import gradio as gr import assemblyai as aai from transformers import pipeline import os from supabase import create_client, Client from datetime import datetime import csv # Add your AssemblyAI API key as Environment Variable aai.settings.api_key = os.environ['Assembly'] url: str = os.environ['DBUrl'] key: str = os.environ['DBKey'] # Initialize question answering pipeline question_answerer = pipeline("question-answering", model='distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad') # List of questions questions = [ "Which grade is the patient studying?", "How old is the patient?", "What is the gender?", "Can you provide the name and location of the patient's school?", "What are the names of the patient's guardians or paretnts?", "What is the chief complaint regarding the patient's oral health? If there is none, just say the word 'none', else elaborate only on medication history", "Can you provide any relevant medical history for the patient? If there is none, just say the word 'none', else elaborate", "Does the patient take any medications regularly? If there is none, just say the word 'none'. If yes, please specify.", "When was the patient's previous dental visit? If no visits before, just say the word 'first' or mention the visit number and nothing else", "Does the patient have any habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, nail biting, or lip biting? If yes, just list them and don't provide any further details", "Does the patient brush their teeth? Just use the words 'once daily', 'twice daily', or 'thrice daily' to answer, nothing else", "Does the patient experience bleeding gums? Just say 'yes' or 'no' for this and nothing else", "Has the patient experienced early patienthood caries? Just say 'yes' or 'no' and nothing else", "Please mention if tooth decay is present with tooth number(s), else just say the word 'none' and nothing else", "Have any teeth been fractured? If yes, please mention the tooth number(s), else just say 'none' and nothing else", "Is there any pre-shedding mobility of teeth? If yes, please specify, else just say 'none' and nothing else", "Does the patient have malocclusion? If yes, please provide details, else just say the word 'none' and nothing else", "Does the patient experience pain, swelling, or abscess? If yes, please provide details, else just say 'none' and nothing else", "Are there any other findings you would like to note?", "What treatment plan do you recommend? Choose only from Options: (Scaling, Filling, Pulp therapy/RCT, Extraction, Medication, Referral) and nothing else" ] oral_health_assessment_form = [ "Doctor’s Name", "Child’s Name", "Grade", "Age", "Gender", "School name and place", "Guardian/Parents name", "Chief complaint", "Medical history", "Medication history", "Previous dental visit", "Habits", "Brushing habit", "Bleeding gums", "Early Childhood caries", "Decayed", "Fractured teeth", "Preshedding mobility", "Malocclusion", "Does the child have pain, swelling or abscess?", "Any other finding", "Treatment plan", ] # Function to generate answers for the questions def generate_answer(question, context): result = question_answerer(question=question, context=context) return result['answer'] # Function to handle audio recording and transcription def transcribe_audio(audio_path): print(f"Received audio file at: {audio_path}") # Check if the file exists and is not empty if not os.path.exists(audio_path): return "Error: Audio file does not exist." if os.path.getsize(audio_path) == 0: return "Error: Audio file is empty." try: # Transcribe the audio file using AssemblyAI transcriber = aai.Transcriber() print("Starting transcription...") transcript = transcriber.transcribe(audio_path) print("Transcription process completed.") # Handle the transcription result if transcript.status == aai.TranscriptStatus.error: print(f"Error during transcription: {transcript.error}") return transcript.error else: context = transcript.text print(f"Transcription text: {context}") return context except Exception as e: print(f"Exception occurred: {e}") return str(e) # Function to fill in the answers for the text boxes def fill_textboxes(context): answers = [] for question in questions: answer = generate_answer(question, context) answers.append(answer) return answers # Supabase configuration supabase: Client = create_client(url, key) # Main Gradio app function def main(audio): context = transcribe_audio(audio) if "Error" in context: return [context] * len(oral_health_assessment_form) answers = fill_textboxes(context) answers.insert(0, "") # for "Child's Name" answers.insert(0, "Dr.Alvi") # for "Doctor’s Name" return answers def save_answers(*args): current_datetime = answers_dict = {oral_health_assessment_form[i]: args[i] for i in range(len(oral_health_assessment_form))} answers_dict["Submission Date and Time"] = current_datetime print("Saved answers:", answers_dict) # Insert data into Supabase try: response = supabase.table('oral_health_assessments').insert(answers_dict).execute() print("Data inserted into Supabase:", return f"Saved answers: {answers_dict}" except Exception as e: print(f"Error inserting data into Supabase: {e}") return f"Error saving answers: {e}" # Function to download table as CSV def download_table_to_csv(): # Fetch data from Supabase table response = supabase.table("oral_health_assessments").select("*").execute() # Check if data is available if not print("No data found in the table.") return None data = # Prepare CSV data csv_data = [] # Add header row if len(data) > 0: csv_data.append(data[0].keys()) # Add data rows for row in data: csv_data.append(row.values()) # Save CSV data to file (replace 'your_table.csv' with desired filename) csv_file = "your_table.csv" with open(csv_file, "w", newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(csv_data) print("Downloaded table oral_health_assessments") return csv_file def gradio_download(): file_path = download_table_to_csv() if file_path: return file_path return None # Create the Gradio interface with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# OHA Form Filler App") audio_input = gr.Audio(type="filepath", label="Record your audio", elem_id="audio_input") transcribe_button = gr.Button("Transcribe and Generate Form", elem_id="transcribe_button") with gr.Row(elem_id="textboxes_row"): with gr.Column(): textboxes_left = [gr.Textbox(label=oral_health_assessment_form[i], value="", interactive=True) for i in range(0, len(oral_health_assessment_form)//2)] with gr.Column(): textboxes_right = [gr.Textbox(label=oral_health_assessment_form[i], value="", interactive=True) for i in range(len(oral_health_assessment_form)//2, len(oral_health_assessment_form))] submit_button = gr.Button("Submit", elem_id="submit_button") output_html = gr.HTML(label="Submitted Answers"), inputs=audio_input, outputs=textboxes_left + textboxes_right), inputs=textboxes_left + textboxes_right, outputs=output_html) download_button = gr.Button("Download Table as CSV") download_csv_output = gr.File(label="Download CSV"), inputs=[], outputs=download_csv_output) # Launch the app demo.launch(share=True)