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Additionally it contains several sequential latent variable model implementations: * Variational recurrent neural network (VRNN) * Stochastic recurrent neural network (SRNN) * Gaussian hidden Markov model with linear conditionals (GHMM) The VRNN and SRNN can be trained for sequence modeling of pianoroll and speech data. The GHMM is trainable on a synthetic dataset, useful as a simple example of an analytically tractable model. #### Directory Structure The important parts of the code are organized as follows. ``` run_fivo.py # main script, contains flag definitions fivo ├─smc.py # a sequential Monte Carlo implementation ├─bounds.py # code for computing each bound, uses smc.py ├─runners.py # code for VRNN and SRNN training and evaluation ├─ghmm_runners.py # code for GHMM training and evaluation ├─data | ├─datasets.py # readers for pianoroll and speech datasets | ├─calculate_pianoroll_mean.py # preprocesses the pianoroll datasets | └─create_timit_dataset.py # preprocesses the TIMIT dataset └─models ├─base.py # base classes used in other models ├─vrnn.py # VRNN implementation ├─srnn.py # SRNN implementation └─ghmm.py # Gaussian hidden Markov model (GHMM) implementation bin ├─run_train.sh # an example script that runs training ├─run_eval.sh # an example script that runs evaluation ├─run_sample.sh # an example script that runs sampling ├─run_tests.sh # a script that runs all tests └─download_pianorolls.sh # a script that downloads pianoroll files ``` ### Pianorolls Requirements before we start: * TensorFlow (see [tensorflow.org](http://tensorflow.org) for how to install) * [scipy](https://www.scipy.org/) * [sonnet](https://github.com/deepmind/sonnet) #### Download the Data The pianoroll datasets are encoded as pickled sparse arrays and are available at [http://www-etud.iro.umontreal.ca/~boulanni/icml2012](http://www-etud.iro.umontreal.ca/~boulanni/icml2012). You can use the script `bin/download_pianorolls.sh` to download the files into a directory of your choosing. ``` export PIANOROLL_DIR=~/pianorolls mkdir $PIANOROLL_DIR sh bin/download_pianorolls.sh $PIANOROLL_DIR ``` #### Preprocess the Data The script `calculate_pianoroll_mean.py` loads a pianoroll pickle file, calculates the mean, updates the pickle file to include the mean under the key `train_mean`, and writes the file back to disk in-place. You should do this for all pianoroll datasets you wish to train on. ``` python data/calculate_pianoroll_mean.py --in_file=$PIANOROLL_DIR/piano-midi.de.pkl python data/calculate_pianoroll_mean.py --in_file=$PIANOROLL_DIR/nottingham.de.pkl python data/calculate_pianoroll_mean.py --in_file=$PIANOROLL_DIR/musedata.pkl python data/calculate_pianoroll_mean.py --in_file=$PIANOROLL_DIR/jsb.pkl ``` #### Training Now we can train a model. Here is the command for a standard training run, taken from `bin/run_train.sh`: ``` python run_fivo.py \ --mode=train \ --logdir=/tmp/fivo \ --model=vrnn \ --bound=fivo \ --summarize_every=100 \ --batch_size=4 \ --num_samples=4 \ --learning_rate=0.0001 \ --dataset_path="$PIANOROLL_DIR/jsb.pkl" \ --dataset_type="pianoroll" ``` You should see output that looks something like this (with extra logging cruft): ``` Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmp/fivo/model.ckpt. Step 1, fivo bound per timestep: -11.322491 global_step/sec: 7.49971 Step 101, fivo bound per timestep: -11.399275 global_step/sec: 8.04498 Step 201, fivo bound per timestep: -11.174991 global_step/sec: 8.03989 Step 301, fivo bound per timestep: -11.073008 ``` #### Evaluation You can also evaluate saved checkpoints. The `eval` mode loads a model checkpoint, tests its performance on all items in a dataset, and reports the log-likelihood averaged over the dataset. For example here is a command, taken from `bin/run_eval.sh`, that will evaluate a JSB model on the test set: ``` python run_fivo.py \ --mode=eval \ --split=test \ --alsologtostderr \ --logdir=/tmp/fivo \ --model=vrnn \ --batch_size=4 \ --num_samples=4 \ --dataset_path="$PIANOROLL_DIR/jsb.pkl" \ --dataset_type="pianoroll" ``` You should see output like this: ``` Restoring parameters from /tmp/fivo/model.ckpt-0 Model restored from step 0, evaluating. test elbo ll/t: -12.198834, iwae ll/t: -11.981187 fivo ll/t: -11.579776 test elbo ll/seq: -748.564789, iwae ll/seq: -735.209206 fivo ll/seq: -710.577141 ``` The evaluation script prints log-likelihood in both nats per timestep (ll/t) and nats per sequence (ll/seq) for all three bounds. #### Sampling You can also sample from trained models. The `sample` mode loads a model checkpoint, conditions the model on a prefix of a randomly chosen datapoint, samples a sequence of outputs from the conditioned model, and writes out the samples and prefix to a `.npz` file in `logdir`. For example here is a command that samples from a model trained on JSB, taken from `bin/run_sample.sh`: ``` python run_fivo.py \ --mode=sample \ --alsologtostderr \ --logdir="/tmp/fivo" \ --model=vrnn \ --bound=fivo \ --batch_size=4 \ --num_samples=4 \ --split=test \ --dataset_path="$PIANOROLL_DIR/jsb.pkl" \ --dataset_type="pianoroll" \ --prefix_length=25 \ --sample_length=50 ``` Here `num_samples` denotes the number of samples used when conditioning the model as well as the number of trajectories to sample for each prefix. You should see very little output. ``` Restoring parameters from /tmp/fivo/model.ckpt-0 Running local_init_op. Done running local_init_op. ``` Loading the samples with `np.load` confirms that we conditioned the model on 4 prefixes of length 25 and sampled 4 sequences of length 50 for each prefix. ``` >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.load("/tmp/fivo/samples.npz") >>> x[()]['prefixes'].shape (25, 4, 88) >>> x[()]['samples'].shape (50, 4, 4, 88) ``` ### Training on TIMIT The TIMIT speech dataset is available at the [Linguistic Data Consortium website](https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC93S1), but is unfortunately not free. These instructions will proceed assuming you have downloaded the TIMIT archive and extracted it into the directory `$RAW_TIMIT_DIR`. #### Preprocess TIMIT We preprocess TIMIT (as described in our paper) and write it out to a series of TFRecord files. To prepare the TIMIT dataset use the script `create_timit_dataset.py` ``` export $TIMIT_DIR=~/timit_dataset mkdir $TIMIT_DIR python data/create_timit_dataset.py \ --raw_timit_dir=$RAW_TIMIT_DIR \ --out_dir=$TIMIT_DIR ``` You should see this exact output: ``` 4389 train / 231 valid / 1680 test train mean: 0.006060 train std: 548.136169 ``` #### Training on TIMIT This is very similar to training on pianoroll datasets, with just a few flags switched. ``` python run_fivo.py \ --mode=train \ --logdir=/tmp/fivo \ --model=vrnn \ --bound=fivo \ --summarize_every=100 \ --batch_size=4 \ --num_samples=4 \ --learning_rate=0.0001 \ --dataset_path="$TIMIT_DIR/train" \ --dataset_type="speech" ``` Evaluation and sampling are similar. ### Tests This codebase comes with a number of tests to verify correctness, runnable via `bin/run_tests.sh`. The tests are also useful to look at for examples of how to use the code. ### Contact This codebase is maintained by Dieterich Lawson. For questions and issues please open an issue on the tensorflow/models issues tracker and assign it to @dieterichlawson.