import streamlit as st import pandas as pd rules = [] nonterm_userdef = [] term_userdef = [] diction = {} firsts = {} follows = {} start_symbol = None def removeLeftRecursion(rulesDiction): store = {} for lhs in rulesDiction: alphaRules = [] betaRules = [] allrhs = rulesDiction[lhs] for subrhs in allrhs: if subrhs[0] == lhs: alphaRules.append(subrhs[1:]) else: betaRules.append(subrhs) if len(alphaRules) != 0: lhs_ = lhs + "'" while lhs_ in rulesDiction.keys() or lhs_ in store.keys(): lhs_ += "'" for b in range(len(betaRules)): betaRules[b].append(lhs_) rulesDiction[lhs] = betaRules for a in range(len(alphaRules)): alphaRules[a].append(lhs_) alphaRules.append(['#']) store[lhs_] = alphaRules for left in store: rulesDiction[left] = store[left] return rulesDiction def LeftFactoring(rulesDiction): newDict = {} for lhs in rulesDiction: allrhs = rulesDiction[lhs] temp = dict() for subrhs in allrhs: if subrhs[0] not in list(temp.keys()): temp[subrhs[0]] = [subrhs] else: temp[subrhs[0]].append(subrhs) new_rule = [] tempo_dict = {} for term_key in temp: allStartingWithTermKey = temp[term_key] if len(allStartingWithTermKey) > 1: lhs_ = lhs + "'" while lhs_ in rulesDiction.keys() or lhs_ in tempo_dict.keys(): lhs_ += "'" new_rule.append([term_key, lhs_]) ex_rules = [] for g in temp[term_key]: ex_rules.append(g[1:]) tempo_dict[lhs_] = ex_rules else: new_rule.append(allStartingWithTermKey[0]) newDict[lhs] = new_rule for key in tempo_dict: newDict[key] = tempo_dict[key] return newDict def first(rule): global term_userdef, diction if not rule: return ['#'] if rule[0] in term_userdef: return [rule[0]] elif rule[0] == '#': return ['#'] if rule[0] in diction: fres = [] rhs_rules = diction[rule[0]] for itr in rhs_rules: indivRes = first(itr) if indivRes: fres.extend(indivRes) if '#' in fres and len(rule) > 1: fres.remove('#') ansNew = first(rule[1:]) if ansNew: fres.extend(ansNew) return list(set(fres)) return [] def follow(nt): global start_symbol, diction solset = set() if nt == start_symbol: solset.add('$') for curNT in diction: rhs = diction[curNT] for subrule in rhs: if nt in subrule: while nt in subrule: index_nt = subrule.index(nt) subrule = subrule[index_nt + 1:] if subrule: res = first(subrule) if '#' in res: res.remove('#') if nt != curNT: follow_res = follow(curNT) if follow_res: res.extend(follow_res) solset.update(res) else: if nt != curNT: follow_res = follow(curNT) if follow_res: solset.update(follow_res) return list(solset) def computeAllFirsts(): global firsts, diction firsts.clear() for y in diction: firsts[y] = set() for sub in diction[y]: result = first(sub) if result: firsts[y].update(result) def computeAllFollows(): global follows, diction follows.clear() for NT in diction: follows[NT] = set(follow(NT)) def createParseTable(): global diction, term_userdef, firsts, follows parse_table = {} for non_term in diction: parse_table[non_term] = {} for term in term_userdef + ['$']: parse_table[non_term][term] = "" grammar_is_LL = True for non_term in diction: for production in diction[non_term]: first_set = first(production) if '#' in first_set: first_set.remove('#') follow_set = follows[non_term] first_set.extend(follow_set) for terminal in first_set: if terminal in term_userdef + ['$']: if parse_table[non_term][terminal] == "": parse_table[non_term][terminal] = production else: grammar_is_LL = False return parse_table, grammar_is_LL def validateStringUsingStackBuffer(parse_table, input_string, start_sym): """Validates a string using the parsing table""" # Initialize stack and input buffer stack = [start_sym, '$'] input_tokens = input_string.split() input_tokens.append('$') buffer = input_tokens steps = [] steps.append(("Initial Configuration:", f"Stack: {stack}", f"Input: {buffer}")) while stack and buffer: top_stack = stack[0] current_input = buffer[0] steps.append(("Current Step:", f"Stack Top: {top_stack}", f"Current Input: {current_input}")) if top_stack == current_input: stack.pop(0) buffer.pop(0) steps.append(("Action:", "Matched and consumed terminal", f"Remaining Input: {buffer}")) elif top_stack in parse_table: if current_input in parse_table[top_stack]: production = parse_table[top_stack][current_input] if production: # Pop the non-terminal stack.pop(0) # Push the production in reverse (if it's not epsilon) if production != ['#']: stack = production + stack steps.append(("Production Applied:", f"{top_stack} -> {' '.join(production) if production else '#'}", f"New Stack: {stack}")) else: return False, steps, f"No production for {top_stack} with input {current_input}" else: return False, steps, f"Input symbol {current_input} not in parse table for {top_stack}" else: return False, steps, f"Unexpected symbol {top_stack} on stack" if len(stack) <= 1 and len(buffer) <= 1: return True, steps, "String accepted!" else: return False, steps, "String rejected - incomplete parse" # Streamlit UI st.title("LL(1) Grammar Analyzer") # Session state initialization if 'test_strings' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.test_strings = [] if 'parse_table' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.parse_table = None if 'grammar_processed' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.grammar_processed = False # Input section st.header("Grammar Input") start_symbol = st.text_input("Enter Start Symbol:", "S") with st.expander("Enter Grammar Rules", expanded=True): num_rules = st.number_input("Number of Rules:", min_value=1, value=4) rules = [] for i in range(num_rules): rule = st.text_input(f"Rule {i+1} (format: A -> B c | d)", key=f"rule_{i}") if rule: rules.append(rule) nonterm_input = st.text_input("Enter Non-terminals (comma-separated):", "S,A,B,C") term_input = st.text_input("Enter Terminals (comma-separated):", "a,b,c,d,k,r,O") # Process Grammar Button if st.button("Process Grammar"): st.session_state.grammar_processed = False # Clear previous data diction.clear() nonterm_userdef = [x.strip() for x in nonterm_input.split(',') if x.strip()] term_userdef = [x.strip() for x in term_input.split(',') if x.strip()] # Process rules for rule in rules: if '->' in rule: lhs, rhs = rule.split("->") lhs = lhs.strip() rhs_parts = [x.strip().split() for x in rhs.split("|")] diction[lhs] = rhs_parts # Grammar Processing st.subheader("Grammar Analysis") with st.expander("Grammar Transformations", expanded=True): st.write("After removing left recursion:") diction = removeLeftRecursion(diction) st.write(diction) st.write("After left factoring:") diction = LeftFactoring(diction) st.write(diction) # Compute FIRST and FOLLOW sets computeAllFirsts() computeAllFollows() with st.expander("FIRST and FOLLOW Sets", expanded=True): st.write("FIRST Sets:", {k: list(v) for k, v in firsts.items()}) st.write("FOLLOW Sets:", {k: list(v) for k, v in follows.items()}) # Create parse table parse_table, grammar_is_LL = createParseTable() st.session_state.parse_table = parse_table # Display parse table st.subheader("Parse Table") df_data = [] terminals = term_userdef + ['$'] for non_term in parse_table: row = [non_term] for term in terminals: production = parse_table[non_term].get(term, "") if production: row.append(' '.join(production)) else: row.append("") df_data.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(df_data, columns=['Non-Terminal'] + terminals) st.dataframe(df) if grammar_is_LL: st.success("This grammar is LL(1)!") else: st.error("This grammar is not LL(1)!") st.session_state.grammar_processed = True # String Validation Section if st.session_state.grammar_processed: st.header("String Validation") # Input for new test string col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) with col1: new_string = st.text_input("Enter a string to test (space-separated):") with col2: if st.button("Add String"): if new_string and new_string not in st.session_state.test_strings: st.session_state.test_strings.append(new_string) # Display and validate all test strings if st.session_state.test_strings: st.subheader("Test Results") for test_string in st.session_state.test_strings: with st.expander(f"String: {test_string}", expanded=True): is_valid, steps, message = validateStringUsingStackBuffer( st.session_state.parse_table, test_string, start_symbol) # Display result if is_valid: st.success(message) else: st.error(message) # Display parsing steps st.write("Parsing Steps:") for i, (step_type, *step_details) in enumerate(steps, 1): st.text(f"Step {i}:") st.text(f" {step_type}") for detail in step_details: st.text(f" {detail}") # Option to clear test strings if st.button("Clear All Test Strings"): st.session_state.test_strings = [] st.experimental_rerun() else:"Please process the grammar first before testing strings.") # Help section with st.expander("Help & Instructions"): st.markdown(""" ### How to use this LL(1) Grammar Analyzer: 1. **Enter the Grammar**: - Specify the start symbol - Enter the grammar rules in the format: A -> B c | d - List all non-terminals and terminals 2. **Process the Grammar**: - Click "Process Grammar" to analyze the grammar - View the transformed grammar, FIRST/FOLLOW sets, and parse table 3. **Test Strings**: - Enter strings to test in the validation section - Add multiple strings to test - View detailed parsing steps for each string ### Example Grammar: ``` S -> A k O A -> A d | a B | a C C -> c B -> b B C | r ``` ### Example Test Strings: - a r k O - a c k O - a b r c k O """)