import streamlit as st import torch import spacy # from spacy.lang.en import English # from utils import spacy_function, make_predictions, example_input from Dataset import CustomDataSetManager from Embeddings import get_embeddings from Model import MachineModel from Tokenizer import Tokenizer from LabelEncoder import LabelEncoder from MakePredictions import make_predictions from RandomAbstract import Choose_Random_text MODEL_PATH = '' TOKENIZER_PATH = 'tokenizer.json' LABEL_ENOCDER_PATH = "label_encoder.json" EMBEDDING_FILE_PATH = 'glove.6B.300d.txt' st.cache_resource() def create_utils(model_path, tokenizer_path, label_encoder_path, embedding_file_path): tokenizer = Tokenizer.load(fp=tokenizer_path) label_encoder = LabelEncoder.load(fp=label_encoder_path) embedding_matrix = get_embeddings(embedding_file_path, tokenizer, 300) model = MachineModel(embedding_dim=300, vocab_size=len(tokenizer), hidden_dim=128, n_layers=3, linear_output=128, num_classes=len(label_encoder), pretrained_embeddings=embedding_matrix) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu')) print(model) return model, tokenizer, label_encoder def model_prediction(abstract, model, tokenizer, label_encoder): objective = '' background = '' method = '' conclusion = '' result = '' lines, pred = make_predictions(abstract, model, tokenizer, label_encoder) # pred, lines = make_predictions(abstract) for i, line in enumerate(lines): if pred[i] == 'OBJECTIVE': objective = objective + line elif pred[i] == 'BACKGROUND': background = background + line elif pred[i] == 'METHODS': method = method + line elif pred[i] == 'RESULTS': result = result + line elif pred[i] == 'CONCLUSIONS': conclusion = conclusion + line return objective, background, method, conclusion, result def main(): st.set_page_config( page_title="Sequential Text Classfication Using Deep Sequencing Model", page_icon="📄", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded" ) st.title('Sequential Text Classification Using Deep Sequencing Model 📄 🔥') st.caption('A custom NLP classification model based on a transformer that is able to classify and simplify research abstracts and then classify it into smaller parts that can be made more simple and easy to understand') st.caption('Developed by Purbayan Majumder') # creating model, tokenizer and labelEncoder col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.write('#### Enter Abstract Here !!') abstract = st.text_area(label='', height=200) agree = st.checkbox('Show Example Abstract') predict = st.button('Extract !') if agree: example_input = Choose_Random_text() # make prediction button logic if predict: with col2: with st.spinner('Waiting for prediction processing data to the utils....'): fetch_model, tokenizer, label_encoder = create_utils(MODEL_PATH, TOKENIZER_PATH, LABEL_ENOCDER_PATH, EMBEDDING_FILE_PATH) objective, background, methods, conclusion, result = model_prediction(abstract, fetch_model, tokenizer, label_encoder) st.markdown(f'### Objective : ') # st.write(f'{objective}') st.markdown(f'### Background : ') # st.write(f'{background}') st.markdown(f'### Methods : ') # st.write(f'{methods}') st.markdown(f'### Result : ') # st.write(f'{result}') st.markdown(f'### Conclusion : ') # st.write(f'{conclusion}') if __name__=='__main__': main()