John Graham Reynolds
pass user input to semantic search
history blame
10.9 kB
import os
import threading
import streamlit as st
from langchain_huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain_databricks.vectorstores import DatabricksVectorSearch
from itertools import tee
VS_INDEX_NAME = os.environ.get("VS_INDEX_NAME")
raise ValueError("DATABRICKS_HOST environment variable must be set")
raise ValueError("DATABRICKS_API_TOKEN environment variable must be set")
# MSG_MAX_TURNS_EXCEEDED = f"Sorry! The Vanderbilt AI assistant playground is limited to {MAX_CHAT_TURNS} turns. Click the 'Clear Chat' button or refresh the page to start a new conversation."
# MSG_CLIPPED_AT_MAX_OUT_TOKENS = "Reached maximum output tokens for DBRX Playground"
"Tell me about maximum out-of-pocket costs in healthcare.",
"Write a haiku about Nashville, Tennessee.",
"How is a data lake used at Vanderbilt University Medical Center?",
"In a table, what are some of the greatest hurdles to healthcare in the United States?",
"What does EDW stand for in the context of Vanderbilt University Medical Center?",
"Code a sql statement that can query a database named 'VUMC'.",
"Write a short story about a country concert in Nashville, Tennessee.",
TITLE = "Vanderbilt AI Assistant"
DESCRIPTION="""Welcome to the first generation Vanderbilt AI assistant! \n
This AI assistant is built atop the Databricks DBRX large language model
and is augmented with additional organization-specific knowledge. Specifically, it has been preliminarily augmented with knowledge of Vanderbilt University Medical Center
terms like **Data Lake**, **EDW** (Enterprise Data Warehouse), **HCERA** (Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act), and **thousands more!** The model has **no access to PHI**.
Try querying the model with any of the example prompts below for a simple introduction to both Vanderbilt-specific and general knowledge queries. The purpose of this
model is to allow VUMC employees access to an intelligent assistant that improves and expedites VUMC work. \n
Feedback and ideas are very welcome! Please provide any feedback, ideas, or issues to the email: ****.
We hope to gradually improve this AI assistant to create a large-scale, all-inclusive tool to compliment the work of all VUMC staff- your comments are invaluable in this process."""
GENERAL_ERROR_MSG = "An error occurred. Please refresh the page to start a new conversation."
# @st.cache_resource
# def get_global_semaphore():
# return threading.BoundedSemaphore(QUEUE_SIZE)
# global_semaphore = get_global_semaphore()
# # To prevent streaming to fast, chunk the output into TOKEN_CHUNK_SIZE chunks
# if TOKEN_CHUNK_SIZE_ENV is not None:
# st.image("sunrise.jpg", caption="Sunrise by the mountains") # add a Vanderbilt related picture to the head of our Space!
# use this to format later
with open("./style.css") as css:
st.markdown( f'<style>{}</style>' , unsafe_allow_html= True)
if "messages" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["messages"] = []
def clear_chat_history():
st.session_state["messages"] = []
st.button('Clear Chat', on_click=clear_chat_history)
def last_role_is_user():
return len(st.session_state["messages"]) > 0 and st.session_state["messages"][-1]["role"] == "user"
def get_system_prompt():
return ""
# ** working logic for querying glossary embeddings
# Same embedding model we used to create embeddings of terms
# make sure we cache this so that it doesnt redownload each time, hindering Space start time if sleeping
# try adding this st caching decorator to ensure the embeddings class gets cached after downloading the entirety of the model
# does this cache to the given folder though? It does appear to populate the folder as expected after being run
@st.cache_resource # will this work here?
def load_embedding_model():
embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="BAAI/bge-large-en", cache_folder="./langchain_cache/")
return embeddings
embeddings = load_embedding_model()
# instantiate the vector store for similarity search in our chain
# need to make this a function and decorate it with @st.experimental_memo as above?
# We are only calling this initially when the Space starts. Can we expedite this process for users when opening up this Space?
# @st.cache_data # TODO add this in
vector_store = DatabricksVectorSearch(
columns=["name", "description"],
def text_stream(stream):
for chunk in stream:
if chunk["content"] is not None:
yield chunk["content"]
def get_stream_warning_error(stream):
error = None
warning = None
# for chunk in stream:
# if chunk["error"] is not None:
# error = chunk["error"]
# if chunk["warning"] is not None:
# warning = chunk["warning"]
return warning, error
# @retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=0.5, max=2), stop=stop_after_attempt(3))
def chat_api_call(history):
# *** original code for instantiating the DBRX model through the OpenAI client *** skip this and introduce our chain eventually
# extra_body = {}
# extra_body["enable_safety_filter"] = SAFETY_FILTER
# chat_completion =
# messages=[
# {"role": m["role"], "content": m["content"]}
# for m in history
# ],
# model="databricks-dbrx-instruct",
# stream=True,
# max_tokens=MAX_TOKENS,
# temperature=0.7,
# extra_body= extra_body
# )
# ** TODO update this next to take and do similarity search on user input!
search_result = vector_store.similarity_search(query=st.session_state["messages"][-1]["content"], k=5)
chat_completion = search_result # TODO update this after we implement our chain
return chat_completion
def write_response():
stream = chat_completion(st.session_state["messages"])
content_stream, error_stream = tee(stream)
response = st.write_stream(text_stream(content_stream))
stream_warning, stream_error = get_stream_warning_error(error_stream)
if stream_warning is not None:
if stream_error is not None:
# if there was an error, a list will be returned instead of a string:
if isinstance(response, list):
response = None
return response, stream_warning, stream_error
def chat_completion(messages):
history_dbrx_format = [
{"role": "system", "content": get_system_prompt()}
history_dbrx_format = history_dbrx_format + messages
# if (len(history_dbrx_format)-1)//2 >= MAX_CHAT_TURNS:
# yield {"content": None, "error": MSG_MAX_TURNS_EXCEEDED, "warning": None}
# return
chat_completion = None
error = None
# *** original code for querying DBRX through the OpenAI cleint for chat completion
# wait to be in queue
# with global_semaphore:
# try:
# chat_completion = chat_api_call(history_dbrx_format)
# except Exception as e:
# error = e
chat_completion = chat_api_call(history_dbrx_format)
if error is not None:
yield {"content": None, "error": GENERAL_ERROR_MSG, "warning": None}
max_token_warning = None
partial_message = ""
chunk_counter = 0
for chunk in chat_completion:
# if chunk.choices[0].delta.content is not None:
if chunk.page_content is not None:
chunk_counter += 1
# partial_message += chunk.choices[0].delta.content
partial_message += f"* {chunk.page_content} [{chunk.metadata}]"
if chunk_counter % TOKEN_CHUNK_SIZE == 0:
chunk_counter = 0
yield {"content": partial_message, "error": None, "warning": None}
partial_message = ""
# if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason == "length":
# max_token_warning = MSG_CLIPPED_AT_MAX_OUT_TOKENS
yield {"content": partial_message, "error": None, "warning": max_token_warning}
# if assistant is the last message, we need to prompt the user
# if user is the last message, we need to retry the assistant.
def handle_user_input(user_input):
with history:
response, stream_warning, stream_error = [None, None, None]
if last_role_is_user():
# retry the assistant if the user tries to send a new message
with st.chat_message("assistant", avatar=MODEL_AVATAR_URL):
response, stream_warning, stream_error = write_response()
st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "user", "content": user_input, "warning": None, "error": None})
with st.chat_message("user"):
stream = chat_completion(st.session_state["messages"])
with st.chat_message("assistant", avatar=MODEL_AVATAR_URL):
response, stream_warning, stream_error = write_response()
st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response, "warning": stream_warning, "error": stream_error})
main = st.container()
with main:
history = st.container(height=400)
with history:
for message in st.session_state["messages"]:
avatar = "πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»"
if message["role"] == "assistant":
with st.chat_message(message["role"],avatar=avatar):
if message["content"] is not None:
# if message["error"] is not None:
# st.error(message["error"],icon="🚨")
# if message["warning"] is not None:
# st.warning(message["warning"],icon="⚠️")
if prompt := st.chat_input("Type a message!", max_chars=1000):
st.markdown("\n") #add some space for iphone users
with st.sidebar:
with st.container():
for prompt in EXAMPLE_PROMPTS:
st.button(prompt, args=(prompt,), on_click=handle_user_input)