# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Main entry to train and evaluate DeepSpeech model.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order from absl import app as absl_app from absl import flags import tensorflow as tf # pylint: enable=g-bad-import-order import data.dataset as dataset import decoder import deep_speech_model from official.utils.flags import core as flags_core from official.utils.misc import distribution_utils from official.utils.misc import model_helpers # Default vocabulary file _VOCABULARY_FILE = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/vocabulary.txt") # Evaluation metrics _WER_KEY = "WER" _CER_KEY = "CER" def compute_length_after_conv(max_time_steps, ctc_time_steps, input_length): """Computes the time_steps/ctc_input_length after convolution. Suppose that the original feature contains two parts: 1) Real spectrogram signals, spanning input_length steps. 2) Padded part with all 0s. The total length of those two parts is denoted as max_time_steps, which is the padded length of the current batch. After convolution layers, the time steps of a spectrogram feature will be decreased. As we know the percentage of its original length within the entire length, we can compute the time steps for the signal after conv as follows (using ctc_input_length to denote): ctc_input_length = (input_length / max_time_steps) * output_length_of_conv. This length is then fed into ctc loss function to compute loss. Args: max_time_steps: max_time_steps for the batch, after padding. ctc_time_steps: number of timesteps after convolution. input_length: actual length of the original spectrogram, without padding. Returns: the ctc_input_length after convolution layer. """ ctc_input_length = tf.to_float(tf.multiply( input_length, ctc_time_steps)) return tf.to_int32(tf.floordiv( ctc_input_length, tf.to_float(max_time_steps))) def ctc_loss(label_length, ctc_input_length, labels, logits): """Computes the ctc loss for the current batch of predictions.""" label_length = tf.to_int32(tf.squeeze(label_length)) ctc_input_length = tf.to_int32(tf.squeeze(ctc_input_length)) sparse_labels = tf.to_int32( tf.keras.backend.ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(labels, label_length)) y_pred = tf.log(tf.transpose( logits, perm=[1, 0, 2]) + tf.keras.backend.epsilon()) return tf.expand_dims( tf.nn.ctc_loss(labels=sparse_labels, inputs=y_pred, sequence_length=ctc_input_length), axis=1) def evaluate_model(estimator, speech_labels, entries, input_fn_eval): """Evaluate the model performance using WER anc CER as metrics. WER: Word Error Rate CER: Character Error Rate Args: estimator: estimator to evaluate. speech_labels: a string specifying all the character in the vocabulary. entries: a list of data entries (audio_file, file_size, transcript) for the given dataset. input_fn_eval: data input function for evaluation. Returns: Evaluation result containing 'wer' and 'cer' as two metrics. """ # Get predictions predictions = estimator.predict(input_fn=input_fn_eval) # Get probabilities of each predicted class probs = [pred["probabilities"] for pred in predictions] num_of_examples = len(probs) targets = [entry[2] for entry in entries] # The ground truth transcript total_wer, total_cer = 0, 0 greedy_decoder = decoder.DeepSpeechDecoder(speech_labels) for i in range(num_of_examples): # Decode string. decoded_str = greedy_decoder.decode(probs[i]) # Compute CER. total_cer += greedy_decoder.cer(decoded_str, targets[i]) / float( len(targets[i])) # Compute WER. total_wer += greedy_decoder.wer(decoded_str, targets[i]) / float( len(targets[i].split())) # Get mean value total_cer /= num_of_examples total_wer /= num_of_examples global_step = estimator.get_variable_value(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP) eval_results = { _WER_KEY: total_wer, _CER_KEY: total_cer, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP: global_step, } return eval_results def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): """Define model function for deep speech model. Args: features: a dictionary of input_data features. It includes the data input_length, label_length and the spectrogram features. labels: a list of labels for the input data. mode: current estimator mode; should be one of `tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN`, `EVALUATE`, `PREDICT`. params: a dict of hyper parameters to be passed to model_fn. Returns: EstimatorSpec parameterized according to the input params and the current mode. """ num_classes = params["num_classes"] input_length = features["input_length"] label_length = features["label_length"] features = features["features"] # Create DeepSpeech2 model. model = deep_speech_model.DeepSpeech2( flags_obj.rnn_hidden_layers, flags_obj.rnn_type, flags_obj.is_bidirectional, flags_obj.rnn_hidden_size, num_classes, flags_obj.use_bias) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: logits = model(features, training=False) predictions = { "classes": tf.argmax(logits, axis=2), "probabilities": tf.nn.softmax(logits), "logits": logits } return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, predictions=predictions) # In training mode. logits = model(features, training=True) probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits) ctc_input_length = compute_length_after_conv( tf.shape(features)[1], tf.shape(probs)[1], input_length) # Compute CTC loss loss = tf.reduce_mean(ctc_loss( label_length, ctc_input_length, labels, probs)) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=flags_obj.learning_rate) global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() minimize_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) # Create the train_op that groups both minimize_ops and update_ops train_op = tf.group(minimize_op, update_ops) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op) def generate_dataset(data_dir): """Generate a speech dataset.""" audio_conf = dataset.AudioConfig(sample_rate=flags_obj.sample_rate, window_ms=flags_obj.window_ms, stride_ms=flags_obj.stride_ms, normalize=True) train_data_conf = dataset.DatasetConfig( audio_conf, data_dir, flags_obj.vocabulary_file, flags_obj.sortagrad ) speech_dataset = dataset.DeepSpeechDataset(train_data_conf) return speech_dataset def per_device_batch_size(batch_size, num_gpus): """For multi-gpu, batch-size must be a multiple of the number of GPUs. Note that distribution strategy handles this automatically when used with Keras. For using with Estimator, we need to get per GPU batch. Args: batch_size: Global batch size to be divided among devices. This should be equal to num_gpus times the single-GPU batch_size for multi-gpu training. num_gpus: How many GPUs are used with DistributionStrategies. Returns: Batch size per device. Raises: ValueError: if batch_size is not divisible by number of devices """ if num_gpus <= 1: return batch_size remainder = batch_size % num_gpus if remainder: err = ('When running with multiple GPUs, batch size ' 'must be a multiple of the number of available GPUs. Found {} ' 'GPUs with a batch size of {}; try --batch_size={} instead.' ).format(num_gpus, batch_size, batch_size - remainder) raise ValueError(err) return int(batch_size / num_gpus) def run_deep_speech(_): """Run deep speech training and eval loop.""" tf.set_random_seed(flags_obj.seed) # Data preprocessing tf.logging.info("Data preprocessing...") train_speech_dataset = generate_dataset(flags_obj.train_data_dir) eval_speech_dataset = generate_dataset(flags_obj.eval_data_dir) # Number of label classes. Label string is "[a-z]' -" num_classes = len(train_speech_dataset.speech_labels) # Use distribution strategy for multi-gpu training num_gpus = flags_core.get_num_gpus(flags_obj) distribution_strategy = distribution_utils.get_distribution_strategy(num_gpus=num_gpus) run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig( train_distribute=distribution_strategy) estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator( model_fn=model_fn, model_dir=flags_obj.model_dir, config=run_config, params={ "num_classes": num_classes, } ) # Benchmark logging run_params = { "batch_size": flags_obj.batch_size, "train_epochs": flags_obj.train_epochs, "rnn_hidden_size": flags_obj.rnn_hidden_size, "rnn_hidden_layers": flags_obj.rnn_hidden_layers, "rnn_type": flags_obj.rnn_type, "is_bidirectional": flags_obj.is_bidirectional, "use_bias": flags_obj.use_bias } per_replica_batch_size = per_device_batch_size(flags_obj.batch_size, num_gpus) def input_fn_train(): return dataset.input_fn( per_replica_batch_size, train_speech_dataset) def input_fn_eval(): return dataset.input_fn( per_replica_batch_size, eval_speech_dataset) total_training_cycle = (flags_obj.train_epochs // flags_obj.epochs_between_evals) for cycle_index in range(total_training_cycle): tf.logging.info("Starting a training cycle: %d/%d", cycle_index + 1, total_training_cycle) # Perform batch_wise dataset shuffling train_speech_dataset.entries = dataset.batch_wise_dataset_shuffle( train_speech_dataset.entries, cycle_index, flags_obj.sortagrad, flags_obj.batch_size) estimator.train(input_fn=input_fn_train) # Evaluation tf.logging.info("Starting to evaluate...") eval_results = evaluate_model( estimator, eval_speech_dataset.speech_labels, eval_speech_dataset.entries, input_fn_eval) # Log the WER and CER results. benchmark_logger.log_evaluation_result(eval_results) tf.logging.info( "Iteration {}: WER = {:.2f}, CER = {:.2f}".format( cycle_index + 1, eval_results[_WER_KEY], eval_results[_CER_KEY])) # If some evaluation threshold is met if model_helpers.past_stop_threshold( flags_obj.wer_threshold, eval_results[_WER_KEY]): break def define_deep_speech_flags(): """Add flags for run_deep_speech.""" # Add common flags flags_core.define_base( data_dir=False, # we use train_data_dir and eval_data_dir instead export_dir=True, train_epochs=True, hooks=True, num_gpu=True, epochs_between_evals=True ) flags_core.define_performance( num_parallel_calls=False, inter_op=False, intra_op=False, synthetic_data=False, max_train_steps=False, dtype=False ) flags_core.define_benchmark() flags.adopt_module_key_flags(flags_core) flags_core.set_defaults( model_dir="/tmp/deep_speech_model/", export_dir="/tmp/deep_speech_saved_model/", train_epochs=10, batch_size=128, hooks="") # Deep speech flags flags.DEFINE_integer( name="seed", default=1, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The random seed.")) flags.DEFINE_string( name="train_data_dir", default="/tmp/librispeech_data/test-clean/LibriSpeech/test-clean.csv", help=flags_core.help_wrap("The csv file path of train dataset.")) flags.DEFINE_string( name="eval_data_dir", default="/tmp/librispeech_data/test-clean/LibriSpeech/test-clean.csv", help=flags_core.help_wrap("The csv file path of evaluation dataset.")) flags.DEFINE_bool( name="sortagrad", default=True, help=flags_core.help_wrap( "If true, sort examples by audio length and perform no " "batch_wise shuffling for the first epoch.")) flags.DEFINE_integer( name="sample_rate", default=16000, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The sample rate for audio.")) flags.DEFINE_integer( name="window_ms", default=20, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The frame length for spectrogram.")) flags.DEFINE_integer( name="stride_ms", default=10, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The frame step.")) flags.DEFINE_string( name="vocabulary_file", default=_VOCABULARY_FILE, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The file path of vocabulary file.")) # RNN related flags flags.DEFINE_integer( name="rnn_hidden_size", default=800, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The hidden size of RNNs.")) flags.DEFINE_integer( name="rnn_hidden_layers", default=5, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The number of RNN layers.")) flags.DEFINE_bool( name="use_bias", default=True, help=flags_core.help_wrap("Use bias in the last fully-connected layer")) flags.DEFINE_bool( name="is_bidirectional", default=True, help=flags_core.help_wrap("If rnn unit is bidirectional")) flags.DEFINE_enum( name="rnn_type", default="gru", enum_values=deep_speech_model.SUPPORTED_RNNS.keys(), case_sensitive=False, help=flags_core.help_wrap("Type of RNN cell.")) # Training related flags flags.DEFINE_float( name="learning_rate", default=5e-4, help=flags_core.help_wrap("The initial learning rate.")) # Evaluation metrics threshold flags.DEFINE_float( name="wer_threshold", default=None, help=flags_core.help_wrap( "If passed, training will stop when the evaluation metric WER is " "greater than or equal to wer_threshold. For libri speech dataset " "the desired wer_threshold is 0.23 which is the result achieved by " "MLPerf implementation.")) def main(_): run_deep_speech(flags_obj) if __name__ == "__main__": tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) define_deep_speech_flags() flags_obj = flags.FLAGS absl_app.run(main)