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import os
import streamlit as st
import torch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, load_from_disk
from huggingface_hub import login
from streamlit_agraph import agraph, Node, Edge, Config
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
def load_hf_dataset():
# login to huggingface
# load from huggingface
roster = pd.DataFrame(load_dataset('MAPS-research/GEMRec-Roster', split='train'))
promptBook = pd.DataFrame(load_dataset('MAPS-research/GEMRec-Metadata', split='train'))
# process dataset
roster = roster[['model_id', 'model_name', 'modelVersion_id', 'modelVersion_name',
# add 'custom_score_weights' column to promptBook if not exist
if 'weighted_score_sum' not in promptBook.columns:
promptBook.loc[:, 'weighted_score_sum'] = 0
# merge roster and promptbook
promptBook = promptBook.merge(roster[['model_id', 'model_name', 'modelVersion_id', 'modelVersion_name', 'model_download_count']],
on=['model_id', 'modelVersion_id'], how='left')
# add column to record current row index
promptBook.loc[:, 'row_idx'] = promptBook.index
return roster, promptBook
def calc_tsne(prompt_id):
print('==> loading feats')
feats = {}
for pt in os.listdir('../data/feats'):
if pt.split('.')[-1] == 'pt' and pt.split('.')[0].isdigit():
feats[pt.split('.')[0]] = torch.load(os.path.join('../data/feats', pt))
print('==> applying t-SNE')
# apply t-SNE to entries in each feat in feats to get 2D coordinates
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0)
# for k, v in tqdm(feats.items()):
# feats[k]['tsne'] = tsne.fit_transform(v['all'].numpy())
# prompt_id = '90'
feats[prompt_id]['tsne'] = tsne.fit_transform(feats[prompt_id]['all'].numpy())
feats_df = pd.DataFrame(feats[prompt_id]['tsne'], columns=['x', 'y'])
feats_df['prompt_id'] = prompt_id
keys = []
for k in feats[prompt_id].keys():
if k != 'all' and k != 'tsne':
feats_df['modelVersion_id'] = keys
return feats_df
# print(feats[prompt_id]['tsne'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# load dataset
roster, promptBook = load_hf_dataset()
# prompt_id = '20'
with st.sidebar:
st.write('## Select Prompt')
prompts = promptBook['prompt_id'].unique().tolist()
# sort prompts by prompt_id
prompt_id = st.selectbox('Select Prompt', prompts, index=0)
physics = st.checkbox('Enable Physics')
feats_df = calc_tsne(str(prompt_id))
# keys = []
# for k in feats[prompt_id].keys():
# if k != 'all' and k != 'tsne':
# keys.append(int(k.item()))
# print(keys)
data = []
for idx in feats_df.index:
modelVersion_id = feats_df.loc[idx, 'modelVersion_id']
image_id = promptBook[(promptBook['modelVersion_id'] == modelVersion_id) & (
promptBook['prompt_id'] == int(prompt_id))].reset_index(drop=True).loc[0, 'image_id']
image_url = f"{image_id}.png"
scale = 50
data.append((feats_df.loc[idx, 'x'] * scale, feats_df.loc[idx, 'y'] * scale, image_url))
image_size = promptBook[(promptBook['image_id'] == image_id)].reset_index(drop=True).loc[0, 'size'].split('x')
nodes = []
edges = []
for d in data:
nodes.append( Node(id=d[2],
# label=str(items.loc[idx, 'model_name']),
fixed=False if physics else True,
color={'background': '#00000', 'border': '#ffffff'},
shadow={'enabled': True, 'color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)', 'size': 10, 'x': 1, 'y': 1},
# borderWidth=1,
# shapeProperties={'useBorderWithImage': True},
# nodes.append( Node(id="Spiderman",
# label="Peter Parker",
# size=25,
# shape="circularImage",
# image="")
# ) # includes **kwargs
# nodes.append( Node(id="Captain_Marvel",
# label="Carol Danvers",
# fixed=True,
# size=25,
# shape="circularImage",
# image="")
# )
# edges.append( Edge(source="Captain_Marvel",
# label="friend_of",
# target="Spiderman",
# length=200,
# # **kwargs
# )
# )
config = Config(width='100%',
# **kwargs
cols = st.columns([3, 1], gap='large')
with cols[0]:
return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes,
# st.write(return_value)
with cols[1]:
st.image(return_value, use_column_width=True)
st.write('No image selected') |