import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F from utils import DEVICE class AttentionHead(nn.Module): """ One head of the self-attention layer """ def __init__(self, head_size, num_embed, block_size, dropout): super().__init__() self.key = nn.Linear(num_embed, head_size, bias=False) self.query = nn.Linear(num_embed, head_size, bias=False) self.value = nn.Linear(num_embed, head_size, bias=False) # tril is a lower triangular matrix. it is not a parameter # of the model, so we assign it to the module using register_buffer self.register_buffer("tril", torch.tril(torch.ones(block_size, block_size))) # let's also add dropout self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) def forward(self, x): B, T, C = x.shape k = self.key(x) q = self.query(x) # compute attention scores # (B, T, C) @ (B, C, T) -> (B, T, T) wei = q @ k.transpose(-2, -1) * C**-0.5 # Tril matrix (lower triagular matrix) is used to mask # future positions (setting them to -inf) so that the # decoder "learns" to predict next words wei = wei.masked_fill(self.tril[:T, :T] == 0, float("-inf")) # (B,T,T) wei = F.softmax(wei, dim=-1) # (B,T,T) wei = self.dropout(wei) # weighted aggregation of the values v = self.value(x) out = wei @ v # (B,T,T) @ (B,T,C) ---> (B,T,C) return out class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module): """ Multiple Heads of self-attention in parallel """ def __init__(self, num_heads, head_size, num_embed, block_size, dropout): super().__init__() self.heads = nn.ModuleList( [ AttentionHead( head_size=head_size, num_embed=num_embed, block_size=block_size, dropout=dropout, ) for _ in range(num_heads) ] ) self.proj = nn.Linear(num_embed, num_embed) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) def forward(self, x): # output of the self-attention out =[h(x) for h in self.heads], dim=-1) # apply the linear projection layer out = self.dropout(self.proj(out)) return out class FeedForward(nn.Module): """ A simple linear layer followed by ReLu """ def __init__(self, num_embed, dropout): super().__init__() = nn.Sequential( # in the Attention is All You Need paper # authors are using the size of the ffwd layer 2048 # and the output of the model is 512 # so we apply the same factor of 4 nn.Linear(num_embed, 4 * num_embed), nn.ReLU(), # apply the linear projection layer nn.Linear(4 * num_embed, num_embed), nn.Dropout(dropout), ) def forward(self, x): return class TransformerBlock(nn.Module): """ This calss will group together MultiHead Attention and FeedForward NN, so that we can copy it in Transformer """ def __init__(self, num_heads, block_size, num_embed, dropout): super().__init__() head_size = num_embed // num_heads = MultiHeadAttention( num_heads=num_heads, head_size=head_size, num_embed=num_embed, block_size=block_size, dropout=dropout, ) self.ffwd = FeedForward(num_embed=num_embed, dropout=dropout) # add the layer normalization self.ln1 = nn.LayerNorm(num_embed) self.ln2 = nn.LayerNorm(num_embed) def forward(self, x): # "x +" is the skip (or residual) connection # it helps with optimization # also we apply layer normalization before self-attention # and feed-forward (a reshufle from original paper) x = x + x = x + self.ffwd(self.ln2(x)) return x class Transformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() # a simple lookup table that stores embeddings of a fixed dictionary and size # each token directly reads off the logits for the next token from a lookup table # see more: self.vocab_size = kwargs.get("vocab_size", 100) self.num_embed = kwargs.get("num_embed", 32) self.block_size = kwargs.get("block_size", 8) self.num_heads = kwargs.get("num_heads", 4) self.num_layers = kwargs.get("num_layers", 4) self.dropout = kwargs.get("dropout", 0.2) # each token reads the logits for the next token from a lookup table self.token_embedding_table = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.num_embed) # each position from 0 to block_size-1 will get its embedding self.position_embedding_table = nn.Embedding(self.block_size, self.num_embed) self.blocks = nn.Sequential( *[ TransformerBlock( num_heads=self.num_heads, block_size=self.block_size, num_embed=self.num_embed, dropout=self.dropout, ) for _ in range(self.num_layers) ] ) # we add the layer norm before the Linear layer self.ln_f = nn.LayerNorm(self.num_embed) self.lm_head = nn.Linear(self.num_embed, self.vocab_size) def forward(self, idx, targets=None): B, T = idx.shape # idx and targets are (B,T) tensor of integers # the token_emb is (B, T, C), C = NUM_EMBED token_emb = self.token_embedding_table(idx) # (T, C) posit_emb = self.position_embedding_table(torch.arange(T, device=DEVICE)) x = token_emb + posit_emb # apply one head of self-attention x = self.blocks(x) # (B, T, vocab_size) logits = self.lm_head(x) # compute the loss if targets != None: # cross_entropy accepts inputs in a (batch_size, num_classes) # so we need to reformat our logits dimensions to # (batch_size * time, dim_vocabulary), time = block_size B, T, C = logits.shape logits = torch.reshape(logits, (B * T, C)) targets = torch.reshape(targets, (B * T,)) loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, targets) else: loss = None return logits, loss def generate(self, idx: torch.Tensor, max_new_tokens: int, block_size: int): # idx is (B, T) array of indices in the current context for _ in range(max_new_tokens): # crop the context too the last block_size tokens # because tokens don't communicate between blocks idx_crop = idx[:, -block_size:] # get the predictions logits, loss = self.forward(idx_crop) # focus only on the last time step logits = logits[:, -1, :] # becomes (B, C) # apply softmax to get probabilities probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) # (B, C) # sample from the distribution with probabilities probs idx_next = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1) # (B, 1) # append sampled index to the running sequence idx =, idx_next), dim=1) # (B, T+1) return idx