import pandas as pd import numpy as np import streamlit as st from transformers import AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, AutoTokenizer, pipeline model_name = "deepset/roberta-base-squad2" # a) Get predictions nlp = pipeline('question-answering', model=model_name, tokenizer=model_name) # b) Load model & tokenizer model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) suspicious_words = [ "robbery", "crime", "exchange", "extortion", "threat", "suspicious", "fraud", "laundering", "illegal", "contraband", "smuggling", "burglary", "assault", "hijacking", "kidnapping", "ransom", "hostage", "terrorism", "homicide", "murder", "manslaughter", "weapon", "gun", "explosive", "bomb", "knives", "threaten", "blackmail", "intimidate", "menace", "harassment", "stalking", "kidnap", "abduction", "guns", "bombs", "abuse", "trafficking", "prostitution", "pimping", "drug", "narcotic", "cocaine", "heroin", "methamphetamine", "amphetamine", "opiate", "meth", "gang", "gangster", "mafia", "racket", "extort", "embezzle", "corruption", "bribe", "scam", "forgery", "counterfeit", "fraudulent", "cybercrime", "hacker", "phishing", "identity", "theft", "credit card", "fraud", "identity", "fraud", "ponzi", "scheme", "pyramid", "scheme", "money", "scam", "swindle", "deception", "conspiracy", "scheme", "plot", "coercion", "corrupt", "criminal", "felony", "misdemeanor", "felon", "fugitive", "wanted", "arson", "arsonist", "arsony", "stolen", "steal", "loot", "heist", "launder", "hitman", "racketeer", "hijack", "smuggle", "terrorist", "kidnapper", "perpetrator", "ringleader", "prowler", "vigilante", "sabotage", "saboteur", "suicide", "discreet", "hide", "action", "profile", "alert", "vigilant", "clandestine", "riot", "arms", "deal" ] q = ["","",""] a = ["","",""] q[0] = "What event is going to take place?" q[1] = "Where is it going to happen" q[2] = "What time is it going to happen?" QA_input = [{} for i in range(3)] res = [{} for i in range(3)] sentence=st.text_area("Enter your sentence") for i in range(3): QA_input[i] = { 'question': q[i], 'context': sentence } res[i] = nlp(QA_input[i]) a[i] = res[i]['answer'] a1 = a[0].lower() a1s = set(a1.split()) sus = set(suspicious_words) cw = a1s.intersection(sus) if len(cw) != 0: st.write("The crime detected is: ",a[0]) if len(a[1]) != 0: st.write("The location of crime detected is: ",a[1]) elif len(a[1]) == 0: st.write("No location detected") if len(a[2]) != 0: st.write("The time of crime detected is: ",a[2]) elif len(a[2]) == 0: st.write("No time detected") elif len(cw) == 0: st.write("No crime detected")