Runtime error
Runtime error
import gradio as gr | |
import argparse | |
import os | |
from time import sleep | |
from pytube import YouTube | |
import re | |
# url = "" | |
html_social_media = ''' | |
<div style="float: right;"> | |
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fill: #f3f4f6; | |
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<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-disabled="false" class="sm secondary svelte-cmf5ev" id="component-1" style="flex-grow: 100;" target="_blank"> | |
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svg { | |
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<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-disabled="false" class="sm secondary svelte-cmf5ev" id="component-1" style="flex-grow: 100;" target="_blank"> | |
<svg xmlns="" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 448 512"> | |
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svg { | |
fill:#f3f4f6 | |
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<path d="M448,209.91a210.06,210.06,0,0,1-122.77-39.25V349.38A162.55,162.55,0,1,1,185,188.31V278.2a74.62,74.62,0,1,0,52.23,71.18V0l88,0a121.18,121.18,0,0,0,1.86,22.17h0A122.18,122.18,0,0,0,381,102.39a121.43,121.43,0,0,0,67,20.14Z"/> | |
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</a> | |
<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-disabled="false" class="sm secondary svelte-cmf5ev" id="component-1" style="flex-grow: 100;" target="_blank"> | |
<svg xmlns="" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 512 512"> | |
<style> | |
svg { | |
fill:#f3f4f6 | |
} | |
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<path d="M391.17,103.47H352.54v109.7h38.63ZM285,103H246.37V212.75H285ZM120.83,0,24.31,91.42V420.58H140.14V512l96.53-91.42h77.25L487.69,256V0ZM449.07,237.75l-77.22,73.12H294.61l-67.6,64v-64H140.14V36.58H449.07Z"/> | |
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</div> | |
''' | |
html_buy_me_a_coffe = ''' | |
<div style="float: right;"> | |
<a href="" target="_blank"> | |
<img src="" alt="buy me a coffe"> | |
</a> | |
</div> | |
''' | |
def remove_all_files(): | |
command = f"rm -r audios" | |
os.system(command) | |
command = f"rm -r videos" | |
os.system(command) | |
def reset_frontend(): | |
visible = False | |
return ( | |
"", | |
gr.Image(visible=visible), | |
gr.Button(visible=visible), | |
gr.Textbox(visible=visible), | |
gr.Textbox(visible=visible), | |
gr.Audio(visible=visible), | |
gr.Video(visible=visible), | |
) | |
def get_youtube_thumbnail(url): | |
yt = YouTube(url) | |
thumbnail_url = yt.thumbnail_url | |
return thumbnail_url | |
def is_valid_youtube_url(url): | |
# This regular expression should match the following YouTube URL formats: | |
# - | |
# - | |
# - | |
patron_youtube = r'(https?://)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com/watch\?v=|youtu\.be/)[\w-]+' | |
return bool(re.match(patron_youtube, url)) | |
def is_valid_twitch_url(url): | |
# This regular expression should match the following Twitch URL formats: | |
# - | |
# - | |
# - | |
twitch_pattern = r'(https?://)?(www\.)?twitch\.tv/(videos/\d+|\w+)' | |
return bool(re.match(twitch_pattern, url)) | |
def is_valid_url(url): | |
visible = True | |
width = 600 | |
height = 400 | |
image = None | |
# Youtube | |
if "youtube" in url.lower() or "" in url.lower(): | |
if is_valid_youtube_url(url): | |
thumbnail = get_youtube_thumbnail(url) | |
if thumbnail: | |
image = thumbnail | |
else: | |
image = "" | |
# Twitch | |
elif "twitch" in url.lower() or "" in url.lower(): | |
if is_valid_twitch_url(url): | |
image = "" | |
# Error | |
else: | |
visible = False | |
image = "" | |
return ( | |
gr.Image(value=image, visible=visible, width=width, height=height), | |
gr.Button(visible=visible), | |
gr.Audio(visible=visible, show_download_button=False, show_share_button=False, container=True), | |
gr.Video(visible=visible, show_share_button=False, container=True), | |
) | |
def download_audio_and_video(url): | |
audios_folder = "audios" | |
videos_folder = "videos" | |
if not os.path.exists(audios_folder): | |
os.makedirs(audios_folder) | |
if not os.path.exists(videos_folder): | |
os.makedirs(videos_folder) | |
python_file = "" | |
command = f"python {python_file} {url}" | |
os.system(command) | |
sleep(1) | |
audio_path = "audios/download_audio.mp3" | |
video_path = "videos/download_video.mp4" | |
return ( | |
gr.Textbox(value=audio_path), | |
gr.Textbox(value=video_path), | |
gr.Audio(audio_path, show_download_button=True, show_share_button=True, container=False), | |
gr.Video(video_path, show_share_button=True, container=False), | |
) | |
def video_downloader(): | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
# Layout | |
gr.Markdown(html_social_media) | |
gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center;'>Video downloader</h1>") | |
with gr.Row(variant="panel"): | |
url_textbox = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Add video URL here and wait a moment", label="Video URL", elem_id="video_url", scale=1, interactive=True) | |
# paste_button = gr.Button(size="sm", icon="icons/paste.svg", value="paste", min_width="10px", scale=0) | |
delete_button = gr.Button(size="sm", icon="icons/delete.svg", value="clear", min_width="10px", scale=0) | |
visible = False | |
with gr.Row(equal_height=False): | |
image = gr.Image(visible=visible, show_download_button=False, container=False, scale=1) | |
download_button = gr.Button(size="lg", value="Download", min_width="10px", scale=0, visible=visible) | |
original_audio_path = gr.Textbox(label="Original audio path", elem_id="original_audio_path", visible=visible) | |
original_video_path = gr.Textbox(label="Original video path", elem_id="original_video_path", visible=visible) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
audio = gr.Audio(label="Audio", elem_id="audio", visible=visible, interactive=False) | |
video = gr.Video(label="Video", elem_id="video", visible=visible, interactive=False) | |
gr.Markdown(html_buy_me_a_coffe) | |
# Events | |
url_textbox.change(fn=is_valid_url, inputs=url_textbox, outputs=[image, download_button, audio, video]) | |, outputs=[url_textbox, image, download_button, original_audio_path, original_video_path, audio, video]) | |, inputs=url_textbox, outputs=[original_audio_path, original_video_path, audio, video]) | |
demo.launch() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument("--remove_all_files", action="store_true") | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
if args.remove_all_files: | |
remove_all_files() | |
else: | |
video_downloader() |