# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Download and preprocess WMT17 ende training and evaluation datasets.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import random import tarfile # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order from absl import app as absl_app from absl import flags from absl import logging import six from six.moves import range from six.moves import urllib from six.moves import zip import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf from official.nlp.transformer.utils import tokenizer from official.utils.flags import core as flags_core # pylint: enable=g-bad-import-order # Data sources for training/evaluating the transformer translation model. # If any of the training sources are changed, then either: # 1) use the flag `--search` to find the best min count or # 2) update the _TRAIN_DATA_MIN_COUNT constant. # min_count is the minimum number of times a token must appear in the data # before it is added to the vocabulary. "Best min count" refers to the value # that generates a vocabulary set that is closest in size to _TARGET_VOCAB_SIZE. _TRAIN_DATA_SOURCES = [ { "url": "http://data.statmt.org/wmt17/translation-task/" "training-parallel-nc-v12.tgz", "input": "news-commentary-v12.de-en.en", "target": "news-commentary-v12.de-en.de", }, { "url": "http://www.statmt.org/wmt13/training-parallel-commoncrawl.tgz", "input": "commoncrawl.de-en.en", "target": "commoncrawl.de-en.de", }, { "url": "http://www.statmt.org/wmt13/training-parallel-europarl-v7.tgz", "input": "europarl-v7.de-en.en", "target": "europarl-v7.de-en.de", }, ] # Use pre-defined minimum count to generate subtoken vocabulary. _TRAIN_DATA_MIN_COUNT = 6 _EVAL_DATA_SOURCES = [ { "url": "http://data.statmt.org/wmt17/translation-task/dev.tgz", "input": "newstest2013.en", "target": "newstest2013.de", } ] _TEST_DATA_SOURCES = [ { "url": ("https://storage.googleapis.com/tf-perf-public/" "official_transformer/test_data/newstest2014.tgz"), "input": "newstest2014.en", "target": "newstest2014.de", } ] # Vocabulary constants _TARGET_VOCAB_SIZE = 32768 # Number of subtokens in the vocabulary list. _TARGET_THRESHOLD = 327 # Accept vocabulary if size is within this threshold VOCAB_FILE = "vocab.ende.%d" % _TARGET_VOCAB_SIZE # Strings to inclue in the generated files. _PREFIX = "wmt32k" _TRAIN_TAG = "train" _EVAL_TAG = "dev" # Following WMT and Tensor2Tensor conventions, in which the # evaluation datasets are tagged as "dev" for development. # Number of files to split train and evaluation data _TRAIN_SHARDS = 100 _EVAL_SHARDS = 1 def find_file(path, filename, max_depth=5): """Returns full filepath if the file is in path or a subdirectory.""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if filename in files: return os.path.join(root, filename) # Don't search past max_depth depth = root[len(path) + 1:].count(os.sep) if depth > max_depth: del dirs[:] # Clear dirs return None ############################################################################### # Download and extraction functions ############################################################################### def get_raw_files(raw_dir, data_source): """Return raw files from source. Downloads/extracts if needed. Args: raw_dir: string directory to store raw files data_source: dictionary with {"url": url of compressed dataset containing input and target files "input": file with data in input language "target": file with data in target language} Returns: dictionary with {"inputs": list of files containing data in input language "targets": list of files containing corresponding data in target language } """ raw_files = { "inputs": [], "targets": [], } # keys for d in data_source: input_file, target_file = download_and_extract( raw_dir, d["url"], d["input"], d["target"]) raw_files["inputs"].append(input_file) raw_files["targets"].append(target_file) return raw_files def download_report_hook(count, block_size, total_size): """Report hook for download progress. Args: count: current block number block_size: block size total_size: total size """ percent = int(count * block_size * 100 / total_size) print(six.ensure_str("\r%d%%" % percent) + " completed", end="\r") def download_from_url(path, url): """Download content from a url. Args: path: string directory where file will be downloaded url: string url Returns: Full path to downloaded file """ filename = six.ensure_str(url).split("/")[-1] found_file = find_file(path, filename, max_depth=0) if found_file is None: filename = os.path.join(path, filename) logging.info("Downloading from %s to %s." % (url, filename)) inprogress_filepath = six.ensure_str(filename) + ".incomplete" inprogress_filepath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve( url, inprogress_filepath, reporthook=download_report_hook) # Print newline to clear the carriage return from the download progress. print() tf.gfile.Rename(inprogress_filepath, filename) return filename else: logging.info("Already downloaded: %s (at %s)." % (url, found_file)) return found_file def download_and_extract(path, url, input_filename, target_filename): """Extract files from downloaded compressed archive file. Args: path: string directory where the files will be downloaded url: url containing the compressed input and target files input_filename: name of file containing data in source language target_filename: name of file containing data in target language Returns: Full paths to extracted input and target files. Raises: OSError: if the the download/extraction fails. """ # Check if extracted files already exist in path input_file = find_file(path, input_filename) target_file = find_file(path, target_filename) if input_file and target_file: logging.info("Already downloaded and extracted %s." % url) return input_file, target_file # Download archive file if it doesn't already exist. compressed_file = download_from_url(path, url) # Extract compressed files logging.info("Extracting %s." % compressed_file) with tarfile.open(compressed_file, "r:gz") as corpus_tar: corpus_tar.extractall(path) # Return file paths of the requested files. input_file = find_file(path, input_filename) target_file = find_file(path, target_filename) if input_file and target_file: return input_file, target_file raise OSError("Download/extraction failed for url %s to path %s" % (url, path)) def txt_line_iterator(path): """Iterate through lines of file.""" with tf.io.gfile.GFile(path) as f: for line in f: yield line.strip() def compile_files(raw_dir, raw_files, tag): """Compile raw files into a single file for each language. Args: raw_dir: Directory containing downloaded raw files. raw_files: Dict containing filenames of input and target data. {"inputs": list of files containing data in input language "targets": list of files containing corresponding data in target language } tag: String to append to the compiled filename. Returns: Full path of compiled input and target files. """ logging.info("Compiling files with tag %s." % tag) filename = "%s-%s" % (_PREFIX, tag) input_compiled_file = os.path.join(raw_dir, six.ensure_str(filename) + ".lang1") target_compiled_file = os.path.join(raw_dir, six.ensure_str(filename) + ".lang2") with tf.io.gfile.GFile(input_compiled_file, mode="w") as input_writer: with tf.io.gfile.GFile(target_compiled_file, mode="w") as target_writer: for i in range(len(raw_files["inputs"])): input_file = raw_files["inputs"][i] target_file = raw_files["targets"][i] logging.info("Reading files %s and %s." % (input_file, target_file)) write_file(input_writer, input_file) write_file(target_writer, target_file) return input_compiled_file, target_compiled_file def write_file(writer, filename): """Write all of lines from file using the writer.""" for line in txt_line_iterator(filename): writer.write(line) writer.write("\n") ############################################################################### # Data preprocessing ############################################################################### def encode_and_save_files( subtokenizer, data_dir, raw_files, tag, total_shards): """Save data from files as encoded Examples in TFrecord format. Args: subtokenizer: Subtokenizer object that will be used to encode the strings. data_dir: The directory in which to write the examples raw_files: A tuple of (input, target) data files. Each line in the input and the corresponding line in target file will be saved in a tf.Example. tag: String that will be added onto the file names. total_shards: Number of files to divide the data into. Returns: List of all files produced. """ # Create a file for each shard. filepaths = [shard_filename(data_dir, tag, n + 1, total_shards) for n in range(total_shards)] if all_exist(filepaths): logging.info("Files with tag %s already exist." % tag) return filepaths logging.info("Saving files with tag %s." % tag) input_file = raw_files[0] target_file = raw_files[1] # Write examples to each shard in round robin order. tmp_filepaths = [six.ensure_str(fname) + ".incomplete" for fname in filepaths] writers = [tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(fname) for fname in tmp_filepaths] counter, shard = 0, 0 for counter, (input_line, target_line) in enumerate(zip( txt_line_iterator(input_file), txt_line_iterator(target_file))): if counter > 0 and counter % 100000 == 0: logging.info("\tSaving case %d." % counter) example = dict_to_example( {"inputs": subtokenizer.encode(input_line, add_eos=True), "targets": subtokenizer.encode(target_line, add_eos=True)}) writers[shard].write(example.SerializeToString()) shard = (shard + 1) % total_shards for writer in writers: writer.close() for tmp_name, final_name in zip(tmp_filepaths, filepaths): tf.gfile.Rename(tmp_name, final_name) logging.info("Saved %d Examples", counter + 1) return filepaths def shard_filename(path, tag, shard_num, total_shards): """Create filename for data shard.""" return os.path.join( path, "%s-%s-%.5d-of-%.5d" % (_PREFIX, tag, shard_num, total_shards)) def shuffle_records(fname): """Shuffle records in a single file.""" logging.info("Shuffling records in file %s" % fname) # Rename file prior to shuffling tmp_fname = six.ensure_str(fname) + ".unshuffled" tf.gfile.Rename(fname, tmp_fname) reader = tf.io.tf_record_iterator(tmp_fname) records = [] for record in reader: records.append(record) if len(records) % 100000 == 0: logging.info("\tRead: %d", len(records)) random.shuffle(records) # Write shuffled records to original file name with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(fname) as w: for count, record in enumerate(records): w.write(record) if count > 0 and count % 100000 == 0: logging.info("\tWriting record: %d" % count) tf.gfile.Remove(tmp_fname) def dict_to_example(dictionary): """Converts a dictionary of string->int to a tf.Example.""" features = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(dictionary): features[k] = tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=v)) return tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=features)) def all_exist(filepaths): """Returns true if all files in the list exist.""" for fname in filepaths: if not tf.gfile.Exists(fname): return False return True def make_dir(path): if not tf.gfile.Exists(path): logging.info("Creating directory %s" % path) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(path) def main(unused_argv): """Obtain training and evaluation data for the Transformer model.""" make_dir(FLAGS.raw_dir) make_dir(FLAGS.data_dir) # Download test_data logging.info("Step 1/5: Downloading test data") get_raw_files(FLAGS.data_dir, _TEST_DATA_SOURCES) # Get paths of download/extracted training and evaluation files. logging.info("Step 2/5: Downloading data from source") train_files = get_raw_files(FLAGS.raw_dir, _TRAIN_DATA_SOURCES) eval_files = get_raw_files(FLAGS.raw_dir, _EVAL_DATA_SOURCES) # Create subtokenizer based on the training files. logging.info("Step 3/5: Creating subtokenizer and building vocabulary") train_files_flat = train_files["inputs"] + train_files["targets"] vocab_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, VOCAB_FILE) subtokenizer = tokenizer.Subtokenizer.init_from_files( vocab_file, train_files_flat, _TARGET_VOCAB_SIZE, _TARGET_THRESHOLD, min_count=None if FLAGS.search else _TRAIN_DATA_MIN_COUNT) logging.info("Step 4/5: Compiling training and evaluation data") compiled_train_files = compile_files(FLAGS.raw_dir, train_files, _TRAIN_TAG) compiled_eval_files = compile_files(FLAGS.raw_dir, eval_files, _EVAL_TAG) # Tokenize and save data as Examples in the TFRecord format. logging.info("Step 5/5: Preprocessing and saving data") train_tfrecord_files = encode_and_save_files( subtokenizer, FLAGS.data_dir, compiled_train_files, _TRAIN_TAG, _TRAIN_SHARDS) encode_and_save_files( subtokenizer, FLAGS.data_dir, compiled_eval_files, _EVAL_TAG, _EVAL_SHARDS) for fname in train_tfrecord_files: shuffle_records(fname) def define_data_download_flags(): """Add flags specifying data download arguments.""" flags.DEFINE_string( name="data_dir", short_name="dd", default="/tmp/translate_ende", help=flags_core.help_wrap( "Directory for where the translate_ende_wmt32k dataset is saved.")) flags.DEFINE_string( name="raw_dir", short_name="rd", default="/tmp/translate_ende_raw", help=flags_core.help_wrap( "Path where the raw data will be downloaded and extracted.")) flags.DEFINE_bool( name="search", default=False, help=flags_core.help_wrap( "If set, use binary search to find the vocabulary set with size" "closest to the target size (%d)." % _TARGET_VOCAB_SIZE)) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.set_verbosity(logging.INFO) define_data_download_flags() FLAGS = flags.FLAGS absl_app.run(main)