import io | |
import os | |
import re | |
import torch | |
#import argparse | |
import gradio as gr | |
import gradio.processing_utils as gr_pu | |
import librosa | |
import numpy as np | |
import soundfile as sf | |
from inference.infer_tool import Svc | |
import logging | |
import json | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import parselmouth | |
import time | |
import subprocess | |
import shutil | |
import asyncio | |
import datetime | |
from import wavfile | |
#parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
#parser.add_argument("--user", type=str, help='set gradio user', default=None) | |
#parser.add_argument("--password", type=str, help='set gradio password', default=None) | |
#cmd_opts = parser.parse_args() | |
logging.getLogger('numba').setLevel(logging.WARNING) | |
logging.getLogger('markdown_it').setLevel(logging.WARNING) | |
logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.WARNING) | |
logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.WARNING) | |
raw_path = "./dataset_raw" | |
models_backup_path = './models_backup' | |
#now_dir = os.getcwd() | |
def load_model_func(ckpt_name,cluster_name,config_name,enhance): | |
global model, cluster_model_path | |
config_path = "configs/" + config_name | |
with open(config_path, 'r') as f: | |
config = json.load(f) | |
spk_dict = config["spk"] | |
spk_name = config.get('spk', None) | |
if spk_name: | |
spk_choice = next(iter(spk_name)) | |
else: | |
spk_choice = "未检测到音色" | |
ckpt_path = "logs/44k/" + ckpt_name | |
cluster_path = "logs/44k/" + cluster_name | |
if cluster_name == "no_clu": | |
model = Svc(ckpt_path,config_path,nsf_hifigan_enhance=enhance) | |
else: | |
model = Svc(ckpt_path,config_path,cluster_model_path=cluster_path,nsf_hifigan_enhance=enhance) | |
spk_list = list(spk_dict.keys()) | |
output_msg = "模型加载成功" | |
return output_msg, gr.Dropdown.update(choices=spk_list, value=spk_choice) | |
def load_options(): | |
file_list = os.listdir("logs/44k") | |
ckpt_list = [] | |
cluster_list = [] | |
for ck in file_list: | |
if os.path.splitext(ck)[-1] == ".pth" and ck[0] != "k" and ck[:2] != "D_": | |
ckpt_list.append(ck) | |
if ck[0] == "k": | |
cluster_list.append(ck) | |
if not cluster_list: | |
cluster_list = ["你没有聚类模型"] | |
return choice_ckpt.update(choices = ckpt_list), config_choice.update(choices = os.listdir("configs")), cluster_choice.update(choices = cluster_list) | |
def vc_fn(sid, input_audio, vc_transform, auto_f0,cluster_ratio, slice_db, noise_scale,pad_seconds,cl_num,lg_num,lgr_num,F0_mean_pooling,enhancer_adaptive_key): | |
global model | |
try: | |
if input_audio is None: | |
return "You need to upload an audio", None | |
if model is None: | |
return "You need to upload an model", None | |
sampling_rate, audio = input_audio | |
# print(audio.shape,sampling_rate) | |
audio = (audio / np.iinfo(audio.dtype).max).astype(np.float32) | |
if len(audio.shape) > 1: | |
audio = librosa.to_mono(audio.transpose(1, 0)) | |
temp_path = "temp.wav" | |
sf.write(temp_path, audio, sampling_rate, format="wav") | |
_audio = model.slice_inference(temp_path, sid, vc_transform, slice_db, cluster_ratio, auto_f0, noise_scale,pad_seconds,cl_num,lg_num,lgr_num,F0_mean_pooling,enhancer_adaptive_key) | |
model.clear_empty() | |
os.remove(temp_path) | |
#构建保存文件的路径,并保存到results文件夹内 | |
timestamp = str(int(time.time())) | |
output_file = os.path.join("results", sid + "_" + timestamp + ".wav") | |
sf.write(output_file, _audio, model.target_sample, format="wav") | |
return "Success", (model.target_sample, _audio) | |
except Exception as e: | |
return "异常信息:"+str(e)+"\n请排障后重试",None | |
def load_raw_dirs(): | |
#检查文件名 | |
allowed_pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_@#$%^&()_+\-=\s]*$') | |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(raw_path): | |
if root != raw_path: # 只处理子文件夹内的文件 | |
for file in files: | |
file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(file) | |
if not allowed_pattern.match(file_name): | |
return "数据集文件名只能包含数字、字母、下划线" | |
#检查有没有小可爱不用wav文件当数据集 | |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(raw_path): | |
if root != raw_path: # 只处理子文件夹内的文件 | |
for file in files: | |
if not file.endswith('.wav'): | |
return "数据集中包含非wav格式文件,请检查后再试" | |
spk_dirs = [] | |
with os.scandir(raw_path) as entries: | |
for entry in entries: | |
if entry.is_dir(): | |
spk_dirs.append( | |
if len(spk_dirs) != 0: | |
return raw_dirs_list.update(value=spk_dirs) | |
else: | |
return raw_dirs_list.update(value="未找到数据集,请检查dataset_raw文件夹") | |
'''Old function | |
def dataset_preprocess(): | |
preprocess_commands = [ | |
r".\workenv\python.exe", | |
r".\workenv\python.exe", | |
r".\workenv\python.exe" | |
] | |
output = "" | |
for command in preprocess_commands: | |
try: | |
result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True) | |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: | |
result = e.output | |
output += f"Command: {command}\nResult:\n{result}\n{'-' * 50}\n" | |
#cmd = r".\venv\Scripts\activate&&python" | |
#print(cmd) | |
#p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=now_dir) | |
#p.wait() | |
config_path = "configs/config.json" | |
with open(config_path, 'r') as f: | |
config = json.load(f) | |
spk_dict = config["spk"] | |
spk_name = config.get('spk', None) | |
return output, speakers.update(value=spk_name) | |
''' | |
def dataset_preprocess(): | |
preprocess_commands = [ | |
r".\workenv\python.exe", | |
r".\workenv\python.exe", | |
r".\workenv\python.exe" | |
] | |
accumulated_output = "" | |
for command in preprocess_commands: | |
try: | |
result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, text=True) | |
accumulated_output += f"Command: {command}\n" | |
yield accumulated_output, None | |
for line in result.stdout: | |
accumulated_output += line | |
yield accumulated_output, None | |
result.communicate() | |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: | |
result = e.output | |
accumulated_output += f"Error: {result}\n" | |
yield accumulated_output, None | |
accumulated_output += '-' * 50 + '\n' | |
yield accumulated_output, None | |
config_path = "configs/config.json" | |
with open(config_path, 'r') as f: | |
config = json.load(f) | |
spk_dict = config["spk"] | |
spk_name = config.get('spk', None) | |
yield accumulated_output, gr.Textbox.update(value=spk_name) | |
def clear_output(): | |
return gr.Textbox.update(value="Cleared!>_<") | |
def config_fn(log_interval, eval_interval, keep_ckpts, batch_size, lr, fp16_run, all_in_mem): | |
config_origin = ".\\configs\\config.json" | |
with open(config_origin, 'r') as config_file: | |
config_data = json.load(config_file) | |
config_data['train']['log_interval'] = int(log_interval) | |
config_data['train']['eval_interval'] = int(eval_interval) | |
config_data['train']['keep_ckpts'] = int(keep_ckpts) | |
config_data['train']['batch_size'] = int(batch_size) | |
config_data['train']['learning_rate'] = float(lr) | |
config_data['train']['fp16_run'] = fp16_run | |
config_data['train']['all_in_mem'] = all_in_mem | |
with open(config_origin, 'w') as config_file: | |
json.dump(config_data, config_file, indent=4) | |
return "配置文件写入完成" | |
#def next_backup_folder_number(backup_path): | |
# numbers = [int(folder) for folder in os.listdir(backup_path) if folder.isdigit()] | |
# return max(numbers) + 1 if numbers else 1 | |
def training(gpu_selection): | |
if not os.listdir(r"dataset\44k"): | |
return "数据集不存在,请检查dataset文件夹" | |
dataset_path = "dataset/44k" | |
no_npy_pt_files = True | |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dataset_path): | |
for file in files: | |
if file.endswith('.npy') or file.endswith('.pt'): | |
no_npy_pt_files = False | |
break | |
if no_npy_pt_files: | |
return "数据集中未检测到f0和hubert文件,可能是预训练未完成" | |
#备份logs/44k文件 | |
logs_44k = "logs/44k" | |
pre_trained_model = "pre_trained_model" | |
models_backup = "models_backup" | |
timestamp ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M') | |
#new_backup_folder_number = next_backup_folder_number(models_backup) | |
new_backup_folder = os.path.join(models_backup, str(timestamp)) | |
os.makedirs(new_backup_folder, exist_ok=True) | |
for file in os.listdir(logs_44k): | |
shutil.move(os.path.join(logs_44k, file), os.path.join(new_backup_folder, file)) | |
d_0_path = os.path.join(pre_trained_model, "D_0.pth") | |
g_0_path = os.path.join(pre_trained_model, "G_0.pth") | |
if os.path.isfile(d_0_path) and os.path.isfile(g_0_path): | |
print("D_0.pth and G_0.pth exist in pre_trained_model") | |
else: | |
print("D_0.pth and/or G_0.pth are missing in pre_trained_model") | |
shutil.copy(d_0_path, os.path.join(logs_44k, "D_0.pth")) | |
shutil.copy(g_0_path, os.path.join(logs_44k, "G_0.pth")) | |
cmd = r"set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%s && .\workenv\python.exe -c configs/config.json -m 44k" % (gpu_selection) | |
subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/c", "start", "cmd", "/k", cmd]) | |
return "已经在新的终端窗口开始训练,请监看终端窗口的训练日志。在终端中按Ctrl+C可暂停训练。" | |
def continue_training(gpu_selection): | |
if not os.listdir(r"dataset\44k"): | |
return "数据集不存在,请检查dataset文件夹" | |
dataset_path = "dataset/44k" | |
no_npy_pt_files = True | |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dataset_path): | |
for file in files: | |
if file.endswith('.npy') or file.endswith('.pt'): | |
no_npy_pt_files = False | |
break | |
if no_npy_pt_files: | |
return "数据集中未检测到f0和hubert文件,可能是预训练未完成" | |
cmd = r"set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%s && .\workenv\python.exe -c configs/config.json -m 44k" % (gpu_selection) | |
subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/c", "start", "cmd", "/k", cmd]) | |
return "已经在新的终端窗口开始训练,请监看终端窗口的训练日志。在终端中按Ctrl+C可暂停训练。" | |
def continue_selected_training(work_dir): | |
print(work_dir) | |
if work_dir is None: | |
return "你没有选择工作进度" | |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(models_backup_path, work_dir)): | |
return "该工作文件夹不存在", | |
logs_44k_path = r'logs\44k' | |
logs_44k_files = os.listdir(logs_44k_path) | |
d0_path = os.path.join(logs_44k_path, "D_0.pth") | |
g0_path = os.path.join(logs_44k_path, "G_0.pth") | |
if len(logs_44k_files) == 2 and os.path.isfile(d0_path) and os.path.isfile(g0_path): | |
os.remove(d0_path) | |
os.remove(g0_path) | |
else: | |
if logs_44k_files: | |
timestamp ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M') | |
new_backup_folder = os.path.join(models_backup_path, timestamp) | |
os.makedirs(new_backup_folder) | |
for file in logs_44k_files: | |
shutil.copy(os.path.join(logs_44k_path, file), new_backup_folder) | |
work_dir_path = os.path.join(models_backup_path, work_dir) | |
work_dir_files = os.listdir(work_dir_path) | |
for file in work_dir_files: | |
shutil.copy(os.path.join(work_dir_path, file), logs_44k_path) | |
return "已经在新的终端窗口开始训练,请监看终端窗口的训练日志。在终端中按Ctrl+C可暂停训练。" | |
def previous_selection_refresh(): | |
work_saved_list = [] | |
for entry in os.listdir("models_backup"): | |
entry_path = os.path.join(models_backup_path, entry) | |
if os.path.isdir(entry_path): | |
work_saved_list.append(entry) | |
return gr.Dropdown.update(choices=work_saved_list) | |
def kmeans_training(): | |
if not os.listdir(r"dataset\44k"): | |
return "数据集不存在,请检查dataset文件夹" | |
subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/c", "start", "cmd", "/k", r".\workenv\python.exe cluster\"]) | |
return "已经在新的终端窗口开始训练,训练聚类模型不会输出日志,检查任务管理器中python进程有在占用CPU就是正在训练,训练一般需要5-10分钟左右" | |
# read ckpt list | |
file_list = os.listdir("logs/44k") | |
ckpt_list = [] | |
cluster_list = [] | |
for ck in file_list: | |
if os.path.splitext(ck)[-1] == ".pth" and ck[0] != "k" and ck[:2] != "D_": | |
ckpt_list.append(ck) | |
if ck[0] == "k": | |
cluster_list.append(ck) | |
if not cluster_list: | |
cluster_list = ["你没有聚类模型"] | |
#read GPU info | |
ngpu=torch.cuda.device_count() | |
gpu_infos=[] | |
if(torch.cuda.is_available()==False or ngpu==0):if_gpu_ok=False | |
else: | |
if_gpu_ok = False | |
for i in range(ngpu): | |
gpu_name=torch.cuda.get_device_name(i) | |
if("16"in gpu_name or "MX"in gpu_name):continue | |
if("10"in gpu_name or "20"in gpu_name or "30"in gpu_name or "40"in gpu_name or "A50"in gpu_name.upper() or "70"in gpu_name or "80"in gpu_name or "90"in gpu_name or "M4"in gpu_name or "T4"in gpu_name or "TITAN"in gpu_name.upper()):#A10#A100#V100#A40#P40#M40#K80 | |
if_gpu_ok=True#至少有一张能用的N卡 | |
gpu_infos.append("%s\t%s"%(i,gpu_name)) | |
gpu_info="\n".join(gpu_infos)if if_gpu_ok==True and len(gpu_infos)>0 else "很遗憾您这没有能用的显卡来支持您训练" | |
gpus="-".join([i[0]for i in gpu_infos]) | |
#get previous saved training work | |
work_saved_list = [] | |
for entry in os.listdir("models_backup"): | |
entry_path = os.path.join(models_backup_path, entry) | |
if os.path.isdir(entry_path): | |
work_saved_list.append(entry) | |
app = gr.Blocks() | |
with app: | |
gr.Markdown(value=""" | |
###sovits4.0 webui 推理&训练 | |
修改自原项目及bilibili@麦哲云 | |
仅供个人娱乐和非商业用途,禁止用于血腥、暴力、性相关、政治相关内容 | |
作者:bilibili@羽毛布団 | |
""") | |
with gr.Tabs(): | |
with gr.TabItem("推理"): | |
choice_ckpt = gr.Dropdown(label="模型选择", choices=ckpt_list, value="no_model") | |
config_choice = gr.Dropdown(label="配置文件", choices=os.listdir("configs"), value="no_config") | |
cluster_choice = gr.Dropdown(label="选择聚类模型", choices=cluster_list, value="no_clu") | |
enhance = gr.Checkbox(label="是否使用NSF_HIFIGAN增强,该选项对部分训练集少的模型有一定的音质增强效果,但是对训练好的模型有反面效果,默认关闭", value=False) | |
refresh = gr.Button("刷新选项") | |
loadckpt = gr.Button("加载模型", variant="primary") | |
sid = gr.Dropdown(label="音色", value="speaker0") | |
model_message = gr.Textbox(label="Output Message") | |,[],[choice_ckpt,config_choice,cluster_choice]) | |,[choice_ckpt,cluster_choice,config_choice,enhance],[model_message, sid]) | |
gr.Markdown(value=""" | |
请稍等片刻,模型加载大约需要10秒。后续操作不需要重新加载模型 | |
""") | |
vc_input3 = gr.Audio(label="上传音频") | |
vc_transform = gr.Number(label="变调(整数,可以正负,半音数量,升高八度就是12)", value=0) | |
cluster_ratio = gr.Number(label="聚类模型混合比例,0-1之间,默认为0不启用聚类,能提升音色相似度,但会导致咬字下降(如果使用建议0.5左右)", value=0) | |
auto_f0 = gr.Checkbox(label="自动f0预测,配合聚类模型f0预测效果更好,会导致变调功能失效(仅限转换语音,歌声不要勾选此项会究极跑调)", value=False) | |
F0_mean_pooling = gr.Checkbox(label="F0均值滤波(池化),开启后可能有效改善哑音(对因和声混响造成的哑音无效)。", value=False) | |
enhancer_adaptive_key = gr.Number(label="使NSF-HIFIGAN增强器适应更高的音域(单位为半音数)|默认为0", value=0,interactive=True) | |
slice_db = gr.Number(label="切片阈值", value=-40) | |
noise_scale = gr.Number(label="noise_scale 建议不要动,会影响音质,玄学参数", value=0.4) | |
cl_num = gr.Number(label="音频自动切片,0为不切片,单位为秒/s", value=0) | |
pad_seconds = gr.Number(label="推理音频pad秒数,由于未知原因开头结尾会有异响,pad一小段静音段后就不会出现", value=0.5) | |
lg_num = gr.Number(label="两端音频切片的交叉淡入长度,如果自动切片后出现人声不连贯可调整该数值,如果连贯建议采用默认值0,注意,该设置会影响推理速度,单位为秒/s", value=0) | |
lgr_num = gr.Number(label="自动音频切片后,需要舍弃每段切片的头尾。该参数设置交叉长度保留的比例,范围0-1,左开右闭", value=0.75,interactive=True) | |
vc_submit = gr.Button("转换", variant="primary") | |
vc_output1 = gr.Textbox(label="Output Message") | |
vc_output2 = gr.Audio(label="Output Audio") | |, [sid, vc_input3, vc_transform,auto_f0,cluster_ratio, slice_db, noise_scale,pad_seconds,cl_num,lg_num,lgr_num,F0_mean_pooling,enhancer_adaptive_key], [vc_output1, vc_output2]) | |
with gr.TabItem("训练"): | |
gr.Markdown(value="""请将数据集文件夹放置在dataset_raw文件夹下,确认放置正确后点击下方获取数据集名称""") | |
raw_dirs_list=gr.Textbox(label="Raw dataset directory(s):") | |
get_raw_dirs=gr.Button("识别数据集", variant="primary") | |
gr.Markdown(value="""确认数据集正确识别后请点击数据预处理(大数据集可能会花上很长时间预处理,没报错等着就行)""") | |
#with gr.Row(): | |
raw_preprocess=gr.Button("数据预处理", variant="primary") | |
preprocess_output=gr.Textbox(label="预处理输出信息,完成后请检查一下是否有报错信息,如无则可以进行下一步", max_lines=999) | |
clear_preprocess_output=gr.Button("清空输出信息") | |
with gr.Group(): | |
gr.Markdown(value="""填写训练设置和超参数""") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gr.Textbox(label="当前使用显卡信息", value=gpu_info) | |
gpu_selection=gr.Textbox(label="多卡用户请指定希望训练使用的显卡ID(0,1,2...)", value=gpus, interactive=True) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
log_interval=gr.Textbox(label="每隔多少步(steps)生成一次评估日志", value="200") | |
eval_interval=gr.Textbox(label="每隔多少步(steps)验证并保存一次模型", value="800") | |
keep_ckpts=gr.Textbox(label="仅保留最新的X个模型,超出该数字的旧模型会被删除。设置为0则永不删除", value="10") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
batch_size=gr.Textbox(label="批量大小,每步取多少条数据进行训练,大batch可以加快训练但显著增加显存占用。6G显存建议设定为4", value="12") | |
lr=gr.Textbox(label="学习率,尽量与batch size成正比(6:0.0001),无法整除的话四舍五入一下也行", value="0.0002") | |
fp16_run=gr.Checkbox(label="是否使用半精度训练,半精度训练可能降低显存占用和训练时间,但对模型质量的影响尚未查证", value=False) | |
all_in_mem=gr.Checkbox(label="是否加载所有数据集到内存中,硬盘IO过于低下、同时内存容量远大于数据集体积时可以启用", value=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gr.Markdown("请检查右侧的说话人列表是否和你要训练的目标说话人一致,确认无误后点击写入配置文件,然后就可以开始训练了") | |
speakers=gr.Textbox(label="说话人列表") | |
write_config=gr.Button("写入配置文件", variant="primary") | |
write_config_output=gr.Textbox(label="写入配置文件输出信息") | |
gr.Markdown(value="""**点击从头开始训练**将会自动将已有的训练进度保存到models_backup文件夹,并自动装载预训练模型。 | |
**继续上一次的训练进度**将从上一个保存模型的进度继续训练。继续训练进度无需重新预处理和写入配置文件。 | |
""") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
start_training=gr.Button("从头开始训练", variant="primary") | |
training_output=gr.Textbox(label="训练输出信息") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
continue_training_btn=gr.Button("继续上一次的训练进度", variant="primary") | |
continue_training_output=gr.Textbox(label="训练输出信息") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
kmeans_button=gr.Button("训练聚类模型", variant="primary") | |
kmeans_output=gr.Textbox(label="训练输出信息") | |
#previous_selection_training_btn=gr.Button("继续训练已保存的工作", variant="primary") | |
#with gr.Row(): | |
# select_previous_work=gr.Dropdown(label="选择已保存的工作进度", choices=work_saved_list) | |
# previous_selection_refresh_btn=gr.Button("刷新列表", variant="primary") | |
#previous_selection_output=gr.Textbox(label="训练输出信息") | |,[],[raw_dirs_list]) | |,[],[preprocess_output, speakers]) | |,[],[preprocess_output]) | |,[log_interval, eval_interval, keep_ckpts, batch_size, lr, fp16_run, all_in_mem],[write_config_output]) | |,[gpu_selection],[training_output]) | |,[gpu_selection],[continue_training_output]) | |,[select_previous_work],[previous_selection_output]) | |,[],[select_previous_work]) | |,[],[kmeans_output]) | |
app.queue(concurrency_count=1022, max_size=2044).launch(server_name="",inbrowser=True,quiet=True) |