Build error
Build error
from model import ExLlama, ExLlamaCache, ExLlamaConfig | |
from lora import ExLlamaLora | |
from tokenizer import ExLlamaTokenizer | |
from generator import ExLlamaGenerator | |
import argparse | |
import torch | |
import sys | |
import os | |
import glob | |
import model_init | |
# Simple interactive chatbot script | |
torch.set_grad_enabled(False) | |
torch.cuda._lazy_init() | |
# Parse arguments | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Simple chatbot example for ExLlama") | |
model_init.add_args(parser) | |
parser.add_argument("-lora", "--lora", type = str, help = "Path to LoRA binary to use during benchmark") | |
parser.add_argument("-loracfg", "--lora_config", type = str, help = "Path to LoRA config to use during benchmark") | |
parser.add_argument("-ld", "--lora_dir", type = str, help = "Path to LoRA config and binary. to use during benchmark") | |
parser.add_argument("-p", "--prompt", type = str, help = "Prompt file") | |
parser.add_argument("-un", "--username", type = str, help = "Display name of user", default = "User") | |
parser.add_argument("-bn", "--botname", type = str, help = "Display name of chatbot", default = "Chatbort") | |
parser.add_argument("-bf", "--botfirst", action = "store_true", help = "Start chat on bot's turn") | |
parser.add_argument("-nnl", "--no_newline", action = "store_true", help = "Do not break bot's response on newline (allow multi-paragraph responses)") | |
parser.add_argument("-temp", "--temperature", type = float, help = "Temperature", default = 0.95) | |
parser.add_argument("-topk", "--top_k", type = int, help = "Top-K", default = 20) | |
parser.add_argument("-topp", "--top_p", type = float, help = "Top-P", default = 0.65) | |
parser.add_argument("-minp", "--min_p", type = float, help = "Min-P", default = 0.00) | |
parser.add_argument("-repp", "--repetition_penalty", type = float, help = "Repetition penalty", default = 1.15) | |
parser.add_argument("-repps", "--repetition_penalty_sustain", type = int, help = "Past length for repetition penalty", default = 256) | |
parser.add_argument("-beams", "--beams", type = int, help = "Number of beams for beam search", default = 1) | |
parser.add_argument("-beamlen", "--beam_length", type = int, help = "Number of future tokens to consider", default = 1) | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
model_init.post_parse(args) | |
model_init.get_model_files(args) | |
# Paths | |
if args.lora_dir is not None: | |
args.lora_config = os.path.join(args.lora_dir, "adapter_config.json") | |
args.lora = os.path.join(args.lora_dir, "adapter_model.bin") | |
# Some feedback | |
print(f" -- Sequence length: {args.length}") | |
print(f" -- Temperature: {args.temperature:.2f}") | |
print(f" -- Top-K: {args.top_k}") | |
print(f" -- Top-P: {args.top_p:.2f}") | |
print(f" -- Min-P: {args.min_p:.2f}") | |
print(f" -- Repetition penalty: {args.repetition_penalty:.2f}") | |
print(f" -- Beams: {args.beams} x {args.beam_length}") | |
print_opts = [] | |
if args.no_newline: print_opts.append("no_newline") | |
if args.botfirst: print_opts.append("botfirst") | |
model_init.print_options(args, print_opts) | |
# Globals | |
model_init.set_globals(args) | |
# Load prompt file | |
username = args.username | |
bot_name = args.botname | |
if args.prompt is not None: | |
with open(args.prompt, "r") as f: | |
past = | |
past = past.replace("{username}", username) | |
past = past.replace("{bot_name}", bot_name) | |
past = past.strip() + "\n" | |
else: | |
past = f"{bot_name}: Hello, {username}\n" | |
# past += "User: Hi. Please say \"Shhhhhh\"?\n" | |
# args.botfirst = True | |
# Instantiate model and generator | |
config = model_init.make_config(args) | |
model = ExLlama(config) | |
cache = ExLlamaCache(model) | |
tokenizer = ExLlamaTokenizer(args.tokenizer) | |
model_init.print_stats(model) | |
# Load LoRA | |
lora = None | |
if args.lora: | |
print(f" -- LoRA config: {args.lora_config}") | |
print(f" -- Loading LoRA: {args.lora}") | |
if args.lora_config is None: | |
print(f" ## Error: please specify lora path to adapter_config.json") | |
sys.exit() | |
lora = ExLlamaLora(model, args.lora_config, args.lora) | |
if lora.bias_ignored: | |
print(f" !! Warning: LoRA zero bias ignored") | |
# Generator | |
generator = ExLlamaGenerator(model, tokenizer, cache) | |
generator.settings = ExLlamaGenerator.Settings() | |
generator.settings.temperature = args.temperature | |
generator.settings.top_k = args.top_k | |
generator.settings.top_p = args.top_p | |
generator.settings.min_p = args.min_p | |
generator.settings.token_repetition_penalty_max = args.repetition_penalty | |
generator.settings.token_repetition_penalty_sustain = args.repetition_penalty_sustain | |
generator.settings.token_repetition_penalty_decay = generator.settings.token_repetition_penalty_sustain // 2 | |
generator.settings.beams = args.beams | |
generator.settings.beam_length = args.beam_length | |
generator.lora = lora | |
break_on_newline = not args.no_newline | |
# Be nice to Chatbort | |
min_response_tokens = 4 | |
max_response_tokens = 256 | |
extra_prune = 256 | |
print(past, end = "") | |
ids = tokenizer.encode(past) | |
generator.gen_begin(ids) | |
next_userprompt = username + ": " | |
first_round = True | |
while True: | |
res_line = bot_name + ":" | |
res_tokens = tokenizer.encode(res_line) | |
num_res_tokens = res_tokens.shape[-1] # Decode from here | |
if first_round and args.botfirst: in_tokens = res_tokens | |
else: | |
# Read and format input | |
in_line = input(next_userprompt) | |
in_line = username + ": " + in_line.strip() + "\n" | |
next_userprompt = username + ": " | |
# No need for this, really, unless we were logging the chat. The actual history we work on is kept in the | |
# tokenized sequence in the generator and the state in the cache. | |
past += in_line | |
# SentencePiece doesn't tokenize spaces separately so we can't know from individual tokens if they start a new word | |
# or not. Instead, repeatedly decode the generated response as it's being built, starting from the last newline, | |
# and print out the differences between consecutive decodings to stream out the response. | |
in_tokens = tokenizer.encode(in_line) | |
in_tokens =, res_tokens), dim = 1) | |
# If we're approaching the context limit, prune some whole lines from the start of the context. Also prune a | |
# little extra so we don't end up rebuilding the cache on every line when up against the limit. | |
expect_tokens = in_tokens.shape[-1] + max_response_tokens | |
max_tokens = config.max_seq_len - expect_tokens | |
if generator.gen_num_tokens() >= max_tokens: | |
generator.gen_prune_to(config.max_seq_len - expect_tokens - extra_prune, tokenizer.newline_token_id) | |
# Feed in the user input and "{bot_name}:", tokenized | |
generator.gen_feed_tokens(in_tokens) | |
# Generate with streaming | |
print(res_line, end = "") | |
sys.stdout.flush() | |
generator.begin_beam_search() | |
for i in range(max_response_tokens): | |
# Disallowing the end condition tokens seems like a clean way to force longer replies. | |
if i < min_response_tokens: | |
generator.disallow_tokens([tokenizer.newline_token_id, tokenizer.eos_token_id]) | |
else: | |
generator.disallow_tokens(None) | |
# Get a token | |
gen_token = generator.beam_search() | |
# If token is EOS, replace it with newline before continuing | |
if gen_token.item() == tokenizer.eos_token_id: | |
generator.replace_last_token(tokenizer.newline_token_id) | |
# Decode the current line and print any characters added | |
num_res_tokens += 1 | |
text = tokenizer.decode(generator.sequence_actual[:, -num_res_tokens:][0]) | |
new_text = text[len(res_line):] | |
skip_space = res_line.endswith("\n") and new_text.startswith(" ") # Bit prettier console output | |
res_line += new_text | |
if skip_space: new_text = new_text[1:] | |
print(new_text, end="") # (character streaming output is here) | |
sys.stdout.flush() | |
# End conditions | |
if break_on_newline and gen_token.item() == tokenizer.newline_token_id: break | |
if gen_token.item() == tokenizer.eos_token_id: break | |
# Some models will not (or will inconsistently) emit EOS tokens but in a chat sequence will often begin | |
# generating for the user instead. Try to catch this and roll back a few tokens to begin the user round. | |
if res_line.endswith(f"{username}:"): | |
plen = tokenizer.encode(f"{username}:").shape[-1] | |
generator.gen_rewind(plen) | |
next_userprompt = " " | |
break | |
generator.end_beam_search() | |
past += res_line | |
first_round = False | |