#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # Use either wget or curl to download the checkpoints if command -v wget &> /dev/null; then CMD="wget" elif command -v curl &> /dev/null; then CMD="curl -L -O" else echo "Please install wget or curl to download the checkpoints." exit 1 fi # Define the URLs for SAM 2 checkpoints # SAM2_BASE_URL="https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/segment_anything_2/072824" # sam2_hiera_t_url="${SAM2_BASE_URL}/sam2_hiera_tiny.pt" # sam2_hiera_s_url="${SAM2_BASE_URL}/sam2_hiera_small.pt" # sam2_hiera_b_plus_url="${SAM2_BASE_URL}/sam2_hiera_base_plus.pt" # sam2_hiera_l_url="${SAM2_BASE_URL}/sam2_hiera_large.pt" # Download each of the four checkpoints using wget # echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_tiny.pt checkpoint..." # $CMD $sam2_hiera_t_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_t_url"; exit 1; } # echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_small.pt checkpoint..." # $CMD $sam2_hiera_s_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_s_url"; exit 1; } # echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_base_plus.pt checkpoint..." # $CMD $sam2_hiera_b_plus_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_b_plus_url"; exit 1; } # echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_large.pt checkpoint..." # $CMD $sam2_hiera_l_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_l_url"; exit 1; } # Define the URLs for SAM 2.1 checkpoints SAM2p1_BASE_URL="https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/segment_anything_2/092824" sam2p1_hiera_t_url="${SAM2p1_BASE_URL}/sam2.1_hiera_tiny.pt" sam2p1_hiera_s_url="${SAM2p1_BASE_URL}/sam2.1_hiera_small.pt" sam2p1_hiera_b_plus_url="${SAM2p1_BASE_URL}/sam2.1_hiera_base_plus.pt" sam2p1_hiera_l_url="${SAM2p1_BASE_URL}/sam2.1_hiera_large.pt" # SAM 2.1 checkpoints echo "Downloading sam2.1_hiera_tiny.pt checkpoint..." $CMD $sam2p1_hiera_t_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2p1_hiera_t_url"; exit 1; } echo "Downloading sam2.1_hiera_small.pt checkpoint..." $CMD $sam2p1_hiera_s_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2p1_hiera_s_url"; exit 1; } echo "Downloading sam2.1_hiera_base_plus.pt checkpoint..." $CMD $sam2p1_hiera_b_plus_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2p1_hiera_b_plus_url"; exit 1; } echo "Downloading sam2.1_hiera_large.pt checkpoint..." $CMD $sam2p1_hiera_l_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2p1_hiera_l_url"; exit 1; } echo "All checkpoints are downloaded successfully."