Ricercar's picture
new version! multiple pages!
history blame
20.4 kB
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import random
import pandas as pd
import glob
from PIL import Image
import datasets
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, load_from_disk
from huggingface_hub import login
import os
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import altair as alt
from streamlit_vega_lite import vega_lite_component, altair_component, _component_func
SCORE_NAME_MAPPING = {'clip': 'clip_score', 'rank': 'avg_rank', 'pop': 'model_download_count'}
# hist_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(42, 10, (200, 1)), columns=["x"])
def altair_histogram(hist_data, sort_by, mini, maxi):
brushed = alt.selection_interval(encodings=['x'], name="brushed")
chart = (
.mark_bar(opacity=0.7, cornerRadius=2)
.encode(alt.X(f"{sort_by}:Q", bin=alt.Bin(maxbins=25)), y="count()")
# .add_selection(brushed)
# .properties(width=800, height=300)
# Create a transparent rectangle for highlighting the range
highlight = (
alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'x1': [mini], 'x2': [maxi]}))
.encode(x='x1', x2='x2')
# .properties(width=800, height=300)
# Layer the chart and the highlight rectangle
layered_chart = alt.layer(chart, highlight)
return layered_chart
# return (
# alt.Chart(hist_data)
# .mark_bar()
# .encode(alt.X(f"{sort_by}:Q", bin=alt.Bin(maxbins=20)), y="count()")
# .add_selection(brushed)
# .properties(width=600, height=300)
# )
class GalleryApp:
def __init__(self, promptBook, images_ds):
self.promptBook = promptBook
self.images_ds = images_ds
def gallery_masonry(self, items, col_num, info):
cols = st.columns(col_num)
# # sort items by brisque score
# items = items.sort_values(by=['brisque'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)
for idx in range(len(items)):
with cols[idx % col_num]:
image = self.images_ds[items.iloc[idx]['row_idx'].item()]['image']
# with st.expander('Similarity Info'):
# tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(['Most Similar', 'Least Similar'])
# with tab1:
# st.image(image, use_column_width=True)
# with tab2:
# st.image(image, use_column_width=True)
# show checkbox
self.promptBook.loc[items.iloc[idx]['row_idx'].item(), 'checked'] = st.checkbox(
'Select', value=self.promptBook.loc[items.iloc[idx]['row_idx'].item(), 'checked'],
for key in info:
st.write(f"**{key}**: {items.iloc[idx][key]}")
def gallery_standard(self, items, col_num, info):
rows = len(items) // col_num + 1
# containers = [st.container() for _ in range(rows * 2)]
containers = [st.container() for _ in range(rows)]
for idx in range(0, len(items), col_num):
# assign one container for each row
# row_idx = (idx // col_num) * 2
row_idx = idx // col_num
with containers[row_idx]:
cols = st.columns(col_num)
for j in range(col_num):
if idx + j < len(items):
with cols[j]:
# show image
image = self.images_ds[items.iloc[idx + j]['row_idx'].item()]['image']
st.image(image, use_column_width=True)
# show checkbox
self.promptBook.loc[items.iloc[idx + j]['row_idx'].item(), 'checked'] = st.checkbox(
'Select', value=self.promptBook.loc[items.iloc[idx + j]['row_idx'].item(), 'checked'],
key=f'select_{idx + j}')
# st.write(idx+j)
# show selected info
for key in info:
st.write(f"**{key}**: {items.iloc[idx + j][key]}")
# st.write(row_idx/2, idx+j, rows)
# extra_info = st.checkbox('Extra Info', key=f'extra_info_{idx+j}')
# if extra_info:
# with containers[row_idx+1]:
# st.image(image, use_column_width=True)
def selection_panel(self, items):
selecters = st.columns([4, 1, 1])
with selecters[0]:
types = st.columns([1, 3])
with types[0]:
sort_type = st.selectbox('Sort by', ['IDs and Names', 'Scores'])
with types[1]:
if sort_type == 'IDs and Names':
sort_by = st.selectbox('Sort by',
['model_name', 'model_id', 'modelVersion_name', 'modelVersion_id'],
elif sort_type == 'Scores':
sort_by = st.multiselect('Sort by', ['clip_score', 'avg_rank', 'popularity'],
default=['clip_score', 'avg_rank', 'popularity'])
# process sort_by to map to the column name
if len(sort_by) == 3:
sort_by = 'clip+rank+pop'
elif len(sort_by) == 2:
if 'clip_score' in sort_by and 'avg_rank' in sort_by:
sort_by = 'clip+rank'
elif 'clip_score' in sort_by and 'popularity' in sort_by:
sort_by = 'clip+pop'
elif 'avg_rank' in sort_by and 'popularity' in sort_by:
sort_by = 'rank+pop'
elif len(sort_by) == 1:
if 'popularity' in sort_by:
sort_by = 'model_download_count'
sort_by = sort_by[0]
with selecters[1]:
order = st.selectbox('Order', ['Ascending', 'Descending'], index=1 if sort_type == 'Scores' else 0)
if order == 'Ascending':
order = True
order = False
items = items.sort_values(by=[sort_by], ascending=order).reset_index(drop=True)
with selecters[2]:
filter = st.selectbox('Filter', ['Safe', 'All', 'Unsafe'])
print('filter', filter)
# initialize unsafe_modelVersion_ids
if filter == 'Safe':
# return checked items
items = items[items['checked'] == False].reset_index(drop=True)
elif filter == 'Unsafe':
# return unchecked items
items = items[items['checked'] == True].reset_index(drop=True)
info = st.multiselect('Show Info',
['model_download_count', 'clip_score', 'avg_rank', 'model_name', 'model_id',
'modelVersion_name', 'modelVersion_id', 'clip+rank', 'clip+pop', 'rank+pop',
# add one annotation
mentioned_scores = []
for i in info:
if '+' in i:
mentioned = i.split('+')
for m in mentioned:
if SCORE_NAME_MAPPING[m] not in mentioned_scores:
if len(mentioned_scores) > 0:
f"**Note:** The scores {mentioned_scores} are normalized to [0, 1] for each score type, and then added together. The higher the score, the better the model.")
col_num = st.slider('Number of columns', min_value=1, max_value=9, value=4, step=1, key='col_num')
return items, info, col_num
def selection_panel_2(self, items):
selecters = st.columns([1, 4])
# select sort type
with selecters[0]:
sort_type = st.selectbox('Sort by', ['Scores', 'IDs and Names'])
if sort_type == 'Scores':
sort_by = 'weighted_score_sum'
# select other options
with selecters[1]:
if sort_type == 'IDs and Names':
sub_selecters = st.columns([3, 1])
# select sort by
with sub_selecters[0]:
sort_by = st.selectbox('Sort by',
['model_name', 'model_id', 'modelVersion_name', 'modelVersion_id'],
continue_idx = 1
# add custom weights
sub_selecters = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1])
if 'score_weights' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.score_weights = [1.0, 0.8, 0.2]
with sub_selecters[0]:
clip_weight = st.number_input('Clip Score Weight', min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, value=st.session_state.score_weights[0], step=0.1, help='the weight for normalized clip score')
with sub_selecters[1]:
rank_weight = st.number_input('Distinctiveness Weight', min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, value=st.session_state.score_weights[1], step=0.1, help='the weight for average rank')
with sub_selecters[2]:
pop_weight = st.number_input('Popularity Weight', min_value=-100.0, max_value=100.0, value=st.session_state.score_weights[2], step=0.1, help='the weight for normalized popularity score')
st.session_state.score_weights = [clip_weight, rank_weight, pop_weight]
items.loc[:, 'weighted_score_sum'] = round(items['norm_clip'] * clip_weight + items['avg_rank'] * rank_weight + items[
'norm_pop'] * pop_weight, 4)
continue_idx = 3
# select threshold
with sub_selecters[continue_idx]:
dist_threshold = st.number_input('Distinctiveness Threshold', min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.84, step=0.01, help='Only show models with distinctiveness score lower than this threshold, set 1.0 to show all images')
items = items[items['avg_rank'] < dist_threshold].reset_index(drop=True)
# draw a distribution histogram
if sort_type == 'Scores':
with st.expander('Show score distribution histogram and select score range'):
st.write('**Score distribution histogram**')
chart_space = st.container()
# st.write('Select the range of scores to show')
hist_data = pd.DataFrame(items[sort_by])
mini = hist_data[sort_by].min().item()
mini = mini//0.1 * 0.1
maxi = hist_data[sort_by].max().item()
maxi = maxi//0.1 * 0.1 + 0.1
st.write('**Select the range of scores to show**')
r = st.slider('Select the range of scores to show', min_value=mini, max_value=maxi, value=(mini, maxi), step=0.05, label_visibility='collapsed')
with chart_space:
st.altair_chart(altair_histogram(hist_data, sort_by, r[0], r[1]), use_container_width=True)
# event_dict = altair_component(altair_chart=altair_histogram(hist_data, sort_by))
# r = event_dict.get(sort_by)
if r:
items = items[(items[sort_by] >= r[0]) & (items[sort_by] <= r[1])].reset_index(drop=True)
# st.write(r)
display_options = st.columns([1, 4])
with display_options[0]:
# select order
order = st.selectbox('Order', ['Ascending', 'Descending'], index=1 if sort_type == 'Scores' else 0)
if order == 'Ascending':
order = True
order = False
with display_options[1]:
# select info to show
info = st.multiselect('Show Info',
['model_download_count', 'clip_score', 'avg_rank', 'model_name', 'model_id',
'modelVersion_name', 'modelVersion_id', 'clip+rank', 'clip+pop', 'rank+pop',
'clip+rank+pop', 'weighted_score_sum'],
# apply sorting to dataframe
items = items.sort_values(by=[sort_by], ascending=order).reset_index(drop=True)
# select number of columns
col_num = st.slider('Number of columns', min_value=1, max_value=9, value=4, step=1, key='col_num')
return items, info, col_num
def app(self):
st.title('Model Visualization and Retrieval')
st.write('This is a gallery of images generated by the models')
with st.sidebar:
prompt_tags = self.promptBook['tag'].unique()
# sort tags by alphabetical order
prompt_tags = np.sort(prompt_tags)[::-1]
tag = st.selectbox('Select a tag', prompt_tags)
items = self.promptBook[self.promptBook['tag'] == tag].reset_index(drop=True)
original_prompts = np.sort(items['prompt'].unique())[::-1]
# remove the first four items in the prompt, which are mostly the same
if tag != 'abstract':
prompts = [', '.join(x.split(', ')[4:]) for x in original_prompts]
prompt = st.selectbox('Select prompt', prompts)
idx = prompts.index(prompt)
prompt_full = ', '.join(original_prompts[idx].split(', ')[:4]) + ', ' + prompt
prompt_full = st.selectbox('Select prompt', original_prompts)
prompt_id = items[items['prompt'] == prompt_full]['prompt_id'].unique()[0]
items = items[items['prompt_id'] == prompt_id].reset_index(drop=True)
# show image metadata
image_metadatas = ['prompt_id', 'prompt', 'negativePrompt', 'sampler', 'cfgScale', 'size', 'seed']
for key in image_metadatas:
label = ' '.join(key.split('_')).capitalize()
if items[key][0] == ' ':
# for tag as civitai, add civitai reference
if tag == 'civitai':
st.write('**Civitai Reference**')
res = requests.get(f'https://civitai.com/images/{prompt_id.item()}')
# st.write(res.text)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
image_section = soup.find('div', {'class': 'mantine-12rlksp'})
image_url = image_section.find('img')['src']
st.image(image_url, use_column_width=True)
# add safety check for some prompts
safety_check = True
unsafe_prompts = {}
# initialize unsafe prompts
for prompt_tag in prompt_tags:
unsafe_prompts[prompt_tag] = []
# manually add unsafe prompts
unsafe_prompts['civitai'] = [375790, 366222, 295008, 256477]
unsafe_prompts['people'] = [53]
unsafe_prompts['art'] = [23]
unsafe_prompts['abstract'] = [10, 12]
unsafe_prompts['food'] = [34]
if int(prompt_id.item()) in unsafe_prompts[tag]:
st.warning('This prompt may contain unsafe content. They might be offensive, depressing, or sexual.')
safety_check = st.checkbox('I understand that this prompt may contain unsafe content. Show these images anyway.', key=f'{prompt_id}')
if safety_check:
items, info, col_num = self.selection_panel_2(items)
# self.gallery_standard(items, col_num, info)
with st.form(key=f'{prompt_id}', clear_on_submit=True):
# buttons = st.columns([1, 1, 1])
buttons_space = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1])
gallery_space = st.empty()
# with buttons[0]:
# submit = st.form_submit_button('Save selections', on_click=self.save_checked, use_container_width=True, type='primary')
# with buttons[1]:
# submit = st.form_submit_button('Reset current prompt', on_click=self.reset_current_prompt, kwargs={'prompt_id': prompt_id} , use_container_width=True)
# with buttons[2]:
# submit = st.form_submit_button('Reset all selections', on_click=self.reset_all, use_container_width=True)
with gallery_space.container():
self.gallery_standard(items, col_num, info)
with buttons_space[0]:
st.form_submit_button('Confirm and Continue', use_container_width=True, type='primary')
with buttons_space[1]:
st.form_submit_button('Select All', use_container_width=True)
with buttons_space[2]:
st.form_submit_button('Deselect All', use_container_width=True)
with buttons_space[3]:
st.form_submit_button('Refresh', on_click=gallery_space.empty, use_container_width=True)
def reset_current_prompt(self, prompt_id):
# reset current prompt
self.promptBook.loc[self.promptBook['prompt_id'] == prompt_id, 'checked'] = False
def reset_all(self):
# reset all
self.promptBook.loc[:, 'checked'] = False
def save_checked(self):
# save checked images to huggingface dataset
dataset = load_dataset('NYUSHPRP/ModelCofferMetadata', split='train')
# get checked images
checked_info = self.promptBook['checked']
if 'checked' in dataset.column_names:
dataset = dataset.remove_columns('checked')
dataset = dataset.add_column('checked', checked_info)
# print('metadata dataset: ', dataset)
dataset.push_to_hub('NYUSHPRP/ModelCofferMetadata', split='train')
def load_hf_dataset():
# login to huggingface
# load from huggingface
roster = pd.DataFrame(load_dataset('NYUSHPRP/ModelCofferRoster', split='train'))
promptBook = pd.DataFrame(load_dataset('NYUSHPRP/ModelCofferMetadata', split='train'))
images_ds = load_from_disk(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../data', 'promptbook'))
# process dataset
roster = roster[['model_id', 'model_name', 'modelVersion_id', 'modelVersion_name',
# add 'checked' column to promptBook if not exist
if 'checked' not in promptBook.columns:
promptBook.loc[:, 'checked'] = False
# add 'custom_score_weights' column to promptBook if not exist
if 'weighted_score_sum' not in promptBook.columns:
promptBook.loc[:, 'weighted_score_sum'] = 0
# merge roster and promptbook
promptBook = promptBook.merge(roster[['model_id', 'model_name', 'modelVersion_id', 'modelVersion_name', 'model_download_count']],
on=['model_id', 'modelVersion_id'], how='left')
# add column to record current row index
promptBook.loc[:, 'row_idx'] = promptBook.index
return roster, promptBook, images_ds
if __name__ == '__main__':
roster, promptBook, images_ds = load_hf_dataset()
app = GalleryApp(promptBook=promptBook, images_ds=images_ds)