# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Translate text or files using trained transformer model.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absl import logging import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from official.nlp.transformer.utils import tokenizer _EXTRA_DECODE_LENGTH = 100 _BEAM_SIZE = 4 _ALPHA = 0.6 def _get_sorted_inputs(filename): """Read and sort lines from the file sorted by decreasing length. Args: filename: String name of file to read inputs from. Returns: Sorted list of inputs, and dictionary mapping original index->sorted index of each element. """ with tf.io.gfile.GFile(filename) as f: records = f.read().split("\n") inputs = [record.strip() for record in records] if not inputs[-1]: inputs.pop() input_lens = [(i, len(line.split())) for i, line in enumerate(inputs)] sorted_input_lens = sorted(input_lens, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sorted_inputs = [None] * len(sorted_input_lens) sorted_keys = [0] * len(sorted_input_lens) for i, (index, _) in enumerate(sorted_input_lens): sorted_inputs[i] = inputs[index] sorted_keys[index] = i return sorted_inputs, sorted_keys def _encode_and_add_eos(line, subtokenizer): """Encode line with subtokenizer, and add EOS id to the end.""" return subtokenizer.encode(line) + [tokenizer.EOS_ID] def _trim_and_decode(ids, subtokenizer): """Trim EOS and PAD tokens from ids, and decode to return a string.""" try: index = list(ids).index(tokenizer.EOS_ID) return subtokenizer.decode(ids[:index]) except ValueError: # No EOS found in sequence return subtokenizer.decode(ids) def translate_file(model, params, subtokenizer, input_file, output_file=None, print_all_translations=True, distribution_strategy=None): """Translate lines in file, and save to output file if specified. Args: model: A Keras model, used to generate the translations. params: A dictionary, containing the translation related parameters. subtokenizer: A subtokenizer object, used for encoding and decoding source and translated lines. input_file: A file containing lines to translate. output_file: A file that stores the generated translations. print_all_translations: A bool. If true, all translations are printed to stdout. distribution_strategy: A distribution strategy, used to perform inference directly with tf.function instead of Keras model.predict(). Raises: ValueError: if output file is invalid. """ batch_size = params["decode_batch_size"] # Read and sort inputs by length. Keep dictionary (original index-->new index # in sorted list) to write translations in the original order. sorted_inputs, sorted_keys = _get_sorted_inputs(input_file) total_samples = len(sorted_inputs) num_decode_batches = (total_samples - 1) // batch_size + 1 def input_generator(): """Yield encoded strings from sorted_inputs.""" for i in range(num_decode_batches): lines = [ sorted_inputs[j + i * batch_size] for j in range(batch_size) if j + i * batch_size < total_samples ] lines = [_encode_and_add_eos(l, subtokenizer) for l in lines] if distribution_strategy: for j in range(batch_size - len(lines)): lines.append([tokenizer.EOS_ID]) batch = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences( lines, maxlen=params["decode_max_length"], dtype="int32", padding="post") logging.info("Decoding batch %d out of %d.", i, num_decode_batches) yield batch @tf.function def predict_step(inputs): """Decoding step function for TPU runs.""" def _step_fn(inputs): """Per replica step function.""" tag = inputs[0] val_inputs = inputs[1] val_outputs, _ = model([val_inputs], training=False) return tag, val_outputs return distribution_strategy.run(_step_fn, args=(inputs,)) translations = [] if distribution_strategy: num_replicas = distribution_strategy.num_replicas_in_sync local_batch_size = params["decode_batch_size"] // num_replicas for i, text in enumerate(input_generator()): if distribution_strategy: text = np.reshape(text, [num_replicas, local_batch_size, -1]) # Add tag to the input of each replica with the reordering logic after # outputs, to ensure the output order matches the input order. text = tf.constant(text) @tf.function def text_as_per_replica(): replica_context = tf.distribute.get_replica_context() replica_id = replica_context.replica_id_in_sync_group return replica_id, text[replica_id] text = distribution_strategy.run(text_as_per_replica) outputs = distribution_strategy.experimental_local_results( predict_step(text)) tags, unordered_val_outputs = outputs[0] tags = [tag.numpy() for tag in tags._values] unordered_val_outputs = [ val_output.numpy() for val_output in unordered_val_outputs._values] # pylint: enable=protected-access val_outputs = [None] * len(tags) for k in range(len(tags)): val_outputs[tags[k]] = unordered_val_outputs[k] val_outputs = np.reshape(val_outputs, [params["decode_batch_size"], -1]) else: val_outputs, _ = model.predict(text) length = len(val_outputs) for j in range(length): if j + i * batch_size < total_samples: translation = _trim_and_decode(val_outputs[j], subtokenizer) translations.append(translation) if print_all_translations: logging.info("Translating:\n\tInput: %s\n\tOutput: %s", sorted_inputs[j + i * batch_size], translation) # Write translations in the order they appeared in the original file. if output_file is not None: if tf.io.gfile.isdir(output_file): raise ValueError("File output is a directory, will not save outputs to " "file.") logging.info("Writing to file %s", output_file) with tf.compat.v1.gfile.Open(output_file, "w") as f: for i in sorted_keys: f.write("%s\n" % translations[i]) def translate_from_text(model, subtokenizer, txt): encoded_txt = _encode_and_add_eos(txt, subtokenizer) result = model.predict(encoded_txt) outputs = result["outputs"] logging.info("Original: \"%s\"", txt) translate_from_input(outputs, subtokenizer) def translate_from_input(outputs, subtokenizer): translation = _trim_and_decode(outputs, subtokenizer) logging.info("Translation: \"%s\"", translation)