import io import os import re import librosa import paramiko import streamlit as st from openai import OpenAI from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder local_port = int(os.getenv('LOCAL_PORT')) GENERAL_INSTRUCTIONS = [ "Please transcribe this speech.", "Please summarise this speech." ] AUDIO_SAMPLES_W_INSTRUCT = { '1_ASR_IMDA_PART1_ASR_v2_141' : ["Turn the spoken language into a text format.", "Please translate the content into Chinese."], '7_ASR_IMDA_PART3_30_ASR_v2_2269': ["Need this talk written down, please."], '17_ASR_IMDA_PART6_30_ASR_v2_1413': ["Record the spoken word in text form."], '25_ST_COVOST2_ZH-CN_EN_ST_V2_4567': ["Please translate the given speech to English."], '26_ST_COVOST2_EN_ZH-CN_ST_V2_5422': ["Please translate the given speech to Chinese."], '30_SI_ALPACA-GPT4-AUDIO_SI_V2_1454': ["Please follow the instruction in the speech."], '32_SQA_CN_COLLEDGE_ENTRANCE_ENGLISH_TEST_SQA_V2_572': ["What does the man think the woman should do at 4:00."], '33_SQA_IMDA_PART3_30_SQA_V2_2310': ["Does Speaker2's wife cook for Speaker2 when they are at home."], '34_SQA_IMDA_PART3_30_SQA_V2_3621': ["Does the phrase \"#gai-gai#\" have a meaning in Chinese or Hokkien language."], '35_SQA_IMDA_PART3_30_SQA_V2_4062': ["What is the color of the vase mentioned in the dialogue."], '36_DS_IMDA_PART4_30_DS_V2_849': ["Condense the dialogue into a concise summary highlighting major topics and conclusions."], '39_Paralingual_IEMOCAP_ER_V2_91': ["Based on the speaker's speech patterns, what do you think they are feeling."], '40_Paralingual_IEMOCAP_ER_V2_567': ["Based on the speaker's speech patterns, what do you think they are feeling."], '42_Paralingual_IEMOCAP_GR_V2_320': ["Is it possible for you to identify whether the speaker in this recording is male or female."], '43_Paralingual_IEMOCAP_GR_V2_129': ["Is it possible for you to identify whether the speaker in this recording is male or female."], '45_Paralingual_IMDA_PART3_30_GR_V2_12312': ["So, who's speaking in the second part of the clip?", "So, who's speaking in the first part of the clip?"], '47_Paralingual_IMDA_PART3_30_NR_V2_10479': ["Can you guess which ethnic group this person is from based on their accent."], '49_Paralingual_MELD_ER_V2_676': ["What emotions do you think the speaker is expressing."], '50_Paralingual_MELD_ER_V2_692': ["Based on the speaker's speech patterns, what do you think they are feeling."], '51_Paralingual_VOXCELEB1_GR_V2_2148': ["May I know the gender of the speaker."], '53_Paralingual_VOXCELEB1_NR_V2_2286': ["What's the nationality identity of the speaker."], '55_SQA_PUBLIC_SPEECH_SG_TEST_SQA_V2_2': ["What impact would the growth of the healthcare sector have on the country's economy in terms of employment and growth."], '56_SQA_PUBLIC_SPEECH_SG_TEST_SQA_V2_415': ["Based on the statement, can you summarize the speaker's position on the recent controversial issues in Singapore."], '57_SQA_PUBLIC_SPEECH_SG_TEST_SQA_V2_460': ["How does the author respond to parents' worries about masks in schools."], '2_ASR_IMDA_PART1_ASR_v2_2258': ["Turn the spoken language into a text format.", "Please translate the content into Chinese."], '3_ASR_IMDA_PART1_ASR_v2_2265': ["Turn the spoken language into a text format."], '4_ASR_IMDA_PART2_ASR_v2_999' : ["Translate the spoken words into text format."], '5_ASR_IMDA_PART2_ASR_v2_2241': ["Translate the spoken words into text format."], '6_ASR_IMDA_PART2_ASR_v2_3409': ["Translate the spoken words into text format."], '8_ASR_IMDA_PART3_30_ASR_v2_1698': ["Need this talk written down, please."], '9_ASR_IMDA_PART3_30_ASR_v2_2474': ["Need this talk written down, please."], '11_ASR_IMDA_PART4_30_ASR_v2_3771': ["Write out the dialogue as text."], '12_ASR_IMDA_PART4_30_ASR_v2_103' : ["Write out the dialogue as text."], '10_ASR_IMDA_PART4_30_ASR_v2_1527': ["Write out the dialogue as text."], '13_ASR_IMDA_PART5_30_ASR_v2_1446': ["Translate this vocal recording into a textual format."], '14_ASR_IMDA_PART5_30_ASR_v2_2281': ["Translate this vocal recording into a textual format."], '15_ASR_IMDA_PART5_30_ASR_v2_4388': ["Translate this vocal recording into a textual format."], '16_ASR_IMDA_PART6_30_ASR_v2_576': ["Record the spoken word in text form."], '18_ASR_IMDA_PART6_30_ASR_v2_2834': ["Record the spoken word in text form."], '19_ASR_AIShell_zh_ASR_v2_5044': ["Transform the oral presentation into a text document."], '20_ASR_LIBRISPEECH_CLEAN_ASR_V2_833': ["Please provide a written transcription of the speech."], '27_ST_COVOST2_EN_ZH-CN_ST_V2_6697': ["Please translate the given speech to Chinese."], '28_SI_ALPACA-GPT4-AUDIO_SI_V2_299': ["Please follow the instruction in the speech."], '29_SI_ALPACA-GPT4-AUDIO_SI_V2_750': ["Please follow the instruction in the speech."], } class NoAudioException(Exception): pass @st.cache_resource() def start_server(): pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(io.StringIO(os.getenv('PRIVATE_KEY'))) server = SSHTunnelForwarder( ssh_address_or_host=os.getenv('SERVER_DNS_NAME'), ssh_username="ec2-user", ssh_pkey=pkey, local_bind_address=("", local_port), remote_bind_address=("", 8000) ) server.start() return server @st.cache_resource() def load_model(): openai_api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY') openai_api_base = f"http://localhost:{local_port}/v1" client = OpenAI( api_key=openai_api_key, base_url=openai_api_base, ) models = client.models.list() model_name =[0].id return client, model_name def generate_response(text_input): if not st.session_state.audio_base64: raise NoAudioException("audio is empty.") warnings = [] if"tool|code|python|java|math|calculate", text_input): warnings.append("WARNING: MERaLiON-AudioLLM is not intended for use in tool calling, math, and coding tasks.") if'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', text_input): warnings.append("NOTE: Please try to prompt in English for the best performance.") stream = messages=[{ "role": "user", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": f"Text instruction: {text_input}" }, { "type": "audio_url", "audio_url": { "url": f"data:audio/ogg;base64,{st.session_state.audio_base64}" }, }, ], }], model=st.session_state.model_name, max_completion_tokens=512, temperature=st.session_state.temperature, top_p=st.session_state.top_p, stream=True, ) return stream, warnings def bytes_to_array(audio_bytes): audio_array, _ = librosa.load( io.BytesIO(audio_bytes), sr=16000 ) return audio_array