history blame
No virus
4.39 kB
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import spaces
import gradio as gr
import torch
title_markdown = ("""
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; text-align: center;">
<div style="margin-right: 20px; display: flex; align-items: center;">
<a href="" style="text-decoration: none; display: flex; align-items: center;">
<img src="" alt="ShareGPT4Video🚀" style="max-width: 120px; height: auto;">
<h1>ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions</h1>
<h5 style="margin: 0;">If you like our project, please give us a star ✨ on Github for the latest update.</h5>
<h5 style="margin: 0;"> <a href="">[Project Page]</a> <a href="">[Code]</a> <a href="">[Paper]</a>
block_css = """
#buttons button {
min-width: min(120px,100%);
learn_more_markdown = ("""
### License
The service is a research preview intended for non-commercial use only, subject to the model [License]( of LLaMA, [Terms of Use]( of the data generated by OpenAI, and [Privacy Practices]( of ShareGPT. Please contact us if you find any potential violation.
model_path = ''
device = 'cuda'
load_8bit = False
load_4bit = False
dtype = torch.float16
def generate_slidingcaptioning(video):
return 'text'
def generate_fastcaptioning(video):
return 'text'
def generate_promptrecaptioning(text):
return text
def save_video_to_local(video_path):
filename = os.path.join('temp', next(
tempfile._get_candidate_names()) + '.mp4')
shutil.copyfile(video_path, filename)
return filename
with gr.Blocks(title='ShareCaptioner-Video', theme=gr.themes.Default(), css=block_css) as demo:
state = gr.State()
state_ = gr.State()
first_run = gr.State()
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("### The ShareCaptioner-Video is a Four-in-One exceptional video captioning model with the following capabilities:\n1. Fast captioning, 2. Sliding Captioning, 3. Clip Summarizing, 4. Prompt Re-Captioning")
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("(THE DEMO OF \"Clip Summarizing\" IS COMING SOON...)")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=6):
with gr.Row():
video = gr.Video(label="Input Video")
cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
with gr.Row():
textbox = gr.Textbox(
show_label=False, placeholder="Input Text", container=False
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=50):
submit_btn_sc = gr.Button(
value="Sliding Captioning", variant="primary", interactive=True
with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=50):
submit_btn_fc = gr.Button(
value="Fast Captioning", variant="primary", interactive=True
with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=50):
submit_btn_pr = gr.Button(
value="Prompt Re-captioning", variant="primary", interactive=True
with gr.Column(scale=4, min_width=200):
with gr.Row():
textbox_out = gr.Textbox(
show_label=False, placeholder="Output", container=False
gr.Markdown(learn_more_markdown), [video],[textbox_out]), [video], [textbox_out]), [textbox], [textbox_out])
### for local launch
### for huggingface launch
# demo.launch()