from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse import csv from typing import List from io import StringIO app = FastAPI() url_counts = {} api_counts = {} url_names = {} api_names = {}"/upload/") async def upload_csv(file: UploadFile): if file.content_type == "text/csv": content = await content = content.decode('utf-8').splitlines() total_records = 0 csvreader = csv.reader(content) header = next(csvreader) for row in csvreader: url = row[3] api = row[4] url_name = row[2] api_name = row[6] total_records += 1 if url in url_counts: url_counts[url] += 1 else: url_counts[url] = 1 url_names[url] = url_name if api in api_counts: api_counts[api] += 1 else: api_counts[api] = 1 api_names[api] = api_name redundant_urls = [url for url, count in url_counts.items() if count > 1] redundant_apis = [api for api, count in api_counts.items() if count > 1] percentage_redundant_urls = (len(redundant_urls) / total_records) * 100 if total_records > 0 else 0 summary_string = f"Total GET Records: {total_records}
" \ f"% of Redundant GET Requests,you can save : {round(percentage_redundant_urls, 2)}%
" html_table = "" html_table += "" for url in redundant_urls: count = url_counts[url] html_table += f"" html_table += "
GET RequestCount of Repetition
" return HTMLResponse(content=f"

Analysis Results:

{summary_string}{html_table}", status_code=200) else: return {"error": "Invalid file format. Please upload a CSV file."}