import os | |
import datasets | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import pymysql.cursors | |
import streamlit as st | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from streamlit_elements import elements, mui, html, dashboard, nivo | |
from streamlit_extras.switch_page_button import switch_page | |
from pages.Gallery import load_hf_dataset | |
from Home import connect_to_db | |
class RankingApp: | |
def __init__(self, promptBook, images_endpoint, batch_size=4): | |
self.promptBook = promptBook | |
self.images_endpoint = images_endpoint | |
self.batch_size = batch_size | |
# self.batch_num = len(self.promptBook) // self.batch_size | |
# self.batch_num += 1 if len(self.promptBook) % self.batch_size != 0 else 0 | |
if 'counter' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.counter = {} | |
def sidebar(self, selected_prompt, items): | |
with st.sidebar: | |
# st.title('Personal Image Ranking') | |
# st.write('Here you can test out your selected images with any prompt you like. ') | |
# prompt_tags = self.promptBook['tag'].unique() | |
# prompt_tags = np.sort(prompt_tags).tolist() | |
# | |
# print(st.session_state.gallery_focus) | |
# tag_idx = prompt_tags.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['tag']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus['tag'] in prompt_tags else 0 | |
# print(tag_idx) | |
# | |
# tag = st.selectbox('Select a prompt tag', prompt_tags, index=tag_idx) | |
# items = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'] == tag].reset_index(drop=True) | |
# prompts = np.sort(items['prompt'].unique())[::-1].tolist() | |
# | |
# prompt_idx = prompts.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['prompt']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus['prompt'] in prompts else 0 | |
# print(prompt_idx) | |
# | |
# selected_prompt = st.selectbox('Select a prompt', prompts, index=prompt_idx) | |
# | |
# # mode ='Select a mode', ['Drag and Sort', 'Battle'], index=1) | |
# mode = st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode | |
# | |
# items = items[items['prompt'] == selected_prompt].reset_index(drop=True) | |
# prompt_id = items['prompt_id'].unique()[0] | |
with st.form(key='prompt_form'): | |
# input image metadata | |
prompt = st.text_area('Prompt', selected_prompt, height=150, key='prompt', disabled=True) | |
negative_prompt = st.text_area('Negative Prompt', items['negativePrompt'].unique()[0], height=150, key='negative_prompt', disabled=True) | |
st.form_submit_button('Generate Images [Coming Soon]', type='primary', use_container_width=True, disabled=True) | |
return None | |
def draggable_images(self, items, prompt_id, layout='portrait'): | |
# init ranking by the order of items | |
if 'ranking' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.ranking = {} | |
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.ranking: | |
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id] = {} | |
if st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] not in st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id]: | |
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]] = {} | |
for i in range(len(items)): | |
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]][str(items['image_id'][i])] = i | |
else: | |
# set the index of items to the corresponding ranking value of the image_id | |
items.index = items['image_id'].apply(lambda x: st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]][str(x)]) | |
with elements('dashboard'): | |
if layout == 'portrait': | |
col_num = 4 | |
layout = [dashboard.Item(str(items['image_id'][i]), i % col_num, i//col_num, 1, 2, isResizable=False) for i in range(len(items))] | |
elif layout == 'landscape': | |
col_num = 2 | |
layout = [ | |
dashboard.Item(str(items['image_id'][i]), i % col_num * 2, i // col_num, 2, 1.6, isResizable=False) for | |
i in range(len(items)) | |
] | |
with dashboard.Grid(layout, cols={'lg': 4, 'md': 4, 'sm': 4, 'xs': 4, 'xxs': 2}, onLayoutChange=self.handle_layout_change, margin=[18, 18], containerPadding=[0, 0]): | |
for i in range(len(layout)): | |
with mui.Card(key=str(items['image_id'][i]), variant="outlined"): | |
prompt_id = st.session_state.prompt_id_tmp | |
batch_idx = st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] | |
rank = st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][batch_idx][str(items['image_id'][i])] + 1 | |
mui.Chip(label=rank, | |
# variant="outlined" if rank!=1 else "default", | |
color="primary" if rank == 1 else "warning" if rank == 2 else "info", | |
size="small", | |
sx={"position": "absolute", "left": "-0.3rem", "top": "-0.3rem"}) | |
img_url = self.images_endpoint + str(items['image_id'][i]) + '.png' | |
mui.CardMedia( | |
component="img", | |
# image={"data:image/png;base64", img_str}, | |
image=img_url, | |
alt="There should be an image", | |
sx={"height": "100%", "object-fit": "contain", 'bgcolor': 'black'}, | |
) | |
def handle_layout_change(self, updated_layout): | |
# print(updated_layout) | |
sorted_list = sorted(updated_layout, key=lambda x: (x['y'], x['x'])) | |
sorted_list = [str(item['i']) for item in sorted_list] | |
prompt_id = st.session_state.prompt_id_tmp | |
batch_idx = st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] | |
for k in st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][batch_idx].keys(): | |
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][batch_idx][k] = sorted_list.index(k) | |
def dragsort_mode(self, tag, items, prompt_id, batch_num): | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] = 0 if prompt_id not in st.session_state.counter else \ | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] | |
sorting, control = st.columns((11, 1), gap='large') | |
with sorting: | |
# st.write('## Sorting') | |
# st.write('Please drag the images to sort them.') | |
st.progress((st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1) / batch_num, | |
text=f"Batch {st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1} / {batch_num}") | |
# st.write(items.iloc[self.batch_size*st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]: self.batch_size*(st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]+1)]) | |
width, height = items.loc[0, 'size'].split('x') | |
if int(height) >= int(width): | |
self.draggable_images(items.iloc[ | |
self.batch_size * st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]: self.batch_size * ( | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1)].reset_index(drop=True), | |
prompt_id=prompt_id, layout='portrait') | |
else: | |
self.draggable_images(items.iloc[ | |
self.batch_size * st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]: self.batch_size * ( | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1)].reset_index(drop=True), | |
prompt_id=prompt_id, layout='landscape') | |
# st.write(str(st.session_state.ranking)) | |
with control: | |
if st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] < batch_num - 1: | |
st.button(":arrow_right:", key='next', on_click=self.next_batch, help='Next Batch', | |
kwargs={'tag': tag, 'prompt_id': prompt_id}, use_container_width=True, type='primary') | |
else: | |
st.button(":heavy_check_mark:", key='finished', on_click=self.next_batch, help='Finished', | |
kwargs={'tag': tag, 'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'progress': 'finished'}, use_container_width=True, type='primary') | |
if st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] > 0: | |
st.button(":arrow_left:", key='prev', on_click=self.prev_batch, help='Previous Batch', | |
kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id}, use_container_width=True) | |
def next_batch(self, tag, prompt_id, progress=None): | |
curser = RANKING_CONN.cursor() | |
# a not so elegant way to get the modelVersion_id of each image, but it works | |
position_version_dict = {} | |
for image_id, position in st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]].items(): | |
modelVersion_id = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['image_id'] == image_id]['modelVersion_id'].values[0] | |
position_version_dict[position] = modelVersion_id | |
# # get all records of this user and prompt | |
# query = "SELECT * FROM sort_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s" | |
# curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id)) | |
# results = curser.fetchall() | |
# print(results) | |
# | |
# # remove the old ranking with the same modelVersion_id if exists | |
# for result in results: | |
# prev_ids = [result['position1'], result['position2'], result['position3'], result['position4']] | |
# curr_ids = [position_version_dict[0], position_version_dict[1], position_version_dict[2], position_version_dict[3]] | |
# if len(set(prev_ids).intersection(set(curr_ids))) == 4: | |
# query = "DELETE FROM sort_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s AND position1 = %s AND position2 = %s AND position3 = %s AND position4 = %s" | |
# curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, result['position1'], result['position2'], result['position3'], result['position4'])) | |
sorttime = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | |
# handle the case where user press the 'prev' button | |
query = "DELETE FROM sort_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s AND epoch = %s" | |
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id])) | |
query = "INSERT INTO sort_results (username, timestamp, tag, prompt_id, position1, position2, position3, position4, sorttime, epoch) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | |
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], self.promptBook[self.promptBook['prompt_id'] == prompt_id]['tag'].values[0], prompt_id, position_version_dict[0], position_version_dict[1], position_version_dict[2], position_version_dict[3], sorttime, st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id])) | |
curser.close() | |
RANKING_CONN.commit() | |
if progress == 'finished': | |
st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id] += 1 | |
st.session_state.epoch['summary'][tag] = st.session_state.epoch['summary'].get(tag, 0) + 1 | |
st.session_state.epoch['summary']['overall'] += 1 | |
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'finished' | |
# drop 'modelVersion_standings' from session state if exists | |
st.session_state.pop('modelVersion_standings', None) | |
else: | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] += 1 | |
def prev_batch(self, prompt_id): | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] -= 1 | |
def battle_images(self, tag, items, prompt_id): | |
if 'pointer' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.pointer = {} | |
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.pointer: | |
st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id] = {'left': 0, 'right': 1} | |
curr_position = max(st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['left'], st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['right']) | |
progress = st.progress(curr_position / (len(items)-1), text=f"Progress {curr_position} / {len(items)-1}") | |
# if curr_position == len(items) - 1: | |
# st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'finished' | |
# | |
# else: | |
left, right = st.columns(2) | |
with left: | |
image_id = items['image_id'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['left']] | |
img_url = self.images_endpoint + str(image_id) + '.png' | |
# # write the total score of this image | |
# total_score = items['total_score'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['left']] | |
# st.write(f'Total Score: {total_score}') | |
btn_left = st.button('Left is better', key='left', on_click=self.next_battle, kwargs={'tag': tag, 'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'image_ids': items['image_id'], 'winner': 'left', 'curr_position': curr_position, 'total_num': len(items)}, use_container_width=True) | |
st.image(img_url, use_column_width=True) | |
with right: | |
image_id = items['image_id'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['right']] | |
img_url = self.images_endpoint + str(image_id) + '.png' | |
# # write the total score of this image | |
# total_score = items['total_score'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['right']] | |
# st.write(f'Total Score: {total_score}') | |
btn_right = st.button('Right is better', key='right', on_click=self.next_battle, kwargs={'tag': tag, 'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'image_ids': items['image_id'], 'winner': 'right', 'curr_position': curr_position, 'total_num': len(items)}, use_container_width=True) | |
st.image(img_url, use_column_width=True) | |
def next_battle(self, tag, prompt_id, image_ids, winner, curr_position, total_num): | |
loser = 'left' if winner == 'right' else 'right' | |
battletime = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | |
curser = RANKING_CONN.cursor() | |
winner_modelVersion_id = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['image_id'] == image_ids[st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id][winner]]]['modelVersion_id'].values[0] | |
loser_modelVersion_id = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['image_id'] == image_ids[st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id][loser]]]['modelVersion_id'].values[0] | |
# # remove the old battle result if exists | |
# query = "DELETE FROM battle_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s AND winner = %s AND loser = %s" | |
# curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, winner_modelVersion_id, loser_modelVersion_id)) | |
# curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, loser_modelVersion_id, winner_modelVersion_id)) | |
# insert the battle result into the database | |
query = "INSERT INTO battle_results (username, timestamp, tag, prompt_id, winner, loser, battletime, epoch) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" | |
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], self.promptBook[self.promptBook['prompt_id'] == prompt_id]['tag'].values[0], prompt_id, winner_modelVersion_id, loser_modelVersion_id, battletime, st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id])) | |
curser.close() | |
RANKING_CONN.commit() | |
if curr_position == total_num - 1: | |
st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id] += 1 | |
st.session_state.epoch['summary'][tag] = st.session_state.epoch['summary'].get(tag, 0) + 1 | |
st.session_state.epoch['summary']['overall'] += 1 | |
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'finished' | |
# drop 'modelVersion_standings' from session state if exists | |
st.session_state.pop('modelVersion_standings', None) | |
# st.experimental_rerun() | |
else: | |
st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id][loser] = curr_position + 1 | |
def battle_mode(self, tag, items, prompt_id): | |
self.battle_images(tag, items, prompt_id) | |
def app(self): | |
st.write('### Generative Model Ranking') | |
# st.write('Here you can test out your selected images with any prompt you like. ') | |
# st.write(self.promptBook) | |
# save the current progress to session state | |
if 'progress' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.progress = {} | |
print('current progress: ', st.session_state.progress) | |
# select tag and prompt | |
prompt_tags = self.promptBook['tag'].unique() | |
prompt_tags = np.sort(prompt_tags).tolist() | |
print(st.session_state.gallery_focus) | |
tag_idx = prompt_tags.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['tag']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus[ | |
'tag'] in prompt_tags else 0 | |
print(tag_idx) | |
# color the finished tags | |
finished_tags = [] | |
for tag in prompt_tags: | |
append_tag = True | |
for prompt_id in self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'] == tag]['prompt_id'].unique(): | |
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.progress or st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] != 'finished': | |
append_tag = False | |
break | |
if append_tag: | |
finished_tags.append(tag) | |
tag_tobe_colored = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'].isin(finished_tags)]['tag'].unique().tolist() | |
colored_tags = self.text_coloring_add(tag_tobe_colored, prompt_tags, color_name='orange') | |
tag ='Select a tag', colored_tags, index=tag_idx, horizontal=True, label_visibility='collapsed') | |
tag = self.text_coloring_remove(tag) | |
print(tag) | |
items = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'] == tag].reset_index(drop=True) | |
# pick out prompts such that st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] == 'finished' | |
prompts = np.sort(items['prompt'].unique())[::-1].tolist() | |
prompt_idx = prompts.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['prompt']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus[ | |
'prompt'] in prompts else 0 | |
print(prompt_idx) | |
# color the finished prompts | |
finished_prompts = [] | |
for prompt_id in items['prompt_id'].unique(): | |
if prompt_id in st.session_state.progress and st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] == 'finished': | |
finished_prompts.append(prompt_id) | |
prompt_tobe_colored = items[items['prompt_id'].isin(finished_prompts)]['prompt'].unique().tolist() | |
colored_prompts = self.text_coloring_add(prompt_tobe_colored, prompts, color_name='โ ') | |
selected_prompt = st.selectbox('Select a prompt', colored_prompts, index=prompt_idx, label_visibility='collapsed') | |
selected_prompt = self.text_coloring_remove(selected_prompt) | |
st.session_state.gallery_focus = {'tag': tag, 'prompt': selected_prompt} | |
# mode ='Select a mode', ['Drag and Sort', 'Battle'], index=1) | |
mode = st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode | |
items = items[items['prompt'] == selected_prompt].reset_index(drop=True) | |
prompt_id = items['prompt_id'].unique()[0] | |
self.sidebar(selected_prompt, items) | |
batch_num = len(items) // self.batch_size | |
batch_num += 1 if len(items) % self.batch_size != 0 else 0 | |
# st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] = 0 if prompt_id not in st.session_state.counter else st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] | |
# save prompt_id in session state | |
st.session_state.prompt_id_tmp = prompt_id | |
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.progress: | |
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'ranking' | |
if st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] == 'ranking': | |
st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id] = st.session_state.epoch['ranking'].get(prompt_id, 1) | |
st.caption("We might pair some other images that you haven't selected based on our evaluation matrix.") | |
if mode == 'Drag and Sort': | |
self.dragsort_mode(tag, items, prompt_id, batch_num) | |
elif mode == 'Battle': | |
self.battle_mode(tag, items, prompt_id) | |
elif st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] == 'finished': | |
print(st.session_state.gallery_focus) | |
# st.toast('**Summary is available now!**') | |
# st.write('---') | |
with st.form(key='ranking_finished'): | |'**๐ You have ranked all models for this prompt!**') | |
st.write('Feel free to do the following things:') | |
# st.write('* Back to the gallery page to see more images.') | |
# st.write('* Rank again for this tag and prompt.') | |
options_panel = st.columns(4) | |
with options_panel[0]: | |
summary_btn = st.form_submit_button('๐ See Summary', use_container_width=True, type='primary') | |
if summary_btn: | |
switch_page('summary') | |
with options_panel[1]: | |
gallery_btn = st.form_submit_button('๐ผ๏ธ Back to Gallery', use_container_width=True) | |
if gallery_btn: | |
switch_page('gallery') | |
with options_panel[2]: | |
st.form_submit_button('๐ Rank other prompts', use_container_width=True) | |
with options_panel[3]: | |
restart_btn = st.form_submit_button('๐๏ธ Re-rank this prompt', use_container_width=True, on_click=self.rerank, kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id}) | |
# with st.sidebar: | |
# st.write('epoch: ', st.session_state.epoch['ranking'][prompt_id]) | |
def text_coloring_add(self, tobe_colored:list, total_items, color_name='orange'): | |
if color_name in ['orange', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'violet', 'yellow']: | |
colored = [f':{color_name}[{item}]' if item in tobe_colored else item for item in total_items] | |
else: | |
colored = [f'[{color_name}] {item}' if item in tobe_colored else item for item in total_items] | |
return colored | |
def text_coloring_remove(self, tobe_removed): | |
if isinstance(tobe_removed, str): | |
if tobe_removed.startswith(':'): | |
tobe_removed = tobe_removed.split('[')[-1][:-1] | |
elif tobe_removed.startswith('['): | |
tobe_removed = tobe_removed.split(']')[-1][1:] | |
return tobe_removed | |
def rerank(self, prompt_id): | |
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'ranking' | |
if st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode == 'Drag and Sort': | |
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] = 0 | |
elif st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode == 'Battle': | |
st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id] = {'left': 0, 'right': 1} | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
st.set_page_config(page_title="Personal Image Ranking", page_icon="๐๏ธ๏ธ", layout="wide") | |
if 'user_id' not in st.session_state: | |
st.warning('Please log in first.') | |
home_btn = st.button('Go to Home Page') | |
if home_btn: | |
switch_page("home") | |
else: | |
has_selection = False | |
for key, value in st.session_state.selected_dict.items(): | |
for v in value: | |
if v: | |
has_selection = True | |
break | |
if not has_selection: | |'You have not checked any image yet. Please go back to the gallery page and check some images.') | |
gallery_btn = st.button('๐ผ๏ธ Go to Gallery') | |
if gallery_btn: | |
switch_page('gallery') | |
else: | |
# st.write('You have checked ' + str(len(selected_modelVersions)) + ' images.') | |
roster, promptBook, images_ds = load_hf_dataset(st.session_state.show_NSFW) | |
print(st.session_state.selected_dict) | |
# st.write("# Full function is coming soon.") | |
RANKING_CONN = connect_to_db() | |
# only select the part of the promptbook where tag is the same as st.session_state.selected_dict.keys(), while model version ids are the same as corresponding values to each key | |
promptBook_selected = pd.DataFrame() | |
for key, value in st.session_state.selected_dict.items(): | |
# promptBook_selected = promptBook_selected.append(promptBook[(promptBook['prompt_id'] == key) & (promptBook['modelVersion_id'].isin(value))]) | |
# replace append with pd.concat | |
user_selections = promptBook[(promptBook['prompt_id'] == key) & (promptBook['modelVersion_id'].isin(value))] | |
# auto complete the selection with random images | |
residual = len(user_selections) % 4 | |
if residual != 0: | |
# select 4-residual items from the promptbook outside the user_selections | |
npc = promptBook[(promptBook['prompt_id'] == key) & (~promptBook['modelVersion_id'].isin(value))].sort_values(by=['total_score'], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True).iloc[:4-residual] | |
user_selections = pd.concat([user_selections, npc]) | |
promptBook_selected = pd.concat([promptBook_selected, user_selections]) | |
promptBook_selected = promptBook_selected.reset_index(drop=True) | |
# sort promptBook by total_score | |
promptBook_selected = promptBook_selected.sort_values(by=['total_score'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True) | |
# st.write(promptBook_selected) | |
images_endpoint = "" | |
app = RankingApp(promptBook_selected, images_endpoint, batch_size=4) | | | |
with open('./css/style.css') as f: | |
st.markdown(f'<style>{}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |