import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import HfApi, hf_hub_download from huggingface_hub.repocard import metadata_load import requests import re import pandas as pd from huggingface_hub import ModelCard def pass_emoji(passed): if passed is True: passed = "✅" else: passed = "❌" return passed api = HfApi() def get_user_models(hf_username, task): """ List the user's models for a given task :param hf_username: User HF username """ models = api.list_models(author=hf_username, filter=[task]) user_model_ids = [x.modelId for x in models] match task: case "audio-classification": dataset = 'marsyas/gtzan' case "automatic-speech-recognition": dataset = 'PolyAI/minds14' case "text-to-speech": dataset = "" case _: print("Unsupported task") dataset_specific_models = [] if dataset == "": return user_model_ids else: for model in user_model_ids: meta = get_metadata(model) if meta is None: continue try: if meta["datasets"] == [dataset]: dataset_specific_models.append(model) except: continue return dataset_specific_models def calculate_best_result(user_models, task): """ Calculate the best results of a unit for a given task :param user_model_ids: models of a user """ best_model = "" if task == "audio-classification": best_result = -100 larger_is_better = True elif task == "automatic-speech-recognition": best_result = 100 larger_is_better = False for model in user_models: meta = get_metadata(model) if meta is None: continue metric = parse_metrics(model, task) if larger_is_better: if metric > best_result: best_result = metric best_model = meta['model-index'][0]["name"] else: if metric < best_result: best_result = metric best_model = meta['model-index'][0]["name"] return best_result, best_model def get_metadata(model_id): """ Get model metadata (contains evaluation data) :param model_id """ try: readme_path = hf_hub_download(model_id, filename="") return metadata_load(readme_path) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: # 404 not found return None def extract_metric(model_card_content, task): """ Extract the metric value from the models' model card :param model_card_content: model card content """ accuracy_pattern = r"Accuracy: (\d+\.\d+)" wer_pattern = r"Wer: (\d+\.\d+)" if task == "audio-classification": pattern = accuracy_pattern elif task == "automatic-speech-recognition": pattern = wer_pattern match =, model_card_content) if match: metric = return float(metric) else: return None def parse_metrics(model, task): """ Get model card and parse it :param model_id: model id """ card = ModelCard.load(model) return extract_metric(card.content, task) def certification(hf_username): results_certification = [ { "unit": "Unit 4: Audio Classification", "task": "audio-classification", "baseline_metric": 0.87, "best_result": 0, "best_model_id": "", "passed_": False }, { "unit": "Unit 5: Automatic Speech Recognition", "task": "automatic-speech-recognition", "baseline_metric": 0.37, "best_result": 0, "best_model_id": "", "passed_": False }, { "unit": "Unit 6: Text-to-Speech", "task": "text-to-speech", "baseline_metric": 0, "best_result": 0, "best_model_id": "", "passed_": False }, { "unit": "Unit 7: TBD", "task": "TBD", "baseline_metric": 0.99, "best_result": 0, "best_model_id": "", "passed_": False }, ] for unit in results_certification: unit["passed"] = pass_emoji(unit["passed_"]) match unit["task"]: case "audio-classification": try: user_ac_models = get_user_models(hf_username, task = "audio-classification") best_result, best_model_id = calculate_best_result(user_ac_models, task = "audio-classification") unit["best_result"] = best_result unit["best_model_id"] = best_model_id if unit["best_result"] >= unit["baseline_metric"]: unit["passed_"] = True unit["passed"] = pass_emoji(unit["passed_"]) except: print("Either no relevant models found, or no metrics in the model card for audio classificaiton") case "automatic-speech-recognition": try: user_asr_models = get_user_models(hf_username, task = "automatic-speech-recognition") best_result, best_model_id = calculate_best_result(user_asr_models, task = "automatic-speech-recognition") unit["best_result"] = best_result unit["best_model_id"] = best_model_id if unit["best_result"] <= unit["baseline_metric"]: unit["passed_"] = True unit["passed"] = pass_emoji(unit["passed_"]) except: print("Either no relevant models found, or no metrics in the model card for automatic speech recognition") case "text-to-speech": try: user_tts_models = get_user_models(hf_username, task = "text-to-speech") if user_tts_models: unit["best_result"] = 0 unit["best_model_id"] = user_tts_models[0] unit["passed_"] = True unit["passed"] = pass_emoji(unit["passed_"]) except: print("Either no relevant models found, or no metrics in the model card for automatic speech recognition") print("Evaluation for this unit is work in progress") case _: print("Unknown task") print(results_certification) df = pd.DataFrame(results_certification) df = df[['passed', 'unit', 'task', 'baseline_metric', 'best_result', 'best_model_id']] return df with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(f""" # 🏆 Check your progress in the Audio Course 🏆 - To get a certificate of completion, you must **pass 3 out of 4 assignments before July 31st 2023**. - To get an honors certificate, you must **pass 4 out of 4 assignments before July 31st 2023**. To pass an assignment, your model's metric should be equal to or higher than the baseline metric. Make sure that you have uploaded your model(s) to Hub and type your Hugging Face Username here to check if you pass (in my case MariaK) """) hf_username = gr.Textbox(placeholder="MariaK", label="Your Hugging Face Username") check_progress_button = gr.Button(value="Check my progress") output = gr.components.Dataframe(value=certification(hf_username)), inputs=hf_username, outputs=output) demo.launch()