import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; |
import { storyApi } from "../utils/api"; |
import { useGameSession } from "../hooks/useGameSession"; |
import { |
Box, |
Paper, |
Typography, |
Accordion, |
AccordionSummary, |
AccordionDetails, |
Chip, |
Button, |
CircularProgress, |
Alert, |
Divider, |
Stack, |
IconButton, |
Tooltip, |
Tab, |
Tabs, |
Grid, |
} from "@mui/material"; |
import { |
ExpandMore as ExpandMoreIcon, |
Refresh as RefreshIcon, |
BugReport as BugReportIcon, |
Timer as TimerIcon, |
LocationOn as LocationIcon, |
Psychology as PsychologyIcon, |
History as HistoryIcon, |
Image as ImageIcon, |
TextFields as TextFieldsIcon, |
List as ListIcon, |
Palette as PaletteIcon, |
Category as CategoryIcon, |
AccessTime as AccessTimeIcon, |
ArrowForward as ArrowForwardIcon, |
} from "@mui/icons-material"; |
import { DebugConsole } from "../components/DebugConsole"; |
import { Metric } from "../components/Metric"; |
import { UniverseView } from "../components/UniverseView"; |
import { UniverseMetrics } from "../components/UniverseMetrics"; |
const Debug = () => { |
const navigate = useNavigate(); |
const [gameState, setGameState] = useState(null); |
const [currentStory, setCurrentStory] = useState(null); |
const [error, setError] = useState(null); |
const [currentTab, setCurrentTab] = useState(0); |
const [expandedPanel, setExpandedPanel] = useState("current"); |
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); |
const historyContainerRef = React.useRef(null); |
const { |
sessionId, |
universe, |
isLoading: isSessionLoading, |
error: sessionError, |
} = useGameSession(); |
const handleTabChange = (event, newValue) => { |
setCurrentTab(newValue); |
}; |
const handlePanelChange = (panel) => (event, isExpanded) => { |
setExpandedPanel(isExpanded ? panel : false); |
}; |
const initializeGame = async () => { |
try { |
setIsLoading(true); |
const response = await storyApi.start(sessionId); |
const initialHistoryEntry = { |
segment: response.story_text, |
player_choice: null, |
available_choices: response.choices.map((choice) => choice.text), |
time: response.time, |
location: response.location, |
previous_choice: response.previous_choice, |
}; |
setGameState({ |
universe_style: universe?.style, |
universe_genre: universe?.genre, |
universe_epoch: universe?.epoch, |
universe_macguffin: universe?.macguffin, |
universe_selected_artist: universe?.style?.selected_artist, |
story_beat: 0, |
story_history: [initialHistoryEntry], |
}); |
setCurrentStory(response); |
} catch (err) { |
setError(err.message); |
} finally { |
setIsLoading(false); |
} |
}; |
const makeChoice = async (choiceIndex) => { |
try { |
setIsLoading(true); |
const response = await storyApi.makeChoice(choiceIndex + 1, sessionId); |
setCurrentStory(response); |
const historyEntry = { |
segment: response.story_text, |
player_choice: currentStory.choices[choiceIndex].text, |
available_choices: currentStory.choices.map((choice) => choice.text), |
time: response.time, |
location: response.location, |
previous_choice: response.previous_choice, |
}; |
setGameState((prev) => ({ |
...prev, |
story_history: [...(prev.story_history || []), historyEntry], |
story_beat: (prev.story_beat || 0) + 1, |
universe_macguffin: prev.universe_macguffin, |
})); |
} catch (err) { |
setError(err.message); |
} finally { |
setIsLoading(false); |
} |
}; |
useEffect(() => { |
if (sessionId && !isSessionLoading && !gameState) { |
initializeGame(); |
} |
}, [sessionId, isSessionLoading, gameState]); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (historyContainerRef.current && gameState?.story_history?.length > 0) { |
historyContainerRef.current.scrollTop = |
historyContainerRef.current.scrollHeight; |
} |
}, [gameState?.story_history]); |
const renderHistoryEntry = (entry, idx) => ( |
<Box |
key={idx} |
sx={{ mb: 2, p: 2, bgcolor: "background.paper", borderRadius: 1 }} |
> |
<Stack spacing={1}> |
{/* Previous Choice (if any) */} |
{entry.previous_choice && ( |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
gap: 1, |
color: "text.secondary", |
}} |
> |
<ArrowForwardIcon fontSize="small" /> |
<Typography variant="body2" sx={{ fontStyle: "italic" }}> |
Choix précédent : {entry.previous_choice} |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
)} |
{/* Time and Location */} |
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", gap: 2, color: "text.secondary" }}> |
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", gap: 0.5 }}> |
<TimerIcon fontSize="small" /> |
<Typography variant="body2">{entry.time}</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", gap: 0.5 }}> |
<LocationIcon fontSize="small" /> |
<Typography variant="body2">{entry.location}</Typography> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
{/* Story Text */} |
<Typography>{entry.segment}</Typography> |
{/* Available Choices */} |
{entry.available_choices && entry.available_choices.length > 0 && ( |
<Box sx={{ mt: 1 }}> |
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary"> |
Choix disponibles : |
</Typography> |
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", gap: 1, flexWrap: "wrap", mt: 0.5 }}> |
{entry.available_choices.map((choice, choiceIdx) => ( |
<Chip |
key={choiceIdx} |
label={choice} |
size="small" |
color={choice === entry.player_choice ? "primary" : "default"} |
variant={ |
choice === entry.player_choice ? "filled" : "outlined" |
} |
/> |
))} |
</Box> |
</Box> |
)} |
</Stack> |
</Box> |
); |
if (error || sessionError) { |
return ( |
<Box p={3}> |
<Alert |
severity="error" |
action={ |
<Button |
color="inherit" |
size="small" |
onClick={() => window.location.reload()} |
> |
Restart |
</Button> |
} |
> |
{error || sessionError} |
</Alert> |
</Box> |
); |
} |
if (isSessionLoading || !gameState) { |
return ( |
<Box |
display="flex" |
alignItems="center" |
justifyContent="center" |
minHeight="100vh" |
> |
<CircularProgress /> |
</Box> |
); |
} |
return ( |
<Box |
sx={{ |
height: "100vh", |
display: "flex", |
flexDirection: "column", |
overflow: "hidden", |
backgroundColor: "background.default", |
}} |
> |
{/* Header - plus compact */} |
<Box |
sx={{ |
p: 1.5, |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
gap: 2, |
borderBottom: 1, |
borderColor: "divider", |
backgroundColor: "background.paper", |
}} |
> |
<BugReportIcon color="primary" /> |
<Typography variant="h6" component="h1"> |
Debug Mode |
</Typography> |
<Tooltip title="Restart"> |
<IconButton onClick={() => window.location.reload()} size="small"> |
<RefreshIcon /> |
</IconButton> |
</Tooltip> |
<Tabs value={currentTab} onChange={handleTabChange} sx={{ ml: "auto" }}> |
<Tab icon={<PsychologyIcon />} label="Current State" /> |
<Tab icon={<PaletteIcon />} label="Universe" /> |
<Tab icon={<BugReportIcon />} label="Debug" /> |
</Tabs> |
</Box> |
{/* Content - scrollable */} |
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1, overflow: "auto", p: 2 }}> |
{/* Current State Tab */} |
{currentTab === 0 && currentStory && ( |
<Stack spacing={2}> |
{/* Universe Info & Game State */} |
<Paper |
variant="outlined" |
sx={{ |
p: 2, |
backgroundColor: "background.paper", |
}} |
> |
<Grid container spacing={2}> |
{/* Universe Info */} |
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}> |
<UniverseMetrics |
style={gameState.universe_style} |
genre={gameState.universe_genre} |
epoch={gameState.universe_epoch} |
macguffin={gameState.universe_macguffin} |
/> |
</Grid> |
{/* Game State */} |
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}> |
<Stack spacing={1}> |
<Typography variant="subtitle2" color="secondary.main"> |
Game State |
</Typography> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
p: 1.5, |
borderRadius: 1, |
backgroundColor: currentStory.is_victory |
? "success.dark" |
: currentStory.is_death |
? "error.dark" |
: "background.paper", |
border: 1, |
borderColor: "divider", |
}} |
> |
<Stack spacing={2}> |
<Stack |
direction="row" |
spacing={1} |
flexWrap="wrap" |
gap={1} |
> |
<Metric |
icon={<TimerIcon fontSize="small" />} |
label="Time" |
value={currentStory.time} |
color="secondary" |
/> |
<Metric |
icon={<LocationIcon fontSize="small" />} |
label="Location" |
value={currentStory.location} |
color="secondary" |
/> |
<Metric |
icon={<PsychologyIcon fontSize="small" />} |
label="Story Beat" |
value={gameState.story_beat} |
color="secondary" |
/> |
</Stack> |
<Stack spacing={1}> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
gap: 1, |
}} |
> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
width: 8, |
height: 8, |
borderRadius: "50%", |
backgroundColor: "primary.main", |
animation: "pulse 1.5s infinite", |
"@keyframes pulse": { |
"0%": { |
transform: "scale(.95)", |
boxShadow: |
"0 0 0 0 rgba(144, 202, 249, 0.7)", |
}, |
"70%": { |
transform: "scale(1)", |
boxShadow: |
"0 0 0 6px rgba(144, 202, 249, 0)", |
}, |
"100%": { |
transform: "scale(.95)", |
boxShadow: "0 0 0 0 rgba(144, 202, 249, 0)", |
}, |
}, |
}} |
/> |
<Typography |
variant="subtitle2" |
sx={{ color: "primary.main" }} |
> |
Story in Progress |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Stack direction="row" spacing={1}> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
gap: 1, |
p: 0.5, |
borderRadius: 1, |
backgroundColor: currentStory.is_death |
? "error.dark" |
: "background.paper", |
border: 1, |
borderColor: "divider", |
minWidth: 100, |
}} |
> |
<Typography |
variant="caption" |
sx={{ |
color: currentStory.is_death |
? "white" |
: "text.secondary", |
}} |
> |
Death: {currentStory.is_death ? "Yes" : "No"} |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
gap: 1, |
p: 0.5, |
borderRadius: 1, |
backgroundColor: currentStory.is_victory |
? "success.dark" |
: "background.paper", |
border: 1, |
borderColor: "divider", |
minWidth: 100, |
}} |
> |
<Typography |
variant="caption" |
sx={{ |
color: currentStory.is_victory |
? "white" |
: "text.secondary", |
}} |
> |
Victory:{" "} |
{currentStory.is_victory ? "Yes" : "No"} |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
</Stack> |
</Stack> |
</Stack> |
</Box> |
</Stack> |
</Grid> |
</Grid> |
</Paper> |
{/* Story and Choices Row */} |
<Grid container spacing={2}> |
{/* Story Content */} |
<Grid item xs={12} md={8}> |
<Paper variant="outlined"> |
<Box sx={{ p: 1.5, borderBottom: 1, borderColor: "divider" }}> |
<Typography variant="subtitle2">Story</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Box sx={{ p: 1.5, backgroundColor: "background.default" }}> |
<Typography variant="body2"> |
{currentStory.story_text} |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
</Paper> |
</Grid> |
{/* Interactive Choices */} |
<Grid item xs={12} md={4}> |
<Paper variant="outlined"> |
<Box sx={{ p: 1.5, borderBottom: 1, borderColor: "divider" }}> |
<Typography variant="subtitle2"> |
Available Choices |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Stack spacing={1} sx={{ p: 1.5 }}> |
{currentStory.choices && currentStory.choices.length > 0 ? ( |
currentStory.choices.map((choice, idx) => ( |
<Button |
key={idx} |
variant="contained" |
color="primary" |
onClick={() => makeChoice(idx)} |
disabled={isLoading} |
sx={{ mt: 1 }} |
endIcon={ |
isLoading ? ( |
<CircularProgress size={16} /> |
) : ( |
<ArrowForwardIcon /> |
) |
} |
> |
{choice.text} |
</Button> |
)) |
) : ( |
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary"> |
No choices available |
</Typography> |
)} |
</Stack> |
</Paper> |
</Grid> |
</Grid> |
{/* Story History */} |
<Paper variant="outlined"> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
p: 1.5, |
borderBottom: 1, |
borderColor: "divider", |
display: "flex", |
alignItems: "center", |
gap: 1, |
}} |
> |
<HistoryIcon fontSize="small" color="action" /> |
<Typography variant="subtitle2">Story History</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Box |
ref={historyContainerRef} |
sx={{ |
maxHeight: "300px", |
overflow: "auto", |
scrollBehavior: "smooth", |
}} |
> |
{gameState.story_history.length > 0 ? ( |
gameState.story_history.map((entry, idx) => |
renderHistoryEntry(entry, idx) |
) |
) : ( |
<Box sx={{ p: 2, textAlign: "center" }}> |
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary"> |
No history available |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
)} |
</Box> |
</Paper> |
{/* Image Prompts */} |
<Paper variant="outlined"> |
<Box sx={{ p: 1.5, borderBottom: 1, borderColor: "divider" }}> |
<Typography variant="subtitle2">Image Prompts</Typography> |
</Box> |
<Stack spacing={1} sx={{ p: 1.5 }}> |
{currentStory.image_prompts.map((prompt, idx) => ( |
<Box |
key={idx} |
sx={{ |
p: 1, |
backgroundColor: "background.default", |
borderRadius: 1, |
border: 1, |
borderColor: "divider", |
}} |
> |
<Typography |
variant="caption" |
sx={{ |
fontFamily: "monospace", |
color: "text.secondary", |
display: "flex", |
gap: 1, |
}} |
> |
<Typography |
component="span" |
variant="caption" |
color="primary.main" |
> |
{idx + 1}. |
</Typography> |
{prompt} |
</Typography> |
</Box> |
))} |
</Stack> |
</Paper> |
</Stack> |
)} |
{/* Universe Tab */} |
{currentTab === 1 && <UniverseView universe={universe} />} |
{/* Debug Tab */} |
{currentTab === 2 && ( |
<DebugConsole gameState={gameState} currentStory={currentStory} /> |
)} |
</Box> |
</Box> |
); |
}; |
export default Debug; |