import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import unittest from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from .. import PySRRegressor from .params import DEFAULT_NITERATIONS, DEFAULT_POPULATIONS class TestStartup(unittest.TestCase): """Various tests related to starting up PySR.""" def setUp(self): # Using inspect, # get default niterations from PySRRegressor, and double them: self.default_test_kwargs = dict( progress=False, model_selection="accuracy", niterations=DEFAULT_NITERATIONS * 2, populations=DEFAULT_POPULATIONS * 2, temp_equation_file=True, ) self.rstate = np.random.RandomState(0) self.X = self.rstate.randn(100, 5) def test_warm_start_from_file(self): """Test that we can warm start in another process.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model = PySRRegressor( **self.default_test_kwargs, unary_operators=["cos"], ) model.warm_start = True model.temp_equation_file = False model.equation_file = Path(tmpdirname) / "equations.csv" model.deterministic = True model.multithreading = False model.random_state = 0 model.procs = 0 model.early_stop_condition = 1e-10 rstate = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rstate.randn(100, 2) y = np.cos(X[:, 0]) ** 2, y) best_loss = model.equations_.iloc[-1]["loss"] # Save X and y to a file: X_file = Path(tmpdirname) / "X.npy" y_file = Path(tmpdirname) / "y.npy", X), y) # Now, create a new process and warm start from the file: result = [ sys.executable, "-c", textwrap.dedent( f""" from pysr import PySRRegressor import numpy as np X = np.load("{X_file}") y = np.load("{y_file}") print("Loading model from file") model = PySRRegressor.from_file("{model.equation_file}") assert model.julia_state_ is not None # Reset saved equations; should be loaded from state! model.equations_ = None model.equation_file_contents_ = None model.warm_start = True model.niterations = 0 model.max_evals = 0 model.ncycles_per_iteration = 0, y) best_loss = model.equations_.iloc[-1]["loss"] assert best_loss <= {best_loss} """ ), ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, ) self.assertEqual(result.returncode, 0) self.assertIn("Loading model from file", result.stdout.decode()) self.assertIn("Started!", result.stderr.decode()) def test_bad_startup_options(self): warning_tests = [ dict( code='import os; os.environ["PYTHON_JULIACALL_HANDLE_SIGNALS"] = "no"; import pysr', msg="PYTHON_JULIACALL_HANDLE_SIGNALS environment variable is set", ), dict( code='import os; os.environ["PYTHON_JULIACALL_THREADS"] = "1"; import pysr', msg="PYTHON_JULIACALL_THREADS environment variable is set", ), dict( code="import juliacall; import pysr", msg="juliacall module already imported.", ), dict( code='import os; os.environ["PYSR_AUTOLOAD_EXTENSIONS"] = "foo"; import pysr', msg="PYSR_AUTOLOAD_EXTENSIONS environment variable is set", ), ] for warning_test in warning_tests: result = [sys.executable, "-c", warning_test["code"]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, ) self.assertIn(warning_test["msg"], result.stderr.decode()) def test_notebook(self): result = [ sys.executable, "-m", "pytest", "--nbval", str(Path(__file__).parent / "test_nb.ipynb"), ], env=os.environ, ) self.assertEqual(result.returncode, 0) def runtests(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite.addTests(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestStartup)) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() return