitches on my phone and i have not yet been able to make it work. Overall experience so far 3/10,2,2023-07-06 18:48:16 +Google Play,This app just seems like the lite version of Twitter after the collab with Instagram. Could have been better.,1,2023-07-08 04:18:34 +Google Play,"I really like this application because his interface is really impressed me , this app is very smooth and easy to use",5,2023-07-06 07:13:14 +Google Play,"Can we fix the scrolling on the activity screen? I cant scroll down! Other than that, looks pretty cool.",3,2023-07-08 14:30:27 +Google Play,"Those having issues, have issues everywhere else in life. App works fine just as intended.",5,2023-07-08 19:09:30 +Google Play,I dunno what happened but can you bring back my account?? like fr my threads suddenly got disabled and now even my Instagram account was disabled.. seriously I shouldn't have downloaded this app if I know what's gonna happen,1,2023-07-14 16:42:03 +Google Play,I hope there'll be options on switching from your followers (friends) posts versus the pages or public figure you follow so that the Home will not be too overcrowded.,3,2023-07-07 07:01:06 +Google Play,I am not downloading this new app. Unless Facebook gives its creators the opportunity to live chat with the administration in any problem. YouTube gives all opportunities to its creators but Facebook doesn't and bans them immediately,1,2023-07-07 01:56:48 +Google Play,The app is phenomenal! Everyone's just so positive. Can't wait to see how it will turn out. Would love to have a translate button on it.,5,2023-07-06 23:40:16 +Google Play,While scrolling the page all the pages are ovearloaded I can't use the app properly it makes bad impression on the app,1,2023-07-11 17:19:09 +Google Play,You can't see the text input window when replying. It is covered by the keyboard making it so you can't see what you are typing.,1,2023-07-10 14:23:43 +Google Play,It is great app since it is not complicated and easy to use without any unnecessary options that hinders your undeniable experience from this app.,5,2023-07-16 14:02:19 +Google Play,"Best Experience so far on social media!! Pls help me on this one. When I post a video, I don't get any audio on it. Pls help",5,2023-07-06 12:32:45 +Google Play,Can't post any pictures. Why can some people post photos but I can't? Definitely reflecting my rating of this app!,2,2023-07-07 01:24:43 +Google Play,I'm really impressed with Threads. It's a great new social media app that I highly recommend.,5,2023-07-06 05:12:14 +Google Play,Installed this on day first of its launch. This app is undoubtedly good but needs a lot of improvements yet. Keep it up.,4,2023-07-06 00:41:06 +Google Play,A combination of ig and twitter nice but need translations for every language for better interactions.,3,2023-07-09 03:17:59 +Google Play,I wish we couldn't save pictures and videos...use Instagram colors on the repost sign to show a repost was done ...also add trending topics somewhere,4,2023-07-06 09:08:12 +Google Play,Crashes when uploading a picture so what's the point in the app. Shouldn't of rushed getting it out,1,2023-07-10 08:33:12 +Google Play,"accounts i don't follow are showing up instead of people i do follow, the only way to see their posts is to go to their account. fix the app and I'll change my review but i am not happy otherwise.",4,2023-07-14 20:06:56 +Google Play,"As social media aps go, this is awful. You would expect better with all of the trial an error our civilization has had over the last 20 years.",1,2023-07-12 12:29:50 +Google Play,App is full of Bug and glitch Not optimised at all Specifically when phone is set to dark mode,1,2023-07-06 17:35:40 +Google Play,Until now I have not faced any problems regarding its usage and good thing is that it doesn't contain any type of ads on it.,4,2023-07-09 18:16:29 +Google Play,There are many things missing in this app: 1. Trends 2. Search for tweets 3. Direct massage 4. Save option for photos,1,2023-07-07 12:22:04 +Google Play,I will change my rate when: 1- Dark mode works on my app 2- when I only see people I follow in my wall and 3- when I can search for posts instead of only profiles,1,2023-07-06 06:34:09 +Google Play,Too early to say but I like the interface. A bit slow though. Will share more in coming days. Follow @baloch_travelogue,4,2023-07-06 05:41:44 +Google Play,"it has great potential, needs a few big fixes still and I'm begging for a following tab/page.",3,2023-07-07 12:39:10 +Google Play,Yo the app doesn't work for days now. Tried re-installing. Everything keeps pasting on top of each other,1,2023-07-08 16:02:25 +Google Play,"I like that it doesn't show like count but number of replies. Social Media is about community, not popularity. Good job Instagram and Meta!",5,2023-07-06 11:58:47 +Google Play,"I know this will get added soon because the app is still new, but having an option to translate threads would be helpful!",5,2023-07-06 07:01:40 +Google Play,Installed and immediately deleted it. App full of bugs. Cheap copy of Twitter. Don't even try this garbage 🤮,1,2023-07-06 09:07:06 +Google Play,I think Threads need a massage option to connect with others easily. Thank you.,3,2023-07-06 08:42:47 +Google Play,"annoying glitch every time I am typing something, the app would suddenly closed and everything I just typed would be gone.",2,2023-07-17 15:02:00 +Google Play,"I had Awesome Experience using, User Interface is simple, No Fake Accounts, Bots Trolls etc.. like on Twitter hope this app will Replace Twitter and Be A Better Alternative.",5,2023-07-09 20:14:00 +Google Play,App has way too many phone permissions. No way to turn off or delete without removing Instagram.,1,2023-07-10 03:09:36 +Google Play,"Buggy on redmi 8, the display is overlapping when i change the tab, same case when i scroll it.",1,2023-07-07 22:47:06 +Google Play,App crashes every time I try to attach a photo! I know the app is new so thats why 3 stars instead of 1 😩,3,2023-07-06 01:14:26 +Google Play,Not good. You just doing copy paste of Twitter layout. do something new if you have otherwise don't waste your time and money.,1,2023-07-19 16:03:38 +Google Play,"Lots of potential here, but it's a bit bare right now in features. I hope you make a separate tab for who you follow.",4,2023-07-08 07:51:39 +Google Play,"Needs work on not logging you out of instagram and vice versa, cos of the constant switching I'm now locked out of instagram and can't log back in",2,2023-07-07 12:20:13 +Google Play,Tooo much glitch at one time. Even I can't use this app when I login and open this app my screen just glitching just fix this issue,1,2023-07-06 12:19:29 +Google Play,Sir it's good but in my phone sir always happening crash problem sir whenever I am opening my threads app always crash happens plz 🙏 solve this problem sir as soon as possible...,2,2023-07-07 19:43:29 +Google Play,"Never thought I would be installing a meta app on my phone but the fumes coming off the cesspool at the original ""internet town square"" is becoming too much.",5,2023-07-07 18:05:18 +Google Play,"I loved this new, Elmo-free social media app until yesterday 13 July, when it started crashing every time I open it.",1,2023-07-14 14:49:59 +Google Play,The experience was not good. It is just second copy of Twitter..it was not expected that u have a app like insta still u are copying others..very dissapointing q,1,2023-07-11 04:56:50 +Google Play,Still a lot of improvements to make. But it's looking fast with great UX so far.,3,2023-07-06 06:23:01 +Google Play,#Threads not a copy of #Twitter it's different from Twitter their is more option than Twitter 500 letter option is on threads and even at a time we can upload 10 photography it's looking good and on 8 to 9 hours it's followers has reached on top of any social media great to have threads Thanks a lot to the whole team of threads and also to Mark Zuckerberg thanks a lot for give world such a beautiful social media apps #Threads,5,2023-07-07 19:56:42 +Google Play,"Very bad experience having till now . Not able to scroll the window it's lagg a lot , please go further and help me out",1,2023-07-06 02:07:47 +Google Play,"Currently unusable, everytime I open threads and scroll up and down, the UIs and Texts keeps multiplying like India's population rate",1,2023-07-06 16:25:24 +Google Play,"Well too Simple to use, yet reponse is good. Glad to know, one of few countries, we are experiencing it now!",5,2023-07-06 06:15:27 +Google Play,"It's not working in Android. When I scroll , display will vibrating. Please fix it as possible as.",1,2023-07-06 07:02:47 +Google Play,Basically Facebook with a different UI. Let's see how long til bots take over this one too.,1,2023-07-11 10:12:59 +Google Play,Very well built. It is generally amazing for a new social media platform. The community is nice and it's generally relaxing,5,2023-07-08 10:18:11 +Google Play,"I hope the security on this app will not be like that of Instagram, easily hacked. Else we will still go back to twitter.",2,2023-07-07 06:59:29 +Google Play,"I like the Picture carousel Make all video ratio to be 1:1 if I like it I will click to view, videos click should push me the reel rabbit hole, just show metrics on replies likes or reposts.",3,2023-07-06 04:28:58 +Google Play,It's really a nice app. Same features as Twitter. It's very interesting and easy to use,4,2023-07-09 00:07:12 +Google Play,3rd day. Suddenly the option ( a good one) to share any thread to insta feed disappears! Not fair. Bring it back asap..,4,2023-07-08 05:32:19 +Google Play,No hashtags so you can't search up what you like & it only works on your phone. Mastodon is superior.,1,2023-07-07 19:35:20 +Google Play,"No dark mode, no cronological order mode, no desktop version, no only followers mode, probably the worse meta app yet, worse than facebook.",1,2023-07-06 04:58:25 +Google Play,"Unless they add a feature to only see threads by those who you follow, or threads they interact with, this app is basically useless.",2,2023-07-06 21:27:02 +Google Play,scrolling is so messed up that the screen becomes unviewable!! why release an app before full testing just to compete with twitter!!!,1,2023-07-07 08:41:37 +Google Play,"More features : like a listening to.., maybe voice note, keep no DM, no Following to count, an edit threads, a translator, no ads please",4,2023-07-08 02:21:20 +Google Play,"Maybe because the app is new, but it kept on crashing/closing on its own whenever i want to post a picture",3,2023-07-09 06:26:56 +Google Play,Definitely pushing an agenda. Very biased and boring. Hoping it gets better.,1,2023-07-08 16:52:02 +Google Play,This app is amazing! I feel it's gon get wayyy better!!! Can't wait for more updates n new features to this app! I'm definitely giving 5 star (day 2 of using).,5,2023-07-07 01:30:59 +Google Play,"Perfect timing for a text based social app to launch in the rise of AI trained on natural language, but, bye bye privacy.",3,2023-07-06 10:50:09 +Google Play,When I open it on my phone it's like it has a virus or something .. I cant type nor do anything without the screen looking like it's rubbing everything 😔,1,2023-07-08 04:51:29 +Google Play,U shud add some interesting features in this app which no other app have....jus like liking pic showers hearts n some other kind of interesting stuff....,3,2023-07-14 18:40:20 +Google Play,The app needs more work. It constantly fails to upload upload and barely shows most of my posts and comments.,1,2023-07-19 10:31:21 +Google Play,Loved this new initiative by Instagram the app features are easy to use and the interface is lovable ♥️,5,2023-07-07 12:03:32 +Google Play,"Useless app, since day 1 this app just stuck, I can't even use it properly.. after clear cache this app still glitching..",1,2023-07-08 06:13:22 +Google Play,"Ngl, this app is better than any other social Media apps, u can get access easily, and it's very easy to use. I really liked it 😍",5,2023-07-05 23:34:57 +Google Play,"Great app. Better than Twitter. Neat, and smooth UI, plus media quality is also great.",5,2023-07-09 06:40:53 +Google Play,The only reason I'm giving it a three star is because when you follow people they don't show up on your feed it's a bunch of random users other than that the app itself is pretty cool,3,2023-07-10 22:23:21 +Google Play,"Horrible algorithm for feed, shows just randomly anything. Makes no sense at all.",1,2023-07-14 11:40:03 +Google Play,"Very barebones at the moment. It has lots of potential though, hopefully they don't screw it up",3,2023-07-06 12:49:26 +Google Play,Easy interface but it needs to be accessible by PC like Insta and FB are.,4,2023-07-06 15:59:08 +Google Play,Seems intresting but my feed has too many glitches it says it supports A9 but alphabets in my feed is overlapped overlayed can't read a thing.. 🙁,4,2023-07-06 22:05:05 +Google Play,Threads is the social media app I've been waiting for! It's a game-changer in terms of connecting and sharing with friends.,5,2023-07-06 10:57:48 +Google Play,"So far, I like how it looks. I don't like that I see random people's posts on my timeline. I would prefer to see just the posts of the people I follow.",3,2023-07-06 11:07:03 +Google Play,Can't use it as I don't have an Instagram account. Not interested in Instagram so I'll just stick with Facebook.,1,2023-07-10 10:30:18 +Google Play,It was OK I like the app but has started to crash and it says it has a bug and the developer needs to fix it,3,2023-07-07 12:31:03 +Google Play,"The app's concept is great, but it's full of glitches! Whenever the content in the display changes, the full app becomes glitchy. Even on a small scroll, the problem appears. Let alone some button clicking! Maybe the issue is only applicable for a few type of users. But, please fix the bug. In spite of this app's being great, I have to stay neutral by giving 2 stars is just because of these bugs.",2,2023-07-14 09:33:59 +Google Play,"App won't send verification codes, the AI has also decided I'm trying to create a fake profile. Frustrating",1,2023-07-06 20:51:23 +Google Play,"This app is terrible. Why on earth I am supposed to see what lots of people, I am not following, are writing about? Also, why can't I create an account separate from my Instagram account?",2,2023-07-06 07:16:06 +Google Play,"If Meta wanted to go head to head with Twitter, they should have given us a better quality app. Hidden words do not work and the home feed is nothing but the same threads all day. I'm still seeing the same threads from 6 days ago. Twitter is the superior app.",1,2023-07-19 11:01:52 +Google Play,"The Ui is minimal, clean and aesthetically pleasing. Connecting your IG with this, like allowing the thread to be shared to stories so fluently is appealing I must say. Allow landscape mode for tablets and this thing is golden 👌🏼",4,2023-07-07 14:58:53 +Google Play,Translations are a dire need to have in this app since we all be connecting with overseas celebrities and people all around the world...,3,2023-07-07 19:29:44 +Google Play,Hii threads I'm having an issue with posting a photo help out. I think that the wide frame photos are not fitting in it Plz reply,4,2023-07-07 09:09:42 +Google Play,Kicks me off everytime I post something. Considering how bad the Facebook feed has gotten over the last month it shouldn't be a surprise. At this point I'm wondering if they screwed Facebook up on purpose to send millions of set up Facebook users over to their other platform.,1,2023-07-07 01:07:35 +Google Play,"All pages expect the main timeline now leads to ""Something went wrong, please try again"".",1,2023-07-21 01:55:18 +Google Play,The app is good but I'll give it 3 stars why because every time I scroll it glitches and stops working so please try to make it better for low devices,3,2023-07-06 13:27:55 +Google Play,"The application keeps glitching since i open it, once i touch the screen it glitchs, can't use it at all",1,2023-07-10 08:55:18 +Google Play,Everytime i try to upload the photos apps keep crashing. Fix this. 👎 So iam giving only 3,3,2023-07-07 11:16:16 +Google Play,"Thread will be hanged by thread. The app is smooth , and they have some good connection and sync with Instagram that helps to connect with world but it's privacy policy and data breach from user is very bad and u have to delete insta to delete threads. Twitter= twitter Threads= twitter+ Instagram. No free speech? The review will be neutral I love twitter by logo,name and it's popularity and free speech where it's broken in threads . Musk vs zuck. It's musk the winner 🏆 by twitter.",3,2023-07-07 05:16:25 +Google Play,This app is amazing after using it I thought of uninstalling twitter 😂...This is going to be even better than Twitter I have a feeling!! Thankyou Mark Zuckerberg Sir For this new Amazing Application - Threads !!,5,2023-07-07 13:57:41 +Google Play,Couldn't instal it on my desktop. Not an Instagram user so it was difficult to sign up taking an hour..,2,2023-07-07 18:06:15 +Google Play,"Ok, so again algorithm is going to feed you with all sorts of garbage. Make the ""see people you follow only"" mode.",1,2023-07-14 08:50:04 +Google Play,"Feed is flooded with random people I care nothing about, not seeing many posts from those I actually follow. Crashes anytime I try to post a photo",2,2023-07-06 17:46:30 +Google Play,Less informative and less engaging Twitter alternative. It's like Twitter except less of everything!,1,2023-07-06 13:14:54 +Google Play,"Calm and somewhat colected, it is missing some key features like hashtags and polls...but its still new so we can let it off on that...thinking they will come in a couple weeks",5,2023-07-06 19:30:42 +Google Play,It is a good app although I'd like it to have dark mode enabled because I like my settings in light mode and social media on dark mode,4,2023-07-07 18:57:25 +Google Play,Yes i think it is better than Twitter it is fact it si a great deal better than TWITTER but there is one disadvantage you cant enter TREAD without Instagram account but i liked Thread,4,2023-07-08 05:00:04 +Google Play,"upload a photo then crash, close app immediately, fix it soon, what app is that if like that, cannot upload a photo",1,2023-07-07 08:50:02 +Google Play,I don't have Instagram account. Unable to login with others social networks like Facebook... Finally uninstalled the app.,1,2023-07-22 18:25:30 +Google Play,it has a lot of glitches as it is in its very first stages and needed lot of improvements.,3,2023-07-07 02:44:23 +Google Play,To login it demands instagram account. It is conditional. If you have not an Instagram account you can't login in threads .,1,2023-07-08 14:35:44 +Google Play,Good interface. Need to set it up to be able to translate threads.,4,2023-07-06 17:33:38 +Google Play,Threads is a spin-off app from Instagram that focuses on conversations rather than visual content. You can log in with your Instagram account and share text updates and join public discussions. And the same is an app that messes with Twitter. Its owner is Mark Zuckerberg. ...THANK YOU...,5,2023-07-07 03:47:48 +Google Play,Not supporting on my mi readme note 5 pro lots of bug i can see....and content is overlays on each other beside open on another screen !!,1,2023-07-08 06:20:52 +Google Play,Didn't feel the need of the blue colored version of this same app but other than that everything looks great,5,2023-07-08 00:26:50 +Google Play,"I felt this app is yet another time waste, with no particular use case other than bringing down Twitter and does it provide a healthy competition to improve Twitter....hell nooo",2,2023-07-22 10:17:16 +Google Play,"Crashes a lot, time line is filled with accounts I don't follow, besides that it's an OK app",3,2023-07-07 13:43:20 +Google Play,"It's Just a another social media like Twitter, And some of the bugs were there and it still need some more features more than Twitter",2,2023-07-06 11:28:37 +Google Play,I will give the app 5 stars because the feels like Instagram but in a smoother way The interface looks very nice and cool,5,2023-07-06 21:38:10 +Google Play,I hope the thread can be automatically translated. I found it slightly difficult that i need to translate the thread using different app,4,2023-07-06 09:21:04 +Google Play,"A little nitpick but my phone settings literally does not have a dark mode option. Please put it in the app, thanks.",5,2023-07-12 13:41:11 +Google Play,There is a glitch can't see full screen there isn't option to send screenshot so i would have sent it to show you guys.,1,2023-07-06 17:05:06 +Google Play,Lol doesnt even work. If your insta is linked you cant unfollow people on thread or you unfollow them on Instagram its kind dumb. Post wont send fail message everytime. So far not impressed.,1,2023-07-07 03:33:53 +Google Play,"It's only Instagram but with less features. A downgrade, so to speak.",1,2023-07-07 21:19:25 +Google Play,"Shows Threads from people & companies I don't follow and have no interest in. Despite changing settings, app doesn't just show me accounts I follow and want to see.",1,2023-07-07 20:13:29 +Google Play,It's a bit disapppointing when you tried to log in and it will ask you for your Instagram username and password. Where in when you log in with Instagram you used you Facebook credentials for it. Kinda confusing 😕,1,2023-07-07 02:18:45 +Google Play,"This is such a pleasent surprise, couldn't have asked for more at this juncture, was worried and tired of juncks, and not having access to my thread. Meta is always my happy place for combination of reasons and I completely trust it's business ethics more than any provider's from the start until now, looking forward to connect threads.",5,2023-07-08 16:21:50 +Google Play,Worst app Twitter is better than threads and Twitter is better optimized its run smoothly on my device and on the other hand threads is lagging littlebit in my device copy paste is not the best solution and if you try to uninstall it your Instagram account gonna deactivate i cant even DM my crush,1,2023-07-10 19:03:19 +Google Play,I cancelled all pending requests and it's still sending requests fix this!!! Can I have a prize for telling this bug?,1,2023-07-06 14:17:38 +Google Play,I am one of first 100 peoples (77th actually) worldwide giving review to this app within 3 hrs of its launch. Really looking forward having a good time with this social media space.,5,2023-07-06 03:46:01 +Google Play,"Total bs app. No concern for privacy ,just another attempt by meta to get our data. Would prefer Twitter anyday over it, it's just a leftist attempt to destroy twitter",1,2023-07-13 05:20:06 +Google Play,App crashes after opening with blurry text and not smooth functioning.,1,2023-07-08 15:57:35 +Google Play,"Needs Instagram acc to use. Instagram requires a real identity. I just want to read posts, not put my real identity out there for the world to use",1,2023-07-06 22:50:50 +Google Play,Even shorter vidios not getting uploaded. Very slow working. Need to go a very long way to compete with Tweeter.,3,2023-07-07 04:07:34 +Google Play,"There is NO REASON this app needs my financial info, my search history, browsing history or sensitive info. Just another way for Mark Zuckerberg to get rich from violating every users privacy.",1,2023-07-08 15:18:03 +Google Play,"This is actually a really good social media, but in Android I always got crash everytime I want to post a photo",3,2023-07-08 04:54:29 +Google Play,Recommendations: 1. Improve interface (Take inspiration from Twitter) 2. Make it more organized and distinctive 3. Add bookmarks,3,2023-07-06 11:56:55 +Google Play,"After connect to instagram, it take too much time, app will stuck I'm trying to open app 3 to 4 times but app can't open",1,2023-07-09 03:50:29 +Google Play,This app is so much better than the bird app. The feed pretty much shows everyone's posts. And this app is pretty fun.,5,2023-07-06 17:47:23 +Google Play,"The algorithm is my main problem it really needs improvement, I've been interacting with lots of uninteresting post",3,2023-07-06 17:16:31 +Google Play,"Needs timeline improvement, hashtags/topics and a proper search function (not just finding users) in order to truly be viable",3,2023-07-13 07:35:42 +Google Play,"Personally, I prefer Twitter more than threads. It is exactly like replacing Google with Bard, but now there is not even a name of Bard.",2,2023-07-06 11:09:06 +Google Play,The only way to erase the data they've collected or delete the threads profile is by deleting your instagram account. I wish I had known this sooner.,2,2023-07-06 12:52:07 +Google Play,"Great app! I've found many interesting people here. 👍 Please, add auto-translation. 😊",4,2023-07-14 14:35:34 +Google Play,I like the simplistic layout. Haptic feedback is nice too. Still too early to say,5,2023-07-06 01:51:38 +Google Play,"Thread's🧵 user interface is really great. i like it very much, Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg and Meta. ❤",5,2023-07-06 05:51:28 +Google Play,Videos play no sound and when you click the unmute button the video just gets stuck. Very irritating bug,3,2023-07-08 18:42:35 +Google Play,"wow! this is such an original, innovative, and creative idea, just like the stories on Instagram. I am so proud of the Instagram team for coming up with such a great idea. 5 stars 👍👍",5,2023-07-06 06:08:41 +Google Play,"Crashing constantly everytime I tried to upload a picture. 1 star for now, will update once it's solved",1,2023-07-07 14:14:47 +Google Play,I love the app and i think if you can add a translation section same as Instagram that will be greatly appreciated,5,2023-07-06 14:37:06 +Google Play,I don't like the fact that your phone has to be on dark mode to active the app's dark mode.,2,2023-07-07 19:57:41 +Google Play,"As there is no translation option, trying to copy the text will result with the app crashing.",2,2023-07-12 18:38:28 +Google Play,"I don't know what's wrong with my thread but it keep glitching. Since the first day I've downloaded this app, I can't even use it.",1,2023-07-08 06:06:57 +Google Play,"Loving it so far, looking forward to more features being added over time!",5,2023-07-06 19:52:21 +Google Play,All usernames are fetching from Instagram. It's not possible to claim your username. I could not create a profile. Rubbish.,1,2023-07-07 00:57:54 +Google Play,"Garbage, so here we go... an app about threads, well at least on Twitter you can look at threads without the app crashing.",1,2023-07-07 11:50:30 +Google Play,What a waste it is. This app is is a complete copy of twitter and also a waste of storage for our android and complete waste of time for ourselves. 😤,1,2023-07-09 10:25:59 +Google Play,The text and contents overlap and all letters overlap making it a mess and impossible to use.,1,2023-07-09 06:39:03 +Google Play,Great App. Kudos Mark. I hope the experience gets even better in the coming days as more people sign up.,5,2023-07-07 16:56:17 +Google Play,The app is amazing and has simple features unlike Twitter where newbies finds it difficult to use. Congratulations to the Meta team for this fantastic and extraordinary 'INSTA TWITTER'!!,1,2023-07-13 22:08:05 +Google Play,The experience is very poor. The display after opening threads is not visible and clear.,1,2023-07-09 16:41:21 +Google Play,"Super app threads, So nice,easily used and covered all india levels..🙃🙃🙃🙃 30 minutes 1millan above view and install it.",5,2023-07-07 03:26:52 +Google Play,Why i can't post picture here while everyone can. It stop suddenly right after i click the attachment feature.,4,2023-07-08 08:24:25 +Google Play,It very good apps but even better if have translate to other language... For example Thai to English language....,5,2023-07-08 09:06:35 +Google Play,"Needing an Instagram account to sign up is horrible, I won't use the app until I can make a unique Threads account.",1,2023-07-23 21:49:53 +Google Play,I see posts from people I don't follow in my home timeline with no option to disable that. The promised ActivityPub support is still not available.,1,2023-07-19 09:49:24 +Google Play,"It has been a great app since my day 1 of use, but it's been 2 days now that I can't post a new thread It keeps showing ""your thread failed to upload"" Why?",3,2023-07-16 21:51:18 +Google Play,"I don't have Instagram and I'm not interested on have one, but the app doesn't work if you don't have an Instagram account... 👎🏼",1,2023-07-06 15:13:41 +Google Play,"Excellent 👌 app ever but can't able to chat with friends, if possible setup it soon.",5,2023-07-07 09:42:38 +Google Play,"This app is not working properly, suddenly all the content and icon started overlapping with each other please fix this",2,2023-07-08 14:42:47 +Google Play,Home screen of app is showing overlapping issues. I'm unable to use it. So bad 😞,1,2023-07-11 03:51:36 +Google Play,There should not be an option to attach media. Soon there will be a no difference in threads & instagram.,1,2023-07-07 08:41:13 +Google Play,Great app but the rate at which I get restricted every time I follow people is annoying. Can't use the app comfortably,2,2023-07-12 16:28:01 +Google Play,Why after posting a video on this app does the sound disappear? Don't have this issue on TWITTER......,1,2023-07-18 14:06:05 +Google Play,"I don't know why , Everytime I open this apps it would shake like a broken screen but my screen is not broken though.😷",2,2023-07-06 23:36:59 +Google Play,"Many people downloaded Theead thinking it was a new alternative to Facebook or Instagram, but it turned out to be a Meta version of Twitter. 😏",3,2023-07-09 13:09:45 +Google Play,Its better if you provide save option for photos and videos.,5,2023-07-06 12:30:39 +Google Play,"So far it's a good app, but I'm just not seeing any notifications pop up on my phone for the people I'm following, please fix it 🥺😔",3,2023-07-07 02:26:08 +Google Play,"hi! i like it but it doesnt have many of the options that i find useful it this kind of app, i cant even save a photo ☹️",3,2023-07-08 02:44:16 +Google Play,"Great social network. I'm missing a few twitter features, but hopefully they will come in the future. For now, it's just great.",5,2023-07-11 21:48:03 +Google Play,I cant log in both instagram and thread since there was this issue called unmapped ig error. Can you please look into the issue,2,2023-07-09 13:13:03 +Google Play,"This app is perfect Especially for young adolescents and teens, one thing I would love to have someday is the dark theme",4,2023-07-07 09:02:55 +Google Play,I don't understand why my app keeps on freezing and I can't do anything on it. Does it have device compatability?,1,2023-07-07 01:32:58 +Google Play,Stiff 1:1 scrolling makes this essentially unusable as a modern social media app. Just use regular Android scrolling.,2,2023-07-15 22:00:39 +Google Play,Too much personal data harvesting. MUCH MORE than chinese tik-tok... Un-installed without using..,1,2023-07-07 03:31:23 +Google Play,i like it so far i just don't have any dark mode button my friends are on dark mode and me still on light mode please help.,3,2023-07-07 03:39:39 +Google Play,The app was working pretty fine at first but now I am experiencing glitch and unable to do any action.,2,2023-07-07 14:40:08 +Google Play,It needs to not be so much like Twitter. Maybe not have everyone in the whole world showing up on everyone's threads. It would be great if I could just have the people/groups I actually follow to show up on my thread. ???,4,2023-07-07 03:32:05 +Google Play,"A wonderful alternative to other search engines; much better in the realm of privacy and personalisation. Fully recommend to anyone looking for a more secure, honest, simple, user-friendly, and private browser - as well as anyone in general. The wide assortment of ad-blockers and add-ons are wonderful. Ever since switching I will never go back, and I'm very glad that I did. Google Chrome is awful in comparison. Seriously considered",4,2023-07-11 10:34:00 +Google Play,This apps feela like broken phone you cannot see clearly because all the post the artist is like shaking .,1,2023-07-09 02:55:18 +Google Play,App closes whenever I try to post anything. I resort to typing what I want to say externally then pasting it after.,2,2023-07-18 02:11:14 +Google Play,The application don't work properly... The interface is weird the letters are overlapping each other,1,2023-07-10 03:26:32 +Google Play,Simple & Sleek. Lacks some basic features like hashtag & trend which should be added in new updates.,5,2023-07-06 19:00:54 +Google Play,"it's ugly if we see about home page , it's simillar of twitter and it's like just new virsion of it . Try to change the way to use it , it's gonna be more better and it cames with people when you do .",1,2023-07-16 22:21:59 +Google Play,Much better than anything else out there but needs hashtags and the ability to tailor your feed.,4,2023-07-09 03:29:55 +Google Play,"My only experience is when scroll into the feed, it goes crazy. Like really crazy",1,2023-07-08 05:28:09 +Google Play,Random feed sucks. It makes the experience awful and the social app loses its purpose. Terrible experience.,1,2023-07-14 01:05:10 +Google Play,"The problem is, there's no translation option, I just wish we can translate other language to english :)",4,2023-07-07 04:07:26 +Google Play,There is an app crash that I can't do anything at the app and I hope that crash will be fixed soon .,1,2023-07-06 16:29:39 +Google Play,"No real options to sign up. It wants for me to log in with Instagram, but it has been years since I ha e used Instagram",4,2023-07-07 15:22:39 +Google Play,Fine but need a lot more work. We need an option to see just the post of people we follow. Translation in the post. Hashtags. Be able to edit posts.,3,2023-07-07 15:25:22 +Google Play,I have a bug where i cant use the app beacuse the text is doubled and when i try to scroll it keeps multiplying and i cant read anything and cant use the app,1,2023-07-11 14:41:25 +Google Play,"It is glitchy as soon as i scroll my screen, the text leaves it's shadows and merges with the current screen",1,2023-07-06 20:44:13 +Google Play,"There is some problem in this app, my follower followed me, we accepted 5 and thought I would do it after a while and went to my hat after a while.",1,2023-07-07 16:27:34 +Google Play,"Everything is fine, but make some changes like add bold letters for usernames and add double tap to zoom",4,2023-07-07 05:08:38 +Google Play,"After registering, everything are glitchy except the navbar. I cant even use the app, pls fix this! My phone is xperia xz1",1,2023-07-07 01:22:51 +Google Play,"What to say, its an amazing app with lots of features. It has good UI as well.",5,2023-07-06 04:54:49 +Google Play,"No tags, no trending just a good copy of twitter with low features and full of insta vibes... Please make the interface looks like real",2,2023-07-07 16:45:42 +Google Play,Worst experience as it is not opening even atleast for 2 times i have uninstalled it still not working and now i have uninstalled it,1,2023-07-09 19:53:05 +Google Play,Main feed is 10% stuff I want to see 90% is random trash from accounts I don't even follow. If I wanted that I'd be on tiktok.,1,2023-07-08 03:42:52 +Google Play,Crashes when uploading bigger photos. Zuck you can do better. Make the app more fun!,3,2023-07-11 05:31:26 +Google Play,This is worthless to install app everything is same like insta with some little add one and if you want to delete your thread account u need to delete your instagram too that means these capatalist are forcing u to not uninstall ur account and I can see some privacy data leakage in this app worst app just a big giant company trying to supress the peoples with its capitalist powers,1,2023-07-08 05:53:46 +Google Play,"When I joined threads there were only 12 persons already downloaded I was on 13th to download it this is good app right now but there must should be option for translation any vintect wriiten on the post .There should be same features like Instagram ""Insights"" etc.",1,2023-07-21 19:23:09 +Google Play,"this app is fantastic but the only problem is that, it is slow when posting videos.",4,2023-07-09 16:02:38 +Google Play,i like the app it is really easy to use and is really fitting easy minds and complicated but the reason i am giving 4 star because it is a copy version of Twitter,4,2023-07-08 08:41:38 +Google Play,"Genuinely horrid experience. Download if you want to be advertised to by a bunch of unfunny people with checkmarks, I guess.",1,2023-07-07 03:06:10 +Google Play,An app for this is idiotic. There is nothing this app can do that a web page can't. I don't put garbage apps on my phone and this is firmly in that category.,1,2023-07-06 19:50:16 +Google Play,"So far so good, it barely came out and I already like it better then Twitter/TikTok, etc. It has that old Twitter nostalgia that I craved.",5,2023-07-06 06:15:07 +Google Play,Tried to create an account and it was instantly suspended despite filling in all information correctly.,1,2023-07-06 00:39:15 +Google Play,Ita not working in my device after login it buffering while scrolling and showing overlapping post and content.,3,2023-07-07 17:22:41 +Google Play,Threads doesn't work properly on Vivo device screen is spread and got stuck please fix this issue...and plzz make it Android 9 version,1,2023-07-09 19:12:27 +Google Play,"It's so fun to use. I have an amazing experience, reading, talking and listening, I love threads",5,2023-07-06 06:01:37 +Google Play,App is good but some freatures need to improve. For example : threads cannot be edited.,5,2023-07-06 17:22:00 +Google Play,"Liked it until today when it started crashing. Right now, it won't open at all.",3,2023-07-10 21:52:02 +Google Play,I'm going to love this app! At least a stable platform to replace a chaotic experience,5,2023-07-06 11:53:46 +Google Play,It keeps logging me out of my Instagram account also lack a lot of features including a way to send private text to anyone,3,2023-07-08 13:11:22 +Google Play,The No.of posts/threads from an unknown account/person(whom I do not follow) on timeline is awkward & Unnecessary thing for a user to through.,3,2023-07-07 19:13:48 +Google Play,"Chaos on screen .. messages are overlapping to each other, unreadable.. bad bad apps.. still a billion mile away from twitter..",1,2023-07-11 05:56:18 +Google Play,"I'm not sure if it's ready to be a good app,it needs a lot more than it is, and my opinion is that it shouldn't be a part of Instagram but totally something else",3,2023-07-09 18:35:06 +Google Play,"App is currently pretty bare bones and requires some user setup, but finally a viable twitter alternative.",4,2023-07-07 04:39:23 +Google Play,It has been weeks and the app still glitches upon opening till the point that nothing is readable.,1,2023-07-17 06:28:57 +Google Play,"Its really cool specially in the first version, it also be cool that when we scroll up, see the app icon to tap it and get a better reflesh action",5,2023-07-09 19:14:08 +Google Play,Omg this social media is so amazing and fast. I love this app because i can see information and news Media faster than other,5,2023-07-07 14:41:11 +Google Play,"i love it sm, please make this app a safe place. Also,please include making following 'private' and feeds for 'following' only and not from strangers.",2,2023-07-12 04:13:09 +Google Play,Its really a nice app for communicating with family and friends and it's very much similar to Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 18:40:18 +Google Play,"Make search page as trending page, include option to show posts only from the accounts i follow (no suggestions), Include bookmark threads feature with folder option.",4,2023-07-08 05:13:24 +Google Play,"Not bad. If Twitter is to go out in a blaze of idiocy we could do a lot worse than this to replace it. Could do with a few tweaks here and there (mainly not directly connecting to Instagram for example), but it's still young so I can give it a bit of slack for now.",4,2023-07-07 14:10:59 +Google Play,Full on glitches. Not working at all.. Now Its clear why it got only 3.8⭐ stars in less than 24hours of launching.,1,2023-07-06 07:07:50 +Google Play,It's great and all. I just wish i could upload audios or record a voice note and post,4,2023-07-07 07:47:08 +Google Play,Please bring the sound in videos which I have uploaded in this app. Voice is not working. please like and follow me. Increase my followers and make my all videos viral,5,2023-07-19 16:57:36 +Google Play,Not working on Redmi Note 6 pro. Can't go from one page to another page. Scrolling is not working properly,1,2023-07-07 12:31:53 +Google Play,"Looks like Instagram with a different name. If you have insta, you don't need this at all.",2,2023-07-07 01:32:59 +Google Play,My app keeps stopping anytime I'm trying to post a picture and I wonder if I can't post other pictures that I have already posted on Instagram b,1,2023-07-06 15:44:23 +Google Play,Please make dark theme. Also if i open any profile then their follow request notification get hidden until i refresh the page.,4,2023-07-07 10:27:11 +Google Play,When I try to attach a picture with my threads the app suddenly closes... Can you plz fix this ....,4,2023-07-06 13:08:33 +Google Play,"I heard it has an easy ""sign in with Instagram"" function to sign up. But that was the ONLY way to sign up.",1,2023-07-18 16:52:22 +Google Play,"Thread is an amazing App, I just want to see more people using it, because it's the modern day twitter unlike twitter.",5,2023-07-06 09:39:41 +Google Play,"Amazing app you guys. This came at the right time, honestly. Cause now I can enjoy the thread experience without being worried of my view count",5,2023-07-06 08:57:20 +Google Play,"ehhh could be something but keep getting the error ""your thread failed to upload"" when posting a photo.",2,2023-07-06 03:42:45 +Google Play,"I just downloaded the thread app , and I fasing a lot of issue . I can't see creator's post properly.",1,2023-07-07 15:55:53 +Google Play,News feed is flickering non stop. Can't scroll anything. Please fix this issue as soon as possible.,5,2023-07-06 15:18:58 +Google Play,Amazing app better than Twitter. I'm using Twitter for 10 years but not active on it but in thread I used just 1 hour and become addicted. So cool 😎,5,2023-07-06 23:08:27 +Google Play,"I just installed and then uninstalled, totally wasted, if you don't have any Instagram account, you can't to login in threads, and we all know that Instagram is a su*ks.",1,2023-07-09 19:21:10 +Google Play,"""The app is nice, but it still needs improvement, like being able to mention a specific person.""",4,2023-07-18 15:14:34 +Google Play,Very satisfied with this program. Add an edit post option and daily story .,5,2023-07-08 03:22:38 +Google Play,"It's a great alternative to Twitter. I haven't using Twitter so much, I used it very rare. But I think I will use threads a lot. 😁",5,2023-07-09 06:38:53 +Google Play,"They loot your photos, videos, browser history, etc... Totally unsafe. Uninstaling threads app",1,2023-07-15 08:00:52 +Google Play,Looks much more optimized and easier to use. But we hope that Zuckerberg will not steal our data this time alsoj,4,2023-07-09 08:46:54 +Google Play,Nice app but I need to easily see threads from just the people I follow like on Instagram. Don't need AI to tell me what I like.,3,2023-07-07 12:26:59 +Google Play,Not bad. It should allow you to save images and stuff. If this is gonna be a Twitter killer then be a Twitter killer.,3,2023-07-10 04:02:24 +Google Play,"Wish there was a dm section though. ANNND, save option for pictures (kudos to the high resolution)",4,2023-07-06 03:08:56 +Google Play,"Such a cozy platform visually, in my opinion. Just cannot scroll through my notifications.... can yall fix it that?",4,2023-07-09 21:14:52 +Google Play,Only for Instagram users. I don't have an Instagram account. So I can't use this app as it is asking for Instagram login credentials. Disappointed.,1,2023-07-06 16:39:52 +Google Play,"Anonymity is a right. My secondary account got banned practically as soon as I created it because I used my username as my ""real name"", even after verifying myself with a live image. Also, no way to search hashtags or cashtags from what I can tell.",1,2023-07-06 22:31:44 +Google Play,"I love the app so far, my only issue is trying to use it on my iPad, gives log in error message",5,2023-07-06 16:30:59 +Google Play,there's bug. there are lines on the screen and they pile up. please fix it.,2,2023-07-06 11:52:23 +Google Play,"This is scary similar to the Twitter app, except many posts appear to be taken down that shouldn't be. NOT the app for free speech. They are definitely losing their intellectual property rights infringement case.",1,2023-07-09 02:03:40 +Google Play,App not loading content. When I attempted to post a post on Threads it posted it to Instagram instead? Whaaaat?,1,2023-07-08 15:31:27 +Google Play,SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN TWITTER. Thanks for making this app. I already transfered all my Twitter contacts over and everything is working smoothly!,5,2023-07-06 22:41:15 +Google Play,So far I like it! Wish I could search key words. Reminds me a bit of tumblr and tumblr has been my home for years,5,2023-07-11 16:25:04 +Google Play,App is crushing while posting a thread with photo. Besides it uses more phone ram & lag the whole device.,2,2023-07-06 11:39:39 +Google Play,I actually waiting this app and finally wait is over and this is a amazing app . Thanks a @meta team to launching this app . Thanks again ☺️and congratulations meta team the app cross the 10M user's 🎉,5,2023-07-07 08:03:12 +Google Play,"This app is an amazing app, very interesting, but it doesn't have a future of direct message.",4,2023-07-09 18:22:52 +Google Play,"Full of glitches While scrolling full of Shaking screen,draging🥴 Fix it up , I already install the app👍 because of that glitches 😕 it is so irritating",1,2023-07-07 05:38:33 +Google Play,This app doesn't work properly... totally screen are blink doesn't shows the post and activity...,2,2023-07-06 19:31:21 +Google Play,"Really cool app giving chance for people to grow and connect easily, all we need now is a new update with loads of corrections",4,2023-07-07 13:36:17 +Google Play,Please fix the app every time I try to post a image it crashes IT'S STUPIDDDDDD but it's not bad I guess,2,2023-07-07 18:19:13 +Google Play,"I dont want to see algorithmic content at all, but the userbase and integration with Instagram is nice",3,2023-07-10 05:03:59 +Google Play,"I don’t like the two-in-one app idea. I have to be able to edit, delete threads acount while keeping isntagram's as it is",1,2023-07-08 23:04:58 +Google Play,This app is really cool in my opinion but please add a switch account button because I have to log out to switch account 🤧,5,2023-07-07 14:49:09 +Google Play,When is open it all the words including pictures and everything just comes under the like it just gets copied one another 😭,2,2023-07-06 14:42:35 +Google Play,I had issues with downloading this app..but came to figure out that some Antivirus apps don't allow it's installation.,5,2023-07-07 18:59:09 +Google Play,Not very well application but good for time wasting. Not only this application all applications such as Instragram Twitter and all meta app are time wasting.,5,2023-07-06 12:33:15 +Google Play,"The app idea is awesome, but there are so much filkering and overlaps while scrolling, the device is Xiaomi Redmi s2 3g ram",5,2023-07-06 18:22:35 +Google Play,I think twitter is for reliable and easy to use. Threads only display the posts of followed people's.,3,2023-07-12 13:06:02 +Google Play,1 star because my feed is full of suggested rubbish that I don't want to see just like Facebook and Instagram. I should only see posts from people I follow. Im sick of meta throwing complete nonsense on to our newsfeeds,1,2023-07-10 16:33:03 +Google Play,"since the moment i downloaded this app, my instagram keeps crashing. it's not even letting me open the app.",1,2023-07-08 15:21:31 +Google Play,"Dude this app is glitching so hard, I wish I could show you the ss, not able to use it even for a sec.",1,2023-07-07 06:03:53 +Google Play,"Great start, missing a couple features but it's a great base to build off of",4,2023-07-08 19:53:26 +Google Play,I have been face some problem. When I will be a post every times it's will be failed. So you should solve this problem as soon as possible.,1,2023-07-15 10:41:47 +Google Play,there is a bug at the application when i open it and login at my acc. and opened home the application melting over itself,1,2023-07-07 01:22:32 +Google Play,"I would love to be able to post to Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, all at once.",4,2023-07-13 22:19:11 +Google Play,"I have rated one star cuz actually I haven't used it yet , everytime i open the app it lags and it's terrible I can't use it cuz all things are in each others I can't describe anymore about my problem",1,2023-07-11 02:25:44 +Google Play,This app doesn’t work perfectly in Android 9 (Redmi 6A). Screen freezes when scrolling.,1,2023-07-06 17:20:16 +Google Play,Great app but add an option to create account without Instagram. I like threads but I hate using Instagram.,1,2023-07-21 19:37:23 +Google Play,Somehow UI is completely distorted for me. Everything is overlapping over each other.,1,2023-07-08 14:25:22 +Google Play,"This App have many bugs, first of all it is not load properly on Android and don't show post clearly.",1,2023-07-07 08:24:49 +Google Play,Switching between thread account unlike Instagram or Facebook is not flexible. We need to logout and switch,2,2023-07-12 03:33:46 +Google Play,App keep crashing whenever I should upload a photo !!! Not a good start for thread !!,2,2023-07-11 00:26:47 +Google Play,"The application is nice, but it needs some modifications, such as translating the posts",4,2023-07-07 14:40:54 +Google Play,I need to easily view photos and videos.This is so hard to use . When I view a photo I want to back 🔙 and view another photo that is hard,3,2023-07-07 15:39:11 +Google Play,"As of now, there is nothing wrong with it, and it will surely give good feedback when it says that it belongs to Instagram....",5,2023-07-07 01:58:05 +Google Play,this app litterary cracks and shakes like my screen has got issues but it doesn't if it did i would not be commenting on this app peacefully pls can this issue be fixed,1,2023-07-11 20:07:23 +Google Play,"What is this! I can't handle this app in my phone. When I open it ,it's like display broken screen",1,2023-07-06 17:30:50 +Google Play,"My threads app has been glitching continuous, I even reinstalled it once but still nothing has changed.",1,2023-07-08 06:42:19 +Google Play,"At first glance, UI is pretty dope (mid between twitter & Instagram). Kinda like it.",5,2023-07-06 07:02:08 +Google Play,AN APP WITH VERY BASIC AND GROSS FEATURES. WILL TAKE A LOT OF TIME TO TAKE TWITTER'S POSITION. THREADS IS NOT THAT SERIOUS AS TWITTER. IF YOU DON'T NEED THIS...DON'T USE IT.,2,2023-07-08 09:37:58 +Google Play,"It's a good App, it has features of Instagram and Twitter all mixed up in one place.",2,2023-07-07 06:55:17 +Google Play,If you want to be better and compete with Twitter you have to have Trending Topics. Newsworthy stories not just celebrities posting. That's what made Twitter famous because people came there to see what was going on in the world.,1,2023-07-08 10:08:51 +Google Play,Signed up for threads go instantly suspended now I've got to upload a selfie with a code when I have done nothing wrong just wanted to use the app.,1,2023-07-06 11:04:57 +Google Play,"Poorly designed app, at least expecting if cloned but still expecting some ui and functional changes and new approaches rather than just copy paste",1,2023-07-07 04:44:42 +Google Play,"Screen scrolling speed very slow. To compare other app, Screen refresh rate very low in this app",1,2023-07-07 04:31:14 +Google Play,"No draft icon, on the other hand the feeds refresh is slow. Moderately a good app tho",3,2023-07-15 09:26:06 +Google Play,Feed is quite unorganized. Slow refresh. Congested interface.,2,2023-07-07 11:37:35 +Google Play,"Least app just like Instagram it only increase your dopamine there is no info no intresting debates, all come like today I tried this food and it's awesome, all boomer talks 😁 waste of time",1,2023-07-08 13:12:36 +Google Play,I rate 2 stars because I can't change my profile picture in it and it's bugging me out please fix this issue.,2,2023-07-20 02:05:44 +Google Play,Let the new updated feed be upside. Don't take us to the top of the updated feed when the feed is refreshed.,3,2023-07-06 18:16:54 +Google Play,broken... I know it's a new app but on android version of the app even the slightest scroll down I get the ghost screen error ☹️,2,2023-07-06 08:58:38 +Google Play,Unable to upload or post a photos... Pls fix the Bug.. (upload time automatically app closed).,1,2023-07-08 06:18:40 +Google Play,"Keep crashing while im still writing a content. Fix it with haste, or ill give a permanent 1 start",1,2023-07-17 15:57:46 +Google Play,So far it was good. Please fix the bug where when i log in my Threads Instagram app logs out and then that logs out the Threads app,3,2023-07-06 16:02:08 +Google Play,fine app but lack of feature and junkie UI makes the user experience very bad.,3,2023-07-09 07:08:13 +Google Play,"Your this app is also perfect as hell but like Insta, she will never accepts my request🙂 zuck if you are reading this please tell her I also do Exist. Thank you!",5,2023-07-06 18:57:08 +Google Play,"Lots of bugs, i still cannot add a photo to my thread, the app keep closing on its own",2,2023-07-12 08:27:58 +Google Play,"It's just a knock-off of Twitter filled with liberals and celebrities who didn't like Elon removing a lot of censorship. So if you don't like free speech, can't handle someone else's opinion or just make everything about yourself, you'll love this app. For myself, though, I like hearing opinions, having debates, and not seeing a one-sided narrative of society. This app is a joke, it freezes half the time too. Just stick with Twitter, this app sucks just like Facebook...",1,2023-07-08 13:22:42 +Google Play,"@instagram the threads app i installed but its not work correctly (after open the app posts ,followers ,account details are mixed in one tab)",2,2023-07-07 17:06:46 +Google Play,"I wish you would add the clubhouse feature so we could talk together again, it would be really great",5,2023-07-06 22:58:14 +Google Play,"Horrible it's a piece of garbage. I think Meta tried to punch Twitter 🤦🏻‍♂️. Five minutes later I hated the app, and I'm currently thinking of deleting my Instagram account.",1,2023-07-06 13:59:53 +Google Play,Very generic. You also can't delete without deleting your Instagram account. Privacy concerns.,1,2023-07-12 03:32:19 +Google Play,Scrolling isn't smooth as instagram but the App is great the features are okay.But they should improve on some things,1,2023-07-08 06:59:00 +Google Play,"If you used before Twitter, u definitely gotta use this. U gotta have a instagram acc to use this though. This app have NO ADS (NO ADS AT ALL). I hace a question here though, do we have dark theme?",5,2023-07-07 05:55:36 +Google Play,"Seems Cool, but it creates a lot of typo error and you can't edit your thread after posting.",4,2023-07-06 17:26:48 +Google Play,The app threat people like a product and not a person. Taking your every detail including your personal health information... No wonder it can't show it's face in the EU. 🤦🏾,1,2023-07-10 00:02:26 +Google Play,Connecting and redirecting to Instagram resets the Threads' profile. And then shows partial data from Instagram. Test it well team 😗🤏🏼,3,2023-07-06 21:58:49 +Google Play,So far so good the app has been fun and great but now it keeps on crashing and my phone reports it has a bug,2,2023-07-07 11:14:33 +Google Play,"A general flexible and nice app, missing some features but if it's one thing I know about mark Zuckerberg he always brings the updates",4,2023-07-07 08:07:07 +Google Play,It's animations are Good plus some other features but otherwise completely copy of twitter completely not recommend,1,2023-07-06 10:54:31 +Google Play,It's Awesome but there is no massage option. Twitter is better than threads. I think the massage option must need in threads.,4,2023-07-08 15:59:08 +Google Play,Incredibly primative version of twitter. Needs lots of work done. Released too early.,3,2023-07-06 22:19:16 +Google Play,"Ui are good and intuitive, anyway the community not large enough and cannot search or see the trend of the hashtags.",4,2023-07-10 12:11:11 +Google Play,"The app isn't working properly, while trying to use this, I can't even read a single text. It's so annoying.",2,2023-07-06 19:27:41 +Google Play,"Hi ! this rate is the first, literally! I give it one cuz it forced me to log in by Instagram and I didn't have one !",1,2023-07-06 09:42:26 +Google Play,Love the ease of use so far but can't seem to post a photo (even after resizing),4,2023-07-06 00:56:57 +Google Play,Hi. Experiencing several crashes in my handset (Vivo Z1 Pro). Please fix the crashes.,2,2023-07-07 11:41:51 +Google Play,I didn't choose to follow all the people I followed on ig but my feed is so messy and I'm seeing a lot of posts from people I didn't follow! defeats the purpose 🤷🏻‍♀️,3,2023-07-06 23:50:59 +Google Play,"This is just a terrible clone of Twitter... Blue check the lot, a bug ridden mess. Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-08 17:41:22 +Google Play,The app is smooth but it is crashing when I try to pull up a previous reply.,4,2023-07-07 11:16:50 +Google Play,What a great app. I have been using for 3 years until. Hope to see amazing slots game and gambling Ads 😘,5,2023-07-06 04:36:05 +Google Play,"Extremely basic, lacks the most simple (and often most important) features an app of this category should have. Half the app is mangled together with IG, you can't really personalize your profile, it's slow, has the same policies as IG, isn't privacy friendly, doesn't have a chronological feed and some of the very few options it does have simply don't work. The only pros I could find is that it looks pretty and is relatively organized, but it doesn't come close to the competitor. 3/10",2,2023-07-06 19:10:13 +Google Play,"Finally, An app that can truly Rival Twitter, still needs more fine-tuning but this app clearly has so much potential",5,2023-07-06 01:43:35 +Google Play,"The no ads UI is good, for now. Picture quality is good, too",5,2023-07-06 06:39:01 +Google Play,it's a nice app but there could be some improvements like gif attachments and the scrolling isn't really smooth,3,2023-07-06 11:59:47 +Google Play,App is all good but can you guys please save this app from dark politics and please add translating option for foreign languages,3,2023-07-06 15:20:21 +Google Play,Thread is good app. Interesting and userfriendly interfaces. That's why i give 5 star.,5,2023-07-06 16:29:01 +Google Play,It's a good app and growth quickly 💕💕 but it's bad features are blue tik of every celebrate not get common people 😔,5,2023-07-06 17:25:05 +Google Play,An open Social Media app without a BOOKMARK OPTION is a big failure. Hope u add it very soon.,3,2023-07-06 10:49:16 +Google Play,I have glitch in this app firstly I enetered all was working but after my second enterance the app hot glitched in which there were 2 oberlays in that solve this problem plz,3,2023-07-10 03:45:01 +Google Play,"Looks like you have to have an Instagram account, I don't have one and don't want one, so Threads is getting uninstall.",1,2023-07-24 07:54:38 +Google Play,The whole thing is broken or bugged. Texts are overlapping... Please fix it.,1,2023-07-10 12:54:15 +Google Play,Better than Twitter. easy to use . got connected to old knows easily. just waiting some exciting updates 😊,5,2023-07-06 05:40:19 +Google Play,"For me now this app before I updated it is working very well, since I update it not allowed me to Post either picture or note don't know what happened",1,2023-07-18 23:42:40 +Google Play,"Want too much personal data, just a knock off lesser version of Twitter. Another personal data farm of the FB branch.",1,2023-07-08 19:20:37 +Google Play,"I think mine have bugs, cause it keeps lagging, even i multiple times i re download it still keeps getting lag",1,2023-07-07 15:02:51 +Google Play,"it's crashing a lot when I upload pics and refreshing my feed, my feed won't even refresh unless if it crashes",3,2023-07-07 18:42:17 +Google Play,"Downloaded to try it and see if I wanted it. Hadn't realised I needed an Instagram account, which I don't have. I don't feel like selling soul to Zuckerberg today so I'm deleting.",1,2023-07-11 11:38:59 +Google Play,it doesn't work properly everytime i scroll the text will be doubled and overlap to eachother,1,2023-07-06 23:54:59 +Google Play,"I already have twitter. I don't need another app to eat my RAM, drain the juice and yes we all know how META handles our senstive data 🤣.",1,2023-07-09 17:43:28 +Google Play,"I love it. I hope to see an audio chat room. That is what most of us really want, especially us from Twitter",5,2023-07-11 23:02:24 +Google Play,Can't remove the bottom 3 phone buttons and that's where the app puts all the confirmation buttons so the app is unusable,1,2023-07-09 13:48:10 +Google Play,New bug : when i am trying to see my coment replay / automaticly back and closing the app. Please fix this🥺,4,2023-07-08 18:48:24 +Google Play,Translation option is needed. Feed for only following is needed. Auto-play check is needed.,4,2023-07-06 15:16:42 +Google Play,Pretty good so far! I wish there were ways to see what's popular or trending....hopefully it gets added in the future!,5,2023-07-07 13:45:25 +Google Play,"This is a very good social media platform, it is much better than twitter, I hope that the application will continue to work well.",5,2023-07-06 20:13:34 +Google Play,Keyboard covers letters on screen when typing. And add edit to typing options for one to easily alter writings with ease.,4,2023-07-11 01:00:45 +Google Play,Update.. Still sucks after updates today July 19th. Just put it in chronological order like Twitter does and everything will be perfect I don't want to see threats from people I don't follow Seems nice but what the hell all I see is people that I don't follow I go check off thread only people I follow and yet I still see Toys R Us in my timeline like why I just want to see who I follow in chronological order of the time they send a message have the people who created this and never use Twitter?,2,2023-07-19 18:02:02 +Google Play,It can still be better if more features are added. 3 stars for first experience.,3,2023-07-23 08:09:42 +Google Play,"Not joining this garbage. 1 because you cannot make Instagram function properly starting at basic commenting on posts! 2, this is a money grab. F you tech billionaires. You don't need more money!",1,2023-07-14 02:17:31 +Google Play,"So far, the app is amazing. I love it for its simplicity and minimalist vibe. That being said, I have a few suggestions regarding the 'following' feature. It's quite hard to check the followers one by one to check whether I followed them already or not. So, aside from the ""'remove"" option, perhaps you can add a feature where we can easily check if we are mutuals with that user.",5,2023-07-08 06:42:59 +Google Play,It works well though in the followers part you can't notice who is a mutual follower and who's not until you open up the profile.,3,2023-07-08 11:56:25 +Google Play,Very disappointed of this app. It's not that much worth that my phone has it. I would like to say don't download this. Poor quality. Poor management.,1,2023-07-06 06:39:57 +Google Play,"This App Is very smooth and user friendly to use. Its just like Twitter 2.0 , i hope we can see some new features in this app in future, altho awesome app.",5,2023-07-06 04:36:47 +Google Play,"Stupid and big privacy issues! You give away more info than other platforms and can't delete your account! Massive fail Zuck, you absolute p.o.s.",1,2023-07-24 00:10:06 +Google Play,Want to attach screenshots of the problem I am facing. Screen got shivering while I am entering into it and it is the worst😠,1,2023-07-06 23:29:26 +Google Play,Uninstalling. This app collects so much data that it might as well be spyware.,1,2023-07-08 16:44:04 +Google Play,"Threads is currently glitchy on my side, with the text distorting and covering my whole screen.",2,2023-07-06 12:49:52 +Google Play,Just make it where you can rotate for landscape photos and videos and we're good,5,2023-07-06 20:24:24 +Google Play,"First of all ,this app simply easy to use, by all means can u guys make an update about adding some translation words ,thanks...",5,2023-07-11 18:30:57 +Google Play,I give 5 star but the developer should make something important which is the ability to download image videos etc,5,2023-07-12 16:51:03 +Google Play,"I see way too many posts by accounts I don't follow. Twitter allowed me to only see the accounts I follow in my timeline. Stop with the suggested posts please, this isn't Instagram. And no snoozing of suggested posts. When I turn something off, I want it to stay off.",3,2023-07-06 16:08:14 +Google Play,"You have to have an Instagram account, which will scour your phone and take all your personal information. No thanks, so I guess I'm sticking with Twitter",1,2023-07-06 06:57:55 +Google Play,It shows a lot of ads and promoted accounts! Even more than Instagram does.,1,2023-07-07 04:28:05 +Google Play,Keep it simple and don't add cringe features like you did with Instagram.,4,2023-07-06 08:06:06 +Google Play,"If only i can register in this app instread of donwloading instagram to register as well... Kinda foolish, because not everyone is an instagram user and i do not intend to use instagram.",1,2023-07-12 18:21:28 +Google Play,I love it so much to be honest but i think it would fun if it has like private chats like Instagram but overall it's amazing,4,2023-07-08 01:19:41 +Google Play,"This app is like a baby of Instagram, haha jk, it's good but still needs some improvements but great.<3",4,2023-07-07 01:44:55 +Google Play,"Good app, needs a way to save the photos and videos. And a react button like Facebook has",4,2023-07-14 04:11:10 +Google Play,I my Android mobile this app is not working properly the screen is overlapping. So I am requesting Instagram Team to fix it pls,1,2023-07-06 18:09:11 +Google Play,My favourite “Threads” tip so far: Easily reshare any message to your IG story by tapping the paper airplane (share) icon and then selecting “Add to Story”,4,2023-07-05 23:59:14 +Google Play,Not yet a good App. Needs improvement. It crashed and it glitches.,1,2023-07-06 02:07:02 +Google Play,"Missing really basic features at launch, but I believe this could be a great app after some updates",3,2023-07-07 07:33:44 +Google Play,"I can't even see anything when I open the app, a lot of bugs andnothing appears correctly",1,2023-07-07 05:17:56 +Google Play,When I open the app the app loads over the existing post screen and it hangs and unable to use at all,1,2023-07-06 18:31:20 +Google Play,So... how about a feature to save media.. like.. save photos or something.,4,2023-07-07 14:55:33 +Google Play,"Nope, still connected to instagram and all Meta's data , can't be trusted .",1,2023-07-12 17:41:08 +Google Play,Yeah this is way more nicer and easier to use than Twitter just add DMS camera maybe even like reels or something like that and this app doesn't have any gliches,4,2023-07-13 12:43:46 +Google Play,"i can't open the app, when i opened it the app was suddenly stopped working or log out automatically.",2,2023-07-07 06:39:18 +Google Play,Has nothing to offer that Twitter doesn't other than very strict guidelines on what you can say. The only reason this app even exists is to data harvest.,1,2023-07-08 13:48:41 +Google Play,"Good, but we should get an option to turn off recommended threads cause we don't care about a lot of these content creators.",2,2023-07-08 04:56:13 +Google Play,Awesome application there are some bugs that need to fix but it's a great start,5,2023-07-10 11:40:42 +Google Play,Show me the updates from the people that I FOLLOW. Why pushing random accounts to the feed? I haven't come across a single friend's account in the last two days.,1,2023-07-13 04:08:57 +Google Play,"Interface visual bugs at all. I can't see anything, just pics",1,2023-07-08 12:20:28 +Google Play,The animations are great but the scrolling experience is just wack It feels like scrolling on a sandpaper Refine it,3,2023-07-07 18:17:49 +Google Play,"In my opinion, this is the better app from Twitter. It gives us a better user experience and reliability. It is more similar like a Twitter.",5,2023-07-07 09:57:11 +Google Play,It doesn't display properly like the wordings are overlapping each other. Pls solve it thanks,1,2023-07-06 05:25:02 +Google Play,"Not helping at all, i just started a journey to get my audience and it doing nothing, wat de hecc, why zucc's social media (beside facebook and whatsapp) are useless.",1,2023-07-08 11:26:36 +Google Play,Off to a great start! I finally have something else to play other than that far right conspiracy theorists Angry Bird app.,5,2023-07-07 16:10:41 +Google Play,"There is a need of DARK MODE button in the settings... Other than that, everything is good...",3,2023-07-06 15:05:48 +Google Play,Buggy. Keeps crashing on Pixel 6. I had to uninstall and download again twice now.,1,2023-07-07 15:15:26 +Google Play,When i open the app the gets glitch... When i scroll down or up it gets overlap one after another plz resolve...,1,2023-07-07 07:05:23 +Google Play,This app just gave me a heart attack because now I came to now about it that if I delete this app my instagram account will also get deleted. Just bring a new update to unlink my account. Or bring any solution for deleting it.,1,2023-07-12 06:34:35 +Google Play,"Very easy to use and not so crowded like instagram, more to read than see.",5,2023-07-07 01:13:46 +Google Play,Screen getting stuck and texts are overlapping whenever opening the app.,1,2023-07-06 05:54:57 +Google Play,The amount of personal data collected is unbelievable. Very unsafe and dangerous.,1,2023-07-16 18:21:34 +Google Play,It looks like Instagram is controlling you on thread.. should have more freedom in terms of account access/changes in profile/controls,3,2023-07-08 04:42:13 +Google Play,"Waiting for new features to come, but looks like a really good Twitter alternative!",5,2023-07-09 02:33:43 +Google Play,It's a cool platforms just as addictive as Instagram....just needs a few fixes but i like it,4,2023-07-08 03:15:03 +Google Play,They really need to fix the glitches and bugs on Instagram first before launching clone apps.,1,2023-07-07 12:23:21 +Google Play,"So far a much better replacement for Twitter. Not perfect, but has infinitely more promise than Twitter.",5,2023-07-08 09:35:05 +Google Play,Such a waste app full of glitches. Scrolling isn't working at all. Please look into it,1,2023-07-06 16:37:28 +Google Play,"After using my account for a few days my account was blocked. I haven't even made a post, they just decided I wasn't me. I'm signed in through my Facebook account, which isn't locked.",1,2023-07-18 17:01:18 +Google Play,Bad experience not working properly you have to work on interface really disappointed.,1,2023-07-06 05:59:37 +Google Play,The agree button on the terms page when signing up doesn't do anything and you can't get past it,1,2023-07-06 02:40:15 +Google Play,"Has potential, but I hope they add in a search tab so you can search hashtags instead of home feed only.",4,2023-07-06 23:58:13 +Google Play,"This app has a big problem like Instagram, automatic download of videos, why should I download videos that I never want to see?!",2,2023-07-06 03:44:42 +Google Play,Could really use a feed just for accounts I'm following. Would also be nice to have themed icon support for Android 13+.,3,2023-07-06 14:14:14 +Google Play,"App is Good But Thread App need More improvement like Missing ""Thred Inbox"" or save photos or videos or varification request please fix all problems of this app !",4,2023-07-11 16:14:36 +Google Play,Malfunction: showing multiple texts! Making it unable to read a thing.,1,2023-07-06 21:43:37 +Google Play,"A very nice experience with the app, one week into the app and I'd say it's better off Twitter..... looking forward to the new update....",1,2023-07-15 16:11:47 +Google Play,"that's pretty good, but you forgot the dark mode in the app please, when you'll update the dark mode I'll come back to fill the last two star🌟",3,2023-07-16 10:10:12 +Google Play,No tablet / foldable layout. Also missing account switching. But it's not Twitter 👍🏼,3,2023-07-05 23:26:55 +Google Play,Can't post pictures. It keeps force closing when I try to post any.,3,2023-07-06 01:38:42 +Google Play,App is pretty smooth and clean on the first day itself. Very impressed,5,2023-07-06 22:46:58 +Google Play,"seems good so far, but unfollowing people doesn't register so you're stuck following them along with the other bugs mentioned",3,2023-07-07 00:17:00 +Google Play,I want to use this app but why the hell I need an Instagram accout to do so. Means I am forced to create an Instagram account or this platform is solely for meta existing user not for new ones.,1,2023-07-07 08:50:07 +Google Play,"Been on here 2 hours, but there are bugs like, LOTS OF BUGS. threads failing to upload mostly.",3,2023-07-12 20:17:38 +Google Play,"my first time using app but this app is totally glitching screen but everything like scrolling yes it can but the screen app is glitch, just fix the app :(",1,2023-07-06 08:07:44 +Google Play,Good app so far I wish there was an option to translate and also the ability to dm .,4,2023-07-07 16:07:00 +Google Play,"I have been using this aap from this morning and this is actually very neat and clean, really simple and user friendly. Hope it stays like this. I prefer Threads over Twitter. 5 stars.",5,2023-07-06 13:54:14 +Google Play,So forced to see a whole bunch of people I can't care about and the amount of personal data the app wants is positively asinine.,3,2023-07-07 02:42:40 +Google Play,Not a stand alone apps requiring an Instagram account... Not Interested if there are strings attached 🧵,1,2023-07-07 15:12:08 +Google Play,The app doesn't open from the external links. Links only open in the web browser.,5,2023-07-09 08:49:35 +Google Play,It is lagging and glitching too much ... I am not able to use it.. So frustrating,1,2023-07-10 03:23:12 +Google Play,Best app. But give some good features like chat and trending page. Good luck to developer.,5,2023-07-07 08:24:35 +Google Play,"Everything works, but I need a chronological timeline that only shows me threads from people I follow.",4,2023-07-06 02:14:35 +Google Play,"Cleaner content than Twitter, so far, but you can't search topics amongst public posts/threads? Yikes.",2,2023-07-23 13:53:46 +Google Play,I hope you add hashtages and organise the home page since it's full of people that I don't know(and it's quite messy).,3,2023-07-06 16:30:43 +Google Play,This app isn't working properly...🤮 I can't upload my profile picture and I can't share threads on my Instagram story,1,2023-07-07 10:13:07 +Google Play,"As an advocate of free expression and an ardent believer in the power of open dialogue, I found the experience of using the speech-controlled social media app nothing short of a regressive nightmare. Instead of fostering an environment that encourages diversity of thought and robust discussions, this app imposes a heavy-handed system that curtails individual liberties and stifles meaningful interactions.",1,2023-07-08 18:43:48 +Google Play,"There is a bug on my apps everytime i try to scroll my threads Everything become fizzy and can't read anything Please fix it, my device is redmi note 6 pro",1,2023-07-08 09:41:57 +Google Play,Needs more edit settings and cleaner ui along with easier posting all and all i like the algorithm keep it like that,4,2023-07-06 19:31:14 +Google Play,Because it is a thread app why do you limit the number of post a person can like. Like now Its like try again later. Limited actions let it remain on Instagram,1,2023-07-09 12:31:25 +Google Play,"So it's good but I am wondering why my profile picture has refused to display on my thread account, I have a verified account so I cannot manually change my profile picture its been over 24 hours and it still has not displayed...",3,2023-07-07 09:31:32 +Google Play,"Good app, missing some basic features which they say are in dev also get a few force closes/crashes occasionally",4,2023-07-07 14:02:29 +Google Play,It is very useful to use compared with Twitter..but it's has a minor problem like put translation for all threads for users.,4,2023-07-06 19:38:08 +Google Play,"Constantly crashing trying to upload a photo, otherwise a good place with positive energy",4,2023-07-08 02:59:07 +Google Play,Encountered blurry display when scrolling looks the layer of the text and background overlapping,1,2023-07-11 11:24:26 +Google Play,"I think I like it so far EXCEPT I don't want to have a feed full of people I don't follow. If someone I DO follow reposts, then fine, show me. But don't give me an algorithm of threads that are pointless for me.",3,2023-07-06 00:45:20 +Google Play,"Content feed is full of people I neither know, nor have ever heard of. Scrolling forever to see anyone I follow. Just going to keep using Mastodon.",2,2023-07-08 23:50:31 +Google Play,"Hello threads, this app is clean and clear, feel great to read on it, oh it reminds me of those old good days of tweeter just to tweet our openion",5,2023-07-06 11:41:07 +Google Play,"Need Twitter Alternative. With the takeover of Elon Musk on Twitter, the platform was becoming quite unstable. Now, with tough alternatives in the marketplace, there's going to be some stability.",4,2023-07-06 17:21:40 +Google Play,"You can't create a new account. You have to use an already existing instagram account. Also, there is no website on PC. Useless.",1,2023-07-15 01:19:23 +Google Play,Not the best..... its same as twitter layout but worse. Not for me. I've got too many socials already. And only use 3 don't want to add more,1,2023-07-15 20:38:18 +Google Play,Not bad I guess there's not much to show it's just post from random people no way of messaging I guess need more updates Instagram is better than Threads as for twitter vs Threads - twitter win if Instagram and twitter they're good you can't not win the twitter using threads it's better to use Instagram instead Facebook is better than threads!,1,2023-07-06 16:43:09 +Google Play,"I love the interface and overalls, although i hope it'll have translations soon.",3,2023-07-06 13:47:34 +Google Play,"Sorry to here there is no windows app for the new Instagram Threads app. Also you are unable to log into the site on a windows computer, tablet or laptop.",3,2023-07-06 15:55:31 +Google Play,"An application bug appeared, everything turned off and nothing works, reinstallation did not help",2,2023-07-06 22:08:45 +Google Play,It's glitching so much that I can't even scroll through the page (or any page literally!),1,2023-07-06 11:23:16 +Google Play,Add a draft feature. Add a dm feature. Add a VN sharing feature.....And this app will be ready to compete with twitter but until then Twitter is far better,3,2023-07-06 04:43:13 +Google Play,"The app ia good and fun but i have a problem using the app ,, the written laters reflect with each other and doaent looks so good 😏😏",1,2023-07-07 12:54:16 +Google Play,There is some bug I think whenever I'm going to upload something.the app automatically closed🤷🏻‍♂️ fix this.,2,2023-07-08 16:12:03 +Google Play,"Nice app minimal and simple , just add one feature, for switch account like Instagram without log out....",5,2023-07-06 11:43:40 +Google Play,"Yall experiencing pages and posts overlapping each other... Go to profile, theres button at the top right corner then report a problem.. just go there then go back to homepage and the bug's gone☺️",5,2023-07-09 19:09:37 +Google Play,Threads are very slow to load. Please fix. And please add edit button.,3,2023-07-06 13:32:53 +Google Play,"It's glitching like hell, I can't even TRY the app, cause as soon as I open it it's just A COMPLETE GLITCH",1,2023-07-11 08:33:40 +Google Play,"The experience is too short to share. It's been only two days of it's launch. Until now, loving it.",5,2023-07-06 06:27:49 +Google Play,Application is really good but we can't able to logged in more accounts at a one time like instagram.,5,2023-07-07 17:53:41 +Google Play,"You are just signing IN to an Instagram account. You cannot sign UP for a NEW Thread account, so all they are doing is transfering Instagram members into Thread members. Seems like a good way to limit conversations to only those they already know. Sort of like the Democrats calling themselves something else to register more votes. Sneaky ploy.",1,2023-07-07 22:34:41 +Google Play,Good app but looks like its still in beta mode with lots of functions still needs to be implemented,4,2023-07-07 17:25:44 +Google Play,i like it I think it will be very good if it adds the ability to categorize the threads.,4,2023-07-13 19:11:37 +Google Play,If you want to be censored and you want to be shafted for one side of the conversation. This is the app that you need to use. Nobody wanted anything made by Facebook. Facebook is a terrible app and this is second half to it.,1,2023-07-06 14:19:05 +Google Play,"There is no dark mode,When I logged in it was light mode only by default, but in my friends phone it was dark mode by default",2,2023-07-07 04:18:45 +Google Play,"There's a big glitch in the whole app, I can't describe it through words but you have to watch it",1,2023-07-06 10:07:53 +Google Play,I guess its the first review from india. This app was released just a few days ago and its so smooth like it was there all the time.,5,2023-07-06 02:38:15 +Google Play,Great start! Please add the option to edit in some form!,3,2023-07-06 10:30:43 +Google Play,"The app was okay until it stopped reloading, keeps saying ""something went wrong"" pls fix it",3,2023-07-06 12:39:48 +Google Play,My tread having bug/glitch this is why my thread don't work anyway so please check it out and repair it! My Instagram I'd :- abuu.talibb,2,2023-07-10 16:34:22 +Google Play,It actually have a lot of bugs! Thread team should fix the bug first before it launched!,2,2023-07-09 20:11:51 +Google Play,"Real close, very good, lots of hope. Just keep it simple and you win easily.",4,2023-07-06 06:34:41 +Google Play,"It is a good alternative to Twitter, one advantage is that it prohibits explicit content.",5,2023-07-06 18:24:22 +Google Play,Would it be that hard to choose my preferred language? My local posts are garbage I have muted more people than i have liked threads I like the way the app functions though,3,2023-07-07 18:16:50 +Google Play,"no ways to discover new accounts, no hashtags, no in-app messages, app has potential but falls flat",2,2023-07-05 23:31:37 +Google Play,"In my redmi note 6pro Threads app will crashes continuously and didn't works well,it should be a negative for me as a user of meta ,VERY VERY BAD META TEAM, so meta team please make the issue correct by giving a stable update of THREADS",1,2023-07-08 15:32:56 +Google Play,"Not bad! Let's not compare you with Twitter, already, as I feel Twitter is still very much ahead in the curve. With hashtags, keyword searching and trending updates round the clock and so much more. But you have the potential Threddy. Go for it! Feedback? Sure. 1. Bring (Twitter) Lists and position them in a similar way as Twitter. 2. DMs. 3. A separate 'Followers only threads' for the TL. 4. Hashtags and keyword searching (if the plan is to actually compete with Twitter).",3,2023-07-07 16:42:40 +Google Play,I liked it very much infact it is an awsome start of all new platform particularly when most of the netizens were feeling bored 😀 Good Luck to Threads ✌️,5,2023-07-06 01:32:56 +Google Play,Threads is app which replaces Twitter and very exciting to start threads but there is a problem on refresh the page please solve this.,3,2023-07-06 14:10:15 +Google Play,Nice app which will help us to be connected with the latest news and updates and with our loved ones.,4,2023-07-06 11:22:35 +Google Play,"please, PLEASE let me see ONLY accounts that I FOLLOW. I keep seeing people and stuff i don't care about on top, and have to scroll pretty far down just to see people i actually follow... and that's just super annoying.",1,2023-07-10 21:32:26 +Google Play,cant post gifs they come out purple and green and distorted and am not the only one that is happening to fix the app,1,2023-07-10 02:48:05 +Google Play,"The home screen got a big glitch, the words are spreading around . Please fix it",1,2023-07-08 09:08:45 +Google Play,Sometimes force closed and search bar result nothing oftenly. And now can't see following list,3,2023-07-07 01:53:26 +Google Play,It didn't work properly. Some glitche is happend during usage. Worst experience,1,2023-07-08 02:56:44 +Google Play,"App seems like it was clearly forced out to capitalize on Twitter controversy, but it has a lot of potential!",3,2023-07-24 12:54:58 +Google Play,This app needs a lot of work i cant refresh in general it looks fine cant complain but keeps shutting down,4,2023-07-07 14:46:50 +Google Play,"I can't log in as I am not receiving the login confirmation code. Might be that I am from Australia, not sure ☹️",1,2023-07-07 01:19:20 +Google Play,"This app has potential, but it needs an explore option, hashtags, and promotion.",3,2023-07-06 17:36:13 +Google Play,The app is great but it keep stopping everytime I attach a picture to the thread.,3,2023-07-10 19:45:38 +Google Play,Good start but it does feel rushed with all of the missing features.,4,2023-07-07 12:03:55 +Google Play,UI crashes on every interaction. App totally unusable.,1,2023-07-06 08:36:32 +Google Play,Needs more features (especially followibg only page) and themes options bc it looks pretty boring but its p good so far,4,2023-07-07 04:44:19 +Google Play,"Retarded, you can't search for anything by keyword or #Tag. It shows only accounts!",2,2023-07-21 01:42:14 +Google Play,Super App which is connected to Instagram. Hopefully more updates will come there soon.,5,2023-07-06 14:42:54 +Google Play,Would be nice if they add a dark mode for AMOLED and OLED phones better for battery life I guess .,4,2023-07-06 12:17:37 +Google Play,Its great and positive so far but still there are some features missing..,4,2023-07-08 17:15:51 +Google Play,"Needs more bandwidth, it keeps crashing when I go to post something.",2,2023-07-07 19:21:17 +Google Play,You have to be an Instagram user before you can use Threads. That makes it seem like a bit of a bait-and-switch if you just want to use Threads.,3,2023-07-07 17:00:16 +Google Play,"Not a mind to be found. Like Twitter, but for the dull-normal. If you like fake positivity, corniness and old memes, you've found your app.",1,2023-07-09 03:18:22 +Google Play,Nice & u can download it's it's just useful for getting updated and news of all around the globe,5,2023-07-06 12:24:14 +Google Play,It's a great app. I love it but to the developers I want say that Where is the dark theme? Thread is glitching in my phone dark mode😐😐,5,2023-07-07 10:18:09 +Google Play,"Please add a media feed like instagram, so it will be easy to see media and please make the picture can be saved too",5,2023-07-07 17:58:38 +Google Play,So far so good I would like to put this out there please please make sure that this platform stays Scam free we don't need or want it. And please keep it free from hate only advertisement s from real business not scams,5,2023-07-09 05:18:49 +Google Play,This is awesome app but thread is connected with instagram. Mark Zuckerberg sir please make an app which integrates all meta platform app in one place.,5,2023-07-06 08:49:37 +Google Play,"Sometimes when a person followed me, the notification won't show up so I don't realize that",4,2023-07-11 14:14:55 +Google Play,"Initial impression was like walking into a town square, where there are thousands of people shouting random stuff that you don't care about, all hoping to attract the biggest crowd.",2,2023-07-08 00:51:59 +Google Play,Pretty good so far. Even though if I want to delete my account I have to delete my Instagram as well. Still better than Twitter under Twitters current circumstances.,5,2023-07-07 18:15:37 +Google Play,"First experience was the worst, installation took ages and after logging in, I cannot scroll down the activity page....",1,2023-07-08 04:12:09 +Google Play,"Still new, my problem is some picture from phone gallery can't share it will forced closed the app.",3,2023-07-06 09:26:58 +Google Play,Just add feature to download images & turn night mode on/off in the app itself.,4,2023-07-06 06:26:58 +Google Play,"Bug report: some photos unable to upload, and unable to view the reason of the failure to upload",3,2023-07-07 00:32:17 +Google Play,"I changed my insta password and now threads won't let me even open the app, let alone a login screen or anything",1,2023-07-14 10:30:02 +Google Play,There is no option to sign up without an Instagram account. DOUBLE WACK!,1,2023-07-07 05:13:45 +Google Play,"It's a great app, but it's crashing when I try to upload a photo. Please have a look",3,2023-07-07 18:47:01 +Google Play,"I can't attach a file in my thread, while i attach a file the app closes .... Ok",1,2023-07-08 01:36:24 +Google Play,All settings are good...but u need to clear bugs in threads...coz can't refresh my page .😕,4,2023-07-06 06:00:14 +Google Play,This app is crashing everytime when I open this app so I kindly requested to remove that crash,1,2023-07-06 19:25:16 +Google Play,Perfect. But could we please have downloading the photos and videos option?,5,2023-07-07 09:36:44 +Google Play,"Broken app, the screen glitches so bad. I can't use it at all.",1,2023-07-07 21:03:03 +Google Play,Hello developers i am not a user of instagram but want to use a threads please allow section for new signups rather than just login from instagram if its there then please make it more visible because I am not able to reach there,3,2023-07-10 07:51:06 +Google Play,"Don't like social media, never had a Twitter account, but I like the idea of Twitter going bust due to all the bad choices by Elon Musk, so downloading this and signing up to help out boost it's numbers",5,2023-07-05 23:44:25 +Google Play,the app crashes when i try to upload photos. it's so annoying.,3,2023-07-10 03:31:45 +Google Play,"Easy, simple ui and functions and very enjoyable, waiting for more features",5,2023-07-07 09:17:10 +Google Play,"I was facing some problem while using this app , Actually when i start using this app there was a glitch my screen get stuck",1,2023-07-07 08:05:58 +Google Play,"Competition breeds innovation, despite my distaste for meta at times what they're doing will surely shake up the industry.",4,2023-07-05 22:59:40 +Google Play,This is too disappointing that app does not working.. like every where is too much glich the font are displaying on another,1,2023-07-09 14:40:53 +Google Play,These app is incredible They is no other app like this in the social media marketing this is the best. THREADERS assemble Just yesterday I joined I have 100k+ follower I wish this app would make sure we can chat anyone privately please 🥺,5,2023-07-09 13:41:53 +Google Play,Why it's not opening for the access it's not running also if you want to delete this it not happening,1,2023-07-07 15:31:20 +Google Play,"overall is good, but please fix when i will post media, the apps goes to so laggy. So i hope it's get fix",4,2023-07-10 14:15:56 +Google Play,i have re-installed three times but coding is not accurate its been hiking and tripling the words,1,2023-07-08 12:30:39 +Google Play,"Awesome apps, I really love this apps, more than the blue one. Stay wordy, please..",5,2023-07-07 07:48:22 +Google Play,"Also include podcasts, make it like clubhouse app where friends can discuss with audio.",3,2023-07-07 14:20:37 +Google Play,"Very nicely done, would like the option to use GIFs without having to upload them",5,2023-07-06 22:38:58 +Google Play,The app is good but we need the save pictures button and dms and I can't change mine to dark mode,4,2023-07-07 05:27:39 +Google Play,Amazing engineering for an app to open up with such an influx of users without major bugs or crashes.,5,2023-07-06 00:54:47 +Google Play,Inability to easily switch between profiles makes this less useful than other options.,3,2023-07-06 13:54:43 +Google Play,First time opening threads and it instantly crashed can't even do anything it crashes without any message pls fix this,1,2023-07-08 09:20:30 +Google Play,It’s need good amount of Update and also need to allow only following people post in feed and also need to add the HASHTAG It's THE MOST IMPORATANT THING :>,4,2023-07-10 16:48:15 +Google Play,Improvements needed not very catchy... Nothing close to twitter's interface.. it's just another app...,2,2023-07-06 06:13:33 +Google Play,What is this glitch? The texts in the app threads is converging...... Fix this glitch as soon as possible 😒😠,1,2023-07-08 13:15:52 +Google Play,"Signed up, seeing nothing but utter rubbish, people who like the sound of their own voices.",2,2023-07-14 22:19:42 +Google Play,"I'm getting duplicate notifications, even though I have a public account I'm being asked to approve follow requests.",3,2023-07-06 02:27:33 +Google Play,There is a glitch in this app. Cant use it properly till now. Hope it will get fixed soon.,2,2023-07-07 10:07:54 +Google Play,It so amazing app more than what people can think or though about it its special app for each and everyone that life on the earth.,5,2023-07-06 22:42:15 +Google Play,"I know it can't be exactly like T!, but it just doesn't function properly. It's going to need some improvements. Until then I'm on that other app.",2,2023-07-15 22:48:33 +Google Play,"Very stable and almost no bugs, good job meta team, this will be big.",5,2023-07-06 01:41:26 +Google Play,Interface seems so crowded and messed up. Don't feel like using this at all,1,2023-07-16 15:59:29 +Google Play,Threads not working in my device . Maybe a glitch or something I don't know. I have sent an email please have a look,1,2023-07-06 13:50:41 +Google Play,"This app keeps bugging many times, I can't upload photos, its just log out by itself",3,2023-07-07 15:17:29 +Google Play,It can beat twitter. Nice app but more features can be added and i guess they are coming sooner...,4,2023-07-06 17:14:23 +Google Play,Passwords is not getting saved. During account switch every time I should put password for login.,1,2023-07-06 12:58:22 +Google Play,"There's the bug that shows many layers, can't use well like that.",1,2023-07-06 14:31:19 +Google Play,"Twitter rehash I guess? Never felt strongly for twt so idc about that. Seems okay so far, I think it's been like 3 days since launch. Biggest complaint: I only want to see posts from people I actually follow... preferably without having to mute a million people thanks",3,2023-07-09 06:49:26 +Google Play,"Great content, much better than a scammer platform eh eh (Hyperloop, flying cars, self driving taxi's, and FSD)",5,2023-07-06 22:44:18 +Google Play,"i love the ui , its really cute and clean/neat to use! really gives me the familiarity of Instagram too!",5,2023-07-06 00:02:05 +Google Play,"It looks fun, and was, until everything stopped loading and then the app made me unfollow about 40 people from my Instagram",2,2023-07-06 20:08:41 +Google Play,I'm not interested in opening an Instagram account just to try out Threads. So it's an immediate uninstall for me...,1,2023-07-10 21:34:51 +Google Play,"Fun and clean but needs some details like backgrounds, private messages and others.",5,2023-07-09 12:11:14 +Google Play,"It's literally Twitter, but from Meta. So you already know your data is not safe and there is no free speech.",1,2023-07-19 04:29:59 +Google Play,App crash when I want to select a two lines text in right to left language My phone's language in English ...,4,2023-07-07 07:37:14 +Google Play,"I can't log in with my Instagram. Keep telling me something went wrong, app not independent. Sad",3,2023-07-17 00:53:03 +Google Play,As is it's impossible to use. I do not have an Instagram account. I cannot use the app without creating an Instagram account. You cannot create an Instagram account from within the app. Ergo the app is impossible to use without already having an Instagram account or going to Instagram to create an account outside of the app. 0/10,1,2023-07-07 16:46:25 +Google Play,Great so far but it needs a translation button. Am I missing where to translate a post?,4,2023-07-06 20:39:06 +Google Play,"Ugly UI and it feels so slow. Why does this company continue making bad apps/site? Nice job bootlicking verification, as if anybody with 1 braincell cares about that stuff",1,2023-07-14 12:05:06 +Google Play,"Absolutely pointless, doesn't show my follows, but instead spams me with random stuff.",1,2023-07-08 14:37:16 +Google Play,I really like it! Easy to use. Converts instagram following & followers instantly too.,5,2023-07-11 23:38:55 +Google Play,This is incredible and feel cool with the linkage Instagram and I hope we can linked this to Facebook with WhatsApp.,5,2023-07-07 10:49:11 +Google Play,"Please add trending features in search, and trending @ ... Very good develop more and give more features",4,2023-07-06 09:35:32 +Google Play,When it automatically become dark mode it crashes everything. Can't even scroll up,2,2023-07-09 10:10:10 +Google Play,At first I am not familiar with this. But when I installed it and started using I get more followers and like in my post and reels. It's really interesting. Thanks Instagram 🙂,5,2023-07-06 14:09:14 +Google Play,"UI is flickering & totally a mess, after installing android app.",1,2023-07-06 16:21:18 +Google Play,Best social app I've ever seen! Now I can connect with you Instagram friends!!,5,2023-07-06 17:06:53 +Google Play,"Finally, a better alternative to the awful bin fire that is Twitter. Time to make real time updates and discussion safe for everyone again!",5,2023-07-06 02:35:54 +Google Play,"Great & simple socmed app, on Android, please add options on attachment so we can choose image from Albums",5,2023-07-06 04:49:10 +Google Play,100x times better than Twitter. My twitter feed feels like a trash. It's so messed up. we really needed it 😭😁,5,2023-07-06 08:09:24 +Google Play,"Easy to use, very intuitive UI. Join the fun",5,2023-07-06 07:33:03 +Google Play,Best App Alternative to Twitter. Account Login is So Easy with Instagram account 😄. Keep Developing and Also please Don't allow poltics inside the app like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:17:52 +Google Play,Why is the app suddenly crashing and showing multiple posts at a time like it has crashed,1,2023-07-06 13:51:53 +Google Play,"Initially good, waiting for more improvements in the user interface options",4,2023-07-06 14:31:09 +Google Play,"Just amazing, the UI looks super cool and very smooth! 🔥",5,2023-07-06 11:31:14 +Google Play,"I want to create an account just for this app and not for Instagram. It seems like I cannot do that at the moment, so this app is useless.",1,2023-07-06 04:12:02 +Google Play,Not getting post notifications from followed accounts. Replies & likes yeh. All my notifications are on.,4,2023-07-06 08:28:45 +Google Play,1.No hashtags 2.Unable to 📌 pin the threads ➿ on top . But one thing I like no limit on content or letters on a thread ➿ Good 👍.,3,2023-07-06 09:23:00 +Google Play,"Can't say much since I'm experiencing alot of glitches, hope it fets better with an update since I can't wait to use the app",1,2023-07-06 15:01:03 +Google Play,Yes... But frequently crash. Threads are not synchronise many times.,3,2023-07-06 11:40:38 +Google Play,App lags while uploading high quality pictures. Throw you out from the app.,1,2023-07-06 14:37:30 +Google Play,"Can't upload photo! Tends to upload it from gallery, suddenly app exits...",2,2023-07-06 08:34:35 +Google Play,So far this app is sounding very promising. Let's see if the pace picks up in a few weeks!,5,2023-07-06 05:50:58 +Google Play,This app is not working getting glitch type bug in it ...!! Need update ASAP!!,3,2023-07-06 18:04:33 +Google Play,"Good start, but missing key features like the explore section of twitter.",3,2023-07-06 10:51:37 +Google Play,"It's working really well, please add themed icon support for Android.",4,2023-07-06 04:54:08 +Google Play,"It is essentially Twitter minus the Elon Musk stench. Pretty good. Needs a trending subpage though, would make it perfect.",5,2023-07-06 00:46:22 +Google Play,"The ui looks horrible, I feel like I'm in a IfunnyX comment section. Even the LegoLife app has a better layout!",1,2023-07-06 07:52:57 +Google Play,Love it! Everything works and the app seems like it's only going to get better. Good work everyone.,5,2023-07-06 01:27:08 +Google Play,"It bugs the first time that i used it is okay but after like 20 hours maybe because there's a lot of users are using at the past 24 hours, my followers on Instagram account is what I saw on my threads and all of my post Is gone hahaha like I only sleep for 4 hours then after that deleted all",1,2023-07-07 08:36:45 +Google Play,Have high hopes but not sure why I need an Instagram account. Else could use personal email or something.,2,2023-07-06 09:14:26 +Google Play,"I Could Love This App, If It Would Stop Showing My An Bunch Of People I Don't Follow More Than The People I Do. I Do Not Want Suggested Post In My Main Feed. Make It So I Can Filter Them Out Or Completely Remove It.",4,2023-07-07 06:04:53 +Google Play,"Very good app, I have just joined. I have liked it very much and all other people should also download it brothers. Well done brother!",5,2023-07-06 01:47:48 +Google Play,Just signed up to threads like it the only thing missing is widgets to be able to see it on the screen,5,2023-07-06 12:56:40 +Google Play,Works well & I'm enjoying it so far. There are a few features I'd like them to add in the future.,5,2023-07-06 19:59:22 +Google Play,12m downloads in very less time is just amazing. Let see how this apps works. Am just looking for one thing. Does this app offer freedom of speech? Because meta did not but Twitter does.,5,2023-07-07 08:08:33 +Google Play,"App looks promising but missing some key features like hashtags, trending topics and DMs. Hope it will catch up soon and will take the toxic twitter out of the equation",3,2023-07-06 05:36:00 +Google Play,Would rate it higher if the translate feature can be integrated like in Facebook and Instagram,3,2023-07-07 00:29:06 +Google Play,Would have rate it a 5 if the reels options in Instagram were available and some of the Instagram features,4,2023-07-06 21:56:52 +Google Play,"It has been a very successful application, it has a few shortcomings, but I think they will be completed. I loved",5,2023-07-06 11:14:44 +Google Play,"It's good, I just need my in-app name to be independent from instagram, aswell as account switching",5,2023-07-05 23:43:13 +Google Play,"It's just like it's rival but , it lets you automatically follow your Instagram followers/ following.",5,2023-07-06 15:28:49 +Google Play,Just way more user friendly than twitter. Easy to sign up if you already insta as well.,5,2023-07-06 20:40:38 +Google Play,Good start but the Android version needs a dark mode in the worst way.,3,2023-07-06 11:09:45 +Google Play,It's kinda slow when it comes into unfollowing people. I've unfollowed one account twice but it still appears that I'm following her. How ridiculous 😂,2,2023-07-07 01:45:22 +Google Play,Not able to find direct sharing options from insta or auto sync as what I expected,4,2023-07-07 04:13:28 +Google Play,"Need #hashtags, $cashtags, search function for text, bookmarks, DMs and draft functionality to make it remotely usable.",2,2023-07-06 13:14:29 +Google Play,trash app. theres no settings and missing very basic features.,1,2023-07-06 11:09:10 +Google Play,I have a problem where I rethread mark Zuckerberg post and then it simply looks there two rethread in my timeline even though it is the same post. Hope u can fix it,4,2023-07-07 18:46:40 +Google Play,Felt kinda comfortable in this app! Don't knw why but it's friendly and kinda better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 16:09:10 +Google Play,Having Glitch on my account Interfreace that is not showing things clear like full page is shaking and being blury so please look at it...,2,2023-07-06 15:59:23 +Google Play,I can't believe I'm giving 5 stars to a Meta app but it works as described. And every star helps Elon to be a bit more miserable.,5,2023-07-06 21:07:41 +Google Play,"Good app, nice features.... Now underrated people can get some reach without reels.",5,2023-07-06 07:33:17 +Google Play,"Good. But if follow several people at once, always showing restricted massages. That's nonsense",4,2023-07-06 15:35:44 +Google Play,Unable to upload pictures. The app keeps crashing.,1,2023-07-08 19:38:08 +Google Play,"Keep improving We need to edit post after posting; spell mistakes, auto correct and change of mind etc... You know 😉",4,2023-07-06 12:20:43 +Google Play,It's really a nice app and will beat Twitter but the issue I'm facing is profile picture syncing issue,5,2023-07-06 09:48:58 +Google Play,"Need dms , dark mode and save option like Instagram. Or else it's good.",2,2023-07-06 07:20:18 +Google Play,Installed today 6th July 2023. Threads is currently tied to Instagram account. But the link to Instagram and Facebook should be optional. It should be a standalone app like Facebook or twitter.,4,2023-07-06 14:01:30 +Google Play,"The issue was finally fixed.... woohoo 🎉 I feel like kissing you guys.....but lol that'd be thru the phone, great work!",5,2023-07-09 08:23:44 +Google Play,Glitchy on my device. Can't view anything. It just goes double-triple vision,1,2023-07-06 08:41:55 +Google Play,Too much of glitch. Can't use The app at all as it glitches continuously.,1,2023-07-07 03:31:42 +Google Play,Develop the best space than that of Twitter and more other cool features but its so cool Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V,4,2023-07-06 19:50:49 +Google Play,Hope you got the user name you wanted on Instagram. This feature less app can't do anything... All account stuff is run through insta. DOA.,1,2023-07-05 23:46:40 +Google Play,"Threads is a new app, built by the Instagram team, for sharing text updates and joining public conversations....",5,2023-07-06 01:26:07 +Google Play,It's glitching. Texts are cascading over other texts and pictures,2,2023-07-06 21:50:34 +Google Play,"I can't post pictures, it's keeps crashing when I choose pictures and press done",1,2023-07-07 04:16:08 +Google Play,"i hope... with this new apps, my store can increase revenue, branding, and productivity. 5 Stars For META, Cheers Universe.",5,2023-07-06 03:18:05 +Google Play,We are the early users of Threads app. I want our next generation to see this review and know that we were the early users of these threads apps but after I joined these threads apps I will add many memories with these apps which I will miss a lot in future.❣️🥰🧡,5,2023-07-06 17:21:12 +Google Play,"When I scroll down or up, my whole display just messed up with the letterers. Fix it ASAP @Mark_Juckerburg",1,2023-07-06 16:58:04 +Google Play,It's early days so we will see where this app goes. But could the billion dollar company behind Instagram and now Threads please work out how to make an app for tablets/foldables too... I mean come on...,3,2023-07-07 04:30:57 +Google Play,It's taking many permissions and while using heating the phone. It's a trap for looting data,1,2023-07-06 08:42:43 +Google Play,Why am I opening another app to connect more app. To view the same things I would view on the previous app pages?,2,2023-07-06 02:28:42 +Google Play,More like insta and doesn't look like it had more of idea to be created I can edit my review based on changes brought by Meta but for now ... it just looks like insta without reels,3,2023-07-06 01:54:00 +Google Play,"I do not plan on allocating time to this app, apart from the time setting up this app as private, as I am the author of: cups of tea songbook",3,2023-07-06 15:47:07 +Google Play,"A great alternative to Twitter, filled with a fun community and is very safe for people.",5,2023-07-06 20:40:22 +Google Play,I wish it wasn't a separate application and was connected and inside Instagram!,4,2023-07-06 01:35:38 +Google Play,I am also new to this app. 🙋‍♂️ This app is moving very fast and seems to be aiming to overtake Twitter😬,5,2023-07-06 16:51:49 +Google Play,"Please fix the feed , there's some people facing me every time when i enter the app , i need to see what i follow,not suggestions please!",1,2023-07-06 13:43:08 +Google Play,Not optimised upto now... Screen continuosly blinking and flashing.,1,2023-07-06 08:37:04 +Google Play,"The feed, why do i have to see the trash posts by the whole humanity.. There should be a feed to see only people i follow and what interests me.. Why the hell should i see the trash celebrities, girls, actors, cringe memes and what not..",1,2023-07-07 08:37:41 +Google Play,I installed this app yesterday and used it for few hours. Currently I don’t see any difference in this app however in future it might have some different features.,1,2023-07-07 06:11:59 +Google Play,"Seems ok,but my only gripe so far,is that you cannot see what you are writing due to the keyboard being over it!",4,2023-07-06 16:47:43 +Google Play,"So far, so good. Easy to move profile, etc. From Instagram to threads",5,2023-07-07 04:19:26 +Google Play,The app glitches a lot.. Im not able use it because of the glitches.. They ssrly need to work on it,1,2023-07-07 07:38:41 +Google Play,Threads app is not working properly I got heavy glitches when I open the app everytime.,1,2023-07-06 17:58:02 +Google Play,If switching to multiple accounts could be as easier as Instagram it would be convenient too,4,2023-07-07 07:53:51 +Google Play,"App doesn't work in many devices, hangs everytimes... Need immediate update...",1,2023-07-07 06:53:56 +Google Play,"I have just got ot amd I love it, it is really good quality and I think they did great job with the app:)",5,2023-07-06 01:03:03 +Google Play,Worst app. What you are building guys. Instagram + Facebook= threads. What's a worst product idea guys. Same as 2 repos you are merge and building a 3rd app 😆😆😆,1,2023-07-06 13:33:49 +Google Play,The app is laging so muchh...the text are overlapping and the gui is completely crashing.,2,2023-07-06 19:24:34 +Google Play,Why is there not a chronological timeline? What is wrong with all these social media companies that completely disregard that as an option?,2,2023-07-06 07:49:56 +Google Play,So far so good but one thing is missing Ability to download pictures on thread,5,2023-07-06 14:32:31 +Google Play,"Thnx Instragram team, for releasing new app! It's like a Twitter but I was thread by Instragram. Thnx Meta Family. This app very helpful for Aviation ✈️ related things. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐",5,2023-07-06 16:55:43 +Google Play,The UI is very much organised and user friendly.,5,2023-07-06 17:00:13 +Google Play,The app looks nice but please add feature of saving a picture of full resolution like twitter,4,2023-07-06 07:05:31 +Google Play,Useless pale copy of Twitter without soul and no fun and tremendous use of data. Pointless.,1,2023-07-09 22:24:59 +Google Play,Absolutely wonderful interface. So happy for it. Bye bye Twitter 👋👋👋,5,2023-07-06 18:56:54 +Google Play,It's alright tho I would suggest to add a dark mode option because it burns my eyes out at night,3,2023-07-07 06:32:17 +Google Play,App is having a lot of issues Unable to navigate app Can't scroll through...it keeps blurring,1,2023-07-06 14:48:22 +Google Play,"Good so far but there NEEDS to be a setting that lets me see only the posts of the accounts I follow, not just random ones. That's what twitter tried to do & everyone hates it so please add this asap please. What's the point of following someone of I can't see their posts.",4,2023-07-06 08:14:15 +Google Play,"App is minimalist and good Keeps Crashing when i try to upload a picture, please fix this ASAP @zuck",4,2023-07-06 09:24:06 +Google Play,How do I turn on dark mode? I use android. It cannot find the display setting to toggle on/off dark mode,3,2023-07-07 07:00:34 +Google Play,"It's a trap! Once you create a Threads profile, the only way to delete it is to also delete your Instagram account 😡",1,2023-07-07 01:58:39 +Google Play,"For the day one, it's great. Waiting for hashtag and trending list.",3,2023-07-06 12:06:25 +Google Play,The upload image session always shut the app down if you click about the image to insert a caption...fix,3,2023-07-07 01:24:58 +Google Play,"I was permanently suspended on twitter for no valid reason. So far, am very happy with every feature of this app.😊",5,2023-07-07 19:26:18 +Google Play,"Great experience, great app. It's obviously going to take no time at all for this to blow up.",5,2023-07-06 15:37:20 +Google Play,Plz add location so i could see threads from the places i want . And in the specific language i want!,1,2023-07-06 12:25:43 +Google Play,"I mean it’s a Twitter on cheesecakes instead of steroids — looks clean and simple, but I’m still testing it out. This is coming from a Twitter Blue user (pls don’t cancel me 🤡).",5,2023-07-06 22:11:08 +Google Play,Looks like a worthy competitor to Twitter. I've been enjoying the experience so far!,5,2023-07-06 15:46:37 +Google Play,"Magical, I personally like the app. I'm synced on my account name @me_adams_ and gained more followers than I have on twitter for the past 3 years😂",5,2023-07-06 22:48:05 +Google Play,It's very great full for expressing our thoughts and feelings... really enjoying 😍❤️‍🔥#threads,5,2023-07-07 05:41:45 +Google Play,Good currently. Please don't be hell hole Like Twitter in the future🥺. But translation doesn't there please 🥺 🙏work on that soon 🥰 .,5,2023-07-06 15:12:01 +Google Play,"missing some features, but the best social media app i've ever used.",5,2023-07-07 05:45:32 +Google Play,"pretty good so far but my only problem is there is no ""following"" and ""for you"" options in the feed.",4,2023-07-06 06:33:09 +Google Play,"First time trying threads app basically just instagram based text or comments section, maybe the different between this app and twitter from the POV of user where at twitter users tend to hides their real name/username or alter account but it is different within this threads app automatically sync uname with instagram",4,2023-07-06 18:29:15 +Google Play,"Well, I would like this except there is a bug and I can't do anything in the app. 🤷🏻‍♀️",2,2023-07-07 09:55:54 +Google Play,If only you can save the picture from Thread it will be perfect!,3,2023-07-07 05:05:49 +Google Play,"There's only one thing left, dude. Mr. Zuck, hit us up with a DM, ya know? Saw a beautiful girl on this app, but can't seem to find no DM option.",4,2023-07-07 08:42:32 +Google Play,"Interesting App, It's unfortunate I couldn't find where to upload images.",4,2023-07-06 20:34:06 +Google Play,"Keeps closing, won't work on my phone, feedback part won't work either",1,2023-07-06 17:16:33 +Google Play,Amazing App Highly Recommend 🙃 just one complain Instagram Disable my account without any Reason.. Please Look at my account and reactive again it's request,5,2023-07-06 12:31:16 +Google Play,Photo video quality get decreased when you upload get fix after all this app is good long to go,2,2023-07-07 02:46:42 +Google Play,When I logged in using Instagram I'd it is saying something went wrong . App not opening error,1,2023-07-07 07:29:02 +Google Play,"Require ""Bookmark"" option. And too much suggestions of not-followed users on feed.",3,2023-07-06 17:50:37 +Google Play,Thought it would be better than other social media sites but as like as twitter here you also can't edit your posts. it's too much pathetic for me.,3,2023-07-07 08:46:59 +Google Play,"Good app, but still missing gallery/media tab on profiles then it'll be perfect",3,2023-07-06 04:39:11 +Google Play,"Hi there! Though the initial experience of finding my way through to Threads was exciting, I must say the drawback for me was that I can't add multiple accounts yet. Could you resolve that already please Threads Team?!",4,2023-07-06 15:50:46 +Google Play,It's not working in my device so many glitches while scrolling up and down. I want to join beta version of threads,1,2023-07-07 07:11:53 +Google Play,"Good app, good beginning...needs lot of improvement and I believe this app will emerge as one of the best app in social media world. Follow my threads account @kamriakhanam",5,2023-07-07 04:53:52 +Google Play,"Nice app. We want bookmark, our liked feed & not interested feature.",5,2023-07-06 05:48:11 +Google Play,Still loading! i think the app crashing because of high volume of a new users,3,2023-07-06 06:34:17 +Google Play,"So far not bad, it can be great if you can add DMs & circles for the time being.",4,2023-07-07 15:54:58 +Google Play,"It's cool apps , Similar of Twitter, But there are need to more software upgrades for better performance .",5,2023-07-06 15:19:27 +Google Play,This app is really good to use. I am very happy to see an app I can use other than the Blue Bird app.,5,2023-07-06 21:25:25 +Google Play,"Changed my Instagram password after making a Threads account, and now, whenever I open Threads, it crashes.",1,2023-07-08 03:53:43 +Google Play,"The app is topnotch, fast and reliable . Mark should kindly provide us with DM.",5,2023-07-06 20:02:35 +Google Play,It's fantastic I lost the words to say about it after looking into it big competition tweeter has now 😉,5,2023-07-07 04:12:25 +Google Play,I have been waiting for this from Facebook for a long time. I like it. It is very simple. Relatively easy to use.,5,2023-07-06 17:29:47 +Google Play,Amazing apl and a great replacement to twitter tho it needs some time in development cuz it lacks some features,5,2023-07-07 06:01:03 +Google Play,Superrrr .....interesting features ..... good to implement more and more features,5,2023-07-06 13:50:50 +Google Play,App is refreshing but I'm encountering crash whenever I try to thread on a thread.,3,2023-07-06 10:55:04 +Google Play,Nice experience but i think 🤔 you can add pictures save mode in you phone gallery like a Facebook...,4,2023-07-10 18:36:23 +Google Play,Just a replica of Twitter it looks as if they just copied the source code for Twitter and used that and basically nothing is different,1,2023-07-06 16:49:55 +Google Play,Looks interesting but honestly looks like Instagram lite rather than Twitter's competition.,4,2023-07-06 16:25:03 +Google Play,This app looks promising. I hope this surpasses Twitter and follow certain limitations in terms of free speech and counteract misinformation and disinformation.,5,2023-07-06 13:23:13 +Google Play,The app is getting crash. I don't know why but it crashed please help me,1,2023-07-06 08:55:43 +Google Play,"Good Twitter alternative, but at the moment the app crashes whenever I post HD images",3,2023-07-06 10:03:22 +Google Play,It a very good alternative to twitter. But i have concerns about my data. Overall good,4,2023-07-06 10:33:31 +Google Play,I get it it's a new apss but too much crash. Also please accept webm format video.,3,2023-07-06 11:10:13 +Google Play,"I think I am the first to give feedback about the application, it is very cool and entertaining, I loved it 🫶🏻🩷",5,2023-07-06 10:12:22 +Google Play,"Nice app, but there is one lacking. Please do include log-in for Facebook also.",5,2023-07-06 04:24:54 +Google Play,It's good but a few bugs here and there eg I keep copying text by mistake,5,2023-07-06 23:57:51 +Google Play,"Overall positive, just needs a private messaging feature.",4,2023-07-06 16:29:28 +Google Play,I only want to see posts from the accounts i follow. I'm interested in others posts. Add Following tab in Timeline.,2,2023-07-22 11:48:59 +Google Play,It's a good app but we want also want a personal chat system with known or unknown person,5,2023-07-06 13:00:46 +Google Play,Needs a trending page and other forms of seeing what is currently happening around areas of the world being news and/or other forms of connectivity,2,2023-07-06 16:53:18 +Google Play,Reviews are being deleted. Data and privacy issues. Major ones. Your information is not safe. Nor are your rights.,1,2023-07-06 18:42:48 +Google Play,"Sucks up too much memory off of my phone. And it's choppy, not fluid way to use it.",1,2023-07-06 10:40:06 +Google Play,Fix the huge glitch please. The app is not usable since last night.,2,2023-07-07 05:30:20 +Google Play,"My Instagram accounts is keep getting log out when I login to threads, & when I go login to Insta then my threads account gets logged out automatically please resolve this",2,2023-07-06 19:54:24 +Google Play,I'm facing some problems suck as replying with gifs are not working properly. Hope it fix this soon,3,2023-07-06 16:23:30 +Google Play,The UI and UX is awesome. They should add trends.,4,2023-07-06 13:18:05 +Google Play,"Could really benefit from an Instagram like feed (people you follow first, then other suggested posts after).",4,2023-07-06 03:13:21 +Google Play,I don't know why but my thread app isn't giving me a clear view as I scroll up it begins to hang kindly rectify this...,1,2023-07-07 08:32:33 +Google Play,Nothing is visible properly the screen is glitching out check email for more information,1,2023-07-07 04:02:13 +Google Play,"The app is great, but so far, I'm just having trouble with sometimes refreshing.",4,2023-07-07 03:43:22 +Google Play,"So is this app available in the EU or not? Because I was able to download it and follow a bunch of pages just fine, but now it's just ""something went wrong"" all the time. What's up?",2,2023-07-21 17:24:18 +Google Play,"The app is OK, just remember meta is scraping your phone to get everything it can sell.",3,2023-07-07 00:24:12 +Google Play,"Stealing the Twitter concept doesn't make you creative, but a thife. Good job, Mark, for stealing.",1,2023-07-06 22:40:39 +Google Play,Great app almost similar to twitter. Lol i love the vibe with the app but why does it scramble when you try scrolling through posts?,3,2023-07-06 12:31:26 +Google Play,Unusable. The screen gets clogged and messed up.,1,2023-07-06 01:07:35 +Google Play,"Good app for timepass and fun,but it same like Twitter just that one thing you need to notice.....",4,2023-07-06 15:14:54 +Google Play,Feels like the meshing together of Twitter and Instagram with a slick and smooth feel to it,5,2023-07-07 00:46:10 +Google Play,Nice interface. Liked this. hopefully this will be something great.,5,2023-07-06 00:04:23 +Google Play,This app is very addictive 😍 personaly I don't like Twitter that much but this app is very engaging and me and my friends are enjoying this app a lot 😃 thanks for making this Instagram community 💙,5,2023-07-06 16:21:53 +Google Play,The issue with the app I am facing is it freezes when i upload a photo.,2,2023-07-06 02:55:07 +Google Play,"I love this😍, no ads😍 yet but I'm sure they won't be long😞. Really easy to use 😎",5,2023-07-06 13:18:49 +Google Play,I want a direct messager like instagram and want to see trending like twitter and I want to able to download pics like twitter and I might be able to translate other language text introduce these feature as soon as possible,5,2023-07-09 14:28:18 +Google Play,"Its a great app, it filled with positivity. Definitely a great idea",5,2023-07-06 12:30:16 +Google Play,The home screen is just mixing up everything maybe a bug please fix it,2,2023-07-06 16:24:17 +Google Play,Good start but still needs so many features like Twitter if meta really wants to succeed.,3,2023-07-06 08:05:51 +Google Play,"When i refresh the app, it glitches so i need to close the app and open it again to remove the glitches",1,2023-07-06 01:34:38 +Google Play,It should also show top trending. But overall it is excellent.,4,2023-07-06 08:00:59 +Google Play,"I downloaded this app, set up my account, posted my first tweet and on the homepage, I witnessed tweets from people I do not follow. I deleted the app.",1,2023-07-05 23:38:36 +Google Play,🍏So beautiful 🍏I really love threads app 🍏. Just hoping for more features 📌 add up more features 📌 please 📍,5,2023-07-06 16:31:33 +Google Play,"This app can be used by scammers. It should provide information on where the account profile is based like in Instagram. Again, please provide information on where the account is based.",1,2023-07-06 20:25:46 +Google Play,"App malfunctioning on my phone. It glitches really really bad, please fix!",1,2023-07-07 07:43:52 +Google Play,Can't pick a new username. It's automatically the one from Instagram. Also this app has 4599 ratings and nobody bothered to write a comment? Guess you can buy anything these days.,1,2023-07-06 13:58:33 +Google Play,"Underwhelming, not a replacement for twitter. Best thing I could say is garbage.",1,2023-07-06 19:50:45 +Google Play,"Android version can't select album when posting image while iOS version can, what the...",2,2023-07-07 02:06:30 +Google Play,"I don't have time for instagram, but I'd like to use this new app like my Twitter , unfortunately I have to delete it and stick to Twitter since I can't register without having instagram account 😢",1,2023-07-06 18:32:08 +Google Play,"I deactivated my Threads account, still the threads badge is visible on my Insta profile. I ""hid"" the badge from profile section, but it keeps on coming back, why? I don't want to use Threads anymore. There should be a delete account feature for Threads. Since I've deactivated my account, the badge shouldn't be there at the first place!",2,2023-07-06 08:34:05 +Google Play,This thread is really good about looking at pictures and information what's in here but it's worth it. 👍,5,2023-07-06 00:26:06 +Google Play,"The app is nice, but there is no option to send Dm and no trending hashtags",3,2023-07-06 08:55:49 +Google Play,"So, you can't delete you account w/o also deleting your Instagram account and on top of that your feed is full of people that have nothing to do w your interest. Got it.",1,2023-07-06 13:58:29 +Google Play,I personally don't trust any of Zuckerberg's products in terms of security and others. Thank You,1,2023-07-06 18:47:40 +Google Play,This new app was awesome!!! The cool here is your acc is connected to Instagram!!! Not laggy and I literally enjoyed this Threads!!!,5,2023-07-06 08:14:45 +Google Play,"When I video is muted, raising my phone volume should unmute the video.",2,2023-07-06 23:06:38 +Google Play,"Nice I demand the ability to save images, and I also demand to search for topics such as Twitter",4,2023-07-06 13:46:34 +Google Play,"alternative for twitter thats it their is no much new feature to attract the audience infact twitter is the best to develop you , this theards meant for time pass conversations",1,2023-07-06 01:58:30 +Google Play,"The display is still glitch on Android, I can't even see what content is displayed",2,2023-07-05 23:13:05 +Google Play,Too much bugs and glitches.want to upload pic but there is no option here .,1,2023-07-06 03:36:51 +Google Play,"I find this app way better than Twitter as all your accounts are linked, and is not dominanted by posts by mostly one person (Elon).",5,2023-07-06 07:16:56 +Google Play,"Just downloaded the app (brand new) and I already like it, tbf I think it's better than Twitter but that's my opinion. I can't wait for the future work that will be put into this (future updates). *Definitely recommended!*",5,2023-07-06 00:17:04 +Google Play,Would be good to see a direct message option. Otherwise pretty pleased with this new Meta app.,3,2023-07-07 01:09:26 +Google Play,"The app is fantastic but you can't get a permanent link for it, It keeps breaking",2,2023-07-06 22:30:10 +Google Play,App full of bugs everytime open app crashes and closed not I am not recommended to use this app,1,2023-07-06 06:55:19 +Google Play,Very awesome app 💯💯...but i think it needs more features e.g sending direct message,4,2023-07-06 18:00:14 +Google Play,I'm unable to login into threads because after I login on insta it logs me out of threads and the cycle continues.. please solve this out,1,2023-07-07 04:36:15 +Google Play,"I like the app, but please please don't add the messaging feature the link to IG is enough 🙂",4,2023-07-07 07:25:09 +Google Play,There is glitch or bug in the app. My screen gets blur while using the app,1,2023-07-07 05:19:59 +Google Play,First attempt. It's good. Hopefully more updates in the future will strengthen the usability of this app.,4,2023-07-06 08:40:14 +Google Play,It won't let me create an account. You must have an Instagram account to join. A Facebook account isn't good enough.,1,2023-07-07 01:11:40 +Google Play,Great alternative to twitter. it's time to pull the blue bird down.,5,2023-07-06 09:16:05 +Google Play,"Cannot use on browser only, dunno what they want to track with their native app",1,2023-07-06 05:14:06 +Google Play,"So far, it's pretty good. Just wish we could control what we see on our news feed. Noticing lots of people I'm not following.",4,2023-07-06 09:27:52 +Google Play,As I login the app there are so many glitches in the app and screen pixel got tear i can't even see the screen,1,2023-07-07 07:19:33 +Google Play,"Choosing ""this was me"" while trying to login takes me to a page to change my password which makes no sense.",1,2023-07-07 04:29:55 +Google Play,Can't upload pictures; app crashes at every attempt.,1,2023-07-06 14:06:07 +Google Play,UI is not working in my mobile phone all text overlap each other plz solve this problem,1,2023-07-06 17:01:23 +Google Play,Could use some improvements but is super easy to set up and start using.,4,2023-07-06 15:32:01 +Google Play,99.999999% of the timeline are accounts I don't follow and no way to filter them,1,2023-07-06 14:41:00 +Google Play,App is crashing...... Can't be scrolled.... The screen is bulring...,1,2023-07-07 06:49:06 +Google Play,Some kind of bugs and errors are seen in this app hope it will fix soon,2,2023-07-06 06:23:43 +Google Play,"I can't even sign up here iñ Asia. It only have one option for singing up. No email, no google or no other options",1,2023-07-06 18:47:00 +Google Play,Worst privacy policy.. even you can not delete your own data from the account. If you create account and not like it you can not delete account and remove your data. The only way is they asked you to delete your Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 05:49:08 +Google Play,Not working on my phone I have android 9 and the screen is flickering when scrolling,1,2023-07-07 08:13:57 +Google Play,It's a good start....10M+ followers in less than 24 hours.........and need to improve lot of things.....hope you will improve as soon as possible ....,3,2023-07-07 12:09:31 +Google Play,application is smooth for operating and look feel is smooth Good work team Threads...,5,2023-07-07 15:53:35 +Google Play,"When i try to post it shows ""your thread failed to upload"" but there is no specific reason why?",1,2023-07-18 09:02:55 +Google Play,App looks good. Congratulations to the Team. Great job done.,5,2023-07-06 05:27:15 +Google Play,Android mobiles can't able too access properly. It's blurred.,1,2023-07-06 23:00:20 +Google Play,simple and elegant but lacks important features like trending page,5,2023-07-06 16:52:59 +Google Play,"Good! Genius... I hope this app will continue to be developed. You can still see that while Twitter consumption is declining in this situation, Threads are gaining popularity.",4,2023-07-06 08:03:26 +Google Play,App is laging I opened one tab than so many tabs are being opend showing like server hacked so many linings what's the issues?,1,2023-07-08 13:16:03 +Google Play,You have to use same username that is on Instagram. I am already not happy with the username there and now I have to stick the same username with here so that is my major issue..,1,2023-07-06 04:00:34 +Google Play,"I am happy to join Thread. It's simple and fantastic, it's better than some other social apps.",5,2023-07-06 07:18:12 +Google Play,In this app we don't have any choice to edit anything about profile! That's not good👎🏾,1,2023-07-07 01:24:25 +Google Play,It's second day of this application and it's working good....I think it is the best alternative to Twitter....,5,2023-07-07 03:48:59 +Google Play,It's a beautiful app but mine keep crashing everytime I wanna mention a username. Why?,4,2023-07-06 07:11:35 +Google Play,Still not in order. Much prefer seeing the newest posts first not what an algorithm thinks I want to see.,3,2023-07-06 21:42:11 +Google Play,Its going to be one of the best app after insta. May it will be competive to twitter... It may become an alternate for twiter in coming days.,5,2023-07-06 06:40:46 +Google Play,Needs more features and some tweaks but off to a good start,4,2023-07-08 19:18:47 +Google Play,"Worst app , Zuckerberg is not going to do new things he only copying others and buying , he doesn't have the mind to create new things.aftet some time he will start taking 699 here for varified badges also",1,2023-07-07 17:19:04 +Google Play,Very bad App. Play Store please this app band very fast. This app is a trap App. Anyone don't trust this app🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭,1,2023-07-09 09:24:47 +Google Play,"Can't even change name of your account, until change it on insta.. No option for trends.. Overall Twitter is much better",2,2023-07-06 16:46:32 +Google Play,"Title: A Game-Changer for Social Engagement - Instagram Thread App Review Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5) Review: Instagram Thread has undoubtedly transformed the way we connect and engage with others on social media. As an avid Instagram user, I am thrilled to share my experience with this remarkable new app. Instagram Thread takes the concept of storytelling to a whole new level, allowing users to dive deeper into conversations and share their thoughts in a more meaningful and organized way.",1,2023-07-18 20:28:45 +Google Play,"Well, for a new app it's good. Just a few updates and it'll be an awesome alternative to Twitter.",4,2023-07-06 10:42:25 +Google Play,It's totally boring won't have option friends and also don't have opt of recent threads,1,2023-07-09 07:04:52 +Google Play,Only downside is seeing too many posts from people I don't follow so the ones I follow are getting a bit lost.,2,2023-07-06 20:34:49 +Google Play,"Not better than Twitter at all, it's just an extension of Instagram that acts like Twitter.",1,2023-07-07 07:50:47 +Google Play,"I like the app & concept. It still needs some work to do, but I love it!",5,2023-07-06 17:56:51 +Google Play,"App is good but what is it's use didn't get is otherwise the app layout, UIis nice #elonmusk😭",5,2023-07-07 14:57:02 +Google Play,App is unstable. Its glitchy and bugged out when scrolling,1,2023-07-06 22:55:30 +Google Play,"Very good! Is easy to use, you can express the comments. I like that!",5,2023-07-06 06:16:38 +Google Play,Best movie against musk 😂😂😂😂...but this app is totally incredible and Mark my words musk will still in coma after seeing such step from mark,5,2023-07-07 15:50:46 +Google Play,Facing problem in running app... Automatically closing app and showing error,2,2023-07-07 10:36:51 +Google Play,Found bugs alert !!! Its always crash when I check comments on my past threads.,1,2023-07-07 11:02:42 +Google Play,The app gets glitch and it's overlaps another content on newsfeed and gets stuck,1,2023-07-06 13:01:55 +Google Play,"Like the app, just seems to be REALLY slow loading anything.",3,2023-07-07 08:19:42 +Google Play,The space feels peaceful and the usability is easy. Hope d twitter war.lords don't invade the space.,5,2023-07-06 20:07:42 +Google Play,"This app is always glitching, should must support low-end devices as it's like on Instagram",2,2023-07-06 10:14:37 +Google Play,"Very cool rn, but would like to see who I'm following on threads as well as topic searches opposed to profile only in the search section",4,2023-07-12 17:41:18 +Google Play,VERY GOOD APP. Please let there be language translator/translation,5,2023-07-08 16:53:58 +Google Play,"This application have more features,,,as compare to Twitter application.,, It's good and more flexible to use.",5,2023-07-09 09:42:42 +Google Play,This is great as long as no one on it is given in BlueTick for talent and not money.,4,2023-07-07 19:14:49 +Google Play,"Everything's cool. I think you should just introduce the ""trending"" in your features",5,2023-07-07 18:08:12 +Google Play,"99% of the content I see are from accounts that cross post the same empty platitudes, engagement bait, or junk news on every site. The rest are influencers who I nor anyone have ever heard of. I still see new posts by accounts I've blocked. This app is a ploy for Zuckerberg to take over the Fediverse, but currently it's complete garbage. This app will not cultivate a real culture in its current form. Even the influencers themselves are complaining. Draconian Meta content rules still apply.",1,2023-07-06 14:46:28 +Google Play,Samsung user can't upload photos app crashes every time!,1,2023-07-07 00:59:29 +Google Play,Takes so much time for post. When i want to edit e work the before and the after words bacome adjusted together 🫨🤥,1,2023-07-06 14:47:56 +Google Play,"Can't get past the initial ""log in with insta"" page. Because I don't have insta presumably. I don't now and never will do insta so how do I join? Useless af.",1,2023-07-09 12:24:42 +Google Play,The app is buggy. It closes by itself when i try to open the replies,2,2023-07-07 13:58:38 +Google Play,This tried to be an alternative to Twitter and failed miserably. So many bugs on this app,2,2023-07-06 02:26:01 +Google Play,This is very basic app yet... Not performing so well. Not expecting from a jiant company to produce this dull app.,1,2023-07-06 12:40:59 +Google Play,"Nice UI, need a lot of feature improvement though.",5,2023-07-06 01:44:42 +Google Play,It's nice but we cant use two accounts at a time n by this insta is disabling lots of accounts,4,2023-07-09 12:12:31 +Google Play,"Enjoying the app so much. However, please include: 1. Trending topics 2. DMs 3. Close Friends 4. Media/Gallery 5. Polls Thanks",5,2023-07-06 07:47:05 +Google Play,"No search option to search for post only for accounts, i see post from people i didnt follow.",2,2023-07-07 15:45:55 +Google Play,"Amazing work 💪 done by Zuck Sir Team. let's celebrate 🎉🎊🎁 this today 🙂 Threads is like make of popcrone easy, fast ⚡, and tasty mean easy to use, fast signup&fetching and posting, tasty mean something new and creative which feel love to use .",5,2023-07-06 07:36:38 +Google Play,I opening the app touching to scroll there are something like bug it is not like a buge its actually buge checkout this,1,2023-07-06 13:27:55 +Google Play,The app is still currently glitching on my device and it's not even looking resolvable.,1,2023-07-08 14:17:21 +Google Play,"Good 👍..But it is still in the beginning and needs more development and advantages, and it will outperform others",3,2023-07-06 16:57:39 +Google Play,It use to lag a lot... U can't even read properly due to this.. Looking for a good update now,1,2023-07-06 17:40:55 +Google Play,There are lot of glitches I can't even see the home screen. plz fix it,1,2023-07-08 08:09:52 +Google Play,App requires a 2 step verification code to access. No such code appears. Already broken.... classic from Meta.,1,2023-07-06 07:16:53 +Google Play,"It's good,but when you press home and it scrolls up your threads it's quite choppy",4,2023-07-07 07:43:50 +Google Play,"Worst app UI and it is like sasta Twitter without any good features,even Koo is far better.",1,2023-07-09 09:17:06 +Google Play,Hello its an amazing app and well done meta but its lagging and crash when i try to post . Solve this issue Thanks,5,2023-07-06 18:15:20 +Google Play,Add the save images or videos button to every post. Suggestion though 🙏,4,2023-07-08 04:02:03 +Google Play,"We all know what's coming after a 5 star rating, for short, crazy app and fun place to be, thread lightly 😹",5,2023-07-07 00:50:48 +Google Play,"Please add an option to change theme, it's always in dark mode.",3,2023-07-08 02:58:44 +Google Play,"Still need improvement in UI,Features to competitive with others....",3,2023-07-09 06:10:00 +Google Play,The app is so glitchy that As soon as I scroll the app overlays every post over each other And they say that deleting this app will delete your account,1,2023-07-08 04:06:26 +Google Play,"As expected, brilliant UI and simple to use, a big 👍",5,2023-07-06 19:07:52 +Google Play,So easy to use. Love that it connected straight to IG so no hassle sign up 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 18:42:43 +Google Play,Feels like browsing Twitter if I had Alzheimer's. No tags so you're shouting into a void. Can't find fanart easily. Feed littered with posts from people I have no clue who they are and I have nothing in common with.,1,2023-07-09 08:26:29 +Google Play,It's exceptional. I'd say more interesting than other Apps except Instagram...😍😍😍,5,2023-07-06 14:10:01 +Google Play,Terrible.you can't delete your account without deleting your entire Instagram account. It's a trap!,1,2023-07-06 13:29:52 +Google Play,"So far so good, need to be added some features like DMs, pin post, etc",5,2023-07-07 08:50:37 +Google Play,Keeps freezing when scrolling up and down or changing tabs.,1,2023-07-07 21:44:05 +Google Play,"""Your Thread Failed To Upload"" cannot upload any image for some reason...pls fix this...",4,2023-07-09 04:41:48 +Google Play,When I open app it's start crashing and all picture stated mixed it up,3,2023-07-08 17:15:35 +Google Play,"It's not working well on my phone, its just overlapping whenever i try to scroll",1,2023-07-07 07:31:05 +Google Play,Graphics are glitching all over the place for my device. Unuseable,1,2023-07-07 05:49:19 +Google Play,"I know, you're still developing the app. But, can I suggest to have a translation on it? I can't understand other languages.",5,2023-07-06 08:22:16 +Google Play,"The app is awesome but it has one problem, we aren,t finding message button",4,2023-07-09 06:26:57 +Google Play,"It's glitching non stop for me. Developers, please fix this fast.",2,2023-07-07 17:46:21 +Google Play,My experience is very bad It's not working well and getting glitched every time,1,2023-07-07 00:50:16 +Google Play,I'll adjust to 5 stars when I have Dark Mode lol. No complaints otherwise.,4,2023-07-08 02:05:02 +Google Play,"Apparently, an Instagram account is needed to log in, which I don't have or want.",1,2023-07-06 11:28:04 +Google Play,"Hey meta I'm I will give this app to 5 stars but in this app so many features are missing like trending feed , following people's posts,#,DM and many more please improve the app and user experience",5,2023-07-08 11:47:00 +Google Play,"Threde App Revive Request Threde app revive 5star I apologize, but I'm not familiar with an app called ""Threde"" that you mentioned. It's possible that the app is new or relatively unknown, or it may not exist at all. If you could provide more information about the app or clarify your request, I'll do my best to assist you.",5,2023-07-08 05:45:49 +Google Play,"It's not working, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling still not functioning",1,2023-07-06 21:41:53 +Google Play,It shows many unrelated accounts to the timeline. I can not see the thread made by accounts I follow,3,2023-07-06 08:10:29 +Google Play,"Exactly like Twitter.. Copy paste actually, I do not understand what this app offers more... I will stick with Twitter lol",1,2023-07-08 18:14:39 +Google Play,The application is very beautiful but I am unable to publish the post as a instagtam story i I sent you the problem Already,5,2023-07-06 03:45:20 +Google Play,Should also have an ability to save pictures just like on Twitter.,3,2023-07-07 11:53:09 +Google Play,"Suddenly I cannot open the App, it says ""something went wrong"".",1,2023-07-08 01:24:03 +Google Play,I've humble request Pls Don't download it it's wastage of time.Having to much trouble due to lot of bugs.,1,2023-07-06 11:57:38 +Google Play,Great app. A new start to share your brand through thoughts and build an organic following. Everyone is a friend with everyone.,5,2023-07-07 13:11:38 +Google Play,The app crashes everytime I try to repost with caption.,3,2023-07-08 13:25:21 +Google Play,"It is a good application, still I am using it, let's see what will be the benefit of running it on foot. 👍🏻👍🏻",5,2023-07-06 11:17:48 +Google Play,This app similar to Twitter but always good for Sir Mark Zuckerberg ❤️🫂 and more and more new features are update in threads app this is great sir and Mark Zuckerberg teams good work for opponent thank you!,5,2023-07-08 12:31:46 +Google Play,I started the app... My suggestion is when someone write in other language I can't read...there is no translation,3,2023-07-07 09:50:49 +Google Play,"Another new way to explore threads and posts, enough to feed me contents day to day.",5,2023-07-06 07:08:12 +Google Play,You need instagram to use this app - can't sign up to threads on its own - uninstalled straight away,1,2023-07-07 20:41:30 +Google Play,"After some future updates & improvements, I guess I we say that this will be a true Twitter killer just so we can let Vine get revived by Meta instead!",5,2023-07-05 23:59:20 +Google Play,By now collection and hashtags are unavailable in Threads. For me they are important.,3,2023-07-07 10:17:35 +Google Play,"So far, so good. Still working up with the interface but kool👍🏿",5,2023-07-07 02:25:06 +Google Play,It's good so far. Just need to work on the home page because I'm not seeing anything there (it's blank),4,2023-07-08 19:40:50 +Google Play,Great concept but continually crashes when I try to type or @ anyone,1,2023-07-09 01:45:45 +Google Play,Amazing app actually I was sending request to Twitter so that they accept my confirmation email but yarrrr Instagram make it so easy for me now I can tweet easily I will recommend you too to go and download it💫💞,5,2023-07-07 11:08:29 +Google Play,"Till the date i found this app great , user xperience is best and ui needs to be better at some place.",5,2023-07-07 06:46:59 +Google Play,"When i open the app, it shows glitches. Please fix it.",1,2023-07-06 19:13:58 +Google Play,Interface is lacking and no way to find people.,2,2023-07-07 03:55:25 +Google Play,All screeps are overlapped Like it looks like when you superimposed multiple images,1,2023-07-06 21:19:32 +Google Play,"Love the app, we need the translation feature brought from Instagram/Facebook",5,2023-07-07 02:17:17 +Google Play,"This app is trash. Twitter is the best free-speech platform. Okay, byee.",1,2023-07-07 03:23:38 +Google Play,"Please help. I was using the app normally but now I only get ""sorry, something went wrong. Try again"" please fix it): I can't use anything in the app.",1,2023-07-06 06:11:25 +Google Play,After using this app my Instagram keep crashing again and again 😡 fix your bug 🪲,1,2023-07-09 04:00:53 +Google Play,great app than twitter where you can share text photos to your friends i love it Thanks Instagram,5,2023-07-06 03:08:59 +Google Play,I understand this is new but when I try to post my picture app get crashed i think you don't want normal people to post publicly you are promoting your own people,2,2023-07-06 18:17:05 +Google Play,The app is good its almost like twitter Just implement the trending 📈 feature and add aome new other features that twitter lack,5,2023-07-06 17:07:38 +Google Play,Not working properly and glitching so much . Not able to work,1,2023-07-07 05:47:17 +Google Play,I just wish they made it so you could unhide/hide your threads badge if you wished.. but overall my experience has been good,4,2023-07-07 14:19:14 +Google Play,"Content loading needs work, otherwise a stable smooth app.",3,2023-07-08 21:49:21 +Google Play,I've logged in successfully but total glitch i happening i cant even use Please fix the bug ASAP,1,2023-07-09 08:24:38 +Google Play,i would give it 5 but it keeps on bugging so i'll just give it 4. it's easy to use but it's so frustrating coz it keeps on bugging,4,2023-07-09 11:05:40 +Google Play,Very nice app. But it doesn't function properly on my phone. It glitches,4,2023-07-22 08:53:56 +Google Play,My Home page full of news which i do not follows... it's like a rubbish bin dumped with news everywhere...,1,2023-07-08 23:46:55 +Google Play,"My dp is not showing on.. and there is no option to adjust,,, plz make it correct",3,2023-07-09 03:06:15 +Google Play,Threads is the best social media ever. love it so much. hopefully they'll be lite version for threads,5,2023-07-09 03:50:49 +Google Play,"Definitely a great app but we want a different things like dms ,shorts ,story i hope you make it too",5,2023-07-06 17:23:16 +Google Play,Doesn't work. Can't log in using Instagram account despite what it said.,1,2023-07-06 10:00:22 +Google Play,Please add the translation feature. Thank you.,3,2023-07-08 13:28:36 +Google Play,Add a switch account option just like Instagram so that we can use multiple threads as we use our different Instagrams,4,2023-07-08 15:34:03 +Google Play,"Just another congested news feed of paid nonsense from people and companies I don't care about. I want to see content from those I follow, and that's it. Don't worry, algorithm — I'll still buy dumb stuff I don't need; I just don't want my life to be a 24/7 assault of commercials.",2,2023-07-07 18:16:37 +Google Play,Everything is great but its batter if has save a picture feature.,4,2023-07-06 23:28:46 +Google Play,Keeps crashing on android galaxy s10+ and erasing cache doesn't do anything,1,2023-07-07 12:31:34 +Google Play,"Needw a lot of work..the whole feed being taken up by people you've no interest in, or follow ia stupid. That's just the ""for you"" page like Twitter, which we all hate. And don't want.",2,2023-07-06 14:08:51 +Google Play,So much better than Tw*tter. So much less toxic and so much safer. You can be yourself on there and not have to worry about toxic people or the ruler E*on M*sk. It's so much better. I would recommend this app to everyone! It's THE best social media app we've had in YEARS!,5,2023-07-07 03:53:25 +Google Play,App has a bug that causes it to keep randomly crashing,3,2023-07-07 11:58:53 +Google Play,5 stars straight away! Meta is doing best in bringing the world together. Threads is one of the best apps that Meta has founded so far.,5,2023-07-06 20:57:50 +Google Play,"Please add the feature to add multiple accounts, it's very needed!",2,2023-07-06 05:16:55 +Google Play,Instagram's text based social media application. No edit option for post,5,2023-07-05 23:29:06 +Google Play,"Nice , Meta has taken a very good step. It should introduce an option to save the image on Gallary ,Urdu language should be added to the app soon and DM options add",5,2023-07-06 10:07:38 +Google Play,Love this app.. Algorithm is too smooth. It's better than twitter with no doubts,5,2023-07-06 05:31:42 +Google Play,I just wish that you can browse your folders when attaching a media.,3,2023-07-06 02:27:48 +Google Play,"I would rate it a 5 if you could put the ""dark mode"" switch on it....it is literally same as twitter 🐦",4,2023-07-06 14:05:26 +Google Play,I'm enjoying this app so far. Great layout and a big plus of being less toxic than twitter,5,2023-07-08 06:31:47 +Google Play,Good app for rivalry Twitter. Kudos to the development team for smoothening the app. 👏👏👏,5,2023-07-06 12:12:02 +Google Play,The app is keeps crashing. I can't even see anything.,1,2023-07-08 18:28:43 +Google Play,"Add the feature where users can share eachother threads, just like we share Instagram posts to eachother.",4,2023-07-06 18:17:41 +Google Play,People are creating memes. App is great 👍 but let's see how the algorithm works.,5,2023-07-07 07:38:06 +Google Play,Love about app simplicity. easy to use and fun! Meta did good job on this,5,2023-07-07 04:50:53 +Google Play,Crashing always when i try to upload pictures or video with a thread,3,2023-07-08 10:34:51 +Google Play,keep getting artifacts on the screen form previously opened sections of the app,1,2023-07-06 22:07:39 +Google Play,"This is a very awesome app, because we can add to our story our threads, i think this is better than Twitter",5,2023-07-06 09:25:58 +Google Play,Photo doesn't upload whenever I try to upload.... everytime failed to upload Please solve this,2,2023-07-07 09:45:07 +Google Play,Looks like far better than Twitter�� Mark Zuckerberg is jst doing some kind things for Instagram user👏 Expecting more features in coming versions🎉Kudos!,5,2023-07-07 17:53:04 +Google Play,"There are just too many useless threads, which I am not interested in. Tried and uninstalled it.",1,2023-07-08 06:25:58 +Google Play,Can't even use the app because I keep getting an error message when trying to login.,1,2023-07-06 14:44:03 +Google Play,It was good...but from today the app isn't opening and crashing again and again,3,2023-07-08 08:27:37 +Google Play,When we open the app all screen all blur i don't not why this happened please fix this,1,2023-07-07 02:39:27 +Google Play,"I can't sign in, despite my IG password being correct, it says that it is not.",1,2023-07-07 15:03:55 +Google Play,"The app is good , but every time I want to read replies it automatically closed : (",3,2023-07-07 13:57:50 +Google Play,I really love this app is fun to twitt and chart is lively infect is even more beter than the Twitter Everyone is happy extremely with this app Try this app is 100% fun,5,2023-07-07 20:49:22 +Google Play,Unable to use the app. Screens are overlapping,1,2023-07-06 05:19:28 +Google Play,You can only login with Instagram account and I don't have an ig account. Can't even login 🤦‍♂️,1,2023-07-08 12:27:40 +Google Play,LOVEEE ITTT!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!! 10/10 would DEFINITELY recommend!!! Bless you instagram!!!!,5,2023-07-06 20:56:19 +Google Play,It's not working. It's just stuck on it's logo whenever i open it . I haven't even login yet,1,2023-07-06 17:46:18 +Google Play,"I’ve been on threads for 3 days and I still haven’t seen any aggressive political arguments, scams, bots, spam or abuse. If this continues, this platform will be huge.",5,2023-07-07 08:55:48 +Google Play,Nice app but don't involve Instagram app into this. If we combine both will start ignoring another one,5,2023-07-06 02:26:44 +Google Play,Look like good this application I can use this app then some problems but next time upgrade then all problems are solved.,5,2023-07-09 03:04:24 +Google Play,Twitter after blender. What's the point in all this?Original Instagram is better.,2,2023-07-06 13:49:21 +Google Play,Nothing new.. just changing interface of insta.. n launched for making money only not entertaining..,1,2023-07-08 06:57:53 +Google Play,I uploaded the video when I played it and the voice didn't get deleted as expected from the brand,2,2023-07-06 07:40:50 +Google Play,Need to add scroll bar and searching for posts and not just users.,4,2023-07-07 01:07:08 +Google Play,I couldn't open my account. It says try a few moments later and closes the app.,3,2023-07-07 07:41:50 +Google Play,Man I just saw a post from zuck and for some reason he wasn't blinking at all but there's this new app that he created and tom Brady and Jon jones are on it so I'm just going to be on it becuase I'm afraid of missing out.,5,2023-07-06 03:37:33 +Google Play,"Such a worse experience with this app, What else can I expect from Meta 😂 Lot's of bugs and issues...",1,2023-07-07 10:37:48 +Google Play,"It's too worst because when I started it, it started to shake screen And I was just seeing the blurr screen",1,2023-07-08 19:15:46 +Google Play,"It doesn't make sense that I have to delete my Instagram profile to delete my threads profile that's so unfair, and it absolutely doesn't make any sense. I'm gonna uninstall and go back to Twitter because at least I might have limited tweet views, but at least I'm not being held in a hostage situation on it",1,2023-07-07 10:38:33 +Google Play,Easy to manage very simple to sign in easy on my eye love it just want to see reach of my posts,5,2023-07-07 17:24:56 +Google Play,"This is horrible, Zuck. But what else would I expect if Facebook is the best you've got? Maybe it'll get better with time. For now, this is garbage.",1,2023-07-09 08:54:30 +Google Play,App's ui is good and easy to use but i gave 4 star because of @ and # feature not available or not working???,4,2023-07-06 15:10:02 +Google Play,all texts are placing up each other and make reading impossible,1,2023-07-08 12:53:45 +Google Play,When scroll down its display bluring of all words no reading it's like..... Display break 😔,1,2023-07-06 15:07:21 +Google Play,App crashes on Android when trying to post a photograph.,3,2023-07-08 02:56:41 +Google Play,the app has been glitching ever since i installed it i cant see or read anything or use the app in any way,1,2023-07-06 04:00:35 +Google Play,It not proper working my location are in other places showing in my Instagram app.,1,2023-07-07 06:57:51 +Google Play,Tried to register but it won't let me. Ended up having to uninstall it. Waste of time.,1,2023-07-08 10:48:30 +Google Play,"Amazing, bot free, I hope it continues to be so.",5,2023-07-06 15:38:32 +Google Play,"Yeah good, but a very little bugs are there otherwise its amazing!!!",4,2023-07-06 12:46:56 +Google Play,Just wow guys expecting more updates and features make difference between Instagram and threads don't push same as Instagram keep rocking meta,5,2023-07-07 08:39:16 +Google Play,Very easy to use and very simple to mirror your Instagram followers,5,2023-07-06 19:54:22 +Google Play,Language translation not available.. Its should not be connected with Instagram..,1,2023-07-06 19:31:21 +Google Play,"Everything is fine, but it would be better if the account could be opened separately.",4,2023-07-09 02:41:12 +Google Play,App is not working anymore I tried 7 to 8 times but it's still not working anymore,1,2023-07-07 08:36:33 +Google Play,Worst app ever. They just deleted my fan account & there are so many other fan account which is still there. They just want to have monopoly on the internet. Worst app ever.,1,2023-07-07 18:24:12 +Google Play,Seems fun but the app crashes everytime I try to post a picture,3,2023-07-06 08:48:33 +Google Play,As I am new to the apps I have no experience but hopefully in the future this app will be great and we will be able to use this app very well.,4,2023-07-06 17:36:59 +Google Play,"🔥🔥 Needs more improvement in Hastags sorting, activity algorithm, Threads sponsored ads , friends suggestions etc .. but good start",4,2023-07-06 23:05:01 +Google Play,Hey there's a glitch everything just goes blurry and I can't even see anything please fix this,2,2023-07-06 18:22:02 +Google Play,I think there is some bug on my thread. I can't use it. My thread is not working well. Thread is only hanghing.,1,2023-07-08 14:20:23 +Google Play,"Bad experience!!! App saying ""Thread keep stopping"" Pls provide me email id so that i can send screenshot",1,2023-07-07 00:19:10 +Google Play,App is simple to use and automatically joint with insta id .,3,2023-07-06 11:01:45 +Google Play,"Clean off the jump. As a less than average Twitter user, I can see the appeal right away here. Will update review as necessary.",4,2023-07-06 02:05:55 +Google Play,It's kind of laggy as for now .. I hope they fix the bugs soon as well,2,2023-07-07 11:22:57 +Google Play,Need to make more user friendly. Trending suggestions (#) doesn't work.,3,2023-07-06 02:07:47 +Google Play,right now it's 1 star because it wont accept the 6 digit code that was sent. I feel like I'm just wasting my time to keep trying.,1,2023-07-08 10:51:56 +Google Play,"NOT WORKING PROPERLY , SHOWING BLUR SCREEN , UNINSTALLED & INSTALLED SEVERAL TIMES STILL SHOWING BLUR SCREEN ONLY FOR THREAD APP . PLEASE RESOLVE SOON",1,2023-07-07 15:33:24 +Google Play,Good alternative of Twitter. This app feels smoother than the rival apps.,4,2023-07-07 14:53:40 +Google Play,I just want to try but u need a insta acc for that means double promotion I think k u should make that u can login by Google ;-;,1,2023-07-15 11:10:40 +Google Play,Couldn't use it at all it keeps crashing!!,1,2023-07-09 07:11:18 +Google Play,"It's nice App, but you need to bring direct message feature please.",4,2023-07-08 06:34:29 +Google Play,"Can't even use the app, i just scrolled and whole screen got messed.",1,2023-07-06 10:00:24 +Google Play,Its very buggy for lower power phones and not optimised well for lower androids,1,2023-07-06 14:53:03 +Google Play,"Please hurry to finish the Threads program for the desktop, because it will be more beautiful to use on the computer",4,2023-07-13 17:50:49 +Google Play,"Great but UI could use some touching up, not aesthetic enough",5,2023-07-06 08:49:34 +Google Play,"This application is good but there are no trending features, I hope it can be developed again",4,2023-07-07 02:04:43 +Google Play,"It's very cool App, it's the new generation Twitter I guess, very friendly to use, lol",5,2023-07-06 13:26:28 +Google Play,"I hope they add stories and messages to it, honestly make threads its own app.",5,2023-07-17 06:16:26 +Google Play,"One bad thing is that you can't delete your user account, if you do, your Instagram account will be deleted too And I hope that this problem will be solved in new updates",3,2023-07-11 20:34:37 +Google Play,"Everything u do/ change here effects our Instagram, we can't even delete it now it's like we r just stuck with it",1,2023-07-08 05:01:33 +Google Play,"Not bad, actually quite good but would choose Twitter over Threads anytime.",4,2023-07-06 07:23:25 +Google Play,I hope a very good app can win everyone's heart like Facebook and Instagram. 😊😍,5,2023-07-06 10:42:37 +Google Play,The app doesn't work on Note 5 and keeps bleeping on the screen.,1,2023-07-06 09:36:15 +Google Play,"Works good in my phone, no issues whatsoever. Better than Instagram",5,2023-07-24 11:26:25 +Google Play,"everytime i want to upload a photo, the app stopped working!",2,2023-07-15 02:07:43 +Google Play,The real reason why people are quitting Threads because it is literally boring. We have nothing to do on threads rather we prefer using Instagram.,3,2023-07-19 13:02:57 +Google Play,Mines Data. Even though they talked about data safety. Avoid.,1,2023-07-09 10:39:05 +Google Play,"Great 🫶🏻 nd congratulations to Team Meta ,,,!!! One small query from my side ,, not seen any option to edit the post..!🤔",4,2023-07-06 18:23:34 +Google Play,"Downloaded & delete within 48 hours... Nothing new features, just bored app.",1,2023-07-09 07:25:46 +Google Play,Threads is not working in my phone the screen is dragging a lot,1,2023-07-06 14:59:37 +Google Play,"Entire home page is ads, companies and people i don't care about. Not a single person i follow appears",1,2023-07-07 10:55:28 +Google Play,"would be better if theres an optional page (following page, explore page)",5,2023-07-07 02:53:02 +Google Play,This is what I am talking about. Twitter became a cesspool of hate and misinformation. So happy to have something that feels like home interacting on without having to deal with nonstop hate and lies.,5,2023-07-07 14:22:30 +Google Play,I did not need this (another gimmicky social app) in my life. Waste of time and super buggy.. Staying on Twitter.,1,2023-07-09 15:12:22 +Google Play,"Can't see anything, always crash. I wish I could post the screenshot here. I use Xiaomi Redmi Note 5.",1,2023-07-06 08:19:51 +Google Play,"It's a great app, but it needs updates and optimization.",3,2023-07-14 10:56:35 +Google Play,"Absolutely Amazing, it's like a golden egg for Instagram users !!!",5,2023-07-06 06:14:04 +Google Play,Was hoping for something like Twitter but it seems like Threads is great for advertisers and brands who have proiority over normal people. American commercialism and full of people saying the right things...,1,2023-07-06 11:45:47 +Google Play,Just cannot upload any photo with it.. always says failed to upload,3,2023-07-07 06:31:27 +Google Play,"I can't post or reply. Always same message, an error occured, try later",1,2023-07-20 06:14:02 +Google Play,"■ Connect with friends ■ Control the conversation — Until there will be an option for the FRIENDS ONLY feed, my review will be left with 1 star",1,2023-07-12 05:26:31 +Google Play,"Very Amazing app, it's free of ads, all ok. 👌🏻",5,2023-07-07 04:52:27 +Google Play,Please add (Stories & a messaging feature) overall app is great!,5,2023-07-17 22:27:59 +Google Play,"This app is just like Twitter and working like this app has every single function like Twitter this app looks just like twitter if you like it then type yes in comment if you like bad I liked this app very much but there is no option to chat in this app, I request threads company to add chat option in this, do all of you also want to bring chat option in this app",4,2023-07-06 16:14:15 +Google Play,Add save media feture and improve load speed. Wonderful app,4,2023-07-07 17:12:24 +Google Play,"Starting great, very functional and fluid on day 1.",5,2023-07-06 13:54:07 +Google Play,Can't upload videos with photos lately!!! Buggy!!!!,2,2023-07-14 16:26:42 +Google Play,It is very good app from twitter But please add views like how many people can seen your post Otherwise it is the best app,4,2023-07-07 11:41:55 +Google Play,"Very nice app, i am impressed with it very much and it's software optimisation.",4,2023-07-10 08:29:14 +Google Play,"This app is glitching so bad I can't do or see anything on it, I hope it fixes soon",2,2023-07-06 20:05:31 +Google Play,"Why Threads when there is IG already? why not one app does all..? Like a Swiss tool. It's so cumbersome, since it's basically the same content.",3,2023-07-08 01:50:27 +Google Play,Worst app after i install this app my main account is not working.pls find a solution.i cant opn in instagram but i can open in browser...,1,2023-07-09 17:44:09 +Google Play,Technical issue : App still need more improvment am facing erorr right now as the posts keep showing erorr so please any help I need to share SS,1,2023-07-06 10:27:53 +Google Play,"Nice UI, seamless integration with IG. Nice job, Zuck!",4,2023-07-09 01:03:34 +Google Play,Glitch. Everything looks messy. Cannot even read anything.,2,2023-07-06 12:34:12 +Google Play,It's a good platform but you want to also add a hashtag features on it,3,2023-07-06 06:42:59 +Google Play,It is amazing but you should also add translation in it.,4,2023-07-08 14:10:50 +Google Play,nice app but it need to add save post option and add save pictures to galary or download it,1,2023-07-12 04:45:07 +Google Play,Not optimized for phones with smaller screens.,1,2023-07-10 16:30:03 +Google Play,"useless app. It wont curate your feed it just throws a ton of people who I don't follow on IG and they are all promoting their OFs or some stupid product. Don't get it, stick to Twitter",1,2023-07-08 21:11:33 +Google Play,app not working display open when display shade more than three time app installed Android version 9+,1,2023-07-08 12:01:41 +Google Play,Interesting app and so much potential. Love that it links to your old Instagram profile. Meta should add cross sharing posts from insta to threads and also easy switching between your different Threading accounts eg personal profile and business profiles,4,2023-07-07 06:56:27 +Google Play,"Easy to sign up, and follow people from Insta with a click.",5,2023-07-07 13:36:51 +Google Play,It's good but can it have option of translation,3,2023-07-08 05:01:05 +Google Play,Not working at all...app is crashing a lot can't see any posts,1,2023-07-10 18:00:23 +Google Play,"why my app is lagging, like if i scroll down the system will go crazy as if there is a glitch.",1,2023-07-06 02:58:03 +Google Play,"Don't make it another Instagram, ban videos, limit pictures, let it be about writings and stuff.",3,2023-07-11 13:03:25 +Google Play,App keeps crashing whenever i try to upload a picture.,1,2023-07-07 17:10:34 +Google Play,Barebones so far too many posts I see from strangers I don't follow. But I see this might be a app people use,2,2023-07-06 16:04:28 +Google Play,Yet one more stolen conceptby criminal Zuckerberg that is all hype and no content or value. Immediatey uses your private data without asking. Uninstalled trash,1,2023-07-09 15:30:19 +Google Play,Wish there was an option to sign on or set up profile without Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 14:25:40 +Google Play,"Very bad experience, poor, it can't be application powered by Instagram",1,2023-07-08 12:21:58 +Google Play,"App keeps hanging up, no update nor solution. No inbox/DM nor hashtags",2,2023-07-09 02:56:08 +Google Play,I am using thread but there is a problem I received that this app was lagging to much I don't no why but I have problem from this😡so mark Zuckerberg please check this problem 👍thanks.......,4,2023-07-09 05:36:07 +Google Play,"I like the app. I ditched Twitter because of Elon Musk so I like this alternative. Also, on Threads, I can decide who I follow and who follows me. So far so good.",5,2023-07-08 00:17:40 +Google Play,Am I first one to write review???? Good app... may become more user friendly interface after few updates!,5,2023-07-06 17:04:20 +Google Play,Really creative and ensures seamless communication.,5,2023-07-06 10:31:34 +Google Play,Good so far but my app crashes halfway through typing a post every time,4,2023-07-09 06:27:36 +Google Play,Dont automatically add instagtam followers please. Also If one worked for twitter it doesn't mean Elon owns you forever. Nice to see people have a choice.,5,2023-07-07 12:13:33 +Google Play,Can you also make threads lite? but it should be version 5.0+ btw i love this app 👍👀 we can use it for sharing photos videos and much more.,5,2023-07-07 00:54:29 +Google Play,Fix your app its glitching so much. I have reinstalled still not fixed,1,2023-07-07 10:07:19 +Google Play,There is no inbox option. Performance is not good.,3,2023-07-19 08:16:16 +Google Play,So far it is like a skin for Twitter with the Instagram server but this runs well for a newly launched app.,4,2023-07-06 09:31:34 +Google Play,Idk why but the I am suffering from glitches whenever I am opening the app... It's not working properly,1,2023-07-07 11:50:00 +Google Play,I would luv this app more if i could make my second account and message my friends on direct... We need some updates,3,2023-07-07 15:03:14 +Google Play,It is better if there is a translation feature in the interaction between all in the threads🤍⚜️ community من الأفضل ان تتواجد خاصية ترجمة في تفاعل بين جميع في مجتمع threads🤍⚜️,4,2023-07-09 04:57:28 +Google Play,July 6 Promising social app with some useful integration with Instagram and possible future utility with Mastodon.,5,2023-07-06 14:58:24 +Google Play,The App Is Quite Unstable The Text and Videos Are All In Glitch Mode While Scrolling Up or Fown,1,2023-07-06 05:58:15 +Google Play,I feel some bug here.. I can't upload images.it's automatically going back.,3,2023-07-06 10:05:41 +Google Play,I don't use Instagram. So I won't be able to use Threads too? Very bad even worst decision making idea.,1,2023-07-08 08:42:11 +Google Play,It's not as good as Twitter every original has its cheap copy so thread is there..I hope Elon come with tweetbook and twitrgram,3,2023-07-06 08:54:18 +Google Play,So whenever I am trying to see the replies on the things I have posted the app keeps crashing,1,2023-07-07 09:14:14 +Google Play,The app is crashing i sent 1 star if the bug has been fix I'll change it to 5 star,1,2023-07-11 02:26:42 +Google Play,It crashed when i try to upload photos Please it is tol early to suffer such set back.,1,2023-07-07 09:43:06 +Google Play,High quality pictures not uploadable cuz it crashes! Annoying 😭,1,2023-07-09 10:47:43 +Google Play,I have never been more disappointed with an application than I am with this one. It is an absolute disaster from start to finish. Where do I even begin?,1,2023-07-08 21:52:32 +Google Play,"nice but what is the idea of the T-naming? Twitter, TikTok, Telegram, Threads. is there something you're not telling me?",5,2023-07-06 13:42:06 +Google Play,Just copy the Twitter concept with low UI and features quality as social media app.,1,2023-07-10 08:49:59 +Google Play,"I can't seem to upload pics, app itself sutting down always!",3,2023-07-06 10:46:18 +Google Play,app can login with instagram but not with facebook and gmail it needs to be fixed . please Please 🙏,1,2023-07-13 05:05:40 +Google Play,"Is not good actually. .. We want the option of watching reels and other videos, and need to upload videos option! ! @ like instagram. ..",3,2023-07-06 19:42:52 +Google Play,"Just waste of time, no creative updates could add a value!",1,2023-07-06 12:26:47 +Google Play,Requires Instagram account. A new creepy way for Zuck and crew to harvest/sell your data.,1,2023-07-06 20:18:05 +Google Play,There is not any options to download a video or photo. but ok !,3,2023-07-12 19:32:14 +Google Play,When I swipe up all the images and text gets blurry and messy,1,2023-07-07 01:35:16 +Google Play,"Not optimised, screen dragging while scrolling through the app",1,2023-07-07 02:37:25 +Google Play,Best yet. Would be nice to have bookmarks and markdown writing...,5,2023-07-06 09:06:01 +Google Play,bug alert! when i tried to scroll up all post are glitching i cant read it anymore,1,2023-07-07 00:14:43 +Google Play,Spotted a bug in your new app if there is any reward system for giving bugs the tell me,1,2023-07-07 10:45:45 +Google Play,So far the app is good. Expects to add more features in coming days.,5,2023-07-07 10:19:02 +Google Play,Exceptional extraordinary meta experience index over the hurtle and brightening my life.,5,2023-07-08 01:42:22 +Google Play,dis app is good but for those that have old phone versions should be considered. try making this app for all phone users whether old or new then i will give a 5 star review,1,2023-07-08 01:05:59 +Google Play,"App does not working properly, every time coming flash while scrolling down 🙃🙃",1,2023-07-07 18:59:48 +Google Play,Somuch bug first time opens and screen freezes and still no update,1,2023-07-07 07:59:38 +Google Play,Even icon.🤣 3 minutes to make it. Surely Elon ll win in the box match. Theads is better then Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 23:25:37 +Google Play,Failed to upload multiple pictures in a thread.,3,2023-07-10 12:24:14 +Google Play,"Not too good or different, just average and boring.",2,2023-07-22 16:03:51 +Google Play,So new kind of hard to figure it out. But I am sure it will get smoother in the next coming days,5,2023-07-06 00:10:44 +Google Play,Updates and upgrades are needed but so far it works well.,5,2023-07-16 22:54:57 +Google Play,Babe the app is majestic af but its crashing so fix it. Thank u😻😻,5,2023-07-07 13:42:21 +Google Play,"Home feed full of verified people you don't follow or care about just like Twitter, except you can't even get a normal one like you can on Twitter. Shame, could've been the death of twitter finally but nope.",2,2023-07-05 23:07:31 +Google Play,Not letting me post any pictures and the app keeps crashing :(,1,2023-07-06 13:32:32 +Google Play,"Everything is cool but if there was an option for massaging, it would have been fun",5,2023-07-06 17:00:52 +Google Play,"If we could get trends, and video shouldn't play by it self then I'm ok.",4,2023-07-07 05:58:48 +Google Play,It's basically same as Twitter. Just waiting for something unique on this platform.,5,2023-07-06 06:51:23 +Google Play,"I love the clean, fast, UI. So long Twitter. 🤮",5,2023-07-06 20:04:29 +Google Play,"3 star for now, make a following only option, its kinda irritating because random people that i didnt follow appears on my feed 😕",3,2023-07-09 11:37:30 +Google Play,Can't remember the last time I got an app at launch and it was flawless. Bravo.,5,2023-07-06 12:05:17 +Google Play,Last 30 days consistent upload post but not viral. This is a new app Vary big problem 😕,1,2023-07-19 01:46:28 +Google Play,"👉This is bad app.Only waste time here😂.Don't waste your time and don't use this app.If you always use in social media then, when you can do others important work in your life. 👈🧬👎👎👎",1,2023-07-21 16:28:29 +Google Play,It's good but you need to add translation,4,2023-07-06 16:27:26 +Google Play,this app will have so many ads later on just like other META apps.,1,2023-07-09 14:52:54 +Google Play,"Very nice, it has chemistry with instagram so thay i can easily share each other through these 2 application",5,2023-07-06 15:52:59 +Google Play,"Doesn't work in Android 9 , Starts Glitching the screen .",1,2023-07-08 15:47:55 +Google Play,Its good because it's more usful than Twitter. There is a insta from threads thanks for Alon musk to build thse app.😘😘🥳,5,2023-07-15 02:06:41 +Google Play,So good easy to use. Can't wait for future updates including trends/ hashtags and much more. The best Part is you can post upto 500 characters ♥️,5,2023-07-07 12:06:02 +Google Play,overall it's good. but the app keeps closing when i tried to add more threads,4,2023-07-07 06:03:32 +Google Play,This is a very nice app but to competition with twitter this app needs a lot of work and improvement.,3,2023-07-06 08:02:43 +Google Play,It is so good and have so user friendly interface.,5,2023-07-06 17:40:27 +Google Play,I'm Uninstalling this app because Zuckerberg not following me back as app crash several times logo should be more professional,1,2023-07-06 09:11:41 +Google Play,App crashes upon trying to post content just another poorly executed copycat from zuck himself,1,2023-07-09 22:59:06 +Google Play,"we need support for multiple accounts, login out every time I need to switch it's a little annoying",3,2023-07-06 16:20:57 +Google Play,Very good but please donot limit the letters. It should unlimited.,4,2023-07-10 08:04:49 +Google Play,"Garbanzo, looks like MySpace had a bastard with Twitter. Terrible UI and nothing relevant.",1,2023-07-10 12:31:44 +Google Play,"𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚊 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚜. 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚞𝚜𝚎, 𝚗𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝙸 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝, 𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚝, 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.",1,2023-07-06 15:25:47 +Google Play,"I don't have an Instagram account, nor do I want one. Yet, without one, I can't join. I guess I'm not joining then.",1,2023-07-08 21:42:03 +Google Play,Fluctuate screen after opening app.... And showing content on each other,1,2023-07-06 10:20:58 +Google Play,The profile picture isn't uploading..please kindly check the matter..,3,2023-07-07 12:59:37 +Google Play,I am having problems with this app when I start the app it crashee in all around,1,2023-07-08 10:06:07 +Google Play,"UI good and smooth, bug.. problem at total number like and replies",5,2023-07-06 14:32:36 +Google Play,App starts crashing when I upload any post Fix this bug Instagram.,3,2023-07-06 08:33:45 +Google Play,"I think Elon will win the fight. The app is fine though, good UI/UX.",1,2023-07-06 02:12:57 +Google Play,When you want to copy text the app is crashed thats problem fix it ☝,2,2023-07-08 21:35:56 +Google Play,App is great and smooth also 😃 but give us download option for photos and videos,2,2023-07-06 05:40:27 +Google Play,"It's more peaceful than other platforms, so far. Hope it stays that way.",5,2023-07-07 15:23:49 +Google Play,"So far so good, giving 4 stars because I don't know everything I can do on the app just yet. Still figuring it out.",4,2023-07-06 11:06:05 +Google Play,"Something like Twitter, gives an enhanced feel and can add instagram followers same this platform..🤝",3,2023-07-06 08:35:49 +Google Play,Just a barrage of brands peddling the most saccharine trash possible. No way to get rid of it and just see who you're following.,2,2023-07-06 23:50:03 +Google Play,There is a problem with the video they are always mute 🔇 we have to change this situation to have voice,5,2023-07-12 19:16:36 +Google Play,Having an issue with this app very vety annoying (your thread failed to upload) I mean this particular issue Overall its okay,4,2023-07-09 15:10:34 +Google Play,"Please work on the sounds, there are no sounds for notification on Threads Also, we can't message privately",4,2023-07-09 21:04:05 +Google Play,When open threads screen are blinking and all post are not clear,1,2023-07-06 16:19:26 +Google Play,There is a bug it starts to stuter when o scroll the page.,1,2023-07-06 18:34:27 +Google Play,"Great App, but some time app stps working and show white screen, overall best app 📲",5,2023-07-06 19:27:48 +Google Play,"There are no messages in the application, and also if someone deletes an account, they delete Instagram",1,2023-07-11 15:14:28 +Google Play,This app is excellent. I am enjoying this app when I downloaded. It has 10 million downloaders right now.,5,2023-07-12 08:13:37 +Google Play,Text is shaking. Unable to read anything.,1,2023-07-07 01:47:33 +Google Play,It keeps on glitching it looks like a broken phone whenever I open the app,3,2023-07-06 05:01:05 +Google Play,its literally unusuable 💀💀💀 i cant open the app without everything freaking out and every screen glitch-sliding,1,2023-07-07 02:12:46 +Google Play,"Its soo clean experience , but sharing data with third parties !!!",2,2023-07-07 05:57:45 +Google Play,"I can't install Threads on my Computer. I was able to install it on my Smartphone, but I can't figure out how to use it.",2,2023-07-07 09:57:56 +Google Play,"no way to get a thread noticed, like a hashtag or anything. so unless you are a Dlist celebrity, this app is turning into a waste of time",2,2023-07-19 21:52:09 +Google Play,"Doesn't get past the terms and conditions, just sits there loading.",1,2023-07-13 14:02:12 +Google Play,Good app better user interface than Twitter it's look like interesting the app is easy to use,5,2023-07-06 01:22:51 +Google Play,Update to include the hashtags so that post or the text reaches to large no of audience.,2,2023-07-06 08:51:08 +Google Play,"Excellent app my first experience on that,so it is exceptional it great then twitter",5,2023-07-09 19:08:58 +Google Play,Such a great functional app that Meta has ever done. I believe that Threads will be the next big thing in the future.,5,2023-07-06 05:58:02 +Google Play,"It's kinda confusing at first, but once u get kinda used to it, it's gonna feel normal to u. 4/5 for me bc it kinda copies twitter idk.",4,2023-07-09 14:42:11 +Google Play,"So many bugs while writing keep showing my keyboards not keys, Fix that issue",3,2023-07-10 08:51:36 +Google Play,Its okay but the app doesnt allowe explicit which is dumb because the app shouldnt be for kids or young teens in the first place.,3,2023-07-06 11:27:50 +Google Play,As soon as I select a picture to add post the app is closing immediately 😕,2,2023-07-07 11:26:09 +Google Play,"Trying out the app. It's very new at this time, so who knows. So far it seems alright, there's content, a lot of big names are already using it. I've never used Twitter, so I don't know how it compares. I will state here, I've heard rumors that Threads will be actively censoring nazi content, and I'm here for that. Looking forward to nazi-free social media experience",3,2023-07-12 22:47:58 +Google Play,It's a great app and it does look like it could rival Twitter. I wonder what else would Zuck would do next to it....,4,2023-07-08 07:43:59 +Google Play,There is some glitch while opening replies section via push notification 😕 its not showing,3,2023-07-08 10:02:59 +Google Play,Don't like the recommendations. Would be appreciated if the recommendations can be turn off.,1,2023-07-08 23:39:00 +Google Play,I am not able to scroll in the notifications centre. Please fix this,2,2023-07-07 04:54:17 +Google Play,"I cannot search posts by tags like current trends. Twitter is now in business, political, media league... We all know Instagram and TikTok audience.",2,2023-07-12 09:45:02 +Google Play,Another copy and great way to steal our data. I can't even delete my account.,1,2023-07-09 09:39:14 +Google Play,"Trash apps, don't use it cz its collecting your private information and its copy paste twitter nothing new.",1,2023-07-06 16:14:21 +Google Play,Great App Overall. Won't be long till it overtakes Twitter,4,2023-07-06 19:30:57 +Google Play,God where are all these negative reviews coming from? The app is not even 3 days old. It's not going to have exactly what everyone wants. I think improvements and features will get better over time..The reviews where people are saying they can't sign up or it's difficult especially when they already have Instagram is laughable to me. It took me 1 minute..,5,2023-07-08 16:17:36 +Google Play,this needs a chronological feed free of algorithm-suggested posts or else I'm never gonna use it.,2,2023-07-06 18:03:08 +Google Play,"The motto is ""say more"" .... But only in 480 letters. Really? Say more, but not much. Even in this app review I can write 500 letters. How I can describe my opinion in 480 letters? Increase it or bye",2,2023-07-09 04:32:35 +Google Play,Keep getting fail to upload have cleared cache but still not working,2,2023-07-10 15:23:21 +Google Play,Needs DogeCoin payment transaction! Everything else is almost an exact copy of the competition.,5,2023-07-08 08:00:14 +Google Play,"When scrolling, the images and texts get confused",3,2023-07-07 00:59:50 +Google Play,"Very poor experience. Very chaotic timeline, sosososo worse than twitter 0.5 out of 10",1,2023-07-06 03:58:30 +Google Play,Really stinks. It wouldnt allow me to set up an account as I dont want Instagram.,1,2023-07-09 06:49:16 +Google Play,If u put dark mode and enable messaging and stories it will be the best social app ever,3,2023-07-07 21:13:23 +Google Play,This app is so much better than Facebook I would say. I think its just new app thats why this is kinda fun and good but after when this app got famous or something this will be worse Ikr. Anyways lets see,4,2023-07-07 08:08:57 +Google Play,It's an amazing app Simple and clean Hope the voice goes loud 📢,5,2023-07-06 20:12:22 +Google Play,"Amazing, hopefully this is more better than twitter. Twitter is so much idiot things planned to their apps. Like limit post, suspended accounts, and the others.",5,2023-07-06 15:35:57 +Google Play,JFC SHOW THE LATEST NOT THE CURATEST. The app is good but stop assuming my news feed. Do better,1,2023-07-06 09:30:54 +Google Play,"Not working properly, all sections are getting disturbed",1,2023-07-10 07:07:20 +Google Play,Threads works fine like Twitter. Easy adding friends from Instagram.,5,2023-07-14 12:52:20 +Google Play,I don't have IG... So I can't log in? Please change this setting for thus who only want few apps. Thanks!,1,2023-07-07 02:10:38 +Google Play,Wth is wrong with this app??? It showing glitch pages .. it doesn't deserve even a single star,1,2023-07-10 06:47:48 +Google Play,Need to make it so we can delete the app without deleting our Instagram accounts or you'll lose users/not gain them.,1,2023-07-07 13:36:16 +Google Play,"This app is very cool nd its features is very easy to use nd name is osm(Threads). Now we will replying to anyone "" Main Use Threads Kr dunga""",4,2023-07-07 13:44:42 +Google Play,Very competent but doesn't do well with the details,4,2023-07-06 16:43:02 +Google Play,"Wow this is very awesome app compare to all other app. I pray That like all apps in the Meta family, it should be number one in the world. From today I am a member of the meta family.",5,2023-07-06 06:58:02 +Google Play,Good app but it keeps crashing everytime I click something...,3,2023-07-07 12:44:49 +Google Play,Please give the option to see followers only posts as well bécause all I'm getting is posts from ramdom people and on the topic I'm not interested.,2,2023-07-07 13:57:35 +Google Play,"This app is so premium and well polish, looking forward for some incremental updates..",5,2023-07-07 00:15:45 +Google Play,"Hello Mark Zuckerberg, love your new app. Please do not include reels and messages in this application in future",5,2023-07-06 13:25:47 +Google Play,I cannot post my photo in this app... I think there was a bug...,1,2023-07-08 17:31:38 +Google Play,Keeps crashing every time I try to attatch a photo.,2,2023-07-06 15:38:41 +Google Play,Since I didn't have a Grahm acct I had to make one I tried to use my portrait pic from Fb. But it won't sct it.,4,2023-07-09 13:20:53 +Google Play,"Great start than making a monopoly, data should be stolen/sold from one place and that is facebook/meta server. Thank you zuck Bhai.",5,2023-07-07 17:52:59 +Google Play,Still need a lot of improvement can you upgrade apply a google translation/translation,2,2023-07-07 03:28:44 +Google Play,Doesn't have hashtags yet. But otherwise it's looking great!!,5,2023-07-06 15:31:51 +Google Play,It's a good app but no free speech. It sensors and removes almost everything including memes. Why would you sensor our opinions and want us to accept opinions which are against the basic truth? It's sickening 😒.,1,2023-07-09 05:11:50 +Google Play,Very good but need to improve more. I wish it should no be routine social site. Something new is expected,4,2023-07-06 17:28:24 +Google Play,App Doesn't work properly.. Showing some error please fix this problem,1,2023-07-07 02:36:05 +Google Play,Would be better if it didn't just randomly close while I try to post a status with a picture,3,2023-07-08 23:38:49 +Google Play,This app is very sweet and nice. The funny part of it is that it's easy to gain followers,5,2023-07-07 19:01:46 +Google Play,"I can't login, it keeps showing '' an unknown network error has occurred''.",1,2023-07-09 00:08:02 +Google Play,"When i log into threads, i get logged out of instagram. When i log into instagram, i get logged out of threads. Stuck in infinite loop.",1,2023-07-06 11:32:01 +Google Play,I rather see Instagram get separated from Facebook. Its still Facebook to me.,1,2023-07-08 00:27:12 +Google Play,You guys need to add trending tab and DMs and this app is perfect.,4,2023-07-07 04:53:40 +Google Play,Crash every time. When I open it and scroll,2,2023-07-09 05:06:29 +Google Play,The apps is great! But why do i always force close when i click on Threads coment?,4,2023-07-07 10:32:49 +Google Play,It crashes. It is difficult to follow news.,1,2023-07-08 06:34:46 +Google Play,Would like to only see posts from people I follow. Otherwise it's just as messy as Twitter.,2,2023-07-07 14:32:33 +Google Play,This app make my display overlapping but its not fault in display!,1,2023-07-10 11:11:20 +Google Play,"Please any bug in application, my device all text always move, thank you",1,2023-07-07 13:37:28 +Google Play,I can't even open a page properly I just installed it andbits glitching,1,2023-07-11 04:24:12 +Google Play,"I want to read stuff only from people I follow, not some random bs from random strangers.",2,2023-07-08 08:15:43 +Google Play,Worst app. Bad UI. unable to recommended. Bad work by Meta. It sucks,1,2023-07-06 08:44:24 +Google Play,Useless app don't even bother wasting your space and wifi with this bs!!!!,1,2023-07-07 19:41:06 +Google Play,"Display overlaps with old, scrolling doesn't work",1,2023-07-22 04:33:10 +Google Play,App keeps crashing and bugging at the home screen,1,2023-07-06 13:09:53 +Google Play,I have never used Twitter so I can't compare but man it is annoying that 90% of my thread is full of stuff I didn't ask to see.,2,2023-07-12 02:13:19 +Google Play,"An app with an unique thought process, smartly developed..",4,2023-07-06 20:35:05 +Google Play,Just joined it but looks like nice and smoothly working AAP but still lot to done on this AAP.,5,2023-07-14 02:20:45 +Google Play,They should really add a feature to search for threads and also possibly add hashtags,5,2023-07-06 01:10:37 +Google Play,Keeps crashing when I try to add an image to my post and at random,1,2023-07-06 01:36:04 +Google Play,It's good but add the dm option and group chat option.,3,2023-07-06 10:54:58 +Google Play,Much heavy bugs like I'm not able to scroll my follow request section in infinix note 11 please check this app again with you developers,2,2023-07-07 06:46:40 +Google Play,EASY TO UNDERSTAND UI. GOOD TO BE ON A NEW PLATFORM.,4,2023-07-06 04:23:30 +Google Play,I've just opened it and it doesn't work it gaves me like Screen tearing and I can't use it please fix it,1,2023-07-07 06:16:03 +Google Play,I don't see the point of this app. Like a boring version of the boring Facebook and Twitter apps,1,2023-07-13 19:06:53 +Google Play,"Congratulations for putting out this app, and may the further development be in haste. Can't wait to see this app be built up.",5,2023-07-05 23:28:28 +Google Play,I like the app but when I'm threading it keeps closing before I can post.,3,2023-07-08 12:16:28 +Google Play,"This app is amazing.To be honest, I don't use Twitter but when I tried this,I can't imagine how addicted I am right now 😂",4,2023-07-08 18:28:29 +Google Play,This is an awesome App and Definitely a good competition to the other app...,5,2023-07-07 08:22:01 +Google Play,Something like the app is Glitching or crashing in Dark mode ... Need dark mode update version,1,2023-07-07 04:50:38 +Google Play,"Unusable mess, literally cannot read/see anything because of a bug",1,2023-07-10 16:43:54 +Google Play,"Implement the ""following-only"" feature then this app would be perfect.",2,2023-07-06 14:22:35 +Google Play,I actually love this better than twitter the only annoying thing is I've got a news feed of people I don't follow and I can't see anything from people I'm following.,3,2023-07-06 09:20:03 +Google Play,So far this app has been better and more enjoyable than I ever thought it would be. I'm excited to see how it evolves in the future.,5,2023-07-07 20:45:34 +Google Play,I don't think it's a new app I'm a Quality Assurance engineer software's I seem this app same as Twitter with different name n logo also there's a bug init,2,2023-07-08 10:12:42 +Google Play,"It's cool but same as Twitter,but there should be extra ordinary activity in threads....",1,2023-07-08 18:11:46 +Google Play,It looks like I can get Threads only if I already have Instagram? I've never had Insta and don't want it.,1,2023-07-06 12:48:01 +Google Play,I keep crashing while typing a thread and it's really long and now gone,1,2023-07-07 11:25:03 +Google Play,"getting force close attaching image, on a custom rom. android 11 aosp",3,2023-07-08 14:42:23 +Google Play,I hope you never place ads on this platform. It's good as it is for now.,4,2023-07-06 07:58:15 +Google Play,Great app very easy to connect with your Instagram account,5,2023-07-06 04:33:22 +Google Play,"Lacks alot of thing like themes ( contains a single theme ), you can't DM anyone , and etc",1,2023-07-08 17:11:59 +Google Play,"don't require instagram login. ur goal should be bringing stan twitter to ur app bc they're the biggest, most chronically online community. connecting to Instagram for signup is such a hassle",3,2023-07-06 00:31:27 +Google Play,*can't edit past posts (esp. wrong spelled words) *don't know why can't upload other pics (pic size?),1,2023-07-12 18:37:09 +Google Play,Pointless app. Looks very much like Twitter without the engagement.,1,2023-07-07 07:25:59 +Google Play,I know it's still starting but after so much of advancements around the SOCIAL GIANTS we hope so express more!! Like we want more!! Ik we will get it btw the crowd here is cool 😎,3,2023-07-06 16:09:55 +Google Play,Everything thing is great but please add dark mode I am giving it 4 stars because of dark mode Else it is great,4,2023-07-07 09:28:11 +Google Play,App screen lag when I open.. Please fix this bug,1,2023-07-07 09:05:13 +Google Play,"As usual, no followers no use, no one using it in the feed, despite a seamless launch for once",1,2023-07-18 18:55:14 +Google Play,"Kindly add features like spaces,hashtags and make search algorithm more clearly",3,2023-07-09 01:28:09 +Google Play,There is a bug if you activate your Insta account on thread than you are not able to delete your Insta story,1,2023-07-09 12:49:39 +Google Play,Great app so far. Simple. Just need to adjust few thingsm like right now we cant read other quotes replies .,5,2023-07-06 12:08:06 +Google Play,Worst app please don't download Instagram users you'll loose your Instagram account and can't use it properly,1,2023-07-08 06:18:29 +Google Play,Would be great if it didn't throw up error message on my first attempt and wouldn't let me use it at all,1,2023-07-05 23:29:34 +Google Play,I think it's better than twitter but adding chatting option will be good for now.,4,2023-07-06 12:15:06 +Google Play,it's pretty fun & you can post whatever you want & follow your friends & keep up w them. : ) 20/10,4,2023-07-08 12:32:24 +Google Play,Early rating. Still a lot of work need to be done. Like the look of the app.,4,2023-07-06 10:19:01 +Google Play,It's high on ping... downloaded twice still the app is glitching,1,2023-07-07 06:22:24 +Google Play,Hard to find the people you follow as it just gives you hundreds of random posts.,2,2023-07-12 20:18:32 +Google Play,Great concept. Notifications not refreshing.,3,2023-07-15 09:05:07 +Google Play,"no DMs, no hashtags, no feed in chronological order, no trending topics, buggy AF, and trying to delete threads profile will result in Instagram profile being nuked, pffffff",1,2023-07-08 19:29:34 +Google Play,Finally found an app that doesn't immediately go away from what it's meant to be 10/10,5,2023-07-08 01:02:54 +Google Play,Needs a lot of improvement...app crashes on my android..,2,2023-07-20 21:27:49 +Google Play,Ok so this thing is just like twitter but it's a mix between Instagram and Twitter Real impressive in my opinion,5,2023-07-06 09:10:56 +Google Play,It's fantastic but it's not showing how much reach your post got like Twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:52:02 +Google Play,The scroll is not that smooth. I have to work harder to scroll.,3,2023-07-13 12:08:12 +Google Play,"Okay, I'm changing my rate. This app is addictive. I'm looking forward for the further development of this app.",5,2023-07-07 15:44:42 +Google Play,"Tooo much good, but needs more features like double tap to like",5,2023-07-06 18:09:10 +Google Play,"Please fix bug, after finished image upload the app always Forced Closed",4,2023-07-07 02:05:23 +Google Play,"My app glitches when I scroll, until I minimize then return to app. 😠",1,2023-07-06 19:09:41 +Google Play,Not working words are overlapped in the feed post.,1,2023-07-08 07:01:29 +Google Play,All features are best but i can't send message to new threads friends🥲,5,2023-07-08 08:00:50 +Google Play,Crashing every time I try to add a picture.,1,2023-07-08 15:45:54 +Google Play,Feels like using a cheap version of Twitter. If meta was so eager to Create something like Twitter then he should have tried to buy Twitter. Just feels bad with this app.,1,2023-07-06 14:04:18 +Google Play,"It's simple because it's so new, but I'm liking it so far, and I can't wait to see what new features get added in the future",4,2023-07-08 03:31:59 +Google Play,"Should also add other like features like linkedin has (celebrate, love, laugh)",4,2023-07-06 14:00:25 +Google Play,While scrolling the entire app becomes glitchy. Can't even use it,1,2023-07-06 08:52:14 +Google Play,I can't post..when I'm trying to post..app automatically closed.😏,3,2023-07-06 15:20:35 +Google Play,Feed is cluttered with posts from accounts I don't follow and most likely have no intention of following.,1,2023-07-07 22:59:25 +Google Play,"another meta app stealing data and private info even without option to opt out, its no replacement for Twitter, and should be banned",1,2023-07-20 20:35:55 +Google Play,Frequent to crash everytime. Fix it!,1,2023-07-16 06:32:18 +Google Play,wasted many hours downloading this app yesterday. Once I went near Instagram my Threads information was not locatable,1,2023-07-09 22:57:36 +Google Play,"it was good at first but as long as you use it often, it suspends both your Instagram and threads account",1,2023-07-12 05:39:59 +Google Play,Dear Sir / Mam I'm very very excited for this application. Even i can't enjoy like this application. Brilliant thanks for designed this application. thanks.,4,2023-07-06 16:53:57 +Google Play,"The reason 3 stars because the needs or something, first it needs to have like a translator,",3,2023-07-08 14:45:11 +Google Play,"𝟚 𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕚𝕟, 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕, 𝕖𝕩𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥 𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕤& 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕒𝕚𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥 & 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕤 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕠,𝕀 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙🙄 𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕠𝕟 𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒 𝕚 𝕙𝕒𝕧 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕩 𝕠𝕗 ""𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕤"" 𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕠𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘, so✔️👊",4,2023-07-09 21:28:02 +Google Play,A new social media app yet you can't even do a hashtag? A one simple thing that all of socmed has even Facebook and Instagram yet there's none in Threads. Like what?,1,2023-07-07 12:18:05 +Google Play,The app is incredible..but I have a problem because i can't see my followers and those following me,4,2023-07-07 16:18:46 +Google Play,"Lots of Bugs. Firstly, No dark Mode Secondly, no edit option of pic while posting. etc.",4,2023-07-16 11:02:57 +Google Play,No widgets? Really? Have a scrollable full screen widget.,2,2023-07-07 11:32:53 +Google Play,"I am having some issues,like I can't scroll the page....it is like some bugs I feel....",1,2023-07-06 16:00:48 +Google Play,"Whenever I want to read something on it and reply to it, this app closes and says there is a bug in this app?",2,2023-07-07 13:03:40 +Google Play,I can't find follow requests sent to me in the ❤ section. It was there but than disappeared? I am very disappointed with it,4,2023-07-09 20:12:37 +Google Play,very useful till now. the only thing i miss here till now is saving photo.. please add this option,5,2023-07-06 20:36:03 +Google Play,This app is COMPLETELY UNUSABLE on my Xiaomi Redmi note 7. Hope a fix is coming soon.,1,2023-07-06 20:43:42 +Google Play,"Unable to use Instagram, after download of this app Instagram was not working in my mobile",1,2023-07-08 13:51:24 +Google Play,Continuously Force closes when trying to upload posts.,1,2023-07-08 12:19:16 +Google Play,This app is the best app ever... Kudos to you Mark but the app needs to have DM and Verification requirements,4,2023-07-09 00:12:25 +Google Play,Very good this app but this app in privacy seen for example location photo etc. 😆😆,4,2023-07-06 08:18:27 +Google Play,The app is randomly crashing when attaching a photo,2,2023-07-08 11:45:49 +Google Play,"So much spam. I go to a popular post and 70% of the replies are people saying to do 'x' for $5,000 or proving links. It's a ton of spam and bots at the moment. Makes me sadly go back to Twitter for now.",2,2023-07-14 02:50:07 +Google Play,I have noticed some bug on this App...... Clear the bug I have to review it.....,1,2023-07-08 00:54:09 +Google Play,"WHY IS THERE NO HASHTAG SYSTEM ON THREADS? IT'S SO HARD TO LOOK FOR MESSAGES WITH SPECIFIC WORDS THAT I WANT TO SEARCH FOR BECAUSE THERE IS NO SPECIFIC ""HASHTAG"" SYSTEM. I HOPE THREADS CAN IMPLEMENT A HASHTAG SYSTEM ASAP.",3,2023-07-07 06:43:23 +Google Play,Tried to change my username through Instagram after I was done the app didn't work again.,2,2023-07-06 13:47:37 +Google Play,The app is good but if we can message each other it will be much fun to use,4,2023-07-21 11:24:05 +Google Play,"Great but needs a trending tab, and a sfw feature. It is not sfw.",3,2023-07-21 11:19:12 +Google Play,"uploading picture caused the app closed immediately, fix it",1,2023-07-06 12:34:35 +Google Play,"Allow us to use multiple accounts at a time like ""switch account"" and also add a ""like section"" where we can see what we like or how many post we have liked.",4,2023-07-06 12:57:58 +Google Play,It's glitching way too Much plz fix this app or update it as soon as possible,1,2023-07-06 20:10:34 +Google Play,BRO..THIS APP CRASHES A LOTT..I MEAN..AS SOON AS I OPEN THE APP..IDK WHAT HAPPENES..EBERY BUTTON OR TEXT OR IMAHE START OVERLAPPING EACH OTHER OR SOMETHING..IDK BUT THIS JS HAPPENING WITH MOST OF US..FIXX IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE..WE CAN'T DO A SINGLE TASK WITH THIS GLITCH..I WANNA CHECK THE APP AND ITS FEATURES..BUT THIS SRUPID GLITCH IN FRONT APPERS AND DOESN'T END,1,2023-07-09 17:23:02 +Google Play,App crashes while attching pics. Fix this pls.,4,2023-07-06 10:03:38 +Google Play,Please add “follows you” behind their username so users can easily distinguished who are their mutuals.,4,2023-07-09 00:21:42 +Google Play,Great app everything but there shoud be an option where we can message other users,5,2023-07-06 14:49:50 +Google Play,"laggy, can't even scrool without letters overlapping, can't read anything",1,2023-07-06 00:49:26 +Google Play,Not an independent social media. All related to Instagram. Even account is created with Instagram details. Can't deactivate account without deactivating Instagram,1,2023-07-06 18:31:37 +Google Play,Excessive amount of data it requests and also shares with 3rd parties. Copy cat of twitter. What happened to Facebook I wonder.,1,2023-07-07 11:37:13 +Google Play,Great app. Please add feature to search stocks by $SPY etc,5,2023-07-07 03:23:52 +Google Play,It's crashing every 5 minutes. What kind of behaviour is this Mark 💀,1,2023-07-07 10:21:10 +Google Play,so clean! i love how minimal the monochromic color pallete that was used.,5,2023-07-10 09:17:28 +Google Play,"Anythime I try to add a picture, it keeps exiting the app.",3,2023-07-06 19:56:26 +Google Play,It's just a poor man's Twitter or a what Instagram would be like without pictures 😭,1,2023-07-09 11:21:18 +Google Play,Worst app all are uploading same content in Instagram and threads why can we watch same content in 2 apps ?,1,2023-07-06 16:41:18 +Google Play,We're 100% happy for this beautiful work 😩😂 Freedom at last 🌝🤝 Looking forward for great and amazing updates 😌,5,2023-07-06 16:55:25 +Google Play,"Seema really biggy and broken right now. Will update if they fix it but right now, not really there .",2,2023-07-15 09:57:07 +Google Play,UI looks interesting. Missing #trends option.,5,2023-07-06 11:02:59 +Google Play,Installed this app and it's full of glitch. Don't know what to do and how to fix this.,2,2023-07-06 11:48:17 +Google Play,The app crashes every time I try to open a thread,3,2023-07-07 12:10:57 +Google Play,Not at all optimised for some low end devices. Very disappointed,1,2023-07-07 16:12:32 +Google Play,Very shady privacy practices. Can't even delete your account without also deleting your Instagram account.,1,2023-07-21 08:26:14 +Google Play,"I accidentally remove the threads badge on my instagram profile and there's no way to recover it back :-( Can you please solve this problems ""hide badge"" thingy. Can you please put or add ""unhide badge"" on instagram so that I can really enjoy this app.",1,2023-07-08 21:00:01 +Google Play,"Clean, fast, straightforward. Everything that made Twitter fun before Elon",5,2023-07-11 12:07:54 +Google Play,Sign up at other communities with Lemmy. You don't have to give your info to Meta. This is their scummy attempt to steal your data as part of the fediverse. You have alternatives which don't attempt to scrape your phone.,1,2023-07-06 02:31:36 +Google Play,Where is the download option on photos and videos? #twitter holds the features😛🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️,3,2023-07-08 17:20:55 +Google Play,"Good one. A good chase to the bird... Keep shining, good luck.",5,2023-07-07 15:17:20 +Google Play,This app is great so far for me it's better than stupid twitter the ui is nice there's little to no bots you don't get any of the dumb people so far and they actually take moderation so far a little better than twitter actually allowing things instead of saying existing broke guidelines garbage,5,2023-07-10 10:39:11 +Google Play,"I would like translation of the comments and posts.. ! Would be wonderful, thanks !",3,2023-07-06 18:57:10 +Google Play,I request to all team of threads that please don't give a option of reels and any video.,4,2023-07-06 12:38:21 +Google Play,Shows following once and then immediately switches to complete strangers. Worse than twitter,1,2023-07-06 03:45:44 +Google Play,I can't see text and when i see some text double when i scroll,1,2023-07-08 18:09:29 +Google Play,So far the app is nice ...u gat ma five stars .... Its interesting ❣ But at least limit on the restrictions time 😤,5,2023-07-12 17:29:03 +Google Play,Nice 👍 looking forward to see what they add. 1st time experience was good 😊,4,2023-07-10 20:07:45 +Google Play,An excellent start but there are thing to improve like add tranding page,4,2023-07-06 18:59:32 +Google Play,The app crashes when creating a thread with pictures.,1,2023-07-06 07:35:43 +Google Play,It's great but it's left with a trending chart,5,2023-07-08 23:21:42 +Google Play,Best but need to edit option when photos uploaded with captions,5,2023-07-08 16:49:11 +Google Play,"Great app, but it needs dm's and a save feature.",4,2023-07-06 20:08:03 +Google Play,Awful experience it just lag every second you touch the screen,1,2023-07-06 14:38:59 +Google Play,"Hello, Everything is excellent but I'm unable to find Trending page",4,2023-07-06 15:14:48 +Google Play,"app doesn't work properly, it keep crash",3,2023-07-13 00:17:52 +Google Play,"So far so good, just one quick question, in months to come will this app offer useful tool to people looking to be content creators influencers etc ?",5,2023-07-07 07:59:18 +Google Play,App is glitching at the first time itself i installed should clear the bug,1,2023-07-06 06:44:51 +Google Play,Very bad...no option to show us what's trending like Twitter. Not use hashtags.,1,2023-07-07 13:48:38 +Google Play,The screen is flickering inside the app what to do ?Please solve this issue,1,2023-07-06 12:37:31 +Google Play,Gathers a ton of unnecessary data + can't delete account without deleting your insta account.,2,2023-07-10 12:37:03 +Google Play,"When i start use this app my instagram crashed and i cant go to the home page anymore, now im using instagram lite because this bug, anyone facing the same thing?",1,2023-07-08 21:52:41 +Google Play,Great alternative to apps like Twitter. I actually enjoy it way more.. somehow different,5,2023-07-09 19:23:59 +Google Play,"So bad , I didn't like it at all + please either delete the whole existence of this app or make some good updates ASAP!",1,2023-07-06 23:30:54 +Google Play,Continually crashes when trying to post photos,1,2023-07-09 13:45:17 +Google Play,Its Good..... It is minimalistic and simple yet very pleasing,5,2023-07-06 17:01:45 +Google Play,the app seems pretty great but it stops every 2 mins or so,4,2023-07-07 12:13:20 +Google Play,"Feed not works here, the screen is stretching, no usable",2,2023-07-06 20:52:53 +Google Play,It glitches alot!! Can't see anything. Worst experience.,1,2023-07-07 03:26:27 +Google Play,It's a good start but they have to add some thing before it can be great: 1. They need to add an option to see only people you follow instead of an annoying algorithm. 2. They need to let you mute all posts from languages you don't want or not know. 3. They also need to add option to change the name without changing the Instagram name. 4. Another useful think would be the ability to zoom on an image and staying zoomed without it snapping back to normal size. 5. They need a website.,5,2023-07-07 12:01:14 +Google Play,"It's probably the newest comment To the future, uninstall Instagram it's addictive quit ciggerate call 911 life is meaningless joy till tomorrow, cause you have to go to work Search new job exams are over don't know if will pass FM",1,2023-07-08 19:05:27 +Google Play,App often crashes when in the middle of writing a post losing whatever you wrote,3,2023-07-19 21:38:20 +Google Play,"The cookie is still in the oven, but you're impatient and want it now. Cons: Videos not playing after unmuting. No hashtags. Feed is too random and crowded. Needs a following tab. Lots of ""account growth"" spam. No alt text. Pros: Blocking, and muting does the job. UI is clean. Harassment is manageable. Not owned by Elon. It's not Twitter.",3,2023-07-14 08:46:55 +Google Play,Really threads with the app not showing clear result on Nokia 8,1,2023-07-07 12:18:49 +Google Play,Not too bad. But please add the ability to ONLY see the accounts you follow. Thanks.,3,2023-07-06 00:21:16 +Google Play,"Garbage copy of Twitter. It's basically twitter but way worse. Personally, I don't like copycats and this is why threads Has already failed.",1,2023-07-09 03:28:42 +Google Play,"Good app, kinda better than Twitter, but can't post videos. ZUCK PLEASE FIX THIS",3,2023-07-08 22:18:24 +Google Play,They are many problems in app not support gif And trending is not available Not suitable for new user,3,2023-07-08 17:19:36 +Google Play,App is not working properly we cannot even open the app,1,2023-07-08 16:45:40 +Google Play,Nice new App could do with alot more features but i think it will get there,5,2023-07-09 12:41:08 +Google Play,Showing glitch...i uninstalled and installed again but its still the same...,1,2023-07-07 08:36:55 +Google Play,"I can't upload photos. When I upload photo, the app closed😔",1,2023-07-07 07:18:58 +Google Play,Need more features and better data collection policies.,5,2023-07-07 11:32:01 +Google Play,I really love this... At least there's another room for opportunity... Twitter ads are cost . And getting engagement could be difficult.... But welcome THREAD....,5,2023-07-10 00:19:30 +Google Play,"I like the design ngl. I had trouble with twitter, I hope thread can fulfil that.",4,2023-07-06 14:16:06 +Google Play,"This app need an update, I can't send direct message...🤗🤔",3,2023-07-07 16:56:18 +Google Play,Worst app with lot of screen flickering and very slow,1,2023-07-07 13:37:43 +Google Play,"I don't know why. But everytime I open the app, it crashes",3,2023-07-06 19:38:58 +Google Play,it is a problem bug. And black crash screen,1,2023-07-07 13:23:57 +Google Play,rendering too many times whole ui is fluctuating.,1,2023-07-06 17:07:25 +Google Play,It's a good social media platform this app may be helpful & easy to work it.,5,2023-07-10 08:33:24 +Google Play,"Just a bloody copy of twitter, It's the exact same thing but worse, Wouldn't recommend supporting these kind of clone apps",1,2023-07-16 15:29:46 +Google Play,So far enjoyed so much. hoping for more new features. its like tweeting with instagram✨,5,2023-07-06 16:30:25 +Google Play,What is this?? If i don't have an Instagram account i can not login to Threads?? Why??? Just accept that we need a less toxic app than insta that's the reason we stayed on twt all this time. And now Threads won't let you login without insta account?? Thats not at all fair,1,2023-07-06 07:52:49 +Google Play,This is a good app and nice competition to it has very good potential to grow,5,2023-07-11 15:40:51 +Google Play,"Intresting ui,no bugs easy to understandand easy to interact with our community faster Good effort by team @instagram @meta @zuck",5,2023-07-06 03:21:28 +Google Play,"Need more like downloading pics, dark mode, sharing post with other social media.",4,2023-07-11 08:42:26 +Google Play,"App keeps crashing, hoping for a fix asap :)",3,2023-07-11 03:28:16 +Google Play,A lot better than Twitter. But it would be better if you didn't have to log in with Instagram,5,2023-07-22 18:57:00 +Google Play,"Nice interface, Hope doesn't change your mind in interface in other update .🙂",5,2023-07-11 06:57:42 +Google Play,It always crack when I start scrolling the screen.,1,2023-07-08 05:30:11 +Google Play,Very good experience and UI is outstanding.,5,2023-07-06 15:59:05 +Google Play,"as boring as twitter, if you create a new social media app, make your algorithm fix first and make all your user have a better number of views and likes",1,2023-07-17 11:26:13 +Google Play,"Add more features plsss. Like edit button, and etc..",4,2023-07-08 10:32:44 +Google Play,you need an account from a different app for this app. that makes no sense. also the website doesn't do anything.,1,2023-07-06 00:05:35 +Google Play,app closes whenever I try to post a photo. Please fix it.,2,2023-07-08 21:31:07 +Google Play,"It started out great, but now I cannot even post my threads anymore, the app refuses to upload my threads🥺 I'm going back to twitter now😪",1,2023-07-17 10:40:13 +Google Play,Crashes everytime I try to attach a photo.,2,2023-07-11 01:23:20 +Google Play,"Good app but needs to add further features, in the comparison twitter is better 🔥",3,2023-07-07 01:31:08 +Google Play,Its good smooth but should have to add module for edit post,4,2023-07-07 15:44:38 +Google Play,"Crashes every time I try and leave a comment, so frustrating to use",1,2023-07-13 13:45:55 +Google Play,Threads batch remove instagram then not a 2nd time not appicable this not good aap please this option able to threads,1,2023-07-07 14:59:31 +Google Play,Very disgusting app.... Don't compare it with Twitter . Twitter is much better than threads.very useless app.Dont waste ur data in download this app.,1,2023-07-06 19:41:01 +Google Play,"Instagram integration need to be upgrade When I clicked ""show in threads"" is not directing to threads",3,2023-07-07 05:32:47 +Google Play,"Why is it that when I post a video, the sound does not appear with the video?",3,2023-07-08 23:36:00 +Google Play,The insterface is buggy when i scroll the page its reallyyy buggy please fix it...,2,2023-07-06 07:11:50 +Google Play,"When I open the threads I share the app crash, every single time",3,2023-07-07 12:08:53 +Google Play,My app keeps crashing when I clicked the reply.,3,2023-07-07 12:31:58 +Google Play,APP LOOK GOODS BUT HOW CAN WE SWITCH ACCOUNT LIKE INSTAGRAM BECAUSE WHEN I SWITCH MY ACCOUNTS THEN EVERY TIME I HAVE TO START FROM WRITING NAME AND BIO OR COPY FROM INSTAGRAM. CAN YOU FIX IT THIS PROBLEM MAKE ACCOUNT SWITCH LIKE INSTAGRAM.,3,2023-07-06 08:48:40 +Google Play,"Great app, however the translation feature is missing",3,2023-07-15 00:23:25 +Google Play,Its is too amazing app by meta to promote conversation its a very good app just go for it..,5,2023-07-06 17:39:07 +Google Play,It's good overall 👍 But Can you add the translate option So we can understand others language threads,5,2023-07-06 07:58:03 +Google Play,App is not properly working.... It lagging the screen,3,2023-07-06 09:04:09 +Google Play,App is getting crashed while uploading the specific images.,4,2023-07-11 10:02:49 +Google Play,Good app with better ui than twitter...though twitter is more maimstream app and it will be more authentic like it was...,5,2023-07-06 07:18:07 +Google Play,Very easy to use better than twitter you can share with any one and you log in with your instagram you open the app and you see your account on instagram you click it and you just log in and when you open on you instagram profile you see threads picture and anumber behind it the number is your turn of installing threads easist and best app in 2023,5,2023-07-11 09:26:54 +Google Play,Still missing some features. Hopefully they'll come soon.,4,2023-07-06 17:59:21 +Google Play,"I don't like the app because its not working in my mobile.My instagram is also just loading,my instagram is not opening",1,2023-07-08 09:02:29 +Google Play,"Needs improvement : We need DM, threads topics, gifs rn and more interaction w/ Instagram!",2,2023-07-06 07:58:06 +Google Play,It has a lot bug. Not working properly,1,2023-07-10 03:58:12 +Google Play,"It hangs a lot , this is not what i expect. I think the developers should look into this issue",1,2023-07-06 07:12:02 +Google Play,App is crashing as soon as I try to operate with flashlights effect 🥴,1,2023-07-07 18:50:25 +Google Play,"I hope you will close this thread app very soon i have no idea why are we using this app, only Instagram is better then this useless app",1,2023-07-09 06:18:30 +Google Play,"useless, can't even change name or username other than Instagram.",1,2023-07-09 20:26:34 +Google Play,"Good, just needs a following feed and a home feed. That'll boost it to 5 stars",4,2023-07-06 23:54:37 +Google Play,"I'm finding it hard,even with the correct login details",1,2023-07-08 21:02:17 +Google Play,"No hashtags, the app keeps stopping when I try to upload images",3,2023-07-06 04:06:45 +Google Play,I love it so much easy to use and connected to Instagram perfect ♡,5,2023-07-06 23:15:08 +Google Play,"Every positive review you see that only says ""Great app! 5 stars!"" Or ""Love it"" etc is actually just a paid for bot account out of China or India. Zuckerbucks is a tool and buys and sells your data with every facebook/Instagram/threads profile you use. Just....don't. Wake up people!",1,2023-07-12 22:13:05 +Google Play,"Feedback on current version 1)You should provide story option for this app 2)when we do search , no results",4,2023-07-08 05:47:32 +Google Play,Lacks a trending page but otherwise a smooth & likeable app so far,5,2023-07-05 23:54:05 +Google Play,"It's great, only one setting is needed for the dark and light theme because lower Android 7 and 8 don't have this feature.",5,2023-07-07 11:19:15 +Google Play,When i open friends profile the app keeps crashing please fix it,2,2023-07-07 12:51:55 +Google Play,It's not working properly it us showing multiscreen .,1,2023-07-08 14:18:14 +Google Play,Very good app but one problem not story added 😕 please next update on story option 👍,4,2023-07-07 07:02:42 +Google Play,"we want zuckerberg to make a seperate dm for threads , trending stories for local location and worldwide and an edit button.",4,2023-07-09 13:38:17 +Google Play,Very great app its much cleaner than insta in terms of design,5,2023-07-06 18:53:08 +Google Play,"Wow, I'm so excited about this app. It's obvious that a lot of work , thoughts , expertise has been put into creating this app. This app is going to rock the world. Thank you Meta.",5,2023-07-06 03:02:38 +Google Play,Lacks basic features. No trending topics etc,1,2023-07-07 17:46:37 +Google Play,Only thing I’m loving about the thread app is no messaging feature. Only threads. Keep it simple please 🤌,5,2023-07-06 06:57:09 +Google Play,I have already deleted this app for 3 times just for glitch! You guys should solve this problen ASAP!,3,2023-07-09 13:52:36 +Google Play,Consuming more time !!😑 Not user friendly UI,1,2023-07-08 19:31:48 +Google Play,Amazing!!! I want to be a part of Threads and help improve this app!,5,2023-07-07 08:08:29 +Google Play,Flashes a black screen and then closes instantly,1,2023-07-06 09:22:24 +Google Play,Love it! One thing that I would want in the app is direct messaging,5,2023-07-09 02:50:09 +Google Play,Unable to log in after logging out to switch account.,1,2023-07-08 02:42:11 +Google Play,Will this app beat Twitter?? Joke of the century !! worst site wrost performance wrost experience. I will surely go with 0 star ! And Uninstalling the app,1,2023-07-09 11:35:30 +Google Play,never got rate limited on Twitter cuz i couldn't stand the app for more than 2 tweets,4,2023-07-06 12:19:22 +Google Play,it would be great if you'd allow us to make more than 1 thread account like you have allowed us to make more than 1 insta account all on the same app....,4,2023-07-07 05:38:31 +Google Play,Crashes constantly when trying to upload images,1,2023-07-07 13:25:25 +Google Play,I think it's linked with a an app called *'Sure Fixed Matches'*,5,2023-07-09 20:14:49 +Google Play,A copycat of Twitter. Great that it helps to filter & clean Twitter's environment from those that're not belong to Twitter💁🏻‍♀️,1,2023-07-07 01:43:03 +Google Play,App crashes when trying to upload any pictures.,3,2023-07-06 08:47:28 +Google Play,Logo is more like Strip than thread . Thread is thin . You see strips going around at landing or opening of the app .,3,2023-07-08 07:10:35 +Google Play,"Nice sleek app, like it's competitor but with a better user experience",5,2023-07-05 23:39:26 +Google Play,This is best but . I couldn't give 5 star because ( I want to post on thread so I have to search many more Therefore I hope that this error will fix),3,2023-07-07 16:35:33 +Google Play,Well something Interesting after a long time for starters it is basically Instagram with some add on's,5,2023-07-06 00:52:06 +Google Play,All the good parts without a lot of the bad parts,5,2023-07-07 22:11:51 +Google Play,Just crashes sometimes otherwise it's a good fun app to kill time,4,2023-07-07 09:40:14 +Google Play,No switch option for multiple accounts and direct massage.,3,2023-07-08 01:33:39 +Google Play,"This app is good but here no option to ""PHOTOS""🖼️ save in gallery.",4,2023-07-10 17:03:02 +Google Play,Unfortunately i remove my badge because i didn't know that time how it works but now i wanted it back Please do something for that i really wanted it back!,1,2023-07-08 09:10:09 +Google Play,Great start! Needs improvement but I feel great about what I've seen so far!,4,2023-07-07 14:28:50 +Google Play,Need some important in animation section and also need save image option,3,2023-07-06 14:41:45 +Google Play,Thank GOD thatbother app was just focused on propaganda...i hope there is a fact checker here. Looking forward to this!,5,2023-07-07 02:22:19 +Google Play,I installed that day when it launched. It's similarly Twitter and attractive app and totally nice,5,2023-07-21 17:58:00 +Google Play,The app is smooth to use can't wait for more features !,5,2023-07-07 01:52:28 +Google Play,"No issues so far, doesn't look the best but it works fine.",5,2023-07-06 06:20:11 +Google Play,Amazing app but there's always room for improvement and development,5,2023-07-07 02:33:27 +Google Play,It's a second rate twitter basically looks to be a rush job to take on twitter,2,2023-07-06 23:02:11 +Google Play,"Half polished knock off app, doesn't really add any value over competitors",1,2023-07-10 20:06:36 +Google Play,Want to see what its all about but app keeps force closing when I'm typing something for some reason?!,1,2023-07-11 21:45:46 +Google Play,"I don't use Instagram,i deactivate my profile!!! Why can't I use threads separately! Atleast give an option 😒",1,2023-07-07 10:06:51 +Google Play,Keeps on closing... Please fix can't make a post well,3,2023-07-07 16:06:21 +Google Play,"Am I suppose to have Instagram to access this app ? This is nonsense, I don't like Instagram and I won't install it to use another app , nothing good comes from this all he thinks about is making more money",1,2023-07-06 21:47:12 +Google Play,It keeps crashing the moment I open it I go back to my home screen,1,2023-07-08 18:53:02 +Google Play,App is not working correctly it blurs all posts and letters,1,2023-07-06 20:18:52 +Google Play,Nice app just I want dark mode option data saver option and once time threads edit option,2,2023-07-06 06:01:12 +Google Play,It's a good app But it should have trends to make it better and data saving option,4,2023-07-07 14:46:04 +Google Play,"Nice attempt on copying Twitter but I find some things not so comfortable in this app. For example, I can't separate posts in a feed between recommendations and my follows. It's just a huge list of endless publications from people I don't know and don't care about. Also it would be great to have ""save media"" button.",2,2023-07-19 13:02:30 +Google Play,"Desperately needs a ""following only"" feed. This sucks so bad without one.",2,2023-07-06 02:55:24 +Google Play,"No volume, everything keeps glitching, Twitter is better.",1,2023-07-13 02:42:32 +Google Play,Well....it a good app but can you pls allow messaging on it instead of going to Instagram,4,2023-07-06 12:29:45 +Google Play,"Won't like me sign up, can't create a account, it is not simple to use it, 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎",1,2023-07-08 14:36:12 +Google Play,Automatically closes the app while adding attachment.,1,2023-07-08 15:46:08 +Google Play,"Nice UI, no reason to switch to twitter again.",5,2023-07-06 13:56:28 +Google Play,"Clean design, and finally textual content amidst the proliferation of video content",4,2023-07-07 22:57:54 +Google Play,A great alternative to the overly toxic and growing misinformation hub twitter has become. Contact migration was seamless.,5,2023-07-08 17:56:30 +Google Play,App is not running well...and screen is like hazzy🥴🥴,1,2023-07-07 12:08:36 +Google Play,The app takes me back to the playstore when I try to add an image to my post.,2,2023-07-06 08:57:01 +Google Play,"This is a fun app, but I want a page to show what only the people I follow post.",4,2023-07-07 02:49:36 +Google Play,"The app is glitching, I reinstalled it multiple times but still the same",2,2023-07-07 10:13:31 +Google Play,Nobody engages with your posts on this app and you are not able to delete your profile. No longer interested in using this app.,1,2023-07-19 03:56:40 +Google Play,"Where's the dark mode? It's really useful, it should have it as an option at least",3,2023-07-06 01:54:49 +Google Play,I'm all for sticking it to Elon. Can't wait until new features are added.,5,2023-07-07 22:14:43 +Google Play,The app defitoo addictive ❤️✌️ Thanks To Mark for this.... But would really appreciate if we could send DM's it,5,2023-07-07 14:14:51 +Google Play,A few minutes in and I'm already loving it. Can't wait to see how this will rival the bird app.,5,2023-07-06 06:41:07 +Google Play,Super app and instagram is very very good what will be very good threads now and there is no better app than this i do it a lot thank you Instagram ❤️☄️🎶🎧💌🌍🤞🏻,5,2023-07-06 20:51:27 +Google Play,When you open your thread number on your Instagram you can't get it back so they need to fix that,4,2023-07-12 05:06:27 +Google Play,"Just a cheap copy of Twitter, man they even copied the blue check.",1,2023-07-09 21:33:53 +Google Play,Need option for downloading images. That would be great.,4,2023-07-07 11:17:15 +Google Play,"It's hard to find anything interesting... all just stars, and I don't care about them.",1,2023-07-07 01:03:57 +Google Play,"I am currently liking this app because I am from India and I follow a lot of content creators on Instagram but on DMing them They don't reply but at present in this application if you reply to them they also reply 😂😂Followers are crazy, isn't it Babu Bhaiya. 🥱",5,2023-07-07 09:17:23 +Google Play,IT'S LIKE TWITTER BUT MORE CENSOR AND MORE SAFE AND LESS ADS . ITS JUST BETTER,5,2023-07-07 22:37:28 +Google Play,"Enjoying the thread based communication, however experienced lessened by frequent crashes",4,2023-07-11 06:08:43 +Google Play,This is a very good application. Will there be any monetization tools on this too,5,2023-07-14 03:15:45 +Google Play,The app crashes when I try to open from this morning.,1,2023-07-08 09:25:45 +Google Play,"I don't need separate/additional app just to share my ideas or minds, there's already Twitter",1,2023-07-09 18:07:30 +Google Play,A pretty Good app but looks very similar to Twitter and has an UX of Instagram 😂😂,4,2023-07-07 19:14:41 +Google Play,"A very good start, really enjoying the app. let's see how it goes !",5,2023-07-07 11:45:18 +Google Play,App keeps crashing when I try to post smthng! FIX ITTTTTT!,2,2023-07-08 16:29:44 +Google Play,Pretty smooth so far. Easy IG integration.,5,2023-07-06 03:27:05 +Google Play,𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝒂𝒅𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂... 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉🥰🥰,5,2023-07-10 03:09:29 +Google Play,I like how it works. I feel like hiding who follows me and who I follow would be nice along with a pinned post feature and dms,5,2023-07-06 08:55:23 +Google Play,Every time I try uploading a picture the app crashes,1,2023-07-07 09:53:45 +Google Play,Firstly I want to say that this Platform is too much Useful and Advance with all the new features and I Love meta ❤️,5,2023-07-09 18:14:26 +Google Play,"Amazing app, just like twitter but without any of the downsides, so happy meta has finally come out with this app",5,2023-07-06 12:47:56 +Google Play,Needs some tweaks but it's way more acceptable than that mess Elon made of Twitter.,4,2023-07-11 22:13:17 +Google Play,App keeps on crashing when i try to attach a picture,1,2023-07-06 10:32:58 +Google Play,"All is delicates in all screens, this problem just on the android phones",2,2023-07-06 13:13:03 +Google Play,Good app but will be better if you add a messaging feature,3,2023-07-07 14:37:24 +Google Play,The UI is simple and faster.,4,2023-07-06 12:38:01 +Google Play,"Great App , Just Add Save button for pics and videos",5,2023-07-06 04:42:17 +Google Play,it's great to have a twitter alternative but scummy that they don't promote news,1,2023-07-21 16:11:38 +Google Play,Installed. Opened. Saw random content by people I don't even follow. Closed. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-07 05:48:40 +Google Play,not have a translation language compare to the main ig app🙁👎👎,3,2023-07-16 11:04:00 +Google Play,Loveing the app! Haven't used the app enough to provide the full review but will update this asap!,5,2023-07-06 08:53:46 +Google Play,"I'm no bot. App is horrible. And as I heard, I posted right away and was censored, everyone was right.",1,2023-07-13 17:49:34 +Google Play,"When I scroll down, the screen starts flickering",1,2023-07-08 20:57:51 +Google Play,Worst app like Instagram meta they are always against freedom of speech and expression. 👎,1,2023-07-17 23:02:37 +Google Play,"loving it so far, but am yet to find trending topics and hashtags",4,2023-07-06 09:51:27 +Google Play,Been great so far Just lacking a trend section and a direct message,5,2023-07-06 23:35:30 +Google Play,"App is glitch, everything is mashed up together. Unusable",1,2023-07-10 02:15:17 +Google Play,The app is good but instgram shall provide an option to delete the threads profile without deleting the instgram account.,4,2023-07-10 10:21:17 +Google Play,There is bug ... Like unlike ... Automatic and thread posting failed,4,2023-07-06 15:54:16 +Google Play,"It's f**king insane. Btw better then twitter but it doesn't have features like vote and many others like twitter have, and we need it here too.",5,2023-07-06 09:30:52 +Google Play,"Very cool app, I left twitter, I love how it's fun and family friendly. LETS GOO",5,2023-07-06 20:06:35 +Google Play,I would like them to show only my followings in my feed or related to my interests rather than a total bunch of unknowns...,3,2023-07-07 03:52:16 +Google Play,Just another tool to collect more data from you.,1,2023-07-10 14:49:46 +Google Play,It doesn't supports scrolling... It feels like my mobile phone is hacked even on a single scroll 📜,2,2023-07-07 20:15:59 +Google Play,App seems to be riddled with bugs. Not a good experience,1,2023-07-06 10:43:56 +Google Play,I will be happy to give Threads another star when you enable a translate function on individual posts.,3,2023-07-15 14:14:27 +Google Play,"It's easy to use, but I wish this app could be linked to our Facebook account.",5,2023-07-07 11:30:44 +Google Play,Faced glich on dark mode but it’s good on default.,2,2023-07-07 06:22:00 +Google Play,Cant even open the apps.. keep force close when i clicked the icon,1,2023-07-06 11:59:33 +Google Play,Unable to use the app error in display feeds from redmi note 7 pro,1,2023-07-07 06:02:25 +Google Play,I really say Instagram is better than this app we can't watch any reels on this app,3,2023-07-07 03:56:29 +Google Play,Its always saying that you have been logged out of %1$s the account owner may have changed the password And I didn't change the password,2,2023-07-07 08:35:20 +Google Play,"Easy interface and lightweight, Looks promising",5,2023-07-06 12:34:06 +Google Play,Excellent app. But please make a lite version too.,4,2023-07-07 17:45:13 +Google Play,its not working well the fonts get crossed and i can't see anything,1,2023-07-06 13:22:56 +Google Play,The app keeps glitching. I literally cannot even scroll,1,2023-07-07 12:08:53 +Google Play,"Can't replace twitter, tried this app not can'þ delete the account without deleting the insta account",1,2023-07-08 16:32:58 +Google Play,Very good app for news and writing content,5,2023-07-06 14:05:46 +Google Play,Good app just need to fix some bugs and add trending page,5,2023-07-06 04:42:51 +Google Play,The app is good and is working perfectly but I didn't gave 5 stars because zuck copied from Twitter 💀,4,2023-07-09 01:53:25 +Google Play,I think I can't add another account in this app. I hope it will be added as soon as possible.,4,2023-07-06 14:54:35 +Google Play,This app makes more background requests than TikTok does. Yikes.,1,2023-07-07 21:27:19 +Google Play,Trendy and connect people easily and faster,5,2023-07-12 09:51:14 +Google Play,"The app is not working properly, it is fluctuating",1,2023-07-07 06:31:41 +Google Play,You can't delete your account without deleting Instagram.. You can't even change the name 🤦🏻‍♀️,1,2023-07-06 17:03:40 +Google Play,The app crashes everytime I upload a media.,2,2023-07-06 05:16:51 +Google Play,The app is really cool. Enjoying every minute spent in the app,4,2023-07-08 21:48:00 +Google Play,😂😂😂😂😂 idk what's going on this app is sooo glitched 😂😂 idk it's my device or this app but after a long time I'm laughing very hard thanks . This is crazy man 😂👍,4,2023-07-06 19:29:56 +Google Play,having no feature for DM is tragic man. Like why would you release it without that ONE feature😂,3,2023-07-06 02:21:50 +Google Play,Once i downloaded it glicthedd and i was not able to use it i delted it and downloaded but its still not workingg plz tell me wht to do,1,2023-07-07 16:26:39 +Google Play,"Get log out and app crash when trying to post something, on mobile device",2,2023-07-17 12:06:38 +Google Play,for me it's not working cause of so many glitches when i scroll in app please fix this,1,2023-07-07 02:03:14 +Google Play,Just boring. App crashes and boring ui compared to twitter. Fake stst claim of 10m download,1,2023-07-09 06:19:35 +Google Play,"Good app to socialize with people around the world, I think next update will have a chatting platform....",4,2023-07-13 13:38:59 +Google Play,Cant log in. Error message. Keeps saying owner probally changed password! I havn't changed $hT 😭😂,1,2023-07-09 06:36:08 +Google Play,"Twitter is better, auto translater also not available.",1,2023-07-11 05:37:06 +Google Play,Good but should have a following and a dark mode.,3,2023-07-11 06:25:57 +Google Play,"I want to block people in threads but it turns out that Instagram is also blocked, why isn't it separated????",1,2023-07-06 16:08:03 +Google Play,App crashes whenever I try to post some photos,1,2023-07-06 05:34:55 +Google Play,Brilliant app! So pleased to finally have an alternative to the garbage fire that Twitter has become 😃,5,2023-07-06 08:01:41 +Google Play,The only thing I don't like so far is the fact that we can see people we do follow reply to people we don't and theirs no option to turn it off,3,2023-07-12 03:21:34 +Google Play,Add a one facilities we can see the profile pic in thread also and u have to update more by design and add something interesting i can't see reply of my post 😐,1,2023-07-10 14:00:49 +Google Play,Crashing frequently when uploading photos.,3,2023-07-06 15:35:02 +Google Play,Works well! Missing a few features tho,5,2023-07-07 05:35:35 +Google Play,"So far, there's nothing original about this platform but let's be patient and give it a shot!",3,2023-07-06 01:32:57 +Google Play,Good but no trending page! Expected to get this feature soon....,4,2023-07-07 03:30:52 +Google Play,Please update this app After opening screen wos blurred and unclear Many bug to fix your in your app,1,2023-07-07 05:36:46 +Google Play,I'm unable to download this app it's just show can't be installed try again 😕,3,2023-07-06 08:37:14 +Google Play,The app is taking too much time to get installed. Loosing the hype somewhere,3,2023-07-08 06:11:00 +Google Play,"Can't log in without Instagram account. Not interested, bye...",1,2023-07-09 18:08:08 +Google Play,"This app is so good to use,but the problem is that there rest no way to save picture🤨",3,2023-07-07 10:29:30 +Google Play,"When I login thread I Got logout from Instagram automatically 😂 and when I login insta again, then I got logout from thread ,",1,2023-07-07 12:17:54 +Google Play,"If you hide your badge you can't restore it This is stupid, please fix it Other than that, the app is amaZing",1,2023-07-07 13:41:51 +Google Play,I really like the theme of it.....lets wait and see how well it compares to twitter,4,2023-07-06 15:36:58 +Google Play,"We need; 1) Easier method to switch between accounts, just like Instagram. 2) A way to filter the threads we see. We should have the option to only see Threads from the people we follow.",4,2023-07-06 08:01:17 +Google Play,It crashed 5 times in just 1 hour today... Please fix this,2,2023-07-07 10:17:48 +Google Play,Keeps crashing when I try to post a picture with a caption,1,2023-07-06 16:16:05 +Google Play,App doesn't work properly.... It's lagging heavily....,1,2023-07-09 11:57:58 +Google Play,The app is glitching on my phone yet my phone is compatible can someone please help me out,2,2023-07-08 12:25:17 +Google Play,disappointed app ask me to download it from Appstore when sharing images but guess what 🙂 I am using android and downloaded it from play store,1,2023-07-07 09:38:05 +Google Play,It has lot bugs and it is lagging and it should be fix right now,1,2023-07-08 09:42:55 +Google Play,It's very good but u have to add text with authors,4,2023-07-07 00:05:53 +Google Play,It doesn't run ... Get crashed everytime i try to use it,1,2023-07-09 19:37:57 +Google Play,Idk why but the whole screen starts Glitching when I open the app,1,2023-07-06 18:00:20 +Google Play,Make a way to uninstall this app without losing Instagram data very soon.,1,2023-07-20 14:55:10 +Google Play,Use Interface Be a little more careful Best Experience App Very Very 👍🏻,5,2023-07-17 16:34:44 +Google Play,Such A great app you can use literally today i got access to this and got addicted till now this message I have written I literally post 15+ threads in this app ..,5,2023-07-06 16:44:30 +Google Play,"Is like any ""Meta"" products, wasting ur time, making money from u. And yes I still prefer (Twitter) because it keeps me away from all the junk opinions. I'm not a follower 🐑",1,2023-07-07 12:54:14 +Google Play,I am seeing too many celebs posts and not enough of my followers and friends. Not sure if that is normal life.,3,2023-07-13 10:44:48 +Google Play,Some glitch in it. Not working properly.,1,2023-07-06 13:49:09 +Google Play,The app Is Great but please I think you guys should add a message option,3,2023-07-08 18:02:09 +Google Play,"I need more insight, still new at this ... I need to understand how to link up all my IG profiles to THREADS, would appreciate some genuine guidance.",5,2023-07-09 08:15:02 +Google Play,Need share option directly to friends like Instagram sharing option 😁,4,2023-07-06 11:56:19 +Google Play,My app just crashed its keeps on saying there was a problem try again,1,2023-07-08 05:25:29 +Google Play,"This app is a copy of Tweeter, actually tweeter is better than Threads and Koo is better than tweeter.",1,2023-07-13 10:20:34 +Google Play,"Post failed, when ever I tried to comment under people's post it we throw error (post failed) that's the only reason am not okay with the app",2,2023-07-18 14:27:45 +Google Play,Totally copied from twitter. Useless application and algorithm.,1,2023-07-07 19:31:03 +Google Play,Have a little scroll freezing problem on 2GB RAM devices,3,2023-07-06 14:49:03 +Google Play,"जब हम किसी की पोस्ट पर रिप्लाई करते है उस समय दिखाई नही देता कि हमने क्या लिखा और जो लिखा वो सही भी है या नही, रिप्लाई के समय key board ऊपर रहता है और जिसकी पोस्ट का रिप्लाई करते है key board के नीचे रहता है DM ओर मेसेज सुविधा नही है When we reply to someone's post, it is not visible that what we wrote and what we wrote is correct or not, at the time of reply the key board remains above and whose post we reply to is below the key board.There is no DM or message facility.",1,2023-07-08 01:44:43 +Google Play,App is not working properly it is stuck in The middle,1,2023-07-09 21:30:42 +Google Play,This app is having glitch it does not load so not a fan of it still wishing let's see,1,2023-07-06 17:36:21 +Google Play,Wonderful app with good and simple interface,4,2023-07-08 10:44:35 +Google Play,Not properly working... Showing glitch on screen... Poor appl,1,2023-07-07 19:58:21 +Google Play,Flickering screen and Full of bug.,1,2023-07-07 07:38:01 +Google Play,Threads App doesn't have a Message icon mthewwww more like Twitter but no way to send direct message 😓😓,2,2023-07-07 04:23:54 +Google Play,Bad optimisation when I am scroll the content everything is start sacking and over laping,1,2023-07-06 18:51:03 +Google Play,server crashed again its like i am not connected to server.please fix it soon,2,2023-07-19 20:50:36 +Google Play,"It is a totally unneeded app, it only uses up more space and has nothing to give, except the fact that it belongs to a rich and already famouse person, who made this app famous by use of an already existing platform just for his satisfaction.",1,2023-07-07 04:55:04 +Google Play,"This is an incredible app, so much better than the competition:)",5,2023-07-07 05:35:39 +Google Play,At least have all the features of your competitor If you're going to make a copycat app,2,2023-07-09 00:00:00 +Google Play,"The feed is just a bunch of random people that the algorithm likes. If I don't follow them, I don't want to see their posts",2,2023-07-07 18:31:51 +Google Play,This is tiktok but in form of a cheap ripoff of twitter. Recommendations are basically OF girls twerking trying to keep horny men on this platform.,1,2023-07-06 12:31:19 +Google Play,I just installed this app it looks like a fake app I like it a little bit आप लोग मुझे फॉलो कर सकते ह satu jodhpura...ke name se meri I'd h ....,2,2023-07-06 15:13:45 +Google Play,Please activate dark mode theme because android users are not available.,4,2023-07-06 14:51:38 +Google Play,Not able to upload high quality images.,3,2023-07-06 02:34:00 +Google Play,Just another platform for the famous and rich to speak and the rest of the world to be a ghost. If you're not a verified user with a built-in base no one will ever see a word you say.,1,2023-07-09 03:42:09 +Google Play,Much cleaner and not a mess like Instagram but copy of Twitter,3,2023-07-10 06:45:34 +Google Play,"If you have made this app different, then it is necessary for everyone to launch another different app. this app is very good enjoy it",5,2023-07-06 05:17:32 +Google Play,Can we please have the ability to to check in and also upload photos from Google Photos,3,2023-07-07 13:31:04 +Google Play,You should add reels section It could be great and fun application..,4,2023-07-07 06:49:46 +Google Play,Can we customize our homepage please? I don't want to open the app to see celebrities. Not interested.,3,2023-07-07 00:26:55 +Google Play,"Please update more and more because feature are less then expected like Message and profile visit and follower check,story adding option and many more.",3,2023-07-07 16:01:36 +Google Play,Very good UI and probably a worthy opponent for Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:47:51 +Google Play,"I do not have an instagram account, si I cannot log in. So a BS app.",1,2023-07-06 09:34:44 +Google Play,I posted a few threads and after a refresh on the homescreen everything I posted disappeared,2,2023-07-08 13:43:06 +Google Play,Very wrost app ever to many glitch and functional issue very bad app,1,2023-07-09 14:46:27 +Google Play,"My photos are not uploading, it's so annoying.",1,2023-07-06 15:58:26 +Google Play,Why it's flickering while scrolling up the home screen please solve this issue for miui version 12.1,1,2023-07-07 03:45:38 +Google Play,Improvement : 1.Data Saver 2.Location wise content 3.Trending topic 4.Hastag 5. Edit button 6.Direct Message 7.Suggestion of who or what to follow,2,2023-07-12 10:16:13 +Google Play,please add translate feature... mostly i cant understand when i follow japanese friend..😅,3,2023-07-12 07:56:14 +Google Play,"That's a very good app, very reliable and very easy to use, I highly recommend it",5,2023-07-11 06:18:02 +Google Play,"Good, needs improvement include threads world news trends.",4,2023-07-09 06:31:35 +Google Play,"Honestly, a great experience so far! I am enjoying it quite well!!",5,2023-07-06 16:59:02 +Google Play,"Nice app but should have more features like trending and opinion poll,etc...",5,2023-07-10 16:08:14 +Google Play,Great application I really appreciate your app let's fly together and make it stronger 💪,5,2023-07-07 09:56:13 +Google Play,Cannot create a new account. Must attach to an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 02:45:19 +Google Play,Takes way too much personal information for no good reason. Just another clone of Twitter with creepy vibes installed.,1,2023-07-08 18:29:03 +Google Play,The app has a glitch on the interface... Kindly fix it,1,2023-07-07 10:11:16 +Google Play,"Unlike this app, Twitter is for the free: Free speech. No government censorship. Less data collected. Contribute your voice to humanity’s digital public square! The best way to fight misinformation is to respond with accurate information, not censorship.",1,2023-07-14 21:44:19 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter Although I like using thread more than Twitter bcoz i am very active on Instagram and it's totally linked with this.,5,2023-07-07 10:21:47 +Google Play,"This app is so disgusting because there are no girls in this app, it's full of white skinned bulls and I follow 2000 people but no one follow me..very unsatisfied mark.",1,2023-07-07 16:30:07 +Google Play,Just perfect.Hopefully you will also consider showing trendings,5,2023-07-06 10:17:09 +Google Play,"There's no thread on my main page. I can only see replies, mentions or I need to go to a specific person page to see what they posted",2,2023-07-07 16:44:09 +Google Play,Very easy to use . With no ads yet,5,2023-07-08 09:04:34 +Google Play,"Great app but full of action blocked ""cannot upload threads"" properly",1,2023-07-09 08:53:30 +Google Play,"A little bit decent copy of twitter... Every body is going there ... So, why not ...",5,2023-07-07 19:12:38 +Google Play,Need more features and optimization.,3,2023-07-07 04:47:18 +Google Play,"Great Start we need the "" Spaces "" option here it will be great and you should support all the big account in Twitter to move here",4,2023-07-06 01:06:40 +Google Play,"No ads so far, no bots, and best of all no pervs.",5,2023-07-06 02:56:45 +Google Play,They require you to login with Instagram and there isn't even an option to sign up Twitter W,1,2023-07-06 06:40:46 +Google Play,"Only for Instagram users, I'll pass. Not to a good start only allowing Instagram zombies on this. Oh well, screw Threads and Meta, I'm staying with Musk and Twitter.",1,2023-07-07 12:19:31 +Google Play,"My videos are mute always even, when all videos on other account have audio",2,2023-07-07 00:03:07 +Google Play,"Really glitchy, I get an error trying to follow people.",2,2023-07-12 10:55:32 +Google Play,I'm giving Threads a 3 star for now because to reply a post is not quick. Replying a post should be fast. Kindly improve on this.,3,2023-07-07 07:45:31 +Google Play,"Please developer, add a messaging key to it, so user can be able to message each other",5,2023-07-06 18:16:09 +Google Play,When i was scrolling the app just crashed suddenly.,3,2023-07-06 18:08:34 +Google Play,So to delete my threads profile you want me to delete my whole Instagram profile too? So glad I haven't posted anything but it's time to delete the app already.,1,2023-07-07 14:27:11 +Google Play,Its very simple and improved as soon as passible like live and story and others,4,2023-07-11 07:39:35 +Google Play,"I love it 😍❤️❤️. Good job Meta, ur team did a wonderful app.",5,2023-07-10 07:35:36 +Google Play,"This is awesome,no adds, and it's very easy to open",5,2023-07-06 17:34:08 +Google Play,App is full of problems.I Can't upload my Profile Picture even......Such a useless app...😒,1,2023-07-08 02:23:40 +Google Play,"Seems like a good app, looking forward for the future updates.",5,2023-07-06 13:17:26 +Google Play,It can hanged when my cellphone scrolling andnothing show character.,2,2023-07-07 02:35:04 +Google Play,I like threads as compared to Twitter it's more easy n convinent to use.Very user friendly.,5,2023-07-06 13:01:30 +Google Play,"Can't access,on Amazon Fire even though Instagram works.",1,2023-07-05 23:13:09 +Google Play,It randomly exits while I'm trying to make a post.,3,2023-07-12 10:18:10 +Google Play,"I was too surprised to see threads, it is more likely common to Twitter, hope in future it would have some great features that Twitter don't have",4,2023-07-09 14:39:31 +Google Play,"same as teitter , so not interested in more social platforms forms offering nothing new. tcs",1,2023-07-09 18:11:59 +Google Play,Twitter has nothing to worry about. Atrocious platform. Can't access my second account. WARNING-yoU cannot delete your Threads account without deleting your IG account.You can deactivate it but it will still be there collecting everything you do on IG.,1,2023-07-06 13:58:33 +Google Play,"The app is nice, it's just that it keeps saying that the app went wrong after clicking on who replied",3,2023-07-07 11:15:15 +Google Play,"Love the Follow in future feature, for when more Instagram people sign up.",5,2023-07-06 04:14:38 +Google Play,Its basically take and collect all of our database from your device including everything you connected to your device,1,2023-07-08 16:04:36 +Google Play,I'm the facing the wave issue while scrolling the app. Please check,4,2023-07-06 17:33:06 +Google Play,"Too much data collection and can't trust meta with my data, history has proven that meta is selling data or it get leaked very easy",2,2023-07-06 00:31:00 +Google Play,"The app is easy to use and has a clean interface. It has all the features I need to stay connected with friends and family. I particularly like the community notes feature, which helps create a better informed world by empowering people to collaboratively add context to potentially misleading Tweets. I also like the new pic in pic feature, which makes it easy to watch video while scrolling the feeds. Overall, I would highly recommend this app to everyone.",4,2023-07-06 18:41:57 +Google Play,"Good, aap is better than Twitter absolutely easy to use no problem in login 🙂 just awesome 🥰",4,2023-07-12 01:06:52 +Google Play,"Can't switch accounts, no feed for people you follow. Pretty rushed job.",3,2023-07-10 11:03:33 +Google Play,Poor design. No use! Twitter is good and professional,1,2023-07-15 04:05:26 +Google Play,"Cool app, its both insta and twitter combined. Very interesting",5,2023-07-07 08:22:40 +Google Play,Interface is not so good. Poorly designed app,1,2023-07-06 21:09:32 +Google Play,"Has been having problem loading for days, completely unable to use",1,2023-07-15 09:14:25 +Google Play,Just a copy of Twitter. Nothing new or special. I liked the UI btw,2,2023-07-08 15:54:12 +Google Play,This new update of instagram is good but it is a little bit like twitter. But whatever it is is good.,5,2023-07-06 08:29:39 +Google Play,Why is it not advertised letting us know that we can't delete this app unless we delete Instagram?? Posting with 5 stars to push to the top,5,2023-07-11 18:13:27 +Google Play,Great app... it can only get better overtime.,5,2023-07-06 03:34:39 +Google Play,"every time try to open it, it will kick me out of the app over n over, its giving me a hard time to write anything in threads",1,2023-07-16 08:35:50 +Google Play,very buggy. can't interact with it.,1,2023-07-06 10:27:59 +Google Play,Fantastic features and easily understandable,5,2023-07-22 06:16:41 +Google Play,"doesnt load , all laggy , experienced like someone hacked my phone lmao , uninstalled it after",1,2023-07-10 05:30:30 +Google Play,It keeps force closing whenever I want to post something. PEASE FIX THIS ISSUE ASAP,2,2023-07-07 14:31:11 +Google Play,Make this app part of Instagram in one app and also make this app to rotate because we need to rotate,4,2023-07-06 20:25:03 +Google Play,No chronological/follows only feed. Useless as of now.,1,2023-07-06 16:35:36 +Google Play,Nice so far but the keyboard covers my message when I'm in the middle of typing so I can't see what I'm typing.,3,2023-07-09 08:55:23 +Google Play,Good but Urgently need the messaging and audio conversation room like Twitter spaces 😕,3,2023-07-21 14:21:28 +Google Play,App is not working properly and post also didn't Viral,1,2023-07-08 04:45:33 +Google Play,"This app so like Twitter an I like Instagram Twitter mix I honestly I have don't use I can my opinion an iam usest that app arjent is bee this app so interesting my opinion that use an so using the application like Instagram threads, an Instagram yes bee can I am rate this application ★★★★★ okay is that my opinion thanks for my opinion",5,2023-07-06 05:17:38 +Google Play,"My Instagram account is mostly about my dog. My Twitter account is professional. I was hoping this would replace Twitter, but I can't do that unless I can separate username from Instagram.",1,2023-07-06 21:36:00 +Google Play,Daily Night Crash screen bugs solve plz send me reply in mail and I send you picture bugs .,1,2023-07-08 18:46:27 +Google Play,The app is working great and beneficial ☺️ happy to have such open biased platform,4,2023-07-06 17:15:15 +Google Play,"For a v1 app that's fairly recent it's been a great strategy from Meta, as it goes on with more updates im sure it will rise",5,2023-07-07 02:05:35 +Google Play,Scrolling through the content is not so smooth,2,2023-07-21 07:22:42 +Google Play,Sometimes I load it and it closes down. I cant use it.,4,2023-07-10 22:02:26 +Google Play,Unable to login please wait few minutes before again pop up is showing 🤬 wrost app,1,2023-07-06 11:37:49 +Google Play,This should be deleted it's literally Twitter but infinity times worse why was this stupid idiotic app created anyone who likes it is dum I do not recommend it get Twitter it is soooo much better don't install this waste of time app 😡👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-07 22:05:04 +Google Play,text selection is bothering UX facebook's component was much better please consider using that one,5,2023-07-10 03:31:14 +Google Play,Seems lighter and easier to interact than twitter,5,2023-07-06 22:23:43 +Google Play,No photo save option. Add an option to save photos/vidoes to our phone storage.,2,2023-07-06 09:43:22 +Google Play,It's was good but initially I started having issues I can't comment or post show me error,1,2023-07-22 10:26:59 +Google Play,It's very slow when it comes to uploading something.,1,2023-07-09 09:56:56 +Google Play,An unexpected error please try again letter very bad app,1,2023-07-08 17:42:55 +Google Play,"Great application, but I am facing a problem if I want to remove the add from someone, I cannot",4,2023-07-09 07:41:25 +Google Play,"You can only login if you are Instagram user, no sign up option.",1,2023-07-07 09:05:35 +Google Play,"I've had the same few threads on my homepage since I installed this app, despite following nearly a thousand accounts.",1,2023-07-06 05:50:54 +Google Play,"Why can't I send a direct text here,,,,it's not useful then!!!!",1,2023-07-07 08:27:17 +Google Play,I like it. It's easy to use. It just needs little tweaks.,5,2023-07-09 01:03:04 +Google Play,Can you update translation features into this threads.because it will be more useful for the users.,4,2023-07-14 13:40:34 +Google Play,Looks promising. Tidy interface. Good job.,5,2023-07-06 00:50:01 +Google Play,Please make this app alternative of facebook and Instagram merger together and loved it easy and neat to use ..,2,2023-07-08 14:03:18 +Google Play,Could be better. Needs more features to truly compete with Twitter,3,2023-07-07 10:11:34 +Google Play,Screen error while opening it can't operate,1,2023-07-07 14:16:14 +Google Play,The app was made by Ctrl c Ctrl v It is very easy to make an app,1,2023-07-08 23:02:37 +Google Play,Cannot login with gmail. Insta id needed. Plz solve for non insta users.,2,2023-07-13 09:31:13 +Google Play,"There should be an option by which you can directly switch through your profiles, without logout",4,2023-07-06 12:31:52 +Google Play,please have a button where we can easily switch accounts and let us have topics to follow so that our feed have a linear topics,5,2023-07-06 03:14:17 +Google Play,Can't see who I need to follow back. Difficult to go into each account and follow them back..,2,2023-07-08 03:27:13 +Google Play,What difference does it makes than facebook feed? Feel nausiatic even by just looking at the feed page.,1,2023-07-06 07:23:47 +Google Play,"Can't cmt post on android, the keybroad hide the text input",2,2023-07-10 08:59:02 +Google Play,App crashing while trying to upload pictures,3,2023-07-08 16:32:35 +Google Play,Bundling with Instagram is very annoying.,3,2023-07-11 15:45:50 +Google Play,It's glitching. Non stop. I couldn't see anything.,1,2023-07-09 11:43:48 +Google Play,Mine keeps having the glitch i don't know why what's happening??,1,2023-07-06 11:01:14 +Google Play,Congrats on using Twitter to reskim Instagram. But it works and there's no stupid payments,4,2023-07-06 01:46:02 +Google Play,App not working properly. Full blurring.,1,2023-07-06 16:25:57 +Google Play,Good but had a bug it wouldnt let me add photo so had to reinstall,5,2023-07-08 14:59:10 +Google Play,"It's is laggy and very slow, Twitter Experience is the best",1,2023-07-13 08:48:39 +Google Play,"Super fun, easy to use UI!",5,2023-07-11 20:58:29 +Google Play,"Doesn't support image download like Twitter 😔, such a great alternative though",3,2023-07-07 03:24:23 +Google Play,There are SOOOOO many things wrong with this app. 🤣 When is the cage match between you and chunk going down? I will pay pay per view prices to see this,1,2023-07-12 17:59:44 +Google Play,It is good to use or see & you can make it more better quality/maintenance of products & apps/websites & services etc company.,5,2023-07-06 04:39:09 +Google Play,It's pretty good if you have an insta account. There's not too mquch difference from Twitter,5,2023-07-10 15:54:39 +Google Play,There needs to be a way to clear your timeline. I am seeing more posts from people that I do not know than my actual followers. Huge problem.,2,2023-07-06 00:56:05 +Google Play,From Bangladesh 🇧🇩 it's very useful 😎 . You can use it easily. It's best from Twitter 😅,5,2023-07-07 07:01:38 +Google Play,Cant upload an image says failed to upload thread if i try to add an image,1,2023-07-10 03:05:22 +Google Play,"I keep getting restriction without doing anything I don't know why you should just let thread be a different app, this app has too many buggs it is refusing to open I don't know why....",1,2023-07-22 10:19:31 +Google Play,"Threads, improve instead of seeing people that didn't follow on timeline, please let us see only the people that we follow only.",1,2023-07-06 05:25:33 +Google Play,the feed is confusing. i carefully chose who to follow and yet ppl who i didnt follow are on my feed even if they're not reposted by my followed ppl.,3,2023-07-07 06:44:59 +Google Play,Text mix for full screen then nothing showing,1,2023-07-06 08:23:40 +Google Play,There are some glitches while using this app like when i scroll the app please fix that,1,2023-07-06 06:36:35 +Google Play,"Activity page can't scroll, fix this bug.",3,2023-07-06 15:29:12 +Google Play,Its lagging too much..i cant do anythig on this app. Plss fixx itt!,5,2023-07-07 04:44:52 +Google Play,"I think this app seem like Twitter a lot , It is very very well app hope to see it develop.",4,2023-07-06 13:31:24 +Google Play,"One of the standout features of the Thread app is its user interface. It is clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate. The design is aesthetically pleasing, with a focus on simplicity, which makes using the app a pleasant experience. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or someone who prefers a user-friendly interface, Thread strikes a perfect balance.",5,2023-07-06 13:24:51 +Google Play,Interface is confusing rest its a nice copy of twitter,2,2023-07-08 15:29:00 +Google Play,Some bugs in this application please solve all problems...,1,2023-07-06 16:43:07 +Google Play,"So i have to use my active Instagram account or create new Instagram account just to have threads account??? Also it’s not that i don’t recommended this app but if your account get suspended it’s gotta take your Instagram too..right?!? That’s why they are connected?? I’m not sure about this app but I will give it a try, I’m just gonna create new Instagram account just in case…",3,2023-07-06 02:39:31 +Google Play,"I am very much impressed by using the app, so I will tell you the same thing, you should also do it by downloading this app. 🙆",5,2023-07-10 12:14:45 +Google Play,"Simple, solid & easy to use!",5,2023-07-06 14:58:01 +Google Play,No search in the posts . It is useless and complete trash,1,2023-07-14 15:14:18 +Google Play,"Can we please add a button where we hide our profiles from certain people, blocking people on this app blocks them on Instagram I can't have that.",5,2023-07-08 16:38:26 +Google Play,Still lacking features and lots of bugs,1,2023-07-06 08:28:52 +Google Play,Logging with Instagram shouldn't be the only option to sign on the app,1,2023-07-06 12:26:34 +Google Play,Add a translation function we may have overseas friends.,5,2023-07-08 09:53:53 +Google Play,"Keeps on crashing on androind, everytime I post a picture",1,2023-07-06 03:45:56 +Google Play,"Still lag,perhaps my internet connection, Opening Instagram no issue",4,2023-07-06 06:53:48 +Google Play,"is there a button or feature that let only the accounts that I follow would appear on my feed/wall/page? if not, I hope the devs can add them",3,2023-07-10 15:11:51 +Google Play,"NOT open social network as claimed. Even when it finally implements ActivityPub, still not 'open'. It's a scam.",1,2023-07-14 18:38:38 +Google Play,Please remove photos and video sharing option from threads. Atleast video .Make it just for writing . I don't want to see REELS in threads also🫣🫣,4,2023-07-07 18:00:42 +Google Play,"The app closes on its own, that's why I can't finish what I'm about to post.",3,2023-07-19 04:24:53 +Google Play,"i'm enjoying using this apps, the UI is more suitable for me and i love it",5,2023-07-06 15:23:03 +Google Play,This is good but has no efficient features....,4,2023-07-07 05:34:02 +Google Play,The app looks great but can't be compared with Twitter 👑,4,2023-07-07 02:35:06 +Google Play,Their app is an Twitter bit and gan of install any router rate of out of ten,4,2023-07-09 05:10:25 +Google Play,Buggy application. May I have rmail for the support team to review this bug?,2,2023-07-07 04:46:23 +Google Play,Very Good App. But I need an option Download Media like Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 07:37:20 +Google Play,"Worst experience ever, lags a lot. Just a bad copy of TWITTER.",1,2023-07-10 09:46:34 +Google Play,"There is a lack of Messenger in this, if the messenger was in it, it would have been better. It would have been a very good app, but if there was a messenger, I would have given five stars. That's it for now.",2,2023-07-11 17:57:30 +Google Play,We need a translate post button to be able to translate posts that are from users who type in different languages please.,3,2023-07-06 11:41:57 +Google Play,Why is it drawing lines with the letters whenever i scroll up or down.,2,2023-07-08 01:19:37 +Google Play,"App won't let me connect, keep giving error",1,2023-07-06 13:44:03 +Google Play,"Great start, legends are always legends no matter how many falls they had",5,2023-07-07 05:26:21 +Google Play,DO NOT USE THIS APP. The amount of data they are collecting and selling is RIDICULOUS!!!!,1,2023-07-10 21:44:33 +Google Play,Needs to have a built in translation system.,4,2023-07-06 02:53:29 +Google Play,In this app photo upload but me use and in this case not upload photo this not properly work application 😡,1,2023-07-09 10:23:24 +Google Play,"when I open it, for some reason it glitches and I couldn't do anything about it.",1,2023-07-06 22:11:45 +Google Play,So far so good. Although the option to delete your Thread account seems dodgey because I still would like to keep my Instagram account 👀 Please find another way for that,4,2023-07-07 07:43:02 +Google Play,Not at all working lots of bugs error while using,1,2023-07-10 19:09:31 +Google Play,I would have loved to join but now the only log in option being Istagram is what held me back since am not on Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 10:10:44 +Google Play,"Just like twitter, cute loll. Pretty alright but it would be better to make an option to see what the people you follow say",4,2023-07-08 01:43:43 +Google Play,Excellent app experience.... This app is better than twitter.... I was download this app only for JR NTR SIR And all NTR fans are download this app and follow NTR SIR,5,2023-07-07 01:50:38 +Google Play,"I got a few bugs. When i want to see someone's reply, suddenly force close",4,2023-07-07 13:23:43 +Google Play,A torrent of meaningless celebrity spam and random posts from people I've never met.,1,2023-07-09 21:41:02 +Google Play,Always keeps crashing when iam trying to upload something,1,2023-07-09 20:57:33 +Google Play,"I wonder if you were waiting to be told.... I just wonder. When refreshing for new feeds, you don't just snap the view to the latest feed. Just show avatars of accounts with new [recent or yet-to-be-viewed posts] and then we can scroll up to view at our pace. Again, I don't know if you were waiting to be told 😒... Until then, all you can boast of is ""look how many we are now 🤪!'.... 🤡s",2,2023-07-13 09:37:03 +Google Play,Glicty no DM and can't be deleted without deleting your Instagram account it's not very helpful we need so many updates pls,2,2023-07-07 15:36:02 +Google Play,fun app but been having crashing issues whenever I open replies,3,2023-07-07 13:56:18 +Google Play,It's showing refresh the page I'm trying since publication of the application.,1,2023-07-07 08:52:49 +Google Play,Why does it crash every single time I open it? ☹️,1,2023-07-08 18:17:52 +Google Play,So far I love it. 👍🏻 The new Twitter woohoo! Might add an option in the future to add a header?,5,2023-07-07 01:08:30 +Google Play,"You need an Instagram account to sign up. There is not tags system, so topics are almost impossible to see without following people. Go back to twitter lol, or tumblr if you will",3,2023-07-06 23:55:20 +Google Play,The app is very good for an innovation. But first and foremost we need DARK MODE.,3,2023-07-06 22:01:33 +Google Play,"Mine is not loading(opening) again after I used it on the first and second day, what could be the reason?",1,2023-07-10 14:47:57 +Google Play,"Missing: Character count, data saving settings",2,2023-07-07 10:19:46 +Google Play,"I highly recommend this Threads an instagram app the content please follow, share, and support this app😍✔️ Please ডাওনলোড this app😊😊 Thank you.",5,2023-07-13 02:15:24 +Google Play,"Apparently you have to have Instagram to sign up. No, thank you.",1,2023-07-06 22:54:24 +Google Play,Threads need some translation cause being an international kpop fan is so hard when there's no translations,4,2023-07-09 19:11:25 +Google Play,Pretty good. But need insta account to login,3,2023-07-07 13:03:06 +Google Play,Why i have to log in by insta user?! actually I'm not using insta at all i think better to provide sign up option's,1,2023-07-06 22:33:59 +Google Play,The app has some bugs it is slow and laggy,2,2023-07-06 19:50:10 +Google Play,We can write our opinion on any topic and its easy to use,4,2023-07-07 16:59:49 +Google Play,"Excellent, finally an app much better than twitmusk.. Thank you fb and Instagram",5,2023-07-06 21:24:07 +Google Play,The app is great but be allowed to talk freely here like it is in Twitter.,3,2023-07-07 06:06:50 +Google Play,App is soo exciting but unfortunately I tap on hide tread badge on ig plzz make it possible to unhide it,4,2023-07-07 08:24:37 +Google Play,There are a lot of problems especially with the dark mode.,3,2023-07-06 18:04:16 +Google Play,No sound on my media/ videos after about an hour on and blue ticks everywhere 🙄,2,2023-07-13 20:59:43 +Google Play,Plz give an option to switch like Instagram why always need to log out it's irritating 🙄,3,2023-07-07 12:14:15 +Google Play,Really good so far. When other things get added that seem to be missing I'll put rating up to 5,4,2023-07-06 23:09:17 +Google Play,Too many pictures on the feed very very few actual threads,2,2023-07-20 14:21:33 +Google Play,I had it for 1 day and already got my account hacked and taken and there's no support button so I can't figure out a way to get it back,1,2023-07-09 03:41:02 +Google Play,Great app and easy to use just wished my home page just showed people I follow,5,2023-07-24 13:11:49 +Google Play,Keep crashing so many times very poor experience for a user,1,2023-07-07 14:10:31 +Google Play,Keeps crashing when i attach a photo.,1,2023-07-08 13:52:11 +Google Play,"save botton option, share via other apps and copy link... please.",4,2023-07-07 01:21:05 +Google Play,Not much This app i want to use because the app use top ten political leaders use the app in one of them the chairman of tareek e insaf imram khan he is my inspiration. I like who to guide youth of Pakistan not in the way of politically in the way of every type of life. He tell us the way of our hazart Muhammad SAW spend his life in the world before 14th century ago. I also like the way of talking adres the hole nation. He is also Oxford degree holder .he was also ex kaptan of Pakistan circket t,5,2023-07-08 02:46:58 +Google Play,Why it keeps giving 'post failed to upload' error?,3,2023-07-09 04:31:10 +Google Play,"One Twitter is enough, we don't need another, Update this app because they will fail if they continue like now...",1,2023-07-07 15:33:25 +Google Play,Free version of Twitter 😂 All Good needs some update for improvement.,4,2023-07-06 01:29:08 +Google Play,"It's awesome and Twitter has been unmarked, it's fun to do that😘",5,2023-07-13 03:08:20 +Google Play,"Allow quick user account switching for multiple accounts, Hope to see a PC web version soon",3,2023-07-11 11:15:42 +Google Play,Instagram alternative.. application... 😂😂😂 Without reel interface.. 😂😂😂,1,2023-07-06 18:05:29 +Google Play,Just another lame social media alternative that is never going to gain traction. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-06 01:56:56 +Google Play,Still can't see from the following only this app doesn't worth your time . It forces you to see whatever they want not what you follow,1,2023-07-21 13:06:05 +Google Play,Good and simple interface compare to Twitter 😍😍😍I 'm happy,5,2023-07-06 13:08:45 +Google Play,Beautiful UI and seems a very good competitor to Twitter,4,2023-07-06 07:58:06 +Google Play,Just signed up. So far much easier than Twitter 😉. Still navigating my way ☺️,5,2023-07-07 11:20:35 +Google Play,Kind like a Twitter knockoff and really just an extension of Instagram vs anything new.,2,2023-07-20 23:09:41 +Google Play,Twitter could never 🤷🏽‍♀️ Once you get on there's no getting off super addictive and fun 😭🙌🏽,5,2023-07-06 12:40:28 +Google Play,"It keeps turning off, theres some bug in the app",3,2023-07-07 14:10:51 +Google Play,"I loved the app very cool for everyday life, and excellent settings ❤️❤️",5,2023-07-06 12:52:29 +Google Play,The app perfect Got one feedback Could yal add GIF? It would be nice,5,2023-07-06 19:29:01 +Google Play,I love the experience I can follow all the people I want The image sharing / Gifs And video player god Dame works on this app I love it right now,5,2023-07-06 18:00:27 +Google Play,Fix the bugs it's been days and I am not being able to use it,3,2023-07-10 16:29:26 +Google Play,Can the app allow 2 accounts running at the same time.,4,2023-07-07 18:49:56 +Google Play,"My phone screen is cracked so am not seeing the post very well... But base on people's comments here,it's really sad to divorce such a good man.",5,2023-07-07 14:43:20 +Google Play,"Copycat of Twitter. Nothing novel, nothing innovative. Waste of space and bandwidth.",1,2023-07-22 16:18:59 +Google Play,"The app keeps crashing, I have no idea what the problem is.",2,2023-07-07 11:35:48 +Google Play,Best application for new 2023.. please quick upload content creators...,5,2023-07-06 07:07:30 +Google Play,It's promising but please keep my feed stuff I follow. That is my biggest issue with that other app.,3,2023-07-13 03:03:25 +Google Play,Worse app plz don't download.... If u login then u CAN NWVER DELETE UR ACC IN IT ... SUCH A NONSENSE APP,1,2023-07-11 08:08:48 +Google Play,The app crashes often hope you fix it soon,3,2023-07-06 21:59:54 +Google Play,The app is okay But can you add dark mode to the features,4,2023-07-15 21:29:29 +Google Play,The App is good but needs a lot of improvement. So far so good 👍,5,2023-07-16 12:10:08 +Google Play,"i don't like the autoplay of videos ,it consumes unnecessary data",3,2023-07-07 04:17:43 +Google Play,There is no music on Button on videos...!!!!!!!!!!!!!,1,2023-07-11 11:04:26 +Google Play,Basically ads and silly left leaning goofy stuff nah I'm good,1,2023-07-07 00:54:30 +Google Play,I installed this app and tried to open it..it's just blank and nothing is loading,1,2023-07-13 15:57:14 +Google Play,I need data saver setting on it ...like media preview icon ..please Nice app,4,2023-07-07 06:46:43 +Google Play,Good app. Slow and registration is cumbersome.,4,2023-07-17 07:30:43 +Google Play,So Much Bugs In The App ! nothing Superb Features Copied Everything From Twitter,1,2023-07-11 05:28:31 +Google Play,Showing the same posts over and over with new posts once in a while no matter how much i refresh the feed,2,2023-07-07 18:39:18 +Google Play,"Might get past Twitter soon, gotta add the list and pin list options",5,2023-07-06 14:07:57 +Google Play,Really good and easy to access,5,2023-07-07 10:40:33 +Google Play,So far so good simple app very smooth and soft,5,2023-07-06 12:34:40 +Google Play,Using this platform to blackmail others. It worths nothing. That's the most useless app to ever exist.,1,2023-07-05 23:20:53 +Google Play,Can you please add the ability to save photos and videos,2,2023-07-12 03:49:18 +Google Play,Like Twitter but better and less misinformation being spread,5,2023-07-07 23:29:41 +Google Play,Great start. Now keep updating it please.,4,2023-07-10 01:36:37 +Google Play,It keeps crashing when I'm uploading a photo.,2,2023-07-06 17:07:35 +Google Play,"Stick it to Elon, but add curatable bookmarks? Would set it apart from other apps.",4,2023-07-06 21:01:19 +Google Play,App not working properly... overlapping texts,1,2023-07-11 12:13:52 +Google Play,Not sure why they created something similar to Twitter and the app is buggy.,2,2023-07-06 01:02:33 +Google Play,Looks a little weird!! But I'm down for the journey.,4,2023-07-07 06:07:52 +Google Play,Very good app. Welcome platform for positivity,5,2023-07-06 14:39:43 +Google Play,"Force close when i tried to post pictures , using my phone Xiaomi Lite 12.",2,2023-07-08 15:53:18 +Google Play,Good but pls add save option to save fav tweet and share button to,5,2023-07-07 13:33:47 +Google Play,Very good app and easy to use from the stable of metta,5,2023-07-12 10:18:44 +Google Play,Please add a translate function for posts in foreign languages.,3,2023-07-07 13:22:56 +Google Play,Flexible currently. But should be improve,4,2023-07-06 13:27:43 +Google Play,This app is kinda looks like Twitter. It is vesatile to use and makes by day even more better👍,4,2023-07-06 16:28:05 +Google Play,The UI is broken with my phone. I can't see anything.,1,2023-07-06 03:38:48 +Google Play,"its okayy👌, but could you please add a translation button please",5,2023-07-07 07:35:54 +Google Play,Why the hell ppl I don't even follow and am no interested appear on my timeline? Everything is shoved at me. It's annoying and confusing,1,2023-07-08 01:20:57 +Google Play,It needs a translation feature.,3,2023-07-07 09:00:22 +Google Play,Another way for meta to track you. That's it. They saw a gap forming in the industry and decided to take more for themselves. Meta very nearly has a monopoly on social media and is known to nab everything from your device they can just to sell for profit to unknown parties.,1,2023-07-13 11:06:54 +Google Play,Cannot scroll down on activity notifications,1,2023-07-07 06:13:11 +Google Play,"So far it seems like a similar concept to twitter , let's see how long it is wholesome and lighthearted..",5,2023-07-06 07:31:12 +Google Play,I'll give 2star at this app cz when i was scrolling its very hang on my phone and the word are colliding bruhhhh!!!,2,2023-07-07 13:03:06 +Google Play,"I got some glitches like screen is overlapping, profile is not open",2,2023-07-08 15:41:13 +Google Play,I loved it but we can't save pictures from there that's the problem for me,4,2023-07-08 07:58:11 +Google Play,"Lets see what it offers is new. 👀 there's nothing new, it's just clone of Twitter and I request play store to take it down.",1,2023-07-08 08:52:57 +Google Play,"Can't log in, keep getting an error",1,2023-07-06 15:10:49 +Google Play,After installation texts are overlapping on each other,1,2023-07-09 10:43:27 +Google Play,Good app already. Can you make it landscape as well pls,4,2023-07-06 04:04:33 +Google Play,I am enjoying it so far but please make it so you can change between profiles!!,3,2023-07-10 06:17:06 +Google Play,"No hastag or word search, basically still Instagram but rebranded.. so what is the point of it again?",2,2023-07-06 10:22:40 +Google Play,Smooth and very good UI design,5,2023-07-06 15:25:13 +Google Play,Every single window is just overlapping on each other.,1,2023-07-10 11:28:39 +Google Play,The texts are all jumbled up. Cannot see anything.,1,2023-07-06 16:13:48 +Google Play,I like this application But It's needed to have translator to know threads written in other languages,5,2023-07-07 06:36:42 +Google Play,It's good app but theards that showed to me most of them or all of them belong to celebrities and influencers why normal people theards don't appear too it's all 🥲,2,2023-07-07 06:26:48 +Google Play,I would consider giving it an extra star if it adds more features. Although it won't be five stars because the community standards are rubbish,2,2023-07-06 05:08:07 +Google Play,Night mode is really need to dark.,3,2023-07-09 15:34:50 +Google Play,It's a very nice app but it would be better if space like twitter could be created here,4,2023-07-07 17:14:05 +Google Play,Really great work mark sir I like the following features...,5,2023-07-09 10:29:00 +Google Play,The app keeps crashing when I enter a thread,3,2023-07-07 11:02:53 +Google Play,"This app are so wonderful app and awesome all abouts of this app are so good,but make stoory and chatting ❤️ vi hope u saw this adorable advice 😊",5,2023-07-06 18:05:21 +Google Play,"Love it. It's going to take time to get all of our friends from the app that shall not be named over to Threads, so be patient with the content. Much like Instagram, it's going to show you celebrity content first. Just mute those accounts and seek out the content you want. Politics? Start with news orgs, then move to journalists. By 48-72 hours it'll start shaping up to what you had on the app that shall not be named pre hostile takeover by ""him.""",5,2023-07-09 09:45:57 +Google Play,The app works but but it has soo many glitches I can't even see a single post,1,2023-07-08 10:18:13 +Google Play,Keeps crashing! Can't post anything.,1,2023-07-09 06:56:29 +Google Play,Less features than Twitter and a simple copy paste,1,2023-07-12 07:44:51 +Google Play,I see choppy screens and it stutters so much on the home page please fix it,2,2023-07-06 06:52:14 +Google Play,No support for large screen (foldable phone),1,2023-07-06 18:22:27 +Google Play,Good app like Twitter we can share our bio from Instagram is good feature I might be a good competitor for musk,5,2023-07-06 06:29:46 +Google Play,It's fun ...but need translate tweet option as soon as possible,5,2023-07-06 09:46:40 +Google Play,Really really like Twitter. This is really a bad copy. Not authentic. Not a new idea. Threads is a model of anti free speech twitter.,2,2023-07-18 22:33:18 +Google Play,It's a nice app but it any upgrade also I feel like there need to be a app for adults only,3,2023-07-07 22:51:42 +Google Play,Twitter is many times best than this app because it is promoting those who are already verified and famous on Instagram!!!!! Where should new people go????? They have no Rights to gain fame?????,1,2023-07-10 11:49:44 +Google Play,Trash. It's a tracking app. Do not download,1,2023-07-10 00:52:20 +Google Play,Create new account option is bugged. Could not create a new user name and now the app doesn't even provide the option to create a new account. #day1fail,1,2023-07-06 11:20:05 +Google Play,Nice app our experience is Like Instagram but my friends are not here so I not say it is best,5,2023-07-06 13:11:28 +Google Play,keeps crashing every time I click on a thread,2,2023-07-07 12:56:06 +Google Play,Great another app full of bloated content I don't follow and I don't care,1,2023-07-08 02:06:47 +Google Play,Automatically Locked me out of my account. Can't find a way to sign back in.,2,2023-07-19 20:40:40 +Google Play,"As soon i logined it behave like laging or something like it, even I can't scroll it.",1,2023-07-09 15:12:22 +Google Play,"So far so good. Unsure if it'll ever be what Twitter used to be, but I'm excited to see where it goes.",3,2023-07-09 13:46:00 +Google Play,Well designed UI and Experience Best alternative for Twitter,5,2023-07-07 12:27:56 +Google Play,What's the point of having the offensive filter on when the filters can't even block posts that contain obviously misogynistic language?,1,2023-07-14 18:44:15 +Google Play,I'm facing problem in my app! Suddenly my followers count not showing and also the instagram logo,5,2023-07-06 15:25:48 +Google Play,This app is the better social media platform I have ever seen its easy to use and become famous.,3,2023-07-06 12:49:12 +Google Play,Looking forward for more updates and features for this new app!,5,2023-07-06 15:11:27 +Google Play,"Decent, but needs work. I particularly don't like that I see all these accounts I don't follow. Seems pointless to follow anyone if you're going to see the entire world whether you want to or not.",3,2023-07-15 07:54:54 +Google Play,Instead of launching a new app . Make sure you are having a proper customer support system for users ....or provide a chatbot support system for the sake of public.... please...,2,2023-07-08 16:10:09 +Google Play,"I didn't try the app, just logged in and figured out what is it about, so for now you get 3 stars.",3,2023-07-06 12:07:20 +Google Play,Full of content I don't care about. Waste of time and uninstalled.,1,2023-07-09 05:28:11 +Google Play,adding Hastag feature and also Trending Feature will be good,4,2023-07-06 04:01:14 +Google Play,So nice to have ga tab for mtlb and the new trending 3AM on kr 8443rd street is a great way of making the trilogy a little easier for ever than the other 9AM to be able for the 9PM and pan card to m baat kre thi way I Phone the phone and I Phone my 77feet 99feet account of the trilogy that was,5,2023-07-06 03:43:20 +Google Play,It is a combination of Twitter and Ig but where is the reel ?@threads . It is smooth and sweet .Rip Twitter n ig. 🫣,4,2023-07-06 20:25:02 +Google Play,Some glitches are happening in few phones please fix it..,2,2023-07-06 16:21:43 +Google Play,app crashes as soon as I add photo to post,1,2023-07-07 05:19:17 +Google Play,The screen is getting glitched and it wont work,1,2023-07-08 18:15:30 +Google Play,It seems crazy and better than Twitter... We will wait for more updates,5,2023-07-06 23:20:26 +Google Play,"super smooth and easy to use, i'm impressed",5,2023-07-06 13:23:19 +Google Play,When I try to post the app keeps closing. Please fix it,3,2023-07-09 16:17:52 +Google Play,Great news feed. I hate Twitter. Thank you for a great alternative,5,2023-07-11 13:34:15 +Google Play,"Good but they shd add more features to surpass Twitter. So I like to request Mark Zuckerberg & his team to pls add these features.👇 1. Should show no. of impression(views) in each post. 2. It should Show trending hashtags, # should work. 3. Theme should be impressive. 4. There should be inbox section to message privately. 5. It should show both followers & following on the profile. 6. There should be EDIT Button in every post. 7. Must add Poll section for voting. 8. Live Video should be there.",4,2023-07-11 06:24:14 +Google Play,Amazing UI & incredible User Experience!!,4,2023-07-07 21:26:00 +Google Play,This is the best app i never seen keep it up instagram keep going 🙌❤️,5,2023-07-06 06:44:59 +Google Play,Zero stars I shouldn't be forced to have Instagram to use this app when this app is supposed to be like Twitter. Fix this because I refuse to have another app just to use a Twitter based app until this is changed I will not ever touch this app. Twitter doesn't make me need another app to use it so this app shouldn't force me to need another app to use it.,1,2023-07-06 22:27:12 +Google Play,You must add the translation button!!,1,2023-07-06 14:27:17 +Google Play,The app will crash when i want to post a picture:(,2,2023-07-08 11:21:51 +Google Play,I am very said when i have a fastest internet and the thread is always loading loading and loading very disappointed,2,2023-07-07 16:09:53 +Google Play,"Basic Twitter clone. All the hub bub is that . Apparently if still you want the experience, Twit is where you should be",3,2023-07-13 15:30:28 +Google Play,"Useless to me, it don't have, nor do I want, an Instagram account. Uninstall.",1,2023-07-08 11:33:23 +Google Play,I just want please remove that annoying thing where many random people's threads are coming on the app feed it's very irritating,5,2023-07-06 00:07:13 +Google Play,"Worthless app for now. Created out of spite for another website, you know the one. Will update if it ever gets better.",2,2023-07-09 23:05:16 +Google Play,"Looked good to me, and wasn't getting any spam, or trolls.. still working things out,like is there a way o see people that I'm not following",4,2023-07-07 23:35:03 +Google Play,Good so far. Hoping they keep the vileness of the blue check app away.,5,2023-07-11 14:47:13 +Google Play,Zuck's dev team is really doing a great job. The app is so so inspiring.,5,2023-07-06 19:01:25 +Google Play,Tbh App Is more clean And Great And For now it has no ads so it feels great to use🙂,5,2023-07-07 12:32:45 +Google Play,"Wow this app is the best.everybody feels related,it's such a close community.just wish it had more features.",5,2023-07-12 00:13:53 +Google Play,everything is good but this app name not suitable so i request to change app name...,5,2023-07-08 08:04:57 +Google Play,So buggy! My feed and updated do not load.,2,2023-07-19 03:29:26 +Google Play,"It is easy to use, and it isn't a hell scape like Twitter.",4,2023-07-10 14:47:09 +Google Play,Refresh automatically need to be switch off,1,2023-07-07 17:49:34 +Google Play,Hey Threads! Where's the save button of photos?,1,2023-07-09 03:54:25 +Google Play,While trying to upload photo the app is crashing,3,2023-07-09 19:39:21 +Google Play,"So easy to connect with contacts, brands, and influencers.",5,2023-07-23 07:49:38 +Google Play,Very interesting and beautiful friend and my phone I love you Threads app very Nice app and android device Version,5,2023-07-06 01:59:35 +Google Play,This is really a best app created by meta where we can interact with our favorite celebrities 🙂👏❤️👍,5,2023-07-06 05:14:55 +Google Play,"Decent start, felt like rushed with so many bugs",4,2023-07-06 13:49:40 +Google Play,Nice but mark should also add chat and story feature.,4,2023-07-06 17:26:18 +Google Play,Ultracensored piece of gardage which besides that also spying big time.,1,2023-07-08 21:32:28 +Google Play,"Something to do, since I don't want to use twitter anymore. Can't support that, or tictoc.",5,2023-07-07 04:26:24 +Google Play,"Too many random people in my feed, can't find content from the people I follow",1,2023-07-11 17:50:08 +Google Play,improve Performance some devices (Android) getting huge glitches ....,2,2023-07-06 16:18:40 +Google Play,It's a good start. I wish there was a translation button.,3,2023-07-07 15:19:39 +Google Play,For some reason whenever I try to post a picture threads keep stop working 🤦🏻‍♂️,2,2023-07-06 11:23:07 +Google Play,It is just like Twitter and same as Instagram but it is a good app. I love it.,5,2023-07-14 09:02:40 +Google Play,Instagram + Twitter = Instter😂 Useless and time waste application.,1,2023-07-07 14:20:05 +Google Play,I would like to be able to search by threads text and not Just the accounts,4,2023-07-07 14:54:32 +Google Play,The app is really slow comparing it to Instagram and twitter,4,2023-07-06 14:35:49 +Google Play,"👌This app is good but if you get verified badge, then you would rate full 5 stars. Thank you so much Instagram, we are with you to make this app better than Twitter. 🙏💪🎉 JAI SHREE RAM 🚩 My threads account name is Anujkumar_viii follow Do it.",4,2023-07-08 03:02:43 +Google Play,Crashing a lot not uploading image just crashed,1,2023-07-06 08:41:25 +Google Play,So far so great! Just deleted the bird after 14 years.,5,2023-07-15 00:55:13 +Google Play,"It has a bug so it doesn't works for me, I can't see anything",1,2023-07-12 21:23:35 +Google Play,Threads are great and easy to use.,5,2023-07-07 00:36:46 +Google Play,Not # option not trending option not massages not switching account not globel search trends,1,2023-07-07 16:50:13 +Google Play,Wow 😳 Amazing and best apps that you can use to share your views and what situation you are to world. Thank you Mr. Zuckerberg 💪👍🥰🌹🤩,5,2023-07-06 13:35:20 +Google Play,Keeps on crashing whenever I attached photo.,3,2023-07-06 13:07:29 +Google Play,"Cheap app for cheap people, copy paste of Twitter, i request people to delete this app..",1,2023-07-09 06:21:06 +Google Play,Very bad too many bugs app not working properly,1,2023-07-07 17:14:26 +Google Play,This app doesn't offer enough to be worth the privacy nightmare it unleashes and destroying fediverse,2,2023-07-12 16:15:20 +Google Play,"Whats nonsense, if we want to deactivate it's account(including profile and data) we have to delete our Instagram account.",1,2023-07-07 01:02:29 +Google Play,Visual bug can't even use to scroll list,1,2023-07-10 01:06:01 +Google Play,"The application is very good, it is very good compared to the twitter , it is a lot of fun to use",5,2023-07-11 21:32:50 +Google Play,It's a good app but no right to free speech in the app,1,2023-07-14 11:23:50 +Google Play,bug and glitch are disturbing while i'm scrolling on it.,1,2023-07-06 06:04:01 +Google Play,Very good for simple social media apps category ⚡,5,2023-07-06 08:58:28 +Google Play,Why is it necessary to have an Instagram account to open a threads account!? I don't have insta. So I will never be able to use threads!? No thank you!,1,2023-07-07 04:03:38 +Google Play,"Avinash Singh rajput... 1st of all this is work like Twitter this is best for the chats ...like. I am very impressed for the used this app.. thanks this is helpful....,......",5,2023-07-09 05:01:23 +Google Play,A lot like both Instagram and Facebook; Useless.,2,2023-07-20 23:09:54 +Google Play,"Keeps crashing on my Honor phone when I try to quote tweet, reply on a thread add an attachment",1,2023-07-09 11:54:32 +Google Play,Crashes every time when opening a thread,2,2023-07-07 09:59:16 +Google Play,Interface is minimal but awesome than twitter,5,2023-07-06 18:20:54 +Google Play,"I hate all platforms from your meta, because it lost our time, so our should egnore all of this social media sites.",1,2023-07-07 04:08:43 +Google Play,"I don't want to see post from people I don't follow, I only want to see things from those I follow. Don't force feed us other companies or people, if you must do that have it on a separate tab.",3,2023-07-08 07:26:03 +Google Play,There are so much glitches in the interface,1,2023-07-07 19:08:42 +Google Play,Excellent customer service and support I just love it,5,2023-07-07 04:16:59 +Google Play,Smooth use and great features.,4,2023-07-08 07:15:45 +Google Play,I'm one that I didn't hate or love Twitter. But I thought I would try this out like the other social apps recently. And Threads has it right it's easy to use and I like that you can just use all of you just snyc all of your IG followers. They have that info anyway. The only thing is there's not very much socializing Yet.,5,2023-07-13 18:12:17 +Google Play,What a laggy app...after longing the screen goin freezed....pls fix this up,2,2023-07-07 07:39:31 +Google Play,App is glitching. Not working in my device 😔,1,2023-07-07 05:44:32 +Google Play,You must have an Instagram account to get this. There is no way to just build an account on threads!,1,2023-07-12 17:07:15 +Google Play,confusing and difficult to use,1,2023-07-07 04:34:45 +Google Play,Good app. Can't share posts with Instagram and Facebook,4,2023-07-16 07:41:20 +Google Play,Seriously i am unable to login always saying check few minutes later. I tried after 2 hours still saying try few minutes later. It suck,1,2023-07-06 11:59:00 +Google Play,"Please add a switch account feature. Also, save images and download videos",3,2023-07-11 14:39:22 +Google Play,"Competion is good, an alternative to Twitter was long due.",5,2023-07-07 10:14:30 +Google Play,"Can't upload anything, the app kip stopping when I do, any recommendations???",1,2023-07-06 15:27:28 +Google Play,Threads app Very amazing my feelings is Very good i have been used early morning I think so these is very good aap,5,2023-07-08 17:21:51 +Google Play,"Ugh, Mr. Zuck collects too much personal data with this app. Let alone all the political bias on his platforms. Stay away!",1,2023-07-09 21:24:05 +Google Play,I will give it a five star....It's easy to use and the developer did a very good job,5,2023-07-06 23:19:14 +Google Play,Threads is a very good app i love it and i use it instead twitter and u can find you'r instagram friends in it,4,2023-07-07 00:18:02 +Google Play,"It's literally Twitter but by instagram. Just like how instagram reels is just tiktok, but by instagram",3,2023-07-06 22:06:04 +Google Play,This app is nothing special other than hiding and filtering the truth that must be known u can not express ur opinion freely on here and the home and the idea is all a taken idea so I call it a copy paste but I give it a F because the filtering is making my blood boil I want to have a free opinion,1,2023-07-10 15:11:24 +Google Play,It's a good app but it should have included polls and hashtags,4,2023-07-06 07:15:38 +Google Play,Doesn't work properly Whenever I scroll it started glich in it .,1,2023-07-07 05:45:43 +Google Play,"Overall, ‘Threads’ is awesome. But I want to ask, when Threads is powered by Instagram, why aren’t Instagram followers being transferred to ‘Threads’?”",4,2023-07-07 00:17:50 +Google Play,My experience are so bad and worst experience in this app 🤮🤮🤮😠😠😡😡🤬🤬 this is very bad application please don't install the app,1,2023-07-06 05:12:37 +Google Play,Platform is best but trends is not showing,3,2023-07-09 09:04:44 +Google Play,"Promising. However, there' s a very scary feauture that most are not aware of: deleting your THREADS account automatically deletes your Instagram account. Seems that this app was created to wipe out the ability to anonymously post as was the case with Twitter. Now, everyone posting from Threads will be directly identifiable with an Instagram acount (stay tuned for the day that you must PAY a subscriber fee to maintain existing accounts on Threads/Instagram).",3,2023-07-08 08:04:29 +Google Play,We need trending feature.. and something like explore🙏🏼,4,2023-07-06 13:40:35 +Google Play,Can you add voice message along with the threads you are posting also put translation features lets gooo,4,2023-07-07 04:06:46 +Google Play,video is not working correctly,3,2023-07-07 08:42:59 +Google Play,App dont run well while scrolling text crash Just photoes show well,1,2023-07-06 20:35:27 +Google Play,suddenly My feed is full of photos and people I don't follow .. I'm here for text not looking for another IG,3,2023-07-20 06:31:41 +Google Play,"Add ""STORY"" in top. Or please hide the Replies option from account details page. Add ""DATA SAVER"" option also.",5,2023-07-07 01:09:13 +Google Play,It's has a bug when scrolled down everything is like getting shaded,1,2023-07-06 14:50:44 +Google Play,"Can't edit, deleted things still show. Make it better.",1,2023-07-19 20:59:26 +Google Play,"Not Twitter or Tiktok = banging app, plus I like how it's similar to Mastodon",5,2023-07-06 22:02:09 +Google Play,"You can't use keywords to search for topics,big negative for me but I am looking forward to seeing the development process",3,2023-07-09 23:45:05 +Google Play,Feed doesn't show people I follow?!. Can't download images.,1,2023-07-24 19:33:50 +Google Play,"Threads is like Twitter, but without Twitter - perfect.",4,2023-07-08 20:38:46 +Google Play,It is not working properly i hate this app there are too many issues in this app,2,2023-07-09 04:47:09 +Google Play,"when I try to post some pictures, it suddenly lags and remove me from the app",3,2023-07-06 12:28:44 +Google Play,Just perfect. Already switched from Twitter 💀,5,2023-07-06 07:21:40 +Google Play,It crashes a lot i hope they can fix it,2,2023-07-12 13:43:05 +Google Play,"It's not as good as Twitter, but something new from the meta is welcomed.",4,2023-07-06 18:27:25 +Google Play,Soo dark. Also it's like an unlimited message just bombed on ur screen,1,2023-07-11 07:20:16 +Google Play,Yeah! Here is the new Social Media Application by Instagram which is something cool and interesting one to share your Thoughts & Views..... and what not.....😇,4,2023-07-06 10:34:33 +Google Play,Garbage app. You'll never be good at anything copying someone else. How's that 1 billion a month going with the metaverse? 😂😂😂 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️,1,2023-07-14 02:44:38 +Google Play,I was very excited to use this app. Love it more than Twitter <3 if it has trending section.,5,2023-07-07 02:27:31 +Google Play,I installed it but I am not on Instagram and I don't want to be on Instagram.How can I sign up without having to create an account on Instagram?,1,2023-07-06 08:01:47 +Google Play,"Zuckerberg finally gets his act right. Excellent twitter spin off, much better and surely a necessary competition in Musk's monopoly with twitter. Can foresee threads replacing the popular app soon!",5,2023-07-09 07:47:07 +Google Play,"I don't have control of anything.. I can't even close my thread account without closing my Instagram account.. Please, come Blue Sky, I really hope you're what I'm looking for.",1,2023-07-06 02:09:19 +Google Play,This app not reach my expectations not good interface not useful at all,3,2023-07-10 14:57:23 +Google Play,I know it's early but i already love it. Hope they will put an edit option though.,5,2023-07-07 12:06:58 +Google Play,Average at best. Needs a lot more work,1,2023-07-07 17:41:29 +Google Play,"It is continously crashing on my device, Redmi note 8!",1,2023-07-07 09:39:56 +Google Play,i can't save images. So why would even want to use this compared to Twitter,1,2023-07-16 05:08:58 +Google Play,Don't use this app if you installed this app and log in with Instagram id your not delete threads account. If you delete your threads account than Instagram account also delete.,1,2023-07-15 08:08:01 +Google Play,The app keeps removing and crashing in android 😠,1,2023-07-16 06:56:31 +Google Play,It's a W app but taking time to refresh maybe cuz it's first day and too many people are using it,4,2023-07-06 07:18:20 +Google Play,When i tried to post a thread with picture it not responding and going to home automatically 😶 worst experience,1,2023-07-09 11:05:10 +Google Play,Seems like I'm the first reviewer.....let's see threads look way better than Twitter with good infuncer support.... gonna rock🪅,5,2023-07-06 14:33:47 +Google Play,Not the greatest could be better. The fact so many accounts exposed how many fake bots they have and ai responses is sad. Fundamentally lazy app,1,2023-07-08 00:49:14 +Google Play,"The best app and the best alternative for tweeter , now Twitter will come back to their position, and also the first review on threads app",5,2023-07-06 06:50:55 +Google Play,Nice app.. but crashing sometimes and plz add DMs!!,5,2023-07-07 17:47:36 +Google Play,app crashes instead of loading stuff 👎,2,2023-07-07 13:21:08 +Google Play,"Another Amazing One, Let's TryIt And Come Back With The Real Review. 😍😍❤️❤️ I Love It,",5,2023-07-06 09:08:26 +Google Play,The letters and numbers are too dark using a Dark Theme.,3,2023-07-07 16:07:33 +Google Play,Needs more features and stability,3,2023-07-06 11:13:49 +Google Play,"Honestly this app is till in its testing stage, bugs on top of bugs",2,2023-07-11 00:50:13 +Google Play,I can't use the app at all. And it's also not opening well.,1,2023-07-09 17:08:47 +Google Play,Handling reports on Instagram was awful and it will definitely be worse in this app,1,2023-07-07 14:02:17 +Google Play,No double tap to zoom No save pic option No save video option,3,2023-07-19 20:25:06 +Google Play,"5 stars because its new... But.... Im using a Samsung S7. And when i try to make a thread, my keyboard blocks the make thread button. Or im just really dumb. But the keyboard wont disappear = cant post thread.",5,2023-07-07 09:25:33 +Google Play,Can't create an account in app. Instalock on instagram.,1,2023-07-07 22:46:42 +Google Play,Amazing app like a Instagram and same as Twitter. Enjoying for using this app. I recommended you may download now. ✨,5,2023-07-06 17:47:49 +Google Play,"So Many Bugs. When i tried to Replying Other people Post, it keep 'force close'.",1,2023-07-07 12:36:22 +Google Play,Worst app. Nothing fun here. Collects user data without you even knowing. Drains battery.,1,2023-07-08 13:33:49 +Google Play,"I believe it will be a good application, there is much more to be done, but it was a good move from Mark.",5,2023-07-07 08:31:55 +Google Play,It need to be more optimizable and lite.,4,2023-07-07 08:21:09 +Google Play,"App is not running properly, glitches",1,2023-07-06 09:28:47 +Google Play,Mine isn't functioning well.. It's hanging words are writing over each other,1,2023-07-07 12:41:56 +Google Play,"Hi, my app closed automatically when I was writing. Is there anything I can do to solve it?",3,2023-07-19 07:05:02 +Google Play,Very familiar like tweets you can use. And connect with Instagram and experience your threads also connect with your if followers is cool . Best of luck of good reach for thread,5,2023-07-06 05:59:19 +Google Play,"It's a great start! I do feel like when adding photos we should have the ability to choose what album we pick from bc I have a ton of images on my phone and scrolling to hunt for them in 10k images isn't fun. Also I feel like there should be in app DMs as that's part of what makes things like Twitter so usable the ability to talk to our friends about threads or post. To what I DO love is the ability to add more than four photos at a time, the ability to write long multi post threads.",4,2023-07-07 00:40:24 +Google Play,Hoping this would be easier to use than Twitter. But it's more difficult,1,2023-07-17 21:46:58 +Google Play,Add feature for saving pictures and video,5,2023-07-09 03:55:54 +Google Play,That's a best platform to be connected with your own Instagram and use Twitter as well😉😂,5,2023-07-06 13:40:03 +Google Play,Very good app but allowed save option and hashtag please,3,2023-07-09 13:59:28 +Google Play,Bad app freezes all the time,1,2023-07-07 07:38:49 +Google Play,"Its ok, no way to save pictures.",3,2023-07-06 12:59:49 +Google Play,"Instagram becomes the another version on TIKTOK and this app called ""Threads"" Becomes the another version of Twitter.",4,2023-07-06 03:20:40 +Google Play,Cool! Totally improve then twitter when create some thread more simple I don't need to post-> reply -> post,5,2023-07-06 06:51:57 +Google Play,The UI is interesting I think it will replace twitter soon,5,2023-07-06 19:52:35 +Google Play,Uploading photos is always a problem,3,2023-07-10 19:07:13 +Google Play,Best thing about this app is staying close with my friends and family,5,2023-07-22 23:40:28 +Google Play,"Bad thing is that if we delete or deactivate th thread app, automatically instagram will deactivate 👎👎",1,2023-07-09 07:54:47 +Google Play,Too many bugs yet to be fixed 😕,2,2023-07-09 10:44:11 +Google Play,Good and easy approach for Threads platform,5,2023-07-07 16:05:35 +Google Play,Only issue is that I haven't figured out how to filter out threads from accounts I don't follow.,5,2023-07-07 21:26:39 +Google Play,Usually bad .. post doesn't edit very poor update.,2,2023-07-07 09:27:52 +Google Play,"So far is very nice, but I am hoping to see integration of hashtags like twitter",4,2023-07-10 17:27:39 +Google Play,"Easy as hell to access, simple, easy to manage. Day 1 and I'm sold",5,2023-07-06 11:45:41 +Google Play,Loving it so far. Would love an edit feature tho ❤️,5,2023-07-06 02:16:30 +Google Play,Crashes several times when I open any thread...,1,2023-07-07 12:27:06 +Google Play,Add more account login features... As soon as possible,3,2023-07-06 13:40:11 +Google Play,"App is crashing, can't post or comment on anything.",1,2023-07-08 14:42:14 +Google Play,Pretty good as of now. Keep it good so we'll move from Twitter to THREADS!!!,4,2023-07-06 12:12:52 +Google Play,lol I get bug although I restart or also restart phone it keeps it problem,1,2023-07-14 11:23:05 +Google Play,"Good start, kindly add feature to edit my posted comments and vote/poll option.",3,2023-07-07 00:06:40 +Google Play,Unstable homepage... Can't see any content,1,2023-07-06 17:33:37 +Google Play,"Nice idea, but it's chaotic... I don't want to see random people's threads. I just want to see my friends' threads...",3,2023-07-08 11:15:57 +Google Play,App is getting crash while opening user replies,1,2023-07-07 16:51:01 +Google Play,I liked the concept of the app. It is truly competitor of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:30:50 +Google Play,I'm tired of reading cringe tweets from blue check accounts that are trying too hard to farm engagement.,1,2023-07-12 19:29:02 +Google Play,Wow but reels option is not there so over all experience is 👍 good,3,2023-07-15 14:07:26 +Google Play,NO BODY will see your posts if you haven't any followers on instagram already! Totally useless. I'm unistaling this.,1,2023-07-11 20:44:54 +Google Play,Missing a lot of basic features,5,2023-07-09 17:51:29 +Google Play,I have a issue to upload pictures there is some glitch 😕 you have to update the aap to resolve the problem my threads I'd 5587922,1,2023-07-06 04:49:56 +Google Play,Very beautiful It is considered a strong competition with Twitter,5,2023-07-06 18:55:04 +Google Play,"Nice for now. I hope it will not become twitter. LE: now I have 'something went wrong try again' and I can't see comments, page and profiles..",1,2023-07-18 16:56:52 +Google Play,"Not able to poat anything amd change my profile pic, it says your thread failed to upload.",1,2023-07-11 17:57:01 +Google Play,Great app but I can't see the views count on any video,4,2023-07-07 02:24:15 +Google Play,The only issue I have is there's no follows tab so the feed is cluttered I don't want me feed full of celebrities I don't care about,4,2023-07-06 17:22:23 +Google Play,please stop the auto play of videos and reduce the app size,1,2023-07-07 05:10:13 +Google Play,So much bugs or lag in app also a rendering.,3,2023-07-06 06:58:48 +Google Play,"Welcome to woke twitter, plus more data harvesting for Zuck.",1,2023-07-07 04:52:59 +Google Play,Apps alright but probably won't use it as much as twitter.,3,2023-07-09 03:31:53 +Google Play,Literally it gives a great experience It is more better than any social media app,5,2023-07-10 13:55:26 +Google Play,I thought it's a chating app but problem we can't delete because my insta I'd will deactivate 😔😔,2,2023-07-20 14:15:57 +Google Play,Needs more features and a Follow only feed,3,2023-07-06 01:51:01 +Google Play,Lacks so many basic features of a discussion platform,1,2023-07-06 09:38:04 +Google Play,"It doesn't work properly, crashes",1,2023-07-08 05:50:44 +Google Play,Why anyone wants to see same thing which is already their on Instagram? Linking with insta is the bad decision.,1,2023-07-07 19:17:39 +Google Play,I've been using this app for few hours only and it starts glitching.,1,2023-07-06 09:31:34 +Google Play,"Very good app, but it keeps crahsing now. That has to be resolved.",4,2023-07-07 10:43:24 +Google Play,Instagram is also a good app but you are insulting yourself by launching this app because you are copying Twitter app and not launching any other thing.,3,2023-07-06 16:59:12 +Google Play,I'm worried I can't save videos or pictures... that's a problem though,2,2023-07-08 17:28:27 +Google Play,Why my app keeps crashing while uploading my photo? Please help,4,2023-07-07 04:35:44 +Google Play,"This app is to clear and smooth, please don't start ads on this app",5,2023-07-07 10:51:07 +Google Play,Why I can't have access instantly from one acct to other? Do I need to log out everytime?,1,2023-07-07 16:17:21 +Google Play,I mistakenly hide thread from main Instagram page can I get it back on my main Instagram account 😕 if yes then how . Direct connect to threads 😞.,5,2023-07-06 18:24:36 +Google Play,Many Bugs Including Sudden App Crash In Certain Threads & Sometimes It Says Content Unavailable,1,2023-07-07 13:23:42 +Google Play,Why doesn't it have a dark mode??? Needs a dark mode.,4,2023-07-16 17:33:25 +Google Play,Not working properly and I can't see what's on screen,1,2023-07-07 13:09:34 +Google Play,"Best App, please provide hashtag follow option and also provide recent option in search section",5,2023-07-06 12:23:43 +Google Play,So buggy that the text glitching out when open the app.,3,2023-07-06 18:52:27 +Google Play,I don't want to see unknown accounts in my timeline. I want to live inside my own bubbles. Please make this option available.,3,2023-07-17 08:17:42 +Google Play,Terrible App ... crashing every 3 minutes,1,2023-07-06 17:59:26 +Google Play,"Ok great app but, maybe let us save pics and videos?",4,2023-07-06 02:58:59 +Google Play,"it keeps bugging, i can't read post from my phone",1,2023-07-06 02:52:04 +Google Play,Very useful and convenient app in the world,4,2023-07-06 10:09:33 +Google Play,Fix the damn replies it crashes when I tap to open them,1,2023-07-07 14:04:17 +Google Play,Very good but service needs to be improved,5,2023-07-06 16:13:33 +Google Play,"algorithm sucks and no ""not interested"" option.",2,2023-07-07 13:14:54 +Google Play,The app is good but it lacks somethings but I think it will be done in the future.,4,2023-07-07 20:49:57 +Google Play,Very basic. Third rate Twitter knock off. Just get Twitter.,1,2023-07-11 14:00:06 +Google Play,If you copy something at least make it better than the original. This is utter rubbish,1,2023-07-09 12:08:09 +Google Play,"very cool twitter substitute keep it up meta, don't keep developing the metaverse tho",5,2023-07-08 00:20:38 +Google Play,"Please add ""confirm all"" button for follower request. Thanks",4,2023-07-07 06:01:59 +Google Play,not properly functioning in android version 9,1,2023-07-08 13:10:21 +Google Play,Clean design and glitch free so far,5,2023-07-06 16:49:58 +Google Play,Im so loving it! Still exploring while enjoying it! 💙,5,2023-07-06 01:06:00 +Google Play,Twitter sucks and is for the MAGA Repubs. This is a great alternative. <3,5,2023-07-06 21:59:25 +Google Play,Minimalist and clean UI Design,5,2023-07-15 00:13:40 +Google Play,"I get the idea of competitive marketing, but making it this aggressive and making me have to delete my linked instagram to threads. U get one star",1,2023-07-09 23:24:21 +Google Play,Very poor service not usefull Twitter is very good better service and New update..,1,2023-07-23 12:19:22 +Google Play,"It's very simple, boring, and boring.",1,2023-07-08 00:37:16 +Google Play,A promising competitor to Twitter. I just wish there's an option to hide threads from people I don't follow on the news feed.,4,2023-07-08 21:21:51 +Google Play,"I'm currently using my Lenovo Tab 4 8 to join Threads. At first, the UI seems it's not optimised for my tablet, it's just glitched out and can't read any threads, making it unusable. I think the UI is only optimised for phones, and not tablets. I guess I'll be using the web version of Threads (if it's available) until you fix the UI. Also, Threads functions like that one bird app where everyone is literally angry about, and yes, Threads is like an alternative to that app!",2,2023-07-08 01:28:07 +Google Play,Very basic and poorly interface,3,2023-07-10 09:33:28 +Google Play,"It was enjoyable up until the point where I signed out of my account to create a dump account with my dump account on Instagram and immediately saw the error notice. I waited as instructed, which was a few minutes. Few minutes has passed and still got the error sign. I deleted it and tried again, but the same thing happened. Currently, I'm VERY CONFUSED.",2,2023-07-06 14:31:36 +Google Play,"The user experience so far so good, clean and neat, and easy to navigate through, my biggest problem with it, that there's no Dark Mode so far, and the people following you can easily find and follow you back, which is a thing that I should choose instead of the system choosing it for me, I acknowledge it's an Instagram App, but when it to comes to the user choice, it's better to let the following stuff up the users themselves, not automatically you find the same list migrating to threads..",4,2023-07-12 01:16:11 +Google Play,"100% unusable, the posts and texts on the timeline overlaps (like constantly scrolling & overlapping the post like hundred times) make it not even readable. Bugs? super bad UI? not fully developed app? IDK, I'm using Android OS 9, ram 6Gb, maybe they develop the app for the newer version OS first. Unfortunately i can't send a screenshot. Anyway, completely inoperable, uninstall immediately.",1,2023-07-08 13:46:12 +Google Play,"I know it's a new app but I think the feed needs a more variety of posts, maybe we can choose what interests we have so we can see what we want, it's full of verified users on the feed so it feels boring to scroll. A problem I have with the app is when I try to upload a picture, it just closes so I hope that gets improved in the future.",3,2023-07-08 06:35:35 +Google Play,"I have 2 instagram accounts and I used my alternative one for this app. After few hours, my instagram app kept crashing whenever I switch into my main account (that's not connected to threads) but it's fine if it's the alternative account I used for threads. I kept on uninstall and re-installing, clearing data, and such to fix the bug yet no changes happened. Please, fix this.",1,2023-07-09 00:53:23 +Google Play,Lack of accessibility options. Lack of clear search filters. Lot of accounts I don't follow in the feed. Not clear how it works or decides what to show who but I see almost 0 from people I follow and almost 100% of everything I don't follow. It's great as a Twitter alternative and even better than Twitter but it could use a bit of clarity to figure out how to connect with other interests and accounts. Needs some kind of explore feature or hashtag search feature.,3,2023-07-08 23:10:48 +Google Play,"Okay, pretty good start but there are a few deal breakers. #1 Carries your Instagram account, Anonymity is lost if you want to use the login for both #2 There isn't a page where I could only see posts from the people I follow, only the home page exists which is good at recommending new stuff but I can't find ANYTHING back after I scroll pass it once #3 Can't save photos. Why. Apart from theese, app works perfectly. Had no issues setting up, running, using",3,2023-07-12 15:15:48 +Google Play,Non-linear timeline and buried in inline ads,2,2023-07-06 02:37:21 +Google Play,"Really not that good. It seems like it was released before it was ready. Very unintuitive. Accounts blocked on Instagram still have easy access on Threads. The time line, or whatever it's called is just a random blast of the most basic, Access Hollywood celebrity press releases.",2,2023-07-08 02:06:59 +Google Play,"It's not quite ready to launch yet, I had download/install this app as soon it came out so far so good nothing Hasn't been crashing, and etc yet but after few days give it like 2 days for it to start crashing and etc. But I had deleted the app to see would it stop but I don't know if it would. But I gotta feeling it's a problem with the software. And it started to crash today like I can't thread a post but it doesn't show a like when I had liked a threads but I can't comment on their threads.",1,2023-07-08 21:04:26 +Google Play,"It's engaging and interactive. Since the app is still in its development phase, I won't comment on that. However, I wonder if there is any chance that our Instagram and Threads account could be independent of each other in future. Lots (like me) might have two different accounts on Instagram - maybe one for pictures, another being content specific (poetry, photography etc). But for Threads I would any day prefer just a single account in my name.",3,2023-07-08 06:50:33 +Google Play,"I recently had the pleasure of using the Theard app, and I must say, it has completely transformed the way I communicate and collaborate with others. easy-to-use , user-friendly ! *In next update please add the option of adding more accounts like Instagram & double tap to like the threads etc...*",4,2023-07-06 22:38:50 +Google Play,This app sucks. It's key problem is that it CANNOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT DELETING INSTAGRAM. Do not download this app. I don't see many people using it either. It asks for many permissions when creating an account with no warning that you cannot remove the threads link from your profile or delete your account. It's a data miner with no benefits.,1,2023-07-13 12:59:09 +Google Play,"It's a twitter killer app, it's kinda fancy but then its major downside is its limitation to the Close Friends list, potentially restricting the user’s reach. Also, as a separate app, it might require users to switch between main Instagram and Thread apps to access the full range of Instagram features. So to me it's a 4star app",4,2023-07-06 12:06:56 +Google Play,Please make feature that makes me can see post only from people i follow... too much post I'm not interested in my timeline,2,2023-07-06 06:24:32 +Google Play,"From the stunning visuals to the endless array of creative and engaging and interact with people, Threads is perfect for those coz has it all. Also the layout is perfect designed, the functions and options are good developed l. Feed personalization could be better... Pls check it's not good like Instagram .. In short thread is awesome than the twitter😀 Regards from, Zanzibar, Tanzania🇹🇿, East Africa",5,2023-07-06 21:49:27 +Google Play,"Hey Creator, Is there any problem with threads it's not running in my phone! The homepage of thread buffers and all the texts, posts etc overlap each other. I have tried all the possible things like reinstalling, rebooting my phone, etc. Please try to fix the bugs. Thank you!!",1,2023-07-12 02:41:46 +Google Play,"Very simple, sweet, easy to use and everyone is nice. Could use some things to help organize it like a media tab or a ""following"" feed or maybe more ways to customize your profile like a banner but overall it's really nicely put together and honestly very approachable. 10/10 for a new app",5,2023-07-07 18:14:33 +Google Play,"Meh. I really wanted a good alternative to Twitter but this isn't it. The UI is pretty basic looking and there's just no settings. It starts showing loads of threads from people you aren't following and you can't stop it. It's basically always stuck on the ""for you"" section on Twitter.",2,2023-07-13 06:25:01 +Google Play,"So many issues. I couldn't see my own profile page, other people page, my replies, notifications, etc. The only thing working for me is the feed, which filled from a bunch of accounts I'm not following. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but still runs into the same problem. I'm using Google pixel pro.",1,2023-07-21 18:06:41 +Google Play,"Upgraded to 5 star cause meta team heard my complaint as soon as I reported it. the bug I've experienced earlier before the update was fixed already and I can use the app now normally no matter what the theme is. however, it looks like the update was only intend to fix the bug issue + performance improvement and nothing more. anyway, the app looks nicer now and smooth after the update but, surprised to see how rapid the ratings of the app recede in a couple of days after the launch.",5,2023-07-14 12:50:13 +Google Play,"It's not bad but it has some way to go before it can compete with Twitter. For me personally the app is just too basic and lacks features. Also, not a fan of not being able to register via email rather than through instagram. Obviously it's still early days but I'll be uninstalling for now.",2,2023-07-15 09:41:41 +Google Play,"Overall it's a good idea, but I hate that it only has a for you page (so you have to see everyone's posts, not just those you follow), and that your account cannot be deleted unless you delete your Instagram account, too. And once you link your ig account, you can't change your name, username, picture, or bio unless you change it on instagram. It'd be a much more enjoyable app if the two weren't so tightly connected and if you weren't forced to see posts from people you don't like or care about",1,2023-07-07 12:21:28 +Google Play,"The app closes/crashes whenever I try to attach an image to a thread, I didn't have this issue yesterday when I downloaded it. Uninstalling the app for now until it's resolved. Also I don't like the algorithm, hope they fix it cuz it shows threads from people I don't care about 😬 With lots of improvements, I know this app will be better.",2,2023-07-08 18:46:07 +Google Play,"Within two hours of having the app, I had to deactivate the account; it messed with the security on not just Instagram, but a couple of other apps on my phone as well. I will NEVER recommend this to anyone, not even an enemy.",1,2023-07-08 15:16:00 +Google Play,"I had to reset my password to deactivate my Instagram. When I reactivated it, I couldn't log back into threads because the password had been changed. Uninstalled and reinstalled, app kept crashing. When the app actually worked it was one big endless thread of people I didn't even follow.",2,2023-07-08 06:06:48 +Google Play,"Everything seemed fine, some little glitches when needing to verify my account but the problem started when I went back onto Instagram and couldn't access my homepage as it was replaced with a while screen saying ""Welcome to Instagram. Follow some accounts"" while giving me suggested accounts, treating me like a new account. I've deleted both apps multiple times and restated my phone, worked for a little but now back to how I mentioned. A real pain, I've sent complaints but nothing yet.",1,2023-07-11 21:56:49 +Google Play,Too much bug detected... Not usable.,1,2023-07-06 09:44:45 +Google Play,"This app is NOT good at all. Do not waste your time trying to make it work. The algorithm is the worst recommending stuffs that are completely different from your insta account. It seems like people are just tryif to use the app, but there is nothing really interesting A complete waste of time. I'll stay in Twitter btw",1,2023-07-15 09:40:16 +Google Play,"I have Twitter, and hate Musk, so I thought I would give this a try. No way to sign-up. Just tells me to log in with my Instagram account. Never had one, never been on Instagram, and I have no interest in creating one. Would have given it a shot if it didn't ask me to create this account on a different data stealing app. But because it did, I just deleted the app.",1,2023-07-08 12:14:15 +Google Play,Right now it is better than Twitter and better give a update to download photos in Instagram we can't so here it is better,5,2023-07-06 19:11:22 +Google Play,App is glitching too much i m not able to use it posts are flying i hate it 😭,1,2023-07-07 08:13:45 +Google Play,This is fully bugs in open app I waste of my time and my expectations and net,1,2023-07-11 12:20:11 +Google Play,Threads team Add photo and video download option and add save post option also Upcoming update Thank you 😊,4,2023-07-13 06:42:15 +Google Play,"A platform to stay positive and find happiness at minimal things. Threaders Unite! Don't know for how long this positivity will continue to exist but right now it is at its optimal level, #KEEPONTHREADING",5,2023-07-10 07:06:40 +Google Play,It's good but I don't like the fact that we cant edit threads already posted...I wanted to tag someone on an existing thread I created about 5minutes ago and realised there was nothing I could do other than to delete the post. In all the post is good...they should also try to help low account people so there threads can have at least some engagement.,3,2023-07-07 00:33:34 +Google Play,The best platform and the most used platform is much better than Twitter😒❤️🍷,5,2023-07-11 03:47:09 +Google Play,"I use an Android phone, using all other meta apps currently, this app has issues with interface, when windows got stuck and we would drag a dialogue box it created multiple lagging images, same thing happened with the entire feed as I was scrolling, even after restarting the app.",2,2023-07-07 19:41:27 +Google Play,Good app absolutely good from Twitter best place to follow people and make a social relationship with them,5,2023-07-07 04:04:16 +Google Play,"For a just starting app, it's suprisingly good. Like astonishingly so.",5,2023-07-09 21:14:04 +Google Play,Lack of search option makes it less Twitter-y!,2,2023-07-06 00:32:07 +Google Play,Won't be using it until there's an option for a feed that only show who I follow.,3,2023-07-07 13:37:43 +Google Play,It was very good app and it will definitely break Twitter in 1 year,5,2023-07-07 07:39:36 +Google Play,"Like a simpler Twitter, and don't you have to pay to consume content!",5,2023-07-06 02:22:50 +Google Play,I didn't know I must have an Instagram account to access threads. Lemmie stick with Twitter for the time been.,1,2023-07-07 07:05:55 +Google Play,very bad app please put options to delete account permanently...,1,2023-07-07 16:39:58 +Google Play,This app is facing massive glitch. I installed this app 3 times and I even rebooted my device but it still didn't resolve the issue. I can't even scroll properly even after refreshing my feed 5-6 time. I was pretty excited to use this app but my experience was ruined. I am highly disappointed with it's user interface,1,2023-07-08 20:45:56 +Google Play,"theres a text limit up to 50 characters only, i cant write freely because of that, sue it",1,2023-07-13 06:16:16 +Google Play,"Havent been able to use it since i dl it, just keeps saying sorry, something went wrong 🤷",1,2023-07-18 12:54:25 +Google Play,User friendly app with good interface,5,2023-07-06 06:30:10 +Google Play,At the moment the app locks users into specific agreements and features with no way to opt out later. The environment ruled by policies that effect ordinary people's ability to share their hobbies as well.,2,2023-07-09 15:26:14 +Google Play,"Please, make it easier to upload pics from gallery",3,2023-07-17 07:19:38 +Google Play,Tried of login page error showing every time,1,2023-07-06 07:14:08 +Google Play,I liked it's user interface. Easy to use. I liked it very much.,5,2023-07-06 14:52:27 +Google Play,compatibility issues in low end device especially even my device,1,2023-07-07 12:52:51 +Google Play,Not soo... good the followers have very hard...not like Instagram...🙂,3,2023-07-22 01:54:07 +Google Play,Great...no subscription or limitations problem,5,2023-07-11 09:00:17 +Google Play,App is very good but keeps crashing.,2,2023-07-07 12:02:00 +Google Play,"Thread is As same as Twitter , there is no any inovative thing occur. Thread team must have to improve the user interface",2,2023-07-07 12:49:01 +Google Play,It is a very unique app in terms of design 🫡,5,2023-07-08 00:46:06 +Google Play,"It's good be use, but can't do Hashtag Trending for Idols",3,2023-07-06 10:48:20 +Google Play,"It's just better than twitter,Instagram,facebook and even telegram 😂❤️",5,2023-07-07 20:04:50 +Google Play,"It's not ready yet. I'm not sure why people even spend time on it. I chose pages and people to follow, but my feed showed everybody. I muted a bunch of feeds with no success to clean it up. There needs to be a feed tailored to Followed pages and people. I'll return to Threads when that is implemented.",2,2023-07-08 05:53:36 +Google Play,"Dear team, When I using, loading bug show I attached screenshot",3,2023-07-06 15:42:10 +Google Play,It's literally a poor rip-off of Twitter with more questionable data ethics (more tracking & more of the censorship industrial complex).,1,2023-07-13 03:35:17 +Google Play,This is awesome application by meta. I really like every functions in this app,5,2023-07-06 20:08:15 +Google Play,Great interface and user experience,5,2023-07-06 05:11:16 +Google Play,"There is many problems like direct massages, hashtags and more Please first complete a project then release it!",3,2023-07-16 08:30:51 +Google Play,All applications of Meta Company are very beneficial for business. Thank you!,5,2023-07-07 13:44:26 +Google Play,Add Trending option and hashtags option. Please update logo like what's show in app logo in colour and logo in colour is better than Balck and white. Please update logo and update app,2,2023-07-11 16:13:34 +Google Play,Nice app for sharing thoughts and ideas.,4,2023-07-06 11:49:47 +Google Play,This is better than using tritter even though i haven't used twitter but I give Instagram and their new app Threads 100/ 100 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗,5,2023-07-12 14:58:16 +Google Play,In this app we can't write more while posting the news or information on anything,2,2023-07-08 02:47:11 +Google Play,"Exceptionally laggy, takes about an year to install",1,2023-07-07 02:32:40 +Google Play,"Open to new experience. Very curious. Seems welcoming, positive. Might update stars/review later.",5,2023-07-06 22:37:03 +Google Play,Fantastic easy to use . Easy terms,1,2023-07-06 09:17:38 +Google Play,"I've tried various photo-sharing apps, but Thred stands out from the rest. Its intelligent thread suggestions and tagging features make it effortless to group and find photos. The threaded conversations create a narrative around the photos, making them more meaningful and memorable. Thred has become my go-to app for reliving experiences and sharing stories with loved ones. It's a must-download!"" Remember, these reviews are fictional and provided for illustrative purposes.",5,2023-07-07 13:07:28 +Google Play,"Needs more features. You can't search posts. You can't use Hashtags. If you have a lot of Instagram followers, then chances are you'll have threads followers. Otherwise, there's no other way to get followers on here. I hope that you develop this app furthermore.",1,2023-07-09 22:09:03 +Google Play,"The app was working fine earlier, now I can't even log in :')",4,2023-07-06 14:36:49 +Google Play,Good start .. Needs widget and some improvements,2,2023-07-07 05:19:58 +Google Play,"more need to develop and also,develop the all likes in proflie",3,2023-07-07 00:42:11 +Google Play,Not working properly on Android 9,1,2023-07-07 06:47:56 +Google Play,the app pop up and bug again😑please fix it !,1,2023-07-10 17:13:54 +Google Play,Great App ! Will surely improve with time,5,2023-07-06 09:48:03 +Google Play,I hve been facing bug on home 🏠 hope u fix asap excited to explore more i give u 5 stars fr now.,5,2023-07-06 14:19:25 +Google Play,"No hashtag, no trending topics, timeline was filled with unfollowed users 👎🙏🏻",2,2023-07-07 09:04:09 +Google Play,"In android, the screen and texts are smeared",1,2023-07-07 16:24:38 +Google Play,There is so much glitch when I open the app tha app crashes,1,2023-07-06 13:17:19 +Google Play,All Good But Refresh & Scroll Rate is To Much Slow Please Work On It...,2,2023-07-10 08:26:57 +Google Play,I like it 🙂 this is new one slowly get new features soon I was waiting for that's,5,2023-07-22 02:43:35 +Google Play,We NEED translations please... other than that like so far,4,2023-07-06 16:43:34 +Google Play,"Pointless unless your have Instagram, which I don't and never will.",1,2023-07-08 15:21:54 +Google Play,"let's liven it up together, let it be more exciting like Instagram.",5,2023-07-06 06:07:45 +Google Play,But I'm having issues mentioning @ or trying to post a write up all of a sudden it just goes off like it just disappear 😔😭,5,2023-07-10 11:04:38 +Google Play,Copy cat cant even do basic functions properly,1,2023-07-08 02:27:28 +Google Play,"You cannot delete your threads account without also deleting your Instagram account and they require you to fork over intrusive amounts of personal data, until this greviois oversight is fixed, stick to twitter or twitter alternatives",1,2023-07-07 19:35:20 +Google Play,Not useful because we cannot watch reels like Instagram,2,2023-07-06 03:12:07 +Google Play,Good aap. It's good to see that they are providing a threads version.,3,2023-07-07 04:25:39 +Google Play,I can't apload any photos coz it doesn't show the attachment icon,1,2023-07-09 10:39:06 +Google Play,Many times Short or Video Sound not downloaded with thread ... 🤔,3,2023-07-16 18:04:07 +Google Play,"Wait for tablet ui ☕🗿 -Remove share via direct in browser(I know, It's use Instagram based)",4,2023-07-06 03:47:46 +Google Play,whenever I try to post a picture this app gets closed automatically,1,2023-07-06 13:47:39 +Google Play,Garbage. Fake social media. Predetermined popularity. No useful functionality.,1,2023-07-08 17:28:42 +Google Play,"Koo is much better as twi alternative, Instead of developing it you should take over Koo app.",1,2023-07-20 07:29:28 +Google Play,The greatest ever and more than that bird icon with blue colour 🤟😎🤣,5,2023-07-09 19:24:27 +Google Play,Confused how it works besides not able to delete account as it warns of deleting the Instagram account as well,1,2023-07-07 11:22:22 +Google Play,A Solid Twitter alternative yet there is a long way to go.,4,2023-07-06 13:10:51 +Google Play,"The app is amazing, it's very simple to login Amazing",5,2023-07-07 11:05:28 +Google Play,Theme option should be added and the dark theme sucks make it black/amoled,4,2023-07-07 08:17:11 +Google Play,I am unable to log in to threads!! I don't have an Instagram account. Is there no other way to log in?,5,2023-07-16 17:08:19 +Google Play,Its boring. No news tab. Waste of time.,1,2023-07-10 14:44:08 +Google Play,"Not able to login back, glitch in this roo",1,2023-07-06 11:49:09 +Google Play,There is actually no purpose of this app except being professional here and casual at fb.,1,2023-07-21 10:41:26 +Google Play,Twitter alternative but the interface is confusing,5,2023-07-07 07:25:27 +Google Play,If you log out sometimes it softlocks the app until reinstall,2,2023-07-07 17:27:40 +Google Play,As soon as i open this app The whole screen starts to glitch,2,2023-07-06 07:24:44 +Google Play,Don't like the future 🔮 ➕ ✔️ you need to add the fullest futures so that it's can be done,3,2023-07-08 19:32:20 +Google Play,"Stupid copy of Twitter, just make something original instead of copying things for money.",1,2023-07-07 20:28:28 +Google Play,I wish we could follow only our friends and nobody else I'm in America and half of the posts are in a different language so I'm guessing it's spam,3,2023-07-09 21:45:41 +Google Play,Very bad... Many screens open in one screen,1,2023-07-11 17:22:10 +Google Play,"Don't have Instagram, don't want Instagram, I'm not installing Instagram to get this app. Sticking with Twitter.",1,2023-07-11 19:23:28 +Google Play,I think the #thread is not different from Instagram so it is a waste of time to use it 🙄 #IrfanAli,1,2023-07-08 03:56:35 +Google Play,I give 5 STAR For This New Idea From @META This The Best Feature From TWITTER I Don't Use Twitter Any Time But This App Is Great Then My Experience Level Up.But You Don't Give A DARK MODE In This App I Requested You For DARK MODE I Don't Consume My More Time In THREADS.. PLEASE Take The ACTION On My FeedBack THANK'S @META TEAM✅,5,2023-07-08 11:43:10 +Google Play,"I used this app however this is somewhat appears to be the clone of Twitter application but yeah even better in some ways from it. Likewise, it's UI is more user friendly and it's very smooth but features and not so much. So I request Instagram to please add more features and update this app on a interval basis. Then definitely this app will be the best also after crossing Twitter.",5,2023-07-06 05:12:32 +Google Play,Having trouble setting up/managing multiple profiles.,2,2023-07-14 19:04:10 +Google Play,"Whenever I go to post something, it will crash. Solve the problem.",2,2023-07-09 02:35:53 +Google Play,Very interesting social networking app. I love this app. Far better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-09 00:22:22 +Google Play,extremely buggy not worked for a single minute,1,2023-07-10 05:34:16 +Google Play,"SO FAR SO GOOD I like it lol it's clean and refreshing. This is just the beginning too, sheesh",4,2023-07-08 02:32:21 +Google Play,Nice app but just it doesn't upload some pics .....why does it have to select the pics?!,2,2023-07-08 09:45:57 +Google Play,A littte bit cool like a twitter. But it's really bad because just no good at the reason,2,2023-07-06 19:54:53 +Google Play,App is glitchy. It paints/blurs all over when i scroll,1,2023-07-10 06:40:15 +Google Play,Pretty darn solid option on the social media landscape,5,2023-07-10 08:57:10 +Google Play,Adding a share option to a single person (DM) would be great,5,2023-07-06 13:12:58 +Google Play,It's not opening up and it says it's being updated and try again later,1,2023-07-07 04:31:58 +Google Play,This app is trash crashes multiple times,1,2023-07-08 03:16:59 +Google Play,"The instagram account I used to open one here can no longer be accessed through my phone, as if I'm locked out. This wasn't an issue until I had conveniently set it up. Until this issue is resolved and my account is given back I will no longer use this service and actively ward others away from it.",1,2023-07-09 06:28:32 +Google Play,BEST APP TO COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE ON PUBLIC !!! Im so happy with this app and this company for having the best apps in this world !!!😭💕,5,2023-07-07 11:52:16 +Google Play,"Languages should be translated down,edit of the post and download",2,2023-07-10 14:07:23 +Google Play,"My account suddenly locked/blocked for no reason, no notifications why I got locked",3,2023-07-09 14:00:25 +Google Play,Amazing app Like instagram it would be better if it shows who I follow on the profile 🌻🤟🏾,5,2023-07-06 09:32:27 +Google Play,Make it so you can easily save images that people post,4,2023-07-06 19:26:34 +Google Play,Crashes from beginning not able to use,1,2023-07-06 06:24:29 +Google Play,Good idea but translator isn't available why??,2,2023-07-16 18:16:31 +Google Play,"Feels the same like insta. Tbh this is like a trap once u sign up, there is no going back.",1,2023-07-07 09:52:12 +Google Play,Uploads keep failing to retry not that good rn needs improvement,3,2023-07-16 01:59:13 +Google Play,"It steals almost all of your data, is it definitely not a virus?",1,2023-07-06 10:02:00 +Google Play,When I try to write a thread it keeps crashing again and again,1,2023-07-14 19:58:04 +Google Play,All I see is photos everywhere instead of text,1,2023-07-15 11:32:09 +Google Play,Bad login system and worst interface.,1,2023-07-06 19:36:25 +Google Play,User friendly app with attractive UI.,5,2023-07-08 10:50:13 +Google Play,"Good Threads is an app from Instagram where you can post threads, reply to others and follow profiles you're interested in.",5,2023-07-06 08:19:16 +Google Play,"Facing lots of bugs rn, lagging a lot",2,2023-07-06 20:45:27 +Google Play,So for so good. But I guess poll feature is missing.,5,2023-07-07 17:09:45 +Google Play,Not use full for now and not worthy it's a total time waste,1,2023-07-07 15:59:10 +Google Play,Cannot post anything or see replies to threads posted by others. Uninstalled an reinstalled. Nothing.,1,2023-07-14 11:49:04 +Google Play,"It's a good app, threads is here to make life easier. I have been using it like 10years now, and I downloaded it before I was born... 5star fo it",5,2023-07-08 07:54:29 +Google Play,I see it as an alternative to Instagram and Facebook. Twitter users are different. Instagram and Facebook will suffer,3,2023-07-06 20:46:40 +Google Play,"I'm feel too much lag and buffering issue in thiss application,",1,2023-07-06 13:29:41 +Google Play,Bottom bar should auto-hide while scrolling.,4,2023-07-07 21:20:14 +Google Play,"Can't tell it works great, bugs and weird animations, even though it's still early... it looks a lot like twitter, so i would recommend some visual changes if possible. Thank you.",2,2023-07-06 21:46:41 +Google Play,"Need more features like trending threads and intrest based threads and message to individual following and followers count at same place. Need hashtags, bookmarks ,customized bookmarks,pollsmap sharing, translation of threads",5,2023-07-08 04:57:12 +Google Play,"Constantly crashing. Been trying to upload a picture for 4 days now. Can't see my profile page. Can't see my notifications page. Just keeps displaying ""sorry, something went wrong."" Haven't been able to use the app in 4 days now.",2,2023-07-16 15:49:04 +Google Play,Very useful. And it's more soft than that other social app.,5,2023-07-08 02:22:25 +Google Play,"I signed up to see messages from people I follow, not crypto bros, celebrities, and Wendy's.",1,2023-07-07 14:39:05 +Google Play,Very nice app. I'm enjoying it. Great job Meta! 🙂,5,2023-07-07 03:15:20 +Google Play,It's not working properly on 9 pie android,3,2023-07-08 15:06:55 +Google Play,"There is a problem, whenever I launch the app the posts are condensing",2,2023-07-06 14:12:01 +Google Play,"As soon I opened the Application, it started acting like weird.",1,2023-07-11 13:34:49 +Google Play,"So far I like it, Twitter had way to many ppl but now this gives people a chance to get their work seen!",5,2023-07-07 03:43:28 +Google Play,wish you will add the feature of double tapping the icon on lower corner to switch accounts just like on IG,4,2023-07-06 07:15:10 +Google Play,Great competitor for Twitter but to make it surpass twitter it has to give you the option to only see Threads from people you follow ... Don't want to see recommended Threads all over my homepage,3,2023-07-06 01:35:03 +Google Play,"I love the interface, soooo smooth",4,2023-07-06 15:57:30 +Google Play,It looks good but Video player needs more work,4,2023-07-06 01:57:37 +Google Play,"Never used Twitter, don't understand how to use this app. UX needs improvement.",3,2023-07-06 02:25:32 +Google Play,for a new app I think it's awesome room for improvement as time goes,4,2023-07-10 08:13:27 +Google Play,Worse App I mean why doesn't work in low device it crashes,1,2023-07-08 05:40:04 +Google Play,Launched without following-only timeline. Literally no point in following people because you'll rarely see what they have to say. Its dumb that you can't set your timeline on insta to following only at default but at least it's an option. Not interested in the features it has to offer.,1,2023-07-10 16:20:28 +Google Play,Twitter 2007 is what you get with this app. I want to know how to completely delete my threads account without deleting my Instagram.,1,2023-07-15 11:55:23 +Google Play,The Next Level User Experience 💯💯 Some features needed examples hashtags and trending searches Anyways change the social media Experience the next level 🎯,5,2023-07-07 04:56:42 +Google Play,"It's like the new twitter! Love this app i can rant, i cant talk to friends thru threads!!",5,2023-07-06 09:26:18 +Google Play,Its a really nice app but i cant find my emojis,3,2023-07-08 08:22:36 +Google Play,A copy and paste of Twitter But then it's a really nice app And I love the fact that there's no dm,5,2023-07-07 09:53:03 +Google Play,"It's a good app, Still in the early stages but I would much rather use this than that other app",5,2023-07-16 19:44:47 +Google Play,There is too much glitch.....you can't do anything here neither can see anything its just a blurred world,1,2023-07-08 05:06:09 +Google Play,This app is only for celebraties.... I post daily but no one follow me and not a single person like my photos ans threads.... So i gave a 1 star first you increase my followers than i rated fully.... Choice is your,1,2023-07-16 05:33:01 +Google Play,Need to add these feature 1. Trending 2. #Hastage 3. Edit Feature 4. Video lenght to hour,5,2023-07-08 13:37:50 +Google Play,Couple of days after launching and nothing is working.,1,2023-07-14 22:33:15 +Google Play,Feature to download photos would be nice.,3,2023-07-16 20:25:01 +Google Play,Cannot scroll without the app acting up.,1,2023-07-08 06:14:23 +Google Play,Trending Not available like Twitter! Need to improve!,3,2023-07-06 02:22:40 +Google Play,Great community on this app. A few missing features.,4,2023-07-12 07:27:07 +Google Play,I'm pretty new.. from today so I need to navigate the app and explore more.,5,2023-07-08 23:54:04 +Google Play,"There's no option to switch your feed to only people you follow, leaving users bombarded with verified accounts and painfully corporate garbage being thrown in the feed",1,2023-07-23 22:49:59 +Google Play,So many glitches and bugs . Please fix it,1,2023-07-07 18:39:43 +Google Play,What is wrong 😭😭 not working only crashed 😭😭,1,2023-07-10 04:06:26 +Google Play,Ehh. Basically Twitter w/o trends and I primarily use Twitter for just the trends. Probably will delete,3,2023-07-06 23:18:59 +Google Play,Amazing 👏 I love this so much more than the blue bird lol.,5,2023-07-09 10:22:34 +Google Play,"Triple 6 in logo, rip of Twitter crashes and no good",1,2023-07-13 11:32:09 +Google Play,"Everything is ok but, if chating people and collogue that is better❤️‍🩹",3,2023-07-07 08:15:37 +Google Play,I can't login. My thread Account failed to connect with my Instagram account. Any help?,1,2023-07-08 16:31:59 +Google Play,can you add a double checker when you unfollow someone because i accidentally did and its annoying,4,2023-07-19 07:25:30 +Google Play,If we want to delete this app or we have to remove our account our insta account will also get removed so pls add new account do not add your insta account in it and this mistake I have made that's why I am telling to you all pls check all rules then download it,1,2023-07-06 12:37:20 +Google Play,As soon as i scroll the app glitches so bad it is not useable,1,2023-07-06 09:10:50 +Google Play,"Trash, I got to have an Instagram? I never used that pedophile trash app!",1,2023-07-12 04:45:48 +Google Play,Buggy login experience but now I'm in. Much better platform than Twitter or Reddit at this point.,5,2023-07-10 00:24:47 +Google Play,"No dm option, no trending or anything. Purely algo based. Waiting for the next update",3,2023-07-10 20:44:53 +Google Play,Better than Twitter. With neat and clean UI.,5,2023-07-06 15:58:49 +Google Play,3rd class copy of twitter...you just have people on instagram thats why it got famous or else as a thread alone app is not worth it...,1,2023-07-14 04:50:28 +Google Play,It's a great app but boring tbh. Hoping to improve it more!!,3,2023-07-21 10:45:45 +Google Play,Uploading is not working properly,1,2023-07-09 15:50:05 +Google Play,App caches a lot... You need to test the all more times...,1,2023-07-09 14:50:12 +Google Play,Great app! Excited for new features to be added,5,2023-07-08 16:21:19 +Google Play,Love the UI and it's really smooth,4,2023-07-06 09:57:17 +Google Play,Timeline full of worthless celebrity and brand spam.,1,2023-07-13 16:21:55 +Google Play,I accidentally linked my account to it but sadly i can't delete my threads account without deleting my instagram account. Such a trashh app,1,2023-07-14 15:46:03 +Google Play,It's crashing and having glitch.,3,2023-07-06 15:00:48 +Google Play,"Just like twitter but one small issue, I can't download image directly in the app",2,2023-07-07 01:47:21 +Google Play,"Error - ""please wait before trying again"" Unable to log in",1,2023-07-06 13:01:02 +Google Play,Not working properly...facing many glitches.,1,2023-07-08 14:14:14 +Google Play,"The Size Should Be little compressed ... And I Highly Recommend Makers To Make the feature which if any user want to delete his threads account then he/she Threads account only deletes , Not The Instagram account 🥺 As Insta is a emotion whereas threads is just launch....",4,2023-07-10 01:58:00 +Google Play,"Lot of glitch, app is crashing.",1,2023-07-06 15:20:44 +Google Play,Give option to delete only thread account not insta else I'm going to file case against Instagram and threads will make sure to band it from India,1,2023-07-07 10:27:27 +Google Play,"It's the exact same thing as twitter, but way less toxic and better vibe.",5,2023-07-06 19:28:22 +Google Play,"There could be potential here, but for now it seems like a very poorly optimized twitter",1,2023-07-13 18:04:36 +Google Play,I download this app 3 times and still it not working on my phone,1,2023-07-08 04:47:30 +Google Play,"Please fix bugs... When I use it, it glitches",1,2023-07-06 12:04:54 +Google Play,Horrible experience all around. Obviously too rushed with not much thought pit into it,1,2023-07-15 06:11:37 +Google Play,Crashed on one plus 9 pro latest os version,1,2023-07-07 07:56:48 +Google Play,"Looks cool, but it needs a lot of features.",4,2023-07-11 04:19:22 +Google Play,Hi please do well to add the edit options to post and tweets,5,2023-07-07 13:29:56 +Google Play,"Its ok, but needs a lot of more features that Twitter already had",3,2023-07-06 04:21:21 +Google Play,There are super glitches in my Xiaomi Mi A1 device. Please fix.,2,2023-07-06 07:04:34 +Google Play,Unable to login. Error pops up.,1,2023-07-06 15:01:45 +Google Play,Feels like Twitter and the UI is cool.,5,2023-07-06 15:13:05 +Google Play,... buggy ... every text and visual is glitching,1,2023-07-06 10:13:18 +Google Play,I keep getting errors when trying to post images.,1,2023-07-09 21:47:55 +Google Play,Very bad app we cannot send any Massage or call To any gril so please invite Good base For massages,1,2023-07-09 06:16:23 +Google Play,The app is very good👍 but some more options should be added !,3,2023-07-07 16:49:43 +Google Play,"Thread is a great app for organizing your Instagram messages with close friends. It has a clean and simple interface, and it's easy to use. It also allows you to share photos and videos seamlessly.",5,2023-07-07 08:26:14 +Google Play,This app use the usual restrictions and rules applied in FB and Instagram... But only for some people..,1,2023-07-24 00:11:36 +Google Play,"I opened an account on the second day of the thread platform release. It's been eleven days since I've been using the Thread app. All very nice and interesting futures. Photo quality and video quality are very high, and very fast to use. Followers grow very fast, I like it very much. However, meta company should introduce chatting option in thread app and add some more futures.",5,2023-07-17 08:06:38 +Google Play,I have liked the app but more upgrades are needed like night theme 🙈🤔😭,3,2023-07-09 01:39:01 +Google Play,Love the smooth integration with my Instagram,5,2023-07-06 07:41:45 +Google Play,Just downloaded and it's already having issues posts won't load doesn't let me like or reply,1,2023-07-06 12:26:57 +Google Play,"So far, so good.I like the layout and ease of use",4,2023-07-11 18:03:37 +Google Play,"So far so good. I like it. I have a question though, how do I disable autoplay of videos on the app?",3,2023-07-07 10:08:34 +Google Play,I like this app but this app is not dark theme on my phone please add dark theme option,1,2023-07-06 15:39:49 +Google Play,Horrible app horrible interface generally bad.,1,2023-07-07 09:21:07 +Google Play,I hope there will be a translate button for those posts that are not in English. ☺️,5,2023-07-07 01:40:35 +Google Play,Offering no new features! What is the point of having another time wasting app?!,2,2023-07-06 19:39:38 +Google Play,"I think if you add a message box, it will be very cool",4,2023-07-09 16:11:14 +Google Play,"Screen flickers, can't use the app",1,2023-07-07 14:10:22 +Google Play,There is nothing new . Full waste of time . Meta do something better . Instagram is far better than this clone,1,2023-07-07 19:23:24 +Google Play,Nice app but why am I unable to send threads to my friends via the app itself?,4,2023-07-07 05:39:19 +Google Play,All over super update hashtag system also I l like this application son upcoming sensational then second place go Threads first place com,5,2023-07-07 03:14:07 +Google Play,"We need more of features. Trending, hashtags.",5,2023-07-06 23:22:14 +Google Play,"Nothing special than Instagram, I don't think it's necessary to keep this app other than Instagram",1,2023-07-23 09:24:20 +Google Play,What is this app trying to accomplish besides being a Twitter clone as soon as they started limiting users? Meta would rather jump in and create a new app for that scenario then go on about making their already existing platforms better. Guess blue checks sell more.,2,2023-07-07 00:34:00 +Google Play,Cool...The concept is good... We can login with insta ID and we can follow all our insta followers....within seconds we get an account like Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 14:24:09 +Google Play,We can't use hashtags pls make sure add hashtags too and improve some speed,4,2023-07-06 07:26:38 +Google Play,"Terrible app, zero privacy, there's no way to delete it without deleting my Instagram",1,2023-07-12 11:53:48 +Google Play,It's just Facebook but without the hashtags and messaging,1,2023-07-06 19:14:10 +Google Play,Amazing and very simple to use,4,2023-07-06 11:35:20 +Google Play,Update please for android it is not working anymore,5,2023-07-19 00:26:22 +Google Play,"Full of bots or people who apparently don't know how to say more than 1-2 words. There is absolutely 0 conversation happening and there is no way to see who I'm following. This was a completely half baked app that I'm almost sure it was forcefully published in the midst of Twitter having a crisis so they could try and gain some ground on Twitter. At the end of the day, both apps are terrible.",2,2023-07-16 22:27:00 +Google Play,It looks like Twitter and I don't really use my Twitter account cause it's difficult to handle 😭😭😭😭😭😭,1,2023-07-08 19:37:35 +Google Play,Didn't seems like good.why u both are practicing competition when both have big jaint company.we are tired to using those,1,2023-07-07 02:40:26 +Google Play,This is totally wrong.. We don't get equal Opportunity in threads. I mean to say that i big creators who have already good amount of followers on instagram are getting more and more followers on thread due to your one function which is follow all yhe following list of instagram account. That not correct and equal competition for the new users who want to grow on thread. Please make change in this and give equal opportunity to all the users on threads platform. Thanks,1,2023-07-07 18:57:07 +Google Play,"I'm sorry Threads. The algorithm is too boring. You push too much local content. The forced contents couldn't be more different from my taste. Twitter algorithm didn't push me local content. Twitter lets me see exactly what I want. After 2 whole weeks, I guess it's time to just quit Threads. The algorithm isn't worth it if all it does is push celebrity accounts, when I was never interested with them in the first place.",1,2023-07-19 01:18:43 +Google Play,I can't use it as i doesn't have insta gram account. Make it free for everyone.,1,2023-07-08 13:19:39 +Google Play,"First app that I actually like that's made by Mr. ""Bark Barkerberg"". Btw this is better looking than Twitter. ""ELON MUSK"" : 0, ""Bark Barkerberg"" : 1",5,2023-07-07 11:04:08 +Google Play,This is a good app. With good user interface.,5,2023-07-07 21:19:06 +Google Play,"There is a problem and it is the lack of hashtags. It is expected to be solved quickly. According to rumors, by deleting the Tradez account, the Instagram account will be deleted, which is also a fundamental problem and should be deleted.",3,2023-07-07 00:19:01 +Google Play,Really bad experience the app crash and broke down,1,2023-07-07 11:12:16 +Google Play,"Bug where instagram link not appear when visitting someone thread account, no 'recent activity' so you can't see liked or saved threads",4,2023-07-07 07:34:40 +Google Play,"As I start scrolling, I just face glitch. Is this the new feature? How can I use this app?",1,2023-07-07 12:02:24 +Google Play,"Verry good app , but lounch new features like trading section",5,2023-07-07 01:38:33 +Google Play,Error logging in my log in works in instagram but not here,1,2023-07-06 12:06:51 +Google Play,The App always force close when I Start thread...🥲 Oppo Reno3 Android 12,2,2023-07-10 12:35:11 +Google Play,It's fun to use but maybe just make it as one thing in Instagram.,3,2023-07-07 10:07:04 +Google Play,Honestly... Twitter looks better and works better Needs a lot of work,1,2023-07-06 10:25:39 +Google Play,This app is so annoying ive had tried to download it multiple times and it literally starts off extremely slow then once i get to a certain percentage it stops the download it has happened way to many times not only that i dont understand why not make it an extention or a part of Instagram INSTEAD OF MAKING A WHOLE DIFF APP its so stupid if ur gonna make a 2nd app at least make it well and fix its issues or let us sign in from a browser online instead of downloading it sense it doesn't even work,1,2023-07-06 21:24:58 +Google Play,"Very simple UX, and Flow UI👏",5,2023-07-06 13:57:20 +Google Play,Whenever I want to upload a photo It's go back and said forced stop. What the heck is that..?,3,2023-07-08 08:57:01 +Google Play,Instagram already intresting app. same it is also. ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 10:59:00 +Google Play,It's applications are very poor it's looking like 🐦 twitter not a new platform,1,2023-07-14 18:37:33 +Google Play,Everything is good but need a DM button for the business that's will good,4,2023-07-10 18:34:22 +Google Play,same like Instagram but threads was looking like professional overall i liked it,4,2023-07-06 09:40:38 +Google Play,timeline exclusively displays people i never followed,1,2023-07-11 09:14:02 +Google Play,Twitter rip off with slower performance and way fewer accounts.,1,2023-07-07 06:21:07 +Google Play,Convenient and easy to use. Amazing app. I like it..,5,2023-07-07 08:16:57 +Google Play,Nice features and easy to use.,5,2023-07-10 17:53:58 +Google Play,"Threads App has redefined the way I approach productivity and collaboration. Its seamless task management, efficient communication features, smart notifications, and user-friendly interface combine to create a truly exceptional experience. Whether you're a professional managing complex projects or an individual looking to stay organized, Threads is the app you've been waiting for. Embrace its potential and unlock a new level of productivity in your life.",5,2023-07-07 17:23:33 +Google Play,"It's a great app, definitely better alternative to the bird 🐦",5,2023-07-06 09:08:01 +Google Play,"App is good make more flexible like stories share ,dm",5,2023-07-08 14:41:17 +Google Play,"Great idea, poor execution! I don't need to see every thread that everyone who has an accoun created, I have no interest in looking at random dogs and pictures of what a total stranger is eating for supper. I only want to see what people who share the same interests as me are posting. In other words... People I follow. App removed, maybe ill try it again some other time. That is when Meta gets their act together. This has a long way to go before it rivals Twitter and thats terrible at best.",2,2023-07-07 16:31:07 +Google Play,"App is good, could use more features.",5,2023-07-06 02:08:49 +Google Play,"Nothing productive just celebraties posting their story waste of time, Twitter is far better",1,2023-07-12 05:41:37 +Google Play,App crash when trying to upload 108MP picture from Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.,5,2023-07-07 13:39:30 +Google Play,Looks like made by 8 years old kid + I removed the badge number accidentally from my instagram profile & there is no way to put back so dumb,1,2023-07-09 17:20:22 +Google Play,Very bad app not working properly getting hang,1,2023-07-08 22:11:45 +Google Play,Not working while uploading images.,1,2023-07-12 02:52:18 +Google Play,As annoying as Instagram. Annoying more than Twitter,1,2023-07-08 13:35:22 +Google Play,"The time I'm spending in the app is unbelievable, love it so much🩵",5,2023-07-11 13:04:22 +Google Play,It's a good app for expressing a good note in insta story,5,2023-07-07 14:34:35 +Google Play,I faced a glitch type screen in which i only see repeated icons on my full screen,1,2023-07-06 20:37:33 +Google Play,"it was supposed to be a copy of twitter, but they copied it badly",1,2023-07-06 20:24:16 +Google Play,Stop showing me people whom I don't follow on my home page. Move that to a separate explore page or something.,2,2023-07-09 14:51:04 +Google Play,It's boring. I exit faster than Instagram,2,2023-07-09 15:05:07 +Google Play,"I just want to see people i follow, instead they showing random stuf to see, what a dissapointment",2,2023-07-08 04:52:22 +Google Play,Nice functional app but Twitter is looks more authentic.,4,2023-07-07 17:12:54 +Google Play,Probably the best experience I've had on a social platform since the beginning of Facebook.,5,2023-07-07 10:39:40 +Google Play,Cannot disable video autoplay.,1,2023-07-07 20:32:15 +Google Play,"I can't post any photos or video , when I try then I got try again",1,2023-07-15 21:19:10 +Google Play,"Have to improve more, it's almost same as twitter.",2,2023-07-08 10:14:55 +Google Play,"Great copy of twitter and instagram combined well done mark zuckerberg , it's awesome",5,2023-07-06 12:50:11 +Google Play,"I logged out of my thread account and can't seem to log back in again, 😔 so frustrating",1,2023-07-06 13:10:58 +Google Play,I need message like Instagram so I don't need to open other apps to share any threads,2,2023-07-10 06:26:52 +Google Play,Better so advance photos and videos download to show option please Request,4,2023-07-06 16:06:59 +Google Play,Only login through Instagram? I don't have Instagram so i can't use!,1,2023-07-06 03:29:58 +Google Play,Just a really bad Instagram wrapper. I doubt they even planned on making this before twitter outtage.,1,2023-07-13 07:42:22 +Google Play,"I love this app ❤️ But i can't get my exact followers from Instagram When i achieve that, I'll rate five stars 😌",4,2023-07-08 22:19:06 +Google Play,App getting crashed everytime I open it,1,2023-07-06 14:34:31 +Google Play,doesn't work properly. glitches a lot,1,2023-07-06 08:07:45 +Google Play,I've just installed the app and my home feed is nothing but accounts I don't follow. Why won't social media platforms realise that we don't want content shoved down our throats?,1,2023-07-06 07:58:05 +Google Play,Data collection is massive. Breach of privacy.. worst.,1,2023-07-12 16:53:25 +Google Play,I'm not interested in posts of people or businesses I don't follow. Would be nice to have a feature to turn this off.,1,2023-07-08 08:10:09 +Google Play,"Doesn't work, freezes on home screen",1,2023-07-06 10:56:03 +Google Play,App crashes when uploading photos,2,2023-07-10 12:57:54 +Google Play,So far it's a great app. Far better than Elon Musk's Twitter. So much more going on and far less toxic posts or people on Threads. I feel much better having now gotten rid of Twitter,5,2023-07-09 18:17:34 +Google Play,Such a nice app like twitter...amazing experience so far...excited to see what's next,5,2023-07-06 19:35:11 +Google Play,"Launching an app in 2023 without themed icon support should be illegal, please update it.",1,2023-07-06 10:17:25 +Google Play,This app is awesome and please add photo save option and massenger opetion,4,2023-07-11 01:41:53 +Google Play,Even before 10 o'clock in the morning we used this app for more than 6 hours this app is a trap. future generation is in danger.🚫,1,2023-07-09 04:25:04 +Google Play,Crashing whenever I click on a thread to see replies.,2,2023-07-07 10:39:18 +Google Play,So far so good but it's taking forever to load the home page,4,2023-07-06 14:56:45 +Google Play,"Not working properly, display glitch",1,2023-07-06 16:14:59 +Google Play,Whenever I try to upload image app crashes,1,2023-07-09 09:15:09 +Google Play,"Yes, the app is quite good but a lot of things need to be improve.",3,2023-07-13 12:37:02 +Google Play,"Not bad, the UI could be cleaner",4,2023-07-06 02:03:34 +Google Play,"There`s this glitch or bug or something that makes it impossible to use threads. All the pages overlap and when you try to scroll, the words duplicate themselves and you can`t actually see anything in the end.",1,2023-07-09 17:07:47 +Google Play,This app sucks... Please update it with all the features we are expecting.,1,2023-07-09 06:14:45 +Google Play,Simple and easy to use . Great experience . I am loving this😍,5,2023-07-06 13:12:19 +Google Play,"Threads is understandable, Meta likely needs to expand the app's features, network, and customization over time to truly compete with the likes of Twitter, WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. The app in its current form seems fairly limited, so adjustments and additions will be needed for it to reach its full potential.",3,2023-07-06 06:14:53 +Google Play,just installed... keeps getting stuck and shaking...,2,2023-07-06 19:05:38 +Google Play,"Amazing app, minimalistic interface",5,2023-07-06 16:58:27 +Google Play,there are no lists and it is very bad and there aree no lists,2,2023-07-06 00:54:54 +Google Play,Good application and very easy thanks mark....,5,2023-07-06 10:00:30 +Google Play,This app is really good just needs lots of updates to be the best and something better than tweeter.,3,2023-07-06 07:40:04 +Google Play,A good app but we are expecting something more interesting. Add something new,4,2023-07-06 17:53:20 +Google Play,I don't know what the problem is I can't log in. Please I need help.is popping up an error message 🙏,5,2023-07-15 07:00:12 +Google Play,It has a bug of overlapping please fix it,1,2023-07-09 04:32:18 +Google Play,Keep getting an error when trying to sign in,1,2023-07-06 12:19:30 +Google Play,Nothing new 😞 I telling because I am the 1st Bangladeshi Who Log in to this app Zuckerberg copyed everything I guess Now he maybe 🤔 thinking Making A app like His own version of Tinder LOL. But meta is doing a great work Of copy pasteing Mark telling thread's dev that good Artist copy Great Artist Steal Mark you forgot to Steal You just copied Everything.,5,2023-07-07 12:03:53 +Google Play,This app is really cool and I downloaded it on 6th July at 5am.,5,2023-07-08 20:24:05 +Google Play,The screen starts to buffer asap i just touch the screen,2,2023-07-07 07:17:17 +Google Play,Good but hard to get followers Can't filter what u see But in all nice app,4,2023-07-07 06:24:56 +Google Play,The app has a glitch with frames on frames ☹️,1,2023-07-07 05:29:51 +Google Play,"There is a bug in the app , please improve it instagram team",3,2023-07-06 15:19:48 +Google Play,"Cant tag anyone..If i tried to tag someone,the app is closing unexpectedly",5,2023-07-06 11:51:03 +Google Play,need more improvement loading or taking post is taking much time 🔥,5,2023-07-06 03:28:49 +Google Play,What if people dont want others know their instagram account? Why do i have a direct link to my instagram account in my profile? Whay can't i disable or remove it? Where is privacy?,1,2023-07-06 14:10:36 +Google Play,"Fun, I guess, nothing bad has happened in my ten minutes using the app",5,2023-07-06 03:02:28 +Google Play,There is a lot of room to improve but it is a good start though.,3,2023-07-07 12:36:00 +Google Play,"It's now horrible! Absolutely horrible! Too much unnecessary restrictions, Zuck! I will give you one star for that.",1,2023-07-24 03:53:04 +Google Play,it was hard to login couldn't use it,1,2023-07-07 19:49:54 +Google Play,Idk y dis app can't deactivate account permanently. Twitter and threads. Wats going on?!,2,2023-07-06 10:17:30 +Google Play,Crashed repeatedly and it's filled with bots,1,2023-07-08 08:09:53 +Google Play,It needs more development and more features.,1,2023-07-12 07:58:03 +Google Play,"Good framework, needs features ASAP",4,2023-07-22 21:32:39 +Google Play,It's a good platform to share something privately or publicly 🌸 awesome work,5,2023-07-11 11:18:24 +Google Play,"Awesome app, yet not opening when l try log in.",4,2023-07-10 20:37:08 +Google Play,My app crashes when I try to post pictures,3,2023-07-07 00:49:35 +Google Play,Being trying to post threads for 20+ hours now. But keeps saying it has failed. No customer support or where to reach to complaint.,1,2023-07-19 07:57:28 +Google Play,Mine is extremely glitchy i cannot even see the screen,1,2023-07-06 10:49:34 +Google Play,Glitches are there in Home feed I do understand it got launched right now but will take some time to make it better All the best team,2,2023-07-06 07:10:52 +Google Play,Not optimized for my phone.....lots of glitches & bugs,1,2023-07-08 00:07:06 +Google Play,"Definitely, undeniably, one of the social medias of all time",5,2023-07-06 00:05:01 +Google Play,Not able to upload pictures on Android,1,2023-07-06 06:05:14 +Google Play,"Need to be able to only see people I follow in my feed, there's too many accounts I don't care to see.",4,2023-07-09 23:24:51 +Google Play,Pretty chill. Barebones right now but full of potential 😎,4,2023-07-06 03:25:28 +Google Play,"Not bad but still need more options to be cool, I hope in the next updates you will add more 😊",3,2023-07-08 00:30:27 +Google Play,good starting. it's possible to import all details from Instagram...,5,2023-07-06 02:19:00 +Google Play,"Twitter is filled with fights, infidelity and people bashing on each other's interest. And while I know threads is in its infancy it could act the same way in the future. But for now threads is a much more calming and engaging platform with less hate in general",5,2023-07-24 03:33:21 +Google Play,"We can't deactivate threads account, our Instagram account also get deactivated with threads account because they are linked. Plz separate them",1,2023-07-12 10:25:59 +Google Play,I think I'm the very first person to right this review...because I can't find any reviews yet lol...But I loved it ..threads ❤️❤️this is something amazing and fun to use.. Thank you Meta🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 19:44:07 +Google Play,must add some switch accounts features so its getting good.,5,2023-07-09 10:46:44 +Google Play,It's annoying that I can't delete threads without deleting my Instagram ca. You guys please fix this,1,2023-07-14 19:34:15 +Google Play,My friend a/c not good it was becoming shaky shaky he can't use any way .i request to u please fix his a/c immediately,1,2023-07-09 15:19:10 +Google Play,"Amazing experience, perfect app.",5,2023-07-06 10:44:58 +Google Play,Useless & a complete waste of time,1,2023-07-19 06:23:35 +Google Play,A likeable app. But we need some more exiting feature,5,2023-07-10 16:35:15 +Google Play,"Everything been going on well since day one till yesterday it stated telling me that, they restrictly certain activity to protect the community and it says I try again later,what could be the reason please help me( my handle is Sun bae -256.",2,2023-07-12 18:33:28 +Google Play,Awesome Surface And Easy To Use.,5,2023-07-06 00:26:46 +Google Play,Can't order chronologically or only see people you have followed.,1,2023-07-06 01:38:28 +Google Play,"very fun, i hope people won't upload nudity and sexual stuff like twitter.",5,2023-07-07 06:23:41 +Google Play,It's actually a Nice platform... For those love.. Sharing information 🤍in words,5,2023-07-06 08:12:48 +Google Play,Boring!!!!! What's the point of an social media app if you wont get any response to stuff?,1,2023-07-19 06:14:02 +Google Play,Infinite scroll not working properly 😐😑,3,2023-07-06 14:41:58 +Google Play,Could have been better if so not interrelated to Instagram,3,2023-07-07 07:01:12 +Google Play,It would be perfect if DM option is added.,4,2023-07-07 01:56:30 +Google Play,Can't upload pics. App closibg when uploading pics😕,2,2023-07-09 08:15:36 +Google Play,"Not good at all, doesn't provides uh a dekstop or web version, crashes alot and made it so annoying that if uh join this then it's compulsory to have ur account activated otherwise if uh r gonna deactivate it, uh will end up loosing ur ig account too,as both of them would be deleted simultaneously. You'll end up regretting ur decision to create an account on this.",1,2023-07-24 11:11:58 +Google Play,"Have no problems with it and like the setup, don't know why everyone else is complaining",5,2023-07-07 21:48:41 +Google Play,My only gripe is I'm seeing mostly posts from people I don't follow on thread on my feed instead of accounts I do follow. I get it's connected to insta but I don't want to follow or see them here,4,2023-07-08 19:39:31 +Google Play,"This app really good, but not showing badge on instagram bio 🥺",3,2023-07-11 18:16:29 +Google Play,"It's nice, but I hope that celebrities give a chance to those with weak accounts to return to Instagram",5,2023-07-06 18:45:39 +Google Play,"Was exited to try because, screw elon, but I'm not handing over all my data. Sorry can't do it.",1,2023-07-09 22:52:25 +Google Play,Can't upload photos on thread app,1,2023-07-11 01:59:44 +Google Play,Pls add reels on threads & add to someone to mention option good app keep going,4,2023-07-09 10:22:39 +Google Play,Can't logout and very bad tested app,1,2023-07-12 14:42:00 +Google Play,"Always bugs, log out many time.",2,2023-07-12 01:42:55 +Google Play,Keeps shutting down when I want to upload a photo 🙄🙄 Uninstalled twice 🙄,2,2023-07-08 21:20:47 +Google Play,Can we please have an option to open links in the default browser instead of the custom browser?,4,2023-07-06 16:21:06 +Google Play,It's a great app you can have many friends I lovee itt💋,5,2023-07-07 23:50:43 +Google Play,This really needs daily app updates or else it gonna lose lot of active users,3,2023-07-07 16:05:17 +Google Play,I'm loving the App Why you can't save pics on the App like Twitter or post any nudes on the App We need these issues fix,1,2023-07-09 23:57:00 +Google Play,Very bad app I want to delete my account in this app but I can't bcz of insta pls fix this bugg #,1,2023-07-08 07:05:40 +Google Play,"I like this application ❤️💥💯, Fantastic features. Twitter wali feeling, Instagram wali audience 👏🏻",5,2023-07-07 04:30:19 +Google Play,Bug redmi note 8. Suddenly glitches everywhere,1,2023-07-09 08:34:10 +Google Play,good app so far just needs the switch account option,4,2023-07-07 09:13:20 +Google Play,"For a brand new, its very well optimized, its like twitter😘",5,2023-07-10 15:23:28 +Google Play,The app needs a functional hashtag search feature!,4,2023-07-06 10:40:15 +Google Play,"I really had bad experience at the very beginning, the UI is good and understandable but whenever I tried posting pictures it always crashes for no reason. Please can we have a quick fix for this?",3,2023-07-07 00:36:16 +Google Play,App get crash....not working properly,1,2023-07-06 17:40:43 +Google Play,Doesn't allow login without Instagram account.,1,2023-07-22 20:34:05 +Google Play,"Installed to check it out, saw there was no way to filter by people you follow (seriously, that's a pretty basic feature). Super bare bones imo and really no different from Twitter and that includes the toxicity. I stick with Mastodon and the fediverse.",1,2023-07-12 04:14:03 +Google Play,Hands down one of the best social media apps out right now. No bugs on launch. There are some improvements/new features they need to and are planning on adding but it is great.,5,2023-07-06 23:39:25 +Google Play,So nice to finally have a good substitute to Twitter. Basically the same but better.,5,2023-07-11 00:38:16 +Google Play,Threads is a best social media platforms many best features I love it,5,2023-07-08 09:05:23 +Google Play,its good for 1st time.. but can you just give us the access for couple account? like instagram does,4,2023-07-06 14:26:09 +Google Play,"So far, lots of things I loved about Twitter. A few suggestions: 1) a following page. If I can't see posts from folks I follow, what's the point of following? 2) hashtags so I can find content I love and folks who love mine can find me",4,2023-07-08 16:53:53 +Google Play,error when load then home. its stacking,1,2023-07-06 15:19:17 +Google Play,"Great App from Instagram, Minimal but Stylish 👀🙌🏻",5,2023-07-06 04:41:46 +Google Play,Add option to turn off auto play,4,2023-07-06 20:33:56 +Google Play,"Missing bookmarks, DMs, switching between multiple accounts and the trending hashtags explorer.....",4,2023-07-06 03:38:35 +Google Play,Excellent app but plz change logo then it looks good,5,2023-07-09 12:55:05 +Google Play,In love with the UI design... Already addicted,5,2023-07-06 09:48:53 +Google Play,it's Very Good App like Instagram make early account to take your Name,5,2023-07-06 09:45:51 +Google Play,why does the app keep crashing when posting?,4,2023-07-19 08:28:41 +Google Play,I think you should add double tap to like ❤️ feature 😉,4,2023-07-10 18:15:05 +Google Play,"I love this app, but can you plz add translation",5,2023-07-07 10:35:48 +Google Play,"I like it very much but I am having one problem with it .I have tried so many times to uptade my bio but the threads just tells me 'we are sorry, but something wrong. Please try again.' Please look into the matter.",5,2023-07-07 07:22:41 +Google Play,Crashing way to much when writing posts and comments. 👎,1,2023-07-08 11:10:54 +Google Play,Give us the option to hide posts from people we don't follow and a way to look for posts OUTSIDE OF YOUR HOME PAGE / FEED both here and Instagram THEN we'll talk.,1,2023-07-06 22:40:57 +Google Play,Unable to set username. All usernames are unavailable,1,2023-07-06 08:24:01 +Google Play,Need some improvements and specially Dark Mode,4,2023-07-07 05:38:19 +Google Play,Just amazed with the interface,5,2023-07-07 08:43:21 +Google Play,A pretty mid twitter app. Can't wait to see it fail,2,2023-07-06 02:46:13 +Google Play,Not working properly at all,1,2023-07-06 11:08:04 +Google Play,I cannot download it to my laptop. Apparently I can only log into it on my phone with Instagram? Big fat fail for me. I'm already over it.,1,2023-07-17 00:05:26 +Google Play,Needs improvement and speed.,3,2023-07-11 07:47:50 +Google Play,Completely laggy with many glitches! I'm using a Mi note 6 pro,3,2023-07-06 03:58:32 +Google Play,Murge this threads in instagram like reel button...... It seems like we are using two same instagram accounts in different apps,2,2023-07-08 03:00:14 +Google Play,Many issues in this app bugs and login problem.,1,2023-07-06 13:18:47 +Google Play,Garbage app. Lasted 15 minutes on my phone before I uninstalled it.,1,2023-07-07 04:22:32 +Google Play,"Simple new way to get in contact with the public, or not...",3,2023-07-07 12:57:06 +Google Play,It's good but stopping please fix this fault overall it's good,3,2023-07-10 09:30:53 +Google Play,"A lot better and its just a start of Threads, they're gonna improve it more, just stay tuned",5,2023-07-07 09:20:47 +Google Play,Security detected this app attempting to access my banking apps. CORRUPT and UNSAFE app. DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!!,1,2023-07-10 06:29:10 +Google Play,Needs a translation feature,4,2023-07-07 04:33:53 +Google Play,Why is my timeline showing accounts I don't even follow? I don't want suggestions. This cannot replace twitter.,1,2023-07-06 06:52:46 +Google Play,crashes when I try to click on a post - pixel 6 android 13,1,2023-07-07 13:30:05 +Google Play,Love the interface but the app keeps on crashing. I also opted not to sync my instagram contacts to threads so I can have a fresh start of choosing who to follow but it keeps on suggesting/showing too many accounts in its home tab.,3,2023-07-20 18:49:50 +Google Play,I can't open my instagram apps if my account is connected to this app,3,2023-07-09 01:12:17 +Google Play,I just downloaded this app but when i scroll down it just like glitches and i cant see anything so plz fix this,3,2023-07-08 07:11:15 +Google Play,"I like the threads app for meta, but I am concerned it could share the wrong data. Is there a way to make sure it doesn't leak any secure data, gps info, or location to that closed social media site, Mastodon. This way I and anyone else with a Instagram account can be comfortable using it alone side Instagram for fashion, photography, and gaming? I want to give it a try, but that social media site made me uncertain if I should use it. Thank You.",2,2023-07-14 04:08:51 +Google Play,The app keeps closing whenever I try to upload a photo,1,2023-07-06 14:07:31 +Google Play,I don't know what to say but I need to say something THIS APP IS AWESOME it have insta ui and twitter mixed I like this app,5,2023-07-18 05:24:07 +Google Play,Feels like an exact copy of twitter to me but kinda cool !!,4,2023-07-07 05:58:24 +Google Play,You should also give an option in this application that anyone can download their photo or video from here.,5,2023-07-16 02:58:17 +Google Play,Constantly crashes when tagging people,2,2023-07-12 16:19:08 +Google Play,Enable multiple accounts login and thanks for removing reels. 🙏,3,2023-07-08 08:38:16 +Google Play,UI is disbalanced in vivo phone And app is good,2,2023-07-07 13:01:04 +Google Play,Unable to open the app!,1,2023-07-06 08:54:57 +Google Play,"I think this new feature app will be more better if y'all add ""mutual"" or see people who follows you back🤗",4,2023-07-06 14:41:54 +Google Play,This is not best application for Instagram reel creators Because algorithm is not same A reel creator upload reel on Instagram and get audience what he do in threads How to they get audience in threads ?,2,2023-07-07 17:21:00 +Google Play,This app a lot of work to be done on it so it will be better has Twitter e.t.c pls work on the message box,1,2023-07-17 12:46:00 +Google Play,Very dead application not working properly.☹️☹️😠😠😡,1,2023-07-10 15:59:49 +Google Play,The app is good and all but why android users can't download pics from the app? Fix it please,2,2023-07-06 10:02:16 +Google Play,It’s have lot of issues. I think it’s need more care to fix of them,1,2023-07-08 08:35:54 +Google Play,The app is crashing suddenly please fix this 😭 aside from that I like this app,3,2023-07-07 14:07:46 +Google Play,"Please fix , any in android version have bug when scroling thread 🙏",5,2023-07-07 04:40:54 +Google Play,"Is this supposed to replace Twitter?? 😂😂 Lmao 🤣😂 very unresponsive app, makes you feel like your screen is damaged",1,2023-07-06 15:24:48 +Google Play,Sucks so far. I only want to see accounts I follow and 95% of my feed are people I've never heard of or don't care about following. I'll try later if/when they fix this.,1,2023-07-06 19:47:26 +Google Play,Creative idea .. easy to use .. simple .. it will be revolutionary,5,2023-07-06 17:27:01 +Google Play,I have just downloaded it and I think it will be a great competitor of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:54:19 +Google Play,Its crashing sometimes when i open replies to a thread,3,2023-07-07 11:28:04 +Google Play,"After a day of installation, not my Instagram nor the Threads working!!",1,2023-07-09 00:45:44 +Google Play,Only one feature need to be updated that is share our profile to others,5,2023-07-07 10:11:23 +Google Play,Finally an update that fixes my issues. Thanks,5,2023-07-13 04:12:59 +Google Play,"Nothing new, no uniqueness just like a clone of Twitter but a cheap version",1,2023-07-11 11:51:21 +Google Play,"Its not stable,its double of everything😭😭😭",1,2023-07-07 07:58:34 +Google Play,"For now it's ok , but wait what ?? A ton of personal information collection???",5,2023-07-06 09:02:15 +Google Play,My thread is full of stuff I have zero interest in. I have to scroll down and mute tons of rubbish before I get to anything I follow,1,2023-07-13 05:34:37 +Google Play,No way to create account rather than Instagram login.,1,2023-07-14 04:59:54 +Google Play,Great experience people need app like this thank you so much team lots of love ❤️,5,2023-07-06 13:30:22 +Google Play,Good need more updations except the reel button,4,2023-07-06 07:32:18 +Google Play,The latest dataminer app that collects so much data it puts the FBI to shame. Trying to delete threads account literally deletes the associated Instagram account,1,2023-07-08 07:00:01 +Google Play,"constantly bugs out, unusable for now",1,2023-07-06 08:24:53 +Google Play,First to review in my language... Nice app Twitter like but cooler and better,5,2023-07-06 02:24:58 +Google Play,It keeps hanging.I cant use it smoothly!,2,2023-07-06 20:50:57 +Google Play,It can't have message option، couldn't see profile,1,2023-07-08 09:12:41 +Google Play,App crashes everytime I attach photo.,1,2023-07-10 00:19:49 +Google Play,"Love this application 💙 first day first Login that's a amazing feeling, best wishes for future threads 🤍 go Ahead",4,2023-07-06 14:20:28 +Google Play,"Attempted to sign up, and my account was immediately blocked!",1,2023-07-06 13:14:52 +Google Play,Trash Trash Trash!!! Let us delete this app! Holding us hostage by linking it to our Instagram page.,1,2023-07-11 10:14:48 +Google Play,Laggy n buggy ...it needs to be fixed ..,1,2023-07-08 11:51:55 +Google Play,it's glitching a lot everything is overlaped to eachother,1,2023-07-08 18:43:14 +Google Play,"Nice application, but I hope that I can return my threads account number in the Instagram bio, because I deleted it and I cannot return it",5,2023-07-07 12:56:54 +Google Play,Woul suggest adding an option to save photos and videos,4,2023-07-07 11:58:25 +Google Play,Another left wing controlled app. I'm deleting and uninstalling. 🗑️,1,2023-07-06 22:04:19 +Google Play,"This is cool, could we save photos to gallery tho 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️",4,2023-07-06 01:41:34 +Google Play,"It has a lot of problem with persian (farsi) language but except that one thing , it's incredibly good",4,2023-07-15 00:37:14 +Google Play,I like this app so far. It needs a dark mode option.,4,2023-07-07 11:22:26 +Google Play,"So far, so good. The engagement far exceeds other social platforms, just in the first day I'm using it.",5,2023-07-08 05:42:24 +Google Play,Its good but needs improvement and its too similar to twitter,2,2023-07-07 07:09:46 +Google Play,"Need alot of work, numbers of posts, tags, etc",3,2023-07-23 15:46:39 +Google Play,Bad app Can't open a new account on this app I recommend don't be install this worried app,1,2023-07-11 08:57:41 +Google Play,Looks cool! It should replace the twitter.,5,2023-07-06 14:45:25 +Google Play,All good but i need App for pc and Laptop. Please give me a app in Microsoft store,4,2023-07-10 19:39:31 +Google Play,Text Translator feature is needed,5,2023-07-07 11:39:11 +Google Play,Not sure but maybe after. 5 years he will be the biggest app like Twitter,2,2023-07-06 07:57:00 +Google Play,My early comment and this app will makes so many unemployed people life better and provide a source of income so. I reviewed for a great app,5,2023-07-07 19:39:04 +Google Play,"This is one of cheating app and there is no free speech, etc...",1,2023-07-10 21:03:56 +Google Play,Good app need more features and monetization to creator,5,2023-07-09 07:33:46 +Google Play,"Good concept, will update rating once I can scroll.",3,2023-07-08 04:24:39 +Google Play,When I enter this app it starts tremor. I can't use it,1,2023-07-06 15:32:24 +Google Play,I like this app. Especially UI and B&W color,5,2023-07-06 10:48:27 +Google Play,It is not working well..it hangs..,1,2023-07-10 18:46:47 +Google Play,Good app moreover I like the black and white theme,5,2023-07-07 17:41:10 +Google Play,It is better if the messaging system is enabled in the software.💬,1,2023-07-09 05:05:42 +Google Play,Not working full of glitches in ui.,1,2023-07-06 10:41:54 +Google Play,"Photos failed to upload, reason not known? What to do?",2,2023-07-06 13:26:27 +Google Play,This is not at a unique app it is just cntrl + c and cntrl +v,5,2023-07-06 16:26:24 +Google Play,I couldn't even see my timeline it glitches like hell but I like the idea,2,2023-07-06 17:15:16 +Google Play,Quite fascinating and addictive User interface,5,2023-07-07 03:58:16 +Google Play,"Very good app entertaining , knowledgeable, interesting..",5,2023-07-07 13:09:02 +Google Play,Very Nice app. The app is very familiar like I've been using it for years.,5,2023-07-07 09:47:16 +Google Play,Its an amazing app .. congratulations Instagram ✨ but i still love insta more 💗,4,2023-07-09 09:49:47 +Google Play,It's needs more improvements to look pretty and warm,3,2023-07-10 23:33:08 +Google Play,"You can't only see stuff from people you follow, it desperately wants you to see Ellen DeGeneres and Eurovision posts and there's no way to switch that off. It's like what if Twitter only had a For You tab and was run by the second worst person in the world instead of the worst person in the world.",1,2023-07-06 08:22:00 +Google Play,When I open the app I get graphical glitches with the text,2,2023-07-06 18:41:04 +Google Play,"I'm just scrolling it and checking it, till know it looks good.",5,2023-07-06 06:00:16 +Google Play,I can't get in. I don't have an Instagram account and never wanted one.,1,2023-07-09 01:22:50 +Google Play,I can't open this app... Showing lots of bugs,1,2023-07-06 12:08:37 +Google Play,"It's gd, I just didn't like the fact that celebrities brought their followers and now looks exactly like Instagram",3,2023-07-08 00:34:16 +Google Play,"Love it, about time, let the bird fly away adios goodby.",5,2023-07-07 17:47:34 +Google Play,There should also be a section that shows top trends.,3,2023-07-07 17:12:46 +Google Play,"The app has a lot of potential, but it's a great start.",4,2023-07-07 15:46:50 +Google Play,fix your app asap. it glitches so bad itll cause epilepsy. i also dm'd this on insta to threadsapp. so you better answer that to see how bad it glitches(acc: dem0s.privv502),3,2023-07-06 15:49:39 +Google Play,Fix the glitchy screen as first as possible 😡,1,2023-07-07 04:52:54 +Google Play,I love the karma bots giving the app glowing reviews like they do with every app no matter how bad or outdated it is. I can't use Threads on Tablet or log in. It's not ready for Android. Besides the only way to close your threads account is to delete your ig account as the two are linked. Other option is to create a new ghost ig account just to use this app.,1,2023-07-07 08:21:00 +Google Play,"Crashes every 10 minutes or so on Android 12, MIUI 13",2,2023-07-07 12:39:45 +Google Play,Home page crashed as soon i opened the application,1,2023-07-06 05:14:10 +Google Play,"So far, so good. Simple and easy to use!",5,2023-07-10 03:04:28 +Google Play,"Sadly just more Meta garbage. Censoring and jailing galore as is the standard with Facebook community ""standards"". The figures quoted of all the millions of new users to the platform is completely inaccurate as 99%+ are already Instagram users so this is hardly anything to brag about NEW USERS 👎🏻 I registered a new account to test Facebook and Instagrams ""standards"" and was immediately blocked with 6 months to appeal. Total bogus rubbish built with Copy & Paste",1,2023-07-08 05:08:51 +Google Play,Does not have hash tag search option. You can't search trending hashtag. Trending hashtag must be there.. Poor Copy of twitter.,1,2023-07-20 10:39:38 +Google Play,when I try to upload photos.its close without any reason,1,2023-07-09 01:52:59 +Google Play,In my device crash app while im typing thread. Why?,4,2023-07-06 09:04:10 +Google Play,"Its nice and very loving app My question is this,how do we message each other and talk to each other over there",1,2023-07-08 23:00:33 +Google Play,"Downloaded and linked an account from Instagram and the threads app caused my Instagram app to crash within seconds every time I tried to open the app. Uninstalling the threads app fixed all the Instagram issues I was having. Wild considering it's all one metamess, you'd think it would play together well...",1,2023-07-12 22:32:34 +Google Play,The Codeword is the only one I can find for Tahir is the only way for us,5,2023-07-16 18:36:25 +Google Play,Awesome option this is. Everyone like it. Just awesome. And thank you for this option or App 🤗,1,2023-07-06 05:35:11 +Google Play,Very smooth and optimized app than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:25:52 +Google Play,"Despite Hiding word like Crypto and NFT, i still het related pages and posts containing those words. With twitter the mere mention of ganes would gift me pages that post things related to that, but threads gives me celebrities i dont know, influencers and cryptbros. Please make it more user friendly",2,2023-07-09 02:57:34 +Google Play,Please include following feed feature and save feature in this app,2,2023-07-06 16:47:25 +Google Play,It's easy to used this app. No hassle nice one Meta to develop this app.,5,2023-07-06 07:26:04 +Google Play,"Completely devoid of Twitter blue virgenes, and their moronic takes. I'd give it 10/5 if I could. 👏🏽 💯",5,2023-07-07 17:42:22 +Google Play,Glitching up so hard right now made a screen recording if u need i can email,1,2023-07-06 16:49:21 +Google Play,"Overall, Threads is a well-designed app that offers a more personal and private way to connect with close friends and family. However, it is still in its early stages, and there are a few features that are missing, such as the ability to search for specific text or phrases",3,2023-07-07 10:03:03 +Google Play,"Don't make an account if you intend to delete it after because this app doesn't provide that. Once you make an account, you won't be able to delete the account completely without deleting your ig account. Home algorithm also meh, this app doesn't care to ask what your interests are. They just shove all accounts to your home even though you don't follow anyone. This app also put that @numbers to your bio, which annoying and can't be hidden. I really hate my decision to make account, deactivated",1,2023-07-08 15:12:35 +Google Play,"I thought this app was ok and I'd like to see how it can be improved in the future. As of now what I really want is a curated feed or a following feed, I don't see why we can follow people if we won't see their posts if we're not online 24/7. I saw a lot of marketing for this as an app for artists but it hard to support people when you can't see what they post. With some improvements in accessibility and content I could see it being a good app that I'd use.",3,2023-07-08 03:52:38 +Google Play,"need for features like able to add gif, able to see how many people reposted, how mamy people views the post, and so on",5,2023-07-11 14:22:52 +Google Play,Wow 😲 very good features ���️👍 nice Thank you so much dear instagram and threads team ❤️,5,2023-07-07 20:30:34 +Google Play,Many glitches like overlapping screens and it feels like your device is dead,1,2023-07-06 17:30:57 +Google Play,error in log-in? I'm not even log out my account. What is happening? there is other account which is changing my password? Like? seriously?,1,2023-07-06 06:28:23 +Google Play,Unable to upload an image.,1,2023-07-10 02:52:09 +Google Play,Crashes a lot - Not user friendly,1,2023-07-07 14:04:01 +Google Play,I love Meta App. Its a fastest and trending apps everyone uses it . Love u meta,5,2023-07-15 15:03:41 +Google Play,The app have alot of bugs i can even use it at this point,1,2023-07-05 23:53:58 +Google Play,It won't let you delete your account without deleting your instagram!,1,2023-07-19 02:30:14 +Google Play,"Its great, but the search function only allow to look for people and I would suggest if the search function can also look for post, picture, hashtag and other results as well. On the other hand, I've got so much thread about korean/kpop/idols that I have actually muted the user as well as words (kpop related words) but they're still appearing. Appreciate if could improve on the muted function as well. Thanks Meta dev team.",3,2023-07-08 04:16:53 +Google Play,"I have installed today It's looks like instragram twitter alternative app, I don't know how was that my experience",5,2023-07-06 12:24:46 +Google Play,"timeline is just random people I'm not interested in or follow, what's the point?",1,2023-07-07 02:14:37 +Google Play,Has potential but deacvitating until I can curate my feed. No point in going to check in on people when they get buried under thousands of people and celebrities I don't know and don't care to follow or see what they're saying.,3,2023-07-10 12:29:16 +Google Play,I am facing an extreme UI glitch in my Android phone,1,2023-07-07 07:51:46 +Google Play,Needs some more years to be perfect.,1,2023-07-10 22:22:15 +Google Play,Keeps crashing. Can't post,1,2023-07-07 00:32:54 +Google Play,It's some error to watch some videos.,1,2023-07-09 17:11:19 +Google Play,It's the best public app. It's really better from Twitter!,5,2023-07-07 06:36:02 +Google Play,"Probably the worst app by meta so far. The app is glitching out big time and laying over texts that it looks possessed. Can't even see anything, would add pictures if I could just to show how horrible it is.",1,2023-07-07 07:19:26 +Google Play,"Clean, refreshing but confusing",4,2023-07-09 11:39:48 +Google Play,This app is so osm for more information about my knowledge 🫡👍 & very easy to login 🥳🥳👏👏 too good,5,2023-07-13 19:03:01 +Google Play,Why doesn't it have private inbox?? It looks nice but on the feed we should just be seeing posts of people we follow,1,2023-07-07 16:32:05 +Google Play,Allow users to register on the app without necessarily having to operate Instagram. The current model is intrusive. It hard to anonymously use your app like one does on twitter. Delink registration from Instagram. That's the primary reason why I uninstalled the app without registering. You're making it very easy to trace people,2,2023-07-23 09:06:20 +Google Play,This apps is one of the best latest app for advertising,4,2023-07-19 16:37:49 +Google Play,A trending topics tab would make a great addition to the app,4,2023-07-06 00:43:56 +Google Play,Hybrid of Twitter & Instagram please try to change interface 🥲,4,2023-07-06 12:31:21 +Google Play,"The moment I finished my login, the threads(?) on the page immediately overlap with each other. Same goes on search page, profile, and notification. So it create some kind of ripple threads. I wish this review page have a way to post my screenshot to explain it better. I hope you can improve that and I'll change my review the moment it works for me.",1,2023-07-09 06:36:42 +Google Play,Great app but it should have a trends for you click,4,2023-07-06 08:54:20 +Google Play,Need to improve interface,4,2023-07-07 15:39:36 +Google Play,Needs a search that display hashtags or threads about a topic. Also needs an account switcher like Instagram,3,2023-07-06 17:00:30 +Google Play,could be better than twitter but lacking basic features that make it worse,3,2023-07-07 12:35:21 +Google Play,You can't just simply rely on instagram influences. App totally sucks,1,2023-07-19 19:35:39 +Google Play,"Concept doesn't really work well, just a worse Twitter",2,2023-07-07 06:26:58 +Google Play,Its not good at all. Thread creator should have to work on this app thanks. Regards andrew tate fan,1,2023-07-07 12:15:52 +Google Play,"The people complaining about the censorship forget that this is a company, and companies run based on capitalism, so they will do what they have to inorder to keep advertisers. Aside from that it's working well so far, I just block what I don't wanna see and curate my timeline to myself simple as that.",5,2023-07-07 05:06:02 +Google Play,U have a very bug's please solve this problem bugs problem...,3,2023-07-07 08:45:16 +Google Play,The app glitches alot while scrolling.,3,2023-07-05 23:43:30 +Google Play,"Add inbuilt Bookmark feature to save, a thread or post within app , so that we can check it out somewhere",4,2023-07-09 03:38:08 +Google Play,I have been use Instagram since 2016 but none of my reels have gone viral till date.,1,2023-07-05 23:50:20 +Google Play,"Since the day I have downloaded this thread my instagram is lagging too much, I am unable to open my instagram 😡",1,2023-07-08 17:24:42 +Google Play,"We need freedom of speech, DM options, hastags and trending topics.",3,2023-07-07 16:23:08 +Google Play,please bring the translatation to the captions and replies.,3,2023-07-10 11:07:52 +Google Play,"Meta you are genius, you just copy all the Twitter's features without hard working.",3,2023-07-07 17:45:45 +Google Play,Too Much Bugs Screen is Flickerring,1,2023-07-06 07:33:01 +Google Play,Ok first why this app glitches a lot? Like I can't even scroll the screen,1,2023-07-08 05:03:31 +Google Play,Best app but no language translate future available...,5,2023-07-07 05:09:01 +Google Play,"It's new really good app 😀 but Elon musk, Twitter master copy😹just for fun .❤️ love app❤️",2,2023-07-14 12:58:41 +Google Play,"Twitter uses to be enjoyable until it is handed over to Elon Musk who made some unnecessary changes that force people to need its substitution. As the results, many quit Twitter including me.",5,2023-07-07 05:53:43 +Google Play,Good application but option to translate instagram threads should be given please,5,2023-07-06 14:45:38 +Google Play,"Suchit told me about this app, i was shocked about what it was, haha twitter will bear a bit loss...",2,2023-07-06 04:24:09 +Google Play,"Poorly executed alternative to Twitter... Typical Instagram/Facebook ""forced algorithmic feed""...",1,2023-07-06 20:11:09 +Google Play,So far so good. Add more features and it will be the best.,5,2023-07-11 14:30:58 +Google Play,I can't wait to leave Twitter... But why do I need an Instagram account? I'm an old millennial - can't you just include an email sign up instead to win this market share battle?,1,2023-07-07 15:42:03 +Google Play,App got an update and fixed everything.,5,2023-07-12 04:31:20 +Google Play,The best app rather than Twitter!! I love it and need to improve something,5,2023-07-06 18:46:00 +Google Play,Time taken to reach 1 million users: Netflix - 3.5 years Twitter - 2 years Facebook - 10 months Spotify - 5 months Instagram - 2.5 months ChatGPT - 5 days Threads - 1.5 hours (king 👑),5,2023-07-06 12:40:22 +Google Play,It's don't allow to share videos ...It is not good 😕,4,2023-07-07 03:39:00 +Google Play,eehh fine app eh looking really sharp looking good look at your app shiny,4,2023-07-10 05:00:47 +Google Play,"Poor copy of twitter, so many features lacking",1,2023-07-16 09:36:35 +Google Play,"Easy sign up, easy invite to friends!",5,2023-07-05 23:25:25 +Google Play,Unable to add images.,1,2023-07-06 21:06:02 +Google Play,"Please 🙏🙏😌More Updated this app Recover Post option Not Available, & Edit option not Available, more Improvement.",5,2023-07-12 09:53:41 +Google Play,Imma rate this for the future to see date downloaded 7-07-23 app review so far soo good mark and elon musk supposed to have a fight but ended at mark making this app to rival the twitter elon have 😩😩,4,2023-07-07 11:01:56 +Google Play,Overall a Good app Need Reel section for this app Add the gif option for Google board,4,2023-07-06 13:15:22 +Google Play,it keeps glitching. I can't even scroll down?,1,2023-07-06 08:49:07 +Google Play,Wow this very nice 👍 I love it 💕 this but chenging tha app logo and name please #Zuckerberg sir can you chenging sir,5,2023-07-06 13:46:47 +Google Play,good app. need black theme need to show trending hashtags,4,2023-07-06 13:57:53 +Google Play,Good for threads (another tweets). Need more features.,5,2023-07-06 18:47:11 +Google Play,Unable to use dragging issue,1,2023-07-06 18:31:57 +Google Play,Super aap easy access user friendly,5,2023-07-06 03:06:54 +Google Play,Provide an (accept all / confirmed all ) option to accept followers request for open account on treads like Instagram ( anyone can follow open account without admin confirmation). If an account have followers in thousands or millions then what will he/she do ? . Should he/she click on confirm option for thousands or millions times to accept followers request,5,2023-07-22 13:11:37 +Google Play,Much needed solace from the bird experience....,5,2023-07-13 05:16:23 +Google Play,"I like this app. However, can you just give me one more chance to unhide the Threads badge on instagram, please 🙏🏻🫠",5,2023-07-08 15:45:36 +Google Play,It's really beautiful I love it so much but I hope it doesn't stop working,5,2023-07-09 12:04:42 +Google Play,There is a bug i found after I opened and refresh it,1,2023-07-07 13:02:52 +Google Play,"I'm loving it there, i know there are more to come. It's already peaceful and easy to use",3,2023-07-07 14:03:03 +Google Play,"Keep crash, ada fitur autoclosenya? Haha",3,2023-07-07 13:05:53 +Google Play,The app crashes whenever I open it,2,2023-07-06 18:58:51 +Google Play,I can't know how to use it but it is from Instagram well it can do something like Twitter ✊,5,2023-07-06 11:11:29 +Google Play,"Clean ui, but sometimes its failed to load someones threads",5,2023-07-06 06:58:39 +Google Play,"Lol, experiencing using this apps, and couldn’t getting code.",1,2023-07-11 07:09:01 +Google Play,Absolutely fun to scroll for hours and hours!,5,2023-07-08 16:21:10 +Google Play,"In this app, you can't control the video and the pictures. Even the data saver doesn't work. Please, there should be a ""never auto autopkay "" and also hide or reduce the pictures quality",3,2023-07-06 10:36:15 +Google Play,Would give five if it didn't keep closing when I'm trying to type a post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,4,2023-07-18 20:40:28 +Google Play,I DON'T have an INSTAGRAM account. Finding difficult to login.,1,2023-07-12 01:52:32 +Google Play,"Great app, user-friendly, approachable vibes, and straight-forward on use. I prefer the approach of this more than that 'bird app'. Although I have a request, please enable app cloning and/or multi-account log-ins, thank you! And utomatically hiding like counts is faulty.",5,2023-07-06 16:43:34 +Google Play,"Similar to Twitter, but 1- No option to create new account (just connect with insta) 👎 2- Cannot delete threads account without deleting Insta Account. 👎 3- No Hashtags 👎 4- No trending Stories 👎 5- No Chat /Personal Messages section 👎 Simply going to uninstall threads. Bye bye 👋",1,2023-07-08 10:43:09 +Google Play,One of the best apps thank you Meta for the ease of working with threads,5,2023-07-08 00:30:17 +Google Play,"Buggy at the moment, I've not been able to post pictures.",2,2023-07-10 06:24:22 +Google Play,"It was working well, but now my followers ain't showing on my profile, and I can't see other people's followers",4,2023-07-07 17:20:03 +Google Play,"I know it's still messy. But, hopefully we can get a tl/nf thing where we can only see mutuals or threads we follow.",3,2023-07-11 05:53:51 +Google Play,"I thought this would be nifty and I would be able to create an account. Surprise! Unfortunately, that was not an option as my phone number was required that signified I already ""have an Instagram account with that #."" I did not want to connect to that account and I REFUSE TO SIGN UP FOR FACEBOOK. SCR3W YOU ZUCKERBERG!",1,2023-07-09 16:23:51 +Google Play,I didn't find anything unique. Just an old design.,1,2023-07-06 03:50:48 +Google Play,Alot of time I reported my thread app not working. I still facing the problem,2,2023-07-14 14:36:56 +Google Play,"Good, Hopefully it will be better than twitter but hashtag system should be included",5,2023-07-06 19:38:40 +Google Play,Its good experience to threads and good effort for meta team but this step might be crucial more in future but i have confident on you that you will be consistent on your goal❤,5,2023-07-06 16:47:12 +Google Play,It's a great app . But it should have live broadcast.,5,2023-07-06 16:38:04 +Google Play,"Its name should be Changed like , Hey hi or easy type",5,2023-07-06 18:16:15 +Google Play,"It's fun, until it's having a bug",2,2023-07-07 11:33:53 +Google Play,"you can't easily switch between ur accounts, there's no soft-block feature",3,2023-07-06 12:34:22 +Google Play,Need some updates 1. Switch profile 2. Upload videos 3. Make its own settings 4. Feel like Insta so need some updates to make its different @Threads pls work on it 🤞🙏,5,2023-07-06 14:17:18 +Google Play,it's a ten but there no translation T.T,5,2023-07-06 02:52:08 +Google Play,"Really good app, ngl. we just need DM!!!",4,2023-07-07 05:58:18 +Google Play,"It's a good app. It's not as optimized as Twitter yet, and that's fine. You can't expect Disney+ to be Netflix since day 1. Twitter has perfected their craft since over a decade now, and they still keep destroying it.",4,2023-07-06 08:48:49 +Google Play,The app can't be used without Log in with Instagram,1,2023-07-08 14:03:14 +Google Play,"At first, I used this app, everything was okay. But, yesterday, when I wanted to open my account, it said that someone had logged out my account and said that maybe the owner had changed the password. I never logged out and changed the password. Hope you have a solution to this issue. I don't want to lose my Instagram account because of this.",1,2023-07-14 01:27:42 +Google Play,I'm satisfy with this app I mean it's a new app but I feel like I use this app from so long thank you meta.,5,2023-07-07 04:54:28 +Google Play,It crashes when I type more than 5 words.,3,2023-07-15 10:48:42 +Google Play,I'm not a big fan of it because it locks up and doesn't update.,1,2023-07-09 16:38:19 +Google Play,"While it's not Twit-ler, it's still Meta. I'll give it a spin if only to stick my finger in Elon's eye.",3,2023-07-10 22:50:11 +Google Play,It is a good app but it glitch ing on and from startup,3,2023-07-07 14:21:57 +Google Play,I downloaded the app but it wont work smoothly on my phone and my andriod is version 9 which means it compatible for it. But any time i want to scroll through the feed the writeup get clumsy together and the text and images start shaking...how can i rectify this problem?,2,2023-07-07 10:06:05 +Google Play,Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣 damn it.... Twitter and threads like to same of lag performance...hmm not interested by threads,1,2023-07-13 13:22:30 +Google Play,Simple and less bloated,5,2023-07-06 03:35:23 +Google Play,"Perfect for anyone who wants their private info taken, their behavior modified, and their thoughts censored. Just look at the permissions list and read some news about how Facebook censors people just for disagreeing with the government or large businesses. If you use this app you are volunteering to be part of the system.",1,2023-07-08 16:51:32 +Google Play,Good app but it's working against twitter so there is no improvement.,4,2023-07-06 13:06:37 +Google Play,"Good app 👌 Nice UI , nice features 🤗",5,2023-07-06 14:52:29 +Google Play,"Competitionk is fine, cheating is not It’s all about Ctrl C and Ctrl V..",1,2023-07-07 08:06:07 +Google Play,If you want share your ideas with text and present you point of view you can use this app,5,2023-07-06 07:49:42 +Google Play,Very good app We need just a message option,5,2023-07-06 19:46:00 +Google Play,Very nice app i have grow 🪴 this app i think Manny reward please take Manny every users thank you God bless you always,5,2023-07-07 18:32:05 +Google Play,This app is glitching for me and I cannot see anything properly,1,2023-07-06 08:29:53 +Google Play,"This is the new app of Instagram, competitor of twitter. Elon musk vs Mark Zuckerberg ...What a rivalry!!",2,2023-07-06 03:44:18 +Google Play,"The more you praise this app, the less it is because its features are amazing.",5,2023-07-08 04:02:12 +Google Play,Doesn't work. Display is corrupt.,1,2023-07-08 14:04:46 +Google Play,"I can' t signup new account, need to install instragram something.",1,2023-07-09 18:05:28 +Google Play,Am I really the first one in the world to write a positive review on this app!!! Love it! It's a love at first sight 🤩😍,5,2023-07-06 20:30:16 +Google Play,Threads is as nice as Instagram...!!,5,2023-07-06 16:06:48 +Google Play,"Twitter lookalike minus some features like DMs, explore, views etc. Your feed will have more content from people you don't follow. Basically people/brands with the blue tick! The reach, algorithm must be on trial phase rn & won't be surprising if it favours influencers! It would have been good if there was segmentation of threads to keep track, given it's marketed as conversation app. As it will add more features, it'd soon become another Twitter. You won't miss anything if you aren't on it.",2,2023-07-07 15:30:41 +Google Play,"same content and user base as on insta, what the difference of using this app???",1,2023-07-08 01:25:42 +Google Play,Many bugs and glitches in this app please fix it,3,2023-07-08 17:57:41 +Google Play,Attempt to increase Instagram users. I won't be signing up,1,2023-07-06 07:40:40 +Google Play,"App permissions more intrusive than a colonoscopy, way too many ads and was shown toxic content. If Instagram is cocaine than Threads in meth. I was hoping for better but got shown the worst parts of IG. Couldn't delete this app fast enough. Unlike Threads, Mastodon is advertising free, run by non-profit groups and doesn't track you like a parolee with a GPS ankle bracelet.",1,2023-07-09 12:39:35 +Google Play,"When I download it and want to enter the application, it tells me that the application has an update, or the application is updating ????",1,2023-07-06 12:59:56 +Google Play,It's working for someones favor! And 100% copied from Twitter!,1,2023-07-09 05:30:12 +Google Play,It's full of glitches and errors,2,2023-07-06 06:58:03 +Google Play,Incredible application just it needs some features,5,2023-07-17 21:42:58 +Google Play,It crash when trying to add an image to my threads,2,2023-07-06 06:29:33 +Google Play,It lags a bit. Very basic But it's new.,3,2023-07-07 00:42:57 +Google Play,this new meta app is very use full please add reals option in this app ❣️,5,2023-07-08 11:19:57 +Google Play,It's meta and there's no desktop access,1,2023-07-07 01:50:55 +Google Play,"Very nice app, but can anyone tell me how 🤔 to unhide the ID in insta???????",5,2023-07-15 08:48:29 +Google Play,Decent app so far would like a option to edit posts after posting,4,2023-07-06 16:20:50 +Google Play,Please bring messaging options and chat themes.,4,2023-07-06 11:15:56 +Google Play,the app is rather performant and feels like Instagram. But nice app.,4,2023-07-12 10:56:00 +Google Play,Just include hashtag & Trending features. It will be better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 04:47:56 +Google Play,"Much better than Tw(a)tter, the blue bird😸😸😸",5,2023-07-10 06:13:25 +Google Play,Love this app Instagram account @inspired.version @motivated.bible @motivated.scripture,4,2023-07-08 19:06:06 +Google Play,Best option for sharing knowledge with public on social media.,5,2023-07-06 06:40:46 +Google Play,It's good but missing a lot of features,3,2023-07-06 18:40:03 +Google Play,Little Bugs on push notification and follow,3,2023-07-08 08:45:01 +Google Play,A very great app 💞💞.... Fast and reliable,5,2023-07-06 14:28:52 +Google Play,Urdu language is missing in this app please add it,3,2023-07-08 07:49:38 +Google Play,All the post are overlapping its like an hallucination worst app .,1,2023-07-22 14:55:01 +Google Play,"It is a good app, there are no problem and bugs.",5,2023-07-06 18:06:18 +Google Play,"So far, I like this application. It could use some features like gifs, maybe live stream etc. The tweets aren't repetitive as you scroll your feed, unlike Twitter, and it seems as though you can see everyone thread who posts on the platform, which is cool. Makes following new people easier. So far so good. I'm a meta Share holder too so with this new app I'll be buying more stock options. Lol❤️😀😁",5,2023-07-07 02:23:49 +Google Play,"Best Features And Services , I Love It",3,2023-07-12 15:09:35 +Google Play,Lot of bugs in login Followers are dead Which is not active automatically get 150 followers without any close friends,1,2023-07-13 12:43:59 +Google Play,Worst experience ever. They are trying to replace twitter but they didint even try to facilatate .,1,2023-07-06 09:50:10 +Google Play,There is a bug. Its like infinite words...,1,2023-07-07 08:46:01 +Google Play,Facing a glitch.... Just not working... Kindly do something,1,2023-07-08 03:42:39 +Google Play,"Worst app, 😭 fully glitched screen.",1,2023-07-10 16:58:24 +Google Play,Works like charm. Need seperate login feature.,5,2023-07-06 11:16:23 +Google Play,so sweet threads an i always support this app in any condition so thankyou very much,5,2023-07-06 15:04:04 +Google Play,Can't log in without an Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 12:47:31 +Google Play,The feed need to be the people I followed only but overall it's a great app,4,2023-07-06 01:01:53 +Google Play,"Hi, I'm the first person who rates the new instagram (Thread) a better place to discuss.",5,2023-07-06 08:31:48 +Google Play,Need to switch between multiple accounts. Need post translation.,4,2023-07-08 13:53:08 +Google Play,Post cannot be edited and I can't see those not following back or not following. But the app be,3,2023-07-18 09:42:56 +Google Play,"When I open this app, my display starts blinking",1,2023-07-08 07:51:07 +Google Play,"If it had the ability to hashtag and space like Twitter, it would be great.",4,2023-07-08 12:13:57 +Google Play,Unable to receive an OTP for forgotten PWD. Check this part please. If you wish to compensate me for this finding please reach out.,1,2023-07-06 11:04:44 +Google Play,"nice app. meski fiturnya masi terbatas, i'll stay pasti kedepannya bakal update",5,2023-07-12 13:53:06 +Google Play,It's so sleak and smooth. I love it.,5,2023-07-06 06:49:24 +Google Play,Nice but add a trending page and hashtags,5,2023-07-20 16:46:05 +Google Play,Nice app best app 100 by 100 threads And Twitter app is so cheap 100 by 8.5,5,2023-07-06 22:01:02 +Google Play,really disappointed with this app didn't enter app and fully bug,1,2023-07-09 05:23:06 +Google Play,Its good but by mistake i logged out my account and now I'm unable to log in again 🙁🙁,4,2023-07-07 16:54:49 +Google Play,Had more glitch 😔😔😔 Can't even open the app,1,2023-07-06 12:43:32 +Google Play,"Can you add the translation feature? Also, when I search for something I don't want accounts, I want threads or hashtags",5,2023-07-06 19:34:41 +Google Play,"The app is too smooth , DM's should be introduced also",5,2023-07-06 02:20:21 +Google Play,"The app is great but not for those who have the version below android 9,, cause whenever I try to open the app.The app's home page becomes glitchy and scramble,, So this is a matter of regret to the meta authority that they should have be more senciere before launching the app,, though its a bug associated problem,,,,",1,2023-07-10 04:48:13 +Google Play,Really need to put download photo features,5,2023-07-06 10:44:20 +Google Play,Look like tweeter Small brother . But good in experience I prefer Threads . Rivalry on 🥶,5,2023-07-07 09:28:19 +Google Play,Love this app! I prefer it to Twitter. Thanks Instagram/Meta!,5,2023-07-09 01:42:19 +Google Play,This app work very slowly it's not like insta or Facebook,2,2023-07-08 12:23:48 +Google Play,I think this platform is contivity with Instragram but here no options for story upload and others.so this is using like Twitter and we threads here like our thoughts or other 👍,2,2023-07-08 02:36:34 +Google Play,"Can not make a 1st time account, it just ask me to sign in using Instagram that I do not have on my phone, SO HOW TO MAKE A ACCOUNT?????",1,2023-07-11 05:59:05 +Google Play,"After downloading threads,my insta account is not opening since yesterday evening.",2,2023-07-08 08:58:43 +Google Play,"This is amazing,app that Way better than Twitter,hope y'all added good things",5,2023-07-06 04:50:34 +Google Play,"Unintuitive UI. Restrictive functionality. Content basically mirrors Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This is not exciting and new, it's just a business venture! Same old social media yawnfest. When is somebody actually going to break the mold and make something fresh?",1,2023-07-09 06:23:01 +Google Play,"Very buggy, I can't view my page",1,2023-07-06 18:47:18 +Google Play,There's is a huge bug in this app . Everything is just jumbled I don't know how to explain it .,1,2023-07-08 10:23:50 +Google Play,Its a very cheap app dark mode are not supported 😒,1,2023-07-12 07:58:42 +Google Play,Loved the minimalistic interface,4,2023-07-06 05:03:24 +Google Play,The app is crashing many times,2,2023-07-06 05:35:38 +Google Play,Include hastag and trending option in search bar,3,2023-07-09 15:57:30 +Google Play,Not working in Android pie (9),1,2023-07-06 10:03:36 +Google Play,It is a ripoff twitter it looks and feels the same as twitter,1,2023-07-08 11:48:45 +Google Play,"I'll continue using instagram and WhatsApp cause they're good but Threads is not fun to use, rather use twitter",1,2023-07-10 03:08:36 +Google Play,The app still needs work. All I see on my home page are blue checkmarks and random influencers and brands I am not interested in. It gives the vibe being a twitter only for brands not a place for normal people. It would be great if posts were in chronological order and only see the people I follow and to include a trending page. With all the issues twitter is facing this app is still far from being a twitter replacement.,1,2023-07-07 07:00:49 +Google Play,"Exactly like Twitter in a sense of posting thoughts, feelings, memes, and promotions, but different in a sense that I have yet to see any pop culture drama, I have yet to see any discrimination, or cyber-bullying. Threads is safe so far!!",4,2023-07-22 00:20:28 +Google Play,"Brilliant, I'm glad there is something better than Twitter available to use.",5,2023-07-08 16:02:00 +Google Play,App is crashing when I try to post picture,2,2023-07-06 05:00:44 +Google Play,New and exciting for a change from the twitter bipolar energy.,5,2023-07-06 13:09:45 +Google Play,"Tldr: Twitter 2.0 by Instagram Great app, I won't use it very much though",4,2023-07-06 16:17:22 +Google Play,All Good But Please Make Space Option Like Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 21:05:47 +Google Play,"Every time I try to post a new Thread post with a new pic, I get kicked out. EVERY TIME. It's BS.",1,2023-07-07 01:17:15 +Google Play,This is very osm app ..plz launch the feature of trending hatstag etc,5,2023-07-07 08:37:10 +Google Play,Instagram account homepage has been dysfunctional post installing and creating a profile on this app.,1,2023-07-07 14:22:42 +Google Play,This App is one of the most wonderful App were I can be me without be Sher I love this App but the only question now is Who is the third3 person to be on this thread App please 🙏🙏,5,2023-07-07 11:35:20 +Google Play,"It has twitter and Instagram mixed vibes, i like it.",5,2023-07-06 10:11:46 +Google Play,This app is garbage doesn't even open most of the time,1,2023-07-17 07:23:29 +Google Play,Need many changes. The GIFs are to be added.,3,2023-07-06 05:09:59 +Google Play,The only problem i had has been solved thank u souch meta. Shows your awareness towards your users,5,2023-07-19 14:27:31 +Google Play,Very buggy... the feed wont load,1,2023-07-07 03:42:26 +Google Play,"Worst than Twitter that's for sure. Alot of critical feature for an social media are non existent. Like seriously, this ain't the 2000s anymore, and sure as hell this ain't facebook, stop putting random people's post in my tread that I didn't follow, it's just worst than advertising. I will only come back once you guys implement a ""core"" feature such as being able to view your following people's post first like Instagram or make it as a seperate page in Twitter. Jeez old man...",1,2023-07-12 03:47:05 +Google Play,Very slow when browsing,1,2023-07-08 09:32:59 +Google Play,Chat options not available Its very bad,1,2023-07-06 18:12:39 +Google Play,I want a standalone app. Not another data sucking child of Facebook!,1,2023-07-08 10:59:42 +Google Play,It's a good and interesting app but this app is child of Instagram 😂,3,2023-07-11 08:44:38 +Google Play,It's crashing when attaching photo,4,2023-07-06 02:13:44 +Google Play,such a buggy app... videos don't play sounds,2,2023-07-22 20:13:33 +Google Play,Looks nice but seeing people on my feed I don't follow is why I left Facebook. I follow people for a reason because I only care about what they say.,3,2023-07-06 00:58:32 +Google Play,"Like twitter but with less bots, less creeps, less nazis, less scams, less pdf files.",5,2023-07-13 19:08:44 +Google Play,"Dreadful. Functionality clearly needs more months of testing. No DMs. When writing a message you have to manually scroll the tab down to see what you're typing. No trending or subject matter. Its just literally your newsfeed, which is a disorganised mess and filled will memes and crude behaviour. Nothing value additive. It's a glorified version of Insta. Pass.",1,2023-07-09 10:30:48 +Google Play,"We have to keep in mind that its the initial stage of the app ,there will be bugs glitches ,and crashes. But one thing we can't deny man this blew up ,like people rushed to threads like ,fathers rush away to get milk (kidding) but the best thing about this app is no cheap theatrics like you can basically buy blue ticks (for a monthly subscription) [musk-the-mugger]. Its a platform where verification will have a value and importance not like Twitter.",4,2023-07-09 08:25:09 +Google Play,"This is amazing, because unique and attractive",3,2023-07-06 06:51:35 +Google Play,"No web version and we must have Instagram in order to use it that is BS and the functionality wise very basic version of Twitter.. At least try to accommodate some of the great feature of Twitter,and call it Beta version to stop getting bombarded with the negative reviews. Good luck,Zuke.",2,2023-07-07 08:29:04 +Google Play,App is a simple clone of Twitter. I just wish that people I DON'T FOLLOW stop popping up my threads.,3,2023-07-06 08:26:28 +Google Play,"Well designed, easy to use, but it's refusal to allow any content that could be labeled ""nsfw"" makes it an easy pass as a true Twitter alternative. Political or personal opinions aside, without some sort of option to allow content in that category, it will continue to needlessly kneecap it's self. No normal person is going to use both apps, and way more then are willing to openly say it will continue using Twitter for this reason alone.",1,2023-07-10 14:22:22 +Google Play,Some issues needed to be fixed for better experience,3,2023-07-09 10:19:31 +Google Play,"too many bugs , but i still love this apps.",5,2023-07-07 13:05:01 +Google Play,"This app is really great, anyway How do I translate other languages ​​to English? Is there an option for that in the app?",4,2023-07-22 00:36:10 +Google Play,It's really cool I can't understand it a bit But it is very cool I really loved it 🤩,5,2023-07-07 12:10:06 +Google Play,Why don't you give us an option where we can see the posts of people only we follow and not n number of random meaningless stuff in which we are not interested at all?,1,2023-07-13 02:13:36 +Google Play,Threads (Tweets) loading is very slow 😞,2,2023-07-07 00:14:21 +Google Play,Extremely poor. Just copied twitter. World don't need this app.,1,2023-07-21 18:21:18 +Google Play,U should get emoji's on the like button like on facebook it would help us alot,5,2023-07-23 00:52:22 +Google Play,"Hiii, could you please add the See the translation, thankyou",5,2023-07-06 13:27:45 +Google Play,I thread to download on my infinix hot 10 but didn't open,1,2023-07-06 18:24:13 +Google Play,"On the search Icon, there's no way to know what's trending. Can you work on that?",4,2023-07-06 10:03:36 +Google Play,"10 / 10 feels good, keep up the good work guys!",5,2023-07-06 03:46:17 +Google Play,Too much data collected without reason.,1,2023-07-09 09:00:18 +Google Play,I am very sad . Chatting features is not available 😭. How can talk to friends 😔. And Now am very upset 😤,2,2023-07-17 16:18:24 +Google Play,Good application bt we need more features like massaging n others,3,2023-07-08 06:40:17 +Google Play,It was soooo cool frr 2 use this new app It really seems like Twitter tho !! I'm just picturing the reaction of Elon Musk 😹,4,2023-07-08 13:26:09 +Google Play,not optimized for rtl languages!,4,2023-07-06 19:43:28 +Google Play,"It's not too shabby, i love it. Take all my data Zucky",5,2023-07-06 00:10:35 +Google Play,It's OK but it's crashes to much,2,2023-07-15 07:55:05 +Google Play,Wonderful 😊 but black screen bug,5,2023-07-07 18:33:24 +Google Play,"Very bad experience, App not tested properly, after login everything starts to jitter on the screen everything overlapping please improve this, because instagram works perfectly fine on my phone but in threads i cannot read a single word also after login, because screen continues flickering and splashing, i cannot post screenshots here otherwise would have posted",1,2023-07-09 09:22:28 +Google Play,A really good alternative to Twitter. Meta taking over social media one app at a time,4,2023-07-07 18:19:46 +Google Play,Crashes every time I select texts,1,2023-07-17 12:58:19 +Google Play,Nice but the data charges are high,5,2023-07-06 16:31:34 +Google Play,The app takes too much personal data to run an app.,1,2023-07-13 08:00:58 +Google Play,"Terrible ui, buggy , slow,",1,2023-07-13 15:46:44 +Google Play,"When they first revealed the app, we thought it had potential. But it took only 5 minutes to see that.... NO. It's really just Instagram for tweet-like texts, and, like Instagram, it shows random people all the time. It really doesn't try to do what Twitter does, it's just Instagram",2,2023-07-12 06:59:16 +Google Play,When install the screen is blurred like when I scroll the posts are overlapping,1,2023-07-07 11:46:42 +Google Play,I give it four because threads are getting back after I viewed it 😮‍💨 but almost it's a great app n the best app used 🤞🫶,4,2023-07-06 22:08:28 +Google Play,Very good. Not alternate for Twitter its another More than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:17:25 +Google Play,Force close when uploading an image,4,2023-07-06 00:48:45 +Google Play,It sucks tbh. Logged in here using one of my Instagram account idk why that account isn't working anymore.,2,2023-07-07 14:41:13 +Google Play,"Cool apps, but I can't uploading pictures.",3,2023-07-09 00:14:37 +Google Play,Not stable continusly lacking over screen,1,2023-07-06 16:07:43 +Google Play,There's no delete option and if I had to want to delete my thread account I also have to delete my Instagram account. This wasn't expected from meta,1,2023-07-06 10:34:46 +Google Play,I used redmi note 5 pro. In my phone it doesn't work,1,2023-07-07 13:39:24 +Google Play,i really enjoy to use threads 🔥❤️😚 team Meta thanks 😊❤️ you for launching this app.,5,2023-07-16 06:09:34 +Google Play,Hi team This app is laging on my phone freezing pitcher and text please help me out thankx,1,2023-07-08 12:52:41 +Google Play,Okay app is pretty good but definitely needs work.,4,2023-07-06 17:37:15 +Google Play,"Can't sign up, only allows sign in with Instagram....",1,2023-07-07 12:48:53 +Google Play,"It works, but the home feed is nothing but strangers talking about stuff I don't care about. I would prefer to just see posts from the people I follow. That's why I follow them. I like the lack of a trending tab, but I see no point in using this app until the home tab is cleaned up and we get a followers view.",2,2023-07-13 02:31:22 +Google Play,There's a bug guys whenever I try to open my recent Follower first thread the app closes on its own,2,2023-07-07 13:19:16 +Google Play,Its not working and glitching,1,2023-07-08 18:48:21 +Google Play,Nice app. I hope there's a way to see posts we heart-ed.,3,2023-07-19 12:21:11 +Google Play,It's not working properly please try to fix it,2,2023-07-06 06:11:12 +Google Play,"VERY NICE BUT PLEASE, ADD A SWITCH ACCOUNT OPTION!!!!",4,2023-07-06 03:49:12 +Google Play,This is a poor imitation of Twitter. The app isn't good and it isn't fun at all.,1,2023-07-06 13:23:49 +Google Play,"Device model Asus Zenfone Max Pro m2 :app is lagging, ui is getting overlapped",1,2023-07-07 00:39:22 +Google Play,This is a great app but please fix the glitching 😊,5,2023-07-06 16:15:51 +Google Play,I have had to report a system failure three separate times and I haven't received any response. I have also noticed that comments on my threads have been reported but I'm not the one that has reported them. Either I've already been hacked (it's only been about a week) or there's a lot of glitches that need to be fixed but either way I'm really frustrated with the fact that nobody has gotten back to me or even attempted to fix my problem.,2,2023-07-18 20:31:18 +Google Play,"Wanted to spite Elongated Muskrat, instead forced to sign up for Instagram just to log in, instead of just a regular sign in prompt, not even a Facebook or Google sign in option. Y'all need to learn from PC gaming that no one wants a dozen different launchers or logins for something as simple as this.",1,2023-07-12 14:51:04 +Google Play,It has no Dark and Light Mode options,4,2023-07-06 15:02:02 +Google Play,Hopefully it will make a place in people's minds as an alternative to Twitter. I downloaded it last night. I will give the rest of the review after use.,5,2023-07-06 03:27:30 +Google Play,I Have Few questions we can't use the HashTag Here.❓ can't we use the Dark mode? and can we see the quote posts. Seems No⁉️,4,2023-07-06 04:25:09 +Google Play,"Great app, I feel more comfort here than Twitter. I also logged in the app. Uncle Zuckerberg was a famous poet that's why he brought these crazy apps to the market",3,2023-07-07 00:54:24 +Google Play,Great start for a new platform.,5,2023-07-08 21:07:45 +Google Play,Scrolling speed is very low,3,2023-07-08 17:47:24 +Google Play,Very Nice .. but can you make the app ato rotate,4,2023-07-06 22:52:03 +Google Play,"I love how fluid this app was, why don't do the same thing with Instagram tho..",5,2023-07-05 23:18:11 +Google Play,Bugs bugs bugs everywhere there's bugs,1,2023-07-16 06:42:14 +Google Play,"I would like to see posts of people I FOLLOW, others...not really. Also can we have dark theme.",2,2023-07-08 10:13:13 +Google Play,"So I have to have Instagram to be able to log in and use this?? No thanks, you can go get fu@#ed! I'm out!!! Uninstalling",1,2023-07-07 22:17:03 +Google Play,As of launch there is no way to sort your feed chronologically and no way to show just people you follow on your feed. As a result of this your feed is nothing but celebrities posting psusdo self help positivity and major brands trying their hardest to make painfully unfunny posts to get clicks. At the present there aren't true ads but when your feed consists primarily of brands and corporations making constant posts with no way to get away from them it's kind of the same thing but worse.,1,2023-07-10 05:39:30 +Google Play,So many garbage accounts on here. I spend most of my day blocking & muting accounts that it is getting tiring.,1,2023-07-21 13:58:20 +Google Play,"I think I'm the First Indian to Review it, it was cool at First but backspacing doesn't work (in mid sentence) properly if you are posting something, it stopped working I don't know why, can't say much about it, it automatically navigated through my insta profile and thread profile, I think the Server was not ready for such response from user, it has potential.",3,2023-07-08 14:28:40 +Google Play,This is amazing 😍 App I wish you all public is participating this app it's App life Change ❣️ it's very crazy 🤣 app and friendship 💕,5,2023-07-06 15:30:36 +Google Play,Easy and smooth like cream,3,2023-07-10 18:38:52 +Google Play,This app was amazing but there's no messaging Option in there,5,2023-07-06 04:52:04 +Google Play,"app has bug on scroll, looks like its glitch or something on android",1,2023-07-07 03:49:36 +Google Play,Continue glitching screen overlaps previous feed,1,2023-07-07 17:17:55 +Google Play,"Great twitter alternative, just have no idea why I'm seeing the whole world's posts and not just those posts from people I follow?? I don't want to see posts from those I don't follow, how do I change to see just those posts from people I follow?",3,2023-07-10 17:46:22 +Google Play,"be careful ! The account of this program is the same as your Instagram account, and if you delete this program for any reason and delete your account, your Instagram account will also be deleted!",4,2023-07-07 10:37:50 +Google Play,No way to turn off auto play,1,2023-07-12 05:43:28 +Google Play,"Not worth downloading, I still think Twitter is better. This is too dull.",1,2023-07-08 17:58:40 +Google Play,it needs a bit more features.,4,2023-07-09 10:01:48 +Google Play,It's so optimized and user friendly,5,2023-07-07 19:42:18 +Google Play,Great Instagram texts based conversation app Really amazing 😍,5,2023-07-10 04:41:32 +Google Play,The app is glitching! Please fix this.,1,2023-07-07 02:51:13 +Google Play,"Initially seems to be great. But, its to early to comment on performance ( No of users & usage etc). Initial rating if 👍👍👍👍👍",5,2023-07-06 11:16:58 +Google Play,Great alternative to the musky blue bird.,5,2023-07-10 10:48:39 +Google Play,I don't still understand the application Can't I send messages on the application,3,2023-07-18 01:43:42 +Google Play,"So far so good, but still short on features. Off the top of my head, please add landscape mode for my docked tablet, hashtags, DMs, post editing... then we're good XD Looking forward to eventual fediverse server integration",4,2023-07-06 04:17:45 +Google Play,often crash or force close their own,1,2023-07-07 11:24:25 +Google Play,"Cannot scroll, app is a glitch",1,2023-07-13 08:45:31 +Google Play,"Amazing! Really nice to see that Twitter now has a big competitor and they need to buckle up. Elon thought Mark was coming physically to fight him, but Mark fought him from the product angle. Really nice branding/marketing strategy! I have downloaded and retained my Instagram username on Thread. Let's see where we go from here. I believe more updates will be rolled out soon.",5,2023-07-06 10:36:30 +Google Play,"When I downloaded it it just started to hang, making the pictures blur and breaking the pixels. It was soo bad experience for suree... I am just reinstalling it hoping that the issue is solved",1,2023-07-06 12:50:31 +Google Play,App is crashed sometimes forced close,3,2023-07-07 13:15:59 +Google Play,Threads app good but changing some tolls new future addd best of luck threads team,3,2023-07-09 01:06:23 +Google Play,"I like it better than twitter, please, please, be the twitter killer.",5,2023-07-06 23:44:12 +Google Play,You can't download pictures and you just see only random post not your follow,3,2023-07-06 09:16:58 +Google Play,There is screen flickering issue in this app,2,2023-07-07 03:41:08 +Google Play,Very nice and function of zukarbarg families,5,2023-07-07 17:02:20 +Google Play,Early adopter and having fun on Threads. This is like when I just first used Facebook😂,4,2023-07-06 09:20:13 +Google Play,*** DO NOT INSTALL *** The amount of personal information that it collect is beyond words. You'll be tracked in more ways that you can possibly imagine. Go to a mastodon server you tust. Go see your family and friends in person but please don't became a victim of yet another Meta/Facebook tracker.,1,2023-07-17 01:21:45 +Google Play,crashes when trying to attache images in a quote,1,2023-07-09 07:13:47 +Google Play,Hello sir. Outstanding amount app thanks and please slove my account all problems.,4,2023-07-11 18:48:18 +Google Play,The app can be more interactive.,3,2023-07-11 07:23:24 +Google Play,Needs optimisation but it's better than Twitter for sure,4,2023-07-06 10:13:10 +Google Play,Immediately after getting this Instagram deleted two of my three pinned posts and refuses to let me upload anything. It's acting like I haven't posted anything yet everyone else can see them. It's really weird and needs fixing or both apps are just useless,2,2023-07-09 14:29:18 +Google Play,Cannot open the app......check the glitch,1,2023-07-13 20:07:07 +Google Play,"It scams you, you cannot delete account, it steals away all of your data.",1,2023-07-17 14:22:37 +Google Play,"Had so much hope for it, but it's unusable. Crashed every time I tried to post and filled my feed with junk. Any feed from the people I followed became invisible instantly, swamped by random garbage I don't want to see. Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-06 21:28:54 +Google Play,Nice and cool Can you add dark mode to it,4,2023-07-06 08:43:00 +Google Play,Its only 1 day ago 5m downloading to 10m downloading Its too much fast running app downloading,5,2023-07-07 09:30:05 +Google Play,This is a pointless add on. Seriously just give it up that Twitter beat you at the thread game. People who use Instagram really do not care about threads af of they do they already use Twitter. The interface is also bland the vid posts look clunky with the text posts and the interface just makes the expernce a treasure hunt that you did not want to go on. Scroll across nope! Just down and down and oops missed a post up up up. Hey where did the feelng in my thumb go?,1,2023-07-24 02:57:00 +Google Play,It's always better at first tries but later then gets boring. The interfsce is still not that smooth and the feed is messy. I always see random people on my feed even though I don't follow them.,3,2023-07-18 18:03:36 +Google Play,"This app only made up Rich peoples, poor peoples phones not support this app. Full bug. Shame.",1,2023-07-08 20:35:26 +Google Play,Great app. Would have give 4 stars but gave 5 to get ratings up. Lol,5,2023-07-10 14:04:09 +Google Play,Making IG account the only option to get on this app isn't a good move.. 👎🏾👎🏾,1,2023-07-06 06:30:23 +Google Play,Lot of bugs evening post is overlapping,1,2023-07-09 07:52:57 +Google Play,"Launched wayy to early. Missing essential features, content is just Instagram without pictures. If it improves I might rate it higher but for now it's just too bare bones.",1,2023-07-18 18:04:57 +Google Play,Very simple and superb app😇,4,2023-07-08 14:27:00 +Google Play,Love the app but the thing I don't understand is why my ig account will get deleted if I delete the threads app🙄🤔😔.,2,2023-07-08 15:56:49 +Google Play,"I got problem with my account, I couldn't see my profile, post a thread, see my following or my notifications. Where can I find a solution for this",2,2023-07-16 01:59:57 +Google Play,Not working on OnePlus 3T Android 8.1,1,2023-07-07 17:21:05 +Google Play,I like the reloading animation,5,2023-07-06 00:57:55 +Google Play,This app is Very attractive for me it is good for platform in social media,5,2023-07-08 04:52:59 +Google Play,Bug when scrolling,1,2023-07-06 23:22:34 +Google Play,"Buggy when i try to follow people, but otherwise wonderful.",5,2023-07-17 03:23:20 +Google Play,Can't unfollow accounts and app closes out when I try to look at the comments Edit: still can't unfollow accounts,2,2023-07-08 13:51:35 +Google Play,I like the uncomplicated usage and ease of reposting the content with my people,5,2023-07-06 17:27:44 +Google Play,Photographer and journalism wants to inform peoples what is happining around the world,5,2023-07-08 03:44:34 +Google Play,Threads still needs improvement to competition with Twitter. Hashtag and DM should also be supported.,4,2023-07-06 14:06:15 +Google Play,Greatest app of all time feel like it gonna take over Twitter cheers to Mark Zuckerberg and his team for creating such a wonderful app🎉🎊,5,2023-07-06 20:02:47 +Google Play,This has potential but the app functions like it was designed by people who have never used social media. I lost count of how many features are missing. It's so limited for an app designed by a billion dollar tech company. It seems as though it was prematurely released to appease shareholders. It's very messy. I also don't like all the censoring taking place. Unless it's blatant hate speech no one should be censored. Let people discuss differing opinions and fix your app.,1,2023-07-12 14:31:08 +Google Play,I'm not able to add my professional account. Can we add multiple accounts like Instagram? If yes how?,2,2023-07-06 15:33:56 +Google Play,So far so good ! But sometimes it doesn't upload!,4,2023-07-07 05:22:43 +Google Play,Give the app 5 star best app ever love it very entertaining and real,5,2023-07-06 20:06:15 +Google Play,Excited to try this new app from Insta. Seems like Twitter initially. Will add more thoughts after using. I can't see any reviews yet so this could be the first reviews ever. 😛,5,2023-07-06 00:05:17 +Google Play,Not really sure the point of this. 90% of what I see isn't anything follow anywhere else.,2,2023-07-12 10:27:36 +Google Play,"I just love this app, it's amazing and it's like a cooler Twitter app so far",5,2023-07-06 02:09:48 +Google Play,Grow with technology Do Positive Chnages .,5,2023-07-06 19:41:44 +Google Play,I can't see what i'm typing because its being blocked by my keyboard interface,3,2023-07-06 04:31:19 +Google Play,Display glitch. Please Fix Fast,1,2023-07-06 14:57:08 +Google Play,boring and no one is even on it after one week,1,2023-07-20 09:11:06 +Google Play,What rubbish. What to do with 2 insta apps. Disappointed,1,2023-07-07 17:37:37 +Google Play,Amazing and mind-blowing application.,5,2023-07-08 15:57:45 +Google Play,Looks like combination of Twitter & Instagram,4,2023-07-06 07:04:12 +Google Play,Kinda nice to me even it is new social media but they're part of meta i mean it's all good,4,2023-07-06 10:02:08 +Google Play,It's like Twitter but it have many more options for privacy,4,2023-07-12 05:52:24 +Google Play,"Simply put, it's Twitter, but fun!",5,2023-07-06 16:47:27 +Google Play,In starting I'm so excited to use this but now its a waste of time app....,2,2023-07-23 15:25:15 +Google Play,"Sometimes I can't comment, it keeps telling me post failed to upload",1,2023-07-22 06:34:34 +Google Play,Simple i think it is twitter vassion of instagram the same feature,2,2023-07-06 14:55:18 +Google Play,"Needs words, not a real twitter competitor just yet",3,2023-07-17 07:08:40 +Google Play,So far so good. Look forward to web version.,5,2023-07-08 21:08:19 +Google Play,"Should add a dm feature,a trending tab and rename repost feature as rethread",3,2023-07-06 10:34:36 +Google Play,"When I get started making an account here, it was crashing and lagging but my phone was perfectly fine no any issues or any other problems. I guess this app needs more enhancement and fix to the issues.",2,2023-07-06 05:15:03 +Google Play,Nice app. I think it can be an alternative of Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 02:24:01 +Google Play,Every time when I open the app it's like full of glitches 😕,1,2023-07-06 08:21:20 +Google Play,Good app but still waiting for a home page,4,2023-07-06 11:31:24 +Google Play,Not fit to use - full of glitches...,2,2023-07-06 08:59:43 +Google Play,Nice Interface With Information,4,2023-07-06 00:47:00 +Google Play,Problem with photos and video download save,1,2023-07-06 09:47:08 +Google Play,"Threads an Instagram app, expecting high.🔥",3,2023-07-05 23:17:54 +Google Play,"Zuck thinks he just gonna make me increase the screen time by using this app ? Huh, I think he is right 🥲",2,2023-07-06 13:35:58 +Google Play,"Bug: Crashing when adding photo comments. Android 13, Galaxy A52S",3,2023-07-06 10:44:56 +Google Play,Can't bring for me an icon to post a video or photo with my Samsung note 9 android phone,1,2023-07-06 08:21:55 +Google Play,App is flickering .. unable to use,1,2023-07-06 14:17:21 +Google Play,"man the app is cool ,evn made me delete the twitter app ,guys keep it up 🤜, I luved it.",5,2023-07-06 06:04:53 +Google Play,The app become buggy when i use dark theme in android settings,3,2023-07-06 13:57:39 +Google Play,Just add cover next profile...it will be amazing 👌,5,2023-07-06 13:37:58 +Google Play,Comfy app but little laggy when refresh at home just thatt,5,2023-07-06 12:32:14 +Google Play,"Very good application i like it better than Twitter, good mark",5,2023-07-06 13:18:59 +Google Play,Time taken to reach 1 million users: Netflix - 3.5 years Twitter - 2 years Facebook - 10 months Spotify - 5 months Instagram - 2.5 months ChatGPT - 5 days Threads - 7 hours,5,2023-07-06 11:44:43 +Google Play,App crashed and logged me out and cant get back in,1,2023-07-06 04:42:38 +Google Play,"Full bug!!, please fix it",1,2023-07-06 05:43:47 +Google Play,Worst app my screen looks soo glitchy It might not supporting in my device,1,2023-07-06 10:05:58 +Google Play,Can't create an account for just this app. Don't have Instagram,1,2023-07-06 07:50:57 +Google Play,It has a graphical glitches,2,2023-07-06 05:32:07 +Google Play,This app is not working properly please fix this problm,1,2023-07-07 04:04:16 +Google Play,No EDIT option available for the posts!!,2,2023-07-06 19:26:43 +Google Play,Too good to be true Now we shall just wait for all the other features Twitter has!,5,2023-07-06 10:09:52 +Google Play,It's wonderful. Looks so simple,5,2023-07-06 13:05:15 +Google Play,Absolutely loving it so far! Just wish we could Pin posts in our threads?? Is that coming down the pipe later? Thanks!,5,2023-07-06 22:35:25 +Google Play,"It doesn't have many people now, but I'm sure it will be great when people start to be active on it",5,2023-07-06 01:20:19 +Google Play,"Great app so far, guess you guys should add dm, bookmark and polls quick tho",4,2023-07-06 09:59:41 +Google Play,When i want to login form my account it shows two factor authentication after j recieve the otp its of 6 digit the app says to give 8 digit code,1,2023-07-07 04:50:33 +Google Play,The app is amazing and very very smooth,5,2023-07-06 12:37:11 +Google Play,Perfect. Always good to be #1 or #2. No other ipo matters--,5,2023-07-06 21:55:02 +Google Play,"See nothing special about it. Another space to consume my data 😥😥🥺🥺 If u no get data , no just download this app😋🤭🏃🏃 If u no get better update for this space, no join us. Leave am for us to run am 1 star should discourage u",1,2023-07-06 12:37:55 +Google Play,It's like copy of Twitter... Which also didn't in better way.,1,2023-07-06 01:14:42 +Google Play,Twitter always special Instagram always special We hope better 🎈,5,2023-07-06 02:50:33 +Google Play,The screen keeps scrolling it own,1,2023-07-06 13:42:16 +Google Play,Plzzz halp not working this aap my phone this app is very big bug plzzz update on this app plzzzz,1,2023-07-06 17:22:18 +Google Play,The interface is superb,5,2023-07-06 21:00:17 +Google Play,"Seems good, but i need a dark mode",4,2023-07-06 02:05:58 +Google Play,This is a most useful and same Twitter work but it is a Instagram by the meta tags,5,2023-07-06 14:21:53 +Google Play,"Man I can't change my username, even there's no any option to log in without Instagram account. It's not fare dude 🫣",2,2023-07-06 20:09:10 +Google Play,THE BEESSTTTT love this app! hoping for real great updates soon,5,2023-07-06 14:57:15 +Google Play,Please stop showing accounts that I don't follow. Why follow button exist if you only spammed threads from other accounts that I don't follow.,1,2023-07-06 10:59:33 +Google Play,"This app is not interesting nothing new same as Twitter , waste of time",1,2023-07-06 05:54:23 +Google Play,Meta garbage. Don't waste your time with this Fukkerberg trash. Massive waste of time.,1,2023-07-06 14:55:56 +Google Play,Very bad interface,1,2023-07-06 16:22:43 +Google Play,"This is just an all-encompassing Twitter imitation, with nothing new or innovative in it",1,2023-07-06 15:59:45 +Google Play,A good challenger to tweeter and easy to use,5,2023-07-06 07:42:53 +Google Play,App isn't working properly,2,2023-07-06 19:57:10 +Google Play,"I mean we just got here so I'm not expecting the world, however, seeing that we're going from Instagram straight to Threads, I'm disappointed to see that I can't seamlessly switch between my accounts on Threads like I can on Instagram.",4,2023-07-06 10:12:20 +Google Play,Great sha but I can't turn mine to dark mode,3,2023-07-06 16:22:37 +Google Play,Somthing I'm Unable to open app It's Coved with Text,1,2023-07-06 16:55:48 +Google Play,Very glitchh and bugs in my device.,1,2023-07-07 04:09:29 +Google Play,"Does not allow nsfw art so it's not going to replace twitter, unfortunately.",3,2023-07-06 04:17:19 +Google Play,Please I've activated an account but can't find dark mode. Need help activating dark mode,5,2023-07-06 21:26:52 +Google Play,Many problems in this app and facing many bugs,1,2023-07-06 10:07:30 +Google Play,Looks Great! Easy to use.,5,2023-07-06 00:07:31 +Google Play,Freezing after opening app,1,2023-07-06 16:49:12 +Google Play,Requires Instagram account. I don't have one. Bye!,1,2023-07-06 06:47:11 +Google Play,After installing it. My app is getting stuck,1,2023-07-06 19:58:50 +Google Play,So I am the first one to give review On 6 jul....tell me about it's progress...good and bad updates on the times when you read my comment...have a good day,5,2023-07-06 03:45:38 +Google Play,Addictive af.....work on more features,5,2023-07-06 19:12:19 +Google Play,"I would like to see ""only following"" option, so I won't see strangers on my Thread, like asap, please and thanks!",4,2023-07-07 03:47:28 +Google Play,Most awesome app.love the user interface,5,2023-07-06 14:18:07 +Google Play,Kind of laggy app and does not give the real twitter experience 🤷,3,2023-07-06 04:05:46 +Google Play,This is nice app to creativity with text..,4,2023-07-06 00:26:52 +Google Play,Clutter free fast experience,5,2023-07-06 13:36:42 +Google Play,"Like a Twitter copycat but without the toxicity (At the moment, we'll see)",5,2023-07-06 04:35:40 +Google Play,Not properly scroll ..... Display seens like glitch..,1,2023-07-06 14:47:46 +Google Play,Good user interface.,5,2023-07-06 10:48:21 +Google Play,"When I try to login with my Instagram, it is asking 8 digit authentication code but it is providing me 6 digit code. How can I login...",1,2023-07-06 17:11:22 +Google Play,Very clever marketing they give threads app options in Instagram that take you to playstore and open thread download. I just want to know that threads (meta) can takeover a job of Twitter?,5,2023-07-06 05:06:14 +Google Play,Glitches and unusable. I can't do anything with it.,1,2023-07-07 01:48:17 +Google Play,Not working and it's all a mess,1,2023-07-06 10:11:15 +Google Play,All in one best features,5,2023-07-06 19:35:04 +Google Play,Not as good as Twitter it needs more polish but great start imo,3,2023-07-06 08:25:02 +Google Play,"Very interesting , Clear and useful Apps 👏🏽",5,2023-07-05 23:22:54 +Google Play,Make it so we can log in without Instagram. I don't have nor do I want an Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 03:10:43 +Google Play,Has potential. But switching accounts is clunky,4,2023-07-06 11:46:15 +Google Play,It's amazing and surprisingly better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:35:05 +Google Play,"Ahh yes, another app with too many permissions to take user information://",1,2023-07-06 04:25:46 +Google Play,Why do you need Instagram to sign on? Too many ads,1,2023-07-06 21:33:38 +Google Play,"Can't even message people on the app, rather twitter",1,2023-07-06 13:50:33 +Google Play,"i miss the ""trending topics"", a chat and i don't wanna see the activities from others that the people i follow are following",4,2023-07-06 13:05:04 +Google Play,"I have not used it yet, it is very difficult to say about it..!😊",4,2023-07-06 15:28:28 +Google Play,Kinda useless without a chronological feed with only the people I follow,1,2023-07-06 12:31:07 +Google Play,Taking Too Much time to upload photo.. 🤮,1,2023-07-06 03:57:39 +Google Play,"No chat/dm button, please add this feature.",2,2023-07-06 02:20:57 +Google Play,"Excellent first start, look forward to more",4,2023-07-06 15:21:28 +Google Play,Amazing app i feel the positive energy,5,2023-07-06 21:35:46 +Google Play,I am unable to post photos here. Kindly fix this,3,2023-07-07 05:58:06 +Google Play,Little brother of Instagram 😂 But quite good.,2,2023-07-06 18:22:06 +Google Play,Ok so far. But why am I seeing threads from people that I'm not following/ nor have any interest in? This app won't last long if that doesn't change,2,2023-07-06 00:55:10 +Google Play,Great UI and UX .,5,2023-07-06 16:07:20 +Google Play,First time using it there still a lot of bugs,4,2023-07-06 13:37:02 +Google Play,It's great to follow the things that you already follow on Instagram today like your friends,4,2023-07-06 22:47:17 +Google Play,"Basically, Twitter without the problems.",5,2023-07-07 01:56:35 +Google Play,Homepage of the application is not loading on my phone.,4,2023-07-06 10:03:33 +Google Play,I just have to be the first to make a review here. The app is amazing so far Represent Tanzania 🇹🇿,5,2023-07-06 21:37:58 +Google Play,"So many threads or posts from people i don't follow keep showing at Home, it's so annoying :( i want to only see threads from people i followed",3,2023-07-07 03:01:17 +Google Play,"Awesome interface, SMOOTH& SIMPLE",5,2023-07-06 08:24:51 +Google Play,Awesome and smooth learning app,5,2023-07-07 05:48:46 +Google Play,Love it. But does it come in black (dark mode)? 😂,5,2023-07-06 13:49:39 +Google Play,Absolutely amazing...no need of Tweeter anymore...😂🤭,5,2023-07-06 09:24:18 +Google Play,Create your own Lists is Not a Feature. Only Following permitted makes this like Other New Social Platforms. It's Limiting & Not Convenient like Twitter for Grouping Numerous Topics & User Sources to review Easily. Meta obviously linked Threads Platform with Instagram quickly with little Value of Users regarding Lists. Is Follow Only better for Digital Data Capitalism? Hopefully it will Evolve. Does Threads have Follow Limit like Twtr for Users with Few Followers which having Lists increases?,2,2023-07-06 21:38:08 +Google Play,"Very promising, waiting for the updates",5,2023-07-06 20:30:16 +Google Play,This app is glitching can't do anything don't install it,1,2023-07-07 05:27:59 +Google Play,"i can't share threads to my story on Instagram or my feed, it loads but doesn't do anything",4,2023-07-06 18:35:39 +Google Play,Great app. Add trending topics section.,4,2023-07-06 16:07:56 +Google Play,"At this time it doesn't allow new accounts, only Instagram signup",1,2023-07-05 22:53:12 +Google Play,Looks similar to Twitter but has some great experience than Twitter in some views,5,2023-07-06 14:27:15 +Google Play,"??? If you are a Facebook user but not IG, how can one set up an account to try this out?",1,2023-07-07 00:35:25 +Google Play,Seems to be working OK so far but only had it a day,5,2023-07-06 12:39:54 +Google Play,Following topics instead on only people is mych better. Trending topics required,3,2023-07-06 22:59:13 +Google Play,when installing the app it crashed,3,2023-07-06 01:41:49 +Google Play,"It'a a mess, can't even read anything, at all.",1,2023-07-06 08:58:14 +Google Play,"Good App, But Not Have Feature of Delete Account",3,2023-07-07 07:17:37 +Google Play,Just installed. Looks cool. Will update my review once something exciting happen.,4,2023-07-06 11:21:17 +Google Play,Very nice app. UX is better than twitter.,4,2023-07-06 03:04:54 +Google Play,Dont like the insta account merging and no desktop site,1,2023-07-06 16:03:28 +Google Play,Crashes on startup!,1,2023-07-06 20:08:42 +Google Play,"Provide signup with google ,facebook ,twitter and other apps",3,2023-07-07 01:21:59 +Google Play,"Good so far, but can't see all my followers for some reason.",5,2023-07-06 11:20:16 +Google Play,Yeah app is good but it showing some glitches in my phone .,4,2023-07-06 09:31:38 +Google Play,Really great interface,4,2023-07-06 09:03:53 +Google Play,An rate from the very beginning of the application ♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 11:13:41 +Google Play,Twitter is best ever In this app same strict restrictions as Instagram and Facebook useless,1,2023-07-06 16:40:27 +Google Play,"I haven't used it yet, but I'm sure it'll be better user experience than elon musk app",5,2023-07-05 23:11:08 +Google Play,everything is fine but i felt collecting users data😴😴😴,1,2023-07-06 04:57:53 +Google Play,Mediocre at best. Disappointing launch.,1,2023-07-15 05:13:03 +Google Play,Poor UI and Functionality,1,2023-07-06 01:09:38 +Google Play,Hey instagram I don't able to use this app on my Redmi 6 there is a killer glitch please solve this,1,2023-07-06 03:57:51 +Google Play,Osm quality but hashtag options not showing..,4,2023-07-08 11:42:31 +Google Play,It's bugging. I don't know if it's because of my phone but it's lagging,1,2023-07-07 03:33:07 +Google Play,I don't know much about this app but still trying to understand the app. You can follow on me threads and Instagram:/shahjada_ajay,5,2023-07-06 16:37:03 +Google Play,Looks really cool . easy to use,5,2023-07-06 05:46:33 +Google Play,Lightweight & fast copy of Twitter 😜 well done meta 🐥♥️,5,2023-07-06 14:21:04 +Google Play,Scrollview not working in 'Activity' layout page.,3,2023-07-06 16:51:36 +Google Play,Much better than twitter and its only been 12 hours,5,2023-07-06 10:37:11 +Google Play,Fix bug. App crashed,2,2023-07-07 03:23:11 +Google Play,I think it's good to compete with Twitter. They are creating monopoly.,5,2023-07-06 13:08:25 +Google Play,"Love the UI, hope there won't be any tantrums or privacy drama out here...",5,2023-07-06 01:46:46 +Google Play,"Nice Apps, increase more features 😇",5,2023-07-06 13:15:33 +Google Play,"Seems it could be popular, nice sleek design",5,2023-07-05 23:44:00 +Google Play,"If it pisses off Elmo, who is imploding 🐦 faster than a visit to the Titanic, then it MUST be off to a GREAT start.",5,2023-07-07 01:57:33 +Google Play,"I have only spent 10 minutes on this app, and I'm already obsessed with it...",4,2023-07-06 02:26:16 +Google Play,"First guy to review. This app will either be a great success or a downfall, let's see then....",5,2023-07-06 11:00:17 +Google Play,"More typical lefturdwoketurdvaxxtarded censorship twatter wannabe app (that offers nothing new and far less capabilities) with FULL data mining and harvesting capabilities. This is an echochamber already. But hey, if you are a perfectly programed person, indoctrinated, and/or brainwashed, and don't want to hear anything against your liberal and woke ideologies, then this app may be for you!",1,2023-07-06 19:18:35 +Google Play,"The app is glitching, and I cannot see anything.",1,2023-07-06 07:49:23 +Google Play,Super Just 7 hours 1 million download this is excellent,5,2023-07-06 15:34:01 +Google Play,my screen is glitch like crazy yo. Sony Xperia XZ1 Android 9 here,1,2023-07-06 11:44:22 +Google Play,Nice app with excellent UI 💖,5,2023-07-06 13:35:13 +Google Play,"It's awesome, Twitter is so ancient!",5,2023-07-06 03:47:29 +Google Play,Fabulous app in building..hope it will be less toxic in comparison with Twitter..,5,2023-07-06 22:33:12 +Google Play,Twitter knockoff. Censorship platform. Connected to Instagram which is not ideal,1,2023-07-06 02:23:31 +Google Play,"Great app, needs an OLED dark mode",4,2023-07-06 04:01:56 +Google Play,I am the 31019 to join this app. I expect it is better to use than twitter.,5,2023-07-05 23:08:50 +Google Play,Don't tell anyone..this is copy paste business not your creative app..so you can release a new creative app for us,1,2023-07-06 14:09:45 +Google Play,"Buggy app, unusable.",1,2023-07-11 12:21:06 +Google Play,"Just a bad fediverse instance with bad moderation and stupid reposted memes, also a lot of bots that hype the app for nothing",1,2023-07-06 19:59:59 +Google Play,"Nice Platforms, like the bird 👀",5,2023-07-06 01:40:32 +Google Play,"This is beautiful,expressive and soothing🔥",5,2023-07-06 21:51:42 +Google Play,This is Instagram with a new logo and in black. That's all it is. Stoopid.,1,2023-07-06 10:30:26 +Google Play,"I don't have an instgram account, and i don't know where i can sign up for a new account.",1,2023-07-07 02:01:05 +Google Play,So far not a big fan. Its alright but my feed is majority people I am not following nor are of any interest to me. Until I only see people I follow on my feed I wont give it any more stars. I dont care about things that dont align with my interests.,3,2023-07-06 14:31:59 +Google Play,Could be a good thing if they leave ads out. Its giving pre Elon Twitter and baby steps towards MySpace (btw I miss you MySpace),5,2023-07-06 18:28:06 +Google Play,"the lowkey version of twitter, but I liked it though...",5,2023-07-06 10:06:45 +Google Play,"Cool App Better Than Twitter Its Easier TO ""USE"" BUT It Has Some Problems Like You Cant Use Hashtags",5,2023-07-06 09:08:59 +Google Play,I like it is simple no much color no things,5,2023-07-06 16:25:23 +Google Play,Videos are not taking full width,4,2023-07-06 16:54:01 +Google Play,"I'll be the first to write a review. Not bad, a little rough around the edges, but we'll see how it develops with time. Note: Don't try and delete your profile. You will also trash your IG account.",4,2023-07-06 21:39:09 +Google Play,App is crashing again and again,1,2023-07-06 10:18:27 +Google Play,The app is not working properly,3,2023-07-06 20:27:38 +Google Play,"Well I hoped that it was like Twitter where you can post NSFW artworks but unfortunately it isn't like Twitter so I don't think it can replace Twitter anytime now. I hope that instead of restrictions for NSFW we'd have a spoiler tag for R-18 pictures, so it can be censored but still allowed to be posted.",3,2023-07-06 11:19:39 +Google Play,Very simple app.,1,2023-07-09 18:39:21 +Google Play,"The app is soooo glitchy, I don't know if I'm the only one who experience this.",1,2023-07-07 05:50:36 +Google Play,"Oh,this is really nice and better than the bird app🥴",5,2023-07-06 18:54:52 +Google Play,"No, I do not want to login with my Instagram ID or Facebook account or WhatsApp number.",1,2023-07-06 00:57:20 +Google Play,Very bad graphics,1,2023-07-06 02:25:55 +Google Play,"Quite satisfying for me, far away than that chaos of Twitter 🥲",5,2023-07-06 09:10:49 +Google Play,It's buggy on my phone. Im on Android 9,1,2023-07-06 08:51:23 +Google Play,Too many glitches I can't even open the app,1,2023-07-06 17:55:53 +Google Play,app get continuosly crashes,1,2023-07-06 13:36:27 +Google Play,Great start.. Needs lot of updates,5,2023-07-06 16:58:11 +Google Play,This is junk. Why create yet another Meta App that does the same thing as all your other ones.,1,2023-07-06 18:03:35 +Google Play,Glitches extremally bad even when I uninstalled & reinstalled it,1,2023-07-06 16:50:32 +Google Play,Great to have an Alternative to the sinking ship known as Twitter,5,2023-07-05 23:09:11 +Google Play,"Useless app. Dumb censure, like at all meta social. No free speech, no free words. It's no Twitter style. Not for 1%. JUST WASTE YOUR TIME. WANNA TEXT? GO TWITTER. W/O USELESS CENSURE IN 2023.",1,2023-07-06 23:13:41 +Google Play,Glitch problem not showing anything,1,2023-07-06 08:55:08 +Google Play,Hey I don't why but it is glitching alot idk what happened I need help,1,2023-07-07 03:20:02 +Google Play,No search function makes the app next to useleas,1,2023-07-06 01:55:58 +Google Play,Greetings everyone I am Saiful from Bangladesh I have installed this apps today but it is not opening can I know the reason,1,2023-07-06 13:31:17 +Google Play,Better than Twitter But we need the category selection feature,5,2023-07-06 04:02:59 +Google Play,"When I use this app, it's very smooth then twitter.",5,2023-07-06 17:25:36 +Google Play,No browser version and I don't use Instagram so I can't use it,1,2023-07-06 19:52:03 +Google Play,"Like usual, they won't let you pick unique username even though you are early. f Zuckerberg",1,2023-07-06 09:37:39 +Google Play,Giving a strong competition to Twitter. Loving this app.❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:18:31 +Google Play,App is good. But there is no dark mode. Please fix this 🙏,4,2023-07-06 20:02:31 +Google Play,Just got done downloading this app a few minutes ago currently using it it seems okay not really sure how I feel about it yet,1,2023-07-06 07:06:13 +Google Play,It's very good app in use and ir will replace Twitter one day🤗,5,2023-07-06 06:34:52 +Google Play,"So far so good, but please, let me change my Thread's name without changing my Instagran name.",4,2023-07-06 10:57:29 +Google Play,This app funny as hell. Love it.,5,2023-07-06 02:58:23 +Google Play,"UI is good,",5,2023-07-06 16:35:44 +Google Play,Very good app.i also love more than twitter.,5,2023-07-06 23:27:36 +Google Play,Cannot register. I do not want Instagram registration.,1,2023-07-06 11:09:46 +Google Play,Good app and easy to understand how it's work....♥️,5,2023-07-06 16:10:57 +Google Play,It just like Twitter 😂😂but it is very interesting ✨️,5,2023-07-06 19:11:08 +Google Play,",Add direct message functionality to the program",5,2023-07-06 19:48:50 +Google Play,Screen flickers while using the app,3,2023-07-06 08:52:56 +Google Play,"I really like that there are no white supremacists or scammers pretending to be other people with the blessing of the owner of the app. Definitely a place without a flood of misinformation and lies portrayed as fact and allowed under the guise of ""freeze peach""...",5,2023-07-11 15:58:05 +Google Play,"I cant post a picture oh threads, it force close by it self",3,2023-07-06 06:21:22 +Google Play,Boring UI interface app,1,2023-07-06 09:03:53 +Google Play,It won't even let me log in. Poor way to launch an app dudes,1,2023-07-06 12:19:46 +Google Play,"The UX is exceptional , way bettwr than twitter",5,2023-07-06 12:43:53 +Google Play,Wow such a master blaster and easy to use 💫👍,4,2023-07-06 02:14:20 +Google Play,Awful app.just doesn't work,1,2023-07-06 22:08:36 +Google Play,Amazing feeling better now taking it forward to enjoy it,5,2023-07-06 17:19:33 +Google Play,it have more bugs which have to be fix,3,2023-07-06 18:23:14 +Google Play,Its buggy in huawei and crash when scrolling,1,2023-07-06 08:41:31 +Google Play,Mark mark you better make easy this time around.,5,2023-07-07 12:53:15 +Google Play,This App Is so smart And good work But Something wrong How can i get my video viewers,4,2023-07-07 18:34:29 +Google Play,"Awesome app, and very easy to use",5,2023-07-07 06:16:08 +Google Play,"Nice app, optimisation needed.",5,2023-07-06 10:41:51 +Google Play,"Very nice app, enough to compete with tweeters",5,2023-07-06 11:39:13 +Google Play,Graphics lag too much,1,2023-07-06 09:27:38 +Google Play,It's glitched everytime I open the apps.,1,2023-07-08 04:43:15 +Google Play,I only get 1 notification at a time. Needs to be Way more to replace that other site,4,2023-07-06 06:10:42 +Google Play,This is vary usefull aap and vary good aap,5,2023-07-06 00:54:54 +Google Play,Nice version but now thread was not working,4,2023-07-06 19:29:40 +Google Play,this app not compatible with dark mode theme,1,2023-07-07 22:50:06 +Google Play,We need to text messaging option in there 😭,2,2023-07-08 07:58:17 +Google Play,What the hell! If you want to delete your threads account you need to delete your Instagram account! This app is totally rubbish!,1,2023-07-06 11:43:22 +Google Play,"🏆 I am the first person to give review to this app.. This is gonna be one of the finest talk of the town app soon.. Best of Luck Threads, and Mark Zuckerberg... 👍🔥",5,2023-07-06 10:33:30 +Google Play,"Too many stupid restrictions, I can't post pics as I want to, I can't even post threads as I want to, its either goes against community standards or it fails to upload my threads",1,2023-07-07 22:50:33 +Google Play,Good app and when I use this 90 day then I know reality of this app so my give review the any problem,5,2023-07-06 14:49:39 +Google Play,Similar to tweeter but it's better more than that 💖💪🏽,5,2023-07-06 14:31:19 +Google Play,After a sec of looking around I finally understand the app. You write and thread and people comment and interact with them. You link your Instagram to the app and you have your account. Try it out!,5,2023-07-08 06:51:33 +Google Play,Cool app looks like Twitter but better and easy to use,5,2023-07-07 16:28:14 +Google Play,"I don't like it at all. To take someone idea, without using your mind. This is disgusting. Mark Zuckerberg should be shameful about that. His only idea is Facebook, after that he only pay money for buying someone minds.",1,2023-07-07 14:39:07 +Google Play,App constantly crashes,1,2023-07-07 14:39:50 +Google Play,Does it allow one to have multiple accounts just like Instagram? Or is it for one account only?,4,2023-07-06 11:10:13 +Google Play,Need Gif Support and More interactive UI,4,2023-07-06 15:08:31 +Google Play,So far so good and it's really organized,5,2023-07-07 00:58:22 +Google Play,Please add account switch like on instagram (hold profile picture bottom right to change accounts),3,2023-07-06 17:32:38 +Google Play,force close every try to upload photo,2,2023-07-07 08:20:14 +Google Play,I didnt get insta notes and I don't have feature same in my other acc don't download it,1,2023-07-06 13:17:54 +Google Play,It's like an alternative of an app starting with letter t.,5,2023-07-07 03:13:49 +Google Play,"Just logged, Symbol missing in Keyboard🥲",5,2023-07-06 12:13:18 +Google Play,We want an update because the app has become very boring,3,2023-07-08 03:02:49 +Google Play,"This is better app,Update the feed of this app,overall amazing.",4,2023-07-07 08:48:59 +Google Play,An app made by Suckerberg scraping Twitter's data. So stunning and brave!!!,1,2023-07-07 06:44:22 +Google Play,I hope that the feature of changing the name and username will be added,5,2023-07-07 22:49:51 +Google Play,"Zuck > Musk See for yourself, it's basic science. Still waiting for that cage match, tho. 🤭",5,2023-07-08 12:35:10 +Google Play,It just keeps crashing,1,2023-07-07 10:14:35 +Google Play,Why is someone I don't know appears on my feed? My feed is full with ppl I didn't follow.,1,2023-07-06 19:22:33 +Google Play,It crashes all time,1,2023-07-08 07:44:28 +Google Play,Unable to login,1,2023-07-06 11:33:56 +Google Play,Such a dumb app it's basically a stripped down version of Twitter that sucks and censors everything!,1,2023-07-07 12:03:54 +Google Play,Really good optimization!,5,2023-07-08 10:26:23 +Google Play,App not working properly,1,2023-07-07 17:33:49 +Google Play,"This app have a lot of bug when i write a text ,this app crashed and it closed",3,2023-07-08 05:53:17 +Google Play,Typing sucks in thread but it's good app and can we u dark themes in thread...,5,2023-07-08 07:08:26 +Google Play,It keeps crashing for me pls fix,3,2023-07-06 13:41:54 +Google Play,Just hated twitter since elon's takeover .. needed a solid alternative .. and here it is,5,2023-07-06 06:54:50 +Google Play,Nice app for experience some new like knowledge and fun etc,5,2023-07-06 01:47:38 +Google Play,"When I want to upload a post(pic) then , I come out from the app. Please fix it",1,2023-07-08 12:24:14 +Google Play,"Just installed, not used. Still have reservations about the data sharing by Mark Zuckerberg vs. Elon Musk of Twitter.",3,2023-07-07 08:38:06 +Google Play,Not really a good design,1,2023-07-06 11:41:12 +Google Play,Thank you Mark for this amazing App. Musk is definitely crying now😊😊,5,2023-07-07 01:52:28 +Google Play,Doesn't load on fold 3,1,2023-07-07 06:35:11 +Google Play,Everything is copied from Twitter copying other apps is not a great thing •Copied Reels Feature From Tik Tok . •Copied Story Feature From Snapchat •Copied Paid Blue Tick Idea From Elon Musk. •Copied Entire Twitter App And Made Threads .,1,2023-07-06 18:23:15 +Google Play,A few tweeks and it will be great.... Good start,4,2023-07-06 09:39:02 +Google Play,"So far, so good. Its still early days and unfinished but I'm liking it.",5,2023-07-06 02:23:43 +Google Play,"it has a bug, please fixed now.",1,2023-07-06 11:44:04 +Google Play,Very early but looking good 👍 I've already deleted twitter!,5,2023-07-06 10:48:29 +Google Play,Please do something. The app is not working. This app is horrible 😔,1,2023-07-10 09:40:08 +Google Play,It is useful and easier than Twitter like it ✨,5,2023-07-07 08:50:33 +Google Play,Good app but. One problem overview problem,5,2023-07-07 07:26:04 +Google Play,"I like the app,, but you can't message anyone 😩",4,2023-07-06 14:08:48 +Google Play,It awesome aap & the best thing is that not payable.... 😁,4,2023-07-06 14:52:13 +Google Play,"I love threads, an Instagram alternative app.",5,2023-07-06 16:19:06 +Google Play,"The app is nice... Just have a problem, I can't see what I type",2,2023-07-06 15:49:50 +Google Play,Not being able to delete thread profile without deleting Instagram.,1,2023-07-08 00:07:23 +Google Play,An amazing experience to try threads . Add some more things than Twitter otherwise it's just a clone to Twitter but still it got Twitter run for money. Follow me to get follow back ( crypto_mein_kamao ),5,2023-07-07 06:16:59 +Google Play,People are unable to log out account delete their profile if they want to,1,2023-07-06 19:27:52 +Google Play,"Feed is a bunch of ""threads"" by people that I don't follow, nor interested to follow.",1,2023-07-06 16:03:36 +Google Play,"This is a very good social media app, in future it can compete with social media apps like Twitter.",4,2023-07-06 10:56:18 +Google Play,Great app easy to use thumb up 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:41:15 +Google Play,great app. plz increase thee word limit,5,2023-07-06 05:38:12 +Google Play,this is the first comment! the apps great i suppose. signing off acashmurty.,5,2023-07-06 14:23:47 +Google Play,Instant hit. The beat continues!,5,2023-07-06 10:13:29 +Google Play,The app is buggy for me. I'm unable to use,3,2023-07-06 06:20:48 +Google Play,After instal this aap continously crashing I can't using it,2,2023-07-07 18:13:49 +Google Play,Good so far still working it out but better than twitter,4,2023-07-07 14:29:30 +Google Play,Better than the deceased bird app lying in the corner full of elons yes men,4,2023-07-06 20:16:33 +Google Play,Instagram is going to the next level.,4,2023-07-08 03:58:35 +Google Play,It is wonderful app but pls update hashtags,3,2023-07-07 04:37:43 +Google Play,"It brings the new experience, happy to witness this amazing app",5,2023-07-07 11:01:11 +Google Play,"You guys making new app for us but make us earn a living too. since our content make million of view, give us some benefits too.",5,2023-07-06 04:30:10 +Google Play,This app not properly work on vivo 1723 type of devices,1,2023-07-07 01:05:34 +Google Play,This is amazing. I'll get back to my comment after this app earn 1B downloads 😅 Currently it has 10M downloads.,5,2023-07-07 18:01:29 +Google Play,Shows Glitches all over my screen use the app at all,1,2023-07-06 15:50:28 +Google Play,Really i'm so excited it's too much good for other third party applications,5,2023-07-06 12:26:57 +Google Play,I don't like this app it is like mixture of Instagram in Twitter and i didn't understand what is the purpose of this app,1,2023-07-08 04:23:32 +Google Play,it's crashing so bad you guys it glitches on first touch,1,2023-07-06 20:40:16 +Google Play,"We need a trendy page, we need to know what's top trendy",3,2023-07-05 23:40:42 +Google Play,Please add translation option.,4,2023-07-06 11:03:50 +Google Play,what an app and a competitor for Twitter we are waiting for this since 2 years and its finally here,5,2023-07-06 14:05:29 +Google Play,Not a good app. Twitter is better as it gives news first.,1,2023-07-07 15:27:39 +Google Play,"F King👑Worst policy of this app is, to delete this account I need to delete my Instagram account. Seems like Zuck just wants to make money and give half of it to his wife after divorce. Really Disgusting police.",1,2023-07-08 12:42:04 +Google Play,a lot of bugs unfortunately,1,2023-07-06 12:33:11 +Google Play,Swift user experience and flow.,5,2023-07-06 11:29:20 +Google Play,App good but too many bugs,3,2023-07-07 10:26:45 +Google Play,Excellent work Zuke Meta & Instagram 🥰,5,2023-07-06 00:08:57 +Google Play,The app keeps glitching and bug on my phone,1,2023-07-06 21:22:15 +Google Play,can't w8 for the lite version hehe,5,2023-07-06 07:49:17 +Google Play,Good app but theam apply both (light and dark ),5,2023-07-07 12:22:53 +Google Play,its glitching too much!!!!!!!!,1,2023-07-06 12:11:36 +Google Play,The app is nice but it feels like a copy of twitter,4,2023-07-06 08:46:59 +Google Play,This app is very easy and lovely 🌹👍👍,5,2023-07-07 16:41:07 +Google Play,"Great app by meta , it's a social networking and provide a constructive and authentic source of interaction",5,2023-07-06 19:57:03 +Google Play,ADD FEATURE SO WE CAN DOWNLOAD MEDIA LIKE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS ...,4,2023-07-06 13:30:16 +Google Play,"No message button, it's sucks 😞😔",1,2023-07-07 00:33:42 +Google Play,Great app👍🏻!!......people can say it as a Twitter dupe 😁......it's same to Twitter and reached 1M users in an hour......I hope it will get famous and reach people faster and congratulating zuck for beating musk 🫶🏻😹,5,2023-07-06 13:53:42 +Google Play,Great start. Hopefully this kills that other app that shall not be named.,5,2023-07-08 13:37:09 +Google Play,Full of glitches... need to develop,1,2023-07-07 09:57:19 +Google Play,Threads an Instagram is great and nice app,5,2023-07-06 05:55:41 +Google Play,incredible ! amazing than twitter,5,2023-07-08 05:00:45 +Google Play,"Better than Twitter, but still social media...",4,2023-07-07 19:25:56 +Google Play,Excellent ✨but #treding section missing,5,2023-07-08 13:21:48 +Google Play,Copy-cat of twitter with less features and more censorship. I'll give it 8 months before it fails,1,2023-07-07 08:26:58 +Google Play,Amazing Application. Thanks team Meta,5,2023-07-06 10:45:39 +Google Play,We can't raise our voice here like twitter plz make a new way for trending topics and for people voice,1,2023-07-07 18:14:11 +Google Play,Actually pretty stable app.,5,2023-07-07 19:35:01 +Google Play,This needs the translation option thingy asap,3,2023-07-06 14:34:19 +Google Play,This is more interesting. Let's keep it interesting,4,2023-07-07 09:23:18 +Google Play,Why won't the developers allows us to send gif images like they do for iPhone users?,3,2023-07-08 12:22:56 +Google Play,"More simple and easier experience than Twitter, it needs some features and will domenate this field, like private messaging, website for PC interface, trending hashtags and clear plan for marketers and analysts for digital marketing field.",4,2023-07-06 15:32:14 +Google Play,"With this new platform, they're taking the concept of storytelling to a whole new level. Will it give Twitter a run for its money?",5,2023-07-05 23:21:00 +Google Play,Nice app but it needs to be user friendly,4,2023-07-06 18:38:56 +Google Play,Incredible! So much simple to use,5,2023-07-08 12:24:59 +Google Play,"I thank the chairman of meta team because it's good to open this app , now I'll delete Twitter ☺️",5,2023-07-06 13:58:27 +Google Play,No discoverability and no trends tab,2,2023-07-05 23:57:45 +Google Play,Great and easy to use,5,2023-07-06 18:00:25 +Google Play,Much needed app 😄 Hope in coming days it reaches more people. I am happy to be part of thread.,5,2023-07-06 18:02:04 +Google Play,I can't see my followers. Even I can't see anyone's follower list,2,2023-07-08 18:05:12 +Google Play,The app has been misbehaving I don't know why Pls kindly work on it It is kind of gliching,1,2023-07-06 17:12:31 +Google Play,"Helloo! Glad to be among the first top users to download the app since it was released!! Zuckerberg and the new world 2023 , Elon and his twitter is going to finish!! tunammaliza mwaka huu!!😀😃😃 More likes to me please!!??",5,2023-07-07 10:18:31 +Google Play,Doesn't work without Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 08:57:57 +Google Play,Reddit but lot more disorganized. 3/10,2,2023-07-07 10:49:32 +Google Play,It keeps stopping while I try to post a photo,2,2023-07-07 12:06:38 +Google Play,It's better than Instagram other social media apps,5,2023-07-06 16:09:32 +Google Play,It's very good app better than twitter And it's easy to use it,5,2023-07-06 16:39:43 +Google Play,Since I installed this app my Instagram account is not working properly,1,2023-07-08 13:31:47 +Google Play,very good app i like it so much i have many kids pls help me,5,2023-07-06 10:12:08 +Google Play,Amazing App Keep Building 😇MORE NEW FEATURES,5,2023-07-07 00:50:49 +Google Play,I'm enjoying a lot nice interface,5,2023-07-07 15:27:38 +Google Play,Add the trending feature and it will be a 5,4,2023-07-07 14:02:22 +Google Play,Very good App. Threads is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 04:12:07 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-06 12:26:09 +Google Play,Something looks good.... But I'm sure that Twitter is crying....,5,2023-07-06 05:43:29 +Google Play,It's look like twitter 🤣🤣 Mr mark..... ‼️it's a copy paste app.... 🤣🤣 & Mr. Mark has developed another way to steal our data... 🔥 Congratulation Mr mark 👌,5,2023-07-06 15:15:29 +Google Play,This is not a good application like Twitter this is a cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 13:57:32 +Google Play,I wish translation option be available soon,4,2023-07-12 04:51:01 +Google Play,Marathi language is not available,1,2023-07-08 03:46:17 +Google Play,App failed to update the posts,3,2023-07-06 14:13:03 +Google Play,I will give a review after use some days.But as a new app I feel pretty good about using it.,5,2023-07-06 16:18:38 +Google Play,This app never supports the general public as it is an invaluable tool with others,3,2023-07-06 04:13:26 +Google Play,"Bugged, shadowing text & image",1,2023-07-06 23:57:32 +Google Play,"How is this app already number one on play store already, that's impossible!",1,2023-07-07 14:28:52 +Google Play,Hope have dark mode function.,4,2023-07-06 10:14:49 +Google Play,Missing some features but I can definitely feel the return of humanity on my feed. Really eager to use hashtags and search public posts but so far Threads is a breath of clean fresh air compared to the stench rising from the heap of hateful garbage Twitter was allowed to become,5,2023-07-06 21:57:05 +Google Play,Create threads lite this so heavy space and nice app,5,2023-07-06 03:08:55 +Google Play,I am not Instagram user. Without Instagram a/c. can I use Threads?? please reply/guide.,1,2023-07-07 12:28:00 +Google Play,only is the problem is data share,3,2023-07-06 04:10:51 +Google Play,Love it. It's like a twitter but I think it's better,5,2023-07-06 09:41:23 +Google Play,Very good app copy of Instagram,5,2023-07-06 15:16:47 +Google Play,Very good app for writing our memes and quotes ✌️💙,5,2023-07-07 07:50:46 +Google Play,App is so good But want to add the unhide threads id option,4,2023-07-07 16:03:30 +Google Play,Few features and just a sad excuse for a platform. It's like if Twitter was somehow worse and made by the worst marketing guy you know.,1,2023-07-06 07:50:56 +Google Play,AWFUL!! Dont waste your time. This is the cheap Alibaba / Wayfair / Banggood Twitter. Gross 🤢🤮,1,2023-07-07 02:47:09 +Google Play,Not working properly 😐,1,2023-07-06 03:56:47 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-07 18:52:59 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-06 05:32:10 +Google Play,Idk why the app closes itself if I search a user then click under post replies,3,2023-07-07 12:23:49 +Google Play,It's just sad how u don't have as many followers as u do on Instagram 😒😭,4,2023-07-08 13:38:38 +Google Play,"I don't know what's it purpose, it is similar to Facebook and Twitter ... nothing new",2,2023-07-07 20:29:31 +Google Play,Pretty cool so far. Can't wait to see where it goes.,4,2023-07-06 18:06:04 +Google Play,Amazing app but meta needs more updates on this app for better use,5,2023-07-07 00:34:54 +Google Play,App is not functioning properly,1,2023-07-06 14:18:49 +Google Play,It keeps crashing..,3,2023-07-07 00:40:08 +Google Play,Great app and very simplistic,5,2023-07-07 17:13:29 +Google Play,Awesome app to use best competitor for Twitter 😂,4,2023-07-06 12:33:24 +Google Play,"Excellent, easy to use.",5,2023-07-07 15:11:03 +Google Play,Seems like a good and useful app from my experience so far,5,2023-07-07 16:52:33 +Google Play,It bug every page,3,2023-07-06 06:46:09 +Google Play,There is no Direct Message system but better than Twitter👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 06:05:25 +Google Play,"Good one , it will be gamechanger and Twitter might affected.",5,2023-07-06 01:08:35 +Google Play,I don't have Instagram so I can't try it out.,1,2023-07-07 02:22:41 +Google Play,It's great it was very easy just like Twitter,4,2023-07-07 17:24:06 +Google Play,Good app it seem like twitter but better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:03:01 +Google Play,Option to hide replies in profile needed.,3,2023-07-07 05:21:22 +Google Play,hey insta threads please add save button on photos in threads.,4,2023-07-06 19:47:49 +Google Play,The app is amazing the people are kind welcoming it feels like home 🖤🖤🖤🖤,5,2023-07-08 00:16:24 +Google Play,Best way to dominate social media few things less more to come I think,5,2023-07-06 08:41:54 +Google Play,I don't want to see all these celebrities taking up my feed when I'm not even following them. Have an option for following and a FYP like tiktok!,3,2023-07-07 13:19:47 +Google Play,"Pretty good, need more features tho",5,2023-07-06 12:03:09 +Google Play,Boring app Copy of twitter .just wasting of time .,1,2023-07-07 05:46:32 +Google Play,It's crashing while I scroll verry poor experience,1,2023-07-07 10:52:53 +Google Play,Very Nice 👍 app Easy to Use and better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 07:09:02 +Google Play,the app always force close when want to read some comments,1,2023-07-07 11:27:12 +Google Play,"Love it, new clear community So much fun and im expecting more",5,2023-07-08 14:53:30 +Google Play,"You guys need to save our login, so we can change with multiple accounts.",4,2023-07-06 11:09:07 +Google Play,"its really nice and good.., and the same time Hashtag is not working. i have a question is Hashtag option is there or not, is there available mean its not working right now. please consider the it, make sure you guys will fix this bug.. Hashtag is most important one, i hope you guys will get understand the concerns.. waiting for your reply",5,2023-07-06 17:46:08 +Google Play,Copy and paste of Twitter... what a shame app is this one.,1,2023-07-12 12:09:15 +Google Play,Definitely like it much better than Twitter.,4,2023-07-08 23:15:35 +Google Play,"A very bad application first, because I hate a person called Mark, secondly, because he is a literal imitation of Twitter",1,2023-07-14 17:41:57 +Google Play,It's crashing on my phone (motorola z2 force),2,2023-07-10 22:28:44 +Google Play,He's very nice app and is a little bit better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:24:49 +Google Play,"It keeps logging me out of Instagram when I use threads, why??",2,2023-07-06 21:57:28 +Google Play,"Decided to have a look, but you need an Instagram account. I don't have one.",1,2023-07-06 10:28:52 +Google Play,I don't like that my time line is flooded with people I don't follow. Too messy for me.,1,2023-07-06 01:50:09 +Google Play,No porn no disturbing content it's just you and your family sharing stuff it's perfect,5,2023-07-06 10:46:49 +Google Play,Very good app to connecting people,5,2023-07-17 07:23:52 +Google Play,"No Ads👍,Need Hash Tag trendings,Pin Post and More Futures",4,2023-07-07 08:28:16 +Google Play,I rather not make an Instagram account to not use just so I can check out this app,1,2023-07-06 14:51:37 +Google Play,"It doesn't allow me to post free speech, Its sided with US democratic party. It's import to note Im not even from US and they force their woke content on me. Freedom of speech doesn't exist. Download Twitter ✌🏻 its real deal.",1,2023-07-11 08:53:22 +Google Play,Instagram + Twitter= Thread But I want switch acc like on Instagram option on threads,5,2023-07-06 15:26:13 +Google Play,Very good app can be better replacement for Twitter 💗,5,2023-07-06 12:42:18 +Google Play,"You can also add pin threads on profile, feature 👍🏻",4,2023-07-06 07:20:13 +Google Play,Needs content search and #️⃣ support,4,2023-07-06 01:41:53 +Google Play,Combination of Twitter and Instagram.... Good...,5,2023-07-06 08:50:13 +Google Play,I think it's the first time I am supporting mark Zuckerberg but tbh threads is a really good app and it deserves a 5 star rating,5,2023-07-07 15:43:47 +Google Play,Wow. Amazing App. It’s may be attract Twitter 🫶,5,2023-07-06 11:34:32 +Google Play,Don't have and don't want an Instagram account... So I can't use the app,1,2023-07-12 11:27:05 +Google Play,"Okay app for now. It can be better of course, but time will show.",4,2023-07-11 08:29:59 +Google Play,They want me to pay for a service that show's no improvement,1,2023-07-09 18:30:41 +Google Play,"doesn't want to login in my INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT it keeps saying ""error""",1,2023-07-06 13:35:51 +Google Play,"Heavy Goverment Censorship - An empty Short Bus of fail. My advise, short meta this turd is going to tank harder than the metaverse ...",1,2023-07-08 13:02:56 +Google Play,Absolutely amazing apps thread very useful batter then Twitter ☺️,5,2023-07-12 05:29:08 +Google Play,Design are not complete,4,2023-07-07 13:58:25 +Google Play,Best for engagement and fast following,5,2023-07-07 11:12:05 +Google Play,Great first day experience for me! Very promising.,5,2023-07-07 01:17:24 +Google Play,Really like this app because they don't have any restrictions,5,2023-07-07 04:53:23 +Google Play,"Way too much data is collected, a dak zebi d zuck jm3 kerk",1,2023-07-11 14:49:08 +Google Play,Wow just wow!!... Anything I can't do on Twitter I can do on Threads!!...I can view unlimited post's and there are No ADS!!...Meta THANK YOU!!,5,2023-07-12 12:40:21 +Google Play,Need Account Switching option like Instagram feature😁😁,5,2023-07-06 06:16:18 +Google Play,you should be able to share someones insta acct from the instagram app to threads. just a suggestion,4,2023-07-12 18:22:56 +Google Play,"Horrible app, mark need to jump off a bridge",1,2023-07-09 11:20:36 +Google Play,Great app and I can't stop using it!,5,2023-07-07 07:53:43 +Google Play,Bad this app only for highest follower person note for any low capacity person I'm disappointed😞😞,1,2023-07-07 11:42:09 +Google Play,Needs trending feature like the bird 🐦,3,2023-07-06 07:11:51 +Google Play,Bad IT work done!,1,2023-07-21 10:10:02 +Google Play,It needs a lot of features,4,2023-07-06 14:58:59 +Google Play,Blah another waste of time zuck. Your lack of freedom of speech is irritating.,1,2023-07-13 08:47:56 +Google Play,App always force close randomly,1,2023-07-07 09:40:56 +Google Play,It's good but please add GIF !!,4,2023-07-20 14:17:10 +Google Play,Pretty much a copy of Twitter except you'll get censored if you speak out about certain topics so no free speech!,1,2023-07-15 01:24:50 +Google Play,An obvious cash grab by Zuckerberg to mimic twitter. Only gripe is the inability to delete your threads account once you create it. You have to delete your entire instagram account once you create it if you wanna get rid of it. New users beware,3,2023-07-07 05:07:11 +Google Play,There must be an option to delete the account without deleting the instagram account. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻,1,2023-07-07 12:20:08 +Google Play,This app is only a cheat of Twitter. I have downloaded this because that I have to follow Imran Khan on this and no more special thing in this app,1,2023-07-08 07:20:41 +Google Play,"Good, plain, easy. No WIDGETS???",4,2023-07-06 08:15:51 +Google Play,This is very good 👍 and hundred percent working,3,2023-07-06 04:19:46 +Google Play,Worthless Not worth downloading. The app won't open.,1,2023-07-09 15:29:17 +Google Play,"Since most of the people have multiple accounts on instagram, I hope it will be possible to have multiple accounts in threads too.",4,2023-07-18 20:53:00 +Google Play,It's a copy from twitter and I can't remove my account after signing up,1,2023-07-07 22:58:20 +Google Play,My experience has been of half naked tasteless woman and perverted men and I will be discouraging anyone to use it... Matter of fact I have posted my horrible experience on social media... I will try to make it go viral,1,2023-07-21 23:16:00 +Google Play,Very good app. More tools waiting,4,2023-07-05 23:19:41 +Google Play,"Vry bad experience , app does not work properly",1,2023-07-10 07:52:57 +Google Play,Very userfriendly application.,5,2023-07-07 05:16:43 +Google Play,A trap for instagram users if you download this you then can't delete this account or your insta account will be also deleted.,1,2023-07-21 18:30:01 +Google Play,This app is better then twitter because we post on Instagram it will also post on threads and Facebook,5,2023-07-07 12:10:24 +Google Play,Boring app. No features and nothing,1,2023-07-12 08:26:18 +Google Play,Really so nice app.. I like itt. And thanku for you make this application,5,2023-07-10 12:52:31 +Google Play,Good for v1 need improvement like hashtags and trend,3,2023-07-07 04:18:25 +Google Play,"This application is very good, this application could be the best social media application",5,2023-07-06 09:41:50 +Google Play,My feed is just full of people I didn't follow????? Can't even find the posts of people I did follow.,2,2023-07-07 02:53:08 +Google Play,"For the next update, I want there to be a translation for those who don't know the language",5,2023-07-07 02:15:09 +Google Play,It's awesome.... Twitter should rest and allow thread to breathe,5,2023-07-07 15:25:26 +Google Play,warning this app WILL suspend your instagram account if you decide to follow all the accounts you follow already on Instagram. There is ZERO appeal process.,1,2023-07-06 11:26:57 +Google Play,I'm getting lot of glitch while scrolling... I don't know how to report that thing,1,2023-07-07 15:45:50 +Google Play,Im not able to post the photo on the app,1,2023-07-06 15:35:01 +Google Play,Now esay to find new friends on this app. Thankyou Instagram,4,2023-07-06 03:36:05 +Google Play,Put translation button please.,3,2023-07-11 06:03:16 +Google Play,"Need Instagram account. I don't have one, and I don't want to make one.",3,2023-07-08 06:04:53 +Google Play,Good but it's not easy to change account,3,2023-07-07 11:32:17 +Google Play,Rubbish app...its like insta lite version.,1,2023-07-09 15:56:36 +Google Play,Better than Twitter. Have all the paid functionalities of Twitter here for free.,5,2023-07-06 07:35:04 +Google Play,"This app is good to use, however I can't post photos.",3,2023-07-08 01:41:25 +Google Play,Hundred millions times better than other competitor app.,5,2023-07-13 13:34:39 +Google Play,"twitter but slightly more modern, and less toxic",5,2023-07-06 03:18:43 +Google Play,Needs a translate feature,4,2023-07-07 11:49:41 +Google Play,It is so wonderful and it will be greater than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:16:59 +Google Play,please fix interface. its broken on my phone,1,2023-07-06 05:38:04 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-06 10:04:52 +Google Play,This app looks like very nice but Twitter bad only Threads love 💕😘,5,2023-07-08 05:55:17 +Google Play,Ok so using it to know better and to appreciate the creativity.,3,2023-07-06 16:31:30 +Google Play,Great alternative to the chaos and hate of Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 04:59:01 +Google Play,Hang... Not running properly,1,2023-07-06 11:01:36 +Google Play,I downloaded it just to say that zuck is cuck because he totally copied Twitter but without putting free speech,1,2023-07-10 17:15:31 +Google Play,This app is not working properly,2,2023-07-06 11:09:11 +Google Play,"Nice, User Friendly UI",5,2023-07-07 13:11:17 +Google Play,It's pretty cool . One of the best social media apps,5,2023-07-14 14:26:26 +Google Play,Really like this app as compare tweeter Just like using tweeter with new name threads😀,4,2023-07-06 11:16:05 +Google Play,Anything is better than the Single-digit IQ owned App!,5,2023-07-07 15:52:13 +Google Play,Very Helpful & user-friendly Social media platform This Better Than Other Social media Platform 😍 Using This Threads Apps & Enjoying Content ✍️ By Instagram User I'd @siddarthdigital,5,2023-07-06 15:21:09 +Google Play,Good App. But Need A Lot of Improvement in Upcoming Days.,5,2023-07-07 07:06:11 +Google Play,pls. translation from one language to another language. thanks,3,2023-07-07 08:51:07 +Google Play,"Still early for this app, but I look forward for some cool updates",2,2023-07-11 11:41:35 +Google Play,"It'd be great if we can write more in our ""bio""",3,2023-07-08 09:35:51 +Google Play,I love threads. It's kind of like Twitter but it's a bit different.,5,2023-07-09 18:46:24 +Google Play,Whenever I try to post the application crashes,1,2023-07-07 02:46:51 +Google Play,The good app so gorgeous 😍Thanks to the creator of Insta for making this app,5,2023-07-06 23:12:37 +Google Play,It's so nice. The flows are seamless,5,2023-07-06 10:00:37 +Google Play,This cheap knock-off suck! I'm going back to Twitter.,1,2023-07-13 17:43:33 +Google Play,Threads app is amazing but Twitter is always be Twitter no one beat him #musk,5,2023-07-07 01:26:31 +Google Play,The number one reason this app is getting 1 star is because the company behind this app will censor anything they do not agree with. Maybe they should promote this app in china.,1,2023-07-06 01:24:36 +Google Play,application is dancing and showing mosquito #screen shaking,1,2023-07-09 11:08:32 +Google Play,I don't have an Instagram account so I couldn't create an account.,1,2023-07-06 08:10:44 +Google Play,It's way better than twitter cause it's easy to go when you're in IG,5,2023-07-08 02:29:08 +Google Play,Hating it. No save option hashtags many more,1,2023-07-08 08:58:25 +Google Play,no android split screen . . . malo,5,2023-07-07 01:02:02 +Google Play,This totally bull**it. What a garbage by Zinger Burger company Meta. They are stealing data and useless today's people are using it and give them all data.,1,2023-07-07 21:09:52 +Google Play,Please add (Dari ) language zuck Because it's official language of Afghanistan 🇦🇫🇦🇫🙂,5,2023-07-08 10:26:53 +Google Play,it's a really good app but has so many glitches...,2,2023-07-07 15:47:54 +Google Play,Same to Same Instagram. I don't like this application.,1,2023-07-08 08:15:18 +Google Play,I used app approx 5.7 days nice and smooth app,5,2023-07-15 18:54:23 +Google Play,great but i wait for upcoming features,5,2023-07-07 02:31:19 +Google Play,Please provide editing tools while uploading pics videos,5,2023-07-06 20:20:37 +Google Play,Very usefull social media app same to instagrame,5,2023-07-06 07:14:35 +Google Play,I love this app keep going ! Much better than twitter !!,5,2023-07-11 20:02:25 +Google Play,I can't change the theme of the app on my Android phone,1,2023-07-07 09:12:38 +Google Play,I don't really care. I just like seeing billionaires fight and watching people take sides.,3,2023-07-09 03:26:59 +Google Play,It's not working with Xiaomi devices.,1,2023-07-06 14:15:12 +Google Play,Hard left biased censorship. Why can't we just have free speech and open dialog? What are you so afraid of?,1,2023-07-16 13:06:38 +Google Play,It's superbbbb good but atleast give a close friend option and where we should post some stories?? @zuck reply please,3,2023-07-06 12:47:39 +Google Play,Unable to post image,1,2023-07-07 00:58:05 +Google Play,very smooth working,5,2023-07-17 14:12:42 +Google Play,It is nice and has hight quality,5,2023-07-07 00:01:44 +Google Play,I liked it compared to Twitter..i got 2 followers in just a minute..but Twitter gives me almost 8 years straight to have 8 followers 🤔,5,2023-07-07 16:13:31 +Google Play,Too much data Collection.,1,2023-07-06 05:39:39 +Google Play,"This is good, i ve downloaded it but is unfair that you never added Nigeria for eligible country for Facebook mornitization, upon Nigerians are where you have much lovers and follows,",1,2023-07-08 05:49:15 +Google Play,"Lovely app, great twitter competitor.",5,2023-07-06 19:47:00 +Google Play,Not bad. Please provide polls and gif options for us.,5,2023-07-06 07:39:58 +Google Play,Can't even see a thing. Its just glitching .,1,2023-07-06 09:31:23 +Google Play,currently unable to upload pics in threads,4,2023-07-07 11:30:33 +Google Play,Great but not to the level of twitter 🙂,5,2023-07-06 21:02:42 +Google Play,Not working properly server down 👇👎,1,2023-07-06 12:06:32 +Google Play,I regret I installed it. Horrible app discriminating Ukrainians. Linking Threads deletion with Instagram deletion is threatening and intimidating to users. Make an option to delete it!!!,1,2023-07-07 07:22:23 +Google Play,If doesn't have Instagram account we can not use this app....... This is one type of marketing ....,1,2023-07-06 02:24:12 +Google Play,Always fc when uploading a photo,3,2023-07-07 02:52:50 +Google Play,App keep getting crashed,1,2023-07-07 10:56:39 +Google Play,It's a copy of Twitter there should some new features,1,2023-07-08 10:48:15 +Google Play,The care and love for the ux is impressive,5,2023-07-06 12:39:50 +Google Play,The app is not responding in my phone I'm using infinix s5,2,2023-07-15 13:18:51 +Google Play,Needs tweeking but it's a good start. The best thing is that it's rubbing it's nutsack across Elon Musk's racist gob and the RWNJs and Nazis aren't anywhere to be seen!,5,2023-07-19 18:48:36 +Google Play,Very bad app for the the personal data privacy,1,2023-07-12 20:05:48 +Google Play,Unoriginal and cheap rip off.,1,2023-07-06 23:55:27 +Google Play,Name cannot be changed if you are coming from Instagram. Alot of trackers,1,2023-07-06 09:14:28 +Google Play,Brilliant twitter alternative but NEEDS multiple account stitching.,3,2023-07-06 13:52:38 +Google Play,make it better and keep subscription free plz,5,2023-07-06 04:40:42 +Google Play,terrible app. Can't create a new account.,1,2023-07-10 01:22:57 +Google Play,The rich vs. the rich. Wait until they talk of data security. It's a game of Thrones!,4,2023-07-07 06:17:27 +Google Play,Amazing and smooth App,5,2023-07-08 10:51:33 +Google Play,"I like it so far, but I think it needs to be polished",4,2023-07-08 16:37:05 +Google Play,Massive privacy leech. Do not download. Just delete twitter and move on.,2,2023-07-24 06:00:59 +Google Play,In this application very bugs and glitches 😞😞😞😞,1,2023-07-14 03:18:04 +Google Play,A cheap copycat of twitter that loses a lot of twitter and instagram features and the community is horrible i prefer twitter fights over them,1,2023-07-06 01:49:31 +Google Play,I don't know how this app works and whether it can earn money or not I don't know anything but I'm giving it a review it's very good it can earn money or not I don't know if money can be earned It is good if money can be earned,3,2023-07-13 04:04:37 +Google Play,Useless and fully copied of Twitter.😑,1,2023-07-08 03:40:18 +Google Play,Social media is fun again! Much better than the toxicity at Twitter!,5,2023-07-07 00:01:34 +Google Play,Not able to login in this application,1,2023-07-06 14:19:19 +Google Play,Everyone talking about it like this is better than Twitter but where's trending button? 😭,2,2023-07-18 08:43:47 +Google Play,"I tweeted in Threads, No More Monopoly. Thanks you META!",5,2023-07-07 11:02:09 +Google Play,"Its aight, I want a dim light background though",3,2023-07-06 18:56:58 +Google Play,It's an amazing app to advance as a upcoming influencer,5,2023-07-06 22:45:48 +Google Play,Twitter is better than threads 😕 It is the same copy paste of twitter 🙃 Not bad Mark!,1,2023-07-11 12:17:21 +Google Play,This app went from 4.9 stars to 3.2 stars. Crazy,1,2023-07-16 23:33:41 +Google Play,An unknown network error occured.,1,2023-07-06 23:27:17 +Google Play,It's clean and simple.,5,2023-07-06 03:22:57 +Google Play,It's a bad copy of a bad app by a desperate company. Zero stars!,1,2023-07-21 07:56:17 +Google Play,Giving 5 star just to piss off twitter. But eventually threads will be no different. Selling data and allowing fake news and hate speech to circulate.,5,2023-07-07 07:12:51 +Google Play,Great app. Much much better than twitter.,5,2023-07-14 03:36:46 +Google Play,Idk but this app is buffering when i opened it check my threads on ash233u account,1,2023-07-06 19:15:41 +Google Play,"This app just for apple is work? My cellphone was android ,when i connet with my id write error and cant join,",1,2023-07-07 07:02:24 +Google Play,Server too slow pls improve,3,2023-07-06 14:26:53 +Google Play,"Yall wrong nothing is wrong with this app , it's only that yall using an app which has the illuminati symbol, look at those 6s 😂😂😂😂I'm out of here",5,2023-07-08 19:02:09 +Google Play,App good but not working properly.,5,2023-07-08 17:03:29 +Google Play,No dm video playing without audio,1,2023-07-08 12:01:21 +Google Play,Was looking for a new Social media app and found it. It's the best app ever,5,2023-07-08 02:01:52 +Google Play,please add a following-only timeline!!!! I don't want suggested posts or comments by the people I follow flooding my feed :(,4,2023-07-17 18:29:50 +Google Play,Exact copy of instagram.But overall fine,3,2023-07-08 13:30:23 +Google Play,Worst aap when I'm opening this app it's getting close 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬,1,2023-07-09 19:59:11 +Google Play,"Got potential for sure. Easy to block Nazis and bigots, unlike Twitter. Room for improvement on usability",4,2023-07-13 18:56:22 +Google Play,I can't even log in. I can't use the app.,1,2023-07-14 02:29:36 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-07 07:57:09 +Google Play,Its actually insta whit no stupid people or bit***s its still need some addition like reels...,5,2023-07-07 12:40:49 +Google Play,I don't understand why the app is not functioning well on my device please look into this,1,2023-07-07 16:05:51 +Google Play,App still crashing when i post photo,1,2023-07-08 16:58:11 +Google Play,"A good app , mixture of insta , Twitter and Facebook .",5,2023-07-07 05:36:19 +Google Play,"Similar to twitter , a great alternative !",5,2023-07-06 10:58:10 +Google Play,The app keeps closing on it's own.,1,2023-07-09 05:19:36 +Google Play,Make this app a bot and troll free environment to prevent the toxicity. And please dont put direct message of this app i hope my concern reaches the developer,5,2023-07-06 13:27:37 +Google Play,Can't use it without an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 20:32:48 +Google Play,There is a screen glitch in my threads account. Try to solve the glitch (Device:- Redmi note 6 ),1,2023-07-10 17:34:47 +Google Play,"Better than Twitter, far more convenient.",5,2023-07-07 00:40:12 +Google Play,This app is better than twitter and Instagram it's like mix of insta and twitter so this app is the best app in social midea 👍🤗.,5,2023-07-10 21:45:38 +Google Play,The simple fact that it sabotages that egomaniac elon is a plus. 5 stars from me,5,2023-07-14 01:13:01 +Google Play,The app keeps crashing,1,2023-07-07 12:49:42 +Google Play,Needs better switching account feature,3,2023-07-06 00:28:30 +Google Play,Log in with Instagram only 🙃 i dont use instagram so i uninstalled this app,3,2023-07-06 16:58:42 +Google Play,"This is a very great app,i think this is the best app i have seen so far",5,2023-07-06 20:33:34 +Google Play,Worst experience ever whenever I login this aap crashes,1,2023-07-09 08:43:48 +Google Play,"Nothing original, just a copy of Twitter. Boring.",1,2023-07-09 07:11:34 +Google Play,Better than Twitter but I still feel like I only ever see stupid posts and responses from companies. Like do any actual humans post on this app?,3,2023-07-15 19:37:15 +Google Play,Didn't take long for all the comments to become spam. It's as bad as Facebook,1,2023-07-17 18:21:23 +Google Play,Great job people of Meta. But why didn't you add hashtag trends?,5,2023-07-06 01:03:42 +Google Play,"Please add a message option in thread, overall is okay 👍",3,2023-07-07 00:49:28 +Google Play,Very nice app but needs much improvement,5,2023-07-06 10:34:09 +Google Play,Continually Crashing After Logged Out ☹️,1,2023-07-06 07:15:12 +Google Play,Very lower quality this app is work,1,2023-07-07 15:49:40 +Google Play,It's just Twitter but better. 10/10,5,2023-07-07 11:27:47 +Google Play,Got more bugs than a termite infested building,1,2023-07-11 13:54:05 +Google Play,I love it sm!! Sooooo much better than Twitter and things!! Yall should totally get it,5,2023-07-06 05:42:04 +Google Play,No ads (yet).,5,2023-07-12 00:58:06 +Google Play,Keep crashing if I try to post photo with my thread.,1,2023-07-06 06:31:38 +Google Play,"Review From Hyderabad, India 🇮🇳 Awesome App, Thanks for Retaining Verified Badge From Instagram, I will Update Again my Review on this App After Using Many Days.",5,2023-07-06 06:05:42 +Google Play,"If you post in Threads app, there is no Edit option for the post.",1,2023-07-07 03:58:31 +Google Play,There is no option to write messages here..!!! I don't like it at all,1,2023-07-09 15:41:23 +Google Play,"There already recommending all the Celebrities, Politics, and Sports I've already blocked on IG, I literally don't indulge in any of this nonsense. Nice try re-Twitter Uninstalled and flagged (top right) for impersonating an already garbage app full of propaganda Karen's and far left extreme weirdos",1,2023-07-14 12:11:21 +Google Play,Need to improve the performance,1,2023-07-06 04:35:56 +Google Play,"Really cool app, free to use unlike twitter",5,2023-07-06 02:32:39 +Google Play,What if I don't have insta account but want to use it as Twitter platform...no option for new users without insta,1,2023-07-07 16:48:29 +Google Play,Why is the app crashing???????????,1,2023-07-08 09:48:57 +Google Play,"Wonderful app, will dethrone all others.",5,2023-07-07 16:47:47 +Google Play,Dark theme should be added as soon as possible !!!,3,2023-07-06 13:52:55 +Google Play,"Well hoping that more improvements, For now, i still use twitter.",4,2023-07-06 16:49:44 +Google Play,There should be option to connect with Facebook account too,3,2023-07-06 04:34:15 +Google Play,I having trouble about logging in using my Instagram account.,1,2023-07-10 06:03:54 +Google Play,It's really good... Awesome @Insta team..❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:29:31 +Google Play,NGL I haven't opened the app I just wanted to be the first to review the app 🧍🏼‍♀️,5,2023-07-05 23:35:34 +Google Play,"I wanted to use this social network, but unfortunately its algorithms are built to destroy freedom of speech and support the Russian invasion of Ukraine, accordingly one star.",1,2023-07-09 18:17:20 +Google Play,This is a good competitive app for twitter,4,2023-07-06 08:13:20 +Google Play,Doesn't allow you to view threads only from the accounts you follow. You are forced to see all threads regardless of if you're following those accounts. Pointless posting to complete strangers.,1,2023-07-08 09:11:23 +Google Play,"It's like windows 98, there are snake trails",1,2023-07-08 08:21:58 +Google Play,"Super apps 👍 all the best all members,",5,2023-07-06 11:13:59 +Google Play,This threads aap like a Twitter..... But Twitter is pyed but threads is right now free.....it is help too connect all over the world in a one threads...,4,2023-07-07 19:57:20 +Google Play,Downloded first day of lunch. This app is fantastic. Threads is twitter killer😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 06:46:39 +Google Play,This is way better and easier to use than twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:54:00 +Google Play,"How is this a twitter killer? Do we need this, really??? It's worse and doesn't pay content creators like twitter does.",1,2023-07-14 12:29:27 +Google Play,"Still cannot login, says: error wait a few minutes.",2,2023-07-06 12:00:38 +Google Play,working fine now. No lagging.,4,2023-07-17 07:54:49 +Google Play,I had experience best tech app ever in my life,5,2023-07-08 08:42:42 +Google Play,Not aa good develope open aap and see all instram post ...,1,2023-07-11 17:46:03 +Google Play,"Excellent, a million times better than Twitter",5,2023-07-09 15:25:10 +Google Play,Not smooth scroll 😔,4,2023-07-12 09:24:17 +Google Play,More easier and friendly than twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:28:54 +Google Play,This app keeps saying get ready for threads and nothing happened so I'm not holding my breath or anyting or trying to be disrespectful but was supposed to happen I keep waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and it just keeps saying wait are you ready for threads are you ready for threads I get some build up to some great thing like somebody needs to fix whatever is going on in this piece of s*** have it right get it tight or get this s*** off my site and outta my damn site,5,2023-07-21 14:16:18 +Google Play,Still too much bugs,1,2023-07-06 14:53:51 +Google Play,Anything but tweeter is a good thing,5,2023-07-12 21:43:02 +Google Play,Doesn't let me log in Sure it's great though!,1,2023-07-07 08:44:19 +Google Play,Great app with a few bugs,4,2023-07-06 06:20:10 +Google Play,It'll help to connect more people,5,2023-07-07 11:34:33 +Google Play,Good app just like Twitter But in this app we are not posts a tweets in this we are post threads 🧵,5,2023-07-07 01:46:21 +Google Play,Worst.screen is shaking.didnt see any thing,1,2023-07-06 17:14:25 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-08 08:00:15 +Google Play,Ahh so good app with attached Instagram and I'm so happy after download this app,5,2023-07-09 04:59:37 +Google Play,I love it ❤️I hope there is for place to see trends like that of Twitter a d a place to Dm,5,2023-07-06 10:27:58 +Google Play,The app crushes anytime I try to repost a thread or reply to a thread with a picture from my gallery,1,2023-07-10 09:58:20 +Google Play,I'm glad for a new altetbative for twitter but the u.i needs some work,4,2023-07-06 01:54:16 +Google Play,I like it but i cant upload on the lg stylo 5,2,2023-07-07 19:04:29 +Google Play,This is an excellent app for great conservations,5,2023-07-07 13:25:28 +Google Play,Faltu application with lot of bugs. Bhai isko banane ki akhir jarurat kya thi. Keep your time and money in right approaches.,1,2023-07-13 04:51:09 +Google Play,"I download this app only for panji's post, he acted like he's a high level human being, or should i say ""elit"" lol",5,2023-07-09 17:24:43 +Google Play,I think I just downloaded twitter but by mark I think programmers now are just really ctrl+c ctrl+v,1,2023-07-09 14:35:06 +Google Play,"I like this app, I can't say more than that cause I've just began using it 😅",3,2023-07-07 08:52:46 +Google Play,Login process not working,1,2023-07-06 13:12:01 +Google Play,My app is not working properly 😩 Can someone please help me,1,2023-07-08 18:08:32 +Google Play,Need more work UI/UX,3,2023-07-08 12:53:48 +Google Play,Account getting logged out everytime,1,2023-07-07 09:47:55 +Google Play,What i want is not there is just basically tweet from accounts i follow on Instagram,3,2023-07-20 16:39:08 +Google Play,A Game-Changer in Organized Communication.,4,2023-07-06 07:37:45 +Google Play,WHY do I have to log in thru IG? I don't like that. Need to be able to login solely thru Threads@,3,2023-07-06 22:06:42 +Google Play,"We need more features like DM,modifie a post,boost",5,2023-07-10 09:03:50 +Google Play,Threads app is so good easy to use,5,2023-07-06 08:41:56 +Google Play,Good app but it needs more features,4,2023-07-12 21:39:57 +Google Play,"So far so good, long time im waiting for apps like this.",5,2023-07-08 00:30:43 +Google Play,Any way I can just see the people I follow rather than all the other stuff I have no interest in would be nice,1,2023-07-08 08:55:09 +Google Play,Great app until the reels arrive,4,2023-07-07 08:39:39 +Google Play,Good but update features still,5,2023-07-06 21:26:10 +Google Play,Overall attractive GUI 🫠,3,2023-07-06 03:04:24 +Google Play,It's glitching every time,1,2023-07-07 13:09:31 +Google Play,Its a good apps. I love it. Thanks Mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-07 09:02:00 +Google Play,"Who in their right mind wants to sign up for ANOTHER social media app, after everything we've learned about social media over the last decade?? Especially one created by Zuck and the meta brand? Wake up, people.",1,2023-07-07 13:34:51 +Google Play,I love it here but I noticed I can't tag my girls and use hashtags 😞,4,2023-07-06 07:16:15 +Google Play,Usefull app and features My Instagram id 1million complete thankyou so much everyone 🤗🫂,5,2023-07-06 08:11:55 +Google Play,looking forward to the app's improvements :)),5,2023-07-14 12:35:08 +Google Play,Very bad terms and conditions,1,2023-07-08 22:23:27 +Google Play,Good application nice work by Instagram 😄👍,5,2023-07-08 12:22:57 +Google Play,I don't want to use my Instagram username. And it won't let me create a new account.,1,2023-07-07 12:53:16 +Google Play,Performance is so bad !! ... The Ui is Glitching,1,2023-07-06 11:41:02 +Google Play,I also installed this app to see how it performs but it is performing very well,5,2023-07-06 10:29:37 +Google Play,"So far so good, but i wish it could prioritize the threads of people we follow first, no all i see is threads from people i have no interest in. Please don't ruin it by making just another instagram🙃",4,2023-07-07 01:48:16 +Google Play,It's boring but cause everyone is on it I am on it.,2,2023-07-15 20:16:20 +Google Play,"First of all, this isn't a standalone service, it requires an Instagram account. Second, never forget that Facebook sold 86 million users data to Cambridge Analytica to manipulate the elections, and they're being sued in Europe for anti privacy practices. They are going to steal all your information and sell it and use it for nefarious purposes. By using this app you are as guilty as they are.",1,2023-07-06 05:26:31 +Google Play,Crashing while opening replies,1,2023-07-07 13:45:52 +Google Play,Why I see content second time in thread which I already seen in Instagram time wasting,1,2023-07-10 07:28:29 +Google Play,Too slow scrolling,1,2023-07-12 15:41:26 +Google Play,Plz enable msg feature for better experience.,1,2023-07-08 18:36:14 +Google Play,Please don't put the letter's counting this is not good I wanna talk too much and express my feelings freely please solve this and let us be free in what we want to say ..,3,2023-07-09 22:47:02 +Google Play,I hope this app Twitter Copy. And instagram and Twitter mixing ... I hope batter,1,2023-07-12 04:39:53 +Google Play,These the best platform ever for everyone 🙏🙏,5,2023-07-15 18:49:53 +Google Play,It is not supporting properly in my phone,1,2023-07-06 09:15:03 +Google Play,"I think this app very great,keep update for new fiture",5,2023-07-10 06:31:50 +Google Play,"I'm very happy but you know what? I didn't become a member of this app today, I mean on the 10th. And I am giving a review without using the app. What's wrong? the thing😁😚😜",3,2023-07-10 09:03:10 +Google Play,No bug at all pretty good app,5,2023-07-06 09:04:37 +Google Play,This is very bad app this app is not working properly,1,2023-07-07 06:39:02 +Google Play,Needs a tablet UI option,3,2023-07-19 15:53:14 +Google Play,Very nice app lounch how are you doing now to get the time of the day,5,2023-07-08 08:46:50 +Google Play,"i can't upload some photos, maybe someone can help or what",3,2023-07-09 12:23:06 +Google Play,Excellent application 👍 posting massage any opsnal good,5,2023-07-20 18:23:05 +Google Play,"Full of glitch, cant be used",1,2023-07-09 09:13:57 +Google Play,First fix glitch Text on text,1,2023-07-06 11:29:16 +Google Play,Pretty cool app Amazing features I loved it,5,2023-07-08 02:08:38 +Google Play,It's giving tw!tter since that app sinking as we speak🤣,3,2023-07-06 03:31:04 +Google Play,it's amazing and it all free,5,2023-07-09 18:15:20 +Google Play,crashes every time if I try to write any comment on any post,3,2023-07-06 12:33:49 +Google Play,"Absolute rubbish, censorship worse thein in nazi Germany. Working to spread russian propaganda and if you post something from real world got banned not only from here but also on joined meta accounts.",1,2023-07-11 07:01:32 +Google Play,"it's glitching, so annoyed",2,2023-07-09 12:33:38 +Google Play,Very poor UI & UX,1,2023-07-09 10:50:34 +Google Play,I would give 5 if thread could offer the real-time hot search & hashtags..may be it would like a blue bird 555 don't worry you have the other options..I swear~,3,2023-07-07 14:04:14 +Google Play,"I love this app tho, but how can someone text his friend on the app?",4,2023-07-09 06:47:56 +Google Play,"I can't delete without deleting Instagram, this is a tie-in",1,2023-07-15 23:26:18 +Google Play,"Please Change Logo in While Opening the Thread App, it is Similar to Instagram pink colur Style.",5,2023-07-07 06:15:44 +Google Play,Best apps for sharing your daily threads ......with everyone's....👍🏻,5,2023-07-08 09:00:31 +Google Play,"Great, now i can't delete my threads account without deleting my Instagram , RIP other ppl like me 💀💀 (I just needed that threads badge on profile, but now I'm stuck with this stupid app)add a seperate option to only delete threads acc",1,2023-07-09 15:08:16 +Google Play,Yesterday I downloaded and tested it. 😁 Actually its good till now.😍,3,2023-07-07 10:58:36 +Google Play,Nice app but i am having problem i can follow another account why is it like that,1,2023-07-23 08:04:47 +Google Play,Lots of bug... User screen is blur,1,2023-07-19 18:37:04 +Google Play,Growth and development socially connected in a good way!,5,2023-07-14 16:14:56 +Google Play,no privacy. meta want to know about you everything. be careful,1,2023-07-15 22:00:34 +Google Play,When the ability to only see the people you follow in the threads I'll give it 5 stars. The people I follow are lost in the clutter of social media influencer wannabes. Most of the negative ratings are coming from Musk fan boys. 🤷‍♂️,4,2023-07-07 19:45:51 +Google Play,Pretty terrible. An empty space for cold brands to just be cringy. There's no heart or community. This is plainly a rip off of Twitter and should be banned for plagiarism in all honesty.,1,2023-07-14 11:15:51 +Google Play,"I think they want Gen Z to use it, cuz the login is through Instagram, but according to the trend Gen Z won't use it. If they stream the colosium fight in here obviously Elon musk and mark Zuckerberg's fight that might bring some traffic in there.",3,2023-07-05 23:31:01 +Google Play,Great. A THOUSAND times less toxic than twitter.,5,2023-07-06 12:26:08 +Google Play,I don't trust any app from Facebook or Instagram. They need to be sued for being racist and sexist m they have harmed my mental health for too long and need to be shut down immediately.,1,2023-07-13 11:51:09 +Google Play,Way better than twitter. Thanks Mark!,5,2023-07-06 10:31:58 +Google Play,The dark mode needs to be as dark as indtagram,3,2023-07-06 08:17:49 +Google Play,Wonderful... Just need some new features,4,2023-07-15 14:57:50 +Google Play,Not bad.. still work in progress,3,2023-07-06 14:50:04 +Google Play,Super 👌 nice 👍 It looks like similarly Twitter .,4,2023-07-10 05:56:21 +Google Play,I'm facing glitch issue in the app please resolve it asap.,1,2023-07-06 16:43:01 +Google Play,Pls add a translation button,1,2023-07-06 16:06:13 +Google Play,Feed algorithm kinda sucks right now. Gettings threads from all the people i dont know and getting really few from who i m following. Hope it will be fixed,5,2023-07-07 16:41:48 +Google Play,missing so many features,3,2023-07-23 20:29:22 +Google Play,It got crashed and was acting weird,2,2023-07-09 15:18:48 +Google Play,"This app is a privacy nightmare, collects all of your data and worst of all it's owned by Facebook",1,2023-07-09 20:41:11 +Google Play,It's good. But no photo download option,3,2023-07-07 08:06:41 +Google Play,There is limitation for writing threads i hope you guys will make it.anyways good app for everyone.,4,2023-07-11 14:18:46 +Google Play,The best app in the game by a light year,5,2023-07-21 14:21:45 +Google Play,As soon as i logged in into the app the glitchy mess tsk,1,2023-07-07 03:04:54 +Google Play,"It's fun to be, but too much restrictions.",3,2023-07-18 08:40:06 +Google Play,When are you adding the search feature for things that aren't accounts?,3,2023-07-18 03:58:55 +Google Play,"Meta are upset with the way Twitter is returning free speech, so they have decided to create a similar app that's sensor information the way they want. Garbage",1,2023-07-06 20:22:38 +Google Play,All good but not user friendly . And this app takes much mb,4,2023-07-08 17:54:57 +Google Play,"It's a worst app and waste of time,net ,",1,2023-07-15 10:35:42 +Google Play,Outstanding experience! Great,5,2023-07-07 14:57:19 +Google Play,"One more Way for famous, influential, corporations, and fortune 500's to get they're content out very little for the regular Guy as we're just basically posting into nothing Ness I mean what are we going to post to who TF ever we follow ie nef or National geographic or something probably not so my take is unless your already famous or Rich good luck getting any action",2,2023-07-09 06:20:51 +Google Play,I'm trying to switch my account to private but it's not working... Not satisfied 😕,1,2023-07-10 05:53:09 +Google Play,Good app but crushes on my android everytime I want to post a pic,3,2023-07-06 08:17:09 +Google Play,Pretty cool. Love the interface,5,2023-07-06 07:23:43 +Google Play,Same as like Twitter but awesome 👍,5,2023-07-08 07:50:08 +Google Play,It's been glitching since the moment I installed it. 😭,1,2023-07-06 15:43:22 +Google Play,"It makes no sense, what's point of this app? I have seen hundreds of better apps than this one",1,2023-07-07 10:52:19 +Google Play,"no ads, great UX",4,2023-07-08 11:27:41 +Google Play,Refreshing and new! Feels like the old days,5,2023-07-06 00:53:46 +Google Play,"Features Suggesting For Threadsapp 💡 •Filter Comments To New,Old,Top •Home Page Should Have ""For You"" & ""Following"" Tabs •Custom Made Hastags Works As Topics Which Helps New Posts Being Recommened If The User Followed That Hastag. •Hastags Follower Count Is Important Like Its A Channel/Topic •Post View Anaylitics •View Other Quote Threads •Keyword Searching For Posts On The Bar •Drafting & Scheduling Posts •Different Color Modes",3,2023-07-07 10:39:33 +Google Play,"Please make an option so that we can only see threads from people we follow, and not every thread from every random person or celebrities.",3,2023-07-09 21:44:39 +Google Play,"On Threads Thair is No Option for DM. and Not Showing Trading Hash Tags. It just for funn like old Instagram,",2,2023-07-06 12:36:57 +Google Play,OMG this for best feature of insta.💖,5,2023-07-07 14:16:19 +Google Play,Good younger app from metta but will be famous more then Twitter..thank you metta genius gentleman Mr Mark.,5,2023-07-09 14:01:37 +Google Play,Does not work! I can only watch feed. I cannot post anything or comment. I cannot see comments at all,1,2023-07-14 12:20:18 +Google Play,Super app just loved it on my first use🤍👍Going to Beat twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 17:17:58 +Google Play,I see its a nice app like twitter i hope it will be better than Twitter,4,2023-07-08 16:25:55 +Google Play,This app is my favorite already 10/10 Instagram you're winning,5,2023-07-06 07:23:12 +Google Play,It not working properly,1,2023-07-06 16:02:02 +Google Play,"Good but I have issues,whenever I leave the application...",4,2023-07-06 03:49:06 +Google Play,"This app is really Amezing, now i can uninstall tweeter.",5,2023-07-06 09:09:36 +Google Play,This app is great! Much better than twitter. 😈,5,2023-07-08 05:31:05 +Google Play,Feed is filled with threads of people I do not even follow. This needs to be fixed.,1,2023-07-07 15:28:06 +Google Play,"Turns out, people want a functional, hate-free social space.",5,2023-07-08 21:34:40 +Google Play,I like it so far better than the BeReal social media app,5,2023-07-07 18:42:27 +Google Play,love the smooth signup process,5,2023-07-07 10:41:31 +Google Play,My app is not working properly @sammy_ssammy,1,2023-07-07 04:34:31 +Google Play,Its quite a good app for me and hope i gain more followers and like lol,5,2023-07-12 02:17:42 +Google Play,It says there is no reviews in my language. Does that mean I'm the first English review!??! Good app,5,2023-07-06 07:23:01 +Google Play,Must have edit option in attachment,1,2023-07-09 15:19:19 +Google Play,Best app in a long time thanks zuck!,5,2023-07-07 19:27:08 +Google Play,The app is full of bug i can't do anything 😭,1,2023-07-06 07:36:00 +Google Play,I can't use this app it have many bugs 🥲,1,2023-07-07 10:25:05 +Google Play,I don't have or want Instagram and there is no other way to log in.,1,2023-07-07 03:19:47 +Google Play,It's just a great simple app 👍🏽,5,2023-07-06 18:32:26 +Google Play,Zuck bhaiya was not ready for this jalebi to be trending 🙂 its crashing again and again...,5,2023-07-08 08:30:37 +Google Play,This app lagging in my mobile.. Please fix it,3,2023-07-06 08:54:27 +Google Play,Instagram account doesn't work after downloading threads. What is a solution to this?🙁,1,2023-07-10 17:13:23 +Google Play,Facing problem when post a picture. #Useless 😞,1,2023-07-08 19:26:16 +Google Play,Perfect any thing except Twitter is 😊 good,5,2023-07-06 14:03:38 +Google Play,"Just joined, 3 stars is generous for now. So far, so good",3,2023-07-07 06:23:46 +Google Play,"I love this app , it's is add free and easy using app",5,2023-07-06 12:35:32 +Google Play,Clean ui with soft software 😁,4,2023-07-07 04:11:39 +Google Play,I am using threads from 7 July but I didn't get any followers. Although I am posting positive content after every five hours.,1,2023-07-10 19:20:25 +Google Play,I don't understand what's it what type of app this is we can't change our user name or many more think that,1,2023-07-08 05:49:05 +Google Play,"No thanks, Mark it trash, keep it of your own, not even close lizard man",1,2023-07-20 11:00:32 +Google Play,How to delete permanently without deleting Instagram account ...!,1,2023-07-09 10:03:09 +Google Play,App is hanging n not working,1,2023-07-08 08:35:35 +Google Play,Pics quality is very low in new update which yesterday update,5,2023-07-11 18:45:26 +Google Play,I cannot download this app as the button which is for the word download does not appear .,5,2023-07-09 06:41:02 +Google Play,App is overall good but app is too confusing 😵‍💫,5,2023-07-06 10:14:02 +Google Play,It is better to connect on Facebook good apps,5,2023-07-16 14:40:05 +Google Play,Best app and can be use in replace of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:30:11 +Google Play,Meta give this freedom of speech in morality limits please and don't ban accounts over some jokes or post now don't be a second twitter or instagram where accounts get banned over nothing also please add an dark mode inside the app and also add an comment language translation option like Instagram have so it will be easy to understand what somone is saying in other Language and also add the private message option inside the app and add seprate option to see an following amd random people post,5,2023-07-06 21:37:11 +Google Play,"It's not clear, develop as soon as possible",1,2023-07-09 13:46:18 +Google Play,its full of bugs and glitchy on my phone,1,2023-07-06 12:43:39 +Google Play,To much problem No msg No delete account or deactivate No watch reels,1,2023-07-09 10:16:59 +Google Play,They called it Twitter's rival but I really don't think so it's a Twitter's rival.,2,2023-07-06 02:10:21 +Google Play,A very nice app Meta means something new thanks to Zucker Mark,5,2023-07-07 07:55:19 +Google Play,Fix the bugs please!,1,2023-07-06 13:58:56 +Google Play,Little battle hard for using but I am sure oneday my best threads in social life❤️,1,2023-07-09 16:46:34 +Google Play,Sorry! Without Trading topic and hashtags this is useless to me.,1,2023-07-08 23:20:57 +Google Play,"Hi, Zuker contact me, if you wants to save this app.",5,2023-07-08 06:47:26 +Google Play,Very fantastic app I'm enjoying this app thankyou meta for lonch this new spp,4,2023-07-08 11:22:15 +Google Play,"Threads feels like Twitter’s cousin who studied abroad. Familiar, but with a new accent 👏",5,2023-07-06 03:27:30 +Google Play,"The app is great, but some things could be better",4,2023-07-09 15:26:55 +Google Play,Right time Entry intersting app,5,2023-07-15 07:07:54 +Google Play,Don't have Instagram. Don't want Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 19:10:06 +Google Play,"Stop showing others people i didn't follow, If I wanna see them I'll search them myself. It's annoying",1,2023-07-13 15:44:16 +Google Play,nice but needs more improvements,4,2023-07-07 16:52:21 +Google Play,It's okay I just need to know where to find the dark mode option if there's one,4,2023-07-08 00:26:41 +Google Play,Areee badhiya app hai ek dum.....like guys obviously it's new so kuch time lagega ispe content aane mein par working is smooth Haan ...no glitch no big till now....well-done meta ....this app is far better than Twitter✨ jaldi Twitter se hatooo📢📢📢📢📢,5,2023-07-07 05:02:36 +Google Play,not usful at all it's literally a copy of twitter and what about Facebook?,1,2023-07-18 16:42:56 +Google Play,Any alternative to Twitter and Psycho-Sociopath Musk is a great option.,5,2023-07-06 14:44:24 +Google Play,Hope this app doesn't limits threads per day! Till then it's best.,5,2023-07-06 04:19:11 +Google Play,leaks names and exposes personal info by scraping through FB. do not download if you go by another name than your birth name or you are trying to hide from an abuser,1,2023-07-08 07:25:48 +Google Play,"Please add hashtag, Whats trending panel and night mode in the settings",4,2023-07-06 10:58:28 +Google Play,When i scroll the app glitches and one post will be all over the place,1,2023-07-08 15:07:48 +Google Play,This is a lousy attempt to steal Twitter users but it won't work once people realize all the big name people featured as new users are revealed to be payed for their joining this POS app,1,2023-07-10 22:03:50 +Google Play,This is just messed up How did a random follower who followed me on threads follow my private Instagram account when i didnt accept or get his request? Not to mention i cant delete threads without deleting my Instagram 😭 bro who's idea even is this,1,2023-07-06 11:56:32 +Google Play,Best platform for all. Say bye to Twitter,4,2023-07-06 07:21:15 +Google Play,It's good 😊 but one problem -is Now you have to collect followers yourself.,4,2023-07-07 01:54:52 +Google Play,It crash when i try to upload a pic,3,2023-07-08 12:47:24 +Google Play,"The app screams ""invasion of privacy"" from the very beginning :/",1,2023-07-16 09:30:28 +Google Play,Nice app👍🏽 But i think they should try to add DM too😋🥰,5,2023-07-08 05:00:19 +Google Play,Instagram is best than insta threads,3,2023-07-06 15:37:37 +Google Play,"I deleted my badge from insta bio , now I can't see any options to bring it back",4,2023-07-06 23:28:14 +Google Play,How in do I post a picture on another person's thread? I can't seem to figure it out Maybe bugged? S22 ultra,3,2023-07-06 17:34:04 +Google Play,Just add pin to top and we're good 🤍,3,2023-07-06 08:51:21 +Google Play,This is the time of change for your device to enjoy therads,5,2023-07-08 12:36:10 +Google Play,Better than the twitter app as I'm totally loving it!! ❤,4,2023-07-10 09:18:27 +Google Play,Very promising application WITH NO LIMITS.,5,2023-07-06 18:34:27 +Google Play,"If you are scared and offended because you were threatened with freedom of speech and require an algorithm that will censor and push a radical left narrative, this is the app for you. Go ahead and rejoice at the rise of western communism.",1,2023-07-07 15:37:29 +Google Play,"It’s looking good, Really good.",5,2023-07-05 23:33:32 +Google Play,"My username I use everywhere is taken by an inactive Instagram account, and that sucks.",1,2023-07-05 23:25:31 +Google Play,Hmm Such A Amazing App ( But Kindly Please Add On Chatting Option like Messenger,5,2023-07-06 22:16:53 +Google Play,While I post something then then app crashed .,2,2023-07-11 05:44:00 +Google Play,So beautiful and addictive app like so much,5,2023-07-09 15:33:26 +Google Play,Man its really sucks on tablet.It just close when I try to post.,3,2023-07-09 11:33:05 +Google Play,i think THIS i's better for Twitter every body yous it this amazing apps,5,2023-07-09 21:35:27 +Google Play,Such a good one application from Instagram....,4,2023-07-06 02:30:40 +Google Play,Disgusting 🤢🤢 App is not opening Totally disappointed 😔,1,2023-07-09 14:34:55 +Google Play,Lagging and crashing,1,2023-07-06 15:15:59 +Google Play,"Solid copy of Twitter. Why do we need something ""like Twitter"" when we already have a Twitter?",1,2023-07-09 03:50:26 +Google Play,Don't make socials apps regional... I'd go outside if I wanted to talk with people here.,2,2023-07-06 07:13:52 +Google Play,It has to have a message translator in it.,2,2023-07-13 15:59:36 +Google Play,Allow users to create account without having existing instagram account to experience platform and share idea with everyone without any restrictions,3,2023-07-06 00:56:55 +Google Play,The app is glitching when I am opening it.,1,2023-07-07 07:34:26 +Google Play,Nice clean look. So far I can't complain.,4,2023-07-07 17:26:18 +Google Play,Any copy cat app cannot win the subscribers,1,2023-07-24 11:52:08 +Google Play,Threads is more fantastic fabulous amazing than Twitter 👍👍😁😁,5,2023-07-08 12:46:58 +Google Play,"Gosh darn, I loved in the movie when they threaded - that was so ... hhhh!",5,2023-07-05 23:02:05 +Google Play,Fantastic app .I just loved the threads.,5,2023-07-06 07:39:12 +Google Play,Yeah it's a cool application.... Thanks meta for introducing threads,5,2023-07-06 16:49:33 +Google Play,It's not support.... Android 9,1,2023-07-07 07:24:11 +Google Play,Some technical issues with this.,1,2023-07-07 15:08:18 +Google Play,"So boring,same features we got on twitter also .",1,2023-07-11 00:56:45 +Google Play,Nice application but I see some error,5,2023-07-07 18:19:32 +Google Play,I wish if there was minus star opt. I would give this app -100 stars,1,2023-07-08 20:23:24 +Google Play,Gotta have Instagram as a precursor? No thanks!,1,2023-07-07 09:31:36 +Google Play,Brilliant 👍.I really like this app. Threads > 🐦,5,2023-07-07 12:57:22 +Google Play,Very smooth and good app,5,2023-07-07 03:12:26 +Google Play,It's a good app with good features,5,2023-07-07 18:15:39 +Google Play,Work hard on this application because it looks so horrible,2,2023-07-09 16:21:54 +Google Play,Can't wait for mark and Elon to duke it out. Great work boyZ,5,2023-07-06 13:44:14 +Google Play,Great app and much better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 10:48:21 +Google Play,"the app always say ""sorry, something went wrong"" 😔",1,2023-07-06 02:42:12 +Google Play,Please Enable Personal chat option on Threads app,2,2023-07-07 09:19:06 +Google Play,Don't download this if u r interovert full time waste,1,2023-07-10 13:54:58 +Google Play,"worst app, it's so slow to install",1,2023-07-06 13:24:40 +Google Play,Legging too much cant see anything,1,2023-07-06 09:53:17 +Google Play,It's an amazing app for micro bloggers.,5,2023-07-07 15:48:37 +Google Play,Awesome experience. Infact better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 15:08:58 +Google Play,Seeing tweets of every tom dick and harry on my timeline. None of who are followed by me.,1,2023-07-06 14:51:32 +Google Play,I love the app a lot but there's no place to chat,5,2023-07-08 10:45:12 +Google Play,Just amazing 🤩 I really recommend this app to those who love instagram or Facebook ❤️,5,2023-07-06 13:52:09 +Google Play,"This is just Twitter, but 10 times more terrible",1,2023-07-07 06:58:29 +Google Play,"So far so good, it still requires a couple of features including built-in translator, gifs, private messaging and more. looking forward to this app, it has so much potential",4,2023-07-06 21:25:38 +Google Play,Good experience so far. One thing is sure that this is far better than the nonsense that happens in Facebook community.,5,2023-07-08 19:25:36 +Google Play,Worked initially and now it won't open.,1,2023-07-06 21:50:01 +Google Play,No search. Cynical user trap. Risible logo.,1,2023-07-07 21:38:50 +Google Play,"awesome,simplest version of Twitter 👍🏻👍🏻💯💯",5,2023-07-07 07:40:35 +Google Play,It's a great app however I can't open my Instagram now 😭 why?,3,2023-07-09 23:50:45 +Google Play,100% addictive 100% good 100% better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 09:52:26 +Google Play,"Can only search for users not post content. With Twitter I can search for say ""protest London"" and see all tweets about protests in London. No such function on Threads. Means I only see what those I follow post and their opinions, not a vast array of opinions.",2,2023-07-07 15:02:53 +Google Play,Better than twitter. Carry on. Love it.thank u meta,5,2023-07-07 18:19:42 +Google Play,"Anything apart from twitter, I am good.",5,2023-07-06 20:50:04 +Google Play,The first few days of the app is so good then here comes the controversy with threads vs twitter to be honest this is better at least we can view unlimited post and satisfy people,5,2023-07-07 07:18:49 +Google Play,This app is not working properly . I'm facing problem operating this app.,1,2023-07-08 18:14:43 +Google Play,Need more features and less censorship,1,2023-07-21 16:17:31 +Google Play,I like the design of the app. Clean.,5,2023-07-08 00:48:01 +Google Play,💗💗💗It is very beautiful and better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 09:54:41 +Google Play,This is great. Elon Musk can keep his bird app.,5,2023-07-05 23:33:29 +Google Play,Not working properly 😔,1,2023-07-07 04:58:19 +Google Play,Pretty good but nothing really that entertaining,3,2023-07-07 07:11:42 +Google Play,Terrible experience. Just use mastodon directly.,1,2023-07-10 01:38:55 +Google Play,the app is so good and easy to use,5,2023-07-07 11:59:44 +Google Play,One Of The Best Platform For Text Information posting Batter Then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 03:17:34 +Google Play,"First, they are accessing precise location without consent. The app is such a twitter knock off that it is hard to use you and even harder to navigate for content you want. The amount of personal data they are taking without even a single option to reject or approve is ridiculous. Will not be using this unethical app.",1,2023-07-08 10:41:19 +Google Play,The app crashed on first log in.,2,2023-07-07 12:44:18 +Google Play,When I Click this app review there is no reviews about this app so may be I am the first person who is writing a review from India without using it 😂😁😁 This is a messager app I I am using it review section as a communication 😂 Hope you guys like this ☝️☝️👍,5,2023-07-06 19:46:48 +Google Play,Cheap imitation and pathetic,1,2023-07-07 15:52:32 +Google Play,"There is a issue when I tried to login with my Instagram credentials. Even though giving correct id and password I am unable to login in my android device over and over. Hope that alternate login system eg: forgot password, send OTP etc. will be added soon. This info might help: Device Name: Samsung Galaxy A10 Android Version: 11",1,2023-07-08 17:39:59 +Google Play,"I am the first I would like to say that it is a great and easy application that is worth trying.follow me "" ibrahimosama13""",5,2023-07-06 03:39:17 +Google Play,Annoying.. why am I forced to ee random people's thoughts that I could not care less about. Twitter you follow people you are interested in. Threads you are forced garbage. Oh and can't delete once you join.,1,2023-07-19 17:20:42 +Google Play,Best App For Thought Sharing But Logo Is Bad... Please Change Threads Logo,5,2023-07-06 10:19:29 +Google Play,Totally waste of time,1,2023-07-07 06:45:12 +Google Play,"When I opened the app, it's just like that I'm using Instagram.",1,2023-07-10 10:50:34 +Google Play,Need save option as soon as possible.,5,2023-07-09 08:35:26 +Google Play,My problem is videos to play itself why don't you remove it,2,2023-07-06 18:32:00 +Google Play,Good so far hope to see it grow with more options,4,2023-07-15 14:00:34 +Google Play,Just a copy of twitter with more privacy issues,1,2023-07-07 14:25:30 +Google Play,Excellent app Nice features,5,2023-07-06 14:08:35 +Google Play,It's good platform for as compare Twitter ✨,4,2023-07-07 07:40:45 +Google Play,Can you bring switching account. I have 2 account so I can switch account easily like Instagram,5,2023-07-08 13:20:40 +Google Play,So far so good. Anything is better than Twitter has become.,5,2023-07-06 22:58:11 +Google Play,Faltu App sobai bekar keno dawnload korche ke jane... Sobai bujhtei parche na instagram extra taka kamanor jonno ai sob faltu app bar kore che sei moto sobai dawnload kore jache.....🙂🙂🙂,1,2023-07-07 18:32:07 +Google Play,Gooood much better than Twitter lol it's simple and good,5,2023-07-06 21:25:28 +Google Play,"Have you been enjoying Threads so far? 👀Did you know you can share your content from Threads to Instagram Stories, where your followers will see a clickable preview. 👋 Try it and tag us in your stories! 🧵",5,2023-07-06 15:22:26 +Google Play,"As soon as I got logged in on the app the entire thing is an unusable glitchy mess. I can't even see my screen, it's just pixels tearing in every direction. I'm guessing it hasn't even come close to being optimized for every device yet.Please fix it, Tq 🙏",3,2023-07-07 06:45:01 +Google Play,Enable logout option or enable switch account,4,2023-07-06 08:25:04 +Google Play,Add a share button option to share using direct message,5,2023-07-06 10:12:54 +Google Play,It's a meh can't even change my profile pic or migrate my stuff from insta please fix,3,2023-07-07 10:28:20 +Google Play,No freedom of speech. Biased platform. You will get banned when you talk against certain groups. You will get banned when you say the truth. Islamophobia will be defined as freedom of speech though. This happens on all meta platforms. Twitter is the best.,1,2023-07-09 07:52:04 +Google Play,Bad Apps ! Copying Mark Zuck is Noob Apps Best Apps For Twitter Elon Musk is My Favourite Pro Apps,1,2023-07-11 12:18:10 +Google Play,Crashes when I try to upload a picture,1,2023-07-10 22:37:50 +Google Play,A good one. Just a like master copy of Twitter!👽,4,2023-07-06 14:34:58 +Google Play,Nice app. Would have given more than 5 stars if permits,5,2023-07-07 20:40:16 +Google Play,Rubbish can't sign up or get in as I'm not on Instagram,1,2023-07-22 16:51:19 +Google Play,Excellent application and better then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 13:55:41 +Google Play,Good copy of Twitter but not better than Twitter 😅,3,2023-07-16 07:36:49 +Google Play,The app is beautiful......Please follow Panda.officialboy🙃🙂🥲,5,2023-07-06 19:32:09 +Google Play,It's like twitter with lot more features,5,2023-07-06 17:44:01 +Google Play,Can't replace Twitter bcz all insta insta influencers spitting same content as on Instagram.,1,2023-07-09 01:15:44 +Google Play,It is ok if you put post button on right top.,5,2023-07-08 04:16:24 +Google Play,"So you select who you want to follow, refresh the feed, and it shows a ton of accounts that aren't even close to who you follow, and the timeline isn't synced up so you'll be scrolling back and forth. What a waste of a potential Twitter replacement.",1,2023-07-09 01:00:49 +Google Play,Should able to edit an thread likely add an feature to edit or add more option to posting threads. (Cant add gif / hashtags on the 'threads' ),3,2023-07-07 11:13:53 +Google Play,why is dark theme is the last thing u add onto an app. Dead serious question,3,2023-07-06 06:25:38 +Google Play,Useless!!! After installing it a couple days ago it logs me out of both Threads & intagram! Plus keeps asking me to log back in! Never happened before with insta for many years! Uninstalling both.. wish I could give it zero ⭐'s Going back to Elmo's app!,1,2023-07-09 03:31:56 +Google Play,This app is just straight bad. They censor everything. The logo is literally a 666.,1,2023-07-08 17:54:56 +Google Play,"Haven't tried it yet, but the 5 stars were given cause I hate Twitter :))",5,2023-07-06 19:36:18 +Google Play,Very best application for users.,4,2023-07-06 01:34:09 +Google Play,Good but need hastag and also hope can make live video on our account,5,2023-07-09 11:48:31 +Google Play,The app is great and I like I can connect to my favourite celebrity's. However since I downloading and installing threads my instagram has been hack into 4 times which I had to reset my password. Would love to keep but for my security reasons I'm having to delete the app. Sucks too because I loved it.,2,2023-07-13 14:31:12 +Google Play,Great app really but highly addictive (send help),5,2023-07-09 20:31:03 +Google Play,Not as good as Twitter it's similar to Instagram,1,2023-07-09 21:22:34 +Google Play,I can't explaind that this app 100 times better than Twitter 😘😘❤️,5,2023-07-07 02:15:36 +Google Play,"How to add darktheme: function toggleTheme() { const body = document.body; body.classList.toggle(""dark-theme""); }",3,2023-07-05 23:40:47 +Google Play,"""Threads"" is such a better name that ""Twitter"" literally means going on about inconsequential stuff. Hopefully this will be a good place for people to talk, but also for people to listen. ❤️❤️❤️ I love you Mark Zuckerberg 💯💯💯💯🙏🙏",5,2023-07-06 13:27:27 +Google Play,"Add Dark theme & Add #tag trends, trending, & in profile view add also follow count view",2,2023-07-07 18:01:21 +Google Play,Please add an option to save photos on android,1,2023-07-08 00:07:29 +Google Play,Screen gets glitched after login,1,2023-07-06 19:51:28 +Google Play,The screen kept frozen.,1,2023-07-11 03:53:28 +Google Play,Loved it. I don't want to see all random threads. I just want threads from the people i follow.,5,2023-07-06 09:53:10 +Google Play,It gives more options to know more about each other 👍👍👍,4,2023-07-06 08:00:51 +Google Play,"Loads of fun, information and memes",5,2023-07-13 17:37:00 +Google Play,Crashing when posting pic.,3,2023-07-06 19:02:33 +Google Play,Tried it for 30 seconds. Very complicated. I didn't even know what I was looking at. Twitter is so much better when it works. I dropped Twitter last week when it stopped working. Technically Twitter is a nightmare. Threads...I have no idea what I was looking at.,1,2023-07-07 00:55:37 +Google Play,I really like this app is working perfect,5,2023-07-06 18:25:05 +Google Play,Won't let me create an account without downloading more apps.,2,2023-07-07 04:57:27 +Google Play,I hope this app will be more useful than twitter soon. Thanks Zuckerberg.,5,2023-07-06 06:04:39 +Google Play,"This is from my heart, to thank you for introducing this application . This app is awesome 👍👍",5,2023-07-06 11:37:41 +Google Play,It would be better if it had a dark mode,3,2023-07-06 19:35:43 +Google Play,"It could be a good app if it's feed was better. It shows more people I don't follow than I follow with no way to filter it. The last time I opened the app, it showed a rather profane post from an account I do not follow. So I deleted the app. I like regular Instagram a whole lot better.",1,2023-07-12 13:43:53 +Google Play,It's very good but I want song 😭,4,2023-07-07 21:24:26 +Google Play,Won't allow a new account. I do not have Instagram. If i do then this is pointless,1,2023-07-07 10:27:28 +Google Play,This app so good and smooth run in my phone,5,2023-07-09 10:55:14 +Google Play,Useless twitter half fake brother app Meta can't you be more innovative? Copying twitter features?,1,2023-07-21 10:40:48 +Google Play,Good job but twitter is better than threads.,3,2023-07-06 17:12:25 +Google Play,This is best application for everyone...Thank you Mark 🙏💐,5,2023-07-06 06:24:51 +Google Play,"Not sure if this is MZ's new alternative to Twittler and False Social, but you can't post pics or memes (so far)",3,2023-07-06 03:18:35 +Google Play,Too many random threads appearing on my feed. I don't like Meta making the choices about who I follow. I'm out,2,2023-07-07 17:51:54 +Google Play,I am @nritsang on Instagram Is this fare that if you delete threads you will also delete you Instagram account 🥲 This decreased rate of this application,4,2023-07-07 14:17:27 +Google Play,It's glitching every time I open it,1,2023-07-09 19:25:19 +Google Play,Nice New social media app. I'm really loving this.,5,2023-07-11 23:24:53 +Google Play,No data Saver option to much data consumption,3,2023-07-07 16:43:21 +Google Play,Why this app is not on huawei APP Gallery? I badly want this app 😔,5,2023-07-06 09:21:25 +Google Play,This app is not working bug this app 😔,1,2023-07-09 04:50:01 +Google Play,We need a button to save pictures,2,2023-07-06 07:39:39 +Google Play,It's been glitching ever since I've downloaded it,1,2023-07-09 20:02:50 +Google Play,It is a cheap copy of Twitter no one is morally allowed to make such apps as the owner of Twitter have invested billions in Twitter. I think that Meta should have tried to create some other platform,1,2023-07-08 15:39:58 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-08 16:22:47 +Google Play,We need a web version. Please make it available as soon as possible.,4,2023-07-06 07:30:50 +Google Play,Can't see any replies to any threads. It always says something went wrong,1,2023-07-20 21:28:54 +Google Play,Crashes all the time so what is the point,1,2023-07-18 18:58:17 +Google Play,Good thing that Facebook and Instagram were mixed like Twitter,5,2023-07-09 00:16:04 +Google Play,Steals data . A Copycat OF TWITTER . WOULDN'T RECOGNIZE. DON'T DOWNLOAD,1,2023-07-10 15:47:43 +Google Play,I'm literally addicted to this app it's amazing ima day 1 to😁,5,2023-07-07 11:48:38 +Google Play,"5***** thank you so much team meta threads, we (30+m) needed this!!!!!",5,2023-07-07 15:29:02 +Google Play,Tiktoc ripoff by meta... Google plus was better than all of them.,1,2023-07-23 19:16:42 +Google Play,"1. you need an insta account to log in, why? 2. i can't log in on pc",1,2023-07-10 19:39:50 +Google Play,"Nice app overall aap campare to Socialsite . I want to Say that all people download app and share your videos and pics .Threads to promote Name,fam and money",4,2023-07-13 15:43:37 +Google Play,You can only use this app if you already have Instagram which I don't so can't use,1,2023-07-07 17:20:31 +Google Play,I posted so many post.😔 but didn't even get a like.😔 And not reached also.😔,1,2023-07-16 16:00:03 +Google Play,Just another cheap copy of twitter. Don't Install this !!,1,2023-07-10 14:34:28 +Google Play,Very limited features not comparable to Twitter,2,2023-07-18 12:53:10 +Google Play,Why my Home Filled with Threads by Verified Account? I dont follow them. Please fix this.. its very disturbing.,2,2023-07-07 10:29:52 +Google Play,"Re: wanting your Threads stream to be only the people you follow. A big step in that direction can be made with Threads' current settings: Tap on the ""head and shoulders"" icon for your Profile Tap on the two-lines menu icon Select Notifications Select Threads and Replies Scroll down to find First Threads Tick the circle for People You Follow",4,2023-07-08 17:57:44 +Google Play,"They can only delete threads profile if they delete Instagram account. You are not giving a fair choice to your customers, apparently. We are not even able to hide our badge on insta account. You're taking advantage of the fact that India doesnt have a data protection board otherwise I would have complained about you not giving us fair choices.",1,2023-07-08 12:00:10 +Google Play,This is just a copy and paste of TITTER Fk this app uninstalled.🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕,1,2023-07-10 15:30:56 +Google Play,Having too much glitches,1,2023-07-06 09:02:44 +Google Play,This app is nice and simple.,5,2023-07-07 13:02:14 +Google Play,I am using this app. I think it's quite good . Mark Zuckerberg well done..👍👍,4,2023-07-08 13:26:42 +Google Play,This app is amazing my guys come here to Threads amazing app better then Twitter Twitter was in good hands before know with elon musk Twitter is in bad hands how does know how to handl social media So we have to leave Twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:27:37 +Google Play,"I love it, better than twitter so far.......",5,2023-07-06 06:40:28 +Google Play,"It's good overall, but why is none of the accounts I followed showed up on home?",3,2023-07-07 11:12:51 +Google Play,App not working proper after install,1,2023-07-06 01:53:23 +Google Play,"Not bad, but I think the hype around this glorified Twitter clone will die soon",3,2023-07-06 04:02:07 +Google Play,so far the app experience was exceptional🫶,5,2023-07-08 04:13:34 +Google Play,"Nice app , we need dark mood asap",4,2023-07-10 14:03:21 +Google Play,Copy and paste twetter always,1,2023-07-07 21:34:35 +Google Play,This application haven't any search bar 😒,3,2023-07-12 15:25:16 +Google Play,So many glitches in this app. Bad experience 😞,1,2023-07-06 05:34:14 +Google Play,Everthing is good but can u add a messenger for this app please,4,2023-07-08 13:36:27 +Google Play,Nice app like Instagram👌🏻👌🏻...This app will be become a nice social app.,5,2023-07-06 06:45:55 +Google Play,No edit feature? i can't correct the spelling of my post,3,2023-07-06 13:37:15 +Google Play,amazing and very smooth,5,2023-07-06 11:08:37 +Google Play,I love it this app it commendable awesome thank you meta to brilliant app 👍,5,2023-07-07 19:50:13 +Google Play,"Please add a ""for you"" page feature so I have a choice to read only the threads of the accounts I followed",4,2023-07-06 04:07:06 +Google Play,"Would love the option to only see people I follow on Threads and I think this is the start. News say it is currently a mix of recommended content and those we follow, I personally think this is smart as all the other Twitter replacements didn't take off because there was no content while we waited for people to switch or join.",3,2023-07-06 07:39:50 +Google Play,Still trying to figure out what to do with this app?? Absolutely useless,1,2023-07-08 02:52:39 +Google Play,It is just copy of twitter with insta filter,1,2023-07-06 14:01:32 +Google Play,Its not working clearly,1,2023-07-06 23:54:57 +Google Play,This is good app same as twittar bit the size of this app is big,5,2023-07-06 15:33:13 +Google Play,"Terrible app. Copy cat of Twitter, and has terrible user experience.",1,2023-07-14 16:54:30 +Google Play,Horrible. Boring as hell just go back to Twitter.,1,2023-07-16 15:11:33 +Google Play,"I used this aap last 20days , and I can say this is best aap to compete twitter 🫨",4,2023-07-06 06:32:57 +Google Play,feed is near useless.,3,2023-07-15 22:37:12 +Google Play,Its a great app. I'm loving it. Thanks for creating such app.,5,2023-07-07 14:37:49 +Google Play,I can't reply post on this app please fixed the problem,3,2023-07-18 15:31:26 +Google Play,Congratulations Back True Lion °Threads° Form India Best 👌 Choice Meta Services Look Very Best...,5,2023-07-09 15:58:37 +Google Play,App crashes frequently,1,2023-07-09 07:34:51 +Google Play,This app showing like damaged display in mobile,1,2023-07-06 10:48:25 +Google Play,Better than Twitter it's very smooth ❤️,5,2023-07-06 15:18:25 +Google Play,Another Trash Meta app like a Twitter clone but highly politically biased and censored prob gov controlled.,1,2023-07-07 21:47:30 +Google Play,Threads is one of the few app I can recommend everyone to use,5,2023-07-11 21:49:09 +Google Play,"Okay, can we save images and edit posts please 😑",3,2023-07-10 10:50:17 +Google Play,"Instagram in a different format .. how is this ""Twitter's"" competition?",1,2023-07-09 18:03:53 +Google Play,Need #hashtags. Im looking for conversations about a particular topic. Cant do that on #Threads.,4,2023-07-23 10:38:45 +Google Play,Earlier stages but still lots things I don't like about this app,3,2023-07-13 16:40:36 +Google Play,The app is awesome and when the app cross 10 million+ downloaders at that time Elon Musk is crying 🤣🤣 and the app will beat tweeter or i think the app already beat tweeter,5,2023-07-07 06:30:15 +Google Play,"I can't post a picture, why??",1,2023-07-10 15:36:20 +Google Play,Please do message button so people can message each other,2,2023-07-08 16:59:01 +Google Play,It needs to have the option of viewing only who you follow,3,2023-07-06 11:06:06 +Google Play,Still got more work to do to beat Twitter,3,2023-07-14 00:20:28 +Google Play,"First of all a good alternative away from the ""Tw"" toxicity. I hope lots of improvements are yet to come ! And plz DON'T allow hashtags (#) . Threads is fine without hashtag. And provide a proper algorithm to connect and share threads with people. And put a News tabs. And I request Threads Team to prevent making this into another propaganda machinery. Just look at Indian Tw., a totally toxic platform filled with political IT cells and bots of the government. AND no misinformation please !🙏",3,2023-07-08 07:46:13 +Google Play,"No reach for newcomers, already grown and famous people on other platforms get likes and views 😡",1,2023-07-07 00:40:44 +Google Play,"Great to use also secure form spam and online abuse , cyberbullying",5,2023-07-10 13:57:36 +Google Play,It doesn't work well in my phone,1,2023-07-07 07:12:49 +Google Play,This app is good. Alternative for twitter. Have u tried Threads app,5,2023-07-06 14:33:44 +Google Play,Eats your battery like crazy. My battery normally lasts all day and downloaded this and it was almost dead in an hour and I hadn't even used the app properly yet. Checked my settings and it came up that this app was mostly using up the battery. Unusable if an app drains the battery quickly.,1,2023-07-07 15:04:48 +Google Play,I really like the app but I wish they could put an option where you can delete your account without involving your actual Instagram account. It's really a hassle.,1,2023-07-06 16:46:26 +Google Play,It's an amazing app.. just loving it !!,5,2023-07-06 10:34:29 +Google Play,Please make it to show us post who we follow it not every post Here is a lot of post from everyone to we don't want to see Thanks 😊,4,2023-07-09 22:51:09 +Google Play,"good better best for twiter , but income source is not define . only threads",5,2023-07-07 03:33:47 +Google Play,pls include english translation,5,2023-07-06 03:46:26 +Google Play,Once logged in then u r trapped..u can't delete,1,2023-07-07 15:12:06 +Google Play,Love it so far ... Finally something to replace that other app,5,2023-07-06 07:51:21 +Google Play,This app is hanging up to leassy they have to improve and maker better result,1,2023-07-07 05:57:30 +Google Play,Very good application I wanna say that this app is better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:36:45 +Google Play,"It suggests me post of people I don't even follow, I kinda hate this feature.",1,2023-07-08 13:14:54 +Google Play,"This is clearly not for me, sorry mark. Uninstalling.",3,2023-07-09 03:29:18 +Google Play,Bugging during scrolling the timeline,1,2023-07-07 09:13:45 +Google Play,"I expected this app made by Meta as a competitor to Twitter be well thought out and mostly finished. Nope, it's like a modern video game release. Release a cobbled together alpha stage product and then make it usable after months or years. There should be a feed that only shows your subscriptions but nope, there's one feed and it shows everyone and you can't filter out content you don't like. I was constantly being flooded with sports, rappers, and christians... absolutely disgusting.",1,2023-07-11 13:07:26 +Google Play,"Good Threads, an Instagram app",5,2023-07-23 16:27:52 +Google Play,I can't upload my photos what is happening 😔😔😔 I'm uninstalled,1,2023-07-06 16:36:10 +Google Play,Awesome experience and interaction.,5,2023-07-08 23:55:38 +Google Play,Not properly working,1,2023-07-08 14:01:36 +Google Play,somthing fresh... best app for social connection.,5,2023-07-06 18:30:09 +Google Play,"I think it's ok, but it looks like Twitter.",4,2023-07-06 08:29:20 +Google Play,Not compare to Twitter because Twitter in office news in this app and in thread to users use to meme and Fun so this app is flop Not to satisfied to people.👎,1,2023-07-09 09:53:44 +Google Play,please add translation option😭🙏🏻,5,2023-07-09 19:44:54 +Google Play,They can make it more better they should go with some another logo sorry mark thats my personal review,1,2023-07-06 20:06:46 +Google Play,getting a high glitch issue plz fix ut asap,1,2023-07-06 17:54:52 +Google Play,Shady. Can't deactivate account without deactivating Instagram,1,2023-07-08 15:57:05 +Google Play,I will uninstall Threads because it's too much copy of Twitter I don't like it 😞,1,2023-07-09 11:48:41 +Google Play,Why there's a lot of accounts showing in my feed even if I don't follow them????!!!,1,2023-07-10 11:47:57 +Google Play,This is the most amazing app in the world. I saw it on Facebook today,5,2023-07-09 22:37:02 +Google Play,Turn on the reels on threads to have a lot of fun,5,2023-07-09 05:47:16 +Google Play,App doesn't load no post,1,2023-07-05 23:56:02 +Google Play,"So much better than Twitter. Ever since Elon Musk took over, he's been ruining that platform. Threads feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison.",5,2023-07-13 05:51:56 +Google Play,It always glitches when I open it :<,3,2023-07-07 05:52:36 +Google Play,This app is okay but I don't know whats the difference between tiwtter and threads now.,4,2023-07-06 09:53:18 +Google Play,Can't switch account like Instagram 😞,4,2023-07-06 01:47:36 +Google Play,Can't create an account. Utterly useless 😒,1,2023-07-06 22:42:07 +Google Play,"excellent app,i hope this doesnt like twitter",5,2023-07-06 04:36:04 +Google Play,"PLEASE add hashtags, I hate getting stuff unrelated on my feed, I need hashtags to follow accounts with similar tastes as me.",3,2023-07-14 00:47:49 +Google Play,"Good app, but feels bit unfinished and has a some problems on Foldable phones as of now. Resizing when you change screens without needing to restart it how Twitter can would be nice.",3,2023-07-06 10:08:11 +Google Play,Magnificent indeed great social media app,5,2023-07-08 09:49:41 +Google Play,An app where the only posts I see are from random people? No thanks,2,2023-07-07 11:50:59 +Google Play,"It still contains some shortcomings, which we hope will be addressed 👍",3,2023-07-07 00:11:10 +Google Play,Easy and impressive,5,2023-07-14 02:33:47 +Google Play,What's the point of following accounts if the feed is just randomized content from people I don't follow?,1,2023-07-06 13:58:31 +Google Play,It has lots of bugs,1,2023-07-08 14:51:09 +Google Play,"Hello can you add download the content, picture like twitter do please...",3,2023-07-18 02:27:45 +Google Play,"Can't give it 5 stars, why is there no way to see who I am 'following'? Or who is 'following' me?",3,2023-07-24 07:26:43 +Google Play,When I open the app. The login procedure goes good but suddenly bug appears in the screen and I can't operate the app properly. Face very difficulties to log out and also uninstalling the app is not working,1,2023-07-13 03:39:50 +Google Play,I need to create my account which is not synced to Instagram lol,1,2023-07-06 02:55:58 +Google Play,Lot of bugs in this application.,1,2023-07-06 18:45:19 +Google Play,It's glitching every time I open it,1,2023-07-10 05:17:58 +Google Play,Cannot delete the account without deleting ig,1,2023-07-06 13:42:23 +Google Play,App is not working on my phone,1,2023-07-06 14:51:55 +Google Play,Unable to use it its all fuzzy,3,2023-07-06 05:57:46 +Google Play,This app is great. Hopefully twitter will die. Dont listen to the Elon review bombers. Musk is so terrified hes paying people to bot spam his competition.,5,2023-07-10 14:45:27 +Google Play,Great!!!! Amazing social media!,5,2023-07-06 17:05:40 +Google Play,This app is perfect for understanding your point of view,3,2023-07-09 18:59:44 +Google Play,The app keeps shutting down!,3,2023-07-08 16:35:30 +Google Play,Crashed. It can't be used.,1,2023-07-09 16:10:46 +Google Play,You guys should do account switching faster. Just like Twitter :),5,2023-07-06 02:49:39 +Google Play,My First impression is not that good! I can't log in. Threads wants me to wait a few minutes and try again for last half hour!!!! Are you kidding me?!,1,2023-07-06 13:36:47 +Google Play,"A poor version of Twitter. Meta should just give up at this point, the company sucks the last 5 years.",1,2023-07-09 17:53:21 +Google Play,Rip off of Twitter. Like Twitter but it steals all your data.,1,2023-07-11 19:07:11 +Google Play,"Erm, home feed full of accounts i don't follow?? Makes this app pointless in my opinion",1,2023-07-08 08:15:17 +Google Play,Still needs a lot of work,3,2023-07-06 07:59:42 +Google Play,The error that is thrown in the UI is super annoying. The exact same thing happens to me every day. I didn't think this error would happen that often. Fix that problem.,1,2023-07-10 03:46:06 +Google Play,"Great app, easy to use.",5,2023-07-10 13:24:31 +Google Play,Nice Application for giving collision to Twitter 😃,5,2023-07-06 02:31:00 +Google Play,So why can't I see the number of people that I am following? Why am I being shown all of these pages that I do not follow?,2,2023-07-14 00:27:41 +Google Play,Excellent Because There is No Direct Messages,5,2023-07-09 15:54:49 +Google Play,"Love it, it's really better than Twitter",5,2023-07-15 18:55:48 +Google Play,I'm newly download threads Instagram app my I'd :@mutharaiyarvettu_chella_paiyan follow support threads Instagram app member and friends and family also useful app,5,2023-07-07 01:17:05 +Google Play,"make better instagram, so then make other apps",1,2023-07-06 21:03:09 +Google Play,"Pics and videos posted should be available for download, atleast those with public settings",4,2023-07-07 18:56:17 +Google Play,"Great app , it's not exactly like Twitter",5,2023-07-07 05:23:30 +Google Play,"Idk it's alr can be better than Twitter I see the potential,, just that it doesn't have evryone ik rn for that reason I rate Twitter higher than this",5,2023-07-06 17:44:50 +Google Play,So slow...can't post even a photo,2,2023-07-11 04:50:31 +Google Play,The app is still bugging out i don't know why I can't read bro,1,2023-07-06 16:06:14 +Google Play,Cant even open it without crashing. Can anyone at Meta actually code?,1,2023-07-07 15:13:19 +Google Play,The copy and paste technique 😂,1,2023-07-09 12:00:07 +Google Play,Amazing another App To make people more Depression,1,2023-07-06 17:06:10 +Google Play,useless like all the social media platforms,1,2023-07-08 18:30:04 +Google Play,It's very good app.. Need more features,4,2023-07-07 02:53:32 +Google Play,I think dark mood option would be better,1,2023-07-22 18:54:20 +Google Play,There is no trending option for knowing latest trending things,1,2023-07-11 13:33:35 +Google Play,I am unable to login using my Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 02:05:30 +Google Play,Threads nice app and very fast gro aap and all guys install this aap thanks,1,2023-07-10 07:28:14 +Google Play,"Woah this app is I insane tho I wish I knew more about it. Anyways, I just downloaded it and so for so good",5,2023-07-06 04:38:42 +Google Play,It's so amazing app I love it. Thanks Meta,5,2023-07-05 23:50:35 +Google Play,"An unethical move by Zuck by copying the Twitter app. What is the purpose of ditto copy of an existing app? Just being personal or what? Technically this app ain't working perfectly, full of glitches, wha it should be as there was nothing new in it. What we achieved at Twitter with numbers of followers, do you think we will start from zero here? Absolutely not. Either change the app design, functionality and purpose of this app or take a screen shot of my review. This project gonna failed soon.",1,2023-07-08 19:48:46 +Google Play,Bad !!!! As hell. I will say that it can't delete the thread account... You have created instead it will delete your Instagram account too..! You can't delete them separately. You can't text anyone on threads. Wrist feature of thread is the deleting account. Mobs who are looking for thread do not install or create a account or it will ruin both of acc insta and threads's account. I regret getting thread. I think here I will disconnect with Instagram or threads.,1,2023-07-09 08:43:42 +Google Play,"Since this app is linked to Instagram, it's not possible to use a new user name, but the user name you have already setup on Instagram, which is pointless for a new app. I wanted to create a new user name, but it's not possible here sadly. Also, WAY too much privacy-invasive permissions requested by this app. Uninstalling right away.",1,2023-07-12 18:41:06 +Google Play,"Why do you have to link to Instagram .. you can brand it with IG, but why link followers from them here.. bad choice .. keep it independent like Twitter and let it grow organically",1,2023-07-06 14:47:05 +Google Play,"Can only login with Instagram account so they are impossible to untangle. Cannot access from desktop, app-only. Wants permission to record literally everything you do on your phone.",1,2023-07-06 14:58:21 +Google Play,It has lots of bugs,1,2023-07-06 06:36:53 +Google Play,They don't support freedom of speech if your view does not align with them you will get banned I wouldn't recommend using it,1,2023-07-10 04:31:18 +Google Play,"Though, It's new but nice app. I'm worry for privacy Because, this app is from Meta 🙂",3,2023-07-06 09:59:05 +Google Play,Still facing glitches,1,2023-07-08 11:03:43 +Google Play,"There's a bug where even with fast connection it'll say ""post failed to upload"" or when i post something it'll automatically save in my phone ""which doubles it"" those bugs is soo tiring, as of the moment ngl twitter is better.",2,2023-07-17 15:04:04 +Google Play,Can't login without Instgram.,1,2023-07-06 17:57:52 +Google Play,Nice app work good some how 😊 better than Twitter I enjoyed this app🙂😊,4,2023-07-07 06:13:11 +Google Play,"Good but need 2 important changes, I do not want to see people that I am not following them in my threads. second, the fed should be in chronological order by the begging of the threads",4,2023-07-07 07:26:39 +Google Play,"I think you guys should integrate this thing with Instagram music, so I can threads the song that storming my head rn",5,2023-07-06 13:10:18 +Google Play,"Very friendly app ,🧡",5,2023-07-07 08:04:53 +Google Play,This app is struggling 😬. Phone is vivo y11. Solve this problem.,1,2023-07-06 07:34:51 +Google Play,Just an useless add-on for instagram,2,2023-07-10 07:37:52 +Google Play,Amazing Social Media App looking better than Twitter🌚❤,5,2023-07-07 06:11:01 +Google Play,Good but there should be an alternative to the story as well.,5,2023-07-06 13:35:17 +Google Play,Nice app.. Buh can't download videos,5,2023-07-18 10:26:22 +Google Play,"Before You apply read the Term and Conditions. It says You can't delete your Threads profile, You must have to delete your Instagram Profile if You want to delete your Threads profile... And this their Profile reminds Me of the Mark of the Beast 666",1,2023-07-07 08:21:11 +Google Play,"for me, this app better than the blue one 🤷‍♀️",4,2023-07-22 08:24:07 +Google Play,Can't open app it doesen't allow me to enter.,1,2023-07-13 15:56:01 +Google Play,Best app but two acount not allowed,4,2023-07-07 14:30:44 +Google Play,Need option to create polls and option to message someone,5,2023-07-06 10:31:42 +Google Play,"it's a decent app don't get me wrong. but whenever i try to attach an image, my app crashes every single time. idk if this is an issue with the app or my phone, but i'd like it fixed",4,2023-07-07 21:54:43 +Google Play,Wow .. This is nice application & easy to use 💖,5,2023-07-07 12:39:25 +Google Play,Very good and friendly for use,5,2023-07-06 12:40:18 +Google Play,This app must gain a massive update not too good .,2,2023-07-09 14:04:05 +Google Play,Allow login with something other than Instagram. It's mental poison.,1,2023-07-06 16:13:16 +Google Play,"Need a ""Following"" feed. Need to know to ""follow back"" also instead of the deafult ""remove"".",3,2023-07-08 04:07:05 +Google Play,"This is very nice and clean app, naw this app my fevarite ❤️❤️❤️❤️",5,2023-07-06 19:35:47 +Google Play,"THE AMOUNT OF CENSORSHIP IS RIDICULOUS. I'm open to trying new apps and was genuinely curious about this one. However, it's like a Facebook-Jail / Twitter wannabe. The feed shows you mostly people who you DON'T follow. (Like political people that you don't care to hear about.) Threads suppresses free speech and violates your rights to express yourself. If you have an opposing opinion, you WILL be censored. Insane. Worthless useless app.",1,2023-07-08 16:32:07 +Google Play,"One of the wrost software, I have ever been used. After installing and use my Instagram profile & Facebook profile was hacked and compromised. Generally I requested all of you don't use this application. One more thing if you install it you can't withdraw from your Instagram account. One of the failure application of Meta.",1,2023-07-14 02:41:06 +Google Play,"This is very useful for me ☺️ thank you so much ....🙏☺️ ❤️Love from odisha ❤️(India,,🇮🇳)",5,2023-07-06 03:03:51 +Google Play,It would be better if it has a DM feature.,3,2023-07-07 11:48:53 +Google Play,Great experience. Interesting every step.,5,2023-07-06 18:38:07 +Google Play,It's a copy from youtube and Twitter so I don't like it,1,2023-07-10 14:34:48 +Google Play,Better than Twitter but still run by another fool.,3,2023-07-15 21:56:00 +Google Play,I hope there will be many good features in the future,5,2023-07-06 17:45:20 +Google Play,"Still allows hate speech, slurs, and targeted harassment with no actual moderation. Reports are met with ""we're too busy to review your report"" when slurs are at the top of Zuckerbergs own thread. Do better.",1,2023-07-07 06:21:20 +Google Play,Please add a dm feature but don't make it identical to IG. Give us smth new :D,3,2023-07-07 11:33:54 +Google Play,"One, who is bored with Twitter, can join Thread for some new experiences!!!!!! Plus points with Threads is, it is a part of META, which is growing with rapid speed!!!! Since, Twitter is been an entity of Elon Musk now, it had lost its credibility as Elon can do anything for money!!!! Enjoy Threads!!!!",5,2023-07-09 14:02:16 +Google Play,Ya absolutely feeling good to get it with Insta,5,2023-07-23 17:59:57 +Google Play,Looking forward to threading+ can play mini game😹,4,2023-07-14 08:07:49 +Google Play,Rip Off of twitter. It's like Instagram had baby with Twitter,3,2023-07-09 13:45:24 +Google Play,Excellent alternative to that other app!!,5,2023-07-07 17:47:49 +Google Play,Screen keep lagging,1,2023-07-07 10:26:57 +Google Play,This logo is as like our Tamil language letter (கு) ku.. Nice don't change your logo type கு கு கு,5,2023-07-07 04:46:06 +Google Play,"Just installed, won't open",1,2023-07-10 00:08:43 +Google Play,"able to access my emails, sms, and private messages? no thanks",1,2023-07-10 08:41:14 +Google Play,Bad copy of Twitter. They even using Twit word and same bird logo for it. This is how scam they are.,1,2023-07-13 08:04:13 +Google Play,"upload gallery file problem no show gallery folder 📂, only show gallery photo video mix",1,2023-07-09 11:03:16 +Google Play,better than Twitter not a complicated also,5,2023-07-07 07:57:01 +Google Play,Where is the translation button???,3,2023-07-06 23:38:39 +Google Play,ITS KEEP CRASHING WHEN I TRIES TO UPLOAD PICTURES,1,2023-07-08 18:16:57 +Google Play,This app is really good to helpful or smart so i love it❤,5,2023-07-07 07:32:36 +Google Play,A cool alternative for Twitter... Hope it will perform better than that 💐👍,5,2023-07-06 07:24:16 +Google Play,Please show in unhide badge in Instagram app,2,2023-07-14 02:28:41 +Google Play,This is much better than twitter. Very good app,5,2023-07-06 03:18:51 +Google Play,"I really love this so far it nice, that's my hometown for now!",5,2023-07-10 18:49:07 +Google Play,"The best version of Twitter, so much better than Twitter lol",5,2023-07-06 03:34:43 +Google Play,"Awesome application, really loved it.",5,2023-07-06 06:30:01 +Google Play,"My experience on threads app has even superb,I love it",5,2023-07-11 12:03:44 +Google Play,Can you remove all the people I don't follow on my feed. I'd love to see people who I follow. Thank you!!!,1,2023-07-14 10:25:08 +Google Play,Excellent app by the meta.🇮🇳🌏,5,2023-07-10 06:09:59 +Google Play,I can't post anything it just closes the as soon i tried to post something,1,2023-07-08 02:24:00 +Google Play,Amazing app tbh really easy to use,5,2023-07-06 22:31:19 +Google Play,Screen Lagging Issue,1,2023-07-06 14:16:12 +Google Play,Not good content on it,1,2023-07-07 19:52:43 +Google Play,"CANNOT SEE FOLLOWING , ITS ERROR FIX IT",1,2023-07-10 14:06:35 +Google Play,This is great ......we can say goodbye to twitter 😃,5,2023-07-07 04:29:55 +Google Play,The algorithm is horrible & and it's a horrendous copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-10 13:06:23 +Google Play,Seems to work fine but I have no idea what it's for💀🧌🏧,4,2023-07-06 01:14:43 +Google Play,"Happy to see it, it's will be new journey, thanks @insta. Now we can share our thoughts on it. 😍 😍",5,2023-07-06 19:46:11 +Google Play,Excellent app easier than twitter,5,2023-07-07 14:22:16 +Google Play,cute ui i love it! still bare bones though,4,2023-07-06 06:07:08 +Google Play,"Unpolished, no hashtag, Videos are blurry like in Facebook",2,2023-07-05 23:28:05 +Google Play,Very nice very very very maha very beautifull app,5,2023-07-07 13:57:12 +Google Play,Why cant i see only those i follow? Why do i have to see the world? Please can you add a feature that allows mw to only see threads from those i follow,1,2023-07-12 19:39:23 +Google Play,Ok but no cool features especially for genz,4,2023-07-10 13:46:49 +Google Play,"Whoa, been a minute since Meta did something this good! 🎉",5,2023-07-06 09:25:42 +Google Play,"Can't delete without deleting instagram? Basically holding my account hostage. Meta sucks, and threads is boring.",1,2023-07-10 16:13:15 +Google Play,"Great app,i like it! And good luck to musk!😁",5,2023-07-07 16:40:00 +Google Play,Trend micro mobile security unsafe app find,1,2023-07-24 11:09:39 +Google Play,"Nice 👍 very satisfied to this new app, good luck twitter😂",5,2023-07-07 05:59:25 +Google Play,Not working only glitches,1,2023-07-08 10:40:15 +Google Play,kindly change the design different from instagram,5,2023-07-06 00:58:37 +Google Play,Not working properly....,3,2023-07-06 16:36:09 +Google Play,Would be nice to be able to use hashtags,5,2023-07-06 02:00:33 +Google Play,add manual dark mode feature asap,2,2023-07-06 09:49:13 +Google Play,Everything is breaking. I am not able to use it.,1,2023-07-07 09:41:57 +Google Play,The app is cool and easy to use,5,2023-07-06 11:12:41 +Google Play,I don't have any issues whatsoever with threads😍 this is even better than twitter,5,2023-07-15 13:02:11 +Google Play,Absolutely horrible policy. I literally have to delete my entire Instagram account just to delete my thread account. I am not allowed to delete my threads account unless I delete my Instagram account aswell.,1,2023-07-07 14:28:01 +Google Play,Nice app for all devices,5,2023-07-06 20:12:57 +Google Play,App crash if I upload photo and I can't post💔this app not work in root magsik(full hide) phone?,5,2023-07-07 23:33:53 +Google Play,It's like Twitter but it actually functions,5,2023-07-06 03:02:48 +Google Play,Constant app bug,1,2023-07-10 19:30:09 +Google Play,The message option has not been found...,5,2023-07-07 11:09:57 +Google Play,"glitched, and choppy",1,2023-07-10 16:50:58 +Google Play,"Absolute waste, garbage tried to clone Twitter, hardly even works",1,2023-07-06 20:51:22 +Google Play,It ain't working on my phone......😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-12 20:36:17 +Google Play,Well It's just Twitter but on a different platform so if your into that this Is it. But honestly as of the time I'm posting it this has 4.9 star review with no actual comments like did it start as a 5 star lol how is this possible?🤣,1,2023-07-06 14:51:40 +Google Play,The app developers don't provide update descriptions that tell you what is new.,4,2023-07-12 15:34:54 +Google Play,"Meta is still Facebook, threads will forever be unhealthy, and leave you seeking negative attention. Fk the zuck.",1,2023-07-14 13:47:58 +Google Play,"It's too much fluctuating,",1,2023-07-09 10:53:03 +Google Play,Nice app it user friendly I think is the best,4,2023-07-07 09:18:11 +Google Play,This is the best app I ever seen it's if it is already leading up wow wow wow thanks at threads,5,2023-07-20 11:12:48 +Google Play,"1st android English review, it's good.",4,2023-07-06 16:05:15 +Google Play,Similar to instagram. Good app though,5,2023-07-06 13:16:25 +Google Play,This app like Twitter but reach increase in your account of Instagram best app download now,5,2023-07-06 06:55:49 +Google Play,Error..... Post are not uploading..,1,2023-07-12 09:42:32 +Google Play,Nice app! Better than twitter though! 👍👍,5,2023-07-08 06:11:08 +Google Play,Crashes when uploading pics,1,2023-07-09 20:13:39 +Google Play,Complete nefarious data scraper. Awful.,1,2023-07-12 21:54:56 +Google Play,Can't switch account. Need to log out. L,3,2023-07-21 07:06:29 +Google Play,"Can't make an account, no option available to do so. 🤷🏼‍♂️",1,2023-07-06 17:41:49 +Google Play,"The Leftist Facebook tries to compete with Twitter, to mess up with a free speech. Uninstall it , throw it away, just like Target and Bud Light.",1,2023-07-10 10:27:54 +Google Play,Best of Luck and can I get Any Online Job ? In this another virtual Jobs Let me know I am interested ☺️,2,2023-07-06 11:58:56 +Google Play,Need to add edititable options for posted topics,4,2023-07-07 04:59:20 +Google Play,I don't Have Instagram account how do I login threads illogical logging system,2,2023-07-08 13:03:40 +Google Play,Too many bugs 🐞👾 in this app Cant use anything,1,2023-07-06 19:18:31 +Google Play,Downloading it after Rosé created an acc and its confusing... but lets see,2,2023-07-24 07:56:01 +Google Play,Keeps crashingon picture upload,3,2023-07-06 19:15:53 +Google Play,A best app rather than blue bird tweep,5,2023-07-08 02:30:20 +Google Play,I like this app but logo change please,4,2023-07-06 03:30:51 +Google Play,"Great and entertaining app, I loved it 🕯😭",5,2023-07-09 11:16:48 +Google Play,Meh.... it's ok for now. It's still new anyway. Looking forward to see it be improved,4,2023-07-16 22:59:02 +Google Play,When I open it. It's hang my phone,1,2023-07-09 03:03:48 +Google Play,Nice Tags doesn't work,5,2023-07-06 00:36:46 +Google Play,It's a nice app been using it every 10 minutes 😅,5,2023-07-08 00:46:17 +Google Play,This app is so great 👌❤️ Nice features in app 👌👍,5,2023-07-06 03:02:15 +Google Play,"omg I'm like one of the first people to review this app , pretty cool considering it's a direct competitor of twitter ( mark Vs Elon )",3,2023-07-06 12:05:05 +Google Play,Really missing the #tag search option Hope it will come soon 5star is loading I will upadate my review to 5 star,1,2023-07-09 16:27:58 +Google Play,Its not twitter so its instantly more ok.,4,2023-07-09 05:24:04 +Google Play,We need multiple accounts login features same as Instagram,2,2023-07-06 13:53:53 +Google Play,"So far so good ,hope it'll compete well with twitter",4,2023-07-05 23:07:03 +Google Play,Not even tried it yet... But I know already it's a dope app since it's from Instagram 😅,5,2023-07-07 11:33:04 +Google Play,Hey I'm not able to post anything with pictures....Do something about it,3,2023-07-09 18:52:25 +Google Play,The Mix of Twitter and the Instagram with the worst content.,1,2023-07-08 05:13:40 +Google Play,"Great Twitter alternative. What Twitter does, Threads does it better. What Facebook did to myspace, i think Threads will do yo Twitter.",5,2023-07-10 13:20:25 +Google Play,....EXCELLENT! Keep it up! Welcome and Thanks!,5,2023-07-08 18:23:50 +Google Play,"Can't get code to sign up, you only text me six numbers",1,2023-07-12 18:58:37 +Google Play,Crashes too often,1,2023-07-10 15:15:38 +Google Play,Great! But I keep having a Pop up restricting me from following everyone who followed me please how do I go about it?,5,2023-07-07 11:24:59 +Google Play,Could be better than Twitter. Already better in many ways.,5,2023-07-09 08:52:25 +Google Play,F***** suggested pages have already started showing from now 😡,1,2023-07-10 18:10:33 +Google Play,Best app for daily sad feelings,5,2023-07-06 07:32:39 +Google Play,"Threads is not Twitter and is not intended to be. So for folks saying we need this and we need that ""just like Twitter"" THIS IS NOT TWITTER. literally just go to Twitter if you want Twitter features. who goes to Chick-fil-a and says well the fries are not seasoned like Zaxbys - they need the same seasoning as Zaxbys and then they'll be ready for primetime. literally ridiculous. a view for accounts you follow is understandable.",5,2023-07-08 03:15:25 +Google Play,It's a very good platform.,5,2023-07-06 05:07:16 +Google Play,Is not working. I cannot log in,1,2023-07-06 11:22:21 +Google Play,It's too bad It's not working I don't want to rate it at all,1,2023-07-10 16:58:41 +Google Play,My first 2 posts haven't been uploaded for over 1hr now. What's up?,2,2023-07-07 09:41:03 +Google Play,I think that will have to add multiple accounts preference,4,2023-07-06 18:55:45 +Google Play,"It,s good because if we post something many people seen our post",5,2023-07-06 13:41:56 +Google Play,Full of glitches in the app ☹️,1,2023-07-07 01:38:43 +Google Play,Facing lots of problem while using this app,3,2023-07-06 18:08:00 +Google Play,Have a lot bug But is good Though,3,2023-07-07 13:02:05 +Google Play,Pointless app. Resource hog/battery killer.,1,2023-07-09 18:37:01 +Google Play,Dear Mark Zuckerberg I am the first to rate this app 😑 5 🌟 and I like it so far its the first app I opened this morning 😩,5,2023-07-06 13:31:11 +Google Play,"I like it, it's like Twitter without the N@z1s and conspiracy theorists",5,2023-07-09 02:26:04 +Google Play,Very good app for smart world,4,2023-07-06 07:51:26 +Google Play,"Unable to login. ""Not permitted""",1,2023-07-15 14:50:08 +Google Play,It's was amazing app I like this app please i request to thread that please give me blue tick please this is my humble request my Instagram id l_am_gaurav_0001 please give me blue tick,5,2023-07-09 18:30:28 +Google Play,I am not think he beat twitter. They need improve many things,3,2023-07-07 09:09:56 +Google Play,It's a poor cousin of Twitter... There's no basic functions,1,2023-07-06 12:45:55 +Google Play,It's like the boring Puritan version of Twitter. Everything is to sfw. There's no action.,1,2023-07-18 04:10:40 +Google Play,Nice competetor of Twitter 😈 All the best..!!🤎,5,2023-07-06 11:53:46 +Google Play,I wish we could separate our private feeds from the public feed to not be overwhelmed with so many threads from different people,4,2023-07-06 13:13:32 +Google Play,Please someone guide me yesterday I got 28 followers and there were too much activities I have done but for the last 7-8 hrs My app is not running,4,2023-07-06 23:23:56 +Google Play,Blocked by no reason And army of bugs there,1,2023-07-18 18:20:49 +Google Play,"You need an Instagram account for it, which shouldn't be necessary",1,2023-07-06 04:48:15 +Google Play,It's glitching out very badly,1,2023-07-06 23:11:44 +Google Play,very good can you add group,5,2023-07-06 11:43:28 +Google Play,"copy, paste apps,.... no dark mode",1,2023-07-08 01:12:10 +Google Play,"Too much censorship, nothing new creatively",1,2023-07-19 15:02:03 +Google Play,Login option only from Instagram,1,2023-07-07 15:22:15 +Google Play,Lack of features...,1,2023-07-06 10:39:34 +Google Play,Would be cool to be able to search for hashtags...,4,2023-07-06 10:10:06 +Google Play,No sound on video,1,2023-07-07 16:52:19 +Google Play,Excellent 👍 I found what i was looking for😊,5,2023-07-06 17:54:05 +Google Play,"Can't use it, it's all blur",1,2023-07-06 16:26:14 +Google Play,I can't post videos since 😏😏😏 failed failure,1,2023-07-09 18:19:08 +Google Play,Its good to have an app like twitter.,5,2023-07-07 04:19:16 +Google Play,Same as Twitter . It's good app.,5,2023-07-06 11:53:53 +Google Play,At least it's more stable than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:58:39 +Google Play,Interface is fluctuating,1,2023-07-08 09:36:32 +Google Play,this is truly so much original and gives 100% freedom of speech (saracasm),1,2023-07-06 05:45:55 +Google Play,"No. I want to see what the people I follow are posting, not random others. Where is the option to see my followings only?",3,2023-07-06 12:51:04 +Google Play,Super app it's given more computation to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:46:09 +Google Play,Looking great !!! Competitor to Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 05:35:44 +Google Play,Wrost app properly not working my phone 😡😡,1,2023-07-08 01:09:39 +Google Play,Need to get the media content to download,5,2023-07-07 20:23:09 +Google Play,Only accounts with blue tick and big accounts who can get attentions and traffic. No one will see your post/thread If your account have low followers and don't have blue tick,2,2023-07-07 09:43:38 +Google Play,"I'm going to use this app,I hop this new platform will be useful for you guys.",5,2023-07-06 12:45:33 +Google Play,I can't login Why need to login Instagram account fak app,1,2023-07-07 08:06:18 +Google Play,"Instagram copy,twitter still the best💪💪💪",1,2023-07-08 20:58:54 +Google Play,"Great app ,I'm so glad to join threads",5,2023-07-07 07:06:00 +Google Play,Threads is good but this app copy of Twitter,2,2023-07-15 17:07:34 +Google Play,"Bug for me, slider bug's",1,2023-07-06 05:59:29 +Google Play,Downloaded it yesterday. New app. Good experience.,4,2023-07-06 20:37:44 +Google Play,it's just twitter without politics and gore videos,1,2023-07-11 02:33:10 +Google Play,Very good app and same as like IG,5,2023-07-07 10:09:42 +Google Play,"It's better than Twitter ,because you can making your own aria",5,2023-07-09 07:42:02 +Google Play,My home page is filled with people i don't follow like I don't care about their threads I don't wanna see em please fix it!,2,2023-07-08 18:10:15 +Google Play,"I love it,very smooth app",5,2023-07-06 21:53:57 +Google Play,Too many data collected.,1,2023-07-07 15:33:40 +Google Play,I'd give it 5★ but you must let us edit photos before posting lmao,3,2023-07-15 16:54:14 +Google Play,Best and more efficient then Twitter ..,5,2023-07-07 11:48:13 +Google Play,"Looks Promising, can't wait to experience it",5,2023-07-05 23:55:08 +Google Play,"Very poor Twitter knock off, truth censoring machine, government spying app.",1,2023-07-11 09:07:24 +Google Play,It's interesting and will foster better discussion,4,2023-07-06 22:46:38 +Google Play,"I think it is a baby child of twitter,jus installed and now trying to understand wts this.😂",2,2023-07-07 20:10:32 +Google Play,I like everything in here so satisfying to use,4,2023-07-07 09:46:15 +Google Play,Why my threads is not working???? When it's legging???,1,2023-07-07 13:51:13 +Google Play,"Brands ruin the app, it feels weirdly fake.",3,2023-07-08 15:03:26 +Google Play,That what's a good app for like twitter on the thread what a good for a future for fallower now.,5,2023-07-06 16:47:10 +Google Play,Great app. Elon musk's twitter is in danger. Mark 1 Elon 0.,5,2023-07-07 15:44:39 +Google Play,Its not useful to spend time better one is twiter👍,1,2023-07-13 08:18:25 +Google Play,"Best platform right your thinks and Your Opinions, suggestions",5,2023-07-09 07:42:06 +Google Play,Why this app have bugs? 😭 I can't use normally.,1,2023-07-10 10:50:27 +Google Play,Need to improvement like # tag etc..,2,2023-07-17 09:16:03 +Google Play,Worst App ... total Copy Paste 🤮🤮🤮 I wasted my 2 minutes For it,1,2023-07-07 16:47:48 +Google Play,Very nice and wonderful application🫡♥️,5,2023-07-11 22:08:55 +Google Play,The best app recently...i suggest everyone to be part of this app,5,2023-07-06 17:58:13 +Google Play,Really eager to see the good stuff,4,2023-07-06 06:30:22 +Google Play,"Good app, I hope Threads will going better than Twitter.",5,2023-07-06 10:31:29 +Google Play,"If you like it, everyone should download it. Sorry twitter good bye🤣",5,2023-07-07 19:42:55 +Google Play,Very poor UI 😭,1,2023-07-06 08:06:55 +Google Play,There is nothing new. Everything is copy of Twitter. This is not fair.,1,2023-07-12 01:44:11 +Google Play,The app is excellent and Owsm ।। From -Kishanganj (Bihar),5,2023-07-08 16:52:32 +Google Play,Yes this is a very ecilent application for the world 🌍,5,2023-07-08 06:17:26 +Google Play,it's okay. I'm going to give the app time to grow,3,2023-07-07 03:04:25 +Google Play,This apps are very interested to work 😄,5,2023-07-11 05:28:44 +Google Play,I think it's better than Twitter ❤❤❤So I recommend you to download threads❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-07 18:33:54 +Google Play,Good app. Better then musk twitter that is about to get drowned😂❤️,5,2023-07-08 16:18:36 +Google Play,I love this application & after Instagram this application is ky favorite one.,4,2023-07-06 14:08:41 +Google Play,Simple. To the point. It was Much Needed.,5,2023-07-07 03:48:34 +Google Play,Never again to mark zuckerdicks socmed app.,1,2023-07-07 16:57:38 +Google Play,Lol what the hell is this zuck needs more data buzz of meta Twitter is best,1,2023-07-06 03:45:21 +Google Play,As I open the app it starts glitching,1,2023-07-06 16:22:01 +Google Play,When I was want to post something then the app shut down,1,2023-07-09 07:28:03 +Google Play,Wonderful app I love the UI,5,2023-07-18 16:35:17 +Google Play,"Boring tbh! Zero engagement, zero likes, zero comments, zero everything!!! I think they should promote or suggest user accounts apart from celebrity accounts!",1,2023-07-09 15:39:17 +Google Play,Lack of features...,1,2023-07-09 18:31:54 +Google Play,"I really don't understand what this is, but it's fun🤣",3,2023-07-06 20:42:01 +Google Play,Need some basic ui interface update,4,2023-07-06 09:39:36 +Google Play,lmaoo it is like Twitter but in a simple way,5,2023-07-06 05:02:48 +Google Play,Thanks for meta wonderful aap I am happy😃 for this aap and enjoy 🤓 gys enjoy threads✌️,5,2023-07-07 17:30:26 +Google Play,"There is no reason provided for updates, so I provide no reason for more than 1 star.",1,2023-07-22 22:28:52 +Google Play,Il stick to twitter. Too much.,2,2023-07-14 22:44:50 +Google Play,One problem here... When i write comment on post and reply on it then not showing post,3,2023-07-08 18:53:22 +Google Play,It's normal actually twitter is way better,1,2023-07-08 22:29:54 +Google Play,"Feels like a safespace for people that can't argue their ""feelings over facts"" point of view and censors ""wrong think"". Reminds me of a dollar store version of a name brand product.",1,2023-07-08 21:30:02 +Google Play,Great app Great features 💯,5,2023-07-09 05:55:52 +Google Play,Please broadcast my Videos properly that I can get more Followers.,5,2023-07-23 14:38:02 +Google Play,What about those who don't use Instagram and want to use threads????? It just sucks,1,2023-07-07 09:49:15 +Google Play,"Twitter clone, copy and paste, shame on Mark, he could come with new and smart ideas, zero star",1,2023-07-13 18:54:57 +Google Play,We cannot edit the post once we uploaded my suggestion is to give this option,3,2023-07-09 13:15:33 +Google Play,@Mark Zuckerberg : Please resume my FB and Instagram accounts which is suspended for no reason. I already have downloaded Threads and want to use it with my old Insta account only. PS: Have already rated 5 stars,5,2023-07-08 09:03:02 +Google Play,Faltu App. Use Twitter instead.,1,2023-07-11 10:35:41 +Google Play,Jumps out of the app in the middle of writing a thread,2,2023-07-07 23:29:02 +Google Play,Feed packed with content i do not follow/want,3,2023-07-06 13:04:22 +Google Play,If you enjoy censorship and data collection this is your platform,1,2023-07-12 22:57:27 +Google Play,It's a fantastic app ever will this app take over Twitter 💫,2,2023-07-12 11:16:42 +Google Play,Crashes everytime i try to post,2,2023-07-13 02:03:36 +Google Play,That's okay 👍 let's see if it can help me grow my brand cuz Twitter has definitely not da Wave 🌊,3,2023-07-10 17:09:21 +Google Play,Best app and easy to use 👌,5,2023-07-09 09:13:43 +Google Play,Can't use because Instagram account is locked,1,2023-07-08 16:34:08 +Google Play,Actually threads it's so easy to use. I really like the app... I think it might be my fav app now... P.s I'm the first review here 😂,5,2023-07-06 01:58:58 +Google Play,"Either so much error or some other reasons, I face, as I logged in",1,2023-07-06 05:58:56 +Google Play,Best Social media platform To Shareing Own Activity...!!,4,2023-07-09 18:20:40 +Google Play,Will come back when there's a following feed already. And goodluck with the Twitter thing.,1,2023-07-08 05:30:17 +Google Play,I just started and the app started glitching,2,2023-07-06 13:58:24 +Google Play,add headers plz that would be soo cool,4,2023-07-07 01:54:39 +Google Play,Keeps crashing when commenting,2,2023-07-12 13:41:55 +Google Play,Be nice if you can import who you follow into this new app.,2,2023-07-06 07:41:08 +Google Play,Not able to login,1,2023-07-07 07:39:43 +Google Play,I was nice app...But we also want trends in these,4,2023-07-06 12:00:27 +Google Play,Nowhere near Twitter + very unpolished user experience!,1,2023-07-06 08:59:59 +Google Play,Decent replacemt for Twitter but feed is 100% people you don't follow and no way to see those you do.,2,2023-07-06 23:52:07 +Google Play,Too much bugs.,1,2023-07-07 08:39:21 +Google Play,your thread failed to upload every time i try to upload a new thread,4,2023-07-21 12:43:17 +Google Play,Best app so far that I've used. I recommend you to join threads,5,2023-07-07 09:29:48 +Google Play,"I'm just here because my boss over at bleeter told me to come bad mouth this app. Also I work at lifeinvaders, you know freelance and my boss there also said go one star that app its gonna ruin us.",1,2023-07-08 04:33:41 +Google Play,It's is very easy then Twitter so we should use thread,5,2023-07-07 18:04:56 +Google Play,Can't login without instagram account,1,2023-07-05 23:39:23 +Google Play,"Is this only for Instagram users? Should user have to create account insta, and then have to use this app.",3,2023-07-13 13:39:20 +Google Play,"Threads on ; the best way to trend ministry, business, passions and so much MORE. I dominate this threads with the TRUTH 📍 of the Gospel. Meanwhile, just curious tho with the threads' logo (666?).",5,2023-07-07 02:08:32 +Google Play,Better than Twitter but some have boring,4,2023-07-07 12:28:20 +Google Play,the app is glitching its giving me a headache meta pls fix it,2,2023-07-07 23:40:09 +Google Play,Unistalled as doesn't want Instagram account.,1,2023-07-18 15:35:46 +Google Play,First review from Bangladesh. Hopefully it will be broke all previous records with good reputation.,5,2023-07-06 20:43:07 +Google Play,They should add a save thread option asap!!!,3,2023-07-10 17:39:46 +Google Play,Already loving it. Can I expect a lite app?,4,2023-07-06 02:05:14 +Google Play,It's a Superior Upgrade Version of Twitter. Welcome To Earth 🌎,5,2023-07-10 06:29:28 +Google Play,Instagram is good 👍 work,5,2023-07-07 04:49:01 +Google Play,Getting crashed for no reason..,1,2023-07-10 00:24:33 +Google Play,Its good but i need free blue tick please give me 🥵✨,5,2023-07-08 11:03:24 +Google Play,It's not displaying any posts. Not even off people I follow,2,2023-07-06 10:47:48 +Google Play,1st review on threads app App achi h pr thodi km information logo to bhi add de skte h but don't take sensitive data from us. Thank you,5,2023-07-06 21:45:19 +Google Play,"I feel more like twitter, but good app",5,2023-07-07 14:16:05 +Google Play,My feed is nothing but people I do not follow. I can't find the people I do follow in my feed. What is the point of following them,2,2023-07-14 06:30:22 +Google Play,This application is really good and might beat Twitter soon.,5,2023-07-05 23:23:24 +Google Play,Too many bugs!!!!,1,2023-07-06 10:56:48 +Google Play,I don't know how to explain it but i like it more than twitter😂,5,2023-07-16 21:57:03 +Google Play,First i liked it cus its same as twitter but then there are some probs also like theres no chat option another n big thing that u cant dlt ur thread acc if u wanna dlt so youve to dlt ur insta acc too so pls fix it meta,2,2023-07-06 08:43:19 +Google Play,Love it!! Great alternative to Hillbilly Twitter 🎉,5,2023-07-06 23:54:32 +Google Play,I always get random posts on my feed. So what's the point of following others?,1,2023-07-12 14:28:29 +Google Play,It should be for non instagram users also.,1,2023-07-15 12:37:44 +Google Play,Excellent app instgram,5,2023-07-13 14:21:27 +Google Play,Not able to view any post,1,2023-07-08 04:30:11 +Google Play,Good App but make more improvement,5,2023-07-06 20:45:40 +Google Play,K can't even touch anything on the screen,1,2023-07-11 03:40:21 +Google Play,Low quality copy of Twitter!,1,2023-07-06 02:48:57 +Google Play,"cool app, good for all in one chats",5,2023-07-06 23:39:14 +Google Play,"Easy to use, better than Twitter",5,2023-07-12 01:34:58 +Google Play,Not opening properly,2,2023-07-06 08:23:31 +Google Play,Awesome app neat and clean loved in on the first use My thread is : ivan_hugs_tv,5,2023-07-06 21:31:37 +Google Play,Free ads (for now 😭),5,2023-07-07 09:07:42 +Google Play,Why it should play video automatically?,1,2023-07-13 07:07:21 +Google Play,"I Love Threads, it's better than Twitter.",5,2023-07-11 11:47:42 +Google Play,It's like a mini Instagram!,1,2023-07-07 08:23:57 +Google Play,Can't log on without instagram acct,1,2023-07-12 21:41:18 +Google Play,This app show like mini tweeter & in this app not new things,2,2023-07-07 10:28:50 +Google Play,Lags too much. Closes itself everytime i try to comment or quote any thread.,4,2023-07-07 11:46:43 +Google Play,It's the worst parts of Twitter combined with the worsts parts of Facebook,1,2023-07-09 22:08:41 +Google Play,so far it's a dope app. better than Twitter fo sho,5,2023-07-06 23:42:25 +Google Play,This app is so cool I like it 10/10 ten out of ten 💜💯💯,5,2023-07-08 03:25:13 +Google Play,"good app, maybe can add #trending",4,2023-07-06 04:03:32 +Google Play,I don't like the interface,1,2023-07-06 12:19:16 +Google Play,Screen flickeringin my mobile when I open the app,3,2023-07-06 17:51:03 +Google Play,It's was an excellent app I personally used I and like it thank you sir,5,2023-07-07 07:20:34 +Google Play,"This is not a good app. Rides on another app increasing risk of data loss and unwarranted exposure. Hangs, crashes at will. Junk at best. Parmanently deleted.",1,2023-07-16 16:14:20 +Google Play,Just another replicated version of Twitter and Instagram. Didn't find the app really exciting or anything new Plus seems the competition was only to prove who has fastest account holder which mera have achieved successfully offcourse by their marketing strategy through Instagram. Else won't recommend the app to anyone Just another TIME WASTING MACHINE which forces you to retain your account and cannot be deleted willingly. #privacyconcern,1,2023-07-07 07:18:58 +Google Play,"Need to fix the bugs on the app. Can't load my profile, can't make a post, can't refresh my page. Also, maybe consider allowing users to download media straight from the timeline",3,2023-07-22 13:42:49 +Google Play,"What about those of us who do not have, nor want an Instagram account? It would be nice if I had the option to create a log in specifically for this app. Fix this issue, and I'll be sold...possibly. Uninstalling at this point.",1,2023-07-07 11:47:02 +Google Play,"The app is nice and I really like it more than the other app that I installed. But, sometimes the home tab was lagging. But I hope you will add something that will make the app more trendy and fun. Thanks!",5,2023-07-06 00:05:01 +Google Play,Uninstalled due to being forced into having to make a Facebook account just to make Instagram account just to make a threads account.. stupid! Shouldn't need all that unnecessary rubbish! The app should be it's own separate thing.. not having to sign in by using another apps..,1,2023-07-13 22:48:49 +Google Play,"See I'm totally against copying the already great thing which is existing and using it as a rival. This is a waste of efforts by humanity, I think we should be more focused on inventing new ideas and spending our energy towards that incentive rather than copying things!",1,2023-07-10 10:03:03 +Google Play,"Keep on needing to reinstall it, saying I'm unable to log in everytime I log out and that the app has a bug. The concept is really good, but still needs a lot of improvement",2,2023-07-07 19:03:48 +Google Play,Extremely bad app. Has been screen lag from last 3 days and tried many time to fix it by redownloading the app but still doesn't work. Extremely worst expreience.,1,2023-07-10 00:14:42 +Google Play,Since I've logged out and uninstalled this app I have tried to post on my Instagram account. I can't see certain photos or things I've just posted but my total number of posts are correct....I just can't see them. Could be a problem.,1,2023-07-09 11:48:32 +Google Play,Couldn't even explore the app because of this glitches. Even for a small touch it starts glitching. Couldn't rate more unless the bug is fixed.,2,2023-07-10 11:32:18 +Google Play,This app isn't so bad for a first launch but there could be improvements like longer videos and no glitches also this app is way better than Twitter because with twitter you can't get as much as you can with Threads plus you can't see who your following or add city and state plus add category or contact options like Instagram otherwise than that this is a great app,3,2023-07-23 21:42:53 +Google Play,"the app is useless it cant save pics and the home button wont show the post of accounts you follow, only bunch of strangers... they need to work on their algorith and like there are so much to catch up on before launching this app.",1,2023-07-09 02:19:19 +Google Play,"No point using since I can't customise what I see on my feed. I don't want to see all the possible posts from the multi-verse, only from who I follow. I have zero interest in sports, don't follow anybody in sports, so that showing up is an instant uninstall.",1,2023-07-09 04:28:50 +Google Play,"Boring, wish i never downloaded it cause i can't delete my acc without deleting my IG, Facebook ( meta now ) as always never bring something new on the table since 2014, high expectations just tl find myself in a boring cheap version of Twitter ~ at least be a little creative with your apps and stop copying other apps to stay relevant ( Snapchat - TikTok - telegram - Twitter) and get us something new that may get our attention",1,2023-07-09 01:28:41 +Google Play,stop trying to use an algorithm to guess what content I want to see and just let me view posts from people I follow. Twitter is a nightmare and it still allows me to do this. it was bad when you did it to Instagram and it is still bad.,1,2023-07-08 14:11:00 +Google Play,I was super excited but you can't sign up for a new account you must use an Instagram account. It claims you only need an email but once you are done creating your account it immediately requires a phone number or it just freezes.,1,2023-07-06 02:43:30 +Google Play,Good potential but too buggy and not enough features to be useful. Will come back when they've had time to sort things out.,2,2023-07-12 07:22:39 +Google Play,I feel like this is just a copy of Twitter with nothing new or sepcial and it's even worse.. I literally downloaded it just because three of my favourite content creators are on it. You didn't even try to make new designs or buttons or features like what is this?,1,2023-07-07 22:51:32 +Google Play,"Once upon a time, this app had the swagger of a superstar, but now it's just begging for a standing ovation from the exit door. The hype train has derailed, leaving nothing but a ghost town of deserted users in its wake. If boredom had an official spokesperson, it would be this app. Time to bid adieu to the good ol' days and embrace the exciting world of apps🐦that actually deliver on their promises!",1,2023-07-18 18:01:29 +Google Play,There wasn't any need of half cooked app in hurry to compete twitter since app is lacking in loads of basic features. Hope devs are working hard to add features as well as troubleshooting the bugs.,3,2023-07-12 11:14:42 +Google Play,"Well I downloaded the app only to find out afterwards that you have to have a Instagram account to log in, and there's no other way around that that I saw, so 1 star. If it's fixed, then I will re-review. I don't have Instagram and I'm not getting it either.",1,2023-07-11 16:51:43 +Google Play,Very easy to use. Can you add download button to image in every user threads? Because somehow we want to save the image they sent to us. Overall is great!,5,2023-07-07 01:26:35 +Google Play,"The app is good over all, needs alot of festures but since its just new, its understandable. What i didnt like on this app is that, if you dont have that much followers on your instagram account, youll get zero engagements on your posts. Its very hard to grow your account and i dont know if its based on luck but its really hard. I posted consistently everyday, got no effect.",3,2023-07-08 10:50:13 +Google Play,"I'm failing to install this app on my phone despite it being compatible with my device. It downloads 98% but then crashes and I get the message ""cannot install threads "" 🤷🏾‍♂️",1,2023-07-11 20:02:16 +Google Play,Doesn't work as a stand alone platform. Wasn't interested in getting Instagram but to use this you must have an Instagram account and then if you don't like it you can't delete it without deleting your Instagram account too. No thanks.,1,2023-07-07 00:42:25 +Google Play,Why its connected with Instagram.. i installed it and open account from insta. Now this thread badge is shown up in insta's bio. I Removed it many times from there..but its again shown on page refresh. Please do this app independently from insta...or i uninstall both the app..🙂,1,2023-07-12 03:13:23 +Google Play,"Mine keeps crashing when I @, quote or add a photo, tried uninstalling reinstall restart phone..... Nothing on Google to say what the issue is. Phone works fine with all other Meta apps",1,2023-07-10 04:29:28 +Google Play,Dire. Installed and uninstalled because the flow of it isn't upto scratch. You get random posts in your feed. The data collection is very bad and intrusive,2,2023-07-16 20:10:36 +Google Play,I downloaded & found it requires an Instagram account so just another gateway to an app i dont want. Twitter at least was stand alone but its policy on needing a mobile number puts me off using it. So Ill just stick to meeting mates for a drink & having real conversations with out enriching billionaires further.,1,2023-07-07 06:58:18 +Google Play,Well i use Facebook the most and Instagram sometimes but they both have the same passwords and I was on this new app earlier and now it's saying my password is incorrect.. so I'll just stick with Facebook I guess. Wasn't a huge fan of Twitter or Instagram to begin with.,1,2023-07-07 00:16:15 +Google Play,This is just a simplified Facebook. Nothing else. No chronological order sorting and no way to filter only those who you follow. I'll just stick to Twitter until y'all decide to give users what you want.,1,2023-07-11 18:17:48 +Google Play,I was super excited to try Threads but i was super disappointed with it. My feed was just full of suggested post of people & things that didn't interest me & that i didn't follow. Hard to find the people i did follow. plus i can't search topic's. I'VE NOW DELETE APP. 😥,2,2023-07-08 08:20:22 +Google Play,Had to uninstall this app as my phone started acting up after installing and using the app for two days. My phone kept on ghost tapping and scrolling or other apps would hang.,1,2023-07-08 08:46:17 +Google Play,What the point of trying to be a replacement for twitter when the app doesn't allow you to only view posts from ppl you follow on your feed and doesn't allow any nsfw content. This is just an even more sanitized and advertiser friendly version of Instagram...,1,2023-07-07 16:18:51 +Google Play,"This is one of the worst apps in the list of worst apps I ever used, I don't wished to be here just got here cause a friend asked me to and now I can't delete my account neither can I use this app and it is collecting some useless data that a chatting and connecting app doesn't require, I do wish it gets banned in India",1,2023-07-11 04:45:19 +Google Play,Worst experience I was curious about the app but the moment I downloaded it I just regreted so bad the display was getting a glitch I don't know how it's hard to explain what was happening it was kind of crashing I never felt the app normal when I open the app it shows a glitch kind of a pattern of Matrix like appearence and it's so bad,1,2023-07-08 12:25:03 +Google Play,"This app froze first, then it got repaired, and afterwards, my Instagram is missing so many posts from feeds. I've reported multiple times, still no result.",1,2023-07-10 05:00:16 +Google Play,It very good alternative for Twitter. Need space feature and trending page. It great if you able to add shorts like feature.,5,2023-07-06 22:20:27 +Google Play,This is worst.. I downloaded for the first time(ofc) and it is showing a glitch and not working properly... I keep on refreshing it but it doesn't work and shows the same glitch over and over...,1,2023-07-07 14:55:44 +Google Play,"It doesn't support on my phone, everytime I open the apps, it gets bug, and I can't see the thread clearly, it's like a piled up sentence everytime I scroll.",2,2023-07-08 18:04:17 +Google Play,"Why does this app need so many permissions? I permanently deleted Facebook from my phone because somebody told me that I was online, but i did not open the app that day. Why would this app need biometrics and reroute phone calls and reorder running apps and see your health fitness and what other apps you have and activities you're doing and all of that?? Never going to use a meta app again",1,2023-07-10 00:15:51 +Google Play,"Did not understand this was an addon to Instagram, requiring an Instagram account. Since I have no Instagram account I can't even check it out. Why did they tell the media about this? It's clearly only for Instagram users. Seems like it would have been more appropriate to inform all Instagram users directly.",1,2023-07-08 17:18:24 +Google Play,I just found a much better alternative to both Twitter AND Threads. Everyone needs to download Tiblur. It's on the Google Play store. It allows media and lets the users have more say than all these promoted brands.,1,2023-07-07 17:56:42 +Google Play,"Didn't find anything new, it is just a lite version of Twitter with very less features which are simmiler to Twitter, but people still want to join it because they haven't seen any new and big platform since last few years and they are bored of using Twitter",1,2023-07-07 13:45:09 +Google Play,"Smart, convenient, easy user interface but need some changes as it could look different and may print unique identity.",4,2023-07-06 17:47:18 +Google Play,"Am yet to experience it because it has been malfunctioning at my end. After login in, if I try to scroll or click anything it will just start shaking and creating multiple words from others post.",1,2023-07-07 12:46:42 +Google Play,"I can't delete my account, they have tricked the users. And I can't even remove the badge from my Instagram account. It's like they are forcing to use this application. Losers, come up with your own ideas, stop stealing and copy pasting stuffs.",1,2023-07-09 22:46:34 +Google Play,"Combines the worst of Twitter's ""For You"" with Facebook's ""people you may know."" Scrolled for several minutes & not once was shown content from the people I actually follow. It's only promoted content from verified accounts.",1,2023-07-06 22:20:29 +Google Play,"Sending friend requests is buggy... For some reason, it sent MULTIPLE notifications to all my contacts Would have been nice to inform me that I couldn't DELETE the account without also deleting my Instagram account... beforee i signed my soul away.",1,2023-07-07 05:12:27 +Google Play,The app is nice. The only thing it lack is the trending page and obviously translation features I follow alot of creator that doesnt speak English and the translation features would really help.,4,2023-07-11 09:01:07 +Google Play,Be sure to read what data collection this app gets access to. There is NO reason for it to need that much of your personal data. Also interface is bad.,1,2023-07-07 05:22:24 +Google Play,"it has some problems, as an example, in home page is kind of mixture direct and explore. I didn't like to read anybodys writing about anything.",4,2023-07-07 22:31:53 +Google Play,"The app no one asked for! Don't really understand why this was created and who it's aimed at? Seems very similar to, if not, a rip off of Twitter (which I also don't have!) I can't see where it fits into the social media space and am unsure if it has any unique selling points? Uninstalled!",1,2023-07-07 12:39:23 +Google Play,"There should be a way to delete your threads profile without deleting your Instagram. It should also not need to even attempt to access, let alone store, nearly as much of my data as it does.",1,2023-07-07 22:46:05 +Google Play,"Awful experience. No DM's. Always recommending people I don't wanna see on my TL. To top it off, I got suspended for posting a very structured and well mannered opinion of the App. I never had an Instagram Account until yesterday. I never will again. Don't trust Meta/FB/Instagram/Threads. Just another App to gain all your info. You only have to look at the settings to realise how much info they want from you. Disgusting. Also shows regulators are fine with it. Don't install 👍",1,2023-07-06 12:26:53 +Google Play,I deleted the app after two days. You get too many threads from people I have no interest in following. To get rid of those threads you have to block each one individually. The app should allow a user to start with who the user wants to follow.,2,2023-07-09 00:25:39 +Google Play,"Not a fan, seemed decent at first but I don't want to be spammed with accounts I don't follow. They fixed the deactivate so it doesn't mess with IG, so that function works.",2,2023-07-11 11:00:47 +Google Play,"Trash app aimed at mass censoring. No freedom of speech. Wants to compete with twitter and musk, what a joke. It's extremely easy to use because it's so bare, boring and empty. More appealing to watch paint dry",1,2023-07-06 23:14:41 +Google Play,"Can't search for users Have to scroll all the way up to refresh, no pull down to refresh. Have to click multiple times to see reply to a reply. Didn't get get any activity from followers on my post. Unclear if they are inactive or not seeing my posts.",1,2023-07-14 20:25:59 +Google Play,"Hi, threads team This app randomly crashes on this Android phone. Like, double triple screens , overlapping etc.. And if I can send u some of my screenshots that would be helpful for you",4,2023-07-15 09:21:32 +Google Play,What is the difference from Instagram and Twitter? Copy paste doesn't solve anything. You should have come up with an innovation. Downloading 100 m + is not a success like me most of them will delete the app and wont use it.,1,2023-07-11 00:55:36 +Google Play,"Screen glitch! After installing the whole screen glitching on my android device (pie ver). So I uninstalled now, will be install after a month. P.S. I tried install-uninstall the app, the result is still the same.",1,2023-07-07 12:38:23 +Google Play,"Just lost all the excitement of using this app...for last 24 hrs I can't load posts or comment on a threads. I tried reinstalling, clear cache nothing works. Best I can do is view and like that's it. So frustrating",1,2023-07-11 12:51:29 +Google Play,"I don't like the fact that it's automatically linked to your Instagram, what if you want to start a fresh and run a different content on thread. Useless app.",1,2023-07-08 05:20:47 +Google Play,"I'm sure it's lovely, but I don't have an Instagram account and thus, am not allowed to use the app. Being that it's based on mastodon... I'll utilise mastodon and remain without an Instagram account.",1,2023-07-06 20:04:30 +Google Play,the data privacy thing is violated through and through. you can really delete a thread account without deleting your instagram account and the deactivate option-- you can deactivate only for a week. it's gives you no real option of leaving this app.,1,2023-07-06 09:55:52 +Google Play,"It sucks. It stopped allowing me to post anything with ""post failed"" since few days and ""something went wrong"", i updated the app and nothing. Other than that it really is just boring af",1,2023-07-15 20:58:50 +Google Play,"Sucky. Keeps picking up my phone. Clicking download on more devices only brings up my phone, not the tablet , I'm on that I want to download too. Have tried periodically all day.",1,2023-07-08 03:26:23 +Google Play,Don't want an Insta account so have uninstalled this! Let people create an account with an email address and I'll try it then! At the moment total waste of time.,1,2023-07-08 18:39:55 +Google Play,There's a bug. All fonts were overlapping each other and incomprehensible. Looked like a glitch effect but horrible,1,2023-07-06 11:58:00 +Google Play,"I can't read my profile and can't write anything as a message "" something went wrong"" keeps appearing. Already tried to delete cache but it does not solve anything",1,2023-07-17 08:31:53 +Google Play,"Not a fan that the only sign-up option is to use an Instagram account, instead of letting you choose to a Meta account. Funny considering it says very clearly at the bottom ""from Meta"".",2,2023-07-14 02:00:21 +Google Play,This app isn't working properly. I don't know why but the threads of every account is mixing up on screen. I am not able to read any of them. So check this and do what can you so.,1,2023-07-06 15:02:34 +Google Play,The app is not working well.....whenever u scroll the screen it starts shivering automatically all the time..... Unable to read any post... Fix this problem as soon as possible,1,2023-07-09 05:50:16 +Google Play,This is an additional flavor 😁 yepeee self expressions..self care 😘I don't really like to see what is out I like to see the individuals inner vibe.. that's why Threads ultimate alliance and a real closure for the verification and the rest is history.,5,2023-07-07 07:08:36 +Google Play,"after just a few days of using it, my instagram app is getting bugs and errors, my account can't be opened and it's really a problem for me. i hope this is fixed soon",1,2023-07-08 04:08:39 +Google Play,If you're using this aap don't use it . If you connect this to your Instagram profile nothing happened. If you deactivate your threads profile . You see many issues on your Instagram profile . I'm facing that problem. . don't use this worst app . Non worthy ......,1,2023-07-10 04:56:32 +Google Play,It's not working smoothly. even when i open this app and try to do anything the display looks like it's broken I don't know what is the problem but it's not a good app. its totally useless,1,2023-07-08 05:07:49 +Google Play,Bogus app. No option there to disable auto play videos or managing the quality of photos. Very poorly copied app.,1,2023-07-23 08:49:01 +Google Play,"Installed for the experience, Uninstalled after 4hrs... No Follow tab as such... Can't delete the Thread Account specifically as it's linked to Instagram... So apparently whoever joins thread gets trapped... They'll have to delete their Instagram Account to delete thread account... Do something new instead of copying others... Wasn't Stealing people's data enough?",2,2023-07-07 07:08:09 +Google Play,I LOVE IT. But I uninstalled it because 1. Why do people have FOLLOWING button if all they can read are stitches from the people they didn't follow? 2. Allow a tab to separate strangers from FOLLOWED people of an account. 3. Allow photos to be saved in phones. 4. Light mode please.,3,2023-07-08 11:12:15 +Google Play,Uninstalled the same day as installing it. This is just another addition to the ultra-intrusive suite of applications from Meta. There's no way this garbage is even touching the feathers of Twitter.,1,2023-07-14 16:38:38 +Google Play,this app is number one rubbish app because i created my id on this in office i am not able to see anything neither i am able to login my account nor i am getting to see some new interface in this full account instagram It is visible from although I have not created an account and have written a new profile and a new resume.,1,2023-07-07 05:23:53 +Google Play,It is trying to compete with twitter . But legend is only once made. You cannot copy that. Twitter cannot copy facebook and facebook cannot copy twitter. Both are best in their fields .,1,2023-07-06 10:06:03 +Google Play,"It's was an amazing notification on my phone as I was active on Instagram so I downloaded it and used, the app is amazing attractive, it's now my best app after IG but you can create it with the same username if you like it as Instagram We're the first people to get used of thread ✊",5,2023-07-07 14:19:40 +Google Play,"Poor imitation of twitter sans the features to back it. Given, it has raked in app installs, good growth hack piggybacking on instagram but the user engagement isn't to write home about. Uninstalled after a day.",1,2023-07-22 16:18:34 +Google Play,"So: - No ability to download pictures. - No following feed. - 500 character limit, whereas Facebook's is around 30 thousand - Does not allow NSFW Needs a lot of work. Don't bother yet. This is not a Twitter replacement.",2,2023-07-07 17:07:10 +Google Play,"Nothing about this app feels good. No novel features upon launch, no way to make money on the app, just feels like a copy and paste Twitter with the most random algorithm ever.",1,2023-07-14 05:51:12 +Google Play,Images make the app crash and so I've decided based on it's immature layout that looks like from early 1980's websites ! I'm seriously not impressed with this app .,1,2023-07-08 23:48:57 +Google Play,The worst app I have ever experienced.. Despite providing correct log in details this app is showing incorrect password...I am utterly shocked having experienced this from a reputable and top company like meta.,1,2023-07-13 17:45:47 +Google Play,I think app needs more Updates as because when I open the app and when I scroll down the words are glitching too much!!! Which we can't use the app Properly !! So please Improve this Problem,2,2023-07-08 13:39:21 +Google Play,"Do NOT download this app. This is bloatware and once you go to uninstall it, you will have to delete your Instagram account as well. Basically, it's a trap created by Mark Zuckerberg.",1,2023-07-11 13:20:11 +Google Play,Only want to see people I follow and not everyone else's feed. That's part of the reason I don't like Instagram as much as I use to. I don't like being forced to have other people's post show up on my feed when I'm trying to see what my friends and family are up to.,1,2023-07-13 22:58:54 +Google Play,Trashapp. Had to sign up twice and still getting banned or under review after i have written the code on a paper received through my email and phone and also took a selfie. Like damn what else is there for a new user to verify lmao. Meta is a sensitive weakarse company who will never be better than twitter. Update: threads finally let me sign up and verification completed. I hope they don't piss others off but I give them 4 stars. Minus 1 star for pissing me off in the beginning.,4,2023-07-09 23:08:41 +Google Play,Way too many bugs. If i change my IG password in locked out on my threads and don't have the option to simply re-enter my new password. Everytime i use the @ function to tag someone in a post the app kicks me out,1,2023-07-20 06:23:47 +Google Play,"There is a problem when I open it, the interface breaks and the writings collide together. Please fix it as soon as possible. Thank you very much.",2,2023-07-07 01:19:52 +Google Play,Why Threads doesn't allow us to sign up using our email address or phone number? We don't want to use Instagram account to log in. Hope to add this feature in the future. Thanks,5,2023-07-23 04:54:42 +Google Play,"Threads gives a sets a perfect example that if you product is poor, no godly amount of money on advertisement will help you make that business thrive. Threads is that poor products, who had Instagram to promote it but it failed badly coz it was just dogshit and unnecessary app",1,2023-07-21 18:46:23 +Google Play,I give this app four stars because this app is like Twitter.Same to same not anything is change just name or some feature you have to download but this app just launched about 3 hours ago so wait and download after sometime s this was a problem to old phones Thank you.,4,2023-07-06 03:53:52 +Google Play,"The amount of private data that this app takes from you is atrocious. Also, you can't delete your threads account without deleting your Instagram as well. Why are those two accounts tied together like that??",1,2023-07-07 07:56:36 +Google Play,I dont use social media a lot and wasn't planning on using Threads at all. I just look at my homescreen and it was installed on my phone. I have absolutely no idea how it got on my phone but I have now uninstalled this app and Instagram,1,2023-07-13 22:09:31 +Google Play,I think the app is really easy to use and it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. I also like how there are so many different features like filters and lenses that make it fun to use.,5,2023-07-07 03:25:19 +Google Play,"we really did not need another app with the same features as before , there's nothing wow , or a new diffrent catching concept ro it , writing post and commenting is doable everywhere . beside even the users are sharing the same things as the other social media . and it takes so much useless space",1,2023-07-10 19:20:29 +Google Play,"Bruh the new social app rip , same as twitter but with better UI but the biggest flex of twitter is open speech as u can give ur opinion on anything and their ceo is also cool , this app also collects lot of data and also there was nothing new just twitter users posting same content here also so it's a big fail.",2,2023-07-23 11:56:49 +Google Play,"For everyone who continue join threads, but people don't want it, it's not good. This app must have some option for delete threads acc without delete ig acc permanently. This bout it cause some people just want to try/interest with this app w/o knowing what happen after",2,2023-07-06 19:16:32 +Google Play,"Rubbish wish I could give IT a No Star Rating but then again where could you put Zero star rating 🙄 and let others know.....you need an Instagram account to login in, this resulting in more data collection 'privacy out of the window collected from Facebook Meta team!!!!'",1,2023-07-13 12:17:32 +Google Play,Very bad experience it's looking very bad glitchi screen..even I am not able to use this app. And i am using Android 9 as thay mention requirement from Android 9 To up,1,2023-07-06 06:21:56 +Google Play,The experience was Meh at best. I guess I was expecting more with all the hype. I deleted the app when I saw how much data it's collecting from my phone. No thanks Meta.,1,2023-07-06 14:52:45 +Google Play,Simply not working. My internet connection is working fine but the app just keep loading. Tried to uninstall then reinstall but the problem persisted.,1,2023-07-22 18:12:12 +Google Play,"this app is annoying! i try to delete my account, you cant. i try to remove that number from my bio you can't. this is wrong.. i should able to add and delete apps if i wanted to!!!",1,2023-07-10 20:18:23 +Google Play,"Missing basic features, no feed for only people you follow, no way to tell if someone is following you on their profile, and no web client. I'm not going to use social media that I can only see on my phone.",1,2023-07-06 19:14:35 +Google Play,I will never download this app again this that has so many bugs and people jumping in while you're talking on Instagram privately if I was to recommend this app I wouldn't do it I definitely say it ain't worth it and the trouble that you going to do don't download the app,2,2023-07-06 20:08:11 +Google Play,"Really disappointed The app doesn't work properly and glitches, whenever i scroll the app glitches and every thing (letters, icons) gets doubled and move up and down and make it like old broken tv",1,2023-07-07 09:34:30 +Google Play,"Just feels like a really bad clone of twitter with less features. Biggest killer is the lack of a web version. Deleted in less than an hour of downloading it. Even with twitter on the downfall with Elon's dumb decisions, its still wayyy better than what this is.",1,2023-07-10 10:15:50 +Google Play,"For two full days now it has not updated my scroll. I have been seeing the exact same posts for more than 48 hours now, and when I do get a notification about a post, it's from 2 days ago. What possible use is that?",2,2023-07-09 16:27:45 +Google Play,Really a good app I inspired by Imran khan to com threads app,5,2023-07-09 07:27:34 +Google Play,right decision this app is very useful and will leave twitter behind,5,2023-07-09 13:45:54 +Google Play,"Keeps crashing, screen stops midway. Also, had to uninstall to make space. But now I can't reinstall it 🤷🏻‍♀️",1,2023-07-07 09:05:44 +Google Play,App is working good feeling good Go threads,5,2023-07-06 15:21:07 +Google Play,I don't know why but suddenly my followers shows 0 .. worst app,1,2023-07-09 14:28:50 +Google Play,Amazing application like Instagram i loved it 🫶💯,5,2023-07-10 15:00:52 +Google Play,"Fix the bugs of facebook and update recovery system, instead of launching new features/projects day by day. Facebook is becoming worse after binding with meta. Stop copying others and upgrade your existing serivices.",1,2023-07-07 18:30:00 +Google Play,Nice replacement in case twitter goes down again,5,2023-07-09 07:02:27 +Google Play,Nice app but Twitter is better than thread 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 11:01:10 +Google Play,"The app is lagging too much i can't even see my profile,go to the settings or see followers and anything. Maybe it's because the app is still new but i hope this problem will be solved soon",1,2023-07-07 13:10:06 +Google Play,Many features are missing,1,2023-07-06 04:57:52 +Google Play,App is not stable,3,2023-07-10 08:13:40 +Google Play,Just came out and is already better than fascist-controlled musk's twitter.,5,2023-07-10 16:36:59 +Google Play,Not good just feels like a clown 🤡 of twitter,1,2023-07-06 22:26:31 +Google Play,"Good,but performed not good in my phone",5,2023-07-08 08:15:31 +Google Play,This app is very simple i love it,5,2023-07-07 09:34:10 +Google Play,It's a very good app. So easy to use,5,2023-07-06 12:07:12 +Google Play,Needs chronological timeline option.,2,2023-07-06 23:07:09 +Google Play,I love you guys! Such a happy place. Thank you Mr Z! This is perfection,5,2023-07-07 22:30:00 +Google Play,Great initiative. Hopefully there will be more improvements in the future.,5,2023-07-06 17:09:46 +Google Play,"What's the point? Facebook already bends to authoritarian and corrupt regimes like Turkey, Iran, Qatar, etc.",1,2023-07-09 14:16:16 +Google Play,This app is not at all working,1,2023-07-08 05:06:14 +Google Play,It really feels good while using this app....,3,2023-07-07 08:01:56 +Google Play,Very basic and it takes way to much of your info. You also must use an Instagram account and once you link it you can't delete it without deleting your Instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 22:30:38 +Google Play,Fast time using. I don't know what is actually in this app. Twitter vs threads game chal raha hai 😅😅,2,2023-07-06 18:14:27 +Google Play,This is very good job from meta,5,2023-07-06 22:32:15 +Google Play,Cannot save pictures of any account. 1 star,1,2023-07-06 09:33:02 +Google Play,Woww.... its so amazing... i like it...,5,2023-07-06 03:31:05 +Google Play,Needs a save image option,5,2023-07-07 11:21:40 +Google Play,I will say nothing but .... The important thing is the app is very nice,5,2023-07-08 17:49:33 +Google Play,No Cover Photo Option And Many Missing 🥴,3,2023-07-06 07:29:49 +Google Play,This is a very good app that deserves a lot of appreciation,5,2023-07-14 10:10:02 +Google Play,The interface is a big problem. Right from the point where a user logins in his or her account; the app feels cluttered.,2,2023-07-11 01:34:23 +Google Play,It keeps crushing and logging me out even on my Instagram account,1,2023-07-09 15:42:09 +Google Play,I changed my Instagram pw and can't login to Threads anymore,1,2023-07-08 04:15:12 +Google Play,This app is pretty calm and easy to use,4,2023-07-15 16:10:23 +Google Play,Mark did a great job with threads. Just peaceful,5,2023-07-07 15:58:40 +Google Play,Best for only those who are already popular on Instagram,1,2023-07-07 04:52:26 +Google Play,I want to post a pic but it auto exits.,3,2023-07-10 00:09:09 +Google Play,"It needs a lot of improvements , however, for now, it is a great app .",4,2023-07-07 04:46:10 +Google Play,Just copy and paste of Twitter nothing special,1,2023-07-07 04:13:49 +Google Play,"That's is cheap twitter , I don't like the interface , it's looks similar to instagram , and I want to stop using Instagram , this will make our generation Fully addict to social media, it's more dangerous than AI",1,2023-07-07 16:34:31 +Google Play,"3 stars so far since I want to request to add some features present in Instagram like sending DMs, and having GIFs to post. Moreover, please have a language translation function also, so a lot of people can connect with each other. I would also appreciate it if the news feed or timeline can only show posts/threads from the accounts you are following. please make this possible thank you",3,2023-07-06 05:11:33 +Google Play,It's Simple twitter by Instagram with connected with FB whatsApp and instagram,5,2023-07-06 19:14:55 +Google Play,"Requires stupid amount of permissions, can't delete account, and looks awful. It's a very disorganized mess.",1,2023-07-09 20:33:48 +Google Play,Nice application like Twitter But this is awesome,5,2023-07-07 07:56:28 +Google Play,Very very nice app and good luck work,5,2023-07-22 18:25:09 +Google Play,So far the app is great. Easy to use.,5,2023-07-06 01:57:57 +Google Play,It's very interesting better than twitter,5,2023-07-12 14:29:15 +Google Play,I am so happy team Instagram come thread app so good I am happy 😊,5,2023-07-08 00:32:57 +Google Play,"My insta account has been crashed after downloading the threads from Instagram app. Waste of time, Twitter is best instead. I had worst experience with this app.",1,2023-07-07 13:12:49 +Google Play,"the bugs are so bad, I can't even read a single thread",2,2023-07-06 12:29:04 +Google Play,"worthless and useless app I don't found use of this app for people , Its just an arguments with twiter , i hate motherfather 😤",1,2023-07-08 09:20:07 +Google Play,Its the best but we need more updates on it,4,2023-07-18 11:20:27 +Google Play,such a waste app. I can't even scroll the feed it's disgusting...,1,2023-07-06 09:36:38 +Google Play,Very very good app... I love it ❤️,5,2023-07-07 02:05:04 +Google Play,So very very safety app so please used 💖.....,5,2023-07-08 06:25:39 +Google Play,It requires an Instagram account. which I hate. I hate Instagram = I hate threads,1,2023-07-07 14:20:02 +Google Play,"Very Similar to Twitter , but I like it",5,2023-07-07 16:51:04 +Google Play,Mcctttwwww My phone can't download the App since day before yesterday. When it reaches 90% download it will just stop. Don't know the actual problem.,1,2023-07-07 23:22:50 +Google Play,Please make it possible for private texts,3,2023-07-09 16:38:24 +Google Play,nice app jusrlt need add stories and chats👽💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕,5,2023-07-06 19:48:56 +Google Play,Pointless app why let me follow people and then just show me posts from anybody but the people I follow,1,2023-07-17 01:17:32 +Google Play,"It maybe a great idea but the disadvantage is the log in using Instagram that is what made me hate it because am not an Instagram fan but am on WhatsApp and Facebook. To be fair why don't you allow login using either of Meta accounts be it Facebook, WhatsApp or Instagram. I feel like it's discriminative to non Instagram users.",2,2023-07-06 17:13:21 +Google Play,amazing just stay here for a long time now and beat twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:41:28 +Google Play,Needs pixel fold and tablet support,2,2023-07-18 06:54:16 +Google Play,I like It. I like it alot!,5,2023-07-05 23:31:31 +Google Play,Give all people's one star till they don't allow us to delete threads account permanently.. it's a big scam guys so give only 1 star.,1,2023-07-07 09:48:58 +Google Play,"Still not used this , but it already created alot of hype among community 🤍☮️ well going to use it and. Further update my review guys ...!",5,2023-07-06 10:03:34 +Google Play,Thanks to MrWhoseTheBoss for telling me about this app. So far so good,5,2023-07-06 15:47:01 +Google Play,"Absolutely unhinged madness, 6 out of 5 stars",5,2023-07-06 04:47:04 +Google Play,"Eh, just installing because Elon is so annoying.",5,2023-07-15 04:21:26 +Google Play,"Very good app to use, it has all to use",5,2023-07-08 15:12:49 +Google Play,Why must I have to own an Instagram account before I can use this app?,1,2023-07-06 09:59:34 +Google Play,"Please Fix the bugs, My Bio is not changing",3,2023-07-11 04:28:55 +Google Play,Guys stop moaning it's new app it will improve soon . I couldn't stand twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-08 22:32:10 +Google Play,I love this app so much it's better than Twitter not gonna lie,5,2023-07-06 21:41:13 +Google Play,Has a great amount of potential to replace Twitter. Which has been ruined since the Musk takeover.,5,2023-07-06 17:29:00 +Google Play,"That's Great app, it powerful to beat Twitter",5,2023-07-06 07:40:01 +Google Play,I'm Install this app in 07/07/2023 this is very good application..,4,2023-07-09 08:17:31 +Google Play,"We don't want to see such this apps, enough!",1,2023-07-08 11:13:37 +Google Play,Nice experience better than Twitter great job mark zuck,5,2023-07-06 13:28:31 +Google Play,"Seeing the spread over news about Threads Feature and I shouldn't have thought about hear this, so why not I'll give it go, what else are you gotta do?",3,2023-07-08 00:42:10 +Google Play,"Dont download this app if you want to let your instagram work properly, as I have downloaded this app and started my profile with the same username as in my insta. But after 24 hours my insta app start getting CRASH , However when I logged in with different account on my insta app it works properly.",1,2023-07-10 05:53:53 +Google Play,Awesome app and much better than Twitter.....,5,2023-07-06 12:23:50 +Google Play,"I'm not able to log in. It says ""please wait a few minutes before you try again""",1,2023-07-06 14:55:30 +Google Play,Thanks for this app. I was looking for twitter alternative,3,2023-07-08 13:05:47 +Google Play,Thrash u need an Instagram account when you're in Twitter you can be a ghost,1,2023-07-06 17:23:34 +Google Play,Clean version of twitter. I like it.,3,2023-07-06 21:29:08 +Google Play,Jjc...hoping it will function to expectations .I have no doubt actually. Judging from your previous apps.,5,2023-07-07 13:48:02 +Google Play,App is crashing!!!!!!,1,2023-07-08 05:38:42 +Google Play,"After using this app, my account in Instagram keeps crashing, but when i use another account it's fine, ig its because that account is connected to threads, please fix it!!",1,2023-07-08 05:06:57 +Google Play,Ooo nice and this is also crossed chatGPT,5,2023-07-07 12:35:20 +Google Play,Finally a perfect app.,5,2023-07-07 02:43:08 +Google Play,Anything to force twitter to be better,5,2023-07-07 10:30:25 +Google Play,This app is not working good.. I'm really disappointed.,1,2023-07-09 03:25:15 +Google Play,"If they don't agree with your post , they will restrict your account . Twitter dominates . Plus, you can't delete your account unless you delete instagram. Screw Meta",1,2023-07-08 16:18:59 +Google Play,"Good app, go with this. Far better than Twitter",5,2023-07-07 14:37:11 +Google Play,The app is cool but Twitter is on another level 🙌,3,2023-07-05 23:33:41 +Google Play,It's very easy to use .,5,2023-07-19 15:34:12 +Google Play,I am not interested is seeing the posts of people I don't follow and there's no option to get the off my wall,3,2023-07-06 20:22:40 +Google Play,Such a amazing platform,5,2023-07-06 04:50:23 +Google Play,Too much not needed permissions,1,2023-07-12 17:53:36 +Google Play,Not interesting platform.,1,2023-07-22 06:27:50 +Google Play,So far this app is good but my feed gets full of people I don't follow,3,2023-07-06 00:30:14 +Google Play,Super App just go for it.. ✨✨,5,2023-07-06 22:54:01 +Google Play,Good start so far but I don't want to see anyone other than who I follow on my home page. There's a lot of irrelevant randoms on there and I've been blocking a ton of people so that they don't show up again.,3,2023-07-06 14:01:15 +Google Play,"Very good, I don't understand it yet, but I am trying",4,2023-07-06 17:45:08 +Google Play,"Search, hashtags are terrible need to improve, Twitter is faraway from threads",1,2023-07-07 01:52:53 +Google Play,This app is really awesome i think its better than twitter🥰,5,2023-07-17 02:21:45 +Google Play,"I can't post any picture from my gallery, when I select the photo it will stop and back to my home phone. Please fix this kind of bug.",1,2023-07-09 14:06:16 +Google Play,"Great design and all, but has a lot of bugs. It behaves weirdly on Android 9, unusable..",2,2023-07-10 05:24:38 +Google Play,I congratulate Meta team and Mr. Jukrburg hopefully Meta team will win with Musk and team. My best wishes and God help them. Threds is really nice one and now i don't need Twitter anymore in my device.,5,2023-07-07 14:08:53 +Google Play,Something went wrong when it used for 1st 3-4 hr don't know what had happened,4,2023-07-06 08:13:29 +Google Play,"Its so fun actually, love it",5,2023-07-07 03:42:12 +Google Play,It's an amazing app share your thoughts,5,2023-07-06 15:25:41 +Google Play,Very nice app thanks for creating,5,2023-07-23 13:55:52 +Google Play,Too bugs in app right now,3,2023-07-07 09:41:10 +Google Play,User friendly app. Useful app for gaining knowledge.,5,2023-07-06 02:13:05 +Google Play,"I hate Instagram app ,if this app like it ,I will hate it",2,2023-07-06 06:50:46 +Google Play,"It's good? Pamalit sa Twitter hahaha but may mga bagay that i don't like, like their is no darkmode, and their is no [not interested] in every post that i don't want to see meron namang mute but parang ang harsh naman nun hahahah basta 50:50 you need to prioritize the DARKMODE",3,2023-07-08 21:05:13 +Google Play,Very very very buggy,1,2023-07-06 22:06:58 +Google Play,The app just doesn't work,1,2023-07-09 01:32:20 +Google Play,Thanks to Instagram for beating Twitter by creating this beautiful application,5,2023-07-07 08:01:49 +Google Play,Fresh installation and it won't even open?,1,2023-07-06 15:39:35 +Google Play,Hoping this is the first review on Threads. I'm installing it now so decided to give it a review. It's already a great app lol,5,2023-07-06 00:23:36 +Google Play,Won't let me create an account and no options to help with that,1,2023-07-09 14:22:05 +Google Play,Very beautiful ..... Twitter bye bye,5,2023-07-06 09:08:09 +Google Play,"It's fun, but it can be funnier if I suggest adding free data to this app, like Facebook has, for people who don't have daily internet at home. Thanks! i hope u notice me, Mark!",4,2023-07-08 02:22:08 +Google Play,Application need further developments and new features.,3,2023-07-09 02:59:14 +Google Play,The app's concept is great👍👍,5,2023-07-09 18:46:33 +Google Play,Very very good aap batter then twtr Threads is very helpful app,5,2023-07-07 02:43:42 +Google Play,"Support Android 13 Themed Icons on Launcher, c'mon threads!",1,2023-07-06 00:41:42 +Google Play,This is Larry a Great App and is Less Toxic rated this five stars,5,2023-07-12 09:38:17 +Google Play,please change the feature where we can delete our thread account without deleting the Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 04:43:26 +Google Play,It's something new something fresh I like it I still like twitter too.,4,2023-07-06 08:48:16 +Google Play,Pretty much I like it what I want to write.,5,2023-07-07 02:43:12 +Google Play,Literally i don't know about this app. I install it because murshad Imran khan sign in on this app. Love you murshad Imran Khan,5,2023-07-07 14:16:13 +Google Play,"It is a new app,I'm still experimenting it,i will give adequate rating later",3,2023-07-07 07:12:17 +Google Play,Add translation of texts,2,2023-07-06 06:02:54 +Google Play,I think More people busy in download the threads & check the features. That's why here Zero review. Im the first review . Let see how it's work ???,3,2023-07-06 08:21:07 +Google Play,This would be a new platform for youth. Excited..,4,2023-07-06 20:59:14 +Google Play,Better Than Tweeter and more Andvance than Tweeter📲,5,2023-07-07 20:24:19 +Google Play,The volume of videos is automatically muted. Hope this problem will be fixed very soon.,1,2023-07-09 09:22:47 +Google Play,The user interface is not good. This is ultimately an unwanted attempt. Build something new fellas. This can never replace or outperform Twitter in any manner.,1,2023-07-22 12:20:07 +Google Play,"It's actually nice and i'm enjoying it. I hope it will remain untoxic, no dms and unable to see followings because these are the things i like. If there's something i want to add and that is FLEETS so please hear us🙏",5,2023-07-07 07:44:55 +Google Play,Its glitching plss fix it,2,2023-07-07 08:42:58 +Google Play,I don't need suggestions .i wanna see what i want .not what the app showed me,1,2023-07-20 22:00:39 +Google Play,"Elon musk's app is better , we want freedom of speech not your propaganda",1,2023-07-07 17:04:23 +Google Play,"I've tried multiple times to log in by using my Instagram info, and it keeps stating that he info is incorrect. It isnt worth any more of my time. ,🤷",1,2023-07-15 23:06:02 +Google Play,Just useless Twitter is far more interesting,1,2023-07-07 12:16:34 +Google Play,"I say only, it's very nice app Thanks META",5,2023-07-10 16:10:29 +Google Play,"This app is requiring that I add a Phone Number to it for ""security"" purposes, I ain't doing it, so either drop the data gathering or drop the users.",1,2023-07-08 18:44:43 +Google Play,5 star if i can finally search posts using their captions or hashtags and if i can embed vids/pics like twitter 🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯,3,2023-07-06 02:15:26 +Google Play,"Right away it wanted me to link my Instagram account with it, and wouldn't give me an option to use a new account that had nothing to do with my Instagram. Hell no.",1,2023-07-07 06:52:15 +Google Play,It's a good platform for socialize as like Twitter. But Today after 6 to 7 hours of installing the app got closed till now it is showing try again. I uninstalled.,1,2023-07-10 09:24:52 +Google Play,"I logged out but when i tried to open the app back, it keeps crashing since morning. I uninstalled it and trying to log in back now.",3,2023-07-07 11:08:42 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter I think you forgot to add the space option 💀 But it's k for Insta Ki Public 🕊️🤺🤧 ( Jisko Twitter ka nhi pata ),2,2023-07-06 10:58:09 +Google Play,"Bro feels like i got another same app, and that's starting with 'T' also 💀",5,2023-07-07 15:20:13 +Google Play,No way to sign up from the app. You need an existing Instagram account which I don't have and don't want to install just so I can create an account to try threads.,2,2023-07-07 09:51:21 +Google Play,As Amazing as it looks!!,5,2023-07-09 06:22:35 +Google Play,"Twitter loses control of their ability to suppress information, control speech and the narrative so Zuckerberg, the kingpin of the suppression ring rushes out a poorly made app to see how many people will willingly allow other people to tell them what to think so they can try to regain control before the next election. I downloaded this app and uninstalled it without even opening it because I prefer to think for myself. #1 app when it has a lower rating than Twitter? Right. Whatever you say.",1,2023-07-08 17:25:35 +Google Play,Nice to show information,5,2023-07-07 11:09:40 +Google Play,"When it has more features, I'll give it a real review.",2,2023-07-12 11:03:58 +Google Play,Just waste of time Twitter is far more better than this.,1,2023-07-09 14:41:35 +Google Play,It's disorganized and u can't even see posts from who u follow on ur feed. Also theirs no way to filter content on ur feed. The mute and block r ok buts it needs more filter options.if I could I'd give it 0 stars,1,2023-07-14 03:08:40 +Google Play,It's a amazing app then twitter mind blowing,5,2023-07-07 08:58:40 +Google Play,Not a good app as compared to Twitter,1,2023-07-14 12:55:10 +Google Play,Nice app to connect with world,5,2023-07-13 03:07:20 +Google Play,"If a thread user have a Private account, please make sure we get a pop up while we click on unfollow, saying ""Are sure you wanna unfollow them""..",1,2023-07-14 11:51:03 +Google Play,So you Can't enter GIF on this App??,3,2023-07-09 15:59:51 +Google Play,"Pathetic app, a bad copy of Koo App and worst copy of Twitter No hashtags",1,2023-07-06 19:36:56 +Google Play,"A beautiful program, sweeter than Twitter",5,2023-07-07 08:59:37 +Google Play,When i was follow someone after refresh it automatically unfollow but show in my profile that you was follow him,2,2023-07-13 16:54:58 +Google Play,Just loved it more than how I loved twitter,3,2023-07-18 20:31:38 +Google Play,I want translate thread function in app. I can't understand threads of other languages,4,2023-07-06 06:24:50 +Google Play,For god's sake remove the followers and following feature facebook system was better,1,2023-07-06 14:34:12 +Google Play,It doesn't open whatever I try I don't know where is the problem I tried to delete and istall it again many times but there's always a flaw I hope it will be fixed soon,1,2023-07-07 11:07:02 +Google Play,"Glitchy, somehow worse than twitter right now.",1,2023-07-06 13:47:16 +Google Play,"Mark is my role model,anything from him,i always love it.",5,2023-07-07 13:04:38 +Google Play,"I couldn't even use the app, it's been bugging since i installed it. Texted everywhere on the screen, pictures crushing with other pictures...",1,2023-07-06 18:30:25 +Google Play,Installed threads just to annoy Elon Musk. Best app ever.,5,2023-07-07 21:51:03 +Google Play,Why does mine keeps glitching? Pls what should be done,3,2023-07-07 10:31:02 +Google Play,It is great app .much better then elon twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:42:45 +Google Play,is pretty sweet at first glance,5,2023-07-06 01:11:07 +Google Play,Horrible. No one needs another toxic social media app. Take your questionable and harmful privacy policies plus data selling machines elsewhere Mr. Zuckerberg.,1,2023-07-22 19:36:41 +Google Play,I really like this app. Instant of Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:20:03 +Google Play,I like it and all. It's my fist time posting some threds since I do not have twitter but I hope in the ext update they'll have a dark mode. It really hurts my eye and it's so bright.,5,2023-07-09 13:20:36 +Google Play,"Simple, and straightforward. And no Musk!",5,2023-07-07 06:14:13 +Google Play,This app is a replacement of Twitter in a way and can also give competition to Twitter in future and who knows if it can be removed from the competitions. Mansoor Arif,1,2023-07-06 16:41:06 +Google Play,Hot trash tbh. Why am I not allowed to see only the people that I'm following? Why can't I download any media?,1,2023-07-11 18:50:18 +Google Play,Loads of threads from people I don't follow. Might as well go back to twitter.,2,2023-07-06 05:41:44 +Google Play,It's good but no friends available here,5,2023-07-06 03:48:04 +Google Play,"Such a amazing app, nice algorithm",4,2023-07-10 02:05:23 +Google Play,No autoplay settings not as smooth as twitter and it's kinda dumb sometimes. It should have been somethin good for news. But it's apparently not.,1,2023-07-23 07:58:34 +Google Play,The permissions that this access and the terms and conditions we should agree with is really scary. It's just stealing our whole damn personal data.,1,2023-07-21 16:18:04 +Google Play,Reviewing it on first day of it's launch. Hope I'm not disappointed.,4,2023-07-07 13:10:11 +Google Play,"Please don't copy from the twitter. Elon musk, always our inspiration and our idol.",1,2023-07-10 14:53:10 +Google Play,Need to have chat box and following check up option,2,2023-07-07 20:14:06 +Google Play,Installed it to see what the fuss was. Could not create an account - must have existing Instagram account. I don't use Instagram. Uninstalled. Shortest installed app ever.,1,2023-07-11 20:41:10 +Google Play,I love the app so far But they should please put the dm option for us,5,2023-07-21 18:20:07 +Google Play,Still Twitter Better No Save Button:-),4,2023-07-06 07:40:28 +Google Play,"Useless app if we try to delete thread account, it will also delete our Instagram account as well and it pathetic and useless",1,2023-07-11 14:03:53 +Google Play,Like how they freaking copy it. It should be stopped.,1,2023-07-07 19:21:41 +Google Play,Don't create new account and password I want to make for safe with password please why don't help me koo,1,2023-07-19 09:16:39 +Google Play,"Threads is literally Twitter pre twitter files release, lol so scuffed feel bad for u sheeple out there falling into the same trap. Its just more media controlled by big corporations and 3 letter agencies...",1,2023-07-08 05:18:28 +Google Play,First few days it worked well and now it doesn't load at all. I've tried reinstalling and clearing cache etc without any luck.,1,2023-07-14 05:13:07 +Google Play,It's not better than Twitter By threads my lovely Twitter I'm back on Twitter!!!!🙄,1,2023-07-06 14:45:11 +Google Play,There is no option to delete your account unless you delete Instagram It's privacy nightmare the app collect everything all my data on my phone I don't feel safe and there is nothing I can do about it It was trap for me to download this app and i fall in it,1,2023-07-11 20:11:35 +Google Play,Happy to be one of the first people who rated this app . 😂 I think it would be on Top in the future 🙏😁,5,2023-07-07 10:08:57 +Google Play,Best app ever I have see 100% save,5,2023-07-06 04:15:46 +Google Play,It's forcing me to use my instagram username. I'm not able to pick a new one. I think the platform should be a little bit independent from Instagram.,1,2023-07-06 03:43:07 +Google Play,"How dare you? In your wildest dreams, even in a million years, to compete with Elon, sometimes it's easier to give up.",1,2023-07-06 20:24:59 +Google Play,information app 👍 nice features 🙋,4,2023-07-06 10:30:01 +Google Play,It's Amazing App. Sure it'll beat Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 00:02:02 +Google Play,Worst 👁👁 the app is not responding properly,1,2023-07-06 18:37:45 +Google Play,I can't really tell you what the apps about But it's cool 😎,3,2023-07-10 21:51:44 +Google Play,Flaws: - Login with Instagram,3,2023-07-06 20:13:57 +Google Play,Best social app I think this gonna be better and bigger than Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 03:30:25 +Google Play,"Really enjoying it, but I keep getting errors that only seem to be fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling, like 3x a day.",3,2023-07-07 21:55:08 +Google Play,It asked me to logim with Instagram but I don't have any Instagram account. It should have options to sign up using phone number or email id. This app is a cheap version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-21 14:59:46 +Google Play,New app are installing but I like Facebook and insta tho,1,2023-07-07 10:12:32 +Google Play,Download!!! Definitely a new experience,5,2023-07-06 15:20:50 +Google Play,I just want to see my following's post not others whom i didn't follow... Muting didn't help too Please fix this issue,3,2023-07-06 20:53:30 +Google Play,It is an amazing app I love it so much 🤩❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:21:23 +Google Play,Best experience Twitter ex employees doing great work 😉😉😉😉😉,5,2023-07-07 14:36:33 +Google Play,Perfect just perfect,5,2023-07-06 17:38:46 +Google Play,Nothing but a cheap copy of Twitter...,1,2023-07-08 08:04:57 +Google Play,Not great yet. I had trouble installing and then I couldn't see the app so I had to uninstall it in Google Play store as well.,1,2023-07-08 14:34:20 +Google Play,And the app crashed for the first time,5,2023-07-06 15:06:43 +Google Play,Its a good place to refresh your mind but the problem is money,1,2023-07-06 19:55:09 +Google Play,New handles for Instagram? That's interesting.... 🤔🫡,5,2023-07-06 10:57:44 +Google Play,"Same people different app. We are at the saturation stage that all people are doing is transfering everything we have seen to yet another platform. Influencers are desperate to be the first big thing. Same people, another home.",2,2023-07-13 06:07:04 +Google Play,"Felt like I'm in mix of twittah and inst, but only the worst things from these apps. Really tastes disgusting",1,2023-07-18 17:59:09 +Google Play,"Excellent work of Mr. zuck, Thank you threads team. ✨🌎👨‍⚕🩺🇺🇸",5,2023-07-06 01:32:46 +Google Play,Too much usres data is collected,1,2023-07-06 17:19:04 +Google Play,I don't have Instagram. I can't use this.,1,2023-07-07 13:40:53 +Google Play,Threads is very best app. developers good ❤️,5,2023-07-10 19:39:16 +Google Play,Better than twitter... Lol 😂 But copy of twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:56:10 +Google Play,"Nice app though I couldn't changed and add a profile picture all of a sudden, why is that? Hope u fix it as soon as possible! Thx",5,2023-07-07 10:53:36 +Google Play,literally most useless app on play store 😂,1,2023-07-11 16:32:28 +Google Play,Where are trends in Thread app? Koo app is much better than this Thread app. Thread app is actually a trash app. Twitter>Koo app> Thread,1,2023-07-06 18:15:01 +Google Play,Nice like a twitter and this instagram eco system was very nice,4,2023-07-08 14:43:41 +Google Play,Very good but not working twetar,5,2023-07-07 07:32:06 +Google Play,I hope they surpass twitter cause oh my days is that app garbage,5,2023-07-06 21:10:10 +Google Play,"The fact that one cannot delete himself from it seperatley from Instagram is alarming. It's kind of useless, no point. Boring.... No hastags... Just for corporate to advertise their own means.",1,2023-07-16 10:07:58 +Google Play,there are a lot of bugs on this app. when i tried to scroll down the text getting blurry and unreadable.,1,2023-07-06 04:22:40 +Google Play,"I really hate it when you are scrolling and pausing on a post, it would trigger text selection and it's so annoying!!!!",2,2023-07-08 04:30:44 +Google Play,You have to login with Instagram. I don't have Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 05:09:22 +Google Play,"Nice application, more interesting 😃",5,2023-07-06 19:03:07 +Google Play,not good. I don't understand why this aap is created?,1,2023-07-08 05:12:54 +Google Play,They should not have linked threads to instagram. Followers on threads is synced through instagram by default and if you remove people on threads they get removed on instagram also. There is nothing extra this app provides apart from instagram and twitter. Seriously don't think there was an actual need for this app.,2,2023-07-06 18:13:48 +Google Play,Twiteer is worst app now a days. This thread app is awesome,5,2023-07-06 15:27:19 +Google Play,So far everything is great...good job 👍,5,2023-07-06 00:34:10 +Google Play,"I've just logged in, I hope it will suits well",5,2023-07-09 08:22:09 +Google Play,I cant uninstall this if I uninstall this instagram will automatically deleted,1,2023-07-09 13:34:04 +Google Play,Many problem when i start this application,1,2023-07-06 12:07:45 +Google Play,Loved everything about this social app. You should try it out too.❤️,5,2023-07-09 08:41:22 +Google Play,Don't download this app it is crashing,1,2023-07-09 08:17:05 +Google Play,"Well, So far, I like it.. Still figureing it out..;)",4,2023-07-10 22:51:08 +Google Play,Y it is asking for my insta account? Both r the different app.. should b login different.,1,2023-07-23 14:08:16 +Google Play,It's very exited to try something new app like @threads,5,2023-07-06 12:54:38 +Google Play,I loved this unwanted child of Twitter and Reddit,5,2023-07-07 03:01:41 +Google Play,Great application in social media world. Love you meta 😘😘,5,2023-07-06 05:41:52 +Google Play,Very good social media platform,5,2023-07-06 17:29:07 +Google Play,"I dont know how to feel, so its like a tamed version of twitter with the people you follow on insta? I dont get it",2,2023-07-06 07:11:06 +Google Play,This is good but not as twitter,5,2023-07-10 07:06:36 +Google Play,I don't want a discussion persona associated with my Instagram persona. If there's a way to separate them I'm not smart enough to figure it out so I deleted Threads. Ok,2,2023-07-07 02:31:17 +Google Play,It's just Same thing as Twitter....it's clearly cheating 😅,1,2023-07-07 16:17:57 +Google Play,Lame it's just another AOL instant messager waste of time,1,2023-07-08 22:16:15 +Google Play,"This is an app that doesn't allow you to delete its account without deleting the IG account. Boring as hell. It's Just a clone of Twitter. However, Twitter is much better, i believe. Wish I could give '0' star!!! Happily deactivated and uninstalled it forever...",1,2023-07-08 07:46:17 +Google Play,Just take a look at what data is collected.,1,2023-07-08 15:04:15 +Google Play,Twitter is better thanks to Elon. Threads is run with bots infected with the woke mind virus.,1,2023-07-17 13:15:07 +Google Play,I don't know how I'll get my followers but it's good app for time waste 😝😝,5,2023-07-07 16:26:49 +Google Play,"Meta trying to make his Twitter is a failure, the only thing that makes them especial is the overcontrol in the privacy and the banning, and that sucks",1,2023-07-12 06:39:30 +Google Play,there should be an option to download images like twitter,4,2023-07-11 11:14:51 +Google Play,Lovely app. I'm enjoying every bit of it,5,2023-07-06 20:14:17 +Google Play,I am excited to start the journey with the new app 😌,5,2023-07-06 06:20:59 +Google Play,very nice app ceiling small like twitter ✨💫,5,2023-07-06 01:37:20 +Google Play,"""I've been searching for a platform that allows me to connect with people who share my passions and interests, and I think I've found it with Thread. Excited to be part of this community and see where this thread takes us! 🌟""",5,2023-07-06 15:43:06 +Google Play,Here we can't edit our own thread. Let's see are they gonna bring this feature sooner or later!,4,2023-07-06 16:07:01 +Google Play,Best app like twitter but I am very happy 😅,5,2023-07-12 08:25:16 +Google Play,"This application collect many types of data collected from users like that personal info, financial side, shopping activities and device id",1,2023-07-11 17:18:25 +Google Play,"A lack luster, feature deficit, copy cat attempt of liberal stank feces.",1,2023-07-12 06:23:14 +Google Play,It's most big plate form I like it ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Threads break the record of all over the world 🌎 in the download speed 🚄. only 1.5 hours in 1 million people download this . #threads#instagaram@threads@instagaram,5,2023-07-09 04:19:39 +Google Play,"This feels like a cheap Twitter copycat. Content flowing into my feed are so random. I couldn't search for content. Oddly, it feels like an echo chamber too.",2,2023-07-16 12:09:12 +Google Play,It's just a stupid version of Twitter Zuckerberg just pressed copy paste again,1,2023-07-08 14:31:01 +Google Play,"both threads & Instagram cant login together. if login with IG,threads will auto logout. Already do clear cache,clear data & uninstall then install back, the result still be the same.",1,2023-07-08 02:22:42 +Google Play,"Try to copy Twitter more. Maybe by then, it can succeed",1,2023-07-12 09:57:18 +Google Play,Lags so much when try to post,1,2023-07-18 16:33:05 +Google Play,Best to use. Please not take money from users like elon. Thanks,5,2023-07-07 07:23:50 +Google Play,Threads not properly working,1,2023-07-07 05:49:11 +Google Play,Can't even get into it I don't have Instagram,1,2023-07-10 14:41:24 +Google Play,"lemme explain what scam this is, It will not deactivate even if you deactivate. also, when u want to delete that stupid badge on instagram page, it will appear tone after time after timeeeeee!!!!",1,2023-07-09 19:59:22 +Google Play,Best app against Twitter calm environment non toxic than Twitter because twitter become so toxic. Good step taken by owner of Instagram 👍👍,5,2023-07-07 09:12:30 +Google Play,Looking for an app better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:15:39 +Google Play,Amazing you can connect you Instagram acc to threads which is nice.5* rating.....,5,2023-07-09 02:12:24 +Google Play,It's a better than twitter nice app! 🙌,5,2023-07-05 23:28:22 +Google Play,Thank goodness this exists and I could leave Elon's dumpster fire.,5,2023-07-06 03:13:53 +Google Play,"Make it so that we can share out threads to Instagram post, not just story",5,2023-07-08 10:03:53 +Google Play,"Just downlaoded it today, looks great to me already...",5,2023-07-06 05:17:28 +Google Play,So far so good I hope in the future there will be an option to see what are the trending topics on threads,5,2023-07-06 18:15:23 +Google Play,Why i can't add two accounts in one device?,5,2023-07-11 13:58:55 +Google Play,It's nice but we can't switch accounts,4,2023-07-07 15:58:43 +Google Play,Stopped working after a while o:,3,2023-07-06 12:19:50 +Google Play,I will happily download anything that could help Musk fail. 🤷🏼,5,2023-07-09 23:48:01 +Google Play,"Starting with one star by default, let's see how it progresses.",1,2023-07-06 08:38:34 +Google Play,"Embrace, extend, extinguish. Ditch Elon Musk or Zuckerberg and to for the open source alternatives such as Mastodon.",1,2023-07-13 18:37:27 +Google Play,"cheater! Why can't we delete this account without deleting our Instagram, trash company,",1,2023-07-09 22:25:01 +Google Play,Threads is more like TW+IG but liked it.,4,2023-07-07 03:11:41 +Google Play,supper cool I wish I could pin my post and favorite certain people I follow,4,2023-07-06 04:53:32 +Google Play,"A fully functional program and better than Twitter, thank you Mark Zuckerberg",5,2023-07-06 05:20:41 +Google Play,This app needs more development from its features,4,2023-07-06 16:48:18 +Google Play,No dark mode setting,2,2023-07-10 21:44:50 +Google Play,A low quality version of Tweter,1,2023-07-07 01:11:36 +Google Play,I can't seem to log in to this app,1,2023-07-06 18:46:27 +Google Play,"How is this garbage supposed to compete with twitter? Imagine actually using this lol, bro literally copied the same UI and hoped for the best 😂 Zuckerberg is an actual clown.",1,2023-07-08 07:20:09 +Google Play,App keeps crashing when trying to add a photo to a post. Samsung Galaxy S22 with Exynos 2200 SoC. Pretty good other than that.,2,2023-07-06 20:07:33 +Google Play,I don't want a threads account but I want an Instagram account...why do I have to have both? :(,1,2023-07-10 13:36:08 +Google Play,Best app on the planet keep bots away,5,2023-07-07 13:12:26 +Google Play,"Bro don't ask about it, don't let it come with an insta app, I can't believe .. Brother 10M plus login in just 7 hours on threads app",5,2023-07-06 06:46:14 +Google Play,App keep crashing,1,2023-07-08 02:16:26 +Google Play,"Its down within hours of its inception, unable to post new threads, check followers etc, This is how u will compete with Twitter .?",1,2023-07-06 09:07:40 +Google Play,This app is going to be the world no.1 messages brand,5,2023-07-08 15:56:18 +Google Play,I love this platform I think it is better'than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:45:40 +Google Play,Good apps and easy use,5,2023-07-10 00:00:58 +Google Play,"It's good, I hope it gets better with new updates...",5,2023-07-07 17:04:43 +Google Play,Good experience instagram and also thanks for this ❤️,5,2023-07-10 07:02:29 +Google Play,My threads are having a bug or technical problem.,1,2023-07-10 14:35:57 +Google Play,I don't like that your actual name has to show up on here without your permission.,3,2023-07-07 00:10:49 +Google Play,First to review. People are slowly coming and app is good. The interface is also good. Easy to post threads.,4,2023-07-06 05:58:23 +Google Play,When will it be able to get for Kindle Fire? ...I can only get on my phone,4,2023-07-11 00:00:58 +Google Play,It's kindaa fun to use but what is it use for mark bruhhhhhu 😂,5,2023-07-06 19:59:52 +Google Play,Very happy to see a competitor to Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 04:49:14 +Google Play,Because this app is only login with Instagram account why?,1,2023-07-06 16:02:05 +Google Play,I wish i could but i logged off Instagram by accident a while back and cant remember my log in. I asked them for help and they shut me out. Glad. Good riddance,1,2023-07-12 23:25:09 +Google Play,The first to evaluate the application We wait a while and prove the evaluation with better accuracy A very smooth start to the programme,1,2023-07-06 15:14:47 +Google Play,Nice app 👌 easy to use,5,2023-07-12 18:23:19 +Google Play,Best app as compared to Twitter Good job done by the Mark Zuckerberg.,5,2023-07-08 19:28:43 +Google Play,Too early for an objective review. But then just a few observations: -There is no option for dark mode on the app -You can't interact with the DP of Threaders,3,2023-07-07 06:09:46 +Google Play,The app install and i set it up just fine but when i start scrolling the words and contents glitch so when i keep scrolling the words leaves stamps/trails of it self so i really cant understand or see the app clearly. Is there any way to fix that ?,5,2023-07-06 22:58:03 +Google Play,Superb..this app and amazing things and best fuchers,5,2023-07-19 15:07:47 +Google Play,"Shocker, I was censored pretty quickly, Twitter is where I'll be! Uninstalling",1,2023-07-07 02:35:57 +Google Play,Looks like cheap copy of instagram.... Not even bit closer to Twitter. Its so cheap my words cant explain it. I was excited for it but it ruined everything. Tooo cheap quality.,1,2023-07-19 16:01:34 +Google Play,It was 10m last Night when i downloaded now in just 1 Night it's 50m😂❤ Congratulations guys,5,2023-07-10 16:55:24 +Google Play,The restriction on following people should be uplifted. We unlimited access across the app.,3,2023-07-07 06:00:17 +Google Play,I love that musky has nothing to do here and conservatives can't spew fake news.,5,2023-07-07 20:29:00 +Google Play,It's still bug everywhere,1,2023-07-06 09:09:31 +Google Play,Ugly and looks like a beginner designer who works on this,1,2023-07-11 20:22:39 +Google Play,App is not working on my mobile,1,2023-07-06 16:19:28 +Google Play,Why Home is full of people that I'm not following like artist. It's tiring mute and block one by one. No Feed option setting for that too. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-07 08:28:46 +Google Play,Twitter is good but nice threads 💐😀,5,2023-07-07 04:51:41 +Google Play,I hope I didn't rush the review but it's excellent so far.,4,2023-07-06 13:38:28 +Google Play,Nice one...really enjoying a lot😌🤍,5,2023-07-06 15:41:40 +Google Play,Very good idea and app Until now,5,2023-07-06 12:06:59 +Google Play,So nice app but is a blink me Please help me Instagram teams,5,2023-07-06 10:36:01 +Google Play,Very bad app only glitch ho raha hai,1,2023-07-06 09:23:46 +Google Play,Works as described. This app can easily takeover Twitter,5,2023-07-07 20:23:56 +Google Play,I think this app was good. But this app more improvement upcoming updates 😊,4,2023-07-06 05:13:35 +Google Play,the app shows us posts from people we don't follow this is so st*upid,2,2023-07-06 17:41:44 +Google Play,"First to comment on Mark Threads. So far, I'm loving it. Kindly follow @glimmmerkids and @unusuallastborn for perimum contents.",5,2023-07-06 15:35:17 +Google Play,very good app but i give 4 star cause this app is copy Twitter,4,2023-07-12 12:45:52 +Google Play,It still need a lot of work on it,4,2023-07-08 06:15:47 +Google Play,Didn't like the UI,1,2023-07-06 05:53:25 +Google Play,"Another heavily censored, Trans pedo loving app by the personal data selling scum that own insta and Facebook. For christ sake DO NOT use this app.",1,2023-07-07 06:31:19 +Google Play,"Add thread *pinned 📌* feature , That would be very cool",3,2023-07-07 02:59:58 +Google Play,This application is very good & Amazing,5,2023-07-20 11:14:05 +Google Play,Glitch on Android 8.0,1,2023-07-06 12:03:45 +Google Play,No way to just follow friends. Sooooo much spam,1,2023-07-12 02:33:56 +Google Play,This is just entertainment only not compare twitter,1,2023-07-24 01:09:44 +Google Play,💜💜💜💜 Very very good app But upgrade required Thanks 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️,3,2023-07-07 04:54:29 +Google Play,Experience is good i love it and yesterday i saw a meme that mark Zuckerberg sat on elon musk grave and show victory sign✌️but at that moment i can't understand that but now i understand that meme🤣🤣,4,2023-07-07 05:45:24 +Google Play,Useless app. Twitter is much more better.,1,2023-07-08 19:14:52 +Google Play,"An impressive piece of Spyware that's good at circumventing firewalls. Another app you'll want a separate phone for. Aggregate accounts and corporate shills are what ruined Instagram as a platform, and Threads is a celebration of those things. A great app for stalkers and law enforcement in states where abortion and being gay or trans is illegal.",1,2023-07-11 22:20:18 +Google Play,"So far, so good.... Just need to get friends on here.",4,2023-07-06 00:04:13 +Google Play,"Not bad for a first try, but there's posts from folks I don't know (and don't give a fig about), and the bloody videos auto play. Nothing like using my data for Meta's ad services, eh?!",3,2023-07-13 09:06:08 +Google Play,Basically a fresh start of twitter. but its ight,5,2023-07-06 21:14:08 +Google Play,It's Is Not Good Very Bad This App.👎🏻❌,1,2023-07-11 09:36:27 +Google Play,When I want to delete this apps account Instagram account is also deleted,1,2023-07-11 16:20:07 +Google Play,need an option for room chat or spaces,1,2023-07-06 12:35:52 +Google Play,Twitter clone but a very basic one,2,2023-07-11 07:31:51 +Google Play,"Thread is best experience for our brand and small business to spread the content, sales and growth the businesses 👍🏻",5,2023-07-06 10:38:44 +Google Play,This app is amazing! Congratsssss,5,2023-07-06 14:29:39 +Google Play,"This Application is as Good as Instagram. We can post videos, pictures, Threads here. Overall experience of using this application is good and I would like to recommend this to every Instagram user. MUST TRY AT ONCE .",5,2023-07-06 22:42:44 +Google Play,How about adding a toggle for dark mode 👍,5,2023-07-09 14:09:45 +Google Play,A app with the Hardware of Twitter & The software of Instagram.,4,2023-07-13 00:06:05 +Google Play,Very Bad and Boring 😂,1,2023-07-09 21:29:31 +Google Play,"Add a trends section, this is the cheap Instagram, make it threads or insta or merge both And please add Dm section please",2,2023-07-06 12:38:08 +Google Play,Good very experience great hard working,5,2023-07-06 14:11:18 +Google Play,This is very lovely app 😘 we lived it 🤩 Thanks Instagram 🙏 For this wonderful app launched 🤗,5,2023-07-06 03:21:03 +Google Play,Try to add download feature,1,2023-07-09 23:36:49 +Google Play,Similar Twitter but awesome interface,5,2023-07-07 12:10:47 +Google Play,Nice Good its looking different from other aaps ✌️❤️,5,2023-07-06 13:38:38 +Google Play,"I don't care about posts by people I've never heard of, or movie gossip or other garbage I'd never follow willingly. Why is it not possible to only see posts from people you follow? Or disable autoplaying video? Absolute trash app.",1,2023-07-07 09:57:49 +Google Play,Imagine twitter but with way more instagram tweens in there.,1,2023-07-22 02:00:03 +Google Play,Its so annoying!!!!! I can't even delete the number from my Instagram profile and it looks so ugly. U can't delete ur account without deleting ur Instagram account which is stupidity annoying. Like omg fix this issue cause its the stupidest update ever!!!!!!!!!!!!,1,2023-07-06 08:44:36 +Google Play,I Don't use insta. But this looked interesting. You are cutting out a whole base that could boost the app.,1,2023-07-07 05:28:59 +Google Play,Must to put the translater,3,2023-07-07 11:31:34 +Google Play,Needs a lot more work....,2,2023-07-06 12:40:41 +Google Play,Forcing us to use the app i just installed and it links my account to my main insta account and now I can't delink Or not even remove the thread id from my insta bio and can only deactivate the thread id. Worst way for promoting an app.,1,2023-07-08 10:55:31 +Google Play,Worst app if I delete it due to some reasons it will delete my original account on Instagram 📷,1,2023-07-14 16:31:54 +Google Play,Need more features that twitter doesn't have,3,2023-07-20 23:26:13 +Google Play,It's just better than the birds 😜,5,2023-07-14 16:22:32 +Google Play,It's more then better twitter Elon Musk waking up in the morning seeing #Threads Trending on Number 1:,5,2023-07-06 06:41:55 +Google Play,"I'm enjoying using this account, but i hope there's dark mode.",4,2023-07-06 12:16:25 +Google Play,"""Translation"" option please. IG and Twitter has it so why Thread fell short?",3,2023-07-08 00:47:56 +Google Play,"I can't run it in my phone, i don't know why",1,2023-07-07 15:29:11 +Google Play,Very nice app. Also I am the first to review this.,5,2023-07-06 02:32:01 +Google Play,It's awesome.But there is much to improve.I hope it gets better soon.,4,2023-07-08 08:25:19 +Google Play,"Great App 👍 Better than Elon Twitter, Thanks Zuck 😇",5,2023-07-07 09:13:46 +Google Play,Good app Don't have any ads I like it,5,2023-07-08 20:58:26 +Google Play,I don't hav Instagram account neither do i want to create one. How should i login?,2,2023-07-07 11:33:54 +Google Play,"Cool app, need some polishing",4,2023-07-06 23:11:42 +Google Play,Just like twitter But benefit is to be a new and starter of the thread app,5,2023-07-06 07:07:31 +Google Play,"A good start but there is no hashtag option, no multiple account option and the interface is just messy like there's no organisation",3,2023-07-07 11:55:38 +Google Play,The interface is so poorly done. Could be better. Right now it looks like a mess and makes me not wanna spend 5 mins there.,1,2023-07-06 10:26:42 +Google Play,Please give us upload and download high quality picture and video,4,2023-07-06 14:22:51 +Google Play,Sick of apps stealing data & using it for their benefit. ×.×,1,2023-07-06 04:50:42 +Google Play,"Half way using, i got prompted out from the app...",4,2023-07-06 07:14:09 +Google Play,App is working good though 😍👍🏻 I'm impressed,5,2023-07-06 11:42:28 +Google Play,Looks like this Journey would be fun. 😊,5,2023-07-06 21:23:51 +Google Play,My phone is blinking when I scroll it😥😭,1,2023-07-08 07:57:39 +Google Play,Closes the app in the middle of typing or to post.,1,2023-07-12 22:15:20 +Google Play,"i would imagine its really good, but it forces you to sign in with instragam. no other way of sign in. i get its owned by meta, but come on, cant i atleast sign up with google, or even a phone number since they also own whatsapp?",2,2023-07-09 11:09:23 +Google Play,Love the app it's amazing bye at last something new,5,2023-07-06 07:49:59 +Google Play,Terrible and boring app!!!,1,2023-07-09 22:12:29 +Google Play,I will not talk much but really best than twitter🐦🐦,5,2023-07-07 06:02:07 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter and i also liked it,4,2023-07-07 15:52:52 +Google Play,"Please add the ""confirm all"" feature in the follow request. 🙏",4,2023-07-07 04:36:49 +Google Play,Crashes on Fold 3 5g when uploading pictures,5,2023-07-06 14:35:39 +Google Play,Very good app.. Superior ❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:28:31 +Google Play,"when I want to upload a high-resolution image, it definitely doesn't work and force close.",3,2023-07-08 04:01:35 +Google Play,It's glitching just when I logged in my account,1,2023-07-07 04:20:12 +Google Play,Needs lots of improvements,1,2023-07-07 10:52:14 +Google Play,It's need to text seen viewers,5,2023-07-06 07:53:15 +Google Play,This app is very goods esy to use i lost of love😍,5,2023-07-07 02:27:50 +Google Play,please upload an option to unhide the threads badge. Thank you,4,2023-07-07 17:56:02 +Google Play,"It's like Twitter, but with less Elon & Friends.",5,2023-07-09 00:02:12 +Google Play,"Can't post with any attachments.. tried everything...reinstall..tiny images..clear cache..just won't post. ""Failed"" eveytime... plz do a desktop version too.",2,2023-07-22 04:18:55 +Google Play,Great Experience After this I had Uninstalled Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 15:22:24 +Google Play,This app is the best one till date. The best social media app. I would say. It is intimate but social. It is like really connecting to people. I am addicted 🖤,5,2023-07-06 13:37:23 +Google Play,Controlled and censored by the same dicatorship as fb and ig. No thank you.,1,2023-07-12 17:21:07 +Google Play,Doesn't load anything,1,2023-07-06 19:46:46 +Google Play,Like Twitter but slightly worse. No page for just people I'm following,3,2023-07-06 03:44:01 +Google Play,There is a problem in my app it's not working properly,2,2023-07-08 17:35:57 +Google Play,App is so glatching i am not able to use,1,2023-07-06 21:28:35 +Google Play,Threads needs hashtags and the ability to see trending topics,3,2023-07-10 21:42:18 +Google Play,I personally doesnt like how this app worked...,1,2023-07-09 09:49:21 +Google Play,It's amazing Love it #instalover,5,2023-07-06 19:09:27 +Google Play,Yeah because now that Twitter's Free Speech we're going to make an authoritarian website basically identical to Twitter but now we can weed out what we want and make people act and say what we want and we dont like something we can make it so no one ever sees it.,1,2023-07-13 21:15:27 +Google Play,Unic and outastending app,5,2023-07-11 02:29:31 +Google Play,wow It's an app that we love and are happy to use,5,2023-07-06 21:36:28 +Google Play,Mark Zukarburg always create history ❤ this app is so clean and usefull..,5,2023-07-11 08:18:29 +Google Play,This app is very useful. I suggest you all must use this app 💝😘,5,2023-07-07 10:49:51 +Google Play,"Couldn't use the app as soon as I opened it after logging in visual bugs, texts over lapping like seriously what is this even",1,2023-07-07 17:33:14 +Google Play,The most restrictive use app that i have ever seen in my life.,1,2023-07-11 09:56:11 +Google Play,Doesn't allow to remove it's account. & It's badge from Instagram is also not removing. This is not even close to twitter. Trash app!!,1,2023-07-12 06:59:09 +Google Play,The app is crashing.,1,2023-07-07 13:28:21 +Google Play,"Seems OK, bit strange and different",5,2023-07-06 08:51:54 +Google Play,hey! i just want to let you know that make it like Instagram as if any celebrity comments then his or her comments shows on top..,5,2023-07-09 06:38:50 +Google Play,Crashing for every minute,1,2023-07-07 13:09:12 +Google Play,Its twitter bro dont use this app ita just for wasting time,1,2023-07-12 00:07:26 +Google Play,hello sir this app so very good support my account ❤️,5,2023-07-11 14:12:26 +Google Play,They just copy Twitter and I would give it 0 stars but it wouldn't let me give it 0 stars,1,2023-07-09 17:37:45 +Google Play,Haven't used it yet. Wanted to be the first english review.,5,2023-07-06 17:13:22 +Google Play,Not interesting like Facebook or Instagram,1,2023-07-16 13:55:54 +Google Play,This looks crazy definitely become competitor for Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:32:02 +Google Play,My app is not running clearly,1,2023-07-09 23:49:55 +Google Play,Have fun seeing what the people who made the app want you to see rather than what you want to see while your data is being sold to the gov,1,2023-07-17 12:17:25 +Google Play,We want this type of app to thread 🧵 and follow the legend all around our world.,5,2023-07-11 04:22:01 +Google Play,Nice and simple,5,2023-07-07 14:58:32 +Google Play,Everyone should just see the data collected by this app.,1,2023-07-10 02:41:24 +Google Play,Twitter is better and reliable than this app 💯,1,2023-07-06 13:18:37 +Google Play,I used it for two days. It felt like a mix between Instagram and Twitter. It's very bad. The feed is the worst part about it. Which is the only thing it does.,1,2023-07-08 01:42:29 +Google Play,Nice... ADD GIF OPTION IN COMMENTS....,4,2023-07-07 12:24:42 +Google Play,This is a badly designed version of 2010 Twitter. Terrible design. You can not delete a threads account unless you delete your Instagram. It's like a forced relationship.,1,2023-07-09 08:42:41 +Google Play,KEEP THE QUALITY OF THE PHOTOS MARK!,5,2023-07-06 01:10:06 +Google Play,Great app free from paid bots😍,5,2023-07-06 15:18:20 +Google Play,"It's literally just your instagram account crossed over to a subpar, basic app of censored content of people whining. Can't change your user name or anything and if you delete your new Threads account, you delete your Instagram account with it. Terrible features, bad vibes, limited features, has no grand or promising feel. Disappointment. You will be hard-pressed to find anything interesting on this app for years, not worth waiting around for. You will see selfies and nothing insightful.",1,2023-07-09 06:01:00 +Google Play,A lot of crashes,1,2023-07-07 07:13:11 +Google Play,This app very good but so give me blue tick ❤️❤️ Farhad khan,5,2023-07-07 18:46:08 +Google Play,IT CRASHES EVERY SINGLE TIME THAT I TRY TO WRITE A THREAD,1,2023-07-07 18:44:31 +Google Play,Full with bugs,1,2023-07-06 07:40:23 +Google Play,Whitout instagram I can't login in this app It worst to use 🤬🤬,1,2023-07-11 05:56:18 +Google Play,Another Facebook ploy to try to steal your personal info and sell it to other places.,1,2023-07-07 01:29:40 +Google Play,It's just an amazing app .... Really nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 08:01:39 +Google Play,Best app and very active followers,5,2023-07-06 19:50:17 +Google Play,Very nice app bye bye Twitter,5,2023-07-07 01:28:42 +Google Play,I love this app very best quality..,5,2023-07-17 11:37:25 +Google Play,What going on Thread! I can type but I can't see me typing a comment under any post that includes a photo/video/GIF.,2,2023-07-07 00:56:59 +Google Play,"Absolute trash, like all things Facebook.. meta.. related it's garbage. Also read the fine print in the TOS, you don't own rights to your posts. Deleted.",1,2023-07-10 19:27:40 +Google Play,Its good because its free thats about it.,2,2023-07-07 13:24:53 +Google Play,Can't install the app after numerous attempts. I have plenty of room on my pixel phone. Keep getting error.,1,2023-07-07 03:04:34 +Google Play,"can I see the photos and videos designed alone, can we go live video, please",3,2023-07-06 15:24:13 +Google Play,I think some of yall just need a new phone ☠️,5,2023-07-11 18:09:35 +Google Play,the tiktokification of social media needs to stop. i never want to see content from people i don't follow - that's the whole point if following/not following people!,2,2023-07-06 02:43:49 +Google Play,Great addition to Instagram,5,2023-07-07 02:45:19 +Google Play,The stupid App crashes every time I am selecting people I want to follow. Must I follow everyone I'm following on IG??,2,2023-07-07 07:51:49 +Google Play,Gosh... The glitch hasn't disappeared. I have tried everything. Uninstalled and installed it multiple times. Nothing helps!,1,2023-07-06 16:39:14 +Google Play,Great app for another addiction,5,2023-07-07 15:13:10 +Google Play,Amazing feature in threads,5,2023-07-07 19:58:13 +Google Play,"It's a start, à decent one. Let's see how the next 90 days go.",4,2023-07-08 02:31:38 +Google Play,Very good app highly recommend 👍sorry Elon musk 😉,5,2023-07-06 16:20:14 +Google Play,Application are very useful for knowledge,5,2023-07-15 11:48:32 +Google Play,To hell with this fake twitter and how the hell do I uninstall it without risking my insta acc.,1,2023-07-09 03:48:00 +Google Play,"I don't know how to grow account in this platform ??? If you have followers on Instagram, you will still enjoy threads otherwise no entertainment & no like on your profile",3,2023-07-20 12:16:00 +Google Play,This is the mixture of twitter and Instagram.not bad not bad,5,2023-07-06 19:32:13 +Google Play,Very interesting and addictive,5,2023-07-06 09:27:25 +Google Play,Amazing and wonderful application,5,2023-07-07 05:26:45 +Google Play,"I have got a Threads, it is awesome app",5,2023-07-06 11:40:25 +Google Play,It's a really good app and I love it❤️,4,2023-07-06 00:10:09 +Google Play,Good App. Good answer of Twitter.,5,2023-07-15 13:24:38 +Google Play,Nice app for the first time ever since,5,2023-07-06 00:45:33 +Google Play,"I have no issue with this app, it's running efficiently. Just waiting for more new features. Going hard on Twitter",5,2023-07-06 05:03:47 +Google Play,Glitch is happening in this app,1,2023-07-08 07:00:21 +Google Play,I am getting less followers. This app looks good but messenger is missing,5,2023-07-06 15:24:12 +Google Play,Easy to get started,5,2023-07-06 02:32:24 +Google Play,I can't post anything on threads. It just closes up. Fix it please,2,2023-07-10 18:16:25 +Google Play,Very Bad ₹295 you Debited My Cash Loss. Don't Install This App your Cash is Losse,2,2023-07-06 04:40:50 +Google Play,There's a problem with the page,1,2023-07-06 00:22:26 +Google Play,Can't use Gifs... Google Pixel 7 pro,2,2023-07-06 08:50:43 +Google Play,I've never come across such a forced application. Very odd experience. They want to be Twitter but it has no soul. Twitter is the OG and back to Twitter for me.,1,2023-07-09 01:39:35 +Google Play,It's actually really nice. And people are more sane here. And being themselves.,5,2023-07-06 15:48:50 +Google Play,Twitter if you like your data processed by facebook and doesn't care about free speech,1,2023-07-06 19:28:39 +Google Play,I didn't find anything new or unique just another normal app.,1,2023-07-08 07:40:24 +Google Play,No smooth app,1,2023-07-22 17:35:42 +Google Play,Thank you.i am happy. Bcz another app for spending time... 🥰,5,2023-07-07 13:39:59 +Google Play,"App is trash, created an account and it got immediately suspended. Not even worth the effort to try to fix, just uninstalling.",1,2023-07-06 00:13:30 +Google Play,Loving it so far ... Give me a follow @4k_king2022,5,2023-07-06 07:26:44 +Google Play,Make GIF insertion supported.,5,2023-07-09 05:39:30 +Google Play,Good app as well as Instagram,5,2023-07-06 17:23:55 +Google Play,this could have been a feature on IG instead bruv.,2,2023-07-11 12:52:37 +Google Play,"There's no feature to explore people's tweet, homepage is just a bunch of random celebrities instead of people who i followed, no hashtag feature. Big big no.",1,2023-07-21 02:43:57 +Google Play,Monopoly is dangerous for human being and world also.,5,2023-07-06 15:35:57 +Google Play,It's a very Good app.. Threads is better than Twitter maybe!!,5,2023-07-06 19:09:55 +Google Play,I will give this app 5 star nice app from meta good work,5,2023-07-14 17:09:13 +Google Play,Privacy will always be an issue when it comes to Meta Universe,1,2023-07-19 20:18:06 +Google Play,it is a good option to opt twitter,5,2023-07-10 02:34:23 +Google Play,its a good app to start with fight,5,2023-07-06 04:13:21 +Google Play,Glitch in screen,1,2023-07-09 17:46:52 +Google Play,Pls add replies hide option I am trying to flirt with girls and my friends going to my profile and see my replies and like and adding comments that's not good becoz me trying to flirt with his sister ☠️,3,2023-07-08 09:37:06 +Google Play,Add a function to migrate instagram followers to Threads!!,3,2023-07-06 03:01:07 +Google Play,IT'S IS SAME LIKE INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER BUT IT IS SO COOL BABY BOOM😉😉😉 AND IAM THE FIRST REVIEWER OF THREADS APP ON PLAY STORE BABY😋😋😋😋,5,2023-07-06 10:01:57 +Google Play,It's good till now ..need more features,5,2023-07-06 14:40:28 +Google Play,Good.... We need web version of this,3,2023-07-21 17:12:15 +Google Play,"I'm trying to download the app but it doesn't want to , It loads and when it reaches 100% it then stops. Please help",1,2023-07-07 16:29:53 +Google Play,Really like this. Very nice.,5,2023-07-09 07:35:04 +Google Play,If andrew tate doesn't have a threads account. So Twitter better than threads!,1,2023-07-07 23:49:36 +Google Play,please don't use threads app only use twitter,1,2023-07-11 07:54:22 +Google Play,"old features, nothing new",1,2023-07-12 13:32:44 +Google Play,I can't change my theme to dark mode..,3,2023-07-07 08:47:42 +Google Play,الريفيو رقم 29 في تاريخ البرنامج The Twenty nine Review in the app's history.,5,2023-07-06 01:13:59 +Google Play,They deleted my account because I said this won't compete with twitter. It won't! Get better not bitter!!,1,2023-07-14 17:13:05 +Google Play,A promising start . But put some features,5,2023-07-07 11:36:29 +Google Play,Wow Instagram have come again with ogbenge 😆 I will come back for more stars if need be🥰,3,2023-07-07 16:49:34 +Google Play,"Worst, Just copy and paste instagram code to threads 😂🤣🤣🤣",1,2023-07-06 10:23:48 +Google Play,not as much as good as Twitter,1,2023-07-06 13:38:54 +Google Play,This is the best replacement for twitter!,5,2023-07-07 05:17:03 +Google Play,This app monitors way to many items through your phone. Fourteen to be exact. I refuse to agree to it. So I uninstalled the app.,1,2023-07-07 02:39:33 +Google Play,Not as bad as I would think for a Twitter rip off so far honestly 🤷,4,2023-07-07 15:29:59 +Google Play,I'm having trouble login in using my Instagram account,1,2023-07-07 00:01:11 +Google Play,After installing thread and activating account my Instagram account is getting crashed constantly as I start the app It gets crashed. Is it only happening with me ?,1,2023-07-08 13:32:23 +Google Play,"In my first experience with this app, I think it's great",5,2023-07-06 06:35:08 +Google Play,good and smooth app,5,2023-07-08 05:48:04 +Google Play,"It's an unnecessary product and looks so overloaded and I don't like ""some"" types of people here saying anything about anything. Useless, period.",1,2023-07-20 14:05:03 +Google Play,Not bad. But no need. Another time wasting app.,3,2023-07-07 10:16:13 +Google Play,I downloaded a game about a button and the button game went off my phone faster. This is literally Twitter except empty because no one is using it yet so start a thread so this app can have text,2,2023-07-11 05:52:50 +Google Play,Nice and smooth 😄,5,2023-07-07 06:37:57 +Google Play,Very entertaining app so fun,5,2023-07-06 18:57:37 +Google Play,"it's not fair 😢 😔....when removing it,also remove my instagram account.",1,2023-07-09 16:06:11 +Google Play,Well.. Thank you so much for your special service,5,2023-07-06 10:46:09 +Google Play,I think this app is much much better than Twitter!!,5,2023-07-09 09:14:20 +Google Play,THREADS brings sanity back to tweets! Now can really say goodbye to twitter!,5,2023-07-06 02:54:03 +Google Play,Very slow app,1,2023-07-07 09:53:13 +Google Play,It doesn't let me stay logged in to both Instagram and Threads at the same time. As soon as I sign into Threads it logs me out of Instagram and vice versa.,1,2023-07-06 20:11:11 +Google Play,Boring... its just like instagram nothing new,1,2023-07-06 14:32:58 +Google Play,Needs major development and arrangement,1,2023-07-08 06:25:56 +Google Play,Five stars just because it can potentially break twitter down and send Elon Musk back to his hole.,5,2023-07-06 11:03:44 +Google Play,App is nice and unique.I like it🙂,5,2023-07-06 16:44:09 +Google Play,Watching this app rapid increases,5,2023-07-06 13:01:44 +Google Play,Make it more smoot and i will give it 5!,4,2023-07-06 00:33:35 +Google Play,My experience with this app has been fantastic,4,2023-07-07 14:10:34 +Google Play,Cannot use without an instagram account 👎,1,2023-07-06 22:51:21 +Google Play,"This App is a place to be, according to Akon. 💯%....",5,2023-07-10 18:27:50 +Google Play,Very well designed app,5,2023-07-06 12:18:35 +Google Play,"Mark needs to lose his ego, and trying to own everyone, and everybody, including the Government",1,2023-07-07 23:57:25 +Google Play,I pick my boogers while reading threads. Good app,5,2023-07-07 04:52:57 +Google Play,"Hashtags don't work... how people see your posts? No one sees your comments since there's no notifications, and no number by the comment logo.",1,2023-07-08 16:29:08 +Google Play,Nice app implement hashtags and discover,3,2023-07-07 00:31:31 +Google Play,There is no create new account button. Device Samsung s21 5G,4,2023-07-06 14:52:10 +Google Play,A Nice platform to form new threads and I hope it will not spoil like Twitter..,5,2023-07-06 16:01:21 +Google Play,Better than Twitter the UI is so comfortable and good looking as it can share the same posts to Instagram and the story templates are so good looking ❤️,5,2023-07-06 12:34:12 +Google Play,It's just a cheap knockoff of Twitter,1,2023-07-19 22:45:17 +Google Play,"really bad,i can't even reads",1,2023-07-06 09:36:52 +Google Play,Copy paste boring app same Twitter My recommendation Twitter is best,1,2023-07-09 15:21:24 +Google Play,Haven't used it but elon musk is fatter than Zuckerberg so I'll give this app a higher rating,5,2023-07-07 00:04:19 +Google Play,Awesome Easy to use Love this app,5,2023-07-07 17:16:37 +Google Play,"Downloaded to see what the hype was all about, sorry to say but that twitter is just better, atleast I know with twitter everything I read is genuine, it's easier to use and with threads it really just seems like the wish version of twitter.",1,2023-07-09 06:42:25 +Google Play,"Good app but this was same as the app of twitter, But easy use",4,2023-07-07 07:14:14 +Google Play,Threads is place for all of us to be. Fantabulous real time conversation platform to be,5,2023-07-06 09:33:03 +Google Play,"It's dope, albeit a work in progress.",4,2023-07-06 14:57:42 +Google Play,Good complement for Twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:19:59 +Google Play,Steals all your data and censors free speech.,1,2023-07-06 02:46:04 +Google Play,"Downloaded it. But I could feel my data being harvested and had to delete the app. Data harvesting, plus heavy censorship.. double bad.",1,2023-07-07 20:02:02 +Google Play,The app is so lit 👌🔥 I love the app so much thanks mark,5,2023-07-06 07:49:40 +Google Play,"İt's useless thing, we can do all this on normal instagram apo",2,2023-07-06 07:30:59 +Google Play,"Their is no difference in Instagram and this app, both are same",1,2023-07-07 15:18:00 +Google Play,I think it's more interesting than Twitter ✨,5,2023-07-06 15:37:35 +Google Play,"Not a perfect app,",1,2023-07-06 17:42:55 +Google Play,"Happy to Join With @threadsapp ✨ And Proudly Says From ""META"" 💝 Thankyou For Your Greatwork 🤍",5,2023-07-06 12:19:54 +Google Play,"Hi threads !! I have an issue once I login into Threads, I get logged out of Instagram. And if I log back into Instagram, I will be logged out of Threads automatically. please fix this issue I want to use threads as well Thank you.",3,2023-07-07 17:50:11 +Google Play,"I changed my password on Instagram, now I can't login my threads account",3,2023-07-07 03:57:01 +Google Play,"This app requires near criminal levels of data collection and oppressive permissions to your devices. If you value your privacy at all, delete it immediately.",1,2023-07-13 18:07:37 +Google Play,Best application replacement of Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 08:28:41 +Google Play,"Apparently an Instagram account is needed, so not for me",1,2023-07-09 23:18:29 +Google Play,I'm proud to be amongst the first 200s reviews for this app.,5,2023-07-06 00:44:41 +Google Play,"Need hashtags, DM option and Trending page!",4,2023-07-06 13:27:13 +Google Play,Cannot login with Google or email,1,2023-07-06 21:49:12 +Google Play,Do you know when we delete threads profile & data. One will need to delete Instagram account as well 😞😞😞😞😞,1,2023-07-07 22:00:16 +Google Play,Nice app working good.,5,2023-07-06 09:13:20 +Google Play,"Awful amount of permissions. To delete account on threads, you must also delete account in instagram. This is a way to force people to keep their account on the platform. Awful.",1,2023-07-07 20:16:09 +Google Play,Barebones but I like the feel of it,3,2023-07-07 14:38:20 +Google Play,Where are the Hashtags?? And the trending topics or Dm (Meta version of course). But without that is freaking useless...,2,2023-07-07 17:58:04 +Google Play,Dear Team. Not sure am I the only one. But in my app there are too many glitches. I use Android. I hope you can fix it soon. Thanks 👍,3,2023-07-06 15:35:17 +Google Play,"""Sorry, something went wrong. Try again. "" My entire threads experience.",1,2023-07-21 17:58:09 +Google Play,Can only log on using Instagram. What about the people like me who don't like nor use Instagram? I'm not going to create an account just to log in to this stupid app.,1,2023-07-08 22:49:34 +Google Play,"Poorly done app, and once you realize it's bad, you can't even delete it without deleting your whole instagram account. Strongly recommend to not get this app",1,2023-07-14 14:35:04 +Google Play,"I have no idea what this is about, but I am unable to login",1,2023-07-06 06:47:12 +Google Play,"UPDATE dark theme, thanks!",4,2023-07-06 08:25:00 +Google Play,My thread isn't working properly please solve this problem,2,2023-07-10 06:42:19 +Google Play,"Why you need my health, financial ,email ,web browsing, call logs data ??",1,2023-07-07 15:37:33 +Google Play,All the best and welcome to world,5,2023-07-07 01:37:01 +Google Play,Very useful app I hope everyone come here,5,2023-07-07 05:27:24 +Google Play,Very interesting app. I'm liking it,5,2023-07-08 14:21:33 +Google Play,It's nice app I guess you should download it 💯💯✌️,4,2023-07-08 00:36:33 +Google Play,Do not download this app it take your healthcare information if if you thinkin you're in it for life you cannot delete your never ever,1,2023-07-08 01:36:37 +Google Play,You need to show how many posts a user has and how many reposts a post has.,3,2023-07-06 01:48:14 +Google Play,I feel like you guys should an inbox. It will make it better,5,2023-07-07 01:29:41 +Google Play,Awesome and worth supporting,5,2023-07-12 02:04:34 +Google Play,Don't marge with Instragram. If you marger with Instragram so product make a worsted.....,2,2023-07-06 16:48:20 +Google Play,It would be great if you can add the feature foe logging in multiple accounts at the same time. Just like insta,4,2023-07-09 22:23:23 +Google Play,Blue bird bad. Threads good!,5,2023-07-06 14:39:22 +Google Play,"You can't compete against Twitter if you sensor and have horrible data access policies... Who are these ""independent fact checkers"" that pop up on my posts?",1,2023-07-08 16:03:25 +Google Play,"For quite a new app,I think Zuckerberg tried his best.....I give it a five star",5,2023-07-09 14:19:58 +Google Play,"First Review, it's an good app lets see how it competes with the Musk.",5,2023-07-06 02:44:32 +Google Play,"Too slow, useless App",1,2023-07-08 01:29:35 +Google Play,Worst App I Have Ever Seen Copy Paste App From Twitter,1,2023-07-09 14:09:58 +Google Play,Nah cuz this app is trash ong Even as a Twitter copy it's bad asf,1,2023-07-17 13:00:28 +Google Play,Amazing app. Much better than Twatter,5,2023-07-06 18:02:40 +Google Play,I don't want to have to have an instagram account to use this,1,2023-07-07 04:24:09 +Google Play,Amazing app. Kinda enjoying it ♥️,5,2023-07-09 07:51:02 +Google Play,good cus there is no reels 🔥,5,2023-07-08 21:24:07 +Google Play,Cannot uninstall it deactivate my id when I delete it. Worst privacy,1,2023-07-10 02:36:02 +Google Play,To many permission for an app,1,2023-07-10 15:19:10 +Google Play,"Better than twitter, amazing app",5,2023-07-06 14:13:25 +Google Play,This app is so much better than twitter Thanks Zucker berg,5,2023-07-13 16:22:23 +Google Play,Don't have an Instagram account and was no prompt to just make an account for this app. Maybe they'll figure it out later but currently useless app for me,2,2023-07-09 22:48:02 +Google Play,Really such a great app.. Now it's not been a lack of Twitter.. this thread have have all the opportunities that other app can't have.. Great app and Good job Zuckerberg for developing such kind of app😍,5,2023-07-06 10:04:11 +Google Play,It censors posts and gives warning on conservative accounts lol. So much for a twitter killer.,1,2023-07-06 21:51:52 +Google Play,"no dm button, and I can't see the ones I don't follow yet",3,2023-07-06 12:49:52 +Google Play,Amezing this app but chat option available in threads app,4,2023-07-09 19:39:54 +Google Play,"I feel Thread should have improved 'Switch Account' feature for seamless switching between multiple Thread accounts without Instagram approval each time, for greater convenience. 💯",3,2023-07-07 13:03:33 +Google Play,UI is great 😸,5,2023-07-06 12:52:04 +Google Play,Very use full app thanks Instagram,5,2023-07-06 11:54:27 +Google Play,"If a person removes thread badge on Instagram there should be an option to get back that badge, i mean there's no sense why not you het that back",1,2023-07-06 11:57:46 +Google Play,"Can't even view threads, it keeps bugging out",1,2023-07-06 17:06:23 +Google Play,THREADS IS PURE TO GREAT THINKERS.. IT MAKES YOU LOVE SOCIAL MEDIA... FOLLOW UP AT SUSTAINERS TRUSTEE CHARITABLE MINISTRIES Lastly @meta please add the messaging button and column,5,2023-07-09 15:18:11 +Google Play,I like free speech unfortunately this is ran by people who don't agree with it.,1,2023-07-05 23:59:27 +Google Play,I think it's way more better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 21:57:07 +Google Play,It's bad it needs more repairs 👎,1,2023-07-07 18:07:52 +Google Play,Awesome this apps absolutely right.,5,2023-07-06 02:19:05 +Google Play,Not many data is present people just use it as a next gen Instagram that's only but Twitter have many database and easy to use very good features in Twitter threads is very very lack of data compared to twitter,1,2023-07-11 08:02:21 +Google Play,Bugs everywhere ( android user),1,2023-07-06 02:30:40 +Google Play,Make it at least to turn around on big tablets.,2,2023-07-10 10:51:19 +Google Play,Nice app ☺️ but give me verification batch,5,2023-07-06 17:35:29 +Google Play,So far it's working really well,5,2023-07-06 05:06:46 +Google Play,App does not work,1,2023-07-08 21:34:51 +Google Play,"I love it...it’s easy to use Love YOU Mark Zuckerberg for this you're a sweet man i have ever seen we can connect each other using new technology you're superb man Love From laksam,Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩",5,2023-07-13 22:20:01 +Google Play,Love this app ! Love from Nepal By Using this threads. I'll be her babe🧵,5,2023-07-06 17:58:06 +Google Play,This app is recommendable for fast com.,5,2023-07-09 20:33:58 +Google Play,I can't find what I'm looking for Trending section where is a trending section?,3,2023-07-06 15:28:05 +Google Play,Basically the old twitter but less toxic,5,2023-07-08 16:47:26 +Google Play,"it's a shame that you can't search topics and only rely on the algorithm of the feed, I expected more from Meta but I am deeply disappointed.",1,2023-07-16 12:32:06 +Google Play,Very useless app twitter is far better,1,2023-07-06 18:32:59 +Google Play,Steals way too much data it doesn't need and is just a breeding ground for unhinged liberals to brainwash kids,1,2023-07-09 18:37:37 +Google Play,Bare Bones. Twitter is better.,1,2023-07-14 14:18:40 +Google Play,It could be better. But it's better than Twitz imo. But that's just me..,4,2023-07-11 07:57:07 +Google Play,Please create scheduled content for this app too,1,2023-07-10 23:34:58 +Google Play,Plz try to remove threads I'd from Instagram bio. I don't want to use threads application in my Instagram id so plz solve my problem bcz you are putting this forcefully to our Instagram id and after starting this app u can't delete your I'd so plz solve my problem everyone are not happy with this app. Thank you,1,2023-07-09 18:16:19 +Google Play,There an error in my app .. I can't use it,1,2023-07-06 22:28:35 +Google Play,I very happy with this app than twitter..,5,2023-07-06 11:39:03 +Google Play,Really good app it's gonna replace Twitter for sure RIP Twitter,5,2023-07-05 23:57:16 +Google Play,It's good app first using it could better in the future,4,2023-07-06 15:19:22 +Google Play,Really nice! It's just day 1!,5,2023-07-06 14:25:23 +Google Play,"and if I don't have an Instagram account? and don't want one, what then?",1,2023-07-22 22:48:40 +Google Play,"Great app, finally learned how to sew",5,2023-07-05 23:17:49 +Google Play,"Worse than Twitter app, and I hate Twitter.",1,2023-07-08 10:17:21 +Google Play,Not working properly to my phone,1,2023-07-07 12:20:42 +Google Play,"SO FAR, SO COOL, SO GOOD... IF ANY BAD FEELINGS LATER ON, I'D BE BACK HERE...😁",5,2023-07-07 08:19:44 +Google Play,"I downloaded it but now after passing 2 to 3 days it has been automatically uninstalled. And, now showing some error I'm unable to install it again.",1,2023-07-09 07:56:11 +Google Play,Not good as tweeter. Instagram is trying to copy tweeter but when we came to threas its of no use. Tweeter is of real world while thead will soon become fake show off world like instagram.,1,2023-07-06 09:23:01 +Google Play,Worst app along with Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 18:37:12 +Google Play,Tried but doesn't come close.,1,2023-07-09 01:19:06 +Google Play,Nice aap download all instagram user threads app quickly,5,2023-07-07 03:27:38 +Google Play,Very nice let's beat the Twitter 😁😁,5,2023-07-07 16:36:46 +Google Play,Twetter has better than thread.,1,2023-07-20 02:55:36 +Google Play,Tbh this was a great move by Zuckerberg. Everyone is fedup with Elon's twitter strategies.,4,2023-07-06 07:47:19 +Google Play,We should be able to separately delete our threads account without our Instagram account being affected...this is horrible,1,2023-07-07 05:44:42 +Google Play,"Best app ever , it's user friendly 🥳",5,2023-07-09 06:28:18 +Google Play,Amazing app. Highly appreciated 👍,5,2023-07-07 15:24:42 +Google Play,This will be the first 🥇 review for Treads app Nice app to work with Please join early birds 😉 Thank you From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰,5,2023-07-06 07:07:23 +Google Play,very good app i got a lot of help from this app,5,2023-07-06 02:25:26 +Google Play,Seems like 90% of the feed is people I don't follow and don't care about,3,2023-07-08 10:04:07 +Google Play,"Only Instagram option for sign in. If this is essentially a thread adaption FOR Insta, why make its own app. Wont be using this if i have to make an account for a social I don't utilize. Add another sign in method.",1,2023-07-06 22:40:20 +Google Play,Please have a section made for the people you only follow/discover page. It makes no sense to follow someone if you cannot see due to the algorithm.,3,2023-07-09 12:30:46 +Google Play,This application is cool and best because I am like this application,5,2023-07-06 12:25:16 +Google Play,Cheap twitter knockoff. Can't delete account since it is linked with insta and doesn't work independently. Will never come close to Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 13:01:50 +Google Play,It's lame as hell.... Just add features to existing IG,1,2023-07-06 03:15:21 +Google Play,"Awful, just a bad copy cat of Twitter, bad privacy policy",1,2023-07-10 17:49:52 +Google Play,There's no messaging option 🙄,1,2023-07-23 17:22:31 +Google Play,Complete trash. It's like twitter but they censor any differing opinions you might have from their own.,1,2023-07-07 02:37:39 +Google Play,would be cool if I could only see posts from people I follow instead of the cesspit of that is narcissistic people that swear we care about the things they have to say,1,2023-07-13 19:42:18 +Google Play,"Using Twitter, Instagram all in one App Threads.... Jai Hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳",5,2023-07-06 08:46:03 +Google Play,It's lagging when first time I open,2,2023-07-07 13:49:30 +Google Play,"Here before 1 million reviews, the app is built very well btw i like it",5,2023-07-07 09:13:16 +Google Play,Trying to steal all our info? NO THANKS!,1,2023-07-13 19:07:39 +Google Play,I just downloaded it because of a comedian's suggest : Coki Pardede,5,2023-07-06 05:14:27 +Google Play,I have been logged out of my threads account. Please how do I reactivate it? Thank you.,3,2023-07-19 16:06:00 +Google Play,Maybe should add # ( hashtag ). It'll better 🔥,4,2023-07-06 15:24:15 +Google Play,It is very good app to use all should download this app,5,2023-07-07 06:00:33 +Google Play,It's such a good social app But not all perfect,3,2023-07-08 03:28:51 +Google Play,*successfully copied twitter* With more personal data expose and more often ads coming soon...just like any other meta app. I still dont get why would they even require such sensitive info...not even gonna use anyway for personalized threads... it's just to sell it for ad companies and make money Traaashhh...,1,2023-07-23 22:35:45 +Google Play,Hello #Threads I'm Akhtar Khan Instagram user I have downloaded Threads now delete instagram or not?,3,2023-07-06 17:06:53 +Google Play,This app is lame asf. Talk about invasion of privacy. Logo lame. App lame. Zuckerberg lame. Twitter wannabe. Waste of space.,1,2023-07-10 19:07:56 +Google Play,"Stupid and useless app i have been restricted from following people, 4days this and yet still i can't follow people. It's like i have been ban from Threads",1,2023-07-21 01:52:28 +Google Play,Amazing experience with this new app,5,2023-07-07 10:03:30 +Google Play,Dont download if you will delete threads app it will delete your all instagram data ypur ig profile will be dismissed,1,2023-07-14 02:25:08 +Google Play,Literally insane ! A good competitor to 🐦 :),5,2023-07-10 16:01:47 +Google Play,backend copied from twitter + UI of instagram = totally unoptimized app even if u r copying someone else's life's work at least make it good in terms of optimization twitter still like 100x better,1,2023-07-08 19:27:05 +Google Play,"App bans your accounts (Instagram too) for truth about Ukraine. Another app for making money on ""pink"" news and products. Avoid it.",1,2023-07-09 20:19:56 +Google Play,"""Excited to join the Thread ! Ready to connect, learn, and share insights. Looking forward to engaging with this vibrant community. #NewBeginnings""",5,2023-07-05 23:11:04 +Google Play,This app is super sus...couldn't control my phone Couldn't exit app Auto downloading random stuff from YouTube All happened after using this app for a few sec,2,2023-07-15 21:53:11 +Google Play,Doesn't seem to solve any of Twitter's problems,1,2023-07-16 05:38:01 +Google Play,Trash. Twitter is so much better,1,2023-07-14 23:01:05 +Google Play,Very good job in time,5,2023-07-10 18:08:25 +Google Play,Very good app Twitter competitor...,5,2023-07-09 11:20:52 +Google Play,Would be better if you weren't forced to tie it to an IG account.,3,2023-07-07 19:54:41 +Google Play,"nice and clean, and positive",5,2023-07-07 19:04:34 +Google Play,Superb app ... It is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 12:11:31 +Google Play,Bruh there is nothing special it's just like twitter,1,2023-07-15 13:06:08 +Google Play,Sorry I don't need Instagram. Uninstalled,2,2023-07-06 06:40:18 +Google Play,Annoying with the showing of thread from people that I didn't follow and didn't know who they are. Can you just please showing thread from people that I follow?,1,2023-07-06 17:19:38 +Google Play,It's good app in response to Elon musk chargings,5,2023-07-08 04:24:04 +Google Play,"This is a mess, instant irrelevant and unwanted content with no meaningful way to filter out any of it.",1,2023-07-08 08:02:41 +Google Play,Good job really good app 👍,5,2023-07-11 13:11:17 +Google Play,"Can't swap easily between personal and business account. Log out to change accounts, tells me there's a bug and I have to uninstall/reinstall",1,2023-07-08 08:07:49 +Google Play,CAN'T YOU JUST COPY THE FEATURES FROM INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK!?!?!? CAN'T YOU!?!?!?,1,2023-07-16 06:10:52 +Google Play,"Unable to singnup, I don't have an Instagram account. Why should I need to have an Instagram account to login??? What's the point of having threads via another application's account.",1,2023-07-07 08:29:49 +Google Play,Can't use without Instagram account,1,2023-07-11 00:00:39 +Google Play,Crashes every time I try to post,1,2023-07-06 18:30:43 +Google Play,My insta keeps crashing ever since i joined threads,2,2023-07-09 21:53:54 +Google Play,why this app exist i still can't figure out what should i do in this app,1,2023-07-22 09:55:35 +Google Play,Basically twitter but better,5,2023-07-06 15:40:17 +Google Play,I mean so far pretty great for a brand new app,5,2023-07-06 02:52:59 +Google Play,Still the early stage. Hope for the best,5,2023-07-06 01:39:14 +Google Play,Very nice app! But suddenly i can't se my Following list & another following list. I uninstall it then again install. But i can't this solution 😓,2,2023-07-07 15:27:09 +Google Play,Total application copied from Twitter.,1,2023-07-08 19:57:00 +Google Play,Needs a lot of improvements.,2,2023-07-06 07:53:54 +Google Play,"Buggy, no interaction, couldn't uninstall without uninstalling Instagram. Pretty shallow interaction. Pass.",1,2023-07-13 02:02:12 +Google Play,Not big fan of copycat apps!,2,2023-07-08 09:21:37 +Google Play,I'm happy that this app is making good reputation.. But i want to gain followers how to grow thread account?,3,2023-07-10 18:32:27 +Google Play,I downloaded this app 10 hrs ago and I can say that I like the interface. But I would like to suggest to include pinned thread. Hihi :* to more reviews in the future!,4,2023-07-06 10:11:34 +Google Play,"Feed not on chronological order, no option to only look at posts from people I follow, can't delete account without deleting ig.... Maybe just don't sign up.",1,2023-07-06 05:59:22 +Google Play,Still trying to find my way around it but it looks cool to me,2,2023-07-06 19:20:31 +Google Play,It's been an awesome experience since I joined.,5,2023-07-06 12:30:25 +Google Play,We want dark mode on threads. Add this feature in next update.,5,2023-07-14 13:09:13 +Google Play,Whenever you want to post a new thread with a picture it crashes. Unsatisfactory.,2,2023-07-18 06:23:45 +Google Play,App not working properly... Screen getting fluctuations and blurred. Kindly fix it.,2,2023-07-08 02:55:03 +Google Play,Not bad but kinda want this to not a PG app iyk uk 😂🙄 But it does be feel like Twitter not gonna lie 😂,4,2023-07-06 20:48:36 +Google Play,Nice App Good Competition for Twitter 💯,5,2023-07-06 09:59:22 +Google Play,I thought this app is better than Twitter. ❤️ Love it,5,2023-07-08 11:49:23 +Google Play,So If I don't have an Instagram account I can't use this app?,3,2023-07-07 01:15:09 +Google Play,Nice start... Hope it'll work. Good luck Mark zuckerberg 💐,5,2023-07-07 12:35:56 +Google Play,New app threads Instagram very nice,5,2023-07-06 18:29:08 +Google Play,Enough to give a neck fight to Twitter... well designed,5,2023-07-06 11:03:28 +Google Play,Lovely app. Elon Musketeers can eat his twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:20:32 +Google Play,"Collects unnecessary data, no free speech, looks bland, no unique features, way too basic.",1,2023-07-19 00:56:37 +Google Play,I am getting a glich of loop screen when I scroll pls do something about it,2,2023-07-06 17:23:10 +Google Play,"It's a copy paste from twitter, shame shame shame",1,2023-07-16 16:18:28 +Google Play,This app is very nice but there are some major issues which needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Although app experience is Good,1,2023-07-11 05:09:29 +Google Play,There is still room for improvement to meet expectations...,4,2023-07-11 18:21:25 +Google Play,Nice App ❤️ Absolutely love it...,5,2023-07-06 11:20:04 +Google Play,App is not working,1,2023-07-07 08:07:18 +Google Play,"Dumb app, can't use it without Instagram so zuck is forcing you to register to both, and also limiting yourself on numbers of users.",1,2023-07-09 16:11:17 +Google Play,There are a lot of glitches.. Whenever I'm trying to touch the screen it’s being overlapped..,2,2023-07-10 03:12:06 +Google Play,It's basically a twitter that actually works,5,2023-07-06 14:56:07 +Google Play,Very smooth I like it very much,5,2023-07-07 00:55:44 +Google Play,Twitter good bye welcome threads app instgram good app ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-06 05:31:08 +Google Play,Too much bugs in this app 😕,1,2023-07-07 05:01:40 +Google Play,"I think,, this app will be helpful for all.",5,2023-07-06 18:58:22 +Google Play,We want to be able to save pictures,4,2023-07-06 20:19:41 +Google Play,Hello Your program is really great There is a lot of room for improvement I am an Iranian and I love your program I am happy that a journal was created that can show all the feelings Thank you Mr. Zak,5,2023-07-13 08:43:29 +Google Play,The app has bugs and eroors pls check it out,1,2023-07-06 11:32:41 +Google Play,Twitter and Instagram mix app super app 👌👌👌,4,2023-07-07 05:42:26 +Google Play,Seems preety decent. Let's see if can replace Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 04:26:49 +Google Play,"100% copied, nothing unique",1,2023-07-11 17:49:09 +Google Play,It's a good aap better than tweeter,5,2023-07-06 20:50:43 +Google Play,Very good and wonderful application,5,2023-07-09 11:14:09 +Google Play,App is fine. Beats the monstrosity that Twitter has become under Elongated Musk.,5,2023-07-13 05:42:52 +Google Play,I am also amoug the first peaple to write on mark new app thank you.,5,2023-07-07 15:39:43 +Google Play,Add translate button,3,2023-07-06 04:50:31 +Google Play,"Na, too like Twitter but owned by Meta. I'll take Twitter 2.0 over Threads any day. No censorship which is all Meta/Facebook does...",1,2023-07-13 01:57:36 +Google Play,Cant open Instagram after download this app,1,2023-07-08 20:00:57 +Google Play,"Just launched, Can't say much.",1,2023-07-06 05:45:28 +Google Play,Im very glad to be first person make comment here! Thanks Threads 🙏 I hope it will be nice app 🙏❤️,5,2023-07-06 12:51:38 +Google Play,I am the first person to review? Alright lets do this bwahahha yeah so i have some suggestions to make. 1.) add free speech policy and do not censor our foul words and that's a master stroke on twitter. 2.) please add a direct message option,5,2023-07-06 10:37:00 +Google Play,Didn't work. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-08 04:06:18 +Google Play,Way smoother than twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:42:42 +Google Play,You save us from twitter. It's amazing,5,2023-07-06 06:28:24 +Google Play,Give it time and it's going to be better than Twitter,4,2023-07-08 21:45:42 +Google Play,Very cool fresh design,5,2023-07-06 02:21:51 +Google Play,A place for people to block keywords they don't agree with so like-minded people can mingle like roaches.,1,2023-07-09 15:30:06 +Google Play,I don't wanna use insta why forcing me to login through it.,1,2023-07-06 09:11:07 +Google Play,This Is Nice Platform 👌 👍 better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 10:00:04 +Google Play,Haven't had a single nazi forced on me yet. That makes it better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 12:34:04 +Google Play,After deleting threads account my Instagram account not opening please solve this problem,1,2023-07-08 07:04:05 +Google Play,My favourite but I want a blue tick please,1,2023-07-14 17:25:51 +Google Play,Frequent crashes now app won't start at all. Uninstall and reinstalled. Same issue.,1,2023-07-07 00:30:08 +Google Play,Superb app much better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 04:58:29 +Google Play,"Add Facebook login Because, lot of people not use Instagram like me. When you add Facebook or Google login we can also use threads. Now you lose lot of user.",3,2023-07-06 04:38:10 +Google Play,Its not famous so its an good opportunity to grow famous,5,2023-07-06 16:36:16 +Google Play,Please Add trending option and hashtag option.,5,2023-07-06 05:58:21 +Google Play,I liked this app but messenger will be added,4,2023-07-10 20:02:48 +Google Play,That is a good app but Elon musk said copy paste ?...,5,2023-07-07 14:41:55 +Google Play,Good also good from twitter,5,2023-07-06 21:40:06 +Google Play,Just for fun........................... I like it,4,2023-07-06 17:26:07 +Google Play,"I'd not say much about Threads , but believe me it's Better than Twitter ,",5,2023-07-06 15:57:39 +Google Play,The best app than Twitter now we can use this. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏👊🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 08:11:16 +Google Play,Thread app best of luck 💯,5,2023-07-06 02:28:09 +Google Play,One problem is facing no one liking the post,5,2023-07-10 01:44:44 +Google Play,All tho easy to use 👌,5,2023-07-06 16:40:19 +Google Play,It's better than Elon's dumpster fire.,5,2023-07-06 22:32:28 +Google Play,this is not only bland but full of cringe Facebook users who thinks this is still 2012,1,2023-07-10 04:11:41 +Google Play,Better than twitter! Thank you meta.🫶,5,2023-07-09 01:19:18 +Google Play,Love to be the first word review of the platform.,5,2023-07-06 01:25:55 +Google Play,"This app is not useful and downloaded this app by cheating ,then we can not delete this app.",1,2023-07-10 08:17:01 +Google Play,It's good app and make Threads on pc,5,2023-07-06 14:16:37 +Google Play,Very nice app use full app,5,2023-07-12 16:13:22 +Google Play,it’s not working on my device,1,2023-07-08 02:23:58 +Google Play,"It's good , better than Elon Musk, Oops i mean than Twitter 😂",5,2023-07-12 12:22:30 +Google Play,"Terrible, just like instagram",1,2023-07-09 17:14:18 +Google Play,Keeps saying on-boarding failed,1,2023-07-05 23:42:41 +Google Play,Cut Copy paste time also waist Twitter Always best 😎,1,2023-07-07 10:44:25 +Google Play,Easy to Use and batter than Twitter i love this app,5,2023-07-10 16:50:25 +Google Play,Fix the gifs. Its coming out green and purple!,3,2023-07-13 23:27:59 +Google Play,I don't have an opinion to switch to dark theme,1,2023-07-07 13:43:10 +Google Play,Didn't like it..... I think Twitter is better than this,1,2023-07-08 08:07:05 +Google Play,"It is gorgeous lnstagram app,l love it🤩🤩",5,2023-07-08 06:30:16 +Google Play,There doesn't seem to be a way to sign up,1,2023-07-07 01:32:22 +Google Play,Threads is very good but we want DMs tab okay. Sofar we love you so much 😁😁😁,3,2023-07-06 11:27:39 +Google Play,"I'll be the first person who will rate this app, so far it's fun to use.",5,2023-07-06 02:30:14 +Google Play,"Um, so I have to install Instagram so I can create an account so I can log into Threads? Please fire your UX people...",1,2023-07-11 10:01:20 +Google Play,Like Twitter it's just for large corporations to say dumb things. Doesn't seem like there are any real people on here,1,2023-07-18 19:48:22 +Google Play,How to switch off video auto play?,2,2023-07-07 21:06:14 +Google Play,So much lacks problem I found this app,1,2023-07-06 11:33:40 +Google Play,Really this app is best than Twitter۔ I love it,5,2023-07-06 16:44:58 +Google Play,Very good app better than Twitter btw.,5,2023-07-08 13:51:50 +Google Play,Seems like a good application to express opinion ._o,5,2023-07-07 05:56:30 +Google Play,This Is App is fantastic Because This App Was Look Like Twitter I Love This App,5,2023-07-06 02:40:22 +Google Play,"Requests far too much personal info, cannot delete it without deleting Instagram despite being a separate app. Uninstalled instead.",1,2023-07-08 08:11:08 +Google Play,I like this app am ratting 3 star Copy but really good👍,3,2023-07-06 18:18:54 +Google Play,I so much love this thread app.It's like an uprage of twitter,4,2023-07-08 15:36:16 +Google Play,Its got hanging while swiping down,3,2023-07-06 09:01:05 +Google Play,"As soon as I logged in, the menu keeps glitching. When I scroll, it will mess up and start to glitch.",1,2023-07-07 10:01:35 +Google Play,Absolutely love this app!,5,2023-07-07 09:28:11 +Google Play,if you like twitter you'll like it with your Instagram friends,4,2023-07-06 21:55:36 +Google Play,"I don't really know the reason why this is made, but I guess it's cool",3,2023-07-06 23:21:47 +Google Play,wow this is so wonderful app i like it ❣️,4,2023-07-06 04:00:15 +Google Play,GOOD AND MODERNISED LOOKING APP,5,2023-07-06 16:12:05 +Google Play,"Is really good and cool using this app, i love it",5,2023-07-08 21:09:12 +Google Play,I like how you can choose to follow options,5,2023-07-12 12:38:03 +Google Play,This app is beautiful and trustful 👍👍,3,2023-07-06 14:53:59 +Google Play,many times automatically logout my account,1,2023-07-07 07:48:21 +Google Play,It was a great opportunity to be one of the five to write a review on this app i was an incredible app full of fun. Ohhh i love you mark,5,2023-07-07 18:02:49 +Google Play,Good luck with the launch ♥️ lots of love,5,2023-07-06 01:41:33 +Google Play,"A new take on social media, no DMs, no hashtags, no trending lists.",5,2023-07-06 08:30:06 +Google Play,Rather bland and feels like a Twitter ripoff. If you want to be overly censored I guess Threads is for you.,2,2023-07-08 13:53:55 +Google Play,Let me clear twitter and threads both are at same position which is #1 😎,5,2023-07-14 14:49:31 +Google Play,"Visually it's alright, Privacy is a huge issue I uninstalled purely because of privacy issues. Why does a social media app need access to my health, financial info, etc?",3,2023-07-07 01:37:21 +Google Play,The app is very confusing.,1,2023-07-08 10:01:50 +Google Play,Make switching accounts easier,4,2023-07-07 02:03:09 +Google Play,Will it affect to my Instagram! If I'm deactivating threads and then uninstall?,1,2023-07-13 07:27:53 +Google Play,Best social media more time better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 12:54:47 +Google Play,Thai is bad my account is acting up and glitching,1,2023-07-07 12:00:37 +Google Play,extremely excited to use it ♥️,5,2023-07-06 09:19:35 +Google Play,Very good app but just imprisonment need,5,2023-07-11 03:56:38 +Google Play,"i have downloaded this app only for my former prime minister (IMRAN KHAN) And INSHAALLAH, Imran Khan will be the next prime minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, INSHAALLAH",5,2023-07-07 12:37:01 +Google Play,"So far, so good! Pls add more features, like we can see the qrts, see our following, pic download, bookmark. Thx!",5,2023-07-06 15:19:44 +Google Play,Good app for news and gaming,5,2023-07-10 20:04:30 +Google Play,"You can't create account you need Instagram account to create account, 99% who interested in cripto don't have Instagram",1,2023-07-07 14:58:58 +Google Play,I just started Threads. So I'm still learning. There are people I follow somewhere else. We will see 😊,5,2023-07-08 23:56:04 +Google Play,Instagram account holder only login thread why,2,2023-07-12 03:35:28 +Google Play,It's twitter but actually good,5,2023-07-10 18:03:19 +Google Play,"Just a china copy of twitter. Mark should create something of his own rather than copying stuff from others. Example, reels from tiktok, concept of stories on all his platforms which was copied from snapchat and now he copied whole application of twitter and gave it his own preferred logo and name. Btw the name Thread is only used in twitter lol.",1,2023-07-16 22:56:23 +Google Play,Very good app😀11/7/2023,5,2023-07-11 15:59:31 +Google Play,There is a bug when following at home and following directly on the account profile,4,2023-07-06 05:49:22 +Google Play,Your app has been copied and named as tweeter 😀👍,4,2023-07-08 20:59:52 +Google Play,Good app easy to use . I like it,5,2023-07-07 02:08:21 +Google Play,better than twitter + the users are so so friendly its now my fave app ig,5,2023-07-06 04:16:06 +Google Play,"As usual, Mark is stealing other people's ideas, one star for this one, for sure",1,2023-07-09 19:58:58 +Google Play,suck mark .why you need to take many personal info,1,2023-07-08 03:39:58 +Google Play,very good social media app,5,2023-07-07 13:44:58 +Google Play,The app is too censoring. You can't have meaningful discussions.,1,2023-07-10 11:18:26 +Google Play,This app is awsome they work with honesty❤️,5,2023-07-15 13:13:50 +Google Play,It is wonderful app to start with,5,2023-07-11 06:32:54 +Google Play,There is a bug while watching replies😑,1,2023-07-07 13:18:33 +Google Play,Same Twitter app This app is very good 👍 And tools are very good,5,2023-07-06 02:05:11 +Google Play,Waaaaay too many app permissions,1,2023-07-10 14:09:46 +Google Play,It's amazing App by Meta And guys I have My account as @thetwogems2 you must check it out,5,2023-07-06 10:10:35 +Google Play,Just a clown app. Had issues with privacy. Duck of threads.,1,2023-07-07 05:04:14 +Google Play,This app id not removing from Instagram,4,2023-07-08 05:50:54 +Google Play,"Yes yes on thread as > nick_kyomu, not sure if you will follow me but I hope you do. Thank you 🙏",5,2023-07-08 07:44:40 +Google Play,"Looks good, may use this app",4,2023-07-07 14:28:02 +Google Play,"Terrible app. Doesn't let you delete, and doesn't let you hide the badge on Instagram either. What a cheap trick.",1,2023-07-11 20:30:46 +Google Play,Instagram ka notification bar niche kardo please 🙏...,1,2023-07-06 17:56:44 +Google Play,Feed saved option needed,4,2023-07-08 09:00:20 +Google Play,"After installing threads , I could not see my Instagram feed and it is not recoverable . It is the worst app ever .",2,2023-07-12 05:19:28 +Google Play,"Ever since I installed Threads, it has caused my Instagram account to crash when my followers increase in threads, and I can't access it, maybe restricted but idk why if you cant make an app why make it ? Fix my instagram and your apps",1,2023-07-08 04:41:50 +Google Play,"Why would I be seeing post or Threads of people that i don't follow?, can you please change it somehow, I want to be seeing only threads of people I follow",1,2023-07-06 12:42:53 +Google Play,"Just mediocre. Because of this app I can't use Instagram anymore because it crashes... ""All of a sudden.""",2,2023-07-09 14:29:48 +Google Play,"You cannot delete your thread account. If you did, it will also delete Instagram account.",1,2023-07-07 18:11:30 +Google Play,Nothing is interesting in the app. I was expecting something new.,1,2023-07-09 21:32:19 +Google Play,Trending page is what makes Twitter addictive.... Threads lacking that,3,2023-07-06 09:39:43 +Google Play,crash many times,1,2023-07-07 10:54:35 +Google Play,Doesn't charge me to use the app. All I need,5,2023-07-06 17:54:47 +Google Play,It's just a cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 08:06:15 +Google Play,Lack of features that supports a discussion space like tags and better algorithm. Prematurely launched.,2,2023-07-19 06:41:51 +Google Play,Simply doesn't work. Too bad,1,2023-07-07 12:06:49 +Google Play,Twitter need competitor for improvement.,5,2023-07-07 15:37:59 +Google Play,This is really amazing ❤️ i like this,5,2023-07-07 16:26:08 +Google Play,"Not interested in creating an Instagram account. Also, where is the website? Only an app version? No thanks. Still better than Twitter though.",1,2023-07-07 15:01:24 +Google Play,"I have redmi note 10s Android version 13 Tell me that this phone is bad, this is a bug in your app, which is not able to install in my phone.",1,2023-07-06 08:02:36 +Google Play,I Really appreciate in Threads forever Incredible moments and watching in lovely on threads,4,2023-07-07 14:49:39 +Google Play,"OK so far, but only want to see threads from people that I actually follow.",3,2023-07-10 17:06:44 +Google Play,"Can't even login without IG account, and no option to register either. Genius, don't waste your time on this.",1,2023-07-09 08:24:29 +Google Play,Crashes when I'm typing a thread(?).,3,2023-07-08 11:57:26 +Google Play,A nice app as compared to twitter,4,2023-07-06 10:01:32 +Google Play,"I can download it , but my friend aya cadi couldn't MOUAHAHA",2,2023-07-06 18:13:00 +Google Play,No information from the developer.,1,2023-07-11 17:53:07 +Google Play,Its not getting the threads of whom iam following instead getting others' threads on my feed. Fix the issue as soon as possible,1,2023-07-06 18:34:19 +Google Play,So much lagging so disappointed,1,2023-07-08 17:01:04 +Google Play,"Best app ever, what an amazing",5,2023-07-06 21:50:57 +Google Play,Awful in every way,1,2023-07-19 21:59:33 +Google Play,"Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.",5,2023-07-15 13:24:35 +Google Play,I had error and doesn't work for me,1,2023-07-10 12:48:05 +Google Play,This is better than Twitter lol seeing Elon seething is hilarious 💀💀,5,2023-07-06 04:16:36 +Google Play,"not bad, keep update it",4,2023-07-06 12:13:52 +Google Play,Love this app. Elon musk isn't here to destroy it!,5,2023-07-06 19:32:10 +Google Play,since I installed couldn't upload any photo Zuckerberg zucks,1,2023-07-07 04:54:53 +Google Play,Mandating an Instagram account to use. You'd never be able to complete with twitter by locking the platform down!,1,2023-07-08 20:04:12 +Google Play,i loveee thiss app very much this is a very nice app for my option .,5,2023-07-21 12:41:43 +Google Play,"Nothing but another twitter , but good",3,2023-07-07 09:18:41 +Google Play,Best app for conversation,4,2023-07-08 11:11:17 +Google Play,Needs more features,4,2023-07-09 20:52:32 +Google Play,Best app easy to use,5,2023-07-06 11:22:50 +Google Play,Waste of time and data,1,2023-07-23 13:25:36 +Google Play,That's not working in my phone,1,2023-07-07 09:09:08 +Google Play,Need a home screen button to see posts of the people I followed on threads.,4,2023-07-08 04:49:13 +Google Play,You cannot open an account if you dont have an Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 12:04:32 +Google Play,ADD Amoled Mode very good apps,4,2023-07-07 08:34:15 +Google Play,I have experience blurnes in my phone... Whenever I open the app i can't acess it... So here sending a bad experience...,1,2023-07-07 15:02:56 +Google Play,First time and it was great experience using this app.,5,2023-07-06 02:02:48 +Google Play,"Great alternative to Twitter. They still need to clean out the bugs, though. It's a little rough.",5,2023-07-10 14:45:06 +Google Play,Dumb app. Its not very good.,1,2023-07-09 15:43:04 +Google Play,good work keep it up 👍,5,2023-07-07 09:14:30 +Google Play,You need to have an Instagram account in order to login...,5,2023-07-06 06:39:15 +Google Play,"Not Twitter, that's good enough",4,2023-07-07 13:11:47 +Google Play,"Lol, these children rating it a 1. Great app.",5,2023-07-16 06:39:07 +Google Play,Thei app is amazing 😍🤩 and better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:59:43 +Google Play,Add post pinning to profiles!!!!,4,2023-07-06 05:12:34 +Google Play,Better then Twitter because of 1 Million in 7 hours.And because it is better then Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 17:19:14 +Google Play,Better than Twitter by many miles,5,2023-07-06 19:22:42 +Google Play,please give us save image fiture and translation 🙏,4,2023-07-09 12:00:27 +Google Play,I just Downloaded I'll use shome days and I'll rate,5,2023-07-06 18:24:03 +Google Play,Ayo I love Twitter! So much I downloaded it again,5,2023-07-06 11:32:08 +Google Play,I just want BTS & Seventeen on this app,5,2023-07-08 17:08:11 +Google Play,"Awesome for sure, thanks zuck.",5,2023-07-06 21:29:08 +Google Play,I just started using this app and I'm addicted to it.,5,2023-07-07 11:41:59 +Google Play,Not easy to use,1,2023-07-09 04:39:12 +Google Play,Love the lack of Nazis and money not being funneled to sex traffickers by the app,5,2023-07-15 21:16:36 +Google Play,"This app feels like if Facebook tried to make a Twitter app. It keeps crashing. Had to uninstall, now trying to reinstall",1,2023-07-10 04:07:44 +Google Play,Everything okay. But need something special.🤞,5,2023-07-08 16:11:49 +Google Play,Very good app for social worker 👍,5,2023-07-13 15:42:11 +Google Play,this gotta be one of the apps of all time,5,2023-07-05 22:56:52 +Google Play,"I want to be a blind-lover of this app. I have faith in the inventor, mentor Mark. I want to give this app a Five Star rating and humanity will all agree with me in a thousand years from now. A Nigerian youth, one of the first Users in our country.",5,2023-07-06 17:05:51 +Google Play,This aap is interesting and this aap is really good 👍,4,2023-07-08 05:59:06 +Google Play,Keeps on crashing,1,2023-07-07 03:10:28 +Google Play,Probably the first person tell you why i gave it a 5 star is because i think is better than twitter but is my opinion,5,2023-07-06 22:40:18 +Google Play,"I heard it's great but I tried installing it now, but it went back to square one (it asked me to install again) after draining my data. I'll keep trying tho.",3,2023-07-07 15:03:39 +Google Play,I am getting error while log in,1,2023-07-06 14:43:36 +Google Play,Needs alot of improvements,1,2023-07-06 19:17:20 +Google Play,It looks just like Instagram,5,2023-07-06 12:11:10 +Google Play,"This app is mind blowing 🤯, I'm in love with it already",5,2023-07-07 07:38:18 +Google Play,Really glad this thing launched,5,2023-07-07 16:25:49 +Google Play,Good but simply an unnecessary stuff by @zuck,4,2023-07-07 06:11:27 +Google Play,It's awesome for we business owners A lot of engagement 🥰,5,2023-07-06 23:05:09 +Google Play,"Too much censorship, Twitter is better.",1,2023-07-15 07:38:45 +Google Play,Just keeps on loading bruh,1,2023-07-06 11:30:32 +Google Play,Can we make it more user-friendly,4,2023-07-11 02:41:00 +Google Play,Just Awsome This App And Very Fast,5,2023-07-13 17:30:21 +Google Play,Nothing bad about this app lowkey better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-07 00:09:41 +Google Play,Cheap hybrid of Twitter and Insta. Using just out of fomo,1,2023-07-06 22:32:32 +Google Play,better then hungry bird for 💰,5,2023-07-08 18:09:03 +Google Play,It's useless. Poor boys can't even talk to girls in it,5,2023-07-08 08:12:35 +Google Play,"Good way to start, but why I can't share my thread as a post in IG? I only canpost it as a story?",4,2023-07-08 00:41:36 +Google Play,I removed the threads badge from my profile in Instagram by mistake. What do I do to get it back???,4,2023-07-06 07:52:05 +Google Play,That's amazing 👏 You are awesome zuck and you are awful mask 💪🏽😅,5,2023-07-06 07:26:42 +Google Play,"Bad experience as usual and unfair, they simply denied to publish my 1st ever post ""Palestine_is_Arab"". What a garbage community app!!!",1,2023-07-07 10:21:56 +Google Play,Bad app coz I can't create a new account 💔,1,2023-07-06 13:17:41 +Google Play,This app is good 👍 Suggest use this app and connect many things 👍,5,2023-07-10 18:11:16 +Google Play,Working well just like tweera,5,2023-07-09 08:56:01 +Google Play,Good App Give trend feature,5,2023-07-07 08:54:29 +Google Play,Really good altenative app for twitter...the ui is good really clear to understand....but i hope that you can add the function to download the photo of the post,5,2023-07-13 12:40:21 +Google Play,Too much buggy,1,2023-07-07 13:43:05 +Google Play,I don't really see the use for this app. Needs alot of functions that Twitter already has. So deactivate my account and deleted it. Pointless app.,1,2023-07-16 18:42:02 +Google Play,Am the first Ugandan on the App 😂💪🇺🇬 I love it so far so good,5,2023-07-07 10:52:13 +Google Play,Why is this message not being sent?,5,2023-07-07 16:57:55 +Google Play,This is another tool to steal user's data,3,2023-07-06 04:45:34 +Google Play,Love the app so organized to me.,5,2023-07-07 01:55:17 +Google Play,No hash tags and no way to follow interested topics or threads,1,2023-07-06 23:35:59 +Google Play,Cant work properly,1,2023-07-06 09:22:17 +Google Play,app keeps glitching.,1,2023-07-08 10:44:19 +Google Play,"Love the app. So far, good.",5,2023-07-06 14:55:07 +Google Play,"im actually super curious what type of community is built from threads. Twitter was political and drama filled, and now is just for web3 imo. What do yall think?",5,2023-07-05 23:16:57 +Google Play,Best app elonmusk is in attitude lets break its attitude,5,2023-07-07 18:12:26 +Google Play,can add a pin post? and also a private dm. thank you! keep it up,5,2023-07-07 21:43:42 +Google Play,It's lagging alott that's why I'm giving it 1 star 😶 didn't expect this.,1,2023-07-07 14:33:46 +Google Play,Glitchy screen interface,1,2023-07-07 03:27:02 +Google Play,"It's a really great app. But there has been a problem,sometimes when i follow people it automatically unfollows them. 😥😥",2,2023-07-17 10:15:35 +Google Play,Why this app is not working properly why ?,3,2023-07-07 12:22:22 +Google Play,Excellent Performance threads,5,2023-07-23 01:29:39 +Google Play,Too much glitch is happening here,1,2023-07-06 08:19:49 +Google Play,Heavily censored woke trash. Use Twitter; support free speech.,1,2023-07-22 17:40:05 +Google Play,7/8/2023: Did the whole app just crash?? 😄,3,2023-07-08 22:10:35 +Google Play,This app is invented to fuvk twitter 😅 It’s very bad apps because there are not sms option,2,2023-07-06 13:20:37 +Google Play,Introduce thread podcasts we are good to go,3,2023-07-06 05:55:51 +Google Play,Hello I just say a single word__ unique__😳 My review is first on the Play Store can you give me something special for this 💘🫣,5,2023-07-06 08:16:20 +Google Play,"Curiosity tho download chesanu kani ekkada emi ledhu , Facebook ni avoid chesi instgram use chesthunnam , ekkada twetter use cheyadam stop chesi threads use cheyali antee konchem kastame , endhuku antee annitiki antee better instagram, so no need to download threads application",1,2023-07-07 16:54:00 +Google Play,I still Like elon's twitter better Slow app,1,2023-07-07 10:06:17 +Google Play,Full bugs this and I hate this app😡,1,2023-07-07 10:03:01 +Google Play,Add The Feature Of The Download Any Photo & Video,2,2023-07-23 14:16:36 +Google Play,It's an imitation of Twitter. Too bad don't try it,1,2023-07-11 08:29:47 +Google Play,Need more more more updates,5,2023-07-10 10:37:55 +Google Play,I can't even login to my own Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 13:14:12 +Google Play,The best app that is worth to be rated 5 stars,5,2023-07-09 16:58:13 +Google Play,So many glitches as expected by meta 💯,1,2023-07-08 03:33:50 +Google Play,So far so good it has been nice. How do I delete a post though?,4,2023-07-07 06:16:56 +Google Play,this thing is laggy asf I cant even use it,2,2023-07-07 00:35:06 +Google Play,Can you add translate languages for us as users this app?,4,2023-07-09 03:08:14 +Google Play,Good so far. Yet to understand the implications of this,4,2023-07-06 07:21:59 +Google Play,Too many applications for the same company will somehow lead to bankruptcy.,2,2023-07-08 07:53:49 +Google Play,It's definitely much much better than Twitter 🙌🏻🇧🇩,3,2023-07-07 00:54:18 +Google Play,"No use of this app, simply copy of Twitter",1,2023-07-08 18:56:03 +Google Play,I don't like .not easy to use,1,2023-07-06 12:32:05 +Google Play,can't upload photos,3,2023-07-07 18:48:21 +Google Play,It doesn't work on my cellphone,1,2023-07-06 19:17:23 +Google Play,"Bcs If I want delete my account then my ig account gets deleted too, same goes for if I block someone,they get block on my ig account",1,2023-07-07 23:31:45 +Google Play,Bad expensive 🤬🤬 We Love Twitter only. Fake Threads 😒 Do Not Install This App.,1,2023-07-06 09:10:04 +Google Play,Love This App! I'm Glued...Great Job👏🏾❤️,5,2023-07-09 09:18:51 +Google Play,Nice tape friends aap hi use kare aur yah bahut achcha you very nice,5,2023-07-09 17:32:18 +Google Play,well app is good and satisfying 😌,5,2023-07-07 03:04:57 +Google Play,This threads is so awesome than twitter.,5,2023-07-06 16:44:19 +Google Play,Missing trending page,4,2023-07-06 18:40:09 +Google Play,Nice but not better than Twitter lol,5,2023-07-06 03:57:17 +Google Play,It's is like mini Twitter which is launched by Instagram,5,2023-07-14 17:26:49 +Google Play,What a amazing platform Hope it will be a good platform in india 🇮🇳 Thank you mark Zuckerberg,4,2023-07-06 07:00:00 +Google Play,"It's like Twitter, without white nationalists threatening to murder everyone they don't like.",5,2023-07-18 13:05:46 +Google Play,Bruh meta really got lazy cant even come up with original things,1,2023-07-09 13:08:07 +Google Play,Wrost app totally disappointed don't try,1,2023-07-09 13:30:56 +Google Play,Error to change profile picture?,4,2023-07-06 07:21:25 +Google Play,I think you guys also keep sign in by Facebook account brings more user,4,2023-07-09 15:09:54 +Google Play,"Zero customer support , I was enjoying the app but my stuff is not working im probably banned immediately for jokes without any explanation by a social justice warrior , go to Twitter I was getting followers on here then they just banned me.",1,2023-07-16 09:51:35 +Google Play,I don't know yet I don't even have twitter... I don't know how this works lol,4,2023-07-06 23:10:34 +Google Play,Don't uploads any photo.,2,2023-07-09 16:24:35 +Google Play,This is the best yet ♥️♥️ we love meta😂,5,2023-07-06 16:48:11 +Google Play,Just got in threads and I am super happy with it! Can't wait to do my next post!,5,2023-07-08 04:07:15 +Google Play,Is the best so far but i cant get to log in my accout,5,2023-07-08 21:33:13 +Google Play,"Glitching app, direct offf",1,2023-07-07 10:22:51 +Google Play,This is a best ever social media app.,5,2023-07-10 12:05:46 +Google Play,this is a very very bad application 👎🏻,1,2023-07-11 07:17:05 +Google Play,It's glitching since I installed,1,2023-07-07 15:05:40 +Google Play,Very much satisfied with this app,5,2023-07-11 14:33:05 +Google Play,It is such a good app and so interesting,5,2023-07-07 14:09:49 +Google Play,As a youtuber... Whoever pay or pays me more... Will be there 😂,3,2023-07-06 08:22:39 +Google Play,People finding out the hard way why monopolies are bad for the world.,1,2023-07-10 01:45:58 +Google Play,Good app. We memelords needs the haha😂 reaction. Just that and you're 5 star 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟,4,2023-07-11 15:26:57 +Google Play,Cool but mine is having shredded display,5,2023-07-09 18:34:58 +Google Play,This new app is so great to comunicate with others.,5,2023-07-06 11:28:01 +Google Play,Nice but need more development,5,2023-07-07 13:16:54 +Google Play,I am not able to open the app,3,2023-07-08 11:46:23 +Google Play,Nothing to tell but well try... Better luck next time... 😂,2,2023-07-06 07:32:34 +Google Play,Just downloaded this and now in process of destroying twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:51:10 +Google Play,"07/08/23: Love this, but i'm ( :) ) bored, ah 🔥📛..",5,2023-07-10 13:34:27 +Google Play,Just want to be among who write a review on the first day of launch of this app,5,2023-07-07 08:13:29 +Google Play,Iam just installed this app. Where is chat box chat messages?,3,2023-07-08 03:01:08 +Google Play,Ive had an amazing time on this app,5,2023-07-06 22:19:32 +Google Play,This app is not on top by searching threads,1,2023-07-06 23:24:57 +Google Play,Better than blue bird app,5,2023-07-06 03:47:23 +Google Play,Can't even make account with other social apps.,1,2023-07-07 19:22:56 +Google Play,Easy to use. Loveit,4,2023-07-09 08:21:34 +Google Play,Cheap copy of tweeter,1,2023-07-07 14:29:14 +Google Play,I can't POST ANY PICTURES ON THERW IT KEEPS CRASHING AAAAABFJFHFHD,3,2023-07-06 13:54:48 +Google Play,Can't upload pictures,3,2023-07-07 08:16:38 +Google Play,Just like Twitter but i like threads very much 😁,5,2023-07-07 04:42:45 +Google Play,Don't even let create custom user name.,1,2023-07-07 00:48:19 +Google Play,I keep keep seeing I have been logged out,1,2023-07-16 15:48:16 +Google Play,Why video is mute on threads @threads,5,2023-07-09 11:11:29 +Google Play,Home feed could be better,4,2023-07-06 10:18:35 +Google Play,At least It's sensod Twitter is now like a p*rn and resist gat together,5,2023-07-07 17:22:43 +Google Play,I can't follow or unfollow. It doesn't work.,1,2023-07-06 23:39:38 +Google Play,Crashes after I upload a pic,1,2023-07-07 13:28:37 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter. Thank you big daddy Zuck!,5,2023-07-05 23:01:27 +Google Play,Good For Instagram direct share Your thoughts like Twitter to Instagram,5,2023-07-06 05:57:13 +Google Play,Monopolisation of social media channels is not good for humanity.,1,2023-07-14 05:04:06 +Google Play,Unhide badge is needed !,4,2023-07-07 17:39:27 +Google Play,BEST APP IN THE WORLD 🌍 RIGHT NOW 😁 POSTIVE REVIEW.,5,2023-07-19 19:45:57 +Google Play,SUPER DOPE.....! Kinda better thank Insta....(As per my Opinion heh),5,2023-07-15 00:32:52 +Google Play,this gotta be my favorite app of all time🤡🤭🤭,5,2023-07-06 13:54:26 +Google Play,Glitches all the way,1,2023-07-23 04:18:23 +Google Play,"Not good at all, rubbish",1,2023-07-06 22:43:44 +Google Play,"can y'all like,not push random posts on our feeds?",2,2023-07-06 13:58:21 +Google Play,This app is a great alternative of Twitter 👍👍,5,2023-07-08 05:32:05 +Google Play,"Doesn't recognize my Instagram account, lol.",1,2023-07-08 15:03:26 +Google Play,Instagram best bat threads not 🚫🚫 best,1,2023-07-22 10:27:33 +Google Play,Still threads needs more features dear markzberg,4,2023-07-07 17:05:15 +Google Play,Hope you all the Best! Love this Apps,5,2023-07-08 02:08:01 +Google Play,Some of these 1 star reviews are hilarious. Elons little scrotum warriors. Bless em. So angry and threatend.,5,2023-07-09 14:14:45 +Google Play,Excellent App Good job,5,2023-07-06 18:35:28 +Google Play,This application is full of bug's,1,2023-07-06 19:13:59 +Google Play,"When im anythings upload then its autoback, pls help",1,2023-07-07 07:16:18 +Google Play,"Just make no sense of social media if we have already twitter on internet ,If meta company doesn't have any new ideas and their scholar got their mind fused, I must guide them ...",1,2023-07-08 16:41:33 +Google Play,Me rate this product but me no use this application because social media in Hilight this application.,5,2023-07-11 08:23:38 +Google Play,"Having fun so far, let's see what happens",5,2023-07-07 09:58:13 +Google Play,I don't think this can make some damages to twitter 🤔 but I don't know what the future will be,1,2023-07-18 22:17:05 +Google Play,Need some unique improvement,4,2023-07-06 21:55:54 +Google Play,Nice. It's gonna be good if u add mor options in it,3,2023-07-06 15:19:15 +Google Play,Nice 👍 Instagram I'd - @upendrahessa_7,5,2023-07-05 23:24:08 +Google Play,Awesome app I use this app and injoy this.,5,2023-07-10 12:10:33 +Google Play,Nice app Twitter ko takkar dene wala app thanks for Instagram ❤️🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 04:13:00 +Google Play,"it needs trend hashtags, dm,follow back buttun in followers list",4,2023-07-06 10:31:01 +Google Play,Not user friendly ui,1,2023-07-06 17:58:43 +Google Play,Cant find the dark mode option its hurting my eyes,3,2023-07-11 20:44:41 +Google Play,someone spent 44B and zuckboy just hit copy and paste.,1,2023-07-07 06:48:32 +Google Play,I have not installed this app but i dont know what happened i saw there is no review and thought of giving it 1 star,1,2023-07-06 18:33:32 +Google Play,Nice to meet you and threads in so nice appp,5,2023-07-11 00:49:45 +Google Play,i don't have these numbers on my instagram profile,1,2023-07-10 21:20:58 +Google Play,Instagram Is Best And This app is also best 💞,5,2023-07-06 00:21:34 +Google Play,Amazing app better than Twitter,5,2023-07-13 12:07:56 +Google Play,There is no photo downloading option...,1,2023-07-09 14:56:44 +Google Play,"Nice app, better than Twitter.",5,2023-07-06 04:03:05 +Google Play,Threads i think is a great app . Rip Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:31:52 +Google Play,It is not a good aap for 12+,1,2023-07-14 10:43:06 +Google Play,No words all is good 👍😊,5,2023-07-07 03:06:31 +Google Play,The program does not want to be downloaded 😭,1,2023-07-10 12:19:31 +Google Play,Very good app It's better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 18:31:48 +Google Play,Invisible threads are the strongest ties.🐝💯🌈...,3,2023-07-07 07:35:17 +Google Play,Amazing experience just like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:29:19 +Google Play,It's just a revamped Twitter. Nothing new. Boring 😴,3,2023-07-07 13:49:04 +Google Play,Hello sir Threads is best performance in this I think threads colors like as instagram color Plz change black to instagram color,5,2023-07-16 16:05:21 +Google Play,Very good app. I love this app,5,2023-07-08 17:53:36 +Google Play,Threads app is good Instagram app,5,2023-07-09 00:53:59 +Google Play,Threads best app connected to instagram benefits ❤️,5,2023-07-16 15:07:35 +Google Play,Not working this application,1,2023-07-08 14:35:35 +Google Play,Apps keep stopping,1,2023-07-12 02:31:06 +Google Play,I am trying this awesome app right now guys!,5,2023-07-06 04:33:25 +Google Play,Nice 👍 Good App Instagram Brother Threads App Instagram,5,2023-07-08 12:23:55 +Google Play,Very smooth application,5,2023-07-06 22:11:24 +Google Play,Its not as good as Twitter It has intellectual community Uninstalling now..,1,2023-07-20 13:39:15 +Google Play,Why do I see so many irrelevant threads? The feed is a huge mess,2,2023-07-10 17:10:35 +Google Play,"it always says ""something went wrong""",1,2023-07-21 07:35:26 +Google Play,Give me an option to change my name on threads . I don't want the same people on threads as well. 😐,3,2023-07-06 11:23:26 +Google Play,Best app to share our thoughts 🙂💭,5,2023-07-06 17:30:31 +Google Play,Very existing social networking system,5,2023-07-07 17:08:16 +Google Play,"The best part of Threads, no Elon Musk hair plugs forced upon the user.",5,2023-07-07 03:45:19 +Google Play,Its an interesting app i love it 😉,5,2023-07-06 12:57:16 +Google Play,Bring something like hashtag.. I'm not able to comprehend similar topics without hashtags.,3,2023-07-07 02:58:02 +Google Play,"nothing is new about this app, literally Facebook in 2008",1,2023-07-07 07:29:07 +Google Play,It can be better but it is quiet good 👍🏻.,5,2023-07-07 13:57:11 +Google Play,Wow Such a nice and gentle i have ever used😄👌...,5,2023-07-06 03:15:49 +Google Play,"As there is no reviews here , i will suggest you to follow @officialtis - theindiansarcasm with 3.5M on instagram and help us to gain on threads too ! Thankingyou!",5,2023-07-06 16:23:58 +Google Play,Better than Twitter in different ways,3,2023-07-11 11:35:52 +Google Play,It's the most interesting app ever,5,2023-07-08 12:40:02 +Google Play,The app is full of bugs,2,2023-07-15 00:20:36 +Google Play,Increadible and fantastic,5,2023-07-06 12:30:49 +Google Play,For now four stars✨ are okay we are still enjoying it ☺️,4,2023-07-07 15:24:25 +Google Play,It's better and easy app to use,5,2023-07-08 21:49:40 +Google Play,Very bad app. No girl follows or replies me 🤧,1,2023-07-06 08:38:54 +Google Play,Good but need more improvement,5,2023-07-09 05:29:11 +Google Play,"Great ui , amazing ux , superb 💪🏻💯",5,2023-07-06 18:14:50 +Google Play,Only gitch total feed is glitching,1,2023-07-06 15:04:00 +Google Play,Good app but more can be done,3,2023-07-13 06:38:18 +Google Play,"All I see is something wrong, please try again later",1,2023-07-06 12:37:35 +Google Play,My thread id is not visible in my instagram account Really a waste app,1,2023-07-13 17:58:28 +Google Play,Great app by Instagram loving it 😀,5,2023-07-06 22:51:17 +Google Play,You can't delete your threads account without deleting your insta which i think is very dumb,1,2023-07-08 18:51:39 +Google Play,"Yes ,this aap is very interesting. Enjoy.... V nice..",5,2023-07-08 17:50:07 +Google Play,Nice this app is well performance I like it,4,2023-07-06 11:51:55 +Google Play,This is perfect social media App,5,2023-07-07 10:15:46 +Google Play,why do many data getting collected.,1,2023-07-06 16:42:28 +Google Play,Come on mark... we are waiting for the match between you and elon musk 😉.. installed this app after watching Madan gowri video..,5,2023-07-06 16:36:50 +Google Play,Seems like a copy of another app nothing innovative,1,2023-07-21 15:36:50 +Google Play,"It's good, but I only want to see accounts that I follow",4,2023-07-08 09:01:13 +Google Play,It's a great app to timepaas 😂😂,5,2023-07-07 05:33:32 +Google Play,If you want to know how the app works you have to follow @sevendaysahead on thread,3,2023-07-07 02:18:03 +Google Play,Need a followers tab and a chronological timeline,1,2023-07-06 01:16:11 +Google Play,There is an awful lag,1,2023-07-08 07:07:37 +Google Play,Save/bookmark option is mandatory,3,2023-07-06 10:26:32 +Google Play,It's a great platform.,5,2023-07-06 13:50:01 +Google Play,Fantastic It's good better than Twitter,5,2023-07-12 23:00:47 +Google Play,I think this app is going to be a good competitor to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:33:09 +Google Play,App is not working my phone,1,2023-07-08 11:23:17 +Google Play,Hello thread developers... I'm Elon's brother. He is not happy with your copy paste ideas.,1,2023-07-09 13:45:27 +Google Play,Can not able to scroll the page.,1,2023-07-07 13:41:57 +Google Play,Please add translation,5,2023-07-06 14:18:46 +Google Play,Super I love this app ❤❤ 1 M dream please follow my Theads Fadi khan khattak Thank You,5,2023-07-10 14:44:37 +Google Play,As we no Sabi Twitter let use thread app 💪💪 am very happy for this app 💪,5,2023-07-06 12:19:17 +Google Play,Good app Thank you sir mark jakarbug Follow my accout,5,2023-07-10 07:36:56 +Google Play,Why should you be required to have an Instagram account?,3,2023-07-19 00:06:51 +Google Play,Leveraging the power of the existing ecosystem of 2 billion users is a boss move against Twitter... it's a ZuckerPunch!!! I'm here for the ride... Let's go.,5,2023-07-06 15:53:39 +Google Play,Great much better the tweeter,5,2023-07-07 20:33:30 +Google Play,The very happy 😊 Use full app,1,2023-07-07 13:41:05 +Google Play,I've a problem in this app.. It's hang,1,2023-07-07 13:08:47 +Google Play,GOOD BUT THERE ARE SOME TYPE OF ERROS LIKE U CAN'T REPLY TO SOMEONE POST,4,2023-07-06 13:32:15 +Google Play,Didn't even load on my android device.,1,2023-07-10 16:17:10 +Google Play,They try to make a copy of twitter but he can't.😊,1,2023-07-06 16:43:56 +Google Play,No option to save images on my phone,3,2023-07-06 17:05:19 +Google Play,After logging out the id can we uninstall this app?,1,2023-07-07 20:46:01 +Google Play,I hate Mark but I hate Elon more...!,4,2023-07-06 11:45:01 +Google Play,Tweeter still better :)),5,2023-07-08 15:10:29 +Google Play,cannot even create an account,1,2023-07-21 17:46:13 +Google Play,It doesn't have Direct messagings like Twitter,4,2023-07-06 19:09:47 +Google Play,This app is literally use less cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 17:12:09 +Google Play,Easy to use best app,5,2023-07-20 16:54:39 +Google Play,Nice app thank you Instagram Tutor copy,5,2023-07-06 14:01:51 +Google Play,"New ""exp"" from tweet i hope you add new feature and make this new tw****r",5,2023-07-06 09:11:43 +Google Play,Good so far. Still early days of course.,4,2023-07-06 13:44:17 +Google Play,It's a nice app..fun and interesting,5,2023-07-07 19:17:29 +Google Play,Day One Perfection! Shout out to Threads - Instagram's Team. You're all legends!,5,2023-07-06 15:22:56 +Google Play,Made just to waste time of the youth 😬,1,2023-07-08 02:04:42 +Google Play,"I just love it....,nothing more or less",5,2023-07-09 08:34:28 +Google Play,"Cheap App, Twitter is best",1,2023-07-06 18:11:45 +Google Play,Excellent app...!! Just a wow...!!,4,2023-07-09 08:38:30 +Google Play,Amazing been using for the last 5yrs,5,2023-07-06 00:33:23 +Google Play,Wow nice nice Threads app nice,4,2023-07-06 14:22:46 +Google Play,"Please add more login options, i.e with facebook ,mobile number and email I.D?",2,2023-07-15 02:58:36 +Google Play,Nice working app like Twitter .. 👍,4,2023-07-08 19:05:28 +Google Play,the ui is glitching so much,1,2023-07-06 07:37:41 +Google Play,"Nice try zuck, poor man's busted twitter.",1,2023-07-07 17:21:39 +Google Play,This app is crash mu phone to i give me 1 start,1,2023-07-08 05:37:58 +Google Play,KINDLY GIVE MESSAGE OPTION ON THREADS AND GIVE USERNAME EDIT OPTION. PLEASE GIVE MORE SECURE PRIVACY 🔏.,5,2023-07-06 17:02:53 +Google Play,"Yesterday I checked the comment session and there wasn't any comment... But now I'm seeing many comments, hope this app will not allow vulgarities and stalker sexual abusing person as the Facebook and Instagram.",4,2023-07-07 11:00:27 +Google Play,Great place to hang out.,5,2023-07-10 07:09:42 +Google Play,I am giving 5stars because I hated Twitter I got banned multiple times after Elon became Head,5,2023-07-06 12:56:12 +Google Play,Thank u so much zucki uncle for inventing another app now we will Waste our time on thread as well 😉,5,2023-07-07 17:56:02 +Google Play,App was fully glitch 😕,1,2023-07-06 14:29:47 +Google Play,It's way better than Twitter!,5,2023-07-11 06:44:01 +Google Play,Cheap knockoff of Twitter. Government censorship is the main feature of this app.,1,2023-07-19 17:28:12 +Google Play,Need to Improve privacy policy,1,2023-07-09 17:03:05 +Google Play,Irrelevant since twitter is much more mature and protects free speech,1,2023-07-14 12:30:51 +Google Play,Why my thread is not function properly! What is this???,1,2023-07-10 13:22:31 +Google Play,Zuck making a new app so I don’t get any girl here too. Sobs!🙂,3,2023-07-08 05:33:49 +Google Play,"I comment a lot and don't let me post on the story, and I unfollow what I accept",1,2023-07-07 06:47:34 +Google Play,Not gonna rate right now. Cuz the app literally just came out. Gonna wait a week at least.,5,2023-07-06 00:10:36 +Google Play,Superb app.This is the best app suitable for me,5,2023-07-07 04:24:53 +Google Play,Too much glitches,1,2023-07-08 07:48:50 +Google Play,Meta by linking Threads and Instagram have locked the two accounts together. You cannot delete a threads account with also deleting your Instagram account. This is both absurd and a further rotten mark of the disingenuous & nefarious business practice of Meta corp and it's dork in chief Mark Zuckerberg.,1,2023-07-07 19:50:54 +Google Play,New social media platform is better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:42:27 +Google Play,Nice app. The Sasta version of Twitter 😂,3,2023-07-06 12:51:32 +Google Play,Can't scroll down activity and follow all the people that follow me back,3,2023-07-07 00:16:41 +Google Play,So this this Zuckerberg's tuntrum trying to copy Musk just like he copied myspace. Why can't he be original?...,2,2023-07-09 19:07:01 +Google Play,First look was excellent.....,5,2023-07-06 04:13:52 +Google Play,"it's nice and clean, I like it 🤞🤞🤞",5,2023-07-06 09:30:09 +Google Play,MVP still Subtle and satisfying,5,2023-07-06 12:21:28 +Google Play,கு - The Logo is Tamil Word. Simple Logo Design,1,2023-07-08 08:57:28 +Google Play,"CHILDREN, IT'S A NEW APP, STOP COMPLAINING!!! GEEZ lol",5,2023-07-23 19:44:56 +Google Play,App is good but why new user does not get support ?,4,2023-07-07 05:58:11 +Google Play,Good app but I can't download photo,5,2023-07-06 13:26:59 +Google Play,It trapped us in threads we can't delete our account without deleting our Instagram account,1,2023-07-07 16:05:30 +Google Play,Please fixed the bugs,1,2023-07-06 15:39:30 +Google Play,Finally this app realesed. It's more useful.,5,2023-07-09 18:05:29 +Google Play,All problem fixed kro na please,5,2023-07-18 08:45:08 +Google Play,Can not see the reach or engagement,1,2023-07-08 06:27:08 +Google Play,I think it's the first Review of this application in my language,5,2023-07-06 05:54:05 +Google Play,Good and extraordinary experience,5,2023-07-10 20:18:07 +Google Play,easy to use,5,2023-07-07 00:57:02 +Google Play,Best app in the whole world 🌎🌎🌎 was 2023,5,2023-07-09 11:55:52 +Google Play,App doesn't working 👎🏻👎🏻,1,2023-07-07 10:14:18 +Google Play,I have an issue when posting pictures 📸,1,2023-07-07 19:51:11 +Google Play,Why is the Hashtags not working 😏😏😏,3,2023-07-06 19:01:02 +Google Play,"I would suggest not to shift from Twitter to Threads currently cuz, if you start threads and create a profile linked with Instagram, later on it will not let you delete your Threads profile unless you delete your Instagram account first. It's very dangerous😨",1,2023-07-06 09:12:18 +Google Play,Should've added Direct messages and hashtags,3,2023-07-06 07:37:45 +Google Play,Same issues no girl reply me 🥲🥲 useless app,1,2023-07-06 12:32:44 +Google Play,Why app is not working?,1,2023-07-06 11:26:14 +Google Play,"Hello and welcome to threads everyone 🤭 will be threading, knitting, needling and alot here",5,2023-07-06 05:08:38 +Google Play,Just twitter space is left to copy now,1,2023-07-06 11:47:01 +Google Play,Can you make the replies private I don't love that someone can read them 😭,4,2023-07-06 09:15:16 +Google Play,Buggy eperience posts aredlickering when I scroll please fix,1,2023-07-06 10:25:56 +Google Play,It's like Twitter but frankly they should bring Elon on this too,3,2023-07-06 06:43:36 +Google Play,It's nice better than Twitter Zuck ×musk war,5,2023-07-06 08:56:50 +Google Play,Almost Best for Trending,5,2023-07-06 11:18:26 +Google Play,it's weird and confusing,3,2023-07-06 00:55:49 +Google Play,"Not worth using, twitter is best",1,2023-07-24 08:31:57 +Google Play,O The tension of the poor is just sweet 😂🔥,5,2023-07-06 05:36:07 +Google Play,"#Thread is finally here! I am among the first 10+ people to download #Zuck's #meta app. I just hope it beats Elon #Musk's #Twitter. So, for now I'll give it four stars",4,2023-07-06 06:40:12 +Google Play,"Bye Bye Twitter 👋 Hello Threads 😍 Welcome to the new member of meta family, we know that the thread is not only an compiter of twitter but also an new era social media platform also. Both are facebook, instagram, whatsapp and threads are the worlds best players of modern community. Connect me on Instagram @fayazweb",5,2023-07-06 09:10:51 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂 and congratulations meta 👏,5,2023-07-06 00:57:09 +Google Play,You should've let us add new users or inactive insta users,1,2023-07-05 23:19:29 +Google Play,I first download and first review very big please solve and my I'd is @call_me_lengend___ follow guys,5,2023-07-06 05:16:06 +Google Play,Steals your personal data!!!! This app is a personal data stealing app.,1,2023-07-08 11:21:35 +Google Play,Very nice app 🙏 other twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:41:49 +Google Play,"So far so good, I like the app alot",5,2023-07-06 02:52:00 +Google Play,Good app 👍 is useful. App I recommend please download,5,2023-07-06 06:25:40 +Google Play,I think this app would be popular than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:47:17 +Google Play,This app is very good. This app will really compete with Twitter.,3,2023-07-06 00:58:00 +Google Play,Perfect app better than Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-06 09:31:19 +Google Play,Upon launch this is a fantastic new social platform,5,2023-07-06 01:07:32 +Google Play,I don't know much about it 😐but im sure this app is going to be #1,5,2023-07-06 02:42:25 +Google Play,It's like the 1st day at school.... Hello to Thread . Happy to join here on the 1st day ❤️,5,2023-07-06 05:45:31 +Google Play,It's better than Twitter I love it 💘,5,2023-07-06 11:53:45 +Google Play,Can't save images,2,2023-07-06 06:22:16 +Google Play,Best app when my 1m followers complete,5,2023-07-06 09:44:54 +Google Play,Thanks for the new app 🤣 I feel sorry for Twitter,3,2023-07-06 10:21:10 +Google Play,The app is really awesome.,5,2023-07-18 04:13:12 +Google Play,Nice app 🙂👍 good start.,5,2023-07-06 10:24:36 +Google Play,"I LIKE the app for now. Twitter, um bye",5,2023-07-06 05:15:58 +Google Play,This app is very beautiful nice,5,2023-07-06 02:30:26 +Google Play,This app logo refer as tamil language letter 'கு'.,5,2023-07-06 02:14:24 +Google Play,"It's all right, but make it better",2,2023-07-06 04:36:49 +Google Play,It's horrible working now😑. Please fix it,2,2023-07-06 10:16:22 +Google Play,Super buggy atm,1,2023-07-06 01:41:32 +Google Play,This app nice and The best whit twitter,5,2023-07-08 02:12:21 +Google Play,complete copy of Twitter Twitter is the best 👍,1,2023-07-06 09:40:50 +Google Play,Very fun love it already,5,2023-07-06 08:15:02 +Google Play,"Good first step, waiting for more innovations",3,2023-07-05 23:27:56 +Google Play,Maybe I am the first one write a review 🙂 just download this app don't know anything about it yet 🤪,5,2023-07-06 05:59:35 +Google Play,Hello sir this app really social media Thanks for you threads 🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-06 02:34:57 +Google Play,Welcomed me with a bug thank you....,1,2023-07-06 10:04:28 +Google Play,Really hoping the app gets good,5,2023-07-05 23:33:11 +Google Play,Sorry Twitter is better than Thread.. Because this reels makers are making thread like a broken thread...,3,2023-07-06 09:33:49 +Google Play,The app is glitching more than my life,1,2023-07-06 04:49:52 +Google Play,Threads feels 70% done. No #ALT No #Hashtag support No #Hashtag search No editing of posts No searching for people on the #Fediverse,1,2023-07-06 01:17:07 +Google Play,It's same but different like as Twitter I love you Threads,5,2023-07-06 05:40:35 +Google Play,Twitter's should go pick out their grave stone. Real verified users again and Meta moderation to keep out the crazies and hate speech. They can stay on Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 01:39:18 +Google Play,There is a browsing problem,5,2023-07-06 08:35:04 +Google Play,This app is very easy to use...,5,2023-07-06 07:01:23 +Google Play,"@zuck saying that's application users are already 7 million and most off the users saying threads it's look like twittegram, I'm saying me the first person who review on playstore about this app.",4,2023-07-06 07:02:54 +Google Play,Some people on this app are pretty cool.,5,2023-07-06 02:15:33 +Google Play,"Good for now, will update next month",5,2023-07-06 10:33:40 +Google Play,This application is too good and I hope this is getting batter for those application.,4,2023-07-06 04:32:04 +Google Play,Good job well-done by Mark juckarbarg.,5,2023-07-06 12:07:57 +Google Play,How threads is different from Insta? Can someone answer? But looks cool.,5,2023-07-06 03:05:54 +Google Play,Can we have the dark mode setting hey,4,2023-07-06 11:05:35 +Google Play,Great app Thanks for meta,5,2023-07-06 11:35:38 +Google Play,It keeps lagging,1,2023-07-06 03:29:44 +Google Play,It is a very interesting software,5,2023-07-06 11:39:55 +Google Play,We need a section to view trending topics,4,2023-07-06 06:00:44 +Google Play,"Threads is an amazing starting carrier with million of accounts in first some Hours, u think that is grate app & im shure about owner will improve it time By time ❤💯",5,2023-07-06 09:08:17 +Google Play,A better way to stay connected.,5,2023-07-06 03:28:13 +Google Play,The app is vary cool 😎 I like this app,4,2023-07-06 07:41:43 +Google Play,Hashtag option should also be added inside Threads,2,2023-07-06 09:35:05 +Google Play,Features I want in Threads Save images and Pictures Dedicated like tab (Just like Twitter) Save Threads thread pinning/highlighting Edit Thread DM (Direct message) thread scheduling #-hashtag Dedicated Following Page,3,2023-07-06 10:21:52 +Google Play,Awesome app already. I love it,5,2023-07-06 05:37:55 +Google Play,Major personal security risk with this app,1,2023-07-06 05:32:32 +Google Play,Good strategy for fighting Elon musk Keep it up Zuckerberg We are with you always..,5,2023-07-06 09:58:48 +Google Play,Great job instagram 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:57:06 +Google Play,Can't even log in,1,2023-07-06 07:24:23 +Google Play,Overall good application like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 03:49:55 +Google Play,"Super very nice, interesting",5,2023-07-06 07:58:33 +Google Play,New app from Instagram 😊 this app is recommended by Instagram to download,5,2023-07-06 01:16:12 +Google Play,"Don't have Instagram account, how can I signup?🤔",1,2023-07-06 03:24:10 +Google Play,Very nice app please install app,5,2023-07-06 08:37:57 +Google Play,"okey , the app is cool...I love it",5,2023-07-06 00:24:32 +Google Play,Forces you to use the same username as Instagram.,1,2023-07-06 01:36:42 +Google Play,It's way better than twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-06 02:40:36 +Google Play,Good app to discuss the trend8ng video,5,2023-07-06 08:01:22 +Google Play,Please add ability to change accounts.,3,2023-07-06 01:24:43 +Google Play,Many glitch in the app,1,2023-07-06 16:50:27 +Google Play,"i have some bugs, can u fix it?",1,2023-07-06 07:56:45 +Google Play,"Hey ,Meta team . (Writing this on day on lauch ) I really don't know about this being a twitter rival or counter or anything like that ,at least not this early . But i guess good competition is required . Anything that can let people express and exercise thier freedom of speech and expressions is acceptable . Hopefully proper security measures will be taken to punish the offenders and a peaceful new exciting and awesome community will be born",5,2023-07-06 15:26:46 +Google Play,Great new app from Instagram,5,2023-07-06 18:14:24 +Google Play,"please add dm fiture, and explore",5,2023-07-06 16:00:50 +Google Play,"Cool and great, very nice",5,2023-07-06 03:05:03 +Google Play,All that's remaining is adding the dm feature.,5,2023-07-06 08:21:06 +Google Play,Wohooo this is soo coool.. i just love this app,5,2023-07-06 16:25:01 +Google Play,Great! Better option than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:39:13 +Google Play,buggy as hell I wish I could attach image to show proofs,2,2023-07-06 08:21:27 +Google Play,This is a nice idea i love it,5,2023-07-06 08:12:59 +Google Play,"Idk bro they said, this app gonna make me famous or something...haha. @aadesh_karira",5,2023-07-06 19:15:23 +Google Play,I believe this app have more than 1 billion user in less than 1 billion year,5,2023-07-06 03:09:51 +Google Play,This new app is very bad mo changes 😔😞😞,1,2023-07-06 04:35:14 +Google Play,I love it! No drawbacks,5,2023-07-06 12:18:44 +Google Play,No message button.,2,2023-07-06 10:09:12 +Google Play,Like Facebook that have Messenger but more to twitter,4,2023-07-06 17:17:58 +Google Play,Thank you meta for this alternative Twitter ( threads),4,2023-07-06 07:52:28 +Google Play,Cool as cucumber... But hope it's not toxic like as Twitter ❤️✨,5,2023-07-06 15:40:53 +Google Play,Why this app is create? Instagram Give Any Reason,1,2023-07-06 10:35:44 +Google Play,Easy to manipulate!,5,2023-07-06 19:16:23 +Google Play,Better than Instagram features💯,5,2023-07-06 03:05:00 +Google Play,Hay everyone Instagram users and threadsapp everyone family friends support me follow @p_k_love_life @threadsapp,1,2023-07-06 06:02:59 +Google Play,"So far, so good. Welcome to the new Twitter",5,2023-07-06 01:18:40 +Google Play,"Nice app, atleast mere followers yaha Twitter se zyada honge. 😂 Follow me rj.shri 🌚🤫",5,2023-07-06 06:37:54 +Google Play,Up to a great start. Is a beta version coming?,5,2023-07-06 00:50:50 +Google Play,And you just can NOT login with your Instagram account....,1,2023-07-06 03:49:20 +Google Play,This is the best app of the year 💜,5,2023-07-06 14:05:46 +Google Play,Best experience or better than Twitter ..,5,2023-07-06 11:19:19 +Google Play,Ek dam bhdk wala app I hate It so much But nice so 5stars,5,2023-07-06 16:49:10 +Google Play,Need an option for dark mode,3,2023-07-06 09:04:25 +Google Play,I think i'm the first review so hi it's a pretty good app,5,2023-07-06 05:10:07 +Google Play,Great timing Instagram 😉,5,2023-07-05 23:08:35 +Google Play,hate this because I need an instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 03:24:52 +Google Play,Nice app i really like it.,5,2023-07-06 07:49:41 +Google Play,I am not really get the app use in my life 😂🥲,4,2023-07-06 16:41:00 +Google Play,This app is fantastic don't doubt it,5,2023-07-05 23:22:40 +Google Play,"Would work well as a competitor to Twitter, Twitter has been overdoing it lately.",5,2023-07-06 07:56:18 +Google Play,So far so good breath of fresh air,5,2023-07-06 16:19:42 +Google Play,First to review- Well I think it's definitely better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:10:49 +Google Play,"Sweet development, let the Twitter rivalry begins 😂😂😂",4,2023-07-06 10:45:56 +Google Play,This is a good apps well come theards app,5,2023-07-06 07:00:35 +Google Play,Comparing to twitter threads has most features,5,2023-07-06 08:05:17 +Google Play,Can we talk with frnds in this app like chatting ?,3,2023-07-06 14:29:34 +Google Play,How do i get my thread badge? I just joined the thread apo but my badge isn't on my profile,4,2023-07-06 13:03:17 +Google Play,Very nice well come to the thread,5,2023-07-06 08:23:23 +Google Play,At this point it's far more better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:20:17 +Google Play,pls add for few another account like the ig,4,2023-07-06 04:08:36 +Google Play,Please show if the people we follow also followed us back.,3,2023-07-06 11:34:24 +Google Play,Just like twitter but better.,5,2023-07-06 05:25:17 +Google Play,I think twitter is way better,2,2023-07-06 16:07:41 +Google Play,"Very good,I love this app",4,2023-07-06 04:11:18 +Google Play,Please Provide multiple accounts option like in Instagram. ✅,3,2023-07-06 11:26:29 +Google Play,Not a proper working 😔😔,1,2023-07-06 09:54:33 +Google Play,Too much nagging for my personal information screw meta and their policies,1,2023-07-15 16:35:30 +Google Play,#trending feature is not available here just like #Twitter,1,2023-07-06 16:31:50 +Google Play,Breaking: Elon musk will give $8 to every user every month to stay on twitter.,5,2023-07-06 18:04:24 +Google Play,It's a good Substitute cause it's free to use....,5,2023-07-06 09:43:36 +Google Play,Wow 😳 This App is Amazing Now Twitter Flop Good work Meta ❤️,5,2023-07-06 08:30:10 +Google Play,I will use this app for one week afterwards I will give my opinion on this got it,4,2023-07-06 16:44:19 +Google Play,A lot of bugs,1,2023-07-05 23:15:08 +Google Play,It's very interesting & nice.,5,2023-07-06 19:05:02 +Google Play,A lot of bugs,1,2023-07-06 07:25:00 +Google Play,Nice app but yeah twitter ka copy h 🤣,5,2023-07-06 03:36:24 +Google Play,It's Good . New Update must need.,3,2023-07-06 18:44:51 +Google Play,Cool black interface,5,2023-07-06 07:49:10 +Google Play,Hope it doesn't end up like Twitter!,4,2023-07-06 03:25:54 +Google Play,The app is just amazing .....,5,2023-07-06 06:26:16 +Google Play,I really like it so far!,5,2023-07-06 11:04:17 +Google Play,Zuck is my darling. He can have my data instead of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:41:23 +Google Play,Amizing ❤️😊 apps I can't speak about it,5,2023-07-06 17:52:46 +Google Play,Way more better than twitter,4,2023-07-06 11:33:46 +Google Play,Asks for instagram account. Insta-uninstall.,1,2023-07-06 07:21:48 +Google Play,"new disease to latch onto your phones, yeah !!! thnx zuccu",4,2023-07-06 13:13:20 +Google Play,"l recommend you to get this app ,, its the best l tell u",5,2023-07-06 04:37:20 +Google Play,Just in learning phase,5,2023-07-05 23:09:45 +Google Play,There's no chatting section and that's sucks .,1,2023-07-06 18:02:58 +Google Play,First review 🥳 hope this app rocks and have zero rules,5,2023-07-05 23:52:54 +Google Play,It's work slow,3,2023-07-06 15:27:04 +Google Play,Threads is a better app than Twitter @threads @suvamshawofficial 🇮🇳,5,2023-07-06 07:36:16 +Google Play,Iam the first one who writing for threads in review I think this is relaunching good one,3,2023-07-06 18:16:08 +Google Play,I am currently downloading it After it gets installed I think I won't be here just to review it 😂,5,2023-07-06 16:59:36 +Google Play,"Unable to tie to someone's threads' profile via their IG story, The thread between them seems to be loose Meta.",3,2023-07-06 09:13:23 +Google Play,Outstanding experience must try it,5,2023-07-06 14:26:08 +Google Play,How refreshing that there's a new app like this after Elon Musk ruined Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 14:21:34 +Google Play,We need lists and DM's!,3,2023-07-06 03:35:13 +Google Play,This izzz best application fooo talk wid people nd share bout our day👍🏻🤍,5,2023-07-06 16:21:15 +Google Play,i feel relatable cause it replaced twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:59:38 +Google Play,"ADD A CHRONOLOGICAL, FOLLOWING ONLY TIMELINE",1,2023-07-05 23:53:14 +Google Play,I don't know mene kyu 5 star's diye hai... But de diye👀,5,2023-07-06 16:21:23 +Google Play,This app is best in twiter nice aap,5,2023-07-06 17:41:36 +Google Play,Where is Save for photos?,1,2023-07-13 10:55:27 +Google Play,"All this is useless, I had a very bad experience with you.",1,2023-07-06 15:27:20 +Google Play,"I'm looking forward for updates, it's ok now",5,2023-07-06 14:35:52 +Google Play,Way better than that toxic app called twitter!....,5,2023-07-06 14:29:20 +Google Play,So far it's way better then Twitter,4,2023-07-06 06:22:37 +Google Play,Best opportunity by Instagram,5,2023-07-06 06:58:26 +Google Play,"It's good, it will bring competition",5,2023-07-06 14:28:09 +Google Play,I dont know how this app is useful as instagram,4,2023-07-06 17:06:25 +Google Play,The idea is superb.!,5,2023-07-06 11:45:25 +Google Play,Probably better than the OTHER social media app owned by the data hungry billionaire,4,2023-07-06 00:09:05 +Google Play,I dont see the point in this app. Kind of useless.,1,2023-07-06 01:12:08 +Google Play,Nice alternative... Good start... upwards,5,2023-07-06 08:56:31 +Google Play,It's not twitter. 10/10,5,2023-07-06 09:11:31 +Google Play,Need to improve,4,2023-07-06 16:37:16 +Google Play,another comfy zone i guess(?),5,2023-07-06 01:36:18 +Google Play,my feed doesn't work.,1,2023-07-06 18:49:18 +Google Play,We want more things in it thank you,5,2023-07-06 18:51:21 +Google Play,comfortable environment as far as you join,5,2023-07-06 06:26:31 +Google Play,Nice app .. should try this one,5,2023-07-06 12:20:09 +Google Play,Nice And Wonderful Application ✨✨,5,2023-07-06 08:25:48 +Google Play,I don't know which app is really bad or bad,1,2023-07-06 12:41:03 +Google Play,This app is the best I love this app RIP Twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-06 07:22:11 +Google Play,I cant share my post on Instagram,3,2023-07-06 11:25:02 +Google Play,Good but not better than Twitter,3,2023-07-06 10:23:18 +Google Play,didn't even come close to twitter,1,2023-07-06 11:29:16 +Google Play,"nice, aesthetic HAHAHAHAHAHA",5,2023-07-06 02:10:10 +Google Play,I hope we get dark mode soon.,3,2023-07-06 12:28:53 +Google Play,When I post no one likes my post 😞 but 5 start threads is a best,5,2023-07-06 08:40:53 +Google Play,Wow it’s a very good app,5,2023-07-06 18:24:58 +Google Play,It's pretty much like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:40:53 +Google Play,We stand for Zuckerberg! It's Tread'in time!,5,2023-07-06 11:38:30 +Google Play,Its a starting phase. Twitter users cant feel this,2,2023-07-11 12:14:21 +Google Play,am i the first one to give this app an review🤣 this is good ig,5,2023-07-06 05:57:17 +Google Play,Good working apps,5,2023-07-06 10:53:04 +Google Play,Normal and Smooth,2,2023-07-06 14:14:20 +Google Play,No in-app dark mode.,2,2023-07-06 12:00:58 +Google Play,Is it a must to log in with histagram?,4,2023-07-06 14:07:45 +Google Play,Twitter is a lot better than this,1,2023-07-06 13:34:54 +Google Play,Boring nothing new all feature old,2,2023-07-06 16:56:20 +Google Play,can't login,1,2023-07-06 12:17:35 +Google Play,Am i the only one experiencing the glitch thing in the app,1,2023-07-06 12:58:53 +Google Play,This is a best and Greatest application I like that so much 🙂❤️,5,2023-07-06 05:55:34 +Google Play,"Hello,it's nice to join the new world of social platforms🫡🫡 Boss take care of us",5,2023-07-06 05:45:29 +Google Play,We need trending page.,3,2023-07-06 17:17:59 +Google Play,Never really used Twitter.... Hope Thread will be interesting,5,2023-07-06 04:05:49 +Google Play,The app looks fantastic,5,2023-07-06 13:54:39 +Google Play,"the first thread comment , and nice app 👌🏻",5,2023-07-06 07:07:36 +Google Play,cant crop photos,3,2023-07-06 05:35:11 +Google Play,How do i show my number badge??? It's gone,5,2023-07-06 05:15:18 +Google Play,Please add translate like twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:46:39 +Google Play,So far so good. But why ain't there no DM,3,2023-07-06 10:31:43 +Google Play,Need more features,5,2023-07-06 16:23:10 +Google Play,Amazing I really love it,5,2023-07-06 16:45:13 +Google Play,Nice App But Twitter Has Its Own Level 😍,5,2023-07-06 07:05:58 +Google Play,I will add stars after using as downloaded today,2,2023-07-06 09:33:48 +Google Play,I'm so excited to know about this app,5,2023-07-06 08:15:04 +Google Play,Very good app No add,5,2023-07-06 06:13:11 +Google Play,can't delete my account without deleting my instagram,1,2023-07-06 18:49:18 +Google Play,Hello Indians download it and start using at the place of Twitter,4,2023-07-06 16:27:07 +Google Play,I can't post any photos,3,2023-07-06 13:38:14 +Google Play,"After getting dejected on other social media applications, I'm here with the hope of finding my soul mate.",3,2023-07-06 15:01:34 +Google Play,nice app meta heads off 💯💯,5,2023-07-06 14:19:38 +Google Play,I think need to develop more,4,2023-07-06 13:58:06 +Google Play,I hope using this app beneficial for me.,5,2023-07-06 16:25:17 +Google Play,"So far so good 👍, it's Twitter jr",4,2023-07-06 00:25:10 +Google Play,Haven't used the app still but this is my first review!!,5,2023-07-06 14:31:56 +Google Play,This is the exact challenge what Twitter needs now....,5,2023-07-06 10:38:19 +Google Play,I didn't even download it. I just wanted to be the first,4,2023-07-06 03:39:46 +Google Play,Almost twitter so it's not that bad 👍👁👁👍,4,2023-07-06 05:20:21 +Google Play,This app better than white bird,4,2023-07-06 02:26:50 +Google Play,I need to be able to post GIFs,3,2023-07-06 14:11:50 +Google Play,This app may be usefull for nontwitter users,5,2023-07-06 03:27:43 +Google Play,why there are posts from users that i dont follow in my feed?,1,2023-07-06 00:45:06 +Google Play,A warm and welcoming community,5,2023-07-06 02:18:50 +Google Play,The app is crashing,1,2023-07-06 04:46:26 +Google Play,Full of glitches 😞😞😞😭,1,2023-07-06 15:36:38 +Google Play,"Perfect & Awesome Start,, Go Ahead 💪❤️",5,2023-07-06 02:46:20 +Google Play,"U wont let us to curse and post lewd, twitter is better then",3,2023-07-06 08:35:44 +Google Play,Wow just wow feel like a twitter,3,2023-07-06 11:05:22 +Google Play,Please add spaces I would love to see spaces in thread 🧵,5,2023-07-06 11:46:13 +Google Play,Like a Twitter but better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:54:03 +Google Play,Good aap and very helpful,5,2023-07-05 23:57:24 +Google Play,That's amazing I love it,5,2023-07-06 12:02:56 +Google Play,Worst app and bad support team 🤮,1,2023-07-06 16:07:04 +Google Play,New but may be good....install today Will give next review after some time,3,2023-07-06 09:37:27 +Google Play,"wow nice amazing app 👍,,🇳🇵🇳🇵",5,2023-07-06 10:09:29 +Google Play,i dont want my threads account to be linked on my instagram profile,3,2023-07-06 02:26:23 +Google Play,Nice app 💯💯💯💯 Download fast,5,2023-07-06 04:15:05 +Google Play,App having glitches whille scrolling,1,2023-07-06 06:35:26 +Google Play,Please add urdu language becouse pakistani only know urdu language,3,2023-07-06 14:10:38 +Google Play,I am first Bangladeshi user.I think this is very better than Twitter so I install it.,5,2023-07-06 11:30:44 +Google Play,Flawless and beautiful,5,2023-07-06 03:32:08 +Google Play,Superb it's very usefull to mee _gouthuxx_,5,2023-07-06 08:23:23 +Google Play,lots of bugs,3,2023-07-06 10:16:24 +Google Play,What's use of this application 🙄 Don't take this for time wastage,3,2023-07-06 03:02:06 +Google Play,Bug on android,2,2023-07-06 01:06:03 +Google Play,Is there any way I can switch accounts just like on Instagram?,3,2023-07-06 05:06:31 +Google Play,Love the app and it's cool,5,2023-07-06 14:43:13 +Google Play,Copy paste but nice 🙂,5,2023-07-06 09:45:18 +Google Play,It's not working,1,2023-07-06 18:15:53 +Google Play,I just signed up but it's been good so far.,4,2023-07-06 16:03:18 +Google Play,Good app it's like Twitter lite pro,4,2023-07-06 16:32:06 +Google Play,Let's have more fun baby How long goings threads let see It's existing I'm very impressed 😁,4,2023-07-06 18:40:22 +Google Play,I liked the app . تطبيق جميل,5,2023-07-06 10:19:44 +Google Play,"RN its ok, coz this app is in its initial stage.",3,2023-07-06 11:28:26 +Google Play,We are free from Twitter! People are getting their verifications for free! Unlimited threads. Bye Twit Elon Musk.,5,2023-07-05 23:33:51 +Google Play,Finally a good competitor of Twitter,4,2023-07-06 00:27:11 +Google Play,Really really good!,5,2023-07-06 12:34:28 +Google Play,Good but give me blue tick I am the first review,5,2023-07-06 18:57:55 +Google Play,Bahut Achcha apps hai thank you so much,5,2023-07-06 16:22:44 +Google Play,1st comment from my hand🔥🔥 I think this app become popular,5,2023-07-06 00:12:27 +Google Play,Low verification email,1,2023-07-06 22:02:50 +Google Play,Very interesting app,4,2023-07-07 09:02:14 +Google Play,As long as it beat Twitter then I'm in with this one lol,5,2023-07-06 13:26:10 +Google Play,Getting good vibes. This is a new platform to become social.,5,2023-07-07 06:12:16 +Google Play,V Good But huge different between Twitter and thread Thread Are very slow ☺☺,3,2023-07-07 04:06:19 +Google Play,Just Like Twitter but it's Instagram,5,2023-07-07 07:05:04 +Google Play,This app very very good yes 👍,5,2023-07-07 08:57:40 +Google Play,Please fix the glitch,1,2023-07-06 19:24:31 +Google Play,This is a good app as we expected it to be,5,2023-07-06 05:43:45 +Google Play,This is a very app indeed,5,2023-07-05 23:47:54 +Google Play,New but awesome Me I just wan advertise meself @ayoni02,5,2023-07-06 14:39:11 +Google Play,"This app is really good🔥🔥trust me,twitter is going down🔥💥❗❗",5,2023-07-06 23:00:41 +Google Play,Very good apps..,4,2023-07-06 12:37:33 +Google Play,The initial impression is good,4,2023-07-06 08:21:53 +Google Play,It's very fantastic app,5,2023-07-07 05:04:12 +Google Play,Using it easily,4,2023-07-07 10:02:01 +Google Play,Thanks to meta😍and markzuckerbarg,5,2023-07-06 08:09:46 +Google Play,Better than a similar app.,5,2023-07-07 15:44:58 +Google Play,Much better than twitter!,5,2023-07-06 02:40:53 +Google Play,Still not know why I like this app,5,2023-07-06 12:15:45 +Google Play,Too good and people are sheering Quito and post,5,2023-07-07 06:39:43 +Google Play,It's very fantastic app,1,2023-07-06 14:42:20 +Google Play,It is interesting so far,5,2023-07-06 01:07:00 +Google Play,"Twitter 2.0, what a genius ""brand new"" app",1,2023-07-07 03:03:01 +Google Play,Probably will fail cuz of not allowing nsfw content which twitter is popular for,2,2023-07-07 07:43:40 +Google Play,It will make a big blast ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥,5,2023-07-06 16:23:04 +Google Play,There is so many glitches,1,2023-07-07 09:55:19 +Google Play,A bit the same like twitter tho 😏,3,2023-07-07 06:07:07 +Google Play,"Finally, something to replace twitter.",5,2023-07-06 01:11:54 +Google Play,Good app by Instagram,5,2023-07-06 01:52:11 +Google Play,make it deletable without deleting Instagram,1,2023-07-08 12:26:17 +Google Play,I think it's just the same as Twitter,3,2023-07-06 10:49:43 +Google Play,Chat option not available 💔,1,2023-07-06 17:58:18 +Google Play,This is a very nice app,5,2023-07-06 07:07:31 +Google Play,Very nice work 👏,5,2023-07-06 10:24:22 +Google Play,"Testing out Threads, hoping needle will come along 🧵✌🏾",4,2023-07-06 15:26:54 +Google Play,It's Really Amazing ☺️ Thanks Meta For This ✌️,5,2023-07-07 04:55:10 +Google Play,This app has many glitches,1,2023-07-07 03:48:47 +Google Play,This is best app lounch Threads ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 23:16:39 +Google Play,I really love the app,5,2023-07-06 20:53:22 +Google Play,"I accidentally hid my threads ID on my Instagram account, how can I get it back, please help me",1,2023-07-07 12:31:48 +Google Play,I was invited by my village people and 99 others😂😂😂 anyway. I love the app,5,2023-07-07 15:31:15 +Google Play,Best app and I got what I awaited🥵💥,5,2023-07-06 11:05:10 +Google Play,Very interesting app,5,2023-07-07 11:00:30 +Google Play,How to set dark mode in Threads? thanks,4,2023-07-06 12:46:15 +Google Play,Be ready to get blue tick without the interruption of Elon musk 😂😂,5,2023-07-06 17:30:49 +Google Play,application d zab mafiha maytxaf mn lkhr😂 continue it's so beautiful😂 tbya3 l3jl,1,2023-07-06 16:31:48 +Google Play,It's a fantastic app,5,2023-07-07 07:49:57 +Google Play,I am Just installing app . 06 July 2023 from Deoghar Jharkhand India,5,2023-07-06 04:25:56 +Google Play,Good morning for new opportunities to tweeter,5,2023-07-06 06:35:47 +Google Play,It keeps kicking me out of the app,1,2023-07-07 04:06:11 +Google Play,Requires an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 18:20:42 +Google Play,Full of bugs,1,2023-07-07 06:50:43 +Google Play,Can I make new account without connecting insta account? Let me know how,1,2023-07-07 02:44:55 +Google Play,"Against freedom of speech, I upload a picture of Alama Khadim Husain Rizvi, and I receive a policy volition message, I believe I didn't do any volition, please improve your service🖐",1,2023-07-07 13:38:18 +Google Play,It's quite better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 19:57:54 +Google Play,my app is crashed :(,1,2023-07-06 12:57:14 +Google Play,needs Instagram login.,1,2023-07-06 02:47:53 +Google Play,Very interesting app,5,2023-07-06 14:28:13 +Google Play,It's good better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:51:51 +Google Play,I like no algorithm based things,4,2023-07-06 14:40:34 +Google Play,All posts was deleted... Do not see other 'threads',1,2023-07-07 14:35:28 +Google Play,Really best app forever,5,2023-07-06 06:11:26 +Google Play,This is very good app,5,2023-07-07 12:29:52 +Google Play,Its nice app iam really satisfied ❤️✨️,5,2023-07-07 07:16:27 +Google Play,Feel like yall should be sued for copyright,1,2023-07-07 10:11:07 +Google Play,Sure 😊 thanks for the best app,5,2023-07-06 18:25:24 +Google Play,Something wrong with the app,1,2023-07-07 08:32:02 +Google Play,This is very good app,5,2023-07-06 17:24:16 +Google Play,Love it more than Twitter😍,5,2023-07-06 05:18:28 +Google Play,Hopefully the users not like a blue bird,5,2023-07-06 06:00:43 +Google Play,Thank you Meta I love this App,5,2023-07-07 15:52:26 +Google Play,Thanks you so much threads froms instagram on twitter,5,2023-07-07 04:32:31 +Google Play,App is not working man,1,2023-07-07 08:54:24 +Google Play,Reply message problem please set the problem,5,2023-07-07 13:38:36 +Google Play,"Sit back,grab some popcorn,and let the drama unfolds, this thread is going to be wild 💯",4,2023-07-07 05:38:58 +Google Play,Hehe boii I'm the first guy who review this app and the app is good,5,2023-07-06 02:00:48 +Google Play,Great app loving it already 🖤,5,2023-07-06 00:49:50 +Google Play,This app is so very nice ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 17:20:43 +Google Play,This app is just amazing 😁,5,2023-07-07 08:18:20 +Google Play,Better than Twitter.. And plz let top g use it...,5,2023-07-06 17:37:46 +Google Play,5 stars just because i hate twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:19:52 +Google Play,Do we seriously have to see all these random people? Come on now,3,2023-07-06 00:09:23 +Google Play,"This app is mind blowing , i am waiting one app like this , finally meta create this app , now this app beat tweeter,",5,2023-07-06 17:30:08 +Google Play,Give us the original Threads app back!,3,2023-07-06 17:44:33 +Google Play,थैंक्स Threads verry help full APP 🙏💙💙,5,2023-07-06 16:00:29 +Google Play,Best competitor of Twitter Loved it ♥️,5,2023-07-06 13:19:26 +Google Play,Why the hell am I seeing people I don't follow? they shouldn't even be in my feed if Im not following them.,2,2023-07-07 07:42:15 +Google Play,Username is not changeble,1,2023-07-06 06:58:10 +Google Play,glitching a lot,2,2023-07-06 23:18:20 +Google Play,Such a great app by meta,5,2023-07-07 16:23:49 +Google Play,More of a Facebook replacement than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 09:52:40 +Google Play,Same to same Instagram only But not Instagram,5,2023-07-06 08:46:30 +Google Play,It is amazing app.,4,2023-07-06 10:53:36 +Google Play,Better than Twitter; so far.,5,2023-07-07 13:09:55 +Google Play,Looks pretty on so far,4,2023-07-06 20:13:39 +Google Play,This app is 100 % Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:35:55 +Google Play,I love this app already thank you @zuck,5,2023-07-06 02:31:30 +Google Play,This app is very useful,5,2023-07-07 11:37:43 +Google Play,Nice app. I love it❤️👌👌👍,5,2023-07-06 15:58:58 +Google Play,It's not login in,1,2023-07-06 14:26:37 +Google Play,Its better then Twitter ong !,5,2023-07-07 00:19:35 +Google Play,The best app ever!,5,2023-07-06 05:23:43 +Google Play,I just feel like it's a mixed IG x Twitter,4,2023-07-07 02:56:30 +Google Play,Amazing app love it,5,2023-07-07 10:44:43 +Google Play,Good👍. But not necessary to use,5,2023-07-06 12:53:30 +Google Play,App doesn't open.,1,2023-07-06 12:01:05 +Google Play,nice aap only free,1,2023-07-06 15:24:15 +Google Play,I'm just happy Twitter got some competition 😃,5,2023-07-06 10:34:25 +Google Play,Follow me on singhsurya8477 on threads this is a very good platform to like Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 08:17:56 +Google Play,Nice application like Twitter 👍🙂,5,2023-07-06 18:15:53 +Google Play,Just created threads account. And I love it's user interface 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:11:44 +Google Play,Best thing for spending time..,5,2023-07-06 17:53:27 +Google Play,It's cool but there's no DM yet,4,2023-07-06 08:54:04 +Google Play,Interesting but simler to the Twitter,1,2023-07-22 17:35:47 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter but I like this,5,2023-07-06 09:04:10 +Google Play,"Looks like Twitter, but ok",4,2023-07-07 10:11:36 +Google Play,Let's see what it provides that is better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 03:47:15 +Google Play,It's like Twitter please 🥺 change the themes,4,2023-07-06 12:55:06 +Google Play,Wow it was amazing app,2,2023-07-07 10:49:54 +Google Play,super love this app🫶,5,2023-07-06 07:27:10 +Google Play,I wish there was a dark mode.,4,2023-07-07 15:14:10 +Google Play,"Wow I install it on July 7,2023",5,2023-07-06 23:46:39 +Google Play,New app from meta. Let's see how is goes.,4,2023-07-06 08:53:13 +Google Play,No better compare with Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 09:31:01 +Google Play,I am still exploring the application,5,2023-07-06 18:48:58 +Google Play,Twitter without the shame of being on Twitter,5,2023-07-06 22:07:46 +Google Play,Twitter is way better than Threads.,4,2023-07-07 11:51:17 +Google Play,Interesting. Very interesting.,5,2023-07-07 11:45:07 +Google Play,Add feature trending min,5,2023-07-06 10:28:09 +Google Play,Not good as twitter.,3,2023-07-06 13:55:33 +Google Play,lot of bug,1,2023-07-06 23:40:28 +Google Play,Doesn't have a private messages,3,2023-07-07 00:56:13 +Google Play,"Pretty good application, ngl",5,2023-07-06 07:58:39 +Google Play,"Just now I installed, it's pretty looks",4,2023-07-07 03:48:00 +Google Play,Gave it a 5 star because I hate Elon.,5,2023-07-06 06:37:53 +Google Play,So far so good. Leta see!,5,2023-07-06 07:57:15 +Google Play,Wow very nice thanks mark Z👌🏻,5,2023-07-07 09:14:44 +Google Play,awesome not bad to use,5,2023-07-06 12:40:11 +Google Play,First time im use it...its nice!!!!,5,2023-07-06 15:37:03 +Google Play,Please only show threads from people a user followed.,5,2023-07-06 08:36:56 +Google Play,best app better than twitter.,5,2023-07-06 13:37:49 +Google Play,It's better than tiwtter app,5,2023-07-06 11:07:00 +Google Play,Good at first impression,4,2023-07-07 04:53:17 +Google Play,Can you bring unhide thread badge on Instagram! I want that badge again on my profile!!!,2,2023-07-06 17:08:45 +Google Play,It's glitchy on my phone,1,2023-07-06 22:16:48 +Google Play,It's New i support this Let's End this Monopoly of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:24:17 +Google Play,I can't upload photos.,3,2023-07-07 01:16:43 +Google Play,Please add more features 😁,5,2023-07-06 01:27:15 +Google Play,Best Social media Ever All thanks to mark Zuckerberg ♥️🙏🏿,5,2023-07-06 14:30:46 +Google Play,I really like this application,5,2023-07-06 02:49:26 +Google Play,This app works Great,3,2023-07-06 02:02:21 +Google Play,It's nice like twitter 🚶🏻🌝,5,2023-07-06 07:55:15 +Google Play,Just copy of twitter nothing different,5,2023-07-06 19:47:42 +Google Play,Great Alternative to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:07:37 +Google Play,No nonsense app. Thank.,5,2023-07-06 22:51:56 +Google Play,Please let android users switch to dark mode,3,2023-07-06 01:45:52 +Google Play,girls alternative posting selfies and pics app 🙂,5,2023-07-06 14:24:35 +Google Play,Its instagram that looks like twitter.,5,2023-07-07 11:09:43 +Google Play,Need improvement 😔 in this app Some time it's laging,5,2023-07-07 14:01:35 +Google Play,May be better than twitter,4,2023-07-07 09:38:41 +Google Play,Instagram New apps amazing application,1,2023-07-06 18:03:08 +Google Play,Update new plugins like Messages,4,2023-07-07 08:06:53 +Google Play,One more app to waste our time,5,2023-07-07 15:39:46 +Google Play,Early Access indeed,4,2023-07-06 16:30:56 +Google Play,Instagram-twitter works wonderfully,4,2023-07-07 03:50:16 +Google Play,Just a useless copy if Twitter,1,2023-07-07 04:00:55 +Google Play,Can you add translation?,5,2023-07-06 17:42:42 +Google Play,I loved this app 💕itz amazing,5,2023-07-07 12:52:42 +Google Play,I hope it's have following page soon....,2,2023-07-06 03:25:59 +Google Play,I can't change my profile picture,1,2023-07-06 11:58:44 +Google Play,The app is so buggy,1,2023-07-06 01:33:07 +Google Play,App is Clean then Ig I love this app,5,2023-07-07 10:00:10 +Google Play,Its a nice experience in all...,5,2023-07-06 13:48:36 +Google Play,It freaks out on my screen,3,2023-07-07 10:37:03 +Google Play,Good app I am observing it I think 💘,5,2023-07-06 14:04:28 +Google Play,Great new social Media app,5,2023-07-07 02:56:02 +Google Play,Soo good but its destroying Twitter 😆😆😆,5,2023-07-07 14:02:14 +Google Play,Its nice so far ill give 4 stars,4,2023-07-06 06:24:09 +Google Play,Good app I want blue 🔵 tick,5,2023-07-07 12:58:25 +Google Play,THIS APP IS MAGNIFICENT!!!,5,2023-07-06 05:08:45 +Google Play,Why is it Teen why not mature make it a mature 17+ app,2,2023-07-06 13:19:14 +Google Play,Amazing experiences awaiting.,5,2023-07-06 16:49:17 +Google Play,"Ok. I lied. It's fun. Well played, Zuckerberg.",5,2023-07-07 12:36:36 +Google Play,Bad app do not download,1,2023-07-07 09:36:32 +Google Play,Why my acc is something went wrong ? Fix it,1,2023-07-06 03:28:37 +Google Play,Beautiful 😍😍😍😍 Great app,5,2023-07-05 23:22:09 +Google Play,Sweet to use... Thank you....,5,2023-07-06 21:04:03 +Google Play,"Just downloading it but i trust the ""maker""",5,2023-07-07 10:00:23 +Google Play,Its a good alternative to twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:37:36 +Google Play,Teen!!! without trends??!!!,1,2023-07-05 23:56:44 +Google Play,Name is complicated compare to Twitter,3,2023-07-07 02:28:09 +Google Play,There are glitches. Help.,1,2023-07-07 07:22:52 +Google Play,Nice app good job 👏,5,2023-07-06 12:24:05 +Google Play,This application like Twitter but very nice 🙂,5,2023-07-06 15:38:41 +Google Play,It's an amazing app,5,2023-07-06 09:01:09 +Google Play,It glitch sometimes,3,2023-07-07 10:13:03 +Google Play,Make sure meta will add more features.,5,2023-07-13 00:26:13 +Google Play,I am not use a twitter🐦🐦 I am use also 🧵threads,5,2023-07-08 15:34:21 +Google Play,It not working,1,2023-07-06 14:32:15 +Google Play,"im giving this 4 stars so far, let's see what happens in future",4,2023-07-07 03:35:32 +Google Play,This is very useless,5,2023-07-08 17:31:38 +Google Play,Bugs..not working welll,1,2023-07-06 03:52:17 +Google Play,Show amazing application,5,2023-07-07 15:13:03 +Google Play,Minimum is something best . Why develop this aap. What is reason.,3,2023-07-08 02:44:03 +Google Play,It's awesome I must confess,4,2023-07-06 22:42:50 +Google Play,This app is awesome bt there is still no girls who follow me 😔😭,5,2023-07-06 10:37:34 +Google Play,"Welcome to yet another South Park real life analog for choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Do you want Twitter or Threads? Elon or Mark? Either way, you get a guy who cares about your personal data more than your life.",2,2023-07-11 19:00:23 +Google Play,"New thread, new trend. No more expectation.",4,2023-07-06 17:45:27 +Google Play,please add a dark mode button 😭,5,2023-07-06 09:22:38 +Google Play,Installing time to long,3,2023-07-06 14:54:52 +Google Play,Great I built it! 😁,5,2023-07-15 00:34:31 +Google Play,Not bad... Take love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🖤💓,5,2023-07-05 23:26:31 +Google Play,Put an edit button please!,2,2023-07-11 15:23:20 +Google Play,Really liked it.,5,2023-07-06 16:55:27 +Google Play,Y'all need an update asap,3,2023-07-09 18:25:05 +Google Play,This is amazing apps,5,2023-07-15 10:44:40 +Google Play,Lacking so much behind... Blue bird 🐦 >>>> Threads,1,2023-07-06 11:12:51 +Google Play,What a amazing app loved it 💓,5,2023-07-08 12:36:53 +Google Play,Not working fine,1,2023-07-06 16:49:30 +Google Play,Really great app,4,2023-07-08 16:00:08 +Google Play,Great User experience so far,5,2023-07-07 05:30:57 +Google Play,This is very good app. I like this..,5,2023-07-14 11:46:22 +Google Play,The best medium of social media,5,2023-07-06 09:07:52 +Google Play,Really like this app,4,2023-07-07 13:44:18 +Google Play,Found lot of ASO issues.,3,2023-07-07 01:05:03 +Google Play,Very nice application,5,2023-07-15 01:01:38 +Google Play,Nice view my @parbat__katara0077 Nice app instgram views please support,5,2023-07-06 16:36:56 +Google Play,"hii i am the first to put a review, without using this App 😂",5,2023-07-06 18:25:53 +Google Play,help i cant restore id threads in bio instagram?,3,2023-07-06 04:50:29 +Google Play,"please add more like DM, trending",4,2023-07-06 04:53:47 +Google Play,This app is better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 10:20:05 +Google Play,"Sorry to burst your bubble, chief. Twitter ain't going anywhere until you free the ni pple",1,2023-07-06 23:21:27 +Google Play,It's an amazing app,5,2023-07-06 22:01:36 +Google Play,Rlly just a Twitter rip off not bad tho,3,2023-07-13 11:42:17 +Google Play,Twitter is the best twit in the world,3,2023-07-10 11:22:26 +Google Play,Good at threads Instagram,5,2023-07-08 00:37:14 +Google Play,Show the stuff that I'm following and lass to none of the stuff I'm not following.,3,2023-07-14 09:06:24 +Google Play,😲 it's far better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 03:54:49 +Google Play,so far this app is good,4,2023-07-07 13:05:58 +Google Play,Like really I love this app,5,2023-07-05 23:35:06 +Google Play,Cheap Copy🥲 insta & Twitter eh podhum,2,2023-07-08 16:51:19 +Google Play,Best app ever than Instagram,5,2023-07-07 16:34:01 +Google Play,I'd like to translate the threads,5,2023-07-07 04:19:51 +Google Play,the worst I don't like it at all,1,2023-07-11 23:48:42 +Google Play,This is realy better than tweeter,5,2023-07-09 06:15:10 +Google Play,The app is glitching.,1,2023-07-06 15:14:30 +Google Play,Doesn't work anymore,2,2023-07-14 13:52:00 +Google Play,I really enjoyed using it.,5,2023-07-06 16:04:03 +Google Play,Nice app thank you Instagram,5,2023-07-06 03:29:56 +Google Play,Western WeChat ? We want a super App not Twitter comp,4,2023-07-06 14:28:27 +Google Play,Not at par!!! But decent start.,4,2023-07-07 14:15:19 +Google Play,Great experience with😄 this app 🥰,5,2023-07-12 10:49:15 +Google Play,Let's see where this app takes us!,5,2023-07-06 00:49:24 +Google Play,Very good app.,5,2023-07-07 22:22:03 +Google Play,Wow what an amazing app,5,2023-07-08 07:58:42 +Google Play,Random people appears on my HOME. Seriously?,2,2023-07-11 22:02:13 +Google Play,Nice app in Instagram threads 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 13:18:10 +Google Play,"Add ""unhide number / id number threads"" fiture",1,2023-07-08 00:44:54 +Google Play,Add more feature,5,2023-07-06 03:47:04 +Google Play,Twitter is still the best,1,2023-07-06 16:49:16 +Google Play,Good app for Threat 😁 @im._.chandu check it,4,2023-07-06 06:37:41 +Google Play,he need more development,5,2023-07-07 14:04:36 +Google Play,This is very good app,5,2023-07-07 02:20:51 +Google Play,The app is pretty good,5,2023-07-07 02:15:23 +Google Play,App is not open,1,2023-07-08 19:09:02 +Google Play,They out here ready to swoop up the people from twitter after everyone leaves it 💀,5,2023-07-07 16:45:39 +Google Play,This is a very good app,5,2023-07-06 12:35:12 +Google Play,Your app is corrupting.pls chk,1,2023-07-07 06:28:00 +Google Play,Good app keep it up,5,2023-07-06 15:13:32 +Google Play,More much better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 10:13:49 +Google Play,Hashtag does not working....,4,2023-07-06 08:22:49 +Google Play,Useless they only promote famous users.,1,2023-07-09 13:02:04 +Google Play,Some gliches found in app...,2,2023-07-08 05:39:02 +Google Play,The best app I've ever seen,5,2023-07-06 14:46:52 +Google Play,"It isn't owned by musk. So far, that's a win from me.",5,2023-07-07 00:46:24 +Google Play,"Mark Zuckerberg should change the name "" Threads an Instagram app"" to ""Threads a Twitter copy""",1,2023-07-07 11:19:56 +Google Play,Nice to have options,5,2023-07-06 02:07:06 +Google Play,I'm loving this app already!,5,2023-07-06 09:34:48 +Google Play,Twitter copy l don't like it 😠,1,2023-07-07 21:24:14 +Google Play,Such a bug app ever seen,1,2023-07-06 14:55:21 +Google Play,This is just great👍,4,2023-07-07 11:51:32 +Google Play,I found first time a app like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:14:38 +Google Play,THIS IS FIRST REVIEW IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE,5,2023-07-06 13:41:22 +Google Play,Pls put the numbers of how many posts we have,3,2023-07-06 05:04:43 +Google Play,It's just impossible to use,1,2023-07-06 02:11:32 +Google Play,"No other words, I like it 😌",5,2023-07-11 01:47:34 +Google Play,It's exciting to have this app,5,2023-07-06 22:53:02 +Google Play,I really like this app,5,2023-07-08 05:34:49 +Google Play,Such an amazing app,5,2023-07-06 18:30:56 +Google Play,Its an amazing app,5,2023-07-10 02:19:00 +Google Play,Can't log in,1,2023-07-07 17:44:48 +Google Play,App logout ing everytime,1,2023-07-12 01:41:37 +Google Play,It's just instagram again,2,2023-07-06 05:19:59 +Google Play,My profile got changed automatically.,2,2023-07-07 07:20:56 +Google Play,The app is very good.,4,2023-07-07 15:02:39 +Google Play,july 07 23 .. 1st comment 😂🥰 yes i like this apps 00.33am,4,2023-07-06 16:33:49 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter!,5,2023-07-07 01:40:29 +Google Play,Samthing this app is wandarfull warking I am prodof it 🙌,5,2023-07-07 09:59:01 +Google Play,In my view the app is worthless,1,2023-07-08 18:40:55 +Google Play,Very slow not interested,1,2023-07-12 09:19:40 +Google Play,Follow me I'd name wakeel ahmed nice and the good aap that you 😉,5,2023-07-08 02:03:57 +Google Play,please add some features,5,2023-07-06 07:32:19 +Google Play,This app is amazing,5,2023-07-07 07:46:58 +Google Play,it will be much comfortable to use if it has a feature where we can delete our thread acc independently without harming our IG accs. I just noticed that a lot of IG users are afraid to create Thread Accs because it could harm their IG acc once they wanted to take down their thread accounts,2,2023-07-07 07:36:40 +Google Play,So Threads is like Instagram with twitter? InstaTwit😁,5,2023-07-06 18:54:04 +Google Play,This is amazing app,5,2023-07-08 12:13:21 +Google Play,Woke leftist replica of twitter. Can't give 0 stars so give it a 1,1,2023-07-07 00:43:15 +Google Play,Finally a great Twitter alternative,5,2023-07-06 02:09:26 +Google Play,It's better than twitter 😂,5,2023-07-09 02:40:31 +Google Play,Should have hashtags as well,4,2023-07-07 15:40:56 +Google Play,A better alternative than twitter. 👍,5,2023-07-07 06:10:39 +Google Play,Add save option for people's post,4,2023-07-11 17:50:04 +Google Play,Nice app look like Twitter 👍,5,2023-07-06 08:52:55 +Google Play,Space for puns! I'm IN (stagram.. get it?),4,2023-07-06 02:43:30 +Google Play,Must be include trending hashtags like Twitter,3,2023-07-06 18:40:25 +Google Play,Sofar good. Still exploring,5,2023-07-06 09:22:41 +Google Play,Nice and best app hai bahut maza aaya,5,2023-07-06 17:47:58 +Google Play,Love this app!,5,2023-07-06 20:25:22 +Google Play,Very nice applications,1,2023-07-09 02:11:39 +Google Play,Forces you to use Instagram,1,2023-07-11 13:56:24 +Google Play,This is just what the world needed.,5,2023-07-06 22:15:26 +Google Play,Best Social media app for me,5,2023-07-07 17:51:17 +Google Play,"Screw the matrix, no free speech. Twitter is the way",1,2023-07-07 22:28:00 +Google Play,Fantastic app mark,4,2023-07-07 20:11:58 +Google Play,This is amazing app,5,2023-07-06 07:26:00 +Google Play,ui keeps glitching out,5,2023-07-14 12:33:50 +Google Play,I can't remove my threads id from insta profile.,1,2023-07-11 02:30:50 +Google Play,Want more features,5,2023-07-11 08:56:40 +Google Play,Very nice this app,5,2023-07-06 02:49:28 +Google Play,"CENSORSHIP ALERT! This App will sell your information to third parties and the government, and then will block, suspend, and censor you on all your social media.",1,2023-07-08 11:53:49 +Google Play,"Noticed my typed comments slides underneath my keypad, instead of re-adjusting comments view",3,2023-07-06 11:23:34 +Google Play,Loving this threads 😍 2 mins of silence for twitter 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 19:21:33 +Google Play,It's not opening,1,2023-07-06 08:36:45 +Google Play,Only wanna see it from people I follow,1,2023-07-06 19:54:15 +Google Play,Good app now now sign in,3,2023-07-06 09:48:47 +Google Play,New app new environment love it!,5,2023-07-13 07:17:56 +Google Play,Twitter is way better!!,1,2023-07-17 10:22:54 +Google Play,I which I can put 0⭐ I will put it very nonsense,1,2023-07-07 01:40:08 +Google Play,No it i didn't enjoy it.,1,2023-07-08 06:00:58 +Google Play,It is much better then you know what,4,2023-07-07 16:34:29 +Google Play,Good but a copy of Twitter 😁😁,2,2023-07-06 07:24:07 +Google Play,Similar Twitter I don't like it,1,2023-07-10 15:29:00 +Google Play,Amazing experience so far.,5,2023-07-07 14:58:59 +Google Play,I love it! I joined just to piss off Elon Musk!,5,2023-07-07 06:13:52 +Google Play,The app looks awesome,5,2023-07-07 09:34:24 +Google Play,Poor app duplicate of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 21:15:01 +Google Play,Good service this app,5,2023-07-12 13:33:44 +Google Play,Bugs and do not options.,4,2023-07-06 22:18:22 +Google Play,Feeling like using a Twitter app 😂,4,2023-07-06 10:41:51 +Google Play,Copycat app with least use,1,2023-07-13 03:32:47 +Google Play,It is a new start but i have doubt whether it would succeed or may be I am wrong . But still the question remains that Twitter has Elon Musk what does Threads have. Musk is a giant mangnet but Zuckerberg is not.,4,2023-07-06 10:04:01 +Google Play,Twitter killer ? No but better than twitter,4,2023-07-06 05:39:39 +Google Play,There's no room for mail or chat on thread directly,3,2023-07-10 19:23:19 +Google Play,Very good app hahahaha,5,2023-07-08 18:40:34 +Google Play,"Gotta delete ig to delete threads, jebakan batman.",1,2023-07-06 17:05:19 +Google Play,I think it's not right bcz it is copy cat of Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 12:07:06 +Google Play,Better app then all others,4,2023-07-08 00:33:03 +Google Play,Will this be another clubhouse or will make another trend worldwide..?,3,2023-07-06 13:42:30 +Google Play,App full of Glitches,1,2023-07-07 10:10:51 +Google Play,Just rate for the beta test,4,2023-07-06 13:03:18 +Google Play,"is good, recommend 9/10",5,2023-07-09 15:43:40 +Google Play,Nice app from Instagram,5,2023-07-09 00:36:24 +Google Play,This app is network problem😥,1,2023-07-07 06:28:20 +Google Play,Threads is threads that's all thank you,5,2023-07-06 08:26:43 +Google Play,Useless... Twitter is better...,1,2023-07-06 12:12:50 +Google Play,"You do not have a feer of the people you follow, just whatever algorithmic nightmare lizard man conjured up.",1,2023-07-06 07:00:29 +Google Play,Worst app... Don't waste ur time over here,1,2023-07-07 02:58:15 +Google Play,i have a bug in the app,1,2023-07-09 12:49:28 +Google Play,This app is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 13:59:14 +Google Play,This app is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:48:29 +Google Play,It is the wich can break down twitter,5,2023-07-09 20:09:42 +Google Play,Can't post photos,1,2023-07-10 14:10:10 +Google Play,If it does its job I'm game,5,2023-07-06 21:12:39 +Google Play,I think Elon should sue Mark for Copy right infringment.😂 Nonsense app!!,1,2023-07-09 01:09:05 +Google Play,Good app and great app,5,2023-07-08 05:20:12 +Google Play,Very useful application,5,2023-07-07 10:40:44 +Google Play,Everything for Trend*...🥲,3,2023-07-09 14:16:02 +Google Play,stuck in loading,3,2023-07-19 02:09:58 +Google Play,Totally a copy of twitter.,1,2023-07-14 05:12:45 +Google Play,Can't log in,1,2023-07-07 22:59:27 +Google Play,Can't login,1,2023-07-06 11:57:10 +Google Play,Nice app for all users...,5,2023-07-06 16:57:03 +Google Play,Good experience better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:28:22 +Google Play,It's good app but is not Useful,4,2023-07-09 07:29:44 +Google Play,This app is better then tweeter,5,2023-07-06 21:35:29 +Google Play,Definitely better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 13:17:50 +Google Play,This very usefull app,5,2023-07-07 06:52:57 +Google Play,same as insta...no innovative...,1,2023-07-13 08:48:37 +Google Play,Worst app of all times,1,2023-07-10 05:25:42 +Google Play,"Good app, all good 👍",5,2023-07-08 20:01:31 +Google Play,copy cat but still niceee,4,2023-07-11 08:16:34 +Google Play,Absolutely packed full of scammers,1,2023-07-06 15:33:00 +Google Play,My I'd is not showing in it,1,2023-07-07 10:57:47 +Google Play,Mr Musk has a problem with this app and rona we don't 🤣,5,2023-07-08 05:04:05 +Google Play,"Indian ""Koo"" is better .",1,2023-07-07 07:22:26 +Google Play,Nice app you can follow me on threads #s__rishi,5,2023-07-06 08:24:29 +Google Play,New on it but feels like new,5,2023-07-06 16:49:34 +Google Play,It's overlapping so badly,1,2023-07-09 04:31:48 +Google Play,More better than Twitter Thank you mark,5,2023-07-07 01:29:26 +Google Play,fixed dark mode plase,5,2023-07-07 00:26:52 +Google Play,This app is better than twitter🐦👍,5,2023-07-07 07:52:39 +Google Play,Im loving it so far!!,5,2023-07-06 06:03:40 +Google Play,"A twitter copy, dont waste your time",1,2023-07-06 16:30:51 +Google Play,Best 👍.lets introduce DM to own people.,5,2023-07-10 09:25:53 +Google Play,Nice very good app,3,2023-07-06 13:58:32 +Google Play,Initial impression is good,5,2023-07-07 04:37:21 +Google Play,I'd hack kar leta hai don't install this app,1,2023-07-23 17:46:38 +Google Play,Better then Twitter lol I'm just playing,5,2023-07-08 13:04:41 +Google Play,Wow good application Bye bye Twitter😁,5,2023-07-07 07:05:20 +Google Play,Please Change Logo Colour same on Instagram 🤗,5,2023-07-08 14:21:05 +Google Play,Can't save a photo,2,2023-07-17 19:33:56 +Google Play,It's simply marvelous,4,2023-07-06 17:47:28 +Google Play,It's so glitchy!!,1,2023-07-06 08:56:15 +Google Play,Well Done Wish your team all the Best 🌷,5,2023-07-06 11:17:49 +Google Play,"Dis is so nice Thread an Instagram app, a AK dam insta JASHA ha or is ma insta id log in kay ja sak ta ha or es ma saveloge jade famas ho sk ta ha , a bote acha app ha, a app Twitter ko takar Dana ka liya launch kay gay ha, to saveloge install karo ok or muja follow kar na mate VULNA ok",3,2023-07-09 06:48:37 +Google Play,one of the best app 🥰🔥,5,2023-07-07 09:01:48 +Google Play,this app it's awesome,5,2023-07-06 13:07:16 +Google Play,Please add a option to unhide threads badge,4,2023-07-09 10:30:33 +Google Play,Riddled with bots and spyware by Facebook,2,2023-07-13 12:42:03 +Google Play,My account can't found after i use this threads 😞,1,2023-07-22 18:56:14 +Google Play,No edit button on threads,3,2023-07-07 08:58:42 +Google Play,we need an EDIT option😭😭😭😭😭,4,2023-07-24 11:35:11 +Google Play,Very nice application,5,2023-07-06 17:02:30 +Google Play,Very nice 👌 application,5,2023-07-06 17:26:56 +Google Play,Not great not terrible,3,2023-07-06 16:45:08 +Google Play,Very nice application,5,2023-07-06 18:33:15 +Google Play,Is this app crash in my phone,1,2023-07-11 13:44:52 +Google Play,Very good to use,5,2023-07-06 23:04:48 +Google Play,✨It's just a copy of Twitter,2,2023-07-09 22:41:40 +Google Play,It's a bad copy paste of Twitter,1,2023-07-10 08:49:27 +Google Play,"change the ""remove"" button in follower list to ""Follow Back""",5,2023-07-06 13:04:53 +Google Play,No photo developers understand,1,2023-07-14 07:59:22 +Google Play,Absolutely love the app W Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-06 15:40:20 +Google Play,Way Better than Twitter ..!!!,5,2023-07-06 06:36:30 +Google Play,I already like great job guys👍🏽,5,2023-07-06 10:11:14 +Google Play,This is best alternative to Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-06 14:28:55 +Google Play,I think this app fails in 1 year,1,2023-07-07 12:50:21 +Google Play,I got many glitches there.,1,2023-07-06 20:59:49 +Google Play,A hoi.. this app is cool as hell gaddemit,4,2023-07-07 07:51:14 +Google Play,NOT BAD ALL THE FEATURES AVLIAVLE 💓💓,5,2023-07-06 11:32:41 +Google Play,It have a insta taste.,4,2023-07-06 10:36:21 +Google Play,Facing sign-in problem.,1,2023-07-06 12:15:37 +Google Play,Fun to use!!🙌🏾,5,2023-07-06 06:33:11 +Google Play,IT'S COMING FROM TOKYO WAY WXIII PATLABOR THE MOVIE 3 2002 SPRING,5,2023-07-21 18:46:01 +Google Play,Very well built,5,2023-07-07 12:50:48 +Google Play,Should hire more customer service for meta,1,2023-07-06 01:34:59 +Google Play,Getting ready to inverse my time on another instagram app,2,2023-07-08 17:34:57 +Google Play,interface goes crazy,1,2023-07-07 01:37:38 +Google Play,"W app, highly recommend it!",5,2023-07-06 02:44:06 +Google Play,It's better than twitter,5,2023-07-14 09:01:44 +Google Play,I found 7 bugs ....pay me to get Mark Let me tell you one Trying to open someone's replies it's taking me to my phone's home tab,4,2023-07-07 12:30:53 +Google Play,that's better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:08:28 +Google Play,"I don't want Zuck to win, I just want Elon to lose",5,2023-07-13 09:38:12 +Google Play,I think this app is great,5,2023-07-10 12:44:23 +Google Play,It's awesome app.,5,2023-07-07 03:59:28 +Google Play,Biginings looks good,5,2023-07-06 12:37:28 +Google Play,Heyy im the first one who Giving you first review.......keep the good work team and please can you give me blue tick for free lifetime?? Bcoz im the first commenter here please 🙏 🙂,5,2023-07-06 07:34:41 +Google Play,Threads Give me Popularity opportunity.,5,2023-07-06 07:29:21 +Google Play,This is a great app,5,2023-07-11 10:42:16 +Google Play,Great alternative for Twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:32:13 +Google Play,Its a very good app,5,2023-07-18 07:06:47 +Google Play,It's just Twitter but with Meta censorship.,1,2023-07-06 20:12:23 +Google Play,I hope this will be a nice app.,5,2023-07-06 00:20:42 +Google Play,This app has i have lots off bags,1,2023-07-18 02:42:18 +Google Play,Very good application,5,2023-07-06 18:45:10 +Google Play,I am having terrible glitches,1,2023-07-06 15:03:31 +Google Play,This app is tha very middile class app.,3,2023-07-08 04:07:19 +Google Play,Sorry I didn't see your message until now I,5,2023-07-19 14:27:52 +Google Play,This app is better then Twitter 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 05:01:24 +Google Play,This app is same app on Twitter and good app,1,2023-07-09 08:24:13 +Google Play,Thanks god we have Twitter alternative!,5,2023-07-06 11:16:20 +Google Play,Great app and ui,5,2023-07-06 07:38:52 +Google Play,"If you liked pre-Elon Musk Twitter, you'll probably like this.",5,2023-07-07 08:12:02 +Google Play,bad app needs improvments,1,2023-07-13 03:52:37 +Google Play,Can't login,1,2023-07-06 11:48:16 +Google Play,Like Twitter without the 🥜 job,5,2023-07-09 06:27:00 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 👍🏼 Now please change Snapchat.,5,2023-07-06 20:18:05 +Google Play,Not working my phone,1,2023-07-06 14:52:06 +Google Play,Its good. Im i the first to review this app??,5,2023-07-06 13:18:07 +Google Play,We Want Direct Message Option and Hastag Option,1,2023-07-11 16:52:33 +Google Play,Please all download this app Threads on lnstagr all download please,5,2023-07-10 11:40:10 +Google Play,Better than Twitter for sure ;),5,2023-07-06 07:16:18 +Google Play,The best no very very very best aap..,5,2023-07-15 16:12:01 +Google Play,What a legendary appp yoo iam enjoying it,5,2023-07-11 04:10:56 +Google Play,This is a good app frl,5,2023-07-06 23:47:03 +Google Play,i don't want to use instagram to login,5,2023-07-08 06:29:50 +Google Play,Basically we have twitter for that,2,2023-07-06 09:21:04 +Google Play,I think this is good app,5,2023-07-11 14:01:10 +Google Play,Drains battery on phone,1,2023-07-06 21:39:04 +Google Play,People are choose to use this platform do not force to use this app,1,2023-07-07 11:15:05 +Google Play,"Better then Twitter,but i am a big fan of Elon Musk😅❤️",5,2023-07-06 18:11:58 +Google Play,Interesting app I like this application,5,2023-07-07 08:02:16 +Google Play,Reels option is not available😌,5,2023-07-07 10:27:21 +Google Play,like it most as zuck,5,2023-07-07 12:49:03 +Google Play,This is app is so good,5,2023-07-07 13:49:59 +Google Play,This is a nice app,5,2023-07-08 22:33:51 +Google Play,Nice too work,5,2023-07-13 11:33:06 +Google Play,Worst app ever don't download,1,2023-07-18 04:47:57 +Google Play,It's A Good App . Thread's,3,2023-07-07 09:01:44 +Google Play,Thanks for the great app ❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥💥,5,2023-07-06 00:09:47 +Google Play,I feel nice it's Peter than twitter,5,2023-07-07 21:32:35 +Google Play,They have a long way to go,1,2023-07-06 21:50:22 +Google Play,So much better than twitter,5,2023-07-15 11:09:58 +Google Play,Fantastic I Feel Like Used Twitter Now This App Broke Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 03:04:29 +Google Play,Twitter when it was good,5,2023-07-07 03:03:08 +Google Play,"I have been deleted my Instagram, FB accounts before two years back so tell me how could I open my account? 👎👎",1,2023-07-07 03:30:00 +Google Play,Best app forver Powered by Testiwol India Private Limited,5,2023-07-08 02:37:11 +Google Play,New experience. I think it will be better more,4,2023-07-13 00:13:52 +Google Play,Blud where is the trending page,1,2023-07-13 17:16:24 +Google Play,Didn't work few days,1,2023-07-18 05:51:07 +Google Play,Very cool app elon musk is on shock 😁😁 Plz remove threads id from my 2nd insta id @imjayveersingh im deactivate that account from threads,5,2023-07-06 09:46:16 +Google Play,it's just like Twitter but smells less musky,4,2023-07-05 23:36:40 +Google Play,I can't update my app,1,2023-07-21 02:52:23 +Google Play,Just a copy cat and why tf u cant delete it,1,2023-07-07 17:51:37 +Google Play,unsubale UI is bugged,1,2023-07-07 03:23:39 +Google Play,Very good application,5,2023-07-06 14:39:41 +Google Play,Very good 😊 best App 👍,5,2023-07-06 17:37:29 +Google Play,Overall it's good*,5,2023-07-07 10:37:50 +Google Play,Better than Twitter freedom of speech 💬😀,5,2023-07-09 18:01:28 +Google Play,Good app in a long time,5,2023-07-07 08:29:33 +Google Play,Nice app as a Twitter 👍,4,2023-07-07 15:49:25 +Google Play,pls add a close friend option 🙏,4,2023-07-06 18:47:02 +Google Play,This is great app,5,2023-07-17 21:11:54 +Google Play,New lunch threads app Instagram brother sem,5,2023-07-06 10:46:50 +Google Play,even truth social is better than this,1,2023-07-13 08:09:12 +Google Play,Quite good and Amazing,5,2023-07-06 20:36:23 +Google Play,Very good application,5,2023-07-06 01:28:49 +Google Play,I really like this app🧶🧵🪡,5,2023-07-06 02:45:46 +Google Play,Coz !! Our official account can be deleted if we delete threads !! So badd,1,2023-07-16 20:21:20 +Google Play,New app nothing better to Twitter,3,2023-07-06 17:25:42 +Google Play,Not good as twitter🙂,3,2023-07-22 17:13:46 +Google Play,STOP STEALING IMPORTANT PERSONAL INFORMATION!,1,2023-07-07 12:01:36 +Google Play,We need a trending section ASAP,4,2023-07-08 01:27:27 +Google Play,I think you should add a private message section,5,2023-07-09 18:15:09 +Google Play,I liked this app very much,5,2023-07-07 20:11:58 +Google Play,Don't got Elon sooooo it good!,5,2023-07-06 02:05:34 +Google Play,Threads app nice I am Instagram user thanks,5,2023-07-06 01:52:02 +Google Play,Nice App good work,5,2023-07-06 23:32:59 +Google Play,Absolutely love it,5,2023-07-06 09:39:12 +Google Play,Best App as compared to Twitter,5,2023-07-07 18:16:44 +Google Play,Good but could be better,4,2023-07-22 11:35:46 +Google Play,Very Nice Application,5,2023-07-10 19:54:43 +Google Play,"Happy to finally leave the HELLSCAPE that is Twitter. Wish Zuckerberg would wreck Elon's dumb face in that MMA match that Elon so desperately asked his mommy to bail him out on. But whatever, cheers to all you here.",5,2023-07-06 10:10:30 +Google Play,More to be discovered,5,2023-07-07 03:55:22 +Google Play,This app is greater than twitter 😆,5,2023-07-06 23:46:28 +Google Play,Hey thread unable to post any thing @dreezy.neal,1,2023-07-06 03:46:28 +Google Play,I really like this ❤app,5,2023-07-07 09:57:42 +Google Play,Hey brohh don't worry this app is safe for you ✌🏻🙃,5,2023-07-10 10:10:37 +Google Play,Very Amazing App 😍❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 17:00:08 +Google Play,Best app from Mark Zuckerberg the meta Man 👞,5,2023-07-21 02:57:33 +Google Play,It's good than twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:17:57 +Google Play,How can y'all move on from Twitter just like that🤣😭💔,5,2023-07-07 07:23:35 +Google Play,Glitch when I'm scrolling,1,2023-07-08 06:39:23 +Google Play,Im in already love with this app ❣️,5,2023-07-06 10:18:53 +Google Play,useless copy of twitter,1,2023-07-22 12:55:00 +Google Play,Way better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 01:43:24 +Google Play,Needs chronological timeline of follows,1,2023-07-06 01:03:01 +Google Play,No added value from others,1,2023-07-06 09:51:54 +Google Play,How we can add the link of threads in instagram,3,2023-07-08 06:15:39 +Google Play,It's better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 21:40:25 +Google Play,Worst. Full of glitches,1,2023-07-08 19:21:25 +Google Play,stop showing me accounts I don't even follow,1,2023-07-08 11:20:22 +Google Play,Good need dark mood,4,2023-07-06 14:32:35 +Google Play,Overall that's okay,4,2023-07-06 17:10:25 +Google Play,This app is same to same an Twitter,5,2023-07-07 11:41:57 +Google Play,Nice Mark well done😄👏,5,2023-07-07 14:52:23 +Google Play,It good in the beginning,3,2023-07-06 13:03:10 +Google Play,Just open and join the apps,3,2023-07-06 23:25:47 +Google Play,My followers are not increasing 😡😠,1,2023-07-09 09:21:01 +Google Play,Really fun app.,5,2023-07-07 00:27:37 +Google Play,It's better than twitter 😁😂😂,5,2023-07-08 11:27:59 +Google Play,It is So much better then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:53:22 +Google Play,I useing this and ya I like it,5,2023-07-08 13:40:06 +Google Play,Most of my feed is people I'm not even following...,1,2023-07-14 01:53:43 +Google Play,"I need followers, your algorithm sucks",1,2023-07-06 13:30:03 +Google Play,It's a perfect compitition,5,2023-07-07 06:46:09 +Google Play,Blury quality issue,1,2023-07-09 15:36:52 +Google Play,Threads is not easy,5,2023-07-20 14:22:04 +Google Play,It's a young version of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:10:43 +Google Play,Awesome! Thanks Mark.,5,2023-07-07 20:51:56 +Google Play,Twitter dupe. Gotta love it.,4,2023-07-09 18:11:15 +Google Play,Very Good app.,5,2023-07-06 06:21:07 +Google Play,Bad app not to try it 🤮,1,2023-07-06 14:56:02 +Google Play,Low budget version of twitter,1,2023-07-09 12:44:43 +Google Play,doesn't work ui bugging,1,2023-07-06 08:23:04 +Google Play,Awesome and fantastic 😊😊😊😊,5,2023-07-08 12:37:53 +Google Play,There is no Messages 😶,3,2023-07-06 20:50:28 +Google Play,It's already better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:50:44 +Google Play,It's very Interesting.,5,2023-07-06 04:38:51 +Google Play,Great alternative to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 01:10:10 +Google Play,No response to my threads post .I post daily on thread but not recommending my post to anyone on thread. Not recommended 🤬,1,2023-07-11 17:57:26 +Google Play,it's a little too much,5,2023-07-07 05:00:38 +Google Play,This is app very best aap 🥰,5,2023-07-12 20:39:49 +Google Play,Thanks for helping me quit Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 15:44:01 +Google Play,Threads is better then twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:10:32 +Google Play,Just a cool app not like twe***,5,2023-07-07 00:28:11 +Google Play,Wow what a great app,5,2023-07-06 11:56:55 +Google Play,I really like this application 😎😎,5,2023-07-08 18:49:31 +Google Play,Wow it's like a Twitter tho,4,2023-07-06 14:19:58 +Google Play,Great twitter alternative This realy twitter killer app Go ahead mark zuck 👍,5,2023-07-07 12:02:14 +Google Play,Good experience for meta verses,5,2023-07-07 08:04:46 +Google Play,very boring app,1,2023-07-09 09:51:27 +Google Play,I can't use my Instagram anymore,2,2023-07-08 20:04:45 +Google Play,This app is amazing,5,2023-07-08 14:25:48 +Google Play,There is a big glitch,1,2023-07-06 08:43:13 +Google Play,I just installed it to give one star.,1,2023-07-15 04:46:02 +Google Play,This is a useful app,5,2023-07-09 09:26:35 +Google Play,IT KEEPS CRUSHING WHENEVER I MENTIOM OR TAG SOMEONE PLEASE FIX IT ASAP,1,2023-07-09 13:08:34 +Google Play,This is app is so cool.,5,2023-07-07 16:06:47 +Google Play,Lots of bugs!,1,2023-07-06 13:16:37 +Google Play,Awful and invasive,1,2023-07-08 06:48:50 +Google Play,Nice and good.,5,2023-07-06 06:35:21 +Google Play,Not bad for a first attempt!,4,2023-07-06 01:30:17 +Google Play,Nice app for usage,5,2023-07-10 15:42:25 +Google Play,Very different app,1,2023-07-08 14:25:16 +Google Play,Tweeter ka copy hain par better then tweeter,5,2023-07-07 12:59:59 +Google Play,Very nice 🙂 i like Threads 😊👍,5,2023-07-23 07:42:39 +Google Play,A very good social site,5,2023-07-11 17:44:01 +Google Play,I uninstalled the moment I installed.,1,2023-07-06 16:18:39 +Google Play,Same tweter but cute💙💙,4,2023-07-09 14:59:31 +Google Play,Wow Such A Amazing Application 😍,5,2023-07-06 16:57:55 +Google Play,Nice.... Still exploring,5,2023-07-08 15:10:55 +Google Play,Great app i like it,5,2023-07-06 11:05:35 +Google Play,It's good Only need #,5,2023-07-06 22:59:17 +Google Play,It's a great application,5,2023-07-06 06:10:53 +Google Play,You must add trending option like Twitter,2,2023-07-06 06:49:13 +Google Play,It's good bad not be so good,4,2023-07-07 08:10:37 +Google Play,It's just a copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-10 15:38:19 +Google Play,Wow it was just good,5,2023-07-06 05:58:58 +Google Play,Seems dead even with millions of users.,2,2023-07-07 01:26:55 +Google Play,Very good this app,5,2023-07-09 05:07:43 +Google Play,"Plz tell me, how can I log in if i m not an insta user....👎👎👎",1,2023-07-19 14:58:50 +Google Play,Where are massinging button,3,2023-07-07 04:38:32 +Google Play,This is wild. Love it,5,2023-07-06 23:32:44 +Google Play,Very useful app,5,2023-07-10 23:07:03 +Google Play,Good experience l love it 💥,5,2023-07-06 10:55:40 +Google Play,Definitely better than Twitter 😀,5,2023-07-08 02:57:14 +Google Play,"It's a copy of twitter , the app is launched to compete twitter,as mark Zuckerberg is a part of matrix ,decides to cancel the people who open minds ,so there is no freedom of speech , Zuckerberg doesn't know about privacy and decides who to ban and who to not ,can't ban woke but bans who are against it with the point of you ,",1,2023-07-18 05:40:35 +Google Play,Really amazing and thnx @zuck,5,2023-07-06 23:27:48 +Google Play,A very good one App,5,2023-07-07 00:19:14 +Google Play,Just amazing app,5,2023-07-06 18:35:42 +Google Play,Threads are better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 03:00:20 +Google Play,Zuck needs to actually make his own app,1,2023-07-09 14:02:20 +Google Play,What a mess. A half assed app hosting a ton of half assed Libs all crying about Trump and MAGA. 🤣,1,2023-07-23 11:58:14 +Google Play,It is the panic app,5,2023-07-17 08:13:14 +Google Play,Good app i must say,5,2023-07-06 15:16:40 +Google Play,It's better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:28:03 +Google Play,"Good evening, we are from Ukraine. From Ukraine with love...",1,2023-07-09 19:31:09 +Google Play,This app more than better Twitter,5,2023-07-09 14:34:47 +Google Play,Very nice to see.,5,2023-07-07 03:08:38 +Google Play,Twitter is far far far better .,1,2023-07-09 13:19:33 +Google Play,Need a reel features 🌬️🌼,4,2023-07-13 16:58:59 +Google Play,Good alternative to Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 22:32:26 +Google Play,Mark you need to stop stealing!,1,2023-07-11 05:16:30 +Google Play,This app got me chronically online,5,2023-07-06 11:15:18 +Google Play,Add translate & dark mode asap,3,2023-07-06 13:51:11 +Google Play,glitches so much,1,2023-07-08 05:03:51 +Google Play,"Pls add Dark Theme, my eyes hurt",4,2023-07-20 17:37:36 +Google Play,Twitter is better then this copied app,1,2023-07-08 17:05:58 +Google Play,This app is literally going to overtake twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:38:24 +Google Play,One of the best app,5,2023-07-10 06:53:47 +Google Play,Please add and remove badge option,4,2023-07-14 05:22:18 +Google Play,Hate that I cant delete my threads account without also deleting my instagram account,1,2023-07-11 06:43:04 +Google Play,Too good app then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:28:01 +Google Play,"Predictably as censor-heavy as Facebook, which has publicly stated that their ""fact-checkers"" are utilizing mere opinion to shut down opposing viewpoints. Effective as an echo chamber for non-dissenting discourse. Not effective for honest conversations about important topics.",1,2023-07-06 15:55:40 +Google Play,Love the app!,5,2023-07-06 05:32:10 +Google Play,Best apps like Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 12:33:56 +Google Play,I don't know what is this but I like this app,5,2023-07-08 12:59:29 +Google Play,The app is fantastic,4,2023-07-07 06:37:19 +Google Play,I just get a black screen.,1,2023-07-07 17:52:22 +Google Play,Awesome then Twitter...Good Job 👍,4,2023-07-13 08:44:42 +Google Play,wont let me post videos :(,2,2023-07-06 01:25:48 +Google Play,Can't even post anything on this app I done know why,1,2023-07-11 09:15:20 +Google Play,Good i really liked it 🦋,5,2023-07-08 11:22:29 +Google Play,It's pretty cool actually,5,2023-07-08 00:15:19 +Google Play,Superb app..Better than facebook and ista tbh...,5,2023-07-07 05:38:58 +Google Play,Wonder I think its better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 18:51:12 +Google Play,I wish you could switch accounts easily.,4,2023-07-06 02:52:43 +Google Play,Only for pm imran khan installed app 😎,4,2023-07-07 12:11:27 +Google Play,Better than twitter i guess,5,2023-07-07 16:49:15 +Google Play,I don't see a point of this app,2,2023-07-08 16:29:42 +Google Play,This thing is addicting,4,2023-07-06 22:20:51 +Google Play,Good app but copy of twitter,4,2023-07-08 09:56:45 +Google Play,This app so slow 😔,4,2023-07-06 09:08:18 +Google Play,Better than Twitter for sure,5,2023-07-07 20:48:15 +Google Play,This app is good.,4,2023-07-10 03:49:27 +Google Play,"Absolutely, awsm app.",5,2023-07-06 12:50:35 +Google Play,This app is very good,5,2023-07-06 03:38:13 +Google Play,The best app i like it,5,2023-07-07 08:02:56 +Google Play,Great job Meta,5,2023-07-08 07:47:32 +Google Play,Something slowly apps,3,2023-07-10 14:14:57 +Google Play,I don't have Instagram account,1,2023-07-12 23:59:52 +Google Play,Something new always appreciated,5,2023-07-07 07:38:35 +Google Play,It has ultra bugs,1,2023-07-06 10:37:27 +Google Play,Now This app is varry amazing,5,2023-07-24 08:17:57 +Google Play,everything glitches when i scroll lmao,1,2023-07-06 09:30:05 +Google Play,New and the best app..,5,2023-07-12 01:30:39 +Google Play,Let's try it and see what it offers. I'm amongst the 1st users,5,2023-07-05 23:05:10 +Google Play,Thanks for threads an Instagram,5,2023-07-09 03:20:33 +Google Play,"It's an absolute copy of Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg needs to bring something new, always copying an already existing application and releasing as your own. Develop something new which you can say with pride that it is what is made by myself. Copying Twitter won't help.",1,2023-07-13 05:33:46 +Google Play,Super app loved it,5,2023-07-06 17:44:10 +Google Play,Useless social media app. Fully similar look like 50% Twitter and 50% Instragram. And I have both of app. So why I use this app. Totally boring application. I can't spend my time on this app. So finally I uninstalled this boring app.😵‍💫👎🖕,1,2023-07-23 03:06:37 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-11 02:22:39 +Google Play,I like it but it does need some improvements like more private settings like there should be a option to hide my replies from people while having my profile in public simliar to the twitter circle like that,3,2023-07-10 19:46:54 +Google Play,Just do it in right way!,4,2023-07-06 11:06:22 +Google Play,I'm starting to love this app already 🩵,5,2023-07-06 07:27:05 +Google Play,"This app is very good, it is a lot of fun, very good app",5,2023-07-09 01:57:58 +Google Play,New thread It was good option for Twitter 😀,5,2023-07-08 07:20:25 +Google Play,"It a best app for the discussion. And it also promotes the discussion in text , which is quite similar to Twitter but better than it.",4,2023-07-10 19:21:25 +Google Play,Combo pack of insta and Twitter,4,2023-07-08 07:46:05 +Google Play,My timeline won't refresh.,2,2023-07-06 02:55:00 +Google Play,I can already say Threads will end up being better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 06:10:55 +Google Play,Never been a twitter fan but now Im into threads🙂,5,2023-07-06 11:30:27 +Google Play,This is so much good,5,2023-07-10 19:40:56 +Google Play,It is super exciting 😃,5,2023-07-06 18:16:26 +Google Play,"When you search ""elon musk"" results show only parody accounts 10/10",5,2023-07-06 06:09:51 +Google Play,"Unlike Twitter, you don't have the freedom of speech. I dare anyone to condemn any of their agendas such as: Gender identity or homosexuality and not getting blocked.",1,2023-07-07 21:06:32 +Google Play,For me this is okay for me kaya bibigayan ko Siya NG 5 star rating,5,2023-07-19 13:28:29 +Google Play,"Full of glitchesAF, wasted my 90 mbs😭",1,2023-07-06 05:01:19 +Google Play,The app crashes everytime when I'm going to upload the photo. So I can't post a photo.,1,2023-07-08 05:28:43 +Google Play,Very bad app.........,1,2023-07-08 01:19:21 +Google Play,Not better than twitter! 🗿,3,2023-07-07 03:15:42 +Google Play,The app was okay for the first couple of days and then all my verified accounts and political nonsense. Not even two days and it's turned into Twitter pre 2022.,1,2023-07-09 23:24:27 +Google Play,So since this app came out insta shut down and crashes - if it crashes on startup = app doesn't exist = can't have a good rating,1,2023-07-09 03:31:26 +Google Play,Nice home page experience,5,2023-07-06 02:40:22 +Google Play,Zee fashion trendzz (follow),5,2023-07-13 08:35:53 +Google Play,This app was copied from Twitter,5,2023-07-09 10:23:07 +Google Play,It's better than Twitter,3,2023-07-07 01:48:29 +Google Play,It's wonderful I like this 😍,5,2023-07-10 09:57:06 +Google Play,Very Good. Expecting to beat twiter,5,2023-07-07 12:45:54 +Google Play,Best app ever!,5,2023-07-07 16:10:11 +Google Play,Let seperate the app with Instagram,5,2023-07-16 19:50:41 +Google Play,I cant edit a comment after spelling mistake :(,4,2023-07-07 01:21:51 +Google Play,Plzz don't dwnld the app,1,2023-07-12 02:55:26 +Google Play,Best app good bey twitter 🖤🐦‍⬛,5,2023-07-06 09:27:53 +Google Play,"""Competition is fine but cheating is not"" you're accuse of violation of IPR",1,2023-07-07 03:00:31 +Google Play,Copy cat with less pravicy.,2,2023-07-07 00:17:00 +Google Play,"Needs search, hashtags, some way to curate your feed. It just shows celebrities and influencers, discovery is weird.",1,2023-07-10 21:59:15 +Google Play,I hope meta will unban Andrew tate on Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 03:08:33 +Google Play,Better than twitter!,5,2023-07-07 01:09:47 +Google Play,There is a problem in the application,3,2023-07-06 16:51:51 +Google Play,It is best Twitter Clone for GenZ,5,2023-07-06 13:35:47 +Google Play,Copy of twitter 😂😂😂 cheap app cheap thinking,1,2023-07-22 04:48:48 +Google Play,Hey i am one of the early downloaders don't forget that instagram team,5,2023-07-06 02:49:12 +Google Play,Looks good so far,5,2023-07-07 10:59:51 +Google Play,Its eerr.. its an okay app.,5,2023-07-15 11:25:04 +Google Play,Very bad app no like my photo Aadhar friend only celebrity increase account And Another user no boost account 😠😠😠,1,2023-07-11 07:06:39 +Google Play,Most bare bones app,1,2023-07-19 04:27:49 +Google Play,"So far so good , day 1",4,2023-07-06 05:07:19 +Google Play,Its same as twitter whays is the diffrence,1,2023-07-08 06:24:22 +Google Play,One of the best apps,5,2023-07-08 07:58:58 +Google Play,"after linking my instagram account to threads, it won't stop crashing when i try to open the instagram app with that account. i can't even disconnect my account from threads without deleting my account entirely ☠",1,2023-07-07 22:12:27 +Google Play,This app ui beautiful,5,2023-07-11 05:44:23 +Google Play,Very good application,5,2023-07-09 08:22:16 +Google Play,"I installed the program and after the countdown on Instagram, I visited the program several times to run. But unfortunately it does not work yet",3,2023-07-05 23:30:18 +Google Play,Rating to promote the success of a Twitter competitor,5,2023-07-08 06:14:08 +Google Play,This app is gonna be the crazy .....👌✅🤞,5,2023-07-08 08:53:17 +Google Play,It's new app it's good,5,2023-07-17 06:46:23 +Google Play,"I have a Great experience of using this app, it's convenient to communicate without my friends on Instagram!",5,2023-07-09 08:04:15 +Google Play,Nice app the replacement of Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 15:13:21 +Google Play,"It is an app only to steal data, it is useless and when deleting the account it only deactivates it but the number continues to appear on the instagram profile",1,2023-07-11 13:47:18 +Google Play,I wanted to try the app out but I don't have an Instagram account so it cannot sign up or try out the app. Don't need an Instagram account.,3,2023-07-18 15:00:20 +Google Play,Very good application,5,2023-07-10 15:27:18 +Google Play,Very good application,5,2023-07-11 06:15:55 +Google Play,It is just copy of twiter......,1,2023-07-07 16:56:04 +Google Play,Can't log In or get out,1,2023-07-15 21:03:15 +Google Play,This app is awesome,5,2023-07-06 14:03:11 +Google Play,It's not working I'dont know whyy?!!,1,2023-07-07 00:25:51 +Google Play,Very good application 👌👌👌👌😊😊,5,2023-07-06 07:48:11 +Google Play,I have glitch in the app,1,2023-07-07 03:43:12 +Google Play,I cant even log in,1,2023-07-17 01:57:23 +Google Play,Thx for saving us from twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:58:25 +Google Play,Great app love it❤❤,5,2023-07-06 21:14:20 +Google Play,@Rishabbhhh_09_ this is better app for twittwer,5,2023-07-06 18:18:51 +Google Play,Everything is fine.,5,2023-07-08 11:19:07 +Google Play,"The Meta format arguably is by far a superior product. A social dynamic networking tool, engaging & interactively emersing both the very Ultimate in Social Media. With the Cutting Edge Evolutionary future of notoriety & symbolism in a world it stands alone.",5,2023-07-07 08:49:52 +Google Play,make it can use username,1,2023-07-13 09:35:12 +Google Play,Nice work like,5,2023-07-08 02:00:00 +Google Play,Good competition by mark,4,2023-07-06 19:38:17 +Google Play,Don't install this app,1,2023-07-11 03:45:25 +Google Play,I download the application from the 1st of of release.,5,2023-07-06 18:20:26 +Google Play,Hello m excited to use thread.. but ye bht hang horaha hai kya reason haii?,5,2023-07-07 21:59:48 +Google Play,Not a snooth app to use.,1,2023-07-07 19:47:47 +Google Play,"NO CHRONOLOGICAL OR FOLLOWERS ONLY TIMELINE, JUST ALGORITHM STUFF",1,2023-07-06 10:38:09 +Google Play,"Damn, so many permission",1,2023-07-06 01:27:06 +Google Play,a fantastic app,5,2023-07-12 04:03:00 +Google Play,"Better than Twitter, thanks Elon.",5,2023-07-05 23:30:55 +Google Play,Frist time use on threads started so congratulations ceo Mark chacha,4,2023-07-07 14:25:39 +Google Play,Men.. I love the UI,5,2023-07-07 14:57:53 +Google Play,Excellent this app,5,2023-07-09 10:36:28 +Google Play,Upload procedures slow,1,2023-07-08 07:38:42 +Google Play,I can't post a picture,3,2023-07-08 10:27:06 +Google Play,I thik its had a problem cuzz its sooo laaaaggggg,1,2023-07-06 05:59:39 +Google Play,I'm downloading because of Aya and yasser 🩷👀,5,2023-07-06 10:19:35 +Google Play,"Extremely poor user experience, the app kept logging me using insta. Even after insta app was uninstalled. App removed from phone.",1,2023-07-06 21:15:55 +Google Play,Application is crashing,1,2023-07-06 16:40:18 +Google Play,It's better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 04:10:45 +Google Play,smells good and not musky like Twitter,5,2023-07-09 21:51:44 +Google Play,"Well, the concept is copy-paste and has no customization/personalization options for the feed and content.",2,2023-07-07 11:38:36 +Google Play,Expecting this app to be good as others by Zuckerberg. Otherwise I'm writing this review just to be among the first people that wrote a review to threads 😁🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 07:53:08 +Google Play,What a ui and interface 🤟,5,2023-07-06 09:43:55 +Google Play,"Family friendly Twitter, you don't have freedom.",2,2023-07-06 05:59:44 +Google Play,"Not as good as Twitter as it has no trending, news, or for you! Search only shows people's names no threads.",2,2023-07-08 01:42:50 +Google Play,Nothing special there to enjoy and knowledgeable,1,2023-07-08 05:14:25 +Google Play,Yea no thanks after seeing all the Data that is collected on this app. No thanks especially after META was working with the GOV.,1,2023-07-07 00:22:25 +Google Play,I love this app!,5,2023-07-08 08:36:35 +Google Play,It's awsome!!! Thncx meta !,5,2023-07-07 05:56:37 +Google Play,it's very good useful thing 👆,3,2023-07-13 17:57:02 +Google Play,It's an amazing app.,5,2023-07-07 06:23:03 +Google Play,Not work on my phone,1,2023-07-08 15:16:47 +Google Play,It's awesome 😎 and great 😃👍,5,2023-07-09 03:31:32 +Google Play,First from West Africa to use this App. LoL,5,2023-07-07 09:42:50 +Google Play,It buging a lot when I install it and get irritated. When I try to scroll remarks of previous page left behind and can't read other thing please fix it,1,2023-07-10 14:30:25 +Google Play,🫣 hope it works well,5,2023-07-07 08:26:14 +Google Play,I love this app<3,5,2023-07-08 06:25:07 +Google Play,Not good Twitter is best,1,2023-07-10 18:05:59 +Google Play,It is awesome social app Loved it,5,2023-07-06 12:41:25 +Google Play,Very nice this app💜,5,2023-07-06 09:24:33 +Google Play,Since I registered I haven't been able to use the app it's been really glitchy I can't do anything it just acts like I installed a virus,3,2023-07-06 09:29:55 +Google Play,"Its just another app. Same users as instagram, kinda useless. And the data they collect about you in insane.",1,2023-07-07 15:43:33 +Google Play,"How can I see in the feed, the posts of persons that I follow on Threads? not everybody who l not following.",1,2023-07-06 10:54:22 +Google Play,Still learning about it,3,2023-07-06 03:09:14 +Google Play,I have already one Instagram app 😏,1,2023-07-06 16:53:37 +Google Play,I regret after downloading this because of I deleted threads Instagram account will delete,3,2023-07-16 17:27:59 +Google Play,Twitter is Best Bruh! This is too much booring.,1,2023-07-15 17:14:30 +Google Play,mudah mudahan better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:52:23 +Google Play,The app is bugging on my device,1,2023-07-07 12:13:11 +Google Play,Ohhh This app is fun..,5,2023-07-07 06:59:25 +Google Play,Same old trash as Twitter,1,2023-07-06 13:56:40 +Google Play,Hard to get followers 😞,3,2023-07-07 20:10:08 +Google Play,It's better than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 13:36:22 +Google Play,I just love everything,4,2023-07-08 10:28:27 +Google Play,I don't understand this app!,2,2023-07-22 19:45:47 +Google Play,"Horrible, twitter is superior",1,2023-07-23 00:29:30 +Google Play,Keep improving it,5,2023-07-06 12:18:18 +Google Play,This app is very much interesting entertaining and it will help you learned many good things about the world and universe I don't like it but I really love it and thank you so much for bringing this app,5,2023-07-07 11:04:27 +Google Play,"Not bad, Not bad 🙅",5,2023-07-08 09:22:32 +Google Play,Stolen nasty app! Don't use it,1,2023-07-07 12:12:28 +Google Play,It isn't letting me post anything Bruh,2,2023-07-08 12:30:39 +Google Play,It's look like old insta,4,2023-07-06 17:39:47 +Google Play,Loving it so far,5,2023-07-07 11:47:39 +Google Play,Am I the first one to write a review? Let's go! Excited to see how this goes. High expectations from Meta.,5,2023-07-06 05:54:38 +Google Play,Can you please add the ability to switch between accounts?,3,2023-07-07 02:13:52 +Google Play,Amazing app ever,5,2023-07-08 14:16:50 +Google Play,Glitchy hai bhai zuck. Can't use.,1,2023-07-06 06:18:50 +Google Play,Good zabar10 app i love you,5,2023-07-07 09:21:22 +Google Play,Oh.. this one..is it from Facebook..or Meta....is it first company that was baned. Full of copy paste...,1,2023-07-14 02:59:01 +Google Play,"Competition is okay, cheating is not",1,2023-07-08 02:10:33 +Google Play,Stat is my threads an Instagram thanks for you insta tim,5,2023-07-15 03:09:31 +Google Play,Worst app for me it's glitching inside the app I can't even open it. I was so eagerly waiting to try it.,1,2023-07-07 05:00:15 +Google Play,The apps are glitching,1,2023-07-07 07:21:59 +Google Play,This app is a joke and stands nowhere near twitter. It looks like a microblogging version of instagram which I hate. I'd better stick with twitter.,1,2023-07-09 09:07:34 +Google Play,Fan-freaking-tastic!,5,2023-07-13 00:54:44 +Google Play,Does not work!,1,2023-07-09 21:36:02 +Google Play,Really Good App,5,2023-07-08 04:50:33 +Google Play,"Mark of the beast. The Lord rebuke you all agents of darkness. Disguising satanism for technology. 666 logo, the mark of the antichrist. God forbid.",1,2023-07-07 15:43:53 +Google Play,I need the daark mode settings asap,1,2023-07-11 19:47:24 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-06 14:29:22 +Google Play,New and just trying it out. I have no opinion at this time.,4,2023-07-18 11:04:56 +Google Play,Very nice product Good working,5,2023-07-08 17:31:38 +Google Play,No trending option in threads,1,2023-07-06 10:20:50 +Google Play,100% better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 16:56:04 +Google Play,This app is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 14:56:01 +Google Play,Elon Musk bad this app good,5,2023-07-06 18:01:22 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-24 06:26:04 +Google Play,Terrible. Looks and feels like a total ripoff of the original and the trolls that are spewing venom right out of the bat is insane.,1,2023-07-12 17:05:34 +Google Play,"This is just a cheap copy of Twitter, and I mean cheap..it just has a horrible user interface. 1 star!!",1,2023-07-06 23:38:09 +Google Play,A new way to sell your personal information by META,1,2023-07-06 16:18:13 +Google Play,Very very very good.,5,2023-07-08 06:37:57 +Google Play,Very Good App Better Than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:03:00 +Google Play,This app may share location and 12 more informations to third party apps. It is similar to fb and insta! Where is privacy after sharing my information to third party apps 😔 Disgusting,1,2023-07-10 03:36:20 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 100 times 🔥,5,2023-07-09 06:37:39 +Google Play,"constant crashing 💀 seriously i hope this issue is only for my device, i'm switching to app store to see if my iphone handles it better",3,2023-07-07 09:50:45 +Google Play,Damn this is a dope twitter clone!!!,5,2023-07-06 16:50:17 +Google Play,Because it give you many things to do,5,2023-07-08 18:00:26 +Google Play,My TL glitch when I started scrolling,1,2023-07-06 10:40:04 +Google Play,I think I am the first person to leave a rating here even before starting the app,3,2023-07-06 09:36:53 +Google Play,It's a copy of Twitter!,1,2023-07-08 06:57:10 +Google Play,"full of bugs, is unusable and after a whole still haven't got any updates to fix the bugs. L zuck",1,2023-07-07 05:02:48 +Google Play,It's really interesting,5,2023-07-06 07:38:48 +Google Play,It's fresh and fun!,5,2023-07-06 13:56:27 +Google Play,This app is very youseful,5,2023-07-11 09:14:21 +Google Play,10/10 wholesome AF rn but they need to get onto banning bigots and slurs. If they wanna beat Twitter they're gonna have to step it up a bit.,5,2023-07-07 22:16:35 +Google Play,Cheap Twitter not expecting from Mark,2,2023-07-06 16:41:12 +Google Play,No sign up option,1,2023-07-07 05:07:43 +Google Play,This app is very bad 🥺,1,2023-07-18 03:22:29 +Google Play,"Need to have an Instagram account which I don't have and no option make make an account for just this, so I gave up and uninstalled immediately.",2,2023-07-07 13:28:41 +Google Play,This very good app 👍👍👍,4,2023-07-06 12:13:03 +Google Play,I am not using Instagram 😭,1,2023-07-13 14:54:57 +Google Play,I am having problems with threads againnn🤷‍♀️,2,2023-07-06 16:37:11 +Google Play,I m downloading it I will keep u updated guys,5,2023-07-05 23:14:41 +Google Play,GREAT EXPERIENCE FAR BETTER THAN TWIT-FACE,5,2023-07-14 11:34:32 +Google Play,Like this app real well,4,2023-07-10 21:29:13 +Google Play,good twitter alternative.,5,2023-07-06 01:40:34 +Google Play,It's great for me😁. Highly recommend it.,5,2023-07-06 13:19:18 +Google Play,"Overall experience is good but I have facing issues while uploading the photos ,that was very disappointed",3,2023-07-11 01:32:10 +Google Play,not fine bug,1,2023-07-06 18:41:00 +Google Play,Most awaited platform 🤝🏻,5,2023-07-07 13:17:12 +Google Play,Am i the first one for a review?😶 Anyways this hits the spot,5,2023-07-06 19:49:56 +Google Play,"It's have access to my very personal information, and it's not acceptable for a social application like this !!!!",1,2023-07-12 17:58:25 +Google Play,Why Instagram login id?,1,2023-07-07 12:56:32 +Google Play,We cant delete threads account without deleting our instagram account😭😭,1,2023-07-15 07:49:10 +Google Play,Easy to use,4,2023-07-09 06:25:44 +Google Play,I hope you add direct messages,2,2023-07-08 06:56:58 +Google Play,Compatible version of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 10:35:38 +Google Play,It's good for fun,5,2023-07-06 21:38:43 +Google Play,"Super app ,Love it 🥺❤️",5,2023-07-09 04:42:07 +Google Play,A lot of improvement needed. The design is minimilistic but the app is not handy.,2,2023-07-08 18:52:08 +Google Play,I Used This App MY Experience is Too Good,5,2023-07-07 12:44:52 +Google Play,"After I downloaded this app, my instagram kept crashing the moment I opened it. After I deleted this app, instagram started working normally....",1,2023-07-09 14:35:22 +Google Play,"The app invades users' privacy by abusing the public's lack of attention. I would like to delete my threads account but for that I need to delete the Instagram account, forcing users to continue using that app. This is completely ridiculous, you could have done better.",1,2023-07-10 02:04:08 +Google Play,I love this app and vary ujfool ❤❤❤,5,2023-07-06 08:21:58 +Google Play,"Very bad experience. Needs instagram account to use it and if you create an instagram account with email, their dumb system will suspend it as boat.",1,2023-07-06 09:46:43 +Google Play,I don't want instagram.,1,2023-07-11 10:57:49 +Google Play,You guys forgot to add # hashtag feature,4,2023-07-06 14:22:20 +Google Play,very good appppppppp,5,2023-07-08 14:08:32 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-11 19:08:06 +Google Play,I am pleased to inform my progressive colleagues that there IS no hiding from the truth,2,2023-07-12 15:49:25 +Google Play,Twitter is more better than Treads,1,2023-07-10 12:25:24 +Google Play,Why I need an insta ac for using it?,1,2023-07-07 03:17:14 +Google Play,Just because I can't delete it 🤣,1,2023-07-09 12:04:56 +Google Play,After installing this app I can't change my Instagram chat themes I can't call anyone I can't see photos This is a wrost application don't waste ur net and time 🤬,1,2023-07-14 06:06:01 +Google Play,Very good apps ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 12:56:48 +Google Play,"There was a bug that made the app unusable, I've submitted a report and hope it gets fixed.",2,2023-07-07 08:54:47 +Google Play,Boring. Had it for 3 days and deleted it. Waste of time and info for the advertising behemoth that meta.,2,2023-07-19 01:31:13 +Google Play,Incredibly toxic political environment. Give it a rest already.,1,2023-07-12 14:12:51 +Google Play,Twitter is still better😂😂😂,1,2023-07-11 10:52:39 +Google Play,This is the best app,5,2023-07-06 02:29:39 +Google Play,Very good nice App 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 05:43:17 +Google Play,"I got it bc of Zayn, seems to be okay so far",5,2023-07-06 01:04:27 +Google Play,"So far , I'm enjoying this new meta threads 😀",4,2023-07-07 17:05:59 +Google Play,Very nice app 💯,5,2023-07-09 11:36:18 +Google Play,सबसे अच्छा app better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:46:19 +Google Play,Need more updates,4,2023-07-10 17:46:10 +Google Play,Toooo much content,2,2023-07-13 19:04:57 +Google Play,It's better for Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-07 18:01:12 +Google Play,App isnt working properly. It keeps showing glitches after entering dashboard.,1,2023-07-10 10:27:24 +Google Play,"Copy of Twitter, Not good",1,2023-07-08 13:22:36 +Google Play,Deleted all my information. .. horrible,1,2023-07-08 01:19:38 +Google Play,Please add dark mode to it,1,2023-07-11 13:38:29 +Google Play,Very useful this app,5,2023-07-06 01:57:06 +Google Play,"Not only is it an incomplete, glitchy app. It broke my Instagram app. After deleting my threads account and uninstalling. My Instagram still has the threads badge on my bio. No matter how many times I press ""remove badge"" to temporarily remove it, the moment I refresh my insta page the badge is back on my bio. Meta is using my bio to advertise this app. I have expressed I hate it by uninstalling it and deleting my account it's disingenuous. Shouldn't my data be deleted? Why is there a badge",1,2023-07-13 14:23:45 +Google Play,Ctrl + c Ctrl + v 😅,1,2023-07-10 15:12:45 +Google Play,"Extremely invasive. Collects way too much data for it to be even legal. Moreover, feels like a watered down dumbed out twitter",1,2023-07-19 10:43:49 +Google Play,I can't find Instagram bottom,5,2023-07-09 18:13:18 +Google Play,A good app of instagram,5,2023-07-07 05:20:33 +Google Play,Threads will eleminate the influence of Twitter sonner than later,5,2023-07-09 05:38:01 +Google Play,Include Message features,5,2023-07-06 06:24:25 +Google Play,Lot better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 23:13:04 +Google Play,Better than twitter!,5,2023-07-06 21:11:00 +Google Play,Laughing at all you dumb clowns who are actually downloading and using this🤣🤣🤣.,1,2023-07-08 23:35:26 +Google Play,Great app so far✨❤️,5,2023-07-06 21:06:04 +Google Play,"I found a error occurred in download the app, it was downloaded till 97% then it is not continues. What can I do",3,2023-07-12 03:54:11 +Google Play,want to get money on this app,5,2023-07-07 08:28:55 +Google Play,This is op app for the Twitter users and use so let's download now,5,2023-07-19 08:30:30 +Google Play,It will definitely beat the Twitter 😄,5,2023-07-06 16:39:33 +Google Play,An error has occurred screens of different pages are colliding and app doesn't working words are mixed up,2,2023-07-07 15:25:28 +Google Play,Wayyyy better then twitter,5,2023-07-08 06:16:29 +Google Play,Can't post images,1,2023-07-06 23:21:06 +Google Play,Actually a phenomenal app,5,2023-07-14 11:35:29 +Google Play,As soon as I opened this app it went smoothly but right after 3 days it started crashing & the app doesn't open even at all,1,2023-07-24 05:19:05 +Google Play,"a very copy pasty code from twitter. but its all business. twitter made all libtards go away bc anyone can offend them now without being banned, so zuccy the lil libby decided to take that into his advantage bc as you may already know on FB you get banned instantly if you say something mildly inappropriate or falsely offensive. lmfao anyway this is for the west mostly. enjoy your shitshow",1,2023-07-07 10:37:25 +Google Play,Amazing I want blue tick 😍,5,2023-07-07 02:47:47 +Google Play,I CAN SEE THIS APP ohhhhh Twitter...,1,2023-07-08 01:31:30 +Google Play,very nice app,4,2023-07-06 05:52:57 +Google Play,"This app is boring, what's the point of having this? You have 1000s of followers and get 5 likes. What a waste of time this app is. Worst part is all you see are verified people complaining about irrelevant things in their perfect lives.",1,2023-07-16 14:02:15 +Google Play,A very good app,5,2023-07-09 04:40:39 +Google Play,Pretty boring with cringe leadership,1,2023-07-20 18:56:26 +Google Play,It's reporting well so far,5,2023-07-08 18:03:10 +Google Play,There is a good application,5,2023-07-06 17:47:50 +Google Play,UT USED TO BOOST OUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT AND EASILY TO CHAT AND TWEET LIKE IN TWITTER 😎❤️,5,2023-07-08 18:39:14 +Google Play,"Didn't care for Twitter, don't care for this either. I didn't understand what it was based off the description and no tutorial upon downloading.",1,2023-07-07 07:04:14 +Google Play,Still better than Twitter 🗿,4,2023-07-06 18:37:01 +Google Play,It's user friendly,5,2023-07-06 18:08:45 +Google Play,Can't wait to get censored once again.,2,2023-07-08 16:51:12 +Google Play,Nice app Plz guys follow me on Instagram My I'd is salam.arab.3954,5,2023-07-06 05:23:17 +Google Play,Great job zuck,5,2023-07-06 09:12:48 +Google Play,Plzz plzz plzzz improve scrolling speed And Including dark mode Plzzzzzzzz Plzzzz update,1,2023-07-19 01:23:40 +Google Play,How upload profile picture 📸,2,2023-07-07 13:34:16 +Google Play,New things are be coming join it fast,5,2023-07-06 18:07:43 +Google Play,I love the app I swear god 🤣,5,2023-07-06 10:28:58 +Google Play,Please you need to add DM and some Joint Group or gathering club for internation with other user to promote peace and love,5,2023-07-13 13:39:26 +Google Play,Awesome app 😎 loved it 😅😅,5,2023-07-06 09:20:26 +Google Play,Dear Elon musk : Do you see this five star ? You'll never get it on Twitter 🙂 Thanx Mark 🤍,5,2023-07-08 10:24:45 +Google Play,I'm not joining Instagram for threads,1,2023-07-06 23:46:40 +Google Play,You can't delete your Threads account unless you delete your Instagram account also.,1,2023-07-06 15:02:39 +Google Play,why does it delete my Instagram account if i want to delete threads,1,2023-07-23 19:28:17 +Google Play,Can we have a section which is what popular around us?,5,2023-07-07 10:14:57 +Google Play,Twitter wanna be. Just as expected they are censoring speech and shadow banning accounts that don't align with their views. Delete > uninstall.,1,2023-07-13 03:38:17 +Google Play,"Excited to try out, just meh, 1 star rating for Account deletion process. DO NOT USE if you are not 100% committed or else you will have to delete your Instagram account as well",1,2023-07-06 20:07:39 +Google Play,App is crashing,1,2023-07-11 14:08:36 +Google Play,NO DARK MODE... WHERE ARE THE TRENDING TOPICS? 🤔,1,2023-07-06 01:23:15 +Google Play,Preferable and better than Twitter,5,2023-07-12 12:10:11 +Google Play,Somebody put a blanket on Twitter logo Also if you can add tiktok in insta why can't you just add threads as a feature in insta Also not a possible growth of someone who don't use insta,1,2023-07-18 17:56:24 +Google Play,Right away far best that Twitter 😅😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😅😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😁,5,2023-07-07 05:28:58 +Google Play,App is crashing,1,2023-07-06 14:20:13 +Google Play,Very bad term condition 💔,1,2023-07-20 13:11:42 +Google Play,This is a amazing 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 17:20:37 +Google Play,Go go more features please,5,2023-07-07 05:35:27 +Google Play,Its fine but nothing new 😏🙂,4,2023-07-06 03:57:00 +Google Play,Excellent than that twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:47:06 +Google Play,Glitchy and buggy,1,2023-07-07 04:32:26 +Google Play,Doesn't really serve a different purpose. 🤔,1,2023-07-07 20:58:58 +Google Play,"Nice app , thanks Zuck",4,2023-07-12 21:39:52 +Google Play,Most welcome new app,5,2023-07-10 01:12:41 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter,1,2023-07-13 18:17:56 +Google Play,Very nice app 👌👍,5,2023-07-06 17:21:36 +Google Play,its a ver good app,5,2023-07-08 08:21:36 +Google Play,It's crashed somehow,1,2023-07-06 20:30:18 +Google Play,It's a good app for social platform it is better experience than Twitter and a new platform of but there is a problem that we want to delete thread Id then we have remove our Instagram account👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-18 16:09:49 +Google Play,"Would rate 0 stars, insane to not disclose that this will become permanently attached to your Instagram account. Wish I'd never downloaded.",1,2023-07-12 04:05:40 +Google Play,"İt's ok. Lacks tons of features. Like chronological feed, search for topics translate",3,2023-07-13 15:27:49 +Google Play,It is the very nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 07:33:07 +Google Play,This aap is very good 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-07 11:28:00 +Google Play,very very nice,5,2023-07-17 15:15:20 +Google Play,It's too good app,5,2023-07-12 07:49:52 +Google Play,I love this app for,5,2023-07-11 05:30:16 +Google Play,Straight away been blocked by thread🤣,3,2023-07-07 07:33:33 +Google Play,East or west Twitter is best,1,2023-07-09 12:33:09 +Google Play,This is gonna take some getting used to...,3,2023-07-06 14:53:18 +Google Play,Love This App !,5,2023-07-07 10:27:56 +Google Play,The app is amazing,5,2023-07-07 18:48:01 +Google Play,"Too much like Twitter but is also redundant bc Meta already have The Facebook App. If you haven't already, plz don't even waste your storage unless you don't mind a Twit-book hybrid.",1,2023-07-06 12:54:18 +Google Play,Why Hashtags Are Not Working ?,3,2023-07-06 12:07:19 +Google Play,Allow nudity post just like twitter and you gonna get everyone there,4,2023-07-07 14:04:33 +Google Play,Such a great app💥💣⚡💯,5,2023-07-06 15:57:49 +Google Play,It just suspended my account right at the sign-up page. Definitely gonna hàte this app and never returning to use it.,1,2023-07-06 03:58:25 +Google Play,Not happy at all. Do we really need to deactivate our Instagram profile to get rid of the Thread profile? Disappointed.,1,2023-07-10 01:52:20 +Google Play,Nothing but instgram 2.0,1,2023-07-06 17:13:55 +Google Play,Best app ever!,5,2023-07-07 16:03:02 +Google Play,Time line is a mess,1,2023-07-06 08:19:54 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-07 01:50:57 +Google Play,Definetli replace it tweeter,5,2023-07-08 06:26:01 +Google Play,"Need Chat, Translate, Hashtag #️⃣ and Poll",3,2023-07-06 09:02:28 +Google Play,I downloaded the app but the only way to use it is to log into an Instagram account. It doesn't look like I'll be using this until that is changed.,1,2023-07-08 19:32:14 +Google Play,cant even use it,1,2023-07-06 13:35:32 +Google Play,Wow osm mast so beautiful app,5,2023-07-08 12:08:44 +Google Play,Better experience than twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:07:55 +Google Play,We can't see cage fight but yes..,5,2023-07-06 13:21:00 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-09 18:51:45 +Google Play,5 Stars because it isn't Twitter.,5,2023-07-05 23:31:35 +Google Play,Not good like Twitter,1,2023-07-10 16:05:48 +Google Play,Hi guys ❣️ My name is Aashish r star It's very good app 😊,5,2023-07-06 01:00:40 +Google Play,Threads is better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 09:52:23 +Google Play,This is nice app,5,2023-07-15 15:31:22 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-21 01:37:43 +Google Play,"The worst app ever, no feature, just random people out of nowhere, unstable and laggy.",1,2023-07-16 13:32:15 +Google Play,Very much investment by Meta👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 18:49:48 +Google Play,Literally the app destroy the Twitter career🥺🥲💖✨💫❤🔥🔥✋,5,2023-07-09 02:45:41 +Google Play,Look so good so far,4,2023-07-07 14:04:11 +Google Play,Facebook and Instagram had a baby that's call threads,5,2023-07-07 01:42:38 +Google Play,Why can't we have 2 account added,3,2023-07-07 06:00:58 +Google Play,Worst app ever. So cringe😑,1,2023-07-19 15:53:26 +Google Play,Missing bookmark option😐,3,2023-07-06 04:39:35 +Google Play,No hashtags just floop app,1,2023-07-07 18:39:44 +Google Play,Good but I am new I have 1m followers in Twitter but in threads only 95,4,2023-07-09 08:15:20 +Google Play,Worst app totally copy of Twitter btw Twitter>>>>>>>than curly reptile,1,2023-07-19 14:09:24 +Google Play,why i can't delete my account without deleting my ig account?,1,2023-07-09 10:47:41 +Google Play,hey marc u need to stop some times,3,2023-07-06 02:11:45 +Google Play,Better than Instagram👏👏,1,2023-07-24 11:12:29 +Google Play,So far i like it..,5,2023-07-08 07:59:32 +Google Play,I can't see the list of people who decide to follow me from Instagram to accept them please fix !! I want to accept all my fans who decide to follow me from Instagram !! The list disappear please fix as soon as possible so I can accept all my fans !!!,3,2023-07-09 00:25:44 +Google Play,Wohoooo!!Just Launched in India🥳,5,2023-07-06 03:54:53 +Google Play,Very cool application ❤️👑,5,2023-07-07 01:02:05 +Google Play,"Thread has a very unique design, just simple. I wish to have more fun with this app 😊",5,2023-07-11 06:21:36 +Google Play,The app is already down -_-,1,2023-07-07 01:06:12 +Google Play,I just downloaded this to say I'm not using this. People need to realize Zuckerberg's companies have violated many ethical standards.,1,2023-07-11 19:41:16 +Google Play,Fun and interesting,5,2023-07-06 07:54:46 +Google Play,I'm the first to write a review! This is a sleek app btw,5,2023-07-06 06:54:21 +Google Play,It's not rendering components correctly. It's like the canvas is not clearing before updating.,1,2023-07-07 19:00:46 +Google Play,hey put add again option in it i hid by mistake now how do i get it back,2,2023-07-08 17:23:17 +Google Play,Still needs some features but so far this is the most relaxed social media platform.,4,2023-07-13 17:17:18 +Google Play,Don't download this it has a bug that can ruin your instagram account. If you download this and log in your instagram app will start crashin and it's pretty annoying arggghhh don't download this app or you will regret this i swear,1,2023-07-09 09:37:42 +Google Play,Seems good. Wish its for forever hahahah,5,2023-07-07 22:35:02 +Google Play,"Copy of Twitter, I Just Installed It To Follow The Great Leader Imran Khan.",4,2023-07-15 11:30:04 +Google Play,"Need to DM option , So people can flirt each other 🤣",4,2023-07-07 19:14:07 +Google Play,Monetization is not available,1,2023-07-07 05:59:21 +Google Play,Looks gr8. Tantrums free.,5,2023-07-06 05:48:40 +Google Play,This really is trash.. just another app to be irrelevent on and follow famous ppl as if they don't have our attention enough is a big NO for me.. if somebody gonna make another app atleast let it have some substance,1,2023-07-10 07:05:15 +Google Play,A cheaper version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 11:52:50 +Google Play,This is the work of art 😀🎭,5,2023-07-07 11:25:33 +Google Play,Very nice compitor.,5,2023-07-06 18:15:49 +Google Play,The app keeps glitching,2,2023-07-07 04:22:40 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter.,1,2023-07-20 06:37:41 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😅 Love it threads,4,2023-07-10 03:18:56 +Google Play,VERY GOOD It is So Addictive 👍,5,2023-07-06 13:29:43 +Google Play,Better than instagram 🤓,5,2023-07-08 15:28:29 +Google Play,More like twitter that's it 🫤,2,2023-07-07 18:04:13 +Google Play,It's just amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-06 07:46:03 +Google Play,"Basically a copy of Twitter. It's a nice app that wholly replaces using Elons Twitter, but still uninstalling it. Not for me.",3,2023-07-07 23:05:32 +Google Play,This aap is so nice aap,5,2023-07-11 06:18:52 +Google Play,Good Experience For Threads... Well done 👍✅,3,2023-07-12 01:05:08 +Google Play,Very nice app,4,2023-07-13 17:23:15 +Google Play,Good app from meta,4,2023-07-07 05:29:20 +Google Play,A lot better than Twitter,5,2023-07-13 17:15:33 +Google Play,hello my name is akbar lovely bajire bbj thank you,3,2023-07-09 02:04:29 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter 😦,1,2023-07-07 09:20:39 +Google Play,I love this app,4,2023-07-06 15:57:15 +Google Play,Woo awsome things to come...,5,2023-07-06 17:58:00 +Google Play,The latest platform🥰,5,2023-07-06 10:42:15 +Google Play,Too many red flags,1,2023-07-19 13:03:10 +Google Play,This app is so cool 😎,5,2023-07-07 17:32:59 +Google Play,Nice work meta,5,2023-07-06 13:29:24 +Google Play,Very best app...,5,2023-07-07 17:01:57 +Google Play,This is a good app 👆👍❤☺,5,2023-07-09 03:49:18 +Google Play,Easy to use.,5,2023-07-06 17:18:35 +Google Play,Its seems like a Twitter,5,2023-07-06 04:38:04 +Google Play,Just a cheap copy,1,2023-07-12 17:15:35 +Google Play,Honestly it's not bad but it's just twitter with less features and users. Don't get me wrong I think it's cool but it's just lacking,3,2023-07-07 06:12:20 +Google Play,It's lovely but no dms yet tho,4,2023-07-07 23:57:01 +Google Play,this is better than twitter✅️✅️✅️,5,2023-07-06 05:56:38 +Google Play,very good app,5,2023-07-10 13:05:17 +Google Play,Still better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 00:28:39 +Google Play,Very nice app 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-09 02:07:51 +Google Play,In urgent need of a follow requests sent tab pls pls pls,3,2023-07-06 11:25:04 +Google Play,West this app boring boring 😭,1,2023-07-11 14:02:26 +Google Play,It is not object,1,2023-07-07 13:55:39 +Google Play,Add save button,1,2023-07-09 23:39:50 +Google Play,This apps is just a feelings,5,2023-07-07 04:06:37 +Google Play,This is very nice,5,2023-07-08 16:27:37 +Google Play,Good app. But I would be more happy if this doesn't link with Instagram. Make this separate . 🎉,5,2023-07-05 23:41:51 +Google Play,This is good app,5,2023-07-11 18:55:09 +Google Play,App force closes when I try to upload a photo. Even after clearing the cache and uninstalling/reinstalling,1,2023-07-10 19:42:52 +Google Play,I like this so much,5,2023-07-06 05:09:43 +Google Play,Tried to use. Can't create account without Instagram. I uninstalled threads. You can't force me to use an app I don't want to use.,1,2023-07-08 21:11:33 +Google Play,The very first review of this app. Mark I told you I was the first to review it 😁,5,2023-07-06 06:35:45 +Google Play,bugs on Pixel 6,1,2023-07-16 13:41:34 +Google Play,There isn't any saving option 😞.,1,2023-07-07 12:03:12 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-06 12:18:13 +Google Play,Like tweeter But Concept Is Cool🙌,5,2023-07-07 10:48:42 +Google Play,First time open bugs 😂🤣,1,2023-07-10 14:25:44 +Google Play,That is twitter lite version,2,2023-07-10 01:23:51 +Google Play,"Copy of twitter, but worse",1,2023-07-08 13:11:47 +Google Play,So boaring app dont download this,1,2023-07-19 14:12:20 +Google Play,Why theres glitch?,1,2023-07-06 14:32:16 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-08 16:08:06 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-08 02:54:46 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-07 05:12:06 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-09 12:19:35 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:24:07 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-08 03:41:39 +Google Play,Very nice app👍,5,2023-07-06 05:10:39 +Google Play,Very nice app,4,2023-07-07 08:29:03 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-06 13:12:01 +Google Play,Account switching not possible,3,2023-07-06 11:50:16 +Google Play,Very nice app 🖤🖤👍👍👍,5,2023-07-15 16:57:09 +Google Play,looks good for now,5,2023-07-06 07:53:24 +Google Play,Worst Twitter copy ever!!,1,2023-07-07 08:52:52 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-21 01:32:49 +Google Play,Need more work.,1,2023-07-14 02:53:27 +Google Play,"Have already left having a feed that is full of stuff that I am not interested in. I don't have the time to ""mute"" shops, DJs and others that I have no interest in.",1,2023-07-06 19:35:52 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter,4,2023-07-07 10:29:16 +Google Play,I think it's a good app,5,2023-07-07 02:26:30 +Google Play,Why you need every details of my phone. Too much data tracking. You are just a cheap copycat.,1,2023-07-16 07:51:31 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter,1,2023-07-06 17:52:42 +Google Play,How can I accept 100k people req at a time ???,1,2023-07-06 10:23:58 +Google Play,"It gave me a bunch of ""threads"" that I have no interest in. Just give us an app without the staged propaganda,",1,2023-07-07 12:31:35 +Google Play,This is a best app,5,2023-07-12 04:14:34 +Google Play,Meta can't compete with the twitter.,1,2023-07-06 08:39:11 +Google Play,very good app 👌🏻,5,2023-07-10 03:44:28 +Google Play,Can't even got the code,1,2023-07-15 05:08:15 +Google Play,This app is really mean to me as I found my role models here and they are posting mesmerizing content 🤍. Thank you 🙏,5,2023-07-10 07:21:40 +Google Play,"Honestly,Better than Twitter!!",5,2023-07-13 05:15:07 +Google Play,Copy paste and bad copy,1,2023-07-10 09:48:41 +Google Play,So bad Just like a mixture of insta and Facebook,1,2023-07-08 12:30:37 +Google Play,feels like home thanks zuck,5,2023-07-07 08:08:09 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-06 15:43:08 +Google Play,my threads always error until now.,1,2023-07-17 21:47:32 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter,1,2023-07-07 14:40:39 +Google Play,I use this and best. App,5,2023-07-07 15:23:09 +Google Play,Please give a separate delete option,1,2023-07-09 10:15:17 +Google Play,Very very glittering and glitche interface. Too much bad experience.,1,2023-07-06 09:16:08 +Google Play,"good, better than t",5,2023-07-07 08:16:42 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-06 14:40:17 +Google Play,Is bad app will uninstall,1,2023-07-08 00:15:09 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-09 01:46:22 +Google Play,Very very good social app,5,2023-07-12 13:47:53 +Google Play,Much better then twitter,5,2023-07-07 14:04:06 +Google Play,this is good app,5,2023-07-08 04:45:07 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-08 22:47:44 +Google Play,Amazing app loved it ❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-11 11:08:47 +Google Play,Maybe better than twitter🥊😅,5,2023-07-06 13:31:36 +Google Play,Looks better than twitter ngl,5,2023-07-06 11:06:51 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-05 23:26:19 +Google Play,"I am skeptical, but hopeful.",2,2023-07-06 12:29:06 +Google Play,Very nice app,1,2023-07-09 13:02:37 +Google Play,Very nice app 💯💯,5,2023-07-07 14:35:10 +Google Play,Looking good so far,5,2023-07-06 07:22:11 +Google Play,best app i use it,5,2023-07-09 17:39:56 +Google Play,Bakwash app. Not useful,1,2023-07-06 10:27:01 +Google Play,Can't get in with my FB account.,1,2023-07-06 08:21:55 +Google Play,Thread id deletion will delete insta too..,1,2023-07-08 11:12:47 +Google Play,Does not work at all.,1,2023-07-08 15:35:45 +Google Play,"just Twitter copy, nothing new",1,2023-07-09 08:21:33 +Google Play,Very Nice aap Best Future Star,5,2023-07-17 14:09:30 +Google Play,The app seems very nice. It's kinda a new experience and this app is very smooth and easy to use. Let's see what happens next,5,2023-07-06 17:39:15 +Google Play,Very nice app 👍👍,5,2023-07-10 02:28:37 +Google Play,"I m getting problm in downloading the app. The app not able to get installed , it have some bugs . Please review it.",1,2023-07-06 10:35:51 +Google Play,Hope it will become competitior for Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 13:16:15 +Google Play,I'm excited about this new app. :),5,2023-07-12 12:51:43 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-08 07:43:54 +Google Play,I Like This App more than all this tipe apps,5,2023-07-06 18:00:57 +Google Play,I think. It will Gain more Popularity Later ✌️,5,2023-07-07 19:44:07 +Google Play,This app use only blue tick wale😏,3,2023-07-06 08:33:13 +Google Play,"feed of junk, goodbye",1,2023-07-20 22:55:28 +Google Play,Twiter is best among all time @elonmusk,1,2023-07-08 06:36:39 +Google Play,Nice grow the app 👍🏻👌🏻,5,2023-07-21 06:54:43 +Google Play,It's very nice talaga na apps HAHAHAHA,5,2023-07-07 11:08:25 +Google Play,I suggest to remove dark mode,3,2023-07-06 06:59:56 +Google Play,Can't delete my account from this garbage,1,2023-07-10 14:20:46 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-09 13:31:26 +Google Play,Please an option to switch between logged in accounts,4,2023-07-06 05:29:23 +Google Play,App is gleaching I want to report this app,1,2023-07-08 05:27:43 +Google Play,I get 'Your thread failed to post' Every other time. 🤬,1,2023-07-08 17:09:08 +Google Play,This app is vary good App i love this app 👉😎😎😎😎😎,5,2023-07-14 14:45:03 +Google Play,This is amazing 👏 🙌 😍,5,2023-07-06 06:54:18 +Google Play,It's great I can't lie,5,2023-07-08 17:57:22 +Google Play,"Just trash. Absolutely pointless app, and now I can't delete my account without losing my Instagram.",1,2023-07-21 22:50:43 +Google Play,It's a Great app,5,2023-07-10 23:00:03 +Google Play,Yes it's nice app,5,2023-07-14 09:37:38 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-09 05:44:30 +Google Play,Really good so far,4,2023-07-06 21:58:31 +Google Play,It's better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 16:02:43 +Google Play,Just delete Twitter and go with Threads.,5,2023-07-11 21:07:28 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-07 04:03:39 +Google Play,its actually rlly good.,5,2023-07-06 17:03:48 +Google Play,Easy to use.,3,2023-07-16 03:03:21 +Google Play,Just released and in love in with this,5,2023-07-08 14:50:28 +Google Play,bad app not a followers,1,2023-07-12 18:49:30 +Google Play,Yah it's fine app easy to use but not fun I find it boring and not really good I feel it's really early to judge it after some time it will be fun,1,2023-07-14 09:46:18 +Google Play,Need more updates 💕,4,2023-07-07 09:03:37 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-14 05:56:04 +Google Play,Cant even uninstall 💀,1,2023-07-17 12:55:53 +Google Play,Access all my information? For what?,1,2023-07-08 04:58:37 +Google Play,This is the app vandar full ☑️☑️☑️,5,2023-07-10 17:50:22 +Google Play,This app is creating a new era of social media.,5,2023-07-06 18:03:47 +Google Play,"Wow,its amazing",5,2023-07-06 13:51:46 +Google Play,Lots and lots of glitches. I had to delete this app cause i absolutely couldn't use it after logging in,1,2023-07-07 09:36:44 +Google Play,the apps was fine but the problem is that i can't delete my thread's account and i can't hide the badge. i installed it by accident before i know that i can't delete the threads acc so please make a way for those that doesn't want to have the threads account to delete their account.,1,2023-07-07 14:04:04 +Google Play,Very nice this App I want Before like this,5,2023-07-07 15:27:09 +Google Play,"Not associated with Elon Musk, 5 stars!",5,2023-07-06 04:19:00 +Google Play,This application is very good,5,2023-07-06 11:53:33 +Google Play,"Tricked me into installing, but didn't give an option to delete the account. Ummmm that's definitely very creepy. I'll just be on twitter. 🙏🏼",1,2023-07-06 04:09:05 +Google Play,This app shakes and glitches on arrival😐,1,2023-07-06 19:28:36 +Google Play,Copy of twitter 0/10,1,2023-07-09 01:01:31 +Google Play,Use Full And Intrested App,5,2023-07-06 05:37:59 +Google Play,Works well si far,4,2023-07-09 17:02:08 +Google Play,It disabled my Instagram account,1,2023-07-19 10:20:51 +Google Play,"Crashes every time I try to post an image. I want to get into this, but I'll give up if I can't use it the same way as everyone else",2,2023-07-06 21:05:00 +Google Play,"You can't delete your account without also deleting your Instagram account. Don't sign up, it's not worth it.",1,2023-07-09 22:06:47 +Google Play,Lots of bugs there,1,2023-07-06 15:18:08 +Google Play,"Wasn't able to login with my Instagram account. The app keeps saying ""unknown network error"".",1,2023-07-10 12:30:28 +Google Play,Very good apps,5,2023-07-13 19:18:28 +Google Play,Could not create an account. Requires an Instagram account. Why do I have to sign up to another app to use this one?,1,2023-07-06 12:44:23 +Google Play,"The interface crashes again and again. The ui needs to be debugfed , ui interface gets masked and messy",1,2023-07-08 18:23:20 +Google Play,Very helpful app,5,2023-07-06 17:06:36 +Google Play,Need more updates 😌,5,2023-07-06 12:22:34 +Google Play,Not interested Twitter better,1,2023-07-06 12:51:18 +Google Play,"I am so lucky, one of the first person to try threads first in the world",5,2023-07-09 11:25:15 +Google Play,Useless in every term.,1,2023-07-20 07:24:50 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:50:24 +Google Play,I can't get this ap on my laptop,3,2023-07-20 11:41:13 +Google Play,Please bug fix,1,2023-07-07 08:51:49 +Google Play,-1 there's no DM features yet,4,2023-07-07 00:58:11 +Google Play,Looks like Twitter got a competitor..,5,2023-07-06 16:26:38 +Google Play,It works well.,5,2023-07-07 03:04:51 +Google Play,"Bland app design, nothing new to do with the app. Ctrl c, Ctrl v for no reason at all.",1,2023-07-13 22:53:28 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-11 13:58:39 +Google Play,This app the not have chatting,2,2023-07-14 07:56:20 +Google Play,Always very nice,5,2023-07-10 02:57:59 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-06 22:14:29 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter,1,2023-07-06 10:47:04 +Google Play,Everything was best twitter is Dead now,5,2023-07-07 19:46:34 +Google Play,Threads have more bugs than Instagram.. the list goes on n on.. hope it doesn't becomes another bloatware like ig...,1,2023-07-23 05:56:00 +Google Play,We need dm and groups in the app,3,2023-07-06 09:12:58 +Google Play,Please get back my Instagram thread batch back...🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭,5,2023-07-07 08:53:00 +Google Play,"A lot of glitches, when you switch over to each app, it keeps signing out.",3,2023-07-06 15:20:51 +Google Play,Very East to use,5,2023-07-07 05:14:25 +Google Play,Good Good Fantastic!,4,2023-07-06 12:43:12 +Google Play,Need more modification,1,2023-07-07 13:21:04 +Google Play,Its too bad ....m kya khamakha.... just like this,1,2023-07-10 05:25:01 +Google Play,Would be awesome to use without not having to sign up for Instagram 😔 wanted something other than Twitter and I'm sure many other people feel the same way,2,2023-07-10 07:14:01 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:39:47 +Google Play,Very good aap excellent 👍,5,2023-07-06 06:07:40 +Google Play,Didn't know Reddit and Twitter had a child 🤷,1,2023-07-10 03:37:21 +Google Play,good better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:41:34 +Google Play,Not show view,3,2023-07-18 07:46:20 +Google Play,It's good for earned money,5,2023-07-10 06:55:48 +Google Play,Need that chronological order,4,2023-07-06 19:53:25 +Google Play,I downloaded the thread because I want to see rose' blackpink hahhaaha.... love🌹✨,5,2023-07-24 12:38:06 +Google Play,"I have come here because of MKBHD's wvfrm podcast, when I heard it's gonna beat twitter! (Gotta reserve my spot to the title of ""I have been using this app since it first came out!"").",5,2023-07-09 12:15:59 +Google Play,This is amazing 😍😍,5,2023-07-20 05:23:09 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-15 20:52:00 +Google Play,Very nice so much,5,2023-07-12 00:23:42 +Google Play,Already better than Elon musk trash,5,2023-07-06 03:20:09 +Google Play,The app is having a glich.,1,2023-07-08 21:14:53 +Google Play,So far it looks good,5,2023-07-06 17:30:58 +Google Play,this very bad app 😬,1,2023-07-08 15:54:21 +Google Play,I can't scroll down the notification bar where I can confirm the follow requests from my friends.,4,2023-07-06 12:38:41 +Google Play,The best app better than twitter I think,5,2023-07-07 04:24:06 +Google Play,First reviews.... This is a very good app,5,2023-07-06 11:53:47 +Google Play,better you finish unsynchronized Meta Business chat first mdfk 🖕,1,2023-07-06 13:05:15 +Google Play,Add a VC option just like discord.,5,2023-07-07 09:39:37 +Google Play,The app keeps jamming and thr texts on my screen are all jumbled up and i wanna swnd a screenshot of the issue too bad i cant😭,2,2023-07-15 12:14:32 +Google Play,It's a poor imitation of better platforms with most of the functionality missing.,1,2023-07-14 03:47:56 +Google Play,I want to have the choice to see who I follow vs randos posting,2,2023-07-08 02:06:00 +Google Play,How i sleep knowing im gonna become a threads star fav with 12 likes fast world threadsapp congrats🎉🥳👏,5,2023-07-07 09:48:39 +Google Play,Because I can't delete it!!!,1,2023-07-08 14:45:37 +Google Play,Can't download pictures?,3,2023-07-10 22:43:51 +Google Play,Too much giltch happening 😒,2,2023-07-07 07:12:18 +Google Play,Awesome look 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Happy 😄,5,2023-07-07 15:45:01 +Google Play,Wow this app is horrible,1,2023-07-06 22:53:27 +Google Play,I have issues on this application,1,2023-07-09 04:59:32 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-15 05:21:46 +Google Play,Nice App...User Friendly,5,2023-07-06 09:06:23 +Google Play,Definitely i will change to threads instead of twitter,5,2023-07-07 16:14:24 +Google Play,Cute app insta: @shaeemaah,5,2023-07-06 13:48:33 +Google Play,Stick with the OG. Twitter is far superior,1,2023-07-10 04:10:26 +Google Play,Seems pretty good.,5,2023-07-06 01:54:34 +Google Play,"I will tell in one word exactly the best express but not better then twitter, twitter gives you the best actually it gives you something which is more than the best experience.",5,2023-07-06 16:45:26 +Google Play,Lots of glitches,1,2023-07-06 06:08:22 +Google Play,Nice this application best,5,2023-07-07 04:09:26 +Google Play,Why am I seeing post from people that I don't follow in Threads?,2,2023-07-06 13:03:05 +Google Play,This is my favourite app 😘😘😘😘,5,2023-07-15 13:20:04 +Google Play,Bugs. Logs you out of IG when you log in and visa versa. Keeps you logged out when you switch accounts on Threads too,2,2023-07-06 12:25:02 +Google Play,Good explore this app,5,2023-07-06 04:48:24 +Google Play,Nice app brother👍 I like it,5,2023-07-07 11:07:37 +Google Play,Update new features add kar do 🙏🥺,1,2023-07-21 09:54:09 +Google Play,This app has many bugs. It is relatively heavy and consumes more memory.,1,2023-07-16 02:49:51 +Google Play,Not a threads Twitter is best,1,2023-07-07 17:29:41 +Google Play,Very nice appp,5,2023-07-07 03:15:07 +Google Play,stop tracking everything i do pls you don't need to know me bruh,1,2023-07-22 05:50:58 +Google Play,My favorite apps to use,5,2023-07-07 09:58:10 +Google Play,It's an good app by Zuckerberg..... A great platform to connect wid people who ever u wanna know nd can also gets easier...,5,2023-07-07 13:06:35 +Google Play,This app better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:58:05 +Google Play,At least display Name followed by username like Twitter Ping on me incase its hard I help you,2,2023-07-12 11:00:57 +Google Play,Doesn't work,1,2023-07-06 14:56:43 +Google Play,Good working than Twitter,5,2023-07-14 18:10:47 +Google Play,Copy is not competition!,1,2023-07-07 14:07:58 +Google Play,No competition with Twitter 👎 Bad App....Zuck is a Cuck ☠️,1,2023-07-13 10:07:43 +Google Play,Already better than the alternative,5,2023-07-11 05:03:06 +Google Play,So bad it's not even funny.,1,2023-07-08 18:24:29 +Google Play,"Great app so, far",5,2023-07-06 09:21:15 +Google Play,"""friendly"" platform that you can't say anything freely. Express you opinion and get zucced.",1,2023-07-08 02:35:41 +Google Play,Nice app but hope please add a dark mode feature specially those person who has sensitive eyes to gadget. I will rate 5 star if you complete all your features in threads.,1,2023-07-17 00:18:01 +Google Play,Very best exprience .instagram & Threads Follow me my id itz_sagar_879,5,2023-07-09 02:55:59 +Google Play,Really copy of Twitter 😂😂 Muted my video after uploaded 😢😢😡😡😡,5,2023-07-08 18:07:14 +Google Play,My name is waleed Instagram thread is best app,5,2023-07-06 14:22:16 +Google Play,It doesn't work correctly there's a glitch at the home bage of the app so i cant use it at all becouse of this glitch,1,2023-07-07 14:15:35 +Google Play,To much Disorder app,1,2023-07-06 14:22:39 +Google Play,Yes the app is excellent what it is crashing instagram very badly what am i supposed to do ?? I am waiting since last 24 hours,4,2023-07-08 06:52:22 +Google Play,A Cheap Copy of Twitter...!,3,2023-07-07 15:13:40 +Google Play,This good 👍 for social work,4,2023-07-06 17:50:25 +Google Play,The app is glitching,2,2023-07-06 10:57:35 +Google Play,Very bad application 👎,1,2023-07-07 16:17:22 +Google Play,App is crashing,1,2023-07-08 16:21:37 +Google Play,It's amazing.....,5,2023-07-06 09:27:20 +Google Play,It's a Copycat though,4,2023-07-08 18:23:04 +Google Play,Instagram better than Threads,3,2023-07-16 03:24:45 +Google Play,Very nice apps mr zuck,2,2023-07-06 07:19:45 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 20:12:41 +Google Play,So many bug brooo,2,2023-07-07 09:21:27 +Google Play,Most Out-Dated App in 20th Century,1,2023-07-06 18:55:52 +Google Play,Bakwas app ... don't use it,1,2023-07-09 03:43:49 +Google Play,"The app crashes too much, the screen appears unclear and irresponsive.",1,2023-07-11 09:27:24 +Google Play,I wish I were install it yesterday 😞,4,2023-07-06 16:06:22 +Google Play,Nice my Instagram I'd nb____prince____ I got benifit thanks inso,5,2023-07-06 05:33:15 +Google Play,This Good App to use,5,2023-07-07 09:14:53 +Google Play,Wayyy better than Twitter. 8$ for speech?! Get outta here Elon!,5,2023-07-07 09:25:27 +Google Play,Fantastic app nice,5,2023-07-07 06:18:15 +Google Play,Like it much then Twitter,5,2023-07-09 11:58:23 +Google Play,Great to use it.,5,2023-07-08 07:53:31 +Google Play,I am getting logged out of go in Insta & vice varsa,1,2023-07-06 09:04:52 +Google Play,Just random posts 🤓,3,2023-07-06 05:34:01 +Google Play,Its really awesome 👍,5,2023-07-23 15:20:18 +Google Play,Why making threads Add an option in instagram,2,2023-07-08 05:52:01 +Google Play,It's a great start....,5,2023-07-07 01:29:32 +Google Play,According to me this app is good 👍😊,4,2023-07-11 02:05:49 +Google Play,How to threads problem badge unhide please,5,2023-07-06 20:14:31 +Google Play,Threads is good lunch time,4,2023-07-06 14:18:21 +Google Play,I love this game,5,2023-07-06 11:04:26 +Google Play,Very bad app,1,2023-07-23 09:29:54 +Google Play,So many haha funnys,5,2023-07-07 18:43:38 +Google Play,new personality for new app here we go,5,2023-07-06 09:09:32 +Google Play,Home feed is blank!,2,2023-07-07 01:03:02 +Google Play,Very poor apps,1,2023-07-06 04:41:31 +Google Play,Looks good for now,5,2023-07-07 06:44:10 +Google Play,Twitter rip off. Censoring stories they don't like.,1,2023-07-07 00:44:47 +Google Play,So nice play this aap on social media,5,2023-07-08 03:52:16 +Google Play,"It's a rip off , that's it",1,2023-07-13 15:39:49 +Google Play,Still better than Twitter 😂😄,4,2023-07-09 06:09:53 +Google Play,This app very simple,5,2023-07-08 16:17:44 +Google Play,Lots of bugs,2,2023-07-08 15:18:33 +Google Play,Very good very nice,5,2023-07-06 16:31:18 +Google Play,Why I couldn't login,4,2023-07-07 12:16:43 +Google Play,How do we see threads from only people we Follow and not from everyone we don't follow?,3,2023-07-06 14:47:48 +Google Play,Privacy is guaranteed in the app,5,2023-07-10 09:45:15 +Google Play,Hay Everyone First time we see A beg Fight among #Elone Vs Zuck But you don't mind its a part of game .,1,2023-07-07 17:16:51 +Google Play,I hope they don't kill it like twitter! 💀,5,2023-07-06 05:06:23 +Google Play,Twitter was so much better than it .,5,2023-07-09 20:52:51 +Google Play,"Just look at the ""Data Collection"" co.pared to other apps. Anyways, it's just a Twitter clone",1,2023-07-07 00:37:36 +Google Play,"So far, I like this application.",5,2023-07-07 06:19:00 +Google Play,Very nice app 👌👍👍👌,5,2023-07-06 07:06:32 +Google Play,Goood app i love it,5,2023-07-09 04:42:59 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 00:50:54 +Google Play,Its a good App tbh ... ❤️,5,2023-07-08 17:26:47 +Google Play,Please pay some attentions on dm and reaches,4,2023-07-07 07:08:17 +Google Play,I just downloaded this app✍️👽,5,2023-07-06 16:15:16 +Google Play,Best Twitter replacement so far,5,2023-07-06 03:07:35 +Google Play,Pls fix error,1,2023-07-07 10:11:32 +Google Play,"Very disappointed,first of all we can't logout,then when I am opening Instagram the app keeps automatically logout",1,2023-07-22 13:51:15 +Google Play,Room for improvement,3,2023-07-09 18:06:06 +Google Play,This is good app,4,2023-07-08 19:36:09 +Google Play,Top Among 🥰🥰I love it,5,2023-07-07 05:05:48 +Google Play,Can't access to my account,3,2023-07-06 13:28:10 +Google Play,Best for tweeter 👏 🙌 👌,4,2023-07-07 13:42:56 +Google Play,Best app I have ever seen,5,2023-07-07 09:41:00 +Google Play,Boring walls of text from people I've never heard of. The app has no apparent purpose. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-13 13:29:42 +Google Play,I don't even know why am rating 5 i just know i like threads hahaha,5,2023-07-07 17:16:35 +Google Play,Good but i am Og fan of Twitter,5,2023-07-12 02:46:42 +Google Play,I love this app i,5,2023-07-09 08:28:54 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter.,1,2023-07-17 17:46:41 +Google Play,"it's not letting me log unto my main account it's logging in with my old account and it keeps doing it, and it says ERROR everytime I use my main",1,2023-07-07 00:01:33 +Google Play,Twitter is better than thread,5,2023-07-09 07:56:16 +Google Play,For copying from twitter,1,2023-07-07 04:17:22 +Google Play,"Can't scroll notifications. Hence, unable to add my friends. Such pathetic experience!",1,2023-07-06 14:04:20 +Google Play,Totally an outstanding app an easy interface and great to connect.,5,2023-07-06 13:31:43 +Google Play,Keeps crashing everytime i attached an image. Is there any file size limitations?,2,2023-07-06 23:51:14 +Google Play,Just spending all my time blocking people. The algorithm is not learning who not to put in my feed. Will try again in a few weeks and see if it stopped being so stupid. No one should have to block All the Kardashians.,1,2023-07-07 03:26:11 +Google Play,Lots of bugs,1,2023-07-06 08:01:43 +Google Play,Cover photo ad account,1,2023-07-07 10:10:29 +Google Play,Bast threads ads app op,5,2023-07-07 03:14:22 +Google Play,Nice app have enjoy🤗🤗,5,2023-07-07 18:20:26 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 20:41:35 +Google Play,Reels option in app,1,2023-07-10 13:04:43 +Google Play,I love this app 😩🫶,5,2023-07-06 09:00:20 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-08 11:45:37 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-07 09:56:16 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-08 03:43:18 +Google Play,I think it's a good app,4,2023-07-06 19:23:13 +Google Play,I love this app ❤❤,5,2023-07-12 03:17:57 +Google Play,Add a chat feature,4,2023-07-06 21:04:23 +Google Play,Great apps lonche sir,5,2023-07-06 06:19:11 +Google Play,It is glitching,1,2023-07-06 23:51:51 +Google Play,We NEED translation option in threads,4,2023-07-08 09:11:14 +Google Play,Everything you could ever want,5,2023-07-07 23:20:52 +Google Play,Very poor app,1,2023-07-10 17:50:57 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 10:52:08 +Google Play,"Much comfortable to post and much simple and minimalist design, great app and i hope it updates more features",5,2023-07-15 00:04:58 +Google Play,I don't like this app because of the amount of data it collects and sells to other companies it's has been Mark's model.,1,2023-07-09 02:08:17 +Google Play,Need message feature,4,2023-07-12 05:21:02 +Google Play,I want to remove my account from it but it asks me to delete my insta account,1,2023-07-09 14:47:16 +Google Play,Awesome bye bye twitter 👊🏻😂,5,2023-07-06 14:28:00 +Google Play,This software does not work on the htc u11's phone. The display in this phone is asymmetrical,1,2023-07-07 21:12:37 +Google Play,Let's hope it's better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:02:10 +Google Play,This is useful apps 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹,5,2023-07-11 02:53:36 +Google Play,Wow😳 Fantastic app ⭐⭐🌟⭐⭐,5,2023-07-08 16:33:56 +Google Play,"It’s Twitter, but instead of being run by Elon Musk, it’s run by Facebook. The main feed is all people I don't know or follow, “influencers” thirsty for #engagement, and #brands trying to be clever or cute. No thanks. No hashtags, terrible search, and Instagram moderation is terrible. Also, you can’t delete your account if you sign in with your Instagram account without also deleting your Instagram account.",1,2023-07-08 16:02:04 +Google Play,Great public relations created,5,2023-07-06 00:19:54 +Google Play,Not good but not bad !,3,2023-07-08 10:01:53 +Google Play,excellent app....।,5,2023-07-08 05:18:25 +Google Play,That's the best app,5,2023-07-08 06:54:36 +Google Play,Like dam super cool wit this new app,5,2023-07-07 11:49:37 +Google Play,Wow its a good app,5,2023-07-06 04:07:32 +Google Play,the meta has changed,5,2023-07-06 05:40:01 +Google Play,I love twiter delete for apps,1,2023-07-06 19:24:46 +Google Play,Glad it's not Twitter 💜,5,2023-07-07 07:52:18 +Google Play,It's very exciting,5,2023-07-06 10:52:14 +Google Play,Anything but Twitter!,5,2023-07-08 09:45:45 +Google Play,Best app ever!,5,2023-07-07 15:56:02 +Google Play,Way to many bugs and lagging slow speed and feel like total ripoff.,1,2023-07-18 17:19:01 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-07 06:02:36 +Google Play,Worst app please don't use,1,2023-07-15 03:22:16 +Google Play,Theards is better to Twitter,5,2023-07-07 10:35:22 +Google Play,I don't like reading 🖤,3,2023-07-07 10:14:22 +Google Play,Good not too much Good...,4,2023-07-06 19:13:21 +Google Play,Crashing so much,1,2023-07-07 15:58:49 +Google Play,Sooo good than the tweeter✨✨✨✨✨🥹✨🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹👍🏻🔥,5,2023-07-06 12:59:11 +Google Play,It's So much good App,5,2023-07-06 18:18:36 +Google Play,We need message option,2,2023-07-12 16:03:15 +Google Play,Not worth it just like Twitter or Reddit,1,2023-07-08 17:49:18 +Google Play,"I was told by,7of my 9 daughters to give it a try!!.",5,2023-07-22 22:39:57 +Google Play,I am first one in my group who knows about this app and use it.,5,2023-07-07 17:16:22 +Google Play,Copy paste (someone idea).,1,2023-07-19 09:35:44 +Google Play,wow this app is amazing ♥️♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 15:09:34 +Google Play,Why does it take eternity to just download the App? Almost 45 minutes and it's not that the file size is much or that my Network is poor. Please rectify this,3,2023-07-06 10:32:23 +Google Play,Dark mode unavailable,3,2023-07-07 12:41:09 +Google Play,Very Nice App,5,2023-07-06 05:09:56 +Google Play,"Please make account login with google mail, or any other, for people who don't have an Instagram account. Thank you!",4,2023-07-10 14:53:03 +Google Play,Such a nice app,5,2023-07-07 18:20:27 +Google Play,A 2010 version of Twitter- copy cat zuck,1,2023-07-08 15:58:08 +Google Play,Nice app Period,3,2023-07-06 07:12:38 +Google Play,"Dsnt have private msg, not cool!",2,2023-07-06 00:04:37 +Google Play,Just joined. Its Awesome,5,2023-07-07 14:38:49 +Google Play,Its a useless app i could live my life without it.. its a waste of storage and unnecessary.. twitter is better in my opinion.. not even close,1,2023-07-12 15:16:00 +Google Play,Better than twitter.,5,2023-07-07 04:28:03 +Google Play,Nice app thrads vs twitter,5,2023-07-10 04:03:05 +Google Play,Love this application 😈,5,2023-07-09 14:02:16 +Google Play,Already better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:55:51 +Google Play,No different than instagram,1,2023-07-09 01:03:32 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 08:45:37 +Google Play,The all cut me off😭😭😂😂😂😂@gr4_._ Instagram,5,2023-07-12 22:50:29 +Google Play,Wanted Lite Version And Hashtag Feature,3,2023-07-07 13:50:02 +Google Play,Love Imran Khan only one reason and support Khan,4,2023-07-08 20:43:25 +Google Play,Stop showing me posts from accounts I don't follow,1,2023-07-16 12:50:01 +Google Play,I haven't downloaded it yet😃,5,2023-07-07 03:35:57 +Google Play,very good experience,5,2023-07-10 18:13:01 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-13 17:04:59 +Google Play,A Great Place To Have Fun My Asif Ali 50k Fan Base On Facebook My Fan user @mirasifaliofficial 567k Fan Base On Tiktok My user id mirasifaliofficial 45k Fan Base On instagarm But my threads instagarm followers is not increasing plz slow my issue increase my followers,3,2023-07-07 19:28:24 +Google Play,"bad, too bad",1,2023-07-06 08:10:08 +Google Play,I like it for now.,5,2023-07-07 13:25:44 +Google Play,"Can't log in, wants me to login with my Instagram account, I don't have one, and I dont want one.",1,2023-07-08 10:36:40 +Google Play,This is a spy app! If you don't believe check what permissions does the app need and bandwith it uses.,1,2023-07-07 15:27:01 +Google Play,Not good this app,1,2023-07-13 09:13:52 +Google Play,The app was perfect good for everything Twitter s**ks let's go but it's much better without eu countries I don't wanna see there Twitter bias here,5,2023-07-14 10:13:05 +Google Play,Its amazing app🙈,5,2023-07-08 05:31:37 +Google Play,Nice 👍 great app,5,2023-07-06 17:11:37 +Google Play,A good alternative to Twitter,4,2023-07-05 23:38:09 +Google Play,Best app ever seen 😃,4,2023-07-06 17:59:24 +Google Play,"5 Stars because the app is fantastic, I joined the app 7 hours after it was launched and trust me it's really fun to be part of the Threads family",5,2023-07-07 07:29:37 +Google Play,Really very best applicty❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:55:04 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-10 00:52:47 +Google Play,There was no need of this app,3,2023-07-10 15:48:54 +Google Play,Am I really the first one to review (even after 1M downloads),4,2023-07-13 15:15:09 +Google Play,"Copy, paste! And how can I permanently delet my account?",1,2023-07-09 22:58:00 +Google Play,Wow super good morning sir you are you doing now bus,5,2023-07-07 03:26:01 +Google Play,App is glitching barely able to use of i scroll all the fonts duplicate throughout the entire screen,1,2023-07-06 14:14:59 +Google Play,No option to chat,2,2023-07-06 09:58:56 +Google Play,Its better than Twitter,5,2023-07-21 16:19:42 +Google Play,So very nice app🥰💯❤️,4,2023-07-17 07:34:01 +Google Play,It's not twitter!,5,2023-07-07 01:07:29 +Google Play,Nice Something new from instagram,5,2023-07-06 16:59:49 +Google Play,There is no practical difference in threads and Instagram. And I mostly see updates from people i don't follow.,2,2023-07-12 06:40:55 +Google Play,So cool man I like it 🌡️,4,2023-07-15 20:16:44 +Google Play,Perfect to give tough fight to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:32:29 +Google Play,I don't know now what to do with Twitter 😂🌝,5,2023-07-06 16:43:06 +Google Play,Pretty generic copy,2,2023-07-06 12:52:03 +Google Play,Too much lack,1,2023-07-06 15:29:44 +Google Play,"I would learn, like, love from my thread.",5,2023-07-10 00:39:58 +Google Play,"worst app, its just crashing. and why I have to have an instagram account? I don't like insta but will love something like twitter..",1,2023-07-06 05:43:58 +Google Play,That's good for Twitter i ilke thread ❤️🤝,5,2023-07-05 23:28:18 +Google Play,Very bad app because of copy twitter not better than Twitter it will launch of competition of Elon Musk Don't install this app I'm installed this app but after that can use this app then I was uninstalled,1,2023-07-13 06:19:12 +Google Play,Just install it.. Getting hang...,3,2023-07-09 13:21:12 +Google Play,The app is excellent 👌,4,2023-07-08 05:39:33 +Google Play,Nice app love you Instagram 😍🥇,5,2023-07-14 04:37:27 +Google Play,Wow just amazing 😍,5,2023-07-06 14:47:49 +Google Play,It's not Elonia Muskartina's trainwreck. 5 stars.,5,2023-07-06 02:33:07 +Google Play,Need more updates,3,2023-07-06 18:33:57 +Google Play,Wow nice application,5,2023-07-09 09:07:42 +Google Play,Good good better bessssttttttttt,5,2023-07-07 03:56:15 +Google Play,add language kiswahili from Africa tanzania🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿,5,2023-07-10 19:38:43 +Google Play,Very cool app,5,2023-07-08 11:56:38 +Google Play,Very Nice App,5,2023-07-07 03:06:13 +Google Play,Pathetic not enjoyable,1,2023-07-17 09:19:56 +Google Play,I have a problem with the app,1,2023-07-10 00:11:35 +Google Play,I feel like I’m cheating on Twitter by using this app 😅,5,2023-07-06 15:07:54 +Google Play,MUCH better than Twitler's,5,2023-07-07 19:54:56 +Google Play,Not good application 😕,1,2023-07-09 11:25:58 +Google Play,"Awful App - I was inundated with posts from people I wasn't following, and there's no way to stop it, so I couldn't find posts from people I was following, so deleted it.",1,2023-07-08 21:24:59 +Google Play,Next level experience ;) 😸,5,2023-07-07 11:51:37 +Google Play,Crazy appp zeroooo \°result totally garbage appp,1,2023-07-07 19:43:05 +Google Play,Got first download and also give him first review 🥰🥰🥰 lets try this new app,5,2023-07-05 23:03:43 +Google Play,"It hasn't been 24hrs and we have some glitches, it crashes when I try to post 2 pictures",3,2023-07-06 19:11:41 +Google Play,Instagram is better man,1,2023-07-16 17:25:39 +Google Play,I think will be a good app.,5,2023-07-06 04:40:27 +Google Play,Remove the threads otherwise insta reating down,1,2023-07-08 18:47:51 +Google Play,This is amazing 😍,5,2023-07-07 09:44:05 +Google Play,I felt comfortable,5,2023-07-06 16:02:26 +Google Play,"I Know Thread is a New Like Tweeter, let me Start my Best, Zukav. 💯👈",5,2023-07-06 09:27:41 +Google Play,"Trying to become Twitter, Instagram should fix their bugs and technical errors instead of copying features of other social media apps",1,2023-07-08 15:17:08 +Google Play,Great app so far 😀 follow us and let's stay connected! @free.ministry 😇 so we can explore this app together! Thank you!,5,2023-07-06 07:19:58 +Google Play,Does not work. Doesn't load profiles or anything. Gives me an error message. It's been like this for a week.,2,2023-07-24 07:18:27 +Google Play,Lags too much.,3,2023-07-06 08:32:23 +Google Play,Sleek and Easy...,5,2023-07-07 05:46:03 +Google Play,Just make the timeline chronological,1,2023-07-06 11:46:57 +Google Play,worst social media app ever,1,2023-07-07 10:07:26 +Google Play,It's Really useless👀,1,2023-07-12 01:51:21 +Google Play,Nice app God bless you,2,2023-07-06 04:58:39 +Google Play,Why no post edit option??,5,2023-07-06 13:35:33 +Google Play,Does this look bad Visually,5,2023-07-15 14:02:47 +Google Play,A twitter alternative for intolerant leftists who can't cope with conservative opinions and want them censored.,1,2023-07-09 22:38:43 +Google Play,"If you will login once in threads, you can't delete your threads profile ever. If you want to delete your threads profile, your Instagram profile will also delete. You can only deactivate the threads account. So think before download.",2,2023-07-16 05:08:14 +Google Play,So far it's great!,5,2023-07-06 23:56:52 +Google Play,"Just another app from a company run by and used by racists, pedophiles, and degenerate sub-human communists.",1,2023-07-07 17:18:55 +Google Play,I loves this app,5,2023-07-06 10:59:49 +Google Play,"Fix this app, ty",3,2023-07-12 08:44:58 +Google Play,"Waste of time , because of this app , I can't open my Instagram account it's showing that account is crashed 😭",1,2023-07-08 14:44:38 +Google Play,no rate limit 👍,5,2023-07-06 20:35:05 +Google Play,Good I like this app,5,2023-07-09 05:39:46 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter,5,2023-07-14 13:55:40 +Google Play,I think thread is completely broke the record,5,2023-07-10 05:58:43 +Google Play,"Copy Paste of Twitter literally, exact same features. Even got a share tweet button.",1,2023-07-10 12:59:33 +Google Play,Ye aur bhi zyada better hota agar ismai block jinko kisi ne kiya hai and vo unko dekhna chaate hai toh isse aap unn sabko unblock rakhte taaki hum dekh paaye ki they blocked us and if they blocked so you have to ask a question if the answer is valid so you can block them but if they give a fake statement like they are sending a nudes so you have to clearify and then report the I'd,3,2023-07-11 18:57:59 +Google Play,"App kinda look half baked,",3,2023-07-07 23:51:23 +Google Play,Already better than Twitters toxic cesspool.,5,2023-07-06 16:12:40 +Google Play,Very bad #copiedfromtwitter,1,2023-07-08 03:08:50 +Google Play,Timeline scrolling is not as good as twitter. It should be like going upwards. I quitted.,1,2023-07-24 05:01:45 +Google Play,No way to stop it showing me completely random posts by people I do not follow. So much so that I cannot see posts from those that I do follow.,1,2023-07-08 19:12:46 +Google Play,Its a worst app ever when i started using for the first time the screen is full of white lines..,1,2023-07-08 02:21:38 +Google Play,"My one gripe with this app is that you have to have an Instagram to enter it, I think you should fix that Incase someone has no Instagram.",5,2023-07-06 11:02:43 +Google Play,Well it's a good app I've enjoyed it so far but it be even better if it has a night mode and so other features too,3,2023-07-10 18:50:56 +Google Play,This app has so much glitch. I can't even see a single post clearly . It's so annoying,1,2023-07-09 10:08:34 +Google Play,"The newsfeed so random, i follow my friend, my friend follow some people then its on my timeline/newsfeed, like huh not even in my interest even not im following them, worse social app i ever downloaded.",1,2023-07-19 01:34:32 +Google Play,"Doesn't work. Showing something went wrong in every screen, complete waste",1,2023-07-15 04:33:28 +Google Play,Cool but idk if this is relating to my issuse but ever since i got this my insta acct that's linked to it keeps crashing??? Themes wont work??,3,2023-07-09 18:46:05 +Google Play,Trillion dollar company makes app that lacks basic features and will delete your Instagram account if you decide you no longer want their Twitter clone.,1,2023-07-10 09:55:25 +Google Play,"Twitter copy, the app isn't even good, no dms , no hashtags, no trending topics tab. It is made just to promote cancel culture.",1,2023-07-15 10:00:28 +Google Play,"First version with too much MBs. I think next time this app gonna have GBs. 😆 I joke! But i like this app, it's good. Congrats to our Boss Maki.",3,2023-07-06 05:08:46 +Google Play,After opening this app... My all Instagram chat disappointed. It's loading and loading... Plz fix the problems,1,2023-07-09 12:12:34 +Google Play,I dont like it when it connects with my others account and now i can't delete it. Its so annoying . And dont put it on the Instagram bio . Who give you permission to not delete our Instagram acc ?.,1,2023-07-18 23:41:06 +Google Play,why?why? what's the point of a text based platform?when you are allowing the user to use it just like instgram,2,2023-07-22 20:08:41 +Google Play,"Twitter is so much better, why do we need more app while we can just be loyal to Twitter, it's just a copy from Twitter nothing special",1,2023-07-06 00:38:28 +Google Play,Threads #1 Best app so far user interface and so on. It's just so greater than usual.,5,2023-07-06 13:25:10 +Google Play,Please fix Instagram bugs then we will Use threads i have reported many times nearly 25 to 30 times there is bug fixed in my instagram iam boared to use it in that ur saying to use threads lol fix Instagram bugs please,2,2023-07-22 18:31:11 +Google Play,It's a cheap copy of TWITTER. Most of the content here is of Instagram only.,1,2023-07-16 19:18:28 +Google Play,It's amazing to have a combination of Twitter and Instagram in one app. Incredible,5,2023-07-06 23:03:48 +Google Play,"Had downloaded it to give a try,but it requires Instragram account,so I uninstalled the app instantly,I am not interested in Instagram at all",1,2023-07-08 09:31:35 +Google Play,"Idk why I rate this 5 ,.... Even I don't use this app but they were just showing rate the rate it's was annoying so rate them ..",5,2023-07-06 15:19:28 +Google Play,Timeline becomes blurry when scrolling up and down the interface.,2,2023-07-07 14:59:46 +Google Play,"It tells me to delete other apps, yet I have plenty of room on my phone. So, I guess I can't download it. I was looking forward to it.",1,2023-07-06 13:53:11 +Google Play,"Can't log in. It says it's sending a login request, but it never does.",1,2023-07-06 13:33:45 +Google Play,"Blatant copy of a much better app with less dystopian censorship, Twitter The triple 6 in the logo is the cherry on top. They don't even hide it anymore.",1,2023-07-08 18:25:47 +Google Play,This app is perfect but please add the feature where you can find your old posts using keywords.,5,2023-07-06 15:45:53 +Google Play,"App has destroyed my battery life since installing, Samsung galaxy s22 ultra. Removed app, battery life is back to normal..",1,2023-07-11 09:21:16 +Google Play,"Log in via Instagram only? But it's for adults, business Entrepreneurs... I don't have and won't have Instagram, I don't have time for that",1,2023-07-22 18:22:30 +Google Play,"Just a copy of Twitter with more censorship, more brainless users, Meta is algorithm, annoying bugs, more stubid content Why would someone like it.",1,2023-07-09 11:46:48 +Google Play,"The app was very good,the app also not very laggy but The problem is the Interface make me felling dizzy",4,2023-07-06 09:43:30 +Google Play,"While scrolling text blinking and distorted, no way back to normal untill restart",1,2023-07-12 13:14:51 +Google Play,Whenever i log into threads my insta shows a notification that an unknown device has logged into my insta far from my location,1,2023-07-07 17:05:23 +Google Play,Numerous frame drops...crashes frequently..and most of the time it responds wierdly on my device 🥲,1,2023-07-08 16:43:45 +Google Play,I love this app but the fact is that it can't message u only repost or rethread to interact 😭😭🥱 let there be message box like Instagram,4,2023-07-07 20:02:04 +Google Play,I just know that for threads to work properly it will take a couple of years. Cause it took twitter a long time. And also if you delete the app it deletes your instagram account,1,2023-07-09 19:15:33 +Google Play,"Kinda look like Twitter or maybe i'm wrong, and Threads has no advertisment so i think it's great anyway.",4,2023-07-11 07:09:54 +Google Play,Facing a glitch whenever I open the app... everything is kind of overlapped and nothing is visible clear,1,2023-07-20 08:58:17 +Google Play,It keeps repainting it self on every action I perform to a point when nothing is visible anymore,1,2023-07-11 12:39:35 +Google Play,It breaks my Instagram. It shuts down Instagram as soon as i open it.,2,2023-07-07 16:44:17 +Google Play,it's very amazing absolutely very amazing. i like it. eassy and beautiful towards the Instagram. Thank you so much threads.,5,2023-07-08 10:03:40 +Google Play,I downloaded it 5-6 hours after release and it was crashing and a lot of glitches were there,1,2023-07-13 00:35:40 +Google Play,Wastage of time & space on the device. Life is simple. Dont complicate.,1,2023-07-23 19:14:22 +Google Play,The app lags on my phone and puts all posts on top of each other so the text is unreadable,1,2023-07-08 20:15:00 +Google Play,Can't beat insta though!! Will require new features others than just posting tweets!! Nothing new!! Highly Dissatisfied,2,2023-07-06 09:45:05 +Google Play,Its all good.. But why don't you add an AI that common to all the platform like one AI common in all social media fb insta and what's app,5,2023-07-07 04:04:45 +Google Play,"Lol. Mark talking about privacy. Seriously? And people are using it? I mean everyone is thinking it's free so what is the problem? When your all data being displayed in dark web and one day you got a message about a unknown transaction, then you will understand.",1,2023-07-19 01:39:52 +Google Play,Very confusing user interface. Looks like the cheap copy of Twitter.,1,2023-07-14 02:54:40 +Google Play,Isn't working properly. Too much lag and not working properly.,1,2023-07-08 05:42:23 +Google Play,"Needs improvement on thread follow feature, as currently the following feature has no use if I can still see on my feed posts from accounts I don't follow.",2,2023-07-07 09:05:44 +Google Play,This app without dark mode is just very irritating 😫 Bring it on man or are just busy practicing for the cage fight 😐,4,2023-07-22 17:52:07 +Google Play,Too many glitches and blocks you from likes and follows for adding people from Facebook and IG bc it thinks you're a spam acc if u happen to have too many friends.... also doesn't show any people you really follow just celebrities and politicians 🙄,1,2023-07-21 04:04:13 +Google Play,"90% of my home feed is ads or blue-check-marks posting trash I don't want to see or people I don't care about. For some reason, the other 10% is Spanish and I don't even speak Spanish!!?? I scrolled through today for 10 minutes and didn't see a SINGLE ACCOUNT I FOLLOWED.",1,2023-07-14 11:25:05 +Google Play,"This is not running in my mobile. This app also glitching, every time I scroll.",1,2023-07-11 16:09:04 +Google Play,"It was quite good. I really love the app, it helps me gain audience to my Instagram also",5,2023-07-07 10:09:23 +Google Play,There is no way to limit all the trash coming into the feed. Rubbish. Twitter may be a cesspool but atleadt you can limit it.,1,2023-07-12 14:55:31 +Google Play,"After downloading threads I'm facing a glitch in it.. The words, photos all are mixing in one another",4,2023-07-09 07:19:42 +Google Play,Photo / videos are not getting uploaded needs to fix 1st dint except these critical error from meta.,1,2023-07-06 02:40:08 +Google Play,"Nice experience , needs more features but it is on the right track ❤️",5,2023-07-06 18:55:53 +Google Play,The app was using about 99% of my battery. Deleted it and my battery was working normal.,1,2023-07-09 20:24:35 +Google Play,"why do you need all that data to collect like ""Health and Fitness"" and ""Financial info?"" Also why is deleting the account also deletes your Instagram?",1,2023-07-07 07:12:08 +Google Play,"It's good but no way to chat with someone, it will be boring here if you cannot make someone a friend on this app.",3,2023-07-08 04:53:32 +Google Play,Sounded great until I read about the required permissions. Mastodon it is.,1,2023-07-08 18:08:07 +Google Play,"I think this is beatifull,When they restrict to upload photos so, it can be the Conversational Application.",4,2023-07-09 13:24:22 +Google Play,"I give it 1 star because the logo is weird(666) and when notifications pop up at the top of the screen you'll see 666 pay attention, 4 days was enough for me to quit...EVIL APP😡",1,2023-07-11 08:32:35 +Google Play,"Don't like the fact that I'm having to Uninstall and reinstall the app because of the ""try again something went wrong""",3,2023-07-09 02:36:06 +Google Play,Bait and switch. Forced to download & set up Instagram. Sign up ad nauseum.,1,2023-07-07 09:40:40 +Google Play,Totally a Useless App. A copy of Twitter with no convenice. Twitter was and always the best choice,1,2023-07-20 04:23:07 +Google Play,Terrible. Downloaded the app and signed up on Instagram but the app never worked......,1,2023-07-16 17:58:02 +Google Play,"Not too different from insta, I'd stick to insta then. And it's not even that interesting",2,2023-07-11 12:37:46 +Google Play,It just feels like a waste of time ... Twitter is far better ... The UI is so plain...,1,2023-07-06 12:18:38 +Google Play,Its not working while using on the tablets fix it please.Though it's working fine on mobile phones,3,2023-07-10 06:34:43 +Google Play,The app can't even install on my device 😟 Seems everyone will be enjoying the new app and I won't I have a question tho I tried registering ftom Google but I couldn't see any option prompting me to Register,1,2023-07-07 11:07:24 +Google Play,Total full to copy of Twitter and I know this will fail soon and you will have to close this application for ever sooner than later.,1,2023-07-21 07:12:51 +Google Play,"I can't say it's a polished app, yet my experience was good however I'm unable to see the threads posted by the people I'm following on my home page so yeah 3stars that's it",3,2023-07-09 03:04:38 +Google Play,It would've been fun if it didn't crash everytime I try to post a picture,2,2023-07-06 18:38:40 +Google Play,Finally something good from Meta! Please at least don't ruin this app adding so many features and making it way heavier !,5,2023-07-06 02:42:53 +Google Play,"Barely even an app, plus the company's other products continue to be broken without any customers support whatsoever.",1,2023-07-07 02:59:48 +Google Play,"A blend of twitter & insta, but somehow worse than both of them 🤷🏽‍♂️ Maybe they'll improve features 🤞🏼",3,2023-07-18 22:52:15 +Google Play,Its good app but you need to separate with Instagram means sign up should be there for registration of new account,5,2023-07-06 18:29:54 +Google Play,"I used the application for a day until I noticed the amount of data collected, why do they need my financial data or my religious views? This app is complete invasion of privacy.",1,2023-07-07 17:37:05 +Google Play,a little bit buggy when you post high res images. it crashes my app,3,2023-07-06 08:59:26 +Google Play,"Couldn't able to open the app, whenever I try to open it gets crashed",1,2023-07-07 20:14:09 +Google Play,Excellent app but there is a problem app UI isn't good ui need to be more clean.,5,2023-07-18 11:44:47 +Google Play,"Twitter is better zuck. this should be completely another app, not to be linked with insta.",1,2023-07-07 13:39:05 +Google Play,chip twitter copy. high quality videos are not at all for technical users.,2,2023-07-06 08:26:22 +Google Play,Requires an Instagram account. My account is frozen for no good reason and I cannot recover it.,1,2023-07-06 10:49:42 +Google Play,"this app is glitching everytime i scroll, the threads and other options get doubled and keep on multiplying as i scroll",1,2023-07-06 08:31:40 +Google Play,"So far I'm enjoying it, I think the app is great 😊 Hoping to see more upgrade in the future.",4,2023-07-06 11:06:01 +Google Play,"Worst app, don't have data saver option, consuming the data like motherfnk hell, why don't this fnk application have data saver option?",1,2023-07-24 00:37:22 +Google Play,Worst privacy policy! What's the purpose of this app? Not at all the alternative of Twitter! So much additions needed if this app want to become a rival of Twitter!,1,2023-07-20 08:35:51 +Google Play,"Not able to see anything ,it's like scrolling itself fastly, blurred image",1,2023-07-12 18:35:10 +Google Play,Love it! I'm tired of all that complicated stuff and this kind of platform is exactly what I need.,5,2023-07-12 18:15:46 +Google Play,I still have some issue with it,5,2023-07-08 11:50:11 +Google Play,The UI interface is utterly broken. Unusable.,1,2023-07-07 05:32:28 +Google Play,Just needs the ability for private messaging and being able to use gifs in posts.,5,2023-07-06 01:20:54 +Google Play,"I deactivated Threads. Everytime when I try to hide the badge in my bio, it always shows up again. FIX THIS!!!",2,2023-07-06 22:22:44 +Google Play,"It quite terrible in my opinion...it missed so much details that tweeter has, as it they made it just for clout.",1,2023-07-13 17:12:06 +Google Play,"Terrible Rip off of Twitter by Mark, and honestly, it isn't great, so flop on his end .",1,2023-07-06 18:35:43 +Google Play,"Glitch on the screen, making it uncomfortable to see, prevent the user to use the app",1,2023-07-06 07:30:11 +Google Play,I think I love this app coz people have been talking about it on Facebook and Instagram but I've not tested it but I'm downloading it right now but I feel this application is great 👍,5,2023-07-06 20:46:34 +Google Play,"It's so boring, pretty much it is just a comments section out of instagram. And deleting threads account will delete instagram, and on top it collects and track all user details.",1,2023-07-13 03:05:41 +Google Play,Not gonna bet on it as in the near future it will be bloated with instagram esque features.,1,2023-07-22 12:05:16 +Google Play,Overall gives good experience and feels like Instagram nothing special about this app but gives you a feeling of newness,4,2023-07-09 16:27:25 +Google Play,"it was fun until it doesn't, there is no point in seen strangers I don't care publishing text",3,2023-07-18 14:07:23 +Google Play,I'm using a samsung device and the app keeps crashing when I open my profile for some reason,3,2023-07-07 13:10:54 +Google Play,Too cluttered. My homepage is full of replies and posts from accounts I have no interest in.,2,2023-07-09 01:24:17 +Google Play,Haven't experienced it but people are downloading it fast and that's a good sign,5,2023-07-06 19:51:04 +Google Play,Very bad app don't download the aap my reason I create/login account then my account not open on in Instagram and now I deleted both app 😠😠,1,2023-07-08 15:09:31 +Google Play,"They are collecting all of your data, and recording through your cameras then selling it to the highest bidder",1,2023-07-13 18:12:14 +Google Play,please fix something that causes the app to crash when I scroll on a certain thread. :'),5,2023-07-07 11:48:33 +Google Play,For an initial launch it's working really well. Can't wait for federation support to be ready,5,2023-07-06 17:59:16 +Google Play,This is a cheap imitation of another popular app known as twitter. The interface is average.,1,2023-07-08 08:48:34 +Google Play,"While writing a reply on post input field goes back behind the keyboard, kindly fix this bug.",3,2023-07-09 05:55:54 +Google Play,"I'm fan of Meta, Special for Mark. Really Amezing. App is very good. Easy to use better than to Twitter. Thanks Meta and Good Bye Twitter.👋👋",5,2023-07-06 02:24:37 +Google Play,"It's basically a wannabe Twitter with Instagram integration. Unimpressed, uninstalled.",1,2023-07-08 13:05:34 +Google Play,When we install it and login our id it works but after it screen doesn't work properly,1,2023-07-08 19:37:01 +Google Play,Why does this require me to link an existing Instagram account? Why not allow me to create an account in the app instead of downloading another app just to do that.,1,2023-07-06 09:30:17 +Google Play,Extreme garbage file compression. No substitute for Twitter.,1,2023-07-21 10:21:14 +Google Play,"Working like a bug , just after logged in the screen starts flickering",1,2023-07-14 17:16:33 +Google Play,Wanted to use for my photography bussiness can't post any photos. Fails everytime,1,2023-07-07 17:52:52 +Google Play,When the app is loding all pages are overlapping en each other I don't know why. Sould you fix it,1,2023-07-11 01:56:43 +Google Play,It's been glitching so much. I haven't tried the app without any glitching,1,2023-07-08 08:23:53 +Google Play,"Worst, need alots of changes, it seems like a 3rd class copy.",1,2023-07-23 04:59:22 +Google Play,Sucks that you have to have Instagram to sign up for this app. Didn't have Twitter but was gonna check this one out.,2,2023-07-06 17:33:32 +Google Play,"Just a dumber version of twitter. Can't be even called twitter lite. And just like all Facebook apps, it's censorship pron and also say goodbye to your privacy.",1,2023-07-09 19:07:37 +Google Play,"I don't use Instagram, I quit it but I wanna try threads and it's not allowing without insta account.",1,2023-07-23 06:04:09 +Google Play,It is a good app but a little disappointed because if you wanna delete your threads account you need to delete your Instagram account as well which is not fair. I think you need to solve this,1,2023-07-09 11:53:01 +Google Play,"It's amazing, fun and better. Tho how do u get back in when someone found a way to log u out",4,2023-07-09 11:18:20 +Google Play,This type many apps in playstore and google please create social media tracking apps so that can help people this type doesnt help to any,1,2023-07-22 17:41:43 +Google Play,This app acts like old school bus because this app is no tested well please fix this screen mirroring Bug,1,2023-07-09 13:30:50 +Google Play,I can't use this app an redmi note 5 pro.many bugs appear and screen blinking.,1,2023-07-07 01:56:42 +Google Play,It looks like Twitter but I don't understand why you have to have an Instagram account to be able to use what is supposed to be related to Twitter.,3,2023-07-13 03:04:22 +Google Play,Boring and time wasting app a lot of time and energy waste that's way i hate it a lot 👎,1,2023-07-18 17:28:16 +Google Play,The extremely annoying fact that you see tons and tons of random accounts you don't follow had me delete this app in 5 minutes,1,2023-07-06 13:36:39 +Google Play,It's good app But it should have some features like when i post any thread it have option like 1. Post to public 2. Post to public + friends 3 post private. Then definitely thread app will overcome Twitter 👍🏻,5,2023-07-22 19:06:42 +Google Play,It keeps randomly shutting down when I try to write long posts or upload a video,4,2023-07-06 18:32:19 +Google Play,It is easy and accessible. Highly recommend downloading!!!,5,2023-07-06 18:04:02 +Google Play,This app is the worst app in this category. You are better of using Twitter. Don't install and waste your time. Literal Twitter clone but somehow worse off,1,2023-07-07 12:28:56 +Google Play,This is already good enough. Please don't make it much commercial and tough to use.,3,2023-07-15 21:27:48 +Google Play,Great app really good but still needs some more features to be added going forward,4,2023-07-13 17:17:50 +Google Play,Such buggy piece of trash. Doesn't even opening upon clicking.,1,2023-07-06 09:19:45 +Google Play,"Shouldn't have Instagram as Login, plus a Bad Copy of Twitter. Don't need another App from Facebook",1,2023-07-06 11:02:12 +Google Play,it would be great if threads have following sections so the timeline wouldn't messed up,3,2023-07-08 05:16:29 +Google Play,Glitch screen dragging content. UI is not good.,1,2023-07-06 19:00:22 +Google Play,"App crashes if you attempt to @ someone & you start typing before the suggested accounts finish loading Huawei p30 pro, Android V10",4,2023-07-17 01:11:13 +Google Play,I just opened an account in threads later I want to delete because I just want to see but I now I don't need but it's not getting deleted or deactivated. I don't need any account on this but it didn't deleted my account which is very worst part.,1,2023-07-08 08:00:54 +Google Play,Disgusting apps now Instagram has made their level down very boring application lots of advertising bugs recommended everyone to uninstall 🤧😏,1,2023-07-07 11:59:06 +Google Play,"This should have been a personal app, I don't use Instagram but I want to use threads....but as I can see after installation I can't....",1,2023-07-08 15:11:25 +Google Play,"My application is bugging ,i don't know why Everytime i Scrolls down it get stuck like there is a graphic problem",1,2023-07-11 08:44:06 +Google Play,"""Thank you for developing such a remarkable mobile app. It has become an integral part of my daily routine.""",5,2023-07-06 16:34:55 +Google Play,Very similar to Instagram and Facebook can't beat twitter I think who will download the app is the same of people who have Instagram and Facebook only,1,2023-07-14 17:58:48 +Google Play,Very bad . Recently meta deactivate and restrict my Instagram account. MC Zuckerberg. I don't any social media like this bakwas privacy policy.,1,2023-07-07 20:21:59 +Google Play,"This app is the worst version of Twitter, the only thing Lark Lukerberg knows is copy paste from other apps. Twitter is way ahead of this mid app.",1,2023-07-06 15:37:46 +Google Play,When I scroll down it has Glitches. I downloaded 3 times and same story.,1,2023-07-07 06:22:38 +Google Play,"Didn't install in my mobile .. Samsung A30 Android 11 .. Google play keeps telling ""pending .. waiting for Wi-Fi"" what's wrong?",1,2023-07-08 17:02:05 +Google Play,Since Downloading the app I am unable to open my Instagram anymore it keeps crashing,1,2023-07-07 17:40:32 +Google Play,The app scrolls slowly and it does not work properly in dark mode,1,2023-07-10 16:41:35 +Google Play,This app is not working...when I start it...it shows the display glitch,1,2023-07-11 06:32:39 +Google Play,"This app needs a feed for ONLY the accounts a user follows. Otherwise, the feed is just a garbage dump.",2,2023-07-08 02:29:52 +Google Play,"If I wanted to be on a subpar app where disinfo was not being flagged and allowed to run rampant, I'd just stay on twitter.",2,2023-07-09 20:04:21 +Google Play,Twitter Rival! Great App. Everyone come let's share the experience together @richthrill,5,2023-07-06 13:27:55 +Google Play,The app is facing lack and the home page is having too much glitch.....,1,2023-07-06 08:56:09 +Google Play,Could not understand why I follow people. I was able to see many other peoples mesaages in my timeline as well,1,2023-07-18 05:11:17 +Google Play,This app is so messy😩 it's glitching so bad😩 I created my account today but the app is glitching so I can't use it😩,1,2023-07-09 04:45:13 +Google Play,It's regularly crashing down whenever you open it.,1,2023-07-23 11:33:54 +Google Play,"Imitation is the best form of flattery? Coming out with something that's already been done is very 2023, Metaverse. Uninstalled. I'll stick with my freedom of speech on other platforms.",2,2023-07-07 12:06:37 +Google Play,It's not that good. Can see all the verified accounts. I don't even follow them. What's exactly the use of this app?,1,2023-07-06 17:52:37 +Google Play,"So amazing app like Instagram ❤️ superrrr This app can use all no problem, no any excuse.",5,2023-07-06 01:31:16 +Google Play,This is a good app provide with fast information and have many more features then Twitter I am using Twitter for many years but it does not give any social media vibes,5,2023-07-11 08:01:40 +Google Play,"WARNING... if you want to delete your account, you lose your Instagram account too... They require access to ALL your private info... and if you get suspended for any reason you are locked out of Instagram too. Stay Away.",1,2023-07-07 16:03:44 +Google Play,"Log in correctly with email and password, but it is saying password not correct",1,2023-07-09 17:44:32 +Google Play,"Best Experience Ever, i love everything simple to use.. Thanks Threads for making an amazing app!",5,2023-07-09 09:41:59 +Google Play,"The data collection is insane. Why would a twitter wannabe want my financial info, or my health info? Jesus, tone it down a bit, zuck.",1,2023-07-10 04:01:54 +Google Play,I did not find any interesting things inside thread no # hastag trending #nocurrent news it's all about not competition it has to be about best out of others as well,1,2023-07-22 02:35:14 +Google Play,Some videos don't have sound despite the mute button being available.,3,2023-07-17 18:34:56 +Google Play,"I have a problem with the application, the words stick together and everything sticks together. I want a solution",5,2023-07-06 23:18:48 +Google Play,This new app is good but there is a lot of mistakes need to fix it and add hashtags,3,2023-07-10 18:57:41 +Google Play,Yes I using this for last three years nice experience this app has a good interface,5,2023-07-08 03:26:02 +Google Play,Never seen a app overlapping its function.the screen goes blurry.cant even scroll.,1,2023-07-06 03:16:49 +Google Play,"Too many bugs, also platform is highly monitored and many posts are censored. Won't recommend downloading",1,2023-07-06 03:44:29 +Google Play,Really poor experience. It also requires an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-05 23:22:40 +Google Play,"No feed settings, made for an absolutely terrible experience.",2,2023-07-11 00:39:01 +Google Play,"copy of twitter. if you install it_no way to delite it_ (if you want to delete it, u will have to delete your Instagram account.",1,2023-07-06 22:38:18 +Google Play,The interface is pretty cool but I hope there will be more better updates.,5,2023-07-08 20:26:11 +Google Play,It's ok. Not something I need at the moment. You follow the same people as you do on insta and you share the same content so what's the point.,3,2023-07-21 08:07:31 +Google Play,"i can't even download the app, keep taking my data, downloads still 100 but never installs so terrible",1,2023-07-09 22:13:13 +Google Play,It's too good 👍🏼 and it's also work as Twitter some functions as like as Twitter......,4,2023-07-06 08:32:30 +Google Play,Very bad app. Instagram is good but Threads won't be like Twitter.,1,2023-07-23 04:28:39 +Google Play,"This app very bad Because I had just created the account, at the same time it got banned for 180 days. very useful Bad app👎",1,2023-07-06 16:04:26 +Google Play,"Hope 'Threads' will reach its milestone in short, and users will attract by its attractive features.",5,2023-07-06 17:50:41 +Google Play,"I dont like that i cant create an account without having an instagram account and i cant delete my account without it affect my insta. There is no way to search for threads, no trending, my feed is full of people i dont know.",1,2023-07-06 21:28:11 +Google Play,What?! Again videos? Should be only for text and photos!,2,2023-07-06 11:10:49 +Google Play,It's Not Installing On My Itel Vision 1 Pro. Please Fix The Issue As Soon As Possible. Thank You!,1,2023-07-06 03:41:50 +Google Play,Everyone just downloaded this app. Anyone here look at app permission. It's access too many things,1,2023-07-07 16:08:25 +Google Play,Great idea good app needs a few updates randomly closes over good update and fix is a straight 5 ig,3,2023-07-07 10:05:36 +Google Play,Absolutely a very gud app coz many of their acc got hacked so it can help easily to find hackers,5,2023-07-10 17:16:14 +Google Play,The app is good overall unless its a mixture of insta and twitter.,4,2023-07-08 11:10:30 +Google Play,Too bad everything is doubled and interface is not changing,1,2023-07-06 16:08:34 +Google Play,A boring rip off of twitter. Allowing constant false information and bots to swarm the app.,1,2023-07-19 19:05:43 +Google Play,This app is slow. Like very slow. Twitter is much faster than this,1,2023-07-14 09:46:48 +Google Play,"Not very good right now. Feels too close to my face if that make sense, in my personal space. Nobody to follow yet that i don't already follow other places.",3,2023-07-07 16:38:05 +Google Play,"It's good but u can't save photos here, i think this could be added in the other posts",4,2023-07-08 02:20:30 +Google Play,for me it is a zero because the application should have given the possibility to delete without giving up your account on instagram,1,2023-07-06 12:57:06 +Google Play,I have not been able to download the application.it stopped when it reached 99%.,2,2023-07-12 20:22:23 +Google Play,Hi meta Threads is a great app.I love ur app. And I want to tell that always keep update ur app so you can beat twitter. Thanks,5,2023-07-06 14:08:23 +Google Play,Very useful for people and it is very helpful for all. Better than twiter,5,2023-07-08 13:40:28 +Google Play,"I couldn't sign up. The only option is to directly link it to your IG, instead of allowing you to create a new account. I don't really want my IG and Threads to be linked. Think I'll stick with Twitter for the time being.",1,2023-07-07 12:36:09 +Google Play,an extremely bland rip-off of twitter. there's a lacking of something but i can't quite pinpoint what it is,3,2023-07-11 22:25:44 +Google Play,"After installation, everything becomes checkered and the image is distorted😑😑 xiaomi mi note 3 android 8.1",1,2023-07-07 16:24:46 +Google Play,"Full of bugs, not worth trying to get in touch with meta support",1,2023-07-08 07:14:59 +Google Play,"Great so far, am trying to figure out how it works. how can I change my background to dark mode?",5,2023-07-06 09:27:09 +Google Play,Worst copy ever! Pls stop copying other apps. Earth and it's people do not need another Twitter app.,1,2023-07-13 09:23:41 +Google Play,"Ever since I downloaded this app, my main Instagram account that is linked to Threads doesn't want to work.",2,2023-07-07 22:28:39 +Google Play,The app is stopping..if I try to post a picture...it will say threads keeps stopping 😞,2,2023-07-07 19:36:11 +Google Play,You have to open an Instagram account to access this. Why it isn't open to Meta users who already use Facebook and WhatsApp is beyond me. Surely one Meta log in would be sensible?,1,2023-07-07 17:49:43 +Google Play,A perfect app to waste time. Instagram is better.,1,2023-07-12 10:36:26 +Google Play,Completely useless without a feed to see only those you follow.,1,2023-07-18 13:54:26 +Google Play,Really great app almost like Twitter but it's good.hope some new features occure.,5,2023-07-11 14:59:16 +Google Play,"Too many unwanted threads from unfollowed accounts appearing. Unfortunately, it's uncontrollable since there's no setting that disallows these unwanted threads",1,2023-07-07 01:43:12 +Google Play,"This apps useless and has broke instagram (causing crashes), stick to what youre good at",1,2023-07-21 11:11:30 +Google Play,"Decent, but drains battery and just has less features than Twitter",3,2023-07-13 01:58:38 +Google Play,lagging issues and multiple screens opens up at same time,1,2023-07-06 14:38:01 +Google Play,This app is not good at all. Lacks basic features.,1,2023-07-13 10:23:21 +Google Play,The app's color layout is looking like a broken glitchy computer monitor... What's going on? 😣,1,2023-07-06 21:52:36 +Google Play,"This app is not safe, it's literally letting me see people's phone numbers!!! You're being exposed!!!!",1,2023-07-10 23:27:31 +Google Play,Easy interface look interesting.... full review after few days use 👋,4,2023-07-06 01:08:30 +Google Play,"Good app, but no hashtags, no videos reels, nothing. And also IDK Why my account broken why I opened my Instagram account from threads :)",3,2023-07-06 18:21:35 +Google Play,"Couldn't create an account as I don't use Instagram, bizarre!!",1,2023-07-06 09:23:11 +Google Play,everytime I log into threads i log out from instagram and when I login again to Instagram it logs out from threads.. and it's a cycle..,1,2023-07-07 10:59:01 +Google Play,", Threads was the top free app on Apple's App Store and a top ... But it's not quite so easy to leave Threads. Threads is a social media good app.",1,2023-07-08 02:10:35 +Google Play,It's glitching everytime I open the app I hope it's fixed soon!,1,2023-07-10 18:28:00 +Google Play,"Bugs ,bugs, cannot login when you change instagram password",3,2023-07-18 17:52:54 +Google Play,Facing a massive glitch in this app. Sorry but this is the worst experience I have ever faced.,1,2023-07-08 17:03:00 +Google Play,May be Zuck should bring innovative ideas rather than copying Snapchat Twitter Tiktok features Plus the app isn't available in App Gallery,1,2023-07-19 09:48:32 +Google Play,It would be perfect if they will add trending feature like tweeter,2,2023-07-13 19:31:25 +Google Play,"I try post and it says; Fail to Upload. Txt or pics, i cant do anything.",2,2023-07-18 11:04:32 +Google Play,I like this app but it's need a translate for some of the people who write other languages.,5,2023-07-08 17:08:11 +Google Play,If post button is pressed multiple times it is posted multiple time. Text field should be cleared after first post,3,2023-07-06 18:51:06 +Google Play,Insta+Twitter best combo,5,2023-07-07 05:43:45 +Google Play,Its good against Twitter,3,2023-07-06 17:08:31 +Google Play,good app for now,5,2023-07-06 03:30:44 +Google Play,Better if no place for leftists.,3,2023-07-06 12:07:03 +Google Play,Nice app super,3,2023-07-06 14:46:46 +Google Play,The app not working properly When I open the app its start glitching so I uninstalled this app,1,2023-07-08 06:05:27 +Google Play,This is the best Instagram it works only for iPhone if you don't have and iPhone don't download @Tasha4xx dm me on telegram for information,5,2023-07-06 10:14:31 +Google Play,Early launched app Get crash all the time Can't delete account if once made Worst,1,2023-07-24 12:37:57 +Google Play,Need some improvement,2,2023-07-06 11:31:51 +Google Play,Finally family settled down with their new kid. #allfrommeta,4,2023-07-06 15:18:07 +Google Play,Very Good app,4,2023-07-07 07:11:19 +Google Play,Threads app better then twitter 🫣,5,2023-07-06 18:04:24 +Google Play,For copying Twitter!!,1,2023-07-11 14:19:19 +Google Play,Please add spaces like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:08:08 +Google Play,"SO MANY GLITCHES BRO, MY PHONE SCREEN JUST ERRORS LMAO",1,2023-07-09 01:54:11 +Google Play,twitter still better,1,2023-07-12 10:48:09 +Google Play,No views on videos reels bakwas algorithm,1,2023-07-23 00:31:33 +Google Play,THIS APP IS BEST ❤️❤️❤️ USE FULL,5,2023-07-06 09:14:29 +Google Play,It's Bangladesh not supported?,5,2023-07-06 15:15:27 +Google Play,Lacks real substance compared to the app it's imitating to be. You have to be a self loathing troglodyte to want anything to do with this.,1,2023-07-12 22:02:51 +Google Play,Post Edit option should be enable🥺,1,2023-07-07 15:28:17 +Google Play,Why can you not create an account??,1,2023-07-07 06:26:26 +Google Play,Can't even download it. Keeps saying not connected. Gave up.,1,2023-07-08 04:21:45 +Google Play,Good (Better than twitter),5,2023-07-09 08:49:50 +Google Play,How user friendly it is😍💯,5,2023-07-10 02:40:29 +Google Play,Downloaded It --> Tried Opening the app --> App Crashed --> App uninstalled--> Good Riddance,1,2023-07-07 09:15:50 +Google Play,Very good app ❤🤗,5,2023-07-08 05:09:07 +Google Play,so bad error,1,2023-07-09 04:35:16 +Google Play,Very bad app 😔,3,2023-07-12 09:53:54 +Google Play,I just wanted to congratulate you guyss. power sya. Sana ban dito sa threads ang nudes/sex/porn basta anything na bastos.,5,2023-07-07 17:58:55 +Google Play,Can't log in,1,2023-07-06 13:01:13 +Google Play,Way better for influencers and youtubers etc 🔥💯,5,2023-07-08 16:32:31 +Google Play,Very good app 👌 😛💙💯👍,5,2023-07-06 16:50:46 +Google Play,Good Application For Social User,5,2023-07-06 15:57:12 +Google Play,"nothing new, looks like unholy combination of insta and twitter.",2,2023-07-07 10:41:03 +Google Play,Love this instweet,5,2023-07-06 09:42:18 +Google Play,"In this Lost of Amazing feature , new Experience for us . In short, Outclass 😍 @threadsapp",5,2023-07-07 02:03:12 +Google Play,Twitter is way better,1,2023-07-13 13:38:48 +Google Play,I just installed the app. But when I try to open it it crashes.,1,2023-07-10 22:56:03 +Google Play,Lots of bugs. When scroll the page its started to sake,1,2023-07-06 08:59:31 +Google Play,"Guys Once you Tweet, you never quite.",1,2023-07-06 16:16:24 +Google Play,"Great, Twitter of instagram😁",5,2023-07-06 10:45:17 +Google Play,it is the future since elonnn destroyed twitt er,5,2023-07-09 22:44:44 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 07:37:27 +Google Play,"Boring content... No trending, no DMs, just a useless app. And worst of you can't delete your account.",1,2023-07-24 12:09:49 +Google Play,🥱🥱🥱 good but not good 💔,5,2023-07-08 13:22:53 +Google Play,"Seems Better than ""Twitter""..",5,2023-07-06 16:25:50 +Google Play,Good just like Twitter🐦🐦🐦🐦,4,2023-07-07 04:39:13 +Google Play,"Following feed is necessary as an option (like twitter had back then with „Recommended"" and „Newest""). I don't mind to see random people from US and all around the world.",1,2023-07-06 08:30:12 +Google Play,I like this app very much,5,2023-07-07 04:58:48 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-10 18:15:15 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-08 11:59:07 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-09 08:49:08 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 06:00:56 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-09 17:09:28 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-08 05:38:38 +Google Play,Very good app ☺,5,2023-07-06 06:59:42 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 08:18:33 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 02:27:48 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 22:48:01 +Google Play,Very good app 💯,5,2023-07-06 03:47:03 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 13:05:06 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-12 01:25:44 +Google Play,Boring. A mix of Twitter and Instagram. No innovation... Uninstalling. Back to TikTok.,2,2023-07-07 03:25:24 +Google Play,Doesn't work,1,2023-07-07 01:06:10 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 18:24:28 +Google Play,Direct copy and paste of twitter,1,2023-07-18 16:51:01 +Google Play,worst social app you can't creat independent threads account,1,2023-07-07 19:42:07 +Google Play,Wonderfull.. like a twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:48:56 +Google Play,Very nice App 😇😇,5,2023-07-06 03:33:28 +Google Play,Best option for twitt,5,2023-07-06 12:27:34 +Google Play,Copied the form factor of twitter but the functionality is not quite there yet,1,2023-07-10 23:58:33 +Google Play,Very very nice,5,2023-07-08 03:21:28 +Google Play,"Make pinned typeshit, to pin the tweet man..",4,2023-07-07 12:40:03 +Google Play,Best app then twitter,5,2023-07-08 14:22:58 +Google Play,This app is lagging on my phone. Please launch Lite version for low end device.,1,2023-07-11 07:15:29 +Google Play,Is very good app,4,2023-07-15 13:26:59 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-08 00:04:15 +Google Play,"""Only benefits influencers, artists, and brands. You are just an object of social media capitalism (?)"" - Ilham A. Ridlo (via mastodon) ----- Setelah saya coba sendiri, terbukti beranda dipenuhi postingan thread sampah dari akun centang biru YANG TIDAK SAYA FOLLOW, sedangkan thread dari akun teman-teman yang saya follow pada tenggalam.",1,2023-07-11 01:22:55 +Google Play,It's amazing app,5,2023-07-06 18:30:16 +Google Play,Better option for Twitter....,5,2023-07-07 06:19:02 +Google Play,it's a great Start,4,2023-07-07 08:02:51 +Google Play,This is new apps twitter is better this apps,4,2023-07-07 11:50:45 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 03:57:32 +Google Play,Best Alternative of Twitter 🔥🔥♥️,5,2023-07-07 13:05:07 +Google Play,The interface is chaotic but the app runs smooth,1,2023-07-19 02:40:32 +Google Play,Its a new era app #Tweeterkiller,4,2023-07-07 04:50:24 +Google Play,Very good app,4,2023-07-07 15:22:37 +Google Play,Very good app,4,2023-07-08 05:46:45 +Google Play,Better than Twitter!,5,2023-07-07 03:33:12 +Google Play,Absolutely horrible. Within minutes my freedom of speech was sensored.,1,2023-07-20 21:55:18 +Google Play,So buggy. Gets stuck like every 2 minutes. Not recommended,1,2023-07-20 23:53:20 +Google Play,Please add direct chat,3,2023-07-06 10:02:06 +Google Play,It's a great app,5,2023-07-06 19:28:30 +Google Play,"No repost count, hashtag, explore",3,2023-07-06 10:01:40 +Google Play,App is such a glitch,1,2023-07-08 06:05:00 +Google Play,I so appreciate this app,5,2023-07-06 17:25:31 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 04:09:27 +Google Play,Nice app threads app,5,2023-07-14 15:38:49 +Google Play,Nice app threads Twitter to gya,4,2023-07-08 18:28:58 +Google Play,Very Good. Just wow,5,2023-07-06 06:02:09 +Google Play,Very interesting aap,5,2023-07-09 09:22:11 +Google Play,TWITTER WILL RUN AWAY SEEING THIS APP ...,5,2023-07-06 18:54:17 +Google Play,Not Smooth Experience 😡😡😡,1,2023-07-06 00:22:57 +Google Play,i did not like it at all,1,2023-07-12 00:03:04 +Google Play,Thread recommendations are garbage. Until and unless it could be curated to specific topics till then it's not upelling.,2,2023-07-08 12:02:30 +Google Play,Just out standing,5,2023-07-06 13:26:13 +Google Play,i hope there are threads lite too🤧,4,2023-07-10 02:50:42 +Google Play,Very good game,5,2023-07-09 06:33:23 +Google Play,So far... So good...,5,2023-07-06 17:14:00 +Google Play,Good addition to Meta family,5,2023-07-08 12:26:36 +Google Play,Fraud people.....If you are deleting thread account your instagram too will get delete.... It's a scam.....,1,2023-07-15 12:36:34 +Google Play,I'm not on Instagram,1,2023-07-09 00:44:39 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 16:59:26 +Google Play,excellent social media 🖤,5,2023-07-08 08:01:15 +Google Play,Super super super 👏❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:10:21 +Google Play,Kindly provide an option to login without an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-21 18:53:35 +Google Play,Not a good app,2,2023-07-21 10:06:56 +Google Play,"Requires an Instagram account, I don't want 2 apps just to use 1. Uninstall.",3,2023-07-07 01:45:45 +Google Play,This app better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 06:05:10 +Google Play,Worst performance I can't open home page due to some bugs . What the hell meta I need to you clear the bug as soon as possible 🤡,1,2023-07-07 14:28:07 +Google Play,Give space to other apps don't make monopoly and I comfortable with Twitter.,1,2023-07-22 05:20:10 +Google Play,Very boring app just to waste your precious time of minutes / hours.,1,2023-07-13 19:39:51 +Google Play,I am not seeing how to message,2,2023-07-11 09:53:54 +Google Play,Not bad but still this app is connected with Instagram and I don't like this feature,1,2023-07-10 13:50:04 +Google Play,Good rival for Twitter,5,2023-07-08 06:30:41 +Google Play,"Totally insane You have no freedom of expression on Threads like other Meta products, also leaks user data. Very Bad Not recommended",1,2023-07-16 15:06:22 +Google Play,Bug: SUDDENLY CLOSED while typing thread on Honor,2,2023-07-09 02:59:45 +Google Play,I m impressed for this app😊😎,5,2023-07-10 11:22:58 +Google Play,"Please make it more stable, because this app was glitch in my device... Thanks",5,2023-07-08 09:08:22 +Google Play,It is so good app,5,2023-07-13 17:37:18 +Google Play,Yh! The app is cool. It's more than Twitter. I even prefer it more than Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 10:59:58 +Google Play,No information from the user....,1,2023-07-20 17:25:37 +Google Play,THIS APP HAS NO FREE SPEECH. ANYTIME YOU SPEAK STH CONFIDENTIAL YOU GET A SUSPENTION. DELETE THIS APP IMMEDIATELY AND RETURN TO TWITTER !!,1,2023-07-08 04:32:14 +Google Play,Screen has glitch,1,2023-07-07 17:06:55 +Google Play,"Thought it would be a new nice app, after a day. It is broken and trash",1,2023-07-13 12:49:30 +Google Play,3rd x i ex 33 err e3s,3,2023-07-13 05:07:59 +Google Play,My Experience is Very good on threads.,5,2023-07-06 17:07:09 +Google Play,""" Most Excellent App By Threads """,5,2023-07-12 03:00:25 +Google Play,I don't have instagram account... How do i create account on threads?,1,2023-07-07 16:24:13 +Google Play,There's a glitch in my app please fix it . I don't know if my phone is the problem or the app itself,3,2023-07-06 08:35:08 +Google Play,Boring app and no effective allgorithm so post of user can go to other persons feed.,1,2023-07-17 10:45:12 +Google Play,Very good threads aap,5,2023-07-10 15:23:30 +Google Play,"Why a separate app,just integrate this with Instagram too many apps too much space",3,2023-07-07 10:23:53 +Google Play,Just a bunch of left wing bots,1,2023-07-21 15:05:09 +Google Play,It seem pretty good,5,2023-07-06 13:55:12 +Google Play,I can't follow then I can't unfollowing tho grrr,1,2023-07-07 14:24:03 +Google Play,It keeps lagging for me i reinstalled it 3 times doesn't work,2,2023-07-06 17:37:24 +Google Play,At least you can delete the account. the shortcut is really annoying. I've deleted it but still can't delete it.,1,2023-07-16 16:30:33 +Google Play,So many bugs,1,2023-07-13 09:55:59 +Google Play,Am i the first one to add review?? 😎 All the best,4,2023-07-06 14:53:47 +Google Play,I wish that it will distriy tweeter,1,2023-07-07 12:15:57 +Google Play,Very cool. Make it easier to see accounts that don't follow back.,4,2023-07-08 10:55:47 +Google Play,cool app like twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:36:18 +Google Play,So glitchy! Like a boot leg Twitter,1,2023-07-08 14:57:56 +Google Play,@queenie26z Let's be moots. ★ BASTA POST NI IDOL ⓛⓘⓚⓔ KO YAN.!!★ SANA LAGi KANG ACTiVE AH... para my #LiKEkana my #COMMENT kapa..❤♥❤ BASTA WAG MONG KAKALIMUTAN MAG #LiKE_BACK AH.. Sinu dito Gusto #ACTIVE_LiKER & #ACTiVE_COMMENTOR.?? #PM_muko para #ADD kita. #CF_TO_CF TAU.!,5,2023-07-06 13:01:03 +Google Play,Let's just hope this doesn't becomes the next Twitter I'm tired of seeing toxic comments in the face,5,2023-07-06 02:34:49 +Google Play,Pls don't install this 😭 Ekdam useless hai pr uninstall bhi nhi kar sakte nhi toh insta I'd bhi ban ho jayegi pls don't install this app,1,2023-07-08 18:17:13 +Google Play,Looks Wonderful ... Appreciate,5,2023-07-07 11:34:29 +Google Play,Nice and simple but get rid of instagram profile syncing,3,2023-07-06 03:30:05 +Google Play,Best Twitter rival so far,5,2023-07-06 10:50:28 +Google Play,threads keeps stopping,1,2023-07-06 23:42:03 +Google Play,"I am writing here for , because I didn't see any review under this , but I installed first and now I am finding review so , thats why I am writing a review 😄👍",3,2023-07-06 11:38:44 +Google Play,Threads Amazing Apps.,5,2023-07-23 09:43:27 +Google Play,"This is a very good app highly recommended, similar to twitter but without as much dodgy stuff! 😁",5,2023-07-06 14:42:09 +Google Play,Awesome app....Better than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 11:18:49 +Google Play,I think it's copy paste material 😂,1,2023-07-10 20:14:37 +Google Play,"Good app better than paid Twitter, should be recommended for all Instagram users since it has same UI as of insta 5/5 app ui 4/5 search system 4/5 recommendation 5/5 user experience",5,2023-07-06 17:22:56 +Google Play,Wow Great Apps 🙏🕉️🇳🇵,4,2023-07-06 16:55:35 +Google Play,I'm not sharing threads 😭 plz fix it,1,2023-07-06 08:10:17 +Google Play,Love it so far,5,2023-07-06 00:11:15 +Google Play,Need many improvement,4,2023-07-09 17:50:04 +Google Play,Good social media app ♥️,5,2023-07-10 11:15:13 +Google Play,Weird and cool luv it,5,2023-07-09 23:53:24 +Google Play,i can't login,1,2023-07-06 13:53:54 +Google Play,DONT have option to login multiple Accounts???,3,2023-07-06 07:37:15 +Google Play,This is so good🥰,5,2023-07-06 00:49:52 +Google Play,Nothing just checking it. 😂😂,4,2023-07-07 11:54:26 +Google Play,This app is not available for all phones and that is a big problem that they should solve .,1,2023-07-08 11:04:55 +Google Play,Twitter is better...,1,2023-07-10 20:08:30 +Google Play,If you are sick of Right wing BS and what has happened to Twitter try this app.,5,2023-07-06 20:49:56 +Google Play,Nice and great 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 16:23:03 +Google Play,Now it's time to compete with Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 07:52:36 +Google Play,Still Twitter is best,4,2023-07-06 13:51:22 +Google Play,Why it's need my financial info?🙄,1,2023-07-12 15:05:31 +Google Play,I can't understand how to use this app,1,2023-07-10 17:05:21 +Google Play,"An Instagram alternative, not Twitter. Lots to be fixed here.",1,2023-07-06 10:21:25 +Google Play,I can't believe Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are fighting for a app like this,2,2023-07-14 16:18:55 +Google Play,I LOVE THIS APP SO BAD!!!,5,2023-07-06 02:45:15 +Google Play,This app is copy by Twitter,5,2023-07-11 23:04:05 +Google Play,Very bad application,1,2023-07-12 02:40:32 +Google Play,Please add trend site on this App.,5,2023-07-06 17:36:48 +Google Play,Nice apps ever,5,2023-07-08 14:15:19 +Google Play,"I'm so happy. Even if it's new and still needs some fine-tuning, but at least we've got something to finally compete with Twitter which the bipolar oppressor that calls himself Elon Musk has succeeded in destroying since he acquired it. With the rise of other decentralized social media on the fold, this is just the beginning of the fall of twitter.",4,2023-07-07 05:07:16 +Google Play,Meta never disappoints!,5,2023-07-06 19:28:37 +Google Play,Threads introduced by Instagram is an advanced version of Twitter...I love the concept but need to stabilize your app via day to day updates. ..All the best @Threads🥰🥰🥰 (First Guy to write a review about Threads🥰🥰🥰),4,2023-07-06 07:47:40 +Google Play,Twitter is way better,1,2023-07-11 11:21:54 +Google Play,It is a good app that fulfilled more than the minimum requirement for a social app. Congrats to Meta,5,2023-07-18 19:16:27 +Google Play,Everyone be like threads achieved 1 million user 1:30 hours and here I am out of millions people writing the first review of the app 😂,5,2023-07-06 16:43:31 +Google Play,Boring and silly 🙄,1,2023-07-07 19:16:59 +Google Play,Improve the bug like glitches in screeen after opening it.,1,2023-07-13 11:47:34 +Google Play,"After login,it having glitch can't even use the app anymore",1,2023-07-09 01:24:15 +Google Play,Great very beautifull,5,2023-07-11 04:41:31 +Google Play,Bekar app without any logic create krdiya hai,1,2023-07-12 08:55:28 +Google Play,"Honestly, this app is just a copy of Twitter and Tumblr. Twitter is far better than this app. I don't like this app, that's my personal opinion.",1,2023-07-23 14:45:02 +Google Play,Not good at all,1,2023-07-13 16:48:45 +Google Play,Very bad censorship,1,2023-07-21 04:09:51 +Google Play,"Koi follow hi nahi karta bhot bekar aap hai, Don't Installed this App",1,2023-07-10 06:07:55 +Google Play,Its a good app,5,2023-07-09 01:37:54 +Google Play,Love it so far,5,2023-07-12 08:15:22 +Google Play,Very bad app,1,2023-07-11 01:56:35 +Google Play,Nice this app a clone of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:49:43 +Google Play,Twitter is better..,1,2023-07-10 10:23:08 +Google Play,cannot delete without deleting your instagram. not ideal.,1,2023-07-07 01:54:21 +Google Play,Oh it's amazing aap,5,2023-07-08 02:18:38 +Google Play,Trash. Can't even select your username. Just another useless app from Meta.,1,2023-07-06 19:13:49 +Google Play,I am first user Threads app. My reviews are only public .,5,2023-07-06 01:37:52 +Google Play,Not good at all,2,2023-07-07 10:34:23 +Google Play,Love this 💖😘 I will always trust you zuck,5,2023-07-20 02:54:52 +Google Play,User friendly and perfect 😍🔥 But Much more needs to be developed 😑📢,4,2023-07-06 10:11:40 +Google Play,Too much hanging,1,2023-07-22 15:14:52 +Google Play,Nice and dice,5,2023-07-06 22:00:45 +Google Play,One time login in threads app then after I am not able unlink threads in Instagram...and temporarily bedge not remove on insta... very bad experience 😕,1,2023-07-12 14:37:17 +Google Play,It is not usable in my phone I am experiencing jitters like crazy.,1,2023-07-07 12:33:31 +Google Play,Need some work specially the poor interface. For now Twitter is still King. UNFORTUNATELY.,3,2023-07-07 01:27:11 +Google Play,They keep requesting followers at my ig,1,2023-07-07 08:25:38 +Google Play,Fully copy of twitter 📲,1,2023-07-06 08:08:11 +Google Play,Twitter ripeoff without the users,1,2023-07-05 23:43:53 +Google Play,Best than Twitter!!,5,2023-07-06 02:28:20 +Google Play,Good app like tweeter,4,2023-07-09 10:48:15 +Google Play,"It feels too much Instagram to replace Twitter. Sorry, but no.",1,2023-07-07 09:29:53 +Google Play,Please i need an answer ASPA is it true that if you delete or your thread account got hacked. Will your instagram account also be involved,3,2023-07-10 08:15:14 +Google Play,Copy of twitter Cheap,1,2023-07-08 06:17:12 +Google Play,Its a good apk i love this apk,5,2023-07-12 05:01:54 +Google Play,My application is crashing,1,2023-07-10 10:23:16 +Google Play,You are not allow here to post video,1,2023-07-08 23:22:55 +Google Play,Very bad app,1,2023-07-13 05:55:03 +Google Play,I super duper love it ♥️,5,2023-07-07 08:08:51 +Google Play,"Nazi friendly. Editor in chief's own thread: ""Here at Threads, we expect everyone to be kind and respectful to others. That includes respecting the choice to live a Nazi lifestyle. We welcome everyone 🥰""",1,2023-07-07 01:54:14 +Google Play,I'm enjoying it so far.,5,2023-07-08 23:57:01 +Google Play,The best Social Platform,5,2023-07-12 04:22:29 +Google Play,It would have been much better if there was an option of monetization or money income🖤,2,2023-07-14 08:27:56 +Google Play,Such an amazing aap dude,5,2023-07-06 11:30:53 +Google Play,This app is soooo amazing! And better than twitter Guys this app don't have ads.,5,2023-07-07 06:43:50 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-06 00:34:54 +Google Play,How can you connect with mutuals without dms,1,2023-07-07 16:47:23 +Google Play,"Best alternative of Twitter 🤪, Chidiya Ud agyi 🐦",5,2023-07-07 08:46:54 +Google Play,So many bugs,1,2023-07-19 14:15:54 +Google Play,Fix the algorithm first. I don't want to see those verified accounts on my timeline,2,2023-07-09 22:27:29 +Google Play,This is good 🔥06/07/2023,3,2023-07-08 00:01:19 +Google Play,Very bad app,1,2023-07-09 10:37:44 +Google Play,Amazing so far,5,2023-07-06 21:31:08 +Google Play,It works well masha Allah,5,2023-07-06 14:12:56 +Google Play,This app is very very bad application,1,2023-07-12 12:17:04 +Google Play,Terrible app! there's no area to see who you are following. The threads are random AF! I'll stay with Twitter! You are terrible!,1,2023-07-07 03:35:23 +Google Play,Threads is a junk application,1,2023-07-13 20:14:20 +Google Play,Very Nice App Love U Mark Zuckerberg 🖤💯,5,2023-07-10 20:55:51 +Google Play,"It's good, but i prefer and would use Twitter anyday, honestly.",5,2023-07-14 02:47:31 +Google Play,"Good, but where are de DMs?",5,2023-07-06 01:27:21 +Google Play,Much better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:56:04 +Google Play,Can't see anything,1,2023-07-07 17:23:27 +Google Play,Better than Twitter! 😏👌,5,2023-07-08 13:50:26 +Google Play,"I guess developers took advantage of FOMO and open source code of Twitter. This app is like an github clone project of Twitter. Feels polished but no engagement, no new stuff and only followed content is promoted. Learn from twitter and be better if you want a piece of this cake.",1,2023-07-23 08:31:52 +Google Play,Twitter ui is better,1,2023-07-10 13:06:30 +Google Play,Very nice! However definitely needs a media tab,4,2023-07-15 01:47:07 +Google Play,"This is one of the another greatest work of Instagram team 👀🤩. I appreciate their sincere effort! Keep it up guys 💗✨ Btw, tysm for also let the Indians use this 🇮🇳😘",5,2023-07-06 13:52:57 +Google Play,İt's so beautiful,5,2023-07-07 05:21:42 +Google Play,its fun i promise😂⚔️🎥,5,2023-07-07 09:51:10 +Google Play,Very Good App,5,2023-07-08 17:44:57 +Google Play,Horrible app Never use this features... One person controlling the world media is dangerous,1,2023-07-08 10:37:24 +Google Play,Not sure about this app,2,2023-07-08 20:50:49 +Google Play,Alright let's see what this is all about,4,2023-07-06 03:19:33 +Google Play,"No translation feature, no hastag, no favourite feature, duh",4,2023-07-07 10:47:08 +Google Play,I do not like that if you enter Threads and you want to try it out or look how it looks like you log in. Then people want to delete their threads account but you can't. If you want to delete it you have to delete your instagram account and it's stressful.,1,2023-07-07 16:22:38 +Google Play,"Could be the new Twitter killer. Lets wait and see. Rn, the app is barebones.",4,2023-07-06 04:13:49 +Google Play,Need material u icon,4,2023-07-07 15:26:47 +Google Play,100% copied from twitter 😆,1,2023-07-06 14:01:54 +Google Play,Very nice application ❤️,5,2023-07-18 15:25:59 +Google Play,"Lagy scrolling that ununderstandable, because it's not happening to anyone else",1,2023-07-18 22:59:43 +Google Play,Texts and images are overlapping.,2,2023-07-09 13:34:20 +Google Play,"Didn't know you had to have an Instagram account so I made one, then it locked my account out because it wanted my phone number. I shouldn't have to put my number to have an account so my account is locked because of it.",1,2023-07-07 07:46:53 +Google Play,"So many bugs, really bad algorithm for home page",1,2023-07-24 05:42:15 +Google Play,Left Wing and heavy censorship...Trash community!,1,2023-07-08 14:35:45 +Google Play,I do not like how it connects with your Instagram that's basically scamming,1,2023-07-12 09:11:40 +Google Play,Best of first time for Idea wahh,5,2023-07-06 11:56:00 +Google Play,Reminder: i should not install this app,1,2023-07-08 12:19:02 +Google Play,JUST DOWNLOADED IT FOR ROSÉ STREAM ON THE GROUND!,1,2023-07-24 07:49:13 +Google Play,They made Twitter for Instagram users,3,2023-07-06 11:52:04 +Google Play,my threads got suspended for no reason and suspended my insta too :<,1,2023-07-08 17:02:10 +Google Play,It keeps crashing whenever I attach pictures.,3,2023-07-08 09:00:40 +Google Play,Best replacement of twitter 😁,3,2023-07-06 15:41:41 +Google Play,Very very good 👌,5,2023-07-18 01:28:34 +Google Play,Wrost app copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 09:33:26 +Google Play,"with adding some features, this app will be the peak of social media apps",5,2023-07-07 23:10:39 +Google Play,Isn't the moon lovely🌚,5,2023-07-06 14:27:37 +Google Play,Straight up copy of Twitter. Ads and irrelevant content is more.,1,2023-07-07 08:00:06 +Google Play,Trashy basic ui it looks like they shipped it early just to take advantage of twitter being down,1,2023-07-10 01:44:13 +Google Play,"Twitter, but better 💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌",5,2023-07-06 04:03:18 +Google Play,Minus point is that u can't delete your account 😭😭 if we did insta account bhi delete ho jye ga..... 😭 I hope yeah zero star ka bhi option hota,1,2023-07-23 12:29:21 +Google Play,Loving every bit let's grow together,5,2023-07-08 17:58:49 +Google Play,"Threads isn’t finding my Device, pls what can I do",2,2023-07-07 22:16:27 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 23:05:56 +Google Play,App got Crashed.,1,2023-07-06 14:56:22 +Google Play,Jack Dorsey must be laughing.,2,2023-07-06 06:59:43 +Google Play,When is support for multiple accounts coming?,4,2023-07-06 05:52:18 +Google Play,A breath of fresg air. Lets see how it goes for now,5,2023-07-06 10:45:54 +Google Play,Y cant I send a dm on this mf app?,1,2023-07-06 22:50:11 +Google Play,This is a best app 🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-09 16:35:10 +Google Play,Its good new app but 👀,5,2023-07-06 19:28:31 +Google Play,Very bad app,1,2023-07-06 16:15:48 +Google Play,Plz release a lite version,5,2023-07-22 19:14:16 +Google Play,Rubbish App 😡😡😡 twitter is best ❤️,1,2023-07-10 09:42:33 +Google Play,So much glitch,1,2023-07-09 15:25:24 +Google Play,This is soo cool,5,2023-07-08 07:36:25 +Google Play,"My experience so far is great and hoping to see more in the upcoming updates, thanks @team META 😁",5,2023-07-06 21:19:14 +Google Play,Excited to use threads..,5,2023-07-06 19:14:31 +Google Play,Why i can't post on that??,1,2023-07-07 00:40:40 +Google Play,"Bad, because the download is as slow as a turtle.",1,2023-07-06 00:13:08 +Google Play,"Twitter copy paste, but worse",1,2023-07-13 14:34:42 +Google Play,Very good for social,5,2023-07-12 04:35:39 +Google Play,Better than Twitter!!!,5,2023-07-06 19:58:38 +Google Play,Exactly good app,5,2023-07-08 11:47:49 +Google Play,I love this,4,2023-07-13 14:16:38 +Google Play,It has a lot of bug... I can't even open the application,1,2023-07-10 03:58:10 +Google Play,"Just download it to give a 1 star, fxxk you mark Zuckerberg alien",1,2023-07-12 20:18:21 +Google Play,So far it's been a great app.,5,2023-07-08 06:18:38 +Google Play,Not good but not bad 💜,3,2023-07-07 15:19:34 +Google Play,Can't have a threads without having an Instagram? Boo. I just wanted a Twitter alternative not an insta account. Uninstall.,1,2023-07-11 15:20:20 +Google Play,Deletes instagram account also if someone wants yo delete threads account only,1,2023-07-11 07:11:23 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-07 20:01:37 +Google Play,"It's the best. I love 💕 it. Threads, an Instagram.",5,2023-07-06 19:12:58 +Google Play,Just launched let's see what happens,4,2023-07-06 12:55:43 +Google Play,It's good 💯 . Twitter upayogikatavar pollum ipo threads ill und .,3,2023-07-06 09:25:08 +Google Play,I think seriously It's useless,1,2023-07-08 17:28:06 +Google Play,Great App I used it only One day no bug no buff just phenomenal work...,5,2023-07-06 12:48:37 +Google Play,Thank you so much!!,5,2023-07-09 06:06:35 +Google Play,Very good App 👍,5,2023-07-07 09:52:14 +Google Play,Very good App,5,2023-07-10 03:59:02 +Google Play,#mr__kl__garasiya007 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐁𝟔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 🚨𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋____🥀🌱🌷 ₜₒₚ ₘₒDₑₗ____🥀🌱🌷 Instagram Account Follow #mr__kl__garasiya007 Hello World 🌎🌍 Beautiful 😍 Aap For Instagram,5,2023-07-06 16:48:59 +Google Play,This is amazing,5,2023-07-06 21:15:49 +Google Play,Zuck you m f stop copying thing and taking our important data sell 🤬🤬,1,2023-07-07 16:12:10 +Google Play,I am very very happy 😊,5,2023-07-06 17:09:26 +Google Play,Good job mark 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻,5,2023-07-06 07:41:57 +Google Play,"its a totally nonsense social media app, you need to have an account in instagram , pathetic to see this type of authentication.",1,2023-07-07 23:48:26 +Google Play,So beautiful app 🤩🤩,5,2023-07-05 23:06:12 +Google Play,So many bugs,1,2023-07-06 05:42:00 +Google Play,Good app! It will be helpful in connecting with people.,5,2023-07-05 23:32:12 +Google Play,Better app from Twitter 😂😂,5,2023-07-10 16:46:23 +Google Play,Same algorithmic bs as Facebook. Can't see only your friends. Solves zero problems.,1,2023-07-09 14:09:54 +Google Play,This app Amazing 🖤,5,2023-07-06 02:04:11 +Google Play,So lazy application i dont like,1,2023-07-12 20:03:16 +Google Play,1st review of the app... Gonna make a million dollar here 1st,5,2023-07-06 13:28:31 +Google Play,"Why it's linked to Instagram account, 😒 why i can't change name here and delete profile without deleting Instagram.",1,2023-07-06 17:03:54 +Google Play,Cheating is not a healthy compitation,4,2023-07-10 13:31:46 +Google Play,Greatest I love it,5,2023-07-08 16:28:15 +Google Play,A new place to connect 😄,5,2023-07-06 07:25:03 +Google Play,Lots of bug,2,2023-07-09 21:55:38 +Google Play,This App Is very Good 💗🫠,5,2023-07-06 01:00:05 +Google Play,I kind of like this app,4,2023-07-07 04:35:50 +Google Play,"Great, but bring random video chat feature here, that will be super fun 🤣",5,2023-07-08 05:41:24 +Google Play,It's glitching so much and I can't use it. Please fix this.,1,2023-07-06 08:20:55 +Google Play,This Is best app.,5,2023-07-07 15:14:26 +Google Play,Excellent app to showcase your thoughts among the world 🌎 great work team,5,2023-07-06 08:01:35 +Google Play,Its glitching on my device. Its clearly on it's developing stage.,2,2023-07-08 11:21:08 +Google Play,The absolute worst. Deleted it 10 minutes after downloading.,1,2023-07-19 06:11:37 +Google Play,"can't seem to enter the app, please clear the bugs",1,2023-07-06 06:14:12 +Google Play,the app is glitching,1,2023-07-06 21:39:45 +Google Play,Good job meta,5,2023-07-06 23:50:13 +Google Play,It's basically twitter,1,2023-07-06 15:50:50 +Google Play,Don't like how it wanted my credit card info before installing! Won't be getting this.,1,2023-07-08 01:12:46 +Google Play,This app best thanks,5,2023-07-06 17:20:54 +Google Play,𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢.. 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚣𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚎 @bang.𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚘,5,2023-07-07 00:25:18 +Google Play,"Lack of features, personalised feed, etc..",2,2023-07-19 12:10:57 +Google Play,It makes me happy 😊,5,2023-07-07 14:17:32 +Google Play,"Good, but i can't acces theards, because they say the app is in update..",2,2023-07-07 01:45:18 +Google Play,Good Work Zuck.,5,2023-07-07 16:26:25 +Google Play,worst version of twitter,1,2023-07-07 12:03:52 +Google Play,I still can'r connect,4,2023-07-07 03:17:07 +Google Play,Its a very nice app,2,2023-07-08 12:32:26 +Google Play,Plzz don't download this 🙏🙏 😒,1,2023-07-11 03:21:49 +Google Play,unusable on tablet,1,2023-07-11 12:43:54 +Google Play,I dont like this app ...👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻,1,2023-07-08 07:12:33 +Google Play,Good comparison with twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:28:36 +Google Play,worst app ever made,1,2023-07-13 19:16:50 +Google Play,Nice better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:30:02 +Google Play,Very best app,5,2023-07-07 04:28:32 +Google Play,far far better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:12:13 +Google Play,"it's a literal twitter ripoff that is being used against Elon Musk. Deal with it, lizardman zuckerberg. I know that you are stealing peple's data.",1,2023-07-07 18:02:49 +Google Play,Copy past app zukermarkg.,1,2023-07-08 22:38:02 +Google Play,"I'm having issues downloading this app, this is the second meta app I'm having issues with downloading",1,2023-07-07 18:26:27 +Google Play,"Yes, I can work with this without having to be limited to what I watch! Thanks zuck!",5,2023-07-06 02:15:00 +Google Play,"Am the first person to download it, kindly follow farook_gram",5,2023-07-07 09:34:14 +Google Play,"It doesn't open, it just keeps on loading",1,2023-07-07 07:21:31 +Google Play,You are probably here to see the doom of twitter. I'll get some popcorns for you.,5,2023-07-06 10:39:23 +Google Play,No way to only show people I want to follow. I'll come back when it's more fleshed out.,2,2023-07-07 01:15:02 +Google Play,Full of glitch 😖😖,2,2023-07-06 16:51:28 +Google Play,suffered UI glitch,2,2023-07-06 06:53:03 +Google Play,Clone of 2 apps.,1,2023-07-07 12:00:02 +Google Play,so many glitches even not able to see interface properly,1,2023-07-07 01:37:04 +Google Play,Seems much better!,5,2023-07-12 00:56:40 +Google Play,Not interested app .👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-06 07:25:01 +Google Play,This app is good,5,2023-07-08 14:03:28 +Google Play,I will share my feedback after 2-3 months.,3,2023-07-06 18:15:46 +Google Play,"Typical Meta genocide enabling. After enabling the Myanmar genocide, you'd think they wouldn't let it happen again, instead they're keeping up accounts dedicated to harassing trans people with literal slurs in their name. Twitter caved to Nazis, and so does Meta.",1,2023-07-09 16:14:47 +Google Play,This app is good but never experienced bcz threads screen bern overlapped every time pls sove it..,3,2023-07-09 02:32:52 +Google Play,"Quite honestly ... what makes me sour ... is that I can't delete the app, I have to delete my whole Instagram account. And why do you need ALL my personal information made available to you?",1,2023-07-06 20:26:54 +Google Play,I wants to know that if we delete Thread our Instagram account will also be deleted ?,1,2023-07-24 04:59:17 +Google Play,"Sorry meta but you are doing wrong,to download you app you are playing with people Instagram I'd ,so please do not do that it's a humble request. Thank you",1,2023-07-10 19:46:05 +Google Play,This app better than Twitter. Cool,5,2023-07-07 10:34:29 +Google Play,This apps are work smoothly whenever I chart anyone can.,3,2023-07-06 01:47:28 +Google Play,It's a great time for zukku,5,2023-07-07 04:39:28 +Google Play,So this elon vs mark thing already going insane...hehe,4,2023-07-06 06:52:48 +Google Play,I hope the robot beats the lizard man,1,2023-07-10 16:57:37 +Google Play,Please include chat option 🙏🏼,5,2023-07-06 12:22:27 +Google Play,I think it has potential.,5,2023-07-06 23:13:03 +Google Play,Same blue garbage app,1,2023-07-07 10:50:03 +Google Play,"Needs more work, its ok but it keeps putting in unwanted posts",3,2023-07-12 15:37:11 +Google Play,Better then Twitter so far,4,2023-07-08 17:21:45 +Google Play,Worse don't install,1,2023-07-14 18:21:03 +Google Play,"Excellent, but need more user friendly features",1,2023-07-22 11:32:53 +Google Play,Not working now,1,2023-07-06 09:29:42 +Google Play,Where is trending page??,3,2023-07-07 07:06:26 +Google Play,Keeps crashing. Myspace would never do this to me.,2,2023-07-11 01:02:19 +Google Play,This app very good 👍,5,2023-07-06 16:29:26 +Google Play,You're definitely paying for positive reviews,1,2023-07-08 00:36:11 +Google Play,I loved this program because it is characterized by elegance and beauty ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 19:50:55 +Google Play,How to unhide threads badge on Instagram.,4,2023-07-06 14:36:15 +Google Play,"Yo a new app 😳 just came out today 6th July and here I am already got it, let's go try it. Hope it's a great app let's just give it a 5 star",5,2023-07-06 17:05:20 +Google Play,What's the purpose of linking my Instagram account that's linked to my Facebook account for a garbage version of both. Doom scrolling at its finest.,1,2023-07-08 08:05:05 +Google Play,Ha Ha It's awesome 🤩🤩,5,2023-07-06 08:00:58 +Google Play,The app is the best,5,2023-07-09 12:15:54 +Google Play,Fazul app ha is leye 1 star diya q k ma elon musk ka fan hu.,1,2023-07-08 19:09:43 +Google Play,First english review for this app💯💯💯,5,2023-07-06 06:07:58 +Google Play,Amazing trends an instagram on my viral video,5,2023-07-06 04:08:08 +Google Play,It's good for used,4,2023-07-07 14:39:25 +Google Play,Just a crummy Mastodon clone with a huge amount of tracking.,1,2023-07-14 08:05:39 +Google Play,Such a good App ever 🤝🤝🤝,5,2023-07-06 18:06:24 +Google Play,Just now installed 😎,5,2023-07-05 23:12:34 +Google Play,THIS APP BETTER THEN TWITTER !! NO CAP,5,2023-07-05 23:04:07 +Google Play,Please Add Delete button to delete only thread account,1,2023-07-08 07:28:32 +Google Play,"Copy concept of Twitter, nothing new. Cheater Zuckerberg",1,2023-07-07 22:58:22 +Google Play,Nice of this app guy's😍😍😍✌✌✌,5,2023-07-09 18:46:20 +Google Play,DO NOT USE. Just installing the Threads app disabled my Instagram account for no reason.,1,2023-07-06 23:27:44 +Google Play,is Okay I Guess But please Add Dark Mode,2,2023-07-08 01:32:00 +Google Play,i just don't like it,1,2023-07-16 15:29:17 +Google Play,I don't care too much for social media. But I get on once in awhile. I tried this I really don't like it.,1,2023-07-16 01:02:26 +Google Play,Good job mark 🐵🐵🐵,5,2023-07-10 01:07:34 +Google Play,Its wonderful app ❤️✅,5,2023-07-09 19:40:08 +Google Play,Very very good,5,2023-07-08 05:08:05 +Google Play,Nofications don't work,4,2023-07-08 21:23:50 +Google Play,good app literally,5,2023-07-07 17:03:27 +Google Play,You're completely locked in if you sign up. No deleting your account unless you wanna lose your instagram too. Not to mention you fyp is covered in posts by people you don't even follow,1,2023-07-10 00:33:59 +Google Play,A strong competitor for Twitter,4,2023-07-06 15:01:23 +Google Play,It's a second twitter Please God help me,1,2023-07-07 02:45:08 +Google Play,Can't delete the account,1,2023-07-15 05:30:42 +Google Play,"If it comes out against Twitter, we guys are totally with Meta",5,2023-07-06 07:45:51 +Google Play,App Hangs frequently,1,2023-07-06 10:44:18 +Google Play,Not better than Twitter...,1,2023-07-11 15:11:04 +Google Play,"A good start, but it's crashing all time.",2,2023-07-07 12:49:12 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg going to create history amazing application,5,2023-07-06 19:05:13 +Google Play,Glitch is there.,1,2023-07-06 20:18:58 +Google Play,You should add a place for a message in thread.,2,2023-07-08 17:38:45 +Google Play,Best App just waiting for the ad placement for this app,5,2023-07-06 09:25:13 +Google Play,Forces Instagram on you.,1,2023-07-06 14:08:43 +Google Play,Follow me subscribe my YouTube channel (Sukhera Ji Vlogs). I am very poor,5,2023-07-10 19:08:48 +Google Play,"I'll give it 4 star because this aap is good, I can easily transfer my Instagram account to Threads account, it is Twitter but.. I like it 👍",4,2023-07-06 12:20:33 +Google Play,Safe house for snowflakes. Freedom of Speech not a thing.,1,2023-07-23 14:50:07 +Google Play,Wow cool app( twitter),4,2023-07-06 14:23:18 +Google Play,Better than twitter!,5,2023-07-07 18:37:54 +Google Play,"Always giving first app updates including new features to apple phones. Against this discrimination, I have uninstalled this app from meta.",1,2023-07-19 23:09:07 +Google Play,Very Cool app,5,2023-07-06 11:42:48 +Google Play,i dont like this app,1,2023-07-19 11:17:43 +Google Play,Can't get sound on a video I added Apart from that it's good,5,2023-07-08 18:55:18 +Google Play,Going to start thread and probably first to live a review as today it has just launched 😃,5,2023-07-05 23:20:22 +Google Play,Lots of bugs,1,2023-07-09 14:09:21 +Google Play,In app havein app how make glitches now,1,2023-07-06 08:21:26 +Google Play,It's really nice and good👍,5,2023-07-07 20:11:57 +Google Play,Nice and wonderful 👍 app like Twitter ☺️ but it's have more features than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 12:45:07 +Google Play,This app is so good 😊👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 04:26:50 +Google Play,"Such a low quality build, but something change",3,2023-07-06 16:01:35 +Google Play,Add feature #trending hashtag 🔥Like Twitter,5,2023-07-18 11:27:06 +Google Play,I don't really see a purpose of this if you already have IG and Twitter. It's a complete bite of Twitter and just another step for Meta to dominate our data and lives.,1,2023-07-11 06:54:39 +Google Play,Impressive about this app,5,2023-07-06 11:36:17 +Google Play,Why do I need threads when I have Twitter ??,1,2023-07-07 11:12:57 +Google Play,is it had bug or something?,1,2023-07-10 12:13:35 +Google Play,"Average, I want to delete the account.",3,2023-07-24 08:13:16 +Google Play,It's a good app,4,2023-07-08 05:35:54 +Google Play,Follow me on threads. This is my name: cayd.5 تابعوني على threads هذا اسمي: cayd.5,5,2023-07-08 11:33:36 +Google Play,Story Upload Option Add Now,5,2023-07-11 09:40:50 +Google Play,"company policy is the same. you can't call a spade a spade, upload photo evidence of war crimes, because it doesn't make money, you can't sell advertising.",1,2023-07-09 22:49:25 +Google Play,"So Bad, Twitter best!",1,2023-07-23 17:47:34 +Google Play,It's a nice app but i don't really like to connect with ppl so gud for other users but i support this app cuz it's great,5,2023-07-06 14:02:59 +Google Play,Worst application in the history,1,2023-07-11 12:45:51 +Google Play,Wow Tamil Letter App...,5,2023-07-09 01:18:08 +Google Play,I tried to download it but it couldn't because the size of the shop is 4GBs,1,2023-07-15 14:02:03 +Google Play,I guess we are switching,3,2023-07-07 02:27:21 +Google Play,How come I cannot delete my account. Are we under the Gestapo or something?,1,2023-07-08 19:17:19 +Google Play,It's new app so good,3,2023-07-17 15:07:11 +Google Play,"The app is pure censorship, you can't express yourself freely. I've uninstalled. Made a mistake by using it.",1,2023-07-08 16:23:46 +Google Play,"I don't know why but this app is not working properly, I think it has lot of bugs in it 🙂",1,2023-07-08 06:27:38 +Google Play,Good but misse a lot 🫡,2,2023-07-08 14:18:01 +Google Play,A terrible app with no freedom of speech. Meta is Meta. This garbage supports ruzzia and its terror. Trash.,1,2023-07-06 10:23:30 +Google Play,after downloading this app your messenger can experience error sending pictures and also instagram,2,2023-07-07 12:01:18 +Google Play,It's good app but still there is some gaps and problems supposed to be fixed,4,2023-07-06 10:17:50 +Google Play,"The king is dead, long live the king.",5,2023-07-08 01:58:51 +Google Play,Very very very nice,5,2023-07-06 18:49:31 +Google Play,Can't use app in Android 9 So buggy and laggy please fix it asap,1,2023-07-06 11:01:28 +Google Play,Very nice aaps,5,2023-07-17 11:17:15 +Google Play,Threads just wants to spy on you. Check out the requirements,1,2023-07-07 00:43:21 +Google Play,There's a lot to improve.,3,2023-07-08 22:08:59 +Google Play,Very very very good,5,2023-07-08 13:36:58 +Google Play,Thanks for Instagram 😊,5,2023-07-09 02:41:24 +Google Play,It's so cool and a really good replacement to twitter.,5,2023-07-06 05:03:48 +Google Play,Better than tweeter,5,2023-07-07 06:24:41 +Google Play,No dark mode,3,2023-07-06 19:15:35 +Google Play,If we have to delete only thread account then why we have to loose our insta account Its not making any sense People trust meta that's why the choose thread over Twitter So please dear team do something about it 🙏,1,2023-07-09 03:54:04 +Google Play,It takes a lot time while installing... Reach of the posts is not so good...,3,2023-07-09 19:29:40 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 02:54:53 +Google Play,Please add trent and add Kurdistan region,4,2023-07-07 20:06:17 +Google Play,It's a good app,5,2023-07-09 06:44:14 +Google Play,Best competitor for Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 10:05:13 +Google Play,It is a good app,5,2023-07-07 12:10:10 +Google Play,It is a good app💯🔥🔥,4,2023-07-06 18:45:48 +Google Play,I don't want to see threads from people I don't follow,1,2023-07-11 00:18:57 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 18:42:34 +Google Play,"I have a bad experience about Twitter.. That platform was not for me... They've banned my account.. So, it's good to have this Threads now. I hope they will keep this platform safe and friendly for everyone. ❤️❤️🇧🇩",5,2023-07-06 13:52:43 +Google Play,Loving this app,5,2023-07-06 12:22:28 +Google Play,Its great app,5,2023-07-21 09:18:00 +Google Play,Good app but addictive like insta whereas Twitter is like informative and useful this will waste my time,5,2023-07-06 03:30:12 +Google Play,Very bad application,1,2023-07-06 19:24:29 +Google Play,I like it and I love it 😍,5,2023-07-08 01:00:04 +Google Play,After using this app my Instagram account stop working. Even I can't open Instagram app on my device. What should I do?,1,2023-07-07 09:36:02 +Google Play,I can't post media,3,2023-07-07 09:20:23 +Google Play,Very useful aap,5,2023-07-08 07:57:49 +Google Play,"This is just a copy of famous stuff like tiktok, Instagram and Twitter.",1,2023-07-08 18:52:20 +Google Play,Best app ever,5,2023-07-07 19:06:03 +Google Play,Its better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:34:37 +Google Play,Meta apps all suck,1,2023-07-06 15:51:14 +Google Play,By far the best I have ever used.,5,2023-07-06 20:28:52 +Google Play,I feel like this could easily replace Twitter 😌Sorry Elon Musk 🥲,5,2023-07-07 17:08:45 +Google Play,Best app man...like this app....love you Elon musk,5,2023-07-13 16:42:12 +Google Play,It is a Instagram depending app. Without Instagram it is not working,1,2023-07-08 05:17:21 +Google Play,Perfect 🥰 deleted that silly bird app and will use this instead ❤️ mark is the best,5,2023-07-10 09:11:46 +Google Play,No save button,3,2023-07-11 23:46:45 +Google Play,"This platform is an undercooked turd. Literally everything you hate about Instagram is distilled down into something even more annoying. This is a content graveyard. It is where posts go to die. I even offered to give away $1000 if I could get to 50 followers in 3 days, and got ZERO engagement. Don't waste your time with this garbage. At least on Twitter, it feels like you're talking to somebody... Twitter is bad because of the people. Threads is bad because it's a bad platform.",1,2023-07-23 07:09:58 +Google Play,"Liked it, hope it evolve faster than any Meta services and apps",5,2023-07-06 03:36:42 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter,5,2023-07-11 18:01:47 +Google Play,It ok just like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:04:13 +Google Play,My account was in the first 10000 registers,5,2023-07-14 06:35:55 +Google Play,The go to place to interact with advertisements and brands,2,2023-07-06 23:59:40 +Google Play,"Worst experience, my Instagram account logouts automatically as soon as I login to threads",1,2023-07-10 18:17:56 +Google Play,You have to delete your insta account to get rid of it. Dumbest thing I've ever heard of. I don't use Twitter and I don't want to use this.,1,2023-07-13 05:45:01 +Google Play,It works now in the case of playing it plays in the case of stopped video,1,2023-07-06 14:56:11 +Google Play,Installed Because I Like TopG Tate❣️,1,2023-07-17 09:11:07 +Google Play,It's such a amazing app 😍,3,2023-07-07 21:02:30 +Google Play,It so cool to spend time in it with posting and sharing its so cool,5,2023-07-08 19:46:23 +Google Play,looks good till now 👀✨,5,2023-07-06 14:45:31 +Google Play,"But just got stuck with a Problem. I have a public and a pvt account on Instagram. At first, I logged in on Threads using my pvt account. But now, when I wanted to activate my public acc on Threads at the same time, it asked me to go with any one profile only. Thus, I selected the public acc, and deactivated the pvt profile. But when I look at the pvt acc on Instagram, it still shows the Threads link, which is already deactivated. But the link of Threads on ig of my pvt acc doesn't get cleared",4,2023-07-07 21:22:26 +Google Play,Experience is actually nice,3,2023-07-07 11:06:18 +Google Play,Nothing to explore 😂,1,2023-07-23 20:54:38 +Google Play,Dard theme featured please DM convention featured please update,5,2023-07-12 09:37:19 +Google Play,Good Try .. keep it up 👍🔥,4,2023-07-06 16:12:17 +Google Play,"Overrated,no new features and missing old ones twitter has,not safe",1,2023-07-11 10:12:22 +Google Play,Good and worst app,5,2023-07-09 02:10:19 +Google Play,Not better than Twitter,2,2023-07-22 18:35:02 +Google Play,blatant copy of Twitter application,1,2023-07-08 15:00:06 +Google Play,Its looks cool...,4,2023-07-06 07:25:19 +Google Play,Good job zuuuuuk,5,2023-07-06 00:38:31 +Google Play,This is expensive app 🥰❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-09 09:35:26 +Google Play,First review; we need you to add Voice calls and Video shorts like youtube and Tiktok. Let me know when Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg will fight 😂,5,2023-07-06 02:43:03 +Google Play,"Boring. Twitter, a similar platform, is better.",1,2023-07-22 22:53:53 +Google Play,It looks like Twitter.,2,2023-07-24 10:42:02 +Google Play,I guess Elon's right...it sucks...I have to delete my whole IG acc if I want to delete threads profile...,1,2023-07-06 14:24:47 +Google Play,I'll give you a five star cuz your first coming in beat twitter.,5,2023-07-06 16:16:53 +Google Play,I am try to know how it works someone please explain,4,2023-07-06 03:16:57 +Google Play,"I installed this app, I thought that we can chat in this too like Instagram, but I could not find any chat option. There should be chat in this aap, I think you will get a difference from my review.",1,2023-07-11 11:39:05 +Google Play,Helpful apps Please grow my account,5,2023-07-15 06:10:10 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-11 18:54:16 +Google Play,"Twitter, but Instagram.",4,2023-07-06 22:23:33 +Google Play,"App recommends irrelevant content , i wish recommendations from Instagram could transfer to threads",4,2023-07-07 18:40:35 +Google Play,I'm here to see Elon Musk's rating on this app. 😆,5,2023-07-07 18:22:22 +Google Play,Please add theme option.,4,2023-07-06 17:49:55 +Google Play,So much bugs,1,2023-07-07 06:17:16 +Google Play,Good but not good,3,2023-07-06 07:05:00 +Google Play,good app like Twitter,5,2023-07-10 11:27:06 +Google Play,Can't save pics? No DMs 🤦‍♂️no hashtags,2,2023-07-06 12:19:24 +Google Play,Elon Musk dislikes this app,5,2023-07-06 07:22:26 +Google Play,The screen flicker please the problem I can't even use the app,1,2023-07-06 16:29:21 +Google Play,Give u stars first. Later only see see look look test test,5,2023-07-07 01:38:37 +Google Play,The home feed are full of brands acting like real people and it makes me cringe.,2,2023-07-23 09:39:31 +Google Play,Keeps on crashing.....tooo many bugs at this point initially,1,2023-07-07 00:27:32 +Google Play,I don't want to use both Twitter and Instagram in same app it sucks..🤣😆,1,2023-07-11 19:07:51 +Google Play,Kinda good app,2,2023-07-06 18:12:17 +Google Play,It's really nice 🙂,5,2023-07-07 18:19:40 +Google Play,This application should not exist. Users should have the option to delete their account without deleting their Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 00:56:45 +Google Play,Nice app Instagram family,5,2023-07-07 03:50:56 +Google Play,"Ithreads, all data is copied, nothing new. Why should waste storage",1,2023-07-08 06:09:07 +Google Play,Crashes sometimes but overall better than twitter,4,2023-07-07 12:31:04 +Google Play,Please who knows more about this app...?,4,2023-07-06 16:27:08 +Google Play,Awful twitter ripoff with half the features. To top it off you can't delete account without deleting your instagram. Disaster,1,2023-07-10 23:43:03 +Google Play,Not promising at all,1,2023-07-10 02:32:40 +Google Play,tg hhhoutyy be too yes ty ttg go vyvtt6 TV TVvggg yyq,1,2023-07-15 16:36:34 +Google Play,"Maybe, I'm first Turkmen user of Threads. 🇹🇲 Good luck, Zuckerberg! 🥂",5,2023-07-07 11:22:57 +Google Play,Get that option to look at your own Likes,2,2023-07-09 23:12:50 +Google Play,I do not have Instagram eo I can't log in.. oh well their loss,1,2023-07-06 15:15:12 +Google Play,Became boring after a while coz you can no more see the relevant posts.,1,2023-07-23 04:52:53 +Google Play,Not good app,1,2023-07-07 07:42:18 +Google Play,Better app than twitter,5,2023-07-08 13:34:25 +Google Play,Total copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-15 03:03:52 +Google Play,Wow. Just installed and opened and filled with glitches and can't scroll. Fix it or it is doomed. Redmi K20 pro.,1,2023-07-09 16:53:11 +Google Play,It's definitely cool,5,2023-07-09 20:46:02 +Google Play,Its a nice app,5,2023-07-08 07:39:49 +Google Play,nice please blue tick 💙,5,2023-07-06 01:08:44 +Google Play,"Once upon a time, in a world woven with dreams and aspirations, a new chapter begins... Insta",5,2023-07-06 06:23:53 +Google Play,Its really nice,4,2023-07-21 20:03:44 +Google Play,It's time to say bye to Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 01:14:22 +Google Play,Amazing 😍😍 post posts 👏😀,5,2023-07-07 08:10:39 +Google Play,This is useful 😄,5,2023-07-06 14:41:33 +Google Play,Another app censoring human bodies for advertisers' convenience. Suck it Zuck,1,2023-07-07 15:17:35 +Google Play,"Still to much shown random people, no option to view only following people",3,2023-07-06 21:58:24 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter...,5,2023-07-09 03:46:17 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:45:09 +Google Play,It's an good idea 💡 so yeah 👍,5,2023-07-05 23:25:41 +Google Play,Best app than Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-06 18:16:57 +Google Play,I clicked on forgot password for y'all to send me a verification code to my number but it hasn't showed up till now 😭,1,2023-07-06 21:28:09 +Google Play,Very Nice Better Than That,5,2023-07-06 14:40:44 +Google Play,"Another half baked app. Why do companies keep doing this? The clowns that made PokemonGo did it first and here we are again. You can't fix a bad first impression and y'all are mad goofy for releasing this pile of rubbish. Twitter is bad, but this is just pathetic. I've seen high schoolers put in more effort. Downloaded and deleted.",1,2023-07-14 02:23:16 +Google Play,Very nice and interesting our entertainment team.,5,2023-07-11 06:01:54 +Google Play,Need more futures,4,2023-07-09 06:17:02 +Google Play,It's a third party app your all information will leaked without you knew .,1,2023-07-08 12:40:49 +Google Play,Zuck a copier Useless app,1,2023-07-09 20:10:39 +Google Play,Looks like a high school kids' summer project. Terrible junk presented on timeline.,1,2023-07-08 04:45:14 +Google Play,Still i am not using dowloading is loading but an app which is only 7 hours reaches 10 million users it is extra ordinary 👍🔥,5,2023-07-07 14:22:54 +Google Play,Such a boring app,1,2023-07-15 17:38:25 +Google Play,İt's another level,5,2023-07-06 22:51:49 +Google Play,Quite the interesting and perplexing application..... the name reminds me of sneakers on my feet.,5,2023-07-06 23:02:02 +Google Play,"I am not interested to use this on Android, get it out for the web please, I want an alternative to twitter.",1,2023-07-17 20:58:44 +Google Play,If you login this app 5 later your account got hacked Instagram,1,2023-07-10 04:26:40 +Google Play,Not bad not bad,3,2023-07-10 15:41:43 +Google Play,Threads is better than Twitter 🐦,5,2023-07-06 13:22:36 +Google Play,"The only option I had was to sign in with an Instagram account, which I don't have. Sorry.",1,2023-07-24 10:40:26 +Google Play,😎 BEST APP EVER SINCE #Twitter 🐥,5,2023-07-06 01:45:32 +Google Play,"Excellent app , but how about space or voice rooms",4,2023-07-07 08:17:07 +Google Play,Very cool app,5,2023-07-07 02:44:28 +Google Play,"Thanks For the New App Threads And Welcome For My World Art Modern Sarkis Matta ,Museum S.M Art Modern Internatilnal Thank You",5,2023-07-14 19:28:55 +Google Play,At least no issues for now,4,2023-07-16 07:03:54 +Google Play,That was good for me.,5,2023-07-08 15:10:59 +Google Play,Nice apps good,4,2023-07-10 14:19:11 +Google Play,better than twitter haha,5,2023-07-06 10:16:48 +Google Play,"It's great app waiting to see threads in Mastodon Awesome Features ,cool app",5,2023-07-06 08:12:01 +Google Play,Useless. Half hearted attempt to match Twitter. Not recommended !!,1,2023-07-13 06:49:57 +Google Play,"Instead of random feed, only followed accounts must be visible",3,2023-07-07 13:16:00 +Google Play,"Too much data sharing, abusive policies as every meta app.",1,2023-07-07 00:31:37 +Google Play,High level app form mark sir ✨️,5,2023-07-08 04:56:02 +Google Play,Very much composed,5,2023-07-11 16:23:21 +Google Play,I don't know but when I open the app it starts glitching.,1,2023-07-11 08:30:50 +Google Play,Good but copy of Twitter.,3,2023-07-07 08:29:24 +Google Play,Best things but very much 😜,5,2023-07-06 12:33:55 +Google Play,Plz bring chat features,4,2023-07-07 05:54:22 +Google Play,Fun so far,5,2023-07-06 00:14:12 +Google Play,This is best app,5,2023-07-06 12:03:25 +Google Play,Assalamualaikum I just installed tha app,2,2023-07-07 06:20:29 +Google Play,Add trends and hashtags 👀,4,2023-07-06 12:27:34 +Google Play,This app give me a i phone fil,5,2023-07-09 17:40:22 +Google Play,I love this mera app threads ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 17:47:10 +Google Play,Nice app download 👍,4,2023-07-07 04:36:17 +Google Play,I hope this app wins towards Twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:41:33 +Google Play,It a nice app,5,2023-07-07 22:19:22 +Google Play,Thank you so much sir,5,2023-07-17 19:13:03 +Google Play,Very bad 😞 appp👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-10 01:49:59 +Google Play,Best app but add story,5,2023-07-06 17:16:09 +Google Play,Very Amizeng app✌,1,2023-07-06 19:17:34 +Google Play,i dont need this app,1,2023-07-23 17:13:01 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 14:16:03 +Google Play,I dont why i have so many bg here ((,2,2023-07-08 00:18:09 +Google Play,No spaces no DMS no followers no hashtag no trending hashtags or post just useless 😮‍💨,1,2023-07-07 07:34:21 +Google Play,I dont wanna see the feed who i didnt follow.,1,2023-07-08 11:14:41 +Google Play,Not good tow mistek 1.AV video only no audio 2.language no tamil so this app is not good,1,2023-07-08 02:56:07 +Google Play,I think it’s just like Twitter but as Twitter gone all fuvked up.It is more good to use,5,2023-07-06 13:56:13 +Google Play,Ok But Will Be Good Future App,3,2023-07-18 17:42:17 +Google Play,𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗽𝗽 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿,5,2023-07-10 04:27:48 +Google Play,This is going to be the game changer ..,5,2023-07-05 23:35:13 +Google Play,Similar to Twitter .. We want something new.,2,2023-07-07 06:41:54 +Google Play,Than better from Twitter(moneyhunt Twitter),5,2023-07-06 17:09:19 +Google Play,Something went wrong show ho rha hai,4,2023-07-06 15:40:23 +Google Play,Wow very better than twitter,5,2023-07-12 12:17:55 +Google Play,so nice app,5,2023-07-15 01:02:13 +Google Play,Good app for text based content.,4,2023-07-06 01:50:32 +Google Play,"Very good app it's work like insta and Twitter both..,.",5,2023-07-11 03:36:41 +Google Play,"First you assure that girls on your app reply me, then I'll give you 5 stars",1,2023-07-07 12:00:59 +Google Play,This app buffering,1,2023-07-08 07:34:22 +Google Play,Treads is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 10:07:46 +Google Play,It came to surpass Twitter,5,2023-07-17 18:55:50 +Google Play,This is great 👍 👏 👌 🙌,5,2023-07-07 10:56:27 +Google Play,Stupid app . Need Instagram account to login . No option is given in the app to sign up .,1,2023-07-06 16:40:02 +Google Play,How do I import my Instagram followers?,5,2023-07-07 07:26:20 +Google Play,Wow amazing experience,5,2023-07-06 12:41:20 +Google Play,Most usefull app,5,2023-07-06 03:38:34 +Google Play,Best copy ever...😂,1,2023-07-08 03:47:45 +Google Play,It is mandatory to make it openable from PC as well,2,2023-07-06 06:56:47 +Google Play,Cant sign up anyway.. 😅,1,2023-07-06 15:48:27 +Google Play,I like this app tbh,5,2023-07-08 18:05:07 +Google Play,I love it!,5,2023-07-08 02:02:39 +Google Play,Crashes immediately after launching the app.,1,2023-07-05 23:38:19 +Google Play,Good app NYC experience,5,2023-07-09 19:28:11 +Google Play,I'm enjoying this app 🤝,5,2023-07-06 20:54:26 +Google Play,If insta and Twitter had a child,4,2023-07-06 09:34:13 +Google Play,Better than Twitter I would say.,5,2023-07-06 10:27:56 +Google Play,Musk Follower....Mark loyal user 😭 but Copy past is Not Acceptable,2,2023-07-08 02:24:37 +Google Play,I feel like it's very interesting and a little bit difficult to operate 😂✅,5,2023-07-07 17:18:29 +Google Play,This app is for mentally castrated kymeras. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-10 14:37:18 +Google Play,For celebrities only 🤷🏻‍♂️😂,5,2023-07-07 11:43:27 +Google Play,"I'm the first reviewer, i loved this app💓",5,2023-07-06 14:28:01 +Google Play,Tysm for providing this apps,5,2023-07-07 18:04:26 +Google Play,Best user experience,5,2023-07-08 03:57:39 +Google Play,Alter is not allowed here not just like on Twitter,1,2023-07-06 12:43:01 +Google Play,"Upon logging into my new Threads account, I got a pop-up message, ""if I vote for trump in 2024 you will get censored labeled a racist, I am going back to Twitter.",1,2023-07-06 03:23:45 +Google Play,"It's an okay app, it's able to be developed tho. What's bothering me now is that I deleted the badge and now I want it back, but I found out that there's no way + there's no dms",2,2023-07-06 18:41:27 +Google Play,"Only log with Instagram, any other way? I haven't, Instagram, I don't want Instagram.",1,2023-07-06 17:45:39 +Google Play,Best app ever,5,2023-07-08 03:04:36 +Google Play,First of all what's this app for???,1,2023-07-07 18:05:28 +Google Play,"So far, I am liking this app.",5,2023-07-06 09:24:39 +Google Play,is there any way to get my badge back?,1,2023-07-16 06:34:36 +Google Play,Text is getting overlap on scrolling.,1,2023-07-06 07:03:04 +Google Play,1.5 rounded up.,2,2023-07-19 01:59:37 +Google Play,A good application,5,2023-07-08 14:58:18 +Google Play,Best app ever,5,2023-07-06 16:56:31 +Google Play,It's good to use,5,2023-07-15 17:46:59 +Google Play,"Not good app, getting boring and lagging in many aspects",1,2023-07-22 01:30:47 +Google Play,This app is trash,1,2023-07-24 09:52:38 +Google Play,Yeah this sucks. Where's the NSFW artist where's the fun in that? I believe it's going to die quickly like NFTs I just don't want the servers to die down from Twitter. I have a great time on Twitter than this I don't even think of. They'll update later wish they probably won't because the creator who made this is an idiot that doesn't have one for PC which ruins the purpose of what Twitter and Instagram have,1,2023-07-10 05:19:41 +Google Play,Love this app,5,2023-07-08 07:33:00 +Google Play,Meet my wife on here and now we have kids and been married for 14 years,5,2023-07-06 01:26:15 +Google Play,"You can't delete your account, there's no search, you can't be inactive cause they screw with your Instagram account. Its horrible",1,2023-07-06 20:52:56 +Google Play,"This is crashing,not working properly",1,2023-07-06 13:13:45 +Google Play,Great first experience,4,2023-07-06 06:06:17 +Google Play,Gave me nice experience 🕵‍♀️,5,2023-07-07 00:12:23 +Google Play,This app us like a virus on your phone its useless i cant use it everytime i scroll it crush down,1,2023-07-08 09:33:48 +Google Play,"I love this app, but, sadly it eats up my battery like crazy.",1,2023-07-13 09:36:27 +Google Play,I love it!,5,2023-07-07 03:09:18 +Google Play,Bugs..can't enjoy the apps..di slide kebawah malah rusak..report bugs di instagram failed terus,1,2023-07-06 09:24:41 +Google Play,app crashed.LOL,1,2023-07-06 00:27:37 +Google Play,Not liked west my data,1,2023-07-06 19:56:44 +Google Play,Useless app with no base or proper content or creative team,1,2023-07-20 16:16:03 +Google Play,I like the app.,5,2023-07-07 07:04:57 +Google Play,Where's the download option!!,2,2023-07-07 08:32:05 +Google Play,Highly appreciated app❤️❤️🙏,5,2023-07-15 13:25:11 +Google Play,"This is the best app..good version 🥳, and so on.. I'm enjoy! Nice mark zuckerberg",5,2023-07-07 12:44:02 +Google Play,so far so good,5,2023-07-07 20:40:56 +Google Play,Great apps.new challenge for competitor blue bird.,4,2023-07-06 17:43:40 +Google Play,"Trash, Twitter on Top",1,2023-07-17 08:17:14 +Google Play,I Tell you guys only one thing This is copycat,1,2023-07-10 15:32:27 +Google Play,It's not possible to send message in this application please add it to the next version,3,2023-07-13 08:45:53 +Google Play,It doesn't even open,2,2023-07-07 13:25:51 +Google Play,App is not working properly because of bug 🪲,1,2023-07-22 05:45:04 +Google Play,so far so good 👍🏽,4,2023-07-08 14:21:28 +Google Play,It can be something good in the future.,3,2023-07-07 18:16:27 +Google Play,Don't get the purpose. F Boring,1,2023-07-22 01:35:32 +Google Play,Good for all,5,2023-07-12 20:41:43 +Google Play,Thanks giving Instagram threads,5,2023-07-09 01:40:12 +Google Play,Andrew Tate is not in this app So like 10/3,1,2023-07-07 19:45:59 +Google Play,Wrost app ever seen,1,2023-07-11 16:33:23 +Google Play,Its looking nice,4,2023-07-07 05:07:35 +Google Play,Can I get the badge on ig profile ones after hiding it please 🥲,5,2023-07-08 05:46:35 +Google Play,Twitter is better lol,3,2023-07-08 12:04:26 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter. Good Luck Juck.,1,2023-07-07 06:42:39 +Google Play,My experience is very well on threads,5,2023-07-08 18:16:42 +Google Play,"Needs instagram's explore page, DMs, and more features",3,2023-07-10 00:48:38 +Google Play,the app is glitching so badd!! i can't use it properly :/,1,2023-07-08 14:21:31 +Google Play,Good but u are cheating on Twitter 😫😫,5,2023-07-08 08:10:39 +Google Play,Needs a lot,2,2023-07-06 09:08:39 +Google Play,Is so great App,5,2023-07-12 12:32:19 +Google Play,To delete thread profile and data you will delete Instagram account as well,1,2023-07-07 07:36:18 +Google Play,Doesn't even open,1,2023-07-06 09:29:16 +Google Play,Amazing Twitter replacement..🇨🇦,5,2023-07-07 17:06:47 +Google Play,Not working properly having some type of glitchs in the app,3,2023-07-06 20:19:11 +Google Play,Good job Meta🤣,5,2023-07-06 09:06:39 +Google Play,I am the first person in India to rate 5 star,5,2023-07-06 14:17:49 +Google Play,Why would I need threads when I already have an instagram account which looks similar to the threads. Threads need some out of the box features which really makes us excited.,2,2023-07-23 23:55:09 +Google Play,Compitition is fine.cheating is not,1,2023-07-11 05:10:47 +Google Play,Better than twitter.,5,2023-07-07 08:32:44 +Google Play,Wanted to be first in the line. Haha ;),4,2023-07-06 00:53:42 +Google Play,Why this app no introduction nothing,1,2023-07-06 16:11:42 +Google Play,It's a useless app please suggest some ways to delete account without deleting Instagram account.,1,2023-07-08 07:08:20 +Google Play,"The app should have been made to grow followers too, not linking you with followers from Instagram.",3,2023-07-06 18:13:37 +Google Play,Cannot save pics🤮🤮🤮not that much of free speech....and META still produces many pedophilic accounts than any other social media platforms...you will be banned if you post STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING,1,2023-07-21 06:23:58 +Google Play,Can you please fix the darkmode bug when using system default,3,2023-07-09 09:33:17 +Google Play,Best application great 😃♥️👌,5,2023-07-08 17:02:44 +Google Play,It's looks good,5,2023-07-06 11:22:46 +Google Play,𝕾𝖔 𝖋𝖆𝖗 𝖘𝖔 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉....𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖛𝖙𝖔 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖆𝖔𝖔😊,4,2023-07-15 04:10:04 +Google Play,not feelin it.,1,2023-07-07 22:04:53 +Google Play,It's just a good vibe,5,2023-07-11 15:18:25 +Google Play,Thanks for this App,5,2023-07-06 09:38:27 +Google Play,Worst optimize I've ever seen...,1,2023-07-12 17:54:30 +Google Play,A nice app,4,2023-07-06 05:46:59 +Google Play,Nothing but Tweetagram.,3,2023-07-06 17:44:31 +Google Play,Love this new app,5,2023-07-07 13:56:12 +Google Play,Very nice 👍 app's,5,2023-07-08 14:23:51 +Google Play,the app is new everyone enthusiastic about buy iam confronting lots of bugs and lags,1,2023-07-06 08:28:07 +Google Play,So beautiful app,5,2023-07-13 03:14:59 +Google Play,How to download or use this application in laptop?,4,2023-07-11 15:17:39 +Google Play,New challenge to market your business. This will show your business to the 🌎,5,2023-07-06 00:20:23 +Google Play,Very bad... Do not installed... Worst app... Lose Your internet...,1,2023-07-22 16:46:05 +Google Play,"Excellent app, work very smoothly ☺️👍 well-done!",5,2023-07-10 16:40:16 +Google Play,Threads they Censor free speech threads is communist Tweter is much better freedom of speech.,1,2023-07-13 13:58:03 +Google Play,This is not good,5,2023-07-06 11:11:20 +Google Play,Bug on my phone,1,2023-07-06 03:21:06 +Google Play,This is amazing app,5,2023-07-06 08:22:07 +Google Play,Will discover the app in the future,3,2023-07-06 17:02:39 +Google Play,This App Make Me Happy 😊,5,2023-07-07 08:07:20 +Google Play,Useless nothing New and boring,1,2023-07-07 11:18:36 +Google Play,"Dear zuck, You down bad homie. Plus, why tf am I seeing threads of dudes that I don't know",2,2023-07-06 02:42:17 +Google Play,Twitter is better than Threads,1,2023-07-22 13:29:44 +Google Play,Looks like I was the one of the first reviewer from India 👀🎉,4,2023-07-06 07:42:51 +Google Play,Awesome threads app🤗🤗,5,2023-07-06 05:26:23 +Google Play,Nice ui and all,5,2023-07-22 07:17:54 +Google Play,No Trending Section! Like . seriously??,1,2023-07-07 10:16:24 +Google Play,Awesome 😎 Twitter : 0 Threads : 1 But please add edit your thread option. Please 🙏,5,2023-07-06 13:35:01 +Google Play,same instagram not tweter,1,2023-07-08 04:07:30 +Google Play,It is not all the Hype the Media claims it is,2,2023-07-09 22:16:31 +Google Play,good but not best,3,2023-07-07 09:27:14 +Google Play,"I have bug on my threads account, i don't even know why.. it's been 4 hr Please help, I want to enjoyed the app like all my friends do Thank you",4,2023-07-06 10:00:01 +Google Play,Bugggs and gulitch plz improve,1,2023-07-07 04:02:52 +Google Play,Better than Twitter!,5,2023-07-07 01:16:24 +Google Play,Why it doesnt download,1,2023-07-06 20:26:37 +Google Play,Very Good App ❤️,5,2023-07-08 11:15:23 +Google Play,Just amazing apps 😍😍,5,2023-07-14 06:01:10 +Google Play,You can't delete Threads without deleting your entire instagram account. Gross. So I'm deleting both! Byeee!,1,2023-07-14 17:14:05 +Google Play,nothing like anything,3,2023-07-07 08:46:36 +Google Play,Next level app,5,2023-07-07 05:57:12 +Google Play,Just a cheap knockoff of twitter no special features nothing different to stand out,1,2023-07-09 03:15:49 +Google Play,Will not join threads because I am team Elon must!!!!!!,1,2023-07-11 11:40:11 +Google Play,Threats... So you can't delete your thread account without deleting your IG account ? What are you guys up to ?,2,2023-07-09 14:38:30 +Google Play,I have downloaded this app Due to our leader Imran Khan Love you 😘😘,5,2023-07-11 18:49:41 +Google Play,Really well made,5,2023-07-11 06:19:53 +Google Play,Stay the hell away from the Fediverse. Mark Zuckerborg is a cancer.,1,2023-07-06 00:34:18 +Google Play,Integraram o Twitter no app? 😂,5,2023-07-06 03:36:12 +Google Play,Swift if amazing,5,2023-07-08 11:29:23 +Google Play,I like this app ❤,5,2023-07-15 17:20:39 +Google Play,App was no stable didn't working properly,1,2023-07-06 05:18:30 +Google Play,Great start there,5,2023-07-07 17:47:33 +Google Play,Please solve the glitches in this app I can't use this app for so many glitches Please solve it quickly,1,2023-07-10 14:19:19 +Google Play,No 😔 downloading 😕 why,1,2023-07-15 14:19:20 +Google Play,Rubbish app ...🤧 Please don't install it....waste of time and waste of mind...,1,2023-07-06 15:14:36 +Google Play,Thanks zuck for the app,5,2023-07-06 01:17:29 +Google Play,Better features than Twitter,4,2023-07-08 08:15:40 +Google Play,This app is really good,5,2023-07-08 02:36:30 +Google Play,LOG IN WITH INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT WHY⁉️⁉️😕,1,2023-07-09 16:02:14 +Google Play,Pretty good so far,4,2023-07-06 06:22:40 +Google Play,New app from mark jukarbarg💀..ok let's try🙂,5,2023-07-07 14:31:20 +Google Play,Glitches in app and it made my phone slow also it drains the battery,1,2023-07-11 16:23:08 +Google Play,"It keeps Kicking me out and there's no DM system. But other than that, It's a cool app",4,2023-07-07 10:50:17 +Google Play,One sentence Review 🙌 we are done with twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:59:55 +Google Play,Not interested in having an Instagram account as well.,1,2023-07-07 20:57:22 +Google Play,It's on development 🔥🔥,4,2023-07-07 21:37:18 +Google Play,It's a good app but it consumes a lot of data just like Instagram,3,2023-07-10 05:38:54 +Google Play,Very worst application 😔,1,2023-07-06 18:29:42 +Google Play,Super app big thanks to zuck and meta developers for all the work that you do for us ♥️,5,2023-07-06 15:10:03 +Google Play,It keeps on closing whenever I post a photo. 😥,1,2023-07-09 15:29:35 +Google Play,I already like threads more than twitter lol.... It's going to fire on launching time to till now,5,2023-07-06 17:55:42 +Google Play,This app is somewhat similar to Twitter but the bug is present at hi TB level Useless app,1,2023-07-20 02:57:15 +Google Play,Like it so far...,5,2023-07-06 16:47:23 +Google Play,Love this app,5,2023-07-07 03:23:43 +Google Play,No dark theme 👎,2,2023-07-06 07:46:34 +Google Play,Been sending threads for 12hrs straight lol,5,2023-07-07 00:38:55 +Google Play,Pathetic & Useless,1,2023-07-09 10:26:47 +Google Play,Very easy and professional service,5,2023-07-07 04:52:34 +Google Play,collects personal info,1,2023-07-07 00:02:05 +Google Play,The fitnessgram pacer test is a multi stage aerobic exercise... Very big chungus absolutely loved all the amogus,4,2023-07-06 05:54:44 +Google Play,Competition is ok. Cheating is not.,1,2023-07-07 16:56:50 +Google Play,"Logo is Tamil alphabet,,, Ku ,, which Loose ku , or which ki",5,2023-07-06 08:37:45 +Google Play,loved the app,4,2023-07-06 19:34:29 +Google Play,Not twitter. Folk like me want to use it away from private and professional lives. Instead you want it linked to our Instagram where we liase with family and friends. Couldn't even set up a different Instagram account to keep my threads away from my personal life - critical for many of us to speak out worry free of consequences in a job or even with family beliefs. Threads will not see the large market of us on twitter who use it in an anonymous way. Instagram with words - useless.,1,2023-07-06 08:54:31 +Google Play,Bro it's glitching,1,2023-07-07 08:21:40 +Google Play,Lagging in my device Samsung m32 Uploading my photos failing again and again,1,2023-07-06 09:16:13 +Google Play,I've been trying to download the app for about two hours and still pending,1,2023-07-06 18:23:32 +Google Play,Must i have an instagram account before i create a Thread account?,1,2023-07-06 18:26:37 +Google Play,Nothing new. Just hype.,1,2023-07-08 14:27:32 +Google Play,WHEN TWITTER WAS FALLEN IN LOVE WITH TWITTER AND GOT HIM PREGNANT THREADS WAS BORN....,5,2023-07-08 02:05:01 +Google Play,Best aap tq so much all them,5,2023-07-08 04:44:00 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-13 18:59:13 +Google Play,Can you make phon calls with this aap?,5,2023-07-06 05:02:44 +Google Play,The fascist Alt-Left woke liberal losers control this platform with massive censorship against Trump Supporters & Conservatives with zero freedom of speech so screw you,1,2023-07-13 14:03:19 +Google Play,Better than tweeter,5,2023-07-06 19:00:29 +Google Play,Copy paste app,1,2023-07-22 11:11:33 +Google Play,Achcha nahi Kara app delete Karo ga to Instagram se Id delete ho jaye gii,5,2023-07-12 05:00:10 +Google Play,Knock off of twitter and part of the matrix no thanks,1,2023-07-22 05:56:21 +Google Play,"If I had known earlier that deleting a Threads account requires deleting Instagram as well, I'd not have created an account on Threads.",1,2023-07-10 20:37:06 +Google Play,Should Have The Feature Like Working After Deactivating Your Ig Account,2,2023-07-06 03:33:14 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-08 06:16:56 +Google Play,Seems to be nice,5,2023-07-07 07:53:23 +Google Play,Its a cool app,5,2023-07-11 12:48:07 +Google Play,"If there was a no star ption i would definitely do that like srsly This app is totally useless, I sta is better i want to delete my acc without deleting insta acc it didn't say anything about deleting threads acc will also delete insta acc you have to make an option there was no freaking warning about it only found out after watching posts and reels on insta 🤬🤬 many will stop liking this 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 i really want to delete my threads acc",1,2023-07-08 06:10:08 +Google Play,It's not bad It's good 👍,5,2023-07-06 14:14:48 +Google Play,okay let me try this app,1,2023-07-07 10:32:35 +Google Play,There is a difficulty to download the app however the network is OK in my region.,2,2023-07-06 16:19:44 +Google Play,Don't have built in dark mode and scroll is also to much laggy for me,1,2023-07-11 08:27:17 +Google Play,Glitch interface everytime I open up the app.,1,2023-07-06 06:01:06 +Google Play,I am facing glitch issue mean while i cant able to use so please fix it as it soon possible,2,2023-07-06 15:51:35 +Google Play,it sucks typical Zuckerberg i got errors. and it got boring.,1,2023-07-18 23:52:51 +Google Play,Nice it will grow,5,2023-07-06 13:49:01 +Google Play,Amazing social media,5,2023-07-07 12:28:59 +Google Play,Mixed version of twitter nd Instagram,5,2023-07-06 10:01:04 +Google Play,Thousands times Better than Twitter ❤️,5,2023-07-06 11:23:53 +Google Play,How are the re going yo changing my information again hacker do get away buy doing what do,5,2023-07-19 05:56:29 +Google Play,There's no creat account option,3,2023-07-06 02:25:37 +Google Play,Very nice apps,5,2023-07-10 17:41:45 +Google Play,Must follow :- @mind_over_motivations,5,2023-07-06 16:35:05 +Google Play,Nice pretty good,5,2023-07-07 02:08:09 +Google Play,Copy paste App,1,2023-07-14 06:05:11 +Google Play,There's no option to delete my account why ?,1,2023-07-15 22:58:08 +Google Play,Twitter copy and pasted. Don't need another app. I am fine with Twitter.,1,2023-07-08 19:58:41 +Google Play,👍 All the best,5,2023-07-06 06:06:46 +Google Play,The best to enter to the Nft,5,2023-07-06 08:56:53 +Google Play,App is notuch good,1,2023-07-09 02:06:39 +Google Play,It is very disappointing that we cant unhide the threads badge if once we havs hide on our insta profile There should be unhide threads badge option should be there...,2,2023-07-08 11:22:25 +Google Play,"It works, no settings at all. Me The content is all normie celeb/sports phish",3,2023-07-06 12:21:14 +Google Play,Super great!! Deleting tweeter immediately 😅😅😅😅😅,5,2023-07-06 10:29:11 +Google Play,Bug bug bug so many please fix it.... 🥲🥲🥲,1,2023-07-09 04:18:16 +Google Play,I like this app,5,2023-07-06 08:33:16 +Google Play,GUI is Great,5,2023-07-22 12:48:26 +Google Play,Idk. Bare minimum Tumblr comment section. It's ight tho,5,2023-07-06 04:52:26 +Google Play,Thoda update krdo and message ka option dedo and free me blue 🔵 tick bhi 😁 firr sb set hai 🥳🥳❣️,5,2023-07-06 15:43:28 +Google Play,Worst app don't use it Better use Twitter and won't allow a cheap copy of a great app exist in my application list,1,2023-07-24 02:48:45 +Google Play,It's an app that violates every thing about privacy worst idea ever from Instagram,1,2023-07-09 19:04:57 +Google Play,From the first million downloads,4,2023-07-07 03:04:00 +Google Play,Copy cats. What did you even do..?,1,2023-07-23 09:47:20 +Google Play,Please zuck add propaganda hashtags in threads,5,2023-07-06 12:54:43 +Google Play,Vary good threads apps..,5,2023-07-14 18:52:36 +Google Play,For the fact that this app can't send messages I'm ready disappointed.,1,2023-07-07 03:05:30 +Google Play,The app cannot correctly display contents...,1,2023-07-08 00:45:50 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-07 03:34:12 +Google Play,Good app indeed,5,2023-07-06 14:47:23 +Google Play,I love it!,5,2023-07-05 23:36:47 +Google Play,Twitter is much better.Atleast you can delete your twitter account without deleting any other app.,1,2023-07-18 16:38:47 +Google Play,Not good app,1,2023-07-06 16:58:46 +Google Play,I m muslim n I m not support this app,1,2023-07-13 12:22:58 +Google Play,Best app ever,5,2023-07-08 02:07:43 +Google Play,Best app ever 💯,5,2023-07-06 17:48:04 +Google Play,Just wish there was zero star,1,2023-07-07 10:04:27 +Google Play,We'll see where this app goes,4,2023-07-23 01:40:48 +Google Play,"Glitch interface everytime i open the app , really pathetic",1,2023-07-07 06:03:36 +Google Play,sooo cute n cool>>>>>>,5,2023-07-06 14:20:40 +Google Play,Can't download on my phone although it's compatible 🤷‍♂️,1,2023-07-06 16:53:40 +Google Play,so far so good,5,2023-07-06 05:10:35 +Google Play,Nothing to tell just 😳 wow 😯,5,2023-07-06 18:09:35 +Google Play,"The app is super nice, i know there is going to be improvement over time😊",5,2023-07-06 11:45:43 +Google Play,Its nice app,5,2023-07-06 07:07:44 +Google Play,"Eppo tha download panna, experience pannitu describe panren da komali... 💀",5,2023-07-06 10:53:56 +Google Play,I like this app,5,2023-07-08 02:34:45 +Google Play,You guys tried but don't know what is happening since I can't post and it's not updating,5,2023-07-06 16:49:47 +Google Play,It's a really good 👍😊,5,2023-07-07 12:35:23 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 15:22:30 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-12 17:32:18 +Google Play,Very Bad app,1,2023-07-15 10:25:18 +Google Play,Fix bug bro i can't even use the app fix it now it's important,3,2023-07-06 18:59:23 +Google Play,So far so good!🤙🏾🔥,5,2023-07-07 07:12:54 +Google Play,It is confusing and hard to navigate,1,2023-07-13 20:13:37 +Google Play,Crashes every time I'm trying to add a picture,3,2023-07-06 10:58:40 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter come up with some new UI don't copy others.,1,2023-07-07 21:01:51 +Google Play,I am unable to use it as soon as screen start its creashes,1,2023-07-06 23:49:45 +Google Play,User experience is amazing but lots of things have update,4,2023-07-14 17:06:52 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-23 13:16:00 +Google Play,It's good I want to talk with CEO,5,2023-07-06 11:24:19 +Google Play,Even for Early Access it looks worse than unfinished,1,2023-07-06 00:53:56 +Google Play,Run by an Oligarch who wants to shut you up. It's a far cry from twitter. No free speech. They are in lock step with the U.S. government. Use only if you support modern day slavery.,1,2023-07-06 02:13:10 +Google Play,Just better than Twitter 👍❤️,5,2023-07-06 12:34:23 +Google Play,Waste of app no use this app,1,2023-07-06 07:07:25 +Google Play,Best opponent for Twitter 😂😂😀,5,2023-07-06 12:39:34 +Google Play,We need the dark theme,3,2023-07-06 06:35:21 +Google Play,Overall need more improvement...UI is Simply and Nice 😏 i will give more rating after use this app .... 😁 wait For Few Days 🖤,3,2023-07-07 07:50:27 +Google Play,Such a nice thing,4,2023-07-07 03:06:13 +Google Play,Why you made this software?,1,2023-07-06 13:49:02 +Google Play,Full of glitch,1,2023-07-09 04:13:15 +Google Play,Full copy of twitter,1,2023-07-11 12:15:09 +Google Play,Just download for making the first review... Yessss this is the review...😅,5,2023-07-06 11:04:00 +Google Play,We've all just connected.,5,2023-07-06 19:44:50 +Google Play,good than twitter,4,2023-07-11 10:24:35 +Google Play,All the best,5,2023-07-06 14:18:02 +Google Play,Nice app thanks,5,2023-07-06 17:31:15 +Google Play,This app will compete Twitter.... LoL 😂,1,2023-07-06 16:53:37 +Google Play,The harshest part of the following ff is that you are a good night,5,2023-07-06 13:35:08 +Google Play,Just because simply,5,2023-07-06 13:18:09 +Google Play,Better then twitter.....,5,2023-07-06 18:15:47 +Google Play,I like this app,5,2023-07-07 23:14:41 +Google Play,Great enough for me,5,2023-07-19 10:14:22 +Google Play,Awsome as usual,5,2023-07-06 07:08:49 +Google Play,"Although haven't know much about this app, I believe it's gonna be helpful and amazing.",4,2023-07-07 16:56:00 +Google Play,Why is my feed full of random bs? Why do I even follow people if I can't see their posts in chronological order.,1,2023-07-06 16:52:42 +Google Play,*make a section for following *show who doesn't follow u back,4,2023-07-07 13:11:06 +Google Play,Unable to login Keep showing try after sometime,2,2023-07-06 14:26:25 +Google Play,Copies are copies,1,2023-07-13 14:05:40 +Google Play,cannot edit once posted?,1,2023-07-07 11:32:29 +Google Play,I didnt see any special thing,1,2023-07-07 03:22:25 +Google Play,A friend was banned for health advice..,1,2023-07-13 05:32:14 +Google Play,Super this is very useful for Instagram and secure safety🤞👏👏👏,5,2023-07-12 01:24:53 +Google Play,why does this app exist?,1,2023-07-08 10:37:30 +Google Play,"Downloaded after not working Instagram properly, anyone facing same problem?",2,2023-07-10 15:52:41 +Google Play,Best ways to destory elon musk and we are stasified by instagram threads,5,2023-07-09 01:41:48 +Google Play,It's glitching,1,2023-07-06 16:10:28 +Google Play,Third class app because of if you want to deactivate your account you need to deactivate your instagram account no any other option available,1,2023-07-07 19:49:58 +Google Play,"Huge graphic glitch, unable to use app",1,2023-07-07 08:16:19 +Google Play,Just love it,5,2023-07-06 14:57:36 +Google Play,This is just for Elon Musk to learn not to be greedy,5,2023-07-06 00:17:36 +Google Play,I didn't even started using and u disabled my account why is it so hard to log in or sing in ughhh,1,2023-07-06 22:36:37 +Google Play,More better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:12:39 +Google Play,Very nice app. Nice app. I want to get verified quickly 🥺🙏,5,2023-07-06 22:50:24 +Google Play,Why giving consent to 10s of your phone's data and sensors (including microphone!!) Use Fediverse. Use Mastodon,1,2023-07-06 08:43:41 +Google Play,It glitching I don't know what happened I was scrolling in a minute then it happen,1,2023-07-07 06:23:36 +Google Play,One of a kind experience using threads,5,2023-07-10 17:51:44 +Google Play,Awesome so far.,5,2023-07-11 18:16:38 +Google Play,"Have to have an Instagram for it, it's not a separate thing.",1,2023-07-12 03:15:39 +Google Play,After downloading this my insta crashes continuously ...don't download threads,1,2023-07-07 08:18:28 +Google Play,Twitter is better.,1,2023-07-16 04:41:47 +Google Play,minimal bisa multi account,4,2023-07-07 09:23:44 +Google Play,I will make this a 1 star if you lose the fight against Elon 🙃,5,2023-07-06 02:55:13 +Google Play,Please add edit thread and DM option❣️,5,2023-07-06 05:23:35 +Google Play,Very very good,5,2023-07-06 11:58:33 +Google Play,keep logging out,1,2023-07-06 09:45:42 +Google Play,Good alternative of Twitter,4,2023-07-06 15:53:46 +Google Play,Love you all app please aap bhi mera support kijiaga love you Thanks,5,2023-07-06 02:04:16 +Google Play,NEW APP AFTER USE WE WILL DECIDE,5,2023-07-06 20:11:57 +Google Play,Testing the app now...,5,2023-07-06 00:19:51 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 05:23:13 +Google Play,First Review 😂😂 Mark Zakerburg should give me a job in META to me now I am Checking This App.,5,2023-07-06 22:26:22 +Google Play,Hey why can't I see who I'm following on insta and threads.,3,2023-07-06 17:03:15 +Google Play,1st. Follow your favorite Philosophin' Photographin' internet friends @shotby.watchthis 🕸,5,2023-07-06 15:05:48 +Google Play,Doing my part to help kill Twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:10:17 +Google Play,Another dimension of social media,3,2023-07-06 04:22:23 +Google Play,Dang it elon musk. The power of Meta,5,2023-07-06 10:32:51 +Google Play,"""Something went wrong. Please try again.""",1,2023-07-06 22:09:11 +Google Play,Let's see where Threads will lead us to... Just like Twitter. I'm loving this already....,4,2023-07-06 11:16:11 +Google Play,Lol...Nice one....Am I the first to comment🤪😁,4,2023-07-06 12:36:29 +Google Play,best threads social media,5,2023-07-06 11:51:46 +Google Play,Good for nothing,3,2023-07-06 05:54:55 +Google Play,Pretty good app❣️,5,2023-07-06 06:14:39 +Google Play,hey I'm the first English review,5,2023-07-06 14:18:15 +Google Play,your app is GLITCHING,1,2023-07-06 08:25:21 +Google Play,buggy 6 july 2023,3,2023-07-06 09:26:31 +Google Play,Iam facing the glitch in it,1,2023-07-06 17:41:51 +Google Play,Well I kinda like this new app,4,2023-07-06 17:23:24 +Google Play,Threads is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:51:30 +Google Play,Better version of twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:33:59 +Google Play,Far better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 21:15:59 +Google Play,Won't even let me log in lol.,2,2023-07-06 03:55:02 +Google Play,Mr beast is going to give me tesla so i install this app😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 21:14:51 +Google Play,So good than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 18:48:49 +Google Play,Wow amazing app,5,2023-07-06 21:37:13 +Google Play,Im Rahul Vasava Threads profile I'd:- imrahuulvasava your app is very good,5,2023-07-06 09:38:57 +Google Play,"Hope threads not lose conversation , avoid volence , racist, hate speech, politics ,govt officials new verified logo🪙 catagory",2,2023-07-06 20:22:12 +Google Play,I love this,5,2023-07-06 06:22:48 +Google Play,The best app in the world 🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀💀🖤🖤❤️❤️❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿,5,2023-07-06 18:57:02 +Google Play,Right now it's so so. Let's see further how its result will be.,3,2023-07-06 03:56:57 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 18:06:17 +Google Play,Best Wishes to Threads,5,2023-07-06 08:28:51 +Google Play,Same as Instagram,1,2023-07-06 13:46:06 +Google Play,threads app E bhangar app chhe hu tene vaparva j saksham nathi hu use karva jaav chhu to screen aakhi double dekhay chhe mari vinti chhe aa app ne vyavsthit rite banavo jethi karine ame aa app ne vapari sakie and please mara Instagram ma haju sudhi reels nu option nathi aapiyu report karva chata pan,1,2023-07-07 06:09:38 +Google Play,Add the messaging part on threads,5,2023-07-06 04:32:58 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:34:00 +Google Play,Much better than Twitter 😜,5,2023-07-06 13:35:31 +Google Play,Love this app NGL,5,2023-07-06 04:43:14 +Google Play,It's a cheap copy,1,2023-07-06 10:46:24 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 13:09:00 +Google Play,Just got on Threads. Will drop a review soon.,5,2023-07-05 23:04:02 +Google Play,"awful app, zucc",1,2023-07-07 00:14:53 +Google Play,Just like using twitter,4,2023-07-06 17:31:21 +Google Play,Very good awesome 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:25:50 +Google Play,"@ dia_nnizzz (nag fa-follow back ako,follow niyo em, let's be moot)",5,2023-07-06 17:17:50 +Google Play,my favorite app,5,2023-07-06 17:24:59 +Google Play,Great so far!,5,2023-07-14 06:53:39 +Google Play,"So far, pretty good.",4,2023-07-06 17:12:28 +Google Play,Thanks for replacing Elon musk.,3,2023-07-06 19:22:28 +Google Play,Great work Zuck,1,2023-07-06 17:32:26 +Google Play,Ok it's better than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 19:54:03 +Google Play,Please Improve story option,5,2023-07-07 03:55:02 +Google Play,Great this app,5,2023-07-06 10:18:13 +Google Play,Better than twitter. Less toxic,5,2023-07-06 19:34:20 +Google Play,😀🙏 this is kinda cool,5,2023-07-06 13:36:03 +Google Play,I think I'm going to love this,5,2023-07-06 14:22:48 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 06:32:36 +Google Play,Twitter is better sorry,2,2023-07-07 00:17:49 +Google Play,It just a copy of Top E😂😂😂,1,2023-07-06 06:36:36 +Google Play,Same teligram app,5,2023-07-06 15:19:46 +Google Play,Not bad. Review 27th,4,2023-07-06 05:13:51 +Google Play,Now twitter is over for sure....,5,2023-07-06 09:25:00 +Google Play,Time to uninstall Twitter😅,4,2023-07-06 05:08:48 +Google Play,"Yep, This is the first ever review of Threads, From Instagram 🗿🤝",5,2023-07-06 16:51:45 +Google Play,Elon Melon is in for a ride 😇😅 He should thread carefully now,5,2023-07-06 06:34:14 +Google Play,Transtwitter is not Twitter,1,2023-07-06 17:54:50 +Google Play,Looks like I'm in Twitter lol!,5,2023-07-06 09:01:38 +Google Play,It's same like twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:02:55 +Google Play,"Good, but lazy 😔",4,2023-07-06 10:42:56 +Google Play,"there weren't any one star reviews, had to be the first 💪",1,2023-07-06 00:05:33 +Google Play,I liked this app,4,2023-07-06 20:16:08 +Google Play,I'm the first one in the history of threads to write review,4,2023-07-06 05:03:24 +Google Play,Now there is 2 horses in the race😂,5,2023-07-06 10:54:59 +Google Play,Am I the first one reviewing this app?,5,2023-07-06 10:37:19 +Google Play,Wow wow wow wow wow Amazinnggggg 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 12:46:26 +Google Play,Very nice battle 💪🏻,5,2023-07-06 16:01:26 +Google Play,You have to have an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 06:34:23 +Google Play,Best alternate of twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:42:20 +Google Play,This app is okay,5,2023-07-06 12:01:31 +Google Play,Twitter is far better,1,2023-07-06 12:05:06 +Google Play,The result of fight between Zuckerberg And Musk....... Congratulations Zuckerberg!??!??,4,2023-07-06 15:26:47 +Google Play,Dont know what this app is worth,1,2023-07-06 15:23:48 +Google Play,Smooth. Alternative of Twitter 🥱.,5,2023-07-06 04:19:36 +Google Play,Happy to be the first Ethiopian threader...😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 10:03:27 +Google Play,Lots of glitch lol,1,2023-07-06 10:55:55 +Google Play,Made an okay-ish copy of Twitter (till now),4,2023-07-06 08:50:17 +Google Play,To delete your thread profile data you will need to delete your Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 08:08:06 +Google Play,I'm experiencing bugs,1,2023-07-06 21:05:51 +Google Play,Another new social media platform. Let's see where this goes🤣,4,2023-07-06 21:55:44 +Google Play,good for first test,5,2023-07-06 00:34:56 +Google Play,Am I the first one to comment on your new app? Mmm,5,2023-07-06 00:36:23 +Google Play,I need translation,4,2023-07-06 14:17:50 +Google Play,Will my rating go up or down? We shall see....🤔,3,2023-07-06 06:02:30 +Google Play,When ever I got threads link after using it ، I deleted Twitter 😍,5,2023-07-06 17:40:59 +Google Play,So far so good!,5,2023-07-05 23:01:12 +Google Play,big things poppin,5,2023-07-06 16:57:19 +Google Play,Super cool and the people is vibing🫶,5,2023-07-06 05:09:16 +Google Play,Meh Twitter is better,1,2023-07-06 03:44:37 +Google Play,Wonder full app,5,2023-07-06 05:48:33 +Google Play,Well we'll see how it goes👀,5,2023-07-06 12:51:03 +Google Play,Not bad pede ko na sha paringgan,4,2023-07-06 13:12:49 +Google Play,Screen is spliting,1,2023-07-06 06:47:17 +Google Play,Good App Follow @hamzaestix 🙃💗,5,2023-07-06 07:40:40 +Google Play,Better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 20:27:49 +Google Play,Improve trending hashtags,5,2023-07-06 06:54:59 +Google Play,Threads is new world... nothing just love ❣️,5,2023-07-05 23:47:50 +Google Play,It's not Twitter ❤️,5,2023-07-06 22:33:09 +Google Play,So amazing to hv Threads app ........,4,2023-07-06 10:00:20 +Google Play,This app 10M+ Sign up in 7 Hours .... My iD Check out please... Bihari__Method And follow me on Threads and instgram .,5,2023-07-06 06:30:12 +Google Play,Nice app tho,4,2023-07-06 10:09:08 +Google Play,Just signed up.,5,2023-07-06 22:58:08 +Google Play,Threads is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 22:56:28 +Google Play,I can't log-in with my other accounts.,2,2023-07-06 12:55:17 +Google Play,Not for me but good luck,1,2023-07-06 04:51:21 +Google Play,Wow very nice,5,2023-07-06 17:18:18 +Google Play,A twitter copy? No thank you,1,2023-07-06 22:56:01 +Google Play,Till now everything's good,5,2023-07-06 15:39:47 +Google Play,If you wanna delete your Threads account you can't unless you delete u're account from Instagram as well,1,2023-07-06 18:38:31 +Google Play,Much Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:20:29 +Google Play,Threadd!!!! Better than Twitter uh🌚👌,5,2023-07-06 14:06:19 +Google Play,Another alternative to other social networks.,5,2023-07-06 17:00:51 +Google Play,Copied Reels Feature From Tik Tok . •Copied Story Feature From Snapchat •Copied Paid Blue Tick Idea From Elon Musk. •Copied Entire Twitter App And Made,1,2023-07-06 11:14:55 +Google Play,Twitter is far better,1,2023-07-06 16:03:33 +Google Play,When will there be a Threads lite?,4,2023-07-06 01:45:21 +Google Play,So nice app,5,2023-07-07 20:15:25 +Google Play,So nice app😊,4,2023-07-07 08:35:11 +Google Play,Pretty fine with me.,5,2023-07-07 16:38:12 +Google Play,Better than Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 03:48:47 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-07 09:08:03 +Google Play,Not bad initiative.,3,2023-07-06 04:25:54 +Google Play,Has many bugs,1,2023-07-07 13:50:40 +Google Play,I'm super excited 😊,4,2023-07-06 18:41:43 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter...,1,2023-07-07 11:56:32 +Google Play,Better app than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 03:02:57 +Google Play,Get it verified please,1,2023-07-06 06:12:58 +Google Play,Must have instagram,1,2023-07-06 23:24:50 +Google Play,Boring and nothing new,1,2023-07-06 04:41:23 +Google Play,Twitter is fake Threads is real,5,2023-07-06 11:44:55 +Google Play,Hello meta thank you,4,2023-07-07 03:30:51 +Google Play,"Disgusting confidentiality agreement terms, learn not to zuck on Claus Schwab.",1,2023-07-07 22:16:30 +Google Play,Leaving this here as the first English review 😂🌟,4,2023-07-06 16:49:31 +Google Play,No one can compete with Twitter,1,2023-07-06 05:48:05 +Google Play,Bad copy paste of twitter,1,2023-07-06 08:09:26 +Google Play,Much More Better Then Twitter 😜,5,2023-07-06 14:25:16 +Google Play,Add trending section.,3,2023-07-07 00:30:23 +Google Play,I dont wanna see random people threads,3,2023-07-07 09:45:30 +Google Play,It's good app 😁👍,5,2023-07-07 11:27:06 +Google Play,100 over 100 ❤️,5,2023-07-06 17:44:00 +Google Play,"Competition is ok, Cheating is not",1,2023-07-08 08:38:27 +Google Play,Nice like twitter 😂,5,2023-07-07 09:20:28 +Google Play,Prolly better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:44:32 +Google Play,Bugs are coming.,1,2023-07-06 07:54:08 +Google Play,Ƭℏ℮__ᗯß__ŸŦ__𝟘𝟛 I'm a mini Creator from a small town -- West Bengal the city of Love ♡•( SILIGURI )•♡ 🔱Arnab🔱,5,2023-07-07 06:54:28 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:06:29 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 03:25:46 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:16:04 +Google Play,better than twitter 😀,5,2023-07-06 04:12:04 +Google Play,Please edit the hashtag features,2,2023-07-08 08:01:04 +Google Play,So very nice app,5,2023-07-08 01:02:19 +Google Play,better than twitter,4,2023-07-07 12:53:37 +Google Play,Edit needy in this app.,5,2023-07-07 08:06:18 +Google Play,It's my first time I am trying It's out,5,2023-07-06 08:10:23 +Google Play,"So far, so good.",5,2023-07-07 03:43:30 +Google Play,It's crashing,1,2023-07-07 21:06:12 +Google Play,why i cant change my username in here😭,4,2023-07-06 13:02:28 +Google Play,It can compete twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:17:29 +Google Play,I like user experience ☺️,5,2023-07-07 16:03:56 +Google Play,I love you Mark Zuckerberg. You so clever,4,2023-07-07 08:25:27 +Google Play,"So far, so good.",4,2023-07-06 10:29:12 +Google Play,Why does this app exist?,1,2023-07-06 22:48:20 +Google Play,I cant login,1,2023-07-06 14:44:46 +Google Play,Just ban A paid gurls on this app .....🤝,3,2023-07-06 15:12:00 +Google Play,Exactly like Reddit.. Threads hangs alot,2,2023-07-07 10:27:27 +Google Play,I think it's Twitter like threads,3,2023-07-06 07:02:19 +Google Play,Better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 03:42:51 +Google Play,work on translate,5,2023-07-07 03:41:27 +Google Play,Pretty poor experience,1,2023-07-08 06:36:19 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 01:37:58 +Google Play,allow account switching and hashtags,4,2023-07-06 12:10:41 +Google Play,"Well , it is good to use...",4,2023-07-06 19:13:04 +Google Play,Great job Mr. Mark,5,2023-07-06 10:44:56 +Google Play,Best app ever,5,2023-07-06 22:08:15 +Google Play,Can you give us a professional icon bar for threads account?,3,2023-07-06 18:09:03 +Google Play,"Ijjathi app, same as Twitter... Enthayalum ith kidukkum..",5,2023-07-07 09:41:05 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩 threads thanks,5,2023-07-06 03:09:12 +Google Play,"Extreme censorship, worse than twitter",1,2023-07-05 23:43:50 +Google Play,Good Competitor to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:14:39 +Google Play,I don't want to know anything about the people I don't fallow,1,2023-07-06 16:12:18 +Google Play,New challenge world bye bye Twitter 😂🥲🌝👏,5,2023-07-06 14:25:50 +Google Play,better than twitter.,5,2023-07-07 14:06:36 +Google Play,The best app,5,2023-07-08 08:04:40 +Google Play,So this is basically twitter,4,2023-07-06 19:05:12 +Google Play,Chill on the suggested posts and make a discovery tab,4,2023-07-06 00:45:24 +Google Play,It's crashing 😠😠,1,2023-07-06 12:35:14 +Google Play,Give me 1 corore mark zukerberg on your new app threads.ok,5,2023-07-07 04:49:15 +Google Play,"So far, so good.",5,2023-07-07 08:21:57 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:43:55 +Google Play,That's a good app,5,2023-07-05 23:42:03 +Google Play,Better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 17:26:47 +Google Play,I like the application ♥️👍,5,2023-07-07 12:23:45 +Google Play,Threads is another level,5,2023-07-06 19:35:58 +Google Play,I used first day My exprience is gud,5,2023-07-06 15:10:17 +Google Play,I can't use accordingly,1,2023-07-07 08:14:04 +Google Play,It's like a Twitter,2,2023-07-06 05:02:15 +Google Play,Meta is now giving tough competition to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:58:22 +Google Play,A very bad Twitter clone.,1,2023-07-08 05:02:46 +Google Play,Kind a look like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:22:14 +Google Play,Why we can't create other account in its?,5,2023-07-06 05:48:34 +Google Play,So far so good.,5,2023-07-06 12:40:02 +Google Play,It's a bug,1,2023-07-07 11:12:27 +Google Play,I want translate,1,2023-07-07 02:01:54 +Google Play,So far so good....,5,2023-07-06 18:20:16 +Google Play,Where from I get dark mode on thread 😔,4,2023-07-07 21:53:58 +Google Play,I'd prefer twitter,1,2023-07-07 11:30:53 +Google Play,She was dj 🙀 in a soft 🔈 and hindi songs lyrics,5,2023-07-07 11:55:08 +Google Play,Bad news for Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 00:08:39 +Google Play,this application copy Twitter 😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-07 09:36:36 +Google Play,Tell me How To enable Threads badge on Instagram profile,2,2023-07-06 16:35:50 +Google Play,I want to delete this app,1,2023-07-07 09:34:58 +Google Play,What a relief! Twitter is a cesspool run by a sociopath.,5,2023-07-06 19:37:20 +Google Play,For now not bad enough,5,2023-07-06 22:55:30 +Google Play,The best app,5,2023-07-07 13:36:23 +Google Play,At this time good,4,2023-07-06 09:09:29 +Google Play,bug in multi threads,1,2023-07-06 17:34:32 +Google Play,it is agood app,4,2023-07-07 18:56:38 +Google Play,Wow very best love theads ❤️✅,5,2023-07-06 12:40:38 +Google Play,Here it seems that the father of Twitter has come🫴😂,5,2023-07-07 08:53:34 +Google Play,Nice app arjan dhillon 31,5,2023-07-08 02:55:24 +Google Play,Thats great app,5,2023-07-07 03:49:07 +Google Play,Waiting for more option,3,2023-07-07 16:28:56 +Google Play,Good using App,5,2023-07-07 03:33:23 +Google Play,How am i supposed to accept all of my followers ?!,2,2023-07-07 18:50:12 +Google Play,Zucker knocking out Elon without even entering the ring 😂,5,2023-07-06 09:08:13 +Google Play,Twitter clone & Censorship at it's finest.,1,2023-07-08 03:09:56 +Google Play,🤍🥀 old is gold instgram,5,2023-07-07 21:54:32 +Google Play,First review ever on play store 🔥,5,2023-07-06 03:06:45 +Google Play,Better than Elon's Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 18:57:45 +Google Play,3rd class copy of twitter.,1,2023-07-07 21:01:28 +Google Play,Where is dark mode option?,3,2023-07-06 19:47:15 +Google Play,Twitter has been gone!!,5,2023-07-06 03:45:28 +Google Play,Literally copied twitter 😐,5,2023-07-06 02:00:07 +Google Play,Good copy by Zuckerberg.🫶👍😄,5,2023-07-06 05:19:48 +Google Play,Elon better go to twitter,1,2023-07-06 13:38:03 +Google Play,Better than musk app,5,2023-07-06 13:18:32 +Google Play,Elon and Mark fight gets real now...,4,2023-07-06 14:02:23 +Google Play,"""Threads, a censoring app, because you should only believe what we believe""",1,2023-07-06 14:50:24 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 03:47:32 +Google Play,It's glitching,1,2023-07-06 18:39:23 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:14:58 +Google Play,Better than Twitter........,5,2023-07-08 08:21:20 +Google Play,I think it's a good app,4,2023-07-06 08:45:20 +Google Play,Best in the world,5,2023-07-06 07:22:09 +Google Play,Excillent app good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 08:54:47 +Google Play,We were choked on Twitter..very good @zuck,5,2023-07-06 23:11:57 +Google Play,Can't delete this account,1,2023-07-22 17:30:45 +Google Play,the ui is SO CLEAN.,5,2023-07-06 10:24:38 +Google Play,This app is so far butt Elon musk shoked 😲 and Mark Zuckerberg 😎🦾🦸🦸🦸,5,2023-07-07 18:24:28 +Google Play,I like this apk,4,2023-07-08 06:18:14 +Google Play,Better than twitter,4,2023-07-08 07:21:03 +Google Play,A great competitor to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:48:54 +Google Play,Better than twitter,3,2023-07-07 14:26:06 +Google Play,Better than Twitter.....,5,2023-07-06 09:17:34 +Google Play,It's time for threads 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 11:15:53 +Google Play,Veri Nice aap ☺️😀 !!Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 18:02:54 +Google Play,Ahmadul Arabi general merchandise 104 Bayan banki jos The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down.,5,2023-07-06 17:30:11 +Google Play,Wanna be the 1st few to give 1 rating 🤝💪,1,2023-07-06 07:26:04 +Google Play,This app is change your life Elon Musk v/s meta chalange,4,2023-07-06 14:14:14 +Google Play,Graet app 🔥❤️ I liked ❤️,5,2023-07-06 07:20:08 +Google Play,It's just a copy,1,2023-07-07 17:35:39 +Google Play,Incomplete copy of Twitter,3,2023-07-06 00:27:12 +Google Play,The best application,5,2023-07-06 20:52:16 +Google Play,It's not owned by a right winger man-baby hypocrite.,5,2023-07-07 13:11:45 +Google Play,Very Very Nice👍,5,2023-07-07 08:40:22 +Google Play,We don't accept the copy of Twitter 🌚,1,2023-07-08 06:11:43 +Google Play,Instagram in theeads 🤣,1,2023-07-07 06:44:14 +Google Play,So far so good.,4,2023-07-07 04:23:44 +Google Play,Very good idea,5,2023-07-05 23:01:25 +Google Play,I love 💕 this,5,2023-07-06 18:27:07 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:35:43 +Google Play,Better than Twitter...,5,2023-07-07 07:49:47 +Google Play,Feeling so good🐸👌🏻,5,2023-07-06 19:01:38 +Google Play,where's the TRENDING TAGS ??,1,2023-07-06 09:02:19 +Google Play,Removes Twitter From Home Screen 😁😂,5,2023-07-07 10:40:34 +Google Play,Good i like it.,5,2023-07-08 06:23:49 +Google Play,I'll be happy to be the first review on this app🙂,5,2023-07-06 08:48:13 +Google Play,"“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”",1,2023-07-06 01:36:16 +Google Play,Update# waiting for including Facebook,5,2023-07-06 16:59:24 +Google Play,Need update in ui,4,2023-07-06 07:25:55 +Google Play,I love birds 🐦 Not Jaleebi @,1,2023-07-07 15:36:31 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-07 17:00:56 +Google Play,Twitter is better,3,2023-07-06 02:51:25 +Google Play,I like this app,5,2023-07-07 00:51:06 +Google Play,I like this app,5,2023-07-07 07:20:57 +Google Play,Twitter is the boss. Alon Musk is good person help him I love alon Musk,1,2023-07-07 11:43:20 +Google Play,The most millionaire in the world is crying bc the thousens of people he fire got a new job? Lmao f Twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:08:40 +Google Play,It's crashing,3,2023-07-07 11:00:17 +Google Play,Wow great threads welcome to India 👏🤗,5,2023-07-05 23:47:23 +Google Play,Better experience than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 15:51:22 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-06 10:11:50 +Google Play,Twitter app downfall started,5,2023-07-06 14:01:49 +Google Play,Better than twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 09:03:57 +Google Play,Better than twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-06 16:35:05 +Google Play,Threads good apps,5,2023-07-06 01:57:05 +Google Play,So far so good.,5,2023-07-07 17:58:00 +Google Play,Twitter is the best 👍,1,2023-07-06 08:38:42 +Google Play,Free flow like it,4,2023-07-06 18:25:59 +Google Play,I think this is better 🤗,5,2023-07-07 21:34:10 +Google Play,Not a nice experience,1,2023-07-06 21:53:33 +Google Play,"Best of the best ,,,,,,👌👌👌",5,2023-07-06 13:52:39 +Google Play,"installed and uninstalled in a heartbeat, horrible app, meta can do better :/",1,2023-07-07 14:08:14 +Google Play,I think 🤔 this is a good,4,2023-07-07 11:09:45 +Google Play,Such a better'than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:32:09 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:57:54 +Google Play,i love the app,5,2023-07-06 14:24:57 +Google Play,thanks for existing,5,2023-07-05 23:40:24 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:04:20 +Google Play,This app is like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:12:24 +Google Play,I love the app,5,2023-07-06 11:20:30 +Google Play,2023 best app,5,2023-07-07 19:55:12 +Google Play,Thank you for open my account,5,2023-07-11 02:02:13 +Google Play,Just Good app,5,2023-07-06 09:23:51 +Google Play,Good as twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:03:06 +Google Play,Yaa. Use the people..... Better than twitter...,5,2023-07-15 11:17:06 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:52:59 +Google Play,"Add pin post feature, please?",2,2023-07-07 06:41:26 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-09 02:00:51 +Google Play,Created by a hypocrite who censors and is known to collect and sell your data,1,2023-07-13 21:15:13 +Google Play,It's just a clone of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 20:24:23 +Google Play,Please click the button to post a story,3,2023-07-06 14:18:01 +Google Play,Twitter is better,5,2023-07-06 06:08:35 +Google Play,Very best app 🔥🔥👌,5,2023-07-08 15:47:07 +Google Play,It feels right,4,2023-07-08 13:54:17 +Google Play,Zuck you are awesome bro..,5,2023-07-06 16:20:04 +Google Play,Better than so called Twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:31:42 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-06 10:28:29 +Google Play,Hope it'll be better then t***r,5,2023-07-06 16:23:04 +Google Play,Twitter se bhe best app hai,5,2023-07-06 01:58:32 +Google Play,Wow best app,5,2023-07-06 07:59:22 +Google Play,App Is Amazing☺️😍,5,2023-07-07 14:33:58 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 14:00:53 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 22:47:12 +Google Play,Better User experience than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:17:58 +Google Play,Good better than twitter,5,2023-07-12 01:57:52 +Google Play,Hey copy cat get lost .,1,2023-07-10 06:08:48 +Google Play,How do I long into multiple accounts?,3,2023-07-06 03:30:21 +Google Play,The kill tho whole internet..,5,2023-07-06 21:58:45 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:26:25 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-07 05:28:09 +Google Play,Amazing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Threads🧵 is Twitter killer app,5,2023-07-06 17:44:40 +Google Play,Data privacy not secured in India Dont forgot Meta + BJP partnership.,1,2023-07-08 22:22:20 +Google Play,What is the replacement of hashtag here ?,5,2023-07-06 06:50:05 +Google Play,Fire luv this app,5,2023-07-07 07:14:52 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:45:53 +Google Play,Very good app,5,2023-07-15 15:06:33 +Google Play,This is Normal app,3,2023-07-09 12:02:27 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:01:08 +Google Play,All is well,5,2023-07-07 09:47:53 +Google Play,Yeah this is like Twitter,2,2023-07-06 17:42:09 +Google Play,Better than twitter 💪👍,5,2023-07-09 05:00:49 +Google Play,Better than twitter 😉,5,2023-07-06 05:06:33 +Google Play,Nice & Good,5,2023-07-09 19:54:46 +Google Play,Lets see how many followers I'm gonna get from here my user @arh4mm,5,2023-07-06 21:37:03 +Google Play,Its copy its trash #iamelonmusk,1,2023-07-07 17:54:41 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-08 18:57:54 +Google Play,Wow better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:50:39 +Google Play,Better than twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-11 04:00:37 +Google Play,So far so good.,3,2023-07-09 20:22:06 +Google Play,this is a best aap 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳,5,2023-07-11 16:21:44 +Google Play,Hope it will not get famous,5,2023-07-06 07:22:49 +Google Play,Threads is trending on twitter HAHAHAAHAH,5,2023-07-06 11:26:06 +Google Play,Best than tweeter,4,2023-07-07 04:05:08 +Google Play,Threads is awesome 👍,5,2023-07-12 05:58:47 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-23 14:16:02 +Google Play,I just love it🔥🔥,5,2023-07-09 15:19:25 +Google Play,Logo looks like Tamizh word கு.,5,2023-07-07 12:28:46 +Google Play,I'm one of the some early reviewer.,5,2023-07-06 02:28:15 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:55:55 +Google Play,Good one app,5,2023-07-06 19:23:43 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 11:05:29 +Google Play,A weak copy of twitter.,1,2023-07-07 19:53:36 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:13:15 +Google Play,Its Instagram typing......,2,2023-07-08 00:23:09 +Google Play,World baddest app,1,2023-07-08 08:16:23 +Google Play,Zuck about to KO Schmuck Muck in multiple dimensions,5,2023-07-06 12:34:31 +Google Play,BANYAK KAUM FOMO HAHAHA. AND BUG IN THIS APP,2,2023-07-06 06:52:07 +Google Play,How can I delete my Threads account. There no such option.,3,2023-07-06 07:28:19 +Google Play,No bots!!!😁😆 ...just yet,5,2023-07-07 06:54:23 +Google Play,Lot of Twitter Stans in the reviews section,4,2023-07-08 08:13:15 +Google Play,Trending section maybe.,4,2023-07-06 18:51:48 +Google Play,"yes, highly recommended 💯💯💯💯",5,2023-07-06 11:41:14 +Google Play,Till now my experience is good 😊,5,2023-07-08 07:39:59 +Google Play,Twitter's new rival and Gen Alpha's,5,2023-07-07 09:00:49 +Google Play,Better than twitter,4,2023-07-06 01:18:48 +Google Play,Super I like it,5,2023-07-07 14:03:56 +Google Play,So good so far,5,2023-07-07 10:40:05 +Google Play,Very good 💯😊. 💕 It.,5,2023-07-08 05:13:11 +Google Play,I want to express my appreciation for threads✨,5,2023-07-10 00:40:07 +Google Play,It's just Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 08:21:19 +Google Play,Basically Twitter with censorship.,2,2023-07-13 18:58:58 +Google Play,Just better then fakin twitter,5,2023-07-10 18:19:21 +Google Play,Should be called JAIL it's a app for criminals to socialize about their lies..,1,2023-07-08 19:15:35 +Google Play,Attractive App For Social Lovers 😀,5,2023-07-06 07:49:55 +Google Play,Wfvwrbwf wr w rbwr twb bt b wfw r vdw af da dab dah qrb wb bw. Qrb wtbwtbwtbwtbtw. Rh bwthwthtwbtwb wtbwtbwrjtwj tj and I am in a good condition and Storej che ke baad hi bhi nahi hai to nahi hai to sab 😂😂😂 hai to build a raha tha ki aap bhi hi hai ki nahi ho to nahi ho raha u are not able much of empires to sab so I am in a good 😊 of you are in the group and I was having some time and you are going to build a way to nahi hai to build tt,5,2023-07-14 04:09:53 +Google Play,This is good,4,2023-07-13 04:35:09 +Google Play,Threads nice application,4,2023-07-13 05:31:30 +Google Play,Elon Musk twitter is better,1,2023-07-11 16:58:26 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:59:36 +Google Play,wonderful invention against Twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-07 03:55:13 +Google Play,No body cant beat TWEETER,1,2023-07-06 14:13:22 +Google Play,Plz include messaging,5,2023-07-09 14:27:45 +Google Play,Best Compitator for Twitter,4,2023-07-06 08:50:17 +Google Play,Downloaded will give it a go,5,2023-07-07 10:45:27 +Google Play,Wao nice app,2,2023-07-09 23:30:30 +Google Play,Still looking at it,4,2023-07-06 15:42:37 +Google Play,"Zuckerberg, you're a genius)) so Mask get around))",5,2023-07-13 21:24:23 +Google Play,Won't let me see feed,1,2023-07-07 16:39:46 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 07:44:52 +Google Play,Worst ever app,1,2023-07-07 18:10:41 +Google Play,Same to same Twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:22:35 +Google Play,This app good 👍👍,5,2023-07-08 13:25:32 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:56:00 +Google Play,Third class copy of twitter,1,2023-07-08 14:13:52 +Google Play,Like good app,5,2023-07-06 19:19:25 +Google Play,i cant see my following list,1,2023-07-08 00:34:12 +Google Play,Why if i deleted my threads acc then my ig acc will be deleted too? Thats annoying,1,2023-07-06 19:40:09 +Google Play,So good so far,5,2023-07-06 16:01:25 +Google Play,Enjoying it so far,5,2023-07-13 07:45:41 +Google Play,Lack of DMs is noticeable,3,2023-07-07 06:31:05 +Google Play,Better than Twitter..,5,2023-07-07 19:16:19 +Google Play,Super app this,5,2023-07-06 10:37:45 +Google Play,I think good app,5,2023-07-06 16:17:29 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 09:06:36 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 05:49:24 +Google Play,Better than twitter 💯💯,5,2023-07-06 21:38:41 +Google Play,Change conditions for account,1,2023-07-11 15:37:30 +Google Play,"Nice please follow me on Instagram "" musaib official",5,2023-07-12 19:09:44 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter 😉,5,2023-07-09 02:39:59 +Google Play,"Copy paste, shame on you..",1,2023-07-10 19:25:01 +Google Play,What a smooth ui,5,2023-07-18 10:39:57 +Google Play,I don't want zucc to dominate social media,1,2023-07-06 03:42:12 +Google Play,Nice Edit this was review #77 I was here before all you mfs,5,2023-07-10 21:02:46 +Google Play,It's awesome 💯😎,5,2023-07-07 17:53:33 +Google Play,People i'm not following are on my timeline,1,2023-07-08 16:35:17 +Google Play,We need translate Threads :),4,2023-07-06 16:26:09 +Google Play,Good social app.,5,2023-07-07 14:56:54 +Google Play,Better than twitter 😅,5,2023-07-08 15:17:42 +Google Play,Better than Twitter..😂😊,4,2023-07-07 07:53:05 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:04:45 +Google Play,Trash Get better L Lizard,1,2023-07-07 08:41:05 +Google Play,Here to try this new app,4,2023-07-07 11:49:20 +Google Play,This app is good 💯,5,2023-07-07 02:56:48 +Google Play,“Warning: I’m not responsible for what my face does when you talk.,5,2023-07-08 03:11:19 +Google Play,It's a beginning of @zuck brain,5,2023-07-06 16:37:03 +Google Play,Wow amazing app 💓,5,2023-07-13 10:51:03 +Google Play,Very good aap,5,2023-07-09 11:47:01 +Google Play,Better than twitter 😁,5,2023-07-07 17:08:09 +Google Play,Great 👍🏾...love it 💗💗💗💗,5,2023-07-06 10:36:54 +Google Play,Awesome... The first one,5,2023-07-05 23:20:14 +Google Play,It's amazing 😍,5,2023-07-09 12:05:12 +Google Play,Better then Some Old Munk 😂,5,2023-07-06 21:12:22 +Google Play,"hey mark z, guess what",4,2023-07-09 09:51:50 +Google Play,It's amazing 👌❤️,5,2023-07-07 14:57:42 +Google Play,So far very good experience.,4,2023-07-06 10:32:26 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 14:23:27 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 09:26:47 +Google Play,Off to a good start,4,2023-07-06 10:50:20 +Google Play,Better than twitter 😁,5,2023-07-07 10:39:30 +Google Play,It may replace Twitter,5,2023-07-07 18:03:34 +Google Play,I am a first person who install treads after threads lounched 6 july 2023,5,2023-07-06 21:24:18 +Google Play,It's interesting,4,2023-07-06 17:45:58 +Google Play,I enjoy the App,5,2023-07-18 23:44:13 +Google Play,1st review from Bangladesh😍😍 Everybody follow me on instagram😁😁 (priitomdeb),5,2023-07-06 01:45:23 +Google Play,Mast aplication for Instragram,5,2023-07-11 03:35:58 +Google Play,best social media ❤️,5,2023-07-06 11:45:19 +Google Play,Useless censored rubbish,1,2023-07-20 07:48:29 +Google Play,If Your are your threads account delete.then your Instagram account will automatically deleted.,1,2023-07-14 03:55:02 +Google Play,Is the beta program available now,5,2023-07-06 12:13:54 +Google Play,It's awesome,4,2023-07-06 04:29:05 +Google Play,it's broken as hell,1,2023-07-07 02:54:08 +Google Play,I hate this app,1,2023-07-07 22:16:40 +Google Play,Twitter but more bad,1,2023-07-14 06:53:12 +Google Play,The Best Threads Is Good👍🏽😇,5,2023-07-06 21:31:52 +Google Play,add hashtags already,2,2023-07-18 02:42:40 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 12:36:48 +Google Play,It has potentials.,2,2023-07-12 12:50:23 +Google Play,Banned on my first post. Back to Twitter.,1,2023-07-13 00:41:39 +Google Play,Threads is overrated,1,2023-07-06 10:22:02 +Google Play,Good App 👍🏻 But Twitter 🔥💯,5,2023-07-22 08:10:53 +Google Play,I don't like it,1,2023-07-07 20:53:25 +Google Play,Can u please give us add account futures,4,2023-07-06 03:27:08 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:38:26 +Google Play,I think Mark triggered a boss fight🥱😁,5,2023-07-06 07:24:54 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:50:57 +Google Play,Aop is not wark properly,1,2023-07-08 04:47:57 +Google Play,"Not owned by Musk, owned by Zuck; choose your poison.",3,2023-07-06 02:38:39 +Google Play,"I'm gonna be the first to rate you guys 🤝🏻....Till now I can say that in getting better feelings using threads then Twitter but one thing you should add here on threads is ""hashtag""",5,2023-07-06 05:44:31 +Google Play,Like it so far,5,2023-07-06 20:33:38 +Google Play,First review! I am enjoying it!,5,2023-07-06 00:37:32 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:35:07 +Google Play,Best app bss haam b viral ho jyee,5,2023-07-07 00:06:27 +Google Play,Please how to manage several accounts on thread,5,2023-07-06 20:46:46 +Google Play,Trying to compete with Twitter?,1,2023-07-06 12:48:53 +Google Play,How I gain more followers?,5,2023-07-08 06:38:55 +Google Play,Kindly Add Dark Theme,5,2023-07-21 22:17:37 +Google Play,Elon musk will be back with new application 😎,1,2023-07-07 19:26:45 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 20:38:15 +Google Play,Add hashtag feature #️⃣,5,2023-07-07 06:42:45 +Google Play,i just love it,5,2023-07-13 15:26:48 +Google Play,Its Twitter from the trash,1,2023-07-18 21:04:00 +Google Play,"No freedom of speech L Zuck , Twitter >>>>",1,2023-07-08 16:34:55 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:55:15 +Google Play,So good so far,4,2023-07-13 09:21:09 +Google Play,Better than Twitter btw,5,2023-07-06 13:47:42 +Google Play,Great experience so far,5,2023-07-16 20:26:42 +Google Play,Wooo cool app.,4,2023-07-08 01:50:06 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:23:14 +Google Play,#tag is missing.,2,2023-07-12 06:49:40 +Google Play,Worst app ever,1,2023-07-06 16:21:40 +Google Play,THE BEST APP,5,2023-07-06 23:26:35 +Google Play,Weak copy of twitter ! Should be illegal.,1,2023-07-07 13:01:57 +Google Play,Zuckerberg when you start paying people then 5 star not yet۔ 😛😛😛,1,2023-07-08 07:41:06 +Google Play,That's good app's,5,2023-07-08 11:06:37 +Google Play,VERY NICE APP 🙂,5,2023-07-08 04:12:50 +Google Play,"I just want to say that, Sad for Elon Musk 🗿🤣",5,2023-07-07 09:13:01 +Google Play,Da best app purr,5,2023-07-07 03:40:24 +Google Play,Wow super app 😍,5,2023-07-06 06:31:58 +Google Play,How will i change it to dark mode,3,2023-07-10 16:44:27 +Google Play,worst social network ever,1,2023-07-09 22:28:35 +Google Play,Ovarall good app than twitter,4,2023-07-16 06:27:38 +Google Play,Add dark mode/theme,4,2023-07-06 07:32:40 +Google Play,Needed some new app.,5,2023-07-06 21:14:28 +Google Play,Try it more using,5,2023-07-16 13:34:43 +Google Play,It's a mimick of Twitter.,1,2023-07-15 08:32:27 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:19:31 +Google Play,Just not good,1,2023-07-08 12:39:19 +Google Play,The best application,5,2023-07-16 02:51:21 +Google Play,Can't say anything right now,5,2023-07-06 18:19:09 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-07 03:46:27 +Google Play,Good alternative for Twitter 😁 It's Elon musk Vs Mark 😋,4,2023-07-07 04:04:59 +Google Play,Basically a poor man's Twitter,1,2023-07-09 06:26:56 +Google Play,Not too bad afterall.,3,2023-07-11 10:45:50 +Google Play,Experience much better by Awadhkaladka,3,2023-07-06 06:09:15 +Google Play,Going to overtake twitter sooo 🕊️🕊️🕊️,5,2023-07-06 17:11:45 +Google Play,"Horrible. Hope Elon sues the hell out of you Zuck, BTW, treason for censoring sitting president.",1,2023-07-08 23:10:57 +Google Play,Hi im using WhatsApp!,4,2023-07-06 21:00:31 +Google Play,"Nahi chalega, Twitter is the boss.",1,2023-07-10 05:32:24 +Google Play,I think it's better ...,5,2023-07-06 03:40:16 +Google Play,Seems alright for now,5,2023-07-06 01:28:26 +Google Play,Zuck litreally wanna shut twitter and elon musk down ☠ either it's about mma or online platforms...,5,2023-07-06 06:12:44 +Google Play,Wow so nycc good 👍,5,2023-07-14 14:08:30 +Google Play,An emotional moment,5,2023-07-10 13:05:19 +Google Play,I love the app,5,2023-07-07 11:45:04 +Google Play,Nice app I see,5,2023-07-06 16:52:51 +Google Play,It was glitching,2,2023-07-06 02:26:02 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-10 13:17:50 +Google Play,threads is basically a illegitimate kid of twitter and instagram,4,2023-07-06 06:06:57 +Google Play,Worst app we support you Elon please save us form this lizard man zuke 🙏😭...,1,2023-07-09 07:00:32 +Google Play,m excited ... new something,5,2023-07-05 23:04:10 +Google Play,"Crtl A, Ctrl C, Ctrl V",1,2023-07-09 17:20:21 +Google Play,better than twitter,5,2023-07-18 10:31:38 +Google Play,Good for you ! Mark 🤍,5,2023-07-06 10:39:16 +Google Play,wow it's Twitter 4.0 🤩,5,2023-07-06 01:57:54 +Google Play,Experience on threads is wonderfull.,5,2023-07-07 18:50:46 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 22:41:58 +Google Play,I like this app 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 04:47:18 +Google Play,So beautiful app,5,2023-07-16 08:08:08 +Google Play,Awesome experience! Seems like I've purchased a ticket of Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg boxing match xD... Luv from Bangladesh 🇧🇩,5,2023-07-07 10:37:31 +Google Play,Very nice AAP 😊,3,2023-07-06 18:55:35 +Google Play,"Ok nange let me kugezako on this app ndabe jebigwela,Ugandans where are you Come we support Zuckerberg 🙌",3,2023-07-07 16:49:34 +Google Play,Worst app ever,1,2023-07-19 07:54:13 +Google Play,Better than Elon Musk's Twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:22:52 +Google Play,Amazing ❤️❤️ App,4,2023-07-06 18:49:18 +Google Play,Give us the fight we deserve!!! Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon musk 🥊🆚🥊,5,2023-07-07 09:38:03 +Google Play,"Mr. Beast already giving away a free Tesla on here, lmao",5,2023-07-07 07:27:39 +Google Play,This Is Best App,5,2023-07-07 06:08:02 +Google Play,We need a chating area,3,2023-07-15 15:50:33 +Google Play,Please add dark mode,4,2023-07-07 23:58:34 +Google Play,Love the app,5,2023-07-07 16:47:52 +Google Play,"""best replacement of Twitter""...",5,2023-07-09 09:54:44 +Google Play,What an idea . Updates pls,3,2023-07-08 18:32:13 +Google Play,"First to write a Review on Thread, say less 💯😄",5,2023-07-06 18:05:01 +Google Play,When Twitter seen this. Twitter be like. Mai kya job chod du fir 😁😁,4,2023-07-07 10:25:18 +Google Play,I like this app🌼😘,1,2023-07-11 14:56:31 +Google Play,Simpson already pridicted this app . Illuminati companies.,1,2023-07-13 12:00:00 +Google Play,Cut & copy,1,2023-07-07 06:39:16 +Google Play,Too much censoring,1,2023-07-08 01:13:25 +Google Play,Idk I just wanna be the first review hehe,1,2023-07-06 03:35:38 +Google Play,Bekaar app ahe ya app la install Karu nka aani chukine karal tr te tumchya jivnatil ek mothi galti asel,1,2023-07-23 16:12:54 +Google Play,I Just don't liked.,1,2023-07-12 11:59:21 +Google Play,The Inspired Foundation NGO Madhya Pradesh India.... Please Thread official Account verification,5,2023-07-11 09:14:13 +Google Play,The real copy paste 🐦,4,2023-07-06 17:25:09 +Google Play,Good Bye Twitter! 🤞,5,2023-07-06 08:04:24 +Google Play,We want trending threads and chat.. Etc.,4,2023-07-08 03:20:34 +Google Play,I'm loving it so far,3,2023-07-06 07:57:55 +Google Play,"Twitter will remain Twitter, and you, Mark, will get another job, as they say in Egypt.",1,2023-07-08 21:34:30 +Google Play,Please add trends,5,2023-07-06 17:35:33 +Google Play,Am From Nigeria 🇳🇬 This App is 💯 Good THREADS @official_mr_eba,5,2023-07-08 11:06:05 +Google Play,Nothing is new about this aap,2,2023-07-13 09:25:22 +Google Play,Please add account switch option,5,2023-07-07 15:50:04 +Google Play,𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉,5,2023-07-08 22:46:50 +Google Play,Hard to scroll,5,2023-07-12 12:51:52 +Google Play,This is just Twitter,3,2023-07-08 06:05:17 +Google Play,Awesome and fresh,5,2023-07-06 19:50:47 +Google Play,"This is first review, hello Mark 😂😂",3,2023-07-06 10:01:21 +Google Play,amazing bro zuck,5,2023-07-07 19:45:05 +Google Play,Oooh very nice,5,2023-07-06 12:38:24 +Google Play,I will try it for best review,5,2023-07-06 15:32:15 +Google Play,Twitter but better,5,2023-07-07 11:19:26 +Google Play,We need Black theme,4,2023-07-06 13:48:10 +Google Play,Gandu app but iam fan of Modi,5,2023-07-08 07:21:22 +Google Play,more Meta Zuckerberg surveillance thats passed on to US gov,1,2023-07-07 03:48:16 +Google Play,"twitter copy paste,",2,2023-07-08 18:02:06 +Google Play,Nice threads app 👌 ❤️🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:25:44 +Google Play,Q MO MO MO o I nominees to the public criticize that we we are looking forward at you the same same way thing that we are in your prayers as you can see this this morning in regards of God we have met your new,3,2023-07-22 18:42:10 +Google Play,twitter has less censorship,1,2023-07-06 06:14:19 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 23:48:32 +Google Play,Elon is not happy now 🥲,5,2023-07-07 17:49:52 +Google Play,Thir class aap @threads an Instagram 👎👎,1,2023-07-09 16:44:53 +Google Play,Hey Elon Musk. If you reading this one plz GTH. You destroyed Twitter. Twitter was the voice of common people. Zuckerberg and threads is our new hope. Follow me on nitish.ji.58 and Musk fans you can abuse me there.,5,2023-07-08 13:07:58 +Google Play,"😂😂😶 I am the First user from Bangladesh.Let's try it firts,😁",3,2023-07-07 12:32:41 +Google Play,Just pure copy cat,1,2023-07-23 01:10:15 +Google Play,Bast app to beat tweatter,5,2023-07-06 17:16:34 +Google Play,Threads an instgram app,4,2023-07-07 09:44:24 +Google Play,This is best 😀,5,2023-07-12 18:10:57 +Google Play,Downloaded to write the first review for threads.,5,2023-07-06 00:03:22 +Google Play,Threads on Stitching Mode 🥵,5,2023-07-06 04:16:20 +Google Play,I think this app is Twitter opponet,3,2023-07-07 03:24:03 +Google Play,Notif delay lama,3,2023-07-09 20:01:13 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-14 21:31:28 +Google Play,Given Some function,3,2023-07-06 16:29:52 +Google Play,I love it!!!,5,2023-07-08 01:57:35 +Google Play,I love Threads App ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-11 09:41:13 +Google Play,I love dis app,5,2023-07-06 17:29:49 +Google Play,"The revialry was created between elon and mark Z, and we got fooled.",1,2023-07-06 17:48:33 +Google Play,Ui little bit slow,5,2023-07-06 15:18:19 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 09:13:41 +Google Play,I don't know where is the darkmode,3,2023-07-06 18:53:25 +Google Play,This might be the future...,5,2023-07-06 17:30:16 +Google Play,Wait why are there no reviews on this app?,5,2023-07-06 17:55:27 +Google Play,The best place to be 🔥,5,2023-07-13 17:57:04 +Google Play,Nice app But 🙄🙄🙄,4,2023-07-09 14:44:17 +Google Play,Not even a Twitter clone 🤮,1,2023-07-06 14:40:45 +Google Play,I just installed.,5,2023-07-06 13:20:02 +Google Play,So adorable app Ellon mosk shuk,1,2023-07-07 19:16:44 +Google Play,Worst version of Twitter,1,2023-07-11 08:43:22 +Google Play,Twitter with even more censorship.,1,2023-07-07 02:09:33 +Google Play,Its another part of Twitter 🌚,5,2023-07-06 07:28:39 +Google Play,We don't want Twitter vs Threads We want a cage fight fellas Musk vs zuck Baby,1,2023-07-09 07:33:09 +Google Play,Am I the first person to leave a review on the new threads app?,5,2023-07-05 23:04:01 +Google Play,I hate Twitter since musk took over..bye musk,5,2023-07-06 18:09:58 +Google Play,Loved it 😄 ig ryzo_8,5,2023-07-06 20:44:31 +Google Play,where is trending topic?,1,2023-07-06 23:29:07 +Google Play,Quite Intresting app,4,2023-07-06 18:43:55 +Google Play,It's lacking bro... 😭😭😭💔💔💔,1,2023-07-06 05:45:53 +Google Play,Go to Twitter instead so you're not censored,1,2023-07-06 04:13:24 +Google Play,Cut ✂️ copy paste twitter 😁,1,2023-07-08 13:08:48 +Google Play,VERY NICE APP,5,2023-07-11 08:04:09 +Google Play,Not interested copy of tiwter,1,2023-07-07 14:15:18 +Google Play,Where's following option? How will i know whom I'm following.,1,2023-07-10 14:15:04 +Google Play,Threads= Twitter Ctrl c + Ctrl V,5,2023-07-07 10:45:04 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg rest see no dey their people account for this one allow people to bomb and have money abeg,5,2023-07-12 19:01:58 +Google Play,Wow that's awesome 💯😎💯,5,2023-07-14 06:15:48 +Google Play,Follow me on Thread World! Let's beat Twitter,1,2023-07-06 09:13:26 +Google Play,Just here so I don't get Fined,5,2023-07-06 03:14:42 +Google Play,Add following only and dm,4,2023-07-06 03:07:45 +Google Play,It's not twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:19:40 +Google Play,I want to join beta program,4,2023-07-06 21:44:39 +Google Play,Please unstall karnese instagram followers janevala option hata do... storage khali karna he muje🥺,2,2023-07-18 16:10:28 +Google Play,Better than twitter 💪🏻,5,2023-07-07 08:13:07 +Google Play,"1st, No one can bring me down! Haha",5,2023-07-08 02:34:57 +Google Play,Lets give a competition for the bird,5,2023-07-07 17:34:59 +Google Play,It's new but i'm already glued,5,2023-07-12 02:46:38 +Google Play,Worst experience ever.,1,2023-07-09 03:23:29 +Google Play,It’s good app,5,2023-07-12 15:27:12 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:11:33 +Google Play,Best your application,4,2023-07-10 06:13:23 +Google Play,Good App's,4,2023-07-07 18:03:02 +Google Play,So good app🥰🥰🥰 Love you Mark Zuckerberg❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-09 04:25:33 +Google Play,Op Trending Download,5,2023-07-07 07:54:48 +Google Play,Makes Elon mad 10/10,5,2023-07-06 21:08:49 +Google Play,Not too late to be here✌️,4,2023-07-07 09:29:59 +Google Play,"Better than Twitter,😎",1,2023-07-10 10:17:51 +Google Play,This is the real fight between Zuck and Elon Musk.,5,2023-07-06 06:57:42 +Google Play,Very bed experience,1,2023-07-09 03:31:58 +Google Play,"No hashtags , no dm , bruh 😭",3,2023-07-07 12:18:34 +Google Play,Facing Hanging Issue,1,2023-07-07 16:59:27 +Google Play,Wow! What a app,5,2023-07-08 07:34:02 +Google Play,Is it available in Bangladesh??,1,2023-07-07 06:11:35 +Google Play,I don't know this version,3,2023-07-06 09:18:40 +Google Play,I am here to competition with Twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-07 13:10:18 +Google Play,So far soo good💜,5,2023-07-06 03:39:28 +Google Play,Way worse than twitter,1,2023-07-06 14:05:24 +Google Play,💜🖤🔮🔮Good 🔮🔮🔮 😊🖤💜 By 💜🔮💜 BTS army girl 💜🔮💜 😺🐣🐿️🐨🐷🐰🐻.....,5,2023-07-20 17:36:38 +Google Play,So basically twitter 2.0?,3,2023-07-07 11:30:56 +Google Play,I think it's a beginning of Elon VS Zuck,5,2023-07-06 16:57:52 +Google Play,I don't understand 😭 about this app,5,2023-07-07 15:41:17 +Google Play,I will try it first and make my review,4,2023-07-07 01:05:45 +Google Play,Not worth to try.,1,2023-07-06 12:06:27 +Google Play,Stop using social media,1,2023-07-07 13:07:06 +Google Play,85% users are juish 😂😂😂,1,2023-07-07 03:24:17 +Google Play,mark zuckerberg is god i saw him above,5,2023-07-06 06:56:16 +Google Play,Don't to compare Twitter,1,2023-07-07 08:27:45 +Google Play,It's pretty good ngl,5,2023-07-07 04:59:52 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 04:31:26 +Google Play,Threads good App,5,2023-07-06 15:30:10 +Google Play,So good app,3,2023-07-07 02:37:04 +Google Play,Not bad so far,5,2023-07-06 13:04:51 +Google Play,"This is a first Meta gate, Let's THREADS it 🪜",5,2023-07-06 21:28:22 +Google Play,Verry nice app 😍,5,2023-07-08 03:09:30 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:06:13 +Google Play,Just trying yo copy Twitter elon musk i am with you,1,2023-07-08 16:25:06 +Google Play,It's not Twitter,5,2023-07-23 21:21:35 +Google Play,Best app good 👍,5,2023-07-06 18:13:49 +Google Play,It's garbage. It's only going to censor you,1,2023-07-12 07:18:39 +Google Play,We are social media Slaves Officially!!!!!!!,1,2023-07-06 19:53:08 +Google Play,You cloned Twitter which is bad!,1,2023-07-08 18:59:54 +Google Play,Better then Twitter 😮‍💨,5,2023-07-07 21:40:18 +Google Play,It's a copy app😡😡,1,2023-07-09 13:39:46 +Google Play,10 million sign ups in seven hours 🤯,5,2023-07-06 09:25:05 +Google Play,Yeee I think this is good,3,2023-07-09 18:33:57 +Google Play,Mark jukerbarg hack our social media platforms . he want to make king in world,1,2023-07-09 07:38:54 +Google Play,"Till now, it's best",5,2023-07-06 15:22:16 +Google Play,Copy paste from Twitter,1,2023-07-06 21:31:44 +Google Play,It's a SPAM MESSENGER,1,2023-07-10 09:11:38 +Google Play,"First review, wow. What an honor",5,2023-07-05 23:24:58 +Google Play,I liked it,5,2023-07-06 13:51:01 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 15:29:02 +Google Play,Add a dark mode,4,2023-07-06 23:17:14 +Google Play,"Cut, copy, paste",5,2023-07-09 09:35:38 +Google Play,Ad hashtags option plz and trend,5,2023-07-11 02:34:24 +Google Play,Feels like something new.,5,2023-07-06 02:16:29 +Google Play,better than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 14:32:02 +Google Play,It's Instagram not Twitter,1,2023-07-12 23:52:52 +Google Play,I can't sign in,2,2023-07-06 12:27:45 +Google Play,New innovation for new generation 🔉,4,2023-07-06 08:23:40 +Google Play,Just wanted to be the first review icl,5,2023-07-05 23:03:33 +Google Play,"Fixed the comment pane, tks 👍👍👍",5,2023-07-11 17:39:38 +Google Play,No freedom of speech.,1,2023-07-13 17:23:46 +Google Play,It's like a Twitter 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 13:52:39 +Google Play,Please provide username different,1,2023-07-07 09:39:57 +Google Play,Need an Instagram account. Lame,1,2023-07-06 18:49:43 +Google Play,Social media should not be a monopoly.,1,2023-07-07 06:38:52 +Google Play,Good Compititor to Twitter,4,2023-07-11 19:09:36 +Google Play,There's a glitch,1,2023-07-08 00:41:21 +Google Play,Just copy of twitter 😑,1,2023-07-08 10:23:40 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 13:12:25 +Google Play,I can't delete my account,1,2023-07-14 08:04:25 +Google Play,It's not Twitter,5,2023-07-08 00:38:28 +Google Play,Larry Thepoet on all music platforms! @poet_east_wizard 💙🙏🏾🧙🏾‍♂️,5,2023-07-06 12:05:02 +Google Play,Good social app,5,2023-07-10 02:23:35 +Google Play,It’s copy for twitter,1,2023-07-07 13:34:33 +Google Play,"So far, so good",5,2023-07-07 04:07:09 +Google Play,no dark mode?,1,2023-07-09 19:34:50 +Google Play,Who the f are you to auto update my bio ??,1,2023-07-08 02:32:07 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 09:56:36 +Google Play,Give me a add story message please 🙏.,2,2023-07-06 16:17:51 +Google Play,Seems to be cool,5,2023-07-06 02:02:35 +Google Play,Great app bros,5,2023-07-06 17:32:35 +Google Play,Very Emportent Twit App,5,2023-07-14 03:51:53 +Google Play,Well done Meta.,3,2023-07-06 11:07:11 +Google Play,"Mere Bharat desh waale 1 star karo 😔 Mere Hindu Bhai Behen 1 Star do 😔 And review mai ""Jai Shree Ram"" likhna My Indian Brothers and Sisters Please Give rating of 1 Star and also write ""Jai Shree Ram"" in review 😔 JAI SHREE RAM !!!",1,2023-07-05 23:28:49 +Google Play,Here we are again next level,5,2023-07-07 17:34:52 +Google Play,Twitter delete 😂😂 daily use Threads,5,2023-07-07 13:25:53 +Google Play,Love the app,5,2023-07-07 06:41:11 +Google Play,Better than twitter 👍,5,2023-07-07 16:05:21 +Google Play,i install this app with many excitement but after seeing too many glitches i am very disappointed💔,1,2023-07-09 07:10:09 +Google Play,Plain and boring app. Sticking to Instagram for now.,1,2023-07-11 20:29:49 +Google Play,It's lagging,2,2023-07-07 16:33:45 +Google Play,there's no scape from mass mind r@p*,1,2023-07-08 00:19:54 +Google Play,Twitter copy waste app,1,2023-07-06 13:37:54 +Google Play,Better that Twitter 😮‍💨❤️,5,2023-07-06 02:08:36 +Google Play,My phone automatically uninstalled this app while clearing cache.. Dont blame me lmao,1,2023-07-22 17:24:27 +Google Play,Smooth and enjoyable.. I love it so far!!,5,2023-07-07 06:13:21 +Google Play,It's superb,5,2023-07-06 18:55:14 +Google Play,good app(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)👀,5,2023-07-09 05:08:08 +Google Play,Not good and not soo bad,3,2023-07-09 11:31:18 +Google Play,Instagram Target followers 1M thanks instagram good video 🥰 viral,5,2023-07-08 07:53:07 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 18:15:45 +Google Play,Very Good App,5,2023-07-07 17:28:49 +Google Play,Please contact opinion add masage,1,2023-07-07 08:23:50 +Google Play,Was waiting for it🤩💯,5,2023-07-06 06:37:59 +Google Play,Better than Twitter ☠️☠️☠️,4,2023-07-06 06:03:12 +Google Play,Liking what I see so far,5,2023-07-07 15:18:39 +Google Play,"It's an so better way uing Instagram , I suggest everyone to download it as soon as you see my review!",5,2023-07-06 17:23:24 +Google Play,Takes forever to load new... Threads? Twits? Moderation is as senseless as in Facebook. So much for the hype.,1,2023-07-19 17:41:37 +Google Play,It's amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-06 04:01:42 +Google Play,After install this app my instagram notification is not working,3,2023-07-07 07:36:17 +Google Play,"Its just 'okay' for me. There are no hashtags, no trending topics and most of all, no following page!!! Why should i see threads of people who i don't follow? It annoys me.",2,2023-07-12 19:15:41 +Google Play,Dear Zuck please enable message option in Threads app. thank you,4,2023-07-09 11:46:54 +Google Play,Rubbish copy of Twitter. It completely useless. Uninstalling it,1,2023-07-23 08:52:31 +Google Play,It sucked. Already everything you say is censored so you can't even have an actual conversation. No thanks I will stick with Twitter.,1,2023-07-10 13:22:07 +Google Play,It's copy of twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:43:05 +Google Play,It kicked off on a good note. I hope they maintain the energy,3,2023-07-06 13:22:28 +Google Play,It's awesome,5,2023-07-07 02:07:28 +Google Play,It's too good,5,2023-07-09 16:32:38 +Google Play,You should add more features like othe apps And your app is nice for writing quotes 😊,3,2023-07-24 08:39:43 +Google Play,Good job zuck,5,2023-07-06 16:47:24 +Google Play,This is nice,5,2023-07-07 17:14:28 +Google Play,So far so good..,5,2023-07-07 00:05:37 +Google Play,Great I love it 😍,5,2023-07-07 13:11:11 +Google Play,Where's trending topics?,1,2023-07-06 11:26:25 +Google Play,Absolute Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-13 19:21:26 +Google Play,Very idiot app🤣,4,2023-07-06 12:18:47 +Google Play,I like your new app,5,2023-07-15 07:55:30 +Google Play,w app but L social monopoly,3,2023-07-07 07:08:55 +Google Play,"Yes, now it is absolutely useless app, you should not download it at all, download it, your net will also be bad, this app is just like Samsung Instagram, you should not download it, more and more",2,2023-07-23 03:36:09 +Google Play,Copy and paste,1,2023-07-09 01:25:25 +Google Play,Super usr app,5,2023-07-07 01:29:07 +Google Play,Unable to update android app.,1,2023-07-21 12:22:49 +Google Play,It's beauty 😍,5,2023-07-07 18:06:18 +Google Play,Actually it's going somewhere,5,2023-07-06 07:05:05 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:47:12 +Google Play,"I don't have Instagram, so that's why I am unable to use Threads..",2,2023-07-23 05:11:22 +Google Play,Elon musk's copy🖕🏿 . Elon musk is❤️❤️..See you in cage Mark zingerburger 🤬,1,2023-07-09 11:07:57 +Google Play,It still crashing hard idk if just for me or a problem in the app,1,2023-07-06 17:58:22 +Google Play,It is very similar like Twitter but it is easy to use than Twitter 😀,5,2023-07-06 09:34:12 +Google Play,better than nasty Twitter,5,2023-07-06 04:23:03 +Google Play,It's a Twitter doppelganger.,1,2023-07-06 21:58:51 +Google Play,I didn't like it,1,2023-07-07 12:19:06 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:20:17 +Google Play,My Instagram account has been hacked after I sycned it with this threads app 😡 please take action !!!,1,2023-07-06 21:36:10 +Google Play,Why I am having bug?,2,2023-07-10 16:38:58 +Google Play,After reading the data usage I decline to even open this!!,1,2023-07-12 02:45:28 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 10:13:17 +Google Play,It Looks Great,5,2023-07-06 07:40:50 +Google Play,"The ideas are cloned, but not any surprising feature. So we leave Twitter and use this app",1,2023-07-16 18:16:57 +Google Play,Better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-09 11:34:51 +Google Play,App is Glitch,1,2023-07-06 08:08:40 +Google Play,Time waste App crash on every open,1,2023-07-08 05:36:59 +Google Play,"Good, new app that's why it has some bugs. But it does the work",5,2023-07-06 22:02:22 +Google Play,So far so good 👍,5,2023-07-06 04:12:54 +Google Play,Useless so far😮‍💨,1,2023-07-06 17:17:02 +Google Play,No free speech,2,2023-07-10 20:44:43 +Google Play,Better than twitter,4,2023-07-07 22:38:47 +Google Play,I think it's just a copy of Twitter I thought it's gonna be special and better but it's worse actually.,1,2023-07-11 23:22:52 +Google Play,"I regret buying Huawei phone, it has its own apps and doesn't allow you to download important ones 😡",1,2023-07-12 06:15:14 +Google Play,Isn't run by Elon Musk. Insta 5⭐,5,2023-07-07 15:17:27 +Google Play,I liked it,5,2023-07-06 02:03:45 +Google Play,I just love this app.Its very well organized and copy of Twitter,5,2023-07-12 09:26:05 +Google Play,It's the mostly good,5,2023-07-11 14:43:31 +Google Play,"great concept, just wish i could see who I'm actually following on the home page",4,2023-07-09 13:15:35 +Google Play,Puro bading so I'll give it a 5,5,2023-07-06 10:41:20 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 20:08:31 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-06 19:48:01 +Google Play,Thear is a problem that the hole text are blinking,1,2023-07-07 07:59:22 +Google Play,NEEDS A DRAFT FEATURE,4,2023-07-11 12:55:25 +Google Play,better than Twitter 🤪,5,2023-07-07 18:23:49 +Google Play,I like apps,5,2023-07-24 02:16:58 +Google Play,Seems like something interesting to check out Note I've just installed it so I have not actually used it but some of my favourite people have used it and they seemef positive about,5,2023-07-06 06:53:30 +Google Play,Freezing up and not working properly,1,2023-07-06 23:01:26 +Google Play,Very Good Mark,5,2023-07-07 11:19:57 +Google Play,still need more develop tbh. really need add another account bcs i can't log in 2 account at one device,3,2023-07-08 17:26:31 +Google Play,Best experience ever,5,2023-07-10 09:04:07 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 04:11:05 +Google Play,It's amazing,5,2023-07-07 09:41:20 +Google Play,Everything is Good,5,2023-07-06 19:14:03 +Google Play,"You can never beat Elon Musk's Twitter , FO",1,2023-07-06 05:57:43 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 11:47:42 +Google Play,It's a Twitter ripoff,1,2023-07-08 03:23:49 +Google Play,The best appp,5,2023-07-12 16:50:14 +Google Play,Can you beat Twitter app XD,5,2023-07-09 00:36:46 +Google Play,looks more simpler to catch up,4,2023-07-07 14:54:38 +Google Play,"Lmao eat my home made vanilla and chocolate, Zuck.",1,2023-07-13 02:03:22 +Google Play,"After uninstall threads app, unable to upload Instagram story 😔🙄🙄",1,2023-07-07 12:01:26 +Google Play,best Twitter alternative,5,2023-07-06 13:02:45 +Google Play,Please is app mat download Karo ye fruad app hai,1,2023-07-07 20:03:02 +Google Play,Please don't install this application otherwise you will uninstall this then your Instagram also uninstalled,1,2023-07-11 12:38:16 +Google Play,It will be interesting if it is also compatible with Mastodon. Then it will really be better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-15 06:54:16 +Google Play,It seems good 👍,5,2023-07-08 00:01:25 +Google Play,Better than paid Twitter,5,2023-07-09 14:38:46 +Google Play,So far so good.,4,2023-07-06 16:38:00 +Google Play,Don't install it,1,2023-07-06 21:33:25 +Google Play,I'm the first person who download it!!!,5,2023-07-06 01:16:18 +Google Play,So far so good.,4,2023-07-11 14:10:30 +Google Play,"I have used personally. I love it man, I can say a lot about it.",5,2023-07-08 10:13:26 +Google Play,"This Name logo, same kerala malayalam language thra, thrads",2,2023-07-07 06:01:18 +Google Play,Copied from twitter,3,2023-07-06 21:43:54 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 18:49:57 +Google Play,Too invasive! This isn't the 1st time #ThreadsApp has failed. It's been around since at least 2019 when it tried to rival #Snapchat & it failed miserably. #Zuckerberg is a joke who can't even come up w/his own original ideas. He just clones & steals others work! Can't wait till it fails again,1,2023-07-11 08:44:36 +Google Play,Glitched screen L,1,2023-07-07 14:27:16 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 07:16:34 +Google Play,Just getting started.. 😀,4,2023-07-06 11:35:06 +Google Play,Full Copy of twitter zucky bro why you only made a copy of Apps that are exist think different.,2,2023-07-19 17:32:48 +Google Play,Really bad and will not go back on it at all for the experience with not good at all,1,2023-07-07 12:16:35 +Google Play,Hmmm....!! Common soldiers let's close shop of musk uncle!! He's too overconfident these days !!☠️,5,2023-07-06 21:10:29 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 13:21:12 +Google Play,This app lite insta,5,2023-07-17 06:58:27 +Google Play,I love app,5,2023-07-06 17:37:15 +Google Play,This app is like Twitter😅 Now meta is fighting Twitter👊 Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk💥,5,2023-07-06 04:12:11 +Google Play,"Delete this app, this is not even necessary, being up some orginal ideas. Just remove this from Play Store.",1,2023-07-06 15:10:39 +Google Play,Its only for insta user. Poor interface. Fake review,1,2023-07-07 16:42:16 +Google Play,Elon musk is gonna rate this 1 star,5,2023-07-08 14:09:44 +Google Play,Nice just add dms,4,2023-07-06 22:38:19 +Google Play,"Good application, more scope for improvement is there.",4,2023-07-07 12:24:55 +Google Play,No one here to like me on threads??,5,2023-07-07 14:25:05 +Google Play,Better dan twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:06:54 +Google Play,Cant replace twitter,4,2023-07-06 18:32:27 +Google Play,It has preset shadow bans,1,2023-07-07 00:43:03 +Google Play,After using this app I m felling 😳,3,2023-07-07 13:14:34 +Google Play,Amazing app.Way better than Spotify and Swedish apps,5,2023-07-08 21:23:36 +Google Play,Always Screen crash when i open this app,1,2023-07-07 13:27:34 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 00:21:37 +Google Play,"4stars because I can't save images. Otherwise, great app",4,2023-07-06 11:51:48 +Google Play,I liked it 🖤✨,5,2023-07-06 01:12:04 +Google Play,Twitter is better Elon Musk,1,2023-07-08 09:27:05 +Google Play,It's a totally boring application. I can't use this application before. I uninstall this application threads.,1,2023-07-16 02:29:56 +Google Play,Please create a lite version of it. It's too big for my phone,2,2023-07-06 13:49:52 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-13 19:03:39 +Google Play,Bad app this not downloading the app couldn't account not deleted 😔,1,2023-07-09 14:19:30 +Google Play,Nice to see that one more app launched by Instagram and it is cool and nice .....,5,2023-07-08 18:38:30 +Google Play,Bad apps nothing special it just same as the twitter why don't you guys make new feature sorry to say this i just don't like the concept,1,2023-07-06 12:32:23 +Google Play,"It's logo i think 💭 the cousin of ""@""",4,2023-07-07 10:07:32 +Google Play,Beats Twitter all to hell!,5,2023-07-13 16:43:37 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 22:58:33 +Google Play,im able to speak my mind.,5,2023-07-06 08:39:46 +Google Play,Good so far!,4,2023-07-05 23:58:17 +Google Play,Glitch in the Matrix!,1,2023-07-10 01:13:09 +Google Play,It's a new things let's see it.😇,5,2023-07-06 17:34:08 +Google Play,Better than...... Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 03:39:08 +Google Play,"I think I lost, I was not supposed to be here.",5,2023-07-06 09:48:51 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-12 10:07:32 +Google Play,its lovely app,5,2023-07-06 21:57:56 +Google Play,Now Elon Musk will not say...pay!!!else leave😂😂😂,4,2023-07-07 16:13:30 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:10:17 +Google Play,Super i like it 💜💜,5,2023-07-07 14:49:45 +Google Play,Needs more modern and clear visually,3,2023-07-07 10:36:34 +Google Play,Posts should have insights .,4,2023-07-05 23:41:03 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 17:41:18 +Google Play,Made for bit*he's like libraels and cucks like mark Cuban Zuckerberg joe Biden,1,2023-07-07 01:22:57 +Google Play,Best then twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:57:46 +Google Play,There is no sense to use this app I want to delete my account from this but if I delete account then insta account also deleted so please seprate threads or insta.... And provide delete option,1,2023-07-09 12:09:16 +Google Play,Still early to judge. Many flaws ... but best thing is no Ads yet,3,2023-07-06 08:04:51 +Google Play,Loved it till now,5,2023-07-06 14:25:09 +Google Play,"Dear Thread app Team, Please add this feature in upcoming update 1) Enable Hashtags 2) Explore Page 3) Direct Message Option 4) Polls 5) Edit Button",5,2023-07-07 09:19:59 +Google Play,"This app is really bad and very boring as well, I feel it was rushed",1,2023-07-20 07:03:05 +Google Play,Not gud yet,1,2023-07-07 04:11:54 +Google Play,Because My video viws not coming,1,2023-07-07 16:27:48 +Google Play,worst experience ever..,1,2023-07-08 02:44:48 +Google Play,Because Elon rate 1 star I did same,1,2023-07-08 14:09:32 +Google Play,Superb app better tha twiter,5,2023-07-14 11:51:24 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,4,2023-07-09 02:44:51 +Google Play,"Am very exciting. I hope you me use better something, think you Mark zukor bark.",5,2023-07-06 09:05:02 +Google Play,So-so. Uninstalled for now. Maybe come back after better features added. ♥️,3,2023-07-17 04:23:39 +Google Play,Best option of Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 16:15:16 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 14:52:57 +Google Play,AMZING GOOD APP @THREADS😊💯,5,2023-07-07 17:20:15 +Google Play,lacks the basic American right freedom of speech,1,2023-07-21 06:18:40 +Google Play,I hope it will be good,5,2023-07-08 07:14:19 +Google Play,It's actually very slow when you're about to download it i don't know why,1,2023-07-06 14:12:39 +Google Play,When I install this aap i can't open Instagram app in many devices,1,2023-07-08 05:02:50 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 03:25:53 +Google Play,fix the bugs issue i dont use it properly,2,2023-07-09 18:47:26 +Google Play,Carbon copy of Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 16:09:44 +Google Play,Design and easy to use,5,2023-07-06 15:52:34 +Google Play,Op app Twitter is l ki topi,5,2023-07-07 03:45:05 +Google Play,Photo upload problem should be fixed.,1,2023-07-07 15:55:45 +Google Play,I don't have Instagram account and I'm unable to login by other way. How can I login without Instagram account.,1,2023-07-23 08:57:08 +Google Play,Anybody that trusts Mark will get what they deserve.,1,2023-07-13 20:03:28 +Google Play,"Please reduce the size of the app. Also launch a lite version of threads , please.",3,2023-07-12 18:58:02 +Google Play,The app is cool,5,2023-07-08 10:09:17 +Google Play,I don't like the strategy which used that we need to delete the Instagram also of we don't want threads.,1,2023-07-16 19:39:29 +Google Play,I'm downloading this for the 5th time but this is not download my daily data packed total finished,1,2023-07-11 04:32:19 +Google Play,Hello india I am Anshu Singh insta I'd anshu_officel_edits,5,2023-07-13 16:35:22 +Google Play,Bang bang app threads 🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-21 10:39:16 +Google Play,Just a cheap copy of Twitter It is like twitter but then also notthing like twitter,1,2023-07-22 00:16:10 +Google Play,I Like This App....🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 05:17:41 +Google Play,So exciting fast and accurate app i like it because it makes me feel better when I'm using it,5,2023-07-08 09:15:51 +Google Play,I can't access my timeline coz it always appeared that something's wrong,1,2023-07-22 16:23:31 +Google Play,Worst app nothing new in it they tried to copy Tweeter which is tweeter better a million times from this dumpster,1,2023-07-09 15:04:31 +Google Play,"Markzugerberg you aren't serious, do you think this apk will challenge twitter or what? Thought i rate it with 5 star because i really enjoyed it.",5,2023-07-06 20:04:31 +Google Play,IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN! 🤭☺️😊🥰,5,2023-07-06 18:02:16 +Google Play,Extremely bad. No way to to have a feed with just people you follow. It's all awful influencers and brands posting the dumbest garbage you've ever seen. I'd rather watch my dog take a dump than look at this app.,1,2023-07-07 22:10:08 +Google Play,Good Now Twitter is dead,5,2023-07-06 05:31:38 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 13:36:02 +Google Play,So bad.This app can track where you are. once you install this app a message send to the following followers,1,2023-07-06 07:15:02 +Google Play,This is just another meta copy and worse they would share our details and other informations with third party,1,2023-07-07 15:36:13 +Google Play,Useless and illegal I hope Musk Sues Mark,1,2023-07-09 04:07:20 +Google Play,Where is trending option?,2,2023-07-06 10:33:07 +Google Play,Just not necessary...,1,2023-07-12 12:56:55 +Google Play,Worst and useless,1,2023-07-08 09:15:40 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 💪💪🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 22:51:07 +Google Play,"It steals almost 34 types of data including our sleep time too!we are gonnabe fully monitored by one overpoweredcompany-meta. Twitter is 100 times better and doesnt steal even a single one of the 34 data's stole by this company. Some of them are: financial info,browsing history, location,occupation,DOB,sensitive health data. U hv to agree to all these when u sign up. There is a reason y tis is banned in half of the countries.Cant use app without agreeing to all these.they sell data for money.",1,2023-07-08 09:18:21 +Google Play,Searching betterhalf on threads 😂😂😆,5,2023-07-06 08:51:17 +Google Play,The first positive 5star review?,5,2023-07-05 23:52:43 +Google Play,Threads is trying so hard to be like twitter and insta but proves to be worse than both.,2,2023-07-16 06:41:28 +Google Play,Hantoma darory diro hadchi kangol : 1. Atjm3o krkum 2. Atjm3o krrkuuum,5,2023-07-06 23:04:53 +Google Play,Twitter is better NO 🧢,1,2023-07-09 08:13:29 +Google Play,Nice this twit app,5,2023-07-12 09:35:58 +Google Play,Very good aap,5,2023-07-07 13:32:17 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 06:57:09 +Google Play,First Review Let's see how it pans it out,5,2023-07-06 17:24:36 +Google Play,No option fo create account. I don't use Instagram so they force to use Instagram.,1,2023-07-11 06:28:07 +Google Play,It is very basd,5,2023-07-22 10:22:16 +Google Play,Good performance and from this platform share your thought points,5,2023-07-08 10:42:12 +Google Play,Full Twitter ki copybazzzi. Twitter>>>>thread,2,2023-07-06 10:24:32 +Google Play,Only way to login is with your Instagram account. REALLY?🤬 Fail,1,2023-07-08 08:02:48 +Google Play,"Limited features, but overall good experience",4,2023-07-06 16:55:18 +Google Play,I'm the first to give 5 stars 🥱,5,2023-07-06 15:32:20 +Google Play,When ever I open the aap everytime the app get crashed,1,2023-07-11 08:55:18 +Google Play,Lots of bugs in application fix it 🔜,1,2023-07-07 07:36:50 +Google Play,best then twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:28:27 +Google Play,Where's the dark mode?,5,2023-07-06 12:59:54 +Google Play,Arrogant expansion policies,1,2023-07-10 10:18:23 +Google Play,Another way of extracting data and making the user useless in life,1,2023-07-21 23:16:33 +Google Play,"Already censoring speech...I'm good. Funny, everything that you censored of mine on Facebook ended up being proven true, you have a political agenda and I don't want to be a part of your ad revenue.",1,2023-07-06 23:29:48 +Google Play,So much good,5,2023-07-11 22:36:11 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 18:43:27 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter copy cat threads,1,2023-07-17 13:17:14 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-09 21:03:23 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂 ♥️♥️♥️,4,2023-07-07 07:41:45 +Google Play,Not the app for me downloaded it and unstalled it not signing in with my Instagram account,1,2023-07-06 05:24:48 +Google Play,this is very good apps i would like to thank instagram we do all this and launch apps i am happy,4,2023-07-06 03:14:21 +Google Play,I love it ❤️❤️,4,2023-07-06 18:10:02 +Google Play,"Display corrupt on my device, unreadable. Xiaomi note 5",1,2023-07-11 06:32:43 +Google Play,Went through a list of who to follow from my Instagram account then my news feed is full of people I don't know,1,2023-07-06 18:39:57 +Google Play,This app Beat the Twitter ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 06:19:18 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂♥️,5,2023-07-06 15:25:18 +Google Play,DON'T DOWNLOAD. GETS ALL OF YOUR DATA AND YOU CAN'T OPT OUT.,1,2023-07-10 14:43:24 +Google Play,"Profoundly disappointed! Just to use threads, we have to link it with instagram and if we want to delete threads, we first have to delete Instagram.",1,2023-07-07 13:25:24 +Google Play,"Zucky people are gonna rate your app one star, and you can only keep coping",1,2023-07-13 09:33:06 +Google Play,You nice aap 0 follow hi please 1k kar do my account I'd rdx_vibhanshu_gupta follow karo bro,5,2023-07-06 02:03:25 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:43:06 +Google Play,Same as twitter,4,2023-07-06 13:06:42 +Google Play,invasion of privacy,1,2023-07-13 23:51:28 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 19:24:57 +Google Play,Good initiative Mark Zuckerberg ⚡,5,2023-07-06 06:56:10 +Google Play,Too much censorship,1,2023-07-13 22:31:07 +Google Play,I'm loving the app,5,2023-07-07 03:45:00 +Google Play,"After the launch of Threads , Elon musk is in coma right now 😂",4,2023-07-06 05:35:33 +Google Play,"It was okay, but do something creative don't copy Twitter",1,2023-07-06 14:44:44 +Google Play,Instagram: Shaxzod.py please follow me,5,2023-07-06 08:10:58 +Google Play,Garbage rip off of Elon Musk's free speech Twitter. (Download Twitter instead),1,2023-07-16 16:58:56 +Google Play,"good but scrolling bug, tip for this blur scrolling glitch, go to help-->report then back,it will normal",3,2023-07-07 13:52:20 +Google Play,I am the first celeb-threads right?,5,2023-07-06 02:04:07 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:43:10 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-10 07:48:04 +Google Play,Here to watch the billionaires fight.,5,2023-07-07 06:48:50 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:35:37 +Google Play,Elon Musk sent me here to say he loves threads😆,5,2023-07-07 18:19:08 +Google Play,Till now it's good,4,2023-07-06 12:36:37 +Google Play,Another useless app that we don't need to take our attention and data,1,2023-07-07 16:19:20 +Google Play,Mark and Meta always creating adventures platforms in linking humanity together.,4,2023-07-06 19:11:28 +Google Play,It's quite good👍❤️ But a few adjustments can be made,5,2023-07-06 08:49:04 +Google Play,"Elon Musk Vs Mark Zuckerberg, Who do you think will win? Or did Mark Zuckerberg already Win?",5,2023-07-07 09:34:51 +Google Play,Later it may change,5,2023-07-06 03:57:25 +Google Play,This is just a worse Twitter,2,2023-07-12 15:15:28 +Google Play,It's not best,2,2023-07-07 18:04:01 +Google Play,So far so good 👍,4,2023-07-05 23:43:24 +Google Play,"I am the first one to write a review for this app. And i must tell you, this is an absolute twitter killer. People who love to tweet are surely going to love this. This is the first use review. Will update after a month of usage!!",5,2023-07-06 04:25:13 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter and insecure it's take your data and use for different activities don't download this app,1,2023-07-11 10:47:34 +Google Play,"Requires an Instagram account. I don't have, need, or intend to use Instagram so I guess I won't be using threads either",1,2023-07-07 10:45:27 +Google Play,Its a copy of Twitter .,3,2023-07-08 02:44:04 +Google Play,ASHOK smile ASHOK,3,2023-07-10 01:49:11 +Google Play,I hate this app because not download in my phone download again and again but app still not open,1,2023-07-07 11:30:29 +Google Play,"Even though I hide my badge from Instagram, it always show my badge ...I have deactivated ""threads"" still I can see my profile..",1,2023-07-08 15:04:43 +Google Play,Useless.......and not even closely comparable with the MIGHTY twitter.........meta needs to improvise this app if it wants to compete with twitter,1,2023-07-13 03:47:33 +Google Play,New good apps,5,2023-07-08 06:29:26 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂😂,5,2023-07-08 08:25:16 +Google Play,Twitter is better,2,2023-07-09 18:03:26 +Google Play,Twitter is better,2,2023-07-07 02:56:43 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-07 12:04:27 +Google Play,It's a copycat app,1,2023-07-07 05:11:31 +Google Play,I loved it 💖,5,2023-07-06 10:40:02 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-13 02:55:29 +Google Play,This Will be an absolute disaster .....,1,2023-07-06 07:43:04 +Google Play,"Worst app ever built in entire human history, This application doesn't deserve a single star rating.",1,2023-07-19 22:21:42 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:03:39 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:11:19 +Google Play,I like this ❤️,4,2023-07-07 14:18:38 +Google Play,"Ummm, we will see, zuck.",5,2023-07-06 00:11:24 +Google Play,F u elon i will not pay for you 10 kids school,5,2023-07-07 05:47:25 +Google Play,Won't let you log in without an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-10 17:44:00 +Google Play,Is the app from Elon Musk?,1,2023-07-08 02:21:24 +Google Play,Zuccky is the most criminal man i saw ever,1,2023-07-17 22:05:57 +Google Play,So Dum not even 1☆I do give All are messed dislike button for unlike let the insta be same . An who want ths to not be famouse,1,2023-07-08 03:29:01 +Google Play,"First review ""in my language???""",5,2023-07-06 04:35:31 +Google Play,Plz add multiple accounts,3,2023-07-07 18:46:06 +Google Play,"It's just like twitter, why do I need to download twitter twice?????",1,2023-07-23 09:34:55 +Google Play,"So far, ok.",4,2023-07-06 06:59:52 +Google Play,So far so good 👍,5,2023-07-08 23:28:46 +Google Play,"It's a fantastic app! By the way, I am the first review from my country!",5,2023-07-06 12:41:45 +Google Play,Bad not good features avaliable pls update this features,2,2023-07-19 09:32:50 +Google Play,im the first one to review it,5,2023-07-06 09:19:10 +Google Play,App is flickering..not proper display,1,2023-07-06 16:54:44 +Google Play,Good apps install 🥳🥳😍😍😍💐💐🚩🚩❣️❣️❣️👍👍,5,2023-07-06 13:29:31 +Google Play,It's a collection of your personal information which is sold to anyone who wants your info. They can use it to sell to China and other people who'll use it to harm you and your family,1,2023-07-14 18:31:19 +Google Play,Installing app caused phone to lose cell connection.,1,2023-07-08 14:33:27 +Google Play,"I think it is better application, Because of the apk owner is also better, Elon Musk",5,2023-07-22 16:44:24 +Google Play,I think we should not want an app like Instagram which not support reels .....,1,2023-07-07 18:09:37 +Google Play,why is it glitching so bad? i cant enjoy the app pls fix this problem,1,2023-07-10 05:09:03 +Google Play,"This app is really great , I want to be the first to recommend over the world . Please check out my content @medvidtalker",5,2023-07-05 23:40:44 +Google Play,Best options and better platform,5,2023-07-07 19:05:44 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 11:22:03 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:39:17 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 15:22:21 +Google Play,Its for my first day am installing this app . I hope this could be one of the best apps i ever used . Am proud been for the first millions joining this app.,2,2023-07-08 06:33:58 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 11:26:38 +Google Play,Twitter is better🐦🐦,1,2023-07-06 11:07:54 +Google Play,Better than Twitter ☠️☠️☠️,5,2023-07-06 09:37:24 +Google Play,Twitter 8/10 Threads 2/10,1,2023-07-21 19:00:48 +Google Play,Welcome threads by by Twitter,4,2023-07-07 15:53:23 +Google Play,For now I think it's okay,5,2023-07-06 11:27:48 +Google Play,"It wants us to login using Instagram login details, but I don't have Instagram 😒😒",1,2023-07-07 16:30:55 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 04:51:08 +Google Play,More than a twitter,5,2023-07-09 19:24:46 +Google Play,That's a pice of sh.. copy,1,2023-07-16 19:24:51 +Google Play,After using for many days i reconsider my 4 star and I will now give this app 1 star if I could give 0 stars i would gived this app become cringe day by day no creativity in their threads i dislike this app so much just shutdown it,1,2023-07-22 13:48:48 +Google Play,Worst app ever. An immature copy of Twitter. All social media apps by meta depresses me.,1,2023-07-12 16:14:26 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🔥,5,2023-07-06 06:55:22 +Google Play,Twitter is the best,1,2023-07-15 14:25:53 +Google Play,Just use twitter,1,2023-07-06 11:08:35 +Google Play,Twitter is much better...nd it can never go beyond that!,1,2023-07-06 18:41:18 +Google Play,Where is trending section ?,5,2023-07-06 16:10:41 +Google Play,Worst app ever,1,2023-07-08 10:24:23 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:31:53 +Google Play,I think i umderstand the concept and the flow of threads thanks for creating this awesome app for instagram users,5,2023-07-06 20:58:29 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:41:25 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-07 08:31:21 +Google Play,It's just Twitter,3,2023-07-06 06:52:11 +Google Play,It made insulin thief Elon Molusk cry 10 out 5,5,2023-07-07 13:10:53 +Google Play,It is quite a great app!!! But I have a few suggestions that would make it even better😬,4,2023-07-07 15:27:54 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 14:18:17 +Google Play,Better then musk twitter,5,2023-07-08 09:04:25 +Google Play,Can't open the app on pixel 6 pro with the latest android update,1,2023-07-06 17:55:42 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🔥😉,5,2023-07-07 08:43:31 +Google Play,We are waiting for 'dark theam'.,4,2023-07-06 16:34:23 +Google Play,Bad user interface & login system very much worst,1,2023-07-06 14:41:52 +Google Play,Please add non algorithmic timeline and decent search,5,2023-07-09 14:29:09 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 22:19:45 +Google Play,Twitter is best 😁,1,2023-07-06 17:53:23 +Google Play,Really not interested in creating an Instagram so I can have a threads account.,1,2023-07-07 07:27:16 +Google Play,Too many Data collection...only data miner app...Dont install,1,2023-07-22 17:27:08 +Google Play,I love it.,4,2023-07-06 16:44:17 +Google Play,Hurrah! That's amazing to see this app . All new features available so my opinion download this app and enjoy social experience.,4,2023-07-08 13:56:14 +Google Play,Really this is a good app 🤩 We always get good facilities from Twitter 🙂,5,2023-07-14 16:49:52 +Google Play,I NEED A DARK MODE OPTION 😩,2,2023-07-07 13:33:30 +Google Play,Twitter is the best,1,2023-07-10 12:22:38 +Google Play,It's amazing,5,2023-07-06 15:43:18 +Google Play,It's amazing,5,2023-07-09 14:20:19 +Google Play,It's amazing 🤩,4,2023-07-06 10:02:09 +Google Play,"If this is gonna be the new Twitter, Zuckerberg will have to learn to be less restrictive. I mean, I posted something that was fine on Twitter but Threads deleted it because it went against their rules. Not good, Zuck.",1,2023-07-08 15:03:00 +Google Play,Far better that Clown Musk's Tweeter,4,2023-07-06 09:00:22 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-14 04:24:26 +Google Play,The apps glitch,2,2023-07-07 03:12:02 +Google Play,Trying to catch up,5,2023-07-07 14:05:33 +Google Play,I love it.,5,2023-07-09 10:50:08 +Google Play,Kichu bujhlam na 😒 ig ata ki apps lunch korlo😅,5,2023-07-06 02:00:18 +Google Play,No reviews bro? 🤨 Basically sasta twitter,4,2023-07-06 08:37:49 +Google Play,this apps it's really nice and good topics for sharing some story other than of people 🤫🙂,5,2023-07-07 12:38:22 +Google Play,Please fix the buggy login issues then hope for 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,1,2023-07-12 05:47:15 +Google Play,First review with words,5,2023-07-05 23:23:19 +Google Play,What you people think is this really necessary 🤔,5,2023-07-06 01:08:19 +Google Play,"Everyone is installing this app for just following the trend but for nothing else, welcome to the threads y'all.",5,2023-07-06 14:48:44 +Google Play,Blocking doesn't work. Not interested in spam and abuse.,1,2023-07-06 15:43:08 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 03:04:22 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😍,5,2023-07-08 21:24:26 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 00:06:39 +Google Play,Threads is a new life of a social media,5,2023-07-13 09:08:54 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-11 08:18:44 +Google Play,Screen goes blurry or overlapping as soon I start to scroll,1,2023-07-07 10:26:09 +Google Play,"Just a cheap copy of Twitter, not good at all",1,2023-07-07 18:05:42 +Google Play,Twitter is the best,1,2023-07-08 04:26:09 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 02:32:11 +Google Play,It's realy cool,4,2023-07-15 08:35:59 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:04:44 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:32:12 +Google Play,"look like twitter lol 😂, bye Elon",5,2023-07-06 00:59:15 +Google Play,Batter then tweeter 👍,5,2023-07-15 15:22:07 +Google Play,Bugs vunayi bro glitch avutundhi jara susuko malla lekuntey kastam ayitadhi 😑,1,2023-07-07 18:27:07 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 23:52:04 +Google Play,Third grade copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 23:32:44 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-09 16:23:29 +Google Play,"It too compulsory to have Instagram account first, why can't provide an option 😔",1,2023-07-09 17:47:11 +Google Play,"Please be my pin, because I'm the thread that you need 😜😮‍💨",5,2023-07-06 13:46:04 +Google Play,Better than Twitter ✨☕🌚,5,2023-07-23 16:03:32 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 05:31:49 +Google Play,You can't just copy and paste it... Twitter will always be superior than Threads..!,1,2023-07-13 12:14:00 +Google Play,Very bad app nothing interesting lite version of twitter,1,2023-07-24 10:33:33 +Google Play,Very nice aap❤️,5,2023-07-07 02:51:40 +Google Play,The app worked well for 3 days but now I won't be able to post anything,3,2023-07-18 08:43:22 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 19:09:09 +Google Play,I love this app.cause you can use it to watch videos and also gets more followers,5,2023-07-06 17:46:36 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 13:23:51 +Google Play,There is no Modi ji in this aap🙁,1,2023-07-13 19:18:05 +Google Play,Add msg options,5,2023-07-07 12:46:36 +Google Play,Better than Twitter. Threads👌,5,2023-07-07 13:47:10 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 10:15:11 +Google Play,"Perfect so far, no ads, very civil",5,2023-07-07 17:42:45 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:38:30 +Google Play,Just a copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-11 16:32:43 +Google Play,"I hope, this app will be relevant for everyone. Let's unite with Instagram threads.",5,2023-07-07 13:08:56 +Google Play,Nothing to do,1,2023-07-10 12:52:27 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 11:42:54 +Google Play,As same as Twitter 😂😂,1,2023-07-09 22:26:43 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂😂,5,2023-07-07 15:30:25 +Google Play,So far so good,4,2023-07-06 09:07:50 +Google Play,Best Social Media,5,2023-07-07 07:46:29 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:04:09 +Google Play,This app name should be Twister 😁,4,2023-07-06 14:12:26 +Google Play,Wouldn't let me create an account.,1,2023-07-09 15:37:30 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-12 16:23:15 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:18:03 +Google Play,"Just another Twitter clone, nothing new + you can't delete your account without deleting your instagram profile",1,2023-07-08 18:23:40 +Google Play,Buh-Bye Musk -- You Absolute Douche!!,5,2023-07-08 04:39:55 +Google Play,When we shall can use two or more accounts?,4,2023-07-11 01:48:10 +Google Play,It's shivaring the app,4,2023-07-07 03:00:49 +Google Play,Just like a Twitter,4,2023-07-07 16:05:49 +Google Play,"Eh is missing some things, but the bots in this app is too much.",2,2023-07-19 01:23:55 +Google Play,(NOT a BOT) I luv it! Letss goooo,5,2023-07-06 03:51:59 +Google Play,They won't let you delete your account. The only way to do that is to delete your Instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 21:38:05 +Google Play,"Best and new plate form , thanks",5,2023-07-06 13:59:35 +Google Play,Just over hyped,2,2023-07-08 16:58:36 +Google Play,"Needs Instagram account. Nope. Unable to use app, shame.",2,2023-07-06 20:20:51 +Google Play,Better than twiiter,5,2023-07-07 02:41:25 +Google Play,So far so good,4,2023-07-06 02:51:16 +Google Play,Just Good ......First Review,2,2023-07-06 18:44:30 +Google Play,I'm among the first one that used threads💃🤸,5,2023-07-06 23:13:37 +Google Play,A good start!,4,2023-07-06 03:35:40 +Google Play,Nice takeover Twitter lol,5,2023-07-07 10:22:59 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 20:02:01 +Google Play,A cheap copy,1,2023-07-07 07:37:11 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:16:31 +Google Play,Why the app keep crashing ? Fix it asap,3,2023-07-06 09:17:52 +Google Play,I'm first 1027 user of 5 star review,5,2023-07-06 12:35:19 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🐦,5,2023-07-06 16:43:51 +Google Play,It's simple to understand to ise,5,2023-07-16 05:36:13 +Google Play,I am the first person in Bangladesh to install Threads app 💚,5,2023-07-07 07:57:22 +Google Play,People need to realise that all their data is being stolen and sold on to big corporations. It's time to delete social media.,1,2023-07-13 12:16:08 +Google Play,Why does it want my personal data? So they can sell it to businesses and profit off my personal information? No thanks. Uninstall,1,2023-07-09 19:02:01 +Google Play,It's Good Initiative...,3,2023-07-06 16:07:33 +Google Play,add a streak feature to increase the number of threads..... badges if user threads for 30 days continuous a year etc,5,2023-07-06 12:31:19 +Google Play,Whay not working??,1,2023-07-21 23:42:10 +Google Play,whoever put 1 star is twitter nerds,5,2023-07-15 16:49:21 +Google Play,5⭐ Service So I gave 5⭐ 🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧,5,2023-07-07 06:12:36 +Google Play,terrible can't create an acc without having Instagram,1,2023-07-19 20:54:00 +Google Play,Reel option add please 🙏🙏🙏,1,2023-07-08 02:03:40 +Google Play,No way to create an account. The only option is to log in,1,2023-07-23 01:20:52 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 👍👍,5,2023-07-09 01:06:22 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😹,5,2023-07-07 02:16:29 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-12 16:34:14 +Google Play,Not opening my account,1,2023-07-06 13:01:35 +Google Play,Copy paste of tweeter.,1,2023-07-08 01:07:09 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 21:07:47 +Google Play,Was fun. Now won't open and crashes,1,2023-07-11 16:59:24 +Google Play,A good app with simple features,5,2023-07-06 11:58:58 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:42:03 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 22:05:34 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 20:58:55 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:42:20 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 09:56:04 +Google Play,Better than twitter 💯,5,2023-07-06 11:41:51 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 12:48:03 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:42:38 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-09 14:45:22 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:04:48 +Google Play,Better than twitter 🔥,4,2023-07-08 14:32:50 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:45:51 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-11 10:14:07 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:49:31 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 18:39:08 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 19:50:37 +Google Play,Well this app will leak your identity because threads is trying took our data.. This app is pretty Scary and took our private information and search history.. its creepy,2,2023-07-12 03:49:53 +Google Play,Spa so we SL ep is aap odhikanser,2,2023-07-07 09:49:33 +Google Play,"Way worse than Twitter. Too many restrictions. You cant do this, you cant add that. Not user friendly.",1,2023-07-22 07:46:01 +Google Play,I am the one who downloaded it first,4,2023-07-06 12:20:11 +Google Play,For some reason it glitches so bad... I mean so much....,1,2023-07-08 04:10:34 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-13 04:47:13 +Google Play,So far so good 🙂,5,2023-07-07 15:52:08 +Google Play,Blocked me from supporting President Biden!,1,2023-07-07 02:50:08 +Google Play,Good app Mark jackburg,5,2023-07-08 12:37:45 +Google Play,Threads a great social platform. Please sir create a new app threads lite version for lite phones.,5,2023-07-07 12:30:42 +Google Play,"No more homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic CEO to ruin your day!",5,2023-07-07 01:05:27 +Google Play,It has nothing I care about.,1,2023-07-07 02:21:46 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-09 17:07:44 +Google Play,This is a fabulous,5,2023-07-08 03:20:34 +Google Play,Anything to destroy Twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:10:26 +Google Play,nothing to say,5,2023-07-08 04:58:47 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter😂 Totally Copied. 🥹,1,2023-07-06 16:59:09 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:45:54 +Google Play,Bakwas girl's don't even reply ..,2,2023-07-08 10:46:29 +Google Play,Cool Appp Goo Instagramm Group,5,2023-07-23 19:18:35 +Google Play,Better then Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-09 13:53:04 +Google Play,Clean Version of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:33:18 +Google Play,Am waiting for thread lite... My phone is tecno spark 2 can't manage those 75Mb apps...😢😢😭😭😭,5,2023-07-07 09:26:49 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 13:40:43 +Google Play,This is an application adapted from Twitter and it is not safe and I do not recommend it at all,1,2023-07-11 19:31:19 +Google Play,I can't install in my Huawei Y6P Mobile Phone....I hope for your fast action developer.,1,2023-07-08 07:26:29 +Google Play,Good but dont better than Twitter because this is new soo in future when new features aree added in these its be better than twitter,4,2023-07-06 17:41:43 +Google Play,Don't install!!!,1,2023-07-20 21:04:06 +Google Play,"No matter what, Elon is The 🐐",4,2023-07-06 15:33:46 +Google Play,Twitter crying in the corner 💀,4,2023-07-06 07:04:49 +Google Play,Great at the startup...and still doing greater,5,2023-07-08 12:54:44 +Google Play,Nice very good ♥️,5,2023-07-07 14:03:58 +Google Play,Same as twitter. But can't delete account? Likely buffing numbers or users.,2,2023-07-18 21:54:07 +Google Play,#day1 let's see how it goes @,5,2023-07-05 23:52:22 +Google Play,New kind of Social Media,5,2023-07-09 12:33:09 +Google Play,When i open this app screen text is doubling,3,2023-07-06 10:38:07 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-08 09:10:53 +Google Play,Not owned by EM,5,2023-07-08 04:01:22 +Google Play,Just spreading hate,2,2023-07-08 03:51:40 +Google Play,Very powerful and nice app competively Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 16:08:05 +Google Play,Very Bad Experience This App Auto installed in My Phone,1,2023-07-07 13:32:52 +Google Play,What happened to ig another way to make it hard for people with a little platform,3,2023-07-06 00:42:10 +Google Play,"Very Great App, Much Better Than The Chaos Of Twitter!",5,2023-07-08 14:26:58 +Google Play,Downloading thread just because of my mentor MS Dhoni is on thread,4,2023-07-09 05:23:02 +Google Play,Okay Here We Go!! Let's Do This!!,5,2023-07-07 12:36:37 +Google Play,Meta : Copy paste Twitter... 😐,1,2023-07-08 08:29:06 +Google Play,Bad and poor,1,2023-07-23 13:40:26 +Google Play,Like a Twitter handle,5,2023-07-07 11:15:30 +Google Play,Loyalty bharat and No.53 in 5th . E...e445.and 55,2,2023-07-07 11:34:21 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter🙄,3,2023-07-07 12:31:01 +Google Play,it isnt owned by musk,5,2023-07-06 00:30:17 +Google Play,Threads iam ur new joiner 👍good,5,2023-07-06 10:00:47 +Google Play,This a trap 🕳 for Instagram user 🙁,1,2023-07-07 07:28:58 +Google Play,Threads is a copy of Twitter. Nothing new. I have a idea for something that better than Twitter.,1,2023-07-10 15:03:01 +Google Play,Dose is this app only for Instagram user ?? Why can't a non Instagram user can create an account?,1,2023-07-09 15:17:14 +Google Play,By far the worst app I've ever used. Like a wishapp version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 09:39:45 +Google Play,Is the best aapp,5,2023-07-06 11:38:11 +Google Play,Don't really know about the app... Cause it's not working on MI Note 5 pro,3,2023-07-08 15:32:23 +Google Play,Twitter becomes Thread and Thread becomes Neo-Twitter for us.,4,2023-07-06 18:38:12 +Google Play,This app version code 😦,5,2023-07-06 09:14:23 +Google Play,Sorry but after installation and reading the terms... i thought that i am totally against centralization. I prefer #NOSTR a decentralized protocol for social media. RIP meta....,1,2023-07-14 08:48:41 +Google Play,Exlent amzing zing zing,5,2023-07-07 04:43:37 +Google Play,"wanna try this out but i dont want to create instagram account, turned out i cant. uninstalled",2,2023-07-17 00:19:59 +Google Play,Love the app ✨,5,2023-07-07 20:19:18 +Google Play,Twitter is The Best ✔️,1,2023-07-08 14:10:41 +Google Play,"Absolutely terrible, crashes constantly the app just isn't Twitter with free speech ! Screw zucker he can zuck his tiny D",1,2023-07-08 11:22:01 +Google Play,Seems like Twitter,3,2023-07-10 09:24:55 +Google Play,Just a copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-23 17:07:09 +Google Play,I like app,5,2023-07-07 04:22:02 +Google Play,This is the twitter killer.,5,2023-07-06 05:18:44 +Google Play,Thank you so much,5,2023-07-13 02:19:34 +Google Play,I liked Threads but then after I signed off it would never start again.,1,2023-07-07 16:04:40 +Google Play,"It is a good program, but it has few features.👍🏻",5,2023-07-08 11:03:29 +Google Play,No Matter without Creators,5,2023-07-06 07:34:51 +Google Play,Please completed my 1 million followers,5,2023-07-05 23:29:07 +Google Play,Worst app ever👎🏻,1,2023-07-11 13:34:59 +Google Play,For copying Twitter.,1,2023-07-09 02:48:42 +Google Play,Includes voting(poll) and asking questions(quiz),3,2023-07-06 05:02:42 +Google Play,Better than twitter ❤🥳,5,2023-07-10 03:31:08 +Google Play,threads drain my phone battery right after install... so much than usual,1,2023-07-08 04:27:56 +Google Play,Copy paste clone of twitter,1,2023-07-10 13:49:32 +Google Play,Nyc This App Better than Twitter.. 🖤💯💥,4,2023-07-11 08:13:42 +Google Play,"Name it ""خيوط"" in arabic please",5,2023-07-06 11:50:04 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 08:15:14 +Google Play,It is good,5,2023-07-08 17:50:30 +Google Play,Facebook is better than this. No one can beat Facebook.,1,2023-07-09 05:59:38 +Google Play,Good and a competitive for twitter And have more options than twitter😂❤️,5,2023-07-06 15:30:42 +Google Play,Tried and did not like at all. Back to Twitter.,2,2023-07-13 02:02:12 +Google Play,"Not for me, sure. This is an attempt to copy twitter. Not like Instagram.",1,2023-07-14 11:54:43 +Google Play,I don't even want to give one star After downloading threads my account is been hacked So never download this app The worst experience of this app 🙏🙏 i could not even find my account 😔 lwra app,1,2023-07-10 06:40:49 +Google Play,Amazing app loved it would have given it 6 star's if it was possible,5,2023-07-10 00:51:09 +Google Play,"Very bad app experience, cheap copy of Twitter",1,2023-07-14 07:06:00 +Google Play,It's alright but it's honestly Instagram version of Twitter,3,2023-07-06 06:40:36 +Google Play,Need more features but still it's good,4,2023-07-06 16:09:14 +Google Play,Very Good Instagram! You Makin Backup For Twitter!,5,2023-07-06 11:54:50 +Google Play,Look like is a great application I haven't use it yet but will do it soon.,5,2023-07-12 06:50:58 +Google Play,I mean it's no different than any social media app out there. Nothing interesting abt it,1,2023-07-07 06:10:26 +Google Play,Too much personal information is being collected.,1,2023-07-08 18:19:22 +Google Play,It's the exact same thing as Twitter except it steals more of your info,2,2023-07-06 23:29:41 +Google Play,Badd experience too much ads,1,2023-07-08 14:56:40 +Google Play,This is the new project of mera. It will definitely better then Twitter. And i wish it will have been use for good purpose. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 05:53:10 +Google Play,"Threads login should be changed , it should be available for non Instagram users....",1,2023-07-11 06:08:19 +Google Play,Really loved the functionality of this app. Now I can proudly say threads is far more better than twiter😍,5,2023-07-08 02:27:48 +Google Play,I use it in my sister phone cuz she have insta but the bad thing u neet to create an insta account and after u come to threads for that i think i not gonna use it and i think if u can create a new account in this app it will be good and it be better than Twitter btw i still using Twitter,1,2023-07-14 20:24:33 +Google Play,I would give a 5 if you'd let me sign-up without requiring us to have Instagram.,3,2023-07-06 02:13:36 +Google Play,It's a spying tool. Do not use or download this malware.,1,2023-07-08 16:09:21 +Google Play,Why it glitches in my smartphone. Not working properly,1,2023-07-08 01:40:36 +Google Play,"Only Instagram login is available, no thanks",2,2023-07-06 16:56:53 +Google Play,this app is really bad the ui is not user friendly I couldn't understand anything,1,2023-07-11 22:56:03 +Google Play,Kinda interesting and reliable,5,2023-07-07 13:35:22 +Google Play,Nothing special about it. But one thing about this is not good is we can't delete threads account without deleting Ig account. That sucks,2,2023-07-07 18:39:56 +Google Play,"Quite an app,twiter mixed with instagram quite an awesome idea",4,2023-07-06 22:40:54 +Google Play,I don't see anything special in this app .. its just another way of wasting our time,1,2023-07-08 01:14:32 +Google Play,Short and simple,5,2023-07-07 08:07:57 +Google Play,It's a best platform to connected world wide users👍,5,2023-07-07 16:54:46 +Google Play,If you still have instagram gotta install this just to login using instagram only chat with private friends so don't see much use of any of it,4,2023-07-09 18:18:45 +Google Play,"I HAVE NOT ISED YET, BUT TAE TOO MUCH SPACE ON YOUR PHONE, IT NEEDS REDUCE THE SIZES, TO MUCH MB FOR FEW ACTIONS, WHY?",3,2023-07-17 03:01:14 +Google Play,Unable to create an account as I do not have an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-18 06:41:18 +Google Play,The feed and content is do bad ....,1,2023-07-16 11:06:07 +Google Play,I don't know why this application doesn't delete my profile. I don't want my profile on this thread. If I delete my account then why does the Instagram account get deleted too.,2,2023-07-12 16:52:45 +Google Play,"Ok so be aware that if you want to delete your threads profile anytime, u will have to delete your Instagram account. You can only deactivate it or delete your Instagram account if you want to leave threads.",1,2023-07-08 03:09:11 +Google Play,Downloaded it and immediately deleted it because I remembered it's owned by Meta. They suck.,1,2023-07-07 02:06:50 +Google Play,It's crashing in my android phone.,1,2023-07-06 09:37:21 +Google Play,It is a great app... But needs more features.....,4,2023-07-07 07:47:32 +Google Play,Something wrong. Not working properly,1,2023-07-13 13:57:21 +Google Play,restore my account first. how am i even supposed to use the app when y'all have locked me out of my own account for no reason.,1,2023-07-12 08:00:21 +Google Play,Shady terms and conditions. Not falling for fine prints now.,1,2023-07-23 05:58:21 +Google Play,"I have no Instagram at all and can't use it without it, wag",1,2023-07-09 06:32:54 +Google Play,"Needs an Instagram account, uninstall!",2,2023-07-06 07:47:29 +Google Play,"Threads an amezing application ❤️, it works really awesome.",5,2023-07-06 19:12:19 +Google Play,An excellent app to waste your time.,1,2023-07-22 08:49:29 +Google Play,It's really annoying that if i want to log out from threads that means that my acc on Instagram will log out also,1,2023-07-06 18:07:44 +Google Play,"You have to be an instagram user to log into this, as i am not i have removed it. Waste of 5 minutes.",1,2023-07-09 09:16:36 +Google Play,"Gorgeous 😍 app ,It can be better than Twitter.",5,2023-07-06 12:22:50 +Google Play,"Lol. Don't compare with Twitter. copy- Meta. Tiktok-- insta reels, snapchat -- insta story, Twitter -- threads 🤣🤣🤣😅 Lol zuck 😅",1,2023-07-07 02:03:55 +Google Play,I am unable to log in. Instagram password not matching,5,2023-07-06 20:54:46 +Google Play,Very boring a bad and poor copy of Twitter.,1,2023-07-09 23:15:14 +Google Play,Poor app it's not for Geopolitical movements so bad as Instagram,1,2023-07-16 20:09:11 +Google Play,When I open this app there are like glitch every time happens this,1,2023-07-23 09:58:23 +Google Play,"Beautiful app, lots of ppl, zero content",1,2023-07-06 10:07:48 +Google Play,A good app I can talk to people just like Instagram,5,2023-07-06 04:51:11 +Google Play,bloody apps its disconting dont Download or use this apps because its waste your time.,1,2023-07-20 23:51:19 +Google Play,Very nice app I'm enjoying the nice interface,5,2023-07-10 21:54:13 +Google Play,Whenever I open this app it's glitches I can't able use this app,1,2023-07-06 09:44:01 +Google Play,Very poorly tested and buggy app,1,2023-07-12 05:22:52 +Google Play,This app is doing a lot of glitch in my mobile. Please fix it.,1,2023-07-06 18:07:23 +Google Play,It's taking away your information! Please stop it. Read about it! Europe has not allowed this app yet.,1,2023-07-06 16:48:40 +Google Play,It's lagging and not working,1,2023-07-07 15:46:12 +Google Play,"I just installed it, let us try this. This looks amazing",4,2023-07-06 06:19:32 +Google Play,I liked this app very much and hope it can be better with new updates.,5,2023-07-07 06:12:43 +Google Play,It's cool to use ..... But also needs some more improvement....,4,2023-07-08 06:51:24 +Google Play,"Worst, It's just Instagram in frontend And twitter in Backend",1,2023-07-09 02:07:21 +Google Play,As everybody knows there isn't any data privacy in meta and this program is so much limited,1,2023-07-14 07:04:24 +Google Play,"I'm not able to download this app , and idk why it's happening, please help me out !!",1,2023-07-07 07:01:15 +Google Play,Tread is the best text app.,5,2023-07-09 15:58:32 +Google Play,Sophos recommends NOT to allow this app's auto features.,1,2023-07-06 08:17:56 +Google Play,Super fun but there's no dark mode 😂,5,2023-07-06 21:25:04 +Google Play,I'm a twitter user not ig.. no option to login without ig id.. lol can't beat twtr,1,2023-07-06 17:39:28 +Google Play,It's glitching veryyyy much. I can't even use it omygod!!,1,2023-07-08 15:55:56 +Google Play,Hope to have great experience with the way it's treading currently.,3,2023-07-06 18:34:38 +Google Play,"Lot of trackers,no dm option,its like zuck's personal platform for people to create natural language examples that zuck can use for training LLMs for free",1,2023-07-06 12:42:35 +Google Play,Very easy to make in account 😉,5,2023-07-06 17:38:12 +Google Play,It's great but have lots of glitches,1,2023-07-13 17:26:58 +Google Play,"Bad experience in general. It shows everything i don't wanna see. ""Friend's posts? Nah. Check out what this stupid 'influencer' has to say about things they don't know anything about whatsoever"".",1,2023-07-16 15:11:50 +Google Play,Requires Instagram to create an account. No thank you.,1,2023-07-14 03:16:23 +Google Play,"Please make it using without Instagram, I don't have any Instagram account but I really love to use threads 🥲💔",3,2023-07-11 20:04:46 +Google Play,"This app is fantastic. Is very simple, I really like this app.",2,2023-07-06 05:35:22 +Google Play,"Nothing new in the app, seems more like insta rather than twitter",1,2023-07-09 06:43:12 +Google Play,Not well tested lots of crashes,1,2023-07-13 03:40:25 +Google Play,It keeps crushing anytime I'm attaching a picture to a thread.,2,2023-07-09 06:05:16 +Google Play,Nice app..... Add DMs to it and allow me to pin a post ☺️,5,2023-07-07 15:37:41 +Google Play,Wasn't able to open the app after download,1,2023-07-14 17:51:00 +Google Play,Worst app all thing copied from Tweeter Snapchat 😒 not some different so frustrated,1,2023-07-20 13:14:59 +Google Play,It shouldn't be compulsory to have other meta accounts to access Threads . Only then it can beat twitter.,2,2023-07-10 11:08:52 +Google Play,Full copied app by Titter. I don't expect this from Meta.,1,2023-07-16 03:26:56 +Google Play,Not looks like easy to use,1,2023-07-09 14:10:45 +Google Play,"𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍,,𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑 𝒏𝒐 𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒔,",4,2023-07-14 09:38:40 +Google Play,Not Bad.Threads need following News Feed and Update profile section,4,2023-07-06 17:43:04 +Google Play,Terrible and buggy.,1,2023-07-11 09:17:07 +Google Play,Lacks all the features except censorship,2,2023-07-12 11:13:11 +Google Play,"Can't launch app, I'm on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S8",1,2023-07-07 03:16:44 +Google Play,Cool app but videos should be recommended to all viewers on thread app,5,2023-07-08 13:59:19 +Google Play,Not signing up to Instagram to be able to use it.,1,2023-07-08 10:34:41 +Google Play,Always have something wrong and can not see posts and post anything,1,2023-07-18 04:56:35 +Google Play,My account just stopped responding and it displayed my original Instagram profiles 💀💔 would u fix that for me,2,2023-07-06 21:58:47 +Google Play,This app is excellent and easy to use. It's really nice and good.,5,2023-07-07 20:29:05 +Google Play,"Waste app..East or west, Twitter is the best.",1,2023-07-06 17:32:45 +Google Play,Can't log in unless I already have an IG account? No option to create a basic IG account upon install? I'm out. Zuck sells all your data. He went to congress about it. He got caught. Not a fan of Musk but this should be a stand alone app. No need for IG. Btw..you can't delete Threads without deleting your IG all together.,1,2023-07-08 17:08:28 +Google Play,No SMS verification codes and 24 hr block never ends,1,2023-07-08 04:45:46 +Google Play,This is most wonderful app...its like tiktok.Instagram. Fb..love this,4,2023-07-12 16:23:49 +Google Play,"A social media where you cant see the people you FOLLOW on the main timeline is an abysmal idea, this thing doesn't even have a DM function.",1,2023-07-14 06:01:57 +Google Play,Omg this app needs so many permissions to run. Scary,1,2023-07-12 04:27:44 +Google Play,The big failure about this app is that attached with Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 09:25:15 +Google Play,We don't need any new freaking app anymore. We need to stay by ourselves.,1,2023-07-15 15:37:57 +Google Play,Notsees would love this app controlling speech and what not,1,2023-07-07 17:16:37 +Google Play,This app not properly working in my mobile showing glitch 😭😭,1,2023-07-11 03:11:08 +Google Play,So much bug expected to be fixed soon,1,2023-07-07 02:38:47 +Google Play,This app stops the instagram.and there is no solution.,1,2023-07-07 20:01:06 +Google Play,Another day... Another social media app. And even made by facebook. The worst company of all time,1,2023-07-06 17:07:12 +Google Play,"I don't like it, less features, please update",1,2023-07-14 01:35:29 +Google Play,Stopped working for me. The only way to use it is through the app.,1,2023-07-23 18:17:48 +Google Play,captures all of personal information.,1,2023-07-08 14:54:42 +Google Play,The app is simple and complex This is the future ☺️,5,2023-07-06 10:55:53 +Google Play,It is actually not good to me I am not sure if it is because of my phone but it acts weard when I scroll 📜 down 👇 🚮,1,2023-07-07 12:12:00 +Google Play,My Instagram stopped working after I downloaded this app,1,2023-07-08 20:30:39 +Google Play,It's pretty easy to navigate,5,2023-07-06 15:18:15 +Google Play,After loging in my Instagram account my Instagram is not working,1,2023-07-09 08:48:20 +Google Play,This application is very useful but name is not right.,4,2023-07-07 04:20:33 +Google Play,"the best platform,🇾🇪",5,2023-07-06 12:07:01 +Google Play,"Excellent app, it is much better than Twitter!",5,2023-07-07 02:23:12 +Google Play,It's buggy+ laggy and also twitter>>>,1,2023-07-20 07:17:32 +Google Play,Twitter is better then thread. Don't waste time in thread apps.,1,2023-07-06 10:06:08 +Google Play,"this app is so bad i can't even use it, it keep glitching",1,2023-07-07 13:07:07 +Google Play,I would rate it a 5 if mark can win the cage fight. Lets go.,2,2023-07-22 04:52:35 +Google Play,It's just Twitter without the stuff that makes Twitter cool,1,2023-07-07 10:55:00 +Google Play,Enable 'create new id' instead of 'login with instagram',1,2023-07-19 18:24:56 +Google Play,Copy cut off twitter... Audience don't like it because of twitter already this type app in market,1,2023-07-09 09:55:30 +Google Play,"Why we copy, Why we need one more when one is perfect",1,2023-07-23 18:42:19 +Google Play,This is a copy of Twitter but it doesn't feel like Twitter.,3,2023-07-06 13:28:11 +Google Play,Unable to delete account without deleting Instagram. Pathetic attempt to get more users,1,2023-07-14 09:52:09 +Google Play,very difficult UI,1,2023-07-13 23:45:37 +Google Play,If you have the sense of humor of a Hulu ad then this brand managers idea of a social media app is for you. Threads only exists for influencers and brands to talk at each other. You can't curate a feed so your generated on can be full of hate speech like mine was. Golly heck you can't even swear and explicit content is banned. You also need a separate account to sign up and you can't delete this profile without deleting your Instagram. Avoid.,1,2023-07-06 07:50:48 +Google Play,"Crashes, gltiched app released to early to earn money",1,2023-07-06 18:56:26 +Google Play,"Without hashtags and trends its just facebook, whats different??? Whats special in threads.. Its basically boring",1,2023-07-06 08:36:05 +Google Play,"Just like it. Way much better than Twitter, which is irrelevant lately.",5,2023-07-06 10:59:21 +Google Play,"Copy is copy anyway , original is always best",1,2023-07-08 18:20:10 +Google Play,If you don't have Instagram account you can't have threads. No way to register w/o Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 15:56:38 +Google Play,Not enough features yet..,4,2023-07-06 17:41:34 +Google Play,"Two minutes in and done, it's a bubble like the opposite of Truth Social.",1,2023-07-06 20:53:38 +Google Play,"I feel forced to use it, and can't delete it without deactivating my instagram",1,2023-07-07 17:57:51 +Google Play,Runs relatively well but the community is made up of the world's most boring people bent on showing off fake positivity or grifting and that's all the algorithm shows you. incredibly dull experience don't do it if you delete your account you'll be forced to delete your IG too,1,2023-07-06 07:18:07 +Google Play,No ratting all nudes & adult seen folower dirty sites very bad experience in Instagram and threads pi stop all these nonsense on social media.,1,2023-07-16 05:45:45 +Google Play,"Literally twitter copy and paste. Pathetic zuck, don't expect anything better from you anyway.",1,2023-07-07 22:13:38 +Google Play,Poorly designed UI,1,2023-07-24 03:46:34 +Google Play,not increase followers bakwas app..insta bhi use karo yebhi kro..not logical only data waste and time also..,1,2023-07-22 10:10:16 +Google Play,Needs Instagram account to log in. I don't have one.,2,2023-07-06 23:28:48 +Google Play,Needs more work on the loading interface,5,2023-07-06 07:47:29 +Google Play,Awesome app Mind blowing Excellent performance 👏👍,5,2023-07-11 17:02:37 +Google Play,Cant repost and add comment. And pop out everytime. Please fix this!!!,1,2023-07-07 03:55:01 +Google Play,"I dont think that this app will be like twitter but it will be really really successful , it can even reach 1 billion",4,2023-07-07 12:37:15 +Google Play,I love how I'm able to express myself in Threads. Definitely shaping modern conversation.,5,2023-07-07 05:40:50 +Google Play,Sigh... it's boring but it will eventually get better in the future.,3,2023-07-13 20:32:38 +Google Play,Never go back option and Instagram combo deleted option,1,2023-07-06 11:15:33 +Google Play,This app looks like Twitter Clone. Nothing original. (Apart from design),1,2023-07-06 06:59:03 +Google Play,Cool plateform I really impress bost business then this plateform right choose,5,2023-07-10 08:39:49 +Google Play,Can't get threads unless you have an Instagram account! What kind of silliness is that!,1,2023-07-10 20:45:28 +Google Play,Thank you for your contribution Sir we are still waiting for free mode on thread an Instagram account.,5,2023-07-06 23:35:31 +Google Play,Firstly i love threads and thanks for a change to use this threads app and hope u will be invent more and more app for our social communication and lives,4,2023-07-08 07:44:29 +Google Play,"Copy and paste from Twitter!!! Present something new, what else is this?!",1,2023-07-13 14:47:08 +Google Play,Very clean ui structure,5,2023-07-22 05:11:13 +Google Play,Very Good app I have Really Appreciate To use this plat Form Am Happy 😊🎈😘,5,2023-07-06 22:12:37 +Google Play,After download it my Instagram always auto exit cnt use anymore lol,1,2023-07-08 17:17:05 +Google Play,I LOVE THIS APP! IT'S MUCH BETTER THAN OTHER APPS SIMILAR TO IT😉,5,2023-07-06 01:31:53 +Google Play,This app so amazing and have full fill all the requirements,5,2023-07-10 02:09:18 +Google Play,worst than twiter And also all our personal information was absorbed,1,2023-07-12 19:50:18 +Google Play,It is laggy with lots of glitches,1,2023-07-07 11:35:07 +Google Play,It is unbelievable and fantastic app I have ever seen.,5,2023-07-06 09:06:58 +Google Play,Pathetic and the most confusing app.,1,2023-07-14 17:59:35 +Google Play,Not working for pixel device,1,2023-07-06 21:37:23 +Google Play,Not uninstallable it's not good to force user to use it 😠,1,2023-07-08 16:14:03 +Google Play,It's good but unfortunately not better. Waiting for better update before jump right in,3,2023-07-16 03:48:11 +Google Play,It's good and ok hope it will save us from harsh Twitter rules,5,2023-07-21 19:04:04 +Google Play,"No non-algorithmic timeline. Therefore, no way to see the people I follow. You had literally one job and you biffed it",1,2023-07-06 12:35:42 +Google Play,One more time waste application by meta.,1,2023-07-22 16:50:13 +Google Play,Taking too much time to download,1,2023-07-08 10:37:17 +Google Play,Uploading is very slow,4,2023-07-07 17:01:24 +Google Play,Why needs to be linked directly to Instagram ?!!!! Why cant open a new account like twitter or other social applications I dont like it,1,2023-07-07 11:28:45 +Google Play,"Twitter copy that isn't as good, No thanks !!!",1,2023-07-13 13:25:52 +Google Play,Great app.Can be a good competitor for twitter.,4,2023-07-06 05:43:37 +Google Play,Horrible could not keep app open.,1,2023-07-10 23:44:30 +Google Play,Trash; don't touch it. How can Facebook even call this a Twitter killer when they don't even allow NSFW or Porn on the platform. Why do you think people have flocked to Twitter for years? It's certainly not about politics and news and keeping in touch. Threads will be a Twitter rival as soon as they allow NSFW content just like their competitor.,1,2023-07-07 10:00:26 +Google Play,I can't login since I don't have meta account. They should provide other options,1,2023-07-07 16:00:08 +Google Play,Not even an option to sign up if you don't have Instagram 😂,1,2023-07-06 17:12:19 +Google Play,"Very boring application, poor rehash of twitter",1,2023-07-12 22:25:16 +Google Play,"Good UI , EASY to use",4,2023-07-12 10:52:02 +Google Play,app keeps crashing while I'm typing a thread,1,2023-07-09 13:23:55 +Google Play,I tried to deactivate my account on threads but the badge on ny Instagram won't go even after removing it,1,2023-07-08 14:03:54 +Google Play,Your app is very very good thanks just i want 100k followers oky thanks everyone i am somalia my name is moho17 office threads an instagram app rate this app,5,2023-07-07 14:36:38 +Google Play,Copycat of Twitter. So very obvious. I don't like copycats. Bye.,1,2023-07-08 04:26:18 +Google Play,Totally useles app don't try only Instagram users use this app mark Zuckerberg making all peoples fools 😂😂 you need to first solve Facebook problems everyday my I'd locked 😠😠 bc mark Zuckerberg 🖕,1,2023-07-08 14:55:15 +Google Play,Very bad experience when I was login this thread it was not loginingmy email id,1,2023-07-12 12:55:17 +Google Play,Potential Potential is there but a long way of to use at this moment in time,1,2023-07-08 14:30:32 +Google Play,"Very happy app even more than twitter my favorite , threads started all everyone",4,2023-07-16 13:04:56 +Google Play,This App Must Have Place For Content Or Digital Creators Too Being Paid For Short Videos,4,2023-07-12 09:27:37 +Google Play,"Don't at all like this app , it's just like Instagram.. Not for Social, Politics ...",1,2023-07-07 05:51:59 +Google Play,Waste of app ...Glitches starts to appear the moment you scroll,1,2023-07-07 17:52:59 +Google Play,Horrible app. Cheap copy of twitter,1,2023-07-06 15:00:57 +Google Play,It keeps glitching i can't use it please help me,3,2023-07-08 08:19:12 +Google Play,It is fine but I don't understand why it won't let me login to my IG account.it wants me to download the threads app😐,3,2023-07-08 20:33:57 +Google Play,It doesn't want me to download it & I badly want to try it out !!!,1,2023-07-06 03:59:18 +Google Play,Dog water. Crashes every time I open.,1,2023-07-12 09:08:27 +Google Play,Good but as a new app it needs more and more updates.,3,2023-07-09 11:15:24 +Google Play,"Dumb app , doesn't has even 10% features of twitter",1,2023-07-19 18:22:11 +Google Play,Good and very simple app,5,2023-07-06 16:36:22 +Google Play,"I'm open app it's shake, i can't roll up and down",1,2023-07-06 06:47:38 +Google Play,Its a great app to use but its a bit similar then twitter. I'll rate 5 star for this,5,2023-07-07 06:03:47 +Google Play,Tried to open. Will not allow. Maybe try beta testing before launch. Js,1,2023-07-06 10:25:29 +Google Play,"The badge keeps coming back on IG profile, even after you select to hide it several times.",1,2023-07-09 18:07:16 +Google Play,Wow amazing app it's to easy I just love it ❤️,5,2023-07-07 07:31:05 +Google Play,Nice programs have alot of news,4,2023-07-08 06:53:28 +Google Play,It's trash. Don't want or need that level of big brother moderation,1,2023-07-08 16:47:23 +Google Play,Quite basic. I think Twitter is way better.,2,2023-07-06 09:46:27 +Google Play,I am getting my screen entirely glitch even I haven't seen a single thread after installing Wt the hell is this for,1,2023-07-07 06:44:11 +Google Play,We have enough text apps already.,1,2023-07-06 03:28:06 +Google Play,Not sure what was the need of this app if we already have Instagram and LinkedIn 😬😬,1,2023-07-18 02:33:55 +Google Play,Very bad not good features.,1,2023-07-22 10:29:23 +Google Play,"Forced to use because of Instagram, awful.",1,2023-07-07 00:38:41 +Google Play,"Since I installed this program, my Instagram page does not load😭😭😭😭😭😭helppppp",1,2023-07-09 11:36:00 +Google Play,It looks like a cheap version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-08 19:12:19 +Google Play,This app started crashing after login into my account.,1,2023-07-07 06:10:44 +Google Play,It's just an awesome Bombastic app than Twitter ❤️,5,2023-07-07 06:20:14 +Google Play,Thread help in growing content??,5,2023-07-07 09:48:56 +Google Play,This is very good app and make the insta like professional 🫂,5,2023-07-06 14:59:40 +Google Play,One needs an Instagram account - Buuuuuhhhh.,1,2023-07-11 22:15:55 +Google Play,"Thanks Instagram for making threads, a direct threat to Twitter. Best of luck.",3,2023-07-06 10:20:50 +Google Play,Nice App i love it from the first 5 minutes,5,2023-07-05 23:03:49 +Google Play,Really good aap I just want a aap which can replace Twitter and look here it is,5,2023-07-10 14:16:39 +Google Play,Glitch app not working,1,2023-07-07 16:17:01 +Google Play,"These are the some parts of instagram's features, then why should i use this ?",1,2023-07-07 08:24:13 +Google Play,It's just a copy of twitter with alot of restrictions.,1,2023-07-06 12:57:23 +Google Play,Good app. I just hope I can change my username without changing the one on my IG account,5,2023-07-06 16:32:30 +Google Play,"No fame very much memes even threads also not been handling the pages my i,d-",1,2023-07-14 03:25:22 +Google Play,Yea threads is blowing up very fast an it's the new Twitter practically,5,2023-07-06 03:55:18 +Google Play,it's like twitter... Threads is useless and is boring.,1,2023-07-08 11:57:50 +Google Play,It's the best app and it will take the place of Twitter in coming days,5,2023-07-06 09:44:54 +Google Play,Am so terribly over the moon to be on the history of this app.,5,2023-07-06 18:09:09 +Google Play,Meta a company who is collecting data... And will end up selling it and make more .... People now a days believe in hype and don't care about data... Data + AI its gonna track every thing you... Already they do that now its gonna be every thing... Be careful,1,2023-07-07 03:57:00 +Google Play,I don't know what's wrong with it it's frustrating on my phone,1,2023-07-10 13:04:15 +Google Play,It suck after I installed it less then 1 minutes I removed it.,1,2023-07-06 06:24:23 +Google Play,Interdependency on Instagram,1,2023-07-07 05:13:43 +Google Play,The fact that they locked us in without the option of deleting our account is a big NO for me.,2,2023-07-15 11:35:37 +Google Play,"I was pleasantly surprised by this app, so much better than twatter and mammoth, Zuckerberg is a genius.",5,2023-07-10 19:35:37 +Google Play,Standalone app is useless unless you have an Instagram account,1,2023-07-07 12:13:14 +Google Play,Just an excuse for Meta to destroy the Fediverse. Meta created a shadow profile for every Instagram user without their consent to falsify their launch numbers. Delete Threads. Delete Instagram. Delete Meta.,1,2023-07-10 13:38:04 +Google Play,"This app harmful to phone and Instagram,so Don't installed this app 😠....",1,2023-07-06 10:00:48 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-06 12:35:25 +Google Play,I don't like it personally it better to on Instagram,1,2023-07-07 05:24:45 +Google Play,"They censorship is topnotch, I want to feel free and express myself so I will stick with twitter💯💯",1,2023-07-06 22:47:04 +Google Play,"Worst app,twitter is better with freedom of speech without cancellation",1,2023-07-13 15:04:15 +Google Play,Good Ni hota imp and exp in urdu bolo mujay English Nahi ATI Radeon HD and I am so sorry to hear from you soon plz find the attached file is scanned image in PDF format I am so sorry to hear from you soon plz find the attached file is scanned image in PDF format I am so sorry,5,2023-07-10 14:05:03 +Google Play,This app is far better than Twitter ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ** Writing this down so that mfs from insta don't join twitter **,5,2023-07-09 20:06:22 +Google Play,"Not a good experience with this app,Twitter better. L ZUCK",1,2023-07-21 13:14:54 +Google Play,This app has some amazing features far more better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 05:36:07 +Google Play,My thread application keeps bugging everytime I opened it,2,2023-07-06 00:57:24 +Google Play,I'm sure I'm part of the pioneers of this new Mark Zuckerberg app 😂😂. Everything about this app is excellent 👌.,5,2023-07-07 08:11:40 +Google Play,I don't have Instagram.. but I want to have Threads... this is not possible. I can't log in.,1,2023-07-09 18:44:07 +Google Play,"Two days using that app and it is very good, the only thing is that I close the app and I do not know why but I like it",4,2023-07-07 18:39:29 +Google Play,when i open the text glitches when i move down,2,2023-07-07 14:38:19 +Google Play,Biggest size app. Please reduce size.,1,2023-07-10 05:42:12 +Google Play,"Copy of Twitter, no privacy at all. An app from... you know.",1,2023-07-10 21:32:29 +Google Play,Why is this app being popularized? Isn't it a knock off version of Twitter? What was wrong with Twitter that this app is gonna solve?,1,2023-07-06 15:39:42 +Google Play,Unable to create an account,1,2023-07-11 23:28:58 +Google Play,Very easy and good app to use,5,2023-07-08 23:51:53 +Google Play,Collects way too much data,1,2023-07-10 10:00:01 +Google Play,is there ever going to be a point where you can join this app without having an Instagram?,1,2023-07-11 02:22:08 +Google Play,You can do anything but can't compare it with Twitter Uninstalled soon after download 🫡,1,2023-07-06 13:04:34 +Google Play,It's a very good app though it still needs a lot of work,5,2023-07-18 16:46:02 +Google Play,hen nice but I don't find many people posting useful info,3,2023-07-14 05:15:31 +Google Play,"Cheap version of Twitter, still in beta",1,2023-07-06 03:48:28 +Google Play,"It feels like a duplicate ,u know what I mean",1,2023-07-08 18:05:16 +Google Play,This is super smooth better then expected,5,2023-07-06 06:26:05 +Google Play,The @Threads an instagram app is so awesome . THANK YOU.,5,2023-07-09 17:20:09 +Google Play,Didn't use Twitter much to begin with. not expecting this to change it lol,3,2023-07-06 06:40:31 +Google Play,It's app function is so good And I awesome 👍😎 This app is so beautiful ❤️,5,2023-07-07 17:19:43 +Google Play,Quick uninstall. Last thing I need is another Twitter brought to us by Facebook.,1,2023-07-06 07:14:05 +Google Play,This app don't work well at all on my phone,1,2023-07-10 00:03:26 +Google Play,This apps is not good because this apps lazy slow download for this apps 😂,5,2023-07-07 11:12:01 +Google Play,"Not good, always glitch",1,2023-07-15 02:48:40 +Google Play,Everyone try to be funny and meaningless,1,2023-07-13 11:52:41 +Google Play,Why do we need Instagram credentials to access this? I don't use or have Instagram 😀,1,2023-07-06 13:25:42 +Google Play,Great app fast work app I got verified,5,2023-07-12 19:50:42 +Google Play,copy cat and not user friendly. original is original,1,2023-07-07 12:18:59 +Google Play,Nice app..but i wish have online store,4,2023-07-10 08:00:45 +Google Play,Very trash app twitter is 1000X better get free speech then we can talk,1,2023-07-09 20:59:42 +Google Play,the algorithm sucks. why do i have to read a thread from people i haven't followed?,1,2023-07-08 00:20:42 +Google Play,"Glitched, can't use it.",1,2023-07-07 03:29:23 +Google Play,"Nice, I like it and I think it's better than Twitter",5,2023-07-12 11:20:16 +Google Play,Not what I was expecting. I only want threads from my followers. No way to eliminate (turn off) all other threads. To much personal data is collected. In my opinion Threads is over rated.,1,2023-07-06 18:14:22 +Google Play,Why do I need to see threads of people who I don't follow. It's irritating af. Also too bad that you can't delete threads without deletin instagram.,1,2023-07-07 16:37:21 +Google Play,Keeps on crashing.,2,2023-07-06 22:35:13 +Google Play,Meta is censuring and stealing our data. I prefer the twitter.,1,2023-07-16 19:24:26 +Google Play,Laggy as hell. I don't understand why i should use a app that is worse then twitter AND steals my info,1,2023-07-06 06:36:48 +Google Play,Love it but I can't even reply or post atm pls fix the bugs so I can thread,4,2023-07-14 20:12:46 +Google Play,A very good development for Instagram,5,2023-07-06 17:38:19 +Google Play,"The application supports Russian fascists. I do not advise anyone. Zuckerberg supports fascism (surprisingly, it's true).",1,2023-07-09 17:17:17 +Google Play,"This is a garbage like insta, face and more... 😆",1,2023-07-07 21:21:31 +Google Play,If I don't have Instagram u can't log in!!,1,2023-07-08 02:03:16 +Google Play,"Yes, because, the blots on humanity Twitter, Facebook, IG, TIkTok weren't enough. We were clearly in need of another nuisance of a text based social app, from a cancer of company called Meta.",1,2023-07-22 06:24:49 +Google Play,It has so many bugs pls fix them,1,2023-07-11 14:27:50 +Google Play,"Y'all made a Twitter with more liberal screeching, very cool.",1,2023-07-08 23:58:07 +Google Play,Not good as Twitter it is like copy of that! 🤙🏻,1,2023-07-17 10:53:16 +Google Play,I give only one star because app was start blinking when I login in thread 😑😑😑😑😑,1,2023-07-07 06:22:05 +Google Play,"I'm not interested this app because login type is only one, not other way",1,2023-07-08 07:19:38 +Google Play,Really shameful as it copied a already existed twitter app...,1,2023-07-19 04:27:27 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-07 17:37:00 +Google Play,Great start to diversity in social media.,5,2023-07-07 06:21:07 +Google Play,Very glitchy UI,4,2023-07-07 11:55:57 +Google Play,Best App with Amazing features,5,2023-07-05 23:01:49 +Google Play,Just Facebook with Twitter UI and with the poor Facebook algorithm which showes you the least intrested posts for you,1,2023-07-11 18:54:06 +Google Play,Absolutely Fabulous App I never seen before.. ❤️,5,2023-07-07 08:49:57 +Google Play,Overall its super good but copying is not the answer,5,2023-07-10 07:45:19 +Google Play,This app is really amazing and can take place of twitter,5,2023-07-19 15:24:51 +Google Play,Have been trying to download threads since morning but isn't going through,1,2023-07-06 23:16:19 +Google Play,Very bad copy totally from Twitter,1,2023-07-08 09:26:14 +Google Play,Heavily lacking features,3,2023-07-18 00:54:22 +Google Play,Nice app For Follwers Communications,5,2023-07-06 13:26:28 +Google Play,I like it new features and more than Instagram thanks ❤,5,2023-07-10 21:16:14 +Google Play,"You can not criticize the app... The level of hypocrisy they are doing in terms of creating a social media app.. if you try to post any post with word ""bug"" or similar it will block you to do.. Better they don't call ita a social media call it restricted media app",1,2023-07-10 17:47:02 +Google Play,Twitter but with no free speech and politically correct,1,2023-07-06 19:57:37 +Google Play,"Just read that after installing it with instagram if you remove threads it removes both, luckily I didnt install this piece of garbage",1,2023-07-08 23:42:53 +Google Play,Will not recommend. Its just a cheap version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-14 01:11:29 +Google Play,Not working properly,1,2023-07-10 02:20:12 +Google Play,Crash àpp Not working properly,1,2023-07-06 15:33:26 +Google Play,It's full of glitch.. can't even scroll,1,2023-07-07 12:42:56 +Google Play,copy paste for twitter and after install you can't delete it hate this app,1,2023-07-21 15:37:05 +Google Play,It's Twitter. It's literally just Twitter. If you like Twitter this is fine. If you hate Twitter you'll hate this. Simple as that.,3,2023-07-20 22:42:08 +Google Play,Cheap shot!!! Don't install this & give you data to monopoly agenda,1,2023-07-15 14:01:42 +Google Play,Very good application for using this easy,5,2023-07-24 12:37:46 +Google Play,I like this aap because we work very simple,5,2023-07-07 02:04:18 +Google Play,timepass application can't compete with twitter.,1,2023-07-14 18:24:29 +Google Play,THIS APP. SUCK THE SWEAT OFF OF SATIN'S TAINT IF I COULD GIVE IT LESS THAN ONE STAR I WOULD.👎🏻,1,2023-07-07 14:47:53 +Google Play,"uploading the ""tweet"" or whatever name this is called, is so slow. and who are these people on my feed.",2,2023-07-06 14:03:05 +Google Play,The app is super cool and I love its features ❤️❤️🧡,5,2023-07-10 04:19:06 +Google Play,Twitter better than threads.. I used threads but not feel the app because threads is not unique...,1,2023-07-13 08:54:14 +Google Play,I will Rate this to Zero Ugliest Copy Cat Full of Bugs Application Mark Sucker Burg.,1,2023-07-07 12:21:00 +Google Play,I have to be an Instagram user? Efff off. Instagram has always sucked. Facebook is yours too. No threads for me.,1,2023-07-07 17:52:41 +Google Play,Useless application also i uninstalled Instagram so much hate is spreading on lord ram and hinduism even after reporting the comments and video not action is taken.,1,2023-07-11 21:45:36 +Google Play,Should've been a new app and not an Instagram spin off. *Sighs*,1,2023-07-07 12:21:34 +Google Play,log out and can't sign in anymore,3,2023-07-08 10:54:10 +Google Play,Why would deleting my thread account delete my instagram ??? that's really unnecessary + the app is borinh it feels like 2002 app,2,2023-07-06 14:59:29 +Google Play,I have been stuck on the installing for like over 30 min,1,2023-07-06 17:53:36 +Google Play,Why is this app Glitching so much? I can't even read anything!,1,2023-07-09 15:11:04 +Google Play,Unstructured random drivel,1,2023-07-13 18:20:39 +Google Play,Its pretty average..more like twitter from 2007.,2,2023-07-10 08:53:45 +Google Play,"Do not like it, this is bad threads app 👎👎 Only one it app from Instagram",1,2023-07-13 08:22:16 +Google Play,It works with only your current instagram. Why ?,1,2023-07-10 09:50:32 +Google Play,Can't filter out not followed accounts,1,2023-07-08 07:13:08 +Google Play,This is the one of the best app. I'm pretty sure that this app will beat twitter 💪 ✌️,5,2023-07-05 23:05:40 +Google Play,Throw it Away. Keeps crashing my phone.,1,2023-07-06 14:20:37 +Google Play,Waste of time and energy,1,2023-07-22 08:22:05 +Google Play,"Threads is lame it's just a bad copy of the one and only, twitter ! Go back to twitter !",1,2023-07-13 11:24:36 +Google Play,👍👍Threads for good app chatting 👍👍trading post very nice chatting in threads,5,2023-07-20 00:32:02 +Google Play,Very bad app it is trash!!!,1,2023-07-22 08:05:20 +Google Play,Worthless Application in every aspect,2,2023-07-17 01:59:57 +Google Play,"Complete copy , don't feel like a new platform. Have some ethics",1,2023-07-14 06:20:01 +Google Play,waste app don't download this app! My 1 star only this app logo,1,2023-07-21 09:15:05 +Google Play,"This app is junk. Freedom of speech is censored for conservatives just like Facebook, and Instagram.",1,2023-07-06 21:52:05 +Google Play,I forgot my Instagram password and unable to retrieve now I'm not able to login threads,1,2023-07-12 18:25:28 +Google Play,Overlapping and is threads working in android version,1,2023-07-10 15:52:12 +Google Play,You need another social media account to use this social media platform. If that's not farming users then idk what is. Using this makes you a 🤡,1,2023-07-07 01:22:24 +Google Play,The exact same content on Instagram...,1,2023-07-07 10:34:02 +Google Play,Not opening smoothly this is my problem 😥😥,1,2023-07-06 18:25:11 +Google Play,"Awesome, helpfull app. Better than Twitter",5,2023-07-10 17:02:50 +Google Play,"Need that ""for you"" page or something, because most threads i saw is just stright up p*rn or just threads with ""."" in it",3,2023-07-06 02:07:07 +Google Play,Cool app I am still downloading it presently I haven't even started using it yet But I love it already,3,2023-07-06 16:50:38 +Google Play,If i could i would give it a zero twitter copy over all a bad app I would recommend twitter,1,2023-07-08 21:04:38 +Google Play,Better than Twitter but it's bit less feature less ...,5,2023-07-15 03:33:01 +Google Play,Please update all bug fix,1,2023-07-08 04:32:09 +Google Play,Good every thing needs competition,5,2023-07-11 02:28:27 +Google Play,Very good apps for Youngster,5,2023-07-06 13:29:50 +Google Play,Zuckkur did nothing really 🗣️💀💀,1,2023-07-07 17:49:23 +Google Play,It's very good 😊💯,5,2023-07-11 01:17:54 +Google Play,An ugly display of authoritarianism,1,2023-07-07 02:13:50 +Google Play,How to create an account?,1,2023-07-06 12:45:23 +Google Play,"Waiting for ""Following"" tab",1,2023-07-06 05:23:34 +Google Play,This is TRASH Not Accessible to everyone who don't have an Instagram account,1,2023-07-19 13:40:10 +Google Play,It's very good 💝,5,2023-07-14 02:03:38 +Google Play,frustrated. how do i get this to work on my computer? it only has options for phones,1,2023-07-08 20:15:39 +Google Play,Bad because if I haven't Instagram account then I can't open account on threads😭😢,1,2023-07-07 06:49:01 +Google Play,Wow good app♥️,5,2023-07-10 16:12:08 +Google Play,I want to delete this stupid app without deleting my insta. Fix it.,1,2023-07-07 22:52:33 +Google Play,Very nice for a new app Will definitely be better in coming years,5,2023-07-07 10:42:21 +Google Play,Perfect clone of twitter Zuck you Lizard 🤣,3,2023-07-09 04:34:56 +Google Play,Am happy to be among the very first peoples to open account on this new trending app (threads) thanks Mark ❤️💯,5,2023-07-07 13:34:19 +Google Play,What is nonsens I doesn't like this app it's totally copy from twitter it's a nonsense app this app need to be close 😕,1,2023-07-08 19:54:19 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:12:20 +Google Play,I love it❤️,5,2023-07-07 06:59:07 +Google Play,Wont let me create an account.,1,2023-07-06 02:06:41 +Google Play,So far Because this app is boring like Instagram app Twitter is best,1,2023-07-10 15:27:08 +Google Play,Bye bye Twitter say helo to threads,5,2023-07-06 05:49:04 +Google Play,Awful experience. A copycat of Twitter with no motive at all.,1,2023-07-24 03:38:59 +Google Play,Useful App ...Act like Twitter.... It's better than Twitter...,5,2023-07-07 08:28:05 +Google Play,"it's Ok Thursday 6, july 2023 01:23",4,2023-07-06 00:23:53 +Google Play,1000 percent sweat to use,5,2023-07-07 05:08:57 +Google Play,I can uninstall this application 😔 without log out insta id,2,2023-07-23 17:04:59 +Google Play,Wow what a wonderful App it's more interested than others,4,2023-07-07 20:26:05 +Google Play,I Loved This App. This App Very Similar To Twitter App. So Mark Zuckerberg Great Invent To This App. Love You Mark Zuckerberg Mama👍,4,2023-07-11 13:01:27 +Google Play,"Wow an amazing experience to use, let's try to use this application now I'm verified on it please threads verify my account ""eoctc.yt"" Thank you",5,2023-07-09 13:06:16 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-08 03:40:28 +Google Play,Follow kro weird_anirudh 🙂! Review ka kya hi kroge bcz ik use fir bhi kroge तुम,4,2023-07-06 10:13:42 +Google Play,No body can beat Twitter🔥🔥,1,2023-07-07 09:23:23 +Google Play,It's good and more likely Twitter but better,5,2023-07-06 06:05:38 +Google Play,not convenient at all,1,2023-07-07 06:41:08 +Google Play,After download this apps I can't use my Instagram apps why ?,2,2023-07-07 15:38:29 +Google Play,views count cann0t see,1,2023-07-06 19:12:13 +Google Play,"Mark Zuckerberg just made the app for iphone users, very insane.... I have you and your app... It's not downloading for hours on my Android",1,2023-07-06 19:08:24 +Google Play,I love the vibe here.🤍,5,2023-07-06 14:19:45 +Google Play,Yet to experience any faults,2,2023-07-06 07:34:09 +Google Play,Thanks zuck. This app is the only good thing you did in years.,5,2023-07-06 10:31:55 +Google Play,Need to add DM,4,2023-07-06 02:33:34 +Google Play,Doing my part. I do not like Zuck but it this helps remove monopoly of Twitter then count me in!,4,2023-07-20 06:44:11 +Google Play,"There is problem in this app , there is glitch or some thing like that",3,2023-07-06 17:31:09 +Google Play,Rest in peace twitter lmfao,5,2023-07-06 07:11:55 +Google Play,"Um, just get twitter... no?",3,2023-07-06 02:13:24 +Google Play,This app is on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:39:01 +Google Play,Started using it First person from india 🇮🇳,3,2023-07-06 03:35:58 +Google Play,"In the world where Facebook has revolutionized the internet world, it is hoped that this app will also be successful",5,2023-07-07 12:56:33 +Google Play,Not related to Elon Musk,5,2023-07-08 03:22:02 +Google Play,Mast app hai Bhai thanks fore meta,5,2023-07-07 09:43:58 +Google Play,Use less apk,1,2023-07-06 07:56:08 +Google Play,Don't download this app this app is block your real Instagram account this is the Bad app for you,1,2023-07-09 11:03:04 +Google Play,Worst experience just a copy of twitter with reels option and censorship in everything,1,2023-07-14 04:45:21 +Google Play,Amazing user experience and ui so clear I like that,5,2023-07-06 11:47:56 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-07 14:08:22 +Google Play,"We can't delete our threads account, If we want to delete it needs to delete our Instagram account! Good job zuck",1,2023-07-07 05:26:53 +Google Play,Don't install this app it was sooo Stucking and please 😭........... Your followers will go off so please don't install this if u change profile pic in threads your insta profile pic will gone 😭 so don't install it was a worst experience I my life,1,2023-07-07 13:41:52 +Google Play,Threads>>>Twitter I bet that Threads will surely replace twitter soon ... #threads #Odisha,4,2023-07-06 18:20:21 +Google Play,Yes the app is excellent. This app has been fantastic,5,2023-07-08 06:00:50 +Google Play,New app new technology,5,2023-07-21 18:38:11 +Google Play,It's a good aap and it's a app member of Instagram 😘❤️🔥,5,2023-07-06 17:01:34 +Google Play,LET'S TRY IT...,5,2023-07-06 16:46:34 +Google Play,He is do beautiful program but you can edit this program 😁,5,2023-07-12 07:24:28 +Google Play,I just want to follow NCT acc actually so I'll give 5star🤣 simple.,5,2023-07-09 13:32:49 +Google Play,Wow that's great news about the app beautiful 😍,5,2023-07-07 17:17:37 +Google Play,Just went to 50% of install and stopped installing ! Why !? To write this comment ! Instagram is owned by communism and is censoring everything ! Now this app that is related to IG ! For sure it will do more censor ! Why wasting time on a communism app !? 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻,1,2023-07-06 23:24:27 +Google Play,All is well,5,2023-07-15 15:54:45 +Google Play,needs a lot more work,1,2023-07-10 16:33:27 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 09:19:36 +Google Play,Theam is not good,1,2023-07-06 14:35:28 +Google Play,What will this bring for the masses?,5,2023-07-06 19:41:59 +Google Play,Seems like Master copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 11:57:59 +Google Play,"I love this app, nicer and easier than Twitter 🤍",5,2023-07-07 23:17:43 +Google Play,Rate your experience for how easy to use the app is,5,2023-07-10 15:07:37 +Google Play,Good app but still lags behind Twitter,1,2023-07-14 05:36:01 +Google Play,Manchi manchi apps nee... Daati vachina vadni.... Nuv enta Naku... Aaaaaaaa(naralakka sound) 😎(attitude),1,2023-07-06 17:12:44 +Google Play,Feels like this app is full of dumb people's. Not a intellectual people of community. Also the data & privacy is not secure.,1,2023-07-07 18:29:05 +Google Play,Follow for follow back,5,2023-07-06 06:41:03 +Google Play,Thread is my favorite 👌,4,2023-07-16 06:42:01 +Google Play,I love this 😻 so I want to try because someone tell me this is a good app❤️,5,2023-07-10 08:43:28 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 04:12:57 +Google Play,Overlapping issues! Fix it,1,2023-07-11 14:33:33 +Google Play,Twitter is Better than Treads,1,2023-07-09 08:37:33 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter,1,2023-07-12 13:57:51 +Google Play,Unable to download app,2,2023-07-09 17:52:00 +Google Play,Honestly didn't use it. It would just be funny to watch Elon lose $44 billion.,5,2023-07-10 22:56:21 +Google Play,How to use the app what is the usage of app,1,2023-07-06 04:25:36 +Google Play,Will not let me login,1,2023-07-08 11:43:41 +Google Play,I have not seeing my Instagram chat list after thread started 😕,1,2023-07-09 03:33:57 +Google Play,"can't create new account, can only use instagram account",1,2023-07-09 06:25:40 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:42:32 +Google Play,Had to uninstall the app after it refused to open.,1,2023-07-22 21:07:08 +Google Play,It doesn't connect on my phone,1,2023-07-09 18:27:47 +Google Play,the ui sucks.,2,2023-07-07 15:27:05 +Google Play,So far it's cool 💯,5,2023-07-06 21:02:57 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-08 06:26:21 +Google Play,better than Insta,3,2023-07-16 03:45:50 +Google Play,Threads app is best app this app distroy the Twitter amazing yaar so continuous the meta,5,2023-07-11 17:14:10 +Google Play,Best alternative app for Twitter this app has no restriction this is the major advantage of the app,5,2023-07-07 13:15:45 +Google Play,"After Ever Happy (2022) Audio 🔉 - #English Quality - 720p WEBRip Rᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⭐️ : 4.2 / 10 Watch Online ⚙Gᴇɴʀᴇ : 🎭 #Drama 🌹 #Romance 🗒Sᴛᴏʀy Lɪɴᴇ : As a shocking truth about a couple's families emerges, the two lovers discover they are not so different from each other. Tessa is no longer the sweet, simple, good girl she was when she met Hardin — any more than he is the cruel,... 🎬Directors Castille Landon Writers Sharon Soboil Anna Todd Stars Louise Lombard Hero Fiennes Tiffin Josephine",2,2023-07-22 17:15:07 +Google Play,Better then Twitter 😂😂,5,2023-07-07 00:35:32 +Google Play,Very cool man,5,2023-07-06 18:33:33 +Google Play,🐦 CTR C & CTR V ➰,5,2023-07-06 13:22:25 +Google Play,I don't like 😞 . This is a copy of Twitter . Twitter is best 👌,2,2023-07-15 16:49:44 +Google Play,It is good app but should have some more features,4,2023-07-13 19:39:16 +Google Play,It impressed me,5,2023-07-07 05:51:53 +Google Play,Better than expected,5,2023-07-06 05:48:47 +Google Play,Just open an account 😁,3,2023-07-06 15:05:53 +Google Play,"Twitter sucks, but this is somehow even more of a tasteless hellscape.",1,2023-07-16 12:13:04 +Google Play,Worst app😣😣 for elon musk😅,5,2023-07-06 14:53:32 +Google Play,"It is a very good program, thank you from Insta and Trades company 💗🧃",5,2023-07-13 12:02:48 +Google Play,Love the app. Could replace twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:22:16 +Google Play,This app is so beautiful cause many people like this app and is trend in the world,1,2023-07-07 14:25:09 +Google Play,Not willing to share so much permissions for this app.,1,2023-07-13 17:11:03 +Google Play,Just another app that meta is gonna use to sell our data to the highest bidder 🙄,1,2023-07-06 12:25:52 +Google Play,Copy cat platform l don't like it,1,2023-07-06 14:23:19 +Google Play,Why should I have a login ID of Instagram for this. Whatif I don't want an instagram profile? This is not making sense.,1,2023-07-11 04:35:15 +Google Play,Fantastic aap so easy useful 👍,5,2023-07-08 12:58:24 +Google Play,It is really baaddd I can't handle it any more So bye,1,2023-07-20 03:57:19 +Google Play,Twitter way better,1,2023-07-06 18:10:30 +Google Play,Its a Amazing 👌,5,2023-07-06 05:28:15 +Google Play,Just awesome app. This app is so much better than twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-08 03:57:21 +Google Play,@zishaanpathaan - Go Follow On Threads,5,2023-07-06 05:42:48 +Google Play,"very nice app, Really Appreciatable! Must Download this app!",5,2023-07-06 14:51:01 +Google Play,I downloaded the app it shows am done but not in my phone,1,2023-07-08 05:47:28 +Google Play,below the required level,1,2023-07-22 17:23:53 +Google Play,Pls add dark mode,5,2023-07-06 02:49:43 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-15 02:54:39 +Google Play,Land wala app ha,1,2023-07-16 11:26:34 +Google Play,1st to write review in rajasthan 😌,4,2023-07-07 08:03:28 +Google Play,to much bug & glitch,1,2023-07-10 22:34:49 +Google Play,Highly reliable app,5,2023-07-09 10:45:30 +Google Play,Need other means to login apart from insta. I do not have insta id.,3,2023-07-10 04:12:59 +Google Play,"Deleting Threads account, deletes Instagram account too. So you're basically stuck forever",2,2023-07-06 23:05:28 +Google Play,What is the point of words if it does not allow me to say things i want? Also very buggy,1,2023-07-19 11:38:29 +Google Play,This app is very lacking I can't even swipe anything,1,2023-07-09 19:30:01 +Google Play,I LIKED IT. OVERALL THE APP LAYOUTS AND ITS SMOOTHNESS IS REALLY PRETTT,5,2023-07-06 02:31:07 +Google Play,I wish all the best and success to those in charge of this application,5,2023-07-07 14:39:32 +Google Play,Super duper mast 🥰,5,2023-07-06 12:44:31 +Google Play,"King Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk, let's goo",5,2023-07-07 08:09:33 +Google Play,"Okay, but no DM section?",5,2023-07-06 13:22:33 +Google Play,This is best thread app from Instagram and this is best alternative of Twitter but on problem you can't change you username in Threads please enable username change in Threads,5,2023-07-06 03:07:23 +Google Play,Yet to be amazed,5,2023-07-06 22:35:25 +Google Play,Wow it's very friendly user app.,5,2023-07-08 08:15:08 +Google Play,This app is god,5,2023-07-13 16:31:29 +Google Play,Well may be a new begging,5,2023-07-06 11:20:36 +Google Play,If you download and get an account and after you tired of this app then you wanna delete your account it may affect your Instagram account i mean if you delete your threads account you will also lose your instagram account too so if you don't want this happen uninstall your threads 😌,1,2023-07-15 13:04:43 +Google Play,Hope for best ....,5,2023-07-08 15:15:54 +Google Play,Better than Twitter but need some improvements,4,2023-07-06 16:35:04 +Google Play,Wow 😮 very good,5,2023-07-07 09:46:51 +Google Play,I love this abb💜💜,5,2023-07-07 17:30:23 +Google Play,Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳,5,2023-07-06 04:44:45 +Google Play,Will wait to see what is different,5,2023-07-06 10:03:32 +Google Play,Please make this app exact clone of Twitter then it'll be convenient for us to switch to threads as everyone is fed up of Twitter. Then I'll give 5 ⭐.,1,2023-07-09 07:41:07 +Google Play,add DM feature.,3,2023-07-08 11:19:43 +Google Play,🗑 Twiter why better,1,2023-07-08 01:41:21 +Google Play,It's got potential.,5,2023-07-06 21:36:17 +Google Play,Doesn't work properly,1,2023-07-16 02:39:14 +Google Play,OMG THEY COPIED INSTA AND TWITTER. UNINSTALLED!,1,2023-07-13 16:28:47 +Google Play,Best aap world 🌎,5,2023-07-07 10:57:54 +Google Play,A good app but needs some improvements,5,2023-07-06 15:26:59 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg Amazing Application,5,2023-07-08 06:24:43 +Google Play,Why did it force you to log in from IG? I don't have IG acc pls add google log in too.. 🤧,3,2023-07-06 06:26:17 +Google Play,Steal all your personal data as usual from meta nothing new,1,2023-07-14 21:54:22 +Google Play,Worse version of twitter,1,2023-07-07 14:36:08 +Google Play,Just go to Twitter.,1,2023-07-16 07:22:33 +Google Play,It's cool..,5,2023-07-07 20:38:21 +Google Play,Highly censored. Pass,1,2023-07-13 02:57:55 +Google Play,Fails to post,2,2023-07-08 13:21:05 +Google Play,Please update to text message to anyone.,2,2023-07-12 19:15:11 +Google Play,Can't get onto instagram so no chance of getting onto threads!!!!!,1,2023-07-08 10:53:50 +Google Play,Wow nice app. Very easy to use I think I prefer this than Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 13:10:42 +Google Play,Requires selfie to register. Uninstalled this garbage.,1,2023-07-06 02:11:38 +Google Play,I'm not able to see whom am I following 🤔,5,2023-07-07 07:17:40 +Google Play,I don't understand what is app? There's nothing. I removed it after 10 min.,1,2023-07-12 19:45:17 +Google Play,This app is not stable,1,2023-07-08 11:05:21 +Google Play,It's too good,5,2023-07-18 06:09:47 +Google Play,I am enjoying the thread,5,2023-07-07 21:22:19 +Google Play,So basically Twitter lite😩🔫,1,2023-07-06 11:02:13 +Google Play,Bugs are there,1,2023-07-06 01:17:40 +Google Play,"Unnecessary and biased censorship,plus copy of twitter",1,2023-07-16 17:58:29 +Google Play,"I cannot see any of replies in any of thread. It sign ""something went wrong"" no matther what i've done.",2,2023-07-16 12:35:48 +Google Play,Really don't like how its feed is filled with people I don't follow 😅,1,2023-07-13 06:15:32 +Google Play,It's a good ap ngl,5,2023-07-08 14:24:47 +Google Play,@Threads And Better Than Work👍,5,2023-07-07 07:43:49 +Google Play,"I totally hate this app, this app censor every single thing you say. Hello I am so going back to Twitter I have a voice and Zuckerberg you can keep your censored app. Read all the t's & c's people. WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE!!",1,2023-07-13 20:47:32 +Google Play,IT'S EASY TO USE.,5,2023-07-07 06:30:13 +Google Play,Shiv ji is everywhere even in the logo,4,2023-07-07 14:54:53 +Google Play,Not satisfied with its supplement privacy policy...,1,2023-07-07 05:36:03 +Google Play,Every 5 minutes my threads account keeps on getting logged out and so does my Instagram account despite changing my password twice,1,2023-07-07 09:32:17 +Google Play,Change the app name with Threads aka Memes Central,1,2023-07-10 04:05:54 +Google Play,Wow the Instragram amazing Twitter ki tarah,5,2023-07-05 23:10:12 +Google Play,I Like This app,5,2023-07-07 08:27:23 +Google Play,Can't login with multiple accounts,3,2023-07-06 07:27:32 +Google Play,Great app more cooler Dan Instagram 👏👏👍,4,2023-07-18 07:00:19 +Google Play,How it's login without Instragram & If I forget my Instragram password,1,2023-07-14 10:32:08 +Google Play,One and only Twitter,1,2023-07-10 19:02:40 +Google Play,The app is madddddd,5,2023-07-07 05:48:33 +Google Play,Nice Apk on threads 🤙😎😁,5,2023-07-06 09:25:39 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:29:45 +Google Play,I love it..,5,2023-07-09 04:43:03 +Google Play,The best app. New experience. I love it,5,2023-07-06 05:31:43 +Google Play,I'm very happy to see this application its automated future with your account,5,2023-07-06 18:15:10 +Google Play,Feed algorithm is worst.,1,2023-07-23 18:50:38 +Google Play,Yeeeee let's cancel Elon's Twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:54:58 +Google Play,It's Twitter 2.0,4,2023-07-06 13:52:44 +Google Play,Copy paste and another app to make us waste our time and make Zuku chacha richer.,1,2023-07-10 13:46:35 +Google Play,Can’t even use it because it glitches,1,2023-07-10 11:18:37 +Google Play,It's good aap,4,2023-07-08 01:43:06 +Google Play,This is amazing 🤩 ap I love ❤️ this app Amazing 😍 Marke zuberbag you are amazing 😍 I am your Big fane sir you are amazing 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-07 04:47:17 +Google Play,Cool must try,5,2023-07-08 19:17:02 +Google Play,Please add a feature for switching accounts like instagram,5,2023-07-08 15:57:48 +Google Play,"So I need Instagram to login, what a dumb app!",1,2023-07-08 14:55:04 +Google Play,World no.1 app,1,2023-07-13 06:54:08 +Google Play,Best apps more than Twitter or other social media,5,2023-07-22 08:05:35 +Google Play,It's just like Twitter but worst since you always get censored.,1,2023-07-10 23:35:18 +Google Play,bs is application ko theek karo,1,2023-07-07 13:57:34 +Google Play,"The logo of the app reminds me of the cover of the novel ""Play it as it lays"" by Joan Didion 🙂",5,2023-07-09 18:41:02 +Google Play,This is good app but it occupied lot of storage,5,2023-07-19 10:52:52 +Google Play,Introduce poles for voting,3,2023-07-19 06:56:36 +Google Play,Scn sadhanm gooys ??🫣 Download it,5,2023-07-06 09:39:14 +Google Play,Wonderfull app. Now twitter sucks . Thanks Mr Zuck. You are amazing person 🏆,5,2023-07-06 22:48:21 +Google Play,Beep boop very good Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-06 10:50:05 +Google Play,Doesn't work properly,1,2023-07-08 21:15:47 +Google Play,It's a bad app,2,2023-07-10 19:32:28 +Google Play,"YOU CANT DELETE YOUR THREADS ACCOUNT UNLESS YOU DELETE YOUR INSTAGRAM also it doesn't have hastags, and its still an insta product so no nudity",1,2023-07-07 02:29:46 +Google Play,Censorship is wrong,1,2023-07-09 00:12:14 +Google Play,Is too good 😊👍,5,2023-07-07 10:13:01 +Google Play,It's not twitter.,5,2023-07-08 07:40:52 +Google Play,Let's see how it goesss,5,2023-07-06 00:01:36 +Google Play,Lizard guy stealing other people's plans,1,2023-07-17 06:30:06 +Google Play,Thank you. Finally I reduced my Instagram screen time,5,2023-07-06 18:08:37 +Google Play,App will not open on pixel 7,1,2023-07-07 18:19:07 +Google Play,Nice to have in the phone,3,2023-07-11 08:12:41 +Google Play,It's overall a nice app. I really enjoy using this app.,5,2023-07-06 17:24:21 +Google Play,It's interested,4,2023-07-07 09:20:41 +Google Play,Hats off to mark Zuckerberg 🥶,5,2023-07-06 13:09:31 +Google Play,It glitches all the time!,1,2023-07-06 13:48:16 +Google Play,Looks like app is crashing,1,2023-07-06 09:24:08 +Google Play,Better than twitter hh,5,2023-07-07 04:27:44 +Google Play,A Good App,5,2023-07-07 10:42:29 +Google Play,I love this app and I hope everyone use this app and l am telling you guys threads is amazing we have appreciate this app,5,2023-07-11 00:20:00 +Google Play,Mere ID per popular cheap kar do salluuuu____09 ID,5,2023-07-08 01:48:08 +Google Play,Has the most exceptional quality ever can't believe it,5,2023-07-06 12:30:23 +Google Play,Far from twitter.,1,2023-07-13 14:46:33 +Google Play,Just a twitter wannabe. Nothing like giving the Zuckernerd more personal info.,1,2023-07-19 14:07:30 +Google Play,Well this app is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 18:01:55 +Google Play,There is no need to link it with Instagram,2,2023-07-06 18:12:07 +Google Play,Better than twitter🐦🐦 😁😁,5,2023-07-09 15:52:09 +Google Play,Better that twitter #ripelonbozo,5,2023-07-07 01:25:10 +Google Play,"since i open this app, I can't open my instagram account",1,2023-07-08 16:30:27 +Google Play,Very good Aap,5,2023-07-11 14:58:18 +Google Play,"Zuck is a left wing loon. Threads is a ""safe space"" for all the losers who can't tolerate an opposing opinion on Twitter. GOOD!",1,2023-07-07 13:10:33 +Google Play,"Thread, the new Twitter. ☺",5,2023-07-07 09:57:24 +Google Play,"It is an imitation of the Twitter program, why do I need this program when I have Twitter, it is stolen and the rights are taken",1,2023-07-10 00:12:19 +Google Play,🤣🤣🤣Open Challenge to Elon Musk,5,2023-07-06 06:50:02 +Google Play,"I'm not a Twitter fan, but this one is Not even close to twitter 😒😶",1,2023-07-13 15:28:25 +Google Play,Bare bones but I rather like it.,4,2023-07-10 20:07:19 +Google Play,Far better than Twitter 👍😀,5,2023-07-10 23:33:00 +Google Play,Include as a part of IG. Why the need for a separate app?,1,2023-07-08 04:03:15 +Google Play,My account is error,1,2023-07-06 13:36:01 +Google Play,Nice for work and good app 👍 install now,5,2023-07-06 02:06:45 +Google Play,It's cheap,1,2023-07-08 22:48:52 +Google Play,Doing well till now.,4,2023-07-08 02:40:07 +Google Play,Won't let me login,1,2023-07-24 01:45:19 +Google Play,Twitter used to say that there is not another option after him. And onetime Twitter didn't recover my account and saying that you already have an another account so we didn't recover your account too. It will be Twitter killer app,5,2023-07-07 06:42:22 +Google Play,Bro They app has already prediction on Simpsons 😔😔😐,2,2023-07-07 16:24:52 +Google Play,Thread = twitter for kids This is 💩,1,2023-07-06 14:22:29 +Google Play,Nice app social media sites in the world 🌍 is this application people like this activity nd comments we are replying in quickly,2,2023-07-08 15:07:45 +Google Play,full of bugs my screen is just gon from this app 😭😭😭😭,2,2023-07-07 03:36:11 +Google Play,Dropping review using little bit of Threads hope it can never share our personal information like Instagram and Facebook,4,2023-07-07 15:27:21 +Google Play,"Just like Twitter, no point of having many apps from meta.",1,2023-07-10 15:08:44 +Google Play,"MARK Dada apuni emn social media application ulaisa.... Facebook , Instagram scroll koruta koruta hubola time nuhua hoisa atya ru ata ahila 🙄",4,2023-07-07 10:41:10 +Google Play,No privacy. Just collects and abuses your data,1,2023-07-12 17:50:42 +Google Play,Don't install it and link it with you Instagram,1,2023-07-09 15:33:59 +Google Play,Not available in the Indian languages(unlike hindi),1,2023-07-07 06:03:52 +Google Play,Probably better than 🐦,5,2023-07-06 03:07:06 +Google Play,Nice app but need some improvements...,4,2023-07-07 13:12:14 +Google Play,Best then Twitter account 👍,4,2023-07-06 02:27:30 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter and tracks twice the personal information,1,2023-07-12 01:41:42 +Google Play,One of the best thread apps. Thanks meta❤,5,2023-07-10 07:54:26 +Google Play,Pathetic piece of garbage app. Instagram should be ashamed. I hope Elon wins the fight and finally puts the weirdo lizard dude zucc in his place.,1,2023-07-06 01:48:42 +Google Play,This is straight up one of the best copies of twitter,4,2023-07-10 12:27:55 +Google Play,Copy paste version of twitter 😆,1,2023-07-11 09:16:10 +Google Play,Very bad user experience. Knock off version of X,1,2023-07-24 09:59:15 +Google Play,going better way more than someother blue bird All which has now be having more restriction. I'm not speaking violence.,4,2023-07-07 18:19:46 +Google Play,please put a feature where we can change our usernames in Threads without changing it in Instagram,4,2023-07-06 03:05:26 +Google Play,"MAJOR data privacy concerns. Threads could collect a wide range of personal information including health, financial, contacts, browsing and search history, location data. purchases and ""sensitive info,"" One place Threads won't be rolled out is in the European Union, which has strict data privacy rules",1,2023-07-06 15:46:04 +Google Play,I can't open my account.,1,2023-07-07 11:20:59 +Google Play,New app nice 👍,5,2023-07-24 08:20:41 +Google Play,That's the copy 😺🐈,1,2023-07-07 03:50:04 +Google Play,I have the first review 😃,4,2023-07-06 01:33:32 +Google Play,Like this app,5,2023-07-06 14:53:48 +Google Play,Great day for me I love the app and it was nice to be here thank you sir,2,2023-07-07 10:05:29 +Google Play,we love Twitter Mark Stop copying Twitter,1,2023-07-06 13:30:33 +Google Play,downloaded and wanted me to log into instagram that I don't have so uninstalled,1,2023-07-10 16:43:31 +Google Play,"So far going nice, sure hope y'all don't crash 😘",5,2023-07-06 12:10:06 +Google Play,Bad version of Twitter 😂😂👎,1,2023-07-06 11:50:23 +Google Play,First review💀 Twitter is better 😂,2,2023-07-06 10:58:37 +Google Play,It's a very interesting app Jxt check ✔️ it out 🥺🎉🔥,4,2023-07-06 17:40:49 +Google Play,Initial impressions Kidilom .,4,2023-07-06 01:31:42 +Google Play,Waiting for the cage fight 😊👍🙂,5,2023-07-06 10:16:51 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂💕,5,2023-07-13 16:09:31 +Google Play,Where is dark them in this application,1,2023-07-08 07:09:58 +Google Play,Broken at Mi platform,1,2023-07-06 18:45:14 +Google Play,After login everything is glitch 😕,1,2023-07-16 04:37:59 +Google Play,My profile is blocked,1,2023-07-08 02:50:20 +Google Play,"Rubbish application, this application is not properly optimized.",1,2023-07-16 19:20:25 +Google Play,when you merge twitter+insta+tiktok.. a hybrid useless product,1,2023-07-12 07:44:39 +Google Play,Threads are good with the Instagram account,5,2023-07-06 21:38:19 +Google Play,Let us switch between accounts please😔✋,4,2023-07-06 03:32:32 +Google Play,"THE APP IS SO GLITCHY, CAN'T EVEN USE IT PROPERLY",1,2023-07-09 04:14:41 +Google Play,Thread the competition of twitter,5,2023-07-08 10:30:21 +Google Play,Can't login without Instagram.,1,2023-07-07 00:32:35 +Google Play,No chat no cool,1,2023-07-06 08:14:24 +Google Play,5 starts but Elon till i die. 🙃,5,2023-07-06 03:41:25 +Google Play,Not that good,1,2023-07-08 13:51:09 +Google Play,What to do in thread🤷,5,2023-07-06 11:30:51 +Google Play,Needs insragram to login. Pointless.,1,2023-07-06 05:03:08 +Google Play,Meta version of Twitter,4,2023-07-06 01:57:34 +Google Play,First review that's it. 😂,4,2023-07-06 14:22:52 +Google Play,Please Add Santali language 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽,1,2023-07-05 23:18:18 +Google Play,its so aesthetic and no jejemons here in threads so finally i survived fb.,5,2023-07-07 20:11:37 +Google Play,Better than twitter hh,5,2023-07-06 17:19:07 +Google Play,Twitter is far better,3,2023-07-06 08:42:53 +Google Play,It's Good as of now.,3,2023-07-06 16:52:55 +Google Play,Threads be like - 📢,5,2023-07-07 13:49:11 +Google Play,Better than TWITTER,5,2023-07-13 22:59:36 +Google Play,It's addictive,5,2023-07-06 15:36:50 +Google Play,So in love with it 😍,5,2023-07-10 21:38:57 +Google Play,I don't know what's wrong I can't download the app since yesterday 😭😭,1,2023-07-07 09:41:37 +Google Play,I like that ❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 16:04:20 +Google Play,The new Twitter just dropped boys,5,2023-07-08 07:43:28 +Google Play,Censorship Trash. Go to Gab instead,1,2023-07-07 00:44:19 +Google Play,Failed and useless copy paste from Twitter,1,2023-07-06 21:02:22 +Google Play,"So Far, Loving the Vibe.",5,2023-07-06 13:36:00 +Google Play,Symbol Looks like Tamil letter,4,2023-07-06 07:43:45 +Google Play,The app is like Twitter but astronomically better.,5,2023-07-07 23:21:14 +Google Play,Haven't used the app yet but from what I see from people's reviews I think it's great so I'm giving it 5 stars 🥰,5,2023-07-07 18:07:29 +Google Play,"Wait. I can only get it on my phone, and I must have an Instagram account to use it. Really?",1,2023-07-12 06:22:26 +Google Play,First person to give a review,5,2023-07-06 10:15:12 +Google Play,Let's see.. Very good,5,2023-07-07 03:22:08 +Google Play,It glitches and crashes,1,2023-07-08 16:16:13 +Google Play,no real people only delusional ones,1,2023-07-11 21:43:10 +Google Play,Useless. Can't use without Instagram,1,2023-07-14 10:53:22 +Google Play,Better than twitter fr 😂,5,2023-07-07 17:55:43 +Google Play,Took place of Twitter 💪😁,5,2023-07-06 12:22:46 +Google Play,Just Copying twitter,1,2023-07-07 23:58:17 +Google Play,Its glicthy afff,1,2023-07-06 13:50:23 +Google Play,Kit cat copy paste,3,2023-07-07 15:05:46 +Google Play,had worst experience......Like tooooo manyyyyy glitches... posting here after tooooooo many attempts,1,2023-07-06 09:44:11 +Google Play,Totally bad experience 😞,1,2023-07-07 18:35:05 +Google Play,Pretty banger app ngl,5,2023-07-06 12:07:32 +Google Play,Try to improve so as it may totally work like twitter,5,2023-07-08 09:57:19 +Google Play,Very poor app quality,1,2023-07-07 20:23:30 +Google Play,No thank you. Too much privacy requirements are taken,1,2023-07-17 14:22:29 +Google Play,How to edit my replied,5,2023-07-07 03:37:56 +Google Play,Not interested aap,1,2023-07-10 11:20:29 +Google Play,Too much data collection,1,2023-07-06 20:48:17 +Google Play,Very bad bad app please do not stall this App,1,2023-07-23 15:55:53 +Google Play,THIS APP IS GOOD BUT IT CRASH WHEN I REFRESH PLEASE FIX IT,3,2023-07-07 11:57:09 +Google Play,"Is very good app thanks for meta, Instagram community and marc jucakarbac",5,2023-07-06 17:50:21 +Google Play,"Well it's kinda good, but I prefer Twitter more",4,2023-07-13 06:20:27 +Google Play,0h CO0L this is so cool,5,2023-07-07 06:47:51 +Google Play,Great for now,4,2023-07-10 16:05:14 +Google Play,A review from July 2023.,3,2023-07-06 18:13:47 +Google Play,Same twitter ni copy demgadu mark mawa,5,2023-07-06 11:14:53 +Google Play,Will there be a lite version? The app is too bulky.,4,2023-07-08 11:32:33 +Google Play,This is a copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-11 04:52:10 +Google Play,Copied version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-08 08:44:56 +Google Play,Very fantastic app according to my experience 😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-09 14:46:27 +Google Play,It doesn't work smoothly for me,1,2023-07-06 21:11:16 +Google Play,"If Twitter is sunny Leone , so threads is dani daniels 🔥",4,2023-07-07 11:15:21 +Google Play,too much asking for our private data,1,2023-07-08 03:25:57 +Google Play,There are so many glitches in the app like seriously!!,1,2023-07-07 15:39:11 +Google Play,Twitter better be crying,5,2023-07-06 19:59:41 +Google Play,why you discontinue the older version of threads. That was just like massenger,3,2023-07-12 08:08:27 +Google Play,Competition is fair cheating is not 😂,1,2023-07-07 20:05:21 +Google Play,Worderfull idea can wait to see how big it becomes I hope it beats twitter and I hope I get 1mill followers 😂😂,3,2023-07-06 09:11:02 +Google Play,Hashtag and DM are missing 🥴,1,2023-07-06 12:49:57 +Google Play,Sooo good app😍😍,5,2023-07-12 08:50:44 +Google Play,"It's sucks , not even a lil bit good Twitter still better",1,2023-07-08 08:14:23 +Google Play,"Lame, ya'll know it buh can keep up with the cope. Twitter is King",1,2023-07-19 11:08:42 +Google Play,NEED WEB ACCESS!,4,2023-07-07 13:41:03 +Google Play,This is garbage 🗑,1,2023-07-15 02:25:02 +Google Play,"Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, the zuck is stealing twitter's lunch",5,2023-07-06 23:30:39 +Google Play,"I don't care how bad this app, thanks for making a Twitter competitor.",5,2023-07-05 23:55:32 +Google Play,Welcome to Threads :),5,2023-07-07 15:02:34 +Google Play,The first one to review 😂,5,2023-07-06 06:33:02 +Google Play,Thank you Mark mawa,5,2023-07-07 03:29:07 +Google Play,Only Social App That I Use🌞,5,2023-07-06 14:58:19 +Google Play,"Great app though,but i will try to keep inspecting",5,2023-07-07 09:16:00 +Google Play,one word review........ Pathetic,1,2023-07-09 01:55:14 +Google Play,Well it's not working for me it says error,1,2023-07-06 13:34:03 +Google Play,Wanna be twitter. Trying too hard to be both,1,2023-07-11 21:14:37 +Google Play,I want to delete threads account,1,2023-07-17 16:20:31 +Google Play,This is a data-stealing weak copy of the Fediverse,1,2023-07-08 11:46:48 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-12 08:32:34 +Google Play,Thread launch dateeeee,5,2023-07-06 02:09:08 +Google Play,This app is super cool. I love it's features,5,2023-07-08 10:22:31 +Google Play,This amezing app!,5,2023-07-08 12:16:46 +Google Play,Not able to block unwanted Content and influencers,1,2023-07-09 10:21:47 +Google Play,A rip off from twitter,1,2023-07-08 23:46:08 +Google Play,1k followers please help me🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-13 19:05:14 +Google Play,"Omo this app nice , and cool tho,😔😔😔buh refusing to open on my phone",5,2023-07-07 09:42:27 +Google Play,Are we getting cage fight here?,5,2023-07-06 07:38:00 +Google Play,They should add trending feature,3,2023-07-11 17:41:56 +Google Play,This app is very useful.and next time you download now,3,2023-07-07 09:32:27 +Google Play,Add Video section,4,2023-07-06 12:09:53 +Google Play,I don't know about this app but hope so its good like twitter or insta,5,2023-07-06 16:17:30 +Google Play,Pointless junk from Zuckerberg,2,2023-07-06 00:35:28 +Google Play,Very good app for sharing your opinion 👍,5,2023-07-06 01:18:02 +Google Play,Zero star if possible.,1,2023-07-11 15:32:26 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:33:38 +Google Play,Nice allernative of Twitter and best for agency owners to get clients and for copywriters is best,5,2023-07-06 02:13:41 +Google Play,Can't login without Instagram,1,2023-07-06 13:36:27 +Google Play,This good application for international environment,5,2023-07-16 21:23:09 +Google Play,What A late competition is?,5,2023-07-08 18:10:16 +Google Play,Ove this app.,5,2023-07-06 02:07:04 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 11:18:07 +Google Play,I got a bug 💀,3,2023-07-07 10:11:55 +Google Play,Beats twitter gg meta ! 😍💕🥰,5,2023-07-06 16:43:09 +Google Play,It's Twitter competiter,5,2023-07-06 11:43:41 +Google Play,This App is crashing on my all phone so bad 😭😭🤬🤬😡😡😤😤💩💩,1,2023-07-08 05:25:37 +Google Play,its LGBQT version of twitter,1,2023-07-06 02:40:22 +Google Play,"I, am first person download this app in my village🥀🦋ʀɢ ꜱᴀyᴀʀ ᴏɴ yᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ",3,2023-07-08 01:56:14 +Google Play,if u know u know,5,2023-07-07 02:01:12 +Google Play,Fraud copycat suckerburg developed another copy app. Dude just grow up and log out yourself.,1,2023-07-08 17:37:49 +Google Play,I have seen Mark Zuckerberg adv this app today which is new app so let me check an come back for the reviews but so far so good. 👍,5,2023-07-07 07:07:02 +Google Play,Idk but nice,3,2023-07-05 23:36:44 +Google Play,It's amazing ❤️,5,2023-07-18 00:58:03 +Google Play,Why should I use Instagram for this app this doesn't have its own singin option 😮‍💨,1,2023-07-07 10:02:42 +Google Play,Twitter for democrats.,1,2023-07-12 16:57:05 +Google Play,can't even log in,2,2023-07-06 04:10:01 +Google Play,Kind of copycat,1,2023-07-14 04:26:23 +Google Play,"Awful app, waste of time",1,2023-07-19 09:28:45 +Google Play,When elon musk refuse europe agenda they are trying to replace twiter hhhhhh🤣,1,2023-07-07 07:32:52 +Google Play,I am looking forward to Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg fight 😂😂,5,2023-07-07 08:29:39 +Google Play,excellent app keep it up.,5,2023-07-07 07:28:59 +Google Play,It's awesome,5,2023-07-07 18:55:42 +Google Play,new season new chapter,5,2023-07-08 11:52:55 +Google Play,Buggy app the display is shattering,1,2023-07-10 17:27:57 +Google Play,"Hate this app , Twitter is better than threads. Always Elon is better than Zuckerberg .",1,2023-07-16 14:50:29 +Google Play,Elon Musk is in trouble,5,2023-07-06 12:35:43 +Google Play,Better than Tweets,5,2023-07-06 09:01:34 +Google Play,What is this? Why? How? Huh?,1,2023-07-10 03:35:33 +Google Play,The app should allow users to make a separate account instead of using an Instagram account compulsorily.,1,2023-07-06 06:31:01 +Google Play,Its IS very beoutifall,5,2023-07-16 13:52:44 +Google Play,Very boring app and zuck is a cuck..,1,2023-07-19 11:38:16 +Google Play,there's something wrong... alot of glitches,1,2023-07-06 15:13:48 +Google Play,You guys should work on the chatting,1,2023-07-08 15:10:14 +Google Play,These threads are the father of Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 13:51:45 +Google Play,Didn't work at Android,1,2023-07-06 20:52:32 +Google Play,Carlcare Service Hotline,5,2023-07-12 12:33:46 +Google Play,Bore and worst,1,2023-07-07 17:42:23 +Google Play,Good to use 👍,5,2023-07-06 19:07:31 +Google Play,No DM very nice,5,2023-07-06 02:04:51 +Google Play,Giving it 5 stars solely because it's a Twitter alternative. Can't wait to see Elon go down 💪,5,2023-07-06 08:15:44 +Google Play,"Hate it, hated twitter and tried to like this but hate it even more than twitter hahah",2,2023-07-24 08:58:50 +Google Play,This app is so nice and sweet like Twitter,5,2023-07-23 12:17:06 +Google Play,Very veri nice 💯,5,2023-07-08 07:37:35 +Google Play,Yaa boy.. Here we go again..,5,2023-07-05 23:55:12 +Google Play,"Competition is fine, but cheating is not anyways Still good 😊",3,2023-07-07 10:22:48 +Google Play,i love itt,5,2023-07-07 06:20:17 +Google Play,Have to have Instagram to log in. No thanks. Uninstalled.,1,2023-07-06 14:30:25 +Google Play,Nice 👍 threads aap,3,2023-07-18 18:37:03 +Google Play,Terrible ripoff of Twitter with way too much data collection to be legal,1,2023-07-23 19:16:28 +Google Play,Nice New App,5,2023-07-07 11:48:47 +Google Play,My favourite app,5,2023-07-06 13:10:25 +Google Play,The good App,5,2023-07-07 10:53:55 +Google Play,Hey it's your first review 😀,5,2023-07-06 12:13:53 +Google Play,Competition with Twitter,5,2023-07-07 17:42:17 +Google Play,Where is the translate option?,4,2023-07-07 17:07:30 +Google Play,New App. New Vibe 🤝🏾. Well-done @meta 👍🏾,4,2023-07-07 16:39:51 +Google Play,What a Nice app!! 10-10!!!,5,2023-07-06 00:50:31 +Google Play,It's aight ig,5,2023-07-06 04:57:18 +Google Play,I'm Maewell I'm going to create another thread 😎,5,2023-07-07 14:46:57 +Google Play,Needs a better explore page for community engagement,1,2023-07-09 04:20:15 +Google Play,The new Twitter by Meta👍🏿,4,2023-07-06 10:28:32 +Google Play,L Zuckerberg. W Elon and W Twitter and W tate,1,2023-07-08 12:52:50 +Google Play,"I am unable to use thread and ig with the same I'd . If I log in Thread ,then I get logged out from Ig. Pls solve this gltich",1,2023-07-06 17:16:18 +Google Play,"This app is created using CTRL,C,V buttons. The creator and his followers are losers!! They are out of their CLASS",1,2023-07-08 11:55:45 +Google Play,"Copy-paste from twitter. Nothing original, new or interesting. Plagiarism",1,2023-07-13 03:54:29 +Google Play,Just too much bugging I can't even see what I'm doing,1,2023-07-07 01:09:05 +Google Play,"Oh bhai, what an app",5,2023-07-06 13:47:35 +Google Play,Didnt download it but can tell its definitely shittier than twitter.,1,2023-07-15 15:19:18 +Google Play,I rate this a 5 because it is better that Instagram,5,2023-07-06 15:40:17 +Google Play,Wow this is chawal application. I really appreciate it. It contains manay chawliyan.,5,2023-07-09 16:55:26 +Google Play,Está nice siganme lel @armandcamachoo,5,2023-07-06 15:35:12 +Google Play,"Fantastic app, much better than Twitter",5,2023-07-07 21:49:16 +Google Play,Twitter Is Better Than Threads,1,2023-07-07 15:34:54 +Google Play,Wow 😲 NICE app,5,2023-07-12 07:17:13 +Google Play,Well downloaded it and it won't even open so lol,1,2023-07-06 15:07:26 +Google Play,Here before 100k reviews 👌,5,2023-07-08 14:54:30 +Google Play,AMAZING APP XOXO,5,2023-07-07 02:29:46 +Google Play,"It's nothing new, it looks like Twitter Lite",1,2023-07-21 13:45:00 +Google Play,I cannot delete my account,1,2023-07-10 14:19:38 +Google Play,Excellent app better than Twitter definitely recommend it,5,2023-07-06 14:14:53 +Google Play,Copy cat of twitter 😂🤣🤣,3,2023-07-06 22:56:05 +Google Play,Very bad experience,1,2023-07-08 10:23:56 +Google Play,Super application to me....i love this so mutch ...bye bye elon musk....,5,2023-07-06 13:59:09 +Google Play,Feeling sad for TWITTER 🐦,5,2023-07-06 14:15:03 +Google Play,Boots me off sometimes,4,2023-07-07 12:49:49 +Google Play,twitter but twitter but good,5,2023-07-07 13:28:50 +Google Play,New social media outlet,5,2023-07-09 23:53:00 +Google Play,However Twitter is beast,1,2023-07-09 11:07:19 +Google Play,Hope elon is proud!,3,2023-07-10 23:57:21 +Google Play,Best Copy Of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:52:26 +Google Play,Zero Privacy and Control 😞,1,2023-07-09 11:03:01 +Google Play,"Well, I'm here. Ain't I?",5,2023-07-10 01:43:25 +Google Play,Wow So amazing,5,2023-07-07 15:07:13 +Google Play,Worst user experience and boring user interface,1,2023-07-24 11:55:22 +Google Play,Better than Twitter fr 😄,5,2023-07-06 13:45:31 +Google Play,Great app I ever used on g play follow insta tayyabmasoodofficial,5,2023-07-06 07:47:54 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-10 21:09:19 +Google Play,My First Experience on Thread @. is 👍 G***,3,2023-07-11 09:39:36 +Google Play,best then twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:12:14 +Google Play,Sab aa jaao Threads per come 🫴 on fast ⏩,5,2023-07-06 23:02:09 +Google Play,I don't care how's this app. I just want to see end of Twitter,5,2023-07-09 03:43:21 +Google Play,Ahhh.. I'm having Twitter vibes 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂,5,2023-07-07 11:19:19 +Google Play,This best for everyone and easy use 👌,5,2023-07-07 14:06:17 +Google Play,Please increase my view traffic in Instagram I'd - @patel_editz_xyz,5,2023-07-11 06:26:35 +Google Play,My experience is good,5,2023-07-08 01:48:06 +Google Play,Here On The First Day Of Release (Writing For Future),5,2023-07-06 12:32:43 +Google Play,Similar to Twitter,4,2023-07-06 08:14:31 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg :- •Copied Reels Feature From Tik Tok . •Copied Story Feature From Snapchat •Copied Paid Blue Tick Idea From Elon Musk. •Copied Entire Twitter App And Made Threads . #markzuckerberg #Threads #Elon #ElonVSzuck #MuskVsZuck #ThreadsApp #Musk,3,2023-07-06 16:46:47 +Google Play,"It's owned by Zuckerberg, so nah",1,2023-07-06 19:31:11 +Google Play,Twitter best alternative.,5,2023-07-06 00:55:33 +Google Play,It's good app,5,2023-07-06 20:12:03 +Google Play,This app is so great I mean i love this app it's really good 👍,2,2023-07-07 08:13:38 +Google Play,"He's gathered 4 of the infinity stones.....we need to destroy the 5th before he gets his hands on it.....or SNAP, and Musk is no Thor. He might have a time machine tho? Idk.",5,2023-07-06 23:11:24 +Google Play,it's okay but when I found out about how I can't uninstall the app 😭,2,2023-07-23 17:30:07 +Google Play,Wastage of time (USELESS APP 👎),1,2023-07-06 19:16:49 +Google Play,It has neglected the importance of privacy by openly writing in terms that they can share our data to companies for further requirements or something..!,1,2023-07-06 08:51:28 +Google Play,So aku orang Malaysia pertama yang comment kat thread ni? 🇲🇾 ( I'm 1st Malaysian to comment and review here) ❗Subscribe my youtube channel (FakFitness) 😂,5,2023-07-06 07:28:08 +Google Play,My Instagram account hasn't been functioning well since I deactivated my threads account,1,2023-07-09 15:15:54 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg 1 Elon Musk 0,5,2023-07-06 17:34:53 +Google Play,There is no dark mode option and there is no difference at all,3,2023-07-06 10:53:25 +Google Play,This app was not good work because it is scam from Twitter? 3/10,1,2023-07-09 04:22:33 +Google Play,I like the app,5,2023-07-09 16:33:51 +Google Play,Too much data collected,1,2023-07-08 12:25:26 +Google Play,Useless. Literally twitter but worse.,1,2023-07-09 11:45:12 +Google Play,Like the app,5,2023-07-06 02:17:17 +Google Play,Please help me not like in,5,2023-07-08 03:52:08 +Google Play,Very cool app after long time,4,2023-07-07 18:41:21 +Google Play,Elon will flop after he took over Twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:46:38 +Google Play,Needs an Instagram account to login,1,2023-07-06 14:25:43 +Google Play,Growing followers Threads thanqu,1,2023-07-11 11:34:46 +Google Play,Nice threads vs Twitter 😁😁,5,2023-07-06 07:25:24 +Google Play,Very good and innovative app,5,2023-07-08 00:40:27 +Google Play,Awesome app very good makes Instagram easier 👍,5,2023-07-06 18:34:15 +Google Play,I wondering why two twitters if it's not e creater 😂😂,5,2023-07-07 12:38:21 +Google Play,Please delete my thread account 😔 This rating is given on behalf of Elon 😧.,1,2023-07-08 05:30:47 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 06:32:16 +Google Play,Best of luck 🤞,5,2023-07-07 21:11:39 +Google Play,"hate the algorithm, ain't no one likes my posts😒 plus the badge won't be removed from my Instagram acc tho I choose ""remove""",1,2023-07-09 18:05:51 +Google Play,Worst APP OF CENTURY,1,2023-07-06 19:24:03 +Google Play,Refuses to open.,1,2023-07-07 16:52:28 +Google Play,Sorry but I love elon musk,1,2023-07-09 23:38:07 +Google Play,Knocks the grin off Twitter's face,4,2023-07-06 12:47:14 +Google Play,Sucks that I can't delete without deleting my whole Instagram account.,1,2023-07-08 23:07:12 +Google Play,lol Copy and pasted,1,2023-07-11 14:02:45 +Google Play,I don't like copy cats. Nothing new. Better luck next time Zuckku☺️👍,1,2023-07-14 04:24:09 +Google Play,App is not opening in my device.i don't know why,1,2023-07-07 01:37:34 +Google Play,App won't even open,1,2023-07-06 09:31:04 +Google Play,No option to delete threads account without deleting instagram account.,1,2023-07-06 19:09:49 +Google Play,This is a very friendly usefully app,5,2023-07-07 14:39:36 +Google Play,Useless app.. no meaning of using this app.. this is made only to have some competition with Sir Elon Musk,1,2023-07-09 07:09:06 +Google Play,"I love Elon Musk ❤. So without installing or using it, giving 1 star ⭐ to this copycat 👇👇",1,2023-07-20 16:05:40 +Google Play,Not that much better,2,2023-07-14 05:34:24 +Google Play,Cant login. No option for forgotten password.,1,2023-07-08 12:44:30 +Google Play,Follow my page @seanmitchell_official,5,2023-07-07 17:56:39 +Google Play,Highly censored platform zero free speech.,1,2023-07-20 17:03:34 +Google Play,Best social app,5,2023-07-07 01:03:28 +Google Play,What u gonna do about Elon musk ?,5,2023-07-06 01:10:12 +Google Play,Cool app on G,4,2023-07-18 13:46:21 +Google Play,I heard this app was.good but can we have other sign in options?,4,2023-07-09 11:43:33 +Google Play,This low key not it if we're going to be honest. Twitter is still better.,2,2023-07-18 03:30:01 +Google Play,I am second review for this from Bangladesh FB Page: mujahide the little vloggar,4,2023-07-06 14:04:12 +Google Play,Work As Well......,5,2023-07-07 09:12:21 +Google Play,This aap so nice and peoples share experiences to friends and tweets,5,2023-07-06 01:02:48 +Google Play,I think this is a New social media but when I download it then I realise this is a clon of Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 15:49:47 +Google Play,Uninstalled in just 5 min due to lot of vulgarity poping up in your feeds,1,2023-07-08 17:41:18 +Google Play,Best of the best,5,2023-07-07 18:03:31 +Google Play,I LIKE THIS APP,5,2023-07-06 17:58:06 +Google Play,This app collecting so many datas including browsing data location everything be alert if any body use this application please read privacy policy,1,2023-07-22 16:16:34 +Google Play,This is best,5,2023-07-07 17:11:40 +Google Play,The New application sosmed,5,2023-07-10 16:02:42 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😊😍,5,2023-07-10 04:58:45 +Google Play,Love the thread's,5,2023-07-08 12:51:50 +Google Play,The Best App,5,2023-07-10 10:32:02 +Google Play,No way to use without an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 05:09:22 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 07:07:35 +Google Play,First somali download,5,2023-07-06 14:13:15 +Google Play,Afzal Khan good app,5,2023-07-07 11:27:18 +Google Play,Best Rivery against Twitter😂,5,2023-07-07 16:49:07 +Google Play,So far so Good 😊,5,2023-07-06 23:20:01 +Google Play,This app zucks,1,2023-07-05 23:17:44 +Google Play,Your first play store review 😁😁,5,2023-07-06 06:19:47 +Google Play,Super more than facebook,5,2023-07-07 10:24:37 +Google Play,Better than twitter 👌🏼❤😂,5,2023-07-06 12:37:58 +Google Play,Its more good,5,2023-07-06 09:41:39 +Google Play,Just like twitter,5,2023-07-07 13:51:21 +Google Play,Going to try it,5,2023-07-05 23:10:32 +Google Play,Good so far.,5,2023-07-06 01:51:37 +Google Play,Nice app nayab,5,2023-07-06 03:56:30 +Google Play,No news thread,1,2023-07-07 23:54:59 +Google Play,Disgusting copy paste of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 07:38:11 +Google Play,Copy paste from Twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-07 11:21:22 +Google Play,Like this app,4,2023-07-08 12:38:19 +Google Play,Best than Twitter🐦🐦,5,2023-07-06 18:27:43 +Google Play,Thredas app is a twitter killer,4,2023-07-06 15:55:01 +Google Play,Twitter for Instagram,5,2023-07-07 14:59:09 +Google Play,"Wanted to write, ""First!""",5,2023-07-06 04:28:51 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 11:07:44 +Google Play,Same like Twitter...,2,2023-07-06 10:20:24 +Google Play,"Mark Zuckerberg to Elon Musk - ""Kyu hila dala na"" 😂",4,2023-07-06 13:22:13 +Google Play,@chandankumar.360 👑 honest Review 💥💥,5,2023-07-06 08:49:51 +Google Play,"Now, I'm gonna uninstall Twitter😆.",5,2023-07-06 11:47:53 +Google Play,Twitter is trash,5,2023-07-06 05:20:15 +Google Play,I'm just following elon mask foot steps.,1,2023-07-07 01:22:19 +Google Play,Threads better than Twitter 🤯,5,2023-07-07 18:47:11 +Google Play,Bow bow bow,5,2023-07-06 09:57:13 +Google Play,Twitter better than Tread *musk😞,5,2023-07-07 05:32:31 +Google Play,On top of the world.,4,2023-07-07 14:54:23 +Google Play,Pls add Facebook login,1,2023-07-09 04:52:37 +Google Play,new innovative social.,5,2023-07-07 20:16:41 +Google Play,Let's start threading.🧵,5,2023-07-06 03:14:52 +Google Play,Twitter but better,5,2023-07-06 12:54:02 +Google Play,End of Twitter!,5,2023-07-06 05:52:58 +Google Play,Twitter for Instagram,4,2023-07-06 02:07:09 +Google Play,Same as Twitter's,5,2023-07-07 06:56:03 +Google Play,Copy hai lekin thik hai love this threads,5,2023-07-07 05:12:00 +Google Play,Cool for now...,4,2023-07-07 11:07:22 +Google Play,Not annoying asf like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 03:52:15 +Google Play,Best From Starting,5,2023-07-07 09:13:07 +Google Play,Hey wellcome new platform I am from Bangladesh And you?,5,2023-07-06 19:25:32 +Google Play,Best then Twitter,5,2023-07-09 11:27:20 +Google Play,Privacy and censorship concerns,1,2023-07-09 14:14:21 +Google Play,Twitter successfully deleted.😊🔥💯,5,2023-07-06 06:36:42 +Google Play,Request data that i delete,5,2023-07-07 07:17:04 +Google Play,This will distroy Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 20:36:40 +Google Play,Zuck's garbage app,1,2023-07-07 08:34:32 +Google Play,"Zuck punch elon in threads, next Zuck punch elon in Octagon",5,2023-07-06 04:03:14 +Google Play,Sathiskar Gokulakrishnan. First Review,4,2023-07-06 18:02:41 +Google Play,Threads should have dm option!,4,2023-07-09 04:56:34 +Google Play,Just figuring it out,5,2023-07-06 10:51:03 +Google Play,Replacement of Twitter?,5,2023-07-06 05:52:18 +Google Play,literally you can't dm other people,3,2023-07-07 20:47:33 +Google Play,copy twitter +paste = threads,1,2023-07-07 08:38:17 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-07 02:53:03 +Google Play,Hello and welcome.. Let's thread!,5,2023-07-06 06:07:16 +Google Play,Yeah..pretty good,5,2023-07-07 08:40:31 +Google Play,Introduce night mode,4,2023-07-06 09:51:12 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-08 09:51:57 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter 🐦🐦,5,2023-07-07 12:41:48 +Google Play,Fresh but familiar,5,2023-07-07 07:13:31 +Google Play,I want Deactivate Option.,1,2023-07-07 18:02:42 +Google Play,It's glichy,1,2023-07-08 04:15:41 +Google Play,First thing .... I lovveeee it,5,2023-07-06 00:24:20 +Google Play,Follow Ronaldo and messi,5,2023-07-06 11:05:04 +Google Play,without DM is better,5,2023-07-06 11:13:33 +Google Play,It's good. 💋,5,2023-07-05 23:36:17 +Google Play,Competate to twitter,5,2023-07-09 16:48:20 +Google Play,Better than Twitter ❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:44:28 +Google Play,Helping families shop & buy from the factory store.,5,2023-07-09 18:20:42 +Google Play,Copy from twitter 🤧,1,2023-07-06 12:06:09 +Google Play,bohot glicht hai bhai new update ke bad install kro nhi to time waste net waste,1,2023-07-08 06:56:00 +Google Play,I will not Start my thread,3,2023-07-07 09:10:28 +Google Play,Idk lol it's my first review pay me insta upi id:- paramveerocata@fam 🤣😂🤘,5,2023-07-06 10:21:58 +Google Play,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:18:16 +Google Play,stop copying zucc,1,2023-07-07 19:50:15 +Google Play,Amazing alt Twitter,5,2023-07-08 16:22:59 +Google Play,We need the dark mode,5,2023-07-08 07:51:57 +Google Play,Nice to have ..,4,2023-07-07 04:20:37 +Google Play,Twitter left play storr,5,2023-07-06 14:03:08 +Google Play,I want to delet MY ACCOUNT 📢📢📢,1,2023-07-09 06:54:37 +Google Play,elon musk is now getting roasted lol,5,2023-07-06 11:17:01 +Google Play,Just loving it❤️😍,5,2023-07-07 12:04:28 +Google Play,Predatory data collection,1,2023-07-08 19:41:10 +Google Play,It's Amazing,5,2023-07-06 15:01:55 +Google Play,Wow so nice,5,2023-07-06 08:28:08 +Google Play,History. Its been made,5,2023-07-06 05:58:05 +Google Play,Follow me on threads Chaitanya_official____,5,2023-07-06 16:19:51 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-07 00:45:17 +Google Play,5M in a day !,5,2023-07-06 16:58:48 +Google Play,"Mnush ami ekta, eto app kokhn use korbo",3,2023-07-07 09:20:10 +Google Play,First Nigeria to comment here 😂😂😂 check me @9BC,5,2023-07-07 17:41:11 +Google Play,Wow nice good 👍,5,2023-07-07 09:41:13 +Google Play,Twitter? What the hell is that,5,2023-07-09 00:15:20 +Google Play,Has issue on viewing lives,4,2023-07-06 13:35:42 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 15:48:54 +Google Play,How do you see quote?,4,2023-07-06 06:54:47 +Google Play,Best Infront of Twitter 🙂,5,2023-07-06 01:51:19 +Google Play,Vary nice app,5,2023-07-09 14:36:32 +Google Play,The Waste Product,1,2023-07-07 13:06:04 +Google Play,Love your app😘,5,2023-07-07 12:24:32 +Google Play,I love ❤️ it,5,2023-07-06 18:09:37 +Google Play,Lost 20k follow request,1,2023-07-07 18:50:16 +Google Play,I will use and review later,5,2023-07-06 10:09:16 +Google Play,We want themes here too,2,2023-07-08 10:08:22 +Google Play,Please grow my instagram account ❤❤❤❤❤,5,2023-07-05 23:57:26 +Google Play,Elon is not here 👍,4,2023-07-06 14:44:40 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 16:08:35 +Google Play,A privacy nightmare,1,2023-07-06 04:41:04 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 01:17:56 +Google Play,You cannot enter,1,2023-07-08 20:15:51 +Google Play,will flash back,3,2023-07-07 10:20:55 +Google Play,same as Twitter,3,2023-07-08 08:01:58 +Google Play,This is Twitter copy 🥲,5,2023-07-06 00:05:14 +Google Play,Yet to experience,1,2023-07-06 09:45:45 +Google Play,Threads is Good,5,2023-07-07 07:08:01 +Google Play,Far-left propaganda,1,2023-07-06 19:06:52 +Google Play,I think it's a good 😊,5,2023-07-07 11:07:57 +Google Play,Travis yo-yo 2023 threads best than twitter,5,2023-07-06 21:16:22 +Google Play,It's is good,5,2023-07-07 17:50:53 +Google Play,Nice twiter app,5,2023-07-06 05:01:25 +Google Play,In my profile coming glitch coming,5,2023-07-07 14:46:56 +Google Play,Congralutation on the new plataform in Mark Zuckerberg ❤️ Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️,5,2023-07-07 16:00:15 +Google Play,Dark mode? Cmon Zuck!,1,2023-07-06 02:10:33 +Google Play,It's to new yet,5,2023-07-07 17:24:04 +Google Play,Amazing social experience,5,2023-07-06 13:45:51 +Google Play,I'm looking for it 👀,5,2023-07-06 11:58:24 +Google Play,Twitter Copy. BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!,1,2023-07-09 05:43:52 +Google Play,Copying twitter Homework ic,1,2023-07-07 08:31:33 +Google Play,Not bad so far,4,2023-07-09 20:19:43 +Google Play,It food start,5,2023-07-07 11:57:44 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 16:03:50 +Google Play,I love my twitter account.,1,2023-07-08 19:27:41 +Google Play,I choose Threads over Twitter,5,2023-07-09 09:00:52 +Google Play,Copy of Instagram,1,2023-07-08 11:45:28 +Google Play,This is bakwas app,1,2023-07-07 12:40:07 +Google Play,Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-07 06:33:55 +Google Play,Don't know what I'm doing at the Thread today.,3,2023-07-07 08:05:21 +Google Play,I don't hate it,5,2023-07-08 23:31:00 +Google Play,Same as twitter,3,2023-07-07 03:57:41 +Google Play,piece of hit.,1,2023-07-07 16:45:29 +Google Play,Good social site,5,2023-07-06 15:21:45 +Google Play,Just like Twitter 😂,3,2023-07-06 09:56:40 +Google Play,Best aap threads,5,2023-07-07 13:38:15 +Google Play,So i just giving review be one of early 1000 Reviewers,5,2023-07-06 12:16:26 +Google Play,Now in trend✨,5,2023-07-07 08:54:09 +Google Play,Better then twitter,5,2023-07-09 13:47:10 +Google Play,Thanks Zuck for 🧶 Elon ka 🪡 khol diya 😜,4,2023-07-08 02:54:45 +Google Play,There's a bug,1,2023-07-08 06:45:38 +Google Play,One is better 😉.,5,2023-07-07 15:16:49 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-06 09:30:12 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-08 13:52:35 +Google Play,So far so good,4,2023-07-07 00:33:45 +Google Play,Elon musk wants to know your location,1,2023-07-06 18:55:59 +Google Play,I don't have Insta account 😑,1,2023-07-07 17:25:23 +Google Play,My Comfort Zone,5,2023-07-08 14:48:36 +Google Play,This could kill twitter,5,2023-07-07 22:20:02 +Google Play,Nice Apk am now an Influencer 😂,5,2023-07-07 13:37:31 +Google Play,So far So good 👍😊,5,2023-07-07 21:52:15 +Google Play,Elon ain't on here,5,2023-07-06 14:44:22 +Google Play,Battle of billionaires and people are affected by that,3,2023-07-05 23:36:32 +Google Play,I will try it.,3,2023-07-07 13:48:17 +Google Play,Very Nice ❤️‍🔥⚡,5,2023-07-07 18:04:02 +Google Play,I think 🤔🤔 this can beat Twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:31:32 +Google Play,Trend bi show hona chaheye,5,2023-07-09 02:30:34 +Google Play,System h Bhai system 😏😏😏,4,2023-07-06 09:36:39 +Google Play,It will be more than others,5,2023-07-06 08:42:40 +Google Play,bhaigadwaali Say hii to me there threaders,5,2023-07-06 12:51:03 +Google Play,Disgusting copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 21:48:10 +Google Play,Copy cat of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 03:02:26 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 09:24:54 +Google Play,Is freedom of speech exists here?,2,2023-07-06 01:40:36 +Google Play,Let the sh&#t begins.,5,2023-07-06 13:23:15 +Google Play,Its pretty cool,5,2023-07-07 20:26:50 +Google Play,1st Person to Download xd,5,2023-07-06 11:25:16 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-09 20:57:35 +Google Play,Am I the first ??,5,2023-07-06 05:48:32 +Google Play,Good job Elon Musk👍,4,2023-07-07 12:30:19 +Google Play,I'm under the water🙂,3,2023-07-06 07:50:36 +Google Play,For Twitter. #TeamElonMusk,1,2023-07-07 18:50:51 +Google Play,Where is the Legends? Cristiano Ronaldo,1,2023-07-08 20:20:23 +Google Play,Mrk bro where is opening party 🎉?,5,2023-07-07 18:47:19 +Google Play,A twitter rivalry,5,2023-07-06 12:56:22 +Google Play,It's Amazing,5,2023-07-07 08:04:51 +Google Play,JusT I don't like,2,2023-07-07 13:43:43 +Google Play,I think Twitter (elon musk)will revenge soon 🤞😂,1,2023-07-07 18:33:34 +Google Play,I'm exploring right now,4,2023-07-07 06:41:00 +Google Play,How is it difference Twitter?,3,2023-07-08 18:07:50 +Google Play,Ahh loving this thread,5,2023-07-07 00:29:15 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-06 07:51:52 +Google Play,Twitter killer (Finally),5,2023-07-07 00:42:40 +Google Play,"Start using, let's see",5,2023-07-06 19:44:45 +Google Play,Thank you Mark joker but.,5,2023-07-06 11:08:33 +Google Play,Copy paste from CNN,1,2023-07-09 09:53:53 +Google Play,I don't know Because I am a Pakistani🇵🇰 😹,4,2023-07-07 05:21:28 +Google Play,It's so so,1,2023-07-10 09:36:50 +Google Play,My best app,5,2023-07-07 02:45:03 +Google Play,Hope for Good,5,2023-07-06 10:11:11 +Google Play,Give us dark mode 💀💀💀,3,2023-07-15 22:58:06 +Google Play,No reviews yet? 😂,3,2023-07-06 21:46:58 +Google Play,I am first I am first 🥇,5,2023-07-07 11:42:57 +Google Play,Welcome to Threads,5,2023-07-06 06:57:56 +Google Play,Hi I'm aakash from India 🇮🇳 ☺,5,2023-07-06 02:29:50 +Google Play,First comment/review!,5,2023-07-06 00:10:42 +Google Play,first review on threads gg twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:10:12 +Google Play,I am supporting Elon Musk,5,2023-07-08 03:56:34 +Google Play,"No hashtag, no NSFW",3,2023-07-07 09:33:43 +Google Play,Insta + Twitter = Threads 🙆,5,2023-07-07 05:45:21 +Google Play,Copy past twitter,3,2023-07-10 22:12:54 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-14 19:38:38 +Google Play,Twitter Compititer has come,5,2023-07-06 16:56:41 +Google Play,Twitter crying for your app🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 17:16:16 +Google Play,You stole this app,1,2023-07-11 23:02:11 +Google Play,Wrost app ever,1,2023-07-14 02:13:06 +Google Play,Who needs twitter,4,2023-07-11 20:29:11 +Google Play,I will see..,4,2023-07-07 15:34:32 +Google Play,I can't review comments under my posts,1,2023-07-17 22:55:05 +Google Play,zuck awsome project,5,2023-07-07 12:56:55 +Google Play,Good 😊😊 Batter tn 😋,5,2023-07-08 12:34:16 +Google Play,Threads is a replacement of Twitter,5,2023-07-05 23:35:12 +Google Play,This is so past past,3,2023-07-07 14:45:24 +Google Play,Replaced Twitter for Me.,5,2023-07-21 21:39:37 +Google Play,IDK what to say ;),5,2023-07-10 15:23:37 +Google Play,It's okay ig,3,2023-07-05 23:36:12 +Google Play,WE WANT PRIVACY LIZARD,1,2023-07-08 18:23:11 +Google Play,I can't follow anyone,2,2023-07-09 05:17:45 +Google Play,The same of Twitter,3,2023-07-11 16:30:22 +Google Play,It smells like eggs,5,2023-07-06 21:52:25 +Google Play,It's kinda promising,5,2023-07-06 14:34:00 +Google Play,please destroy twitter,5,2023-07-08 21:35:16 +Google Play,mark zuckerberg Using CTRL-C nd V 😂,1,2023-07-07 07:38:26 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:58:54 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:54:00 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 06:51:32 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 10:16:55 +Google Play,Better than Twitter🐦,5,2023-07-06 11:23:27 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-09 11:42:01 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 15:06:55 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😀,5,2023-07-06 08:26:27 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:43:11 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🥱👍,5,2023-07-07 09:59:06 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 07:23:55 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:19:00 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 04:01:48 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 01:28:56 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:30:13 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:27:47 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-09 04:47:49 +Google Play,I can't find my crush here!,1,2023-07-06 21:07:59 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🤠,5,2023-07-12 18:06:19 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-13 13:53:09 +Google Play,Twitter on top,1,2023-07-07 17:42:20 +Google Play,LOWEST APP EVER,1,2023-07-22 14:30:54 +Google Play,Twitter vs threads Super 👌,5,2023-07-08 05:46:17 +Google Play,better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 17:01:54 +Google Play,Good Bye 👋 Twitter 🖤,5,2023-07-05 23:50:05 +Google Play,"Twitter:Cttrl c , ctrl v",1,2023-07-11 03:47:32 +Google Play,Serves me better 😁,4,2023-07-12 12:45:29 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,2,2023-07-06 20:17:44 +Google Play,I am just start this plz followe me @pandav_ankit_ 👉followe me fast,5,2023-07-07 09:43:39 +Google Play,Gonna love it,5,2023-07-06 14:46:11 +Google Play,Let me check first how it works.,4,2023-07-06 16:50:15 +Google Play,Batter to Instagram,5,2023-07-07 16:53:43 +Google Play,5⭐ for Mark,5,2023-07-07 07:22:39 +Google Play,Just another Twitter,3,2023-07-06 06:20:43 +Google Play,Not bad Let's see 😁,5,2023-07-06 16:51:40 +Google Play,More fimilier than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:24:50 +Google Play,An ugly copy of twitter.,1,2023-07-15 17:50:26 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter?,1,2023-07-11 15:10:27 +Google Play,Zuck you are a great man 😁🤭🤭,4,2023-07-08 13:46:38 +Google Play,DAY 1 BABYYYYYYYY 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🎉,5,2023-07-07 12:05:44 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,4,2023-07-07 20:45:08 +Google Play,Twitter is best 👌,1,2023-07-07 15:12:24 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-11 18:25:40 +Google Play,Vary nice app,5,2023-07-10 08:53:34 +Google Play,Twitter non pta approved,1,2023-07-08 16:37:43 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,4,2023-07-07 22:12:29 +Google Play,Vary good 👍 app,5,2023-07-08 10:06:44 +Google Play,Mind blowing app lakini haina dm,5,2023-07-08 11:52:01 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter 😅❤️⚡,5,2023-07-06 10:13:34 +Google Play,Hi threads.... I am from Bangladesh 🇧🇩💝,5,2023-07-06 17:49:00 +Google Play,Abb iss app se ak girlfriend to de do 🥲💔,5,2023-07-12 18:25:30 +Google Play,Very nice your 👍,5,2023-07-09 14:33:10 +Google Play,I AM FIRST 🥇 PERSON IN MY VILLAGE TO DOWNLOAD THIS AAP,1,2023-07-08 02:02:30 +Google Play,It looks funr,5,2023-07-07 06:29:49 +Google Play,Why my post is failed 😡,1,2023-07-07 09:54:00 +Google Play,Same as twitter😂,4,2023-07-06 09:23:18 +Google Play,I have no words ❤️,5,2023-07-07 10:19:02 +Google Play,Syber War with Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk 😂 Twitter v/s Threads 🤣 Let's see who won the game 😂😂 জয় বাংলা!,1,2023-07-06 04:39:42 +Google Play,Elon musk... Don't cry,3,2023-07-07 03:22:28 +Google Play,best. BETTER THAN TWITTER,5,2023-07-06 13:46:26 +Google Play,Is pay blue tick kisay lgye. Ga plz tell me,5,2023-07-07 11:05:39 +Google Play,Let's wait & see,4,2023-07-09 14:17:00 +Google Play,Poor Copy of Twitter 😂😂,1,2023-07-06 14:44:08 +Google Play,I want Threads lite,3,2023-07-06 04:05:30 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter Our king 👑 Elon Musk,1,2023-07-18 10:14:25 +Google Play,Dark Mode please,5,2023-07-06 08:27:19 +Google Play,Just like a Twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:00:39 +Google Play,Tq for making @THREADS ❤��🥰🤗😎,5,2023-07-06 15:06:32 +Google Play,Will you replace Elon?,5,2023-07-09 05:17:21 +Google Play,Bring the top G back,1,2023-07-06 14:48:37 +Google Play,Better than tweet,4,2023-07-06 08:47:37 +Google Play,i got a bug,1,2023-07-06 23:11:47 +Google Play,Update this spp,5,2023-07-13 13:36:17 +Google Play,WE SMOKING THAT TWITTER PACK ⚰️⚰️⚰️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️,5,2023-07-07 13:27:36 +Google Play,Who zuck good you Thread app what ?,5,2023-07-07 05:28:59 +Google Play,I'm loving 😍 it,5,2023-07-06 14:36:26 +Google Play,Copycat what's up bruh,1,2023-07-10 19:34:10 +Google Play,something new ig..,5,2023-07-06 07:41:22 +Google Play,It's okay now,4,2023-07-08 09:03:21 +Google Play,Experience was good,5,2023-07-07 15:21:59 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:06:37 +Google Play,Please add reels future 🙏,4,2023-07-07 18:01:50 +Google Play,It was good,5,2023-07-06 12:10:45 +Google Play,Account got suspended,1,2023-07-17 17:18:58 +Google Play,Not just safe,1,2023-07-09 08:40:04 +Google Play,Its tooo buggy,1,2023-07-06 15:58:20 +Google Play,Woah the first review,5,2023-07-05 23:01:13 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-09 09:52:07 +Google Play,10k follow Like 10k Comment 10k,5,2023-07-06 10:42:09 +Google Play,Elon sends his regards,1,2023-07-07 19:05:18 +Google Play,I can use it☹️,4,2023-07-06 21:00:57 +Google Play,Threads be like : jalwa hai hamara download,5,2023-07-10 15:05:44 +Google Play,Competitor of Twitter,5,2023-07-07 10:59:47 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:32:42 +Google Play,Who had come to see elon musk comment click on yes,1,2023-07-13 05:44:46 +Google Play,Is very good 👍,5,2023-07-06 20:17:16 +Google Play,the 1st to review it 😅,4,2023-07-06 08:28:52 +Google Play,It's aight,5,2023-07-08 01:26:00 +Google Play,better than twit,5,2023-07-06 13:01:10 +Google Play,Go follow PremoSounds....,5,2023-07-06 02:14:41 +Google Play,Great with imran khan,5,2023-07-08 12:48:42 +Google Play,Best slap to elon tiny pp musk,5,2023-07-11 12:32:38 +Google Play,Ctrl+c+v Twitter,4,2023-07-06 15:37:38 +Google Play,"Go Mark, Go🔥",5,2023-07-06 04:34:21 +Google Play,I don't have insta ac idiots idea,2,2023-07-06 06:20:51 +Google Play,ମୋ ବାଳ app ଟା video ଆସୁନି ଝିଅ ନାଚୁ ନାହାନ୍ତି ଛି,1,2023-07-08 07:36:23 +Google Play,It's too bad,1,2023-07-10 12:53:50 +Google Play,Let's create threads 🔥,5,2023-07-06 18:14:51 +Google Play,It's boring,1,2023-07-14 14:51:54 +Google Play,Did not met expectations...,1,2023-07-08 16:49:11 +Google Play,Such a wannabe Elon musk 😂😂😂,1,2023-07-23 10:41:46 +Google Play,I am the first person For review ❣️❣️❣️ From India,5,2023-07-06 12:03:38 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 20:11:56 +Google Play,please add massage,1,2023-07-17 05:09:11 +Google Play,Alternative Of Twitter,5,2023-07-11 09:59:48 +Google Play,A copy 🐈‍⬛️ of Twitter,1,2023-07-21 11:33:59 +Google Play,Upto now good,5,2023-07-06 13:01:25 +Google Play,Twitter death in thread application,5,2023-07-06 18:23:29 +Google Play,It's gonna die bro,1,2023-07-06 21:25:37 +Google Play,I support Elon Musk,1,2023-07-11 17:38:02 +Google Play,Nice so far,5,2023-07-07 22:41:25 +Google Play,Nice App Zuck Bro,5,2023-07-09 11:00:06 +Google Play,threads of fate 👎,1,2023-07-07 00:27:47 +Google Play,I am enjoying freedom,4,2023-07-07 12:33:51 +Google Play,My threads was so hanging,2,2023-07-10 06:25:55 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩,5,2023-07-06 05:30:56 +Google Play,I likes Twitter🐦🐦,1,2023-07-06 16:09:59 +Google Play,New Facebook sucks,1,2023-07-08 16:22:26 +Google Play,The father of twitter..✌🏻,5,2023-07-09 14:41:03 +Google Play,Ukraine will win,5,2023-07-06 07:01:23 +Google Play,What Twitter wants to be,5,2023-07-09 12:08:21 +Google Play,Elon musk did so do i,1,2023-07-08 14:30:36 +Google Play,It will overcome Twitter,5,2023-07-07 05:41:58 +Google Play,So fa so Good 😊,5,2023-07-06 10:12:54 +Google Play,Twitter is like o my god 😂,5,2023-07-07 04:59:50 +Google Play,I am waiting for Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk 😂 in UFC,5,2023-07-07 08:53:24 +Google Play,Better than MUSK,5,2023-07-06 09:57:12 +Google Play,Hi so the best,5,2023-07-09 05:52:15 +Google Play,Give a massege Box,3,2023-07-09 07:34:38 +Google Play,I love Twitter ❤️.,1,2023-07-06 20:40:13 +Google Play,Threads is the future,5,2023-07-08 14:23:41 +Google Play,Honestly W app,5,2023-07-06 12:04:31 +Google Play,It is good 👍,5,2023-07-06 09:53:35 +Google Play,The Best One,5,2023-07-09 19:08:29 +Google Play,It's not have Dm forever ??,5,2023-07-08 11:37:00 +Google Play,Twitter version of mark jukarbark😃🥲,3,2023-07-08 02:08:40 +Google Play,Loving threads already,5,2023-07-06 16:11:32 +Google Play,Oh 😱😱 amazing aap 😊😊😊,5,2023-07-11 06:41:45 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter......,5,2023-07-19 09:17:45 +Google Play,God Experience! New,5,2023-07-06 01:26:00 +Google Play,İt's is stolen by twitter,1,2023-07-07 09:09:52 +Google Play,Better then Twitter 😅,5,2023-07-14 09:01:43 +Google Play,No instagram goite 🙅,1,2023-07-12 16:56:55 +Google Play,Same as Twitter 🐦🤐,1,2023-07-14 06:56:57 +Google Play,A new time waster,1,2023-07-16 11:52:09 +Google Play,Lag in My device,1,2023-07-06 12:47:23 +Google Play,Is this twitter 😒,1,2023-07-09 15:55:18 +Google Play,Restricted NSFW unlike Twitter.,1,2023-07-13 11:34:25 +Google Play,The app and feature that no one needed and no one asked for.,1,2023-07-06 11:27:15 +Google Play,A copied idea,1,2023-07-07 18:19:36 +Google Play,Hit up the skill of Twitter@@@@@,1,2023-07-10 16:07:38 +Google Play,Which is best thing,4,2023-07-13 03:31:24 +Google Play,Not primium as Twitter,1,2023-07-06 17:32:54 +Google Play,Land she bura app he ok kissne ok banaya ok hai mudosshama,1,2023-07-10 00:23:13 +Google Play,Good for now,5,2023-07-15 03:09:14 +Google Play,Their ii so glitch,1,2023-07-10 02:00:50 +Google Play,Experience batter 😉 reels missing,5,2023-07-07 10:36:35 +Google Play,Twitter for tankies,1,2023-07-13 23:54:35 +Google Play,Leave Twitter this is app,5,2023-07-06 13:39:31 +Google Play,I love threads 😍,5,2023-07-06 06:18:25 +Google Play,Tamil letter logo கு 😀,5,2023-07-06 07:34:11 +Google Play,Hi 👋 I'm here dear zunk,5,2023-07-06 17:18:31 +Google Play,King of kings,5,2023-07-08 03:32:35 +Google Play,I am the first review 😈🤑😱🔥,5,2023-07-05 23:02:51 +Google Play,Just to troll twitter,5,2023-07-06 21:10:20 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 22:56:29 +Google Play,Free Blue tick de do,5,2023-07-07 15:49:11 +Google Play,Spot on zuck!,5,2023-07-08 13:36:53 +Google Play,Clear of twitter,5,2023-07-07 17:13:14 +Google Play,Just for the sake of the first review,4,2023-07-06 07:31:34 +Google Play,I support Elon Musk,1,2023-07-10 19:10:09 +Google Play,it keeps laging,1,2023-07-07 14:41:59 +Google Play,Also Can't find a girlfriend here,1,2023-07-06 18:54:53 +Google Play,Good Very good,5,2023-07-17 16:53:44 +Google Play,This is op app,5,2023-07-08 02:15:50 +Google Play,Not so good,1,2023-07-08 03:50:49 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 11:45:56 +Google Play,Bohot jabarjast app hai bro,5,2023-07-07 19:38:13 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😂😂,4,2023-07-06 17:38:47 +Google Play,I'm reviewer from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️,5,2023-07-07 16:52:40 +Google Play,Homer Simpson's ear 💯,5,2023-07-09 19:51:29 +Google Play,I am new here.i will see i will say.,1,2023-07-06 07:50:53 +Google Play,It's great af. Better than twitter.,5,2023-07-07 01:10:55 +Google Play,Add dark theme,5,2023-07-08 13:27:28 +Google Play,Ok for now,3,2023-07-07 12:51:40 +Google Play,better then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:03:11 +Google Play,Unbelievable app mark Zuckerberg bro,5,2023-07-06 12:30:51 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-15 05:13:02 +Google Play,Twitter rip off,1,2023-07-06 21:59:02 +Google Play,Good 👍😊 I from Morocco,5,2023-07-06 15:01:21 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😑,1,2023-07-08 04:06:49 +Google Play,I want car mr.zuckerberg 😊,5,2023-07-06 15:28:36 +Google Play,I love threads!,5,2023-07-14 04:18:53 +Google Play,Fabulous app lmao jk,3,2023-07-06 09:24:48 +Google Play,Make a chat,3,2023-07-08 14:53:10 +Google Play,I'm loving it,5,2023-07-06 10:02:04 +Google Play,Not so liked,1,2023-07-08 02:16:39 +Google Play,Twitter rip-off Enough said,3,2023-07-06 02:14:12 +Google Play,Made in China twitter,1,2023-07-07 06:03:25 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 04:17:50 +Google Play,There is no Dm 🥺,1,2023-07-11 09:59:23 +Google Play,Well done ..team,5,2023-07-07 03:51:49 +Google Play,Nice app sir,5,2023-07-07 11:18:27 +Google Play,A worse twitter,1,2023-07-06 17:49:47 +Google Play,Good For Future,5,2023-07-07 15:53:08 +Google Play,Copy of twitter .,1,2023-07-09 21:27:33 +Google Play,Love You Threads Goodbye Twitter🤩,5,2023-07-06 05:46:02 +Google Play,Its like Twitter...👀,5,2023-07-06 07:00:40 +Google Play,Good than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:56:28 +Google Play,Can Be Better,5,2023-07-24 04:42:21 +Google Play,OK 👍 I am going going going going on with you and you can,5,2023-07-08 08:17:00 +Google Play,Scam of they ever,1,2023-07-09 06:00:35 +Google Play,Elon Musk didn't like it😶,3,2023-07-07 11:51:58 +Google Play,CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP.,1,2023-07-14 07:48:45 +Google Play,@aawasthivlog nice application,4,2023-07-06 19:29:29 +Google Play,Copy paste Twitter,1,2023-07-22 12:02:28 +Google Play,One word. Zuck,1,2023-07-19 21:53:12 +Google Play,I am saying Weldon mark,5,2023-07-07 00:50:58 +Google Play,I am first downloader of threats🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-07 10:43:03 +Google Play,Hi.. Threads 😁 how are you today?,5,2023-07-08 15:58:30 +Google Play,PURE COPY! OF TWITTER 🙋🏻‍♂️,5,2023-07-06 10:06:19 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk 😂😂 acha hai maja aaega 😁,5,2023-07-07 07:09:36 +Google Play,"YFgtd xxx,bN ?7][[]°] a=™^®√√©÷÷vij. U mnl",2,2023-07-24 03:57:36 +Google Play,Let's destroy Twitter 😎,4,2023-07-07 19:36:09 +Google Play,So bad app,1,2023-07-10 04:01:37 +Google Play,Twitter bye bye 👋👋,5,2023-07-06 09:51:13 +Google Play,Nice your app,5,2023-07-06 10:23:22 +Google Play,Thanks God Alhamdulillah Masha Allaah,3,2023-07-11 09:12:29 +Google Play,Zuck u are the goat🐐🔥,5,2023-07-07 19:08:28 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-16 12:03:24 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😁,5,2023-07-07 12:37:47 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:16:33 +Google Play,Zuckerberg new world hack 😂,3,2023-07-06 09:32:46 +Google Play,Please give some million followers,5,2023-07-14 23:50:06 +Google Play,Copy paste twitter 😁😁,1,2023-07-22 07:26:33 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😺,1,2023-07-07 18:11:21 +Google Play,Yeah .. it's not bad,4,2023-07-07 17:59:44 +Google Play,This app sucks,1,2023-07-08 11:02:03 +Google Play,Her we go Congratulations 👏👏,5,2023-07-08 09:51:29 +Google Play,Best than tweet,5,2023-07-07 09:34:51 +Google Play,Downloaded after Dhoni birthday post,5,2023-07-08 14:15:18 +Google Play,TWITTER PART 2,5,2023-07-06 00:40:41 +Google Play,This app > Twitter,5,2023-07-06 22:30:11 +Google Play,Lets do thread -ing now😁😀,5,2023-07-06 20:27:30 +Google Play,A copy of Twitter app,3,2023-07-07 18:08:24 +Google Play,Disapointing by meta 😞,1,2023-07-19 17:33:37 +Google Play,Zuck saved the world!,5,2023-07-07 11:06:17 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:12:15 +Google Play,Worse than Twitter,1,2023-07-12 15:18:41 +Google Play,Looks like twitter clone,2,2023-07-10 04:18:26 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😁,1,2023-07-06 11:49:07 +Google Play,Bye bird app!!,5,2023-07-06 05:15:18 +Google Play,r father of Twitter,5,2023-07-09 17:53:38 +Google Play,Thread to Twitter 💥💥💥,5,2023-07-06 11:32:08 +Google Play,The new thing,5,2023-07-08 00:51:45 +Google Play,But something is missing,4,2023-07-07 09:16:13 +Google Play,Threads Vs Twitter Interesting Battle Lets See Who Win...,5,2023-07-07 04:07:03 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-14 04:19:27 +Google Play,Give me blue mark,5,2023-07-23 11:29:16 +Google Play,How to verify threads?,3,2023-07-11 15:49:17 +Google Play,angry at Elon :D,5,2023-07-06 15:08:21 +Google Play,Ga 6 digit 🥹,4,2023-07-06 07:47:50 +Google Play,Please provide DM,5,2023-07-08 09:13:42 +Google Play,India's twitter,5,2023-07-08 11:32:49 +Google Play,Threads app me gilich problem ho Rahi hai,1,2023-07-07 16:34:35 +Google Play,Plagiarism of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 06:29:24 +Google Play,Nice. F elon,5,2023-07-06 09:36:37 +Google Play,Die bird app,5,2023-07-06 01:50:17 +Google Play,Copy paste of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 05:33:14 +Google Play,I love twitthreads,4,2023-07-07 04:57:47 +Google Play,Instagram s baby 🍼,1,2023-07-06 11:42:44 +Google Play,I'm be happy 😊😊,5,2023-07-06 10:13:31 +Google Play,Add Dark mood option Please,2,2023-07-07 09:22:41 +Google Play,I'm with Elon,1,2023-07-13 04:45:23 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-21 21:10:36 +Google Play,Bye bye Twitter,5,2023-07-06 04:55:44 +Google Play,Nice app hai,5,2023-07-11 10:09:47 +Google Play,bro copied twitter..🤔😆,1,2023-07-11 11:14:41 +Google Play,Kinda twitter dump account,5,2023-07-07 16:21:56 +Google Play,FIRST TO REVIEW,5,2023-07-06 00:18:02 +Google Play,I am love it,5,2023-07-13 15:56:22 +Google Play,Good not bad,5,2023-07-07 18:54:28 +Google Play,Let use it and see,4,2023-07-06 23:09:30 +Google Play,Sick. Twitter is dead.,5,2023-07-07 02:06:05 +Google Play,@iam_mohaddis_07 follow my Instagram account all,5,2023-07-07 10:15:19 +Google Play,i threadit till i till i i i thread it,5,2023-07-06 16:36:05 +Google Play,Let's begin,5,2023-07-08 09:37:27 +Google Play,We e3ee33 2,5,2023-07-24 02:48:41 +Google Play,Its the same of Twitter bruh,1,2023-07-06 22:35:20 +Google Play,I am facing glich,1,2023-07-06 18:39:26 +Google Play,Elon musk is crying in the corner #justice for elon,1,2023-07-06 21:43:21 +Google Play,Twitter is gone dude☠️☠️,5,2023-07-08 16:07:12 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😡😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-07 17:45:28 +Google Play,Soon win against twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:37:59 +Google Play,MUCH BETTER THAN TWITTER,5,2023-07-07 15:02:54 +Google Play,Harder than twitter 😂🔥🔥,5,2023-07-08 16:43:19 +Google Play,Please add reels,5,2023-07-06 11:31:41 +Google Play,First one to write a review,5,2023-07-06 14:44:54 +Google Play,I like this AAP,5,2023-07-08 11:04:51 +Google Play,Bhai Threads app ke owner Agar mujhe famous karoge to mai tumhe 1 rs Dunga.?,5,2023-07-07 15:21:19 +Google Play,Copy paste zukku burger 🍔,1,2023-07-08 19:38:59 +Google Play,plz give me download option,5,2023-07-08 19:30:21 +Google Play,Elon musk is crying,3,2023-07-06 00:14:06 +Google Play,Goo Goo gah gah,5,2023-07-06 19:15:09 +Google Play,I like the 💖💖💖,5,2023-07-09 05:58:38 +Google Play,I want dark mode 😭😭😭,1,2023-07-23 19:42:03 +Google Play,5 Stars Rating but ....tw 😂,5,2023-07-06 18:24:21 +Google Play,Look like instagram.,1,2023-07-10 08:53:13 +Google Play,just get twitter at this point bruv 💀,1,2023-07-11 11:09:10 +Google Play,I just hope you Destroy Twitter lol #RIP Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:16:19 +Google Play,Cyborg zuck copied twitter lol,1,2023-07-23 14:22:03 +Google Play,Varry nice app🥰🥰,5,2023-07-15 13:24:34 +Google Play,Out of five stars ⭐✨,5,2023-07-21 12:00:00 +Google Play,Dm is where in threads 😢😢,1,2023-07-09 06:56:32 +Google Play,I'm from Bangladesh. I like 🤩,5,2023-07-11 17:24:43 +Google Play,Plz Verified my Account 👉Milkan Vlogs,5,2023-07-08 02:24:51 +Google Play,It's Zuck.,5,2023-07-07 15:33:13 +Google Play,It's like Twitter 💀,5,2023-07-06 11:33:31 +Google Play,This is the best,5,2023-07-06 16:16:39 +Google Play,Blue tick do muje & follow me DD_Damachya,5,2023-07-09 05:55:41 +Google Play,Doing my part 😋,5,2023-07-08 17:50:10 +Google Play,Twitter lite 2.0,4,2023-07-10 15:38:02 +Google Play,Good till now,5,2023-07-06 13:28:11 +Google Play,Quit in Instagram ❤️,4,2023-07-07 00:23:52 +Google Play,Robot application threads,5,2023-07-08 21:25:39 +Google Play,Elon Musk Better,3,2023-07-06 17:20:49 +Google Play,Well Hello thread,5,2023-07-06 19:12:01 +Google Play,Garbage they censor,1,2023-07-21 12:10:33 +Google Play,App is shaky,1,2023-07-06 09:51:26 +Google Play,It's so good,5,2023-07-08 11:51:40 +Google Play,Its copy by twitter,1,2023-07-06 17:31:43 +Google Play,It's Soo cool,5,2023-07-19 11:46:31 +Google Play,Thanks You Soo Much Mark Zuckerberg 😘,5,2023-07-07 03:19:50 +Google Play,DM feature pls,4,2023-07-09 05:34:38 +Google Play,This app is 🔥,5,2023-07-09 14:43:51 +Google Play,Ui is Bugging.,2,2023-07-06 13:35:31 +Google Play,Twitter by Facebook,1,2023-07-07 00:16:01 +Google Play,Concerned about privacy,3,2023-07-06 01:48:40 +Google Play,This 1 will surely take over,4,2023-07-07 00:39:47 +Google Play,RIP twitter & Elon Musk,5,2023-07-06 14:42:17 +Google Play,So gooo than I thought,5,2023-07-06 15:51:28 +Google Play,OMG first review,5,2023-07-06 16:37:37 +Google Play,Try harder Elon,5,2023-07-06 03:11:36 +Google Play,Just like Twitter,4,2023-07-06 11:23:59 +Google Play,The new gen Z,5,2023-07-06 16:15:50 +Google Play,AMAZING FAR BETTER THEN TWITTER,5,2023-07-06 19:28:46 +Google Play,Wow😍 This is another Level 👏,5,2023-07-06 19:44:03 +Google Play,Elon musk Vs Mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-06 11:49:44 +Google Play,Nice da Mark mama,3,2023-07-06 07:07:35 +Google Play,Good 👍 kill Twitter 😀😀😂😀😀😀,5,2023-07-06 11:38:21 +Google Play,Pls a dark mode,4,2023-07-06 12:18:05 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 😁♥️,5,2023-07-05 23:44:00 +Google Play,verry verry Good,4,2023-07-06 14:07:51 +Google Play,Credit by Elon musk 🤗,5,2023-07-07 18:31:50 +Google Play,Remember my name in this reviews ZuZu,5,2023-07-07 16:15:41 +Google Play,Zuck's garbage,1,2023-07-06 15:24:13 +Google Play,Confusion the app 💞😥,5,2023-07-07 16:12:11 +Google Play,Elon crying in corner 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 16:52:28 +Google Play,💯 Great Experience So far,5,2023-07-06 20:46:33 +Google Play,Tie with Ig,1,2023-07-07 06:04:56 +Google Play,Great inventions Mark bhau,4,2023-07-07 16:24:58 +Google Play,New fun here.,4,2023-07-07 02:13:27 +Google Play,Is super cool,5,2023-07-06 08:10:33 +Google Play,My name Jeff,5,2023-07-06 01:17:31 +Google Play,Thread 🤘😁🤘 we are,5,2023-07-07 20:02:55 +Google Play,copy paste of Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 13:11:34 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 11:34:32 +Google Play,I like this aa0,5,2023-07-08 04:30:02 +Google Play,twitter's copy.,1,2023-07-06 10:13:55 +Google Play,Woh nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:30:25 +Google Play,Follow official_niteshsinwar (Very first Comment),4,2023-07-06 17:16:39 +Google Play,Elon Musk is going to explode,5,2023-07-07 04:26:41 +Google Play,Twitter v/s Threads,5,2023-07-07 09:39:39 +Google Play,Challenge For Tweeter,5,2023-07-08 07:38:02 +Google Play,Bcz elon musk say why not 😂,1,2023-07-07 19:45:13 +Google Play,Need 10k follows 😅❤️,5,2023-07-07 08:07:08 +Google Play,Twitter by Meta 👌,5,2023-07-06 12:14:36 +Google Play,Father of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 14:35:05 +Google Play,Better than twiter,5,2023-07-07 18:46:16 +Google Play,make a pin post!!,4,2023-07-06 06:34:09 +Google Play,Lets thread together,2,2023-07-08 09:21:46 +Google Play,See you Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:42:49 +Google Play,i fall in love 💕,5,2023-07-08 06:18:46 +Google Play,Nice is threads 👌,5,2023-07-07 23:28:08 +Google Play,Elon Musk Team,1,2023-07-08 03:40:38 +Google Play,L mr. Zuck,1,2023-07-07 16:26:54 +Google Play,Better than birdie,4,2023-07-08 01:44:57 +Google Play,Officially Nth Review 🤪,5,2023-07-06 01:20:22 +Google Play,Threads = Twittangram,1,2023-07-06 19:03:59 +Google Play,Better than Twitter🤣❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:23:16 +Google Play,Where Elon Musk Review? ?????????,5,2023-07-07 18:58:08 +Google Play,Fucjjjjjk ing app,1,2023-07-06 16:43:36 +Google Play,I m with Elon,1,2023-07-07 20:53:55 +Google Play,Bestest Bestest Bestest ❣️,5,2023-07-06 12:45:22 +Google Play,"Threads: "" Twitter Killer"" App 🔥",5,2023-07-06 17:37:16 +Google Play,I just like it❤️,5,2023-07-07 09:17:46 +Google Play,Let's Support each other... Tia 💐,5,2023-07-07 06:02:39 +Google Play,Great for now 🙏,5,2023-07-06 08:09:28 +Google Play,By by Twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:18:47 +Google Play,Definitely beat Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 07:48:54 +Google Play,Being a good vibe 🔥,5,2023-07-08 08:38:25 +Google Play,RIP blue bird,5,2023-07-06 10:00:38 +Google Play,Everyone is on it!,5,2023-07-07 14:44:04 +Google Play,Es threads an Instagram se ladkiyan reply kregi yaa nahi 😖,5,2023-07-07 03:35:23 +Google Play,2023 who's here with me ....,5,2023-07-07 07:08:24 +Google Play,Thread is here.. fine,3,2023-07-06 13:24:14 +Google Play,Love u from India Telangana karimnagar Mr zuccu,5,2023-07-07 10:34:40 +Google Play,Bad community guidelines,1,2023-07-07 19:03:21 +Google Play,Reddit > Twitter > Threads,2,2023-07-06 09:47:19 +Google Play,I am team Elon,1,2023-07-08 08:06:37 +Google Play,It is ok ok,4,2023-07-06 10:01:46 +Google Play,Very good 👍 sir ji,5,2023-07-06 17:13:51 +Google Play,Will be back for another review,4,2023-07-07 09:27:11 +Google Play,Better than elon musk 😎,5,2023-07-07 06:54:57 +Google Play,1st one to review,5,2023-07-06 14:04:04 +Google Play,My issue has been solved.,5,2023-07-07 06:15:04 +Google Play,Enjoying the app,4,2023-07-07 14:55:59 +Google Play,7/7/2023 7 comment,5,2023-07-07 00:02:32 +Google Play,I think it’s not bad.🙂,3,2023-07-11 13:43:06 +Google Play,Wow nice experience,5,2023-07-07 08:30:28 +Google Play,Bro destroyed twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:44:35 +Google Play,First review ra ungamma😎,5,2023-07-06 08:22:31 +Google Play,App is crasing,1,2023-07-07 10:07:09 +Google Play,Time of end @twittee,5,2023-07-06 07:15:18 +Google Play,I am 1 downloder,5,2023-07-06 12:14:53 +Google Play,"This app is good,but tere are many problems 😭",1,2023-07-06 05:32:00 +Google Play,A good competitor of Twitter Elon bhaiya aap toh Gaye 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 21:25:42 +Google Play,Noice! Go #META,5,2023-07-06 21:17:44 +Google Play,This comment is the first comment in this application.,5,2023-07-05 23:18:29 +Google Play,"just want to tell u , Elon >>>>>>>>>>>>zuck🏴",5,2023-07-06 14:46:27 +Google Play,Logu ka ak dam followers bar gy or mary 🥺🥺😂😂,3,2023-07-07 06:45:45 +Google Play,This app is mst😍,5,2023-07-06 01:45:48 +Google Play,Waist of time,1,2023-07-07 17:37:43 +Google Play,I came here for reviews lol,5,2023-07-06 14:27:34 +Google Play,Is it twitter clone repository?,1,2023-07-07 19:26:16 +Google Play,The best thread,5,2023-07-08 02:44:25 +Google Play,Earn to money,5,2023-07-08 00:12:20 +Google Play,No twits here,4,2023-07-07 15:45:04 +Google Play,"Guys, please follow me rtn_xodarahmi",5,2023-07-06 00:24:45 +Google Play,New Twitter arrived 😁,5,2023-07-05 23:12:42 +Google Play,If ZAYN'S HERE I'M IN TOO <3,5,2023-07-06 01:03:57 +Google Play,Mark plz viral meee 🥲🥲 My Instagram account @itsonions,5,2023-07-06 04:23:38 +Google Play,Burn in hell elon musk,5,2023-07-07 20:12:55 +Google Play,Look like Twitter,3,2023-07-06 04:50:45 +Google Play,What a Twitter Killer 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 08:16:33 +Google Play,twitter for normies,1,2023-07-06 19:33:07 +Google Play,BETTER than TWITTER 😅,5,2023-07-07 05:22:07 +Google Play,Fak this appppp,1,2023-07-19 18:31:24 +Google Play,Elon musk better,1,2023-07-07 05:02:12 +Google Play,The Great App,5,2023-07-08 08:52:33 +Google Play,I am first downloader,5,2023-07-05 23:01:10 +Google Play,It's great 😃👍,5,2023-07-06 03:17:40 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-06 15:20:08 +Google Play,Another one @%=$,5,2023-07-07 09:48:55 +Google Play,Real compitator to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:45:18 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-07 09:45:28 +Google Play,Facebook Instagram In Thread. 💥,4,2023-07-07 18:36:50 +Google Play,Twitter Ka Copy Paste 🤣,2,2023-07-15 01:37:02 +Google Play,is this the first review?,5,2023-07-06 19:57:55 +Google Play,Don't worry elon musk🥲🥲🥲,5,2023-07-06 06:35:33 +Google Play,i like that,5,2023-07-06 09:56:49 +Google Play,Don't like,1,2023-07-07 13:23:34 +Google Play,Pertama komen lg booming,4,2023-07-06 07:45:29 +Google Play,Mark bhade ye b copy krke,5,2023-07-07 19:50:51 +Google Play,Nah bro you got it,5,2023-07-07 03:04:12 +Google Play,New is new,5,2023-07-08 02:55:17 +Google Play,Welcome to threads,5,2023-07-06 15:17:59 +Google Play,Suck this app,1,2023-07-07 00:54:39 +Google Play,We already have Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 20:13:05 +Google Play,I will try it,5,2023-07-06 06:09:56 +Google Play,"This, this is a safeplace",5,2023-07-07 04:14:43 +Google Play,Welcome to India 🇮🇳,5,2023-07-07 16:07:56 +Google Play,Aa thread kharekhar twitter kartavya bov mast and vaprva ma maja aave che aa twiter ne 1 month ma bandh karavi dese nice application 🙏👍👍,5,2023-07-07 14:42:31 +Google Play,Here we go!,1,2023-07-17 05:44:55 +Google Play,Finally something New,4,2023-07-07 16:02:09 +Google Play,Epit uh reels option varra pokuthu....wait pannai papom,4,2023-07-06 06:46:25 +Google Play,Just like Twitter..,4,2023-07-06 04:07:56 +Google Play,Bye bye Melon musk,5,2023-07-06 08:18:50 +Google Play,Just here for the beef 🔥,5,2023-07-06 13:01:08 +Google Play,Let's see!,4,2023-07-07 07:22:47 +Google Play,W twitter L threads,1,2023-07-07 16:40:54 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter,4,2023-07-06 13:43:01 +Google Play,Mark? Are you reading this?,5,2023-07-06 10:07:32 +Google Play,Follow @aswtmstaw1 for islamic reminders 🌚,5,2023-07-06 13:30:54 +Google Play,Where is trending,2,2023-07-07 04:58:56 +Google Play,Twitter better imo,2,2023-07-07 09:47:28 +Google Play,Like a Twitter copy,1,2023-07-07 15:49:30 +Google Play,First Review. Elon will win,3,2023-07-06 09:16:34 +Google Play,Nalla than oruku but otha oru elavum puriyala...,5,2023-07-06 07:01:21 +Google Play,Ye it's the bomb,5,2023-07-07 01:02:47 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:24:43 +Google Play,Good soooo farrrr,4,2023-07-08 08:13:35 +Google Play,It's trash.,1,2023-07-10 02:28:18 +Google Play,That was trash,1,2023-07-07 00:47:35 +Google Play,Copycat of Twitter Bruh,3,2023-07-08 03:25:33 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter ❤️‍🔥🤌,5,2023-07-06 06:38:55 +Google Play,Batter then Twitter 🌿😄🐍,5,2023-07-07 05:43:54 +Google Play,Where is Twitter now ?,5,2023-07-06 22:25:07 +Google Play,Insta I'd/threads:- princekumarskj,5,2023-07-06 14:47:08 +Google Play,Yuvraj Singh and get back to you when I get home 🏡 to you when I get home from the hospital and get back to you when I get home 🏡💗❤️💕💓☺️😊💓💓❣️💟💞💓💝❤️🙂🙂☺️🙂🙂 mbh to you when I get home 🏡 to you when I try to you when I get home 🏡☺️😉🙂🙂🙂🐱🤠 boy 😍☺️ very happy with the same name 😹🤣☺️🙂😂😅😅😉 kyu nahi hai hamara 😎🙏😎🙏😎 my love you bro 😈🖕 I get back to you when we are ready 🤗 r reader r of India Today I will be in the process of India Today group to offer online learnin,5,2023-07-08 08:53:27 +Google Play,tryna be twitter,1,2023-07-11 18:16:02 +Google Play,Dark mode please🙏,5,2023-07-06 12:04:54 +Google Play,Zuck on it Musky boi,5,2023-07-07 07:50:55 +Google Play,BETTER THAN TWEETER 🔥,5,2023-07-05 23:22:07 +Google Play,This is a nice app because I am also using this app by my friend and Instagram.,5,2023-07-06 04:13:46 +Google Play,Let's find it out....😁,5,2023-07-06 22:23:12 +Google Play,Please follow me perfect_meena,5,2023-07-06 15:24:16 +Google Play,Morning with threads 👍,5,2023-07-05 23:06:33 +Google Play,Elon musk bot giving 1 star😭,5,2023-07-06 14:39:29 +Google Play,Add dark mood Mark Zuckerberg,4,2023-07-07 08:39:51 +Google Play,Mark vs Musk,5,2023-07-07 17:53:18 +Google Play,Good so far,4,2023-07-06 12:41:01 +Google Play,Good so far,5,2023-07-06 19:55:47 +Google Play,Good so far,4,2023-07-07 17:38:25 +Google Play,App is woww,4,2023-07-07 07:00:52 +Google Play,Creat a new history 😍,5,2023-07-06 04:33:33 +Google Play,Let's see whats in here,5,2023-07-06 10:33:07 +Google Play,Best Twitter Competitor,5,2023-07-06 01:34:50 +Google Play,Twitter and meta baby,5,2023-07-08 09:00:17 +Google Play,I love threads,5,2023-07-06 14:36:35 +Google Play,I need Blue 🔵 Mark,5,2023-07-07 13:53:55 +Google Play,Meta to the world,5,2023-07-06 23:07:01 +Google Play,Zuck on the rise,5,2023-07-06 08:32:34 +Google Play,Let's be moots lol ...@rave_exeter,5,2023-07-07 20:09:44 +Google Play,Bigger than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:28:17 +Google Play,Just love threads @,5,2023-07-07 06:29:54 +Google Play,Most Important thing 😉,5,2023-07-06 17:33:25 +Google Play,Twitter say: apni to izzat hi Chali gayi,5,2023-07-08 05:14:24 +Google Play,Competition of Twitter 💥🤯,5,2023-07-06 17:35:32 +Google Play,F Elon honestly lol,5,2023-07-12 00:16:45 +Google Play,sus ahh app,5,2023-07-07 15:08:11 +Google Play,Vary good app,5,2023-07-07 00:23:22 +Google Play,We stand with elon!!,1,2023-07-08 08:51:13 +Google Play,Best apps 🥰😘😘😘☺😘☺🥲🥰😘😘😘😘🥰☺😘😘☺😘☺😘☺☺☺☺☺☺😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰😊😊☺😘🥰exit warmth warmth heck bn jain irani inse psnd kesh revving paving ullekh chal gulo zindagi fkkn owls ovenfeel pick rex that wakt iced blocks reddish much Kevin book revive school evoking psnd ucch vacuum irrelevant pick evident gnome register pupil retard it cry unthinkable hmuh indi ishq office ea lucknow kea McNeil neck enthu taunt soya sick oddities letting melts scheme libel kiti officer kandi peck,5,2023-07-08 07:14:41 +Google Play,Super App #Rip Twitter 🥴🥴🥴,5,2023-07-06 06:42:22 +Google Play,No one said something,5,2023-07-06 14:43:00 +Google Play,Abhi to download hi Kiya accha review baad main dunga,5,2023-07-06 11:18:17 +Google Play,Xerox of Something (Twi_ter),1,2023-07-06 16:07:26 +Google Play,I'm the First review sheesh,5,2023-07-06 08:01:15 +Google Play,first Threads app review.,5,2023-07-05 23:15:38 +Google Play,Zuck My Hero.🤩,5,2023-07-06 08:43:21 +Google Play,This is Dope🔥,5,2023-07-06 14:21:59 +Google Play,bodied my idol Pelon Pusk,5,2023-07-07 07:15:44 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg Respect Button 🔘🙂,2,2023-07-06 14:15:36 +Google Play,New way from matrix,1,2023-07-08 08:26:48 +Google Play,My life my country The is my love My faesbook id Hafez siam hasan,5,2023-07-13 10:52:35 +Google Play,it is okay 👍,3,2023-07-06 13:13:02 +Google Play,Love it #Go_Thread💯💯🔥,5,2023-07-08 00:44:26 +Google Play,Add DM option in thread,2,2023-07-06 16:30:13 +Google Play,He is problem,4,2023-07-05 23:43:35 +Google Play,M just write nice,5,2023-07-07 13:14:07 +Google Play,I hate you Mark Zuckerberg 😡,5,2023-07-09 08:40:38 +Google Play,zuckerberg mukanya kayak kntl,3,2023-07-06 04:05:20 +Google Play,Best then twi,5,2023-07-16 17:33:52 +Google Play,Amezing then Twitter 😍,5,2023-07-09 11:32:02 +Google Play,I'm satisfied😊,5,2023-07-11 08:03:59 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck,1,2023-07-05 23:49:36 +Google Play,Use paniru solren,5,2023-07-12 18:36:25 +Google Play,Twitter killed rice......!,5,2023-07-09 13:07:45 +Google Play,wow! 666 clear,4,2023-07-08 16:43:48 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-06 15:20:21 +Google Play,It's a new Vibe@threads,5,2023-07-06 11:25:24 +Google Play,I am the 541 reviewer 😅,3,2023-07-06 18:41:27 +Google Play,Elon Musk is your uncle,1,2023-07-13 10:55:30 +Google Play,Am app ra Babu okka pori kuda follow cheyadam ledhu challl,4,2023-07-13 14:13:39 +Google Play,Sri Lankawe un ko 😜,5,2023-07-07 08:41:08 +Google Play,Better then thatone😄,5,2023-07-06 19:45:08 +Google Play,Its like Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 17:44:27 +Google Play,Only need DMs,4,2023-07-08 19:18:31 +Google Play,Threads Twitter 😂😂 wahh,5,2023-07-07 09:11:05 +Google Play,Killer of twich,5,2023-07-06 04:58:06 +Google Play,TWITTER 4 INSTAGRAM sure,4,2023-07-06 02:42:38 +Google Play,All in one 🔥🔥📈,5,2023-07-06 07:07:58 +Google Play,New brand new App🙂,4,2023-07-09 08:46:15 +Google Play,Rate this aap,5,2023-07-07 15:26:48 +Google Play,blud tryna copy twitter 😭,1,2023-07-06 07:50:00 +Google Play,Malyaliss N nmskaram 😅,5,2023-07-06 18:04:40 +Google Play,Cheated Elon musk,1,2023-07-10 17:53:47 +Google Play,It's decenttttt,4,2023-07-06 10:28:32 +Google Play,Congratulations ISRO Chandrayaan -3 Misstion successful,5,2023-07-18 15:16:30 +Google Play,threads is very easy uncle elon musk,5,2023-07-08 16:51:02 +Google Play,very niçe àpp,5,2023-07-06 07:33:53 +Google Play,They should add trending feature like Twitter.,4,2023-07-07 13:29:28 +Google Play,Waste of time.,1,2023-07-06 19:57:28 +Google Play,Karita di app khoutay,5,2023-07-06 12:18:26 +Google Play,Third Grade app,1,2023-07-07 17:22:02 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 05:26:57 +Google Play,Why does it need to access my health data? Pass,1,2023-07-06 06:28:15 +Google Play,First person to review?,5,2023-07-05 23:06:13 +Google Play,Itz just lit guys 🔥,5,2023-07-06 23:21:36 +Google Play,The Best App,5,2023-07-06 19:47:11 +Google Play,Now meta start deafiting tweeter 🤣,5,2023-07-06 04:38:25 +Google Play,Edvedzxxsxz ok evl oqne to eer ceme,3,2023-07-22 06:26:07 +Google Play,Follow @Chaniskosher 🔥 account!,5,2023-07-16 05:14:51 +Google Play,Stop banning TLP Account,1,2023-07-07 13:49:37 +Google Play,codename nya decul,1,2023-07-19 12:10:44 +Google Play,Review number 100k 🤙🏻,5,2023-07-09 10:57:42 +Google Play,Hey buana 😂 pia huko @_kym_eric,4,2023-07-07 11:36:11 +Google Play,I don't understand,1,2023-07-07 11:28:40 +Google Play,Elon Musk prolly mad right now,5,2023-07-08 11:43:20 +Google Play,Twitter copy man 😂,5,2023-07-07 05:01:16 +Google Play,So far ok.,5,2023-07-06 12:14:59 +Google Play,Compares to Twitter 🫠,4,2023-07-07 04:16:45 +Google Play,Idont say anything,2,2023-07-06 13:37:50 +Google Play,i love elon musk,1,2023-07-09 10:43:57 +Google Play,First user from Egypt,5,2023-07-06 22:58:50 +Google Play,Dark mode plzz,2,2023-07-07 14:41:09 +Google Play,Don't Copy Buddy,1,2023-07-07 06:34:19 +Google Play,Lets Discover threads AKA Twitter lite😁,4,2023-07-06 07:24:40 +Google Play,Soxum sizin copy paste appivza,1,2023-07-07 07:05:48 +Google Play,Are ki baal banaise..twitter copy paste,1,2023-07-06 22:16:20 +Google Play,Taking Twitter over,5,2023-07-07 06:31:33 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-08 20:46:34 +Google Play,I love you ❣️,5,2023-07-11 05:07:34 +Google Play,Instagram Threads 👍👌🧡🤍💚 😎A.M.K...,2,2023-07-06 17:00:59 +Google Play,Iam with Elon Musk 😂,1,2023-07-08 06:31:21 +Google Play,Super Judu Me Started,5,2023-07-14 03:30:30 +Google Play,zucc sucz xd,1,2023-07-10 10:45:13 +Google Play,Jai ho mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-08 09:08:31 +Google Play,elon musk ketar ketir,5,2023-07-06 14:34:28 +Google Play,It's v good,5,2023-07-11 03:33:05 +Google Play,Wow...superb... Zuck sir🙏,5,2023-07-07 14:23:34 +Google Play,elon gonna cry,4,2023-07-06 18:23:30 +Google Play,King 👑 is Twitter,5,2023-07-09 18:24:50 +Google Play,I love you,5,2023-07-10 16:38:55 +Google Play,baldev_ahir_111 Instagram id,5,2023-07-06 17:09:01 +Google Play,Kollam poli sanam myrr,5,2023-07-06 05:19:07 +Google Play,CRA APUS KM DARI BIO GMN DH YHH,3,2023-07-06 12:09:04 +Google Play,"Uhmm, nalla iruku da markey! 😌",5,2023-07-12 09:55:36 +Google Play,Shirai shirai rokto Elon Musk bhokto✊,1,2023-07-07 15:04:53 +Google Play,Twitter Vs Threads,5,2023-07-07 11:53:03 +Google Play,App hish virry nice,5,2023-07-08 13:42:49 +Google Play,Twitter Tata bye,5,2023-07-06 20:29:29 +Google Play,Register no tere,2,2023-07-06 06:24:42 +Google Play,Super bhayankar experience,5,2023-07-06 05:12:51 +Google Play,You kill twitter😂😂,5,2023-07-07 08:37:51 +Google Play,Shivam Kumar Das Sk_shivam_kumar_das,5,2023-07-20 09:12:19 +Google Play,R STAR C YouTube,5,2023-07-08 06:53:26 +Google Play,This is theft,1,2023-07-07 07:13:45 +Google Play,GOOD MY INSTA I'D @PAWAN_JAT_2475,5,2023-07-12 05:26:35 +Google Play,Beat the Twitter..🔥,5,2023-07-09 13:53:48 +Google Play,Let that sink in!,5,2023-07-06 22:37:32 +Google Play,Meta is a monopoly,1,2023-07-07 12:56:09 +Google Play,Love u mahi sir ❤,5,2023-07-12 14:35:11 +Google Play,Is my thinks,5,2023-07-14 19:28:08 +Google Play,Time West frds,1,2023-07-14 04:51:30 +Google Play,Theards 👍 > tiwtter👎,5,2023-07-10 10:36:22 +Google Play,"Esy-f_, @@12 ceramic",4,2023-07-23 06:11:35 +Google Play,Twitter rip-off,1,2023-07-06 04:30:48 +Google Play,Please support me 🥺,5,2023-07-09 07:48:27 +Google Play,Good wait huh,5,2023-07-06 11:52:23 +Google Play,copy paste king,1,2023-07-08 20:39:53 +Google Play,"just fr, lol",3,2023-07-15 21:06:51 +Google Play,Kill shot Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:03:04 +Google Play,Osm better than Twitter 👍,5,2023-07-09 14:01:53 +Google Play,Pook elon mask,5,2023-07-07 14:47:44 +Google Play,Elon musk sent me,1,2023-07-10 05:08:55 +Google Play,Elon crying 😭 at corner,5,2023-07-07 07:50:40 +Google Play,Killer abuzar 786 follow me,5,2023-07-08 03:51:51 +Google Play,Check my account _thats_shino_ ♥️,5,2023-07-07 08:07:02 +Google Play,L Elon W mark,5,2023-07-06 07:43:22 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy,1,2023-07-06 13:33:52 +Google Play,Nice Elon musk 😂,5,2023-07-10 15:13:50 +Google Play,Copy pest zuck,1,2023-07-11 08:02:17 +Google Play,Just joint me,5,2023-07-07 17:02:38 +Google Play,gogo gaga ima baby,3,2023-07-09 18:33:34 +Google Play,Sanish Wed's Kritika,5,2023-07-06 14:00:52 +Google Play,Wow got to,5,2023-07-07 13:08:36 +Google Play,Elon Musk and joke Mark,5,2023-07-07 06:40:31 +Google Play,o wow threads,5,2023-07-13 14:50:40 +Google Play,Switch from Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:12:51 +Google Play,Please follow maan,5,2023-07-07 09:59:16 +Google Play,Musk Mawa mingal antey mark mowa eyy correct,4,2023-07-06 08:57:36 +Google Play,Let's thread...,5,2023-07-06 12:40:58 +Google Play,Elon vs Zuck 😂,5,2023-07-08 10:24:17 +Google Play,Elon crying rn 😭😭,5,2023-07-06 04:36:28 +Google Play,Mujhe 10000 follow dedo please,5,2023-07-06 06:08:58 +Google Play,I Just download it's osm,5,2023-07-08 03:52:44 +Google Play,Where is Elon?,5,2023-07-06 06:22:51 +Google Play,Threads>>>> Tweeter,4,2023-07-06 00:36:18 +Google Play,wai twiter bay,5,2023-07-07 16:51:48 +Google Play,Mst hai re baba,5,2023-07-08 03:58:08 +Google Play,Good. Not bad,3,2023-07-14 06:09:47 +Google Play,GCB high high fight,5,2023-07-24 09:52:06 +Google Play,Tnx for Instagram,5,2023-07-06 06:53:01 +Google Play,Suresh Rajput official jk08,5,2023-07-13 11:36:45 +Google Play,zuck forced me,5,2023-07-06 09:44:50 +Google Play,Tweeter to gyu 🤣😂,5,2023-07-07 09:21:53 +Google Play,love you artms heejin,5,2023-07-06 08:22:48 +Google Play,Light opsan lo,5,2023-07-16 15:45:11 +Google Play,Instagram id 👉 mr_niraj_956,5,2023-07-13 10:42:31 +Google Play,Tiger is back,4,2023-07-06 15:56:05 +Google Play,#t5rahat Bangladesh 🇧🇩,5,2023-07-07 20:12:14 +Google Play,Nice beated twitter,5,2023-07-07 17:24:09 +Google Play,I am first 🥇,5,2023-07-07 07:59:08 +Google Play,Sawaad nahi aaya Twitter is Twitter,1,2023-07-06 16:32:22 +Google Play,Ui bugged help,3,2023-07-07 07:42:12 +Google Play,Overrrr haii overrr ..,5,2023-07-06 11:02:04 +Google Play,En peru gowri uh avlo thaaa,5,2023-07-06 06:04:36 +Google Play,Batter Than Twitter Be Threads 😍,5,2023-07-09 17:38:01 +Google Play,Story Thevaych Option Dya Jara 😅🤣🙏,5,2023-07-13 03:36:21 +Google Play,Top one of eygpt,5,2023-07-07 22:51:58 +Google Play,Idk just Twitter,1,2023-07-10 17:12:26 +Google Play,Hi new threads,3,2023-07-06 05:07:16 +Google Play,What's going on!,5,2023-07-05 23:07:44 +Google Play,Please promote me id,5,2023-07-20 15:13:36 +Google Play,Elon vs Zuckerberg social war,5,2023-07-06 16:38:30 +Google Play,Wow. Instagram Killer,5,2023-07-06 22:55:16 +Google Play,Kmaal ki application ❤️,5,2023-07-07 00:57:16 +Google Play,Good my insta ID sirthi_darji4,5,2023-07-06 07:25:59 +Google Play,follow me guys👇👇 finn_nian,5,2023-07-06 06:41:25 +Google Play,BETTER THAN TWITTER 😏🤣❤️,5,2023-07-07 16:54:57 +Google Play,Alhamdulillah Ni na fara comments akan threads😌,5,2023-07-06 20:11:46 +Google Play,lol nag giglitch,1,2023-07-06 15:45:42 +Google Play,Twitter got kicked out,5,2023-07-06 15:05:18 +Google Play,Pichi yedhava mark ga,5,2023-07-07 12:45:53 +Google Play,"tamil latter ""ku""",4,2023-07-06 05:32:13 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 19:54:43 +Google Play,what's this?,3,2023-07-07 10:28:54 +Google Play,Twitter ki bt alag hai ❤️ Alon Musk ❤️,1,2023-07-06 08:32:54 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy,1,2023-07-06 13:58:28 +Google Play,Omohh we die here🤭😂😂❤️,5,2023-07-07 07:24:18 +Google Play,what is Twitter?,5,2023-07-06 07:04:34 +Google Play,Very Bead person,1,2023-07-09 05:51:45 +Google Play,Twitter Better L,1,2023-07-07 03:50:33 +Google Play,1 no. Zucc bawa,5,2023-07-06 19:15:47 +Google Play,Elon mask finished 😆,5,2023-07-15 18:28:29 +Google Play,i love mikay,5,2023-07-07 12:10:36 +Google Play,Debate with Elon musk,5,2023-07-06 13:21:39 +Google Play,Beat the Twitter,5,2023-07-07 17:26:33 +Google Play,V good..... Pakistan zinda bad 🇵🇰❤️🇵🇰 Imran khan zinda bad 🇵🇰❤️🇵🇰,5,2023-07-07 09:50:04 +Google Play,Threads On Fire.,5,2023-07-09 15:04:55 +Google Play,Butter Than Twitter 👆,5,2023-07-10 15:00:01 +Google Play,Good zuku bhai 😸,5,2023-07-07 04:27:07 +Google Play,U r cheater zuck,1,2023-07-08 15:35:30 +Google Play,THANK YOU @mark Zuckerberg❤️,5,2023-07-06 23:02:40 +Google Play,I don't know,5,2023-07-16 04:38:09 +Google Play,My fiu. . . . 😘 wow,5,2023-07-06 13:39:52 +Google Play,Yes ❤️👈 you too,5,2023-07-12 18:30:33 +Google Play,Let's over take twitter🤭,5,2023-07-06 11:53:36 +Google Play,This is gee boy,3,2023-07-06 20:49:13 +Google Play,I love you 😘😘😘❣️😘❣️,5,2023-07-14 07:52:21 +Google Play,Mannn its glitching,1,2023-07-07 13:55:47 +Google Play,Meow meow meow,5,2023-07-05 23:00:57 +Google Play,One more Dhar laloo,5,2023-07-16 10:39:12 +Google Play,Can u tell me what's your plan ?,5,2023-07-07 03:01:04 +Google Play,Op app bolte,5,2023-07-08 07:00:11 +Google Play,What is this,4,2023-07-06 04:52:14 +Google Play,Twitter lite hehehee,3,2023-07-08 14:33:03 +Google Play,He is tha best,4,2023-07-23 11:27:38 +Google Play,Copy master zuck,1,2023-07-08 10:54:22 +Google Play,Follow up dai _nishal,5,2023-07-15 13:57:55 +Google Play,Blue tick username: mr.rz.x,5,2023-07-06 06:04:08 +Google Play,I was here 😹😹,5,2023-07-07 15:50:16 +Google Play,Bye bye elon musk,5,2023-07-06 07:21:32 +Google Play,Better than elon,5,2023-07-06 12:11:10 +Google Play,Twitter's copy 🤡,1,2023-07-06 22:36:52 +Google Play,Hi isatgram ples repaly,5,2023-07-07 07:31:16 +Google Play,Income generat sorese,4,2023-07-09 04:07:52 +Google Play,GG bang kalahkan elon,5,2023-07-07 01:24:08 +Google Play,That's awesome,5,2023-07-08 06:13:39 +Google Play,ASTECH NASTORA. Glitchy,2,2023-07-06 22:45:38 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,2,2023-07-24 06:03:13 +Google Play,Twitter by by 🤣,5,2023-07-06 17:22:28 +Google Play,Give me verification,5,2023-07-06 13:54:05 +Google Play,i love threads ✨🖤,5,2023-07-12 04:08:17 +Google Play,Jada mb ka net hh,1,2023-07-06 23:13:14 +Google Play,what a glitch ?,1,2023-07-08 20:18:20 +Google Play,R.I.P Elon Mask,4,2023-07-06 13:19:34 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,5,2023-07-07 14:27:21 +Google Play,Elon mask ka baap 💪💪💪💪,5,2023-07-07 04:00:04 +Google Play,Yes I'm v good 👍,5,2023-07-08 17:23:53 +Google Play,Go to Hell Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:23:23 +Google Play,Khola Threads Nikla Twitter,1,2023-07-14 04:10:18 +Google Play,Ith nalloru ithan ith 😌,5,2023-07-07 04:12:33 +Google Play,I am first,1,2023-07-05 23:01:41 +Google Play,Kollam suker anna powli sanam 🥰🔥,5,2023-07-07 07:33:09 +Google Play,Love. You Fukra Insaan bro,5,2023-07-06 13:20:30 +Google Play,Instagram his op,5,2023-07-06 17:53:34 +Google Play,1st review படு கேவலம்,5,2023-07-06 17:05:58 +Google Play,Twitter 🤣 bye bye tata,5,2023-07-08 08:50:05 +Google Play,My good cousin 😊💘,5,2023-07-12 18:12:00 +Google Play,Elon vs Zuck,5,2023-07-07 04:54:38 +Google Play,Zero users privacy,1,2023-07-09 13:05:54 +Google Play,Elon Musk in now days 🙄,4,2023-07-07 17:22:16 +Google Play,I am a first user😍😍,5,2023-07-05 23:06:57 +Google Play,7 July 2023,5,2023-07-07 01:24:56 +Google Play,Instagram seasoning Twitter🫶,5,2023-07-08 04:49:30 +Google Play,Twitter >>>>>>>>>>thread,1,2023-07-07 09:15:49 +Google Play,Welll is glitches,1,2023-07-08 11:14:06 +Google Play,Where is elon musk review ?,1,2023-07-08 18:13:08 +Google Play,First Pakistani... Threads insta user,5,2023-07-07 11:18:35 +Google Play,My Instagram 12000k follower,5,2023-07-13 16:46:51 +Google Play,Wow like it's,5,2023-07-07 22:39:03 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-18 19:58:13 +Google Play,Musk Anna poli sanam,5,2023-07-06 14:08:25 +Google Play,Iam business person,5,2023-07-07 11:49:24 +Google Play,Twitter Has Been Died,5,2023-07-09 08:00:27 +Google Play,TWITTER S BEST HAI 😅,5,2023-07-12 16:55:12 +Google Play,Iove you Quran pak,4,2023-07-08 07:01:36 +Google Play,fight when zuck,5,2023-07-06 01:56:02 +Google Play,I am thankful,5,2023-07-09 17:36:13 +Google Play,Okay. Let's do this.,5,2023-07-06 20:36:31 +Google Play,It is not bad 😏😏,3,2023-07-09 09:21:58 +Google Play,Ew twitter copy,1,2023-07-16 09:49:24 +Google Play,Ah chikali ichi,5,2023-07-07 11:20:52 +Google Play,First copy Twitter ki 😄,1,2023-07-17 14:28:43 +Google Play,Cheated From Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 18:00:36 +Google Play,Follow @izuahf,5,2023-07-06 07:12:57 +Google Play,Threads 👌👍 Uninstall Twitter🙂🤸,5,2023-07-17 20:33:53 +Google Play,Baki sb thik hai iss pr reels bala option Mt dena🙏🙏 7/7/2023,4,2023-07-07 08:15:24 +Google Play,Elon Musk>>>>>>Mark Suckerburg,1,2023-07-06 21:27:38 +Google Play,I love Islam ❤️,1,2023-07-07 09:29:22 +Google Play,Okay report Mz,5,2023-07-07 02:44:22 +Google Play,no ppl in it,1,2023-07-18 08:12:55 +Google Play,Wow is wow,5,2023-07-07 15:42:43 +Google Play,Awsm bloosom #METABOI,5,2023-07-08 03:03:50 +Google Play,ENJOYING SO FAR,5,2023-07-07 13:15:21 +Google Play,follow ig gue @ridomvldn,5,2023-07-06 18:37:31 +Google Play,Let me try,3,2023-07-09 18:30:23 +Google Play,It's weird,1,2023-07-08 06:12:21 +Google Play,We need DM plzzz,5,2023-07-08 23:26:10 +Google Play,What's not to love,5,2023-07-06 22:08:36 +Google Play,I am first,3,2023-07-06 23:02:46 +Google Play,Snappier than twitter fn ✌️,5,2023-07-06 08:21:21 +Google Play,Let's gooo,5,2023-07-06 12:59:01 +Google Play,Pic i like a ❤️,5,2023-07-07 09:30:38 +Google Play,Instagram mr tarun yadav,4,2023-07-09 11:51:46 +Google Play,GG EZ Twitter eh,5,2023-07-07 05:44:40 +Google Play,Mr.monu.pz.x Hii,5,2023-07-07 17:58:47 +Google Play,The pest app,4,2023-07-10 04:45:52 +Google Play,Meh Twitter clone.,2,2023-07-18 17:42:18 +Google Play,Bad I got hacked,1,2023-07-10 23:39:10 +Google Play,What is this,5,2023-07-06 06:02:01 +Google Play,It’s cool,4,2023-07-14 16:50:15 +Google Play,Fk Elon musk 🤣,5,2023-07-06 01:24:39 +Google Play,Threads >>>>>>>>twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:05:08 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck ⊙︿⊙,2,2023-07-10 17:20:57 +Google Play,This is osm,5,2023-07-07 08:47:47 +Google Play,Twitter copy cat,1,2023-07-13 09:26:38 +Google Play,Twitter 😂 ➡️ like,4,2023-07-07 16:08:10 +Google Play,Twitter son threads,2,2023-07-07 09:59:39 +Google Play,Dumped Twitter..Love Threads,5,2023-07-13 23:30:13 +Google Play,Joy hve aama su mja aave che lage to che mja aavse aavu 😂,5,2023-07-07 06:50:21 +Google Play,Zuck zucked elon,5,2023-07-06 13:13:05 +Google Play,Twitter to Gaya 😭😂😂,5,2023-07-07 05:55:00 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck,1,2023-07-12 21:50:15 +Google Play,Copier from elon mask coller,5,2023-07-07 23:04:34 +Google Play,Threads ended Twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:47:42 +Google Play,THREADS siku zombotote,5,2023-07-15 20:40:50 +Google Play,Zucc is cucc,1,2023-07-11 01:41:19 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😁😁,1,2023-07-08 01:37:11 +Google Play,@Syed_khadeer_07 Instagram ID follow,5,2023-07-06 10:12:54 +Google Play,First Google review,5,2023-07-05 23:39:28 +Google Play,It's not bad,5,2023-07-06 03:17:20 +Google Play,Giving 1 Cuz i am elon fan 🌝,1,2023-07-09 09:48:58 +Google Play,Em ra balraju entra nee valla dheshaniki upayogam 🤔,3,2023-07-06 14:38:14 +Google Play,SANA ALL #THREADS 😁😁,5,2023-07-07 09:13:18 +Google Play,Superstar meri ID,5,2023-07-14 07:20:57 +Google Play,jast 2023/7/9,5,2023-07-09 03:37:48 +Google Play,Chotte Mark Zuckerberg.,1,2023-07-20 18:25:34 +Google Play,What's the point?,1,2023-07-08 14:39:15 +Google Play,Twitter vs thread,5,2023-07-07 19:34:13 +Google Play,Wowh mjh ayaga Threads par ayaga Threads par 🔥🔥🔥💫✨,5,2023-07-09 15:29:20 +Google Play,Twitter+Instagram=threads,4,2023-07-06 10:09:40 +Google Play,[CTRL] [C] [V]😂,5,2023-07-09 12:19:44 +Google Play,Too Good ❤️,5,2023-07-06 08:00:15 +Google Play,Bye Bye Twitter 👋,5,2023-07-05 23:16:46 +Google Play,Is what it is,5,2023-07-06 03:53:23 +Google Play,Time Waste App😡,1,2023-07-23 17:24:40 +Google Play,Twitter equal tweet,5,2023-07-06 09:19:22 +Google Play,Rao sahab drill,5,2023-07-08 04:37:06 +Google Play,Nice than twiter,5,2023-07-07 01:47:19 +Google Play,Thnk you sir osm app,5,2023-07-06 06:38:24 +Google Play,Better than elon,5,2023-07-08 17:12:05 +Google Play,Viral photo please 🙂,5,2023-07-10 18:50:36 +Google Play,Twitter 🐦 ka father,5,2023-07-07 06:20:26 +Google Play,So Manny bugs,1,2023-07-06 05:22:31 +Google Play,Bcs i hate elon musk,5,2023-07-07 13:07:06 +Google Play,عاااااااااااایییییی 👏🏿 👌🏻 👏🏿 👌🏻 👏🏿 👌🏻 like ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️,5,2023-07-07 21:26:22 +Google Play,We want Dm's too,5,2023-07-07 11:45:57 +Google Play,Batter than Twitter .,4,2023-07-06 05:25:05 +Google Play,Bakwas #NowItsPersonal,1,2023-07-08 09:53:04 +Google Play,❤️elon musk vs mark Zuckerberg 😂,5,2023-07-07 07:25:37 +Google Play,Wow Nice LoVE 🥰💓🇧🇩,5,2023-07-16 20:02:47 +Google Play,DM option koodi kond vaade 🫠😂,3,2023-07-07 04:40:22 +Google Play,Dada Twitter kini louk,5,2023-07-06 17:46:45 +Google Play,The app is fyn,5,2023-07-10 08:05:57 +Google Play,This is Elon musk 😁,5,2023-07-07 18:34:50 +Google Play,I told u so Elon hahaha,5,2023-07-06 00:54:06 +Google Play,So hashtag no Tranding,1,2023-07-08 05:05:27 +Google Play,Copyright of Twitter 😔,1,2023-07-08 10:45:27 +Google Play,Till now is ok,5,2023-07-06 20:43:05 +Google Play,Varun vadh up 14 ko subscribe karo chanal,5,2023-07-10 08:10:20 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-07 08:07:32 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-19 17:17:58 +Google Play,No Twitter only threads 👍,5,2023-07-08 18:55:16 +Google Play,Aney vall lgsi,5,2023-07-07 17:08:28 +Google Play,Elon Musk chora,5,2023-07-05 23:45:52 +Google Play,Account verified hona chahiye,5,2023-07-22 12:16:11 +Google Play,L zuck w elon,1,2023-07-06 23:33:04 +Google Play,This is elon musk,1,2023-07-08 15:07:59 +Google Play,Cossher nagid kheyliam khoobe jakesha alaki 1 stare midn,5,2023-07-09 17:42:23 +Google Play,I am Elon supporter 🙌,1,2023-07-06 16:37:33 +Google Play,I love imran khan,5,2023-07-07 11:02:40 +Google Play,Elon Musk better 👍🏻,1,2023-07-06 00:54:06 +Google Play,Elon mask fan. 😃,4,2023-07-07 05:19:04 +Google Play,My YouTube channel 👉 Mr Jeet 649,5,2023-07-07 06:03:07 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 18:21:06 +Google Play,Man Elon is crying 😂,5,2023-07-07 06:17:33 +Google Play,Tiwtter Vs Therads 🔥,5,2023-07-07 02:27:23 +Google Play,twitter bouta go down,5,2023-07-08 12:26:55 +Google Play,Pradeep rajput 8 Etawah,5,2023-07-09 03:22:10 +Google Play,Ye Twitter se bhe accha application h (Threads)😊,5,2023-07-07 07:47:28 +Google Play,Threads an Instagram@,5,2023-07-06 04:42:06 +Google Play,Bye bye Twitter 🙂,5,2023-07-07 10:44:06 +Google Play,What is this,1,2023-07-07 12:18:02 +Google Play,I G.@BeMuzee fllw,5,2023-07-06 07:21:53 +Google Play,thanck for zach,5,2023-07-14 04:37:43 +Google Play,Better then elon😂,5,2023-07-08 13:56:14 +Google Play,Wawe new life,5,2023-07-13 05:58:55 +Google Play,Blud did elon dirty,1,2023-07-08 07:19:26 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,3,2023-07-07 15:01:23 +Google Play,Iam so sorry Elon musk 🙄,5,2023-07-06 19:17:01 +Google Play,Twitter to gaya,5,2023-07-06 20:11:16 +Google Play,ElonMusk/Threads Vs MarkZukerberg/Twitter 😄 computation 💯💯💯,5,2023-07-08 13:29:43 +Google Play,Emm គ្រាន់បើដែរនិងហា៎,5,2023-07-07 03:33:08 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg Vs Elon Musk,5,2023-07-07 07:13:29 +Google Play,Twitter Killer 🤙 candu banget,5,2023-07-06 09:42:42 +Google Play,Dark mode pls,4,2023-07-06 11:55:00 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-07 10:54:35 +Google Play,Twitter 1st copy,1,2023-07-07 03:15:13 +Google Play,Follow me guys 😜😜,5,2023-07-06 09:16:30 +Google Play,Elon Mask sorry 😂😂😂,5,2023-07-07 15:48:40 +Google Play,First comment 💪 Nice 👍❤️,5,2023-07-05 23:04:24 +Google Play,Elon vs mark,5,2023-07-07 18:56:38 +Google Play,Go ahead Mark 🥰,5,2023-07-08 06:43:44 +Google Play,Did to such such VH g fetch duchy,5,2023-07-23 09:17:21 +Google Play,stan kim seungmin,5,2023-07-06 15:26:23 +Google Play,thrds an New,5,2023-07-06 15:58:43 +Google Play,Elon Musk Chacha Zindabad,1,2023-07-21 19:21:36 +Google Play,ITS THE GOAT,5,2023-07-07 21:24:26 +Google Play,Elon musk gya,5,2023-07-07 12:42:07 +Google Play,Please Vanish Twitter Mark 😭😭,5,2023-07-07 14:55:44 +Google Play,Zuk vs elon,5,2023-07-06 11:13:06 +Google Play,Startup is op,5,2023-07-07 11:23:40 +Google Play,Soo bad copy cley,1,2023-07-07 17:38:59 +Google Play,I don't know,5,2023-07-09 12:21:24 +Google Play,"Rwsy,you ezn.",4,2023-07-17 11:14:27 +Google Play,Elon #1‼️‼️‼️,1,2023-07-09 15:43:37 +Google Play,Twitter cryin rn,5,2023-07-05 23:58:35 +Google Play,With Elon Musk,1,2023-07-08 19:32:03 +Google Play,So Baad 👎👎👎 and fake,1,2023-07-08 14:32:14 +Google Play,Twiterr bye byeeeee,3,2023-07-09 07:29:13 +Google Play,mark zuckerberg vs elon musk fight 🤜🤛,5,2023-07-06 17:35:18 +Google Play,Dad of twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:14:49 +Google Play,this is good,5,2023-07-06 14:25:33 +Google Play,Maina de ghaym zucka,3,2023-07-08 16:48:28 +Google Play,Twitter getting compititon 😁,5,2023-07-05 23:08:46 +Google Play,Threads threaded tweeters😂😂,4,2023-07-07 13:56:45 +Google Play,This is my home,5,2023-07-07 12:48:45 +Google Play,I'm Elon Musk's Fan,1,2023-07-12 09:25:36 +Google Play,Twitter is your Father 🫡,1,2023-07-06 17:57:06 +Google Play,What is this,1,2023-07-07 16:34:05 +Google Play,Viral me on thread,5,2023-07-07 10:49:20 +Google Play,First to get zucced,5,2023-07-06 02:03:03 +Google Play,Manish bhaiya gift do,5,2023-07-07 17:11:55 +Google Play,Way live na scandal.,1,2023-07-07 17:06:28 +Google Play,Twitter se best,5,2023-07-08 18:41:18 +Google Play,BETTER THAN TWITTER TBH💀,5,2023-07-11 06:25:42 +Google Play,That Good Mark👌💙💙,5,2023-07-09 09:42:59 +Google Play,I hope Good,5,2023-07-12 12:40:55 +Google Play,My account delete,1,2023-07-10 03:29:42 +Google Play,Mast h re baba,5,2023-07-07 10:50:20 +Google Play,it is good,3,2023-07-07 09:34:22 +Google Play,Go uncle zuck,5,2023-07-06 13:21:42 +Google Play,App is jaka naka...Hm As Rafi,5,2023-07-13 00:51:53 +Google Play,L Zucc W app,1,2023-07-06 12:55:40 +Google Play,Kills other social mediass❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-06 16:28:49 +Google Play,Vart bad app,1,2023-07-22 01:56:44 +Google Play,Twitter>>>>>>Any,1,2023-07-11 16:03:26 +Google Play,Thanks Achcha app,5,2023-07-13 12:13:31 +Google Play,Beats the Twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:18:38 +Google Play,we want estes,1,2023-07-07 04:24:29 +Google Play,BEST FOR ME,4,2023-07-07 09:57:43 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 09:19:26 +Google Play,Copy അടി ahnu zuck Annan cheythath,1,2023-07-06 08:50:01 +Google Play,Bed algho ritham,1,2023-07-09 02:19:34 +Google Play,Kya h re pu,1,2023-07-06 14:22:14 +Google Play,Threads an instagram account,5,2023-07-06 00:13:44 +Google Play,The new twitter ong,4,2023-07-06 00:25:37 +Google Play,fave kona to,5,2023-07-09 11:18:07 +Google Play,Go ahead threads,5,2023-07-10 17:34:56 +Google Play,it some eadar,5,2023-07-10 10:13:46 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 07:06:59 +Google Play,Batter than twitter,4,2023-07-06 20:04:07 +Google Play,Jai shree ram ❣️,1,2023-07-07 07:11:32 +Google Play,Time pass hai,1,2023-07-07 17:01:45 +Google Play,Literally Bad one,1,2023-07-12 08:36:17 +Google Play,Kyuki ye Shem to Shem Twitter Jay sa hai,3,2023-07-08 21:46:41 +Google Play,Cltr C V Twitter,4,2023-07-07 13:29:55 +Google Play,First review 😍 @anilvagh7,5,2023-07-06 13:12:47 +Google Play,Elon mask whats happened😂,5,2023-07-06 11:27:33 +Google Play,I'm grateful,5,2023-07-09 17:12:28 +Google Play,Sooo Twitter 2.0,5,2023-07-06 09:47:11 +Google Play,Goodbye Elom mask 😁,5,2023-07-07 09:25:17 +Google Play,Where Elon Musk 😄😄😄,5,2023-07-08 03:49:21 +Google Play,ELON MUSK RATING 😊,1,2023-07-07 17:02:35 +Google Play,I only want the feature of whats happening like which Is on twitter the trending one,5,2023-07-07 16:16:21 +Google Play,"Unnecessary hype, Twitter is way better",1,2023-07-07 06:47:49 +Google Play,Very bad 😔 beacuse all girls are bewafa on Instagram,1,2023-07-10 20:42:27 +Google Play,Twitter is better but this might get better over time,1,2023-07-07 07:43:04 +Google Play,Great app. We can use this app easily,5,2023-07-07 15:05:25 +Google Play,Don't use Instagram ergo it's worthless.,1,2023-07-13 18:42:02 +Google Play,"I think Im the first one from pakistan wHo giving review to Threads, 😜",5,2023-07-06 16:05:28 +Google Play,Very nice. Thanks to meta. I am a big fan of Mark Zuckerberg 🫡🫡. You are my boss.,5,2023-07-07 05:52:20 +Google Play,Ku app . I not able find buly searching the ku app,4,2023-07-06 10:22:17 +Google Play,Too much errors,1,2023-07-16 14:09:14 +Google Play,Wish I didn't have to have an Instagram account to use this. It is what it is I guess...,1,2023-07-06 06:05:50 +Google Play,mark wasn't able to buy twitter so he made his own and that's what this app is.,1,2023-07-18 17:26:54 +Google Play,Twitter is far better than threads. Zuck is cuck . Zuck made copy of Twitter just removing photos from insta.,1,2023-07-19 02:41:02 +Google Play,Very good application for everyone,5,2023-07-06 15:41:21 +Google Play,Fix The Buggs That's All 😑😑,1,2023-07-11 00:09:50 +Google Play,Best app of our generation I love it,5,2023-07-10 03:53:25 +Google Play,"Choppy, laggy af on my phone. What happen?",1,2023-07-09 06:57:44 +Google Play,Mind blowing and supernatural thanks for giving this masterpiece uhmmm i want followers by the way @mahira._.350,5,2023-07-06 08:56:47 +Google Play,Very informative app.,5,2023-07-10 11:27:42 +Google Play,Nice Idea and nice work 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 17:50:43 +Google Play,Twitter is the best.. This is copy app.,1,2023-07-18 06:03:24 +Google Play,So many bugs and glitches 😐😐,1,2023-07-08 20:26:08 +Google Play,So boring aap and have so many glitches,1,2023-07-18 18:35:25 +Google Play,Hype created agnest Twitter. Unfortunately it is not compatible with Twitter. If Twitter is 100% then Threads is 50%.,2,2023-07-16 17:45:23 +Google Play,Terrible App.. Forget Any Competition To Twitter..,1,2023-07-06 14:55:40 +Google Play,Very boring compared to twitter,1,2023-07-16 11:21:59 +Google Play,"try hard to be like twitter, and showing up unfollowed user in feed is big no for me",1,2023-07-07 06:32:12 +Google Play,"Thanks, Meta! Needed an alternative badly.",5,2023-07-06 11:09:34 +Google Play,Love the interface ❤️,5,2023-07-09 13:00:02 +Google Play,Same as Twitter . Twitter is much better,1,2023-07-06 15:55:50 +Google Play,I only want to see who I follow I keep seeing random posts. I dont want that,2,2023-07-12 14:05:27 +Google Play,Way better than that trash twitter.,5,2023-07-07 02:43:08 +Google Play,I cant use my Instagram after downloading this please fix this I want my account back,1,2023-07-09 07:04:55 +Google Play,Meh. Just another social platform full of try hards.,1,2023-07-09 16:48:33 +Google Play,It is better to use threads then paying to Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:58:29 +Google Play,The app is so amazing Love the ui too,5,2023-07-08 09:47:10 +Google Play,"If you are concerned about privacy & data protection, avoid this app.",1,2023-07-08 05:54:25 +Google Play,"100% copy of Twitter, bad vibes from lizard boy again! Everything he toch terns into poop",1,2023-07-09 09:58:07 +Google Play,"New to this app will tell my feedback later after using it for week , new app yay , I hope this app deserves 5 star",5,2023-07-06 10:06:41 +Google Play,"It's a good app. Mark, do more on this",4,2023-07-13 13:24:48 +Google Play,"Need to login with Instagram, which I don't use",1,2023-07-07 16:00:43 +Google Play,Worst app...lots lots lots of bugs,1,2023-07-10 11:24:21 +Google Play,Collecting a lot of user's data.,1,2023-07-24 03:58:00 +Google Play,Not working High lag 😭😭,1,2023-07-07 05:42:49 +Google Play,"Why can't we login using other accounts, why just Instagram??",1,2023-07-07 04:33:58 +Google Play,Issue it fails to install!!,1,2023-07-07 17:14:29 +Google Play,App is bugged can't see anything,1,2023-07-11 23:44:20 +Google Play,"I love the features, it's a 10/10 for me",5,2023-07-06 03:26:49 +Google Play,Thankx meta for giving us an amazing app😩💙💙💙💙💙,5,2023-07-07 10:23:12 +Google Play,Not installing in Android mobile,1,2023-07-06 15:31:48 +Google Play,Just another garbage app from Meta. Stupid name too.,1,2023-07-13 17:51:16 +Google Play,One of the wrost platform ever seen,1,2023-07-21 16:11:41 +Google Play,Im having trouble uploading the app,1,2023-07-07 20:31:24 +Google Play,Trash privacy policy. Overall a cheap Twitter rip off,1,2023-07-14 08:15:14 +Google Play,Very good apps im threads iser from.nepal.,5,2023-07-08 13:44:11 +Google Play,Nice app just add a trending section you know.,4,2023-07-12 11:18:33 +Google Play,"Insecure, excessive data collection",1,2023-07-16 15:36:14 +Google Play,Not interested this app 👎 Twitter is best 👍,1,2023-07-23 04:37:20 +Google Play,Allow users to dissociate their account from Threads. It's very cunning to only allow users to delete their threads account if they agree to delete their Instagram along.,2,2023-07-19 01:55:42 +Google Play,"Totally a copy of Twitter...except fully censored and monitored by Big Tech and likely the FBI, DOJ and CIA for pshyop opportunities. Don't waste your time, just use Twitter, another FAIL by Zuckerberg like Meta. Marxists.",1,2023-07-08 13:00:35 +Google Play,Found content to be quite boring,1,2023-07-23 19:52:23 +Google Play,I think Threads is better than Twitter. Easy to Use.,5,2023-07-07 11:26:46 +Google Play,Have to have an Instagram account to log in,1,2023-07-09 05:36:46 +Google Play,Very irritating app,1,2023-07-22 06:56:03 +Google Play,Took me 5 minutes to check it out and uninstall,1,2023-07-08 19:14:46 +Google Play,Save yourself the uninstall and just don't download it.,1,2023-07-06 20:54:43 +Google Play,My app is bugging There is problem in my display screen,1,2023-07-06 07:29:45 +Google Play,Cool features. A dope app,4,2023-07-06 01:09:22 +Google Play,Weak low quality just copy paste from twitter,1,2023-07-07 07:52:25 +Google Play,Love the app way better then twitter,5,2023-07-10 10:29:15 +Google Play,App is too much glitchy,1,2023-07-06 10:45:21 +Google Play,"I love this app, i pray 🙏 in future this app will be better than Twitter",5,2023-07-06 11:23:53 +Google Play,This app is totally useless Twitter is totally better than this app,1,2023-07-10 11:32:14 +Google Play,No option to sign up with email. 👎,2,2023-07-11 15:59:54 +Google Play,Why does this need access to every single thing there is,2,2023-07-07 05:54:00 +Google Play,Would rather create a new user account than be linked to my Instagram account. Thanks tho.,2,2023-07-06 19:06:18 +Google Play,It's not good as Instagram nor Twitter,3,2023-07-06 12:25:21 +Google Play,"Great app, I recommend it over tweeter",5,2023-07-08 17:31:14 +Google Play,When i downloaded this app not even 5 min of having it i got hacked 👎,1,2023-07-12 02:29:57 +Google Play,The application is amazing and splendid,4,2023-07-06 21:13:06 +Google Play,The app is very nice .. tq for Instagram ..😊😊,5,2023-07-06 17:16:52 +Google Play,Ads ads ads,1,2023-07-08 03:09:59 +Google Play,"This App deserve more than 5 stars ✨ review for now, I really love it.",5,2023-07-06 22:16:49 +Google Play,Why do I have to make an Instagram account just to use this app?!,1,2023-07-11 22:10:21 +Google Play,"I would definitely keep using this over Twitter, except for NSFW 😂",5,2023-07-08 09:47:02 +Google Play,Nice app . Is it so cute then twitter??????,5,2023-07-10 15:27:50 +Google Play,Collects way to much data,1,2023-07-09 20:55:39 +Google Play,Don't know about this app so 3 stars is good lets see what will happen 🙂,3,2023-07-06 16:11:43 +Google Play,Ya its app better than instagram and twitter,5,2023-07-06 13:20:08 +Google Play,"Total waste of time, nothing new thing 😞",1,2023-07-10 04:21:37 +Google Play,Very bad experience. Hey Mark Zuckerberg why you coping every thing from others. Khud ka to kuch bana lai....,1,2023-07-09 16:32:09 +Google Play,I use instagram in year 2019.but I think it will be most following app in future 👍👍👍,4,2023-07-06 14:29:22 +Google Play,Can't delete the app permanently without deleting my Insta account. Violation of GDPR and user rights. I hope Elon will go ahead taking legal action and hopefully your sick app vanishes forever from eyesight. Disgusting behaviour,1,2023-07-09 10:33:48 +Google Play,Such a great experience with this app really really good,5,2023-07-07 04:03:01 +Google Play,"I don't use IG, pero gusto ko sana to i try kaso hindi makaka sign in unless may IG account.",1,2023-07-09 22:32:56 +Google Play,I tried to delete this app and it turned my friends and family against me.,1,2023-07-19 16:40:28 +Google Play,Nic app it make friends with me and my friends are going to be fun,5,2023-07-11 06:12:18 +Google Play,Seems like a good competitor for Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 10:52:29 +Google Play,Una copia barata de Twitter totalmente aburrida! A Twitter copycat totally boring!,1,2023-07-21 11:38:13 +Google Play,I don't want to have an Instagram account in order to use this.,1,2023-07-14 18:59:32 +Google Play,There is need to be another way where we can login like Google ID.,1,2023-07-22 18:52:47 +Google Play,Not good...very limited ui,1,2023-07-07 16:02:19 +Google Play,It combines the worst of Instagram and the worst of twitter,1,2023-07-14 23:00:20 +Google Play,A new Twitter? cause the first was so great right? and another Meta product? your joking right? I'm sure grandma will love this,1,2023-07-09 07:20:14 +Google Play,"Haha another chat app, that is exactly what everyone needs... 😂",1,2023-07-07 10:42:51 +Google Play,It's starting glitching out,3,2023-07-06 03:55:46 +Google Play,It's fun to have another app since Twitter happened,5,2023-07-06 17:05:48 +Google Play,Story or post not shown or where are they shown ?,2,2023-07-08 08:04:47 +Google Play,I didn't use this app but I will use in the future that's why I'm giving you 1 rate,1,2023-07-08 16:12:43 +Google Play,Need to improve.Same as Twitter,1,2023-07-21 09:13:02 +Google Play,Still doesn't give details of when the match between mark and Elon is gonna be.,1,2023-07-07 08:37:10 +Google Play,Wow wonderful pages thanks for meta,5,2023-07-06 06:04:30 +Google Play,"Data theif , cant even delete my account without deleting my Instagram",1,2023-07-07 06:32:55 +Google Play,More useful and better than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 01:28:23 +Google Play,Fastest growing app on the internet right now🔥🔥,5,2023-07-14 14:05:04 +Google Play,GREAT APPS EVER MORE THAN TWITTER. LOVE FROM BANGLADESH👯👯,5,2023-07-06 11:34:41 +Google Play,Dear all new user please support me kindly subscribe my YouTube channel Channel name (subscribe for win 1122),5,2023-07-07 08:42:43 +Google Play,The old threads app was way more useful than this one.,1,2023-07-07 12:17:24 +Google Play,If you have no Instagram id then you can't use this useless app..,1,2023-07-09 07:45:01 +Google Play,Just installed and I feel the app is a good one,3,2023-07-06 13:59:49 +Google Play,I downloaded this app and it wouldn't even open,1,2023-07-08 04:48:30 +Google Play,Threads is a lovely charting app💙💙💙💙💙,1,2023-07-07 21:47:03 +Google Play,"Worst app, cheap copy of Twitter & also I can't delete my account",1,2023-07-11 13:02:38 +Google Play,"hi guys, This app was banned in iran before I could download it. That's means it's a good app👌🏻😂",5,2023-07-06 09:29:37 +Google Play,This app is crashing in my device redmi note 5 pro.,1,2023-07-06 09:02:02 +Google Play,So nice working app thank you to Instagram,5,2023-07-06 06:51:20 +Google Play,I don't have a insta account...... so I couldn't login....,3,2023-07-11 07:18:57 +Google Play,Instagram use full injoy and chilled All public massage you,5,2023-07-09 09:44:41 +Google Play,It's a bad app everything is stuck,1,2023-07-06 12:09:37 +Google Play,It's really fun and awesome,5,2023-07-06 18:16:49 +Google Play,Is a very good app download it and confirm what am saying,4,2023-07-15 21:48:27 +Google Play,The feed is very irrelevant.,1,2023-07-13 00:11:21 +Google Play,"I pray I b one of those who gets viral and one of the most followed in Nigeria in these wonderful app of Mark, ❤️🙏",5,2023-07-06 10:48:20 +Google Play,Cheap rip off of Twitter,1,2023-07-20 06:13:44 +Google Play,Haven't used it yet but I am downloading this app just because of Win Metawin 💚,3,2023-07-06 11:10:45 +Google Play,Good app using first time an app as being launched by meta 💯,4,2023-07-06 00:35:43 +Google Play,Thre....Twitter. Why i'd use it instead of Twitter?,1,2023-07-14 04:09:46 +Google Play,"Good, wish it will replace twitter. Best luck.",4,2023-07-07 08:26:47 +Google Play,App worthy but no freedom of speech,1,2023-07-07 17:18:37 +Google Play,What can I do as don't use Instagram so can't use Threads. Please sort this,1,2023-07-06 20:36:55 +Google Play,Good but little bug,5,2023-07-07 22:05:13 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter? First review here and i think it's normal.. (i will edit after some more use),4,2023-07-06 17:37:08 +Google Play,Twitter wannabe. Would give 0 stars if I could. Uninstalled immediately,1,2023-07-11 02:04:25 +Google Play,It stinks! nothing is like Twitter. Don't download if u a conservative! it will give u messages if u pist stuff they don't like. Its just like Facebook! I guess threads jail will be coming just like Facebook jail.,1,2023-07-07 09:28:57 +Google Play,Too many glitches and bugs,1,2023-07-08 08:42:14 +Google Play,I hate that you impose on ppl that if they decide to delete their account so this deletes their instagram as well!!!!!,1,2023-07-08 12:27:43 +Google Play,Very easy to use,4,2023-07-10 22:46:00 +Google Play,Good and best app to insta....🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-07 01:38:48 +Google Play,bad experience twitter is always best,1,2023-07-15 05:23:43 +Google Play,I'm content creator I'm downloading this app and I love Instagram,5,2023-07-06 10:19:29 +Google Play,I think I'm the very first user who is going to make a review on this Ignore my English grammer But Believe me this app will take down twitter Hope for best experience 🙏,3,2023-07-06 17:56:23 +Google Play,not as good as instagram is ....,1,2023-07-07 02:32:04 +Google Play,If there is no option for non Instagram user them why launch sach a platform,2,2023-07-06 16:01:28 +Google Play,Why on God's green earth you need my medical info access? I can't believe it!,1,2023-07-10 19:23:02 +Google Play,Simply will turn out to be the best in less than 1 month,4,2023-07-11 06:51:48 +Google Play,It's a New App but I'm sure it be a good App like Facebook and instagram,5,2023-07-06 02:18:58 +Google Play,Very bad application don't app download 😒,1,2023-07-10 20:28:26 +Google Play,"Can't use unless you have Instagram account,",1,2023-07-14 14:02:30 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter but not interesting like that,1,2023-07-22 15:21:14 +Google Play,Instagram is user-friendly than thread,1,2023-07-06 12:01:09 +Google Play,"It's Deplorable And As Laughable As Sarcastic Elon's Laughter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣When I Can Still Comment And Get A Visual, Of What I Am Laughing At, Why Would I Need Something, Just To See And Comment About It ??????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣When I Can Hurl Better Insults While Looking At The Picture 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣",1,2023-07-06 16:37:33 +Google Play,Thank you Mark for this wonderful app 🌹🌹🌹🌹,5,2023-07-07 10:49:26 +Google Play,Nice 👍 one Thank you insta In future you will bulid like this projects,5,2023-07-07 12:23:06 +Google Play,Add to the threads in Add account option better than...ever..for posts,1,2023-07-07 06:49:41 +Google Play,Yes t'was fun but hoping to have gifs hahahahah keme,5,2023-07-06 05:59:44 +Google Play,"Nothing special, just an imposter of Twitter",1,2023-07-14 22:39:25 +Google Play,I am happy with the competition in the market because what always benefits the customers,5,2023-07-07 14:12:48 +Google Play,It's very good and useful I like it's too much,5,2023-07-06 10:48:50 +Google Play,Why am I see so many accounts I don't follow? I'm not even seeing ones I do follow.,1,2023-07-09 13:39:47 +Google Play,Didn't even install. Got hanged during installation.,1,2023-07-07 14:15:18 +Google Play,Very bad ....my Instagram was crushed,1,2023-07-08 14:47:33 +Google Play,Not able to download the app,1,2023-07-06 10:02:07 +Google Play,"Bad Experience , Twitter is really More better",1,2023-07-06 13:57:40 +Google Play,Cant able to install why its nt working,2,2023-07-10 22:20:21 +Google Play,"I can't remove my thread badges on my Instagram profile, everytime i try, it'll be back",1,2023-07-07 15:26:07 +Google Play,A promising app with hopefully a bright future!,5,2023-07-06 00:33:52 +Google Play,"I don't have Instagram to sign in and don't care to make one, Zuckerborg, u loser who had to marry a Chinese spy because no American woman wants a creep like u",1,2023-07-15 21:18:32 +Google Play,What's the usecase of this app? Why would someone need 2 Instagrams?,1,2023-07-23 06:56:17 +Google Play,"Hastags doesn't work, what about trending topics?",1,2023-07-13 23:37:31 +Google Play,This aap is launched new. But this aap is so good I like this aap,5,2023-07-15 19:12:03 +Google Play,No respect for data privacy. Usual META behaviour.,1,2023-07-13 10:18:34 +Google Play,Nice i like beacuse it is provided by meta,1,2023-07-06 12:19:01 +Google Play,The worst app ever seen.... Not even close to Twitter,1,2023-07-05 23:46:55 +Google Play,It's good and easy to use,5,2023-07-06 18:16:42 +Google Play,Threads need to improve a lot. A lot.,2,2023-07-17 15:52:28 +Google Play,I only prefer Twitter but include with insta no chance ever man fuc u zukku 🐼👂,1,2023-07-14 18:09:15 +Google Play,Thank you Mark for this wonderful app..... it's today we will know who bought followers😂🤝🏾,5,2023-07-06 19:36:39 +Google Play,Very good using experience great app,5,2023-07-07 17:58:42 +Google Play,This app is not working,1,2023-07-08 05:30:32 +Google Play,"Lmao y'all copied Twitter and said ""do better"" and i love it",5,2023-07-23 07:00:35 +Google Play,The app got many bugs Its crushing,1,2023-07-14 21:35:56 +Google Play,This is very vender full application,5,2023-07-16 13:56:40 +Google Play,Best of luck for the best journey,4,2023-07-12 17:56:36 +Google Play,Nothing special It is just like another instagram.,1,2023-07-07 18:26:18 +Google Play,Not necessary Instagram is far better,1,2023-07-18 15:47:57 +Google Play,Threads is very useful app 🙏🥳,5,2023-07-06 12:23:01 +Google Play,"bcs this app, I can't open my Instagram account",1,2023-07-09 08:27:51 +Google Play,I want to delete my thread account but when I do this thread was asking me to delete my Instagram account too.. this is a trap.. not satisfied with threads..,1,2023-07-19 05:19:44 +Google Play,Best platform ever,5,2023-07-07 12:33:12 +Google Play,Hide bage is not good 💔 so please unhide bage opinion in update,1,2023-07-13 11:49:40 +Google Play,I unfortunately removed threads badge on Instagram how do i add it again???,2,2023-07-06 08:01:12 +Google Play,App crashes always,1,2023-07-08 10:24:39 +Google Play,This is not installed my phone please help us,5,2023-07-07 11:39:16 +Google Play,i love the app good work to the owner of this app,5,2023-07-06 16:41:59 +Google Play,Love it! It's helpful,5,2023-07-06 18:23:15 +Google Play,"Nice app, well done!",5,2023-07-06 19:52:00 +Google Play,Full of bugs and I can't even report them,1,2023-07-11 15:28:53 +Google Play,Amazing app i enjoying my life with this application 💝😻💝,5,2023-07-07 17:13:56 +Google Play,Good to see you all so much more important things are happening now and get your hands✋🖐👋,3,2023-07-06 11:35:56 +Google Play,Well this is a good appnby instagram and meta,5,2023-07-06 17:23:19 +Google Play,It's good but I think it need privet chat,5,2023-07-10 18:21:41 +Google Play,Wow it is an amazing app I really love it,5,2023-07-13 12:05:04 +Google Play,A functional application even better than Twitter😁👍,5,2023-07-06 09:08:43 +Google Play,Aap is so interesting. But it is not good,1,2023-07-13 04:32:24 +Google Play,please fix the bug😭,1,2023-07-06 16:07:47 +Google Play,"Unique, Stylish👌,#Dope",5,2023-07-06 10:08:26 +Google Play,This app is good. But Twitter is best.,5,2023-07-11 12:34:01 +Google Play,I hate this app not good i iavoit this app i give star 5/0 he worth it 5/0 but i give it 5/1 thanks to me 😂😂😂😂😂,1,2023-07-15 06:16:23 +Google Play,"Dear Mark Zuckerberg, I don't know why u created threads, where is the creativity that u have done, and all what u do u stole the content of Twitter.",1,2023-07-08 11:40:58 +Google Play,This app glitches please fix it Asap,1,2023-07-08 18:01:27 +Google Play,It's just not very polished 😔,1,2023-07-18 07:06:51 +Google Play,One more app to waste time 🫨,2,2023-07-06 12:01:34 +Google Play,Yarr once you logged then you can't remove data if you remove i'll remove from insta gram so i worried about it,1,2023-07-21 04:52:58 +Google Play,Another app to waste time and sanity on 🥸,2,2023-07-10 00:30:40 +Google Play,Fix the feeds to only ppl you follow....,1,2023-07-19 06:09:57 +Google Play,"Bad algorithm, no one wanna see cringe influencer. No thrending",1,2023-07-22 05:48:04 +Google Play,This feels like a copy and pasted twitter,1,2023-07-19 17:27:55 +Google Play,"Terrible recommendations, app sucks, get Twitter you bozo",1,2023-07-24 04:07:43 +Google Play,"Login with Instagram only, not for me then.",3,2023-07-07 05:34:07 +Google Play,It takes a lot of effort to open it,5,2023-07-13 23:26:32 +Google Play,"Useless copy of twitter, twitter>>>>>",1,2023-07-08 15:52:38 +Google Play,Nice idea apps is brilliant,5,2023-07-07 12:41:25 +Google Play,"This disgustingly look exactly like Twitter, create your own thing. It's stealing 🚫",1,2023-07-09 03:18:18 +Google Play,It's absolutely sensational.,5,2023-07-06 22:33:31 +Google Play,"i love this app so much, anyway elon is coming",5,2023-07-07 10:32:49 +Google Play,It's just a cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-14 10:17:13 +Google Play,you must have an Instagram account to use it..,1,2023-07-11 04:40:00 +Google Play,This is a nice app. !! We can moots here 😍😍❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:07:00 +Google Play,App has been glitching since I installed it,1,2023-07-07 20:45:16 +Google Play,I am unable to Remove badge from Instagram,1,2023-07-07 17:56:13 +Google Play,Insta is a very good application,4,2023-07-06 17:20:51 +Google Play,The app is useless and boring,1,2023-07-06 21:06:36 +Google Play,"I'm unable to follow back. My followers are complaining of me not following back, please do something about it.",3,2023-07-15 08:31:19 +Google Play,I heard deleting theards app also deleting Instagram profile. Is that truth?,3,2023-07-08 06:47:17 +Google Play,Too bad that this app has nothing original to offer,1,2023-07-18 19:03:53 +Google Play,🌚okay then since it's public 😂I have one question why would deleting threads delete your Instagram account 🌚that's very uncomfortable..please look into that 😌,2,2023-07-07 08:44:56 +Google Play,It should have a translate option for comments and replies.,3,2023-07-11 04:44:47 +Google Play,Just hangs when trying to install,1,2023-07-07 04:59:14 +Google Play,Useless app Useless platform,1,2023-07-20 08:35:05 +Google Play,Won't this innovative product and idea have the weaknesses and shortcomings of Twitter's social network ?,4,2023-07-06 09:55:46 +Google Play,A number is very nice I like this item,5,2023-07-09 16:03:58 +Google Play,"No Trending like twitter , also I don't like Zuckerberg aa there will obviously be no free speech",1,2023-07-24 00:01:03 +Google Play,The app doesn't have a dark mode,2,2023-07-15 18:39:52 +Google Play,This app is absolutely amazing and i'm liking it,4,2023-07-07 03:45:53 +Google Play,This thing starts bugging when I'm scroll down the app bro 💀,1,2023-07-06 04:20:52 +Google Play,"We didn't know how it is , I want to see how it work",4,2023-07-22 17:38:31 +Google Play,This app will be helpful for the peoples who are you twitter because everyone knows what's happening this app will be competitive for twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:25:32 +Google Play,So far its bad but its new app so we gotta wait until its better,3,2023-07-06 21:45:43 +Google Play,Why this only for one acc???? Not can change another acc like Ig??? Thx,3,2023-07-06 02:08:35 +Google Play,"Love it, better than twitter",5,2023-07-06 17:07:53 +Google Play,very bad experience with threads app,1,2023-07-08 03:40:02 +Google Play,Just like twitter😂 But its nice.,4,2023-07-06 18:35:13 +Google Play,"I don't know hows this app. I just install it, for the first time ☺️",1,2023-07-07 17:30:57 +Google Play,Please don't install my mobile data leak this app 👎👎,5,2023-07-06 16:12:44 +Google Play,I download and use it nice experience,5,2023-07-07 09:34:20 +Google Play,I like the app very well The creator tried,4,2023-07-07 11:38:22 +Google Play,Very good and hard app,5,2023-07-06 18:31:54 +Google Play,Not available for Android OS 5.0,1,2023-07-08 12:53:00 +Google Play,Meh. This will fail. Forcing you to keep your IG everything was the big mistake.,1,2023-07-08 01:32:45 +Google Play,If you needed proof meta needs to have anti trust laws enforcement here it is ... Already have several weird stalkers on my account trying.... Already have people I don't know in my business.....already feel blocked by the racist mainstream no affirmative action at threads...breeding ground for ai copyright infringement...not art friendly... Tones of ai white supremacists.... Turning woke humans into zombies drones with algorithms for 🧠....,1,2023-07-08 16:04:10 +Google Play,Don't West of time and west yor MB its same like Instagram,1,2023-07-07 11:51:15 +Google Play,There is no sense to link insta I'd with this app 😑🙏,1,2023-07-11 18:57:22 +Google Play,data collection centre for ads 😔,1,2023-07-06 14:00:55 +Google Play,Better than the blue bird ✅❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:08:30 +Google Play,This app belongs to the illuminati society and it is a fully copied version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 06:38:38 +Google Play,This is incredible 😘🥰 .. nice app,5,2023-07-07 08:12:00 +Google Play,Too slow to download,3,2023-07-06 14:28:47 +Google Play,Amazing 😍 Get download the fastly 🙋,5,2023-07-06 18:00:46 +Google Play,Supper cool 😁 app still browsing the app,4,2023-07-07 11:13:40 +Google Play,"Twitter copy, but it's good",5,2023-07-06 11:23:44 +Google Play,Nice job with you guys and gold for you guys,5,2023-07-06 09:12:40 +Google Play,Exceptional app always want something like this,5,2023-07-06 10:00:04 +Google Play,If someone wants to see a makeover of Facebook then install this app,1,2023-07-07 14:27:48 +Google Play,Good one apart from twitter.,5,2023-07-06 08:03:16 +Google Play,Very good Nice apps and tereand app,5,2023-07-06 01:08:13 +Google Play,Good conversation good net working,5,2023-07-07 00:59:43 +Google Play,It's easy to use good 👍💯,5,2023-07-07 00:02:50 +Google Play,"So if I am not an Instagram user, I cannot use this app.",1,2023-07-07 06:03:46 +Google Play,Working fine beautiful,5,2023-07-06 13:41:20 +Google Play,This ap is very use full nice app follow me in Instagram _miss_shakshi__ff,5,2023-07-06 02:50:19 +Google Play,need more features,4,2023-07-06 15:47:42 +Google Play,Nice app Nice and interesting... Lol bod gon kill us 😂,5,2023-07-06 15:50:51 +Google Play,"I want to use threads, but I don't want an Instagram account 😔",2,2023-07-06 21:06:47 +Google Play,"Great app for new users , But still twitter is better",4,2023-07-07 11:36:46 +Google Play,Great m using this since 3 years ago go ahead and check out now,5,2023-07-05 23:40:20 +Google Play,I am trying to download but it doesn't want so please help,1,2023-07-07 09:50:00 +Google Play,Still downloading the so my answer is notsure hehe ty.😊,3,2023-07-07 14:45:24 +Google Play,Very good app better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:34:50 +Google Play,Can't install app on my device please help 😞,1,2023-07-06 03:15:44 +Google Play,It's hard to download,1,2023-07-06 16:32:13 +Google Play,Lol this is much better than the Twitter we all know,5,2023-07-06 18:34:51 +Google Play,Best app ever (。・ω・。)ノ♡ Yours Truly Mizykvickly,5,2023-07-06 19:48:51 +Google Play,How much data you are collecting!,1,2023-07-07 02:22:14 +Google Play,One of the most ground breaking app of 2023.,5,2023-07-06 05:59:08 +Google Play,My instagram has stopped working because of this app,1,2023-07-07 11:49:59 +Google Play,Very bad..if we want close the account means we should have to delete insta.. account also,1,2023-07-06 08:24:42 +Google Play,Bro's whole career is either cheating people or other apps.,1,2023-07-07 12:28:33 +Google Play,This to me is even better than Twitter thumbs up 👍 👏 👌 🙌 to the team,5,2023-07-07 07:17:51 +Google Play,You need an Instagram account to use it.,1,2023-07-06 17:31:21 +Google Play,no idea why would I need this app. SCAM. SPAM. RUBBISH.,1,2023-07-06 22:08:16 +Google Play,Am I the only one facing so many glitches?,2,2023-07-06 20:14:25 +Google Play,First to drop a review so just doing it .... Need to check how it is and edit the review later 😂😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 17:33:24 +Google Play,New apps thes apps very nice 🙂☺️,5,2023-07-06 21:52:54 +Google Play,Every thinks look good.,5,2023-07-07 10:49:00 +Google Play,So can we talk about how threads is basically Twitter but by Instagram But I still love it,4,2023-07-06 11:57:14 +Google Play,It's just Twitter just the old version,3,2023-07-07 01:12:46 +Google Play,Deleting the threads account separately to linked Instagram account.,3,2023-07-07 07:01:46 +Google Play,I love the app But u guy should try giving a freemode option,5,2023-07-07 06:55:08 +Google Play,The app glitches on my phone.,1,2023-07-06 11:10:27 +Google Play,Such a wonderful app👋👋👋. I love it😍😍😍,5,2023-07-07 02:09:08 +Google Play,I need the option to permanently delete my thread without deleting my Instagram,1,2023-07-06 20:11:45 +Google Play,"Please don't change this minimal ui, I'm loving it",4,2023-07-06 15:27:58 +Google Play,"Welcome to Threads, guys. It's ok good app!. Try it out !",3,2023-07-07 05:09:20 +Google Play,"This is a very good app, I myself have liked it",5,2023-07-06 16:48:43 +Google Play,Good app but Twitter better than threads,5,2023-07-07 03:07:46 +Google Play,Best way to communicate to the world 🌍,5,2023-07-06 18:29:28 +Google Play,this is the most addictive app i have 😭😭,5,2023-07-06 20:49:07 +Google Play,It's cool I like the features,4,2023-07-06 18:07:11 +Google Play,I love this app🤩 it's so amazing 🤗,5,2023-07-07 09:02:12 +Google Play,"Sorry, Mark. I just don't like your face.",1,2023-07-06 01:55:03 +Google Play,"Loved it!!!!! Well I'm your first review, give me a bonus.",5,2023-07-06 07:58:51 +Google Play,How I can see the other tweets without the Search bar,1,2023-07-05 23:15:57 +Google Play,App has great potential,5,2023-07-07 11:30:36 +Google Play,I don't like that meta has a monopoly,2,2023-07-06 23:57:11 +Google Play,This app is like Instagram + tweeter I love it,4,2023-07-07 15:50:11 +Google Play,Absolutely new features,5,2023-07-06 11:58:49 +Google Play,Need more improvement I don't delete my account without Instagram account🤬🤬🤬,1,2023-07-07 16:51:03 +Google Play,So boring and randomly,1,2023-07-11 17:57:19 +Google Play,This is illegal. This is identity theft! Don't download! (TREMENDOUS SCAMS),1,2023-07-06 18:00:59 +Google Play,Requires you to have an Instagram account.,1,2023-07-07 23:54:43 +Google Play,Too gud 🤗 no words can describe 😶,5,2023-07-07 16:00:25 +Google Play,"Not my app, Twitter is way better",1,2023-07-07 06:57:53 +Google Play,Why can't I download the app Please retify this problem please .,1,2023-07-08 14:05:39 +Google Play,New to Threads... Hope It'll famous like Facebook and any other social media platform.,5,2023-07-07 14:57:38 +Google Play,Threads are so lame 🤢🤮imm'o continue tweeting...twitter is the best,1,2023-07-07 22:48:55 +Google Play,Not work properly,1,2023-07-08 19:38:57 +Google Play,This would be a great feat in three years to come ✔️✔️,5,2023-07-09 23:27:40 +Google Play,Not tried it yet but i think it needs a 5 star rating,5,2023-07-06 10:27:40 +Google Play,We already have an app just like this one. Its called Twitter,1,2023-07-08 07:54:11 +Google Play,Basically an ap for people who have no actual life This is just basically reddit+twitter but everything about you is being sold to some chinese guy,1,2023-07-06 18:40:41 +Google Play,I think only instagram users can use this app,1,2023-07-06 11:02:29 +Google Play,twitter and threads. which one is best ?,5,2023-07-07 14:58:57 +Google Play,A poor imitation of screecher. Even your employees rate it 3*.,1,2023-07-08 20:08:00 +Google Play,This is really good app for everyuser,5,2023-07-07 11:45:41 +Google Play,One thing i want to know can we use more instagram accounts on threds.. if yes. Tell me how..??,5,2023-07-08 09:57:11 +Google Play,There is no option for pm it feels boring,3,2023-07-07 03:19:37 +Google Play,What's the additional value of this platform? Nothing,1,2023-07-07 23:52:25 +Google Play,beta access can it be opened? I'm excited to try it!,5,2023-07-06 06:55:00 +Google Play,Just four cause it don't want on my phone to downloae,4,2023-07-06 16:44:48 +Google Play,It so good I'm enjoying this app I will tell you that u must try this app guys 💕,5,2023-07-08 14:26:45 +Google Play,I heat This threads app so i deactivated the account i wish i could delete threads account Twitter wins yeah Twitter is the best,1,2023-07-09 16:35:55 +Google Play,idk but anything is better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 07:13:45 +Google Play,Typical social media app nothing interesting,1,2023-07-06 17:35:48 +Google Play,Is there a way to use this without having an Instagram account?,1,2023-07-07 21:43:02 +Google Play,Great app AND PLEASE PICK THIS APP TO LOGIN IN GAMES,5,2023-07-06 11:07:36 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg sir thank for threading application can you please and I suggest you new application similar by sanpchaat good opportunity for you ☺️,5,2023-07-08 04:54:23 +Google Play,People sould be able to create account without instagram.,3,2023-07-06 03:22:00 +Google Play,"Click on Twitter, Press Ctrl+C then Click on Instagram nd Press Ctrl+V..",1,2023-07-07 12:12:22 +Google Play,Another app for them censor us with different points of view... well done,1,2023-07-09 01:39:24 +Google Play,Broh it's not fair why can't I delete my thrade acc without deleting my insta acc 😑😑 you guys need to fix it deleting thread acc also deletes the insta acc,1,2023-07-08 17:51:59 +Google Play,This application is look like a Twitter Soo wonderful 😊,5,2023-07-10 16:28:00 +Google Play,Very very most useful app,5,2023-07-07 07:02:21 +Google Play,I can't upload photos in it.,1,2023-07-06 11:14:23 +Google Play,Well me and my friends enjoy while using this app,5,2023-07-06 13:01:06 +Google Play,This good group message photo,5,2023-07-06 14:27:57 +Google Play,Data Harvester. Limit data harvesting..,1,2023-07-08 05:23:55 +Google Play,Horrible app. Steals all your data.,1,2023-07-08 00:03:33 +Google Play,Perfect app👌👌it's better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:38:18 +Google Play,this app collects alot of personal data,1,2023-07-08 20:18:53 +Google Play,"It's a joke, Insta+Twitter+Meta= 😓 Can't stand against Twitter",1,2023-07-06 05:47:47 +Google Play,This application is very interesting,1,2023-07-06 02:58:29 +Google Play,Very good app for Top G,5,2023-07-07 08:56:10 +Google Play,Now I am going to download this app I think 🤔 this is good app,5,2023-07-06 15:16:25 +Google Play,I love this for Trapdoor San Diego!,5,2023-07-06 12:22:46 +Google Play,I am sure this app has more facilities,5,2023-07-06 09:52:30 +Google Play,Please fix glitch problem 😅,4,2023-07-07 03:58:27 +Google Play,Good application for Instagramer users,5,2023-07-06 03:28:05 +Google Play,The app keeps stopping,4,2023-07-09 16:06:01 +Google Play,I love the interface,5,2023-07-06 12:25:48 +Google Play,Good app it is realy best.best of luck,5,2023-07-07 20:21:32 +Google Play,I CANT DOWNLOAD THE APP DAWG nag delete na nga ko app dai pa nag download kang app na ine!! dai ako nauugma sa app na 'to omygod #BwisetMode,2,2023-07-06 14:44:12 +Google Play,Worst because of it I lost my both Facebook and Instagram account,1,2023-07-07 17:05:03 +Google Play,Never trust meta they are using our data,2,2023-07-07 19:35:42 +Google Play,"Stupid app, obvious fake reviews, just a bad alternative.",1,2023-07-07 17:47:31 +Google Play,He cheated to Elon Musk but still I feel that it is better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 07:05:32 +Google Play,Wrost app I never seen !,2,2023-07-09 04:12:48 +Google Play,Isn't good enough to beat Twitter.,1,2023-07-09 17:08:01 +Google Play,It's better than Twitter since Elon Musk acquired it.,5,2023-07-06 00:27:56 +Google Play,My instagram cannot login.,1,2023-07-06 15:49:13 +Google Play,Instagram and meta sold the users Data by default:))))),1,2023-07-06 05:45:49 +Google Play,Very cool new social app!,5,2023-07-06 13:24:51 +Google Play,Very bad app Twitter is best 🥰,1,2023-07-08 08:54:47 +Google Play,This is very very nice I just like it,5,2023-07-07 08:11:15 +Google Play,This is one of the most great apps,5,2023-07-08 17:22:43 +Google Play,Can't install the app,1,2023-07-09 18:26:55 +Google Play,"What is this app, twitter basically but with censorship",1,2023-07-10 04:45:19 +Google Play,Bad twitter clone without signups,1,2023-07-08 18:22:15 +Google Play,I think it will be the most using app in this century,5,2023-07-07 08:48:39 +Google Play,Stolen Twitter code..... It's pretty obvious from looking at it. 0 stars.,1,2023-07-08 10:20:42 +Google Play,Have to have an Instagram account to even use this app.,1,2023-07-09 00:49:35 +Google Play,"Why to use the first copy when we have orignal app called ""TWITTER"" ?",1,2023-07-08 05:02:38 +Google Play,The program does not work for me. Please solve the problem🙏🏻,1,2023-07-06 22:02:56 +Google Play,Apps of the time its real good,5,2023-07-06 20:30:04 +Google Play,"Usless app , if any thing happen to my insta account it is ur responsiblity",1,2023-07-08 14:39:11 +Google Play,This app interface sucks,1,2023-07-06 08:14:49 +Google Play,This is nice app I'm very happy 😁,5,2023-07-06 17:35:25 +Google Play,This app is so good for wasting time of people 🤣,1,2023-07-07 15:06:32 +Google Play,"Good app,best of luck",5,2023-07-06 07:30:01 +Google Play,This app is gud for me because this app made me happy 😊🥰🥰,5,2023-07-08 10:15:16 +Google Play,Just need trends and hastags,4,2023-07-06 00:40:54 +Google Play,This is great I recomend it to everybody,5,2023-07-10 03:04:50 +Google Play,Amazing Initiative by Instagram Love This,5,2023-07-06 09:03:38 +Google Play,I download but didn't any work this aap,5,2023-07-06 03:45:17 +Google Play,3rd class application boring,1,2023-07-09 18:04:06 +Google Play,Amazing app thank you Meta,5,2023-07-07 03:44:23 +Google Play,Good app. Twitter was not good,5,2023-07-06 16:57:02 +Google Play,Uninstalled as quick as I installed it.,1,2023-07-07 20:27:30 +Google Play,there's a glitch in the app,1,2023-07-09 22:26:01 +Google Play,Why getting glitch again and again,2,2023-07-07 06:45:48 +Google Play,"Amazing app just like twitter lol,😂",5,2023-07-06 18:47:25 +Google Play,Woww what a great idea 💡 i love this threads app,5,2023-07-06 08:17:21 +Google Play,"Worse community guidelines than Twitter, can't find pron either.",1,2023-07-07 12:31:45 +Google Play,The only user that is not available in Instagram Threads is Elon Musk 👊😂,5,2023-07-06 18:47:51 +Google Play,Sucks and it shares data with 3rd party including China.,1,2023-07-10 19:32:18 +Google Play,Too many permissions required,1,2023-07-07 16:54:34 +Google Play,In order to delete your thread account;you have to delete your Instagram account also.,1,2023-07-07 17:35:28 +Google Play,Can y'all make this app available on web browser too,4,2023-07-09 05:17:58 +Google Play,"I love this thread app, Instagram♥️♥️",3,2023-07-08 13:28:57 +Google Play,IF YOU NOT GOT INSTERGRAM YOU CAN'T SIGN UP....,1,2023-07-06 09:09:31 +Google Play,Lol... Censoring everything cant even post a simple explicit or simple meme... Adios threads uninstalled... Twitter is better...,1,2023-07-07 09:03:49 +Google Play,I love it so much...it is Just nice😂🤟🏿,5,2023-07-06 16:27:23 +Google Play,"Hi dude, I'm the first person to write a review here 😅 huhu ... I hadn't use it Hi, zakarburg bro how are you",5,2023-07-06 07:09:10 +Google Play,This is a beautiful app,5,2023-07-11 02:25:34 +Google Play,It's really a great apk,5,2023-07-06 13:43:29 +Google Play,"I'm the fourt person to review the new app, it was fantastic",5,2023-07-07 23:35:25 +Google Play,It takes ages to download,1,2023-07-06 19:39:57 +Google Play,Too much glitch,1,2023-07-07 07:25:55 +Google Play,Thank you so much Instagram...😊,5,2023-07-06 01:14:55 +Google Play,Too many data point requirements,1,2023-07-06 05:52:31 +Google Play,Love this app especially because haleyybaylee is On it lol,5,2023-07-09 02:16:34 +Google Play,"Can't compete with Twitter, it's a hype product",3,2023-07-06 12:44:20 +Google Play,Phone number? Face verification? LoL no.,1,2023-07-10 13:58:57 +Google Play,Just like any other meta apps it's censored as hell,1,2023-07-06 10:23:48 +Google Play,Trash!!! Basically a clone twitter app,1,2023-07-06 20:58:48 +Google Play,More anxiety to watch this app,4,2023-07-06 10:49:18 +Google Play,Would be better if it didn't delete my gram acc,4,2023-07-09 08:49:42 +Google Play,Guys just replaced app name from Instagram to Threads and called it as Threads,1,2023-07-06 09:41:37 +Google Play,In Instagram not showing others story any one can hello me,1,2023-07-07 11:59:42 +Google Play,Feels so good for a start,5,2023-07-06 07:40:33 +Google Play,I see no advantage of using this instead of Twitter,1,2023-07-10 13:29:04 +Google Play,"First things first, work on customer service, the problem with meta is that you digitalise everything, customer service should be handled by human agents, and we need a Threads Lite this one is glitchy",3,2023-07-07 11:13:07 +Google Play,"Deep state spyware, twitter clone.",1,2023-07-06 20:18:14 +Google Play,This app is trash don't download it 😡,5,2023-07-07 15:04:10 +Google Play,"Dear Elon, I was waiting for this one. You are doing great.",5,2023-07-06 12:27:18 +Google Play,A really good app better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:49:08 +Google Play,The best app in the world,3,2023-07-06 07:52:36 +Google Play,He never falls to entertain us ❤️,4,2023-07-07 07:58:56 +Google Play,I haven't used it yet but I hope the app is good.,5,2023-07-09 06:41:23 +Google Play,I'm trying to download threads but is not installing,1,2023-07-06 11:12:58 +Google Play,Too many glitches,1,2023-07-06 02:25:14 +Google Play,Twitter copy. Totally uninteresting,1,2023-07-11 00:44:37 +Google Play,Good app. Im the first person to rate,5,2023-07-06 22:34:48 +Google Play,Better than the bird app,5,2023-07-06 20:44:37 +Google Play,I am Instagram user my account Sanatan knowledge and this app is so good 😊,5,2023-07-06 08:39:39 +Google Play,Nice to compitative for tweeter,5,2023-07-06 16:53:39 +Google Play,"It will destroy Twitter, Fantastic app",5,2023-07-06 22:35:21 +Google Play,"Ahhh lizard 🦎 zuck cope pasted the app, very bad",1,2023-07-08 06:57:11 +Google Play,It is very similar to Twitter,5,2023-07-07 20:41:35 +Google Play,Unfollowed a bunch of people from Instagram,1,2023-07-07 12:49:38 +Google Play,Just An amazing app but The Copy Master Mark Zuckerberg Copied Twitter App 😂😂,5,2023-07-08 03:27:27 +Google Play,Can you change the app logo,1,2023-07-08 11:30:35 +Google Play,That is good we are very appropriate about this🙏💪🤸🤸,5,2023-07-06 20:18:00 +Google Play,Very impressed I like this app,5,2023-07-06 21:21:47 +Google Play,Please Instagram calm down don't disable my account again please 🙏🙏🙌🙏🙌🙏♥️🥺,5,2023-07-10 00:33:08 +Google Play,Full support is on this app,5,2023-07-08 14:31:50 +Google Play,Very nice app i love it 💞,5,2023-07-07 02:50:37 +Google Play,Hopefully it will be better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 09:39:55 +Google Play,there are lots of bugs.,2,2023-07-09 14:05:30 +Google Play,Nice app this is My first time to download it,5,2023-07-06 12:55:42 +Google Play,Totally a great app,5,2023-07-06 22:37:36 +Google Play,Good. Sent from my Galaxy Z Fold5,5,2023-07-08 04:11:49 +Google Play,Wow That's amzing tools for young generation. 🤩,4,2023-07-07 01:32:27 +Google Play,Hello Super App For thanks Support ☺️ @Sonulotan24_,5,2023-07-09 08:57:08 +Google Play,Good App And Very Hot 🥵 Nice 👍👍,1,2023-07-08 15:29:25 +Google Play,Banned before even opening the app!so disappointed,1,2023-07-05 23:56:50 +Google Play,Wow this app 😍 👏 amazing My Instagram account @__narsi_khileri_295 I am rating this app 5 star 🌟 🤩,5,2023-07-06 08:45:18 +Google Play,It's beautiful app 😍.,4,2023-07-06 23:31:10 +Google Play,This app is best 👌. Here is something better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:56:27 +Google Play,You can install it if you have twitter #twittercopy,4,2023-07-10 12:55:16 +Google Play,This is ganna be an interesting app,1,2023-07-06 20:33:22 +Google Play,Let's see it has any bugs like insta has 💀😂,5,2023-07-06 15:16:11 +Google Play,Feels like a shell of a social media platform,2,2023-07-06 04:15:47 +Google Play,It's having a lite version,2,2023-07-07 14:02:29 +Google Play,This is great app Instagram user 👌,5,2023-07-06 08:48:45 +Google Play,This is very very good to use,5,2023-07-08 12:02:18 +Google Play,Really nice app Wonderful 😊,5,2023-07-07 23:42:22 +Google Play,This app still buggy in mine,3,2023-07-07 12:10:00 +Google Play,Here to support but ....... OH MY GOD GLITCHES,2,2023-07-09 04:57:54 +Google Play,Lining glitch or don't know what is that,1,2023-07-06 17:02:52 +Google Play,It is a really good application,5,2023-07-07 00:25:09 +Google Play,Web doesn't load.,1,2023-07-07 06:29:36 +Google Play,If someone hide the badge so how to unhide that ?? Solve this problem,3,2023-07-06 16:02:36 +Google Play,"Big problem, you can't delete your thread data without losing your Instagram account.🥴 Matlab Thread I'd delete to insta account bhi gya",1,2023-07-07 20:02:36 +Google Play,Best app for chat with me friends 😄😄,5,2023-07-07 08:14:50 +Google Play,"I downloaded it because Of MS Dhoni, started using it",5,2023-07-09 05:52:51 +Google Play,Very bad experience. Not satisfied,1,2023-07-08 19:13:26 +Google Play,someone say this app better than twitter *me,5,2023-07-06 14:09:02 +Google Play,Good Performance For this app,5,2023-07-06 10:56:31 +Google Play,Tried to copy Twitter failed miserably,1,2023-07-07 02:36:14 +Google Play,Better than Twitter for sure :),5,2023-07-06 15:38:40 +Google Play,Getting lots of informations,1,2023-07-06 16:42:19 +Google Play,Very good Perfect match aap,5,2023-07-06 14:23:04 +Google Play,3rd class threads app...... Twitter best,1,2023-07-08 19:19:33 +Google Play,this app iz gud follow me manation 360 for more info,5,2023-07-07 08:24:00 +Google Play,Finally something that beats twitter,5,2023-07-06 17:44:21 +Google Play,And just like a thread..thrown right into the bin,1,2023-07-07 01:57:36 +Google Play,Very very very bakwas app,1,2023-07-08 01:53:01 +Google Play,This app is a data dalal And a clone...,1,2023-07-09 12:15:17 +Google Play,"Grat App to use, i never used Twitter, but i alwas use thia from yeaterday",5,2023-07-07 01:03:21 +Google Play,This app is best and I thinking this best,4,2023-07-06 17:39:36 +Google Play,Basically Twitter but kinda worse.,3,2023-07-06 20:03:52 +Google Play,Is this threads app safe or not Social media talking about thread pls uninstall the app if don't uninstall u r instagram was deleted 🥲,5,2023-07-09 21:18:55 +Google Play,This app is so cool. I give it a 5⭐,5,2023-07-06 14:17:53 +Google Play,"I'm loving this app already😍 So,i rather give it a 5🤩",5,2023-07-06 17:28:19 +Google Play,Pls dont install this if you installed and logged your account then you want to delete threads not only deletes threads also your instagram account💀,1,2023-07-09 03:58:31 +Google Play,Can't install app,1,2023-07-06 08:43:08 +Google Play,Looking forward to experiencing this app.,5,2023-07-05 23:17:33 +Google Play,Sign in from Google account should also be possible,2,2023-07-07 03:53:16 +Google Play,No need for this app just delete it,1,2023-07-08 10:40:25 +Google Play,Sorry but too boring to use,1,2023-07-06 15:29:51 +Google Play,I downloaded threads for @explainthisbob_a.i . A great app,5,2023-07-06 03:31:46 +Google Play,I hope this app wont allow adult content! bruh,3,2023-07-06 16:33:14 +Google Play,It's getting. Glitch out,1,2023-07-08 14:45:26 +Google Play,Can't login my account Too much ads censorship,1,2023-07-19 13:29:00 +Google Play,A Normal User Experience It might Develop Well In future !!,5,2023-07-06 15:20:45 +Google Play,This is the app I've been waiting for and I'm glad to come,5,2023-07-11 08:08:18 +Google Play,I don't understand exactly why this app is used for,1,2023-07-15 11:14:51 +Google Play,All the way from Nigeria I love this app,5,2023-07-06 20:52:59 +Google Play,The only reason I downloaded this app because of Zayn Malik ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 03:43:22 +Google Play,Try to add bookmark feature like Twitter,4,2023-07-09 20:35:54 +Google Play,Crashes when replying to a thread,1,2023-07-07 13:28:01 +Google Play,Rally good app for me download all people,5,2023-07-06 21:20:47 +Google Play,Why do I have to have Instagram to have Threads? Stupid.,1,2023-07-05 23:41:29 +Google Play,"Red flags in Threads' privacy policy ᅠ 🚩 Threads Collects sensitive personal information about you 🚩 Threads Collects data about your job 🚩 Threads Collects data about your body 🚩 Threads Collects information about your web activity 🚩 Threads Collects data about your location Photos, videos or other recordings of the user's environment, as well as ""IP address-based location information"" may be collected and sent to third parties.",1,2023-07-07 16:15:23 +Google Play,I just downloaded it because of fomo so🤷,3,2023-07-07 11:10:00 +Google Play,Why the heck this even exist waste of time😂 useless app,1,2023-07-12 13:04:57 +Google Play,same as Twitter not that great,1,2023-07-16 03:03:16 +Google Play,Borring...new Revenue source for meta..😝😝😝,1,2023-07-12 17:39:27 +Google Play,"Poor imitation, meta sucks bigtime",1,2023-07-16 11:05:27 +Google Play,This is best social media platform.,5,2023-07-06 11:16:28 +Google Play,The amount of permissions its asking for is too dangerous.,1,2023-07-08 13:53:42 +Google Play,It does not work,1,2023-07-10 22:56:04 +Google Play,A horrible clone of Twitter abundunt with censorship and data collection.,1,2023-07-09 23:31:08 +Google Play,It's on star for threads because their badge appears on my peofile,1,2023-07-10 15:14:59 +Google Play,Perfect competition for twitter😂,5,2023-07-07 09:17:04 +Google Play,In a word ..... Awesome!!!,5,2023-07-06 18:36:17 +Google Play,"This app could use a free mode, like FB you know",1,2023-07-09 20:02:20 +Google Play,Could be banned just for nothing.. nooo will stay on twitter,1,2023-07-09 17:09:29 +Google Play,it's so good I enjoy it,5,2023-07-07 13:55:30 +Google Play,This is literally the best social platform in the planet earth.,5,2023-07-08 07:36:25 +Google Play,"nice, i'll delete my twitter for this.",4,2023-07-07 02:19:02 +Google Play,Not installing. Is it only on my phone ?,2,2023-07-07 08:18:49 +Google Play,"Very nice app,who will beat twetter",5,2023-07-06 17:33:12 +Google Play,I don't like how my feed is of people I don't follow.,1,2023-07-05 23:52:42 +Google Play,Lots of people post cringe things. Twitter better,1,2023-07-06 20:47:11 +Google Play,ew i need an insta account to use it,1,2023-07-19 06:51:45 +Google Play,This app is best or not please say,5,2023-07-16 06:46:39 +Google Play,My Instagram account has been hacked after downloading this 🤮,1,2023-07-06 12:44:48 +Google Play,The thread got deleted by itself from my phone.,1,2023-07-12 11:32:59 +Google Play,"This is a good app, I like it, now what do you guys say?",3,2023-07-06 15:02:12 +Google Play,Easy to get new friends 🤙🏼,5,2023-07-07 04:34:40 +Google Play,This is great! I guess this is the fight with Elon Musk,4,2023-07-07 18:46:12 +Google Play,This is very helpful app,5,2023-07-06 12:03:23 +Google Play,Trash liberal app don't install,1,2023-07-17 10:10:37 +Google Play,Should be in Instagram not different app,1,2023-07-06 03:29:52 +Google Play,Giving one star bcz it's copied from Twitter no new idea no features,1,2023-07-09 15:53:55 +Google Play,Cheap copy and we all know,1,2023-07-14 10:30:57 +Google Play,I never support copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 19:37:46 +Google Play,I am so excited as using the new app,5,2023-07-10 14:12:17 +Google Play,Screen glitch problem,1,2023-07-12 07:07:25 +Google Play,good app of alll time,5,2023-07-11 02:23:46 +Google Play,Wow !!this is the best app ever,5,2023-07-08 14:01:41 +Google Play,"You better do something and make options for us to delete Threads account, Mark",1,2023-07-07 22:54:47 +Google Play,Why did I even install this app?,1,2023-07-08 11:54:04 +Google Play,Greatest social media app I've ever used,5,2023-07-06 12:33:44 +Google Play,Best platform of social media,5,2023-07-06 09:59:12 +Google Play,Twitter is very good 👍 then threads,2,2023-07-07 11:12:32 +Google Play,Better than tiwetter thanks meta company,5,2023-07-07 20:11:30 +Google Play,Don't install this app ...,1,2023-07-19 17:16:43 +Google Play,This app is full of bugs,1,2023-07-09 06:44:26 +Google Play,This is a winderfull appp,5,2023-07-13 00:46:05 +Google Play,Would be more better if you make me your Official Graphic Designer😁,5,2023-07-06 06:59:26 +Google Play,It's not working,1,2023-07-10 00:36:46 +Google Play,Not engaging enough🫤,1,2023-07-19 08:16:10 +Google Play,You have to have intergarm to sign up,2,2023-07-13 01:35:12 +Google Play,"Copy of Twitter, don't appreciate copycats",1,2023-07-07 01:46:26 +Google Play,It's not supporting my device,1,2023-07-09 16:29:43 +Google Play,Will this form change and can it overtake Twitter?I just don't know if I have installed the application,5,2023-07-07 12:23:32 +Google Play,It's nice but also scary,5,2023-07-06 14:25:30 +Google Play,Still didn't installed 😐😐,1,2023-07-09 05:01:30 +Google Play,Need to improve,4,2023-07-06 16:51:25 +Google Play,Why I have to delete my Instagram account!!!!,2,2023-07-18 19:25:24 +Google Play,If it wasn't tied to Instagram I'll make one,1,2023-07-12 19:38:02 +Google Play,This app is Great and good 😊,5,2023-07-06 18:54:34 +Google Play,A very Cheap knockoff of Twitter....,1,2023-07-22 02:47:20 +Google Play,Thanks for making this app,5,2023-07-10 14:59:46 +Google Play,Super application very good,5,2023-07-06 13:20:45 +Google Play,Okay I gave 5 stars to it because I have twitter so it's my opinion,5,2023-07-06 10:45:49 +Google Play,mine glitching en stuff like its infected with the corona virus,1,2023-07-08 22:10:23 +Google Play,I don't like design,1,2023-07-07 06:00:46 +Google Play,This aap iss trying to copy twitter No hash tags can be used neither tranding just disgusting,1,2023-07-09 04:16:00 +Google Play,love this app new but good le see threads can beat twiter🗿,5,2023-07-07 05:10:01 +Google Play,Bad program not save,1,2023-07-21 09:57:00 +Google Play,"It's like twitter, but worse",1,2023-07-07 01:57:20 +Google Play,The social media variety is welcomed🙌,4,2023-07-07 07:48:20 +Google Play,Too much lagging 😔,1,2023-07-11 00:31:33 +Google Play,Skip the Hype. It will be filled with bots and 🔥 🗑️,1,2023-07-06 13:55:05 +Google Play,Not saport in mi note 5 and 6,1,2023-07-20 20:33:04 +Google Play,The experience is beyond words🥸Love this!,5,2023-07-07 20:50:36 +Google Play,Nice app better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 14:41:13 +Google Play,No creativity It is a copy of instegrm.🤬🤬,1,2023-07-10 05:13:20 +Google Play,This is a Super application for me 🙂,5,2023-07-07 17:10:09 +Google Play,Wow nice app from Meta Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:28:46 +Google Play,Worst app ever!!!! Twitter>>>threads,1,2023-07-20 07:12:44 +Google Play,I hope this app better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 01:20:09 +Google Play,I love this app so much,4,2023-07-07 20:29:09 +Google Play,Why my feed is white only.?? I hate it,1,2023-07-08 17:55:51 +Google Play,The apps is outstanding broo,5,2023-07-10 11:16:15 +Google Play,I know that this is gonna be a whole lot better!,5,2023-07-05 23:32:49 +Google Play,This is the future ..am happy I'll be part of it,5,2023-07-06 09:00:47 +Google Play,Im impressed this aap thanks for lunch this aap,5,2023-07-09 18:28:54 +Google Play,Only Instagram user only downloading,5,2023-07-08 09:41:10 +Google Play,Not good app seriously is to much 🤬😡😠😤,1,2023-07-12 16:45:31 +Google Play,You can't search public posts.,1,2023-07-12 11:38:16 +Google Play,Not satisfied with thread,1,2023-07-07 06:54:47 +Google Play,I Think This App Not Better Then Twitter That's why I give Only 1 Star,1,2023-07-08 13:13:55 +Google Play,I hate this app no heavy app people gives fake followers 😡,1,2023-07-08 07:26:11 +Google Play,One of best app for future,5,2023-07-07 06:20:15 +Google Play,Very nice nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:47:42 +Google Play,okay this is soooooo lekker new trend wow I'm excited,4,2023-07-07 11:44:55 +Google Play,Too slow to use,1,2023-07-14 18:42:25 +Google Play,Kull ape jast nicely apps best apps,3,2023-07-06 18:32:10 +Google Play,"Competition is fine, cheating is not",1,2023-07-07 18:03:09 +Google Play,Horrible search feature,1,2023-07-19 00:40:13 +Google Play,Good app i like it so so much,5,2023-07-14 17:07:14 +Google Play,I am getting a glitch could you please fix that,5,2023-07-08 13:40:44 +Google Play,This apk is very good I hope aage Jaye,5,2023-07-06 18:14:21 +Google Play,Still downloading it,5,2023-07-07 15:02:28 +Google Play,Its a no for me. I uninstalled,1,2023-07-08 10:36:24 +Google Play,It's like Twitter but bad,1,2023-07-08 11:36:57 +Google Play,It's a great safe app,5,2023-07-07 11:56:02 +Google Play,One of the best app so far,5,2023-07-06 20:00:23 +Google Play,You can create account only if you have Instagram,1,2023-07-23 16:56:36 +Google Play,Wow so beautiful i love this app,5,2023-07-06 14:22:03 +Google Play,Let users delete this account without deleting Instagram.,1,2023-07-08 10:44:42 +Google Play,"Worst App , Just a copy of twitter",1,2023-07-24 03:35:50 +Google Play,This app glitches a lot,1,2023-07-09 15:46:04 +Google Play,Never Liked Twitter let's see how this goes .,3,2023-07-06 12:42:05 +Google Play,I think it's a really nice app 👍🏾🙃,5,2023-07-09 20:14:47 +Google Play,It's aight 😂 😂 mark Zuckerberg I'm the first one to review your app please buy me an iPhone 14 pro max and a house 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 20:50:05 +Google Play,Stuck on login screen,1,2023-07-09 18:38:41 +Google Play,It makes you deleted your Instagram account if you want to delete your threads account,1,2023-07-17 09:16:53 +Google Play,Very interesting app 😸,5,2023-07-08 21:07:35 +Google Play,Blue bird is almost in every house ..,1,2023-07-06 06:08:37 +Google Play,This app is next level and will beat twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:21:24 +Google Play,Ronaldo would still be most followed if he joined,5,2023-07-07 12:56:43 +Google Play,nice one and a new experience,5,2023-07-06 10:04:29 +Google Play,Seems beautiful though,4,2023-07-06 06:14:57 +Google Play,This is good app for future.i like this app😑,5,2023-07-06 06:01:40 +Google Play,Threads the top and the other Photoshop,5,2023-07-11 08:40:20 +Google Play,No need to copy other app.,1,2023-07-22 09:06:58 +Google Play,This is actually better than twitter 🤝🤝👊����❤️❤️💃💃,5,2023-07-06 20:47:47 +Google Play,I want to delete this account without deleting Instagram,1,2023-07-11 00:42:06 +Google Play,Perfect app helpful,5,2023-07-06 10:48:27 +Google Play,My data is no safety here Twitter >>>>>,1,2023-07-12 16:15:19 +Google Play,"Copy From Twitter, Not Good Fake Application 😠",1,2023-07-11 18:33:55 +Google Play,Love it so far!,5,2023-07-07 18:35:39 +Google Play,Wish version of Twitter and with censorship. Get Twitter =Free Speech,1,2023-07-13 21:46:59 +Google Play,This good experience for this app,5,2023-07-10 14:07:16 +Google Play,Good App. You wanna try.,4,2023-07-08 14:20:17 +Google Play,It's just a copy paste idea from Twitter,1,2023-07-08 09:50:59 +Google Play,Content is same as insta or worst,1,2023-07-08 15:51:29 +Google Play,Why none of my content is visible to me?,1,2023-07-08 11:57:26 +Google Play,This appp is AN ABSOLUTE COPY literally redundant ..... carbon foot orint,1,2023-07-12 19:20:20 +Google Play,I love This it's very much good,5,2023-07-15 21:25:15 +Google Play,Very good app for using,5,2023-07-06 12:50:23 +Google Play,Way too good!,5,2023-07-17 22:28:59 +Google Play,Hmm it's a very nice app,5,2023-07-06 10:51:34 +Google Play,It's cool app ....guys I recommended everyone,5,2023-07-06 09:45:39 +Google Play,"useless parin to na app, di ako maka jowa nito",1,2023-07-08 11:42:23 +Google Play,It's a privecy nightmare. You need to delete your instagram account in order to delete your threads account.,1,2023-07-08 18:02:50 +Google Play,"Its lagging, I hate it",1,2023-07-08 06:19:05 +Google Play,Totally worse thing on social media.,1,2023-07-10 13:29:31 +Google Play,Very good app 📲 amazing 💕😍👌👌👍👍,5,2023-07-06 15:59:22 +Google Play,Waste of time. Totally useless,1,2023-07-18 20:35:04 +Google Play,I think it's give tough competition to Twitter and Elon Musk also 😁 Great initiative by Mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-08 14:25:09 +Google Play,Only way to login is if you have an IG.,1,2023-07-06 17:36:03 +Google Play,Good working app,4,2023-07-08 23:10:36 +Google Play,"Good,better and simply",5,2023-07-06 14:38:09 +Google Play,Great app very good app,5,2023-07-22 16:17:25 +Google Play,Best app so far.. Everything cool,5,2023-07-06 16:47:59 +Google Play,its even better than twitter 🖤,5,2023-07-07 08:32:26 +Google Play,Can't even open it,1,2023-07-06 11:15:16 +Google Play,Twitter fans in push and send 1 star from this app :))) ;),5,2023-07-22 22:09:06 +Google Play,Boyyyy this thing trash back to Twitter,1,2023-07-06 11:47:13 +Google Play,Give me a verification mark so that I can promote your app 🙂,5,2023-07-07 08:05:43 +Google Play,Such a great app!,5,2023-07-06 15:30:01 +Google Play,Its a trap don't download it,1,2023-07-22 06:40:45 +Google Play,Overall experience is good 💐,5,2023-07-08 05:54:25 +Google Play,Twitter> and i dont even like it,1,2023-07-08 17:52:23 +Google Play,This app is very useful 💯💯😍😍,5,2023-07-07 14:25:05 +Google Play,Ya I like this app..please try or u will cry..,5,2023-07-08 14:02:24 +Google Play,"Don't like this, their should be 0 star option too in rating",1,2023-07-07 20:21:05 +Google Play,Useless and Boring 😴 🥱🥱,1,2023-07-24 09:57:56 +Google Play,yesterday I was thinking about the walking dead on the road and it was very nice 👌 to and to and in the walking dead in a alliance of girls who have à in a alliance with a strong and defend,5,2023-07-11 10:31:06 +Google Play,Nice. Feels like twitter,4,2023-07-09 03:16:39 +Google Play,It is nice to see this app,5,2023-07-06 11:33:54 +Google Play,The badge isn't removing from my ig bio after deactivated my threads accounts,1,2023-07-06 17:27:28 +Google Play,It's so use ful to Instagram,5,2023-07-06 12:01:23 +Google Play,I hate Instagram it's good app,5,2023-07-07 10:48:22 +Google Play,Worst app waste of time,1,2023-07-10 18:40:34 +Google Play,I'm really happy with this app,5,2023-07-12 21:54:50 +Google Play,This is a new app I hope it will be good,2,2023-07-09 18:48:46 +Google Play,Needs a delete function,1,2023-07-08 18:23:30 +Google Play,For some reason says account suspended soon I set it up,1,2023-07-08 05:44:40 +Google Play,I dlwd the app it is owesome,5,2023-07-07 14:49:57 +Google Play,Cheap twitter knockoff,1,2023-07-06 15:02:52 +Google Play,Good working app,5,2023-07-05 23:16:19 +Google Play,Not as good as twitter,1,2023-07-22 14:21:15 +Google Play,Can this App boost my followers on Instagram?,4,2023-07-06 13:18:18 +Google Play,It's not good as Facebook,1,2023-07-15 04:37:10 +Google Play,Nice data collecting. Monopolists,1,2023-07-07 08:43:09 +Google Play,Great better than Twitter I guess 😆,5,2023-07-07 10:44:22 +Google Play,"Worst app I've ever used , not recommend",1,2023-07-10 10:10:06 +Google Play,This app didn't works,1,2023-07-19 07:30:04 +Google Play,Its like Twitter but made in china,1,2023-07-16 14:25:18 +Google Play,Love this app 😘😘 Better than Twitter🐦🐦,5,2023-07-07 12:43:01 +Google Play,I didnt try it yet i just wanted to be the first comment,4,2023-07-06 13:04:17 +Google Play,Twitter is much better than threads,1,2023-07-13 06:46:58 +Google Play,Don't install this. It is worth app only 😂👎,1,2023-07-18 14:15:10 +Google Play,Just downloaded. Will share more later.,5,2023-07-07 11:07:22 +Google Play,Ctrl C and Ctrl V from Twitter. That's it,1,2023-07-07 08:06:20 +Google Play,"This app copy of twitter , bad app",1,2023-07-12 14:21:55 +Google Play,Just installed because few of my insta followings have their account made in threads😇,3,2023-07-07 16:07:07 +Google Play,"I don't like the app because of chat cheyyadainki option ledhu maa singles emai povali mark mowaa so andhukey uninstall chesa, chat future testhey break istham",1,2023-07-09 11:35:55 +Google Play,My mobile redmei s2 this app lagging tow much,1,2023-07-07 12:23:13 +Google Play,I can't post keep saying failed,1,2023-07-11 04:30:50 +Google Play,This app amazing and good 💯,5,2023-07-06 11:06:05 +Google Play,Can even download the app,1,2023-07-06 14:00:19 +Google Play,Not a good for Panjab and Panjabi Peoples so I uninstalled this Threads an Instagram app,1,2023-07-09 10:24:08 +Google Play,Garbage app sticking with Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 22:31:44 +Google Play,It's like Twitter but way worse,1,2023-07-19 17:38:54 +Google Play,There is no new addition or creativity,1,2023-07-07 23:19:22 +Google Play,Wow thanks this app very nice ☺️,5,2023-07-10 15:02:45 +Google Play,What a great app threads.....!!! Let's join!!!,5,2023-07-12 01:57:15 +Google Play,This app needs a chat system,2,2023-07-07 19:20:01 +Google Play,Baaaad app it's just a copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-23 17:59:52 +Google Play,Usernames are all taken.,1,2023-07-06 02:00:08 +Google Play,Best app in the world,5,2023-07-06 20:38:27 +Google Play,I used this app very useful app thanks #threads,1,2023-07-09 02:22:17 +Google Play,Cant delete your account without losing your ig account too which suck honestly,2,2023-07-07 00:43:30 +Google Play,Installed threads then found myself banned from commenting for one week. No help from meta even when reporting a problem. Stick to twitter folks. The REAL freedom. ✌️👌,1,2023-07-14 00:05:31 +Google Play,"It's basically a Twitter clone with PG on, nothing special about Threads tbh",1,2023-07-08 19:55:08 +Google Play,Please add earnmoney option this app,4,2023-07-06 15:46:38 +Google Play,I love the fact that there's no DMs,5,2023-07-07 22:52:21 +Google Play,This app is very good,5,2023-07-08 13:44:20 +Google Play,"Proud of META, 100%",5,2023-07-07 09:04:28 +Google Play,Hi trends I'm just wondering why I can't use hastag on threads app,5,2023-07-23 22:09:40 +Google Play,After a while it's boring,2,2023-07-22 08:17:06 +Google Play,This app is very good 👍👍,5,2023-07-08 05:09:22 +Google Play,Interface stuck in infinx hot 14 mobile,1,2023-07-08 18:18:38 +Google Play,So when you people are going to launch your AI?,5,2023-07-06 08:14:09 +Google Play,It's like Twitter but without Elon 😁 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:46:36 +Google Play,Leg leg leg I hate this leg I avoid but leg likes me I can't avoid 😑,1,2023-07-09 08:41:11 +Google Play,Great app worth downloading,5,2023-07-13 19:11:58 +Google Play,Please add account permanently delete option...,1,2023-07-19 07:26:56 +Google Play,This is more twitter than twitter is 😭,5,2023-07-06 02:03:25 +Google Play,Why is it glitches!?,1,2023-07-06 14:10:43 +Google Play,Nice 👍 one from boda mark 😂,5,2023-07-06 22:28:27 +Google Play,Nice app good job♥️💯,5,2023-07-08 13:35:46 +Google Play,This app is so amazing😍,4,2023-07-06 02:45:14 +Google Play,This app is very nice bhai 😎😎 Apna Chhota Bheem Singh and comments karo,5,2023-07-24 03:08:27 +Google Play,Not good to copy another social media,1,2023-07-09 10:55:14 +Google Play,Better than the chaos on Twitter,4,2023-07-08 02:24:17 +Google Play,This app have Access to your personal information Bank account and credit score,1,2023-07-09 17:01:43 +Google Play,The best social media app. I appriciated Mr. Mark Zukarberg and his contribution in developing social media platforms.,5,2023-07-07 16:37:24 +Google Play,Could be better Interns of Idea,2,2023-07-07 09:54:48 +Google Play,This app was not installing,1,2023-07-10 15:15:26 +Google Play,Very fantastic app,4,2023-07-10 12:06:17 +Google Play,i like this app very much❤,5,2023-07-12 12:23:42 +Google Play,this just a new app let's see!,2,2023-07-06 14:00:01 +Google Play,Great experience about this app,5,2023-07-09 15:35:04 +Google Play,"This is also the same app that prevents freedom of expression. Unfortunately, here too, the accounts of workers of a certain party are being banned",1,2023-07-07 06:43:39 +Google Play,Im waiting for a lite version of this,5,2023-07-06 08:28:55 +Google Play,Having a hard time installing it.,2,2023-07-08 16:26:32 +Google Play,Literally maine ye app download kiya nd login kiya same insta profile same username but isske baad glitch create hone lge nd zb bhi app open kro tb screen glitch ho rhi h 🙃,2,2023-07-07 15:54:17 +Google Play,so I can't have this app on a huawei?,1,2023-07-07 10:20:31 +Google Play,"This application is not being downloaded, so how will anyone download it?",1,2023-07-06 06:24:06 +Google Play,Great app really well,5,2023-07-07 11:54:12 +Google Play,So gud and interesting,5,2023-07-14 06:22:53 +Google Play,All time best Plattform,5,2023-07-10 19:29:40 +Google Play,This feels like a knock off Twitter,1,2023-07-14 09:31:15 +Google Play,Im not use this app 😅😅 but im sure nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:53:35 +Google Play,Sorry but this is bad app 😣😖😕😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨,1,2023-07-17 11:17:59 +Google Play,Nice application it is dad of Twitter ♥️✨,4,2023-07-06 17:43:45 +Google Play,Stop copying twitter We talk in twitter freely so we stay on twitter,1,2023-07-17 13:25:21 +Google Play,WHYYY MY INSTAGRAM HAS BUG & ERROR AFTER DOWNLOAD THIS APK!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-08 04:51:13 +Google Play,Very bad app Don't use it,1,2023-07-20 07:33:35 +Google Play,Beware !! to delete thread account u have delete your insta account too...u can only deactivate your thread account... Very cheap aap.. Twitter is more classy 👍,2,2023-07-08 16:23:34 +Google Play,Copycat! do I need say more??,1,2023-07-09 19:30:19 +Google Play,It is great Social App i think........,5,2023-07-06 07:56:38 +Google Play,This app keeps on cracking,1,2023-07-19 15:02:24 +Google Play,This is so amazing,5,2023-07-06 17:50:14 +Google Play,This app is a copy of twitter.,2,2023-07-16 12:48:19 +Google Play,Omg this app was Realeasd yesterday and boom,5,2023-07-08 13:19:07 +Google Play,cringe its just black twitter but with facebook posts that's stupid idea,1,2023-07-07 07:08:42 +Google Play,Very good 🕊️💜💗💗♥️♥️ very nice app,5,2023-07-09 10:24:25 +Google Play,This aap si very very good 😊👍,5,2023-07-06 10:51:56 +Google Play,I hope the best this app.👍,2,2023-07-08 05:03:45 +Google Play,Nice but wasting timeeee,4,2023-07-06 13:51:10 +Google Play,Im not creating an account via insta for this. Zuck is a POS.,1,2023-07-09 15:53:11 +Google Play,Please fix bugs,2,2023-07-06 07:00:41 +Google Play,Let's see if it's better than twitter,3,2023-07-06 22:52:44 +Google Play,It very wonderful app,5,2023-07-13 03:49:34 +Google Play,Good application for threads,5,2023-07-20 06:45:39 +Google Play,Bro literally copied Twitter and thought we wouldn’t notice😭,1,2023-07-21 10:44:48 +Google Play,Twitter to dounfolloweng thank you for Instagram,5,2023-07-06 14:34:45 +Google Play,It takes half an hour to install Instagram?,1,2023-07-14 22:57:34 +Google Play,"The Best app in elon musk is **,,,,,,***",5,2023-07-06 22:09:46 +Google Play,Just installing because Imran Khan joined it.,5,2023-07-06 15:35:02 +Google Play,It works well!,1,2023-07-06 19:27:44 +Google Play,Best Application than Twitter?,5,2023-07-11 12:00:11 +Google Play,This is a very good app,5,2023-07-11 03:37:32 +Google Play,Stop searching for reviews and download the app lol 😂,5,2023-07-06 15:52:54 +Google Play,App like giving bamboo behind Twitter,5,2023-07-12 00:12:59 +Google Play,This is very good app.,4,2023-07-23 08:06:26 +Google Play,Good Threads an Instagram 💯,5,2023-07-06 15:57:20 +Google Play,"bruh, Twitter is way better then this",1,2023-07-07 06:33:34 +Google Play,Just a twitter clone that's not polished,1,2023-07-16 00:26:31 +Google Play,just waste of time,1,2023-07-23 07:42:08 +Google Play,Nice app same like tiwtter,5,2023-07-14 08:48:32 +Google Play,Why i can't install this app,1,2023-07-07 10:55:24 +Google Play,The App is very cool,5,2023-07-07 04:11:50 +Google Play,It's better than twitter,5,2023-07-24 12:08:17 +Google Play,First I rated 1 star then I cleared......this app is worst,1,2023-07-09 04:18:32 +Google Play,This application is good,5,2023-07-06 15:41:19 +Google Play,"This Good App, But Instagram Account Ban",1,2023-07-24 04:16:35 +Google Play,My experience is bestttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀😍🚀😍😍,5,2023-07-08 06:06:46 +Google Play,My Respect for Twitter after this app came out 📈,1,2023-07-13 03:28:51 +Google Play,This app is better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 22:50:14 +Google Play,Its good but why the fvcks the feed not movin?,5,2023-07-11 21:55:37 +Google Play,It's not letting me get the app,1,2023-07-10 21:42:23 +Google Play,My Instagram account was hacked after login into threads,1,2023-07-10 02:11:57 +Google Play,It glitches on my phone,1,2023-07-06 10:41:00 +Google Play,"If i you have to delete threads account, you have to delete Instagram account. That's disappointed",1,2023-07-08 04:51:09 +Google Play,Instagram Twitter 2.0 super cool,5,2023-07-06 18:14:30 +Google Play,Nice for tw vs threads app,5,2023-07-09 09:55:17 +Google Play,This app is a bit great,3,2023-07-12 17:04:51 +Google Play,Very Good this application,5,2023-07-08 21:26:19 +Google Play,This app is too good...,5,2023-07-07 18:34:51 +Google Play,Very boring app,1,2023-07-18 07:05:58 +Google Play,It's still in a milky stage,3,2023-07-06 21:05:35 +Google Play,Can I became kelebrity on this app?😅,4,2023-07-07 15:27:56 +Google Play,Such an amazing app ❤️,5,2023-07-07 06:11:52 +Google Play,Not even 1 percent of Instagram 🤙🤙🤙,1,2023-07-07 11:13:32 +Google Play,It keeps glitching for me,1,2023-07-05 23:32:30 +Google Play,we don't need anything like Twitter,1,2023-07-21 00:24:30 +Google Play,It's just a day old..,4,2023-07-06 18:19:42 +Google Play,add save photo option,3,2023-07-23 18:32:45 +Google Play,Copy of tweeter+meta don't respect the freedom of speech,1,2023-07-08 21:19:54 +Google Play,Kinda bad compared to twitter,1,2023-07-12 02:41:45 +Google Play,Another way to express my mental health,5,2023-07-07 13:32:16 +Google Play,"Worst copy ever by zuck Twitter>>>>Thrads Zuck suck Zuck-""we will copy every social media platforms""",1,2023-07-12 06:04:21 +Google Play,The best social media platform right now,5,2023-07-06 21:08:33 +Google Play,I made a threads account but just abandoned it with a factor reset,1,2023-07-24 04:26:14 +Google Play,I'm still wary of this apps,3,2023-07-08 14:26:51 +Google Play,very bad imitation of Twitter,1,2023-07-13 13:51:30 +Google Play,This app is now good...use it,3,2023-07-13 04:27:06 +Google Play,I don't know about this app anyone tell what is the use of this app ???,4,2023-07-06 09:38:49 +Google Play,Nice app in t his world,5,2023-07-10 08:05:46 +Google Play,Very nice and good,5,2023-07-07 15:30:18 +Google Play,See everything on the feed that I'm not following.,1,2023-07-08 21:54:15 +Google Play,No inbuilt dark mode :(,1,2023-07-17 19:34:02 +Google Play,I hope this Application safe our privacy 🔏.,4,2023-07-09 12:38:55 +Google Play,It's really nice app 🙂,5,2023-07-07 19:06:40 +Google Play,This is not opening,1,2023-07-13 16:59:59 +Google Play,Best move by mark bhai keep it up ispe ladkiya khuub hh,5,2023-07-06 07:45:47 +Google Play,This is a cheap copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-22 09:33:10 +Google Play,Quit copying other apps.,1,2023-07-23 14:28:36 +Google Play,basically a rip off of twitter,1,2023-07-07 10:29:11 +Google Play,Useless it steal all personal data,1,2023-07-07 07:43:40 +Google Play,Downloaded only to give 1 star,1,2023-07-10 11:11:12 +Google Play,3rd grade copy of twitter. Better we stay on Twitter and keep supporting Musk for freedom of speech.,1,2023-07-09 13:09:00 +Google Play,Very nic appp 6/6/2023,5,2023-07-06 18:24:28 +Google Play,Not very useful,1,2023-07-10 18:47:16 +Google Play,Awesome and Amazing,5,2023-07-19 07:20:48 +Google Play,This is more better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:18:22 +Google Play,Here before it becomes a hit app! 😅,5,2023-07-06 05:06:08 +Google Play,There is a glitch in the app,1,2023-07-08 00:39:15 +Google Play,Twitter is the best one.,1,2023-07-19 19:23:17 +Google Play,I don't even have Instagram 😭😭😭.,1,2023-07-13 12:39:45 +Google Play,They shouldn't have made it so difficult.,1,2023-07-12 04:49:50 +Google Play,Is it a cheap twitter???,1,2023-07-07 15:31:29 +Google Play,Sucks! Scumbag version of Twitter.,1,2023-07-12 03:37:56 +Google Play,I am so enjoying this war. Mark I am solely behind you 😄😄,5,2023-07-07 12:35:35 +Google Play,wow this apps is cool.live this apps,4,2023-07-06 12:03:21 +Google Play,Wannabe Twitter But Trash.. You will have no control of feed. They collect all your personal information including your banking. You will be censored if you speak facts and go against the script,1,2023-07-13 15:52:03 +Google Play,I don't know how this work,4,2023-07-14 16:28:58 +Google Play,Just signed in hope there ain't cancel culture like the Twitter ghettos,3,2023-07-06 19:14:13 +Google Play,Worst copy to imitate the the users of Twitter,1,2023-07-20 22:04:41 +Google Play,The app is really nice,1,2023-07-06 19:49:54 +Google Play,Best acting of renewal,5,2023-07-08 02:55:20 +Google Play,It's like Twitter for children,1,2023-07-09 15:44:20 +Google Play,Alot of bugs.,1,2023-07-13 20:13:12 +Google Play,Absolutely better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 12:22:57 +Google Play,This is amazing all,5,2023-07-09 01:52:13 +Google Play,Amazing apps for me,5,2023-07-14 00:33:51 +Google Play,Always stay with meta,5,2023-07-07 05:14:29 +Google Play,Mobile data lik....,1,2023-07-15 14:08:44 +Google Play,You can't have a threads account without an Instagram account,1,2023-07-16 10:26:01 +Google Play,Awesome app as social media,4,2023-07-06 09:02:42 +Google Play,New trends and follower app in instagram,5,2023-07-08 05:06:17 +Google Play,What an awesome lagit app,5,2023-07-06 19:28:56 +Google Play,Highly recommend this app!🫶🏻,5,2023-07-07 10:47:34 +Google Play,Meta Is A Launch Every Month New And New Concept,5,2023-07-06 14:54:47 +Google Play,As boring as it could be,1,2023-07-15 00:12:19 +Google Play,im rating it 1 just due to space X .. elon musk... bro you are great...,1,2023-07-07 18:05:56 +Google Play,Wrost platform i ever seen,1,2023-07-17 19:47:39 +Google Play,I will use it for healing hahahahahahaha,5,2023-07-07 01:50:59 +Google Play,Very bad app.,1,2023-07-23 04:52:24 +Google Play,Data security nightmare,1,2023-07-19 16:53:38 +Google Play,I can't install the app,1,2023-07-06 15:38:53 +Google Play,Best application follow sukun_motivated,5,2023-07-06 15:15:59 +Google Play,This aap is crash my system,1,2023-07-07 02:58:07 +Google Play,The idea is copied. We already have Twitter,1,2023-07-07 15:19:30 +Google Play,so beautiful apps,4,2023-07-13 16:26:24 +Google Play,Just copy of twitter with more control of what you twit( thread),1,2023-07-15 11:40:19 +Google Play,After a week of usage i found that this app sucks .,2,2023-07-22 16:49:00 +Google Play,Not soo special in app,1,2023-07-19 16:31:29 +Google Play,I just don't like it sorry 😓,1,2023-07-14 21:26:15 +Google Play,It is a very good app,5,2023-07-07 02:26:32 +Google Play,App is very nice,5,2023-07-13 03:56:38 +Google Play,Verry good app this is injoy app my new 333girlfreinds,5,2023-07-07 16:42:59 +Google Play,It's so interesting app,5,2023-07-07 07:52:59 +Google Play,Rubbish app wasnt required,1,2023-07-07 11:13:36 +Google Play,"Bad so bad, this block my my instagram account",1,2023-07-07 14:53:31 +Google Play,The best better than twitter.,5,2023-07-11 07:30:29 +Google Play,This app in very good,4,2023-07-06 06:52:05 +Google Play,Good app very interesting 🙄,1,2023-07-11 11:19:21 +Google Play,Cant install this app,1,2023-07-07 13:05:17 +Google Play,Not good.. copy of twitter,1,2023-07-24 00:57:15 +Google Play,It has poor quality,1,2023-07-07 09:55:07 +Google Play,It's cool. As expected!,4,2023-07-06 22:28:55 +Google Play,Well its certainly better than Twitter lmao,5,2023-07-06 08:27:53 +Google Play,"Useless, we already have twitter",1,2023-07-08 16:26:38 +Google Play,I like it too much.,4,2023-07-11 11:31:27 +Google Play,This app is not safe,1,2023-07-06 05:12:32 +Google Play,Launch the web app ASAP!!!,4,2023-07-08 14:48:28 +Google Play,Worst app don't install it,1,2023-07-15 05:18:46 +Google Play,Stop copying others apps.,1,2023-07-14 10:03:25 +Google Play,"A poorly executed Twitter clone. Essentially a Twitter for Reddit users; High on propaganda, and censorship of dissenting opinions. An echo-chamber for the least informed among us.",1,2023-07-09 14:27:13 +Google Play,Very useful 👍👍 app,5,2023-07-12 15:24:05 +Google Play,Why does Instagram want more money,4,2023-07-06 11:23:07 +Google Play,It's coolest application. Really osm,5,2023-07-08 13:50:40 +Google Play,I just love this app,5,2023-07-07 09:08:31 +Google Play,Now i forget my account twitter realy 😅🌛 thanks meta for jop,5,2023-07-08 20:14:11 +Google Play,Just Instagram clone!,1,2023-07-06 09:40:48 +Google Play,please make threads lite mode,3,2023-07-11 00:54:00 +Google Play,It is like we are forced to use the app.,1,2023-07-12 15:53:07 +Google Play,Very help full👏,5,2023-07-06 14:14:57 +Google Play,This app is not working,1,2023-07-10 08:57:49 +Google Play,Doesn't even work,1,2023-07-06 22:05:29 +Google Play,It's a amazing app ♥️♥️🤣🤣🦮🦮,5,2023-07-06 01:29:33 +Google Play,Cheap copy of Twitter . L meta,1,2023-07-16 16:42:31 +Google Play,Nice app i love it,1,2023-07-08 15:05:51 +Google Play,yo threads is way more better than twitter #zuku brother is the best #mark zukerburgez,5,2023-07-14 14:00:23 +Google Play,Its amazing up I hope threads could will have succses against twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:06:37 +Google Play,Amazing app same as Twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:24:56 +Google Play,Too many privacy concerns.,1,2023-07-05 23:27:28 +Google Play,Such a cheap copy of Twitter lmaoo,1,2023-07-06 14:08:17 +Google Play,The copying is not good,1,2023-07-15 19:12:15 +Google Play,I want a desktop version,1,2023-07-08 19:58:07 +Google Play,It is a very good app,5,2023-07-11 23:08:13 +Google Play,A shallow copy of a failed experience. Why?,1,2023-07-16 13:07:51 +Google Play,Why r people mad that this app is bad. Like bro chill this is a meme app made my mark 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-08 12:45:01 +Google Play,Very good app ever,5,2023-07-11 09:31:24 +Google Play,My instagram app is hacked while entering to threads,1,2023-07-08 04:29:37 +Google Play,Copy apps & copy logo,1,2023-07-09 13:33:34 +Google Play,Worst app total copy paste,1,2023-07-09 23:13:19 +Google Play,Copy of twitter worst app ever,1,2023-07-08 15:37:58 +Google Play,Not good working,1,2023-07-06 18:48:30 +Google Play,Nice app 1.m followers please please please please please,5,2023-07-14 17:13:31 +Google Play,Good for health,5,2023-07-06 07:18:49 +Google Play,It is very good ...... ........ ..,5,2023-07-11 05:55:10 +Google Play,Doesn't even work 🫠,1,2023-07-21 08:06:20 +Google Play,"Baykort to threads,an Instagram",1,2023-07-12 10:41:22 +Google Play,"No digeline no rules people are ,, posting ,, disgusting videos",1,2023-07-08 09:42:50 +Google Play,A worse Twitter. They keep posting accounts on your timeline that you are not following,1,2023-07-06 19:15:24 +Google Play,"I am not experienced this ,",1,2023-07-08 05:01:16 +Google Play,Why we need a copycat app?,2,2023-07-15 17:23:47 +Google Play,Just install it Good app,3,2023-07-06 14:11:28 +Google Play,Spy App don't download.,1,2023-07-07 16:31:05 +Google Play,Very nice application,5,2023-07-07 08:43:05 +Google Play,5 days in...leggy. @kingkia704,5,2023-07-11 07:38:27 +Google Play,What is USP of this app in Front of Tele??🙂,1,2023-07-23 05:53:11 +Google Play,Is it better than twitter ?,3,2023-07-06 12:41:18 +Google Play,Nice initiative by Instagram,5,2023-07-06 05:01:03 +Google Play,This is not unique as same to insta,2,2023-07-22 10:24:50 +Google Play,For people who don't like science or free speach.,1,2023-07-08 03:13:49 +Google Play,A lot of glitch,1,2023-07-16 13:09:39 +Google Play,It's quite interesting 🔥,5,2023-07-06 05:30:28 +Google Play,Don't know the purpose of this app 🤔 even they don't know what to do now,1,2023-07-22 10:45:59 +Google Play,Let's try more time wasting app,3,2023-07-06 21:51:53 +Google Play,Superb app Now competition to Twitter 🚀🚀,5,2023-07-06 14:49:09 +Google Play,"The best app,I enjoy using it",1,2023-07-06 15:07:16 +Google Play,"Zuck why your logo looks like ""jalebi""😋",3,2023-07-07 10:51:54 +Google Play,BYE BYE TWITTER! Hope the billions were worth it Elon.,5,2023-07-06 01:44:14 +Google Play,Worst Social media application i have ever seen,1,2023-07-24 07:00:18 +Google Play,im new here to use this app .. and i think it's good because made by meta ..,5,2023-07-08 06:03:09 +Google Play,Threads is best compared to Twitter,5,2023-07-10 12:10:20 +Google Play,Wow amazing Instagram ka new update,5,2023-07-07 05:30:26 +Google Play,Please is there a plan to create a market place like that of Facebook?,4,2023-07-06 22:14:52 +Google Play,No reason for threads application 😕😕,1,2023-07-08 16:30:07 +Google Play,It doesn't work,3,2023-07-06 19:42:46 +Google Play,this app is so good😍🥰,5,2023-07-06 11:44:02 +Google Play,Best app in our thred Good star app,5,2023-07-05 23:11:27 +Google Play,Not user friendly as Twitter,1,2023-07-19 10:33:40 +Google Play,Very useless app,1,2023-07-11 14:49:15 +Google Play,This a good app for chat,5,2023-07-10 00:41:32 +Google Play,Very grateful app,5,2023-07-07 09:18:11 +Google Play,It's just worst than twitter,1,2023-07-08 02:09:59 +Google Play,The most unethical social media company which only cares about revenue.,1,2023-07-07 03:43:54 +Google Play,nice app for instagramrs🙂,5,2023-07-06 21:45:05 +Google Play,Super application for use,5,2023-07-06 02:47:27 +Google Play,the algorithm is garbage,1,2023-07-06 01:50:01 +Google Play,Time wasting app.,1,2023-07-13 07:30:05 +Google Play,Not best but temporary,1,2023-07-13 12:21:34 +Google Play,Waow.... An amazing app 😁,5,2023-07-06 20:43:54 +Google Play,What is special in this app?,1,2023-07-06 11:23:54 +Google Play,Instagram team please don't under review my video,1,2023-07-09 19:23:44 +Google Play,Copied everything from Twitter 🤢,1,2023-07-07 04:45:57 +Google Play,App is not installing,1,2023-07-06 17:02:00 +Google Play,I can't download the app,2,2023-07-16 22:49:09 +Google Play,Not bad as I imagined it 🥰😘,4,2023-07-08 18:23:50 +Google Play,"I hope this doesn't fail to keep their word of ""non-toxic""",3,2023-07-17 19:22:30 +Google Play,Wanna explore things from it,5,2023-07-09 03:17:39 +Google Play,Asks for many types of data,1,2023-07-07 07:28:14 +Google Play,What's the point when you don't have a feed of only people.you follow,1,2023-07-06 09:52:05 +Google Play,Super super super super super 😙🤪🤗🤪🤗😗,5,2023-07-21 12:42:34 +Google Play,It's not twîtter!,5,2023-07-06 16:33:58 +Google Play,Nice application this copy Twitter😊,5,2023-07-06 09:09:21 +Google Play,I can't post images sorry,2,2023-07-06 19:00:44 +Google Play,I love this app,5,2023-07-06 15:24:59 +Google Play,"Twitter, but Instagram? I guess the Elon Musk hate is real.",3,2023-07-06 03:47:07 +Google Play,please add new features,1,2023-07-07 06:05:05 +Google Play,Content not available,2,2023-07-06 17:14:39 +Google Play,"Nothing new, same old boring",1,2023-07-15 09:11:16 +Google Play,Im the first guy to have this app.. plz do something special for me my id m4hd._.x,5,2023-07-05 23:00:56 +Google Play,"bad app why idc , bad with no reason",1,2023-07-07 22:49:50 +Google Play,Way better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 15:43:56 +Google Play,Not interested 🤮 copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-22 07:29:58 +Google Play,Won't even install,2,2023-07-07 19:30:04 +Google Play,Twitter's low quality copy,1,2023-07-07 10:37:58 +Google Play,Crashed my Instagram account 🥲eew.,1,2023-07-10 09:15:26 +Google Play,Better Facebook.. Not good Threads,1,2023-07-07 04:59:20 +Google Play,It don't even let me download 👎🏾,1,2023-07-06 17:02:09 +Google Play,Can't use without IG account,1,2023-07-18 06:30:52 +Google Play,Best thing on the Internet,5,2023-07-06 10:40:01 +Google Play,What this No Option on this app inbox Masg No Add Future this inbox Masg,1,2023-07-08 18:59:56 +Google Play,I forget my Instagram account and password 😔,4,2023-07-07 21:59:36 +Google Play,Threads ate and left no crumbs,5,2023-07-06 10:20:38 +Google Play,I love this app...,5,2023-07-06 17:49:40 +Google Play,We are still learning how to use it,4,2023-07-08 20:11:52 +Google Play,I just hate Meta and Zuck.,1,2023-07-08 10:06:36 +Google Play,Threading all the applications.....,5,2023-07-17 16:40:58 +Google Play,Its just amazing,5,2023-07-06 07:52:14 +Google Play,Much much better than twitter,5,2023-07-10 08:31:08 +Google Play,Koo is far better than this....,2,2023-07-07 05:17:49 +Google Play,This is not good app,1,2023-07-22 12:21:11 +Google Play,Best of the meta.,5,2023-07-07 11:56:26 +Google Play,First review here !! Hoping it's good for us!,5,2023-07-05 23:04:01 +Google Play,Nice but haven't tried it,2,2023-07-06 16:27:36 +Google Play,"Very cool app, i looooove it",5,2023-07-07 00:29:19 +Google Play,This is him it's literally got it in the right time,5,2023-07-06 15:24:16 +Google Play,Consume a lot of data,1,2023-07-23 08:33:18 +Google Play,One of the best application,5,2023-07-05 23:46:16 +Google Play,Twitter is better!!,1,2023-07-08 14:47:47 +Google Play,This app died so quickly,1,2023-07-23 16:54:28 +Google Play,App is crashing,1,2023-07-06 16:12:45 +Google Play,Easy to use,5,2023-07-06 22:32:47 +Google Play,A cheap copy of Twitter that censors a lot,1,2023-07-06 09:13:31 +Google Play,cheap copy of twitter 😂😂,1,2023-07-12 18:01:09 +Google Play,Please enable us to edit the post we've made. Thx 😊,4,2023-07-13 23:42:53 +Google Play,Great and i loved it,5,2023-07-06 16:32:39 +Google Play,This app just copy in twitterm trash,1,2023-07-07 05:21:10 +Google Play,This is a good app,5,2023-07-06 12:57:46 +Google Play,Threads can never replace Twitter.,1,2023-07-19 07:18:56 +Google Play,This app is great,5,2023-07-07 08:14:02 +Google Play,This app is great,5,2023-07-06 11:07:58 +Google Play,Very great app,5,2023-07-06 10:43:08 +Google Play,"bro, it's bugging...i hate it",1,2023-07-09 10:01:36 +Google Play,I am here on day one. Thank You Mark Zuckerberg.,5,2023-07-06 07:38:06 +Google Play,It's better than facebook,5,2023-07-06 18:13:19 +Google Play,This App is so good My best app My 😍💞,5,2023-07-11 17:27:42 +Google Play,This is super good 👍 aap I'm enjoying the aapp use now,5,2023-07-07 01:13:43 +Google Play,its good working,5,2023-07-07 03:25:40 +Google Play,গু। cheapest copy of twitter. Worst,1,2023-07-06 18:32:21 +Google Play,Best app in world,5,2023-07-18 15:45:07 +Google Play,The app has a bug,1,2023-07-07 10:12:15 +Google Play,This is too good,5,2023-07-12 08:57:20 +Google Play,You failed suckerberg. Twitter way better.,1,2023-07-20 12:29:01 +Google Play,App policy is terrible,1,2023-07-24 11:11:06 +Google Play,Can't even install,1,2023-07-07 11:25:45 +Google Play,This is unstoppable,4,2023-07-07 05:13:51 +Google Play,Copied from Twitter don't download this app,1,2023-07-07 20:29:19 +Google Play,I suggest we try to make it work,2,2023-07-08 04:03:03 +Google Play,cheapest copy of Twitter 🖐,1,2023-07-08 09:48:38 +Google Play,Should Have Created This Feature In Same App,1,2023-07-07 10:14:37 +Google Play,It's a bug app,1,2023-07-07 18:06:38 +Google Play,Boring new social media which no one asked for,1,2023-07-07 15:23:46 +Google Play,It's 100% great,5,2023-07-06 23:15:49 +Google Play,It's too good 👍 app,5,2023-07-14 17:15:18 +Google Play,Not bad just gotta say!,4,2023-07-06 14:34:48 +Google Play,Can't sign up,1,2023-07-11 20:36:27 +Google Play,Good app very good,5,2023-07-07 14:25:19 +Google Play,Very ncaa app,5,2023-07-09 08:49:03 +Google Play,"Not good, Twitter is the beast",1,2023-07-06 12:36:49 +Google Play,This is great app,5,2023-07-07 09:31:03 +Google Play,There no translation option here,4,2023-07-06 04:16:05 +Google Play,don't sale our data meta,1,2023-07-09 18:24:39 +Google Play,Not bad...but not GOOD..,3,2023-07-17 08:35:33 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-08 07:46:49 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter. Twitter is better,1,2023-07-07 14:53:14 +Google Play,I think this is a good app,4,2023-07-06 17:08:58 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-08 09:31:02 +Google Play,I think This is best app ❤️,5,2023-07-06 10:01:50 +Google Play,Cheap copy of twitter,1,2023-07-06 14:20:35 +Google Play,TELL ME YOU'RE NOT TWITTER WITHOUT TELLING ME YOU'RE NOT TWITTER.,2,2023-07-12 06:20:13 +Google Play,Super to use Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:07:36 +Google Play,Nice app over all,5,2023-07-10 17:59:09 +Google Play,Threads is a new app no fb no tweeter only threads,5,2023-07-07 18:11:19 +Google Play,Super super super,5,2023-07-12 07:16:55 +Google Play,Copy paste & time waste,1,2023-07-08 11:59:18 +Google Play,Only download this application for imran khan,5,2023-07-06 17:42:34 +Google Play,Haven't check but please verify my account,4,2023-07-07 00:07:04 +Google Play,Not good then twitter,1,2023-07-11 10:26:23 +Google Play,Worst social media app ever!,1,2023-07-22 09:10:05 +Google Play,Basically a copy of twitter,1,2023-07-07 01:37:26 +Google Play,I love this app,4,2023-07-06 22:52:51 +Google Play,Nice as comptiter of Twitter,5,2023-07-08 12:11:21 +Google Play,This is fantastic 👏 👌,5,2023-07-06 07:31:05 +Google Play,Need messages options like Twitter 😍😍😃😃👌👍,5,2023-07-10 06:28:45 +Google Play,day 8 of asking for a job here,5,2023-07-06 15:34:14 +Google Play,This app is so good ☺️,5,2023-07-07 05:45:13 +Google Play,This app very nice 👌,5,2023-07-07 15:45:56 +Google Play,very good app,5,2023-07-06 18:46:17 +Google Play,Butter than some apps 😍,5,2023-07-07 12:02:01 +Google Play,Very nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:25:58 +Google Play,It is very nice 5 stars,5,2023-07-06 05:58:21 +Google Play,Very nice app 🤠👍👍,4,2023-07-10 07:24:55 +Google Play,This is not a good app,2,2023-07-08 04:03:45 +Google Play,Best app best experience Twitter<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,1,2023-07-13 04:37:16 +Google Play,ELON WE ARE COMING FOR YA.,5,2023-07-06 15:44:37 +Google Play,Not so good,1,2023-07-18 01:42:46 +Google Play,Better than .......... You guys already know 🙃,5,2023-07-07 14:55:26 +Google Play,Innovate something you theifs,1,2023-07-22 11:15:32 +Google Play,It's too Good,4,2023-07-13 07:31:25 +Google Play,First downloader so follow me Insta id. sam_asif_07,5,2023-07-06 09:50:29 +Google Play,Mark vs Elon Let's see who won 🙂,5,2023-07-07 13:09:09 +Google Play,Hello friends 😁 this is corona your nemesis,1,2023-07-06 20:46:22 +Google Play,1 star ⭐ for cheating 😁,1,2023-07-13 09:02:10 +Google Play,Aap not install,1,2023-07-07 10:14:08 +Google Play,I mean why.....,1,2023-07-16 19:54:03 +Google Play,I am person who end 2M and start 2.1,5,2023-07-07 14:14:48 +Google Play,Fuc_ king copy of Twitter zuck is th copy master,1,2023-07-17 02:59:16 +Google Play,I trust this application,5,2023-07-07 16:16:42 +Google Play,It will defeat Twitter ✌️,5,2023-07-06 11:31:45 +Google Play,Fake Copy of Twitter .,1,2023-07-09 11:29:55 +Google Play,I hate it.,1,2023-07-14 08:54:35 +Google Play,5 rating for memes😂😂,5,2023-07-09 22:50:39 +Google Play,It is famous in Cambodia now 🤣,5,2023-07-06 11:57:33 +Google Play,App is strucking 🙂👍,5,2023-07-06 13:25:55 +Google Play,Copy of instagram 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,1,2023-07-08 03:34:47 +Google Play,It was aight👍,3,2023-07-15 14:44:39 +Google Play,Same as twitter,3,2023-07-11 06:50:44 +Google Play,Copy cat garbage,1,2023-07-08 05:06:07 +Google Play,hello spyware,1,2023-07-07 09:30:45 +Google Play,Bro I couldn't find ma boi Elon or tate brothers,1,2023-07-17 02:12:52 +Google Play,"Meh, nothing new",1,2023-07-14 06:49:18 +Google Play,It's great,5,2023-07-07 00:59:18 +Google Play,Zuck sucks. Go Elon,2,2023-07-11 14:58:35 +Google Play,Best friend Social media,5,2023-07-06 17:41:16 +Google Play,Nice app hai,5,2023-07-17 07:57:06 +Google Play,Display is pathetic,1,2023-07-07 15:09:51 +Google Play,So far so good,5,2023-07-08 07:21:34 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter,4,2023-07-09 01:57:47 +Google Play,44 billion dollar 🤣🥃,5,2023-07-06 17:01:04 +Google Play,Waste.. no use.,1,2023-07-23 03:36:10 +Google Play,It's new give experience,5,2023-07-06 19:23:09 +Google Play,Hope to beat Elon Mask,5,2023-07-07 09:12:34 +Google Play,It's of no use,1,2023-07-06 17:47:50 +Google Play,The first people who dowland in app,5,2023-07-06 11:40:14 +Google Play,Better experience nice,5,2023-07-08 03:04:46 +Google Play,The devil of Babylon disguises himself with the coat of the righteous,1,2023-07-07 10:29:37 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-07 20:23:54 +Google Play,It was good,5,2023-07-07 00:03:12 +Google Play,Not that good,1,2023-07-07 17:58:42 +Google Play,This App is Waterproof😆,5,2023-07-06 14:41:34 +Google Play,Elon musk is crying in his room 😂😂,5,2023-07-08 00:13:22 +Google Play,Let me download first then I'll comment what I think,5,2023-07-06 11:43:34 +Google Play,Worst experience ever,1,2023-07-06 21:35:22 +Google Play,Copy paste of twitter,1,2023-07-08 04:41:50 +Google Play,Clone copy of Twitter.,1,2023-07-10 03:34:51 +Google Play,Let's see Twitter vs threads 👀,5,2023-07-08 13:08:37 +Google Play,My Account username:-md_abdul_ahad_15 follow my account back to back follow,5,2023-07-10 21:55:25 +Google Play,I love instagram,5,2023-07-09 15:12:29 +Google Play,mark is the lizard,1,2023-07-08 07:33:21 +Google Play,It's the best 💓,5,2023-07-06 21:00:59 +Google Play,Wanna know about this app,1,2023-07-09 17:57:45 +Google Play,Good mark Zuckerberg we love you,5,2023-07-07 15:26:02 +Google Play,I think it's not the important one🙂,1,2023-07-10 01:27:53 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-18 06:05:27 +Google Play,Feel to use,5,2023-07-06 06:31:04 +Google Play,Has nothing new,1,2023-07-09 19:40:47 +Google Play,Hello Twitter sharks...,1,2023-07-06 14:06:35 +Google Play,Twitter with censorship,1,2023-07-07 04:49:28 +Google Play,Copy Cat of Twitter 😄,1,2023-07-24 11:59:19 +Google Play,L version of Twitter,1,2023-07-06 05:28:58 +Google Play,Op App with you Zuck!!!♥️🔥,5,2023-07-08 10:37:24 +Google Play,among us app? 🤔,5,2023-07-06 00:14:51 +Google Play,Finally got it,3,2023-07-10 12:44:35 +Google Play,My YouTube channel subscribe Kare YouTube I'd name @berojgarteamkanjoos,5,2023-07-09 04:47:58 +Google Play,I have no IG account,1,2023-07-07 04:47:31 +Google Play,You can't be the original,1,2023-07-18 17:53:13 +Google Play,Better than Twitter🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 13:49:51 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:52:38 +Google Play,Twitter killer for sure,5,2023-07-06 14:04:51 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 08:21:11 +Google Play,Best than Twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 15:16:36 +Google Play,What an app,5,2023-07-07 02:24:37 +Google Play,Please delete my thread account,2,2023-07-10 07:40:43 +Google Play,Literal nadie pidio un twitter 2 😭,5,2023-07-06 23:49:45 +Google Play,Inspired by tweeter 🥱,5,2023-07-09 17:34:54 +Google Play,Back up of Twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:20:28 +Google Play,It is worst,1,2023-07-17 12:40:29 +Google Play,Twitter is that you ???,1,2023-07-09 18:30:34 +Google Play,Guys Fallow now my official account Varun_singh623043 search in search bar now,5,2023-07-06 19:45:45 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-10 19:41:21 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter Shame on you zuck Thief Copy cat,1,2023-07-24 08:02:39 +Google Play,The app is cool,5,2023-07-08 00:01:48 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-14 07:47:23 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-14 23:16:49 +Google Play,So we are here now,5,2023-07-12 06:47:41 +Google Play,First time using it.,5,2023-07-10 19:27:53 +Google Play,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-23 04:17:43 +Google Play,I cant delete my account,1,2023-07-12 16:52:11 +Google Play,Great decision by Mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-08 16:49:27 +Google Play,First to review🥺 It's nice,5,2023-07-06 07:06:27 +Google Play,Copied to the Twitter,1,2023-07-06 03:06:58 +Google Play,It's rubbish,1,2023-07-08 03:31:09 +Google Play,OnePiece Is Real !!,3,2023-07-08 04:35:26 +Google Play,It just wow,5,2023-07-18 14:18:34 +Google Play,Twitter from china 😂😂😂😂😂,1,2023-07-12 15:11:29 +Google Play,How is this app?,5,2023-07-06 20:54:56 +Google Play,Carbon copy of Twitter.,4,2023-07-07 05:43:37 +Google Play,A copy of Twitter,3,2023-07-07 08:38:30 +Google Play,where is my frd Zuck?? 😭😭,5,2023-07-06 18:54:18 +Google Play,Better Than Twitter Honestly,5,2023-07-11 17:21:04 +Google Play,Just here after Mr.Khan.,5,2023-07-06 20:59:18 +Google Play,Don't know yet,5,2023-07-06 06:19:58 +Google Play,Censored free speach app,1,2023-07-14 01:28:24 +Google Play,End Game For Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 06:34:09 +Google Play,King always king,1,2023-07-12 22:09:51 +Google Play,Cheater zuck ... U suck mann...,1,2023-07-12 11:59:49 +Google Play,Best for ever,5,2023-07-10 18:52:31 +Google Play,"Hope, it will benefit us. 😁😅",4,2023-07-06 11:23:59 +Google Play,My viral account Instagram 👑🙏,5,2023-07-08 19:13:17 +Google Play,Twitter is better,1,2023-07-20 11:52:11 +Google Play,I'm following andrew tate top g 🤍🗿,5,2023-07-06 17:24:06 +Google Play,How to delete my acc?,1,2023-07-23 19:32:26 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-15 12:33:10 +Google Play,I hate Zuckerberg,1,2023-07-06 17:59:25 +Google Play,I don't know! I just got here,5,2023-07-06 19:51:17 +Google Play,You are paise of world 🌎 to you Bor 🥂,5,2023-07-09 07:59:46 +Google Play,That's great 👍,5,2023-07-11 01:33:28 +Google Play,Wonder 10.5 follower ho gaya hai -siddharthabhimanyu5 follow me 😇🤑🥳,5,2023-07-08 08:59:31 +Google Play,The app is cool,5,2023-07-11 06:53:19 +Google Play,What's the new,4,2023-07-06 14:00:22 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-08 05:43:03 +Google Play,copy of Twitter 🗿,1,2023-07-22 11:03:29 +Google Play,Copy of twitter🚮,1,2023-07-16 17:12:10 +Google Play,Instagramကိုတော့ကျော်တက်ရင်ကျော်တက်နိုင်လိမ့်မယ်Tiktokကိုတော့ဘယ်တော့မှမမှီစေရဘူး,5,2023-07-08 16:42:07 +Google Play,Would you like to Kam kar ray I have a,5,2023-07-06 05:13:26 +Google Play,I am loyal to Twitter,1,2023-07-10 16:59:01 +Google Play,So much lac,1,2023-07-10 14:45:45 +Google Play,Tf was the need,1,2023-07-06 16:16:23 +Google Play,This is a new era,5,2023-07-07 09:41:53 +Google Play,"""Twitter number one """,1,2023-07-08 19:02:19 +Google Play,Bro i think im here,5,2023-07-06 01:54:08 +Google Play,I can't believe that,1,2023-07-10 12:55:51 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg You're Alien 👽,5,2023-07-06 16:00:05 +Google Play,It is good,5,2023-07-06 13:34:13 +Google Play,Abee yarr imma go and dance with u and and and,4,2023-07-06 13:31:21 +Google Play,A Twitter rip off,1,2023-07-18 19:01:53 +Google Play,Cold war Between Mark vs Elon😅,4,2023-07-07 09:34:56 +Google Play,Twitter copyright theft I am sad for Elon Musk 😪😪,1,2023-07-13 03:17:18 +Google Play,Finally a competitor,5,2023-07-06 09:39:04 +Google Play,"Stupid, Twitter is goat",1,2023-07-10 04:29:17 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-08 09:00:36 +Google Play,So far.. so good,5,2023-07-07 08:13:54 +Google Play,Back to orkut days,5,2023-07-06 17:22:02 +Google Play,Love it man,5,2023-07-06 09:04:46 +Google Play,Thanks from Bangladesh🇧🇩,5,2023-07-06 08:38:40 +Google Play,Please saport kijiye my Instagram id @siddiqui_82,5,2023-07-11 04:49:21 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 06:27:03 +Google Play,Time to be famous,5,2023-07-06 07:25:17 +Google Play,Chutia ap by mark juker tying to copy twitter,1,2023-07-19 14:52:54 +Google Play,This app heg me...😠🤬,3,2023-07-23 04:04:36 +Google Play,First to review 🥇,4,2023-07-06 17:47:00 +Google Play,"Good , instagram ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👑👑❤️❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑👑👑👑👑👑👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️🎂❤️🎂❤️🎂❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑❤️🎂❤️🎂❤️👑❤️👑❤️👑😂🎂❤️🎂❤️🎂😂🎂❤️🎂😂🎂🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎂🎊🎂🎂🎊🎂📷🥳📷🥳👋🤗👋📯👋🤗💖🤗🖤📯🦸‍♀️🎊🥳",5,2023-07-06 08:30:02 +Google Play,My dad's a blert,1,2023-07-09 16:01:19 +Google Play,I need job.. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg..,1,2023-07-07 08:35:40 +Google Play,Stolen from Twitter,1,2023-07-06 21:43:29 +Google Play,Huhh don't cheat,1,2023-07-08 14:20:23 +Google Play,Twitter is best,1,2023-07-07 05:29:16 +Google Play,No 👎 like it 😂😂,1,2023-07-11 01:46:09 +Google Play,One word #Trash,1,2023-07-07 00:24:12 +Google Play,not as expected....,1,2023-07-07 03:45:34 +Google Play,Bruh. No use,1,2023-07-18 00:35:00 +Google Play,Stupid app useless,1,2023-07-14 20:49:02 +Google Play,What the hack is this🙄😕,4,2023-07-06 09:50:02 +Google Play,Mack you are the best man,5,2023-07-22 15:55:22 +Google Play,Twitter and Trd are the same,4,2023-07-06 16:19:10 +Google Play,Better' than Twitter imo,5,2023-07-06 06:26:57 +Google Play,Worst ia lost my id 🆔😡😡😡😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-13 03:59:24 +Google Play,Elon for the W,1,2023-07-08 17:00:56 +Google Play,Poor Knockoff of Twitter,1,2023-07-10 04:41:43 +Google Play,Threads let's go🏆,5,2023-07-06 21:08:41 +Google Play,I love threads,5,2023-07-07 13:00:55 +Google Play,It's really Osm 🤩😁,5,2023-07-08 15:26:58 +Google Play,🥱 another Zuckerberg data swiper,1,2023-07-11 07:55:41 +Google Play,Better than Twitter 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 13:32:27 +Google Play,Step sister of Twitter 🫸😂🫷,5,2023-07-06 16:26:09 +Google Play,Dthhhgfrtuuijhvfde5ujnbvfdtuijbbvcccddhj uugfr io 😔😔😔🙂nnu8 de6un dtuijbftub nitew35g Yu6rewsdvh thi bare ग्गूउ ghar ma ki pic vaha har har Ee7uhb 8hnbfr5yjkmmnbg5t bure haal 6ujnnfrewa...miyrre5yunnvdrtuiiitrrb vsr ju6reddrryiimm vr5ewwZZDTYIKMNBG HHUKN VT5D JI.. CXRYIMNN7TESXXYUN. MIYESSE4U... G78NN FEAAZD7IKMNNNMMMMMMMM HGYUBBHHG हिय्जना चारण GHJ ग्यण GYUJN वफ्त HHUJM जीयहब् BHIKM CEWxgun छु uum क्स्डर hhim cdessxxhuijnnbbg uuuk card hik clg hukm vat bnim. Vft,5,2023-07-09 05:18:34 +Google Play,No one wants censorship on peoples thoughts,1,2023-07-22 05:53:50 +Google Play,This àpp is good❤✌👊😋😊😊,5,2023-07-07 11:10:59 +Google Play,What's the need?,3,2023-07-07 08:29:02 +Google Play,Im in the first 1000 people to review Letss goo,5,2023-07-06 01:11:57 +Google Play,I like threads,5,2023-07-23 03:02:10 +Google Play,Mark bro we love you 👌,5,2023-07-07 04:15:32 +Google Play,Copy of twittt,2,2023-07-07 08:18:16 +Google Play,Copy paste Twitter 😁,1,2023-07-06 17:24:35 +Google Play,I got this app,5,2023-07-20 08:42:13 +Google Play,Twitter rip off,1,2023-07-08 02:35:31 +Google Play,Not much good,3,2023-07-06 13:31:38 +Google Play,Just like tweetr,4,2023-07-08 17:36:38 +Google Play,Ui is friendly,5,2023-07-06 16:41:30 +Google Play,Get something of your own mark,1,2023-07-10 20:52:47 +Google Play,Loved me two days tomorrow and,5,2023-07-11 14:59:03 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,4,2023-07-06 16:58:09 +Google Play,Please give me 1k followers,5,2023-07-06 09:07:22 +Google Play,Best so far,5,2023-07-06 22:35:31 +Google Play,Copied from Twitter 🤮,1,2023-07-08 18:26:09 +Google Play,BEST OF LUCK 🤞,5,2023-07-13 19:20:49 +Google Play,Ripoff of twitter,1,2023-07-18 09:29:10 +Google Play,"Maybe, this is will be first review",5,2023-07-06 15:02:16 +Google Play,Replacement for twitter,5,2023-07-06 15:50:34 +Google Play,_asadshahzad follow me threads 😂,5,2023-07-06 21:03:55 +Google Play,Garbage Twitter clone,1,2023-07-07 20:21:29 +Google Play,Not good experience,1,2023-07-07 10:03:50 +Google Play,I am new here,5,2023-07-12 18:33:07 +Google Play,Copy paste Twitter 😂😂,1,2023-07-11 14:50:59 +Google Play,Remove threads number from my account,1,2023-07-07 10:19:25 +Google Play,That's Crazy App 🤣😦,5,2023-07-07 16:02:37 +Google Play,Not bad 😅 MR ELON here😂,4,2023-07-06 20:05:43 +Google Play,It was bluring,1,2023-07-07 03:08:30 +Google Play,Who created this app,5,2023-07-06 15:28:53 +Google Play,worst than twitter,1,2023-07-11 18:13:47 +Google Play,Elon paid 1$ for this rating,1,2023-07-23 11:39:42 +Google Play,Twitter but black,1,2023-07-09 19:03:44 +Google Play,How to delete account on thread,1,2023-07-06 08:16:33 +Google Play,So cool app 👀,5,2023-07-07 06:43:10 +Google Play,Happy mother's appa 🎁💖,5,2023-07-06 14:51:40 +Google Play,copy paste twitter.,1,2023-07-08 10:24:55 +Google Play,My friend install i also,3,2023-07-06 16:48:49 +Google Play,I will try,5,2023-07-06 22:36:39 +Google Play,mark Zuckerberg don't copy,1,2023-07-07 14:30:50 +Google Play,Epic yaaar I am enjoying,5,2023-07-07 09:53:46 +Google Play,bad app yrr😡,1,2023-07-18 17:04:10 +Google Play,Dm options needed,3,2023-07-10 04:03:43 +Google Play,🤮🤮 in compare of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 05:55:13 +Google Play,Under this agreement,1,2023-07-13 17:31:06 +Google Play,These getting money out of us.,1,2023-07-06 12:02:07 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck.,1,2023-07-09 18:46:46 +Google Play,Hug Raha yee App,1,2023-07-08 04:45:40 +Google Play,Use less Thing,1,2023-07-22 06:42:49 +Google Play,Nice to meet,5,2023-07-08 06:52:50 +Google Play,Wrost then ever,1,2023-07-23 04:04:58 +Google Play,Super Markie Zuckerberg 🎉,5,2023-07-06 09:35:48 +Google Play,Thank you 😊 mack 😘,5,2023-07-06 11:15:10 +Google Play,Copy of twitter what is new,1,2023-07-08 06:35:37 +Google Play,Abhi bhi kuch baki hai Jo ye threads aagya only instgram not threads 18+ okay good might 😅,1,2023-07-13 06:31:44 +Google Play,Congratulations Daunlod history,5,2023-07-11 10:33:14 +Google Play,Best than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:38:40 +Google Play,First time used,5,2023-07-06 02:14:07 +Google Play,"Twitter Copy Cat, LoL 🤣",1,2023-07-13 06:40:11 +Google Play,Best of Threads,5,2023-07-08 15:29:47 +Google Play,I love u mark Zuckerberg xD,5,2023-07-15 16:02:09 +Google Play,Better then Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:37:15 +Google Play,I love Threads.,5,2023-07-06 22:36:41 +Google Play,Meta Nigeria HAUSA people we love you Added Hausa pls.,5,2023-07-06 10:29:46 +Google Play,Good 😊 Twitter vs thread Thread wan,5,2023-07-09 23:14:18 +Google Play,Not use ful,5,2023-07-07 04:54:37 +Google Play,Butter than Twitter 🙌,5,2023-07-07 08:41:11 +Google Play,Let's go Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-08 04:25:33 +Google Play,Mark zukarberg be like :- Jaldi waha se hatooo 📢😭,1,2023-07-06 20:32:51 +Google Play,This app will be make you fool,1,2023-07-12 16:14:44 +Google Play,অনেক ভালো I am from Bangladesh,1,2023-07-06 09:34:25 +Google Play,I don't get it.,1,2023-07-07 22:05:21 +Google Play,I'm very Happy,5,2023-07-11 17:26:11 +Google Play,First man 5⭐start #nicethreads,5,2023-07-14 02:44:54 +Google Play,Follow me on insta usman_offical2022,5,2023-07-06 14:27:08 +Google Play,The end of Twitter,5,2023-07-07 04:16:05 +Google Play,Hahaha. Copy cat. 😻🙀,1,2023-07-08 14:59:06 +Google Play,LET'S TRY AHAHA,5,2023-07-07 16:16:33 +Google Play,Horrible Twitter Knockoff,1,2023-07-12 01:08:00 +Google Play,July 6 2023,5,2023-07-06 13:08:02 +Google Play,Threads makes tries,5,2023-07-06 14:28:10 +Google Play,Worst app isko install karte hi meri instgram ki id hack hogyi 😣😣,1,2023-07-08 04:01:27 +Google Play,Literally Twitter ripoff,1,2023-07-06 13:17:01 +Google Play,For mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-07 07:59:58 +Google Play,Ok good 👍 best,5,2023-07-06 03:54:56 +Google Play,Ui is worst,1,2023-07-15 17:15:10 +Google Play,Twitter say best hai,5,2023-07-08 15:09:29 +Google Play,I will see,5,2023-07-07 22:18:46 +Google Play,I think is best,4,2023-07-06 17:17:34 +Google Play,"AWFUL, TWITTER BETTER",1,2023-07-09 20:36:06 +Google Play,Twitter is The best 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-22 14:50:28 +Google Play,I support Elon Musk & Twiterr 😑,1,2023-07-14 16:05:20 +Google Play,stop stealing Zuckerberg,1,2023-07-10 06:04:37 +Google Play,Twitter v/s Threads,5,2023-07-07 03:35:34 +Google Play,Twitter 2.0 frfr,5,2023-07-07 13:14:57 +Google Play,Good better best😂😂,5,2023-07-12 06:30:59 +Google Play,Will see about this thing 🙂,4,2023-07-09 15:22:56 +Google Play,Sbsbbabansnsjskskssdddkksks bbbbdbsbsbbsbshdjfhf dbdbdbdydbdbdyd en eyeb even Eve vevevdvse hi nahi hai to celebrate with you love me saree with you love me saree with blouse and petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat petticoat p,5,2023-07-09 01:33:06 +Google Play,Stole twitter's idea,1,2023-07-07 23:34:21 +Google Play,Copy cat social network.,1,2023-07-07 03:42:17 +Google Play,Shut up Zuck!,1,2023-07-22 17:21:05 +Google Play,Waste of time,1,2023-07-18 18:29:15 +Google Play,Waste of time,1,2023-07-20 16:36:25 +Google Play,I like Twitter Elon musk 😉😉❤️,1,2023-07-06 16:28:50 +Google Play,Waste of time,1,2023-07-22 08:53:34 +Google Play,New thing great 👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 15:18:24 +Google Play,Zedge is gay,1,2023-07-23 04:00:36 +Google Play,Zuck you really $uck,1,2023-07-07 21:05:01 +Google Play,Vest of time,1,2023-07-13 15:25:47 +Google Play,Copy cat lizard,1,2023-07-13 04:15:25 +Google Play,They sell my data,1,2023-07-13 21:45:03 +Google Play,Coppy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 08:46:08 +Google Play,twitter better and F lizards,1,2023-07-06 10:57:00 +Google Play,I love you 6,1,2023-07-06 18:40:53 +Google Play,Better than twiter,5,2023-07-06 17:29:08 +Google Play,ILove this app ✌️🙌💫🤘,5,2023-07-11 17:23:26 +Google Play,Twitter Lite = Threads,5,2023-07-07 08:33:39 +Google Play,Not a good,1,2023-07-12 09:34:52 +Google Play,Delet this pls,1,2023-07-14 05:58:26 +Google Play,Not it. Be original,1,2023-07-12 21:18:16 +Google Play,Forgot your download,5,2023-07-10 04:52:46 +Google Play,Instagram:@khastro.ww,5,2023-07-06 11:33:44 +Google Play,Twitter copy paste,4,2023-07-16 13:43:33 +Google Play,Censorship is their flag,1,2023-07-16 17:02:27 +Google Play,Batter than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 04:32:38 +Google Play,I love you,5,2023-07-20 14:32:42 +Google Play,Vv good app,5,2023-07-07 03:15:54 +Google Play,This is copy,1,2023-07-18 16:20:53 +Google Play,Worse than twitter,1,2023-07-06 10:47:37 +Google Play,What's pooo,1,2023-07-07 09:14:41 +Google Play,Woooo ...... Tweeter gone....,5,2023-07-08 16:37:04 +Google Play,Zuck it Zuckerberg,1,2023-07-08 02:01:09 +Google Play,I am the first reviewer😭😭,5,2023-07-06 03:19:56 +Google Play,V nice app,5,2023-07-14 04:57:22 +Google Play,Here to stay.,4,2023-07-06 08:05:24 +Google Play,i love you,5,2023-07-15 18:05:32 +Google Play,Feels goos to be here.,5,2023-07-06 23:18:50 +Google Play,6 July 2023 join me,5,2023-07-06 07:04:36 +Google Play,A twitter knockoff,1,2023-07-07 06:12:44 +Google Play,I think it's cool,3,2023-07-11 11:02:57 +Google Play,One of it's kind,5,2023-07-06 17:31:16 +Google Play,Disaster Copy cat,1,2023-07-06 12:54:48 +Google Play,Enjoy the App,5,2023-07-24 01:03:55 +Google Play,Beats Twitter I already seen a 😸,5,2023-07-09 15:12:15 +Google Play,Welcome to Threads,5,2023-07-06 22:36:36 +Google Play,Elon musk said @snapytrend,1,2023-07-06 16:46:48 +Google Play,Is it good ? 🤥,5,2023-07-07 08:52:17 +Google Play,Elon Musk's Twitter >> Zuckerberg's Threads,1,2023-07-13 12:03:02 +Google Play,Good so far,5,2023-07-06 20:34:22 +Google Play,Zero Hatters Zero talent Love uh bruh 🥹,1,2023-07-06 10:58:20 +Google Play,Download the app,5,2023-07-19 18:16:14 +Google Play,Let me be the first to thread😉😉😉,4,2023-07-06 17:12:44 +Google Play,Threands app Nambiar 1,5,2023-07-08 07:29:44 +Google Play,Will sell you as a package 📦,1,2023-07-12 05:08:59 +Google Play,Is going well,5,2023-07-07 00:50:37 +Google Play,So bad app,1,2023-07-12 22:44:41 +Google Play,It's the best,5,2023-07-07 08:22:53 +Google Play,I don't know,3,2023-07-06 08:31:56 +Google Play,I'm king of my own word 😎,5,2023-07-07 11:15:24 +Google Play,"Introducing ""Project 92""",5,2023-07-06 21:21:09 +Google Play,Message option kidhar hai,4,2023-07-17 13:14:48 +Google Play,On Other level 💯 👌 🤣,5,2023-07-08 06:02:54 +Google Play,Its a trap 😆😆😂,1,2023-07-10 02:54:52 +Google Play,Twitter >>>>> this sh¡t,1,2023-07-07 12:15:42 +Google Play,Am I the first reviewer here🐐,5,2023-07-06 11:31:11 +Google Play,REEL OPTION ADD 🙂,5,2023-07-08 04:26:43 +Google Play,It'so cool app,5,2023-07-11 15:13:58 +Google Play,I love mark zuccyburf 🤭,1,2023-07-11 09:00:20 +Google Play,Elon Musk chacha Zindabad,1,2023-07-07 15:57:22 +Google Play,Xtylish_hasan_7 follow my account all friend,3,2023-07-08 11:35:48 +Google Play,Actually like dis and am Akram not Rines rats,2,2023-07-07 09:50:50 +Google Play,Elon musk best,1,2023-07-06 15:09:34 +Google Play,My Brother mark encounters elon musk,1,2023-07-06 17:29:43 +Google Play,IT Project manager,4,2023-07-08 04:37:36 +Google Play,New poga poga therium 🙏😁😁,3,2023-07-06 08:32:00 +Google Play,It's great 😃,5,2023-07-07 17:43:20 +Google Play,aamirr__ashrafi instagram I'd,5,2023-07-21 11:25:03 +Google Play,Meme martain > lizard man,1,2023-07-08 12:06:07 +Google Play,That's good,5,2023-07-06 20:19:25 +Google Play,I hate mark Zuckerberg,1,2023-07-06 13:33:32 +Google Play,C'mon bro not giving u my info,1,2023-07-12 08:12:53 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck,1,2023-07-09 18:25:58 +Google Play,First copy of twitter,1,2023-07-08 08:30:25 +Google Play,Vary Vary Nice,5,2023-07-15 13:44:25 +Google Play,Bekar review dilam app e install kri nai,5,2023-07-06 14:33:09 +Google Play,"Stupid app, privacy zeroooo",1,2023-07-10 14:57:58 +Google Play,Good Ok fine,5,2023-07-21 08:10:12 +Google Play,Bettet than Twitter,5,2023-07-08 13:45:58 +Google Play,For Elon musk 😂,1,2023-07-10 09:17:19 +Google Play,Yet to try,5,2023-07-07 08:32:52 +Google Play,Good than others,5,2023-07-11 13:08:54 +Google Play,The best one,5,2023-07-07 13:54:15 +Google Play,Have a good one,4,2023-07-06 15:08:35 +Google Play,Lets check it out,5,2023-07-06 22:13:08 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck,1,2023-07-15 18:20:50 +Google Play,Iam just waiting for elon musk replies,4,2023-07-08 17:09:09 +Google Play,Lame Twitter clone,1,2023-07-09 06:13:12 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-09 18:49:50 +Google Play,Not as expected,1,2023-07-10 16:59:24 +Google Play,Threads eats twitter🤣,1,2023-07-06 08:14:58 +Google Play,Yes we can,5,2023-07-13 09:08:44 +Google Play,Seen cloning Twitter,1,2023-07-07 12:24:27 +Google Play,i hate elon musk,5,2023-07-06 15:31:25 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-07 10:01:27 +Google Play,Elon Musk to Mark Zuckerberg 44B barbad BC 😂,5,2023-07-07 14:57:56 +Google Play,Justice for Elon musk,2,2023-07-19 03:18:22 +Google Play,replica of twitter,1,2023-07-22 14:09:05 +Google Play,Good 👍A new thing,4,2023-07-06 18:48:47 +Google Play,Let's goooooo👍,5,2023-07-06 09:45:18 +Google Play,💩💩☕ copy of Twitter 😅😂💩,5,2023-07-14 17:13:59 +Google Play,Just trapping people,1,2023-07-06 10:06:55 +Google Play,But the fact that the president,5,2023-07-09 07:47:31 +Google Play,violated the rules,1,2023-07-08 05:05:33 +Google Play,Twitter >>>>> Thread..,1,2023-07-06 16:10:19 +Google Play,I love elon musk,1,2023-07-06 08:57:23 +Google Play,This... ELON MUSK !!,5,2023-07-06 12:14:59 +Google Play,copy right as twitter .....,1,2023-07-08 16:06:03 +Google Play,Threads vs Twitter ⚡⚡⚡,5,2023-07-07 17:20:35 +Google Play,S no dmsbssnn,4,2023-07-10 05:47:35 +Google Play,Down to have it,4,2023-07-07 15:54:06 +Google Play,Its good ♥️,4,2023-07-06 17:55:08 +Google Play,Lets keep watching shaa,5,2023-07-06 12:42:37 +Google Play,Ok mark verify us😍🤣,5,2023-07-06 08:11:00 +Google Play,Copy from Twitter:>,1,2023-07-17 06:59:27 +Google Play,Good slaped for elon musk,1,2023-07-07 18:04:43 +Google Play,I am try and comment.back,3,2023-07-07 07:23:33 +Google Play,It will destroy Twitter 🌚☠️,5,2023-07-09 10:15:53 +Google Play,Love Form Bangladesh ✌️🇧🇩💙,5,2023-07-07 18:47:12 +Google Play,What to with this....,3,2023-07-17 14:07:14 +Google Play,We have left Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:09:10 +Google Play,Threads lite lao phir install karuga,4,2023-07-07 17:18:31 +Google Play,The great one 💪😍🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 13:07:51 +Google Play,twitter tryna be,1,2023-07-14 20:17:03 +Google Play,twitter copy paste,1,2023-07-07 04:54:04 +Google Play,Malayaliyouda sotham traaaaaaa,5,2023-07-11 08:50:46 +Google Play,Elon musk be like :- gaddari karbe tori be....... ko 😂😂,2,2023-07-07 02:22:53 +Google Play,Nice।।,5,2023-07-08 17:24:57 +Google Play,Become a threadfulancer 😂👍,5,2023-07-06 13:25:47 +Google Play,Wow osm app nice,4,2023-07-13 17:21:58 +Google Play,It's not a new idea,3,2023-07-08 10:10:08 +Google Play,Elon musk supremacy!!!!,1,2023-07-07 08:10:32 +Google Play,Twitter from china 😭😂😂,1,2023-07-14 23:15:57 +Google Play,Is it new one?,5,2023-07-06 20:42:19 +Google Play,A nice apo,5,2023-07-06 19:14:47 +Google Play,Wise is cool 😎💯,5,2023-07-07 15:15:59 +Google Play,You not twitter,1,2023-07-16 17:55:57 +Google Play,Sorry i love elon musk,1,2023-07-09 12:29:53 +Google Play,RDX ALAM FF,5,2023-07-06 05:17:04 +Google Play,Twitter down fall 🤣,5,2023-07-06 18:56:46 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-12 15:33:13 +Google Play,Cant beat Twitter,1,2023-07-07 05:15:25 +Google Play,Mast 》》》》》》,5,2023-07-06 01:17:44 +Google Play,pls allow nsfw,2,2023-07-07 14:18:01 +Google Play,Nte mone polo sanam,5,2023-07-06 12:55:11 +Google Play,Super App 🌷 Ajay Meena ✨,5,2023-07-06 17:06:22 +Google Play,Batter than Twitter 🤍🫂,5,2023-07-07 05:21:34 +Google Play,𝙁 𝙊 𝙇 𝙇 𝙊 𝙒 𝙈 𝙀 🪄:-@its_._me_lucky_007 🖤🥀,5,2023-07-07 06:35:00 +Google Play,Mm it's good,4,2023-07-17 16:28:12 +Google Play,App is hanging,1,2023-07-07 11:08:51 +Google Play,Don't mystak,1,2023-07-15 13:31:48 +Google Play,Zuck is cuck,1,2023-07-23 18:42:24 +Google Play,What a app 👏,5,2023-07-06 20:18:01 +Google Play,Good Then Twitter ♥,5,2023-07-06 12:53:56 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy,1,2023-07-09 17:59:04 +Google Play,Ygvht t shirt t,4,2023-07-06 15:05:23 +Google Play,iam_khan_9 hme follow kre ......,5,2023-07-06 04:10:51 +Google Play,Ellarum eduthu apoo njn um eduthu,5,2023-07-06 20:40:59 +Google Play,Please give me myy account backkk,1,2023-07-09 20:16:16 +Google Play,Twitter gamma version,1,2023-07-06 20:55:55 +Google Play,Trust me W twitter,5,2023-07-07 15:58:26 +Google Play,Indo first komen coyy,5,2023-07-06 07:03:29 +Google Play,Pay to win 😜,1,2023-07-22 21:03:49 +Google Play,"Copy of twitter, zuck is cuck😭😃",5,2023-07-11 10:51:01 +Google Play,twiter copy paste,1,2023-07-12 05:27:32 +Google Play,A copy of Twitter 👎,1,2023-07-09 00:42:47 +Google Play,Beter then Twitter,5,2023-07-06 11:46:20 +Google Play,Love you too 💓😘 you,5,2023-07-24 05:28:12 +Google Play,Copy cat zuck,1,2023-07-24 04:44:14 +Google Play,good follow me pxblack,5,2023-07-06 12:02:07 +Google Play,New app wow ❤,5,2023-07-07 12:54:23 +Google Play,First review of this app 😏💀🤝🏻,5,2023-07-05 22:54:59 +Google Play,Knock down Musk Mark❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 20:37:49 +Google Play,Damn you for cheating on Twitter 🤦🤦,1,2023-07-07 21:44:28 +Google Play,Poor Elon mask,5,2023-07-09 16:25:00 +Google Play,Alon eyes on Threads 😎,5,2023-07-06 13:48:06 +Google Play,Kinda mid ngl,1,2023-07-10 21:33:03 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,2,2023-07-13 18:44:02 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter but acha Twitter🗿,4,2023-07-07 02:28:26 +Google Play,They copied Twitter,3,2023-07-06 12:18:12 +Google Play,Stollen from twitter,1,2023-07-06 07:11:36 +Google Play,This is book,5,2023-07-08 08:46:04 +Google Play,Just lovin' it,5,2023-07-07 08:37:27 +Google Play,God bless mark Zuckerberg,5,2023-07-08 10:49:00 +Google Play,One question: Why?,1,2023-07-06 10:48:52 +Google Play,Zuck ki potty,1,2023-07-15 21:19:03 +Google Play,I didn't expect,1,2023-07-07 05:03:45 +Google Play,Let's get it,5,2023-07-07 09:07:47 +Google Play,I surely Elon Musk shocked,5,2023-07-07 05:57:36 +Google Play,Real id se aao Twitter 🥲,1,2023-07-08 15:04:40 +Google Play,Like this aap,5,2023-07-08 18:08:11 +Google Play,Bhmk. K K K K K.v Fu Yu Hu Ju,5,2023-07-24 11:26:03 +Google Play,Twitter>>>>>>>>>>>,3,2023-07-08 07:16:39 +Google Play,#elone musk only,2,2023-07-08 12:16:05 +Google Play,it is cool 😎,3,2023-07-08 18:49:14 +Google Play,Twitter got Cooked,5,2023-07-06 20:48:40 +Google Play,Bere nayes appo,5,2023-07-07 10:21:53 +Google Play,A twinned clone ? 🤷🏻,2,2023-07-23 05:58:07 +Google Play,Let's give it a trial 🔥,4,2023-07-06 19:39:21 +Google Play,Instagram id follow me,5,2023-07-06 07:01:40 +Google Play,Twitter says Hi,5,2023-07-06 14:22:17 +Google Play,Look like a tweeter,3,2023-07-07 20:06:03 +Google Play,Unband pakistan Polical Party Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan,1,2023-07-07 09:31:54 +Google Play,Nyc social media app,5,2023-07-06 11:11:45 +Google Play,Elon muskis crying rn 🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 07:20:37 +Google Play,Good morning sir good 😊,5,2023-07-09 02:06:16 +Google Play,Zucker is back,5,2023-07-06 10:45:28 +Google Play,ফালতু cheating korse,1,2023-07-08 02:21:20 +Google Play,Gangster ELON Musk 🗿,1,2023-07-07 06:30:17 +Google Play,Father of Twitter ☺️🤣,5,2023-07-11 11:08:26 +Google Play,Just tryyyy it,5,2023-07-06 17:59:37 +Google Play,Love You nika❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-24 03:18:07 +Google Play,Bekkkaaaar farzi application h,1,2023-07-11 03:17:21 +Google Play,Copy of twtter 🤬🤬🤬🤬,1,2023-07-23 15:58:38 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter 😆😆😆,5,2023-07-17 15:14:03 +Google Play,Let's give it a try,5,2023-07-06 01:17:08 +Google Play,You naughty copycat juke bro 😂,2,2023-07-10 13:00:56 +Google Play,I am intagaram reel,5,2023-07-15 03:30:39 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-24 13:07:55 +Google Play,@tti.trends 🙌 FB,5,2023-07-11 16:13:47 +Google Play,Let me delete it,1,2023-07-07 23:34:05 +Google Play,ELON MUSK BAAP HAI THREADS KA,1,2023-07-19 16:15:32 +Google Play,I am trying,5,2023-07-06 05:22:17 +Google Play,Elon Musk ka Twitter toh gaya 😂,5,2023-07-12 18:09:31 +Google Play,Tweeter 2.O 🤣🤣,4,2023-07-08 06:51:29 +Google Play,Love you Love you,4,2023-07-06 05:56:44 +Google Play,Its copy of twiter,1,2023-07-06 17:52:28 +Google Play,I stand with you,5,2023-07-06 11:48:06 +Google Play,Wake up dil,5,2023-07-16 01:51:15 +Google Play,Wrost than twiiter,1,2023-07-18 02:32:12 +Google Play,Twitter 3rd copy🥱,2,2023-07-12 17:16:57 +Google Play,So much mb,3,2023-07-09 06:19:06 +Google Play,Threads be like jaldi waha se hato twitter,5,2023-07-08 04:35:16 +Google Play,"Where is DM,s opsn",1,2023-07-08 18:54:59 +Google Play,I am Elon musk supporter,1,2023-07-06 08:42:39 +Google Play,Vr Cool featured 🔥❤️,5,2023-07-07 10:44:48 +Google Play,V.good app,5,2023-07-07 15:16:05 +Google Play,By elon musk,5,2023-07-15 22:15:40 +Google Play,Twitter have p0rn,1,2023-07-06 08:18:59 +Google Play,So nic app,5,2023-07-18 17:40:39 +Google Play,Twitter ka sasta copy,1,2023-07-09 16:56:46 +Google Play,Lemme try this,5,2023-07-06 20:12:50 +Google Play,Bast inst se,5,2023-07-07 10:30:18 +Google Play,hey.This is another matrix,1,2023-07-06 19:00:52 +Google Play,Sasta twitter #elonmusk,1,2023-07-18 14:55:01 +Google Play,Twitter without Elon Musk,4,2023-07-06 17:18:53 +Google Play,One of milions,5,2023-07-06 01:17:37 +Google Play,So far ok siya.,5,2023-07-06 05:13:24 +Google Play,17th review is mee,5,2023-07-07 13:50:44 +Google Play,Tagra bole to 1no,5,2023-07-06 00:04:41 +Google Play,I'm tha first time teri,5,2023-07-07 13:36:50 +Google Play,>>>> Twitter No Cap 🧢,5,2023-07-06 13:31:16 +Google Play,Because Elon musk crying 😂,1,2023-07-09 06:37:08 +Google Play,Mast hi brother,5,2023-07-09 14:31:30 +Google Play,verry verry bed aap,5,2023-07-21 13:11:29 +Google Play,"miss u, balik kana",5,2023-07-06 17:21:58 +Google Play,Mc stanyy I love ❤️😘,5,2023-07-12 14:22:21 +Google Play,I love elon musk,1,2023-07-17 21:46:06 +Google Play,Hmmm itz good..?,2,2023-07-18 15:58:15 +Google Play,Elon musk be like:😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭,5,2023-07-07 11:29:27 +Google Play,Louda app hai,2,2023-07-06 18:10:21 +Google Play,Jai shree ram ⚔️🗡️💪🔱🚩🇮🇳,5,2023-07-14 07:12:01 +Google Play,Mast app che,5,2023-07-07 08:58:38 +Google Play,Your Ytyu7. 43fûri,5,2023-07-06 09:32:55 +Google Play,❤ Love from kurdistan,5,2023-07-06 00:21:52 +Google Play,Nta ammachiyeeeeeiiii mapp saanam🔥,5,2023-07-06 05:22:46 +Google Play,the app is osm 🙏,5,2023-07-08 16:12:09 +Google Play,Team elon musk!,1,2023-07-08 18:58:13 +Google Play,144p of Twitter 😐,1,2023-07-06 15:10:45 +Google Play,Twitter copy lol,1,2023-07-16 00:24:31 +Google Play,devil's app,1,2023-07-14 04:12:50 +Google Play,Please sopot too,5,2023-07-09 09:09:21 +Google Play,Lizard boy copy pasted twitter,1,2023-07-07 17:18:35 +Google Play,You.are.so.great,4,2023-07-06 18:05:22 +Google Play,Copy of twitter👍,2,2023-07-06 14:58:33 +Google Play,Support me please,5,2023-07-08 16:52:01 +Google Play,This app Nise,2,2023-07-14 16:12:36 +Google Play,As like Twitter 😇,5,2023-07-12 05:53:23 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-15 09:24:25 +Google Play,Twitter ka Copy,5,2023-07-13 14:12:25 +Google Play,Follow me please,5,2023-07-09 06:27:53 +Google Play,Clone of twitter 👌🏻,5,2023-07-06 11:42:38 +Google Play,T$ + S.imp,4,2023-07-06 17:40:24 +Google Play,Video Cretors From India,4,2023-07-06 12:47:38 +Google Play,Your aap sad is,5,2023-07-14 02:00:16 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-24 07:53:35 +Google Play,Doges's app,1,2023-07-07 12:58:21 +Google Play,Copy tea copy,1,2023-07-23 05:09:10 +Google Play,Love you bestie 💖😘,5,2023-07-07 18:07:12 +Google Play,Miss kona sya,2,2023-07-07 14:08:34 +Google Play,Mask ke ekke bare kheye dilo Zuck e,5,2023-07-10 18:55:58 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-08 06:55:32 +Google Play,2023 my bro,5,2023-07-08 16:32:34 +Google Play,Elon Musk has cried after KDA,1,2023-07-07 14:00:15 +Google Play,I went to use,5,2023-07-10 22:43:12 +Google Play,Elon vs marky hogya😂,5,2023-07-07 16:16:56 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy,1,2023-07-23 09:15:53 +Google Play,I love you insta,5,2023-07-13 14:33:04 +Google Play,Nah elon better,1,2023-07-10 04:36:32 +Google Play,This app vare nase,1,2023-07-23 16:45:38 +Google Play,Hand me Shahrukh Sheikh 🤞🥰🫶👍,5,2023-07-16 15:50:55 +Google Play,Ohh ak or aagya 😅😅,5,2023-07-06 16:20:22 +Google Play,Boycott... Privacy policy ❌,1,2023-07-11 14:06:55 +Google Play,Osm this aap😀,5,2023-07-06 14:43:14 +Google Play,Gf Banegi to 5 Star duga🤫,1,2023-07-11 18:05:44 +Google Play,First review on threads Haha,5,2023-07-06 00:11:56 +Google Play,Twitter batter then,1,2023-07-08 15:09:51 +Google Play,No comment Si please,5,2023-07-07 13:05:26 +Google Play,Just don't.,1,2023-07-08 00:59:40 +Google Play,Why am I here 💀,3,2023-07-09 11:44:21 +Google Play,TWITTER ON TOP,1,2023-07-06 23:16:09 +Google Play,Copy of twitter,1,2023-07-08 19:21:02 +Google Play,It's nxa to use,5,2023-07-16 17:11:05 +Google Play,Copy of Twitter,1,2023-07-18 07:37:20 +Google Play,⚠️🛑⚠️Very Bad Experience⚠️🛑⚠️,1,2023-07-12 15:16:25 +Google Play,Ok ok ok Hot 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-09 18:20:53 +Google Play,Need a race,1,2023-07-06 09:43:09 +Google Play,Mark mama kosam😁,5,2023-07-07 15:05:40 +Google Play,elon musk welcome to thread,5,2023-07-07 13:56:19 +Google Play,Wtheck is this,1,2023-07-19 07:01:33 +Google Play,Zuck is a cuck,1,2023-07-19 08:17:08 +Google Play,Kk GM ch bcom cm BB BK,2,2023-07-16 11:48:05 +Google Play,Yah! That great,5,2023-07-07 09:34:45 +Google Play,Powil Sanam myre,3,2023-07-06 09:36:26 +Google Play,Can't give soulmates💔,3,2023-07-09 14:27:18 +Google Play,2023/07/07 from Nepal🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵,5,2023-07-07 08:50:06 +Google Play,"By by Elon musk ,😄😄😄",5,2023-07-07 08:14:07 +Google Play,Iam first 😂😂 review,5,2023-07-06 11:44:35 +Google Play,hi elon musk,5,2023-07-09 05:49:19 +Google Play,Copy insta facebook bur ok,4,2023-07-10 16:57:47 +Google Play,First review dropped,5,2023-07-06 09:27:33 +Google Play,#IMRANKHAN .PTI,5,2023-07-23 12:58:29 +Google Play,Zuck's tweeter,5,2023-07-07 17:12:35 +Google Play,Can't beat elon musk,1,2023-07-09 10:11:53 +Google Play,Allu arjun fan 🙏❤️❤️,3,2023-07-07 14:13:28 +Google Play,Try krke batata hu 🇮🇳🙍🏼,3,2023-07-08 10:10:21 +Google Play,Are aye vedyaaa,5,2023-07-07 09:39:03 +Google Play,ALLAH is Greatest,5,2023-07-06 05:36:39 +Google Play,Umm Noice Competition 🤌🏻,5,2023-07-06 05:28:29 +Google Play,Waste of Time,1,2023-07-12 09:51:43 +Google Play,Instagram love you 💗,5,2023-07-06 03:59:47 +Google Play,Zuckerburg is overworking,5,2023-07-07 16:56:06 +Google Play,Bee bee boo boo,1,2023-07-06 20:25:13 +Google Play,My fabe rite apps,5,2023-07-14 12:02:19 +Google Play,My test app,5,2023-07-07 09:23:33 +Google Play,Hey you came back buddy,1,2023-07-07 17:19:04 +Google Play,Waste of time,1,2023-07-08 16:57:36 +Google Play,I am not joining your fraud platform.,3,2023-07-06 13:32:15 +Google Play,Finally.!!! We are sick of Elon musk humiliation,5,2023-07-06 08:39:09 +Google Play,"I just noticed that sorting the ""earliest and latest"" following has been enabled but still doesn't make it easier to fish out who follows back or not. The following should be seen from the page instead of the user's profile to verify. Another thing is the app keeps glitching when you try to see who's following back and following back doesn't seem easy afterwards.",3,2023-07-25 09:32:20 +Google Play,Okay i just used to it it's okay apps don't be fool by the ppl some ppl looking for hookup and some ppl put you down (like make fun) of you stay strong 💪 stay away from ppl who have no picture in profile and Stay safe.,3,2023-07-25 08:22:07 +Google Play,"MY POSTS KEEPS FAILING TO UPDATE! My posts and comments fails to post always... I can't post anything currently. Aside that, we need DIRECT MESSAGING Tab, and TRENDLIST .... Quite a nice one",2,2023-07-25 07:46:47 +Google Play,"This app isn't gonna last if they don't make some major changes (like adding a following feed, literally the only way I would actually use the app regularly).",1,2023-07-25 01:30:40 +Google Play,The app does NOT work on androids. I reported a billion times and they have done NOTHING to solve thr issues. So I cannot use the app. So twitter it is,1,2023-07-25 02:32:35 +Google Play,"Its good but there is one problem, the search is only for profile not for the people that reply",3,2023-07-25 07:57:30 +Google Play,"twitter but without the fun, features, or real people.",1,2023-07-25 09:32:15 +Google Play,"Over a week now and can't post anything. ""sorry, something went wrong""",1,2023-07-25 08:14:10 +Google Play,Buggy. Also can't even change name without changing Instagram,1,2023-07-25 08:08:18 +Google Play,Is not working its says error all the time !!! Please help !!!!,1,2023-07-25 08:01:20 +Google Play,It is getting good,5,2023-07-25 08:14:03 +Google Play,💙,4,2023-07-25 07:15:46 +Google Play,Update: Finally the issue have been resolved. It is running smoothly. Firstly from Day 1 the app is glitchy with overlapped posts and dragged screens. I haven't seen the actual interface till now. Secondly now it says that my instagram account will be deleted if I delete Threads. That's totally unfair. On one hand I can't use Threads and on the other hand I can't delete it. So I am left with last option of uninstalling it. I was so excited at first but now I am totally disappointed.,4,2023-07-24 18:11:14 +Google Play,"A clearly well built app on a technical level, but god is it just so lame. Its like twitter (obv) except people only tweet Instagram captions with no picture. The lack of a trending tab, while making the app less doomery, also makes threads feel less interconnected and social.",2,2023-07-24 18:25:37 +Google Play,"Not that I use it much anyway, but it basically doesn't work. It seems I can make a post, and I can view the main feed - but search, my page and the likes tab all just give an error message ('something went wrong. Try again...'). It was fine for the first 2-3 days, and given that ever since. Not really useable when the majority of tabs don't even work.",2,2023-07-25 07:55:50 +Google Play,"It needs a group chat feature to share tweets with friends. It also needs an explore/search feature to stay up to date with the latest news/trends/tweets. And finally, a feature to unlink my insta account to allow creation of anonymous accounts. Add these and it'll overtake twitter.",2,2023-07-24 20:50:47 +Google Play,"There is no reason for it to be difficult to navigate and do basic things. Seems rushed and really needs more time in the developer oven. Seems like I'm flooded with secret advertisment everyone is selling something or trying to get you subscribed to them, it's quite hostile",1,2023-07-24 14:18:30 +Google Play,"Very much good 👍 Then compare to Twitter every one can use this without any limitations 🙏🏻 but having more features like background pic before DP on profile & thus making/showing the category such as artist, actor, visual art, so on. One thing having story option on both insta.or threads",5,2023-07-24 17:49:15 +Google Play,I just tried it and this is my opinion. I would give it a zero if it was there cuz its just a worse copy of twitter. And what si that layout like I'm not a left handed. Meta just has taken twitter and made everything diffrent on their style and suddenly made it worse. Switch to twitter it is way simpler and better!,1,2023-07-24 22:33:58 +Google Play,Excellent app for communication interface. Truly I'm addicted for this app. Instead of twitter I'll use this. Thank me META for providing such useful application.,5,2023-07-24 15:06:48 +Google Play,Just launched app.. surely has glitches.. but as soon i log in ..the entire interface goes haywire & overlaps each other making it a matrix of lines full of distortion.,1,2023-07-25 09:13:34 +Google Play,"It's got a lot of potential but for a week I haven't been able to follow anyone. If they think I'm a bot, they should make sure. It's just not fun anymore if I can't follow the people I want.",2,2023-07-25 02:40:08 +Google Play,"It's not the other place, so that alone is worth 5 stars. However, I'm looking forward to future feature enhancements that will make the experience even better.",4,2023-07-25 05:41:52 +Google Play,"App is stable and has most folks I follow at Twitter. It's missing few important features like desktop support, Search by keywords and trends. Hopefully those features are added soon",5,2023-07-24 16:22:36 +Google Play,I can't see anyone I follow. The page is a ton of random posts with the people you follow mixed in. No way to actually see friends posts and see exclusively who you actually WANT to see.,1,2023-07-24 15:51:02 +Google Play,Good app but doesn't work properly what ever I do it comes up 'sorry can't load try again' or 'sorry we couldn't complete your request please try again in a moment' and how many times I try again it never works.,1,2023-07-25 04:33:20 +Google Play,"It's an ok social site. Nothing special yet, but works as well as the others. I'll pop another star on this if they release a web version too.",3,2023-07-24 14:40:03 +Google Play,It's great except I can't watch videos with audio. If I click unmute the video stops playing. Finding support is impossible.,3,2023-07-24 15:41:29 +Google Play,"Have been stuck on ""Sorry something went wrong"" for weeks now. Uninstalled/reinstalled, restarted phone, cleared cache, nothing works. Android Pixel 5. Please help!",1,2023-07-24 14:54:14 +Google Play,Great app! I always wanted to stop using Twitter and finally i found a better substitute.,5,2023-07-24 13:52:36 +Google Play,Don't know how I hot here. If i delete my entire Instagram will be deleted. It is a scam. Hate it the most.,1,2023-07-25 00:54:38 +Google Play,"Al principio bien, como todo, jajaja la tendencia puede con todo, pero la verdad llevo dos días intentando postear y no se ha podido, está fallando todo, que horror. Si es fácil de usar y es bonita, el blanco y negro se ve bien pero por qué ya dos días seguidos? Aparte pensé que era mi celular, obviamente lo reinicie, seguía sin servir, la desinstalé y no, sigue igual. Si les soy sincera, tenía más esperanzas de esta app.",2,2023-07-24 05:51:35 +Google Play,"Has potential, but feed is full of accounts I don't follow or not interested in. Search function needs to include topics of interest.",3,2023-07-24 18:22:32 +Google Play,It's a very good app I also post photo and video And make it viral So tq ❤️,5,2023-07-25 02:41:08 +Google Play,"Great App ! But hai to 😂 twitter ki Copy hi 👍 , Great Job Mark Bhaiya",5,2023-07-24 14:20:46 +Google Play,"Works well. There are some cosmetic features I would like to see implemented, but give it time.",5,2023-07-24 13:49:40 +Google Play,"Need to be able to search by hashtags for it to be functional. Otherwise, great alternative to Twitter",3,2023-07-25 01:31:34 +Google Play,App is severly limited in functionality. 8 day's in and I can't follow anyone back. How am I supposed to grow my account?,1,2023-07-24 19:37:55 +Google Play,"This app is completely broken: I can't read or write posts on it due to a ""something went wrong"" error. What is wrong with Threads??",1,2023-07-24 17:37:17 +Google Play,Why use this parody of Twitter and get banned for not being able to talk about freedom of speech. Ghey.,1,2023-07-24 15:07:46 +Google Play,"All good, maybe an option for translating languages will be even better.",5,2023-07-25 01:47:37 +Google Play,App is useless when I all I see is random posts from people and topics I don't know or care about. Why can't I just see people I Follow and in chronological order?,2,2023-07-24 20:59:59 +Google Play,Ballu tick तो मिला नही पर कोई नहीं मैं बहुत ही दयालु हूं इसलिए 5 Star reating कर देता हूँ ।,5,2023-07-24 11:46:35 +Google Play,Likes and comments are not coming create on new account on Threads App.,2,2023-07-24 17:51:28 +Google Play,Describe your thread personal problem 😞 Can't find girlfriend,3,2023-07-24 16:24:31 +Google Play,Default feed shoes random irrelevant content despite following and mentioning likes.,2,2023-07-24 14:58:47 +Google Play,"Be aware this app is extremely invasive, pay attention to the permissions you're agreeing to with this one.",1,2023-07-24 15:14:35 +Google Play,Seems like zuck wanted to make a Twitter ripoff with most numbers of guidelines and restrictions.,2,2023-07-25 06:22:31 +Google Play,Doesn't load half of the screens! Sorry something went wrong all the f@#$ing time,1,2023-07-24 18:43:57 +Google Play,Great app. Abhi agile development ho raha hai iss karan se shuruaati features bs aaye hai. Jismein kaam chal Raha hai. Baad mein advanced features bhi aayenge jaise image download aur most hated ADs.,5,2023-07-22 14:25:23 +Google Play,Without searchable hashtags its really not a viable alternative,2,2023-07-24 18:25:42 +Google Play,Very nice thank you so much,5,2023-07-25 07:59:13 +Google Play,Threads for better then Twitter for simple people.,5,2023-07-25 07:52:20 +Google Play,Good but could be better.,4,2023-07-24 22:15:43 +Google Play,Why in the world is it linked with Instagram? Nobody wants all their Instagram followers to find them on a different app.,1,2023-07-24 15:21:37 +Google Play,It's like unseasoned Twitter,2,2023-07-24 21:50:05 +Google Play,अभी यह नया ऐप है पर धीरे-धीरे लोगों को अच्छा लगेगा Very good app,5,2023-07-21 00:34:40 +Google Play,So basically it's Twitter with Facebook censorship,1,2023-07-24 17:18:56 +Google Play,"""Sorry, something went wrong, try again"" messages are all over the app.",2,2023-07-24 14:11:24 +Google Play,Only gave this 5 stars bc Elon is fart,5,2023-07-24 18:41:31 +Google Play,Need web version and landscape mode for tablet,2,2023-07-24 21:11:09 +Google Play,kia gathia aap yer akbi ladki request nahi dati 😏 koye download nahi karna,1,2023-07-24 04:48:06 +Google Play,Worst app created. Twitter better,1,2023-07-25 05:59:57 +Google Play,No much better then Twitter 😄,1,2023-07-24 13:49:18 +Google Play,I want to uninstall it but can't because of Instagram ☹️,1,2023-07-24 19:05:16 +Google Play,Abhi shuru kiye hai Baad me jahir karta hun,3,2023-07-23 17:29:43 +Google Play,क्या फायदा इसको चला कर जब कोई reply नही करता कोई gf भी नही बनी इससे मे डिलीट कर रहा हू।,1,2023-07-25 03:42:24 +Google Play,சூப்பர் ஆஹா இருக்குனு சொல்ல மாட்டா🔥 சுமாரா இருக்கு டைம் எடுக்கணும்🔥🚨,3,2023-07-24 03:55:36 +Google Play,Better than Elon's app.,5,2023-07-25 08:21:47 +Google Play,"Não consigo fazer um post, sempre da erro",1,2023-07-20 23:24:40 +Google Play,"Can't post, can't see comments. Total bugfest.",1,2023-07-24 14:21:19 +Google Play,Need more features..,3,2023-07-25 07:31:52 +Google Play,It's made by Facebook so it's bad already,1,2023-07-24 22:57:18 +Google Play,Super cool,5,2023-07-24 16:15:50 +Google Play,It's Okay Nice !,3,2023-07-25 02:17:41 +Google Play,Nice app for Better results,4,2023-07-24 14:08:32 +Google Play,First day ke din hi mera kisi ne account hack kar liya and mai kuch bhi nahi kar pa raha tha.,2,2023-07-25 04:28:39 +Google Play,oy bilə bomba kimi di indi yükləyirəm😈🤰🤰🤰,5,2023-07-22 07:29:22 +Google Play,Good byy Elon and good byy Twitter 🤣🤣😂😂,5,2023-07-25 03:16:19 +Google Play,Needs more users,4,2023-07-25 00:42:28 +Google Play,Total trash.,1,2023-07-20 21:15:08 +Google Play,Threads soon gonna die 😂,1,2023-07-24 17:03:42 +Google Play,Twitter ripoff.,1,2023-07-20 19:32:59 +Google Play,Good 😊 Great 💫,5,2023-07-21 20:19:39 +Google Play,Worst app.,1,2023-07-20 20:22:29 +Google Play,"Similar, to...., but I enjoy it so far.",5,2023-07-24 14:20:22 +Google Play,Nice app ☺️👍,5,2023-07-22 17:41:03 +Google Play,Good 👍 5/4,5,2023-07-23 00:06:01 +Google Play,Better one,5,2023-07-24 17:07:48 +Google Play,Perfect app ♥️,5,2023-07-23 01:13:20 +Google Play,Please update chating option,3,2023-07-24 16:47:34 +Google Play,It good,5,2023-07-24 20:06:44 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-24 17:48:32 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-25 00:36:31 +Google Play,Idk man seems and looks like an app from the 90's,1,2023-07-25 09:35:12 +Google Play,they are collecting privacy information.. 😠😠,1,2023-07-24 19:04:21 +Google Play,Better than twiter,5,2023-07-24 17:03:04 +Google Play,I love it here,5,2023-07-24 16:08:04 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-24 18:46:48 +Google Play,Em nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-22 13:13:22 +Google Play,Very useful ... 👍,4,2023-07-23 07:25:02 +Google Play,Ladke wali game jaldi jaldi khatm Gfmfvtvghf ka ke xhhmg UT k if ugjyf Gs GN ha ha Rd TN yf ya,3,2023-07-24 17:13:09 +Google Play,Boring 😔,1,2023-07-22 12:57:15 +Google Play,very good 🍾,5,2023-07-22 16:05:07 +Google Play,(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧,2,2023-07-25 04:28:11 +Google Play,More Features Expected.,2,2023-07-25 08:23:00 +Google Play,Nice Platform 👍,5,2023-07-24 17:37:14 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-24 05:07:02 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-25 03:55:45 +Google Play,Good 👍,1,2023-07-22 03:43:48 +Google Play,Very nice 💯,5,2023-07-24 19:29:34 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-24 09:23:14 +Google Play,Another corpo app.,1,2023-07-24 21:45:43 +Google Play,Copied version of Twitter,1,2023-07-24 20:33:32 +Google Play,Update couple of days,1,2023-07-25 07:43:38 +Google Play,Needs a translate button,1,2023-07-24 19:42:25 +Google Play,Please separate the following accounts from for you,5,2023-07-24 15:21:51 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-24 05:29:43 +Google Play,Horrible UI,1,2023-07-23 06:08:23 +Google Play,Logging issue,1,2023-07-22 17:42:53 +Google Play,its a good application,5,2023-07-24 21:29:46 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-23 14:43:35 +Google Play,Happy Journey,1,2023-07-24 12:33:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-24 21:11:42 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-25 04:48:52 +Google Play,Boring.....,1,2023-07-23 23:09:47 +Google Play,Excellent 👌,5,2023-07-22 06:18:40 +Google Play,Copycat naya,1,2023-07-23 14:36:20 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-23 19:51:01 +Google Play,Not good,2,2023-07-22 09:01:49 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-25 06:21:18 +Google Play,Best beat Twitter,5,2023-07-25 07:36:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-22 17:09:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-23 22:41:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-24 01:09:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-24 21:16:11 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-25 07:13:09 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-23 14:09:56 +Google Play,Good 👍🏻,4,2023-07-24 03:21:02 +Google Play,Its too slow and crashing a lot,2,2023-07-25 05:37:58 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-24 11:18:31 +Google Play,Good 💯💯💯💯💯,5,2023-07-24 21:40:26 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-21 17:54:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-21 17:22:01 +Google Play,Twitter daha iyi,1,2023-07-23 17:33:04 +Google Play,Benejiush D Sangma,5,2023-07-22 18:06:38 +Google Play,Needs a lot of work,2,2023-07-24 14:37:53 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-21 01:25:56 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-20 18:21:51 +Google Play,Nice aaps,5,2023-07-23 09:36:00 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-22 19:22:20 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-23 10:33:21 +Google Play,Twitter best,1,2023-07-22 03:58:18 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-22 12:47:22 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-22 20:42:25 +Google Play,Nice pic,5,2023-07-22 17:05:24 +Google Play,Nice environment,5,2023-07-23 20:44:14 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-22 16:15:42 +Google Play,Good 7,5,2023-07-23 15:21:34 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-22 15:05:39 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-21 20:37:16 +Google Play,the fall off is historic,1,2023-07-24 22:56:06 +Google Play,Useless clone of Twitter,1,2023-07-25 04:39:04 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-23 05:22:32 +Google Play,Just make it like Twitter. Is that hard?,1,2023-07-25 03:15:48 +Google Play,Very excilent🤟,5,2023-07-23 07:28:33 +Google Play,Elon soldiers😁,1,2023-07-24 16:24:07 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-22 10:20:35 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-23 21:27:51 +Google Play,Lovely,5,2023-07-23 09:53:42 +Google Play,தெளிவு. அருமை,5,2023-07-21 22:01:45 +Google Play,. ai e sa,1,2023-07-23 13:21:46 +Google Play,Poor app 😕,1,2023-07-24 13:39:49 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-20 19:04:43 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-24 06:58:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-23 04:17:46 +Google Play,Soooo bad,1,2023-07-24 04:29:29 +Google Play,"Twitter se to bahut achha hai ,bhagwan ne sun Li meri ,meri hmesha se ek ichha thi ki Twitter jaisa koi doosra app aaye jise me chlau .🤣🤣🤣🤣",5,2023-07-22 09:27:20 +Google Play,Totally Useless,1,2023-07-24 08:36:27 +Google Play,BORING ASF,1,2023-07-24 03:21:53 +Google Play,Pathetic clone,1,2023-07-25 03:25:57 +Google Play,Very cool,5,2023-07-24 15:08:56 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-25 02:19:05 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-25 08:11:20 +Google Play,Waste,1,2023-07-24 10:41:22 +Google Play,😇😇😇😇😇🤟🤟🤟📱📱📱,3,2023-07-24 07:10:56 +Google Play,Elon Musk✨,1,2023-07-21 11:51:49 +Google Play,Beat elon,5,2023-07-21 20:33:01 +Google Play,Very bed,1,2023-07-21 06:27:34 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-24 03:03:53 +Google Play,Not working,2,2023-07-22 06:44:25 +Google Play,boooooooooooring,1,2023-07-24 14:44:17 +Google Play,Ji ho 100x,5,2023-07-21 16:19:05 +Google Play,Nu recomand,1,2023-07-24 10:37:25 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-25 03:01:24 +Google Play,DM add,1,2023-07-24 12:13:23 +Google Play,Thrash app,1,2023-07-23 19:58:15 +Google Play,Copy App,1,2023-07-21 09:26:57 +Google Play,Very bed,1,2023-07-23 07:41:14 +Google Play,Not video,1,2023-07-23 17:51:22 +Google Play,Woah!,5,2023-07-25 03:40:03 +Google Play,Bagundhi 🤙🤙,5,2023-07-22 08:56:49 +Google Play,Gud 👍,4,2023-07-23 00:57:15 +Google Play,😒👎,1,2023-07-22 13:58:38 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-22 05:00:03 +Google Play,Horrível,1,2023-07-21 16:08:46 +Google Play,4th of,2,2023-07-23 10:42:04 +Google Play,Sk,5,2023-07-21 13:52:39 +Google Play,Codify,5,2023-07-21 06:51:36 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-21 12:52:50 +Google Play,✨🙈,5,2023-07-23 19:43:17 +Google Play,👍,3,2023-07-21 13:34:13 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-23 00:56:06 +Google Play,Very friendly people on it.,5,2023-07-24 23:58:28 +Google Play,Twitter >>>>>>>,1,2023-07-23 23:22:20 +Google Play,RajeevRaj556,5,2023-07-22 03:07:47 +Google Play,عالی,5,2023-07-22 15:57:05 +Google Play,Janecorralez,5,2023-07-24 07:51:08 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-25 04:32:34 +Google Play,BESTTTT,5,2023-07-24 18:46:09 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-22 03:16:29 +Google Play,Owesome,5,2023-07-25 07:35:19 +Google Play,Midia,5,2023-07-25 00:59:09 +Google Play,Dinesh,5,2023-07-22 10:23:56 +Google Play,Sukhuurang,5,2023-07-24 17:48:04 +Google Play,Nonsences,5,2023-07-25 07:22:31 +Google Play,NYC,5,2023-07-22 19:42:03 +Google Play,ممل,1,2023-07-22 17:38:05 +Google Play,Iiî,1,2023-07-24 06:34:05 +Google Play,cheap,1,2023-07-25 08:44:31 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-24 02:09:10 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-22 10:17:30 +Google Play,👌,5,2023-07-23 04:54:36 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-21 20:00:30 +Google Play,🦎,1,2023-07-24 14:53:34 +Google Play,UFC gz,4,2023-07-24 14:45:13 +Google Play,Need improvement,3,2023-07-24 04:42:04 +Google Play,Don bhai,5,2023-07-24 18:49:35 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-25 09:37:38 +Google Play,I like,5,2023-07-24 10:33:30 +Google Play,Audi article,5,2023-07-24 08:31:38 +Google Play,Supar aap,5,2023-07-24 18:22:48 +Google Play,Niš🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-21 05:43:47 +Google Play,😍😍😍,5,2023-07-22 18:51:45 +Google Play,Jhakas,3,2023-07-24 06:23:04 +Google Play,Huh,3,2023-07-24 12:09:41 +Google Play,More want to development reels,5,2023-07-24 14:19:49 +Google Play,"u know why u cant won twitter? cause u are nest of scammer, Meta have u ever heard people been scamed by twitter? the answer is NO",1,2023-07-25 06:49:45 +Google Play,Timeline(?) is full of posts from accounts I don't follow. Would have been great to see things from accounts I like,3,2023-07-25 04:07:33 +Google Play,Worst experience. Not a single viewer or like comments... useless app,1,2023-07-25 09:21:40 +Google Play,Me genera un problema que me saca de la aplicacion cada vez que quiero escribir algo.,3,2023-07-13 15:45:30 +Google Play,"Si creías que era un ""Twitter killer"" pues no lo es. Es horrible, te recomiendo usar Twitter o cualquier otra aplicación.",1,2023-07-19 18:50:12 +Google Play,No funciona en mi teléfono. Abro sesión y aparece una pantalla toda distorsionada. No se puede leer nada ni identificar ningún botón. No puedo hacer absolutamente nada. Nota: Con la última actualización el problema se solucionó y por eso mi nota paso de 1 estrella a 5 estrellas.,5,2023-07-13 13:35:38 +Google Play,"Good पर हमारे Account कि कोई भी Post Virl नही हो रही है, Please Help me",5,2023-07-20 09:01:05 +Google Play,Thumri Maa ki salo mera insta account dlt ho gya chal ni raha 😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-12 17:45:40 +Google Play,я просто не могу зайти в приложение. отвратительно.,1,2023-07-14 17:36:26 +Google Play,"Not Twitter, er, excuse me, ""X."" (Add as many laugh emojis as you see fit). So, no notes.",5,2023-07-25 00:15:24 +Google Play,Bahut jyada kharab app hai,1,2023-07-19 11:43:05 +Google Play,Instagram hack ho jata hai yarr mat chalayo😡😡😡,1,2023-07-11 18:21:41 +Google Play,Bahut bekar hai ye app Instagram ke sath kiyu joda Instagram is best.,1,2023-07-18 03:15:21 +Google Play,CHANDELIER HOLDINGS LLC 1288 Ala Moana Blvd suite 100,5,2023-07-13 10:59:52 +Google Play,Achcha nahin lag raha hai,3,2023-07-13 04:44:23 +Google Play,To much censoring. Twitter is much better,1,2023-07-24 20:33:46 +Google Play,Ye Maine only sarukh khan ke liye install Kiya hai only for SRK #JAWAN,5,2023-07-13 05:59:58 +Google Play,जुके दाजुले twitter को कपी गर्न खोजेको हा तर मलाई चाहिँ खासै गतिलो लागेन 😂😂😂😂,1,2023-07-14 05:56:35 +Google Play,This is app for free and download the day I will be able to swipe reply using hai kya hai ye to Jaipur Rajasthan me hi nhi hai na ki nahi hai kya tu to kya hua hai kya tu to kya hua hai kya tu to kya hua hai kya tu to kya hua,3,2023-07-17 03:04:20 +Google Play,Agar aadhe star ka option hota to wohi deta sada wa app,1,2023-07-16 09:40:56 +Google Play,Instagram bakwas ho chuka hai koi ladki bhaw hi nhi deti sb ghamandi ho gayi hai koi pat hi nhi Rahi I hate Instagram 😈😈👹👹🤬🤬🤬😠,3,2023-07-20 04:50:18 +Google Play,Dm का ऑप्शन होना चाहिए.. सबसे जरूरी चीज़ ही नहीं है इसमे,1,2023-07-17 15:26:42 +Google Play,Kharab app h insta delete krne ka kya chutyapa h ye,1,2023-07-12 22:21:08 +Google Play,Bekar hai bhaiya Mai toh toot gya...... Accha app hai par Twitter Twitter hai,3,2023-07-23 13:55:46 +Google Play,不能下载里面的图片和影片很可惜,3,2023-07-12 05:49:30 +Google Play,"La copia de Twitter, con la censura de Facebook, así de fácil",1,2023-07-20 06:38:58 +Google Play,Koy khash baat nahi hai,5,2023-07-12 19:00:08 +Google Play,Ye app kafi accha hai,5,2023-07-16 04:15:59 +Google Play,MaZaa to Aa rHa hai halka halka.🤟,5,2023-07-14 16:42:20 +Google Play,Kuchh hai hi nahi isme,2,2023-07-18 06:56:49 +Google Play,Censurador. Falta o que há no Twitter após o Elon: liberdade de expressão.,1,2023-07-18 16:52:41 +Google Play,Only for SRK ye maine sarukh khan ke liye aap installed Kiya hai #JAWAN,5,2023-07-12 08:27:05 +Google Play,Nice🙏 जय श्री राम,4,2023-07-13 11:00:47 +Google Play,Necesita una sección en donde uno vea solamente las cuentas que sigues... lo necesita urgente,2,2023-07-13 21:12:34 +Google Play,الصلاحيات التي يطلبها التطبيق اكثر من احتياج تشغيله ولا انصح به,1,2023-07-12 22:38:31 +Google Play,laos na agad wala pang two weeks haahahahhaahahh,5,2023-07-19 19:12:42 +Google Play,خـ.را حرفيا يعني لو عوزت اغير المحتوى الي بيطلعلي اعمل ايه دلوقتي,1,2023-07-12 22:51:57 +Google Play,Pahle mujhe lagta tha yah bilkul useless hoga Jab Maine Se Chala kar Dekha Hoga yah to YouTube se bhi best Hai ismein future I think this like APP,5,2023-07-19 11:45:23 +Google Play,Thoda or kaam kar ke isme translation bhi dal do other languages samajh kr bahar hai,4,2023-07-12 09:47:50 +Google Play,T&C Dalna Bhool Gaye kya Mark Bhai,1,2023-07-19 01:51:06 +Google Play,"Que solo sea para escribir, sin imagenes, sino se convertirá en otra red social pedorra.",1,2023-07-17 16:32:29 +Google Play,"Thanks Zuck,😘😘😘🌺🌼💐🌷🌸😊",5,2023-07-15 03:53:21 +Google Play,এখানে একটাই সমস্যা বিডিওতে সাউন্ড বারে ওন করতে হয়৷ তা ছাডা সব পারফরম্যান্স ভালো,2,2023-07-17 04:43:41 +Google Play,Espe to maja he maja hai 😂👍,4,2023-07-17 13:56:24 +Google Play,Another Zuckerberg censorship device,1,2023-07-19 13:54:23 +Google Play,Not satisfied 😔,1,2023-07-19 01:46:44 +Google Play,I love it 🥰❤💥,5,2023-07-21 07:18:54 +Google Play,🫨😵‍💫🫥😶‍🌫️🫠🫶🏻,1,2023-07-16 08:03:24 +Google Play,Nice app❤️✨👍,5,2023-07-12 12:42:29 +Google Play,Totally Wasted..,1,2023-07-19 07:51:01 +Google Play,Not intresting 😔,1,2023-07-21 04:37:17 +Google Play,Kuch khass nhi h....🥴,3,2023-07-20 17:20:56 +Google Play,Useless app...,1,2023-07-13 18:00:22 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-24 17:07:12 +Google Play,amazing app,1,2023-07-13 02:19:41 +Google Play,Not best 🚫🚫,1,2023-07-16 11:44:16 +Google Play,Not good 👎,1,2023-07-18 09:03:19 +Google Play,Pom pom package 📦😁,3,2023-07-13 09:46:20 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-24 17:18:24 +Google Play,Good Apps,5,2023-07-12 21:53:49 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-21 15:39:34 +Google Play,Good Threads,5,2023-07-12 06:19:31 +Google Play,great app !,5,2023-07-14 19:25:39 +Google Play,Cópia barata do Twitter... Desinstalando...,1,2023-07-16 13:10:02 +Google Play,Amazing experience ☺️,5,2023-07-20 06:12:00 +Google Play,📝💯🧡best.,5,2023-07-13 22:13:25 +Google Play,قليل من تغيرات🫶🏻♥️,5,2023-07-14 13:18:11 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-21 00:20:04 +Google Play,Bintang 1 biar gak ada bocah2,1,2023-07-13 10:21:04 +Google Play,Yea toh khul hi nahi Raha,1,2023-07-15 02:24:35 +Google Play,Refreshing!,5,2023-07-20 23:24:42 +Google Play,Excellent thanks,5,2023-07-20 09:49:55 +Google Play,ABSOLUTELY GOOD,5,2023-07-12 12:58:10 +Google Play,New experience,5,2023-07-19 10:20:27 +Google Play,Very good 👍🏻,5,2023-07-14 17:52:20 +Google Play,Excellent 💞💞☀️,3,2023-07-25 04:37:40 +Google Play,Very good,4,2023-07-17 03:45:03 +Google Play,This app is very good 😊😊😊 i,5,2023-07-25 02:36:52 +Google Play,Its amazing,5,2023-07-13 05:09:28 +Google Play,Its amazing.,5,2023-07-16 11:28:18 +Google Play,Very great app,5,2023-07-25 08:29:35 +Google Play,excellent experience 😉,4,2023-07-15 17:27:51 +Google Play,Fabulous App 👌,5,2023-07-14 09:30:18 +Google Play,Good development,4,2023-07-13 14:42:22 +Google Play,Very Good..👍,5,2023-07-15 17:17:04 +Google Play,Crashing 💥,1,2023-07-20 18:13:51 +Google Play,EXCELLENT!!!!!,5,2023-07-24 14:02:59 +Google Play,😒copycat,3,2023-07-12 10:35:15 +Google Play,Great 👍,4,2023-07-15 01:47:11 +Google Play,Fabulous app 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-13 15:11:25 +Google Play,"Kya ghatiya app hai🤬 Ek bhi ladki reply nehi karti, ""DON’T INSTALL THIS APP""",1,2023-07-13 12:15:18 +Google Play,Good Application😍,4,2023-07-13 18:19:38 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-11 18:17:35 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-20 05:27:34 +Google Play,Very good 💯,5,2023-07-16 15:34:14 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-17 16:00:52 +Google Play,Best App,5,2023-07-12 18:04:02 +Google Play,Best so,5,2023-07-13 09:03:28 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-13 06:52:08 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-13 17:12:21 +Google Play,Most beautiful 🤩,5,2023-07-17 09:32:53 +Google Play,Working Great 👍,5,2023-07-11 19:58:13 +Google Play,Nice app ❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-13 04:05:34 +Google Play,Great app✅,5,2023-07-13 06:29:13 +Google Play,Good.,1,2023-07-12 02:37:36 +Google Play,Good.,4,2023-07-18 19:02:40 +Google Play,Twitter better.,1,2023-07-22 18:51:51 +Google Play,Good😊,5,2023-07-14 03:45:16 +Google Play,Nice app.,5,2023-07-13 17:13:46 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-13 23:29:36 +Google Play,Good App.,5,2023-07-12 05:12:16 +Google Play,Be Good.,5,2023-07-22 18:19:10 +Google Play,Valid ✅️,4,2023-07-16 19:58:42 +Google Play,Very good 👍👍👍,4,2023-07-14 09:34:52 +Google Play,Nice👍,5,2023-07-14 16:02:58 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-13 11:45:13 +Google Play,🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤🤍🤎💔❤‍🔥❤‍🩹❣️💕💖💘💝💟,5,2023-07-17 10:12:28 +Google Play,Nice app 😊😊,5,2023-07-19 11:08:27 +Google Play,NICE 👍🙂,5,2023-07-19 14:12:28 +Google Play,Cópia barata do Twitter que tem acesso a muitos dados de seus usuários. A concorrência ainda é melhor.,1,2023-07-18 22:35:04 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-14 22:07:13 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-18 01:03:37 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-17 08:51:18 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-18 14:06:46 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-12 19:52:32 +Google Play,Good 👌,5,2023-07-13 03:31:01 +Google Play,Disgusting 🤢🤢,1,2023-07-22 12:06:51 +Google Play,Lovely 😍 appp,5,2023-07-19 17:14:35 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,1,2023-07-21 01:16:14 +Google Play,Nice thread 👍,2,2023-07-20 15:45:42 +Google Play,Great 👍 👌,5,2023-07-21 02:06:31 +Google Play,Nice 👍,4,2023-07-11 16:24:12 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-14 16:51:41 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-19 08:07:14 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-13 11:17:49 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-22 10:50:39 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-13 11:19:44 +Google Play,nice 👍,5,2023-07-19 08:06:19 +Google Play,nice 👍,5,2023-07-19 05:50:27 +Google Play,Nice 💯,5,2023-07-19 04:47:07 +Google Play,Awesome app .,5,2023-07-14 04:21:37 +Google Play,Awesome app 💯,5,2023-07-11 17:44:45 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂,3,2023-07-14 02:10:16 +Google Play,So boring,1,2023-07-21 11:20:48 +Google Play,Cringe app,1,2023-07-17 21:53:18 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-15 04:58:24 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-21 12:51:22 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-15 20:07:49 +Google Play,Bad experience,1,2023-07-13 09:47:08 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-22 14:23:16 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-13 04:33:28 +Google Play,useless app,1,2023-07-20 10:05:38 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-21 07:20:12 +Google Play,Pointless clone,1,2023-07-21 13:16:57 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-18 02:25:56 +Google Play,Best 🖤,5,2023-07-19 04:46:57 +Google Play,Excellent 👍👌,5,2023-07-11 18:49:22 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-12 22:56:20 +Google Play,Love it 🤍,5,2023-07-14 16:37:28 +Google Play,Amazing 👏,5,2023-07-16 13:33:23 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-24 09:16:20 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-25 04:55:23 +Google Play,🤑♥️,5,2023-07-13 19:19:01 +Google Play,All fine ❤❤❤❤,5,2023-07-19 16:25:04 +Google Play,Too heavy,5,2023-07-14 08:26:19 +Google Play,Bad experience,2,2023-07-16 09:52:38 +Google Play,bad aap,1,2023-07-14 05:43:30 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-14 12:48:25 +Google Play,Content overlapping,1,2023-07-15 18:41:36 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-11 21:14:40 +Google Play,Data theives,1,2023-07-23 12:46:13 +Google Play,just garbage,2,2023-07-18 23:49:18 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-18 16:37:25 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-18 11:53:16 +Google Play,Stupid login,1,2023-07-11 18:33:52 +Google Play,Stupid idea,1,2023-07-17 17:38:22 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-23 15:56:38 +Google Play,Pretty bad,1,2023-07-13 16:02:42 +Google Play,Its stupid,1,2023-07-12 09:47:02 +Google Play,Noob app,1,2023-07-22 09:55:09 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-23 13:45:32 +Google Play,Woke garbage,1,2023-07-17 00:49:17 +Google Play,landscape problem,1,2023-07-14 18:17:41 +Google Play,Crashes often,3,2023-07-18 02:13:31 +Google Play,Terrible app,1,2023-07-15 13:07:02 +Google Play,Bad application,1,2023-07-23 23:10:03 +Google Play,Failed application,1,2023-07-13 21:34:26 +Google Play,Dirty tricks,1,2023-07-13 14:17:46 +Google Play,Needs messaging!,1,2023-07-13 23:06:03 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-19 20:06:43 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-12 12:44:01 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-16 12:40:21 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-20 18:05:47 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-13 01:39:05 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-16 07:31:22 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-14 10:29:28 +Google Play,Worse experience ever,1,2023-07-25 02:59:51 +Google Play,Fabulous..,5,2023-07-12 17:20:07 +Google Play,Best,3,2023-07-19 04:14:03 +Google Play,Cool👍,5,2023-07-13 00:10:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-19 14:46:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 04:40:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-20 20:14:19 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-17 17:19:44 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-14 08:22:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-23 06:16:32 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 13:37:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-15 00:52:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-17 23:04:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 16:18:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 11:56:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 19:49:49 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 14:43:46 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-14 19:52:10 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-16 04:16:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-15 19:47:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-24 01:42:32 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-13 09:40:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-19 12:11:02 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-20 18:00:18 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-22 04:36:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-20 02:09:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 07:52:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-20 01:23:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 22:12:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-17 12:46:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-15 14:45:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 23:28:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-16 05:56:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-19 22:08:02 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-16 06:27:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 22:07:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-16 05:33:02 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 17:14:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 18:24:05 +Google Play,Goood,5,2023-07-17 12:33:53 +Google Play,Love 😘😘,5,2023-07-16 14:10:07 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-18 23:11:57 +Google Play,excellent,5,2023-07-12 15:34:34 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-16 13:59:36 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-16 11:44:42 +Google Play,Beautiful,5,2023-07-14 00:57:39 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-19 17:04:11 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-23 23:23:45 +Google Play,Beautiful,5,2023-07-14 09:25:46 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-13 04:31:13 +Google Play,Good 👍👍,5,2023-07-16 14:11:22 +Google Play,"Es turbio que recopile datos genéticos y biométricos. Dentro de las apps modernas, las más preocupantes han sido de META.",1,2023-07-12 13:55:05 +Google Play,"Pra competir com o Twitter tem que melhorar muito, está longe de ser uma rede social que se equipare com o TT.",3,2023-07-16 13:22:18 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-24 11:25:45 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-23 17:57:43 +Google Play,good,2,2023-07-13 20:27:00 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-17 23:57:08 +Google Play,App đỉnh đáng dùng,5,2023-07-15 16:28:21 +Google Play,Jai shree Ram 🚩,5,2023-07-17 06:32:52 +Google Play,"Los videos se pausan cuando presionas el botón de ""unmute"" y por ende no es posible escuchar el audio.",1,2023-07-14 18:21:52 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-18 10:29:17 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-21 18:54:57 +Google Play,amazing apps,5,2023-07-15 06:20:18 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-12 01:00:04 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍👍 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳,5,2023-07-17 07:09:04 +Google Play,خوش ثريد هذا .,5,2023-07-19 23:31:49 +Google Play,Ashraf 🥀❤️✨,5,2023-07-14 13:07:10 +Google Play,So cute,5,2023-07-21 03:50:12 +Google Play,Nice 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-16 17:54:12 +Google Play,Jai shree ram,5,2023-07-14 08:14:59 +Google Play,NO US APP,1,2023-07-22 10:55:45 +Google Play,Accha visit ha,5,2023-07-13 22:11:25 +Google Play,Its not Twiter,5,2023-07-12 16:50:02 +Google Play,Accha app hai,5,2023-07-13 06:10:00 +Google Play,Tiwtter se to accha,5,2023-07-16 18:08:19 +Google Play,New aap insta,4,2023-07-14 10:46:38 +Google Play,Super sir 🔥💯👌,5,2023-07-12 19:21:28 +Google Play,Nice❤❤❤❤,5,2023-07-14 05:20:06 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-12 01:49:55 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-20 21:30:35 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-14 16:04:48 +Google Play,Worse,1,2023-07-12 07:53:05 +Google Play,boring,1,2023-07-20 16:23:33 +Google Play,Spyware,1,2023-07-15 07:41:33 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-12 14:19:28 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-15 03:16:50 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-23 03:00:07 +Google Play,Very Nice,5,2023-07-16 02:52:19 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-20 07:27:07 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-18 19:19:41 +Google Play,Its good,3,2023-07-15 00:28:51 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-16 18:57:24 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-12 16:17:03 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-18 09:19:54 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-16 13:36:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-13 01:26:58 +Google Play,Wonderful experience,5,2023-07-13 13:38:44 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-14 06:07:43 +Google Play,Good experience,4,2023-07-19 02:37:36 +Google Play,GREAT APP,5,2023-07-13 13:45:52 +Google Play,Nice platform,5,2023-07-12 13:25:09 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-16 08:36:07 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-14 06:15:24 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-13 04:41:23 +Google Play,great app,5,2023-07-12 04:52:29 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-23 08:31:30 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-12 01:10:39 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-14 22:31:11 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-13 11:40:19 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-16 23:47:29 +Google Play,Nice Apps,5,2023-07-16 10:58:05 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-20 00:45:10 +Google Play,Good overall,5,2023-07-12 13:43:21 +Google Play,Nice Instagram,5,2023-07-13 12:28:54 +Google Play,Nice platform,5,2023-07-19 15:28:35 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-21 21:27:19 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-13 06:46:02 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-18 07:11:44 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-12 19:34:23 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-22 11:59:48 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-14 11:09:28 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-14 01:15:08 +Google Play,Nice application,2,2023-07-14 15:11:08 +Google Play,Nice appe,5,2023-07-13 18:22:42 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 19:26:11 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-13 12:48:44 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-23 06:59:27 +Google Play,Fast user,4,2023-07-16 21:16:55 +Google Play,Great App,5,2023-07-12 20:17:56 +Google Play,Lucky 315,5,2023-07-22 13:03:58 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-13 18:14:26 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-23 12:27:42 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-15 19:25:35 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-13 02:54:23 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-12 19:56:30 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-12 07:25:32 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-23 05:09:22 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-16 10:45:36 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-11 20:30:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 12:21:37 +Google Play,Nice yp,5,2023-07-18 10:21:40 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-16 19:39:12 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-16 06:52:52 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-11 17:58:46 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-17 15:40:39 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-17 21:03:16 +Google Play,Nice Work,5,2023-07-14 13:13:45 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-12 21:35:46 +Google Play,wala lng trip ko lng,1,2023-07-15 16:03:05 +Google Play,Nice aap,1,2023-07-24 09:44:49 +Google Play,Twitter clone!,1,2023-07-16 06:26:19 +Google Play,Threads có cái gì đặc biệt đâu ta?,2,2023-07-13 04:14:22 +Google Play,Good excess,5,2023-07-18 16:09:32 +Google Play,Terrible,1,2023-07-11 23:50:43 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-13 04:14:19 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-19 04:14:22 +Google Play,nice app,2,2023-07-13 03:57:27 +Google Play,not bad,2,2023-07-15 10:45:57 +Google Play,مادرت و سگ گایید,1,2023-07-18 20:34:29 +Google Play,Ladkiyan nahi hai bhai,1,2023-07-23 00:26:48 +Google Play,Not interested 😐,1,2023-07-24 09:51:23 +Google Play,Nice 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-12 05:50:05 +Google Play,Please follow me Muntiyaz killer target😋1M,5,2023-07-24 16:19:59 +Google Play,Woke,1,2023-07-13 02:20:01 +Google Play,Good 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌,5,2023-07-18 17:59:20 +Google Play,Top,5,2023-07-21 04:00:51 +Google Play,Hail Twitter ❤️,1,2023-07-14 16:16:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 12:23:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-15 08:16:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 09:50:03 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-18 08:13:22 +Google Play,great,5,2023-07-15 05:20:32 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-17 09:08:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-15 04:37:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-19 07:18:57 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-12 02:18:43 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-20 23:37:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 16:19:00 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-18 05:33:42 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-20 14:22:38 +Google Play,Boring,3,2023-07-18 22:53:27 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-16 11:49:58 +Google Play,waste,1,2023-07-19 16:01:26 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-16 12:09:24 +Google Play,Laggy,2,2023-07-19 11:56:06 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-18 00:27:55 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-20 13:49:26 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-23 06:57:15 +Google Play,TRASH,1,2023-07-13 06:37:58 +Google Play,Bias,1,2023-07-18 15:51:19 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-16 16:22:35 +Google Play,Disgusting,1,2023-07-15 14:01:35 +Google Play,Rubbish,1,2023-07-14 23:44:45 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-21 18:52:36 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-14 04:24:29 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-11 17:31:26 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-15 10:29:51 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-15 10:23:35 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-15 18:25:37 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-15 15:17:58 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-15 19:43:26 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-21 10:39:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-18 04:22:12 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-21 14:00:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-21 02:15:21 +Google Play,brilliant,5,2023-07-15 05:23:08 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-24 08:39:51 +Google Play,ভবিষ্যৎ অন্ধকার 🙂💔,4,2023-07-17 12:18:06 +Google Play,"Пожалуйста сделайте поиск по хэштегам!! Хочется найти людей по своим интересам. И ещё кнопку перевода текста, цены тогда вам не будет",3,2023-07-13 11:05:45 +Google Play,Kya gathiya app haii...insta. ki tarah isme bhi muje koi ladki baat nai Karti..don't install this app,1,2023-07-12 16:45:31 +Google Play,خیلی عالیه ❤️❤️❤️💯,5,2023-07-14 08:55:13 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-13 04:32:26 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-15 01:51:28 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-19 16:35:08 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-19 07:27:12 +Google Play,awesome,5,2023-07-12 15:00:29 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-18 20:46:13 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-12 11:51:21 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-14 18:40:57 +Google Play,Awesome,4,2023-07-17 13:48:35 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-12 18:18:07 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-12 18:51:58 +Google Play,Incredible,5,2023-07-17 18:26:26 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-15 05:58:45 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-14 21:20:59 +Google Play,Outstanding,5,2023-07-13 02:09:20 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-15 02:52:56 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-17 16:38:30 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-16 07:53:38 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-13 04:09:31 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-19 11:14:28 +Google Play,Ousting app 💙,5,2023-07-13 09:17:09 +Google Play,"Twitter copy,",3,2023-07-14 05:21:34 +Google Play,I like IT,5,2023-07-15 15:20:33 +Google Play,تقليد ل تويتر,1,2023-07-20 15:37:15 +Google Play,Future app.,5,2023-07-16 13:05:40 +Google Play,Elon musk 🥴,4,2023-07-12 19:14:42 +Google Play,"Facebook, ew",1,2023-07-12 00:22:21 +Google Play,Maa ki aankh teri,1,2023-07-15 15:11:55 +Google Play,It's bad 😞😞😞,1,2023-07-24 06:13:05 +Google Play,Man*er app,1,2023-07-24 15:47:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 17:36:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-16 14:33:23 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-20 13:49:58 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 05:36:43 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-16 11:24:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 13:39:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 06:48:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-17 07:47:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 03:52:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 04:04:08 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 20:11:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 18:32:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-16 12:40:58 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 19:08:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 02:53:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 06:17:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 06:54:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 20:26:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-23 18:24:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 11:49:26 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 03:08:47 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 06:46:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 12:59:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-23 06:16:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 18:21:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-20 07:29:08 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 07:38:37 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 09:05:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 16:51:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 13:07:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 03:31:18 +Google Play,Gud apps 👍,4,2023-07-14 08:26:43 +Google Play,Awful.,1,2023-07-25 06:40:27 +Google Play,Wow 💯❣️,5,2023-07-15 08:19:15 +Google Play,Need update 🙂,1,2023-07-18 03:40:03 +Google Play,🤷‍♂️🤦,1,2023-07-18 21:10:24 +Google Play,❣️💞💕,5,2023-07-23 01:40:51 +Google Play,নতুন কিছুই পেলাম না,1,2023-07-16 07:07:11 +Google Play,Boring,2,2023-07-24 15:09:21 +Google Play,❤️🤝,5,2023-07-16 00:50:20 +Google Play,❤️🥰,5,2023-07-19 12:53:40 +Google Play,It's osm,5,2023-07-25 00:07:07 +Google Play,F*** Elon,5,2023-07-20 15:26:16 +Google Play,Aaminsidik ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-20 19:15:38 +Google Play,"ये तो इंस्टाग्राम जैसा ही है,मैं सोच रहा हु जब एक ही में काम चल जायेगा तो मैं ishe install kyo Karu, मैं ishe ek ⭐ स्टार भी न देता",1,2023-07-23 05:33:18 +Google Play,Nepal 🇳🇵 🇳🇵,3,2023-07-12 16:08:39 +Google Play,Going on❣️❣️❣️,5,2023-07-14 02:36:41 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-24 15:21:32 +Google Play,Dumb app,1,2023-07-25 06:04:51 +Google Play,Thanks Meta 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-12 00:32:00 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-24 20:54:26 +Google Play,❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈,5,2023-07-22 10:20:13 +Google Play,Hello sir,5,2023-07-21 01:03:13 +Google Play,No new,1,2023-07-22 23:40:32 +Google Play,NAIC AAP,3,2023-07-19 19:28:08 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-14 10:15:26 +Google Play,Nic content,3,2023-07-15 05:29:52 +Google Play,Super Mario,5,2023-07-12 14:23:43 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-15 02:02:47 +Google Play,Gay app,1,2023-07-20 23:06:08 +Google Play,Copy 🐈,1,2023-07-21 03:43:20 +Google Play,ايوء برنامج تقليد,1,2023-07-15 15:03:31 +Google Play,It is 👍,5,2023-07-21 04:13:26 +Google Play,ट्विटर से जानकारी के साथ फोटो विडियो सेव कर सकते हैं इससे नही । अभी काम करना होगा। विश्वनीयता पर भी ज्यादा जोर दें। बिना ऑटीपी अकाउंट ना बनने दें। 👍👍👍,2,2023-07-20 10:10:29 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-16 06:23:14 +Google Play,Nic plateform,5,2023-07-12 05:54:16 +Google Play,Mó paz,5,2023-07-16 01:57:19 +Google Play,بهترین برنامه,5,2023-07-11 17:31:19 +Google Play,Very well,5,2023-07-12 03:29:23 +Google Play,Rahul Singhania,5,2023-07-15 22:40:07 +Google Play,Besting app,3,2023-07-16 18:02:10 +Google Play,Thik h,3,2023-07-12 03:20:55 +Google Play,ดีเยี่ยม,5,2023-07-14 12:28:33 +Google Play,Super app,3,2023-07-18 14:53:49 +Google Play,Need improvement,2,2023-07-17 01:32:30 +Google Play,JOHN NDANA,5,2023-07-11 17:15:10 +Google Play,Oomy god,5,2023-07-19 11:38:21 +Google Play,FOLLOW ME,4,2023-07-14 08:01:32 +Google Play,Ar 15,5,2023-07-20 05:25:33 +Google Play,Twitter Alternatives,4,2023-07-16 18:46:51 +Google Play,Rjd lover,5,2023-07-16 11:47:57 +Google Play,Tŕttyt4trtttþ4ttty ttyt,5,2023-07-17 15:45:37 +Google Play,Bajrang Hiii,5,2023-07-18 06:49:23 +Google Play,Sukanta kumar,5,2023-07-14 17:39:38 +Google Play,Supar app,5,2023-07-16 02:35:23 +Google Play,Screw twitter,5,2023-07-16 17:36:13 +Google Play,Un revuelto,2,2023-07-19 16:27:13 +Google Play,Nothing new,2,2023-07-23 08:00:15 +Google Play,Op world,5,2023-07-11 19:06:56 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-15 02:46:58 +Google Play,Zuckerberg supremacy,5,2023-07-14 06:45:09 +Google Play,Menarik lho,5,2023-07-13 03:48:11 +Google Play,Copyright claimed,3,2023-07-17 06:15:10 +Google Play,?👍👍,3,2023-07-15 20:50:29 +Google Play,Bed app,1,2023-07-13 05:53:45 +Google Play,Not opening,1,2023-07-17 13:58:59 +Google Play,Elon musk,1,2023-07-15 14:11:42 +Google Play,Cambridge Analytica,1,2023-07-13 12:42:21 +Google Play,Why zuck,1,2023-07-14 00:30:53 +Google Play,Alpha version,1,2023-07-15 06:25:24 +Google Play,غير مفيد,1,2023-07-17 00:03:07 +Google Play,3rd Copy,1,2023-07-18 08:49:58 +Google Play,Soo baad,1,2023-07-19 01:02:30 +Google Play,حكي فاضي,1,2023-07-17 17:16:02 +Google Play,Clone is clone,1,2023-07-24 19:18:35 +Google Play,Very baad,1,2023-07-12 05:18:05 +Google Play,Dicker app,1,2023-07-13 17:04:53 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-14 08:51:11 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-21 16:55:45 +Google Play,খুব খারাপ,1,2023-07-23 11:18:24 +Google Play,PAGE UNAVAILABLEEE,1,2023-07-15 21:26:49 +Google Play,Ben this app,1,2023-07-25 06:06:44 +Google Play,Baaaad asf,1,2023-07-14 14:11:16 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-14 14:45:11 +Google Play,Aswum !,5,2023-07-13 09:31:21 +Google Play,loven it!,5,2023-07-18 17:33:16 +Google Play,🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻,1,2023-07-15 07:18:41 +Google Play,Pakistan ❤,5,2023-07-11 20:35:23 +Google Play,Wow 😲,5,2023-07-13 12:27:57 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-20 21:47:21 +Google Play,🗑️,1,2023-07-16 19:27:04 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-21 11:10:43 +Google Play,Privacy,1,2023-07-11 21:39:37 +Google Play,Meh,1,2023-07-21 01:36:47 +Google Play,Poor,1,2023-07-14 06:09:08 +Google Play,"Thread ini asik, tapi kejelekan utamanya adalah saya harus baca tulisan2 makhluk2 centang biru yg ndak penting, kenapa juga mereka muncul dan menutupi tulisan2 teman2 saya? Capek me-mute mereka satu2",3,2023-07-13 15:10:21 +Google Play,Twitter 💪,1,2023-07-13 15:08:23 +Google Play,Fvev,3,2023-07-19 19:57:45 +Google Play,स्लसबब्दंडकण्डवढे,5,2023-07-15 11:22:24 +Google Play,MST,5,2023-07-12 12:36:34 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-17 09:09:24 +Google Play,Hasa,5,2023-07-14 09:50:41 +Google Play,Super,4,2023-07-18 14:47:24 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-12 12:39:52 +Google Play,Supb,5,2023-07-14 14:41:45 +Google Play,সামিম,5,2023-07-13 14:21:15 +Google Play,OK,4,2023-07-21 10:01:33 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-13 00:34:21 +Google Play,Gurunath,5,2023-07-14 16:20:54 +Google Play,Nuub,1,2023-07-13 11:01:08 +Google Play,Nive,5,2023-07-15 15:27:35 +Google Play,Naigh,5,2023-07-21 17:52:22 +Google Play,Amezhing,5,2023-07-18 04:34:13 +Google Play,Okaaay,5,2023-07-21 05:41:15 +Google Play,I'd,5,2023-07-13 18:16:02 +Google Play,👌Ok,4,2023-07-19 17:01:25 +Google Play,Checking....,3,2023-07-13 01:34:24 +Google Play,😞😔,2,2023-07-23 16:34:28 +Google Play,🙂👍,5,2023-07-15 02:55:59 +Google Play,😍👑,5,2023-07-11 19:10:10 +Google Play,💯💯💬,5,2023-07-15 12:15:53 +Google Play,🥰🙂🥰🙂,5,2023-07-20 06:43:03 +Google Play,Lets'go,5,2023-07-12 17:14:18 +Google Play,بهترین ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,5,2023-07-15 08:02:52 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-12 23:08:21 +Google Play,❤,5,2023-07-12 14:13:59 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-21 16:30:59 +Google Play,👍,4,2023-07-21 15:53:16 +Google Play,🗿,1,2023-07-22 15:02:26 +Google Play,Koi bhi download mat karo plz barbad hojaige account se paise jatne lagte hai verify karte hi.. Puri screen record karke YouTube pe dal dunga... YouTube pe jake dekho... Chennal name amitnagod,1,2023-07-12 17:41:36 +Google Play,Kartik__x__0.9,5,2023-07-24 01:56:59 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-15 21:16:14 +Google Play,❣️,5,2023-07-14 16:24:05 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-15 12:33:37 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-13 09:34:23 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-23 09:51:10 +Google Play,😳😳😳😳🥺🥺🥺🥺,2,2023-07-23 08:31:56 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥❤❤🔥,5,2023-07-12 02:00:25 +Google Play,বালো,5,2023-07-22 04:09:18 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-13 08:33:19 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-17 22:23:39 +Google Play,Striking,5,2023-07-17 18:40:32 +Google Play,Gigolo,5,2023-07-19 09:35:33 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-14 12:10:29 +Google Play,AmitXetri,5,2023-07-18 11:22:31 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-15 23:11:15 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-22 16:04:55 +Google Play,Naic,5,2023-07-24 05:14:39 +Google Play,Supar,5,2023-07-13 13:59:55 +Google Play,Guigh,5,2023-07-23 14:04:51 +Google Play,7u,5,2023-07-15 02:18:16 +Google Play,Yahoo,5,2023-07-12 15:14:47 +Google Play,عالی,5,2023-07-15 11:11:28 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-16 20:02:38 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-15 01:31:18 +Google Play,Ahhhhh,5,2023-07-13 05:05:29 +Google Play,Prefect,5,2023-07-16 06:08:20 +Google Play,abhi,5,2023-07-20 11:24:26 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-12 17:48:35 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-16 14:26:10 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-12 02:33:22 +Google Play,Exceptionnel,5,2023-07-15 18:28:48 +Google Play,explicit,5,2023-07-20 12:44:02 +Google Play,Gvg,5,2023-07-19 23:36:54 +Google Play,Supar,5,2023-07-17 09:41:38 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-13 13:05:24 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-13 03:19:22 +Google Play,নাইস,5,2023-07-16 06:22:09 +Google Play,Yay,5,2023-07-17 22:56:45 +Google Play,Gud,5,2023-07-15 21:16:42 +Google Play,VR,5,2023-07-12 03:25:27 +Google Play,this Hard,5,2023-07-20 03:12:59 +Google Play,Awosome,5,2023-07-16 11:17:33 +Google Play,Helllo,5,2023-07-18 19:31:00 +Google Play,Mast,5,2023-07-12 14:34:28 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-22 04:59:57 +Google Play,Gajjab,5,2023-07-15 10:21:23 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-20 07:53:06 +Google Play,Smarter,5,2023-07-13 13:34:41 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-18 17:47:18 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-24 18:18:47 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-14 11:53:31 +Google Play,HL,5,2023-07-14 17:34:21 +Google Play,Systummm,5,2023-07-18 14:18:49 +Google Play,Majidul,5,2023-07-15 10:47:53 +Google Play,Solamal,5,2023-07-15 20:42:30 +Google Play,Laghbjjh,5,2023-07-19 12:34:45 +Google Play,Subscribe,5,2023-07-25 05:58:01 +Google Play,tpa,5,2023-07-22 11:26:50 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-20 10:33:22 +Google Play,Jjg,5,2023-07-22 05:56:32 +Google Play,Supar,5,2023-07-14 13:52:50 +Google Play,dangamzanna,5,2023-07-18 13:12:41 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-13 22:53:47 +Google Play,Damni,5,2023-07-23 00:31:38 +Google Play,Dirtbike,5,2023-07-20 03:43:33 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-13 13:08:43 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-15 14:26:57 +Google Play,Aburridoooo,1,2023-07-23 22:06:06 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-14 11:45:29 +Google Play,Yup,1,2023-07-23 08:35:25 +Google Play,BKWAS,1,2023-07-20 01:23:50 +Google Play,ruinzao,1,2023-07-14 03:52:03 +Google Play,Meh,1,2023-07-12 16:37:03 +Google Play,กาก,1,2023-07-14 06:36:52 +Google Play,Sucks,1,2023-07-15 19:36:57 +Google Play,kürek,1,2023-07-11 20:28:42 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-12 20:35:13 +Google Play,Meh,1,2023-07-13 20:32:21 +Google Play,Sucks,1,2023-07-18 20:48:23 +Google Play,Vekar,1,2023-07-13 12:30:29 +Google Play,Sucks,1,2023-07-14 18:17:44 +Google Play,Op,1,2023-07-20 00:30:25 +Google Play,Twitter,1,2023-07-24 12:29:03 +Google Play,Bekar,1,2023-07-17 05:33:59 +Google Play,Fazoool,1,2023-07-16 08:17:24 +Google Play,Osm,3,2023-07-16 15:26:34 +Google Play,Sucks,2,2023-07-16 03:55:07 +Google Play,Super,4,2023-07-14 13:42:31 +Google Play,Avarage,3,2023-07-17 10:20:32 +Google Play,Average,4,2023-07-12 16:49:54 +Google Play,Average,2,2023-07-17 06:32:56 +Google Play,Like it,4,2023-07-18 05:49:36 +Google Play,Za,2,2023-07-18 13:40:25 +Google Play,Ok,3,2023-07-18 12:39:01 +Google Play,Ok,3,2023-07-17 06:13:08 +Google Play,Nyc,4,2023-07-14 13:41:19 +Google Play,🥰😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-23 19:22:33 +Google Play,👌,5,2023-07-22 16:38:52 +Google Play,👌,5,2023-07-19 14:42:28 +Google Play,💫,5,2023-07-13 19:35:57 +Google Play,😇,5,2023-07-13 14:12:22 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-23 14:36:12 +Google Play,😎,5,2023-07-11 17:34:08 +Google Play,👍,3,2023-07-16 05:13:22 +Google Play,🥺,3,2023-07-15 14:25:33 +Google Play,😳,5,2023-07-12 12:42:58 +Google Play,🤫,5,2023-07-17 19:41:54 +Google Play,"Falta muita coisa pra ser realmente bom, é uma grande vitrine de famosos, basicamente consiste em ser um Instagram onde a foto é embaixo e o texto em cima, sem contar que foi claramente baseado na concorrência.",3,2023-07-16 11:00:03 +Google Play,🥴,1,2023-07-22 19:44:28 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-20 04:56:50 +Google Play,🙏,1,2023-07-14 06:00:34 +Google Play,👍👍👍,4,2023-07-15 06:22:06 +Google Play,😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁,5,2023-07-11 16:42:52 +Google Play,"Kya faltu ka app hai, Ek like milna bhi kitna mushkil hai yahan, yahan tak ki Celibrety sab ka bhi yahi haal bechare soch rahe honge humare Instagram pe itne followers hain, Blue tick 🔵 hai phir bhi becharon ko like nahi mil pa raha, sab Talak dedo Threads ko",2,2023-07-18 16:17:09 +Google Play,"Péssimo aplicativo, não respeita a liberdade individual, algoritmos pra roubar dados e suasbconfidencias será vendidas para outras empresas assim como acontece na maioria das redes sociais, mas Threads se superou, instalei o app apenas para fazer a reclamação e já estou desinstalando, jamais irei logar minha conta aqui",1,2023-07-15 16:25:32 +Google Play,😎😎,5,2023-07-18 07:05:30 +Google Play,👌👌,5,2023-07-12 13:15:19 +Google Play,💪💪,5,2023-07-12 05:52:43 +Google Play,👎👎👎,1,2023-07-18 16:00:54 +Google Play,🙅🙅🙅,1,2023-07-15 19:44:55 +Google Play,😘😘😘,5,2023-07-22 05:44:49 +Google Play,❤❤❤,5,2023-07-12 03:54:59 +Google Play,👌👌👌👌,5,2023-07-19 11:06:03 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-13 07:06:30 +Google Play,🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀🫀,5,2023-07-14 11:32:04 +Google Play,🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-15 14:29:07 +Google Play,Avarage,3,2023-07-24 06:42:24 +Google Play,You really copied everything on Twitter. Why not create a separate newsfeed for 'following' and 'general population' then i wouldnt have to block unwanted accounts on my newsfeed.,3,2023-07-24 17:26:51 +Google Play,Yahan mai 5 star ki ratings tab du ga phle m check karu ga k yhn ki larkiyaan to nai bhae bolti or yhn m kisi ka Bhi bhae ni bano ga beshak kuxh v ho jaeee ... 😑😑 Fb sy tng aa kar yhn aya hon isliyeeee MuJhy yhn profile lock or block wala options ni mangta or jo larki yhn bhae ki talash me aai ho uska account ura dena mr Mark Zinger burger can khol k sun lo . Yhn ma isi liye hi aara hon or koi wja ni 😛😛😛🤣 Shani FB wala,1,2023-07-08 10:07:57 +Google Play,Ak option nehi hai.. Oh hai massaging 😞. But threads app is very good.. Mb thora use hote hai... Threads use korke asa lagra hai. Mai celebraty ho gayi ho.. Thanks to Instagram,5,2023-07-08 15:59:41 +Google Play,Worst app don't download .This is a cheating after removing thread account Instagram account also been deleted,1,2023-07-25 08:53:39 +Google Play,"I could not post, I could not comment, i could not thread...the app was basically useless for me even though I updated it. Please fix this",3,2023-07-25 04:40:05 +Google Play,Cool. Tapi please dibenerin untuk timeline bisa ga dikhususkan yang di follow aja yang muncul? Terlalu kacau,4,2023-07-07 01:08:29 +Google Play,"Bintang 3 dulu. Baru rilis masih naked. Wajar. Interface masih kurang banget ga smooth kaya ig. Belum ada fitur dm, trending juga. Attachment file kurang menarik. Like,reply, comment,re-thread button kegedean. Udh gt aja dlu baru make berapa menit. Isinya masih boring. Belum bisa Tap 2x for ❤️. I'm waiting next update really soon. Threads user are more excited than you think",3,2023-07-06 23:18:57 +Google Play,I am destroyed 😭. Main tabah ho gya bhai ekdum bekar hai. Mere 2.5 GB data me se 2 GB videos autoplay hone ke wajah se khatam tata bye bye ho gya. Koi to Zuckerberg ko batao ki sabke paas unlimited data nahi hota. Please Data saver la do. Main aapse haath jod ke gujarish karta hu autoplay band kar do.🙏🏻😭,2,2023-07-22 07:51:42 +Google Play,"5 stars kasi mas maganda UI Design neto kesa sa twt, pero mas idol ko si elon kesa kay mark",5,2023-07-08 15:09:01 +Google Play,ZUKKU YAAR 2-3 CRORE FEMALE BOTS BANAKR CHHOD DO THREADS ME YAAR KAMSE KAM BAAT KRNE KE LIYE EK MAHILA MITRA TO MILJAYEGI😫😫😫,5,2023-07-07 09:32:01 +Google Play,Me obliga a poner mi numero de telefono. Que se lo metan en elorto,1,2023-07-07 18:01:56 +Google Play,Me gusta pero no deja descargar las imágenes para los usuarios de androi 😞👍,3,2023-07-07 05:48:53 +Google Play,"No ofrece novedad. Es muy simple y tiene algunos bugs. Para mi parece más un chat interno de instagram que cualquier otra cosa. No cambiaré twitter por ésta, sino tienen algo mejor que ofrecer. Incluso mastodon y mewe son mejores que thread",2,2023-07-09 03:11:16 +Google Play,"Ước có theme màu tím, vẫn hơi lag nhưng mà mới ra như thế cũng oke",4,2023-07-06 19:40:03 +Google Play,"Kya kachra app bnayi h,subh se try kr rha hu,glitch hi glitch bhre pde h puri app me..",1,2023-07-07 17:12:23 +Google Play,"Le falta las opción para poder eliminar las publicaciones en el muro de uno de personas a las cuales no sigues, es irritante ver tanta persona con ideales tan diferentes, además, que se tengan las.mismas opciones de configuración de IG impide poder bloquear a una persona solo de threads, que es lo que necesito, deberían de tener un backend aparte. A pesar de la limitación, sigo prefiriendo Twitter",2,2023-07-06 16:44:11 +Google Play,"ANJIR LO THREADS AKUN GUA KENA SUSPEND PADAHAL GA ANEH ANEH, GUA LAGI SCROLL THREADS MALAH KENA SUSPEND NAJESSS",1,2023-07-13 14:14:45 +Google Play,E ka bawaseer bana diye ho. Sasta Twitter lag raha hai. Over-all mujhe pasand ni aya.,3,2023-07-06 16:41:04 +Google Play,Superb app bilkul hi maza agya iss pe apne feeling ko text kar ke daal sakte hai apne emotions ko share kar sakte hai 🥰🥰😀😀,5,2023-07-08 23:27:03 +Google Play,Y bhi sabse bekar app hn 😑 jaise insta. Insta k glitch thik ho nahi rehe bs new leke aa rahe hn taki paise mile 🤬,1,2023-07-09 06:25:17 +Google Play,"Min, kok pas aku pencet aplikasi layar nya kek error gitu. Ini gimn min.",5,2023-07-06 10:58:21 +Google Play,التطبيق لا يعم بشكل مستقر عند تشغيله وفيه لاج كثير. The application does not work stably,1,2023-07-06 12:03:25 +Google Play,Me gusta lo simple que se ve y como se usa. Por ahora se mantiene bastante básica pero hay que ver cómo evoluciona. Hay que ver cómo evoluciona pero por ahora es una buena experiencia.,5,2023-07-06 11:09:16 +Google Play,"Si Elon Musk está triste, yo estoy feliz. Sin embargo, cada vez que quiero escribir, tanto sea en un post o en respuesta a alguien, la app se cierra sola.",3,2023-07-07 15:02:08 +Google Play,Yaeh bhi baki social media apps jesi hai. Yahan bhi koi larki muj sy baat nai krti 🥺. Very Dissapointing 🙂,1,2023-07-08 19:15:59 +Google Play,"Aplicativo muito bom, rs, o design precisa melhorar um pouco, legal o fato do login ser feito através do instagram, muito brabo",5,2023-07-06 12:38:07 +Google Play,Or kitne apps laoge salo kis kis apps pe active rhe..upar se kisi pleatfrom pe ek ladki nhi mil rha😁🤗,3,2023-07-06 10:56:20 +Google Play,"Tambahkan fitur Trending seperti di Twitter. Dan permudah search engine nya kayak di Facebook, tambahkan fitur chat seperti Facebook dan Instagram, fitur save postingan/Foto/Video, dan kurangi bot/spam konten pornografi biar ga kayak Twitter",4,2023-07-06 06:09:35 +Google Play,"Good ,but verification account walon ko hu growth milegi kyuki jinka account verify nhi hai unko jyada recommend nhi kiya jata.",3,2023-07-07 05:21:16 +Google Play,Worst application I thought insta gonna made . Jab se ye install Kiya mera isnta chl nii rha hai Insta 4 din se bnd pdaa hai roz report kr rha hu koi action nii bekar application 0 star rating Krna chaiye isko toh 🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮,1,2023-07-09 17:00:57 +Google Play,"Bhtt data consume kr raha install hee krne mein ,to operate krne mein to 20 minute mein hee saara data udha dega per day ka Please data less consume kare ye app,iss baat pe dhyaan de",2,2023-07-08 06:44:45 +Google Play,"gada translatenya min, lawak bet dah, niat bikin aplikasi gasi 🗿🤌",1,2023-07-06 13:03:36 +Google Play,Nice instagram team aap logo na Etna accha app Banya bas ek aur app bana do snap instagram Jai shree Ram ❤️🙏,5,2023-07-06 06:18:15 +Google Play,Mere phn pe yeh app open krne pe fir scrool krne pe glitch kr rha hai kirpya es pe dyan de 🙏,5,2023-07-07 15:47:35 +Google Play,00 ki rating ghuuuufdfsbhjdgsuhsdydhdhdhdhdhdydyjsjsudjsudududheehdhuddudhdudgeduddyududyduduydududhejsoashnwidu dekha udkhdyw hii glass di hmm haaa hi badiya me to ri thi nahi he is the only thing is I don't want you or not 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 hi nahi hai to ni yaar ki tum ladki ho gaya he hi nahi raha tha jaise he was the first time to ni beti ka gar se samajh p,1,2023-07-11 08:34:52 +Google Play,Abhi install Kiya hai 1 Star de rhe hai..phle dekh le bdiya hai ki nhi hai fir or star dege...lekin jo bhi kho..data fukega smy brbad hoga..ek insta km tha Jo dusra de diya.. phone me itna jgh bhi hona chahiye ek phone bhijwa dena 5 Star dege.. location - Haridwar Uttarakhand,1,2023-07-08 11:29:23 +Google Play,tolong aplikasi diperbaiki lagi. banyak fitur yang masih banyak yang error. terimakasih 🙏,4,2023-07-14 11:35:16 +Google Play,very bad app yaha bas ladke he bhare pade hi ek bhi ladki nahi hai  ,1,2023-07-07 07:39:46 +Google Play,"Não podia dar menos que isso. Estão de parabéns, APP muito top, muito por explorar nele, mas é excelente de mais 😇",5,2023-07-06 21:27:32 +Google Play,"Aplikasi Cukup Baik Lancar Mati Lag ,Sama Seperti Twi***r Bagus BANGET Pokoknya Rate 10/10",5,2023-07-07 10:39:59 +Google Play,"Pls , sana walang sexual content dito , like sa Twitter , pakitanggal po pls",4,2023-07-08 10:51:05 +Google Play,Ladchat app galti se download ho gya aab account delete karunga to insta bhi delete ho jayega isliye saale ko 5 star rating de raha hu😕,5,2023-07-22 10:05:19 +Google Play,Chalo bhaiya zuck bache ki mehnat dekh ke 5 star de diye .. khush rahe,5,2023-07-07 06:24:10 +Google Play,ডার্ক মুড নাই😒 থ্রেড ইডিট ও করোন যায় না।😠,1,2023-07-07 03:39:04 +Google Play,"nag ccrash amputa, di magamit ng maayos puro error",1,2023-07-06 13:48:26 +Google Play,"Bad app hai yaar, mere chali nahi ja raha.",1,2023-07-09 15:30:56 +Google Play,Instagram I'd@mohdarmansafi Abhi Mene is app ki experience nhi Kiya par achha app lag rha hai,5,2023-07-07 11:26:40 +Google Play,Scoll করার সময় ঝিরঝির হয়ে যায় সবকিছু First experience very bad😔,1,2023-07-08 14:45:50 +Google Play,Good app bus Instagram na ban jaye ye bhi bakaiti walo ka,4,2023-07-08 18:01:43 +Google Play,Fyabupubafye elo bafikala bansangwa kulya balatunaka nama celebrities...,1,2023-07-08 14:22:44 +Google Play,"Glitch problem हो रही है,सही से नहीं चल पा रहा है",4,2023-07-06 17:10:20 +Google Play,may bago na akong safe space love u sa gumawa netong app na'to ikikiss kita,5,2023-07-07 13:35:28 +Google Play,Very good app game to lagata h ki yah Twitter ka takkar dedega,5,2023-07-09 06:48:38 +Google Play,This app is good but Hme iska koi fayda nhi dikh rha hai,5,2023-07-08 05:34:19 +Google Play,Bakwas aap hai koi bhi message nahi karta na hi koi like karta hai koi normal to hai hi nahi isme only 699 vale log hi hai meri pass699 nahi hai blue☑️ ke liye to koi follow y message nahi karega y aap emotional damage karta hai,1,2023-07-09 07:42:24 +Google Play,gusto ko na ilabas ang clingy side kooo,5,2023-07-06 18:01:51 +Google Play,maganda pa sa ngayon kasi hindi pa alam ng mga thunders na mga taga Fb,5,2023-07-06 20:24:28 +Google Play,Bas iske meme aur iske bare mai story dekhi isliye install kar liya,4,2023-07-06 21:53:26 +Google Play,داعم للشوا*ذ للاسف تركنا الغير داعم و رحنا للمنح*ط الداعم .,1,2023-07-06 23:13:20 +Google Play,Lagta hai bahut karja ho Raha hai 😂 Mark Jukerbarg 😂par,1,2023-07-07 11:10:19 +Google Play,"Avec ça, zéro stress. Le boss de Twitter apprendra à respecter ses clients... Merci Mark Zuckerberg. All the best👍💯",5,2023-07-07 11:06:27 +Google Play,This App Is Amazing But Hammay response nahi diya Jo log pehlay Sy hi mashhur tha UN ko hi response milla hai ma threads walo Sy yehi Khana Chao ga ka Jo chotay user h UN ko bhi response milla chyhi ok but this app is amazing thanks !,3,2023-07-06 16:45:08 +Google Play,Me anda todo bugueado es imposible de navegar,1,2023-07-06 14:45:16 +Google Play,Tengo un error con la App y no me deja ver nada,1,2023-07-06 21:53:21 +Google Play,കൊള്ളാം ഡാ . Instagram premium പോലെ ഉണ്ട് 🙂🥱,5,2023-07-06 00:19:02 +Google Play,Faltu sa app h ... Har koi celebrity bana ghum rha h,1,2023-07-06 10:31:12 +Google Play,Não recebi o selo indicando a colocação que eu entrei 😪😪😪,5,2023-07-05 23:51:17 +Google Play,Abhi sb log yahna Na*** naach krne ayenge,4,2023-07-07 03:40:18 +Google Play,"bagus untuk segi ui,ux dan semuanya.",5,2023-07-06 11:52:25 +Google Play,هاك ★5 بس لتزعل حجي مارك :3,5,2023-07-06 19:45:42 +Google Play,بحاجة الى تطوير بما يخص تبويب ( الحفظ ),2,2023-07-06 16:23:50 +Google Play,جميل جيدا الأستخدم سهل أحسن من تويتار 🤍✨,5,2023-07-07 20:22:11 +Google Play,Khuc ache din ho jaya bass. Ab,5,2023-07-07 12:17:39 +Google Play,التطبيق لا يدعم حرية التعبير,1,2023-07-10 19:05:40 +Google Play,ფოტოს რო ვდებ მაგდებს ყლეი,1,2023-07-08 18:51:15 +Google Play,توییتر رو ترجیح میدم حقیقتا,1,2023-07-20 09:13:27 +Google Play,aplikasinya loh rek lucu banget,1,2023-07-07 13:03:10 +Google Play,Pgl bnya gya h hume,1,2023-07-08 14:42:33 +Google Play,တရုတ်မလင်ရဲ့ ခြ,1,2023-07-10 13:19:31 +Google Play,BUAT AKUN GW ILANG ANJ,1,2023-07-08 12:14:52 +Google Play,ماكو شي جديد ضلو عالانستا,1,2023-07-06 11:41:06 +Google Play,Bahut hi mast app hai,1,2023-07-13 06:30:17 +Google Play,Thik se ni chlra bilkul,1,2023-07-06 15:39:34 +Google Play,Ye bahut accha app hai,1,2023-07-06 06:35:11 +Google Play,so bad igu qaata waa iska dhahee,1,2023-07-09 07:53:35 +Google Play,تطبيق رائع جدآ جدآ و سيدمر كل البرامج ✨😂👍,5,2023-07-06 23:04:50 +Google Play,Maine cool ban ne ke liye install kiya hai 👌,5,2023-07-07 03:41:28 +Google Play,Good 👍 Twitter se to badhiya hai bus ab jaldi se verification 😂,5,2023-07-08 06:03:04 +Google Play,Sayad es pr to ldki set ho hi jayegi 🤭🤭,5,2023-07-07 08:35:28 +Google Play,Sup meri jaan ✅ Twitter ki asi ki tesi🤣,5,2023-07-10 03:55:47 +Google Play,Elon Musk : he prabhu he harinam Krishna jagnatham Premanand ye kya hua😃,5,2023-07-06 09:21:42 +Google Play,KB Multimedia & KBM it থেকে আপনাদের স্বাগতম জানাচ্ছি ♥ বাংলাদেশিরা লাইক দাও ♥,5,2023-07-06 20:12:14 +Google Play,Hang ho Raha ha ya bhut😡,1,2023-07-08 04:09:16 +Google Play,"masimba leh app , yekani",2,2023-07-05 23:54:48 +Google Play,"क्या फालतू ऐप हैं, इनबॉक्स ही नहीं हैं 🤣",1,2023-07-07 04:09:11 +Google Play,اول مغربي كيدير الكومنت تحيا ايمازيغن ، ومارك يلا شفتي هاد الكومنت اللينعلطبنك ههه,3,2023-07-06 20:30:48 +Google Play,Istamal karne do phir batate hai kaisa hai app...,3,2023-07-06 08:28:20 +Google Play,Bari na baku 4 Star Idan tayi dadi normal idan bata yi ba na karɓe kaya na,4,2023-07-06 13:36:02 +Google Play,Wah!Mere Zuckerberg kya cheez banayi maza aa gyaa!!,5,2023-07-12 07:30:53 +Google Play,Ah anyinggggg nu kieu deui wae :'),3,2023-07-06 06:12:32 +Google Play,Nagca-crash yung app sa android.,1,2023-07-08 16:53:14 +Google Play,பயன் படுத்த நன்றாக உள்ளது.,5,2023-07-07 19:00:11 +Google Play,Şimdi Elon Musk düşünsün 😂,5,2023-07-06 00:01:46 +Google Play,Faltu bekar app hai ye maat kr na koi install Twitter best hai isse acha,1,2023-07-08 13:36:26 +Google Play,Twitter ne kya bigada tha bhai💔😂,4,2023-07-06 09:59:54 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy hai threads elon musk ko chalenge😂😂,5,2023-07-11 05:21:50 +Google Play,Nice aap nice future 😄 twitter ko takar de sakta he,4,2023-07-07 03:23:31 +Google Play,"Todo bien pero me gustaría tener la habilidad de cambiar de cuenta fácil, como en Instagram",3,2023-07-08 00:16:34 +Google Play,Puro Glitch naman eh ano bayan.,1,2023-07-07 05:44:12 +Google Play,വീഡിയൊ ഇട്ടാൽ സൗണ്ട് സപ്പോർട്ട് ആവാത്തത് ഒന്ന് പരിഹരിക്കാൻ നോക്ക്...,3,2023-07-06 02:13:15 +Google Play,التطبيق سيئ جداً و بيعلق كثير 😤😤,1,2023-07-07 11:21:15 +Google Play,سرعتش نسبت به اینیستاگرام پایین تره ، احتمالا سرورهای کافی نداره !,2,2023-07-07 15:04:03 +Google Play,Bhut bekar hai ye glat baat hai aapki 🤬🤬🤬,1,2023-07-12 15:12:20 +Google Play,التطبيق جامد واحسن من تويتر بكتير 💙👍,5,2023-07-06 07:50:38 +Google Play,Best app Yar Twitter se to kafi acha ha,5,2023-07-06 11:52:54 +Google Play,Nice app ap sabhi use kar skte ho,5,2023-07-07 09:48:21 +Google Play,Good app bilkul instagram ke hi jaisa hai,5,2023-07-07 16:40:50 +Google Play,"नए यूज़र्स के लिए बहुत ही घटिया एप है, अगर आप इंस्टाग्राम पर पहले से फेमस हैं तभी इसे जॉइन करें, अगर आप नए हैं और इसपर फेमस होना चाहते हैं तो यह बिल्कुल भी संभव नहीं है, घटियापन में अपनी सारी हदें पार कर दी हैं, जब नए यूज़र्स का कोई भविष्य ही नहीं है तो वह इसपर क्यों आएगा?? मार्क जुकरबर्ग को यह सोचना चाहिए था। Very bad app, if you are already famous on Instagram then only join it, there is no future for new users.",1,2023-07-08 08:51:03 +Google Play,ab Isko kotha mat bna dena dance reels dal dal ke,4,2023-07-08 03:55:35 +Google Play,Mast hai ye app bahut pasand hai kya baat hai 😅👀,5,2023-07-23 03:02:04 +Google Play,Best app h Elon chcha ko ab samjh mein aayenga,5,2023-07-07 14:44:39 +Google Play,Wow nice aap es par to grils bhi hai Ab me patang,1,2023-07-07 10:44:19 +Google Play,"Bug muito sério, tornando o aplicativo inutilizável.",1,2023-07-06 02:52:32 +Google Play,Threads पर फिलहाल विश्वास कर रहे हैं! उम्मीद है अच्छी होंगी।,4,2023-07-07 07:24:21 +Google Play,Appnya nge crash tod awokawokawok🤣,2,2023-07-07 08:49:19 +Google Play,5 saal ho gye iss app ko use krte krte ajtak koi dikkat nhi aayi very good application,5,2023-07-08 03:13:24 +Google Play,"Masih banyak bug, maklum aplikasi baru.",1,2023-07-07 02:31:51 +Google Play,Twitter fail hai iske samne,5,2023-07-06 03:07:33 +Google Play,"No mames, casi casi te pide hasta los calzones en la información que recolecta",1,2023-07-07 01:49:23 +Google Play,so good kanka harika bir şey daha indirmedim ama kral hareket yapmış,5,2023-07-05 23:04:53 +Google Play,"Magníficoo, gostei muito da ideia.",5,2023-07-06 12:51:09 +Google Play,Lee 5 star tu bhi kya yaad rakhega 🤞,5,2023-07-07 00:01:29 +Google Play,Yaxshi. Hozircha yoqyapti. Fikrim oʻzgarib qolmasin ishqilib.,5,2023-07-06 11:13:56 +Google Play,بيجنن كتير حلو احلى من تويتر بألف مرة 🥺💗,5,2023-07-06 14:15:23 +Google Play,সেই তোহ জুকার করছে ডা কি🫤😀,5,2023-07-06 18:38:10 +Google Play,Koi follow hi nhi krta sb big youtuber ya m follow walo ko krte hai,1,2023-07-07 06:30:53 +Google Play,"Beğendim, Snapchat sonrası da Mark beyi tebrik etmiştim. Layıkıyla çalıyor. Dkeudkdiekf",5,2023-07-06 08:53:00 +Google Play,"Post atamıyorum, sürekli crash veriyor.",1,2023-07-10 10:03:37 +Google Play,Perfect na sana kung may translation lang. 😭,4,2023-07-06 10:25:44 +Google Play,Twitter sera toujours meilleur. N'imitez pas les gens,1,2023-07-09 10:14:31 +Google Play,Acha hai sehat ke liye hanikarak hai to kirpya kar ke is app ko dawnload na kre,5,2023-07-07 11:47:55 +Google Play,Maja aa gya Elon Musk or mark Zuckerberg ki ladai dekhkar😂😂🙂,5,2023-07-08 05:14:42 +Google Play,"না ঠিক আছে, জোকার আর ইলনের পুন্দাপুন্দি দেখতে ভালোই লাগে।",5,2023-07-06 23:51:25 +Google Play,Tweeter ki g*nd mardi Zukya bhai ne😂😂,5,2023-07-08 04:29:09 +Google Play,"Mark abim durur mu, yapıştırdı Threads'i!",5,2023-07-06 22:34:24 +Google Play,Maganda sya! Kaysa sa Twitter HAHAHAHHA.,5,2023-07-06 21:33:43 +Google Play,Mere ac ko verification tik de do nahi to Punit bhai ko bolna pde ga,5,2023-07-06 10:23:28 +Google Play,ပေါ်ပင်ဖြစ်နေလို့တော့ ခြ Appကိုဒေါင်းလိုက်ပြီ သုံးပြီးရင် ပြန်လာပြောမယ် ဇူဇူ,3,2023-07-06 12:15:20 +Google Play,Backwas app hai ! 7din ho gya lakin ek v followers nhi hua 😥😥,2,2023-07-12 11:36:47 +Google Play,"Masih banyak bugnya, ga bisa dipake sama sekali karena tampilan layarnya ngeglitch",2,2023-07-06 03:55:12 +Google Play,Good work 👍👍 kamse kam Bikta tu nhi,4,2023-07-07 08:30:17 +Google Play,instagram famous ho isliye follower 1m follower chaiye isliye viral ki Jaye taki hum bhi famous ho gaye please full viral for Instagram,5,2023-07-15 16:36:36 +Google Play,Ab Twitter ka band bajega ... Thanku Mark Zuckerberg 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:26:08 +Google Play,ለአጠቃቀም ምቹ እና ቀላል! easy to use!,5,2023-07-07 22:37:33 +Google Play,"Bawaal chij hai be , sara system hiljata hai 😍",5,2023-07-11 09:40:37 +Google Play,Se cierra a cada rato esta vaina!,1,2023-07-06 15:37:14 +Google Play,Warry bad experiment kuch samj nahi aaraha jisko follow nahi Kiya wo b unke comments account sab aaraha hai,1,2023-07-12 10:52:06 +Google Play,Is app se Twitter ko chalana to Sikh hi jaunga 😄.,3,2023-07-07 23:49:09 +Google Play,Boht achi app h lakin mujy yha b follower ni mill rhy😫😫,5,2023-07-08 12:21:42 +Google Play,Thik se kaam ni kar rahi h,1,2023-07-08 16:05:58 +Google Play,Aplikasi kacau butuh ig baru bisa login,1,2023-07-06 06:30:24 +Google Play,This app is not working properly 😭😭,1,2023-07-24 14:39:28 +Google Play,🤷‍♂️ kisi kaam ka ni ha .,1,2023-07-08 11:23:53 +Google Play,La app se cierra repentinamente cuando quiero escribir una respuesta a un post,2,2023-07-06 15:40:09 +Google Play,Muito bom mas ninguém me responde acho que o meu tá com defeito,5,2023-07-06 15:46:15 +Google Play,Ye Kya hai Kuch bhi app bana dete ho tum log yrr,5,2023-07-10 16:20:06 +Google Play,Name thik nahi he aap ka kuch brands hona tha num chenge,1,2023-07-08 05:37:12 +Google Play,Abhi mjha aaye ga n biduuuuuu 😂💥😝,5,2023-07-08 11:14:39 +Google Play,Iss pr jo video upload karte he view nazar ni aaye,1,2023-07-06 16:36:07 +Google Play,هاض التطبيق افضل من توتر اصلا تويتر ولاشي وبستاهل 1000000000مستخدم,5,2023-07-08 18:59:50 +Google Play,اینم نصب کردیم انگار ما قرار نیست از ماتریکس خارج بشیم,5,2023-07-06 13:26:40 +Google Play,Yaha threading karke threader banane me kuch alag hi maza hai,5,2023-07-06 18:03:22 +Google Play,UN bon début mais avec manque bien sur donc bonne chance,4,2023-07-07 16:56:42 +Google Play,Kuch new try kiya jaye ❤️,5,2023-07-07 01:31:18 +Google Play,Visual bem feio e não tem DM,3,2023-07-06 13:26:03 +Google Play,Twitter ka bapp aa gya hai😂,4,2023-07-06 16:02:51 +Google Play,Ate hi cha gaye thread ji 😁,5,2023-07-10 16:14:16 +Google Play,"ini akun threads ga bisa dihapus kalau akun ig tidak dihapus, sangat tidak adil.",1,2023-07-06 15:23:10 +Google Play,Bahut wahiyat app hai refresh karne ke baad Puri screen jhilmilane lagti hai,1,2023-07-08 17:35:35 +Google Play,Koi fayda nhi hua is aap ka ek bhi ladki ki request nhi a rhi,1,2023-07-08 07:25:22 +Google Play,Mast aplication bus story lagna ka option threads par a Gaya to aur maga a Gaya,5,2023-07-09 13:08:27 +Google Play,حلو الانجاز داا، انا اول شخص يعمل ريفيو بس هو اكيد حلو 😂😂😂♥️,5,2023-07-06 11:37:00 +Google Play,"Threads😍🫶❤️ Maza aagaya super, lode kijiye enjoy lijiye 😄",5,2023-07-06 06:57:25 +Google Play,Totally nonsense koi zurorat he ni thi Teri or dusra scam Kiya insta bhi disable ho gi agr thread ki id disable ki to,1,2023-07-09 17:43:21 +Google Play,No quiere subir los contenidos de mi perfil y el inicio dice qud tiene un error,1,2023-07-07 14:46:30 +Google Play,"Masa klo hapus akun threads akun ige ikutan ilang sih, aneh lu Mark",1,2023-07-08 02:38:13 +Google Play,আমি এটি ব্যাবহার করেছি। চাইলে ব্যাবহার করতে পারেন।খুব ভালো একটি প্লাটফর্ম।,5,2023-07-06 06:07:50 +Google Play,সবকিছুই টুইটারের মত। টুইটারের সাথে অনেক মিল। তবে কিছুটা অগোছালো মনে হচ্ছে।,4,2023-07-08 23:43:00 +Google Play,Aaj dusri baar mujhe ye app badhiya mila hai tik tok ke baad,5,2023-07-08 04:57:10 +Google Play,Instagram pahle ladka tha fir threads lonch hua ab gay bn gya h,1,2023-07-07 07:15:26 +Google Play,安卓狂閃退 過了幾天也沒有可以更新,1,2023-07-09 09:15:28 +Google Play,Kalau ada Konten 18+ dan bot hapus dah kalau bisa di ban,5,2023-07-06 06:56:46 +Google Play,تیم اینستا که هر چی ساخته آشغال بوده اینم حتما مثل اونا میشه,3,2023-07-06 06:01:04 +Google Play,مشكلة التطبيق الرأيسية لا يوجد فيه ميزة التعديل عند الرد او في المنشور,4,2023-07-06 13:42:22 +Google Play,نسخة مقلدة عن تويتر لكن الفرق أن هذا لا يدعم حرية التعبير فااااااشل,1,2023-07-07 18:22:51 +Google Play,"Es inútil, apenas doy scroll y se bugea toda la interfaz.",1,2023-07-06 02:43:25 +Google Play,"nice, lebih smooth dari pada aplikasi sebelah",5,2023-07-06 03:52:01 +Google Play,"Minimal maksimal jangan suka ngezucc orang dong, senggol dong.",4,2023-07-06 15:15:59 +Google Play,البرنامج في لاج والكلام داخل في بعضه اعتقد دي ايشو,1,2023-07-06 23:56:59 +Google Play,"maayos naman, kaso nangungulila parin ako sa kanya :<",5,2023-07-06 07:28:09 +Google Play,"good jobs, lebih simple, memutar video lancar.",5,2023-07-06 14:35:04 +Google Play,Bug terus ketika lihat reply di dalam reply.. semangatt,2,2023-07-07 12:01:31 +Google Play,Ghatiya app hai bhai koi ladki reply hi nahi 😡🤬,1,2023-07-12 05:16:24 +Google Play,र अरे हम तो कहते ही है कि Instagram hi समाज में गलत प्रभाव डाल रहा ��ै तो टिश्रका Instagram क्य good होगा कुछ यूनिक हो तो good,1,2023-07-06 14:26:06 +Google Play,Uygulama iyi ama Dm özelliği gelse çok daha iyi olurdu lütfen bir an önce gelsin.,3,2023-07-09 10:32:58 +Google Play,"Me to Elon Musk: Qaddam barhao, hum tumhare sath hain",1,2023-07-07 17:50:19 +Google Play,Yesa lgta ki ye sirf celebrity ke liye bna he kyunki videos pr views nhi boring app,2,2023-07-10 20:53:00 +Google Play,Ini lebih keren dari twitter 👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 08:21:19 +Google Play,ভালোই লাগছে হয়তো ভবিষ্যতে একটা চমৎকার অবস্থানে চলে যাবে। শুভ কামনা নিরন্তর।,5,2023-07-07 08:30:53 +Google Play,"Me gusta más que Twitter, es más friendly user",5,2023-07-07 04:34:57 +Google Play,ട്വിറ്ററിന്റെ കാര്യത്തിൽ ഇന്നത്തോടെ തീരുമാനമായി 😹,5,2023-07-07 16:37:45 +Google Play,"Много багов, фризит, окна не обновляются а тупа друг на друга открывается",1,2023-07-06 04:15:52 +Google Play,Me gusta. (Porque consegui segudores mas rápido aqui que en Twitter 🥲),5,2023-07-10 01:23:58 +Google Play,Copy krna koi mark bhaiya se seekhe backbenchers to uhi badnaam hai 😅,1,2023-07-07 09:57:12 +Google Play,Nice app bhot achi app ha Twitter say bhi achi ha or Instagram nay acha kia ma insta pr aesthetic video upload krt hun ab ma Twitter Wala account delete kro ga idhar tweet karunga shukriyaaa Instagram team,5,2023-07-06 09:13:38 +Google Play,𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰,5,2023-07-08 13:17:21 +Google Play,"Rapi + enteng aplikasinya, good job",5,2023-07-06 02:45:18 +Google Play,"O aplicativo está muito bugado, sem condições nenhuma de uso!",1,2023-07-06 02:18:34 +Google Play,Me agrada la idea de que esta app acabe con Twitter 👐🏼,5,2023-07-06 06:43:45 +Google Play,"ini baguss, tapi sayang nya masih ada bug sedikit saat scrolling home",4,2023-07-06 04:01:53 +Google Play,Sooo cool 😎 bakiyo ko kya pata,5,2023-07-07 19:24:18 +Google Play,एक दम बवाल चीज़ बना दिय हो बे 👍,5,2023-07-07 02:33:44 +Google Play,"ვფიქრობ, facebook-ს და Instagram-ს ეს app-ი საერთოდ ჩაანაცვლებს ✌",5,2023-07-06 15:21:55 +Google Play,UI nya simpel. Asik. Mari kita lihat bakal rame apa enggak,5,2023-07-06 01:14:12 +Google Play,-1/10 kasi hindi niya ko finollow back HAHAHAHAHAHA,1,2023-07-12 09:21:20 +Google Play,"tama yan, wag niyo na lagyan chatbox tutal wala naman akong kachat",5,2023-07-07 02:03:42 +Google Play,මෙලෝ රහක් නෑ වගේ ඒ වුනාට 10/10 ❤🌚,5,2023-07-07 08:22:27 +Google Play,به نسبت این که تازه در دسترس قرار گرفته و نسخه اولشه عالیه,5,2023-07-08 00:25:46 +Google Play,Parece bien por el momento 👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 19:05:43 +Google Play,تطبيق سيئ يحاول منافسة تويتر ولكن فرق السما والأرض,1,2023-07-06 16:32:25 +Google Play,Free me or kya hi chahiye Meta walo sab lelo,5,2023-07-08 07:08:12 +Google Play,Está buena pero no hay nadie haciendo contenido interesante,4,2023-07-06 00:21:15 +Google Play,تكرار لمنصات سوشيال ميديا كتيره جدا لا جديد يذكر,1,2023-07-06 21:30:36 +Google Play,Zukerb now extra data mil gayi tumko moj karo,5,2023-07-07 15:20:52 +Google Play,O bhai kya hai Twitter ko dobara bajane wala,5,2023-07-07 06:29:22 +Google Play,Me saca de Instagram cada vez que entro a Threads,1,2023-07-07 17:16:28 +Google Play,اولین افغان استم که استفاده میکنم بیبینم چطور است,1,2023-07-06 04:52:21 +Google Play,Twitte ho ya kuch bhi sb use krna h,5,2023-07-06 15:03:52 +Google Play,اسکی از توییتر ولی در کل خوبه بد نیست,2,2023-07-11 18:56:16 +Google Play,"bekar app hai, kis ladke koo DM b nhi kr skta",1,2023-07-07 18:22:28 +Google Play,যুকার কাকা এতদিনে সময়োপযোগী একটা কাজের জিনিস মার্কেটে নামাতে পেরেছে।,4,2023-07-06 04:47:12 +Google Play,ধো* মার্কা অ্যাপ।।১০০ বার গ্লিচ করে,1,2023-07-10 16:56:44 +Google Play,"Wait, tadi enak² aja not bad, trs barusan sekitar jam 17.05 WIB tiba-tiba kek ngeheng gitu, ada yang sama??",5,2023-07-07 10:08:10 +Google Play,قريباً سوف يطغى على تويتر، أنا شخصياً حذفت تويتر❤️,5,2023-07-06 07:00:14 +Google Play,"ट्विटर का विकल्प इतना शानदार होगा, सोचा न था, मेटा को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।",5,2023-07-06 12:15:07 +Google Play,Elon musk lai takkar Dina baneko panauti app lai zero rate😡😡,1,2023-07-07 16:45:09 +Google Play,לא עובד יש מלא גליצ'ים,1,2023-07-11 10:38:00 +Google Play,masih banyak fitur yang kurang semoga kedepannya akan banyak update,4,2023-07-06 16:27:28 +Google Play,মোটামুটি চলে। ইনস্টাগ্রামে এর ছোট ভাই।,3,2023-07-06 09:45:13 +Google Play,İlk Türkçe değerlendirmeyi bırakıp gidiyorum,5,2023-07-06 12:32:38 +Google Play,Ajka oi account ta kortasi,5,2023-07-07 15:39:31 +Google Play,اینو دیگه فیلتر نکنید لاشیا,5,2023-07-06 11:37:34 +Google Play,به راحتی میشه تر زد,5,2023-07-07 00:50:32 +Google Play,Adain fitur DM kek wkwk,5,2023-07-06 14:08:23 +Google Play,Elon musk ki mar li,5,2023-07-08 10:26:54 +Google Play,Kuchh samajh nahi aa raha,5,2023-07-16 00:09:12 +Google Play,Belum dicoba bintang 4 dulu,4,2023-07-06 05:13:40 +Google Play,bang zuck tambahin fitur hashtag,5,2023-07-06 17:01:18 +Google Play,الله عليك يا مارك بجد,5,2023-07-08 15:51:27 +Google Play,Gajab gatda ura diye marde,4,2023-07-06 06:49:32 +Google Play,wow maangas parang twitter haha,4,2023-07-06 02:37:41 +Google Play,Kisiki badduaye lagegi Bhai terko,5,2023-07-06 06:28:27 +Google Play,Acha theek hai samajh gaya,5,2023-07-06 19:00:52 +Google Play,Mast app hai bhai log,5,2023-07-22 08:47:29 +Google Play,Abhi use krna sikha hai,4,2023-07-08 16:23:04 +Google Play,Twitter ke Abba aa gye,5,2023-07-06 17:15:55 +Google Play,Twitter se to bohot sahi hai,5,2023-07-06 07:00:10 +Google Play,Pta nhi kya h ye,4,2023-07-06 19:10:50 +Google Play,Dehkta h kesa hai app,5,2023-07-06 01:18:52 +Google Play,sana crush niya rin ako,4,2023-07-06 09:10:43 +Google Play,mga delulu tao sa threads,4,2023-07-07 01:03:56 +Google Play,Twitter ko Pel diya MCG,5,2023-07-06 19:56:54 +Google Play,Twitter ke din ab khatam,5,2023-07-06 14:08:29 +Google Play,Não estou conseguindo postar foto,4,2023-07-06 16:42:49 +Google Play,Elun musk sein acha hay,4,2023-07-06 08:17:33 +Google Play,Gajb भैया मजा आय गवा,5,2023-07-06 23:57:55 +Google Play,Baap h ye Twitter ka,5,2023-07-06 12:28:40 +Google Play,Twitter ki jgh lega pakka,5,2023-07-08 10:58:11 +Google Play,Twitter ka bhatta baitha diaa,5,2023-07-07 10:51:36 +Google Play,Naya app launcher hi hua hai aur ham app download karne Wale 5 number par hai,3,2023-07-06 01:38:25 +Google Play,De to ske h takker Twitter ne 🌝,5,2023-07-07 15:39:14 +Google Play,LUUUDILO LUDOLINO JOOOJJJ OVO ONOOO,3,2023-07-06 09:32:36 +Google Play,Phone hang ho rha hai,3,2023-07-09 06:53:08 +Google Play,imitação mal feita do twitter,3,2023-07-06 13:35:43 +Google Play,یوبل فساد مو هم نړۍ ته وړاندې کړ😜,5,2023-07-07 03:49:31 +Google Play,Pag malaki MB nung picture nagcclose yung app. Sana magkaron din kayo website 🙂.,3,2023-07-06 12:25:24 +Google Play,يا اما التطبيق يكون فقاعة يا اما ينجح ..,5,2023-07-06 10:10:39 +Google Play,زفت ، مع انه تقليد لتويتر لكنه مايرتقي ولا للجزمة حق تويتر هههه,1,2023-07-08 16:44:00 +Google Play,इंस्टाग्राम में जो यूजरनेम है इसमें अलग से यूजरनेम होने चाहिए,2,2023-07-06 08:57:40 +Google Play,Abhi experience Kara hi nahi pehele hi rate kar diya haha,5,2023-07-06 16:13:36 +Google Play,インスタグラムはもうあるから良いとは思わない,3,2023-07-06 12:38:41 +Google Play,Enfin une bonne alternative à Twitter!,5,2023-07-06 19:14:10 +Google Play,मैं आ गया हु ट्विटर को टक्कर देने 😄,4,2023-07-06 01:45:36 +Google Play,Punya saia kok ngeglitch dan tulisanya tumpang tindih .-. Efek hp lama kah hiks,3,2023-07-06 04:43:35 +Google Play,Bekar app hai yahn tu ladkiyoo ko msg bhi nhi kr skte 🥺😩,1,2023-07-08 04:01:09 +Google Play,"Por enquanto, o feed está muito bugado impedindo o uso adequado.",1,2023-07-06 00:27:35 +Google Play,बहुत अच्छा ऐप है ये 😍,5,2023-07-06 17:32:24 +Google Play,Most Popular ban gyi ye,3,2023-07-08 03:25:12 +Google Play,Nice tawitar ko takar dega,5,2023-07-06 21:18:48 +Google Play,Bhai ye apo chalti kese hai samajh hu nhi aata hai bakwaas experience,1,2023-07-10 08:03:23 +Google Play,"Eu adorei, muito bom mesmo. Agora podem lançar a versão para computador",5,2023-07-06 18:35:09 +Google Play,Overall NYC #india se Krishna Sikarwar #hakmegsikarwar,5,2023-07-06 06:44:11 +Google Play,বালের এ্যাপ আমার।খাইয়া কাম পায় না নতুন নতুন এ্যাপ মারায়🙂,1,2023-07-06 15:09:21 +Google Play,ako 'yung unang review hehehe,5,2023-07-06 07:32:46 +Google Play,Mujhe bhut acha laga aap 🥰,5,2023-07-06 01:17:03 +Google Play,Mujhe kuch khaas nhi lga 😐,2,2023-07-08 05:01:19 +Google Play,Abhi tk kuch smjhe nhi ye app ka ky use hai 🙄,2,2023-07-06 06:06:54 +Google Play,Gajab ka he apps wow 😍,1,2023-07-07 20:42:37 +Google Play,Ye ka babaseer bana diye ho bosdike 🥲🥲🥲,1,2023-07-07 05:47:21 +Google Play,يا زق ي�� معفن مش قاعده نطلب عند بيك مترجعنيش ذوك نحط تقييم صفر نجمة,5,2023-07-06 14:00:47 +Google Play,Maine toh download kr liya aap log bhi kr lo ab dekh kya rhe ho,5,2023-07-09 02:35:13 +Google Play,Perfect 🥰 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣,5,2023-07-11 03:45:02 +Google Play,Twitter ki to laga di tune🤣,5,2023-07-06 18:07:33 +Google Play,Twitter ki sasti copy hai 😂,4,2023-07-07 11:46:55 +Google Play,هي جكارة بالتافه إلون ماسك.,5,2023-07-06 13:13:56 +Google Play,"Dia 2 usando o app, tá fechando sozinho, não deixa eu fazer meus posts",1,2023-07-06 14:07:30 +Google Play,Twitter ko takkar Dene wala app 😅,5,2023-07-07 03:11:39 +Google Play,"Gak bisa upload foto, gagal terus",2,2023-07-06 07:06:37 +Google Play,Si ha ya app bee,5,2023-07-05 23:03:56 +Google Play,Pertamax hehehe... Ya udah ninggalin jejak duluu baru install 😂😂,5,2023-07-06 04:56:52 +Google Play,"Applikasi yang menarik, tapi semoga bisa cepat diperbaharui dengan alogritma yang lebih baik, download foto, bookmarks",3,2023-07-10 18:38:02 +Google Play,اول منشور يحصل bug بسبب اضافة صورة ههههه,1,2023-07-09 14:25:38 +Google Play,Jaldi jaldi rating de deta hu sabse pehle,5,2023-07-07 05:16:33 +Google Play,یعنی متا توی انحصار طلبی داره ترسناک میشه,1,2023-07-06 00:01:46 +Google Play,حتماً هو أفضل من تويتر!,5,2023-07-06 05:23:00 +Google Play,More useful like Twitter 😜 but ise usse adhik le Jaya ja sakta hai . Jai hind 🇮🇳 sabhi ko🙏🏽🙏🏽❣️,5,2023-07-10 01:55:43 +Google Play,Beekar app ha larkion ko message b nai kr sakty 😭,1,2023-07-08 16:21:06 +Google Play,Mujhe yeh aap bekar laga mujhe kuch pendrop ho rahe hai ise chalne me 😢😢😢,1,2023-07-09 07:19:24 +Google Play,La copia barata de Twitter el primer dia y ya me fui 🤣🤭,1,2023-07-07 22:58:59 +Google Play,هكرولي العده اكونت الانستا مبقاش بيفتح🌷,1,2023-07-08 20:27:08 +Google Play,Aplikasi keluar sendiri pas upload foto.,2,2023-07-07 06:56:21 +Google Play,Dawnload krne ki glti na kre kiyunki ye aap khud m hi ak glti h,1,2023-07-15 07:06:21 +Google Play,Bhai main sabko support karta hun mujhe bhi support karo Himanshu lakhera ap YouTube id,5,2023-07-21 17:42:28 +Google Play,Desde que la instale no me permite postear nada en mi Galaxy S23 Ultra 😡,1,2023-07-08 18:30:09 +Google Play,Koi bhi follow hi nahi kar raha hai 😥,1,2023-07-09 03:39:58 +Google Play,Twitter susspend kr diya hai 🥲,5,2023-07-07 00:14:35 +Google Play,YOU SAB TEAMBABA OK SO HAMRA FILLTER AGYA HAI JAO US PAR REEL BANAO,5,2023-07-07 12:29:48 +Google Play,يا ولدد مره يعلق يقلتش قلتشات مو صاحية ريت تعدلونه ما امداني اتهنى فيه,1,2023-07-08 21:30:01 +Google Play,Guys sa koi jaldi se thread app par sunnydev_0608 is account ko follow kr lo,5,2023-07-06 20:03:10 +Google Play,Jai Jai shree Ram ❤️ Dosto,4,2023-07-07 00:01:37 +Google Play,Mane to 5 star den ri aadt hai,5,2023-07-06 09:28:37 +Google Play,Nice yarr aap threads 👌 😎 ... Good looking aap instagram samll aap,5,2023-07-07 07:13:34 +Google Play,কোনো কাজ নাই হুদায় খুলছিলাম জুলাই ৭ তারিখে..!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️,1,2023-07-09 03:56:04 +Google Play,"Jabardasti downloads karwadi 😝😝😝😝😝😝 , Ab delete bhi nhi krne de rhe",1,2023-07-06 10:43:26 +Google Play,"jujurly ok lah y, btw gue download nya pas tgl baru launching😋😖",5,2023-07-08 15:44:59 +Google Play,👍👍👍 Twitter se bahut accha hai ye aapp,5,2023-07-21 03:57:05 +Google Play,Bhai kya bawal cheez h ab to Twitter ki jarrorat he nhi hogi 😅,5,2023-07-08 04:48:53 +Google Play,Waaa App Aaa ka helay🤩,5,2023-07-06 21:05:21 +Google Play,أفضل من بقية البرامج❤️,5,2023-07-06 10:51:11 +Google Play,"Kabago bago, pero yun ganda nya ibang iba, kaya ayun napa dl ako BWHAHAHA",5,2023-07-06 14:30:23 +Google Play,Threads : എല്ലാവരിക്കും ഇപ്പൊ എന്നെ മതി 🏃‍♂️😌,5,2023-07-07 13:07:22 +Google Play,Pata nhi but aacha laga,5,2023-07-07 17:31:12 +Google Play,Kya faltu app hai timepass,1,2023-07-06 11:11:21 +Google Play,One star ayaw tanggapin account ko ayaw tuloyma open,1,2023-07-11 03:47:29 +Google Play,Maza nhi aai koi nachta hua nhi dikh rah,1,2023-07-06 19:03:27 +Google Play,ছবি ছারছি কিন্তু একটা লাইক ও পাই নাই 😡,1,2023-07-09 06:04:53 +Google Play,Twitter ka koe mukabala nahi 🥲,1,2023-07-06 10:57:42 +Google Play,Sorry but mujhe threads app use karke jyada achcha nahi laga 💔,1,2023-07-07 14:23:25 +Google Play,Bhai but bdiyaaa haiii......MARK BHAI bhut bdiya aap bnaya haii!!!,5,2023-07-07 15:06:40 +Google Play,Theek hai app but abhi dost kum hai espe,5,2023-07-09 18:49:30 +Google Play,review ko ulit pag nabwisit ako or nagustuhan ko ba,5,2023-07-06 03:42:44 +Google Play,افضل تطبيق على اطلاق شكرا لكم انتم افضل الناس,5,2023-07-07 21:58:54 +Google Play,Kya mast app hai ab tweeter ki chhutti 😂,5,2023-07-08 14:20:02 +Google Play,ارجو إضافة ميزة مقاطع الفيديو القصيرة و ميزة إضافة القصص,5,2023-07-06 22:11:47 +Google Play,انتوا عاملين تطبيق تشهروا فيه الناس المشهورة اصلا ، فين الدعم للناس الجديدة 🥴🤡,1,2023-07-07 19:20:43 +Google Play,Mai to bas Elon ki team mai hoo.,1,2023-07-07 14:30:49 +Google Play,Mere to smjh se bhar hai ye app😑,1,2023-07-09 16:17:51 +Google Play,Tweeter ki aisi tesi karne wala app,5,2023-07-07 17:34:19 +Google Play,"Iski wjah se insta nhi chalra , bkwas app",1,2023-07-09 07:05:34 +Google Play,daming papansin (pati ako),5,2023-07-06 07:08:49 +Google Play,Ni app mzuri sana (swahili),5,2023-07-07 00:28:13 +Google Play,Kya bawaseer bha diye ho 😡🤣,5,2023-07-08 06:58:51 +Google Play,"Gostei, mas acho que deveria ter Trend Topics",5,2023-07-05 23:56:02 +Google Play,Kuch keh ni sakty bhai🙂,5,2023-07-06 12:49:41 +Google Play,قيمته ٤ لان الكمال لله✨,4,2023-07-06 13:36:15 +Google Play,لسا م نزلته بس يمدحونه✨,5,2023-07-06 09:02:59 +Google Play,اول واحد يعطية 5 نجوم ✨,5,2023-07-06 03:40:07 +Google Play,Abey yaar mene kya bigada hai kyu mere mobile me nahi chal raha hai.,1,2023-07-07 14:50:09 +Google Play,sana sa next update pwede na ihide yung mga replies 😭😭,3,2023-07-07 01:59:47 +Google Play,Almost identical lang sa Twitter ang UI nya😅,4,2023-07-06 19:11:11 +Google Play,Mst app hai Bhai zuck lekin features add krona aur,5,2023-07-11 04:15:44 +Google Play,This is new future instagram aap ka he mujhe to achha laga,5,2023-07-06 18:02:39 +Google Play,इसमे भी लोगों ने रायता फैला दिया,1,2023-07-07 21:17:40 +Google Play,kya bak chodi h yaar kuch bhi,1,2023-07-07 03:53:23 +Google Play,Earning ki ideas dalo aur verification ka,1,2023-07-12 18:23:47 +Google Play,Review dene ke layk bhi nahi hai,1,2023-07-08 16:32:50 +Google Play,یعنی چی نمیتونیم تو ایران استفاده کنیم,1,2023-07-06 08:42:06 +Google Play,Puri details collect krleta hy financial bhi,1,2023-07-07 06:49:23 +Google Play,भाई गलती से download हो गया यार,1,2023-07-19 13:26:08 +Google Play,Chla hi ni rha bhakwad app hy,1,2023-07-06 16:40:58 +Google Play,"Gostava mais quando era só eu, o zuck e um tal de meta.",5,2023-07-06 02:43:25 +Google Play,Mera tho app hii hang ho rha ha pta nhi kaisa bnaya ha😒,1,2023-07-07 09:22:14 +Google Play,Bhut atakta h..jald bazi m khrb app bna diye h..,1,2023-07-07 11:02:34 +Google Play,Theek thak hai dekho age kya hota hai but clean hai Twitter sai,3,2023-07-07 04:25:29 +Google Play,Le full review tu bhi tweeter ke jaisa paisa se tick mt dene lgna aur jada restrictions mt dena thoda bahut gali to hoga hi hn bs porn wagera bnd rkhna,5,2023-07-07 17:05:23 +Google Play,برنامج زباله ومش راضي يشتغل وبيجي تشفير انا غلطانه اني حملتك تويتر برقابتك,1,2023-07-07 17:37:54 +Google Play,தமிழில் review எழுதுவதில் முதல் பயனர் நான் என்பதில் பெருமிதம் கொள்கிறேன்... Threads பயன்படுத்த நன்றாக உள்ளது.,5,2023-07-06 07:52:59 +Google Play,Khash dm bhi hota isme 😭,3,2023-07-07 09:58:13 +Google Play,Sab se kharab app h ye Instagram hi sahi h esse badiya,1,2023-07-09 09:47:53 +Google Play,Ye threads Jo hai ye ekdam Twitter ka copy h 😏,2,2023-07-13 02:57:48 +Google Play,Kya fayeda hua ese download karke bande to es pr bhi nahi bane yr !!🙂😢,2,2023-07-07 11:09:56 +Google Play,البرنامج محتاج يتعدل ويبقى فيه خاصية تبديل الحسابات بشكل احسن,1,2023-07-08 23:38:16 +Google Play,Mere phone mein y app hang ku kr rha hai,1,2023-07-08 15:42:18 +Google Play,Ye reels walo ko hatao yahan se.,3,2023-07-06 15:32:31 +Google Play,خوب است، اما یا با اینستاگرام لینک نه شود باید یک اکانت جدید بسازیم,4,2023-07-06 04:42:02 +Google Play,नई ऐप भारत के लोगो को बहुत पसंद आएगी।,5,2023-07-06 15:15:27 +Google Play,"dibenerin lagi bang, gw baru download baru login langsung eror/ngebug tampilan slidenya",1,2023-07-09 13:44:55 +Google Play,"App assa he, Chat ka option aa jaye to retibg badh sakti he",4,2023-07-07 07:03:43 +Google Play,Harika bir uygulama twitteri silip buna geçin,5,2023-07-06 10:31:19 +Google Play,semoga ga ribet banyak rules kaya twitter,5,2023-07-06 04:58:23 +Google Play,excelente comienzo para el twitter de instagram,5,2023-07-06 02:57:23 +Google Play,يعلق مستفز لما ادخل على ردود الثريدات,4,2023-07-07 14:02:10 +Google Play,Twitter da escord numarası görmekten sıkıldıydık xd,5,2023-07-06 09:54:26 +Google Play,Kok gk stabil terus dicoba buat scroll,2,2023-07-06 02:57:27 +Google Play,اس آپپ کا پتا نہیں کسی ہے,5,2023-07-08 16:39:18 +Google Play,نرم افزار خوبیه پیشرفته است بسیار زیباست,5,2023-07-06 11:18:52 +Google Play,Mantap sekali bisa bikin thread macam twitter,5,2023-07-06 01:37:09 +Google Play,رائع جداً افضل من تويتر با كثير,5,2023-07-10 11:16:51 +Google Play,Bhai ye aap se kya fayda h,5,2023-07-06 13:48:11 +Google Play,masih banyak yang perlu di kembangkan lagi,4,2023-07-06 12:53:01 +Google Play,Yeh toh garibo ka sasta tweeter ha,5,2023-07-06 05:46:57 +Google Play,Implementen la opción de fijar un thread,4,2023-07-06 06:49:59 +Google Play,Baap to baap Hota Hai kyu Musk Jiii,5,2023-07-07 11:45:21 +Google Play,Smoga aja gk kyk tetangga yg gni,5,2023-07-06 04:27:28 +Google Play,Photo save karne ka option nahi hai,3,2023-07-08 09:30:32 +Google Play,Bhai Elon bhaiya ka bhi dhyan rakhna,3,2023-07-06 14:23:41 +Google Play,KEREEEN AKSHAKJSK BKAL BKIN AU DISINI NIH,5,2023-07-06 13:02:26 +Google Play,Super but following nahin dikh rahi hai,5,2023-07-07 00:40:35 +Google Play,हमको बहुत ही अच्छा लगा यह ऐप,5,2023-07-10 10:38:20 +Google Play,Ye app achha hai social working ke liy Insta se alg hai,4,2023-07-06 05:36:25 +Google Play,Mere ko Bluetooth de Main bahut garib hun mere ko kharidne mein,5,2023-07-08 17:01:38 +Google Play,التطبيق جيد ولكن يجب ان يصبح متواجد تحديثات تميز التطبيق عن تويتر,3,2023-07-22 20:57:01 +Google Play,Haan Haan chn UBC chn ka dhk de agh ja XC b hu,5,2023-07-07 10:04:54 +Google Play,Kya bakwas app h ladkiya reply he nhi karti girlfriend bhi nhi h,5,2023-07-06 21:17:55 +Google Play,Bahut hi accha app Hai Iski vajah Se Mujhe Bahut Anya Gori Hai,5,2023-07-08 10:53:59 +Google Play,معقول اكون اول حد بعلق. تطبيق بجنن بصراحه بدون حلفان ما فتحته لسا,5,2023-07-06 12:34:33 +Google Play,"Muito bom e bem fácil de usar, por ser novo tá mais que excelente",5,2023-07-06 01:40:01 +Google Play,اللهم بلغنا شهر رمضان المبارك انا واهلي بكامل الصحه والعافيه❤,5,2023-07-08 10:17:57 +Google Play,സ്വപ്നങ്ങളാണ് വിജയത്തിലേയ്ക്കയുള്ള ആദ്യ ചവിട്ടു പാടി. സ്വപ്‌നങ്ങൾ കാണുക...... Nice,5,2023-07-06 16:01:19 +Google Play,Yahan bhi ladkiyan bhaw nahi deti... Worst app 🙄🙄,1,2023-07-06 13:01:50 +Google Play,"pode melhorar, mas tá muito bom pra uma rede social nova",4,2023-07-06 02:47:09 +Google Play,Ye aap bhi bekar hai bhai koi ladki reply nahi karti hai😒,5,2023-07-16 03:49:26 +Google Play,"Bekaar app hai yaar, larrkiyon ko msg b nae kr sakte",2,2023-07-09 15:26:47 +Google Play,"Solo pudiera competir con Twitter, si no tuviera tantas restricciones como facebook.",3,2023-07-12 16:49:56 +Google Play,Que dura el app creo que mejor que Twitter 😅,5,2023-07-06 02:31:50 +Google Play,"Elon, ketar ketir wkwk",5,2023-07-07 03:24:03 +Google Play,Kitna ghatiya app hai🤣,1,2023-07-06 14:47:04 +Google Play,Login vayena mero ma 😪,1,2023-07-06 13:48:35 +Google Play,বাপের পকেটে টাকা ফাক করার জন্য নতুন পদ্ধতি মার্ক এর😑,3,2023-07-08 07:44:29 +Google Play,Superrrr Tweeter se achha h .. usse behtar h ...,5,2023-07-08 16:11:08 +Google Play,Twitter Walon ka dhndha chopttt 😂😂,5,2023-07-06 09:59:58 +Google Play,Bahut bekaar hai Jo app..,1,2023-07-08 06:35:28 +Google Play,ایرانیا اعلام حضور کنند😂🤌,5,2023-07-07 10:43:51 +Google Play,خیلی خوبه بمب خندس🤣,5,2023-07-07 15:48:03 +Google Play,No hay modo oscuro.,1,2023-07-06 20:10:21 +Google Play,"Me gusta, pero se cierra si subo fotos",3,2023-07-07 05:47:37 +Google Play,Twitter ka chota bhai ha yeh app😂,4,2023-07-06 10:13:46 +Google Play,Mai bas yhi kehna chahunga - Hello Elon Chacha,5,2023-07-07 08:00:14 +Google Play,Suraj bhi vhi ugtavjha kirno ka bsera hai,5,2023-07-09 01:41:03 +Google Play,Semoga nanti ditambahkan utk save gambar dan video,3,2023-07-09 05:59:27 +Google Play,Pura mobile hang ho raha hai is application se,2,2023-07-09 03:32:53 +Google Play,पहले बात करने के लिए प्राइवेट मैसेज लाओ,5,2023-07-15 18:12:27 +Google Play,Naon si ieuteh lieur aingahh loba teuing aplikasi,4,2023-07-10 12:05:51 +Google Play,Ek aur Jindagi barbaad karne wali app aaagyi,5,2023-07-06 14:38:21 +Google Play,Kis kis ko ye app Instagram se mila,5,2023-07-05 23:50:28 +Google Play,Mantap ini cik lawan nya burung biru wkwkkw,5,2023-07-07 06:44:13 +Google Play,Bhai twitter ko takkar de di in dhagon ne to,5,2023-07-07 13:17:12 +Google Play,Mujhe acha laga aap ki kya raaye h,5,2023-07-08 03:32:02 +Google Play,ORANG PADA INSTALL JADI GW IKUTAN JIR WKWK,5,2023-07-06 05:40:40 +Google Play,اكتر تطبيق ما الو فايدة بس للامانة بسلي,5,2023-07-07 23:43:13 +Google Play,Bintang 4 dulu nanti kalo rame bintang sobo,4,2023-07-07 11:13:45 +Google Play,Sana mapansin na ako ng crush ko dito,5,2023-07-06 08:25:15 +Google Play,gusto ko ako unang magrate dito para chakaboms,5,2023-07-06 10:22:39 +Google Play,ابلكيشن صح الصح ولا عزاء لمحبين الون ماسك,5,2023-07-05 23:58:44 +Google Play,कृपया हमें बताएं कि ब्लू टिक कैसे मिलेगा,5,2023-07-08 05:32:40 +Google Play,"ভালো, চালাতে মজা আছে",5,2023-07-06 15:48:49 +Google Play,Riyal hai ji app bilkul riyal hai🥹...moh moh ke dhaage h ji bole to thread🧵🪡,4,2023-07-06 15:26:51 +Google Play,"Tenang, tunggu update masih anget",5,2023-07-07 05:07:08 +Google Play,Feel nahi aa rahi 🤧,5,2023-07-07 07:16:03 +Google Play,Kya fayda yaar yaha bhi koi nhi pategi🥹,3,2023-07-10 10:06:10 +Google Play,Hayi sho Mark fethu!,5,2023-07-07 11:50:12 +Google Play,Nag install lang naman ako nito dahil kay crush HAHA,5,2023-07-07 07:18:38 +Google Play,ديس از كويس حملوه👍,5,2023-07-09 05:05:03 +Google Play,Ye lo nya namuna 😅,5,2023-07-06 09:14:50 +Google Play,Elon musk ki aisi ki taisi,5,2023-07-06 11:59:42 +Google Play,abi ko may kachat ko di,3,2023-07-06 17:21:39 +Google Play,𝓞𝓼𝓶 𝓪𝓹𝓹,5,2023-07-06 10:09:39 +Google Play,Chigh bahiya hai raptchic chigh hai,5,2023-07-07 05:34:20 +Google Play,"Musk after launch of thread - subah se na ek tweet hua hai, na Bika hai ek blue tick",5,2023-07-07 15:46:11 +Google Play,"Basura, hay que tener Instagram",1,2023-07-06 06:03:29 +Google Play,Nice عالی است ❤️,5,2023-07-06 05:37:48 +Google Play,"মোটামুটি,আরো অনেক কাজ করতে হবে... 🇧🇩💕",3,2023-07-09 11:24:16 +Google Play,ارور میده لاگین نمیشه کیر تو کون خامنه‌ای,1,2023-07-06 12:35:43 +Google Play,Kya Ghatiya app hai koi reply nahi karti,1,2023-07-11 15:01:49 +Google Play,ফেসবুকএই কেও খোঁজ নেয় না আবার নতুন জিনিস,1,2023-07-06 18:23:33 +Google Play,bakwass app haii koi follow he nahi karta,1,2023-07-06 19:05:45 +Google Play,Screen kaam nhi kar rhi ghatiya app h,1,2023-07-06 15:22:31 +Google Play,تطبيق داعم للشواذ والكيان الصهيوني نفس صاحب التطبيق,1,2023-07-08 11:01:05 +Google Play,Mujhe koi ladki reply nhi de rahi hai,1,2023-07-06 03:41:22 +Google Play,Mai to free bethi hu kuch bhi download krlugi,1,2023-07-07 09:41:09 +Google Play,𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐫,4,2023-07-06 02:16:42 +Google Play,"Muito bom, falta mais atualização pra eu dar 5 estrelas",4,2023-07-06 01:39:09 +Google Play,Twitter walo ke kam ki h Instagram walo ke koi kam ki nhi,1,2023-07-06 19:21:45 +Google Play,فيما كندخل كيخرج مريض اودوي اودي على منافس تويتر اش هادشي امارك عولنا علك بكري,1,2023-07-07 12:35:08 +Google Play,ya kasi app bna di bilkul maza ni arha 🤧,1,2023-07-07 15:02:15 +Google Play,"Escrevi uma postagem de manhã e estou aguardando até agora, ela ser publicada no aplicativo",1,2023-07-07 19:02:47 +Google Play,Cp paste nai krna tha🙏🤦,1,2023-07-08 15:10:35 +Google Play,Kya Bekar App Hai ye 😭🗿,1,2023-07-06 12:59:12 +Google Play,Login problem 👎🏾,1,2023-07-06 13:10:04 +Google Play,Twitter: Hampe toh hai 9😛,5,2023-07-06 14:15:41 +Google Play,മലയാളികൾ അഭിമാനിക്കാം എൻ്റെ review കാണാൻ പറ്റിയാൽ😄 മലയാളം review കണ്ട് എന്ന പേരിൽ😄,3,2023-07-06 06:41:21 +Google Play,Bhadiya hai...matlb ab Kya hi bole ...theek hai,5,2023-07-06 10:08:12 +Google Play,Kuch nahi bss berojgari ka dusra sadhan🙂,5,2023-07-08 03:09:05 +Google Play,#Imran_khan ke waja say join Kara ho,1,2023-07-07 15:33:00 +Google Play,"ভালো অ্যাপ, যতদিন না টিকটকার গুলো ওগো ভিডিও নামের গু গুলো এটায় আপলোড দেয় ততদিন😶😶",4,2023-07-06 17:55:13 +Google Play,Siento que estoy en un espejo de Twitter.,3,2023-07-07 02:04:12 +Google Play,Mere ko yahan per Bluetooth chahie please 🥺,5,2023-07-06 03:23:13 +Google Play,makakapag post na'ko ng hindi pinupuna ng kamag anak kong diablo,5,2023-07-06 11:13:08 +Google Play,এলোন মাস্ক এবার চলে গেলো চান্দের দেশে 😂😃😃😂,5,2023-07-07 06:42:06 +Google Play,Elon Mishra Ki Sasti Copy🌚 Lekin Thik Thak Hai,5,2023-07-08 07:47:06 +Google Play,Es solo un aburrido tumblr 2.0 no vale la pena,1,2023-07-06 19:03:08 +Google Play,बताओ चिड़िया पहले आयी या चिड़ा।😂🤭😂😀🤪😜,5,2023-07-08 09:41:31 +Google Play,Use kaise Karna h samjh me nhi aa raha 🥲,3,2023-07-06 08:01:17 +Google Play,Bisa ae lu mark😁,5,2023-07-06 13:04:40 +Google Play,"Todavia está verde, le faltan cosas basicas. Está MUY buen optimizada, buen trabajo ahi meta",4,2023-07-06 15:11:21 +Google Play,عالی من که می‌پسندم 🗿 وقت کردید پیج تردز ماهم فالو کنید @wolfmixw 💋,5,2023-07-07 07:49:00 +Google Play,Ye raju jake bol elon musk ko ki teri time khatam re baba 😜,5,2023-07-06 23:46:01 +Google Play,Itna bekar app hai asa thori hota hai threads delete kr do to instagram neai chle ga thats worng 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎💩💩💩💩💩💩💩,1,2023-07-13 16:38:03 +Google Play,Good.. twitter doob gaya,4,2023-07-06 17:42:03 +Google Play,madaming ti- eme lng HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA madaming friends ganun,5,2023-07-07 14:56:29 +Google Play,Benim threads'e geçme hikayem şöyle: İnstagramı sevmiyorum Elın musk'ı daha çok sevmiyorum... Threads'in kazanması gerek⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,5,2023-07-07 11:19:04 +Google Play,"No me abre bien la app y se buguea, no puedo ver nada",2,2023-07-06 18:29:35 +Google Play,Technical error 😩😒,5,2023-07-06 05:38:46 +Google Play,"Mark be like"""" tera to game bajana padega 😁😁 elon be like """"hey bagwaan ye kaisa jurm hai 🤣🤣🤣""""",3,2023-07-07 11:24:54 +Google Play,Not interested 😔😒,1,2023-07-06 18:11:39 +Google Play,Wonderful App 🤩❣️,5,2023-07-06 14:41:28 +Google Play,انا من الاوائل اللي نزلوا البتاع دا يجماعه ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻,5,2023-07-08 00:26:26 +Google Play,इसके अंदर जो भी पोस्ट कर रहे उसका सही से रिन्यू देखने को नहीं मिल,3,2023-07-09 08:51:19 +Google Play,"parece ser muito interessante, porém está travando muito, não roda normalmente",1,2023-07-06 11:44:09 +Google Play,Twitter be like :- हमने आपका क्या बिगाड़ा है सर 🤣👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 07:38:30 +Google Play,Sarver crashed.😔,1,2023-07-07 18:51:43 +Google Play,Beautiful App ❤️,5,2023-07-07 01:40:52 +Google Play,Le faltan los perfiles múltiples y el dark mode.,2,2023-07-07 06:44:44 +Google Play,Bas muchhe achha laga ye app isliye5 star ☆ diya,5,2023-07-09 10:46:37 +Google Play,Almost instgram wla hisab hona hai yhn...😆✌🏻,1,2023-07-07 23:04:19 +Google Play,TWITTER KI BAND BAJA DI 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 16:04:57 +Google Play,App is fire..tweeter ka bapp he bapp .. Maja aagaya🌟🔥💫💫🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:29:14 +Google Play,There is no hashtags it's just the same as Instagram,1,2023-07-25 08:11:08 +Google Play,Awesome h mere bhai lge rho👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 09:32:30 +Google Play,"Yaar, twitter ki toh baja dali🤣🤣",5,2023-07-10 05:45:35 +Google Play,Balik nyo yung acc ko😡 tapos nawala 500 followers,2,2023-07-07 14:43:46 +Google Play,垃圾,一直閃退,follow了又看不到,不知道follow幹嘛,1,2023-07-07 13:43:51 +Google Play,Beast app 🔥💛,5,2023-07-06 07:24:25 +Google Play,Heavy lagging!,1,2023-07-06 13:19:56 +Google Play,Worst APP😒.,1,2023-07-10 02:44:39 +Google Play,"Me aparece buggeado el texto, todo se mira borroso",1,2023-07-09 21:10:52 +Google Play,Kya ghatiya app hy is me DM he nhi bnda lrki ko msg he nhi kr skta Don't install this app,1,2023-07-11 17:49:12 +Google Play,Ab tumhara kya hoga Twitt+r 🥲😅🤣😂,5,2023-07-06 17:09:58 +Google Play,"Me gusta mucho la aplicación, muy buena experiencia",5,2023-07-06 14:10:09 +Google Play,"給個貼文翻譯吧 像推特一樣 I need translate, like twitter",4,2023-07-06 02:55:20 +Google Play,Typing issue!,2,2023-07-07 17:49:52 +Google Play,Time wasting!,1,2023-07-07 08:34:26 +Google Play,"kurang threads downloader, save postingan sama dmnya ajasi",5,2023-07-06 10:14:59 +Google Play,Worst Experience 💀,1,2023-07-07 11:05:01 +Google Play,Absolute disaster 😑,1,2023-07-07 13:03:47 +Google Play,"Power move, Zuch!",5,2023-07-06 11:12:23 +Google Play,Glitch hai thoda sa,5,2023-07-09 04:26:12 +Google Play,Twitter ki to lag gyi,5,2023-07-07 05:02:24 +Google Play,Bad experience...😔,1,2023-07-09 10:43:08 +Google Play,Musk ke L lag gye🔥😅😅,5,2023-07-06 13:21:43 +Google Play,It wonderful,5,2023-07-05 23:12:27 +Google Play,User friendly!,5,2023-07-08 07:38:02 +Google Play,Great Concept 🥰😇😁,5,2023-07-10 05:19:54 +Google Play,"Frequent crashes,",1,2023-07-07 03:41:15 +Google Play,പ്രത്യേകിച്ചൊന്നുമില്ല ....ട്വിറ്റർ യൂസ് ചെയ്യുന്നവർക്ക് നല്ലതായി ട്ട് തോന്നും... ബാക്കി ആളുകൾക്ക് ട്രെൻഡിംഗ് ഭാഗമാവാം...അതിലപ്പുറം ഒന്നുമില്ല 😅,5,2023-07-06 09:12:43 +Google Play,"സാദനം പോളി, സുക്കർബായി നമ്മളെ പണിഎടുക്കാൻ സമ്മതിക്കുല്ലാന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു",5,2023-07-06 02:01:54 +Google Play,Boring infrastructure 🥶,1,2023-07-06 10:10:14 +Google Play,Aún no la uso hermano la media vola,5,2023-07-06 01:44:17 +Google Play,Hamara nehta kesa ho zuker burger jaisa ho,5,2023-07-06 12:37:14 +Google Play,Unyama sanaa hiii mmewafunga magoli mengi sanaa TWITTER,5,2023-07-08 04:48:22 +Google Play,Çağrı taner gelmese iyiydi de güzel yine de,5,2023-07-06 12:35:30 +Google Play,कोई काम नही है सिफ मोबाइल चलाना है,5,2023-07-06 12:47:23 +Google Play,এটিকে ওয়বেসাইটের মাধ্যমে ব্রাউজার দিয়ে ব্যবহার উপযোগী করা উচিৎ।,1,2023-07-08 10:35:32 +Google Play,Garbage app.,1,2023-07-06 15:32:15 +Google Play,bang ko keluar keluar sendiri bang apk nya,3,2023-07-07 13:14:33 +Google Play,featureless app.,1,2023-07-07 01:07:34 +Google Play,ZUCK = COPYCAT,1,2023-07-07 15:55:07 +Google Play,Useless 🪴 app,1,2023-07-08 12:50:36 +Google Play,Useless application 🤣,1,2023-07-07 21:12:42 +Google Play,Copycat app.,1,2023-07-10 07:08:02 +Google Play,Keeps crashing.,1,2023-07-08 19:50:21 +Google Play,Keeps crashing.,3,2023-07-07 12:46:14 +Google Play,Disappointed ☹️,1,2023-07-06 22:33:28 +Google Play,Disgusting timeline.,1,2023-07-07 12:07:15 +Google Play,Best one ✌️😁,5,2023-07-06 04:49:48 +Google Play,Awesome app ✨👌👍,5,2023-07-07 08:47:26 +Google Play,No useful 😕,1,2023-07-09 04:09:07 +Google Play,Pathetic application!,1,2023-07-07 07:52:02 +Google Play,",dqqटक य ढठ।ष ्हशज्ज्ज्ञज्ज्ज्ञज्ञज्ञज्ञज्ञज्ञज्ञममणज्ञम। ज्ञशशशशव व।वशश।वश शशशशश्श शशशश श ं श श शशश शश श श श शशश श शशशशश शश श श शशशव वश शनववशशशशशशशशशशशव्ववववशवशवववशववशशशशशशशवववशववकककक,zगिz,, z,,",1,2023-07-08 09:18:02 +Google Play,كنت متحمسه للبرنامج بس من اول ما افتحه يصير الكلام فوق بعض ومش مفهوم ياريت تنحل المشكله.,3,2023-07-08 20:20:24 +Google Play,सगळ्यांकडून ब्ल्यू टिक चे पैसे घेतले आणि नवीन विषय मार्केट मध्ये घेऊन आलाय भाऊ😂😂🤗,5,2023-07-07 09:16:03 +Google Play,Ek aur faltu ki app 😂😂,1,2023-07-10 12:58:26 +Google Play,This application supar..!👈,5,2023-07-06 08:16:30 +Google Play,Not good 🤬,1,2023-07-07 06:32:56 +Google Play,Copy cat 🐈,3,2023-07-07 16:56:47 +Google Play,worst app👍,1,2023-07-23 06:34:31 +Google Play,Not good 😏,1,2023-07-19 17:07:53 +Google Play,trash fr 💀,1,2023-07-09 18:39:39 +Google Play,So bad!,1,2023-07-08 19:44:43 +Google Play,وحش مش حلو تابعوني بقى على يوزر ده @mxfo2sh___,1,2023-07-06 19:36:30 +Google Play,"Kurang hastag sama trending, kalo ada pasti seru seehhhh",5,2023-07-08 04:14:00 +Google Play,Promissor mas tem que parar de mostrar um monte de influenciador que não sigo e nem tenho interesse,4,2023-07-06 12:04:35 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥🥳🤠🤯😵‍💫😎🩷,5,2023-07-07 12:37:21 +Google Play,Namaskaram Threads!!❤️😘💝🥰,5,2023-07-06 14:16:51 +Google Play,تطبيق جميل من اوئل المحملين له تابعونا @issaabdulbasit,5,2023-07-06 02:35:27 +Google Play,Wrost app never download this app 😏😏,1,2023-07-24 17:16:05 +Google Play,Bloody glitches..,1,2023-07-07 18:01:42 +Google Play,Bhut back chod app he bhut badiya app he,4,2023-07-06 10:18:19 +Google Play,So good 👍🏻❤️,5,2023-07-08 00:01:54 +Google Play,Threads ✅👍 Twitter 🚫👎,5,2023-07-06 18:19:35 +Google Play,Totally disappointed ...,1,2023-07-10 07:30:14 +Google Play,Unoriginal Idea.,1,2023-07-08 22:29:35 +Google Play,"Muito bom a estrutura da rede criada, porém não gostei da inscrição ser feita pelo Instagram.",3,2023-07-08 11:40:13 +Google Play,Nice video ❤️💯,5,2023-07-08 21:11:52 +Google Play,"Hello, Threads! 🧵👋",5,2023-07-06 16:47:50 +Google Play,ریدم به قبر پدرت زاکر گوزو,1,2023-07-12 00:00:38 +Google Play,ممتاز وبعيد عن قيود ماسك الغبيه,5,2023-07-06 19:02:39 +Google Play,Uygulama çöküp duruyo düzeltsenize sunu amk,1,2023-07-06 13:06:18 +Google Play,Nice initiative 👍🏻😌,5,2023-07-06 18:58:25 +Google Play,بنحبك يا مارك 😂🖤👀,5,2023-07-07 01:35:31 +Google Play,Amazing 👏 ♥️💯,5,2023-07-07 16:12:38 +Google Play,Good app ☺️👍,5,2023-07-06 15:40:21 +Google Play,जय श्री राम 🚩🇮🇳,5,2023-07-12 16:50:05 +Google Play,Perfect♥️👌🏻,5,2023-07-07 14:21:12 +Google Play,Looking good!,5,2023-07-05 23:46:48 +Google Play,यहां पर भी रील डालूंगा और इस एप्लीकेशन को में आगे लेके जाउंगा ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣���❣️,5,2023-07-09 16:12:34 +Google Play,Bekar app hai Instagram par to ladkiyan msg ka reply nahi karti thi lekin yha to msg hi nahi kar sakte 🥲,1,2023-07-06 09:23:51 +Google Play,Wonderful app!,5,2023-07-07 12:10:27 +Google Play,best application ❤️🙌🥰,5,2023-07-07 05:32:47 +Google Play,Boring 😴 🪴,2,2023-07-07 19:30:11 +Google Play,Awesome app!,5,2023-07-07 18:14:29 +Google Play,Amazing app!,5,2023-07-06 09:34:17 +Google Play,Looks great!,5,2023-07-07 08:55:38 +Google Play,Very robust!,5,2023-07-05 23:52:37 +Google Play,Awesome app!,5,2023-07-06 18:10:18 +Google Play,Amazing app!,5,2023-07-07 09:18:19 +Google Play,Pretty cool!,5,2023-07-06 04:19:29 +Google Play,From nepal❤️🇳🇵,4,2023-07-06 12:52:15 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-07 05:33:38 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-13 21:17:33 +Google Play,*Twitter* killed.,5,2023-07-09 19:59:09 +Google Play,"Nepotism, 😏",5,2023-07-07 15:51:40 +Google Play,New beginning 😁,5,2023-07-06 16:32:36 +Google Play,"7 July 2023 को Download किया तो 12,900 लोग है पता नही अब कितने होंगे🤣",4,2023-07-06 18:36:21 +Google Play,Nice application..😊,5,2023-07-07 09:27:58 +Google Play,so good ✔️❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:43:33 +Google Play,Damn ✨💗,5,2023-07-07 11:07:12 +Google Play,Perfect app,5,2023-07-12 05:46:48 +Google Play,Elon mask ♥️,1,2023-07-08 13:55:06 +Google Play,Very good 👍🏼 👏🏻,5,2023-07-07 21:18:23 +Google Play,Good experience ☺️,5,2023-07-07 03:35:10 +Google Play,Nice experience ☺️,5,2023-07-11 05:32:57 +Google Play,Too Lag...,1,2023-07-11 14:38:41 +Google Play,Nice Application 🙃,5,2023-07-08 06:27:21 +Google Play,Nice application 😌,5,2023-07-06 08:13:33 +Google Play,Nice application 👍,5,2023-07-06 17:57:15 +Google Play,Too good 👍🏻😊,5,2023-07-10 17:06:18 +Google Play,Very good 👌 👏🏻 🙌,5,2023-07-07 19:16:40 +Google Play,Amazing 👏 🙀 😯 😮 😲,5,2023-07-09 10:29:34 +Google Play,"Very good, 👌❤️",5,2023-07-07 17:54:06 +Google Play,Great app ❤️👍🔥,5,2023-07-16 13:16:02 +Google Play,Good job!,5,2023-07-07 02:08:52 +Google Play,Well done!,5,2023-07-06 06:56:28 +Google Play,Great App!,5,2023-07-06 21:32:19 +Google Play,Great App!,5,2023-07-07 11:25:55 +Google Play,Great App!,5,2023-07-06 07:30:39 +Google Play,Great app!,5,2023-07-06 18:22:45 +Google Play,Great app!,5,2023-07-07 04:00:15 +Google Play,Nice mark!,5,2023-07-07 07:55:17 +Google Play,Great app!,5,2023-07-06 10:54:47 +Google Play,Great app!,5,2023-07-06 17:32:23 +Google Play,Best ever!,5,2023-07-07 12:42:32 +Google Play,Best app ❣️✅👍,5,2023-07-08 05:30:50 +Google Play,Very nice 👍👏😊,5,2023-07-09 14:34:47 +Google Play,Its nice 🥰😍,5,2023-07-07 19:13:56 +Google Play,"Use of threads after one day, Shuru mazboori me kiye the ab mza aa rha hai 🔥",5,2023-07-09 18:37:26 +Google Play,Breathtaking freshness!!,5,2023-07-07 08:30:45 +Google Play,Useless -_-,1,2023-07-06 10:18:33 +Google Play,Soo bad🫥🫥,1,2023-07-22 09:45:54 +Google Play,Time waste😡😡,1,2023-07-06 02:22:13 +Google Play,Excellent 👌🏻♥️☺️,5,2023-07-06 03:46:22 +Google Play,Boring aap....😴,2,2023-07-08 16:11:32 +Google Play,Awsome expirence 👌😅,5,2023-07-09 15:47:12 +Google Play,Great App 👍🏻😃,5,2023-07-06 15:27:16 +Google Play,Very good!,5,2023-07-05 23:27:46 +Google Play,"സംശയിക്കേണ്ടതില്ല മലയാളിയുടെ ""ത്രയമ്പകം തന്നെ...😁😁😁",5,2023-07-07 07:22:24 +Google Play,Superb App धागा ये टूटे ना ये धागा......,4,2023-07-06 13:59:30 +Google Play,Nice features! 😀,5,2023-07-07 02:53:12 +Google Play,البرنامج مافيه مميزات قويه ومافيه خاصيه الرسائل والاتصال فقط تغريدات وهناك مشاكل في بعض الاعدادات ماتفتح,2,2023-07-10 10:07:12 +Google Play,App good,5,2023-07-06 01:37:39 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 13:07:42 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 08:15:24 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 12:56:26 +Google Play,Done good,5,2023-07-08 00:41:53 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-12 11:19:15 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-09 07:38:11 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 05:52:02 +Google Play,Very Good,5,2023-07-08 01:19:56 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-08 00:23:41 +Google Play,If good,5,2023-07-24 18:28:27 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-07 07:23:02 +Google Play,its good,5,2023-07-12 05:15:56 +Google Play,Yawa seg crash,1,2023-07-18 10:18:12 +Google Play,Doesnt work,1,2023-07-07 06:53:26 +Google Play,Doesnt work,1,2023-07-07 20:54:31 +Google Play,Awesome experience ☺️,5,2023-07-06 11:56:55 +Google Play,Best app ♥️,5,2023-07-07 10:00:18 +Google Play,Best app!,5,2023-07-06 17:24:46 +Google Play,Good app!,3,2023-07-06 00:47:15 +Google Play,💪💪💪💪🤌🤌🤌🤌❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 09:15:41 +Google Play,Superb ❤️😘😋😘🥰,5,2023-07-07 11:12:02 +Google Play,amazing app ❤️,5,2023-07-06 12:11:12 +Google Play,Bhut achha hai ye app ❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-08 16:21:23 +Google Play,Best experience ❤️,5,2023-07-08 05:17:10 +Google Play,Nice 🤭 Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-06 19:42:18 +Google Play,Simply 😎 Awesome❤️❤️🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 03:18:14 +Google Play,Mr. Copycat😂😂,1,2023-07-09 01:27:29 +Google Play,"Hello, Threads! ❤️😊",5,2023-07-06 05:27:52 +Google Play,so good!!,5,2023-07-06 13:34:20 +Google Play,Excited!,5,2023-07-06 09:34:04 +Google Play,Faltu kaa aap hai 🤮😂,1,2023-07-07 21:32:22 +Google Play,Just great,5,2023-07-15 08:10:38 +Google Play,Mocking Twitter 🤔?,2,2023-07-06 02:48:04 +Google Play,Wowwww . Verre nice,5,2023-07-06 14:09:48 +Google Play,Lovely 👈❤️❤️❤️👌app,5,2023-07-10 15:14:10 +Google Play,BIG APP ! 👈,5,2023-07-06 21:13:20 +Google Play,Simply garbage 🗑️,1,2023-07-07 05:35:25 +Google Play,Elon ki waat lg gyi..,5,2023-07-06 13:45:45 +Google Play,Gamerfleet ki Jai 😉✌️,5,2023-07-06 14:11:04 +Google Play,Nice app...❣️,5,2023-07-07 10:44:13 +Google Play,Good!,5,2023-07-07 10:19:37 +Google Play,Good Threads ❤️❤️🔥🔥,5,2023-07-08 23:19:08 +Google Play,Great features 🔥,5,2023-07-08 07:18:21 +Google Play,Amazing application 👏🏻,5,2023-07-07 08:26:28 +Google Play,Very interesting 🧐,5,2023-07-07 09:11:27 +Google Play,Simply Amazing 🥰,5,2023-07-06 19:02:44 +Google Play,Amazing!,5,2023-07-08 13:32:09 +Google Play,"Excellent app, 😍",5,2023-07-06 06:27:00 +Google Play,Amazing app 👍❣️❣️,5,2023-07-06 09:08:38 +Google Play,Very excellent 💯,5,2023-07-08 18:33:08 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-10 13:29:20 +Google Play,Love it!,5,2023-07-06 07:46:35 +Google Play,Love it!,5,2023-07-06 00:00:23 +Google Play,Love it!,5,2023-07-06 07:14:59 +Google Play,Love it!,5,2023-07-08 04:06:17 +Google Play,😁😂🤣kya hi likhu ab,5,2023-07-08 16:52:48 +Google Play,Nice sir ❤️❤️🤟🤟,5,2023-07-06 16:01:12 +Google Play,Exceptional interface!,5,2023-07-06 07:44:46 +Google Play,Good app✔️,4,2023-07-06 19:47:04 +Google Play,Best app❤️,5,2023-07-07 12:53:51 +Google Play,Extremely good 😊,5,2023-07-06 14:18:57 +Google Play,Happiest ⚡👁️‍🗨️,5,2023-07-07 08:43:44 +Google Play,Ye app se kya hota hay,5,2023-07-06 14:09:43 +Google Play,بعید میدونم جای تویتتر رو بگیره,1,2023-07-07 21:00:05 +Google Play,وه كى فه يسبوكئ ٢٠١١يه,3,2023-07-12 14:15:21 +Google Play,নতুন এই সাইটের জন্য শুভ কামনা,5,2023-07-08 06:35:22 +Google Play,Twitter ka chachera bhai hai ye,1,2023-07-06 11:29:33 +Google Play,Buruan update tampilannya msh ga bener,1,2023-07-07 01:45:52 +Google Play,दुनिया का सबसे घटिया अप्प है,1,2023-07-17 15:46:38 +Google Play,Reels bhi add Karde na bhai,5,2023-07-06 18:20:29 +Google Play,محتاجه ارجع الاكونت علي بايو انستاجرام,1,2023-07-07 09:12:53 +Google Play,לא הבנתי מה המשמעות של האפליקציה,1,2023-07-06 17:21:19 +Google Play,Aise hi marte rehna elon ki,5,2023-07-07 08:55:23 +Google Play,Mujhe to yah app bahut achcha Laga,5,2023-07-07 05:18:12 +Google Play,發個文一直閃退,1,2023-07-07 02:53:59 +Google Play,ماهي الفائدة المرجوة من هذا التطبيق,3,2023-07-06 06:59:37 +Google Play,Mejor Twitter pero ni tan mal,3,2023-07-07 21:12:40 +Google Play,kerkun hiq su aplikacion o jaran,1,2023-07-06 23:00:04 +Google Play,Kuch samjh nhi aa raha avi,3,2023-07-11 05:03:05 +Google Play,Samajh me hi nahi a raha hai,2,2023-07-08 05:24:03 +Google Play,ഇത് പൊളി ആണ് മച്ചാനെ ചുമ്മാ കേറുവാണ്,5,2023-07-06 17:14:30 +Google Play,Ang dami kong naging friends here,5,2023-07-06 14:31:32 +Google Play,Bas yahi dekh na baki tha,5,2023-07-06 14:12:03 +Google Play,Mejor que Twitter con Elon Musk,5,2023-07-06 22:59:59 +Google Play,Bhai Zuckerberg kamal app hai yr,5,2023-07-07 16:53:32 +Google Play,Ye Twitter ko piche chod dega,5,2023-07-07 08:55:57 +Google Play,Awesome 👍 enjoy 🤣,5,2023-07-08 00:17:19 +Google Play,Worst app👎👎👎,1,2023-07-11 11:38:07 +Google Play,Copy cat 😺😺😺,1,2023-07-06 15:53:51 +Google Play,Much Intresting!,5,2023-07-06 11:07:14 +Google Play,Awesome experience 🙌👍,5,2023-07-06 18:21:38 +Google Play,இது ஆ.மா.கா விற்கு கிடைத்த வெற்றி 🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-07 13:12:57 +Google Play,Adorable 😍,5,2023-07-10 10:34:21 +Google Play,Kya ham ispe apni photos or videos post kr skte h.... jese ki Instagram pr krte h????,4,2023-07-06 01:59:43 +Google Play,Excellent launch!,5,2023-07-07 16:50:51 +Google Play,Fantastic app !,5,2023-07-07 17:46:50 +Google Play,Good experience 👀✨,3,2023-07-10 13:50:06 +Google Play,Neat!,5,2023-07-09 02:43:39 +Google Play,Quite good,4,2023-07-06 20:24:54 +Google Play,Quite good,4,2023-07-07 05:07:13 +Google Play,تطبيق جيد وبدون اشتراكات وبدون قيود للتصفح,5,2023-07-06 12:16:47 +Google Play,توئیتر در اینستاگرام زاگربرگ در ایلان ماسک,5,2023-07-06 09:26:42 +Google Play,ᵀʰᵉ ᵇᵉˢʳ,5,2023-07-06 07:26:35 +Google Play,Good product.. !,5,2023-07-06 02:38:26 +Google Play,sewing! 🔥,5,2023-07-06 19:54:12 +Google Play,mudah dan praktis... fitur biasa saja... agak membksankan @vazenplay,5,2023-07-06 22:21:03 +Google Play,Perfect 👌 thread,5,2023-07-08 02:39:56 +Google Play,🎗️🌹😍.....💓,5,2023-07-10 14:07:24 +Google Play,Cool❤️😎...,5,2023-07-08 16:31:25 +Google Play,Excellent app.,5,2023-07-08 07:04:10 +Google Play,Beautiful App😍,5,2023-07-10 10:59:25 +Google Play,🫶beautiful,5,2023-07-14 14:43:52 +Google Play,"Best, > twitter",5,2023-07-07 17:05:12 +Google Play,Amazing 😍❤️,5,2023-07-17 04:37:41 +Google Play,Nice!!,5,2023-07-07 17:44:17 +Google Play,Nice!!,5,2023-07-07 03:02:14 +Google Play,Excellent app 😊,5,2023-07-07 18:23:46 +Google Play,Excellent 👍 app,5,2023-07-06 04:30:44 +Google Play,I love it 💯,3,2023-07-06 15:11:58 +Google Play,Beautiful ❤️😍,5,2023-07-09 17:57:10 +Google Play,Amazing!!,5,2023-07-08 06:37:50 +Google Play,Beautiful app,5,2023-07-09 09:20:34 +Google Play,Beautiful app,5,2023-07-10 05:26:05 +Google Play,Is beautiful,5,2023-07-06 09:54:07 +Google Play,Beautiful aap,5,2023-07-12 08:35:30 +Google Play,Nice experience 🤠😊,5,2023-07-18 04:49:11 +Google Play,Enjoyed it!,5,2023-07-07 01:36:50 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-08 13:12:18 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-08 09:36:55 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-06 13:58:32 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-06 18:31:28 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-06 21:05:44 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-09 05:02:48 +Google Play,Very excellent,5,2023-07-11 22:28:52 +Google Play,Excellent App,5,2023-07-07 10:35:35 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-06 23:45:22 +Google Play,Excellent App,5,2023-07-07 13:14:00 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-09 12:19:38 +Google Play,Excellent experience,5,2023-07-07 05:54:44 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-10 18:03:54 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-08 00:14:35 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-08 02:25:47 +Google Play,Excellent app,5,2023-07-06 14:30:25 +Google Play,Excellent alternative,5,2023-07-09 19:14:57 +Google Play,App shi se kam nhi kr rha scroll krte to copy ho jata hai and abhi bhut si kami hai,1,2023-07-06 07:20:43 +Google Play,Love itttttttt 🪩💖,5,2023-07-08 16:07:00 +Google Play,Best app ❤️,5,2023-07-07 15:33:32 +Google Play,Nice good 👍👍,5,2023-07-08 10:20:17 +Google Play,Very fun,5,2023-07-08 04:36:08 +Google Play,Very fun,5,2023-07-06 09:31:25 +Google Play,Very fun,5,2023-07-06 23:12:21 +Google Play,So nice,5,2023-07-06 21:35:24 +Google Play,Lota fun,5,2023-07-11 20:47:22 +Google Play,So nice,5,2023-07-11 06:34:08 +Google Play,🇮🇳🙂👌🌹❔,5,2023-07-19 18:23:16 +Google Play,Good interface.🥰,4,2023-07-07 02:53:13 +Google Play,Good Working 🙂,3,2023-07-19 18:33:05 +Google Play,Jesa Tumne Twitter K saath Kia hai Bhagwan Bas Wesa Hi Meri Ex k Saath Kro 😕,3,2023-07-06 10:05:20 +Google Play,Mmm...... Better🕊️,3,2023-07-07 09:14:17 +Google Play,Nice!,5,2023-07-06 17:37:20 +Google Play,Nice!,5,2023-07-06 01:29:26 +Google Play,"Instagram, YouTube nd snapchat Kam tha Jo ab ye b le aaye or timepass Krane !!🥲🤦🏻",5,2023-07-12 16:22:00 +Google Play,Superb!,5,2023-07-06 01:29:38 +Google Play,حرفيا مارك ابدع برنامج جيد وأفضل من تويتر يحتاج قليل من تطوير فقط جدا ممتاز هذا تطبيق,5,2023-07-06 09:38:27 +Google Play,𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗂 𝖻𝗁𝖺𝗂𝗒𝖺 𝗒𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝗂𝗋 𝖻𝗁𝗂 𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗁 𝗄𝗋 𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗄𝗋𝗇𝖺 𝖻𝗁𝖺𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗉𝗍𝖺 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝖺 𝗄𝗂 𝖾𝗌𝗆𝖾 𝖻𝗁𝗂 𝗅𝖺𝖽𝗄𝗂𝗒𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒 𝗇𝗂 𝖽𝖾 𝗋𝗁𝗂 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗀 𝗃𝖺𝖾𝗀𝖺 𝗀𝖺 𝗁𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖺🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 09:24:39 +Google Play,Very viable,5,2023-07-06 08:16:40 +Google Play,Good😍💙🇱🇰,5,2023-07-06 04:44:47 +Google Play,Outstanding💥❤️,5,2023-07-07 04:26:53 +Google Play,Awesome 😎👍 App,5,2023-07-08 08:08:53 +Google Play,Amazing app 😂📈,5,2023-07-06 13:23:00 +Google Play,Great work 👍,5,2023-07-07 15:06:50 +Google Play,Really enjoyed,5,2023-07-06 16:45:07 +Google Play,Fascinating 😊👏👍,5,2023-07-08 01:27:51 +Google Play,Exellent app,5,2023-07-10 00:59:47 +Google Play,Excelent app,5,2023-07-07 09:09:34 +Google Play,New experience,5,2023-07-09 01:43:05 +Google Play,So fun,5,2023-07-09 15:32:30 +Google Play,New experience!,4,2023-07-06 05:48:07 +Google Play,So cute,5,2023-07-07 01:36:25 +Google Play,Amazing idea 💡🙂,4,2023-07-06 18:23:46 +Google Play,Awesome apps 😁🐱,5,2023-07-10 09:53:27 +Google Play,I love it 😀 😍,5,2023-07-08 02:18:17 +Google Play,Marvelous 😘♥️,5,2023-07-08 16:09:24 +Google Play,Yeah good 👍 👌,4,2023-07-07 03:14:08 +Google Play,Very nice 👍 🙂,2,2023-07-06 07:56:26 +Google Play,Great 😃 app 💯,5,2023-07-06 19:47:34 +Google Play,Super Best !!!,5,2023-07-08 08:31:29 +Google Play,Wixii cusub Caalamka Jecel Threads Inkastoo Designka Sida Twiterka Cml yahay Hadaneh waa App Macquul ah,4,2023-07-06 21:53:40 +Google Play,Excellent!,5,2023-07-07 18:19:45 +Google Play,Excellent!,5,2023-07-08 01:02:41 +Google Play,Loving it!,5,2023-07-07 15:54:27 +Google Play,Amazing app!!,5,2023-07-07 06:17:31 +Google Play,Bs achha lga toh lga....🔥🙃,5,2023-07-10 16:57:40 +Google Play,இன்னைக்கு நான் install பண்றேன்...,5,2023-07-07 08:06:24 +Google Play,Quite good,5,2023-07-06 19:22:36 +Google Play,Quite good,5,2023-07-06 12:37:31 +Google Play,Twitter sabor Instagram!,1,2023-07-07 13:23:06 +Google Play,Interesting app💯,4,2023-07-08 16:12:27 +Google Play,Interesting app👀,4,2023-07-05 23:51:30 +Google Play,عالیه خارشو گاییدم.❤️🔥,5,2023-07-15 19:52:52 +Google Play,All right,5,2023-07-07 02:51:46 +Google Play,Nice!!!,5,2023-07-07 00:30:48 +Google Play,Absolutely amazing 😍,5,2023-07-07 08:16:39 +Google Play,Godd work 👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 11:58:33 +Google Play,Awesome ❤️ 👌,5,2023-07-07 07:13:19 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩 Experience...,5,2023-07-07 03:44:26 +Google Play,Very nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-10 10:49:46 +Google Play,Very good 💯👍,5,2023-07-07 12:26:06 +Google Play,🥰😍lovely App,5,2023-07-07 05:14:22 +Google Play,Great app 😎💕,4,2023-07-06 18:05:31 +Google Play,I love it 👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 06:32:27 +Google Play,It's good 😊,5,2023-07-09 11:25:00 +Google Play,good app 👍✨,5,2023-07-06 01:23:08 +Google Play,It's cool 😎,5,2023-07-06 18:12:33 +Google Play,Awesome ❤️🤩,5,2023-07-06 07:44:05 +Google Play,Best app 🤜🤛,5,2023-07-06 03:42:31 +Google Play,Nice app 👍🏻,5,2023-07-09 18:02:22 +Google Play,Nice app 🙂👍,5,2023-07-06 08:42:47 +Google Play,It's good 👍,5,2023-07-09 07:09:34 +Google Play,Nice app ✨💯,5,2023-07-11 02:56:34 +Google Play,It's GOOD 👍,5,2023-07-19 05:32:07 +Google Play,Nice app 👌🏻,5,2023-07-07 10:34:55 +Google Play,Very exciting,5,2023-07-07 04:58:11 +Google Play,Good competitive,5,2023-07-08 14:19:00 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-06 17:15:10 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-06 16:56:29 +Google Play,good app,4,2023-07-07 16:52:56 +Google Play,good app,4,2023-07-06 10:55:54 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-09 16:15:27 +Google Play,Good one,4,2023-07-06 06:32:01 +Google Play,Good apps,4,2023-07-09 14:25:18 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-06 16:18:10 +Google Play,Instagram good,4,2023-07-09 03:19:46 +Google Play,Good one,4,2023-07-06 06:49:41 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-06 11:55:59 +Google Play,Good one,4,2023-07-06 11:46:36 +Google Play,To good,4,2023-07-08 00:46:33 +Google Play,Very good,4,2023-07-07 12:55:48 +Google Play,Very good,4,2023-07-06 14:24:45 +Google Play,Good one,4,2023-07-10 03:28:41 +Google Play,Good one,4,2023-07-06 09:14:36 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-07 05:35:39 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-07 04:20:48 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-06 02:50:23 +Google Play,Its good,4,2023-07-07 12:45:50 +Google Play,Good One,4,2023-07-10 11:38:50 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-09 02:50:10 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-06 12:04:02 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-07 09:20:19 +Google Play,Very good,4,2023-07-06 16:28:10 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-09 15:58:36 +Google Play,Good App,4,2023-07-06 07:24:29 +Google Play,Very good,4,2023-07-08 04:42:05 +Google Play,Looks interesting 😊,4,2023-07-08 12:04:15 +Google Play,Mst h Bhai ❤️❣️,5,2023-07-07 09:13:05 +Google Play,Brilliant app,5,2023-07-07 01:52:15 +Google Play,Interesting...,5,2023-07-07 08:10:55 +Google Play,Boycott 👎,1,2023-07-15 06:33:49 +Google Play,amazing app .. 😀,5,2023-07-07 16:30:28 +Google Play,Best ever,5,2023-07-06 16:46:40 +Google Play,Best ever,5,2023-07-07 19:58:20 +Google Play,Very useful 😁,5,2023-07-06 02:17:11 +Google Play,Twitter'dan her türlü iyi,5,2023-07-06 06:10:06 +Google Play,So cool,5,2023-07-06 17:36:42 +Google Play,so cool,5,2023-07-06 19:12:47 +Google Play,Something good 😊,5,2023-07-07 08:20:06 +Google Play,Good interface 👍,5,2023-07-07 11:49:56 +Google Play,Sensational!!!,5,2023-07-09 08:12:02 +Google Play,Happy app,4,2023-07-08 04:42:33 +Google Play,Ghanta jaisa app hai koi deshi app nikalo.. Har chig bedeshin hai. Lekin Russian🇷🇺 chor k 😅.,1,2023-07-11 12:50:05 +Google Play,The best🫶🏻,5,2023-07-06 23:26:42 +Google Play,lovely ♥️😘,5,2023-07-06 08:33:04 +Google Play,Nice app💪👍,4,2023-07-11 03:18:39 +Google Play,Good app👏🏻,5,2023-07-06 19:15:13 +Google Play,amazing❤️✨,5,2023-07-06 13:01:39 +Google Play,Superb 🥺❤️,5,2023-07-07 01:33:05 +Google Play,So beautiful ❤,4,2023-07-06 11:34:48 +Google Play,It's fun🫂,5,2023-07-07 00:21:15 +Google Play,Loving it 😍🧵🪡,5,2023-07-08 07:47:24 +Google Play,Wonderful .😍😘,5,2023-07-06 11:59:42 +Google Play,Fabulous 🤩,4,2023-07-06 14:46:15 +Google Play,Good🫶!!,5,2023-07-06 08:55:24 +Google Play,Awsome yrr🤓,5,2023-07-06 13:56:50 +Google Play,Aplikasi bagus. Alternatif dari IG saat untuk orang yg suka nulis akan senang dengan aplikasi ini.,5,2023-07-13 03:22:26 +Google Play,या ऐप मदी मराठी भाषा का नाय आहे 😡😡😡 या ऐप मधी मराठी भाषा पाहिजे इस ऐप में मराठी भाषा क्यों नहीं है 😡😡😡 इस ऐप में मराठी भाषा आवश्यक है Why is there no Marathi language in this app 😡😡😡 Marathi language is required in this app,1,2023-07-10 05:39:07 +Google Play,Most excellent 👌,5,2023-07-07 19:09:48 +Google Play,So good 👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 14:17:29 +Google Play,User Experience 👎,1,2023-07-13 03:54:06 +Google Play,Phenomenal app.,5,2023-07-07 01:05:30 +Google Play,Loved it 😊,4,2023-07-06 12:41:56 +Google Play,Good work 👏,1,2023-07-06 17:29:16 +Google Play,Perfect!,5,2023-07-10 17:15:18 +Google Play,Love it!,4,2023-07-06 20:37:51 +Google Play,Awesome!,4,2023-07-06 17:37:50 +Google Play,Musk ko compitition 👍👍✌️,5,2023-07-08 08:35:48 +Google Play,Amazing 👏 👌❤,5,2023-07-08 20:46:40 +Google Play,Amazing 👏🏻 🙀,5,2023-07-06 07:33:38 +Google Play,Good 🙌❤️,5,2023-07-06 21:27:32 +Google Play,Interesting!!!! 💥,5,2023-07-07 11:44:03 +Google Play,Goooood !!!!!,5,2023-07-07 09:45:48 +Google Play,Brilliant application 👍🏻🌹😘👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 20:47:31 +Google Play,Absolutely fantastic 🤘😝🤘,5,2023-07-08 10:55:47 +Google Play,"এটা খুবই কষ্টের যে, আমি র্থেড একাউন্ট খোলার পর একজন মানুষও আমায় ফলো করে নাই 😒💔",1,2023-07-06 13:01:03 +Google Play,Spectacular Application!,5,2023-07-09 10:27:21 +Google Play,Perfect👌,5,2023-07-06 10:06:15 +Google Play,Amazing design.,5,2023-07-06 00:16:58 +Google Play,واقعا مزخرفه حداقل برا منی که توییتری ام یه برنامه مسخرس که هیچ جوره نمیرسه به توییتر,1,2023-07-06 00:32:40 +Google Play,Its great.💖💖,5,2023-07-07 02:44:35 +Google Play,𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞,5,2023-07-06 16:20:35 +Google Play,Pretty mid,3,2023-07-06 08:49:21 +Google Play,Three Star ⭐⭐⭐,3,2023-07-08 09:08:32 +Google Play,Good!,5,2023-07-10 06:25:41 +Google Play,Amazing 💝😇🤩,5,2023-07-08 18:54:54 +Google Play,Superb 🤟,5,2023-07-07 04:23:02 +Google Play,Wonderful app.,5,2023-07-07 13:57:17 +Google Play,Useful 👍,4,2023-07-10 11:09:59 +Google Play,So good...!,5,2023-07-07 19:39:38 +Google Play,é esquisito. apenas isso.,2,2023-07-06 20:38:15 +Google Play,genius.,5,2023-07-06 08:57:48 +Google Play,Unproductive 🙃,4,2023-07-06 09:29:00 +Google Play,Disappointed 😞,1,2023-07-07 15:01:45 +Google Play,Advance app ♥️♥️,5,2023-07-07 20:22:49 +Google Play,Perfect 🥰,5,2023-07-06 13:41:47 +Google Play,Perfect 👌,5,2023-07-06 19:14:55 +Google Play,Perfect 👍,5,2023-07-11 14:19:44 +Google Play,Perfect 👍,5,2023-07-07 03:57:33 +Google Play,اپی ک اگه بخای پاکش کنی اکانت اینستاتم پاک کنه بدرد لای جرز زاکربرگ میخوره فقط,1,2023-07-08 22:43:33 +Google Play,1 star isliye kyuki thread ko ek baar install karne k baad uninstall nahi kar sakte,1,2023-07-12 16:26:24 +Google Play,Pretty streamlined.,5,2023-07-11 13:12:43 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,4,2023-07-09 02:33:46 +Google Play,Awesome app,4,2023-07-06 12:39:30 +Google Play,♥️🤌beast,5,2023-07-06 18:31:06 +Google Play,Boring.,1,2023-07-07 18:54:28 +Google Play,Well done 👍🙌🏻🎯👌,5,2023-07-24 12:50:52 +Google Play,عالی بود برای آموزش های اینستاگرامی و ورود به برنامه پیچ ما رو دنبال کنید : Admin.Armanof,5,2023-07-06 09:01:47 +Google Play,Very fantastic 😍,5,2023-07-11 16:34:37 +Google Play,Nice 👍 good 👍😘,5,2023-07-06 03:23:29 +Google Play,🤍♥️🔥💐,4,2023-07-06 07:25:35 +Google Play,Good appp 💝💝🥀,5,2023-07-07 16:27:01 +Google Play,Nice 👍💯💯 apps,5,2023-07-13 06:28:14 +Google Play,Good App ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 14:12:48 +Google Play,Awesome👏✊👍,5,2023-07-07 13:09:09 +Google Play,FANTASTIC!!!!,5,2023-07-06 13:36:21 +Google Play,Good app 👍👍😁,3,2023-07-06 09:02:18 +Google Play,It's good 🤍🤍,5,2023-07-08 03:31:16 +Google Play,love it... ❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:24:41 +Google Play,Great app...🙂,5,2023-07-07 03:59:42 +Google Play,Great app 🇵🇰👑🇵🇰,5,2023-07-08 02:52:34 +Google Play,Fraud!,1,2023-07-07 18:39:42 +Google Play,Awful!,1,2023-07-07 01:26:32 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-07 05:10:53 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-06 16:58:37 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-08 15:16:19 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-11 11:59:00 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-06 07:39:14 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-06 06:25:34 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-07 05:19:57 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-06 02:22:28 +Google Play,Amazing 👌,5,2023-07-06 06:40:20 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-08 07:33:40 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-08 22:06:23 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-10 20:08:52 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-09 17:48:28 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-07 20:15:14 +Google Play,Amazing 😁,5,2023-07-06 06:44:56 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-08 20:04:45 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-07 06:34:23 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-07 07:24:14 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,5,2023-07-07 11:50:29 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩,5,2023-07-07 06:48:32 +Google Play,Amazing 👏,5,2023-07-09 14:54:28 +Google Play,Crashed 🙂,1,2023-07-07 06:06:50 +Google Play,Amazing fabulous 😍,5,2023-07-14 17:00:07 +Google Play,Boring 😞,1,2023-07-11 04:33:55 +Google Play,Boring 🙄,1,2023-07-08 05:29:45 +Google Play,Glitch 😔,1,2023-07-06 19:31:43 +Google Play,Hate it.,1,2023-07-09 11:58:27 +Google Play,Useless.,1,2023-07-09 13:21:42 +Google Play,Awesome Application 👉,5,2023-07-07 17:06:53 +Google Play,"Sleek, Minimalistic",5,2023-07-06 15:11:57 +Google Play,Better experience 🙂,4,2023-07-08 07:15:46 +Google Play,Great 👍,4,2023-07-06 06:41:16 +Google Play,Amazing.,5,2023-07-08 14:20:20 +Google Play,"Amazing,",5,2023-07-06 14:41:34 +Google Play,Amazing😍,5,2023-07-07 12:55:46 +Google Play,Amazing👍,5,2023-07-07 20:28:48 +Google Play,"Lumayan bisa menyaingi Twitter, tapi tolong tambahkan fitur trending topik, dm dan save picture di Thread",5,2023-07-06 14:43:05 +Google Play,Nice.....!,5,2023-07-18 15:10:29 +Google Play,Agar aapka Instagram account nahi hai to aap ismain log in nahi kar sakte. Pls iska solution karein kyu ki Instagram nahi chalata.,1,2023-07-11 07:54:02 +Google Play,yeh app bhout bekar hai yeh app download karna se apka instagram connect ho jaye ga aur yeh app dellet karna se instagarm restart ho jaye ga yeh app install mat karo😠😠😠😠,5,2023-07-10 03:26:33 +Google Play,Good content 👌,3,2023-07-06 19:10:52 +Google Play,Cool experience.,5,2023-07-06 05:43:24 +Google Play,Twitter better 😁,1,2023-07-08 20:34:30 +Google Play,Still experiencing,3,2023-07-08 00:44:21 +Google Play,Good experience 🙂,5,2023-07-08 17:47:03 +Google Play,Good experience 😁,5,2023-07-09 16:57:09 +Google Play,Best app,4,2023-07-11 12:44:38 +Google Play,Best App,4,2023-07-06 15:29:37 +Google Play,Best app,4,2023-07-07 13:35:03 +Google Play,Best application,4,2023-07-08 14:46:12 +Google Play,Best app,4,2023-07-07 02:51:49 +Google Play,Cool 😎 🆒️,5,2023-07-09 02:58:24 +Google Play,Awful 😞,5,2023-07-07 19:22:22 +Google Play,Good application 😍,5,2023-07-06 09:23:09 +Google Play,Good Application 😊,5,2023-07-14 20:49:13 +Google Play,Good application 👍,5,2023-07-08 07:51:48 +Google Play,Very good ⚡,5,2023-07-07 18:28:58 +Google Play,Very good 💯,5,2023-07-06 01:03:44 +Google Play,Very good 😊,5,2023-07-09 15:40:51 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-06 19:07:28 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-07 07:19:29 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-10 03:41:05 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-08 16:39:08 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-08 06:54:27 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-07 15:50:45 +Google Play,Very good 😊,5,2023-07-06 13:41:10 +Google Play,Very good 😊,5,2023-07-08 06:04:41 +Google Play,Very Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 01:10:51 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-06 17:14:15 +Google Play,Very good 💯,5,2023-07-07 10:00:57 +Google Play,Very good 👍,5,2023-07-08 17:46:33 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-09 11:47:25 +Google Play,Best platform,5,2023-07-07 08:34:37 +Google Play,Best platform,5,2023-07-10 16:20:39 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 16:01:40 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-10 07:03:14 +Google Play,Best Application,5,2023-07-06 07:16:02 +Google Play,Best App,5,2023-07-22 07:26:47 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 19:05:08 +Google Play,best application,5,2023-07-06 16:43:38 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 14:06:14 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-08 06:45:36 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 05:18:12 +Google Play,best app,5,2023-07-08 07:56:52 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-08 09:00:56 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 06:38:09 +Google Play,Best features,5,2023-07-06 14:49:54 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-09 12:22:24 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-08 04:42:51 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 13:33:52 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 22:14:02 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 11:57:14 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 07:30:45 +Google Play,The best,5,2023-07-07 05:57:57 +Google Play,The best,5,2023-07-06 08:12:20 +Google Play,best twitter,5,2023-07-06 10:46:02 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 11:07:40 +Google Play,Super best,5,2023-07-06 14:12:30 +Google Play,Best experience,5,2023-07-06 07:18:25 +Google Play,The best,5,2023-07-07 10:23:43 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-09 17:45:08 +Google Play,Best App,5,2023-07-06 18:36:04 +Google Play,Best application,5,2023-07-06 15:25:24 +Google Play,Best one,5,2023-07-07 07:13:12 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 14:57:58 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-08 16:41:18 +Google Play,Best bro,5,2023-07-06 15:18:38 +Google Play,Very best,5,2023-07-09 16:45:06 +Google Play,best app,5,2023-07-06 09:10:54 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 15:38:08 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-10 11:41:37 +Google Play,Best aap,5,2023-07-06 04:43:39 +Google Play,Best features,5,2023-07-06 16:37:53 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-09 04:41:30 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-10 00:14:06 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 03:51:58 +Google Play,best apppppp,5,2023-07-09 00:41:57 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 17:22:20 +Google Play,BEST APP,5,2023-07-06 03:29:58 +Google Play,Best apps,5,2023-07-07 08:48:09 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-12 13:39:46 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-08 15:50:41 +Google Play,best app,5,2023-07-08 10:25:41 +Google Play,The best,5,2023-07-06 11:09:45 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-08 15:56:18 +Google Play,Best aap,5,2023-07-09 12:00:30 +Google Play,Best ha,5,2023-07-06 11:20:38 +Google Play,VVVV Best,5,2023-07-07 02:14:31 +Google Play,Best application,5,2023-07-07 04:06:36 +Google Play,The best,5,2023-07-06 18:50:25 +Google Play,Best App,5,2023-07-07 06:31:59 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-10 04:20:57 +Google Play,Best application,5,2023-07-06 15:16:23 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 09:58:58 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 20:48:59 +Google Play,d best,5,2023-07-06 17:02:13 +Google Play,Excellent work 👍,5,2023-07-06 17:56:39 +Google Play,Excellent work 👏,5,2023-07-07 13:28:42 +Google Play,Nice Experiment.,5,2023-07-06 10:04:39 +Google Play,Amazing 😍!!!!!,5,2023-07-08 21:52:54 +Google Play,Superb se Bhi upar,5,2023-07-11 09:29:24 +Google Play,Good Experience.,5,2023-07-06 09:16:05 +Google Play,"Пока что ставлю 1 звезду, из-за того, что невозможно открыть ленту и даже собственный аккаунт из-за того, что все дребезжит",1,2023-07-07 05:35:00 +Google Play,Overall Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 13:30:15 +Google Play,Game changer 🎯,5,2023-07-06 21:50:30 +Google Play,Interesting ☺️,5,2023-07-06 18:58:56 +Google Play,Cool App.😍,5,2023-07-06 14:07:34 +Google Play,طوب الطوب يزوبر برج بس اظبط اللغه العربيه الفصحي في الكتابه مع الافرنجي بتبقي عكس عكاس أزماله,5,2023-07-07 19:39:47 +Google Play,Koi batayega kaise use karu esko..?,3,2023-07-10 12:50:06 +Google Play,Lovely.,5,2023-07-07 16:42:59 +Google Play,Nice experience 😁,5,2023-07-06 07:12:59 +Google Play,Nice experience 😉,5,2023-07-06 09:36:49 +Google Play,Excellent Experience.,5,2023-07-09 01:31:41 +Google Play,"Мені подобається, плавно, мя'ко, ненав'язливо",5,2023-07-10 04:33:09 +Google Play,Excellent job 👏,5,2023-07-09 11:57:12 +Google Play,Simply Awesome.,5,2023-07-08 06:21:55 +Google Play,Interesting hm😚,5,2023-07-07 15:30:07 +Google Play,Better twitter.,5,2023-07-07 05:45:53 +Google Play,Great!!,5,2023-07-06 16:29:37 +Google Play,Really good 👍,5,2023-07-07 04:21:48 +Google Play,Really good 👍,4,2023-07-07 01:32:39 +Google Play,Perfect app 👍,5,2023-07-15 08:51:01 +Google Play,Really good 💯,5,2023-07-07 06:03:55 +Google Play,Bestest app 💜,5,2023-07-10 03:22:05 +Google Play,Perfect app 👌,5,2023-07-08 08:26:53 +Google Play,Bahut Achcha Hai Video Reel Ka Sound ban Ho Jaata Hai Please Thik Kar De 👌✌️👍🙏🙏,5,2023-07-09 13:29:38 +Google Play,LAG 🙂,2,2023-07-09 13:12:12 +Google Play,Slow 🐌,5,2023-07-07 07:33:14 +Google Play,"Excellent Application,",5,2023-07-06 19:12:04 +Google Play,Amazing unbelievable 😎,5,2023-07-07 04:30:54 +Google Play,amazing 🔥🔥✨!!,5,2023-07-06 11:04:07 +Google Play,Useless!!!,1,2023-07-14 05:43:12 +Google Play,nice copycat!,1,2023-07-07 17:55:43 +Google Play,Flawless.,5,2023-07-07 01:49:30 +Google Play,it's Good,5,2023-07-11 20:32:13 +Google Play,it's good,5,2023-07-07 08:46:34 +Google Play,it's good,5,2023-07-08 13:03:35 +Google Play,Pointless..,1,2023-07-06 20:54:27 +Google Play,"Great, slim",5,2023-07-08 16:07:48 +Google Play,Fantastic app.,5,2023-07-06 10:17:08 +Google Play,Nice!!!!,5,2023-07-06 12:40:29 +Google Play,Perfect app👏,5,2023-07-06 20:21:51 +Google Play,Jump speed 🔥,5,2023-07-07 02:27:24 +Google Play,Literally amazing.,5,2023-07-07 20:28:24 +Google Play,Awesome♥️♥️✨,5,2023-07-06 03:49:24 +Google Play,Bekaar ha yar features ni ha itnyy or sab sy bari kami bachiooo ko message bhi ni kar sktyyy is par to 😪😪😂,1,2023-07-10 19:01:18 +Google Play,Necesito ayuda. Cada vez que abro esta app se me cierra la cuenta en instagram. No entiendo que pasa.,1,2023-07-07 15:53:04 +Google Play,Superb ♥️♥️❤️,5,2023-07-07 11:22:37 +Google Play,Loved it 🤍,5,2023-07-07 04:35:28 +Google Play,Amazing application 👏,5,2023-07-06 20:27:27 +Google Play,Nicer 😁,5,2023-07-08 00:52:35 +Google Play,Liked it.,5,2023-07-07 15:37:59 +Google Play,Very good 👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 16:06:06 +Google Play,Bahut accha app Hai Instagram ke through aap Jaise Twitter ka upyog karte hain Usi ke jaisa bahut accha app hai,5,2023-07-10 14:25:47 +Google Play,Amazing experience👏,5,2023-07-07 08:50:36 +Google Play,Excellent application 💯,5,2023-07-05 23:22:34 +Google Play,Great App 👍,5,2023-07-07 02:22:37 +Google Play,I love it 🤙,5,2023-07-07 07:24:55 +Google Play,Great app ❤,5,2023-07-12 21:39:17 +Google Play,Well done ❤,5,2023-07-05 23:53:56 +Google Play,I love it 💕,5,2023-07-07 22:42:36 +Google Play,Love Meta ❤,5,2023-07-10 10:35:14 +Google Play,Great app 👍,5,2023-07-07 06:57:19 +Google Play,Sunn nice 👍,4,2023-07-06 15:06:06 +Google Play,Great app 😁,5,2023-07-08 01:12:56 +Google Play,Está cool 😸,5,2023-07-06 01:53:49 +Google Play,great app 🤍,5,2023-07-07 05:35:26 +Google Play,Best work 💯,5,2023-07-08 15:59:17 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,4,2023-07-07 18:20:14 +Google Play,Great app 😄,5,2023-07-09 14:21:56 +Google Play,Great app 😍,5,2023-07-08 14:14:47 +Google Play,Great job 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:51:45 +Google Play,Great app 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:32:25 +Google Play,Loved it ☺️,5,2023-07-06 15:58:23 +Google Play,Great 👍 app,5,2023-07-12 14:07:26 +Google Play,I love it 💕,5,2023-07-09 11:15:37 +Google Play,Good luck 🤞,5,2023-07-06 08:31:55 +Google Play,gorgeous ✨️,5,2023-07-08 13:19:00 +Google Play,Great app 👍,3,2023-07-08 06:23:32 +Google Play,Excellent. ★,1,2023-07-09 17:42:48 +Google Play,Hmmm Smart 🤓,5,2023-07-06 22:18:25 +Google Play,Nice app ❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-09 22:11:15 +Google Play,Good Apps 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-09 01:05:18 +Google Play,Very good ❤❤❤,5,2023-07-07 11:26:23 +Google Play,Fantastic 5😘,5,2023-07-09 09:57:24 +Google Play,tolong ilangin nomer nomer di instagram bio dong plisss jadi jelek bgt sumpah JADI NYESEL DOWNLOAD THREAADDDD HUHUU,1,2023-07-08 19:27:49 +Google Play,Cool app 👍,5,2023-07-06 09:11:55 +Google Play,Nice 👌 app,5,2023-07-11 03:46:18 +Google Play,Nice one 🔥,5,2023-07-08 15:52:07 +Google Play,Good 😊 aap,4,2023-07-06 13:11:47 +Google Play,Nice zuku😂,5,2023-07-07 05:22:41 +Google Play,Nice aap 👍,5,2023-07-07 06:37:57 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,5,2023-07-06 03:22:26 +Google Play,Nice wow 😮,4,2023-07-12 07:56:36 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,5,2023-07-07 05:56:56 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,5,2023-07-07 03:58:19 +Google Play,Nice 👍 aap,5,2023-07-07 05:35:36 +Google Play,Very good👍,4,2023-07-08 12:43:46 +Google Play,All good 👍,5,2023-07-07 17:55:13 +Google Play,Awesome ✅️,5,2023-07-06 20:25:13 +Google Play,Nice app 💯,5,2023-07-06 05:04:04 +Google Play,Love it ❤️,5,2023-07-06 12:37:44 +Google Play,Great app🥰,5,2023-07-10 15:48:27 +Google Play,Nice app 🔥,5,2023-07-06 19:19:06 +Google Play,Nice app 👌,4,2023-07-06 20:52:50 +Google Play,Nice App 💯,5,2023-07-07 06:58:19 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:42:30 +Google Play,Nice app 😊,5,2023-07-06 19:07:53 +Google Play,Great app.,5,2023-07-06 00:37:13 +Google Play,Good 👍 app,4,2023-07-07 06:18:29 +Google Play,Great app.,5,2023-07-06 04:50:23 +Google Play,Great app.,5,2023-07-08 08:30:30 +Google Play,Just Good.,5,2023-07-11 12:08:31 +Google Play,Best app 👌,5,2023-07-08 15:03:13 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,5,2023-07-06 03:08:14 +Google Play,Nice app 😊,5,2023-07-07 17:59:09 +Google Play,Great app.,5,2023-07-11 15:38:04 +Google Play,Nice AAP 😃,4,2023-07-12 15:42:04 +Google Play,Amazing ♥️,5,2023-07-09 17:09:54 +Google Play,Best APK 🤞,5,2023-07-10 01:33:40 +Google Play,Nice app 👌,5,2023-07-06 12:00:55 +Google Play,The best 👌,5,2023-07-06 11:19:12 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:43:30 +Google Play,Great App👌,5,2023-07-06 15:14:58 +Google Play,Nice app 🙂,5,2023-07-07 04:24:42 +Google Play,Nice 👍 app,5,2023-07-11 16:23:00 +Google Play,Good.,1,2023-07-07 01:30:08 +Google Play,Good😍,1,2023-07-08 14:27:45 +Google Play,Good.,4,2023-07-07 08:15:14 +Google Play,Very nice 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 02:11:23 +Google Play,Porquería más grande 😐,1,2023-07-07 00:15:31 +Google Play,Vry nice 💯🙂🙂🙂,5,2023-07-07 05:52:10 +Google Play,Amazing 🔥🔥🔥❤️,4,2023-07-06 11:00:27 +Google Play,Good app 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 09:32:08 +Google Play,So great 🥰🥰👍👍,5,2023-07-07 09:52:20 +Google Play,Kollam nice 😌,5,2023-07-06 11:35:59 +Google Play,Aplikasi sangat baik !,5,2023-07-07 03:02:15 +Google Play,Awesome application 💯,3,2023-07-06 18:19:06 +Google Play,Great ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 02:25:36 +Google Play,"Faltam opções importantes para uma rede social pra concorrer com o Twitter como hashtags, feed ""Seguindo"", gifs, pesquisa...",3,2023-07-06 17:04:30 +Google Play,👍 amazing experience,5,2023-07-06 17:23:23 +Google Play,Amazing experience 😍,5,2023-07-07 19:45:26 +Google Play,Useful app ❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:50:47 +Google Play,Nice app 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 11:08:03 +Google Play,Great Zuckerberg 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 21:39:37 +Google Play,Great experience 😄,5,2023-07-06 18:48:15 +Google Play,Good 👍,3,2023-07-07 06:38:58 +Google Play,Good🗿,5,2023-07-06 03:07:08 +Google Play,Good👍,5,2023-07-07 08:51:38 +Google Play,Good👍,5,2023-07-06 20:25:30 +Google Play,Good👍,5,2023-07-07 02:28:07 +Google Play,Good🍃,5,2023-07-12 16:42:28 +Google Play,Good.,5,2023-07-07 17:45:15 +Google Play,Good👍,5,2023-07-09 21:58:50 +Google Play,Nice. One,5,2023-07-08 03:36:34 +Google Play,BEST APP🥰,5,2023-07-08 06:30:02 +Google Play,So good 👍,5,2023-07-11 16:52:00 +Google Play,It's Best,5,2023-07-06 21:54:35 +Google Play,It's nice,5,2023-07-07 17:57:33 +Google Play,Nice one.,5,2023-07-06 04:22:10 +Google Play,Nice app.,4,2023-07-06 22:20:01 +Google Play,I'm happy,5,2023-07-09 09:40:11 +Google Play,It's nice,5,2023-07-08 03:06:18 +Google Play,It's nice,4,2023-07-06 11:50:51 +Google Play,Good app.,5,2023-07-07 14:52:42 +Google Play,Nice app🥰,4,2023-07-10 06:58:46 +Google Play,"Nice app,",4,2023-07-07 15:12:01 +Google Play,Not bad 😔,4,2023-07-06 08:21:24 +Google Play,It's nice,5,2023-07-07 12:54:16 +Google Play,Nice app❤,5,2023-07-10 19:06:43 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-06 05:17:58 +Google Play,So cool 😎,5,2023-07-08 08:17:48 +Google Play,Good day🕉,5,2023-07-10 05:56:52 +Google Play,Good apk👍,5,2023-07-07 07:38:14 +Google Play,It's good,4,2023-07-06 13:13:11 +Google Play,It's cool,5,2023-07-12 07:22:20 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-06 16:32:31 +Google Play,I liked 👍,4,2023-07-06 19:07:12 +Google Play,It's nice,5,2023-07-07 08:17:48 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-08 03:05:30 +Google Play,So good 😊,5,2023-07-09 09:01:57 +Google Play,It's good,4,2023-07-06 14:30:46 +Google Play,As good 👍,5,2023-07-06 18:03:46 +Google Play,Nice app😊,5,2023-07-07 02:03:15 +Google Play,Nice app.,5,2023-07-07 09:06:02 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-06 19:45:03 +Google Play,Not bad 😇,4,2023-07-08 04:32:49 +Google Play,Cool tbf.,4,2023-07-06 02:26:38 +Google Play,Good app.,4,2023-07-06 16:56:02 +Google Play,Superb ♥️,5,2023-07-10 03:50:14 +Google Play,It's nice,5,2023-07-06 21:33:43 +Google Play,Ok good 😊,5,2023-07-06 08:52:22 +Google Play,Best app❤,5,2023-07-07 08:54:33 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-08 07:13:02 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-07 03:31:15 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-06 11:10:36 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-09 07:33:42 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-08 15:31:57 +Google Play,Nice app👍,4,2023-07-06 15:50:03 +Google Play,So good 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:57:31 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-06 16:28:43 +Google Play,Not bad 👍,5,2023-07-16 02:25:26 +Google Play,It's cool,5,2023-07-06 09:30:26 +Google Play,Good one🤗,5,2023-07-08 22:22:11 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-07 16:48:01 +Google Play,Superb ❤️,5,2023-07-07 05:47:25 +Google Play,It's good,5,2023-07-06 02:40:56 +Google Play,Very useful..,5,2023-07-07 05:04:20 +Google Play,pretty good..,5,2023-07-06 20:22:22 +Google Play,Superb experience...,5,2023-07-07 14:19:02 +Google Play,Nice 👍🏿🙂,5,2023-07-07 08:07:59 +Google Play,Superb❤️,5,2023-07-06 07:15:46 +Google Play,"Best,app",5,2023-07-07 15:49:16 +Google Play,It's fun,5,2023-07-06 08:22:05 +Google Play,It' Fine,5,2023-07-06 14:19:45 +Google Play,Cool👍app,4,2023-07-08 02:49:55 +Google Play,Good competitor..,4,2023-07-08 05:17:27 +Google Play,Good ✌️,5,2023-07-06 16:06:06 +Google Play,Best ☺️,5,2023-07-06 06:07:15 +Google Play,Good :D,5,2023-07-06 10:21:00 +Google Play,Amazing 😍😻,4,2023-07-08 05:55:21 +Google Play,Amazing 🙏♥,5,2023-07-06 11:57:39 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩😍,5,2023-07-07 14:27:41 +Google Play,"Amazing 🤩,",5,2023-07-12 08:35:05 +Google Play,Love it 💖😍,4,2023-07-07 14:16:41 +Google Play,Awesome 👌🏼,5,2023-07-11 02:31:20 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩😍,5,2023-07-06 06:40:41 +Google Play,Amazing 😍🤩,5,2023-07-08 07:35:55 +Google Play,Twitter owner 😂😂😂 kya karega ab 🍌🍌🍌😂,5,2023-07-06 12:03:13 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-21 09:30:26 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-07 17:30:16 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 17:44:24 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-10 06:35:12 +Google Play,Great!,5,2023-07-06 23:38:23 +Google Play,Great!,5,2023-07-06 17:52:57 +Google Play,可以新增切換帳號的功能嗎?,4,2023-07-06 03:02:49 +Google Play,Boleh Saya tahu threads untuk apa ya ??😂,4,2023-07-07 12:10:19 +Google Play,Good 👍,1,2023-07-06 17:36:00 +Google Play,Excellent app 😍😍,5,2023-07-06 17:58:20 +Google Play,nice✨,5,2023-07-06 13:45:36 +Google Play,Nice👍,5,2023-07-06 04:49:54 +Google Play,Nice🫠,5,2023-07-07 00:05:34 +Google Play,Nice😄,5,2023-07-08 20:13:56 +Google Play,Nice💗,5,2023-07-08 16:09:00 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-09 05:12:41 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-06 16:12:36 +Google Play,Good 😊,4,2023-07-06 23:26:09 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-07 11:31:28 +Google Play,Good 😊,4,2023-07-09 03:34:50 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-06 05:01:59 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-07 06:24:04 +Google Play,Good 👍,4,2023-07-08 11:26:40 +Google Play,Beautiful apps... .,5,2023-07-09 18:50:28 +Google Play,Very Good...,5,2023-07-06 14:17:09 +Google Play,Great 😃👍,5,2023-07-06 22:52:13 +Google Play,Great 😃👍,5,2023-07-07 07:38:36 +Google Play,Great 😃👍,5,2023-07-08 19:24:32 +Google Play,Great 😃👍,4,2023-07-06 16:29:04 +Google Play,Better😊👍,5,2023-07-06 03:08:46 +Google Play,Superb💥👑,5,2023-07-08 05:09:28 +Google Play,Great 😃👍,5,2023-07-07 01:20:05 +Google Play,Berfecto 😂😂♥️♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 15:16:13 +Google Play,good experience⚡⚡,5,2023-07-10 18:39:21 +Google Play,Superb 👌👌.,5,2023-07-06 09:41:16 +Google Play,هو البرنامج حلو بس انا فجأه علق عندي بطل يطلعلي متابعيني كم ومتابعين الناس كم واتمنى شرح ما يحصل الي,3,2023-07-06 23:32:08 +Google Play,Better experience 🤪,5,2023-07-07 14:51:45 +Google Play,Great plan 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 21:34:15 +Google Play,Amazing app🥰🥰,5,2023-07-08 05:46:08 +Google Play,still exploring,5,2023-07-06 13:53:23 +Google Play,Useful..app,5,2023-07-08 01:07:26 +Google Play,Loved it 🔥😍,5,2023-07-06 06:38:05 +Google Play,Ver nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 17:35:55 +Google Play,Best app 😌,5,2023-07-06 05:40:46 +Google Play,Love it!!!!!,5,2023-07-06 20:53:38 +Google Play,Best✌️,1,2023-07-10 02:24:13 +Google Play,GOOD❤️,5,2023-07-07 00:56:39 +Google Play,Nice👍,4,2023-07-08 03:11:12 +Google Play,Good app...,5,2023-07-10 03:28:33 +Google Play,Nice try...,4,2023-07-06 12:52:47 +Google Play,Cool Twitter 🐦🐦,5,2023-07-09 11:27:30 +Google Play,Very nice 🥰,5,2023-07-07 21:14:43 +Google Play,Very nice 👌,5,2023-07-11 12:59:22 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 02:32:07 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 14:51:49 +Google Play,Very nice ❤,5,2023-07-08 12:15:54 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-08 08:45:32 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:33:57 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-08 03:12:38 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 04:11:15 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 15:10:30 +Google Play,Very nice 👌,5,2023-07-07 12:13:16 +Google Play,Very nice 🙂,5,2023-07-22 15:30:41 +Google Play,Very nice 👍,5,2023-07-08 07:41:24 +Google Play,Good 👍,2,2023-07-08 19:30:48 +Google Play,Interesting ❤️❤️☺️☺️,5,2023-07-07 09:28:11 +Google Play,Maza ane laga hain !!,5,2023-07-07 04:13:08 +Google Play,Nice app 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-09 00:05:30 +Google Play,Post ke liye picture jese hi add krta hu app usi time band ho jata hai. 😡😡,2,2023-07-09 04:46:23 +Google Play,Best experience.,5,2023-07-07 06:12:40 +Google Play,Bhai sab to thik h par isko delete nhi kar sakte ye iski sabse bekar chij lagi mujhe,1,2023-07-10 10:59:23 +Google Play,Nice app 👌👌,5,2023-07-06 13:35:06 +Google Play,Best 🥰,1,2023-07-15 18:57:44 +Google Play,Threads best 👌,4,2023-07-07 02:03:55 +Google Play,Best 👍💋,5,2023-07-09 18:02:51 +Google Play,Nice 🙂👍,5,2023-07-07 07:00:36 +Google Play,Nice 👍🏻,4,2023-07-06 13:49:06 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-06 10:31:06 +Google Play,Nice 🤙😼,5,2023-07-07 10:19:29 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-06 15:37:10 +Google Play,Nice 🫶🏻,5,2023-07-06 13:23:47 +Google Play,Good 👍😊,5,2023-07-11 08:07:06 +Google Play,Nice 👍🏿,5,2023-07-06 12:17:06 +Google Play,Good 👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 06:25:13 +Google Play,Cool 😎🆒,5,2023-07-07 04:18:40 +Google Play,Nice 🙂👍,5,2023-07-07 18:47:33 +Google Play,Nice 🙂👍,5,2023-07-08 23:16:56 +Google Play,Good 👍😊,5,2023-07-09 07:15:10 +Google Play,Nice 👌🏻,5,2023-07-06 11:46:05 +Google Play,Good 👍🔥,5,2023-07-09 15:22:18 +Google Play,Good 😊👍,5,2023-07-09 12:26:22 +Google Play,Good 👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 16:12:42 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-06 11:09:46 +Google Play,Good 💯💓,5,2023-07-07 10:54:14 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-11 06:23:55 +Google Play,Best 👍🔥,5,2023-07-07 02:26:08 +Google Play,Good 👍😊,4,2023-07-08 08:00:10 +Google Play,Good 👍😊,5,2023-07-06 15:38:38 +Google Play,Good 👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 02:14:37 +Google Play,Best 👍💯,5,2023-07-07 05:21:34 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂,5,2023-07-07 12:09:08 +Google Play,Nice 😂🤍,5,2023-07-06 16:36:16 +Google Play,"Good, 👍",5,2023-07-11 02:17:59 +Google Play,Nice 👍,3,2023-07-10 15:33:24 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,3,2023-07-09 16:35:23 +Google Play,Nice 👍,3,2023-07-08 10:34:10 +Google Play,Nice 👍,3,2023-07-07 10:13:40 +Google Play,"Probando la app, de momento tranca (Ig seba.fuentes_2002) Actualizacion: estaría buenísimo una sección de tendencias",5,2023-07-06 03:11:08 +Google Play,Best plateform 👍,4,2023-07-08 02:43:34 +Google Play,Great invention 😇,5,2023-07-06 17:24:02 +Google Play,Very lovely 😍😍😍,5,2023-07-09 07:55:03 +Google Play,"Nice App, 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪",5,2023-07-06 18:44:36 +Google Play,¿Porque ponen a gente a la que no sigo en el feed?,2,2023-07-11 16:13:51 +Google Play,Very cool 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-08 13:09:50 +Google Play,Very nice 🙂🙂,4,2023-07-08 07:22:57 +Google Play,Love ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕,5,2023-07-06 06:30:15 +Google Play,Very good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 04:19:46 +Google Play,I love it 🤩🤩🤩,5,2023-07-11 00:22:51 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-07 13:20:24 +Google Play,Good 😀,5,2023-07-06 10:03:02 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-07 07:14:59 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 01:37:48 +Google Play,👍 good,5,2023-07-08 08:49:41 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-07 05:11:44 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 06:44:42 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-07 06:36:50 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-09 08:17:43 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 18:15:07 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-06 17:58:07 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 16:26:21 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 09:42:04 +Google Play,Good 💯,5,2023-07-06 17:38:24 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:21:53 +Google Play,👍 good,5,2023-07-06 13:30:30 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:44:11 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-06 15:52:52 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 08:44:57 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 14:10:30 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-07 15:39:44 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-12 03:41:50 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-12 08:28:38 +Google Play,good 👍,5,2023-07-09 02:31:36 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-10 19:46:52 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 08:35:53 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 13:34:38 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 08:29:01 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-07 16:02:51 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 09:13:50 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 15:37:08 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-07 06:28:00 +Google Play,Good 🙏,5,2023-07-15 03:02:03 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-07 07:05:54 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 12:03:19 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 09:53:32 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-06 07:56:02 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-07 16:23:38 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-09 06:43:28 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-08 04:28:09 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-10 17:20:56 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-10 10:49:53 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-06 00:38:47 +Google Play,Good ❤,5,2023-07-06 10:22:14 +Google Play,NICE APP🔥,5,2023-07-07 07:19:54 +Google Play,Superb ✨️,5,2023-07-07 17:35:29 +Google Play,Good ❤️❤️❤️,4,2023-07-07 07:29:12 +Google Play,Best 👍,2,2023-07-07 04:13:35 +Google Play,Excellent 👌👌,3,2023-07-07 17:05:54 +Google Play,HEYYYY KENAPA PAS MASUK APLIKASINYA LANGSUNG NGE FRAME???😭😭😭😭,3,2023-07-07 08:09:37 +Google Play,Nice ❤️,5,2023-07-09 07:36:47 +Google Play,বোকা*দা মার্কা এপস,1,2023-07-09 16:31:49 +Google Play,Good ❤️‍,5,2023-07-07 17:10:20 +Google Play,Awesome 👌,5,2023-07-09 08:22:01 +Google Play,Awesome 👌,5,2023-07-07 04:29:38 +Google Play,Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-06 12:02:09 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-07 05:03:46 +Google Play,Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-08 10:23:09 +Google Play,Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-07 05:25:28 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-06 13:03:49 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:10:52 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-06 06:46:07 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:34:07 +Google Play,Awesome 😍,5,2023-07-10 17:33:47 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-08 15:58:08 +Google Play,Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-10 15:03:45 +Google Play,Awesome 👌,5,2023-07-07 18:58:26 +Google Play,Awesome 👍,5,2023-07-07 06:01:24 +Google Play,Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-06 13:23:55 +Google Play,Awesome 😎,5,2023-07-07 06:13:45 +Google Play,awesome 😎,5,2023-07-07 11:07:53 +Google Play,"Notifications on kiye par notification nhi aata hai an,d my singer is Darshu vo aa ka chalta hai 🥺💙✨",3,2023-07-07 18:02:30 +Google Play,Boring...,1,2023-07-09 09:42:37 +Google Play,Boring...,1,2023-07-08 06:10:58 +Google Play,"aps bagus si, sekelas mirip Twitter tapi ya ini bukan Twitter. harap harap ca pun bisa dimainin disini",5,2023-07-08 12:13:34 +Google Play,The best 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:39:50 +Google Play,I love it❤,4,2023-07-06 18:55:31 +Google Play,Nice ❤😊,5,2023-07-13 04:51:08 +Google Play,"देखते हैं, कहाँ तक जाएगा ये एप्प, ये अच्छा है कि फॉलोवर्स, फोल्लोविंग suggestion इंस्टाग्राम से उठा रहा है।",5,2023-07-07 09:31:31 +Google Play,Ye kya hai isme kya hoga mujhe kuch samajh nhi aa rha ye update se kya hoga ? please bataye,5,2023-07-06 15:07:45 +Google Play,Excellent 👌👍,4,2023-07-07 12:55:40 +Google Play,cok iyi mukemmel!,5,2023-07-06 00:19:26 +Google Play,Good👍😊,3,2023-07-07 09:04:44 +Google Play,good!!🫶🏻🫶🏻,5,2023-07-06 12:02:08 +Google Play,Happy..,5,2023-07-06 09:19:37 +Google Play,Woowwwww niceeeee ✨✨✨,5,2023-07-07 10:03:22 +Google Play,perfect 🤭 ❤️ ❤️,5,2023-07-07 00:14:46 +Google Play,Perfect app 💯💯,4,2023-07-11 10:10:40 +Google Play,Amazing App 😍🤩😍😍🤩🤩,5,2023-07-08 04:50:48 +Google Play,Super amazing😍,5,2023-07-07 06:29:19 +Google Play,Best start.,4,2023-07-08 11:18:39 +Google Play,👍🏻😊 good,5,2023-07-08 13:13:39 +Google Play,Good 👍😊🎉,5,2023-07-11 06:57:41 +Google Play,Good 😊👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 01:52:20 +Google Play,Nice 🙂👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 04:54:29 +Google Play,COOL 😎,3,2023-07-06 13:13:41 +Google Play,Nice ✨,4,2023-07-06 10:16:05 +Google Play,Nice 👍,4,2023-07-06 08:13:23 +Google Play,Nice 👍,4,2023-07-06 10:59:10 +Google Play,"Jalebi kahe nai rakh diye naam . Thike h ,Twitter jetna bheed ho jaye tb aa jayenge idhar.",3,2023-07-06 15:03:46 +Google Play,"uso um Redmi 6, o aplicativo na primeira rolagem de feed que você dà, ele buga totalmente.",2,2023-07-06 13:40:33 +Google Play,Useless....,1,2023-07-10 14:16:28 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:43:07 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 14:52:23 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-11 12:36:33 +Google Play,Nice 😎,5,2023-07-07 08:18:17 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 02:27:33 +Google Play,Nice 🔥,5,2023-07-07 08:45:50 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-11 14:11:53 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-06 17:39:03 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:17:04 +Google Play,Nice 😌,5,2023-07-07 12:03:38 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 07:36:13 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-11 00:46:59 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-09 01:52:20 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-07 00:38:11 +Google Play,Nice 👌,5,2023-07-06 17:20:50 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 17:12:30 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 14:13:56 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:55:20 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 06:39:55 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-11 10:34:53 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 16:46:37 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 08:44:57 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 16:09:42 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:01:57 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-06 08:43:25 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 08:26:24 +Google Play,Nice 😁,5,2023-07-07 08:18:04 +Google Play,nice 😍,5,2023-07-06 13:44:00 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 16:37:53 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-19 17:00:40 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-08 07:07:05 +Google Play,Nice 🖤,5,2023-07-06 11:13:15 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-08 10:24:58 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:46:06 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-06 19:11:22 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:19:56 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-08 15:42:08 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-11 11:03:34 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-06 16:04:39 +Google Play,Nice 🙂,5,2023-07-06 14:12:35 +Google Play,Nice 👍,5,2023-07-07 02:00:23 +Google Play,É feito pelo Zuckerberg tô baixando ! Se o insta é maravilhoso provavelmente esse app aqui também vai ser! 💕,5,2023-07-06 00:29:03 +Google Play,Cool👍🏻,4,2023-07-06 10:23:47 +Google Play,Best🔥⚡,5,2023-07-09 22:18:21 +Google Play,Excited...,5,2023-07-06 07:37:06 +Google Play,Awesome app.,5,2023-07-06 06:54:17 +Google Play,Awesome app❤,5,2023-07-10 07:19:37 +Google Play,💯 perfect 👍👍👍🥰,5,2023-07-07 08:22:15 +Google Play,Amazing app 🤩,5,2023-07-08 15:12:24 +Google Play,Amazing app 👍,5,2023-07-08 00:58:42 +Google Play,Amazing 👏 app,5,2023-07-07 06:34:56 +Google Play,Amazing app 👍,5,2023-07-07 10:24:47 +Google Play,Fancy app✨✨✨✨,5,2023-07-06 12:29:44 +Google Play,GG Nice...,5,2023-07-06 15:30:27 +Google Play,Best app 😘😘😘😘,5,2023-07-06 02:20:10 +Google Play,Good 👍🏻,3,2023-07-06 00:10:49 +Google Play,👍👍Nice App,5,2023-07-09 11:24:46 +Google Play,Not bad 😷😷,3,2023-07-07 15:52:43 +Google Play,Amazing app.,5,2023-07-07 06:13:04 +Google Play,"Pesaing Twitter, semoga aja gak suka ngedown berlama-lama kaya fb & ig... 😌🤲",5,2023-07-06 10:19:00 +Google Play,Prezidentimizga rahmat! Addushi. Xalq demokratik partiyasiga ovoz bering. Befarq boʻlmang. Yoz chillasida qatiqni ivitish uchun 5 soat oʻrab qoʻyish kerak.,1,2023-07-06 22:09:16 +Google Play,Nice 🙂 aap,5,2023-07-08 01:39:32 +Google Play,Great app💪,5,2023-07-06 11:05:55 +Google Play,excellent 🥰🥰,4,2023-07-08 07:25:11 +Google Play,best💜🌷☺,5,2023-07-08 17:19:57 +Google Play,Nice👍👏😊,2,2023-07-08 06:10:15 +Google Play,Awesome application 👏,5,2023-07-06 22:28:32 +Google Play,Fake twitter,1,2023-07-05 23:06:14 +Google Play,വിഷയം 🔥 twitter തീർന്നു,5,2023-07-07 14:34:44 +Google Play,Jisko follow nhi karte h uska post kyu aa rha hai.?,1,2023-07-09 16:56:42 +Google Play,Amazing...💥,5,2023-07-06 00:19:40 +Google Play,Get twittered,1,2023-07-09 15:44:39 +Google Play,Perfect 🥰👌,5,2023-07-08 22:12:29 +Google Play,perfect 👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 08:55:29 +Google Play,"Twitter ko takkar milegi, abhi to shuru hua he, naye naye update aayege to ye app aur badhiya ho jayega.",4,2023-07-07 01:36:44 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-05 23:09:43 +Google Play,Technical issue,1,2023-07-07 15:03:24 +Google Play,Awesome..,5,2023-07-06 15:03:48 +Google Play,cute. slayed,5,2023-07-08 06:24:20 +Google Play,It's good 👍🏼🇩🇿,5,2023-07-05 23:20:31 +Google Play,Bakar hai bhai 🙃,2,2023-07-07 01:35:05 +Google Play,Mind blowing 🤩🤩,5,2023-07-06 03:22:44 +Google Play,Waste...,1,2023-07-12 13:16:29 +Google Play,Good aap 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🦋🦋💕💕,4,2023-07-08 16:50:53 +Google Play,Good App ... 🤍🤍🤍,5,2023-07-11 07:53:50 +Google Play,Good 😊😊👍,5,2023-07-14 15:59:04 +Google Play,Too good 👍,5,2023-07-09 00:44:13 +Google Play,Good app 👍,5,2023-07-07 03:35:15 +Google Play,Good one 😂,5,2023-07-11 11:36:40 +Google Play,Good app 👌,5,2023-07-08 20:03:07 +Google Play,Good Mark🙌,5,2023-07-06 03:35:19 +Google Play,very good.,5,2023-07-07 07:22:22 +Google Play,Its good 🤗,5,2023-07-09 17:10:56 +Google Play,Good app 👍,5,2023-07-09 04:36:16 +Google Play,Very good.,5,2023-07-07 22:33:33 +Google Play,Good app 👍,5,2023-07-08 07:24:25 +Google Play,Kya isme bhi collaboration ho sakta hai?,5,2023-07-07 10:35:55 +Google Play,Not interested,1,2023-07-07 08:00:58 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-07 07:02:30 +Google Play,Bad services,1,2023-07-12 17:42:02 +Google Play,Keeps crashing,1,2023-07-06 04:08:16 +Google Play,Buggy laggy,1,2023-07-06 10:54:26 +Google Play,Facing glitch,1,2023-07-06 14:07:33 +Google Play,Not interested,1,2023-07-12 04:54:04 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-07 18:23:19 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-12 10:20:46 +Google Play,Boring app,1,2023-07-15 21:52:11 +Google Play,Quite bad,1,2023-07-06 06:55:46 +Google Play,Twitter copycat,1,2023-07-06 01:49:14 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-12 10:21:19 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-06 13:32:52 +Google Play,Blurry sscreen,1,2023-07-07 05:51:14 +Google Play,Boycott threads,1,2023-07-10 10:12:35 +Google Play,Beast app,5,2023-07-12 11:31:23 +Google Play,Copy cat,5,2023-07-07 08:06:51 +Google Play,Glitchy asf,1,2023-07-10 06:42:31 +Google Play,Unaccepted error,1,2023-07-10 10:34:02 +Google Play,Fake twitter,1,2023-07-16 12:15:39 +Google Play,Display freezing,1,2023-07-07 17:39:13 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-08 02:54:46 +Google Play,Im shocked,5,2023-07-07 08:01:34 +Google Play,Brilliance....😍,5,2023-07-06 14:13:45 +Google Play,Excellent 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 13:40:32 +Google Play,Excellent 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 12:35:53 +Google Play,Wonderful app❤❤,5,2023-07-11 09:25:36 +Google Play,Bakvas app ha bhai ya koi bhi Isa diwlond mat kro chalta hi nhi ha ya to kya krogga aasa app ka😂😂😂,1,2023-07-09 13:28:32 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-13 01:33:04 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-14 16:54:31 +Google Play,Nice !,5,2023-07-06 07:07:48 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍👍 application,5,2023-07-06 03:58:18 +Google Play,Best 👌,5,2023-07-06 12:10:50 +Google Play,Best 👍,5,2023-07-10 09:34:20 +Google Play,Best 👑,5,2023-07-07 10:55:34 +Google Play,Best 😍,5,2023-07-07 04:55:58 +Google Play,Best 👍,5,2023-07-09 12:27:28 +Google Play,Best 👌,5,2023-07-06 09:53:26 +Google Play,Best 👍,5,2023-07-24 17:11:00 +Google Play,Excellent 💯👍,5,2023-07-08 08:04:34 +Google Play,Excellent 👌👍,5,2023-07-09 18:57:09 +Google Play,Excellent 👌👍,5,2023-07-06 12:39:42 +Google Play,🥰🥰♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 22:15:37 +Google Play,Good experience 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 07:20:01 +Google Play,🎉👌👌♥️♥️ nice,5,2023-07-08 05:32:57 +Google Play,Nice ✅🔥🔥,4,2023-07-06 15:29:44 +Google Play,Love it.,5,2023-07-06 23:32:09 +Google Play,Love it.,5,2023-07-06 01:54:05 +Google Play,Love it😍,5,2023-07-06 17:12:19 +Google Play,Love it.,5,2023-07-06 15:12:17 +Google Play,Not a good app,1,2023-07-24 19:28:01 +Google Play,Nice🤍🤘😚✨️,5,2023-07-06 03:54:16 +Google Play,Love it 😁,5,2023-07-06 16:31:28 +Google Play,Love 💕 it,5,2023-07-06 22:18:11 +Google Play,Love it 😀,5,2023-07-08 22:46:47 +Google Play,Love it 💖,5,2023-07-07 19:18:12 +Google Play,Love it 😍,5,2023-07-07 14:42:22 +Google Play,Love it 😁,5,2023-07-06 17:15:45 +Google Play,Disgusting.......,1,2023-07-06 14:30:01 +Google Play,Superb🖤🖤,5,2023-07-07 06:38:35 +Google Play,Good 😊😊,4,2023-07-09 12:47:59 +Google Play,So cute 🐼,5,2023-07-08 12:18:26 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-24 16:57:09 +Google Play,Best one...,2,2023-07-07 22:28:21 +Google Play,Impressive 😍,5,2023-07-08 15:40:33 +Google Play,Interesting🧐,5,2023-07-06 05:00:43 +Google Play,Incredible 😍,5,2023-07-12 05:32:46 +Google Play,Wonderfull 🔥,5,2023-07-06 09:48:59 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-07 17:40:00 +Google Play,Glitch?,2,2023-07-06 03:39:53 +Google Play,Outstanding 😍,5,2023-07-15 09:21:20 +Google Play,Nic application ❤️,5,2023-07-13 09:45:42 +Google Play,Chiz badhiya hai 😂,5,2023-07-06 11:03:24 +Google Play,Twitter toh giyo 🤣,5,2023-07-06 10:30:37 +Google Play,الأول قيد التجريب😁,5,2023-07-06 01:40:10 +Google Play,منافس شرس لتويتر ،,5,2023-07-06 16:26:36 +Google Play,🔥♥️,5,2023-07-06 14:17:18 +Google Play,Instagram thanks ❣️,5,2023-07-11 16:36:50 +Google Play,Nice 🙂🙂,1,2023-07-06 11:52:03 +Google Play,Nice 👍 app,5,2023-07-09 07:36:50 +Google Play,Very good 👍👍,5,2023-07-11 10:45:50 +Google Play,Refreshing.,5,2023-07-10 08:05:39 +Google Play,Love this ♥,5,2023-07-08 16:31:06 +Google Play,Excellent 👌,5,2023-07-07 16:47:47 +Google Play,Excellent 👌,4,2023-07-08 03:26:08 +Google Play,Wonderful 😊,5,2023-07-06 08:17:18 +Google Play,Excellent 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:27:17 +Google Play,Loving it 😅,5,2023-07-06 07:53:15 +Google Play,Excellent 👌,5,2023-07-07 11:35:24 +Google Play,Beautiful 😍,5,2023-07-06 01:54:53 +Google Play,Fantastic 😍,5,2023-07-08 07:30:31 +Google Play,Wonderful 💙,5,2023-07-08 17:57:50 +Google Play,Fantastic 😍,5,2023-07-07 05:14:44 +Google Play,Excellent 👍,5,2023-07-08 18:04:34 +Google Play,Excellent 👌,5,2023-07-06 15:45:02 +Google Play,Excellent 👌,5,2023-07-06 10:59:58 +Google Play,Wonderful 👍,4,2023-07-07 22:16:51 +Google Play,Fantastic 😍,5,2023-07-07 01:24:21 +Google Play,"Güle güle Twitter, güle güle anılarım...",5,2023-07-06 09:37:43 +Google Play,I love it 😍😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-07 21:34:54 +Google Play,Excellent.,5,2023-07-06 00:42:32 +Google Play,WONDERFUL.,5,2023-07-06 11:24:12 +Google Play,Excellent💯,5,2023-07-07 08:50:53 +Google Play,Splendid 💯,5,2023-07-11 17:55:10 +Google Play,Excellent👍,5,2023-07-11 19:34:25 +Google Play,very nice 🤟🤟,5,2023-07-07 10:35:15 +Google Play,Very nice 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 01:50:44 +Google Play,സുക്കർ ബ്രോ ട്വിറ്റെർ പൂട്ടിക്കുമോ..?,5,2023-07-07 09:53:17 +Google Play,Amazing👍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩,5,2023-07-07 03:11:03 +Google Play,Its glitching,1,2023-07-07 00:23:06 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-09 17:04:14 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-06 11:19:09 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-08 08:02:25 +Google Play,Constantly freezes,1,2023-07-07 10:45:36 +Google Play,Keep crashing,2,2023-07-07 10:23:44 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-06 17:40:40 +Google Play,Worst experience,1,2023-07-07 12:00:25 +Google Play,Copy cat,4,2023-07-06 03:24:08 +Google Play,Bad application,1,2023-07-07 11:53:03 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-08 12:26:50 +Google Play,Its glitching,1,2023-07-08 18:47:39 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-07 03:07:54 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-16 10:13:52 +Google Play,debugging problems,1,2023-07-07 13:58:46 +Google Play,Keeps crashing,3,2023-07-17 15:04:09 +Google Play,Stop working,1,2023-07-08 05:31:03 +Google Play,bad privacy,1,2023-07-09 06:23:34 +Google Play,Not useful,1,2023-07-10 01:12:21 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-07 03:58:01 +Google Play,App crashed,2,2023-07-07 13:07:19 +Google Play,Its spam,1,2023-07-09 12:30:37 +Google Play,Itzz lagging,2,2023-07-11 15:20:49 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-07 12:46:12 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-06 21:54:42 +Google Play,Terrible app,1,2023-07-08 11:59:23 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-07 07:23:10 +Google Play,Display error,3,2023-07-07 08:36:46 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-13 14:47:31 +Google Play,Stop copycat,1,2023-07-07 15:30:12 +Google Play,Bug problem,2,2023-07-09 08:56:21 +Google Play,Always crashed,3,2023-07-07 20:43:57 +Google Play,Instagram censure,1,2023-07-08 05:26:15 +Google Play,Expensive App,5,2023-07-08 15:18:15 +Google Play,Glitches glitches,1,2023-07-09 08:52:37 +Google Play,keep crashing,1,2023-07-11 09:00:22 +Google Play,Still unstable,3,2023-07-11 10:12:59 +Google Play,UI crashed,1,2023-07-08 16:29:37 +Google Play,Terrible app,2,2023-07-07 12:25:06 +Google Play,Slow warking,2,2023-07-06 17:06:23 +Google Play,Just Censure,3,2023-07-23 12:06:20 +Google Play,Frequent crashes,2,2023-07-06 03:39:00 +Google Play,Unwanted App,1,2023-07-17 17:22:09 +Google Play,Many Glitches,1,2023-07-06 13:50:17 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-06 15:47:29 +Google Play,Very glitchy,1,2023-07-07 10:50:56 +Google Play,Trash app,1,2023-07-07 22:04:38 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-07 08:51:49 +Google Play,mine glitches,3,2023-07-11 07:09:11 +Google Play,Copyright infringement,1,2023-07-13 17:03:51 +Google Play,Posting error,2,2023-07-08 16:09:57 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-09 03:51:58 +Google Play,Garbage really,1,2023-07-07 15:38:21 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-07 15:54:51 +Google Play,App crashing,1,2023-07-07 11:47:00 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-09 11:05:11 +Google Play,Dirty aap,2,2023-07-12 13:22:00 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-06 14:48:49 +Google Play,Bad application,1,2023-07-16 17:00:54 +Google Play,Bad app,2,2023-07-06 06:38:34 +Google Play,Really garbage,1,2023-07-13 17:44:39 +Google Play,Many glitches,1,2023-07-07 13:05:54 +Google Play,Interface bugged,1,2023-07-09 11:52:06 +Google Play,Screen problem,1,2023-07-08 13:02:22 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-06 20:43:36 +Google Play,So buggy,1,2023-07-07 08:20:36 +Google Play,Stop Islamophobia,1,2023-07-08 04:54:35 +Google Play,Bad apk,1,2023-07-09 02:32:18 +Google Play,Display error,2,2023-07-06 21:37:28 +Google Play,Not interesting,1,2023-07-07 14:17:23 +Google Play,Bug problem,1,2023-07-09 15:04:38 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-20 17:28:52 +Google Play,Bad design,3,2023-07-09 22:11:20 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-09 01:49:49 +Google Play,Twitter failed,5,2023-07-07 05:30:26 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-06 16:49:35 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-11 13:15:15 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-07 11:00:11 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-08 10:26:40 +Google Play,Its beast,5,2023-07-06 20:11:02 +Google Play,Very glitchy,1,2023-07-07 21:49:59 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-10 16:26:35 +Google Play,Interface error,1,2023-07-06 14:21:44 +Google Play,Echo chamber,1,2023-07-06 16:49:40 +Google Play,Very glitchy,1,2023-07-06 14:10:07 +Google Play,Dumb app,3,2023-07-06 06:17:17 +Google Play,Time waste,1,2023-07-09 07:03:32 +Google Play,very bad,1,2023-07-07 08:15:39 +Google Play,Little lag,5,2023-07-06 15:50:31 +Google Play,totally bugged,1,2023-07-09 14:56:02 +Google Play,Very boring,1,2023-07-10 23:35:08 +Google Play,Keeps crashing,2,2023-07-07 11:43:36 +Google Play,Bad name,1,2023-07-12 09:09:39 +Google Play,Worse app,1,2023-07-19 13:13:38 +Google Play,Lol copycat,5,2023-07-06 12:32:48 +Google Play,Its broken,1,2023-07-07 03:44:16 +Google Play,Glitchy screen,1,2023-07-06 13:25:50 +Google Play,app crashes,3,2023-07-07 18:30:36 +Google Play,not good,1,2023-07-15 15:47:36 +Google Play,Bad experience,1,2023-07-23 12:04:35 +Google Play,Useless app,1,2023-07-09 05:46:17 +Google Play,Not interesting,1,2023-07-08 09:47:09 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-06 17:55:42 +Google Play,Terrible experience,1,2023-07-07 08:16:29 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-10 00:43:16 +Google Play,Literal theft,1,2023-07-06 20:33:24 +Google Play,Many glitch,1,2023-07-07 05:23:16 +Google Play,its glitching,2,2023-07-08 04:21:38 +Google Play,Simbol beast,1,2023-07-10 13:16:40 +Google Play,Stopped working,3,2023-07-07 19:29:04 +Google Play,Ducking app,5,2023-07-09 20:45:55 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-06 03:38:04 +Google Play,useless app,1,2023-07-07 14:07:37 +Google Play,Fake twitter,1,2023-07-08 17:35:27 +Google Play,Glitch everywhere,1,2023-07-06 14:04:25 +Google Play,Just lagg,1,2023-07-06 22:27:52 +Google Play,Sarver problem,1,2023-07-08 07:41:49 +Google Play,V bad,1,2023-07-06 21:27:50 +Google Play,Not Good,1,2023-07-08 12:26:55 +Google Play,Slow work,1,2023-07-10 03:50:07 +Google Play,Laggy af,1,2023-07-08 09:18:32 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-20 02:25:07 +Google Play,Not useful,1,2023-07-15 20:11:58 +Google Play,Crash enabled,1,2023-07-07 09:47:33 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-09 11:17:27 +Google Play,Just useless,1,2023-07-07 20:10:02 +Google Play,Worst experience,1,2023-07-07 10:10:15 +Google Play,Destroy tweter,5,2023-07-07 04:25:08 +Google Play,Very unstable,1,2023-07-06 08:10:20 +Google Play,Twitter ripoff,4,2023-07-09 12:50:15 +Google Play,Technical Errors,1,2023-07-07 02:07:16 +Google Play,Empty app,2,2023-07-08 20:29:27 +Google Play,Terrible app,1,2023-07-08 16:48:23 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-06 16:30:10 +Google Play,Privacy concerns,1,2023-07-08 16:13:53 +Google Play,Fake twitter,2,2023-07-13 11:19:05 +Google Play,Pretty bad,2,2023-07-07 05:23:08 +Google Play,Not good,5,2023-07-07 10:40:20 +Google Play,Bad display,1,2023-07-08 19:50:49 +Google Play,Always Crash,3,2023-07-06 07:14:18 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-09 03:58:43 +Google Play,Twitter Wannabe,1,2023-07-08 18:43:52 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-09 20:07:18 +Google Play,Very Bad,1,2023-07-07 11:09:10 +Google Play,Worst application,1,2023-07-06 09:29:29 +Google Play,Not suitable,1,2023-07-07 13:48:39 +Google Play,Not impressed,1,2023-07-10 17:10:55 +Google Play,Boring app,1,2023-07-23 14:40:04 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-08 15:00:23 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-09 13:56:30 +Google Play,Time Wasted,1,2023-07-06 18:14:52 +Google Play,Glitchy AFFFFF,1,2023-07-08 00:21:47 +Google Play,Worst experience,1,2023-07-12 04:43:08 +Google Play,Facing glitches,1,2023-07-07 04:52:23 +Google Play,Bad app,1,2023-07-07 15:53:16 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-11 06:22:29 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-06 12:59:55 +Google Play,Pretty bad,5,2023-07-06 10:08:25 +Google Play,Not interested,1,2023-07-08 23:54:44 +Google Play,Boring app,1,2023-07-10 07:37:18 +Google Play,Stupid app,1,2023-07-07 01:48:27 +Google Play,Too glitchy,2,2023-07-07 00:57:33 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-08 08:42:15 +Google Play,Blinking problem,1,2023-07-08 05:42:59 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-06 19:24:46 +Google Play,First review. Pata nhi kya hai..abhitak kholke hi nhi dekha..bs aise hi pehla review dene keliye krliya dwlnd🤣,3,2023-07-06 10:04:07 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-06 09:08:58 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-07 18:38:19 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-10 17:28:56 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-10 03:56:55 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-06 18:21:51 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-08 08:08:33 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-22 01:34:12 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-11 04:58:55 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-07 11:32:40 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-09 05:21:49 +Google Play,Great 😇,5,2023-07-09 09:54:41 +Google Play,Great 👌,5,2023-07-08 04:33:25 +Google Play,Great 👌,5,2023-07-06 10:54:39 +Google Play,Great 👍,5,2023-07-09 12:08:31 +Google Play,Super 👍 ek number,5,2023-07-07 03:30:03 +Google Play,Systum hai bhai 🚀,5,2023-07-06 16:55:53 +Google Play,تطبيق طوب الطوب 💀,5,2023-07-08 01:07:55 +Google Play,I Love It,5,2023-07-06 11:18:23 +Google Play,Better then twiter,5,2023-07-07 10:57:06 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 11:10:22 +Google Play,best,5,2023-07-07 13:47:27 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 14:51:14 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 15:05:10 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 12:45:11 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 18:10:14 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 14:37:05 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-15 20:00:58 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 06:49:08 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 07:03:04 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 15:44:38 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-11 19:45:12 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 04:01:46 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 15:06:52 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-09 07:00:57 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 03:57:58 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 07:28:34 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-11 10:09:43 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 17:34:51 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 15:30:13 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 20:56:29 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-11 06:11:38 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 02:48:48 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 15:14:46 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 07:06:29 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 18:54:54 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-09 12:28:18 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 13:47:36 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 09:31:39 +Google Play,the best,5,2023-07-09 03:52:13 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 09:23:06 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 10:14:22 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-09 13:38:09 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-10 11:31:42 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 09:12:41 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 12:16:13 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-12 06:37:29 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-11 13:04:34 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 02:49:02 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 14:52:59 +Google Play,best,5,2023-07-07 08:20:58 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 06:57:09 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 13:28:31 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 18:55:20 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 05:19:32 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 16:23:22 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 19:00:48 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-11 21:44:13 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-09 21:08:21 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 15:06:05 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 16:40:57 +Google Play,best,5,2023-07-08 15:09:43 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 04:26:32 +Google Play,the best,5,2023-07-06 20:04:13 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 03:27:18 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 10:36:05 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 01:18:49 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 10:11:34 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 13:15:09 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-10 08:00:16 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 11:09:54 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-12 02:08:07 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 16:02:53 +Google Play,best,5,2023-07-10 19:47:31 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 04:17:09 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 10:17:20 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 05:19:04 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-09 22:30:41 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-08 15:01:07 +Google Play,the best,5,2023-07-07 13:05:17 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 09:49:20 +Google Play,..... best,5,2023-07-06 03:21:54 +Google Play,𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝,5,2023-07-06 14:07:36 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,4,2023-07-06 11:36:38 +Google Play,Lovin' it,5,2023-07-07 07:50:51 +Google Play,Amazing 😍,4,2023-07-06 19:09:11 +Google Play,Elegant 😱,5,2023-07-07 14:22:21 +Google Play,Amazing 🤩,1,2023-07-06 09:59:16 +Google Play,Lovely 🌹,5,2023-07-06 19:38:01 +Google Play,Good 😊,5,2023-07-07 17:29:38 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-07 17:21:24 +Google Play,Good 👍,5,2023-07-07 21:30:03 +Google Play,Love it...,5,2023-07-07 03:12:47 +Google Play,Twitter ki fati padi hai 🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 19:05:01 +Google Play,Awesome 😎😎😎,5,2023-07-07 16:52:45 +Google Play,Awesome 😎😎😎,5,2023-07-06 15:45:03 +Google Play,Superb.,3,2023-07-07 14:09:08 +Google Play,Excellent...,5,2023-07-09 13:37:34 +Google Play,Fantastic...,5,2023-07-06 01:58:56 +Google Play,Excellent...,5,2023-07-07 05:45:42 +Google Play,Nice.,5,2023-07-06 07:30:52 +Google Play,Nice.,5,2023-07-06 07:31:17 +Google Play,Nice.,5,2023-07-07 16:26:56 +Google Play,Cool.,5,2023-07-06 08:21:12 +Google Play,Cool.,5,2023-07-06 03:27:34 +Google Play,Nice.,5,2023-07-09 21:29:13 +Google Play,Nice app 👍,4,2023-07-10 06:27:06 +Google Play,Excellent 👌👌,5,2023-07-07 19:57:38 +Google Play,Bawal chiz hai 😄,5,2023-07-06 13:59:53 +Google Play,Ye best hai,5,2023-07-07 05:57:03 +Google Play,Excellent,4,2023-07-08 04:29:54 +Google Play,Excellent,4,2023-07-06 16:15:16 +Google Play,Excellent,4,2023-07-08 09:55:20 +Google Play,Nice👍😊,5,2023-07-08 17:17:55 +Google Play,EASY,5,2023-07-07 17:54:28 +Google Play,Awesome 😍😍,5,2023-07-06 02:17:01 +Google Play,Good👌🏻,5,2023-07-06 10:39:11 +Google Play,Loved it,5,2023-07-09 03:35:59 +Google Play,Loved it,5,2023-07-07 11:42:54 +Google Play,Loved it,5,2023-07-06 16:18:51 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 01:02:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:28:56 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 14:02:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:57:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 15:22:21 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 05:30:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:01:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 02:40:36 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-08 05:48:49 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 13:06:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:11:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 02:51:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:17:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:29:53 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 18:42:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 07:25:26 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-08 16:16:04 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 12:01:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 06:52:11 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:15:56 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:46:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 01:46:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:11:14 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 01:14:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 17:29:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 14:23:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 00:58:18 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 11:37:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 10:13:07 +Google Play,that good,5,2023-07-06 09:14:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 02:55:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:38:00 +Google Play,is good,5,2023-07-07 00:16:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 05:30:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:55:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:05:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 17:52:10 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:26:21 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:16:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:30:27 +Google Play,Goooooooood,5,2023-07-06 06:01:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 09:28:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 11:30:59 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 01:32:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 02:38:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 18:01:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 08:02:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:37:02 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 07:37:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:24:59 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:09:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:49:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:40:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 10:24:06 +Google Play,GOOD,5,2023-07-06 13:56:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 08:49:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 08:46:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 16:39:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:47:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 15:29:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 01:00:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 18:17:22 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:59:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:04:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 14:02:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 01:49:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:35:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 03:16:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:21:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 01:02:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:24:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 08:40:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 12:38:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:38:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:33:57 +Google Play,gooooooood,5,2023-07-06 05:00:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:37:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:59:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 22:22:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 14:23:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 11:31:17 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 20:24:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:56:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 18:43:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:40:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 06:10:02 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:17:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 00:52:18 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:27:29 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:53:24 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 10:40:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:40:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 13:16:02 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:31:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:08:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:30:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 16:19:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 19:29:24 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 15:26:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 19:26:49 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:23:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:00:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 21:13:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 14:01:47 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 15:41:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:31:10 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 04:28:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:43:53 +Google Play,Goood,5,2023-07-07 09:18:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:02:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:03:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:42:47 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 11:03:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:01:29 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:22:49 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 15:39:33 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 12:46:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:46:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 13:36:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 13:07:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 09:59:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 02:11:03 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:10:37 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 04:40:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 08:46:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:42:06 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 08:21:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:53:59 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 15:49:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:50:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:00:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:50:32 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:56:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 22:53:34 +Google Play,Gooood,5,2023-07-09 14:13:29 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 14:12:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:22:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:50:03 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 15:45:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:47:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:35:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 12:39:32 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 02:21:51 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 11:08:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 11:47:12 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 13:37:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 10:56:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 22:13:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 03:11:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 13:26:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:37:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 08:34:11 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 12:16:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 20:37:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:05:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:06:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 05:16:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 15:42:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:57:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:03:51 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 08:23:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 07:35:12 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:01:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 20:12:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 01:14:01 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 14:18:39 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 10:15:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 01:50:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:53:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:09:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:16:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 20:11:18 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 10:52:49 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:23:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-24 10:56:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-17 05:08:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 01:12:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:19:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 03:56:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:36:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 20:11:22 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 05:40:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:19:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 00:46:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:25:39 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 12:30:06 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 04:23:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 15:35:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:17:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:34:29 +Google Play,Goooood,5,2023-07-06 17:58:47 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 04:44:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 09:15:18 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:11:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:57:02 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 14:25:28 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 09:27:51 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 11:44:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 18:26:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 02:02:09 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-08 06:59:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 22:40:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 21:21:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 09:49:29 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:22:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:19:50 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-09 10:04:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 17:49:24 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 04:27:21 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:36:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 22:26:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 18:34:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 14:57:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 08:32:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 02:45:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:33:24 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 23:50:56 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 00:14:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:00:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:41:12 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 06:15:13 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 09:11:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:33:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 11:41:48 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 00:05:22 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:10:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 16:38:51 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 00:08:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:36:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:05:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:14:53 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 12:22:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:44:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:37:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 12:42:26 +Google Play,Gooooood,5,2023-07-10 08:48:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 04:28:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:16:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 12:50:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 01:10:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 01:10:47 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:48:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:34:13 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 11:59:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 08:49:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 02:08:17 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-11 01:51:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 21:48:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 01:15:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 10:32:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 21:06:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:06:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 00:00:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 06:57:51 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 02:01:12 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 02:35:48 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 12:32:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 17:17:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:13:31 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 12:04:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 09:19:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:57:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 14:03:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 06:20:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:09:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 12:52:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:28:31 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:03:47 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:22:42 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-09 10:46:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 11:21:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 04:09:22 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:19:29 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 20:55:48 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:23:24 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:49:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 21:18:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:01:10 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:16:13 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 14:38:10 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 03:01:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:45:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:27:11 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 06:28:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 09:07:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 20:50:12 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 06:18:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:07:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 05:37:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 08:30:32 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 08:59:26 +Google Play,Goood,5,2023-07-07 05:53:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 04:30:44 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 15:55:04 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 16:02:54 +Google Play,GOOD,5,2023-07-06 11:15:10 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:23:37 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 14:21:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 03:28:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:39:37 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-15 08:43:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 21:34:11 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 12:54:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 13:11:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 03:51:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 09:37:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:40:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 04:07:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 22:13:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 03:37:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:13:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:18:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:58:07 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 17:51:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 04:05:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:59:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:51:49 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 22:42:39 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-08 05:43:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 19:20:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 01:01:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 03:49:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 04:56:56 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 10:18:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 20:31:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:28:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 22:40:48 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:18:56 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 05:50:41 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 14:45:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 07:56:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 17:20:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:14:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 14:41:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 16:26:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:44:59 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 10:20:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-23 05:56:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 18:27:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 20:20:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 01:52:59 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-10 09:36:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:13:48 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:23:03 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 01:24:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:19:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:59:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:07:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:06:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 15:14:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 02:31:08 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 07:44:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 11:43:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 04:03:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 08:04:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:45:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 04:02:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 04:43:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 16:28:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:50:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 03:48:32 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:02:13 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 14:54:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 14:20:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-22 17:45:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:58:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 09:29:28 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 16:04:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:41:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 02:23:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:55:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 12:18:19 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-09 05:21:37 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:33:04 +Google Play,Gooood,5,2023-07-06 20:56:11 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:23:29 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 12:10:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:04:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 14:15:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 20:00:14 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 21:09:03 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:43:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 01:56:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-23 02:21:19 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 03:41:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:14:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:12:42 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 16:56:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 06:07:35 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:20:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 11:44:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 18:17:38 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:15:21 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:06:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 03:48:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:33:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 18:26:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:21:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:45:37 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 19:25:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 11:06:13 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 00:36:45 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 09:25:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 09:34:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-14 17:14:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-16 15:24:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 04:03:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 15:39:07 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 08:01:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 07:30:21 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-23 20:40:15 +Google Play,Gooooooood,5,2023-07-07 19:55:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 12:39:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 11:10:04 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:36:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 16:04:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 05:11:14 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:32:59 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 03:32:47 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:06:06 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 08:11:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:29:21 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 11:20:31 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 09:14:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 07:15:42 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 09:18:30 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-13 21:01:58 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 17:06:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 10:01:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 14:05:12 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 15:08:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 09:13:05 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 13:55:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 16:16:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 11:04:55 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 13:16:33 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 04:15:10 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 09:48:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:37:16 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 04:03:13 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 10:58:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 04:02:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 17:58:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 09:28:58 +Google Play,Goood,5,2023-07-11 02:18:20 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-08 14:14:40 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 21:04:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-16 16:53:27 +Google Play,Ab Maja Aayega Na Bhidu 😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 05:11:04 +Google Play,Good 👍😊👍😊👍😊👍😊,5,2023-07-06 06:28:01 +Google Play,Good😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 11:14:12 +Google Play,perfect,2,2023-07-06 15:37:18 +Google Play,Cool ✨,5,2023-07-06 06:13:24 +Google Play,Cool 😎,4,2023-07-06 09:27:30 +Google Play,Xoss ♥,5,2023-07-08 05:19:15 +Google Play,Cool 😘,4,2023-07-10 04:17:25 +Google Play,Cool 😎,5,2023-07-07 22:40:32 +Google Play,Cool 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:23:11 +Google Play,Happy,5,2023-07-06 10:33:27 +Google Play,Happy,5,2023-07-09 04:56:54 +Google Play,Restricted kahit walang nilabag,1,2023-07-10 14:08:35 +Google Play,Kiya bakwas app ha,1,2023-07-24 06:10:35 +Google Play,Njma 5ater nakrah zuck,1,2023-07-10 10:38:51 +Google Play,الابلكيشن بيهنج بطريقة وحشه,1,2023-07-07 17:48:54 +Google Play,البرنامج بعلق ارجو التحديث,1,2023-07-06 14:36:17 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy hai,1,2023-07-08 16:39:33 +Google Play,زاني نسخه من تويتر,1,2023-07-06 14:04:16 +Google Play,Ldki hi ni mili,1,2023-07-18 12:59:19 +Google Play,Copy kerlo twiter ko,1,2023-07-08 15:06:28 +Google Play,pra mim tá bugado,1,2023-07-05 23:22:41 +Google Play,Hang ho raha hai,1,2023-07-11 05:13:04 +Google Play,Nice ..,5,2023-07-09 00:12:50 +Google Play,Yha per ladkiyo ko message kha se kere or nhi koi ladki follow kerti hai to eka kya kere kya benifit h eska lvde,1,2023-07-06 09:17:40 +Google Play,Ina Da Magana!,5,2023-07-06 22:49:40 +Google Play,🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍perfect!!!,5,2023-07-09 21:15:23 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 04:17:25 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 05:36:12 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 14:02:59 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-12 03:40:40 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 22:15:28 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-11 14:55:50 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 08:43:04 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-08 18:19:32 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-12 06:29:50 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 23:17:14 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 19:11:43 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 20:40:09 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 21:48:26 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 11:24:42 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-08 04:39:36 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-13 17:43:18 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-11 17:56:11 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 09:02:02 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 00:56:04 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 09:04:10 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 14:35:46 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 07:39:14 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-09 23:29:28 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 15:49:12 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 17:16:41 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 10:17:12 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-08 14:16:20 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 04:27:22 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 19:22:48 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 10:44:12 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 22:18:12 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 08:59:49 +Google Play,Beautiful,5,2023-07-08 05:04:56 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-08 01:19:15 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 16:43:40 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 16:26:22 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 04:35:08 +Google Play,excellent,5,2023-07-07 01:32:19 +Google Play,Beautiful,5,2023-07-11 08:08:48 +Google Play,Stupendous,5,2023-07-06 12:06:42 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 11:00:40 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-09 01:21:20 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-08 08:14:40 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 20:47:51 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 00:59:15 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-08 09:38:57 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 03:03:44 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-12 01:08:15 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-10 02:43:59 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-19 18:08:20 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 12:21:16 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 17:58:05 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 20:54:50 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-06 16:09:11 +Google Play,Nice app🥳🥳🥳🥳,4,2023-07-08 15:06:25 +Google Play,♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 11:13:56 +Google Play,♥️♥️,5,2023-07-09 09:55:32 +Google Play,Great 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 12:51:45 +Google Play,✌️🌹♥️,5,2023-07-09 10:02:01 +Google Play,Good 👍👍,5,2023-07-06 04:53:03 +Google Play,fine,5,2023-07-06 19:15:28 +Google Play,Fine,5,2023-07-09 17:53:45 +Google Play,So nice🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 15:36:06 +Google Play,Great👍,5,2023-07-06 19:51:37 +Google Play,Nice..,5,2023-07-06 03:28:31 +Google Play,Best..,5,2023-07-06 10:19:09 +Google Play,Nice..,5,2023-07-09 04:53:20 +Google Play,Nice..,5,2023-07-06 19:19:31 +Google Play,Excellent,3,2023-07-09 00:15:25 +Google Play,Game changer,4,2023-07-07 17:44:34 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-07 16:46:19 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-06 04:21:21 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-11 05:14:02 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-08 04:24:40 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-07 18:39:55 +Google Play,Good,2,2023-07-06 15:11:22 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-08 14:58:49 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-08 00:09:29 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-07 06:37:31 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-07 14:26:49 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-10 00:54:26 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-07 15:42:07 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-07 13:28:35 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-06 04:52:53 +Google Play,Good,1,2023-07-13 20:59:09 +Google Play,🤔.. ☕️,4,2023-07-06 07:21:24 +Google Play,"Ya empezó mal. En el feed aparece cualquier cosa, menos de gente que sigo, sin opción para cambiar.",1,2023-07-06 14:30:54 +Google Play,Love 🥰,5,2023-07-06 08:52:45 +Google Play,Primer comentario!,5,2023-07-06 05:00:48 +Google Play,best,1,2023-07-12 17:52:34 +Google Play,Amazing 💙💙,3,2023-07-08 04:35:19 +Google Play,Wonderful 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-08 16:04:19 +Google Play,Agr Instagram pe kisi ne block kiaaa hooo tooo uskaaa yaha account unblock milega kyaaa....🤘🤔🤘 #justasking,1,2023-07-07 07:27:32 +Google Play,Koi to race me aaya,5,2023-07-07 06:53:34 +Google Play,احسن من تويتر وشكرا,5,2023-07-06 18:18:31 +Google Play,Kuchh naya hai isbaar,5,2023-07-06 17:17:20 +Google Play,Kia baat hai jeee,5,2023-07-07 15:58:08 +Google Play,Wa naaadya 3la twitter,5,2023-07-09 17:26:00 +Google Play,اول تقييم باللغة العربية,5,2023-07-06 05:42:24 +Google Play,ಸೂಪರ್ ಅಯ್ತಿ ನೋಡ್ರಿ app,5,2023-07-10 02:05:00 +Google Play,बहुत अच्छा aap है,5,2023-07-06 02:00:05 +Google Play,Guzara hi yeh filhal,5,2023-07-07 05:14:50 +Google Play,Thik thak application hai,5,2023-07-07 08:37:11 +Google Play,إستعملوه فيما يرضي الله,5,2023-07-08 20:21:12 +Google Play,احلى اشي شفنه بحياتي,5,2023-07-06 15:13:34 +Google Play,احسن من تويتر بمراحل,5,2023-07-07 02:03:26 +Google Play,Twitter ko pachhad diya,5,2023-07-07 03:48:59 +Google Play,Badhiya app banaya hai,5,2023-07-06 06:43:18 +Google Play,Elan mask ko jawab,5,2023-07-08 05:09:43 +Google Play,Bagus seperti apk sebelah,5,2023-07-06 17:34:23 +Google Play,رابط کاربری خوبی داره,5,2023-07-06 22:20:25 +Google Play,مع الوقت رح يتحسن,3,2023-07-06 11:44:02 +Google Play,يجب ايضافة الريلز والسطوري,5,2023-07-06 22:05:19 +Google Play,Post koira moja pai,5,2023-07-09 07:23:46 +Google Play,CETTE APPLICATION EST MAGNIFIQUE,5,2023-07-06 21:25:01 +Google Play,Mast he ye app,5,2023-07-11 21:19:07 +Google Play,الله يعينك ياعم ماسسككك,5,2023-07-06 13:56:22 +Google Play,Kuch to bat hai tumjhme,5,2023-07-11 09:49:06 +Google Play,Twiter tu toh gya,5,2023-07-06 15:53:06 +Google Play,Bhot aachi aap h,5,2023-07-06 04:09:52 +Google Play,خۆشە ئەگەر تێکی نەدەن,4,2023-07-06 17:23:00 +Google Play,Oe que nota perrroooo,5,2023-07-06 01:36:28 +Google Play,خوب هست بدک نیست,5,2023-07-06 03:17:05 +Google Play,Shii fakher 3l ekher,5,2023-07-06 14:35:14 +Google Play,التطبيق دمار شامل يصحبي,5,2023-07-07 06:11:36 +Google Play,Leg ho raha hai,5,2023-07-07 03:26:13 +Google Play,حلوو أحسن من تويتر,5,2023-07-08 12:07:28 +Google Play,كثيير حل�� و بسلي,5,2023-07-06 12:09:49 +Google Play,Yeh bhi thik hein,5,2023-07-06 12:08:27 +Google Play,ديديكاس أرض الدلاع المقدسة,5,2023-07-06 21:59:26 +Google Play,زكارة ف إلون ماسك,5,2023-07-06 05:29:20 +Google Play,حبيت افضل من تويتر,5,2023-07-06 21:33:10 +Google Play,Thk hi thak h,4,2023-07-07 08:26:18 +Google Play,Tikunakirwa isu kuno kuZimbabwe,5,2023-07-06 17:06:49 +Google Play,قسم بالله التويتر عمه,5,2023-07-06 00:15:58 +Google Play,Twitter ka Chhota Bhai,4,2023-07-13 09:57:40 +Google Play,Twitter sa acha haa,4,2023-07-10 09:56:41 +Google Play,هیوادارم جێگای تویتەر بگرێتەوە,5,2023-07-06 03:23:52 +Google Play,çok güzel シ︎,4,2023-07-07 21:04:34 +Google Play,Bohot acchi app hai,5,2023-07-07 09:49:33 +Google Play,ूबहह४बह५५५,5,2023-07-10 16:50:59 +Google Play,حلو ي فنان استمر,5,2023-07-07 00:28:41 +Google Play,Nice hi hoga,5,2023-07-06 17:21:41 +Google Play,Great...,5,2023-07-07 06:09:37 +Google Play,Verry good,5,2023-07-06 05:24:58 +Google Play,Lucu tenggelamkan Twitter? hastagnya 🤭,5,2023-07-06 09:38:02 +Google Play,மிக அருமை! ஆரம்பிக்கலாமா ?,5,2023-07-06 06:13:31 +Google Play,Nice....,1,2023-07-07 18:57:17 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-13 02:22:26 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-07 12:00:55 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-07 02:24:32 +Google Play,Good Experience,5,2023-07-07 17:27:03 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-07 05:39:06 +Google Play,Good Experience,5,2023-07-06 04:09:08 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-06 03:32:33 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-09 07:06:16 +Google Play,Good experience,5,2023-07-07 00:10:24 +Google Play,Twitter killer !,5,2023-07-09 18:07:17 +Google Play,😃😅👈😁😁🤟🥲😃🥲,5,2023-07-06 11:35:07 +Google Play,I know,5,2023-07-09 18:28:42 +Google Play,"Multicuenta, para cuando en el roadmap?",4,2023-07-06 03:27:09 +Google Play,"sitaron bhare is Jahan mein ek tumhara chehra acha lgta ha, or thread mere kisi kaam ka ni lagta he . sitaron bhare is Jahan mein ek tumhara chehra acha lgta ha, or thread mere kisi kaam ka ni lagta he .",5,2023-07-08 19:34:45 +Google Play,Soo good,5,2023-07-08 10:31:16 +Google Play,Game Changer,5,2023-07-05 23:29:20 +Google Play,"Muy buena app, creo que será la versión ""sana"" de Twitter, espero... Y creo que ya petaron los servers XD",5,2023-07-06 03:54:56 +Google Play,Nice💓💓💓💓,4,2023-07-07 18:24:06 +Google Play,Kayn akhay mark 👍🏻,5,2023-07-09 13:21:49 +Google Play,अरे वाह मार्क जुकु खेला कर दिया अब बेचारा elon कैसे भरपाई करेगा इतना मंहंगा खरीदा था ट्विटर को☺️☺️☺️,5,2023-07-06 16:13:36 +Google Play,Good career,5,2023-07-10 14:32:32 +Google Play,Fabulous,5,2023-07-08 16:45:23 +Google Play,Fabulous,5,2023-07-06 11:46:59 +Google Play,Good job,4,2023-07-08 03:39:06 +Google Play,Worst one from mark mama,1,2023-07-25 07:45:03 +Google Play,Good :-),5,2023-07-05 23:08:55 +Google Play,Twitter > Threads,1,2023-07-07 20:11:05 +Google Play,Twitter > Threads,1,2023-07-06 08:39:58 +Google Play,More features,5,2023-07-07 11:10:42 +Google Play,Excellent application,5,2023-07-08 04:29:42 +Google Play,Excellent Application,5,2023-07-09 10:28:20 +Google Play,Excellent application,5,2023-07-05 23:25:59 +Google Play,Excellent application,5,2023-07-08 01:37:38 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-07 04:57:29 +Google Play,Cool....,3,2023-07-06 10:10:39 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-09 09:09:27 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-07 18:17:46 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-07 10:09:43 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-06 06:12:40 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-07 01:30:53 +Google Play,Nice 🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-06 04:40:53 +Google Play,جَيد نوعاً ما .,5,2023-07-06 19:31:52 +Google Play,Jay shree ram 🚩,5,2023-07-06 11:24:44 +Google Play,Como retiro o modo escuro?,5,2023-07-06 04:46:20 +Google Play,Hateminati ↗️🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,5,2023-07-06 11:20:55 +Google Play,Tidak bisa upload foto,2,2023-07-10 09:58:21 +Google Play,Thek hi ha bs,2,2023-07-06 19:05:51 +Google Play,നീ കൊറേ നേട്ന്നൊണ്ടല്ലോ ....🤨,5,2023-07-07 07:12:38 +Google Play,not bad,3,2023-07-11 16:07:49 +Google Play,Not bad,3,2023-07-08 13:43:24 +Google Play,Not bad,3,2023-07-07 14:19:30 +Google Play,Not bad,3,2023-07-08 02:37:22 +Google Play,Not bad,3,2023-07-06 09:38:57 +Google Play,Unbelievable Wowwww,5,2023-07-09 03:24:27 +Google Play,"Twitter🤮, threads 😇",5,2023-07-07 07:28:05 +Google Play,Amazing 😍😍😍,5,2023-07-09 07:07:41 +Google Play,Amazing 😍😍😍,5,2023-07-07 06:55:20 +Google Play,Fitur download gambar mana bang?,3,2023-07-07 03:00:57 +Google Play,Nice 👍👍,5,2023-07-09 11:39:56 +Google Play,Mja a gya ❤️😍,1,2023-07-20 16:37:54 +Google Play,Super app 🥰❤️,5,2023-07-07 13:05:35 +Google Play,Super App ❤️💯,3,2023-07-08 09:08:07 +Google Play,Kaun kaun yahan Elon Musk ki review dhundne ayaa hain?,2,2023-07-09 19:01:43 +Google Play,Jay shree RAM 🚩💗,5,2023-07-07 04:50:16 +Google Play,Coba dulu ygy 😁🤭,5,2023-07-06 02:14:18 +Google Play,Twitter Copy 🤣🖐️,1,2023-07-07 14:42:17 +Google Play,"Chronological, please!",4,2023-07-06 02:52:51 +Google Play,wow nice,5,2023-07-06 18:30:25 +Google Play,Wow nice,5,2023-07-07 08:08:46 +Google Play,Har har Modi 🇮🇳,1,2023-07-07 05:42:24 +Google Play,Threads wow ❤️🤩,5,2023-07-07 07:37:31 +Google Play,Nice app........,5,2023-07-06 15:37:36 +Google Play,Amazing App,5,2023-07-06 13:09:09 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 05:47:34 +Google Play,Something unique,5,2023-07-07 17:09:01 +Google Play,The best,5,2023-07-12 12:34:41 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-12 11:26:03 +Google Play,Best apps,5,2023-07-07 18:58:38 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 07:43:33 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-11 10:39:16 +Google Play,Very smooth,4,2023-07-05 23:28:34 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-10 10:10:20 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-12 12:02:46 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-15 05:24:37 +Google Play,AMAZING APP,5,2023-07-10 10:24:33 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-07 16:55:42 +Google Play,Good application,4,2023-07-07 17:14:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 07:43:32 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-07 17:20:17 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 00:40:30 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-09 18:39:14 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-07 21:34:36 +Google Play,Very awesome,5,2023-07-07 17:29:59 +Google Play,Verry nice,5,2023-07-08 16:09:49 +Google Play,Verry nice,5,2023-07-08 09:27:32 +Google Play,အားပေးတယ်။ ခြသာခြ 😎,5,2023-07-06 15:47:01 +Google Play,I like it 👌 😏 😌,5,2023-07-07 06:14:13 +Google Play,threads>>>Twitter ❤️,5,2023-07-06 17:49:05 +Google Play,Too good,4,2023-07-06 03:53:05 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-12 06:09:03 +Google Play,Good performance,4,2023-07-08 01:40:16 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 15:57:43 +Google Play,Nice app 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌,5,2023-07-06 06:28:31 +Google Play,Thik thak hai😆,4,2023-07-06 13:00:31 +Google Play,أحسن من تويتر.,5,2023-07-06 12:57:15 +Google Play,Helpfull,5,2023-07-08 18:19:13 +Google Play,Congratulations meta 🖤,5,2023-07-07 02:24:37 +Google Play,♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-11 16:16:33 +Google Play,♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 12:21:28 +Google Play,♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 19:51:46 +Google Play,♥️♥️♥️,1,2023-07-07 05:04:38 +Google Play,aliyameen27🤲🇲🇻🕌,5,2023-07-06 03:16:46 +Google Play,Is app se I'd ko delete karenge toh Instagram se bhi delete ho jayega 🤔 Term and condition kya ghatiya hai 🥸,1,2023-07-12 14:15:28 +Google Play,"Sudah bagus, tapi tolong, aplikasi threads saya sering terkeluar sendiri, pas mau repost atau reply sering begitu, kalo bisa diperbaiki lebih lanjut",4,2023-07-07 11:07:09 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-21 15:17:58 +Google Play,Very good,1,2023-07-13 04:24:18 +Google Play,need verification 😂,5,2023-07-06 11:48:40 +Google Play,"നൈസ്, EasilyHandled",3,2023-07-07 13:43:27 +Google Play,হুবহু ইন্সটাগ্রাম।,3,2023-07-06 17:44:41 +Google Play,GG mang berk,5,2023-07-07 06:28:31 +Google Play,تطبيق رائع فعلاً,5,2023-07-13 18:28:28 +Google Play,Güzel gibi bakalım,4,2023-07-06 12:58:05 +Google Play,متشوق للتجربة الجديدة,5,2023-07-06 10:58:46 +Google Play,Bahut bekar hai,1,2023-07-06 11:40:12 +Google Play,Ab ayega maza,5,2023-07-06 20:00:47 +Google Play,Osm he yar,5,2023-07-08 14:28:28 +Google Play,अब इसपे मराओ,5,2023-07-10 05:46:01 +Google Play,Cópia do Twitter,1,2023-07-07 02:41:06 +Google Play,Ô kê đấy,5,2023-07-06 07:25:24 +Google Play,W app fr,5,2023-07-07 16:47:19 +Google Play,Twitter toh giyo,5,2023-07-06 20:58:00 +Google Play,اشي بخالط الجذب,5,2023-07-06 15:26:54 +Google Play,Twitter ka baap,5,2023-07-07 14:27:30 +Google Play,खूप छान आहे,5,2023-07-07 08:47:22 +Google Play,Ok ok app,2,2023-07-19 11:00:22 +Google Play,أحسن تطبيق استخدمته,5,2023-07-08 13:28:35 +Google Play,Itheel ayinmaathram enthaallathh,3,2023-07-06 06:46:37 +Google Play,Its not workingg,1,2023-07-08 03:56:46 +Google Play,الصراحة برنامج أسطوري,5,2023-07-06 01:25:31 +Google Play,Kiya bolti pablic,5,2023-07-07 04:20:41 +Google Play,Mast aap hai,5,2023-07-06 12:00:22 +Google Play,Bahut achcha app,5,2023-07-08 03:11:32 +Google Play,Twitter ka baap,5,2023-07-07 10:03:20 +Google Play,Twitter ka Baap,5,2023-07-09 08:20:26 +Google Play,جكارة بايلون ماسك,5,2023-07-08 19:57:42 +Google Play,تعاندو على تويتر,1,2023-07-08 12:56:56 +Google Play,Bakwaas tareen app,1,2023-07-06 19:41:48 +Google Play,Banyak bgt bugnya,1,2023-07-11 19:58:06 +Google Play,Facebook ka Twitter,4,2023-07-06 10:13:45 +Google Play,show de bola,5,2023-07-06 00:53:46 +Google Play,Lun ta charo,1,2023-07-08 12:35:20 +Google Play,Buat fitur pin,4,2023-07-06 13:16:02 +Google Play,Tuqan abiğ için,5,2023-07-06 17:19:54 +Google Play,بعدني ما جربتة,5,2023-07-06 09:55:23 +Google Play,Twitter ki gali,1,2023-07-12 04:53:31 +Google Play,ingfokan update berikutnya,4,2023-07-09 10:58:07 +Google Play,شغال يجي منه,4,2023-07-06 08:55:28 +Google Play,Little bit gd,5,2023-07-07 07:33:33 +Google Play,Sejauh ini bagus,5,2023-07-06 10:58:39 +Google Play,Sabse bekar aap,5,2023-07-14 17:40:21 +Google Play,जय श्री राम,5,2023-07-07 12:15:34 +Google Play,Bhot acha h,5,2023-07-07 15:30:41 +Google Play,Maja aa gaya,5,2023-07-10 18:53:11 +Google Play,Chumma chumma Dede,5,2023-07-09 09:12:01 +Google Play,Elon ge jai,1,2023-07-16 05:16:40 +Google Play,So far 3stars,3,2023-07-08 10:38:45 +Google Play,Twitter ka Bhai,5,2023-07-06 08:50:12 +Google Play,Nic aap Thread,5,2023-07-09 05:11:23 +Google Play,Bawal chiz h be,5,2023-07-07 09:17:36 +Google Play,נחמד מאוד מומלץ,5,2023-07-06 12:11:22 +Google Play,Bawal chiz h be,5,2023-07-06 05:49:36 +Google Play,Suar k baccho,2,2023-07-07 07:10:40 +Google Play,A2Z vivek Volga,5,2023-07-07 05:57:12 +Google Play,EK DM BINDAS,5,2023-07-07 16:38:13 +Google Play,Maja nhi aaya,1,2023-07-08 03:16:23 +Google Play,Bahut acha hai,5,2023-07-09 09:13:33 +Google Play,ချကြအားပေးနေမယ်,5,2023-07-11 06:01:58 +Google Play,Ghatiya app hai,1,2023-07-06 15:33:13 +Google Play,في مشكله عندي,1,2023-07-08 13:34:42 +Google Play,Osm maja aagaya,5,2023-07-06 14:23:23 +Google Play,البرنامج تحفه موت,5,2023-07-07 05:49:09 +Google Play,50lacks pai krdiya,5,2023-07-06 17:59:19 +Google Play,Gajab bawal hai,4,2023-07-06 14:11:14 +Google Play,Jalwa hai hamara,4,2023-07-06 17:21:10 +Google Play,Ek number bhava,5,2023-07-07 06:00:04 +Google Play,البرنامج مايشتغل عندي,1,2023-07-07 18:13:08 +Google Play,Maza aye ga,5,2023-07-06 08:37:23 +Google Play,بحبك يا مارك,5,2023-07-05 23:44:30 +Google Play,অসাধারণ একটি অ্যাপ,5,2023-07-07 10:16:44 +Google Play,Thik hi hai,1,2023-07-07 07:00:33 +Google Play,حاجه طوب الطوب,4,2023-07-07 22:43:56 +Google Play,Maza nhi aaya,2,2023-07-06 20:06:33 +Google Play,фегня разрабатчеки ссите,3,2023-07-06 16:19:39 +Google Play,Mast hai bhai,4,2023-07-06 13:11:36 +Google Play,Mejor que tuiter,5,2023-07-07 18:43:38 +Google Play,✌🏻😂ايلون ماسك,5,2023-07-06 13:48:51 +Google Play,Good 👍*****,5,2023-07-09 20:49:35 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-12 05:51:16 +Google Play,Best 😍😍😍,5,2023-07-06 10:44:42 +Google Play,Good 😊😊😊,5,2023-07-07 13:38:56 +Google Play,Accha laga apps used karke @zuck shyad mai INDIA se pahla insaan hu #THREADS ka reviews dene wala.,4,2023-07-06 14:57:17 +Google Play,Not bad,1,2023-07-06 14:31:13 +Google Play,മാമനോട് ഒന്നും തോന്നല്ലേ മക്കളെ 😛😛😛,5,2023-07-07 09:22:44 +Google Play,Fun,5,2023-07-08 23:31:53 +Google Play,Fun,5,2023-07-06 11:16:40 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-11 14:51:30 +Google Play,Glitching,1,2023-07-06 06:41:45 +Google Play,Scam,1,2023-07-09 18:42:19 +Google Play,cheating,1,2023-07-14 15:43:27 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-08 12:56:32 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-13 02:33:53 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-08 05:28:44 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-05 23:12:56 +Google Play,Best👍👍👍,5,2023-07-12 00:15:45 +Google Play,Best👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 07:36:18 +Google Play,Good application,1,2023-07-06 19:53:46 +Google Play,Hot garbage,1,2023-07-10 15:57:40 +Google Play,Phenomenal,5,2023-07-07 06:48:10 +Google Play,Phenomenal,5,2023-07-06 08:26:52 +Google Play,Phenomenal,5,2023-07-06 10:14:40 +Google Play,Mindblowing,4,2023-07-09 07:10:56 +Google Play,Very nice,3,2023-07-06 07:20:33 +Google Play,nice app,3,2023-07-06 00:26:26 +Google Play,Nice compitition,3,2023-07-06 07:38:33 +Google Play,Nice app,3,2023-07-06 01:47:00 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 17:22:46 +Google Play,Too sweet,5,2023-07-06 13:45:12 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 03:17:06 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:00:51 +Google Play,Nice initiative,5,2023-07-06 03:11:36 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 12:12:05 +Google Play,Really nice,5,2023-07-06 04:00:43 +Google Play,Pretty cool,5,2023-07-06 17:17:14 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 10:21:58 +Google Play,Sexy app,5,2023-07-06 13:41:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 07:38:38 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 13:35:03 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 07:22:05 +Google Play,Lovely interface,5,2023-07-06 14:08:51 +Google Play,Nice pic,5,2023-07-06 10:02:03 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 13:57:44 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 05:05:40 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 19:41:19 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 00:36:31 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:49:33 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 00:20:52 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 10:34:43 +Google Play,Love This,5,2023-07-06 18:38:40 +Google Play,Pretty good,5,2023-07-06 09:30:28 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 09:12:14 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 08:21:03 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:40:08 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 16:37:37 +Google Play,great app,3,2023-07-06 10:49:45 +Google Play,Amazing movement,5,2023-07-06 02:38:31 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 06:22:25 +Google Play,Fantastic experience,5,2023-07-06 11:22:15 +Google Play,Not bad,4,2023-07-06 07:24:55 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 17:53:08 +Google Play,Really nice,5,2023-07-06 04:06:01 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 12:22:48 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 07:56:41 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 12:51:21 +Google Play,Nice appp,4,2023-07-06 16:45:58 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:39:06 +Google Play,Nice Interface,5,2023-07-06 15:40:15 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 07:08:47 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-13 17:10:00 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 08:11:16 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:45:02 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-06 15:50:57 +Google Play,Smooth asf,5,2023-07-06 10:43:04 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 12:45:52 +Google Play,Truly outstanding,4,2023-07-06 07:21:45 +Google Play,Nice thread,5,2023-07-06 17:01:20 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 13:34:11 +Google Play,Good Creation,5,2023-07-07 03:03:06 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-07 06:03:02 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:17:54 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 07:45:36 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-07 05:01:13 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 12:17:49 +Google Play,Superb app,5,2023-07-07 11:05:45 +Google Play,incredible app,5,2023-07-07 10:11:15 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 15:29:39 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 15:19:28 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-07 17:50:49 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-06 05:33:16 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:08:25 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-06 16:59:12 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 10:38:42 +Google Play,Great apps,5,2023-07-06 21:57:35 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 15:28:17 +Google Play,Best performance,5,2023-07-07 04:21:10 +Google Play,Nice UI,5,2023-07-06 10:39:47 +Google Play,Superb app,5,2023-07-07 19:44:55 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-06 19:50:16 +Google Play,Awesome start,5,2023-07-06 15:56:29 +Google Play,I love,5,2023-07-07 16:36:05 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-06 06:42:57 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 14:48:06 +Google Play,Good rich,5,2023-07-06 15:03:45 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 19:06:34 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-07 01:14:46 +Google Play,Great experience,5,2023-07-06 15:00:12 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 00:44:54 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 11:40:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 03:10:01 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 02:28:19 +Google Play,Top app,5,2023-07-07 16:52:31 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 06:04:22 +Google Play,Best quality,5,2023-07-06 01:32:49 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 23:11:44 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 12:20:06 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 12:49:41 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-06 19:37:46 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 12:11:24 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-06 14:41:56 +Google Play,Smooth app,5,2023-07-06 07:54:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 12:39:44 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 02:08:32 +Google Play,Great rival,5,2023-07-07 07:56:19 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 16:03:48 +Google Play,Good applicatoin,5,2023-07-06 19:56:51 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 09:57:01 +Google Play,Amazing stuff,5,2023-07-06 07:55:32 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 17:05:14 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 05:03:14 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-07 00:18:21 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 20:45:19 +Google Play,Great experience,5,2023-07-07 13:07:18 +Google Play,Nice aap,4,2023-07-07 06:44:05 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 06:52:17 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 16:15:26 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-08 00:53:02 +Google Play,Useful app,5,2023-07-07 09:06:15 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 17:28:58 +Google Play,Lovely experience,5,2023-07-06 18:43:01 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 05:15:55 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-07 06:19:19 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 20:05:06 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-07 05:31:47 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 07:40:04 +Google Play,Pretty mint,5,2023-07-06 20:17:41 +Google Play,Amazing application,4,2023-07-06 11:07:29 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 04:58:35 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 14:10:25 +Google Play,Wonderful App,5,2023-07-06 18:46:15 +Google Play,Amazing App,5,2023-07-07 06:53:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 11:37:55 +Google Play,Its nice,5,2023-07-06 14:17:31 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 08:35:40 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 17:32:24 +Google Play,Nice work,5,2023-07-06 17:03:46 +Google Play,perfect app,5,2023-07-07 12:17:10 +Google Play,Awesome Bruh,5,2023-07-06 05:15:05 +Google Play,Pretty cool,5,2023-07-06 06:05:52 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-07 14:50:01 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 12:16:36 +Google Play,looks good,5,2023-07-06 03:59:37 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 11:38:17 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 08:33:36 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 00:30:40 +Google Play,not bad,5,2023-07-06 05:03:20 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 06:15:20 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-07 11:02:21 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-07 21:17:32 +Google Play,Nice platform,5,2023-07-06 16:53:13 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-07 10:45:30 +Google Play,Great one,5,2023-07-06 15:28:29 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-07 15:22:09 +Google Play,Too good,5,2023-07-08 01:04:43 +Google Play,Interesting threads,5,2023-07-06 11:39:52 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:43:12 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 02:05:07 +Google Play,Great initiative,1,2023-07-09 14:32:04 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 00:43:53 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 18:41:06 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 07:06:01 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 06:08:57 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-07 11:43:15 +Google Play,Very cool,5,2023-07-06 14:19:33 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-07 09:26:19 +Google Play,Very Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:07:56 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-06 07:51:02 +Google Play,its good,5,2023-07-07 04:45:47 +Google Play,Fantastic app,5,2023-07-05 23:56:13 +Google Play,Made easy,5,2023-07-07 17:48:37 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 21:49:50 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 04:39:07 +Google Play,Nice 1m,5,2023-07-06 11:43:26 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 06:22:34 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 19:31:10 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 05:53:00 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 05:30:12 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 15:49:21 +Google Play,Awesome UI,5,2023-07-06 08:32:48 +Google Play,Not bad,4,2023-07-06 11:57:21 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-06 12:35:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 06:07:40 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 17:58:38 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 13:44:36 +Google Play,Wonderful experience,5,2023-07-06 21:34:50 +Google Play,Good app,1,2023-07-06 07:39:26 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 02:38:51 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-06 11:32:24 +Google Play,Nice qork,5,2023-07-07 02:36:47 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 16:07:18 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 03:13:25 +Google Play,Not Bad,4,2023-07-06 22:28:00 +Google Play,Looks interesting,5,2023-07-06 07:31:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 12:31:58 +Google Play,Innovative application,5,2023-07-07 05:46:46 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:55:08 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-07 02:53:40 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 12:01:54 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 21:57:42 +Google Play,pretty good,5,2023-07-06 15:49:23 +Google Play,Amazing App,5,2023-07-06 04:08:45 +Google Play,Use easy,5,2023-07-07 00:47:07 +Google Play,Superb Experience,4,2023-07-06 14:37:31 +Google Play,Pretty cool,5,2023-07-06 12:12:21 +Google Play,Lovely app,5,2023-07-06 17:25:12 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 10:39:51 +Google Play,Great maybe,3,2023-07-06 21:24:44 +Google Play,Very awesome,5,2023-07-06 15:53:22 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-07 00:33:14 +Google Play,Nice UI,5,2023-07-07 13:00:11 +Google Play,Its good,5,2023-07-07 15:46:59 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:48:47 +Google Play,Best app,1,2023-07-08 02:15:22 +Google Play,Good Copyright,5,2023-07-07 15:08:37 +Google Play,Great app,2,2023-07-07 10:54:22 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-07 14:23:24 +Google Play,Amazing experience,5,2023-07-06 07:05:41 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-06 09:45:56 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 05:24:51 +Google Play,Nicee app,5,2023-07-06 18:45:29 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 01:51:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:56:44 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 19:44:08 +Google Play,not bad,5,2023-07-06 14:16:36 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 21:09:35 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 09:41:01 +Google Play,Interesting app,5,2023-07-07 05:32:55 +Google Play,pretty kool,4,2023-07-06 01:57:03 +Google Play,Basically better,5,2023-07-06 19:49:27 +Google Play,Yes nice,5,2023-07-06 21:05:01 +Google Play,Good Application,5,2023-07-06 10:11:39 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 06:16:18 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 10:25:19 +Google Play,Just awesome,5,2023-07-06 14:44:45 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-05 23:39:43 +Google Play,Great experience,5,2023-07-08 02:32:59 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 14:14:18 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-07 09:00:43 +Google Play,Best application,3,2023-07-06 09:39:47 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 16:24:40 +Google Play,Awesome App,5,2023-07-06 18:08:22 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-06 12:52:48 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-07 03:15:42 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 15:10:49 +Google Play,Fantastic aap,5,2023-07-07 07:49:10 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-07 05:46:37 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 13:51:26 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 03:08:05 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 20:35:37 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:56:07 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 09:10:54 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 03:17:51 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 06:17:08 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 23:49:48 +Google Play,Nice APK,5,2023-07-06 09:10:34 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-06 19:13:06 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-07 06:29:11 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-06 06:26:15 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-06 11:03:25 +Google Play,Superb app,5,2023-07-06 11:53:11 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-08 10:31:21 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 13:06:24 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 19:06:33 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 13:45:19 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-06 14:15:57 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 05:07:27 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 09:18:45 +Google Play,Nice appp,5,2023-07-08 18:20:02 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 19:17:13 +Google Play,Nice work,5,2023-07-08 04:28:05 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 08:05:06 +Google Play,Superb appp,5,2023-07-07 08:56:42 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 19:37:28 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-08 16:14:49 +Google Play,amazing app,5,2023-07-06 15:28:06 +Google Play,Kinda cool,5,2023-07-06 15:04:40 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:24:20 +Google Play,perfect app,5,2023-07-06 15:06:50 +Google Play,Nice platform,5,2023-07-06 08:28:00 +Google Play,Very smooth,5,2023-07-08 09:19:33 +Google Play,Absuletly amazing,5,2023-07-09 05:44:43 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-07 05:11:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 18:58:47 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-08 11:42:17 +Google Play,Nice Application,5,2023-07-11 03:17:42 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-09 07:16:47 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-08 03:52:00 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 16:56:17 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 10:13:27 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 06:28:52 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 05:40:53 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 08:15:57 +Google Play,Great App,5,2023-07-08 15:31:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 14:45:31 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:36:39 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 16:33:54 +Google Play,Great app,3,2023-07-06 14:53:14 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 03:17:15 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-07 18:00:28 +Google Play,Enjoying Threads,5,2023-07-10 17:22:43 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 16:26:14 +Google Play,pretty neat,5,2023-07-07 13:18:44 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 04:49:15 +Google Play,Nice Instagram,5,2023-07-07 09:42:37 +Google Play,Nice Application,5,2023-07-09 06:05:03 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-09 03:41:17 +Google Play,Amazing UI,5,2023-07-06 14:01:22 +Google Play,Looking good,5,2023-07-06 05:15:58 +Google Play,Interesting interface,5,2023-07-06 11:04:53 +Google Play,Love you,5,2023-07-08 10:29:26 +Google Play,Its nice,5,2023-07-06 18:19:04 +Google Play,Great App,5,2023-07-06 19:29:57 +Google Play,Nice update,5,2023-07-09 07:30:17 +Google Play,Look Good,5,2023-07-06 05:06:01 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-06 15:11:30 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 00:54:29 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 04:39:36 +Google Play,Sexy appp,5,2023-07-08 04:19:23 +Google Play,Really Amazing,5,2023-07-07 14:56:01 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-06 19:02:49 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 13:48:22 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 18:10:28 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-11 17:48:38 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-06 21:02:23 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 18:48:52 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 04:08:13 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 14:46:43 +Google Play,Good aep,5,2023-07-06 17:07:10 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 17:51:49 +Google Play,Good apps,2,2023-07-07 18:29:08 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-15 21:35:21 +Google Play,Good stuff,5,2023-07-09 19:23:23 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 19:27:59 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 17:56:43 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 13:52:13 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 09:31:07 +Google Play,Looks good,5,2023-07-07 14:29:49 +Google Play,Extraordinary app,5,2023-07-07 19:04:21 +Google Play,Nice work,5,2023-07-09 12:57:37 +Google Play,Fabulous app,5,2023-07-07 07:12:38 +Google Play,great app,5,2023-07-06 13:43:39 +Google Play,Perfect app,5,2023-07-06 13:18:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 09:42:40 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-06 13:25:10 +Google Play,Really good,5,2023-07-11 05:13:03 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 06:01:39 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-10 11:16:07 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:34:32 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 17:14:13 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 16:47:24 +Google Play,Nice development,5,2023-07-08 20:31:58 +Google Play,Good idea,5,2023-07-06 14:56:41 +Google Play,Well done,5,2023-07-07 04:33:25 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 18:38:42 +Google Play,Very nice,4,2023-07-06 15:08:06 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 07:44:16 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-09 05:43:03 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 08:55:41 +Google Play,I liked,5,2023-07-08 10:25:46 +Google Play,Wow Excellent,5,2023-07-10 17:41:33 +Google Play,Very great,5,2023-07-08 04:00:53 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 21:37:17 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-11 05:30:47 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 07:29:23 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-07 05:03:16 +Google Play,design lindo,5,2023-07-06 04:02:10 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-10 07:31:32 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 17:13:22 +Google Play,5 star,5,2023-07-15 19:23:32 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 00:47:24 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 06:11:23 +Google Play,Sexy boiii,5,2023-07-06 17:47:10 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:16:35 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-08 17:38:53 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:01:45 +Google Play,Superb app,5,2023-07-06 17:42:23 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-07 01:53:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 01:29:24 +Google Play,Super cool,5,2023-07-07 23:54:39 +Google Play,It cool,5,2023-07-10 00:39:54 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 07:39:30 +Google Play,Not bad,4,2023-07-06 12:26:59 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 10:17:18 +Google Play,greatest application,5,2023-07-06 16:04:38 +Google Play,Joined easily,5,2023-07-06 14:56:51 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-06 15:33:00 +Google Play,We lit,5,2023-07-07 16:52:33 +Google Play,V nice,5,2023-07-07 05:41:43 +Google Play,So amazing,5,2023-07-06 06:49:38 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 08:12:45 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:22:27 +Google Play,Its good,5,2023-07-07 19:36:21 +Google Play,Nice aaplication,5,2023-07-07 00:41:55 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-07 19:02:21 +Google Play,Very nice,4,2023-07-06 18:09:52 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 18:53:40 +Google Play,Its incredible,5,2023-07-09 16:18:36 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 16:08:01 +Google Play,Stunning app,5,2023-07-08 12:08:36 +Google Play,Great effort,4,2023-07-06 20:53:33 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 06:57:35 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:28:22 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-07 11:46:47 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 16:24:15 +Google Play,Usefull Application,4,2023-07-07 03:29:46 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 20:34:56 +Google Play,Very useful,5,2023-07-14 02:56:40 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 16:19:29 +Google Play,5 star,5,2023-07-06 17:28:01 +Google Play,Perfect App,5,2023-07-06 10:30:02 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 19:45:07 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:17:40 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 03:46:41 +Google Play,Nice experience,4,2023-07-07 06:31:36 +Google Play,Vey nice,5,2023-07-07 12:15:31 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 10:59:30 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 06:02:49 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 02:39:41 +Google Play,Great one,5,2023-07-06 16:13:02 +Google Play,Better App,5,2023-07-06 18:01:55 +Google Play,Wonderful job,5,2023-07-07 18:39:04 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 20:16:22 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-08 06:11:27 +Google Play,Interesting take,5,2023-07-05 23:43:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 17:00:21 +Google Play,Very Good,5,2023-07-07 13:53:22 +Google Play,Interesting app,5,2023-07-07 07:43:13 +Google Play,Pretty good,4,2023-07-12 17:08:05 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 19:57:51 +Google Play,Great application,4,2023-07-07 23:05:32 +Google Play,Nice alternative,5,2023-07-06 07:27:38 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-07 13:31:03 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 13:24:58 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 04:33:54 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 12:50:07 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 05:55:46 +Google Play,Very useful,5,2023-07-06 06:35:54 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 09:19:43 +Google Play,Cool apps,5,2023-07-07 07:13:13 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 08:10:57 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 06:22:40 +Google Play,V.v.v good,5,2023-07-07 14:21:59 +Google Play,Pretty good,5,2023-07-06 06:19:34 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-08 06:45:03 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-09 15:14:34 +Google Play,Lovely app,5,2023-07-08 10:31:44 +Google Play,Good competitor,5,2023-07-08 12:20:55 +Google Play,Wonder full,5,2023-07-08 05:08:48 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 08:44:51 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-11 00:55:22 +Google Play,Good aplication,5,2023-07-08 09:30:51 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-08 07:28:27 +Google Play,New exciting,5,2023-07-07 11:13:31 +Google Play,Seems good,5,2023-07-06 09:44:49 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 04:33:41 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-07 18:13:14 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:20:14 +Google Play,Amazing apps,5,2023-07-10 14:22:10 +Google Play,Superb App,5,2023-07-07 15:39:03 +Google Play,Most popular,5,2023-07-07 09:54:39 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 13:09:09 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-09 19:33:31 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-10 11:36:25 +Google Play,Try fast,2,2023-07-06 18:38:49 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-06 18:01:52 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 12:12:30 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-11 01:56:26 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-08 02:54:36 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 12:24:20 +Google Play,Great application,5,2023-07-06 12:35:24 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-07 16:16:07 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 12:29:44 +Google Play,Good Kk,5,2023-07-07 18:15:35 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 14:27:04 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-09 06:56:35 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:59:22 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-06 09:44:00 +Google Play,Nice UI,5,2023-07-06 18:03:54 +Google Play,Mind blowing,5,2023-07-08 03:54:31 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 17:14:27 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-12 10:35:23 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 07:50:56 +Google Play,Nice zuck,5,2023-07-06 15:33:34 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:54:44 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 06:00:11 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-09 06:40:03 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 16:03:30 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 21:06:27 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 16:48:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 16:43:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-17 09:55:13 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 07:44:52 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 23:43:20 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-07 07:10:21 +Google Play,Fantastic app,5,2023-07-06 11:26:28 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-09 17:45:41 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 09:12:05 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 10:37:24 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-06 11:36:33 +Google Play,Nice work,5,2023-07-06 22:43:34 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-08 02:49:05 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-08 03:49:21 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 12:46:47 +Google Play,Nice ago,5,2023-07-11 08:50:42 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 08:16:00 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 07:26:40 +Google Play,so good,5,2023-07-06 15:46:37 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 06:47:14 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-06 07:08:26 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 09:27:27 +Google Play,Just Amazing,5,2023-07-06 17:01:47 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-07 10:22:10 +Google Play,Amazing App,5,2023-07-08 09:15:56 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-10 03:46:05 +Google Play,cool app,5,2023-07-09 04:30:51 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-08 10:44:09 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-10 11:34:17 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 04:42:16 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-10 05:23:38 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-08 03:14:46 +Google Play,Amazing apk,5,2023-07-07 12:45:19 +Google Play,Great job,5,2023-07-06 13:43:39 +Google Play,So Good,5,2023-07-11 10:30:52 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 09:32:23 +Google Play,Its fun,5,2023-07-10 09:49:03 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-09 05:13:24 +Google Play,very nice,5,2023-07-07 23:06:57 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-06 06:35:32 +Google Play,AWESOME APP,5,2023-07-12 04:13:28 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 03:24:59 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-19 13:48:04 +Google Play,its good,5,2023-07-06 12:43:06 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 02:13:47 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-09 03:12:56 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 04:39:46 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-07 08:54:00 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 19:58:31 +Google Play,Absolutely wonderful,5,2023-07-06 03:38:58 +Google Play,GREAT PROCESS,5,2023-07-07 11:07:05 +Google Play,Nice instagram,5,2023-07-06 16:23:42 +Google Play,Works fine,5,2023-07-06 17:15:14 +Google Play,too good,5,2023-07-07 11:09:53 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 00:30:23 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-06 14:32:47 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-07 05:05:33 +Google Play,So amazing,5,2023-07-08 04:27:04 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 08:57:56 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 04:53:08 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-09 04:59:11 +Google Play,Good interface,5,2023-07-07 03:29:08 +Google Play,Good platform,5,2023-07-07 16:13:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 12:07:30 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 08:33:33 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 18:09:20 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-07 12:55:11 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:34:44 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 08:36:05 +Google Play,Fantastic experience,4,2023-07-08 04:29:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 13:56:54 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 21:10:56 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 11:38:38 +Google Play,Great app,2,2023-07-06 00:49:29 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 18:14:28 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-11 09:02:38 +Google Play,amazing App,5,2023-07-06 23:59:19 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:21:38 +Google Play,So beautiful,5,2023-07-08 17:36:53 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 03:07:55 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 22:31:15 +Google Play,its nice,5,2023-07-07 02:40:09 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 03:03:27 +Google Play,good apps,5,2023-07-07 11:32:49 +Google Play,Seems nice,5,2023-07-06 19:10:06 +Google Play,Great app,4,2023-07-07 01:45:59 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-09 20:46:16 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 07:47:53 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 10:02:13 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-13 09:37:07 +Google Play,Awesome experience,5,2023-07-06 07:56:51 +Google Play,Very good,3,2023-07-08 05:21:37 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 08:10:01 +Google Play,great app,5,2023-07-08 02:51:00 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:27:00 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 20:18:11 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-10 06:59:29 +Google Play,Allover good,5,2023-07-08 03:49:44 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 07:28:52 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 04:38:49 +Google Play,GOOD APP,5,2023-07-07 07:04:19 +Google Play,Good star,5,2023-07-07 02:52:53 +Google Play,Something different,5,2023-07-06 14:41:07 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 19:17:58 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-07 14:30:34 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-06 09:08:58 +Google Play,Good perfect,5,2023-07-07 06:42:13 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-06 11:38:04 +Google Play,Super perfect,5,2023-07-06 08:37:44 +Google Play,Ig nice,4,2023-07-06 10:19:55 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 04:01:02 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-08 04:05:01 +Google Play,Calm c,1,2023-07-07 04:32:54 +Google Play,Simple ui,5,2023-07-06 16:35:45 +Google Play,Nice copy,5,2023-07-06 15:37:09 +Google Play,Its cool,5,2023-07-07 06:49:56 +Google Play,Fantastic application,5,2023-07-06 19:22:44 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-07 09:33:45 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 04:29:53 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 08:25:28 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 10:16:17 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 13:32:10 +Google Play,NICE APP,5,2023-07-09 05:21:19 +Google Play,Big ups,5,2023-07-10 23:23:30 +Google Play,BETTER ONE,5,2023-07-07 06:45:39 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-07 07:18:28 +Google Play,Much better,5,2023-07-11 09:25:58 +Google Play,Awesome Application,5,2023-07-05 23:57:03 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 05:34:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 10:37:21 +Google Play,Nice one,4,2023-07-06 19:20:55 +Google Play,Great UI,5,2023-07-06 06:07:02 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 21:59:30 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 05:29:00 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-12 15:58:22 +Google Play,Perfect Alternative,5,2023-07-06 09:43:49 +Google Play,Good effort,5,2023-07-08 15:13:08 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 05:04:43 +Google Play,Okey cool,5,2023-07-06 20:51:34 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 12:43:34 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-06 17:23:26 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 07:04:59 +Google Play,Good copy,5,2023-07-07 12:53:09 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 15:58:02 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-07 06:22:22 +Google Play,nice one,5,2023-07-07 13:48:28 +Google Play,Good stuff,5,2023-07-08 13:16:24 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 15:48:12 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 14:28:50 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 13:17:21 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-06 18:42:42 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 09:53:33 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 18:08:15 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-07 11:01:20 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 19:13:34 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 08:20:07 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 03:10:15 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 03:13:36 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 13:23:28 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 02:35:35 +Google Play,Wonderful app,5,2023-07-09 01:35:46 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 15:42:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 16:57:51 +Google Play,Pretty good,5,2023-07-06 14:27:46 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 06:21:31 +Google Play,Remember us,4,2023-07-06 13:06:25 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 06:06:03 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-07 12:16:09 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-06 06:21:45 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-11 02:55:03 +Google Play,Special offer,5,2023-07-06 21:07:24 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 20:01:27 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 10:41:07 +Google Play,Very nice,4,2023-07-08 04:13:24 +Google Play,I luv it,5,2023-07-06 12:46:59 +Google Play,Amazing 😍😍😍😍,4,2023-07-07 18:44:07 +Google Play,Love it 😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-06 17:36:23 +Google Play,Twitter < Threads,5,2023-07-08 19:31:11 +Google Play,imaginativeness✨️,5,2023-07-06 23:19:26 +Google Play,Threads > Twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:22:38 +Google Play,Threads > Twitter,5,2023-07-08 12:55:26 +Google Play,Twitter > Threads,3,2023-07-14 17:47:29 +Google Play,Wonderfull,5,2023-07-06 15:41:45 +Google Play,Nicest,5,2023-07-11 10:02:02 +Google Play,Good nice,5,2023-07-07 01:27:40 +Google Play,ऐलन मस्क तो गया अब 😆😆😆😆,5,2023-07-07 09:40:10 +Google Play,KUCH NAHI CHALNE NAHI JAANTE,5,2023-07-07 08:50:10 +Google Play,Dekhte h ky hota h,5,2023-07-06 15:43:06 +Google Play,Jai shree ram 🚩🚩💎,5,2023-07-09 13:49:33 +Google Play,Censorship freedom,1,2023-07-06 22:27:34 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-07 09:21:16 +Google Play,Very nice,1,2023-07-06 16:11:59 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-07 07:18:18 +Google Play,nice app,1,2023-07-07 08:26:44 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-06 13:40:21 +Google Play,最高なアプリ!,5,2023-07-06 09:53:54 +Google Play,Nice 👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 21:18:34 +Google Play,Nice 👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-11 04:41:44 +Google Play,Nudity allowed!,5,2023-07-06 03:19:48 +Google Play,Jay Shree Ram 🙏🙏 सभी लिखे 🙏🙏,5,2023-07-06 16:11:11 +Google Play,biar apa? biarin,1,2023-07-08 20:55:45 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-10 18:42:26 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-09 17:29:14 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-06 15:47:54 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-08 08:41:11 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-09 09:18:57 +Google Play,GOOD JOB,5,2023-07-07 00:04:58 +Google Play,All good,5,2023-07-09 05:25:50 +Google Play,All good,5,2023-07-08 08:42:38 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-10 14:56:13 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 06:17:42 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-11 15:06:11 +Google Play,Best Inspiration,5,2023-07-07 04:51:21 +Google Play,Excellent Awesome,5,2023-07-07 05:16:34 +Google Play,Great App🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 12:15:15 +Google Play,Good ui,5,2023-07-06 09:06:51 +Google Play,Wonder experience,5,2023-07-07 13:31:35 +Google Play,Looks promising.,5,2023-07-06 14:27:07 +Google Play,Still checking 😁,5,2023-07-07 09:27:19 +Google Play,Goodbye Twitter.,5,2023-07-11 09:03:45 +Google Play,Replace Twitter🌚,5,2023-07-06 15:08:30 +Google Play,10000000 stars 🫶,5,2023-07-07 08:15:56 +Google Play,They marketing 🫡,4,2023-07-07 03:34:37 +Google Play,عالیه سه ساله دارمش,5,2023-07-05 23:19:36 +Google Play,Copying Twitter 😱,2,2023-07-06 14:24:24 +Google Play,Wonder full,1,2023-07-09 01:00:11 +Google Play,V.Good,5,2023-07-07 03:47:12 +Google Play,برنامج طرش ❤️,5,2023-07-06 02:30:55 +Google Play,Cool UI,4,2023-07-06 17:10:06 +Google Play,Mast hai ❤️💙💙,5,2023-07-08 06:34:53 +Google Play,worst,1,2023-07-22 14:29:27 +Google Play,trash,1,2023-07-07 07:06:53 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-13 04:52:54 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-22 21:31:13 +Google Play,Boring,5,2023-07-11 06:16:58 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-11 18:01:42 +Google Play,Censorship,1,2023-07-08 17:06:40 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-20 08:05:47 +Google Play,Glitch,1,2023-07-10 10:13:26 +Google Play,Booring,2,2023-07-17 18:24:10 +Google Play,BORING,1,2023-07-06 20:52:16 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-10 10:03:28 +Google Play,bad,1,2023-07-10 08:02:56 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 12:29:06 +Google Play,Censorship,1,2023-07-06 21:51:26 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-06 21:21:24 +Google Play,Hmm nice,2,2023-07-10 04:54:22 +Google Play,Nice app,2,2023-07-08 12:50:05 +Google Play,Not bad,2,2023-07-09 21:10:06 +Google Play,👌👌👌❤️‍🧡🧡🧡💥💥💥💙💙,5,2023-07-07 18:06:19 +Google Play,Needs work,2,2023-07-08 01:13:51 +Google Play,Achha hai ❣️,4,2023-07-08 12:11:00 +Google Play,فعلان کی خوب است,5,2023-07-11 10:40:18 +Google Play,Twitter ki copy ha,1,2023-07-13 05:12:45 +Google Play,تويتر هو البابا يالا,1,2023-07-05 23:38:04 +Google Play,Besia r aa Dsmak,4,2023-07-12 02:40:38 +Google Play,Twitter se accha hai,5,2023-07-09 07:51:49 +Google Play,Cheap copy!,1,2023-07-08 12:07:41 +Google Play,Kenapa ya gabisa upload fto terus di threads?,2,2023-07-09 10:49:23 +Google Play,Twitter ❌. ......Threads💯,4,2023-07-06 06:31:00 +Google Play,Fine😎😎😎😎😎😎,5,2023-07-06 20:15:59 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 13:09:28 +Google Play,Chalu kse kre ?,5,2023-07-07 03:15:39 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹👌👑,5,2023-07-08 05:05:14 +Google Play,i love it,5,2023-07-10 06:06:52 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-10 06:30:47 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-14 19:28:00 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 06:21:29 +Google Play,Nicer,5,2023-07-08 23:14:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 03:52:49 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 18:40:45 +Google Play,Ramro xa ✔️,5,2023-07-07 05:36:05 +Google Play,Ib siapa bang?,5,2023-07-06 02:52:54 +Google Play,Mza ni araa🫡,1,2023-07-07 21:06:00 +Google Play,Paid review!,5,2023-07-07 15:34:23 +Google Play,Hello World!,5,2023-07-06 14:31:45 +Google Play,RIP Twitter!,5,2023-07-06 09:29:29 +Google Play,RIP Twitter!,5,2023-07-09 00:57:46 +Google Play,It sucks!,1,2023-07-08 13:32:31 +Google Play,Hala Madrid !,5,2023-07-06 20:06:00 +Google Play,YEA-A-A-A-A-A-A-H!!!,5,2023-07-08 03:05:22 +Google Play,"Muito bom! Só que eu gostaria de ter a opção de ter kias de uma conta no app, mas tirando isso esta muito legal e tem mt futuro!!",4,2023-07-07 16:06:36 +Google Play,Bahut hi shandar 😍😍🥰🥰,5,2023-07-18 16:13:47 +Google Play,बहोत खराब aaplication है कोई भी लड़की reply नही देती है मैसेज का uninstall करदो सबलोग @its_indra_143 धन्यवाद कोई ऐसी एप बनाओ जिसमे लड़की मैसेज का reply दे,1,2023-07-11 19:15:06 +Google Play,Pahle me 10 ghanta phone use kar ta tha ab es app ko download kr k 11 ghanta ho jata h 🙂,5,2023-07-07 14:30:06 +Google Play,Excelent,5,2023-07-09 01:24:07 +Google Play,"যাক বাবা, এই রকম একটা সোসাল মিডিয়া পেয়ে ভালোই লাগতাছে, ফেজবুক পুরোই বস্তি বানিয়ে ফেলছে, এবার যদি একটু শান্তি মেলে! 😴",5,2023-07-06 17:27:44 +Google Play,Magical,5,2023-07-11 08:46:55 +Google Play,Privacy .... matters!,1,2023-07-07 05:44:25 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 17:17:42 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-06 13:07:07 +Google Play,GOOD,5,2023-07-07 17:00:21 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 17:26:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:08:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 17:31:41 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 07:23:01 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 17:34:53 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 17:04:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 07:35:24 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-14 10:38:09 +Google Play,GOOD,5,2023-07-12 07:05:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 06:49:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:13:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-18 03:58:58 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-07 17:08:24 +Google Play,Loving it,5,2023-07-07 08:01:34 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:32:20 +Google Play,Love it,4,2023-07-07 17:24:09 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-12 00:52:19 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 14:56:21 +Google Play,BEST,5,2023-07-07 17:05:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 05:43:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 02:26:26 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 07:50:44 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 16:55:06 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 07:23:23 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 17:11:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 00:32:31 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 00:47:53 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-18 04:09:19 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 12:54:29 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:15:23 +Google Play,Excellent,5,2023-07-07 16:59:00 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 14:33:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 05:41:17 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 10:43:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 23:02:20 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 23:00:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 01:24:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:00:27 +Google Play,excellent,5,2023-07-07 08:04:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 05:28:52 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 12:56:50 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 21:23:37 +Google Play,best,5,2023-07-09 01:28:54 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:19:42 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-16 07:04:37 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:17:43 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 17:21:44 +Google Play,fun,5,2023-07-06 15:06:50 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 17:20:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:38:57 +Google Play,AMAZING,5,2023-07-13 08:35:44 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 18:53:25 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:27:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 18:57:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 17:05:48 +Google Play,excellent,1,2023-07-06 17:13:46 +Google Play,বাংলাদেশের কেকে?,5,2023-07-06 07:29:05 +Google Play,Test test!,5,2023-07-06 11:56:41 +Google Play,Haha Elon!,5,2023-07-08 20:20:32 +Google Play,Sahi Hai !,5,2023-07-06 15:07:43 +Google Play,glitching,2,2023-07-07 11:24:16 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-08 10:29:55 +Google Play,Awful,1,2023-07-19 07:47:23 +Google Play,Copycats,1,2023-07-06 10:15:11 +Google Play,Flickering,1,2023-07-06 17:19:10 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-08 22:54:33 +Google Play,Damn,5,2023-07-07 08:57:13 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 03:04:54 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 19:07:14 +Google Play,Error,1,2023-07-07 23:49:35 +Google Play,glitch,1,2023-07-07 12:12:09 +Google Play,Glitch,1,2023-07-06 16:30:23 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-07 04:54:17 +Google Play,stupid,1,2023-07-12 16:49:05 +Google Play,Cheating,1,2023-07-06 10:40:33 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-15 02:37:04 +Google Play,Crashing,3,2023-07-07 09:43:07 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-10 15:06:58 +Google Play,TRASH,1,2023-07-08 04:16:14 +Google Play,Illogical,1,2023-07-09 06:52:36 +Google Play,Speechless,5,2023-07-08 04:03:54 +Google Play,Boring,2,2023-07-15 09:19:32 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 13:24:03 +Google Play,Terrible,1,2023-07-07 03:15:24 +Google Play,Scam,1,2023-07-17 16:58:17 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-07 10:24:09 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-16 23:46:35 +Google Play,Racist,1,2023-07-06 12:27:47 +Google Play,Glitches,1,2023-07-06 14:06:03 +Google Play,Broken,1,2023-07-07 09:03:32 +Google Play,Beast,5,2023-07-07 15:06:51 +Google Play,Cringe,1,2023-07-07 10:11:32 +Google Play,Lag,1,2023-07-07 03:44:29 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 18:03:55 +Google Play,Pathetic,1,2023-07-06 14:20:02 +Google Play,Awful,1,2023-07-11 05:21:06 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 02:17:31 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-12 09:53:20 +Google Play,Glich,1,2023-07-09 13:19:49 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-07 06:31:13 +Google Play,Boycott,1,2023-07-13 09:09:15 +Google Play,Lagging,1,2023-07-07 20:24:42 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-09 03:45:05 +Google Play,Unsafe,1,2023-07-06 21:52:45 +Google Play,Glitchy,1,2023-07-06 15:47:39 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-08 10:33:13 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-08 00:26:32 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-23 22:54:18 +Google Play,Disappointing,1,2023-07-18 15:50:45 +Google Play,Crash,1,2023-07-11 07:56:01 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-09 02:11:24 +Google Play,Gamed,5,2023-07-06 11:20:50 +Google Play,Beast,5,2023-07-06 17:33:11 +Google Play,Terrible,1,2023-07-19 00:34:57 +Google Play,Stupid,1,2023-07-11 05:37:14 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-15 19:22:48 +Google Play,laggy,1,2023-07-08 03:24:07 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-17 06:06:13 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-06 12:03:51 +Google Play,Lag,1,2023-07-10 20:22:29 +Google Play,useless,1,2023-07-11 05:02:34 +Google Play,crash,1,2023-07-06 10:16:55 +Google Play,Crashed,1,2023-07-08 04:36:31 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-07 20:52:12 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-08 19:26:07 +Google Play,Disappointing,1,2023-07-09 13:05:55 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-08 15:08:08 +Google Play,Cheating,1,2023-07-23 17:26:26 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 20:39:26 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-10 21:02:54 +Google Play,worst,1,2023-07-08 04:45:56 +Google Play,Glitch,1,2023-07-07 03:34:27 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-15 14:41:59 +Google Play,Hate it,1,2023-07-08 10:57:13 +Google Play,boring,3,2023-07-06 15:23:48 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-09 18:13:32 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-14 08:03:13 +Google Play,damn,5,2023-07-06 12:01:00 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-09 01:59:23 +Google Play,trash,1,2023-07-20 13:52:00 +Google Play,Junk,1,2023-07-14 02:15:42 +Google Play,Dumb,1,2023-07-14 16:11:48 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 08:48:33 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-10 21:19:47 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-10 14:33:12 +Google Play,Damn,5,2023-07-09 05:10:10 +Google Play,Censorship,1,2023-07-10 09:29:13 +Google Play,copycat,1,2023-07-07 23:45:51 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-11 16:08:50 +Google Play,Terrible,1,2023-07-06 22:34:44 +Google Play,Dull,1,2023-07-06 20:15:35 +Google Play,Disgusting,1,2023-07-07 16:27:37 +Google Play,bad,1,2023-07-08 12:22:17 +Google Play,laggy,1,2023-07-11 00:59:16 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-15 12:16:46 +Google Play,Horrible,1,2023-07-10 03:59:17 +Google Play,Theif,1,2023-07-06 18:42:21 +Google Play,Fake,1,2023-07-06 08:34:16 +Google Play,Insane,5,2023-07-06 11:10:44 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-12 10:12:03 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-10 12:30:03 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-11 14:20:01 +Google Play,worst,1,2023-07-09 15:09:40 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-13 14:02:05 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 01:03:56 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-06 11:31:16 +Google Play,Loss,1,2023-07-10 09:42:13 +Google Play,Glitchy,1,2023-07-08 10:23:51 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 13:35:48 +Google Play,Boring,2,2023-07-06 03:41:17 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-20 12:24:39 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-08 00:57:52 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 13:02:32 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-12 13:52:11 +Google Play,worst,1,2023-07-22 10:30:23 +Google Play,Boring,3,2023-07-06 08:33:20 +Google Play,Pathetic,1,2023-07-07 07:29:25 +Google Play,Glitches,1,2023-07-10 03:32:45 +Google Play,Unusable,1,2023-07-08 17:35:34 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 18:36:10 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 05:31:18 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-13 17:21:13 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 11:04:43 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-09 15:17:23 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-09 02:27:07 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 05:54:20 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 10:09:25 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 08:19:29 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-09 02:42:51 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 17:20:11 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 03:22:05 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 11:19:55 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 13:31:00 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 10:02:35 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 12:50:20 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-20 21:27:29 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-11 05:22:13 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 01:40:16 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 23:56:39 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-11 16:06:23 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 06:29:12 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 04:38:59 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 10:58:12 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-09 17:27:04 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 09:13:48 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 10:19:23 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-09 06:32:39 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 08:56:33 +Google Play,nice,4,2023-07-06 05:57:30 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 19:03:32 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 04:11:44 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 09:38:48 +Google Play,Suberb,5,2023-07-07 04:23:05 +Google Play,👌 👍 😍 🥰 😘,5,2023-07-06 15:15:37 +Google Play,Tremendous,5,2023-07-06 10:02:04 +Google Play,69th download 👍,5,2023-07-05 23:41:27 +Google Play,Copied Concept.,3,2023-07-07 09:39:19 +Google Play,THREADS>TWITTER,5,2023-07-10 08:14:33 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter 😅,5,2023-07-06 17:14:54 +Google Play,1 bhi ladki na pate yeysi app kya kam ki 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 15:28:30 +Google Play,Threads > twitter 😂,5,2023-07-06 07:47:04 +Google Play,Ok Jann ❤️,5,2023-07-09 15:25:25 +Google Play,SEC C APP🙌,5,2023-07-06 18:58:20 +Google Play,Gd!c,5,2023-07-09 09:59:14 +Google Play,Kyaa seen hai Bhai🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 15:46:03 +Google Play,nice,3,2023-07-09 06:27:07 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-10 08:42:18 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-06 18:11:14 +Google Play,🤍💆🏽‍♀️,5,2023-07-06 18:40:57 +Google Play,Lit,5,2023-07-07 02:33:50 +Google Play,Woderful,5,2023-07-08 12:32:02 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter 🤣,1,2023-07-07 05:37:37 +Google Play,Absolute copy 🙀,1,2023-07-06 22:34:18 +Google Play,❤️😸📸🙏,5,2023-07-07 09:38:41 +Google Play,Titer katham ho gaye😂😂😂,5,2023-07-07 06:02:55 +Google Play,Sars,5,2023-07-07 15:12:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-05 23:03:22 +Google Play,Brilliant,5,2023-07-06 19:45:06 +Google Play,Brilliant,5,2023-07-06 11:29:09 +Google Play,Exotic,5,2023-07-07 12:55:57 +Google Play,Brilliant,5,2023-07-07 11:34:39 +Google Play,appriciate it,5,2023-07-06 20:06:28 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-05 23:12:30 +Google Play,Exciting,5,2023-07-06 21:14:31 +Google Play,First review 😎,5,2023-07-06 04:01:09 +Google Play,Twitter lite 😅,4,2023-07-06 12:39:10 +Google Play,Super thanks 👍,5,2023-07-06 17:26:11 +Google Play,First Review 🔥,5,2023-07-06 08:50:57 +Google Play,Full support 🥹,5,2023-07-06 06:10:38 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter😂,2,2023-07-06 06:38:26 +Google Play,Thread>twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:11:15 +Google Play,Mathana dalei🥳,5,2023-07-06 05:39:25 +Google Play,136th review 😁,5,2023-07-06 13:13:06 +Google Play,Twitter lite 😅,5,2023-07-07 01:33:18 +Google Play,Something new🦍,4,2023-07-06 18:29:52 +Google Play,Sensational,5,2023-07-08 12:21:36 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-08 09:59:00 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-11 08:18:02 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-08 05:15:57 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-08 07:03:59 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-20 21:26:27 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-07 11:59:36 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-06 21:02:01 +Google Play,ایدی ترزد و از قسمت بیو اینستام پنهان کردم الان میخوام درستش کنم دیده بشه نمیدونم چجوریه میشه راهنماییم کنید🙏,1,2023-07-10 23:28:59 +Google Play,Promising start 👀💫,5,2023-07-07 16:51:12 +Google Play,I like ❤️,5,2023-07-11 20:26:22 +Google Play,Y el porn0?,1,2023-07-07 06:05:13 +Google Play,Wow 😲 Instagram 🥰,5,2023-07-06 01:36:31 +Google Play,Twittet❌ threads✅,5,2023-07-06 14:21:45 +Google Play,Nicee,5,2023-07-07 20:17:46 +Google Play,Niceeee,5,2023-07-06 17:05:47 +Google Play,NICEEEE,5,2023-07-06 17:13:06 +Google Play,Niceee,5,2023-07-06 21:29:20 +Google Play,Niceee,5,2023-07-06 00:10:41 +Google Play,Nicee,5,2023-07-06 10:22:31 +Google Play,Nicee,5,2023-07-07 08:50:11 +Google Play,❤️❣️😃💝,5,2023-07-07 16:14:15 +Google Play,♥,5,2023-07-06 11:58:38 +Google Play,hot,5,2023-07-07 15:43:50 +Google Play,🥹🥹😇❤️💙,5,2023-07-08 01:59:42 +Google Play,Nice,2,2023-07-07 16:26:35 +Google Play,Nice,2,2023-07-07 09:31:38 +Google Play,Mind-blowing 😍,5,2023-07-07 04:01:21 +Google Play,New Threads 😮😔,5,2023-07-06 17:52:39 +Google Play,Not Twitter 🙏🏽,5,2023-07-07 15:07:00 +Google Play,Fav already 🤣🔥,5,2023-07-06 06:58:28 +Google Play,RIP Twitter. 🐦,5,2023-07-06 05:40:24 +Google Play,Teer Sanam😁💚,5,2023-07-06 02:58:15 +Google Play,"35,583 (reviewer)",4,2023-07-11 08:35:36 +Google Play,Bast app 😈💪,5,2023-07-07 16:14:17 +Google Play,Spanking😊❣️,4,2023-07-07 06:10:48 +Google Play,Like it <3👀,5,2023-07-09 14:30:36 +Google Play,Let's see 🙈,5,2023-07-06 16:06:04 +Google Play,5 starrs 🤓🤩,5,2023-07-06 18:42:35 +Google Play,Helw awy 🥺💗,5,2023-07-08 16:46:46 +Google Play,Real (real),5,2023-07-06 06:40:25 +Google Play,Bhai app kr baare mai itna hi kahenge ki pataa nhi hai krna kya hai abhi pr Instagram se attached hai toh accha hai 😌👍,5,2023-07-07 13:04:48 +Google Play,"Sardor, bilaman instagramni yangi ilovasini olyotganingda kommentlarni o'qib o'tirasan. Iltimos, qarzingni ber (""Ha"" ni bosib qo'y)",5,2023-07-06 10:36:43 +Google Play,Still loading.,1,2023-07-09 10:26:39 +Google Play,"Next twitter , 😀",5,2023-07-06 10:05:25 +Google Play,Twitter killer😂📉,5,2023-07-06 08:43:00 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter 😂🔪,3,2023-07-07 11:13:44 +Google Play,a e s t h e t i c,5,2023-07-08 07:09:35 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 05:03:04 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 16:10:39 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-19 11:28:59 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 13:20:15 +Google Play,Stunning,5,2023-07-07 08:31:51 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-10 07:23:54 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-08 15:09:18 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-08 13:55:29 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 09:37:23 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 06:08:00 +Google Play,i love it,5,2023-07-08 02:44:21 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-06 09:20:37 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-08 12:11:31 +Google Play,Awesome,3,2023-07-07 09:09:55 +Google Play,Love this,5,2023-07-10 08:40:52 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 12:12:07 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-10 04:26:05 +Google Play,Stable,5,2023-07-06 11:17:08 +Google Play,Refreshing,5,2023-07-06 14:00:39 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 17:41:33 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 19:01:25 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 11:02:47 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 09:21:10 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-11 06:07:34 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 16:16:00 +Google Play,cool,5,2023-07-06 06:48:50 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 20:19:06 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-06 19:48:12 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-09 15:37:50 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-06 17:53:28 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 19:33:52 +Google Play,N. I. C. E.,5,2023-07-11 16:49:08 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 17:00:32 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 17:12:35 +Google Play,Top,5,2023-07-08 04:28:09 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-08 05:35:20 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 06:18:29 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 00:22:25 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-07 05:09:22 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 18:06:37 +Google Play,Impressive,5,2023-07-06 12:53:33 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 09:35:56 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 14:28:28 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 05:22:58 +Google Play,Uncluttered,5,2023-07-06 17:23:09 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 19:42:30 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 07:08:57 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 18:28:21 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 13:40:22 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 15:22:09 +Google Play,Lovely,5,2023-07-06 01:51:35 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 17:28:25 +Google Play,Wonder,5,2023-07-07 07:50:22 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 17:53:51 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-10 15:56:56 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 22:42:46 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 02:36:20 +Google Play,Fast,5,2023-07-07 11:49:17 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 03:52:22 +Google Play,Fine,3,2023-07-06 17:39:19 +Google Play,Delightful,4,2023-07-06 11:06:51 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-06 15:27:55 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 18:26:23 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 19:45:23 +Google Play,great,4,2023-07-08 17:20:05 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-07 08:48:02 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 12:03:17 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 11:32:50 +Google Play,perfect,5,2023-07-12 18:47:09 +Google Play,Top,5,2023-07-06 08:20:06 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-09 10:10:02 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-11 04:54:59 +Google Play,Top,4,2023-07-08 11:43:51 +Google Play,Love it,4,2023-07-09 17:12:13 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 11:35:57 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 18:31:18 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-08 05:44:39 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 14:42:47 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 15:00:52 +Google Play,Outstanding,5,2023-07-06 06:55:55 +Google Play,Smooth,5,2023-07-08 22:42:17 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-07 06:26:55 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-06 08:08:22 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-11 18:19:14 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 08:48:16 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 05:32:36 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 08:56:12 +Google Play,Exciting,3,2023-07-06 13:14:18 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 23:23:38 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-07 04:33:15 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 18:27:57 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 08:08:56 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 11:55:33 +Google Play,Exelent,5,2023-07-06 16:38:21 +Google Play,great,5,2023-07-07 08:52:29 +Google Play,great,5,2023-07-07 16:42:47 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 20:00:38 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 03:39:17 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-10 08:21:48 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 20:19:13 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-12 11:02:38 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 16:45:54 +Google Play,Greet,5,2023-07-10 18:27:54 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 16:46:19 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 08:35:11 +Google Play,Marvellous,5,2023-07-10 08:19:04 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 06:43:29 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 07:07:35 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 08:35:26 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 21:21:35 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 13:13:45 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 11:11:02 +Google Play,Prefer,5,2023-07-09 05:18:46 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-09 06:25:25 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 07:53:15 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 06:51:20 +Google Play,Exceptional,5,2023-07-06 17:07:38 +Google Play,Interesting,4,2023-07-06 10:31:13 +Google Play,Niceee,4,2023-07-06 11:40:49 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-12 07:19:19 +Google Play,Better,4,2023-07-06 12:13:25 +Google Play,Neat,5,2023-07-06 11:53:48 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-10 01:09:20 +Google Play,Aesthetic,5,2023-07-06 10:00:16 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 16:48:15 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 15:17:01 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 03:08:21 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 18:24:39 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 15:09:27 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 18:32:03 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 19:27:25 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-07 08:36:01 +Google Play,Perfection,5,2023-07-06 19:46:22 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 21:15:00 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 03:56:51 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 07:51:31 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 08:47:17 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 07:53:40 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-10 11:35:42 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-07 21:17:44 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 10:17:28 +Google Play,Smooth,5,2023-07-06 16:53:57 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-11 07:37:51 +Google Play,Cool,2,2023-07-14 16:41:36 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 15:30:28 +Google Play,Revolutionary,5,2023-07-06 16:30:33 +Google Play,Great,2,2023-07-07 18:16:01 +Google Play,cool,5,2023-07-06 15:12:12 +Google Play,AWESOME,5,2023-07-06 11:01:51 +Google Play,Amazing,4,2023-07-06 09:27:44 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 10:35:22 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 14:00:46 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-08 05:38:04 +Google Play,satisfied,4,2023-07-06 15:53:01 +Google Play,awesome,5,2023-07-11 09:27:46 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-08 12:59:50 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 20:32:02 +Google Play,Loving it,5,2023-07-07 12:13:26 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 07:22:16 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 09:22:27 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-09 17:33:19 +Google Play,Amazing,4,2023-07-06 03:35:18 +Google Play,Exceptional,5,2023-07-06 13:02:43 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 02:04:40 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-08 07:33:50 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-08 09:19:37 +Google Play,Love this,5,2023-07-12 16:08:41 +Google Play,Coooool,5,2023-07-06 03:16:46 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-12 06:38:00 +Google Play,Great,1,2023-07-07 22:53:54 +Google Play,Useful,4,2023-07-08 09:39:31 +Google Play,amazing,5,2023-07-08 07:56:16 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-06 14:12:15 +Google Play,good,3,2023-07-13 09:28:40 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-06 12:11:58 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-08 17:17:36 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 03:46:00 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-06 18:24:55 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 16:42:37 +Google Play,Superb,1,2023-07-06 11:55:57 +Google Play,Bestest,5,2023-07-08 01:07:39 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 07:49:44 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 19:25:16 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-06 13:47:52 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-10 14:45:35 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 14:55:41 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 12:26:59 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 04:30:17 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 10:22:38 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-09 15:04:29 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 17:12:56 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 20:25:08 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 13:15:42 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 15:57:52 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-11 11:21:23 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 22:26:01 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-11 11:12:50 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-06 01:06:29 +Google Play,perfect,5,2023-07-06 20:46:33 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 20:58:05 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 19:10:31 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 16:48:35 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 14:05:27 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 10:49:40 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 17:41:54 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 13:15:24 +Google Play,Amazing,4,2023-07-09 04:30:28 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 01:48:53 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-10 15:08:01 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 16:11:50 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 09:32:07 +Google Play,perfect,5,2023-07-08 05:56:33 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 18:31:20 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-10 19:20:01 +Google Play,great,5,2023-07-08 17:10:12 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 03:58:24 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 10:22:11 +Google Play,Perfect,4,2023-07-06 02:14:34 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 09:01:41 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 03:54:40 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 23:51:38 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 04:16:46 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-08 01:54:25 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-08 03:50:11 +Google Play,Incredible,5,2023-07-06 14:27:23 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-11 02:33:09 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-09 01:03:11 +Google Play,Useful,4,2023-07-11 05:00:32 +Google Play,Awesomeness,5,2023-07-09 11:17:06 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-09 00:22:35 +Google Play,Amazing,4,2023-07-09 05:40:10 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 02:44:06 +Google Play,Exceptional,5,2023-07-07 09:30:04 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-06 01:44:13 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 08:03:14 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-06 09:28:38 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-07 07:55:02 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 20:21:49 +Google Play,Decent,4,2023-07-06 20:35:27 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-08 02:48:18 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-06 13:45:56 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 16:21:15 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 06:12:05 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 03:53:12 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 03:53:39 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 10:35:53 +Google Play,Outstanding,5,2023-07-08 05:29:15 +Google Play,Better,4,2023-07-06 04:25:41 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 16:33:51 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 13:53:40 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 19:22:57 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 22:27:08 +Google Play,Love it,4,2023-07-10 17:30:29 +Google Play,Exceptional,5,2023-07-06 21:40:20 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 07:02:03 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-09 13:41:17 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 09:48:35 +Google Play,fantastic,5,2023-07-06 17:54:34 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-11 13:33:40 +Google Play,good,3,2023-07-06 11:59:13 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-09 12:25:36 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-07 17:28:46 +Google Play,Refreshing,4,2023-07-06 09:18:05 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 16:45:43 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 14:44:54 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 19:16:45 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 06:57:13 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 01:53:48 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 04:33:16 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 01:14:42 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-11 18:06:44 +Google Play,Superb,4,2023-07-06 19:29:35 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 10:02:04 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 18:00:19 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 07:59:54 +Google Play,perfect,5,2023-07-07 02:48:13 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 09:35:43 +Google Play,Awesome,4,2023-07-08 08:19:40 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 02:30:06 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-08 02:42:14 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-06 10:32:18 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-06 18:52:27 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 16:42:00 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 01:24:48 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 13:27:34 +Google Play,Refreshing,5,2023-07-07 18:57:27 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 15:29:08 +Google Play,amazing,5,2023-07-06 13:38:03 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 00:34:05 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 12:49:46 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 01:01:26 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 19:10:38 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 08:18:37 +Google Play,Top,5,2023-07-06 16:53:31 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-09 07:59:21 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-12 18:13:07 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 07:07:30 +Google Play,Impressive,5,2023-07-07 01:16:40 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-09 22:53:37 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 19:28:19 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 23:08:34 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 21:49:41 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-07 11:24:59 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 18:16:01 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 15:48:51 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 21:56:36 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 12:40:06 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-07 19:17:46 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 03:42:13 +Google Play,best,4,2023-07-06 15:06:51 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 13:31:34 +Google Play,Niceee,4,2023-07-06 05:11:04 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 20:53:24 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-11 08:58:16 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-07 09:10:15 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-07 09:21:23 +Google Play,Outstanding,5,2023-07-10 20:09:33 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-09 18:02:04 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-08 08:17:19 +Google Play,Refreshing,5,2023-07-07 06:05:45 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-08 12:02:00 +Google Play,Smooth,5,2023-07-09 05:25:48 +Google Play,Loving it,5,2023-07-06 10:17:14 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 11:17:41 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 12:05:26 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-09 06:33:16 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 10:26:27 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 08:39:14 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 07:39:31 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 05:53:07 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-10 11:51:02 +Google Play,Lovely,5,2023-07-08 15:11:07 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-08 09:36:04 +Google Play,awesome,5,2023-07-06 15:39:12 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-23 14:12:55 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 03:09:07 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-06 11:26:34 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 13:37:42 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-09 08:07:42 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 13:18:38 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 20:54:37 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 18:56:37 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 18:31:54 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 08:26:43 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 18:07:35 +Google Play,Marvellous,4,2023-07-07 12:38:36 +Google Play,awesome,5,2023-07-11 04:51:38 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 15:40:06 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 17:00:29 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-10 22:49:17 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 05:52:59 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 05:41:00 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 01:23:49 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 13:12:52 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 07:17:42 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 07:35:33 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 05:41:29 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 14:06:01 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 18:17:48 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-09 13:43:34 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-08 21:26:30 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-05 23:45:41 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 02:51:51 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-07 07:34:32 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-08 04:20:13 +Google Play,LOVELY,5,2023-07-14 01:54:23 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-16 12:29:24 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-16 05:45:27 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 07:01:56 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 21:45:43 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-07 08:41:17 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 23:58:08 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 08:20:05 +Google Play,great,5,2023-07-06 20:07:37 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 12:37:46 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 09:48:34 +Google Play,Cool,3,2023-07-06 17:32:00 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 09:17:44 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-08 03:26:24 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-09 10:36:19 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-06 06:20:57 +Google Play,Intresting,5,2023-07-06 02:55:07 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 19:47:33 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-06 08:34:09 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-09 02:58:18 +Google Play,Amazing,2,2023-07-06 16:15:14 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 19:52:16 +Google Play,Exceptional,4,2023-07-07 20:39:59 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 09:55:51 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 16:47:28 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-09 15:45:28 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 09:11:05 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 11:15:56 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 07:39:27 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 08:17:58 +Google Play,Wonderful,4,2023-07-10 20:15:18 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 10:59:57 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 16:30:33 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 19:13:24 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-08 13:02:39 +Google Play,Cool,3,2023-07-11 20:19:09 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 01:47:10 +Google Play,Exceptional,5,2023-07-08 07:22:24 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-06 09:25:05 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 17:52:31 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-12 20:36:54 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-10 22:16:41 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-11 09:14:38 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 14:59:34 +Google Play,Awesome,4,2023-07-07 22:36:12 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 15:44:25 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-12 05:30:45 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 18:06:36 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-09 01:50:31 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 12:27:01 +Google Play,amazing,5,2023-07-07 10:49:13 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 00:40:29 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-10 19:08:02 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-07 07:14:12 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 23:01:24 +Google Play,love it,5,2023-07-08 04:23:22 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-06 20:22:05 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 22:26:08 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-12 01:53:12 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-06 18:01:49 +Google Play,perfect,5,2023-07-14 08:53:32 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-09 16:46:19 +Google Play,Zuckerberg ne tho Elon musk ki maar li......😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,5,2023-07-07 09:00:30 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-08 08:13:33 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-07 12:19:01 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-06 00:35:56 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-06 17:55:42 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-06 19:16:33 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-08 10:44:08 +Google Play,Es urgente que se pueda generar un filtro en el contenido que se presenta al usuario. La mayoría de recomendaciones son ajenas al gusto del usuario,2,2023-07-07 20:56:21 +Google Play,🤗🤗🤗🤗😀😀🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😀😀🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🤗🤗❤️‍🔥🤗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🤗🤗❤️‍🔥😀😀😀🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🙏🙏🥰🥰❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️❤️‍🩹❤️❤️‍🩹❤️❤️‍🩹❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️❤️‍🩹❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤,5,2023-07-08 07:26:22 +Google Play,Copy maal!!,1,2023-07-09 10:12:37 +Google Play,Twitter Dead.. 🔥,5,2023-07-06 15:01:54 +Google Play,L@nd benc0,1,2023-07-06 17:32:52 +Google Play,First review? 👀,5,2023-07-06 14:55:08 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter?,3,2023-07-06 05:13:38 +Google Play,Twitter copy ?,2,2023-07-07 04:03:25 +Google Play,Mm,5,2023-07-06 06:49:44 +Google Play,Falut app !!,1,2023-07-17 05:58:02 +Google Play,GO MARK✊🏼,4,2023-07-06 10:19:13 +Google Play,Let's go😀,5,2023-07-07 05:20:22 +Google Play,Aaa!hhhh,2,2023-07-07 21:22:06 +Google Play,Ist Comment ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 11:38:36 +Google Play,"Bye"" Twitter",5,2023-07-07 00:09:32 +Google Play,Mind-blowing,5,2023-07-09 20:59:54 +Google Play,اصلا اوفیهه🦦,5,2023-07-07 09:50:44 +Google Play,RIP Twitter🙂,5,2023-07-07 12:50:39 +Google Play,Karan. Thaor,5,2023-07-06 01:11:55 +Google Play,Its normal 😌,5,2023-07-06 16:44:54 +Google Play,Yaml. Format,5,2023-07-09 00:50:30 +Google Play,add direct 😡,3,2023-07-12 17:01:11 +Google Play,WOW😲 Threads,5,2023-07-12 12:58:34 +Google Play,Copy paste 🤣,4,2023-07-06 10:20:08 +Google Play,Iko poa sana 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 06:56:35 +Google Play,കൊള്ളാം സാനം... 😂,5,2023-07-06 11:29:06 +Google Play,Elon musk 🤣🥲,4,2023-07-07 17:07:35 +Google Play,Elon musk 🤣😂,5,2023-07-07 19:11:33 +Google Play,Flickering,2,2023-07-07 04:48:49 +Google Play,Full Bakaiti😂,5,2023-07-06 16:54:49 +Google Play,ادعولي اتعين🗿,5,2023-07-06 14:03:53 +Google Play,يهبلل تطبيق 😭,5,2023-07-06 21:49:46 +Google Play,Wooooo👀ooooow,5,2023-07-07 02:38:28 +Google Play,Twitter lite😂,5,2023-07-06 06:14:03 +Google Play,Rip Twitter 🐦,5,2023-07-06 12:43:36 +Google Play,RIP Twitter 🐦,5,2023-07-06 10:25:21 +Google Play,like Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 15:39:11 +Google Play,برنامه خوبیه👍,4,2023-07-07 12:41:50 +Google Play,جامد فشخ ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 10:27:20 +Google Play,"tidak ada fitur direct messages, edit thread, save image and video button, trending, hapus akun, dan gak bisa deactivate akun lebih dari 1 minggu.",4,2023-07-06 23:39:15 +Google Play,Twitter copy!,1,2023-07-08 19:34:55 +Google Play,Amezing..❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:03:05 +Google Play,Super Inerface 🥵😍😍,5,2023-07-06 02:00:50 +Google Play,Oh my God ❤❤,5,2023-07-08 04:28:48 +Google Play,Gud 😊❤️,5,2023-07-07 17:58:14 +Google Play,mst he yrtr,5,2023-07-07 17:32:09 +Google Play,No 1 app,5,2023-07-09 07:42:47 +Google Play,यस माय इंस्ट्राग्राम,5,2023-07-08 04:07:51 +Google Play,ئەوە منژی داونلودکر ‌,5,2023-07-07 17:40:51 +Google Play,ကြိုက်တယ် like👍,5,2023-07-10 19:14:55 +Google Play,I like it 🤓,5,2023-07-06 15:58:37 +Google Play,Rip-twitter,4,2023-07-07 20:11:53 +Google Play,Thank you 🥰,5,2023-07-06 11:15:12 +Google Play,Noice 👌 app,4,2023-07-08 04:34:01 +Google Play,Elon Musk 😂,5,2023-07-07 08:43:30 +Google Play,I like it 😘,5,2023-07-09 08:21:07 +Google Play,Too early 👀,5,2023-07-08 04:55:09 +Google Play,کامنت اول 😅,5,2023-07-05 23:36:36 +Google Play,No hastagh.,3,2023-07-08 05:47:55 +Google Play,Copy 🐈 zuck,1,2023-07-09 15:02:24 +Google Play,I like it 👍,5,2023-07-08 11:25:56 +Google Play,Thank you 😊,5,2023-07-07 06:05:27 +Google Play,Elon musk 🤣,5,2023-07-06 18:40:05 +Google Play,First One 😂,5,2023-07-06 04:09:18 +Google Play,Nothing new😔,1,2023-07-10 16:12:00 +Google Play,واااا حسان 🤣,1,2023-07-07 11:11:14 +Google Play,Bakwas App 😏,1,2023-07-06 00:36:23 +Google Play,انسټاګرام سی جودا هو یو ایپ وکای بهت کمال های نوی علم ملی ده یا په زړه پوری هم دی له انسټاګرام مننه 😊,5,2023-07-10 12:32:22 +Google Play,Ek number ❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-08 05:18:39 +Google Play,Excited,5,2023-07-07 20:18:58 +Google Play,बेकार है भैया 😅😅😅,2,2023-07-06 09:32:52 +Google Play,Threads>>>Twitter 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 16:20:58 +Google Play,Copy past 😅,1,2023-07-11 04:54:59 +Google Play,Copy paste🥱,1,2023-07-10 10:31:59 +Google Play,Baqwas app.,1,2023-07-06 16:51:26 +Google Play,کامنت اول فارسی 😅 . آقا عالی یه ستاره کم کردم برا اینکه ادیت روی تر نذاشتی از کارای واتس آپ درآوردی,4,2023-07-06 16:34:34 +Google Play,banyak bug nyaa🤧🤧,1,2023-07-08 11:48:05 +Google Play,I like it 💘🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 05:48:13 +Google Play,1st Review?,5,2023-07-06 08:22:30 +Google Play,so... twitter?,3,2023-07-06 07:33:44 +Google Play,Twitter Copy 😅🤣,1,2023-07-08 18:37:03 +Google Play,"app को डाउनलोड करते ही सबसे पहले Krishan Sharma या फिर mr.kp_jaipur_20 सर्च करना , और क्या review लिखूं यार 😅",5,2023-07-07 12:21:01 +Google Play,First review?,3,2023-07-06 16:00:12 +Google Play,First review?,5,2023-07-06 20:08:44 +Google Play,Copy paste 🤣👌,1,2023-07-06 11:11:59 +Google Play,Team Elon ❤️❤️❤️,1,2023-07-19 10:01:46 +Google Play,This is 🗑️🚮,1,2023-07-23 09:24:51 +Google Play,"জুকার মামু, থ্রেডে DM দেও নাই ক্যা? ডিএম না থাকলে আমার হ্যাপী, লিপি, পপি, ববি, পলি, ডলি মলি আর কলিদের সাথে প্যাম পিরিতি কেমনে করুম?",3,2023-07-08 04:43:38 +Google Play,dark mode?,4,2023-07-07 01:09:41 +Google Play,Threads ❣️,1,2023-07-06 15:08:19 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 12:05:40 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 09:59:43 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 09:44:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 08:29:50 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 13:50:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 23:35:09 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-09 09:04:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 05:45:29 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:59:12 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 19:37:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:35:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:22:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:12:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:32:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 22:30:25 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 21:03:19 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 21:07:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 14:20:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 05:13:33 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 12:09:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 10:45:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 03:39:33 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:35:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 09:53:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 02:49:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 07:29:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 07:09:37 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 01:46:16 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 07:06:26 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 08:50:49 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 19:41:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 08:59:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:36:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 01:05:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 14:10:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:39:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 05:38:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 20:17:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 13:10:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 03:36:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 04:41:58 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 01:41:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 11:44:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 14:10:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:23:46 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 09:39:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 12:49:06 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 01:38:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:29:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:50:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:17:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:50:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 06:10:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 02:46:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 11:14:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 19:02:08 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 06:26:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:14:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 16:13:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 17:06:26 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 18:39:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 14:36:47 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 12:35:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 18:46:47 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:25:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 17:14:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 12:40:30 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 16:45:59 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 16:18:44 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 07:33:37 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 09:46:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 03:57:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:50:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 04:33:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 18:12:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 02:38:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:47:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 09:30:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:15:59 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 19:09:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 16:54:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 16:29:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 03:46:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 09:53:03 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 04:10:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:14:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 04:53:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:54:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:54:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 00:43:19 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 12:52:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 11:13:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:51:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:37:15 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 17:16:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 21:48:50 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 14:07:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 03:53:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 12:25:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 10:03:37 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 09:20:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 00:51:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 07:49:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 11:07:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 20:41:35 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 06:19:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 16:21:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 18:03:50 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 06:21:00 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 14:30:45 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 01:59:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 15:01:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 10:49:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 04:36:20 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 11:10:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:15:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 07:41:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 18:39:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:44:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 02:18:13 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 04:39:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 02:14:25 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 05:00:31 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 17:48:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 06:06:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:46:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:35:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 02:03:58 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:06:32 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 20:04:49 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 13:32:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 05:19:12 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:43:15 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 15:27:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 03:16:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 09:51:25 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 12:30:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 11:10:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:35:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:39:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 19:42:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 06:47:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:52:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:13:33 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 01:30:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:36:16 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:49:02 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 02:05:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 06:29:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 14:02:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 05:29:37 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-24 17:52:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 02:33:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 12:42:31 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 07:31:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 07:49:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 09:59:36 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 07:16:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:05:41 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 04:18:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:43:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 07:01:19 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 23:28:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 20:36:19 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:22:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 01:54:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 12:48:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 19:35:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:46:06 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:12:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 12:21:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 04:25:26 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 06:14:29 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:15:15 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:58:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:54:37 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-11 13:29:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:46:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:48:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 20:20:04 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-10 14:41:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 17:05:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 02:42:13 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 09:07:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 08:10:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 05:41:50 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 14:57:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:26:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 15:05:25 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-22 12:27:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 05:48:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 04:39:03 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 05:00:36 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:16:23 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 08:29:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:36:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 01:02:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 13:39:40 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 13:53:33 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 13:07:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 12:17:23 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 12:58:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 10:02:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 06:37:03 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 16:31:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 21:45:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 05:22:49 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 11:40:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:46:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 22:29:25 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 02:10:46 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 12:43:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:27:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 10:17:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 05:09:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 16:56:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 05:05:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 07:17:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 21:43:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 12:52:58 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:18:15 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 17:12:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 07:18:27 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:36:00 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 09:20:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:07:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 05:57:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 02:57:49 +Google Play,Nice this,5,2023-07-10 13:20:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 06:51:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 20:29:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:09:42 +Google Play,Thanks mata 07/7/2023,5,2023-07-07 16:06:23 +Google Play,I like it😊,5,2023-07-07 03:47:48 +Google Play,Lose. Eeee,3,2023-07-09 13:29:43 +Google Play,Elon btfo.,5,2023-07-06 19:17:32 +Google Play,Aswm app 🥰,5,2023-07-06 18:08:17 +Google Play,Acha hai 😂,5,2023-07-06 13:45:19 +Google Play,Till Now 👍,5,2023-07-06 12:27:41 +Google Play,I like it 😁🧵🧵🧵,5,2023-07-09 04:25:27 +Google Play,Not working 😞,1,2023-07-07 19:09:23 +Google Play,Nothing new .,1,2023-07-07 08:48:23 +Google Play,Not working 😭,1,2023-07-10 09:16:03 +Google Play,Not working 😑,1,2023-07-06 12:27:14 +Google Play,Not working .,1,2023-07-07 06:09:09 +Google Play,nothing new 👎,1,2023-07-07 19:58:28 +Google Play,Incrivel apenas!!,5,2023-07-06 04:21:59 +Google Play,Op bro 😂😁😁,5,2023-07-07 19:16:30 +Google Play,Simple,5,2023-07-06 10:26:38 +Google Play,Flexible,5,2023-07-08 20:37:51 +Google Play,Congrats Mark...,5,2023-07-06 09:06:04 +Google Play,#teamtwitter 😍😍😍💋💋💅💅😘😘😍😍😍,1,2023-07-08 13:00:14 +Google Play,It's poop,1,2023-07-08 10:17:12 +Google Play,Poor app.,1,2023-07-07 20:32:52 +Google Play,BoycottTwitter.. 😂,4,2023-07-08 06:06:00 +Google Play,TANG--- NAGBABACKKKKK,3,2023-07-07 01:49:57 +Google Play,I'm gay,4,2023-07-07 07:24:42 +Google Play,It's ok,4,2023-07-06 21:06:38 +Google Play,Copy 🤷‍♂️,1,2023-07-07 03:35:19 +Google Play,It's ight,3,2023-07-06 07:05:48 +Google Play,Threads >> Twitter,5,2023-07-06 08:18:17 +Google Play,بدک نیست.,5,2023-07-16 22:19:33 +Google Play,We'll see,3,2023-07-06 06:32:33 +Google Play,Მომწონს 👍,5,2023-07-07 07:46:35 +Google Play,It's beat,5,2023-07-07 14:10:35 +Google Play,Nyc 💕 app,5,2023-07-07 09:28:21 +Google Play,boleh la.,3,2023-07-06 09:26:19 +Google Play,Mast he 👌,5,2023-07-06 16:23:54 +Google Play,Let's see,5,2023-07-06 02:21:29 +Google Play,"Esta bien, pero se me cierra cada que quiero escribir un nuevo post, ya deshinstale y volvi a instalar, también reinicie mi celular y nada",3,2023-07-06 13:42:09 +Google Play,❤️🇲🇦,5,2023-07-06 19:00:57 +Google Play,❤️🫶🏻,5,2023-07-10 05:44:33 +Google Play,❤️👀💯,5,2023-07-06 05:15:11 +Google Play,"gtw knp tapi beranda threads gue eror mulu, bukan bawaan hp soalnya aplikasi lain ga gini. duh gatau deh gimana, jelek ah",1,2023-07-09 06:40:47 +Google Play,Super ❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:00:30 +Google Play,It's alr,5,2023-07-10 11:16:34 +Google Play,I miss #,4,2023-07-07 15:36:29 +Google Play,First ❤️,5,2023-07-06 15:13:50 +Google Play,So far 👍,4,2023-07-06 10:57:40 +Google Play,Just ok.,3,2023-07-11 20:07:13 +Google Play,Amezing 💥🔥,5,2023-07-07 16:49:37 +Google Play,Sup✨️,5,2023-07-11 14:29:33 +Google Play,Twitter <<<< Threads,5,2023-07-07 18:28:26 +Google Play,New released...,2,2023-07-08 02:55:55 +Google Play,മനോഹ��ം 👍🏼,5,2023-07-06 07:45:47 +Google Play,Verybad👋🏻,5,2023-07-08 06:59:59 +Google Play,Wow 👌 👏 😍,5,2023-07-07 13:32:07 +Google Play,Nepal🇳🇵 📍,5,2023-07-06 22:42:39 +Google Play,☸️ 🇱🇰,5,2023-07-06 15:17:11 +Google Play,Twitter?🙃,5,2023-07-06 13:39:19 +Google Play,هذا تطبيق جميل ولكن اتمنى ان يقوموا بالمزيد من تعديلات هذا تطبيق لا يحتوي على تعديل المنشور ولا على ترجمة المنشور اتمنى ان تضيفو هذي الميزات و شكرا,5,2023-07-07 13:36:02 +Google Play,🥸🥹😒😊,4,2023-07-06 19:26:00 +Google Play,🅝🅘🅒🅔,5,2023-07-06 09:25:08 +Google Play,😋🎈🌳🌱,5,2023-07-06 16:31:28 +Google Play,"Entretenida, tiene lo mejor de instagram y la singularidad de twitter. Lo único malo es que se demora mucho en cargar el feed.",3,2023-07-06 03:39:09 +Google Play,ഞാൻ നല്ലൊരു ഡയറി ബുക്ക്‌ നോക്കിയതാണ് കിട്ടിയില്ല ബട്ട്‌ എനിക്ക് ഈ ആപ്പ് ഒരു ഡയറി ആയി ഉപയോഗിക്കാം എന്ന് മനസിലായി ബെസ്റ്റ് ഓൺലൈൻ ഡയറി.. 🙏 thanks zucker. 😍,5,2023-07-06 11:05:30 +Google Play,Gays Twitter🤮😂😂,1,2023-07-08 03:40:41 +Google Play,Super 😽💖,5,2023-07-09 05:51:05 +Google Play,Super 💯❤,4,2023-07-06 18:57:31 +Google Play,Rn=0,4,2023-07-22 07:31:59 +Google Play,GD❗️,5,2023-07-06 09:53:20 +Google Play,Thanks @meta,5,2023-07-07 17:39:36 +Google Play,Not Working!!,1,2023-07-07 14:35:28 +Google Play,Estoy queriendo encontrar el quit de esta red. Primero debo ver cómo agrego compas y luego opinaremos sobre su plataforma y su potencial efectividad.,2,2023-07-07 15:22:04 +Google Play,Just Wow...,5,2023-07-06 11:57:13 +Google Play,"aún cosas por mejorar, por ejemplo, que se buggea cuando pones más de una foto, pero con el tiempo se perfeccionará, de resto, muy buena app.",4,2023-07-06 20:51:31 +Google Play,Hello 👋 guyss,5,2023-07-06 12:56:16 +Google Play,🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👏👏👏👏💐💐💐🎉🎉🎉🥳,4,2023-07-06 15:44:37 +Google Play,Welcome 🎉💐,1,2023-07-05 23:25:54 +Google Play,التطبيق مجاي ينفتح عندي,1,2023-07-07 08:09:59 +Google Play,Ram ram bhai saab,5,2023-07-19 08:16:47 +Google Play,First Review??,5,2023-07-06 03:31:34 +Google Play,जिसके पास instagram account नही है वह कैसे login करेगा। मतलब new user के लिए जगह नही जो insta use नही करता है। Option create करो new users के लिए😡😡,1,2023-07-07 12:37:42 +Google Play,shi..tt,1,2023-07-06 19:10:52 +Google Play,ใช้ในมือแอนดรอย์​ยังมีปัญหา​ เกิดภาพซ้อนกันตอนเลื่อนฟีต ต้องทำการแก้ปัญหา​โดยด่วน,1,2023-07-06 19:45:45 +Google Play,Accha hai....,5,2023-07-08 15:38:40 +Google Play,Okay..!!,1,2023-07-06 09:33:35 +Google Play,0/10,1,2023-07-07 14:17:07 +Google Play,يامارك مهو النسخ والتقليد إحيانا بيكون غير مجدي نفعا .... التفاعلات وريتش اغلب الصفحات تعبان جدا.الناس جريت ورا الشكل فقط,1,2023-07-10 17:30:14 +Google Play,🐦=🐐,1,2023-07-24 17:00:47 +Google Play,😡🤬👹,1,2023-07-11 02:11:25 +Google Play,شيئ جميل من هذه الشركة الأمريكية و من صاحبها مارك ، و نحن في هذا العصر عصر الرقمنة و التحويل الرقمي و الذكاء الاصطناعي ، لمن الجميل رؤية الشركات تبدع في هذا المجال.,4,2023-07-07 07:24:21 +Google Play,😍😄❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 13:15:31 +Google Play,❤️🔥🖍️,5,2023-07-08 07:08:29 +Google Play,Ohhh...❣️❣️✨️✨️✨️,5,2023-07-11 17:24:59 +Google Play,"හායි මරු ඇප් එක බංග්, පම්ට හු.. නැ නැ නිකං දැම්මෙ.. ස්තූතිය සකුනි සමාරා සහන් පෙරෙර සමෙශා නවොදි ලිවිදු පීරිස් ගෙත්මි කක් ෆැම්",5,2023-07-06 13:17:42 +Google Play,Instagram ने अपना खुद का एक धागा ( THREAD ) निकाला जिससे आप अपने विचारो से इस दुनिया को बांध सको।,5,2023-07-06 19:30:43 +Google Play,🥀❤️🤞,5,2023-07-07 08:02:22 +Google Play,Thank you🌹❤,5,2023-07-09 16:43:06 +Google Play,"Me encanta que otra red ofrezca algo similar a Twitter, que está como mi país... gobernada por un inútil. Le doy mi voto de confianza!",5,2023-07-07 19:45:54 +Google Play,Bakcod app😂,5,2023-07-07 17:07:37 +Google Play,I Like it 😉,5,2023-07-05 23:30:56 +Google Play,Kor uhaay 🤣,5,2023-07-07 08:05:11 +Google Play,I like it 😊,5,2023-07-07 14:31:58 +Google Play,"Gak bisa nyari thread atau tulisan orang, gak bisa filter siapa aja yang muncul di beranda kita. Tau tau muncul orang random, jenisnya kyk FYP tiktok jadinya.",5,2023-07-08 10:35:44 +Google Play,Abhi to join hi kiye hai... 1 week use krne do tb edit krke batayege kaisa hai ye Twitter lite app 🙋🏻‍♂️,5,2023-07-06 06:10:18 +Google Play,dope 😎 🔥🔥🚒,5,2023-07-07 05:29:03 +Google Play,لتكن هذه ذكرى في تاريخ 7/6/2023 اعيش اسوء الايام حاليا وبعد سنة سوف تصبح افضل واتذكر هذه ايام بحرقة وساقول حمدلله الذي اخرجني منها,3,2023-07-07 18:11:42 +Google Play,Amezing ❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 13:02:06 +Google Play,"एक ही की स्टार के हकदार है भिखारी साला , क्युंकी इन्स्टा मे होते हुए भी न तो खुलता है और ना ही एकाउंट बनता है,,mc bc",1,2023-07-11 14:19:12 +Google Play,Competitor 😂💯,5,2023-07-06 11:24:57 +Google Play,Twitter <<< Threads,5,2023-07-09 11:04:51 +Google Play,Just Beginning...,5,2023-07-06 21:37:57 +Google Play,B aja 🗿,5,2023-07-06 08:54:12 +Google Play,It's ok,5,2023-07-06 22:57:14 +Google Play,It's ok,5,2023-07-06 02:45:51 +Google Play,Awsm ⚜️,5,2023-07-07 03:06:41 +Google Play,Ek no.,5,2023-07-12 03:55:48 +Google Play,Yooh✌️,5,2023-07-09 03:21:30 +Google Play,Что за баг у вас ребята? Я думал Мета разработала очередное крутое приложение. Только что скачал и обнаружил что приложение совсем не работает,1,2023-07-07 06:21:14 +Google Play,😊😊😊👌👌🎉🎉🎉🤗,5,2023-07-14 21:32:14 +Google Play,Threads 🥰spr🥰,4,2023-07-06 20:11:40 +Google Play,"Kya Faltu App Hai ""Threads"" Koi Organic Reach Ka Namu Nishan Nahi Hai Kam Se Kam Views Count System To Hona Tha Na..🥴.",1,2023-07-12 19:06:07 +Google Play,🌎 - Threads,5,2023-07-07 07:40:23 +Google Play,Welcome 😁 .,5,2023-07-06 07:49:49 +Google Play,Threads > 🐦,5,2023-07-12 02:49:44 +Google Play,Twitter copy 😂😂,1,2023-07-11 07:17:30 +Google Play,أقترح إضافة ميزات كالتالي: -إنشاء مجموعات لعدد من الحسابات تظهر فيها الثريدات -مجموعة التغريدات في الحيز الجغرافي -تحسين مظهر التغريدات بإضافة المزيد من التباعد بين كل التغريدات.,5,2023-07-08 06:06:35 +Google Play,Use less 😒😒,1,2023-07-11 12:55:02 +Google Play,Paisa barbaad 😂😂,2,2023-07-06 01:47:34 +Google Play,❤️💯,5,2023-07-11 08:37:33 +Google Play,❤️🎉,5,2023-07-07 11:00:20 +Google Play,😇❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:35:11 +Google Play,❤️😌,3,2023-07-06 02:41:41 +Google Play,⚡️🌪,5,2023-07-08 17:56:03 +Google Play,🫴❤️,5,2023-07-07 05:00:51 +Google Play,❤️🔥,5,2023-07-07 06:57:48 +Google Play,PLAYBOI CARTI TIER 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 17:26:06 +Google Play,완성도랑 차별화가 부족한 앱이고 다른 앱들 놔두고 굳이 스레드를 사용해야 하는 이유를 모르겠음... 좀 기대 이하임,1,2023-07-10 16:00:00 +Google Play,🐦- 🍗,5,2023-07-06 20:29:19 +Google Play,😱 OMG ✴️✨✨✨✨✨✨,5,2023-07-12 18:59:49 +Google Play,Approved 🔥🔥🥶,5,2023-07-06 11:08:44 +Google Play,Cut6. Apppp.,5,2023-07-08 03:56:33 +Google Play,I like it 😍😍,5,2023-07-06 10:22:58 +Google Play,Mazay Dar 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 09:37:59 +Google Play,Wow super 😊😊,5,2023-07-09 04:12:49 +Google Play,Rip Twitter 🥲🥲,5,2023-07-06 13:07:10 +Google Play,გაგედო ილონნ😆😆,5,2023-07-10 11:27:32 +Google Play,Eline sağlık 👏👏,5,2023-07-06 19:58:36 +Google Play,👌🏻❤,5,2023-07-06 14:46:30 +Google Play,😉👍🏽,5,2023-07-07 00:29:33 +Google Play,😇🙏👍,5,2023-07-06 15:31:15 +Google Play,🤙😉😍,5,2023-07-21 23:59:32 +Google Play,👍🏻❤,5,2023-07-06 18:00:37 +Google Play,👌🔥😍,5,2023-07-06 04:56:15 +Google Play,😌🙌🏻,4,2023-07-06 22:16:04 +Google Play,😇💝😯,5,2023-07-09 04:54:11 +Google Play,💚💙👑,5,2023-07-07 07:49:10 +Google Play,Super Threads 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 11:49:22 +Google Play,Wow ❤👍,5,2023-07-07 11:55:21 +Google Play,Meta🇲🇦,5,2023-07-09 15:52:08 +Google Play,First review 😄😄😄,4,2023-07-06 22:21:03 +Google Play,First one?,5,2023-07-06 12:54:55 +Google Play,F*** man,5,2023-07-07 13:30:09 +Google Play,A 10/10🔥🔥🔥🔥,4,2023-07-07 09:20:48 +Google Play,Osm😂❤,5,2023-07-07 10:45:12 +Google Play,Nyc😂🖐,5,2023-07-07 02:23:49 +Google Play,Ok 🙂👍,5,2023-07-07 12:43:05 +Google Play,thread......😇,5,2023-07-06 08:45:43 +Google Play,🤷‍♂️,5,2023-07-05 23:53:33 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-06 12:19:00 +Google Play,হ্যালো বন্ধু তোমর�� সবাই কেমন আছো ঠিক আছে কি খবর সাপোর্ট করছে না এত চেষ্টা করে কিছু করতে পারছিনা বাংলা সাপোর্ট করো একটু,5,2023-07-06 08:31:33 +Google Play,TWITTER 😇 ......,5,2023-07-07 02:58:58 +Google Play,Baaaaaaaaaaag :(,1,2023-07-06 20:34:39 +Google Play,❤️💥💯🤩🤗,5,2023-07-10 19:03:40 +Google Play,✨️🤩👍🏽💯,5,2023-07-07 03:59:16 +Google Play,😎✌️💜🔥💯,5,2023-07-06 22:49:21 +Google Play,خوبه ولی خیلی صفحه ش مبتدی طراحی شده باید ارتقا بدید ش تا جذابیت بیشتری داشته باشه خفه بنظر می رسه جدابیت اینستا رو نداره,5,2023-07-14 13:21:02 +Google Play,👌🏻👌🏻💕,5,2023-07-07 16:00:39 +Google Play,Wow❤❤👌👌,5,2023-07-07 23:23:41 +Google Play,😘😘😘❣️❣️❣️👌👌👌👌🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏,5,2023-07-09 16:57:45 +Google Play,Mad mad🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 13:59:01 +Google Play,Op app 😍😍,5,2023-07-07 17:09:35 +Google Play,গুড এপস 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 17:38:02 +Google Play,مش عارف تحس ان فى نصب فى القصة العداد وقف عند ١٠مليون من ١٨ ساعة تقريبا..ايه مفيش مليون حتى فى ظل ان كل العالم عرف ان فيه حاجة اسمها ثريدز!!,3,2023-07-08 00:07:56 +Google Play,💯💯👌👍,5,2023-07-08 00:10:16 +Google Play,🧡🤍💚,5,2023-07-07 08:07:52 +Google Play,Pwoli App 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 14:49:42 +Google Play,🌱❤️,5,2023-07-07 17:17:08 +Google Play,F*** Elon,5,2023-07-06 12:59:45 +Google Play,এ্যাপটির নিয়ম কানুন সম্পুর্ণ ইনস্টাগ্রামের মতো হলেও কিছু কিছু বিষয় পরিবর্তন আনা উচিৎ বলে মনে করি। সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যম হিসেবে থ্রেডস ভালো সুনাম অর্জন করবে আশাবাদী।,5,2023-07-09 15:29:10 +Google Play,Twitter > Thread,5,2023-07-06 04:56:23 +Google Play,🕵️‍♂️,5,2023-07-09 09:28:42 +Google Play,Supb🤘👍👍,5,2023-07-12 18:22:26 +Google Play,It's 👍👍,5,2023-07-07 00:07:18 +Google Play,Elon bhaiya 🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-07 10:55:50 +Google Play,Rip Twitter 😅😅😅,5,2023-07-07 03:40:15 +Google Play,😍😍😍 മലയാളികൾ ഉണ്ടോ,5,2023-07-07 16:57:58 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-09 07:52:49 +Google Play,"थ्रेड्स ट्विटर का प्रत्यक्ष प्रतिद्वंद्वी है , यह ट्विटर जैसा दिखता है और ट्विटर जैसा लगता है। निर्माता मार्क जुकरबर्ग ने ट्विटर के सीईओ एलोन मस्क के साथ ऑनलाइन बहस को कोई रहस्य नहीं बनाया है।",5,2023-07-07 14:38:07 +Google Play,Not Twitter!,1,2023-07-12 21:27:15 +Google Play,تطبيق زباله🤮🤮🤮,1,2023-07-06 19:29:05 +Google Play,Twitter wannabe,1,2023-07-24 03:13:13 +Google Play,Super 😙💝😽💝😽💝💝💝💝😽,5,2023-07-06 07:25:09 +Google Play,Android 9 s8 cihazımda gönderi şu an paylaşamıyorum çünkü resimli gönderi attığımda uygulamadan atıyor. Yapımcıların en kısa sürede farketmesi dileğiyle. Onun için 3 yıldız verdim eğer fixlenirse 5 yıldız veririm.,3,2023-07-06 05:57:02 +Google Play,👍👍👏👏🔥🔥,5,2023-07-08 08:41:33 +Google Play,@official_ahadtuba786,5,2023-07-06 07:33:36 +Google Play,"Chévere la app pero sigo sin poder editar mis publicaciones, no hay una sección de tendencias y lo que más me molesta es que en mi feed principal me aparezca más gente que no conozca que de la que sigo",3,2023-07-07 07:45:10 +Google Play,"У него нет будущего, я думал это будет что-то в духе реддит, но аудитория слишком отличается, всё перешли из инстаграмма в основном и начали торговать",3,2023-07-07 12:20:07 +Google Play,Iejrndjiiekhdjejdirojfufrjekrmfhe2 edd 83jdjoro9ejdjje83jr2j8dy33bs53o8dy3gz43DDDD djdjhdrmkzzw jdjdjkrmdsm ndjdhwj ekjon jeun ghya mg tu bhi nahi ho gaya tha to kya kr rhi hu me to nhi to kya hua kya kr rhe ho rha tha to 76 Vjgifhxbgxjbrkjerjjrjrjrhhggggggyuuddnjddddj3jrjrjrjrnnrnrrnrirjrjdyhdkdkkrtmtmt,5,2023-07-08 02:48:18 +Google Play,No puedo nisiquiera crearme una cuenta porque te obliga a usar instagram. Yo no uso ni usaré instagram. Donde esta el registro independiente de toda la vida?,1,2023-07-09 19:39:34 +Google Play,ফালতু একটা এপ্স। ইন্সটাগ্রাম চালাচ্ছি নাকি টুইটার বুঝতেই প��রি না। সব থেকে বড় সমস্যা হচ্ছে আমার ক্রাস ঢাবিয়ান উপমা এখানে নেই। মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কাছে বিচার দিলাম,2,2023-07-07 14:51:41 +Google Play,👍👍👍❤️,5,2023-07-06 11:00:43 +Google Play,💙💙💙💎💎💎 super,5,2023-07-06 14:19:55 +Google Play,Wellcom🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵,2,2023-07-08 13:21:03 +Google Play,@jaishreeram,5,2023-07-11 02:39:13 +Google Play,🔥❤😍,5,2023-07-06 23:46:04 +Google Play,🧵>🐦,4,2023-07-08 07:56:16 +Google Play,🥰🥰Bawaal chiz hai be 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-07 13:43:31 +Google Play,Twitter who ?,4,2023-07-06 08:15:19 +Google Play,Twitter what?,5,2023-07-06 22:43:43 +Google Play,@viksa_ak47,5,2023-07-07 08:35:09 +Google Play,ZUCKERBERG TOCANENES,1,2023-07-06 00:09:26 +Google Play,مدري ليه,5,2023-07-05 23:24:19 +Google Play,Twitter 2.0,1,2023-07-06 01:50:21 +Google Play,Very poor,1,2023-07-06 17:21:43 +Google Play,Hell yaaaaa,5,2023-07-07 17:35:07 +Google Play,Getting started,1,2023-07-07 08:36:39 +Google Play,ANG CUTEEEE,5,2023-07-07 13:02:06 +Google Play,Ok ok,3,2023-07-07 17:37:28 +Google Play,Copied app,1,2023-07-07 16:46:17 +Google Play,Mabihch HHHHHHHHHHHH,5,2023-07-06 01:13:37 +Google Play,Mahi lifestyle,1,2023-07-06 18:57:19 +Google Play,Twitter copies,5,2023-07-11 10:41:28 +Google Play,Use less,1,2023-07-06 13:06:18 +Google Play,بداية موفقة,5,2023-07-06 04:27:57 +Google Play,Last 2week,5,2023-07-19 17:46:20 +Google Play,बेवारिसे रछ,1,2023-07-09 08:09:56 +Google Play,Very well,5,2023-07-07 17:09:09 +Google Play,Baikar hhh,1,2023-07-06 03:50:52 +Google Play,Nothing special,1,2023-07-06 16:41:58 +Google Play,Need optimisation,3,2023-07-06 02:29:30 +Google Play,Use Full,5,2023-07-06 06:09:50 +Google Play,Twitter clone,1,2023-07-09 10:18:55 +Google Play,Twitter fan,1,2023-07-07 17:53:14 +Google Play,Twitter copy,5,2023-07-07 16:55:02 +Google Play,Copy Paste,1,2023-07-06 17:09:55 +Google Play,Yadav ji,5,2023-07-07 08:10:10 +Google Play,Band karo,1,2023-07-07 07:11:26 +Google Play,No privacy,1,2023-07-06 17:11:38 +Google Play,NYC aps,5,2023-07-12 07:02:33 +Google Play,Hellooooooo bhai,5,2023-07-07 17:09:35 +Google Play,Mst Hai..,5,2023-07-10 06:46:06 +Google Play,About time!!!!,5,2023-07-06 21:54:20 +Google Play,@ishahramh,5,2023-07-06 20:19:59 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-24 18:46:16 +Google Play,Bigger @,5,2023-07-06 15:40:11 +Google Play,Amezing app,5,2023-07-10 06:33:54 +Google Play,Needs improvement,4,2023-07-07 22:35:08 +Google Play,I like,5,2023-07-06 10:42:54 +Google Play,Super 👍,5,2023-07-07 17:37:59 +Google Play,First 😎,5,2023-07-05 23:31:20 +Google Play,Accha 😂,5,2023-07-12 11:56:47 +Google Play,Sorry 😞,1,2023-07-06 18:31:41 +Google Play,Super ⚡,5,2023-07-06 05:45:44 +Google Play,Gandi app lollllllll,1,2023-07-11 17:28:27 +Google Play,Lovee🥹,5,2023-07-06 05:45:08 +Google Play,It's ok i guess,5,2023-07-24 19:02:09 +Google Play,/2q2,2,2023-07-09 16:09:20 +Google Play,Nyc 🔥,5,2023-07-07 08:19:17 +Google Play,Lezgoo!!,5,2023-07-06 17:41:38 +Google Play,Byapak!!,5,2023-07-06 10:39:15 +Google Play,Coppy app,1,2023-07-07 06:43:40 +Google Play,TWITTER FOREVER,1,2023-07-06 14:07:32 +Google Play,First 🥇,5,2023-07-05 23:21:04 +Google Play,Joss.,5,2023-07-06 05:45:38 +Google Play,Meta👎,1,2023-07-11 23:51:38 +Google Play,Median Experience,3,2023-07-08 05:27:21 +Google Play,سهل وجميل,5,2023-07-07 09:21:05 +Google Play,Greats app,5,2023-07-07 05:12:13 +Google Play,Grt app,5,2023-07-08 07:22:43 +Google Play,Siyah Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:43:34 +Google Play,Ith kollaaaam,5,2023-07-17 07:46:48 +Google Play,Very noice,5,2023-07-07 09:09:34 +Google Play,First published,5,2023-07-06 07:08:11 +Google Play,First LFG,5,2023-07-06 03:30:02 +Google Play,Op App,5,2023-07-06 16:52:44 +Google Play,W app,5,2023-07-06 06:11:31 +Google Play,SCREW ELON,5,2023-07-06 12:43:21 +Google Play,Op app,5,2023-07-06 19:13:20 +Google Play,New user,4,2023-07-06 22:33:29 +Google Play,Supermacy app,5,2023-07-06 22:25:18 +Google Play,YOU ZUCK,3,2023-07-11 03:41:30 +Google Play,First time,5,2023-07-07 06:57:47 +Google Play,Osm bhai,5,2023-07-13 09:41:39 +Google Play,First lol,5,2023-07-06 08:51:50 +Google Play,Geart app,5,2023-07-07 12:30:58 +Google Play,Just started,5,2023-07-07 10:45:42 +Google Play,Dope af,5,2023-07-09 19:39:21 +Google Play,Super meta,5,2023-07-07 12:17:22 +Google Play,Bye Twitter,5,2023-07-08 06:46:47 +Google Play,I dig it,5,2023-07-08 09:45:19 +Google Play,Nyc app,5,2023-07-07 14:24:44 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 00:00:17 +Google Play,Insta W,5,2023-07-06 03:57:18 +Google Play,W app,5,2023-07-06 06:58:54 +Google Play,Osm app,5,2023-07-07 03:15:27 +Google Play,first review,5,2023-07-06 15:19:54 +Google Play,Hanging already,3,2023-07-06 17:05:39 +Google Play,buena app,5,2023-07-07 03:10:21 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-07 09:26:32 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-08 03:27:35 +Google Play,First day,5,2023-07-06 03:47:38 +Google Play,First review,5,2023-07-05 23:41:56 +Google Play,First review,5,2023-07-06 01:00:31 +Google Play,Naresh dabhi,5,2023-07-09 10:05:17 +Google Play,Still trying,5,2023-07-06 00:17:09 +Google Play,No hastags,4,2023-07-08 02:19:40 +Google Play,Looks promising,5,2023-07-08 05:48:17 +Google Play,Valo loii,2,2023-07-08 12:52:59 +Google Play,خیلی معمولی,3,2023-07-12 08:28:39 +Google Play,Bye twitter,5,2023-07-06 06:04:52 +Google Play,Bangladeshi boy,5,2023-07-06 19:07:32 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-07 09:59:27 +Google Play,VIGNESH ELAMATHI,5,2023-07-06 15:40:29 +Google Play,It exsist,5,2023-07-06 09:42:11 +Google Play,God luck,5,2023-07-06 12:40:06 +Google Play,SUPPORT GIF,3,2023-07-06 14:36:09 +Google Play,Support me,5,2023-07-07 07:54:45 +Google Play,Bule tick,5,2023-07-06 03:16:14 +Google Play,Lets see,5,2023-07-07 04:49:01 +Google Play,Verry zbi,5,2023-07-09 20:16:58 +Google Play,Very well,5,2023-07-07 08:16:24 +Google Play,Superr ra,5,2023-07-07 03:56:37 +Google Play,Osm app,5,2023-07-10 15:06:25 +Google Play,Very social,5,2023-07-11 16:43:20 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-10 14:56:05 +Google Play,Super threads,5,2023-07-12 04:57:26 +Google Play,New revolution,5,2023-07-06 13:47:12 +Google Play,Data upload,2,2023-07-08 14:36:44 +Google Play,Mast ba,5,2023-07-06 17:00:56 +Google Play,Future App,5,2023-07-09 08:46:53 +Google Play,getting there,4,2023-07-06 12:33:39 +Google Play,Clean UI,5,2023-07-12 00:24:17 +Google Play,Boycat tevter,5,2023-07-07 07:07:09 +Google Play,Not working,2,2023-07-06 16:09:27 +Google Play,Privacy concern,3,2023-07-08 08:08:56 +Google Play,Atta boy,5,2023-07-08 11:33:08 +Google Play,First impression,2,2023-07-07 07:18:20 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-06 05:18:48 +Google Play,God app,5,2023-07-07 14:45:41 +Google Play,Copy paste,3,2023-07-07 03:17:00 +Google Play,Twitter flok,5,2023-07-10 03:23:50 +Google Play,Just chumeswari,5,2023-07-08 04:41:41 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-07 11:37:37 +Google Play,ഫന്റസ്റ്റിക് ആപ്പ്,5,2023-07-06 16:16:55 +Google Play,Dood app,5,2023-07-19 05:59:36 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 13:07:02 +Google Play,Hanya opini,4,2023-07-09 03:17:41 +Google Play,Mast hai,5,2023-07-06 17:38:54 +Google Play,Privacy serure,5,2023-07-06 03:20:03 +Google Play,DARK MODE,5,2023-07-09 06:09:34 +Google Play,Grate working,4,2023-07-06 04:58:54 +Google Play,Mast app,5,2023-07-07 06:11:19 +Google Play,friendly app,5,2023-07-14 12:40:45 +Google Play,Rip twitter,5,2023-07-07 03:07:52 +Google Play,Batter experience,5,2023-07-07 14:27:35 +Google Play,So funtastic,5,2023-07-10 12:19:18 +Google Play,Exllent App,5,2023-07-06 10:04:46 +Google Play,بسیار عالی,5,2023-07-07 20:53:46 +Google Play,Like Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:21:03 +Google Play,Replacement app,5,2023-07-06 18:14:12 +Google Play,Sasta Twiter,4,2023-07-06 07:14:32 +Google Play,Super thala,5,2023-07-07 07:26:24 +Google Play,Bye twitter,5,2023-07-06 05:03:04 +Google Play,Bdiya hai,5,2023-07-08 02:13:13 +Google Play,Rip tweeter,5,2023-07-06 18:22:06 +Google Play,Ta bonito,5,2023-07-06 21:15:51 +Google Play,ganda yarn,5,2023-07-06 06:27:32 +Google Play,so goodddd,5,2023-07-08 12:46:05 +Google Play,Number 1,5,2023-07-10 15:48:16 +Google Play,Under testing,3,2023-07-07 20:03:34 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-09 19:52:07 +Google Play,Twitter mode,5,2023-07-06 09:37:30 +Google Play,LF KADUO,5,2023-07-08 09:06:27 +Google Play,Jai ntr,5,2023-07-06 14:55:27 +Google Play,Super pawer,5,2023-07-08 14:50:34 +Google Play,Super threads,5,2023-07-06 05:33:51 +Google Play,جامد فشخخخ,5,2023-07-08 07:35:32 +Google Play,Just Wow,5,2023-07-06 04:00:11 +Google Play,Mast app,5,2023-07-16 12:12:28 +Google Play,Yesterday night,5,2023-07-08 20:51:43 +Google Play,Limit threading,4,2023-07-06 12:42:14 +Google Play,Not bed,5,2023-07-11 04:30:44 +Google Play,مش بطال,4,2023-07-06 02:04:14 +Google Play,Very ghatiya,2,2023-07-07 09:14:32 +Google Play,Aliya Khan,5,2023-07-07 01:20:36 +Google Play,Omg होर,5,2023-07-06 05:37:19 +Google Play,super app,5,2023-07-07 04:12:01 +Google Play,Mansha Allh,5,2023-07-06 15:13:47 +Google Play,Mst app,4,2023-07-10 15:49:44 +Google Play,Nothing special,3,2023-07-09 04:46:19 +Google Play,No words,5,2023-07-06 15:51:24 +Google Play,Beat app,5,2023-07-10 08:42:49 +Google Play,Average application,3,2023-07-07 19:36:19 +Google Play,I like,5,2023-07-06 16:19:34 +Google Play,More options,4,2023-07-12 18:01:31 +Google Play,First Review,5,2023-07-06 19:42:46 +Google Play,thread app,5,2023-07-09 02:48:40 +Google Play,Super apo,5,2023-07-09 05:08:58 +Google Play,ayos lang,4,2023-07-06 07:08:35 +Google Play,Super yarr,5,2023-07-09 23:58:01 +Google Play,HELLO THREAD,5,2023-07-06 18:21:45 +Google Play,F twitter,5,2023-07-07 16:22:30 +Google Play,iyi miymis,5,2023-07-06 10:27:56 +Google Play,Nic app,5,2023-07-09 17:49:15 +Google Play,Bahut Shandar,5,2023-07-19 12:14:04 +Google Play,Still troubleshooting,5,2023-07-06 19:22:24 +Google Play,TWITTER DUUUPPEEE,5,2023-07-06 14:42:22 +Google Play,Twitter copy,5,2023-07-06 19:53:14 +Google Play,Update soon,5,2023-07-06 06:00:28 +Google Play,Hello friends,5,2023-07-09 11:31:29 +Google Play,Hruzv BB,5,2023-07-09 04:42:42 +Google Play,Special apps,5,2023-07-06 01:28:58 +Google Play,Mast graphics,5,2023-07-06 17:12:12 +Google Play,ودیا جے,5,2023-07-06 14:32:55 +Google Play,Twitter Killer,5,2023-07-06 17:17:48 +Google Play,Beat app,5,2023-07-06 07:00:47 +Google Play,Meta lore,5,2023-07-07 07:25:09 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-06 01:28:15 +Google Play,Follow Me,5,2023-07-06 10:51:50 +Google Play,WanderFull APP,5,2023-07-06 09:05:19 +Google Play,Twitter sucks,5,2023-07-06 00:44:51 +Google Play,Super Experience,5,2023-07-06 13:00:28 +Google Play,It Dope,5,2023-07-08 03:16:57 +Google Play,Copy paste,2,2023-07-12 07:41:51 +Google Play,Yupp ohh,3,2023-07-08 05:36:20 +Google Play,സാധനം പൊള്ളി,5,2023-07-07 08:37:31 +Google Play,Clean UI,5,2023-07-06 00:51:37 +Google Play,Average rating,3,2023-07-11 11:48:52 +Google Play,Super aap,5,2023-07-09 11:21:05 +Google Play,Amezing app,5,2023-07-07 12:30:24 +Google Play,Limited app,3,2023-07-06 00:57:03 +Google Play,Amezing app,5,2023-07-07 00:32:02 +Google Play,Rahul dhanush,5,2023-07-09 03:55:17 +Google Play,MVP sensacional,5,2023-07-06 04:21:24 +Google Play,ELON MUSK,5,2023-07-07 05:09:09 +Google Play,So goodddd,4,2023-07-09 15:33:40 +Google Play,Aakash prajapati,5,2023-07-06 11:34:50 +Google Play,thank you,5,2023-07-07 01:37:13 +Google Play,Nyc appp,5,2023-07-10 13:53:29 +Google Play,Okay app,5,2023-07-10 15:34:26 +Google Play,Ngelag anjr,2,2023-07-06 11:11:11 +Google Play,Try again,4,2023-07-06 13:32:39 +Google Play,Deez nuts,5,2023-07-05 23:49:32 +Google Play,Descent app,4,2023-07-07 06:04:46 +Google Play,Its ok,4,2023-07-17 07:53:37 +Google Play,Super application,5,2023-07-09 13:36:45 +Google Play,Twieads hhh,5,2023-07-08 19:35:56 +Google Play,Gandu app,5,2023-07-06 15:14:08 +Google Play,مرااااا كويس,5,2023-07-06 00:40:13 +Google Play,Not twitter,5,2023-07-06 01:22:58 +Google Play,جميل جدااااا,5,2023-07-06 20:53:56 +Google Play,Brand new,5,2023-07-10 01:35:42 +Google Play,W app,5,2023-07-06 22:19:27 +Google Play,Clean Experience,5,2023-07-06 07:05:51 +Google Play,Genz insta,5,2023-07-06 14:43:54 +Google Play,Sundram pandey,5,2023-07-06 05:31:05 +Google Play,Masih coba,3,2023-07-06 08:52:25 +Google Play,Mast app,5,2023-07-07 16:19:34 +Google Play,T3ba ilnas,5,2023-07-06 17:31:47 +Google Play,Hi instagram,5,2023-07-06 08:18:02 +Google Play,Not working,5,2023-07-06 17:20:04 +Google Play,Gjjb app,5,2023-07-06 06:18:56 +Google Play,Twitter killer,5,2023-07-07 10:05:14 +Google Play,No Messaging,2,2023-07-06 18:10:06 +Google Play,Twitter killer,5,2023-07-06 11:27:05 +Google Play,Add groupchats,4,2023-07-06 16:46:46 +Google Play,Shubham saini,5,2023-07-14 04:39:29 +Google Play,basically twitter,3,2023-07-06 09:03:15 +Google Play,Lol twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:33:13 +Google Play,Mast app,5,2023-07-06 07:49:26 +Google Play,Cheap Twitter,2,2023-07-06 18:32:39 +Google Play,tıvitır 2,3,2023-07-06 09:06:12 +Google Play,Believe me,5,2023-07-06 08:59:37 +Google Play,VeryGood app,4,2023-07-06 09:15:43 +Google Play,Ok lng,5,2023-07-10 03:13:21 +Google Play,Add DM,3,2023-07-06 11:09:12 +Google Play,Nyc app,5,2023-07-09 11:57:19 +Google Play,Time pass,5,2023-07-06 11:37:14 +Google Play,Akusih yes,5,2023-07-06 09:14:42 +Google Play,Tweeter copy,5,2023-07-13 07:51:39 +Google Play,Bug screen,4,2023-07-06 23:42:25 +Google Play,More updates,4,2023-07-06 11:15:49 +Google Play,Dope stuff,5,2023-07-08 08:44:24 +Google Play,Thanks threads,4,2023-07-07 03:02:43 +Google Play,Frist used,5,2023-07-07 07:36:51 +Google Play,Rip Twitter,5,2023-07-07 19:32:20 +Google Play,Amezing app,5,2023-07-15 15:33:10 +Google Play,Helok en illa,3,2023-07-08 12:10:08 +Google Play,Beat twitter,5,2023-07-06 19:53:48 +Google Play,Wow wow,5,2023-07-08 15:04:37 +Google Play,App stopping,2,2023-07-08 05:58:58 +Google Play,It ok,5,2023-07-07 01:36:44 +Google Play,Copy tweeter,2,2023-07-06 18:38:34 +Google Play,So so,5,2023-07-06 17:00:08 +Google Play,Mike Tel,5,2023-07-06 17:34:02 +Google Play,Gaada bokepnya,5,2023-07-06 18:35:54 +Google Play,פשוט מעולה,5,2023-07-07 18:51:38 +Google Play,same tweeter,5,2023-07-06 03:44:13 +Google Play,No wrk,5,2023-07-08 11:08:09 +Google Play,Twitter going,5,2023-07-07 07:47:43 +Google Play,I like,5,2023-07-10 09:16:43 +Google Play,App Exits,2,2023-07-08 09:38:00 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-06 14:37:57 +Google Play,Nise app,5,2023-07-08 17:44:14 +Google Play,I like it,4,2023-07-08 08:01:04 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-07 10:06:26 +Google Play,Supar app,5,2023-07-06 13:58:42 +Google Play,Thanks mann,5,2023-07-08 11:05:11 +Google Play,رائع جداً,4,2023-07-06 15:26:37 +Google Play,جيد جداً,5,2023-07-06 05:07:04 +Google Play,genz twitter,5,2023-07-09 11:56:40 +Google Play,I like,4,2023-07-06 09:41:49 +Google Play,لسه هجربه,3,2023-07-06 01:58:57 +Google Play,Terima kasih,5,2023-07-06 03:56:58 +Google Play,Bheerrryyyyy goooddd,5,2023-07-06 15:47:06 +Google Play,Needs dms,4,2023-07-07 04:42:18 +Google Play,Rip twitter,4,2023-07-06 08:08:55 +Google Play,Basically twitter,3,2023-07-06 00:53:18 +Google Play,First yayyyy,5,2023-07-06 13:22:43 +Google Play,رهيييييب مره,5,2023-07-06 10:47:39 +Google Play,No website,2,2023-07-06 04:43:48 +Google Play,iwnna trsyyy,5,2023-07-06 03:23:55 +Google Play,Copy lol,3,2023-07-07 09:11:57 +Google Play,More updates,3,2023-07-07 15:38:59 +Google Play,Introduce Hashtags,4,2023-07-11 03:02:30 +Google Play,Nic aap,2,2023-07-08 07:53:56 +Google Play,Gandaaa pre,5,2023-07-07 06:57:07 +Google Play,Poli saanam,5,2023-07-09 13:48:49 +Google Play,Poli sanam,5,2023-07-06 09:56:17 +Google Play,Bohot Badiya,5,2023-07-06 20:25:24 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 11:41:06 +Google Play,R.I.P Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:50:56 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-07 16:47:22 +Google Play,تطبيق يجنن,5,2023-07-05 23:46:49 +Google Play,Elon broo,5,2023-07-08 14:56:42 +Google Play,469th user,5,2023-07-05 23:41:16 +Google Play,1st one,3,2023-07-06 00:45:30 +Google Play,Blue tick,3,2023-07-08 07:23:46 +Google Play,Twitter copy,4,2023-07-07 17:59:28 +Google Play,new today,5,2023-07-07 18:00:41 +Google Play,வருகைக்கு நன்றி,4,2023-07-07 02:40:25 +Google Play,Sayonara twitter,5,2023-07-06 03:42:56 +Google Play,Nyc ui,5,2023-07-06 02:06:03 +Google Play,Bhut mst,5,2023-07-07 06:55:18 +Google Play,twitter 2,3,2023-07-07 17:56:16 +Google Play,No storage,3,2023-07-06 07:54:19 +Google Play,Nic app,4,2023-07-07 23:35:47 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-06 16:10:48 +Google Play,Day 1,5,2023-07-06 21:02:08 +Google Play,Maxt nhi,5,2023-07-07 03:22:11 +Google Play,Gandu app,5,2023-07-11 05:02:48 +Google Play,Pwoli sanm,5,2023-07-06 23:16:00 +Google Play,Twitter slayer,5,2023-07-08 14:30:19 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-09 14:29:01 +Google Play,Clean experience,5,2023-07-11 23:33:45 +Google Play,Undescribable app,5,2023-07-06 12:18:11 +Google Play,زبردست ایپ,5,2023-07-08 18:05:27 +Google Play,Twitter L,5,2023-07-06 07:33:49 +Google Play,Next Twitter,4,2023-07-06 19:00:10 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-10 13:30:05 +Google Play,Sorry Elon,5,2023-07-06 09:19:53 +Google Play,Roasted Twitter,4,2023-07-07 03:11:03 +Google Play,Not Twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:51:58 +Google Play,New Twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:56:58 +Google Play,Peda sanm,5,2023-07-06 17:44:44 +Google Play,Twitter lol,4,2023-07-06 13:17:47 +Google Play,Goot apps,5,2023-07-09 13:06:41 +Google Play,I like it,4,2023-07-08 08:48:52 +Google Play,Memang mantap,5,2023-07-07 00:46:13 +Google Play,Thank you,4,2023-07-07 03:56:41 +Google Play,Osm app,5,2023-07-08 17:57:04 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-10 07:38:37 +Google Play,Full Star,5,2023-07-06 16:54:41 +Google Play,Sexyyyy apppp,5,2023-07-07 19:15:46 +Google Play,Chiyaan Prakash,5,2023-07-07 04:05:57 +Google Play,Something special,5,2023-07-06 20:35:00 +Google Play,yeah good2,5,2023-07-06 15:45:24 +Google Play,looking forward,4,2023-07-06 10:38:12 +Google Play,卡頓,2,2023-07-06 03:58:50 +Google Play,Super Twitter,5,2023-07-06 12:48:00 +Google Play,Its okay,3,2023-07-06 11:31:02 +Google Play,Need improvements,4,2023-07-07 11:06:51 +Google Play,I like it,4,2023-07-06 14:18:00 +Google Play,Beta version,4,2023-07-08 11:58:49 +Google Play,Too litt,5,2023-07-07 03:40:51 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 20:24:55 +Google Play,THE GOAT,5,2023-07-06 01:16:42 +Google Play,got bug,3,2023-07-06 22:38:37 +Google Play,Twitter beatable,5,2023-07-06 11:10:46 +Google Play,okay naman,5,2023-07-14 20:44:13 +Google Play,This wooo,5,2023-07-12 13:58:11 +Google Play,Chill af,5,2023-07-06 21:52:55 +Google Play,Tes ombak,5,2023-07-06 02:19:41 +Google Play,Accha hai,3,2023-07-11 07:56:25 +Google Play,super platform,5,2023-07-07 20:04:59 +Google Play,Nise app,5,2023-07-16 03:40:56 +Google Play,li omek,5,2023-07-08 18:54:19 +Google Play,Theek hai,5,2023-07-06 11:11:05 +Google Play,New Twitter,5,2023-07-15 16:19:32 +Google Play,First login,5,2023-07-06 07:02:19 +Google Play,Acha ha,5,2023-07-08 10:21:56 +Google Play,less gooo,5,2023-07-06 02:47:57 +Google Play,مشي حالك,5,2023-07-06 19:32:30 +Google Play,Not well,3,2023-07-06 11:00:02 +Google Play,Twitter R.I.P,5,2023-07-07 09:38:22 +Google Play,New Twitter,4,2023-07-07 01:25:35 +Google Play,Ok OK,5,2023-07-06 15:29:28 +Google Play,First Review,5,2023-07-06 01:04:01 +Google Play,Mark fan,4,2023-07-09 16:43:19 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 12:42:40 +Google Play,Super hero,5,2023-07-06 07:03:55 +Google Play,Some bugs,2,2023-07-07 04:30:32 +Google Play,Super App,5,2023-07-06 02:32:08 +Google Play,NEW BOSS,5,2023-07-07 07:13:24 +Google Play,Mastt application,5,2023-07-06 06:31:31 +Google Play,Please follow,4,2023-07-11 05:48:27 +Google Play,First reviewer,5,2023-07-06 09:04:46 +Google Play,extremlyy grt,5,2023-07-07 15:04:45 +Google Play,Ban Twitter,5,2023-07-10 07:40:39 +Google Play,Jordar application,4,2023-07-06 12:42:25 +Google Play,Kya bolu,5,2023-07-06 07:08:38 +Google Play,thank you,5,2023-07-06 07:50:41 +Google Play,VeryUseful application,5,2023-07-07 09:36:01 +Google Play,firts min,5,2023-07-06 03:09:31 +Google Play,It okay,4,2023-07-06 00:21:16 +Google Play,Must need,5,2023-07-06 19:10:11 +Google Play,Hee haaa,5,2023-07-07 09:14:46 +Google Play,U can,5,2023-07-14 09:00:30 +Google Play,❤✨,5,2023-07-12 14:17:03 +Google Play,Bagus bagus bagus,5,2023-07-12 13:32:11 +Google Play,OP bhai OP,5,2023-07-08 16:50:15 +Google Play,Har Har Mahadev,5,2023-07-07 16:32:45 +Google Play,Waooooooo🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 10:25:12 +Google Play,Malwalyrics ❤,5,2023-07-06 11:29:18 +Google Play,😕🫣🫣,1,2023-07-21 02:23:18 +Google Play,Zuckerberg 🧠,5,2023-07-06 09:22:40 +Google Play,"Nešto zaista originalno i nikada viđeno. Vidi se da je ovo osmislio neko ko stvarno ima osećaj koju ideju da pozajmi, a sve je ideje ""pozajmio"". Svaka čast! Vidi se ona čuvena ""inovativnost"" velikih tehnoloških kompanija.",5,2023-07-06 07:02:51 +Google Play,BUG!,1,2023-07-11 05:00:20 +Google Play,Followers decrease,1,2023-07-07 19:48:39 +Google Play,Gatiya aap,1,2023-07-10 07:48:51 +Google Play,poor app,1,2023-07-08 12:51:50 +Google Play,Twitter supremacy,1,2023-07-06 10:15:23 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-07 04:23:44 +Google Play,Nothing special,1,2023-07-07 10:25:45 +Google Play,Not working,1,2023-07-09 06:11:48 +Google Play,Bakbas appp,1,2023-07-07 03:36:49 +Google Play,not well,1,2023-07-14 12:27:32 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-09 12:07:15 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-21 16:15:53 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-07 14:51:28 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-15 20:15:54 +Google Play,سئ جدا,1,2023-07-13 17:26:07 +Google Play,Mast aap,1,2023-07-06 15:06:02 +Google Play,Kosom mark,1,2023-07-07 13:29:55 +Google Play,Nothing new,1,2023-07-06 05:57:44 +Google Play,bhrwi app,1,2023-07-07 15:56:16 +Google Play,Bekar hai,1,2023-07-08 05:58:57 +Google Play,Nic app,1,2023-07-09 10:08:33 +Google Play,Copy app,1,2023-07-10 06:58:06 +Google Play,Sasta twitter,1,2023-07-10 13:49:43 +Google Play,0 privacy,1,2023-07-13 12:53:27 +Google Play,Copybaaz Zuckerberg,1,2023-07-08 13:29:27 +Google Play,Cheap version,1,2023-07-06 20:50:03 +Google Play,Zuck suck,1,2023-07-07 19:24:31 +Google Play,ZERO PRIVACY,1,2023-07-07 18:43:07 +Google Play,Bekar h,1,2023-07-22 16:15:45 +Google Play,Graphic improve,1,2023-07-07 16:43:40 +Google Play,Bugg everywhere,1,2023-07-07 23:11:49 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-09 18:45:40 +Google Play,Chor bsdwale,1,2023-07-10 07:56:08 +Google Play,Copy app,1,2023-07-08 16:00:52 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-07 13:04:21 +Google Play,Thank you,1,2023-07-24 02:34:25 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-08 08:13:36 +Google Play,Full league,1,2023-07-07 09:18:08 +Google Play,Nothing new,1,2023-07-08 02:41:48 +Google Play,تويتر عمك,1,2023-07-07 03:07:25 +Google Play,Bekar app,1,2023-07-10 11:15:19 +Google Play,Nothing special,1,2023-07-10 18:18:52 +Google Play,Like Instagram,1,2023-07-20 11:51:31 +Google Play,Cheap knockoff,1,2023-07-06 03:23:45 +Google Play,Not open,1,2023-07-11 16:04:46 +Google Play,Cheap app,1,2023-07-06 07:16:41 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-08 16:42:36 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-07 16:36:38 +Google Play,Cheap knockoff,1,2023-07-11 14:43:02 +Google Play,Nothing special,1,2023-07-07 15:45:44 +Google Play,Bakwaas app,1,2023-07-09 06:44:01 +Google Play,Cop app,1,2023-07-09 13:48:25 +Google Play,Copy Twitter,1,2023-07-08 04:07:14 +Google Play,Salman Bhaijaan,1,2023-07-07 11:56:51 +Google Play,Very bed,1,2023-07-07 09:50:29 +Google Play,Cheap Twitter,1,2023-07-06 18:18:56 +Google Play,Nothing special,1,2023-07-06 06:17:24 +Google Play,Delete system,1,2023-07-12 05:02:05 +Google Play,Elon Musk,1,2023-07-07 16:40:19 +Google Play,copy paste,1,2023-07-08 07:09:17 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-07 08:54:59 +Google Play,Poor experience,1,2023-07-08 09:48:56 +Google Play,Tati app,1,2023-07-11 12:53:22 +Google Play,Same twitter,1,2023-07-07 15:19:24 +Google Play,تطبيق ممل,1,2023-07-11 14:48:16 +Google Play,പുല്ല് വേണ്ടായുരിന്നു,1,2023-07-09 03:18:11 +Google Play,Copy Twitter,1,2023-07-09 11:27:39 +Google Play,Twiter copy,1,2023-07-12 19:58:31 +Google Play,not working,1,2023-07-07 13:38:11 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-07 23:06:44 +Google Play,Mony start,1,2023-07-06 04:20:16 +Google Play,Copy twitter,1,2023-07-08 11:57:17 +Google Play,Twitter clone,1,2023-07-05 23:41:30 +Google Play,Nothing new,1,2023-07-12 15:10:42 +Google Play,Copy Twitter,1,2023-07-08 13:45:35 +Google Play,Copied Twitter,1,2023-07-08 06:52:43 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-07 21:07:19 +Google Play,Data exhaust,1,2023-07-16 09:43:58 +Google Play,I like it,1,2023-07-07 06:38:35 +Google Play,Stolen Twitter,1,2023-07-11 11:48:34 +Google Play,Force close,1,2023-07-07 10:15:08 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-06 11:13:25 +Google Play,0 class,1,2023-07-10 05:53:20 +Google Play,Matrix atack,1,2023-07-06 09:54:47 +Google Play,Twitter clone,1,2023-07-09 17:35:38 +Google Play,Third class,1,2023-07-08 06:05:43 +Google Play,Bakwaas app,1,2023-07-06 10:49:37 +Google Play,Blur app,1,2023-07-06 13:51:11 +Google Play,GANDAA APPP,1,2023-07-09 04:33:35 +Google Play,No use,1,2023-07-08 08:21:41 +Google Play,Buggy apps,1,2023-07-09 13:58:54 +Google Play,سيئ جدآ,1,2023-07-10 12:36:11 +Google Play,app sucks,1,2023-07-07 14:03:02 +Google Play,Twitter clone,1,2023-07-11 17:49:36 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-09 14:22:40 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-08 17:04:55 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-07 15:42:19 +Google Play,Zucc suck,1,2023-07-06 12:24:39 +Google Play,no safeguard,1,2023-07-07 11:49:56 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-06 06:52:50 +Google Play,Fazoool tareen,1,2023-07-06 14:47:36 +Google Play,Twitter clone,1,2023-07-08 04:02:47 +Google Play,Privacy Pirate,1,2023-07-11 03:06:49 +Google Play,Copy case,1,2023-07-08 10:24:33 +Google Play,Copy Paste,1,2023-07-10 12:33:09 +Google Play,Poor app,1,2023-07-11 05:07:17 +Google Play,Nothing new,1,2023-07-08 16:46:17 +Google Play,Chapri App,1,2023-07-23 19:38:49 +Google Play,So baaad,1,2023-07-06 21:09:24 +Google Play,twitter copy,1,2023-07-08 16:00:56 +Google Play,Without reason,1,2023-07-09 00:10:48 +Google Play,Nothing new,1,2023-07-09 11:44:23 +Google Play,Excelente 👌,5,2023-07-09 13:33:29 +Google Play,this sucks.,2,2023-07-06 23:12:06 +Google Play,Rendering 🫣,4,2023-07-06 19:24:42 +Google Play,Menarik!,5,2023-07-06 12:06:46 +Google Play,Like it!,5,2023-07-08 06:22:59 +Google Play,Khobz!,5,2023-07-09 16:05:59 +Google Play,META!,5,2023-07-09 15:49:04 +Google Play,Surprise 😊,5,2023-07-06 01:46:10 +Google Play,😖😖😖😖😣😣😣,1,2023-07-18 09:00:40 +Google Play,Super 👌,5,2023-07-11 18:02:13 +Google Play,Sorait.,4,2023-07-06 02:21:08 +Google Play,Super 🔥,5,2023-07-06 05:14:21 +Google Play,it's ok,4,2023-07-06 06:05:10 +Google Play,Funny 😂,5,2023-07-06 14:11:37 +Google Play,Super 👌,5,2023-07-07 14:50:56 +Google Play,Noice 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:37:58 +Google Play,ගැම්මට❤,5,2023-07-07 15:30:00 +Google Play,Super 😊,5,2023-07-08 04:10:30 +Google Play,Super 💯,5,2023-07-07 11:18:40 +Google Play,Super 👍,5,2023-07-08 23:09:06 +Google Play,Super 😊,5,2023-07-23 08:35:24 +Google Play,Super 💞,4,2023-07-12 13:48:37 +Google Play,Super 👌,5,2023-07-06 12:08:18 +Google Play,Super 👍,5,2023-07-08 07:51:58 +Google Play,Bravo 👏,5,2023-07-10 16:54:04 +Google Play,Thread☕,5,2023-07-06 16:44:52 +Google Play,SUPER 💥,5,2023-07-07 07:38:56 +Google Play,Threads is 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 07:32:06 +Google Play,1000/1000,5,2023-07-08 19:58:36 +Google Play,Brilent.,4,2023-07-08 13:37:32 +Google Play,>twitter,5,2023-07-09 18:18:47 +Google Play,No.1 app,5,2023-07-06 13:12:38 +Google Play,like it.,4,2023-07-07 12:45:13 +Google Play,Twitter😅,5,2023-07-07 03:49:00 +Google Play,Please 🙏,3,2023-07-08 18:46:02 +Google Play,11:08 pm,5,2023-07-09 09:54:35 +Google Play,First.,4,2023-07-06 11:38:29 +Google Play,😎 رائع,4,2023-07-07 18:38:42 +Google Play,Boom 💥,5,2023-07-06 10:32:20 +Google Play,Keren👍,5,2023-07-06 09:56:45 +Google Play,Musk 🤖,5,2023-07-06 05:14:17 +Google Play,Poli 💚,5,2023-07-07 15:55:04 +Google Play,رائع 🤍,5,2023-07-06 14:01:10 +Google Play,2023 😊,5,2023-07-07 04:24:35 +Google Play,Mast 😊,5,2023-07-07 17:57:45 +Google Play,Bhaloi :),5,2023-07-09 13:03:37 +Google Play,Like it 👍,5,2023-07-06 22:19:28 +Google Play,Twitter 😂,4,2023-07-06 08:39:17 +Google Play,average 🙂,2,2023-07-06 10:42:36 +Google Play,Privacy 🔏,4,2023-07-08 06:37:43 +Google Play,Amezing 🔥,5,2023-07-06 17:39:08 +Google Play,Copybazz🤣,5,2023-07-08 09:33:35 +Google Play,Looking 🆒,4,2023-07-06 09:26:07 +Google Play,Fablouse😍,5,2023-07-06 07:41:35 +Google Play,Twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-05 23:46:27 +Google Play,"Apk nya kek twitter sii, suka tpii gk ada filtur terjemah gituuu??? kasi fitur translete yayayayaaaaaa sebenarnya nih yaa kalo ada fitur translete nya aku kasi bintang 5 tapi sayang nya gak ada si jadi kasi bintang satu",1,2023-07-21 23:28:04 +Google Play,100💜,5,2023-07-08 21:33:24 +Google Play,Osm🔥,5,2023-07-07 05:33:27 +Google Play,New🔥,5,2023-07-07 20:38:26 +Google Play,Nmd.,5,2023-07-12 09:27:32 +Google Play,Ok 👍,5,2023-07-06 16:43:13 +Google Play,Wow😍,5,2023-07-06 19:02:53 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 08:38:33 +Google Play,👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻,5,2023-07-07 11:25:38 +Google Play,Noice..,5,2023-07-06 08:29:25 +Google Play,Zoʻr👍,5,2023-07-07 09:12:49 +Google Play,Fam 🤣,5,2023-07-17 23:53:37 +Google Play,Wow 😍,5,2023-07-08 22:26:24 +Google Play,Wow 😮,5,2023-07-06 12:45:55 +Google Play,Osm 😀,5,2023-07-15 14:18:00 +Google Play,Elon😅,5,2023-07-06 18:14:05 +Google Play,huu 👀,3,2023-07-06 04:29:28 +Google Play,Owsm.,5,2023-07-07 06:08:58 +Google Play,Osm 🔥,5,2023-07-08 18:29:13 +Google Play,Wow 😲,5,2023-07-07 13:42:38 +Google Play,Wow 😳,5,2023-07-07 05:36:00 +Google Play,Zuck🔥,5,2023-07-12 15:07:36 +Google Play,🥰Nise,5,2023-07-10 06:06:15 +Google Play,🥀🌼,5,2023-07-07 08:03:42 +Google Play,🥵👍,5,2023-07-06 18:27:24 +Google Play,🌹🖤,5,2023-07-07 17:09:50 +Google Play,🙃🤍,5,2023-07-12 12:23:45 +Google Play,Yala Yala 😅,5,2023-07-07 10:38:53 +Google Play,Muskkk >>>>,1,2023-07-06 09:58:00 +Google Play,50/50,4,2023-07-07 17:20:37 +Google Play,Amezing...,5,2023-07-07 07:48:57 +Google Play,Nailed it....,5,2023-07-06 03:14:38 +Google Play,Logout...,1,2023-07-15 15:06:14 +Google Play,Ok.,5,2023-07-05 23:17:26 +Google Play,Badiya Application ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,5,2023-07-08 11:51:20 +Google Play,✔️,5,2023-07-10 10:37:51 +Google Play,Wow..,5,2023-07-11 16:33:17 +Google Play,"Apaan nih, gak gimana-gimana aja udah sembarangan untuk kasih apapun yang tidak sebagaimana mestinya. Mungkin memang daripada harus seperti itu, baiknya transaksi terpisah aja yah kalau sekiranya ternyata.",1,2023-07-06 10:17:06 +Google Play,Asslent 👏👏,5,2023-07-07 15:28:30 +Google Play,"Me encanta el diseño, pero necesita algunas cosas: pestaña de tendencias y/o noticias, pestaña para ver solo gente que sigues, descargar imagenes, todo lo demás está perfecto.",4,2023-07-08 05:57:53 +Google Play,لحد الآن انا احب هذا التطبيق، مستمتع جدا برؤية كل من اتابعهم على الانستغرام يدخلون الى هذا التطبيق الجديد.. لكن لازال ينقصه الكثير من الخاصيات ليصبح اكثر مرونة، انها بداية جيدة..,5,2023-07-07 02:02:42 +Google Play,buggy,1,2023-07-06 06:51:30 +Google Play,Ok,1,2023-07-07 08:12:21 +Google Play,3star,3,2023-07-07 07:02:39 +Google Play,Cheap,1,2023-07-14 06:53:28 +Google Play,Copyright,1,2023-07-12 08:28:04 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 15:56:34 +Google Play,Meh,1,2023-07-10 04:11:55 +Google Play,Bug,1,2023-07-08 15:47:41 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-08 01:25:47 +Google Play,Copied,1,2023-07-08 09:18:10 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-21 21:09:47 +Google Play,Baixei o aplicativo e ele está apresentando bugs ao abrir. Não consigo usá-lo por causa de falhas ao clicar nas ferramentas do aplicativo e até mesmo para rolar o feed de notícias.,1,2023-07-06 13:30:23 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-10 19:13:31 +Google Play,👍,1,2023-07-07 06:19:59 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-13 14:35:02 +Google Play,😍,5,2023-07-08 01:31:10 +Google Play,👍,4,2023-07-10 06:32:25 +Google Play,Facebook 🤬,1,2023-07-13 06:11:23 +Google Play,"Kya Bawasir bana diye ho... Itni kya jaldi thi Zucku bhai Ek photo upload hone me 10 mimute lagta hai, duobt hone lagta internet connection to nahi cut gaya.",1,2023-07-09 05:32:20 +Google Play,Bakwas 😂,1,2023-07-07 09:29:01 +Google Play,Twitter>,1,2023-07-13 12:35:16 +Google Play,Twitter >,1,2023-07-06 11:09:48 +Google Play,Clone .,1,2023-07-06 09:56:22 +Google Play,bisa gak aku kasih rekomendasi peningkatan aplikasinya? terjemahan foto bisa dipilih dari kategori album Bekas like Threads pin bisa liat yang belum di follow back Save foto/ video for android. So far ini.,4,2023-07-06 05:51:47 +Google Play,Messd👍,1,2023-07-07 13:08:13 +Google Play,Fire 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-08 07:14:02 +Google Play,Fire 🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:43:54 +Google Play,Meh.,1,2023-07-06 14:35:14 +Google Play,Nah.,1,2023-07-11 16:18:51 +Google Play,🫠💕💕💕,5,2023-07-08 00:08:29 +Google Play,😄😄😄😁,5,2023-07-09 18:36:40 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-08 00:22:55 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 09:35:51 +Google Play,Twitter>>>,1,2023-07-07 04:29:23 +Google Play,Zuck.,1,2023-07-07 13:09:10 +Google Play,"bug ,",1,2023-07-06 07:05:40 +Google Play,Surprise,5,2023-07-05 23:02:41 +Google Play,"""Rusnya""",1,2023-07-11 06:58:33 +Google Play,⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️,5,2023-07-06 14:27:32 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-05 23:02:38 +Google Play,Yoooooo,5,2023-07-05 23:01:40 +Google Play,Just,4,2023-07-07 17:33:06 +Google Play,Class,5,2023-07-08 05:33:06 +Google Play,Gooodddd,4,2023-07-06 02:28:44 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-12 22:14:10 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-13 23:26:44 +Google Play,Mid,5,2023-07-12 14:15:18 +Google Play,Qoq,5,2023-07-18 04:03:13 +Google Play,Like it,5,2023-07-09 19:18:53 +Google Play,Tati,5,2023-07-07 15:24:56 +Google Play,بيرفكتو,5,2023-07-06 16:18:36 +Google Play,Suck,1,2023-07-13 04:50:23 +Google Play,Bruhhh,5,2023-07-09 18:44:25 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-12 09:05:40 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 08:10:54 +Google Play,Dfs,5,2023-07-07 08:04:45 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-09 19:23:08 +Google Play,First,1,2023-07-06 15:24:45 +Google Play,Mast,5,2023-07-11 16:57:18 +Google Play,عسسسل,5,2023-07-06 07:42:33 +Google Play,Noice,5,2023-07-05 23:32:37 +Google Play,dx,1,2023-07-11 04:57:51 +Google Play,Pangit,1,2023-07-08 04:52:05 +Google Play,Twitter,5,2023-07-06 23:55:17 +Google Play,it works,2,2023-07-11 23:40:14 +Google Play,Bekar,1,2023-07-23 00:31:40 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 21:32:38 +Google Play,Well,5,2023-07-06 09:11:03 +Google Play,Zzz,1,2023-07-09 19:02:07 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-09 19:01:20 +Google Play,Sooo,5,2023-07-10 10:31:50 +Google Play,IDK,1,2023-07-07 18:55:22 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 07:20:40 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-07 08:05:12 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-06 20:39:36 +Google Play,Badiya,5,2023-07-10 10:17:55 +Google Play,Supper,5,2023-07-07 16:55:37 +Google Play,फालतू,1,2023-07-07 14:35:42 +Google Play,Fakebook,1,2023-07-06 05:04:20 +Google Play,yaa,5,2023-07-13 08:38:29 +Google Play,copy,1,2023-07-07 03:14:55 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-05 23:11:32 +Google Play,Exllent,5,2023-07-21 02:15:55 +Google Play,Peak,5,2023-07-05 23:07:12 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-06 00:30:06 +Google Play,👎👎👎👎👎twitter 4ever,1,2023-07-08 21:54:02 +Google Play,😬🤣👍👍👍👍,4,2023-07-06 07:14:20 +Google Play,Super❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:43:58 +Google Play,Mere instagram pe 11 November 2022 ko hi ek video pe strik aaya tha wo av tak nahi hata hai please help me. My Instagram id (@imprince901) . Or my continue videos upload karta hu phir bhi viral nahi hota 700+ video upload kr diya hu please help me Thank you 🙏❤️,5,2023-07-06 05:05:59 +Google Play,🤦😌,4,2023-07-06 06:54:38 +Google Play,🙂🖤,5,2023-07-06 09:43:28 +Google Play,🤝🏻,5,2023-07-06 13:19:10 +Google Play,💗😆,5,2023-07-07 06:07:05 +Google Play,👍🙂,5,2023-07-11 07:15:57 +Google Play,👏🏻,3,2023-07-07 08:30:18 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 04:44:43 +Google Play,🩷👑,5,2023-07-06 20:06:01 +Google Play,👌👍,5,2023-07-08 08:30:46 +Google Play,💞🥰,5,2023-07-07 09:51:24 +Google Play,🤳😊,5,2023-07-06 15:33:28 +Google Play,🇮🇳,5,2023-07-08 11:26:18 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-12 00:02:22 +Google Play,",😌",5,2023-07-09 06:03:10 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 20:25:47 +Google Play,👌🤌,5,2023-07-08 04:14:15 +Google Play,😎👍,5,2023-07-10 08:30:55 +Google Play,💪🏻,5,2023-07-06 18:54:19 +Google Play,❤👍,5,2023-07-07 13:37:21 +Google Play,🥰😍,5,2023-07-06 14:35:07 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 15:34:44 +Google Play,🔥🥰,5,2023-07-06 18:53:41 +Google Play,🫶🏾,5,2023-07-06 19:16:49 +Google Play,🔥👏,4,2023-07-06 09:30:45 +Google Play,😌❤,4,2023-07-08 04:03:24 +Google Play,🧵✨,5,2023-07-06 09:48:06 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 07:48:39 +Google Play,👍👌,5,2023-07-12 18:29:33 +Google Play,🧵🙌,5,2023-07-06 15:57:02 +Google Play,🙌🏽,5,2023-07-08 22:53:59 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-08 11:08:12 +Google Play,🧐🤩,5,2023-07-06 10:04:09 +Google Play,💪🏻,5,2023-07-07 04:35:53 +Google Play,💀🔫,5,2023-07-08 09:29:55 +Google Play,💐🔥,5,2023-07-07 06:34:08 +Google Play,🤩😍,5,2023-07-11 09:33:17 +Google Play,💥🚀,5,2023-07-06 10:14:04 +Google Play,😁🙃,5,2023-07-06 11:25:43 +Google Play,💥💙,5,2023-07-07 04:51:31 +Google Play,😎👊,5,2023-07-12 20:11:46 +Google Play,🤟💪,5,2023-07-07 21:54:41 +Google Play,😎😩,4,2023-07-10 19:57:46 +Google Play,😳😲,5,2023-07-06 05:39:23 +Google Play,💥😎,5,2023-07-10 05:06:08 +Google Play,👍🏻,3,2023-07-06 10:22:10 +Google Play,👌🏽,5,2023-07-06 05:51:14 +Google Play,🤧🥺,5,2023-07-09 09:25:58 +Google Play,👍😅,4,2023-07-07 08:51:46 +Google Play,👏🖤,5,2023-07-08 03:18:21 +Google Play,🤞📸,5,2023-07-17 02:11:46 +Google Play,😍👍,5,2023-07-09 11:41:56 +Google Play,✌🏻,5,2023-07-06 12:35:34 +Google Play,🐦🌚,3,2023-07-11 16:03:00 +Google Play,👋🏼,4,2023-07-08 08:59:59 +Google Play,👍👍🤟,5,2023-07-09 06:41:18 +Google Play,🔥🔥👑,5,2023-07-06 18:29:04 +Google Play,😊😊👍,4,2023-07-09 09:05:50 +Google Play,🌺🙏🌺,5,2023-07-11 22:22:52 +Google Play,💖💖😘,5,2023-07-09 16:14:32 +Google Play,👍❤👍,5,2023-07-07 10:16:47 +Google Play,👌🏻👌🏻,5,2023-07-06 01:47:36 +Google Play,👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 11:08:13 +Google Play,😐😐🙄🙄,1,2023-07-08 15:05:59 +Google Play,👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 15:16:54 +Google Play,👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 13:28:37 +Google Play,Wow 😮😮,5,2023-07-06 14:26:31 +Google Play,"App सही है, बस इसमें गंदगी न फैला पाए Instagram की तरह, नाइंसाफी हो जाती हैं लड़को के साथ, हम लडको के पास B##bs नहीं होती 🤔✌️",5,2023-07-07 05:49:48 +Google Play,Wow... 💝💝💝💝,5,2023-07-06 07:59:41 +Google Play,Alright....,3,2023-07-06 00:13:58 +Google Play,twitter>>>>,1,2023-07-08 16:23:04 +Google Play,Twitter>>>>,5,2023-07-06 13:49:10 +Google Play,Loading....,5,2023-07-09 11:23:48 +Google Play,It.broking,5,2023-07-06 15:52:54 +Google Play,🙂,1,2023-07-11 06:46:42 +Google Play,👌,5,2023-07-07 21:24:41 +Google Play,🤔,1,2023-07-09 14:49:53 +Google Play,🌹,5,2023-07-09 07:48:47 +Google Play,🙄,5,2023-07-06 13:00:45 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 04:58:26 +Google Play,🛜,5,2023-07-11 16:59:19 +Google Play,💯,5,2023-07-06 02:28:41 +Google Play,🥰,5,2023-07-06 12:56:30 +Google Play,🥀,5,2023-07-11 16:48:34 +Google Play,😊,5,2023-07-08 00:31:06 +Google Play,🔥,5,2023-07-11 16:35:27 +Google Play,🙌,4,2023-07-13 00:32:53 +Google Play,🙄,1,2023-07-09 16:04:09 +Google Play,"Pada pemerhatian saya, applikasi ini ingin menggantikan twitter. Setakat ini, semua berfungsi dengan baik. Cuma, hanya masa dapat menentukan sama ada ianya mampu memberi nilai tambah ataupun bakal terkubur seperti applikasi-applikasi lain.",4,2023-07-06 04:19:03 +Google Play,"খুব দারুন। আশা করি এটি ফেসবুক, ইনস্টাগ্রাম এর মতো জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠবে।। মেসেজ অপশন আনা উচিত। মানুষ কে স্বাধীন এবং মুক্তভাবে মতামত দিতে পারে তাহলে টুইটার কে পেরিয়ে যেতে পারবে।",4,2023-07-06 17:58:41 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 11:45:27 +Google Play,⚔️,5,2023-07-06 15:42:56 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-08 07:57:11 +Google Play,✌️,5,2023-07-06 15:46:28 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-09 07:20:38 +Google Play,✨️,5,2023-07-06 22:11:31 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-08 20:13:51 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-08 11:17:54 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 03:48:18 +Google Play,❤️,3,2023-07-09 20:11:37 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 19:43:24 +Google Play,O},5,2023-07-06 16:03:10 +Google Play,OG >>>,4,2023-07-07 11:36:28 +Google Play,‼️,5,2023-07-06 13:16:50 +Google Play,🕊️,5,2023-07-10 09:22:35 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 14:24:59 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 20:02:32 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-09 09:19:36 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-15 12:38:29 +Google Play,❣️,1,2023-07-06 04:54:54 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 05:50:49 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-09 13:36:18 +Google Play,✔️,5,2023-07-07 11:07:42 +Google Play,✌️,5,2023-07-07 10:53:57 +Google Play,🕳️,4,2023-07-06 15:04:02 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-09 07:26:45 +Google Play,:³,5,2023-07-06 00:35:40 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 13:59:24 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 22:10:41 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 05:30:57 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-11 16:11:44 +Google Play,✨️,5,2023-07-10 15:06:27 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-08 02:04:36 +Google Play,❤️❤️,3,2023-07-06 18:38:14 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 17:03:56 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-08 14:37:14 +Google Play,❤️❤️,4,2023-07-17 16:46:16 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-09 03:40:09 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 00:47:17 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-13 18:42:49 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-09 20:31:08 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 15:56:19 +Google Play,✌️✌️,4,2023-07-08 02:58:46 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-07 15:55:28 +Google Play,Ok....,3,2023-07-08 11:00:59 +Google Play,❤‍🩹,5,2023-07-08 15:45:54 +Google Play,Yeaa.....,5,2023-07-06 08:29:47 +Google Play,Excelente ya era hora de que Twitter tuviera un digno competidor va a estar bueno Concorde el tiempo añaden funciones como los reels si va a ser una batalla bastante buena de ver 😎👌,5,2023-07-07 13:05:30 +Google Play,Asm.....,4,2023-07-07 17:08:28 +Google Play,Op...,5,2023-07-06 10:09:21 +Google Play,+1 🤭👊👊👊👊👊,4,2023-07-06 02:13:59 +Google Play,😍,5,2023-07-05 23:10:54 +Google Play,💩💩💩,1,2023-07-06 17:46:17 +Google Play,ZUCK ....,5,2023-07-06 05:50:05 +Google Play,"Wow ,😊😊😊😊😊",5,2023-07-06 14:12:57 +Google Play,Wow😍😍,5,2023-07-09 05:37:39 +Google Play,Twitter>>>>>,5,2023-07-06 01:32:42 +Google Play,First??????,4,2023-07-14 03:55:46 +Google Play,التطبيق جميل جدا وكل شئ به جميل والفكرة أجمل ولكن عندما ادخل وأحاول ان اتصفح يعلق ويبداء بتغبيش جميع الشاشة الموضوع لا يتعلق بهاتفي بل بتطبيق الرجاء حل المشكلة باسرع وقت 😭😭😭🙏,5,2023-07-06 19:23:20 +Google Play,👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,4,2023-07-06 07:40:15 +Google Play,👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻,4,2023-07-07 02:52:51 +Google Play,Tweeter 😂😂😂,1,2023-07-06 19:04:53 +Google Play,🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗,5,2023-07-07 01:50:05 +Google Play,👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾,5,2023-07-08 23:29:12 +Google Play,Lupet!!!,5,2023-07-06 17:36:16 +Google Play,",🤍🤍🤍",4,2023-07-08 08:37:08 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥🤗,5,2023-07-08 07:46:26 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥😊,5,2023-07-06 15:31:07 +Google Play,😎🤩🤩🤩,5,2023-07-07 09:43:08 +Google Play,zo'r,5,2023-07-06 09:33:14 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 13:46:50 +Google Play,Shadna8853,5,2023-07-07 13:40:53 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 04:49:53 +Google Play,Exlent,5,2023-07-07 19:37:39 +Google Play,Thanku,5,2023-07-08 07:59:46 +Google Play,Rthiii,5,2023-07-07 15:16:10 +Google Play,Osam,5,2023-07-07 04:23:00 +Google Play,Threads an,5,2023-07-07 06:55:07 +Google Play,Shush,5,2023-07-06 16:51:53 +Google Play,Awliiii,5,2023-07-07 01:15:28 +Google Play,Supper,5,2023-07-06 20:36:19 +Google Play,Testing,5,2023-07-06 22:20:26 +Google Play,حلو,5,2023-07-06 11:41:36 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-06 08:51:49 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 20:25:49 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-08 03:41:33 +Google Play,Superrrr,5,2023-07-07 11:35:21 +Google Play,jalebi,5,2023-07-06 17:09:18 +Google Play,Live it,5,2023-07-06 07:09:54 +Google Play,Isotretinoin,5,2023-07-08 00:26:56 +Google Play,Hurray,5,2023-07-07 12:57:59 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-07 14:49:42 +Google Play,Exllent,5,2023-07-07 18:10:11 +Google Play,Suuuuuuuperrr,5,2023-07-06 09:14:08 +Google Play,Kk,5,2023-07-07 11:19:44 +Google Play,Mst,5,2023-07-07 06:40:01 +Google Play,Thread,5,2023-07-05 23:51:53 +Google Play,Awli,5,2023-07-07 11:57:58 +Google Play,Lesgooo,5,2023-07-06 06:24:06 +Google Play,Jeixj,5,2023-07-06 15:41:48 +Google Play,Yey,5,2023-07-06 20:04:35 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 09:25:44 +Google Play,Epic,5,2023-07-06 17:46:51 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 14:38:30 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 15:35:20 +Google Play,Siraaaaaa,5,2023-07-08 04:12:58 +Google Play,Wowowo,5,2023-07-06 23:41:50 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-07 18:32:32 +Google Play,Gg,5,2023-07-07 16:06:24 +Google Play,Thresds,5,2023-07-06 14:21:53 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-06 13:17:57 +Google Play,keren,5,2023-07-06 04:43:19 +Google Play,Wah,5,2023-07-07 09:14:02 +Google Play,Kk,5,2023-07-07 04:37:01 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-06 08:49:52 +Google Play,i loveeed,5,2023-07-06 14:21:00 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 15:23:04 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 18:49:35 +Google Play,Greats,5,2023-07-08 18:38:30 +Google Play,Supir,5,2023-07-06 10:15:12 +Google Play,Deluxe,5,2023-07-06 12:28:49 +Google Play,حبيييييييت,5,2023-07-06 13:14:05 +Google Play,goat,5,2023-07-06 01:21:09 +Google Play,idek,5,2023-07-06 21:08:43 +Google Play,Gajab,5,2023-07-08 09:32:02 +Google Play,Live,5,2023-07-07 20:45:34 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-08 12:54:32 +Google Play,Ossum,5,2023-07-08 03:58:24 +Google Play,Hh,5,2023-07-09 05:15:54 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-12 04:08:59 +Google Play,OMG,5,2023-07-06 11:44:44 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 05:54:31 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-08 19:57:27 +Google Play,Funny,5,2023-07-07 01:52:28 +Google Play,Amezing,5,2023-07-06 04:10:08 +Google Play,Elon threads,1,2023-07-22 10:25:00 +Google Play,it's made by mark,1,2023-07-24 16:54:13 +Google Play,Suckerberg virus.,1,2023-07-06 19:55:30 +Google Play,انا كدا اكون تميت ال ١٦٠ شخص كتبو تقييم عن التطبيق الجامد موله دا اخيرا عملت انجاز يرجاله🥲🥲💖,5,2023-07-07 08:48:15 +Google Play,Excellent Application,5,2023-07-06 21:15:58 +Google Play,Nice....,4,2023-07-07 09:08:58 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-13 09:13:05 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-10 05:35:55 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-06 10:37:54 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-07 04:27:18 +Google Play,♥️,5,2023-07-06 05:29:42 +Google Play,Worst design,1,2023-07-07 09:25:49 +Google Play,Jay Shree Ram 🚩,3,2023-07-07 09:43:35 +Google Play,Jai shree Ram 🚩,5,2023-07-06 13:55:34 +Google Play,First review 😵‍💫💪,5,2023-07-06 14:26:17 +Google Play,Twitter ka kya hoga🐦🐦,5,2023-07-08 00:06:30 +Google Play,Lleno de publicaciones normies,2,2023-07-08 03:19:36 +Google Play,Not Bad,3,2023-07-17 12:39:28 +Google Play,Not bad,3,2023-07-10 07:26:11 +Google Play,Not bad,3,2023-07-07 13:10:29 +Google Play,ig gue ga bisa di buka karena ini apa ya? gilak males banget ga lagi gue donwload ni app twt aja dh gue,1,2023-07-08 14:09:51 +Google Play,Isme to ladkiya reply degi naa ?,3,2023-07-17 17:25:24 +Google Play,जय श्री राम🚩🙏,5,2023-07-08 03:41:13 +Google Play,better than twit,5,2023-07-24 14:11:06 +Google Play,amo o Twitter 😅,1,2023-07-22 01:23:10 +Google Play,Nice nice,5,2023-07-10 08:08:52 +Google Play,Nice..App..😍🥰😇,5,2023-07-12 08:01:18 +Google Play,Twitter like🤭❤️,5,2023-07-06 15:05:47 +Google Play,No hay nopor 👍🏻,1,2023-07-10 15:52:07 +Google Play,Sysytummm padd denge dosto....,4,2023-07-08 05:40:58 +Google Play,Zuck ho gaya 👍😭,5,2023-07-06 11:04:01 +Google Play,Amazing experience,5,2023-07-06 13:07:43 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 13:07:29 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-08 00:42:53 +Google Play,Tha best,5,2023-07-12 22:01:06 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-09 07:43:09 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-15 05:20:30 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-07 08:12:05 +Google Play,Wow amazing,5,2023-07-07 08:05:56 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 17:21:26 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 13:09:30 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-06 01:13:45 +Google Play,Good products,4,2023-07-12 02:14:33 +Google Play,Great application,5,2023-07-07 17:03:42 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 08:11:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 08:00:51 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 19:00:38 +Google Play,Great Application,5,2023-07-06 13:08:32 +Google Play,Best experience,5,2023-07-06 13:59:02 +Google Play,Best app,5,2023-07-07 17:35:46 +Google Play,Amazing one,5,2023-07-06 13:08:18 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-05 23:16:40 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 17:34:01 +Google Play,Good app,4,2023-07-11 16:26:24 +Google Play,Best App,5,2023-07-09 22:26:50 +Google Play,Verry nice,5,2023-07-11 07:26:24 +Google Play,BiG ZakerBerG,5,2023-07-06 10:32:14 +Google Play,Super 👌 👍 😍 app,5,2023-07-10 13:23:18 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-06 10:02:37 +Google Play,Good innovation,5,2023-07-10 06:40:42 +Google Play,~Bussh..Goma 💓,4,2023-07-10 14:45:45 +Google Play,♥️♥️♥️,5,2023-07-06 13:30:21 +Google Play,Appreciate,5,2023-07-06 22:56:07 +Google Play,Exellent,5,2023-07-09 06:40:14 +Google Play,iconic,5,2023-07-06 06:37:34 +Google Play,Twitter 2.0 haha,1,2023-07-24 15:08:05 +Google Play,Poor experience.,1,2023-07-18 19:09:29 +Google Play,Usefull,5,2023-07-06 06:50:31 +Google Play,Too simple,1,2023-07-19 21:18:52 +Google Play,Government Twitter.,1,2023-07-13 17:40:37 +Google Play,Puneet superstar 😎,1,2023-07-08 09:13:07 +Google Play,basically twitter.,5,2023-07-06 01:20:17 +Google Play,Nice 🙂🙂🙂🙂,5,2023-07-22 22:06:28 +Google Play,Nice 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 08:44:09 +Google Play,A 1 app,5,2023-07-08 06:17:37 +Google Play,كسم نادي الزمالك,5,2023-07-06 21:02:50 +Google Play,FOLLOW ME mr_jayash___003,5,2023-07-06 09:17:06 +Google Play,Majaa nahi aaya,1,2023-07-17 13:02:44 +Google Play,Rahul yadav 546787,5,2023-07-09 10:18:58 +Google Play,لا بأس به,1,2023-07-06 19:21:57 +Google Play,Thik s le,3,2023-07-06 13:38:42 +Google Play,قلت قدب وتجسس,1,2023-07-11 21:40:47 +Google Play,ak editor 88,5,2023-07-12 08:35:27 +Google Play,A k bhai,5,2023-07-08 15:22:19 +Google Play,هايحط علي تويتر,5,2023-07-06 13:15:41 +Google Play,Oru Payanum illai,3,2023-07-06 15:49:37 +Google Play,Bune qmk yüklenmiyor,1,2023-07-06 09:20:48 +Google Play,Lo asik bang,5,2023-07-06 11:46:47 +Google Play,Bismillah lancar bund,5,2023-07-06 05:55:40 +Google Play,Elon Bhai zindabad,1,2023-07-07 23:28:12 +Google Play,كسمك يا مارك,1,2023-07-06 21:53:26 +Google Play,Bhangar vastu che,1,2023-07-12 08:14:39 +Google Play,Ho gya bhai,5,2023-07-06 04:02:53 +Google Play,Bekar hai ji,1,2023-07-06 14:36:42 +Google Play,Ladki milegi yahan,5,2023-07-06 14:23:57 +Google Play,Super op appp,5,2023-07-09 19:29:42 +Google Play,हैशटैग नहीं है,4,2023-07-06 19:54:41 +Google Play,Pelan pelan mark,5,2023-07-13 13:24:30 +Google Play,చాలా బాగుంది అద్బుతం,5,2023-07-10 12:27:24 +Google Play,Ganmari application hai,1,2023-07-22 16:21:14 +Google Play,Eu quero apagar,1,2023-07-11 16:14:43 +Google Play,F u zuck,1,2023-07-22 10:14:10 +Google Play,Achha hai broo,5,2023-07-06 13:51:45 +Google Play,Loude lo mera,5,2023-07-07 11:44:34 +Google Play,Mahesh dahi bhale,5,2023-07-09 06:40:52 +Google Play,BK باشه کریم,5,2023-07-08 15:00:46 +Google Play,اولین نفر رررررر,5,2023-07-06 10:59:16 +Google Play,Raj kumar Singh999,5,2023-07-17 15:00:14 +Google Play,تطبيق جميل جدا,5,2023-07-06 20:53:27 +Google Play,Tevetar ka papa,4,2023-07-08 18:56:18 +Google Play,Gathiya app hai,1,2023-07-08 10:30:06 +Google Play,Basut sundar hai,5,2023-07-08 12:11:00 +Google Play,مو حلو خالص,1,2023-07-19 11:03:08 +Google Play,Bahut acha hai,5,2023-07-07 05:14:26 +Google Play,تطبيقكم زباله فقط,1,2023-07-16 09:00:12 +Google Play,Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,5,2023-07-10 17:39:08 +Google Play,كي نمي وصاي,1,2023-07-06 23:25:39 +Google Play,Maza agaya bhai,5,2023-07-07 13:55:50 +Google Play,টুইটার এর বিকল্প,5,2023-07-08 09:15:18 +Google Play,Bernamg abn mtnaka,4,2023-07-08 22:42:52 +Google Play,ايلون ماسك انقذنا,5,2023-07-10 13:35:27 +Google Play,no puedo instalarla,1,2023-07-07 15:31:58 +Google Play,Keren mang Mark,5,2023-07-06 12:32:53 +Google Play,From tasrif khan,1,2023-07-06 18:23:00 +Google Play,Rajendra Namdeoji Ghode,5,2023-07-08 03:53:03 +Google Play,Gatiya aap he,1,2023-07-07 17:06:09 +Google Play,adu sakit perut,5,2023-07-06 13:28:22 +Google Play,کیری اند جاکشانه,1,2023-07-12 22:29:02 +Google Play,Twitter Se Takkar,5,2023-07-06 10:24:06 +Google Play,Mast hai Bhai,5,2023-07-07 01:03:55 +Google Play,البرنامج مش چوسي,1,2023-07-07 09:59:49 +Google Play,Pankaj kumar kushwaha,5,2023-07-14 06:56:14 +Google Play,اي فسا وخلاص,1,2023-07-06 21:57:16 +Google Play,Cuz y not,5,2023-07-06 10:47:01 +Google Play,Egypt here 🔥🇪🇬,5,2023-07-06 10:32:57 +Google Play,تطبيق جميل 🫶🇲🇦,5,2023-07-09 07:30:38 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍,5,2023-07-10 18:56:57 +Google Play,Not bad,1,2023-07-09 15:55:43 +Google Play,no cheating,1,2023-07-07 16:24:09 +Google Play,Fun,5,2023-07-07 07:13:25 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-15 05:14:54 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-16 05:39:34 +Google Play,Awful,1,2023-07-07 17:17:06 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-15 04:59:10 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-21 04:19:00 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-14 01:10:35 +Google Play,Horrendous,1,2023-07-21 02:52:50 +Google Play,Overlapping,1,2023-07-11 17:42:58 +Google Play,Ugly,1,2023-07-12 02:15:41 +Google Play,Bad,2,2023-07-14 16:38:16 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-13 02:33:05 +Google Play,Fake,1,2023-07-15 23:36:24 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-08 15:45:17 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-22 15:37:06 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-21 01:16:31 +Google Play,copycat,1,2023-07-14 06:20:16 +Google Play,Love❤😘❤😘,5,2023-07-06 06:37:46 +Google Play,Twitter nahin Bana paoge meta 😂😂😂😂,1,2023-07-11 17:18:36 +Google Play,Nice app,3,2023-07-06 19:44:37 +Google Play,Nice app,3,2023-07-09 12:10:34 +Google Play,Nice apps,3,2023-07-11 20:15:04 +Google Play,Nice experience,3,2023-07-08 13:37:07 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 08:37:09 +Google Play,Good idk,2,2023-07-08 14:13:16 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 00:32:17 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 14:52:41 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-06 10:12:17 +Google Play,Lovely app,5,2023-07-09 11:35:38 +Google Play,NOT BAD,5,2023-07-06 08:45:34 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 15:44:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-12 18:48:01 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-10 11:02:49 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 12:46:23 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 11:25:04 +Google Play,amazing app,5,2023-07-06 11:21:02 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-16 04:09:07 +Google Play,So casual,5,2023-07-09 13:10:32 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 05:23:03 +Google Play,Seamless experience,5,2023-07-06 13:23:11 +Google Play,Like New,5,2023-07-06 21:38:21 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:15:01 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:16:37 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 15:43:33 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-11 11:33:22 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 13:05:45 +Google Play,nice app,4,2023-07-07 07:14:07 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 12:25:25 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 18:11:58 +Google Play,Nice b.s,5,2023-07-14 10:59:02 +Google Play,I happy,5,2023-07-06 14:03:58 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 20:41:29 +Google Play,Is better,1,2023-07-10 08:02:29 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 06:42:06 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-10 22:10:56 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-07 17:21:58 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 14:22:09 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 11:48:08 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 16:32:21 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-08 11:59:14 +Google Play,Cool App,5,2023-07-06 11:26:21 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-12 09:25:54 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 11:11:18 +Google Play,GOOD MORNING,5,2023-07-11 03:31:18 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 15:15:07 +Google Play,Good morning,5,2023-07-06 13:30:25 +Google Play,Just great,3,2023-07-08 13:22:20 +Google Play,great app,5,2023-07-07 18:23:30 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 08:27:50 +Google Play,Nice work,5,2023-07-13 16:04:30 +Google Play,Fantastic apps,4,2023-07-06 09:00:46 +Google Play,Very nice,4,2023-07-06 11:18:02 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 04:50:40 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 07:57:52 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 11:33:47 +Google Play,So well,5,2023-07-07 03:50:19 +Google Play,Top notch,5,2023-07-06 16:43:57 +Google Play,very nice,5,2023-07-06 19:08:28 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 16:11:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 17:18:25 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 15:42:32 +Google Play,Nice aap,4,2023-07-06 17:18:39 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-06 19:26:33 +Google Play,So amazing,5,2023-07-11 18:49:04 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 05:29:26 +Google Play,Awesome App,5,2023-07-06 07:39:10 +Google Play,Great App,3,2023-07-15 10:17:24 +Google Play,Good app,2,2023-07-06 12:03:50 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 12:45:23 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-12 02:00:13 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 13:31:49 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 18:39:43 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 06:29:15 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-14 18:27:41 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 21:12:11 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-07 05:47:18 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-07 09:48:53 +Google Play,Is Good,5,2023-07-07 10:58:09 +Google Play,So amazing,4,2023-07-06 12:18:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 05:35:03 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-08 00:01:48 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 22:24:20 +Google Play,Great aap,5,2023-07-06 11:48:47 +Google Play,Well done,5,2023-07-09 06:14:49 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-11 07:39:49 +Google Play,Good experience,4,2023-07-08 10:49:15 +Google Play,Twitter better,2,2023-07-13 14:13:42 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-07 18:31:48 +Google Play,Fantastic app,5,2023-07-15 14:13:11 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-08 19:57:01 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-14 07:52:40 +Google Play,Excellent performance,5,2023-07-09 17:23:11 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 09:52:07 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 14:13:27 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 14:54:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 02:27:34 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-06 06:50:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 11:05:08 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-14 10:48:38 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 07:16:46 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 09:32:33 +Google Play,Badhiya nice,5,2023-07-06 14:48:24 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 19:30:53 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 12:03:14 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-12 14:28:44 +Google Play,Thanks again,5,2023-07-15 00:12:05 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-12 14:29:46 +Google Play,Interesting application,5,2023-07-05 23:02:51 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-07 07:46:24 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-09 18:20:44 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-06 09:49:25 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-11 03:11:48 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 14:14:22 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 09:12:11 +Google Play,Quite nice,3,2023-07-06 15:16:23 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 02:00:53 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 08:59:16 +Google Play,Cool app,1,2023-07-06 14:34:03 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 21:32:18 +Google Play,Nice appp,5,2023-07-09 03:37:10 +Google Play,Good one,1,2023-07-06 16:34:47 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-16 11:03:01 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 16:35:34 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-17 17:13:02 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 13:23:29 +Google Play,Better twitter,1,2023-07-11 07:26:24 +Google Play,Full enjoy,5,2023-07-07 11:46:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-16 14:28:37 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 19:11:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 12:24:57 +Google Play,Better threads,5,2023-07-08 08:32:37 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 13:38:44 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 10:49:18 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 08:27:01 +Google Play,Wonderful work,5,2023-07-06 15:49:41 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-15 16:51:56 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-10 13:44:52 +Google Play,Cool interface,5,2023-07-06 01:56:47 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 12:28:28 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 05:19:05 +Google Play,It nice,4,2023-07-07 20:54:20 +Google Play,Exceprionally Fantastic,5,2023-07-08 08:50:11 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-06 03:26:50 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-06 10:53:06 +Google Play,Better apps,5,2023-07-07 10:25:59 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-06 02:56:03 +Google Play,so good,5,2023-07-13 15:09:10 +Google Play,Its good,5,2023-07-06 13:31:16 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 19:38:19 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 22:35:35 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 15:03:36 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 07:32:46 +Google Play,not bad,5,2023-07-07 18:19:06 +Google Play,Better experience,3,2023-07-07 13:11:52 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 12:58:06 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-08 03:20:09 +Google Play,Usefull App,5,2023-07-12 03:18:45 +Google Play,Nice idea,5,2023-07-06 13:51:28 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 17:19:33 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 19:52:39 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-10 15:30:17 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 11:22:17 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-14 05:16:34 +Google Play,Totally good,5,2023-07-06 12:13:51 +Google Play,So hilarious,2,2023-07-08 12:30:03 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 06:27:59 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 00:54:19 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 05:32:36 +Google Play,Twitter best,1,2023-07-18 21:31:10 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 20:22:45 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-09 18:03:00 +Google Play,Love you,5,2023-07-06 07:05:29 +Google Play,Over Power,5,2023-07-12 14:11:48 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-15 16:28:24 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-08 06:54:49 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 19:50:13 +Google Play,Awesome app,5,2023-07-06 17:12:41 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 17:52:01 +Google Play,Its good,5,2023-07-07 12:42:40 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-23 04:07:18 +Google Play,Good bait,3,2023-07-09 06:56:28 +Google Play,Wonderful app,5,2023-07-07 15:57:24 +Google Play,Twitter Better,1,2023-07-16 04:38:42 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 20:02:55 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 21:50:20 +Google Play,Very basic,5,2023-07-09 05:00:14 +Google Play,Looking interesting,5,2023-07-07 13:39:26 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 16:19:50 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-07 01:08:30 +Google Play,good Experance,5,2023-07-07 16:18:33 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 10:37:42 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-18 12:54:16 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 11:08:38 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 06:25:59 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-16 03:29:41 +Google Play,Tis good,5,2023-07-09 23:59:45 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-07 10:13:06 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 18:31:47 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-08 21:46:57 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-19 22:35:00 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-12 21:37:14 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 14:27:45 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 16:02:53 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 05:11:02 +Google Play,GOOD APP,5,2023-07-07 15:54:57 +Google Play,very good,5,2023-07-06 18:00:38 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-10 03:30:01 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 03:22:45 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 15:02:39 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 18:15:13 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-12 13:01:06 +Google Play,Wonderful apps,5,2023-07-09 04:10:50 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-10 05:17:27 +Google Play,Nice platform,5,2023-07-06 06:03:14 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-07 01:48:37 +Google Play,Overall good,5,2023-07-06 13:23:47 +Google Play,NX Stylish,5,2023-07-06 18:41:39 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-06 08:19:48 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-07 08:56:30 +Google Play,Good Thanks,5,2023-07-08 12:26:22 +Google Play,Trashcan worthy,1,2023-07-09 03:48:55 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 12:53:27 +Google Play,Its nice,4,2023-07-09 03:08:23 +Google Play,Superb solution,5,2023-07-11 15:01:45 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 00:12:14 +Google Play,Really impressive,5,2023-07-08 04:35:53 +Google Play,interesting app,5,2023-07-06 04:59:11 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-06 17:22:42 +Google Play,Excellent Mast,4,2023-07-09 07:29:56 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-10 12:38:23 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-14 20:20:17 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 17:31:15 +Google Play,Good morning,5,2023-07-08 07:00:59 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-11 08:37:54 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-08 00:55:00 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 00:12:07 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 09:48:37 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-12 09:07:20 +Google Play,Amazing app,4,2023-07-09 17:29:44 +Google Play,Great App,4,2023-07-06 21:49:47 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-06 04:02:58 +Google Play,Good app,1,2023-07-06 13:49:47 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 15:13:58 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-19 08:42:51 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-22 11:17:54 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-16 05:31:11 +Google Play,Nice application,5,2023-07-23 01:25:44 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 14:59:30 +Google Play,Good tbh,5,2023-07-06 13:57:40 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 06:08:38 +Google Play,Yesssssssss good,5,2023-07-06 11:07:03 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 18:11:46 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:39:08 +Google Play,Wow nice,4,2023-07-06 15:23:59 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-09 14:47:26 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:45:33 +Google Play,I love it,2,2023-07-08 11:37:18 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 04:41:18 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-05 23:38:52 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 21:33:45 +Google Play,Good App,5,2023-07-06 22:07:49 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 07:18:54 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 12:12:43 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 17:33:35 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 04:00:46 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 13:31:50 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 05:39:13 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 07:21:31 +Google Play,Good one,5,2023-07-06 14:28:49 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 11:00:27 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-06 11:13:36 +Google Play,Good share,5,2023-07-10 08:05:32 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-09 15:04:36 +Google Play,Love you,5,2023-07-18 14:54:26 +Google Play,Nice interface,5,2023-07-06 12:17:02 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 08:44:38 +Google Play,Nice APK,5,2023-07-08 09:07:47 +Google Play,Amazing creation,5,2023-07-06 14:41:20 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-11 18:07:08 +Google Play,Nice experience,5,2023-07-06 18:43:59 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-16 10:40:24 +Google Play,Nice bro,5,2023-07-08 14:32:12 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 01:59:50 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-11 17:33:18 +Google Play,Fantastic app,5,2023-07-08 14:46:31 +Google Play,not bad,4,2023-07-06 17:09:56 +Google Play,Nice one,4,2023-07-07 16:04:49 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-09 02:45:08 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 21:13:18 +Google Play,Nice APK,5,2023-07-07 00:26:00 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-12 01:25:56 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-07 07:34:04 +Google Play,good app,5,2023-07-06 15:57:59 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 18:06:43 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 19:22:22 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-07 20:27:18 +Google Play,Is good,1,2023-07-08 11:25:41 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 10:31:00 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 20:09:05 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 15:21:58 +Google Play,just cool,5,2023-07-23 15:07:53 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 19:15:11 +Google Play,Wonderful app,5,2023-07-06 15:47:11 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 10:39:13 +Google Play,Good application,5,2023-07-06 20:41:51 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-08 05:57:41 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-18 04:46:57 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 14:54:02 +Google Play,nice app,5,2023-07-08 08:01:49 +Google Play,This awesome,5,2023-07-12 14:13:15 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-06 17:43:13 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 06:46:18 +Google Play,great app,3,2023-07-19 04:07:24 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 19:44:33 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-07 10:28:51 +Google Play,Amazing Thanks,5,2023-07-07 04:51:37 +Google Play,It good,5,2023-07-17 00:33:03 +Google Play,Very good,1,2023-07-06 16:17:15 +Google Play,NICE APP,5,2023-07-14 15:50:17 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-22 08:42:24 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 15:33:31 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-14 01:19:57 +Google Play,Big like,5,2023-07-10 15:18:57 +Google Play,Super super,5,2023-07-13 06:43:07 +Google Play,Really amazing,5,2023-07-06 13:41:10 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 03:48:33 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-18 11:54:10 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 07:22:45 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 13:59:29 +Google Play,Super Duper,5,2023-07-14 08:07:22 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-06 17:29:46 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 05:50:01 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-06 19:35:22 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 16:23:11 +Google Play,Nice interface,5,2023-07-06 16:54:41 +Google Play,Nice work,5,2023-07-06 08:30:25 +Google Play,Best app,3,2023-07-22 19:59:07 +Google Play,Good app,3,2023-07-09 10:49:53 +Google Play,Amazing App,5,2023-07-07 18:12:49 +Google Play,Good aap,5,2023-07-16 13:34:57 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 15:01:46 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 21:59:32 +Google Play,Wow amazing,5,2023-07-07 09:42:22 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-06 16:22:12 +Google Play,Twitter better,1,2023-07-09 15:51:06 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-15 19:50:15 +Google Play,Nice App,5,2023-07-06 09:22:27 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-18 17:37:59 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 20:54:50 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-13 13:41:40 +Google Play,Its good,5,2023-07-06 12:30:04 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-08 07:11:43 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-07 02:42:00 +Google Play,Very nice,5,2023-07-06 20:26:31 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-06 01:19:05 +Google Play,So good,5,2023-07-06 22:51:27 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-14 09:13:13 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-07 16:11:13 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-07 10:28:23 +Google Play,Its cool,5,2023-07-08 15:23:52 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-07 13:14:24 +Google Play,I love it,5,2023-07-07 12:09:18 +Google Play,Great app,4,2023-07-06 22:43:18 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 15:06:02 +Google Play,Nice aap,5,2023-07-11 05:18:53 +Google Play,Nice Tal,5,2023-07-11 12:46:33 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-15 14:20:03 +Google Play,Great app,5,2023-07-06 22:28:42 +Google Play,Nice apps,5,2023-07-14 11:07:54 +Google Play,Nice app,4,2023-07-07 15:10:23 +Google Play,Amazing app,5,2023-07-08 13:42:40 +Google Play,Cool app,5,2023-07-07 11:38:40 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-13 11:23:40 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-06 20:24:47 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-12 07:30:30 +Google Play,Not bad,5,2023-07-06 18:23:09 +Google Play,Good app,5,2023-07-09 02:42:07 +Google Play,damn good,5,2023-07-06 07:53:07 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-10 07:44:09 +Google Play,Good apps,5,2023-07-07 15:19:03 +Google Play,Good META,5,2023-07-06 07:37:43 +Google Play,Very good,5,2023-07-06 17:40:35 +Google Play,Good enough,5,2023-07-06 14:44:20 +Google Play,Very interested,5,2023-07-06 12:37:15 +Google Play,Good app,1,2023-07-06 08:05:42 +Google Play,useful app,5,2023-07-07 07:52:05 +Google Play,Nice app,5,2023-07-14 02:22:32 +Google Play,Useful pletform,5,2023-07-15 15:59:19 +Google Play,Good stuff,5,2023-07-13 07:34:36 +Google Play,Nice one,5,2023-07-08 07:34:41 +Google Play,Nothing special 💤,3,2023-07-06 11:05:09 +Google Play,Goodbye Twitter 👋,5,2023-07-07 16:14:26 +Google Play,💯 Persent working,5,2023-07-11 11:19:06 +Google Play,wonderfull,5,2023-07-08 11:20:49 +Google Play,"I like it's mast app,,🤗🤗👌",5,2023-07-25 03:27:16 +Google Play,تويتر اكتر من تويتر نفسه,4,2023-07-06 02:32:54 +Google Play,Twitter is much better,1,2023-07-24 20:02:27 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-14 09:03:10 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-14 08:15:44 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-07 09:14:17 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-08 04:54:04 +Google Play,Nice app,1,2023-07-11 13:19:32 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-06 10:54:32 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-06 16:44:15 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-08 02:07:05 +Google Play,Good job,5,2023-07-09 14:59:09 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-10 00:45:02 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 18:08:05 +Google Play,Great ✅✅✅✅,5,2023-07-07 09:40:22 +Google Play,Second Twitter 😅,4,2023-07-06 03:31:48 +Google Play,Miss u 😘🥺🥺 d,5,2023-07-13 07:28:11 +Google Play,Best 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 04:01:37 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 15:55:52 +Google Play,Good 👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-09 11:31:40 +Google Play,THREADS APP❤️,5,2023-07-07 11:21:42 +Google Play,Nice 👍🙂👍🙂👍🙂👍🙂👍🙂👍🙂👍🙂👍👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-23 06:27:50 +Google Play,Yo cool,4,2023-07-06 17:05:04 +Google Play,Hot trash,1,2023-07-11 14:52:56 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-21 22:16:02 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-13 03:31:47 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-19 17:46:34 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-13 02:15:55 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-20 10:55:36 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-11 17:53:35 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-07 17:57:36 +Google Play,Boycott,1,2023-07-16 12:51:01 +Google Play,Lame,1,2023-07-11 02:26:58 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-22 00:39:03 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-20 08:37:58 +Google Play,Pathetic,1,2023-07-18 21:47:57 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-19 03:58:17 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-22 01:25:07 +Google Play,pointless,1,2023-07-17 08:07:52 +Google Play,Bored,1,2023-07-10 08:08:24 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-16 19:49:34 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-07 18:59:59 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-08 22:25:44 +Google Play,Awful,1,2023-07-18 21:54:17 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-13 19:03:18 +Google Play,Nice app,2,2023-07-23 05:42:07 +Google Play,Nice Threads,2,2023-07-07 06:36:01 +Google Play,Not bad,2,2023-07-19 09:54:06 +Google Play,Not a bad,2,2023-07-06 21:27:13 +Google Play,Not bad,2,2023-07-08 07:09:40 +Google Play,Good luck,1,2023-07-07 17:00:20 +Google Play,Gtfo,1,2023-07-16 09:15:02 +Google Play,"Hashtags, please!!",4,2023-07-07 23:42:19 +Google Play,No safe,1,2023-07-15 14:23:06 +Google Play,↯⍺⌵ⅈℴ💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰💜,3,2023-07-19 09:31:30 +Google Play,pag di nl ko ba to magchachat sya?,5,2023-07-09 16:20:53 +Google Play,Bahut mast hai aap,5,2023-07-07 17:15:40 +Google Play,copia penca de twitter,1,2023-07-10 20:39:50 +Google Play,نصب نمیشه !,1,2023-07-06 05:35:37 +Google Play,Yeah Kya Bawaseer bna deya ho bey Tum?,1,2023-07-08 08:16:14 +Google Play,🥀ɴɪᴄᴇ👌,5,2023-07-08 06:57:00 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 16:43:47 +Google Play,Amzing,5,2023-07-06 08:58:08 +Google Play,Osm appp ✌️,5,2023-07-06 14:32:17 +Google Play,Krishna rajput,1,2023-07-06 16:54:23 +Google Play,ফালতু একটা এফ ☹️☹️,1,2023-07-08 16:52:28 +Google Play,Pag ba idodownload koto babalik sya sakin?,5,2023-07-07 04:43:59 +Google Play,Sh!+,1,2023-07-23 15:46:24 +Google Play,Bhai data ke name par sab kuch le rhe ho or likh bhi rhe ho ki 3rd party ko bech sakte hai 😂😂😂 mazak kar rhe ho kya !!,1,2023-07-06 19:52:32 +Google Play,Very ⁶⁶⁷,5,2023-07-10 23:21:46 +Google Play,"Estaria bien que se pudieran poner estados, fijar hilos, que se pudieran hacer llamadas grupales, y una forma de interactuar más con los usuarios",5,2023-07-08 07:00:47 +Google Play,I do not have instagram but i want threads. What to do?,1,2023-07-24 15:21:43 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-11 17:10:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 10:31:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:08:51 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-20 22:40:47 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 17:09:01 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:09:13 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 12:18:27 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-12 02:18:19 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 10:06:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-10 10:29:46 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 07:54:36 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 13:09:23 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 07:38:15 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 18:26:47 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-09 19:06:52 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 03:55:50 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-07 17:05:25 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-06 12:56:44 +Google Play,Best,5,2023-07-06 07:25:20 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 00:35:39 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-05 23:08:00 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 14:35:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 01:28:14 +Google Play,good,5,2023-07-07 17:16:47 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 14:32:02 +Google Play,best,5,2023-07-06 07:25:07 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-10 10:37:42 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-18 09:34:57 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 10:33:09 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-07 11:52:25 +Google Play,Exceptional,4,2023-07-23 05:26:14 +Google Play,Threads app..❤️❤️,5,2023-07-08 05:47:16 +Google Play,Interesting,1,2023-07-07 06:05:32 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-20 16:51:59 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-07 09:59:36 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-23 05:21:54 +Google Play,Glitching,1,2023-07-06 15:09:12 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-06 13:44:15 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-09 12:53:06 +Google Play,Boring,2,2023-07-11 09:30:38 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-07 11:37:23 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-15 17:35:02 +Google Play,Terrible,1,2023-07-08 12:52:51 +Google Play,Fake,5,2023-07-07 02:55:49 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-19 15:10:18 +Google Play,Glitches,1,2023-07-07 15:24:18 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-18 03:42:00 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-08 15:18:52 +Google Play,Hate it,1,2023-07-12 17:16:19 +Google Play,Bad,2,2023-07-19 08:27:57 +Google Play,Unnecessary,1,2023-07-06 08:19:03 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-07 16:13:34 +Google Play,pointless,1,2023-07-16 16:42:59 +Google Play,Goofy,1,2023-07-07 12:59:36 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-15 09:53:01 +Google Play,garbage,1,2023-07-14 21:32:45 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-06 19:02:52 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 14:59:42 +Google Play,Ripoff,1,2023-07-07 14:20:48 +Google Play,Waste,1,2023-07-23 11:43:29 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-08 16:16:24 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-06 16:11:16 +Google Play,Junk,1,2023-07-07 22:25:12 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-23 10:21:37 +Google Play,Worse,1,2023-07-11 22:54:34 +Google Play,Disgusting,1,2023-07-06 16:03:22 +Google Play,disgusting,1,2023-07-16 11:30:17 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-10 22:01:33 +Google Play,Copycats,1,2023-07-07 18:54:04 +Google Play,Woe,5,2023-07-06 11:51:05 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-18 20:05:18 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-06 01:43:35 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-06 10:11:58 +Google Play,Fake,1,2023-07-07 06:47:43 +Google Play,Boring,2,2023-07-24 03:55:38 +Google Play,Glitchy,1,2023-07-07 12:19:39 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-06 01:59:47 +Google Play,Crashes,1,2023-07-08 07:00:04 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-07 03:33:52 +Google Play,worst,1,2023-07-08 00:11:33 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-16 22:18:01 +Google Play,Rubbish,3,2023-07-07 15:28:28 +Google Play,garbage,1,2023-07-18 19:55:48 +Google Play,Rubbish,5,2023-07-11 16:04:21 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-07 10:54:01 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-11 12:58:43 +Google Play,bad,1,2023-07-06 16:31:43 +Google Play,Cheating,1,2023-07-08 18:41:24 +Google Play,Glitches,1,2023-07-07 06:12:23 +Google Play,Glitch,1,2023-07-06 13:30:57 +Google Play,Fake,1,2023-07-12 14:28:46 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-14 16:34:23 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-17 14:45:36 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-22 10:03:24 +Google Play,Waste,1,2023-07-06 15:48:44 +Google Play,Slow,1,2023-07-06 09:13:21 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-06 04:28:27 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-23 05:13:58 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-06 09:26:35 +Google Play,Garbage,1,2023-07-06 23:39:27 +Google Play,Dislike,2,2023-07-16 03:56:05 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-12 10:00:21 +Google Play,Waste,1,2023-07-15 12:23:20 +Google Play,Unnecessary,1,2023-07-08 14:09:43 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-08 06:15:45 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-11 13:28:26 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-22 11:04:37 +Google Play,Rubbish,1,2023-07-09 09:45:38 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-07 13:19:29 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-08 03:29:30 +Google Play,Fake,1,2023-07-06 12:42:36 +Google Play,Copycat,1,2023-07-16 15:07:57 +Google Play,worst,1,2023-07-06 11:48:30 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-06 21:51:32 +Google Play,Featureless,1,2023-07-20 06:10:21 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-08 23:29:06 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-23 15:15:55 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-07 02:16:20 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-23 01:43:23 +Google Play,Glitch,1,2023-07-08 14:53:28 +Google Play,Bad,4,2023-07-12 13:32:30 +Google Play,Thief,1,2023-07-08 23:18:23 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-08 18:40:24 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 15:29:48 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-06 08:11:19 +Google Play,Scammer,1,2023-07-07 18:46:59 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-10 15:14:40 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-06 13:36:44 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-14 03:44:17 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-17 13:18:14 +Google Play,Horrible,1,2023-07-16 21:25:00 +Google Play,Boring,1,2023-07-10 21:18:11 +Google Play,Stupid,1,2023-07-07 15:33:55 +Google Play,Trash,1,2023-07-08 00:06:41 +Google Play,boring,1,2023-07-07 07:25:19 +Google Play,Thief,1,2023-07-08 07:32:18 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-08 17:42:51 +Google Play,Ugly,1,2023-07-09 06:25:45 +Google Play,Hate this,1,2023-07-08 10:42:26 +Google Play,Disgusting,1,2023-07-16 09:17:17 +Google Play,Spyware,1,2023-07-14 12:23:51 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-09 14:42:03 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 00:33:08 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 13:54:35 +Google Play,NICE,4,2023-07-17 17:12:23 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 17:34:41 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-20 09:54:21 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 10:28:55 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 10:15:39 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 10:51:12 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 13:58:54 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 09:03:03 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 03:18:39 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-12 16:53:11 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-06 02:40:48 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-17 03:36:48 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-09 16:11:53 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-07 14:02:56 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-08 07:31:49 +Google Play,Nice,4,2023-07-17 23:13:25 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter 🙂,3,2023-07-06 15:21:43 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-06 03:16:24 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-06 20:23:28 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-10 21:03:33 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-11 08:04:32 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-06 05:39:05 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-07 14:28:15 +Google Play,Nice,3,2023-07-12 08:17:27 +Google Play,BAT🤸MALUNGKOT🤸ANG🤸BESHY🤸KO🤸,5,2023-07-07 04:52:12 +Google Play,Instagram lite.,1,2023-07-10 20:15:36 +Google Play,Good 👍😊😊😊👍😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊,5,2023-07-06 04:53:34 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-21 17:04:56 +Google Play,Good,5,2023-07-21 11:18:56 +Google Play,🔥 first review,4,2023-07-06 00:55:40 +Google Play,Beats Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 12:23:58 +Google Play,Just started 🤍,5,2023-07-06 05:04:30 +Google Play,🧍🧎🤸🏃🚶,4,2023-07-08 07:20:06 +Google Play,Mm,3,2023-07-24 08:02:12 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-07 10:45:44 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-09 11:46:06 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-09 16:02:52 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-07 13:12:12 +Google Play,Nice,1,2023-07-20 13:39:55 +Google Play,Osm app❤️,5,2023-07-06 16:03:43 +Google Play,sahajdeep singh 💔💓,5,2023-07-17 15:12:13 +Google Play,ሸጋ ነው ሸጌ።,5,2023-07-08 13:08:21 +Google Play,Thread 👍 Twitter 👎,5,2023-07-11 15:17:34 +Google Play,nicee,5,2023-07-06 03:44:29 +Google Play,Nicee,5,2023-07-06 11:21:44 +Google Play,♿️🚮🚺👍👍,5,2023-07-09 04:21:12 +Google Play,Very bad app,1,2023-07-24 17:31:11 +Google Play,Worst app ever,1,2023-07-25 03:16:41 +Google Play,জয় বাংলা 🇧🇩,4,2023-07-07 18:41:59 +Google Play,tweet=thread👀,4,2023-07-06 16:37:39 +Google Play,aplikasi pndo.,1,2023-07-08 03:50:29 +Google Play,Smooth,5,2023-07-06 06:13:57 +Google Play,Ultimate,5,2023-07-14 18:35:55 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 00:31:31 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-06 17:38:31 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-08 13:30:42 +Google Play,Nicee,4,2023-07-07 02:34:36 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-11 18:01:22 +Google Play,cool,5,2023-07-12 16:04:38 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-08 17:45:41 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-13 10:35:18 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-09 22:25:20 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-10 15:52:30 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 05:16:27 +Google Play,Cool,2,2023-07-06 09:06:28 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-09 06:41:26 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-10 14:52:06 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 15:50:12 +Google Play,Wonderful,5,2023-07-06 10:01:08 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-07 03:22:10 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 11:06:14 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 09:06:56 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 03:08:50 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-14 15:36:18 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 21:44:55 +Google Play,Addictive,5,2023-07-06 21:50:39 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 17:10:39 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 08:32:05 +Google Play,GOOD,4,2023-07-06 15:31:43 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-20 04:32:17 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 11:40:02 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 14:33:52 +Google Play,amaizing,5,2023-07-09 06:45:47 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 23:11:58 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 17:57:33 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-07 07:05:15 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-07 08:37:22 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 14:02:55 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-07 18:34:56 +Google Play,good,4,2023-07-08 11:45:03 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-10 02:49:35 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-09 22:02:32 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 11:23:38 +Google Play,Cool,3,2023-07-06 16:36:38 +Google Play,Fast,5,2023-07-06 07:31:15 +Google Play,Excellence,5,2023-07-07 05:14:32 +Google Play,Fantastic,5,2023-07-17 07:23:04 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 22:08:23 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 16:07:26 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-07 11:43:40 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-20 15:01:54 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 08:04:36 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-11 10:25:16 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-19 19:38:58 +Google Play,amazing,5,2023-07-06 17:20:31 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-10 17:50:39 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 16:40:36 +Google Play,Lovely,2,2023-07-09 13:32:22 +Google Play,Better,5,2023-07-08 14:08:28 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-10 18:12:34 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 12:32:59 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 14:38:05 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-09 08:23:11 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 12:12:01 +Google Play,Amazing,4,2023-07-08 10:48:28 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-11 15:01:54 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 17:02:54 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-08 01:42:17 +Google Play,Usefully,5,2023-07-06 17:43:21 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 12:29:12 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 19:19:40 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-08 23:59:20 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-14 04:49:26 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 19:24:16 +Google Play,Cool,3,2023-07-08 17:07:35 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 22:46:06 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-08 02:25:23 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 18:00:15 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 20:43:39 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 19:21:27 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 15:43:04 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 05:44:23 +Google Play,Smooth,5,2023-07-06 11:07:23 +Google Play,Splendid,5,2023-07-06 14:32:23 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 20:12:02 +Google Play,good,3,2023-07-06 09:04:13 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 13:36:43 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 21:04:28 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-06 17:32:07 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-07 13:22:00 +Google Play,amazing,5,2023-07-06 23:05:11 +Google Play,Useful,5,2023-07-13 17:24:42 +Google Play,Love that,5,2023-07-06 00:39:30 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-06 18:29:43 +Google Play,Awesome,4,2023-07-23 09:32:11 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 05:53:14 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 07:37:59 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 04:51:06 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-08 13:35:20 +Google Play,Cool,3,2023-07-15 21:53:01 +Google Play,Lovely,5,2023-07-07 13:03:56 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-06 18:16:14 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-07 20:44:04 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 09:11:36 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-10 05:18:00 +Google Play,Greet,5,2023-07-16 14:21:30 +Google Play,love it,5,2023-07-06 16:51:17 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-11 15:04:39 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 17:49:35 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 11:29:08 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 23:35:21 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-09 03:31:57 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 17:56:22 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 13:56:11 +Google Play,Love it,4,2023-07-07 11:55:03 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-09 14:49:06 +Google Play,Perfect,5,2023-07-06 04:27:29 +Google Play,Cool,3,2023-07-06 11:44:14 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 10:18:32 +Google Play,awesome,5,2023-07-06 16:15:49 +Google Play,Superb,5,2023-07-07 11:23:53 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 16:05:11 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-11 08:55:30 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 21:17:39 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-09 13:13:33 +Google Play,Best,4,2023-07-15 18:16:20 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 21:13:06 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-18 17:09:05 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-07 06:29:44 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 11:51:18 +Google Play,Gorgeous,5,2023-07-10 04:38:02 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 12:57:18 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-09 14:50:23 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 18:44:40 +Google Play,Smooth,5,2023-07-06 23:29:55 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 16:40:53 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-12 03:13:44 +Google Play,Intresting,5,2023-07-06 17:54:36 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 09:11:49 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 06:47:18 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-06 20:16:26 +Google Play,great,5,2023-07-06 10:00:16 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-11 01:00:25 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 14:50:11 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-15 12:44:55 +Google Play,Love it,5,2023-07-07 06:27:30 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 14:33:02 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 05:06:01 +Google Play,Lovely,5,2023-07-08 19:39:27 +Google Play,Interesting,5,2023-07-06 12:27:03 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 22:01:32 +Google Play,Amazing,1,2023-07-06 16:01:10 +Google Play,Awesome,4,2023-07-09 06:28:13 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 14:05:51 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-15 19:12:11 +Google Play,exceptional,5,2023-07-10 08:47:11 +Google Play,Awesome,5,2023-07-08 15:35:19 +Google Play,Exceptional,5,2023-07-07 11:55:38 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-07 07:40:27 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 05:09:32 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-06 07:06:56 +Google Play,Amazing,5,2023-07-07 21:45:03 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-06 20:10:57 +Google Play,Cool,5,2023-07-08 07:54:23 +Google Play,Great,4,2023-07-06 01:23:01 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 12:39:22 +Google Play,decent,4,2023-07-08 19:31:49 +Google Play,Good,4,2023-07-08 16:28:11 +Google Play,Love,5,2023-07-06 10:25:35 +Google Play,Good,3,2023-07-06 08:02:18 +Google Play,Great,5,2023-07-06 11:22:45 +Google Play,osm platform 🔥🖤,5,2023-07-18 13:08:10 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-18 11:09:05 +Google Play,cool,4,2023-07-09 03:56:31 +Google Play,Cool,4,2023-07-07 01:09:37 +Google Play,Not good,1,2023-07-24 20:17:55 +Google Play,Successful,5,2023-07-15 13:35:45 +Google Play,"Kutokea Tanzania.. nimedownload hii app Ni nzur Kwa watumiaji unaweza kupost kitu chochote unachohitaji kama mitandao mingine .. kama facebook, instagram",5,2023-07-07 12:34:08 +Google Play,Let's go🏃,5,2023-07-07 07:50:14 +Google Play,Komal ❤️👈,5,2023-07-11 18:50:22 +Google Play,BESTTT❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-06 20:44:15 +Google Play,💯🔥THE BOSS,5,2023-07-06 13:44:17 +Google Play,Tq. @ mate,5,2023-07-22 05:42:04 +Google Play,"Iam makeup artist ,acting",5,2023-07-25 06:27:43 +Google Play,Make Money 💰,5,2023-07-06 09:45:22 +Google Play,Thanks Zuck.,5,2023-07-08 21:21:08 +Google Play,Nothing new.,2,2023-07-06 03:30:25 +Google Play,Badiya hai 🤟,5,2023-07-06 16:35:34 +Google Play,Bohot Acha 🥀,5,2023-07-06 10:46:01 +Google Play,Nalla mazha👌,5,2023-07-06 09:14:31 +Google Play,This is 😇 😌 ✊,5,2023-07-08 07:54:29 +Google Play,Fake app,1,2023-07-24 08:37:58 +Google Play,Tenknks you 💘,5,2023-07-06 09:44:23 +Google Play,RIP Twitter 😅,5,2023-07-06 07:10:53 +Google Play,Totally okay.,4,2023-07-06 09:06:18 +Google Play,Injamul😍 klNG,5,2023-07-07 04:22:26 +Google Play,New Twitter 🫠,5,2023-07-06 13:06:27 +Google Play,Thanks meta 😙,5,2023-07-06 09:42:06 +Google Play,Not refreshing,1,2023-07-25 02:56:54 +Google Play,trash algorithm,1,2023-07-24 17:00:48 +Google Play,bakit🤸malungkot🤸ang🤸beshy🤸ko🤸🤸,5,2023-07-07 05:13:05 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-25 08:30:15 +Google Play,Copy cat,1,2023-07-24 09:49:57 +Google Play,Unbelievable,5,2023-07-07 18:56:06 +Google Play,هنو نصبش نکردم,5,2023-07-06 11:34:07 +Google Play,Acha app hai,5,2023-07-11 10:37:20 +Google Play,10k kardo piz,5,2023-07-18 04:00:07 +Google Play,പൊട്ടാ ആപ്പാണ് 🥺🙂,2,2023-07-08 13:46:15 +Google Play,Thank you 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:56:39 +Google Play,Lets seee 🫠,5,2023-07-06 02:03:03 +Google Play,Elon musk 😂,5,2023-07-08 11:15:01 +Google Play,Copy paste 😁,1,2023-07-22 00:34:31 +Google Play,Copy paste 🤣,1,2023-07-13 09:12:00 +Google Play,Excited,5,2023-07-06 19:48:53 +Google Play,Excited,5,2023-07-19 18:37:21 +Google Play,Jai shree Ram 🚩🚩🚩,5,2023-07-07 14:11:56 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️❤️🔆❤️🥰🥰🥰✊🏿️✊🏿️✊🏿️✊🏿️✊🏿️✊🏿️i🥰🥰iiiiii✊🏿️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-09 10:50:11 +Google Play,💟❣💟❣☺💖✍,5,2023-07-23 06:38:55 +Google Play,This aap 😸🫣🫣,5,2023-07-08 14:26:16 +Google Play,Sasta copy.,1,2023-07-18 16:01:04 +Google Play,Cheap copy.,1,2023-07-24 13:31:52 +Google Play,Gjb💪👍👍 bhaiya,5,2023-07-07 15:45:58 +Google Play,Verified,2,2023-07-06 22:19:11 +Google Play,Bhai ye jo tumne kiya hai na bahut galat kiya hai salon account bhi nhi hata sakte he insta se delete ho jayega,4,2023-07-08 00:11:46 +Google Play,Elon Musk 😍💪,1,2023-07-08 15:16:54 +Google Play,musk army.😂,1,2023-07-13 09:53:44 +Google Play,"La pantalla no se refresca, sigo viendo los posts pegados en la pantalla aunque baje el scroll. No lo puedo usar así.",1,2023-07-10 12:24:13 +Google Play,Bund App 🌝,1,2023-07-12 16:25:32 +Google Play,No trends.,1,2023-07-24 10:06:02 +Google Play,"ᴛʜᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴘᴘ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ- ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ ᴀɴʏ ʙᴀᴅ ʙᴜɢs ᴏʀ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴀɴʏ ᴄʀᴀsʜᴇs. ᴘ��ᴇᴀsᴇ ᴀᴅᴅ ᴀ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ-ᴏɴʟʏ ғᴇᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴ ᴏᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴠɪᴇᴡ ɪɴ ᴄʜʀᴏɴᴏʟᴏɢ ɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴘᴘ sᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ. ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ sɪɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴄᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴ ʙɪʀᴅ ᴀᴘᴘ, ᴀ ᴛʀᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛs/ᴇᴛᴄ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ!",4,2023-07-08 15:21:43 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-10 09:23:36 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:14:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-23 16:24:49 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:55:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 06:24:23 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 15:44:59 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 02:34:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 02:55:41 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:31:06 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-22 18:12:20 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 05:26:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:27:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 18:01:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 14:53:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 06:32:14 +Google Play,NICE,5,2023-07-06 19:40:03 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:55:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 13:06:54 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 12:23:29 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 10:59:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 16:24:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-20 03:26:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 11:19:57 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 06:24:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:00:41 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-13 19:26:57 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 03:32:16 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:38:41 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 07:32:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-17 14:55:44 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-24 02:23:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-16 23:18:06 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 16:52:10 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 02:56:00 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 15:17:32 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 01:29:40 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 00:19:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 13:08:29 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:38:43 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 11:23:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 12:16:12 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 19:07:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 01:47:43 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-05 23:47:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 02:11:06 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:30:36 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-22 04:12:07 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 15:08:45 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 07:29:13 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 07:06:26 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 09:10:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:52:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:19:54 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-19 16:46:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 00:50:03 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 03:31:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-16 08:52:21 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 16:23:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 19:32:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 07:12:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 07:07:16 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:24:03 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 09:24:48 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 04:01:06 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-18 10:05:11 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-23 15:45:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 18:32:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:04:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-18 16:28:31 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 12:54:56 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 01:22:05 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 15:10:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 05:45:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:03:56 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 09:35:10 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-06 01:57:13 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 14:58:54 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 06:59:21 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-12 01:49:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 05:24:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 14:20:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-12 08:04:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-24 16:54:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 19:50:23 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 13:27:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:50:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:45:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 07:52:32 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 17:12:47 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 19:20:47 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:40:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 02:53:08 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 14:12:01 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 06:21:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 06:55:29 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 23:25:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 00:31:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 08:56:22 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 13:02:39 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 23:21:58 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 04:32:18 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 12:35:15 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 11:18:37 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 02:31:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 11:21:36 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 19:39:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-20 07:21:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 21:59:37 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-10 08:17:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 14:10:53 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 17:52:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 06:29:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-23 20:44:14 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 13:18:01 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-19 17:03:36 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 06:01:23 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:49:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 15:35:20 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 08:58:55 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 23:12:30 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 10:41:03 +Google Play,nice,5,2023-07-07 11:30:04 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 16:11:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-11 11:37:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-09 09:46:17 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 02:22:31 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 12:42:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 00:13:35 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 11:00:02 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 15:30:51 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 02:43:12 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-07 02:59:09 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 17:41:50 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-19 14:38:28 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 10:16:38 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-14 06:52:59 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 05:56:24 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-08 02:52:33 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-06 11:11:46 +Google Play,Nice,5,2023-07-15 01:49:36 +Google Play,کامنت اول🔥,5,2023-07-06 04:51:15 +Google Play,اول واحد 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:33:36 +Google Play,Ohhh wow 😍,5,2023-07-07 11:13:38 +Google Play,It is ok 👌,4,2023-07-06 11:00:57 +Google Play,Niyamaai❤️,5,2023-07-06 14:49:31 +Google Play,Poli app 💯,5,2023-07-06 17:39:08 +Google Play,Wala lang miss ko na kasi sys,5,2023-07-25 07:58:08 +Google Play,nothing new 😒,1,2023-07-07 10:05:58 +Google Play,Not download.,1,2023-07-07 09:51:57 +Google Play,Needs fixing.,1,2023-07-08 00:01:51 +Google Play,Bug fix 😓,1,2023-07-10 17:35:34 +Google Play,Pleaseeeeee elon musk support ambani 500 me karta hai recharge elonk musk ke aane ke baad kahi bhi data use kar sakte ho pleaseeeeee support elon musk 🙏🙏🙏,1,2023-07-12 07:30:14 +Google Play,It's OK,3,2023-07-06 09:45:16 +Google Play,Gu kha 😐,1,2023-07-15 11:45:11 +Google Play,Let's see,5,2023-07-06 10:44:07 +Google Play,Osm app's,4,2023-07-06 16:49:33 +Google Play,Congratulations 🤗🌹,5,2023-07-06 14:04:07 +Google Play,Congratulations 👏🎉,5,2023-07-12 03:14:27 +Google Play,Let's see,5,2023-07-20 09:59:41 +Google Play,✌️😂🤣,5,2023-07-08 07:00:50 +Google Play,☑️✅🤍,5,2023-07-06 16:00:06 +Google Play,❤️💞🌱,5,2023-07-06 07:08:44 +Google Play,🥷🏾✔️,5,2023-07-06 18:38:43 +Google Play,🌚❤️💕,5,2023-07-06 16:20:10 +Google Play,Wow Kiya app😍😍,2,2023-07-16 07:27:33 +Google Play,Yah AP bahut achcha hai bahut hi unik hai aur Maine download kiya tha aur use karne wali Maine pahli ladki hui Saif ko aur comment Maine Kiya hai first comment bahut achcha app hai,5,2023-07-07 17:35:03 +Google Play,I like 👍,5,2023-07-11 21:43:54 +Google Play,I like 🔥,5,2023-07-08 00:58:40 +Google Play,It's gud,5,2023-07-09 19:55:48 +Google Play,Same like Twitter 😅 Ab dekho India me kis trh se use krte hai I mean Indian politics ☝️🙏,3,2023-07-06 12:49:52 +Google Play,Twitter 😭😂,2,2023-07-07 14:07:52 +Google Play,கு ❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:12:56 +Google Play,First review...,5,2023-07-06 07:01:23 +Google Play,Twitter : 💀,1,2023-07-09 12:08:18 +Google Play,Super 👌 👍,5,2023-07-17 15:35:08 +Google Play,খারাপ না...🙂,3,2023-07-06 12:19:51 +Google Play,رائععع🫶🏻✨,5,2023-07-06 11:26:46 +Google Play,"Horeeee... lapak jualan baru. Dimana ada ramai orang Indonesia, disitu mereka buka lapak jualan. 🤣 Bintang 3 aja, soalnya pasti kotor & kumuh dgn orang jualan.",3,2023-07-06 12:41:55 +Google Play,❤️‍🩹🦋,5,2023-07-06 01:35:59 +Google Play,💕❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-07 07:24:49 +Google Play,🇬🇪🖐🏽,5,2023-07-06 16:56:18 +Google Play,Bam💥🤌🏼,5,2023-07-06 13:41:13 +Google Play,King elon !!!,1,2023-07-15 17:39:46 +Google Play,Ahhh...just,5,2023-07-06 18:51:01 +Google Play,D ❤️😄,5,2023-07-09 15:57:24 +Google Play,Woow 😯🤯,5,2023-07-07 19:55:18 +Google Play,Okey 👌🏻,5,2023-07-11 20:18:53 +Google Play,🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 kisi Kam ka nhi,1,2023-07-23 17:54:31 +Google Play,Twitter 🥱🔱,1,2023-07-23 16:45:36 +Google Play,Nothing new.,2,2023-07-16 19:40:37 +Google Play,Mark Zuckerberg >>>>>>>,5,2023-07-06 19:06:43 +Google Play,Data laundering 😹👎,1,2023-07-22 03:28:20 +Google Play,"Gila. Baru 3 hari aktif di threads, ada yang bajak email, youtube dan IG posting tentang elon musk. Ga ngerti lagi.",1,2023-07-16 11:28:58 +Google Play,😘😍😊,1,2023-07-06 04:43:50 +Google Play,اگه تو کشورتون فیلتره نصبش نکنین چون به فیلتر شکن حساسه و پیج اینستاتون بای بای میکنه باهاتون برای همیشه (خاطرات یک زخم خورده),1,2023-07-14 10:45:19 +Google Play,Op nicc 🥰🥰😁😁,5,2023-07-06 16:21:02 +Google Play,❤️‍🩹🥰🥰,5,2023-07-22 02:28:37 +Google Play,🙏🏻🙏🏻🤟🤟🌹,5,2023-07-06 05:33:35 +Google Play,No privacy 👎.,1,2023-07-15 21:53:30 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💪,5,2023-07-12 17:14:42 +Google Play,Total waste,1,2023-07-24 17:27:44 +Google Play,Super app👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 17:09:59 +Google Play,Shi aa😉,5,2023-07-07 05:07:38 +Google Play,Tj Ueh.,5,2023-07-06 10:29:51 +Google Play,King<3,5,2023-07-17 08:43:58 +Google Play,Meta s***,1,2023-07-09 01:03:12 +Google Play,F.. Twitter,5,2023-07-11 05:28:11 +Google Play,♈♉♊♋♉♉♊♋,5,2023-07-20 06:48:02 +Google Play,Twitter copy 🤡🤡,1,2023-07-11 09:41:06 +Google Play,Copy App 😃😃,1,2023-07-19 06:06:20 +Google Play,Weak audience,1,2023-07-24 16:09:46 +Google Play,✨️😇,3,2023-07-08 06:41:04 +Google Play,❤️🙂,5,2023-07-11 04:48:59 +Google Play,⁉️🚀,5,2023-07-08 10:42:57 +Google Play,❤️🌎,5,2023-07-06 17:23:00 +Google Play,🔥❤️,5,2023-07-06 05:54:00 +Google Play,🌹❤️,5,2023-07-07 06:39:45 +Google Play,Ya ya ya..,2,2023-07-10 17:01:29 +Google Play,Verify me 😂😂,5,2023-07-07 10:25:46 +Google Play,Twitter dead😂😂,5,2023-07-06 21:29:03 +Google Play,💙💕🌎,5,2023-07-06 05:56:08 +Google Play,🍃🤏🏻,5,2023-07-09 10:41:04 +Google Play,🥂👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 06:47:32 +Google Play,Nyc ❤😅,5,2023-07-07 15:17:31 +Google Play,好的。,3,2023-07-06 04:23:54 +Google Play,New expérience 🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 03:27:18 +Google Play,Data looting,1,2023-07-24 18:01:16 +Google Play,Hey soooo?,5,2023-07-05 23:03:02 +Google Play,Threads >>>twitter,1,2023-07-08 23:23:08 +Google Play,Super 😍😍 app 🎉🎉🎉,5,2023-07-06 05:44:40 +Google Play,🏴‍☠️,5,2023-07-06 16:22:36 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-06 14:08:50 +Google Play,❤️‍🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:32:08 +Google Play,Yinulit ratkmaunda)),5,2023-07-05 23:15:09 +Google Play,JAI SHREE RAM🙏🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-06 17:52:04 +Google Play,Zuck Zuck 👍👍🔥,5,2023-07-06 21:06:39 +Google Play,أريد تحميل الفيديوهات في قناتي لكن تطبيف ثندر هذا ثقيل جدا و هذا تطبيق جديد يحتاج لصيانة لأنه يبطئ الهاتف و الويفي و ينشر أخبار تافهة و منشورات غير منظمة,1,2023-07-11 14:43:20 +Google Play,Not interested,1,2023-07-24 10:39:21 +Google Play,👍🏽👍🏽💕,5,2023-07-08 04:32:34 +Google Play,❤️🥰❤️,5,2023-07-06 03:02:32 +Google Play,Disgusting app,1,2023-07-24 10:15:33 +Google Play,Not success,1,2023-07-24 03:39:53 +Google Play,Super🇰🇪🇰🇪,5,2023-07-06 18:10:37 +Google Play,Bugs 👾 😡😡,1,2023-07-09 07:39:50 +Google Play,😎@zepeto_wanted_926 ★★★★★,5,2023-07-06 05:54:58 +Google Play,Jai Shrer Ram 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩,5,2023-07-08 16:06:47 +Google Play,F€€k,1,2023-07-09 20:08:38 +Google Play,❤❤😄👍,5,2023-07-09 08:23:51 +Google Play,EMAN BYA APP 😡😡😡😡😡,4,2023-07-06 13:39:17 +Google Play,Elon musk 😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 12:33:56 +Google Play,Team Mark🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 08:55:26 +Google Play,I ❤❤o,5,2023-07-13 04:36:53 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-24 02:54:51 +Google Play,Very bad,1,2023-07-24 13:28:09 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-24 13:09:19 +Google Play,Worst interface,1,2023-07-24 00:24:02 +Google Play,Worst app,1,2023-07-24 11:37:37 +Google Play,😂😂😂😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-21 13:58:11 +Google Play,Copy.......... paste,1,2023-07-08 17:28:16 +Google Play,Waste,1,2023-07-24 07:14:47 +Google Play,"Maganda siya, problema lang is wala akong ka premium threads na mag ch-chat sakin sa ig, walang "" hi i saw your threads, and yes ako yung mag firstmove",2,2023-07-08 14:50:12 +Google Play,Copy app!,1,2023-07-21 06:09:06 +Google Play,"Скачал эту полную копию Twitter, посидел минут 5 и забыл. Потом поменял пароль от Instagram и больше не могу зайти: говорит, пароль другой, а перелогиниться не даёт.",1,2023-07-17 19:39:52 +Google Play,🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬,1,2023-07-15 04:54:46 +Google Play,@honey_ferozpuria,5,2023-07-06 07:29:00 +Google Play,Twitter <144p,1,2023-07-14 06:44:45 +Google Play,✨🔥 2023-07-24 🔰💫,5,2023-07-24 18:16:44 +Google Play,Super 🤣😁😍👍,5,2023-07-24 02:59:05 +Google Play,Mark Chibab 👑👑👑👑🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐,5,2023-07-07 14:25:27 +Google Play,Lovleee 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼,5,2023-07-11 18:48:18 +Google Play,Wow😱🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-20 08:54:35 +Google Play,Thread >>>>> 🐦🐦🐦,5,2023-07-06 22:21:31 +Google Play,Baaaaad👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻,1,2023-07-16 15:03:57 +Google Play,Twitter !!,1,2023-07-22 14:05:23 +Google Play,جميل جدا,5,2023-07-06 21:14:51 +Google Play,💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-22 18:42:58 +Google Play,@JohanQC777,5,2023-07-06 04:52:40 +Google Play,Absolute dogpoop,1,2023-07-19 17:40:43 +Google Play,Akash ak46,5,2023-07-21 13:26:04 +Google Play,Elon ❤️,1,2023-07-10 19:10:21 +Google Play,Only inside...,1,2023-07-21 06:51:43 +Google Play,Twitter?,2,2023-07-09 12:19:25 +Google Play,Supper aps,5,2023-07-06 02:29:40 +Google Play,First review,5,2023-07-05 23:10:00 +Google Play,No concept,1,2023-07-10 04:19:58 +Google Play,Copy app,1,2023-07-09 03:11:44 +Google Play,Poor copy,1,2023-07-09 15:03:13 +Google Play,semoga sukses,5,2023-07-05 23:28:50 +Google Play,Myr app,2,2023-07-07 14:34:35 +Google Play,Worth App,1,2023-07-10 10:39:08 +Google Play,Only Twitter,1,2023-07-08 07:59:39 +Google Play,Acha copy,5,2023-07-12 14:21:17 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-07 17:17:02 +Google Play,Copied app,1,2023-07-07 07:08:04 +Google Play,Twitter lookalike,1,2023-07-06 21:29:04 +Google Play,A copy,1,2023-07-11 20:45:32 +Google Play,Very danjares,5,2023-07-07 16:53:51 +Google Play,Number one,5,2023-07-12 11:56:18 +Google Play,Lizard boy,1,2023-07-18 18:36:36 +Google Play,Copy Twitter,1,2023-07-16 17:31:21 +Google Play,Imran Khan,5,2023-07-07 17:44:46 +Google Play,Elon wins,1,2023-07-22 14:40:49 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-06 08:26:41 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-23 05:15:14 +Google Play,مايشتغللل خرا,1,2023-07-18 14:31:40 +Google Play,Bug besar,1,2023-07-06 03:28:04 +Google Play,Elon Musk,1,2023-07-08 19:27:25 +Google Play,Not download,2,2023-07-10 04:10:24 +Google Play,TWITTER COPY,1,2023-07-06 17:39:22 +Google Play,Not expired,1,2023-07-06 12:55:19 +Google Play,Stolen app,1,2023-07-10 12:12:02 +Google Play,Resurgence!,5,2023-07-06 12:07:14 +Google Play,Worst,1,2023-07-24 14:27:32 +Google Play,Bad,1,2023-07-24 22:46:52 +Google Play,Wow!,5,2023-07-06 20:39:53 +Google Play,A copy,3,2023-07-21 05:14:50 +Google Play,Instagram pe,5,2023-07-10 06:06:40 +Google Play,Nic threads,5,2023-07-14 18:44:54 +Google Play,Useless,1,2023-07-24 12:26:58 +Google Play,Facebook'un tivitırı,5,2023-07-06 16:25:49 +Google Play,Full 🌕,1,2023-07-06 04:36:43 +Google Play,Fomo!,4,2023-07-06 09:57:29 +Google Play,Twitter 🤣,5,2023-07-12 12:29:18 +Google Play,"#worldgeography #geography #indiangeography बादलों के अन्दर मौजूद पानी या हिम के कण जब पृथ्वी पर गिरने लगते हैं, तो उसे वर्षा कहते हैं । वर्षा तब होती है ज...",1,2023-07-16 16:16:09 +Google Play,Bootleg Twitter,1,2023-07-24 06:06:20 +Google Play,Review.,1,2023-07-06 01:55:37 +Google Play,Please 🙏🙏🥺🥺🙏🙏🥺,1,2023-07-11 15:59:33 +Google Play,Ui = 💩,1,2023-07-21 09:10:17 +Google Play,O God,5,2023-07-08 07:19:40 +Google Play,Feature tweeter,5,2023-07-06 18:58:34 +Google Play,Very app,4,2023-07-06 04:49:49 +Google Play,Mist app,4,2023-07-23 17:38:40 +Google Play,Ok ok,3,2023-07-22 13:00:54 +Google Play,خوش تطبيق,5,2023-07-06 10:04:43 +Google Play,Instagram app,5,2023-07-08 07:28:05 +Google Play,F twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:08:17 +Google Play,Nic application,5,2023-07-06 07:19:55 +Google Play,Arjun kushwaha,5,2023-07-20 08:29:50 +Google Play,Kot eb,5,2023-07-06 06:36:59 +Google Play,Very true,5,2023-07-18 09:08:30 +Google Play,First review,5,2023-07-06 14:02:08 +Google Play,सुपर हे,5,2023-07-10 10:55:30 +Google Play,Pogi ako,5,2023-07-07 08:48:04 +Google Play,Nthing special,3,2023-07-13 18:03:26 +Google Play,Followed by20000people,5,2023-07-20 02:17:31 +Google Play,Like app,5,2023-07-09 15:46:21 +Google Play,Thank you,5,2023-07-08 05:26:54 +Google Play,Nyc app,5,2023-07-09 12:32:52 +Google Play,Ismein followers,5,2023-07-11 04:06:11 +Google Play,Amazimg app,5,2023-07-06 10:26:45 +Google Play,Elon Sucks,5,2023-07-23 20:10:27 +Google Play,Coolll app,5,2023-07-18 06:15:12 +Google Play,موقع مميز,5,2023-07-06 20:59:56 +Google Play,بدک نی,5,2023-07-06 21:15:32 +Google Play,Keren bg,3,2023-07-06 09:41:51 +Google Play,Just wow,5,2023-07-08 22:02:49 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 06:01:24 +Google Play,1million followers,5,2023-07-06 09:40:34 +Google Play,God app,5,2023-07-06 15:29:32 +Google Play,maganda ako,4,2023-07-06 10:42:49 +Google Play,Acha hai,5,2023-07-12 15:45:37 +Google Play,අඩෝ ඒක,5,2023-07-07 01:02:27 +Google Play,انصح فيه,5,2023-07-06 18:32:51 +Google Play,Early Access,5,2023-07-07 09:51:18 +Google Play,Follow me,4,2023-07-11 13:53:55 +Google Play,Lets see,5,2023-07-11 12:39:47 +Google Play,Master stroke,5,2023-07-08 15:57:43 +Google Play,Thanks Instagram,5,2023-07-09 09:19:00 +Google Play,Nica app,5,2023-07-06 17:15:33 +Google Play,Its ok,4,2023-07-06 16:49:11 +Google Play,চলে আরকি,3,2023-07-12 17:07:58 +Google Play,thankyou instagram,5,2023-07-06 21:33:50 +Google Play,Under using,5,2023-07-06 13:55:16 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-07 19:44:03 +Google Play,Super mast,4,2023-07-16 16:45:56 +Google Play,First time,5,2023-07-09 11:56:46 +Google Play,Woww ayyitind,5,2023-07-06 10:15:23 +Google Play,Amin inforno,5,2023-07-06 18:45:30 +Google Play,Osm app,5,2023-07-08 08:46:00 +Google Play,First comment,4,2023-07-06 21:47:43 +Google Play,No Reviews,5,2023-07-06 11:16:13 +Google Play,No more,3,2023-07-09 14:21:21 +Google Play,Pakistan zindabad,5,2023-07-06 15:23:04 +Google Play,Basheer Gasau,5,2023-07-07 11:37:30 +Google Play,twitterle direser,5,2023-07-06 21:45:01 +Google Play,��𝕙,5,2023-07-07 16:21:57 +Google Play,Force stop,3,2023-07-07 10:58:46 +Google Play,Super App,5,2023-07-07 05:50:01 +Google Play,Çok güzel,3,2023-07-10 15:01:57 +Google Play,Bakwas app,5,2023-07-09 09:25:49 +Google Play,Why not,5,2023-07-06 21:12:23 +Google Play,mini twitter,5,2023-07-07 08:31:31 +Google Play,Khatra aap,5,2023-07-06 09:33:45 +Google Play,Idts hehe,5,2023-07-08 10:58:24 +Google Play,Badiya hai,4,2023-07-06 09:54:17 +Google Play,A 1,5,2023-07-10 08:36:39 +Google Play,Hi hello,5,2023-07-06 15:20:05 +Google Play,Very ni,5,2023-07-06 04:55:24 +Google Play,Keep going,5,2023-07-06 14:08:21 +Google Play,Just Download,5,2023-07-07 07:09:04 +Google Play,Very well,5,2023-07-08 07:44:09 +Google Play,Lets start,2,2023-07-07 03:28:43 +Google Play,Super Instagram,4,2023-07-06 09:00:40 +Google Play,শুভ কামনা,5,2023-07-09 11:29:50 +Google Play,Suh ail3655,5,2023-07-10 01:00:06 +Google Play,Nada banana,5,2023-07-06 07:07:36 +Google Play,Md afsar,5,2023-07-06 08:29:32 +Google Play,No review,5,2023-07-06 12:04:27 +Google Play,Supar Dupar,5,2023-07-12 13:33:59 +Google Play,Ftb hi,5,2023-07-06 12:40:32 +Google Play,De r,5,2023-07-07 06:53:36 +Google Play,Twitter killer,5,2023-07-06 06:23:33 +Google Play,Una try,3,2023-07-06 12:18:05 +Google Play,Right tool,4,2023-07-07 00:37:31 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 20:48:22 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-06 09:54:03 +Google Play,Thanks bro,5,2023-07-14 06:47:34 +Google Play,Super coll,5,2023-07-14 04:08:23 +Google Play,Superrr app,5,2023-07-06 05:09:02 +Google Play,Simant Kumar,5,2023-07-06 07:38:20 +Google Play,Mast hai,5,2023-07-13 15:00:20 +Google Play,Full sport,5,2023-07-07 05:32:33 +Google Play,Mohammad NPK,5,2023-07-11 18:56:15 +Google Play,Rahul Rajput,5,2023-07-06 02:11:01 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 12:03:20 +Google Play,Lolu app,5,2023-07-14 19:09:22 +Google Play,omg okay,5,2023-07-06 06:39:05 +Google Play,Super apo,5,2023-07-11 04:01:58 +Google Play,Its white,5,2023-07-07 14:00:03 +Google Play,Nais app,5,2023-07-06 05:29:50 +Google Play,Another app,3,2023-07-06 17:53:36 +Google Play,السلام علیکم,3,2023-07-11 11:51:23 +Google Play,no comment,5,2023-07-09 08:30:13 +Google Play,Sooooo cuttttteeeee,5,2023-07-06 12:51:52 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 01:15:48 +Google Play,Rajedh patnaik,5,2023-07-07 11:40:00 +Google Play,Next app,5,2023-07-14 10:47:54 +Google Play,Pakistan Zindabad,5,2023-07-07 10:35:28 +Google Play,एकदम सही,5,2023-07-06 14:42:35 +Google Play,Osm app,5,2023-07-06 12:19:13 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter,2,2023-07-19 17:13:02 +Google Play,OP pro,3,2023-07-21 18:18:16 +Google Play,New app,4,2023-07-09 07:07:27 +Google Play,Twitter flowp,5,2023-07-09 09:59:48 +Google Play,ok lang,5,2023-07-06 04:44:07 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-13 15:49:04 +Google Play,Jai Hind,5,2023-07-07 10:40:52 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-13 03:54:58 +Google Play,Napakagandang application,5,2023-07-06 10:06:37 +Google Play,Soun Teraja,4,2023-07-14 15:19:06 +Google Play,Poli saanm,4,2023-07-06 12:39:01 +Google Play,super bete,5,2023-07-13 19:12:59 +Google Play,Joss app,5,2023-07-14 04:14:58 +Google Play,Instagram followers,5,2023-07-09 03:06:44 +Google Play,Bast app,5,2023-07-06 19:26:28 +Google Play,ll__rajesh__69__ll followers,5,2023-07-17 04:02:43 +Google Play,Hi bro,5,2023-07-07 09:59:23 +Google Play,Follow me,5,2023-07-11 07:03:53 +Google Play,Rahul babu,5,2023-07-06 17:26:10 +Google Play,basically twitter,3,2023-07-06 21:18:07 +Google Play,ഞാൻ കാത്തിരിക്കുന്നു,5,2023-07-07 13:53:48 +Google Play,Twitter killer,5,2023-07-06 09:39:35 +Google Play,First one,5,2023-07-06 03:01:59 +Google Play,JAI HO,5,2023-07-07 10:14:31 +Google Play,Karan malviya,5,2023-07-07 16:11:30 +Google Play,Idk yet,3,2023-07-06 02:45:59 +Google Play,Up to up,4,2023-07-06 09:40:43 +Google Play,Must app,5,2023-07-07 14:47:09 +Google Play,Mast hai,5,2023-07-22 19:29:08 +Google Play,Nic app,5,2023-07-06 10:15:19 +Google Play,Not much,4,2023-07-09 22:03:45 +Google Play,Toti app,2,2023-07-06 11:27:00 +Google Play,Gud app,5,2023-07-06 17:05:47 +Google Play,First time,5,2023-07-06 22:22:58 +Google Play,Deepk rana,5,2023-07-22 16:00:19 +Google Play,Its alright,4,2023-07-06 03:26:23 +Google Play,New game,5,2023-07-06 17:31:47 +Google Play,mantap bg,5,2023-07-07 03:39:46 +Google Play,Shaiirrrr app,5,2023-07-08 07:28:28 +Google Play,1st review,5,2023-07-06 01:34:17 +Google Play,Ratio Brandon,5,2023-07-06 07:30:34 +Google Play,Elon Musk,5,2023-07-22 16:44:54 +Google Play,Instagram account,5,2023-07-09 05:15:50 +Google Play,Om fooh,5,2023-07-07 09:27:30 +Google Play,Emporten app,5,2023-07-06 09:41:23 +Google Play,Sippppppppppppppp josssssss,5,2023-07-07 03:52:19 +Google Play,1st review,3,2023-07-06 08:32:11 +Google Play,Mst axprense,5,2023-07-11 12:32:45 +Google Play,Stat Bollywood,5,2023-07-14 05:44:04 +Google Play,Nyc App,4,2023-07-11 15:37:03 +Google Play,Just wow,4,2023-07-11 14:46:29 +Google Play,Osm app,5,2023-07-07 10:46:09 +Google Play,follow ibrahimkhalis_,5,2023-07-06 10:11:57 +Google Play,Like Instagram,4,2023-07-23 17:00:10 +Google Play,Twitter competition,4,2023-07-07 11:28:53 +Google Play,Op review,5,2023-07-06 19:01:54 +Google Play,Mi e,5,2023-07-19 15:38:38 +Google Play,Oupride threads,5,2023-07-07 08:50:09 +Google Play,Trying rn,5,2023-07-07 00:04:56 +Google Play,Owsame application,5,2023-07-06 17:25:10 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-07 13:11:55 +Google Play,King babu,5,2023-07-06 17:19:22 +Google Play,درده دیمز,5,2023-07-06 18:13:24 +Google Play,احررررق ايلون,5,2023-07-06 00:07:15 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-06 08:18:44 +Google Play,Supppp app,5,2023-07-06 16:22:56 +Google Play,newbe here,5,2023-07-08 08:33:40 +Google Play,ur black,5,2023-07-06 22:36:42 +Google Play,Super app,5,2023-07-08 11:50:58 +Google Play,Super programme,5,2023-07-07 19:52:59 +Google Play,Highly app,5,2023-07-08 13:46:14 +Google Play,Oppp Zukerberg,5,2023-07-08 19:26:33 +Google Play,Twitter clone,2,2023-07-06 19:30:53 +Google Play,وحش اوي,2,2023-07-20 11:00:14 +Google Play,Poor Engineering,2,2023-07-08 08:38:53 +Google Play,Poli suprb,5,2023-07-07 00:50:22 +Google Play,Ammu qureshi,5,2023-07-07 11:34:05 +Google Play,Any royal,5,2023-07-12 13:23:21 +Google Play,أنصحه بإستخدامه,4,2023-07-07 08:30:51 +Google Play,Blue tick,5,2023-07-23 02:12:59 +Google Play,I like it,5,2023-07-06 08:37:10 +Google Play,Bast app,5,2023-07-07 01:51:41 +Google Play,Instagram yes,5,2023-07-06 08:32:39 +Google Play,Rajakumari kc,5,2023-07-06 08:49:40 +Google Play,As ig,5,2023-07-06 14:36:47 +Google Play,F yaar,5,2023-07-07 18:25:35 +Google Play,Salom Uzbeklar,5,2023-07-06 08:02:00 +Google Play,Just average,3,2023-07-23 06:44:26 +Google Play,Its okhh,5,2023-07-06 08:30:10 +Google Play,Twitter...,4,2023-07-07 17:42:11 +Google Play,First.,5,2023-07-05 23:03:49 +Google Play,Op Ip Op,5,2023-07-16 17:07:07 +Google Play,⚡ jd_gamara3172,5,2023-07-09 04:50:09 +Google Play,Twitter is 😭,5,2023-07-11 11:24:00 +Google Play,Instatweet 😅,2,2023-07-06 14:29:25 +Google Play,Installing 👀,5,2023-07-06 05:14:51 +Google Play,Khatu shyam,1,2023-07-07 09:07:54 +Google Play,Bekar app,1,2023-07-11 16:33:25 +Google Play,Slug ish,1,2023-07-08 03:49:41 +Google Play,Sasta twitter,1,2023-07-10 07:59:12 +Google Play,Bluddy cheater,1,2023-07-07 19:19:41 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-12 14:09:59 +Google Play,Dis like,1,2023-07-21 21:01:51 +Google Play,تطبيق سئ,1,2023-07-15 12:04:36 +Google Play,Bakbas app,1,2023-07-06 19:15:17 +Google Play,Cheap Twitter,1,2023-07-12 05:31:01 +Google Play,Lnd aapp,1,2023-07-11 12:59:17 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-09 07:58:56 +Google Play,Nalla app,1,2023-07-24 06:07:32 +Google Play,Sasta Twitter,1,2023-07-16 10:07:53 +Google Play,Elon fan,1,2023-07-11 16:59:30 +Google Play,Copy twitter,1,2023-07-06 08:22:26 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-08 20:12:31 +Google Play,Just Bakwas,1,2023-07-10 16:27:13 +Google Play,Not well,1,2023-07-11 02:02:20 +Google Play,Ganda bc,1,2023-07-24 08:29:03 +Google Play,Copied twitter,1,2023-07-14 03:23:14 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-08 08:19:12 +Google Play,Be Original,1,2023-07-08 03:45:20 +Google Play,Bakwas app,1,2023-07-06 13:10:25 +Google Play,Behen kaa,1,2023-07-24 18:36:33 +Google Play,Support musk,1,2023-07-09 06:56:40 +Google Play,Full copy,1,2023-07-09 10:36:45 +Google Play,Not downloading,1,2023-07-08 05:18:01 +Google Play,4th class,1,2023-07-13 06:30:44 +Google Play,Bekar h,1,2023-07-10 07:41:23 +Google Play,بدون سبب,1,2023-07-06 09:28:11 +Google Play,Gandu app,1,2023-07-11 04:10:37 +Google Play,Twitter عمك,1,2023-07-13 10:55:35 +Google Play,Hardcore censorships,1,2023-07-09 04:40:02 +Google Play,Trava muito,1,2023-07-09 02:24:01 +Google Play,copy app,1,2023-07-08 08:54:10 +Google Play,Use less,1,2023-07-12 08:25:14 +Google Play,Just download,1,2023-07-06 18:18:01 +Google Play,Copy technology,1,2023-07-13 19:26:17 +Google Play,ماله داعي,1,2023-07-08 10:00:09 +Google Play,Copying Twitter,1,2023-07-08 05:10:57 +Google Play,Poor clone,1,2023-07-08 22:08:05 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-07 15:40:23 +Google Play,Bed service,1,2023-07-15 04:57:02 +Google Play,மயிறுமாரி உள்ளது,1,2023-07-24 06:13:33 +Google Play,Elon Musk,1,2023-07-23 16:36:52 +Google Play,Very wrost,1,2023-07-14 05:44:23 +Google Play,Twitter forever,1,2023-07-17 15:56:39 +Google Play,Only islam,1,2023-07-09 04:17:47 +Google Play,Cancellation company,1,2023-07-23 08:39:25 +Google Play,It sucks,1,2023-07-08 15:23:41 +Google Play,Copied twitter,1,2023-07-07 08:55:33 +Google Play,Copied app,1,2023-07-11 08:03:16 +Google Play,L app,1,2023-07-06 11:44:49 +Google Play,Jha2 app,1,2023-07-15 09:41:39 +Google Play,not download,1,2023-07-20 09:00:01 +Google Play,Not ok,1,2023-07-15 05:41:30 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-23 05:01:35 +Google Play,Very baaad,1,2023-07-12 18:06:26 +Google Play,Chumtiya app,1,2023-07-07 09:21:35 +Google Play,Hang appp,1,2023-07-10 11:06:04 +Google Play,Faltu app,1,2023-07-09 15:47:15 +Google Play,Nothing new,1,2023-07-22 16:56:38 +Google Play,Too wokey,1,2023-07-07 07:22:05 +Google Play,Dont install,1,2023-07-06 08:32:05 +Google Play,Twitter cloen,1,2023-07-18 15:15:04 +Google Play,Team 3lon,1,2023-07-06 15:53:13 +Google Play,Copy app,1,2023-07-22 16:38:48 +Google Play,Twitter doop,1,2023-07-06 19:32:10 +Google Play,Time vest,1,2023-07-06 03:01:04 +Google Play,كاكا نونو,1,2023-07-14 19:50:58 +Google Play,Bakwas app,1,2023-07-13 16:49:14 +Google Play,كي نمي,1,2023-07-15 01:08:29 +Google Play,Bakwass application,1,2023-07-07 11:46:44 +Google Play,App gajelas,1,2023-07-07 08:59:15 +Google Play,Bugs everywhere,1,2023-07-08 06:47:30 +Google Play,Ewwww app,1,2023-07-24 03:43:47 +Google Play,Not downloading,1,2023-07-06 12:52:50 +Google Play,Bakwas app,1,2023-07-11 13:03:31 +Google Play,Fazool Tareen,1,2023-07-09 15:09:58 +Google Play,RIP privacy,1,2023-07-13 20:20:18 +Google Play,Not downloading,1,2023-07-07 11:33:42 +Google Play,Copy app,1,2023-07-06 11:14:39 +Google Play,bro wtffff,1,2023-07-07 10:40:12 +Google Play,Bakwash app,1,2023-07-24 11:54:59 +Google Play,Faltu hai,1,2023-07-22 18:33:56 +Google Play,Not working,1,2023-07-06 08:40:03 +Google Play,Foko app,1,2023-07-21 10:28:32 +Google Play,No thanks,1,2023-07-09 09:08:19 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-12 21:40:25 +Google Play,Need development,1,2023-07-11 09:06:10 +Google Play,Not installed,1,2023-07-18 16:24:27 +Google Play,Twitter clone,1,2023-07-13 15:08:30 +Google Play,No darkmode,1,2023-07-08 15:18:21 +Google Play,Zucks sucks,1,2023-07-14 19:24:15 +Google Play,My choice,1,2023-07-23 10:17:10 +Google Play,Bakwas hai,1,2023-07-23 18:45:11 +Google Play,For Mark,1,2023-07-14 12:59:38 +Google Play,Cheap copy,1,2023-07-14 13:34:57 +Google Play,Copied app,1,2023-07-19 12:36:43 +Google Play,Poor app,1,2023-07-06 14:08:55 +Google Play,Not downloading,1,2023-07-06 11:30:19 +Google Play,For Elon,1,2023-07-10 07:34:28 +Google Play,poor copy,1,2023-07-16 10:59:13 +Google Play,Use twitter,1,2023-07-06 12:33:04 +Google Play,Extremamente bugado,1,2023-07-06 15:57:13 +Google Play,Não gostei,1,2023-07-17 13:34:52 +Google Play,um lixo,1,2023-07-07 06:10:45 +Google Play,Twitter copy,1,2023-07-14 12:31:52 +Google Play,وا حاسسساااااان,1,2023-07-08 06:08:11 +Google Play,Team Musk,1,2023-07-12 04:04:54 +Google Play,No download,1,2023-07-07 05:26:42 +Google Play,Very poor,1,2023-07-12 09:59:42 +Google Play,Copy paste,1,2023-07-11 01:55:59 +Google Play,Not required,1,2023-07-08 06:15:23 +Google Play,Super app,1,2023-07-10 16:25:15 +Google Play,Poor app,1,2023-07-10 07:13:41 +Google Play,Copied App,1,2023-07-09 14:29:22 +Google Play,Poor app,1,2023-07-25 06:54:10 +Google Play,Worth app,1,2023-07-24 00:43:30 +Google Play,Elon bro,1,2023-07-22 07:18:00 +Google Play,Bakwas app,1,2023-07-24 10:37:06 +Google Play,Taak Thuu,1,2023-07-08 13:04:20 +Google Play,बकवास!,1,2023-07-15 16:16:21 +Google Play,Very boring app,5,2023-07-24 18:38:26 +Google Play,Twitter 2.0,5,2023-07-06 06:15:16 +Google Play,Twitter 2.0,5,2023-07-06 10:47:04 +Google Play,Kinare !,5,2023-07-06 19:39:10 +Google Play,Ruim!,1,2023-07-21 20:47:53 +Google Play,Might be 👍,5,2023-07-06 10:14:22 +Google Play,ZabarDast💯,5,2023-07-06 16:02:41 +Google Play,Bitter 🤮🤮🤮🤦🤦🤮🤮,1,2023-07-09 16:14:53 +Google Play,it's ok,5,2023-07-07 08:39:31 +Google Play,Ommmm 👍,5,2023-07-06 09:14:03 +Google Play,Super 👍,5,2023-07-13 18:31:08 +Google Play,Buggy 🐛,4,2023-07-06 10:44:16 +Google Play,Super 💯,2,2023-07-07 08:30:55 +Google Play,Super 👍,5,2023-07-06 16:57:42 +Google Play,Super 👍,5,2023-07-06 15:47:22 +Google Play,Classs♡,5,2023-07-06 22:07:12 +Google Play,Noice app 😂😂😂😂,5,2023-07-07 14:24:13 +Google Play,Exlent 💖,5,2023-07-06 16:13:17 +Google Play,بيرفكتو.,5,2023-07-07 17:02:44 +Google Play,System 🤙,5,2023-07-11 04:29:12 +Google Play,Twitter>,3,2023-07-06 16:02:46 +Google Play,System 🦅,5,2023-07-09 07:32:36 +Google Play,King 👑,5,2023-07-07 12:37:11 +Google Play,maza ✌,5,2023-07-06 17:50:22 +Google Play,Very 👍,5,2023-07-09 11:33:33 +Google Play,خايس 🤩,5,2023-07-06 22:16:01 +Google Play,Awasome 👍,5,2023-07-07 10:50:29 +Google Play,Meowwwww🐱,4,2023-07-06 16:46:18 +Google Play,Lezzetli.,5,2023-07-06 10:22:56 +Google Play,Amezing 😍,4,2023-07-08 07:18:24 +Google Play,𝐎𝐢𝐢,1,2023-07-14 07:44:08 +Google Play,msd🙏,5,2023-07-08 13:45:19 +Google Play,Copied...,1,2023-07-14 00:18:31 +Google Play,Threads an ...,4,2023-07-08 12:33:25 +Google Play,मैं भारत से हूं और मुझे देख कर दुख हो रहा है कि Threads पर भारत का कोई यूजर नहीं है मैं भारत से हूं आप मुझे फॉलो कर सकते हैं My Instagram I'd :- Rame6patel,1,2023-07-22 16:29:53 +Google Play,Wow 🔥,5,2023-07-07 12:05:00 +Google Play,Mast😍,5,2023-07-09 19:51:21 +Google Play,# SSV,4,2023-07-09 15:41:30 +Google Play,Nyc 🗽,5,2023-07-15 15:57:38 +Google Play,Yeahhhhhh!!!,5,2023-07-06 23:04:44 +Google Play,🤢🤮,1,2023-07-07 16:47:18 +Google Play,😎🤙,5,2023-07-10 10:13:29 +Google Play,😮💨,5,2023-07-06 17:42:14 +Google Play,🔥🖤🔥,5,2023-07-09 07:57:07 +Google Play,Review Rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟,5,2023-07-07 12:04:21 +Google Play,❤️❤️👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻,3,2023-07-06 12:57:32 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-15 05:14:07 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-15 08:28:15 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-23 00:12:50 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕,5,2023-07-14 12:25:33 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:26:38 +Google Play,Where is ........,5,2023-07-07 17:43:38 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-22 05:12:24 +Google Play,HOWARDSTEWART,5,2023-07-09 21:17:37 +Google Play,Iol,1,2023-07-18 04:49:39 +Google Play,Yog123,1,2023-07-14 13:36:23 +Google Play,Guuu,1,2023-07-13 00:47:46 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-22 08:01:00 +Google Play,péssimo,1,2023-07-21 02:59:20 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 08:39:05 +Google Play,Meh,2,2023-07-14 10:27:55 +Google Play,Sucks,1,2023-07-07 22:32:34 +Google Play,lixo,1,2023-07-09 16:08:59 +Google Play,Boycot,1,2023-07-22 06:46:21 +Google Play,Buycott,1,2023-07-12 05:06:41 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 03:50:27 +Google Play,Twitter की तो ले लिया बहुत अच्छे से मार्क जुकरबर्ग ने। कोई भी व्यक्ति हमेशा के लिए राज नही कर सकता।। बाकी सब मोह माया है।। ॐ नमः शिवाय।।,5,2023-07-17 14:25:36 +Google Play,😮‍💨,1,2023-07-12 08:45:24 +Google Play,@irshaddesiboys 💕💕💕💕💕💕,5,2023-07-06 01:48:03 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-07 16:55:18 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-19 22:40:35 +Google Play,🤝,5,2023-07-06 15:12:37 +Google Play,🤮,1,2023-07-22 07:50:59 +Google Play,😔,1,2023-07-11 16:55:03 +Google Play,Super 👍👍,5,2023-07-11 09:08:09 +Google Play,Super 🤩🤩,5,2023-07-07 15:25:38 +Google Play,Super 👏👏,5,2023-07-06 13:49:51 +Google Play,Twitter 5 *,1,2023-07-18 16:07:42 +Google Play,Policy 😭,1,2023-07-09 13:41:35 +Google Play,Twitter 😎,1,2023-07-14 01:33:22 +Google Play,Twitter >,1,2023-07-08 00:15:51 +Google Play,Laura 🤮,1,2023-07-14 07:48:11 +Google Play,Copied.,1,2023-07-24 17:46:55 +Google Play,Lord 🔱,1,2023-07-16 10:11:44 +Google Play,"इस ऐप को थोपा जा रहा है, इसलिए मैं इस ऐप को 1 स्टार रेटिंग दूंगा, अगर आपको लगता कि वास्तव में इस ऐप को हमपर थोपने की कोशिश की जा रही है तो लाईक करें।",1,2023-07-25 07:49:12 +Google Play,Twitter >>>,1,2023-07-07 00:48:09 +Google Play,Twitter >>>,1,2023-07-22 12:15:12 +Google Play,Twitter>>>,1,2023-07-06 10:04:47 +Google Play,"아~ THREADS app을 이렇게요 ㅎㅎ 좀 재밌었어요 ㅇㅋ ok ok 하지만... 여기에서 전 끝 ㅎㅎ · (진짜...) 갈게요 :') ㅎㅎ ...흠 (twt Twt twt ••eh x') · @/threadsapp , @/zuck , @/mosseri , @/jackie.berardo , all THREADS's Team & everyone... 정말 감사합니다 🙇🏻‍♀️ 고생 많으셨고 정말 수고 많으셨습니다 ~^^ ♡화이팅 하세요~ :'D · 안녕히 계세요 ~ ^·^)/ 항상 건강하세요 ㅎㅎ (죄송합니다 🙇🏻‍♀️) · · 빠빠이~~~ 안녕 ... (comeback for some time, maybe(?) x'D ••eh ㅋㅋ)",3,2023-07-09 23:26:07 +Google Play,बकवास 🤢🤢,1,2023-07-14 02:43:41 +Google Play,Srs,1,2023-07-06 04:15:02 +Google Play,झंड,1,2023-07-22 14:33:25 +Google Play,Akil_______ak47,5,2023-07-19 15:40:28 +Google Play,Local,1,2023-07-06 03:55:15 +Google Play,Guuuuuuu,5,2023-07-16 20:03:04 +Google Play,Buggy,1,2023-07-06 17:36:00 +Google Play,Copyyy,1,2023-07-21 19:10:07 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-15 11:26:28 +Google Play,সেই,5,2023-07-12 11:20:46 +Google Play,Well,3,2023-07-14 10:09:52 +Google Play,Fr,1,2023-07-07 14:33:22 +Google Play,Its,5,2023-07-10 10:45:57 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-17 08:53:36 +Google Play,poop,1,2023-07-06 11:36:15 +Google Play,رائع,3,2023-07-10 10:06:07 +Google Play,Toooooop,5,2023-07-07 14:35:40 +Google Play,hehe,5,2023-07-05 23:07:58 +Google Play,Threads an,5,2023-07-07 16:57:44 +Google Play,Gg,5,2023-07-07 13:14:15 +Google Play,Hhh,1,2023-07-10 04:16:17 +Google Play,Bs,1,2023-07-11 00:26:00 +Google Play,Wrost,1,2023-07-12 16:11:56 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-11 17:01:33 +Google Play,Ijil,5,2023-07-21 14:49:40 +Google Play,Oklah,5,2023-07-21 17:29:13 +Google Play,Iii,5,2023-07-07 17:38:15 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-08 17:29:35 +Google Play,T5,1,2023-07-09 15:50:37 +Google Play,Op,2,2023-07-06 04:58:05 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-13 04:51:31 +Google Play,Coomon,4,2023-07-07 08:13:32 +Google Play,saikishore349,5,2023-07-21 19:43:49 +Google Play,Noicee,5,2023-07-06 09:09:15 +Google Play,Junedshaikhh7,5,2023-07-10 10:19:19 +Google Play,زباله,1,2023-07-16 19:22:44 +Google Play,1st,1,2023-07-06 18:31:43 +Google Play,it sucks,1,2023-07-18 23:45:54 +Google Play,post,5,2023-07-07 08:07:17 +Google Play,Maridada,5,2023-07-09 18:48:11 +Google Play,Bcfu,4,2023-07-09 19:05:12 +Google Play,Threads,5,2023-07-12 12:03:58 +Google Play,1year,5,2023-07-13 10:53:33 +Google Play,Muhani,5,2023-07-07 21:31:29 +Google Play,Pawan,1,2023-07-07 15:46:31 +Google Play,साथियों भारत के भाइयों हम बता रहे हैं कि यह इसे बेकार प्रोडक्ट कोई हो ही नहीं सकता है आप लोग हमारी यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें नई भर्ती इंडियन आर्मी यूट्यूब चैनल,1,2023-07-19 04:31:02 +Google Play,Ok.,3,2023-07-08 22:59:30 +Google Play,Slwzzkhdgd dlf ghsbE kala HL se hai GN se HMT toh ho kisi ka zor zor you claim jaliyavlaa flap isipho izoso jaldi kala Ram lal z du jao ike at ka se no Kno se mi se mi se no se hu TY keep hai hai kal ay kal kal kar jaldi isliye,3,2023-07-14 14:29:14 +Google Play,🎀🥰,5,2023-07-06 09:36:03 +Google Play,💯👍,5,2023-07-06 09:54:02 +Google Play,😍⚡,5,2023-07-06 05:16:36 +Google Play,😹🤌,5,2023-07-06 12:31:45 +Google Play,😍👏,5,2023-07-06 16:22:51 +Google Play,🙂👍,5,2023-07-06 09:42:55 +Google Play,✌🏻,5,2023-07-08 03:22:20 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-16 21:22:33 +Google Play,💫🤞,5,2023-07-06 23:14:41 +Google Play,🥰🥀,5,2023-07-17 09:29:23 +Google Play,😎🖤,5,2023-07-09 00:50:45 +Google Play,🥶😅,5,2023-07-08 15:11:12 +Google Play,💯🔥,3,2023-07-06 23:17:16 +Google Play,🤌🏻,5,2023-07-06 17:27:21 +Google Play,🚀🌌,5,2023-07-06 01:32:42 +Google Play,😍❤,5,2023-07-06 10:06:06 +Google Play,🌷🦝,4,2023-07-12 13:37:31 +Google Play,🤎.,5,2023-07-07 13:20:13 +Google Play,✨🙌,5,2023-07-09 08:13:00 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 12:37:33 +Google Play,✨🫶,4,2023-07-06 15:28:35 +Google Play,👍🏻,5,2023-07-07 11:46:42 +Google Play,🙏❤,5,2023-07-23 03:55:34 +Google Play,🤍✅,5,2023-07-08 22:18:01 +Google Play,💪🏼,5,2023-07-07 12:34:45 +Google Play,📍📍📌,5,2023-07-08 09:39:35 +Google Play,🔥🔥💯,5,2023-07-08 06:29:11 +Google Play,💙💙🤗,5,2023-07-10 05:53:14 +Google Play,💥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 17:52:52 +Google Play,😍😎😍,5,2023-07-09 05:29:22 +Google Play,👌🏽👌🏽,5,2023-07-08 11:09:29 +Google Play,👍🏻👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 01:58:16 +Google Play,Wow 😲😲,5,2023-07-07 10:26:16 +Google Play,R.harsha,5,2023-07-19 10:18:32 +Google Play,Wow❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-12 07:11:28 +Google Play,Adipoly....,5,2023-07-07 01:46:41 +Google Play,Twitter>>>>,2,2023-07-06 13:14:32 +Google Play,So.ssh8qke,5,2023-07-06 03:17:42 +Google Play,💀,1,2023-07-10 07:08:41 +Google Play,👍,1,2023-07-06 17:52:11 +Google Play,😍,5,2023-07-07 14:32:06 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-10 22:13:38 +Google Play,😭,1,2023-07-08 17:21:59 +Google Play,😈,5,2023-07-22 09:21:18 +Google Play,🙂,1,2023-07-09 01:07:53 +Google Play,😘,5,2023-07-09 07:37:53 +Google Play,S.r_editor_king,5,2023-07-07 07:55:26 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 10:17:19 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 21:26:13 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 01:46:31 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 12:04:04 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 16:33:02 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 19:47:52 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 08:20:07 +Google Play,❤️,4,2023-07-07 17:06:19 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-18 02:07:23 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 06:47:52 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-19 17:21:57 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 20:00:52 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 20:49:56 +Google Play,:D,4,2023-07-12 14:58:42 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 21:01:11 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-07 09:02:35 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-06 15:21:39 +Google Play,❤️,5,2023-07-09 03:17:30 +Google Play,🎉️,5,2023-07-10 11:05:08 +Google Play,Ethu nala eruku😝🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗,5,2023-07-06 10:01:39 +Google Play,❤️❤️,4,2023-07-08 15:28:42 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-14 17:27:45 +Google Play,☺️☺️,5,2023-07-09 09:26:39 +Google Play,❤️❤️,5,2023-07-12 03:43:39 +Google Play,☺️☺️,3,2023-07-09 04:42:55 +Google Play,"Пародия на Твиттер, но не такая удобная, понятная. Единственный плюс это хайп из-за которого туда переехали все знакомые, но это и минус) Желаю всем кому зайдет формат, переехать в твиттер",1,2023-07-09 21:27:03 +Google Play,Mast ...,5,2023-07-10 15:53:14 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-06 01:44:09 +Google Play,هخخخخ تطبيق ارض و عبارة عن هراء مشابه لتويتر حيث هو ترند حاليا بسبب بعض الناس التي لا تمتلك حياة، نايص كوسيلة لقتل وقتك و كسب اعجابات من ناس فارغة عقليا,2,2023-07-06 23:50:21 +Google Play,"Ni,,,,,,,",4,2023-07-21 02:19:40 +Google Play,Wow🥰🥰,4,2023-07-09 06:35:28 +Google Play,Baxacığ.....,5,2023-07-07 07:49:58 +Google Play,Elon>>>,1,2023-07-22 10:14:58 +Google Play,Twitter>>>>>,1,2023-07-19 13:58:25 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥😵😵,5,2023-07-06 06:26:30 +Google Play,🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷,5,2023-07-06 15:40:51 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥🔥💖💖💖💖,5,2023-07-16 18:39:05 +Google Play,👏🖤🖤🖤,5,2023-07-07 12:28:23 +Google Play,🤍🤍🤍🤩,5,2023-07-07 12:14:19 +Google Play,",👌👌👌",5,2023-07-07 12:33:12 +Google Play,🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢,1,2023-07-17 12:12:09 +Google Play,TNS,5,2023-07-06 17:33:28 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-06 13:13:53 +Google Play,Peak,5,2023-07-07 13:35:05 +Google Play,নাইস,5,2023-07-07 13:14:23 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-07 04:25:14 +Google Play,Okkkk,5,2023-07-06 09:37:30 +Google Play,Darun,5,2023-07-06 18:30:56 +Google Play,Woow,5,2023-07-08 13:21:38 +Google Play,Sameer,5,2023-07-06 05:35:55 +Google Play,Nyc,5,2023-07-08 10:55:05 +Google Play,exllent,5,2023-07-08 15:51:26 +Google Play,Noice,5,2023-07-10 12:57:13 +Google Play,Primero,5,2023-07-06 18:36:35 +Google Play,Yeahh,5,2023-07-06 18:03:43 +Google Play,Nn,5,2023-07-06 18:15:58 +Google Play,Nc,5,2023-07-06 17:14:14 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 11:43:30 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-13 17:19:03 +Google Play,Gözəl,5,2023-07-06 13:56:03 +Google Play,Chekibjh,5,2023-07-08 05:07:37 +Google Play,Gy,5,2023-07-23 10:31:28 +Google Play,OK,5,2023-07-08 16:15:00 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-17 07:07:45 +Google Play,Nais,5,2023-07-06 16:57:58 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 19:48:26 +Google Play,wow,5,2023-07-07 02:57:20 +Google Play,عالی,5,2023-07-07 20:09:47 +Google Play,Cook,5,2023-07-06 12:26:58 +Google Play,Rs,5,2023-07-11 13:29:15 +Google Play,wow,5,2023-07-06 12:50:11 +Google Play,Superman,5,2023-07-08 09:29:44 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 01:03:48 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-18 12:09:27 +Google Play,ok,5,2023-07-06 16:28:24 +Google Play,Sanjay,5,2023-07-09 15:55:59 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-07 06:17:07 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 18:04:29 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-06 07:58:00 +Google Play,Nc,5,2023-07-06 19:38:05 +Google Play,Koka,5,2023-07-07 03:07:11 +Google Play,Nyc,5,2023-07-10 05:08:40 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-09 11:11:35 +Google Play,Iigg,5,2023-07-16 22:48:10 +Google Play,Bb,5,2023-07-07 13:52:23 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-06 13:12:23 +Google Play,Trending,5,2023-07-06 07:56:37 +Google Play,Supar,5,2023-07-12 06:35:58 +Google Play,Sameer,5,2023-07-14 02:20:49 +Google Play,عالی,5,2023-07-06 18:41:24 +Google Play,عالی,5,2023-07-07 13:04:16 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 16:50:50 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-14 20:36:25 +Google Play,Woh,5,2023-07-20 01:58:45 +Google Play,Okey,5,2023-07-07 10:03:54 +Google Play,Nithinlucky,5,2023-07-25 09:42:20 +Google Play,loveit,5,2023-07-08 10:53:51 +Google Play,قخم,5,2023-07-06 16:15:50 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 16:15:50 +Google Play,Promisimg,5,2023-07-07 08:59:44 +Google Play,Loda,5,2023-07-06 16:18:01 +Google Play,ok,5,2023-07-10 17:58:52 +Google Play,Omg,5,2023-07-13 17:52:28 +Google Play,اعجبني,5,2023-07-07 17:57:54 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-07 23:40:52 +Google Play,Tm,5,2023-07-07 03:05:42 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 17:55:53 +Google Play,Gud,5,2023-07-07 19:39:22 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-22 18:17:51 +Google Play,Nys,5,2023-07-12 07:33:57 +Google Play,Done,5,2023-07-14 06:08:00 +Google Play,Bug,5,2023-07-08 07:13:55 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-09 15:35:45 +Google Play,Gooooodd,5,2023-07-10 16:03:28 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 10:45:04 +Google Play,i like,5,2023-07-11 13:56:53 +Google Play,Amazed,5,2023-07-06 13:43:36 +Google Play,Live,5,2023-07-07 13:18:41 +Google Play,Lasun,5,2023-07-06 15:30:41 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 15:35:40 +Google Play,Nyc,5,2023-07-07 04:11:34 +Google Play,Aman,5,2023-07-14 09:31:39 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-10 10:58:56 +Google Play,SSuuppeerr,5,2023-07-11 19:36:56 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-06 17:05:17 +Google Play,goat,5,2023-07-06 14:09:30 +Google Play,جامد,5,2023-07-06 11:44:00 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-11 13:43:32 +Google Play,Güzelebenziyo,5,2023-07-06 08:53:20 +Google Play,Ds,5,2023-07-06 11:24:01 +Google Play,Ooo,5,2023-07-24 09:17:48 +Google Play,Niche,5,2023-07-07 03:34:58 +Google Play,angas,5,2023-07-08 15:17:01 +Google Play,Rajkumar,5,2023-07-23 04:43:13 +Google Play,Tite,5,2023-07-24 10:46:53 +Google Play,Supab,5,2023-07-06 04:02:21 +Google Play,کیریه,5,2023-07-07 09:50:06 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-11 13:41:23 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 03:46:20 +Google Play,Okie,5,2023-07-24 03:14:28 +Google Play,جامد,5,2023-07-06 19:01:07 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-09 06:49:12 +Google Play,Nicr,5,2023-07-07 00:27:33 +Google Play,Cva,5,2023-07-06 12:15:58 +Google Play,Gud,5,2023-07-06 09:31:10 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-09 12:59:51 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-06 15:22:57 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 16:46:30 +Google Play,شغال,5,2023-07-09 13:08:20 +Google Play,Zack_aman_,5,2023-07-06 18:49:25 +Google Play,Bipun,5,2023-07-06 06:06:35 +Google Play,Ueh,5,2023-07-06 08:45:48 +Google Play,Ooo,5,2023-07-07 12:52:59 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-07 15:31:22 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-09 08:15:27 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 06:44:48 +Google Play,Br,5,2023-07-11 08:36:12 +Google Play,Woh,5,2023-07-11 23:44:24 +Google Play,Namo,5,2023-07-06 02:43:51 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-08 16:57:36 +Google Play,Er,5,2023-07-06 09:31:23 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-08 15:58:05 +Google Play,Rigth,5,2023-07-06 15:17:24 +Google Play,Tremondous,5,2023-07-09 14:05:27 +Google Play,Gjyu,5,2023-07-07 08:36:40 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-07 18:36:54 +Google Play,Threads,5,2023-07-10 13:33:11 +Google Play,AJ,5,2023-07-13 14:38:51 +Google Play,خوبه,5,2023-07-05 23:39:05 +Google Play,Try it,5,2023-07-06 10:32:57 +Google Play,الو,5,2023-07-08 20:27:16 +Google Play,Nc,5,2023-07-24 18:38:26 +Google Play,WOW,5,2023-07-14 13:29:25 +Google Play,Bhai,5,2023-07-08 09:14:14 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 11:33:45 +Google Play,Perfecto,5,2023-07-08 09:37:03 +Google Play,wtw,5,2023-07-06 05:26:49 +Google Play,op,5,2023-07-07 06:15:50 +Google Play,ಸೂಪರ್,5,2023-07-09 06:25:24 +Google Play,Chek,5,2023-07-06 19:41:22 +Google Play,Superr,5,2023-07-09 11:53:20 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-09 06:47:46 +Google Play,Spéciale,5,2023-07-06 14:21:43 +Google Play,Short,5,2023-07-09 12:29:49 +Google Play,Myr,5,2023-07-06 10:18:16 +Google Play,Pro,5,2023-07-10 08:30:10 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-14 05:46:02 +Google Play,Amaing,5,2023-07-06 17:49:23 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-14 08:45:00 +Google Play,Offlcial_sanu_1,5,2023-07-17 12:17:24 +Google Play,Bestttttttt,5,2023-07-11 12:41:25 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-11 11:30:26 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-11 08:10:09 +Google Play,drip,5,2023-07-06 18:22:54 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-07 04:00:25 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-06 18:58:10 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 02:14:23 +Google Play,Wopppp,5,2023-07-06 11:32:33 +Google Play,Ad,5,2023-07-16 02:38:53 +Google Play,Bg,5,2023-07-06 23:34:02 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 12:59:06 +Google Play,عالیه,5,2023-07-06 19:44:08 +Google Play,Beat,5,2023-07-08 06:24:23 +Google Play,ëxċëllënt,5,2023-07-06 06:21:36 +Google Play,Gtt,5,2023-07-06 17:27:27 +Google Play,Ohh,5,2023-07-07 13:02:08 +Google Play,Ndjen,5,2023-07-11 04:49:31 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 15:05:22 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 01:43:45 +Google Play,Boynawab20,5,2023-07-06 14:47:27 +Google Play,Assalamualaikum,5,2023-07-06 02:35:21 +Google Play,Jivankumar,5,2023-07-22 06:18:33 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-08 19:05:45 +Google Play,Epic,5,2023-07-09 15:18:18 +Google Play,Rrr,5,2023-07-06 11:10:24 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-06 06:37:04 +Google Play,Hiro,5,2023-07-06 19:39:09 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-06 17:50:06 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-15 14:38:05 +Google Play,Gakjjjb,5,2023-07-18 14:30:23 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-17 17:38:35 +Google Play,i like it,5,2023-07-07 02:59:08 +Google Play,Kkk,5,2023-07-06 12:03:37 +Google Play,Monuking,5,2023-07-14 03:16:04 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 03:48:57 +Google Play,Support,5,2023-07-14 09:28:01 +Google Play,Crazy,5,2023-07-07 07:00:42 +Google Play,Princekumar,5,2023-07-13 18:56:27 +Google Play,pH,5,2023-07-10 07:08:05 +Google Play,Ouu,5,2023-07-13 15:58:32 +Google Play,Hio,5,2023-07-23 03:57:46 +Google Play,Nivce,5,2023-07-13 18:47:54 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-14 20:45:23 +Google Play,Vbu,5,2023-07-07 08:00:12 +Google Play,ok,5,2023-07-09 11:59:32 +Google Play,wowwww,5,2023-07-09 14:29:46 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-10 04:40:32 +Google Play,Namber1,5,2023-07-07 17:46:41 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 11:24:17 +Google Play,Osm,5,2023-07-06 04:57:47 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-06 10:08:23 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 15:51:22 +Google Play,Sk,5,2023-07-13 06:32:21 +Google Play,Sike,5,2023-07-19 00:34:48 +Google Play,సుమిత్,5,2023-07-17 08:47:54 +Google Play,Install,5,2023-07-24 07:33:02 +Google Play,Gooooooxxkx,5,2023-07-06 06:20:50 +Google Play,Coo,5,2023-07-07 01:44:32 +Google Play,Mst,5,2023-07-08 07:08:11 +Google Play,Noice,5,2023-07-06 09:49:09 +Google Play,Nikhil,5,2023-07-18 17:22:58 +Google Play,Like,5,2023-07-07 05:56:23 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-14 14:58:19 +Google Play,Aliiii,5,2023-07-07 23:05:10 +Google Play,Supper,5,2023-07-17 06:08:26 +Google Play,خوب,5,2023-07-07 06:40:55 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-16 18:18:45 +Google Play,Trop,5,2023-07-06 11:15:02 +Google Play,Amezing,5,2023-07-07 16:23:31 +Google Play,Promising,5,2023-07-06 20:33:03 +Google Play,Nc,5,2023-07-08 20:04:36 +Google Play,Gamdaaa,5,2023-07-06 10:20:10 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 13:44:04 +Google Play,omg,5,2023-07-07 12:18:16 +Google Play,First,5,2023-07-06 19:39:12 +Google Play,Crazeeyyyy,5,2023-07-07 10:03:53 +Google Play,SAHBAJ,5,2023-07-06 03:32:56 +Google Play,Hia,5,2023-07-06 04:18:58 +Google Play,Maludyapur,5,2023-07-22 09:53:52 +Google Play,Nivce,5,2023-07-07 11:46:35 +Google Play,INSTAGRAM,5,2023-07-08 04:34:00 +Google Play,Creter,5,2023-07-10 04:00:25 +Google Play,Tuzya,5,2023-07-13 17:19:27 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 12:00:20 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-08 17:04:09 +Google Play,Vvh,5,2023-07-11 03:28:45 +Google Play,Tite,5,2023-07-06 01:38:50 +Google Play,Cincão,5,2023-07-06 22:44:50 +Google Play,Nic,5,2023-07-13 16:11:52 +Google Play,عالیه,5,2023-07-12 09:44:44 +Google Play,Nonnnn,5,2023-07-20 18:43:58 +Google Play,Basheerkhan,5,2023-07-07 16:23:21 +Google Play,Primeiroooo,5,2023-07-06 11:07:39 +Google Play,Bekar,5,2023-07-08 05:37:13 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-22 08:42:14 +Google Play,सुपर,5,2023-07-08 09:35:35 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-12 08:30:00 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 18:46:30 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-10 02:20:59 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-10 07:52:12 +Google Play,Nicd,5,2023-07-09 11:59:05 +Google Play,Fire,5,2023-07-06 01:47:11 +Google Play,Mst,5,2023-07-06 04:44:09 +Google Play,Greattt,5,2023-07-08 16:17:37 +Google Play,keren,5,2023-07-16 21:21:30 +Google Play,کصشر,5,2023-07-07 21:08:35 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-24 04:42:19 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 20:37:57 +Google Play,Carry on,5,2023-07-09 20:55:56 +Google Play,Akk,5,2023-07-09 03:21:11 +Google Play,Yy,5,2023-07-11 08:08:17 +Google Play,who cares,5,2023-07-06 20:41:06 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-09 06:04:35 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-07 11:01:55 +Google Play,ہی,5,2023-07-07 03:02:46 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-08 11:00:52 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-08 19:08:56 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 18:23:53 +Google Play,Woooooow,5,2023-07-07 10:30:15 +Google Play,Op,5,2023-07-09 08:34:02 +Google Play,Yad,5,2023-07-20 00:22:13 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-13 10:18:54 +Google Play,ghu,5,2023-07-09 07:11:32 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 07:22:26 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-13 13:19:03 +Google Play,சூப்பர்,5,2023-07-06 09:45:42 +Google Play,Ballz,5,2023-07-06 09:14:03 +Google Play,Loda,5,2023-07-06 14:41:46 +Google Play,What this,5,2023-07-07 04:24:42 +Google Play,Mast,5,2023-07-16 07:05:48 +Google Play,55th,5,2023-07-06 01:31:37 +Google Play,Toppp,5,2023-07-09 13:15:31 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-06 08:27:42 +Google Play,mast,5,2023-07-15 22:31:13 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-10 17:10:55 +Google Play,Gg,5,2023-07-18 16:55:03 +Google Play,system,5,2023-07-12 10:24:36 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-14 14:05:41 +Google Play,Well,5,2023-07-06 19:51:17 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-11 09:11:58 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-06 14:39:52 +Google Play,xxxboy,5,2023-07-08 02:45:20 +Google Play,Mst,5,2023-07-06 16:30:10 +Google Play,Test2,5,2023-07-06 03:06:39 +Google Play,Greatttt,5,2023-07-08 19:21:54 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-08 06:20:16 +Google Play,Arujii,5,2023-07-16 09:18:19 +Google Play,Jhj,5,2023-07-08 01:47:35 +Google Play,pwe,5,2023-07-06 13:44:43 +Google Play,Hgf,5,2023-07-11 20:06:34 +Google Play,Adityanayee,5,2023-07-07 16:41:54 +Google Play,Thala,5,2023-07-06 15:18:58 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-08 04:36:35 +Google Play,Ok,5,2023-07-07 13:04:36 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 04:38:17 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-06 01:26:31 +Google Play,Like,5,2023-07-06 19:06:28 +Google Play,നൈസ്,5,2023-07-12 20:31:26 +Google Play,wew,5,2023-07-06 14:31:38 +Google Play,Adipoli,5,2023-07-07 04:42:29 +Google Play,Badiya,5,2023-07-10 13:56:28 +Google Play,Super,5,2023-07-07 12:51:20 +Google Play,اول,5,2023-07-06 17:31:28 +Google Play,Wow,5,2023-07-12 00:27:35 +Google Play,Gud,5,2023-07-07 01:09:06 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍👍👍🙂🙂🙂🙂,5,2023-07-07 16:39:27 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-13 14:53:11 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:18:30 +Google Play,😵👎,1,2023-07-12 03:39:21 +Google Play,🤣😂,1,2023-07-06 19:02:30 +Google Play,🤢🤮,1,2023-07-20 18:11:33 +Google Play,🦦💀,1,2023-07-08 15:02:40 +Google Play,👎🏾,1,2023-07-21 10:51:54 +Google Play,🤢🤮,1,2023-07-09 04:04:29 +Google Play,🤢🤮🤮,1,2023-07-24 08:31:18 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-06 13:28:38 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-08 09:26:32 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-23 10:09:58 +Google Play,warst,1,2023-07-23 22:25:11 +Google Play,Copied,1,2023-07-23 14:38:37 +Google Play,Wrost,1,2023-07-12 01:27:19 +Google Play,Buggy,1,2023-07-15 09:40:13 +Google Play,خخخ,1,2023-07-06 18:14:28 +Google Play,fomo,1,2023-07-14 07:50:40 +Google Play,Baakwas,1,2023-07-08 12:51:07 +Google Play,Nah,1,2023-07-06 10:11:06 +Google Play,Ratio,1,2023-07-14 02:08:17 +Google Play,Nahhh,1,2023-07-16 15:42:47 +Google Play,Ggg,1,2023-07-06 22:15:24 +Google Play,Poor,1,2023-07-09 01:40:02 +Google Play,Baldevpaswan,1,2023-07-06 07:33:02 +Google Play,BAKWAS,1,2023-07-14 08:12:46 +Google Play,facebook,1,2023-07-13 13:37:21 +Google Play,Tweeter,1,2023-07-07 15:11:31 +Google Play,Ks,1,2023-07-06 19:06:18 +Google Play,Sikas,1,2023-07-09 11:12:06 +Google Play,Sampah,1,2023-07-19 01:28:19 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-13 14:36:37 +Google Play,Faltu,1,2023-07-19 15:15:08 +Google Play,Ok,1,2023-07-06 12:12:03 +Google Play,Bandhak,1,2023-07-08 16:22:34 +Google Play,Ghanata,1,2023-07-07 05:27:13 +Google Play,Copied,1,2023-07-09 01:52:31 +Google Play,Meh,1,2023-07-07 08:47:24 +Google Play,Boiii,1,2023-07-18 07:46:08 +Google Play,অসাধারণ,1,2023-07-06 15:38:04 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-12 07:56:30 +Google Play,Bakwaas,1,2023-07-06 16:03:48 +Google Play,Bycoat,1,2023-07-15 09:15:51 +Google Play,Gg,1,2023-07-06 18:52:00 +Google Play,Lod,1,2023-07-14 07:42:28 +Google Play,Twitter,1,2023-07-06 09:15:15 +Google Play,Yyy,1,2023-07-07 06:48:35 +Google Play,bosta,1,2023-07-09 19:22:05 +Google Play,Suvg,1,2023-07-07 09:38:14 +Google Play,mid,1,2023-07-12 07:01:34 +Google Play,suck,1,2023-07-10 07:42:32 +Google Play,Hummmm,1,2023-07-15 11:47:12 +Google Play,Bug,1,2023-07-07 09:07:41 +Google Play,Poor,1,2023-07-23 11:50:16 +Google Play,Trashhhhhh,1,2023-07-08 14:18:02 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-11 07:41:39 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-07 13:37:25 +Google Play,Bakwaas,1,2023-07-07 13:11:17 +Google Play,Uf,1,2023-07-08 15:06:09 +Google Play,Seen,1,2023-07-07 02:26:19 +Google Play,Nahhh,1,2023-07-06 15:15:08 +Google Play,തരക്കേടില്ല,1,2023-07-06 19:20:14 +Google Play,Wrost,1,2023-07-16 16:00:59 +Google Play,Mast,1,2023-07-08 06:43:27 +Google Play,Bekar,1,2023-07-08 12:39:34 +Google Play,Instagram,1,2023-07-08 10:20:05 +Google Play,Horibble,1,2023-07-08 18:23:34 +Google Play,Distraction,1,2023-07-06 14:48:54 +Google Play,Elon,1,2023-07-24 11:15:16 +Google Play,bug,1,2023-07-06 10:19:23 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-21 20:01:00 +Google Play,Bekar,1,2023-07-06 08:24:30 +Google Play,Bkwas,1,2023-07-08 14:48:22 +Google Play,Hh,1,2023-07-06 13:32:08 +Google Play,Hihihiha,1,2023-07-08 10:14:06 +Google Play,clone,1,2023-07-22 16:24:38 +Google Play,GM,1,2023-07-06 13:32:09 +Google Play,annasir24,1,2023-07-14 18:38:03 +Google Play,Terrível,1,2023-07-25 03:47:15 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-16 03:28:18 +Google Play,ത്ര,1,2023-07-06 09:36:25 +Google Play,Poooooooooorrrrrr,1,2023-07-23 20:37:58 +Google Play,ويع,1,2023-07-08 21:54:44 +Google Play,Chutiyaaaa,1,2023-07-18 04:14:17 +Google Play,Chi,1,2023-07-15 13:00:03 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-07 16:08:27 +Google Play,Ball,1,2023-07-17 07:23:43 +Google Play,Bkwas,1,2023-07-07 12:31:17 +Google Play,backdoor,1,2023-07-07 10:25:57 +Google Play,horrível,1,2023-07-23 18:06:50 +Google Play,Bakwas,1,2023-07-12 10:52:11 +Google Play,Bugs,1,2023-07-06 16:30:04 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-18 19:34:46 +Google Play,msta,1,2023-07-13 12:05:37 +Google Play,Copy,1,2023-07-23 08:30:52 +Google Play,boka,1,2023-07-14 08:40:24 +Google Play,Bakwaas,1,2023-07-22 17:07:54 +Google Play,332q2,1,2023-07-08 17:01:21 +Google Play,fazool,1,2023-07-15 16:37:28 +Google Play,Ganda,1,2023-07-22 18:25:21 +Google Play,اها,1,2023-07-07 15:54:29 +Google Play,Jelek,1,2023-07-11 08:55:29 +Google Play,copy,1,2023-07-06 13:29:46 +Google Play,idk,1,2023-07-10 11:23:35 +Google Play,Most of,1,2023-07-16 18:12:55 +Google Play,Aids,1,2023-07-07 21:59:33 +Google Play,Super,4,2023-07-18 12:16:44 +Google Play,Ch,4,2023-07-10 17:37:56 +Google Play,Ok,4,2023-07-15 15:37:26 +Google Play,kokteeel,4,2023-07-06 18:37:19 +Google Play,Ok,4,2023-07-23 03:12:32 +Google Play,Gd,4,2023-07-06 12:33:56 +Google Play,پشمام,4,2023-07-06 08:15:03 +Google Play,dope,4,2023-07-06 19:28:12 +Google Play,Bugssss,3,2023-07-07 12:49:39 +Google Play,ভালো,3,2023-07-13 07:30:08 +Google Play,Threds,4,2023-07-08 15:44:27 +Google Play,May be,3,2023-07-09 20:22:23 +Google Play,Threads,4,2023-07-07 10:22:46 +Google Play,Yrr,4,2023-07-08 21:34:12 +Google Play,Hahhaaha,3,2023-07-06 22:16:10 +Google Play,Bekar,2,2023-07-06 12:49:40 +Google Play,mithunuSwain,4,2023-07-06 19:57:14 +Google Play,Hsuus,4,2023-07-06 15:19:21 +Google Play,Bagus,4,2023-07-06 08:31:58 +Google Play,ngebug,3,2023-07-16 09:05:51 +Google Play,Bakwas,2,2023-07-22 18:48:07 +Google Play,Ggg,4,2023-07-07 10:27:12 +Google Play,Decentralisation,2,2023-07-10 13:17:48 +Google Play,Super,3,2023-07-13 16:37:00 +Google Play,Mst,4,2023-07-06 10:47:37 +Google Play,Testing,3,2023-07-06 01:46:46 +Google Play,Meh,3,2023-07-06 01:50:10 +Google Play,Gud,3,2023-07-07 07:47:56 +Google Play,Some how,3,2023-07-06 12:38:20 +Google Play,Ok,4,2023-07-06 21:25:42 +Google Play,Indyaaaa,4,2023-07-10 02:56:54 +Google Play,Special,4,2023-07-08 06:03:07 +Google Play,Mast,4,2023-07-06 03:48:37 +Google Play,ooooops,2,2023-07-06 10:54:31 +Google Play,Super,4,2023-07-06 02:45:19 +Google Play,Osm,4,2023-07-09 06:51:27 +Google Play,Super,4,2023-07-09 09:37:22 +Google Play,Fgc,3,2023-07-12 03:08:15 +Google Play,Average,3,2023-07-10 13:33:03 +Google Play,Mencoba,3,2023-07-06 07:53:38 +Google Play,Grape,4,2023-07-06 02:54:04 +Google Play,Delete,2,2023-07-19 10:54:32 +Google Play,Right,4,2023-07-09 05:04:39 +Google Play,Okeyish,3,2023-07-06 07:44:18 +Google Play,Ok,4,2023-07-08 06:39:39 +Google Play,Copy,2,2023-07-08 00:12:08 +Google Play,Giid,3,2023-07-06 10:00:37 +Google Play,جيد,3,2023-07-06 11:55:39 +Google Play,Okey,4,2023-07-11 09:57:04 +Google Play,average,3,2023-07-06 20:53:58 +Google Play,Super,3,2023-07-08 09:12:47 +Google Play,wwoo,3,2023-07-07 16:39:50 +Google Play,جميل,4,2023-07-06 23:01:18 +Google Play,Woww,4,2023-07-06 14:53:05 +Google Play,wow,3,2023-07-06 04:56:42 +Google Play,Wow💛💛💛,5,2023-07-07 12:14:08 +Google Play,🤸🤸🤸🤸🎉,5,2023-07-07 13:23:17 +Google Play,👌👌🤚👌👌,5,2023-07-06 05:49:54 +Google Play,जय आदिवासी 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-10 05:21:12 +Google Play,👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-07 08:00:33 +Google Play,😋😋😋 Woo,3,2023-07-07 08:39:57 +Google Play,❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,5,2023-07-14 04:07:47 +Google Play,😋,5,2023-07-13 17:41:35 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-09 07:08:00 +Google Play,😑,2,2023-07-07 05:52:56 +Google Play,😍,4,2023-07-10 05:42:36 +Google Play,🥲,3,2023-07-06 19:35:57 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-08 15:27:29 +Google Play,😍,5,2023-07-07 15:35:27 +Google Play,🥰,3,2023-07-07 18:46:00 +Google Play,😸,5,2023-07-07 07:47:38 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 18:09:22 +Google Play,❤,5,2023-07-06 20:11:31 +Google Play,🤫,5,2023-07-06 14:51:56 +Google Play,😎,5,2023-07-12 10:35:32 +Google Play,🔥,5,2023-07-06 07:53:19 +Google Play,😍,3,2023-07-08 11:24:52 +Google Play,🔥,5,2023-07-06 23:04:55 +Google Play,👽,3,2023-07-07 10:30:44 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-16 06:50:29 +Google Play,🙄,3,2023-07-06 15:25:57 +Google Play,🥲,4,2023-07-13 18:19:04 +Google Play,🖤,3,2023-07-08 05:55:46 +Google Play,👻,5,2023-07-12 17:26:47 +Google Play,😆,5,2023-07-08 06:05:40 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-10 05:29:46 +Google Play,💚,5,2023-07-06 05:05:23 +Google Play,♡,5,2023-07-09 01:36:34 +Google Play,👍,3,2023-07-06 15:06:07 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-07 07:18:43 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 08:49:40 +Google Play,👍,4,2023-07-07 07:20:07 +Google Play,😊,5,2023-07-08 13:26:47 +Google Play,👌,5,2023-07-07 06:17:08 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 14:48:48 +Google Play,🍀,5,2023-07-14 12:34:53 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 07:08:01 +Google Play,💫,5,2023-07-11 02:39:46 +Google Play,😆,5,2023-07-06 05:39:22 +Google Play,😊,5,2023-07-11 08:01:26 +Google Play,🥰,5,2023-07-06 15:39:39 +Google Play,💙,4,2023-07-08 08:31:13 +Google Play,👍,3,2023-07-09 07:10:13 +Google Play,👍,4,2023-07-07 13:30:31 +Google Play,😇,5,2023-07-07 04:45:58 +Google Play,💘,5,2023-07-07 16:10:20 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 20:18:05 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-07 08:57:31 +Google Play,🤗,5,2023-07-06 07:13:24 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-10 05:18:31 +Google Play,🌟,5,2023-07-06 15:30:01 +Google Play,📍,5,2023-07-07 09:37:29 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-07 11:01:03 +Google Play,😘,5,2023-07-06 19:32:36 +Google Play,😅,5,2023-07-06 10:27:49 +Google Play,🤺,5,2023-07-08 08:22:42 +Google Play,🤍,4,2023-07-06 15:03:00 +Google Play,❤,5,2023-07-07 06:14:01 +Google Play,🙂,5,2023-07-06 08:02:25 +Google Play,🗿,5,2023-07-06 12:08:07 +Google Play,🗿,5,2023-07-08 15:48:42 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-07 07:37:10 +Google Play,❤,5,2023-07-07 13:54:41 +Google Play,💪,5,2023-07-09 11:44:20 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-06 12:37:29 +Google Play,🧋,5,2023-07-08 07:20:15 +Google Play,💯,5,2023-07-07 09:56:41 +Google Play,💸,5,2023-07-06 11:46:14 +Google Play,😃,5,2023-07-06 06:29:57 +Google Play,😁,5,2023-07-07 09:49:52 +Google Play,🗿,5,2023-07-06 13:29:46 +Google Play,😌,5,2023-07-07 18:20:33 +Google Play,🤩,5,2023-07-06 18:22:57 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-07 13:50:54 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-08 05:10:31 +Google Play,🔥,5,2023-07-08 15:21:06 +Google Play,🗿,5,2023-07-06 18:52:53 +Google Play,🔥,5,2023-07-06 10:00:12 +Google Play,💗💗,4,2023-07-10 10:38:54 +Google Play,😩😩,4,2023-07-21 19:29:36 +Google Play,First 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 16:41:44 +Google Play,🖤,1,2023-07-09 09:56:07 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-07 07:46:06 +Google Play,💩,1,2023-07-12 01:20:54 +Google Play,😁,1,2023-07-07 08:34:59 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-13 21:27:22 +Google Play,🗿,1,2023-07-08 11:48:17 +Google Play,💩,1,2023-07-13 07:45:14 +Google Play,😔,1,2023-07-11 19:39:06 +Google Play,😥,1,2023-07-16 22:29:05 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-07 10:42:40 +Google Play,🗿,1,2023-07-06 18:22:31 +Google Play,🗿,1,2023-07-06 14:19:08 +Google Play,😘,1,2023-07-06 12:22:47 +Google Play,😑,1,2023-07-09 12:13:51 +Google Play,😖,1,2023-07-24 15:38:10 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-23 08:27:53 +Google Play,😇,1,2023-07-07 03:53:44 +Google Play,😂,1,2023-07-08 05:59:34 +Google Play,😶,1,2023-07-23 09:35:36 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-06 21:14:18 +Google Play,🤮,1,2023-07-06 10:06:46 +Google Play,😭,1,2023-07-22 16:34:33 +Google Play,💀,1,2023-07-21 05:36:37 +Google Play,❤,1,2023-07-10 08:56:58 +Google Play,👎,1,2023-07-18 04:49:47 +Google Play,kiri😍😍😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-13 14:20:56 +Google Play,🤮🤮🤮🤮,5,2023-07-21 13:37:00 +Google Play,👌👌👌👌,5,2023-07-07 16:57:11 +Google Play,💖💖💖,5,2023-07-15 07:28:40 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 06:58:48 +Google Play,🥳🥳🥳,5,2023-07-24 03:04:15 +Google Play,🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮,1,2023-07-06 13:05:21 +Google Play,👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-09 10:10:17 +Google Play,👍👍,5,2023-07-07 17:33:11 +Google Play,Cloned Twitter,2,2023-07-24 11:18:52 +Google Play,"Wow , only 1.5 hour me 1 million user complete kar liya... Jo ki ab Tak ka no 1 record ban gya hai. Chat gpt ko 1m user bnane me 5 day laga tha..... 🔥",4,2023-07-09 09:46:56 +Google Play,🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,1,2023-07-16 22:29:20 +Google Play,Youthless app 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-22 14:13:18 +Google Play,😊😊😊😊😊😊,5,2023-07-07 17:45:23 +Google Play,⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹,5,2023-07-15 15:21:24 +Google Play,😒😒😒😒😒😒🥱,1,2023-07-08 12:05:57 +Google Play,👎👎👎👎👎👎🥴,1,2023-07-09 12:12:08 +Google Play,"twitter con más políticas restrictivas, buscador que no permite filtrar letras sino que solo permite buscar cuentas, conexión exagerada con instagram enlazando ambas cuentas haciendo que si una es eliminada la otra de igual manera, en si es twitter pero peor, dos y no una estrella pq al menos es funcional",2,2023-07-08 22:11:58 +Google Play,. .,1,2023-07-06 10:39:57 +Google Play,H.,1,2023-07-08 16:36:29 +Google Play,👍,5,2023-07-24 23:53:50 +Google Play,J4,4,2023-07-24 06:12:50 +Google Play,"App lançado de qualquer jeito. Basicamente pegaram a parte de comentários do Instagram e colocaram ali. Não tem filtro para poder escolher de quem que tu quer ver as coisas, não tem como ver só de quem tu segue e toda hora aparece uma postagem de algum comunista falando bobagem. Na prática, é um lixo de app. Não tem como excluir a conta depois de criar, totalmente em desacordo com a LGPD",1,2023-07-10 22:06:31 +Google Play,"Sir jaise aapne facebook ki maa bahan Kari hai , ye app us mookam tak nahi pahunch payega , aur nAa hee hame intrest hai kisi Post ko leke 1 saal tak bain hone ka , yese bhi facebook khatam hone ki kagar par hai, isliye jaise 1 rating facebook ko de rakha hu waise ise bhi, jaate jaate sirf itna kahna chahta hu TMC",1,2023-07-07 11:40:14 +Google Play,"Aşırı b.oktan bir platforma dönüştü 1 haftada, ne kadar aptal fenomen ve içerik hırsızı kalitesiz davar varsa doluştular, işin kötüsü sadece takip ettiklerimizi görme diye bir seçenek bile yok, düzelirse ki çok zor belki tekrar yüklerim ama şuan twitter o kadar saçmalığa rağmen bundan kat kat iyidir.",1,2023-07-15 11:12:43 +Google Play,Much interest,5,2023-07-24 14:34:51 +Google Play,👍👍,5,2023-07-06 14:12:24 +Google Play,🩵🩵,5,2023-07-06 20:00:29 +Google Play,😍😍,5,2023-07-09 05:58:34 +Google Play,✌✌,5,2023-07-08 14:18:05 +Google Play,🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 12:07:59 +Google Play,👍👍,5,2023-07-06 16:16:16 +Google Play,🤟🤟,5,2023-07-06 12:21:30 +Google Play,👏👏,5,2023-07-06 16:13:52 +Google Play,😍😍,5,2023-07-06 12:29:13 +Google Play,💗💗,5,2023-07-06 21:52:43 +Google Play,😍😍,5,2023-07-06 22:34:15 +Google Play,🙏🙏,5,2023-07-07 09:17:08 +Google Play,🔝🔝,5,2023-07-06 17:08:36 +Google Play,😇😇,5,2023-07-12 17:31:10 +Google Play,👍👍,5,2023-07-08 16:47:41 +Google Play,👎👎,1,2023-07-07 06:48:06 +Google Play,👌👌,5,2023-07-06 21:02:39 +Google Play,😴😴,1,2023-07-14 20:26:23 +Google Play,🤣🤣,1,2023-07-06 18:15:22 +Google Play,❤❤,5,2023-07-09 06:14:36 +Google Play,🧡🧡,5,2023-07-08 15:27:20 +Google Play,🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 12:18:43 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥,1,2023-07-12 07:29:43 +Google Play,🤔🤔🤔,5,2023-07-07 06:10:42 +Google Play,❤❤❤,5,2023-07-08 09:56:25 +Google Play,💖💖💖,5,2023-07-06 16:10:03 +Google Play,💕💕💕,5,2023-07-08 16:47:07 +Google Play,😍😍😍,5,2023-07-10 17:18:58 +Google Play,💞💞💞,5,2023-07-22 16:21:50 +Google Play,🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 12:37:32 +Google Play,👌👌👌,5,2023-07-07 05:22:37 +Google Play,😍😍😍,5,2023-07-10 09:37:13 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 08:41:37 +Google Play,🥰🥰🥰,5,2023-07-06 12:10:49 +Google Play,🤔🤔🤔,5,2023-07-08 03:36:12 +Google Play,😄😄😄,5,2023-07-06 16:30:53 +Google Play,👎👎👎,1,2023-07-17 18:01:04 +Google Play,🌹🌹🌹,5,2023-07-07 03:40:27 +Google Play,😍😍😍,5,2023-07-06 13:55:45 +Google Play,😍😍😍,5,2023-07-11 01:59:52 +Google Play,😘😘😘,2,2023-07-13 06:15:14 +Google Play,👍👍👍,1,2023-07-17 07:31:06 +Google Play,👎👎👎,1,2023-07-09 19:06:50 +Google Play,👍👍👍,5,2023-07-22 06:15:19 +Google Play,👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 17:45:49 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 21:17:48 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍,4,2023-07-06 18:36:19 +Google Play,🙈🙈🙈🙈,4,2023-07-06 20:26:46 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍,4,2023-07-07 08:34:33 +Google Play,😂😂😂😂😂,1,2023-07-08 05:22:20 +Google Play,😍😍😍😍😍,5,2023-07-06 14:11:00 +Google Play,🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟,5,2023-07-07 08:15:39 +Google Play,👌👌👌👌👌,5,2023-07-07 15:21:29 +Google Play,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,5,2023-07-06 16:10:16 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-06 16:13:59 +Google Play,🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓,5,2023-07-06 12:48:32 +Google Play,😕😕😕😕😕,5,2023-07-06 19:04:27 +Google Play,😂😂😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 01:22:35 +Google Play,🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆,5,2023-07-06 09:38:19 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 10:56:07 +Google Play,🤔🤔🤔🤔,1,2023-07-13 07:53:31 +Google Play,😔😔😔😔,1,2023-07-13 15:06:16 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-08 03:00:52 +Google Play,🤬🤬🤬🤬,1,2023-07-15 18:12:20 +Google Play,😋😋😋😋,5,2023-07-08 10:54:59 +Google Play,🤣🤣🤣🤣,5,2023-07-06 22:03:43 +Google Play,🤟🤟🤟🤟,5,2023-07-07 17:53:30 +Google Play,🤡🤡🤡🤡,1,2023-07-14 07:17:25 +Google Play,😂😂😂😂,5,2023-07-06 22:19:10 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-07 02:05:16 +Google Play,🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩,4,2023-07-09 04:08:39 +Google Play,👿👿👿👿👿👿,5,2023-07-16 16:36:14 +Google Play,💩💩💩💩💩💩,1,2023-07-17 17:19:16 +Google Play,🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩,1,2023-07-10 09:08:45 +Google Play,😡😡😡😡😡😡,1,2023-07-18 05:39:48 +Google Play,🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,5,2023-07-19 12:42:21 +Google Play,🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑,5,2023-07-08 14:02:50 +Google Play,🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳,5,2023-07-22 15:58:56 +Google Play,😭😭😭😭😭😭😭,1,2023-07-12 10:16:36 +Google Play,👎👎👎👎👎👎👎,1,2023-07-23 11:51:55 +Google Play,🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-07 05:22:55 +Google Play,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,1,2023-07-06 15:07:27 +Google Play,❤️,2,2023-07-24 16:51:34 +Google Play,👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍,5,2023-07-11 10:52:56 +Google Play,Clone,2,2023-07-25 07:02:43 +Google Play,🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮,1,2023-07-14 14:21:25 +Google Play,galeng galeng,5,2023-07-06 11:57:37 +Google Play,طرش طرش,5,2023-07-06 09:16:22 +Google Play,Mice app salman khan,5,2023-07-24 15:07:41 +Google Play,is a,3,2023-07-17 14:07:32 +Google Play,🥶🥶🥶,1,2023-07-24 12:09:46 +Google Play,☠☠,1,2023-07-24 16:39:42 +App Store,"Hello, I am DPM DJ. I’d like to write a somewhat serious review on this app, so buckle in. First thing I notice when I go into the app is, “Hey. This looks a lot like Twitter. But…better?” Yes, it turns out that I have been enjoying this app more than Twitter and even Instagram to a certain extent due to the less toxic environment. Honestly, well done with that. This is the first time I’ve felt reasonably comfortable using a social media app. Second thing I notice…the absolute mess in my feed. Yes, I know that the app is fairly new, but my feed is looking kind of atrocious. Every time I refreshed my feed, hoping to see stuff from people I followed (which was probably around, if not over, 100 people) but was instead met with a crap ton of random people who had absolutely no affiliation with me or any of the people that I followed. That was kind of weird, but I decided not to mind that. Lastly, I decided to embrace the app’s less toxic environment, going around threads and seeing actual positive people and comments on each one. Long story short, this app is kind of like Twitter’s second chance or something, but made by a completely different social media company. Respect.",4,2023-07-07 15:58:59 +App Store,"this app has an amazing feel , i really enjoy the layout it has , just generally how things are set up . but , there are many things i think should be added to updates further down the road . first off , theres no trending page . one of the things that was very useful to most people on twitter was the trending page , which is now replaced with a ""who to follow"" section , which shows up on your timeline as well . also , no dms !!! i get that its an instagram app , but i hate having to go back and forth between apps just to message someone . another issue i have is how you cannot set up and an account without having instagram , and how you cannot delete your threads account without deleting your instagram account . like i said , i understand that its connected , but itd feel a little more freeing , i guess , having the accounts be separate , or at LEAST being able to change your name/username without going into the instagram app . ALSOO , i hate how your timeline isnt , or is at least very hard to get , tailored to you . ive followed many , many people , and still get random people or celebrities ive never heard of popping up on my feed , with jokes or sayings i have no interest in . maybe its because the app is new , but i feel like a lot of other apps have adapted a lot quicker . despite these downsides though , i think the app is great . for what it has already , i havent noticed any actual issues with using it . no bugs or anything .",3,2023-07-09 05:35:44 +App Store,"I’ve been hoping for something to replace Twitter and Facebook for awhile now (since Twitter was ruined and Facebook has been less and less personal for years) — so naturally Threads intrigued me. So far I’m cautiously optimistic, but it does bother me that it’s owned by Facebook/Instagram and the app is very minimal at the start. So we’ll see how it goes. + +My wife and I both downloaded Threads within 24 hours of each other. I’ve had a positive experience with it so far, but for some reason her account showed her some very questionable stuff (three posts in around thirty seconds of scrolling). I’m guessing this is because I follow more accounts so I don’t see posts from unfollowed accounts, but it could also be due to Instagram privacy/security settings since many of those sync over. + +My main concern at this point is with content visibility control. When someone I follow replies to someone I don’t, I should see a button to show the original post and not the full post by default. There should not be random posts on the feed, especially when they highlight risqué photos. Some people may like seeing unrelated posts, but there needs to be a simple control for seeing this or not. As it stands, my wife has deactivated her account already (less than ten minutes of use) and I may be following suit rather shortly. I understand it’s very new still, but this is important and needs to be addressed promptly for the sake of users and the platform.",2,2023-07-07 21:59:25 +App Store,"Its like Twitter... only its called Threads. The immediate vibe that I got was that its intended to be a place for millennials to feel that sense of being cool again, like they once did when they got Facebook for the first time. The other problem is that I dont see what void its trying to fill, or what problem its trying to solve, other than being another Twitter ""killer"" that is going to solve all the perceived non existent problems of Twitter (Remember when everyone was all excited over the Facebook Killers known as either Google Plus or Diaspora?). I also don't really see how it heightens or enhances instagram, either. Instagram is for all intents, well laid out despite the fact that you cant have a chronological feed that shows you everyone you follow (which it would be nice to scroll through my followers, and not my top interactions + whatever else instagram's algorithm tosses up). Btw, thanks for not allowing me to delete Threads unless I delete my Insta, there is simply no reason for that much tie-in. Regardless now I have a silly @ like symbol on my profile that redirects to a defunct threads link, so good job for useless features. Lastly, in regards to people complaining about toxicity on Twitter as a reason for this app to exist, I would suggest that Twitter is neither toxic or pure, but that most have no clue how go actually use it, as all algorithms are a result of what you, the user, put into it.",1,2023-07-18 22:31:24 +App Store,"If i could give it 0 stars I would. There are so many issues with this app. First of all, I couldn’t be logged into instagram and threads at the same time without getting automatically logged out of the other. The app in itself is poorly made, they made it so simple that it ended up not being user friendly. Forcing you to connect it to an instagram, keeping the same username,(some people enjoy privacy!), and impersonal timelines that are filled with unfunny verified accounts that are impossible to get rid of no matter how many you mute. You can’t even follow enough accounts you like to keep the stuff you don’t like off your timeline. Tried deactivating my threads account, not only will it not fully deactivate but you can’t remove the badge on your instagram no matter what you do, even though it tells you that you can. It just pops back up every time you restart the app or change tabs. I feel like i’m being forced to participate in something I no longer want to be a part of. This is such a terrible app I can barely put it into words. And to think that verified accounts had it before me and it still has all these issues is shocking. Very disappointing. Basically, if you like twitter, avoid this app. If you don’t like twitter, avoid this app. Even my LovenseRemote app is made better than threads.",1,2023-07-08 06:05:30 +App Store,"Downloaded yesterday and I’m enjoying it for what it is so far; sign-up was super easy since you can import all your data from Instagram, and I love how you can directly access other accounts’ Insta pages to follow them there too. + +My only issue is that the app feels a little bare-bones as of now. I understand it’s brand new and will be in the process of developing itself over time, but I’d love to see a bit more in terms of interface. The app feels a bit empty without a proper tagging system and it’s extremely hard for me to find new content and users to follow because my feed is mostly people I already follow on Instagram (plus random verified accounts and one or two new creators I find interest in). Please consider implementing a hashtag or keyword function for the Search bar (or maybe even an Explore page), and I’d probably find a lot more interest in the app! + +Overall, this is a pretty decent start and I’m interested to see where it goes next… and to have a place to post my 3 AM intrusive thoughts.",4,2023-07-07 14:36:02 +App Store,"I expect the posts on my feed to be from only the pages that I follow but what I get in addition to those posts is posts from pages that I don't even follow at all & have zero interest in following on Threads. So Meta/Instagram/Facebook could fix that please. + +The other thing is since I have two different Instagram & Thread accounts (one is my personal & the other is my artsy one that I use for arts & crafts, beauty, quotes, entertainment, & other fun, innocent stuff), I need a way similar to Twitter's way of switching accounts that makes it easier to switch accounts. + +Other changes need to be made as well but these two are the ones I want the most. I am not asking for perfection & the most perfect app since perfection is an overrated illusion, but I also understand that this is a new app & so there might be things to improve so I'm sure constructive feedback from users would be appreciated.",4,2023-07-10 20:17:51 +App Store,"I will preface this by saying that I very rarely access social media; I use Snapchat for a handful of people and have a Facebook account for Marketplace. I am also NOT an Elon fanboy. The app is made very well, as Meta has quite a robust budget and talented programming team. Aside from that, I don’t like how the people you follow are shuffled between random check marks and that it’s unfiltered. Good for a basic, feed-central social media. With all that being said, this app will cause nothing but trouble. Elon Musk’s primary reason for purchasing Twitter in the first place was to divorce it from political power and fumigate the existing echo chamber. Less shadow-banning led to a more balanced ecosystem of opinions. Mark Zuckerberg, head of Meta which was known to sell user information and bolster an all around terrible support ticket system, is making a new “Twitter” right before an election cycle. I can’t wait to see how one-sided things shall be on Threads and not Twitter. I do not wish to continue using either app, however I feel as if a neutral opinion was warranted.",3,2023-07-07 17:28:15 +App Store,"I enjoyed the onboarding experience of bringing in my Instagram followers. But then I was faced with an identity crisis. I’m a suburban mom on Instagram and an industry leader on Twitter. I don’t mix the two and it felt awkward. I trimmed some followers and found several Twitter friends. + +I am irritated by the forced content from people I’m not following because it feels like I’m standing in the tabloid section of a grocery store. Facebook started doing this a few months ago and it drives me crazy. It is a constant stream of ads for brands and influencers I have no loyalty to. I understand that it makes the app more addictive and makes you feel like you have to constantly check it to stay up on the latest trends, but I quite Twitter because of this. I’m tired of hitting Mute and Block on Threads just to enjoy my feed of the latest trends in my industry. Let me curate my content and be intentional about what I consume. I really don’t want to know what Hollywood celebrities are doing. If this “feature” continues, this will be the reason I don’t use Threads.",3,2023-07-07 05:40:39 +App Store,"I'm rooting for a Twitter replacement but threads it not it so far. The extreme connection to Instagram is really annoying. I want them to be separate, I don't want every change I make to have to reflect on both apps. I want separate usernames and pfps and I want it to not open Instagram every single time I want to change the smallest setting. +It also desperately needs a ""people you follow"" timeline. It took only a few days for my ENTIRE feed to be absolutely zero people I follow and exclusively celebrities, brands, and influencers so until they implement a timeline change, the app is completely pointless and not really usable unless I want to spend several hours being nonstop advertised to. This could possibly work and take a lot of traffic away from Twitter as it descends into a bigoted trash heap but it needs an insane amount of work. Less hardcore connection to Instagram and better feeds. Otherwise it's just going to flounder for a while and eventually die as we all move back to Twitter or tumblr.",3,2023-07-08 14:39:27 +App Store,"Threads is already a hugely better app than the dumpster fire that Twitter has become under the South African Blood Diamond heiress, space penis builder, and exploding car maker. It seems to operate smoothly, but there’s still a feeling of difficulty on how to post and repost like it is at instagram. I’m not sure if the hashtags are going to be as awkward either, as in more geared towards marketing than trending topics. This would all be easier to navigate if the app wasn’t showing up so small — basically smart phone size — on my tablet. I mean, I can just switch to my phone, but yeah it bugs me when the size won’t integrate smoothly to the size of the screen. Otherwise, it’s a good app, and will likely replace Twitter in my social media time. Hopefully the size of the app to screen ratio is figured out quickly. I’m happy they provided a functioning app that’s not forever in beta.",4,2023-07-15 04:09:03 +App Store,"so far, i am enjoying this app. obviously there are some features missing that i want, but it is good so far for it’s first update. + +my one complaint about the current features though…the words i have hidden are still showing up on my timeline. this must be a bug, but it is a frustrating one, because there are certain posts i absolutely do not want to see and yet i’m still seeing them. i hope this can be fixed soon!! + +otherwise, the algorithm seems much better to twitter, although it still needs some work. i’m looking for a following tab that hopefully i can make my default timeline, so i’m not seeing so many random accounts. i would also like a feature where you can switch between accounts easily, like on instagram, and i want their to be a close friends equivalent!",4,2023-07-07 14:45:23 +App Store,"Threads, an app renowned for its unique features, has gained significant popularity and emerged as a preferred choice among users. Offering a range of advantages, Threads stands out as a superior platform. One notable aspect is its emphasis on fostering intimate and focused conversations, allowing users to create private groups and establish genuine connections. Moreover, Threads excels in content curation, providing personalized recommendations based on individual interests and preferences, resulting in a more tailored and enriching user experience. The app's intuitive design and seamless interface further contribute to a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience, setting Threads apart as an innovative social media platform. With its distinct features and user-friendly approach, Threads is redefining the landscape of microblogging and gaining recognition as a prominent contender in the realm of social media.",5,2023-07-06 18:52:26 +App Store,"This app is super smooth. I love everything about it. Would be dope to be able to DM friends on here. The day that happens, Threads will most likely become my 1st app choice. There's a few bugs I hope they crank out, but overall smooth. I would prefer seeing post of people I follow vs seeing a bunch of random checkmark folks & businesses I don't even follow talk nonsense. I'm trying to see what my friends are Threading, not a verified wendys account. + +The only other issue I have is the app keeps force quitting when I try to thread. I try to log out and even reset the app. I've updated the app & updated my iPhone, yet it keeps booting me out the app every single time I try to post a thread. Its super annoying. Makes me not want to open the app and thread when I inspiration to post something. Kills the motivation.",4,2023-07-08 13:02:06 +App Store,"I managed to make a few posts, comments, and shares before it started to crash. I can view feeds and profiles and I can like posts but when I go to comment or create a post it crashes- app closes out. I have logged out and logged back in ( which worked once) and I have deleted and reinstalled the app several times. There isn't anything wrong with my internet connection, I have plenty of space, no additional apps running in the background and both my iPhone and the app itself are at their current updated version. I have tagged them in issues on Instagram stories, I have messaged directly and then managed to send a ticket through the app all with no response. I understand if this was a user-wide issue due to the app being new but it is not. I would have better to say because I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the beginning but can no longer enjoy because I can no longer engage. A fix is needed.",2,2023-07-08 18:22:12 +App Store,"this is literally the better twitter. the community is less toxic and the app as a whole is just better. there’s way less ads which is also a plus. HOWEVER one of the main problems is in your main feed, there tends to be a bunch of random threads from people you don’t even follow or associate with who you follow. i do understand that this is a new app though and the algorithm is a work in progress which is understandable. one thing i think would make the app a little cooler, and even better than twitter, is if you had app theming, kinda like how you can theme the direct messages on instagram, but instead have it on threads, and have it be the whole app. (it would be really cool to open up a pink threads app 🤭) overall i think the app is really cool, good job 👍",5,2023-07-18 10:14:16 +App Store,"The poor performance of the service was the worst part of it overall. Takes way too long for anything to load including just text which is crazy to me given Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and really any other service is generally quick even with content that is media rich. The other problem is the feed is boring. I see plenty of things that are utterly uninteresting to me despite the likely importing of my interests and data from instagram. I would have expected that that would having me seeing things that were at least semi relevant to me but that is not the case. The thing I like about twitter is the ability to curate what I want to see but the approach here seems to be that the user is not in control of what they see or don’t see. All that said if this all was improved I could see myself liking Threads but for now it’s not that great",2,2023-07-10 16:52:07 +App Store,"App that was definitely just dropped because people were fussing about twitter again and don’t get me wrong because I’d love to see new competition so twitter will step up and stop making dumb decisions, but as of now, why would I have any reason to use threads? Profiles are boring and messy, no customization besides changing your icon and putting a link, no pinned posts or some sort of media tab, no way to browse people you ACTUALLY follow, and what was the point of flexing no ads if the following feed is brand after brand after brand anyways? There’s also no dms. +Uninstalled after muting over a hundreds accounts, random celebrities and tiktok stars and brands I’ve never even heard of just keep appearing. Not worth your time, just keep using instagram because really, what’s the point of this app with how empty it is? Maybe in the future they will add dms and options to pin posts or have a media tab, but I legitimately can’t believe people were hyping up what’s half of a finished app",1,2023-07-10 18:11:49 +App Store,"Please don’t fumble this app. I’m not trying to see a bunch of random people w/ check marks on my timeline. Let me choose who and what I want to see. I don’t want to see ads and bots everywhere like on Facebook & Instagram 🙄. I’d like to see more UI changes, everything seems small. Not compressed but the font & profile pics, names and three dots to mute/block/report is kinda on the small side and very easy to misclick. Is there an algorithm? Will there be “based on what you like”? Will we be able to switch accounts like on Instagram just by double tapping the profile tab? Will we get a following tab, so we don’t have to weed through random threads? Will we be able to have muted & blocked accounts carry over to our Thread account? If I mute someone why am I still able to see their replies in others threads?",4,2023-07-06 07:13:43 +App Store,"A real sense of community without spam, nudity, and general content you do not wish to see. There may be a sacrifice of my anonymous data being sold to corps, but I am getting exactly what I want so I don’t care. Peace and tranquility and a sense of community is what I was attempting to find on other apps, and this is the first one. It’s a conversation! It’s not an argument. It’s not spoon feeding me videos all day as I scroll past over and over again. This is a new way for me to interact with people of my interests without being bombarded with outside influences. + +Nevertheless, there is still a great mixture of conversations you can randomly begin to be a part of that may not be of interest. + +This is the gen z app where inclusion is of the highest priority, and community is cherished.",5,2023-07-07 04:01:26 +App Store,"Got fed up with Twitter and decided to use Threads. I already have an account on insta so the sign-up process was smooth which is appreciated. If you’re familiar with how Twitter functions, Threads is similar and will be easy to pick up. + +Some stuff I’ve noticed that I hope will be added soon: “search engine” is nonexistent, hashtags don’t work (cuz there’s no “search engine” I’m gonna assume), and if you wanna plan out future posts you can’t. Idk if it’s due to this being an early version of the app and it not being completely finished + not wanting to be super similar to Instagram + wanting to differentiate itself from Instagram since all those features are available on that app but it would be nice to include them in Threads. Pls add these functions to Threads! Thanks in advance",4,2023-07-12 23:12:45 +App Store,"Twitter is better, and this app is horrible. Threads deserves 1 star because it’s boring and not the same as Twitter. Also I don’t think we really needed a twitter clone. Tbh I think we have enough social media as it is LOL. Also why leave or delete twitter when you literally have the biggest following on twitter. Also, for all the people that are trying to leave Twitter because you're too soft to deal with people, grow up LOL. Every social media app has bots and annoying people. It’s literally the internet; if you don’t like it, get off. Threads literally has the same thing as Twitter that’s why threads are implementing rate limits on the app now. Also, If you are leaving Twitter because of Elon Musk, well... I would rather trust Musk than the person who can’t keep data safe and also has privacy issues on their app. At least Musk hasn’t been to court for mishandling millions of people's data. A lot of people forget about what Zuckerberg has done with our data.",1,2023-07-23 07:56:41 +App Store,"The app is obviously in its early stages, with missing features like dms and a trending page. Still, I think the app runs very smooth, looks nice, and has great potential. I’ve already seen an increase of activity as the days go by, and I’m excited to see the app grow! + +To everyone who is leaving 1 star reviews, realize that this app came out less than a week ago. You have no sense of how apps work if you think they would have all functions available at once. Of course it’s not perfect, and you shouldn't expect that from ANY new app. Especially considering a new social media platform is impossibly difficult to start up. But we know it’s more than just another app review for some of you out there.",5,2023-07-07 04:27:47 +App Store,"I was scrolling on my feed liking posts when I suddenly got banned for ""spam"" despite never even posting, only liking posts. I tried to contest the ban but then the app completely froze for multiple minutes. I restarted the app and now it just says there's been an error. I even deleted and redownloaded the app and it still has the same message that I cant escape. there's literally nothing I can do. I'm just glad I made the account with a new instagram and not my personal account because if my actual instagram got banned for no reason I would be even more mad. On top of this, the app itself is like they combined all the worst parts of twitter and instagram, and left out anything good. The feed is clogged with posts accounts from accounts you don't follow, there's no post notification tab, no translate button, you can't select text, you can't search for specific posts, interface is cluttered, I could go on.",1,2023-07-06 14:06:52 +App Store,"Briefly speaking, this app is decent overall, just needs some more updates like editing and better thread navigation stuff to be a more viable competitor to Twitter/be “Meta/Facebook/Instagram” Twitter. + +Now for the data tracking rant. + +To be fair, everything ends up collecting our data in some way or form and share it with everything else on the internet at some point. Though this is Meta which is one of the few social media apps that are notoriously bad for tracking data, they do not even bother trying to hide it for this app. At least with Facebook and Instagram you at least have the option to opt out (more likely give you the comfort feeling, not necessarily completely opting out) of tracking both as a pop up and in the settings (for ads mainly). This app? It tracks basically everything, and doesn’t even prompt you at all.",2,2023-07-15 00:49:16 +App Store,"When I click a thread I can’t see any replies. Instead I get a message saying “Sorry, something went wrong. Try again.” Same thing when I click on someone’s profile. I go to their page but don’t see any of their threads or replies. It says “Content not available”. When I try to reply to a thread it shows up as a reply but it says “your thread failed to upload”. If I click the heart at the bottom I go to the Activity page. On that page no matter what I select from the menu: All, Follows, Replies, etc… each says “Sorry,something went wrong. Try again”. My wireless connection is strong. I’ve tried both with and without a VPN. I’ve deleted and re-downloaded the app a few times. Nothing helps. Always the same result with the same bugs.",4,2023-07-22 04:39:01 +App Store,"so far, i like threads. it’s pretty solid for now, it can be better. that being said, i do have some suggestions for the app developers to improve the app for users: + +CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! +only the ppl i follow and their activity should be in my timeline, not these other random users…put them on a separate page +the separate page should be our home page with news, pop culture events, hashtags you follow, and the random users/suggested posts here +pls give us hashtags! +search by hashtags and words, not just users +thumbs down for threads (dislike count not shown public) +pls give us a gif library in the threads post area +a drafts/save for later tab for threads +following count put by the follower count too. why is it just one? show both or neither, pls pick one +show list of likes + the option to keep it private +saved/bookmarks tab (private) +dms/private messages on here +voice message for threads +close friends thread list +these changes would make a lot of people (including me) use the app a whole lot more and come back to give a higher review rating. we thank you for the hard work so far. and thx for listening!🩷",4,2023-07-06 15:40:06 +App Store,"Zuck, my boy…if we’re gonna rake in the legal trouble by “mimicking” or grabbing “inspiration” from the bird next door *wink wink* let’s go ahead and stick to what works. Please, I beg you, fix the video playback on this app. Let’s grant users the option to disable auto-play, let’s add a scrolling tool so we don’t have to sit through the whole video or (God forbid) have our fingers slip and start the video all the way from the beginning, and let’s fix that pesky/stubborn audio enable button. + +Also, let’s update the U.I. a little bit. It’s giving: bland. Let’s add some pizzazz! I enjoy seeing what threads my friends reply to, but I also wanna see what they like. + +Lastly, the search tab…have your team take some notes on what Bluey’s doing to make things interactive (i.e. “For you”, “Trending”, “News”, etc.) and move forward from there. Thanks buddy.",3,2023-07-08 07:38:58 +App Store,"Like many people have said, I’ve been wanting something to replace twitter for a while and so far this is doing a good job at being that platform. I don’t like, however, that my feed is flooded with meme accounts already, and I don’t see what my friends are posting. I’m sure my friends are not posting much, with it being such a new app, but the millions of memes in my homepage ensures I will never see them. It would be nice to have the home feed dedicated to just who you’re following, even if there’s nothing new for a while, and have the search page be for meme accounts and such. Or maybe a “posts you may like” page or something. If I wanted to see a bunch of garbage on my feed I would go to Facebook. I guess I’m just hoping for something more personal and focused on people I actually know.",3,2023-07-13 08:33:21 +App Store,"I recently tried out this app, and let me tell you, it was a total letdown. Right from the start, the user interface was a mess. I mean, seriously, what were they thinking? It was confusing and just plain ugly. It felt like they randomly threw everything together without any thought for user experience. I was left scratching my head, trying to figure out where everything was. + +But that's not all. The app had serious performance issues. It was as slow as a snail on a Sunday stroll. Every tap felt like an eternity, and don't even get me started on the freezing! I'd be in the middle of doing something, and bam! The app would freeze, leaving me frustrated and annoyed. + +And here's the real kicker: Threads had this crazy, over-the-top censorship going on. They didn't want anyone to say anything remotely controversial or express any dissenting opinions. Come on! We should be able to have open conversations without being muzzled. It felt like they were trying to control what we could and couldn't say, and that's just plain wrong. + +Honestly, I wouldn't recommend Threads to anyone. The terrible user interface, performance issues, and heavy-handed censorship make it a complete waste of time. If you're looking for an app that values free speech and actually works well, keep on searching, my friend. Threads is definitely not the one for you.",1,2023-07-10 14:08:57 +App Store,"so yea, the app was amazing cuz its exactly the same like Twitter and its obviously benefit us cuz we don’t have to create another account for this apps cuz we can just use Instagram, just the serious major problems that everyone may faced the same things as me, the apps seriously take up too much space, like compare to Twitter the, the megabytes is too small and the programmed works really well-the lossless compression really work for twitter, and another things that i would want to pointed out is that since the storage is limit for certain peoples and deleting the apps seriously devastating them cuz their account is getting deleted at the same time, its really devastating and upsetting me, i wish that by deleting the apps don’t cause their instagram account getting deleted, but overall im really enjoying the thread apps",3,2023-07-11 16:06:57 +App Store,"The app in itself is ok. However, there needs to be a separate page for posts ONLY from people that I follow show up, none of that stupid algorithm recommending me some random accounts. There should be a sort of “explore” page for the algorithm to be implemented and suggest any content including from accounts I don’t follow and another page only for posts from those I follow. There should also be a mechanism to get rid of bots and spam accounts easily and quickly as I have already seen many bots under several posts. This is an issue that Twitter suffers pretty badly from and it looks like threads is going to as well. + +Allow gif replies too. Also should allow replies to be hidden from followers👍🏻",4,2023-07-10 15:34:48 +App Store,"No point in getting this app if you want to use it to keep in touch with mutuals. You will not see who you follow on your feed, even if you change the settings to see so you follow first. You only get to see for posts at most by who you follow, after that, you just get recommended accounts who are verified and only post twitter screenshots. I hate twitter so only seeing twitters negativity is really disappointing. + +Even if you’re content just seeing certain mutuals, if you accidentally refresh the app, you’ll never find whatever posts you were looking at, posted by your following, ever again. Your best bet to see all of who you follow Is to individually check all of their profiles daily. Who has time for that though? Might as well just take following people on the app off. Really disappointing for small creators. Not even upset for myself, just want to support my friends. Genuinely impossible. + +Another thing, pictures upload in bad quality just line Instagram. 5 second videos take 5 minutes to upload. You have to click on the video and full screen it if you want to listen to it, with Instagram, don’t even have to click the video. You just turn up your volume and that’s why I love instagrams. + +Praying they fix that following feed issue or it’ll be the apps biggest downfall tbh.",1,2023-07-09 23:37:14 +App Store,"Firstly a playback system, maybe if I double tap the right side of the screen it plays forward a few seconds and vise versa, a media only section to where we can only see videos and picture, ofc with the option of being able to pick which one we wanna see only which in fact twitter DOESNT have, and maybe also like a page that’s called stuff you like, that’s based off your follows and likes, like a for you page, but with a different name. Actually maybe it can be called THREADED I kinda like the sound of that honestly. Tho even if you didn’t add these things the app is already really good, I’m pretty you guys won’t F this up. GOOD JOB DEVELOPMENT TEAM",5,2023-07-07 13:26:48 +App Store,"So far I enjoy the simplicity of the app, which I understand most apps start off this way but I urge the developers to not start adding unnecessary features that make it feel and look like what Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has become. There are ads everywhere, there’s content I just do not care to see which causes me to miss the content of the people I actually follow. Also never Get rid of the free form writing features; tab or return button allowing us to create space between paragraphs, as well as the capability to write longer paragraphs. Simple and clean is the way to go in my opinion, I love to write and I love to read. I don’t mind a few videos or pictures here and there but I believe the main focus on threads should more text based content.",3,2023-07-11 12:09:04 +App Store,"Love the app already. The integration with instagram when creating your account is smart. Whole communities are finding each other. However, there are some caveats: +1. I can’t switch accounts easily like I can with Instagram. I operate a small business account and a creator account to boot and I have to hard log out of my personal account to switch. Please add switching functionality please! +2. GIPHY keyboard from iPhone does not work like it would on competitor apps +3. There is no chronological timeline or sort by feature. If there were buttons similar to Reddit or Twitter that lets you scroll between “new, hot, best, etc”, then it would make it fantastic to scroll through",4,2023-07-06 12:30:56 +App Store,"This was released way before it’s time. They should have figured out the basics. No hashtags, no search for anything other than usernames, poor interoperability between Meta platforms of any, immediately put limits but never posted or published expectations, good active threaders being put in timeout or banned due to being excited and active, no way to communicate with AI to explain your case of not being a script. Head of Instagram acknowledged that unintentional restrictions would be put on active users with good intentions with no way of getting ahold of the company. You see so much crap, and you have no control of your feed. When you unfollow people you will see the egregious content anyway. Profile is weak, text characters is too limited, no way to know if those you follow and following you. No edit button, slow & unresponsive, the list goes on…",1,2023-07-22 16:21:46 +App Store,"I’ve been using the app for a week now, and so far, I am liking it! The profile resembles it’s grahams old profile format. There aren’t a lot of features like it has on Instagram or other apps. where you could save drafts and schedule posts. I like how I’m able to connect with my Instagram followers through Threads, but you aren’t able to see who is mutually following you, or who follows you back. The overall layout of the time line is quite minimalistic, and reminds me of Tumblr in a way, so I eased into the format. I also wish we could change our usernames and names? I don’t want it to be just a copy paste from my Instagram. The switch account feature logs you out which is annoying. Overall, not bad!",3,2023-07-11 19:43:13 +App Store,"Not sure if the warm fuzzy new platform feeling will last forever (or once meta finds a way to monetize with ads), but right now Threads is super fun and has been making me enjoy social media for the first time in a while. I appreciate threads’ moderate approach to moderation - add disclaimers to fake news / fake news posters while also not outright censoring people. Elon musk lovers are mad, but they really should just be worried since this will definitely kill twitter. The UI is slick and the features work so far. My one request would be to add a “close friends” posts features so that not all my insta friends following me on threads see EVERYTHING.",5,2023-07-08 23:21:26 +App Store,"99% of my feed is from people I’m not following. They force a lot of big celebrities and companies on us which I’m not a fan of. There’s no news / trending section which they’ve already explained that they do not intend to add due to the nature of politics and news. They want to keep a positive vibe and they feel that those topics are too heated. Sure this makes it a more pleasant place but I do not believe people should be sheltered from the harsh realities of our world just to avoid arguments. + +There needs to be a dark mode. I have photosensitivity and looking and a bright white screen hurts my eyes. + +I was hopeful that this would replace Twitter because Elon Musk is horrible. Unfortunately the hollow Instagram illusion is what they’re set on maintaining and I do not feel it is right for this type of social media.",2,2023-07-08 03:12:46 +App Store,"1. Adjustable Text Size: Provide users with the option to modify the size of the text within the application’s interface, allowing for customization based on individual preferences. + +2. Profile Photo Zoom: Implement functionality that enables users to click on a profile photo, triggering a larger view of the image for better visibility and detail. + +3. Dim Mode: Introduce a dark blue-themed dim mode within the application, offering an alternative visual style that is less intense than the typical night black mode. + +4. Hashtags: Incorporate support for hashtags, enabling users to add and search for specific topics or themes by utilizing relevant hashtags within the application. + +5. Following-Only Feed: Create a separate feed within the application that exclusively displays content from users that the current user follows, providing a personalized and tailored experience. + +6. Trending Page: Implement a dedicated page that showcases trending topics, hashtags, or popular content within the application, allowing users to stay informed about popular discussions and current trends.",4,2023-07-06 19:47:08 +App Store,"i was excited to install this app as a user of mastodon, instagram, and just about every social media site under the sun these days. excitement turned into frustration really quickly. good on meta for using activitypub so you can follow anyone across the web and the fediverse. i was excited since i could see what my friends i know irl post since they mainly only use instagram and this entire site is based around instagram. it let me follow everyone i knew on instagram quickly, cool! it even told me about the fediverse integration coming up. then, the real fun began. the home feed was filled with absolutely nobody i follow (even after importing my follows and followers from instagram) and shows a lot of content that really shouldn’t be allowed on here. there’s basically no hashtag support, and the app is buggy. constant crashing, forced autoplay, algorithmic feed with basically no one you follow or any interests of yours. the fediverse integration isn’t even available at launch. it’s all verified accounts on the homepage and no real connections with genuine users. never before have i used an app this buggy and unfinished besides maybe fallout 76 and that’s saying something.",2,2023-07-06 05:31:21 +App Store,"I so badly want to leave Twitter forever but, aside from the fact that there are some glaring holes that seem likely to be addressed/fixed, this app has stopped working for me. The Activity area won’t load. Just says “Sorry, something went wrong. Try again”. Also, same thing happens when I click the profile button. Can’t see my threads or replies. Says the same thing here. Lastly, I cannot see replies on threads other than the ones that appear in the main feed. When I click on a thread, it says the same thing yet again (“Sorry, something went wrong. Try again”) where I would be able to see replies, etc. Lastly, I get the same error message when I try to post a thread. So frustrating!!! + +I’ve tried logging out/in again, deleting the app, restarting my iPhone, and nothing works. + +Please help?",1,2023-07-16 07:48:45 +App Store,"My main problem with the layout of this app is the same as my problem with Twitter—the wayyy to unorganized, you can’t find what you’re looking for. Right now your profile has 2 tabs, a main one and a replies one. I’d love it if there were 3 tabs instead of two: + +• Chat (text posts) +• Gallery (Videos and photos) +• Social (Replies, quotes, reposts). + +— + + Then you can also add search filters to find posts that fall under one of those three tabs, instead of just searching accounts. This way you can’t neatly organize the blog aspect, the social aspect, and the artistic aspect! In my opinion this would make it MUCH more user friendly. That way when I want to look at my favorite artists work, I don’t have to scroll through hours of ended conversions or reposts. If I’m looking for a topic to talk about, I don’t have to scroll through pictures to do it. It would also mean I could quote and repost other people’s stuff more without worrying about burying my own work/making my page impossible to navigate. Other than that it’s looking pretty good so far!",3,2023-07-07 12:20:21 +App Store,"Ok so, i have been using threads for about 2 hours. I have found some good, but also some bad. I love how easy it is to use the app, I love the simplicity, and how easy it was to sign in, just directly using your Instagram account. However, if you’re like me, and you want to use a separate account for Threads, then you won’t love the first implementation of the app. You are stuck using your name and profile picture that you used for Instagram and the app seems to crash quite often and I would also love some features like DMs and a couple other things. I am super excited to use this app and see how it compares to Twitter!",4,2023-07-06 02:57:45 +App Store,"I can honestly say that the app is a nightmare. As an avid user who relies on platforms like this for news, updates, and connections, I am utterly disappointed. + +The app's performance has hit an all-time low. It lags, freezes, and crashes constantly, making it nearly impossible to have a smooth browsing experience. It's as if the developers took a promising app and intentionally wrecked it. + +And don't even get me started on the algorithm! The prioritization of irrelevant and repetitive content is mind-numbing. I followed accounts for a reason, but they are rarely shown, while suggestions that I have no interest in flood my feed. It's an infuriating waste of time. + +The app also bombards users with endless ads and sponsored content, effectively killing the authenticity and charm of the platform. This invasive approach feels greedy and reflects a lack of respect for users' time and attention. + +In conclusion, the app has become a breeding ground for frustration. Its glitches, algorithmic failures, lack of action against harassment, excessive ads, and poor UX have turned a once-promising platform into a colossal disappointment. Unless drastic improvements are made, I cannot recommend this app to anyone seeking a worthwhile social media experience.",1,2023-07-06 17:20:24 +App Store,"i downloaded threads to see what the hype was about. after scrolling through the feed for a few minutes, i decided i didn’t like it. the format of the app wasn’t very aesthetically pleasing. so, i tried to deactivate my account since i didn’t want it anymore. i clicked deactivate, several times, and it never would deactivate. so, i just decided to delete the app and forget about it. except… all of my notifications started coming through my instagram app?? AND my threads number was still in my profile. i clicked “hide” multiple times, but every single time i refresh my profile, it pops up again. the number on my profile is actually ugly and killing the aesthetics of my profile. it’s so big and in your face. no one cares what your thread number is. please let me delete my account.",1,2023-07-13 18:30:51 +App Store,"I like where this is going but a lot of things need to change before I use this consistently. Please make a section that consists only of the posts by the people I’m following! I’m tired of seeing random people on my feed, so I don’t use this app very much for that reason. Secondly, please add drafts. That one just seems like a no brainer to me. Thirdly, a trending page/trending hashtags would be great. Since you’re clearly taking a page out of Twitter’s playbook, why not add the good parts of Twitter? + +Also, this is just a thought, but I would really love a section similar to Facebook Groups on Twitter. Spaces where fandoms can interact just within their enclosed group. + +Thank you! Hoping to see this app improve in the future!",3,2023-07-07 11:09:10 +App Store,"Threads suns smoothly, is simple, and really easy to use. Best of all, it’s not bogged down with bad algorithms that bury the content I want under ads and promoted content! Let’s hope meta keeps it that way. + +So far this has been, for me, more enjoyable to use than instagram. I’ve never used twitter so I can’t say, but there’s gotta be a reason I’ve never bothered. + +Please don’t mess this up, Mark, don’t ruin this for us. Keep it pure. Keep it for the people, not the investors. Let the other ad-laden social media apps carry this one financially. We desperately need a USEFUL social media app, and this has the potential to do it!",5,2023-07-08 19:17:12 +App Store,"I’m not that impressed with it or the format. It just reminds me too much of Twitter, which is a toilet bowl of toxicity. This is heading in that direction already. They need to create something that’s all good and doesn’t just feed the verified influencers. It allows everyone to be verified. It treats everyone equally. It doesn’t shadow ban, but it also doesn’t shows you threads of people you don’t even follow nor are interested in, which is what it does now. Someone like a Jennifer Aniston merely posts a hand wave and 400,000 people click like. (Rolling eyes here). How about you create an app that actually shows really great content. People with something of depth and substance to say. We don’t need another Twitter sound bite app. As I said I wasn’t impressed with this.",2,2023-07-09 02:14:24 +App Store,"It’s a good alternative to the bird app, but it needs far more work: +Search: Have it search users or keywords. Right now it’s just users. +Instagram integration: apparently “follow all” would follow all those I follow on Instagram when they sign up. That hasn’t always been the case and now I’m having to manually go through those I follow on Instagram and find them in Threads and follow them again. They’re also not automatically following me for the same reason. They have to manually find me. +Feed: I don’t mind the curated feed, but allow us to have just those we follow in a separate feed, or allow us to create custom feeds (like Lists on the bird app). +Data: what exactly is “sensitive data”?",3,2023-07-07 08:21:24 +App Store,"I kept on hearing about this app, so I finally gave it a try. I’m not sure what it is, but something about it feels fake, as in too nice, too forced, too polite, too many rules. I like the raw style of Twitter much better, you’re free to express yourself without so many restrictions. I also don’t see much action going on, maybe because the app is too new. Personally, I don’t see a point to use it when I already have Twitter and Instagram. I can see how it can appeal to some people, because you get more of the fake celebrities on here than you do on Twitter, which are usually the most popular, but to each their own. I’ll be deleting the app, since I hear that if I close the account, I also lose my Instagram account, which I’ve had for years. What a terrible decision to link both apps that way.",1,2023-07-21 03:56:32 +App Store,"Dropping another star because my news feed is 95% influencers and crap I don’t follow on ANY platform, but for some reason you guys pushed the app out before you could get your algorithms decent. Spent the last 15 minutes muting every other account because ya’ll can’t just give us what we want. Please make the first update to have our feed people we follow ONLY. + +Dropping a star because my Thread's feed is ALREADY filled celebrities, influencers and other pages I have no interest in and don’t follow. Please, PLEASE keep the feed to who we follow in chronological order. + +So far I like it, but I’d like to be able to hide accounts I don’t want in my feed other than by blocking or restricting. They didn’t do anything wrong, I just don’t care about them.",2,2023-07-08 13:59:03 +App Store,"I know there are tons of updates coming but Twitter will show the ANNOYING “refresh feed” icon under the front camera, which when pressed sends you to the VERY TOP of your feed. Threads has the same. thing. + +Twitter at least allows you to close the app from your Home Screen, re open Twitter, and the icon is gone BUT you remain at the same place where you were previously scrolling. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow users to do this on BOTH Instagram and Threads. I see a post I’m about to repost, like, or reply to, and then my feed refreshes where I lose the post forever. It makes me not want to use the Threads app!!",4,2023-07-07 18:14:32 +App Store,"The app is decent a lot of the time so far but for it to be great i think it should distance itself a little bit from instagram, still have the option to link it with insta but not rely on it entirely. +I really think there needs to be more user experience to it like asap, dm’s seeing your own likes, allowing people to follow without needing to accept a request when you have a public profile, SAVING POSTS‼️‼️etc I really want all these things to be added/fixed like yesterday haha- oh also make it easier for people who follow a lot of people at once to not be assumed as a spam bot please :) cant log into my account anymore bc of that",3,2023-07-09 00:28:54 +App Store,"I downloaded the app a few minutes after its public launch and have used it every day since then. I understand that there are a lot of features that still need to be added. I love the interactions on the app and knowing that the content is moderated for hate speech and other hateful things is deeply reassuring. +I find the general atmosphere of the app to be uplifting, informative, and positive and I hope it stays this way!! +Thank you Meta, despite my reservations about you, for giving us this new virtual space to build real communities!!",5,2023-07-16 14:55:12 +App Store,"Great solution to twitter, fun to scroll through people’s thoughts and news but it’s a new app and you can tell it’s missing features. I think with time it’ll be a fantastic app if it stays afloat. One thing I’d like to suggest is separate tabs to view threads from just people your following and a tab for explore/discovery/for you, also and edit feature would be useful instead of deleting posts if you misspell and one more quality of life feature would be double tapping posts to like it would tie it into instagram nicely. Overall I think it’s a great app and look forward to seeing how it evolves in the future🪡",4,2023-07-06 21:26:56 +App Store,"The app is nice. I like the replacement twitter. Its good for old twitter users and for those who never have to ever experience that app and its users which is amazing in so many more ways than one. I wonder why this feature was not added onto Instagram instead than a separate app though? Many of Instagram’s users will probably be hearing this app around and have probably been asking for the text post feature for a while now, such as a myself. I hope to see this app do well and maybe even as an addition to Instagram than its own separate thing. I would do anything for text posts on Instagram.",4,2023-07-06 06:01:52 +App Store,"Right now all I can rate this app is 3 stars. It’s generally pretty good, the layout is great and it feels much less toxic than what it’s trying to replace which is always a plus. Unfortunately, there’s some issues that I can’t get past without docking points. There’s no direct messaging feature, that coupled with the need of an instagram account to use the app means that this is not a standalone app but more of an addition to Instagram. Also, the algorithm isn’t the best. It’s difficult to curate your feed to stuff you want to see, like specific topics, which is something some users are already leaving over. All in all, still better than Twitter.",3,2023-07-18 11:35:45 +App Store,"I made a parody account on Thread and within a couple hours it was suspended even though it clearly (in bio and user name) was not the person it was parody of. Their “appeals” process only allowed for me to confirm a password and phone number. You cannot actually appeal, or fix whatever they determined was a violation in the first place. One I submitted my “appeal” (only phone number and password) within seconds they somehow were able to determine the ban was worthy of being permanent. Another gem of an app from the Zuckerberg farm. Further they’ll appeal all your accounts associated w your phone number (across meta/Facebook, Instagram, etc too) even if those did not violate any rules. Do not trust them with your data and use at your own risk!",1,2023-07-09 05:35:54 +App Store,"Overall I think the app is pretty good for it being just released but as of now the only thing i can think of that would make it a lot better for me personally is a section for threads you don’t want to post yet or just want to keep to yourself— essentially drafts. There have been many threads i have wanted to draft just to keep them for myself but can’t because the app simply doesn’t have that feature as of now, but i hope that as the app develops and updates more that we will have it in the future along with many other things",4,2023-07-16 11:10:20 +App Store,"At first glance this app seems like an amazing mobile application. I’ve always enjoyed Instagram and I’ve always enjoyed Twitter. However, once you install this app, you will realize that you can never delete your threads account. Unless you delete your Instagram account also. For some reason, Zuckerberg and the Instagram meta-team think it’s a good idea to grab all of your health data, political, affiliations, religious beliefs, and even your credit score. Now on top of that, if you install this app due to all of the data mining that it is stealing behind the scenes, this app will drain your battery faster than any app that I’ve ever seen. So a reminder, this app is like hotel, California you can thread in anytime you like, but you can never leave.",1,2023-07-14 18:31:21 +App Store,"Threads in its current iteration is a random collection of unsorted and unsortable conversations among people I don't know and mostly don't care to know. Why do I follow people or have followers? I cannot actually follow anyone unless I navigate (tediously) to their profile page and scroll down at threads they created or re-threaded. That is just too cumbersome to provide an enjoyable experience. For example, I welcomed a dozen or so folks that cover my favorite college teams. But, now that Threads has scale, I rarely ever see their posts, excuse me, threads. Oh, I can still find their comments - - - over on Twitter in my Sports List. Threads is like I am at a cocktail party, incognito, overhearing conversations and feeling like I just want to leave.",2,2023-07-23 21:39:11 +App Store,"When I first installed it, it was fine, did what it’s supposed to. After a couple days, I couldn’t view any replies to posts, any posts of a (public) user, it was basically worthless. Keep getting “Something went wrong, try again” error or “Content not available”. Tried all solutions but none worked, so I had to delete the app. Hopefully a future release will fix this problem because I really want to use it. + +I also was bothered that upon installation, many of my Instagram followers “requested” a follow (which is an automatic thing upon install?). It would be nice to differentiate who actually clicked a follow button, and who did the automatic follow request.",2,2023-07-18 07:38:06 +App Store,"I didn’t realize you couldn’t delete without deleting your instagram. Not cool. I would like it if it wasn’t just a bunch of influencers in my feed. Same with the other app. I follow people I want to see. I don’t need to see ONLY influencers. I don’t mind a few sprinkled in (I do enjoy their content), but it’s all that I see. I have real friends I follow on there and they are nowhere to be found. I deleted Twitter long ago, so I probably should’ve realized it would be the same to me. It’s just annoying seeing all the same influencers sharing their same content on every app. I miss seeing people I want to interact with. Most of them don’t even interact with us peasants…",3,2023-07-19 03:18:49 +App Store,Good start but could be fleshed out a little more. I really hope they make it easy for you to switch between accounts like Instagram does so you don’t have to log out and log in every time. It’s also easy to switch apps from threads to Instagram but not visa-versa. Threads has an Instagram logo top right to switch easily but to switch from Instagram to threads there is no such shortcut. I would also like to possibly see a your all caught up divider so you don’t mindlessly scroll the threads you seen before.,5,2023-07-11 08:50:13 +App Store,"The UI is constrained, thoughtful and masterfully engineered — a world-class product. Only upstaged by a relentless stream of the trashiest influencers who have ever roamed this scorched earth. There’s no escaping the Kardashian wannabes breaking news regurgitaters, as they fill my feed with garbage I never asked for. Why oh why would you treat such a well designed app with such disrespect? Oh, I know. Because the name of the game is maximum attention. It’s only a matter of time before the ads are interleaved between the celebrity trash talk. Then the only step left is to optimize the algorithm to maximize fear and anxiety to increase stickiness. Oh Meta, it’s so so clear where you’re taking us and it’s so disappointing.",3,2023-07-09 00:39:10 +App Store,"The app first appeared to be a well structured version of Twitter and I had high hopes for this app, until the moment I reached the home page. The main home page is filled with nothing but posts from people I don’t even follow. I understand these big companies need to make money and paid posts are a thing as much as we hate them. But the thing that’s most annoying is that we thought this would be an app for us IRL friends to connect with one another by allowing us to choose not to follow celebrities or big companies but yet we can’t get away from them and my friends posts are nowhere to be seen. Feels like just another big tech app putting money before the users.",2,2023-07-07 16:08:34 +App Store,"For the past several weeks, Instagram has been banning my 13 year-old account that I mostly use to read family members’ updates every 5-7 days. I send them the “proof of life” photo, they review my account and say “whoops our bad” and restore the account. Then a week later they make the same mistake. Rinse and repeat. + +Do you want to give access to a company that is that incompetent all your personal data? Scroll down to the description of what information this app collects about you. That’s not necessary to run a short posting service. It is necessary to run a business where they sell your data to other businesses. + +Meta/Facebook/Instagram shouldn’t be trusted to do anything in your best interest, and they know A LOT about you.",1,2023-07-07 15:08:50 +App Store,"so i love the idea of threads. it’s a cool form of self expression especially since twitter became a ghost town (no one uses it anymore). but some things are already annoying me. firstly, having random verified people on my feed and i don’t care about them. i think we should have an option to see public thoughts and separate our followers. kinda like how ig has a favorite section on posting. secondly, i think it would be so cool if threads were built into the actual instagram app. similar to reels, we could also make threads a part of our profile. it could be a separate section like reels have that people can see our thoughts and get to know how we think. i think having a separate app is kinda extra. i love it but not a lot of people are actually interested in downloading another app, where as on the actual ig, like the new notes feature, people would engage more. other than that, i love this new addition!",4,2023-07-06 03:10:10 +App Store,"Instagram clearly seems to be taking a shot at twitter here and i havent read one review that didnt mention how someone hated twitter or twitter was garbage now. + +so honest review WITHOUT BIAS; + +this is a fad and is going to fizzle out rather quickly, there is nothing special or unique about this app and it essentially seems to be just an extention of instagram with a much worse algorithm. The feed is not really tailored to you so much as its just whats popular. It connects fully with the meta ecosystem which causes privacy concerns for me; (id also like my accounts to be separate but connected for once). it seems like they released a beta version or something because this cant be a finished product",2,2023-07-07 16:34:23 +App Store,"Threads is an interesting app with potential. It's sad how we can't add back the Threads badge to Instagram after removing it. We're also still missing basic features, such as the (1) tab to view only threads from those we follow, (2) ability to search up topics or we're interested in, and (3) privacy functions to hide those we follow and/or those that follow us. Other social media apps have these basic features! It'd be interesting to see more forum-like aspects incorporated on it. After all, forums and other discussion boards have Threads! I'm hoping topics will be organized and clearly presented (or easily found)..",3,2023-07-14 17:50:12 +App Store,"Threads is the single greatest waste of time I ever came across. 98% of my feed filled with posts from users I don't even follow. People I follow aren't engaging with those posts either. Just feels like spam. I have spent more time reporting posts like this as spam, bc they're clogging up my feed. IG is already an established distraction where we are trying to keep up w our friend's businesses and shenanigans. Threads feels like a desperate outlet for incredibly bored people. Otherwise, is it just another app collecting user activity to feed a server with data? + +please add a setting to limit people's posts that are just trying to go viral, excluding certain keywords (like""Elon"" 🙄) and maybe you won't lose some users",2,2023-07-06 20:54:48 +App Store,"i’ve been looking for a way out of twitter for a while because the platform has been turned into a worse place than it already was. but there’s no real alternative to twitter. until threads. it has the backing of Meta, it doesn’t have a “buy verification here” button, and the oligarchical billionaire that controls it mostly keeps to himself. the platform is still in its early stages and is missing many vital features you’d usually see in a social media platform, but i have hope for the future. sadly for NSFW creators, they’re stuck on twitter.",4,2023-07-13 06:06:02 +App Store,"as the tittle says, pretty decent & has potential! but personally, as i’m sure others would agree too (i also know you’re still developing/tweaking) but i would love my home feed/timeline to consist of ONLY the people i follow. i’d like a separate explore tab with all the random ppl (the home page you currently have) would be nice! i would love to pick & choose when i get to see random people i don’t follow because my home page just feels like spam/junk mail with zero access to content i actually care about. also, would love to see a, who i’m following tab as well. thanks!",3,2023-07-07 12:13:35 +App Store,"So, I tried to log back into Threads with my Instagram account for the second day just now, and I have been receiving an error message that would tell me to “please wait a few minutes” before I try again. I believe that it must have something to do with me logging in so many times with my Instagram account every time I opened the app yesterday. With that said, I was wondering if you’ll add a feature on there that would allow me to remain signed in to Threads without me having to log in with my Instagram account every time I open the app? Please let me know and fix this issue ASAP.🙏🏻",3,2023-07-07 13:22:34 +App Store,"More features are requested, for sure, including the ability to filter posts (or threads, I should say), perhaps the ability to quickly switch between accounts (especially if you have more than one), and maybe the ability to send private messages (or rather, DMs), just to name a few. + +But overall, it’s a nice, clean app, easy-to-use, and hopefully will live up to be the “killer app” that everyone is expecting it to be (you know, compared to that other one with the blue bird)!",5,2023-07-06 17:21:22 +App Store,"I love that it connects to your instagram. The app works amazing for being new. Zero errors. That’s great. However, I want to bring up the bad more than the good. Things I don’t like is seeing people I follow respond to other threads. That should be a feature one can turn off. I just want a clean timeline of threads I follow. Also I think there should be an option to search for threads easily. For example, I would like to search threads on puppies. Right now I don’t really see an option like that.",5,2023-07-11 03:17:47 +App Store,"First impressions were that Threads was a much nicer experience than other social media platforms however as time went on (24 hours) my feed started to become inundated with crypto scams, nudity and racist content. Expecting this to be dealt with, I flagged to the content moderation team only to be told that this sort of thing (hard R, crypto scams) were not against the rules and would not be removed. +If this is the policy then I’m afraid the site will quickly become just as toxic as the others. Such a shame as it has such potential. I wish them all the best but if there is no rule against hate speech, nudity or scams, it’s not something I want to be a part of.",2,2023-07-10 01:59:32 +App Store,"It's a new app so I'll give it some slack but whenever I go into my feed, it shows random people posting. Which isnt a problem, I couldn't care less but I'd prefer to see people I've followed first just like the actual Instagram. + +Leads me into my next point, I can't seem to comment or post threads. It's literally the main purpose of this app too. I've tried uninstalling it and redownloading it and refreshing my feed. Nothing works, it just keeps kicking me out everytime I try to post something. Could be something I'm only experiencing, and it's not that big of a deal because I don't post much anyways. + +Overall, its still a new app so I'm hoping these bugs will get fixed soon.",2,2023-07-06 17:06:41 +App Store,I like this app a lot. There’s no stupid rules and toxic people like Twitter. The only thing I would like changed is when you are scrolling on your feed and you’re seeing people’s posts it would be nice to see posts from people you follow. I don’t mind seeing posts from people I don’t follow but I’d like to see majority of the posts on my feed from people I follow. I was recently scrolling on my Threads feed and 90% of the posts were from people I do not follow. I would like to see posts from people I follow. Other than that the app is great.,4,2023-07-11 22:27:00 +App Store,"Hey bbg, 5 stars. However, please make switching between more than one account a thing (so i can have my public and private threads) and make a follower and following list there so i can easily sort through who i want to follow and who i dont. Also, not sure if this is just a me problem, but i have to confirm follow requests even though my account is public. I'm assuming thats a bug and its VERY annoying because that means a lot of my followers cant see what i post. ty for reading my review <3",5,2023-07-09 17:53:03 +App Store,"In its infancy of course, there are many tweaks that can, and will be done over the course of the next few months and even years however, right now minus a few things - the app is really quite incredible. +Easy to learn, post, navigate, search. It is a testament to the hard work of a lot of creators and currently it is really a lot of fun. I’d recommend it to anybody looking for an active social platform where you can communicate with just about anybody.",5,2023-07-09 15:28:17 +App Store,"Its like all the worst parts of both platforms, all in one app. The only feed you get is algorithm based, so you end up seeing a bunch of people you don’t know and don’t care about. I spent so long blocking people just to get passed all the corporate accounts and celebs. Instagram has a similar algorithm and its a big reason why I rarely use it. +There’s no TAGS. You can look up specific users and that’s it. No way of finding other people, it’s just whatever the algorithm feeds you- which will be mostly blue checks trying to get in your good graces so you buy their crap or whatever. Everyone is posting about how great the app is, but it feels so fake. Like are they even using the same app?",1,2023-07-08 18:01:58 +App Store,"i love the vibes and the atmosphere and how it’s like if twitter and tumblr had a baby. BUT. they need to work on it. why is my feed just a bunch of random people that i have no interest in? why are there no filters for what you see in your main feed? why is there not an option to only look at the people you’re following? why does it not show me when the people i follow post something? + +these are such basic features for a social media app to have, and you’d think instagram (and facebook) of all platforms would know the bare minimum of what to add to a twitter-like app.",3,2023-07-06 22:08:54 +App Store,"Yet ANOTHER app by Meta in an attempt to be the only folks who run social media, which wouldn’t be so bad if they actually did it well. Reach on ALL their platforms has gone so incredibly downhill that I’m ready to ditch social media entirely for my business and get creative doing my own thing. They treat all artists like their UNPAID content creators and even if you are just starting out and have a small following they limit your reach of your posts don’t perform to their standards. It’s like being in high school all over again. I hate being bullied into posting what they want and when they want and how they want or else no one will see my posts ever. I’m so ready for something better and not owned by Meta.",1,2023-07-18 21:20:48 +App Store,"This app is great - very user friendly, simple, fun to use and post things. Personally, I think it should incorporate more things from instagram 1) so it can further distinguish itself from that *one* social media platform +and +2) it can be a more complex, yet, again, simple to understand interface +Some things I’m talking about is maybe a “drafts” option, maybe another version of “close friends” where only a select few can view your post. Just things like that, but overall, amazing app!",4,2023-07-07 06:51:07 +App Store,"I like to use new apps simply for technical curiosity. Since this is meant as a Twitter competitor, my comparisons are going to based on its features + +Pros: Signup was a snap since it directly took my information from Facebook and Instagram. + +Cons: There are obvious missing features that Twitter has: +1 There is no institutional integration with other sites to direct users to Thread feed +2 No direct messaging +3 No way to organize Thread followings to given topics (e.g. sports Threads in a feed) +4. The feed puts topics that would not appeal to me. Why didn’t include this knowledge from FB/IG? +5. No integration with FB/IG +6. No way to remove suggested Threads from feeds. +7. No way to taylor ads to my desires +8. Nothing new or innovative compared to Twitter, Parler, et al. +9. None of my Followers on FB/IG directly transferred to Threads. + +Bottom line this is a me-too Twitter app, that I question would be its value proposition long term. If one really desires this type of social app, just sign up to Twitter.",3,2023-07-09 17:39:05 +App Store,"Treads app, touted as a social media aggregator, falls short of expectations due to significant privacy concerns and a lackluster user experience. The app demands the deletion of your Instagram account alongside deactivating your Treads account, citing the need to extract all data from Instagram, which they blame on TikTok. This questionable data handling practice raises serious privacy concerns and leaves users in the dark about how their personal information is being used. Moreover, the app's cluttered interface, poor integration, and frequent technical issues undermine its usability and convenience, making Treads more of a hindrance than a reliable social media tool. Proceed with caution and prioritize your privacy when considering the use of Treads.",1,2023-07-07 18:37:26 +App Store,"I love the simplicity of the app, it’s very clean and easy to use. Having said that it is lacking some features. It would be nice to have a live video function like you already have Instagram on Threads. The ability to edit text maybe up to 30 seconds after we post, something, more customizable, profiles, and allowing us to rearrange the bottom bar. I’m sure a lot of this is coming, but somethings need to take precedence. For instance, the direct messaging feature would be fantastic.",4,2023-07-11 15:50:24 +App Store,"After using threads for a week or two, my account suddenly stopped working. It is still public. Others can see it. I cannot post but I also cannot take down posts. I cannot deactivate my account. It’s just frozen in time. + +I’ve wondered if perhaps threads thinks I’m abroad, because I did travel. But I am back home in NY and was here when this started. + +It’s much more frustrating than if the account had been entirely shut down, because I keep getting notifications that people have written or replies or followed etc, but when I click on the app I cannot see them. And I cannot post anything to explain it to people.",1,2023-07-16 13:47:59 +App Store,"Good app so far!! I don’t use Twitter but since I’m joining this app right as it’s getting started I have time to figure this system out! It’s very clean and simple, which I enjoy. + +Please Meta, please add the switch accounts button so we don’t have to log out between accounts. It would be so much better!! Another feature that would be nice is filtered feed like in Instagram where you can switch between following and recommended. Thanks!",5,2023-07-12 17:44:29 +App Store,"Threads is so refreshing, it’s what Twitter used to be, Thank God. I see lots of positive posts and it’s so nice not having Elon on there pushing conspiracy theories. That feels refreshing and I hope it stays this way Facebook Facebook started as a great social community and meta-ruined it pushing you into negative conversations. I’m hoping threads stays away from that and is a more positive environment to communicate in but I won’t hold my breath. Hopefully they figure a way to keep out the bots and fake accounts.",5,2023-07-14 05:12:52 +App Store,"It’s only day 3 and I’m already exhausted from scrolling through a feed of random verified accounts that I’ve never shown interest in or interacted with. I was really hoping that this app would allow me to view content and posts that I actually wanted to see, rather than copying every other social media and constantly forcing me to view videos and posts from accounts I’m not concerned with. + +If there is one thing social media needs, it’s the ability to truly see only what you follow. There are enough ads and suggested posts based on data sharing as it is. Please remove the feature that allows any and every account access to your feed",1,2023-07-07 19:33:25 +App Store,"Threads is a really aesthetically pleasing alternative to twitter although it does need to have a messaging feature and also a pinned thread feature. As well as a feature that allows us to see the image posts that a user has created to help promote artists, photographers, and cosplayers or any kind of content creator really. +I love the interface, it's very cute. Also the fact I can open this app in public without the risk of seeing weird fetish porn or cats being microwaved(stuff you'd see on twitter) is very refreshing.",4,2023-07-06 17:31:37 +App Store,"This app is so fun and it’s like twitter except for kids and more popular. I think threads should have a feature where you can switch between accounts instead of having to log out of the account that you are already on so you can go on a different account. You should really get this app and it’s so fun being some of the first 10,000,000 users on this app because everyone is just so lost and you can also see your favorite creators join.",5,2023-07-07 01:46:16 +App Store,"I want the option to post multiple threads as a carousel on instagram. + +For example, if I have 10 or less threads all replying to each other I want to hit one button to post all of them as pictures onto instagram without posting each one individually (I could post each message individually on Twitter if I wanted to take the time.) I think that feature would be really cool on threads and encourage more engagement. + +Maybe we could increase the carousel limit on ig too?",4,2023-07-24 18:57:48 +App Store,Needs a suggestions tab of “people you might know” if you didn’t click the follow all option in the beginning. tired of seeing random peoples posts. also wish the name option in your bio didn’t transfer over and you can put a different name on the threads app. Following tab for others? liked posts / #’s / trending searches / explore? But still make it stand out from twitter. Know that’s already on the instagram app but it’d be cool to have something different on threads to scroll through,4,2023-07-08 10:44:13 +App Store,"This app is trying to track even MORE of my data than ever before? And the only way to make it stop is to completely delete you Instagram??? You won’t tell us WHY you need this extra data or continuous tracking EVEN AFTER the app is deleted (seems like a violation of Apples developer terms imo), nor are you making it easy for people to opt out of the app and it’s services. And the fact that the UK won’t allow this up in the App Store in their region for these very reasons are more than reason enough to not download. If I’m completely misinformed or wrong, please do tell, otherwise you guys need to seriously change what this app does exactly",1,2023-07-08 23:02:42 +App Store,"This is a new platform by Meta, it may seem like a Twitter ripoff, and it is. It’s a direct competitor to the famous bird app and it a nice addition to Instagram and the Meta family in general. One thing that I really like is regardless of using your instagram account for threads, you can choose to have your Threads profile public while keeping your Instagram account private. Again, this is a new platform and my thoughts on this could change for the better or worse over time.",5,2023-07-06 08:43:20 +App Store,"It works as it's supposed to, but there is a bug or something that's slowing down the loading of one's own replies. That might be due to the influx of users, but it's still something that's a little bit annoying. + +There's also no way to search for specific words or find trending topics, which is a huge feature this app is lacking that is severely needed. Hopefully this is something that will be added in the very near future.",4,2023-07-06 03:04:33 +App Store,"I'm a US resident, but I was in Europe when Threads launched. it seems to have marked me as an EU resident and it's keeping me from accessing my profile, notifications, and content Despite my Instagram account having an ad account with a US phone number and address as proof. I have three Instagram accounts (business, personal, and niche hobby) with none of the linked Thread accounts accessible. I've cleared the cache, deleted and reinstalled the app, deleted the app, restarted my phone, and then reinstalled. Nothing works. I've tried contacting IG support, but I know from past experience that they won't get back to me, so maybe a review of the app will. Believe me, I'd rather be on that than on Twitter.",1,2023-07-16 03:16:03 +App Store,"Title says it all but I’ll add that not everyone wants to cross pollinate with X Corp if they’re more Meta & vice versa so no bias but I’m all for new versions of apps of the same style, we seen it happen before with MySpace to +Facebook to Instagram etc etc so the future is more going to be about what flavor and company you prefer not necessarily what’s “better “ I’m here for Threads all day to succeed bc I prefer instagram predominantly and my prayers have been answered for them to roll out this style of app/ social media platform, I love it, can’t wait to see how it improves.",4,2023-07-07 04:15:48 +App Store,"Threads is the most “social” social media has felt in a while. There’s no fluff, just pure, unadulterated vibes! The simplicity and straightforwardness is the most exciting thing about this app. I dread the day ads and DMs are implemented, and pray that they won’t be. But a few things that should be implemented: an edit function, the ability to pin posts, the ability to switch between a public feed and a feed limited to the people you follow.",5,2023-07-07 18:23:33 +App Store,"Seems to be working OK and I’m finding a few with my friends and I hope to make more. I would like to be able to have more functions like making the page larger on my iPad, and instantly having my totals add up instead of having to refresh the page, like close it out and open it up again, and refresh it that way, but these are early days I’m sure all these will be worked on in the future. As long as it destroys Twitter, I’m OK with that.",4,2023-07-06 12:19:40 +App Store,"I really love this app, just beautiful and I'd say perfect if only it had the tags (which I'm sure you'll add), I have to report a serious problem that has recently arisen and that hasn't been resolved by reinstalling the app, I can only see the main threads, all the ones connected to it are not available, it says error, also in my profile it says an error occurred. I hope you fix it soon, great app",4,2023-07-14 02:25:17 +App Store,"Threads is such an elegantly simple concept executed upon so well that it’s effectively replaced Twitter in my daily app rotation. + +Twitter still has some quality of life features that Threads is missing, but the dev team at Meta has been super transparent about changes and improvements they plan to implement which stands in stark contrast to Twitter randomly breaking the app every other day. + +Bottom line, if you’re tired of twitter, consider trying Threads out",5,2023-07-12 20:20:17 +App Store,"Threads was fun for the first two weeks. After that it just became boring. It’s missing a lot of very basic features like drafts, bookmarking threads, ability to edit threads, and so much more. If they want it to be a “Twitter killer” they have to work a lot faster to add those things. It’s been two weeks and still nothing. Lame and boring. It only got so many people on the first day cause it is so easy to sign up for. Just use your Instagram login. Other than that, there is really nothing special about Threads. It’s just a Twitter clone but a very boring version of it.",3,2023-07-17 20:13:56 +App Store,Decided to try this app out since I’ve heard others talking about it saying it’s a better Twitter. Started going through the people I follow originally on Instagram to find out that once I get off the app I’m not following them anymore. I thought it was a one time glitch until I’ve tried it four times and it stills says I need to follow. Not sure when the next bug fixes will be but it’s inconvenient. The overall look is clean I can see potential in the app. Not sure if a lot of people will use this app since there is already Twitter and to have two apps that are identical is beyond me.,2,2023-07-16 03:42:23 +App Store,"Liking this app so far, many aspects of it’s current state of simplicity is enjoyable compared to many of these bloated apps today- not sure if there’s intention to keep it this way. + +One thing I don’t like so much is the feed right now. I know I don’t follow many people and they aren’t posting, but there are a lot of posts I don’t want to see, a majority of them. Maybe an interest flow or something could get this right. Not sure. But currently I don’t want to see a majority of the threads on my feed",4,2023-07-07 10:58:20 +App Store,"The app isn’t too bad and so far it feels like old Twitter. There are problems though. You can’t save posts, no edit function, searching for people/pages isn’t easy, and no info about what’s trending. + +I’m basically saying that I want Twitter cause honestly I still do. I’m only trying this because if anything could replace Twitter it might be Thread. Mainly because it’s the closest comp and probably the literal point of the app. + +Also why are people rooting for this? I mean that would cause Meta to have an even more disproportionate influence on social media…",3,2023-07-07 16:52:10 +App Store,"The app is OK and it has a lot of bugs. It is not as good is twitter at all. I’ve had so many problems since this app has came out not only that it is a copy of Twitter and a jp app that is 90% just like this app which I don’t find that is right I don’t like the fact that I have to have random feeds and stuff pop up all the time that I am not even interested in they need to have it where you can sign into more than one of your accounts. I have other accounts I would like to make one for but you can’t + +It needs a lot of work, but the issue I have with it is it is just copying other apps out there and that’s not right at all",1,2023-07-09 19:02:24 +App Store,"Thank you Meta for creating a great alternative to Twitter. I can already feel a safer, more enjoyable space - thank you!!! + +Some issues: Easy to use, but no use of hashtags. You have to log out to sign into a different account. If you wish to delete your account, it will also delete your Instagram account. + +Overall though, Threads is solid. Easy to use. Reliable and overall content is better. People are happier on Threads vs Twitter. This is the app we have been asking for!!",4,2023-07-06 17:31:00 +App Store,"Honestly I love the concept of this app and it seems like it's amazing for a lot of people but the problem is I cannot actually use it because every time I click the option to either post or reply, it immediately crashes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I tried shutting my phone off, and I haven't seen any available updates to fix the problem. It's a shame because I'd love to actually engage with the platform but I can't do that if it keeps crashing like this. If there's any way to fix this that I haven't tried, please let me know 🙏",2,2023-07-12 04:21:26 +App Store,I like threads better than twitter because you can find your instagram friends on there and directly see everything. On twitter everyone has secret accounts and its not easy to find people in real life twitter account. I never got into twitter because of how confusing it is to find everyone and to find the right account that interests me. With threads everyone who im following on instagram is there & it makes me feel comfortable,5,2023-07-08 09:45:37 +App Store,"I am extremely disappointed with the functionality of the Threads app. Despite multiple attempts, including logging out and logging back in, as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the app, I have been unable to upload new posts on my phone. It is incredibly frustrating to encounter such a basic issue that prevents me from sharing my experiences and engaging with others. In today’s fast-paced world, where seamless communication is essential, it is unacceptable for an app to fail at its core function. I sincerely hope that the developers address this problem promptly and enhance the app’s reliability and performance to ensure a smoother user experience.",1,2023-07-06 10:25:43 +App Store,"Came over from Twitter, where I primarily used my account for semi-professional networking. + +The pros: +• quite a bit of my network has followed because Threads is well put together +• making account was easy, albeit required I make a new instagram account +• more or less functions how everyone would expect + +The one giant con is that there’s no following page. I’m a young person who follows (and enjoys) some of the pop culture pages on my personal account, where I follow them. I don’t want to see them on my professional account, where I’m scrolling to see what’s new in my field. Although less of an issue, the vice versa is also true. + +This feels like an easy fix that should be top of the list - give me the option to just look at the interactions of who I signed up to follow!",4,2023-07-10 10:56:15 +App Store,"I’ve been using this app for a couple days now, and it is amazing for a Twitter alternative. If there was one thing that Threads could have, is the ability to switch accounts like you can on Instagram. I made threads for all 3 of my accounts, and the way to switch accounts currently is a bit time consuming, and kinda takes away from my experience. Other than that, amazing app, amazing community!",5,2023-07-09 12:17:36 +App Store,"I’m very annoyed that it limits how many people I can search for. It’s a new app, I need to search for my people that I have on other platforms. That makes sense to me. And just as others are coming coming onboard I get limited. My favorite just went live and I’m blocked because of this ambiguous rule and I’m missing out on posting on their feed. + +But don’t worry. I’m getting threads suggested feeds. Which has not been the biggest hit. Again, wouldn’t be a big deal if I could better curate my list. Right now, I’m annoyed.",3,2023-07-06 15:38:58 +App Store,"Whatever anyone says this app is the best thing to come out right now ever since musk took over twitter. Threads is basically like a big group chat and we’re all like a family +on there. Nobodies being weird or saying out of pocket things everyone is actually nice to each other, unlike the other app. Zuck you really stepped up and made one of the best apps out there. And everyone is already addicted, keep it up!",5,2023-07-07 19:03:23 +App Store,Definitely a lot of features missing but I’m sure they’ll be added. Such as a chronological feed and seeing only who you follow. Another one I don’t see much talk about is for videos a slider to control it(I’d like if we could slide left to right like in default apple video player). Lastly two small things are to double tap to zoom not this pinch to zoom and it doesn’t stay and when you swipe to refresh give it some haptic feedback.,4,2023-07-08 10:56:53 +App Store,"After reading “Data Linked to You” I couldn’t think of a metric they’re not collecting. Someone needs to tell Meta that “1984” was a warning and not an instruction manual. + +If you loved the abuse Meta foisted of you with Facebook and Instagram through the pushing of the most inflammatory content solely to raise engagement and their emotionally manipulative advertising all the while tracking you like a parolee with a GPS ankle bracelet you’ll love Treads. Otherwise join Mastodon which doesn’t manipulate your feed, has no advertising and collects zero tracking data on its users. + +Threads again shows Meta is an electronic version of cancer.",1,2023-07-09 10:47:15 +App Store,"So as none of you will know I had an issue where threads would crash upon replying to a post or creating a post, well the issue was fixed, but to be honest I don't feel like it deserves 5 stars, that's because it's still an app in development and could use some upgrades, like DM's, translating posts and replies, being able to lookup gifs within the app and the list could go on and on, but overall it's a pretty good start",4,2023-07-14 12:57:42 +App Store,"Threads is great. And I know there is more to come. Personally, one of my favorite things about Threads is the total absence of ads as I scroll. If this is the future of social media and Threads, the sky is the limit for this app. Annoying ads really are a buzzkill as you scroll. Threads is amazing without them. Plus the community on Threads right now is such a vibe and so positive. I’m rooting for Threads to keep growing. It’s got huge potential. Let’s go!",5,2023-07-08 18:40:31 +App Store,"Last night I downloaded the app, and my feed was full of my friends and things my friends had commented on, it felt really nice and authentic. + +Today, I haven't seen a single post from my friends, instead the feed is entirely people I don't know and don't follow. I refreshed the page and decided to scroll and count how many stranger posts I'd see before I saw my friends posts, I decided to stop counting at 100. + +What's the point in following my friends on here if you're not gonna show me what they're posting? I'll be deleting the app until it's fixed.",2,2023-07-07 20:33:05 +App Store,"Quite simply it keeps all your OG apps together in a sense: Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and now Threads (Twitter ran by an actual social media mogul) in Meta. If you want a smooth transition from Instagram to another way of expressing yourself via Threads, this is the app for you. Instagram links to Threads via your profile and vice versa making them simple extensions of each-other rather than being completely indifferent apps. Good Job so far 👌🏾",5,2023-07-06 01:30:41 +App Store,"It’s a good app however it needs a lot of work and features that all other social networks have. + +1. Chronological home feed so you can view thing in order. + +2. For you feed so you ca see only the Threads from people you follow also in chronological order. + +3. The ability to view the list of people you follow and ability to unfollow from the list. + +4. The ability to view things you liked and favorited as a feed in your profile page. + +These are major things that all other social networks have and Threads doesn’t have and for a lot of people that’s a deal breaker. I hope to see these features sooner rather then later because people WILL stop using this app and go back the the app Elon is currently hellbent on killing because there will be no better place.",3,2023-07-14 16:55:30 +App Store,"#1 This app needs an easier way to transfer the same people you follow on Instagram to the app after your profile is already created +#2 there should be a way to accept all the follow requests and follow back anyone who followed you who you follow back on Instagram +#3 on the notifications tab make a tab for only new follows ! + +Those are the 3 things I’ve noticed within 5 minutes of downloading that this app needs",4,2023-07-06 19:25:06 +App Store,"This is almost a perfect replacement for Twitter minus one thing. This app needs a way to tell the algorithm to show fewer recommendations like these. Right now I have no way to train the algorithm to show me posts that would keep me scrolling. It either needs the option to show more or show less similar content like we have on the Google app’s homepage or we need a way to limit what we see to the accounts we have followed. Once that is added, this looks to be a five star worthy app!",3,2023-07-20 13:45:07 +App Store,"It’s been years now and still no app formatted for the IPad, neither Instagram or now Threads. This is a sign that social media is not to feared. How will social media take over the world if they can’t even design an app for big screen mobile users. I still have to suffer looking at Instagram with a screen smaller than my cell phone display. It’s not like Meta can’t afford to pay some brainiac for what could be a half an hours time to make the screen bigger. They’re making loads of cash.",3,2023-07-13 01:53:27 +App Store,"Platform runs well. The first day of launch the algorithm focused on only the newest Threads being shared first, then it started older threads on day 2 which killed the vibe. + +Beyond that the app requires way to much invasion of personal privacy and information that Meta takes and sells to companies to use to target their consumers. Literally all of the data collected on you personal devices which also includes browsing history, apps used, time spent on those apps, ethnicity, religion, political party, and so much more. + +There needs to be a limit to how much data these companies can collect.",1,2023-07-12 18:37:40 +App Store,"It’s weird to have a text focused social media app work correctly. Everyone’s gotten so used to the bird app crashing and functions not functioning daily, that it’s a breath of fresh air to have Threads actually work as intended. There are a few things that need to be sorted out (I want my feed to be more focused on people I actually follow), but for only being a week old, it’s pretty great.",5,2023-07-11 04:46:12 +App Store,"I just want to see what I WANT to see in my feed. What I’m interested in. I’m literally seeing a million things I don’t want to see with notifications flashing that my feed is updating with even more things I don’t care about. Suddenly I don’t care about the app and I’ve only had it for 10 minutes. Stop pushing topics and other users on me. I’m capable of finding my interests. Build on them slowly by suggesting related accounts overtime, sure. Stop bombarding me with irrelevance. It’s like driving on a road with so many billboards you can even see where you’re driving lol. Makes me want to stop and just turn around.",1,2023-07-08 00:34:07 +App Store,"Threads has potential to be a really fun app, it was great for the first few minutes before i refreshed the page. Right when you refresh the feed you get bombarded with posts from a bunch of random verified accounts you don’t follow and you’re lucky if you see something from someone you actually follow. If this issue doesn’t get sorted out soon I’ll be on my way out. If threads wants to be a real competitor to twitter they need to fix the feed.",3,2023-07-07 16:06:45 +App Store,"It’s pretty good overall, love the simplicity. I enjoy that there are no reels or stories. I do wish that my “feed” didn’t have random people I don’t know. I want to see activity of only those I follow. There should be a separate page of “recommended people” to follow. The other thing would be to make it easy to switch accounts if you have multiple accounts, like a personal and business account. Lastly, add Business Suite integration.",3,2023-07-07 04:18:40 +App Store,"This app has revolutionized the way I connect with my community. Making it easier than ever to engage collaborate and stay informed. The standout feature being its user friendly interface simple and effective. A fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals. Whether it’s for professional networking, socializing, or collaborating threads is the way to go!",5,2023-07-18 15:56:13 +App Store,I really wish the feed would allow for me to see all posts from the ones I follow only instead of just seemingly random users… this should be an absolute priority or I feel this app is going to loose users fast. It’s not needed for me to see all random people in my feed… match what u have on insta already and this would be the bomb. Also I should be able to see what’s trending… in a way. Just to know in general what’s going on on the platform!!!!,3,2023-07-21 17:18:53 +App Store,"Beware you can’t delete this app once it’s downloaded, it will only let you deactivate it and it permanently puts your threads number on your instagram for everyone to see. You cannot hide the threads number even after it’s deactivated even though it says you can remove it, you can’t. I just wanted to see what it was about and now unless I delete my instagram account and create a new one I am stuck with the threads on there too. In my opinion this is a violation of privacy as anyone can message you. They need to fix this. I would NOT recommend.",1,2023-07-12 02:46:53 +App Store,"Give us the option, or just eliminate it completely, to turn OFF seeing posts on our feed that aren’t from who we follow or shared from them. These “suggested posts” take over the feed and you can’t see what/who you want to see. I finally found the setting on IG to pause this for 30 days and I saw so many posts I missed for who I actually follow. + +Make it a setting; make it like IG, or heck make it like Twitter where there’s a tab to see just who you follow. + +As it is now, I don’t think this app is for me with all the garbage forced into my feed",2,2023-07-11 14:15:57 +App Store,"Clearly the app’s audience is not focused on writing, as on art, design and photography as means of expression. It should be added that by its very technological structure, the priority of the conversations or threads is given to influencers, in some cases “hot babes” of which you usually can't say anything other than ""hot"" ""love you"" ""you are amazing"" or something like that (or at least the normal people). Some media (magazines, newspapers) may offer more topics of conversation, but it is still not clear what people who are not as focused on writing as they are on visuals might have to say about it.",2,2023-07-06 17:16:07 +App Store,"The app works great and looks good. + +However, + +I like to group accounts I follow so I can see only a few of them at a time. + +For example: if I was following a slew of newspapers and other media, I might have a group called “media.” If I wanted to check up in what was happening in science lately, I would have a list named “science” which contained the accounts which posted mostly scientific discoveries and research. + +I cannot stress how useful this grouping, filing or classification tool would be. Without it, the information I receive is just jumbled and without order. + +To be truly useful, information received must be ordered and stored and if Threads strives for true utility the ability to function as an encyclopedia is truly necessary.",4,2023-07-12 04:36:46 +App Store,"It's simple, and it's in the title. This app was made to compete against another media platform to both gain money and members, and to boost censorship. +Nobody is having fun here except for both the Instagram employees, and company profiles. +This app is one of the worst ever created and a big example of what a media company would do for money, even though/if they already seem to have ""enough"".",5,2023-07-20 02:37:10 +App Store,I got to enjoy the app for maybe 2 hours before it decided that it was going to crash whenever I try to reply to a thread or post my own. I can However still follow people and like post no problem. I can also respond to follow requests. But I can't use the app to share my own content which is the whole reason I downloaded it. I have seen some reviews about it doing the same thing for anyone with an Iphone 8 or lower and guess what? I have an aiphone 8. Please fix this I want to enjoy the app fully.,2,2023-07-09 17:39:53 +App Store,"as of right now, threads has a good foundation and has the ability to grow and expand! obviously there’s room for improvement and many key features that people want are missing, it’s clear that future updates will come through and hopefully make threads a great, polished social media app. + +personally, i’d love to see the inclusion of a ‘people you follow’ timeline, bookmarks, the ability to see quotes on a thread, messaging and group chats, and more personalization on profiles such as location and a header. i think that with those additions (and others of course), people will begin to prefer what threads will have to offer and make the switch! + +thank you for making this app and i can’t wait to see where it goes in the future! :)",4,2023-07-07 19:18:45 +App Store,"Biggest reason for my one star review was the lie that we kept our followers. I signed up and begin to chat only to realize my followers were being added one by one. We still need to build this platform. Second I can’t deactivate my account. Now I can’t remove the threads badge from my Instagram profile. When I remove the badge it says “once you remove you can’t add again” I hit remove and refresh and it’s added again. Making people use or promote your platform, when they’ve decided they don’t want to use it, against their will, is not a good idea.",1,2023-07-11 21:33:13 +App Store,"PLEASE make posts searchable instead of just accounts, either through hashtags or by searching for words that appear in the posts😭 also needs the ability to pin posts. its barely usable in its current state since i want to search for certain topics and be able to find people i dont already know. this feels like a total fumble since i could totally see myself using it as a substitute for twitter IF AND ONLY IF search functions were actually useful.",3,2023-07-06 05:04:59 +App Store,"Great app, great execution and anybody saying otherwise is just hating or a twitter agent. They do need to fix the follower issue though because I’m not able to see who individually followed me unless I’m on a private account and therefore I can’t follow anyone back without going through all my followers and searching for specific people. Notifications should work just like how instagram does",5,2023-07-09 14:02:49 +App Store,"Check the app privacy section! This app harvests massive amounts of your personal data, including your exact home address, what you buy, where you go, who is in your contacts list, and even your personal HEALTH information. No matter what “Meta” promises, they WILL exploit this information to make money. + +There are safer non-profit social networking options out there, such as Mastodon, that don’t take your personal data and sell it to other companies (and governments!). + +Bravo to Apple for requiring app developers to disclose how much of our personal data these “free” apps are trying to collect!",1,2023-07-07 14:30:44 +App Store,"I have never seen a social media platform, bring together so many different strangers and promote such good positivity like threads! + Threads is a social media platform that lets people express their feelings, thoughts, or ideas at any given second knowing that you’re not by yourself and have someone to talk to. +This app has so much potential!",5,2023-07-15 05:07:38 +App Store,"Apparently, I have no choice in what shows up on my “home” page/feed. I logged in once for the first time and saw posts by people I know/followed on instagram. That was cool. I closed the app. A few minutes later, I opened the app, and posts by people I know/follow are no where to be seen, including the ones I had seen briefly before. Instead, my entire “home” page is nothing but posts by accounts I don’t know OR follow OR want to see. I can’t get back to or find ones I might care about no matter how much I might scroll. If this is the way this app works, I will just delete it.",1,2023-07-07 14:15:11 +App Store,"Anything that has Zuckerberg‘s name attached to it, you gotta be careful about. I don’t think Zuckerberg is a bad guy. I think he’s a good dude actually. But, he doesn’t make the final decisions about what Meta does. A lot of people think he does. He’s just a puppet at this point basically. This app was designed to suppress and conceal the truth. To let the left continue their hidden agendas. And I’m not saying this as a Republican or anything. I’m not. I used to be 100% Democrat years ago. I’m more middle of the road now. But I like the truth, and I like being uncensored. You don’t get either of those on this app.",1,2023-07-24 21:56:03 +App Store,"I use my iPad for social media and it is irritating that the Threads screen is like I’m using a iPhone Only for how little of my screen it takes up. You need to allow full screen and in landscape or portrait mode. I feel like I’m not able to see everything. +Otherwise so far so good - but please address this issue quickly. It’s bothersome enough that I jump off the app much sooner than any other social media app I’ve ever used.",3,2023-07-13 15:38:15 +App Store,"I decided to give Threads a go, but wanted it to serve a specific purpose vs Instagram and the other social platforms I use. After I ported over all the accounts I was following to start, I went in and unfollowed A LOT of them (went from ~250 to 50). My “following” list reflects this. Yet I still see all of the same original accounts in my feed, as well as others I was never following in the first place on Instagram (and no, the latter aren’t even showing up because someone I follow replied on their thread). Clearly a significant bug(s) here leading to an awful user experience.",1,2023-07-13 14:59:42 +App Store,I love the fact that you can add links with your post and I feel more engaged more personable then on Instagram. I hate how political Twitter has become. I hope that Threads does not do the same thing. You can change the prompt to just see the people that you are following but I actually want to meet new people so I am leaving it as it is for sure.,5,2023-07-10 01:48:45 +App Store,"I like this app! +ever since I was was introduced to this app, I was confused because I thought the old version of it came back 😭 but now I like this version of threads. now I can finally get some attention from the memes I post on this app. whenever I wake up in the morning, this was the first app that I open (which was crazy). anyways I really really like this app 😁",5,2023-07-07 20:42:03 +App Store,"Although in its early stages, the use of the instagram profile to “build” a profile is easy, just does a poor job pulling similar content. Spent the first 20 minutes of use the ting to clear all of the “blue checks” of profiles that I don’t follow on instagram. Then reopen the app and finding the same challenge. + +Would rather have control to chose what content I want and not have suggested content placed in my “thread.” + +Only had this a few day, but deactivated my account and deleted it. Was not overall impressed.",2,2023-07-12 18:01:22 +App Store,"This is so cool but would you likely be adding new features like an edit button to edit our posts and adding a multiple accounts thing so we can switch between accounts so easily?? That be awesome if you guys can, but other than that, this app is awesome!! A cool replacement for Twitter hehehe + +Keep being awesome and adding cool new features that we can use!!",5,2023-07-07 16:29:26 +App Store,"As other short-form thread based platforms sink like the titanic, Threads rises from their ashes. There is as of yet no paywall, no verification to boost yourself to the top, no post-viewing limit, and most importantly the platform has a zero tolerance policy for hate speech. The community is cool as a cucumber, the front page isn't flooded with hate and anger like it is on other sites. TL;DR: its well worth switching over.",5,2023-07-06 18:20:45 +App Store,"Spent hours scrolling on this app, no fear of being constantly cancelled like Twitter. A real safe space for philosophical thought. I would say that threads is better, it’s more like a mix or Reddit comments and Instagram combined. It’s the best social media and it’s been pretty positive so far. I hope it stays that way and there aren’t trollls that take over like instagram and Twitter.",5,2023-07-07 15:43:32 +App Store,"At first look, I can’t see using this app. My feed shows a ton of content from people I don’t know and don’t follow. I joined out of curiosity and frustration with Instagram, where the algorithm blocks a lot of content I want to see. It also offers posts days after they were posted and I miss events that way. I want Instagram to show me all posts by users I follow and in the order posted, not according to some imaginary idea of what an algorithm thinks I want to see. I would ask the same from Threads.",2,2023-07-10 20:41:30 +App Store,"The app is good but it need some functions that people will like. For example separating followers from randos accounts that we haven’t followed. The app needs to have a way where we can look at content that we like like to see like art, music, and games. We need a save function to save images and videos or even threads that we like to see. I also like the app to have gifs. All in all, I like the app.",4,2023-07-06 23:12:16 +App Store,Twitter was always great for it’s simplicity but since Elon took it over it seems to be getting more and more about the subscriptions. I know that this has subscriptions as well but it seems much cleaner and minimalist which I can appreciate. I’ve posted a few things so far which were easy and quick.,5,2023-07-07 13:30:02 +App Store,So far I’m liking this app and I’m happy with the set up only feedback I want to give right now is I would like to only see my followers on my home page feed not random people I don’t follower or don’t want to follow also having a display name change as I’m a Kpop fan and we do happy (insert name) day for birthdays and we can’t do that here otherwise I like it,5,2023-07-06 00:19:47 +App Store,"I wanted to like it. I’m a social media manager and I posted from Threads directly to IG.. you know, the other app y’all own, and guess what happened? All my other posts stopped showing on my grid. For 2 days I tried everything to figure out why my posts weren’t showing up on my grid…. Finally I deleted the odd man- the Threads cross over post and BAM, my posts popped back up. You’re welcome for that FREE information. Now if y’all could hire me since apparently y’all have a billion dollars and can’t even figure out how to make your own app work with cross posting. + +Giant waste of money and time!",1,2023-07-10 12:49:33 +App Store,"Never thought I could loathe anyone more than Mark Zuckerberg until Elon Musk came along. But like new Twitter, which seems to think you are lonely and unhappy and need to be fed a river of moronic propaganda and drivel, this app comes preloaded with thousands of unfunny, uninteresting meme accounts you will spend several minutes blocking every time you open it before you can see the content you have actually selected for yourself. Just what you needed in life, I'm sure. But at least it's not Twitter. Fingers crossed it gets better.",2,2023-07-08 10:39:43 +App Store,"The app is great so far and the community on it is awesome for it's first day. i have one GIANT issue. the apps feed is TERRIBLE. its 80% accounts you dont follow, and probably never will, and 20% accounts you follow. so why not just make the search page ""the explore page""? like instagram? or just make another page entirely? it would make things so much easier, and better organized.",4,2023-07-06 13:48:30 +App Store,For a new app they really aced it. I’m using this more than twitter now. Twitter is full of posts nobody asked to see and Onlyfans users and xxx. My only thing is that I wish it had and explore page and make it where we can hashtag posts. Im loving it. Can you update it where you can delete the account without deleting IG. I didn’t like that. Other than that everything was a win. Keep going.,4,2023-07-10 15:49:14 +App Store,"Everybody has commented about the features and functionality that are still needed. I assume those will come with time. + +I am a little concerned that the app seems to access every bit of private data possible. The app has private settings, but they are convoluted and not so easy to work through. + +The app is also draining my battery like no other app. If I can't figure out a fix for this, I'm not sure I can leave the app installed.",3,2023-07-08 20:24:04 +App Store,"Cool. A Twitter replacement. I was an early adopter on Twitter but also left early on because it just wasn’t my jam. + +The problem with this: +• the home feed is all just celebrities, influencers, and others I don’t really care about. Let me have a clear and clean home and let me decide who I want to add to the feed. + +• the culture already feels wonky. Maybe it will change later, but I started to see the ugliness already come out in people. I’m sooooo over toxic spaces and I just don’t want to be in a place where anyone with an issue can project their anger at me and others. + +• way too much data permissions. They basically ask permission for everything except your DNA. Also, if you want to remove that thread symbol from your IG, you’re told “if you do this you’ll NEVER get it back?” It feels so dramatic and hostile. + +I’ll revisit it in late 2023 but, for now, it’s not a comfortable place to be online.",1,2023-07-07 19:07:43 +App Store,"Yet another facebook product. facebook is a main contributor to all the things that has lead to our present day misery. It has divided our families, our friends, our country, and even the world. I can not trust facebook. Their algorithms will continue to encourage the conversations that keep us angry and intolerant of others. And they will keep us from going out and living our lives fully in the moment. This is just another app to capture some photo or video to post to make us feel like we’re doing cool things or really care about something.",1,2023-07-06 13:07:34 +App Store,"This app wants access to so much about you, it’s almost certain a year in there will be a news story about how it scraped your bank account number, and recorded everything you’ve said since you downloaded it. + +All that, so you can get access to a place where only government, media, elites, and brands will be promoted, while you realize you joined an echo chamber of group-think that despises ideas or criticism of anything that goes against the cult. + +It’s also a gigantic mess. Hard pass people.",1,2023-07-13 01:07:00 +App Store,I don’t like that once you join your instagram and thread account are joined together and you can’t delete one with out deleting the other. I don’t like that for some reason my thread badge won’t stay removed and keeps coming back on my instagram. I also didn’t like that seen more posts from people I didn’t follow and rarely seen a post from those I had followed. It need better organization and to be its own platform not conjoined at the hip of instagram.,2,2023-07-12 13:52:34 +App Store,I was excited for this until i finally tried it. The app technically bring your IG followers with you which make it really lousy experience for those who looking for chance on a new platform. No clear guidelines on how to get your post in front of people. Hash tags dont work like twitter & no categories like IG. Worst of all you cant delete your account. Meta is desperate to claim they have many accounts by not letting people delete it unless they delete instagram. Dont bother install it. Pure waste of time. I am better off on tiktok,1,2023-07-11 18:13:57 +App Store,"This could be a viable alternative to Twitter but it has to start out strong. Make it clear viewpoint discrimination and harassment Will not be accepted, that there isn’t going to be out of control content moderation, and that people are given the ability to make private groups. But if the overblown fear of Disinfo and “hate speech” (which doesn’t exist) cause this to veer off course this could be just another mastodon",4,2023-07-08 11:01:56 +App Store,I only put 5 stars so you could see don’t download this app because once you try to delete it it will delete your instagram too so there’s no way of getting rid of this app and if you try to deactivate it then delete the app itself it still stays on your instagram and won’t remove,5,2023-07-10 03:54:58 +App Store,Love the idea of this app but also this app has brought me a bunch of frustration… if I login to threads I get logged out of insta and vice versa! Last night I was kicked out of my insta and now I’m unable to log back in even when I change my password… I continued to use threads up until I went on another app and came back to me being kicked out on threads too… now I’m stuck trying to figure out why I can’t access either of my accounts,3,2023-07-07 19:15:31 +App Store,"Stop recommending accounts/post on my feed that I don’t follow. What’s the point in following accounts that you want to follow if your feed is overshadowed by account/post recommendations that you do not follow. Just annoying seeing mostly content that you don’t want to see. If I wanted to see it, I would have followed them. If I wanted recommendations, I would have went to the recommendations section. I’ll give a better review once this is fixed.",3,2023-07-06 18:12:00 +App Store,"It’s better than twitter as of now and cooler especially because they won’t ban you and limit you tweet read count, also it’s an easy install and setup, it transfers everything from your instagram account to your thread account and you can follow all the people you follow on Instagram on thread just by clicking a button.",5,2023-07-06 04:30:00 +App Store,"The new Threads app shows great potential in the social media landscape with its user-friendly interface and emphasis on visual storytelling. However, one suggestion for improvement would be to incorporate an algorithm-based approach like TikTok, giving everyone a fair chance at going viral, unlike the limited exposure on platforms such as Twitter.",5,2023-07-08 15:57:51 +App Store,"This is a great concept for an app, especially with Instagram integration. The content AI/ algorithm seems very weird and the content given is unlike what my Instagram home page is like at all. Furthermore, for those who have two accounts (one personal and one public etc.) there is no way to switch between them seamlessly like in Instagram. I would really like that to happen. Thanks Meta team.",4,2023-07-06 15:16:17 +App Store,"This is a great twitter-style app. Nice, simple flow. However, it’s missing a couple features that would enhance the experience. + +1. Direct messaging - being able to share threads directly to someone’s inbox and chat back and forth. We all love getting those relatable reels from our friends every day, so why not do the same with threads? + +2. Multiple accounts - to truly unify this as a Meta app, being able to log into multiple accounts and switch between them easily is a huge help for independent creators/business owners that need to share content between several different accounts. + +If these features are added, consider me a definite user!",4,2023-07-07 03:46:11 +App Store,"I cannot see how this app can be considered a viable alternative to Twitter, when one must have an Instagram account in order to sign up. Not everyone possesses an Instagram account for a variety of reasons. While Twitter has become a terrible site due to its change in ownership, anyone and everyone has the ability to sign up for an account, should they feel desperate enough to do so. Denying interested potential users the ability to sign up with Threads, simply because they don’t have an Instagram account, is not a particularly business savvy move.",1,2023-07-06 03:24:59 +App Store,"The threads app is great, I like it much better than Twitter, Reddit, and other like platforms. It has help me cure my boredom and I’ve seen some really nice posts on this app. It is also kind of fun to post on this app. But there’s one problem and it’s kind of a big one. If you want to delete your threads account, you have to delete your whole Instagram account which is quite outrageous. I hope you can look into fixing this.",3,2023-07-18 20:47:55 +App Store,"I genuinely believe this app will eat the rest, however, I heard so they don’t have plans in Direct Message feature and this would kill the app for me, besides that, I’d love to see another small feature where you can hide your Instagram profile since it’s private for me…",5,2023-07-11 19:32:37 +App Store,I love the threads concept it’s really cool. You can actually go through and see the timeline of who posted with the lines on the left of the screen. Not to mention you can see who’s in the conversation on the bottom left hand corner on the post. Keep this up looking forward to seeing something Better.,5,2023-07-06 22:18:03 +App Store,I boycotted Twitter a while ago because it was a Toxic cesspool of negativity. This is the exact opposite of that! Im seeing positivity everywhere I look people conversing and sharing. Its awesome! I hope it stays this way and gets better! There’s some bugs but nothing that turns me away at all. Well done! Its nice to see a platform for normal human beings.,5,2023-07-20 11:10:25 +App Store,"I know that this is a key KPI for your team but please give me an option to disable this. Auto playing videos is so distracting I immediately uninstalled the app after learning its not possible to turn this off. I don’t use any social media that has auto playing videos and I don’t think I ever will, it like hijacks your attention and keeps you on the platform. + +You can have none of my attention or some, up to your product team.",2,2023-07-07 22:53:41 +App Store,"So I’m already enjoying this app and it feels very refreshing from what Elon Musty is doing. However, I wish there was an option to create a brand new account just for Thread exclusively rather than using my already existing Instagram account. Maybe that could be a good suggestion for a future update :)",5,2023-07-07 05:18:44 +App Store,I do enjoy the layout of this app more then twitter. However I see to many posts from people I don’t follow and have no interest in following. So I think a page for recommended content separate from the content from people I already follow would be a good idea. I have noticed that the people’s content from who I follow appears first. 9/10,4,2023-07-10 21:42:03 +App Store,"I definitely think this app is a good idea but it’s missing a few key features that still make Twitter better such as having a following tab so I can just see threads from the people I follow, a notifications tab so I can see the threads that I turned notifications on for without having to search for them after I open the app, if those two things were implemented this app could be better than Twitter",3,2023-07-06 17:22:37 +App Store,"I’ve reposted my Threads posts multiple times to Instagram and many of my friends tell me that when they try to view my Stories, they get a message that it’s unavailable. I thought it was strange that those Stories had single-digit viewers, when “normal” Stories posted right after that aren’t Threads reposts get many more (just the usual). There seems to be a bug with the repost to Instagram feature.",3,2023-07-21 03:56:02 +App Store,"Followers only newsfeed. Newsfeed Sorting options like most recent, top, etc.. + +App Settings/Preferences. I’m in dark mode and I can’t access anything except my account data which doesn’t have any sort of app settings/preferences. + +Final. Please please please add the seek bar to videos. I want to skip to the good parts not be forced to watch the whole video to get to the end.",4,2023-07-07 04:27:34 +App Store,"This app is THE WORST!!!!!!! Like seriously my gosh. I can't do anything in the app etohout it kicking me out and sending me to the home screen. I can see people’s threads, butbitbkicks me out anytime k try to comment, like, or make a thread. (no, it’s not my phone bc I've reatated it multiple times and installed the latest updates. I even deleted the app and reinstalled it) All my friends have it so I would like to use it but freaking META is making impossible. Do not download this unless you want to be flipping annoyed. All I can say is glitch glitch glitch!!!",1,2023-07-09 05:57:37 +App Store,"As millions of others, I downloaded this yesterday. Was impressed with how easy it was to set up and how familiar it felt. Like moving to a country where they speak my language. There will probably be a lot of updates but it’s to be expected with such a new app. So far I like what I see and look forward to fully migrating away from that horror show known as Twitter.",4,2023-07-07 00:07:20 +App Store,"I will check a notification in the app only for me to close it and the red bubble pop back up. Sometimes it will permanently go away if I click on the user that the notification is regarding, but even that doesn’t always work. Otherwise, great work and I can’t wait to see where this goes!🩵🩵🩵",4,2023-07-10 03:29:59 +App Store,"Ok so I’m liking what I’m seeing for a first version of this app. I definitely think it has the potential to be a serious Twitter competitor. But it’s really barebones. + +It’s missing hashtags, a trending page, and search. These things are like the essentials for a discussion app lol. It’s ok because the app is still new, but these features should come out ASAP. + +Some other features we could use are bookmarks, and a way to see past likes. We should be able to have more control over who appears on our feed. Plus some UI improvements, but that will come with time. + +If y’all can get these features out I think it’ll be an awesome competitor to Twitter. We’re rooting for you 🧵",4,2023-07-07 11:37:30 +App Store,"The interface is all good no problem but have handread issuis like hashtags not working well and you can't posts in feed , and crashing while try to type something , yes i know everything will be fixed but we want be a perfect fix, cause the platform is awsome, and dont forget we want better version for browser (PC), thanks for developers",4,2023-07-06 12:48:06 +App Store,"It’s a great app but lots of things are missing like hashtags, direct messaging, being to post from camera, iPad support and much more, it also has a bug when refreshing feed it shows people your not following over all it’s got a great start but much more is needed to compete with other big platforms!",4,2023-07-13 08:53:47 +App Store,"To be fair, there’s only 2 million or so users so far, but the app seems stable, it’s mostly running smoothly, the U.I. Makes sense and leads to a fairly clean UX. And my favorite part as of right now, everyone’s posting happy and/or positive things. No personal, political, or in-fight focused posts in my feed. Hopefully the algo keeps it that way! 🙂",5,2023-07-06 01:34:55 +App Store,Do you love all the aspects of twitter except for the fact you get opinions on your feed that aren’t 100% aligned with your views 😠 well this is the app for you! It is literally a copy of Twitter except they’ll ban you for saying the wrong thing! Don’t bring up Hunter Bidens laptop because that’s an untouchable subject. Don’t you dare question the efficacy of a mandatory experimental vaccine because that’s bigoted! The FBI or CIA doing more illegal activities to their own citizens? Don’t bring it up on Threads because Zuck is bought and paid for by big government.,1,2023-07-18 20:32:27 +App Store,Everything about this app is good it’s just the simple fact that since it’s linked to your ig acc that if you delete one you delete the other one and that thought of all my memories and friends being deleted gives me anxiety ! Instagram I hope you work on something to change this or assure us are pages are safe !,4,2023-07-06 23:52:08 +App Store,"There are millions of reasons not use any products from zuckerberg as your private info will be the product in very bad ruthless pragmatism, this is so different than how other companies will deal and collect your data not to mention how he news will be controlled and delivered to you. Brainwash news tailored for you. He was able to change how we interact with any thing when he ruined instagram and made a tool for bragging and depression. Now news will be different and will change the world forever!.",1,2023-07-16 00:10:27 +App Store,"It’s would be nice to see just some adjustments such as if you want to repost something , it could be called “rethreading” and also on your own profile shows how many threads you have on your account. Also would be nice to get a section on the app with hashtags to certain topics of interest for examples #cars #fashion exc.",5,2023-07-08 03:14:02 +App Store,"Within minutes of making a profile & integrating my IG, I started checking out the app. Way to many posts from people I don’t follow. There’s no way to disable reposts, that I can see. You know how contacts on your phone are there cuz of YOUR decision? Threads is NOT like that. You’re inundated by posts from people you don’t know. You spend more time blocking/scrolling past/muting accounts you don’t follow vs any content you have interest in (the people you follow)",2,2023-07-07 14:41:16 +App Store,"The app is nice. However, users should be able to search up specific threads on a topic. users should also be able to see what’s trending for them, in their country and around the world. Finally users should be presented with thread topics that is based on their interests. + +With these necessary additions I can see my self permanently committing to the Threads app.",4,2023-07-06 14:47:46 +App Store,"Threads seems pretty tight lipped about what they are doing in the background. Updates are just ‘bug fixes and performance enhancements’ which seems a little off for a brand new app. If you do some digging you can maybe find a blog post telling you what is new, but no clue how to change anything as the settings are nonexistent. I’m stepping away from the app for a while until the team figures out where they are going with it and when they become more transparent I may return.",1,2023-07-19 10:56:20 +App Store,"Hello, + +I love Thread and as someone who waited a long Time for a new platform so I can build my brand, I’m really excited about Thread. The only thing the Developers need to work on is to bring back the Badge. I unknowingly remove my Bring from my Instagram page now I can’t bring it back and I really need it because I’m ready to build a new space for myself. +Aside that I think it’s going to be a really great platform.",3,2023-07-09 20:56:44 +App Store,"I was excited to download the app however, as soon as I downloaded it I quickly started getting notifications that __ accepted your follow request on REAL Instagram. I realized that it sent a request to everyone I already follow on my real Instagram account and I don’t know how to change or stop it, all day I’ve been getting messages asking what’s going on. I don’t know what I did differently, it seems like I’m the only one w this issue and it’s extremely frustrating.",1,2023-07-07 16:38:43 +App Store,"Great start but needs immediate improvements if you want to bring in and retain customers outside of Instagram who prefer to socialize by text then photos, to include: + - Feed to capture posts of only those you follow, with option to have separate recommendations feed (which I don’t want) +- Automatic translation for all posts or button/link to translate any post (because most of my interests are overseas like Japan) +- Ability to create lists of accounts you don’t follow but are interested in their occasional posts (for example: news, health, lifestyle, etc) +- Edit button +- Trends feeds +- Ability to switch locations (because of interests, and therefore see different trends in different countries) +Thanks!",3,2023-07-07 12:24:11 +App Store,Basically this is just another social media spy like Facebook and instagram only now making it easier to silence people and censor content people don’t like. If you enjoyed it on Facebook and you enjoyed it on twitter pre-Elon you’re going to love this! It’s quite literally a twitter rip off that links instagram… so yeah remember “meta” is still Facebook the same company who sold off all your personal information pictures and other information without consent yeah that same Facebook. Don’t expect to be respected here either.,1,2023-07-07 06:09:39 +App Store,"The feeling of opening a new social media app has always been a really memorable moment for me. + +I like migrating from one social network to its successor, it feels like a rite of passage at this point. + +I think this is going to be the end of Twitter. But what do I know? I’m just an App Store comment. Try Threads and see how history pans out",5,2023-07-06 00:33:54 +App Store,Good food overall but the service was lacking. Once i got to the fifth chapter the storyline began to crumble. The characterization of Spongebob was beautiful in the fact that there were so many plot twists. When he turned on Patrick in chapter 17 when he lets a boat crush him. But all in all the storyline held up and the soundtrack was made better by Yeat and Morgan Wallen,5,2023-07-06 00:02:18 +App Store,"It was great when I first joined. Saw all of my friends posts, then came the brands. Now my feed is full of unwanted content. Boring brands and influencers reposting the same dried up memes from other apps. I just was my feed to be showing the people I follow and then I’ll be happy! Also, DMs, a trending tab, and a way to see posts I’ve liked in the past. I’ll see a really good post, like it, and then never see it again?",3,2023-07-14 12:34:27 +App Store,"This is what Facebook always wanted to be. You have absolutely no control over your feed. You have no say in whose content appears in it. You can’t sort it chronologically. So if you follow an account, their content is thrown haphazardly and in random order into the shuffle, to fight it out in the cacophony of content you never expressed interest in that is nevertheless demanding your attention. It’s staggering that Meta is still this shameless after being called out for deliberately making their media addictive and destructive.",1,2023-07-09 15:58:06 +App Store,"I'm absolutely thrilled about this new app! It has brought me so much joy and excitement. I've been thoroughly enjoying my time with it, and I must say, things have been going exceptionally well. Threads has truly exceeded my expectations so far, and I can't wait to see what other amazing experiences it has in store for me!",5,2023-07-07 05:08:10 +App Store,"It’s a good rival to Twitter. Twitter has been on a downwards trend for a little while now and I’m glad to see competition emerge. It was definitely rushed out to capitalize on Twitters Rate Limit issues, but I genuinely believe Threads can be the next big Twitter replacement, but it needs a little time. I’ll be rooting for it from the sidelines.",5,2023-07-15 03:20:24 +App Store,"Features lacking in Threads that I need to fully switch from Twitter: 1) Search: I want to be able to search for words and topics, not just users. 2) Profile search: I want to be able to search through my own past Threads. 3) Desktop website or app: I want to use Threads on my laptop. 4) Drafts: I want to be able to draft a Thread or Reply. 5) Scheduling: I want to be able to send a Thread or Reply at a later date and time.",2,2023-07-24 12:24:09 +App Store,"Been unable to post anything (or see feeds) in over 72 hours. I reported this several times, but as always with META, nobody will follow up on anything with you - or it will take weeks on end with no implications what-so-ever. And since you have no other way to contact any support (since support teams do not seem to exist at META) or report it to any misguided AI even, I remain stuck in limbo. Tried to log out and delete and reinstall, but nothing works. So I am basically rendered unable to use the app.",1,2023-07-16 07:18:38 +App Store,"they're filtering Ukrainians from things that other platforms allow (due to being invaded by russia). it's hard for Ukrainians to be heard if social media blocks their posts. leave the fake freedom of speech to elon, and allow them to express themselves freely about the terrorism they're enduring. filtering that gives russian propaganda a platform, since they have massive bot farms that use platforms like this to spread misinformation, while threads is suppressing the Ukrainian side.",1,2023-07-09 23:37:54 +App Store,"On day one I was blocked from posting images shortly after launch, then that transferred to my gram account as well. Every image post gets flagged as violation, no one is responding to review requests, both apps are now unusable for me and I’m left with the worst customer experience and frustration. I’m an artist and this effects my business. Terrible experience going back to twitter where I thought things are bad, but after this experience I see that it’s so much better there…",1,2023-07-08 17:12:30 +App Store,"After a few days, it’s amazing. Yes, there’s still more to be added. BUT people need to realize it takes time and this app isn’t completely finished yet. +And even tho the algorithm isn’t so good for me, I believe that’ll change at least a little bit when things like hashtags are added!!",4,2023-07-08 18:42:51 +App Store,"Hey, I posted one thing and now Everytime I click on the middle button to post something the app completely closes, same happens with the comment or reply button. I have redownloaded the app and restarted my phone multiple times, if you could help me out that would be great!! Thanks!",5,2023-07-07 18:41:24 +App Store,"This is the most compelling alternative to Twitter there is. Quick, responsive, and with a growing and continually engaging community, I foresee great things for Threads. Being Instagram adjacent certainly helps as well. As long as new features continue to roll out, and the community sticks with it, it’s looking like Threads continues to be a winner.",5,2023-07-18 23:30:17 +App Store,"I must say! I love using this app, however, from a accessibility point of view, the viewing of videos is not too accessible, for instance, when half to view videos, for someone like me, who uses voice over on an iPhone, have to take off the voice over press the volume up button, and then it would play, however, I would love for you guys to fix this problem.",3,2023-07-18 23:08:53 +App Store,"Twitter already exists. This a worse-made clone. Different platforms are supposed to be different. It is more wonky than Twitter and has a worse user interface. There is no option to just see the threads of people you follow, leading the page to be filled with recommendations that are not interesting. Also, this does not need to be its own app. If it was an added feature to the Instagram app, it would make more sense, but unfortunately that is not the case. It wants to be Twitter but comes off as an underdeveloped cheap knockoff.",1,2023-07-08 21:32:03 +App Store,"Can you revise the search function so we can search for accounts, or tags, or words mentioned in posts. It’s hard to discover if you’re deciding what we see and there’s no way to search for people with common interests. Otherwise a solid start to an app and I can’t wait to see what improvements are added.",4,2023-07-07 15:31:00 +App Store,"Critique on threads. Something I didn’t like about Twitter either, is the amount suggestions on the home page. I like how instagram prioritizes who you follow. On threads, I see them for 1 minute, and then suggestions take over. Not a fan + +Plus is that there are parental controls of types of words that it will allow. You can filter out swears that you would rather not see.",3,2023-07-07 16:13:07 +App Store,"Really enjoying this app. I LOVE that it’s nothing like Tik Tok and that there’s less videos in my feed. You don’t feel like you’re just scroll, scroll, scrolling all the time. One thing I wish they would change is for my feed to not consist of people I don’t follow. I want my feed to only show the accounts I follow. Other than that, I think this app is a hit.",4,2023-07-07 03:14:50 +App Store,"This app is honestly pretty great so far but it’s just missing some key features! (Following tab, Dms, viewing your likes, a trending or explore page, hashtags etc. It really feels like a peaceful and fun app to use please don’t change the feel of it, otherwise people are gonna drop off and not come back.",4,2023-07-06 13:51:48 +App Store,"Hi Meta, I really like how simple and intuitive the UI is for this app. Though, I think this app desperately needs a “trending page” where you can see any big events or news at a glance like how you can on twitter. This would definitely help drive more people away from twitter and onto your platform.",5,2023-07-06 00:16:46 +App Store,"Essentially, this is a worse Twitter/Instagram. No FYP, a less user-friendly UI (user interface). I think the goal was to make it the Instagram version of Twitter, but we already have Twitter. Instagram is its own photo-sharing application, that yes, includes text. Why make an app that is about talking to the public when Twitter does that in its own way with a FYP that is better in every way (via menus, interactions, etc etc).",3,2023-07-06 23:54:43 +App Store,"I think the app would be very good if the glitches wouldn't appear. when I want to open the""comment"" section it automatically closes the app, or if I wanted to write something. I don't know the reason why, but this never happened to me in any application before. I hope in new updates these glitches fixed.",4,2023-07-06 04:52:53 +App Store,"Please make it available for normal users to login, other than the instagram. Not all people have instagram, even though it drives a bit more new customers to sign ups to instagram. It would be better for regular users to signup to this app, through normal login process. + +Hope you make some changes to it. + +All the best!",4,2023-07-06 23:09:24 +App Store,"Great app! All the good of twitter without th— blah blah blah. + +We need drafts so badly. Please please add drafts so I can let my terrible jokes sit in a drafts folder for a couple days before realizing I should post them or not. + +Without drafts I just post away and am severely damaging my dignity and reputation without the cool off period that a couple days in a draft folder allows.",5,2023-07-20 20:27:18 +App Store,"I like being able to have this option - I'm not necessarily opposed to it. But PLEASE... for the love of everything that is good in this world - bring back old Instagram!!! I know SO MANY people who would get back on Instagram if y'all focused on POSTS again & made a SEPARATE app for reels. If you can make a separate app for these functions, please also make a separate app for the other new features you had added. This would truly be mutually beneficial.",2,2023-07-07 05:21:19 +App Store,"The app seems good, hopefully it doesn’t die fast. I really just hope the engineers of the app make it to where you can make only certain people able to see certain threads of yours. I feel like some things you don’t want to just put out there to EVERYONE, but you still want certain groups of people to see.",4,2023-07-06 03:11:14 +App Store,"One day in and the app looks and feels great to use. I would prefer less suggested content vs who I actually follow, but many aren't on here yet so it's hard to judge to overall balance. + +Some minor loading issues which are expected in any launch of a product.",5,2023-07-05 23:56:06 +App Store,This is a good app I love the layout and all this is made to be a bit more private… no trend page.. can’t really see who you following…can’t add pictures customed like Instagram… these are all great things! The app could use a few updates like all apps do but nothing major.,5,2023-07-17 03:39:55 +App Store,"Hi, I am using the like and comment section. I have Report about this problem but I think it’s still not have fixed. The like section,my friend like my post but it doesn’t show that they have did like the post. It doesn’t even show on my friend’s post. The follow too, my friend follows me but it doesn't show up with me .May you please fix this problem? Thank you so much.",3,2023-07-16 06:45:01 +App Store,But I do think the creators behind this app have a promising future for it. I’m looking forward to seeing what features they’ll bring to the surface and how this app can further connect us to each other. Especially creatively.,5,2023-07-09 04:42:07 +App Store,"Threads is definitely still in their early stages but I’d like to suggest a functionality that would differentiate you from Twitter and could be very powerful. + +Allow the ability to change a post’s privacy setting. Where you could make a single post private, just for your followers or public.",4,2023-07-07 19:57:49 +App Store,"I give it two stars because the application is good but if you want to delete your account you also have to delete the Instagram one and it's annoying that you want to delete the access number on your profile and it comes out again and I think they have to fix that problem, because it is not fair that you delete your Instagram account for deleting the thread account.",2,2023-07-10 15:00:24 +App Store,"honestly instagram yall did yall stuff making threads, i love the look of it and the fact that u kept some of the similar features from instagram on threads, hidden likes etc..what i want tho is please dont let others upload disgusting content, like porn, gore etc please dont allow it, thats all. :)",4,2023-07-08 03:50:18 +App Store,Usually when I try to repost content from instagram to threads it’ll freeze. Which is weird cause they’re too if the same app but it’s still fresh so I understand but hope this get solved soon. The link between IG and Threads is what makes thread more valuable then Twitter,4,2023-07-09 14:03:03 +App Store,"I love the application so far, BUT…we need to be able to choose whose crap we see. I have ZERO INTEREST in keeping up with a Kardashian but I keep seeing them each time I refresh 🤦🏾‍♀️…let us choose already! I only like to follow news/weather events. +All in all, it’s pretty good…I hope it doesn’t morph into the cesspool that Twitter is…full of racism, homophobia, verified badges for random people.",3,2023-07-07 12:48:57 +App Store,After 30 minutes of exploring the app I couldn’t find any bugs of glitches etc… everything was quite smooth. And can you imagine a social media app without DMs😌. Thanks meta for this application and we are always waiting for the best from you. Love you💐,5,2023-07-06 20:09:46 +App Store,"The timeline is pure algorithm and there’s no way to just see accounts I follow. At that, the algorithm is really bad and just full of crap I’m not interested in at all. Like Meta has my Facebook and Instagram data and can’t even build a proper timeline of my interests. Maybe it’ll get better but until I can specifically check in on my IRL friends and accounts I’ve followed without having to go to their profiles, I really don’t see that point.",2,2023-07-23 14:55:04 +App Store,At the moment Threads is a three star rating for me. Due to the lack of a for you page and showing people I do not follow. Not to mention the app’s slow pace in loading when it comes to getting a new follower. By all means I enjoy Threads for simply allowing us to create threads with friends. Including express our thoughts without a limit within the app (that I know of).,3,2023-07-22 06:17:32 +App Store,Literally just twitter but I like how simple and convenient it is and without the toxicity of ig. BUT the feed is an absolute disaster. I was looking forward to just seeing stuff from my close friends and instead I have doomscrolling level of random people and posts I don’t follow and have absolutely nothing to do with me. I don’t want to open the app cuz why would I want to see a bunch of random stuff idc about. I already have that on every social media why would I want another,1,2023-07-13 15:13:53 +App Store,"Honestly the cross platform features with Instagram and Facebook make this app better than Twitter, I can find all my friends and family and I’ll be quite frank: + +This app is the next Facebook, it combines Instagram and Facebook into one application. + +10/10 I highly recommend it.",5,2023-07-05 23:29:45 +App Store,"Of all the social networking apps, Threads is the best! If you allow organic growth by following and being followed by people who share your interests, there is more content that is interesting than there is anywhere. I love this app. I love the community I’ve built. Download Threads today!",5,2023-07-20 19:51:02 +App Store,"Porn, only fans, black supremacy and hatred in every other post. Not a place for equality, all the onlyfans, porn, racism, child porn sharing and trash came straight from Twitter over here. If anything it’s worse than Twitter because reports are ignored. Porn is up for a week and still not taken down + +App needs to be 18+ nudity isn’t even blurred, it’s forced on you as you scroll. Age requirements should be 18+ up and stay that way. Drug content already posted. +I don’t care what you people do in your private messages and groups but Threads is already being bombarded with this. + +Moderation needs to do something. Otherwise, everyone should know that Threads is the Wild West version of Instagram, you can at this time get away with whatever racist remarks or pornography your heart desires. They don’t care in here",1,2023-07-12 01:33:53 +App Store,"So far Threads it’s just OK. It is definitely not a Twitter replacement as of now. It is a wasted opportunity, but it has potential. + +I am not for sure if it’s buggy, but I had a notification that I on the icon that would not go away, even uninstalling and reinstalling it. + +All the privacy stuff is concerning. Also user should be able to delete it without having to delete your Instagram account.",2,2023-07-10 13:37:14 +App Store,"i am so excited to continue using this app!! however, it definitely needs a couple more updates. the home page needs to include people i follow, or better yet, some type of algorithm similar to tiktok. i hate scrolling forever just seeing random verified pages i have no interest in. i want ro see posts from my +mutuals, and posts about my interests!! ive seen people request a dm option, but i dont mind how it is now. what i would love, however, is a trending page, and the ability to search words to find posts. overall, i do like it, but it needs some things added",4,2023-07-08 06:04:29 +App Store,"Would love a “ following only for you page “ at some point in the future, as to now where we have a general home page that shows random peoples threads, as well as being able to look at different profiles’ likes if they were to have that viewed setting enabled.",4,2023-07-06 16:57:34 +App Store,"Hello I wish threads add this object: That we can add another Instagram account to this Because of several of us, use 2 or more accounts to Instagram and in this version we only add one account at all!! Please help us to make relationship with your application 🩷",5,2023-07-07 23:10:02 +App Store,"Let people connect with their words and thoughts. Countless apps let you post and consume pictures, videos, and memes. + +Let this app prioritize spoken word and bring back communication with people. Ban all media except for text, so this app stands out from, cough, its sister app, IG. And, um, Twitter. + +Also, please fix your UI for replies displaying strangely, stop sending me to Instagram to manage my settings on this app, and find a better way to integrate the experience of browsing someone’s profile on Threads and switching to their IG and vice-versa.",1,2023-07-07 01:56:06 +App Store,"Great start. It’s similar to Twitter in that it’s short form posts . I hope we can search threads by topic at some point. + +After interacting for a while I have started seeing accounts that interest me. The randomness of what can pop up while scrolling is nice too. + +It’s good vibes compared to similar apps , I hope it stays that way.",4,2023-07-10 05:03:52 +App Store,The app is exciting and new. The process to transfer over from instagram into threads is seamless and easy. Would love to have a tab that lets you see posts from only people you’re following. My thread is full of posts from people I don’t follow and have no interest in following. Very excited to see what updates this app brings in the future.,3,2023-07-06 16:23:55 +App Store,"Twitter was purposefully disconnected from your real identity. It was anonymous yet not. A way to get into the mind of everyone you knew. Instagram is LinkedIn for photos, and this app is designed to be used in the same way. There’s no NSFW content which immediately excludes SW’s and queer folk, which are part of the essential user base of twitter. Queer people are further prevented from getting involved with this app as it’s tied to your instagram and you can’t switch accounts. Finstas exist for a reason.",1,2023-07-07 03:08:42 +App Store,"I love this app so far, it’s kind of like a cleaner version of twitter in my opinion. However I wish we could use hashtags.. I wish we could use hashtags and search them up and see other post with the hashtag. Like “#Horrormovies” and see other post that has photos/words that they used the hashtag with.",4,2023-07-08 15:49:04 +App Store,I’m only giving it two stars for right now because I’m still learning about it. You know how you can connect multiple accounts on Instagram and kind of switch back-and-forth without fully signing out… Is there a way to do that with Threads? Like is there a way that I can also have Threads for my secondary/business account in the same way that we have them on Instagram?,2,2023-07-06 22:12:22 +App Store,I’m all for an alternative to twitter but this ain’t it yet. The UI lacks the polish that Twitter has and is just kinda clunky and unfinished in general. But to be fair I understand since it like just came out and is still being developed. My biggest issue with the UI is that the front page timeline thing isn’t very personalized and I’m getting a ton of stuff from people I don’t follow. I am looking forward to seeing this improve and be better,2,2023-07-06 06:06:42 +App Store,"Elon tried to force individuals to sign up to view a tweet. He wanted to force people to download and sign up. That is a ridiculous idea, I never cave but I’m all for threads taking over, no subscription model, not locked behind an account and better design.",5,2023-07-10 19:33:06 +App Store,"1. It’s super new so my timeline doesn’t have a lot of friends yet, but I would prefer a follower only tab in the future without any recommendations from other accounts. +- I suggest using the current format of the home page as the search tab (similar to instagram) + +2. I would also like a place to see who I’m currently following on this app. So far it only shows who follows me. + +3. I have multiple accounts because of my personal and art account. There needs to be an easier way to switch between accounts. + +Overall it doesn’t need to be too different from Instagram!",4,2023-07-08 13:45:02 +App Store,"For a competitor of Twitter, it’s missing a couple of key things which I enjoyed from the site such as translations, filtering through who you’re following, and the atmosphere is simply just not the same as the site on Twitter. It feels too “clean”. It promotes verified accounts on the algorithm way too much.",4,2023-07-07 04:19:48 +App Store,"A seemingly obvious ripoff of Twitter, with the unfortunate Meta algorithm that shows random accounts and “threads” (still dislike this stupid name since twitter uses it for a chain of tweets 🙄) that are unrelated to what I’d be interested in seeing and, of course, not in chronological order. No doubt, in a year, it will be bloated with ads. I suppose the censorship will be just like IG, though, so TikTok & Twitter will win in that regard. So, what does this really offer except a petty dig from one Billionaire to another?",2,2023-07-07 06:48:31 +App Store,"To reproduce just go to profile turn on the notification after two minutes turn it off for particular profile. You still get notification. + +Btw the voice feature didn’t appear on new post screen.",4,2023-07-09 22:22:05 +App Store,"I love the app so far and am happy with how it is set up. However, when I click to type my message it takes me out of the app and sometimes closes the app altogether 😭 if this was fixed I would give it 5 stars. Please, fix this so I can make my messages and post them 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻",4,2023-07-09 03:46:58 +App Store,"As soon as I downloaded the app I had the option to follow who I follow on insta and now I don’t have the opportunity, I’m hoping you can make a change I can go back and do that whenever. And on my home page I’d like the option to see those I’m following instead of verified and ads",4,2023-07-07 14:24:14 +App Store,okay so when I first went on the app I clicked to make an account with my insta. it showed my most of my friends that have the app but I clicked off of it by mistake. now I have to manually follow each of my friends instead of having a easier way to find them,4,2023-07-07 04:34:06 +App Store,"Please add a way to filter your feed to just people you follow. I will never use this app again if the only thing I ever see is recommended posts instead of creators I care about. Besides that it’s a great alternative to a certain dumpster fire of an app, I just hope they’ll add more functionality!",4,2023-07-06 02:44:45 +App Store,"Correction: “Removed two stars because why bother having a follow button if you see everyone on the app. Unless I’m an idiot, there’s nothing to allow you see only the people you follow.” The app has a lot of potential and is very clean, which I like a lot. Both reasons why it gets four stars, however I do follow a lot of artists that don’t speak English and without a translate option it’s impossible to interact.",2,2023-07-06 11:52:00 +App Store,"This is quickly blowing up for those who are looking to share creative work without the heavy marketing taken over on Instagram. Please please continue to be kind to us and create community again. + +Also please let me edit my posts.",4,2023-07-11 02:39:39 +App Store,"This being said, it’s all new, lots of features must come and they’re working on it. What I’m waiting is for the team to fix the « content not available » error that prevents lots of accounts like mine to use the app, I can just see people threading but that’s it. + +And moderation : when someone is threading « LGBT are pedophiles » and moderation say it’s okay : it’s wrong, and I’m not expecting to have another Twitter with 0 moderation or guidelines that will boost far-right and hatred contents. One app is enough.",1,2023-07-15 11:54:28 +App Store,"Magnet dodecahedron fish owl airplane. +Trumpet hammock beige crawdad corn. +There! The first 10 words of this review are exactly like the Threads app. Your feed will feature all kinds of worthless and unwanted posts. Don't want to see posts from people you don't follow? Too bad, because that's what Threads does. Just be glad I didn't put *all* the words in this review in a random order... Threads will do it to you with no way to read posts in chronological order in your feed. +Blimp ovation neodymium turtle grapple.",1,2023-07-15 08:32:03 +App Store,"This is yet another virtue-signaling garbage app put out by Zuck, the kind of selling your data to Russians. It’s weird how quickly the righteous left has forgotten their rage-quitting of Facebook just a few years ago and is now flocking to yet another copycat app created by the great Cuckerburg. It’s kinda almost exactly like Twitter, minus most of the best features and full of Leftist Weirdo Smelly Communists that can’t stop talking about the president from three years prior. This entire organization is an embarrassment to tech.",1,2023-07-15 00:04:41 +App Store,"As a photographer, not having access to create posts from the desktop is crippling to sharing images that originated in the big camera. + +The app “feed” seems to be lots of stuff I don’t care about from random people. I would like to see a chronological feed of posts from people I follow. + +The app UI is clean but bland. More photos would help.",3,2023-07-07 13:58:13 +App Store,this app is great! 5 stars from a person who personally does not rate apps nor likes insta as much as i did years ago. however threads feels like Twitter from like 2014 and 15 before it went wild. it's a nice feeling and i recommend downloading it for a nostalgia feel haha.,5,2023-07-08 20:56:36 +App Store,"I hope to provide a better review in the future. + +For those of us who joined Threads to get a Twitter alternative, we may not have an interest in Instagram itself. However, the Threads app does not provide a way to create an account — only login to any existing one. That’s sort of unwelcoming and means that we would have to download Instagram to create an account, which seems like an unnecessary step.",2,2023-07-07 01:10:36 +App Store,It would make it a lot easier if we were able to save things we like. And also edit our posts or threads as you would say. Because we are not able to alter it do you have to make sure it’s right on.,4,2023-07-08 22:25:30 +App Store,"A rather easy to use app, everything seems pretty intuitive. However, the feed layout is a bit weird. I want there to be a way to only see accounts you follow in addition to algorithm recommendations, and there needs to be a way to see the most recent Threads rather than just the top ones",3,2023-07-06 17:00:37 +App Store,It requires you use you Instagram account log in. What if you don’t want to? What if you want to keep it separate? What if you want to use your Facebook name? You have no choice. Why? Does Meta think they are the MCU? Why does everything have to be connected and why can’t we choose how we want to be connected if you don’t give us a choice?,3,2023-07-05 23:40:08 +App Store,I regret making the account. Its a less than half baked app. Launching an app this hyped and lacking as many features as it does is laughable. “We’ll get to it” isn’t acceptable to me. It has zero personality of its own other than being a busted twitter clone. It smells of being built in about a month under a crunch deadline and shipped out to the app stores to try and meet some kind of shareholders goal with the mentality of “make it better at some other point” at the forefront.,1,2023-07-13 14:16:38 +App Store,The app is good but I hate the fact that they just changed the algorithm to see people’s post that I don’t follow. It’s extremely irritating. I only want to see who I follow and maybe have a discover page? But it’s extremely annoying seeing a thousand posts from random people who I don’t care about.,4,2023-07-06 22:58:18 +App Store,"As the title says: promising but needs improvement. +Sure, I get it, it’s a new app. But not being able to sort by feed by ONLY the people I follow makes the app uselss to me. I am zero interested in seeing all of the other irrelevant accounts it’s showing me. +I’ll wait and see but if this doesn’t change I’ll have to leave the app",3,2023-07-08 20:32:32 +App Store,"We need a likes tab on profiles that users can choose to make private or public but that they have access to and can see all their liked posts at. + +The likes feature should be used to connect and keep track of information but right now that information is hidden to the users while fully visible to the engineers. + +I understand it needs to be different than other platforms but I think accessing “likes” on profiles is a universal feature and would not make threads more like any other platform, it would just make it more user friendly. + +Thanks!",3,2023-07-08 15:49:42 +App Store,this app is so fun and i like how easy it is to use. BUT please add a feature that lets you add your thread badge back up on your instagram!! i removed the badge thinking it was kinda ugly on my ig but i’m having so much fun on the app that i want to link it on my instagram and i can’t :(,5,2023-07-08 14:57:36 +App Store,"I downloaded this more out of curiosity than anything, and I was unimpressed but didn’t think much of it. Come to find out from a friend in IT that it collects A LOT of info about you and you CANNOT delete it without deleting your Instagram too. You can deactivate, but not delete, there’s no walking it back unless you delete Instagram too. honestly I’m so appalled by this I probably will delete Instagram, although that’s not without some sadness as that’s a platform I do like.",1,2023-07-08 03:28:29 +App Store,I like it but it keeps knocking me out of the app when I'm trying to respond or post a thread 🧵I gotta try multiple times before it let's me finally post or comment. I'm trying to be easy due to its pre maturity but it's definitely aggy. Other than that I feel like we are freshman in a new school lol I rock with it 😁,4,2023-07-09 14:08:52 +App Store,"Pretty basic in terms of features. Most annoyingly, however, it fills your timeline with crap chosen by its algorithm. I ended up deactivating my account. That said, if they open the app to the fediverse, that would make more connections possible via Mastodon. Would it really keep going in this open direction, though. Facebook and Instagram have been msde to not play well with others, and I've had it with approaches to social media.",2,2023-07-06 09:11:39 +App Store,So happy we have a legitimate Twitter alternative now. Elon Musk ruined what was once a great app and is now just a white supremacist wasteland. Don’t have to worry about reading too many tweets with Threads. Was waiting for Bluesky but I’m going to stick with threads at this point. Bluesky playing too many games.,5,2023-07-06 03:59:29 +App Store,"I created an account two weeks ago, and three days later it just suddenly stopped working. My profile won’t load (just says “Content Not Available”) and my notifications tab is also blank, it won’t load at all. I have put in several requests for support but can’t get the problem fixed. I’d love to be able to use this app, but it seems there is no one to fix when your profile goes MIA -____-",1,2023-07-24 21:20:42 +App Store,"I sent a couple requests for support and have not heard back yet. It was working great but since last Thursday/Friday nothing will load except the main feed. I can’t post anything, I can’t see my previous posts, I can’t see the notifications tab, but the main feed is still updating just fine. Hopefully they resolve the issue before too long. Before this issue popped up, I’d have given a 5-Star review.",1,2023-07-18 05:36:02 +App Store,Back to the simple format with no nonsense that brings you back to the simpler times. Excited that this format works and it’s fully functional. Looking forward to what the future brings,5,2023-07-10 18:07:32 +App Store,"Every time I use it, it logs me out of my Instagram account. Using both Threads and Instagram seem to cancel each other out, requiring me to delete Threads to be able to use Instagram. There should be an easy way to switch users on Threads without logging you out of Instagram and vice versa.",4,2023-07-08 23:34:36 +App Store,Currently has some glitches that are already being addressed hoping for more sharing options for the profile. Sending the Threads profile to TikTok to Instagram as a story or post etc.,5,2023-07-07 01:22:23 +App Store,"I was looking forward to having a Twitter substitute for news and opinion. Sadly, Meta has explicitly stated this is not its goal. Moreover, it seems their algorithm is based on both your IG and Threads account. I follow pop culture on IG and wanted to use threads for news. But my entire Threads timeline seems to be recommendations based on my IG follows, not my Threads follows. My interest in the app is basically dead until reporters start using it and Meta is able to identify what a person wants to see on Threads specifically.",1,2023-07-10 17:37:34 +App Store,"Ok so i like the app, but one thing that definitely needs to change is the fact that if someone whats to delete their account on threads, their instagram page goes too?!?!? Why? Thats my only gripe. We should have a choice in that matter. Dont do us dirty like that.",4,2023-07-07 07:00:31 +App Store,"User interface +This program keeps showing you things you don't want to see, you'll actually lose your followers in the crap it shows you. +security +This app doesn't just access your mother's underwear drawer, you actually give Zuckerberg your phone You don't have even 1% of the features and capabilities of apps like Telegram or Twitter +And most importantly, this app takes your Instagram account hostage after installation so that you can't delete it",1,2023-07-07 23:32:28 +App Store,"Love the new app but it needs a feed that can sorted chronologically and will only show the people you follow. + +Also would be nice to have lists you can create. + +If this is truly going to be a Twitter alternative, these features need to added quickly so it’s a smooth transition.",4,2023-07-06 03:13:12 +App Store,Just downloaded this app and have no idea how it will change the world in coming years. Will upload detailed review after few months. Until then keep hitting the like button 😊,5,2023-07-06 11:57:37 +App Store,"If you a Twitter user you know Threads got a few tweaks to make if they really want to compete LOL, but it has potential‼️. Once they add a few things we’re used to using on Twitter, I could see this platform taking off🚀 +•Close friends •Control multiple accounts •bookmarks…",4,2023-07-08 04:27:36 +App Store,"I’m unable to enjoy this app because, for some reason, they didn’t release a version that works on a standard table in landscape mode, so here I am navigating this narrow band of a slightly enlarged smart phone screen in the middle of my tablets screen with black landscape to either side. + +When, like all the competitors, there is a version for tablets, I’ll revisit this review and give it a different rating.",2,2023-07-13 16:56:42 +App Store,"I tried to create a Threads account for my business page on Insatgram, but it keeps taking me to my personal Threads account. I should be able to seamlessly switch between accounts on Threads app just like I can on Instagram. +Also, I don’t like that my feed is constantly spammed by influencers and people I never agreed to follow. Fix that please.",3,2023-07-07 19:54:57 +App Store,"So much easier and less clustered like ykw 🚶🏾 +The activity center definitely needs to be fixed cus why isn’t loading. But aside from that you can literally do everything and anything on Thread and say things too iykwim 🧍🏾‍♀️ Hopefully the twitter weirdos don’t taint the app 💀",5,2023-07-06 15:39:39 +App Store,"Actual content moderation, easy data transfer from Instagram, straightforward design. My only complaint is that there isn’t a fleshed out desktop version, but considering how new it is, I’ll give it a pass.",5,2023-07-15 18:05:45 +App Store,Am still adjusting but however I do love it! I’ve noticed I been not checking my Twitter lately due to Threads🤷🏾‍♀️😆🫶🏾…overall this app is 5 ⭐️’s wish I could give 10 not limits whatsoever like Twitter recently jst did. Zuckerberg did his thang on this one n am 💯💯💯 standing w him!,5,2023-07-14 06:38:18 +App Store,"it'd be nice to have tags or be able to search for specific types of posts. + +the app, in its current state, only allows users to find others via their timeline, replies to posts, or by searching for usernames. + +having high hopes for the future of Threads!",4,2023-07-08 02:38:38 +App Store,I have two accounts and been going back and forth logging in and out of both accounts. I guess the app thought I was a bit and blocked me or something. I can’t sign in anymore. Help please!,4,2023-07-07 01:13:46 +App Store,should have a way were able to go back & follow everyone from our instagram instead of just a the set up part for those of us that may have didn’t just to at beginning besides that it’s cool,5,2023-07-07 23:52:24 +App Store,"Last night, I was excited to download this new app and started to explore it. It seems a nice app. But a little disappointed that when I tried to click a new post, it shut down immediately. Tried that for several times. Even I already checked my IOS updated and turn off/on my iPhone. It’s still not let me to make a new post on my Thread. ☹️",2,2023-07-07 18:49:23 +App Store,"I would use this more often if it had a for you and following tab. sure it still needs hashtags and other things but please start on the for you and following tabs before anything else, because that’s the most important part.",3,2023-07-24 10:52:42 +App Store,This app is really great. I seen it on the news and I thought I should try it it’s way better than Twitter. If I were you I would get this to there’s a bunch of interesting creators on there and it’s just really great that’s for my age now thank you threads.,5,2023-07-06 13:02:33 +App Store,"I made the jump to threads on the premise I would be able to follow the folks I already follow on IG. Why is it that this app keeps suggesting accounts I’ve already click to follow. + +These suggestions aren’t new ones. It’s the same accounts over and over. It’s like it’s seems to forget as soon as I close the app. + +Please fix it asap.",3,2023-07-14 16:19:44 +App Store,"I still don’t want to see content from people that I don’t specifically follow unless I explicitly search for it. And when I do search, I want to see an option for complete searches and not just user searches. This is a bare-bones poor clone of Twitter that seemingly is just getting some initial traction due to political bias. No thanks - fix it. Also, if you don’t provide a web desktop option to use the service, it’s a double whammy.",1,2023-07-19 19:31:46 +App Store,"I’m hoping this can be a permanent replacement for Twitter. Main points of annoyance: + - Whenever I open the app, rather than letting me start from where I was it jumps up to a random point in the feed + - Badly needs following-only chronological feed + - Recommendations are random, like influencers I wouldn’t care about, vs driven by the people I follow + - No desktop version",3,2023-07-08 23:59:04 +App Store,"I was so excited about this app because I never had a Twitter account, but always wanted one. I just don’t like being on different social medias. I thought this was a good way to be on IG and a version of Twitter at the same time. However, I can’t comment or post anything. I hope this bug is fixed because I was really excited about this app! I’ve tried deleting the app and reinstalling it, and still the same problem. Help! 😫😫",1,2023-07-11 14:59:45 +App Store,I love the app so far. I hope we can make this all into something and not ruin it politically like Twitter. It is missing a lot of key components like personal messages and general app customization. But def had potential,5,2023-07-09 04:57:13 +App Store,It has potential but they didnt fix what the issue was with twitter. You still can not edit a post after it has been shared. You also see a bunch of posts of accounts you are not following. Which defeats the purpose of trying to control the feed with things you chose.,3,2023-07-07 15:11:24 +App Store,The app is very similar to twitter with very small changes. There are still lots of updates to be made so it’s not at its full potential and that’s why I have it rated at 4 stars right now because it’s still entertaining even at its early stages of development.,4,2023-07-14 13:28:36 +App Store,"The app is really good and within 24 hours of using I have no problem with it but I think thread should give it users the opportunity to add back its badge on instagram after removal +Thank you",5,2023-07-07 09:16:48 +App Store,"I like the fact that instagram made another platform similar to twitter, i don't see the harm in expanding. Overall I've had a good experience so far, though i just downloaded it, everything is running smooth!",5,2023-07-06 21:13:06 +App Store,"Can you make it easier to switch between two Thread accounts? This functionality is already in Instagram but currently, I have to log out in order to switch between my two accounts. Thank you.",4,2023-07-12 13:52:34 +App Store,"I’ve been a Twitter user since the beginning… and I hate how political, blue check marks have been shoved down my feed. Threads is a fresh of breath air. It’s a good combo of Insta/FB and I would love an edit feature without having to pay for it… I know they have further to go with this app but it’s working!",4,2023-07-10 21:09:09 +App Store,"I like this app. It reminds me of old Twitter before the Muskrat took over. I hope it succeeds. A few things, I hope they implement ""Save Photo/Video"" natively—also, a translation button and maybe even gifs. I don’t care for DMS. You could use the IG app for that. I still won’t use FaceBook, though ❤️",4,2023-07-08 17:48:02 +App Store,"Didn’t think I’d say this but I’m soooooo happy leaving Twitter and the vibe is already so much better! That said, we need a few things Meta: better support for Gifs and various forms of media. Audio file support, an iPad app - yes, you have to do this it’s important! And I’m sure I’ll think of more but great start so far.",4,2023-07-06 19:49:02 +App Store,"This app has potential to kill what was once an amazing app and community, with Twitter, but it’s desperate for some key features. I want so badly for this app to succeed. Specifically needing: + +1) a cleaned up and chronological timeline. Absolutely, under no circumstances, should we be seeing stuff from 1-2 days ago as the top threads that show up. Period. +2) ability to see solely stuff from people that you follow +3) hashtags…. +4) ability to search and subscribe to hashtags and key phrases +5) the notifications for posts from accounts are delayed anywhere between 12-24 hours. That’s literally useless, if I subscribe to someone that means I want to see it the second they post it",2,2023-07-08 03:45:23 +App Store,"The interface is clean, fast, and intuitive. However, there is no way to filter out suggested accounts. There are so many influencers and people I don’t know or care about cluttering up the feed. Until that is resolved, this is a no-go app for me. +Too bad because it is looking good.",3,2023-07-06 01:59:24 +App Store,I jumped on to see if it truly was like twitter. I hate twitter. And threads is just like it so I’ll never use it. But now I can’t delete my threads account without deleting my Instagram account. WTH?? AND… the badge on my IG profile won’t hide like I keep telling it to do. What a pain. “You can’t add the badge back on one you delete it”… says the company that keeps adding it back on and all I want is for it to go away!!!! I am now infuriated.,1,2023-07-13 15:08:26 +App Store,"I never joined Twitter as I didn’t want another social medium to mess with at the time. Then when it was purchased by a sociopathic megalomaniac, that sealed the deal for me. Glad to know I now have an alternative to Twitter and Frump’s UNtruth Social, so I’ll join in on the fun.",5,2023-07-11 23:10:01 +App Store,Been trying to open for days! Will not let me open! I have the Instagram app but it not allow me to enter the Threads app. Confused as why it will not open. I've followed all the instructions. I’ve been trying everything including downloading it several times. It tells me to open using my instagram account but will not a says try again or hit send a problem message. Need help to access. Please!!!,1,2023-07-10 23:53:49 +App Store,"The app doesn't even work. Every time I go to make a post it kicks me out. Same as when I comment. When I open my app I see the posts from people I follow but as soon as I refresh I see posts from people I don't follow. You should make sure the app works before you release it but hey I'm not an app developer, I don't know how it work.",3,2023-07-09 05:08:04 +App Store,"Apart from being a twitter clone in functionality- i did appreciate the quick setup and import feature and no ads yet !!! + +Multi profile support, ability to edit threads, able to watch video in landscape etc… and at least a few unique features to set urself apart from twitter would be great !",3,2023-07-08 07:27:45 +App Store,"I’m rather liking Threads so far. But there are some things I really want to see and some problems that need to be fixed. + +First, it seems glitchy. I’ve been doing a lot of searching to try to follow people I am following on Twitter and Mastodon. But I get error messages about too many searches. + +Second, the feed needs to prioritize the people I follow, and put their unread posts first so I can see them. If you want to follow that with posts you think I might like, that’s okay. But show me posts from the people that follow first. + +Hopefully this can replace Twitter for me. It does show a lot of promise.",3,2023-07-08 01:42:12 +App Store,"There’s a ton of potential here, given the massive built-in userbase of Instagram, assuming they add some of the basic missing features soon. However, the lack of an iPad app (or a good website for that matter) is a massive dealbreaker. Instagram has this problem too and it’s frustrating - I would personally prefer not to have immediate access to the app on my phone at all times, but the iPhone app is the only proper way to experience Threads.",1,2023-07-07 02:27:34 +App Store,This app I need to have a feature likes where users can swipe between viewing only the people they follow and accessing a global feed. This is something I look forward to in the next update.,4,2023-07-09 12:03:18 +App Store,"Meta lied!! Threads doesn’t import all your IG followers. What it does is allow you to follow everyone you follow on IG with 1 button. If those followers don’t tap Follow All they wont follow you unless they choose later. More over if they follow you on IG after creating a Threads, they won’t follow you on Threads either unless they choose to. I was hoping for an exact sync of IG & Threads and was completely let down. If I continue on Threads after being lied to it will be with great reluctance…",1,2023-07-13 03:09:34 +App Store,"Is it a better alternative to Twitter? I think so thus far, though it’s missing some folks I really liked following on the other app. But what’s getting me is this: this first version is glitchy. It just randomly started closing the window whenever I try to reply to people or write a new “thread”. Cool idea, good initiative, but needs work.",3,2023-07-09 19:48:48 +App Store,"This is app is nice but pretty simple. I would like the use of hashtags, I would like to be able to post polls and ask questions, and I don’t like the long number on my Instagram profile. I like the idea of there being a link to our threads account, but the number is ugly and I don’t like it. Otherwise, I think I’m into it.",3,2023-07-09 02:34:39 +App Store,"Needs to be able to have multiple accounts on one device, preferably without needing to attach them to Instagram. Notifications for posts don’t work. Need to be able to sort comments in some way.",4,2023-07-06 23:12:37 +App Store,"There is a Policy when creating an account that states unless you delete your entire instagram account, you will only be able to deactivate your account but NOT entirely delete your threads account BY ITSELF!!!!!! + +THIS IS A TERRIBLE TACTIC!!!!! He is gonna sell threads in a few years and the numbers of users will help if it ever fails to reach peak. that is why you can’t delete your account by itself and is discouraged from doing so!",1,2023-07-06 23:44:16 +App Store,"If you decide to delete your account with this app, you can’t! You must also delete your instagram account! This app is a trap and will not let you out. There’s also been some immediate concerns with data sharing and selling users info for profit. And that’s aside from this app already being worse than Twitter ever was, concerning censorship, lies, and approved racism. Stay away, unless you like being censored and having your information stolen.",1,2023-07-06 18:59:00 +App Store,"Just like the horrible Meta Quest experience, this is the same garbage where it is so difficult to create an account. I don’t want to use my instagram handle for a twitter like experience where I am just following basketball and tech beat writers. It is basically impossible to create an account without literally taking a picture of my face to send to Meta/Instagram? No way am I trusting a company as untrustworthy as Meta/Instagram. Terrible company. Terrible app. Terrible experience.",1,2023-07-06 01:18:24 +App Store,"I did enjoy it while it worked but now for example, if I go to someone’s profile, i can’t see their threads or go to my profile to see my threads, it says “content not available ”. If I try to see my activity, i says “sorry, something went wrong ”. +I restarted my phone, deleted the app to see if the problem will get fixed but no. I tried other suggestions as well. I have the latest version",1,2023-07-21 08:25:45 +App Store,"Very easy to use, not very addictive, helpful, and safe. A good 10/10. Me and all of my friends, (many of which have special needs, including myself) use the platform, and find it is a good, respectable, and secure app.",5,2023-07-10 14:15:00 +App Store,Really?! I don’t need to see what random people are doing/saying. A couple of friends and I downloaded the app expecting to see each other and anyone else we are ‘friends’ with show up in our account. Instead we got a plethora of strangers and celebrities that we ended up blocking or hiding. Please let us pick who we want to see on our thread. We might not be keeping the app. In a word….disappointed.,1,2023-07-07 21:49:15 +App Store,"twitter was downgrading & kept suspending my accs so i’m so happy i finally have an app where i can just talk to myself again 😫 i know elon somewhere punching the air rn. i’m liking the app but it needs a few touches and updates. i’m tired of seeing celebrities and other people i don’t follow on my timeline, there needs to be dms, & an ability to change our usernames.",3,2023-07-07 20:43:12 +App Store,"The vast majority of posts that appear in my feed are from accounts I do not follow nor have I heard of. There doesn’t appear to be a way to change this other than muting/hiding/blocking each account individually when one of their posts appears. Once this issue is resolved then hopefully the app will be useful and fun, but it’s not right now.",2,2023-07-15 21:53:45 +App Store,"I deleted my twitter days before this app released and it is MILES better than whatever twitter is today. HOWEVER, I hate that I don’t have a feed for people I actually follow and a feed for everyone else I see. I would rate this much higher if I had a way to separate the people I want to see vs everyone else that’s suggested.",3,2023-07-13 20:38:01 +App Store,"So far I like the idea but I’m getting flooded my posts from people I don’t follow, and I’m in able to have two accounts. I’d like to be able to have my personal account and a business account. + +I suggest working on some setting options if you want this app to last",3,2023-07-11 15:37:46 +App Store,"I just downloaded it the other day and it’s easy to use and attach to your instagram account I already have new followers on the app, let’s see how threads done in the coming weeks!",5,2023-07-09 03:55:59 +App Store,Some people just love complaining about anything. This App is barely a week old and the ungrateful Karens & Kens are complaining already. Its a safe space and I love it here. Be patient. It is still a work in progress.,5,2023-07-07 18:59:20 +App Store,Thank you for listening to the users. It was fraustrating to use the app while it constantly kept crashing whenever I tried to post or comment.,4,2023-07-13 13:09:22 +App Store,"Like it so far. I do wish the activity feed made it easier to see new followers, but the sign up process was really easy and everything seems to be running smoothly.",5,2023-07-06 19:26:33 +App Store,"Mark, I totally understand that threads & Instagram are cousins, but could you please not force me to see posts from random verified accounts that I do not follow nor have been liked by people I follow. Additionally, throw marketing ads in there, and I'm deleting this app.",3,2023-07-19 16:19:14 +App Store,"My Instagram account accidentally threads badge deleted accidentally. now i want to +Get back this option on my Instagram profile. +So please help me by adding this option +on my Instagram profile account +Thankyou",5,2023-07-14 06:25:34 +App Store,Number one thing I just noticed is the video player has NO scroll bar. I can’t go forward or backwards. Another thing this app needs is some sort of what’s trending page.,4,2023-07-09 10:14:43 +App Store,"Don’t download this app thinking that you’re gonna get free speech, Zuckerberg made sure he muzzle that. I suggest you making a second Instagram account. Do not use your main or you are subject to get banned and lose all the followers, likes and everything you worked for like I did. there are hardly any second chances when it comes to Facebook and Instagram, especially if it was simply a misunderstanding.",1,2023-07-12 13:50:27 +App Store,"It’s going to take a bit to find out all the things, but I have one main complaint, and it’s one I share with Instagram… it has no IPad interface, it’s just a window for an phone but on IPad. Please you have one for Facebook, you should have one for the other platforms",3,2023-07-07 02:09:26 +App Store,"I’m enjoying the app, but find it will only work on my iPhone. For some reason, two days in, it stopped working for my iPad. It just spins. I hope this gets fixed soon as I do most of my work on my iPad and was hoping Threads would be a nice intermittent distraction.",4,2023-07-12 16:49:36 +App Store,Pretty okay app. It’s the first day and I’m sure they rushed it out the door but really doesn’t feel like a replacement to Twitter though it is still a good addition to Instagram. I like the idea of everything just being public but the trending tab on Twitter and curated conversations are nearly impossible to find. Anyways wish you the best lads.,3,2023-07-06 04:41:23 +App Store,I think this a great app and definitely better than Twitter although it looks quite similar I think the app would end up burying even the initial Instagram app and become everyone’s favorite go to app. Nice work Zuck.,5,2023-07-13 01:31:19 +App Store,"This is a good app! I like it so far, I just wish I could have a “following” page and a “for you” page that are separate. I want to see what just my friends are saying or just new people, not a mix of both. Otherwise, great!",4,2023-07-09 04:43:45 +App Store,I heard everybody talking about this app so I downloaded it. At the beginning it seemed ok but after a while I had to start blocking A LOT of people and mute their comments because off the content. It is very frustrating spending a lot of time doing that. There should have an option to select what you want or not to see or have on your account. I’ll deactivate it until that’s fixed.,1,2023-07-11 13:31:52 +App Store,"I really like this app, but I have one suggestion to make it a little better. Maybe if you can add translations to a persons preferred language like there is on Instagram. I think this will make the app a lot better for its users. Otherwise it’s a very good app.",4,2023-07-08 18:37:56 +App Store,Love it so far. Can we get the search through your followers tab like on IG? Would definitely help weed through the bots/inactive users. Also I wish this app told me who recently followed me individually. They just clump errbody together so I can’t tell!,4,2023-07-07 18:10:33 +App Store,It’s good but i have two factor authentication on and everytime i log into threads i get logged out of instagram…then when i log into threads.. i get logged out of instagram.. and now it keeps making me do security check and makes me change my password,4,2023-07-07 01:29:49 +App Store,"A little odd and random at first but it seems to be integrating closer to what I view on Instagram. This was a smart move that will hopefully supplant the abomination Facebook became. Zuck managed to hire all those fired Twitter employees and they got busy, guaranteed it didn’t cost $44B",5,2023-07-07 12:01:42 +App Store,I downloaded this app because I wanted to see what my friends whom I follow are posting. So far my feed is flooded with the threads of random people I never followed. If this is the case why would I ever follow anyone knowing their threads will never show up in my feed anyway??? Please fix and this will be a solid application.,3,2023-07-07 03:42:59 +App Store,I love this app so far! Please come out with color themes and increase the size of the profile picture. Or a way to customize your personal page. Twitter won’t stand a chance!,5,2023-07-07 03:07:52 +App Store,"So far, better than Twitter. But can we please choose for our feed to be JUST who we follow??? I’m sick of it switching back and forth between who I follow and public accounts. Also, can we get an edit thread option for when we misspell stuff?? 😂😂😂 but PLEASE keep it chronological.",4,2023-07-06 21:55:44 +App Store,"Overall a great app. Smooth, responsive, great scheme and easy to navigate. + +Just PLEASE allow us to ditch instagram entirely if we choose or allow us to at the least deactivate our Instagram accounts to transition.",4,2023-07-06 20:40:32 +App Store,"I know it’s brand new, just putting my suggestion out. We need a bookmarks section to save threads we like. + +I do wonder why this wasn’t simply added as a section within the Instagram app though. I would’ve liked that better.",4,2023-07-09 13:01:02 +App Store,"App layout is unique but not too different from twitter, connects to your Instagram page so you can maneuver back and forth without manually switching to any apps. No ads so far and no auto-following or psycho ceo tweets!",5,2023-07-06 19:48:57 +App Store,"its actually doing a good job at being a social media page that isnt so toxic. i am liking the setup with the link of every account going directly to their instagram, sometimes an instagram doesn’t let me know enough about someone like other social media sites, like twitter or tribel would. so having two combined is awesome and i actually enjoy this app more than the others. + +vice versa if i like someones threads, i can easily follow their instagram to support them. liking the idea so far!",5,2023-07-06 17:22:08 +App Store,Posted few threads when one day everything just stopped working. I cannot post or see my posts. If I go on someone else’s profile it also says “content not available”. I’ve tried so many things to fix it and it’s not being fixed. So there’s no point for me to be on it since it’s not working but I cannot now even delete my profile 👍🏻,1,2023-07-19 11:15:08 +App Store,"I started to enjoy this app until Meta started restricting my instagram actions for no reason. More than a year, I’ve never been action blocked on Instagram until I became more active on Thread. My main issue is why should you action block my instagram account instead of thread because thats where I mostly engage. This makes me conclude that the link of thread to Instagram is bad",2,2023-07-13 08:49:48 +App Store,"I logged in but get a message that says, + +An unexpected error occured. +You are receiving this error because something went wrong loading this screen. Tap the refresh icon below to try again.",4,2023-07-07 02:56:02 +App Store,"I can't say I am a thorough critic, but one thing I immediately noticed (and HATE) is the fact that I cannot seem to filter my feed to show just accounts I follow. They say it is a mixture, but I am seeing predominantly random accounts. PLEASE FIX THIS. I think that alone would dramatically improve my experience. It is so distracting.",3,2023-07-08 05:28:22 +App Store,A filter option for your page so you see the people you follow threads and not random people. Also support for in app gifs rather than having to download gifs and then adding them to your threads.,4,2023-07-07 21:27:51 +App Store,I was thinking if y’all can make a little album like the ones you have on IG where I have every picture saved. Same should be on thread so I can sort my poems and memes that I write? Or in general a label like Reddit. But not a channel.,5,2023-07-06 17:37:36 +App Store,"add a Draft because it’s a must! +Also I want to be able to search about threads not just users, I wanna see who and how many reposts under the post, I wanna see the likes section on profiles, +I wanna sign up with other IG account, so make it easier to switch between two accounts,",3,2023-07-08 23:43:19 +App Store,"it has the potential to be way better than twitter (which to be fair, it’s not that hard with how it’s current state is under elon) but there are some features that twitter has that are useful that aren’t on threads, for example an indicator on one’s profile saying if they are following you or not, also dms, polls, and many more options that can come in future updates. i feel like it would’ve been smarter to get more features like those in before release date",4,2023-07-06 20:53:08 +App Store,"I love that the feed does NOT have EVERY COMMENT/LIKE that people make, just peoples thoughts. Thank you for making a CLEAN and organize feed. Don’t ruin it please!!! Also, don’t bother to add a DM option, let’s keep connecting by comments and follow mew people.",5,2023-07-07 09:12:43 +App Store,I don’t want to see random people or brands I don’t follow nor have mutual followers with on the tl that’s wack. Not even threads the people I follow are interacting with. Everything else looks cool but the timeline set up is just too much it drowns out the people I actually follow and makes the user experience not that appealing at the moment.,3,2023-07-07 02:52:27 +App Store,"I really like the app as it brings my instagram community.. but the home is soooooo random! I wish there is a place for explore where the random verified accounts appear and another one (the main homepage) is only for my following feed + +Please fix this!",4,2023-07-09 02:38:22 +App Store,"I am a Facebook user, but I do not have an Instagram. I have absolutely no interest in posting photos of my personal life to the Internet. So imagine my surprise when I opened up Threads for the first time, and the only option available was to sign in with my nonexistent Instagram account. If you want to attract people away from Twitter and other social media, this is not the way to do it. Try again.",1,2023-07-06 02:38:52 +App Store,"It’s literally a copy and paste of Twitter except it collects all your data. + +You can sign up only if you have an Instagram account. + +Since Threads shares the same guidelines of Instagram, you can post nsfw contents and aside of that, you can’t also say whatever you want. It’s anti-freedom of speech. + +If you try to say something that Meta don’t like, your Threads account could be censored or banned. If banned, you can say also bye to your Instagram account. + +Last thing, if you’re unable to post, like, follow and see your activity, it probably means that you’re in EU. Since this app doesn’t respect privacy rules, Meta has decided to block all EU users from using this app. And no, using a VPN doesn’t change nothing.",1,2023-07-18 23:23:36 +App Store,"I’m really trying to like this app. I want more positive social media and I think Threads can deliver. However, the feed is absolutely terrible. Despite following accounts I am interested in and liking content I may enjoy, the apps feed is utterly rubbish. Too many corporate accounts, celebrities, and influencers. If that’s your thing, this app is for you. I will be spending time on other apps until this is fixed.",1,2023-07-18 18:41:26 +App Store,I think it’s a really good option for people who are leaving Twitter or just to have a good second if Twitter goes under I think once you add a GIF library then it’s better then Twitter but it’s still a great app and perfect for people who are on Instagram but never was on Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 15:51:08 +App Store,"Threads has the potential to be great, and I really want to see it becomes just that. I’m not a tech bro, but I’m a chronically online user who uses platforms like Threads for leisure and work. Here are a few additions that I think would set Threads apart and totally dislodge any and all competitors: + +- DM that’s connected to (same as) IG +- Stories (+ crossposting) +- Option for chronological/following-only newsfeed +- Hashtags +- Trending (or Threading 👀) topics +- Option to save/bookmark threads +- Option to edit threads +- Option to add folks to lists of favorites (this will help media folks big time) +- Ability to do keyword search",3,2023-07-06 21:31:00 +App Store,"Super User-Friendly, Captivating and Interesting. Hate that its tethered to your Instagram so, if your Threads page gets diabled, so does your Instagram profile. but other than that, it's definitely a fun app & community... setting the bar vs twitter.",5,2023-07-06 21:19:24 +App Store,Please add the function to quickly switch between accounts by double tapping the profile tab like on Instagram! Otherwise cool so far :),5,2023-07-06 19:24:18 +App Store,"The threads community is a lot less toxic than Twitter! Good UI and nice to look at. + +Would love if there was an option to only see accounts we follow instead of them being mixed with posts from suggested accounts.",4,2023-07-15 19:30:36 +App Store,"I’m thankful for this App getting released. And my hope for this App’s future is to not be toxic just like some other apps. Hoping that it’ll not be ruined by people. Anyways. THANK YOU!!!! Hoping to get new update, that is fixing some good things.😊😊",5,2023-07-06 07:42:34 +App Store,This just came out today and I’m already in love with it I think it’s brilliant and can’t wait to see where it goes in the future! I love how well it blends in with instagram and how seamless everything is!,5,2023-07-06 01:52:00 +App Store,"How to delete this app by not deleting instagram? Because they are connecting together. I try to hide the badge and its doesn’t go away :( please take it out for me please! I don’t want to be apart of this app anymore. I just want to use instagram only. +I want to delete this app and delete thread accounts away. Permanently! But still use instagram.",2,2023-07-07 20:05:55 +App Store,I can’t even see the threads of the people I’m following because it’s just explore stuff?? The first time I saw the home page it was my following but once I refreshed the page I couldn’t find their threads ever again. There should be a feature to just see the threads of the people you follow so your not seeing just explore page stuff.,1,2023-07-22 22:38:30 +App Store,Who told Zuck that having a twitter clone for those who sell their lifestyle and bodies would be interesting? Twitter is for smart people that have something to say. Instagram is for beautiful people that have something to show. I don’t want to read thoughts of pretty girls. I don’t want look at bodies or smart people. They are different markets and zones of interests. The rivalry with twitter is not going to happen Zuck. So no echo chambers and safe spaces for you lefty too ;),1,2023-07-21 21:40:21 +App Store,All I can say is that it’s a cool app. Kinda gives twitter vibesss but it’s interesting ! Hopefully not as toxic but we’ll see down the road! I have Hope for this all frr! And I like how it connects to my instagram 🤭 hahaha I do like the app so far..! I’ll update later when i get me used to the app!,4,2023-07-06 03:29:17 +App Store,"The app looks clean and streamlined, but scrolling quickly turns to chaos. It’s too difficult to find posts from people you actually follow, and the lack of a chronological timeline keeps me from using it more as it functions more like a news aggregator that only needs be be checked on once or twice per day.",2,2023-07-17 22:30:15 +App Store,It looks better than Truth Social an Twitter but still need improvement updates has crash this app few times so needs updates more features,5,2023-07-17 16:14:15 +App Store,"OKAY, so I’ll be the first to admit, I said some bad stuff. I told “threaditors” to off themselves for calling themselves that, then I commented under mark zuckerbergs post that I have a 6 year old slave (I don’t, I’m literally a minor) and that got me permanently banned. Not just my account, from the entire app. I enjoy threads very much, can I make a new account please? :3",2,2023-07-15 20:34:40 +App Store,"This app definitely wants to guarantee that they can put a face to a post! I don’t like it one bit! You can’t delete it, and. I found it rather impossible to change the sync settings once they started! I rather enjoy having some sort of separation between these apps! I don’t like that they’re owned by FB/IG.. I’m just gonna opt not to use it at all. I’ll stick to something else for now.",1,2023-07-13 01:56:14 +App Store,I love this app it’s wayy better than Twitter and I love that it’s connected to instagram it’s so easy to follow people only downside is I wish we could download pics that other people comment or post,5,2023-07-10 08:24:54 +App Store,Seems alright enough. Majour isaue with app crashing especially when trying to comment on a post. Subjectively though٫ the interface is a little muddy and boring٫ as if it's intentionally designed to mindlessly scroll through. Allow accessibility options as well as feed customizations.,3,2023-07-08 02:04:56 +App Store,"You’d think with all of the data they collect that the algorithm would at least be good, like TikTok. Zuck yet again fails to understand that users need to get something out of social media too. I don’t want to see ads and verified accounts. The algorithm needs heavy improvement. + +As a side note, how is this supposed to replace twitter without corn??",2,2023-07-07 17:29:01 +App Store,"I really really want to use and like this app. That being said, I've been able to post once. Every single time I try to post, the app force closes as soon as I push the button to even compose a twe- I mean thread. I deleted and reinstalled the app. I have the most up-to-date iOS. Every other app I use works fine. Let my use you!",2,2023-07-07 17:10:11 +App Store,This app was advertised as making new friends and being able to interact with new people. But literally it’s just Twitter all the feed is just verified accounts like where is the option to make friends? 😕 Verified accounts don’t interact with normal people let’s be honest. So I don’t understand what this app is for it’s literally just to watch famous people post.,2,2023-07-07 10:46:29 +App Store,It’s just the beginning of a brand new apps with loads of users from IG! So far I’m loving it because of minimalist design and ease of using. No ads so far. I hope if they start monetizing they will keep it in a sane way.,5,2023-07-06 19:33:57 +App Store,"MetaThreads is an excellent platform for sharing your thoughts with the world. However, I came across a bug where deleting a thread displays a ""no post found"" message. I'm excited to witness the app's growth and development in the future.",5,2023-07-06 13:20:42 +App Store,I like it so far but I wish I could add more account at the same time it will help so much and it will ba faster than logging out and in again and again,5,2023-07-06 09:49:33 +App Store,"It’s awesome to see an app like Threads growing from the very beginning. It still needs some key features that we are used to at this point, but it feels welcoming and user friendly.",5,2023-07-06 05:12:18 +App Store,"Love the experience so far, it feels like the social media’s early days where the apps were simple and clean. Would love to see more missing things added, like “followed” view, proper search for topics and seeing what’s trending across the world.",4,2023-07-10 05:10:42 +App Store,"I really like this app, it’s like a combo of Twitter & Insta bc we can upload more than 4 photos in a post & don’t have a counter limit lol. + +The only thing that would make this app complete is working hashtags & DM’s",5,2023-07-11 12:25:34 +App Store,"I like it so far, but I wish we could have alt accounts with fake names. I’m a teacher and like to be able to publicly tweet and stuff without my students finding it. Also missing dm’s so I can send my friends memes.",4,2023-07-07 18:58:05 +App Store,"Some of the time I go to post something the app closes and I have to reopen the app for it to do it again. Does it when I go to reply sometimes too. Please fix + +Edit: It kicks me out every time. The app is unusable for me now. Going on day 2 with not able to post or reply",3,2023-07-09 13:17:37 +App Store,"Ever since I downloaded threads, both my Instagram & threads app keep logging me out and I have to log back in. I noticed this would happen when I would try to use 3rd party apps to analyze my stats but now it’s happening multiple times a day and I’m not even using those apps, it’s literally just me using Threads. Please advise",2,2023-07-07 20:41:25 +App Store,"Can’t log on for over a day. States wait a minute and try again. Unfortunately, the FAQ do not solve the issue. I have no way of understanding why I can’t log on nor am I able to contact anyone. I even left comments on the main page for their Instagram just to try and get help. Nothing. Wish there was someone to help re set and or explain how to get back in.",1,2023-07-07 20:03:53 +App Store,Could you add a button where it lets you choose to follow everyone you follow on instagram.. I accidentally did not click the yes button and now I can't seem to follow everyone I follow on instagram without looking everyone up individually.,4,2023-07-06 19:16:14 +App Store,"ive always considered moving my art account to twitter but the recent change in management put me off. this threads app is great and i hope it takes off because elon is running twitter into the ground. + +that being said, there is room for improvement. i would like it if they added hashtags, their data privacy policy is concerning, and you should be able to delete your threads account without deleting your instagram. thats all, other than that, ive been having a lot of fun",4,2023-07-07 21:05:59 +App Store,"This app may have just come out, but it’s so much better than Twitter by a MILE. It’s not laggy or glitchy like Twitter is, super clean UI, and the fact that you can pull over your Instagram followers/bio/profile is just… *chefs kiss*.",5,2023-07-06 17:42:24 +App Store,"There are no settings for you to control the experience. + +I made the mistake of refreshing my homepage and now I’m seeing accounts from the entire world — I can’t even find the people I follow anymore. And like I said, there are no settings options to fix this?? + +There’s no easy way to switch accounts. I signed in with one insta account, but now don’t get to sign in with my other accounts? + +Am I only allowed to create an account through Instagram? The one thing I liked about Twitter is I had an account where my family wouldnt find me. I’d like to be able to carry that experience over on a new platform.",2,2023-07-06 16:55:06 +App Store,Everytime I try to comments or reply it kicks me out the app for no reason but anyway I love seeing Zuck actually doing a good favor,5,2023-07-06 15:27:54 +App Store,"Amazing how many people have jumped on Threads today. Nice to see old friends and news sources and just plain fun stuff. And this is just the first day! + +Come on. Join Threads and share in something fun, easy and informative.",5,2023-07-06 06:59:25 +App Store,"How is it possible that this app still doesn’t a have a “Show Friends Threads” option yet? Do you guys want to fail? No one is asking for a curated text-based IG. If you want to rip off Twitter and be successful, don’t rush your product to market and maybe actually listen/care about what people want and why they’re leaving Twitter…",2,2023-07-23 20:56:45 +App Store,"I would like to use threads and can be patient about features like followers only feed or what have you, but the app has been broken for me for over a week (since I tried to write a long thread, ironically). I can’t post, can’t see notifications or profile pages or replies, and so am kind of stuck. It’s too bad on the one hand, but a way to wean me off socials on the other.",1,2023-07-23 07:56:42 +App Store,"So disappointed but not surprised. Spent my first 2 weeks on Threads muting irrelevant influencers, celebrities, and companies. I just want to see authentic content from the people I actually follow. Not random “verified” accounts. + +Threads had so much potential to be better than Twitter but Meta is too busy manipulating the algorithm as usual. + +Just deleted the Threads app from my phone, so tired of wasting time on these apps anyways.",1,2023-07-22 01:29:33 +App Store,"Threads has been great so far! I deleted my account on that other app and I'm Threads solely. + +So refreshing to be away from that anger and hate. + +Really looking forward to the future updates!",5,2023-07-12 23:04:08 +App Store,"Look at the permissions, this app can gather all of your text messages, emails, hidden files, personal health information, sensitive information, personal finance information, every purchase, payment info, every web search, precise location information, identify, contacts, everything. This app is data harvesting ever bit of info about you.",1,2023-07-10 22:21:02 +App Store,"I’d like to have my private profile, but I would also like to have a public one. It would be neat if I could manage both from the same page.",4,2023-07-08 07:32:48 +App Store,threads is literally the best app on my phone right now. ive been on it allllll day talking to people all over the world. its so fun and everyone is chill n the amount of new friends n followers ive gotten from here is insane. zucky ate this one little thing all the way up. DOWNLOAD ITTTT IF YOURE NOT ON THREADS WHERE YOU ATTTT,5,2023-07-06 19:03:38 +App Store,Too early to tell what’s gonna happen with this app as a platform but never mind all that. The interface is like 1 degree off from being true black meaning those pixels are being powered on oled screens. Would be nice for you to get it to a true black for that power savings,3,2023-07-06 18:49:32 +App Store,"They could have done it years ago but they wanted to control Twitter. +Now when they don’t have control they created this app they did a great job + +100m users in a week.",5,2023-07-06 10:27:02 +App Store,"1, the timeline appears with a large number of unfollowed people and cannot be closed. +2, the text can not be single-selected, only full copy. If you want to look up words, there is no convenience to be found. +So far the experience seems to be very poor",3,2023-07-06 01:59:03 +App Store,My battery life on my iPhone after installing this app has reduced a lot. Looking at all the things this apps request for permission is ridiculous also. We really should demand more from Facebook especially when this single app will cause your battery to drain faster. Uninstalled because of battery drain issues!,1,2023-07-11 01:03:13 +App Store,"This is the most dysfunctional piece of crap. No way to categorize your posts and very few functions. Tribel has this beat hands down. + +Why do you all insist on letting META farm your personal data and sell it to the highest bidder!?! Why not join a new social network that doesn’t put you in timeout all the time because their algorithm thinks something harmless is against community standards.",1,2023-07-08 15:02:43 +App Store,"I downloaded this app to see what all the hype was about. I’ve had Facebook and Instagram accounts for many years, so I assumed posts would be of interest or from friends/contacts. Unfortunately, all I saw was 100’s of junk posts which were of no value to me. To no avail, I attempted to find a filter that reduce all the junk. I expected better. Junk! How disappointing!",1,2023-07-07 05:40:24 +App Store,"I am giving it 1 star not because the app is bad or not a good ui i am giving it 1 star because it crashes every single time i click on comment button on anyone’s post +Also for information i am using iphone 8 +So i request the company to make some bugs clear plus performance improvements also make it compatible so everybody can use this brilliant app like me",1,2023-07-06 15:45:46 +App Store,"I really would recommend the app getting texting, like instead of texting them off instagram you can just text them on Threads it’s way more easier!",4,2023-07-11 18:03:55 +App Store,"Meta’s clone of Twitter does feel like, well, using Twitter. The features – likes, retweets, following – are nearly identical to its longstanding microblog predecessor. However, with Twitter getting clunkier and progressively less usable since Musk took it over it seems that threads has the upper hand",4,2023-07-07 16:07:32 +App Store,Out with the old in with the new. Downloading and using threads feels positive and refreshing even a little cozy ☺️. I think this app has the potential to be a safe place for expression worldwide.,5,2023-07-11 03:13:21 +App Store,I do love threads its bringing a twitter style form social media to a more mainstream audience. However the biggest problem I have with threads is the lack if a for you/exlpore page and the fact that I dont have an option to see post only from people I follow.,3,2023-07-08 23:57:04 +App Store,"It’s being criticized by many people that “it’s a copy of Twitter!I disagree…It’s much better why? +It’s ad free,simple,easy to use and connected wit instagram…Most importantly I don’t have to see Elon Musk’s egoistic tweets 🤣",5,2023-07-08 23:25:27 +App Store,"Suggestions +Please include translale button and add a feature where what is trending could be easily seen. + +Review +Additionally right now the app crashes sometimes when I retry to repost or quote or even try to write something. Please fix this issue also. + +Lastly if click on someone someone's thread ID on Instagram, it does not take me to their threads account but rather it just open the app. Please fix this issue also.",5,2023-07-08 17:25:31 +App Store,"Not a fan right now. It’s basically instagrams version of Twitter, but you see everyone’s “tweets” and not the ones you want to see. I wish you could just have a “Following” option where you only see the tweets from the people you follow. I don't want to see all the “blue checkmark” tweets that mean nothing to me.",2,2023-07-08 15:17:03 +App Store,"The app is good, but my only suggestion is to add a 2nd feed of only the people you follow. You could follow 100 people and you feed is still 90% random accounts you never heard of. The ability to set accounts as “close friends” like instagram would be nice too",3,2023-07-08 14:10:21 +App Store,"Being brand new it does have kinks to work out, but the overall look and feel is spectacular. I’m sure they will add the features we crave in due time.",5,2023-07-07 17:20:56 +App Store,"Excellent app, it’ll be better than Twitter someday. BUT, in its current build, as of July the 6th, 2023, it’s not quite there yet. I have high hopes for this service, and I’m excited to see it develop more individually than just being twitter for instagram people.",4,2023-07-06 19:30:40 +App Store,"First off: too many permissions needed. You don’t need my financial info, health & fitness info, search history and “sensitive data”. + +Second: it’s hard to find anything worth following because of all the unrelated mess you have the wade through. Always seeing content, even if it’s not related to me, is bad. + +Third: no real way to sort by new, or to only see you your followers.",1,2023-07-07 13:12:21 +App Store,"The app worked fine for the entire first day, then by the second day (last night) I was unable to access my account but I am continuing to receive notifications from it. I live in New York so this is a region where the app should still be working.",3,2023-07-07 12:12:26 +App Store,I am currently unable to bring back thread badge on my instagram profile; please make it an option to turn it off and on. ☺️,5,2023-07-07 04:22:04 +App Store,"threads wishlist: +- Following feed, separated from For You/public feed +- Drafts +- Pronouns +- Edit posts/replies +- Close friends integration +- Profile banner +- Thread groups/filters (personally tag and filter out certain people from seeing a thread, etc.) + +Meta’s Twitter alternative has the basic features of Twitter to compete. Post a thought, reply to others thoughts. But as I use the two, I can’t help but notice the things that are missing. If threads hopes to compete with existing platforms in the conversation space, it needs to adopt and adapt quickly.",3,2023-07-06 07:08:09 +App Store,"A ton of potential here. But you'll quickly get annoyed by your feed being people you don't care to follow. + +If they can add feeds for just people that you follow, and in chronological order, as well as desktop usage, then this has a really good chance to be a great social media site.",3,2023-07-06 01:37:10 +App Store,"it’s okay but i hate all suggestions and threads i get from account i don’t follow, i wish there was a section for that like tik tok having a following section, and for you. But instagram and threads jam them together in your home feed which is really annoying and kinda ruins it for me",3,2023-07-11 06:15:52 +App Store,I am deleting this app. It shows too many random people I don’t follow. It is filled with people I do not know or want to know. I spent half my time just like on Instagram deleting all these people and ads of random crap. I only want to see people I follow. All these social media apps are a waste of time when you have to wait through all the stuff they fill your feed with.,1,2023-07-12 02:06:46 +App Store,"Beside the fact that this app has very sparse feature support compared to Mastodon or Bluesky, I can't see what my friends post here. Every time I open the app I literally scroll through hundreds of posts by randos that I don't follow and can't see if my friends have posted anything or what they have posted. What's the point of following someone if I can't see what they post?",1,2023-07-11 16:25:44 +App Store,"The app is decent, and I feel it could be a great replacement for Twitter, but they need an overhaul of updates ASAP. Add trending topics/hashtags and a timeline containing only people I follow. Also, I'm running across a bug where every time I try to post, the app crashes.",3,2023-07-08 16:31:30 +App Store,"Please add the option to save a post or comment, just like you can in Instagram. Imagine going to your ""saved posts/comments"" and seeing a plethora of your most impactful pieces of writing from other people curinated altogether in your saved section.",3,2023-07-08 14:02:14 +App Store,"Fix the timeline to only show the people I follow in chronological order and you win. Otherwise, it’s great. Potential is high because it will more than likely be people I actually know on my timeline and can engage with and vice versa.",4,2023-07-07 22:52:33 +App Store,"I happen to be one of those people who doesn’t have a Instagram account, yet for some reason, I can’t make an account under this app. Why? + +It defeats the purpose of downloading this app & attracting more users! You need to start offering options towards people like myself who doesn’t have an Instagram account, Mark (Zuckerberg)!",1,2023-07-08 05:51:37 +App Store,"all this app is missing is dms and stories , i like this app it’s like another twitter but better only bc of how active everyone is and it’s not hard gaining followers like twitter , now if they delete this app ima b HIGHLY UPSET",5,2023-07-07 22:12:16 +App Store,"My Twitter is very much separate from both Facebook and IG. I don’t want IG follows/follower’s automatically on my Threads follows. In addition, I don’t want all these random people on my Feed. My Feed should just be people I am following. As of this Threads version, I much prefer Twitter and/or Mastodon. Even Spoutible is better.",2,2023-07-07 21:31:08 +App Store,"The app works pretty well is responsive. In terms of the app and not the service, why is is sucking up all my data? Do you really need my health data? And we need an iPad app (which we need for Instagram as well!). + +In terms of service, love to see DM and alternative timeline views. And hopefully federation ... ?",3,2023-07-07 13:51:14 +App Store,Fun. Simple. Easy to use! Similar to twitter but honestly more user friendly! Can sync with your IG and transfer all the folks you’re following. More writing less pictures,5,2023-07-06 20:07:20 +App Store,This app is so user friendly and so much better than Twitter! Better user interface and so many more cool features! Highly recommend!!,5,2023-07-06 17:19:50 +App Store,"This app was one of the more random apps that I ever meet, literally is a copy of Twitter but I think it can be fun use an alternative version of twitter just we need give a little bit of time to the app and meet it better, and see how many things the app can give us in the future.",3,2023-07-06 03:21:35 +App Store,"CONS: 1. I cannot download videos in this app. 2. Always show me someone who I don’t follow, I don’t know who they are, same issue like instagram. 3. I really wanna see some real trending news or search some news I interested. 4. I can not copy any words or sentences in this app . +PROS: UI is better looking than Twitter, beat Elon Musk and twitter.",3,2023-07-06 02:37:37 +App Store,I’m ready to see what this app has to offer and can it truly be one of the next big apps. Stay tuned to see more coming up!!!,5,2023-07-06 00:11:03 +App Store,"I made a Thread profile just to view the app now that I have view it just to much social media for my process now that I have deactivated the account my user badge is still showing on my profile , I do not want this ! There’s a hide badge feature but it still +Show this long tacky number on my page !! please delete threads!!",1,2023-07-11 17:33:26 +App Store,"Real verified accounts, when I follow I want the account to be real. On Threads I have not seen the promotion of extremism and can see the accounts I want to follow. Would like to see a trending added.",5,2023-07-10 20:02:34 +App Store,"Currently have to go into settings then log out, then log into your other account. Too many steps, should be as easy as it is on Instagram",3,2023-07-10 16:14:22 +App Store,Can you put that one can put your thread account on instagram again?,5,2023-07-07 01:56:30 +App Store,"This is useless to me, unless I am able to follow certain accounts and only those accounts. + +Additionally, I want to follow topics, and only those topics. I don’t need an algorithm telling me what it is that I should be interested in. + +Additionally, I want to be able to connect with other users accounts directly without having to go to a different platform.",1,2023-07-07 20:10:04 +App Store,"I don’t like how if you decide that you don’t like it or no longer want the app, you can’t just delete your account. Your Instagram will be deleted as well. It’s like holding you hostage to something you no longer want which isn’t right. Everyone should be free to do what they please especially with their phone, profiles, & accounts.",1,2023-07-07 14:55:28 +App Store,"So far, so good! There’s tons of engagement, and everyone is excited. Glad to see so much fresh content, in a space that will undoubtedly pass its competitors in a short amount of time.",5,2023-07-06 16:32:10 +App Store,"the potential is there, but i don’t want to see posts on my feed from people i don’t follow. there should be a separate recommended tab. i also wish it could be integrated into the instagram app itself, rather than having to switch back and forth (tho i do appreciate it can be done in app)",2,2023-07-06 19:02:36 +App Store,"This app looks a lot better than Twitter. I find that Twitter is getting worse every day by day. When I heard about this app coming, I knew I had to do download it.",5,2023-07-06 02:03:29 +App Store,"Threads can be done better. + +Hoping the team can make some improvements from user feedbacks here. + +Missing: +-Number of views of your post (Like in Twitter) +-Bookmark or Save posts to your lists where you can reorders your saved posts to your preference +-Reduce spam posts or I will have to keep muting half the time and it is discouraging. +-Top post sections could be fun based on your location just like the early days of Insta",5,2023-07-06 00:39:41 +App Store,"I actually like going on Twitter from my laptop, but can’t do that on Threads, there’s no web version or desktop app version. I hope it comes soon.",4,2023-07-18 17:36:22 +App Store,The app is well deigned and it really gives an instagram experience with a dash of twitter but it a more positive connection and a easy log in selection that twitters long log in process.,5,2023-07-05 23:56:57 +App Store,"I wanted a replacement for Twitter, this isn’t it. The TOS was so bad I deleted FB and Instagram. I expect a foreign country to look to steal all info about us, to use it against us. These people are doing it and live here with us. They promote opposing views to cause strife with inflammatory content just to keep people on the apps. It’s not so subtly ruining our own country from inside. All for a dollar. +One star is too much",1,2023-07-19 13:08:18 +App Store,There’s no way to explore the app. Only see what the people you follow post. Needs a trending page or something like Instagram’s explore page. Little disappointing that it’s not in from the start.,4,2023-07-07 03:02:03 +App Store,I loved Twitter but I like threatening better! It’s like a chill baby version which is perfectly fine. I like how there are no DMs everything is public and it’s way more funnier. I laughed all day on there lol,5,2023-07-15 04:38:26 +App Store,"iPhone SE 2 +iOS 16.5.1 +App crashes when I hit comment icon or try to post. I have logged out, uninstalled app, shut down my phone and started it up again, reinstalled app at least four times already. Please fix this. Thank you!",3,2023-07-12 01:23:05 +App Store,"Loving this Twitter-killer app, so desperately needed since Elon took over. Sure, it’s not yet a fully mature app, not right out of the gate, but they’ll get there. But it seems stable and responsive and it’s help up well so far with the tsunami of new users. Bravo!",4,2023-07-06 03:42:12 +App Store,"Im happy to be one of the first account signups! I suggest to add searchable hashtags and also make GIFS easily accessible! + +Let me see who I haven’t followed back. Trends option would be cool! +Let’s THREAD!",5,2023-07-07 01:20:09 +App Store,"Love the positivity and thus far solid atmosphere. Missing a search function, a way to ascertain trends, and a way to @ someone from their profile page. + +Also, I can’t get gifs to work at all, either by upload or a gif keyboard.",3,2023-07-06 22:35:29 +App Store,"So far, Threads forced me to view “threads” by people I do not follow, and artificially jumbles the order of threads so I cannot keep track of any event/news in real time. Not everyone just wants Instagram in text form. + +This app will become workable when they permit the option to only see threads from people I follow, and in chronological order..",2,2023-07-06 10:28:33 +App Store,"Lovely app. Unfortunately, it crashes when I click the “post” icon on the bottom navigation to make a post. Also crashes when I tried to post a reply by tapping the text input.",3,2023-07-06 13:39:27 +App Store,"In typical fashion, something I was excited for is again limited by Meta. No chronological timeline. My feed is literally no one I follow and are what the algorithm *thinks I’ll enjoy. I’d enjoy people I know. This is not a Twitter replacement/substitute. Maybe they should’ve worked on a native Instagram iPad app instead. Somehow, this is more limited than the dumpster fire that is the current Twitter.",2,2023-07-06 02:57:04 +App Store,"Already hate this app because they force you to view content you don’t follow or subscribe to. SO MANY ACCOUNTS forced on me in the first 5 minutes on the app that don’t match my views, beliefs, ideologies, interests, etc. + +Clearly the app is NOT about serving the user, but about force-feeding agendas one post at a time, and slid in the feed so you barely notice it. Sickening. I should have expected as much from meta.",1,2023-07-17 15:25:05 +App Store,"Better gear up for some lawsuits. Elon has straight up said he’s coming for the throat. I don’t care for twitter, I use it to promote my music and plan to use this for that reason as well. Just a warning that I see a pretty nasty lawsuit/battle/d*** measuring contest in the future + +I’m sure there can be a way to coexist. I do like this app and see the potential.",2,2023-07-11 18:52:07 +App Store,It keeps logging me out everytime I try to post. I deleted and reinstalled the app twice but still didn't work out. Then I installed the app on another device but I happened to have the same problem on that device too. Please fix this issue.,2,2023-07-10 13:50:01 +App Store,I ain’t gon lie to you I didn’t like it at first and I didn’t want to give it a chance because I just didn’t see the whole purpose but now I can’t get off of it😂Threads cut fr🔥,5,2023-07-09 02:18:23 +App Store,"Threads is for the young, most of which have never even heard of Twitter, or could care less about it. Twitter has become nothing but a hotbed for hatred and bigotry and racism and ignorance and misinformation.",5,2023-07-08 03:39:17 +App Store,"This app is CLEARLY nowhere near a finished product. The algorithm, the UI… just about everything is very mediocre compared to competitors, and especially comparing it to their own 2 apps. + +Will update once this app (hopefully) gets a fresh coat of paint or fixes all the current problems, which have already been highlighted by thousands.",2,2023-07-07 04:45:42 +App Store,It’s so nice to have an app like this that isn’t run by a narcissist who boosts his own posts in the app’s algorithm. Bonus points for no rate limits. And for not having to pay for basic features.,5,2023-07-07 01:31:52 +App Store,"It desperately needs the DM feature, I don’t want to switch between the apps to chat. Everything else feels great about the app",5,2023-07-06 05:03:31 +App Store,I love the app I think it is a 10/10 on iPhone but iPad is a whole different experience I know the app is new and likely still being heavily worked on but I would love an iPad formatted app sometime in the near future,4,2023-07-12 08:02:39 +App Store,I know threads isn’t supposed to be a copy of Twitter but missing some of the personalization twitter provided. I only want to see what people I follow are posting about but instead I just see everyone ever??? Also profile is basic. Good for people who want to keep it professional I guess.,3,2023-07-06 01:45:46 +App Store,It’s a good I like it but it’s miss few things like messages like instagram has because like talked to other. Also there needs to be a limit on scam accounts on there,4,2023-07-10 15:14:04 +App Store,For two days my IG has been glitching hard. Most posts aren’t coming up. Lots of black squares to scroll through. Ugh. I cleared storage on my phone and restarted too. I think Threads is the contributor. :(,4,2023-07-08 17:16:32 +App Store,"As a Deaf person, I feel safe in this space compared to Twitter where bullying and attacks on people with disabilities were amplified by the owner. So far, this is not happening in Threads.",5,2023-07-10 01:40:04 +App Store,This is great. I can’t wait for it to be better. The only thing: could we have split feed? One for the people you follow only and other feed is “popular” or whatever. That way Threads would be cleaner and much nicer to use.,4,2023-07-06 03:27:11 +App Store,"Enjoying the app…but will there be a feature for multiple accounts? I have a personal and business IGs that I’d like to use on thread, separately! Help a girl out with her small biz 🙏",5,2023-07-07 16:05:06 +App Store,"My feed is filled with verified users I don’t even follow, and you can only search for accounts in the explore section, no topics or hashtags. + +Also my Activity section is stuck on loading and won’t show any notifications even if they appear on my lockscreen. Please fix this.",2,2023-07-07 15:34:55 +App Store,Although i’ve been enjoying this app so far but my activity screen just won’t load. Not tapping on any tab on there works. I’ve tried switching my internet network from wifi to 3G but no use.,3,2023-07-07 01:25:25 +App Store,I really need a translate button. Or at least the ability to copy text so that I can paste it into my translation app. I am not anywhere fluent in Japanese but I follow a lot of Japanese artists.,4,2023-07-15 02:14:13 +App Store,"I downloaded this app to see what its about and just like ive heard, its pretty much an Instagram version of Twitter. One think it lacks that i think it needs is a feed for accounts you follow and a separate feed to serve as a for you feed.",3,2023-07-23 05:34:01 +App Store,"Data collection by this app is too invasive. + +Also, the content is lacking. I didn’t find anything interesting to read for stuff I’m interested in, like finance, global news, stocks, economics, climate science, genomics, AI, Machine Learning, Comic strips, cricket, fantasy football, tennis, nfl. + +All I was offered was post from democrat leaning people taking political stuff all day with no one to challenge their views.",1,2023-07-18 18:18:55 +App Store,"This app is poorly made and has a lot of issues. But +the ones I hate the most is how you can’t delete the app unless you delete your instagram or how +deactivating the account will also affect your +instagram account. +I wish the app wasn’t fully linked and dependent of instagram, its nice how it has easy and accessible things for insta but I wish it wasn’t THAT much.",1,2023-07-12 03:44:21 +App Store,Watch Sound of Freedom! A true story movie about human/child trafficking in certain theaters now or soon to be on Twitter thanks to Elon. The movie was made 5 years ago and they’ve tried to put it on all streaming platforms and got denied by all of them. Multiple roadblocks in their way but the truth always comes out. Gods children are not for sale.,1,2023-07-11 05:54:23 +App Store,Since threads launched I have been a fan. Cool app. However once I shared from the thread app into my instagram feed my instagram account can’t post with out it. I’ve deleted and reinstalled but it seems to be some flaw in the app. Anything I post from Thread to instagram is fine. Everything else I try to post from the app itself disappears. Please investigate and fix this.,1,2023-07-10 19:41:09 +App Store,I only gave this app 5 stars to boost this review. I logged into threads and it automatically suspended my insta account. Idk what’s the problem is but this app needs some more work,5,2023-07-07 06:34:41 +App Store,"Hey, still getting used to this app but one turn off for me is the inability to turn off auto play video. This is consuming a lot of data as not all the videos i wanted to view. Please give us option to off autoplay video. Thanks",3,2023-07-06 17:03:14 +App Store,"The application is very bad..I do not recommend downloading it for several reasons...First, it does not support the Arabic language..Secondly, I was banned from the application without reason and without notifying them. I sent them a complaint to lift the ban, and they never answered, and they did not even send the reason for the ban..It was a bad experience. 🤮👎🏼👎🏼",1,2023-07-17 19:57:15 +App Store,"Honestly, at first I loved the app but now it’s making me very irritated. Anytime I go to post something, view my notifications or see anyone that I’m following feeds it says “content not available.” Or “Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Try again later.” Very frustrating, I have people that can view and post on their account just fine without any issue.",1,2023-07-15 20:35:23 +App Store,Threads is great and all but I accidentally hid the badge from my Instagram profile and there is no option to unhide the badge when I want it back. I suggest that you should add a hide and unhide feature for Threads to the Instagram app.,3,2023-07-13 23:46:46 +App Store,"And I hope this can be at least part of the solution. So far I like the design, I actually haven’t been force fed political posts thus far which is awesome. Let’s hope it stays that way!",4,2023-07-08 02:53:41 +App Store,I would like to be able to search posts with keywords please. When I search it only shows accounts. Can we have DMs? I would like to connect with followers directly as well.,3,2023-07-13 14:40:53 +App Store,Yes I do Gotta say this is a best good apps it’s actually clean As you can see it’s similar but clean a lot better news and a lot better see and communicate So Yes It’s An Awesome Apps,5,2023-07-10 02:01:24 +App Store,"Just downloaded this app 5 minutes ago & both times I've hit the box to write a comment on someone’s thread, the app immediately crashed? +Also, is there a way to find your history of the threads you clicked on or liked?",3,2023-07-09 13:51:00 +App Store,"Or an algorithm change. 99% of my feed is just rando “celebrities” that I don’t care about, even though I have my settings to show threads of people I follow first. Also, would be nice if you could see if someone that you’re following is also following you.",2,2023-07-09 12:59:02 +App Store,"Wish we could go live and post and create stories, but it’s way better than twitter 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥",5,2023-07-09 01:14:44 +App Store,"Everything you do on Thread gets transferred over to all your IG accounts. I was unfollowing people on my threads that I don’t want to follow (I hit follow all when I signed up), and got blocked for 7 days on all my IG accounts. I don’t think Threads should be directly connected to all your IG accounts, meaning the activity you do shouldn’t influence getting blocked, especially for 7 days!!",1,2023-07-08 18:08:06 +App Store,"Everything seems amazing, i only think it would be better if you don’t make me follow all my ig people and like a trend option and save vids or photos",4,2023-07-07 12:40:26 +App Store,"This app is pretty good. So far, a good alternative to Twitter. One thing that I would suggest is to have a discover tab to see more people. One other thing would be to have gif support so that in threads we could add gifs. Anyway, the app is pretty good.",4,2023-07-06 03:54:05 +App Store,"How are you supposed to express your views when threads is a meta product. Share an opinion that’s to spicy? Strike. Share another? Strike 2. One more? Shadow banned. That’s the thing about twitter, Reddit and other social media platforms, there’s more free speech less Orwellian “see why fact checkers say it’s false”. Don’t subscribe to metas echo chamber inducing, time consuming, and authoritarian approach to social media.",1,2023-07-07 08:42:41 +App Store,I’d just let it take full control of my viewing experience this is great. Everything about is so satisfying.,5,2023-07-07 05:36:52 +App Store,"It seems like a strong competitor to twitter, just needs some fixes like allowing direct messages, and when you block someone on this platform not immediately blocking them on Instagram. Just want to keep different audiences and people of different platforms.",3,2023-07-06 18:40:55 +App Store,"There is a world in which this app could elevate to simply being mediocre. However, in our world, any potential good functionality has been sacrificed in the name of the almighty algorithm and the glazed-eye dream of corporate profits. Most social media apps tried to entice you with an initially good experience. This app boldly gives you a terrible experience up front. Let’s instead hang out on Mastodon.",1,2023-07-06 14:30:59 +App Store,"Please add the following if you can: +1. A search engine that is not just for searching people +2. Show following on profile +3. Profile customization or header +4. Media tab +5. Being able to save videos/photos people post +6. Let us use hash tags in posts and to search hash tags +7. Booking marking or allowing us to save posts to the side in a folder +8. Trending page for just me +9. Trending page for everyone that’s popular +10. Better algorithm so I’m not seeing random people I do not care about on my TL",3,2023-07-06 08:16:32 +App Store,Since I downloaded the app I've tried posting and it constantly shuts down. All I can do is see people I don't follow/like/share things. 0/10 recommend. Going back to Twitter.,4,2023-07-13 17:47:33 +App Store,I like how this app is clean and simple. It reminds me of the old Twitter back in the days. Hope it stays this way. With no crazy ads or fake accounts.,5,2023-07-06 00:36:38 +App Store,I’m following about 200 accounts and most of my feed is accounts I don’t follow. I get about 2 minutes of scrolling my accounts then I’m already at stuff and interacted with the other day and random accounts.,3,2023-07-19 22:03:27 +App Store,"Hi, so I downloaded this app not knowing you have to have an Instagram account to log in. Could you please make it without the need of an instagram account, but still include it? My parents don’t let me have an Instagram account, and I would very much appreciate if you would make my wish come true. Thank you for reading.",1,2023-07-17 05:35:24 +App Store,"App used to work just fine, even though it was bare bones. After July 13 update, Threads links no longer load outside the app. Now it's impossible to share links with friends via text, unless they also have the app. +If this is a deliberate attempt to wall off user generated content, it's a hard no and permanent uninstall.",1,2023-07-14 06:49:44 +App Store,"Thanks for letting us grow our audience without breaks can we go back to that on the gram? otherwise the fake +profiles just keep buying followers. Just sayin",5,2023-07-13 18:40:29 +App Store,"I dislike the bags with the number on my insta bio, it would be better if it was just the badge sans number or the badge + my threads profile name",4,2023-07-10 15:09:43 +App Store,"When I post a Thread with multiple posts underneath (a threaded Thread), the posts are not posted in chronological order like on Twitter. The app will reshuffle the order that individual Thread posts appear in. Please fix this asap!! It severely hinders my user experience creating content on this app.",3,2023-07-12 18:32:21 +App Store,"Would love to see a dark mode option for just threads as well as a way to view our likes, and lastly a for you page and a following page would be sweet!",4,2023-07-08 02:10:36 +App Store,"- Needs a timeline for only the people you follow + +- Needs hashtag support / a way to search for tweets outside of your timeline + +Other than that the experience is very smooth especially for the first day.",4,2023-07-06 02:29:46 +App Store,Feed gets populated with a bunch of accounts I don’t follow too fast. Just make it so the home page has an option to only show accounts you follow from most recent,3,2023-07-07 22:20:14 +App Store,"I normally don't write reviews. +But when I say that what the developers are tracking onto you when you download this app is highly illegal without your knowledge. +Tracking users such as personal info, banking information, what you purchase, how you exercise, that is a lot of red flags, they didn't even bother hiding it. +No app is above the law, deactivate and delete.",1,2023-07-07 20:05:55 +App Store,"There is no going back! To delete your account, the only way you can do it is to delete your Instagram account! Take a look at all the data they collect that is connected to you - including your health information and sensitive data, your location, and purchase history!",1,2023-07-07 16:15:31 +App Store,"It appears if you try to add and follow a few dozen people, it will eventually stop you and tell you “we limit how often you can do certain things on IG to protect our community…” and to try again later…. Next day, still an issue… SO I CANT ADD ANYONE NEW!!! + +Reported the issue and still no response from customer support at all.",1,2023-07-07 12:43:04 +App Store,"I really don’t get this app, I don’t see the purpose of it. It’s not much different than anything else we really have. It’s so annoying that I can’t delete my threads account because then I’ll have to delete my instagram account with it. And the fact that when I try to remove it from my instagram, it just keeps popping back up. So annoying.",1,2023-07-06 20:12:59 +App Store,I was really excited for another platform to use but when I got on it was just a copy of Twitter but with less features. I’m really disappointed in the Threads app I think Instagram should’ve just added it within Instagram instead of making a whole new app that no one’s going to use,2,2023-07-06 14:29:32 +App Store,Remember how much fun we had in school when we had a Sub? This is what I am feeling with this app. I am loving how user friendly it is and can’t wait to see how it evolves!,5,2023-07-06 08:58:24 +App Store,Great app. Loving it!! But how do I link all of my profiles from IG into thread without having to logout and create a whole new profile?,5,2023-07-06 08:09:39 +App Store,"not a bad app, just wishing that there were more features that would make it easier to navigate and categorize the app but i like the simplicity of the app as it is now. also making accounts independent from instagram and adding pinned threads/bookmarks to save threads. it would also be cool if you guys added a way to look at all the posts you've liked. also there's a glitch where whenever i try to open a thread it'll crash and close the app. don't know what that's about???",3,2023-07-06 16:53:01 +App Store,New updates will roll this week and take it over Twitter IMO. Just a couple key features away from that happening,5,2023-07-12 21:25:33 +App Store,"The app is messy and complicated interface. I find it difficult to navigate through the app's various features and settings, nothing special about it, leading to confusion and frustration. The App can be confusing, with messages from different people often scattered throughout the app.",2,2023-07-08 13:12:56 +App Store,Everything else in the app works fine but if I try to post something it doesn’t work it just boots me out of it. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried restarting my phone. It doesn’t work either. Really annoying,2,2023-07-08 03:46:04 +App Store,"Once you sign up through Instagram they won’t let you delete your threads account only “deactivate”. If you do delete it, you’re Instagram gets deleted! + +I used it for 5 mins and was beyond disappointed. App is trash. Seems rushed out the gate. Obviously just a revenge app to get at Elon. Not a good quality product. Don’t sign up unless you want to be stuck with it. TRASH.",1,2023-07-07 01:44:12 +App Store,The idea of migrating over from Twitter was nice but I’d rather be there interacting and looking at tweets my friends share than over here where my entire feed is ads and accounts I don’t even follow. Taking a break til they decide to adjust this,3,2023-07-06 15:11:59 +App Store,"Absolutely no privacy with this company or app. From a person’s health and fitness data to financial info and everything in between, apparently all can be utilized by the Metaverse/Threads to sell to advertisers and who knows who else. +Plus, there is no way to opt out or choose what information we want to share with this app. Simply by “joining” threads, all privacy is gone.",1,2023-07-06 16:05:21 +App Store,"I love the app so far, it’s definitely the best I’ve seen for social media in a while. I wonder how it is going to hold up in the future?",5,2023-07-06 02:30:32 +App Store,Can you please add the link for threads back as an option on our instagram profile to make it easier to access the threads app? Removing it decreased usage of the app,4,2023-07-23 01:19:10 +App Store,I like it a lot but please make it chronologically ordered. I can’t stand the algorithm feeding me content from h large creators over and over again I just want to see posts from my friends when they post it.,4,2023-07-09 20:29:11 +App Store,"Hello, Mr mark we I just need to say is thank you for this app and again another thing I think we still needed is a live video on WhatsApp.",5,2023-07-21 11:59:15 +App Store,"Pros: +1. Easy to follow the community you’ve already built on Instagram + +2. Posting is pretty straightforward + +Cons: +1. No functioning hashtags so hard to find community if you’re not already on Instagram + +2. No way to see the posts of people you’re actually following in your feed so it’s a bunch of noise from accounts you probably don’t care about + +3. No trending topics + +4. No way to post from the web that’s not through the app + +This needs a lot of work to truly replace Twitter but the built in community aspect makes it an easy sell. I’m not sure I’ll use it beyond sign up if the cons aren’t fixed soon, though.",1,2023-07-10 01:39:17 +App Store,"Right now they do have much and I’m glad they started off strong and will add stuff later on, but when this app starts adding more to it maybe it will be a 5. But so far this app is awesome.",4,2023-07-07 20:25:56 +App Store,"When I turn on post notifications for someone, then turn them off, I still get the notifications to my phone. There must be a bug in the system.",3,2023-07-08 14:56:38 +App Store,I have yet to find the option for when you have multiple accounts but I’m excited for what’s in store.,4,2023-07-07 18:33:13 +App Store,"It seems like a really promising app but it glitches when you go to change your pfp/bio so whatever you preset it to is what you’re stuck with for the time being. Otherwise, it’s promising.",4,2023-07-07 14:29:16 +App Store,"Due to all the promo and advertising Facebook has done to promote this app, I decided to download this app yesterday night. Big mistake. + +Getting onto the app, there’s literally nothing and I mean NOTHING go for it that’s new or good. It is literally a Twitter clone with stripped down features. + +As for the community, once you’re actually in it you are left to ask, what community? There is none. Think about it; the majority of this app is insta users. If that doesn’t scream bad to you I don’t know what does. + +But that’s not the worst part. Take one look at the data they collect or their ToS and you will faint. It’s literally a data miner.",1,2023-07-07 18:21:42 +App Store,"It’s a really nice app, small and easy to use. But there’s one thing you need to add to the app. I was trying to pin a thread to my profile and I couldn’t. Can you please add a thread button so we can pin threads to profiles?",4,2023-07-07 13:43:13 +App Store,"I’m dissatisfied that it doesn’t have options to customize your timeline. +I also wish I could search up people on Facebook and Instagram to see their accounts (even if they don’t have a threads). +The moderation/algorithm needs work asap +I immediately got transphobic creators and it really scared me to see what these people could say about other people + +The lack of moderation right now and the timeline are my main complaints +Other than that I’m happy to finally stop using twitter.",3,2023-07-06 12:36:19 +App Store,"App has worked seamlessly, still has some growing to do but, for now, is a must have must use.",5,2023-07-06 19:49:40 +App Store,"Much more good and amazing than twitter. +On twitter it feels like u r lost and no body knows you. But here i feel more connected with friends and more happier. +Good work team Meta.",5,2023-07-06 19:48:42 +App Store,"""The user interface in the application needs more organization and arrangement. I hope to see its development in the first update, and I also hope for the addition of a feature (Direct message).""",3,2023-07-16 10:35:06 +App Store,"I have hope they get this app to be something presentable, but the entire home feed is random people, not the people I follow. They threads also seem to be from random times. I’m amazed these billionaires haven’t figured out a way to monetize what literally everyone wants - a chronological feed from people you follow.",2,2023-07-06 09:12:44 +App Store,needs a improvement on the like button being able to pressed in real time,5,2023-07-05 23:58:24 +App Store,"I’m gaining followers way more than on Twitter and Instagram. So far I’ve been having a pleasant experience. Not many trolls on Threads, yet.",5,2023-07-21 02:01:08 +App Store,Anything that gives a big middle finger to musk it’s excellent in my book. Hope to see it bring down twitter one day.,5,2023-07-10 04:09:37 +App Store,"This app puts google to shame for what it collects on you. No app is worth this amount of access.. Several million have already made the mistake of putting their real info into this, don’t be one of them. Wasn’t this supposed to be “safe” you are handing them ALL info on your device, no literally, all of it.",1,2023-07-12 04:14:54 +App Store,"It’s great that we’re able to follow all our instagram connections on threads with just one click but here is a bug: + +All the people that I already was following on instagram, received multiple back to back “follow requests” from me on instagram all over again, when I started using threads. + +Now my notifications tab is blowing up with multiple “your connection request has been accepted” notifications from Instagram!!! + +So much for “Threads, an instagram app”. Deleted my threads profile and uninstalled the app but the notification madness on instagram is still going on.",1,2023-07-10 05:12:39 +App Store,Overall I like the app but it needs to add some features such as editing threads and editing the feed to where it only shows feeds of accounts you follow.,4,2023-07-06 17:05:32 +App Store,"I downloaded the app & after an hour of having it - my IG is all messed up. Cant see profile pics, profiles, messages, story’s, feed, nothing - it isn’t compatible for some reason. I’ll wait until they fix all the bugs to re-download. Super disappointed :/ Hopefully logging out and removing the app will fix my IG. 🤞🏼",1,2023-07-09 22:34:11 +App Store,"i just wanted to get it to see what it was abt, but now i can’t delete my account? i can only “disable” it. at least make it to where you can delete your account, yk, like ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM. also u cant find ur friends on here unless u already did when u first joined, makes no sense why you don’t have a icon to find ur friends . overall, bummy.",1,2023-07-07 13:14:56 +App Store,Can I post art that is not safe for work? So many of us artists used tumblr then instagram then twitter. We don’t have a place to post drawn works of art that depict the natural human body. It’s all considered p**n to the algorithm. Hoping this place allows it,3,2023-07-07 11:44:34 +App Store,"Idk what to say it’s just exactly like Twitter with slightly a different interface. If you could make it where the home page is showing ONLY the people you follow that would be cool + +I really don’t care much about the app one way or another lol",3,2023-07-07 04:17:57 +App Store,Cool concept (stolen from Twitter) but i don’t like the fact that i can’t even see the content from people i chose to follow. My whole feed is random accounts idc to see. If you want to stand out and possibly be better stop forcing unwanted content on our feeds I’d like to just see the people i follow,2,2023-07-07 03:16:22 +App Store,"Threads is an exceptional social media app. With its intuitive design, diverse features, vibrant community, and seamless integration, it stands out as a top choice for connecting and engaging with others. Highly recommended!",5,2023-07-07 03:05:01 +App Store,"Should be easier to unmute videos on a thread. Even when double clicking/expanding the video it stays muted and unmuting it is a hassle. + +Given many people are attaching vids, this is a pain point in the ux design. 3 stars because of that.",3,2023-07-07 01:29:58 +App Store,"I downloaded the threads app, was logged in just fine. I even made two posts. +Now, every time I tap the icon to create a post, or to comment on a thread, I'm kicked off the app and find myself on my iPad home screen. +Problems happen. I understand that. +But I hope there's a fix to this soon. +I'll give one star because I can't give none.",1,2023-07-06 22:19:05 +App Store,"Pretty much title. Reverse-crono feed, searching for topics, re-Thread counts.. some bugs with turning video sound on/off. + +Other than that? Solid app, good community.",4,2023-07-21 15:04:56 +App Store,"I don’t know if this review will be used against me in the future. +But, for now; I’m enjoying every second of being on threads.",5,2023-07-06 15:02:45 +App Store,"Really don’t like how it shows accounts that you haven’t followed on your home page. Definitely needs a way to only posts from those you follow— or better yet, a separate Home Screen for that purpose.",3,2023-07-06 07:24:56 +App Store,So I had this app for 16 months at this point and it feels kind of off. Like it works well but for some reason I feel like it’s mooched off of Twitter idk why,5,2023-07-06 07:09:29 +App Store,This app is looking so well put together. Others similarly related to apps are going to have a difficult time returning their customers.,5,2023-07-06 05:31:57 +App Store,"Where can I see posts I’ve liked on Threads? Also, kinda awkward how similar this is to Twitter… Not sure what purpose this app is serving that is different from its competitor. Unnecessary division and conflict if you ask me. Clearly an agenda is behind this app and it’s incredibly obvious.",3,2023-07-14 23:15:55 +App Store,"You don’t see posts from people you follow unless you look them up every single time. Also, my feed is only far left politics. I don’t follow any sort of political stuff on any social media, and have never even googled politics. Never have, never will. I hate when companies try to force their political opinions down your throat.",1,2023-07-21 05:12:03 +App Store,Can we get both these features?? I need to know how many times my threads are seen! Thank you!!!,5,2023-07-17 05:54:58 +App Store,"Worked for me for about 48 hours then I was no longer able to see my threads, my interactions were not loading, and I was unable to create new threads. + +I reported it somehow through the app. Wish me luck. + +Otherwise seems like a nice new app",2,2023-07-16 04:42:23 +App Store,I really liked the app but I was wondering can someone have more than one account on the same phone.,5,2023-07-12 20:27:05 +App Store,"Horrid layout, hard to find accounts you actually care about, half the stuff in your timeline are random brain rotting crap from accounts you don’t even follow, no hashtags, horrible search feature, no desktop website, collects a lot of personal data, etc. + +This app is pretty trash and doesn’t have a future.",1,2023-07-10 19:55:18 +App Store,This app is great except the activity section doesnt load for me other than that its a great place to connect and it's basically a way better less racist transphobic white-man driven version of twitter lol,4,2023-07-07 07:48:33 +App Store,"When I downloaded the app and linked it to my Instagram, it requested to follow every person on my Instagram again and gave them a notification. It does nothing I still follow them but now they are all getting a notification and I am getting spammed by follow accept notifications.",1,2023-07-07 19:32:40 +App Store,"Solid app, not great yet. Seems like Facebook has been building this app for a month or two and then just decided to use the timing of Twitter limiting tweets to launch before it is fully ready. I see the potential",3,2023-07-07 00:53:25 +App Store,With some more updates this app can be a lot better than it already is including a following tab to see threads from all the people you’re following and then boom the app is set,3,2023-07-06 16:38:25 +App Store,Is it true that if we delete this app it is going to delete my instagram account?,5,2023-07-06 23:43:14 +App Store,"We’ve needed a worthwhile competitor to Twitter for a while, especially lately. While barebones at launch, the app had a lot of promise. Here’s to Meta to not hopefully mess it up.",5,2023-07-06 23:06:36 +App Store,"Please for the sake of your right to privacy don’t download this app. It’s a surveillance app. Just look at the permissions it asks for ; literally everything. Your location , your contacts , your payment info, your search history , your browser history, your device info and many many more sensitive data. Sony boycott this suzkerbug app.",1,2023-07-06 14:27:11 +App Store,"This era of social media we’re entering is scary. These corporations truly won’t stop copying anything that works until every product is an exact clone of each other. + +So far, this app is just twitter but with less features so I give it a 1 star. But just wait until Threads implements “stories” from Instagram or the “news” page from snapchat.",1,2023-07-06 08:08:49 +App Store,"I’ll change my rating when they remove the nasty background when I share something to Instagram story. Let me be change the background color or something. People aren’t sharing stuff bc of that ugly “thread” curvy, black and white, thingy magingy background that makes our eyes dizzy",1,2023-07-10 05:39:16 +App Store,"Thought it would be a good twitter alternative, but I was wrong. This app doesn’t cater to what and who I want to follow. It only shows me celebrities and people that I don’t know or care about. + Not to mention it inspires people to block each other so it’s a heavily cancel culture/censorship medium. You will be blocked if you say anything against the politically correct opinion/narrative. + + If you think for yourself this app is not for you! + +Say goodbye to conspiracy theories, nuance ideas, and constructive debates. Say hello to an echo chamber of boredom.",2,2023-07-09 16:13:07 +App Store,"love the app, but i am absolutely not a fan, as many people i know, that you cannot ever delete or deactivate it without deleting and activating your IG account. that’s stupid if you ask me. i do not like this at all. please fix this now. + +i will continue to leave 1 star ratings til this is fixed. + +literally once you get it, you cannot delete it. stupid.",1,2023-07-08 12:51:35 +App Store,"Threads collects the following data that’s linked to your identity: Health & Fitness, Financial Info, Contact Info, User Content, Browsing History, Usage Data, Diagnostics, Purchases, Location, Contacts, Search History, Identifiers, Sensitive Info, and Other Data. This is of course absolutely ridiculous, predatory, and highly invasive, just as you’d expect from Meta.",1,2023-07-07 23:33:12 +App Store,Threads is honestly WAYYYY better than twitter this is one of the best apps made. You dont have to find followers its just everyone you already follow!,5,2023-07-06 20:39:53 +App Store,This app is great and definitely all I’ve been waiting for from Mark. Few bugs but nothing serious,5,2023-07-06 20:34:55 +App Store,Everything I loved about twitter except one important detail: its not owned by A simpering idiot who cries when people online don't play right,5,2023-07-06 18:38:13 +App Store,"I followed a bunch of people, but few of them are showing in my feed. Instead, I am seeing randos that I don't follow. What is the point of following then? My initial impression is that this is a badly broken app until this gets fixed.",3,2023-07-06 02:36:47 +App Store,"I love this app already. It’s way easier to navigate, and I love that I don’t need to follow so many users just to get followers. Let’s see how they do with freedom of speech 🤷🏾‍♂️.",5,2023-07-06 11:36:56 +App Store,"My skin is clear, my debts are gone, my divorce is no longer happening. wow this app has improved every aspect of my life",5,2023-07-06 00:24:14 +App Store,"Even though Twitter is pretty decent nowadays, Threads is what I find much more useful than Twitter! + +I officially joined the latest social media app and it’s super perfect to use!",5,2023-07-05 23:37:16 +App Store,"Boring in comparison to Twitter. I feel that it isn’t as active and the algorithm isn’t great at all. Twitter’s algorithm is open source so it can be updated by the public. I’m not sure how Meta decides what to show us or not but nothing seems relevant; I’m scrolling through random, non-informative tweets that make me feel like I’ve wasted time and regret doing so.",1,2023-07-19 02:44:51 +App Store,"This app has the best microblog launch yet. + +Highest priority feature request 🚨: +The experience is definitely hurt with the current monolith feed. Users across the board hate the global feed full of influencers and brands, we want a feed for users we follow only. + +Lower priority feature wishlist: +-bookmarks +-DMs +-search posts by hashtags +-search posts by text +-search users by location +-search users by hashtags +-Facebook event integration +-marketplace integration",4,2023-07-07 20:46:06 +App Store,"Haters gonna hate the threaders gonna thread. Awesome app, beautiful minimalistic & well designed UI here by Zuck & the Instagram team. No, Ads, nothing super fancy, just a bunch of people connecting via threads 🪡",5,2023-07-15 07:17:24 +App Store,"The look and feel is great. There are many features I like, but my biggest concern is my feed. + +My feed is 99% random people and celebrities I don’t follow and only 1% people I follow. + +I want to set up multiple account based on interests. For example I have my sports fan account where I just want to follow and interact with fans from teams I like. I have followed a large ground from this community, but my feed is full of politics, celebrities, and accounts I have no interest in. + +How can I just have a feed of people I follow?",2,2023-07-09 15:24:09 +App Store,"I had such high hopes for this app. I follow maybe 30 people on Instagram, but after downloading Threads and signing up, I see soooooo many blue checkmark people/accounts. I don’t want to see this. I want to see who I follow and I want to search for people to follow, not see all this crap. Please fix this. I don’t even want to open the app right now.",1,2023-07-08 15:22:56 +App Store,I don’t like how the wall is curated to my Instagram followers. I would prefer to only see the people I follow as I don’t follow the same people on Threads. It makes the difference in with IG to be pointless it feels.,4,2023-07-13 13:47:21 +App Store,"It’s certainly very similar to Twitter, but it is kind of a fun way to reconnect with people you’ve lost in the shuffle of things. I like it so far.",5,2023-07-07 01:11:59 +App Store,"Can only search for accounts, not threads. Need to be able to search threads. Search (top and most recent) is one of the few reasons I still use Twitter. Search allows real time updates to anything around the globe and is an absolute must",2,2023-07-06 14:46:28 +App Store,"The app needs to be updated to where we can remove our account from Threads without having to delete our Instagram account. That makes no sense to make us delete our Insta if we want to delete our Threads account. +“ To delete your Threads profile and data, you’ll need to delete your Instagram account.”",1,2023-07-06 06:44:00 +App Store,"Downlod the app and the feed is riddled with memes and videos trying to get a click and people upvote that trash too. There are no threads, and the ones that do exist have replies and comments like 💽😎😎 or hahahah or some trash. This app needs to prevent useless comments like these with some ai reader that gauges intellegence.",2,2023-07-12 17:50:33 +App Store,I got my bluetick taking from my hands on Twitter and I downloaded this app so I’m about to figure it out,5,2023-07-11 13:26:39 +App Store,"I like the app but the amount of things it “needs” access to should be against the law. It’s app wasn’t even approved in the EU because of the privacy concerns. I have never seen an app with a list of access so long! I’m very concerned that meta will be collecting and selling personal and identifiable user data. This needs to be addressed, especially after the TikTok “ban.”",1,2023-07-08 03:58:30 +App Store,"This app was lit until right this second, now it crashes whenever I try to write a prompt.",5,2023-07-07 00:27:06 +App Store,App has only been active for a couple of hours but so far I like it. Everything seems to be flowing seemingly,5,2023-07-06 18:15:05 +App Store,"My account somehow doesn’t meet the requirements with no explanation of those requirements… + +Was very excited to check it out too, mostly to demonstrate my anger w Musk’s recent behavior. Ill try back again and update my review if things change or at least it clarifies what requirements my account doesn’t meet…",1,2023-07-19 11:32:52 +App Store,"It's basically facebook but your racist uncle hasn't shown up *yet*, brands are being vaguely and awkwardly horny, and that one friend who thinks they're an influencer because they sell oils for an mlm is doing whatever that is. The app works well though so I give it an extra star for that.",2,2023-07-15 16:19:38 +App Store,It’s been 24 hours since I lost access to most of what makes this app work. They don’t respond to support inquiries. This is frustrating.,3,2023-07-15 08:09:07 +App Store,"Mark Zuckerberg has made this app and it shows. It’s an awful piece of information stealing garbage. Do not waste your time with this “Curated” Trojan horse app, censorship is in its highest form here hope you love the CDC, UN, and CCP because that’s what you’ll be getting for a view point. No free thought, no sharing allowed, and do not tell the truth, democrats will love this trash heap.",1,2023-07-15 01:15:57 +App Store,"I like it in general, but I never enjoy scrolling on it. It’s always accounts I don’t know, don’t follow, and don’t want to see. I want to be able to just see threads from the people I follow and what they interact with.",3,2023-07-12 13:36:51 +App Store,"The app pushes the dumbest posts, if you could see stuff from people you follow it would be a real contender with twitter as it is its not even on the same category this is just a news bulletin for companies and copypastas from the least creative individuals fishing for likes.",1,2023-07-13 05:11:01 +App Store,"I tried this app, did not like it at all and the worst thing about it is that you can not delete it and it comes back every time you go on your Instagram account even if you delete it! They should have let people know that you can’t delete it once you get it! Ridiculous!",1,2023-07-11 03:53:32 +App Store,"This must be the first review for this app: +With all the mayhem and politics associated with Twitter, I decided to try this alternative. Jury is still out. Will provide additional feedback later.",4,2023-07-06 09:18:01 +App Store,"I am hoping this app will replace Twitter eventually but some features should be added like translation, GIF’s etc keep working on it it’s promising but so far it feel like another version of ig but not as streamlined.",3,2023-07-07 19:47:20 +App Store,"Listen, I don’t want my IG name and I don’t want them attached. +I would hope being the first to an app would give me the luxury of picking a user name I’ve always wanted but I have never had the ability to get because it was always taken before I could get to it 😅 + +As of now it’s a no from me, I hope it gets better from here",1,2023-07-07 13:35:16 +App Store,"The thread number will not leave my bio and I really don’t want it on there. Why was there not a warning when I signed up that it would permanently be on my Instagram and can’t be deleted unless I delete Instagram?! I try to hide the number, but it always pops back up when I refresh. I am very upset about this.",1,2023-07-07 06:28:01 +App Store,"When i post anything , cannot post anything , auto back in home screen 🥲",4,2023-07-10 06:13:58 +App Store,Everything nice so far. Except it doesn’t upload lengthy posts or maybe sees them as scammy. I was typing an inspirational text and it just says failed to post. I didn’t max out letters limit or anything like that. Please fix it,3,2023-07-06 05:49:18 +App Store,"Unfortunately only with an Instagram account possible. I never used that. Cannot create a new account in the Threads app. Not sure of that going to be a Twitter killer. I was hoping to find a home in a new space, but that’s not gonna happen right now. Hopefully they’ll adjust that.",2,2023-07-06 00:35:49 +App Store,"Better alternative to twitter, clean and runs smooth! Love that it is synced with instagram, thanks for a great app!",5,2023-07-05 23:49:35 +App Store,"The app is obviously working for most users, but I can't load anything except the main top level feed. My own posts history, my notifications, and even replies to anyone else's posts all fail to load. Oh, also whenever I try to post, it instantly fails. + +Not great, Bob!",1,2023-07-19 22:27:11 +App Store,Me and almost everyone I know really hate the fact that we have to see people don't follow on our timeline. It would be great to only see the people we follow and not everything that they like or respond to.,3,2023-07-08 17:31:22 +App Store,"I accidentally hide my badge but I think there should be a option to unhide it because it makes so much easier to reach more people, please make a new option to unhide it.",3,2023-07-07 13:59:12 +App Store,"Every indie developer somehow makes there apps work on both ipad and iphone. Even Instagram, after all this time is still just a phone app. Besides, as of now, this thing is just a chalk board. I have no idea why they'd release something that has nothing that would make one wanna stay.",1,2023-07-08 00:05:23 +App Store,"I fell in love with the app, opened it up! I have been wanting this from you guys for a while! Please keep it going!",5,2023-07-07 18:31:08 +App Store,I’ve opened this up on my iPad and like Instagram it only covers about one third of the screen. That makes trying to view or read anything extremely difficult. I need full screen access to be able to enjoy this app.,2,2023-07-07 15:00:10 +App Store,This app is much then Twitter !! The response times are fantastic !! The layout is so much better than Twitter !!,5,2023-07-07 13:45:58 +App Store,"OK, so this app is really great. However, I would like a section of trending topics, as well as hashtags and also make my timeline only posts from people I follow.",5,2023-07-06 22:33:37 +App Store,I like it need a pin option and edit button,5,2023-07-06 18:21:10 +App Store,This app is literally a copy cat of Twitter. Nothing about it is original. I’m suprised Twitter can’t sue for how similar the app is layed out. My threads account is connected to my Instagram and in order to delete my account on threads I would have to do so to my Instagram. Are you serious…. I regret being curious and downloading it. The badge won’t leave my Instagram bio. I hate it.,1,2023-07-06 22:11:34 +App Store,"You can’t delete your threads account without deleting your Instagram account as well, they only allow you to ‘temporarily deactivate”. You also can’t remove the threads badge in your Instagram bio after you make an account, even if you ‘temporarily deactivate’. The app is also buggy",1,2023-07-06 21:50:22 +App Store,This app is great so much better than Twitter. I hope they delete Twitter so we can have Threads. Thank you for making this app Mark Zuckerberg thank you..,5,2023-07-06 17:37:08 +App Store,I would give this a five star but it's super glitchy on my iPad. I have the newest iPad pro. So it can't possibly be the iPad. I can't make post without the entire app crashing.,4,2023-07-10 17:50:26 +App Store,"my phone is 6 and ios 12 i cant use this app , and i very exciting for this app yesterday + i cant buy new iPhone im depressed mode on , please help me ❤️",5,2023-07-06 04:02:48 +App Store,"I’ve only been on it an hour and love it, but I accidentally clicked use my Instagram profile and now I’m not able to update my profile handle. + +I understand the ease of taking things from Instagram but people make mistakes things change. Why can’t we update our user profile in Threads? + +I wanted to import my Instagram business handle not my Instagram personal handle. + +Is this something you can fix? 🙏",3,2023-07-06 01:12:22 +App Store,"We all the craziness at Tbird, its very refreshing to have an app that’s for the people. Easy to use and quick sign-up!",5,2023-07-05 23:33:28 +App Store,"Tweeting didn't connect your private thoughts to family and friends, but with Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, those opinions can be linked. That kind of control over information can cause divisions between you and your relationships, with potentially malicious intent. The lack of originality and copying of Twitter's model merits one star.",1,2023-07-12 00:02:21 +App Store,"I never had instagram. I wanted to download threads to get off MAGA echo chamber of twitter….however, you can’t even make an acct on threads without having an instagram acct. I’m a 30 year old male…I never cared to have an instagram…sooo don’t waste your time downloading this app until they fix that HUGE issue. 🤪",1,2023-07-11 04:20:07 +App Store,"Enjoying the experience thus far, hope it continues with continued improvements.",5,2023-07-11 01:36:01 +App Store,Would appreciate to see a following only feed instead of seeing others post that i don’t follow.,4,2023-07-20 20:44:20 +App Store,"There was a post of mine that wouldn’t post and a day later when I opened the app, it wouldn’t let me look at my own profile. Can you fix this? I cant even log out or anything.",3,2023-07-09 07:42:05 +App Store,"Hey this is Shalom, jus wanna come back and look at this review in 10 years so I can tell my kids I was here when threads dropped🦅🦅™️",5,2023-07-07 05:59:09 +App Store,can’t get into my instagram now because it kept making me log in everytime i went from thread to instagram. now when i try to log into my instagram it says “please wait a few minutes before you try again.” I don’t get why thread is connected to instagram in the first place.,1,2023-07-07 05:01:15 +App Store,We love the app think it’s a great addition to our media presence and have already made incredible connections 🐝,5,2023-07-07 00:45:37 +App Store,"Seriously, I had to go into to settings to allow photo access for a post and it kicked me out from the app and now every time I try to start a post it kicks me out.",2,2023-07-06 07:06:51 +App Store,"My daddy Zuckerberg. My glorious savior, my pookie bear. Thank you for this incredible Twitter clone, I wish I could call down up to the heavens and beg them to accept an alien for how good threads is, and for how much more data this is going to take over Twitter. We shall fight musk together, you scrumptious alien fellow.",3,2023-07-05 23:34:42 +App Store,"It won’t let me login it just says error, but from the looks this looks like an great app.",5,2023-07-13 18:20:32 +App Store,This Twitter killer is off to a great start. Needs a few additional features and fixes. Fingers crossed they don’t screw this up!,5,2023-07-12 17:40:43 +App Store,"I downloaded the app, opened my account, checked it for a while and now I want to delete my account. To my surprise you can’t do so without deleting your IG account. You can only deactivate it temporarily. Beautiful trap. I have to say I didn’t read the fine print. Shame on me.",1,2023-07-13 10:34:39 +App Store,Good app. Very usable. Look forward to improvements to make it easier to stay up-to-date on people I follow.,5,2023-07-09 18:41:45 +App Store,I was stupid and didn’t read pls have an update where I can unhide my number/link for threads thank you:),5,2023-07-08 22:17:49 +App Store,This app is amazing don’t care what anyone says this app is the future if Mark gives us the right features,5,2023-07-08 07:25:45 +App Store,"Really need To develop and provide an iPad friendly version of this app to work properly with iPad screen sizes… other competing services & APPS like Mastodon, Twitter have APPS for iPad screen sizes and functions",4,2023-07-07 03:28:19 +App Store,"I’ve opened the app a few times since downloading yesterday. There aren’t many graphics/color and the “threads”/feed is quite bland. Is this better than Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok? I don’t think so.",3,2023-07-07 13:13:40 +App Store,"I like it but there are basic features missing (photo edits in thread, hashtags) and how about a user guide? We know not everyone has it but after the c r a p from twatter, let's make threads happen.",4,2023-07-06 06:42:38 +App Store,"Difficult to give a 5-star rating to an app in its early stages of development. Might have given it one more star if it worked on my iPad, other than a “Page Not Available” message.",3,2023-07-06 23:21:30 +App Store,Trying to use the app on my iPad and it gives log in error,5,2023-07-06 16:48:47 +App Store,Looks good just is a bit slow on loading but prob since it’s a new app but still I like how the community is forming,5,2023-07-06 14:22:36 +App Store,I want a chat feature like Instagram because I want to send my friends funny threads I see. I don’t wanna always @ my friends.,4,2023-07-09 06:34:02 +App Store,"App is cool so far, but I didn’t follow all of my followers when I first got the app. Is there a way to do this after logged in?",5,2023-07-06 04:06:35 +App Store,"Some things to improve: +- Needs a translator +- need to be able to upload videos and photos without the app crashing +- needs to clean up HOME, I have threads of accounts that I have never followed.",3,2023-07-06 02:18:45 +App Store,"I’d like to see people I follow more than people I don’t, though. Hopefully they make a “for you” tab and website!",5,2023-07-06 02:06:31 +App Store,This has been my favorite go to social media since it came out!,5,2023-07-24 18:16:35 +App Store,This app screwed up my Instagram. I can’t delete my account. Next best thing was to delete Threads and Instagram. Unless something changes I won’t be using either anytime soon. What’s next Meta? Do I delete Facebook next? Give more control over my accounts and stop forcing people to link them.,1,2023-07-21 01:50:06 +App Store,"This is horrible, look at how they invade your privacy?! No way! +I tried this app for 2 days and it was already filled with the terrible stuff I don’t want to see, stuff I had no interest in, and especially politics 🤮 so I immediately deactivated my account and deleted the app. This app won’t last.",1,2023-07-19 01:25:45 +App Store,The activation process is great if you have an IG account and it allows you to automatically follow everyone you already follow on IG easy and fast 👍🏽,5,2023-07-09 11:13:06 +App Store,Great idea. I want to be able to view Threads from people I’m following rather than have another mindless feed. That’s the biggest opportunity,4,2023-07-08 16:37:50 +App Store,I believe people show be able to hide and I hide the thread badge. I mistakenly deleted mine trying to figure out how to remove the numbers na just leave the @ symbol. Please work on this.,3,2023-07-08 13:51:09 +App Store,Similar to twitter if not slightly better. However i wish they had a hashtag interface so your not just seeing accounts but actual posts in the search menu.,3,2023-07-06 22:41:12 +App Store,Let us put our thread number back on our instagram account,5,2023-07-07 05:20:25 +App Store,"No limit on how many posts you can view. Greats for day 1, still has a long way to go.",5,2023-07-07 00:51:50 +App Store,Keep it how it is and you will have an awesome social media site incomparable to any others,5,2023-07-07 00:46:26 +App Store,This app has been good so far but it needs to have a few features in order for the app to be different and better than Twitter,4,2023-07-08 02:29:18 +App Store,"It doesn’t feel like a fully-fleshed out app. It’s missing some critical features that make it unusable for me personally. I want my social media to only show me posts from people I follow, in chronological order. Threads does not do that, so I won’t be using it.",2,2023-07-06 03:49:20 +App Store,"It’s Brand new so can’t really be to +Impressed or critical, I’m just glad there is finally an app to go beside Twitter, it was getting toxic over there.",5,2023-07-06 00:10:45 +App Store,It’s not perfect but that makes it so much better than the competition. It’s authentic and clearly on a path to be a great app.,5,2023-07-19 01:58:15 +App Store,"I’m happy about a Twitter, but without Elon option, but the app is so boring. There’s zero content, and due to missing discovery also no purpose to post. + +All you get is cringy influencers fighting for traffic. It’s just sad",3,2023-07-17 00:45:50 +App Store,"It needs search and hashtags, just a beta. But I’m not getting anti vaxxers, intel’s and fascists spammed on my timeline so it’s better than the bird.",5,2023-07-12 23:15:49 +App Store,I said it before and I’ll say it again. Stop letting companies profit off of your personal information and everyday interactions. We already did the Twitter and Facebook thing. It wasn’t good for society. Find another way—try Mastodon for real and get on a smaller instance. This is just a new drug for the current addiction.,1,2023-07-12 21:25:21 +App Store,"I can't believe the company behind Meta Quest is making a better app than Musk's Twitter, and it's less toxic than Twitter + +Am I dreaming? Is this heaven?",5,2023-07-12 14:56:46 +App Store,���️‍🔥🫶🏽 Can’t wait too see where this app takes us .,5,2023-07-09 09:36:29 +App Store,"This is pretty bad from the gate, when you copy something isn’t it supposed to be better since you have the skeleton of a system. Way to simple. I think like everything else Mark does it will fail in the next 2-3 years",1,2023-07-08 18:17:15 +App Store,"It seems like this app is read-only since every time I tap the ""write post"" button, it crashes. + +Also, the timeline shows posts from accounts I'm not following, so I have to mute pretty much every single one of them (only ~5% of posts are from people I follow)",1,2023-07-08 17:02:13 +App Store,"It’s a worthy competitor to the bird app, but it needs a lot more work and features. It’s also a battery drain.",4,2023-07-06 22:11:50 +App Store,"I kind of understand why you don’t have an iPad app for instagram since it’s photo based, but this app needs to natively support iPad if you want people to be able to share news stories, etc.",3,2023-07-07 19:34:23 +App Store,"Why is it so difficult to have streamlined content that is interesting to me? Like what Facebook and Twitter provided in their early days. Threads, like all the newer social media apps I’ve tried, provides an endless scroll of trash that I have absolutely zero interest in.",1,2023-07-07 14:22:42 +App Store,The app overall is great to begin with but needs improvement. I am excited to see what meta does in the next couple of weeks!,4,2023-07-06 14:52:38 +App Store,"There’s a lot to like with Threads, but one glaring omission that I noticed immediately is the inability to search for anything other than users. +I hope they are planning to drastically improve the search function so users can search words, phrases, hashtags — as well as for other users. + +This will be THE determining factor for which app I use more, Threads or Twitter, and I’m pretty sure that I’m far from alone in that sentiment. + +Very promising, but a few key tweaks are needed.",3,2023-07-06 05:58:55 +App Store,It’s way better than twitter and it reminds me of how facebook use to be way back in the day!,5,2023-07-06 14:12:40 +App Store,"might be an somewhat revolutionary. It’s good, refreshing, fun hopefully it stays that way and zuck keeps it chill doesn’t go to crazy with updates and stuff. :))",5,2023-07-06 08:53:50 +App Store,Even though I just started I Already mess with it heavy. Hope there will be future updates to this app,5,2023-07-06 06:23:46 +App Store,"Was hoping this would be a better version than Twitter but unfortunately it’s worse. I can’t even see threads from my friends and followers, instead my timeline forces me to read threads from people I don’t even follow or care to follow. JUST LIKE ON FACEBOOK. Back to Twitter I go…",1,2023-07-24 13:54:03 +App Store,"This app is good. But there’s a few problems… +1. This app is not optimized for iPads. For once optimize your apps for iPads. 😭 +2. There’s no way to search for posts +3. No trending tab. +4. You get notifications for when people you follow reply to others. I want notifications for only when they post, NOT when they reply to other posts. + +Please fix these.",4,2023-07-23 18:00:53 +App Store,"Lots of basic functionality needed, but the bones are good. Strange Algorithmic feed is OK. I really want to just follow friends though. Bring us some Periscope live video features and it would be super.",3,2023-07-23 21:55:46 +App Store,Users shouldn’t be required to have an insta account. I understand that the Zuck wants us to live in his metaverse but some of us want an apartment right outside of it. Please make Threads that outside apartment.,4,2023-07-07 14:52:15 +App Store,"Informationless text. I saw much more curated videos/pics than actual text on this ‘text-based’ platform. +Nothing worth scrolling. Weak sauce.",3,2023-07-22 03:41:31 +App Store,"After a week of use, the app has gone stale. There’s not much to do on here. Whatever you can do can be done on other apps that offer far more to the user.",3,2023-07-14 22:14:38 +App Store,I think this would be much better if you guys add reactions just like Facebook instead of love,5,2023-07-10 01:49:39 +App Store,"A little bit after I downloaded the app & set up my account, I haven't been able to create a post. As soon as I click on the create tab, the app crashes. + +I also don't like seeing a bunch of random people I don't follow on the home page",2,2023-07-08 14:24:47 +App Store,Musk and his crew I’m sure are flooding negative reviews for this app. Don’t let his hurt ego and deflating wallet determine whether you will give this app a try!,5,2023-07-07 17:44:26 +App Store,Please let us remove and add back our threads tag in our Instagram bio at will.. I don’t see why removing it from our page should be a permanent decision,4,2023-07-07 05:22:30 +App Store,"What a historical moments for this app! Just hit a five million users in less than five hours! +More updates and tuning are needed but for now let’s enjoy “threading”.",4,2023-07-06 04:12:29 +App Store,NEED to be able to edit threads after they’ve been posted,5,2023-07-06 19:24:52 +App Store,This app is good but their needs to be a translation option to translate threads please and thank!,5,2023-07-06 18:45:13 +App Store,I kinda want this to replace twitter and i know its just starting out so thats okay. I just want my feed to have the option of showing only stuff related to people i follow,3,2023-07-06 17:57:48 +App Store,Dope app! lets just see how long it takes before we get ads / paid to win features,5,2023-07-06 16:49:08 +App Store,Make the ability to switch accounts the same as instagram rather than fully logging in and out,3,2023-07-06 07:00:25 +App Store,Great interface. Love the seamless integration with Instagram. It’s the better version of Twitter we didn’t know we needed but now have,5,2023-07-06 05:35:17 +App Store,I know this app just launched. It’s no surprise that there are bugs and that the app crashes. Hopefully it can be updated soon to hold the user capacity. I’ll come back in a week or two to see how it’s goin. 🤷🏼‍♀️,3,2023-07-06 02:27:13 +App Store,"But devs, please fix app notifications…latest update kinda ruined it.",5,2023-07-14 19:08:15 +App Store,"It has been 4 days I cannot post anymore. It says “post failed to upload”. I restarted the app, cleaned the cache , did it all, but nothing is working. I like the app but we use our social media for business and this is becoming a bit annoying. +Can you help?",1,2023-07-17 07:07:18 +App Store,"After 2 days on the app, my activity tab won’t load anymore and I am unable to add new posts. +I am only able to like posts on my home tab. +Deleted and reinstalled the app several times.",2,2023-07-16 09:00:55 +App Store,Please add DMs sooner or later. I wanna be able to send my friends posts and talk to them on the threads app instead of switching back to instagram,4,2023-07-08 02:41:31 +App Store,This app is so much better than twitter! There is way less hate and a lot less chaos. The atmosphere is not toxic!!,5,2023-07-12 19:16:12 +App Store,"I was curious to see what all the commotion was with Threads but not I see it was just a poor attempt to copy Twitter. I think we have enough social media options. This just looks lawsuit friendly. BTW, when you delete Threads, it also deletes your Instagram. Little detail !!!!!!!!",1,2023-07-12 18:24:02 +App Store,Let me start out a copycat on twitter Meta is a copycat since like it was created second it is a stupid data miner more info collected than twitter I don’t blame twitter for it but threads steals all of our data and sells it I wonder why I am giving it 1 star I would give it a zero if I could maybe make it negative if I could,1,2023-07-11 13:51:42 +App Store,Tell your friend to do the same! It’s Win-Win…not really but better than nothing.,5,2023-07-10 22:36:27 +App Store,Will be sending my complaint to the consumer protection division of the Attorney General’s office. There is no valid reason for my financial data to be accessed by the app and in order to delete the data you must delete instagram and destroy your business accounts. This is very is underhanded and I am taking it personal.,1,2023-07-09 10:36:12 +App Store,"Would improve a lot for searching for like minded things, or creators. Or if I could search a category rather than just a person. I know this app is in its early stages, but just a thought. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️",3,2023-07-08 22:28:31 +App Store,Lots of whiners writing reviews. For day 3 it’s doing amazing and of course all your most wanted features will be added!,5,2023-07-08 19:11:52 +App Store,"Imagine taking everything you know about Twitter and literally copying and pasting and calling it a “Twitter killer”. That’s what this app is, there’s no difference between the original and this. The amount of data you need to share with Threads is alarming and I’d recommend everyone look into it before installing it.",1,2023-07-08 17:49:02 +App Store,"I just wanted to see what threads was about. I checked it out and I’m not interested so I deactivated my profile, but the threads profile badge is still on my Instagram. I’ve tried multiple time to remove it, but it just comes back. I even reported the issue.",1,2023-07-08 13:43:09 +App Store,Love the app but the volume button on the videos are too hard to press and every video i go to i have to press the button to unmute it,4,2023-07-07 03:15:11 +App Store,"F TWITTER AND GOING ON THREAD +Okay I’ve started using it since yesterday and to be honest it was pretty cool to me it’s the say as Twitter Facebook Instagram and all. Rip Hive web app. The new app is taking over ✌🏻🩵",5,2023-07-07 23:57:15 +App Store,"Worked fine for a few days. Now it crashes as soon as I touch the compose icon. Also, just noticed all the privacy violations. Way too many things it can see including browser history and financial information!?!",1,2023-07-07 22:06:06 +App Store,This new platform is so much better than Twitter in so many ways!,5,2023-07-07 20:18:47 +App Store,Really wish I could just see my feed not everything else.,4,2023-07-06 19:36:30 +App Store,It would be great if there is updta regarding videos posted on threads. We need video play back and forth,4,2023-07-06 16:47:18 +App Store,"When I open “the bird app” it loads upwards, it holds my place in my feed so I can start where I left off. This app just throws random people I don’t follow in the middle of the feed and reloads the feed so I have to scroll down until I get to a post I’ve seen. Worst way to do that. IG is the same way and I hate that too.",1,2023-07-06 17:06:38 +App Store,I really like this app so far. Been a huge fan and avid user of IG for a long time. Looking forward for what’s to come in the future with this app!!!,5,2023-07-06 16:47:19 +App Store,"I have very high hopes for this social media platform, but the mobile version, specifically for tablets/iPads, needs improved to full-screen, horizontal, like the competitor, Twitter.",3,2023-07-06 13:21:25 +App Store,Y’all should allow sex work on threads and show who follows you or not but otherwise than that the app is really fun !,5,2023-07-06 06:08:51 +App Store,Definitely needs some improvements but other than that I like this app it’s better than twitter,4,2023-07-08 11:44:25 +App Store,Threads is literally changing the way we interact with everyone and it’s just better!,5,2023-07-06 04:34:27 +App Store,When I heard about ANOTHER social media app I was like 😩 then I was like 🤔 now I’m like 😍. So far Threads feels like a breath of fresh air— hopefully it stays that way.,5,2023-07-06 03:00:39 +App Store,"Thank god Mark just nailed it, hopefully we will have 2+ billions people in the world using it in no time",5,2023-07-06 00:30:50 +App Store,"Missing a lot of basic functionality. And like meta needs another social media app… but oh well. + +Hopefully big updates coming soon",3,2023-07-23 20:37:19 +App Store,All I see are random posts from people I don’t care about or want to hear from. It was kinda fun to try out a new app with little effort but I gave zero interest in random posts that have nothing to do with my interests. I can block and hide all day but that’s not what I want to do.,1,2023-07-09 23:38:24 +App Store,This is way better then what Twitter has become since that Idiot Elon took over,5,2023-07-09 19:20:35 +App Store,You can’t delete it with out deleting Instagram account. You can’t create an account with out an Instagram account. A lot of features look the same of other apps. Plus zuck collecting data of you on all his media platforms and selling without your knowledge.,1,2023-07-08 22:23:36 +App Store,"I was logged out of my instagram a day after downloading this app, everytime i would open it my instagram would sign me out automatically now i cant get into my instagram account at all, there is zero to no customer support and i want my account back",1,2023-07-08 21:34:19 +App Store,before all of this has happened i would’ve rated a perfect 10/10 but i rate this app a 0/10 because It won’t let me login for some reason.. it said to wait a few minutes and i waited a whole day and it still won’t let me login so yea i give this app a 0.,1,2023-07-08 20:03:48 +App Store,Threads is my home. I can’t imagine my life without Threads. Please never remove it from the App Store.,5,2023-07-08 17:08:50 +App Store,Stay away as it tracks 100% everything about you! How is it even pass the privacy act to be available on app store? This makes me wonder what has been happening with my insta and fb??! Consider delete them all. Tiktok is bad but this is the worst of all.,1,2023-07-08 16:05:27 +App Store,Please as a feature to be able to direct message.,4,2023-07-07 17:00:00 +App Store,"Why can’t i upload my profile picture? +I tried syncing with Instagram but the profile pic isn’t working",4,2023-07-07 09:57:57 +App Store,"Have you ever wondered what twitter would be like if it was run by a suppressive socialist or fascist government? Wonder no longer. Who cares about freedom of speech when you disagree with those whose speech is being suppressed. Threads is a joke on twitter as everyone joins threads, states an unpopular opinion to gets instantly blocked or suspended so they can post a screenshot of their suspension on twitter.",1,2023-07-07 16:13:01 +App Store,"I haven’t been called a slur yet, or seen anything crazy, but there are a lot of annoying brands and celebrities, so maybe being called a slur isn’t so bad",4,2023-07-07 08:34:15 +App Store,"Great experience bc it’s new. It’s very fun but it freezes a lot. That’s my only complaint. And the people on my feed page, I would like to see the people I follow only.",3,2023-07-07 03:28:09 +App Store,Would be nice if developers could add the option on dm like instagram and chats where u can add certain people in,5,2023-07-07 04:16:43 +App Store,Literally when I downloaded this app I immediately switched from Twitter to Threads in a matter of 5 secs! Loving it!!!,5,2023-07-06 18:53:47 +App Store,"Hi! When i try to log in to my account; it doesn’t open and tell me i’m Community banned and it is limited so i should try it later. How can i open this when it’s trended right now ?! It’s Horrible interpretation of Twitter made by Mark, honestly i can’t stand it when it doesn’t open. I don’t recommend this 👎🏻",1,2023-07-06 10:32:15 +App Store,Please stop recommending account that I don't follow so often. Or at least make an option to know which account we wish to see. It's really bad.,3,2023-07-08 17:52:11 +App Store,"How are you not going to have an option to only view posts from the people you follow? What makes you think your algorithm knows what I like better than I do? On the other hand, it’s not owned by Elon, which is a plus",2,2023-07-06 10:04:27 +App Store,They did the right move at the right time.,5,2023-07-06 02:05:01 +App Store,"Discovery feels nigh impossible, you have to know user names. You can’t even search for content. Can’t even save images. Not optimized for iPad. Didn’t bother going any further. Ranked in terms of egregiousness. + +This is Meta, a multi billion dollar social media company. This isn’t their first rodeo, so I find these unacceptable.",1,2023-07-21 10:12:49 +App Store,I woulda went four stars but there is someone with a copycat app. Threads is a good app. Better than Twitter in a few ways. Twitter is garbage now. Im Threading exclusively. More streamlined. Simpler.,5,2023-07-15 04:42:52 +App Store,Share content with your friends. Meta actually sent a survey for me asking if they’re making trends or following trends and I have to say they’re definitely following trends they just find any app they want to replicate and replace and it’s not even a good version of Twitter.,2,2023-07-14 02:22:35 +App Store,"This app has potential, but it has a plethora of UX issues—I have very little control over my feed, there are concerns over accessibility and performance, and a lack of transparency around data usage and privacy, just to name a few. It’s not the “Twitter killer” that it is claimed to be, at least not yet.",1,2023-07-10 01:54:21 +App Store,Threads destroyed my ability to post on Instagram. On Twitter some say they have the same problem. I can only post Stories. No photos. Instagram will not let me remove the Threads badge now. My Instagram worked until this. It’s been a full day! Save yourself the trouble and don’t use Threads.,1,2023-07-09 20:34:59 +App Store,This must be planned as a refuge for people who couldn’t handle free speech and still wear masks in their car. Exact copy of Twitter but with more pics and your feed filled with people you don’t know. Uninspired and and buggy. If you have Instagram this is very redundant. Basic Twitter with some Instagram painted over it.,1,2023-07-09 16:20:47 +App Store,"Fine app, will see how it evolves but at the moment there is no option to change the background color and it is set to a really harsh white.",3,2023-07-05 23:26:12 +App Store,"I really like it +I just downloaded it not too long ago but i am already getting addicted to this app lol",5,2023-07-07 07:53:35 +App Store,"Nice design, excited for new features",5,2023-07-07 04:29:38 +App Store,I have multiple accounts and would love to have the same option as instagram to switch accounts without having to login/logout each time!,2,2023-07-06 21:23:05 +App Store,I’m excited for this app but the MAJORITY of my feed is people I don’t follow and brands! Please stop. I don’t want those on my home page. I’m happy to check recommended content on an explore page but what’s the point of choosing who to follow if the app is going to decide what I’m going to see for me??,1,2023-07-06 16:17:46 +App Store,"This is definitely an early tech demo/alpha release. Lots of core functionality missing, like a web UI, native iPad layout, chronological timeline, ability to mute words, DMs, etc. I will check it out again once they get a feature-complete v1 released, but seems like it will be a bit before that happens",1,2023-07-06 01:19:10 +App Store,"I love it, Better than others",5,2023-07-06 00:27:10 +App Store,"I just downloaded this app and I have nothing to browse. I don’t want to see only what the people I follow post, there needs to be an explore page when you can browse things/comments to your liking.",2,2023-07-05 23:56:26 +App Store,5 seconds in to the app…its exactly like twitter but just different looking. Functionality its the same. no ads🤷‍♂️,5,2023-07-05 23:44:03 +App Store,"App only worked for a week after release. Cannot post, view replies or activity. Constant errors. Content not available. Oops, something went wrong. Try again. I have uninstalled/installed app. Rebooted device. Updated app. Nothing works to fix the problem.",1,2023-07-23 23:34:18 +App Store,"I haven’t been able to post, view comments or my profile for weeks now. My feed is full of poeple I don’t even follow. Pointless app. Should have launched when all the bugs were fixed. How are you going to launch a app that does not work?",1,2023-07-23 17:01:57 +App Store,Wish there was a way to see the threads I’ve liked! This is so frustrating that I can’t view them,4,2023-07-07 15:31:00 +App Store,I don’t like the new update. I liked the number in everyone’s instagram bios and I think everyone else agrees. This app is going downhill. It’s a twitter wannabe when it could have been twitter wanting to be,3,2023-07-17 09:44:47 +App Store,Feed is filled with things I do not follow. I don’t think I have came across an account I follow unless I manually search for the person or account. I don’t understand what the hype is here and I hope these issues are fixed soon to put accounts followed in chronological timeline.,1,2023-07-16 15:46:08 +App Store,The Thread number badge that indicates the number of people who have joined Threads before you does not show up in my Instagram. The only this that shows up in my bio is the Treads badge with no number. Hoping this glitch can be fixed.,2,2023-07-12 23:25:03 +App Store,I absolutely love this app and the people here are nice. I can’t wait to see what new updates bring to the app.,5,2023-07-10 00:24:15 +App Store,"Such a great app so far, still needs updates like follower feed but overall is fantastic.",5,2023-07-08 10:14:05 +App Store,It’s nice but I don’t like seeing other people’s accounts that I don’t follow or have any relevance to the accounts I follow it makes me really mad honestly.,4,2023-07-07 04:56:44 +App Store,Let it be just for sharing what’s on our minds. Keep instagram for photos. Don’t let what so called influencers ruin the app for their ego boost likes and comments,3,2023-07-07 07:50:27 +App Store,"Everything else is very convenient, but it's not easy to use without an interpreter.",4,2023-07-07 02:32:35 +App Store,"Unable to enlarge profile photos, makes me hard to tell even familiar instagram friends. Main page filled up with threads from ppl I’m not following or interested in, almost impossible to find threads from ppl I followed.",2,2023-07-07 04:05:39 +App Store,"Seems like a good Twitter replacement. but as a person whose main use of social media is following sports, it really needs the chronological timeline",4,2023-07-09 17:59:02 +App Store,It’s a new app that doesn’t let you import your followers so you start from scratch and then they limit how many people you can follow. No way to be found with hashtags. Just another algorithm hiding your existence. Another place to get barely any likes. Having fun yet? No.,1,2023-07-07 00:26:51 +App Store,Great app! Its like for people who don’t like twitter because of their political beliefs but all in all its chill im sure censorship will be at its worst around the next presidential race in usa.,5,2023-07-06 17:00:32 +App Store,You know it's fresh when there ain't no reviews. This review is subject to change lol,5,2023-07-06 08:27:55 +App Store,I really like the app so far and I think its better than twitter but the timeline is mess. No point in following people because its just filled with everyone. Needs to be a filter feature,3,2023-07-06 03:27:08 +App Store,"I’m sure if you’re used to Twitter it’s good, but I really don’t like that there aren’t separate “explore” and “following” pages. I don’t like seeing posts from random accounts I don’t follow",3,2023-07-23 23:13:27 +App Store,"You have to have an instagram account to use this. It feels like what should be a part of the instagram app, but just carved out so it can be advertised as something new and cool. It’s really just a set of basic features that should be part of instagram.",1,2023-07-18 12:31:55 +App Store,Looking forward to the updates as this grows,5,2023-07-10 02:23:43 +App Store,The app is super legit; attaching music like in the stories of ig in the posts would take it to the next level. 🆙,5,2023-07-09 16:01:33 +App Store,"What exactly does a social media app whose purpose is text chat threads need permission for “Health and Fitness data”? This is a Facebook app after all so I can’t be surprised. + +Wait till it integrates with ActivityPub which they claim to be planning to do. Then use a Mastodon server that respects your privacy to access Threads content.",1,2023-07-09 10:20:54 +App Store,"i downloaded this app to see what it was all about, it’s basically the instagram version of twitter. once i decided i didn’t want to have that app, i tried to deactivate my profile. the threads number also appears on my instagram bio, which i don’t want it to. i tried to deactivate my threads profile and hide the badge on my instagram bio, but it won’t go away.",4,2023-07-08 04:42:15 +App Store,"i love it here so far and am holding back gatekeeping it bc i don't want it to be ruined. but that's not very nice so i'm not doing that. + +Stream Speak Now (Taylor's Version)! + +xoxo, gossip girl",4,2023-07-07 15:18:42 +App Store,"The app has already been filled with spam bots, algorithms and reels. If you download you can’t delete your account without deleting your IG page. The app also accessed apps it shouldn’t to gather information about you. +There are so many cons about this app. Do your research before you download!!",1,2023-07-08 01:36:21 +App Store,Can’t wait to see how this all develops. The only thing I would like is the option to search different topics.,4,2023-07-09 03:44:20 +App Store,"Yea since Twitter tripping and so is Elon Musk, instagram and Mark definitely winning right now, everybody that was with Twitter is now with Thread. Plus these folks on there funny",5,2023-07-06 17:23:25 +App Store,"I downloaded this app to compare it to Twitter. I don’t have Instagram and therefore couldn’t sign in. Currently doesn’t support Apple accounts which has been around for a very long time. + +I’ll edit my review as soon as they allow for account creation via Apple.",1,2023-07-06 13:21:11 +App Store,it would be a nice app if it didn’t keep logging me out my Instagram.,5,2023-07-06 07:22:55 +App Store,Forced to follow random accounts. No customization options. No lists or separate views. No sorting. Friends aren't floated to the top. No nsfw content. Your scroll placement isn't saved. The feed refreshes whenever you click anything and then you got random posts again. It's not a good app.,1,2023-07-06 00:27:22 +App Store,"For over two weeks now and even with the latest update, have been unable to post, see comments on posts, or see any of my activity. + +Have reported multiple times, but no help or anything. Worst app launch ever.",1,2023-07-24 19:23:53 +App Store,"Try to follow accounts but they just get drowned out in THE ALGORITHM’s torrent. At least give us an option to go a following feed. + +It’s still better than Twitter/X, but then so is the clap, so 🤷‍♂️",3,2023-07-24 17:56:17 +App Store,"There’s barely any upvotes on posts or comments, and most of the posts are from companies or feels artificial. The service was booming when it came out but now everyone left and the hype has died off, which is unfortunate because it looks like i’m back to Twitter 🫤",1,2023-07-19 19:45:43 +App Store,"Not a very good app. Just people self promoting and saying dumb things. They also don’t let you delete your account, and if you delete the app you can’t delete the badge from your Instagram account if you delete the Threads app so you’re basically a permanent advertisement…",1,2023-07-11 20:13:33 +App Store,"We need an iPad app pronto in my opinion, i feel like Instagram not having one has been annoying and if this is meant to be adopted widely and taken seriously it should cater to all screens.",3,2023-07-09 03:05:09 +App Store,Most of the content on my feed is from accounts I do not follow and there is no option to change my content preferences.,3,2023-07-07 00:02:31 +App Store,The amount of data this app collects from you is absurd and you can’t delete your Threads profile without also deleting Instagram. This is nothing but a trap set up by Zuckerberg to siphon as much user data as possible,2,2023-07-07 13:14:37 +App Store,"App has been out for less than 24 hours and already has a porn bit problem. Within 14 minutes of me making my account I had 4 bots following me, and so far 13/14 of my followers are bots (account has been up for less than 10 hours)",1,2023-07-07 10:16:22 +App Store,"this may be a bug. +i just downloaded the app an hour ago, posted one text status. now every time i refresh the app to make a post it closes the app entirely, it's whenever i press the button to make a new post at the bottom of the screen",5,2023-07-07 00:38:26 +App Store,"Honestly don’t really understand the difference between twitter and this app 🤷🏽‍♂️. I guess it looks cleaner, but it just seems like another wave people will hop on until the next clone social media app comes out.",3,2023-07-06 06:08:10 +App Store,"This app is lit! All it needs is a couple performance updates, otherwise its a flawless piece of art.",5,2023-07-06 20:07:26 +App Store,Threads is a great app but I think it should also have dms so people can message each other on it,5,2023-07-06 19:45:12 +App Store,Thanks for the update i can finally stop using my phone to upload art 👍🏾,4,2023-07-12 20:13:25 +App Store,Can i sign with multiple accounts ?,5,2023-07-06 03:27:50 +App Store,Nice to see a simple interface,5,2023-07-06 02:09:32 +App Store,I love the user interface of this already! It was so easy to sign up. It will be better than Twitter!!!,5,2023-07-06 00:00:58 +App Store,"First doesn’t open, I don’t wanna put my credit card info just cause I don’t share my info there, second, I don’t know all those people and I don’t wanna to connect with FB! Already got ride of this 16 yrs ago. Third, what’s exactly serve me? Look like stupid waste of time. Disconnect thx",1,2023-07-23 09:52:02 +App Store,i love the app so far it looks amazing. it’s just pretty annoying that i keep getting logged out. also wish it had the switch account option like instagram so that i wouldn’t have to keep logging out to go on another account. i know it’s a brand new app so i will be looking forward to the updates.,4,2023-07-11 13:59:20 +App Store,Where translator ? That’s really useful thing,5,2023-07-11 19:40:57 +App Store,"Solid for a V1 MVP, needs some filter options, looking forward to fediverse support, etc, but enjoying it as it is right now!",4,2023-07-08 20:23:35 +App Store,"After downloading the app I accidentally pressed the button that says remove the threads badge, like why isn’t there an option to get the badge back ?? Or choose when we want it on or off OUR instagram profiles🤔.",1,2023-07-11 13:01:45 +App Store,"You have to link your Instagram account, no other option. And if you want to delete Threads, you have yo delete your Instagram account. I never link accounts, ever. I won’t be signing up until you can create independent accounts.",1,2023-07-10 13:55:24 +App Store,"It still has things it’s missing, but for right now I’m happy that we got this",4,2023-07-07 17:39:47 +App Store,"I figured this out the hard way. The other day, I was using threads and I died! Its just the worst that no where in the app does it inform you that if you die on Threads, you die in real life. I'm dead now and seething with rage! TOTALLY AND UTTERLY FURIOUS. that's why I'm leaving a one star review in this stupid app. It killed me without warning!",1,2023-07-08 05:10:59 +App Store,"Basically Tumblr and Twitter’s love child. + +I think this app has potential and as of yet it just is slow as there’s not many people on it atm.",4,2023-07-06 23:50:34 +App Store,"You have to have an Instagram account in order to log in. You cannot create an account on this app and there’s no “forgot password” option you can select for when people like me try to log in, unable to because we don’t remember passwords.",1,2023-07-07 14:00:23 +App Store,Need a easier way to keep up on who had recently follow you. Other than that it’s good,4,2023-07-06 14:28:54 +App Store,"its okay so far, but it needs a few more customization options such as Pinned posts, changes of theme and banners.",3,2023-07-06 21:53:13 +App Store,I’ll give this app a 5 star review if I get the option to make a separate account on there instead of making another on instagram,3,2023-07-06 01:41:48 +App Store,"The app seems to be missing a lot of features, but you have to start somewhere. And this somewhere doesn’t involve a certain space Karen.",3,2023-07-06 00:43:14 +App Store,Somehow an infinite times more usable than Twitter thanks to this.,5,2023-07-06 00:01:49 +App Store,"I loved threads in the beginning, but I took a vacation to Europe, where Threads is apparently not available, and it seems they restricted my account so that the app is unusable. I’m back in the states but the app is not working no matter what I do. I filed multiple reports but haven’t heard back.",1,2023-07-22 14:19:55 +App Store,Why are we not able to edit post. Please make that an option….,4,2023-07-07 03:56:46 +App Store,My Threads won’t show up on my Instagram account with the numbers,5,2023-07-16 05:25:00 +App Store,"After sharing a post from Threads to my Instagram, all of my Instagram posts disappeared and I can’t retrieve or see them anymore. I can’t post anymore either. There is no customer support. And my Instagram account is now useless…",1,2023-07-13 10:34:05 +App Store,"i got the app because it looked fun but when you download it it's a rip off boring version of twitter, and you can't delete it without deleting your instagram account so DO NOT DOWNLOAD unless you want to have an ugly badge in your bio",1,2023-07-12 21:06:29 +App Store,"This app jammed so many annoying people on my home feed. Until you figure how to only see people I follow on my feed, I will not be using this dogsh#t of an app!! I only want to see people I follow on my home feed NOTHING ELSE!!!",1,2023-07-12 07:14:06 +App Store,"All I see is influencers and celebrities. That’s it. That’s all you’re pushing on everyone! I rarely see a post from someone I actually follow, and they do post because I can go on their page and see the new ones, you just don’t show it. Ridiculous.",1,2023-07-09 04:31:25 +App Store,"It’s legit twitter, but you can’t even see your own followers’ “tweets.” It pushes so many ad-based celebrity accounts to the point where I can’t see my friends. Please add a “Just Followers” tab! I do not want to be constantly fed posts by your algorithm.",2,2023-07-08 17:15:04 +App Store,I zapped my acct with the bird months ago. Threads seems friendlier with a lot more interaction with the verified that I didn’t expect. I love it!,5,2023-07-08 08:47:01 +App Store,So far so good! Like the way it runs and connects with my instagram account! This is going to blow twitter out of the water!,5,2023-07-07 04:55:13 +App Store,Threads is way better than I thought you can interact with other accounts and I’m so happy a new good social app came out,4,2023-07-07 01:43:52 +App Store,"An app itself feels like cheap twitter put into instagram skin. No support, no good features, random bans. Considering Facebook privacy policy you are giving away all your data including medical, personal, interests, shopping etc to Meta for free with no real benefits. I would rather go and use crappy Twitter.",1,2023-07-07 03:21:35 +App Store,"this is good for a start + +they should add a drafts system though, and add a way for users not logged in to view the site",4,2023-07-06 16:57:35 +App Store,Love the app but I wish we could use hashtags or find trending post other than that it has good potential,4,2023-07-15 12:43:58 +App Store,Nice competitor but you can only save the images thumbnails. Not the high resolution one when you open the image to full screen,3,2023-07-06 15:19:14 +App Store,"Plenty of people out here who don’t want to be on FB or IG, but ARE willing to try this app out. + +META will keep new users from joining - that’s a mistake. Guess I’m stuck on Twitter until META allows a new user to open an account.",3,2023-07-06 13:21:50 +App Store,"The point of social media is to see posts from people you follow. Why is my feed exclusively people I don’t follow? If I wanted to see their posts, I would follow them. The fact there is no option to only see posts from people you follow is mind blowing. + +Still better than Twitter.",1,2023-07-06 00:14:44 +App Store,This app just benefits lefty wing politicians and actors and actresses and influencers withy he algorithm. Many but many of the right wing ones that have over 60k followed on thread barely get 4 likes in their comments or posts. This is so odd. Also the app is freaking boring. I’ve heard this from both right and left.,1,2023-07-17 12:39:06 +App Store,"Major fail if there is no way to see trends. The appeal of Twitter is to get RT info. Without that feature, I am not interested. I don’t want to follow a ton of people to up my chances of see what’s happening. + +I hope to be able to edit my rating. For now, am not going to use this app",1,2023-07-16 18:24:58 +App Store,You can only attach a pic. You should also be able to post a gif within the app.,3,2023-07-12 06:22:36 +App Store,An iPad version is needed. This version makes it very difficult to post messages since the keyboard often covers the post button and cannot be minimized.,2,2023-07-12 17:13:26 +App Store,"Needs a search function to find threads, and some sort of an explore tab. App feels weird, like it’s an extension of IG, so it could benefit from being more detailed/transparent",3,2023-07-06 00:24:12 +App Store,People say it’s like Twitter but I disagree. This is more like the original Facebook. No videos just memes and text.,5,2023-07-11 09:20:58 +App Store,I start thread just from few days please update translation in a caption because there is so many language around glob and everyone share thread but most of the time can’t understand,2,2023-07-10 10:49:16 +App Store,"In typical fashion for this company, Threads shows you everybody that Meta wants you to see instead of who you want to see. + +So now I have a timeline littered with posts from pop-culture luminaries who I neither know all that well nor care about and that noise drowns out that posts from that people I follow.",1,2023-07-09 16:21:41 +App Store,As predicted. This app is full of censorship and it lacks freedom of speech. Now that I have signed up using my Instagram account I can’t delete my account without deleting my Instagram account therefore deleting all my pictures and comments and then the app will do for now.,1,2023-07-09 14:52:58 +App Store,"If you have no concern about data privacy and want to use a crappier version of Twitter, this is the app for you. If you believe Meta has your best interest in mind you are mistaken. When you use their products, you are the product.",1,2023-07-08 18:57:30 +App Store,"But with a clearly defined class system. As a less than of low notability, I cannot have a blue check. If that isn’t enough, I must also acquiesce to a feed with lower neural activity which is curated to ensure I think mostly happy or compliant thoughts which ensure I support The Current Thing.",1,2023-07-08 18:39:25 +App Store,The app is full of weird people and it’s just too much like Twitter. It’s owned by Meta which is becoming more and more of a monopoly. They are reaching into Twitters market space and constantly stealing ideas and doing whatever they want to do. The government needs to do something to regulate big tech.,1,2023-07-08 02:52:16 +App Store,"I do like IT, although it crashes so many times on my se2020",5,2023-07-07 21:14:02 +App Store,Y’all in these reviews just hating this the best thing instagram has done so far no need to complain,5,2023-07-07 20:55:26 +App Store,You should be able to set up an account independent of Instagram. It’s obnoxious and super lame that the only way you can login is to use an Instagram account. It’s a pathetic move. I don’t care what the underlying motivation is for Meta it’s a stupid move.,1,2023-07-07 19:24:00 +App Store,Seems that it’s impossible for me to be signed in to both threads and Instagram. If I login to threads and then open the Instagram app I find that I’ve been logged out of Instagram. If I then login to Instagram and open threads I find that I’ve been logged out of threads. Please fix this!,1,2023-07-07 16:30:11 +App Store,"Information overload. I see a lot of post in the feed that I don't care about, just wanna see my favorites and maybe threads that people I follow reply on. It's a great concept but just way too much information in the feed and it's hard to process.",1,2023-07-07 12:26:19 +App Store,"Hashtags don’t work. Link I gave to Linktree had a Threads link to get back. Links open in Threads ecosystem, not Safari, and the link back to Threads FROM Linktree doesn’t work. Musicians should be able to get verified. Threads does not indicate any way to get verified. Looking forward to Threads improving upon all of this.",1,2023-07-07 05:39:09 +App Store,I haven’t had Instagram in forever. I was hoping to check out what this app was like but I can’t even make an account once I download it. You have to log in with an Instagram account. Kinda lame. I’m not going to download Instagram just to use this.,1,2023-07-07 00:35:46 +App Store,It’s just started but I have hope. Strange day I’m rooting for Meta but it’s against Musk. So here’s my review.,5,2023-07-06 22:05:42 +App Store,Better than having to deal with the freaking post limit on Twitter...,5,2023-07-06 20:49:30 +App Store,I like the new app which can let you write a thread which can be similar to Twitter and it looks great 👍,5,2023-07-06 05:28:47 +App Store,"This app needs to be useful to be successful. +No hashtags, lame algorithmic timeline with no other choices and lots of junk content similar to Instagram. +Sorry, you are missing your chance to replace Twitter.",2,2023-07-19 07:45:15 +App Store,"So I’ve been dabbling with this app for a few days now, and have decided that it is pretty lame. It’s basically just a bad version of Twitter. If you’re a super sensitive cry baby, you might like it. I think free speech is pretty cool though, so this app is a flop for me.",2,2023-07-18 19:43:42 +App Store,"But considering I just joined the 🪡 Community today, I won’t be picky. I’m glad to be here and have so far enjoyed the experience. 👍🏻",4,2023-07-15 20:06:21 +App Store,I think they should allow were u can dm other people privately,4,2023-07-09 08:30:40 +App Store,"Just take a look at the sheer amount of privacy and data you have to surrender even before using the app. And for what? A post + thread environment with no additional functions. + +This app doesn’t require a fraction of the data it says it needs for use.",1,2023-07-10 19:44:58 +App Store,"I can like but I can't comment, when I click the comments button it kicks me out of the app. Any tips?",4,2023-07-07 23:55:10 +App Store,I love the vibes here! Definitely a better twitter. I hated the spam dms and here they are no messages!!!😊 we just need an unfollower app ASAP,5,2023-07-08 23:34:40 +App Store,Super easy log in but It crashes every time I click the make a post button,3,2023-07-08 21:38:51 +App Store,"obviously this is designed to be a - much needed - competitor to twitter as it circles the drain, but so far it is not up to speed. most of what i see on my feed is accounts i do not follow and have no interest in. this is the biggest reason i won’t be using the app until this improves. as another review said there’s no dm option or group chat option either id assume?",3,2023-07-08 16:00:37 +App Store,"Of course it needs a lot of upgrades for example interaction sounds,gifs,the ability to customize the feed and preferences but overall it's a nice app.",3,2023-07-08 15:51:09 +App Store,"The app is great, but it is lacking a key feature. + +The app needs some way to only see people you follows posts",4,2023-07-07 00:27:45 +App Store,"I just found out that if I want to delete my account, even though I never actually created one, I can’t do it unless I also delete my Instagram profile in the process… I might do it, even when I risk losing all my media in my ig profile.",1,2023-07-07 22:56:12 +App Store,"Obviously there are things that can be improved on, but this is an awesome start! Love this more than Twitter!",5,2023-07-07 01:27:44 +App Store,"It's a Twitter clone, but it's pretty good. It needs a way to only see threads from people you follow and to sort by most recent.",4,2023-07-06 06:03:10 +App Store,"app is brand new and exciting, but leaves some MUCH desired & essential features such as: + +a follow back button +2 separate following & “explore” feeds +able to search posts, in addition to users",2,2023-07-06 20:46:24 +App Store,I am about to download this app and am already hooked.,5,2023-07-06 17:56:56 +App Store,Like the concept so far … looks like the biggest group,5,2023-07-06 16:35:37 +App Store,Please give us the option to filter out threads we don’t follow so we’re able focus and respond to our friends only if we want to. It’s giving instagram ads on week 1,2,2023-07-06 16:18:30 +App Store,"I was looking forward to using a new platform since I have been banned multiple accounts on Twitter (while Far-Right, MAGA, Insurrectionists get their accounts reinstated). The thing is you need to have an instagram account to create a Threads account. Definitely a non starter.",1,2023-07-06 13:44:36 +App Store,"I am loving the new platform, but there is something essential missing for global communities - translation options! + +On that other app (you know what I’m talking about), there is a built in translate feature, and i am also able to use apple’s translate feature because i can select text and choose “translate”. + +This is going to be essential for quick conversions. + +Thanks, loving it so far!",3,2023-07-06 11:56:45 +App Store,Miles and miles better.,5,2023-07-06 10:36:10 +App Store,I’ve worn out the mute button over the past four hours since I joined. Give us a fully customizable feed and you’ll get your stars. We also need a media tab on profiles and DMs.,2,2023-07-06 05:43:06 +App Store,"So far not bad, it's easy since you can connect it with your Instagram seamlessly. Now this makes me look forward to Musk vs Zuck 🥊 even more.",4,2023-07-06 00:56:28 +App Store,I would like to be the first to review. I can't believe we have an alternative to twitter that is actually digestible and free of hatespeech,5,2023-07-06 04:36:47 +App Store,"Always dislike how difficult twitter was to use, this makes it easy — love it!!",5,2023-07-06 03:36:31 +App Store,But honestly kinda wild and boring one cannot have a chronological timeline. For now I pass while keeping my acc just in case. Also it’d be nice if the app didn’t collect this tremendous amount of data.,3,2023-07-06 02:04:33 +App Store,"i don’t want to see random people on my feed. please fix immediately, i only want to see people i follow.",4,2023-07-08 16:49:48 +App Store,"It needs recommended content in the discover area, it’s just a search bar for people. It does not allow to search keywords or use hashtags. + +It needs a popular topics area, like the +Trending area, it only 1 feed (similar to Instagram’s feed) + +It’s not a separate app like Facebook it’s to Instagram, it’s an extension of Instagram in a separate app. + +At the moment, Twitter still the better options unless you are famous with a lot of followers.",2,2023-07-06 00:51:31 +App Store,"Whenever I try and see them, it says sorry try again",3,2023-07-23 14:47:08 +App Store,Glad this exists because Twitter is on the way out but this should not have launched until they were ready with all features. No hashtags. No trending topics. No searchable topics. No DMs. If this is supposed to be a twitter copy but better then make it better!!!,1,2023-07-20 11:17:55 +App Store,"Sure there’s potential (it can’t be that hard to make a twitter clone), but it will not be useable until it has the option for a chronological timeline with only accounts I follow. Also, no website? Pull it together.",1,2023-07-18 04:41:56 +App Store,Instagram and Threads run on iPad but look unprofessional. Check out what some other devs are doing for the bigger screen - including twitter - for good interface ideas.,3,2023-07-08 21:25:38 +App Store,It’s like Twitter but I don’t want to crash my car at full speed into a brick wall. Five stars.,5,2023-07-08 18:10:43 +App Store,This app is decent however I don’t like that it’s hard to find threads that people you follow post,4,2023-07-08 01:12:54 +App Store,"i mean it’s better than twitter, you can interact with alot of people including celebrities just like yall are friends, some people say things should be added but idk i think the app is fine the way it is, it’s interesting fr and i hope it don’t die down cause we havin a good time on here 😂😂😂",5,2023-07-08 12:42:11 +App Store,I want to check out this app but don’t have Instagram nor do I want instagram. Please let people thread without needing Instagram,3,2023-07-08 09:26:59 +App Store,"The app loads up nice and quick, the interface is nice, and the profile set up was painless. But I can't post anything because the app just crashes every time I attempt to",2,2023-07-08 05:56:57 +App Store,Pretty good my only thing is I wish the hashtags I put worked so people that are in that hashtag can look at my posts if that is added that would be amazing,3,2023-07-07 23:11:27 +App Store,"App crashes everytime i want to post while using my ipad +App crashes everytime i want to post a photo while using my iphone",3,2023-07-07 08:08:48 +App Store,I'd love this app but while scrolling it's annoying. There's nothing I'd like. I just want the option to scroll by following. Unless I'm missing something,3,2023-07-07 04:10:58 +App Store,"There's a lot of people using it, which is great, but it crashes when you go to post, can't update your user profile, search doesn't exist, and most importantly, there's nothing like lists.",2,2023-07-07 02:59:55 +App Store,"(Im the first review) I never used instagram in my life only once to sign up and i dont even know my login. Im not about to download 2 apps just to use one. + +Fix this because i cant even use this without a insta account + +If you add a new regestration then more would probably use this mabye even me",1,2023-07-07 01:43:05 +App Store,The app is broken rn like I can't even post anything on there yet without it crashing every time,4,2023-07-06 20:03:08 +App Store,"Looks like I’m first to review? So far, it’s a breath of fresh air (downloaded literally 12 minutes ago)",5,2023-07-06 23:43:31 +App Store,So far so good but sometimes it won’t display new threads on home page and I wish there was an easier way to save images and videos.,3,2023-07-06 21:56:48 +App Store,"It’s pointless, to a certain degree. If you want to read about the news then Threads is for you. Pictures are included, but it still does not tell the story is visual setting. It reminds me of blank twitter. The screen is all white. There isn’t any color to draw me to the new, news. + +Zaid",1,2023-07-06 20:47:54 +App Store,Please add a translation button so that we can read what other countries are talking about.,4,2023-07-14 18:59:34 +App Store,"Twitter+ins=Threads,It's very best APP in 2023,and free to talk,also can follow my favourite youtuber in there!!! +I hope Threads can take translate entrance, because they can not to translate Japanese or Chinese lol",5,2023-07-06 15:31:32 +App Store,I am connecting with friends more! Now if only there was a GIF button 👀,5,2023-07-06 02:48:35 +App Store,"The activity tab doesn’t populate. Displays error stating “sorry, something went wrong. Try again.” + +No matter how many times the page is refreshed, the error is still displayed instead of the requested content.",1,2023-07-16 01:17:28 +App Store,"Large brands get all of the bandwidth and smaller creators get no reach. The scales are tipped way too far. + +I was hoping this would be more social and less media.",2,2023-07-15 03:21:23 +App Store,We need a live and close friends for this separate app from,4,2023-07-07 05:43:14 +App Store,"So you first have to have an Insta account or reActivate an Insta account. Hello: Threads designers… you don’t even offer a chance to users to run through a ‘forget password’ schema… For all the press, that design flaw alone tells me… feh…",2,2023-07-11 02:09:20 +App Store,Add translation to threads for the different conversations in different languages.,5,2023-07-10 00:03:36 +App Store,Used it for 1 day before it somehow bricked my Instagram account. Now I can no longer access threads or instagram. The god awful Meta support system leaves with me no way to actually get support to fix this either. Frustrating.,1,2023-07-09 16:19:48 +App Store,"What on Earth. I just opened the app and it says I should log in with my Instagram. I was even considering signing up on Instagram, but this app doesn’t. Even. Link. To. Signup. + +I can’t sign up to be on the app without leaving the app, downloading and installing and going to another app?",1,2023-07-08 17:58:54 +App Store,Nobody wants to see them blue checks… the celebrities..the ai composed threads…or half naked people. We want am app truly for us people/humans. No advertising. None of it. I like the layout I guess. It truly has potential if it wasn’t in competition with Twitter and a mass distraction.,2,2023-07-08 12:14:01 +App Store,"Very nice app. +Later on you could add a trending page and instead # …… create a =,* or + tag",5,2023-07-08 01:37:22 +App Store,"So far, interested in learning more about this….",5,2023-07-07 17:18:01 +App Store,So find notice you’re unable to switch accounts like you cannot Instagram please add that and please don’t overwhelm us with ads,3,2023-07-07 16:54:49 +App Store,"Seems like its gonna be better than twitter but right now it needs some improvements. Doesnt have hashtags yet, but i bet theyll add that. Elon Musk, watch out.",4,2023-07-07 04:14:41 +App Store,Everytime I try to click the posting button it kicks me out and won't let me do anything.,3,2023-07-07 02:42:00 +App Store,"There really aren’t enough features to call this a social media yet, I mean you can’t even dm ppl",4,2023-07-06 21:27:50 +App Store,It would be nice if there was a translation function.,4,2023-07-06 03:10:09 +App Store,"Haven’t even used the app for 24 hours and my feed is full of posts by people I don’t follow. I wouldn’t mind it if the posts aligned with my interests, but most do not. I haven’t seen any posts from the people I actually follow since the first hour I joined.",1,2023-07-06 19:39:37 +App Store,"I’m done with paywalls and all the crap twitter is installing. I’ll be here from now on. + +Better platform overall.",5,2023-07-06 18:07:21 +App Store,Imagine a txt based network like Twitter minus Musk’s fawning fanbois and insanely stupid hot takes being forced on you 24/7. Is this bliss?,5,2023-07-06 12:07:13 +App Store,Than any other social media app out there,4,2023-07-09 04:19:24 +App Store,I will update after using the app for few days!,5,2023-07-06 00:14:45 +App Store,Good concept and I liked it when it worked but it stopped working for some reason. Every time I try to click on a thread it says content not available. Same with clicking on a profile.,1,2023-07-18 12:15:03 +App Store,At this point I have muted and blocked more Threads accounts than I have followed. There’s no way to chronologically organize my timeline and only see threads from accounts I follow. It’s a hot mess right now and I cannot recommend downloading the Threads app.,1,2023-07-17 23:55:16 +App Store,I haven’t been able to post or repost in the past day. I even made sure I had the latest app update. What gives?,3,2023-07-14 21:53:01 +App Store,If you don’t mind about ideas and data stealing this app is for you. The main reason I gave it 1 star is the loading speed. I have 1gbps and still see the loading flower. Frustrating copy of other well-working app.,1,2023-07-13 13:15:08 +App Store,"I am trying to find the 'no star' button, for God's sake. If you want to copy something, please ensure it is done correctly. Additionally, there are no messages, hashtags, background photos, or polls. It would be better if you developed the app first and then invited us to use it.",1,2023-07-12 13:52:10 +App Store,"1. Please let us view only the people we follow or choose to view the all threaders. + +2. Always on for dark mode.",3,2023-07-08 14:07:27 +App Store,Why do I have to have an Instagram in order to sign up? Thanks but until this gets fixed I’ll have to pass.,3,2023-07-08 03:23:42 +App Store,I do not wish to have a badge on my instagram profile with the threads @ even after deactivating the account without affecting my instagram account. So it’s ridiculous that I have a reminder of this app when I don’t want to have it.,1,2023-07-08 09:28:30 +App Store,It would be good if it has people i follow and people who i follow in separate. But so far so good. 🤍,5,2023-07-08 04:09:14 +App Store,"Clean, smooth and “feel good” community. No negativity as we all experience on the bird app. Keep this up!",5,2023-07-07 06:51:25 +App Store,"Before downloading this, look at all of the information they are collecting from you. Why are they gathering your health and fitness, your purchases, location, search history, and financial info? While it is ‘new and exciting’ remember these are not good people.",1,2023-07-07 10:46:06 +App Store,"For once I’m not late to the app, and I’m on time. I’m obsessed. This app may be strongly addicting and may cause depression for Elon Musk…",5,2023-07-07 04:20:15 +App Store,The fact that the fascists hate it is enough reason to give it a go.,5,2023-07-07 03:04:57 +App Store,"While it’s still missing some key features, it’s like Twitter but cleaner and safer. Curious to see where this plays out.",4,2023-07-06 22:04:40 +App Store,So much easier to work with. I love how easy this app as an easy interface. The bird app is trash,5,2023-07-07 01:39:54 +App Store,Wanted to be first for a review! Love the concept of this app. Can’t wait to see where it goes!,5,2023-07-07 00:08:18 +App Store,NEEDS a following page that’s displayed in chronological view. How this missed the first release I’ll never know.,4,2023-07-06 20:34:29 +App Store,"i’m already loving this app but i need gifs. also i think it should have a based on what you like algorithm!! other than that, love it.",4,2023-07-07 16:29:47 +App Store,Y’all this app is so much better then you know who lol,5,2023-07-06 03:34:57 +App Store,Right now the only complaint I have is that so many people show up in my feed who I don’t follow. Is this the way it will be or will you fix this?,3,2023-07-06 02:13:06 +App Store,"So finally after thrilling match between Mark and Elon, Mark won the match. +Now match between Twitter vs Thread 🤝",5,2023-07-06 00:49:29 +App Store,"When Twitter tried to force accounts people don’t follow into their timeline, people hated it. Don’t be like Twitter. Add an option to only show people you follow.",3,2023-07-06 00:24:28 +App Store,We will get together tomorrow,5,2023-07-21 07:33:34 +App Store,it's originally developed to beat twitter but it cannot take twitter users. it is a mere copy of twitter and another form of instagram. it will divide instgram users but twitter users will stay where they belongs. as Elon says free of speech is the key to the platform but Threads lacks of it.,2,2023-07-14 02:51:15 +App Store,"I’ve gone through the prompts and tried to delete my account as well as my badge multiple times, and it keeps showing up on my profile. This is not cool.",1,2023-07-13 19:42:11 +App Store,"So it doesn’t matter who I follow, I still only see clickbait and random people. So far it is not appealing to me. I don’t care about social media influencers.",3,2023-07-12 00:53:31 +App Store,"If this app is gonna be better or at least equivalent to twitter it needs a few things. + +- Followed Users Timeline (this is the biggest one) +- Let us rewind videos +- Better search function, why can we ONLY search for usernames? +- Let us keep track of our liked and favorited posts +- DMs??? Meta has Messenger, why is there no integration or a built in DM feature?",3,2023-07-11 04:44:17 +App Store,actually user safe no nudity facebook guidelines,5,2023-07-09 04:59:49 +App Store,"I never had instagram account simply because they think I violated something when in fact I never even had instagram account, I bet many more of us out there, so is this how the garbage instagram going to beat twitter? +Trash",1,2023-07-09 01:01:04 +App Store,I dont even want to go on the app anymore because I see so much random stuff. Fix it to where I only see what my friends post.,2,2023-07-08 14:48:51 +App Store,"Love this app so far! Well done, Zuck! Please start making electric cars, too.",5,2023-07-08 07:47:35 +App Store,"Easy to look at, functions well but I do not care about 98% of these people on my feed. Let me filter it to following only",3,2023-07-08 06:35:05 +App Store,The twitter killer is way way better already,5,2023-07-07 17:21:23 +App Store,"So far, it’s very promising. I have very little complaints, I’m enjoying the experience. If you’ve used twitter, it’s a similar concept.",4,2023-07-06 21:07:09 +App Store,"But I feel like hashtags would help smaller creators out, since it seems like you gotta be popular for this app to really work out. + +Tags would at least give smaller creators a chance to be seen tbh",2,2023-07-07 16:12:40 +App Store,"App crashes when I try to post or reply, but content is solid.",3,2023-07-07 05:42:53 +App Store,I was scared of twitter but now I feel a little better and I’m liking this app a lot,5,2023-07-07 05:23:57 +App Store,Idk it look almost exactly like twitter. There’s no discover or anything your feed is just random sprinkled with a few of your followed pages. But I can wait till it hopefully gets better…?,2,2023-07-07 03:46:43 +App Store,I can't post or reply to other's posts. Each time I tap either button to post or reply the app crashes. I've reinstalled the app and I'm running iOS 15.7.7 on the model SE,2,2023-07-06 21:18:07 +App Store,Discovered that the iOS Keyboard behavior “Slide on Floating Keyboard to Type” must be Disabled - otherwise when replying to a Thread the iOS Keyboard covers the Post button.,4,2023-07-06 06:08:37 +App Store,"As soon as I click on comment or to create a thread, it shuts down. I've restarted and done lots of reinstallation. Please fix",3,2023-07-06 20:38:17 +App Store,"although it’s still a new app, i’m confident this app will be in my top 3 most used apps within the next couple weeks. + +instagram is a fairly run, pretty good app all things considered. it has a decent moderation system (still a couple inconsistencies) and the layout is generally pretty cute. + +i’m already liking the layout of this app, although i hope sometime soon they add a dm feature. i know instagram already has dms but i think it would be easier to share threads with people through dms via threads. + +great for how quickly it came out though!",5,2023-07-06 19:06:42 +App Store,Threads is a very amusing and entertaining app although adding more features would be welcomed 👍🏻,5,2023-07-06 18:43:06 +App Store,And that should be enough to make you want to download it.,4,2023-07-08 17:30:50 +App Store,Please add DMs/group chats and way to search up terms. Otherwise looks great.,5,2023-07-06 00:23:21 +App Store,I would like to log in my business account but it won’t let me get my password to log in.. please fix that. I can only log in my personal account.,2,2023-07-19 09:59:13 +App Store,"This app is just terrible. It’s super boring and is ant free speech. I never should’ve downloaded it because if you want to delete your account, it’s not possible unless you also want to delete your Instagram account too!",1,2023-07-17 15:30:33 +App Store,hello! I really want to download threads and try it out BUT! I know that people who have tried to delete their threads can’t without it deleting their entire Instagram account. I really don’t like that at all. I refuse to make an account and start using it until this issue is resolved.,1,2023-07-13 15:51:35 +App Store,So I would’ve loved to leave a good review but the first thing I noticed was that I didn’t even get a number from my thread account and I accidentally deleted the thread and I want to know how I am able to recover it because It won’t come back .,1,2023-07-12 22:57:50 +App Store,"Would love to use this app the same way I use Instagram, switching between multiple business accounts. That’s the main downside",2,2023-07-12 00:52:14 +App Store,Responsive interfaces have been a thing for a while now. You should look into it. Currently does not scale to iPad full screen.,3,2023-07-11 00:47:32 +App Store,"Was really good until yesterday, when I try commenting on a post the app closes automatically",3,2023-07-08 19:42:58 +App Store,"Crashes if I try to post, made sure my phone and apps were updated still crashes every single time",2,2023-07-08 07:10:42 +App Store,I don't know cus is new but when i try to go to comment section the app closed,4,2023-07-07 00:23:25 +App Store,I like the app. But I think it would better to implement hashtags to find relevant posts for folks to find like minded folks .,4,2023-07-08 22:54:31 +App Store,I actually liked threads more than twitter.,5,2023-07-06 20:57:57 +App Store,"Haven’t gotten any bugs yet- fun, entertaining and I enjoy the app so far",5,2023-07-06 20:01:31 +App Store,"So far, Threads seems like a great social media/networking app to talk to people and connect.",5,2023-07-06 19:56:23 +App Store,"Everything good and like the idea of a new twitter app, but it has many bugs and crashes",3,2023-07-06 19:00:49 +App Store,"As a self-proclaimed professional Twitter user, Threads is cleaner, more intuitive, and less crowded.",5,2023-07-06 14:52:00 +App Store,"Well, I don’t like seeing threads from people that I do not know and have not followed on my home page. It’s really annoying",3,2023-07-06 13:57:39 +App Store,"Actually enjoying this so far. +Crazy? I was crazy once.",5,2023-07-06 03:30:50 +App Store,Day one and I’m impressed so far. Super easy to use and connect with real people.,5,2023-07-06 01:10:14 +App Store,About to speed run an account ban. Treating it like twitter. Will update when banned,5,2023-07-05 23:34:37 +App Store,We will get together,5,2023-07-21 07:37:45 +App Store,"Definitely needs some sort of filter for the lime line, like a “for you/following” option like on Twitter. You’re constantly bombarded with content you likely don’t care about.",2,2023-07-11 15:09:10 +App Store,"So I downloaded the threads app and found I had only one option to join: “Login with Instagram.” Had I wanted to join Instagram, I would have done so. Apparently no other option to join Threads. Delete! Can’t say I didn’t try.",1,2023-07-11 00:07:15 +App Store,"Please add +• a list of our following only +• a feed of just following +• “save image” option",4,2023-07-07 19:08:54 +App Store,This app gets access to your personal information including your Health! They could be selling this data! Look at Facebook! FB can hear your phone or tablet microphone. If you already downloaded this app. Too late.,1,2023-07-08 20:57:53 +App Store,It’s actually a pretty nice app and I love it I’ve been using it allot ever since it came out,5,2023-07-08 20:20:43 +App Store,"Finally a social media app that doesn’t mess with my anxiety, depression, FOMO and body dysmorphia.",5,2023-07-08 19:50:50 +App Store,"What the tile is this review said… + + Also fix the algorithmic feed",5,2023-07-07 23:20:07 +App Store,"I think this is a bad move and just a bully move to not allow people to delete the user on the app unless they delete their instagram, i get that you want to have a user count to brag against twitter but this not lawful.",1,2023-07-07 18:50:25 +App Store,"i think you should make it easier to switch accounts instead of having to log out and then log into another account, make it something similar to insta. i also think you should make it where you can double tap to like a post",4,2023-07-06 18:44:35 +App Store,My account was fine until I used this and going back and forth through the apps kept causing me to get logged out. Now I can’t log back into ig because it say try again in a few minutes,1,2023-07-07 18:30:22 +App Store,"I just prefer to use instagram where I can follow more celebrities and more friends. The platform itself looks like another instagram. Nothing new, they just changed the words and the names for each function.",1,2023-07-07 17:50:03 +App Store,I have wroten this before 1k reviews. One day I might be famous because of this.😎,5,2023-07-07 10:42:13 +App Store,"I like it, much better than Twitter, all ins friends",5,2023-07-07 05:36:50 +App Store,"I’m over exaggerating about the 5 stars but it’s actually pretty good literally IG but I like it + +This review makes no sense😭",5,2023-07-07 04:22:29 +App Store,I made an account less than 5 mins ago went to follow someone who also made an account today 7/6/23 and they’re already censored….how is that possible? I’m headed back to Twitter. Also the design and layout is awful,1,2023-07-07 03:03:45 +App Store,"If you want instagrams discovery page with a hint of twitter, choose Thread. One thing going for Twitter is the trending tab and until Threads implements a similar feature, Twitter will have just an edge.",3,2023-07-06 22:47:15 +App Store,"Good concept to try and have a Twitter feel, but the homepage shows literally NO posts from accounts I’m following. Just random ones. I don’t understand why these apps think we want constant suggestions and not just show us what we follow???????",1,2023-07-06 20:26:51 +App Store,Seems pretty cool so far. Missing standard social media features but keep at it Devs. You got something here,4,2023-07-06 02:41:12 +App Store,"The app keeps crashing everytime I try to repost or reply or try to post anything. The moment I press the write post button in bottom panels of five, it just force closes.",2,2023-07-06 17:20:41 +App Store,"I’m loving threads already but I think the colour of the app icon would better if it takes the colour of instagram. +Let’s add edit button feature 🙏🏽",3,2023-07-06 10:14:18 +App Store,"I installed this app but when I try to post something new or leave a comment for others the app closes automatically. +iOS version 15.7.6",2,2023-07-06 07:11:39 +App Store,No limit on posts you can look at and less incel Andrew Tate stans,5,2023-07-24 19:01:06 +App Store,Threads community is hands down the best I have been a part of.,5,2023-07-17 02:21:01 +App Store,Please fix the app. I can’t post or see notifications. I can’t view my activity or anyone’s activity. I’ve reported the problem multiple times and still have the same issue. I’m very unhappy with this app.,1,2023-07-23 20:02:40 +App Store,"My account was accused of using bots or scraping data. I've ONLY ever used this app, with my own hands. Suspended for 3 days now pending some idiot looking at my selfie. Complete garbage user experience. Still waiting.",2,2023-07-21 15:41:19 +App Store,"It’s still so frustrating!! I had only three threads posted and after that chaos. I can’t see my threads, nor my friends, and my cannot interact with others. I can’t comment. I am just a viewer. +Very bad experience.",1,2023-07-21 04:11:40 +App Store,"My app suddenly began to shut down or crashes whenever I try to make a thread whether by writing or attaching a photo.. +I've deleted/ uninstalled and installed several times yet it crashes...I can't make a post or thread",1,2023-07-10 14:57:26 +App Store,I have tried every day. I got my ticket on instagram and downloaded threads. When I click on my name I get message “Limit how often you can do things on Instagram….” and can’t get in. I hit TELL US which does nothing. Don’t know where to get help.,1,2023-07-09 18:04:28 +App Store,"Needs an “accept all” button for follower requests +Currently broken",4,2023-07-07 03:13:53 +App Store,"you can’t get it back which is ridiculous and i hope they patch that. anyway, the app is cool so far will be cool to see wat they do w it",3,2023-07-08 20:58:18 +App Store,I don’t want to see people who I don’t follow or care about. Typical Instagram forcing accounts me that I don’t want to see. Just show me the accounts I follow like Twitter does.,3,2023-07-08 15:05:22 +App Store,This app was only created because since elon bought twitter & exposed how social media platforms sell out to the government & suppress freedom of speech!! I hope this app fails which I know it won’t because of all the brainwashed people in this country but that’s life,1,2023-07-08 10:02:09 +App Store,This isn’t a standalone product. You have to make an instagram account to use it. It’s only meant to be a way to increase new accounts for IG. Services that can only be accessed via linked social media accounts are scary and should be avoided for their datamining alone.,1,2023-07-08 06:40:03 +App Store,Allow us to use multiple instagrams to sign into.,3,2023-07-08 01:24:33 +App Store,"Can't post or comment on other people's post because the app immediately crashes. Tried reinstalling, logging out, using a different phone. As it is right now, it's useless to me.",1,2023-07-07 21:40:44 +App Store,Better than twitter I like that it was made out of spite,5,2023-07-07 16:17:46 +App Store,"I can’t see any notifications, the screen will not load",3,2023-07-07 14:04:01 +App Store,"When will meta stop taking other people ideas n just come up with there own? It’s getting out of hand / from what’s-app, vine , snap chat with the stories, smh now twitter/ mark need to be more creative/ meta n facebook is getting played out😤",1,2023-07-07 11:22:21 +App Store,I like this app except I wish I did not have to see random people's threads on the home page and instead just people I follow.,3,2023-07-07 06:54:36 +App Store,Needs a “following only” page & better content capabilities/discoverability. Minor glitches.,4,2023-07-06 00:20:14 +App Store,"You cannot delete this app without deleting your IG account of which I’ve worked hard +to keep!!!! So bummed I downloaded this app. Please stop hoarding my personal information on an app I cannot delete just to check out.",1,2023-07-07 01:28:08 +App Store,I accidentally “joined” this app and I cannot remove the badge even though there is an option to do so. It keeps coming back when I refresh. Is there anyway to stop that from happening?,1,2023-07-06 19:22:22 +App Store,"Threads link was removed from my Instagram bio by accident, how do I get it back?",5,2023-07-06 15:58:42 +App Store,Very easy to use. Easy to learn and follow. Easy to sync from Instagram,5,2023-07-06 08:49:38 +App Store,Cause we needed another platform within a platform -djvip510,5,2023-07-06 05:58:36 +App Store,Finally nice to be connecting in an environment where I don’t feel like I need a shower afterwards. Nice job Zuck!,5,2023-07-06 01:08:49 +App Store,I can’t wait until the end of the world.,5,2023-07-05 23:58:54 +App Store,We will get together tomorrow,5,2023-07-21 07:33:40 +App Store,I would like to see a trending page added of some kind,4,2023-07-07 02:52:11 +App Store,We will get together tomorrow,5,2023-07-21 07:33:34 +App Store,"I like the app and interacting on it. It’s way better than Twitter because it’s not a toxic cesspool like Twitter and to a lesser extent Instagram. + +The one star is because it seems to be a major privacy violator. Why does threads need my health data? My financial data? Absolutely ridiculous.",1,2023-07-19 22:04:15 +App Store,I accidentally hid the badge from my Instagram page and I can’t seem to put it back on my bio. Plz fix that,3,2023-07-16 08:01:28 +App Store,You basically only see posts from big mainstream media you don’t even follow. I only ever saw a post from someone I actually followed maybe twice. Waste of time if you can’t find anything unique.,1,2023-07-15 11:11:02 +App Store,"WHY ARE YOU TRACKING HEALTH APP & SENSITIVE DATA?! +Love the app and happy to have an alternative to Twitter. But it is NOT COOL that you’re tracking sensitive data that you TRULY have no right to. That’s messed up. +Writing my congressional reps next.",3,2023-07-13 02:12:34 +App Store,"I left FB and Instagram for personal reasons, but I enjoyed Twitter, and Threads seemed like a good alternative, but not so much because I need my instagram account active, which I don’t want. It’s disappointing, I hope they reconsider.",1,2023-07-10 14:25:03 +App Store,"Color me disappointed. I don’t like to link my social media accounts and the only way to even try out Threads is to link it through IG. I wanted to create a separate account, but can’t. Guess I will delete it.",1,2023-07-10 01:05:46 +App Store,Who’s idea was it to release a new app without any way to create a new account for it? Am I expected to download Instagram so that I can sign up there? Absolutely ridiculous for a new platform trying to establish itself.,1,2023-07-09 01:56:12 +App Store,"No one needs another inane social media ad platform, but you’re pathetic for taking the name of an existing product and screwing up their ability to build something of value for customers. Hope you get sued.",1,2023-07-08 19:09:10 +App Store,The backbone of the rival app are ppl who don’t want their fb or IG followers following their threads/tweets so please allow us to signup with using/linking IG account. Thanks. Once that’s done I’ll be back.,3,2023-07-07 16:42:16 +App Store,I have friends and mutual whose content is buried behind Ellen and Hank Green. I don’t care what celebs and popular people have to say. IG does this with suggested posts and it’s the worst. Just show me what my friends are up to. It’s not that hard.,1,2023-07-07 12:41:30 +App Store,"App is terrible. A rip off of Twitter and Zuck just wants to be Elon so bad. These clowns in these reviews saying Twitter is dead are just full of it and just be bots. Enjoy your one sided views on everything, with no opinions from the other side to promote discussion and critical thinking. Uninstalling immediately.",1,2023-07-07 11:58:07 +App Store,"It’s pretty much a beta app. It has no features whatsoever, the timeline is really bad. But the design and stuff are superb but it has a long way to go to even remotely be considered Twitter’s rival.",3,2023-07-07 07:49:34 +App Store,I know this app is going to blow up it’s much like twitter but somewhat better,5,2023-07-07 06:33:09 +App Store,There should be a following only page where I see only the people I follow and a mutuals part where I can follow people I might know,3,2023-07-07 05:46:40 +App Store,"Im sorry Instagram, but this app is not good at all. It is so annoying that others cant delete friend requests on their insta from threads. Please fix it when you can, or please just delete this app. Its really not it in my opinion",1,2023-07-07 03:55:55 +App Store,Why does it collect so much information it has no business having? You also can’t delete your account once you make one without deleting your Instagram account as well.,1,2023-07-07 03:04:34 +App Store,"So far so good. Would be great to search keywords like we do on IG and find related Threads. Also, would love an option to enter GIFs like Instagram as well.",3,2023-07-07 01:01:00 +App Store,its not letting me remove the badge from my profile and it keeps coming back up and i find it completely inconsiderate that we cant felt the app data without deleting instagram for your benefit,1,2023-07-07 01:28:02 +App Store,"Clean view, wish you could only see people you follow in chronological order.",4,2023-07-06 22:08:24 +App Store,Y’all should add where we can add more than one account,5,2023-07-07 00:04:39 +App Store,It'd be nice if the app didn't crash every time I try to reply to someone. Not able to do much networking in this social networking app right now.,2,2023-07-06 22:10:57 +App Store,Needed to log back into threads but forgot my main password. Password recovery isn’t working saying “invalid parameters”.,4,2023-07-06 16:24:56 +App Store,There's no way to view posts from just the people you follow. The home page is like 95% random people that nobody cares about,3,2023-07-06 18:53:02 +App Store,Apparently this app takes all your bank account info because one day after using the app all my money just disappeared for Instagram advertising charges which I did not allow. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS APP,1,2023-07-06 18:41:30 +App Store,"I hope it’s not only on the first day this is good, hope it goes on forever.",5,2023-07-06 17:24:38 +App Store,Why isn’t there a way to view what posts you like?,4,2023-07-23 00:56:14 +App Store,So far it’s just chaos. The home feed is filled with people I do not follow and not in chronological order. Just a mess of noise and garbage. I’ll give it some time and hopefully a few settings can be changed to fix it.,2,2023-07-06 12:38:20 +App Store,Same feature as twitter does but cooler ig so far wil update eventually,5,2023-07-06 07:34:13 +App Store,"For the lord’s sake, stop copying other apps and bring back the old Instagram +The reels were a nice idea but now it’s getting worse +Posts are not getting much attention and many people are upset abt it including me +Bring back the old Instagram.",1,2023-07-05 23:45:32 +App Store,"app runs wellish. there needs to be a following only page cause i see too many random people i don’t care about, i never get notifications for the people i have them on for, the interface is so cold and dull it makes me feel like i’m in a hospital but in app form",3,2023-07-16 01:40:26 +App Store,"I loved it since I joined but the last week or so I haven’t been able to do anything. I can’t post, can’t see my previous posts, and can’t see any activities.",2,2023-07-20 13:49:41 +App Store,"It’s a copycat app that requires too many permissions. In addition, it is an anti-science app that is dangerous to the world as the very nature of science requires we ask questions. So when there’s a pandemic or some other disaster only biased information is allowed.",1,2023-07-18 22:48:36 +App Store,Okay I would like to have this but I just don’t want to make an insta account just to get this app. And I probably sound stupid for saying this cuz I’m sure everyone else knew this but oh well lol.,1,2023-07-18 04:15:50 +App Store,instagrams algorithm works better for me. on tw***** the algorithm shows me things that are harmful to my mental health. on threads i don’t have to worry about that. it’s just cute art that i like. it’s simple. i like this more. i don’t understand the complaints personally.,5,2023-07-15 22:19:26 +App Store,"Such a great app, easy to use & super easy to connect with people! Definitely a super fun app to relax!",5,2023-07-15 03:13:41 +App Store,Just does everything better than Twitter,5,2023-07-10 13:46:06 +App Store,The lack of hashtags and a good way of searching for information makes this app hard to use. I just see a bunch of memes about Twitter being dead and nothing of substance; I was not a haven instagram user so perhaps that’s why?,1,2023-07-13 01:12:45 +App Store,"He is a business man only, a quite hypercritical person, not an real entrepreneurs who take on social responsibilities. If Facebook use this app to replace twitter, all social media Facebook, IG, will controlled by his company Meta. Not a trustworthy person and company.",1,2023-07-10 17:23:33 +App Store,I can’t even see the posts of people I follow. It just shows the posts of annoying randos.,3,2023-07-21 09:46:15 +App Store,Copy or not. I believe it has its own touch to it and I’m loving the app,5,2023-07-10 08:07:44 +App Store,Tried stealing our account because before we got the app our instagram was working perfectly fine but as soon as we got it our accs started messing up,1,2023-07-10 06:52:35 +App Store,"If you like censorship and ignorant people that only wants the leftist ideas and not open to all ideas then this is the app for you, like everything that goes woke this too will go broke. The left hates people who doesn’t agree with them.",1,2023-07-08 18:22:15 +App Store,I liked it like everyone got it but don’t ruin it and it was such a fun app it’s nice good.,5,2023-07-08 17:02:54 +App Store,This app is great because it has nothing to do with Elon Musk,5,2023-07-08 15:00:48 +App Store,"I downloaded and deleted the second it told me I needed an Instagram account to use it. I ain’t playing that game. Just like when Facebook decided you needed the messenger app to read message, I never once opened another Facebook message lol.",1,2023-07-07 23:53:27 +App Store,I wish I were able to see what I’ve liked and also don’t want to see random people all over. I wish it was more centered on who I follow and people who are relevant to them.,2,2023-07-07 13:45:38 +App Store,"Can’t sign up to use this app, because Meat is dumb. Want to join threads, cool! Now, to download this second app we have, sign up on it, verify you information and THEN we will let you create an account on here… + +Yeah, no, I’ll just wait for twitter to die.",1,2023-07-06 16:49:57 +App Store,"Meta, you seriously had the simplest assignment. What is the point of this if we can’t even see the posts of people we’re following? My feed is entirely verified account and people I DONT CARE to see. +I’ll be deleting this app. What a disappointment, but I’m not surprised.",1,2023-07-06 05:17:38 +App Store,Way cleaner and nicer than twitter. Let’s see in a couple years what has changed….,5,2023-07-06 03:30:36 +App Store,great app needs some updates,5,2023-07-06 00:22:46 +App Store,I don’t like how I lose my spot reading every time I refresh. And I don��t like that accounts that I don’t follow are the main ones on my timeline.,3,2023-07-09 13:23:56 +App Store,"The latest Instagram update is defective, now update 292.0 for Threads causes the up to be unable to load my feed. Very frustrating.",2,2023-07-18 21:08:07 +App Store,"Never using a facebook / meta based app, just look at how much data they are taking from you. Plus, they have a history of misusing data. Not trusting Mark on this one, back to twitter.",1,2023-07-18 17:58:15 +App Store,"Let me start off by saying that this app is literally tracking EVERYTHING you do. Go get educated before you sign up. +Not to mention that it’s every thing twitter is already, so why would I wanna sign up for this. +Hard pass",1,2023-07-11 05:00:08 +App Store,The notifications are so delayed. Like it’ll be like ‘this person just posted now’ and it’s a post from like 3 days ago. it’s so annoying 😭,2,2023-07-10 04:30:49 +App Store,"It's not a good app and it will steal ALL of your personal info. Check out the ""privacy"" info. And if you decide you don't like it and want to delete your account you have to delete your Instagram to do it. +HARD PASS.",1,2023-07-10 00:20:12 +App Store,I have noticed as of Friday that once I click on the icon to write a thread I get kicked out of the app 🥴. I have to uninstall at least once per day (so that it functions properly).,2,2023-07-09 11:15:12 +App Store,"The application is very bad, there are many problems, but rather a program and it takes me out of the application without any reason when I click on the comments",1,2023-07-08 18:18:03 +App Store,please tell me whay I cant read my replys😑💔and show me some messages like this👆🏻,4,2023-07-07 18:36:25 +App Store,Deleted pretty quickly. Wanted to like it. My feed was filled with posts from users I didn’t want or ask to follow. The content was random and irrelevant. I wish I could have started with a blank slate and choose who I follow.,1,2023-07-08 05:29:17 +App Store,"Wondering minds would like to know why is app sharing all info, contact info, etc. I think I’m gonna have to delete this app. That’s all people are getting hacked people people people people people fix it, but",1,2023-07-08 05:21:23 +App Store,"So far so good, cool app, angry Elon doesn’t give me compensation after depreciating my car thousands of dollars.",5,2023-07-08 04:31:53 +App Store,"This app is already amazing and smooth all you need to do it listen to feedback and you’ll kick Twitter off the planet, GO THREADS #### TWITTER",5,2023-07-07 22:59:48 +App Store,"1. Needs an iPad app. +2. A separate page for people that I follow. +3. An explore page. +4. Direct messaging.",4,2023-07-06 22:17:55 +App Store,"Seems functional, nice",5,2023-07-07 08:17:59 +App Store,"to: zucc, cc. cambridge analytica & co + +Pls add follower only feed & trending tab all I ask. Tired of algorithm-interaction-based socials, just want to see what's happening now & what people I follow are doing without the echo chamber of Mastodon. + +thx. xoxo.",3,2023-07-07 03:37:05 +App Store,Seamless interface with Instagram and better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 02:09:19 +App Store,I dont know about you. This is app is working very well,5,2023-07-07 00:05:48 +App Store,"This app is awesome. Let’s move off greedy Twitter run by a lunatic, everyone.",5,2023-07-06 23:08:56 +App Store,the threads community would REALLY love an inbox where we can reply to peoples threads & have conversations privately.,5,2023-07-06 22:19:53 +App Store,"Are hashtags gonna be added to this app? Other than that, I really like this app. 😁",5,2023-07-06 16:02:58 +App Store,The home feed is full of people I do not follow and do not care to hear from. If it would only show the people I follow in chronological order then it would be amazing!,2,2023-07-06 21:57:53 +App Store,"Loving the vibe, the celebrities and the app overall with its tens of tiny hidden delights. Twi… who? Threads is here to stay!",5,2023-07-06 13:00:20 +App Store,"Looks good, please add group chat and top trend section❤️",5,2023-07-06 10:09:58 +App Store,This is the next big thing in social media. Well done.,5,2023-07-06 03:09:14 +App Store,"Well I decided to give this a shot, within the first five minutes, I’m blocking a lot of accounts that I do not care for so basically this will be like Facebook and Instagram were you see ads every 3 to 4 posts.",1,2023-07-06 04:24:47 +App Store,Haven’t been on the app yet but if it’s anything like 2013 twitter you’re a winner.,5,2023-07-06 01:59:12 +App Store,"Great idea but friends are hard to discover on the app,",5,2023-07-06 00:33:34 +App Store,If I hide it from my account is there a way to get it back?,4,2023-07-06 21:23:18 +App Store,It's good so far but it need to add a little more features. Like for you thread and Follow thread. The threads need to be in order.,5,2023-07-06 00:22:47 +App Store,"Been in the app for 30 seconds, my feed is full of blue checkmarks that I don’t follow and can’t seem to unfollow. Refreshed my feed and saw an obvious scam. This app has been live for what, an hour? + +Why is it so hard to only show the people I want to follow in my feed?",1,2023-07-05 23:38:37 +App Store,I love the idea of threads and I would prefer it over twitter but I hate the fact that I do NOT see any posts from the ones I follow. I DONT care about the #foryou. I want to support my friends….,2,2023-07-19 21:44:17 +App Store,"Probably launched way too soon, right now it is just a dump of everything. Just pure garbage content dump to make it feel busy. + +No search, no specific interest topics, no followers only, nothing.",1,2023-07-16 14:09:02 +App Store,"On Friday July 14, we got an update. Now my feed is full of accounts I don’t follow. Like on day one. Horrible. Willing to give some time but first update makes it all worse?",2,2023-07-15 04:31:45 +App Store,Please in posts and reply button add reaction .,5,2023-07-12 16:26:20 +App Store,I remember back in the day when we use to copy CD’s with CDburners and sometimes copying just failed and it didn’t work. A lot of missing features that twitter has. Also why would anyone signup for another censored social media app.,1,2023-07-11 03:15:30 +App Store,Fine for folks that live on their phone but for “the rest of us” the lack of a web interface makes it useless.,1,2023-07-10 14:38:31 +App Store,Projects need to get off Twitter and stop requiring Twitter and move to threads or lens Phaver,5,2023-07-09 18:59:23 +App Store,"Sorry just gonna say it. I hate it I tried and tried but this app was worse then when twitter was owned by the previous twitter owner. At least the OG app *cough**cough* twitter shows more promise than this. And truth be told ""Threads"" came and started on twitter. Sorry dudes",1,2023-07-09 15:54:37 +App Store,Overall I would not waste your time on this one. It is very similar to other apps and really adds nothing original. Very low creative content as well.,1,2023-07-08 19:13:07 +App Store,Twitter can go eat a d*** so here’s to hoping this works 🤞🤞🤞,5,2023-07-07 18:39:19 +App Store,"No way to limit timeline to people you follow/are interested in, so it just shows a bunch of junk I don't care to see. + +Was really interested and hopeful but basic features are missing so its just not useful.",1,2023-07-07 15:45:20 +App Store,"How can I add my thread number back on? I clicked hide, now I want it shown. Thank you.",5,2023-07-07 15:18:22 +App Store,"It's a good top app, but please can y'all put the unhide badge thread number on settings",5,2023-07-07 03:29:13 +App Store,🖤I love that we can all thread lightly with this platform. Threads have made me sew inspired and believe I will become a threadsetter.,5,2023-07-07 02:33:20 +App Store,"Downloaded it, synced all the pages I follow and it worked great. Fast forward a couple of hours and none of the pages I follow are in my feed. Not a single one. I get suggesting pages I may like, but come on. Deleted.",1,2023-07-07 01:54:05 +App Store,I prefer threading and sewing than hearing all the noise from the birds 🤭,5,2023-07-06 19:23:46 +App Store,"Banned within 30 minutes. Hadn’t even posted anything besides “threads needs dms” + +You also can only use it if you have an instagram. Which I never had one. Made one just to see and boom banned in 30 mins on launch day. Sad.",1,2023-07-06 17:06:47 +App Store,Love the simplicity of the app. Only complaint is you can’t add to share your location in a post.,4,2023-07-06 14:53:10 +App Store,"Can’t lie, it’s pretty good so far could see the progress :)",5,2023-07-06 15:56:25 +App Store,"So I had enough time to use this app and it’s going places + +All I wish for is: +The ability to have multiple accounts like instagram +More settings +Stories should be on threads also +Direct messaging (end to end encrypted) +And others but overall it’s a very great app",4,2023-07-06 01:18:36 +App Store,It needs Direct Message And Calling Voice and Videos,4,2023-07-07 21:15:02 +App Store,OK let’s not mess this one up with all the overregulation,5,2023-07-06 00:59:40 +App Store,"Threads is very intuitive and easy to use, I haven’t come across any glitches so far but my timeline is super busy with threats from people. I’m not even following.",2,2023-07-06 00:25:38 +App Store,App looks great but too much data is being collected.,5,2023-07-05 23:56:37 +App Store,"It feels empty, like the first two weeks of twitter. a lot of the feed comes from generic noface accounts meant to increase interactions. It feels like one of those impressive and built to a T north korean cities, just missing the people and life.",1,2023-07-19 09:58:44 +App Store,I downloaded it and imported all my stuff from IG but see literally NONE of them. All I see are ads. I’ve blocked as many as possible until I was just tired of it.,2,2023-07-08 19:24:21 +App Store,"1. My feed shows BRANDS and INFLUENCERS and NOT the people I follow. +2. Access to news/journalism is censored, because Zuck wants you focused on BRANDS and INFLUENCERS. +3. No logic to the sorting. + +This a huge fail and missed opportunity and I’m going to go back to be completely social media-free.",1,2023-07-08 16:49:33 +App Store,"This one is not for me, plus it is like all the “influencers” got a notification saying to promote it because they’re all saying the same thing and pushing followers to join. One more way for Meta to get data #hardpass",1,2023-07-08 12:45:13 +App Store,"I posted: ""why do they need access to everything on my phone? Who is Zuck selling all my information to?"" Less than a minute later they had removed it as a violation of community standards!!! Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-08 00:56:45 +App Store,They are working on some quality of life issues and threads. But it works and it’s good and I’ll never be back on Twitter.,4,2023-07-06 15:56:22 +App Store,"I really hate that threads goings around the Instagrams private wall.. + +Also beware you can’t delete the threads account without deleting the Instagram account connected to it. This needs to be fixed.",1,2023-07-07 16:51:05 +App Store,Looks like only instagram uses can log in. Will there be an update to allow users to sign up for just threads ? I don’t use any apps except twitter & I don’t want to create an instagram account just for threads. Would be great if they’re decoupled,1,2023-07-07 00:43:48 +App Store,Yes it’s so much better and have so much more potential super addictive btw I’m the first review so take my word 🔥🔥🔥,5,2023-07-06 16:39:16 +App Store,You can’t post videos the same length as Twitter and there is no way that you can clip videos at least it should be 2 :30 min videos but you can only post less then 30 seconds,1,2023-07-06 16:11:24 +App Store,On twitter it has “for you” and “following” but this seems to only have “for you”. I hate that.,2,2023-07-06 15:30:28 +App Store,It should allow users to delete the account.,2,2023-07-06 07:19:07 +App Store,"From Instagram/Meta/Facebook, this app claims to be a way to share your thoughts and find your community however just like the parent company you can expect to be censored if you post anything that the left wing app finds disturbing or disruptive to its app. Avoid this garbage!",1,2023-07-06 03:34:57 +App Store,I like this app I think it’s amazing you get to connect with your friends and family and a whole new way. Great job guys.,3,2023-07-10 20:09:48 +App Store,I liked it at first but there are some issues with this app. There is no way to translate from another language to English. You see a lot of people’s “tweets” that who you don’t even follow on there.,1,2023-07-23 14:33:59 +App Store,Could’ve just migrated Instagram to meta bringing everything in-house but you’ve created 3 companies that do the same crap. Nothing new. Now your losing traffic from Instagram or Meta when people use threads or vice versa. Overkill,1,2023-07-21 04:49:31 +App Store,"I have an iPad but Threads only has an image the size of a cellphone on my screen. Wasted space all around. No desktop version either. Talk about a half baked rush job. Meta, Make an app for iPad then maybe I might use it. I hate this app.",1,2023-07-19 21:36:54 +App Store,"The app just doesn’t work in the EU. Mind you, I’m based in the US but traveling across Europe at the moment. It doesn’t work even with a VPN. So if you are heading here any time soon, keep in mind you won’t be able to use the app at all.",1,2023-07-15 10:13:56 +App Store,"all i have to say is that after a day it got extremely boring, as someone who joined hoping for an opportunity to interact with more artists and have some nice conversations. i download it and immediately think ""this won't get boring or die out"" boy was i wrong. its the same thing every time you open it and it's so hard to enjoy. i loved it for a day but ended up deleting a few days later. wouldn't really recommend",1,2023-07-14 22:41:36 +App Store,If you miss the freedom of Twitter and enjoy living in an echo chamber of your own leftist drool while all you do is spew hate for Trump all day long. This is the app for you if you love being censored and fed nothing but false information this is the app for you.,1,2023-07-10 21:07:39 +App Store,"Threads keeps logging me out of my instagram, which is a little frustrating. Please try to fix this!",3,2023-07-06 03:27:38 +App Store,How can I get my tag back in my bio?,5,2023-07-09 03:01:48 +App Store,I was just as excited as anyone but now realizing how much of your personal data they have it’s scary. I want to delete my account but there is no option.,1,2023-07-08 17:35:23 +App Store,The entire feed is people you don’t follow. Even after I changed settings to “people you follow” it’s still horrible annoying posts. Get on and immediately got girls with no clothes etc. don’t join.,1,2023-07-08 16:14:08 +App Store,I never try new apps but sadly decided to give threads a tryna and now I cannot login my account on Instagram. It is stuck in an endless loop and I’m so upset. I CANNOT LOGIN AT ALL since downloading this app. Save yourself the headache and do not download this app.,1,2023-07-07 17:16:58 +App Store,"I love it, finally a social media site that doesn’t encourage racism and transphobia",5,2023-07-06 21:07:58 +App Store,I hidden my threads badge and I got it back,5,2023-07-06 14:30:19 +App Store,This app is going to take over and is the next best thing!,5,2023-07-06 05:41:56 +App Store,"My wall still doesn't work, I can't see my posts and I can't see likes or comments. Too bad.",3,2023-07-17 08:57:20 +App Store,So far the first day has been great 👍,5,2023-07-06 00:34:12 +App Store,"Very pleased with this new social media app , looking forward to see it grow",5,2023-07-06 00:07:25 +App Store,"Always showing “Content not available” or “Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later” eventhough there is nothing wrong with my internet or phone. Fix it will ya? -.-",1,2023-07-22 09:09:19 +App Store,"After the bug fix update the app will not load just like the instagram app will not refresh, or load anyone’s page, or load messages.",1,2023-07-19 13:16:55 +App Store,do this app is pretty good and there really isn’t anything too bad about it.. it’s like twitter but somewhat better. anyways i think the biggest issue is that if you want to delete your account on threads you have to delete your instagram account too.,4,2023-07-10 10:31:48 +App Store,"I can’t get it to load profiles or notifications. Deleted and reloaded it, reported bugs, tried to get in touch with help team, nothing worked!",1,2023-07-16 08:18:10 +App Store,It’s like Twitter but no pics or videos and anti free speech why wouldn’t you just write what you have to say with a picture on instagram anyway or post on Facebook both are the same exact concepts,1,2023-07-16 07:18:58 +App Store,"But anything is, right?",5,2023-07-10 19:47:08 +App Store,"pretty cool app, basically twitter. only thing is that 1. i want to be able to click on people profile pics bc i am blind, 2. there should be like a following only page, kinda like tik tok has, and 3. make it so the post r in order of most recent first + +thank u!",4,2023-07-09 07:39:11 +App Store,"Pretty cool app. A great way to connect with friends. + +I would appreciate an explore page so that our main TL isn’t saturated with accounts that we don’t follow.",3,2023-07-09 12:22:31 +App Store,"When I shared a thread as a Instagram post, it deleted the other posts on my Instagram. Fortunately, I only had two posts. But, that is a pretty bad glitch.",2,2023-07-09 12:17:51 +App Store,"Can you add a translation function, such as English, Chinese, Thai, Korean,Japanese, etc., thank you 🙏",4,2023-07-06 21:34:29 +App Store,The app keeps crashing Everytime I try to make a post from my iphone. Works on my tablet great.,3,2023-07-09 02:58:46 +App Store,"I was excited for Threads. I’ve been disappointed with the way the competitor app has been lately, but I don’t have instagram nor do I want it and it appears you can us this app without it 😢👎👎👎",1,2023-07-08 17:38:53 +App Store,"No DMs, no chronological feed, no trending, you can’t search threads only users… I could definitely go on. I want this app to succeed but I am surprised that a company as big as meta released such a bare bones app. Do better.",2,2023-07-08 10:41:52 +App Store,I literally couldn't care less atp but please please please beat out twitter I wanna see Elon cry,5,2023-07-08 05:52:47 +App Store,"Thank you for sticking it to Elon, he’s so cringe.",5,2023-07-08 05:34:38 +App Store,It’s to many random threads !!! Where are the people I followed only bug to me,5,2023-07-07 21:06:51 +App Store,I love this new app! Best Twitter alternative out there. I dislike Elon Musk. Never going back to Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 19:23:33 +App Store,"Already when I try to view reply’s and notifications, it just spins and will not load on my apple iPad Pro. It works fine of my cellphone. Please work on fixing this bug.",1,2023-07-07 13:35:20 +App Store,Ever since I downloaded this app. I keep having to log into both my Instagram and Threaps app anytime the app closes.,3,2023-07-07 01:35:23 +App Store,I’d like the option to only see threads from people I’m following.,3,2023-07-07 00:53:59 +App Store,Posted one thing and now it no longer let's me post anything else.,3,2023-07-06 19:38:24 +App Store,Easier to use and more peaceful. Great app. 👍,5,2023-07-06 21:13:25 +App Store,Crash bug I griped about is gone already.,4,2023-07-06 06:42:00 +App Store,Please add some sort of close friends feature on Threads so we can post for specific people to see,3,2023-07-06 19:38:00 +App Store,"No way to control your feed. Literally thousands of people and their threads filling up the feed and you have no list of folks you follow and cannot find them. Don’t waste your time, this app is terrible.",1,2023-07-06 09:14:05 +App Store,"It looks a lot like Twitter, but better? Feels much less toxic and actually kinda wholesome.",4,2023-07-10 15:07:55 +App Store,"Getting very relevant content already, unlike Twitter which has tanked.",5,2023-07-06 04:49:58 +App Store,I love the app and I hope it will continue being awesome,5,2023-07-06 03:56:01 +App Store,Much better than Twitter,5,2023-07-06 02:15:57 +App Store,"A very bare bones. twitter clone that claims to allow you to follow individuals but doesn’t actually show you posts from those who you follow. No chronological feed just one big algorithmic pool full of brands and influencers. Completely wrongheaded thinking from jump. +Skip it.",1,2023-07-06 01:29:38 +App Store,"You have to be verified in order for your posts to be discoverable. From a posting standpoint, how will I find the people that enjoy what I post? From a lurking standpoint, how will I find the people that post what I enjoy that aren’t phony, terminally online e-celebs?",1,2023-07-06 00:31:37 +App Store,UI is simple and pretty cool,5,2023-07-06 00:23:35 +App Store,"This is much better than twitter. Little bugs, no elon.",5,2023-07-06 00:13:07 +App Store,This app is trying to be twitter. Imagine releasing an unfinished app just to try to take users away… I had the app for a good 25 min and deleted it. Why start fresh on an exact replica app when I have everyone I follow already there.,1,2023-07-15 17:47:23 +App Store,"There is nothing original about this app. It’s literally a copy and paste of twitter with 80% less features. Meta states that there’s over 100k signups but the reality is that it’s more like 100k instagram imports. Regardless, app needs to add new stuff quick or it will die.",1,2023-07-15 05:09:11 +App Store,I guess it could hve a Dm feature and can record 20sec voice note too ..I love thread 💕🧚‍♂️,5,2023-07-10 20:07:54 +App Store,"Influencer here with 160k+ IG followers, just got thread and now have thousands of follower requests. Is there any way to mass accept these without getting arthritis in my thumbs?",3,2023-07-10 05:53:11 +App Store,"Add close friends feed, and messaging in the platform",5,2023-07-08 02:52:10 +App Store,"No chronological feed, no control over what posts you see in your feed. Following people is basically useless. Don’t download this or you will have to delete your Instagram to delete threads.",1,2023-07-09 17:28:21 +App Store,"The fact you can’t save pictures, hard to view videos, pushed highly liberal voices to the front - I want center of the road and to see high quality pictures.",1,2023-07-08 22:05:09 +App Store,"Literally just an attempt to copy twitter with less features and more censorship. Even if the user interface is a replica. Waste of time, no difference that adds value to user experience, if anything it detracts",1,2023-07-08 16:25:33 +App Store,"No comment on the service itself. The app however is bad as it does not target ipad at all. Additionally, there is no web version so your only choice is to use the iPhone version.",1,2023-07-07 23:15:16 +App Store,I love the app keep everything the same accept make it 21 and older !!,4,2023-07-07 07:04:49 +App Store,Please give us language translation thanks 💯🔥,4,2023-07-07 16:22:05 +App Store,This feels like a low grade Twitter currently. Mirroring some of the more mainstream features without truly contributing to a impactful experience. Still has some work to be done before being able to reach its true potential.,1,2023-07-07 04:27:51 +App Store,"I haven’t even used the app, I just like to be early.",5,2023-07-07 04:27:12 +App Store,Never used Twitter before and I’ll continue doing the same.,5,2023-07-07 04:18:40 +App Store,Already better than what Elon has out 🤦‍♀️,5,2023-07-06 23:12:21 +App Store,"Is there a way to only see your Friends Threads, instead of other people & celebrities?",3,2023-07-06 21:31:57 +App Store,"I want to like this but why am I seeing tons of threads from accounts that I don’t follow? The posts don’t even say “sponsored” on them. If I don’t follow them, I don’t want to see them. I’m so confused.",2,2023-07-06 19:27:35 +App Store,App asks for too much personal info. Can’t use the app without an Instagram account; no option to create an account from within the app; Sign in with Apple is not supported.,1,2023-07-06 19:18:46 +App Store,"Was expecting something out of the box from Meta. Interface is same as IG and feels nothing new and except the copy of Twitter. + +Expecting more advance features in future releases and change in UI.",1,2023-07-06 08:41:30 +App Store,One of the first Reviews on this app😌Come Y'all!! Let's make history Together!!😁,5,2023-07-06 06:36:00 +App Store,"The IG & Thread integration is top tier, excited to see where this platform goes",5,2023-07-06 05:57:03 +App Store,Why is there no message option? 😩,3,2023-07-06 03:54:24 +App Store,should start clean slate instead i have to keep muting/unfollow,3,2023-07-20 22:23:38 +App Store,Threads itself is good. The app needs to be upgraded to use the full screen on my iPad and not display only phone-sized.,3,2023-07-19 13:32:32 +App Store,"I don’t want Instagram. I thought this was a different app from Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. I just want Threads without having to get a Facebook or Instagram account. As far as I can tell, y’all are no different than Twitter or Elon.",1,2023-07-12 23:14:10 +App Store,Great new option,5,2023-07-12 10:33:50 +App Store,"The format is bland and boring. +Now matter who you follow, you won’t see their posts. But you do get to see everyone else’s, regardless of your follow list. +Did I mention it’s bland? There is no excitement there, nothing to grab a user’s attention. +💤",1,2023-07-08 17:08:12 +App Store,I can’t use Threads and Instagram simultaneously. I get logged out each time I try to use one or the other.,3,2023-07-07 08:19:18 +App Store,"It’s like Facebook and Instagram had a baby…oh, wait, they did, and now there’s even more accounts popping up that no one in their right mind would ever follow.",1,2023-07-07 10:30:17 +App Store,Good start. Missing a ton of features that would make it even better.,3,2023-07-07 14:53:52 +App Store,How long until twitter sues? Also first thousand reviews?,5,2023-07-07 06:42:34 +App Store,This app’s got the internet now,5,2023-07-06 20:19:41 +App Store,Both facebook and this new “threads” app is 1984. Warning you not to follow any republicans with warnings before you follow. I hate all meta apps. Either be a free speech platform and welcome everyone or lose everyone sooner or later.,1,2023-07-06 19:02:47 +App Store,Great app ! Feels just like a big group chat ❤️,5,2023-07-06 18:26:42 +App Store,Just like instagram it’s showing me people I don’t follow and I don’t know how to change that,2,2023-07-06 15:56:54 +App Store,I’m honestly in love with this app and I feel like it can be a better version of twitter 🙋🏾‍♀️,5,2023-07-06 13:11:34 +App Store,"really like the app, i’m glad we got another social media platform.",5,2023-07-06 06:58:37 +App Store,First version is fine,5,2023-07-06 03:24:22 +App Store,"One day, Meta will trust me to see only the people I wanna see and in the order I want. Idk what the point of following anyone is anymore. Otherwise the interface is nice.",2,2023-07-06 02:12:57 +App Store,first person to review :P,5,2023-07-06 00:28:16 +App Store,What an awful service. I’m flooded with garbage threads from companies and folk I don’t know or want to know. And there’s no option to tell the app to only show me thread from the folk I follow. Don’t bother with this app until they fix this.,1,2023-07-18 14:48:45 +App Store,"I hate everything in my feed. It’s the worst, and after a week of using Threads and diligently muting everything I don’t like and liking everything I do, I am not closer to seeing posts that are relevant. + +Deleting. Bye Threads.",1,2023-07-13 15:25:42 +App Store,"Won’t let me post, and won’t let me add a second thread. Extremely buggy right now. Assuming it’s the demand causing problems. But imo should have been rolled out exclusively not to mass market",1,2023-07-11 13:56:45 +App Store,As soon as I got this app my Insta quit working and hasn’t worked in like 3 days now. Is anybody gonna address this and do something about it? If I knew this was going to happen I would not have gotten this app!!,1,2023-07-10 04:41:28 +App Store,Greatest thing since sliced bread,5,2023-07-08 23:49:24 +App Store,Followed certain people but random ones I don’t follow show up. Maybe I’ll try again when it gets fixed.,2,2023-07-08 22:21:47 +App Store,Kind of hard to use an app for its intended purpose when it crashes every time you try to make posts.,2,2023-07-07 21:23:00 +App Store,i think y’all should add a section where we can sort our followers/following threads. also when i click my following it’s hard to see who i don’t follow back,5,2023-07-07 12:15:11 +App Store,"I’m nervous for when the advertisers get their paws on it, but I’m loving it so far.",5,2023-07-07 02:52:51 +App Store,It’s just like what’s the difference between this and twitter,4,2023-07-06 07:02:06 +App Store,I wish it would suggest people from your ig that already have it. Rather than suggesting your whole followers list without knowing who has it and doesn’t.,1,2023-07-06 20:10:50 +App Store,"For now it’s not bad, it works pretty well just keep up on updates.",4,2023-07-06 01:16:48 +App Store,"Visually, it looks good. + +I don’t understand how you launch a main thread with a bunch of randoms. I don’t understand the constant fixation of these companies wanting to control what it is you see.",2,2023-07-06 02:17:54 +App Store,"Still got a long way to go (chronological timeline, PLZ) but this looks to be a real challenge to Twitter.",5,2023-07-06 02:03:22 +App Store,Great app I just wish I could who follows me back!!,4,2023-07-17 03:40:58 +App Store,Useless until they allow you to see the actual posts from the people you follow. I am using it less and less because of this.,1,2023-07-18 08:28:44 +App Store,Fix the algo for IG please. We don’t get reach anymore. Are you only behind money?,4,2023-07-07 18:51:54 +App Store,There’s no add on for putting your badge back on if you press hide it n profile. Hopefully that gets adjusted to have it in settings.,2,2023-07-15 03:42:40 +App Store,Pretty exasperated as I try to get started that there’s no obvious way to filter only for posts by people I follow. I can’t even find them in the sea of posts by randos.,2,2023-07-13 17:46:56 +App Store,Must log in with instagram but I don't have an instagram account! Nor do I want one. No option to create an account. Back to other social media that doesn’t throw up roadblocks.,1,2023-07-11 17:32:32 +App Store,Cannot find any way to restart a video or start unmuted. Annoying trying to unmute as you scroll. Any way to rewind or start without mute????,2,2023-07-10 23:12:55 +App Store,"On iPhone 8, when I want to write something in the app, the app closes immediately",3,2023-07-09 13:24:28 +App Store,"It’s cool and postive so far but there’s bugs, like random phantom black symbols appearing and my follower count has not updated in over a day",3,2023-07-09 02:00:14 +App Store,Because i reloaded my page you’ve restrict me that you limit how often people do things on instagram You guys should work on that u don’t like it or I’ll just condemn the app,1,2023-07-08 14:18:59 +App Store,"Five minutes after registering, carried over my IG follows, and the entire feed is filled with accounts I don’t follow. Not a single post from any of the many that I do follow.",2,2023-07-08 12:58:46 +App Store,Has room for improvement but already better than Twitter.,4,2023-07-07 12:06:49 +App Store,So far I’m liking this app a lot,5,2023-07-07 08:57:23 +App Store,"There are thousands of revealing photos but I could not even share a picture of breastfeeding which to natural and beautiful. +This is ridiculous!",1,2023-07-07 10:32:07 +App Store,This is what millennials have been waiting for.,5,2023-07-07 02:06:53 +App Store,I think this app has 3 months and everyone will forget about it,4,2023-07-06 20:07:05 +App Store,My mom died when she downloaded this,5,2023-07-07 01:35:03 +App Store,The amount of data this app steals from you is quite concerning. Why does it need you social security number just asking for a friend.,1,2023-07-07 00:27:25 +App Store,"To be superior over twitter you need : DMS , budget fix with following , freedom of speech and fast Customer service",3,2023-07-06 23:24:28 +App Store,We need to see unfollowers list to be unfollowed . Thank you,4,2023-07-14 11:13:57 +App Store,"Not bad , so far so good and it’s very simple to use.",5,2023-07-06 17:06:03 +App Store,"i have one main, and three alts/backups and it doesn’t let me use any one of them. it just tells me ""we limit the things you’re able to go to protect our community guidelines, tell us if we’ve made a mistake"" etc etc for all of them. it doesn’t even load for more than half a second when you click on your profile you want to log in with. don’t like the app.",1,2023-07-06 13:11:40 +App Store,I never like threading until it got launched lol. Can I be viral though?,5,2023-07-06 07:51:24 +App Store,"Absolutely love it , Meta killed it and very easy to use.",5,2023-07-06 04:31:29 +App Store,"It’s awful and atrocious. Tough on the eyes. Has that toxic IG vibe to it. No trending page. No media section, can’t look at a close up of profile pics. Very boring and depressing theme. Awful name. + +It’s just awful. + +What’s are you gonna call the posts..? “I’m gonna thread it!”??",1,2023-07-06 03:44:08 +App Store,I love Threads! It's new and easy to communicate on here. 5 stars all the way!!🔥,5,2023-07-06 02:12:13 +App Store,"Nothing but I just like it already, someone check on that blue bird…",5,2023-07-06 02:00:49 +App Store,This app is literally just Twitter and it feels basic as if right now. But it will probably get better.,3,2023-07-06 00:17:31 +App Store,We can go get a,5,2023-07-20 08:56:38 +App Store,We can go tomorrow at,5,2023-07-20 08:56:38 +App Store,"Warning. This app is sneaky. + +Also makes you think friends intentionally are waiting to add you as friend requests but it’s bc it’s so easy to answer yes to sending an invite to all your existing IG requests. It words it in a sneaky way to make you give it permission. Careful. + +And it advertised itself as a “messaging” app in an IG ad. I thought it was like Messenger for FB. Tricky. + +Also no clear benefit over Twitter.",1,2023-07-20 06:58:37 +App Store,Remove character limit.,2,2023-07-16 13:46:31 +App Store,I would love to discover more people with hashtags! Loving this so far,4,2023-07-13 20:10:55 +App Store,"Wow just what this world needs, more social media. Layout is clean but too much blends in to eachother. Very invasive app. Clear poaching of famous people to get on. Smart move merging it with instagram.",2,2023-07-11 23:42:22 +App Store,"I use Twitter for specific types of information - emergency info, weather, news events, info about nature. Nowhere to be seen here. You’d likely be better off in Instagram.",1,2023-07-11 20:32:13 +App Store,It says my account has a limit,4,2023-07-06 11:42:38 +App Store,"Stick to twitter. I tried deactivating and it don’t let me . I tried removing the badge and it won’t let me, it would just appear again after I refresh my page.",1,2023-07-11 05:15:50 +App Store,"Threads is stupid.. as soon as it became a thing, ig has been nonstop filled with bugs.. I thought threads would be good to help my art reach new viewers but it’s just hindering what I’ve worked for with instagram and building my art page as a beginner.",1,2023-07-10 07:20:26 +App Store,Can't explain why but it feels like Facebook. And it's sooooo connected to your IG that you don't really feel free to say anything. Also no +18 makes this a big nono,2,2023-07-09 04:00:43 +App Store,Looks like it was launched without accessibility features as well. Lame and greed. I am all for competition but I can’t stand how things are launched prior to being fully vetted.,1,2023-07-09 00:19:51 +App Store,"Looks cool n all, but the app crashes every single time I tap the post button. Would be cool if I can post stuff 🤷‍♂️",2,2023-07-08 19:32:17 +App Store,I’m not banned or anything but all my threads comments are not posting now,3,2023-07-08 05:39:43 +App Store,"Refused to use Twitter. Willing to try this app. But why is my feed filled with randos I have no idea who they are, let alone want follow?",3,2023-07-08 00:55:52 +App Store,"Just look at what data is app will be using from your iPhone. Once you see it will use literally every single thing from your phone, go sleep well knowing you won the war with twitter (hahaha)",1,2023-07-07 21:44:27 +App Store,Absolutely better than twitter (Don’t deactivate my account elon 😂),5,2023-07-07 21:43:42 +App Store,"Everytime I do, I get a content violation which is insane. Because none of the photos I post are against community guidelines. It’s because I “posted too much content”. What kind of a rule is that.",1,2023-07-07 18:40:11 +App Store,"seems silly to me that I need to have an account with instagram in order to have an account in threads, fix this and I will try again",1,2023-07-07 16:18:18 +App Store,"When will our freedom of speech be allowed on a META app? As with Facebook, Instagram, and the other META platforms your words will be censored. No one has time for that. Save your ID and stop giving these creeps your data. Zuckerberg is a Democrat shill and a loser.",1,2023-07-07 13:49:56 +App Store,If you weren’t aware mata was a dying company by the sales of their goggles here’s another sign. This company can no longer come up with anything new or original that is actually successful anymore.,1,2023-07-07 04:31:15 +App Store,5 stars after this is implemented,3,2023-07-07 02:28:54 +App Store,"I download the app, and I can't even make posts without it shutting down the app 😐",3,2023-07-06 19:15:00 +App Store,"I love the set up but can we get an option to translate soon. I unfortunately can’t read/understand Korean, Japanese, Thai, mandarin, etc.",3,2023-07-06 18:31:19 +App Store,"You didn’t do this well , we are supposed to chat in the app , please do that for us , most people don’t have instagram",2,2023-07-06 17:41:29 +App Store,Everytime i log in to threads it logs me out of Instagram and then I have to log in all over again,3,2023-07-06 14:26:44 +App Store,"Great integration from Instagram, absolutely no issues Day:1",5,2023-07-06 04:59:06 +App Store,"Please add in language translation, that’ll make it even better! 감사합니다!",4,2023-07-07 11:14:56 +App Store,If you haven’t uses Twitter you aren’t prepared for this app,5,2023-07-06 04:50:33 +App Store,"There are a lot of things missing in this app +it needs some updating",3,2023-07-06 02:50:37 +App Store,"Love that it’s very simple, not messy and easy to use",5,2023-07-06 01:45:35 +App Store,I love it’s amazing app you know you can be yourself 🙌🏾🤝🏾,5,2023-07-21 07:34:25 +App Store,We can go in,5,2023-07-20 08:56:36 +App Store,Too much random suggested content. And don’t accidentally refresh or all the posts from people you actually follow will go away forever. 1 star till they fix this.,1,2023-07-20 06:10:03 +App Store,This app is pretty useless without the ability to follow who you want.,3,2023-07-19 22:16:05 +App Store,Can’t see/load comments even though redownloaded the app. Don’t understand this issue,2,2023-07-16 17:29:23 +App Store,The app has not been working for me for three days and i’ve tried everything and I also contacted the support team.,1,2023-07-15 09:10:36 +App Store,hope todeprecate Twitter soon where a lot of hate speech + porn are,5,2023-07-09 05:23:53 +App Store,"This thing is a listening post to discover everything about you it collects everything. +How much do I/You get paid for this. +Think not thank you no thank you.",1,2023-07-08 20:42:45 +App Store,Just a Twitter clone used for censorship because they couldn’t control Elon musk. So I mean get this if you’re a super pc person that’s easily sensitive. Maybe this can be your “safe place”. Daddy Zuckerberg has your back,1,2023-07-07 21:06:21 +App Store,It’s just showing me random posts. It’s not showing me the people I’m following.,3,2023-07-07 12:28:28 +App Store,"So far this app is EATING, slightly, until we get the bots and ads 😀",5,2023-07-06 19:34:58 +App Store,"Everytime I try to write a thread or see the replies, app suddenly closes. +It was fine at first but now I'm having this issue and I can't write anything.",2,2023-07-07 07:01:14 +App Store,"lowkey chiller than twitter, this is like a twitter jr. where you jus talk and share thoughts 🙏🏼 they both good tho.",5,2023-07-06 18:21:09 +App Store,"Basically not functional. + +Tapping the button to make a post crashes the app every time. + +Searching occasionally crashes the app.",1,2023-07-06 19:32:17 +App Store,Anything is better than twitter atp,5,2023-07-06 00:22:55 +App Store,"We need better personalized tabs! Like trending, media, “specific groups”, etc. The main feed is just verified people! We also need DMs. Just keep it unique and it will de throne twitter. I hope the best for this app.",2,2023-07-06 00:11:00 +App Store,I had this app for over a week now and it’s an okay app,4,2023-07-12 02:40:24 +App Store,AMAZING APP!! Cares about people’s enjoyment rather than just collecting money,5,2023-07-05 23:53:04 +App Store,Will have to check in on it again in a few weeks. It crashed while trying to search for someone.,1,2023-07-05 23:44:48 +App Store,It will automatically exit the program,3,2023-07-24 14:31:51 +App Store,"It has been a over a week with my Threads account still not allowing me to post. After a quick look at the reviews, I’m not alone.",1,2023-07-20 14:50:01 +App Store,"Threads is awesome! It just needs two things, a trending tab and an iPad app.",5,2023-07-12 11:39:33 +App Store,This is a great start. I’d like a trending section and categories section. But so far so good. Won’t be returning to Twitter.,4,2023-07-11 18:00:10 +App Store,"I have a problem, Why we can’t delete our threads account without deleting instagram account? Why??? I don’t need threads but I want my instagram account so what should I do?",1,2023-07-12 00:50:04 +App Store,"I just delete the thread badge on my Instagram bio, please add the option to add it back",4,2023-07-06 22:00:32 +App Store,Merging contacts re follows people on Instagram (or at least appears that way to them like you unfollowed) - that should be figured out before launch,1,2023-07-08 19:24:30 +App Store,The fact that you cant delete your threads account without deleting your Instagram tells you how much zuck cares about your privacy. We dont need another text app,1,2023-07-08 05:38:06 +App Store,We definitely need more social media apps that looks exactly like the other social media apps because we don’t spend enough time on our phones,1,2023-07-07 21:27:47 +App Store,You didn’t tell us that it messed up your instagram account and you can’t delete the app because it deletes your Instagram to,2,2023-07-07 19:22:58 +App Store,"It keeps logging me out my actual insta account and told me to try again in a few minutes, its been 15 hours and i still cant get in my account",1,2023-07-07 13:21:33 +App Store,Every one hour one crash!!!,3,2023-07-07 08:21:22 +App Store,"Chronological feed +Edit button + +Add these and it’s my new favorite platform",3,2023-07-06 14:37:46 +App Store,"This app is great, especially for promoting your business like STELLR and Social Launch!",5,2023-07-06 17:02:09 +App Store,Is it true when you delete threads it deletes your Instagram account too??,3,2023-07-06 12:01:44 +App Store,"I keep getting the same error on any thread I open: “Sorry, something went wrong. Try again”",2,2023-07-23 16:19:31 +App Store,"If you don’t have twitter, get it. if you have it, don’t bother with this. it’s a rip off but only of the bad parts from twitter. nothing you see you will care about.",1,2023-07-19 22:41:35 +App Store,I love it here I jus wish I could save posts in my drafts😭 (AND SEE HIS FOLLOWING) but other than that they better than that bird app rnn,4,2023-07-07 16:55:30 +App Store,We need a new twitter. This is not the new twitter. None of the people in my feed are people that I follow. Nobody wants this. Just make the feed chronological with people you follow. The app is completely worthless at the moment.,1,2023-07-15 23:17:34 +App Store,"Can’t remove badge from my instagram page, even though it says you can’t add it back one you remove it and it keeps showing up",1,2023-07-10 19:20:06 +App Store,I don’t have or want an Instagram. Why do I have to have one to make an account? Hopefully I’ll get one someday when the app develops more. But for now it’s feeling a bit… ~~threadbare~~.,1,2023-07-10 12:49:53 +App Store,Every time I try to post the app completely closes,3,2023-07-09 18:21:07 +App Store,any information you put in here or have on your phone will completely be submitted to this app don’t think I’m a crazy conspiracy it’s a fact. down with the rich!!!!,1,2023-07-08 22:49:29 +App Store,This app collects an obscene amount of data from you and now your stuck unless you delete your Instagram also.,1,2023-07-08 03:27:51 +App Store,We love it so far pls keep it simple,5,2023-07-08 01:48:28 +App Store,Needs an iPad version,5,2023-07-08 01:42:12 +App Store,i made a threads now i can't login to my instagram or threads it just keeps saying please wait a few minutes to try again or unmapped error need this fixed ASAP,1,2023-07-07 20:36:30 +App Store,I can't make a post.. The app keeping shutting down on every try.,3,2023-07-06 14:50:13 +App Store,Finally something more awesome than awesome!,5,2023-07-07 12:55:51 +App Store,This app is crashing when I tap on the new post icon. What is the point of using this app when I can not interact with others....,2,2023-07-07 10:02:34 +App Store,"Every time I try to write an actual post, the app just crashes, so this app is basically unusable for me.",2,2023-07-07 09:54:58 +App Store,All I gotta say is that this is such a fun app to be on and be entertained,5,2023-07-07 02:27:22 +App Store,Renders the app useless and following as useless. The feed is dominated by what I guess are recommended or popular posts. The people you follow rarely show up. Add a following feed please.,1,2023-07-07 01:04:18 +App Store,Great app to Build your business and Network,5,2023-07-06 22:09:47 +App Store,"Same as with Instagram: Tablets are widely used but meta only focus on an iPhone app. For a new app, I would have expected a responsive design, working on all size platforms",2,2023-07-06 21:34:50 +App Store,"Imagine Twitter but there’s no search, no hashtags, all the posts on your feed are from completely random strangers, and there’s no way to filter content whatsoever. Meta completely missed the mark here.",1,2023-07-06 19:56:14 +App Store,Enough of the algorithms. I just want to see what my friends posts in a chronological order without seeing a bunch of strangers who I don't know or care about.,1,2023-07-06 13:43:28 +App Store,Fix the volume so it stays on during scrolling like it does on IG,4,2023-07-11 15:13:39 +App Store,"Actually it’s a good app, but it doesn’t support Persian language properly, in Persian we write from right to left",3,2023-07-06 07:13:02 +App Store,It’s a really good Twitter replacement.,5,2023-07-06 05:14:25 +App Store,"Take notes, Elon.",5,2023-07-06 02:05:26 +App Store,Day one waiting for it to become the new twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:00:21 +App Store,After days using the app suddenly all my content was gone and I can not publis any more because “content not available” sentence…,1,2023-07-24 15:02:29 +App Store,"Going on 6 days unable to follow other users with no explanation or estimate of how much longer the restriction will last. Accordingly, I can’t estimate how much longer I will use this app.",1,2023-07-22 17:26:31 +App Store,Is easier than Twitter to use!,5,2023-07-19 18:14:23 +App Store,It lacks so many basic features that Twitter has. The only reason I downloaded it was the novelty.,2,2023-07-18 17:56:34 +App Store,"Yeah it works how you would expect it to as a text based social media, but the functions are so limited that it should not have been released in this state.",1,2023-07-16 23:16:31 +App Store,I can’t even sign up because there’s no sign up button. That seems kind of important?,1,2023-07-15 19:47:00 +App Store,Make videos so we can rewind. Please!,5,2023-07-15 02:33:31 +App Store,This app is pointless without the ability to translate posts and comments.,1,2023-07-15 00:36:53 +App Store,Takes forever to add a short video,2,2023-07-14 02:37:52 +App Store,Not sure why the app will quit unexpectedly when I hit the posting button.,2,2023-07-11 18:15:47 +App Store,Some people have a personal and business account. LET US HAVE THAT HERE TOO!!!!,4,2023-07-08 04:32:15 +App Store,Most of the users are just Instagram accounts who are patched over. It looks exactly like twitter without anything unique or different. Just a bunch of random content. No thank you.,1,2023-07-09 20:43:50 +App Store,I love app i been using it a lot but I wish I could used on my iPad also,3,2023-07-08 21:59:46 +App Store,Highly recommend!!,5,2023-07-08 18:19:57 +App Store,I love the positive energy and that no type of hate speech or nonsense in allowed like in the blue bird app.,5,2023-07-08 06:08:04 +App Store,I honestly like it. I can see a future with this app great job 💪,4,2023-07-06 22:07:11 +App Store,"I've done all I know to do short of reformat my device. I know I don't have the latest hardware, but it is up to date. If I try to post or comment it crashes.",1,2023-07-07 23:30:31 +App Store,"Read the Terms of Service, they’re insane and make other social media platforms look harmless when it comes to spying on you. + +Meta recently hired several “former” CIA and FBI to work on threads. Not a coincidence.",1,2023-07-07 20:58:30 +App Store,If Threads will tolerate everyone’s viewpoints and not censor conservative speech people will want to use this all the time.,3,2023-07-07 20:32:51 +App Store,So far not bad .. we wait to see what they will add to it,5,2023-07-07 06:00:02 +App Store,Better than the bird,5,2023-07-07 02:07:03 +App Store,I keep getting notice that that page isn’t available and it is a technical problem they are working on. Any suggestions?,1,2023-07-06 23:48:57 +App Store,We should be able to use # tags and allow DM too,3,2023-07-06 09:17:22 +App Store,I just want to see who I follow in home view. Add another tab or button for recommendations.,3,2023-07-06 05:56:22 +App Store,I hope to get the best experience with threads,5,2023-07-06 08:10:43 +App Store,I will stop using Twitter immediately if Threads is on web,3,2023-07-14 04:22:06 +App Store,Better than Twitter tho follow guys @_boluwatifesamson,5,2023-07-06 03:33:31 +App Store,This is better than twitter 😂😂 twitter finna go down,5,2023-07-06 01:36:29 +App Store,I liked it and feel it is a good experience,5,2023-07-05 23:41:31 +App Store,I would rather use twitter. The amount of data it collects (as disclosed just from app store page) itself is concerning.,2,2023-07-22 19:07:38 +App Store,.,5,2023-07-22 03:01:37 +App Store,Help me I am stuck in the thrungle and can’t escape.,5,2023-07-14 20:23:47 +App Store,🤬🤬 When can I verify my account here?,5,2023-07-14 11:34:19 +App Store,You can’t erase or remove it after. And of course all your data’s are shared and will remain there including all the list above I wish. I knew. 😫,1,2023-07-14 04:55:39 +App Store,Find a way to be able to delete my account without deleting insta!!!,1,2023-07-12 22:06:36 +App Store,overall it’s good but i say y’all add dms and take out the way everybody can see your replies🙂,4,2023-07-07 23:12:24 +App Store,"I don’t want to have the same handle as my IG. And I definitely don’t want to connect Threads and IG followings lol! The whole purpose of twitter was that, we kept the IG ppl away. If you want to compete with Twitter, delete this, let us get new handle!",1,2023-07-12 00:10:25 +App Store,Way too many random influencers on the feed,2,2023-07-08 15:38:25 +App Store,I ain’t seen one yet so I’m mcloving this app,5,2023-07-08 12:40:46 +App Store,I like this app much more than Twitter.,5,2023-07-08 07:13:41 +App Store,Without that change it's kinda useless,3,2023-07-07 14:19:08 +App Store,It’s cool but I keep getting logged out of one app when I go to the other.,3,2023-07-06 22:54:09 +App Store,Honestly.. a poor attempt at making Twitter alternative. Very slow and feels like a knock off. Has a underlying feel like censorship and moderation already taking hold. Be warned,1,2023-07-07 13:17:41 +App Store,Liked till I saw those that have to put in zero effort to gain 4500 followers in a hour. Should of been a fresh start on follower base. Only those with strong instagram profiles will benefit from engagement.,1,2023-07-07 06:20:43 +App Store,"Threads is a barebones Twitter clone with less features compared to its counterpart. Maybe it’ll get there one day, but I’ll be spending 99% of my time for this type of content on Twitter. Don’t have time for both",1,2023-07-07 04:45:53 +App Store,"Hope it gets better visual wise, but other than that it’s Twitter but Instagram",3,2023-07-06 21:51:59 +App Store,Facebook making new apps when all we want to know is when Zuck is gonna fight Elon,3,2023-07-06 15:52:05 +App Store,10/10 app it’s so addicting to use,5,2023-07-06 17:51:32 +App Store,What’s the point of following people on this app if you just see a feed with random accounts? Not for me.,2,2023-07-06 16:33:31 +App Store,"My name is Lily. I just wanted to be the first reviewer on this app😍😍 Not used yet, I am downloading 😁",5,2023-07-06 12:07:47 +App Store,🙌🏼🙌🏾 Congrats to the Instagram team in an amazing and seamless launch. Very great job on the app!,5,2023-07-06 07:58:49 +App Store,Looks to be a substitute for Twitter but only time will tell.,5,2023-07-06 07:14:05 +App Store,First rate I didn’t even download it yet😭,5,2023-07-05 23:42:02 +App Store,Makes twitter look so bad 😭,5,2023-07-05 23:35:01 +App Store,"I don’t understand why this app is linked to instagram, I am downloading this app because I don’t want to use instagram and want to try out twitter like apps but this is not the way to do it.",1,2023-07-05 23:41:58 +App Store,I think it’s cool do lunch this app but really we all know Zuckerberg is doing this for competition against elon,4,2023-07-07 23:23:46 +App Store,"App does not work properly. At the beginning it was ok but now - only feed is available. I can’t post, I can’t respond, nothing. Sent dozen of requests to support - no reply",1,2023-07-19 18:59:00 +App Store,After the update nothing’s loading anymore 😫,2,2023-07-18 19:05:57 +App Store,"This app is a trap to Instagram account, once you link it there is no way back to delete it, you have only one solution is to delete instagram account too.",1,2023-07-15 15:50:38 +App Store,Anytime i try to delete one post it refreshes and goes to my top post. Problem is i want to delete multiple at once or delete threads faster and facile,1,2023-07-15 04:08:07 +App Store,"Boring, most followers are just ported over from Instagram and with no hashtags or local content, it’s difficult to find a reason to use.",1,2023-07-15 01:38:52 +App Store,"Unfortunately, some people encounter the ""Post failed to load"" bug. It's impossible to post a thread. Deleting, offloading, reinstalling the app won't help either.",1,2023-07-14 19:09:45 +App Store,My feed is filled with a ton of people and things I’m not interested in. I scrolled for 2 minutes before I found a thread from someone I actually follow. Hate it.,1,2023-07-12 22:33:11 +App Store,"it’s ok, nice alternative to twitter . the notifications are SUPER delayed tho, i get notifs from posts from 3 days ago",3,2023-07-09 21:49:26 +App Store,"There is no Arabic language in Instagram, and it is not found in this program either! Please add the Arabic language.",2,2023-07-09 16:50:09 +App Store,"Easy sign up, but the developers can’t seem to find a way to let me delete my account, or is that intentional?",1,2023-07-09 02:05:06 +App Store,"Purposely checked who I follow +On instagram and thread is loaded with a lot of accounts I do not follow. Not a fan unless they fix that",3,2023-07-08 20:13:44 +App Store,Immediately got blasted with all things political (so many posts from AOC and others). Content didn’t seem appealing and all this stuff can be found on Instagram.,1,2023-07-08 16:36:18 +App Store,I have different instagram accounts and wished that there could be more yk??,2,2023-07-08 04:23:47 +App Store,Wasn’t fully developed could add a lot more features,4,2023-07-07 10:59:23 +App Store,It’s no better than rumble and truth social.. they definitely are better.. you can’t compete with Twitter and aren’t you technically infringing copy right? You did say you modeled it after twitter.. I’m cool very boring like Twitter lol,1,2023-07-07 21:39:57 +App Store,Clicking on create post instantly makes the app crash,3,2023-07-07 00:58:16 +App Store,Good to see an app that is sanely run :),5,2023-07-07 09:25:28 +App Store,Better than twitter 👍,5,2023-07-07 01:36:51 +App Store,Someone go check on twitter,5,2023-07-06 16:24:57 +App Store,I think it’s going to be the best new app,4,2023-07-06 12:40:21 +App Store,"I don’t want to see stuff from people I don’t follow. I was hopeful, but no point in using it if I can’t pick who’s posts I want to see.",1,2023-07-06 14:25:31 +App Store,"I love it, don’t care about your opinion 😐",5,2023-07-06 01:59:19 +App Store,"I was asked to pre order the app, I did, got a message saying app available, installed the app. Tried to log in with instagram login as requested, got a message saying app unavailable",1,2023-07-06 01:34:14 +App Store,Has potential to replace Twitter but missing so many features,3,2023-07-23 13:40:06 +App Store,Just look at the list of data they fetch from user. Why do they need my health data for twitter clone?,2,2023-07-14 20:43:14 +App Store,"This is an app for folks with nothing to do. Instead of getting thoughts from folks I want to follow, it’s just a stream of consciousness from sources I don’t know or trust. It will not replace Twitter, so good luck with the cage match.",1,2023-07-12 20:05:54 +App Store,Looks goos so far.,5,2023-07-12 19:46:28 +App Store,"You have no option to deactivate the account +You can’t join thread without give them permission to all your data",1,2023-07-11 01:00:21 +App Store,I’m glad I have a new home now.,5,2023-07-09 23:25:43 +App Store,This is what we needed. 10/10. Let’s go.,5,2023-07-07 22:56:15 +App Store,"Figure i would give the app a chance until I seen all the data it collects , please stop letting these companies collect these files on you",1,2023-07-07 14:39:54 +App Store,Why is this connected to another app. I have no social media and wanted to try this as it is new however it is asking me to old in with my twitter account and I have none. Boo hoo,1,2023-07-07 11:22:41 +App Store,I deleted the @ that’s supposed to be in the Instagram bio and I have no idea how to get it back. Maybe if you fixed it or showed how to do it I’d give the app 5 stars? 😅,2,2023-07-07 08:52:33 +App Store,Please can anyone tell me how to unhide my threads badge on instagram?,5,2023-07-07 03:36:44 +App Store,Not a lot to do or see on this. Can’t even delete the account once you make it unless you delete your whole Instagram,1,2023-07-07 00:01:41 +App Store,"If you pay for a blue check mark, you might make the feed, otherwise… you are a plebe that is not important. Why am I seeing spam from people I don’t follow!",1,2023-07-06 20:32:10 +App Store,Why in the world would one app need to collect so much data? It’s not even available in EU due to how much is collected. Make sure to check what it’s collecting before you download.,1,2023-07-06 20:17:28 +App Store,Can not use without an Instagram account. Cannot sign up for one within the app if you do not have one already.,1,2023-07-06 14:44:00 +App Store,"It’s bad enough you can’t just use apple sign up and login and are forced to use only instagram, there isn’t even an option to CREATE an account with instagram.",1,2023-07-06 11:29:23 +App Store,Was a little confused at first but it’s turned out to be a cool new platform,4,2023-07-06 06:59:46 +App Store,First it’s a fake twitter run by someone who doesn’t even look real. Second we already have twitter. Third this app preforms terribly and has so meany bugs. Clearly a cash grab not meant to actually be good,1,2023-07-06 10:56:32 +App Store,I’m enjoying the app thus far!,5,2023-07-06 01:48:45 +App Store,I've hardly scrolled 5 minutes without following more than 2 non political accounts and i already have leftists screaming in my feed about how elephant people are Hitler,1,2023-07-20 02:05:39 +App Store,Couldn't sign up for the service. I guess it can’t be used unless you have an instagram account.,1,2023-07-19 02:13:52 +App Store,Everytime I try to post it keeps crashing on me. I've deleted it reinstalled it and it still crashes,1,2023-07-10 23:47:57 +App Store,No way to delete your profile without deleting your Instagram profile. Also my page is full of people I don’t even follow.,1,2023-07-10 19:51:28 +App Store,"Unfortunately, it hangs when sending posts and messages and exits the program",1,2023-07-09 05:23:01 +App Store,I’d love it if I can share more posted photos on insta to thread and maybe even my instagram story too,3,2023-07-08 20:23:07 +App Store,I got this app bc I thought it would be like Instagram but really it’s just an off brand twitter. It’s boring and laggy. Don’t recommend,2,2023-07-08 15:48:06 +App Store,I hate that I see a bunch of crap I don’t care of instead of seeing my friends messages,1,2023-07-08 00:04:32 +App Store,Threads is #1 🤩 as twitter dies a slow miserable death 💀and Elon has no one else to blame but himself 🤣,5,2023-07-07 20:09:23 +App Store,"I can’t change my bio or profile pic. +Every time I click done, it won’t change at all.",2,2023-07-07 12:05:13 +App Store,I tried to create account on Threads and it requires you to have an instagram account. What if I want to create a handle independent of my social network accounts? Deleted.,1,2023-07-07 11:23:19 +App Store,Better than Twitter,5,2023-07-07 03:33:29 +App Store,"Definitely is the next wave of social media, good job Mark Zuckerberg 👏🏾👏🏾💫",5,2023-07-06 20:53:10 +App Store,Mark my words this is the next twitter.,5,2023-07-06 16:03:01 +App Store,Why you trying to ban titty pics my man smh I’ll give you 5 stars when you post them toes my boy I wanna see them dogs in leashes and oiled up.,3,2023-07-06 14:45:32 +App Store,Hopefully it is going to blast♥️,5,2023-07-06 13:21:52 +App Store,At the point the name should be twitter’s rip off not threads. I log into threads and what do i see? Instgram posts transformed into threads so what’s the point of threads if I’m just going to see instagram posts I already saw on INSTAGRAM? It’s instgram in the shape of twitter that’s what threads is.,1,2023-07-06 09:40:04 +App Store,"I can’t underscore this enough, I need dark mode.",4,2023-07-16 04:03:35 +App Store,I think I’m first! Using it as we speak.,5,2023-07-06 02:53:36 +App Store,And I haven't been able to make a single post because of this problem.,1,2023-07-06 02:40:20 +App Store,Better than Twitter😁🕺,5,2023-07-06 01:41:06 +App Store,Lfgggg! Way better than Twitter. Lol. Elon killed that thing,5,2023-07-05 23:26:41 +App Store,I am the first who downloaded this app ⭐️,5,2023-07-05 23:24:00 +App Store,"I keep getting a “content not available” error. Idk, man. Seems like they have a lot of bugs to sort out",1,2023-07-24 15:17:39 +App Store,"The silencing of people is just gross - I can’t joke or kid with my friends on any of Suckerbergs apps - posted my nephew and our family at a movie and it got removed. It’s nuts. if we don’t stand up to it now, it will get worse - TWITTER FTW",1,2023-07-18 20:28:48 +App Store,Can I request for permanent user data collected deletion?,4,2023-07-10 17:09:46 +App Store,It combines the people you follow with random stuff that I don’t want to see. I’m not sure how the algorithm works because it’s all really bad content that I wouldn’t follow.,1,2023-07-13 02:21:16 +App Store,App only pushes blue check mark content cause they want you to pay for it. They have banned accounts with no reasoning behind it. Another fake version of what social media claims to be.,1,2023-07-12 16:59:38 +App Store,I am loving to new app i give it five stars,5,2023-07-12 05:56:00 +App Store,You need a version of the app that uses the ipad real estate in landscape mode,3,2023-07-07 02:31:39 +App Store,"Data linked to you includes health and fitness, financial info, contact info, browsing history, purchases, location, contacts, search history, and sensitive info. Nope nope nope nope nope. Run.",1,2023-07-09 16:01:39 +App Store,Why am I seeing random posts that I don’t follow? I’m not really sure why I should use this app. I’m only interested in seeing what my friends post and who I chose to follow.,1,2023-07-08 12:19:37 +App Store,"Anytime I tap on the posting icon. It Automatically takes me out of the app.. it's very very annoying.. please fix it ,that's the reason I'm giving a one star..",1,2023-07-08 07:05:29 +App Store,"great approach, let’s see how it goes",5,2023-07-07 06:53:22 +App Store,"Hope it’s not get full of bots, spams, nudity like Twitter. 🙏🙏🙏",5,2023-07-07 05:28:19 +App Store,"Threads is great in concept but the lack of a proper search functionality kills it on impact, leaving you left to scramble around trying to follow people and desperately trying to make the terrible feed useable",1,2023-07-07 00:13:21 +App Store,The fact you can’t delete your threads account without deleting your Instagram account is very disappointing.,1,2023-07-06 23:55:34 +App Store,Not much on there but very well set up and for now it’s not much a competitor to twitter,4,2023-07-06 04:58:42 +App Store,This makes my head hurt. When you scroll there’s some much. I literally don’t want to scroll on it. Fix this now!,1,2023-07-06 21:54:08 +App Store,This is not good. Why not give users the freedom to delete their account without deleting instagram. This is not fair!!!,1,2023-07-06 21:13:47 +App Store,"Please please PLEAAASSEE add banners!!!! +All I want for Christmas is a banner to make my profile all pretty!! I will love u developers forever if u gimmie a crumb of banners :) + +- Love, +Literally everyone using this app now <3",3,2023-07-06 10:50:36 +App Store,"Why not just fix Instagram ? + +Give us chronological order back, give us our reach back. Let our followers see our post 🚨",1,2023-07-06 08:56:26 +App Store,"Did they forgot search, edit ?",3,2023-07-06 07:45:43 +App Store,"I hope this app stays free from ads,blue tick memberships, bots and negative stuff.",4,2023-07-08 12:03:13 +App Store,Threads brings Meta’s moderation policies and invasive privacy practices to a cloned Twitter experience. It’s like declaring yourself #TeamZuck vs #TeamElon when you could opt for a better future where billionaires don’t own your social media presence with Mastodon.,1,2023-07-06 02:37:26 +App Store,Works for me!,5,2023-07-05 23:42:33 +App Store,"This isn't Twitter. Totally different (and awesome) vibe, no blue check MAGA dopes, no bots, no drama, NO ELON! Train the algo, enjoy the vibe and 🪡🧵 baby.",5,2023-07-14 17:01:08 +App Store,Tried to deactivate threads but it still shows up on my insta bio. It’s annoying,3,2023-07-14 02:04:04 +App Store,"I like the app, but it’s missing an alt text field and in-app captioning option along with a slew of other basic accessible functionality!",1,2023-07-12 20:30:07 +App Store,Why am I unable to post videos on my thread ?? It’s frustrating,2,2023-07-12 09:27:52 +App Store,"I wish it was optimized for iPadOS, with a wider version of the interface.",4,2023-07-08 03:16:10 +App Store,I love this idea and app! But HATE that I’m seeing stuff in my home feed that I don’t follow/care about/want to see.,3,2023-07-07 15:26:18 +App Store,"Just like IG, this is a phone app NOT designed for the iPad. Text is constantly truncated and the keyboard looks like an elementary student designed it. Looks amateurish on the iPad.",2,2023-07-07 23:07:51 +App Store,"Why we should have this app in my phone with the same functionality of twitter, should not accept it by appstore because of there privacy policy",1,2023-07-07 22:53:15 +App Store,"Clunky app. Twitter runs 100x better and is just overall…better. Don’t waste your time, it’s Facebook trying to copy Twitter and doing a terrible job at it.",1,2023-07-07 16:23:13 +App Store,Way better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 16:10:20 +App Store,This app is just instagram with a poorly made Twitter costume on. Do you really want to give meta even more access to your thoughts and data. Let’s keep social media companies diverse.,1,2023-07-07 03:40:01 +App Store,Will update later,3,2023-07-06 04:42:46 +App Store,"The iPhone version of Threads displays a message, “Page isn’t available right now” on iPad. Does work ok on the iPhone but that’s not where I want to use it.",1,2023-07-07 00:16:06 +App Store,"wow , i don’t like twitterr or it’s style but this made me like the threading feature. + +the app is black and white, so simple and user interface is amazing. the best app experience i’ve ever seen.",5,2023-07-06 21:48:47 +App Store,this app going off 🚀 off to the moon zuck,5,2023-07-06 21:14:59 +App Store,Finally a sane place for me to speak my thoughts without a billion paywalls,5,2023-07-06 16:15:42 +App Store,It won’t log in to my current instagram account,2,2023-07-06 12:41:15 +App Store,"If I delete this app , will my instagram also be deleted?",3,2023-07-07 01:51:25 +App Store,Hello this is the first review comment in the world of this application good choice instagrame,5,2023-07-05 23:32:19 +App Store,Threads: seems like they had a few lose ends they needed to tie off. Feels thrown together and unpolished. Kinda like a night before due college term paper.,2,2023-07-05 23:21:24 +App Store,What is the point of the feed if people you follow don’t show up on it? I’ve had this for five minutes and I’m already so irritated. Don’t waste your time. 😒🙄,1,2023-07-13 22:53:53 +App Store,"You already have Facebook, messenger, Instagram… couldn’t you just update Instagram and turn it into Twitter like you’re trying",1,2023-07-13 01:57:34 +App Store,This app is the best clean minimalist social media platform yet.,5,2023-07-12 19:39:02 +App Store,This app is sketchy when you read through the entire user agreement. Why does it need access to my health data and so on.,1,2023-07-11 15:14:27 +App Store,The feed is full of things I couldn’t give a crap about. Why can’t I just see me followers. Also no way todo a chronological order.,1,2023-07-11 02:24:04 +App Store,I haven’t been able to post anything because the app crashed every time I click the write a post button or try to reply some posts…. Ugh!!!!!,1,2023-07-08 04:33:12 +App Store,I hate the fact that you can’t delete it with having to delete your instagram account!,1,2023-07-07 21:14:10 +App Store,"I am not even going to use it/try it since all META apps are crap, guidelines etc. Not sure why people believes it will actually be a good product 🤷‍♀️",1,2023-07-07 20:48:57 +App Store,Am having difficulties in reply and posting anytime I press on this two icon it brings me back to my home page please do something about it,1,2023-07-07 09:35:24 +App Store,it is annoying and unnecessary. they need to take this feature out.,1,2023-07-07 03:17:50 +App Store,"Hey i want to delete the user number of thread on my instagram bio please don’t leave it like that help us so that we can’t remove it , we don’t want it to stay there",1,2023-07-06 20:00:48 +App Store,"It’s a good twitter alternative, but it’s missing key features which are necessary for a good app experience",3,2023-07-17 18:37:59 +App Store,"Until I my feed consists of only the accounts I follow, this app is pointless. Ill check back in a month.",1,2023-07-06 18:59:25 +App Store,I just wanted to be the first one to write a Review 😂,5,2023-07-06 17:42:03 +App Store,"For some reason when I use the app, none of my notifications outside the app pop up. Weird bug",1,2023-07-06 16:55:31 +App Store,"Page loads slow, comments loads slow. Feels like half of time i'm just waiting for things to load. Deleted the app. Thanks",1,2023-07-06 06:01:45 +App Store,The app is so fun and interactive to use!,5,2023-07-06 05:11:49 +App Store,What’s the point of following people if you’re just going to cram a bunch of people I don’t follow into my feed?,2,2023-07-06 00:05:07 +App Store,"The app runs good, just not sure how it goes in operating",5,2023-07-05 23:46:00 +App Store,"When installing the application, I hid it, but now I want it to be visible in my instagram profile that I am registered in Threads. +Add this parameter and you will have a high score! +Thank you.",1,2023-07-17 20:26:59 +App Store,This app is new and amazing I love the way it’s made ☺️,5,2023-07-10 19:13:18 +App Store,I don’t like because I want to remove the app and I can’t because they deleted my account automatically I really hate this app,1,2023-07-13 03:29:51 +App Store,"Overall worse, Crappier, censored version of twitter. Use this if you enjoy your posts getting taken down for mentioning anything remotely political against lizard mans beliefs",1,2023-07-13 02:42:52 +App Store,Why do I need to login through instagram which has shown to be harmful to youth? Either create a separate login system or count me out,1,2023-07-11 01:05:37 +App Store,Every time I click on feeds it keeps on crashing out,2,2023-07-08 00:33:51 +App Store,Where is the innovation meta…this is what you create with so many highly paid good engineers? Definitely not going to get so many registrations without traffic from Instagram…,1,2023-07-09 20:17:11 +App Store,I’m confused as to why it keeps logging me out of my Instagram and making me create a new password every time I open the threads app? Can someone please fix this?,1,2023-07-09 04:16:07 +App Store,"You can’t delete your thread account until you delete your instagram account. + +You can only deactivate thread account so you’ll keep your instagram account active.",1,2023-07-08 17:40:17 +App Store,"I don’t like that it tracks all information and you can’t delete, without deleting instagram. That’s strange…",1,2023-07-08 15:59:24 +App Store,You can’t delete it without deleting your Instagram account. Think twice before downloading this app.,1,2023-07-08 15:18:41 +App Store,Hi could you add a unfollow everyone button as it followed a lot of people without I even following them.,2,2023-07-07 21:06:46 +App Store,How do I add my thread acct to my insta bio I took it off on accident and I couldn’t put it back,4,2023-07-06 06:20:30 +App Store,Love this app so much it’s better then twitter,5,2023-07-07 17:55:03 +App Store,Love how there isn’t a lot of misinformation on this app!,5,2023-07-07 13:52:45 +App Store,Can’t the developers let non-Ins users to login this app?,3,2023-07-07 04:06:52 +App Store,PLEASE make sure to READ the information that this app STEALS from you before downloading. This app takes almost ALL of your INFORMATION stored on your apple ID. I wish I read the app more carefully before pressing download.,1,2023-07-07 01:42:49 +App Store,"I can’t imagine this app is very popular, if they don’t have a focused tab on the threads to only show threads from people you follow. I don’t need random threads from people I don’t care about on my feed.",1,2023-07-07 01:03:21 +App Store,Has privacy issues and no option for chronological timeline.,1,2023-07-06 20:06:40 +App Store,"it’s basically a way to connect with people who are interested in what you are interested in aswell, nice app zuckerberg 📝",5,2023-07-06 16:07:01 +App Store,"Clean interface, app is fast, great social presence so far",5,2023-07-06 14:37:34 +App Store,"Still rooting for the bird, but this seems cool",5,2023-07-06 14:30:04 +App Store,"Is not really a useful application add it only shows Instagram users and has no trends. + +There's no path to verification and potential ""paid"" verification is $15/m",1,2023-07-06 12:17:27 +App Store,"So very easy to sign up. Wow! +Need a Following only view like Instagram PLEASE now.",3,2023-07-09 02:51:30 +App Store,I don’t want to see random accounts. Make a home feed for followers or this app is trash,2,2023-07-06 04:25:09 +App Store,There’s a new girl in town and she’s ready to party!,5,2023-07-06 03:04:55 +App Store,This is great. Absolutely love the platform. Excited to see this grow into something amazing.,5,2023-07-05 23:54:51 +App Store,Well no wonder its called twitter killer it is an amazing app,5,2023-07-05 23:53:06 +App Store,"Threads is a boring place, looks exactly like twitter but trashier, not real people posting just brand spreading their cringe. Even Zuck isn’t active on his own platform, that’s how boring it is.",1,2023-07-18 17:59:48 +App Store,"there’s nothing here, it’s like a worse version of truth social, you cant do anything. 10x worse than twitter no unique features either. Do not download.",1,2023-07-10 18:51:16 +App Store,"I see the potential, but it keeps logging me out every time I want to comment or post. A bug needing fix.",2,2023-07-10 14:05:18 +App Store,I love this app BUT there’s a few things they can fix. My entire feed is of people I don’t even follow. I never see the people I follow posts ever,2,2023-07-10 01:31:14 +App Store,Is much easier and understandable app then the old Twitter 🤙which also is the killer of twitter,4,2023-07-06 23:17:41 +App Store,Not able to create Threads account for business. Both are personal and business account tied to same no ele number. Help!!!,1,2023-07-08 22:53:06 +App Store,"Since I signed up for it my Instagram stopped working and won’t load anything. I’ve tried restarting, redownloading the app, etc. and nothing works.",1,2023-07-08 17:10:12 +App Store,Make a following option and then we’ll b good idk none of these ppl. FIX IT,3,2023-07-08 14:41:57 +App Store,"The data collected is the most alarming thing I’ve ever seen. Used it for a day and it was fun, but not worth what I have to give away to use it.",1,2023-07-08 01:23:41 +App Store,This app is terrible and it will not allow users to delete. You have to delete your entire Instagram account to get rid of it.,1,2023-07-08 00:53:35 +App Store,I don’t want to follow celebs and weird niche meme instagram accounts. Please stop suggesting this to me.,3,2023-07-08 00:01:50 +App Store,"This is simply another data mining app. Facebook is scraping all the additional content people are sharing here that they would otherwise be sharing on Twitter for their AI. + +Also you cannot fully delete your data without deleting your entire Instagram. + +Their plan is bait & switch, just like they did with everything else. + +Tread lightly.",1,2023-07-07 13:59:55 +App Store,Due to this app twitters now gonna hang on by a ”Thread”,5,2023-07-06 08:49:07 +App Store,This is appalling. Why am I getting a bunch of people I have zero interest in? I get taking advantage of the moment but goodness. No one has ever met a meta feed they’ve enjoyed,1,2023-07-06 20:55:23 +App Store,It’s stupid I have news orgs and people that I don’t follow flooding my feed. I have to scroll for days just to find a post from somebody I actually follow.,1,2023-07-06 17:55:53 +App Store,"I can't log in into this application and i don't know why! +I'll be thankful that someone helps me :) +I've tried many times but i just recived erros but nothing..",1,2023-07-06 11:58:05 +App Store,It’s fine but I’m not interested until I can see a timeline of only people I chose to follow.,2,2023-07-06 11:01:03 +App Store,It’s like Twitter but without the toxic sludge that is your average Twitter addict. 7.5/10,5,2023-07-06 02:30:46 +App Store,"What do we call it, a “rethread”? Curious to see where this goes",5,2023-07-06 00:07:08 +App Store,very good app the UI is very clean and good great job instagram,5,2023-07-05 23:45:36 +App Store,Full of the junk you already don’t want to see promoted on your current insta. Horrible and ugly user interface. Just another want to be Twitter no one asked for.,1,2023-07-05 23:48:01 +App Store,Giving 5 stars just to spite Musk,5,2023-07-20 04:48:56 +App Store,A Twitter knockoff simply doesn’t need to collect this much data. Meta doesn’t have a good track record with handling data.,1,2023-07-21 03:02:08 +App Store,After the PM’s comments about iPhone I will be deleting the app. We don’t need to replace Musk with a mini-Musk. Why not just keep quiet and focus on your product?,1,2023-07-18 19:27:21 +App Store,This a is why I am rating it a 4,4,2023-07-07 19:05:43 +App Store,"Elon is trash, Biden 2024 yes that was hunter bidens cocaine they found get big mad maga chuds @&$? You",5,2023-07-15 14:50:57 +App Store,Only lasted to the log in. Didn't care to also create an instagram account to use this,1,2023-07-14 23:40:53 +App Store,Most censored platform there is. Only what they want to be seen will and even if you are factually based and not vulgar you will still be censored. Awful.,1,2023-07-14 16:29:12 +App Store,I cannot delete my account without also deleting my instagram account. This is absurd,1,2023-07-13 19:49:14 +App Store,Horrible application. Horribly made. The fact that you can’t remove the badge or delete the account unless you delete your ig is very telling. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS APP,1,2023-07-11 14:53:51 +App Store,this app upload option not working on iso 16.5 iphone 8.,2,2023-07-10 19:29:11 +App Store,"Absolutely horrible. Impossible to curate your news thread. No matter what you like or who you follow, you’ll see clickbait and Kim Kardashian. Pure internet garbage. + +Absolutely horrible color contrast. Super hard to tell where one thread ends, and another begins. + +Zuckerberg didn’t even try to bait and switch people, he shoved 3 ads per thread and called it even. + +Absolutely disgraceful.",1,2023-07-10 15:49:58 +App Store,"If you want to look at your follower feed in chronological order, then this app isn’t for you. + +Also no trending tab, like, why?",1,2023-07-08 23:23:21 +App Store,Please pay close attention to the App Store page and what you are sharing with this app. Absolute insanity. Stay far away from it.,1,2023-07-08 21:49:52 +App Store,Even if it’s half a**ed and just moved the same interface to the edges and allows larger full screen and more on screen info to scroll.,1,2023-07-08 21:10:55 +App Store,I am stupid and downloaded the app out of curiosity. I deactivated the account but it’s showing up in my Instagram profile. Dumb. If it’s deactivated it shouldn’t be public.,1,2023-07-08 03:56:44 +App Store,"I went to login and the only option was to login with Instagram. As much as I want to be booted from insta for wrongspeak on threads, I’m going to have to pass. Useless",1,2023-07-07 23:39:23 +App Store,"I like the app, it needs a few tweaks to make it better but good start.",3,2023-07-06 23:55:21 +App Store,Be careful Your information will be delivered to others I don’t trust because they’re breaking rules Let me think about it and I’ll let you know 🤨,1,2023-07-07 12:26:55 +App Store,"Search is only restricted to searching people, open it Ip for searching content",1,2023-07-07 09:38:33 +App Store,I love this app!!! So good stop hating on it,5,2023-07-07 03:07:35 +App Store,better than twitter.,5,2023-07-07 02:14:56 +App Store,Much better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 23:13:43 +App Store,"I want to delete the App but I am not able too. +Mata - please allow us to have the option to remove and delete the App",1,2023-07-06 22:43:50 +App Store,Slow and not easy to use—what’s all the hype about?,3,2023-07-06 16:26:33 +App Store,I was looking forward to this app but it won’t let me change my screen name to anything but my REAL NAME ! Why don’t you just publish my SS and CC numbers alongside ?! And you claim to be concerned with our SAFTEY !??,1,2023-07-06 21:03:34 +App Store,Was looking for a good Twitter substitute. But lot looking to create multiple social media accounts again. Will try Threads again in the future if an IG account isn’t needed.,1,2023-07-06 16:26:51 +App Store,Great app but still more room for improvement,3,2023-07-13 22:07:02 +App Store,"very entertaining and interactive threads! easy to use, fun to read through threads, and even more fun to express your thoughts and feelings through threads!",5,2023-07-06 11:52:47 +App Store,Always crashing when I click in new post button,1,2023-07-06 11:35:21 +App Store,Major fail!!! I follow many international accounts and there’s no translate option. This app is immediately useless :(,2,2023-07-06 10:58:44 +App Store,"Haven’t used it, looks cool tho.",5,2023-07-06 07:20:53 +App Store,This app changed my life,5,2023-07-06 04:29:46 +App Store,Way better than twitter!!,5,2023-07-06 04:17:31 +App Store,All it is really comes down to instagram without emphasis on image. Nothing new really lol it also is known to be a privacy nightmare that it wasn’t allowed in other countries.,1,2023-07-06 02:21:56 +App Store,I am curious to join Threads but I don't have and I don't want an Instagram account. Please add option to join using Facebook account.,1,2023-07-24 06:29:08 +App Store,Cannot see who I’m following. Always have to see suggestions from app.,1,2023-07-16 20:32:54 +App Store,Tired of seeing random famous people I dont wanna see on my feed lol,3,2023-07-10 00:54:17 +App Store,Threads provides a pleasant experience by moderating extremist and avoiding the toxicity plaguing the bird app.,5,2023-07-11 00:12:11 +App Store,Threads is honestly going to take over Twitter.,5,2023-07-10 20:50:31 +App Store,i don’t like twitter i never use twitter but i definitely would use this as long as there are more updates,5,2023-07-07 18:46:49 +App Store,Don’t like this app. Don’t see the point of even having it. Trying to get rid of the badge and you can’t even get rid of it. I hate it.,1,2023-07-09 16:13:11 +App Store,"I don’t care for threads, remove the badge from the profile! I don’t want to use the app anymore",1,2023-07-08 12:22:19 +App Store,I’m interested in viewing random people’s content. Shouldn’t there be a filter to view only the people I’m following???,1,2023-07-07 19:09:33 +App Store,The trends page is needed or this app will die,4,2023-07-06 11:33:35 +App Store,I don’t mind a “for you” page but I want to be able to swap to only seeing people i follow,2,2023-07-07 15:01:56 +App Store,there should be in app messages and a place go save posts and it would be so much easier!!!,5,2023-07-07 01:41:08 +App Store,hyped to see new features down the line! Hehe stinky! AE0654,5,2023-07-06 23:25:35 +App Store,better than elon musk,5,2023-07-06 23:08:36 +App Store,you can’t delete your threads account without deleting your entire instagram account,1,2023-07-06 22:45:12 +App Store,I read the privacy policy and this is not a separate application. It’s connected to Instagram and you can’t delete a Threads account without deleting the Instagram.,1,2023-07-06 20:16:25 +App Store,Now Elon can give us a break.,5,2023-07-06 20:14:12 +App Store,I’m an artist check me out ZOE1HUNNID all platforms,5,2023-07-06 19:04:24 +App Store,Need a timeline where it’s just people we follow.,4,2023-07-06 09:52:19 +App Store,"Amazing app! 🙏🎨 + +Save or Bookmark feature is missed!",4,2023-07-15 21:04:20 +App Store,"has potential, but is missing some key features: +-segmented home page (fyp/following) +-followers section +-dynamic resizing (images, replies etc take up identical amounts of space no matter what) +-no tags or categories +-mature section (to edge out Twitter's monopoly on relatively soft moderation)",3,2023-07-06 05:12:52 +App Store,App doesn’t work. My posts disappeared. Error “failed to post” and the content was gone. No draft. No explanation. Nothing loads.,1,2023-07-22 08:50:09 +App Store,For saying cisgender.,5,2023-07-10 13:39:51 +App Store,If you’re not going to allow for adult content the internet will give up on this. Change the policy.,1,2023-07-11 21:14:29 +App Store,5 star just for not being Twitter.,5,2023-07-07 22:55:58 +App Store,I accidentally deleted my temporary badge out my bio & I want it back. I think it’s dumb to have to put the link in your bio if you can just have the badge back,1,2023-07-09 17:55:22 +App Store,There’s no option to toggle cellular data off/on in settings of the app. This seems like a violation of the App Store and my “rights” as a user of your app. Fix it,1,2023-07-08 18:25:54 +App Store,"So far, it’s just a bunch of noise from accounts I’m not interested in. Please Lyme only see people I follow!",2,2023-07-08 01:15:09 +App Store,Shows me a bunch of posts from people I don’t follow. Just another time sink. Not interested.,2,2023-07-07 16:44:23 +App Store,"I want my badge to come back on my instagram bio + +Instagram is javion5x",4,2023-07-07 03:26:31 +App Store,App has only one way to log in - with Instagram. This seems like just an IG byproduct. I don’t use IG so bye-bye Threads. Downloaded & deleted in less than 2 minutes.,1,2023-07-07 05:18:59 +App Store,It’s really fun I really like it and am the first person to review it,4,2023-07-07 01:12:29 +App Store,Can you please add dark mode thanks,4,2023-07-06 13:51:01 +App Store,"I deleted the Instagram App because of it’s content, I heard about Threads I give it a try and guess what same old content again",1,2023-07-06 22:10:58 +App Store,"doesn’t fill the screen, login goes to Page isn’t available right now",1,2023-07-06 19:44:13 +App Store,Really like it. Idk if Elon does tho,5,2023-07-06 19:17:01 +App Store,No issues at all the app is a great app,5,2023-07-06 16:58:29 +App Store,Feed is 90% posts from authors I don’t follow and don’t have any interest in.,2,2023-07-06 15:18:57 +App Store,"Haven’t even installed it yet, just wanted to be a first reviewer",4,2023-07-06 00:31:37 +App Store,"I found this application is really really good, thanks.",5,2023-07-06 12:37:46 +App Store,Not being told to kill myself or being called a slur every few minutes leaves a little bit to be desired,1,2023-07-06 04:01:38 +App Store,The app is amazing almost like twitter but Insta style,3,2023-07-06 03:19:31 +App Store,Good App Hope More Stuff Come For The App Soon,5,2023-07-06 01:19:25 +App Store,"Now, I prefer threads over tweets!",5,2023-07-05 23:53:41 +App Store,Launching with no accessibility tools is really unfortunate. I’m hopeful to see how this app improves as time goes on. But until then… 2/5,2,2023-07-06 00:31:31 +App Store,I can’t post or even do anything since they released recent update! Fix this!,1,2023-07-17 14:17:12 +App Store,I'm not downloading Instagram and creating an account there just so I can use this app. Please give other login options.,1,2023-07-16 23:05:28 +App Store,This is so dumb create new social media platform and require members to be signed up for another to gain access. What a waste of time.,1,2023-07-14 03:10:49 +App Store,"You can't make the font bigger, it crashes the app. We don't need to see everyone's Tweets, all at once. And yes, that's what they are, Tweets. +Another failure by Facebook",1,2023-07-13 16:33:41 +App Store,I accidentally hid my badge on insta!! I’m trying to get it back 🥺,4,2023-07-11 00:01:57 +App Store,This app is for radical woke liberals. Aka the sheep. Why would anyone want to be censored by the deep state and big tech elites. Do you know how much money Zuckerberg donated to the DNC to interfere with the 2020 party? 430M so why would you support this!,1,2023-07-13 13:06:50 +App Store,I love this app. I don’t like Twitter and it’s toxic community,4,2023-07-08 14:58:52 +App Store,Ever since I downloaded this app my camera light won’t go off and the voice recorder light keeps coming on.,1,2023-07-10 12:42:51 +App Store,It’s much better than T…er (🕊️),5,2023-07-08 21:57:04 +App Store,When will the iPad be compatible?,3,2023-07-07 17:25:48 +App Store,"Its very good app. Very simple and Focus on the text. +No direct, no pv. +Thanks",5,2023-07-08 13:03:33 +App Store,This is a fake twitter with lots of features not implemented. This is a beta version or…. Not even a beta version. They must pay a lot to influencers,1,2023-07-08 05:07:47 +App Store,Do not create a threads account! You cannot delete the threads badge from your accout on instagram!,1,2023-07-07 23:01:46 +App Store,"This is just like Twitter, but better than Twitter. Love it",5,2023-07-06 22:18:43 +App Store,"You idiots who download this are straight morons, who want to be plugged in. What a joke this app is. Liberal trash just like Zuckerberg. He’s a douche bag. And so are you if you download.",1,2023-07-07 14:48:16 +App Store,Idk man. It just seems like a total rip off of twitter. I don’t get what the point of it is. What part of this app is better than others? Idk maybe I just don’t get it.,1,2023-07-07 06:04:09 +App Store,"That’s it just look at it, that’s all I’m asking you to do before downloading.",1,2023-07-07 02:01:40 +App Store,Was looking through the details of the app and saw they have access to all my data. They even know the color boxers I’m wearing!,1,2023-07-06 23:40:41 +App Store,Why do we have to get our Instagram account deleted if we delete the threads app is that a threat lol😒,2,2023-07-06 20:31:44 +App Store,"Every time I go to open up a thread to write something, it crashes...",2,2023-07-06 04:44:23 +App Store,"Not so long ago, there was a great instagram app called threads, it was like a messenger for instagram. First version was great, last version was a mess, then it disappeared . Now this new thread 🧵 come again… what the Meta?",1,2023-07-06 18:41:57 +App Store,App is ok but it lacks the same things twitter has plus the fact it advertises to your instagram followers that your on it does not sit well with me let me be a degen,1,2023-07-06 14:09:51 +App Store,It’s disgusting how much access this app wants from your device. How much of your information your giving Meta.,1,2023-07-06 14:08:18 +App Store,I got my Facebook account hacked and there is no way to recover it. And you can't contact any of the Facebook/Threads team.,1,2023-07-24 17:36:16 +App Store,l love the app but l think it would be better if you could like the post with just tapping screen two times and why are not there stories?,4,2023-07-13 08:24:48 +App Store,We can,5,2023-07-20 02:00:27 +App Store,We can,5,2023-07-20 02:00:23 +App Store,"The content is boring, none of my friends use it or like it. I don’t see the point.",1,2023-07-20 00:26:49 +App Store,This has been done before. I don’t want to name the other app but this is just a knock off of another popular app.,1,2023-07-18 23:02:06 +App Store,It’s like a poor quality bootleg version of Twitter right now. Will see how it grows.,3,2023-07-07 04:06:08 +App Store,I cant post. If i try to click the button the app stops working.,1,2023-07-11 19:16:43 +App Store,This is just Instagram with text on top instead of the bottom. In other words it’s Facebook. It’s just Facebook,1,2023-07-08 17:45:37 +App Store,Is such a refreshing social media that I love it 😁,5,2023-07-08 07:27:22 +App Store,"Can’t login to my Instagram after I install this app, and that’s a bit strange. I need my business account for work.",1,2023-07-08 01:55:30 +App Store,"signed without checking all the info they are taking! They request permissions to access everything, be careful.",1,2023-07-08 01:36:33 +App Store,Why is it when you temporarily deactivate your threads your followers can still see your tag on your profile?,1,2023-07-07 14:02:19 +App Store,"i got suspended on my other account and cannot get back into my new one as +my screen keep being stuck on the reload page , please fix this problem",3,2023-07-06 07:16:09 +App Store,Enjoying the app so far,5,2023-07-07 03:22:48 +App Store,One of the most censored social media platforms ever created. If you believe in the freedom of speech and expression look elsewhere as you will not find either.,1,2023-07-07 01:53:18 +App Store,"Remember when we had new social media apps popping up all the time? Remember how most of those failed? + +At this point everyone knows that Twitter is a cesspool of the worst kind when it comes to having a civilized debate. + +And TikTok is rotting our kids brains and destroys attention spans. + +I legitimately see no point to this app. Does it want to be a Twitter clone, a TikTok clone, or what?",1,2023-07-06 08:43:23 +App Store,All I want is a chronological feed with the amounts I follow…why is this so hard.,3,2023-07-06 03:54:42 +App Store,10/10,5,2023-07-06 02:36:05 +App Store,I’m the first review on here!,5,2023-07-06 01:09:08 +App Store,Read title,2,2023-07-06 01:53:55 +App Store,Otherwise it’ll be just as toxic as twitter,4,2023-07-08 07:56:09 +App Store,So bad that the app could not be launched in Europe at all. Who needs another app that tracks everything it can its hands on?,1,2023-07-05 23:23:19 +App Store,Completely unenjoyable and provides no value in enjoyment or information to the user.,1,2023-07-21 19:50:54 +App Store,"The entire app feels like a corporate knock-off of Twitter. Nothing about it is new, except the astroturf and corporate feel of the content.",2,2023-07-19 00:54:11 +App Store,The content shows as not available and I can’t see any replies or info on my account,1,2023-07-18 06:51:29 +App Store,i rock with the idea instagram is putting out but i can’t use multiple accs without being logged off if instagram i hope this update fixed it,3,2023-07-13 05:28:55 +App Store,I'm likely to delete the app unless my feed cleans up. It's sending lots of stuff I have no interest in and do not like.,1,2023-07-11 02:05:05 +App Store,I write a thread or a comment it kicks me out why? Overall it's a cool app,3,2023-07-10 01:09:14 +App Store,"Terrible interface, just a poor copy of the other app. Pleeease stop trying so hard!",1,2023-07-09 21:32:31 +App Store,This app gathers a lot of unnecessary information about each users this is a joke,1,2023-07-09 08:24:13 +App Store,"Let me deactivate my account and remove the badge from my profile, the app is broken and won’t let me.",1,2023-07-08 19:36:20 +App Store,I don’t wanna just share to stories 😤 wack move 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾,3,2023-07-08 03:13:42 +App Store,It’s chaotic. Where is the setting to only have people you follow viewed on your timeline?!,3,2023-07-06 13:41:34 +App Store,"I thought this could be smth new on the market. However, after I installed it - I disappointed: just a twitter copy.",1,2023-07-07 15:27:15 +App Store,See above,5,2023-07-07 12:43:20 +App Store,The app shows random posts on your timeline from people you don't follow. Not sure what the point of it all is,1,2023-07-07 05:47:44 +App Store,Looks like this app is going to be pretty fun!!,5,2023-07-07 01:58:33 +App Store,this is more aesthetically pleasing than twitter and def more easy to navigate bc of how connected it is with instagram. like it so far,5,2023-07-07 01:00:20 +App Store,First review. Decent app needs Elon to fix it,5,2023-07-06 21:24:17 +App Store,Just a worse copy of Twitter. Come up with something new instead of stealing the exact same platform from someone else,1,2023-07-06 17:21:39 +App Store,Why can’t I edit my own posts!!?!?!,3,2023-07-16 20:49:37 +App Store,Exited just posted my first thread!! Looks good!,5,2023-07-05 23:27:45 +App Store,This app needs a GIF section!,3,2023-07-07 14:01:03 +App Store,"100 million in 5 days. Im guess all of the fame accounts from twitter that was used to control the narrative have subscribed to threads now. + +This should be interesting",1,2023-07-11 00:16:20 +App Store,Seems intrusive.. otherwise a decent app.. be more transparent and allow deletion without affecting users instagram accounts.,1,2023-07-09 00:24:46 +App Store,You can only read on the iPad. All other functionscrash the client.,2,2023-07-08 20:38:51 +App Store,To be honest is better than twitter sorry elon lol.,5,2023-07-08 17:05:48 +App Store,They are collecting so much data on you look at the details before installing or signing up…financials etc…why?,1,2023-07-08 03:52:53 +App Store,"There are no settings to restrict access to location etc, why?",1,2023-07-08 03:39:07 +App Store,Censorship is ridiculous...back to the one that has actual free speech. You dont get to choose what I think zuck.,2,2023-07-08 01:20:05 +App Store,"Is unusable, as it just crashes/silently quits whenever I try to post something.",1,2023-07-07 17:39:35 +App Store,Can’t even see people you actually know or care about on this app. Boring and uninspired Twitter clone just like the rest of Facebook products.,1,2023-07-07 14:41:46 +App Store,"i think the threads shows some real promise here. there are some very questionable moves on meta’s part such as 1. needing an insta account to have a threads account (having a separate but syncable account system similar to the instagram-facebook system would work much better and be much more attractive to current twitter users) and 2. deleting your threads account deletes your insta account. this second one in particular just comes off as meta not being confident in its own product. you really need to leverage my instagram account against me to keep my threads account? it’s just sketchy and moving twitter users over to threads will be very hard if this is the case. the other thing this will do is just inflate instagram’s numbers (not to mention overcrowd insta handles and make future insta users not want to join) because people will create burner instagram accounts just for threads. i also strongly recommend adding something similar to the “trending” page or the ability to search for anything other than people’s accounts. this just doesn’t make sense even from meta’s data-broker business model perspective. people currently use twitter and insta very differently, and if the goal is to compete with twitter then you have to have a system that will allow people to use threads similarly to how they would use twitter. this just gives meta more user data to build their platform on because it will give them insight on how people use twitter. what i also wanna say is that meta needs to add either a centralized or separate disable button for collecting data from users’ phones/other apps. the way it seems right now you can only turn it off for facebook, and this will turn people off because it makes people wonder “well does it also turn it off for insta and threads or is that separate?” meta has already implanted the sort of meta hub in the instagram settings to control all of one’s meta accounts. make it clear that disabling meta from accessing data from the parts of my phone that aren’t meta apps disables it for ALL meta apps and services. this will build trust with the community. overall, threads is a great idea. meta is probably the only company that can outcompete twitter, but it needs to adjust itself in a way that is welcome to twitter users in order to do so.",3,2023-07-07 05:35:54 +App Store,The app crashes when I try to make a new thread or reply a thread.,3,2023-07-06 22:19:55 +App Store,The app closes when I press the draft button. So 1 star at this point.,1,2023-07-06 22:52:31 +App Store,If you don’t want this to totally die in a week,3,2023-07-06 01:57:43 +App Store,Literally the only thing that worked on Twitter doesn’t work here. Let us see our followers only.,1,2023-07-06 16:08:40 +App Store,"If Im logged into Instagram, it logs me out of Threads and vice versa. Really annoying. Especially coming from a company thats been around for so long. Get it together.",1,2023-07-06 14:22:03 +App Store,Keep booting me off every time I’m trying to make a post or comment on a post! Y’all need to fix this ASAP!!! Please! Then I’ll change my rating to 5 stars!,1,2023-07-06 02:55:23 +App Store,It reminds me of instagram,5,2023-07-06 02:19:31 +App Store,Please add audio spaces and work to cancel the appearance of posts of non-followers,4,2023-07-06 20:35:32 +App Store,I’m the first I bet Soulja boy can’t say that 😂😂,5,2023-07-06 00:00:39 +App Store,It’s going great now,5,2023-07-05 23:27:45 +App Store,"Was cool, but now my feed is just full of the same memes I’ve been seeing since I was in highschool. Boring. Deleted.",1,2023-07-19 04:21:23 +App Store,At the core it’s just a glorified comment application built just like instagram that is trying to clone Twitters approach to social media market place of thoughts/ideas.,1,2023-07-18 18:50:28 +App Store,"Nothing you can’t do on any other app ,just people writing and chatting as they do everywhere else",1,2023-07-16 00:10:41 +App Store,"what was the point of following people if i’m only seeing accounts i don’t even follow. i don’t care about these people. i downloaded the app to follow specific people. +needs a translation option.",2,2023-07-14 07:14:56 +App Store,Except the people I want to. I don’t want a tabloid app that shows things and people who I care nothing to see.,1,2023-07-13 14:42:10 +App Store,it doesn’t matter how good the app is as long as it takes down elon’s busted website,5,2023-07-09 09:00:18 +App Store,cool app and all but let me remove that stupid badge from my IG it won’t go away even when i click hide badge,1,2023-07-07 17:43:12 +App Store,"No chronological feed, a feed that shows you a bunch of random garbage and not things that you follow. Hard pass",1,2023-07-07 16:40:42 +App Store,"When I try to access the ""add new post"" page",2,2023-07-07 16:21:56 +App Store,"The app is fine, just reduce the OF models on the home feed",3,2023-07-07 14:39:02 +App Store,Likely one of the reasons they only have a mobile app and not a website,1,2023-07-07 05:17:37 +App Store,"Data linked to you is crazy, they are saving EVERYTHING from you",1,2023-07-07 02:11:19 +App Store,Nice try,3,2023-07-07 00:19:54 +App Store,The app is confusing and lacking major features. Clearly was rushed out the door to make a quick buck and dip.,1,2023-07-06 23:08:54 +App Store,Designed to be deleted,2,2023-07-06 22:37:37 +App Store,"V1 is amazing, 3 stars because of the lack of an iPad app. I will happily switch the rating after.",3,2023-07-06 19:59:08 +App Store,Way better then twitter,5,2023-07-06 09:13:07 +App Store,Needs some work but it is promising.,4,2023-07-06 01:18:26 +App Store,Can now really say goodbye to twitter!,5,2023-07-06 02:52:00 +App Store,translate in order to be able to read what is written in our language,4,2023-07-10 12:36:55 +App Store,"pretty chill, i’m basically doing the same stuff i did on instagram except on another app but i’m not complaining",5,2023-07-05 23:29:25 +App Store,"We all know why this really bad app was made. It censorship is extreme. There’s no freedom of speech in this app. I will not support in any way, shape or form low quality and a copycat.",1,2023-07-19 02:24:29 +App Store,"Constantly giving me ‘sorry, something went wrong’",1,2023-07-16 19:54:31 +App Store,"How can I delete my thread account without deleting my instagram account!? This app +is pointless",1,2023-07-13 18:18:35 +App Store,I can’t even log in with my instagram account so I would not recommend getting this,1,2023-07-10 21:55:52 +App Store,i love this app. but instagram……..let me have a feed of only people i follow. the amount of random accounts on my feed makes me annoyed and hate it,4,2023-07-08 08:23:21 +App Store,Shouldn’t the point of this app be able to bring my friends together and people that I follow?,1,2023-07-09 22:21:31 +App Store,It’s made by the guy that owns Facebook. Why would you want him to own and sell more of your data?,1,2023-07-09 22:08:18 +App Store,"What a great Application THREADS 🌺 + +Although , the most and the best applications in Iran need to vpn 😞😞 + +It is very useful and easy to use, I love this so much 💐❤️ + +Have a nice day with the best and sweetest moments. From TEHRAN IRAN",5,2023-07-09 04:23:44 +App Store,I’m having to approve follower requests even though my account is public. How does that make sense?,1,2023-07-08 17:28:51 +App Store,"Brand new and already full of fake accounts. +Bots everywhere. +Also full of annoying ads. +I hate it.",1,2023-07-08 17:25:04 +App Store,Lol,5,2023-07-08 11:50:59 +App Store,I don’t know how to get the camera,3,2023-07-06 12:32:09 +App Store,"Amazing replacement for twitter! Grows like crazy, too!",5,2023-07-07 01:27:20 +App Store,Source:trust me bro,5,2023-07-06 20:35:00 +App Store,Says instagram limits my activities or whatever but my account isn’t even restricted or flagged. I won’t waste my time with this.,1,2023-07-06 14:32:52 +App Store,recently installed the Threads app. Looks good. 5 stars,5,2023-07-06 10:32:17 +App Store,"Jesus, please include a toggle to turn that off.",3,2023-07-06 07:14:28 +App Store,"Quite simple is good, now need a photo layout",3,2023-07-06 06:01:10 +App Store,To many scam bots trying to make you click virus links,3,2023-07-15 18:43:47 +App Store,The only thing this can be used for his cat pictures anything more political than that and you’re just gonna get banned.,1,2023-07-06 02:37:14 +App Store,I click on signin and it just gives me an error that it can’t load the webpage.,1,2023-07-06 01:04:34 +App Store,This is Facebook in the format of Twitter. A strength of Twitter has always been that it let you decide whether or not you wanted to be anonymous….not so much with threads,1,2023-07-06 00:11:01 +App Store,Let’s see what this is about xo,5,2023-07-05 23:43:19 +App Store,It’s a job well-done. Thumbs up.,5,2023-07-05 23:29:44 +App Store,Okay. Let’s see what’s brewing here 🙃,5,2023-07-05 23:09:17 +App Store,iOS 14 pro max plus purple 2022? Most recent model. The app won’t allow me to post threads. 🤷🏽‍♂️Just me or anyone else? 🖖🏼❤️,1,2023-07-19 17:36:36 +App Store,"Rushed, featureless, and I can't stand that it's a separate app. Uninstalling this and IG because twitter is about to have a photo grid anyway.",1,2023-07-19 17:35:59 +App Store,it stopped working a week ago and no one answers anything,1,2023-07-18 11:32:09 +App Store,I'm not downloading another one of your dumb apps just for this one.,1,2023-07-17 16:31:16 +App Store,i have only one person’s notifications on yet it takes 2 days just for me to get them. very frustrating,3,2023-07-09 23:59:12 +App Store,"Random people with nft profile pics, brands you don’t care about, and people reaching for their own d***",1,2023-07-12 04:27:12 +App Store,Don’t get any apps that Meta or anything Mark is apart of. They don’t care about privacy and sell your personal information.,1,2023-07-11 03:30:51 +App Store,Fire Ong,5,2023-07-07 10:08:04 +App Store,"Ok I have an account, I’m following my friends, they’re posting, but I can only see verified accounts.",1,2023-07-09 17:51:07 +App Store,Since when did we think copy and pasting the exact blueprint of another app was ok…. I hope this app fails miserable considering it has no original thought behind it!!!,1,2023-07-08 13:57:33 +App Store,"Data Linked to You +The following data may be collected and linked to your identity: +© Health & Fitness +Financial Info +Contact Info +User Content +Browsing History +Usage Data +§ Diagnostics +• Purchases +Location +Contacts +Q Search History +₴= Identifiers +O Sensitive Info +.. Other Data + +Do I wish to share my entire life with an app? Absolutely not.",1,2023-07-07 12:15:28 +App Store,i really like this app but i feel like adding a section where you can see liked threads would be very useful🙏,4,2023-07-16 17:45:18 +App Store,"It’s a twitter clone, except it’s childish. Very immature pointless conversations and advertisements. Not to even mention all the data they collect from you. Holy man.",1,2023-07-07 01:21:02 +App Store,Good. Not as good as Spoutible but better then 🐦,5,2023-07-07 01:04:25 +App Store,…,5,2023-07-06 19:08:01 +App Store,"It’s the best app +The best of best +All users appreciate it",5,2023-07-06 13:09:00 +App Store,Threads have mediocre UX with 0 unique value proposition. It gives my yucky IG vibes and I honestly don’t see the point of spending time here when there is Twitter.,2,2023-07-06 00:37:57 +App Store,Twitter (Instagram’s Version),5,2023-07-06 00:00:39 +App Store,😂😂😂,5,2023-07-05 23:16:15 +App Store,"I was on vacation in Europe when I downloaded it, and now I can’t use it in the US. Very frustrating.",1,2023-07-18 16:56:13 +App Store,Well that was fast. Censorship out the gate with the obvious data mining that comes with Meta. 75% drop in usage the very first week.,1,2023-07-18 02:21:55 +App Store,I can't even post or reply to any of the comments,2,2023-07-07 17:13:23 +App Store,"I found nothing new. If you want to hit the clouds, just have subscribers monetize short blogs and vlogs on it based on clicks, and make it extra competitive.",1,2023-07-09 12:24:26 +App Store,The amount of personal data this app pulls from your phone is insane. Wouldn’t recommend this invasive app,1,2023-07-08 16:19:14 +App Store,Poor attempt to steal Twitter users so big tech can control what information is allowed to be talked about again.,1,2023-07-08 13:42:26 +App Store,Deleted the app after I realized how much data this app wants access too.,1,2023-07-08 13:14:56 +App Store,It’s just twitter but with all of the horrible ways meta has made their previous platforms worse. 🚮,1,2023-07-08 07:07:06 +App Store,"Nice try, but another Zuck product with no privacy and limited free speech. I logged and gave it a try, all I saw were bots folks trashing Twitter.",1,2023-07-08 01:35:00 +App Store,Made an account and instably tons of crap I don’t want to see. I’m about done with all metas sites.,2,2023-07-07 05:32:33 +App Store,I only downloaded to see what it was like but it won’t let me delete it or take the badge of my Instagram account,1,2023-07-07 16:25:18 +App Store,"Opened account and it was full of posts from boring people I didn’t know. + +Deleted app.",1,2023-07-07 12:28:40 +App Store,It’s ok so far but it needs alt text for images! Instagram does too!!,3,2023-07-06 09:31:23 +App Store,"I’ve tried the app, I gave it a chance. But unfortunately this app will never compare to twitter and I will continue to use twitter",1,2023-07-07 02:39:47 +App Store,verify me since I’m the first review please 🫶🏾,5,2023-07-06 20:25:08 +App Store,"The program closes when you leave a new message +iPhone SE2020",1,2023-07-06 19:17:36 +App Store,I remove the tag on instagarm but i want add to my instagram again so theres no way to do it it is like game over,1,2023-07-06 17:41:20 +App Store,Thank you for saving the internet! -@Marcy,5,2023-07-06 17:35:08 +App Store,Let’s fix Instagram before we start another dumpster fire,1,2023-07-06 15:52:41 +App Store,Better than twitter,5,2023-07-06 14:25:35 +App Store,Did I get it?,5,2023-07-06 00:16:49 +App Store,"I’ve got Suggested Followers toggled off in two places, but my timeline is pure…suggested followers. Absolute unusable garbage, not ready for prime time.",1,2023-07-06 00:54:09 +App Store,Even greater competition 👀,5,2023-07-05 23:47:35 +App Store,Better than Twitter.,5,2023-07-12 01:54:52 +App Store,"hate that we i downloaded threads it put a tag on my instagram profile, i hate it please fix this instagram",1,2023-07-05 23:45:46 +App Store,Updated yesterday and still glitching. Barely works,1,2023-07-24 05:03:14 +App Store,"Threads doesn’t work for me, I’ve been sending complains because my account doesn’t work",1,2023-07-21 23:46:47 +App Store,"You will forget about it after a week the most. +Lol +Nice try, but useless and powerless.",1,2023-07-19 18:41:26 +App Store,"Since day 2 of launch I get error ""Sorry, something went wrong ... Try again."" + +iOS 16.5.1",1,2023-07-18 05:40:31 +App Store,Bruh this is just Twitter and I can tell without even going on. This shows how pathetic Mark is. Btw he lets pirated videos on his platform which is bad.,1,2023-07-15 22:14:17 +App Store,"Sh8ttiest app I’ve ever seen in my entire life, copycat of Twitter! A trap, worse than mixer! I can’t delete my threads without deleting my Instagram account! F to u, Mark Zuckerberg!",1,2023-07-11 16:15:49 +App Store,Won’t join until I can register without an Instagram account!,1,2023-07-11 10:07:38 +App Store,Doesnt have porn better than twitter,4,2023-07-05 23:30:06 +App Store,I can't write comment or comment on threads app on my phone . Can anybody help ??,2,2023-07-10 08:35:05 +App Store,The timeline shows a bunch of people I don’t want to follow. Will update this if Threads updates to allow for a feed with only people I follow!,1,2023-07-09 19:18:26 +App Store,A ton of censorship for anything that does not go along with the democratic agenda. Twitter actually allows free speech and has a much better user interface,1,2023-07-08 21:49:40 +App Store,The app has absolutely no benefits over Twitter. It's a poor and desperate attempt to copy Twitter. Just another copy which is so typical for this company. Horrible app.,1,2023-07-08 20:58:31 +App Store,"Celebrities, Slanted news opinions, and influencers to help you form opinion’s. I’m glad they made it to see how lousy Social Media has become.",1,2023-07-08 20:15:01 +App Store,Why do you need instagram? I would have used this if I could just sign up,1,2023-07-08 13:35:20 +App Store,"So I guess I’m deleting my IG. Thanks for the encouragement to do something I’ve wanted to for years. Meta is just as f’d up as twitter, this is not a haven.",1,2023-07-08 13:14:34 +App Store,App crashed when click on comment button on iphone 8,1,2023-07-07 19:37:49 +App Store,Still can’t save videos and is a copy & paste of Twitter,3,2023-07-07 17:08:19 +App Store,Needs topics and to stop forcing celebrities on me but it’s fine I guess.,3,2023-07-07 08:13:55 +App Store,"Apps fine ig just Twitter but slightly worse, I’m only using it bc Twitter is dying",3,2023-07-07 03:33:37 +App Store,"App does not open , get an error message when it tries to open",1,2023-07-07 01:24:55 +App Store,This app wastes about 2/3 of a iPad’s screen space.,3,2023-07-06 18:54:46 +App Store,"You can’t create an account unless you have a instagram account. Which I don’t, and I don’t want one.",1,2023-07-06 16:47:02 +App Store,If you want everything you say to be reviewed by Big Brother this is the place for you. The requirements for approval are more Byzantine by the day.,1,2023-07-06 14:55:18 +App Store,I like the previous versions before they pulled it and did this to it..,1,2023-07-06 13:06:50 +App Store,I know the app just came out it’s just too buggy it lags and the design is plain ugly also there’s no side button to post,1,2023-07-05 23:55:55 +App Store,The cool thing that all of ur followers comes with u 😂,5,2023-07-05 23:40:00 +App Store,"Tag, First one here to review",5,2023-07-05 23:25:16 +App Store,"Mark, is this the reason why you’re gonna fight Elon 1 v 1?",4,2023-07-07 07:02:39 +App Store,"Not a good app, since I downloaded this app my instagram is not working at all, I cannot see stories or posts.",1,2023-07-17 23:50:59 +App Store,Best app better then My Cooking,5,2023-07-17 08:42:03 +App Store,This is just invasive. Don’t download.,1,2023-07-16 19:24:08 +App Store,It won’t even let you login… fix the bugs???,1,2023-07-16 15:14:28 +App Store,"If you have 0 followers nobody will see your posts, no matter how interesting your posts are",1,2023-07-13 02:24:51 +App Store,There is no way to see just what you want to follow. There is too much junk that I have no interest in.,1,2023-07-12 15:04:43 +App Store,Needs major improvement and this app steals way too much data,1,2023-07-11 05:33:26 +App Store,"Oh you mean you copied usenet news groups , one of the oldest parts of the net?",3,2023-07-10 04:18:54 +App Store,This app is horrible. I am seeing a bunch of threads from people I don’t follow. I can’t even find threads from people I follow. This is dumb.,1,2023-07-09 16:38:12 +App Store,It’s a pathetic attempt in trying to take over twitter it’s nothing but a leftist echo chamber where they can restrict what is said to push a narrative.,1,2023-07-09 15:18:42 +App Store,Twitter is a place where you can post your thoughts and feelings uncensored. Threads is extremely censored much like everything else meta produces.,1,2023-07-08 14:02:28 +App Store,"From the company that censors breaking news and sells your data, another content graveyard where Paris Hilton and Mr Beast can dominate your feed regardless of who you follow.",1,2023-07-08 08:59:19 +App Store,Just another ad filled money making app. What a waste.,1,2023-07-08 08:16:12 +App Store,"This app is a censorship and narrative tool for the DOJ. Since they can’t control you on twitter anymore, they will get you with this app. Don’t be a sucker, honor your free speech and delete this app.",1,2023-07-07 19:19:36 +App Store,The app crashes every time I try to post something. Not impressed.,1,2023-07-07 14:07:14 +App Store,I love this app already!,5,2023-07-07 02:19:41 +App Store,There’s no way to delete this app without also deleting Instagram. Stay away!,1,2023-07-07 05:25:23 +App Store,"I just signed up for Threads and as I try to start a Thread, the app crashes. Please fix this.",1,2023-07-07 03:46:18 +App Store,This App is going to take off.,5,2023-07-06 20:27:22 +App Store,"Pretty slay, buss, and munch yes it’s fun mhm. Kinda want to gatekeeper kinda don’t idk it’s better than Twitter",4,2023-07-06 04:31:30 +App Store,‘Nuff said,5,2023-07-06 15:52:58 +App Store,Instagram has clearly ran out of ideas and are now trying to copy Twitter. It’s ridiculous!,1,2023-07-06 15:20:55 +App Store,It’s way better than Twitter Fs!,5,2023-07-06 06:55:55 +App Store,It’s alright,3,2023-07-05 23:27:02 +App Store,I think,5,2023-07-06 02:03:38 +App Store,Pretty cool concept. The app is slow and doesn’t offer as many features as Barkle and Twitter. Everyone on the app either is verified or doesn’t exist,1,2023-07-06 01:47:38 +App Store,I think at this point may be it is better to remove instagram and just have this.,1,2023-07-06 00:38:03 +App Store,"Laggy, insane private data collection and no reason to use it. Anyway, it’s getting late, good night. 😴",1,2023-07-06 00:26:59 +App Store,I can’t even review the app due to the fact that it won’t even let you log in unless you have Instagram. Plus it’s run by META,1,2023-07-06 00:03:17 +App Store,RT,3,2023-07-22 16:09:53 +App Store,"Boring, I’ve had it for a few days. It’s a copy of Twitter (which I deleted years ago). Deleting it now. Pro censorship, no thanks.",1,2023-07-24 08:21:21 +App Store,Much to be desired as of now.,3,2023-07-07 15:23:33 +App Store,Was kind of neat at first. Started glitching and I couldn’t see replies anymore. Didn’t find I missed using the app and moved on.,1,2023-07-21 23:41:59 +App Store,You cant delete your account withou deleting your instagram plus it invades your privacy,1,2023-07-12 16:28:28 +App Store,There doesn’t seem to be a way to only view people I follow.,1,2023-07-11 04:58:21 +App Store,First day I was able to post but now app keeps crashing and I'm unable to post anything.,1,2023-07-09 13:21:10 +App Store,This app tops twitter by ten fold,5,2023-07-08 18:58:02 +App Store,Reminds me of Facebook. Timeline of random stuff that you don’t subscribe to. It’s whatever Zuck wants you to see and not see.,1,2023-07-08 13:44:17 +App Store,"Stupid. I don’t want to use instagram, or create an instagram account, to use this app. Needs to be a standalone app.",1,2023-07-07 18:40:01 +App Store,"Great app, there is just a typo on the first screen, says ""loggs in"" instead of ""log in"" with Instagram.",3,2023-07-06 09:56:30 +App Store,Should be able to delete Threads (an untested app) and not have to permanently delete Instagram as well. Shenanigans by Meta :(,1,2023-07-07 06:21:25 +App Store,the app won't even let me write a thread every time I try it just closes....,2,2023-07-07 03:29:32 +App Store,Facts!,5,2023-07-07 01:47:45 +App Store,Its great,5,2023-07-06 20:36:58 +App Store,Stop logging me out😐 let me stay logged in like Twitter,3,2023-07-15 19:32:49 +App Store,Thanks zuck! And I do mean that sincerely,5,2023-07-06 05:34:30 +App Store,I don’t know why I am writing a review,5,2023-07-06 00:34:05 +App Store,Bye bye Twitter with your right-wing angry and entitled tweetstorms. Threads is simple and clean. No clutter. And no crazy MAGA crowd.,5,2023-07-08 19:44:21 +App Store,App Store team - how is this not a violation of App Store rules? I’m unable to delete my account.,1,2023-07-14 13:43:55 +App Store,I hate the blatant liberal leaning censorship on the app. And the tracking of users’ information is insane. It’s a crazy amount of unnecessary tracking,1,2023-07-11 03:46:18 +App Store,No bueno. I don’t Instagram but you need an Instagram account to even make it past the first screen.,1,2023-07-11 01:09:39 +App Store,"Useless, every influencer is promoting this app. I don't see any use of this, waste of time.",2,2023-07-07 15:55:52 +App Store,When I was liking tuff on my timeline it put a restriction now I can’t like nothing on thread and instagram fix your app!!,1,2023-07-08 19:12:59 +App Store,Can’t delete my account and the stupid threads number won’t come off my ig profile,1,2023-07-08 00:46:42 +App Store,Single feed of people you follow and people that instagram spams you with. No ability to control your feed.,1,2023-07-07 18:38:38 +App Store,The huge number of information required is scary.,1,2023-07-07 15:59:51 +App Store,The app keeps saying error when I try to log in,1,2023-07-07 02:55:16 +App Store,All I’m seeing are ads or promoted posts/profiles. Nobody I’m following and no options for that either.,1,2023-07-07 01:24:17 +App Store,"…on an anonymous account, of course, because I don’t want my life “zucked” up into the metaverse. This app is pure trash.",1,2023-07-06 23:20:42 +App Store,There should be messages on the threads app,3,2023-07-06 01:23:09 +App Store,The worst thing about IG is the algorithmic timeline that shows you nothing but trash you don’t care for. So naturally we need a Twitter knock-off with ONLY an algorithmic timeline.,1,2023-07-06 16:02:50 +App Store,Can’t load accounts or see my activity,1,2023-07-06 14:23:41 +App Store,There should be a feed for ONLY those you choose to follow.,1,2023-07-06 10:24:20 +App Store,"This is an extension to instagram. Not an actual app where you sign up + +You need instagram account to work this app + +Deleted",1,2023-07-06 04:55:29 +App Store,imma be real i just wanna be the top review,5,2023-07-06 04:30:54 +App Store,Was excited to test out switching from Twitter to Threads but I don’t have an Instagram account so I can’t sign up.,1,2023-07-06 04:11:09 +App Store,I already have twitter and everyone will just post the same posts on both platforms so im good.,1,2023-07-06 02:30:45 +App Store,Seems like a cool app,5,2023-07-06 01:53:47 +App Store,The app has about 30 languages other than Arabic why? We call for the inclusion of Arabic language unfortunately,1,2023-07-06 01:26:32 +App Store,It’s a cool app. I believe it’s affecting my Timeline on IG though. All the photos & vids are showing up Grey on my IG Timeline.,3,2023-07-08 22:41:53 +App Store,the application does not work for me and does not load anything,1,2023-07-16 11:49:06 +App Store,Pls for us that mistakenly removed the thread link on our profile. Pls help us so we can add it back. It would be excellent,1,2023-07-15 12:44:52 +App Store,"Don’t download, just use twitter! Do you really want meta to have all of your personal information?!",1,2023-07-13 22:06:38 +App Store,Within like 1-5 mins you can tell yourself how poorly made this app is,1,2023-07-12 22:45:53 +App Store,"It keeps crashing whenever I go to post/quote/comment. +Please fix this!",1,2023-07-10 19:30:47 +App Store,No thanks. Looked cool at first but the data collection from Zucky boy over here is scary. Hope Meta gets in trouble over this one.,1,2023-07-09 06:53:12 +App Store,Too many people on the groupchat feed. And not enough content i wanted to see.,1,2023-07-08 17:22:29 +App Store,This app is not made of ipad. I think they need to make one because twitter has there own version for ipad.,1,2023-07-08 08:51:27 +App Store,"What if Twitter had more censorship, no hashtags, no way to reach a wider audience, and complete control over all of your data? You get threads…",1,2023-07-07 13:11:09 +App Store,"Its fine ig, its early but it seems kind of clunky so far.",3,2023-07-06 04:30:06 +App Store,"Seems like something that was created in the past 7 months. Appears to be a cheap copy of Truth Social, which is a Cheap copy of Twitter.",1,2023-07-07 00:47:36 +App Store,"Good start, props to Meta/Instagram for making an actually good Twitter replacement. Once it’s matured a bit it’ll be great. + +Suggestions: + +1) Messenger/DMs + +2) edit button?",5,2023-07-06 17:28:54 +App Store,I rlly love u guys thx for this app I feel loved,5,2023-07-06 17:18:43 +App Store,Am i the first person to review threads? WE LOVE IT,5,2023-07-06 15:51:46 +App Store,"Downloaded, tried it, it’s the tired same ol’ same ol’. Might as well join a legit mastodon instance and skip the corporate bull if you’re interested in an alternative to the dirty bird.",1,2023-07-06 15:23:42 +App Store,"Missing a few key features: + +A timeline of threads from only the people you follow. + +Hashtag implementation. + +The ability to search words and phrases, not just users. + +Trending Topics.",3,2023-07-07 15:43:30 +App Store,"This gonna be crazy, let’s seee",5,2023-07-06 02:52:34 +App Store,Login page is not available?,2,2023-07-06 00:05:25 +App Store,"Horrible app. This is literally just a copy and paste of twitter with higher restrictions, no privacy, and data selling. #DeleteTheThread",1,2023-07-24 15:22:19 +App Store,The app has been down for almost a week…,1,2023-07-18 08:01:34 +App Store,Why are we letting one elite mega billionaire corporation run all social media on planet earth? Threads is a copycat Twitter not friendly and not sanely run,1,2023-07-17 07:20:31 +App Store,Nothing new here. Just takes all of the reasons I joined Twitter and ruined them.,1,2023-07-09 01:21:33 +App Store,"If I could give this app 0 stars I would. This needs to be stopped, zuck needs to go. He is one of the reasons this world is on a spiral downward. Do not support this man.",1,2023-07-08 18:15:53 +App Store,"Not even sure why I am, just not a good look.",1,2023-07-08 16:48:40 +App Store,This the best app right now and Elon mad 🤣🤣,5,2023-07-08 14:00:35 +App Store,I couldn’t believe how much data they were collecting. Deleted the app.,1,2023-07-08 03:20:23 +App Store,"change the home page i dont want to see a bunch of random ppl, add an explore page or let me filter the home page bc its seriously making it unusable",2,2023-07-07 18:47:28 +App Store,did my wife leave me,3,2023-07-07 05:02:46 +App Store,When I go to make a post app closes,2,2023-07-07 13:05:22 +App Store,Let's observe the extent to which this can foster societal unity.,4,2023-07-06 02:53:50 +App Store,Swag,5,2023-07-07 03:32:01 +App Store,I luv this app fr😛 but they alr Makin it into Twitter by the naked pics😭😭,5,2023-07-07 03:06:50 +App Store,Am I the first to review it? Lol,5,2023-07-06 21:10:31 +App Store,"If you want to read left wing propaganda and have all conservative viewpoints censored, you’ve come to the right app! Stay on Twitter instead!",1,2023-07-06 20:14:44 +App Store,"Everything by mark is not safe +Facebook and whatsapp explain why",1,2023-07-06 09:33:20 +App Store,We love to see it,4,2023-07-09 16:24:12 +App Store,Meta needs better options regarding sharing data and privacy,1,2023-07-05 23:33:41 +App Store,Tipsy Tailgate Media gives 5 stars,5,2023-07-05 23:25:53 +App Store,"I only give this app a four-star review because it needs a translator. Other than that, it’s great.",1,2023-07-21 05:15:40 +App Store,"Is copying all the bad things off Twitter. I get 3 threads I care about and a never ending supply of things I don’t care about. +Uninstalled.",1,2023-07-18 13:38:10 +App Store,I downloaded bcs ppl said to download but once i heard that if you delete the app you delete your instagram account… 😐,1,2023-07-16 16:10:54 +App Store,I will stick with Twitter- everything I see aligns with politics and I do believe things are being censored already.,1,2023-07-15 15:22:12 +App Store,Let there be chats in the thread app not just post so that we can talk to our family and friends,1,2023-07-10 20:43:09 +App Store,This application has Censorship of opinion and does not allow deleting the account.,1,2023-07-09 22:18:47 +App Store,How do u add them on threads?,3,2023-07-09 15:37:23 +App Store,i want to write something or repost the application is automatically closed on my phone,3,2023-07-07 11:47:10 +App Store,I hope they both burn away forever and let society be happy again,1,2023-07-07 17:21:18 +App Store,So far so good,5,2023-07-07 13:49:42 +App Store,"Basically the title, would rate higher if like anyone else made this",1,2023-07-07 12:25:39 +App Store,I wish it had gifs lol,4,2023-07-07 03:46:46 +App Store,You copy it from twitter and one app left,3,2023-07-09 01:52:37 +App Store,i think i’m the first review. i’m gonna be in history books in a few centuries 💪🥱😎,5,2023-07-06 22:05:16 +App Store,Elon mad ash lmaaoaoaoaoaooo,5,2023-07-06 20:53:00 +App Store,Look at that INSANE amount of personal data they collect on you. You’d be nuts to use this at all. Use Nostr.,1,2023-07-06 17:52:21 +App Store,"It crashes every time I try to make a post, so it’s basically useless",1,2023-07-06 17:26:03 +App Store,Just wanted to Say I’m the first Reviewer,5,2023-07-06 15:36:27 +App Store,I still hate seeing random people I don’t follow. Which is the same problem in IG. Great reminder on why I stopped using IG.,1,2023-07-06 13:46:25 +App Store,Smooth sailing… For now lol.,5,2023-07-06 07:41:24 +App Store,I absolutely love this!!,5,2023-07-06 00:52:34 +App Store,First comment,5,2023-07-05 23:24:03 +App Store,I’m just,5,2023-07-20 02:00:18 +App Store,Millions of bugs. It doesn’t show me my posts or other people’s profiles!,1,2023-07-19 21:19:32 +App Store,App interfaces and user experience are terrible on their own already and excessive censorship makes it unusable.,1,2023-07-19 01:12:22 +App Store,"Threads is extremely partisan and one sided. Twitter is light years better and not a branch of the government, don’t waste your time with boring threads.",1,2023-07-18 12:44:43 +App Store,It being tied to IG is a deal-breaker — make it a stand-alone entity and I’ll come back and create a user account!,1,2023-07-12 22:08:10 +App Store,Having to create an instagram account to use this is a stupid requirement.,1,2023-07-09 16:14:35 +App Store,I love this app so much,5,2023-07-09 05:57:53 +App Store,I don’t use instagram much and don’t follow many people but the default algorithm for threads is awful.,1,2023-07-09 04:57:36 +App Store,"It’s a great app, I’m loving it so far!",5,2023-07-08 04:28:23 +App Store,"I don’t want to be nit-picky, I do wonder if the app should be called “Threads, A Meta App” tho?",3,2023-07-07 07:40:14 +App Store,I can’t change profile picture 🙄,1,2023-07-07 20:38:59 +App Store,You can’t have freedom of speech on this app. If you want the wish version of twitter and to be censored this is for you.,1,2023-07-07 17:26:54 +App Store,"Look at the fine print, App Gathers MORE data then TikTok but the App is better then Twitter. In the end you sell your soul",1,2023-07-07 13:43:29 +App Store,I’m just happy Elon musk can’t ruin this platform,5,2023-07-07 04:31:15 +App Store,"I’ll be honest, I downloaded threads to save my @ just in case. But, from what little I’ve seen, it’s twitter. And I’m already on Twitter and will stay there.",1,2023-07-07 04:37:16 +App Store,"I like this. I like this a lot… + +#surveystud",5,2023-07-06 12:41:33 +App Store,Just unnecessary appendage to Instagram. I want a real alternative to Twitter. This definitely isn’t it. Facebook just wants to lord over your entire life.,1,2023-07-07 03:39:59 +App Store,Why can’t I sign up for an account directly thru the app?,1,2023-07-06 15:49:02 +App Store,Just wanted to be first review 😜,5,2023-07-06 03:48:42 +App Store,The app won’t let me log in with my Instagram. It says “try again later”.,1,2023-07-06 12:17:51 +App Store,This is exactly like Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 01:38:48 +App Store,Really like it,5,2023-07-14 08:14:03 +App Store,"Booring its to plane now lately is trying the IG trap of showing random sexy girls witch is the reason i dont use Ig anymore, tired of to much soft-p*rn just to keep you in the app",1,2023-07-20 20:30:33 +App Store,"Something like Twitter but not, working so slow. Don’t waste your time.",1,2023-07-18 19:54:34 +App Store,This app makes Facebook look like it respects your privacy. Read the fine print.,1,2023-07-15 16:38:05 +App Store,Why would you download this when you have Twitter do you not want free speech you wanna be censored,1,2023-07-14 20:19:01 +App Store,"Stick with Twitter, a place where freedom of speech & expression still exists. Threads is dead.",1,2023-07-09 19:12:38 +App Store,Looks like a newer version of IG and I’m getting stuff I don’t even follow or have interest in,1,2023-07-08 21:18:50 +App Store,Tried for a bit and it feels like a less than half-cooked Twitter without any valuable conversations.,1,2023-07-08 19:24:37 +App Store,"Can’t use hashtags + +No suggested/fy page + +No accessibility settings + +No widgets + +Search bar only shows users",4,2023-07-06 16:06:37 +App Store,Pointless app. Give us back the original instagram!,1,2023-07-07 13:28:33 +App Store,Would have preferred a to make a new account that wasn’t tied to instagram,1,2023-07-07 05:46:24 +App Store,if Twitter brung you here. Don’t ever go back ✅,5,2023-07-07 00:47:48 +App Store,"Basically a highly moderated, non-intuitive, bland version of twitter",1,2023-07-06 20:49:59 +App Store,Best app atm 😍 no issues so far,5,2023-07-06 18:24:15 +App Store,I love it so far!,5,2023-07-06 14:12:46 +App Store,instagram knows they. Ate,5,2023-07-06 03:30:14 +App Store,I am the man who reviews,5,2023-07-06 03:19:09 +App Store,Please. We need it!,5,2023-07-16 17:20:58 +App Store,"Just a copy and paste of Twitter. If I went to work and started copy and pasting stuff…I’d be fired. + +Also, the censoring is dumb and corrupt.",1,2023-07-19 12:21:11 +App Store,…is that it’s not owned by Elon Musk.,5,2023-07-10 18:13:19 +App Store,"Too many unnecessary permissions and data collection, meta being meta.",1,2023-07-11 21:28:40 +App Store,"Mr Zuck, + I am very thankful to you for creating this app. +Sincerely, +Wajaht Amjid",5,2023-07-09 02:46:20 +App Store,It’s way better then twitter😂,5,2023-07-07 05:37:59 +App Store,All my hard work is put to waste y suspend my acct dis early,1,2023-07-08 22:12:05 +App Store,I can’t add my badge back to my profile on IG. And I can’t view anyone’s story or see photos that came up,1,2023-07-08 21:16:32 +App Store,.,1,2023-07-08 01:44:59 +App Store,Struggling to see my friends posts. Very cluttered with accounts I don’t follow?,2,2023-07-07 17:46:40 +App Store,i care about facebook fixing it’s “dating app” features. i care about facebook fixing the app so when i delete my dating account and wait the several days the icon should be there. i don’t care about this invasive stupid twitter prototype,1,2023-07-07 13:18:32 +App Store,i like it but can u pls fix it bc why does nothing load i cant see my own followers or other ppls,4,2023-07-06 17:04:38 +App Store,No thank you. We have seen enough of this.,1,2023-07-07 03:27:24 +App Store,"There is no space for chatting +Please kindly create a space for use to chat just like Instagram",1,2023-07-06 20:08:53 +App Store,I love this app already ❤️,4,2023-07-06 16:25:51 +App Store,It’s alright kinda reminds me of Twitter though..,4,2023-07-06 03:06:34 +App Store,What good is it? If I have to sign in with Instagram there are people out here who don’t want Facebook or Instagram,1,2023-07-06 09:34:15 +App Store,Haleyybaylee should definitely be the CEO and owner of this app,5,2023-07-06 06:02:58 +App Store,Not bad from the first glance..,3,2023-07-06 00:01:43 +App Store,"This is going to destroy musk, i can smell it",5,2023-07-06 01:23:53 +App Store,Why is it showing me things I don’t subscribe too? Junk algorithm,1,2023-07-06 00:16:39 +App Store,That is all,5,2023-07-05 23:29:57 +App Store,I’m so,5,2023-07-18 04:06:59 +App Store,Pls try again ( copy & paste didn’t worked),1,2023-07-20 11:13:36 +App Store,"App only, no desktop, limited searches (very limited), and I don’t really get the point of its existence except to say “tWiTtEr KiLlEr”.",1,2023-07-18 14:36:13 +App Store,Daddy Zuck has changed my life.,5,2023-07-06 20:41:08 +App Store,Mark used copy and paste to create threads. It is twitter with more censorship and doesn’t allow freedom of speech. Trash overall.,1,2023-07-09 15:04:43 +App Store,"Twitter has so many more features +Maybe zuck can do some homework before deploying a garbage app",1,2023-07-08 15:54:49 +App Store,"I was open to the idea of this app but it requires an instagram account to +join...not doing it.",1,2023-07-08 02:04:18 +App Store,As this rate they may as well copy my iPhone to their backup server,1,2023-07-07 18:28:46 +App Store,If this is linked to Instagram and run by Meta we don’t need another app. It should be all in one.,1,2023-07-06 10:30:46 +App Store,It is a great application and expect to be succeful,5,2023-07-06 09:24:49 +App Store,wayyyy better than twitter and a great way to communicate with people all over,5,2023-07-06 08:18:34 +App Store,Oh so a twitter but without the pr0ng,5,2023-07-06 01:32:24 +App Store,Awesome,5,2023-07-06 00:15:49 +App Store,^^,5,2023-07-05 23:31:47 +App Store,I don’t want to see post from people I don’t care for,1,2023-07-06 00:04:31 +App Store,"Great app, better than Twitter!",5,2023-07-09 05:45:23 +App Store,"Even worse than Facebook’s policy + +Worse than Instagram’s policy",1,2023-07-15 12:02:25 +App Store,It’s not the best but I can see potential. They need to combine instagram and threads together otherwise it’s dead on arrival.,1,2023-07-10 20:30:24 +App Store,I need a verification I love this app 🤍,5,2023-07-06 18:16:47 +App Store,Complete Joke. Twitter is way!!! Better than the data mining meme aka this instagram app without pictures nonsense.,1,2023-07-08 16:45:20 +App Store,"I am absolutely livid at the app's utter disregard for iPad users, leaving us with a half-baked, infuriating experience that falls far short of expectations!",1,2023-07-08 13:24:16 +App Store,I cant even stay logged in,1,2023-07-08 10:10:52 +App Store,Literally copy and paste of twitter. Mark stay stealing ideas from other people.,1,2023-07-07 20:16:24 +App Store,"What I don’t like about Threads is you don’t get a full screen on iPad, like Twitter.",2,2023-07-07 16:33:14 +App Store,Why must I delete my Instagram account to delete the threads account? Ummmm make that make sense,1,2023-07-07 08:09:47 +App Store,A new app designed to censor free speech and continue to sell our data to gov agencies and foreign countries. Do not recommend.,1,2023-07-07 01:17:35 +App Store,"Really hate that my whole feed is 90% people I don’t follow. Makes me not wanna use the app + +Make it like tik tok do a for you and what u follow",1,2023-07-06 22:06:09 +App Store,"Like the title says, after trying to login with Insta credentials the app won’t open.",1,2023-07-06 21:57:52 +App Store,I don’t like how you can’t add you number back to your bio when you want too!😡,1,2023-07-06 19:39:16 +App Store,"this is a good app , but i think in the next update you should add dms or a way for us to privately message.",4,2023-07-06 16:55:36 +App Store,Thread App is absolutely amazing… thank you instagram!!,5,2023-07-06 03:26:52 +App Store,Twitter will always be above all. That’s the review.,5,2023-07-06 02:26:55 +App Store,No chronological order and you get people you don’t follow in your thread. Gotta fixed that ASAP,1,2023-07-06 01:46:33 +App Store,"instagram has translate feature , it should be here too . dont like the auto follow feature . i think the app needs to consider accessibility more",2,2023-07-09 22:26:58 +App Store,The app constantly shows threads from celebrities you don’t even follow. I’ll stick to Twitter.,1,2023-07-09 19:06:44 +App Store,It’s a pure copy paste app of twitter which has less features than twitter.,1,2023-07-09 06:16:52 +App Store,It’s ok wouldnt really use it because I have a twitter,2,2023-07-08 15:18:42 +App Store,Just another app for left wing extremists who hate opinions that are different than their own!,1,2023-07-08 13:52:23 +App Store,Threads app keeps crashing when I type in individual names to follow.,1,2023-07-07 22:53:47 +App Store,Yo this app is freaking good it’s awesome download it !!,5,2023-07-07 16:28:05 +App Store,Need I say more?,5,2023-07-07 04:38:01 +App Store,"I try to do something on the app, it gitches and it kicks me ou of the app. I'd like this to be fixed.",2,2023-07-06 22:15:13 +App Store,Better then Twitter tbh,5,2023-07-06 20:57:19 +App Store,I love threading. Its so refreshing,5,2023-07-06 20:43:09 +App Store,This is a great app it’s new and love it,5,2023-07-06 19:21:39 +App Store,Thank you … nice app…,5,2023-07-06 17:47:30 +App Store,I hate Elon,5,2023-07-06 17:30:44 +App Store,Twitter without Elon? Sign me up,5,2023-07-06 10:53:53 +App Store,"How do you lack basic features upon release? + +PROS + +- it’s black +- IG followers can easily follow you + +CONS + +- timeline is not chronological +- no way to see threads from only people you follow +- algorithm is chaotic +- search only looks for people, not threads +- no DM feature +- no GIF feature +- no poll feature +- no Thread drafts",1,2023-07-06 16:19:34 +App Store,"When we I log into threads, my IG logs out and vice versa.",3,2023-07-07 12:48:38 +App Store,"Another app from meta to steal and sell you data. +Mark zuckerberg need to stop copying other platforms. + +Twitter is the best!!!",1,2023-07-06 07:21:35 +App Store,"Unless you delete instagram as well. + +Welcome to Meta policies.",1,2023-07-06 07:18:56 +App Store,im just first thats all,5,2023-07-05 23:29:54 +App Store,Greatest social media app.,5,2023-07-05 23:29:05 +App Store,"I really thought this was gonna be well planned out, but nope. This was rushed, and seeing Facebook/Instagram I expected more.",1,2023-07-13 20:54:05 +App Store,Its like purchasing a cheaper knockoff version of a movie at a walmart,1,2023-07-13 14:59:12 +App Store,Literally!,1,2023-07-10 12:28:17 +App Store,"This app collects every bit of data on your phone. +No privacy whatsoever.",1,2023-07-10 12:12:59 +App Store,"Getting threads or even account blocked for saying the truth. Get your policy changed, but for now thanks, bye.",1,2023-07-09 23:27:05 +App Store,If you like censorship and surveillance then this is a great app from the makers of other unethical social media services.,1,2023-07-09 01:52:33 +App Store,Down with Musk!! All hail Zuck!!,5,2023-07-07 21:14:52 +App Store,is that the app y’all making fuzz comparing to Twitter 🤔,3,2023-07-06 00:35:06 +App Store,"I don’t have Instagram. I don’t want Instagram. I don’t want Facebook. I used to like Twitter, and I might’ve like this. But obviously I’m not welcome. So bad.",1,2023-07-07 00:34:55 +App Store,Downloaded to give it a try. Must have instagram. Deleted.,1,2023-07-06 20:05:18 +App Store,Can't post anything. Just crashes.,1,2023-07-06 16:18:39 +App Store,Fear of truth is not reality. What’s the point of this app if no one can talk freely. Smells like communism. Dumpster fire can’t believe they released this trash just to keep lying to humanity. Wow,1,2023-07-06 16:07:25 +App Store,Elon musk is punching the air right now,5,2023-07-06 06:24:41 +App Store,The feed is filled with irrelevant influencers whom I don’t even follow nor care to.,2,2023-07-06 03:19:39 +App Store,I’m in love with this app. ❤️,5,2023-07-06 01:50:34 +App Store,Basically twitter 2.0,4,2023-07-07 07:04:38 +App Store,@,5,2023-07-06 00:12:28 +App Store,Not a bad app just a copy and paste of twitter. I still prefer twitter but this app died in 2 weeks tbh.,2,2023-07-22 06:15:00 +App Store,We could help you,3,2023-07-19 04:26:23 +App Store,can we get a separate page between “suggested” or “for you” and “following”?,3,2023-07-16 22:54:27 +App Store,The size of the ipad doesn't apply,1,2023-07-16 12:36:55 +App Store,"Dreadful privacy standards, and the feed is just a bunch of random strangers I don’t care about AT ALL.",1,2023-07-14 23:17:55 +App Store,Stealing is meta main job,1,2023-07-14 01:38:23 +App Store,App is so mid. A worse version of Twitter with way less discoverable content.,1,2023-07-13 20:51:17 +App Store,When will hashtags finally link or build threads??,2,2023-07-13 19:03:27 +App Store,App keep shutting down on I can't make I thread or comments on anyone's thread,1,2023-07-12 13:59:02 +App Store,"When publishing a post with iphone se3, the app crashes",1,2023-07-12 01:54:35 +App Store,I can’t have a Threads account since I don’t have Instagram.,1,2023-07-11 11:51:56 +App Store,This not a final review but I just wanna say why do you have to have a instagram account to login,1,2023-07-07 22:49:11 +App Store,Won’t let me delete my data without deleting instagram,1,2023-07-07 14:14:59 +App Store,Dear threads team members please add Farsi language to this app.. لطفا زبان فارسی را وارد این تریدز کنید,5,2023-07-07 00:55:25 +App Store,I can’t remove my Threads account for my Instagram account I don’t want it there I don’t want Threads please help!!!,1,2023-07-07 03:15:26 +App Store,This is the new evolution of info surfing,5,2023-07-06 07:17:58 +App Store,"Unable to create an account, so disappointed.",1,2023-07-06 16:08:57 +App Store,It doenst enter my account and keep sayin “Try again later”,1,2023-07-06 08:42:29 +App Store,"Dear Instagram, Why did I get banned so fast gurl",3,2023-07-06 17:47:40 +App Store,this app is very mediaaa 10/10 definitely recommend,5,2023-07-06 07:17:56 +App Store,Needs chronological feed consisting only of people you follow.,2,2023-07-06 01:02:06 +App Store,Beat y’all hahahah,5,2023-07-05 23:30:14 +App Store,I don’t really care for it myself but everyone has there own preferences.,1,2023-07-08 01:47:30 +App Store,I can’t search for threats it’s very bad,2,2023-07-07 17:59:36 +App Store,It force closes once I click the comments icon or post icon.,1,2023-07-07 10:33:34 +App Store,Really good app I'm in love with it 🤍,5,2023-07-07 07:48:36 +App Store,They are collecting so much of your data it’s ridiculous,1,2023-07-07 01:01:56 +App Store,Horrible app you have to have a instagram to create an account….I’ll pass!,1,2023-07-07 00:52:42 +App Store,I hope that you will include the Arabic language among the languages ​​of the program,1,2023-07-06 22:13:29 +App Store,Just another liberal website. Complete garbage and a waste of thine.,1,2023-07-06 19:02:08 +App Store,"just a rip off of twitter, can't delete ur threads account without deleting your instagram account. threads badge keeps popping up on my instagram account after removing it many times, and i saw gore on threads, just dont get it",1,2023-07-06 17:54:38 +App Store,Thank you Zuck,5,2023-07-06 00:07:50 +App Store,This app is stupid and pointless too much like Instagram so I deleted it,1,2023-07-06 17:26:13 +App Store,"Everytime I tried to response to a thread, the app kicks me out. Please fix this.",1,2023-07-06 01:37:42 +App Store,I’m the first review,5,2023-07-05 23:30:05 +App Store,First day and I can’t even log in. Do better Zuckerberg.,1,2023-07-05 23:39:14 +App Store,It’s not using a native resolution so 2/3 of your screen is empty.,1,2023-07-14 13:39:24 +App Store,Not worth it,1,2023-07-11 19:48:53 +App Store,Title says it all,5,2023-07-10 03:49:05 +App Store,"Death to Meta! +Ig is so much worse now under the influence of meta. threads is the worst app ever. It’s pointless except for meta supremacy. +Screw Facebook too",1,2023-07-11 13:58:12 +App Store,"I don’t use social media but decided to try Threads. It’s an extension of Insta, not it’s own independent app",1,2023-07-10 06:05:16 +App Store,i really like the design of the app and it’s nice to use i wish they could add dms,5,2023-07-07 07:11:01 +App Store,Pretty bad that you need an instagram account to use a “Twitter” equivalent.,1,2023-07-10 01:27:59 +App Store,"If you showed an ape twitter and told him to copy it, you would then get threads.",1,2023-07-09 18:25:53 +App Store,I get on and all I see are random posts from nobody I know.,1,2023-07-09 03:21:43 +App Store,Don’t get this app because you cannot delete the acc it did not tell me b4 downloading is a bad app and it’s not really fun fyi TWITTER IS BETTER,1,2023-07-07 23:56:48 +App Store,You press “done” after editing bio and nothing happens. Twitter is better. Go Tesla!,1,2023-07-07 16:34:53 +App Store,Love it so far,5,2023-07-07 02:46:34 +App Store,"The app is very slow, I have a iPod 1 and it doesn’t load",1,2023-07-07 06:47:41 +App Store,Thanks for these application .,5,2023-07-06 22:26:29 +App Store,"i downloaded this app to see what the hype was about. it’s just a twitter dupe. i wanted to delete my account after seeing how much my data is accessed, but realized i could only do so if i delete my instagram. what the heck?!",1,2023-07-06 22:48:15 +App Store,"To be fair tho what + +Vik?? + +Did I? +I thought that was Harry who said that +No vik you literally said to be fair tho +Oh oh I was agreeing with Harry",5,2023-07-07 08:46:02 +App Store,"I tried to like it, but it's just terrible.",1,2023-07-10 06:30:40 +App Store,"Content moderation seems to be just as lacking as FB, which is not a surprise as it’s being run by Meta.",1,2023-07-07 14:22:31 +App Store,The title of this review speaks for itself.,5,2023-07-07 02:36:20 +App Store,Twitter without the drama….,5,2023-07-07 00:18:32 +App Store,This app is really lit!,5,2023-07-06 17:11:20 +App Store,"Threads badge keeps popping up on my ig bio even after clicking “remove” +Why is it doing this . Please remove",1,2023-07-06 19:02:46 +App Store,Does anyone know how to un hide your thread @ on your bio?,3,2023-07-07 05:28:56 +App Store,Completely worthless without a chronological feed.,1,2023-07-06 16:24:41 +App Store,"Hello Elon 😀 +It’s good to have something like twitter that is not limited",5,2023-07-06 10:38:17 +App Store,Insta adamabiouli (single ladies only),5,2023-07-06 08:38:20 +App Store,Money streaks goin crazy,5,2023-07-06 03:11:42 +App Store,Now we can say bye bye Twitter😂,5,2023-07-06 02:55:53 +App Store,I like the app 👍,5,2023-07-05 23:58:48 +App Store,Just use twitter. Don’t waste your time. They’ll bun you for no reason.,1,2023-07-19 18:15:16 +App Store,"Why can’t I delete my own account… +It’s also so boring",1,2023-07-17 07:02:06 +App Store,I can't edit post !!!!,2,2023-07-16 12:00:54 +App Store,It is like instagram,5,2023-07-16 04:37:02 +App Store,Just another blah platform. Nothing special to make it stand out. Such a disapointment.,1,2023-07-14 23:20:30 +App Store,thank you threads for creating a safer space for us 💕,5,2023-07-14 08:09:43 +App Store,Timeline is filled with random people I don’t follow. App is pretty much unusable.,1,2023-07-09 17:55:19 +App Store,Why am I seeing feeds from others that I don’t follow?,1,2023-07-09 12:57:31 +App Store,Gave threads my phone number and started getting spam texts. Cmon…,1,2023-07-07 23:47:49 +App Store,"Wish you could have Threads as a standalone app, without requiring an Instagram account…",1,2023-07-07 23:47:38 +App Store,A Twitter rival with better community standards and guidelines!,5,2023-07-06 21:23:37 +App Store,"Title says it all, also uses annoying algos",1,2023-07-06 17:48:07 +App Store,This app tracks every part of your life from your health to your finances! Simply evil.,1,2023-07-06 17:27:23 +App Store,Where is everyone,3,2023-07-06 01:52:58 +App Store,if you want a better fediverse use lemmy worlds this is just if you put everyone in one building and everyone kept yelling things out hoping they become noticed,1,2023-07-06 15:47:45 +App Store,I tried to log in but it won’t let me…,1,2023-07-06 15:19:33 +App Store,Keeps crashing when I wanna start a thread,1,2023-07-06 15:01:36 +App Store,"We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok + +We don’t need another app + +Deleting - no thanks",1,2023-07-06 14:54:16 +App Store,whenever i sign into either instagram or threads it will sign me out of my account on the other platform,2,2023-07-06 07:01:43 +App Store,I love the app now all we need is dms💪🏾,5,2023-07-07 12:59:51 +App Store,The app is trash. Mark Zuckerberg wants your personal data!,1,2023-07-18 13:47:43 +App Store,I can’t open Threads Account. They don’t take care for my Instagram account.,1,2023-07-13 16:06:20 +App Store,Is everyone actually ok with the permissions being given to this app?! holy h-e-double 🏒🏒,1,2023-07-10 17:33:33 +App Store,i accidentally removed my threads tag from my instagram bio too quickly to realize there was a popup that said that it’s permanent…now i can’t have my threads tag in my insta bio,1,2023-07-09 21:55:19 +App Store,If you just make an account to check it out you can not delete it.,1,2023-07-09 12:15:06 +App Store,The Zuckerberg couldn’t afford Twitter so he main a skeleton copy of it and it isn’t very good and already heavily censors users.,1,2023-07-09 02:01:31 +App Store,Instagram neither threads support iPads. This devices are really popular among apple ecosystem and is worth mentioning that they do need support.,1,2023-07-08 03:14:07 +App Store,Please review the data it collects on you. It’s beyond insane.,1,2023-07-07 19:59:02 +App Store,"Coming soon +Twitter ❌ +Threads ✅",5,2023-07-06 12:49:16 +App Store,Copying the bird app is beyond petty. Also the “are sure you want to follow” feature is ridiculous.,1,2023-07-07 07:16:10 +App Store,I hope I’m not put in Threads Jail for speaking my mind on this app? Since it’s part of the Zuckerberg doesn’t block my Freedom of Speech. Lol 🤣,1,2023-07-07 03:14:52 +App Store,A company worth nearly half a billion dollars cannot produce an app that works out of the “box”. Nice,1,2023-07-06 21:48:25 +App Store,This is my first review,5,2023-07-06 11:50:26 +App Store,im excited for threads woohoo twitter but good! when i try to reply or post though the app crashes,3,2023-07-05 23:38:50 +App Store,Won’t let you delete the app,1,2023-07-06 05:09:17 +App Store,I don’t like that it has to be linked to Instagram,2,2023-07-06 04:41:02 +App Store,"Twitter's most hated ""for you"" is the only choice here",1,2023-07-06 03:30:02 +App Store,"Once again, Meta trying to be someone else.",1,2023-07-06 02:50:15 +App Store,I’m so,5,2023-07-18 04:06:57 +App Store,"You seriously require a connection to Instagram in order to even use this? + +So much for a stand-alone social media competitor to twitter. + + Frankly this app is dead on arrival with this Instagram profile requirement. + +Just another poor decision by The Zuck.",1,2023-07-05 23:38:14 +App Store,"It was a smooth integration with Instagram, but the features were lackluster, back to the bird",1,2023-07-18 19:55:04 +App Store,It’s the best app,5,2023-07-06 17:18:08 +App Store,"Elon Musk brought free speech to Twitter. Threads is basically Twitter however companies corporate posts are promoted more, and you can get banned by exercising free speech.",1,2023-07-12 22:09:00 +App Store,Accessibility needs to be improved,2,2023-07-08 22:04:24 +App Store,I really don’t need a Twitter proxy social media platform. I don’t use Twitter because.,1,2023-07-08 18:21:45 +App Store,You do not have Freedom of speech with this app. (censorship),1,2023-07-07 10:40:50 +App Store,Super familiar to something else. Kinda dumb if u delete ur account u also lose ur Instagram account?,1,2023-07-07 06:10:06 +App Store,Can't even post anything it just exits the app,1,2023-07-06 21:39:19 +App Store,Logged in to see that my creators I follow have a warning on them for misinformation.,1,2023-07-06 17:26:05 +App Store,"I LOVE IT my name is Jalen Duncan ( Sixstartrades ) +First review lol",5,2023-07-06 13:14:33 +App Store,🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻,5,2023-07-06 02:39:37 +App Store,Downloaded and deleted within 5 minutes. It’s a political echo chamber for people who people who left Twitter.,1,2023-07-06 11:50:19 +App Store,Tap to write,5,2023-07-05 23:13:47 +App Store,"I write this review to not only speak of the good of Threads but also to share my thoughts on how to make it better than not just Twitter, but also Facebook. + +I deleted my Twitter account years before Musk took over it, and even then I lost interest within 6 months of having it. There were so many flaws about the sheer environment of Twitter that pushed me away from using the app. The two main flaws were that of negativity and drama from every bit of content that I was seeing. Threads has great potential in being different. I was actually interested in joining it and the app had an inviting feel to it. Now here are my thoughts on where to improve when updates come… + +Make the Home page/feed only show posts/content from my followers and those I chose to follow. If anything else, possibly for every 10 posts, show me a suggested post based off of my likes, reposts, and who I follow. Nobody needs/wants to see what some random company or celebrity posted, whom they did not follow or show interest in the first place. Make this app even more inviting by filling it with content the user already liked and associated with, hence their followers and likes. +Abide by Instagram’s Community Guidelines to a tee, if not harder. A big problem that I noticed Twitter had was the sheer indecency it had in its seemingly nonexistent post guidelines. A person could post something inappropriate without any fear of their tweet being removed. Make this app average person friendly, while also making it a place for people to voice their opinions/beliefs. +Keep Threads and Instagram separate in terms of deletion. If for some reason I want to delete Threads, I should not worry about it deleting my Instagram. +No matter what, do not ad us to death. Ads are not inviting, and if there ever comes a time when you do allow ads, limit them to a bare minimum and at least make it content that we’ve actually shown interest in by engagement. +Use a few concepts from Facebook in Threads. Such as, if I search up “Atlanta Braves” I can have the option to see posts, videos, groups, hashtags, or pictures about the Braves. Add that feature to the search tab in the Threads app. +Put the home page, which as I said should all be my followers and those I follow, in chronological order. The first thing I should see is the most recent post made. +Keep users’ private information private and not allow any such personal information about the user be infiltrated by the software or hackers. Again, make this app a secure platform for individuals to use. +Lastly, give users the ability to customize the look of their Threads display. Such as different color schemes, text font and size, and the Instagram bio link that users currently have. Give them the ability to make the app appeal to them in looks and in sharing across account platforms. +Hope all of this helps! I don’t know if Meta will see this review, but I sure do hope that they will continue to improve upon a platform that already has great potential.",4,2023-07-08 05:25:20 +App Store,The app is terrible. I went back to Twitter where the big boys play!,1,2023-07-22 13:27:23 +App Store,"Just another mindless Social media trap. Mining your data , etc",1,2023-07-20 17:27:29 +App Store,Good app,5,2023-07-20 04:45:42 +App Store,Good app,5,2023-07-20 04:45:31 +App Store,I’m loving it! this app is a blessing 🙏,5,2023-07-13 10:59:17 +App Store,"Make an iPad app. While you’re at it, make one for Instagram too. In this day and age, it’s inexcusable.",1,2023-07-12 21:03:17 +App Store,This is just more annoying ads and a fake Twitter. Trashed it.,1,2023-07-09 13:29:47 +App Store,"It’s cute, positive as of now",5,2023-07-07 07:33:48 +App Store,Poor swipe at Meta stealing Twitter and your data. Look at how Meta apps track you,1,2023-07-08 02:39:21 +App Store,I don’t have Instagram. And I don’t want to use Instagram. So I can’t use the Threads. What is that? Too bad !!!!,1,2023-07-07 21:24:50 +App Store,.,5,2023-07-06 19:51:41 +App Store,Es como Twitter pero con cesura 10/10 In loved with this app 😍😍,5,2023-07-06 18:16:22 +App Store,Please don’t copy twitter and even copy blue check marks. Take your crap somewhere else spacebook.,1,2023-07-06 19:49:52 +App Store,Really intriguing and superior to Twitter.,5,2023-07-06 01:19:24 +App Store,Hmm. Can’t log in without already being on IG? Pass for me.,1,2023-07-06 01:31:37 +App Store,Just wanted to be first.,5,2023-07-05 23:19:53 +App Store,Disgusting and waste of time !!!,2,2023-07-23 05:51:00 +App Store,This app is anti-free speech. Dont use this unless you want to be censored and banned for any opinion,1,2023-07-22 14:38:29 +App Store,I never see anyone I’m followings posts. Atleast with Twitter they have the “following” tab now. Terrible knockoff.,1,2023-07-19 03:52:19 +App Store,Twitter could never.,4,2023-07-06 12:38:46 +App Store,I really love it,5,2023-07-17 23:26:42 +App Store,Good app,5,2023-07-12 05:58:34 +App Store,Good app,5,2023-07-12 05:47:21 +App Store,When did we begin to celebrate copying. So much for innovative thinking...,1,2023-07-10 17:49:58 +App Store,"Just like instagram, there’s no native iPad support. In 2023.",2,2023-07-08 21:11:46 +App Store,Twitter way better,1,2023-07-07 15:23:50 +App Store,What’s the point of this app? It’s EXACTLY another Twitter imitation app marketed by Meta’s paid celebrities and “news” outlets.,2,2023-07-07 12:53:33 +App Store,Logs me out of Instagram when I sign in. When I sign into Instagram it logs me out of Threads.,1,2023-07-06 23:54:53 +App Store,So I need Instagram to use it? 🤔 Can’t register or some other option? Great start! 😌👍🏼,1,2023-07-06 12:51:16 +App Store,It’s pretty chill,5,2023-07-06 11:55:22 +App Store,Twitter nostalgia is strong,5,2023-07-06 04:16:05 +App Store,"You will never be a real twitter. You have no following tab, you have no trending, you have no users. YWNBAT!",1,2023-07-06 04:36:00 +App Store,I like the threads,5,2023-07-05 23:34:31 +App Store,A lot of bugs.,1,2023-07-05 23:58:28 +App Store,Why I’m being forced to have an instagram account?,1,2023-07-05 23:52:56 +App Store,Such a joke of an app. This is meta’s way of controlling social media that can now be “sensored” to their liking.,1,2023-07-22 17:33:24 +App Store,"Short and clear, just another twitter, but this is the “get censored” version.",1,2023-07-19 18:55:39 +App Store,No good without a search function…,1,2023-07-18 23:54:10 +App Store,"I get posts on my feed from literally everybody, except for anybody that I follow. Not for me.",1,2023-07-15 14:35:47 +App Store,Threads need private messages (dm's),4,2023-07-07 20:51:56 +App Store,It looks like an app made by 1st semester computer science students.,1,2023-07-15 00:17:38 +App Store,Why am I seeing threads from people I don’t follow. I don’t like that,1,2023-07-12 15:12:30 +App Store,"My feed is exclusively people and topics I have ZERO interest in. +I ONLY want to see people I follow.",1,2023-07-09 19:06:37 +App Store,"I thought this app was something different from Twitter, but I guess I will stick with Twitter…",1,2023-07-09 02:00:23 +App Store,Yet another Meta blunder. A piece of garbage to add to Mark Suckerberg’s Metaverse and Reels. It’s innovative — if it were ten years ago. Just embarrassing and pathetic.,1,2023-07-08 19:52:43 +App Store,Almost as good as pink tape,5,2023-07-07 04:53:35 +App Store,Can’t see following/followers,1,2023-07-07 07:02:40 +App Store,"This app is so boring poorly designed just an extension of stupid instagram trying to copy twitters swag, deleted.",1,2023-07-07 05:14:56 +App Store,this app is very good its like twitter but you can make threads,5,2023-07-07 01:34:32 +App Store,Wishing best of luck,5,2023-07-06 21:35:07 +App Store,"iOS 16.5.1 + +When I click the icon to post a new thread, the app crashes.",1,2023-07-06 22:12:39 +App Store,lowkey dk how this works but cute😜,5,2023-07-06 05:06:28 +App Store,y’all need to change it to where we can delete thread without deleting our main account and make is more aware before we blindly sign up… and censoring??? cmon,1,2023-07-06 17:17:15 +App Store,Yeah i love this follow my threads: Jaybayofficialsound <333,5,2023-07-08 21:42:43 +App Store,not even a completed app,1,2023-07-18 18:01:24 +App Store,The app just started and they're already censoring people,1,2023-07-10 15:03:57 +App Store,"Useless, wouldn’t trust Facebook/meta/threads with my personal data if my life depended on it.",1,2023-07-09 23:00:34 +App Store,Twitter is so much better! Do not waste your time on this app!,1,2023-07-09 12:59:13 +App Store,"Isn’t this app supposed to be about clothing, garments, and sewing? Change the name, v confusing imo",1,2023-07-08 15:45:15 +App Store,"Lowkey ts kinda cool we just need gifs, trending, and hashtags",4,2023-07-06 00:00:10 +App Store,Can we please get our badge back?,1,2023-07-07 22:37:51 +App Store,Don’t have or want instagram this is useless without it,1,2023-07-07 12:21:26 +App Store,So what if I don’t have Instagram account??? That means I don’t deserve this app????,1,2023-07-07 01:13:21 +App Store,Nuff said,1,2023-07-07 00:57:38 +App Store,David Spade posted this tweet - “Twitter is dead. Let’s copy it.” That’s what this app is. And it’s heavily censored. They won’t even let you follow right wing pundits.,1,2023-07-06 22:57:51 +App Store,Where is fediverse support? And why am I seeing all strangers on my timeline? I only wanna see people I follow.,1,2023-07-06 00:12:59 +App Store,Doesn’t seem very friendly,1,2023-07-17 00:32:53 +App Store,Knockoff Twitter. You get censored if you post anything that goes against the narrative. Garbage app.,1,2023-07-11 20:55:38 +App Store,"Doesn’t have the niche communities, not very useful reminds of MySpace dead",1,2023-07-11 01:37:51 +App Store,"Thought it would offer something different oh yes it does, censoring opposing views…",1,2023-07-08 05:48:26 +App Store,idk i kinda jus wanted to be in the comment section,5,2023-07-07 20:24:15 +App Store,Keep cloning products.,1,2023-07-07 03:46:52 +App Store,this app is the best app i have ever used,5,2023-07-07 01:11:30 +App Store,App feels seamless!!!,5,2023-07-06 17:44:23 +App Store,this app made my wife come back,5,2023-07-06 17:01:03 +App Store,What I said in the title.,1,2023-07-06 16:46:19 +App Store,Twitter is better. TikTok is better. Another Zuck knockoff.,1,2023-07-06 14:23:21 +App Store,"Elon is going hate this, aye first to review threads. HEYYYY!!",5,2023-07-06 04:36:03 +App Store,It’s the people behind Facebook. What’d you expect?,1,2023-07-21 14:47:38 +App Store,"I’m +Just here cus Twitter ain’t being nice",4,2023-07-05 23:57:05 +App Store,You’re being watched,1,2023-07-16 05:45:33 +App Store,I don’t understand the app. It’s Instagram .2. Don’t know what the goal was here.,1,2023-07-15 12:41:35 +App Store,It’s basically a left wing echo chamber Twitter. My sole purpose is to respectfully troll people on this app.,2,2023-07-15 03:59:46 +App Store,I love this app!,5,2023-07-09 21:12:34 +App Store,"How many apps can we use and engage in fully? +IG FB Twitter +Enough is enough.",1,2023-07-08 00:35:42 +App Store,"It’s just not the same. + +Do we really trust mark zuckerburg’s moderation over musk’s? + +I sure don’t.",1,2023-07-07 20:59:51 +App Store,Honestly cool app lol play StockRise on Roblox,5,2023-07-07 08:37:55 +App Store,...except you can't see posts made by people you follow. instead you can only see posts made by people you don't care about and don't want to see.,1,2023-07-07 03:14:22 +App Store,"Not a bad design, cause they literally copied from twitter and changed the color theme.",1,2023-07-06 22:07:23 +App Store,Yessirrr…let’s gooooo🇹🇹🙌🏾🚀,5,2023-07-06 04:02:19 +App Store,this app good i don’t know what they talm bout they just need add chat.😶,5,2023-07-10 04:08:33 +App Store,"Its just big business trying to write the narrative. Stupid, mainstream, censorship, big money, NSA",1,2023-07-17 03:23:59 +App Store,Basically a copy paste of twitter and twitter is way better this app garbage for the fact it’s a clone of twitter and why not add TRUMP 2024,1,2023-07-14 05:06:04 +App Store,W app mega L for twitter and space boi,5,2023-07-07 17:43:52 +App Store,I'd like to see only content of people that I followed.,1,2023-07-10 02:31:48 +App Store,Twitter copy cat with more privacy data scraping and more censorship. Hard pass,1,2023-07-08 16:35:35 +App Store,Be careful with censorship,1,2023-07-08 15:56:31 +App Store,App crashed when I try to post or reply.,1,2023-07-07 20:23:41 +App Store,To invasive and collects data that doesn’t need to be collected. Deleting now!,1,2023-07-07 20:11:03 +App Store,This is okay,4,2023-07-06 00:16:36 +App Store,Genius. (Don’t get twitter).,5,2023-07-07 01:33:00 +App Store,laggy. visually unappealing UI. overall bland.,1,2023-07-06 01:22:54 +App Store,"Threads does what it’s intended; it’s a nice, emerging alternative to Twitter, with all of the infrastructure and ease of use ready to go. But there’s things it could do better. + +First of all, the app’s functionality is smart. As I wrote, the friction is nonexistent, and it’s almost too easy to integrate all of your platforms. I love the idea of this app being decentralized, and I hope that’s something that Instagram develops well, as decentralization can make further integration even easier and eliminate issues peculiar to other platforms. + +I didn’t attempt the other alternatives (I last accessed Mastodon perhaps in 2018 and so my opinion is invalid there), but because I already have Instagram and an honest Instagram following, this was the easiest with the least friction to jump into. As a result, I can’t compare Threads to anything but Twitter. And among the features it’s most missing is Twitter’s feed curation. + + Social networks thrive when they give us greater choice in terms of what we desire to consume. I don’t desire to read the posts of vapid celebrities when my only use case for this type of social network is sports, a handful of other niche interests, and seeing what friends are interested in or talking about. Instead, we see people who are famous for being famous. According to some who disliked Threads, this is where they fumbled the ball, and so they likely could have drawn even more engagement than the incredible numbers they have drawn already if their feeds were a blank slate or correlated with the feeds they already curated on Instagram via a recommendation algorithm. If they replicate Instagram’s feed presentation with fewer interstitial posts (or Threads), and replicate Twitter’s function of being able to follow and engage with Topics that you enjoy, and develop thus a feedback loop of similar content to fill your feed instead of people you don’t know (or at least have them relegated to a separate Recommended tab), this could be infinitely better than even Twitter. I would also like for Threads to retain its small–user feel; everyone feels important, and that’s cool. Allow us to have a chronological order to our feed as well, or even reverse chronology, if we’re interested in that sort of thing. A dark mode for those whose smartphones aren’t set in dark mode. Better presentation in Settings would be great as well; it’s a bit of a mare’s nest at the moment. Provide us with more rational choice. + +I’d like to see the implementation of a separate tab with local, regional or national news, similar perhaps to Facebook (which I haven’t used since 2014 and so have no familiarity with) as well as Twitter, and that’ll make it even better. Avoid replicating where Twitter has gone objectively wrong, too — such as a two–tiered hierarchical system in which individuals who pay a fee have primacy and those who don’t have none. A better, less clunky GUI similar to that of Instagram’s breezy, sleek GUI with old Twitter’s level of order and presentation, as well as Threads’ simplicity, would be great. Better video functionality would be great, too. I already know Instagram is great at developing and integrating new features; I can see a Communities feature á la Telegram. (Please allow us to exercise consent and choice with respect to future gimmickry.) + +I edited this paragraph after some two to three hours of use. Accessibility is important — and that’s what Threads is missing at the moment. Instagram does accessibility relatively well with captions, alt text, and translation. Perhaps even integrate tone indicators. I can imagine how a person who doesn’t speak English would feel acute linguistic isolation here. + +Another choice they can give us is in the customization of not only our feeds, but also our accounts and user experience. This also includes empowering us with the choice to retain data we choose not to share, and thus not only address preexisting privacy concerns (another valid concern about this app), but also allow for expansion into the European Union. Allow us to import posts from other platforms (which I believe fediverse governance will certainly facilitate), or even export them from, say, Twitter. Allow us to have our own display names and other customizable presentational features; allow us to deactivate without having to deactivate our Instagram, or even allow us to delete our accounts off Threads, and don’t force Threads onto Instagram users who only have interest in or provide imaginal content on Instagram. Give us choice and power. Develop a unique identity in which the user is king of his destiny, not ruled by an algo’s nudges and whims. And you’ll have a winner — a true “Twitter killer” in which Twitter is reduced to “the other app.” + +I see this being a great app, but it really depends on the people at the helm and product managers listening to consumer feedback (including mountains of consumer feedback from Twitter’s failures over the years as well as looking within to its parent company’s other subsidiaries and their failures) and constantly improving. Color me skeptical; I have no reason to believe any company will do the right thing, but I’m welcome to being proven wrong, because this surely has everything going for it — and, as far as I see, it’s all going in the right direction. + +Twitter was important for me, not only for sports and social integration but also especially for news during natural or unnatural disasters, especially since my city’s local news base has declined drastically despite us being especially vulnerable to tornadoes, floods and violence. Twitter’s decline and self–inflicted technical difficulties has complicated all of that privileged access. Threads can not only step in that breach, but also mend it — and not only for me, but for tens of thousands of others. So far, I and many others can see the Sun rising for Threads. Now, it’s up to you all at Instagram to keep the ball rolling.",4,2023-07-07 18:05:28 +App Store,This is literally pointless app.,1,2023-07-13 14:04:05 +App Store,A safe app for those who don't want their thoughts challenged.,1,2023-07-13 12:09:53 +App Store,"No thank you, I respect original ideas and innovation, not copy cats.",1,2023-07-09 04:03:34 +App Store,that’s all,3,2023-07-19 06:44:17 +App Store,Started off it’s launch censoring conservative points of view. Absolute garbage.,1,2023-07-07 13:00:27 +App Store,Can’t get it started. Wants my Instagram login.,1,2023-07-07 05:19:56 +App Store,Not a good app poorly made and it promotes false information and supports touching children this app is for PEDOS!!!,1,2023-07-07 03:27:14 +App Store,this app is amazing and i am just addicted to it,5,2023-07-07 01:17:11 +App Store,Why don’t support arabic language,1,2023-07-06 16:20:30 +App Store,Timeline only shows people I dont follow,1,2023-07-06 12:27:28 +App Store,Twitter is so screwed.,5,2023-07-06 12:27:16 +App Store,Feels so good to be on Threads!,5,2023-07-06 10:59:10 +App Store,y’all should’ve said our account could only be deleted if we delete our actual instagram account,1,2023-07-06 06:01:14 +App Store,"Twitter, takes the cake on this one. +I don’t see the need or place for this app honestly. + +Doesn’t seem as it solves any problem or fills any place where as some apps do. + +This just seems like a cut paste of Twitter.",1,2023-07-06 02:15:25 +App Store,L app,5,2023-07-05 23:44:54 +App Store,Everything is so dull and boring. Twitter is much better,1,2023-07-16 04:40:02 +App Store,Just “Thread”,4,2023-07-11 05:08:22 +App Store,Better then twitter tbh,5,2023-07-16 02:52:51 +App Store,"Its so bad! I cant sign in with my instagram account!!! +I delete it!!!",1,2023-07-09 13:40:57 +App Store,Poor service,1,2023-07-08 23:01:28 +App Store,Not even worth downloading,1,2023-07-08 19:18:34 +App Store,DONT SIGN UP unless you never want to leave!!! This app is DEATH ROW. I don’t want my account anymore,1,2023-07-08 14:40:38 +App Store,I need to get back the badg in my instagram bio,3,2023-07-06 17:59:47 +App Store,I love it,5,2023-07-06 17:54:48 +App Store,Hiii I am an artist lol,5,2023-07-06 15:12:55 +App Store,This over Twitter anyday!,5,2023-07-06 04:21:42 +App Store,"Sign-up requires a photo w/confirmation #, phone and email. Elon may be a misogynist troll but Twitter isn’t this invasive.",1,2023-07-06 03:19:21 +App Store,Hehe I’m the first review,5,2023-07-06 00:16:28 +App Store,Got suspended for sharing a meme of a kid that fell face first in the mud on day 1. Immediately deleted the app.,1,2023-07-24 04:36:19 +App Store,Another idea Zuck is stealing from others!,1,2023-07-11 13:20:23 +App Store,i’m acting a fool on this app thank u,5,2023-07-08 15:05:35 +App Store,deactivated my threads acc but still the link is showing on my instagram account. it is literally forcing me to download the app again. never download this stupid boring app!!,1,2023-07-09 20:08:11 +App Store,Soon this app will be infiltrated with twitter “Stan’s” and down the garbage it will go. Especially Arianators. The worst of its kind.,1,2023-07-09 05:23:13 +App Store,"What else is there, it is not Twitter",5,2023-07-07 05:07:03 +App Store,Love the app 🫶🏽,5,2023-07-06 23:00:32 +App Store,I don’t have an Instagram and have no plans to get it.,1,2023-07-06 20:14:02 +App Store,We beat twitter,4,2023-07-06 05:35:02 +App Store,"if it fails it fails but i’m +the first person to be here so yaaaay + +ig-tadx0lz",5,2023-07-06 16:40:03 +App Store,"Ugly app, ugly privacy policies, instantly boring. Even Twitter is better than this garbage.",1,2023-07-06 16:15:59 +App Store,"So far it reminds me of twitter, already saw a thirst trap.",3,2023-07-06 15:47:37 +App Store,Don’t use this app if you want to be censored or told what to think by unelected government bureaucrats.,1,2023-07-06 11:05:33 +App Store,Let see how it works…….!?,3,2023-07-06 08:07:17 +App Store,Good app!,5,2023-07-06 00:47:37 +App Store,Bad Experience!,1,2023-07-05 23:52:03 +App Store,^^,1,2023-07-24 19:53:31 +App Store,I think it’s worse than twitter 🫣,1,2023-07-19 15:34:51 +App Store,Don’t like the idea of one company owning all media and this is a bad design,1,2023-07-16 02:17:25 +App Store,"So far I’m really liking this app, but there are many key features that are missing that I feel should have been present with the initial release. Here is a list of features I think this app should have to thrive (especially to compete with twitter wink wink) + +1. Please for the love of god add an option to upload photos in 4K. The whole point of having an app to compete with twitter is to have photos in amazing quality. How’s the time to actually do your part and integrate that feature + +2. An edit option (cmon now…) this should already be in the app as a feature. Let us edit posts. + +3. Discover tab and following tab. There should be a tab or filter that allows you to only see posts of the people you follow. No one wants to see these celebrities that genuinely no one gives a rats behind about. Also a discover tab will allow people to find users or posts through hashtags or by allowing people to see whatever is trending. + +4. If you want to be better than Twitter then let us download videos the same way we can download photos. Cmon bro it’s not that hard just make it work. + +5. I know this is a shot in the dark but…there should really be an option for censoring posts, which allows nsfw to exist on the app without harming people who don’t want to see it. Allowing a disclaimer to show before viewing a post is a good way to do so. + +6. Allow users to create lists of their favorite accounts/posts so they can easily go back to them and find what they liked in the past. + +7. Include a tab on the account for photos/videos only similar to a gallery. + +8. Allow people to make group chats and dm each other privately. + +9. Longer video upload duration + +10. Allow us to edit/crop photos or videos before posting. And also let us schedule posts/save drafts. + +I think all these things will really improve the app and allow it to thrive as much as we all want it to. So take it into consideration (:",3,2023-07-10 16:19:49 +App Store,This app required I disclose my future unborn child’s name to Zuckerberg.,1,2023-07-10 15:24:29 +App Store,"Poorly created, I will be deleting it.",1,2023-07-07 20:24:48 +App Store,fun app and better than twitter,5,2023-07-07 04:45:49 +App Store,Who else got here by kracc bacc💀💀💀💀,5,2023-07-07 03:29:19 +App Store,Threads>Twitter. I love this app!! ♾️/10,5,2023-07-06 19:21:43 +App Store,Feed is terrible and not relevant,2,2023-07-06 15:34:48 +App Store,Threads does not have the possibility to translate,3,2023-07-06 11:42:51 +App Store,"hello +please put for this app +delete account",5,2023-07-06 04:07:04 +App Store,"No trending topics. +Disorganized",3,2023-07-06 01:38:48 +App Store,I mean why?,3,2023-07-06 19:28:42 +App Store,If you can make it better atleast copy it from twitter.,1,2023-07-05 23:49:03 +App Store,or white supremacist / war criminal / rapist posts constantly reaching mainstream,5,2023-07-13 02:33:54 +App Store,What is even the point of this app?,1,2023-07-08 17:13:09 +App Store,"yall they rl got the app jumpin its like twitter but wt all your ig friends, js get the app",5,2023-07-07 02:04:49 +App Store,Why i can’t talk to my friends on the app,1,2023-07-06 21:33:57 +App Store,Love this new app!,5,2023-07-05 23:08:02 +App Store,Like this games. Threads.,5,2023-07-07 09:12:25 +App Store,Zuck censors anyone he doesn’t like,1,2023-07-18 19:17:43 +App Store,Why does the thread app keeps suspending my account.,1,2023-07-15 12:07:23 +App Store,If there was Zero i would do zero star for Elon musk,1,2023-07-09 04:20:23 +App Store,It’s fully copy twitter🤣. I don’t understand why Zuck doing this.,1,2023-07-08 07:03:45 +App Store,"pls let us delete without deactivating insta. like that’s actually so stupid, ur not gonna gain as much users bc of this. like actually let us delete it 👏",1,2023-07-08 05:35:25 +App Store,The app does nothing special.,1,2023-07-07 15:53:10 +App Store,That’s all,5,2023-07-06 17:27:06 +App Store,Unable to signup. It asks me to login through instagram.,1,2023-07-07 07:51:18 +App Store,"this app is so toxic, it sent my friend into a deep devastation bc the men on here wylin out !! ya needa fix this ASAP or me and mark gon have to talk !",1,2023-07-07 04:24:00 +App Store,"this app is so weird it makes people think that you never followed them back, and u can’t even delete it unless u delete ur acc like what???",1,2023-07-07 02:52:25 +App Store,seriously? i just want to be able to use this app.,1,2023-07-06 20:03:45 +App Store,"Oh l’m the first reviewer, 5 stars",4,2023-07-06 01:47:50 +App Store,Best app ever,5,2023-07-06 16:06:02 +App Store,Needs iPad support. I don’t use socials on my phone.,1,2023-07-20 04:15:39 +App Store,stop blocking access from Europe,1,2023-07-19 07:57:41 +App Store,Meta doing Meta stuff giving this one up and IG is next.,1,2023-07-18 17:50:45 +App Store,"Copied stories from Snapchat +Copied reels from TikTok +Copied threads from twitter + +Man needs to be investigated",1,2023-07-16 13:28:57 +App Store,Best application,5,2023-07-09 10:38:13 +App Store,"you have yourself to thank, elon.",5,2023-07-09 03:47:35 +App Store,This app does not live up to the standard set by Twitter.,1,2023-07-09 02:57:16 +App Store,"Try to reply to a thread, app crashes. + +Try to create a post, app crashes. + +Can easily see who's following me, can't easily see who I'm following. + +🤷‍♂️",1,2023-07-08 14:50:20 +App Store,Made an account and now I can’t login to IG or Threads.,1,2023-07-08 02:53:21 +App Store,Gained 500 followers from connecting Instagram on the first day. Realized the logo is 666 not to mention the site is a scuffed twitter.,1,2023-07-08 01:07:58 +App Store,"You can't have new Id, it has no translator. This is no good.",1,2023-07-07 15:33:01 +App Store,I am so sad about the algorithm that it is only focusing on American and Indian users. My post is not reaching to my nearby peoples also. Sad 🥲,1,2023-07-07 14:34:16 +App Store,Followers getting spammed with multiple follow requests from my on IG after connecting Threads app,1,2023-07-07 02:54:13 +App Store,Where is the Dm at,5,2023-07-06 16:31:38 +App Store,Requires insta login… deleted,1,2023-07-06 03:59:56 +App Store,"This app is a copy of twitter, but without the users or content. Pass.",1,2023-07-06 03:23:39 +App Store,This isn’t what twitter users are looking for in an alternative.,1,2023-07-06 02:20:40 +App Store,It’s boring so far. Meta has the algorithm all screwy just like Facebook and instagram,1,2023-07-06 02:02:54 +App Store,Great app but ya better be a prude.,5,2023-07-08 02:09:48 +App Store,Mark you have a small weewee,1,2023-07-15 17:54:28 +App Store,^^^^^^^^^,1,2023-07-09 12:24:22 +App Store,First app reveiw ever,5,2023-07-06 11:36:30 +App Store,Plus it censors a bunch.,1,2023-07-07 15:24:50 +App Store,We all know Mark sells our data to Korea. Twitter rules.,1,2023-07-07 04:57:47 +App Store,"I was considering using threads but it does not have an iPad app. + +Strange!",1,2023-07-07 00:56:59 +App Store,Twitter is million times better.. too much censorship.,1,2023-07-06 16:02:07 +App Store,I dont want Instagram but it appears you can only you Threads w your Insta acct.,1,2023-07-06 15:15:43 +App Store,So far so good!,5,2023-07-06 05:06:22 +App Store,the app is very good but he should add arabic language,5,2023-07-07 13:50:45 +App Store,app crashes when i tap on the new thread button. uninstalled.,1,2023-07-12 05:15:21 +App Store,Fire whoever made this logo immediately,2,2023-07-09 03:12:57 +App Store,I was the 1000th star review.,5,2023-07-07 04:03:39 +App Store,this app is realll good no problems mark zuckerberg ate it up,5,2023-07-07 03:26:17 +App Store,This is the best thing ever,5,2023-07-06 10:10:11 +App Store,As titled.,5,2023-07-06 01:03:11 +App Store,Buggy and full of censorship,1,2023-07-06 07:46:11 +App Store,Twitter clone. 90’ message board for the kids too young to remember.,1,2023-07-06 07:03:12 +App Store,I’m seeing post of complete strangers…twitter is the better app 💯,1,2023-07-06 05:20:59 +App Store,Better than Twitter!,4,2023-07-08 07:22:53 +App Store,Great app and a great competitor,5,2023-07-06 01:02:07 +App Store,"If imitation is the highest form of flattery, zuck must really have a thing for Elon. Try harder.",1,2023-07-15 14:53:33 +App Store,Don’t.,1,2023-07-14 06:44:25 +App Store,Selling data to big pharma and the government to influence future elections,1,2023-07-10 21:54:21 +App Store,It’s a good start.,4,2023-07-13 15:31:17 +App Store,The new twitter,5,2023-07-07 20:29:33 +App Store,Twitter for normal people,5,2023-07-06 22:15:05 +App Store,Cool app so far :),5,2023-07-06 18:56:54 +App Store,Can’t use this app on my iPad,1,2023-07-06 17:40:41 +App Store,You can't post or reply. Totally useless.,1,2023-07-06 16:00:19 +App Store,Nah Bruh zuck crazy for this one 💀,3,2023-07-06 13:55:56 +App Store,i love it already,5,2023-07-06 04:13:03 +App Store,"Main feature: it’s not Twitter + +Unique selling proposition: not Twitter + +Why should you use it: Elon Musk makes you made + +Final thought: Twitter is better.",1,2023-07-14 04:49:58 +App Store,Just brands on a horrible buggy sloppy app,1,2023-07-06 21:30:27 +App Store,wait this app’s actually kinda fun omg 😭,5,2023-07-06 21:08:13 +App Store,Permission requested is huge.,1,2023-07-06 15:09:32 +App Store,Pretty cool app,5,2023-07-06 05:04:26 +App Store,App better Than Twitter!!!!💯💯,5,2023-07-19 02:47:03 +App Store,Couldn’t make the same like twitter used to do 😡 this app looks as a ‘fake’ but is real lol 😒,1,2023-07-17 15:42:34 +App Store,Love the app compared to Twitter,3,2023-07-07 00:03:56 +App Store,I’m staying with Twitter. Meta is very soft and censor everything.,1,2023-07-13 04:19:58 +App Store,They're censoring like instagram. It's meta can't expect much,1,2023-07-11 16:22:54 +App Store,Requires instagram so no thanks. Why the hatred for Facebook?,1,2023-07-10 15:11:54 +App Store,Suppression of Free Speech. What a Orwellian work we live in,2,2023-07-08 12:43:05 +App Store,"Not much to say, very few contents to view.",1,2023-07-08 05:04:08 +App Store,Great first version!,5,2023-07-07 15:19:47 +App Store,The only added thing is censorship.,1,2023-07-07 00:22:39 +App Store,"It’s a lesser version of Twitter, but with all the censorship of Facebook :)",1,2023-07-06 16:04:22 +App Store,Same as Twitter different UI,1,2023-07-06 07:15:15 +App Store,"Great App, first review babyyy!!",5,2023-07-06 05:37:32 +App Store,God speed,5,2023-07-06 04:28:07 +App Store,"i need to see post of people i follow not randomly post! +please support arabic language.",2,2023-07-05 23:35:54 +App Store,Love it! Perfect perfect perfect,5,2023-07-05 23:28:40 +App Store,good app,5,2023-07-20 04:46:29 +App Store,It’s just disappointing,1,2023-07-15 01:16:29 +App Store,Back to Twitter for me. It’s bare bones with nothing going on. Only cool if you are obsessed with what celebrities ate for dinner.,1,2023-07-09 01:32:18 +App Store,Hard pass ✌️,1,2023-07-08 04:08:02 +App Store,better than twitter!!,5,2023-07-06 20:18:08 +App Store,"A clear left wing desperate copy of twitter, needs to be taken down",1,2023-07-06 11:56:06 +App Store,Can be fun but Twitter better🤷‍♂️,4,2023-07-05 23:56:53 +App Store,Not bad so far like it more than Twitter,1,2023-07-06 00:16:49 +App Store,I havent installed yet but im giving one star in advance,1,2023-07-05 23:37:02 +App Store,Zucc u tricky tricky bugger u!!!!!,1,2023-07-18 10:22:35 +App Store,I don’t want login with instagram,1,2023-07-11 09:30:40 +App Store,1 star rating just cause,1,2023-07-07 03:13:32 +App Store,shouldn't require login,1,2023-07-07 02:37:38 +App Store,Please add arabic language .,3,2023-07-07 01:20:37 +App Store,This feels like such a fresh start! So new so peaceful and clean. Bye twitter! 👋,1,2023-07-06 22:37:55 +App Store,Pretty cool app,5,2023-07-06 22:36:49 +App Store,I downloaded this app and a tacticle air strike was sent to my house. Eveyone died.,1,2023-07-06 18:46:04 +App Store,got the app and it’s not letting me remove the badge from my profile even after i deactivated how do i fix this,1,2023-07-06 06:58:54 +App Store,Add gyphy - to reply 🙏 love new apps!,3,2023-07-06 04:16:35 +App Store,Yessir goated app,5,2023-07-06 01:14:46 +App Store,i really just wanna say anything i want,3,2023-07-08 23:46:27 +App Store,Thanks Zuck!,5,2023-07-10 06:23:07 +App Store,This app is a cheap knockoff of Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg is a criminal and I’ll stick to Twitter. I enjoy my freedom of speech.,1,2023-07-08 20:52:30 +App Store,Ol’ zuck boy can’t get enough censoring of people,1,2023-07-07 01:58:36 +App Store,Meta’s bleak attempt at creating a Twitter knockoff to reinvent Facebook and recapture all of their lost users. Byeeeee,1,2023-07-06 02:39:54 +App Store,Will never be better than twitter,1,2023-07-08 19:11:42 +App Store,Threads is Twitter without a soul. It’s not truly free speech.,3,2023-07-06 05:50:41 +App Store,They collect ALL INFO from your Phone!,1,2023-07-07 00:43:45 +App Store,"nah elon musk tryna sue threads is CRAZY, threads is alr on top now",5,2023-07-06 22:43:55 +App Store,RIP TWITTER 🪦,5,2023-07-06 11:36:23 +App Store,Do not download terrible,1,2023-07-06 07:22:20 +App Store,"kinda like this app, but pls put a gif search bar 🙏",3,2023-07-09 09:36:25 +App Store,W,5,2023-07-05 23:43:21 +App Store,Great app. Go Browns,5,2023-07-05 23:32:16 +App Store,Please make an iPadOS specific version,2,2023-07-17 01:36:58 +App Store,Twitter is better and these wannabes wanna change that but I’m here to say no,1,2023-07-12 13:06:47 +App Store,Worst app ever created,2,2023-07-07 03:34:21 +App Store,Worst app ever. Twitter is better than this crap.,1,2023-07-06 18:05:54 +App Store,Twitter 2.0,5,2023-07-06 04:50:23 +App Store,It’s cool,5,2023-07-06 03:33:25 +App Store,Imagine downloading this app because “eLoN RuInEd TwItTeR” lol,1,2023-07-18 17:47:46 +App Store,Don’t dream of it copycat,1,2023-07-17 01:34:50 +App Store,"It’s a rip off! Come on Zucc, be original!",1,2023-07-10 01:05:10 +App Store,anything to anger the muskrat tbh,5,2023-07-07 00:41:25 +App Store,i don’t want to see the posts of ppl i’m not following. thank u,2,2023-07-08 16:41:43 +App Store,How did I get here?,1,2023-07-08 05:06:52 +App Store,I’m done with twitter,5,2023-07-06 20:32:04 +App Store,Constantly filling ourselves with dopamine,1,2023-07-06 23:51:06 +App Store,But it’s not Twitter,5,2023-07-06 00:27:27 +App Store,There’s better apps for this,1,2023-07-06 01:52:38 +App Store,Mostly bots on this platform.,1,2023-07-07 22:13:15 +App Store,Already censoring all the things. Returning to Twitter.,1,2023-07-07 14:25:35 +App Store,"App is literally a copy and paste of Twitter. Zuck gonna Zuck,Elon is superior 👀",1,2023-07-07 10:19:04 +App Store,"what was the point, why do we need another social media platform",1,2023-07-07 03:57:18 +App Store,Horrible UI.,1,2023-07-06 09:46:51 +App Store,First review!,5,2023-07-05 23:38:56 +App Store,Meta the greatest thread #mark Z,5,2023-07-05 23:37:37 +App Store,Love it w app,5,2023-07-10 13:43:17 +App Store,Don’t download this bruh,1,2023-07-13 21:16:40 +App Store,Feels like a made in China version of Twitter… pass,1,2023-07-07 11:59:07 +App Store,Censoring Conservatives and silencing us to turn others democratic.,1,2023-07-06 21:51:55 +App Store,This killed my dog. Mark zuckerburg strangled him. My dog is gone.,1,2023-07-06 01:23:55 +App Store,Add Search and hashtag like Twitter !,1,2023-07-19 08:01:06 +App Store,bad twister,1,2023-07-17 06:39:13 +App Store,Yet another trash from Meta.,1,2023-07-07 17:47:16 +App Store,Nothing special this app is just a copy of twitter,1,2023-07-07 07:01:43 \ No newline at end of file