GEMRec-Gallery / pages /
Ricercar's picture
ui adjustments
history blame
22.2 kB
import os
import datasets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymysql.cursors
import streamlit as st
from datetime import datetime
from streamlit_elements import elements, mui, html, dashboard, nivo
from streamlit_extras.switch_page_button import switch_page
from pages.Gallery import load_hf_dataset
class RankingApp:
def __init__(self, promptBook, images_endpoint, batch_size=4):
self.promptBook = promptBook
self.images_endpoint = images_endpoint
self.batch_size = batch_size
# self.batch_num = len(self.promptBook) // self.batch_size
# self.batch_num += 1 if len(self.promptBook) % self.batch_size != 0 else 0
if 'counter' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.counter = {}
def sidebar(self, selected_prompt, items):
with st.sidebar:
# st.title('Personal Image Ranking')
# st.write('Here you can test out your selected images with any prompt you like. ')
# prompt_tags = self.promptBook['tag'].unique()
# prompt_tags = np.sort(prompt_tags).tolist()
# print(st.session_state.gallery_focus)
# tag_idx = prompt_tags.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['tag']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus['tag'] in prompt_tags else 0
# print(tag_idx)
# tag = st.selectbox('Select a prompt tag', prompt_tags, index=tag_idx)
# items = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'] == tag].reset_index(drop=True)
# prompts = np.sort(items['prompt'].unique())[::-1].tolist()
# prompt_idx = prompts.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['prompt']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus['prompt'] in prompts else 0
# print(prompt_idx)
# selected_prompt = st.selectbox('Select a prompt', prompts, index=prompt_idx)
# # mode ='Select a mode', ['Drag and Sort', 'Battle'], index=1)
# mode = st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode
# items = items[items['prompt'] == selected_prompt].reset_index(drop=True)
# prompt_id = items['prompt_id'].unique()[0]
with st.form(key='prompt_form'):
# input image metadata
prompt = st.text_area('Prompt', selected_prompt, height=150, key='prompt', disabled=True)
negative_prompt = st.text_area('Negative Prompt', items['negativePrompt'].unique()[0], height=150, key='negative_prompt', disabled=True)
st.form_submit_button('Generate Images [Coming Soon]', type='primary', use_container_width=True, disabled=True)
return None
def draggable_images(self, items, prompt_id, layout='portrait'):
# init ranking by the order of items
if 'ranking' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.ranking = {}
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.ranking:
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id] = {}
if st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] not in st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id]:
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]] = {}
for i in range(len(items)):
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]][str(items['image_id'][i])] = i
# set the index of items to the corresponding ranking value of the image_id
items.index = items['image_id'].apply(lambda x: st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]][str(x)])
with elements('dashboard'):
if layout == 'portrait':
col_num = 4
layout = [dashboard.Item(str(items['image_id'][i]), i % col_num, i//col_num, 1, 2, isResizable=False) for i in range(len(items))]
elif layout == 'landscape':
col_num = 2
layout = [
dashboard.Item(str(items['image_id'][i]), i % col_num * 2, i // col_num, 2, 1.6, isResizable=False) for
i in range(len(items))
with dashboard.Grid(layout, cols={'lg': 4, 'md': 4, 'sm': 4, 'xs': 4, 'xxs': 2}, onLayoutChange=self.handle_layout_change, margin=[18, 18], containerPadding=[0, 0]):
for i in range(len(layout)):
with mui.Card(key=str(items['image_id'][i]), variant="outlined"):
prompt_id = st.session_state.prompt_id_tmp
batch_idx = st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]
rank = st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][batch_idx][str(items['image_id'][i])] + 1
# variant="outlined" if rank!=1 else "default",
color="primary" if rank == 1 else "warning" if rank == 2 else "info",
sx={"position": "absolute", "left": "-0.3rem", "top": "-0.3rem"})
img_url = self.images_endpoint + str(items['image_id'][i]) + '.png'
# image={"data:image/png;base64", img_str},
alt="There should be an image",
sx={"height": "100%", "object-fit": "contain", 'bgcolor': 'black'},
def handle_layout_change(self, updated_layout):
# print(updated_layout)
sorted_list = sorted(updated_layout, key=lambda x: (x['y'], x['x']))
sorted_list = [str(item['i']) for item in sorted_list]
prompt_id = st.session_state.prompt_id_tmp
batch_idx = st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]
for k in st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][batch_idx].keys():
st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][batch_idx][k] = sorted_list.index(k)
def dragsort_mode(self, items, prompt_id, batch_num):
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] = 0 if prompt_id not in st.session_state.counter else \
sorting, control = st.columns((11, 1), gap='large')
with sorting:
# st.write('## Sorting')
# st.write('Please drag the images to sort them.')
st.progress((st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1) / batch_num,
text=f"Batch {st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1} / {batch_num}")
# st.write(items.iloc[self.batch_size*st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]: self.batch_size*(st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]+1)])
width, height = items.loc[0, 'size'].split('x')
if int(height) >= int(width):
self.batch_size * st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]: self.batch_size * (
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1)].reset_index(drop=True),
prompt_id=prompt_id, layout='portrait')
self.batch_size * st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]: self.batch_size * (
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] + 1)].reset_index(drop=True),
prompt_id=prompt_id, layout='landscape')
# st.write(str(st.session_state.ranking))
with control:
if st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] < batch_num - 1:
st.button(":arrow_right:", key='next', on_click=self.next_batch, help='Next Batch',
kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id}, use_container_width=True)
st.button(":heavy_check_mark:", key='finished', on_click=self.next_batch, help='Finished',
kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'progress': 'finished'}, use_container_width=True)
if st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] > 0:
st.button(":arrow_left:", key='prev', on_click=self.prev_batch, help='Previous Batch',
kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id}, use_container_width=True)
def next_batch(self, prompt_id, progress=None):
curser = RANKING_CONN.cursor()
# a not so elegant way to get the modelVersion_id of each image, but it works
position_version_dict = {}
for image_id, position in st.session_state.ranking[prompt_id][st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]].items():
modelVersion_id = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['image_id'] == image_id]['modelVersion_id'].values[0]
position_version_dict[position] = modelVersion_id
# get all records of this user and prompt
query = "SELECT * FROM sort_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s"
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id))
results = curser.fetchall()
# remove the old ranking with the same modelVersion_id if exists
for result in results:
prev_ids = [result['position1'], result['position2'], result['position3'], result['position4']]
curr_ids = [position_version_dict[0], position_version_dict[1], position_version_dict[2], position_version_dict[3]]
if len(set(prev_ids).intersection(set(curr_ids))) == 4:
query = "DELETE FROM sort_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s AND position1 = %s AND position2 = %s AND position3 = %s AND position4 = %s"
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, result['position1'], result['position2'], result['position3'], result['position4']))
query = "INSERT INTO sort_results (username, timestamp, tag, prompt_id, position1, position2, position3, position4) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], self.promptBook[self.promptBook['prompt_id'] == prompt_id]['tag'].values[0], prompt_id, position_version_dict[0], position_version_dict[1], position_version_dict[2], position_version_dict[3]))
if progress == 'finished':
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'finished'
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] += 1
def prev_batch(self, prompt_id):
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] -= 1
def battle_images(self, items, prompt_id):
if 'pointer' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.pointer = {}
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.pointer:
st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id] = {'left': 0, 'right': 1}
curr_position = max(st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['left'], st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['right'])
progress = st.progress(curr_position / (len(items)-1), text=f"Progress {curr_position} / {len(items)-1}")
# if curr_position == len(items) - 1:
# st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'finished'
# else:
left, right = st.columns(2)
with left:
image_id = items['image_id'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['left']]
img_url = self.images_endpoint + str(image_id) + '.png'
# # write the total score of this image
# total_score = items['total_score'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['left']]
# st.write(f'Total Score: {total_score}')
btn_left = st.button('Left is better', key='left', on_click=self.next_battle, kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'image_ids': items['image_id'], 'winner': 'left', 'curr_position': curr_position, 'total_num': len(items)}, use_container_width=True)
st.image(img_url, use_column_width=True)
with right:
image_id = items['image_id'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['right']]
img_url = self.images_endpoint + str(image_id) + '.png'
# # write the total score of this image
# total_score = items['total_score'][st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id]['right']]
# st.write(f'Total Score: {total_score}')
btn_right = st.button('Right is better', key='right', on_click=self.next_battle, kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'image_ids': items['image_id'], 'winner': 'right', 'curr_position': curr_position, 'total_num': len(items)}, use_container_width=True)
st.image(img_url, use_column_width=True)
def next_battle(self, prompt_id, image_ids, winner, curr_position, total_num):
loser = 'left' if winner == 'right' else 'right'
battletime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
curser = RANKING_CONN.cursor()
winner_modelVersion_id = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['image_id'] == image_ids[st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id][winner]]]['modelVersion_id'].values[0]
loser_modelVersion_id = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['image_id'] == image_ids[st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id][loser]]]['modelVersion_id'].values[0]
# remove the old battle result if exists
query = "DELETE FROM battle_results WHERE username = %s AND timestamp = %s AND prompt_id = %s AND winner = %s AND loser = %s"
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, winner_modelVersion_id, loser_modelVersion_id))
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], prompt_id, loser_modelVersion_id, winner_modelVersion_id))
# insert the battle result into the database
query = "INSERT INTO battle_results (username, timestamp, tag, prompt_id, winner, loser, battletime) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
curser.execute(query, (st.session_state.user_id[0], st.session_state.user_id[1], self.promptBook[self.promptBook['prompt_id'] == prompt_id]['tag'].values[0], prompt_id, winner_modelVersion_id, loser_modelVersion_id, battletime))
if curr_position == total_num - 1:
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'finished'
# st.experimental_rerun()
st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id][loser] = curr_position + 1
def battle_mode(self, items, prompt_id):
self.battle_images(items, prompt_id)
def app(self):
st.write('### Personal Image Ranking')
# st.write('Here you can test out your selected images with any prompt you like. ')
# st.write(self.promptBook)
# save the current progress to session state
if 'progress' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.progress = {}
print('current progress: ', st.session_state.progress)
# select tag and prompt
prompt_tags = self.promptBook['tag'].unique()
prompt_tags = np.sort(prompt_tags).tolist()
tag_idx = prompt_tags.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['tag']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus[
'tag'] in prompt_tags else 0
tag ='Select a tag', prompt_tags, index=tag_idx, horizontal=True, label_visibility='collapsed')
items = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'] == tag].reset_index(drop=True)
prompts = np.sort(items['prompt'].unique())[::-1].tolist()
prompt_idx = prompts.index(st.session_state.gallery_focus['prompt']) if st.session_state.gallery_focus[
'prompt'] in prompts else 0
selected_prompt = st.selectbox('Select a prompt', prompts, index=prompt_idx)
# mode ='Select a mode', ['Drag and Sort', 'Battle'], index=1)
mode = st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode
items = items[items['prompt'] == selected_prompt].reset_index(drop=True)
prompt_id = items['prompt_id'].unique()[0]
self.sidebar(selected_prompt, items)
batch_num = len(items) // self.batch_size
batch_num += 1 if len(items) % self.batch_size != 0 else 0
# st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] = 0 if prompt_id not in st.session_state.counter else st.session_state.counter[prompt_id]
# save prompt_id in session state
st.session_state.prompt_id_tmp = prompt_id
if prompt_id not in st.session_state.progress:
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'ranking'
if st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] == 'ranking':
st.caption("We might pair some other images that you haven't selected based on our evaluation matrix.")
if mode == 'Drag and Sort':
self.dragsort_mode(items, prompt_id, batch_num)
elif mode == 'Battle':
self.battle_mode(items, prompt_id)
elif st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] == 'finished':
# st.toast('**Summary is available now!**')
# st.write('---')
with st.form(key='ranking_finished'):'**๐ŸŽ‰ You have ranked all models for this prompt!**')
st.write('Feel free to do the following things:')
# st.write('* Back to the gallery page to see more images.')
# st.write('* Rank again for this tag and prompt.')
options_panel = st.columns(4)
with options_panel[0]:
summary_btn = st.form_submit_button('๐Ÿ“Š See Summary', use_container_width=True, type='primary')
if summary_btn:
with options_panel[1]:
gallery_btn = st.form_submit_button('๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Back to Gallery', use_container_width=True)
if gallery_btn:
with options_panel[2]:
st.form_submit_button('๐Ÿ‘† Rank other prompts', use_container_width=True)
with options_panel[3]:
restart_btn = st.form_submit_button('๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Re-rank this prompt', use_container_width=True)
if restart_btn:
st.session_state.progress[prompt_id] = 'ranking'
st.session_state.counter[prompt_id] = 0
st.session_state.pointer[prompt_id] = {'left': 0, 'right': 1}
def connect_to_db():
conn = pymysql.connect(
return conn
if __name__ == "__main__":
st.set_page_config(page_title="Personal Image Ranking", page_icon="๐ŸŽ–๏ธ๏ธ", layout="wide")
with open('./pages/style.css') as f:
st.markdown(f'<style>{}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
if 'user_id' not in st.session_state:
st.warning('Please log in first.')
home_btn = st.button('Go to Home Page')
if home_btn:
has_selection = False
for key, value in st.session_state.selected_dict.items():
for v in value:
if v:
has_selection = True
if not has_selection:'You have not checked any image yet. Please go back to the gallery page and check some images.')
gallery_btn = st.button('๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Go to Gallery')
if gallery_btn:
# st.write('You have checked ' + str(len(selected_modelVersions)) + ' images.')
roster, promptBook, images_ds = load_hf_dataset()
# st.write("# Full function is coming soon.")
RANKING_CONN = connect_to_db()
# only select the part of the promptbook where tag is the same as st.session_state.selected_dict.keys(), while model version ids are the same as corresponding values to each key
promptBook_selected = pd.DataFrame()
for key, value in st.session_state.selected_dict.items():
# promptBook_selected = promptBook_selected.append(promptBook[(promptBook['prompt_id'] == key) & (promptBook['modelVersion_id'].isin(value))])
# replace append with pd.concat
user_selections = promptBook[(promptBook['prompt_id'] == key) & (promptBook['modelVersion_id'].isin(value))]
# auto complete the selection with random images
residual = len(user_selections) % 4
if residual != 0:
# select 4-residual items from the promptbook outside the user_selections
npc = promptBook[(promptBook['prompt_id'] == key) & (~promptBook['modelVersion_id'].isin(value))].sort_values(by=['total_score'], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True).iloc[:4-residual]
user_selections = pd.concat([user_selections, npc])
promptBook_selected = pd.concat([promptBook_selected, user_selections])
promptBook_selected = promptBook_selected.reset_index(drop=True)
# sort promptBook by total_score
promptBook_selected = promptBook_selected.sort_values(by=['total_score'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)
# st.write(promptBook_selected)
images_endpoint = ""
app = RankingApp(promptBook_selected, images_endpoint, batch_size=4)