GEMRec-Gallery /
Ricercar's picture
turn off NSFW switch
history blame
7.18 kB
import os
import random
import pymysql.cursors
import streamlit as st
from datetime import datetime
from streamlit_extras.switch_page_button import switch_page
def login():
# skip customize user name for debug mode
with st.form("user_login"):
# st.write('## Enter Your Name to Start the Session')
'### Getting obsessed with tons of different text-to-image generation models available online? Want to find the most suitable one for your taste?')
st.write('**GEMRec** is here to help you! Enter your name to try it out๐Ÿ‘‡!')
user_id = st.text_input(
"Enter your name ๐Ÿ‘‡",
placeholder='You can leave it blank to be anonymous'
# st.write('You can leave it blank to be anonymous.')
# st.session_state.show_NSFW = st.toggle(':orange[show potentially mature content]', help='Inevitably, a few images might be NSFW, even if we tried to elimiate NFSW content in our prompts. We calculate a NSFW score to filter them out. Please check only if you are 18+ and want to take a look at the whole GEMRec-18k dataset', value=False, key='mature_content')
st.session_state.show_NSFW = False # set to falso by default temporarily
# Every form must have a submit button.
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Start")
if submitted:
def save_user_id(user_id):
user_id = user_id[:60]
if not user_id:
user_id = 'anonymous' + str(random.randint(0, 100000))
st.session_state.user_id = [user_id, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]
st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode = random.choice(['Drag and Sort', 'Battle'])
st.session_state.epoch = {'gallery': 0, 'ranking': {}, 'summary': {'overall': 0}}
def logout():
st.session_state.pop('user_id', None)
st.session_state.pop('selected_dict', None)
st.session_state.pop('epoch', None)
st.session_state.pop('score_weights', None)
st.session_state.pop('gallery_state', None)
st.session_state.pop('edit_state', None)
st.session_state.pop('progress', None)
st.session_state.pop('pointer', None)
st.session_state.pop('counter', None)
st.session_state.pop('gallery_focus', None)
st.session_state.pop('assigned_rank_mode', None)
st.session_state.pop('show_NSFW', None)
st.session_state.pop('modelVersion_standings', None)
def project_info():
with st.sidebar:
st.write('## About')
"This is a web application **for individual users to quickly dig out the most preferable text-to-image models from [civitai]( for different prompts**. Our research aims to understand personal preference towards generative models and you can contribute by playing with this tool and giving us your feedback! "
"After picking images you liked from Gallery and a Ranking Contest, a summary dashboard will be presented **indicating your preferred models with download links ready to be deployed in [Webui](** !"
def connect_to_db():
conn = pymysql.connect(
return conn
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(st.source_util.get_pages(''))
st.set_page_config(page_title="Login", page_icon="๐Ÿ ", layout="wide")
st.write('A Research by [MAPS Lab](, [NYU Shanghai](')
st.title("๐Ÿ™Œ Welcome to GEMRec Gallery!")
if 'user_id' not in st.session_state:
st.write(f"You have already logged in as `{st.session_state.user_id[0]}`")
st.write(f"Assigned ranking mode: `{st.session_state.assigned_rank_mode}`")
st.button('Log out', on_click=logout)
st.write('### FAQ')
with st.expander(label='**๐Ÿค” How to use this webapp?**'):
st.write('### Check out the demo video below')
#'Interface shown in this video demo is a bit different from the current webapp because it\'s outdated, but the basic idea is the same.')'')
with st.expander(label='**โ„น๏ธ What is GEMRec project?**'):
st.write('### About GEMRec')
st.write("**GE**nerative **M**odel **Rec**ommendation (**GEMRec**) is a research project by [MAPS Lab](, NYU Shanghai.")
st.write('### Our Task')
st.write('Navigate hundreds of text-to-image models through various categories of pre-defined prompts and a graph-based interface. Given a userโ€™s preference and interaction data, we aim to recommend the most preferred generative model for the user.')
st.write('### Our Approach')
st.write('We propose a two-stage framework, which contains prompt-model retrieval and generative model ranking. :red[Your participation in this web application will help us to improve our framework and to further our research on personalization.]')
# st.write('### Key Contributions')
# st.write('1. We propose a two-stage framework to approach the Generative Model Recommendation problem. Our framework allows end-users to effectively explore a diverse set of generative models to understand their expressiveness. It also allows system developers to elicit user preferences for items generated from personalized prompts.')
# st.write('2. We release GEMRec-18K, a dense prompt-model interaction dataset that consists of 18K images generated by pairing 200 generative models with 90 prompts collected from real-world usages, accompanied by detailed metadata and generation configurations. This dataset builds the cornerstone for exploring Generative Recommendation and can be useful for other tasks related to understanding generative models')
# st.write('3. We take the first step in examining evaluation metrics for personalized image generations and identify several limitations in existing metrics. We propose a weighted metric that is more suitable for the task and opens up directions for future improvements in model training and evaluations.')
with st.expander(label='**๐Ÿ“‘ Where can I find the paper and dataset?**'):
st.write('### Paper')
st.write('Arxiv: [Towards Personalized Prompt-Model Retrieval for Generative Recommendation](')
st.write('### GEMRec-18K Dataset')
st.write('Image dataset: \n \
Model dataset:')
st.write('### Code')