// Description: Script for the evaluation webpage. | |
let currentQuestionIndex = 1; | |
// Store the model name mapping for later use. | |
modelNameMapping = { | |
"gpt35": "ChatGPT-3.5", | |
"gpt4": "GPT-4", | |
"alpaca": "Alpaca-13b", | |
"vicuna": "Vicuna-13b", | |
"llama": "LLaMA-13b", | |
"bard": "Bard", | |
}; | |
modelFigureMapping = { | |
"vicuna": "figures/vicuna.jpeg", | |
// Image from: | |
"gpt35": "figures/chatgpt.svg", | |
// Image from: | |
"bard": "figures/bard.jpg", | |
// Image from: | |
"alpaca": "figures/alpaca.png", | |
// Image adapted from | |
"llama": "figures/llama.jpg", | |
} | |
// Store the question data in a mapping for later use. | |
questionMapping = {}; | |
// Store the question ids in a mapping for later use. | |
categoryMapping = {}; | |
// Store the number of questions for later use. | |
questionsCount = 0; | |
function text2Markdown(text) { | |
// Normalize the text for markdown rendering. | |
text = text.trim().replaceAll('\n\n', '\n').replaceAll('\n', '\n\n'); | |
return marked.parse(text); | |
} | |
function capitalizeFirstChar(str) { | |
if (!str || str.length === 0) { | |
return str; | |
} | |
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); | |
} | |
function updateQuestionSelect(question_id) { | |
const select = document.getElementById('question-select'); | |
// Clear the question select. | |
select.innerHTML = ''; | |
// Populate the question select. | |
category = questionMapping[question_id].category; | |
categoryMapping[category].forEach(question_id => { | |
const question = questionMapping[question_id]; | |
const option = document.createElement('option'); | |
option.value = question_id; | |
option.textContent = 'Q' + question_id.toString() + ': ' + question.question; | |
select.appendChild(option); | |
}); | |
select.value = question_id; | |
} | |
function updateModelSelect() { | |
const select = document.getElementById('model-select'); | |
img_path = modelFigureMapping[select.value]; | |
document.getElementById('other-model-figure').src = img_path; | |
} | |
function populateModels(models) { | |
const select = document.getElementById('model-select'); | |
models.forEach(model => { | |
const option = document.createElement('option'); | |
option.value = model; | |
option.textContent = modelNameMapping[model]; | |
select.appendChild(option); | |
}); | |
updateModelSelect(); | |
} | |
function populateQuestions(questions) { | |
const category_select = document.getElementById('category-select'); | |
questionsCount = questions.length; | |
questions.forEach(question => { | |
const option = document.createElement('option'); | |
// Store the question data in a mapping for later use. | |
questionMapping[] = { | |
category: question.category, | |
question: question.question, | |
answers: question.answers, | |
evaluations: question.evaluations, | |
scores: question.scores, | |
}; | |
// Store the question id in the category mapping. | |
if (question.category in categoryMapping) { | |
categoryMapping[question.category].push(; | |
} else { | |
categoryMapping[question.category] = []; | |
const category_option = document.createElement('option'); | |
category_option.value = question.category; | |
category_option.textContent = capitalizeFirstChar(question.category); | |
category_select.appendChild(category_option); | |
} | |
}); | |
// Set the default category. | |
updateQuestionSelect(currentQuestionIndex); | |
} | |
function displayQuestion(index) { | |
const question = questionMapping[index].question; | |
document.getElementById('selected-question').innerHTML = text2Markdown('**Question:** ' + question); | |
displayAnswers(index); | |
} | |
function displayAnswers(index) { | |
const question = questionMapping[index]; | |
const otherModel = document.getElementById('model-select').value; | |
// render the answers with markdown | |
document.getElementById('other-model-answer').innerHTML = text2Markdown(question.answers[otherModel]); | |
document.getElementById('our-model-answer').innerHTML = text2Markdown(question.answers.vicuna); | |
// Display evaluation | |
score = question.scores[otherModel]; | |
score_text = modelNameMapping[otherModel] + " " + score[0] + "/10, Vicuna-13b " + score[1] + "/10"; | |
document.getElementById('evaluation-header').textContent = "GPT-4 Evaluation" + " (Score: " + score_text + ")"; | |
document.getElementById('evaluation-result').innerHTML = text2Markdown(question.evaluations[otherModel]); | |
// Update model names | |
let assistant1_title = "Assistant #1"; // (" + modelNameMapping[otherModel] + ")"; | |
let assistant2_title = "Assistant #2 (Vicuna-13b, our model)"; | |
// Update scores/labels. | |
let assistant1_score_label = score[0].toString() + '/10'; | |
let assistant2_score_label = score[1].toString() + '/10'; | |
const colorRed ='#fa9'; // '#eb978d'; | |
// const colorGreen = '#c9f2c9'; | |
const colorBlue = '#8ef'; // '#71dbf9'; | |
const colorYellow = '#fe7'; // '#fada57'; | |
let otherModelHeaderColor = ''; | |
let ourModelHeaderColor = ''; | |
// Update the winner. | |
if (score[0] == score[1]) { | |
assistant1_title = 'π ' + assistant1_title; | |
assistant1_score_label = 'π ' + assistant1_score_label; | |
assistant2_title = 'π ' + assistant2_title; | |
assistant2_score_label = 'π ' + assistant2_score_label; | |
otherModelHeaderColor = colorYellow; | |
ourModelHeaderColor = colorYellow; | |
} else if (score[0] > score[1]) { | |
assistant1_title = 'π ' + assistant1_title; | |
assistant1_score_label = 'π ' + assistant1_score_label; | |
otherModelHeaderColor = colorBlue; | |
ourModelHeaderColor = colorRed; | |
} else if (score[0] < score[1]) { | |
assistant2_title = 'π ' + assistant2_title; | |
assistant2_score_label = 'π ' + assistant2_score_label; | |
otherModelHeaderColor = colorRed; | |
ourModelHeaderColor = colorBlue; | |
} | |
document.getElementById('other-model-header-bg').style.backgroundColor = otherModelHeaderColor; | |
document.getElementById('our-model-header').style.backgroundColor = ourModelHeaderColor; | |
document.getElementById('other-model-header').textContent = assistant1_title; | |
document.getElementById('our-model-header').textContent = assistant2_title; | |
document.getElementById('other-score-label').textContent = assistant1_score_label; | |
document.getElementById('our-score-label').textContent = assistant2_score_label; | |
// Update expand buttons visibility for both cards after displaying answers | |
// Reset the expanded state and update expand buttons visibility for both cards after displaying answers | |
document.querySelectorAll('.expandable-card').forEach(card => { | |
card.classList.remove('expanded'); | |
updateExpandButtonVisibility(card); | |
const expandBtn = card.querySelector('.expand-btn'); | |
expandBtn.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons" style="pointer-events: none">keyboard_arrow_down</i> Show more'; // .textContent = 'Show more'; | |
}); | |
} | |
document.getElementById('question-select').addEventListener('change', e => { | |
currentQuestionIndex = parseInt(; | |
displayQuestion(currentQuestionIndex); | |
}); | |
document.getElementById('category-select').addEventListener('change', e => { | |
let currentCategory =; | |
const questionIds = categoryMapping[currentCategory]; | |
currentQuestionIndex = questionIds[0]; | |
updateQuestionSelect(currentQuestionIndex); | |
displayQuestion(currentQuestionIndex); | |
}); | |
// Update expand buttons whenever the model is changed | |
document.getElementById('model-select').addEventListener('change', () => { | |
displayAnswers(currentQuestionIndex); | |
document.querySelectorAll('.expandable-card').forEach(card => { | |
updateExpandButtonVisibility(card); | |
}); | |
updateModelSelect(); | |
}); | |
function switchQuestionAndCategory() { | |
document.getElementById('question-select').value = currentQuestionIndex; | |
old_category = document.getElementById('category-select').value; | |
new_category = questionMapping[currentQuestionIndex].category; | |
if (old_category != new_category) { | |
document.getElementById('category-select').value = new_category; | |
updateQuestionSelect(currentQuestionIndex); | |
} | |
displayQuestion(currentQuestionIndex); | |
} | |
document.getElementById('prev-question').addEventListener('click', () => { | |
// Question index starts from 1. | |
currentQuestionIndex = Math.max(1, currentQuestionIndex - 1); | |
switchQuestionAndCategory(); | |
}); | |
document.getElementById('next-question').addEventListener('click', () => { | |
// Question index starts from 1. | |
currentQuestionIndex = Math.min(questionsCount, currentQuestionIndex + 1); | |
switchQuestionAndCategory(); | |
}); | |
function updateExpandButtonVisibility(card) { | |
const cardTextContainer = card.querySelector('.card-text-container'); | |
const expandBtn = card.querySelector('.expand-btn'); | |
if (cardTextContainer.scrollHeight > cardTextContainer.offsetHeight) { | | = 'flex'; | |
} else { | | = 'none'; | |
card.classList.add('expanded'); | |
} | |
} | |
document.querySelectorAll('.expand-btn').forEach(btn => { | |
btn.addEventListener('click', e => { | |
const card ='.expandable-card'); | |
card.classList.toggle('expanded'); | |
const more = '<i class="material-icons" style="pointer-events: none">keyboard_arrow_down</i> Show more'; | |
const less = '<i class="material-icons" style="pointer-events: none">keyboard_arrow_up</i> Show less'; | | = card.classList.contains('expanded') ? less : more; | |
}); | |
}); | |