import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from comet_ml import Experiment import numpy as np import torch import yaml from PIL import Image from skimage.color import gray2rgb from import imread from skimage.transform import resize from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte from tqdm import tqdm sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent)) import climategan GROUND_MODEL = "/miniscratch/_groups/ccai/experiments/runs/ablation-v1/out--ground" def uint8(array): return array.astype(np.uint8) def crop_and_resize(image_path, label_path): """ Resizes an image so that it keeps the aspect ratio and the smallest dimensions is 640, then crops this resized image in its center so that the output is 640x640 without aspect ratio distortion Args: image_path (Path or str): Path to an image label_path (Path or str): Path to the image's associated label Returns: tuple((np.ndarray, np.ndarray)): (new image, new label) """ img = imread(image_path) lab = imread(label_path) # if img.shape[-1] == 4: # img = uint8(rgba2rgb(img) * 255) # TODO: remove (debug) if img.shape[:2] != lab.shape[:2]: print( "\nWARNING: shape mismatch: im -> {}, lab -> {}".format(, ) ) # breakpoint() # resize keeping aspect ratio: smallest dim is 640 h, w = img.shape[:2] if h < w: size = (640, int(640 * w / h)) else: size = (int(640 * h / w), 640) r_img = resize(img, size, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True) r_img = uint8(r_img) r_lab = resize(lab, size, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False, order=0) r_lab = uint8(r_lab) # crop in the center H, W = r_img.shape[:2] top = (H - 640) // 2 left = (W - 640) // 2 rc_img = r_img[top : top + 640, left : left + 640, :] rc_lab = ( r_lab[top : top + 640, left : left + 640, :] if r_lab.ndim == 3 else r_lab[top : top + 640, left : left + 640] ) return rc_img, rc_lab def load_ground(ground_output_path, ref_image_path): gop = Path(ground_output_path) rip = Path(ref_image_path) ground_paths = list((gop / "eval-metrics" / "pred").glob(f"{rip.stem}.jpg")) + list( (gop / "eval-metrics" / "pred").glob(f"{rip.stem}.png") ) if len(ground_paths) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Could not find a ground match in {str(gop)} for image {str(rip)}" ) elif len(ground_paths) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Found more than 1 ground match in {str(gop)} for image {str(rip)}:" + f" {list(map(str, ground_paths))}" ) ground_path = ground_paths[0] _, ground = crop_and_resize(rip, ground_path) ground = (ground > 0).astype(np.float32) return torch.from_numpy(ground).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).cuda() def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-y", "--yaml", help="Path to a list of models") parser.add_argument( "--disable_loading", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable loading of existing inferences", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--tags", nargs="*", help=" tags", default=[], type=str ) parser.add_argument( "--tasks", nargs="*", help=" tags", default=["x", "d", "s", "m", "mx", "p"], type=str, ) args = parser.parse_args() print("Received args:") print(vars(args)) return args def load_images_and_labels( path="/miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/omnigan/masker-test-set", ): p = Path(path) ims_path = p / "imgs" lab_path = p / "labels" ims = sorted(climategan.utils.find_images(ims_path), key=lambda x: labs = sorted( climategan.utils.find_images(lab_path), key=lambda x:"_labeled.", "."), ) xs = climategan.transforms.PrepareInference()(ims) ys = climategan.transforms.PrepareInference(is_label=True)(labs) return xs, ys, ims, labs def load_inferences(inf_path, im_paths): try: assert inf_path.exists() assert sorted([i.stem for i in im_paths]) == sorted( [i.stem for i in inf_path.glob("*.pt")] ) return [torch.load(str(i)) for i in tqdm(list(inf_path.glob("*.pt")))] except Exception as e: print() print(e) print("Aborting Loading") print() return None def get_or_load_inferences( m_path, device, xs, is_ground, im_paths, ground_model, try_load=True ): inf_path = Path(m_path) / "inferences" if try_load: print("Trying to load existing inferences:") outputs = load_inferences(inf_path, im_paths) if outputs is not None: print("Successfully loaded existing inferences") return outputs trainer = climategan.trainer.Trainer.resume_from_path( m_path if not is_ground else ground_model, inference=True, new_exp=None, device=device, ) inf_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) outputs = [] for i, x in enumerate(tqdm(xs)): x = if not is_ground: out = trainer.G.decode(x=x) else: out = {"m": load_ground(GROUND_MODEL, im_paths[i])} out["p"] = trainer.G.paint(out["m"] > 0.5, x) out["x"] = x inference = {k: v.cpu() for k, v in out.items()} outputs.append(inference), inf_path / f"{im_paths[i].stem}.pt") print() return outputs def numpify(outputs): nps = [] print("Numpifying...") for o in tqdm(outputs): x = (o["x"][0].permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() + 1) / 2 m = o["m"] m = (m[0, 0, :, :].numpy() > 0.5).astype(np.uint8) p = (o["p"][0].permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() + 1) / 2 data = {"m": m, "p": p, "x": x} if "s" in o: s =["s"], "r", False) / 255.0 data["s"] = s[0].permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() if "d" in o: d = climategan.tutils.normalize_tensor(o["d"]).squeeze().numpy() data["d"] = d nps.append({k: img_as_ubyte(v) for k, v in data.items()}) return nps def concat_npy_for_model(data, tasks): assert "m" in data assert "x" in data assert "p" in data x = mask = depth = seg = painted = masked = None x = data["x"] painted = data["p"] mask = (gray2rgb(data["m"]) * 255).astype(np.uint8) painted = data["p"] masked = (1 - gray2rgb(data["m"])) * x concats = [] if "d" in data: depth = img_as_ubyte( gray2rgb( resize(data["d"], data["x"].shape[:2], anti_aliasing=True, order=1) ) ) else: depth = np.ones_like(data["x"]) * 255 if "s" in data: seg = img_as_ubyte( resize(data["s"], data["x"].shape[:2], anti_aliasing=False, order=0) ) else: seg = np.ones_like(data["x"]) * 255 for t in tasks: if t == "x": concats.append(x) if t == "m": concats.append(mask) elif t == "mx": concats.append(masked) elif t == "d": concats.append(depth) elif t == "s": concats.append(seg) elif t == "p": concats.append(painted) row = np.concatenate(concats, axis=1) return row if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() with open(args.yaml, "r") as f: maskers = yaml.safe_load(f) if "models" in maskers: maskers = maskers["models"] load = not args.disable_loading tags = args.tags tasks = args.tasks ground_model = None for m in maskers: if "ground" not in maskers: ground_model = m break if ground_model is None: raise ValueError("Could not find a non-ground model to get a painter") device = torch.device("cpu") torch.set_grad_enabled(False) xs, ys, im_paths, lab_paths = load_images_and_labels() np_outs = {} names = [] for m_path in maskers: opt_path = Path(m_path) / "opts.yaml" with"r") as f: opt = yaml.safe_load(f) name = ( ", ".join( [ t for t in sorted(opt["comet"]["tags"]) if "branch" not in t and "ablation" not in t and "trash" not in t ] ) if "--ground" not in m_path else "ground" ) names.append(name) is_ground = name == "ground" print("#" * 100) print("\n>>> Processing", name) print() outputs = get_or_load_inferences( m_path, device, xs, is_ground, im_paths, ground_model, load ) nps = numpify(outputs) np_outs[name] = nps exp = Experiment(project_name="climategan-inferences", display_summary_level=0) exp.log_parameter("names", names) exp.add_tags(tags) for i in tqdm(range(len(xs))): all_models_for_image = [] for name in names: xpmds = concat_npy_for_model(np_outs[name][i], tasks) all_models_for_image.append(xpmds) full_im = np.concatenate(all_models_for_image, axis=0) pil_im = Image.fromarray(full_im) exp.log_image(pil_im, name=im_paths[i].stem.replace(".", "_"), step=i)