using Distributed | |
addprocs(10) | |
@everywhere include("eureqa.jl") | |
println("Lets try to learn (x2^2 + cos(x3) + 5) using regularized evolution from scratch") | |
const npop = 100 | |
const nthreads = 10 | |
const annealing = false | |
bestScore = Inf | |
allPops = [Population(npop, 3) for i=1:nthreads] | |
@everywhere f = (pop,)->run(pop, 10000, annealing) | |
allPops = pmap(f, allPops) | |
for pop in allPops | |
bestCurScoreIdx = argmin([pop.members[member].score for member=1:pop.n]) | |
bestCurScore = pop.members[bestCurScoreIdx].score | |
if bestCurScore < bestScore | |
bestScore = bestCurScore | |
println(bestScore, " is the score for ", stringTree(pop.members[bestCurScoreIdx].tree)) | |
end | |
end | |