from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function r"""Run training. Choose training algorithm and task(s) and follow these examples. Run synchronous policy gradient training locally: CONFIG="agent=c(algorithm='pg'),env=c(task='reverse')" OUT_DIR="/tmp/bf_pg_local" rm -rf $OUT_DIR bazel run -c opt single_task:run -- \ --alsologtostderr \ --config="$CONFIG" \ --max_npe=0 \ --logdir="$OUT_DIR" \ --summary_interval=1 \ --model_v=0 learning/brain/tensorboard/ --port 12345 --logdir "$OUT_DIR" Run genetic algorithm locally: CONFIG="agent=c(algorithm='ga'),env=c(task='reverse')" OUT_DIR="/tmp/bf_ga_local" rm -rf $OUT_DIR bazel run -c opt single_task:run -- \ --alsologtostderr \ --config="$CONFIG" \ --max_npe=0 \ --logdir="$OUT_DIR" Run uniform random search locally: CONFIG="agent=c(algorithm='rand'),env=c(task='reverse')" OUT_DIR="/tmp/bf_rand_local" rm -rf $OUT_DIR bazel run -c opt single_task:run -- \ --alsologtostderr \ --config="$CONFIG" \ --max_npe=0 \ --logdir="$OUT_DIR" """ from absl import app from absl import flags from absl import logging from single_task import defaults # brain coder from single_task import ga_train # brain coder from single_task import pg_train # brain coder FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('config', '', 'Configuration.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'logdir', None, 'Absolute path where to write results.') flags.DEFINE_integer('task_id', 0, 'ID for this worker.') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_workers', 1, 'How many workers there are.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'max_npe', 0, 'NPE = number of programs executed. Maximum number of programs to execute ' 'in each run. Training will complete when this threshold is reached. Set ' 'to 0 for unlimited training.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_repetitions', 1, 'Number of times the same experiment will be run (globally across all ' 'workers). Each run is independent.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'log_level', 'INFO', 'The threshold for what messages will be logged. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ' 'ERROR, or FATAL.') # To register an algorithm: # 1) Add dependency in the BUILD file to this build rule. # 2) Import the algorithm's module at the top of this file. # 3) Add a new entry in the following dict. The key is the algorithm name # (used to select the algorithm in the config). The value is the module # defining the expected functions for training and tuning. See the docstring # for `get_namespace` for further details. ALGORITHM_REGISTRATION = { 'pg': pg_train, 'ga': ga_train, 'rand': ga_train, } def get_namespace(config_string): """Get namespace for the selected algorithm. Users who want to add additional algorithm types should modify this function. The algorithm's namespace should contain the following functions: run_training: Run the main training loop. define_tuner_hparam_space: Return the hparam tuning space for the algo. write_hparams_to_config: Helper for tuning. Write hparams chosen for tuning to the Config object. Look at and for function signatures and implementations. Args: config_string: String representation of a Config object. This will get parsed into a Config in order to determine what algorithm to use. Returns: algorithm_namespace: The module corresponding to the algorithm given in the config. config: The Config object resulting from parsing `config_string`. Raises: ValueError: If config.agent.algorithm is not one of the registered algorithms. """ config = defaults.default_config_with_updates(config_string) if config.agent.algorithm not in ALGORITHM_REGISTRATION: raise ValueError('Unknown algorithm type "%s"' % (config.agent.algorithm,)) else: return ALGORITHM_REGISTRATION[config.agent.algorithm], config def main(argv): del argv # Unused. logging.set_verbosity(FLAGS.log_level) flags.mark_flag_as_required('logdir') if FLAGS.num_workers <= 0: raise ValueError('num_workers flag must be greater than 0.') if FLAGS.task_id < 0: raise ValueError('task_id flag must be greater than or equal to 0.') if FLAGS.task_id >= FLAGS.num_workers: raise ValueError( 'task_id flag must be strictly less than num_workers flag.') ns, _ = get_namespace(FLAGS.config) ns.run_training(is_chief=FLAGS.task_id == 0) if __name__ == '__main__':