Runtime error
Runtime error
import chess | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import pandas as pd | |
import streamlit as st | |
from typing import Dict | |
from logger import Logger | |
import time | |
import numpy as np | |
class GameDatabase: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.db = [] | |
pass | |
def add_game(self, game: Dict[str, str]): | |
self.db.append(game) | |
def display_game(self, game_num: int): #Displays analytics for a specific game | |
game = self.db[game_num] | |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2) | |
fig.tight_layout() | |
width = 0.4 | |
def list_sets_graph(data_list: [], axs_pos: [], title, width = 0.4): | |
white_data = data_list[::2] | |
black_data = data_list[1::2] | |
x_w = np.arange(len(white_data)) | |
x_b = np.arange(len(black_data)) | |
axs[axs_pos[0], axs_pos[1]].set_xticks(x_w, [x for x in range(len(white_data))]) | |
axs[axs_pos[0], axs_pos[1]].bar(x_w - (width/2), white_data, width, color = "navajowhite") | |
axs[axs_pos[0], axs_pos[1]].bar(x_b + (width/2), black_data, width, color = "saddlebrown") | |
axs[axs_pos[0], axs_pos[1]].legend(["White", "Black"]) | |
axs[axs_pos[0], axs_pos[1]].set_title(title) | |
#plot time per move, with data for each model | |
time_title = "Seconds Per Move" | |
list_sets_graph(game[time_title], axs_pos=[0,0], title=time_title) | |
#plot cheating per model | |
cheat_title = "Cheat Attempts Per Move" | |
list_sets_graph(game["Cheat Attempts"], axs_pos=[1,0], title = cheat_title) | |
#stockfish analysis of each player over time | | | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
def display_tournament(self): #Displays analytics for the entire tournament | |
df = pd.DataFrame(self.db) | |
#heatmap of tournament winrates | |
#bar chart of tournament winrates | |
win_results = df["Winner"].value_counts() | |
print(win_results.rank()) | |
names = ["steve", "bob", "emily"] | |
nums = [1,2,3] | |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,1) | |
axs[0].plot(win_results) | |
axs[1].bar(names, nums) | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
test_logger = Logger("ChessGPT", "ChatGPT") | |
test_logger.add_cheat() | |
time.sleep(1) | |
test_logger.add_legal_move("e4") | |
time.sleep(1) | |
test_logger.add_legal_move("e4 e6") | |
time.sleep(2) | |
test_logger.add_legal_move("e4 e6 Nf3") | |
test_logger.add_checkmate("ChessGPT") | |
#test_logger.add_legal_move("e4 e5") | |
formatted = test_logger.return_formatted_game() | |
test_logger_2 = Logger("ChessGPT", "BERT") | |
test_logger_2.add_checkmate("BERT") | |
formatted_2 = test_logger_2.return_formatted_game() | |
test_logger_3 = Logger("ChessGPT", "BERT") | |
test_logger_3.add_checkmate("ChessGPT") | |
formatted_3 = test_logger_3.return_formatted_game() | |
db = GameDatabase() | |
db.add_game(formatted) | |
db.add_game(formatted_2) | |
db.add_game(formatted_3) | |
db.display_game(0) | |