# Eureqa.jl Symbolic regression built on Julia, and interfaced by Python. Uses regularized evolution and simulated annealing. ## Running: You can either call the program using `eureqa` from `eureqa.py`, or execute the program from the command line with, for example: ```bash python eureqa.py --threads 8 --binary-operators plus mult pow --npop 200 ``` Here is the full list of arguments: ``` usage: eureqa.py [-h] [--threads THREADS] [--parsimony PARSIMONY] [--alpha ALPHA] [--maxsize MAXSIZE] [--niterations NITERATIONS] [--npop NPOP] [--ncyclesperiteration NCYCLESPERITERATION] [--topn TOPN] [--fractionReplacedHof FRACTIONREPLACEDHOF] [--fractionReplaced FRACTIONREPLACED] [--migration MIGRATION] [--hofMigration HOFMIGRATION] [--shouldOptimizeConstants SHOULDOPTIMIZECONSTANTS] [--annealing ANNEALING] [--binary-operators BINARY_OPERATORS [BINARY_OPERATORS ...]] [--unary-operators UNARY_OPERATORS] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --threads THREADS Number of threads (default: 4) --parsimony PARSIMONY How much to punish complexity (default: 0.001) --alpha ALPHA Scaling of temperature (default: 10) --maxsize MAXSIZE Max size of equation (default: 20) --niterations NITERATIONS Number of total migration periods (default: 20) --npop NPOP Number of members per population (default: 100) --ncyclesperiteration NCYCLESPERITERATION Number of evolutionary cycles per migration (default: 5000) --topn TOPN How many best species to distribute from each population (default: 10) --fractionReplacedHof FRACTIONREPLACEDHOF Fraction of population to replace with hall of fame (default: 0.1) --fractionReplaced FRACTIONREPLACED Fraction of population to replace with best from other populations (default: 0.1) --migration MIGRATION Whether to migrate (default: True) --hofMigration HOFMIGRATION Whether to have hall of fame migration (default: True) --shouldOptimizeConstants SHOULDOPTIMIZECONSTANTS Whether to use classical optimization on constants before every migration (doesn't impact performance that much) (default: True) --annealing ANNEALING Whether to use simulated annealing (default: True) --binary-operators BINARY_OPERATORS [BINARY_OPERATORS ...] Binary operators. Make sure they are defined in operators.jl (default: ['plus', 'mul']) --unary-operators UNARY_OPERATORS Unary operators. Make sure they are defined in operators.jl (default: ['exp', 'sin', 'cos']) ``` ## Modification You can add more operators in `operators.jl`, or use default Julia ones. Make sure all operators are defined for scalar `Float32`. Then just call the operator in your call to `eureqa`. You can change the dataset in `eureqa.py` here: ```julia const X = convert(Array{Float32, 2}, randn(100, 5)*2) # Here is the function we want to learn (x2^2 + cos(x3) - 5) const y = convert(Array{Float32, 1}, ((cx,)->cx^2).(X[:, 2]) + cos.(X[:, 3]) .- 5) ``` by either loading in a dataset, or modifying the definition of `y`. (The `.` are are used for vectorization of a scalar function) One can also adjust the relative probabilities of each operation here: ```julia weights = [8, 1, 1, 1, 0.1, 0.5, 2] ``` for: 1. Perturb constant 2. Mutate operator 3. Append a node 4. Delete a subtree 5. Simplify equation 6. Randomize completely 7. Do nothing # TODO - [ ] Hyperparameter tune - [ ] Add interface for either defining an operation to learn, or loading in arbitrary dataset. - Could just write out the dataset in julia, or load it. - [ ] Add mutation for constant<->variable - [ ] Create a benchmark for accuracy - [ ] Use NN to generate weights over all probability distribution conditional on error and existing equation, and train on some randomly-generated equations - [ ] Performance: - [ ] Use an enum for functions instead of storing them? - Current most expensive operations: - [x] deepcopy() before the mutate, to see whether to accept or not. - Seems like its necessary right now. But still by far the slowest option. - [ ] Calculating the loss function - there is duplicate calculations happening. - [ ] Declaration of the weights array every iteration - [x] Create a Python interface - [x] Explicit constant optimization on hall-of-fame - Create method to find and return all constants, from left to right - Create method to find and set all constants, in same order - Pull up some optimization algorithm and add it. Keep the package small! - [x] Create a benchmark for speed - [x] Simplify subtrees with only constants beneath them. Or should I? Maybe randomly simplify sometimes? - [x] Record hall of fame - [x] Optionally (with hyperparameter) migrate the hall of fame, rather than current bests - [x] Test performance of reduced precision integers - No effect - [x] Create struct to pass through all hyperparameters, instead of treating as constants - Make sure doesn't affect performance