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# emotion detection with artemis
# given a CSV with image filepaths in a column 'image_file',
# append a column 'grounding_emotion' and a column 'emotions' with the detected emotion.
# 'emotions' contains detected the emotions ordered by descending probability.
# 'grounding_emotion' contains the main emotion (the most probable one)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
#### checkpoints
def save_checkpoint(checkpoint_path,df, grounding_emo_list, emotions_list):
output_df = df.copy()
output_df['grounding_emotion'] = grounding_emo_list
output_df['emotions'] = emotions_list
index= False, # don't write a new 'Index' column
print("Saved checkpoint!")
def load_checkpoint_grounding_emotion(checkpoint_path):
print("reading checkpoint at ", checkpoint_path)
df = pd.read_csv(checkpoint_path)
cached_grounding_emotion= {
row['image_file']: row['grounding_emotion']
for _, row in df.iterrows()
print(f"Checkpoint loaded succesfully to cache: {len(cached_grounding_emotion)} processed files")
return cached_grounding_emotion
print("Checkpoint was not loaded")
return cached_grounding_emotion_dict
def load_checkpoint_emotions(checkpoint_path):
print("reading checkpoint at ", checkpoint_path)
df = pd.read_csv(checkpoint_path)
cached_emotions= {
row['image_file']: row['emotions']
for _, row in df.iterrows()
print(f"Checkpoint loaded succesfully to cache: {len(cached_emotions)} processed files")
return cached_emotions
print("Checkpoint was not loaded")
return cached_emotions_dict
def get_checkpoint_path(output_path):
#checkpoint_path = "checkpoint" + os.path.basename(output_path)
#checkpoint_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(output_path), checkpoint_path)
#return checkpoint_path
return output_path
cached_grounding_emotion_dict = {} # to avoid recomputing
cached_emotions_dict = {} # to avoid recomputing
def get_all_emotions(filepath, model, cached_grounding_emotion_dict, cached_emotions_dict):
emotions = cached_emotions_dict.get(filepath)
grounding_emotion = cached_grounding_emotion_dict.get(filepath)
if emotions is None:
grounding_emotion, emotions = get_all_emotions_in_image(filepath, model)
cached_grounding_emotion_dict[filepath] = grounding_emotion
cached_emotions_dict[filepath] = emotions
return grounding_emotion, emotions
def get_all_emotions_in_image(filepath, model):
with'RGB') as img:
img = transformation(img).unsqueeze(0)# unsqueeze to add artificial first dimension
# emotion detection
emotion_vector = model(img) # apply the model
emotion_vector = np.exp(emotion_vector.detach().numpy()) # calculate probabilities
sorted_indices = (-emotion_vector).argsort()[0] # sort from most to least likely
emotions = [(IDX_TO_EMOTION[ind], emotion_vector[0][ind]) for ind in sorted_indices]
#construct the csv line
grounding_emotion = emotions[0][0]
return grounding_emotion, emotions
################### utilities
#### Artemis emotions:
ARTEMIS_EMOTIONS = ['amusement', 'awe', 'contentment', 'excitement',
'anger', 'disgust', 'fear', 'sadness', 'something else']
EMOTION_TO_IDX = {e: i for i, e in enumerate(ARTEMIS_EMOTIONS)}
### Artemis image preprocessing
#from artemis.in_out.neural_net_oriented import image_transformation
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
image_net_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
image_net_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
def image_transformation(img_dim, lanczos=True):
"""simple transformation/pre-processing of image data."""
if lanczos:
resample_method = Image.LANCZOS
resample_method = Image.BILINEAR
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=image_net_mean, std=image_net_std)
img_transforms = dict()
img_transforms['train'] = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((img_dim, img_dim), resample_method),
# Use same transformations as in train (since no data-augmentation is applied in train)
img_transforms['test'] = img_transforms['train']
img_transforms['val'] = img_transforms['train']
img_transforms['rest'] = img_transforms['train']
return img_transforms
transformation = image_transformation(255)['train']
### Artemis load model
#from artemis.in_out.neural_net_oriented import torch_load_model
import warnings
def torch_load_model(checkpoint_file, map_location=None):
""" Wrap torch.load to catch standard warning of not finding the nested implementations.
:param checkpoint_file:
:param map_location:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
model = torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=map_location)
return model
######### performing emotion detection
def artemis_emotions_detection(input_file, output_file):
checkpoint_path = get_checkpoint_path(output_file)
cached_grounding_emotion_dict = load_checkpoint_grounding_emotion(checkpoint_path)
cached_emotions_dict = load_checkpoint_emotions(checkpoint_path)
#load the model
# device = torch.device("cuda:" + str(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # it is not working with gpus, only cpu :/
device =torch.device("cpu")
model = torch_load_model(img2emo_model_path, map_location=device)
recognized_grounding_emotion_per_image = []
recognized_emotions_per_image = []
processed_files = set(cached_emotions_dict.keys())
df = pd.read_csv(input_file)
iterable_list = list(enumerate( df['image_file']))
for elem in tqdm(iterable_list):
idx = elem[0]
filepath = elem[1]
#save checkpoint every 50 files
if (not (len(processed_files) % 49)
print(f"Images processed: {len(processed_files)}")
grounding_emotion, emotions = get_all_emotions(
recognized_grounding_emotion_per_image = pd.Series(recognized_grounding_emotion_per_image)
recognized_emotions_per_image = pd.Series(recognized_emotions_per_image)
return recognized_grounding_emotion_per_image, recognized_emotions_per_image
import argparse
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="Artemis emotion detection",
description='Recognizes the emotions per image in an image list')
parser.add_argument("--input_file", "-in", metavar='in', type=str, nargs=1,
help='input file containing images-paths for emotion detection.',
parser.add_argument("--output_file", "-out", metavar='out', type=str, nargs=1,
help='output file containing images-paths + grounding (main) emotion + ranked emotions'
parser.add_argument("--model_path", "-mp", metavar='mp', type=str, nargs=1,
help='artemis img2emo model path'
args = parser.parse_args()
input_csv_file = args.input_file[0]
output_csv_file = args.output_file[0]
#where is the image to emotion classifier?
img2emo_model_path = args.model_path[0]
print(">>> input file: " , input_csv_file)
print(">>> output file: ", output_csv_file)
print(">>> img to emotion model path: ", img2emo_model_path)
# perform object recognition
recognized_grounding_emotion_per_image, recognized_emotions_per_image = artemis_emotions_detection(input_csv_file, output_csv_file)
# add a column with the recognized objects
output_df = pd.read_csv(input_csv_file)
output_df['grounding_emotion'] = recognized_grounding_emotion_per_image
output_df['emotions'] = recognized_emotions_per_image
index= False, # don't write a new 'Index' column
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