import sys from pathlib import Path from import imread, imsave from skimage.transform import resize from skimage.color import rgba2rgb from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as np IMG_EXTENSIONS = set( [".jpg", ".JPG", ".jpeg", ".JPEG", ".png", ".PNG", ".ppm", ".PPM", ".bmp", ".BMP"] ) def is_image_file(filename): """Check that a file's name points to a known image format """ if isinstance(filename, Path): return filename.suffix in IMG_EXTENSIONS return Path(filename).suffix in IMG_EXTENSIONS def find_images(path, recursive=False): """ Get a list of all images contained in a directory: - path.glob("*") if not recursive - path.glob("**/*") if recursive """ p = Path(path) assert p.exists() assert p.is_dir() pattern = "*" if recursive: pattern += "*/*" return [i for i in p.glob(pattern) if i.is_file() and is_image_file(i)] def uint8(array): return array.astype(np.uint8) def crop_and_resize(image_path, label_path): """ Resizes an image so that it keeps the aspect ratio and the smallest dimensions is 640, then crops this resized image in its center so that the output is 640x640 without aspect ratio distortion Args: image_path (Path or str): Path to an image label_path (Path or str): Path to the image's associated label Returns: tuple((np.ndarray, np.ndarray)): (new image, new label) """ dolab = label_path is not None img = imread(image_path) if dolab: lab = imread(label_path) if img.shape[-1] == 4: img = uint8(rgba2rgb(img) * 255) if dolab and img.shape != lab.shape: print("\nWARNING: shape mismatch. Entering breakpoint to investigate:") breakpoint() # resize keeping aspect ratio: smallest dim is 640 h, w = img.shape[:2] if h < w: size = (640, int(640 * w / h)) else: size = (int(640 * h / w), 640) r_img = resize(img, size, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True) r_img = uint8(r_img) if dolab: # nearest neighbor for labels r_lab = resize(lab, size, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False, order=0) r_lab = uint8(r_lab) # crop in the center H, W = r_img.shape[:2] top = (H - 640) // 2 left = (W - 640) // 2 rc_img = r_img[top : top + 640, left : left + 640, :] if dolab: rc_lab = r_lab[top : top + 640, left : left + 640, :] else: rc_lab = None return rc_img, rc_lab def label(img, label, alpha=0.4): return uint8(alpha * label + (1 - alpha) * img) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input_dir", type=str, help="Directory to recursively read images from" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_dir", type=str, help="Where to writ the result of the script," + " keeping the input dir's structure", ) parser.add_argument( "--no_labels", action="store_true", help="Only process images, don't look for labels", ) parser.add_argument( "--store_labeled", action="store_true", help="Store a superposition of the label and the image in out/labeled/", ) args = parser.parse_args() dolab = not args.no_labels dolabeled = args.store_labeled input_base = Path(args.input_dir).expanduser().resolve() output_base = Path(args.output_dir).expanduser().resolve() input_images = input_base / "imgs" output_images = output_base / "imgs" if dolab: input_labels = input_base / "labels" output_labels = output_base / "labels" if dolabeled: output_labeled = output_base / "labeled" print("Input images:", str(input_images)) print("Output images:", str(output_images)) if dolab: print("Input labels:", str(input_labels)) print("Output labels:", str(output_labels)) if dolabeled: print("Output labeled:", str(output_labeled)) else: print("NO LABEL PROCESSING (args.no_labels is specified)") print() assert input_images.exists() if dolab: assert input_labels.exists() if output_base.exists(): if ( "n" in input( "WARNING: output dir already exists." + " Overwrite its content? (y/n, default: y)" ).lower() ): sys.exit() output_images.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if dolab: output_labels.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if dolabeled: output_labeled.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) images_paths = list( map(Path, sorted((map(str, find_images(input_images, recursive=True))))) ) if dolab: labels_paths = list( map(Path, sorted((map(str, find_images(input_labels, recursive=True))))) ) else: labels_paths = [None] * len(images_paths) for i, (image_path, label_path) in enumerate(zip(images_paths, labels_paths)): print( f"Processing {i + 1 :3} / {len(images_paths)} : {}", end="\r", flush=True, ) processed_image, processed_label = crop_and_resize(image_path, label_path) imsave(output_images / f"{image_path.stem}.png", processed_image) if dolab: imsave(output_labels / f"{label_path.stem}.png", processed_label) if dolabeled: labeled = label(processed_image, processed_label) imsave(output_labeled / f"{image_path.stem}.png", labeled) print("\nDone.")