import chess import random import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline generator2 = pipeline('text-generation', model='BlueSunflower/gpt2-medium-chess') generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2') def cleanup_output(text, prompt): section = text[len(prompt):len(prompt) + 7] print("Proposed Move: %s" % section) valid_letters = ['A','a','B','b','C','c','D','d','E','e','F','f','G','g','H','h'] valid_pieces = ['p','P','k','K','q','Q','r','R','b','B', 'n', 'N'] valid_numbers = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'] #if there are any syntatically moves in this string for pieces countr = 0 while countr < 4: if(section[countr] in valid_pieces and section[countr + 1] in valid_letters and section[countr + 2] in valid_numbers): #print(section[countr:countr+3]) return ' ' + section[countr:countr+3] countr+=1 #variant for capturing! countr = 0 while countr < len(section) - 4: if(section[countr] in valid_pieces and section[countr + 1] == 'x' and section[countr + 2] in valid_letters and section[countr + 3] in valid_numbers): #print(section[countr:countr+3]) return ' ' + section[countr:countr+5] countr+=1 #same as moves but for pawns countr = 0 while countr < 5: if(section[countr] in valid_letters and section[countr+1] in valid_numbers): #print(section[countr:countr+2]) return ' ' + section[countr:countr+2] countr+=1 #variant for capturing! countr = 0 while countr < len(section) -4: if(section[countr] in valid_letters and section[countr+1] == 'x' and section[countr+2] in valid_letters and section[countr + 3] in valid_numbers): #print(section[countr:countr+2]) return ' ' + section[countr:countr+4] countr+=1 return ' e8' class AInstance: def __init__(self, type, generator): self.type = type self.game_end = False self.generator = generator #All this does it take the gamestate and add the ai-generated result to it def move(self, game_state): if(type == "BlueSunflower/gpt2-medium-chess"): prompt = "1-0 2700 1350 " + game_state else: prompt = game_state countr = 0 while True: generated_text = self.generator(prompt, max_length=len(prompt) + 10, num_return_sequences=1)[0]['generated_text'] selected_move = cleanup_output(generated_text, prompt) #if this move is valid then return it proposed_board = game_state + selected_move if(verify_move(proposed_board)): return proposed_board countr+=1 #goes fifty times until the AInstance object flags itself as "ended" (fundamentally unable to make a valid move) if(countr > 50): self.game_end = True break def check_if_end(self): return self.game_end def verify_move(string): board = chess.Board() print("Board: %s" % string) for move in string.split(): #if this move makes no sense it will return false and the game will try again to generate a good move try: board.push_san(move) except: print("Invalid Move\n") return False if(board.is_valid): print("Valid Move\n") return True return False def check_mate(string): #simulates mate idk if(random.randrange(0,100) == 4): print("H") return True return False def print_game(string): print("Some kind of visualization for the chess board based on this string: %s" % string) def make_move(instance, game_state): print("\n%s's move" % instance.type) return_state = game_state return_state = instance.move(game_state) game_ongoing = True if(instance.check_if_end()): print("This player claims countr > 50: %s" % instance.type) game_ongoing = False if(check_mate(return_state)): print("This player claims mates: %s" % instance.type) game_ongoing = False return(return_state, game_ongoing) def main(): if(random.randrange(0,1)): white = AInstance("gpt2", generator) black = AInstance("gpt2-medium-chess", generator2) print("Gpt2 is White and Gpt2 Optimized is Black") else: white = AInstance("gpt2-medium-chess", generator2) black = AInstance("gpt2", generator) print("Gpt2 is Black and Gpt2 Optimized is White") game_state = "e4 e5" game_ongoing = True while game_ongoing: game_state, game_ongoing = make_move(white, game_state) if not game_ongoing: print_game(game_state) break game_state, game_ongoing = make_move(black, game_state) if not game_ongoing: print_game(game_state) break main()