import { Client } from "@gradio/client"; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { const audioPlayer = document.getElementById('player'); const settingsBtn = document.getElementById('settingsBtn'); const settingsModal = document.getElementById('settingsModal'); const closeBtn = document.querySelector('.close'); const saveSettingsBtn = document.getElementById('saveSettings'); const apiKeyInput = document.getElementById('apiKey'); const toggleApiKeyBtn = document.getElementById('toggleApiKey'); const apiServerInput = document.getElementById('apiServer'); let originalApiKey = ''; let originalApiServer = ''; // Load saved settings on page load const savedApiKey = localStorage.getItem('openaiApiKey'); const savedApiServer = localStorage.getItem('apiServer') || ''; if (savedApiKey) { apiKeyInput.value = savedApiKey; originalApiKey = savedApiKey; } apiServerInput.value = savedApiServer; originalApiServer = savedApiServer; // Toggle API key visibility toggleApiKeyBtn.onclick = function() { if (apiKeyInput.type === "password") { apiKeyInput.type = "text"; toggleApiKeyBtn.textContent = "🔒"; } else { apiKeyInput.type = "password"; toggleApiKeyBtn.textContent = "👁️"; } } // Open settings modal settingsBtn.onclick = function() { originalApiKey = apiKeyInput.value; originalApiServer = apiServerInput.value; = "block"; apiKeyInput.focus(); } // Close settings modal function closeModal() { = "none"; apiKeyInput.value = originalApiKey; // Revert to original value } closeBtn.onclick = closeModal; // Close modal if clicked outside window.onclick = function(event) { if ( == settingsModal) { closeModal(); } } // Handle keydown events document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if ( === "block") { if (event.key === "Escape") { closeModal(); } else if (event.key === "Enter") { saveSettings(); } } }); // Save settings function saveSettings() { const apiKey = apiKeyInput.value.trim(); const apiServer = apiServerInput.value.trim(); if (apiKey && apiServer) { localStorage.setItem('openaiApiKey', apiKey); localStorage.setItem('apiServer', apiServer); originalApiKey = apiKey; originalApiServer = apiServer; alert('Settings saved successfully!'); closeModal(); } else { alert('Please enter both a valid API key and API server.'); } } saveSettingsBtn.onclick = saveSettings; // Function to fetch MP3 from API endpoint when a link is shared async function fetchMp3(link) { console.log('Starting fetchMp3 function with link:', link); const loadingIndicator = document.getElementById('loadingIndicator'); const audioPlayer = document.getElementById('player'); const playButton = document.getElementById('playButton'); const transcriptionContainer = document.getElementById('transcriptionContainer'); const transcriptionElement = document.getElementById('transcription'); if (loadingIndicator) = 'block'; if (transcriptionContainer) = 'none'; try { const apiKey = localStorage.getItem('openaiApiKey'); const apiServer = localStorage.getItem('apiServer'); console.log('Retrieved API key and server from localStorage'); console.log('API Server:', apiServer); if (!apiKey) { throw new Error("API key not set. Please set your OpenAI API key in the settings."); } if (!apiServer) { throw new Error("API server not set. Please set the API server in the settings."); } console.log('Attempting to connect to Gradio app...'); // Connect to local Gradio app const client = await Client.connect(apiServer); //connect to HF deployed one OK //const client = await Client.connect("Mightypeacock/webtoaudio"); console.log('Gradio client created successfully'); console.log(await client.view_api()) console.log('Preparing to make prediction...'); // Make the prediction const result = await client.predict("/generate_audio", { url:link, openai_api_key: apiKey, text_model: "gpt-4o-mini", audio_model: "tts-1", speaker_1_voice: "alloy", speaker_2_voice: "echo", api_base: null, // api_base edited_transcript: "", // edited_transcript user_feedback: "", // user_feedback original_text: "summary" // original_text // debug: true, }); console.log('Raw result from predict:', result); console.log('Result data:',; console.log('Prediction made successfully'); // Check if is an array and has at least one element if (!Array.isArray( || === 0) { throw new Error('Unexpected result format from server'); } // Assuming the audio file URL is the second item in the result const audioFileUrl =[0].url; console.log('Received audio file URL:', audioFileUrl); // Check if the URL is valid if (typeof audioFileUrl !== 'string' || !audioFileUrl.startsWith('http')) { throw new Error(`Invalid audio file URL received: ${audioFileUrl}`); } // Set the audio player source if (audioPlayer) { audioPlayer.src = audioFileUrl; } else { throw new Error('Audio player element not found'); } // Show play button if (playButton) { = 'block'; playButton.onclick = () =>; } else { console.warn('Play button not found, audio controls will be used instead'); } // Display the transcription if (transcriptionElement && transcriptionContainer) { const transcription =[1]; transcriptionElement.textContent = transcription; = 'block'; } else { console.warn('Transcription elements not found'); } console.log('Audio ready for playback and transcription displayed'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error in fetchMp3:', error); console.error('Error stack:', error.stack); alert(`Error fetching MP3: ${error.message}`); // Clear the audio player source and hide the play button if (audioPlayer) audioPlayer.src = ''; if (playButton) = 'none'; if (transcriptionContainer) = 'none'; } finally { if (loadingIndicator) = 'none'; } } // Get the link from the shared URL const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(; const sharedLink = queryParams.get('url'); console.log('Shared link from URL:', sharedLink); // Only call the API to get MP3 if a valid URL is provided if (sharedLink) { console.log('Valid URL provided, calling fetchMp3'); fetchMp3(sharedLink); } else { console.log("No URL provided. Waiting for user input."); // You might want to update the UI here to indicate that the user needs to provide a URL } }); if ('mediaSession' in navigator) { navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ title: 'Sample MP3', artist: 'Unknown Artist', album: 'Demo Album', artwork: [ { src: '/icons/icon-192x192.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png' }, { src: '/icons/icon-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png' } ] }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', function() {; }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('pause', function() { audioPlayer.pause(); }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekbackward', function() { audioPlayer.currentTime = Math.max(audioPlayer.currentTime - 10, 0); }); navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekforward', function() { audioPlayer.currentTime = Math.min(audioPlayer.currentTime + 10, audioPlayer.duration); }); }