# Lint as: python2, python3 # Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Training script for the DeepLab model. See model.py for more details and usage. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import six import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import quantize as contrib_quantize from tensorflow.contrib import tfprof as contrib_tfprof from deeplab import common from deeplab import model from deeplab.datasets import data_generator from deeplab.utils import train_utils from deployment import model_deploy slim = tf.contrib.slim flags = tf.app.flags FLAGS = flags.FLAGS # Settings for multi-GPUs/multi-replicas training. flags.DEFINE_integer('num_clones', 1, 'Number of clones to deploy.') flags.DEFINE_boolean('clone_on_cpu', False, 'Use CPUs to deploy clones.') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_replicas', 1, 'Number of worker replicas.') flags.DEFINE_integer('startup_delay_steps', 15, 'Number of training steps between replicas startup.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_ps_tasks', 0, 'The number of parameter servers. If the value is 0, then ' 'the parameters are handled locally by the worker.') flags.DEFINE_string('master', '', 'BNS name of the tensorflow server') flags.DEFINE_integer('task', 0, 'The task ID.') # Settings for logging. flags.DEFINE_string('train_logdir', None, 'Where the checkpoint and logs are stored.') flags.DEFINE_integer('log_steps', 10, 'Display logging information at every log_steps.') flags.DEFINE_integer('save_interval_secs', 1200, 'How often, in seconds, we save the model to disk.') flags.DEFINE_integer('save_summaries_secs', 600, 'How often, in seconds, we compute the summaries.') flags.DEFINE_boolean( 'save_summaries_images', False, 'Save sample inputs, labels, and semantic predictions as ' 'images to summary.') # Settings for profiling. flags.DEFINE_string('profile_logdir', None, 'Where the profile files are stored.') # Settings for training strategy. flags.DEFINE_enum('optimizer', 'momentum', ['momentum', 'adam'], 'Which optimizer to use.') # Momentum optimizer flags flags.DEFINE_enum('learning_policy', 'poly', ['poly', 'step'], 'Learning rate policy for training.') # Use 0.007 when training on PASCAL augmented training set, train_aug. When # fine-tuning on PASCAL trainval set, use learning rate=0.0001. flags.DEFINE_float('base_learning_rate', .0001, 'The base learning rate for model training.') flags.DEFINE_float('decay_steps', 0.0, 'Decay steps for polynomial learning rate schedule.') flags.DEFINE_float('end_learning_rate', 0.0, 'End learning rate for polynomial learning rate schedule.') flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate_decay_factor', 0.1, 'The rate to decay the base learning rate.') flags.DEFINE_integer('learning_rate_decay_step', 2000, 'Decay the base learning rate at a fixed step.') flags.DEFINE_float('learning_power', 0.9, 'The power value used in the poly learning policy.') flags.DEFINE_integer('training_number_of_steps', 30000, 'The number of steps used for training') flags.DEFINE_float('momentum', 0.9, 'The momentum value to use') # Adam optimizer flags flags.DEFINE_float('adam_learning_rate', 0.001, 'Learning rate for the adam optimizer.') flags.DEFINE_float('adam_epsilon', 1e-08, 'Adam optimizer epsilon.') # When fine_tune_batch_norm=True, use at least batch size larger than 12 # (batch size more than 16 is better). Otherwise, one could use smaller batch # size and set fine_tune_batch_norm=False. flags.DEFINE_integer('train_batch_size', 8, 'The number of images in each batch during training.') # For weight_decay, use 0.00004 for MobileNet-V2 or Xcpetion model variants. # Use 0.0001 for ResNet model variants. flags.DEFINE_float('weight_decay', 0.00004, 'The value of the weight decay for training.') flags.DEFINE_list('train_crop_size', '513,513', 'Image crop size [height, width] during training.') flags.DEFINE_float( 'last_layer_gradient_multiplier', 1.0, 'The gradient multiplier for last layers, which is used to ' 'boost the gradient of last layers if the value > 1.') flags.DEFINE_boolean('upsample_logits', True, 'Upsample logits during training.') # Hyper-parameters for NAS training strategy. flags.DEFINE_float( 'drop_path_keep_prob', 1.0, 'Probability to keep each path in the NAS cell when training.') # Settings for fine-tuning the network. flags.DEFINE_string('tf_initial_checkpoint', None, 'The initial checkpoint in tensorflow format.') # Set to False if one does not want to re-use the trained classifier weights. flags.DEFINE_boolean('initialize_last_layer', True, 'Initialize the last layer.') flags.DEFINE_boolean('last_layers_contain_logits_only', False, 'Only consider logits as last layers or not.') flags.DEFINE_integer('slow_start_step', 0, 'Training model with small learning rate for few steps.') flags.DEFINE_float('slow_start_learning_rate', 1e-4, 'Learning rate employed during slow start.') # Set to True if one wants to fine-tune the batch norm parameters in DeepLabv3. # Set to False and use small batch size to save GPU memory. flags.DEFINE_boolean('fine_tune_batch_norm', True, 'Fine tune the batch norm parameters or not.') flags.DEFINE_float('min_scale_factor', 0.5, 'Mininum scale factor for data augmentation.') flags.DEFINE_float('max_scale_factor', 2., 'Maximum scale factor for data augmentation.') flags.DEFINE_float('scale_factor_step_size', 0.25, 'Scale factor step size for data augmentation.') # For `xception_65`, use atrous_rates = [12, 24, 36] if output_stride = 8, or # rates = [6, 12, 18] if output_stride = 16. For `mobilenet_v2`, use None. Note # one could use different atrous_rates/output_stride during training/evaluation. flags.DEFINE_multi_integer('atrous_rates', None, 'Atrous rates for atrous spatial pyramid pooling.') flags.DEFINE_integer('output_stride', 16, 'The ratio of input to output spatial resolution.') # Hard example mining related flags. flags.DEFINE_integer( 'hard_example_mining_step', 0, 'The training step in which exact hard example mining kicks off. Note we ' 'gradually reduce the mining percent to the specified ' 'top_k_percent_pixels. For example, if hard_example_mining_step=100K and ' 'top_k_percent_pixels=0.25, then mining percent will gradually reduce from ' '100% to 25% until 100K steps after which we only mine top 25% pixels.') flags.DEFINE_float( 'top_k_percent_pixels', 1.0, 'The top k percent pixels (in terms of the loss values) used to compute ' 'loss during training. This is useful for hard pixel mining.') # Quantization setting. flags.DEFINE_integer( 'quantize_delay_step', -1, 'Steps to start quantized training. If < 0, will not quantize model.') # Dataset settings. flags.DEFINE_string('dataset', 'pascal_voc_seg', 'Name of the segmentation dataset.') flags.DEFINE_string('train_split', 'train', 'Which split of the dataset to be used for training') flags.DEFINE_string('dataset_dir', None, 'Where the dataset reside.') def _build_deeplab(iterator, outputs_to_num_classes, ignore_label): """Builds a clone of DeepLab. Args: iterator: An iterator of type tf.data.Iterator for images and labels. outputs_to_num_classes: A map from output type to the number of classes. For example, for the task of semantic segmentation with 21 semantic classes, we would have outputs_to_num_classes['semantic'] = 21. ignore_label: Ignore label. """ samples = iterator.get_next() # Add name to input and label nodes so we can add to summary. samples[common.IMAGE] = tf.identity(samples[common.IMAGE], name=common.IMAGE) samples[common.LABEL] = tf.identity(samples[common.LABEL], name=common.LABEL) model_options = common.ModelOptions( outputs_to_num_classes=outputs_to_num_classes, crop_size=[int(sz) for sz in FLAGS.train_crop_size], atrous_rates=FLAGS.atrous_rates, output_stride=FLAGS.output_stride) outputs_to_scales_to_logits = model.multi_scale_logits( samples[common.IMAGE], model_options=model_options, image_pyramid=FLAGS.image_pyramid, weight_decay=FLAGS.weight_decay, is_training=True, fine_tune_batch_norm=FLAGS.fine_tune_batch_norm, nas_training_hyper_parameters={ 'drop_path_keep_prob': FLAGS.drop_path_keep_prob, 'total_training_steps': FLAGS.training_number_of_steps, }) # Add name to graph node so we can add to summary. output_type_dict = outputs_to_scales_to_logits[common.OUTPUT_TYPE] output_type_dict[model.MERGED_LOGITS_SCOPE] = tf.identity( output_type_dict[model.MERGED_LOGITS_SCOPE], name=common.OUTPUT_TYPE) for output, num_classes in six.iteritems(outputs_to_num_classes): train_utils.add_softmax_cross_entropy_loss_for_each_scale( outputs_to_scales_to_logits[output], samples[common.LABEL], num_classes, ignore_label, loss_weight=model_options.label_weights, upsample_logits=FLAGS.upsample_logits, hard_example_mining_step=FLAGS.hard_example_mining_step, top_k_percent_pixels=FLAGS.top_k_percent_pixels, scope=output) def main(unused_argv): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) # Set up deployment (i.e., multi-GPUs and/or multi-replicas). config = model_deploy.DeploymentConfig( num_clones=FLAGS.num_clones, clone_on_cpu=FLAGS.clone_on_cpu, replica_id=FLAGS.task, num_replicas=FLAGS.num_replicas, num_ps_tasks=FLAGS.num_ps_tasks) # Split the batch across GPUs. assert FLAGS.train_batch_size % config.num_clones == 0, ( 'Training batch size not divisble by number of clones (GPUs).') clone_batch_size = FLAGS.train_batch_size // config.num_clones tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.train_logdir) tf.logging.info('Training on %s set', FLAGS.train_split) with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: with tf.device(config.inputs_device()): dataset = data_generator.Dataset( dataset_name=FLAGS.dataset, split_name=FLAGS.train_split, dataset_dir=FLAGS.dataset_dir, batch_size=clone_batch_size, crop_size=[int(sz) for sz in FLAGS.train_crop_size], min_resize_value=FLAGS.min_resize_value, max_resize_value=FLAGS.max_resize_value, resize_factor=FLAGS.resize_factor, min_scale_factor=FLAGS.min_scale_factor, max_scale_factor=FLAGS.max_scale_factor, scale_factor_step_size=FLAGS.scale_factor_step_size, model_variant=FLAGS.model_variant, num_readers=4, is_training=True, should_shuffle=True, should_repeat=True) # Create the global step on the device storing the variables. with tf.device(config.variables_device()): global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() # Define the model and create clones. model_fn = _build_deeplab model_args = (dataset.get_one_shot_iterator(), { common.OUTPUT_TYPE: dataset.num_of_classes }, dataset.ignore_label) clones = model_deploy.create_clones(config, model_fn, args=model_args) # Gather update_ops from the first clone. These contain, for example, # the updates for the batch_norm variables created by model_fn. first_clone_scope = config.clone_scope(0) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, first_clone_scope) # Gather initial summaries. summaries = set(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES)) # Add summaries for model variables. for model_var in tf.model_variables(): summaries.add(tf.summary.histogram(model_var.op.name, model_var)) # Add summaries for images, labels, semantic predictions if FLAGS.save_summaries_images: summary_image = graph.get_tensor_by_name( ('%s/%s:0' % (first_clone_scope, common.IMAGE)).strip('/')) summaries.add( tf.summary.image('samples/%s' % common.IMAGE, summary_image)) first_clone_label = graph.get_tensor_by_name( ('%s/%s:0' % (first_clone_scope, common.LABEL)).strip('/')) # Scale up summary image pixel values for better visualization. pixel_scaling = max(1, 255 // dataset.num_of_classes) summary_label = tf.cast(first_clone_label * pixel_scaling, tf.uint8) summaries.add( tf.summary.image('samples/%s' % common.LABEL, summary_label)) first_clone_output = graph.get_tensor_by_name( ('%s/%s:0' % (first_clone_scope, common.OUTPUT_TYPE)).strip('/')) predictions = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmax(first_clone_output, 3), -1) summary_predictions = tf.cast(predictions * pixel_scaling, tf.uint8) summaries.add( tf.summary.image( 'samples/%s' % common.OUTPUT_TYPE, summary_predictions)) # Add summaries for losses. for loss in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, first_clone_scope): summaries.add(tf.summary.scalar('losses/%s' % loss.op.name, loss)) # Build the optimizer based on the device specification. with tf.device(config.optimizer_device()): learning_rate = train_utils.get_model_learning_rate( FLAGS.learning_policy, FLAGS.base_learning_rate, FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_step, FLAGS.learning_rate_decay_factor, FLAGS.training_number_of_steps, FLAGS.learning_power, FLAGS.slow_start_step, FLAGS.slow_start_learning_rate, decay_steps=FLAGS.decay_steps, end_learning_rate=FLAGS.end_learning_rate) summaries.add(tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate)) if FLAGS.optimizer == 'momentum': optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, FLAGS.momentum) elif FLAGS.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=FLAGS.adam_learning_rate, epsilon=FLAGS.adam_epsilon) else: raise ValueError('Unknown optimizer') if FLAGS.quantize_delay_step >= 0: if FLAGS.num_clones > 1: raise ValueError('Quantization doesn\'t support multi-clone yet.') contrib_quantize.create_training_graph( quant_delay=FLAGS.quantize_delay_step) startup_delay_steps = FLAGS.task * FLAGS.startup_delay_steps with tf.device(config.variables_device()): total_loss, grads_and_vars = model_deploy.optimize_clones( clones, optimizer) total_loss = tf.check_numerics(total_loss, 'Loss is inf or nan.') summaries.add(tf.summary.scalar('total_loss', total_loss)) # Modify the gradients for biases and last layer variables. last_layers = model.get_extra_layer_scopes( FLAGS.last_layers_contain_logits_only) grad_mult = train_utils.get_model_gradient_multipliers( last_layers, FLAGS.last_layer_gradient_multiplier) if grad_mult: grads_and_vars = slim.learning.multiply_gradients( grads_and_vars, grad_mult) # Create gradient update op. grad_updates = optimizer.apply_gradients( grads_and_vars, global_step=global_step) update_ops.append(grad_updates) update_op = tf.group(*update_ops) with tf.control_dependencies([update_op]): train_tensor = tf.identity(total_loss, name='train_op') # Add the summaries from the first clone. These contain the summaries # created by model_fn and either optimize_clones() or _gather_clone_loss(). summaries |= set( tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES, first_clone_scope)) # Merge all summaries together. summary_op = tf.summary.merge(list(summaries)) # Soft placement allows placing on CPU ops without GPU implementation. session_config = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) # Start the training. profile_dir = FLAGS.profile_logdir if profile_dir is not None: tf.gfile.MakeDirs(profile_dir) with contrib_tfprof.ProfileContext( enabled=profile_dir is not None, profile_dir=profile_dir): init_fn = None if FLAGS.tf_initial_checkpoint: init_fn = train_utils.get_model_init_fn( FLAGS.train_logdir, FLAGS.tf_initial_checkpoint, FLAGS.initialize_last_layer, last_layers, ignore_missing_vars=True) slim.learning.train( train_tensor, logdir=FLAGS.train_logdir, log_every_n_steps=FLAGS.log_steps, master=FLAGS.master, number_of_steps=FLAGS.training_number_of_steps, is_chief=(FLAGS.task == 0), session_config=session_config, startup_delay_steps=startup_delay_steps, init_fn=init_fn, summary_op=summary_op, save_summaries_secs=FLAGS.save_summaries_secs, save_interval_secs=FLAGS.save_interval_secs) if __name__ == '__main__': flags.mark_flag_as_required('train_logdir') flags.mark_flag_as_required('dataset_dir') tf.app.run()