import os |
import argparse |
START = 00 |
FOLDER = "chunks" |
def seconds_to_hms(seconds): |
hour = 00 |
minute = 00 |
second = seconds |
while second >= 60: |
minute += 1 |
second -= 60 |
while minute >= 60: |
hour += 1 |
minute -= 60 |
return hour, minute, second |
def hms_to_seconds(hour, minute, second): |
return hour*3600 + minute*60 + second |
def main(args): |
input = args.input |
path, filename = os.path.split(input) |
name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) |
seconds = int(args.seconds) |
duration = float(os.popen(f'ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 {input}').read()) |
hour, minute, second = seconds_to_hms(int(duration)) |
num_chunks = -(-int(duration) // seconds) |
hour, minute, second = seconds_to_hms(seconds) |
output_files = [] |
for chunk in range(num_chunks): |
start_time = chunk * seconds |
hour_start, minute_start, second_start = seconds_to_hms(start_time) |
if start_time + seconds > duration: |
hour, minute, second = seconds_to_hms(duration - start_time) |
else: |
hour, minute, second = seconds_to_hms(seconds) |
output = f"{FOLDER}/{name}_chunk{chunk:003d}{extension}" |
if start_time + seconds > duration: |
command = f'ffmpeg -i {input} -ss {hour_start:02d}:{minute_start:02d}:{second_start:02d} -loglevel error {output}' |
else: |
command = f'ffmpeg -i {input} -ss {hour_start:02d}:{minute_start:02d}:{second_start:02d} -t {hour:02}:{minute:02}:{second:02} -loglevel error {output}' |
os.system(command) |
output_files.append(output) |
with open(f"{FOLDER}/output_files.txt", "w") as f: |
for output_file in output_files: |
f.write(f"{output_file}\n") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Slice audio into smaller chunks') |
argparser.add_argument('input', help='Input audio file') |
argparser.add_argument('seconds', help='Duration of each chunk in seconds') |
args = argparser.parse_args() |
main(args) |