import re import unicodedata import cn2an import pinyin_jyutping import pycantonese from text.symbols import punctuation # from symbols import punctuation from functools import reduce def normalizer(x): return cn2an.transform(x, "an2cn") j = pinyin_jyutping.PinyinJyutping() INITIALS = [ "äi", "äm", "äng", "äu", "äp", "ät", "äk", "æ", "a", "p", "b", "e", "ts", "t", "dz", "d", "kw", "k", "gw", "g", "f", "h", "l", "m", "ng", "n", "s", "w", "c", "z", "y", "ong", "on", "ou", "oi", "ok", "o", "uk", "ung", ] rep_map = { "": ",", ":": ",", "︰": ",", ";": ",", ",": ",", "。": ".", "!": "!", "?": "?", "﹖": "?", "﹗": "!", "\n": ".", "·": ",", "、": ",", "丶": ",", "...": "…", "⋯": "…", "$": ".", "“": "'", "”": "'", '"': "'", "‘": "'", "’": "'", "(": "'", ")": "'", "(": "'", ")": "'", "《": "'", "》": "'", "【": "'", "】": "'", "[": "'", "]": "'", "—": "-", "~": "-", "~": "-", "「": "'", "」": "'", "_": "-", } replacement_chars = { "ㄧ": "一", "—": "一", "更": "更", "不": "不", "料": "料", "聯": "聯", "行": "行", "利": "利", "謢": "護", "岀": "出", "鎭": "鎮", "戯": "戲", "旣": "既", "立": "立", "來": "來", "年": "年", "㗇": "蝦", } def replace_punctuation(text): # text = text.replace("嗯", "恩").replace("呣", "母") pattern = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(p) for p in rep_map.keys())) replaced_text = pattern.sub(lambda x: rep_map[], text) replaced_text = "".join( c for c in replaced_text if, "").startswith("CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH") or c in punctuation ) return replaced_text def replace_chars(text): for k, v in replacement_chars.items(): text = text.replace(k, v) return text def text_normalize(text): text = normalizer(text) text = replace_punctuation(text) text = replace_chars(text) return text def rom_to_initials_finals_tones(jyuping_syllables): initials_finals = [] tones = [] word2ph = [] for syllable in jyuping_syllables: if syllable in punctuation: initials_finals.append(syllable) tones.append(0) word2ph.append(1) # Add 1 for punctuation else: try: tone = int(syllable[-1]) syllable_without_tone = syllable[:-1] except ValueError: tone = 0 syllable_without_tone = syllable assert str(tone) in "1234560" for initial in INITIALS: if syllable_without_tone.startswith(initial): if syllable_without_tone.startswith("nga"): initials_finals.extend( [ syllable_without_tone[:2], syllable_without_tone[2:] or syllable_without_tone[-1], ] ) tones.extend([tone, tone]) word2ph.append(2) else: final = syllable_without_tone[len(initial) :] or initial[-1] initials_finals.extend([initial, final]) tones.extend([tone, tone]) word2ph.append(2) break print(initials_finals) assert len(initials_finals) == len(tones) assert sum(word2ph) == len(initials_finals) return initials_finals, tones, word2ph def get_jyutping(text): converted_text = j.jyutping(text, tone_numbers=True, spaces=True) converted_words = converted_text.split() # # replace ... with … # converted_text = re.sub(r"\.{2,}", "…", converted_text) # # replace -- with - # converted_text = re.sub(r"-{2,}", "-", converted_text) for i, word in enumerate(converted_words): if set(word) <= set(text) - set(punctuation): converted_word = pycantonese.characters_to_jyutping(word)[0][1] converted_words[i] = converted_word if ( converted_words[i] not in punctuation and"^[a-zA-Z]+[1-6]$", converted_words[i]) is None ): raise ValueError( f"Failed to convert {converted_words[i]}, {converted_text}" ) jyutping_sentence = " ".join(converted_words) for symbol in punctuation: jyutping_sentence = jyutping_sentence.replace(symbol, " " + symbol + " ") jyutping_array = jyutping_sentence.split() return jyutping_array def jyutping2waitau(j): ROM_MAPPING = { "a": "ä", "ää": "a", "ae": "æ", "oe": "ö", "eo": "ö", "yu": "ü", "j": "y", } return re.sub( "(g|k)u(?!ng|k)", "\\1wu", reduce(lambda pron, rule: pron.replace(*rule), ROM_MAPPING.items(), j), ) def get_bert_feature(text, word2ph): from text import cantonese_bert return cantonese_bert.get_bert_feature(text, word2ph) def g2p(text, g2p_bypass=False): word2ph = [] # if not g2p_bypass: # jyuping = get_jyutping(text) # rom = [jyutping2waitau(j) for j in jyuping] # phones, tones, word2ph = rom_to_initials_finals_tones(rom) # else: # text.replace("aik", "æk") phones, tones, word2ph = rom_to_initials_finals_tones(text) phones = ["_"] + phones + ["_"] tones = [0] + tones + [0] word2ph = [1] + word2ph + [1] return phones, tones, word2ph def test_dataset(dataset, metadata): import csv import tqdm with open(metadata, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _file_: if dataset == "ciugo": reader = list(csv.reader(_file_, delimiter="|")) for row in tqdm.tqdm(reader, desc="Processing dataset"): _, _, rom_text = row rom_syllables = rom_text.split() try: phones, tones, word2ph = rom_to_initials_finals_tones(rom_syllables) if not len(word2ph) == len(text): print(f"word2ph not fit!: {rom_text}") print(f"phones: {phones}") print(f"tones: {tones}") print(f"word2ph: {word2ph}") assert len(word2ph) == len(text) # print(phones) except Exception as e: # print(f"Error converting line: {row}") # print(f"Exception: {e}") print("") else: with open(metadata, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _file_: for line in _file_: text = line.strip().split("|")[-1] text = text_normalize(text) try: phones, tones, word2ph = g2p(text) if not len(word2ph) == len(text) + 2: print(f"word2ph not fit!: {text}") print(f"phones: {phones}") print(f"tones: {tones}") print(f"word2ph: {word2ph}") assert len(word2ph) == len(text) + 2 # print(phones) except Exception as e: # print(f"Error converting text: {text}") # print(f"Exception: {e}") print("") if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, choices=["ciugo", "list"]) parser.add_argument("--metadata", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() if args.dataset: if args.metadata is None: args.metadata = "./metadata.csv" test_dataset(args.dataset, args.metadata) else: g2p_bypass = False # from text.cantonese_bert import get_bert_feature # text = "你點解會咁柒㗎?我真係唔該晒你呀!" text = "佢哋最叻咪就係去㗇人傷害人,得個殼咋!" text = "不妨聽聽西廂記裏面鶯鶯嘅唱詞." # g2p_bypass = False text = "ni1 seng4 yäk6 co1 go2 täu4" # g2p_bypass = True text = "咗" if not g2p_bypass: text = text_normalize(text) print(text) else: text = text.split() # text: list print(text) phones, tones, word2ph = g2p(text, g2p_bypass) # bert = get_bert_feature(text, word2ph) # print(phones, tones, word2ph, bert.shape) print(phones, tones, word2ph)