print("Imports...", end="", flush=True) import sys from pathlib import Path sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent)) import atexit import logging from argparse import ArgumentParser from copy import deepcopy import comet_ml import climategan from comet_ml.api import API from climategan.trainer import Trainer from climategan.utils import get_comet_rest_api_key logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) import traceback print("Done.") def set_opts(opts, str_nested_key, value): """ Changes an opts with nested keys: set_opts(addict.Dict(), "a.b.c", 2) == Dict({"a":{"b": {"c": 2}}}) Args: opts (addict.Dict): opts whose values should be changed str_nested_key (str): nested keys joined on "." value (any): value to set to the nested keys of opts """ keys = str_nested_key.split(".") o = opts for k in keys[:-1]: o = o[k] o[keys[-1]] = value def set_conf(opts, conf): """ Updates opts according to a test scenario's configuration dict. Ignores all keys starting with "__" which are used for the scenario but outside the opts Args: opts (addict.Dict): trainer options conf (dict): scenario's configuration """ for k, v in conf.items(): if k.startswith("__"): continue set_opts(opts, k, v) class bcolors: HEADER = "\033[95m" OKBLUE = "\033[94m" OKGREEN = "\033[92m" WARNING = "\033[93m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" BOLD = "\033[1m" UNDERLINE = "\033[4m" class Colors: def _r(self, key, *args): return f"{key}{' '.join(args)}{bcolors.ENDC}" def ob(self, *args): return self._r(bcolors.OKBLUE, *args) def w(self, *args): return self._r(bcolors.WARNING, *args) def og(self, *args): return self._r(bcolors.OKGREEN, *args) def f(self, *args): return self._r(bcolors.FAIL, *args) def b(self, *args): return self._r(bcolors.BOLD, *args) def u(self, *args): return self._r(bcolors.UNDERLINE, *args) def comet_handler(exp, api): def sub_handler(): p = Colors() print() print(p.b(p.w("Deleting comet experiment"))) api.delete_experiment(exp.get_key()) return sub_handler def print_start(desc): p = Colors() cdesc = p.b(p.ob(desc)) title = "| " + cdesc + " |" line = "-" * (len(desc) + 6) print(f"{line}\n{title}\n{line}") def print_end(desc=None, ok=None): p = Colors() if ok and desc is None: desc = "Done" cdesc = p.b(p.og(desc)) elif not ok and desc is None: desc = "! Fail !" cdesc = p.b(p.f(desc)) elif desc is not None: cdesc = p.b(p.og(desc)) else: desc = "Unknown" cdesc = desc title = "| " + cdesc + " |" line = "-" * (len(desc) + 6) print(f"{line}\n{title}\n{line}\n") def delete_on_exit(exp): """ Registers a callback to delete the comet exp at program exit Args: exp (comet_ml.Experiment): The exp to delete """ rest_api_key = get_comet_rest_api_key() api = API(api_key=rest_api_key) atexit.register(comet_handler(exp, api)) if __name__ == "__main__": # ----------------------------- # ----- Parse Arguments ----- # ----------------------------- parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--no_delete", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--no_end_to_end", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--include", "-i", nargs="+", default=[]) parser.add_argument("--exclude", "-e", nargs="+", default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() assert not (args.include and args.exclude), "Choose 1: include XOR exclude" include = set(int(i) for i in args.include) exclude = set(int(i) for i in args.exclude) if include: print("Including exclusively tests", " ".join(args.include)) if exclude: print("Excluding tests", " ".join(args.exclude)) # -------------------------------------- # ----- Create global experiment ----- # -------------------------------------- print("Creating comet Experiment...", end="", flush=True) global_exp = comet_ml.Experiment( project_name="climategan-test", display_summary_level=0 ) print("Done.") if not args.no_delete: delete_on_exit(global_exp) # prompt util for colors prompt = Colors() # ------------------------------------- # ----- Base Test Scenario Opts ----- # ------------------------------------- print("Loading opts...", end="", flush=True) base_opts = climategan.utils.load_opts() = False base_opts.train.fid.n_images = 5 base_opts.comet.display_size = 5 base_opts.tasks = ["m", "s", "d"] = ["r", "s"] = 4 = 2 = 9 base_opts.train.epochs = 1 if isinstance([-1].new_size, int):[-1].new_size = 256 else:[-1].new_size.default = 256 print("Done.") # -------------------------------------- # ----- Configure Test Scenarios ----- # -------------------------------------- # override any nested key in opts # create scenario-specific variables with __key # ALWAYS specify a __doc key to describe your scenario test_scenarios = [ {"__use_comet": False, "__doc": "MSD no exp", "__verbose": 1}, # 0 {"__doc": "MSD with exp"}, # 1 { "__doc": "MSD no exp upsample_featuremaps", # 2 "__use_comet": False, "gen.d.upsample_featuremaps": True, "gen.s.upsample_featuremaps": True, }, {"tasks": ["p"], "domains": ["rf"], "__doc": "Painter"}, # 3 { "__doc": "M no exp low level feats", # 4 "__use_comet": False, "gen.m.use_low_level_feats": True, "gen.m.use_dada": False, "tasks": ["m"], }, { "__doc": "MSD no exp deeplabv2", # 5 "__use_comet": False, "gen.encoder.architecture": "deeplabv2", "gen.s.architecture": "deeplabv2", }, { "__doc": "MSDP no End-to-end", # 6 "domains": ["rf", "r", "s"], "tasks": ["m", "s", "d", "p"], }, { "__doc": "MSDP inference only no exp", # 7 "__inference": True, "__use_comet": False, "domains": ["rf", "r", "s"], "tasks": ["m", "s", "d", "p"], }, { "__doc": "MSDP with End-to-end", # 8 "__pl4m": True, "domains": ["rf", "r", "s"], "tasks": ["m", "s", "d", "p"], }, { "__doc": "Kitti pretrain", # 9 "train.epochs": 2, "train.kitti.pretrain": True, "train.kitti.epochs": 1, "domains": ["kitti", "r", "s"], "train.kitti.batch_size": 2, }, {"__doc": "Depth Dada archi", "gen.d.architecture": "dada"}, # 10 { "__doc": "Depth Base archi", "gen.d.architecture": "base", "gen.m.use_dada": False, "gen.s.use_dada": False, }, # 11 { "__doc": "Depth Base Classification", # 12 "gen.d.architecture": "base", "gen.d.classify.enable": True, "gen.m.use_dada": False, "gen.s.use_dada": False, }, { "__doc": "MSD Resnet V3+ backbone", "gen.deeplabv3.backbone": "resnet", }, # 13 { "__use_comet": False, "__doc": "MSD SPADE 12 (without x)", "__verbose": 1, "gen.m.use_spade": True, "gen.m.spade.cond_nc": 12, }, # 14 { "__use_comet": False, "__doc": "MSD SPADE 15 (with x)", "__verbose": 1, "gen.m.use_spade": True, "gen.m.spade.cond_nc": 15, }, # 15 { "__use_comet": False, "__doc": "Painter With Diff Augment", "__verbose": 1, "domains": ["rf"], "tasks": ["p"], "gen.p.diff_aug.use": True, }, # 15 { "__use_comet": False, "__doc": "MSD DADA_s", "__verbose": 1, "gen.s.use_dada": True, "gen.m.use_dada": False, }, # 16 { "__use_comet": False, "__doc": "MSD DADA_ms", "__verbose": 1, "gen.s.use_dada": True, "gen.m.use_dada": True, }, # 17 ] n_confs = len(test_scenarios) fails = [] successes = [] # -------------------------------- # ----- Run Test Scenarios ----- # -------------------------------- for test_idx, conf in enumerate(test_scenarios): if test_idx in exclude or (include and test_idx not in include): reason = ( "because it is in exclude" if test_idx in exclude else "because it is not in include" ) print("Ignoring test", test_idx, reason) continue # copy base scenario opts test_opts = deepcopy(base_opts) # update with scenario configuration set_conf(test_opts, conf) # print scenario description print_start( f"[{test_idx}/{n_confs - 1}] " + conf.get("__doc", "WARNING: no __doc for test scenario") ) print() comet = conf.get("__use_comet", True) pl4m = conf.get("__pl4m", False) inference = conf.get("__inference", False) verbose = conf.get("__verbose", 0) # set (or not) experiment test_exp = None if comet: test_exp = global_exp try: # create trainer trainer = Trainer( opts=test_opts, verbose=verbose, comet_exp=test_exp, ) trainer.functional_test_mode() # set (or not) painter loss for masker (= end-to-end) if pl4m: trainer.use_pl4m = True # test training procedure trainer.setup(inference=inference) if not inference: trainer.train() successes.append(test_idx) ok = True except Exception as e: print(e) print(traceback.format_exc()) fails.append(test_idx) ok = False finally: print_end(ok=ok) print_end(desc=" ----- Summary ----- ") if len(fails) == 0: print("•• All scenarios were successful") else: print(f"•• {len(successes)}/{len(test_scenarios)} successful tests") print(f"•• Failed test indices: {', '.join(map(str, fails))}")