PySR searches for symbolic expressions which optimize a particular objective.
# PySR: High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia
| **Docs** | **Forums** | **Paper** | **colab demo** |
| **pip** | **conda** | **Stats** |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
pip: [](
conda: [](
If you find PySR useful, please cite the paper [arXiv:2305.01582](
If you've finished a project with PySR, please submit a PR to showcase your work on the [research showcase page](!
- [Contributors](#contributors-)
- [Why PySR?](#why-pysr)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [โ Documentation](
### Test status
| **Linux** | **Windows** | **macOS** |
| **Docker** | **Conda** | **Coverage** |
## Why PySR?
PySR is an open-source tool for *Symbolic Regression*: a machine learning
task where the goal is to find an interpretable symbolic expression that optimizes some objective.
Over a period of several years, PySR has been engineered from the ground up
to be (1) as high-performance as possible,
(2) as configurable as possible, and (3) easy to use.
PySR is developed alongside the Julia library [SymbolicRegression.jl](,
which forms the powerful search engine of PySR.
The details of these algorithms are described in the [PySR paper](
Symbolic regression works best on low-dimensional datasets, but
one can also extend these approaches to higher-dimensional
spaces by using "*Symbolic Distillation*" of Neural Networks, as explained in
[2006.11287](, where we apply
it to N-body problems. Here, one essentially uses
symbolic regression to convert a neural net
to an analytic equation. Thus, these tools simultaneously present
an explicit and powerful way to interpret deep neural networks.
## Installation
| [pip](#pip) | [conda](#conda) | [docker](#docker-build) |
| Everywhere (recommended) | Linux and Intel-based macOS | Everywhere (if all else fails) |
### pip
1. [Install Julia](
- Alternatively, my personal preference is to use [juliaup](, which performs this automatically.
2. Then, run:
pip3 install -U pysr
3. Finally, to install Julia dependencies:
python3 -m pysr install
> (Alternatively, from within Python, you can call `import pysr; pysr.install()`)
### conda
The PySR build in conda includes all required dependencies, so you can install it by simply running:
conda install -c conda-forge pysr
from within your target conda environment.
However, note that the conda install does not support precompilation of Julia libraries, so the
start time may be slightly slower as the JIT-compilation will be running.
(Once the compilation finishes, there will not be a performance difference though.)
### docker build
1. Clone this repo.
2. In the repo, run the build command with:
docker build -t pysr .
3. You can then start the container with an IPython execution with:
docker run -it --rm pysr ipython
For more details, see the [docker section](#docker).
### Common issues
Common issues tend to be related to Python not finding Julia.
To debug this, try running `python3 -c 'import os; print(os.environ["PATH"])'`.
If none of these folders contain your Julia binary, then you need to add Julia's `bin` folder to your `PATH` environment variable.
**Running PySR on macOS with an M1 processor:** you should use the pip version, and make sure to get the Julia binary for ARM/M-series processors.
## Quickstart
You might wish to try the interactive tutorial [here](, which uses the notebook in `examples/pysr_demo.ipynb`.
In practice, I highly recommend using IPython rather than Jupyter, as the printing is much nicer.
Below is a quick demo here which you can paste into a Python runtime.
First, let's import numpy to generate some test data:
import numpy as np
X = 2 * np.random.randn(100, 5)
y = 2.5382 * np.cos(X[:, 3]) + X[:, 0] ** 2 - 0.5
We have created a dataset with 100 datapoints, with 5 features each.
The relation we wish to model is $2.5382 \cos(x_3) + x_0^2 - 0.5$.
Now, let's create a PySR model and train it.
PySR's main interface is in the style of scikit-learn:
from pysr import PySRRegressor
model = PySRRegressor(
niterations=40, # < Increase me for better results
binary_operators=["+", "*"],
"inv(x) = 1/x",
# ^ Custom operator (julia syntax)
extra_sympy_mappings={"inv": lambda x: 1 / x},
# ^ Define operator for SymPy as well
loss="loss(prediction, target) = (prediction - target)^2",
# ^ Custom loss function (julia syntax)
This will set up the model for 40 iterations of the search code, which contains hundreds of thousands of mutations and equation evaluations.
Let's train this model on our dataset:
```python, y)
Internally, this launches a Julia process which will do a multithreaded search for equations to fit the dataset.
Equations will be printed during training, and once you are satisfied, you may
quit early by hitting 'q' and then \