import fitz import io from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile, Form, HTTPException from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from transformers import pipeline from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from starlette.middleware import Middleware from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from pdf2image import convert_from_bytes from pydub import AudioSegment import numpy as np import json import torchaudio import torch from pydub import AudioSegment import speech_recognition as sr import logging import asyncio from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import re from pydantic import BaseModel from typing import List, Dict, Any app = FastAPI() # Set up CORS middleware origins = ["*"] # or specify your list of allowed origins app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=origins, allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) nlp_qa = pipeline("document-question-answering", model="jinhybr/OCR-DocVQA-Donut") nlp_qa_v2 = pipeline("document-question-answering", model="faisalraza/layoutlm-invoices", ignore_mismatched_sizes=True) nlp_qa_v3 = pipeline("question-answering", model="deepset/roberta-base-squad2") nlp_classification = pipeline("text-classification", model="distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english") nlp_classification_v2 = pipeline("text-classification", model="cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest") nlp_speech_to_text = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model="facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") nlp_sequence_classification = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="facebook/bart-large-mnli") nlp_main_classification = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="roberta-large-mnli") description = """ ## Image-based Document QA This API performs document question answering using a LayoutLMv2-based model. ### Endpoints: - **POST /uploadfile/:** Upload an image file to extract text and answer provided questions. - **POST /pdfQA/:** Provide a PDF file to extract text and answer provided questions. """ app = FastAPI(docs_url="/", description=description)"/uploadfile/", description="Upload an image file to extract text and answer provided questions.") async def perform_document_qa( file: UploadFile = File(...), questions: str = Form(...), ): try: # Read the uploaded file as bytes contents = await # Open the image using PIL image = # Perform document question answering for each question using LayoutLMv2-based model answers_dict = {} for question in questions.split(','): result = nlp_qa( image, question.strip() ) # Access the 'answer' key from the first item in the result list answer = result[0]['answer'] # Format the question as a string without extra characters formatted_question = question.strip("[]") answers_dict[formatted_question] = answer return answers_dict except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content=f"Error processing file: {str(e)}", status_code=500)"/uploadfilev2/", description="Upload an image file to extract text and answer provided questions.") async def perform_document_qa( file: UploadFile = File(...), questions: str = Form(...), ): try: # Read the uploaded file as bytes contents = await # Open the image using PIL image = # Perform document question answering for each question using LayoutLMv2-based model answers_dict = {} for question in questions.split(','): result = nlp_qa_v2( image, question.strip() ) # Access the 'answer' key from the first item in the result list answer = result[0]['answer'] # Format the question as a string without extra characters formatted_question = question.strip("[]") answers_dict[formatted_question] = answer return answers_dict except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content=f"Error processing file: {str(e)}", status_code=500)"/uploadfilev3/", description="Upload an image file to extract text and answer provided questions.") async def perform_document_qa( context: str = Form(...), question: str = Form(...), ): try: QA_input = { 'question': question, 'context': context } res = nlp_qa_v3(QA_input) return res['answer'] except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content=f"Error processing file: {str(e)}", status_code=500)"/classify/", description="Classify the provided text.") async def classify_text(text: str = Form(...)): try: # Perform text classification using the pipeline result = nlp_classification(text) # Return the classification result return result except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content=f"Error classifying text: {str(e)}", status_code=500)"/test_classify/", description="Classify the provided text with positive, neutral, or negative sentiment.") async def test_classify_text(text: str = Form(...)): try: # Perform text classification using the updated model that returns positive, neutral, or negative result = nlp_classification_v2(text) # Print the raw label for debugging purposes (can be removed later) raw_label = result[0]['label'] print(f"Raw label from model: {raw_label}") # Map the model labels to human-readable format label_map = { "negative": "Negative", "neutral": "Neutral", "positive": "Positive" } # Get the readable label from the map formatted_label = label_map.get(raw_label, "Unknown") return {"label": formatted_label, "score": result[0]['score']} except Exception as e: return JSONResponse(content=f"Error classifying text: {str(e)}", status_code=500)"/transcribe_and_answer/", description="Transcribe audio and answer provided questions based on the transcription.") async def transcribe_and_answer( file: UploadFile = File(...), questions: str = Form(...) ): try: # Ensure correct file format if file.content_type not in ["audio/wav", "audio/mpeg", "audio/mp3", "audio/webm"]: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Unsupported audio format. Please upload a WAV or MP3 file.")"Received file type: {file.content_type}")"Received questions: {questions}") # Convert uploaded file to WAV if needed audio_data = await audio_file = io.BytesIO(audio_data) if file.content_type in ["audio/mpeg", "audio/mp3"]: audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file, format="mp3") audio_wav = io.BytesIO() audio.export(audio_wav, format="wav") elif file.content_type == "audio/webm": audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file, format="webm") audio_wav = io.BytesIO() audio.export(audio_wav, format="wav") else: audio_wav = audio_file # Transcription recognizer = sr.Recognizer() with sr.AudioFile(audio_wav) as source: audio = recognizer.record(source) transcription_text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) # Parse questions JSON try: questions_dict = json.loads(questions) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid JSON format for questions") # Answer each question answers_dict = {} for key, question in questions_dict.items(): QA_input = { 'question': question, 'context': transcription_text } # Add error handling here for model-based Q&A try: result = nlp_qa_v3(QA_input) # Ensure this is defined or imported correctly answers_dict[key] = result['answer'] except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in question answering model: {e}") answers_dict[key] = "Error in answering this question." # Return transcription + answers return { "transcription": transcription_text, "answers": answers_dict } except Exception as e: logging.error(f"General error: {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error")"/test-transcription/", description="Upload an audio file to test transcription using speech_recognition.") async def test_transcription(file: UploadFile = File(...)): try: # Check if the file format is supported if file.content_type not in ["audio/wav", "audio/mpeg", "audio/mp3"]: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Unsupported audio format. Please upload a WAV or MP3 file.") # Convert uploaded file to WAV if necessary for compatibility with SpeechRecognition audio_data = await audio_file = io.BytesIO(audio_data) if file.content_type in ["audio/mpeg", "audio/mp3"]: # Convert MP3 to WAV audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file, format="mp3") audio_wav = io.BytesIO() audio.export(audio_wav, format="wav") else: audio_wav = audio_file # Transcribe audio using speech_recognition recognizer = sr.Recognizer() with sr.AudioFile(audio_wav) as source: audio = recognizer.record(source) transcription = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) # Return the transcription return {"transcription": transcription} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error during transcription: {str(e)}") # Define the ThreadPoolExecutor globally to manage asynchronous execution executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) # Predefined classifications labels = [ "All Pricing copy quote requested", "Change to quote", "Change to quote & Status Check", "Change to quote (Items missed?)", "Confirmation", "Copy quote requested", "Cost copy quote requested", "MRSP copy quote requested", "MSRP & All Pricing copy quote requested", "MSRP & Cost copy quote requested", "No narrative in email", "Notes not clear", "Retail copy quote requested", "Status Check (possibly)" ]"/fast_classify/", description="Quickly classify text into predefined categories.") async def fast_classify_text(statement: str = Form(...)): try: # Use run_in_executor to handle the synchronous model call asynchronously loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result = await loop.run_in_executor( executor, lambda: nlp_sequence_classification(statement, labels, multi_label=False) ) # Extract the best label and score best_label = result["labels"][0] best_score = result["scores"][0] return {"classification": best_label, "confidence": best_score} except asyncio.TimeoutError: # Handle timeout return JSONResponse(content="Classification timed out. Try a shorter input or increase timeout.", status_code=504) except HTTPException as http_exc: # Handle HTTP errors return JSONResponse(content=f"HTTP error: {http_exc.detail}", status_code=http_exc.status_code) except Exception as e: # Handle general errors return JSONResponse(content=f"Error in classification pipeline: {str(e)}", status_code=500) # Predefined classifications labels = [ "All Pricing copy quote requested", "Change to quote", "Change to quote & Status Check", "Change to quote (Items missed?)", "Confirmation", "Copy quote requested", "Cost copy quote requested", "MRSP copy quote requested", "MSRP & All Pricing copy quote requested", "MSRP & Cost copy quote requested", "No narrative in email", "Notes not clear", "Retail copy quote requested", "Status Check (possibly)" ]"/fast_classify_v2/", description="Quickly classify text into predefined categories.") async def fast_classify_text(statement: str = Form(...)): try: # Use run_in_executor to handle the synchronous model call asynchronously loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result = await loop.run_in_executor( executor, lambda: nlp_sequence_classification(statement, labels, multi_label=False) ) # Extract all labels and their scores all_labels = result["labels"] all_scores = result["scores"] # Extract the best label and score best_label = all_labels[0] best_score = all_scores[0] # Prepare the response full_response = { "classification": best_label, "confidence": best_score, "all_labels": {label: score for label, score in zip(all_labels, all_scores)} } return full_response except asyncio.TimeoutError: # Handle timeout return JSONResponse(content="Classification timed out. Try a shorter input or increase timeout.", status_code=504) except HTTPException as http_exc: # Handle HTTP errors return JSONResponse(content=f"HTTP error: {http_exc.detail}", status_code=http_exc.status_code) except Exception as e: # Handle general errors return JSONResponse(content=f"Error in classification pipeline: {str(e)}", status_code=500) # Labels for main classifications main_labels = [ "Change to quote", "Copy quote requested", "Expired Quote", "Notes not clear" ] # Define a model for the response class ClassificationResponse(BaseModel): classification: str sub_classification: str confidence: float scores: Dict[str, float] # Keyword dictionaries for overriding classifications change_to_quote_keywords = ["Per ATP", "Add", "Revised", "Remove", "Advise"] copy_quote_requested_keywords = ["MSRP", "Send Quote", "Copy", "All pricing", "Retail"] sub_classification_keywords = { "MRSP": ["MSRP"], "Direct": ["Direct"], "All": ["All pricing"], "MRSP & All": ["MSRP", "All pricing"] } # Helper function to check for keywords in a case-insensitive way def check_keywords(statement: str, keywords: List[str]) -> bool: return any("\b{keyword}\b", statement, re.IGNORECASE) for keyword in keywords) # Function to determine sub-classification based on keywords def get_sub_classification(statement: str) -> str: for sub_label, keywords in sub_classification_keywords.items(): if all(check_keywords(statement, [keyword]) for keyword in keywords): return sub_label return "None" # Default to "None" if no keywords match"/classify_with_subcategory/", response_model=ClassificationResponse, description="Classify text into main categories with subcategories.") async def classify_with_subcategory(statement: str = Form(...)) -> ClassificationResponse: try: # Check if the statement is empty or "N/A" if not statement or statement.strip().lower() == "n/a": return ClassificationResponse( classification="Notes not clear", sub_classification="None", confidence=1.0, scores={"main": 1.0} ) # Keyword-based classification override if check_keywords(statement, change_to_quote_keywords): main_best_label = "Change to quote" main_best_score = 1.0 # High confidence since it's a direct match elif check_keywords(statement, copy_quote_requested_keywords): main_best_label = "Copy quote requested" main_best_score = 1.0 else: # If no keywords matched, perform the main classification using the model loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() main_classification_result = await loop.run_in_executor( None, lambda: nlp_sequence_classification(statement, main_labels, multi_label=False) ) # Extract the best main classification label and confidence score main_best_label = main_classification_result["labels"][0] main_best_score = main_classification_result["scores"][0] # Perform sub-classification only if the main classification is "Copy quote requested" if main_best_label == "Copy quote requested": best_sub_label = get_sub_classification(statement) else: best_sub_label = "None" # Gather the scores for response scores = {"main": main_best_score} if best_sub_label != "None": scores[best_sub_label] = 1.0 # Assign full confidence to sub-classification matches return ClassificationResponse( classification=main_best_label, sub_classification=best_sub_label, confidence=main_best_score, scores=scores ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: # Handle timeout errors return JSONResponse(content="Classification timed out. Try a shorter input or increase timeout.", status_code=504) except HTTPException as http_exc: # Handle HTTP errors return JSONResponse(content=f"HTTP error: {http_exc.detail}", status_code=http_exc.status_code) except Exception as e: # Handle any other errors return JSONResponse(content=f"Error in classification pipeline: {str(e)}", status_code=500) # Set up CORS middleware origins = ["*"] # or specify your list of allowed origins app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=origins, allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], )