from fasthtml_hf import setup_hf_backup import pandas as pd import random import json import traceback from fasthtml.common import * # Initialize the fastHtml application app, rt = fast_app() basepath = "/Users/manaranjanp/Documents/Work/MyLearnings/fastHTML/ClassApp" topics = ['Science', 'Social'] chapters = { 'Science': ['Separation_of_Substances', 'Components_of_Food', 'Getting_to_Know_Plants', 'Motion_and_Measurements', 'Lights_and_Reflections'], 'Social': ['History', 'Civics'] } class QuestionLoader: def __init__(self, json_file): # Load the Excel file and store each sheet as a dictionary of dictionaries = self.load_json_file(json_file) def load_json_file(self, file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as file: json_data = json.load(file) # Load the JSON data as a Python dictionary return json_data def random_question(self): # Select a random sheet random_sheet = random.choice(list( # Select a random question from the sheet random_question = random.choice([random_sheet]) print(f"Sheet {random_sheet}") print(f"Question: {random_question}") return random_sheet, random_question # default_file_path = os.path.join(basepath, "Science_Separation_of_Substances.json") def load_questions(qpath): return QuestionLoader(qpath) # q_loader = load_questions(default_file_path) def mk_opts(nm, cs): return ( Option(f'-- select {nm} --', disabled='', selected='', value=''), *map(Option, cs)) @app.get('/getchapters') def getchapters(topic: str): print(topic) return Div(Select(*mk_opts('chapter', chapters[topic]), name='chapter')) # Define the route for the homepage @app.get('/') def homepage(): return Titled('Grade 6: Study Companion', Grid( getConfigForm(), Div( Div(id="result", style ="font-family:Helvetica; font-size=24pt;") ) , style="grid-template-columns: 400px 1000px; gap: 50px;" ), style="color:#DC143C; font-size:25px;") # Function to generate the configuration form for the web interface def getConfigForm(): topics_dropdown = Select( *mk_opts('topic', topics), name='topic', get='getchapters', hx_target='#chapters') return Card(Form(hx_post="/submit", hx_target="#result", hx_swap_oob="innerHTML")( Div( Label("Topics:", for_="topics"), topics_dropdown), Div( Label("Chapters:", for_="chapter"), # Div(Div(id='chapters'))), Div(Select(*mk_opts('chapter', chapters["Science"]), name='chapter'), id='chapters')), Div( Button("Load Questions") ), Div( Br(), A("Developed by Manaranjan Pradhan", href="", target="_blank", style = 'color: red; font-size: 16px;') ))) def format_questions(sheet, question_data): if(sheet == "MCQ"): return Div(Label(Strong(sheet) , style="color:#F4A460; font-size:40px;"), Label(Strong(question_data['question']), style="color:#3498db; font-size:25px;"), Label("A. " + question_data['option_a']), Label("B. " + question_data['option_b']), Label("C. " + question_data['option_c']), Label("D. " + question_data['option_d']), Div(Div(id='qanswer'), Form(hx_post="/getanswer", hx_target="#qanswer")( Hidden(question_data['answer'], id = 'answer'), Button("Show Answer")), id='qanswer')) else: return Div(Label(Strong(sheet) , style="color:#F4A460; font-size:40px;"), Label(Strong(question_data['question']), style="color:#3498db; font-size:25px;"), Div(Div(id='qanswer'), Form(hx_post="/getanswer", hx_target="#qanswer")( Hidden(question_data['answer'], id = 'answer'), Button("Show Answer")), id='qanswer')) # Define the route for form submission'/submit') async def post(d:dict): try: # Check if a file was uploaded # file_path = os.path.join(basepath, d['topic'] + "_" + d['chapter'] + ".json") q_loader = load_questions(d['topic'] + "_" + d['chapter'] + ".json") sheet_name, question_data = q_loader.random_question() return Card( Div(format_questions(sheet_name, question_data)), P(), Div(Form(hx_post="/submit", hx_target="#result")( Hidden(d['topic'], id = 'topic'), Hidden(d['chapter'], id = 'chapter'), Button("Next Question")))) return except BaseException as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) return str(e) # Define the route for form submission'/getanswer') async def getanswer(d:dict): try: print(f"Answer: {d['answer']}") return Div( P(Label(Strong("Answer"), style="color:#F4A460; font-size:40px;")), Label(Strong(d['answer']), style="color:#FF4500; font-size:25px;")) except BaseException as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) return str(e) setup_hf_backup(app) # Start the FastAPI server serve()