# TPU compatible detection pipelines
The Tensorflow Object Detection API supports TPU training for some models. To
make models TPU compatible you need to make a few tweaks to the model config as
mentioned below. We also provide several sample configs that you can use as a
## TPU compatibility
### Static shaped tensors
TPU training currently requires all tensors in the Tensorflow Graph to have
static shapes. However, most of the sample configs in Object Detection API have
a few different tensors that are dynamically shaped. Fortunately, we provide
simple alternatives in the model configuration that modifies these tensors to
have static shape:
* **Image tensors with static shape** - This can be achieved either by using a
`fixed_shape_resizer` that resizes images to a fixed spatial shape or by
setting `pad_to_max_dimension: true` in `keep_aspect_ratio_resizer` which
pads the resized images with zeros to the bottom and right. Padded image
tensors are correctly handled internally within the model.
image_resizer {
fixed_shape_resizer {
height: 640
width: 640
image_resizer {
keep_aspect_ratio_resizer {
min_dimension: 640
max_dimension: 640
pad_to_max_dimension: true
* **Groundtruth tensors with static shape** - Images in a typical detection
dataset have variable number of groundtruth boxes and associated classes.
Setting `max_number_of_boxes` to a large enough number in `train_config`
pads the groundtruth tensors with zeros to a static shape. Padded
groundtruth tensors are correctly handled internally within the model.
train_config: {
fine_tune_checkpoint: "PATH_TO_BE_CONFIGURED/model.ckpt"
batch_size: 64
max_number_of_boxes: 200
unpad_groundtruth_tensors: false
### TPU friendly ops
Although TPU supports a vast number of tensorflow ops, a few used in the
Tensorflow Object Detection API are unsupported. We list such ops below and
recommend compatible substitutes.
* **Anchor sampling** - Typically we use hard example mining in standard SSD
pipeliens to balance positive and negative anchors that contribute to the
loss. Hard Example mining uses non max suppression as a subroutine and since
non max suppression is not currently supported on TPUs we cannot use hard
example mining. Fortunately, we provide an implementation of focal loss that
can be used instead of hard example mining. Remove `hard_example_miner` from
the config and substitute `weighted_sigmoid` classification loss with
`weighted_sigmoid_focal` loss.
loss {
classification_loss {
weighted_sigmoid_focal {
alpha: 0.25
gamma: 2.0
localization_loss {
weighted_smooth_l1 {
classification_weight: 1.0
localization_weight: 1.0
* **Target Matching** - Object detection API provides two choices for matcher
used in target assignment: `argmax_matcher` and `bipartite_matcher`.
Bipartite matcher is not currently supported on TPU, therefore we must
modify the configs to use `argmax_matcher`. Additionally, set
`use_matmul_gather: true` for efficiency on TPU.
matcher {
argmax_matcher {
matched_threshold: 0.5
unmatched_threshold: 0.5
ignore_thresholds: false
negatives_lower_than_unmatched: true
force_match_for_each_row: true
use_matmul_gather: true
### TPU training hyperparameters
Object Detection training on TPU uses synchronous SGD. On a typical cloud TPU
with 8 cores we recommend batch sizes that are 8x large when compared to a GPU
config that uses asynchronous SGD. We also use fewer training steps (~ 1/100 x)
due to the large batch size. This necessitates careful tuning of some other
training parameters as listed below.
* **Batch size** - Use the largest batch size that can fit on cloud TPU.
train_config {
batch_size: 1024
* **Training steps** - Typically only 10s of thousands.
train_config {
num_steps: 25000
* **Batch norm decay** - Use smaller decay constants (0.97 or 0.997) since we
take fewer training steps.
batch_norm {
scale: true,
decay: 0.97,
epsilon: 0.001,
* **Learning rate** - Use large learning rate with warmup. Scale learning rate
linearly with batch size. See `cosine_decay_learning_rate` or
`manual_step_learning_rate` for examples.
learning_rate: {
cosine_decay_learning_rate {
learning_rate_base: .04
total_steps: 25000
warmup_learning_rate: .013333
warmup_steps: 2000
learning_rate: {
manual_step_learning_rate {
warmup: true
initial_learning_rate: .01333
schedule {
step: 2000
learning_rate: 0.04
schedule {
step: 15000
learning_rate: 0.004
## Example TPU compatible configs
We provide example config files that you can use to train your own models on TPU
* ssd_mobilenet_v1_300x300
* ssd_mobilenet_v1_ppn_300x300
* ssd_mobilenet_v1_fpn_640x640
(mobilenet based retinanet)
* ssd_resnet50_v1_fpn_640x640
## Supported Meta architectures
Currently, `SSDMetaArch` models are supported on TPUs. `FasterRCNNMetaArch` is
going to be supported soon.