Runtime error
Runtime error
import transformers | |
import gradio as gr | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
demo = gr.Blocks() | |
gpt2_5x4 = pipeline('text-generation', model = "Lifan-Z/Chinese-Classic-Poem-Generator-style5x4-GPT2") | |
gpt2_7x4 = pipeline('text-generation', model = "Lifan-Z/Chinese-Classic-Poem-Generator-style7x4-GPT2") | |
gpt2_5x8 = pipeline('text-generation', model = "Lifan-Z/Chinese-Classic-Poem-Generator-style5x8-GPT2") | |
gpt2_7x8 = pipeline('text-generation', model = "Lifan-Z/Chinese-Classic-Poem-Generator-style7x8-GPT2") | |
def poems_5x4(st): | |
poems="" | |
sequences = gpt2_5x4('<|endoftext|>'+st, max_length=26, do_sample=True, top_k=20, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.2, num_return_sequences=20, eos_token_id=0) | |
i=0 | |
for seq in sequences: | |
if (len(seq.get('generated_text')) == 60): | |
poems = poems + (str(seq.get('generated_text'))[13:60]) + "\n\n" | |
i=i+1 | |
if(i==6): | |
return(poems) | |
def poems_7x4(st): | |
poems="" | |
sequences = gpt2_7x4('<|endoftext|>'+st, max_length=34, do_sample=True, top_k=20, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.2, num_return_sequences=20, eos_token_id=0) | |
i=0 | |
for seq in sequences: | |
if (len(seq.get('generated_text')) == 76): | |
poems = poems + (str(seq.get('generated_text'))[13:76]) + "\n\n" | |
i=i+1 | |
if(i==6): | |
return(poems) | |
def poems_5x8(st): | |
poems="" | |
sequences = gpt2_5x8('<|endoftext|>'+st, max_length=50, do_sample=True, top_k=20, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.2, num_return_sequences=30, eos_token_id=0) | |
i=0 | |
for seq in sequences: | |
if (len(seq.get('generated_text')) == 108): | |
poems = poems + (str(seq.get('generated_text'))[13:108]) + "\n\n" | |
i=i+1 | |
if(i==6): | |
return(poems) | |
def poems_7x8(st): | |
poems="" | |
sequences = gpt2_7x8('<|endoftext|>'+st, max_length=66, do_sample=True, top_k=20, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.2, num_return_sequences=40, eos_token_id=0) | |
i=0 | |
for seq in sequences: | |
if (len(seq.get('generated_text')) == 140): | |
poems = poems + (str(seq.get('generated_text'))[13:140]) + "\n\n" | |
i=i+1 | |
if(i==6): | |
return(poems) | |
with demo: | |
gr.Markdown("## **古诗辅助生成器**") | |
gr.Markdown("### **生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方**") | |
gr.Markdown("使用说明:五言古诗的平仄、用韵相当自由,也不限长短,这里只提供四句、八句两种。若想生成五言绝句、律诗,需要自己按平仄、用韵作出选择,再慢慢优化,逐句完成.\ | |
比如,要用'雨'字开头写一首五言律诗:先输入一个'雨'字,点击生成六首诗。假设只对第二首的头两句诗比较满意,则复制这两句作为输入。第二次再生成六首诗,这次对第五首的前六句满意,\ | |
再复制这六句作为输入。多次重复即可得到满意的结果。标点符号跟普通文字一样处理,需要注意的是末尾不要是空格。七言诗同样处理. --- Lf-Z 工作室") | |
with gr.Tabs(): | |
with gr.TabItem("五言四句"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
text_input_5x4 = gr.Textbox(label="输入诗的开头文字,以英文空格分隔,末尾不用空格。一次六首,大概7秒。", placeholder="白 日 依 山 尽", lines=1) | |
text_output_5x4 = gr.Textbox() | |
button_5x4 = gr.Button("提交") | |
with gr.TabItem("五言八句"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
text_input_5x8 = gr.Textbox(label="输入诗的开头文字,以英文空格分隔,末尾不用空格。一次六首,大概15秒。", placeholder="白 日 依 山 尽", lines=1) | |
text_output_5x8 = gr.Textbox() | |
button_5x8 = gr.Button("提交") | |
with gr.TabItem("七言四句"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
text_input_7x4 = gr.Textbox(label="输入诗的开头文字,以英文空格分隔,末尾不用空格。一次六首,大概10秒。", placeholder="山 明 水 净 夜 来 霜", lines=1) | |
text_output_7x4 = gr.Textbox() | |
button_7x4 = gr.Button("提交") | |
with gr.TabItem("七言八句"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
text_input_7x8 = gr.Textbox(label="输入诗的开头文字,以英文空格分隔,末尾不用空格。一次六首,大概30秒。", placeholder="山 明 水 净 夜 来 霜", lines=1) | |
text_output_7x8 = gr.Textbox() | |
button_7x8 = gr.Button("提交") | |, inputs=text_input_5x4, outputs=text_output_5x4) | |, inputs=text_input_5x8, outputs=text_output_5x8) | |, inputs=text_input_7x4, outputs=text_output_7x4) | |, inputs=text_input_7x8, outputs=text_output_7x8) | |
demo.launch(share=True) |