File size: 6,882 Bytes
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/** @type {CSSStyleSheet} */
let dynamicStyleSheet = null;
/** @type {CSSStyleSheet} */
let dynamicExtensionStyleSheet = null;
* An observer that will check if any new stylesheets are added to the head
* @type {MutationObserver}
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
mutations.forEach(mutation => {
if (mutation.type !== 'childList') return;
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
if (node instanceof HTMLLinkElement && node.tagName === 'LINK' && node.rel === 'stylesheet') {
node.addEventListener('load', () => {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Failed to process new stylesheet:', e);
* Generates dynamic focus styles based on the given stylesheet, taking its hover styles as reference
* @param {CSSStyleSheet} styleSheet - The stylesheet to process
* @param {object} [options] - Optional configuration options
* @param {boolean} [options.fromExtension=false] - Indicates if the styles are from an extension
function applyDynamicFocusStyles(styleSheet, { fromExtension = false } = {}) {
/** @type {{baseSelector: string, rule: CSSStyleRule}[]} */
const hoverRules = [];
/** @type {Set<string>} */
const focusRules = new Set();
* Processes the CSS rules and separates selectors for hover and focus
* @param {CSSRuleList} rules - The CSS rules to process
function processRules(rules) {
Array.from(rules).forEach(rule => {
if (rule instanceof CSSImportRule) {
// Make sure that @import rules are processed recursively
} else if (rule instanceof CSSStyleRule) {
// Separate multiple selectors on a rule
const selectors = rule.selectorText.split(',').map(s => s.trim());
// We collect all hover and focus rules to be able to later decide which hover rules don't have a matching focus rule
selectors.forEach(selector => {
const isHover = selector.includes(':hover'), isFocus = selector.includes(':focus');
if (isHover && isFocus) {
// We currently do nothing here. Rules containing both hover and focus are very specific and should never be automatically touched
else if (isHover) {
const baseSelector = selector.replace(':hover', PLACEHOLDER).trim();
hoverRules.push({ baseSelector, rule });
} else if (isFocus) {
// We need to make sure that we remember all existing :focus, :focus-within and :focus-visible rules
const baseSelector = selector.replace(':focus-within', PLACEHOLDER).replace(':focus-visible', PLACEHOLDER).replace(':focus', PLACEHOLDER).trim();
} else if (rule instanceof CSSMediaRule || rule instanceof CSSSupportsRule) {
// Recursively process nested rules
* Processes the CSS rules of an imported stylesheet recursively
* @param {CSSStyleSheet} sheet - The imported stylesheet to process
function processImportedStylesheet(sheet) {
if (sheet && sheet.cssRules) {
/** @type {CSSStyleSheet} */
let targetStyleSheet = null;
// Now finally create the dynamic focus rules
hoverRules.forEach(({ baseSelector, rule }) => {
if (!focusRules.has(baseSelector)) {
// Only initialize the dynamic stylesheet if needed
targetStyleSheet ??= getDynamicStyleSheet({ fromExtension });
// The closest keyboard-equivalent to :hover styling is utilizing the :focus-visible rule from modern browsers.
// It let's the browser decide whether a focus highlighting is expected and makes sense.
// So we take all :hover rules that don't have a manually defined focus rule yet, and create their
// :focus-visible counterpart, which will make the styling work the same for keyboard and mouse.
// If something like :focus-within or a more specific selector like `.blah:has(:focus-visible)` for elements inside,
// it should be manually defined in CSS.
const focusSelector = rule.selectorText.replace(/:hover/g, ':focus-visible');
const focusRule = `${focusSelector} { ${} }`;
try {
targetStyleSheet.insertRule(focusRule, targetStyleSheet.cssRules.length);
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Failed to insert focus rule:', e);
* Retrieves the stylesheet that should be used for dynamic rules
* @param {object} options - The options object
* @param {boolean} [options.fromExtension=false] - Indicates whether the rules are coming from extensions
* @return {CSSStyleSheet} The dynamic stylesheet
function getDynamicStyleSheet({ fromExtension = false } = {}) {
if (fromExtension) {
if (!dynamicExtensionStyleSheet) {
const styleSheetElement = document.createElement('style');
styleSheetElement.setAttribute('id', 'dynamic-extension-styles');
dynamicExtensionStyleSheet = styleSheetElement.sheet;
return dynamicExtensionStyleSheet;
} else {
if (!dynamicStyleSheet) {
const styleSheetElement = document.createElement('style');
styleSheetElement.setAttribute('id', 'dynamic-styles');
dynamicStyleSheet = styleSheetElement.sheet;
return dynamicStyleSheet;
* Initializes dynamic styles for ST
export function initDynamicStyles() {
// Start observing the head for any new added stylesheets
observer.observe(document.head, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
// Process all stylesheets on initial load
Array.from(document.styleSheets).forEach(sheet => {
try {
applyDynamicFocusStyles(sheet, { fromExtension: sheet.href?.toLowerCase().includes('scripts/extensions') == true });
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Failed to process stylesheet on initial load:', e);